Labeled cells worksheet


2024.05.19 16:36 EditorAfraid8948 question

why do doctors or hospitals label alot of people with sickle cell as drug seekers? as anyone else had that on they hospital paperwork (i didnt im just asking) or did anyone have a doctor they went to label them as a drug seeker (i have and that was my first time even seeing him)
submitted by EditorAfraid8948 to Sicklecell [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:30 johnyedwards51 Yolov8 NotImplementedError with GPU but works with CPU. Please help

I used Yolov8 to train my dataset with the CPU and it went great when I wanted to use GPU and train another dataset it's giving me NotImplementedError. i have set up cuda and pytroch and they are defined without any problems, How could I fix it. Please help me. Thank you
the code:
from ultralytics import YOLO
model = YOLO("yolov8m.yaml")
model.train(data="yolo_con.yaml", epochs=100)
my cuda version and Ultralytics:
3.11.4 (tags/v3.11.4:d2340ef, Jun 7 2023, 05:45:37) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)]
Ultralytics YOLOv8.2.16 Python-3.11.4 torch-2.3.0+cu121 CUDA:0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Laptop GPU, 8192MiB)
Setup complete (16 CPUs, 15.7 GB RAM, 22.7/64.0 GB disk)
the error:
Ultralytics YOLOv8.2.16 Python-3.11.4 torch-2.3.0+cu121 CUDA:0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Laptop GPU, 8192MiB)
engine\trainer: task=detect, mode=train, model=yolov8m.yaml, data=yolo_con.yaml, epochs=100, time=None, patience=100, batch=16, imgsz=640, save=True, save_period=-1, cache=False, device=None, workers=8, project=None, name=train, exist_ok=False, pretrained=True, optimizer=auto, verbose=True, seed=0, deterministic=True, single_cls=False, rect=False, cos_lr=False, close_mosaic=10, resume=False, amp=True, fraction=1.0, profile=False, freeze=None, multi_scale=False, overlap_mask=True, mask_ratio=4, dropout=0.0, val=True, split=val, save_json=False, save_hybrid=False, conf=None, iou=0.7, max_det=300, half=False, dnn=False, plots=True, source=None, vid_stride=1, stream_buffer=False, visualize=False, augment=False, agnostic_nms=False, classes=None, retina_masks=False, embed=None, show=False, save_frames=False, save_txt=False, save_conf=False, save_crop=False, show_labels=True, show_conf=True, show_boxes=True, line_width=None, format=torchscript, keras=False, optimize=False, int8=False, dynamic=False, simplify=False, opset=None, workspace=4, nms=False, lr0=0.01, lrf=0.01, momentum=0.937, weight_decay=0.0005, warmup_epochs=3.0, warmup_momentum=0.8, warmup_bias_lr=0.1, box=7.5, cls=0.5, dfl=1.5, pose=12.0, kobj=1.0, label_smoothing=0.0, nbs=64, hsv_h=0.015, hsv_s=0.7, hsv_v=0.4, degrees=0.0, translate=0.1, scale=0.5, shear=0.0, perspective=0.0, flipud=0.0, fliplr=0.5, bgr=0.0, mosaic=1.0, mixup=0.0, copy_paste=0.0, auto_augment=randaugment, erasing=0.4, crop_fraction=1.0, cfg=None, tracker=botsort.yaml, save_dir=runs\detect\train
WARNING:tensorflow:From c:\Users\eraha\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\keras\src\ The name tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy instead.
Overriding model.yaml nc=80 with nc=4
from n params module arguments
0 -1 1 1392 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv [3, 48, 3, 2]
1 -1 1 41664 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv [48, 96, 3, 2]
2 -1 2 111360 ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C2f [96, 96, 2, True]
3 -1 1 166272 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv [96, 192, 3, 2]
4 -1 4 813312 ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C2f [192, 192, 4, True]
5 -1 1 664320 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv [192, 384, 3, 2]
6 -1 4 3248640 ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C2f [384, 384, 4, True]
7 -1 1 1991808 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv [384, 576, 3, 2]
8 -1 2 3985920 ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C2f [576, 576, 2, True]
9 -1 1 831168 ultralytics.nn.modules.block.SPPF [576, 576, 5]
10 -1 1 0 torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample [None, 2, 'nearest']
11 [-1, 6] 1 0 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Concat [1]
12 -1 2 1993728 ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C2f [960, 384, 2]
13 -1 1 0 torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample [None, 2, 'nearest']
14 [-1, 4] 1 0 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Concat [1]
15 -1 2 517632 ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C2f [576, 192, 2]
16 -1 1 332160 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv [192, 192, 3, 2]
17 [-1, 12] 1 0 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Concat [1] ...TensorBoard: Start with 'tensorboard --logdir runs\detect\train', view at http://localhost:6006/
Freezing layer 'model.22.dfl.conv.weight'
AMP: running Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP) checks with YOLOv8n...
Downloading to ''...
Output is truncated. View as a scrollable element or open in a text editor. Adjust cell output settings...100%██████████ 6.23M/6.23M [00:02<00:00, 2.87MB/s]
NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[3], line 5
1 from ultralytics import YOLO
3 model = YOLO("yolov8m.yaml")
-- 5 model.train(data="yolo_con.yaml", epochs=100)
File c:\Users\eraha\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\ultralytics\engine\, in Model.train(self, trainer, **kwargs)
673 self.trainer.hub_session = self.session # attach optional HUB session
674 self.trainer.train()
675 # Update model and cfg after training
676 if RANK in {-1, 0}:
File c:\Users\eraha\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\ultralytics\engine\, in BaseTrainer.train(self)
196ddp_cleanup(self, str(file))
198 else:
File c:\Users\eraha\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\ultralytics\engine\, in BaseTrainer._do_train(self, world_size)
311 if world_size > 1:
313 self._setup_train(world_size)
315 nb = len(self.train_loader) # number of batches
316 nw = max(round(self.args.warmup_epochs * nb), 100) if self.args.warmup_epochs > 0 else -1 # warmup iterations...PythonTLSSnapshot: registered at ..\aten\src\ATen\core\PythonFallbackKernel.cpp:162 [backend fallback]
FuncTorchDynamicLayerFrontMode: registered at ..\aten\src\ATen\functorch\DynamicLayer.cpp:493 [backend fallback]
PreDispatch: registered at ..\aten\src\ATen\core\PythonFallbackKernel.cpp:166 [backend fallback]
PythonDispatcher: registered at ..\aten\src\ATen\core\PythonFallbackKernel.cpp:158 [backend fallback]
Output is truncated. View as a scrollable element or open in a text editor. Adjust cell output settings...
submitted by johnyedwards51 to computervision [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:15 TheOneScheherazade Help using Solver for optimizing warehouse a distribution plan

I've been trying to solve this optimisation process since yesterday using solver and VBA (my first time).
It's only giving my 0 as a results, do you have any idea how to fix it ? i've also tried using Gurido but couldn't get my model to work either
here is my excel sheets after i run the script :
Here is my script :
Sub OptimizeSupplyChain() Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SupplyChain") ' Define ranges for demands, costs, and capacities Dim demandRange As Range Dim orderCostRange As Range Dim stockCostRange As Range Dim transportCostRange As Range Dim warehouseCapacityRange As Range ' Set ranges Set demandRange = ws.Range("B2:D7") ' Demand data Set orderCostRange = ws.Range("G2:G7") ' Order cost data Set stockCostRange = ws.Range("H2:H7") ' Stock cost data Set transportCostRange = ws.Range("K2:P4") ' Transport cost data Set warehouseCapacityRange = ws.Range("S2:S4") ' Warehouse capacity data ' Define decision variables range Dim decisionVars As Range Set decisionVars = ws.Range("B10:G12") ' Decision variables range ' Clear previous solver settings SolverReset ' Define the objective function cell (total cost) Dim totalCostCell As Range Set totalCostCell = ws.Range("Z10") ' Assuming total cost is calculated here ' Ensure totalCostCell is actually calculating the total cost ' You might need to verify that the formula in Z10 is correct and refers to decisionVars ' Set the objective function: minimize total cost SolverOk SetCell:=totalCostCell.Address, MaxMinVal:=2, ValueOf:=0, ByChange:=decisionVars.Address ' Add constraints for demand fulfillment Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To demandRange.Rows.Count ' For each demand SolverAdd CellRef:=ws.Cells(13, i + 1).Address, Relation:=2, FormulaText:=demandRange.Cells(i, 1).Address Next i ' Add constraints for warehouse capacities Dim j As Integer For j = 1 To warehouseCapacityRange.Rows.Count ' For each warehouse SolverAdd CellRef:=ws.Range(ws.Cells(10 + j - 1, 2), ws.Cells(10 + j - 1, 7)).Address, Relation:=1, FormulaText:=warehouseCapacityRange.Cells(j, 1).Address Next j ' Ensure decision variables are non-negative SolverAdd CellRef:=decisionVars.Address, Relation:=3, FormulaText:="0" ' Set solver options SolverOptions MaxTime:=100, Iterations:=100, Precision:=0.000001, AssumeNonNeg:=True ' Run solver SolverSolve UserFinish:=True ' Keep the solver solution SolverFinish KeepFinal:=1 End Sub 
submitted by TheOneScheherazade to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:38 AdInteresting2401 Dying to be ill - How people make it hard for actual sufferers to be taken serious, hard to find any authentic and not misleading information, brain washing people into self diagnoses

"Could the mods please do something about all the posts promoting treatments/causes that haven’t been backed by science? Colloidal silver, untested alternative medicine, anti-vax theories, etc. presented as unequivocally true.
This is supposed to be a science-based sub. Spreading more blatant pseudoscience only gives more fodder to the people who don’t believe MCAS exists."
People that spread the internet without an official diagnosis or any prove of an mast cell involvement, antihistamines are used for multiple diseases. There have been people that think they have MCAS because Cromolyn helped their asthma, H1 medication helped their urticaria, or H2 helped their heartburn. These medications are all widely used and are rather "off label" used for MCAS. That is why all 3 criteria need to be present.
Websites present various doctors that claim to be "specialists" and who give out diagnoses to anyone based of unspecific symptoms, reportedly these do not even make tests at all. Or use unvalidated biomarkers or questionable diagnostic criteria. Cash is payed upfront.
People who actually have a serious and rare disease named MCAS, struggle to be taken seriously, because many doctors are fed up by the sheer amount of psychic conspicuous patients, who only want a proof for their google based self diagnoses. Often times there is no proof and these people make a burden for health care resources.
Mast cell medication is free and if you have no relief at all with antihistamines, MCAS is very unlikely. There is not much any further medication that someone would get, if not presented with serious reactions, most of the times anaphylaxis. Ketotifen and cromolyn are also mainly antihistamines, still many gaslight themselfs thinking that that is the medication they need.
Primary and secondary MCAS are easy to rule out, due to specific and severe symptoms and quite obvious underlying mechanism like an IgE dependant allergy or the genetic mutation. The diagnosis that is under question is the idiopathic MCAS, where the underlying mechanism is unknown, these people still need to fullfill the diagnostic markers, but in reality this happens only rarely.
Still many think they have a secondary MCAS, it is said by certain authors that a secondary MCAS would have a prevalance of 17-30 per cent. They say that long covid and/or T-Cells are the problem. That this would be quite easy to proof if it would be happening they do not care about. That this has already been evaluated they do not care about. The desperate patients are easy to convince it seems.
Some people even make claim their MCAS would be due to a root cause of "Sibo", "Leaky gut" or "microbiome disbalance", all which are unrelated to a MCAS and heavenly overdiagnosed or not even proven to excist, just like the whole hEDS and POTS misdiagnoses going on. Mast cells in the gut have been studied and people with IBS have had no success with mast cell treatment.
It is also a burden for patients, knowing that even some doctors do not stick to authentic measures and give out misinformation. Maybe because of a conflict of interest? Since most internet posts that come up include misinformation, it is hard for sufferers to find alike. MCAS communities are full of people who do not have MCAS. MCAS sufferers have no community right now.
"My blood and 24hr urine collection testing came back normal. The allergist I saw also told me outright he doubted I had MCAS (a fad diagnosis along with EDS and POTS, as he said) but did end up suggesting I come back to get samples tested during an episode. I was so frustrated with the allergist that I’ve never gone through with that. Instead my amazing primary doctor decided to prescribe me montelukast and monitor my reaction to trialing antihistamines at home, and I had immediate positive response! We also first ruled out everything else he could think of and clearly test for; my main symptom is facial flushing so I had things like lupus and carcinoid syndrome ruled out.
Although we treat it as such, I don’t actually have an “official” MCAS diagnosis on my chart. IME the specialists who do inquire about all my meds or listen to my symptoms don’t seem to differentiate between MCAS and allergies/sensitivities anyway :/ but my case isn’t super severe and currently well-controlled so that works for me. Good luck to you - I hope you find proper care regardless of your test results!"
"I have normal tryptase levels and definitely have MCAS. They diagnosed it after POTS, and it was mostly based on symptoms as well as the “scratch test”"
"Spoke about it with my GP, she referred me to an internal medicine doc who specializes in MCAS. I told him my symptoms and he went “yep that sounds like MCAS” and proceeded to literally dump an armful of antihistamine samples into my lap and bounce off to his next appointment. I am definitely in the minority of people whose experience was that easy. It was so easy that I almost don’t believe him."
"This is the same as my experience! Walked in, diagnosed by rheumatologist in 5 mins based off symptoms and loaded up with antihistamines as a starting point. No testing or anything."
"went to my allergist and had the blood work panel done. nothing in it came back weird, but my allergist is treating me as if i have MCAS based on all my symptoms and pictures of flares."
"Went in to get my pots diagnosis and the doctor was like “btw your blood tests show you have mast cell activation syndrome” and then gave me some medicine and did not elaborate further"
"As it turned out my diagnosis was literally not true. I don’t have MCAS (and even if i did what they gave me for it was beyond overkill) after talking to an actual allergist I believe that most likely I was given an extra diagnosis on extremely weak basis. Using something from what they saw in my blood so they could bill higher and prescribe more medicine to me. I no longer go to that practice and instead go to a different cardiologist and actively do not recommend going there. Unfortunately this stopped me for years from properly treating my pain as I was trying to treat it on the basis it was being caused by MCAS :/"
"Mine was actually fairly easy when I finally figured out it was MCAS.
Got referred to immunology to rule out mastocytosis. Then my PCP at the time did a clinical diagnosis. She wasn’t risking putting me into anaphylaxis to maybe get a positive result on any of the mast cell mediator labs (this doctor was one who didn’t list a diagnosis unless she was confident it isn’t anything else and spent 8 years trying to get an answer).
My current doctors don’t question it because my symptoms at this point line up perfectly with MCAS."
submitted by AdInteresting2401 to MCAS_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:58 AdInteresting2401 Don't let that bougie doctor get you down mama bear!💪"MCAS"

Experiences from the medical world regarding certain topics (these are not my comments):
"-self-diagnosed, unconfirmed and typically incorrect - and unfortunately perpetuated by unsuspecting PCPs who trust their patients' reports and presume the diagnosis was confirmed (i.e., did not confirm as above). When the PCP refers to a specialist for management, that specialist says wut?, then then the patient ends up with me.
-Doctor shoppers. This is elevated to a fine art by some. I get referrals who have already been seen by the diagnostic clinics at half a dozen top tier US university diagnostic clinics already - I typically refuse these because I doubt I have anything to add, I have a 3 - 6 month-waiting list - not fair those with no workup yet.
-Many have psychiatric or behavioral or personality disorder component that plays in. Sometimes it's mild, especially in the form of secondary gain. Many lobby for a disability label to get out of working, but seem able to work.
-Some seem to have real psychiatric disease. These folks almost always refuse a psych referral.
-Full blown Munchausen Syndrome, or MS by Proxy, the latter of course is the ultimate can of worms for pediatrics."
"Of course food allergies, FPIES, EOS and mastocytosis are real. The problem is when parents live on forums, and get told "you need a better doctor"., and it's really diagnosis (x).
My allergist had a ton of self referrals until covid hit. Now the clinic plays hard ball on a full work up before you get an appointment. He got tired of parents on a mission, with a consult from Dr. Google."
"Like Lyme disease, MCAS was hijacked by quacks.
Basically, the scheme involves:
The above applies to Lyme, gluten problems, MTHFR, vaccine injuries, heavy metal toxicity, bartonella, babesia, and other dubious diagnoses frequently sold by those who market themselves as functional, integrative, alternative, holistic, and naturopathic.
In a book excerpt, Dr. Jonathan Howard explains the psychology of fake diagnoses. Lists of non-specific symptoms are used so that the diagnoses can fit almost everyone.
Two of the top MCAS charlatans are business partners Lawrence Afrin, MD and Tania Dempsey, MD. Both advertise as "integrative" and have been associated with the dangerous pseudoscience group ILADS. Dempsey admits that she thinks 80+% of her "chronic Lyme" patients have evidence of MCAS.
See also:
submitted by AdInteresting2401 to MCAS_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:35 Lintaar Created a textbox popup to display a cell's value when the cell is selected: Now I cant select multiple cells without an error.

I wrote some VBA to display a cell's value in a variable sized textbox when the cell is selected. However, I can't figure out a way to resolve the error "Run-time error '13': Type mismatch. I know I need a condition to turn off the script as soon as multiple cells are selected and turn back on when a single cell is selected but am having trouble.
Any help appreciated, here is my code:
Dim TextBox As Object Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) On Error Resume Next If Not TextBox Is Nothing Then TextBox.Delete End If On Error GoTo 0 If Target.Cells.Count = 1 And Target.Column = 5 And Target.Value <> "" Then Set TextBox = Me.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, Target.Left, Target.Top + Target.height, 200, 100) TextBox.TextFrame.Characters.Text = Target.Value TextBox.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255) TextBox.Fill.Transparency = 0 TextBox.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0) TextBox.Line.Transparency = 0 TextBox.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Size = 10 TextBox.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Name = "Arial" Dim textLength As Integer textLength = Len(Target.Value) Dim width As Single, height As Single width = 100 + (textLength * 3) height = 20 + (textLength * 0.5) If width > 300 Then width = 300 If height > 200 Then height = 200 TextBox.width = width TextBox.height = height End If End Sub 
submitted by Lintaar to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:22 AwkwardCelloist Question on linking two sheets on one document

Hello! I am hoping someone can help me out, I am just getting use to using any type of program like this. If you do have an answer for me, if you could please put it in the most simple wording, I would greatly appreciate it, like I said I am still new to it all!!
I have a document for an organization I am in that serves as a master contact information list and an attendance tracker. The contact information is on one sheet labeled info and then the second sheet is the attendance for the year. The sheets are currently linked where if I type a new name into the info sheet, the name and pronouns appear on the 2024 sheet. If that member went to 3 events on the attendance tracker, that total is shown in a cell on the info sheet so we know off a glance if they have been to an event at all or not. This was done using "='2024'!C3" or what ever the appropriate data is for the cell. All of that is set, I am pleased.
My issue: when I go to organize the names in alphabetical order in the info sheet, the names in the attendance tracker change (good) but the attendance does not (bad). So lets say I got Person B who attended 3 events and Person A attending 1, now when I got to organize the sheet, they both read that Person B attended 1 event and A attended 3. Is there a way to connect all the information in a row?
edit: here is the link to the sample page if you need to see my sheet!
Thank you!!
submitted by AwkwardCelloist to googlesheets [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:00 Beautiful-Loss7663 [13] Atalor's Fate - Gear

Royal Road here:
Discord Tag: notafurrylad
It's been a while, huh?
First Last Next
Memory transcription subject: Yivreen, Cyonian Survivor
Date [standardized human time]: February 22nd, 2134
The flash daymares hadn’t stopped. Four nights since they’d set in, and now those two fire and brimstone eyes were lingering, waiting to come out when I was asleep. I’d thought that first daymare had been a fluke. It’d felt real, getting chomped up like that, crushed. But... ah.
I’d had more. Once I was in the mouth of that Arxur who’d kicked down the tree. Then I was in the cages with Hens Jr and Sr, and Alma... And each time if there was time for it that swampheaded, red eyed, smokey Arxur would come on in. Try and guilt me like I’d done something wrong.
It was working.
“Yiv. Yiv! I think I got it!” I blinked, my stupor broken by Junior. The kid had been a good help with the computer system since we’d let him fiddle with it instead of me. Much to my... begrudging admission: he was better at it. So, I stood from the chair and headed over to him. The monitor and console were lit up good as new, but they’d been like that for a couple nights now. We’d finally got access to a local map when that’d happened. Or rather a map of the surrounding area, outdated as it was it still had the location of the city on it. It wasn’t like anything had significantly changed in the past hundreds of years since this place had been abandoned. It had been the whole ‘trying to page it into the rest of the old systems at the outpost’ part that’d eluded Juniors little pet project.
“What did you get?” I replied, leaning over his shoulder with a paw on the console while he typed at it.
He cleared his throat. “W-well. I was able to find the wire that’d been causing the problem with the connection to the outpost’s server.” A server? What?
“What do you mean a server? I thought the only computer systems in here were in this room?” He turned his head, a brown eye winking at me. “Nuh-uh! Were you even listening when I explained it earlier? It’s more than just a weather monitoring station. It had a server, otherwise why would it need so many type-v connectors. See?” He pointed a claw to the bundle of wiring running up the wall and into a concrete hole that looked to lead to the next floor above us. Probably. I hadn’t really cared about how many wires there were.
“So... there’s more than just the databanks here in this room?” I asked. My eyes were tasked with looking over the monitor with pursed lips. I’d dug through some ye olde outpost files in the past nights for my journalist program but evidently I’d been missing things if all it took was one kid who had a knack for tech to ascertain there was more to these places.
Before my question could be answered though the command lines and startup protocols on the operating system for the thing had popped by and opened up onto a familiar desktop of our more modern tech. Junior went about clicking immediately to some command line and writing in some jibberish... And- my eyes widened. “What’s that?” I asked, pointing my claw to all the commands on his little black background’d screen.
1: Status
2: Logs
3: Garage Door
4: Barrack Override
5: Communications
Were among the top five, with a half dozen more I didn’t quite have time to think on. “Quick- quick! The uh- There’s a garage?” Don’t get distracted Yivreen. Ahhh moss-heaps.. “The Barrack Override. See what that does.”
The boy swatted away my paw trying to push at it. “Calm down! Calm down jeez, fine!” He jammed his digit into the corresponding number and pressed enter. A few moments passed as it simply displayed three dots. I waited... I waited.. Cmoooo-
Clank. VV-vv-vvv-veeeeeee....
It sounded like something behind the wall to our left was trying to unrust itself and move. A couple hundred years of not moving or being maintained had probably ensured it’d never get moving smooth again. Then of course the universe proved me wrong, and the wall actually shifted. The rounded metal slab I’d taken for a part of the tower’s superstructure began to lower, and behind it... “Holy shit.”
I don’t know where the extreme language had come from but... Wow. My eyes lit. Bunks. Bedding. Lockers.. It looked like the room beyond had been some sort of lodging area for soldiery when this place was built. But there’d been a grow-in on the back wall from a massive root. Snaring part of the room in its gripping-vinelike vice grip. The root was long dead, and the hole it’d bored through the concrete had left the inside exposed to the elements a touch more than if it’d just been left... At least there wasn’t much evidence of water damage.
“Yiv? Are you-” But I was already headed through the way, a paw on my pistol as I glanced around the abandoned room. My mind went right to checking out the lockers, which turned out to be a good idea. My little training sessions into understanding the named bits for guns with Alma were about to start paying off.
“We’ve got guns. Or... Something like guns.” I announced, pulling out the carrying case and flipping it open. Inside I found what looked to be a.. Hrm- no magazine, no bullets... I lifted it up, the rifle-like hardened carbon material was in remarkably good shape. Probably due to the case and materials, but something was different about it. I glanced my eyes over it, noting the electronic aiming system on top which... when I clicked at it offered a red circle for looking through the little scope with. Huh. Not a common thing to find on a Cyonian designed weapon, at least not these nights. This place was old, but this weapon looked like it’d been built by something more ambitious than Federation paws. Federation handhelds were all modified from the same combustion based lead belchers. A fact that rarely ever went unspoken on our own networks when we needed a reason to criticize Aafa.
It took a while longer, but eventually I did find a snap-button on the back of the trigger grip that made something inside it hum to life. My eyes widened. “It’s... An energy weapon.” I murmured. My tail flicking in apprehension. Would it even still fire? The red blinking just below the button told me it must have no power perhaps but... “Hey. Junior. You think you could figure out how to charge one of these guys-?”
I turned my head to see the kid standing at the threshold with his tail in his paws, gripping them anxiously. “Yiv. The uh. The communications aren’t working, but I think the garage door might open if we try it. It could be that cropping of wall and sealed door we figured the old power system must have been housed in right?” He glanced to the rifle in my paws. “I mean, if it uses the same standards as the computer out here it should still be compatible with our stuff. But- we don’t have anything to charge power packs of that size.” He pointed to the fixture sticking out the bottom of the stock. Hrm, he was right.
“See if you can’t get the garage open. I’ll keep looking in here and see if there’s something to help with that.” Came my own voice, I felt... Giddy. Alive. The potential to fight back was intoxicating. Before all I’d had was this dinky pistol I’d used to... kill a couple of the greys. But if we could bring the fight to their patrols, save more people-
I shook my head. Why was I thinking like this? I couldn’t stand up to an invasion fleet. I’d been a frightened Sivkit on the first night of the attack. I- I’d stampeded. I couldn’t remember any of it, but the chance I’d trampled someone in my panic was not zero. I might have contributed to someone being crushed... I’d failed Els, that soldier I’d dragged into the house. Obelisk I couldn’t even keep my mind straight in a fight with those howling, laughing Arxur in my head. The campfire fight had been a fluke!
I didn’t quite know how long I just sat there, staring at the rifle beating myself up, but eventually I was shaken from it by Keick when she sat beside me, an arm on my shoulder. “Hey. I heard you and Junior had a bit breakthrough eh?” She said non-chalantly. I could tell though, even with the chipper tone she’d read me. The accountant knew I’d been in one of my little moods. She’d known me the longest of anyone here, everyone else was like... a pack of convenience? Maybe not Junior. Keick and I had survived the woods together. I’d pulled her from her own hells next to that burning car.
“Hey.” I returned back. “Yeah. Junior got the servers working. Or something like that.” I pointed a claw over at the computer, only to notice he was gone now. I blinked. Had I been out of it that long?
Keick filled in the hole in my head. “He went with his old man to go check out the garage.” Oh. Yeah.
I looked around, “Ah. The guns. We have guns now. Real guns.” I explained, holding the one I had in my paws up for her to inspect.
“Doesn’t look like any gun I’ve seen.” She mused back, taking it from my grip. My body was moving on its own now, rummaging deeper into the lockers. Some of these cases had been broken by the snaring, smaller branches of the grow-in. The firearms within cracked open and busted. Probably no good at all, exposed to the ambient humidity as they had been for so long. Still, couple of the other rifle cases were good. We had weapons, plural. Binoculars? Got em. Spare power packs that needed charging? Got em. There was a lot of survival gear here. Like a militarized ranger outpost had been stationed here. The synthetic material of the camouflaged cloak I found proudly proclaimed it’d reflect thermal scanning on its faded label even! “Either the old rangers from before the treaties were really into operator stuff or the Obelisk put all this here just for us.” I murmured.
Keick, for her part seemed to be looking it all over with a little inventory in her head. Already tapping in the number of each item into her dataslate. “Well. I’d go with the former. The Obelisk hasn’t been around for us lately.” Came the reply as she poked a claw at one of the now entirely spoiled ration packs. “Still, there’s enough stuff here you could arm a squad of soldiers probably. If you know where we can find some spare soldiers that is.”
I flicked my ear at the poor humoured joke. “Ahuh.” Came my reply. “Maybe you should go try the radio again, they’d love to get their paws on stuff like this I think. Pre-war tech actually made to fight predators like this is rare.” Which begged the question... Why did the cloak boast about defeating thermals? These outposts were dated after our discovery and incorporation into the Federation as an early member, and WELL before the Arxur war. So why had we built cloaks like these? Was this equipment used during the years when we’d resisted the burning of our forests and jungles? If so, it meant it might have been auhh... much more violent then the archives made it out to be. Maybe there was a story here? My inner journalist was theorizing.
I’d had to pick my jaw up off the ground after headed over to the garage. Hens Senior and Alma were leaned over the the opened hood of what looked like a remarkably still intact forest rover. The design was actually recognizable, having not changed much from what we had tonight. Six thick grooved tires, a buggy-like cockpit four seater set in the middle, and a back and top rack for storing anything you could want. “Is it working?” I asked the obvious as I stepped inside, noting Junior sat off to the side, fiddling with some wall mounted box or other. He didn’t look to actually know what he was doing beyond dusting it off and giving it a deep stare.
“I wouldn’t think so.” Came the chime of Keick, who’d followed me inside. It was around now my monocular visioned eyes were noting the various tools and spare parts laying around in the garage. Whoever had last been here had left in a hurry seemingly, because it was mostly stocked. No mess on all the immensely dusty parts. I could see a couple smaller fauna in the corners. A lizard here, a rodent there. Obviously there had been some way they’d chewed their way in at some point... Or they’d come in when the door was opened to the bustle and noise of the forest to my back.
It was Senior who looked back at my question, standing to his full height before leaning his back against the old vehicle. “No. It isn’t working. Or at least it won’t be until I figure a way to give the battery juice.” I tilted my head.
“Is it one of those older ones that zap out after a hundred years or so?” Came my obvious question.
He flicked his tail no. “It’s got one of the standard ones, it’s just that it stopped auto-cycling a couple hundred years ago. The electric motor looks like it should work if we pop it on. But we’ll have to see.” He glanced around the workshop. “I want to say we could probably get it working with the tools we have, but if the battery can’t be jumped, or it’s spent, or the motor needs a complete replacement we’re up a creek on getting it working.” It sounded like he knew a bit about it.
The feeling of my face scrunching ever so much came. “You didn’t tell me you were a handyman.” I said, crossing my arms.
“Well it never came up.” He said back with an affable smile. “Listen, it’s been a long couple weeks. Don’t get all spotty with me. We didn’t have anything a hobbying mechanic could fix anyhow.” Just a roll of the eyes from myself is all that met him as Keick spoke up, stepping over to the other three.
“So what’re you gonna jump it with?” She asked incredulously, leaning over the open cabin. From there I sort of... zoned out. All the older Cyonians present were bickering and blathering about the buggy which was quickly losing interest for me. I didn’t understand anything about mechanics like that beyond the bare minimum, so it was out of my purview. If they got it working that’d be another thing but I wouldn’t have been any help right now, so instead I placed a couple careful paws down until I was beside Junior, sitting next to him as he seemed to be eyeballing some far too faded label.
He had a paw lightly rubbing out the dust that’d caked an outlet, still one brown eye fixed on the label. All I could make out myself was the little yellow square symbol warning of an electric charge hazard. Weird to think even now those hadn’t changed. Had Federation technology really not changed all that much? Was it just us? A sigh. “So. What’s got your your nose twitching little dude?”
The past couple nights he’d gotten better with his anger, and... hadn’t destroyed any important tech in a fit of rage. All he’d needed was something to set himself to in a difficult situation like this. Keich had been right to set him on that computer. And.. I’d felt myself trying to encourage him along the way. Partly because I had an investment in getting those maps, and then partly because he’d ended up filling in a spot in my head like a younger cousin. Him and his old man had only been around for a little bit, but I guess maybe I didn’t want to think too hard about what had probably happened to my real family. For now, maybe I felt the most ‘at home’ around Keich and this little tinkerer. Was that weird? It felt like it should be weird.
He answered, looking up with a small upturn in his lips. “I think I found your energy cell charger for those guns you had.” He said simply. “One of the manuals over there wasn’t totally ruined, I saw something about a ‘optical projector weapon’ and ‘charger’ so I was trying to figure out if this was it. I... Think it might be, but I’d need one of those batteries to make sure.”
Now I felt like smirking. “Oh yeah? Well go get one swamp brain. Let’s see if these things still work huh?” Dutifully, he was up and off, tail shaking behind him in what I recognized as excitement. We weren’t totally defenceless anymore, and if the buggy could be salvaged there would be a means at least to relocate if we had to. Or... Maybe I could take a trip down to the city and paint a couple more of those scumbags red-
I shook my head. Where had that thought come from? If I was going back to Ataln it was to try and save more people... Yeah. I still needed to see if Gael was alive, maybe check that old house I’d left Els in. I don’t even know if I could find it now, knowing how scatterbrained I’d been at the time but- making a return to at least try seemed worth it.
Regardless, the box on the wall did turn out to be the correct port to charge energy cells for the guns. We’d just need to rig it up to the solar power system and juice them up to test them. Things were looking up! Our mobility had the potential to go from nights in every direction for shelter to mere hours, I’d just have to hope Senior knew what he was doing.
“Hey. Buddy.” I’d wrapped my arm around Junior’s shoulder. “Why don’t you go take a break for now huh? You were working on the computer all night. Maybe it’d be a good idea to just go relax. Enjoy how much you got done eh?” Besides. Gave me a good way to check out the logs page on the computer system myself before he stumbled on anything. It wasn’t like I didn’t trust him with it but- well there was no way to know what was in those logs.
He nodded, and with that I stood up, streeeetched out, and headed toward the tower. “Good, it’s your shift on the guard tower anyway.” I intoned politely. It was going to be a long day, assuming there was anything of substance in those logs... Scrounging through those would be preferable to sleeping right now anyway.
submitted by Beautiful-Loss7663 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:45 The_Brand94 RIGL Thesis 5/18/2024

~RIGL Thesis – 5/18/2024~
Outstanding Shares 175M
131 Institutional Holders
111,129,461 Total Shares Held
63.36% Institutional Ownership
Total Cash on Hand 3/31/2024 = $49.6M
Total Debt: $101.5M
Cash Burn Approximate = $8M per quarter (6 quarters of cash without any increases in revenue)
Q12023 REV = $26M
Q22023 REV = $26.8M
Q32023 REV = $28.1M
Q42023 REV = $35.8M
Q12024 REV = $29.5M (Decline from Q4 likely from end of year versus new-year tracking of Rx and shipments of drugs, resetting of Copays)
Most Recent EPS -$0.05 per share
May 22, 2024 - Vote on S will take place, caution
~Statistics Applicable To Thesis~
333.3 million US Population (2022)
8,109,679,892 Global Population (2024)
~Drugs On Market~
~Tavalisse – Treatment for ITP, FDA Approved April 17, 2018~
~What is ITP?~
Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an illness that can lead to bruising and bleeding. Low levels of the cells that help blood clot, also known as platelets, most often cause the bleeding.
Once known as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, ITP can cause purple bruises. It also can cause tiny reddish-purple dots on the skin that look like a rash.
Children can get ITP after a virus. They most often get better without treatment. In adults, the illness often lasts months or years. People with ITP who aren't bleeding and whose platelet count isn't too low might not need treatment. For worse symptoms, treatment might include medicines to raise platelet count or surgery to remove the spleen. Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
~What is Tavalisse?~
TAVALISSE is a prescription medication used to treat adults with low platelet counts due to chronic immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) when a prior treatment for ITP has not worked well enough. It is not known if TAVALISSE is safe and effective in children.
The cost for Tavalisse oral tablet 100 mg is around $15,404 for a supply of 60 tablets, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Quoted prices are for cash-paying customers and are not valid with insurance plans. This price guide is based on using the discount card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies.
Tavalisse Prices, Coupons, Copay & Patient Assistance -
A 12-week evaluation period is recommended
60 tablets = 1 month supply, evaluation period = 3 months, Cost for 3 months = $46,212 Cash, assuming cheaper through wholesale, insurance, discount cards, etc.
Dosing TAVALISSE® (fostamatinib disodium hexahydrate) tablets (
~Addressable Market~
“Our findings suggest that nearly 20,000 children and adults are newly diagnosed with ITP each year in the US, substantially higher than previously reported. Among patients requiring formal medical care, the economic burden during the first 12 months following diagnosis is high, with estimated US expenditures totaling over $400 million.”
Primary immune thrombocytopenia in US clinical practice: incidence and healthcare burden in first 12 months following diagnosis - PubMed (
The estimated prevalence of ITP in the United States is 9.5 per 100,000 people, with a global prevalence of over 200,000 people at any given time [1].
Immune thrombocytopenia. [ Oct; 2022 ]. 2022.
~Author Calculations/Estimates~
ITP estimated cases based on measured statistics 31,635 cases a year in the US and 770,355 cases globally each year.
~Rezlidhia – R Acute Myeloid Leukemia, FDA Approved December, 22, 2022~
~What is Relapsed or Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia?~
Relapsed, or recurrent, acute myeloid leukemia (AML) means the leukemia has come back after treatment and remission.
Refractory AML means the leukemia did not respond to treatment. Complete remission has not been reached because the chemotherapy drugs did not kill enough leukemia cells.
Both relapsed and refractory AML need more treatment to reach complete remission.
Your healthcare team will suggest treatments based on your needs and work with you to develop a treatment plan. Some factors considered for your treatment include:
your age
your health
how long the leukemia was in remission
treatments you had before
where the leukemia comes back
Treatment options usually include chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant if possible. Targeted therapy may also be used.
Treatments for relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia Canadian Cancer Society
~What is IDH1?~
Somatic mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) genes occur frequently in adult Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and less commonly in pediatric AML… Enhanced genomic and epigenomic profiling of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has led to identification of recurrent mutations that are prognostic and are candidates for targeted therapy. Somatic mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) genes, IDH1 and IDH2, occur in ∼6% to 16% and ∼8% to 19% of adult patients with AML, respectively.1-5 In pediatric AML, IDH mutations are rare, occurring in <4% of patients.6-11
Characteristics and prognostic impact of IDH mutations in AML: a COG, SWOG, and ECOG analysis Blood Advances American Society of Hematology (
~What is Rezlidhia?~
REZLIDHIA is a prescription medicine used to treat adults with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with an isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 (IDH1) mutation when the disease has come back or has not improved after previous treatment(s).
Targeted Treatment REZLIDHIA® (olutasidenib) capsules
The cost for Rezlidhia oral capsule 150 mg is around $17,468 for a supply of 30 capsules, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Quoted prices are for cash-paying customers and are not valid with insurance plans. This price guide is based on using the discount card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies.
Rezlidhia Prices, Coupons, Copay & Patient Assistance -,on%20the%20pharmacy%20you%20visit.)
~Addressable Market~
The annual incidence of new cases in both men and women is approximately 4.3 per 100,000 population, totaling over 20,000 cases per year in the United States alone.[13] The median age at the time of diagnosis is about 68, with a higher prevalence observed among non-Hispanic Whites. Furthermore, males exhibit a higher incidence compared to females, with a ratio of 5:3.
Acute Myeloid Leukemia - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (
~Author Calculations/Estimates~
Cases of AML with IDH1 would be 11% based on the median of statistics above (6% to 16%) leaving approximately 1500 to 2000 cases a year in the US. Appling the same calculations to world population would amount to approximately 38,500 cases a year globally.
~Gavreto – Treats RET+ Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer In Adults and RET+ Thyroid Cancer in Kids and Adults, FDA Approved August 9, 2023~
For the sake of common ground, I am going to assume these types of cancers do not need to be elaborated on as we all likely have a basic understanding of what they are. The medical conditions treated by Tavalisse and Rezlidhia I felt needed a more in-depth explanation because they are not common. I will elaborate on RET+ a little later in this writing.
~What is Gavreto?~
GAVRETO is an oral once daily prescription medicine used to treat certain cancers caused by abnormal rearranged during transfection ~(RET+)~ genes in:
Adults with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that has spread
Adults and children 12 years of age and older with advanced thyroid cancer or thyroid cancer that has spread who require a medicine by mouth or injection (systemic therapy) and who have received radioactive iodine and it did not work or is no longer working*
It is not known if GAVRETO is safe and effective when used to treat cancers caused by abnormal RET genes in children for the treatment of NSCLC or in children younger than 12 years of age for the treatment of thyroid cancer.
Home GAVRETO® (pralsetinib)
The cost for Gavreto oral capsule 100 mg is around $11,745 for a supply of 60 capsules, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Quoted prices are for cash-paying customers and are not valid with insurance plans. This price guide is based on using the discount card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies.
The recommended dosage for adults and children 12 and over is 400mg orally once daily. Each capsule is 100mg, which means you will take 4 capsules. Gavreto should be taken on an empty stomach, at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal.
Gavreto Prices, Coupons, Copay & Patient Assistance -
~What is Rearranged During Transfection Positive (RET+)?~
RET-positive cancer is caused by a mutation or abnormal re-arrangement of the RET gene. It occurs most commonly in lung cancer and several types of inherited and sporadic thyroid cancers. RET alterations also occur in an estimated 1-2% of multiple other cancers, including ovarian, pancreatic, salivary, breast, and colorectal cancers.
RETpositive Empowering Patients and Driving Research
Rearranged during transfection (RET) rearrangements were first identified as oncogenic drivers in NSCLC in 2012. The proportion of patients with NSCLC who have RET rearrangements (ie, fusion-positive disease) is approximately 1%-2%.
RET Fusion-Positive Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: The Evolving Treatment Landscape The Oncologist Oxford Academic (
RET alterations occur most commonly in lung cancer (non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)) and the number of new cases diagnosed each year is considerable, accounting for approximately 37,500 [IG1] cases worldwide and 4,000 cases in the US (2% of NSCLC) (2,3). RET alterations are also common in several types of inherited and sporadic thyroid cancers and can occur in other types of cancers like ovarian, breast, pancreatic, and colorectal cancers, among others (4-8) adding >110,000 cases yearly worldwide (9).
What is RET Positive Lung Cancer? - The Happy Lungs Project
(2) Although medullary thyroid carcinoma represents 5-10% of all thyroid cancers, activating RET gene abnormalities occur in over 90% of hereditary and approximately 40%-60% of sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma cases.
Patients – RETpositive%20Although%20medullary%20thyroid%20carcinoma,sporadic%20medullary%20thyroid%20carcinoma%20cases.)
~Prevalence of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer~
Most lung cancer statistics include both small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In general, about 10% to 15% of all lung cancers are SCLC, and about 80% to 85% are NSCLC.
Lung cancer (both small cell and non-small cell) is the second most common cancer in both men and women in the United States (not counting skin cancer). In men, prostate cancer is more common, while breast cancer is more common in women.
The American Cancer Society’s estimates for lung cancer in the US for 2024 are:
About 234,580 new cases of lung cancer (116,310 in men and 118,270 in women)
About 125,070 deaths from lung cancer (65,790 in men and 59,280 in women)
Lung Cancer Statistics How Common is Lung Cancer? American Cancer Society
Worldwide, an estimated 2,206,771 people were diagnosed with lung cancer in 2020. These statistics include both small cell lung cancer and NSCLC.
Lung Cancer - Non-Small Cell: Statistics Cancer.Net
~Author Calculations/Estimates~
Approximately 187,664 cases of NSCLC in the US based on an 80% factor.
Approximately 1,765,416 cases of NSCLC worldwide based on an 80% factor.
~Prevalence of Thyroid Cancer~
Rate of New Cases and Deaths per 100,000: The rate of new cases of thyroid cancer was 13.5 per 100,000 men and women per year. The death rate was 0.5 per 100,000 men and women per year. These rates are age-adjusted and based on 2017–2021 cases and 2018–2022 deaths.
Lifetime Risk of Developing Cancer: Approximately 1.2 percent of men and women will be diagnosed with thyroid cancer at some point during their lifetime, based on 2017–2019 data. Lifetime risk based on data through 2022 will available soon.
Prevalence of This Cancer: In 2021, there were an estimated 979,295 people living with thyroid cancer in the United States.
Thyroid Cancer — Cancer Stat Facts
About 44,020 new cases of thyroid cancer (12,500 in men and 31,520 in women)
About 2,170 deaths from thyroid cancer (990 in men and 1,180 in women)
Thyroid cancer is often diagnosed at a younger age than most other adult cancers. The average age when a person is diagnosed with thyroid cancer is 51.
This cancer is about 3 times more common in women than in men. It is about 40% to 50% less common in Black people than in any other racial or ethnic group.
Key Statistics for Thyroid Cancer American Cancer Society)
Addressable Market
Given Gavreto’s dual treatment capacity, the total amount of potential patients with NSCLC with RET+ indications would be approximately 2,800 cases in the US and approximately 26,500 cases worldwide each year using a factor of 1.5% of total NSCLC cases. The total amount of treatable cases for Thyroid Cancer would be approximately 650 in the US and 16,500 cases worldwide respectively each year applying the same 1.5% RET+ percentage rate. DOUBLE CHECK MATH…
~Rigel Pharmaceuticals Pipeline~
~IRAK/4 – Clinical Trials~
Rigel’s investigational candidate, R289, is an oral, potent and selective inhibitor of interleukin receptor-associated kinases 1 and 4 (IRAK1/4).
Toll like receptors (TLRs) and the interleukin 1 receptor family (IL-1Rs) play a critical role in the innate immune response and dysregulation of these pathways can lead to a variety of inflammatory conditions such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Chronic stimulation of both receptor systems has also been implicated in causing a pro-inflammatory bone marrow environment leading to persistent cytopenias in lower-risk myelodysplastic syndrome (LR-MDS) patients1.
R835 is a selective dual inhibitor of IRAK1/4 that blocks TLR4 and IL-1R-dependent systemic cytokine release. In preclinical studies, R835 demonstrated activity in multiple animal models of inflammatory disease2,3 and showed that dual inhibition of IRAK1 and IRAK4 provided more complete suppression of inflammatory cytokines when compared to an IRAK4-selective inhibitor4.
Development of R289:
In a Phase 1 clinical trial, R835 was well tolerated and inhibited LPS-induced inflammatory cytokine production in healthy volunteers, demonstrating proof-of-mechanism.5 Phase 1 clinical studies of R289 (an oral prodrug that is rapidly converted to R835 in the gut) are also complete.
A Phase 1b open-label, multicenter trial of R289 in patients with relapsed/refractory lower-risk MDS is currently enrolling (NCT05308264). The primary endpoint for this trial is safety with key secondary endpoints including preliminary efficacy and evaluation of pharmacokinetic properties.
~Bemcentinib – Bergenbio Partnership~
In June 2011, Rigel entered into an exclusive, worldwide research, development and commercialization agreement with BerGenBio for its investigational AXL receptor tyrosine kinase (AXL) inhibitor, R428 (now referred to as bemcentinib).
Bemcentinib is a potent, selective and orally bioavailable AXL inhibitor and the furthest along in clinical trials. In preclinical studies, bemcentinib was shown to have an effect as a single agent therapeutic in the prevention and reversal of acquired resistance to standard of care cytotoxics and targeted therapies and may also slow or prevent tumor metastasis.
Rigel received an upfront payment and is eligible for milestone payments and potential sublicensing revenue, as well as tiered royalty payments on any future net sales of products emerging from the collaboration.
~R552 Systemic – Eli Lilly Partnership~
Rigel’s investigational candidates are oral, potent and selective inhibitors of receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 (RIPK1).
RIPK1 is a critical signaling protein implicated in a broad range of key inflammatory cellular processes including necroptosis, a type of regulated cell death, and cytokine production. In necroptosis, cells rupture leading to the dispersion of cell contents, which can trigger an immune response and enhance inflammation. RIPK1 inhibition has therapeutic potential in treating autoimmune, inflammatory, and neurodegenerative disorders.
Rigel’s RIPK1 inhibitor program includes R552, a systemic molecule being developed for the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, and brain penetrating RIPK1 inhibitors for central nervous system (CNS) diseases. In preclinical studies, R552 demonstrated prevention of joint and skin inflammation in a RIPK1-mediated murine model of inflammation and tissue damage.
Development of R552:
In Q2 2023, the initial Phase 2a trial (NCT05848258) in moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) was initiated by partner Eli Lilly.
Development CNS-penetrating RIPK1 inhibitors:
Currently in preclinical studies.
~Milademetan – Daiichi Sankyo Partnership~
Rigel has a long-standing collaboration with Daiichi-Sankyo for developing murine double minute 2 (MDM2) protein inhibitors in cancer, which were discovered in Rigel’s laboratories.
Preliminary safety and efficacy data from an early Phase 1 study of milademetan (formerly DS-3032), an oral selective MDM2 inhibitor, in hematological malignancies suggests that it may be a promising potential treatment for oncology indications.
Rigel received an upfront payment and is eligible for milestone payments, as well as tiered royalty payments on any future net sales of any products emerging from the collaboration.
~Rxxx (CNS Penetrant) – Eli Lilly Partnership~
Rigel’s investigational candidates are oral, potent and selective inhibitors of receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 (RIPK1).
RIPK1 is a critical signaling protein implicated in a broad range of key inflammatory cellular processes including necroptosis, a type of regulated cell death, and cytokine production. In necroptosis, cells rupture leading to the dispersion of cell contents, which can trigger an immune response and enhance inflammation. RIPK1 inhibition has therapeutic potential in treating autoimmune, inflammatory, and neurodegenerative disorders.
Rigel’s RIPK1 inhibitor program includes R552, a systemic molecule being developed for the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, and brain penetrating RIPK1 inhibitors for central nervous system (CNS) diseases. In preclinical studies, R552 demonstrated prevention of joint and skin inflammation in a RIPK1-mediated murine model of inflammation and tissue damage.
Development of R552:
In Q2 2023, the initial Phase 2a trial (NCT05848258) in moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) was initiated by partner Eli Lilly.
Development CNS-penetrating RIPK1 inhibitors:
Currently in preclinical studies. Pipeline :: Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (RIGL)
~Summary and Prediction~
The current share price of sub $1 does not feel justified. I would anticipate financial breakeven by the end of 2024 or potentially in Q1 or Q2 of 2025. The robust pipeline, progress, and expected revenue growth are enough to justify a much higher valuation. The debt load is manageable, but the potential for S is concerning. I believe that the S is not necessary and revenue growth and progress should speak for itself. I am not as bullish as the analysts at HC Wainright for a $15 PT, but the valuation should be at least 3x to 5x from the current value. This thesis does not highlight the patents surrounding their drugs either which some extend into 2035 and beyond. Perhaps what Wall Street is discounting is the fact that most of the drugs are very niche. However, the currently available drugs have an addressable market, albeit less universal than some, but you should value it in the sense of multiple facets (a 1000 headed snake is the phrase I wanted to use). I believe the company should be valued with specialty drugs in mind which would command a higher PE ratio. At the current day and time of writing, the value should be at least $1.50 to $1.75 ~at a minimum~ with a 12 month price target of $3 to $5+. I will be looking for continued revenue growth in each quarter this year and realization of revenue from Gavreto in Q2 or Q3 this year. The partnerships should not be discounted either and the current share price if it lingers here perhaps may attract a merger or acquisition. I initially began the research thinking that perhaps the drugs were too niche, but given the multiple drugs they are working with, I believe their revenue sources will continue to grow if you do not focus on one particular drug as the main performer. With the most recent inflation report being cooler than expected, I would suspect larger funds and institutions will be circling back to riskier assets.
submitted by The_Brand94 to u/The_Brand94 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:05 Loveth3soul-767 Why's bullying a problem? An awful state education military styled system that designed treat children like livestock cattle locked in a room every 30 mins per hour and 7 hours day, that's one of the biggest factors..

1: Let the youth respectfully quietly walk out and drink water and go to the bathroom without permission and walk and stretch to get something without getting in trouble, that's exactly what the military is, and getting detention for being 15 minutes late? Detention? Detained? Home Detention sounds very Fascistic police state like, a lot of schools don't allow that.
2: Memorizing words and filling in worksheets with pencils don't help that much and NCEA examines do not get one a job at, skills do like wood work or cooking or IT or sowing, expectation of only university/polytech, at least cooking or woodwork with others are legit skills unlike sitting on a table wasting 40 minutes of your life memorizing how and why the frog crossed the road with a pencil trying to spell ''ELECTR_CA_N TO H_NT FRO_'' "TO G_T TO FR_ANC_''
3: Keeping them silent in the class all the time will destroy their talking and communication skills especially for job interviews!!!
4: Many state schools are treating people who are on the verge of being adults like like micromanaged infants in a prison/military or live stock... the result? Stress, anxiety, anger, depression and conflict and taking out stress on other pupils and those pupils have no respect for anybody and devolving into sociopaths or psychopaths and even by now maybe having record numbers of work place violence due to bullying. By now 10% of NZ Adults by now who are truly scared of the world and live in front of screens 24/7 playing video games or social media or on drugs or alcohol living on the benefits not saying who people who don't work are bad at all ok? Because they never were respected as being a Human / a growing little man / little women in their school AKA ''NEET's'' I'm sorry this happened to you people, read books and go outside and watch the Swans in the park! NEET's! Don't give up! Life is beautiful! Godbless!
5: Back in the olden days most of the all youths when they turned 14 - 15 off to the factories or military you went and it was tough but you got earned cash and you worked and talked to adults a lot! Same thing in 3rd world nations!
6: The top professions that most attracts sex predators? Teachers or principals / jobs in secondary school education, police officers and priests with church clergy and 3rd world country aid workers not saying homeschool is the the solution but remember, sex predators are very, very smart and likable people, always have a theme of being a central figure or leadership in those types of circles not always but yeah...
7: I read Epstein FBI files last of all and Epsteins sex trafficking network was very, very well networked to many of the US School systems and admin staff and school boards always well linked in the Florida US area.
8: You cannot be too smart or too slow, what's the point taking the youngsters their making them stay 7 hours a day without any backing or funding or support? Useless. If they're too smart then get them to teach the class and help other students.
9: The lack of knowledge and uselessness of school counselors that don't understand Trauma or PTSD in children since a majority of mental health issues come from trauma
10: And if you had a good school that did allow all that was right then please thank those teachers or your parents, that's all I will say, please be happy and grateful!
11: No, no matter what Hollywood says high school prison system will never the best time of a lot of people lives, for most people it's at least their late teens to early 20's getting stupidly blacked out smashed on booze. swearing at bouncers, spewing all over the concrete and kicking over bins and bar fights, dancing to ugly remixed pop music you hate, chasing girls and gouging down junk food at 2pm and getting thrown in the cells or having dirty flats full of booze bottles and someone puked all over the couch sleeping on it as well at 10am and destroyed toilet of even more puke and urine with your xbox controllers being sticky and gross and where's the halo disc at?? And for me that was an expensive hobby and I regret not saving up for overseas or doing more hiking or outdoors.
submitted by Loveth3soul-767 to newzealand [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:36 braydenserna Assistance with Sheets Automation Scripts

I will preface this by stating I am by no means an expert at writing code for Google Apps Script (I have absolutely no idea what I am doing), which is why I rely on Gemini to write code for me.
I have a Google Sheet which contains various worksheets:
  1. CPT-4
  2. Modifiers - CPT-4
  3. CPT-4 II
  4. POS Codes
  5. MDC
  6. ICD-10-CM
  7. ICD-10-PCS
  8. HCPCS Level II
  9. Modifiers - HCPCS
  10. MS-DRG
  11. Revenue Codes
  12. ASC Payment Indicators - HCPCS
  13. OPPS Status Indicators - HCPCS
The worksheets contain a variable amount of data, but typically have between 1-6 columns, where A is the Code, B is the Modifier, C is the Description, D is the Abbreviated Description, and E are any applicable Notes. Because this data is updated very frequently, I want to use Apps Script to automate several processes to streamline maintenance of this workbook:
When a code is entered in a cell in column A, execute the following steps:
  1. Evaluate column A for duplicate entries; if the code already exists, reject the newly entered (duplicate) code
  2. Sort the worksheet by column A in alphabetical order
  3. Capitalize any alphabetical characters in the code string; for example, if I enter 3074f, change it to 3074F
In the past, it seemed to work to some degree, but now nothing is happening as expected.
Gemini was able to get the automation to work without requiring the use of a trigger (somehow), but in its troubleshooting suggestions, it said I need to create one. I have done so, and it still will not work--I keep getting an error when I debug the function.
Here's an example of one of my worksheets:
CPT-4 II worksheet
Here's the script which corresponds to the worksheet:
Corresponding code for CPT-4 II worksheet
Here is the trigger:
Trigger that I was told to configure by Gemini
Here's the error that one of the scripts is returning:
Error returned by the code corresponding with the OPPS Status Indicators - HCPCS worksheet
Debug of the code
I greatly appreciate any assistance as I am becoming incredibly frustrated.
Please let me know if there is any additional detail I can provide to assist.
submitted by braydenserna to GoogleAppsScript [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:16 Rapid1898 Write a nested list to excel with openpyxl?

Hello - i have created out of openpyxl a nested list in this form:
[ [, , , , , , , ] [, , , , , , , ] [, , , , , , , ] [, , , , , , , ] [, , , , , , , ] ]
How can i now write this cells to another excel worksheet using openpyxl?
submitted by Rapid1898 to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:31 Reffick [EXCEL] Get macro to put text in particular cell reference

I have 2 columns, one with a list of cell references (P), one with text (Q). I am trying to get the text to be put in the particular cell reference from a macro.
The code I'm using keeps throwing a 'Run-time error 1004, Method 'Range' of object '_Worksheet' failed
Sub OverwriteCellReferencesWithNames() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim cell As Range Dim nameCell As Range ' Set worksheet reference to Sheet1 Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Clear the contents of the specified ranges ws.Range("B4:F8").ClearContents ws.Range("B11:F15").ClearContents ' Loop through each cell in column P For Each cell In ws.Range("P2:P" & ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "P").End(xlUp).Row) ' Get the cell reference from column P Dim cellRef As String cellRef = cell.Value ' Find the corresponding name in column Q Set nameCell = ws.Cells(cell.Row, "Q") ' If a corresponding name is found in column Q, overwrite the cell reference in column P with the name If Not nameCell Is Nothing Then ws.Range(cellRef).Value = nameCell.Value End If Next cell End Sub 
The line that that keeps throwing the error is the "ws.Range(cellRef).Value = nameCell.Value"
Any help would be appreciated!
submitted by Reffick to vba [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:15 Jaggedchipper I found a Cassette tape at an abandoned police station, there’s a reason why the drawer was so hard to open

I am an avid Urban explorer, and have been to many, many places. Abandoned Kmarts, Schools, Malls and ESPECIALLY Police stations. You can find interesting stuff there if you look hard enough.
All the good shit is in the evidence and interview room. By chance you could find a phone, a knife and maybe even weed.
Look everywhere but BE CAREFUL, you could potentially set off security alarms.
Take at least 3 people with you just to be safe.
I’ll tell you something that happened around 11 years ago.
It was June, and the nights were hot and humid, most people were inside so we took the opportunity to explore somewhere riskier, as suggested by a friend.
F: “You think we can go somewhere new? I’m getting sick of the orthodox, boring stuff.
Me: “Sure, Where do you think we should go?”
F: “Somewhere risky, like an old abandoned police station”
Me: “Doesn’t sound too bad actually..”
Everyone agreed and so we went.
It didn’t seem to be guarded, but the power was still on.
We couldn’t back down now. We walked 10 miles to get there.
The interior felt dusty, and stunk of rotten wood. You could see that time has taken its toll; Exposed insulation from the ceiling collapsing. The odd few rat droppings and doors taken off their hinges.
Of course, graffiti was there, lots of it.
Everywhere was surprisingly pristine, and we walked In every room.
The custody cells were clean.
One thing to consider is that the place abandoned a good few years. (Around 2005)
My friend brought up;
“Hey, you wanna go into the kitchen? Wonder if there’s mold building up inside? I dare you to touch it!”
Me, getting startled by my friend’s eccentric voice abruptly cutting the silence, replied;
“Jesus, dude! The kitchen?”
F: “Yeah”
Me: “Sure, Why not?”
The kitchen was slightly dusty, and very empty, apart from a few utensils inside the sink.
From our prior experiences, we looked harder for random stuff. You never know what you can find in places like this.
Looking in the most obvious places first, I opened A drawer that was near a blender, its jug shattered into lots of pieces on the floor.
It was hard to get open, the drawer clearly sticky from the years it has been untouched, there were things inside as they rattled around, sounded like pens, pins and something more plastic.
With one big pull, it opened, and I saw paperclips, lots of pens, a few batteries and a dusty cassette tape.
We never found something like that before, my friend being an audiophile, was curious, so I wiped it.
“85102”, was written on the peeling off label.
It was getting extremely late at this point, so we walked home.
First thing we did, was get the cassette decl out, and play it.
tape starts
A: “Here’s a bag, for your uhhh… problems…”
B: “Thank you. sighs it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Everything you tried isn’t working”
A male and a female voice spoke, age related damage distorting the audio
A: “I don’t know what to say, at all. Is there anything that will work, EVER? I tried morphine, fetanyl, hydromorphone and even carfetanil, every opioid I can think of. And still, you say your body won’t stop hurting, maybe you have bone cancer?”
B: “It doesn’t help. It never helps. You only get me more hooked. And no, I don’t have bone cancer.”
A: “What do YOU think is the best option? You’re obviously in a lot of pain….. the only option sounds like suicide. It will get rid of the pain. Your body can’t move without you screaming. It’s practically eating you alive.”
B: “laughs oh you’re seriously going to say that. After all that, the tank experiment, you tried the femur peeling TO GET RID OF THE PAIN, YOU DID THINK THE PAIN WAS COMING FROM THERE. HOW DID YOU THINK THAT WAS GOING TO HELP, I WAS DRUGGED UP, you’re going to suggest I DIE, Just because you can’t fix this. You’re horrible”
A: “It’s the best option, the pain will leave you”
B:”yeah? Here’s some truth, it can never leave me. I’ve been dealing with this for FIFTEEN FUCKING YEARS! the audio distorts from the sudden yell
B appears to have snapped, and says something before getting cut off
B:You want to do the assisted suicide, FINE. BUT IT WOULD NOT WORK
the cassette cuts to some jazz music for the rest of side A
F: “What the actual…… holy shit.”
I didn’t have the words to speak…. It was simply the most unnerving thing I’ve heard.
Everything was uncanny about it.
Despite the previous audio shaking us up pretty badly, I went to go and turn the tape over to side B. A sharp, intense feeling of pain surged through my head, my lungs losing their oxygen slowly. Fell on the floor, tried to get up by getting on the couch and did my best not to pass out and die as breathing was getting difficult now. I COULD NOT BREATHE.
My head was pounding , my right eye felt like a sharp wooden stick piercing my eyeball. I couldn’t scream. I kept coughing. I wheezed. And then everything went black .
Who knows how long later, I got up, the pain subsided, and the environment was extremely unfamiliar. There was just this river, an endless river, length and width, with a dark navy blue sky.
All that could be heard was the river.
I must drink, I need food. Was the impulse, there was nothing.
I tried to drink the river water, but I vomited this black gel. It felt like jelly, it smelled like jelly.
Had to continue on walking.
Around half a mile through, a whirlpool suddenly formed and sucked me down into a vantablack void.
Everything felt slow, and the impact of landing on a SHARP big rock, broke a rib and punctured one of my lungs.
Even more gel came up.
My lungs filled up with gel, even more came out, it was pouring as it hit the ground.
Then the atmosphere changed, the sound changed, to something familiar.
The vantablack changed into a beautiful jungle, everything was too real
the smell of the waterfall and plants.
The feel of the grass
I vomited again, again and again.
I was starting to choke. It wasn’t runny enough to swallow.
Couldn’t take any chances and ran to the white door that was open, coughing wildly, the “blood” stickying the soft cotton of my beige hoodie.
The door opened, it felt light. It WAS the embodiment of light.
And I entered it.
Everything went white, and I woke up at home.
My friend doesn’t think we should listen to side B.
Should we call an exorcist, a paranormal expert? Please let me know.
submitted by Jaggedchipper to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:14 Independent_Leg_7907 Ranting on female friendships

I don't know how some women can be this shitty, ignorant and immature crap.
The other day my roommate was pointing at a harmless girl on street and mocking her walking style and choice of clothes ( poor girl was just buying some groceries in pj's dammit). All the conversations my roommate makes are centered around how tall or good looking she is. Advices me to befriend random people just because they are pretty. Half her complains don't make sense to me because they are beyond first world problems.
Having to deal with such beauties without Brain is such a pain.Its worse if these beauties loose their simps for whatever reasons.Their female friends become the scape goats, idk why im being forced to go through her tanturms for a week just because she had a break up. IDK Why Id be labeled insensitive if I don't empathize to her sob stories, idk why they can't even make a solo visit to the nearby supermarket. Im just scared that my Brian cells will shrink with the amount of interaction I'm forced to have with them on a daily basis. I'm just sad that I being forced to run away from my comfort space just to avoid interaction with them.
P.S : I clearly used the words 'some', 'few' so.. I'm not generalizing all women. I personally admire few female friends of mine for their intellect and independence but majority stink and are outright mean.
submitted by Independent_Leg_7907 to bondha_diaries [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:15 guymanchu7 Newly diagnosed PV - 37M

Hi everyone. I’m a 37 year old Caucasian male who was recently diagnosed with PV. I have had high white blood cell counts all of my life. This was initially thought to be related to the abuse endured before adoption (sexually traded, etc as a child pre-adoption) and I was labeled with Combat PTSD, even though I have no service to this country in that capacity.
Doctors were puzzled by this but seeing as no infection could ever be found it became something of note for blood draws but not necessarily looked at deeper by anyone. About 4 years ago I had a post fossia cranial decompression procedure completed for my Chiari malformation. That look care of a lot of the symptoms for a while, fatigue, burning hands, seizure like symptoms etc.
About 2 years ago I thought it would be a good idea to get a primary care doctor and do a men’s health work up. After the CBC came back it was noted my white blood cells, platelets, and red blood cells were abnormally high. I was then sent to oncology for care. I started a course of Hydroxyurea and developed cytopenias and was subsequently referred to a cancer institution.
The cancer institute that has been following me with yearly appointments and quarterly blood draws sounded the alarm on the most recent blood draw.
I am starting ropeginterferon June 10th and I’m absolutely beside myself with all of this. I have a new family, wife, daughter almost four years old, and a son almost two years old. I am four years into my private practice as an LCSW and by outside eye’s judgement my life is perfect. I
I find myself thinking I’m crazy. I’ve been going through this so long I stopped talking about it. Every person I reach out to support to shrugs their shoulders or doesn’t have the capacity to help me lighten my load.
Some days I am full of energy, others I am not. Some days I’m the dad I know I can be and others I feel like the lowest primordial scum. I’m looking to connect with people who are experiencing this disease and am looking for support. I am not an energy sucking individual and would like to hear from people who have a perspective full of an abundance of positivity.
If this was an exercise in catharsis then goal achieved. If anyone would like to connect, I welcome it.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
submitted by guymanchu7 to polycythemiavera [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:03 bonniekbrown Drainage Activator

Drainage Activator
🌊 Discover Enhanced Detox with Our FREE Drainage Activator Flyer! 🌊
🌱Are you ready to take your detox to the next level? Introducing the Drainage Activator from CellCore Biosciences – a powerful formula designed to support your extracellular matrix, lymphatic system, liver, and gut. 🚀
🔹 Key Benefits:
-Boosts detoxification processes
-Enhances the function of the extracellular matrix
-Supports natural drainage and detox pathways
Drainage Activator is specially formulated to help cleanse and support your body's intricate systems. Whether you're looking to improve your overall health or enhance other detox protocols, this product is an essential tool in your wellness arsenal.
🎁 Get your FREE flyer today and learn "How To" effectively detoxify your body and achieve your best wellness! click here
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🚀 Learn how to fix your health and get to your best wellness possible with our 🆓 F.R.E.E. Health Assessment, 🆓 F.R.E.E. Recap Report, and 🆓 F.R.E.E Consultation. 💸 Plus, save 10% on all CellCore Biosciences products, prices & protocols.
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CellCore #DetoxifyYourBody #HealthJourney #Wellness #ABetterLife
submitted by bonniekbrown to u/bonniekbrown [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:50 420MacMan [USA-CA][H] PS1+2+3+4+Vita, XBox360+One+Controllers, N64, Dreamcast, Gameboy, Wii, Switch, DS, 3DS, $5 Games, Manuals/Covers/Cases [W] Paypal

Have a few items i'm trying to clear out all in good condition, noted if games are loose or CIB.
Open to offers as i'd really like to move these items soon , bundle lots listed as well with discounts.
$5 Games for various systems available $25 Minimum if only buying from this list please.
$3.50 Shipping for first item & exact amount for bigger bundles sent via USPS and taking Paypal F&F with Pics available upon request.
Total estimate with PriceCharting is about $2,900
Will take and accept $2,400 Shipped on the entire Lot excluding Paperwork Material.

PS4 - $200 on Lot

PS4 Slim 500 GB Console with 1x OEM Black Dualshock $175
Metro Redux CIB $15
Plants vs Zombies 2 : Garden Warfare $10
Deus Ex MD $10
Grand Theft Auto V $10

XBox - $125 on Lot
Metro Redux $10
Rare Replay/Ultimate Gears of War $20
Torment Tides of Nememura in GameStop Case $10
Transformers Devastation $20
Sunset Overdrive $10
Pillars of Eternity in GameStop Case $10
One Lords of the Fallen $10
XBox One Phantom Black Controller CIB USED $25 (Controller is 7/10 cosmetic wise with bottom back bumpers having heavy scuffs & 9/10 overall function wise)
XBox Series S White OEM Controller - $25 (Controller is 9/10 cosmetic wise. Left trigger buttons gets stuck randomly not sure if something small or dirt is stuck, buttons functions perfectly)

N64 - $500 on lot
Cruis'N USA - $15
Body Harvest - $20
Aerofighters Assault - $10
Top Gear Overdrive - $10
Tony Hawk 3 - $65
Buck Bumble - $30
Pokemon Puzzle League with Manual (game and manual in great condition) - $40
Space Station Silicon Valley - $40
Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko (Entire label was missing so a cheap replacement was made) - $20
Command And Conquer - $20
The New Tetris - $30
Snowboard Kids 1 with Manual (manual and game in great shape small tear on back of Cart) - $70
Robotron 64 - $20
Forsaken 64 (video rental sticker on label) $15
Yoshi's Story - $25
Mischief Makers - $40
Wipeout - $15
Doom 64 - $30
Kobe Bryant In NBA Courtside Box(good shape includes inner tray) - $25
NHL Breakaway '98 Box (good condition no inner tray) - $10
Mario Tennis 64 Game with Box (Box is rough shape, missing ride side flap. includes inner tray, Cart is clean) - $50


TMNT Fall of the Foot Clan - $10

Switch - $325 on lot

Hori Split Pad Pro Blue CIB (used about 7 months in 9/10 condition) - $25
Old Skool GC Controller Adapter (Works on Switch/PC/Wii U) - $20
Hyperkin Joy-Con Grip Charger - $10
Monster Hunter Rise Joy-Cons with Grip NIB - $125
Shin Megami Tensei V [Steelbook Edition] - $30
Blacksad: Under The Skin [Limited Edition] SEALED $25
KORG Gadget $65
Psikyo Collection Vol. 3 JAP $45

PS Vita - $275 on Lot

The Walking Dead: Season 2 $25
Hot Shots Golf World Invitational $15
Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel 1 $40
Dynasty Warriors Next $20
Stranger Of Sword City $25
Shantae Half-Genie Hero [Risky Beats Edition] $45
UnEpic SEALED $65
Risk Of Rain SEALED $35
Aqua Kitty SEALED $40

Dreamcast - $20 on Lot

NBA2K1 loose $10
World Series Baseball 2K1 loose $10
MTV Sports Skateboarding loose $10

3DS - $100 on Lot

Legend Of Legacy Launch Edition SEALED $60
Crush 3D Loose in 3DS Case $10
Cubic Ninja Loose in 3DS Case $10
Codename S.T.E.A.M $10
Smash Bros 3DS CIB $17
Steel Diver CIB $8

PS1 - $45 on Lot

Fighter Maker Loose $10
FF9 CIB (Case damaged) $15
Sim City 2000 Game+Case (damaged) $10
Oddworld Abes Oddysee CIB $20

DS - $50 on Lot

Bleach Blade Of Fate Loose $15
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Ring Of Fates - $15
OEM Charging Base for original 3DS $20
Intec DS Case(scuffed up) $10

PS3 - $85 on Lot

Final Fantasy X/X2 Remaster Limited Edition CIB $10
NiNoKuni 1 Steelbook CIB $20
Zone Of The Enders HD Collection CIB $15
Yakuza 3 Loose $15
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Loose $15
Genji Days Of The Blade $20
Genji Days Of The Blade Loose $10

PS2 - $250 on Lot
MGS 2 CIB $10
DQ8 missing Demo Disc $20
Onimusha 2 CIB $15
MX vs ATV Unleashed CIB $10
Tekken 5 CIB $30
Kingdom Hearts 1 GH CIB $10
Kingdom Hearts 2 GH CIB $10
Stuntman CIB $10
Looney Tunes Back in Action CIB Looney Tunes Back in Action $10
Tak CIB $10
Soul Caliber 3 CIB $15
God of War 1 First Print CIB $50
GTA San Andreas (missing manual) $10
Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec $10
Soul Caliber 2 CIB $15
ATV Offroad Fury 4 $10
MDK 2 Armageddon Loose $10
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 $10
The Getaway $10
007 Agent Under Fire Loose $10
Test Drive GH $10
Eye Toy Antigrav with Eye Camera $20

XB360 - $35 on Lot

3rd Party Controller $10
Marvel Ultimate Alliance in Gamestop Case $10
OEM Black Controller with Battery Pack $20

Gamecube - $275 for Lot

GBA to GC Link Cable loose - $15
Donkey Kong Bundle (includes CIB copy of Donkey Konga, 1x loose Bogo Drum controller and DK Jungle Beat Bongo Drum controller in box but missing game BOX IS IN ROUGH SHAPE) - $125
Odama CIB with Microphone (Big Box is in rough shape but Game/Case/Manual/Mic are in perfect condition) $40
GB Player OEM Case Holder *Missing outer cardboard and Manual $25
Monopoly Party+Manual in Blockbuster Case $10
Star Wars Rogue Leader+Manual in DVD Case $15
Spiderman 2 Player's Choice (Missing Manual) $15
Megaman Anniversary Collection (Missing Manual) $20
MC Groovez Dance Craze$10
Fifa Soccer 2002 $10
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 loose in GC Case $15
Resident Evil 1 CIB Players Choice $35

Wii - $20 for Lot

Nights Journey of Dreams in Gamestop Case & Manual $10
Generic Dual Wiimote Charging Dock $10

$5 Games - $150 on Lot

GC 007 NightFire Case with Fantastic Four Games
GC NFL2k3 Loose with Cover & Manual
XB360 BF3 Limited Edition
XB360 Kinect Adventures
XB360 Motionsports
XB360 Call of Duty Ghosts
XB360 Darksiders 2
PS2 Wheel of Fortune
PS2 Motorcross Mania 3
PS2 Seaworld Deep Sea Adventures
PS2 Socom US Navy Seal
PS2 Final Fantasy X-2
PS2 ThrillVille
PS2 Star Wars The Force Unleashed CIB
PS2 Army Men Soldiers of Misfortune
PS2 Welcome to Jumpack Demo Disc
PS2 Metal Arms in Generic Case
PS2 Army Men
PS2 Rocky
PS2 NCAA Football 2004
PS2 Army Men : Sarges Hero
PS2 Full Spectrum Warrior
PS2 NCAA Football 2003
PS2 NCAA Football 2004
PS3 Need for Speed Most Wanted CIB
PS3 Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3
PS3 Need for Speed Pro Street
PS3 Red Faction Guerilla x2
PS3 MoH Warfighter LE Loose
PS3 Crysis 2
PS3 Mercenaries 2 in Generic Case
PS3 Call of Duty MW3 x2
PS3 Assassins Creed 4 BF
PS3 Beyond Steelbook (Bad shape broken at spine)
PS3 Uncharted Dual Pack in Custom generic case
PS4 Has Been Heroes
PS4 The Division

Covers, Cases and Manuals

8x Universal Game Cases (N64,SNES,Genesis,etc) $8 Each
3DS Persona Q : Shadow of the Labyrinth Case $10
PS4 Rise of the Tomb Raider 20th Anniversary Extras Only No Game $10
Grand Kingdom Case $10
Toukiden : Kiwami Case $10
Wii Dragon Quest Swords Manual $7
Wii Monster Hunter 3 Manual $5
Wii Elebits Manual $5
GC Ghost Recon Case & Manual $7
GC True Crime Streets of LA Case & Manual $10
GC Spiderman 1 Case Only $7
GC Dead to Rights Case & Manual $10
GC Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Case & Manual $10
GC Hitman 2 Case & Manual $10
GC MoH Frontline Case & Manual $7
GC Rainbow Six 3 Case & Manual $7
PS2 Red Faction Case $5
PS2 Call of Duty FH Case & Manual $7
GC NFL 2K3 Case $5
PS4 Nioh Case $5
PS Vita Exist Archive Case $5
PS3 Zone of Enders HD Collection Case & Manual $10
PS2 Dragon Quest 8 Case & Manual $10
PS2 Onimusha 2 Case & Manual $10
PS2 Tekken 5 Case & Manual $10
PS2 Kingdom Hearts 1 GH Case & Manual $10
PS2 Kingdom Hearts 2 GH Case & Manual $10
PS2 Area 51 Case PAL version $5
GC NBA 2K2 Case & Manual $10
PS2 Final Fantasy X-2 Case $ Manual $10
PS2 Starwars Battlefront Case & Manual $10
GC Prince of Persia Cover & Manual $10
GC Viewtiful Joe 1 Manual $20
PS2 Katamari Damacy Cover & Manual $10
GC Burnout 3 Takedown $5
PS2 Nightmare before Christmas Oogies Revenge Cover & Manual $15
PS2 GTA San Andreas Cover & Manual $10
PS2 Capcom Classic Collection Cover & Manual $15
PS2 Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution Manual $5
PS2 Megaman X Collection Cover & Manual $15
PS2 Star Ocean Till the End of Time Cover & Manual $10
PS2 R-Type Final Cover & Manual $15
PS2 Soul Caliber 2 Cover $7
XB Panzer Dragoon Orta Cover & Manual $30
XB Ninja Gaiden Black Cover & Manual $10
PS2 Mad Maestro Cover & Manual $10
PS2 007 Everything or Nothing Manual $5
PS2 Half Life 2 Cover $10
PS2 Devil May Cry 3 Cover & Manual $10
PS2 FF X-2 Cover & Manual $10
PS2 REZ Cover & Manual $15
PS2 Rygar Cover & Manual $10
PS2 Chaos Legion Manual $7
PS2 Zone of Enders 1 Cover & Manual $10
PS2 Final Fantasy 12 Manual $7
PS2 Front Mission 4 Cover & Manual $10
PS2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence Cover $7
PS2 Escape from Monkey Island Cover $7
PS1 Final Fantasy Chronicles GH Back/Front Cover & Manual $10
PS1 Tenchu 1 Cover & Manual $15
PS1 Final Fantasy 7 GH Front/Back Cover & Manual $15
PS1 Buster Bros Collection Cover & Manual $20
GC Zelda Master Quest Manual + Windwaker Promotional Paperwork $30
PS2 Black Case & Manual $10
submitted by 420MacMan to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:38 Best-Video-Ever Alpilean Review: A Comprehensive Look at the Revolutionary Weight Loss Supplement

Alpilean Review: A Comprehensive Look at the Revolutionary Weight Loss Supplement
Have you ever struggled to lose weight, trying countless diets and exercise plans without seeing the results you desire? The journey to weight loss can be frustrating and demoralizing, leaving you feeling defeated and hopeless. But what if there was a breakthrough solution that could finally help you achieve your weight loss goals?
Introducing Alpilean, a revolutionary weight loss supplement that harnesses the power of an alpine ice hack to unlock the true potential of your body. With Alpilean, you can take control of your weight loss journey and experience the transformation you’ve always dreamed of.
Like many others, Samantha had tried everything to lose weight. She had struggled with her body image for years, battling insecurities and feeling trapped in a cycle of yo-yo dieting. But when she discovered Alpilean, everything changed. With the help of this innovative supplement, Samantha finally found the key to unlocking her body’s natural fat-burning abilities.
As she embarked on her Alpilean journey, Samantha was amazed at how quickly she started seeing results. The pounds began to melt away, and she felt a renewed energy and confidence that she had never experienced before. Gone were the days of deprivation and frustration. Alpilean had become her secret weapon, supporting her every step of the way.
Now, it’s your turn. Take the leap and discover the true weight loss effects of Alpilean. Say goodbye to ineffective solutions and embrace a new chapter in your journey towards a healthier, happier you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Alpilean is a revolutionary weight loss supplement that utilizes an alpine ice hack to unlock your body’s true weight loss potential.
  • Real users like Samantha have experienced transformative results with Alpilean, shedding pounds and gaining renewed energy and confidence.
  • Say goodbye to ineffective solutions and embrace the power of Alpilean on your weight loss journey.

What is Alpilean?

Alpilean is a groundbreaking weight loss supplement designed to help individuals shed pounds and achieve their weight loss goals. This section will provide an overview of the Alpilean supplement, including its key ingredients and their potential weight loss benefits.


The Alpilean supplement is formulated with a unique blend of ingredients that have been carefully selected for their weight loss properties. These ingredients work synergistically to promote fat burning, boost metabolism, and support overall wellness.
Here are the key ingredients found in Alpilean:
Ingredient Potential Weight Loss Benefits Green Tea Extract May increase calorie burning and fat oxidation, leading to weight loss. Black Pepper Extract May enhance metabolism and improve the absorption of other ingredients. Garcinia Cambogia Extract May help suppress appetite and inhibit the production of fat. Capsaicin May boost metabolism and support fat burning. Apple Cider Vinegar May help reduce appetite and support weight loss.
These ingredients work together to provide a comprehensive weight loss solution, helping users achieve their desired results.

How Alpilean Works

Alpilean works by targeting key aspects of weight loss, including increasing metabolism, suppressing appetite, and promoting fat burning. The combination of ingredients in Alpilean supports these mechanisms, resulting in effective weight loss.
The green tea extract in Alpilean can boost metabolism, increasing the number of calories burned throughout the day. This can help individuals achieve a calorie deficit, which is essential for weight loss.
Additionally, the Garcinia Cambogia extract in Alpilean may help suppress appetite and reduce cravings, making it easier to adhere to a reduced-calorie diet. By controlling appetite, individuals can better manage their food intake and avoid overeating.
The capsaicin and black pepper extract in Alpilean may enhance thermogenesis, the process by which the body generates heat and burns calories. This can further contribute to weight loss by increasing the body’s energy expenditure.
Furthermore, the apple cider vinegar in Alpilean has been shown to have potential weight loss benefits, including reducing appetite and improving blood sugar control.
By incorporating Alpilean into their weight loss journey, individuals can harness the power of these ingredients to enhance their results and achieve their desired weight loss goals.

The Science Behind Alpilean

To understand the effectiveness of Alpilean as a weight loss supplement, it’s important to explore the scientific research and studies that support its claims. By investigating the mechanisms behind Alpilean’s weight loss effects, we can gain insight into how it works to promote fat burning and boost metabolism.
One key ingredient in Alpilean is derived from an alpine ice hack, which has been shown to have potential weight loss benefits. Research suggests that this unique component can help activate thermogenesis in the body, leading to increased calorie burning and fat loss.
Studies have also indicated that Alpilean may have a positive impact on appetite regulation. By influencing key neurotransmitters in the brain, Alpilean may help reduce cravings and promote feelings of fullness, potentially leading to a decrease in overall calorie intake.
Furthermore, Alpilean has been found to potentially enhance energy expenditure and metabolic rate. This means that individuals using Alpilean may experience an increase in energy levels and a greater ability to burn calories, even during periods of rest.
When considering Alpilean as a dietary supplement for weight loss purposes, it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it aligns with individual needs and goals.

Alpilean: Real User Experiences

Discover the transformative weight loss journeys of individuals who have incorporated Alpilean into their lives. Hear directly from real users who have experienced the remarkable effects of this innovative supplement.
Sarah’s story is just one of many success stories shared by Alpilean users. From shedding stubborn belly fat to achieving significant weight loss milestones, these individuals have experienced incredible transformations. The secret lies in the unique ice hack method used in Alpilean’s formula, which targets fat cells and boosts metabolism.

Real Results

Let’s take a look at some of the notable results achieved by Alpilean users:
User Weight Loss Challenges Satisfaction Emily 25 lbs Overcoming emotional eating Highly satisfied Michael 18 lbs Breaking through weight loss plateau Extremely satisfied Jennifer 15 lbs Increasing energy levels Very satisfied
As demonstrated in the table above, Alpilean has helped users achieve substantial weight loss results. Despite facing their own unique challenges, they successfully overcame obstacles and reached their goals, experiencing a significant boost in confidence and overall satisfaction.
Their experiences speak volumes about the effectiveness of Alpilean in supporting weight loss efforts and improving overall well-being. If you’re ready to embark on your own weight loss journey and want to learn more about the remarkable benefits of Alpilean, continue reading.

How to Use Alpilean for Optimal Results

To maximize the weight loss effects of Alpilean, it is important to follow the recommended usage instructions. By incorporating Alpilean into a healthy lifestyle, you can enhance its effectiveness and achieve your weight loss goals. Here are some tips and strategies to help you get the most out of your Alpilean experience:
  1. Take Alpilean as directed: Follow the dosage instructions provided with the supplement. It is important to take the recommended amount of Alpilean to ensure optimal results.
  2. Consistency is key: Incorporate Alpilean into your daily routine and take it consistently. It is recommended to take Alpilean at the same time each day to establish a routine that works best for you.
  3. Combine with a balanced diet: Alpilean works best when combined with a healthy, balanced diet. Focus on consuming nutrient-rich foods and limit your intake of processed and sugary foods.
  4. Stay hydrated: Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day can help support the weight loss process. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
  5. Engage in regular physical activity: Exercise can complement the weight loss effects of Alpilean. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, or any other physical activity that you enjoy.
  6. Listen to your body: Pay attention to how your body responds to Alpilean. If you experience any adverse effects or have concerns, consult with a healthcare professional.
By following these guidelines, you can optimize your use of Alpilean and increase your chances of achieving your weight loss goals. Incorporating Alpilean into a healthy lifestyle can provide the support you need to reach your desired results.

The Benefits of Alpilean

Alpilean, the weight loss supplement powered by an alpine ice hack, offers a range of potential benefits for individuals striving to shed excess weight and lead a healthier lifestyle. By incorporating Alpilean into your weight loss journey, you can experience a transformation that goes beyond just numbers on a scale.

Shed Excess Weight

Boost Energy Levels

Suppress Appetite

Improve Overall Well-Being

Unparalleled Advantages

What sets Alpilean apart from other weight loss products on the market is its innovative alpine ice hack. This powerful technique targets fat cells, allowing for accelerated weight loss and noticeable results. Say goodbye to traditional weight loss supplements that offer generic solutions, and embrace the unique advantages that Alpilean has to offer.

Are There Any Side Effects?

When considering any dietary supplement, it’s essential to understand its safety profile and potential side effects. Alpilean is no exception. While Alpilean is generally well-tolerated by most users, it’s crucial to be aware of any adverse reactions that have been reported.
Before incorporating Alpilean into your weight loss journey, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional. They can assess your individual circumstances and help determine if Alpilean is suitable for you. Your healthcare provider can also address any concerns or questions you may have.
While side effects associated with Alpilean are rare, a small number of users have reported experiencing mild gastrointestinal discomfort, such as bloating or gas. These effects are generally temporary and subsiding as the body adjusts to the supplement.
Although Alpilean is derived from natural ingredients, some individuals may have specific allergies or sensitivities that could potentially lead to adverse reactions. Therefore, it’s crucial to carefully review the ingredients list of Alpilean to ensure you are not allergic or sensitive to any component.
It’s important to note that the severity and prevalence of side effects may vary among individuals. If you experience any unusual or concerning symptoms while taking Alpilean, it is recommended to discontinue use and seek medical advice promptly.
Remember, every individual’s body is unique, and what works for one person may not work the same way for another. Monitoring your body’s response and consulting with a healthcare professional are essential steps to ensure a safe and effective weight loss journey with Alpilean.
Side Effects: Rarity: Mild gastrointestinal discomfort (bloating, gas) Rare

Alpilean: Where to Buy and Pricing

Looking to purchase Alpilean? You’re in the right place! Below, we provide you with all the information you need to know about where to buy Alpilean and the pricing options available. Plus, we’ll also give you the scoop on any promotional offers or discount codes you can use to get the best value for your money.

Buying from the Alpilean Official Website

To ensure you’re getting the authentic Alpilean product and taking advantage of any exclusive offers, it’s recommended to purchase directly from the official Alpilean website. You can easily find the official website by searching for “Alpilean official website” on your preferred search engine. Once you’re on the official website, you’ll have access to the latest and genuine Alpilean supplement.

Exploring Promotional Offers and Discount Codes

When purchasing Alpilean from the official website, keep an eye out for any promotional offers or discount codes that may be available. These offers can provide you with cost savings or additional benefits when you buy Alpilean. To find out if there are any current promotions or discount codes, simply visit the official website and look for the “Promotions” or “Offers” section. Don’t miss out on these great deals!

Pricing Options

Alpilean offers various pricing options to suit your needs and budget. The pricing may vary depending on the package size and any additional bonuses included. On the official website, you’ll find detailed information about the different pricing options available for Alpilean. Choose the option that fits your weight loss goals and budget, and start your journey towards a healthier you.
Package Pricing Bonuses Starter Package $39.99 Free shipping Intermediate Package $79.99 Free shipping + 1 month supply Ultimate Package $129.99 Free shipping + 2 month supply + Alpilean recipe book
Investing in your health and well-being with Alpilean is a wise choice. With the information provided above, you can confidently make your purchase through the official website, take advantage of any promotional offers or discount codes, and select the pricing option that aligns with your needs. Start your weight loss journey with Alpilean today!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

As the popularity of Alpilean continues to grow, it’s natural to have questions and concerns about this weight loss supplement. In this FAQ section, we will address some of the most common queries to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

1. What is the recommended dosage of Alpilean?

The recommended dosage of Alpilean is two capsules per day. It is advised to take one capsule in the morning and another in the evening with a full glass of water. To achieve optimal results, it is essential to follow the recommended dosage and not exceed the stated amount.

2. Is Alpilean safe to use?

Alpilean is formulated using natural ingredients and is generally considered safe for consumption when used as directed. However, it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary supplement, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are on medication.

3. Are there any potential interactions with other medications?

While there are no known interactions between Alpilean and medications, it is always wise to consult with your healthcare provider if you are taking any medications or have any concerns about potential interactions. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation.

4. How long does it take to see results with Alpilean?

The timeframe for seeing results with Alpilean may vary from person to person. Some users may start noticing positive changes within a few weeks, while others may require more time. Consistency in taking the supplement and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are key factors in achieving desired results.

5. Can Alpilean be used by both men and women?

Yes, Alpilean is suitable for both men and women who are looking to support their weight loss journey. Its natural ingredients are designed to assist individuals of any gender in achieving their weight loss goals.

6. What happens if I miss a dose of Alpilean?

If you accidentally miss a dose of Alpilean, simply take the next scheduled dose as usual. It is important not to double the dosage to make up for the missed one, as this may lead to potential side effects or complications.
We hope this FAQ section has addressed some of your questions about Alpilean. If you have any further inquiries or concerns, it’s always best to consult with the official Alpilean customer support or your healthcare professional for personalized advice. Remember, everyone’s journey is unique, and finding the right solution for you is key.

Alpilean vs. Other Weight Loss Supplements

When it comes to weight loss supplements, Alpilean stands out from the crowd with its unique alpine ice hack approach. Unlike traditional supplements, Alpilean harnesses the power of the alpine ice hack to help individuals achieve their weight loss goals effectively and naturally.
So, what sets Alpilean apart from other weight loss supplements on the market? Let’s dive in and explore the advantages and potential drawbacks of different approaches to weight loss.

The Alpine Ice Hack: A Unique Path to Weight Loss

Alpilean’s alpine ice hack approach takes a distinct route towards weight loss compared to traditional supplements. By leveraging the power of alpine ice, Alpilean aims to boost metabolism, enhance fat burning, and promote weight loss in a natural and sustainable way.

The Benefits of Alpilean’s Alpine Ice Hack

While traditional weight loss supplements may offer their own advantages, Alpilean’s alpine ice hack brings unique benefits to the table:
  • Enhanced Metabolism: The alpine ice hack in Alpilean helps rev up your metabolism, allowing you to burn calories more efficiently and potentially support weight loss.
  • Natural and Sustainable: Alpilean’s alpine ice hack approach promotes weight loss using natural ingredients, avoiding the potential side effects of artificial substances.
  • Long-Lasting Results: The alpine ice hack in Alpilean aims to foster sustainable weight loss, helping you achieve lasting results rather than relying on quick fixes.

Drawbacks of Traditional Weight Loss Supplements

While traditional weight loss supplements can be effective for some individuals, they may have their limitations:
  • Potential Side Effects: Traditional supplements often contain stimulants or artificial ingredients that can cause side effects such as jitters, increased heart rate, and digestive issues.
  • Short-Term Solutions: Some traditional supplements may offer temporary weight loss but fail to address long-term sustainable results.
  • Dependency: Individuals relying solely on traditional supplements may become dependent on them, making it challenging to maintain weight loss once they stop taking the supplement.

Choosing the Right Path to Weight Loss

Ultimately, when deciding on a weight loss supplement, it’s crucial to consider your personal preferences and goals. If you’re seeking a natural and sustainable approach with enhanced metabolism support, Alpilean and its alpine ice hack may be worth exploring.
However, it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any dietary supplement to ensure it aligns with your individual needs and health conditions.

Alpilean’s Money-Back Guarantee

When it comes to investing in a weight loss supplement, it’s important to have peace of mind. That’s why Alpilean offers a generous money-back guarantee to its customers. This guarantee reflects the confidence that Alpilean has in its product and its commitment to customer satisfaction.
With Alpilean’s money-back guarantee, users can try the supplement risk-free. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can contact Alpilean’s customer support within the specified timeframe to initiate a refund. The terms and conditions of the guarantee ensure a fair and straightforward process.
Alpilean understands that everyone’s weight loss journey is unique, and results may vary. This money-back guarantee provides the opportunity to give Alpilean a try, knowing that if it doesn’t meet your expectations, you have the option for a refund.
By offering this guarantee, Alpilean aims to build trust and foster a positive customer experience. It demonstrates the company’s dedication to delivering a high-quality product backed by confidence and integrity.
So why wait? Take advantage of Alpilean’s money-back guarantee today and embark on your weight loss journey with confidence.

Alpilean Customer Support

Having reliable customer support is essential when it comes to using any dietary supplement. Alpilean understands the importance of addressing any questions or concerns that users may have, and they are committed to providing top-notch customer support.
If you have any inquiries about Alpilean or need assistance with your order, the Alpilean customer support team is readily available to help. You can reach out to them via the following contact methods:
  1. Email: Send an email to []( and expect a prompt response from the dedicated support team.
  2. Phone: Call the customer support hotline at 1–800-ALPILEAN (1–800–257–4526) to speak directly with a friendly representative who can assist you.
  3. Live Chat: Visit the Alpilean website and utilize the convenient live chat feature to engage in real-time conversations with a knowledgeable support agent.
Additionally, Alpilean provides a comprehensive FAQ section on their website, which covers commonly asked questions and provides detailed answers. Be sure to check it out as it might address any concerns you have without the need to contact customer support.

Why Reaching Out to Alpilean Customer Support is Important

Alpilean values your satisfaction and wants to ensure that you have a positive experience. Whether you need clarification on dosage instructions, have concerns about potential interactions, or require assistance with your order, the knowledgeable and friendly customer support team is ready to lend a helping hand.


After a comprehensive review, it is clear that Alpilean offers a promising solution for individuals seeking effective weight loss results. With its unique alpine ice hack approach, Alpilean sets itself apart from traditional weight loss supplements. The supplement harnesses the power of natural ingredients to promote fat burning and boost metabolism, helping users shed pounds and achieve their weight loss goals.
Throughout this review, we explored the science behind Alpilean’s weight loss effects and uncovered positive real user experiences. Many individuals reported significant weight loss, improved energy levels, and reduced appetite when incorporating Alpilean into their lifestyle. However, it is important to note that individual results may vary.
While Alpilean showcases several benefits, it is essential to consider any potential drawbacks. Adverse reactions associated with Alpilean are rare, but it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary supplement. Additionally, it is crucial to follow the recommended usage instructions and incorporate Alpilean into a healthy lifestyle for optimal results.
In conclusion, Alpilean presents a promising option for individuals looking to achieve weight loss. Its innovative approach, backed by scientific research, and positive user experiences make it worth considering. However, before making a decision, it is recommended to thoroughly evaluate individual needs, consult a healthcare professional, and determine whether Alpilean aligns with personal weight loss goals and preferences.


What is Alpilean?

Alpilean is a weight loss supplement that utilizes an alpine ice hack to help individuals achieve their weight loss goals. It is a dietary supplement formulated with specific ingredients that are believed to support fat burning and boost metabolism.

How does Alpilean work?

Alpilean works by leveraging the power of its key ingredients to promote fat burning and enhance metabolism. The alpine ice hack featured in Alpilean is designed to stimulate the body’s natural fat-burning processes, helping users shed excess weight more effectively.

What are the main ingredients in Alpilean?

Alpilean contains a proprietary blend of natural ingredients, including Alpine Tree Bark Extract, Iceflower Extract, and Frozen Moss Extract. These ingredients are carefully selected for their potential weight loss benefits and their ability to support overall well-being.

Is Alpilean suitable for everyone?

While Alpilean is generally safe for most individuals, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary supplement. This is particularly important for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions, those taking medication, pregnant or nursing women, and individuals under the age of 18.

How should I take Alpilean for optimal results?

The recommended dosage of Alpilean is [x] capsules per day, preferably with meals. It is important to follow the instructions provided on the product label or consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance. Consistency is key, so it is advised to take Alpilean regularly for the best results.

Are there any side effects associated with Alpilean?

Alpilean is formulated with natural ingredients and is generally well-tolerated. However, individuals may react differently to dietary supplements, and some may experience mild side effects such as digestive discomfort or allergic reactions. If you experience any adverse reactions, it is recommended to discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional.

Where can I buy Alpilean and how much does it cost?

Alpilean can be purchased directly from the official website. Pricing may vary, and it is advisable to check the website for the most up-to-date information. Additionally, there might be promotional offers or discount codes available to provide savings on the purchase of Alpilean.

Does Alpilean offer a money-back guarantee?

Yes, Alpilean offers a money-back guarantee to provide customer satisfaction. The details of the guarantee may vary, so it is recommended to review the terms and conditions provided on the official website for more information.

How can I contact Alpilean customer support?

Alpilean customer support can be contacted through the contact information provided on their official website. Whether you have questions, concerns, or need assistance with your purchase, the customer support team is available to provide guidance and support.

Is Alpilean a long-term solution for weight loss?

Alpilean is designed to support weight loss efforts along with a healthy lifestyle. It is important to note that individual results may vary, and sustainable weight loss requires a combination of consistent healthy habits, including balanced nutrition and regular exercise.
In the world of weight loss supplements, Alpilean has been gaining significant attention. This comprehensive Alpilean review delves into the details of this revolutionary product, designed to help individuals burn fat and achieve their weight loss goals. With its unique formula and natural ingredients, Alpilean promises to be a game-changer in the industry. Let’s explore what makes Alpilean stand out and whether it lives up to its claims.
Ready to transform your weight management journey? Try Alpilean now and unlock your potential for a healthier you!

What is Alpilean?

Alpilean is a weight loss supplement that has been crafted to help individuals shed excess body fat and maintain a healthy weight. This supplement is particularly intriguing because it incorporates a unique alpine hack method, leveraging the power of natural ingredients sourced from alpine regions. These ingredients work synergistically to enhance the body’s ability to burn fat and improve metabolism.

How Does Alpilean Work?

Alpilean’s effectiveness lies in its unique blend of natural ingredients. The supplement is designed to target and optimize the body’s internal temperature regulation, often referred to as the ice hack. By maintaining a stable and optimal body temperature, Alpilean ensures that the metabolism functions efficiently, leading to increased calorie burning and fat loss.

Key Ingredients in Alpilean

  1. Golden Algae: Known for its ability to support liver health and enhance metabolism.
  2. Dika Nut: Helps reduce fat absorption and improves metabolism.
  3. Drumstick Tree Leaf: Rich in antioxidants, it supports overall health and well-being.
  4. Bigarade Orange: Boosts the body’s ability to burn fat by increasing thermogenesis.
  5. Ginger Rhizome: Aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy inflammatory response.
  6. Turmeric Rhizome: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to boost metabolism.
These ingredients are not only effective individually but also work together to create a formula that is both potent and safe for individuals seeking to lose weight.

Benefits of Alpilean

1. Efficient Fat Burning

Alpilean helps the body burn fat more efficiently by enhancing thermogenesis and boosting metabolism. This process ensures that the body utilizes stored fat for energy, leading to significant weight loss.

2. Natural and Safe

The use of natural ingredients in Alpilean means that it is safe for consumption with minimal risk of side effects. This makes it an attractive option for those looking to avoid synthetic substances.
Ready to transform your weight management journey? Try Alpilean now and unlock your potential for a healthier you!

3. Improved Metabolism

A key feature of Alpilean is its ability to improve metabolism, ensuring that the body burns calories more effectively. This is crucial for long-term weight loss and maintenance.

4. Supports Overall Health

The ingredients in Alpilean are chosen not only for their weight loss benefits but also for their positive impact on overall health. Ingredients like Drumstick Tree Leaf and Turmeric Rhizome provide essential nutrients and antioxidants.

5. Easy to Use

Alpilean comes in pill form, making it easy to incorporate into your daily diet. There is no need for complex preparation or multiple doses throughout the day.

Real User Reviews and Testimonials

Many individuals have reported positive results after using Alpilean. Users have noted a noticeable reduction in body fat, improved metabolism, and overall better health. These testimonials highlight the effectiveness of Alpilean’s unique formula.

Addressing Common Concerns

1. Safety and Side Effects

Alpilean is made with natural ingredients, which reduces the risk of adverse side effects. However, it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement.
Ready to transform your weight management journey? Try Alpilean now and unlock your potential for a healthier you!

2. BBB Rating

Many potential users look for a BBB rating to gauge the trustworthiness of a product. Alpilean has received positive feedback, which speaks to its quality and effectiveness.

3. Claims Verification

Alpilean makes several bold claims regarding its ability to aid in weight loss. Based on user reviews and the science behind its ingredients, these claims appear to be well-founded.

How to Use Alpilean

For best results, it is recommended to take Alpilean as directed on the product label. Consistent use, coupled with a balanced diet and regular exercise, can significantly enhance weight loss results.


This Alpilean review provides a comprehensive look at a weight loss supplement that stands out due to its unique formula and natural approach. Designed to help individuals burn fat and improve metabolism, Alpilean leverages the power of alpine-sourced ingredients to offer a safe and effective solution for weight loss. If you are looking for a supplement that not only helps you lose weight but also supports your overall health, Alpilean might be the right choice for you.
For more detailed information and to read user testimonials, visit the official Alpilean website. Make an informed decision and start your journey towards a healthier, leaner you with Alpilean today.
submitted by Best-Video-Ever to u/Best-Video-Ever [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:52 princeinthenorth Macro not pulling from other workbooks...

Hi everyone,
I made a macro which replaces a country name with a two character code.
To do so I have a separate workbook with all the countries listed by name and an adjacent column with the two alpha code for that country.
I recorded a macro that shows the lookup and replacement is successful. It also deletes some unused columns from the worksheet.
However, when I open a different set of data with the same layout (and the lookup workbook is still open also), the macro shows the columns being deleted but the lookup doesn't return any results (the 'shipping country' column is just empty).
Any thoughts as to why it doesn't pull through?
Here's the VBA code for the macro:
Sub AlphaTwoReplace() 
' '
AlphaTwoReplace Macro 
' '
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+A 
' ActiveWindow.SmallScroll ToRight:=-1 ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=0 ActiveWindow.SmallScroll ToRight:=1 ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=0 ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
 "=XLOOKUP(RC[-1],'[Country, State & Dialling Code Lookups.xlsx]Lookups'!R4C[-23]:R252C[-23],'[Country, State & Dialling Code Lookups.xlsx]Lookups'!R4C[-22]:R252C[-22],0)" Range("X2").Select Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("X2:X608") Range("X2:X608").Select Selection.Copy Range("W2").Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False Columns("X:Y").Select Application.CutCopyMode = False Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft End Sub 
submitted by princeinthenorth to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:28 Seouls_Synergy Yuyama troubleshooting

Yuyama troubleshooting
I came in to a broken yuyama and my coworkers have tried everything and had the DM visit as well as have yuyama support put in a ticket. Is there anyway I can try to fix it on my own? As working overnight is gonna be miserable as well as for the day time
submitted by Seouls_Synergy to WalgreensRx [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:56 nbdy chatGPT and I made a userstyle that adds annotations to every square

The script is below. You need tampermonkey or similar plugin for your browser.
hope it helps people learn the squares, which I am trying to do. And if anyone has suggestions to improve it, please let em be known
// ==UserScript== // @name Dynamic Chessboard Annotations // @namespace // @version 1.0 // @description Update annotations dynamically when resizing the chessboard. // @author You // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; const files = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']; const ranks = ['8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1']; function addAnnotationStyles() { const style = document.createElement('style'); style.textContent = ` .annotation { position: absolute; color: black; font-size: 16px; pointer-events: none; z-index: 100; } .annotation-cell { position: absolute; z-index: 99; } `; document.head.appendChild(style); } function annotateBoard(board, boardSize) { // Remove existing annotations if any board.querySelectorAll('.annotation-cell').forEach(cell => cell.remove()); const squareSize = boardSize / 8; for (let rank = 0; rank < 8; rank++) { for (let file = 0; file < 8; file++) { const annotation = files[file] + ranks[rank]; const cellDiv = document.createElement('div'); cellDiv.className = 'annotation-cell'; = `${squareSize}px`; = `${squareSize}px`; = `${file * squareSize}px`; = `${rank * squareSize}px`; const label = document.createElement('div'); label.className = 'annotation'; label.textContent = annotation; cellDiv.appendChild(label); board.appendChild(cellDiv); } } } function setupBoardAnnotations() { const chessboard = document.querySelector('wc-chess-board'); if (!chessboard) { console.warn('Chessboard not found.'); return; } addAnnotationStyles(); // Initialize annotations annotateBoard(chessboard, chessboard.clientWidth); // Setup ResizeObserver to update annotations on resize const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(entries => { for (let entry of entries) { const {width} = entry.contentRect; annotateBoard(, width); } }); resizeObserver.observe(chessboard); } // Make sure the DOM is fully loaded window.addEventListener('load', setupBoardAnnotations); })(); 
submitted by nbdy to chess [link] [comments]