Ap chemistry 1973 d kinetics

Get help with your chemistry homework.

2012.01.25 14:34 mychemistrytutor Get help with your chemistry homework.

A place to come and get assistance with chemistry homework.

2011.08.09 23:07 attacksquid Bleach Shirts

Make shirts, share them, have fun

2013.04.04 18:08 bbdrmmrkd Cummins Turbo Diesel

Welcome to /CTD, the reddit home of everything for the legendary Cummins Turbo Diesel! Read our subreddit's policies on our wiki before you post and comment. Edit your own flair above so we know what you drive.

2024.05.19 12:33 GourmetGameWraps How do I come back from this?

I’ve(M25) been dating this amazing woman(F29) for the last six months. We have a ton in common and we have a great chemistry when we’re together. I told her how I felt about her and asked if she’d be cool with dating exclusively and starting a relationship. She said that she’s been numbed for so long she didn’t know how she felt but in return, she also added that I overwhelmed her. I figured after six months she would have felt into it or not. We haven’t really spoken since I told her and now it just feels awkward. How do I fix this? Is she just keeping me on the hook?
TL;DR!- I told a woman I’ve been dating how I felt about her and it’s now awkward. How do I fix this situation?
submitted by GourmetGameWraps to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:13 Actual_District_1005 The sun is really small, bug. I only use NAC X lite, Disable Lens, Moon X5, Visible Galaxy 4k, MOON - Beautiful Replacement Textures For All Moon Phases [XB1].

The sun is really small, bug. I only use NAC X lite, Disable Lens, Moon X5, Visible Galaxy 4k, MOON - Beautiful Replacement Textures For All Moon Phases [XB1]. submitted by Actual_District_1005 to Fallout4ModsXB1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:07 BlackMatter214 [XB1 Price Check]

[XB1 Price Check] <Cremator>
Is this a good role?! Just crafted and roled it and got these!!
submitted by BlackMatter214 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:52 Decent-Strike1030 What do you guys think of A2 Information Technology?

I want to take either computer science / computer engineering in uni. I’ve been asked to fill out a form for the 3 subjects I’d want to take next year. So far I’ve chosen physics, statistics and was thinking of either IT or Chemistry. Which of the two subjects ( IT or Chem ) do you think would benefit me the most?
submitted by Decent-Strike1030 to alevel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:24 Stinky-Binx Where do I sell Byrna Stuff?

Where do I sell Byrna Stuff?
I have a large kit that he never used. Cartridges, holster, cleaning kit, etc…I’m at a loss as to how to go about selling it.
submitted by Stinky-Binx to byrna [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:22 dumbduck_956 Wtf- what's wrong with them duh 💀

Wtf- what's wrong with them duh 💀 submitted by dumbduck_956 to Bitsatards [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:20 PrettyFlyWhiteGuy22 Thoughts on display?

Thoughts on display?
What are you guy’s opinion on displaying IPs togethe, or mixedr? Do you display all of your Marvel Legends, NECA, McFarlane DC, Spawn, TMNT in groups, or mix everything up?
As seen, I currently have mine separated, but since I’m running out of some room on shelves, instead of having to move the whole set to a bigger shelf, or have a new shelf with only a few figures until I get more, I’m thinking of just starting to mix more.
For instance, I can’t add any more DBZ to the shelf, so instead I would have to put them somewhere else. Should I just create a whole new DBZ shelf, have a mixed area, OR just mix everything that way there isn’t just a few mixed areas? Same way with wrestling figs.
(I have another bookshelves not pictured segmented into Star Wars, McFarlane DC, and Legends, as well as another self top for any other McFarlane, and another for Gargoyles.)
submitted by PrettyFlyWhiteGuy22 to ActionFigures [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:19 Longjumping_Plant_97 Settling a Debate, This is Not A StairGlitch Right?

Settling a Debate, This is Not A StairGlitch Right?
Someone keeps telling me this a stairglitch, but i don't think it is, idk.
submitted by Longjumping_Plant_97 to CoDCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:14 MundaneDragon H: Apparel and Armor in pictures W: Q5025 Railway

H: Apparel and Armor in pictures W: Q5025 Railway
The armor all are complete sets and the Uny Sent AP set has 3 Reverse Painted Legacy pieces. I will listen to all Groll heavy and commando offers of course but the railway is my main priority.
submitted by MundaneDragon to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:13 artemygxs82 the quest is not questing bruh, help me please i fast travel to the castle, i walk by foot there, but it wont tell me what to do next

the quest is not questing bruh, help me please i fast travel to the castle, i walk by foot there, but it wont tell me what to do next submitted by artemygxs82 to fo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:12 Business-Cover2720 Kult haul

Kult haul
I ordered too faced cocoa pillow balm and received LA girl baby pink liner as a freebie… the thing is, there was no seal on the lip balm kinda sketchy as this is my first order from kult and even too faced. I just want to know if those is normal ;)
submitted by Business-Cover2720 to KultUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:05 cev4d_burduri Sizce hak etti mi

Sizce hak etti mi submitted by cev4d_burduri to liseliler [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:46 Galvantula42 Advice for How I May Pursue a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry in the Future?

I’m at a bit of an impasse right now. I want to pursue a graduate degree but I’m worried that I’m not of the caliber to be accepted into any program so I’d appreciate anyone’s advice on what I can do to try to realize this goal. I’ll try to be concise.
So I’m a recent graduate, receiving a B.S. in Chemistry with a concentration in Biochemistry. For many years I’ve known that I wanted to pursue a graduate degree in chemistry. I’m very passionate about chemistry, especially inorganic chemistry from group theory to bonding theories such as crystal field theory I can’t get enough of it.
As for why I yearn for a graduate degree, well I’m am very drawn to research and teaching which are both present in academia. I love the challenge of research and participated in research during my senior year where I started a project with one of my professors, while I am also drawn to teaching because I simply feel joy from helping others understand chemistry, especially when they’re students who feel that chemistry is too hard or “beyond them”. I’ve gone out of my way many times during my undergrad program to help classmates understand our material.
My academic record is mediocre/acceptable. My overall gpa was 3.11 and I’d say my major gpa was similar or slightly higher which I think is hurting my prospects. I faced financial strife on several occasions during my undergrad degree, the first time I had to withdraw while the second and third times I had to move mid-semester due to renters selling their property, but i still kept up with my studies (I’ve never failed a course). I also had to care for a terminally ill family member during my juniosenior years but never felt like I couldn’t keep up with the coursework though I do feel that I may have gotten higher marks if I hadn’t faced these issues.
Following graduation, I did try to apply for a few inorganic chem programs at some UC’s in California. I had no issue getting enough Letters of Recommendation from my professors and I did make mention of my research work, including what I presented at my university regarding it. However I was rejected by every program that I had applied for, though I was only able to apply for 3 due to the cost of application fees (I hadn’t found work at the time so money was limited). I have discussed this with my professoresearch advisor, who seemed surprised that I only received rejections. I suggested to him that maybe I pursue a MS instead first but he seemed to want to dissuade me from that, and suggest that it wasn’t necessary. I shared one of my personal statement drafts with him and am awaiting feedback on if it was perhaps poor.
Other than that I am aiming to apply to many more next time, including programs out of state, but I am beginning to doubt myself and question if I am meant for a graduate program. For those familiar with graduate level chemistry, is there anything I can do to strengthen my application in the future? Will having job experience in industry help me? I really do not want to give up but I feel that I’m just at a loss regarding what I can try to do.
submitted by Galvantula42 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:44 zunaidahmed AP test scores show differences between male and female students

AP test scores show differences between male and female students submitted by zunaidahmed to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:42 Madli0n Summarize data from cell letter

Hopefully this explains what I’m looking to achieve, just after some advice on best way to go about it.
Scenario: Each day a different selection of 3-4 fruit is available, each person can take a selection of fruit, I’d like to be able to be able to summarize the data and see how often each person selects which fruit.
The following categories for example, People and Day of Month would need to be infinite but Fruit could be restricted to under 20 say the alphabet A-Z to enable easy input. Potentially input in a cell where Tom took an apple, and an orange might be AO.
People: Tom, Jill, Sally, Bob, Erin
Fruit: Apple, Orange, Banana, Mango, Pineapple, Lemon
Day of Month: 1,2,3 4, etc.
Input Table might look like this:
Output/Summary Table would just count occurrences, like this:
Edit: Poor tables sorry...still bad
submitted by Madli0n to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:37 mha2805 Whose handwriting is prettier?

My GF and I have this debate about whose handwriting is prettiemore aesthetically pleasing. Which one do you guys prefer?
submitted by mha2805 to HandwritingAnalysis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:35 DudeFace71 H: Grolls, Apparel, Guns, Armor W: List, Apparel, Grolls

AA50c25 Elders Mark
Q50c25 Elders Mark
Q50c25 Radium
Q2525 Fixer
B50c25 Epr
AA50c25 Epr
B2515fr Epf
B2525 Fixer
BE25 Fixer
B2525 Handmade
BE25 Handmade
Q50c25 NU Laser
Q2515fr UC Laser
B2525 UC Laser
AA50c25 UC Laser
B50c25 NU Laser
AA2525 NU Laser
Q2525 Cryolator
V2525 EPR
Q50c25 Gauss
Q2525 10mm Pistol
B40p+1s Chainsaw
AA40p+1s Chainsaw
V40p50bs Chainsaw
AA2515fr Flamer
Q2550bs Q2515fr
Q2590wr Q50c90wr
Tse15fr Q50c50bs
VE25 AAE25 B2515fr
Q2515c TS50c25 B2515c
B15v25 berE25 ber2525 V50c15fr
B50c15fr BE90wr TSE25
Q50c100 AriE25 TS2525
AAE15c AA2590wr AssE15fr
AA2515c JunkE25 GS50c25
Junk2525 JunkVHC25 Q25dwa25
V50c25 V2590wr
Q50c15fr TSE15c
Q50cStealth JunkE25
B2515fr Ass2525
BE15fr lmg AA2515fr lmg
AA2590wr 50 Cal Q50c15fr lmg
Q50vhc25 cryolator TS2590wr cryolator
QBash90wr minigun ass2515fr cryolator
BE50drwa lmg TS2515fr GP
QE25 LMG, Minigun, Gatling gun
Aa2515fr GP B2515fr pepper shaker
TSE90wr Gatling gun VE90 lmg
AA50c15fr flamer V15ap25 lmg
AA2590wr Gatling laser AAE90 50 cal
QE15fr Auto pipe TSE15fr Auto Pipe
QE25 Combat Rifle AAE15c elders mark
Q50vhc25 AR Q25100 Tesla TS2525 Tesla
I50c25 bpr VE90wr AR junk2525 epr
VE15fr lever action TSE15fr lever action
Q50vhc25 Plasma rifle BE+1p Fixer
B50c50bs Laser Q50vhc25 Gauss
B50vhc25 Elders Mark Q50c25 10mm smg
JugE15fr elders mark B50vhc25 .45 smg
QE250 auto pipe Q2525 Gauss
AA50L25 AD I50C15fr Gauss J50c25 AD
Z50c25 AD
B50c15fr gamma gun
MUT2525 laser pistol AAE25 10mm pistol
B50c25 M79 B2590 gamma
Q50c15c .44 V2525 Western
AA2525 .44
AA50c25 crossbow I50C25 Crossbow
AA50vhc15c crossbow
I50c25 Compound B50c90 Compound
B15v50bs chainsaw AA40p50bs ripper
VSSS assaultron blade AA40p40 Drill
AASSS Glove (not sanitized)
V25D+1s chainsaw, BSSS deathclaw
Z40pa90wr chainsaw VSSS Bone club
UNY AP SENT Reverse paint FSA RL/LL
OE AP CAV Trapper LA
The rest (lots of good rolls):
TFJ x5
Red Asylum x5
LC x4
TLC x9
Responders Set x6
Loon x4
Bosjs x3
USA x2
FSA x2
Buffoon x4, Crazy Guy x2, Hag x3
Fiend, Raven x3, Demon
Brahmin x2
forest, yellow, pink asylum
Rare bats
Enclave Aligned Auto/flamer
Enclave Severe Beta, Forceful stock
Enclave calibrated capacitor
1.5k L&L 8
2k explosive, 2k energy bobbles
2k psychobuff, 500 psychotats
Bulk steel
Bulk acid
Specific Wants:
TFJ, Red asylum, LC
Responders Set, FCJS, TLC
Q2525 Auto Pipe
B/I 50vhc 25 compound bow
B50c25 Handmade/fixer
Q groll fixers/handmades/rails
Grolls (Weps or Armor)
Open to all offers however, let me know what your thinking and we can make a deal :)
submitted by DudeFace71 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:33 limedfox How to prepare for my first APs over the summer

Hi everyone! I’m a current freshman, and as the school year is coming to a close I want to make the most out of my summer. Next year, I am taking AP calc AB in the fall, and AP calc BC and AP world in the spring (My school is structured so that you take 4 classes in fall & 4 different ones in spring).
These will be my first AP classes and I don’t know much about how the exams are structured and what to be expecting, but I want to learn some of the material and practice it over the summer before entering the class, especially for calc.
I know a lot of people use prep/review books like Barrons and Princeton Review, what do you guys recommend for my classes next year? Are prep books only for current students that need it to practice for the exam, or can I use it as an extra source to actually learn the material for the first time as well?
Thank you so much! :) Sorry if I sound a little silly haha I’d love to hear your guys’s advice about anything AP related, not just prep books
submitted by limedfox to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:19 Schhwing Just hit 1m coins. Would you change anything? At this point im just tryna run a fun team.

Just hit 1m coins. Would you change anything? At this point im just tryna run a fun team. submitted by Schhwing to fut [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:11 psi_overtake End Game Bloodied Stealth Commando Build

Hello! I've finally reached the level where I'm looking to shed some Intelligence perks and move on to a final build. I've been a bloodied stealth commando since as long as I've had my first Bloodied Fixer (B/25AP) years ago, and now I'm looking to do all the damage without worrying about the leveling up grind - I'm just here to learn all the plans, improve my C.A.M.P.'s aesthetic, and help newbies. The next parts are what I've been doing, and the last couple parts are my perk loadout build questions.
Current Build
I use the Perk Loadout Manager mod to swap between a few specs:
Everyday build: https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=3a65f7a&d=p00pg2ph2pi1pp2eh2ir2ii0ao0a00a30l71lu2la2lb2a80am2a12a71ic4ce0es2ee2sg2eu0c62cu0lv0lk2&w=p22ln0pj0i30ia0i50s10ig0p10&lp=xm3x93x63x73x43x83&m=2145078abcef&n=Daily%20Driver
With full Unyielding armor and Herd Mentality + Strange In Numbers, this build attains 36 Luck, which is 3 higher than you need to crit every other shot with Critical Savvy. I was too lazy to switch over, so those 3 points can go elsewhere, like into Perception for better V.A.T.S. %, or Agility for better max AP. Enough Strength for Blocker to save your behind when you get sucker punched; swap in Night Person for the extra Intelligence (the 5% damage from rank 2 Commando isn't noticeable, but you can do that instead of one of the QoL perks); the 4 points for Lifegiver can be moved but every bit of HP when you're low health is nice, and Chem Fiend is to extend Berry Mentats usage (consumables listed below); Tenderizer helps out the whole team; Scrapper is what I share with the group because it's in all my builds, and the other Intelligence cards can be whatever you like; Agility is self-explanatory for this build; and the star of the show is Good With Salt (and the Grocer Backpack), along with Critical Savvy to get you critting every shot, which is important because crit damage bypasses damage reduction.
When the going gets tough (Daily Ops with armor piercing and the like), I go into Power Armor (currently Union, though it needs upgraded) and/or swap something with rank 1 Born Survivor.
My second build is for weight reduction, crafting, and C.A.M.P. building. Pack Rat, Strong Back, Solar Powered for more Strength during the day, Travel Agent to save a few caps, Chemist, Contractor - you get the picture.
My grenade leveling build: https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=3a65f7a&d=p02pg0ph0eh2ir2ii0ao0a04a30l71lu2la2lb2a70ic4ce0es2ee2sg2eu0c62cu0pi0po2pj0pq1p22ib4a80an2lt2&lp=xm3x93x63x73x43x83&m=2145078abcef&n=Grenade%20Leveling
This is for West Tek runs, throwing Nuka Grenades left and right. There are good YouTube videos that show how to run it.
Consumables: Berry Mentats (the addiction icon helps me know when I need to reapply the buff, since sometimes the highlighting sticks around), Brain Bombs, Canned Coffee, Company Tea, Cranberry Relish, Popcorn, and Rad Ant Lager when needed. For more XP, give Nuka Cranberry to Leo Petrov, use Lunchboxes (usually if you pop one at an event or Daily Ops, others will do the same) and Live and Love 3, wait for Double XP Weekend, etc. The Crit Damage, Health Regen, bonus Agility/Perception, and Poison Resist foods are good, too (I use the Revolution setting on my commie collectron).
Mutations: Adrenal Reaction, Bird Bones, Chameleon, Eagle Eyes, Egg Head, Empath, Grounded, Herbivore, Herd Mentality, Marsupial, Scaly Skin, and Speed Demon.
Future Build
For my end game build, this is what I have so far: https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=3a635ae&d=pg2ph2pi2p00po1pp2sg2es2ce0a72a00lv2eh2cu0an2a12am2a30ic0lu2lk2la2l71ir2&w=ee2eu0a80lt0c62cd1cr0lb0ao0&lp=xm3x93x43&m=2145078abcef&n=W.I.P.%20Stealth%20Commando
I have a handful of points to spend, and a few legendary perk slots as well. Other than switching from Berry Mentats to Overdrive or Psychotats for extra damage, I could add Perception and Agility for the derived stats, though I might not need Agility for how good Company Tea and Coffee are. I could invest in Strength for carry weight, Endurance for Lifegiver and Radicool, or Charisma or Intelligence to still level up well to help move the season along, get Master Infiltrator for a tiny QoL bump, or a number of other things. I'm keeping Charisma to at least 3 to share perk cards, and Intelligence to at least 5 for crafting requirements. What are your suggestions?
submitted by psi_overtake to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:58 Wide_Loss8608 How come nobody cares

How come nobody cares
I find it very strange that nobody NCR affiliated cares about somebody dressed in enclave power armor just waltzes into McCarran. I haven’t played f1 or f2 so I was wondering if they are enemies how come it isn’t on sight?
submitted by Wide_Loss8608 to fnv [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:52 ireallylikeoctopi I think I’m finally done. WP unblocked AP who tried to SA me.

I’ve made posts on here before about how unstable AP is. They have constantly caused issues and have tried reaching out anytime they get the chance even when blocked. They will create fake numbers and social media accounts to stalk us and get their friends to do so. They originally messaged me claiming they had “no idea my WP was with someone else”, only to find out that was a lie and they essentially have begun stalking me now too.
My WP claimed AP SA’d them later on. When AP reached out to me and wanted to meet up to show me “proof” of my WP cheating, they touched me inappropriately multiple times despite me asking over and over for them to stop and even then tried to full on have sex with me. This resulted in me getting out of there as soon as I could, which was extremely hard to do with how they were behaving.
My WP knows this and they also know I have a lot of trauma from being SA’d in the past, so this really hit home for me and my mental health hasn’t been very well over it. Instead of being supportive, they have actually just continued to accuse me over and over of “probably lying about it because I most likely slept with AP and am hiding the truth”. They constantly tell me they have “no reason to believe me” and that “maybe I shouldn’t have gone to AP’s house in the first place”.
This hurts on such a deep level I can’t even describe it to you. I have not been sure if I’ve wanted to re-enter into R with my WP for awhile now. They keep insisting on trying for R, but there’s just been so much damage. The reason I’m writing this post though, is because I found out tonight they unblocked AP again and have been talking to them. This started last Sunday when they told me that “AP tried calling them, but they didn’t answer and AP is blocked anyway, but their phone lets them see when blocked numbers call them”.
This didn’t make any sense to me, because while I know their phone does in fact show in the call log if a blocked number has tried to call, it wouldn’t ring/go through, and they gave away that the phone did ring by saying they “didn’t answer it”. So obviously AP was not blocked, but I knew prying wasn’t going to make them be honest with me about it. I tried move on from this best I could, until a few days ago they decided to tell me what actually happened. They told me they never blocked AP because they “forgot”, and that AP actually texted them and they had a full blown conversation, but that they told AP they didn’t want them in their life whatsoever.
They told me AP then tried to call, but WP didn’t answer and blocked them. As if that wasn’t enough, tonight I find out that they unblocked AP and talked to them again. When I asked why they unblocked them at all, they said “to see if AP would listen”. So I asked what they said to them since it sounds like they messaged AP first. They swore up and down AP messaged first, which makes no sense because then why would you unblock them to “see if they would listen”? Listen to what? They claimed they wanted to “see if AP would listen and not message them, since my WP told them to not reach out again the last time they spoke to AP”.
I tried asking more details, to which none of the answers made any sense and they were half-assed. They told me it sounds like AP is “keeping tabs on them which was unsettling”, but they didn’t further elaborate and honestly that adds up because AP has stalked both of us for close to a year. They said they blocked AP again. I lost it. I told them they obviously unblocked them because they want this person around, want to talk to them or at the very least enjoy the attention they’re getting from them.
WP got mad and said that wasn’t the case, but I told them there’s no other reasoning for them to unblock them. If they genuinely didn’t want AP around and were as unsettled by AP’s actions as they’ve claimed to be, they wouldn’t be unblocking them just to “see if they would listen and not reach out like they said they would”. Why would you even want to know if this person reached out at all? This makes zero sense and nobody who genuinely didn’t want to speak to someone would do this.
What hurts me the most though, is they are actively keeping a person around who they know tried to SA me. They know this person makes me feel uncomfortable and severely stressed out. They know this person has posed a physical danger to me and apparently SA’d them too, so why are they keeping them around? Why do they want to be engaging with someone like that?
I told them I don’t want them in my life anymore. I told them to do whatever they want, but to keep me out of it and to not contact me again. I told them if I ever am contacted again by AP or their friends or if I see them around here, I will be calling police. They haven’t responded and to be honest, I’m just a mess. I was debating R and now I don’t think that’s an option whatsoever anymore. How could anyone do this to someone they claim to love?
submitted by ireallylikeoctopi to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]
