Small round scored pill with m in a square and 15 on other side pic

Surprise graduation at 33w5d

2024.06.09 19:42 jojo11219 Surprise graduation at 33w5d

TLDR: PPROM quickly turned into early precipitous labor. Baby arrived at a great weight but with some initial difficulty breathing. After one day, she’s stable but will remain in the NICU for a bit. Despite nothing going according to plan, my care team was fantastic and I didn’t have time to get scared or frustrated about the circumstances. Overall positive experience.
On Saturday morning around 9:45am at 33w5d, my waters broke with a vengeance while volunteering at my usual weekend spot. I ran out of there, called the on call line and then my husband, drove home to change while gushing water the whole time, and then headed to the hospital. We were checked into triage by 11, confirmed that it was amniotic fluid, had a steroid shot and started on some antibiotics, put on fetal monitoring and planned on hanging out until 34w (Monday) and then inducing. No other signs of labor at this time, I’m 1cm dilated. Baby girl was looking healthy and content.
At around 2pm, I moved to labor and delivery to free up space in triage and continue hanging out. The nurse there took at look at the monitor and said “um, you’re having contractions.” They were mild, I wasn’t even feeling them. Doctor came back in, said things still don’t look imminent, no change to plan. Let me eat lunch, yay!
At around 4:30, contractions went 0-100 really fast. Powered through for about 90 minutes still thinking this was early labor and we had plenty of time. Nurse came back and suggested epidural. I was incredulous, isn’t it way too early? I’m only 1cm! Nurse looks at the monitor and strongly suggests that if an epidural was in my plan, I should ask for it sooner than later. I agree as contractions are not letting up. I’m still in denial that this baby might be coming before Monday.
Anesthesiologist arrives around 6:30, I get the epidural and then doctor comes back in to check my cervix. I’m fully dilated. Start pushing at 7 before the epidural is even fully dispersed on my right side, but that actually helped me know when to push, so no complaints. Pushed for 2ish hours, took a few rounds for me to get the hang of it. Baby born at 9:23pm.
Baby girl felt like breathing was for the birds when she first arrived, which freaked us all out, but the NICU team was on hand and swept her away and got it under control. She ended up needing a breathing tube, but within a few hours was breathing room air. She’s a good size, strong and feisty which the NICU nurses assure me are all good things.
It totally sucks that I didn’t get the golden hour or skin to skin or to breastfeed, but she’s healthy and in good hands and that’s what’s most important. I’m steadily producing colostrum which we will try introducing to her today or tomorrow. Can’t wait to finally hold my baby girl when the breathing tube comes out officially (maybe tonight). The most unexpected and wonderful day of my life.
submitted by jojo11219 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:40 Zenith135 DM makes girlfriend BBEG, ignores all player input

Kind of a long post, sorry. TLDR; dm let's girlfriend be the BBEG and make all decisions about the game. Special cameo from alien Cyborg furry chimera from the future.
I just joined a group a couple weeks ago and have been meaning to make a post about it in RPG Horror stories, but here goes:
DM posts online looking for players. I haven't played or DMed in about a year and am desperate for a game, so I sign up. There's a few questions for me that I answer (standard stuff, how long have you been playing, what kind of character are you thinking about, are you OK with no evil characters, etc.) I answer them, but as someone who has DMed for a decade I have questions of my own.
How long have they been DMing? About a year. This is their second game and it started about 2 months before I joined.
How many players? They're trying to set the foundation for a living world where other people will be able to dm in the setting, so they currently have 20+ players but only about 6 or 7 show up for a given session. They run 3 days a week so if you can't make it, no problem. Everyone just uses their Discord names rather than real names.
Any homebrew or house rule changes to 5e I should know about? Yes, a few of them.
As they start to go into them I realize this is not going to be a great game, but I don't really care that much. Im just here to play, im not super invested. They tell me to start at level 2 with 150 gold. Okay, cool. Use DnD beyond for sheets. Sure. Roll for stats, cool. End up rolling really well, 17, 14, 17, 17, 13, 17. Dm watches me roll and is amazed. Put the 14 in Wis and 13 in int.
If an attack meets a creature's AC exactly, roll to dodge. Whatever, lots of newer DMs do this.
There are apparently glowing scrolls in the world that allow you to INSTANTLY level up, no matter how much xp you have. Red flag.
The campaign is going to Level 100, switching from Xp to milestone after level 20. Huge red flag. Pause. I ask how that's going to work. What features do you get at level 21 of fighter? 22? 47? They say they're going to be pushing for multiclassing at Higher Levels or using not class feature rewards for higher levels, so I'm assuming things like feats and epic boons. Still very weird though.
Everyone can suggest custom Race for their character and the DM will discuss with another person about it to see if they believe it fits the world (this other person helped design the setting). Okay, great! I've been wanting to play a sentient undead character for a while, we'll circle back to it.
Same as above, you can create a custom item for your character to start with. Cool. I ended up asking for a Greataxe with the finesse property and was granted it. Sweet. Barbarian/rogue, here I come.
There is a homebrew banking system in place, and in order to "encourage" players to use it, you cannot carry more than 2,000 gold on your person at once because "it is too heavy". Strength of 8? 2000 gold. Strength of 24 when the barbarian hits level 20? 2000 gold. But that's fine, my character is a vagrant who doesn't use money and scavenges for everything he needs, and carries everything he owns on his person in a torn up duffel bag.
There's some custom items that can be bought so I spend my starting 150 gold (with dm permission) to get one of them, which is a special gemstone. It says "gives advantage on perception, Stealth, medicine, and Insight checks. Allows for 2 points of advantage on listed checks". Fuck yes, barbarian rogue who rolls 3 times and takes the best on Stealth, Perception, and Insight? I'm set.
Now for my custom Race. I want to play a leng ghoul from the Sandy Petersen Cthulhu Mythos book. I know they're a little overpowered, so I even volunteer to lose the ability to gain Skill bonuses and to lose the claw attacks. DM tells me no, I'll need to pick a different race. Okay, that's fine. I knew it was a long shot. I decide to just be a half orc and ask "out of curiosity, was there something specific that was too OP?" "No, we just felt that the race didn't fit the world. Nothing wrong mechanically" fair enough I guess.
First session:
My character is introduced alongside another new player. They are a paladin. We decide we've been traveling together for a while after Paladin helped get my character out of a bad spot a while ago.
Every player gets a bag of holding my first session in. But wait, a bag of holding makes items within weightless. Can't I just put gold inside the bag of holding? No, you can't put money inside these bags of holding. Other ones you can, but not the free ones we're given. Whatever. Vagrant. Don't care.
We exit the tavern we were in after some fun RP. group is very friendly and fun, and they seem to gel really well together. As we are leaving, we notice something strange glowing on a nearby tree. "K <3 M" is written in glowing script. The other players have been playing for a few sessions so I'm thinking this is probably something important with some NPCs they met previously, so Paladin and I don't have any idea what it could mean. Other players talk it over for a while, and the DM just keeps repeating "think deeper about it" and "you're not thinking realistically. Think realistically". Literally says those phrases like 5 or 6 times each. Nearly 20 minutes of players trying to figure it out and the DM giving us nothing and it changes to be full names rather than initials.
One of the players finally puts it together. This is the DM announcing they started dating someone IRL. I get pretty pissed off at this point, saying I think it's pretty irrelevant to do this. The DM says "sometimes a literal irrelevance is needed". I respond "Yeah, I agree. But this is the first session for 2 new players and you decided to spend a third of it so far on a dating announcement. Like. Congrats dude, but I really don't care about your love life. I'm here to play Dnd, not make random guesses about your love life." Other players agree and are also angry, so i feel a little more justified. Again, we all use discord names, so most of us didn't even recognize the DM's name.
After a while DM has to take a break for 10-15 minutes and leaves us for a bit. Here's where things go incredible. Most groups I've been in, if left alone for 15 minutes, will either just go to the bathroom or check social media or whatever. But this group instantly falls into very natural and authentic role play, asking the new players what their characters have done up to this point, offering to help them learn about the new land we've found ourselves in, talking about wanting to teach my character how to make some nice stews out of foraged foods and rabbit or squirrel. Genuinely some of the best role-playing I've ever been part of.
DM comes back while we're talking about rabbit stew. Instantly cuts us off, says there's no rabbits, and jumps into whatever they were saying. I would KILL for a group that role plays that freely as a DM, and this one is actively squashing it.
DM decides we're going to another town. We get there and are asked to help with defending the city while they rebuild after a raid. Cool. Nothing happens though. We spend the day sitting at guard stations waiting for raiders to return and nothing ever shows up to the town. They thank us and send us on our way with some gold (I give mine to paladin).
DM decides we are returning to the first city. We have discovered that there was a lot of corruption there (the other party members in previous sessions). So we're coming up with a plan to take the city back from the organized crime ring that is running the place. We get to the town and apparently one of the other players is a VERY influential person in the world because they were able to call in an airship of dozens of fighters for backup with this operation.
At some point during this, I I asked to make one of the relevant checks for the item I bought and so I roll with advantage. DM asks why I rolled 2d20s. I say "the item I bought gives advantage." The DM responds Yeah, advantage means +1 to the roll". I say no, advantage means you roll twice and take the better result, or it gives +5 if using the optional method. DM responds that "the double advantage means you get +2 to those checks. You don't get to roll more than once". So I tell them okay, but that they should really change the wording to just say it grants +2 because that is not what advantage means in 5e. They say that they know what it means so it doesn't matter.
Another player that is a rogue had a plan to use his extensive connections to trace the crime ring and find exactly how expansive it was so we can be sure to snuff it all out. DM just brushes over it and ignores the idea. Instead, we head directly to a front owned by the ring.
We show up to what is apparently the head of the crime syndicates' place of business and are prepared to fight. The DM "rolls to see how hard the fight will be" and gets a natural 1. The DM then narrates the player that found the place easily defeating the boss and the rest of us cleaning up the henchman. I once again was pretty upset. "So you just roll a single d20 and that means we don't get to do anything?"
"Yeah, they just were so confident that no one would ever stand up to them that they stood no chance. They didn't even have weapons or anything"
"An organized crime syndicate that has been running a city through force for years had 0 plans for if anyone ever tried to stop them, to the point none of them had weapons?"
"Yeah, that's just the way the dice roll sometimes". "You probably shouldn't be letting major plot points and large battles be determined by a single d20 roll that the players have no influence in." "Sorry, it's just the way things go sometimes." "Yeah but it shouldn't. The outcome of a major plot centric fight should be based on how well the party prepares and uses their resources, not by the DM before it even starts."
End of session 1. I message paladin and he agrees this was really bad but that he's gonna give it some time. I say the Same.
I find out between sessions that the DM has not read ANY of the books and learned how to play exclusively from the DnD beyond character sheet and watching live play YouTube videos (critical roll and dimension 20), and in fact they do not know how to read and have been teaching themselves. Yes, the DM never learned how to read as a child.
Session 2 is going to be much less in depth because literally nothing happens that any of the players have a say in.
Dm decides we're all going to the bank so my character can set up a bank account. "DM, my characterlives a nomadic lifestyle scrounging for scraps. Why would I go to a bank?" "To set up a bank account of course!" "Right. And I have 0 gold. So there's no money for me to put in a bank." "Well you might in the future, so you should set one up now!" "My character has already refused payment and charity twice in this game though. I doubt he's ever going to have any amount of money on him. He is a rogue though, so I guess he can find SOMETHING to do in a bank." DM quickly decides that there is zero reason my character would want to be in a bank and has the party leave.
We try to get horses from a stable so we can travel between towns faster (since the DM keeps deciding we're all leaving town multiple times per session) we are seeing if there are any horses that are trained to not flee from combat, like a warhorse. The DM says "No, you'll have to find a war horse out in the wild. Stables aren't going to have them." I'm a little confused as to why combat trained horses would just be out in the wild, so I ask about it. "The war horses are bright red and have manes of fire" "That's not a warhorse, that's the fucking Horse of War from the apocalypse" "Yeah, it's just a fun little reference" "So we can't have Combat trained horses because of Red Dead Redemtion and the Bible?" "Yeah, that's what the War Horse is" "So like, there's no militaries or militias in the country that ride horses then?"
Dm changes the subject. We're leaving town again!
We get to a new town and the place is being ransacked. We are hiding over a hill and watching the raid happen to try to get a good understanding of the situation when the BBEG appears. We know this because the DM says "and then, the BBEG appears. This is the BBEG for the campaign right here. She's very powerful, you do not wanna mess with her."
After the introduction, DM hands the game over to his girlfriend that he announced in the previous session, revealing she is playing the BBEG (she is also a player in the party, mind you) and is the person that helped design the setting, so is sort of co-DMing.
The BBEG starts talking to us. One of the players says "she's in the middle of town and we're outside the town on the other side of the hill, how does she even know we're here?"
"Great question. My love?" "OH, I can just see you guys." "There you go, she can see you"
"I had a 29 for my Stealth check" "I still see you" "Cool."
So the BBEG(big bad evil girlfriend) monologs about how powerful she is and how we are powerless to stop her and the DM asks if we want to stay and try to save the town or run away. I say "look, guys, I think we can take her". I've got 10 years experience DMing and more playing, and the DM obviously is not aware of how the game works. I am fully confident I can outmaneuver this enemy. Other players agreed they wanted to try to defend the townspeople.
"She's the maximum level"
"Yeah, but this is 5e. I'm level 2, I can probably take her. The difference in numbers between level 1 and 20 is like +10 at the max."
Another player interjects here. "You're level 2???? I'm level 8" "What?" Another player "Yeah I think 7 is the lowest level of any party memebers" "Oh, cool. I was told you were level 2 by the DM last week."
DM: no, I'm pretty sure I said to make yourself level 6 or 7. "Check our messages, it's like the first thing you told me. Dm: huh yeah, I did say level 2. Oops. Level yourself up to level 3 then."
We still want to try to save the Townspeople, maybe we can avoid her specifically or someone xan keep her busy long enough to help people.
Girlfriend declares she summons 150,000 troops to the city.
The DM narrates how we all run for our lives because we have no chance of beating her as BBEG calls in an army of thousands of soldiers who wear armor that resembles one of the other party members.
Now is a good time for me to say that I am absolutely not having a good time in this campaign, but that the other players make it more than worth it to deal with the DM.
Remember how my sentient ghoul was deemed "not fitting" for the setting? The other player asks "they look like me? Do they have the autobot or decepticon emblem?"
Record scratch. "Sorry, wait. Are you a transformer? I thought you were a bugbear." "No, I'm a half bear, half bat from the future that can transform into a robot because I'm partly cybernetic." "Okay. So ghoul that is intelligent is too far fetched for this world, but alien Cyborg furry chimera from the future is perfectly fitting. Gotcha."
The DM narrates us running away and going to the next town, where the invasion BBEG called is also happening. They narrate a girl being kidnapped and the party says that she is the love interest of another player who is not at the session, and the group agrees they want to try to free her bc party member would be upset if we let her get taken without even trying to save her. I agree and charge in.
"They're so far away, you wouldn't be able to reach them in time. You'd have to be able to move 45 feet at least."
"I'm a rogue. Move speed 30, cunning action dash 30, action dash 30. That's 90 feet. I can cover the distance there and back."
"Well. There's guards between you and her" "I'll take my chances. I've got a pretty good AC, with your roll to dodge mechanic AND uncanny dodge. I'm willing to risk it to save her"
"There's also 40 guards surrounding her" "They're have 40 guards escorting this 1 random girl? Is she like a princess?" "No, they just really want her kidnapped" "Okay, I guess I'll try to push through them."
The girlfriend interjects. "The BBEG teleports in. She laughs a wicked laugh about how futile your attempts are, and then teleports the girl away".
Oh. Cool. Great. Excellent.
Session ends. Another player messages asking what they missed this session. I respond "nothing that any player had any say in".
2 sessions in. 10 hours of "game play". 0 combats. 0 skill checks that weren't instantly nullified by an NPC immediately anyway (i didnt bother mentioning it, but i have rolled 3 total skill checks, all stealth, and all 3 i was spotted anyway despite getting 23+). 0 decisions made by any player. The DM just tells the party where they are going, asks what they want to do, and then makes an excuse to not let that happen and tells them what they actually do instead.
I would say the DM should write a book, but they can't read.
submitted by Zenith135 to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:39 VietRooster New Music Friday: June 7th, 2024

New Music Friday is the weekly thread dedicated to cataloging all the Album/EP releases that came out this week, including non-subreddit relevant releases. This is also a great place to discuss these albums, or bring to attention other albums released this week.
❓ "this seems intriguing after a cursory look"
⭐ "im interested in this for one reason or another"
❤️ "ive been waiting for weeks, months/i'm absolutely in love with this"
Goat Girl - Below the Waste
Label: Rough Trade
Genre: Indie Rock, Post-Punk
Strand of Oaks - Miracle Focus
Label: Western Vinyl
Genre: Neo-Psychedelia, Dream Pop
Pedro The Lion - Santa Cruz
Label: Polyvinyl
Genre: Indie Rock, Slowcore
Liz Lawrence - Peanuts
Label: Chrysalis
Genre: Singer-Songwriter, Indie Pop
Man Man - Carrot on Strings
Label: Sub Pop
Genre: Art Rock, Indie Pop
L'Impératrice - Pulsar
Label: microqlima
Genre: Nu-Disco, French Pop
Psychic Graveyard - Wilting
Label: Artoffact
Genre: Post-Punk, Noise Rock
Blue Hawaii - Diamond Shovel
Label: Helix
Genre: Euro-Trance, Vocal Trance
Peggy Gou - I Hear You
Label: XL
Genre: Euro House, Acid House
Good Looks - Lived Here for a While
Label: Keeled Scales
Genre: Indie Rock, Heartland Rock
Label: E Works
Genre: Indie Pop, Indie Rock
AURORA - What Happened To The Heart?
Label: Decca
Genre: Alt-Pop, Art Pop
Bonny Light Horseman - Keep Me on Your Mind/See You Free
Label: Jagjaguwar
Genre: Americana, Folk Rock
Label: RCA
Genre: Alternative R&B, Deep House, Neo-Soul
Red Tank! - Do You Want Shoegaze or Do You Want the Truth? (EP)
Label: n/a
Genre: Garage Punk
Orlando Weeks (ex-Maccabees) - LOJA
Label: Universal
Genre: Sophisti-Pop, Art Pop
suzie's world record - suzie's world record ep
Label: n/a
Genre: Bedroom Pop, Indie Rock
Primer - Round and Round (EP)
Label: n/a
Genre: Synthpop
Kairos Creature Club - Kairos Creature Club
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Pop, Neo-Psychedelia
CANDY - It's Inside You
Label: Relapse
Genre: Metalcore, Industrial Metal, Digital Hardcore
Cameron Leahy - Dizzy Freedom
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Pop
Savoir Adore - Savoir Adore
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Pop
Kalte Nacht - Urge
Label: Cold Transmission
Genre: Coldwave
Maggie Gently - Wherever You Want To Go
Label: n/a
Genre: Twee Pop, Singer-Songwriter
Bathe Alone - I Don't Do Humidity
Label: Nettwerk
Genre: Dream Pop
Rose Hotel - A Pawn Surrender
Label: Strolling Bones
Genre: Soft Rock
Perennial - Art History
Label: Ernest Jenning
Genre: Art Punk
French Cassettes - Benzene
Label: Tender Loving Empire
Genre: Indie Pop
Cardinals - Cardinals EP
Label: So Young
Genre: Indie Rock
Swim Deep - There's A Big Star Outside
Label: Submarine Cat
Genre: Indie Pop
Marina Allen - Eight Pointed Star
Label: Fire
Genre: Singer-Songwriter, Soft Rock
all under heaven - What Lies Ahead Of Me
Label: Sunday Drive
Genre: Shoegaze, Alternative Rock
Night Tapes - assisted memories (EP)
Label: n/a
Genre: Dream Pop, Chillwave
Drip-Fed - Sold For Parts
Label: n/a
Genre: Hardcore Punk
Laura Misch - Sample The Earth
Label: One Little Independent
Genre: Acoustic
Clan of Xymox - Exodus
Label: Metropolis
Genre: Gothic Rock, Darkwave
Elkka - Prism of Pleasure
Label: Ninja Tune
Genre: Deep House
PREP - The Programme
Label: Bright Antenna
Genre: Sophisti-Pop, Synth Funk
The Murlocs - Live at Teregram Ballroom
Label: ATO
Genre: Blues Rock, Country Rock
Fine - Rocky Top Ballads
Label: Escho
Genre: Dream Pop, Slacker Rock
Alfie Templeman - Radiosoul
Label: Chess Club
Genre: Pop Soul, Neo-Psychedelia
No Mana - I Contain Flashing Images
Label: Monstercat
Genre: Electro House, Progressive House
Men Seni Suyemin - BELIEVE
Label: 2MR
Genre: Dream Pop, Indietronica
Blu-Swing - Panorama
Label: n/a
Genre: Jazz Pop, City Pop
Porcupine - All Is Vapor
Label: New Morality Zine
Genre: Metalcore
thin air - The Blowtorch Poets Departure (EP)
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie
Paige Stark - Good at Love (EP)
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Pop, Singer-songwriter
Razor Braids - Big Wave
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Rock, Grunge
Angelica Garcia - Gemelo
Label: Partisan
Genre: Art Pop, Latin Pop
Little Wings - High on the Glade
Label: n/a
Genre: Singer-Songwriter, Indie Folk
Goofy Geese - GÚFIGIS
Label: Jansen
Genre: Bedroom Pop
Joana Serrat - Big Wave
Label: Great Canyon
Genre: Singer-Songwriter, Folk Pop
Rat Palace - Dust Free Home
Label: Candlepin
Genre: Shoegaze
Bloomsday - Heart of the Artichoke
Label: Bayonet
Genre: Indie Rock, Indie Folk
Ford Chastain - Wavelines
Label: Start-track
Genre: Bedroom Pop, Dream Pop
Kyle Sparkman - Neon Fever Dream Home (EP)
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie-funkster
Actress - Statik
Label: Smalltown Supersound
Genre: Ambient Techno, IDM, Ambient House
Feyleux - Midnight Hearts (nsfw artwork: nudity)
Label: SwissDarkNights
Genre: Darkwave, Gothic Rock
Small Black Arrows - The British Museum
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Rock, Dream Pop
Tiny Stills - We Really Felt Something
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Rock, Power Pop
Logan Lynn - SOFTCORE
Label: Kill Rock Stars
Genre: Indie Pop, Synthpop
Amanda Bergman - Your Hand Forever Checking On My Fever
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Pop, Indie Folk
Label: 88rising
Genre: J-Pop, Japanese Hip Hop
Gus Dapperton - Tunes For Late Spring (EP)
Label: n/a
Genre: Bedroom Pop, Hypnagogic Pop
Tashi Wada - What is Not Strange?
Label: Rvng
Genre: Ambient, Post-Minimalism
Geolier - DIO LO SA
Label: n/a
Genre: Pop Rap, Trap
Charli XCX - BRAT
Label: Atlantic
Genre: Electropop, Electronic Dance Music, Bubblegum Bass
LØLØ - falling for robots & wishing i was one
Label: Hopeless
Genre: Power Pop, Alternative Rock
Maluma, Blessed - 1 OF 1 (EP)
Label: Warner Latina
Genre: Latin Pop, Reggaetón
Clara La San - Made Mistakes
Label: AWAL
Genre: Alternative R&B, Trap Soul
Label: n/a
Genre: Electropop, Alt-Pop
Saint Levant - DEIRA
Label: n/a
Genre: Pop Rap, Alternative R&B
Meghan Trainor - Timeless
Label: Epic
Genre: Dance-Pop, Pop
Tems - Born in the Wild
Label: RCA
Genre: Alté, Contemporary R&B, Afrobeats
Dagny - ELLE
Label: n/a
Genre: Synthpop, Dance-Pop
Ski Mask the Slump God - 11th Dimension
Label: Victor Victor
Genre: Trap, Southern Hip Hop
Haji Basto - FREE RISKY
Label: n/a
Genre: Hip Hop/Rap
J.P. - Coming Out Party
Label: n/a
Genre: Pop Rap, Lowend, Contemporary R&B
Boosie Badazz - Boosie Blues
Label: Bad Azz
Genre: Southern Hip Hop, Blues
Mitchy slick - Selective Politicin
Label: n/a
Genre: West Coast Hip Hop, Gangsta Rap
Joey Valence & Brae - NO HANDS
Label: n/a
Genre: Hardcore Hip Hop, East Coast Hip Hop
Slim Thug - Around The World
Label: Hogg Life
Genre: Southern Hip Hop, Gangsta Rap
ShrapKnel - Nobody Planning to Leave
Label: Backwoodz
Genre: Abstract Hip Hop, East Coast Hip Hop
Htorrez - Avenida de los Pobres
Label: n/a
Genre: Hip Hop/Rap
Yelawolf - War Story
Label: Slumerican
Genre: Southern Hip Hop, Pop Rap
Hippotraktor - Stasis
Label: n/a
Genre: Progressive Metal, Post-Metal
Darko US - Starfire (June 5th)
Label: n/a
Genre: Deathcore, Metalcore, Electronicore, Cyber Metal, Nu Metal
Evergrey - Theories of Emptiness
Label: Napalm
Genre: Progressive Metal
Holy Mother - Rise
Label: Massacre
Genre: US Power Metal
Illyra - Wanderlust
Label: n/a
Genre: Progressive Metal, Metalcore, Blackgaze
Severe Torture - Torn from the Jaws of Death
Label: Season of Mist
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Umbra Vitae - Light of Death
Label: Deathwish
Genre: Death Metal, Sludge Metal
Vomit The Soul - Massive Incineration
Label: Unique Leader
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Royal Republic - Lovecop
Label: Odyssey
Genre: Alternative Rock, Hard Rock, Glam Rock
Dysrhythmia - Coffin of Conviction
Label: n/a
Genre: Instrumental Progressive Metal, Avant-Prog
Insect Ark - Raw Blood Singing
Label: Debemur Morti
Genre: Doom Metal, Post-Metal
Inconcessus Lux Lucis - Temples Colliding in Fire
Label: I, Voidhanger
Genre: Black Metal, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal
Okular - Regenerate
Label: n/a
Genre: Progressive Metal, Melodic Death Metal
Octohawk - Determinist
Label: Crime
Genre: Sludge Metal
Sons of Arrakis - Volume II
Label: n/a
Genre: Stoner Metal, Heavy Psych
World Time Three - In Hearts and Stone
Label: n/a
Genre: Instrumental Post-Rock
Sect - Plagues Upon Plagues
Label: Southern Lord
Genre: Metalcore, Sludge Metal
GURT - Satan etc.
Label: n/a
Genre: Sludge Metal, Stoner Metal, Doom Metal
Huntsmen - The Dry Land
Label: Prosthetic
Genre: Post-Metal, Progressive Metal
submitted by VietRooster to indieheads [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:36 meerkat855 Detailed step by step SA experience, for anyone curious

I just had a surgical abortion done 2 days ago, and wanted to document my experience in great detail for anyone who may be anticipating their own and looking for a thorough firsthand account. I was extremely nervous to get my abortion and was scouring the internet reading people’s experiences in order to calm my nerves and have some idea of what to expect, so hopefully this is helpful for someone else. My procedure took place at a Kaiser in the SF Bay Area of California.
I had originally wanted to go the medical abortion route but went in for an ultrasound and found out I was already past 10 weeks, and so was told I could only do the in clinic procedure, which they scheduled me for 3 days later. I asked if I could be asleep for the procedure and they said that no, I would be awake but given pain relief to make me more comfortable, and would need to have someone drive me home. I asked what kind of pain management I would be getting, and they said I would be given some pills and an injection before the procedure, injections to numb my cervix during the actual procedure, and likely some prescription pain meds to take home with me.
I went to the medical office at 2pm with my boyfriend. The nurse asked him to stay in the waiting room at first and brought me back alone. Asked me the usual questions, including if I felt safe at home, and then brought me my stuff for pain. I expressed that I was really anxious about the pain during the procedure because I have a high tolerance for pain medicine, and I was worried it wouldn’t be enough to make me comfortable. She said that I could express my concern to the doctor once I went into the procedure room and she could potentially give me more. She gave me 2 Norco pills (hydrocodone/acetaminophen) and 4 antiobiotic pills to prevent infection. Then she gave me a Toradol shot (basically like extra strength Tylenol) in my left butt cheek, which actually burned quite a bit. The nurse gave me a cold pack to put on my butt afterwards haha.
The nurse told me there’d be a bit of a waiting period while those pain meds kicked in, and that my boyfriend could come back and wait with me, which he did. Then at 3pm they took me to the procedure room and told my boyfriend to go back into the waiting room.
Once I got in the procedure room i undressed from the waist down (I kept my socks on) and sat on the chair with a paper sheet to cover my lap. The doctor came in and asked how the medicine was kicking in. I told her how anxious I was about the pain and that it didn’t feel like enough medicine, and she basically said she understood how I felt but that they don’t like to overmedicate as there are increased risks involved. She said she would put in a prescription for extra strength ibuprofen and a small amount of Norco to take home with me. She said the cervix injections would help numb things and that what I would mostly feel was bad cramping, and that the best thing I could do was focus on my breathing. I laid back in the chair and put my feet in the stirrups, and the nurse gave me a hot pack to hold on my lower belly.
The doctor inserted the speculum into my vagina and then gave me 3 injections into my cervix to numb it. I felt a slight pinch on the first one and flinched a bit, but did not feel the next 2. After a minute I started to feel numbness in my lips and asked if that was normal, and she said yes that was a good sign that the medicine was moving well through my body. Then she started to dilate my cervix in order to make it large enough to fit the suction tube through. This involved inserting increasingly larger rods to slowly stretch open my cervix. This step is when the cramping started. I kept my eyes closed and just focused on slow deep breathing, in through nose, out through mouth. This part of the procedure took about 5 minutes, and the cramping was about a 5/10
Once my cervix was dilated enough she inserted the suction tube and turned on the vacuum, and began suctioning the tissue out of my uterus. The cramping immediately intensified and got up to about an 8/10. Again, I just focused on my breathing and held the heat pack firmly to my belly. I could feel her moving the tube around the walls of my uterus and lots of pressure, and I did get some tears in my eyes at this point from the pain. The doctor just kept telling me I was doing a great job with my breathing, and that it wouldn’t be much longer. She had to stop for about a minute to adjust the speculum, which gave me a little bit of a break. Then she went back in to finish the suctioning. This part took about 5 minutes total and felt the most intense. I found it helpful to just keep reminding myself that it would be over very very soon.
As soon as she finished with the vacuum she inserted an ultrasound wand to make sure there was no tissue left behind. She let me know my uterus looked “nice and empty” and that it was all over. Then she removed the wand and speculum. The abortion procedure itself took about 12-15 minutes from start to finish.
I felt very lightheaded once the procedure was over, and the doctor told me I looked very pale and to just keep breathing nice and slow. I stayed laying back in the chair with my feet elevated. I kept the hot pack on my belly as I was still feeling cramps (about a 4/10), and the nurse gave me one cold pack to hold on my chest to calm my heart rate, and placed another cold pack on my forehead, which made me feel a lot more comfortable. Another nurse gave me a box of orange juice to sip on. The doctor stood next to me for a couple minutes comforting me and letting me know I had done a great job. I cried a little bit and thanked her for being so encouraging. She said that I was already getting my color back after just a couple minutes. She reminded me that if I got a fever or was bleeding so heavily I was having to change my pad every 1 or 2 hours that I needed to come in to the ER, and told me to just take it easy the next couple of days and get lots of rest. Then she left and it was just me and one nurse in the room. I stayed laying down for another 5 minutes or so.
The nurse asked me how I was feeling and if I wanted help getting dressed. I told her I was ready to stand up and that I felt I could dress myself. She gave me some moist towelettes to wipe myself and a maxi pad to put in my underwear. I was bleeding similar to a heavy period, but my cramps were almost gone. The nurse walked me back out to the waiting room once I was ready. Physically I felt a little shaky and weak but was able to walk fine on my own.
We stopped at the pharmacy on site and picked up my prescriptions, and then stopped at Walgreens on the way home for maxi pads and snacks (gushers and pringles ftw).
I had gotten to the hospital at 2pm and was home by 4pm. I spent the rest of the day resting in bed in my pajamas and watching movies. Around 8pm I started to feel crampy, so I used my heating pad and took 2 Norco pills and was able to sleep pretty well.
Since my procedure I’ve only had mild cramping, and have been bleeding like a regular period. Recovery has been less intense than I anticipated, which I am grateful for. I definitely bought way too many pads haha. Ibuprofen has been enough to manage the cramps. Emotionally I mostly just feel relief that the experience is over, and proud of myself for getting through it. I’ve had moments where I get teary eyed remembering how vulnerable and intense the procedure was, but those moments pass relatively quickly. Of course, everyone’s experience will be different, and it’s totally normal to feel a range of emotions or even not feel emotional at all.
Overall, it was more intense and painful than I expected. I thought I would be more heavily sedated for the procedure and not as aware of everything that was going on. But ultimately I’m sort of glad that the surgical abortion ended up being my only option. After reading a lot of negative MA experiences, I’m grateful I was able to have my abortion dealt with quickly and handled completely by professionals. 2 days later I am feeling almost completely back to normal.
To anyone needing an abortion who is dreading the experience, just know that you can do it. Your body can handle whatever pain may come, and you are strong enough to get through it. Soon enough it will just be a memory. Be gentle with yourself, and allow yourself to feel whatever you need to feel through this experience. You will be okay.
Feel free to comment or DM me with any questions you may have, and I will do my best to answer them thoroughly. 💜💜
submitted by meerkat855 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:33 dontrainonmyparade17 Do I have a chance of getting into tufts?

Tufts is my dream school so please lmk if I have a chance!
Intended major: Major in probably chem, bio, biomed, econ, or cs, w/ a double major in polisci
Stats: Weighted GPA (4.95), Unweighted(4.0), 1540 SAT
APs (by the end of HS) - I've indicated the scores on the ones I've taken: AP Physics C mech (5), AP music theory (5), AP calc bc (5), AP gov (5), AP CSA (5), AP world, AP lang, AP stat, AP chem, AP macro, AP micro, AP lit
Other relevant coursework: given the STEM magnet program at my school that I'm in I'm taking many magnet classes, which i'm not going to reveal because doxxing
Awards: Scholastic gold key, AP scholar with distinction, 2x AMIE qualifier, National Merit Semifinalist (1510 PSAT so I'm pretty sure even though they haven't been announced yet)
Climate activism:
Former policy director for a local environmental org. Ran a team of over fifteen students and advocates for environmental change. Lobbied for a building electrification bill in the state that passed.
Was chosen as 12 from over 300 students to represent 80k students in my school district on climate action council established by the board of ed. Manages a $75k budget and works for environmental change in the county. Writes policy reports and testifies
County politics:
DEI committee director for a local board of ed member. Managed a committee of over 30 people in advocating for county change. Wrote policy recommendations to the board of education, testified to the county and state board of educations, and held events.
Former member of my county's youth commission. Appointed by the county executive to represent 80k youth in the county on the county youth commission. Worked with 20 adults and 5 students to write policy recommendations to the county council.
Advocacy Coordinator for the countywide SGA. Plans events and researches policy. Met with Congress and state officials regarding bills.
CS/AI advocacy:
Proficient in java, python, and r. Qualified for ACSL finals. NCWIT affiliate award winner.
Advocacy director for a state chapter of an AI advocacy organization. Planned campaigns, held workshops, and met with congressional offices including Sen. Corey Booker. Got a motion passed in a city in my area regarding facial recognition technology. Wrote AI policy recommendations.
Pianist for 13 years (at the time of application). Semi-finalist for (small) international music comp. 1st place at another (small) international chamber music comp, and 3rd at local chamber music comp.
Used my love for piano to work with a local music org as a secretary (3+ years). Worked to help create over 200 virtual concerts for seniors and over 1000 holiday cards.
Planning on submitting a piano supplemental recording as a part of my application.
Clarinetist for 9+ years (at the time of application. Qualified for all-state (6th chair in the 2023-2024 senior ensemble) and all county bands, accepted into BUTI Tanglewood Institute, member of wind ensemble at school, member of local youth orchestra.
Member of school's Tri-M music honors society.
Planning on submitting a clarinet supplemental recording as a part of my application.
President for my school's HOSA club of over 60+ competing members, one of the largest HOSA clubs in the state.
Won first place statewide in multiple events.
2023 Summer Research
Summer intern in the biomedical engineering department of a local uni. Worked on web development and the development of a technology suite as a minimum viable product).
Completed a research project with a mentor over the summer using NIH datasets.
2024 Summer Research
Researcher at a prestigious summer program doing neurobio. Will probably be published in an undergrad research journal.
School literary mag:
Editor (editor in chief senior year) of school's literary mag. Manage a team of over 30 writers and publish annually.
Mental health club:
Helped start a mental health advocacy club at my school (I'm the treasurer). Hosts events, fundraisers, and advocates for mental health change at the county and state levels.
Math modeling team member:
Pretty self-explanatory. Modeling the Future Challenge semifinalist, HiMCM honorable mention, M3 top 20%.
Completed math modeling research about diseases and won an award at a local sci fair.
submitted by dontrainonmyparade17 to Tufts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:33 Actual-Conclusion64 Summer planting

Summer planting
I have a few maples, two Shishigashiras and one Viridis (Green Threadleaf) that I’m considering planting and up potting, but I’m a bit nervous about the root damage coming into summer.
The two Shakira’s (their trunks don’t lie) have circling roots and were buried too deep, so I’ll likely need to do a lot of work to undo girdling roots. I’ve dug away the dirt from the trunks in the meantime.
The large one is dealing with white mildew and has been dealing with leaf burn after being sprayed with neem oil. Since it’s been potted for a couple of years, it’s going to need some root correction before moving into its new pot. I’m inclined to let it wait until later this year.
The small one and the Viridis are both in good shape, but are pushing out new growth and seeds. I’m thinking of going ahead with planting them and being more attentive with watering.
Was hoping for some other opinions and advice :)
Also, bonus pics of our other maples and cats (Coral Bark, Tatoo, Bloodgood, and one whose name I keep forgetting out put in temporary time out in the corner on top of the compost pile to get morning sun)
submitted by Actual-Conclusion64 to JapaneseMaples [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:30 cat-mushroom- Two and a half weeks in!

F21 SW: 185 lbs CW: 181 lbs GW: 150 lbs
Hey guys! I wanted to check in and document my first weeks’ experience with Contrave. I’ve been on the drug for about two and a half weeks now, and while I haven’t seen the immediate progress I was hoping for, I have lost 4 pounds! My weight has not been very consistent and each day it has fluctuated up and down, but I know this is normal.
As for the side effects, on the first two days of taking the drug I experienced spells of dizziness, but it quickly faded. And just like everyone else, I’ve also been experiencing constipation but for no longer than two days at a time. I’ve still been fairly regular, which I think is pretty lucky! Some mornings I have been waking up with awful headaches and migraines, but I am trying to work through that and remember what I’m working towards!! Other than that, I have not experienced much nausea or anything else!
Naively, I had thought that I would drop the weight instantly with this drug, and that is simply never the case. Even though I am not closer to my goal weight than I had hoped, I am trying to remember that this takes time and it’ll be worth it in the end! And my cravings have seemingly dropped as well!
This upcoming week, I will start by taking two pills in the morning and one in the evening. I’m curious to see how this will affect me, and I’ll keep you updated! Thanks for reading! :)
submitted by cat-mushroom- to Contrave [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:26 Ok_Musician3852 How far would you or have you gone to confirm your suspicions? (32F & 32M)

For context me (32F) and my partner (32M) have been together for about 15 years and we’ve know each other a few years more than that, as far as I know the first time was the beginning of last year, he meets someone online while playing a mmo game, starts playing other games with them (which is fine). I suddenly start to notice that’s he will be playing games with them when I get home but as soon as I come home the game gets turned off (weird, maybe it’s just he wants to spend time with me?) suspicion sets in after a while, I check his pc, he’s been flirting and chatting said person up. Confront him, tell him to delete and block, he does but some suspicion still lies there.
Few months later notice the same patterns again, this time hes hiding/closing his discord every time im around or only using it on his phone, same situation follows, checks pc, confronted, argued, delete and block them, takes him about 4 weeks to do it this time.
Few issues again after this, really struggling with trust and suspicion at this point, feeling betrayed, like I’m not good enough anymore and now obviously im becoming a little depressed at this point, I don’t wanna go out, been more moody and more often but I can’t shake these feeling of hurt and paranoia/suspicion (this continues most of the end of last year).
Bringing us Ito this year, new mmo game, I notice a similar pattern again, there’s another, short lived but hurts all the same, confronted, blocked, deleted etc.
Bringing us to the last few weeks, Im seeing the pattern again, this time I’m noticing he’s up all night and mostly spending his time with me asleep or tired, I’m still struggling with trust and suspicion, paranoia (if you can even call it that, when my suspicions are usually correct). Anyway, gone to bed as I have work in the morning, not had much sleep wake up and just feel something isn’t right, can hear him talking on the pc with someone, so been suspicious, I listen, I’m not proud of this but I listen for a very long time, most of it just game talk but I can’t stop, I just feel there’s more to be heard. So, I keep listening, then comes the dirty talk and the admittance they can see each other, and you can guess where this is going, I try keep my cool but I can’t hold it in, I’m seeing red now (for context, we will say he’s in a off the house gaming room) I storm to the door, knocked on the door, he unlock it I burst in! At this point pc is now unplugged and his phone in his hand, I demand the phone I wanna know who he’s talking to, gets the phone, turns it back on, WhatsApp message ‘did your internet die’ so not only it’s it a pc person they have his number! I’m obviously fuming at this point, big argument follows, he lies says it’s an only fans girl, I’m like well show me the transaction that proves it, that’s a no, so you won’t show me because it’s not there to see, so on, so on, we spend the next few hours going round in circles coz I’m not getting any answers. I tell him, enough is enough, this time I want all the multiplayer games gone, I want him to delete anyone from his friends lists I don’t know and so on.
I go to work, as there’s only 2 of us on a weekend for a few hours, I managed to go in and get my stuff done and come home.
We talk some more, he tells me there all gone. I’m not sure if I believe he has done this as I don’t know exactly who it was to start with so I have no idea if they are still in his friend’s list or not.
I will add, in all the talks, I’ve always said if your not happy just tell me and we can work on it or I can go if that’s what he wants, he does say he’s happy most of the time which I do get coz my paranoia/suspicion/depression does get the better if me and he does have to put up with that side of me. Although I’ve tried to explain that if he wants doing anything to start with I wouldn’t have to feel like this.
How far would you or have you gone to confirm your suspicions?
submitted by Ok_Musician3852 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:25 BBQ_HaX0r FarCry 1 is Worth Playing

I started replaying some of my old favorites recently and decided to give FarCry 1 a go. It was one of the first PC games I had played. This may have skewed my enjoyment of it 20 years later, but it seemed to hold up quite well and it certainly was a lot of fun for me. I'm curious to see how other people think about this game including younger gamers who may not be tainted by nostalgia like I may have been.
Pretty good! Decent stealth mechanics gave you some freedom in how to approach each area. I really enjoyed the stealth MP5 gun and it was one of the staples amongst the four weapons you're allowed. You could genuinely sneak around bases and eliminate them before they knew what was coming. You start with the guard towers, eliminate the guys patrolling, then clean out the buildings and hope to do this before they can call for reinforcements. The mechanics were definitely dated and sometimes a bit too sensitive, but were solid enough that it presented a viable start to each area. And if something were to go awry it added to the fun for me as it was time to jump into action mode.
You could simply Rambo in and kill everyone in a furious firefight. You could snipe them and watch them panic or try and flank you. You could bomb them with missiles or vehicles. You could genuinely approach each base or level however you wanted and with whichever style you wanted. Or you could mostly avoid combat and run away from it if that is what you prefer. I was shocked and impressed by the variation.
The gun combat is genuinely fun! I typically relied on just four guns and in addition to the silenced one mentioned above used an assault rifle, a sniper rifle, and a shotgun which provided enough versatility for any situation. But there was a fair few guns that depending on your tastes would suit your gameplay and preferences. Enough diversity to scratch whichever itch, but not too much that finding ammo was a chore or any of that.
The Map:
The first thing that stood out to me was how much care went into the world and how much fun each of these levels were to explore and fight through. While the game is not "open-world" it sort of is and I definitely remember being blown away by the freedom when I played it twenty years ago. I still got that sense of excitement this time. The maps usually take place on a large archipelago and there are old bunkers, tunnels or caves, towers, mountains, lakes, high tech science labs, or well guarded military bases, and a whole host of varied things to explore or approach reaching each objective. They really took care to make each level feel somewhat special. One map you could take a truck via the main road to the objective (and come across patrols and loads of missiles), or you could take a small raft up the river and avoid a lot of hassle, or you could walk through the jungle on a small hiking trail and encounter who knows what. So while the game certainly isn't "open-world" there's a lot of freedom and care that gives you multiple ways to approach each objective. Sometimes multiple factions would be fighting or you could simply cause chaos somewhere and use it to sneak around the otherside while people are distracted. The game doesn't always hold your hand with this, but there are plenty of ways if you're willing to explore a bit or creative/lucky enough to make it happen. A glider here or a zipline there can really give you a different way to approach each level and the advantage over the enemies.
Here is an example of that. You start high up on the mountains and you can either take the path down to the river and then back up the other side fighting as you go. Or you're given the option to take a hang-glider and sneak around the right side.
And another where you're given multiple ways to approach the same goal. You can go up along the left path and over the mountains, you go right down the middle and take on their base and secure more valuable loot, there is a little cave system on the right side, or you can just get on the boat and zoom to the end (if you're able to avoid any missile boat patrols that tend to guard the outskirts).
It did feel like I had the freedom to approach it however I wanted. And each area was fully fleshed out and uniquely fun. Someone spent a lot of care making these maps and I definitely appreciated it. Despite the similar environment, each level stood out as well. There are twenty levels and each had something memorable to them. One was fought in the trees with a war going on below, another in an ancient underground ruin, and another was something like Fury Road on the Amazon. I was so impressed with the levels and environment in this game and would be curious to see how people accustomed to more modern games found them.
The Story:
Call me a sucker for basic campy action flicks, but that's what this was. It was good enough of a story and while it won't (and shouldn't) win any awards -- it did it's job. You were a special forces agent sucked into a chaotic tropical battle with a nazi-esque supervillain genetically modifying super soldiers to take over the world. You need to stop him! Good enough to keep us going and wanting to kill and blow up things. What more do you need?
I tried playing this game on hard at first and found it incredibly frustrating. I eventually restarted on medium and found the experience to be much improved. It was annoying that you cannot change difficulty mid-game and had to restart the whole story mode over, but thankfully I found this out about 30 minutes in. So if anyone is inspired to play be aware of that. There were a few minor issues like this that revealed it's age and enhanced the difficulty. Minor glitches like soldiers seeing and shooting you through walls occurred (only a handful of times though), super headshots or missiles from soldiers on the other side of the map, or randomly losing stealth were some minor annoyances. You would die and have to redo until the last autosave. It was a little frustrating to lose some progress and repeat a section (but usually only a few minutes).
That being said medium frustrated me at times and you can tell this game comes from an era of gaming that is a lot less user friendly and certainly more challenging. A few times I had to take a break and come back to it. I will say it was nice to be rewarded when I finally got through a challenging level though. Just be aware to anyone accustomed to more the user-friendly type of games (like myself). Combine that with a lack of quick save and it can be frustrating. You need to really handle each "set-piece" appropriately and scrounge for ammo, health, and armor (which headshots can help you get more of) or you may be doomed to fail in the next section. It took some getting used to as someone who abuses quick saves in most of my games.
The three biggest sources of frustration was a level where you're in the back of a jeep manning the turret and random vehicles and helicopters come at you. There is no health throughout and you're expected to beat it in one go. It took quite a few tries. Another is a level where you're stripped of your weapons and have to sneak through a jungle to get to a turret where everything is out to get you. The difficult stealth mechanics made it quite frustrating. And the final level had a bunch of super soldiers able to shoot you despite them being very difficult to see.
I thoroughly enjoyed my playthrough with this game. It was a lot of fun and the world and gameplay still held up for me(although I do wonder if it's because I grew up playing games like this). It took me about 15 hours to beat, but I was someone who thoroughly explored each level and tried to kill everyone. You could easily cut that in half. I highly recommend playing the game as it's still available on Steam and didn't require any work to get it running on a modern PC.
The graphics are probably better than the images I've shown above as the game does not render distances and large scales well compared to modern games. However, the environments looked much better closer up and genuinely seemed fine for a twenty year old game. Here and here. You could genuinely use the jungle bushes and canopy to hide away, sneak up on, or lose your enemies. Hiding in a bush or behind a tree is a viable strategy. Obviously this game blew my mind twenty years ago, but it's fine now other than large scale rendering at distance.
I'm curious what other people think about this game. I know the modern FC game 3-6 is a much different type of game and I'm wondering what others think of this sort of unique standalone sci-fi action movie type of game. Does it actually hold up as a fun and enjoyable gaming experience or am I clouded by nostalgia? Did other people enjoy the sneaking through the jungle and finding unique ways to beat each objective?
submitted by BBQ_HaX0r to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:23 BigHitchTV Down 110 lbs in about 2 years

Forgive me for a longer post. Pictures don’t do justice for the amount of work I’ve put in, not just in the weight room but inner-work. I’ll try to keep it interesting, on topic, with little quirks of my humor sprinkled in (😊). I appreciate anyone taking the time to read this.
Crossposting to the other communities that have helped me so much.
Had a tough time staying focused on the workout discipline side of things, especially during this past winter. (More context below)
I drank beer, mostly, and played a lot of video games (particularly during the covid lockdowns) to get that big, 317 lbs at my peak (I’m 6’ 4”).
Consistently lifting weights (4 days a week, on average) and eating well (80% of the time, don’t touch my ice cream) has been the only “secret”.
I have found, personally, that understanding myself has been equally if not MORE a part of this journey.
CONTEXT: Social anxiety and depression has been a major part of my story: a lot of feelings of “not good enough/useful” stemming from a poor relationship with my parents growing up (not blaming, just aware).
I was a chubby, Michigan-born, homeschooler. Raised in a religious family (Baptist) that kind of disowned me when I started having sex with my high school girlfriend (I went to public high school).
Feeling overwhelmed and swallowed up by the sheer number of people in college, I ran away to the military at 20 (after losing about 40 lbs through jogging mostly, very “skinny-fat” body), and felt like quite a black sheep in that community as well.
Sensitive and gentle aren’t exactly military-issued qualities lol.
After a mental health related discharge, I chased after a girlfriend who was still in college and picked up a job waiting tables and eventually bartending.
Being “the man” behind the bar meant lots of new friends and a lot of phone numbers (it’s cool to know the bartender, kinda thing, that’s not meant as a flex).
Drinking to fit in with these new friends introduced me to this community where no one held others accountable, it was just frolicking and getting drunk together. Lots of games of pool and darts.
I began feeling like I finally was “cool” and had somewhere to fit in.
I met my wife (still together 5 years strong), got married, and changed jobs back to one more aligned with my military training (nuclear engineering), that was 2019.
Well, a few months later lockdowns were enforced, my gym closed up (they went out of business as it was a pretty small family-ran place), and as an introverted gamer I thought life was just grand, at first.
However, the frequent drinking (4-pack of IPAs, 3-4 days a week), lack of exercise, and bored eating all caught up.
I developed gout, became the drunk asshole of every woman’s nightmare, and hit quite a low point.
It was the foot pain that really did me in. I felt so pathetic and terrible: going from a pretty good looking bartender who dabbled in personal training, to being unable to walk up two flights of stairs without being winded and miserable.
A lot of my ego had gone into being “the cool bartender”, the physical pain from my feet forced a “sobering” (pun intended) realization of how far away that “cool” persona had fallen.
After a particularly nasty gout flair up in Jan 2022 I began moderating and seriously trying to lose weight (had rejoined a gym already, but if you look at my chart it hadn’t really changed my behavior much).
Took a match to it all that June, after realizing moderating wasn’t going to get me very far.
I found a project to replace my time with (began studying web design for fun/freelancing, then pivoted to re-certifying as a trainer), read a book called “Miracle Morning”, and started journaling/meditating every morning that I could (I work rotating shift work, so my schedule is consistently tumultuous).
Through that inner work (“mindset” I guess in marketing speech, but that feels not as profound as the experience was for me), I have been able to find such tremendous inner peace and quiet down the voices of insecurity and fear.
I am absolutely still a work in progress, but I am accepting of myself and imperfectly working toward the best potential version of my Self.
That’s actually the big selfish reason why I wanted to post this, fear exposure: I’m a little sweaty while writing this from the fear of sharing lol.
And of course some validation for my hard work, I’d be lying if I didn’t say that some upvotes and “Nice” comments don’t feel good.
My future health goal: At my leanest in the military I still was in the high teen body fat percentages. This is the leanest I have ever been, and the pain I have reclaimed fuel my desire to keep going.
Dieting until I have washboard abs, then I might do some bulk-cut cycles. I amm toying with the idea of some competitive bodybuilding as the next iteration of “holy shit a lot of people are looking at me”.
If you made it to the end, it means the world to me. Thank you.
If there’s anything that I can answer or provide insights to, I’d be genuinely thrilled to help, to clarify, or to share more.
submitted by BigHitchTV to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:23 Yurii_S_Kh Melangell With A Thousand Angels

Melangell With A Thousand Angels
Nun Nectaria (McLees)
Little known outside Wales and Great Britain, the secluded Welsh shrine of St. Melangel, deep in the Berwyn Mountains, is dedicated to a sixth-century Irishwoman, an anchorite who lived here for many years, alone and unknown. An early Christian treasure, it is the oldest existing Romanesque shrine in northern Europe. When the church was restored in the 1960’s, Melangell’s relics were discovered under the chapel floor, and now more than 10,000 pilgrims a year come to ask for her intercession.
St. Melangell
The shrine of Pennant Melangell, consisting of the church and a few small houses, is situated in a place of great natural beauty deep in the Berwyn Mountains. The small river, Tanat, runs by a narrow lane from the nearby village of Llangynog into a quiet green valley surrounded by high hills and the rugged promontory of Moel Ddu Maw (Moel Dimoel). For most of the year, powerful waterfalls cascade down the cliff-sides.
A Christian church and pilgrimage site for over 1200 years, the former Bronze Age site is ringed by ancient yew trees estimated to be over two thousand years old. A Bronze Age pre-Christian community erected a wall in the midst of the oak forest, which covered the valley, and they found safety hidden in this remote place.
Little is known about St. Melangell beyond the bare tradition that she was a daughter of the royal house of Strathclyde, and came from Ireland at the beginning of the 7th century to convert the Welsh and set up a small religious settlement. Such fragmentary information, however, only makes it apparent that her presence and her prayer must have been quite extraordinary, as attested to by the devotion the Welsh people have always paid her, even following the Reformation.
The Norman church, parts of which date from the twelfth century, is dedicated to St. Melangell (in Latin, Monacella), and incorporates materials of an even older shrine. The present stone church and reliquary-shrine, replacing older wooden structures, were built c. 1100 by order of the king in thanksgiving for peace in his lands and because, by that time, the saint herself had become extremely important in Welsh life.1 In 1450, an oak screen was installed, separating the nave from the chancel, and elaborately carved with the traditional account of the meeting of Melangell and Prince Brychwel. A great oak carving of Christ on the cross was also installed, although this cross was later destroyed and a replacement in bronze now hangs in its place. One of the two medieval effigies near the rebuilt shrine is thought to represent St. Melangell herself. The original Norman font was later joined by a Georgian pulpit, a chandelier, a commandment board, and a series of stone carvings of Melangell’s hare by the sculptor Meical Watts.
The entrance to the shrine bears the inscription, Perindod Melangell, “Melan- gell’s Pilgrimage,” and above the gate is a poem inscribed in Welsh: “Lean purely towards prayer in your heart. Take care when praising God; God only is good, and it is good to give Him honor here.”
In 1537, during the Reformation, the shrine and reliquary were removed by local Christians and hidden in the three-foot exterior walls of the church to prevent destruction. In 1630, the western tower was added, along with a square room (possibly a hermitage) against the exterior east end of the church’s sturdy three-foot thick walls. 1876 saw the tower rebuilt, a new roof, and some interior work. Another restoration followed in 1958 and part of the shrine was removed from the outer walls and badly erected in the interior of the former church—then the village school room. From 1989 to 1992, the church was fully and faithfully restored under the guidance of architects, historians, archivists, and builders. Saint Melangell’s Romanesque reliquary-shrine, beneath which her relics are laid, wasalso restored along with the church. This is the oldest Romanesque shrine in northern Europe. In the Middle Ages, pilgrims in search of healing were laid beneath the stone reliquary canopy.
Church of St. Melangell in Pennant Melangell, Powys, Wales
At the start of the restoration, Rev. Paul and Evelyn Davies moved into a tiny cottage beside the church to oversee the work and Evelyn organized the appeals campaign that eventually raised £300,000. The church was rededicated on July 28, 1992 by the Anglican Archbishop of Wales and has since been an important site for pilgrims— approximately 10,000 a year come for prayer. In 1994, Evelyn built the Cancer Help Centre in the garden and many healings have taken place at the shrine. Anglican, Catholic, and Orthodox pilgrims come to venerate the relics and to pray; the ministry continues today for all Christians.
Dr. William Morgan, translator of the Bible into Welsh, was the rector of Pennant Melangell from 1588-1595. Nearby Llangynog was later a well-known centre of harp-making. Both Thomas Lloyd, an early-20th-century quarry worker at Llangynog and winner of competitions for both harp-making and playing, and internationally-famous Welsh harpist Nancy Richards, are buried at Pennant Melangell.
The well-known story of Melangell and the hare comes down to us from the Welsh oral tradition through carvings, songs, and poetry, some only recently discovered and translated.
St. Melangell and the Hare
In early 7th-century Wales (Powys), there lived in the town of Pengwern Powys (now Shrewsbury), Prince Brychwel Ysgithrog, also Earl of Chester, whose dwellings were located where the later College of St. Chad would stand, nine miles from today’s Welsh border. The prince was known to give generous alms for the service of God and the poor.
One day in 604 AD, Brychwel went hunting in a remote area of his principality called Pennant. When his dogs started a hare, the prince, shouting encouragement, pursued it on horseback into a thorny bramble thicket, but instead of retrieving the hare, the dogs fled howling. In the midst of the brambles he came upon a clearing in which a beautiful woman stood deep in prayer, the hare lying boldly under the hem of her garment. Seeing the woman, the astonished prince asked how long she had lived alone in such a wilderness. According to the medieval Latin sources, she replied, “For the past fifteen years, I have not looked on the face of a man.” “But whose daughter art thou, and from where hast thou come? “I am from Ireland,” she replied, “the daughter of a king, and because my father decreed that I was to be given as wife to a nobleman of Ireland, by God’s leading, I came here instead, to serve God and the spotless Virgin with a pure body and heart for as long as I remain on earth.”
The prince asked the woman’s name, to which she replied, “Melangell.”2 After considering her state of life, her well-being, and her solitude, the prince replied, “Most worthy Melangell, I perceive that thou art a handmaid of the true God. Because it hath pleased Him for thy merits to give protection to this little wild hare from the attack and pursuit of the hounds, I give and present to thee with willing mind these my lands for the service of God, to be a perpetual asylum and refuge. If any men or women flee hither to seek thy protection, provided they do not pollute thy sanctuary, let no prince or chieftain be so rash towards God as to attempt to drag them forth.”3 Another version adds, “If, on the other hand, any guilty person enjoying your sanctuary shall go out to do any kind of wrong, then let those governing your sanctuary who know of these wrongs, deliver them to the officials of Powys.”
St. Melangell
Melangell continued her solitary life near Pennant for over thirty-seven years. The wild hares befriended her throughout her life, and were ever after called Wyn Melangell (St. Melangell’s lambs). Other chaste women settled nearby [who may have come with her from Ireland], to live together out of love of God, intent upon prayer and divine services.
After the death of the illustrious Prince Brychwel, his son Tysilio held the principality of Powys; then Cynan, Tysilio’s brother, and afterwards, Tambryd, Curmylk, and Durres the Lame. All of these decreed that the place of Pennant Melangell should remain a perpetual sanctuary for those devoted to God and the needy, confirming the acts of the prince.
After Melangell departed from this life in 607,4 a nobleman by the name of Elise came to Pennent Melangel, who, desiring to ravish and defile the virgins, came to a wretched end and perished suddenly. From that time on, whoever violated the liberty or holy order of this place rarely escaped divine vengeance.
So strong a tradition of her influence prevailed that, until this day, no one in the parish of Cwm Pennant will kill a hare, and for centuries, if a hare was pursued by dogs, it was firmly believed that if anyone cried, Duw A Melangell A’th Gadwo (“God and Melangell preserve thee!”), the hare was sure to escape.
Her festival is May 27.
The following play on her name was ancient even when it was recorded in Welsh in the registry of the church in 1723:
Mil engyl a Melangell Trechant lu fyddin y fall.
Melangell with a thousand angels Triumphs over all the powers of evil.
From: Road to Emmaus #36.
Nun Nectaria (McLees)
1 From the inaugural lecture of Rev’d Canon A.M. Allchin, Director of St. Theosevia’s Centre, oxford, and Hon. Professor of Celtic Spirituality at Univ. of Wales, Bangor.
2 Early versions of her story all record her name with the Latin Monacella, by which she was known for centuries. Melangell, (roughly pronounced “Meh-lan-ghekh”) is the Welsh variant.
3 Translated from a 17th-century manuscript by Professor Oliver Davies of St. David’s College, Lampeter. St. Melangell and St. Winifred of Holywell are the only two Welsh female saints with a medieval Latin hagiography.
4 670 AD is the traditionally accepted date of Melangell’s death, although one source puts it at 590.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:18 BigHitchTV Coming up on 2 years alcohol free, down 110 lbs

Coming up on 2 years alcohol free, down 110 lbs
Forgive me for a longer post. Pictures don’t do justice for the amount of work I’ve put in, not just in the weight room but inner-work. I’ll try to keep it interesting, on topic, with little quirks of my humor sprinkled in (😊). I appreciate anyone taking the time to read this.
Crossposting to the other communities that have helped me so much.
I wanted to include my graph to show that it hasn’t been a flawless ride. Had a tough time staying focused on the workout discipline side of things, especially during this past winter. (More context below)
I drank beer, mostly, and played a lot of video games (particularly during the covid lockdowns) to get that big, 317 lbs at my peak (I’m 6’ 4”).
Consistently lifting weights (4 days a week, on average) and eating well (80% of the time, don’t touch my ice cream) has been the only “secret”.
I have found, personally, that understanding myself has been equally if not MORE a part of this journey.
CONTEXT: Social anxiety and depression has been a major part of my story: a lot of feelings of “not good enough/useful” stemming from a poor relationship with my parents growing up (not blaming, just aware).
I was a chubby, Michigan-born, homeschooler. Raised in a religious family (Baptist) that kind of disowned me when I started having sex with my high school girlfriend (I went to public high school).
Feeling overwhelmed and swallowed up by the sheer number of people in college, I ran away to the military at 20 (after losing about 40 lbs through jogging mostly, very “skinny-fat” body), and felt like quite a black sheep in that community as well.
Sensitive and gentle aren’t exactly military-issued qualities lol.
After a mental health related discharge, I chased after a girlfriend who was still in college and picked up a job waiting tables and eventually bartending.
Being “the man” behind the bar meant lots of new friends and a lot of phone numbers (it’s cool to know the bartender, kinda thing, that’s not meant as a flex).
Drinking to fit in with these new friends introduced me to this community where no one held others accountable, it was just frolicking and getting drunk together. Lots of games of pool and darts.
I began feeling like I finally was “cool” and had somewhere to fit in.
I met my wife (still together 5 years strong), got married, and changed jobs back to one more aligned with my military training (nuclear engineering), that was 2019.
Well, a few months later lockdowns were enforced, my gym closed up (they went out of business as it was a pretty small family-ran place), and as an introverted gamer I thought life was just grand, at first.
However, the frequent drinking (4-pack of IPAs, 3-4 days a week), lack of exercise, and bored eating all caught up.
I developed gout, became the drunk asshole of every woman’s nightmare, and hit quite a low point.
It was the foot pain that really did me in. I felt so pathetic and terrible: going from a pretty good looking bartender who dabbled in personal training, to being unable to walk up two flights of stairs without being winded and miserable.
A lot of my ego had gone into being “the cool bartender”, the physical pain from my feet forced a “sobering” (pun intended) realization of how far away that “cool” persona had fallen.
After a particularly nasty gout flair up in Jan 2022 I began moderating and seriously trying to lose weight (had rejoined a gym already, but if you look at my chart it hadn’t really changed my behavior much).
Took a match to it all that June, after realizing moderating wasn’t going to get me very far.
I found a project to replace my time with (began studying web design for fun/freelancing, then pivoted to re-certifying as a trainer), read a book called “Miracle Morning”, and started journaling/meditating every morning that I could (I work rotating shift work, so my schedule is consistently tumultuous).
Through that inner work (“mindset” I guess in marketing speech, but that feels not as profound as the experience was for me), I have been able to find such tremendous inner peace and quiet down the voices of insecurity and fear.
I am absolutely still a work in progress, but I am accepting of myself and imperfectly working toward the best potential version of my Self.
That’s actually the big selfish reason why I wanted to post this, fear exposure: I’m a little sweaty while writing this from the fear of sharing lol.
And of course some validation for my hard work, I’d be lying if I didn’t say that some upvotes and “Nice” comments don’t feel good.
My future health goal: At my leanest in the military I still was in the high teen body fat percentages. This is the leanest I have ever been, and the pain I have reclaimed fuel my desire to keep going.
Dieting until I have washboard abs, then I might do some bulk-cut cycles. I amm toying with the idea of some competitive bodybuilding as the next iteration of “holy shit a lot of people are looking at me”.
If you made it to the end, it means the world to me. Thank you.
If there’s anything that I can answer or provide insights to, I’d be genuinely thrilled to help, to clarify, or to share more.
submitted by BigHitchTV to stopdrinkingfitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:17 binsap 20 Clever Tricks to Save Big on Amazon

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submitted by binsap to shareyourview [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:17 ScarHydreigon87 How to play Lisa in D&D

Today is Lisa's birthday, and to celebrate, I’m writing a guide on how to play as the humble Librarian of the Knights of Favonius in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.
Let’s start off with our goals for this build. First and Foremost, we need Lightning and lots of it. Next, we need to be charming and alluring to get people to do your bidding. Lastly, we need to be able to provide off-field utility.
For stats, we’ll be using the Standard Point Array from the Player’s Handbook. Roll for stats if you want, just keep your Intelligence high.
15 Intelligence, as you are an excellent scholar and librarian, being Sumeru Akademiya’s most esteemed graduate.
14 Constitution, as you are a bit frail, but still need to take hits.
13 Dexterity, as you need some protection.
12 Charisma, as you are alluring and charming
10 Wisdom, as while you insightful and wise, you do have a sinister and somewhat immoral side
And 8 Strength, as while you do have a knack for climbing, we just don’t need it for this build.
For race, Lisa is a human, and Variant Humans get a Feat. The Elemental Adept Feat will help with your magic. You get to pick an elemental damage type (go for Lightning) and spells you cast of that damage type ignore damage resistances, and you treat any 1s you roll on damage dice for Lightning spells as 2s. Bump your Intelligence and Dexterity with your 2 Free points, take Persuasion for your Skill of Choice, and take the Sage Background for Arcana and History.
We’ll kick things off as a Wizard. 1st Level Wizards can pick 2 skills from the Wizard list. Insight and Religion would be my picks. As a Wizard, you get a Spellbook where you learn your spells from, and you can copy spells you find into your spellbook. You start off with 3 Cantrips and 6 1st-Level Wizard spells of your choice, and you add 2 extra spells to your Spellbook each time you level up as a Wizard, but you can only prepare an amount of spells from your Spellbook equal to your Wizard Level plus your Intelligence modifier. So for the sake of brevity, I’m just gonna list out the spells you can prepare, and you can freely pick whatever other spells you wish to add to your spellbook. For your Cantrips, take Shocking Grasp, Blade Ward, and Prestidigitation. For your spells, Take Shield, Mage Armor, Chromatic Orb, and Witch Bolt. Last but not least, Wizards get Arcane Recovery, letting you recover spell slots of 6th level or below equal to half your Wizard level on a short rest.
2nd Level Wizards can pick an Arcane Tradition, and the School of Evocation is perfect for dealing damage. You’re an Evocation Savant, meaning you can copy Evocation spells into your spellbook in half the time and at half the cost. You can also Sculpt Spells, meaning when you cast an Evocation spell that has an AOE, you can select an amount of creatures within the spell’s range equal to 1 plus the spell’s level to have them automatically succeed on their saving throws and take no damage from the spell. For your spell at this level, take the spell Charm Person.
3rd Level Wizards can learn 2nd Level Spells. Take the spell Hold Person.
4th Level Wizards get an Ability Score Improvement. Bump your Intelligence for better spells. You can now prepare 2 extra spells at this level. Take the Spells Witch Bolt and Silvery Barbs.
5th Level Wizards can learn 3rd Level spells, take the Spell Lightning Bolt.
6th Level Evocation Wizards get Potent Cantrips, meaning enemies that succeed on saving throws against your damaging cantrips still take half damage. For your spell at this level, take the spell Thunder Step.
7th Wizards can learn 4th Level Spells. Take the Spell Storm Sphere.
8th Level Wizards get another Ability Score Improvement. Cap your Intelligence for the best spells. For your 2 extra spells you can prepare, take the spells Misty Step and Thunderwave.
9th Level Wizards can learn 5th Level Spells. Take the Spell Hold Monster.
10th Level Evocation Wizards get Empowered Evocation, letting you add your Intelligence Modifier to one of the damage rolls for your Evocation spells. For your spell at this level, take the spell Dominate Person.
11th Level Wizards can learn 6th Level Spells. Take the spell Chain Lightning.
12th Level Wizards get another Ability Score Improvement or a Feat. We’ll take the Metamagic Adept Feat, letting you pick 2 Metamagic options from the Sorcerer class, and giving you 2 Sorcery points to spend them on which recharge on a long rest. Transmuted Spell lets you spend a sorcery point when you cast a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage to turn it into another one of those damage types. Subtle Spell lets you spend a Sorcery Point to cast a spell without Verbal or Somatic Components.
For your Spell at this level, take the spell Disintegrate.
13th Level Wizards can Learn 7th Level Spells. Take the Spell Prismatic Spray.
14th Level Evocation Wizards get Overchannel, letting you deal max damage when you cast a damaging spell of 5th level or lower. The first time you use this feature, you suffer no adverse effect, but each time you use this feature again before finishing a long rest, you take 2d12 Necrotic damage per level of the spell, increasing by 1d12 per level each time you use it, and this damage cannot be reduced in any way.
For your spell at this Level, take Power Word Pain.
15th Level Wizards can learn 8th Level Spells. Take the Spell Control Weather
16th Level Wizards get another Ability Score Improvement. Bump your Dexterity for better AC.
For your spell at this level, take Delayed Blast Fireball.
17th Level Wizards can learn the highly coveted 9th Level Spells. Take the spell Meteor Swarm.
18th Level Wizards get Spell Mastery, letting you take a 1st Level and 2nd Level Wizard spell and be able to cast them for free. I’d suggest Shield and Misty Step. For your spell at this level, take the spell Wish.
19th Level Wizards get our last Ability Score Improvement. Bump your Constitution for more HP and better concentration. Take the spell Delayed Blast Fireball
Our capstone is the 20th Level of Wizard for Signature Spells, letting you pick two 3rd-Level Wizard spells and cast them once each for free per short or long rest. I’d suggest Lightning Bolt and Thunder Step. For your last prepared spell at this level, take the Spell Shatter.
Now that we’ve hit Level 20, let’s go over the strengths of this build. First, you are an excellent damage dealer with a plethora of Lightning spells at your disposal with Elemental Adept allowing for more consistent damage, and Sculpt Spells letting you use your AOE options safely. You also have the benefit of your spells being long range, letting you fight from a safe distance, plus spells like Misty Step and Thunder Step to create distance. Lastly, you have spells like Charm Person letting you have others do your bidding.
For weaknesses, you are a bit squishy, sitting at around 142 average HP. While you do have a free +5 to AC thanks to Shield, and you have 16 AC with Mage Armor, you can still be whittled down quickly if you're not careful. You also have to be wary of Overchannel, since you can easily lose a lot of HP if you keep going for max damage. You’re also vulnerable to Strength and Charisma saves, meaning you can be easily thrown around and banished. Lastly, a lot of your spells have Dexterity Saving Throws, meaning enemies with Evasion can easily dodge out of the way.
submitted by ScarHydreigon87 to Lisa_Mains [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:16 rakkycze Last page of the captain's log. Forgive me.

Last page of the captain's log. Forgive me.
Hello there strangers and explorers I have a story to tell...
( CHAT GPT version of my story in proper english because english is not my native language so I type like a dumdum xD )
Yesterday, I booted up No Man's Sky and saw that there was a community event ending in six weeks. So, I began my journey.
I spawned on a moon, though I can't remember much of what happened or where exactly I was. But I knew one thing for sure: I had a task to do. Someone or something had left me a note with quests on how to set sail into space. I was very confused, and my head hurt badly. I said to myself, "I don't have time to try to remember what happened. I need to survive." I withdrew my binoculars and looked around. I was on a dead moon... or planet? I couldn't tell. It definitely lacked an atmosphere. My radar showed the temperature was 10 degrees Celsius. At least something positive. For now, I didn’t need to deal with cold, radiation, heat, or a toxic environment. While scouting, I scanned local minerals, curious if they had anything useful. Every single mineral contained only ferrite dust. I scooped up a few rocks with my multi-tool and then noticed a shipwreck 1000 units away. "This must be my ship," I said to myself.
I put away my binoculars and ran towards the ship. When I climbed a nearby mountain, I spotted a structure—a house? A warehouse? It was definitely built by humans. So, I decided to take a quick look. It was only 200 units away, so why not? When I entered, it was clearly a warehouse. Small storage units, a portal, oxygen harvesters, and planters with carbon were inside. I'm not proud of what I did, but I can assure you, that carbon could be a life-changer, especially since I had no resources. I stole every single piece of carbon I found, got outside, and took a bike that was parked in front.
When I arrived at my ship, I was right—it was a wreck. I quickly examined the ship and assessed the damage. The launch thrusters were shot, the pulse engine was fried, and a few other components blocked my ship from functioning fully. I checked my deployable technology and realized I needed hydrogen and pure ferrite dust to repair it. Then came the first shock: I didn't know how to craft a refinery. Did I forget it? Did I lose the blueprint? I must have. So, without hesitation, I drove the bike back to the warehouse.
At the warehouse, I stole carbon again (something I’m not proud of) and looked for a refinery. There was none. So, I had a bright idea: there was a teleporter. What if I just teleported to another base and tried to find a refinery? So, I stepped into it. At first, I was surprised. It took me to a planet with extreme storms and hurricanes. That didn't matter to me since I stayed indoors at this new base I had trespassed upon. Oh boy, how wrong I was. After searching for about two solid minutes, I conceded and entered the teleporter again. This is where my tragic end begins.
I appeared on the same extreme weather planet. Radiation was at 9.3. Since I didn't have any sodium, I quickly ran into a small 1x1 shelter built by some Chinese player. When I peeked out, I noticed the teleporter didn’t have power. I panicked, jumped outside, and tried to fix the power by adding carbon to the engine. Well, it didn’t help. There was no connection between the battery and the teleporter. I went back to the 1x1, totally defeated. I wondered what I should do now. Is this my new life file? Living in someone’s shelter for the rest of my life? Should I dedicate my life to exploring this strange place?
No. I refused to be defeated. I pulled out my binoculars again and looked around. I saw only local edible flora, organic minerals, storm crystals that weren’t accessible at the moment since there wasn’t a storm, and settlements owned by other players. While thinking about a plan to escape this hell, I opened my tasks. I realized that for certain tasks, you can get care packages to continue progressing. One of these tasks asked me to install an advanced mining tool. If I was able to do that, I would be able to get a refinery in the care package. I quickly installed that on my multi-tool. But guess what? I needed copper to fully install it. That was an issue for this planet. There was no copper, only magnetized ferrite, uranium, and activated copper. When I checked what the first planet had to offer, of course, it had copper. I was mad, but I already had a plan to leave this place at once.
While scouting around, I noticed a few settlements on the planet. That would come in handy since all settlements have teleporters to get back to the planet where I regained consciousness. The only issue was I didn't have sodium or oxygen, which I critically needed to survive. While trying to install the advanced mining tool, I realized I had a scanner and a terrain-modifying tool. That would come in handy as well.
I scanned the area around the 1x1 shelter for any sodium and oxygen flowers. Bingo! More than a few—hundreds. I spent a few minutes running around, gathering sodium and oxygen. When my radiation protection got low, I ran back to the shelter to avoid wasting any sodium. When I was ready, I began my journey on foot. The nearest settlement was 4-5 hours away. I was determined to survive. I ran and picked up every flower and supply I needed along the way. It didn’t take long before I found myself in a planetary storm. And not just one—there were hurricanes and extreme radiation at the same time! I was lucky to be right in front of a shelter left by a Korvax scientist. While waiting for the storm to pass, I learned a Korvax word and got some nanites, including two encrypted data units. When the storm passed, I resumed exploring.
Next time, I promised myself I would try to brave the storm. So I did. After just two storms, I realized bad weather approached approximately every 15 to 20 minutes. So I needed to travel quickly. After 30 minutes of traveling, I had over 1000 sodium. I was confident that storms wouldn’t be an issue anymore. But when the storm approached, I was caught by the first tornado that formed right next to me. It sent me flying hundreds of meters. I didn’t panic. I saved my jetpack fuel and, when it tossed me all the way up, I slowly descended back to the ground. I dug a hole and waited a few minutes for the storm to pass. It was dangerous as hell to travel during a storm.
After a few hours of battling storms, I scavenged for eggs, sold goodies like storm crystals and artifacts to trade terminals, and eventually, I died. That’s right. I was pulled out of a cave in the middle of nowhere by a tornado. I panicked and used up my fuel. When I woke up, I was next to the trading terminal. It would take me 51 minutes to recover my corpse. Well, what choice did I have? None. I had to go for it. After a solid hour and ten minutes, I reached my corpse, collecting storm crystals, ancient data structures, and radon from bio plants along the way. Just a few meters further, I realized it was the ocean part of my travel now.
What did this mean for me? There was slightly higher radiation in the water, but that was fine. I already had over 2000 sodium. But what about oxygen? I had around 400. Mathematically, I wouldn’t be able to cross the ocean if it took more than 30 minutes to swim. I risked it. I ran out of life support really fast. I swam and swam. When I had only 60 oxygen left, I spotted land! I was saved! Finally, I would be able to get some oxygen. As a trophy, I took a shiny Hadal Core from an underwater structure. Then something snapped at me. My health was down to 40%. It was an angler fish! I fell for the oldest trick in the book—a shiny piece of light underwater. I got so scared I even forgot I had a gun with around 1200 bullets. I just swam to the piece of land in front of me. I waited for the fish to swim away. I didn’t want to harm any local fauna. I just wanted to leave this hellish place.
After exiting the ocean, I was just an hour away from the settlement. My inventory was full. I couldn’t waste a single minute, but I couldn’t find any oxygen. So I just ran and hid from storms, especially since my last save was over an hour and thirty minutes ago.
When I finally reached the place where the settlement was supposed to be, I wasn’t saved. I had traveled for six and a half hours for nothing. The settlement wasn’t there. It seemed like the settlers had never been there.
I'm broken. Even though my sodium can keep me alive for a few more days, I don’t think I can make it anywhere. Most of the "promised" settlements are eight hours away.
Thank you, monsalve4547, for being a beacon of hope. Avera.Novaa out. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
My version of the story that i typed and put it to chat:
Yesterday I boot up No Man's Sky. I saw that there is a community event or something like that... that ends in 6 weeks. So... I began my journey.
I spawned on the moon, cant really remember what happened... cant really tell where exactly am I... But i know certain thing. I have a task to do. Someone, or something letf me a note with quests, how to set a sail to the space. I was very confused my head hurts really bad. I said to myself: "I dont have a time, trying to to remember what happened. I need to survive." I withdraw my binoculars and take a look around. I was on the dead moon... or planet? I cant tell. it was deff without atmosfere. Radar was measuring temperature 10 celsium. At least something positive. For now I dont need to deal with cold, radiation, heat or toxic envirement. While i was scouting around, i scanned local minerals. I was curious if they have something that i could use in the future. Every single mineral had only ferrite dust. I scoop up few rocks with my multi-tool, then I noticed.... a ship wrack 1000u away from me. "This must be my ship" said to myself.
I put away my binoculars and run towards the ship. When I climb local mountain I spoted a house? warehouse? structure? It was build by a human, I could deff tell. So I decided to quickly take a look. It was like 200u from me, so why not. When I entere this house, it was deff a warehouse. Small storage units, portal, oxygen harvesters and planters with carbon. Im not prout about what have I done. But I can assure you, that carbon could be life changer. Especially when I dont have single resource. I stole every single piece of carbon i find and got outside of the building and took a bike that was right in front of it.
When I arrived at the location of my ship... I was right... It was just a wreck. I quickly examine the ship and exact damage done on it. Launch thrusters were cooked... Pulse engine was cooked... and couple more things that blocked my ship from fully functionaling. I take a look in my deployable technology. I quickly realised I need hydrogen and Pure ferrite dust to repair it. Then the first shock came... I dont know how to craft a rafiner. Did I forget it? Did I lost the blueprint? I must have... So without hesitation I took that bike and drive it back to that warehouse I saw earlier.
In the warehouse, I stole carbon again ( something im not proud of ). And looked for the refinery. Yea... there was none. So... I had bright idea... There was a teleporter. What If I just teleport to another base and try to find rafinery. So I... stepped into it... At first I was suprised... It took me to the planet with extreme storms and huricanes. That kinda doesnt matter to me since stayed indoors of this new base that I just tresspased. Oh boy how wrong I was. After looking for like 2 solid minutes. I conseded and again entered teleporter. And this is, where my tragic end begins.
I appear on the same extreme weather planet. Radiation was 9.3. And since I didnt have single piece of sodium. I quickly run in the 1x1 that was build here, by some chinese guy. When I peaked out... I noticed that teleporter didnt have power. I panicked, jumped outside and tried to fix power by adding carbon to the engine. Well... it didnt help. There was no connection between batery and teleporter. I got back to the 1x1 ... totally defeated. I was wondering what should i do now... If this my new file? Living i someones shelter for the rest of my life? Should I deducate my life to the explore of this strange place?
No... I refused defeat... I pulled out binoculars again and took a look around. I saw only local eatable flora, organic minerals, storm crystals that were not available at this moment since there wasnt a storm... and settlements owned by other people. While thinking about the plan how to escape this hell I opened my tasks. I realised for certain tasks, you can get carepackage to continue progressing. One of these tasks asked me to instal advanced mining tool. If I was able to do that, I would be able to get rafinery in the carepackage. I quickly instaled that to my multi-tool. But guess what... I needed copper to be able to fully instal it. Yea that was an issue for this planet. There was no such thing as copper. Only magnetised ferrite, uranium and activated copper. When I checked what that first planet has to offer. Ofc it was copper. I was mad. But already I had a plan how toleave this place at once.
So while I was scouting around, I noticed couple of settlements that were of the planet. That would come handy since all settlements have teleports to get back on the planet where I gather my consciousness. Only issue was I didnt had, was sodium and oxygen, that I critically needed to survive. While I was trying to instal advanced mining tool, I realised I had scanner ... and terrain modifying tool. That would come handy aswell. I scanned the place around 1x1, if there are any sodium and oxygen flowers. BINGO! More than couple, it was hundreds and hundrends.
I spend couple of minutes runnig around the area, gathering little bit of sodium, oxygen and when my radiation protection got low I run back to shelter to not waste a single sodium. And when I was ready. I began my tour on feet. Nearest settlement was 4-5 hours from my location. I was determent to survive. I ran and on the way I picked up every flower and suppliest i would need on my way to the settlement. It didnt take long and I found myself in the planetery storm... and not just single one. Hurricane and extreme radiation happened at once! I was lucky because I was right infront of the shelter that were left here by korvax scientist. While I was waiting for the storm to pass. I learned Korvax word and get some nanites that were left behind, inculing 2 encripted data. When storm passed, I get back to wondering the world.
Next time I promised to myself, I will try to go through the storm. So I did. After just 2 storms I realised... bad weather aproaching aprx. between 15 to 20 minutes. So I needed to travel quickly. After 30 minutes of traveling i had over 1000 sodium. I was confident that storm wouldnt be an issue when I travel. But when storm approached... I was caught by the first tornado that formed right next to me. It set me flying hundreds meters. I didnt panic. I just saved my jetpack fuel. And when it tosse me all the way up. I slowly descent back to the ground. I dug a hole and waited couple of minutes so the storm can pass me again. Save to say it was dangerous as fuck to travel during a storm.
After couple of the hours I went throught the storms, I battled swarm, steal their eggs and sell goodies like storm crystals and artifact to trade terminal that I found in the wild. I died. Thats right, I got pulled out of the cave in the middle of nowhere by tornado. I sorta panicked and used my fuel. When i wake up. I was next to the trading terminal. It would take me 51 minutes to recover my corpse. Well... what should I do? Do I have a choice? No... I had to go for it. After solid hour and 10 minutes I get to the corpse, mainly cause I was collecting storm crystals, ancient data structures and radon from bio plants. And just after few meters I realised. Now its the ocean part of my travel.
What does it mean for me? Well, there was slightly bigger radiation in the water. But its fine by me. I already gathered over 2000 sodium. But what about oxygen? Well. I had around 400. Mathematically, I wouldnt be able to cross that ocean if it was bigger than 30 minutes swimm. Well I risked it. I was running out of life support really fast. I swim and swim. When I had only like 60 oxygen left. I spotted a land! I was saved! Finally i will be able to get some oxygen. As a trophy I took one shiny hadal core from underwater structure. Then something snaps me. My health was on 40%. It was an angler fish! I lost to oldest trick in the book... a shiny peace of light under the water. I got so scared i even forgot that I have a gun with around 1200 bullets. I just swim to the piece of land that was right infront of me.I waited for that fish to swim away. I didnt want to harm any local fauna. I just wanted to go out of this hellish place.
After I just exited the ocean, I was just hour away from the settlement. My inventory was full. And I couldnt waste a single minute, I couldnt find any oxygen. So I just ran and hide and ran and hide from storms. Especially when my last safe was like 1 hour and 30 minutes away.
Then I entered the place. where was the settlement, was I finally saved? No... Not really. I traveled for 6 hours and 30 minutes. For nothing. Settlement wasnt here. Place even seems like, the settlers wasnt even here.
I'm broken. Even my sodium can hold me alive for another couple of days. I dont think I can make it anywhere. Since most of the "promised" settlements are 8 hours ago.
Thank you monsalve4547 for being a beacon of hope.
Avera.Novaa out. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Planet Rilotte
Fauna discovered:
L. Toddririmae - Rare / Underwater / Always Active / Found in South W. Musilesarii - Common / Underwater / Always Active N. Corpsaborigima - Common / Underwater / Always Active C. Elderagkisima - Uncommon / Underground / Always Active R. Stonsaiae - Rare / Ground / Always Active T. Ratsweeum - Rare / Flying / Diurnal S. Coloiagia - Uncommon / Flying / Diurnal E. Telenibasium - Rare / Ground / Always Active Z. Ethopiorium - Rare / Ground / Always Active Q. Waterudusium - Rare / Ground / Always Active
Flora discovered:
O. Honeyyaproe - Oxygen Plant T. Lichxakipum - Underwater O. Beltweareum - Underwater P. Feronplumosa - Hazard E. Dewnaulae - Boost Plant Q. Sawciboe - Underwater W. Yortliretosa - Underwater Z. Frogoskhium - Underwater M. Peasuburium - Underwater Oxygen L. Salutchrae - Underwater V. Frogpeytera - Underground O. Honeyyaproe - Underground Q. Dreaddesencis - Ground
Minerals discovered:
Dashiite Inebacite Pibachite Ekanoite Loystice Tamunite Matokentine Cakmanite Navinite Redstewiite Evadaite Ukspoite Igmannite Autovite Tamunite Eftetime Oonesite Tirandite
submitted by rakkycze to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]


Science magician Zayn summons a little girl after cursing his perceived failure. He wants to destroy a floating town. The girl a demon and instead of compensation wants him take her round their settlement El Tiz. She plays with his daughter Zaina. Destroying a town really it? Is he playing a dangerous game with demons? When it comes to the mighty primordial demon Violet he and his daughter have consequences they can't imagine.
Genre - action, fantasy.
Based on the FUSE light novel

"A mysterious form performs a summoning on the flat ground beside a large rock formation. They the summoner.
Doing all that ritual, making a big sacrifice and nothing well, summoned. Cursed the result. The hour under night’s cloak, the moon’s majesty partially cloud obscured.
Disappointment and anger aside, couldn’t stand around at the summoning site. A loved one is depending on care. This morning she’s eating breakfast at the table because the summoner got up and prepared their child’s food.
A few knocks on the door takes the child’s mind off her reverie eating to get up and skip walk playfully towards it.
The summoner stood in their gallery’s edge, hands gripping the rail. Agitation written on their face. They’d have to be pretending at another species to not twist about last night. The mind swirling deep in what ifs, a voice takes some moments to register.
‘…papa, papa, PAPA!’
Jolted, snaps around to lay eyes on two girls about the same age.
To utter astonishment, ‘Who would you be?’ They’d expected to see just their daughter who called out to them.
‘Hardly what I’d call a strong summoner.’
Zayn gasps.
‘Despair is reserved for your offenders, not you.’
‘Cannot be!’ Zayn’s voice box wanted to fly out their throat. Their daughter none the wiser.
‘Told me she came to you.’
The purple haired human child can pass for 10. Cuteness in abundance, tied into a side ponytail her middle length hair by a ribbon, accentuating the hair, the fingernails are purple, a like colored choker round the neck. Her small statured body adorned in a pretty dress except bare arms; finally short, cute boots.
‘Thought I’d failed.’ Failure could also refer to when the summoned finds a summoner weak and turn on them. Things considered, last night didn’t count as the worst outcome. ‘Found me how?’
‘Tracked a magicule trail. The tension from your brainwaves is nothing to sense either while we’re on that point.’
For privacy or perhaps more apt, sanity, the two are in the study. The little girl ensconced on the sofa swinging the legs playfully. The summoner sat in their great chair – staring, lost in thought again.
The girl smiles sweetly at them as though responding."
submitted by tikudz to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:13 Dismal-Huckleberry55 Does anyone who purchased a Miele C1 regret not having purchased a Miele C3?

I’m looking to replace my Dyson bagless upright that I’ve had for almost 15 years. It’s been a fine vacuum and it’s never needed a repair, but now the motor for the brush bar has died and I figure other parts may fail simply due to age. I’ll be keeping the broken Dyson as a second vacuum, but looking to try a bagged canister vacuum with a HEPA filter.
My home spans approximately 1,000 square feet and consists predominantly of hardwood and ceramic tile flooring, with minimal carpeting in the form of one cowhide and a couple of area rugs made from low-pile, high-traffic carpet tiles.
Additional purchase considerations:
I’ve done a bit of research and have pretty much settled on a Miele. I’ve narrowed my search down to the following models:
I really like that the C3 models are advertised as “fully sealed” though I understand that the C1 might also be fully sealed despite not being advertised as such (I also understand whether or not the Classic C1 is fully sealed is not universally recognized on this forum). I also really like the foot switches, larger operating radius, auto cord rewind, and onboard tool storage of the C3 models compared to the C1, but these are really just conveniences and ultimately not necessary. Finally I actually love the color of the Calima and think the C3 is generally more aesthetically pleasing compared to the C1.
I have a lot of hard services, so the larger Parquet floorhead (SBB 300-3) that comes with the C3 models is also appealing compared to the smaller floorhead of the C1 Turbo (SBB Parquet-3). While I do not have wall-to-wall carpeting (and never will if I can help it) I do quite like the motorized brush bar on my Dyson and have found it helpful for removing debris from the area rugs. I think the Miele Turbobrush (included with the C1 Turbo and the C3 Calima but not the C3 Gala) will work well enough for the area rugs (I understand this is a vacuum driven brush bar and not a motorized brush bar like the Dyson). I’ll likely use the Parquet brush on the cowhide to prevent damage.
The only reason I see to go for the Gala is for the extended warranty. The included Turbo brush floorhead and HEPA filter makes the Calima the better buy at this price.
I also understand the C3 Calima, but not the C3 Gala, has an electrobrush socket. This is kind of cool in terms of future proofing if I ever did want to add a true motorized floorhead, though I understand this is generally cost prohibitive as I would not only need to purchase the floorhead, but also a compatible hose and wand. But I figure if I do purchase the Calima I’ll just keep an eye out for these parts on eBay or estate sales in case I should be so lucky.
My heart says to go for the C3 Calima. But I am tempted to save the $200+ by going with the C1 Turbo and HEPA filter. I'm sure even this model will clean better than my old Dyson and will hopefully last just as long. I have the money for the Calima, but I'm having a hard time justifying the $650 on a vacuum cleaner, even if it is a good deal.
Please can you recommend what might be the best option, whether or not you personally think it is worth purchasing a C3 instead of a C1, and especially if you might of found yourself in a somewhat relatable position?!
submitted by Dismal-Huckleberry55 to VacuumCleaners [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:12 Ok_Election3366 AITA for talking about my friends and apologising for their behaviour on a different server while also saying they're bullheads? While doing so just to rant and vent?

Little backstory: We are in game friends, we only know eachother online. And we've been playing a pay to win game together for around 200 days. Meaning we know quite a few things about eachother. But not as much as real life people know about eachother. The game is fun and based a lot around events, you play in server events and crosses against other servers (crosses are way more expensive). The price for 1st place in both is a title, which helps you grow. (The crosses title has a higher level, hence is generally more expensive) You also have alliances in the servers, with our server being quite old, we have 3-4 strong alliances. I and my friends are a part of the strongest one (that has almost triple the power of the second and third one combined). So we win crosses quite a bit. (You have crosses that are based on alliance cooperation [meaning you win as an alliance and decide who gets the title through MVP vote], and single player crosses, where your performance determines your position.) The crosses also depend on server cooperation, we wouldn't win many of the events without the help of the less strong alliances. Problem is, the people in my alliance expect help from the alliances, while never giving help to them, or rotating the inserver titles. (Or even the cross one's, in a few events there's a opportunity to do so). There are a few people in my alliance, who always overshoot the points in server events (we have a rule, that no person should have more than 1 title, since hoarding them is useless, and doesn't help you). Which results in the less strong people having to spend a lot of money just to catch up in the points (which is just unreasonable, when they could get it easily, if the titled players held back like they should, and have more strength (and money 😂), to help in crosses later on) It also creates useless drama with the server, and arguments are quite frequent, and generally unreasonable. (My alliance always thinks they're in the right, and the leader demands respect just because he spends a lot of money on the game.) Basically the people in my alliance think they're the best and it's their right to bully the rest of the server into submission. And when we lose a cross they blame the other alliances saying: you didn't help us enough! (Sometimes I'm surprised they help at all 🙄) They're also very quick to take anything a person says personally (especially the leader). Which in turn results in more and more useless drama. (Sometimes I feel like they can't think from the other point of view at all.) I always try to calm the situation down, but I get called a traitor and that I'm "always" against them. (Even though I just try to explain to them the other side of the argument.) The people there are also very quick to explode, and elevate a small argument into huge proportions. (Basically they use the approach of: talk first and then maybe think later.) This all got me really frustrated, I am also a person that has a few accounts on different servers (for spying purposes 😂). So when we lost an event to a server I'm friendly with, I was surprised by my alliance reaction. The other server biggest alliance got merged with a different alliance, in the middle of the event. (A merge in the game takes 48 hours, and the event takes 3 days. The other server alliance got merged at the end of day one, meaning it was a coincidence. Since we don't know the events beforehand.) The merge was enough to boost the alliance into 1st place though. And my alliance was very mad and gave up on 1st place almost right after. We came second, but our members were salty anyway saying: it would have been a nice fight if it was fair. And that the other alliance plays dirty. (The merger only boosted them above us a small amount. But since we gave up, they won by a lot more points.) I understand being sad that we lost, but insulting the other server for cheating and playing dirty was too much for me. Basically my alliance behaved a little bit like sore losers, that can't comprehend that we lost an event we almost always win. I logged in to my account on the other server, and apologized for the behaviour of my alliance. And congratulated them on the win (in my point of view they won fair and square, since the merge was a genuine coincidence and not some evil scheme.) And since I was also frustrated with my alliance behaviour of the past few months I decided to vent a little and called them a bullheads who don't believe in coincidences. And that I'm genuinely tired of their childish behaviour. Problem came in, when one person from my alliance, who also has a spy account on the server, saw my messages, and shared them with our alliance. I got called names, lynched, demoted and almost kicked out. I understand their anger, since I basically talked badly about them behind their back. From my point of view it wasn't that big of a deal though, since the other server didn't really care about them... (They're not the centre of universe damnit) So AITA?
submitted by Ok_Election3366 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:09 ColdKwok New to this & could use some advice

New to this & could use some advice
Hi! I need a crash course in conure caretaking specific to our situation, as well as to a few topics not covered in this group’s caretaking crash course wiki. Please and thank you!
Background and questions are below.
This is Gordo. I “rescued” him from my aunt & uncle a week ago.
My uncle is at home on hospice care with me as his primary caretaker while aunt is in the hospital.
I’ve been trying to get them to let me rehome Gordo for a long time, but my aunt is very protective of her, despite the fact that Gordo makes her crazy with squawking. (Her original owners were neighbours who thought she was a boy. They were planning to release her when they moved away. That’s when my aunt & uncle took her in.)
Gordo was with my aunt & uncle for at least 15 yrs. Initially she roamed freely around the house & played with their dog. After that dog died, they rescued a semi-feral dog who turned out to have a big bird-chasing instinct that they couldn’t break. So she’s been caged pretty much 24x7 for the last 10+ years and generally was not covered at night. 😢
Once my aunt went into the hospital & I had control over lighting & the TV (which my aunt kept on pretty much all the time), Guapo quieted down and became significantly less messy.
I’m not a bird person. But I am an animal person & want to take the best care of her that I can.
I’ve read through this group’s excellent crash course on caring for a conure and Googled around a bit but still have some questions.
I’m hoping y’all can help me fast-track Miss Gordo to a healthier, happier life.
  • she laid eggs for them. So far she hasn’t done that here. I now realise this behaviour can be discouraged and may lead to a bird that’s easier to live with. I’ll remove the blanket cluster “cozy space” from her cage, as well as the eggs she brought with her. Any other quick & easy things I can do until I can read up on this more?
  • I realise all birds are individuals and I’ll need to learn what her different calls mean, but do you know any good resources for getting up to speed on physical gestures etc? For example: what does head bobbing mean? It seems like wing-spreading can be done differently to signal different things? Is it weird that she spends so much time clinging to the side of the cage vs hanging out on her perches?
Thank you! 🙏🏻
submitted by ColdKwok to Conures [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:07 Massive-Egg-2127 [M, 25, EST] Need 2 More Self-Improvement Nerds for 10-15 Minute Daily Audio Calls & Emails

I currently have three accountability partners: my friend V who is a fellow self-improvement nerd, my friend Trinity, and my Mother. (However, I don't do 10-15 daily phone calls with my Mom or Trinity since I see them fairly often IRL.) This has completely cured my lack of daily motivation. I can’t believe I didn’t do this sooner! Each day feels like a basketball game where I’m trying to “score as many points” as possible and I actually get really excited to achieve all my goals every day!
I get a lot out of my daily 10-15 minute audio calls with my friend V on Dis cord and about once a week we actually do podcasts where we talk about everything from healthy relationships to nutrition to athletic training to investing to our childhoods to the qualities we want in an ideal girlfriend/wife, and even parenting (even though we both don’t have children yet.) Sometimes we even talk about things we’re both interested in that aren’t directly linked to self-improvement, like we could best teach critical thinking skills in school and our favorite novels. He's a really great guy and I hope to find other people like him online!
That being said, doing (currently amateur-level) podcasts with me IS NOT a requirement. However, I absolutely love having those sorts of conversations so if you do too, then I’m your guy! We can have those sorts of conversations once a week or once a month depending on our schedules.
So I'm looking for 2 more self-improvement nerds who love improving every area of their life (health, finance, relationships, career, finances etc.), believe in lifelong self-improvement, and listen to a lot of podcasts and maybe even read non-fiction books for fun (though that's also not required). As long as you love learning about new, cool things, you're open minded, and love meaningful conversations then it'll be a huge boost for our levels of motivation and inspiration!
I also would like to find at least one person who is highly competitive (in a healthy manner) who would love to compete in terms of improvement in body composition (less fat, more muscle), percentage increase in max lifts (squats, deadlifts, etc.), achieving our daily goals, and maybe even dating and career success. I used to have a bunch of friends like that in college and that's when I was at my absolute best! We'd always compete in the gym, at school, dating (to find an ideal girlfriend who was fun and interesting), and so on. So one competitive person would be really cool. But V isn’t competitive and it’s still 100% awesome! So again, not a requirement.
*So we would email each other or message each other via an app with our daily goals and/or our daily achievements & learning experiences (also known as failures😉). *And we'd have 10-15 minute daily phone calls to discuss our goals, progress, problems, obstacles, and our dreams. Obviously, there will be some days we can’t do a phone call because one of us is too busy but that’s fine. A 30-minute audio call on Saturday or Sunday would be cool too.
submitted by Massive-Egg-2127 to GetMotivatedBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:07 Professional-Cry344 Woobles hook sizes are…wrong. Right??

Okay, I am a beginner so maybe I’m just missing something here?? I started with youtube, watching tutorials and general crochet knowledge/advice videos—I’ve been a sewer for about 15 years so I wanted to know how stitches were formed, how garment construction differs, etc. etc.
Basically, I did a LOT of research. I bought a basic red heart kit for a giraffe. I made a very crappy washcloth.
Then, I bought a Woobles kit. I have to admit that capitalism got me with the custom hook for the BT21 RJ kit. It’s adorable! I thought I could justify the price because I was sure at this point that I wanted to continue with this hobby, and a cute custom hook would be nice to have.
The RJ hook is supposed to be a 4mm hook. In the video tutorials, the Woobles insists that whenever you draw up a loop, you should tug it up to be as tall as the head of the hook (??) and turn your work to the side to see if it looks like the hook’s head can fit through the loop. Weird. Not a single other resource I have looked at has mentioned that. But okay.
Fast forward. I wanted to start another project that uses a 4mm hook, so I grab my RJ hook. I have some wrist problems, so I grabbed a metal Boye 4mm hook as well because I can fit that one into an ergonomic cover that won’t go over the RJ hook. Something made me stop and compare the two of them.
I want to like the Woobles. I really do. But the hook is just…made wrong, straight up.
Unless I am missing something, the size of crochet stitches is determined by the width of the shaft. That is why we bring all of our loops up towards our fingers, to get them on the shaft of the hook so they are sized correctly.
Right??? Am I missing something here?? That is what EVERY OTHER resource has said. But the Woobles 4mm hook DOES NOT HAVE A 4MM SHAFT. The head of the hook is 4mm. The body is closer to maybe 3.5 or even 3.
I feel crazy. I can’t find anyone else talking about this. Stitches are sized by tension and the size of the shaft, right?? RIGHT?? Why would a kit marketed “for absolute beginners” manufacture and provide tools and explanations that are objectively WRONG? Like. That’s not just a dumbed down beginner version. They’re teaching wrong and giving incorrect tools to people who mostly have never crocheted.
TLDR: Woobles hook shafts ARE NOT the size they say they are, only the head of the hook. What the hell. Has anyone else noticed this??
submitted by Professional-Cry344 to crochet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:06 wherednrthatchurch Confused by my layout

I live in New Orleans, with a 1400sq ft home and I am struggling to come up with an HVAC solution that makes sense for my space, would love some advice.
1400sq ft, house is L shaped with 6 small rooms - bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen in a line then a very small hallway with small rooms on both sides.
I live in the front and have a tenant in the back two rooms, we share the kitchen
House is poorly insulated. I did insulate the floors with 2.5” polyiso and there is about 6” blown in in the attic. Walls have a little bit of fiberglass batt but I think it’s spotty at best. Drafty single pane windows
There is a screened in porch off of the kitchen
I’m often gone for the summer while my tenant will be in the house
Here’s my main dilemma- the relatively low square footage with many small rooms obviously lends itself to central air, HOWEVER since I am often gone for months while my tenant is home I would need at minimum two zones. Also during much of the year I like to cool just my bedroom and leave the kitchen and dining rooms open to the screened in porch.
The other common option in New Orleans is ductless mini splits but to do that right I’m looking at probably two condensers and 5-6 heads which doesn’t seem very efficient or cost effective. My other hesitation with mini splits is that mold is a huge problem in New Orleans and I have heard many complaints about the maintenance on these units with mold getting in the heads.
I’m still leaning towards mini splits because of the zoning issues but I’m wondering whether I’d be better served with ducted units, or a hybrid system? It would make sense to me to have a small head in my bedroom and then have the living room and dining room share a unit, the kitchen have its own unit and the two small rooms in the back share a unit, is that the sort of thing ducted mini splits are designed for? They don’t seem to be used much which is a bit of a red flag for me.
Also I haven’t been able to find much info about cleaning and maintenance with ducted units.
Are there other options I should be considering, or am I being too quick to abandon the idea of central air?
I would be doing all the work myself and probably hiring an HVAC contractor to charge the system
submitted by wherednrthatchurch to hvacadvice [link] [comments]