Proofreading worksheet high school

Girl from high school just posted her baby name on FB…

2024.05.19 18:24 Remarkable-Camera366 Girl from high school just posted her baby name on FB…

It’s Meiayah. Pronounced like Mia. 🤮 So bad I cannot believe it’s real
submitted by Remarkable-Camera366 to tragedeigh [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:22 Itz_Splashy Going to be in community college for almost 4 years. Is it time that I just give up?

Hey guys, as the title says, I’m 20 years old and graduated high school in 2021 and started community college right after so this is my 3rd year here, but I still have a ton of math classes left which will probably take until next year. Even longer if I fail some classes along the way. I’ve changed majors about 3 times already and finally decided to stick to Data Science, but it’s really really tough. It’s caused me to fail a couple of my math classes and now I just can’t seem to find the energy and motivation to keep going. Not to mention, my dad is so pushy about me leaving community college and always makes fun of me for being in it for more than 2 years. He gets really mad whenever I tell him that I need longer to graduate. Any one out there face similar stories but ended up successful in the end? I could really use some motivation right now
submitted by Itz_Splashy to college [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:21 zzzzzzzzzzzzplz How do I find out if my mom hurt my sister?

I (f 30) am the youngest of two. My older sister (f 36) lives in the same state but a few hours away. She never came home after college because she was in a relationship. When we were younger she was a total mother's girlie girl and I was a daddy's girl. With that dynamic you can conclude that me and mom (f 55) weren't very close back then. When my sister went to college and it was just me and mom, we clashed all the time. I couldn't wait to go to college and be free. Unlike my sister, when i graduated from college I went back home and lived with my mom. While in school she found out she had cancer and I realized how important she was to me, during the summer I would take care of her. I became super protective because my dad (m 60) had died the second part of my freshman year. I guess realizing you only get one dad and mom did something to me and our relationship changed. Strangely, while in college I transformed into a girlie girl with all female roommates that treated me like a toy by dressing me up and taking me to parties. So, when I came home I started working right away. Had some messy relationships and crappy jobs, but my mom always supported me. From what I seen my mom and sister were still close, even with the distance. When Shawn would come home her and mom hung out, sometimes she would stay with us, sometimes not but they talked often. Note, I don't know if it was the age difference or what but me and my sister never got along. Somewhere in my 20's I realized that we were never going to be "those sisters" and called it for what it was. We are blood, but not friends, and I know if we weren't related we would never befriends on purpose. Don't get me wrong, I love her and if Shawn was hurt or in trouble I would help her but for now, for my mom's sake I talk to her on major holiday's and important family matters, but not to just catch up or anything. I honestly don't care. Sadly, if other family member didn't ask "how is your sister", I could probably go years without thinking about her. Anyways, it started off slow, like Shawn would come to town not stay with us, then she would come to town and not reach out until she was leaving, and then we wouldn't know she was in town at all unless she called my grandmother or posted something on social media in a familiar place. It was weird because they would always link up. Shawn loves mom's cooking and would come home just for that. Mom would go visit her and go to work events with Shawn, at the last one mom said they got into an argument because she was tired from driving 5 hours, going to the event without a nap and being on her feet all night. After the event mom just wanted to go back to Shawn's apartment and rest, but there was an after party she wanted to go to. Not wanted to go to the after party mom just wanted her to walk her back to the apartment and then Shawn could go. Shawn wanted mom to go with her and said they wouldn't be there long, but mom was tired. She was trying to convince her that she would only stay for 30 minutes, but we both know when Shawn is in a room she will talk to everyone and 30 minutes could turn into 3 hours real quick. When mom put her foot down and asked her to take her home Shawn got upset and started yelling "this is mom's side of the story", you never want to do anything, ugh, why can't you just have fun, ugh..... She said Shawn was just yelling her on the corner of the street while people were walking. Shawn stays in town where a lot of people walk and everything is close by. Then she agreed to walk mom back but walked super fast and mom couldn't keep up. She is shorter than me and my sister. When they got back, she let mom in, changed her shoes and went back out. When mom came home and told me what happened I was so confused. It isn't like them to argue. I guess you can say this was the beginning of the end. Shawn stopped calling her as often, went out of the country and said nothing about it until the day of. There were just a lot of things she was doing without communicating with mom, it came to a head when our phone plan bill went up 100's of dollars. See, the bill is in Shawn's name but mom pays the bill, well she use to until Shawn got an iPhone and added the cost of the phone to the bill. Mom and I have Samsung's. She did this without telling mom and because the bill was automated it took mom while to notice. When she did, she told Shawn to start paying the bill for the portion of the phone itself. She agreed but wouldn't pay it on times, there were times that my phone was off but didn't notice because I was always near wifi. Somewhere in the middle of this she got another iPhone and the bill went again. Shawn didn't know that just because she got another phone didn't mean she wouldn't have to pay off the other one. They went back and forth on the phone one day arguing, Shawn claiming she paid and mom asking her to go through the payment history and tell her where...... the arguing ended when she started yelling at mom, saying "you're triggering me, you're triggering me" my mom just stared into the phone in disbelief... We're black and raised in a very much black household so for those who know, know those are words that we just don't say..... Well that was last week and this past weekend was mothers day and Shawn didn't call mom.... We have a family group chat of about 23 people and she said it there but not directly to mom or sent a card or anything.... I asked her the Thursday before if she would be sending mom something on mother's because we usually work together to get her something or she send me money and I get her something and Shawn will send a card. But nothing. She didn't even call our grandmother.... I went to my boyfriends house after then mother's day dinner at my grandmother's house, where I stay most weekends and while there she called me. Mom calls when she says things are too much to text. bet she went home and found a package with a 15 pound weight in it and a note saying "I hope your mother's day brought you some joy",.... Um what??? I want someone to tell me why she picked this as a mother's day gift.... and just one ... one 15 pound weight, not a set. Mom works out but already has a set for 5,10,15, and 20 pounds weight that I know Shawn knows she has. Mom was really sad and she isn't the super emotional one of us 3, the emotional one is me. If there is one thing I hate is my mom feeling bad, but then for it to be caused by her own child was different. Shawn NEVER answers the phone like NEVER, I had to tell her our dad passed away via text after calling almost 100 times. Mom sounded like she wanted to cry and just kept asking me " Brit, what did I do wrong, I don't know what I did wrong". Dang, that broke me. Now I'm the bigger of the two of us, and my sister knows me well enough that she don't want these problems so instead for even calling I sent a long text, basically saying I was disappointed to call her my sister and she should be ashamed of how she is treating our mother because when she got fired and unemployment wasn't paying enough to cover her bill's mom paid. Shawn never paid her back. Over all she is one of the most selfish people I know. I just asked her how hard is it to say happy mother's day or send a card. I didn't expect a response, but she did, in only 15 minutes. She said " I appreciate your concern and believe me, this runs much deeper than a phone bill. I don't have the same relationship with mom as you. You only know what you experienced and what happened to you. So, I'm not going to try and explain the various dynamics between mom and I that led to where we are now. It maybe hard for you to understand today. Pls don't blame it all on me. I love you. " I don't even know what that means. I responded something like other than physical, emotional, or mental harm i don't know what could have happened so bad that she couldn't call and say happy mothers day though. I can't imagine my mom doing any of those things. but again she gave some therapy like response and asked me to give her time to heal.... Mom has no clue what various dynamics she is talking about. I'm asking for advice because I feel like she is going down the same path she did with our dad. After our parents marriage ended and we were living with dad, mom still came over 3 times a week and cooked, had us on weekends. It was like she never left the only difference was she didn't sleep at home. When the arrangement changed, dad came 2 weekends in a row. then every other weekend, then once a month, then we were lucky if we saw him at all. It broke my heart in high school when a boy in my class told me to tell my dad that he would be late for practice. I was confused and bugged him all day to explain what he meant. I found out that my dad was coaching baseball across the street from our subdivision about 3 times a week with games on the weekend. So, he could see random boys at my school almost everyday for at least 3 hours and couldn't come over before or after to see his own kids? I actual walked over to the park one day because I refused to believe it, but there he was. We never talked about it. I just started walking there and sitting in the dugout to be near him and he would drive me the 2 minutes back home. All of the players lived in our neighborhood and dad had a flat bed so he would drop them off too. When Shawn graduated high school she never talked to our dad again after that day. She never told me why. He also developed cancer while I was in college and was very sick, when he got better he tried to get back in our lives and I let him in mine, called him on holidays but he did some messed up stuff to me my first year of college so I pushed back a little between that dad would call me and tell me to call my sister on 3 way, if she answered she was forced to talk to him. She wouldn't say much and would always say she was busy or had to do something to do and promise she would call him back and never would. So, now .... as part of my trying to figure out what my mom did, I reminded her how she cried when she found out our dad passed and she just kept saying she thought she had more time and who would walk her down the ail when she gets married and never got a chance to fix things. I would hate for that to happen with our mom too. I know because of our relationship once mom passes away we will most likely not talk or see each other ever again. So, I asking what did my mom do to her? What can I do to help fix this or should I even try? Anyone have any suggestions or ideas, also sorry for the typos or misspelled words or if its hard to follow, but I ask for anyone's input if they have experience this type of situation? Side note, idk if this helps but when Shawn came to town the last few times she stayed with our Aunt Carla. She has baby of the family syndrome, where she thinks she had hard but was actually spoiled rotten and believes all her sisters and brother and their wives are jealous of her. It's total BS but once when mom and I weren't getting along and I stayed with her, she told me some crazy stories about mom sleeping around, getting drunk, trying to fight her and someone else and some other stuff. This was when I was in college and I believed what she said mom and I continued to be on the outs for awhile before I found out about her cancer and became her protector and caregiver for a while. I don't believe those stories so much now be her and mom had issues before, Carla has actually had issues with all her siblings at one point and finds the need to the the main character of her own story and everyone else's. Simply she's a "One Upper". Aunt Carla getting in Shawn's ear is one idea I believe, also Shawn's friend have ummmmm "other people problems" like mellow dramatic soap opera drama and she maybe internalizing their issues. But yeah help, where do I go from here?
submitted by zzzzzzzzzzzzplz to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:21 la_vie_cest_ca How are Monterey public schools?

I’m thinking of moving my family to Monterey and am trying to get a sense for the public school options. School rating websites dont paint a very complete picture, so hoping some of you might have personal experience to share.
How has your experience been overall? Which schools have you liked/not liked? Is there flexibility to get into other schools outside your district?
For context I have two elementary aged kids, but welcome thoughts on jr high and high schools, charters, etc. Thanks all!
submitted by la_vie_cest_ca to MontereyBay [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:20 Witty-Day7433 High school sweetheart acting suspicious (married)

Sorry if some of the stuff sounds stupid or AI-like I am not of the native tounge of English and I used one of the Google chat bots to fix up the story all the information is correct and is probably a better read anyway, just need some advice on how I should go about this weekend, I planned on staying but maybe I should leave with the kids, well act like I'm leaving and set up cameras? Ee had cameras but I took them all out after rearranging the garage years ago.
I remember it like it was yesterday, the first time I met Sarah. It was late in my freshman year of high school, and I had just made the varsity baseball team. That was a big deal for me, being the starting second baseman as a freshman. The attention and popularity came with it, but I was laser-focused on the game. Then came the charity game, where our baseball team played against the softball team to raise money for the children’s hospital. That’s where I first saw Sarah. She was the first baseman for her team, and I couldn’t deny she was beautiful. A lot of the guys on my team were talking about her, trying to get her number. But I wasn’t interested in that; I was focused on winning the game.
During the game, after I hit a single, I ended up on first base where Sarah was playing. I didn’t think much of it at the time. I didn’t acknowledge her at all, not even after the game or during the pre-game meeting to discuss the rules. Apparently, that caught her attention. She told me later that out of all the guys who tried to talk to her, I was the only one who didn’t, and that intrigued her.
A few weeks after the game, Sarah asked me to prom. She had gotten tickets from her best friend, who was a junior and didn’t want to go. I wasn’t the type to turn down a dance, so I said yes. Little did I know, that night would change everything. That night, we lost our virginity to each other, and for the rest of our freshman year and the summer, we were inseparable. We found every possible place to sneak off and be together – closets in school, secluded spots on campus, anywhere we could be alone. Sarah had a high sex drive, and I was more than happy to keep up with her.
Looking back, it was our intense physical connection and the fact that I didn’t chase her like the other guys that brought us together. Our relationship was solidified with moments like our first prom, skipping school to be together, eating at different restaurants, and getting each other promise rings that summer. And, of course, the charity game where we first met.
But it wasn’t always smooth sailing. Sarah was very popular, and a lot of guys would text her. She handled it well, always blocking numbers and reassuring me that she only wanted me. She was open and honest, even giving me her phone’s pin. She hated the idea of cheating, and she made it clear that she was committed to me. This reassurance wasn’t really needed, but it was nice to know she felt that way.
Throughout high school, we were in many of the same classes, and we excelled academically. We were partners in group projects and participated in activities together. We were inseparable, and everyone saw us as a perfect couple. Sarah came to as many of my baseball games as she could, and I attended a few of her softball games when I could. My dedication to baseball was intense, and she understood that.
Our school had a partnership with a local college, offering free tuition to students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. I had a 4.0 GPA, which meant I had plenty of scholarship opportunities. By the time I entered college, I was making about $1,800 per semester from scholarships. Sarah and I decided to attend the same college, not wanting to be burdened with student loans. We lived comfortably during college, and I proposed to her at our graduation ceremony. It was a big deal, and our friends and family were thrilled.
After graduation, I made sure Sarah had the wedding of her dreams. I was already doing well financially, working as a lawyer specializing in insurance cases. I was the sole breadwinner for the first three years of our marriage while Sarah focused on selling items online through her flower store and completing her studies in cosmetics. She enjoyed staying at home and was very appreciative when I renovated our garage into a salon area for her business.
Around our sixth year of marriage, we decided to start a family. Our son, Isaiah, was born first, and he changed my world. Just 18 months later, our daughter, Abigail, came along. Life was good. We had financial stability, and Sarah decided she only wanted two kids after the exhausting experience of Isaiah’s birth. She had her tubes tied, and we settled into our new routine as a family of four.
Fast forward to now, Sarah and I are 35 years old, and our kids are 7 and 5. Recently, I’ve noticed some changes in Sarah’s behavior. She started leaving the kids with friends more often and coming home late. Initially, I assumed she was busy with salon appointments. But there was more to it. Our sex life, which had already slowed down, became almost non-existent. Sarah seemed upset about it, but I planned to make it up to her by spending a weekend together, just the two of us.
Then things got worse. Sarah started coming home very late, sometimes with hickeys on her neck. When I asked about them, she said they were from bee stings. I believed her at first; I’m not well-versed in gardening or bee behavior. But deep down, I knew something wasn’t right. She had always been loyal, and the thought of her cheating never crossed my mind until now.
As I pieced together these changes – the late nights, the unexplained hickeys, and her distant behavior – a feeling of unease settled in. I wanted to believe her, but the inconsistencies were becoming too hard to ignore. It was time to take a closer look at what was really happening.
submitted by Witty-Day7433 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:19 nicky_rae I don't know what to do about my Dad

I need to share my story and seek advice. My father has been battling a gambling addiction for years, and it's taken a significant toll on me and my family. It all started when I was in middle school. I would see him playing slots on his phone and tell my mom, but he would deny it, calling me a liar. This gaslighting left me in tears, feeling confused and helpless.
In high school, his gambling escalated to casinos in another city where he worked. He even stole money from my siblings' and my savings accounts, though my mom said he eventually put it back. She tried to manage his gambling by setting conditions, hoping it would help.
I've been in college for five years now. I gave my parents access to my credit card login to pay for my medical expenses. I noticed strange charges from the city where my dad works and confronted him. He claimed they were accidents and paid the money back, but I removed the card from his phone without him knowing. A few days later, it was re-added, and I was too busy with school to address it immediately.
I called my mom and told her everything, asking her to talk with him because I was too upset too. She checked their accounts and discovered my dad had taken out $60,000 in loans in her name and stolen $10,000 from my brothers' savings. They were also three months behind on bills. My mom, who was recovering from breast cancer, had trusted my dad with the finances, not knowing he was hiding his debts. My dad being in charge of finances also meant he was in charge of giving me money when I needed it while I was going through college. Whenever I asked, he would always say they didn't have a lot of money and give me the minimum he could. After he gave me the money, if I ever did something he didn't like he would threaten to take away all support from me, including the money they paid for me to go to college. I decided to distance myself from him, relying on my own money and support systems to get through college. Working 30-40hr weeks while trying to be full time. I definitely failed at least one class a semester. I did this for a year and a half before my mom caught what he did, took over, and gave me money so I could just work a part-time job at one of the dorm desks.
My dad has never truly tried to get better, despite attending counseling sporadically. My mom is now divorcing him, but they are still "together." She and my family urge me to support him, saying it's a disease, but I can't forgive him for the suffering he's caused.
I feel he has never acted like a father to me, and I struggle with the idea of having him in my life. How do I cope with him being around due to my mom, while wanting nothing to do with him?
submitted by nicky_rae to AddictionAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:19 careve27 How do you decide to let go of your full time job money to pursue law?

I graduated in 2020 with a Bachelors in Criminal Justice. I worked for a small law firm after. I enjoyed the work more or less, but our views didn’t align. I left after nearly a year. In 2021, I started working for the county court. It’s a great job, I do like it. I get to be around judges and attorneys all day. Pay isn’t great, but I’m single, no kids, so I’m living relatively well. I already planned to leave in October to find a higher paying job. I’ve juggled the thought of law school for a few years now. I turned 26 in January and for some reason the thought became more serious. I’ve been studying for the LSAT since. Now my plan is to leave my job in November, travel around Europe for a few months, and come back and either be ready to start a new job or go to law school. But the truth is, I have a 3.2 GPA. Though I have work experience in the legal field, I’m not sure I’d have a high chance of getting in to law school, even if I breakthrough the 170s. I’ve read so many posts, watched videos, and articles underlining the fact that immeasurable stress lies ahead (LSAT, law school, bar, job search.) I know this path is far from easy. Plus the cost and time, I’ll be 30 by the time I’m finished! Then, I’ll have to start over in a career. Just how… how do you let go of your independence, your money, and sanity to go back to being a broke student in the pursue of a professional degree? Does this mean I’m simply not ready? I just need advice, a sign, or a prayer lol.
submitted by careve27 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:19 Early_Appeal8288 Is this normal?

I have been broken up with my ex for about 3 years. We started dating in high school and were together for about 3 years before he broke up with me. He was my first love, first everything and so I took the breakup pretty hard. We still would hook up during that summer that we were broken up (honestly in hopes that we would get back together) until about November. During my breakup I started hanging out with my old high school friend group and started getting close with one of the guys in the group that I’ve known since forever. I never knew he had any feelings for me but once he realized I was single things progressed pretty fast and I felt like I was in falling in love with him. At the end of December we became official and I was very happy. This relationship was very different from my first - I went from being the chaser to being chased and it felt good to be with someone who felt so strongly for me. Once my ex found out I was seeing someone else, he completely changed tune and decided he wanted to get back together. As hard as it was for me I told him it was too late and that was that. He moved away for about a year and I stayed back home. Although he eventually did return, I never ran into him or saw him for the entire three years that I was dating my current bf. Fast forward to a couple months ago, I was out with some girl friends when he comes up to my group to say hi. I felt my heart drop to my stomach, i was in shock, spiraling, feeling guilty, a ton of emotions. He was very friendly and just wanted to catch up but I felt like I was so caught off guard at the moment that I I didn’t really have much to say. It ended like that and I didn’t see him again until last night. My friend was graduating and she invited him to her party. I knew he was coming so I mentally prepared myself for seeing him. I also brought my bf with me so I felt a little more safe. Once we got there we said the awkward two second hello and I went to be with my friends and he was with his. There was even a moment that my bf and my ex were talking to eachother for about an hour. A seemingly friendly conversation where according to my bf they were telling eachother that they don’t have any bad feelings for one another, that it should be normal seeing eachother, that my current bf never tried anything while I was with my ex for all those years (Which is true). I on the other hand felt very anxious the whole night, felt like I was looking over to him the whole time, just felt a ball in my stomach and I don’t really know why. I really couldn’t sleep and dreamt about my bf and my ex last night. I woke up this morning feeling anxious too about these emotions I’m feeling. Which I can’t really describe. I love my bf so much. He’s been an amazing partner to me. And after being with him, I realize now that my ex was right - as much as we loved eachother, we weren’t compatible. Or maybe we were too young to be in such a serious relationship. Either way, we didn’t work. And when you are with someone where everything is easy, you can tell the difference. But obviously every relationship is different and things I have in this one, I didn’t have in the previous and vice versa. sometimes I find myself comparing certain things but I also feel that’s natural when you’ve had two big loves in your life. I guess what I want to ask is if it is normal to have these feelings after being broken up with for so long and being with someone else for so long. I try to get advice from my friends, but no one has ever really been in the situation I’ve been. Some say it’s completely normal and some say its not - that there is a deeper meaning to it. Hoping someone out there has experienced this and can help :(
submitted by Early_Appeal8288 to getting_over_it [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:19 Ferracoasta Anime_irl

submitted by Ferracoasta to anime_irl [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:18 GreenEyeliner13 Unrealistic Vacay?

Hi all! Long time lurker, first time poster. I am scheduled for a tummy tuck and breast lift/augmentation on June 3. My husband and I have a Disney cruise scheduled for us and our kids that leaves out on July 5. Is it unrealistic to think I will be well enough to go? We can always postpone to fall break- just wanted to get some thoughts from folks with experience. It won’t hurt my feelings if the group thinks I’m being a bit over ambitious- I promise. I teach high school so it takes a lot to hurt my feelings. Lol. Thanks friends!
*adding that I just had a hysterectomy in March and went back to work after a few days. I’m young, healthy, had two very easy unmedicated births, a gastric sleeve in 2022, and I think I can tolerate a fairly good amount of pain. (I know births do not compare to this whatsoever- just thinking of pain tolerance)
submitted by GreenEyeliner13 to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:17 DarkSider1123 I feel like most of my peers either ignore me, laugh at me, or outright hate me— I think they don’t understand me. (M23) Can someone read this short version of my adult life so far?

I don’t really know where to begin. I guess with describing myself; I’m an I usual person in my eyes at least. I’m heavily interested in topics no one else is like history and politics but also have super high aspirations of being an entrepreneur (am in school for business). My 23 years of life thus far have been anything but easy for the average person: since birth both parents either in jail or rehab, raised by grandparents until just before high school, foster care 4 years of high school, covid pandemic second semester of college(dropped out). The most negatively impactful experiences on my adult life have been the following: late 2020 I began a relationship with a woman who would end up taking me through a rollercoaster of a toxic relationship and that brought the out the worst in me. This relationship was filled with manipulation, mind games, verbal abuse, and even some serious domestic violence/threat against my life on one occasion; all done to me by her. This relationship left me with absolutely no sense of myself, I did not know what way was up or down for the longest. The relationship ended late 2022 but even now almost 2 years later I’m not still fully recovered. During the time between the relationship ending until right now at this very moment I have lost three love ones: my grandfather who raised me, my grandmother who raised me, and my biological father just three months ago. As you could imagine I also struggling with alcoholism and substance abuse but never hard drugs (was just a really bad pothead like all day every day).
That’s the background and context to myself, I should also add this all takes places in a small town where everyone knows everyone, now for why I’m really here: It feels like the majority of my peers either ignore me, laugh at me, or hate me; and for no good reason. It’s almost like they don’t understand my weirdness and also don’t understand mental illness. I’m a rare case in that I’m a man who was in an abusive relationship with a woman and have C-PTSD from it (yes I see a therapist). I really try not to care what people think/say about me but it’s hard when it feels like it’s everyone. Really the only ones who care for me are my foster family and maybe 3 friends but I never ever get to see those friends as they have full time jobs or work, so I’m a pretty lonely guy.
I just wish someone would take the time to listen and understand. I’m not ugly, mean, or rude; I’m not a comedian but I’m pretty funny, I am not ugly in appearance but also not strikingly handsome. I like to think I’m a pretty decent human being just one who’s been through a lot. Idk what I’m doing wrong. Maybe it’s because I’m a male and maybe people automatically assume mental health struggles means you’re crazy. (I’m only slightly crazy but not straight jacket crazy lol)
I hope someone reads this :/
submitted by DarkSider1123 to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:17 Traditional-Item968 COMMERCE PROGRAM ATTENDEES!!

I’m a grade 11 student wanting to go into a commerce program next year. Preferably Schulich or Rotman since I live in Toronto.
My ECS….
-Part-time job since grade 9
-DECA regional participant
-Junior Achievement Central Ontario since grade 10 (POTY candidate/finalist, Leadership in HR award candidate, and Changemaker scholarship finalist in that 2 year span)
-Co-head/executive of my schools United Way Foundation
-Several different volunteering experiences
My questions for you are….
-What were your top 6 courses + GA (%)?
-What were your ECS throughout high school?
-What programs did you get into (and committed to)?
-Anything EC wise you recommend me doing in my Gr. 12 to boost my competitiveness in the application process?
Thank you so much in advance!!
submitted by Traditional-Item968 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:17 Kind_Amount_2754 Gender roles in marriage survey

Hello, I am a high school student and this survey is for my families class and it is about traditional and modern gender roles in marriage. This survey is directed for anyone married or has been married, but anyone can fill it out! It is fairly quick about 10 questions or less; all multiple choice, except for the last one, which is short answer (only 500 characters or less). So if you have 5 minutes to spare I would really appreciate it!
submitted by Kind_Amount_2754 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:16 DistanceFunny8407 Burned out partner

We’re a same sex couple who struggled with infertility for many years and had a baby last May through surrogacy - she’s wonderful and amazing and I’m the SAHM. We had one embryo left and given my wife is 42, we decided to transfer the embryo to my wife in February. Honestly, after six failed to implant, we really didn’t think it would take. Well it did and we’re very blessed and happy. However, this pregnancy has been nothing but stress. We assumed she had issues GETTING pregnant but now we know there’s even more to it. She’s 14w and just had surgery to get a cerclage as her cervix is very small by design and she was only 2.3cm so they rushed her in and all is good except she is in constant pain, back pain, constipated, you name it. She also started getting high blood pressure so she started meds and luckily it is staying down. But she complains every second of the day - and I get it, I’m a woman who has adenomyosis and a hysterectomy so I can only imagine how painful and annoying it is. But besides carrying this kid she’s literally not able to do anything else - no picking up after herself, no taking care of our very opinionated and strong willed 12.5 month old, no waking up with her, no taking her to the park, literally nothing but complain. Everyone keeps saying it will get better but it’s legit only gotten worse! The morning sickness was bad but that didn’t really stop her from helping and she didn’t complain like she is now.
Any advice to not get so frustrated with the complaining and to get her to understand I’m not upset with HER but more so just the situation sucks right now for both of us and I’m burned out but also happy to be doing it all as this is what we wanted and I know once baby/wife recovers is here it will be much better? Having a toddler is a lot of work and now I literally feel like I have another toddler or even more difficult! It’s just difficult because when I express a frustration she automatically gets defensive and I can’t seem to get her to understand I’m not “mad” at her. I’m sure hormones are playing a big role.
Just a ROUGH period and I can’t even fathom five more months of this but we shall survive and look back on this one day as wow that was a really hard fucking time.
But maybe I need to get some more me-time? We do have a nanny who comes three hours a day but I’m also working 10 or so hours a week and going to school so I usually use that time to clean or work.
submitted by DistanceFunny8407 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:15 PiniPine I have a question about taking Calculus 1

I have been accepted to Njit under a bachelors for Computer Science, the beginning math course for that class is Calculus 1 however I haven’t taken pre calculus in high school. I need to no if I need to sign up for a summer pre calculus classes or is placement determined on the placement test. If I don’t need to take pre calculus before hand I would like to know so I don’t spend money on a course that doesn’t matter in the long run. I would also appreciate any documentation if there is any for any advice.
Thank you.
submitted by PiniPine to NJTech [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:14 DarkSider1123 I feel like most of my peers either ignore me, laugh at me, or outright hate me— I think they don’t understand me. (M23)

I don’t really know where to begin. I guess with describing myself; I’m an I usual person in my eyes at least. I’m heavily interested in topics no one else is like history and politics but also have super high aspirations of being an entrepreneur (am in school for business). My 23 years of life thus far have been anything but easy for the average person: since birth both parents either in jail or rehab, raised by grandparents until just before high school, foster care 4 years of high school, covid pandemic second semester of college(dropped out). The most negatively impactful experiences on my adult life have been the following: late 2020 I began a relationship with a woman who would end up taking me through a rollercoaster of a toxic relationship and that brought the out the worst in me. This relationship was filled with manipulation, mind games, verbal abuse, and even some serious domestic violence/threat against my life on one occasion; all done to me by her. This relationship left me with absolutely no sense of myself, I did not know what way was up or down for the longest. The relationship ended late 2022 but even now almost 2 years later I’m not still fully recovered. During the time between the relationship ending until right now at this very moment I have lost three love ones: my grandfather who raised me, my grandmother who raised me, and my biological father just three months ago.
That’s the background and context to myself, I should also add this all takes places in a small town where everyone knows everyone, now for why I’m really here: It feels like the majority of my peers either ignore me, laugh at me, or hate me; and for no good reason. It’s almost like they don’t understand my weirdness and also don’t understand mental illness. I’m a rare case in that I’m a man who was in an abusive relationship with a woman and have C-PTSD from it (yes I see a therapist). I really try not to care what people think/say about me but it’s hard when it feels like it’s everyone. Really the only ones who care for me are my foster family and maybe 3 friends but I never ever get to see those friends as they have full time jobs or work, so I’m a pretty lonely guy.
I just wish someone would take the time to listen and understand. I’m not ugly, mean, or rude; I’m not a comedian but I’m pretty funny, I am not ugly in appearance but also not strikingly handsome. I like to think I’m a pretty decent human being just one who’s been through a lot. Idk what I’m doing wrong. Maybe it’s because I’m a male and maybe people automatically assume mental health struggles means you’re crazy. (I’m only slightly crazy but not straight jacket crazy lol)
I hope someone reads this :/
submitted by DarkSider1123 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:14 Shot-Wrap-9252 3 month update

I just passed 3 months last Thursday. I was reflecting about them and thought I’d post here.
Basically, this story starts in 2017 when I (at the time 315 lb 49 F) had a health challenge and changed to a low carb unprocessed (also no sugar no grains ) way of eating. I went from 315 lbs at five foot one to about 203 and then maintained that loss for about three years before the effects of plateau and regain started. Over the next 6 years I regained about thirty pounds which is a miracle considering any other time I’d lost weight, I regained it all and more in months not years.
I educated myself and realized that since only about 2% of people can maintain a weight loss of 10% of their body weight for a year because of the body defence of the higher weight. Hormones make people think they are hungry and need to eat more so they don’t starve to death even though they aren’t starving. These concepts are ones that appear in peer reviewed literature from several sources so I’m not making it up.
While I was a unicorn because I was able to maintain for several years, I believe because with the low carb unprocessed diet, I wasn’t also having high/low blood sugar - this is my theory based on a discussion with a dietician that told me a theory about some people and how they don’t have to be actually hypoglycaemic to have the effects of it ( ie. eating compulsively to bring up sugars). Still, the odds were greatly against me maintaining this loss. When I started experience difficulties in reversing little weight gains, I asked for a referral to a bariatric clinic so I could try things other than lifestyle changes.
Bariatric assessment process wasn’t good for me but in the end it was established that I’m not a good candidate for drugs, there was no point to optifast since I’d already made drastic lifestyle changes, and that my options were probably regain and surgery.
Since I had not screwed up my lifestyle changes, but was battling my body trying to get me to eat more, surgery became the obvious answer.
I was warned that I might not lose much more weight than the amount I’d regained since that amount represents almost thirty percent loss from my former top weight.
Now I’m 56 and post menopause. I was ok with this as long as I was able to maintain my loss more easily. I did not relish the idea of aging as a three hundred plus pound short woman ( getting shorter). I don’t need to be skinny either. I honestly don’t care at this point about my body size since even with my regain my mobility wasn’t hampered and my chronic health issues stayed resolved. Honestly , I haven’t even really noticed my weight loss in any meaningful way because I was already living better. I believe the meaning of health at any size means this. My body size only matters to the extent that I think it does and that includes that I don’t have to be a size zero to be healthier.
I had RNY surgery three months ago. Weight loss has been relatively slow but I’m happy to say that despite some small hitches like throwing up in the early days and low hemoglobin post surgically which has since resolved.
I was completely grossed out by protein supplements so the two weeks following surgery were tough. My surgeon encouraged me to eat according to textures ( which isn’t what the handbook says).
I had no pain after the day of surgery, or since . Things are going pretty well. I’d hoped to have more of a hormonal change to regulate appetite but despite feeling overfilled constantly, I’m losing weight, hitting protein goals with real food and the learning curve is getting less steep. My pre-surgery weight was 232 and this morning I was 194 so obviously it’s working for weight loss. I’m not under any illusion that this has been a perfect solution, but I’m happy to have my stress level lowered daily since my desire to eat is much curved and even if I want to eat, the threat of puking keeps me in line.
Weird things since:
As an Orthodox Jew who keeps kosher I’m having weird cravings for nonkosher foods which includes seafood ( which I’m allergic to!).
I hadn’t eaten sugar or artificially sweetened foods in almost 12 years and now I’m craving keto type sweets which I know affect my cravings. I’m not saying I’m indulging regularly but it’s odd to have the cravings.
Chicken strongly disagrees with me while red meats and lamb don’t.
I was mostly carnivorous prior but I often choose non-meat protein food items more now. I don’t really like beans but the other day I told my husband if he made a chickpea curry I’d eat it. BIZARRE. I am 100% getting all my protein in but beans are higher in carbs which worries me because my original health crisis seven years ago was diabetes related and I’ve been sub-clinical for 6 years. For me, I don’t actually believe in the concept of moderation so it’s disconcerting to say the least.
What’s really interesting is my general disinterest in food and eating. I know I have to eat and I know I have to prioritize protein. I have cravings regularly but ultimately I mostly eat to fill the hunger and don’t much care what as long as it fits the ‘get your protein in first’ model. In the end, since I don’t eat grains or other sweet things, this ultimately ends up looking like a diet of primarily animal protein, with vegetables and a bit of fruit thrown in. I’ve eaten a couple of keto protein bars but it’s not regularly.
For context, I used to be a serious foodie and a food professional and when I went low carb I cared much less. As long as my food was delicious and low carb and I wasn’t hungry, I didn’t care. Since surgery, some of the things i really enjoyed low carb have become sort of icky to me so I’m constantly revisiting what I like and don’t like. It’s a process 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Anyway, I have lots of homework to do ( one of the changes that happened seven years ago when my chronic health issues resolved, was my doctor suggested I go to nursing school) so I’m going to sign off but I wanted to share that though this is an imperfect process, it is one which I’m not sorry to have gone through. I sort of regret not doing it 20 years ago but on the other hand I guess I would not have been mentally ready had I done it much sooner than my health crisis, subsequent sustained weight loss and then learning how obesity actually works. On the other hand, I’m glad I was confident in my new lifestyle before I did it because i understood on a gut level what that meant.
If you read this far, thanks. Feel free to AMA.
Starting Weight 2017 was 315 Surgery weight was 232 ( Feb 2024) CW 194 GW- don’t really have one. I guess it was 203 since I was told I might not lose more than I regained.
submitted by Shot-Wrap-9252 to BariatricSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:13 schnarg24 cordon blue

cordon blue submitted by schnarg24 to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:11 Matty_Cooper Can anybody help interpret my dream? I have a doozy.

So last night I had this extremely vivid dream. It started with me being back at my jobs old location, (in real life I still work for the same company but at a different location) and I was in a bathroom with the door open and in the lobby it was full of people coming in and out of the building, in the bathroom I was adjusting my tie or almost like I was getting ready for some kind of fancy event when all of a sudden this girl comes in and asks me if she can use my phone to take pictures of her tattoos because she wanted to show me, I thought that was odd because she could have just showed me, well I have tattoos of my own and it was just in the bathroom but with the door still open and we are showing each other our tattoos, I had pulled my pants down to show her tattoos on my legs (very weird for a stranger interaction) and all of a sudden there were a few girls from my high school there in the bathroom with us and they just kept saying “ew ew” when I was showing my tattoos, but this stranger girl that was there with me was like in awe and loved my tattoos. This stranger girl had brown hair, slightly longer than her shoulders, she had on dark blue pants and I can’t remember her tops because they kept changing throughout the dream but I know she had sleeve tattoos. I know she didn’t have glasses but I can’t describe the features of her face. I do remember her telling me she was from Ovid, NY. But, after that bathroom interaction the dream suddenly changed and I was jumping into a pond back first but when I did I got sucked down into a different futuristic world where everything was very high tech, it was almost like I was in a subway system but it was so silver everywhere with like touch screen panels on the walls all around me and everybody was in some VR head sets and some were sharing experiences and some weren’t. And others were just walking around and talking. There’s a haze of things that were happening around me that I can’t quite remember but then all of a sudden the stranger girl was there and she remembered me almost as if we had met a few days prior or something. She was soooo excitable and happy to see me. I asked her if she was single and she was. We chatted but I can’t remember what about. She was gone again, I found myself in this room that looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. Very silvery and blue and I had a bar code on my wrist, I saw that I could scan it on the wall so I did and I didn’t know what it did. But then as I walked out of the room I walk by very fancy people that were all sitting in 4s facing each other (like you would on a train) and they all had something on their heads like maybe a VR set or something to connect them to this world I was in, but I remember I could still see everyone’s eyes so I want sure if it was VR, but as I walked by there was this black girl in a yellow dress and short curly hair sitting in this group, and she made a comment when I walked by saying something like “oh, well fuck” and I turned and jokingly said “whoa that’s a swear word” and everyone just started laughing, including me. But I left up some stairs and suddenly again I was in a room with two older men, one I recognized and one I didn’t, and when I looked around I realized I was in a rather small viewing room in a hospital. I looked through the window on the wall and saw a women in a hospital bed hooked to tubes and wires. And just then the stranger girl burst into the room and hugged me and said “I can’t believe you paid for my mom’s treatment “ and she was crying. I didn’t know what she meant and she pointed at that barcode on my wrist and she asked me how I could have possibly been able to afford it and I didn’t know the answer. She kept thanking me profusely and then introduced me to those two men and said one was her dad and one was her step dad and they both just shook my hand and gave me a nod. Still crying the stranger girl hugged me and said “you’re gonna make a great boyfriend some day”. Then I walk out of this door almost like the “train” or subway stopped and the doors opened and I walked out into a bright blinding light and then I woke up from my dream. For some reason I remember feeling extreme happiness and comfort anytime the stranger girl was around me. And for context. I’m a 29 year old single white dude and the only major life change recently was having to put down one of my dogs earlier this week. I would really love some insight into this.
submitted by Matty_Cooper to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:10 Obvious-Bullfrog-267 Sudden issues with network

I've had Sprint and then T-Mobile for a total of probably 16 to 17 years, starting with Sprint while I was in high school. I've never really had any major issues with either Sprint or T-Mobile until recently.
I live in what I would call a semi-rural area about 15 minutes drive from the closest town and small city (~30,000 pop.) in opposite directions. When I first moved here 5 years ago I knew not to expect a great signal, but I still had a somewhat strong (3-4 bars) 4g signal. I switched phones to a Samsung a54 5g from an a32 5g about a year and a couple months ago. When I got the a54 I noticed that I now had a decent 5g signal, especially for my location. It was strong enough that I could actually use the 5g normally. I didn't get super good download speeds but I still got 10-30 mbps regularly varying throughout the day. It was significantly faster than the fastest home Internet I could get at the time (about 6mbps).
Last week the network became very unreliable all of a sudden and still is. I've mostly been getting anywhere from 1-5 bars of 4g with the occasional bar or two of 5g. However, I've started having issues placing calls, sending texts, and using any data. My phone ends up not sending texts more than it sends them and I usually just get voicemails because calls don't even come through.
My wife's phone, a pixel 6 pro, has been having similar issues but not quite as bad as my phone.
I was hoping that maybe it was some kind of temporary drop in service. Maybe they're upgrading a tower or something. I don't know much about mobile networks.
But it has not gotten any better. It's to the point where my phone/the network is mostly unreliable. This is a huge problem because my wife is disabled and mostly bed ridden so if she needs my help she will usually text me or call me. I haven't been getting her texts on time at all this past week and it's a serious issue.
Anyone know what is going on? If it doesn't get better I think I will be forced to switch carriers.
Also, I've tried all the things it says to do online (restart phone, reset network settings, airplane mode on/off, etc.)
I do not have these problems while in the nearby city or town.
submitted by Obvious-Bullfrog-267 to tmobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:10 Patwil0818 Help me make a good financial decision

I have been leasing a Nissan Kicks for the last 19 months. I have 17 months left of payments equaling $388 a month or $6500 to pay off. I have really been wanting an electric car.
I have found a 2015 Ford Focus electric at my Nissan dealership 45k miles for $9000. Rolling in my negative equity equals out to $15500 although they mentioned there may be a rebate of $3000. I could pay that off in under a year.
My son works for Lexus and thinks that is a terrible decision as the risk of owning the vehicle is high. He wants me to lease a new Toyota BZ4X which start at $240 a month. I would need to again roll over the negative equity so my payment would actually be closer to $450.
My commute is less than 20 miles round trip. I’m not a huge car guy although I do really like fancy tech in my vehicles. The Ford does not have Apple Car Play which would be a negative but otherwise was fine to drive.
So option A I get a car I own and would probably drive for at least 5 years or more (although maybe not, I do get bored of my vehicles frequently which is why I tried leasing). Option B I get a new vehicle and don’t have to worry about maintenance at all but don’t own it.
Monthly income $13000 Mortgage $3100 Wife’s car $700 (should be paid off in 1.5 years) My current car $388 Utilities (internet, trash, water, electric) $500 Phone $200 Horse $540 Groceries $1000 Car insurance $185 School loans $171 (should be paid off in under 2 years) Patio loan $415 (should be paid off in under 3 years) Line of credit $250 (will be paid off in 4 months) Solar panels $175 (unsure is I’ll pay them off or sell with the house - we plan on saving up to build a new home over the next 10 years).
We are pushing to pay off debt and just finished paying off our credit cards of $32k over the last year. However we also want to enjoy our current life so we are not cutting bare bones (still eat out, go on vacations, etc).
Do I go with option A, option B, or just stay with my current lease.
submitted by Patwil0818 to FinancialPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:09 Major_Success8316 Anyone here playing Volleyball?

I'm a VB player since High School and when I enter college minsan na lang ako makapag laro, now na pwede na akong mag laro wala namng invites 😔
If Anyone here na want mag laro or kulang sa team or gustong gumawa ng group para makapag play, I Go na natin yan.
I'm from south BTW, we can rent and schedule a court nmn for this diba hahaha
submitted by Major_Success8316 to adultingph [link] [comments]