Integral calculator with work

Financial Independence / Retire Early

2011.11.10 16:15 Financial Independence / Retire Early

This is a place for people who are or want to become Financially Independent (FI), which means not having to work for money. Financial Independence is closely related to the concept of Early Retirement/Retiring Early (RE) - quitting your job/career and pursuing other activities with your time. At its core, FI/RE is about maximizing your savings rate (through less spending and/or higher income) to achieve FI and have the freedom to RE as fast as possible.

2017.07.04 15:29 ridicusauce California State Workers

An unofficial, casual place for State of California Workers, Union Members, Prospective Employees, and other people interested in State employment to discuss news, events and other items. Do you work for the State of California? Are you interested in knowing about what a job at the State of California is like? Well, this is the place!

2018.08.22 14:25 ihateleague1 Easy to Use Web Calculators

A subreddit for linking useful web calculators for everyday problems. This could be anything from a mortgage calculator to a body fat calculator and so on.

2024.05.19 17:41 Main-Shallot3703 Contradicting Mythus

Aside from all the memes of how Enigmata is just spreading misinformation, The true intention of the Enigmata is to make sure that the common man can never predict the future so that they can feel the will of "free will". This is why they would try to fabricate false information so that the people can make their own "choices" because they dont know whats ahead of them and finally the ultimate goal of diverging a different path from the calculated future.
Fu xuan is a character who calculates future events through past events and she suggest the safest course of action and while she calculates the future events, theres a flaw if you tamper with the past events since that how fu xuan's matrix of prescience works and how.
And then there Elio
How does Mythus work when theres a person that literally has a script that no one can ever go against. Is Elio a foreign character in the HSR universe because it seems like the concept of Mythus didnt account the existence of Elio is the HSR universe.
What do you guys think?
Is it possible that Elio came from outside of the of the HSR universe, maybe someone operating from the Imaginary tree? and descended in HSR to do something.
submitted by Main-Shallot3703 to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:41 newsu1 The Sage's Timeless Teaching

The Sage's Timeless Teaching
High atop an ancient mountain peak dwelled a sage whose wisdom and spiritual insights attracted students from all corners of the world. Despite his elderly age, the sage's eyes blazed with an eternal, youthful fire - for he had long transcended the boundaries of the mortal realm.
On one fateful day, a young woman begged audience with the sage after exhausting every other path to find peace and purpose. Once a joyful, vibrant spirit, she had become hopelessly entangled in the distracting snarls of material life, burdened by anxiety, self-doubt and emptiness.
The sage gazed warmly at the withered soul before him and empathized with her weariness and longing for deeper truths. He gestured for her to sit across from him on the mossy expanse, letting the crisp mountain air and sweeping vistas work their rejuvenating magic.
"Tell me, dear one," the sage said with a soft patience. "What plagues your heart and casts these heavy shadows across your spirit?"
The woman took a steadying breath before unburdening the torrent of troubles and existential despairs weighing her down. She spoke of being constantly distracted and paralyzed by indecision, second-guessing every choice as she tried to obediently follow society's prescribed formulas for success, happiness and virtue.
"I've studied all the philosophies, religious texts and self-help material I can find," she admitted despairingly. "Yet I'm still left questioning which teachings to follow, which paths will finally lead me out of this suffocating labyrinth of confusion and meaninglessness. I obey each new rule, but that only summons more tangled rules to untangle from. Where can I find the clarity to cut through this imprisoning fog?"
The sage offered a warm, empathetic smile, recognizing the tragically omnipresent condition of mankind stumbling through an overgrowth of misguided complexities. With an almost musical quality, he began imparting the timeless wisdom she desperately sought.
"There is one rule, one simple yet profound guideline that supersedes all others. If anything contradicts this single directive, it must be released. For this rule is the north star that will forever orient you toward your highest evolving embodiment."
The young woman felt her entire being finally grow still and receptive, knowing this sage's words carried the transformative weight of ancient sacred cognition.
"That one unfailing rule?" the sage said, his tone almost paradoxically gentle yet carrying the gravity of the cosmos. "Quite simply... always move towards love."
He let the deceptively compact instruction linger between them like a revelation echoing across the cosmic expanses.
"No matter the choice, situation or advice you're contemplating - ask yourself one clarifying question: What would love's response be in this circumstance?"
"If it is rooted in judgment, hatred, fear or ego, then it is not love's path you're following, but rather limiting conditions destined to breed further distress and disconnection. However, if it steers you courageously yet calmly toward compassion, toward what nurtures and liberates yourself and others - then you are aligned with the very heart of existence."
The sage smiled warmly at the subtle yet palpable shift he witnessed in her energy field as she integrated this elevated teaching into her core. He nodded, affirming her realization that there could be no simpler, clearer guiding maxim.
"When intentions and actions are in loving harmony, no further rigid rules need apply," the sage said. "For that coherence unlocks divine flow, blissfully carrying you from one dance step of sacred manifestation to the next. There need not be anxiety, self-doubt or struggle when the highest truth reverberates from the essence of each breath."
On a wordless plane, the woman caught a panoramic glimpse of how her suffering had sprouted from the alienating tangle of rules and pursuits steered by fear rather than love. She sensed the profound freedom and unburdened happiness lying in wait once she realigned her inner compass to this universal solitary aim.
As they sat together absorbing the sights, sounds and fragrances of the mountainside wonderland, teacher and student briefly became one with the unbounded presence of love's infinite resonance. In those sacred interludes, not a single artificial rule seemed necessary at all.
submitted by newsu1 to Word_of_The_Day_Affir [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:41 starbies0303 HWCOM vs Albany Med

Hello Everyone!
I recently got out of the waitlist for two schools, HWCOM and Albany Med, and I have less than 2 days to decide. The thing is, fordermany Med, I received a conditional acceptance which depends on taking a year-long post bacc (fully paid + stipend for rent and food) and getting above a B in all classes. HWCOM seems like the obvious choice since I would not have to delay my education by another year but for some reason, I am still leaning toward Albany Med. Here is my list of cons and pros for both schools. Could you share your thoughts? My interests are derm and surgery.
Albany Pros
-Clinical experiences begin as early as M1
-Active guided learning during M4 rather than shadowing in patient care
-MD/MPH or MD/PhD available
-School is invested in community work
-School has a Level 1 Trauma hospital
-Research areas (Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics, Immunology and Microbial Disease, Regenerative and Cancer Biology, Clinical and Education)
-Match for 2023 included competitive schools like Harvard, Stanford, Wake Forest, Duke, Dartmouth, etc
-Very well-established school (1830)
-In-house residencies: anesthesiology, diagnostic radiology, Emergency medicine, family medicine, general surgery, integrated interventional radiology, Internal medicine, internal medicine - peds, neurology, neurosurgery, OBGYN, ophthalmology, orthopedic surgery, otolaryngology, pathology, peds, physical medicine and rehabilitation, plastic surgery, psychiatry, urology surgery, vascular surgery, pharmacy, family medicine
-Pass fail coursework except for top 15% of the class
-NBME exams
Albany Cons
-CONDITIONAL acceptance on my post bacc at Buffalo University - I need at least a B in all classes to get my guaranteed admission to Albany Med
-Having to wait that extra year to get into med school
-Moving from South Florida to Buffalo, NY (for a year), and then to Albany, NY (for 4 years of medschool)
-Cold weather plus snow - Most of my clothing include shorts and sandals
-National rank 252
-Additional cost of living
FIU Pros
100% match rate into residency
-National rank 146
-Research areas
-Simulator center - Two procedural skills suites for demonstrations, simulation activities, and didactic instruction - used as early as first and second-year students
-Standardized patients being utilized in M1
-Pass-fail coursework for all students
-NBME exams
-My family and boyfriend are both in South Florida
-Not having to take a loan for the cost of living since I can live at home - having a shared apartment of $1500 monthly is 180K a year not accounting for other expenses
-Beautiful weather and plenty of things to do in Miami
FIU Cons
-Rotations are at Baptist Health - the school does not have its own hospital
-In-house residencies are limited: Emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and psychiatry.)
-Fairly new school (2006)
submitted by starbies0303 to PreMedInspiration [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:35 starbies0303 HWCOM vs Conditional Acceptance Albany Medical College

Hello Everyone!
I recently got out of the waitlist for two schools, HWCOM and Albany Med, and I have less than 2 days to decide. The thing is, fordermany Med, I received a conditional acceptance which depends on taking a year-long post bacc (fully paid + stipend for rent and food) and getting above a B in all classes. HWCOM seems like the obvious choice since I would not have to delay my education by another year but for some reason, I am still leaning toward Albany Med. Here is my list of cons and pros for both schools. Could you share your thoughts? My interests are derm and surgery.
Albany Pros
-Clinical experiences begin as early as M1
-Active guided learning during M4 rather than shadowing in patient care
-MD/MPH or MD/PhD available
-School is invested in community work
-School has a Level 1 Trauma hospital
-Research areas (Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics, Immunology and Microbial Disease, Regenerative and Cancer Biology, Clinical and Education)
-Match for 2023 included competitive schools like Harvard, Stanford, Wake Forest, Duke, Dartmouth, etc
-Very well-established school (1830)
-In-house residencies: anesthesiology, diagnostic radiology, Emergency medicine, family medicine, general surgery, integrated interventional radiology, Internal medicine, internal medicine - peds, neurology, neurosurgery, OBGYN, ophthalmology, orthopedic surgery, otolaryngology, pathology, peds, physical medicine and rehabilitation, plastic surgery, psychiatry, urology surgery, vascular surgery, pharmacy, family medicine
-Pass fail coursework except for top 15% of the class
-NBME exams
Albany Cons
-CONDITIONAL acceptance on my post bacc at Buffalo University - I need at least a B in all classes to get my guaranteed admission to Albany Med
-Having to wait that extra year to get into med school
-Moving from South Florida to Buffalo, NY (for a year), and then to Albany, NY (for 4 years of medschool)
-Cold weather plus snow - Most of my clothing include shorts and sandals
-National rank 252
-Additional cost of living
FIU Pros
100% match rate into residency
-National rank 146
-Research areas
-Simulator center - Two procedural skills suites for demonstrations, simulation activities, and didactic instruction - used as early as first and second-year students
-Standardized patients being utilized in M1
-Pass-fail coursework for all students
-NBME exams
-My family and boyfriend are both in South Florida
-Not having to take a loan for the cost of living since I can live at home - having a shared apartment of $1500 monthly is 180K a year not accounting for other expenses
-Beautiful weather and plenty of things to do in Miami
FIU Cons
-Rotations are at Baptist Health - the school does not have its own hospital
-In-house residencies are limited: Emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and psychiatry.)
-Fairly new school (2006)
submitted by starbies0303 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:34 LGBTQIA_Over50 Will a law firm hire a former whistleblower to work as a paralegal in the Chicago area?

I can list my credentials and positive qualities about myself.
And then I can listen to outsiders list the negatives.
I am an honest woman, who has faced systemic barriers, due to age (now), my never married- childfree status, (gender non-conforming).
I see people suggest things like apply to be a legal secretary or admin, "it takes time to train you to become a paralegal."
But they don't know what I can do and have done. They assume I have the same skills that they do, the same knowledge and learning capacity.
No one asks me questions and just glances at my resume but doesn't know what skills I used in those jobs.
Maybe I am qualified to study for LSAT to apply for law school. Maybe I have that skill level, but due to health and financial reasons, I can't do that, so Paralegal work is just fine.
Maybe I wrote my own petition, motions and interacted with opposing counsel, and used Pacer.
How much "training," would it really take me to be a paralegal if I already worked in Insurance, Mortgage, Property Management and all areas of Human Resources?
I've performed analytical and research work, used proprietary software systems, Microsoft, Teams, and performed confidential file case management work.
Despite some people's beliefs that college isn't necessary, I've worked my way through college twice, earning a little beyond a Masters including professional industry certifications. Some people say degrees are worthless. I don't generalize like that. Some people work and go to school at night, others, lived on campus all 4 years and enjoyed the college experience.
I have not denigrated anyone for graduating from college.
I not shamed anyone for choosing marriage and children. But those who do, have a different skill set than a woman who never took the mommy and wife route.
Many completely long term singles developed survival skill, resourcefulness, and interpersonal skills, all while remaining single and childfree in our family-centric world.
I need to be honest. If you were an attorney looking to hire a paralegal, I would build trust and he transparent and share about my prior Civil legal matters. I'd have to. And then I would hope that you would recognize my integrity, and courage, to stand up for what is right and for doing what is right, despite being blacklisted from working in the private sector.
Does anyone know of a law firm who would potentially consider me for paralegal work in Illinois? I would absolutely love this kind of work.
I need an income for an apt, utilities, food, car, insurance for car, health, dental, vision, and living needs to be successful.
submitted by LGBTQIA_Over50 to chicagojobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:32 LGBTQIA_Over50 Will a law firm hire a former whistleblower to work as a paralegal?

I can list my credentials and positive qualities about myself.
And then I can listen to outsiders list the negatives.
I am an honest woman, who has faced systemic barriers, due to age (now), my never married- childfree status, (gender non-conforming).
I see people suggest things like apply to be a legal secretary or admin, "it takes time to train you to become a paralegal."
But they don't know what I can do and have done. They assume I have the same skills that they do, the same knowledge and learning capacity.
No one asks me questions and just glances at my resume but doesn't know what skills I used in those jobs.
Maybe I am qualified to study for LSAT to apply for law school. Maybe I have that skill level, but due to health and financial reasons, I can't do that, so Paralegal work is just fine.
Maybe I wrote my own petition, motions and interacted with opposing counsel, and used Pacer.
How much "training," would it really take me to be a paralegal if I already worked in Insurance, Mortgage, Property Management and all areas of Human Resources?
I've performed analytical and research work, used proprietary software systems, Microsoft, Teams, and performed confidential file case management work.
Despite some people's beliefs that college isn't necessary, I've worked my way through college twice, earning a little beyond a Masters including professional industry certifications. Some people say degrees are worthless. I don't generalize like that. Some people work and go to school at night, others, lived on campus all 4 years and enjoyed the college experience.
I have not denigrated anyone for graduating from college.
I not shamed anyone for choosing marriage and children. But those who do, have a different skill set than a woman who never took the mommy and wife route.
Many completely long term singles developed survival skill, resourcefulness, and interpersonal skills, all while remaining single and childfree in our family-centric world.
I need to be honest. If you were an attorney looking to hire a paralegal, I would build trust and he transparent and share about my prior Civil legal matters. I'd have to. And then I would hope that you would recognize my integrity, and courage, to stand up for what is right and for doing what is right, despite being blacklisted from working in the private sector.
Does anyone know of a law firm who would potentially consider me for paralegal work in Illinois? I would absolutely love this kind of work.
I need an income for an apt, utilities, food, car, insurance for car, health, dental, vision, and living needs to be successful.
submitted by LGBTQIA_Over50 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:18 shreee_04 Digital marketing

Digital marketing
Best digital marketing courses in allahabad
Digital Marketing Tools You'll Master Being a digital marketer means interacting & working with multiple digital marketing tools daily. Here are some of the tools that you will master during IIDE's online digital marketing course. you can do this digital marketing course even if you are from any country. An online course gives you the flexibility of learning digital marketing from your home.
Here are some institutes of allahabad
1.GTF Technologies 2.WEBPECKERS 3.SEO Rig 4.KDM 5.Sapience Technologies
GTF technologies : GTF technologies strive to continuously be the best we can be in everything we do and deliver the quality work for our clients which leads to an unstoppable success. We work to design the whole marketing procedure in light of client needs.With over 15 years of expertise and more than 500 satisfied clients, we are experts in digital media planning, shaping people business requirements into profitable venture
WEBPECKERS: Webpeckers is a young organization that provides Digital Marketing training and aims to educate more number of young graduates and help them acquire digital marketing skills so that they are ready to work with corporate houses. We also take care of the placement of the students by providing 100% job placement support. Webpeckers is also a full-service digital marketing agency. We provide web design, internet marketing, SEO, social media, PPC, email marketing, and content writing services to businesses that are looking to grow their business online more efficiently. We are committed to the ideas that founded our success; highest quality standards, results-driven innovation, and exceeding client expectations."
SEO Rig: SEO Rig is Best SEO training institute in Prayagraj, we are dedicated to providing you with top notch SEO services in Prayagraj, including YouTube SEO, Social Media Marketing, and Local Search SEO for Prayagraj Businesses. We are experts in YouTube video production and Optimising your digital presence on various platforms. Our services encompass PPC, Google Ads, and Facebook Ads, along with GMB SEO and effective business listings in Prayagraj.
KDM: Digital Marketing Institute in Allahabad, King of Digital Marketing is an integral part of Devweboic Pvt. Ltd. and leading Digital Marketing Courses provider in Delhi Since 2013. We are Working in Prayagraj since 2018 as Online Trainer. Now We have offline classes available. Our Course is designed by professional digital marketers and faculties to impart the best theoretical and practical knowledge. We have designed various modules of Digital Marketing training so that, you understand all things easily and practically. You must have a clear understanding and clear concept of all the aspects of Digital Marketing to get a certification and further stand out in the market. We Provide Web Design and SEO SMO Services too.
Sapience Technologies:Sapience Technology stand out and proved that they are one of the best digital marketing agency in allahabad. They have been nothing but open and honest with clients. Sapience is best with the services like social media marketing, rank high through SEO process, built and design unique websites and run ads in Google to increase particular reach.
Wishing you all the best as you embark on this exiting journey!!
submitted by shreee_04 to shrirang_04 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:16 r_m0rs3 2 cops allegedly serving as bodyguards of Chinese nat’l arrested after fight in posh subdivision
By GMA Integrated News May 19, 2024 7:03pm
Two policemen supposedly deployed to Zamboanga who were instead serving as bodyguards to a Chinese national were arrested after an altercation inside an exclusive subdivision in Alabang, Muntinlupa City.
According to police, the two suspects were members of the Philippine National Police - Special Action Force ( PNP-SAF) who admitted they were working as personal bodyguards of a Chinese national residing in a subdivision in the Ayala Alabang area.
The two cops reportedly got into a heated argument that led to blows, with one of them sustaining wounds on his forehead.
The two men — a police corporal and a patrolman — were detained after being reported to authorities by residents that included Muntinlupa City Mayor Rozzano Rufino “Ruffy” Biazon. The incident was circulated in an online group chat of residents where the mayor is a part of.
Nagkaroon yata sila ng altercation amongst themselves. Pareho silang empleyado ng naninirahan sa bahay, and then noong nagkatakbuhan, ‘yung isa yata pumasok sa ibang bahay so kaya natakot siyempre ‘yung residente roon,” Biazon said in an exclusive report on GMA’s 24 Oras Weekend on Sunday.
(There may have been an altercation amongst themselves. They are both employees of a resident and one of them may have entered another house which is why the residents became scared.)
The two men are now detained at the Muntinlupa City Police Station.
Biazon also said the local government will seek assistance to verify if the employer of the two policemen is connected to Philippine Offshore Gaming Operations (POGOs).
"Baka related din sa purely illegal activities. 'Yun din ang gusto naming malaman," the mayor said.
(This might be related to purely illegal activities. This is what we also want to know.)
Nag-report lang po sa akin ‘yung dalawang driver na may nag-aaway po doon sa kanila. Tingin ko parang galit, pero nung sinabihan kong huminto, huminto naman agad siya,” Renz Antero, one of the guards of the subdivision, said in the same report.
(Two drivers reported there was a fight in the area. I think he was angry, but when I told them to stop, he stopped immediately.)
The two individuals, however, denied that they got into a fistfight, with one of them saying in Tagalog that it was “not that serious” and the other saying that they were just initially joking around as they were close.
The duo is now being investigated as they were supposed to be currently deployed in Zamboanga.
Sa ngayon po ay under investigation sa aming opisina itong dalawang PNP member, so as of now iyon ang aming mako-confirm, and sila ay members ng support unit, support unit po ng PNP,” said Muntinlupa Police Investigation and Detective Management Section chief Police Captain Riza Soledad.
(What we can confirm now is that it is under investigation of our office and that they are members of a PNP support unit.)
The two individuals did not respond to questions regarding their employment details and what they were doing in Muntinlupa City.
“Waiting for investigation, sir, hindi na lang natin (let’s just wait for it),” one said, while the other said “hindi namin masasabi. Hindi namin masasabi lahat ng information, sir. (We cannot say. We cannot share all the information).”
Police said they received information that the two individuals were ordered by a battalion commander in Zamboanga City, receiving a pay of P40,000, of which P20,000 would go to their battalion. The individuals, however, could not provide documents to support this.
For his part, National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) head P/Major General Jose Melencio Nartatez said police members serving for private individuals should first secure the approval of the Chief PNP.
“We have a unit in the Philippine National Police, that is the PNP Security Group, PSPG. In this PSPG, sila ‘yung nagbibigay ng protective custody sa ating mga whether civilian or VIP security wherein itong binibigyan nila ng security, of course, ay mayroong threat in their lives,” he said.
(In this PSPG, they are the ones who give protective custody whether to civilians or VIPs wherein those given security to are, of course, those who have threats to their lives.)
Sabi ko no cover up, no whitewash, makasuhan ‘yung dapat makasuhan whether criminal case or administrative case on the part of these two PNP personnel," he added.
(I said no cover ups, no whitewash, file cases against those who deserve it, whether criminal case or administrative case, on the part of these two PNP personnel.)
SAF acting director P/BGen. Mark Pespes also confirmed that the two are members of the SAF, and that they will be relieved from service to give way to the investigation.
submitted by r_m0rs3 to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:14 Banksareaproblem A simple yet powerful Node.js + Express boilerplate. Takes care of Auth, Payments, Emails and more ...

Hey community! I'm Rahim, a solo developer on a mission to simplify Node.js SaaS development. I've witnessed many developers, both new and experienced, struggling to navigate complex boilerplates and frameworks.
That frustration inspired me to create FasterNode – a no-frills, beginner-friendly boilerplate designed to get your SaaS up and running in record time.
Why FasterNode is Different:
Simplicity: Forget about complex file structures. FasterNode uses a single server.js file for all routes, making it incredibly easy to grasp, especially for those new to Node.js.
Minimal Abstraction: Take full control of your code with minimal layers of abstraction. This means easy customization and a clear understanding of how everything works.
Essential Features: Don't waste time building from scratch. FasterNode includes pre-built user authentication, Stripe integration, and a clean, maintainable codebase to get you started.
Who FasterNode is Perfect For:
Beginner Developers: Get a head start on learning Node.js backend development without getting bogged down in complexities.
Time-Crunched Devs: Skip the setup hassle and dive straight into building unique features for your SaaS.
Solopreneurs & Indie Hackers: Launch your MVP faster, even with limited development resources.
Your Feedback is Invaluable!
FasterNode is a paid product, but I'm offering free lifetime access to anyone willing to provide genuine feedback and opinions. Your insights will help me shape this project and make it even more beneficial for the community.
To get your free lifetime license, simply:
DM me on Twitter: "@fasternode_" or Leave a comment below
Check out FasterNode here:
P.S. Don't hesitate to reach out so I can grant you access to the repo.
submitted by Banksareaproblem to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:13 SatinMatthy BeamNG Career Ideas

The player could start in their parents' garage with a beater. The small garage would mean limited space for more vehicles and little in terms of customizability unless you pay extra for someone else to do it. Then you could buy additional garages to increase storage and tools and later a workshop to extend the customizeability. Maybe you could start a business in transport, a workshop or a race team.
This could work really well with multiplayer.
For the race team you could have people joining your team to gain experience to then start their own team later down the line. If your driver damages a car you could have it repaired by the team you hired (possibly from a workshop business) with spare parts you bought beforehand (which could be delivered by the transport businesses).
A workshop business set up by a lategame player could be contracted by another to modify their cars early game. The prices could be set by the former but set prices for parts and competition would make a balance in pricing. Maybe if either player owns a transport company they could sort parts for cheaper?
The transport businesses would be integrated to work with the needs and orders of other players/AI businesses so that players could really interact with each other instead of the game just giving things to them. Transport businesses would be able to source parts or goods for cheaper and could set a price for the delivery with AI or other established businesses for competition (for something to keep the prices in check).
If the server doesn't have such businesses established by players yet the game would add AI powered ones to supplement them. The incentive for players to set up their own businesses could come from the profits they bring and the incentive for other players to utilize player businesses over AI ones would come from lower prices by player businesses to compete with the AI or other player businesses.
Of course setting up a business would have startup costs/requirements such as owning a land with a facility, workshop etc. They would also have running costs much like the current insurance payments in career mode.
In the early game players could earn money by contracting with businesses to do deliveries, races and other stuff. This could be a way for player businesses to source employees on top of AI workers.
Sidenote: this could complicate things quite a bit but implementing a car mechanic mode would be awesome and would also give player workers to the workshops instead of just an imaginary AI to pay and a wait screen or such. This could also serve as the early game (or even lategame for very custom stuff) car modification until the player getsa shop/tools or earns enough money to outsource it.
This would make for a really immersive simulator experience. Maybe even a definitive one if you keep adding different businesses like farming or foods for example.
It would take a lot of time to develop but you could do it in the usual updates (barring multiplayer for now) keeping it to just one business an update and you could build the infrastructure for the multiplayer before implementing it.
Maybe the devs have already thought of some of these but I just wanted to put my thoughts out there!
Thank you for reading this and hopefully I gave some ideas to the devs or talented modders out there!
submitted by SatinMatthy to BeamNG [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:11 tallalittlebit PSA: There are lots of new options for foreigners to join as fighters in Ukraine. That has allowed some people kicked out of every existing unit to find new homes. That's not a good thing. Please read my explanation for what's going on and if you're trying find a unit, what to do.

I'm going to do the best I can to describe the situation. I'm hoping some verified users can jump in with their own experiences as well (if you are fighting/ have fought in Ukraine and not verified yet let me know).
There are now far more ways for foreigners to join the ZSU than ever before. This is a recent change in the past few months. That is also why we have a ton of confusion on this subreddit of whether a team is real, how you join them, who is the best to join, etc. In some ways this is a good thing. It has resulted in a pretty big problem though.
Most people have heard stories of bad volunteers in Ukraine. There are some amazing volunteers and some where if you ask 10 different people you will hear 10 different things. Others might occasionally cause some problems but are still a decent soldier. Then there are the BAD ones. The ones that steal the ketamine supply to sell it or use it, steal everything belonging to other soldiers and threaten to kill or try to kill people in their own unit. There aren't a lot of them but the path of destruction they've caused is pretty big.
There are about 15 of them I could name who fit in this category. Over time they've gotten kicked from every unit or denied entry. The problem is it's almost impossible to kick a foreigner from Ukraine so they just stayed and bummed around. Now that a bunch of new options opened up, they found new places to go. They're now back in units and screwing things up for everyone else. How do I know this is happening?
  1. For the first time ever PAV had to shut down out Instagram DMs and STRICTLY limit who can contact us because we got verbally abusive, threatening messages from these guys. We also had some of them somehow get our app form and apply and lie about who referred them (yes we do check your references). Then they throw temper tantrums and refuse to be vetted.
  2. We have direct reports from people on teams with them right now of really disturbing things. Not just rumors, people directly reporting that a teammate tried to shoot them and another witness backs it up. Yesterday one of them stole a car from another soldier and probably all the equipment too.
  3. Some words people who actually fought with these guys are as follows: gas lighting lunatic, unhinged liar, cold and calculating, worse than the Russians, psychopath, etc. These are people used to drama and used to craziness in Ukraine and even they wonder WTF is happening.
How did this happen? They were allowed to join new teams without vetting (seriously some did no checking at all). Other times when checking sometimes old teams don't say how bad someone really was because they don't want to be associated with the behavior and so instead of saying someone is a lunatic they say he caused some issues. Others took people on despite extensive warnings with detailed evidence. Biggest problem here is in some places leadership doesn't care and just took anyone.
How do you avoid this? These are the places where we are NOT hearing these reports. I'm not going to say everything is perfect on these teams but we aren't hearing bad reports from here. In addition, leadership in these places will take reports of illegal/psychotic behavior seriously and actually kick people.
  1. ILDU (All battalions). We're currently supporting teams in all battalions except the 4th. From my own experience the ILDU will address very terrible behavior and remove people if necessary. Lots of the problem causers are people kicked from the ILDU.
  2. Some teams in GUR. GUR is really team dependent as to what your experience will be. There are some teams in GUR I've never interacted with at all so I'm hesitant to make a blanket recommendation. Talk to people directly to learn more.
  3. Chosen Company. This team is obviously not for everyone, however. Definitely for the more experienced but they don't tolerate terrible behavior.
  4. 130th TDF. There aren't a lot of foreigners over here but we've had a good experience working with the ones who are there.
  5. Presidential Brigade. We had one out of control jerk contact us but then we learned he was pretending to be in the Presidential Brigade and wasn't actually doing anything. Leadership seemed pretty serious about addressing it if he was there.
  6. 3rd Assault. This one we primarily work with the trainers and we have had zero issues and they have in fact been extremely professional.
If you are applying to units, talk to them directly and ask as many questions as you can. Talk to people on here who are verified users. We have at least 20 or 25 people on here who have extensive experience in Ukraine and they will give you honest advice.
submitted by tallalittlebit to ukraineforeignlegion [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:11 YH_Queen_Clement A nation of 1.4 Trillion De Jure

A nation of 1.4 Trillion De Jure
Breaking News
Rev. Dr. Christina Clement Prepares De Jure Document for State of Loc Nation Statehood
May 19, 2024
In a historic move garnering significant attention on social media, Rev. Dr. Christina Clement has announced the preparation of a 12,000-page De Jure document advocating for the statehood of the Loc Nation. The announcement has resonated widely, with over 2.2 million Instagram posts using the #LocNation hashtag.
Rev. Dr. Clement stated, "Our ancestors were involved in every war and every step of this nation’s existence, and we declare our rightful seat." This declaration emphasizes the integral role that the Loc Nation has played throughout American history and its determination to claim its place within the United States.
The De Jure document details comprehensive data and calculations, asserting that the Loc Nation would be entitled to 440 electors. These electors have unanimously appointed Rev. Dr. Clement as President of the United States.
The package sent to the current President includes all necessary data for review by the President and other state representatives. The proposal outlines the State of Loc Nation’s intention to join the union, aiming to revise America's foundation and rebuild alliances with international friends.
This monumental step represents a significant shift in the dialogue surrounding statehood and the future structure of the United States.
submitted by YH_Queen_Clement to locnation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:10 dracodruid2 Should the Bard be a half- (or 2/3) caster and instead have more powerful inspiration abilities?

I'm currently working on a bigger house-rule/homebrew rules-module (that is reducing class levels to 15 among other things) and thus have to reshuffle class abilities here and there.
Looking at the Bard, I was wondering:
I personally always liked the idea of the Bard being an actual Jack-of-All-Trades, part Warrior, part Mage, part Rogue, with magic being an important, but not central part of the class identity.
So question to you fine folk:
Do you prefer the Bard as a fullcaster or would you prefer a half-caster (or 2/3-caster) Bard with more unique abiltiies instead (e.g. more integral/powerful inspiration abilities)?
View Poll
submitted by dracodruid2 to dndnext [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:09 StonedApeDudeMan I think I know what's going on - OPENAI has had AGI once November 2023

God, there's so much evidence of this it's ridiculous. This all lines up perfectly.
OpenAI had a massive breakthrough and has been utilizing that breakthrough to accelerate their workflow. They got AI working on its own development on top of their team. And that's why they haven't released GPT-5 yet, despite it being well over a year since GPT-4. We all know they have it—training finished ages ago, and there's no good reason for them not to have released it yet. They just keep doing iterations of gpt4 over and over, and then on the side they just dropped these ridiculous updates...
Then, we suddenly get this demonstration, and have been getting demonstrations ever since, showing the Sora Video Model, and it's stupid good. Like, light-years ahead of the competition. It's straight-up magical at this point, so far beyond our understanding of what's going on with this stuff. Sora, unveiled February 15, 2024, it's so far ahead of everything else that it's very mind-boggling how they ever could have possibly gotten to that point so fast. It's so fucking good..
And that is exactly what is freaking all of them out big-time. Except not Sam Altman at first—he saw some amount of opportunity for humanity, mixed with seeing the power to be had, and how massive it would be if he came out the other side as a savior for humanity. So he embraced the breakthrough and kept going full force ahead. And he wasn't wrong to do that—it's his Oppenheimer moment.
China is going all in on it, that's for damn certain. Which means we have to go all in on it, safety and precautions be damned as they slow the development of AI down. Falling behind to China could potentially be catastrophic; we need to stay ahead. So of course the Pentagon got involved, working on a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with OpenAI announced on January 31, 2024, to leverage AI for defense purposes. The military saw something that triggered them to get involved, and while they're helping with cybersecurity, you can bet your ass they're leveraging AI to the fullest extent for all their warfare. They kind of need to, or else we're going to fucking die.
Sam Altman has been looking pretty exhausted and always tired during that entire stretch. Now their safety department has completely disbanded. This just happened, and they all got hit with NDAs of one year on their way out, meaning none of them can talk about it or they lose their stocks in the company. So, Sam Altman, instead of recoiling in fear and horror during the lifting of the veil that they were witness to behind closed doors sometime shortly before his ousting, he went the other direction instead and embraced it and was excited for the prospects. That is all because they discovered AGI sometime around the middle of November 2023. And while some of the employees for deeply troubled by all of this and Disturbed and scared perhaps, Altman showed excitement and exuberance over it, hence the entire ousting of Altman in November 2023. And because he showed excitement, I understand why all sides felt as they did and they are rightfully justified. Just before his ousting, Altman mentioned in an interview how they were witnessing significant advancements and saw it as a momentous period in AI development, which he felt honored to be part of: "I can't imagine anything more exciting to work on, and on a personal note, just in the last couple of weeks, I have gotten to be in the room, when we sort of like push the sort of the veil of ignorance back and the frontier of discovery forward and getting to do that is like a professional honor of a lifetime. So, it's just so fun to get to work on that"
With the last update we got, it is very clear that they aren't showing us everything. The products are not quite what we were hoping for, but they are insanely good and enough to keep people happy. The shit they can do with the voice now is getting released to the public next month. It can sing, change vocal expressions, and do all sorts of crazy shit that nobody else is near. We all come to find out later that that was just the beginning of all these updates, we have 3D model generation coming, the dolly image generation that's integrated into it is phenomenal and can do consistent characters and it can do text like nobody's business, it's so fucking good, and then we have insanely fucking fast speeds for these models, you're able to speak to these models and get responses like right away just as fast as a human will respond it's not faster and that it's able to do that it's just so mind-boggling. Just think, you have like a fraction of a second for it to go and like break down everything that you said so have that all transcribed and then take that and then crap the response and then say that out through the audio model. And they're doing this all at insanely fast speeds the text generation is so crazy fast and it is now only half the price of what it was before. This type of progress is nuts, what other industry or what other time of history have we seen progress being made at this pace, there's no comparison this is batshit crazy. And it feels off because things don't quite add up as far as what they are giving to the public and what they very obviously have or should have AKA gpt5 something that is multimodal and is an agent that can go out and do everything.
For them to have all of that and yet not have a model significantly better than GPT-4 from a year ago is silly. They have a model, and it's GPT agents set up to code really well. They can tell these models to go and do things on the internet like creating various accounts, setting up the accounts with APIs, codes, and all of that, and then downloading all the necessary things and setting it up in whichever program. It's like these super assistants that are insanely smart. That's what we should have out there. If Sora is out there, then 100% we should have that, and that is AGI. It can do shit on its own and follow up with tasks and goals in mind. It's wild.
So, this next section is borrowing heavily from this Reddit post that was from February of 2024 in which much of this was predicted to a T. This post is so spot on, here's a link to it on an archive site
It's like the methods magicians use to figure out other magicians' tricks. You look for what is required to be there and is (like the magician's hat on the table), and what is not required to be there but is anyway (like the curtain covering the space under the table).
But then there's the misdirection—the bullshit and distractions. A company with AGI is going to want to feed it as many GPUs as possible while delaying the AGI announcement. They'll throw smoke bombs, release amazing new products, and make cryptic statements to keep people guessing. Their actions will seem more and more chaotic and unnecessarily obtuse. Customers will be happy but frustrated.
They'll start releasing products that are unreasonably better than they should be, with unclear paths to their creation. There will be sudden breakdowns in staff loyalty and communication. Firings, resignations, vague hints from people under NDAs. And then, the military will suddenly take a huge interest, and all PR from the company will go quiet.
That's when you know it's real. When the curtain comes down, everyone stops talking, but the checkbooks keep opening wider than ever, with investors and state departments pouring in resources. Bottlenecks will be reached for multiple industries. A complete drought of GPUs, etc.
And I'm telling you, with everything we're seeing from OpenAI, it's looking more and more like AGI every damn day.
submitted by StonedApeDudeMan to u/StonedApeDudeMan [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:09 AmbitionRight8913 500$/Month Work at Home Jobs for Moms in 2024

Introduction: Online Work for Mothers: Get Paid for Their Opinions :
In the digital age, mothers are discovering new and innovative ways to contribute financially while staying at home. One of the most engaging and flexible opportunities available is getting paid for sharing opinions. This burgeoning field offers mothers a unique way to leverage their insights and experiences, turning thoughts into income.
The Rise of Online Opinion Jobs :
The internet has revolutionized how businesses collect data. Companies are eager to understand consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. This demand has given rise to various online platforms where individuals, particularly mothers, can voice their opinions on products, services, and concepts. This feedback is invaluable for companies aiming to refine their offerings and stay competitive.
Benefits of Getting Paid for Your Opinions :
Earning money for your opinions comes with a host of benefits. It’s flexible, allowing you to work from anywhere at any time. There are no strict deadlines or quotas, providing a stress-free way to earn extra cash. Plus, it can be quite fulfilling to know that your insights are helping shape future products and services.
How to Get Started :
Starting is simple and requires minimal effort. Begin by researching reputable survey sites and market research panels. Look for platforms with positive reviews and clear payment policies. Sign up, complete your profile, and you’re ready to start taking surveys and participating in studies.
Finding Legitimate Survey Sites :
Not all survey sites are created equal. It’s essential to find legitimate ones to avoid scams. Look for well-known platforms like Survey Junkie and Makesurveymoney .. These sites offer a variety of surveys and pay reliably. Check online reviews and forums for user experiences before committing.
Understanding Market Research Panels :
Market research panels often provide higher payouts than standard surveys. These panels involve more in-depth studies and may require a bit more time. However, they can be more rewarding. Nielsen, Pinecone Research, and Ipsos i-Say are excellent examples of reliable panels that value thorough feedback.
Balancing Work and Family Life :
Working from home requires a balance between professional tasks and family responsibilities. Set specific times for completing surveys to ensure you’re not overwhelmed. Communicate with your family about your work schedule to create an environment conducive to productivity. Flexibility is key to maintaining harmony.
Success Stories: Moms Making a Difference :
Many mothers have successfully integrated online opinion jobs into their daily routines. These success stories are inspiring. Take, for instance, Jessica, a mother of two who earns a steady income by participating in surveys during her kids' nap times. Or Maria, who uses her evenings to contribute to focus groups, earning enough to pay for family vacations. These real-life examples showcase the potential of turning opinions into financial contributions.
Conclusion :
Getting paid for your opinions is a viable and flexible option for mothers looking to earn extra income. It’s a unique way to influence products and services while maintaining a balance between work and family life. As more mothers embrace this opportunity, the impact of their collective voice will continue to shape the marketplace. Embark on this journey today and start turning your valuable insights into earnings.
submitted by AmbitionRight8913 to u/AmbitionRight8913 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:05 esteban0009 Desperate for Help: Overnight Drop in Meta Ads Performance - Attached is a screenshot of my detailed analysis

Hello FacebookAds community,
I’m in urgent need of some guidance or insights as I'm facing a sudden and drastic downturn in our Meta Ads performance that began almost overnight in mid-April. This change has significantly impacted my supplement store, and despite numerous efforts, I’m struggling to find a way to stabilize our ads.
I've tried many things to resolve the issue:
Tbh I've tried basically everything y'all have recommended on this Reddit forum and I read all your posts, but I haven't had any luck so far, haha.
This sudden shift happened so rapidly that our attempts to diversify sales channels, such as expanding into Amazon FBA, are still in the early stages and not yet yielding profit. Given that Meta Ads used to generate about 90% of our sales, this decline has placed us in a precarious position. I mean, I do have some daily sales through FBA, but it's peanuts compared to what we were selling through Facebook Ads since I launched the brand.
I’m attaching a screenshot of the detailed analysis I conducted using Meta's reporting tools. It shows a comparison of key metrics from April to May, which illustrates the severity of the situation and backs up my concerns with hard data.
What makes this situation particularly perplexing is that the engagement and interaction rates with our ads have remained consistent. The ads themselves do not seem to be the problem, yet the increased costs are unsustainable.
Has anyone experienced a similar abrupt change in ad performance? Could there be broader changes on the Meta platform affecting specific sectors or ad types?
I'm all ears for any strategies, bidding tactics, or insights that might help mitigate this situation. Every day the ROAS decreases even more and I calculated that I have around 3 weeks more before I have to close the business, lol.
TLDR: Experienced a sudden, drastic drop in Meta Ads performance starting mid-April, with CPM and CPC skyrocketing while ROAS plummeted. Conversion rates are stable, indicating the ads themselves aren't the issue. Struggling to find solutions as Meta was our primary revenue source. Attached is a screenshot of our detailed analysis. Desperately seeking any advice or insights from the community on strategies to reverse this downturn.
submitted by esteban0009 to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:59 agileideation The Uncharted Path: How New Hobbies Enrich Leadership Skills

Today, I'm diving deep into a topic that's close to my heart and critical for us as leaders and professionals: the significant impact of embracing new hobbies and skills on our leadership abilities. It’s a fascinating area that merges personal fulfillment with professional development, and I'm excited to share my thoughts and hear yours.
The Bridge Between Hobbies and Leadership Why do hobbies matter for leaders? In the hustle of deadlines, meetings, and strategic planning, the concept of taking time to learn something entirely unrelated to work might seem like a luxury. However, it's precisely this 'luxury' that can foster the qualities we most need as leaders: creativity, resilience, and a fresh perspective.
Creativity and Innovation: When we allow ourselves to explore new territories - be it through painting, coding, gardening, or even learning a musical instrument - we activate different parts of our brain. This cross-pollination of skills can lead to unexpected insights and innovative solutions in our professional lives. It's about connecting dots in ways we hadn’t considered before, powered by the diverse experiences we engage in outside of work.
Resilience and Stress Management: Engaging in hobbies is a powerful way to manage stress, providing a mental break from the challenges of leadership. This downtime is not wasted time; rather, it's an essential process of recharging. By stepping away and focusing on a task that brings us joy and satisfaction, we return to our leadership roles with increased mental clarity and energy, ready to tackle challenges with a renewed spirit.
Empathy and Connection: Learning something new, especially in a community setting, can enhance our empathy. It puts us in the shoes of a beginner, reminding us of the challenges that come with learning and growth. This experience can make us more understanding and patient leaders, qualities that are invaluable in fostering a positive organizational culture.
Implementing This Insight: A Practical Guide So, how do we translate this understanding into action? Here's a step-by-step guide to integrating new hobbies into your life and reaping the benefits in your professional journey:
Choose Wisely: Pick a hobby that genuinely interests you, not something you feel you 'should' do. The goal is to enjoy the process of learning and the joy it brings.
Set Realistic Goals: Don’t overwhelm yourself. Start small, maybe dedicating a couple of hours a week to your new hobby. The key is consistency, not intensity.
Reflect on Your Experiences: Make it a habit to reflect on how your new hobby is affecting your professional skills and personal wellbeing. Are you noticing a difference in how you approach problems? Do you feel less stressed?
Share Your Journey: Whether it's with your team, peers, or through platforms like this subreddit, sharing your journey can inspire others and also reinforce your own learning.
Your Turn I’m really keen to hear from you all. Have you experienced the benefits of engaging in hobbies on your leadership abilities? Or are you inspired to pick up something new after reading this?
Let’s start a conversation about how we, as a community, can support each other in this journey of personal and professional growth. Remember, leadership is not just about leading others; it’s about leading ourselves through continuous learning and growth.
Looking forward to your stories and insights!
submitted by agileideation to agileideation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:57 Terrible_Garage_4052 How were scientists able to calculate the speed of light?

Sure! Let's explore how scientists determined the speed of light, explaining it step-by-step in a simple way.

Early Attempts to Measure the Speed of Light

Galileo Galilei (1600s)

Ole Rømer (1676)

James Bradley (1728)

Fizeau and Foucault (1849-1862)

Modern Measurement

submitted by Terrible_Garage_4052 to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:55 YorkieCheese My ex-employer (McMaster-Carr) is recruiting for consultants while fluffing job descriptions and manipulating Glassdoor Reviews. Be vigilante. Chicago, Cleveland, New Jersey, Los Angeles, Atlanta.

I'm sure most of Chicago/Booth/Kellogg have heard of this company by now, but they also started recruiting consultants/MBA for their other branches (T25) so I made a post.
TLDR: If you're toxic, there's more worthy places to climb. If you aren't toxic, you will either be disgusted or turn toxic. This place will tank your resume/career progression if you stay for more than 2-3 years.
Quick Intro: McMaster-Carr is the Amazon of Industrial Supplies. They ship to the US Miltary, manufacturers, engineers, technicians, etc... Their customers are the engineers but the bills are paid by the Finance Dept hence as long as McM do a consistent good job delivering to the engineers, they can charge exorbitant amount (e.g $30 screw and $50 shipping; real example.) Their margins on most items are between 50% to 250% and revenue is $5B+. This is how they can pay entry managements with 0yoe $170k (bonus included, deferred saving excluded; see more below) and middle managers (3-10YOE) up to $300k.
Path/Exit: You will get a random rotation every 6-18 months. The rotation can be literally anything from Warehouse Operations Management Role to HR to Finance/Fraud. Management Trainee (0-18m depending on your background/initial performance). Supervisor (no pay raise as MT are expected to become Sup eventually; can be skipped if you have pre-MBA exp and did well in your initial performance.) ManageSeniorM (3-5yoe/5-8yoe; most people languished here until they decided to go all in or all out with McMaster.) After this come Regional ManageDirectoVP. You can leave at M/SM and might still be able to transition to a new careeindustry afterward. Otherwise, it's a tough sale. Even before the mid-2023 general market downturn, I knew Regional/Directors who took 1+ year just to switch to another manufacturing/industrial/supplychain job. Not even an industry switch.
Their Targets: In the past, 95%+ of management came from straight out of Ivy/Top Liberal Arts undergrad. This breeds an incredibly toxic environment since many of them are not mature/don't have leadership experience (the cream of the crop don't consider McMaster) and it's a case of the blinds leading the blinds. McM had a purge of toxic leaders back in mid-2010s but this problem returned. Since then, they have tried to recruit a few more consultants rather than depending solely on fresh grads. This recruiting effort has and continued to go miserably. Despite mass reach-out effort every single year, they only got some ex-B4 (1 Parthenon but the rest is regular B4), but they couldn't get anyone from T2 or MBB.
Nature of the work: (Micro)managing individual contributors and troubleshooting outdated issues (that are only found in 40yo+ warehouses) if you get a warehouse rotation. McM tries to sell you on these, but from my post-McM interviews as well as McM managers' outcomes, these skills are worthless. For once, the ICs get paid quite well so they work very hard. Management, in an attempt to justify their outrageous salary, tries to micromanage all the time even when outclassed by 20+ years of knowledge. IC vs Management issue will be further discussed in the Cons section. Another issue is that managing blue-collar is no way the same as managing white-collar so most hiring managers don't really care for this exp. The company doesn't really do marketing, M&A, or new market (it took them 30+ years to just now opening a new branch in Texas because McM's tech couldn't handle having 6 warehouses instead of 5.) I'm not kidding. They passed on growth opportunity for 30+ years because they didn't want to change... Also because the company doesn't do marketing, they are not good at customer behavior analytics, resulting in their website redesign that took 2+ years to get scraped ater 1 week due to customer complaints.)
• Their pay. McM has a 2.9 Glassdoor rating despite having a 4.6 rating in Compensation and Benefits. Pay include:
 •Base (0yoe: ~115k; ~$10k for each add year; ~$160k for Manager) •Profit Sharing (average 50%+ of base; lowest was ~33% in 2008 & 45% in 2020; 2022 was ~50%+ and 2023 was ~60%) •Deferred Saving (25% of Base&PS. Vest schedule 0%/20%/40%/60%/80%/100% over 6 years.) 
• Their Education tuition policy: After the first 3 months, You can take any part-time program (e.g PT-MBA, PT-MS, PT-MA) or Certificate completely free, doesn’t have to be work-related, and no string attached. You can literally leave after they paid for your tuition and can still finish your course.
Cons: Glassdoor Reviews:
• There’s another purge/headcount reduction going on right now. A tidbit is that management above your level can see the performance review of everyone below them. This contributes to how much drama, backstabbing, and rumors float internally. Recently, an ex-Trainee even wrote a long post calling out his spineless manager and backstabbing coworkers in a GroupMe with 100+ members of management. The manager left soon after. The ex-Trainee even told McMaster to blacklist his undergrad for recruiting. Absolute legend.
• The operations and tech stack are very constrained and not replicable. The company uses 80s IBM Tech for CRM/ERP so unless you’re working on a Website-related project (which you can sometimes use Python/SQL), you will be writing outdated queries to pull data. McM also doesn’t use Powerpoint so you will have to learn Adobe Indesign. The company’s warehouses themselves have a ton of makeshifts and outdated stuff. If you get a warehouse assignment, you will be putting out fires arose from issues not addressed by the original warehouse design. If you think you will be value-add to a company like Amazon after your McMaster’s experience, you are wrong. Amazon warehouses are built in the early/mid 2010s and have about 30 years of new automation/technology integrated to them. McM is still tinkering with their first automated warehouse. Experience putting out fixed/nonexistent issues is worthless.
• This company hire fake review writers. You will notice the positive reviews are all generic and one line whereas the negative reviews (from both Managements and ICs) are all super long and super informative. You will also notice that there’s no longer a “Most Helpful” sort on Glassdoor. This is because all the negative reviews get liked so much. Now it’s just “Most Popular” which is just fake reviews with 0 like/dislike.
• Relationships between Management and Individual Contributors are more fraught than ever. The situation has always been incredibly tense because ICs were viewed with incredible disdain by Management (most of whom are rich Ivy/Top School graduates) but has only gotten worse with automation and market uncertainty.
• Management’s official policy is to never promote Individual Contributors. A fresh grad (0YOE) can instantly become a supervisor but somehow an IC needed 8+ years of consistent excellent performance to be considered. Management can become Manager in as little as 2yoe out of Undergrad, whereas IC -> Manager is so rare I can count the Chicago Branch on two hands. And no, it’s not because ICs are not qualified/hardworking. Just imagine how hard it is to work at Amazon-pace for EIGHT YEARS just to be equal to a college brown-nose.
• Management’s unofficial policy is to avoid eye contact or saying hello to ICs unless the ICs initiated it. ICs were afraid to take more than one food/souvenir item during an open house event even though we had so much leftover. A manager even complained that other managers were making fun of ICs for work-place injuries (think Amazon warehouse-like injuries such as overexertion, nerve damage, wrist/knees/back issues.) Absolutely devoid of humanity.
• The company had been automating part of the Atlanta and Chicago warehouses. Managements assigned to be tour guides of these automated warehouses were told to lie say that no IC headcount reduction will occur. Obviously, there were a rise in suspicious performance evaluation after these were built. Also, I was one of the tour guides and were asked by multiple ICs where the observation cameras will be in the ceiling. The fact that multiple raised this seemingly-joking-yet-alarming question tells you just how much Management has trained ICs to become paranoid over time. If you’re a new-hire consultant at McM and feels related to this meme, just know you will be holding the mop to clean up and not the lightsaber.
submitted by YorkieCheese to MBA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:53 Monlythebeauty 📺 RemoteMaster: Create Your Perfect TV Remote Control - Customizable, Innovative, and Fun! 🌟🔧

Hey TV enthusiasts and tech tinkerers! 🌐📺
Introducing RemoteMaster - the app that empowers you to design and create your own custom TV remote control. No more fumbling in the dark or struggling with generic remotes. With RemoteMaster, you can tailor your remote to fit your unique needs and preferences. Let's dive into the details:
🌟 What is RemoteMaster? RemoteMaster is a groundbreaking app that lets you design, customize, and use your own TV remote controls. From simple layouts to advanced designs with integrated screens, RemoteMaster offers endless possibilities to enhance your TV watching experience.
🔧 Features and Services:
  1. Customizable Templates:
    • Start with a variety of pre-designed templates and tweak them to your liking or build your remote from scratch.
  2. Drag-and-Drop Interface:
    • Easily add, remove, and rearrange buttons with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.
  3. Integrated Touch Screen:
    • Create remotes with built-in touch screens for a modern, intuitive experience. Use the screen to browse YouTube, Netflix, and other apps, then mirror your selection to your TV.
  4. Backlit Buttons:
    • Customize button backlighting to ensure you never miss a button in the dark. Choose from various colors and lighting patterns.
  5. Haptic Feedback:
    • Add haptic feedback to buttons for a tactile response, making it easier to navigate without looking.
  6. Voice Control Integration:
    • Incorporate voice control features to command your TV with simple voice commands. Compatible with major voice assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri.
  7. Gesture Control:
    • Implement gesture control to swipe, pinch, and zoom on the touch screen or use hand gestures in front of the remote to control your TV.
  8. Universal Compatibility:
    • Ensure your custom remote works with all your devices—TVs, sound systems, streaming boxes, and more. RemoteMaster supports most major brands and models.
  9. Activity-Based Layouts:
    • Create specific remote layouts for different activities (e.g., movie night, gaming, music) that change the button layout and functions based on the activity.
  10. DIY Guide and Tutorials:
    • Follow step-by-step guides and video tutorials to design your perfect remote. Learn tips and tricks to make the most out of RemoteMaster.
🌐 How RemoteMaster Works:
  1. Download the App:
    • Get RemoteMaster from the [App Store](#) or [Google Play](#).
  2. Choose a Template or Start Fresh:
    • Select a template to customize or start with a blank canvas.
  3. Design Your Remote:
    • Use the drag-and-drop interface to add buttons, screens, and features. Customize the look and functionality to suit your needs.
  4. Sync with Your Devices:
    • Connect RemoteMaster to your TV and other devices via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or IR blaster.
  5. Enjoy Your Custom Remote:
    • Use your newly designed remote to control your entertainment setup with ease and style.
🔐 Privacy and Security: Your designs and personal data are securely stored and protected. RemoteMaster values your privacy and ensures your information is safe.
🌟 Coming Soon: RemoteMaster is constantly adding new features and expanding device compatibility. Stay tuned for exciting updates!
📲 Ready to Create Your Ultimate Remote? Download RemoteMaster on [App Store](#) and [Google Play](#) now! Revolutionize the way you control your TV and make fumbling with remotes a thing of the past.
🔗 Connect with Us: - Website: [](#) - Follow us on [Twitter](#) and [Instagram](#) for design tips and app updates.
Create, customize, and control with RemoteMaster—the ultimate TV remote design experience! 🌐🔧📺
submitted by Monlythebeauty to problemintoidea [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:50 captainmouad I've just left home but not in the way i wanted to.

I am 22M, I have finished a higher degree and was now studying the necessary certifications to finish my training. Meanwhile I have been from job to job without any of them lasting long due to the difficulties of living 15 km from the city.
I have been wanting to leave home for a while now due to my parents' abusive treatment. Coercion, shouting every day, some physical aggression, humiliation, wearing the same clothes for 5 years and things because they don't want to pay me for what they consider "whims" (including adjusting my glasses)... anyway. And all under the pretext that in their religion parents are sacred and they are obeyed no matter what they say.
Last night there was an episode of screaming and violence on the part of my father that, to summarize, ended with my only computer (I study computer science xd) broken on the floor and the door frame of my room unhooked and broken. Then he literally told me to take my things and leave. I don't want to go into too much detail, but everything escalated due to absurd nonsense. After seeing my things for which I had been beaten working broken, I decided to fill suitcases and bags with my things and left.
I already knew that sooner or later I should leave for my mental health and physical integrity, but not like this. The plan was to save a mattress and leave half-way with them, not fleeing in a taxi and with 100 euros in the bank.
I'm starting this week on a dishwashing job worth 500 net a month, which can be combined with another if I can find it. But my savings are low right now. My question is, faced with such an abrupt situation of independence, what advice do you give me? When it comes to saving, cutting expenses (eating twice a day, eliminating indulgences, whatever), paperwork to take into account. I'm lost and I don't have any capital Adults to turn to. My colleagues let me stay here for a while as long as I pay my expenses and help with the apartment, but it's not a plan to be a parasite forever either. I don't know. I appreciate any advice and things to keep in mind.
submitted by captainmouad to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:43 Dismal_Base_5658 Dax correctly calculate results at the subtotal and grand total level

Hello everyone, I have been trying to learn DAX over the past couple of months, and there is one issue in multiple calculations that comes up over and over again in my measures- results at the subtotal and grand total level. Very frequently, I need them to display the sum of the results of my measure at the lower levels, and I have seen several solutions online to solve this issue. However, I haven't been able to replicate them in my code.
Here is a sample measure I have been trying to write, but gave up after several hours :
I am trying to calculate a weighted price index at the auto part category level by summing the indexes of individual parts, weighted by the part's contribution to the total category cost.
VAR item_first_appearance =
DATESBETWEEN('Calendar'[Date], MIN('Calendar'[Date]), MAX('Calendar'[Date])),
ALLEXCEPT('Production', 'Production'[Auto part name])
) –Find the first month when the part was purchased
VAR base_price = CALCULATE(
'Production'[Average Purchase Cost],
FILTER('Calendar', 'Calendar'[Date] = item_first_appearance)
) –Find the price in the first month

VAR item_total = [Total purchase Cost (Currency)] –Find the total amount spent on a specific part

VAR group_total = CALCULATE(
'Production'[Purchase Cost (Currency)],
ALLSELECTED('Production'[Auto part name])
) –Find the total amount spent on the parts in a single category

VAR item_weight = item_total / group_total --Find a share of the part’s total cost for its category

VAR price_index = 'Production'[Average Purchase Cost] / base_price –Calculate the change from the price in the base period

VAR item_weighted_index = item_weight * price_index –Weight the resulting index by the share of the part’s cost in it’s category
The next two variables are the pattern I found online: create a table and iterate it to find the sum of the results item_weighted_index
VAR item_table =
'Calendar'[Date].[Year], 'Calendar'[Date].[Month],
'Production'[Auto part category],
'Production'[Auto part name]

VAR weighted_price_index = SUMX(item_table, item_weighted_index)

VAR result = IF(HASONEVALUE('Production'[Auto part name]), price_index, weighted_price_index)
--Return a regular index at the car part level and return the sum of the weighted indexes at the subtotal/grand total level
Note: I know that with how the measure is written right now, the grand total for all the categories would still produce a meaningless result, but for this measure, it is not really a concern, as I was only planning to display one subcategory at a time, so I am more concerned about the result at the category level.
I have checked the individual parts of the measure, and everything works correctly up until the weighted_price_index part, where the weighted index of each individual part is correct, but the subtotal at the category level is wrong. For example, my visual would display 1.61 in the very first month, even though no filters on the month are being applied. and this is indeed the very first month in my data and the indexes for the individual parts are all 1.
So far, the only workaround I came up with when working with measures like this, was to create a calculated column with the result of weighted_price_index, and then create a different measure to take the sum of this column. But, I feel like this approach is far from the best one, as I might end up creating 10 different columns for 10 different measures, and I saw people dealing with this issue inside the measure itself. Also, in the case of this particular measure, I would end up needing two columns, one with the weighted index for the category, and another one with a regular index, had I needed to create a visualization at the auto part level. So, I would really appreciate it if somebody could help me resolve this issue. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Dismal_Base_5658 to PowerBI [link] [comments]