Text messages to get your guy excited

/r/texts - The Conversations Subreddit

2011.02.15 01:03 laaabaseball /r/texts - The Conversations Subreddit

/texts - The Conversations Subreddit - a subreddit to submit your funny, weird, or random coversations from your mobile or cell phone.

2014.11.20 00:25 JonasBrosSuck AnimalTextGifs = Cute Animals + Text + Gif

Animal Text Gifs is a subreddit for posts with superimposed text over moving images suggesting that the animal in question is speaking about the situation at hand.

2011.01.21 21:31 phyzome Codes & ciphers

Hiding data, cracking codes, finding hidden messages. We welcome posts that aren't as suitable for /crypto, such as basic cipher-cracking challenges and discussions of simple data hiding.

2024.05.19 13:12 Yofjawe21 Blatant Mechanicum Propaganda

As you might have noticed, the 30k mechanicum is being released in plastic, removing what to me at least appeared to be the biggest reason as to why admech players dont want to play 30k, and that a lot of people voiced their dislike that none of these models will come to 40k, so I want to invite you to come to 30k. The new box is a great start at a decent ~700 points composed only of troop choices and a big transport thats actually useful (looking at you dracosan).
I will give you a quick summary of the contents of the box (in my opinion from playing mechanicum for around 5 years now):
Thallax: great, one of the best units the mechanicum has, very tough, decent shooting and the most mobile unit in the game thanks to having 13" of flying movement and being able to fly another 6" after shooting. You can easily take 24 of them in a list.
Adsecularis Thralls: Cheap, and thats about it, you can plop down 20 of these guys for 75 pts, but dont expect them to do much as all their stats are horrible, but you can have them shield your vehicles and ranged automata from getting caught in melee
Castellax Automata: Not the Powerhouses of doom they used to be, but still good in the right army, You need to keep tech priests near them or else they will start to run towards the closest enemy and attack it.
Triaros Conveyor: Imo one of the best transports in the game, it has the same frontal protection as the heaviest tanks in the game, whilst costing about as much as a predator tank, it has a huge transport capacity and it has a very strong ram attack that can be used as a suprise tool that will help you. Also its ranged guns arent too shabby as well.
All in all the box is very useable and you can easily buy it several times. You can also use some of the 40k stuff in 30k, skitarii vanguards make for good secutarii peltasts, all your techpriests can be taken as a 30k techpriest, kastelan bots can be proxies for the castellax, and depending on your community some of the vehicles and other units might be proxies for other stuff.
submitted by Yofjawe21 to AdeptusMechanicus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:11 Check-ur-Corners To the Dismissive avoidants in the group

So I went through a breakup with my DA ex two months ago, I’m the dumpee. We’ve had contact on a couple of occasions and the last time was over the last week, I didn’t push or beg, I simply tried to have normal conversation and reconnect and slowly work towards working on things and having a better relationship. A couple of texts were sent with very slow replies in between, I called her and she swayed the conversation towards “us”. So since she swayed it that way I was honest and said I think we can work on things (pretty clear what that means in my opinion), and she said in the future. So I asked if she would be open to it and she said yes but not yet and that was the end of the call. Couldn’t help but feel as though I was being given false hope or being strung along so a couple days later I text her to say I was removing her from social media and that I was going to focus on moving on and being the best version of myself and if she changed her mind later down the line she could text me. Safe to say she didn’t take this too well and replied saying she never intended to give me false hope and simply meant we’d catch up on the future as friends and claims she made it clear at the breakup she wasn’t interested in a relationship now or ever again, then finished it with “get the message it’s finished”. And then blocked me on everything along with my brother and any friends she knew through me. Personally I felt as though I made it clear on the phone what I meant and it was in fact her who pushed the conversation that way, so I don’t believe I’ve misunderstood anything and I do believe I was being kept as a backup or strung along. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s just the way I see it. My question to the DA’s in the group is is she likely to regret throwing me away? The relationship was great, the connection was great, the sexual chemistry was great, we had a whole future planned out. She always told me I was the first person she’d been with who she could see a future with. But out of the blue I was discarded. I’ve given up hope of rekindling things and I’m focused on myself and moving on, but given how cold she is and how she’s treated me after such a great relationship, I just struggle to believe she’ll ever come to realise what she’s thrown away. I know what I brought to the table and I was a damn good partner, I know she’s unlikely to find this again
submitted by Check-ur-Corners to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:11 Zealousideal-Prune66 Crashes everytime I try to load save, how can I fix this?

This usually happens but I usually get past it by using my manual save option but this time all my autosaves and manual saves crashes when I try to load it in. I have made the stupid mistake of making one manual save of this world even tho I knew this happens. It might have to do this is a cracked version of the game I downloaded but I would like to try get my world back since I have around 130 hours in it :')
Crash Dump Text 0.000 2024-05-19 15:05:14; Factorio 1.1.101 (build 62011, win64, steam)
0.000 Operating system: Windows 10 (build 19045)
0.000 Initializing Steam API.
0.001 Program arguments: "D:\Desktop\GAMES\factorio\Factorio.v1.1.101\Factorio.v1.1.101\Factorio.v1.1.101\bin\x64\factorio.exe"
0.001 Config path: C:/Users/TyleAppData/Roaming/Factorio/config/config.ini
0.001 Read data path: D:/Desktop/GAMES/factorio/Factorio.v1.1.101/Factorio.v1.1.101/Factorio.v1.1.101/data
0.001 Write data path: C:/Users/TyleAppData/Roaming/Factorio [180355/475708MB]
0.001 Binaries path: D:/Desktop/GAMES/factorio/Factorio.v1.1.101/Factorio.v1.1.101/Factorio.v1.1.101/bin
0.008 System info: [CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor, 12 cores, RAM: 5757/16332 MB, page: 6886/17356 MB, virtual: 4256/134217727 MB, extended virtual: 0 MB]
0.050 Memory info:
0.050 [0]: Unknown CMK8GX4M1A2666C16 8192 MB 2133 MHz 1.2 v
0.050 [1]: Unknown CMK8GX4M1A2666C16 8192 MB 2133 MHz 1.2 v
0.051 Display options: [FullScreen: 1] [VSync: 1] [UIScale: automatic (100.0%)] [Native DPI: 1] [Screen: 255] [Special: lmw] [Lang: en]
0.285 Video driver: windows
0.285 Available displays: 1
0.285 [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 {0x05, [0,0], 1920x1080, 32bit, 75Hz}
0.313 [Direct3D11] Display: 0, Output: 0, DisplayAdapter: 0, RenderingAdapter: 0; d3dcompiler_47.dll
0.586 Initialised Direct3D[0]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660; id: 10de-2184; driver: nvldumdx.dll
0.586 D3D Feature Level: 11.1, DXGI 1.5+, SwapChain: 3,flip-discard,-,-,-,none
0.586 [Local Video Memory] Budget: 5198MB, CurrentUsage: 23MB, Reservation: 0/2727MB
0.586 [Non-Local Vid.Mem.] Budget: 7501MB, CurrentUsage: 16MB, Reservation: 0/3878MB
0.586 Tiled resources: Tier 2
0.586 Unified Memory Architecture: No
0.586 BGR 565 Supported: Yes
0.586 MaximumFrameLatency: 3, GPUThreadPriority: 0
0.587 Graphics settings preset: very-high
0.587 Dedicated video memory size 5966 MB
0.639 Desktop composition is active.
0.639 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: high] [Video memory usage: all] [DXT: high-quality] [Color: 32bit]
0.639 [Max threads (load/render): 32/8] [Max texture size: 0] [Tex.Stream.: 0] [Rotation quality: normal] [Other: STDCWT] [B:0,C:0,S:100]
0.667 [Audio] Backend:SDL(default); Driver:wasapi, Device:Headset Earphone (HyperX Virtual Surround Sound), Depth:16, Channels:2, Frequency:44100
0.755 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
0.808 Loading mod base 1.1.101 (data.lua)
1.016 Loading mod base 1.1.101 (data-updates.lua)
1.135 Checksum for core: 905122912
1.135 Checksum of base: 1054619811
1.309 Prototype list checksum: 3034860339
1.362 Loading sounds...
1.502 Info PlayerData.cpp:78: Local player-data.json unavailable
1.502 Info PlayerData.cpp:81: Cloud player-data.json available, timestamp 1716116146
1.631 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
1.668 Created atlas bitmap 16384x16384 [none]
1.672 Created atlas bitmap 16384x13048 [none]
1.672 Created atlas bitmap 8192x4208 [decal]
1.673 Created atlas bitmap 16384x5568 [low-object]
1.674 Created atlas bitmap 8192x4448 [mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
1.675 Created atlas bitmap 16384x6064 [terrain, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level]
1.675 Created atlas bitmap 4096x3216 [terrain-effect-map, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level]
1.675 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1856 [smoke, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification]
1.676 Created atlas bitmap 4096x3088 [mipmap]
1.676 Created atlas bitmap 8192x2272 [icon, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
1.676 Created atlas bitmap 8192x1496 [alpha-mask]
1.679 Created atlas bitmap 16384x14776 [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
1.680 Created atlas bitmap 8192x2352 [shadow, mipmap, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
1.680 Created atlas bitmap 2048x240 [icon-background, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, ]
1.685 Texture processor created (2048). GPU accelerated compression Supported: yes, Enabled: yes/yes. Test passed. YCoCgDXT PSNR: 35.83, BC3 PSNR: 33.82
2.280 Parallel Sprite Loader initialized (threads: 11)
8.983 Sprites loaded
9.017 Generated mipmaps (4) for atlas [3] of size 16384x5568
9.028 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [4] of size 8192x4448
9.050 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [5] of size 16384x6064
9.061 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [6] of size 4096x3216
9.072 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [7] of size 4096x1856
9.113 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [8] of size 4096x3088
9.124 Generated mipmaps (5) for atlas [9] of size 8192x2272
9.135 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [12] of size 8192x2352
9.153 Custom mipmaps uploaded (1942)
9.250 Factorio initialised
9.270 Steam Storage Quota: 1233/1234
95.816 Loading map C:\Users\brian\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\saves\new.zip: 24943725 bytes.
95.861 Loading level.dat: 66668074 bytes.
95.865 Info Scenario.cpp:204: Map version 1.1.101-1
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6B275D22C)
00007FF6B275D22C (factorio): (filename not available): luaL_openlibs
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6B203DC51)
00007FF6B203DC51 (factorio): (filename not available): lua_gethook
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6B203DD57)
00007FF6B203DD57 (factorio): (filename not available): lua_gethook
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6B203E3D2)
00007FF6B203E3D2 (factorio): (filename not available): lua_gethook
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6B203E361)
00007FF6B203E361 (factorio): (filename not available): lua_gethook
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6B188B847)
00007FF6B188B847 (factorio): (filename not available): lua_gethook
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6B1D07710)
00007FF6B1D07710 (factorio): (filename not available): lua_gethook
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6B1D06278)
00007FF6B1D06278 (factorio): (filename not available): lua_gethook
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6B1E2F842)
00007FF6B1E2F842 (factorio): (filename not available): lua_gethook
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6B1E2AABC)
00007FF6B1E2AABC (factorio): (filename not available): lua_gethook
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6B24229A0)
00007FF6B24229A0 (factorio): (filename not available): lua_gethook
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6B1466DB9)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6B1466DB9)
00007FF6B1466DB9 (factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6B2859178)
00007FF6B2859178 (factorio): (filename not available): luaL_openlibs
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFE23337344)
00007FFE23337344 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFE253426B1)
00007FFE253426B1 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
Stack trace logging done
96.239 Error FluidManager.cpp:474: connectionRecord.otherConnectionIndex < targetFluidBox->connections.size() was not true
96.239 Error CrashHandler.cpp:641: Received 22
Logger::writeStacktrace skipped.
96.285 Info CrashHandler.cpp:315: Executable CRC: 2602457318
96.285 Error Util.cpp:100: Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash.
98.037 Uploading log file
98.064 Error CrashHandler.cpp:266: Heap validation: success.
98.064 Creating crash dump.
98.200 CrashDump success
submitted by Zealousideal-Prune66 to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:11 LionidsuNsombi Hey guys, got a question for you all

Recently I've got to know about a surgery that people can use to increase they're height it has a ton of risks and stuff but thats not what im asking about I'm freakishly tall myself and the idea that someone get life threatening and changing surgery just to grow 3 inches seemed crazy to me. But I suppose that makes sense I don't have the perspective you guys do but id like to understand.
I guess what I'm asking is why? What makes your height so important, that'd people would do something this dangerous. Do you truly think your life would be better if you where taller?
To be clear I mean no harm in this I simply want to understand and talk about it.
submitted by LionidsuNsombi to short [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:11 Terrible-Table-9373 WAR ZONE RANKED CARRYING/BOOSTING!

10 days left of the current season if you are hard stuck or just do not have time or team to get the rank you deserve, add me to discuss what your current rank is and what your goal rank is and what i can do to get you there? We offer self play (you play on your account with us) which costs extra or a pilot service where we can rank the account for you (much quicker and cheaper), we are not cheaters and we live stream/record the games and upload them to youtube at the customers request. We are happy to answer any questions you guys have. https://discord.gg/HwXDUrZZms DISCORD ID- composed9301
submitted by Terrible-Table-9373 to Warzone [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:09 DC_Legend1 Truecaller Gold v14.5.6 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)

Truecaller Gold v14.5.6 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)
Name Truecaller: Caller ID & Block
Publisher Truecaller
Genre Communication
Size 78.41 MB
Version 14.5.6
MOD Premium Unlocked
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
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Truecaller MOD APK
In today’s world, where spam calls and messages are on the rise, Truecaller has emerged as a game-changer for mobile users. Truecaller is a comprehensive Android app that provides a powerful Caller ID, Dialer, and Spam Detector. With this app, you can stay protected from robocallers and scammers and identify unknown phone numbers. In this article, we will explore the different features of Truecaller that make it one of the most popular Android apps worldwide.

Advanced Caller ID

Truecaller’s advanced Caller ID feature is one of the most powerful aspects of the app. With this feature, you can identify unknown callers and determine whether to pick up the call or not. The app also tells you the reason for the call, so you can decide whether to answer it or not. This is especially helpful when you receive calls from unknown numbers, telemarketers, and fraudsters. The Caller ID is regularly updated by millions of users worldwide, so you can block unwanted numbers in real-time.

Reverse Number Lookup

The app’s Dialer provides a powerful reverse number lookup feature that allows you to search for phone numbers to find the name of the person. This helps you avoid the guesswork before you call and ensures that you’re calling the right person. Additionally, you can use Truecaller’s VOIP calling to talk to your friends on Truecaller for free. This feature allows you to stay in touch with your loved ones without incurring high phone bills.

World-Class Spam Detector and Blocker

Truecaller’s advanced spam detector and blocker is another standout feature of the app. The app automatically blocks and protects you from unwanted calls and SMS, including telemarketers, robocallers, scammers, fraudsters, and more. Additionally, the phone numbers on the spam list are updated in real-time by millions of users worldwide. This ensures that you’re always protected from the latest spam and scam calls.

Truecaller Assistant

The app’s AI-powered Assistant is a smart call screening and voice-based virtual assistant that helps you save time and add a new level of spam detection. The Assistant uses machine learning and speech to text technology to ask questions to the caller, helping you find out who they are and the reason for the call. The Assistant can tell with more than 90% accuracy if the call is spam, scam, robocaller or not, helping you decide whether to answer or reject the call.


Truecaller can also serve as your main text messaging app. With this feature, you can send and receive messages, schedule future messages, and more. Additionally, the app can automatically identify and block every unknown, spam, scam, or telemarketing SMS. The messages are automatically organized into different tabs, including Personal, Important, Other, and Spam.

Truecaller Premium

Truecaller offers a premium version that provides users with access to additional features. The premium version comes with no ads, advanced blocking and filtering options, a ghost call feature, and the ability to know who viewed your profile. Additionally, you can set any name, number, and photo to make it appear as if you are getting a call from that person. The app also provides an Incognito mode, which allows you to view profiles privately. With the Premium badge on your profile, you can stand out among the millions of users worldwide. The premium version also provides 30 contact requests a month.


Truecaller is a powerful Android app that provides a comprehensive Caller ID, Dialer, and Spam Detector. With this app, you can stay protected from robocallers and scammers and identify unknown phone numbers. The app’s features include advanced Caller ID, reverse number lookup, a world-class spam detector and blocker,
submitted by DC_Legend1 to modifiedmod [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:09 G1ass_knees Should the last long run of a training block feel easy, or hard?

So it’s been a long 12-16 weeks, and your fitness has been hopefully getting better and better, and two to three weeks away from your race you have one last long run - do you think it should feel easy thanks to the fitness gains? Or really difficult thanks to the accumulated fatigue, with tapering hopefully making the race itself feel easier?
Today, two weeks away from my goal marathon, I had my last long run, and it was a FIGHT. Granted, it’s much warmer now than it has been for the rest of the block, but it felt so difficult. The run was 5km warm up, 5 steady, 15 at goal pace and 5 to cool down and shake out. And it felt so hard. Harder than any of the other long runs with higher amounts of marathon target pace work.
Of course, this has knocked my confidence a bit, but at the same time it comes off the back of many 100+km weeks and a 10km race last weekend, so maybe I’m reading too much into it.
But what do you guys think? Should the last long run feel like a slog? Or a walk in the park to tell you you’re ready to go the distance?
submitted by G1ass_knees to AdvancedRunning [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:09 dirkisgod [OFFER] ZING - £30 Total - £20 from them and £10 from me (UK Only)

ZING is a brand new payments app introduced by HSBC.
Their aim is to challenge the likes of Revolut and Wise. This is a very easy to use app that offers a free multi-currency card, international payments and real-time exchange rates.
The sign up process is simple. This is open only to UK residents. I don't think a credit check is made, but your address is checked.
As part of their launch, they've introduced a generous bribe.
SIGN UP PROMO: £20 Reward
Sign up for an account, get their card (virtual and/or physical) and make at least a £5 payment using their card.
A £20 cash reward will be added to your balance (per terms: within 30 working days after the end of the promotion period).
There are no fees with the account.
  1. Click here to DM me (I will send you my link) Type $bid in the comments
  2. Sign up and make at least one £5+ payment using their card.
  3. Once they credit us with the reward, I'll send you the extra.
submitted by dirkisgod to signupsforpay [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:07 crazynoyes37 Ki Song and Hel from Norse Mythology

I haven't seen mention of how cool Ki Song sounds so here we go with me rambling about her with the information about her Authority. Some are logical and some are not. Some might have been pointed out or not, I haven't seen it if it did.
Ki Song (henceforth Song) is the Queen living and the dead. This is pretty cool actually, and they do differ quite a lot. So If you're one of the types that got offended because death counts as Sunny's thing then you're off by a few margins. Hades isn't the god of death, Thanatos is. Same way with Sunny and Song.
Song has the divine lineage of the goddess of the moon or Beast, who also holds authority over the eternal cycle of birth and death.
The last part is what Song's authority is. Beast's authority is the cycle of rebirth, Shadow's authority is Death.
She's the Queen of both the living and the dead.
Now let's look at Hel.
Hel in the Norse Mythology is the queen of the underworld where dead gather and holds the power over it.
She's the daughter of Loki whom you're all familiar already.
Nilfehim is described as a realm with frozen coldness and ice. And it's also described Hel possesses several grand mansions on where she lives.
Sound familiar?
Here's the thing, Ki Song unlike Anvil is mainly presented as a benevolent monarch, who saved many girls from certain death and offered them places in her clan, this is a good deed. (Unlike Anvil who is presented as an antagonist at best.)
Hel is a cruel deity, her body half dead half alive. She is greedy and harsh. But at the same time she is detached, cold and unfeeling.
A dichotomy. Is Song cruel or benevolent? Probably both, but she's a solemn figure.
G3 recently answered on discord that his favorite great clan was Song. Which I think mainly has to do with Ki Song, though we have gotten introduced to Anvil and his overwhelming power. We don't know anything about Song (Asterion is worse, but his part comes later.)
Hel plays a key role in the attempted resurrection of the god Baldr, which, if you assume Baldr to be the Forgotten God, can open a whole layer of theories on its own. But I digress.
Her powers probably has something to do with the dead, necromancy perhaps, but that's irrelevant.
She's the second Supreme that'll get introduced and imo will be given a better spotlight than Anvil who drew the ire of all Divine Aspect holders. (Poor guy)
The chances of Song being a benevolent figure is much higher than both Anvil and Asterion. I also don't think she'll die.
submitted by crazynoyes37 to ShadowSlave [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:07 LostTivoli Housemates Hate Me

I have a problem with my housemates and I just can’t wrap my head around it. I’m in my final year of uni, live with 4 other girls, two of which I was friends with beforehand. It’s the final stretch of uni and I’ve never been so stressed. I’m not going out clubbing with them, I’m not doing anything but studying or spending time with my bf. But they seem to take it the wrong way. Maybe it’s because I’m the only child and I love my alone time. I also asked the girl directly next door to me (professional yapper) to stop talking on the phone between the hours of 12 and the early morning. She gave me a sour face and ignored me. The girl who lives above me gets up at 6am and the ceiling is very thin so you can imagine I can’t get much sleep at all. So I ask her again, and again and again and eventually she ignores my texts so I start knocking on the wall gently a couple times. She stops sometimes. But it’s annoying that I have to do this most nights. And it’s a rule that I thought we would both keep in mind but she wasn’t having it. So I stay with my bf for two weeks where the sleep is much much better. I come back home. My kitchen stuff is strewn about the place and a few other annoying tidbits. So I send a polite message to the house chat asking people to leave my stuff alone. Oh no. They don’t like that. The professional yapper next door decides to talk about me in the kitchen with my other friend, saying that they don’t care so why should I and that I was harsh and rude for not talking to her directly 🙃 Idk how I was meant to know it was them, hence the general message. So, message complaints aren’t on the table. Few days later, professional yapper sends a complaint about a cardboard loo roll left in the bathroom. It was me. She knows it was me because she spoke to the only other girl who uses that toilet and they confirmed it wasn’t her. So, an indirect message to me calling me messy and I should act like an adult. A whole paragraph over a singular, cardboard, loo roll. So she’s allowed to complain in the group chat, talk shit about me in the kitchen, absolutely blank me in when I say hello or good morning. But when I do it, ahhhhh. This girl is out to get me in my own home and all I wanted was to live peacefully doing my studies. It’s not like I’m dirty either. I’m one of two people that clean this place. I was also crammed into the crappy room under the stairs like Harry Potter. But I’ll take the hit for the girlies! And then I get treated like a bitch. Genuinely so tired, all I want to do is move out.
submitted by LostTivoli to roommateproblems [link] [comments]

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submitted by Candid_Tough_2563 to deficryptos [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:07 DeezstuN Try this again. Am I tripping?

I didn’t properly censor my previous post. Sorry about that. I’m in blue and the other person is in purple. So yeah I just thought this was weird and I got the ick and I did end up blocking them but I just wasn’t sure if I was doing too much. We had yet to come up with any ideas for the story and when I think they’re about to throw something out there, it’s about spanking. Side eye 😒
submitted by DeezstuN to BadRPerStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:07 Celestial-Nexus Do I(28m) break NC with my partner(27f)? Really need some insight.

So I am recently coming off of a 10+ year relationship. We had a talk about 2 weeks ago. For the past 2 years the relationship has been causing mental distress on both ends. She is always telling me how unhappy I make her because of my failure to be a good communicator and that I never plan anything for her and shes hurt from the past because she pretty much felt like anytime we went on trips or did things together that I didn't want to be there. She always is consistently bringing up the past no matter what I do.
Now I will say when we would communicate I would get defensive sometimes. Now I would try to plan small things like going to the movies or dinner dates but 9/10 whenever I planned something she usually would be against it and we ended up doing something else. Now I guess the reason for some of my lack of effort in certain aspects was my result of never feeling like I had me time. I'd always put myself last, my job I had at basically the whole relationship before I left was miserable at times, making me stay late, understaffed, always feeling super overworked, as a management employee I went above and beyond at work which I will never do again for another company with poor management above me. I would then come home and spend time with her and try to make up me time at night which would result in me being drained and super tired. I was pretty poor with balance in my life.
Now I have mentally checked out of the relationship probably a couple of months ago and she has to. During our talk I didn't really know what to say because it has been the same talk we always have except she ended up saying she wanted to breakup even though I feel like she didn't want to, now I did try to stay but didn't push the issue because of how miserable I have been. I was putting more effort in but felt like it was useless because she would say to me that she feels like I'm just checking off boxes. Imagine your actually genuinely excited to see someone and they walk around with a stormy cloud on there head after work and say "I feel like you only do these things to check off a box". I can't describe the feeling I get when I'm with her other then it's like she just isn't happy with me and miserable. It's like I can just feel it in the air and over time it's been beating me up mentally.
I also feel like I shouldn't have to sit there and explain what type of man I am and what I have done for her like it's a job interview. I know my worth and all I want is peace. All I hear when we talk is me, me, me, me, me. But I want to talk about how I feel, she brings up the past, and trys to validate the way she feels and her actions and I'm supposed to just take it.
Imagine living with someone who is always just unhappy with you and miserable which in turn makes you miserable as well. She ended up texting me that she loves me and misses me and asked why I didnt fight for the relationship and accepted it. She says shes done chasing me and said I need to man up and try to fix the relationship and she wants to feel like a prize. Now I texted her "go be someone's prize then" and blocked her, before hand she mentioned meeting up as texts can me misconstrued but it's going to be the same thing. I love her deeply but it's hard to fight for someone who makes you feel like they won't have your back. It's also like I'm trying to somewhat do her a favor by letting go which also has been ripping me to pieces. I was thinking of unblocking her and reaching out but now it's kind of awkward as I sent that message and don't know how to go about it. It's been 5 days since I blocked her. I feel bad because I know she's probably hurting and very upset. It's almost like I feel pushed out the door but drawn in, like she has 1 foot in 1 foot out type of thing. Just feels very confusing and the situation is hard. The time away with NC has allowed to somewhat get my thoughts and feelings more organized. Idk what to do.
submitted by Celestial-Nexus to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:06 justanothersiya AITA?

AITA? Hey y'all. First time poster here. 😅 This is a REALLY LONG one...
TW: d34th (grief), DV
How do I (28F) not make ADHD my entire personality? 😫 I am unmedicated (unemployed and medication is not something I can afford rn), and find it extremely difficult not to let my neurodivergence permeate throughout my entire life and affect my relationships. I really try my best, but it's an uphill battle when it affects how I communicate, relate with others, and self-regulate the RSD. I also have an anxious attachment style due to childhood trauma and history of domestic abuse in a previous relationship, so there's that. 😔 One of the most challenging things about being a neurodivergent living in a predominantly neurotypical world is the lack of education on it and lack of empathy and compassion for people on the spectrum. Not trying to be a victim here, this is just my experience.
Some of the things I battle with:
So I've been talking to this guy (28M) via Facebook messenger and mostly Whatsapp for about 9 months now. We're long distance (living in different provinces - I'm in South Africa btw), and both have so much going on in our lives, that it's simply not practical to be official bc 1. I'm unemployed and have so much trauma and internal work to get through, while he is trying to build a successful business that is still quite a baby (less than 5 years old) and 2. We just want to be realistic about the chances of a LDR being successful. So right now, we're in a talking stage.
Now this guy has been all green flags since we started talking. Attentive, kind, funny without being mean, God-fearing (I respect all beliefs, even the lack thereof so this is not a jab at anyone who isn't. It's simply a green flag for ME as we are aligned in that way), family oriented, and honestly he is just always really nice and reassuring to me, even in moments where I have done something to upset him. That stood out to me bc he does not withold intimacy when we have conflict. He also has a genuine curiosity about how my ADHD affects me, and has always shown compassion to me about it. This is really important bc I've never experienced this with ANY man I have dealt with. I usually look for love in men who get irritated by this, I have been told that I use my ADHD as an excuse in some arguments with an ex, been shamed for the executive dysfunction and long-windedness, have had boundaries crossed regarding my physical sensitivity to certain touch bc I guess ADHD doesn't seem like a real thing to certain people?
Anyway, he's been going through a lot mentally and emotionally, his business has been taking a lot of knocks, funding and budget issues etc. He lives on a farm (hates city life lol) which he finds to be more peaceful to him, however, he's been in the city for about 3 months now due to work setbacks. It's affected his mental health quite negatively, and I often feel pained by this. I often feel helpless bc I can't solve his problems, and he just becomes aloof and buries his head in work. I can completely understand this, bc his business is his baby, and he's dedicated about 4 years into making it a success, forfeiting a social life completely, and that includes dating. He is extremely self-sufficient and unlike me, he is able to compartmentalize his life and readjust his priorities to make space for his career needs. He has no problem making difficult choices for long-term rewards. Now mix that with his own childhood trauma that has created abandonment issues with him. 🤦🏾‍♀️ He is of the sad opinion that everyone leaves, and it's always just a matter of time.
This is a problem, bc I also battle RSD, so when I feel his aloofness, it feels like he's so distant. This makes me feel unsafe in being vulnerable. I withdraw completely and start fighting feelings of being unwanted and neglected. It's a really difficult one bc I don't want to play in to his abandonment issues, and I also want to give him grace bc he hasn't really dealt with a woman romantically in YEARS. He has communicated this with me, so I try to keep it in mind, even tho I have to fight my own head sometimes. 😅🤦🏾‍♀️ But how do I get over these feelings? How do I communicate this with him when he has warned me over and over about what's happening in his life? It seems that his challenges are challenging both of us, and I'm honestly just scared of losing him.
Thought I was done? Lol, sorry, but no. My long-winded behind is only just about to get to the main point of this post. 🤣🤦🏾‍♀️
On the 13th May last year my 18 year old brother died in a car accident on his way back from a school event. It was an abrupt death, and was really hard on my family and me. Now, my little brother and I were extremely close, so his death is still something I grieve a lot, and I think I still bleed onto others when I am overwhelmed with emotion. A few days ago marked the 1 year anniversary of his death, and I was not in a good place at all. That night I called this guy, and he told me he was getting some work done that he needed to submit for something. In that moment and for the first time, I was really not trying to be this understanding woman for him. I needed a space to just be an emotional mess and have him listen to me. I needed comfort from him. I also just missed him; I missed him just being there for me. Maybe this was a bad idea, bc he has mentioned a little while ago that he has been failing empty and drained. 🤦🏾‍♀️
Anyway, I started bleeding onto him, was crying on the phone and talking about my brother (whom I've only really talked about with him). Now, he is the problem-solving type, so his first instinct was to advise me on how to deal with that day, I guess. Usually, I find this to be quite endearing. He always wants to show up for the people he cares about, and wants to be helpful. However, in that moment, I didn't need him to be that. I just needed him to be there for me, in a safe and comforting silence. I snapped at him, asking him not to be an advisor for once bc that's not what I needed. I could hear the pained surprise on the other end of the phone, paused, and then apologised for the way that I snapped. I continued with my rant and mid-talk, he just asked if we could talk the following day. I was taken aback by the way he wanted to conclude the conversation where I was emotionally charged and in a state of grief. It upset me so much, I dropped the call without a proper goodbye.
I spent the following day thinking about this, validating him and then validating myself over him.
He called me later that evening, wanting us to talk about what happened on the call. I was expecting him to apologise for wanting to end the call in a moment where I just needed him to be there for him. To my surprise he called to actually call me out for snapping at him and then dropping the call on him. This kick-started an argument (which is quite rare for us bc within the 9 months of us talking, this was our second argument) between us, where I guess we were both feeling unheard. At every attempt of mine to try and explain where my reaction was coming from, he would get frustrated and cut me off... he did it so often to where I was starting to wonder if he just called me to fight or there was something deeper going on with him.
Anyway, what REALLY got me in that argument was that at some point I called him out for not letting me finish my sentences. He kept intercepting while I was trying to make a point, which was crazy to me. At some point, I had to remind him that I have ADHD, so maybe I can be long-winded, but I need him to bear with me as I make my point. Well, I tried, but before I could even finish that sentence, he sighed in frustration, and exclaimed, "Jesus! This is not about your ADHD! Now we're back to your ADHD!"
I was shocked. Partly bc had he allowed me to finish that sentence, he might have gotten to hear the part where I was merely trying to remind him so that he can listen and understand me better. Not to deflect from his grievance with me. 🤦🏾‍♀️
Mostly tho, was bc I was NOT expecting that from HIM. It suddenly triggered me to my experiences in the past with people conveniently ignoring the fact that I live with ADHD, ignoring how very real my experience with it is, and how I quite literally cannot help the way my brain works. I feel like that was the most ableist thing I have ever heard coming from his mouth, and it really rocked me.
I can fully own that I was not right to snap at him, nor was I right to drop the call like that. I have apologised for this. It was the first thing I did. It's just so tricky bc my responses were triggered by his reaction to me in that moment. I was at an emotional low and maybe this is a bit entitled of me, but I was really hoping for a little more grace considering what I was so emotional about. 😔 AITA? Am I not doing enough work to manage my ADHD so that it is not causing conflict in my relationships and how I navigate them?
Please be kind. I've really fallen for this man, and want to make things right.
submitted by justanothersiya to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:06 anxietybee- I have actually beat myself up at this point and I don't know how to end the friendship

A few days ago we fought from 1:30a till about 8am. We have lengthy arguments like this all the time. We used to date, and it played a key role in the end of our relationship along with us having different values in general. I made it clear before we started dating I can't handle much fighting, particularly yelling, because of aspects of my childhood.
Two fights happened on my two birthdays- or before other important things like it's the night before a road trip or I'm ON the road trip. They happen when I want to go to bed or I'm about to run an errand. He monologs for literal hours at a time, and I can't speak up when he speaks incorrectly on my part because then I'm interrupting him and that causes more issues than me being misunderstood or remembered incorrectly.
In our relationship they were often caused by me not wanting him to pay my for my phone/phone bill before we'd been dating for even 3 months, though they were also caused by me being late to coming over and stuff like that as well. Sometimes I'd accidentally fall asleep after work instead of coming over, if I lay down after a shower, which I did a few times as I worked very early in the morning, and it made him feel like I didn't value his time.
I didn't talk to him for a few months after we broke up, even though he tried to contact me to apologize several times by texting/phonecalls/visiting several times at my apartment. Eventually someone knocked on my door and I opened it before I realized it was him. I didn't want to turn him away so we talked and he very sincerely apologized and talked about how he'd been going to therapy. I could recognize a great deal of change in him and we caught up on eachothers lives.
I moved to a different state like a week after we got in contact and i am struggling with this long distance friendship. He wants to talk all the time and I.. don't. I enjoy texting but sometimes I want to watch a show or play a game uninterrupted, but if I don't respond enough he feels ignored. He also likes to talk on the phone all the time and I really really don't enjoy talking on the phone at all, especially for hours at a time. We talked every night for a couple weeks in the beginning. But after a bad fight i reminded him I don't like being on the phone and said I wanted some space, which had been on my mind prior to the argument. The next week we talk on the phone for like 3 nights for a few hours, and maybe a few other little calls here and there, but he says it's not enough
But the thing is.. even when we talked for hours every night and texted pretty often it still wasn't enough. The only time it was enough was a short window when I checked my phone pretty obsessively to make sure I didn't miss a message from him and always stopped what I was doing to take his call
If my snap score goes up when we're not talking he asks me about it. I don't know why but I feel uncomfortable explaining to him the other people I talk to in the day. And often I'm not even talking to them when I'm not talking to him- they send me snaps when I'm not on my phone. I don't respond to anyone unless I make sure I respond to him first to avoid this exact issue. I feel anxious when my friends snap me because I know my score will go up and he's going to ask me about it
For the most part, our fights presently revolve around him feeling like I don't care enough about our friendship or he's feeling ignored by me. But I really really don't know what to do anymore. I was talking on the phone for hours at a time, I was texting all the time and keeping my responses as long as possible.. I was planning movie days, etc. It was never enough.
He's upset my responses are getting shorter. And to be honest they have. Often times I talk about my life, especially someone else in my life, it triggers a fight. Not always in the moment but it always comes back to bite me in the butt later. Particularly if I'm hanging out with my roommate, because in my friends eyes he and I get to hang out with all time. Which we kind of don't- my time is far more devoted to my friend than my roomate. But even if it wasn't- I like hanging out with my roomate because we can quietly sit in the same room together, and we don't have any conflict. He is a very kind presence and I'm grateful to have him as a friend.
It's hard talking about your life while also revealing the bare minimum about your life, and so I'm responding kind of shortly about my things and just try to focus on him.
The fight we had a few days ago was about us not talking enough. Sort of. The reasons our fights go on for hours is because I don't know how to respond to him when he brings up an issue. I sincerely try my best and I try it all. When he brings something up I explain to him I understand his concerns, both using his exact words and in my own words I explain why he's upset. If I agree with him I will apologize and tell him how I'm going to fix it and I fix it, after we fight for a few hours ofc, because he doesn't believe I can understand/apologize and fix something so early into a conversation.
Other times he keeps pushing me to explain myself, but if I explain my pov, things really really blow up because I don't always agree with him. And I think he confuses me not agreeing with him to not understanding. One of our fights came because he was upset when I got home with my roommate at 1am, when I had a 3 hour drive at 8am the next morning. Which blows my mind, because he fought with me literally all night before I drove across the state. I didn't tell him that though, I said I didn't mind getting home till 1 because I had fun when I was out and will still get plenty of sleep. But we still fought.
Anyway... the other day he brought up he feels like we don't talk enough. And I said I understand it's hard but this is the boundary I'm setting because I don't enjoy being on the phone, but we're talking 3/4 days a week for several hours. We fight and he says that even when we do talk I'm not talking enough right now. We fight and I reluctantly told him I just don't feel comfortable opening up right now. We fight and fight and it's turning me into a person I dont know or how to control.
In the beginning of our relationship I was quiet and just agreed to everything he said to avoid the argument. This didnt always work but it tends to. Now I get so overwhelmed and angry after several hours I mute my phone and scream into my pillow. This last call I started hitting myself, which I've never done before, and the next day my cheeks were bumpy and itchy, my forehead was swollen, my scalp hurt to touch, and I'm still getting over my two black eyes. He did NOT cause me to hit myself and he doesn't know. I feel silly for doing it. But I find myself at my breaking point and I don't know how to manage these fights anymore.
After hours and hours I break down and I just start agreeing to whatever he says I'm wrong about because I want it to end. I repeat the very thing I said eight hours ago- what I'm wrong about and how I'm going to fix it, but only now after crying on the phone all night long is sort of enough.
At the end of the call he asked if our friendship was over and I said I don't know. He asks this all the time and I basically beg him to be my friend but I don't want to anymore.
He sent me a long apology the morning after the fight and said he wouldn't do it anymore. I thanked him for not wanting those fights anymore. He sent me a pic of his dog and I said she was cute. That night I let our streak die. He messaged me this morning "you let our streak die" and I sat at my phone for ten minutes thinking of how to respond and eventually I just decided not to. He called me twice tonight at around 8pm and texted that he wanted us to talk for a bit, but i had made plans with another friend of mine a week ago to play animal crossing, so I did that and didn't respond to him. At 3am I saw he was typing on snapchat and I'm anxious because I've been receiving snaps and know my score went up, even though I have sent zero snaps to keep the number as low as I can
I know he wants to be friends still
But I sort of don't want to be friends anymore???? I really love the positive things in our relationship. In a lot of ways he was the best boyfriend and best friend I've ever had. But I can't do this anymore. I hate the person I am in these fights. I know he does not control my actions, it is not his fault I scream in my pillow or gave myself black eyes. But I have never in my life had any sort of romantic or friendly relationship like this. And I don't enjoy it. I really really love not fighting with my loved ones. And I really feel like no matter what I do to make him feel heard when he brings up an issue it's not enough. Every fight we have damages our friendship, which I've told him several times. I used to get over them easily but I am just so drained I always feel wary for the next blow up.
But I don't want him to feel like I'm abandoning our friendship? I don't know how to end a friendship? I've never had one end that wasn't a result of just growing apart. I don't know what to do. Sometimes I wish I never opened my door when he came over. I'm supposed to go to my home state shortly and I'm very anxious about being in the same state as him
submitted by anxietybee- to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:05 steamingcorgi 26 Chill valo games and chill peeps to play with

Anyway, hello guys~ Looking for a person or ppl and/or group to play with, better if may discord server para consistent group sana. We can just have fun and take it easy in game, no need to tryhard and sweat it out, we all already do a lot of sweating with this PH weather rn. Can do comms but no pressure if you're the shy type or not in the mood to.
about me:
Feel free to send me a message and let me know if/when you're down to play. I can send my valo and/or discord ID when you send yours. GLHF!!
submitted by steamingcorgi to PHGamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:04 Puzzleheaded_Ebb1543 Why is he(18M) not replying to me(18F)?

I (18F) made friends with this guy (18M) a few months before the school was about to end. Gradually we started liking each other but we knew that it's not gonna last cause farewell is the last time we saw each other. So naturally We never dated.
We kept in touch through Instagram. He is a sweet guy and the greenest flag I have been in talking stage with. And even though we cannot be a couple, I was sure that I had made a friend for lifetime.
Soon I'd be going to college and he wanted to see me one last time. But I cannot go to meet a guy cause I won't get the permission from my parents ( I'm not allowed to date). I belong to a conservative family and I cannot lie to them. So I said I cannot make it this time.
I texted him - I'm gonna miss you. And he saw the text and didn't reply. He has been ghosting me for 12hrs now and I know he is active cause I saw his comment on a post. I know it might have hurt him, I wanted to see him too. But he could have atleast told me that he needed space. Idk what to do now?
TLDR, not replying.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Ebb1543 to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:03 Radiant_Alchemist Update of: My straight friend kissed me unexpectedly

This is an update post of my previous one
https://www.reddit.com/askgaybros/comments/1csq76s/my_straight_friend_kissed_me_unexpectedly/ Since so many of you took the time to write a comment and share your advice, I owe you an update
So things are going better, although they are still a bit cloudy.
Firsty, I decided to talk to the nurse. I was not very fond of nurses due to a previous bullying behavior I had received (not from her) due to my sexual preferences (one had actually called me a faggot just because I told her I was not interested for a woman she almost wanted me to marry, wtf)
I didn't tell her about the kiss, I vaguely said several things (but she's good at getting it). She said that although both of us are stupid, I'm less stupid cause I didn't get myself a gf. She also said that men are not good at thinking and if she was a lesbian she would be very happy (but she's exaggerating she's married to a guy and she loves him a lot). She more or less said that sometimes in life, we must claim what we want. She said that we should drink some wine. I told her none of us drinks and she said that we're beyond hopeless
Now about him
At first we didn't talk much. He said it himself too that it's awkward that none of us talks. I told him that silence is not awkward among friends. It's a sense of familiarity. We ordered dinner and we ate. We had coca cola (zero). We were supposed to watch a movie and then he just paused it and said you know what i don't know why I kissed you. I panicked when you started crying, I'd never seen you cry and I wanted you to feel better. It felt good kissing you but I just don't know, don't ask me beyond this. I'm not good at talking about these things.
I told him I liked the kissing too. I didn't tell him he was an instant crush. I told him that I didn't expect him to kiss me, but it felt amazing. He said these days he was constantly thinking of the moment we kissed and it felt weird. Even when he slept with his gf, he was thinking about it and he wanted to be alone (they don't live together but they sleep together some days per week). His gf said that he's colder (she was constantly complaining that he's cold but he got worse, she says). He also said that it's the first time his personal time made him troubled. He only cared for work and everything else was just going smoothly.
He was thinking again and again what he should tell me. He can sum it up to "I want you to be happy and he doesn't want us to be distant ever again".
I told him that I love him and I worried a lot. He said that I'm the only person that has made him feel happy. I always made him to want to get better (and actually, this is the way he made me feel).
I slept on his couch again. But he slept on the couch next to that. The following day we had breakfast together, we went to the gym together (took turns for the shower nothing "weird" about it). We did some cooking together (I think none of us can really cook on his own, but together we can do a nice meal). We slept again (no idea why we needed so much sleep honestly). We played PS5 and then we went to a concert. We returned very late and slept again at his couch. His gf was furious bc they didn't get out at all (he would go to her place later).
He also told me that he's not sure what exactly is he doing in his life, but he will figure. He told me a thought of his, of going abroad for a semester for training. This is a thought of mine that I had discussed with him a lot. He asked me if I minded him tagging along. I told him all this is in the air (making it to the same place), but I would love to.
So.. what I'm receiving from all these is that he's confused. When we parted he kissed me in the cheek. I would have tried to kiss him back but I really can't. I've never managed to kiss in the cheek, I'm always ending up kissing the air next to the cheek. I didn't say much, I didn't try more intimacy or anything. But all these show that he wants us to be friends?
submitted by Radiant_Alchemist to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:02 Akranea [F4M] Longterm Overwatch RP!

Hey Roleplayers and Reddit users!
I've been wanting to do this for a while now and I am looking for people who want to play a character of the game (male only) to pair with me (female only character of the game) for some fun longterm RP. I have several plots prepared and ideas to share depending on what character you'd want to write/write with and I am happy to discuss more details and possible plots.
Heroes I am willing to write for this RP would be:
My preference is Gency, but I am terribly terribly picky about this and made a lot of horrible experiences. This is something I kind of want done right and if I don't see that happening, I am not willing to write this. If you are equally interested in building their relationship from the longterm point of view, I'd like to discuss.
Other than that I'll gladly play :
If you have ideas for this, wishes you want to include I am happy to discuss! That being said though, I am a very detailed writer and like it if my partners are as well, two paragraphs should be the least you should be able to write and maybe even extend it a little further. Third person would also be perfect, I think writing in first person is kind of awkward and I am not comfortable doing that.
One of my ideas as example is as follows: Both our characters are on a mission. The two need to work together to gather information, perhaps rescue a fellow agent. It is tense. The alarm is going off, red lights are filling corridors and guards begin to flood the building. They will have to hurry to complete their goal without being caught.
Another idea could be more about the slice of life part, what is happening behind the scenes, maybe even the mental toll these missions and the huge pressure has on the involved people. They could build a proper relationship, work on conquering their fears as well as work on themselves to become better and greater heroes! Naturally, I am in for all the action as well. Let's go beat up some bad (or good) guys!
I am pretty active but I only RP on discord so please keep that in mind. Also, I want to speak out a content warning for mature content. Please send the word hero to me so I know you've read this all in your first message.
I usually write 3 paragraphs as the least amount and would like for my partner to match me.
The following will be a roleplay sample of mine which depicts a semblance of my literacy:
Their escape through the ventilation system was not the greatest exit strategic, additionally, it was flawed and their position easily compromised. Amelie had already begun to lead the way towards what she figured was the very edge of the fortress where they'd be able to slither away into the night, but he was certainly not making this any more pleasant with his urgent request to hurry. "I am going as quick as I can, but as you are aware, wet clothes stick to these smooth surfaces perfectly well," and indeed it made it quite difficult to shift along the metal of the shafts. She felt the heat too, though for her the very start was certainly only comforting, drying both their bodies and clothes just a little before they'd soon face the consequences and most likely either burn to charcoal or get some lovely burn marks along their skin. That was what she expected, just until his larger frame pushed and squirmed past her before he could even see the glare she was shooting at him. "What do you think you are doing?" She asked lowly, and watched him repeatedly smack his arrow against the relatively thin wall of the ventilation shaft, that soon bulged and began to give in.
Her attention however was caught by his tattooed arm, which seemed to faintly illuminate the air in bright blue. It was just how the rumors proved. Something about him, about that tattoo he donned on his arm that gave him strength on an unimaginable scale. With great curiosity as she witnessed this did Amelie watch the wall next to them burst open, and him slip outside. No hesitation within her motions she followed, and the both stood shielded from the flames that followed. There was a certain thankfulness within her eyes as she looked upon him, knowing there was no reason for each other to linger. Nodding gently, she bid him a word-less farewell before Amelie too, disappeared into the night.
Months had passed after their run in and the mission report handed to Akande caused him to end up a little displeased over the next few days. He wanted the Shimada to be part of Talon, to have his power under their control and thus, increased the offered amount of money and goods should he ever end up appearing once more. Little did either of them know that the famed spider would soon once more come into the view of the archer.
Brazil, ten in the evening. Music played and echoed through the halls, setting the mood for such a high-class event where drinks were shared, dances were executed and most importantly, deals were made. Amelie attended on behalf of Talon, naturally so as she mostly would serve as informant that very night. As such, her gun was not a piece of her attire tonight.
Amelie stood tall and proud as she always did, and her dress once more proved that she was a confident woman. The black dress vacant of any prints upon it did her body justice. Cutting off high upon her thighs, a slit on the side revealing even more of those long, firm legs, the very front was just as revealing, the V shape cutting a rift between her plump breasts, fitting for a beautiful woman like her while the back was cut deep, revealing that signature spider tattoo on her pale skin that was caressed by the tip of her ponytail.
Her hand was firmly wrapped around a glass of red wine she sipped from while circling the area a little, searching for anyone worth being noted and not quite aware that a familiar archer was in the very same room. She stood with her back towards his direction at first, before she desired to move once more and caught the sight of the archer out of the corner of her eyes. He might have seen her smirk slyly, before she turned away again. Amelie knew when she was the huntress, but she did not approach her prey this time. No, he would need to hunger for a taste of her, and that'd let him approach her while she remained still.
Naturally, her thoughts had wandered to him before, thought back on his warmth he soared her in that locker, and at times she humored the thought of a misses romance, even if she was aware it was foolish and nothing alike her. No, she was the heartless woman that murdered her own husband years back, cold to the touch and emotionless. The perfect weapon that once had a loving heart.
If you are interested please message me and let's work something out <3
submitted by Akranea to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:01 Celestial-Nexus Just looking for some insight into my situation

So I am recently coming off of a 10+ year relationship. We had a talk about 2 weeks ago. For the past 2 years the relationship has been causing mental distress on both ends. She is always telling me how unhappy I make her because of my failure to be a good communicator and that I never plan anything for her and shes hurt from the past because she pretty much felt like anytime we went on trips or did things together that I didn't want to be there. She always is consistently bringing up the past no matter what I do.
Now I will say when we would communicate I would get defensive sometimes. Now I would try to plan small things like going to the movies or dinner dates but 9/10 whenever I planned something she usually would be against it and we ended up doing something else. Now I guess the reason for some of my lack of effort in certain aspects was my result of never feeling like I had me time. I'd always put myself last, my job I had at basically the whole relationship before I left was miserable at times, making me stay late, understaffed, always feeling super overworked, as a management employee I went above and beyond at work which I will never do again for another company with poor management above me. I would then come home and spend time with her and try to make up me time at night which would result in me being drained and super tired. I was pretty poor with balance in my life.
Now I have mentally checked out of the relationship probably a couple of months ago and she has to. During our talk I didn't really know what to say because it has been the same talk we always have except she ended up saying she wanted to breakup even though I feel like she didn't want to, now I did try to stay but didn't push the issue because of how miserable I have been. I was putting more effort in but felt like it was useless because she would say to me that she feels like I'm just checking off boxes. Imagine your actually genuinely excited to see someone and they walk around with a stormy cloud on there head after work and say "I feel like you only do these things to check off a box". I can't describe the feeling I get when I'm with her other then it's like she just isn't happy with me and miserable. It's like I can just feel it in the air and over time it's been beating me up mentally.
I also feel like I shouldn't have to sit there and explain what type of man I am and what I have done for her like it's a job interview. I know my worth and all I want is peace. All I hear when we talk is me, me, me, me, me. But I want to talk about how I feel, she brings up the past, and trys to validate the way she feels and her actions and I'm supposed to just take it.
Imagine living with someone who is always just unhappy with you and miserable which in turn makes you miserable as well. She ended up texting me that she loves me and misses me and asked why I didnt fight for the relationship and accepted it. She says shes done chasing me and said I need to man up and try to fix the relationship and she wants to feel like a prize. Now I texted her "go be someone's prize then" and blocked her, before hand she mentioned meeting up as texts can me misconstrued but it's going to be the same thing. I love her deeply but it's hard to fight for someone who makes you feel like they won't have your back. It's also like I'm trying to somewhat do her a favor by letting go which also has been ripping me to pieces. I was thinking of unblocking her and reaching out but now it's kind of awkward as I sent that message and don't know how to go about it. It's been 5 days since I blocked her. I feel bad because I know she's probably hurting and very upset. It's almost like I feel pushed out the door but drawn in, like she has 1 foot in 1 foot out type of thing. Just feels very confusing and the situation is hard. The time away with NC has allowed to somewhat get my thoughts and feelings more organized. Idk what to do.
submitted by Celestial-Nexus to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:01 Impressive_Look_7504 I(17M) want to ask for my classmates(17f) number but I’m incredibly anxious

So we go to the same TAFE class and she seems like a really cool person and I wanna see if she wants to go on a date but idk if she has a boyfriend or isn’t into guys or isn’t into anyone for that matter, I’m not great at talking or texting, I’m a dry person and I have horrible social anxiety and autism if that helps give a bit of a description of stuff but I want to get to know her better before anything happens between us, could anyone possibly give me any tips or pointers in the right direction of what to do
submitted by Impressive_Look_7504 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:01 AutoModerator "Daily Request Assistance Post - Daily Mental Health Check in - May 19, 2024"

If you need help or are thinking about ending your life, Please reach out to someone in your life or comment on this post. We are here to support you.
Call 988 National Suicide Hotline - Press 1 for VA Crisis Line
Suicide and Mental Health Resources A comprehensive list of resources can be found here.
Veteran's Crisis Information
You can call 1800 273 8255, Press 1 or text 838255
1-877-927-8387 Open 24/7 VA Vet Centers offer counseling Vet Centers are local, community-based confidential counseling centers that support war Veterans, active-duty Servicemembers, and military family members with post-deployment readjustment services. The goal of every Vet Center is to provide a broad range of counseling, outreach, referral, and assessment services, collectively called readjustment counseling services, to facilitate high-quality post-war readjustment and reintegration. Readjustment counseling services at a Vet Center allow war Veterans a satisfying post-war readjustment to civilian life and provide active-duty Servicemembers a confidential resource for post-war assistance. Military families also receive no-cost marriage and family therapy and supportive services for military-related issues. Vet Centers provide bereavement counseling to surviving parents, spouses, partners, children, and siblings of Servicemembers, which include federally activated Reserve and National Guard personnel, who die of any cause while on military active-duty. Vet Centers provide confidential military sexual trauma counseling to all military Veterans and active-duty Servicemembers, to include federally activated Reserve and National Guard personnel, no matter their duty location, era of service, or whether the trauma incident was reported to authorities.
Veteran Wellness Allegiance can offer Peer Counseling and assistance
Military One Source - 1-800-342-9647
Please seek help if needed...There are behavioral health resources at your disposal both in the Military and out.
non VA treatment program for PTSD:
Vets4Warriors 1-855-838-8255
Veterans in acute suicidal crisis are able to go to any VA or non-VA health care facility for emergency health care at no cost – including inpatient or crisis residential care for up to 30 days and outpatient care for up to 90 days. Veterans do not need to be enrolled in the VA system to use this benefit. Literally any veteran can walk into ANY urgent care/ER for thoughts of suicide and they can get free care.
Any veteran experiencing food insecurity can call their primary care (PACT) team and have one of the PACT social workers conduct a food insecurity screen. These are websites veterans can use to find local food pantries, soup kitchens, and food banks. Food Pantries Soup Kitchens Food Banks
Veterans who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless can call or visit their local VA Medical Center where staff are ready to help.
VA Emergency Rooms/Services - VA Urgent Care
VA Health Chat
Free Legal Clinics
Free legal services for veterans
submitted by AutoModerator to Veterans [link] [comments]
