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animals being jerks!

2013.02.22 05:05 tara1 animals being jerks!

A place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of animals being jerks.

2024.05.19 22:10 pokemychino New Pup Lab or Golden Retriever

New Pup Lab or Golden Retriever
We have two older dogs, 14 yr old Blue Heeler and 14 yr old Boxer, so we've been in the market for a new pup. Ended up coming by a free pup and they say it's half lab and half golden retriever.....just wanting some second opinions. Thank you!
submitted by pokemychino to IDmydog [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:04 lancetjades 39 [M4F] Pennsylvania/USA - I don't think these work. Prove me wrong?

Hello, I'm a 38 year old guy with a biology degree. I enjoy gaming, especially the Souls games and Soulslikes and RPGs in general. Biology is another interest of mine, although that leans much more heavily towards botany in particular, so I do enjoy plants. Sadly, I can't have a garden where I live, but I've had one in the past. I have blue eyes, keep fairly clean-shaven (definitely no beard or mustache), and am a little chubby, but not too bad. I also cook, and have been working on learning some new dishes recently. While I'm hardly professional caliber, I'd like to think I know my way around a kitchen fairly well.
I need to mention, I'm also disabled. Not stuck-in-a-wheelchair disabled, but I'm a multiple stroke survivor and considered legally and permanently disabled. I can't say I like putting this out there right away, but it's impossible to hide and I only recently got my driver's license back, which severely limited my mobility for a couple years. I live alone and can take care of myself. Before the strokes, I was a pharmacy technician, most recently working at a small independent pharmacy.
It feels like my life has been severely fractured and I'm trying to put it back together. My desire for a relationship hasn't exactly changed, but my outlook on finding someone sure has. I'd love someone who has similar interests as I do to share my life with. I've only had a relationship a couple of times in the past, and spent a large portion of my adult life alone. Not completely, as I'm in contact with my parents, but I lived (and still live) alone.
I don't have any pets, but I like pretty much anything. Dogs are great, but I'm definitely a cat person myself, if I have to choose. I'm not "child-free," but I'm fairly sure I don't want children, not least of all because of my disability. I could definitely be persuaded otherwise by the right person, though. I'm very much a homebody and an introvert (more now than ever), but I'm fine with going out and being around people if I have a reason or excuse for it.
As for what I'm looking for, female under 40, and that's really all. I'm not very picky about weight and don't mind disability (if I did, it would be very hypocritical). Honestly, I'd very much like someone who also likes gaming to some extent, regardless of your specific interest in it (although it's always nice when someone shares the hobby to that extent). I've never had much luck with finding anyone online, so maybe you'll be the one to prove me wrong?
submitted by lancetjades to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:57 MrsKrispyKreem Anyone else having stomach issues after starting Nexplanon?

So after I started Nex december of last year, i realized a sudden change in the way my stomach acts. I used to be fine really, just swallowed a lot of air without even thinking so I just burped a lot. But now it’s progressively getting worse and my stomach feels uncomfortable. Does not hurt or cramp but it just feels uncomfy, like its turning. I puke occasionally because of the burping, which sucks. It doesn’t last long but always comes back.
I also get extremely nauseous and dizzy when I stand. Which also sucks.
Things that seem to ease my stomachs uncomfortableness are belly rubs, heating pads and short workouts. And what I normally have been doing is first stretching with downward dog and the scorpion, planks, butterfly bridges, and situps. Sugar-Free mint gum is helping the nausea too.
But it’s just extremely annoying and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t dying. 🤣 Kidding. If Nex isn’t at fault I think I just need to detox and fix my habits again.
Definitely not pregnant, checked. I was ON that immediately so. 😂
submitted by MrsKrispyKreem to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:54 KlemensvnMetternich Five Kinds of Loneliness // Part 4

-and obviously it was stupid to think that any of my old friends would still be there. Could I even call them that? I haven’t been back here in maybe ten years and my ‘friends’ were the staff at a bar I worked at for two months, transient work by its very nature. Especially in Rome. There’s a street preacher and I think he’s saying “KINGS, BOOK ONE! CHAPTER 19!” and maybe he is because he has 1 Kings 19 (11-13) written on a sign next to him.
I remember Malfi… Marfi? Was a student anyway. Studying history at masters level. I can clearly see the seal of her university in my head clearly but I can't remember the university. I think about maybe pulling out my phone and googling it but it’ll take too long and I don’t want to waste the battery or not be looking at my surroundings for too long.
Hey- hey friend how are you? What are you doing here?
Oh god. If I keep my head down maybe he won’t bother me but suddenly there’s a wall of flesh draped in a cheap blue t-shirt semi-blocking my path.
I’m busy, sorry. I push past him and he yells out.
HEY! You got a problem with black people?
Loud enough for others to turn around.
What the hell is his problem? The insolence of it! The actual insolence! I smiled as I said I’m busy for fucks’ sake. I have a disgust response from the way he speaks as it plays back in my head. You ghat a problehm with blaq people? Flat vowels from the Global South. I could smell whatever ersatz cologne he’d doused himself in. Big, dumb bicycle chain wrapped around his neck. I could barely make out this heckler’s face, he was so overweight he was drowned in fat, and he threw his arms up in the air so his bony elbows came out at weird, jutting angles.
My mood is completely ruined so I turned right, catching the sun, cutting off a man walking a Chow dog who I presume follows after me.
My sunglasses are in my pocket and for whatever reason I lose the will to actually pull them out so I’m walking blind into glare. Was everyone still looking at me? The sun is beating down and on top of that the wind is blowing directly into my face. I can’t see anything and I feel prickly heat around my flanks. Maybe a tweed jacket was the wrong choice, but I’m not going to take it off and drape it over my shoulder right now. I do not want to be perceived.
I start thinking about the street venders from ten years ago, how friendly they all were. That’s not a thing anymore, I guess. I force all that from my mind and as I’m walking I involuntarily start thinking back to when I was little.
I was six, maybe seven, and my mother was in the hospital so I was being looked after by my father. It took him maybe three days to stop bothering to make sure I had a bath or brushed my teeth. Maybe a week before he stopped doing laundry. About three weeks in he was forced to start taking me to school again; somebody had mentioned something to my grandmother who came round to shout at him. He reckoned I could learn everything I needed from watching television.
The other kids were not a fan of my new look, and the bullying was horrible. Already a lonely child, I was further isolated from my peers by my appearance and odour. I had an initial grace period, I’m sure Miss. Euston had prepped everyone that my mother was sick and everyone was to be very nice to me.
The great mass of my appearance, greasy and smelly, eventually pulled through the gravity of Miss. Euston’s authority, and finally I slipped through her graces and into the bottomless pit of cruelty only children are capable of.
One night when the rest of the class was dismissed she kept me back to talk to me.
“How are you, John?”
“I hear your mummy will be back soon? Isn’t that great?”
“Maybe you should tell your dad to give you a bath before she gets home, yes?”
“Is your dad coming to pick you up today?”
I don’t know.
She smiled at me put her hand to my face. It was warm and soft and I could feel the sea-salt sweat from her palms. It was comforting. Maybe that’s why I’m a cuddler now. She gave me a chocolate bar from her treat tin and let me go. My dad did actually pick me up that day. He asked me where I got the chocolate bar from and I said Miss. Euston gave it to me. I never ate it, at some point it must have been thrown away.
I realized Miss. Euston was, probably, barely a few years older than I was now. I wonder what she was up to. At some point the buildings covered the sun and I checked my watch. Two more hours to go.
I see a free table on a raised mount and decide to sit there. I look up at the statues looking down at me and a waiter comes over and says I have to order if I want to stay there. This annoys me so I bark at him that I need a menu if I want to order anything. He leaves and the clouds open again, probably by the wind, and it beats down on me again. Feeling more grounded I take off my jacket and drape it over my chair and take the cigarettes from the inside pocket. I looked at my phone and re-read the invitation email.
To – me, please be here at whenever o’clock to talk to our international undergrads on international project management.
Regards, some professor I didn’t like as an undergrad.
It was certainly an honor to be asked, but no doubt was being used to drum up engagement for some useless course they were peddling. How exactly does International Relations parse into International Project Management? You learn everything you need to know doing the damn job. I had emailed myself my famous slide deck, the one that was thrown around in secret by senior bureaucrats who were sick of being bureaucrats and wanted to actually do something. The one that Managers said could never be released, but had obviously plagiarized in snippets when they thought appearing to be daring would be beneficial to their careers.
A brunette waitress comes over with the menu, she looks young. Maybe 18. Over a decade younger than me.
If you don’t mind getting up, she said in a startling American, there’s a buffet as well.
I say thank you and look at her. Was she American? American-Italian? She looked British. Maybe Danish. I didn’t want to ask. She was pale, apart from her lips and cheeks which were the color of a rose.
Thank you, I say. Do I order drinks from you?
Of course, she said and took out a notepad and pen. The other wait staff used an iPad. I wondered where hers was and asked for a double espresso and a glass of orange juice.
Is that all?
Wait, how tall is the orange?
I smile and her and mime a glass growing from very small to very tall. How tall is the glass? Is it a lot of orange juice?
She smiles and laughs and it’s very cute, I think she lost her composure because the laugh doesn’t match her voice.
I run my hand through my hair because I need something for my hands to do, and she says yeah. It’s tall. Pretty big. Are you going far after this?
I dunno. There’s some people trying to kill me. I smile again, obviously a joke.
She smiles back. You should have the buffet and I’ll bring you your drinks. I’ll leave the jar of orange juice but don’t tell anyone, OK?
OK, I say. Grazie.
Prego, she says and walks off.
I check how far the walk is and it’s maybe 40 minutes, too far in this weather. Will it rain? Will I literally burn to a crisp? I wish I had brought my laptop so I could have the slide deck up. I could ask the waitress what she thought.
She comes back with my coffee and a cold glass of orange juice, and a jug of water.
Sorry, she says, my manager told me to only pour the juice.
That’s fine, I think I’m only 40 minutes away. Like three miles.
You won’t be able to walk three miles in forty minutes, she says. You should eat quickly, then get up and go.
I dunno, I say, drawing out my response. I’m quite tall.
She laughs again and says she’ll bring my cheque now.
I get up and make a plate of pastry, the meat looks like it had been left out so I avoided it. I grabbed some things I don’t know the name of, and a slice of bread that was being warmed on a terracotta platter over some coals.
She walks away and when she comes back I want to ask for her number, but there’s a huge delivery truck slowly rolling through. My cup is shaking in its’ saucer and if it wasn’t already mostly drunk it’d run over. I try to make conversation but I don’t want to shout at her so just give her 30 euro and say keep the tip. She shouts back thanks. I get up and start walking.
The sun won out against the rain and it started to pound me again. The air was dry. I was walking fast and making good time, but I did not want to end up sweaty when I got there so I took off my jacket and carried it under my arm. I checked my phone again and I had a missed call and a voice mail. I couldn’t see the name in the glare.
I couldn’t stop to put earphones in, so I put my phone away.
I managed to make it to the campus with five minutes to spare. I hullo’d with the professors and asked for a glass of water. I drank it in one then went to the bathroom to piss, and check my hair. I was sweating but my jacket would cover it. My hair looked great. I clenched my jaw and looked at my face. Intense. Satisfied, I blew my nose and in my head went over the topics I’d cover. If I got lost I’d ask the students questions.
For some reason I thought back to Miss. Euston, looking after the poor scapegrace that was me. I remember once she told me God was in the wind.
I was waiting in the wings, hidden on a pre-stage before the main stage. Before I put my phone on silent, I thought I’d listen to the voice mail quickly. I briefly thought it "pre-stage" was even a word. I didn’t recognize the number. I pressed play and raised it to my ear.
There was a pause and then, cutting through the roar of the wind once present but no longer, came a voice.
“Hi, John, I hope you’re well and I’m just calli-“
The voicemail stopped. Someday, I hope, Apple will figure out how to actually let me hear my voicemail without constantly having to un-pause it. I hit play and put my phone back to my ear but I knew who it is before she said her name. “I’m just calling to say hey. It’s me, Joanne.”
It was a whisper being carried over time and continents. A whisper from a girl that might as well be dead. Why me, Joanne. Why me.
I covered my face with my hands. I realized I was doing it in shame and suddenly Miss. Euston’s voice came back to me again. “God is in the wind.”
I pulled the skin on my face down, pressed hard, and walked out onto the next stage, tucking my phone away in my-
submitted by KlemensvnMetternich to RSwritingclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:50 madkandy12 Should I just give up and do it myself?

Context: I have this roommate (20M) named J. He’s in love w me and I’m not. I’ve told him over and over I’m not interested and we can sleep together and not date but he’ll just cry and basically force me into this weird limbo relationship thing we have. He basically freaks the fuck out if I hang out w other men, sleep w other people or leave the apt/go out without him. He tries to convince me to never leave the apt without him bc he’s worried. He guilts me into staying or being late bc he can’t sleep or eat alone.
Issue: We have roaches. Fucking disgusting. It’s mostly due to the neighbors but we still have them. The apartment complex has fumigated 4 times now and they keep coming back bc J and our other roommate C (24M) just don’t clean up or keep the standards the fumigators tell us to keep which are no food out and mop daily for 2 weeks btw.
J and C really don’t seem to mind the bugs as they’ll see some, shrug and walk away. Not even spray them. Ive made a cleaning schedule that they don’t follow no matter how many times I ask. They don’t take the trash out till I ask aka when it’s literally overflowing with bags of trash on the side of the actual trash can. J will take the trash out when I’m in the kitchen w him to show “how much he helps out around the house”They don’t wipe the counters off after they make food. Just leave the crumbs and the counter sticky etc. basically roach heaven up in here.
I’ve been caulking the gaps everywhere around the apt, baseboards, under counters, drawers, cabinets etc. to stop the roaches from coming in. I’ve also been organizing, decluttering, deep cleaning behind/under, creating itineraries and caulking every gap I see for everywhere. I do the itineraries bc we all have really bad object permanence and rebuy a lot of stuff. I’ve been doing this for every single place in the apartment. Im a full time student w a part time job working in an elementary school. A lot of my free time is either hw or creating lesson plans and activities for my students.
I’ve been asking for help but I get none then they get mad at me for not telling them explicitly what to do. I don’t think I should have to baby step these grown men into caring about living in roaches but okay. I asked J to clean out, organize, make an itinerary and caulk the main cabinet bc I had midterms to study for and I couldn’t go to the schools library bc there was a shooter threat and I was scared lmao so I biked to the city library. Also, he’s like 6’2 and can reach the top and back and I can’t. First thing he asked was, “you can’t reach it w the stool?” Lmao. The entire time I was explaining he kept brushing me off and saying “I got it, I got it”. Making me feel like I’m over explaining and being annoying so I left to the library to do midterms.
I came back and he just reorganized everything, made a general map of where stuff it (this square is snacks, this square is Tupperware etc) and only caulked the bottom shelf that’s on the ground. He didn’t wipe down the shelves that are covered in roaches and roach shit. He didn’t caulk the shelves or the outline of the cabinet. He didn’t make an itinerary. He showed me the cabinet all proud and I voiced my concerns about how he literally did it completely wrong and how he’s gonna have to do it again. I told him, “I told you exactly what to do and told you to call with questions. Why didn’t you call me?” His excuses were: “the bugs can’t get into the cabinet through the shelves if they bottom is caulked off” “I couldn’t find the paper for the itinerary” “I didn’t know you wanted me to wipe the shelves out” “I didn’t wanna bug you” “I forgot what you said”
He literally wrote down this little map on a notebook. He said, “I use this for school, I can’t use this one” but he literally just did?
He basically shut down and ignored me so I had to ask, “did me criticizing the cabinet hurt your feelings?” he said yes and I had to hold him and explain that when criticize it isn’t an attack on your character, I just need it done. I can’t do it all. I explained my frustrations bc I told him explicitly what to do and asked why he didn’t do it and he said he forgot. I said, “why didn’t you write it down” he said, “bc I thought I got it” when him forgetting is a consistent problem. I asked why he didn’t call me and he said, “I didn’t wanna bother you, I got it”. I said, “you obviously didn’t have it. Why didn’t you just do it, why do I have to ask you? If there’s dead roaches and roach droppings where we put our food, why do I have to baby step you through wiping that out?” He just said he didn’t know he was supposed to do it.
We have this exact same conversation about 3 times a month?
1) please take initiative with literally anything, having to ask is exhausting. If something needs to get done, just do it. I shouldn’t have to ask for simple household things like fix the rug if the dogs scratch it up
(Quick story about the rug: I tried to “test” if J or C would fix the doorway rug bc it was messed up, kinda in a ball bc the dogs scratched it and moved it. You couldn’t open the door properly bc of the rug. A simple household “no one’s fault” task that affects us all. They didn’t fix it for a month. I counted the days. I was very frustrated and asked why they literally don’t do anything at all unless I baby step them. I asked, “why don’t you guys just do something that you see needs to get done?”. J blew up at me saying, “why do you expect us to do everything? Why didn’t you fix the rug, they’re your dogs. You live here too so don’t get mad at us for not fixing a simple thing when you didn’t do it either”. I fixed the rug and continue to fix the rug now.)
2) when you face a barrier please try to find another way to solve the problem instead of giving up such as, asking me, googling it etc
Anyways, this was about a week ago and he still hasn’t redone the cabinet even tho I’ve asked everyday. I’m so tired. J and I been living together for like 2 years and no matter how much I cry, ask, put sticky notes, text, call etc etc, nothing changes. It’s like having children. I’m so tired, like legitimately. I wanna give up. I’m tired of the same conversations over and over. I rather just do it by myself but idk if I should give up.
Should I try to hold him accountable for the upkeep of OUR apartment or should I just shut up and do it myself?
submitted by madkandy12 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:48 tastebuddys Probably wont be active that much

Fucking dogs... had him for 18 years and tomorrow my little man son dog has to be put down so if im able to pry my self out of this crippling depression ill post free spins and other offers when i come across then and am able
submitted by tastebuddys to ChumbaCasino [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:45 Noneeeyaa Parvo questions

My 8 week old pup has only had one vaccine and so am keeping her away from most places she could run around. I feel so bad that she can’t go running around free but I am afraid she’ll catch parvo as I am in Southern California and much of the homeless population have dogs which is one of the causes for higher rates in some cities compared to others . Is there any suggestions on how to go about getting her socialized while keeping her safe. I am so paranoid that I don’t even want her around healthy dogs because if they happen to track parvo I know it could be passed on to her indirectly. Thank you
submitted by Noneeeyaa to miniaussie [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:45 whoiscaleb_ [WTS] Oz Rosie🌹 #0707, MBK Old Guard M390 CF, Swanepoel Revolver, Liong Mah KUF 3.0

Have some goodies for you guys
I'll throw in a free item or two with each sale; patch, wallet, stickers, mini BT speaker, etc.
\* Listed in order from top to bottom in timestamp. Prices are OBRO*
\* Yolo is king. PayPal F&F please*
VIDEO - Oz Roosevelt #0707; Mag Milled - SV $900 - TV $950
(Would Rather Trade for Plain Speed Hole Rosie) If I don't get the trade today or tomorrow I will sell it
I am the 2nd or 3rd owner. Looks like is has not been used or carried much, if any at all. Action is great, very snappy. Centered perfectly. Only reason I am selling/trading is I am looking for a plain speed hole Rosie. Ships with COA, sticker, and box.
VIDEO - MBK Old Guard; M390 Carbon Fiber- SV $225 - TV $250
Second owner. I have carried this and it does have a couple snails on the clip side. Have only open a few packages with this and edge is still sharp. M390 blade that drops shut with a couple soft shakes. Lock up is nice and centered perfectly. Ships in random taco.
VIDEO - Swanepoel Revolver; Sheepsfoot - SV $525 - TV $600
Full Ti. New. First owner. Paid $575 straight from the maker. Been sitting in its case since purchasing. Never Carried or cut with. Love this knife, but need to recoup some funds. Smooth action on washers. Great lock-up. Perfectly centered. With ship in a taco with the COA. Birthdate is 04/08/2023.
VIDEO - Liong Mah Design KUF 3.0 - SV $325 - TV $375
First owner. LNIB. Carbon fiber show scale and Elmax blade steel. I have never carried this, and has sat in a padded case since purchasing. Has not cut anything. It has been a "safe queen" if you will. Spydie flicks like a champ champ. Zero blemishes or snails. I have a Field Duty and that has been my main carry. Ships in the original Liong Mah pouch with a small Liong Mah patch and cleaning cloth.

Hope ya'll are having a nice Sunday! LMK if you need more pics/vids
submitted by whoiscaleb_ to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:37 Ok_Weakness_3428 Bedtime Routine

Bedtime routine has gone to the dogs. My toddler, who's 3 next month has always been amazing for sleep and going to sleep without me. Since March, she won't sleep without me anymore and will absolutely kick up a stink if I'm not with her. Bed time was always half 7, to whatever time she sleeps which is normally 7.30 in the morning. Now I'd be lucky if she went to sleep before 9.30.
She still naps during the day. For 40 minutes, don't think I can cut it at the moment.
Getting very annoyed I won't lie. I'm a single mom and my one to two hours of free time in the evening were my only saving grace. I'm so touched out, and over stimulated. I've absolutely no time to myself anymore to do anything. On top of that, I'm up at 5.30 every morning for work so I'm also asleep early so this is also affecting me.
Does anyone have any suggestions before I go stir crazy?
submitted by Ok_Weakness_3428 to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:36 erch8 Stuck scrolling through people’s ECs and Stats?

I’ve recently been working on a project (website) where students can easily share and view other students’ ECs and Stats.
In this way, I’m trying to make a resource that’s more informative than common datasets (that usually only give GPA and Standardized Test information) provided by universities AND more convenient than scrolling through messy Reddit posts or YT vids.
Some students (1500+ page visits) have been using it already and just want to show it off to more people. If you’ve recently graduated or are applying to college, I think it could help and feel free to add your ECs too!
submitted by erch8 to ApplyingIvyLeague [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:34 erch8 Stuck scrolling through people’s ECs and Stats?

I’ve recently been working on a project (website) where students can easily share and view other students’ ECs and Stats.
In this way, I’m trying to make a resource that’s more informative than common datasets (that usually only give GPA and Standardized Test information) provided by universities AND more convenient than scrolling through messy Reddit posts or YT vids.
Some students (1500+ page visits) have been using it already and just want to show it off to more people. If you’ve recently graduated or are applying to college, I think it could help and feel free to add your ECs too!
submitted by erch8 to summerprogramresults [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:33 erch8 Stuck scrolling through people’s ECs and Stats?

I’ve recently been working on a project (website) where students can easily share and view other students’ ECs and Stats.
In this way, I’m trying to make a resource that’s more informative than common datasets (that usually only give GPA and Standardized Test information) provided by universities AND more convenient than scrolling through messy Reddit posts or YT vids.
Some students (1500+ page visits) have been using it already and just want to show it off to more people. If you’ve recently graduated or are applying to college, I think it could help and feel free to add your ECs too!
submitted by erch8 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:28 ReallyCoolManatee [fnv] mods cause crashing and bugs

[fnv] mods cause crashing and bugs
I've been having problems loading fallout nv, when i start it it crashes once it shows the first credit screen
Any time it does work characters walk weird, rex(who I have as a companion) starts folding in himself and floats above the ground and sometimes text will go ontop of each or not show at all
Note: The game works without any mods enabled
I will comment the mod list
here is my error message:
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: NVDLC04WPNSMMGReloadBoxEject" frame 11 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hlreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: NVDLC04WPNSMMGReloadBoxSlide" frame 20 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hlreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: NVDLC04WPNSMMGReloadBoxInsert" frame 47 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hlreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: NVDLC04WPNSMMGReloadBoxSlam" frame 71 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hlreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: (AttackLoop) too many blend values in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hlattackloop.kf". Blend 1, BlendIn 1, BlendOut 0
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hhreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonReloadPt2" frame 34 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hhreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNGatlingLaserReloadPt0" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hhreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hhjamf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadh.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleReloadPt2" frame 17 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadh.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt2" frame 24 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt3" frame 40 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayOpen" frame 12 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayInsert" frame 42 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayClose" frame 57 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunDrumOut" frame 13 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunDrumIn" frame 46 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunCock" frame 62 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrjamh.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrjamg.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahOpen" frame 16 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahInsert" frame 43 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahSnap" frame 60 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt2" frame 34 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt3" frame 68 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolChineseOpen" frame 10 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolChineseInsert" frame 47 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDartgunPull" frame 15 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadb.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDartgunInsert" frame 50 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadb.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
No object name at index 9 for sequence 'Holster'.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hhreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonReloadPt2" frame 34 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hhreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNGatlingLaserReloadPt0" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hhreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hhjamf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\2hhreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonReloadPt2" frame 34 in "Characters\_Male\2hhreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNGatlingLaserReloadPt0" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\2hhreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\2hhjamf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadh.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleReloadPt2" frame 16 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadh.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt2" frame 24 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt3" frame 40 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayOpen" frame 12 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayInsert" frame 42 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayClose" frame 57 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunDrumOut" frame 13 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunDrumIn" frame 46 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunCock" frame 62 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrjamh.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrjamg.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadh.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleReloadPt2" frame 17 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadh.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt2" frame 24 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt3" frame 40 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayOpen" frame 12 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayInsert" frame 42 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayClose" frame 57 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunDrumOut" frame 13 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunDrumIn" frame 46 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunCock" frame 62 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\2hrjamh.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\2hrjamg.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahOpen" frame 16 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahInsert" frame 43 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahSnap" frame 60 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt2" frame 34 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt3" frame 68 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolChineseOpen" frame 10 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolChineseInsert" frame 47 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDartgunPull" frame 15 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadb.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDartgunInsert" frame 50 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadb.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahOpen" frame 16 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahInsert" frame 43 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahSnap" frame 60 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt2" frame 34 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt3" frame 68 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolChineseOpen" frame 10 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolChineseInsert" frame 47 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDartgunPull" frame 15 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadb.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDartgunInsert" frame 50 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadb.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\bodymods\falloutnv.esm\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\facemods\falloutnv.esm\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\bodymods\falloutnv.esm\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
mis05:0 Geometry has parallax flag set, but no height map for parallax. mis05:0 Geometry has parallax flag set, but no height map for parallax. mis05:0 Geometry has parallax flag set, but no height map for parallax. mis01:0 Geometry has parallax flag set, but no height map for parallax. 
MODELS: Bad skin name 'Cassskin:0' on 'Scene Root'.
Failed to find body mod texture '0013A9DFModBodyFemale' for 'CaucasianRaider' (0004BB8D). Creating from scratch.
MODELS: Could not find parent node extra data for 'Fhelmet02'.
MODELS: Could not find parent node extra data for 'Fhelmet03'.
MODELS: Could not find parent node extra data for 'red_beret'.
No object name at index 37 for sequence 'Idle'.
FORMS: Unknown form type 'IDLE' encountered in AddFormToDataHandler.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\3.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sw\3.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sw\2.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\1.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
MODELS: LoadFile retrieved model Characters\Hair\HairMessy01.NIF with a zero ref count
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\1.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
MODELS: Could not find parent node extra data for 'CowboyHat'.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sw\3.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\1.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\5.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sw\3.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\3.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\4.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sw\1.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
MODELS: LoadFile retrieved model Characters\Hair\HairMessy02.NIF with a zero ref count
Found invalid swap index.
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: LoadFile retrieved model Characters\Hair\HairMessy01Child.NIF with a zero ref count
MODELS: LoadFile retrieved model Characters\Hair\HairChildMBase.NIF with a zero ref count
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\tuxek\fallout4\ghoulhead\males\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\tuxek\fallout4\ghoulhead\males\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: LoadFile retrieved model Characters\Hair\HairMessy03.NIF with a zero ref count
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: LoadFile retrieved model Characters\Hair\HairChildMShort02.NIF with a zero ref count
MODELS: Could not get file for Meshes\Tuxek\Fallout4\Ghoul\Hair\Newhairghoul01NoHat.egm.
MODELS: Could not get file for Meshes\Tuxek\Fallout4\Ghoul\Hair\Newhairghoul01Hat.egm.
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\tuxek\fallout4\ghoulhead\males\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\tuxek\fallout4\ghoulhead\males\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Bad skin name 'ArmChildFemale01' on 'Scene Root'.
Found invalid swap index.
3D for Ref '' (001730CB) does not support external emittance but ref has explicit emittance data
MODELS: Bad skin name 'Cassskin:0' on 'Scene Root'.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\3.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\7.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sw\3.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
3D for Ref '' (001730CB) does not support external emittance but ref has explicit emittance data
AI: Actor being moved is Disabled he has no process
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
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ANIMATION: Trying to SpecialIdleFree an animation 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' that just started.
ANIMATION: (SpecialIdle) End frame is less than or equal to Start frame in "Meshes\Creatures\Dog\IdleAnims\MTSpecialIdle_LookLeft.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file
submitted by ReallyCoolManatee to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:27 Practical_Sorbet7543 Eloy: “I have a bullet in my forehead. You can say good or bad things about me. Nothing can affect me. I’m already dead.”

New Eloy interview, I figured I would translate everything that he says. Link:
This is Eloy Casagrande's interview.
Eloy: (playing the shows is like) a Chaotic and apotheotic energy… it’s not perfection, but it’s everyone very dedicated to what they have.
Eloy: Well, the first reason I wanted to play in Slipknot was due to the end of Sepultura. Sepultura decided to cease activities, but I am 33 years old, right? I was 32 at the time and I didn't think about stopping. I respected Sepultura's decision, which came from Andreas, but I needed to continue with my life. When the invitation from Slipknot came, it was an invitation I couldn't wait for, right? Until the end of Sepultura, it was like yes or no, right? So, I didn't have many choices. The day I received the “yes” from Slipknot was the day I called Sepultura and arranged a meeting with them the next day. I said, this is very serious, I need to talk to you.
Andreas Kisser: “Personally, announcing this sensational 40-year tour and it’s the farewell tour.”
Andreas about Eloy: “He announced that he was going to Slipknot out of the blue.
Eloy: Then, how they understood the news, I don’t know, because I didn't talk to them anymore from the moment I told them what was happening. They didn’t talk to me anymore. I think they also asked no one from the team to talk to me anymore.
Andreas: I think the fact that he is going to Slipknot is a normal thing. I think the quality of drummer he has, he can play in any band in the world without any doubt, but I don't know, I think the moment and the way he chose to do it was very strange.
Eloy: But I still hold a lot of affection for them and if they came to talk to me today, I would talk to them very calmly, because we never had any professional or personal problems, just friendship, always very calm, because we traveled together, spent months on tour buses and all that.
Andreas: Things have to be the way they have to be, right? Everyone is free to choose what to do and how to do it and deal with the consequences.
Eloy: So, I also made this choice because I was never part of Sepultura. I was always a freelance musician. I was always a contracted musician for the band. So, from the moment I made this decision, it was because I had this freedom. It's not like I had part in the ownership of the band or anything…
Eloy: From the beginning, from the first rehearsals, when I was still in the testing phase, I talked a lot with Shawn Crahan. He is the guy who organizes everyone there. Every day he comes to talk to me, every day he comes to ask if everything is okay, every day he comes to explain things, comes to demand things too. You can see that he has a lot of love, everyone there is involved with a lot of affection and love for the band. In the first few days, I was trying to play everything perfectly without mistakes, and he said, “Man, this doesn’t exist. Forget about playing without mistakes, that's not what we want.” If you look at the first, second, third album, you see that there is no perfection, just energy. He said, “Man, think about the name of the band ‘Slipknot’. It's a knot. You think it's tight, but it's slippery. You'll never be able to grab the knot.” So, he said to keep that in mind, like from the first, second day, I started to understand.
Eloy about Faustão: In 2003, I had an uncle, my father's brother, who had this idea of building that mini drum kit with electronic sensors, as if it were an electronic drum kit but built in miniature to draw attention so I could have a space in the media, on television mainly. And that was the starting point of my career, my life. After that, I went back there a few more times, playing the normal drums in different shows. So, it was a way we found for me to have access to the media. Also, my first professional band that I played with was André Matos' band. He only called me for an audition because he saw me on the Faustão show and one or two weeks later, he called me to audition for the band.
Eloy about playing with Gloria in Rock in Rio: Here in Rio, we were prepared for war because we imagined the worst. We imagined even people climbing on stage and taking us down by force. So, we were really prepared for war. I did a drum solo. It was also the band's idea, “Eloy, you're a metalhead, do a solo there.” And it was better than I imagined. I think it was Derek who watched the show, but the recommendation also came from a Sepultura sound technician who had already seen me play at another time. But it was right there two weeks after that Rock in Rio show with Gloria Sepultura called me for an audition.
Eloy about his mask: The idea of the headshot was mine. In the end, it was because I had some designs here on the lower part of the eyes, right? The mask was a bit unbalanced, its volume was all down, nothing up. They said, why don’t we put a circle on the forehead? I said, man, put a bullet shot on my forehead. He said, wow, is that okay for you? I said, yeah.
So, I started to bring some philosophical questions with this, right? I read a lot about a philosopher, Albert Camus, about absurdism, nihilism too, about denial, right? Like, having a shot, it's like, “man, I have a bullet in my forehead, I’m already dead, nothing can affect me anymore.” You can speak well of me, you can speak ill of me. Because I think a musician or an artist can never depend too much on public approval. We make music because we like it, because we want to make music.
submitted by Practical_Sorbet7543 to Slipknot [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:26 DogsAndPickles It’s good enough to make a first attempt. The one thing is if you’re breaking a big rule someone always notices and points it out. They assume I meant to break it but don’t get me started on projection today. Sheesh.

It’s good enough to make a first attempt. The one thing is if you’re breaking a big rule someone always notices and points it out. They assume I meant to break it but don’t get me started on projection today. Sheesh. submitted by DogsAndPickles to StoriesForMyTherapist [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:12 naturalturkey My finances - what can I do better?

Hi, I’d like some feedback on my current situation:
I am 27F (if that matters) and I have about 100k in 3 rolling CDs, in increments of 25k (1 month) / 25k (3 month) / 50k (9 month). The percentage is roughly 5%ish but to be frank I don’t remember, as it changes a bit each time the CDs auto renew. This doesn’t include about ~3k that I have in returns which I haven’t yet withdrawn.
The reason I made this choice was because at the time, I had a reliable, decent-paying job and didn’t want my newly acquired money to just sit in my bank account. My circumstances have since changed: I quit that job last December to make a life-switch. I now work part-time at a museum (to gain experience in the field I want to work in) and I am going back to school to get a bachelors degree to help me pursue my future career. This should take me about 2 years.
I don’t make a lot of money from the part-time job. It ranges anywhere from about $200-300 per paycheck, two paychecks a month. Right now I have about 9k in my checking — money that I’ve been eating to help with bills and whatnot. I pay 1k in monthly rent, and about 400 in health insurance / dental / phone bill / gas. My 401k is on hold since I currently don’t make enough to put into the account.
I know that I am losing money, and I came to terms with this before I made the choice to quit. I just need time to go to school, volunteer and work at the museum for experience. So unfortunately, the job had to go.
My question is: what do you think I could do to improve my situation? I’d hate to eat into one of my CD accounts, but I think I will have to sooner rather than later. I am applying for scholarships to help cut down on school costs. I take on odd jobs (dog sitting/house sitting) when available. I would prefer not to take on another regular job unless it is part time and serves my future career in some way, which is a bit niche. Someone suggested real estate to me (buying property to rent out), but the housing market where I live is absurdly expensive and not to mention the homeowners insurance is unaffordable. Should I be looking into a different form of investing, other than the CDs?
To be clear with my expectations, I am not asking for some magical path that will help me live bill-free. I am just trying to lessen the strain and make things a bit easier for myself before I have to eat further into my money. Before anyone asks, yes I am cutting back on unnecessary expenditures, and no I do not have any debt.
Thanks for your time!
submitted by naturalturkey to Money [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:12 the_wandering_dream 31 [F4R] Washington #online You're weird, I'm weird. Let's be friends.

G'day to ya! I'm spunky pnw born & raised weirdo (not too weird, though!) on the hunt for other silly alt lifestyle friends to break up the daily monotony and put a little zest back in it.
Preferably you're between 28-36yrs, open minded and free spirited.
-Bonus points if you've seen some shit in your time-
I'm a crass little thing with a mouth that could embarrass a sailor most days. I clean up nice, though. An equally balanced blend of sweet and spice with the self awareness to know when the flip the switch.
I'm fit - just not muscular - and appreciate someone who's health conscious but not shy about eating cake for breakfast. I have a few tattoos and piercings as well and love chatting/learning about body mods of all kinds (what's the next one you're planning for right now?) While I'd consider myself of the alternative aesthetic, it's more akin to "your local librarian after-hours."
I'm a chronic starter of hobbies, a mild console gamer, and a consumer of the devil's lettuce. I spend a large chunk of time gardening or taking my dog on too long of walks when the weather's nice.
Im looking for dark humor and sassy banter just as much as I'm interested in pondering the oddities of the universe and all its intangible forces at play. Recently, I'm on an "astral travel" kick because... why not? It's fun to think about. But we can share pictures, music, or intrusive thoughts too.
My recent watches range from Bee and Puppycat to Poor Things, Baby Reindeer, 1883 and other random shit. I'm also stoked to see Metalocalypse and SuperJail on Netflix - long forgotten guilty pleasures I'm excited to revisit ^
Anywho, I gotta wrap this up and leave something for you to discover, right?!
P.s. I'm posting today but am usually a m-f conversationalist just a heads up!
submitted by the_wandering_dream to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:09 NerdyArchimedes Everything(?) we know about PA-san

The mysterious gothic woman of STARRY’s PA booth, PA-san was never properly introduced. She is just always… there… as Seika’s ever-present shadow. Only ever called by her job title we don't even know her actual name.
I dug through the manga, anime, and Kikuri spinoff to see what all I could find on this enigmatic character. If there is any external official information about PA-san I missed then please let me know. Chapteepisode references are included where I could (manga: [#] anime: [ep#] spinoff: [s#]). There is some discussion of the PA/Seika ship.
Appearance: PA-san has long black hair and is one of the taller characters in the series. Like Bocchi, she is actually also one of the most well-endowed characters in the series ‘though it is also normally hard to tell due to how she dresses [75]. She likes to wear long dark clothes, has multiple piercings in both ears + one on her lower lip, and (‘though not directly seen in the main series yet?) has a split tongue [s12]. It feels likely that her habit of sometimes covering her mouth with her sleeve when speaking is to hide her tongue. She appears to be left-handed, which is easiest to see in how she holds her chopsticks in the anime [ep8].
It has long been noticed by fans that PA-san and Seika both wear a black choker almost all the time. It is unknown if there is a deeper reason for this or if it is just a coincidence. For what it is worth, we don’t see either of them wearing a choker in any of the flashbacks we’ve gotten so it does seem be a relatively recent addition to their fashion. That being said, their chokers aren’t exactly matching. PA-san’s sometimes has a ring attached to its front; in the manga Seika’s is consistently a bit thinner than PA-san’s while in the anime it just a bit lighter in color instead. It can also be noted there are also several other characters who wear chokers, most notably SIDEROS’s Tsuki (always) and Akubi (sometimes) [27]. Even Nijika and Kita’s outfits sometimes include one.
Personal life: Her exact age is unknown but she relates well with the other adults in their late 20's/early 30's. As a child she was quite active and sporty [75] but she ended up failing out of high school in her first year due to not being able to wake up early in the mornings. Even now this is hard for her to do which is why she likes night jobs [26]. Being low energy in general, PA-san is perhaps the least active of the main adult trio, preferring to simply observe the amusing antics going on around her. Along with Seika and Hiroi, she feels detached from normal adult society and is somewhat envious of the youthful girls. PA-san is especially self-conscious about her skin condition [26, s4]. She lives alone and is pretty lonely [38]. Outside of working at STARRY, she also livestreams playing video games as a VTuber under the name Otogi Alto (音戯アルト; the kanji for Otogi might be read literally as “sound-play”) [39]. Through that identity she became good online pals with SICKHACK’s Eliza as her oshi [s12]. Although PA-san comes off as the gentlest and most stable of the adults, she is able to be quite ruthless with a smile [24] and is just as capable of mood swings as the others.
STARRY: PA-san is the most trusted (and apparently only other adult) member of Seika’s staff. At the start of the series STARRY had opened up just “recently” so it seems likely PA-san has been employed there from the very beginning [1]. PA-san’s role as the… well… PA means she has perhaps the most technical job. But beyond that she backs up Seika by stepping in when any troubles arise (like when Yami was stirring things up) [23-4] and interpreting her tsundere-speak [ep5]. PA-san seems to find great amusement in observing Seika. She shows little fear towards her employer, regularly poking her about her soft spot for Nijika/Bocchi/Kessoku Band, calling her out on irrational behavior, and able to go as far as smashing a cake in her face without much hesitation [40].
In saying all of this, they do not really show obvious signs of being close outside of a professional relationship. It seems unlikely they knew each other before Seika hired her seeing how Seika didn’t learn of PA-san’s childhood until recently [75] and PA-san likewise hasn’t shown familiarity with Seika’s past. It is even technically unconfirmed if Seika herself remembers PA-san’s real name. As her employer Seika HAS to know PA-san’s name to some extent but we’ve never seen her use it. At the same time, Seika has also doesn't call her “PA-san” like the others, instead seemingly only using impersonal pronouns. There is a point in the manga where Seika could be calling her “PA-san” [26], but in context I think it is Kikuri speaking. In the end, it seems likely that Seika really does know her name and would use it rather than calling her "PA-san" but is too gruff to ever do so. On her part, PA-san similarly only ever calls Seika “Manager”, something Seika insists on even with her sister.
Various anime differences:
PA-san must've been pretty well liked by the anime staff because she was actually given several additional appearances and small interactions in the anime, which mostly solidify her identity as Seika’s shadow. Then in general, PA-san is always wearing a choker unlike in the manga where there are a few times she isn’t wearing it even at STARRY and, like Bocchi, her body’s proportions were made much more subdued in the anime's art style.
Despite the many additions, there were also a few appearances in the manga that did not make it into the anime.
[Shipping discussion. Feel free to ignore.] I personally like the PA/Seika ship. They are almost always seen together, have interesting chemistry, are otherwise single, and – coincidence or not – their chokers are really hard to ignore. This sounds good enough to me, especially for a Kirara series. Seika does have other ships that fans support (Bocchi or Kikuri seem to be the other most common) but both of them have other good ships of their own while for PA-san it is basically just Seika, so I just naturally gravitate towards this pairing. But I freely admit there isn’t anything concrete in the series to suggest they’re much more than employeemployee with a good relationship. If they ARE in a relationship then they're doing a good job hiding it considering how even little-sis Nijika doesn't seem to suspect anything. They did have a VERY shippy chapter-art together [75], but the same happened with Bocchi/Ohtsuki [40] (among many others) and it might be best to just treat all of the artworks as the simple references they are.
submitted by NerdyArchimedes to BocchiTheRock [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:07 Ranger-Prestigious Ogden Deserves a Better Class of Super… Pooper Scooper?

Ogden Deserves a Better Class of Super… Pooper Scooper?
Okay, here’s the story, I recently started a dog poop clean up company here in Ogden, but I’m brand new to the city.
Does anyone know of events happening where I can become a vendor this summer?
I want to do free initial yard cleanings to build up my book a bit.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Ranger-Prestigious to ogden [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:06 CaterpillarFun7261 Afraid my trainer’s methods broke my dog’s spirits

I paid for a session with a trainer with hundreds of 5 star reviews, and he was a bit vague about his methods until he came over. But because of all the positive reviews I felt confident that whatever his formula was would work. It basically involved us as humans acting like a big dog disciplining my dog when he did the thing we didn’t want him to do - acting big and scary and yelling - and then following up with a look. And then using just the point and look as the correction when he did that trigger behavior again.
I mean, it was really effective and my dog doesn’t do that anymore. But he seems much more subdued now and not as cheerful. Since this was just yesterday, maybe I shouldn’t read too much into it. But now I’ve been reading all about how fear based methods are outdated in favor of positive reinforcement and I can’t stop worrying that I’ve psychologically scarred my dog. He’s such a sweetie and a good boy, we just needed help with a few bad habits like begging at the dinner table.
An analogy he gave was it’s similar to when my mom could parent me with a look… but honestly even though my mom was an effective disciplinarian I am still kind of afraid of her years later as a grown adult!
Anyway, would appreciate a judgement free perspective.
submitted by CaterpillarFun7261 to OpenDogTraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:57 Sweet-Count2557 Jumpin' Java Kitchen Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States

Jumpin' Java Kitchen Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Jumpin' Java Kitchen Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Jumpin' Java Kitchen: A Unique Dining Experience in Studio City, Los Angeles, CA
Price Level: $$ - $$$
Located in the heart of Studio City, Jumpin' Java Kitchen is a must-visit restaurant for travelers seeking contemporary California/Mediterranean cuisine and a happy atmosphere. With its European-style outside patio, this restaurant offers a unique dining experience. What sets Jumpin' Java Kitchen apart is its all-day breakfast menu, allowing visitors to enjoy their favorite breakfast dishes at any time of the day. Established in 1995 as a simple coffee house, it has since evolved into a full-service restaurant. Chef/Owner Sona Grigorian has infused the menu with family recipes and a personal touch, creating a loyal following among locals. The friendly servers at Jumpin' Java Kitchen make every guest feel like a regular, adding to the comfort and charm of this popular neighborhood destination.
Cuisines of Jumpin' Java Kitchen in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Jumpin' Java Kitchen Restaurant is a delightful culinary haven that offers a delectable array of American and Vegetarian Friendly cuisines. With a menu that caters to diverse palates, this restaurant ensures that every guest leaves satisfied and craving for more. From classic American dishes like juicy burgers, crispy fries, and mouthwatering steaks to a wide range of vegetarian options such as fresh salads, flavorful pastas, and innovative plant-based creations, Jumpin' Java Kitchen has something for everyone. Whether you're a meat lover or a vegetarian, this restaurant guarantees a memorable dining experience with its scrumptious offerings.
Features of Jumpin' Java Kitchen in Los Angeles,CA,United States
SeatingDeliveryTakeoutReservationsOutdoor SeatingParking AvailableStreet ParkingFree off-street parkingWheelchair AccessibleAccepts American ExpressAccepts MastercardAccepts VisaFree WifiAccepts DiscoverAccepts Credit CardsTable ServiceDog Friendly
Menu of Jumpin' Java Kitchen in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Location of Jumpin' Java Kitchen in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Contact of Jumpin' Java Kitchen in Los Angeles,CA,United States
+1 818-980-4249
11919 Ventura Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 91604-2607
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:56 JackkSkyline 21 [M4F] #Scotland #UK #Online #Western Australia #Perth - looking for a gaming duo :)

(I know it's not the main focus in the title but I'd also be super keen to talk to people in the UK, either London or somewhere in England or Scotland around like Edinburgh as there's a near 100% chance I'm moving there this year)
Hi everyone!
My name is Jack, I'm 21 and I'm a recent cyber security and forensics and internetworking and network security graduate, but I hope to go on for a few more years and do post grad studies! (this year my goal is to move to Edinburgh for my masters!)
Hobbies!: For the past few years I've been heavily into formula 1, never missing a race (even the 3 am ones and even worse, the 7 am ones!)
I also enjoy doing photography, I mainly do cars but I have recently started thinking about more landscape/urban photography.
Now for games! My main ones are Destiny 2, and rainbow six siege, (for those wondering my highest rank is diamond 3 (when rank actually meant something lol)), but I haven't been playing them much these days. I play heaps more than that but I can't think of them off the top of my head lol. To try and list some id say project zomboid is one I'm very into as of right now, that and hell divers 2. I really enjoyed elden ring so I want to try more souls like games. Red dead redemption 2 is amazing and my favourite game of all time is probably watch dogs 2.
I love JDM cars and unfortunately haven't been to a car meet in over a year now. My introduction to photography was through cars so if you'd like to see some of my photos do let me know! Most of my part time work went towards getting my dream car so I definitely plan on going to more meets!
As for what I look like I'm 5"11' brown hair that touches my shoulders and never acts normally. I am 75 ish kg and I have brown eyes. That's a basic description of me but if you want a picture that's not an issue.
I'm not really too good at writing these advertisements or making titles or finishing them off so I'll just say if I sound appealing to you or you wanna know more, feel free to shoot me a message! For those in WA I'm down in the Mandurah area but travelling up to Perth isn't an issue for me! And hopefully I see all you Scots later this year!
Thanks for reading! Stay safe people!!
submitted by JackkSkyline to r4r [link] [comments]