Woman get stuck on dog knot

Pictures of dogs!

2009.08.27 22:50 Pictures of dogs!

Pictures of dogs!

2013.05.15 02:22 Wiinsomniacs Best of TL;DR

The best TL;DRs of Reddit.

2017.12.19 14:44 ender3838 How Did That Get There

Have you ever seen something, like a shoe on top of a building, or a coffee mug in a tree, or just something that made you think, how could that object get there? Like seriously, how did that end up there! Well that is what this subreddit is for.

2024.05.19 17:20 yazzbot Worried about my dog’s tail…

My dog has had a growth seemingly appear out of no where, and he has a vet appointment in exactly one week. However, the last few days, he’s been very distressed about his tail, and I’m growing more concerned that maybe he may need to be seen sooner.
It appears to be a cyst that erupted at some point, but it’s hard and scabbed over. It rises about a centimeter or two above the skin, and is about .5inch in diameter. He’s had it for about a month, from when I first noticed it.
Should I get him seen sooner or should I hold off and give him Vet’s Best Aches + Pains until his appointment? I’m already not able to afford a huge vet bill while I’m on unemployment…
Any advice on how I could treat/clean it myself would be appreciated too.
submitted by yazzbot to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:20 BRAIRROSE9000 Am I the A*hole for running in to a child (with wheelchair not a car).

So to clarify 1 I am British so my terms my confuse people. 2. This happened in summer 2021 and also a heatwave. 3. names are changed for GDPR purposes.
I use to work in a care home for MJ a beautiful lady in her 30's with physical and learning disability also blind with fragile bones (which is important later). MJ a little petty and finds being naughty or cheeky hilarious.
I was out on a girly shopping trip for new wardrobe as MJ had drastically gained a lot of weight during over 18 months due to physio and hydro being cancelled due to covid and building work. Due to her needs her wheelchair is a little longer and bulkier than the average and her right leg support is straight out as she cant bend it . (also important for later), Also I have to explain what's going on every few minute so MJ knows what's going on and MJ doesn't always know if she's involved in conversations so this is also explained.
After a lovely brunch is a department store we headed down in lift. To resume the shopping. This is when the incident occurred. due to the size of her wheelchair she takes up a good portion of the lift so I have no room to move, can only wheel in and reverse out. As the lift lowered I could hear children approx. 5 -9 in age and guessing 4 in total. The doors took there sweet time to open.
When they did I quietly swore because the store had a massive redesign during the lock down and what was once a nice clear area around the lift was now a narrow area surrounded by a sofa and display stands leaving me a very tight turning space. I then realised the children I heard where using this narrow space to play It/tag.
I called out to them to Excuse me let us through please. No answer from children and no parent telling them to move . Children still running. MJ is already in giggles as she has worked out things are not going to the plan.
I am now aware that the lift doors will shut again soon so reverse out a little to make sure the safety sensors keep doors open. Also hoping this means the children's adult might notice me better and control the little chaos.
I hoped to much and they got louder so I got LOUDER. I shouted You need to move now your in my way. MJ is now in tears because she thinks I'm shouting at her and is asking why. So I whisper to her to not worry its just some naughty children blocking our way out and I might need to yell at them again and she calms down.
This is when the boy who I think was the oldest replied "where not taking up that much space just walk around us." So waved him closer and he came over I explained the problem. " You see these handles I'm holding on to" he nodded "this means its not just me I need space to turn MJ around, so please give us that space and sit on sofa". His reply "my mummy got through okay with my sister is our pram so you get your baby through too". MJ has decided to join in by singing, "I'm not a baby, your a baby, move naughty naughty baby" . I then spot the mummy and wave my arms in the biggest motions possible to get her attention. But apparently the lacy bra she's examine her hand holds all her brain power.
So I shout again. "I'm going to count to 4 and if you kids are not out of my way that's your problem not mine anymore". 1, still kid chaos, 2 , 3, nothing 3 and a half, FOUR !. So I reverse in one quick motion. I'm amazed that I didn't hit walk in to anyone. I take a moment to asses the best route to go and yes the children are still running around. but I no longer care. So I choose go to the section on the left and to do that I have to turn slightly right step backwards line up the wheelchair then go foreword. And the smallest child chose that very moment to run out right in to MJ's right leg support. MJ starts laughing at me for being a bad driver think I hit a display with her leg. I whisper to her what's happened and she laughs more, shrugs and winks at me "oops you told them". Children run over to see there crying sibling and one runs off to tell mum about the mean lady. I check the little girl over (I'm first aid trained and she risked more harm to MJ then her) and went to shop. That's when mum finally appeared and yelled at me "Watch where your going, you Spazzie Retard you hit my kid."
So In the UK these are about the worst words you can use to describe a disabled person. I took the worlds biggest breath and willed my professional BS filter to sensor my inner rage. But MJ had my back. " I can't watch where I'm going I'm blind and she had to parent your kids because you were too busy, she meant to help me shop not babysit kids , good bye B\*ch". I smiled sweetly trying not to laugh and we left her shouting about court . A staff member came over to see if we okay and I explained the situation and they go kicked out of the store of endangering customers.*
After reporting this story to the manager she laughed (unofficially told me served the woman right) and told me to record it for policy just in case she memorised the logo on my badge .But I did not get into trouble. No one was harmed apart from a possible bruise on the child's leg.
submitted by BRAIRROSE9000 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:19 Shagrrotten FG Decades Tournament, the 2010’s: Round 1

Well here we are, FG, our first decades tournament, the 2010’s. Thank you to everyone who nominated movies, and let’s get right into it!
Results of Round 1
View Poll
submitted by Shagrrotten to IMDbFilmGeneral [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:19 RetroSelecta Rockstar and their garbage mechanics

Why does it feel like rockstar implemented system after system to prevent making money. I’ve sat for like 4 days with an agarita batch and never got a seller for it. Finally lowballed myself to the jerk who only pays 288 (thanks 2x) and now I’m stuck in the same scenario with my wild creek shine. Managed to get one batch of it off after that agarita batch that sat for days, now I’ve been 2 buyer lists through without a buyer. Playing this game feels like I’m letting rockstar spit in my face constantly, I remeber now why I quit playing RDO years ago. Only thing to do in the meantime is bounties, and they have a cooldown on those. wtf is it with rockstar hating their players making money.
submitted by RetroSelecta to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:19 No-Car6311 Owncloud Infinite Scale OIDC with Authelia via proxy NGINX Proxy Manger help needed?

So as the title says i am trying to setup OIDC with Owncloud Infinite Scale with Authelia for authentication i have it working but i am stuck on one part Authelia does not yet support prompt handling and causes Owncloud to get stuck on OIDC callback but i am able to get correctly redirected to Authelia and apporve log in request but get stuck on Owncloud you are being logged in screen.
I found this guide here and it worked for the most part but the are using Caddy instead of NGINX proxy manager and the say you have to rewrite the url to bypass Ownclouds prompt handling in this Caddy file example below.
auth.{$MY_DOMAIN} { # This is necessary until Authelia learns prompt handling. It's planned for beta 7 (https://www.authelia.com/roadmap/active/openid-connect/#beta-7). # Without this, the ownCloud desktop client cannot authenticate. uri /api/oidc/authorization replace &prompt=select_account%20consent "" reverse_proxy authelia:9091 tls { dns cloudflare {env.CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN} } } 
I have searched Google and attempted many failed times to try and configure NGINX to do the same so my question is how would i do this URL rewrite in a NGINX Proxy Manager any help welcome thank you.
submitted by No-Car6311 to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:19 kingcillian Hey guys - I really need an opinion here for my game

So I’ve been working on this game for about a year and its gotten to a point where all the gameplay is pretty much done. But I’m stuck on what to do regarding the actual game type…
For context, it’s a game where players can choose from a range of different animals and fight against human hunters and poachers.
The recent idea was as a sandbox game, similarly to TABS. You can have any number of Tigers, Elephants, Bears, Wolves and Eagles (so far) up against any number of Poachers using an assortment of weapons (hunting rifles, shotguns, sawn off shotguns so far)
The first idea was a PvE wave-based mode where you team up and choose from a range of animals via money earned from killing waves of humans. There would be 12 waves, with the number of poachers increasing each time, as well as weapons changing and the poachers getting more accurate.
Which direction should I take this for an early access? Eventually everything will be included.
submitted by kingcillian to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:19 Naive_Translator3189 Leech like but in shower PA

Leech like but in shower PA
Bug appears to be worm like. Kind of had weird wings or mulch stuck to it. Hard to get off the shower hose since it was sucked on.
submitted by Naive_Translator3189 to whatsthisbug [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:19 I_need_a_nap_thanks Stuck

I can see it in your eyes you don’t love me anymore. Did you ever? The way you laugh with everyone else. You don’t laugh like that with me. Every picture seems like a forced smile or no smile at all. You don’t kiss me. We haven’t been intimate or had sex in eight months yet we’ve shared a bed for six years. I can see in your eyes the look of annoyance when I just say your name. I’m scared to talk to you because I feel rejected by just one look. Am I ugly? Do you not find me pretty anymore? You haven’t kissed me unless I ask. Will I spend the next 60 years asking to be kissed? Asking for dates? Am I just a roommate? Do I continue to clean your messes and do your laundry? Part of me wants to stop doing everything. I’ll do my laundry, my dishes, and cook for myself since I’m not appreciated. If I did that would you look at me and reevaluate or would you still look at me as a pest?
God I can’t get the look in your eyes out of my head. There was no love in your eyes and now I finally notice that that’s how you always look at me.
I’m tired of begging for your attention. I told you that you only kiss me when I ask and you said, “I don’t kiss you because you’re constantly asking.” I CONSTANTLY ASK BECAUSE YOU DONT! I just want you! I want your attention again. I wanna feel loved and appreciated. I want to feel beautiful and smart. You don’t notice me.
Anyway I want to tell you all this in hopes it will help but based on past conversations I don’t see it will change. Maybe that’s why you don’t love me. You know I won’t leave because of how much I love you. You know that I will stay here and do everything for you no matter what. I feel like a dog starving and only getting scraps and no matter what having love for their owner.
submitted by I_need_a_nap_thanks to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:18 Suspicious_Ferret109 CMV: Love is capable of giving total freedom. ONLY love is capable of giving total freedom.

Jealousy has nothing to do with love. In fact, your so-called love also has nothing to do with love.
These are beautiful words which you use without knowing what.they mean, without experiencing what they mean. You go on using the word 'love'. You use it so much that you forget the fact that you have not experienced it yet. That is one of the dangers of using such beautiful words: 'God', 'love', NIRVANA, 'prayer' beautiful words. You go on using them, you go on repeating them, and by and by, the very repetition makes you feel as if you know.
What do you know about love? If you know anything about love, jealousy is never present in love. And wherever jealousy is present, love is not present.
Jealousy is not part of love, jealousy is part of possessiveness. Possessiveness has nothing to do with love. You want to possess. Through possession you feel strong: your territory is bigger. And if somebody else tries to trespass on your territory, you are angry. Or if somebody has a bigger house than your house, you are jealous. Of if somebody tries to dispossess you of your property, you are jealous and angry.
If you love, jealousy is impossible; it is not possible at all.
Jealousy has nothing to do with love. If you love your woman, how can you be jealous? If you love your man, how can you be jealous? If your woman is laughing with somebody else, how can you be jealous? You will be happy: it is your woman who is happy; her happiness is your happiness. How can you think against her happiness?
But look, watch. It is happening everywhere, in every family. The wife even becomes jealous of the newspaper if the husband goes on reading it too much. She comes and snatches it away: she becomes jealous. The newspaper is substituting for her. While she is present, how dare you read your newspaper? That is an insult! When she is there you have to be possessed by her totally not even a newspaper... The newspaper becomes a competitor.
So what to say about human beings? If the wife is present, and the husband starts talking to another woman and looks a little happy - which is natural: people get tired of each other; anything new and one feels a little thrilled - now the wife is angry. You can know well that if a couple is going by and the man looks sad, then he is the husband married to that woman. If he looks happy, he is not married to the woman. She is not HIS wife.
You are not really in love with your woman, or with your man, or with your friend. If you are in love, then his or her happiness is your happiness. If you are in love, then you will not create any possessiveness.
Love is capable of giving total freedom. ONLY love is capable of giving total freedom. And if freedom is not given, then it is something else, not love. It is a certain type of egoistic trip.
You have a beautiful woman. You want to show everybody, all around the town, that you have a beautiful woman - just like a possession. Just as when you have a car and you are into your car, you want everybody to know that nobody has such a beautiful car. The same is the case with your woman. You bring diamonds for her, but not out of love. She is a decoration for your ego. You carry her from one club to another, but she has to remain clinging to you and go on showing that she belongs to you. Any infringement of your right and you are angry - you can kill the woman... whom you think you love.
There is great ego working everywhere. We want people to be like things. We possess them like things, we reduce persons into things. The same is the attitude about things also.
That is the mind - continuously in competition. Now he is doing circumcision; he has to do something. That is the way we are living: the way of the ego. The ego knows no love, the ego knows no friendship, the ego knows no compassion. The ego is aggression, violence.
Jealousy never follow love as a shadow.
Love makes no shadow at all. Love is so transparent that it makes no shadow. Love is not a solid thing, it is transparency. No shadow is created out of love. Love is the only phenomenon on the earth which creates no shadow.
submitted by Suspicious_Ferret109 to changemyview [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:18 LiberalSinner [MN] Gender Discrimination?

This has been really eating away at me and I don’t know how to address it. The company I work for went through a title change for all employees to align with current roles. I am the only woman on a team with approximately 25 men. Previously, we all had some variation of “engineer” in our titles. So after the change, I look at the org chart and I see that every single peer, all men, retained an engineer title, but mine for some reason changed to “analyst”. I have asked my boss FOUR times over the past year what is the reasoning behind this and get vague responses and zero effort to get me an answer. I continue to ask and reply to my original email to retain the thread history. I don’t know how to approach this for fear of retaliation. Layoffs are coming up. I have survived through 4 layoffs over the past 10 years. And if I report this concern, I’m afraid I will end up on the list. And I don’t know if I should report it now, or wait to report it in the event of a lay off, or not report it all. Please please help, this is a horrible feeling to be treated “less than”, and is demoralizing. Thank you in advance.
submitted by LiberalSinner to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:17 Doggerz_ I lost my soul dog 2 months ago, still hurts like the first day

I lost my soul dog Tito 2 months ago unexpectedly. He was 1 year old and he was my everything. I took him to the vet because we were going to get him fixed. His little heart gave up on the fear and it stopped. I still can’t believe it. I miss him everyday and I just can’t function properly because of the grief. I’m autistic and he helped me through a lot of the daily struggles. It was thanks to him that I was able to be strong and do many things. It’s so unfair and I feel so guilty for taking him to the vet that day. I feel like he thought i was abandoning him and he was so scared that his heart just stopped. I feel like I took him to his death. I couldn’t even say goodbye. Time has stopped completely for me. My parents grief but get angry at me when they see me crying. I just want to be with him and hold him one last time, to ask him for forgiveness. I just wish he knew i wasn’t abandoning him. I wish he knew that i loved him dearly. I wish we had more time. I wish i could go with him.
submitted by Doggerz_ to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:17 Ok-Dimension7492 Potential Allied Units. Questions abound.

So I have recently started playing CK. I have a fairly simple War Dog Spam list.
1x Stalker 6x Brigands 6x Executioners 2x Nurglings
My questions revolve around the use of allied units and how exactly that works.
I use newrecruit.eu for list building and theory building lists and I've been getting some errors about me taking too many "insert ally" non battleline units.
As CK are we only able to bring battleline allied units?
On a separate note. I'm building a Tzeentch themed WarDog army with associated paint jobs. What Tzeentch units would you recommend adding to the list? I want to take off the nurglings and have a purest Tzeentch list to fit the theme.
I was thinking maybe just dropping an executioner and throwing on a Lord of Change for the meme.
Any and all thoughts appreciated.
submitted by Ok-Dimension7492 to ChaosKnights [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:16 KristieF86 Opinions on how to approach my doc5

So I finally broke and made an appt with my GP about my depression and adhd. I'm 38F and I've tried for so many years to deal with it and pretend I was normal, thing is....IM NOT.
I'm a mother to an 8yr old daughter and engaged, we've been together 10years. So he's very aware I'm not normal.
I can't keep a job because I cannot be on time to save my life. I'll set 8 alarms and reminders and IM STILL NOT ON TIME FOR ANYTHING. I can't remember what I did 10min ago if I was on a task to finish. My house, don't even get me started. I HATE the clutter and mess. But am I able to do anything about it l, of course not. I'll sit here and somehow wish it'd all blow up so I'm off the hook.
If I feed my family and keep my dogs Alive every day i feel like I made it, like I'm a real live adult. Except, I've been one of those 30years nearly. I do not know if my being in recovery has any part in this because I do not recall ever feeling this detached.
I don't know what I need, what i say or how I explain to my doctor how this is destroying my life. I have done therapy, I've done rehab, I've had a addiction specialist doctor for 4 or more years and she said make this appt with my general practioner. I guess my question is how do I go into my appt and explain how this has swallowed my entire life. I have no energy, I fucking barely even care enough to take care of myself, I maybe allow myself to eat once every 2 days because I get bored chewing and somehow in the past year I won't eat my own cooking. I'm not by any means skinny, I'm 5' 6 145lbs. I feel like the walls are closing in on me and I'm drowning at the same time.
EVERYTHING seems to hard, so I ignore it. I know I need help but my brain is so out of control I don't even know if this post makes sense let alone if I can even semi relate how I feel when I see my doctor. This can't be what my life is going to be....
TLDR; I feel like I'm losing my mind and I have an appt to see a doctor about my adhd and depression specifically....however I don't even know how to explain what is going on
submitted by KristieF86 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:16 MegaEdeath1 Ken in the bee movie is still absolutely the villain

So after seeing a post in memes about the common internet consensus that Ken in the Bee Movie is actually the one sane person in the movie, I brought up how no hes actually consistently a bad person yet I was downvote to oblivion because from what I can only assume herd mindset, so now I think I'm just gonna talk about how he is the villain and debunking the 2 most common arguments for Ken:
He was cucked by a Bee: Now this is a popular one cause its funny to just go "dude was cucked by a bee and was labelled the villain for it" but in the movie he was never cucked by Barry, the only thing that even suggests that Vanessa and Barry had a not completely platonic relationship is the fact that Barry at the beginning showed that he had a bit of a crush on her however Vanessa never reciprocated those feelings and doesnt even know that he had a crush on her, this misconception probably came about due to Barry's dream sequence and the court scene where the lawyer was accusing Barry and Vanessa of having a romantic relationship for some reason (yeah not defending that part of the movie) but its still a consistent fact that their relationship for the most part is platonic.
He was the one sane person in the movie: This argument I think is the one that holds the most merit but that doesn't mean it holds a lot of merit, whilst Vanessa isn't the most sane individual (thinking that she can be a good enough lawyer for Barry instead of trying to find one) that doesn't mean that Ken is any better, I will start off that when he 1st met Barry and tried to kill him I think whilst he overreacted he still had a decent reason to overreact since hes apparently deathly allergic to bees and one flew into his house and at this point he had similar knowledge of bees that anyone whos reading this probably has so he didn't knowingly try to kill a sentient being (since in this movie bees have the same sentience/sapience/overall self awareness as a human being) and I do think Vanessa here could have been a bit more understanding and his next scene isn't exactly horrible, he did do a decent job at composing himself around Barry and his reaction to hearing about the trial was reasonable, though again he overreacted about yogurt night when they could have just rescheduled (also his girlfriend is now busy with the whole lawsuit so he could be more understanding on that front), now his next scene is where I think hes literally insane since whilst he did a good job at composing himself at 1st (still came off as petty but credit where credit is due) and then he randomly implied that Barry was trying to get with Vanessa (which to his knowledge this is just a bee, there isn't much reason to believe that a bee would get with a human woman... I mean he did have a crush on her but with the knowledge he has its a big leap to make) but then after Barry was just trying to make small talk and was just trying to relate with Ken about them looking for a job Ken was still seething (which whilst I understand he probably just wanted to have a 1 on 1 date with his girlfriend he could have just communicated that to her instead of what hes about to do), so when Barry went to the bathroom Ken had the bright idea to go in with him... to beat him to death. I'm not kidding you can look it up yourself just because of all that he wanted to beat Barry to death and too Barry's credit the entire time he was trying to deescalate and only fought back a tiny bit at the end, and when Ken realized that beating him to death would be kind of inconvenient he used a makeshift flamethrower to try and burn Barry alive (yk, one of, if not the most painful experiences someone can go through, something that could actually burn down the entire house killing both himself and Vanessa and anybody else in the building) and when that didn't work out Barry was STILL trying to deescalate correctly pointing out that this was pathetic, even Ken here agrees that he has issues and then tried to drown Barry (side note after rewatching the scene I do have to admit the lines were pretty good and witty) and then when THAT didn't work he tried to beat Barry to death again before Vanessa stopped him and he was still petty enough to start saying that he doesn't even like honey and stuff like that (which Barry would actually appreciate but go off king), so fellas, would a sane man try to burn someone to death just because they checks notes are close with they're girlfriend?
submitted by MegaEdeath1 to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:16 atra55 Unmatched potential, Chapter 11

first previous next
Essemi chapter
The Defender of Virtues was … Well, at least it was capable of moving around, which was rather impressive considering its age. It was built during the Aviel succession crisis, more than a century ago. It was, at the time, a brilliant display of engineering.
To be honest, its sheer size was still impressive, and it was probably better to command it than a smaller, more recent ship. Its shape was a classic example of the later Altirian period, a sort of arrow as the main body, with two smaller one attached to the sides. On the side the artificial gravity considered the “top”, there were building-like structures, resembling a city.
The whole thing looked like it was built for atmospheric flight, which was very much not the case, considering it was more than 800 meters long, and as such would probably fall apart under the forces applied. But it was definitely stylish, even if a little outdated, and still very practical.
There were worse ships to be stuck on for months for sure, and the crew was pretty nice too, barring the exception sitting in front of me. Of course, I was the one who needed to manage Commander Zedbi for the foreseeable future.
“I have come once again to make my complaints heard, Captain.”
“Commander, it’s much too late for me to go back on my decision, even if I wanted to. Complaining now will accomplish nothing except waste everyone’s time.”
“Well, perhaps you should have thought about that before limiting me to bringing only three servants on board. Someone of my status needs at least five, even in special circumstances.”
“Commander, this is a long-term mission. Anyone we bring will be a significant strain on our precious resources. I consider three servants to be more than sufficient for our officers.”
“Yes, I guess you wouldn’t understand who would need more personnel than your mother was ever able to afford. Then again, you only have one butler on a captain’s salary. Guess the Temidian blood runs strong in your family.”
“Enough, Commander. Go back to your post or this conversation will be reported to high command on our return.”
“You wouldn’t dare! They’ll know I’m right!”
Curiously for someone so sure of his righteousness, he still left the bridge, letting me concentrate on the maps of what was known on Terra space. The answer was resoundingly ‘not much’. But we could speculate on what systems would be the potentially juiciest to settle for them, considering what we knew.
I was busy planning the best potential routes for our operation, when the absolute darkness I could see through the glass bay suddenly filled with stars, and the main alarm began blasting.
“We left FTL”, screamed a Licam operating the propulsion system.
“I can see that,” I mumble. “Cut the alarm and send everyone to their combat position. Every officer on the bridge. We need to assess the situation.”
I was already thinking. We were five days of travel away from Earth. We had just encountered an FTL disruption field. What could that mean? Well first of all, the map the sensors were building around us didn’t detect any significant body or hostile vessels nearby, which meant… The disruption field filled a significant part of the system!
For what purpose? It was obvious: traversing it without distortion would take us months. It was a wall. I quickly went over the implications. A disruptor station had to be manned, or at least, maintained. That meant they needed ships travelling for months at sub light speed to resupply these stations! That was quite the commitment to prevent us entry. Fortunately, we could easily turn back to exit the field and go back home, which is exactly what I ordered.
Then, something impossible happened. A ship appeared on the radar, as if it had just exited a jump. But it had done so in the disruption field. Even worse, the gravitational wave detector spiked, like we were now almost right next to the disruptor.
I realized that it was the case: this ship could ignore the disruption field, and as such it had no problem having the disruptor on board.
We began blasting at it with our energy weaponry, to no avail. They were essentially teleporting after each time they fired, always being gone by the time our rays reached their position.
After of few minutes of that pointless exchange of fire, were our weapons never hit and theirs did barely any damage, twelve new signals appeared on the screen coming towards us at a terrifying speed. Missiles! No, the way they maneuvered to escape our point defenses ruled that out. Strike crafts…
The Terrans were hopelessly outmatched in firepower, and elven of the strike crafts were destroyed. But the last one managed to slam in the left “secondary hull”, destroying it almost entirely. We could survive without it, but I doubted that was all the Humans had in stock. We needed to get out now, but how? We were in the middle of a light-hour wide disruption field, that our enemy could somehow ignore! But that gave me an idea. If it didn’t work, we were dead anyway.
“Activate the disruptor!”
My subordinates didn’t understand why I would do that when the enemy was clearly immune to it, but they weren’t paid to think, and they knew it! (Those who were paid at all, that is.)
as soon as our own field reached the enemy ship, they became a lot less jumpy. I was right, they could jump in the field they generated, but ours could still pin them down!
“Fire a relativistic missile at them and cut the field so that they can jump a second before it hits them!”
If we destroyed the main craft, I had no doubt the strike crafts would avenge it. If they fled, however, we might have a chance. Of course, the most logical course of action for them would be to dodge and finish us of, but I hoped one second would be a short delay enough to overwrite rationality in the brains of our opponents.
And I was right. After a few hours, when the enormous disruption field had completely dissolved, our enemies still hadn’t returned, and we were able to escape.
If Commander Zebdi had not met his demise during the battle, (a tragedy that took me several seconds to recover from), he would have probably pointed out that that we should have destroyed the ship at the cost of our lives in the name of honor.
I, however, was certain that the intel we were bringing back would be a more devasting blow to humanity than the loss of any ship could be. The fact that it allowed us to remain alive was merely a pleasant side effect.
submitted by atra55 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:14 LonerfromTheCordon [M4A] ~The newcomer and the singer~

Hi folks! So I'm looking to do a long term roleplay! Anyone interested in playing the singer?
Set in a small town out by the coast, where things are quiet and almost nothing extraordinary happens. A newcomer moves into town to be closer with his grandparents, and during a late night walk to get snacks, he meets a woman setting up with her band, who changes his life in one way or another.
I will try my best for writing, I normally do 5+ lines for mobile and sometimes more for PC when I'm on it. I am not picky for how much you write! Just put in some effort, and no one liners! Romance and drama is involved! There will be NSFW related to trauma, maybe angst, and I'm open to ideas for stuff to add!
submitted by LonerfromTheCordon to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:13 dyfrgi Stuck on tricky jump through vines from raising block

East of the Marlin room and the dog head, there's a room with 4 blocks. Theres a green button on the floor which you can hold down with Slink which makes the first one rise up. When it gets to the ceiling, it hits a green button that triggers the second block. Repeat until the 4th block.
The problem I'm having is the last jump. You go through some vines which seem to slow you down a bit. I just can't make the jump. Looking around online, I found a couple references saying it's a tricky jump but you can make it with a running jump. So far, I cannot make it with a running jump.
Any tips for this room? Can I, in fact, just jump? Or should I be doing something else?
submitted by dyfrgi to animalWell [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:13 idkwomp678 My partner is not child free

Hopefully this will make sense but I have been dating my partner John for about 6 months now. We had been friends previously with him and his ex, Stacy, so I was inevitably caught the middle with his break up with her who he dated for 8 years. They had two dogs together through those 8 years and when they split, they each respectively took their own dogs.
Well, to give a little more context to the break up, his ex had confided in me that she had been emotionally cheating on him for the majority of those 8 years that they had been together with a guy that she had a crush on during the beginning stages of their relationship. She told me this to help her come to a conclusion on what she should do as they had begun chatting again. I told her she either needs to block him and talk with John about it or break up with John and once again, tell him about it. She told me about how whenever they had started dating she told John that she actually didn’t like him and that she had a crush on this other guy, why he stayed? I don’t know.
Stacy ended up breaking up with John a couple days later, but told him nothing about the affair. She told me that she wanted to be friends with him because they had been together for so long that he was a comfort person to her and while I didn’t agree with it, I didn’t know how to navigate that. She began to sometimes get drunk whenever the other guy wasn’t giving her attention and trying (and successfully) to hook up with John which after a couple months he began to shut down. During this I was still working with her but decided that she was too messy and had been best friends with a girl who locked me in her car and tried to pressure me into making out with her so I began to cut ties.
Stacy would say things to me like I can’t tell John what was going on because John and I were still friends as we were friends long before I got to know her as his partner (they had been on and off again). I was incredibly stressed and conflicted during this almost year time as I had begun to have feeling for John and I am simply not one to keep secrets, especially to this extent.
Eventually John and I ended up hooking up and Stacy I think caught on. While I wanted to pursue a relationship with him, I knew I couldn’t do that without telling him the whole truth as to why he was dumped. We did this on a car ride one night as Stacy had begun to get mentally unwell as her relationship with the other guy was nothing more than sexting and John had been pulling away completely from her. She would show up to the apartment and slam doors, self harm on her thighs and walk around the apartment with the cuts showing. I took John on a car ride and she called part of the way and just asked him to come home, absolutely sobbing since he turned his location off after a year of them no longer being in a relationship. We turned around and he thanked me for telling him all of this information. But that he had already had a feeling about it as she would sometimes bring up cheating unwarranted.
Fast forward after that night where John denied her any emotional comfort and she moves out to go live with her parents. John and I decide to give this relationship a try and a couple months in Stacy called him and asked if he was happier without him. He did shut down that call, but it was an inappropriate conversation from her end but he kind of made an excuse tor her that she wouldn’t stick her nose where she didn’t think she was wanted. I disagreed and said that the call clearly says other wise.
Fast forward another couple months to a couple weeks ago and one of the dogs that they had shared passed away. John was incredibly devastated as he had raised this pup with his own dog and was inconsolable. I comforted him and the girl that had locked me in a car from earlier, texted me if I could give her John’s number. I asked John and he said yes as he was supposed to receive a paw print and some of the dogs things. Thinking that that was all, I gave her his number and later asked him what she had sent him. He told me that she had offered her condolences and that was all, but I had asked the girl when she sent the message what it was for after sending her his number and she told me after I had asked him, that she was asking if he was going down to meet his ex as she would love to see him and her dog. I realized that he had lied to me. I eventually gave my condolences to Stacy and she said she appreciated it and that John’s parents had sent her flowers on his behalf. This was something that he did not tell me.
I ended up breaking down and asking him to not go see her, without telling him I already knew that he had been asked. At the time he seemed understanding, but a day later said that I was selfish and that they had already agreed that if any one of the dogs were to pass, that they would be able to see each other. I ended up just going along with it as I felt guilty that I was uncomfortable with everything going on while he was grieving.
Well, she came up to visit him and spread ashes. He made this as a non negotiable as the two dogs were his children and that no one understands it like they do. Both Stacy and John had no plans for what the day was going to roll down and ended up spending the majority of the day together. I was an anxious wreck because I realized that while I most certainly do not trust her, but that I don’t crazy trust him in this situation either. In addition, I want to be child free as I would prefer my partner to not have deep connections with their ex and to have them tied down for the rest of their child’s life. It is simply too messy for me to handle.
While I understand to an extent that these dogs are their children respectively, I felt incredibly blind sided as he only voiced this after the dog had passed and that he had agreed to meet up with her if that were to occur. I feel as though this is a major mismatch in our relationship, and while they are not human children, they are what he perceives as children and I just don’t know what to do with all of this. It has been 2 days since they spent all day together and I haven’t been able to completely gather my thoughts or if this is something that I should break up with him over. In a weird way I am stuck in the same predicament as Stacy was because I would still want to be friends as we were before but I am just conflicted. Is there any advice or coming to Jesus that yall can help me with?
submitted by idkwomp678 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:12 VizierAreme Rough Chapter 5

Waking up in the middle of the night I find myself restless
So much has come into focus in the last few days. The station, my first steps on another world. It is all a bit overwhelming. Relaxing my thoughts drift off thinking about how I got here. A young girl on Europa, being selected for training after my aptitude tests, the Academy on Ganymede. Then as always my thoughts drift back to… her…
We started at rivals at the academy, we were from different worlds. Literally, me from Europa a wet ocean world remote and isolated, her an inner worlder from the hot dusty plains of Venus. We were water and fire.
The professors pitted us against each other from day one, based on our aptitude tests we were the top of the class. They split the class into teams and gave us challenges. I like to say I got the better of her, I was fast out the gate winning a few challenges. But Lucy turned back on me in a vengeance, she had a magnetism to her that caused our classmates to almost be addicted to her. People from my team would defect over to Lucy. Soon I found myself vastly outnumbered.
One day after Lucy and her team thrashed me again in a simulated strategy challenge. I left and I needed to be alone. I showered, went into the sauna. Replaying the moves again and again. How was I going to get the upper hand. She outnumbered me so much.
Everyone knew to leave me alone in the sauna. It was where I thought, relaxed, my place of peace. I was frustrated, I lean back against the wall and let me hands wander. Gently down my body, letting my stress evaporate as I tease myself…Then the door opened…. And it was Lucy. A cocky grin in her face.
We had been thinking about nothing but each other and we had both become obsessed. When that tension broke. Let me just say in a sauna fire and water combine to make something beautiful. Lucy and I did as well.
She moved towards me quickly, letting her towel drop, she was direct with a purpose. Grabbing the back of my head and kissing me deeply. I was shocked.. surprised... Excited..
I grabbed the back of her head and kissed her back. A deep need inside of me welling up, our lips slid across each other's as our tongue intertwined. I poured my life water of passion into her. She flared up and accepted my passion. Her hands exploring my body as I moved my knees between her legs.
Fuuuccckkk…. When she arched her back… so beautiful… MMM nnngghhhh an orgasm washed over me in my bed while I thought of Lucy.
Panting… even after all this time, separated by a waygate and unfathomable distance my body still yearned for her, I still yearned for her. Rolling onto my side I stare out my window into the vastness of space and the void. My fingers still ryhmically dancing on my pussy. Fingers sliding in and out
Your taught at the academy not to develop attachments, especially since the top prize, the highest honor of our training, to one day fly a deep space exploration through a waygate. Which would put us alone, in a different system. Like I am now.
Even if I power up my waygate in record time and rush home. Lucy is most likely gone. She was my alternate, meaning had I been unable to go this time she would have. It also means she most likely the deployed to her own system and would be gone before I returned. Likely I would never see her again.
Biting my lips and pressing a hand out onto the glass…yes…yes.. there
Fuck again….Fuucckkkkk LLLLuuucccCC
EeeeeeeeeerrrrrreeeemmmmmAAAAAA, a beautiful black haired woman orgasms in a bed identical to Emeras save the ambient lighting is blue inside of pink.
Fuck…. That was good. I find myself panting as I step out into the hallway of my ship. 2 days since the waygate, 6 months since I last saw Emera. Since she departed through her gate. Stars know if she still lives.
It was a rare happening, another gate coming online shortly after Emera’s departure. I thought I would be flying routine patrols around the system. Now I'm alone. Alone with my thoughts of her, and my AI Julia. Fuck. Why couldn't we have gone together. Why only one pilot to a ship. Who knows maybe she's thinking of me. Technically the systems we are in are closer together than home. That's something…
You're probably wondering if I was outnumbered and Lucy normally had my number in competition then how did I get to leave first. Yes, I did sleep with high command. That was only my closing argument though. You see Lucy had her magnetism that caused people to be addicted to her, she drew people in. But I was better at strategy and nuanced maneuvers.
The rules weren't strict on the teams, people defected all the time. Keeping your people together was part of the challenge. I decided to break that challenge.
No Battleplan survives first contact with the enemy afterall. Why not break the competition itself
My enemy wasn't Lucy, trust me we had been together enough at this point my heart swelled when I saw her. My enemy was the rules, and proctors.
There had to be two team in the academy for the lessons to work. But the rules only set a minimum not a maximum.
Lucy and her best 4 left her team, and me and my best 4 left my team. We formed a new team with Lucy and I at the head. The proctors were fuming. I was called into their offices again and again. Which is what led to me sleeping with a few of them to get ahead. It is always good to solicit a meeting with superiors, you can always be turned to your advantage.
In the Academy, there were 50 of us girls. The proctors let us keep our 3rd team, but declared no one else could join us. It was the ten of us vs double our number on both the other teams. Not ideal… but we had Lucy and I together. My how we shined
We out maneuvered, out paced, and out thought the other teams again and again and again..
Entering into the final the proctors split everyone up, eliminating the team. Just to try and stop us from sweeping the competition. Instead there would be 25 teams of 2 members each of our own selection. Lucy and I naturally selected each other.
We set down on a terraformed valley on Mars, all the other duos were around. The mission was complex. Gather knowledge, survive in the wilderness, there were simulator villages where we had to set up relations, and if possible eliminate other teams.
The gravity is different from what I'm used to, my body feels heavy. Sluggish, they train us on this and soon I'll adapt. But first landing it hits me like a weight. Ffuuuccckkk I murmur as I land my account ship on the surface.
Lucy always compares a new celestial body to a lover. Well for me Mars just grabbed my hair, slapped my ass and pushed in
Fuck I can't imagine landing on Earth. Triple this, fuck that give me my moon mother's oceans anyday.
I suck deep and hard on the control in my mouth and all three extract from me. I am about to get up from the control seat when I feel a palm in the small of my back
“Lucy not funny, let me up” I say
She giggles, and rubs my ass cheeks before her fingers rub against my lips
I moan biting my lip as I push myself against her hand
“I knew the gravity here would give a Moonie like you a good fucking, you're so wet my love”
Rolling my head back and forth..”quickly we have to debrief and set up camp” I moan
She smacks my ass again and her fingers deftly slide to work, one hand pinning me to the chair while she teases my sex, her thumb rubbing in perfect circles on my clit and her fingers pulling on my g-spot
“Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes uuuhhhhh my love it feel so good” shaking my hips back and forth I feel it building as I rock my hips on her hand
Squeezing….my leg….quivering… my voice squeaking… “uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh ffuuuccckkk” I moan as I feel the orgasm wash over me…
Lucy slaps my ass playfully and licks her fingers… “let's go my love, stop playing around we have to set up camp” she giggles
“Oh!! You!!” I get up and rush after her slapping her ass when I catch up
Carryalls follow us out of the ship.. I immediately sent out the scout drones and assessed our landing spot. Allocating tasks and running diagnostics.
Lucy set about converting the ship to a shelter and arranging power arrays, and deciding on perimeter defenses
We were a perfect power duo. Our carryalls and scouts were soon all at work, and Lucy was finishing up the shelter
I needed to repay her, so I slowly walked up behind her. She heard my heavy steps in the gravity. Turning to look at me she beamed at me. My heart melted and grabbing both sides of her face I pinned her to the side of the ship. Our bodies intertwined and our lips locked.
She moaned at me giggling, pushing my knee between her legs, and we quickly undressed each other. Her mouth on my breast, as my hand glided down to her slick vagina.
Grabbing her chin roughly and up turning her head exposing her neck I sink my teeth into it as I push forward with my knee back and forth pressing my fingers in and out of her.
A deep moan emanates from her, licking my bite mark I kiss up her neck until my forehead is resting hers. Eye to eye, I watch the pleasure build in her. Thrust after thrust of my knee. My fingers pressing into her g-spot every time, my palms pressing and grinding onto her clit
“Cum for me my love, give me your sweetness, I want your water to be the first I drink on this planet” I breath
I feel her pussy tighten and grip my fingers. Her legs twisting around me… she goes silent… a flush rises in her flesh… we kiss deep, and long, and passionately as I feel her gush onto my hand as orgasm rapts her body..
I watch her eyes dilate and relax I kiss her gently again before kissing down, my lips brushing through her pubic hair tickling my lips. Opening my mouth and pressing my tongue in I drink of her orgasm
My fingers inside pressing to work again, she cries out as she rocks her hips grinding her lips to mine. As she gushes another orgasm into my mouth..
I can even taste and feel it now on my tongue…
Releasing her, and helping her up I grin
Walking awayz the top of my leotard open my tits out in the sun
“I'm up by one my love, and you taste so GGGGOOOOoooOOooddddDD” I giggle setting back to work.
Days and weeks pass Lucy and I set up our camp. Wefind nearby teams before they find us. We quickly fall on them in the night, clearing our immediate area, eliminating them from the contest. We bathe in a nearby stream, sun ourselves on the rocks, make love on the soft moss of the forest.
I don't know if I've ever been happier, ever been more at peace l than I was then with Lucy. Her and I… her and I against the world.
We make good progress setting up relations with 12 of the 15 villages. Our camp is well stocked. We receive updates from the proctors from dead drops. Seems out of the 25 teams only 8 remain. Lucy and I have eliminated 7 ourselves.
We need to be the last standing, triumphant together.. so that maybe.. maybe we can convince them to send two of us on a ship. Imagine the wonders, this wouldn't be temporary, but would become our life.
Lucy and I talk about it often. We can convince them. We'll defeat the others then refuse to turn on each other.
Our dream died that night…
We were naked, curled up in each others arms when the alarm sounded..all the alarms
Proximity alert for 14 signals… they had teamed up on us. 14 on 2 they were going to eliminate the front runners while they still could.
Lucy and I turned and quickly downed our emergency biotic vials just as a concussive blast hit our ship shelter.
“Fuck! They aren't supposed to attack equipment!” I yell
“The proctors must have sent them, they should be intervening with that!” Lucy says
“You're better in a fight, charge them and I'll flank” I yell
We nod at each other and we are off naked as the day we were born
Lucy bursts from our ship her shield bursting out in front of her
I dart out the side and task our scouts and drones to make dive bomb attacks on the intruders
I leap over a blast, grab a tree branch and swing. I land my legs on either side of the head. Of one the attackers, twisting my flip her over and knock her out. Back on the run, I see Lucy take out another one as drones dive in and out of the chaos.
Lucy blocks to her right and charges blasting herself high into the air, twirling before blasting herself downward tackling her target to the ground and eliminating her.
She's about to get blasted from behind when I take the attackers in the flank, knee to the solarplex. My hand on the side of her neck I thrust up hard with my knee. In the low gravity she turns and flies off into the trees as I raise my hands and blast another in the side.
She turns just in time to block my attack, when Lucy rockets into her side with her elbow
submitted by VizierAreme to u/VizierAreme [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:11 MichaelAllen881 Mady #madydaily

You need to start realizing, commenting and following models on here is never going to get you anywhere. You will most certainly never fuck anything you see online. Isn't that true? If you want to make the effort and actually fuck a woman, you need to visit Fox Crisp 747 to give yourself a real chance.
submitted by MichaelAllen881 to Madydaily1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:11 Spirited-Train2319 The burden of empathy

Sorry I’m advance for my bad writing.
I had a bad interaction with a more logical thinker and I was wondering if the problem is their logical personality or if it’s just them being an asshole. Similarly some people have disorders but it doesn’t make them bad people. But I think as infp’s we naturally care more about emotions and how others “feel,” so I sometimes find things disrespectful or manipulative that a logical person cannot really perceive. Sometimes they play with innuendo, ego and informal bashing without even realizing it, and they hide behind and are blinded by facts and literal understandings, unaware of their immoral “shadow” impact.
I find this is frustrating about being an infp. We are very conscious and perceptive of the underlying language of “feelings.” I hate it because other types can just brush things off, live without justifying but we are plagued by moral inconsistencies, and underlying pain. We are deeply in touch with feeling over the simple act of doing, and while I think it has it’s importance, it is undeniably frustrating. But I think even more logical personality types engage in all the same human emotions but aren’t as consciously aware that they engage in them and thus have a more implicit impact and less conscious control of their feelings.
It’s annoying because I was in a situation where this logical woman was technically being manipulative and I was trying to explain it to her, but she kept saying “name one thing I said” and I’d instantly go blank. She would then point at a literal problem, like “you yourself said you were ignorant so I’m only stating a fact.” When of course she took it out of context. I think it was manipulative but she didn’t realize she was doing it. And I’ve seen many people do this. Some will say “I’m not insulting this person I am only stating a fact that they are stupid” when the underlying emotion is clearly a insult in a cultural sense. However the literal understanding is neutral in a vacuum. This makes a lot of people egocentric, condescending and sometimes assholes, despite being progressives, egalitarians, scientists and religious leaders, like yes ultimately they can be good or neutral on paper, in a very literal logical and way, but their motivations, interactions and impact plays a game of innuendo, underlying thoughts : motivations that is human and emotional.
In this case she was condescending, and condescending is a great example because it is like implicit racial discrimination and gaslighting, it is very hard to prove and you may even be wrong in certain instances, which only helps their case… And when you try to explain it to someone they can easily deny it. Especially if you’re talking about tone, choice of words that are actually neutral in a literal sense yet not in a cultural / informal way… I guess this is an issue I’ve often had as an infp. How do I navigate this and get someone to see my perspective?
She kept denying that anything she said could have upset me and would say in a mocking way “oh do you’re upset about me asking you a simple question,” which again hides behind the literal.
Anyway I’d love to know your thoughts and experiences with this. Being upset at this clearly isn’t strictly an Infp thing at all, but I do think we are burdened with empathy. We can’t let anything go and we want things to be fair. We want to understand, work through and change people and genuinely resolve issues.
Sorry if some of this doesn’t apply to every info to the same degree I am speaking generally.
submitted by Spirited-Train2319 to infp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:11 Cdb1414 Why are some co workers so concerned with what others are doing?

Not sure if anyone else deals with this but literally every job I’ve worked at there’s always employees that can’t mind their business and are always concerned with what you or your other co workers are doing.
Why is this? I’ve got the mentality that people can do whatever they want and it’s up to management to do anything disciplinary.
Want to take extra time on your break? Go for it. Want to stop and talk to your co workers or a customer for 10 minutes? Do it. And I know this will be an unpopular opinion but honestly if you slack off and it “leaves me” more work it’s whatever because I’m stuck there until I clock out anyway and I’m going to do whatever I can and if it doesn’t get finished well that’s technically not on me.
I really don’t care. I come in to do what I have to do and then leave 😂
I know this also depends on the job to but I feel like some co workers get way to into the work to the point where they start nit picking you and it’s like the boss doesn’t seem to have an issue with what I’m doing so I’m going to keep doing it the way I have been.
I’m sure you’ve got some good examples of this and it would be funny to hear them. Overall this is another reason why I’m sick of work.
submitted by Cdb1414 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
