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WW3- Be ready

2016.10.14 15:58 IamDrDre WW3- Be ready

In the event of WW3 and Nuclear warfare this subreddit is here for anyone to use and communicate. While there will be widespread panic remember to remain calm and find the nearest bunker. This sub will be up only in times of absolute diaster. I've created it because of the recent conflicts over Russia and The U.S while I don't see it developing into a world war I think this subreddit will one day become useful. Goodluck Traveler

2024.05.19 11:58 Doobant Could anyone help with load order? Can't seem to figure it out.

Could anyone help with load order? Can't seem to figure it out. submitted by Doobant to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:55 SneakerTreater Went to a Seiko sponsored race meet yesterday

Went to a Seiko sponsored race meet yesterday
Which would you choose?
submitted by SneakerTreater to JapaneseWatches [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:55 Boboos34 I can't activate "CC" for subtitle

I can't activate
I have version 19.11.43 patcher I can't find how to have the option under automatic title activities
PS sorry I am not an English speaker my English is translated
submitted by Boboos34 to revancedapp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:54 infinitysaga Fate

Fate submitted by infinitysaga to CuratedTumblr [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:54 SuperbCantaloupe1929 [ طلب مساعدة ] انقد شخصيتي

انا هحاول احكي مشكلتي باستفاضة وعسى هذا السبب يجلب لي النتيجة وعسى الله أن يوفقني في السرد
* انقد براحتك انا مش هزعل + لو حابب تترول برضو مش مشكلة أنا معنديش مانع ومتقبل جايز ده يساعدني اشوف الموضوع من زاوية مكنتش شايفها *
أنا بقالي مدة بحاول اتغير ، من فترة طويلة جدا ، والحمد لله قدرت اتغير فعلا ولاحظت التغيير ده في حاجات كتير
لكن في حاجات تانية اكتر مش عارف اتغير فيها
انا بكره السوشيال ميديا وبتعب لما بقعد على أي ابب اكتر من 10 او 15 دقيقة ( عدا اليوتيوب اذا اعتبرناه منصة تبع صنف السوشيال )
لما بصحى من النوم بيكون فاضل ساعتين ع الظهر في أغلب أيامي
ساعة بفطر واعمل شاي وافضل قاعد ع اليوتيوب لحد ما تخلص ( عايز اتخلص منها ومش عارف )
والساعة التانية اما بقرأ قرءان أو بحفظ أو براجع الحمد لله
بعد الظهر
بذاكر شوية وللأسف مبقاش ليا خلق ع المذاكرة وهنا هتكلم شوية عن الموضوع باستفاضة قدام " && "
مبكملش ساعة وبقوم افتح يوتيوب لحد ما الساعة تيجي 4 واقعد نص ساعة اسمع درس تفسير ( 3 مرات ف الأسبوع )
بعد العصر
بتغدي والنور يقطع ف ابدأ اقرأ لحد ما يجي واحيانا بتعولق ومش بقرأ
النور يجي الساعة 7 افتح أي حاجة تضيع الوقت
بعد المغرب
مش ثابت ع حاجة ف الوقت ده بس في الغالب بيضيع برضو واحيانا بقرأ فيه قرءان
بعد العشاء
ياما اخرج
ياما ( ايوة انت اتوقعت صح ) يوتيوب
انام اصحى الفجر اصلي ارجع انام اصحى قبل الظهر بساعتين ( repeat )
احيانا اليوم بيتغير لأنه اكيد مش جدول يعني بس في الغالب في وقت كتير جدا ضايع مني
انا حرفيا عندي ال 24 ساعة فاضيين وللأسف انا داخل في حديث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ( نعمتان مغبون فيهما كثير من الناس : الصحة والفراغ )
انا عارف ان الوقت ده ربنا هيحاسبني عليه ومع ذلك لا اوفر جهدا في اضاعته ( بقولها بحسرة والله )
تعا نتكلم شوية ع الدراسة
انا ف اخر سنة هندسة بترول ولله الحمد وخلاص هتخرج الشهر الجاي بعون الله
الترم ده خفيف الحمد لله ومفهوش غير مادة واحدة اللي تتذاكر والحمد لله مذاكرها وباقي اراجعها
الفكرة بقى اني مقدرتش استغل حتى الوقت الفاضي اللي عندي ده بأني اطور نفسي في المجال بتاعي
او اقرأ اكتر وانا منزل كورسات كتير بس مبدأتش ف ولا واحد فيهم ( خلصت 2 منهم من مدة لكن نسيتهم )
انا بعشق المحتوى المرئي ( اليوتيوب بالتحديد ) وخصوصا المحتوى المتعلق بالمتعة ( كورة مثلا - تطوير ذات احيانا - فلوجات - محتوى زي بتاع الدحيح - ديني احيانا ) وغيرهم
لو خيرتني بين اني مثلا اقرأ كتاب او اشوف فيديو هختار الفيديو
مع ان السنة اللي فاتت قرأت اكتر من 50 كتاب ولله الحمد لكن السنادي مكملتش حوالي 10 كتب تقريبا حتى الان
مشكلتي اني بقول عايز اتغير لكن انا بحس ان فيه حاجة جوايا رافضة التغيير او بحس ان فيه حاجة بتجبرني اني افضل كده
مش هقولك معنديش شغف ابدأ والكلام ده لأن الشغف مات واتاخد عزاه
بالاضافة لكل ده وللأسف انا مدمن بورن ( مش مجاهرة بالمعصية ولكن من باب البوح بما في النفس )
بحاول بقالي مدة طويلة جدا ابطل وكل مرة بفشل بس بحاول تاني عسى تكون المرة ديه فعلا
جربت طرق كتير جدا ومع ذلك مش ببطل
لأني وللأسف الشديد بستمتع بالموضوع ( وعارف كل اضراره )
الموضوع ده مأثر على حياتي بشكل مش طبيعي وقد يكون هو اصلا السبب اني مش عارف اتغير
لكني ف نفس الوقت مش عارف ابطل ف مش عارف اتغير
ودكتور عماد رشاد ( معالج نفسي ) بيقول انك لازم تتغير عشان تتعافى من الادمان ( ف انت فاهم انا بعاني من ايه ؟ )
في حاجات كتير تانية عايز اتكلم عليها لكن كفاية دول حاليا
قد يبانلك ان اليوم بتاعي في حاجات كتير مفيدة بتتعمل لكنه غيض من فيض بالنسبالي
لأن ده مثلا بياخد 20 % من وقتي والباقي ضايع للأسف
افيدونا جزاكم الله خيرا
submitted by SuperbCantaloupe1929 to CAIRO [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:52 OperationSuch5054 Better PSA - If you have chinese stealth armor, you can solo a silo

Just crawl around. None of the bots spot you, on occasion a turret might and you just run away.
You become visible when you access a terminal so pop the nearby turrets or bots if you need to hack, or just watch their rotation and movements and quickly access the terminal when they're away.
It gets a little tricker when the crew chiefs spawn, but if you're invisilbe you can sneak up to the back of an assaultron and vats their combat inhibitor for an ez kill.
Don't think i've run my last 6 or 7 silos with another other than sneaking and crawling around as invisible.
submitted by OperationSuch5054 to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:51 rabahi I've been having this weird buzzing feeling like I'm internally shaking in my whole body for weeks now. How do I make it stop?? It’s happening 24/7

submitted by rabahi to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:51 BaldHourGlass667 Ah yes divorce is worse than murder obviously!

Ah yes divorce is worse than murder obviously! submitted by BaldHourGlass667 to BlackPeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:48 pauliewalnuts9898 SGA (1 Seed) 2nd round exit at age 25, how is he better than Tatum again

SGA (1 Seed) 2nd round exit at age 25, how is he better than Tatum again submitted by pauliewalnuts9898 to billsimmons [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:48 GameProfessional ⚫ X May 19, 2024 at 05:46AMAll the best video games, all the time.🌐 24/7 Video Game🔗🔴 YouTube🔗🟣Twitch🔗🟢 Kick🔗🏷️ Tags#247videogame #youtube #twitch #kick

⚫ X May 19, 2024 at 05:46AMAll the best video games, all the time.🌐 24/7 Video Game🔗🔴 YouTube🔗🟣Twitch🔗🟢 Kick🔗🏷️ Tags#247videogame #youtube #twitch #kick submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:48 ShowPuzzleheaded9366 Which Ebike do you recommend?

Hello, I was a cyclist for years and I had a Sector bike (not ebike) with 26'' inch tyres and 24 gears, travelling over 100.000 km with it. For some years I left my bike and now I'm looking again to start again! But my preferences have changed. I want a e-bike cause now I don't want to focus on the speed that the gears of a bike give you, but in simple cycling (and exploring) more to observe nature than to exercise so much. My country gives me 40% cashback (of the clear price - without the taxes) for bying an ebike, so it's a good timing to buy it.
What I want?
Ιt would be especially helpful if I could get feedback from people who own one of these bikes.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by ShowPuzzleheaded9366 to ebikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:48 ramdytis3c D'AL SENIO & Tibetania, DJ Vartan, Tibetania & Dj Joy - The Orient Collective Red Carpet [The Orient Collective]

D'AL SENIO & Tibetania - Nada Brahma (Hrag Mikkel Remix) / Key Dm, BPM 122, 7:01, MP3 16.92 Mb, AIFF 74.30 Mb
DJ Vartan, Tibetania & Dj Joy - Khich Ke Na Maari / Key Dm, BPM 122, 7:29, MP3 18.03 Mb, AIFF 79.21 Mb
JEKA & Tibetania - Snake Charmer / Key C, BPM 114, 6:36, MP3 15.93 Mb, AIFF 69.91 Mb
Johny & Tibetania - Vasudevaya / Key Cm, BPM 102, 5:39, MP3 13.64 Mb, AIFF 59.85 Mb
Juantxo Munoz, Robric & Tibetania - Dios Del Agua / Key Bm, BPM 98, 7:03, MP3 17.02 Mb, AIFF 74.72 Mb
Marga Sol & Tibetania - Hidden Tribes (Ali Termos Remix) / Key Cm, BPM 110, 5:56, MP3 14.32 Mb, AIFF 62.83 Mb
RL Music & Tibetania - Not From Here / Key Gm, BPM 120, 6:56, MP3 16.73 Mb, AIFF 73.47 Mb
Tamer ElDerini & Tibetania - Mira / Key Cm, BPM 119, 6:35, MP3 15.90 Mb, AIFF 69.82 Mb
Tibetania & Bahri Bekil - East & West / Key Em, BPM 115, 4:32, MP3 10.97 Mb, AIFF 48.04 Mb
Tibetania & Bahri Bekil - Gospina / Key Am, BPM 122, 4:14, MP3 10.24 Mb, AIFF 44.85 Mb
Tibetania & Emre Alvarez - Kethuda / Key D, BPM 118, 6:21, MP3 15.34 Mb, AIFF 67.33 Mb
Tibetania & Nada Com Nada - The Seeker / Key Abm, BPM 122, 5:19, MP3 12.84 Mb, AIFF 56.31 Mb
Tibetania & Sateyed - Kota Cinta / Key Dm, BPM 108, 7:10, MP3 17.29 Mb, AIFF 75.94 Mb
Tibetania, Sotiris Kastanis & Riccardo Leardini - Tripodon / Key Fm, BPM 100, 5:20, MP3 12.90 Mb, AIFF 56.57 Mb

DOWNLOAD - progonlymusic com
submitted by ramdytis3c to proresivesound [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:47 a_gooder_bagel Drawing a Delta Rune every day until Chapter 3 comes out. Day 975.

Drawing a Delta Rune every day until Chapter 3 comes out. Day 975. submitted by a_gooder_bagel to Undertale [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:46 a_gooder_bagel Drawing a Delta Rune every day until Chapter 3 comes out. Day 975.

Drawing a Delta Rune every day until Chapter 3 comes out. Day 975. submitted by a_gooder_bagel to u/a_gooder_bagel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:46 GameProfessional Adrian M The Pro

Adrian M The Pro submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:46 GameProfessional 🔴 24/7 Video Game 🙀 Music By "Monstercat" 🙏 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Fundraiser 🏥

🔴 24/7 Video Game 🙀 Music By submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:44 cschuftan OXFAM IN DAVOS 2024 (“Inequality Inc.”): SOBERING DATA.

Human rights: Food for a 2024-relevant thought ‘HR and injustices in 2024’

HRR 724

[TLDR (too long didn’t read): If you are reading this, chances are you care about HR. This Reader is about the galloping inequalities behind HR violations. It lets facts speak for themselves. No comments added. For a quick overview, just read the bolded text]. Traducitraduire los/les Readers; usautiliser

[Every now and then, I thought we have to reflect on ‘the totality’ of the indeed depressing seemingly unrelated realities; nobody does it better than OXFAM].

1.0. Since 2020, and the beginning of this decade of division, the five richest
men have seen their fortunes more than double, while almost five billion
people have seen their wealth fall.

1.1. 791 million workers have seen their wages fail to keep up with inflation
and have lost US$1.5 trillion over the last two years, equivalent to nearly a
month (25 days) of lost wages for each worker.

1.2. Billionaires are US$3.3 trillion or 34% richer than they were at the
beginning of this decade of crisis, with their wealth growing three times as
fast as the rate of inflation.

1.3. Despite representing only 21% of the world population, countries in the
Global North own 69% of global wealth and are home to 74% of the world’s
billionaire wealth.

1.4. Globally, men own US$105 trillion more wealth than women --equivalent to
four times the size of the US economy.

1.5. If the current trend continues, we will see the first trillionaire in 10 years,
but we will not eliminate poverty for 230 years.

1.6. If each of the five wealthiest men were to spend a million dollars daily,
it would take them 476 years to exhaust their combined wealth.

1.7. It would take 1,200 years for a female worker in the health and social
sector to earn what a CEO in the biggest Fortune 100 companies earns on
average in one year.

1.8. The richest 1% own 43% of all global financial assets.

1.9. A wealth tax on the world’s millionaires and billionaires could generate
US$1.8 trillion dollars each year.

2.0. According to new data covering the first six months of 2023, 2023 is set to
shatter all records as the most profitable year yet for big corporations. 148 of
the world’s biggest corporations (where data is available) made nearly US$1.8
trillion in profits in the 12 months leading up to June 2023, which is 52.5%
higher than their average for 2018–21. Their windfall profits --defined as
profits exceeding the 2018–21 average by more than 20% -- are nearly
US$700bn. Taxing these windfall profits at 90% would generate nearly
US$628bn in revenue.

2.1. The biggest winners in terms of windfall profits have been 14 oil and gas
companies whose profits in 2023 were 278% above the 2018–21 average,
representing US$190bn in windfall profits in 2023 and US$144bn in 2022.

2.2. For every US$100 of profit generated by 96 major companies between July
2022 and June 2023, US$82 was returned to shareholders in the form of stock
buybacks and dividends.

2.3. New Oxfam analysis of the World Benchmarking Alliance’s data on over
1,600 of the largest and most influential companies worldwide shows that
0.4% of companies are publicly committed to paying their workers a living
wage and support payment of a living wage in their value chains partners.

2.4. Oxfam’s analysis of the World Benchmarking Alliance’s data of over 1,600
of the world’s largest companies finds that only 0.7% fully meet a global bar
for collective bargaining --by disclosing collective bargaining coverage in their
workforce and their approach to supporting collective bargaining through their
business relationships (e.g., their suppliers).

2.5. New data on over 1,600 of the largest and most influential companies
reveals that only 24% have a public commitment to gender equality. Just 2.6%
of companies disclose information on the ratio of pay of women to men.

2.6. Just 4% of the over 1,600 largest and most influential companies sampled
worldwide fully meet the World Benchmarking Alliance’s social indicator on
responsible tax, by having a public global tax strategy and publicly disclosing
corporate income taxes paid in all countries of residency.

2.7. Shell made US$29.2bn in profits between July 2022 and June 2023, an
increase of 222% compared to its average profits from 2018–21. Of those
profits, 87.7% were handed back to shareholders in the form of stock
buybacks and dividends.

2.8. Between July 2022 and June 2023, Brazil’s Petrobras made US$30.3bn in
profits --almost four times more than its average annual profits from 2019–2021.
It paid out 118% of those profits to shareholders in the form of dividends --
more than three times what Petrobras invested in capital expenditure.

2.9. If the amount companies spent on dividends and shareholder buybacks
for the richest 10% in 2022 was redistributed to the bottom 40% of the income
distribution, global income inequality as measured by the Palma ratio could
decrease by 21.5% --equivalent to the actual drop in the Palma ratio observed
over 41 years.

2.10. Just half of the amount from payouts to the top 10% in 2022 could
reduce global poverty (defined as US$6.85 a day, 2017 PPP), and a mere 1.6%
of the payouts could eliminate extreme poverty as defined by the World Bank
(US$2.15 a day, 2017 PPP).

2.11. The world’s five largest corporations combined are valued at more than
all the GDP of economies in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean combined.

3.0. Of the 10 largest listed companies in the world, seven have a billionaire as
either a principal shareholder or CEO. The total value (market capitalization) of
these companies is $10.2 trillion.

3.1. Of the 50 largest listed companies in the world, 17 (34%) have a billionaire
as either a principal shareholder or CEO. The total value (market capitalization)
of these companies is $13.3 trillion.

Bottom line: Phew!

Claudio Schuftan, Ho Chi Minh City
Your comments are welcome at [](
All Readers are available at

If you do not want to receive these Readers anymore, do send me a message with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject line.

submitted by cschuftan to HumanRightsDiscourse [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:43 starlieyed When did i ovulate?

When did i ovulate? submitted by starlieyed to TFABChartStalkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:41 RKPlayz1234 How did nobody notice this?

How did nobody notice this? submitted by RKPlayz1234 to Avation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:39 Rockoclock97 Running late delayed

Running late delayed
Today makes the 4th day my package has had no update at all, this is a firearm I’m having shipped to my work (a ffl) customer service was pretty useless
submitted by Rockoclock97 to FedEx [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:39 whitemays I hate this game

I hate this game submitted by whitemays to TheTowerGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:39 Zealousideal-Ear2918 What do we think about this chart? Ovulation confirmed? Numbers looking okay? This is my second

What do we think about this chart? Ovulation confirmed? Numbers looking okay? This is my second
This is my second cycle after MMC. I feel that my numbers are finally looking better. Thoughts from any of you who are wayyyy better at this than me? 😅💕
submitted by Zealousideal-Ear2918 to Mirafertility [link] [comments]