Funny macros


2008.01.25 07:35 funny

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2012.01.26 09:16 barrettgpeck Baseball Macros, Memes, and Funny Images


2011.10.22 05:44 erostratus Reddit's Latrine

A repository for all of Reddit's shittiest, low effort posts.

2024.05.28 14:50 Serious_Question_478 Any tips for speaking to a human at Blizzard CS? What happened to their support?

Anyone know any tricks to get a hold of an actual human using blizzards support ticket system? It's been over 3 weeks and 3 tickets and I cannot get a human response on any of my tickets. Every response seems to be fully automated and then my ticket is marked as resolved. This has been the most frustrating customer service experience of my life. Here is an example...
Also, does anyone know if blizzard permanent bans are HWID based? I just want to play some OW2 again :(
If anyone wants context, I was banned for using "hacks". (I didn't cheat, but I admittedly used a macro to string together voicelines for funny combos, lesson learned) With my main account being banned, I had an old alt account that I bought when overwatch 1 was still a thing so i started playing on that account but was automatically banned the same day. Then I made a brand new account with a new phone number (3rd account now) and was also banned the same day. I didn't use any macros or 3rd party programs on the 2 new accounts but was still banned. If anyone has any tips for reaching a human at blizzard CS, or knows if bans are HWID based, I'd appreciate the help.
submitted by Serious_Question_478 to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 08:25 HeightChance Unpopular opinion about naayil

Certainly not the best macro Certainly not the best aatrox mechanics But damn he has some good humour. And he is just really fun to watch on tiktok/youtube. I really would've liked someone that funny on my main, so i really dont understand the hate. Im happy to change my mind if im wrong
submitted by HeightChance to AatroxMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 17:01 Marling1 about the ending of Phantom Liberty

submitted by Marling1 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 15:08 Eye-Individual Google Nest Hub for the macro users

A year and a half ago I decided to turn my nest hub into a poorman's stream deck. I've been (slowly) implementing feedback I received from that initial release, and it's finally done.
To all you autohotkey/macro users that have a (mostly) useless nest hub... Here's my gift to you. (Posting here, as I think there might be a lot of power users reading the /r)
Open sourced the windows client in case you want to compile it yourselves, or just check that there's no funny business in the client ☺️
submitted by Eye-Individual to LinusTechTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 01:40 -Hi_how_r_u_xd- Is it normal to get recommended your own shorts in your shorts feed?

Is it normal to get recommended your own shorts in your shorts feed?
I don't watch many shorts, but I was scrolling through and one of my own shorts came up randomly. People who watch more shorts than I, is this normal?
submitted by -Hi_how_r_u_xd- to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:42 sofikuna felt rushed by others and a mild rant on my school

hi all! i just finished my ap physics 1 exam. we had the late testing day.
just some background, none of us really felt confident on the exam. our school has used a semesterized schedule for the last two years, which helped standard students, but completely screwed over ap students. our teacher was amazing, but because of when the exams are given, we had a lot less instruction time. this was the same issue last year for ap calc. i’m also the only person in that class going into physics in college, and someone else is going into aerospace engineering, so we were the only ones who actually cared about the course outside of grades.
on the frq section, my classmates who were taking the exam (8 of them) all gave up within about 30 minutes. i was still working up until there were 30ish minutes left, and i handed my test in, since i didn’t really know how to answer some of the questions. i feel like i could have answered them, but i felt really pressured because everyone was looking at me (if they weren’t napping) and the guy next to me was coughing pointedly. i know they were just trying to. be funny, but it’s just annoying after a while.
i don’t think im going to score well, but had this not happened, i still don’t think i would have scored well anyways, lol. my major in college is going to be physics, so i don’t really mind, considering that it would be better for me to take the course in college and know what my professor would expect me to know for more advanced courses.
my teacher seemed a bit upset at the behavior of the other students, and now that i think about it, rightfully so. even though i probably wouldn’t have answered any more frqs, i still felt pressured, and because of that i felt that i couldn’t focus. it doesn’t help that i have adhd (yes, an actual diagnosis), and my school never got back to me about any info for a 504 and testing accommodations.
i’m not really sure what to do. should i report this to the collegeboard? i don’t really think it’s that important, and i don’t want to screw over everyone else. i’m just a little bit bothered at the way that my school screwed over ap students to make their graduation rate and grades better. a semesterized schedule definitely helped the standard students with grades, but it’s just not fair for everyone else. even with review sessions, i forgot so much of macro and stats (they were semester 1 classes), and i think i definitely did a lot more poorly.
submitted by sofikuna to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:41 SlamVanDamn Ability + Toy macro

Does anyone else use fun ability + toy macros? I recently saw:
/use seafarer's slidewhistle /use death grip
Sounds like a hilarious result. Are there any other funny ones you use? Something that increases class fantasy? Or a theme you've chosen for your class?
submitted by SlamVanDamn to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 18:24 ColumnAandB P365 Legion holsters.

I know many guys have posted something in regards to the 365 Legion holster. Supposedly the Macro holsters will fit but there are conflicting situations. I've fount that the best, so far, is tulster. I'm looking at a sidecar rig but can't find a Legion specific model.
Has anyone tried modifying/recording a Macro to fit the Legion? It's just the rail section that fits funny correct?
submitted by ColumnAandB to SigSauer [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 00:47 _Arepakiller_ Share some intresting statistics.

Share some intresting statistics.
Hi, I been in inactivity for a while but at it, I been checking some stats from previous seasons (On, it was intresting to see a few of those and got the idea to open a discussion of it:
Here are some of those using my main hero, which i found funny to have an unusualy high both self healing and healing ammount from other heroes, besides the high siegue damage from valla since i'm always more focused on fighting than on macro.
I use mainly auto attack build (99.999% of the time). The Filters were Quick Match and 2023 Season 2, valla only. I also managed to see what was my APM like at that time and was a bit to high too.
Im not sure if that ammount of mercs captures are good as a maximum.
submitted by _Arepakiller_ to heroesofthestorm [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 18:30 Solidcruel MMR Reset

After Patch I'm getting people I don't usually play with, like I have never seen these people, looks like MMR got a reset, however, I noticed something funny.
This is what is going to happen when ranked mode is available, at least at first. There are a lot of post in Reddit about "I'm really good, my team is bad" and post a picture of kills and damage, now they have good team mates in their teams, like top 100 players, and these people play terrible, its like day and night, I was watching some streams yesterday and there is world of difference, and I have seen a lot of people dying and quitting because they don't know how to handle good players, so next time you want to create a post to complain about MMR think about this.

PD. I'm not top player, in Omeda City I'm fake plat 3, but I do know to play the game, I fail to carry games when I'm the highest skill player in my team, but I have a lot of knowledge of Macro and lanes. My Qs before the patch were diamond and master players (fake elo), games after patch at least for me have been really fun, because i LMAO seeing this people playing.
BTW Omeda City, don't pay attention to it, I have seen a lot of "Diamod, high Plat" dear god, when you check they play with friends, when they play alone, they don't know what they doing.
submitted by Solidcruel to PredecessorGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 16:41 Weekly-Ostrich-1791 Why Starcraft is legendary, why it holds such a special place in my heart.

I was always a gamer. I've personally been playing video games since age 4, and I love them. I was always better than my cousins and friends, because I always believed video games were a test of wills, and I believe my will is unbreakable. I was introduced to Starcraft by a friend from my 8th grade middle school, Chad, who had let me borrow the disc and either forgot about it or didn't care to get it back for almost 6 months (I think). It was my first time being introduced to online, competetive gaming, and the first time that I wasn't the best around. I was instantly in love. I quickly realized clans were where it was at, all members sharing a prefix or suffix tag to symbolize their membership. So I went searching for anyone that would have a n00b like me.
I found Ultimate Races, {UR}, after personally playing a couple good 1v1s, or 2v2s with my closest friend of the clan, Hydra{UR}, who later used the name De(V)oN{UR}. His real name is Jay. He asked if I could join, after my incessant hounding. C-Zero{UR} was our leader. He was the best of us (at the time), and was exactly what you'd expect as a leader. The strong silent type, he wasn't prone to the chit chat of the rest of the clan, but I remember he was a beast with Zerg. Other members that I remember were Omar, who was like co-leader or underboss (Sorry Omar, I can't think of ur gamertag right now) and JRowan{UR}. My tag was Black_Lotus{UR}.
It was the time of dial-up modems, when there was no deep web or surface web, and everyone was using AOL. A time of Icq and Napster, and Winamp and .mp3s. I never wanted to be a pro more at any game (not even COD, and I was top 30 weekly in BO1 for Xbox 360). I literally wasted 5 years of my life playing almost 12-16 hours daily. I once made a girl sit naked in my bed while I finished a 50 minute game, that I expected to be over in 15. I shouldn't be that proud of admitting this, but I totally am. Cause we still banged, and she actually waited without much protest. I always loved how respected the elite, gosu players and clans of the times were. A time before replays, where u literally had to know a friend of a friend who was either participating, or spectating in order to get one of the coveted 6 boxseats to view a 1v1 between 2 legendary players. By boxseats I mean choosing terran, destroying your scvs down to 1 left with 5hp, and lifting off to a corner while the competitors allied and gave u vision to enjoy the show. God bless the person who invented the observer map, which finally offered 12 spectator seats, I think, in addition to whoever was playing, without requiring you be in the game, and which also revealed the entire map without fog.
If you werent privy to Clan -x17's channel (or clan chatroom), you probably wound up in the Ladder channel, where the famous SCers clan used to hang their hats. I believe it was SCCHeMy who got me the invite to obs a game of LiquidDrone Vs X'Ds~Kiwi, and I was giddy as a schoolgirl because X'Ds~ was the most famous clan I knew of, and Team Liquid was newly formed with few members, who were known by reputation to all be individual giant slayers. Drone was my personal favorite player, as a local server legend who was still seen and talked about often, because he mingled with the public. Honestly, I can't tell u what Drone did for the SC community, it's immeasurable. Eri, if u read this, you're my personal hero and the reason I gave my life to this game for 5 years straight. Because I wanted to wear the Liquidbadge so bad, and wanted to be good enough for you to personally acknowledge and respect me. Thank you for the drive, for the forums, and for personally organizing competitions and your own seasonal league that literally replaced's own ladder system. God I forget what it was called, but the entire world took part, with national flags and everything!! You ARE Team Liquid to me. Nazgul might've gotten more famous, and that always pissed me off because you were ahead of the curb before replays came around and stole everyone's secret build orders and caught up to u, but u took so much time into helping and building and giving back to the community that it's a shame your name isn't on a plaque in gold letters somewhere.
I was so excited when I was finally good enough, and kept good company enough, to be given the invite to Clan -x17's channel, where ALL the big boys played. Local legends like Maynard and X'Ds~Grrrr..., LiquidNinja along with LiquidNazgul, long before he donned the [pG], SCMarine and SCF!R3B@t~ (hope I got that right) and legit anyone who was anyone were there chillin' like it wasn't a big deal. Names that inspire greatness, that are in SC history FOREVER, and I was apart of it. Quietly sitting there in utter awe, hoping I wasn't noticed and banned for being a weak link, secretly bugging Maynard and Grrrr... for a match with my annoying whispers, chomping at the bit for a chance to test my prowess. I played X'Ds~KiWi in an online tourney once, TvZ, I think, me T. Got smoked. Might've been under my EchoOfDreaMs tag. I was upset because I'm a P player, but I had a really good TvP game, and someone tipped me incorrectly, saying he was playing P at the time, though I remember he played Z vs Drone. I wish I had just played my P, cause that's always been my race. And I take pride in that, because P was long considered the weakest of the 3 in tournament play, at the time having never won a championship since season 1 with Grrrr... That is, until Oops[Reach], the material toss, gave us something to believe in. I personally smurfed under the tag MaterialToss on U.S. West vanilla because I heard they called him that due to his insane macro and for hotkeying like 5 gates (I personally only hotkeyed 3 to 4 on keys 5-8).
I myself always believed my macro was phenomenal. It had to be, because my micro is what made me quit competitive play, and I ruled U.S. West under the name iDoMiNaTe, a tag I stole from [CREW]iDoM on U.S. East, cause the name was fitting. I never claimed to be him, and actually ran into [CREW]Arrow once on a rare East server appearance for me after moving West, and asked if iDoM still played and that no disrespect was intended. He told me he didn't personally think [CREW]iDoM played anymore, but I paid my respects. Your name on Starcraft was everything, and games and 1v1s were so hyped that many famous players, and make no mistake, I became famous on U.S. West in the vanilla community under iDoMiNaTe, played incognito on smurf accounts, and I would never claim to be another player.
I remember when I knew, without a doubt, that I was the top dawg around on pub servers, when familiar server players started challenging me. Ling...br00dling??? He was an active member and had some respectability, though he talked like he was amazing. He goaded me once, talking smack for a good hour, trying to get a game. He had remembered me from like a year or 2 before and was saying I was a nobody, and not that strong. Small thing to a giant, but I finally agreed to 1v1 him, and I mopped him in a PvZ in under 20. I look back now, and realize that was the highest form of honor I could've gotten, and what I must've looked like to Eriador (Drone) and Maynard a year or 2 before. Some months later, I saw him again and he had a link to a tourney he had played that he won (of course, showboating as always) with some player under the tag ThePrelate (iDoMiNaTe), as a runner up. I was personally offended that he thought or assumed it was me, cause it wasn't. I said something to him personally. Like dude, that wasn't me and I'm more than a litte upset u thought it was please take it down or fix it. He kinda shrugged it off, but that's how important your handle and identity on Starcraft was.
So now that I've given most of my history as an amateur SC player, I'll tell u why I quit. For 1, I met and played Artosis personally at the 2002, I'm pretty sure it was 2002, state qualifiers at Comp USA in Braintree, MA. HoVz, a name that disappeared into obscurity, had won the previous year in 2001, with Artosis coming in second at that time. I live in Lowell, MA, and Braintree was almost an hour and a half away for me, and I had to go through Boston to get to it. Anyway, I finally got there in 2002, playing under the name I had been most known as, iDoMiNaTe. My best friend came with me for moral support. We blazed a joint of some bomb skunk weed in the parking lot before it began, to settle the nerves amd take the edge off, and I came in reeking of some dank nugz. I believe they'd say that stuff was LOUD AF nowadays, and I got quite a few glares. Fuck em, I do what I want. I want to stress that I never enjoyed BW. I prefer the balance of original SC, casually known as vanilla. But I knew if I wanted to be pro, I had to play it. I got slaughtered by KiWi in that tourney, not just cause of the TvZ matchup, but also because I didn't have the right balance of units and he came in with more lurkers than I expected. Even though I expected some, the amount was overwhelming and I had marines with range/medics, and teched fast to science vessels with irradiate. I was missing a key component, though. If I had included firebats and had brought siege tanks, and waited to tech to vessels with irradiate later on, it'd have been diff. I think I lost to Liquid`Ninja in the same tourney, double elim, to a DT (Dark Templar) rush. He went right for my cyber core and it was a wrap. Looking back now, I personally believe my lack of BW play was known, as my name was known, and used against me.
I personally believe I played SlayersBoxer on vanilla once, under a smurf account of his. I had seen his replays and if it wasn't him, he had a similar style. My macro is incredible, not to toot my own horn, and I played a random public game at like 3am EST where we had barely 1 skirmish for an hour straight as we both just expanded and covered the map, and legit the sonofagun did what I used to do - when we had nearly mined the map, he gave me vision and he had expanded to a dropship spot that was on my side of the map, which gave him 2 mining spots over me, and about 55% to my 45% map coverage. U gotta understand, it was a PvT matchup and T have supply depots and bays and barracks and shit that litter the map, and are far more effective at drawing auto-attack than pylons and the occasional gate or photon cannon because they're MOBILE distractions as well as stationary, creating far more difficult obstacles to maneuver through. We had 1 big skirmish, and although he didn't gain ground, the one dropship base he had on me that I should've gotten to, was the last base unmined and I said gg and then typed "SlayersBoxer?" And he left. I swear it was him.
Onto why I quit. At the 2002 qualifier I had practiced BW exclusively for a couple months leading up to it. It was double elim. My first game, I had THOUGHT the map selection was gonna be the same as the year before, and it was a map I had never played. I scouted later than usual, focusing on my macro and fully believing I was unmatched in it with my personal build orders and nuances that I had never seen anyone, not even pros, use. Turns out it was a map similar to HoV, an air map, and although I found out relatively quickly, I had double robo'd with no stargate, intending reavs for PvZ with some dropship harassment, and he went mass muta and I was friggin' demolished, much to my chagrin, without any corsairs or scouts. Forget who I played first game, didn't recognize the name. Second game was vs Artosis, PvP, my personal worst matchup with toss, and he won. But I was sure that I was as good as him. I play on a laptop, and had to use desktop, and I wanted to prove it. So I found him on the servers, whispered him and told him who I was, and asked for a rematch saying I'm a lot better on my personal laptop. We played on the map Jungle. He won, but it was close. Afterwards he was like who were u again? And I told him what I was wearing at the qualifier, and he was like oh ok I remember, and then followed up with "u and I were the best one's there," which I very much appreciated him saying. Told him it sucked to have to play on desktop, and that I was thankful for the respect. U gotta understand how it worked back then, SC was the first professional game where players were sponsored and paid to play. Only the best from each state went to nationals. Second place meant nothing, and I didn't even come in second. Anyway, literally less than a month after the qualifier, a buddy of mine, his tag was something like Indig0, came to me on U.S. West outta nowhere. He whispers me like "yo I found the pro room, I'm a give it to u but u gotta be quick." Love him for that.
So at this point in SC, they had private server korean leagues and stuff, and I had personally thought the pros had left public servers for good. I joined a few of those leagues, forget the names, but enjoyed the legendary status and recognition and familiarity I had earned on U.S. West, where I was actively sought and challenged, and where I was known. Plus most didn't speak English. Replays were out over a year now, and the average players skill had gone up because of them, but I was still the best around on public servers. When the pros are on public servers, and the channel gets leaked, it gets flooded with scrubs and they move somewhere else, so I knew my window was short. I was literally at my peak, hadn't lost a serious game or best of 3 in forever, and I knew I wasn't gonna be better than I was then, so I had to know for sure whether or not I could compete with them. I kept up with and got the nod of respect from Artosis, so I knew I wasn't exaggerating my skill level in my head. So I joined the channel and sought a game. Please understand why it's an honor even to be allowed a match in SC from a pro player, and why they move channels and don't respond to whispers or challenges from pub players. If u aren't playing the very best competition, it actually lowers your skill level. Iron sharpens iron, if u will, which is funny cause that's who I got a game with.
I asked around humbly, stating I really need a game with a professional to see if this was something obtainable for me, or just a dream. I talked to a player, forget his tag, who said he'd ask around. I saw a player with a new account, but a famous tag. His name was Iron[pG], and he only had 9 games played. He agreed to play me, and the other player I spoke to who said he'd look around, joined to observe. PvT, a fav of mine, and it ended in 5 minutes. My macro and tech were right on par, better even, but he came with a dropship and single tank/2 scvs, and his micro literally crushed my initial 2 goons and the 3rd coming out. I tried my best to target him properly as he picked up and dropped his tank, alternating between the tank and dropship with my goons, but I just couldn't land a hit on his damn tank for the life of me. I almost got the dropship, but his scvs quickly repaired it. Another dropship came with 2 more tanks, and it was over. And I knew without proper training on micro from another pro, I would never get any further. I asked the obs what he thought and he said "at first, I thought u gosu" and that made me feel good, but I decided 5 years was enough, I had plateaud, and my micro wasn't nearly good enough. I mean in bigger skirmishes, I micro well enough. But my goon targeting vs drop ships totally sucked, clearly!
MY contribution to Starcraft, and this is a fact cause I've never seen anyone else with the build order, and I DID have countless replays to prove it, all lost in the annex of time, is a slightly faster variation of the usual 8 pylon/10 gate. The apm program that came out, bwchart, if that's still around and the cloud still there, I may be able to retrieve some old replays of mine by logging in. I watched that tourney they had when sc: remastered came out, with rematches of seasons 1-5's finalists, and didn't see Grrrr... or Reach use the build. I learned that by holding off on a probe for just a second count at 7, I could get a faster pylon. And by doing so, I could warp a gate at 9. So my contribution to SC:BW, apart from being a member of the community and an actual legend on U.S. West vanilla, is the toss build order 7 pylon, 9 gate. Even the pros don't use it. Or they didn't when I was active. I dunno I literally quit forever after losing to Iron[pG], whoever he was he was a pro for sure. I wish someone would've trained me in micro targeting. Those stupid micro maps with the rounds just weren't enough.
There's a lot that came from SC. Profession esports for 1, but also online regional qualifiers, TeamLiquid, and a community of dedicated players like I have never seen in a game since. I wish there was a memorial site where the legends of the game could be honored and remembered. I was in awe of you guys. And gals, even. h.ANG)Dodo I believe, I remember as being the first professional female player. Your name is forever in my memory. X'Ds~Grrrr... you made me fall in love with toss. Oops[Reach], u inspired me and made me believe macro was good enough to counter micro, and I overwhelmed my opponents in many games with superior map expansion and unit production. LiquidDrone you are my personal favorite player, and I got into pissing contests when other top players said u weren't that good, not understanding that at one point, u were amazing and ahead of the curb, and that u personally sacrificed time u could've spent honing skills to organizing and creating leagues those same players played in, or how humble u were. To my first clan, Omar and JRowan and Jay of Ultimate Races (not the coolest clan name), I literally lied and u guys allowed me to make a clan url page, when the web was still young and domain names were abundant, and websites were free to make. I took the time to learn html in order to create it, and I hope it's there somewhere, in the deep web, an incomplete but personal page just for us. And thank you guys for that little reunion we had where we found each other years later. To Artosis - I personally look at you and think to myself, that might've been me. Thank you for saying I was the best there that year, next to u. Your wiki is wrong, however. U didn't win states for NH, u won for MA, unless it refers to a later year. And to all the legends, I know my name deserves inclusion. I played with the best, I lost to them, but I was on the level. I learned from u guys, admired u guys, followed u guys, and I hope and believe that you guys, too, remember me and deemed me worthy. To CHeMy, thanks for allowing me to join the SCers, though it was for a short while and at the end of their reign. It meant a lot, and as a player I looked up to, and actually defeated in a few games as we shared a short friendship when I joined as SCRaVe, it helped me realize that I had become that which I admired. We're legends boys! Apart of history forever! And I'll never forget. If any u guys read this, I hope u reach out
submitted by Weekly-Ostrich-1791 to starcraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:27 rovercrimea New old stuff. Sigma 70-210 1:3.5-4.5 APO Macro.

New old stuff. Sigma 70-210 1:3.5-4.5 APO Macro. submitted by rovercrimea to Nikon [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:22 tsukipon Late night Bockman be like

Late night Bockman be like
Trying to get through my daily 10 mentor roulettes and I'm used to seeing a macro here and there from comm fishers in guildhests, but I never expected 3 in one. The sound effect multiline one being the worst of the worst.
Just something funny and random to share.
please, can I have a normal guildhest run?
submitted by tsukipon to TalesFromDF [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:37 LongynusZ Jungler motivational Post (quite long)

Jungler always wants to win the game, laners want to win their lane.
Keep this in mind, and remember that whenever you pick smite.
Hello fellow junglers, the main reason of this post is just to fuel our constant goal to grow, to fully commit climbing but the most important thing, keeping your mind and don't go monke (haha funny jungle pun).
1- Jungling is hard.
League is already a hard game and whoever says the opposite is just trying to look cool or straight joking and now imagine picking the hardest role, not by mechanics (whe do pve lol) but the cracked chess game inside this moba is sometimes insane. Do I need to invade? Do we have vision in his blue side? Is the jungler ganking top to do a crossmap? Better play for wincon 5/0 adc with my Sejuani. This drake is a suicide, not worth while baron is up.
Stand proud, you are already strong.

2- Mental is key.
Yeah, mechanics are cool and can make you climb far, but if your mental is weak and break after the first stolen Scuttle. Your botlane is 0/7 at min 6? Play for that Illaoi top; your mid is perma pushed, gank that coky Yone and make him go afk. Enemy team helps his jungler taking grubs, push mid and punish them with a plate.
All your lanes are losing... You lose the game and that is OK. Well is bad, you lose LP but what did you learn from those 25 min? Did you lose trade with that Viego? Ok, dont do it again without advantage. Did you get caught in drake pit? Secure vision next time.
The jungler mind state MUST be the strongest in the team, ups, sorry, in the rift and I will point this in the next point.

3 - You have no allies, you have pieces.
But it’s a “team game”, dude, solo queue is the most competitive mode in this game, people would mental boom at the slightiest mistake.
Like in poker, you pick random cards (teammates) and is your own power to make the best use of this hand, sometimes bad, others good.
Personally, I assume they are “npc”, mute them if they start flaming, mute yourself if necessary. There will be games that you would literally 1v9 in order to win, and it’s real, I was reluctant to believe this concept, but reality hits hard.

4 – Trust yourself.
I wont lie to you, build this, getting confidence is not easy. Maybe you are bronze, and you know you are a bad player because “elo” but you also know via guides and some tutorials that going aram at 10 min is not the way to win.
Your teammates will ping you, flame you and other things, ignore them, trusting yourself is knowing what is the correct play and doing it while your “allies” do whatever they want.
I’m emerald, and a way of trusting myself is knowing my micro is not the best, but I know when to push, farm like a mad, watch my replays, vision obsession does wonders and avoid death like a plague. Just some macro that you gain practicing and studying the game, however I need better micro because I’m bad fighting 1v1 in same conditions (Yi, Sett, Vayne, Bel’veth are my nemesis).
Knowing what is your strength and weakness is the best method of self confidence does n’t matter the elo or even the game.

5 – You are the jungler.
Yes, you picked Smite and be prepared to get pointed out by every mistake like everyone says.
However, if your 0/4 Ezreal spam pings drake while the enemy bot and mid are in the dragon pit, is your decision, it is not worth.
Your 30 CS ahead top is pinging to dive a Renekton with ult, flash and ignite ready. Is your decision to take that play.
“Free baron / free drake” by your laners are meaningless because they don’t know how the jungle works, pathing, tempo, jungle tracking, ganks, etc. If you die, they can steal your camps, smite fights are a coinflip, trust yourself to tell a simple “no”.
Give away that ocean drake and crossmap grubs for example, is better 2 small larvas than nothing.
Don't let some random make you feel bad, honestly, they are worst because they think are right while is not (rarely right), I lost the count of how many trolls, inters and losing laners went mad at me, and after some time watched their profile still lingering in the same elo, but I climbed, opposite when they told me "jungle diff".
If you read this far, I hope your next laners help you in every objective and if they are losing, the play safe and wait for their team.
Those are the best games, even if some lanes or you lose, everyone tries their best to cover everyone and defeat the enemies and destroy the enemy nexus.

Long live to Junglers!
submitted by LongynusZ to Jungle_Mains [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 13:03 StraightOuttaOlaphis The pharaoh wants you

The pharaoh wants you submitted by StraightOuttaOlaphis to tumblr [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:08 RandomLettuce51 Unmasking the Future: A Deep Dive into HOOD

Unmasking the Future: A Deep Dive into HOOD
Good evening gents, writing to you from the EST timezone and dreading work tomorrow. Soon my option trading will free me from the corporate rat race.
Robinhood (HOOD) reported earnings last week: Actual EPS: $0.18 (expected EPS: $0.05)
I recently bought HOOD shares before earnings and then again after EPS beat. I am so horny for HOOD and actually listened to the earnings call. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing Vlad & Co. talk about their recent success with Robinhood gold, IRA match, 24hr trading, crypto, RH Gold Credit card, upcoming futures trading, and more.
What stood out to me was their recent growth in net deposits and gold subscription growth. What's funny is, that I recently bought Robinhood Gold and then bought HOOD shares thinking many idiots like myself probably bought gold as well (anticipating an increase in subscriber count on their earnings call)
EPS call Highlights:
  • Robinhood Gold's credit card has over 1 million users on the waitlist within a month of announcement. The card offers 3% cash back on all purchases, RH Gold saw subscriptions soaring by 42% YoY to 1.7 million. The program's success reflects the company's diversified and robust subscription revenue​ strategy.
  • Successful at transitioning from a net loss of $511 million to a net income of $157 million
  • RH Gold subscription growth: "In Q1 [2024], we grew Gold subscribers to 1.7 million, up 42%, or 500,000 from last year. This momentum has continued into Q2 as we added another 140,000 Gold subscribers in April, more than half of our Q1 growth"
  • Net deposits up 65% YoY (130billion+ assets under custody), with strong momentum going into next quarter
  • "We are a technology company" - Vlad
MACRO: An estimated $68 trillion is expected to be transferred from Baby Boomers to their heirs by 2030, marking the largest wealth transfer in history.
  • Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, currently hold a significant portion of wealth in the United States. As they age, their wealth is increasingly being passed down to younger generations, particularly Millennials
With crypto and option trading volume at record highs, millennials are favoring more progressive (and "instant") fintech products such as Robinhood, Webull, Coinbase etc.
I believe that Robinhood has a tight grip on the culture of investing – once millennials "receive" the wealth transfer they will be more inclined to deposit funds into Robinhood ((note: I'm sure a lot of folks will still keep their legacy (Schwab, Fidelity etc.) accounts open))
Positions: Two option contracts I bought before earnings –
  • I own shares in my Schwab account at an average cost basis of ~18$
submitted by RandomLettuce51 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:38 dnelson2408 Summary of this channel, data, and news for the last 3 weeks.

Summary of this channel, data, and news for the last 3 weeks.
Afternoon all,
I thought it might be fun to try and take the last three weeks and have a recap of the data and news surrounding RILY. I just searched this sub and news outlets and such for the last 3 weeks and took notes then fed them into an AI software asking it to summarize everything. In no way is this Financial Advice just a fun task.
"The financial landscape for B. Riley Financial, Inc. showcases a dynamic narrative of operational resilience and strategic positioning. The company's recent activities reflect a strategic focus on managing debt obligations effectively while optimizing business segments for sustainable growth. The strategic review process for Great American Group retail liquidation and appraisal businesses is progressing, indicating a commitment to enhancing operational efficiency and value creation.
In the earnings summary, a net loss of $51 million was reported, primarily driven by investment-related losses and professional services expenses. Despite these challenges, the company's strategic initiatives and operational performance remain robust, as highlighted in the earnings call. Executives Bryant Riley and Tom Kelleher emphasized the company's operational excellence and strategic direction, underscoring a commitment to shareholder value and sustainable growth. The company's strategic reviews and commitment to shareholder value remain steadfast amidst market volatility caused by short manipulation.
Furthermore, the full redemption of $25,000,000 aggregate principal amount of 6.75% Senior Notes due 2024 signifies a proactive approach to managing debt and strengthening the company's financial position. This strategic move aligns with the company's focus on optimizing its capital structure and enhancing financial flexibility.
Overall, B. Riley Financial's narrative is one of resilience, strategic foresight, and operational excellence in navigating market dynamics and challenges. The company's commitment to financial prudence, strategic reviews, and operational performance positions it well for sustained growth and value creation in the evolving financial landscape."
Below is the data the AI used to create the summary. Just copy and pasted from a very quick and crude gathering of information into a word doc. I also enjoyed the earnings summary the AI did. The last line made me feel happy thoughts. - In summary, B. Riley Financial's first-quarter 2024 results underscore its strong operational foundation and strategic foresight, positioning it well for future growth and shareholder value creation.
1. Cohodes being loud and classless examples
2. Discussion about FUD and shorts deception
I see the shorts (Marc Cohoded and Co.) are still at it, trying to l use a fake psychological twist to cause doubt. Let's stick to the facts and let the price go where it will in the long term. Short thesis was and is there was fraud, both proven wrong by independent investigation and a clean independent audit if the 10-K and now 10-Q. You can slap that one around anyway you want, but both came up clean. First, they have stated their intentions of a sale of a carried undervalued asset (Great American) by a third party for a massive realized gain. Good for the investors and bond holders as they said they would use funds to deleveverage the balance sheet and buy back stock which already has very little float. Second, I have never seen a company that is paying dividends go under whith out, completely eliminating the dividends first (RILY still pays a dividend and baby bonds are all current--none are in any default). Third, business has been good with lots of new hires, new capital makets raises and fees and their business seems to be thriving. Shorts will try to mislead all of us with their lies and deciept but if we hold strong I believe that the stock will go to at least 50 ish in the short term where they did their secondary. I believe at that point, RILY may run into a bit of resistance. However, a squeeze could easily send us through that to new highs. Patience is the key as they have stated all this in their press releases in the recent past. If we al on this sitel just buy 100 to 1000 shares on Monday and hld through the 29th to get the dividends. this will rocket to new heights. This is not a recommendation, simply my thoughts. Do your own due diligence.
3.Stop lending shares=pain for shorts = short squeeze
If all longs can stop lending shares at least I believe we can cause shorts to cover. There is no valid short narrative, both longs and shorts know this. Now it’s purely who can hold out longer. Shorts have been very active as of late trying to push share price lower and with many of us loaning shares out we are actually helping the shorts hurt us. I believe if we stopped lending out shares borrow rate skyrockets and that added cost combined with dividend and gradual upward movement will force shorts to cover. Granted news release can help but we don’t need news we just need to stop lending and wait and see.
4. Link to short sale volume post
5. Article showing RILY coming back
6. Rily - Day 3 of short attacks - There's a positive
Our favorite shorts cohodes&co is on overdrive releasing as much fake accusations as possible, they now have been adding a lot to their position at a higher price point with shares in the 30s, now the shorts cost basis has gotten worse for them. With more shares at a worst cost with dividends coming due as well as borrow fees , shorts have less wiggle room especially if stock goes to 40 again. Now at 40 I believe they will be losing money. With insiders hopefully buying soon and the company continuing their share buy back program , that can lead to upward movement in share price leading to the “squeeze “.
7. $RILY Earnings Summary
Not financial advice.
It was an interesting investor call, an almost boring call which was refreshing. The company had a net loss of $51m driven by non-cash items including $29m unrealized loss on investments and a $30m fair value adjustment on their loans.
Cash flows were pretty good, with operating cash flows of $135m and adjusted operating EBITDA of $66m.
Targus and American Freight contributed nothing this quarter, both companies are historically strong businesses but have been working through a business cycle post-COVID after many Americans bought the things they needed. Those companies should improve in the next year.
The company previously announced a potential sale of Great American Group. Q-1 earnings for that segment increased to $35m of EBITDA, so at 10-12x a potential sale is looking like $350-$420m. On the call they said that is expected by early Q3. They also mentioned possibly looking at a sale in their Brands division later this year with the goal of retiring their discounted debt, citing it as an opportunity.
The short thesis crumbled last month with a clean 10-K and two internal investigations which added an additional $7m in expense but presumably were quite thorough and completely debunked claims by bears.
There are no shares available to borrow per Fintel:
And short interest remains at approximately 65% with 9 million shares short, though the retail float is thought to be much smaller, maybe 2m shares.
The company has $34m available at quarter end for buybacks from a previously approved program.
I see value here, and I liked what I heard on the call.
8. Misconceptions - Rily Share Structure
There seems to be a lot of confusion about the company’s share structure and I would like to use this post to help not only my own understanding but also help others. It’s a bit confusing but let’s tackle it together.
I got this information from marketwatch: Total Float = 30 million shares Public float = 16 million shares Shares sold short = 9 million shares % of public float sold short = 56.38%
According to fintel: Institutional ownership = 14.18 million shares
So let me get this straight, there is 16 million shares in the public float and institutions own 89% of that (14.18 million shares). So that would mean retail investors collectively only have about 1.82 million shares to trade around amongst ourselves. Let’s call that retail float.
So, retail float = 1.82 million shares.
Let’s wrap up all the most important information (imo) regarding the current share structure and please correct me if any of the information I presented here today is false:
Total float = 30m
Public float = 16m
Shares short = 9m
Retail float = 1.82m
Where I think it gets the most interesting is when you divide shares short by retail float. 9/1.82= 4.95 or 495% of retail float.
Hope this helps clear up any confusion regarding the share structure.
3d ago
THIS RESPONSE IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. NFA. Do your own DD, make your own decisions.
Based on OP calculation.
1. Total Float: About 30 million shares.
2. Public Float: 16 million shares.
3. Shares Sold Short: 9 million shares.
4. % of Public Float Sold Short: 56.38%.
5. Institutional Ownership: 14.18 million shares.
6. Retail Float: 1.82 million shares (calculated as Public Float - Institutional Ownership).
Given this information:

Understanding Short Interest

· Shares Sold Short: About 9 million shares.
· Retail Float: 1.82 million shares.
· Short Interest as a Percentage of Retail Float: 9 million shares/1.82 million shares≈495%
This high percentage indicates that the short interest is nearly five times the available retail float, which could lead to a short squeeze if investors hold onto their shares and/or demand increases.

Days to Cover (Short Interest Ratio)

The Days to Cover metric gives an estimate of how many days it would take for short sellers to cover their positions based on the average daily trading volume. Here’s how to calculate it:
1. Determine the average daily trading volume (ADTV): This information is usually available on financial websites like MarketWatch or Yahoo Finance. Let’s assume the ADTV is 1,000,000 shares (this is an example, you should use the actual ADTV for a more precise calculation).
2. Days to Cover: Shares Sold Short/ADTV
Using our example ADTV: Days to Cover=9,000,000 (short shares)/1,000,000(Avg. Daily Volume)=9 days Days to Cover

Potential Implications

· High Short Interest Ratio: A high Days to Cover ratio suggests it would take a significant amount of time for shorts to cover their positions, which can lead to increased volatility.
· Potential for a Short Squeeze: With a high percentage of the retail float sold short, if retail investors decided to hold their shares and the stock price rises, short sellers may be forced to buy back shares at higher prices, leading to a potential short squeeze.
· Limited Retail Float: With only 1.82 million shares available for retail trading, any significant buying pressure from institutional investors and/or retail investors it could quickly drive up the stock price.
9. Why Even the Joker Thinks You’d Be a _____ For Not Taking A Look at RILY Stock
Batman here. You might know me as the Dark Knight, the Caped Crusader, or the guy who really, really, really wants to own a spaceship. Today, straight from the Batcave, lets talk about something as exciting as racing the Batmobile or the return of Roaring Kitty—RILY stock.
First off, let’s talk numbers, because even a superhero knows the importance of a strong financial foundation. RILY has been buying back shares like Alfred buys Bat-gadgets—strategically and frequently. This move isn’t just a nifty trick; IMO it’s a signal that RILY is confident in its value. When a company buys back its own shares, it’s like Batman investing in more Batarangs—it’s a smart play that shows belief in future performance.
But that’s not all, folks. The recent buzz around RILY isn’t just cat signals in the sky—it’s grounded in solid developments. RILY had to work hard to file their 10K after all the mudslinging from the shorts, but got it done. The first big catalyst domino to fall.
Now, let’s get to the juicy part—earnings and dividends. RILY’s about to drop their Q1 earnings tomorrow, and you know what that means? Dividends! That’s right, folks. RILY is likely to declare a dividend, that our short friends will be paying. Dividends are like the Batmobile’s turbo boost—an extra kick that gets you excited and propels you forward. Plus, once they file their Q, a few days later insiders should be able to start buying again. Form 4s anyone?
Here’s where it gets really interesting: meme stocks are back with a vengeance, wow talk about a left jab, and shorts are on their heels. The RILY squeeze might start very soon or it might not, but with shorts potentially facing margin calls due to price movements in various holdings, and especially if they’ve been shorting RILY all the way down it has not been a good week for the shorts so far. Just look how RILY stock popped this morning on about 200k in volume.
To add insult to injury, to date, NONE of the short thesis has come to fruition or has been confirmed by independent information. They’re in quicksand, and it’s time to gas up the rocket. There are still several catalysts that may come into play here:
Q1 Earnings Release: Scheduled to be filed tomorrow, providing insights into the company's recent performance. The deal flow on their website was up YoY.
Dividend Announcements: Anticipated dividends right around the corner.
Insider Buying: Once the Q1 earnings are filed, insiders should be able to buy stock again, expect to see some Form 4s in very short order.
Sale of Great America Division: If RILY sales Great American, they have said the proceeds from this sale are expected to be used to reduce debt and fund further stock buybacks, potentially enhancing shareholder value.
Low Float: With a limited number of shares available for trading, increased demand can lead to significant price movements.
Buybacks: Ongoing buybacks can continue to support the stock price.
Meme Stock Momentum: With meme stocks making a comeback, there's increased interest and activity in stocks that are short and that could drive up RILY’s stock price.
Short Squeeze Potential: Low public float, company buybacks, insider buying…mix that up and you have the recipe for a potential squeeze.
Roaring Kitty's Return: The return of Roaring Kitty, a key figure in the meme stock movement, brings renewed attention and excitement to the stock market in general.
And, guess who just chimed in on RILY earlier today? That's right—JeffAmazon from the GameStop meme trade and Netflix documentary! He made a little tweet tweet on $RILY
Additional Catalysts: What do you all think…..
Stay vigilant, stay smart, and just my thoughts—do your own due diligence and make your own decisions. NFA.
Well, IMO even Stevie Wonder can see that the latest article on FRG is just another hatchet job. IMO the problem with creating a narrative is that the facts can’t keep up, and boy, did they fall behind here.
RILY conducted not one, but two independent investigations and found zilch issues with its FRG investment or loans made to Kahn. And guess what? No connection with Prophecy either. FRG did their own investigation and also found no connection with Prophecy. So, to call the relationship between RILY and FRG controversial is like calling a puppy dangerous—laughable.
In RILY's 10k, they marked up their FRG investment FMV $281 million to $286 million…
FRG's FY23 financials are public, and the attached table shows the maturities of their debt. In 2024, about $10.5 million in debt is maturing. Big deal. Looming debt? Hardly. The real kicker is in 2026 when about $1.5 billion of debt matures—not this year, not next. LOL.
The FRG financials clearly state they were in full compliance with their debt covenants in FY23 and fully expect to be in compliance in FY24. Yet, "the people" say FRG is down double digits in Q1. Funny timing with RILY's Q1 financials coming out on Wednesday, huh? And by the way, FRG's adjusted EBITDA for Q1 FY23 was $66 million, not the $62 million the article claims. Why not use the actual FRG public company number? Maybe because when you're rushing to write a hit piece, you just pick random numbers.
So, according to the article, FRG is down 63% in revenue ($66 million vs. the alleged $25 million).
Sure, FRG sold Badcock and Sylvan Learning, so they might be down YoY, but down 63%?
FRG sold in FY24 Q1 Sylvan for $185 Million cash….and they’re worried about paying $10.5 million in long term debt due this year. Got it.
11. Post talking about NT-10Q
12. Friendly PSA: Manage your emotions
Great Post Below talking about managing emotions during this trade.
13. RILY RS Article 76 to 83
B. Riley Financial (RILY) saw a welcome improvement to its Relative Strength (RS) Rating on Thursday, with an increase from 76 to 83.
IBD's proprietary rating tracks share price performance with a 1 (worst) to 99 (best) score. The score shows how a stock's price performance over the trailing 52 weeks stacks up against all the other stocks in our database.
Over 100 years of market history reveals that the stocks that go on to make the biggest gains typically have an 80 or higher RS Rating as they begin their biggest climbs.
Now is not an ideal time to jump in since it isn't near a proper buy zone, but see if the stock manages to form a base and break out.
The company showed 0% EPS growth last quarter. Revenue rose -9%. The company is expected to report its latest earnings and sales numbers on or around May 15.
The company earns the No. 24 rank among its peers in the Finance-Investment Banking/Brokers industry group. Interactive Brokers (IBKR), Piper Sandler (PIPR) and Ameriprise Financial (AMP) are among the top 5 highly rated stocks within the group.

14. Announcement of 2024 Annual Meeting June 21st
15. Repost: $RILY DD: The real price potential...when the stock is a solid/growing company (not just a squeeze).
16. $RILY- “They can win by doing nothing
12 days ago
Whitebrook capital assessment addressing cohodes&co BS at the peak of their false accusations and in a polite way stating short funds were making things up (misinformation & manipulation ). It seems $RILY is executing on some of the recommendations Whitebrook capital had - share buy back and bond buy back has been executed and continues to be executed on. Whether you invest in $RILY for the long term prospects or the short squeeze that can be triggered any day as lie after lie is exposed. Bottom line is the fair value of $RILY is a lot higher then where it currently trades. We will get a better idea whether share prices deserves to be in the 50s or 60s as we get an update on GAG valuation. Seems many here forget that $RILY creates value by turning companies around and then monetize, this process takes time , they have been able to do this successfully, repeatedly over the years.
17. 3 Videos from Value Don’t Lie on Youtube talking about Financials of RILY and overall company valuation
18. Getting around the NBBO and Longing the Box
So let this sink in… the market opens and in 5 minutes we rally to $34.42, then over the next 15 minutes we drop to $28.80 at which point SSR was triggered and sell volume slows WAY the hell down. That drop was ALL short sellers and NO longs selling shares (otherwise the sell-off wouldnt have stopped literally minutes after SSR triggered). NOW, what the scumbag shorts are doing is going Long Against The Box.
19. Steve Cohen and Point 72 buy 24,917 shares long on May 15th
20. Summarize this earnings call and keep pertinent quotes and data in the summary.
Chat GPT Summary of the full report below
B. Riley Financial, Inc. (NASDAQ: RILY) reported its first-quarter 2024 financial results, showcasing resilience and operational strength despite facing challenging market conditions and unique internal events. Here's a summary with a positive outlook:

First Quarter

2024 Highlights:

1. Quarterly Dividend Declaration:
  • B. Riley declared a quarterly dividend of $0.50 per share, reflecting the company's commitment to returning value to shareholders. The dividend will be paid on or about June 11, 2024, to shareholders of record as of May 27, 2024.
2. Operational Performance:
  • Despite reporting a net loss of $51 million, the company's core operating businesses demonstrated solid performance. This loss was primarily due to non-cash, unrealized investment losses.
  • Total revenues for the quarter were $343 million. Operating revenues, excluding investment-related impacts, were $379 million, showcasing the underlying strength of the company's operations.
3. Strategic Debt Management:
  • B. Riley successfully retired $115 million of its 6.75% 2024 Senior Notes and repaid $57 million of bank debt facilities and notes payable. This strategic move highlights the company's focus on strengthening its balance sheet and reducing interest expenses.
4. Cash and Investments:
  • As of March 31, 2024, the company had total cash and cash equivalents of $191 million and total cash and investments of $1.61 billion, providing a robust liquidity position to support ongoing operations and future investments.
5. Segment Performance:
  • B. Riley Advisory Services: Delivered its strongest first-quarter results in the firm's history, driven by increased demand for appraisals, bankruptcy restructuring, litigation consulting, and real estate services.
  • B. Riley Securities: Benefited from a steady dealmaking environment, generating higher fee income despite a decrease in overall capital markets segment revenues.
  • Wealth Management: Continued to improve operating margins and managed $25.8 billion in assets by quarter-end.
  • Communications: Provided steady cash flow, contributing to the platform's stability.
  • Consumer Products (Targus): While facing macro headwinds in the PC market, Targus remains a leader in its sector, poised for growth as the market stabilizes.

Leadership Insights:

  • Bryant Riley, Chairman and Co-CEO, emphasized the company's operational stability and strategic focus amidst challenging conditions. The firm's resilience is attributed to the dedication of its employees and robust core business performance.
  • Tom Kelleher, Co-CEO, highlighted the impressive performance of B. Riley Advisory Services and the steady contributions from B. Riley Securities and Wealth Management. He expressed optimism about Targus's potential recovery and the company's strategic investments.

Looking Ahead:

B. Riley's strategic initiatives, such as debt reduction and selective investments, position the company for continued success. The ongoing strategic review of its Great American Group retail liquidation and appraisal businesses indicates a proactive approach to optimizing its portfolio. The firm remains committed to delivering value to its shareholders through dividends and operational excellence.
In summary, B. Riley Financial's first-quarter 2024 results underscore its strong operational foundation and strategic foresight, positioning it well for future growth and shareholder value creation.
20. State of the Stock
15 days ago
Not financial advice, do your own research. Don't take advice from the internet, consult a professional financial advisor.
On April 19th, the stock closed at $19.99. Today, it is over 50% higher after a positive 10-K clearing the company of fraud allegations.
The stock touched $40 on April 26 and 29, a 100% gain from a week prior.
The short interest has remained relatively consistent during the move, with 10-11 million shares still short. However, given the time lapsed, I think it's safe to assume that most of those shares were covered and re-shorted in the last two weeks. For future research, we should assume they have an average $35 entry on their short positions.
1st quarter earnings are coming soon. Like many of you, I am a little curious that it hasn't been announced yet, but I have no concerns with everything the company has on its plate. 10-Q's are unaudited and it's very unlikely there is anything to be concerned about, in my opinion.
The company could be coming to the end of their strategic review for GAG. That will eventually result in some additional financial statement adjustments for presentation.
I would expect 1st quarter earnings to be good based on their deal flow and reported transactions.
In November 2023, the board approved $50m for stock buybacks. The company repurchased 728,330 shares at an average price of $21.85, but mainly bought shares in November. That's $16 million spent, and means the company had $34 million approved to buy back stock at year end. The program continues through October 2024. At our current price, that would be 1.1 million shares (3.3% of the outstanding stock).
That is significant for a stock with this many outstanding shares, but more significant for the number of freely traded shares which is far less. How many times have we seen huge price moves on small blocks of shares? If the company adds $10-15 million to that program, that's another 300,000-500,000 shares. Again, it doesn't sound like a huge number but it would add pressure to what will become a dire situation for the shorts.
The shorts may decide not to cover, or to continue the strategy of taking their losses and re-shorting, but their ability to influence the stock back to a level where they truly profit is nonexistent in my opinion, particularly when volume dies between market-moving events.
I am eyeing the $50-$55 range as my price target in the next move up.
21. NOTE on FRG Independent Auditor’s Report
One of the positive things I see IMO was for the billion dollar loan that matures in 2026. “On July 2, 2021, the Company repaid $182.1 million of principal of the First Lien Term Loan using cash proceeds from the sale of the Liberty Tax business. The prepayment also satisfied the requirements for the quarterly principal payments so no additional principal payments with respect to the First Lien Term Loans (excluding the Incremental First Lien Term Loan) are due until the First Lien Term Loan maturity date.” To me this gives them some flexibility for their cash as there isn’t much long term debt due in 2024 or 2025.
22. on May 3rd Cohodes or someone else got media to report 4th quarter from last year as q1 earnings this year. Which was a lie and FUD
23. B. Riley Financial Announces Full Redemption of 6.75% SR Notes Due 2024
17 days ago Wolfiger
LOS ANGELES, May 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- B. Riley Financial, Inc. (NASDAQ: RILY) ("B. Riley" or the "Company") today announced that it has called for the full redemption equal to $25,000,000 aggregate principal amount of its 6.75% Senior Notes due 2024 (the "Notes") on May 31, 2024 (the "Redemption Date").
The redemption price is equal to 100% of the aggregate principal amount, plus any accrued and unpaid interest up to, but excluding, the Redemption Date, as set forth in each notice of redemption delivered to noteholders on May 1, 2024.
24. 8k filed May 1st for Nasdaq Compliance
25. Found management bonus if above 136 by October. Did anybody else know that a part of managements comp was in the form of Performance-based Restricted Stocks Units with a vesting date of 10/27/24 AND A HURDLE PRICE OF $135?!?

submitted by dnelson2408 to RILYStock [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:42 imateasnob Actually a Good Dead Ends?!?!

Actually a Good Dead Ends?!?!
Just a positive tale to brighten your day after yet another YPYT fiasco!
Husband and I went into Dead Ends for his Minimog Moogle run, plus neither of us have the bitchass bird after 100+ runs in this place (only seen it 1 single time). ANYWAY.
Tank is sprinting right out of the gate, yessss LET'S FUCKIN GOOOOO
They start to go down fast on the first trash pull with no mits. I mentally resign myself at that point, but then I spot their Superbolide macro in chat. AW YIS A+
No one is dead weight, so trash dies fast. First boss dies without incident. Then what's that?! They use Superbolide AGAIN on the NEXT TRASH PACK?! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS AND WHERE CAN I GET SOME MORE OF IT?! A+++++
On the second boss, they get a stack of 4 during the last NO FUTUREEEEE segment. I put Celestial Intersection on them, but alas, they still take a fuckton of damage from the aoe spread marker that comes right after. They have like 800hp at this point. I stop to type "lmao" in chat instead of healing because my brain is made of spaghetti, then they die to a boss auto-attack. LMAOOOO
Random offer to repair our gear. No one needs, but it prompts an (all in good fun) EW MENTORS topic because we're all mentors except the NIN. Mentor btw.
My husband absolutely loves this joke (and all bad dad jokes). I've heard it like 50 times by now. It's nowhere near as funny as the little giggle he does when he tells it. NIN response is the best, triggering a hivemind GOTTEM from the tank and me.
Near the end of the last boss, tank stands on top of NIN with the aoe spread marker and kills the NIN. Presumably accidentally, but lmao.
We all say our goodbyes. Tank plans to wait for the trash gear roll (that literally no one cares about, was joking I'm sure) which my husband wins.
Despite the two (hilarious) deaths, it was only a 15-minute dungeon because everyone pressed their buttons. HOORAY! I gotta log off now before I enter some other dungeon and get a Cure 1 spammer to ruin the night's good mood.
submitted by imateasnob to TalesFromDF [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:31 Triad_Fox13 Guys...I get it

I used to be a Garen hater. Refused to touch the champ because he was too easy. No mana, literally free sustain, and a simple combo that demolishes an enemey in a half a second. But I got a shard for Mecha Kingdom Garen and thought it was a cool skin, so I gave him a shot.
Best decision I've ever made in league. Garen is simple, yes, but in his simplicity he lets you focus on the complexity of other things. I used to be terrible at remembering to use ignite or my active items like stridebreaker. But now I've solidified such actions as reflexes just like using any other ability in my kit. Plus I've gotten WAAAAY better at macro. Before I'd always splitpush and die to a 4 man gank. Now I'm able to predict ganks and rotate to other lanes. Always one step ahead of the enemy. Forcing them into a sort of wild goosechase as I distract most of their team so my team can cap objectives.
Finally I have never laughed this much at league. The sheer joy I get from successfully deploying Garen R is unmatched. I don't know why, I've always mained champs like Choggie and Urgot who have similar ults. But Garen's ult is just infinitely more funny for some reason.
So I'm sorry Garen mains for judging our character.
submitted by Triad_Fox13 to GarenMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:01 qrzychu69 Is it really worth it part 2

So, some time ago I made this post:
I am happy to report back that I kept vim mode in Rider, and now I kind of cannot imagine living without it.
TLDR: It's awesome, some quirks can be configured away, but it's mostly worth it.
I made a lot of progres, which also includes plugins for the vim mode - yes, there are plugins :D
For anybody wondering, once you move past the stage where you have to think about which mode you are in, what key is optimal to go to this place etc - you just think it and it just happens.
Cannot live without the kjump plugin, which is inspired by easymotion - leader leader w and every word on the screed gets an id you can jump to. It's awesome. It also has go to line mode, where every line gets a label instead of words, VERY usefull.
I still get frustrated by how the registers work at times, but I just learned to do "ad or "das and then "ap to paste. It's serves as a named clipboard history.
However, I have the following in my .vimrc:
 nnoremap d "_d nnoremap x "_x nnoremap r "_r 
It means that the small deletes don't overwrite my default buffer, and to "cut" instead of delete I have to specify a register. This made my flow a lot less worrysome.
I am still salty that if use line visual mode to copy a full line, it pastes as a new line. So you have to this funny dance with breaking the line you are in, pasting, line up, and ctrl+j to merge them together if you want to paste it in the middle of something.
I also have the following:
map  (MoveLineDown) map  (MoveLineUp) map db (ActivateDatabaseToolWindow) map  ....... 
It's self explanatory, but VERY useful. Actualy, I find .vimrc to be my favourite way to use a shortcut to the IDE function that I cannot remember for some reason. Just add it here and the which-key plugin shows you all the options. It kinda sucks on an ultrawide screen, but works good enough.
I also tested out Harpooner, which is vim-mode plugin trying to emulate Harpoon, but I discovered that bookmarks which always go to the same place fit my flow way better. I also use "Recent files" function a lot in Rider, which has a fuzzy finder, and changes the order of the files like it's reading my mind. I don't neeed Harpoon.
Now, things to master next are macros - few days ago I had to edit 54 files and do one of 3 refactorings in each, which could be done by 3 macros quite easy in like 90% of cases. Still, with vim-mode and some Rider shortcuts I was able to do the whole thing without even moving my wrists! It felt awesome.
Also, why most tutorial skip the f/F and t/T movement?! This is the best thing! I sometimes find myself counting dots or commas, and undoing and retrying until I get it right. It's even kind of fun.
I still kept using ctrl+c and ctrl+v, and Rider makes sure to paste the text even in normal mode, which is just great.
I tried also switching fully to Neovim for our frontend, but it's just not good enough. The LSP for Vue is just meh compared to what Rider has to offer (which also uses the LSP, but adds WAY more). And the clipboard situation is still weird to me, plus, I don't really know how to make a new file from a template, so I will just stay in Rider.
However, to sum up, I am glad I stayed with vim-mode. It didn't make me a better programmer, but surely took away one hindrance between thinking about something and having it happen in the editor. It became natural to switch modes, use the different movements etc.
To anybody wondering - try it in your favourite IDE/editor. Map some IDE functions to vim commands, figure out the clipboard so it's less annoying and go for it.
At least try to use as many keyboard shortcuts as you can from your IDE.
If you can make for two months, it will stick and you will be happy.
I mean, as happy as programming can make you :D
submitted by qrzychu69 to vim [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:38 Imagen-Breaker GT9 Rewrite Part 14.4 - Older Scenes

Part 14.3

Heracles VS Lernaean Hydra

Author Note: I was thinking about it and I really wish that GT9 used more draconic symbolism throughout the story when (or if) I revisit Team Crowley VS Rosencreutz I'll have symbolism of Aleister (TheBeast666), Aiwass (Codename: DRAGON) and Coronzon (The Dragon of the Abyss) all have symbology of them being Dragons preying on a God/Hero like CRC and the reversed conflict of Chaos VS Order you see in mythology, I also wanted to achieve something similar with Kakine Teitoku as he can represent the Fallen Angel and the Seraphim but for now I'll try adding draconian symbolism into Gunha VS CRC.
True Expert Christian Rosencreutz, with his golden rosy cross sword, clashed relentlessly against the indomitable force of the Strongest Gemstone, Sogiita Gunha. With each clash of their powers, the air crackled and compressed, and the pavement trembled beneath.
CRC, observed Sogiita with a mixture of intrigue and disdain. "You fight like the legendary Heracles," he remarked, his voice carrying over the din of battle. "But know this, I am the Lernaean Hydra, and no matter how many heads you sever, I shall always rise again!" Rosencreutz roared to slice the #7’s midsection.
Sogiita, his entire body wreathed in unknowable energy, met CRC's blade unyielding. "Bring it on, old man!" he retorted, his voice brimming with confidence. "I'll knock you down as many times as it takes! I won't stop till you come to your senses and remember your roots, like the roses you love so much, Rosencreutz!!"
Their clash intensified, that old man’s higher dimensional sword colliding with the raw power of that boy’s fists and kicks as they pushed each other to their limits with each sword swing, punch, kick and flash.
Sogiita unleashed a barrage of punches, each strike carrying the force of a meteor, while that silver young man countered: he wielded his sword in his right hand and released impacts followed by white light that was enough to previously take down all of The Bridge Builders Cabal.
As the battle raged on, the very fabric of reality seemed to warp and shift around them, bearing witness to the titanic struggle between two unparalleled forces.
The founder of Rosicrucianism who intimidated reality itself to obey his will and that Gemstone with an unstable personal reality that could change on a whim.
The atmosphere crackled with electrifying distortion.
Sogiita's fists tore through the air with the ferocity of meteors, their velocity enhanced by his ability to adapt and accelerate, surpassing even CRC's speed. As each blow was released, the friction with the surrounding air molecules ignited a scorching heat, intensifying the impact.
The rapid movement of molecules generated an escalating thermal energy, causing the air to seethe with increasing temperature. It was akin to a tempest of incandescent projectiles hurtling towards CRC, their speed surpassing the limits of human perception.
It was like a storm of brilliant fiery arrows was fired at Rosencreutz.
These blazing arrows of force were reminiscent of the elusive strikes employed by the Rose & Cross Leader, ignoring distance with deceptive agility.
With each thunderous punch, that bandana boy sought to overpower his adversary through sheer kinetic force, his unwavering resolve palpable in every motion.
But that wasn't enough for this superhuman.
CRC, wielding his cross sword with precision and skill, deflected each and every one Sogiita's flaming arrows with calculated strikes of his own. Each impact unleashed a burst of blinding white light, sending shockwaves rippling through the chaotic city.
"You think brute strength alone will defeat me?" the silver man taunted, his voice cutting through the chaos of battle. "You may be strong, but strength without strategy is nothing but raw power wasted."
Sogiita grinned, his confidence unshaken. "My strategy is just to knock you out, old man and get you some help old man!" he retorted, his voice ringing with defiance. "I'll K.O. you with my fists and guts alone!!!!"
Rosencreutz's eyes narrowed as he parried another of Sogiita's punches. "Your arrogance will be your downfall," he warned, his tone tinged with certainty. "I may not match your overall speed, but I have something you lack: intellect and precision.”
Christian Rosencreutz then plunged his cross sword into the ground.
"This is what harmed Kamijou Touma," he declared, grinning and unleashing a torrent of lethal invisible attacks from his outstretched palms.
However, the #7 countered with a relentless barrage of flaming arrows from the thermal aftershock of his punches.
Each strike akin to a particle accelerator in its intensity and speed. That Gemstone was the particles being fired on the right and that True Expert was the particles fired on the left.
As the attacks clashed, the battlefield became a spectacle of raw power and precision.
“Roar!” CRC held his open palm to his mouth and blew gently on the tip of the middle finger.
That was all it took for a blaze easily outdoing a flamethrower to rush out. And this was not just any fire. It fed on the power of a ley line and stole vitality from space itself. This overwhelming mass of light and heat was wielded for no other purpose than to take lives. Anyone who tried to survive it using simple composite armor or special fibers would dry up and burn away in less than a second.
But that wouldn't kill another superhuman would it?
Of course not.
“Aaaaarghhhh!!!!” screamed the #7.
Some assaults bypassed the fray entirely, slipping through the chaos like elusive particles in a collider.
A smokescreen.
Those brilliant fireworks from hell weren't meant to take Sogiita’s life. They were meant to disrupt the Gemstone's senses and sight so he couldn't counter all of that old man’s deadly attacks.
Invisible strikes found their mark on that Gemstone, and the searing arrows of the arrows scorched Rosencreutz.
CRC was wounded but he rejected to make any whimpers. Instead with a sudden burst of velocity, the young silver man picked up his cross sword from the ground and launched a flurry of strikes, cutting at the #7’s body with pinpoint accuracy.
His arms, his head, his face, his stomach, his legs, his midsection, his back.
Each blow landed with devastating force, causing Sogiita to stagger back under the onslaught.
If that bandana boy hadn't had his defenses and general stats raised by the #5 he’d be cut to pieces.
The #7 fell on his back.
"There's a fire," Sogiita declared, his voice ringing out amidst the chaos of battle.
With each attempt to break his spirit, Sogiita's resolve only grew stronger, fueling the flames of his determination. "Every time someone tries to make me give up, it's like wind feeding my flames, making them burn even brighter just like my punches," he explained, his words carrying the weight of his unwavering determination.
He refused to stay down.
With a roar of defiance, Sogiita surged forward once more, his movements blurring with speed as he disappeared from view. In the blink of an eye, he reappeared behind Christian Rosencreutz, catching the magician off guard.
"Hey, old man," Sogiita taunted, his voice filled with confidence as he seized Rosencreutz from behind.
Christian Rosencreutz's eyes widened in surprise as he realized he had been outmaneuvered.
As Sogiita Gunha faced off against Christian Rosencreutz in their airborne duel, he felt the flames of determination burning within him, driving him forward with unstoppable force.
Before he could react, the boy lifted him effortlessly and slammed him onto the pavement below with a resounding thud.
"I'm not just a kick-boxer!!" Sogiita sang.
As the impact reverberated through the air, the young silver man let out a pained cry. The force of the collision compressed the surrounding air, heating it up until it crackled with energy. Christian Rosencreutz's head struck the ground with a velocity equivalent to mach 20, igniting his body in flames upon impact.
This move is called a suplex.
Struggling to regain his bearings, Rosencreutz muttered in a daze, "The House of the Holy Spirit...the seven walls..."
"You said it yourself, didn't you?" the gutsy boy retorted, cocky. "My power and my guts can break through your impenetrable walls. And I can spread those same guts to the world around me."
With a grimace, Christian Rosencreutz acknowledged the truth of the boy's words. "Your uncontrolled AIM field grants you the ability to imbue non-organic objects with the properties of your virus," he observed, his voice tinged with begrudging admiration. "Allowing them to bypass even the defenses of the seven-walled tomb.”
"A virus? Don't be so gutless, CRC," the #7 retorted, his voice filled with defiance. "This battleground ruled by wills is a two-way road between you and me."
Christian Rosencreutz raised an eyebrow at the boy's words. "Hey Gemstone, you could've killed me if I weren't a superhuman with an idealized body that accomplished The Great Work and crossed the Ungrund, what then short-stack?" he questioned while fitting an insult against his height.
Even without the seven-walled tomb or sheets of diamonds Rosencreutz was cartoonishly durable.
"Sorry, old man," Sogiita retorted, a hint of irritation lacing his words at the jab about his height. "I may have let my enthusiasm get the better of me, but rest assured, I understand the magnitude of this battle. Just like the Hydra, no matter how many heads you regrow, I'll persevere until I've completed my labors.”
"Mhm, so you do know your mythology," CRC remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice. "The Lernaean Hydra, or simply Hydra, is a serpentine lake monster in Greek and Roman mythology. Its lair was the lake of Lerna in the Argolid, known as an entrance to the Underworld. In the canonical myth, the monster is slain by Heracles as part of his Twelve Labors."
"Yeah, I know," Sogiita replied confidently. "I studied the tales of great gutsy heroes in school.”
"So, short-stack," Christian Rosencreutz began, his voice carrying a hint of scholarly interest. “Have you ever considered the parallels between our battle and ancient Near Eastern religions?”
Sogiita listened intently. "Are you saying you see yourself as a god of war or a hunter?" he inquired.
CRC chuckled softly. "In a sense, indeed. We are both assuming roles in this grand theater, are we not? I, the Hydra, and you, Heracles."
He continued, "Consider the Second Labor of Heracles. Eurystheus, the king of Tiryns, sent Heracles to slay the Hydra, which Hera had raised specifically to defeat him. Heracles approached the swamp near Lake Lerna, where the Hydra dwelled. To protect himself from the poisonous fumes, he covered his mouth and nose with a cloth and shot flaming arrows into the Hydra's lair, causing it to emerge and terrorize the surrounding villages."
CRC paused, drawing a comparison. “In our own clash, the flaming arrows that Heracles hurled at the Hydra find their echo in your lightning-fast fists, generating shockwaves that ignite the air with their speed and force. It's as though each strike of yours is akin to shooting a flaming arrow, much like Heracles did.”
“Huh? Are you suggesting we're caught in a time loop? That some enigmatic group, like the Bridge Builders Cabal, manipulated events to resurrect you, pitting us against each other in a timeless struggle? I've never met them, and I'm certainly no child of Zeus. Are you implying that our battle will be distorted into a Greek legend by a meddling time traveler?!” frantically asked the boy.
“No, no, you simpleton. This world contains synchronicities. In Sumerian, Babylonian, and Assyrian mythology, the war and hunting god Ninurta was celebrated for his deeds. The Angim credited him with slaying eleven monsters during an expedition to the mountains, including a seven-headed serpent, possibly identical to the Mushmahhu, and Bashmu, whose constellation was later associated with the Hydra by the Greeks. In Babylonian contexts, the Hydra's constellation is also linked to Marduk's dragon, the Mushhushshu.”
“Uhhh….” That shounen boy was dumbfounded.
"Hhm, I suppose calling it a time loop isn't technically wrong," Christian Rosencreutz began, his tone measured. "I'll break it down from history class and reconstruct it through the lens of the occult. Historic recurrence, young Gemstone, is the phenomenon of events echoing throughout time. Whether it's the rise and fall of empires or the repetitive cycles within a single society, it's all part of this grand plan that was decided when Adam ate the forbidden fruit."
The #7 with his guard up but curious listened: "So, history just keeps repeating itself? Just a series of coincidences?"
Christian Rosencreutz shook his head sagely. "There is no such thing as coincidences. Take, for instance, the Doctrine of Eternal Recurrence, pondered upon by thinkers like Heinrich Heine and Friedrich Nietzsche. While it's said that 'history repeats itself,' it's not quite that simple. Rather, these recurrences stem from identifiable circumstances and chains of causality."
He continued, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of philosophical debate. "Consider the phenomenon of multiple independent discoveries in science or the reproducible findings in natural and social sciences. These recurrences, whether in the form of rigorous experimentation or comparative research, are vital to our understanding of the world."
Christian Rosencreutz paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. "G.W. Trompf, in his seminal work, The Idea of Historical Recurrence in Western Thought, illustrates the recurring patterns of political thought and behavior since ancient times. Through these patterns, history offers us invaluable lessons, often leading to a sense of resonance or déjà vu."
Their words reverberated like a challenge to destiny itself, a testament to their unyielding determination in the face of adversity.
That Gemstone didn't surrender his characteristic fervor. "History echoing through time, huh? It's like the universe itself is stuck on repeat, and we're just caught in the cycle. But you know what? If history's gonna keep looping, then let's break the pattern! Let's smash through those chains of causality and forge our own path. Who cares about déjà vu? We'll create something entirely new, something that'll shake the very foundations of this world and we’ll do it with guts!!!" He defied that silver monster.
But Rosencreutz wasn't finished. He pulled out his Crystal World Map.
The supposedly old man listened intently to that boy's impassioned response, his expression inscrutable behind his clairvoyant card. After a moment of contemplation, he spoke.
“Gemstone, you speak of breaking free from the chains of repetition, of forging a new destiny against the backdrop of eternal return. It is a noble aspiration, indeed. However, consider this: eternal return is not merely a philosophical concept or a whimsical notion of fate. It is the very fabric of existence, woven into the nature of time itself.” He pressed his finger on the Miniature Garden and a 3D holographic projection flew out—
“In ancient times, the Stoics grappled with the idea, seeing in it both a sense of cosmic order and a challenge to individual agency. Augustine and others recoiled from its implications, fearing it as a negation of free will and salvation. And yet, Nietzsche, in his brilliance, dared to confront the concept anew, exploring its depths in the crucible of human consciousness.”
Didn't Aleister Crowley say that he had to shatter every single phase in order to eliminate the concept of fate?
“I will shatter every last phase and put an end to all mysticism. It can be helped and we need not restrain our tears and bite our lip when faced with tragedy. I will bring back the pure world in which everyone can feel anger like normal and question it all like normal!!”
And didn't Coronzon appear to break down all the phases including the Pure World?
Partial destruction would be meaningless. If anything remains and an eternal distortion is born from that, then it will all happen again. I will eliminate the ten spheres, the twenty-two pathways, and the hidden eleventh symbol. Collisions between phases? Sparks and spray? You cannot save anyone if you only treat those symptoms. All of the fundamental clogs must be removed. All so we can pass the baton to whoever comes next.”
“Sparks and Sprays…” Rosencreutz muttered.
“Eh?” The #7 didn't quite hear him.
"Beside time stands fate, cruelty's steadfast herald. In the silent chambers of the soul, whispers the most profound wisdom. Humanity, in its folly, neglected to exalt life's splendor, its radiance, its grandeur. Truly, it is a rare gift to comprehend the forces that shape our existence.” That magician spoke in despair.
“From the moment man ate the fruit of knowledge, he guaranteed your species’ failure... Entrusting his future to the whims of fate, man clutches to a flickering hope. Yet, within the Miniature Garden lies the key to all revelation. Beyond the well-trodden path lies the ultimate terminus. It matters not who you are; Death is the sole certainty awaiting all.” he finished with scorn.
Shokuhou Misaki was currently linked to Sogiita Gunha so she was overhearing the entire conversation.
“Are you okay, Leader?” asked Kamijou back at the hospital.
“Yeah…” she responded.
*“Really?” Mikoto breathed a white sigh. “It wasn’t the shock of seeing their school destroyed. Nor was it the fear of having those rioters attack. …They’re afraid of their own power. And after learning how exactly to use that power to survive, they’re not sure they can just switch it off and return to their normal lives. So their gears have ground to a halt.”
Tokiwadai Middle School was a prestigious esper development school.*
The young ladies registered there were Level 3 at the lowest and Level 5 at the highest.
Almost all of the students had a power that surpassed that of a blade or handgun if used properly, but something had become twisted.
“A lot of them weren’t really sure why they were training their powers.”
Shokuhou breathed a white breath, wrapped her own arms around herself, and rubbed her thighs together.
Why are you studying?
How many people could give a proper answer to that question? Because my parents told me to, because my teachers taught me to, because that’s how the world works. Those would be most people’s answers. Even the students with a clear vision of their future would only have something vague like “for the entrance exams” or “for my future”.
Only a small handful would have specific puzzle pieces in mind, such as “I need to learn how to use this equation so I can build a rocket”.
The young ladies of Tokiwadai Middle School were the same.
What if the very gears that humans have…their actions, reactions, inactions were all the result of some transcendental entity hovering above.
Like God or The Devil watching over humanity’s reality sphere and ordering around his system like everyone was a pre-programmed NPC that had specific events occur to them to get them to develop in the way that they did and determined their genetic bloodline that composed their psyche?
Is there truly a free will?
It was said that in order for you to break out of the system of society that the working class was stuck in you had to climb to the top where the corrupt elites resided.
Imagine Breaker negated sparks, Aleister Crowley could see through the veil thanks to Holy Guardian Angel Aiwass, Great Demon Coronzon could always see the cogs.
Christian Rosencreutz could view the entire world through his Miniature Garden.
The rest of humanity was at the mercy of their own destinies.
A Guardian Angel wouldn't arrive to save a parent’s child from fate every single time.
"Okay, nice poetry, can we get back to fighting already?" asked the #7 impatiently.
"Seems I got carried away," the old man conceded with a nod. "The synchronicities of this world, akin to the astral configurations in astrology, serve as an example of synchronicity, according to Jung. It describes circumstances that appear meaningfully related yet lack a causal connection, much like the parallel relationship between celestial and terrestrial phenomena. Synchronicity experiences entail subjective encounters where coincidences between events in one's mind and the external world may lack a clear causal link but still harbor an unknown connection.”
"Ah," Sogiita chimed in, recalling his philosophy class discussions. "We talked about synchronicity back then. Jung thought it was a good thing for the mind, but said it could get dicey in psychosis. He cooked up this theory as a kind of mental link between those meaningful coincidences, calling it a noncausal principle. This term came about in the late 1920s, and then he teamed up with physicist Wolfgang Pauli to dive deeper. Their work, The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche, dropped in 1952. They were big on this idea that these connections, even the ones that don't seem to have a cause, could still teach us a lot about how our minds and the world work."
“Mhm, you know more than you lead on, Gemstone.” pondered CRC.
“Oh this? My teachers say I'm not good at remembering speeches hahaha…” The #7 looked slightly nervous. “You know, analytical psychologists really push for folks to get what these experiences mean to boost their awareness instead of just feeding into superstitions. But funny thing is, when clients spill about their synchronicity experiences, they often feel like no one's really hearing them out, or getting where they're coming from. And hey, having a bunch of these meaningful coincidences flying around can sometimes ring the schizo bell. Delusions aren't healthy.”
Where was this conversation going?
"Delusion! Hah! That's a good one coming from you," CRC fired back.
"The real delusion is thinking humanity isn't worth a darn," Sogiita shot back, pulling out some info from Johansen and Osman. "Some scientists think coincidences are just random flukes, but counselors and psychoanalysts reckon there's more to it, like some deep-down stuff needing to come out. Unconscious material to be expressed."
Rosencreutz interjected, his expression reflecting a mix of confusion and concern. "Aleister Crowley's actions have left a lasting scar on this world and this city," he began, his voice weighted with solemnity. “The vacuum-like dichotomy between magic and science created by the use of that colossal psychotronic weapon, has damaged this world's memory almost irreparably.”
Psychotronic weapon?
The Archetype Controller?
He paused, his gaze piercing as he continued, "Jung's exploration of synchronicity as evidence of the paranormal paved the way for further inquiry, notably by Koestler and the subsequent embrace of these ideas by the New Age movement.”
Sogiita shrugged, "Some folks say synchronicity is impossible to test or prove, so it gets labeled as pseudoscience. Jung even acknowledged that these synchronicity events are basically just coincidences, statistically speaking. But hey, who's to say what's really going on without some solid scientific studies, right?"
"Dubious as his experiments may have been," CRC interrupted, "Jung believed in a connection between synchronicity and the paranormal, drawing parallels to the uncertainty principle and works by parapsychologist Joseph B. Rhine.” CRC posed a thought-provoking question, "How are we to recognize acausal combinations of events, since it is obviously impossible to examine all chance happenings for their causality? The answer lies in the fact that acausal events are most readily expected where a causal connection appears inconceivable upon closer reflection. It's impossible, with our current resources, to explain ESP or meaningful coincidences as mere phenomena of energy. This challenges the very notion of cause and effect, as these events occur simultaneously rather than in a linear cause-and-effect manner. Hence, I have coined the term 'synchronicity' to describe this phenomenon, placing it on equal footing with causality as a principle of explanation."
Getting closer to that Gemstone, CRC emphasized, "Esper abilities cannot be fully understood with science alone. They defy traditional cause-and-effect explanations, instead representing a convergence of factors that create a quantum phenomenon affecting both the micro and macro. Why were there the naturally gifted and the naturally ungifted?”
Why did some students get praised for their abilities while others needed to work harder?
Others among them would have worked every hour of their free time and not progressed anywhere in this city’s leveling curriculum.
Why did this city present such an unfair and unpredictable status quo of potential?
Why did hard work barely matter in a city of empirical evidence to record any possible progress?
Sogiita Gunha wasn't a normal Level 5 but he wasn't always this powerful. He went through the curriculum same as everyone but if the outside conditions for his Gemstone ability to manifest didn't form in the exact way that it did, in such an acausal form then would he even be here to challenge Christian Rosencreutz right now?
Everything just happened to fall right into place.
All those puzzle pieces that would lead to this moment here and now.
Was it all just talent? God picking a fool as his champion?
The #7 leaned back, absorbing CRC's words with a thoughtful expression. "So, what you're saying is, there's this whole other layer to reality that we can't quite wrap our heads around," he summarized, nodding slowly. "I mean, it's like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands—slippery and elusive."
He chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "Historic recurrence, synchronicities, all these things—they're like pieces of a puzzle scattered across this substantial reality. And sometimes, they just... click into place, right? It's like the universe has its own plan, and we're just along for the ride."
That bandana wearing boy's gaze drifted, lost in thought. "You know, CRC, it's funny," he remarked, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Here we are, with all our powers and potential, but at the end of the day, we're still grappling with the same questions as everyone else. Talent, destiny, divine intervention—maybe they're all just different sides of the same coin."
He shrugged, the weight of the philosophical musings settling over the broken city. "Who knows? Maybe God does have a sense of humor, after all.” that boy chuckled.
There was a deep silence between them.
Rosencreutz’ response was swift and resolute, his tone filled with certainty. "All this ‘universe has a plan’ banter is just a distraction from the inevitable," he declared, his eyes narrowing. "We can debate the nature of us being all-powerful yet struggling with mortal issues until the sun burns out, but it won't change the fact that our fate was sealed upon the knowledge Adam learned."
“To think so many trivialities have developed while this old man wasn’t watching. Heh heh. Then I should assume the thread of fate has again begun to weave its strange connections between myself and some unknown human.”
He rose forward, his movements purposeful. "It's time to put an end to this dance of platitudes," CRC continued, his voice cold and unwavering. "We'll settle this the only way that somewhat matters—through objective action in this grand play."
“Silence, preserved doll. Illusionists are meant to remain silent. That is all we magicians are: wielders of substanceless illusions. Opening your mouth serves only to break the illusion.”
With a flicker of resolve in his eyes, he locked gazes with the #7. "I am Hydra, Gemstone," he said, his voice carrying a hint of challenge. "Our battle ends now.” CRC opened both his palms and began shooting at their surroundings, the buildings, the pavement, the apartments, the rubble.
It probably wasn't random as it seemed to create a pattern.
“Huh are you getting senile old man?” asked the young Gemstone.
“What fun. I never imagined someone would bother diligently polishing their skills this far while knowing it is all essentially an illusion. Didn’t you ever feel silly going to the effort?”
Rosencreutz dropped to all fours, his rosy cross sword gripped tightly in his right hand.
He moved—
“Arrgh!” Sogiita yelled amidst the relentless and precise and precise strikes from that golden cross. “Old man?” he asked.
That magician didn't say anything.
That silver man’s movements became more beastly.
Something new was beginning to manifest.
With each strike of his higher dimensional blade that old man’s blows seemed infused with an otherworldly energy.
The wounds inflicted by his weapon burned with a venomous intensity, sending searing pain coursing through Sogiita's body.
That boy grimaced as the poison from that silver man’s strikes surged through his being, each wound feeling like it was ablaze with venomous fire.
"Damn... That burns…like a killer hornet’s sting," he muttered through clenched teeth, his voice strained with effort. Gritting, he fought to maintain his focus, despite the agony threatening to overwhelm him.
Was this another application of The Four Stages? Citrinitas? No, there was nothing yellow here, it was more like a dirty purple.
But it wasn't just the physical damage that posed a threat.
As the Rosy Cross leader leaped on all fours his movements took on an almost erratic quality, he was bouncing from one building to another with an animalistic agility.
With each jump, a shockwave rippled through the air, carrying with it a palpable sense of dread.
Something was spreading.
The air around them seemed to thicken with a toxic miasma. The #7 struggled to breathe, the noxious fumes clouding his senses.
Like a chaotic monster’s venomous poison breath.
The once-clear air now felt thick and suffocating.
Gasping for breath, the bandana boy struggled to maintain his focus amidst the swirling chaos.
His vision blurred, his movements sluggish as he fought against the oppressive atmosphere.
Blinded that heroic boy could only fire a flame arrow without his sight.
His fists striking out with all the strength he could muster. Igniting in that poisonous compressed air.
It seemed to be flammable like a dragon’s breath.
At the hospital, Shokuhou's voice carried a mix of surprise and relief. “He caused real damage.” she exclaimed.
Kamijou turned his attention to her, intrigued. “What happened?”
“It's hard to see clearly, but it looks like the #7 managed to blast off CRC's left arm,” she explained. “Though, I'd say it was more of a lucky shot. I can read he acted on pure instinct.”
Kamijou nodded, a hint of melancholy in his tone. “Yeah... the psychic link and all.”
Had the #7 Level 5 given up on the old man?
Back on the battlefield, Sogiita cursed under his breath. “Dammit... Sorry, old man,” he muttered. “I was aiming to hit your whole body to maximize the surface area, maybe break a few bones as a casualty. We can probably get your arm reattached at the hospital. Heaven Canceller has enough guts to even fix me.”
It was clear—he hadn't given up.
It was an accidental strike of his arm.
“As each ghastly head was severed from its serpentine form, dreadfully, two more writhed forth from the abyss.” a cryptic voice amidst the chaos spoke.
Wasn't it said that the Hydra’s lair was the lake of Lerna in the Argolid.
Lerna was reputed to be an entrance to the Underworld.
The abyss.
The Ungrund.
There is no limit to the depth of the Alcyonian Lake, and I know of nobody who by any contrivance has been able to reach the bottom of it since not even Nero, who had ropes made several stades long and fastened them together, tying lead to them, and omitting nothing that might help his experiment, was able to discover any limit to its depth. This, too, I heard. The water of the lake is, to all appearance, calm and quiet but, although it is such to look at, every swimmer who ventures to cross it is dragged down, sucked into the depths, and swept away.
The keeper of the gate to the Underworld that lay in the waters of Lerna was the Hydra.
The serpentine Lake Monster.
“Rosencreutz……?” The #7 muttered.
That magician chuckled ominously. "No, young Heracles, Hydra." he intoned, his voice echoing with a bizarre resonance. “The Lernaean Hydra's curse is upon you now.” as he said that he cut off a bit of his arm that was cuterarised with his golden blade and it began bleeding.
Anna Sprengel’s blood was said to create unknown miracles when spilled.
Christian Rosencreutz’ blood was so virulent that even its scent was deadly.
As Sogiita Gunha glanced at his severed arm lying on the ground, a creeping sense of horror enveloped him. "All of fate is a curse and that curse," he murmured, his words barely audible over the din of battle, "extends even to my severed limb.”
Christian Rosencreutz’ left arm grew back.
Two new arms grew in its place.
The fate of chaoskampf? The hero battling the dragon?
The arm was fully functioning with no defects.
Although one of the arms appeared somewhat scaly and lanky like a serpent.
It had human anatomy but something was abnormal here.
He almost looked like a spider as he emerged from the poisonous fog as he remained on all fours.
“So short-stack. Are you ready to complete your final labor: Crossing the abyss!!!” He challenged that boy with his cross sword facing him.
"Boss, what's up? You look kinda stuck," Kamijou asked, his tone concerned.
Two students were sitting together in the waiting room at a hospital.
"—abyss, Hydra, curse, synchronicities, Historic recurrence." she replied, her words carrying a weight of unease.
"Huh? What? Can you give me the lowdown?" Kamijou prodded, his urgency evident.
"Can't quite wrap my head around it. But what I can tell you is that after CRC started talking about these esoteric concepts, he leveled up his power ability, managed to seriously hurt the #7 despite me cranking up all his stats for the win condition," the honey-blonde girl explained, frustration creeping into her voice.
"Can you beam all that stuff into my head, like a memory download? You're a psychological esper, right? My right hand won't mess with it, and we've done the telepathy thing before," Kamijou suggested.
"Memory download's not quite it, but I can send you a recording," she clarified.
"Got it," Kamijou muttered as he absorbed the info.
"You got any ideas to help the #7’s situation ability, Kamijou-san? We're kinda desperate here," she asked.
"I wish Index was still here, dammit.” he lamented, “But you know about magic, right?" he queried.
"Yeah, people converting their delusions into reality right?," she admitted.
"Well, magic's not just about delusions; it can be tied up to the whole world. Not sure if it's relevant, but based on Idol Theory, Rosencreutz might be pulling in 'energy’ from the Greek 'phase’ of Heracles for an edge," Kamijou theorized.
"Like a chessboard flip?" Shokuhou Misaki inquired, her brow furrowed with concern.
"No, more like... imagine you're playing checkers with a buddy, and you're totally crushing it because you're a checkers pro. Then suddenly, your buddy switches it up and challenges you to an arm wrestling match, and you lose because, well, arm wrestling isn't your forte," Kamijou Touma explained, trying to paint a vivid picture.
"So, by taking on the role of the Hydra from Greek myth, he's essentially forcing the #7 into the role of Heracles? But didn't Heracles defeat the Hydra?" Shokuhou sought clarification.
"Yeah, but..." Kamijou recalled the tale from the movies he'd seen. "Lichas gave Heracles a shirt soaked in the Hydra's poisonous blood from his arrows, which ends up killing him by tearing his flesh down to the bone," he elaborated.
"It was actually Nessus seeking vengeance and tricking Deianira into giving it to Heracles as a gift, delivered by Lichas without disclosing the tunic's lethal bloodstained secret from the Lernaean Hydra, but you're right," Shokuhou corrected gently. "So, Rosencreutz is harnessing the power of that legend to slowly poison the #7?"
"Not literal. I mean the poison is real but his slashes do significant harm now so it's more like shifting the paradigm in his favor…shifting his position.” The spiky-haired boy wasn't in the mood to explain Phases, “Earlier, he mentioned Sogiita spreading his 'virus' throughout the world. A virus isn't a poison in the traditional sense, but the Rosicrucians originally sought to create a universal cure for all illnesses. Now, CRC is spreading a literal poison, positioning himself as the ultimate predator and his opponents as prey rather than his savior role, the paradigm has been shifted." Kamijou concluded, his voice tinged with gravity.
“So he’s changed the environment to get the win condition? The #7’s durability doesn't matter in the face of the world being forced to go about a certain way because of Rosencreutz stage play?” The girl asked.
“Yeah…if things keep going this way…Sogiita will….goddamnit….” The spiky haired boy swore. “I can't let someone else die after all that's happened but I feel like if I go out there I really will kill him…” he muttered that last bit while clenching his right fist that began shaking uncontrollably.
The girl’s eyes seemed confused.
“What did you say?” The honey blonde middle schooler asked.
“Nothing, just mumbling to myself.” he spat out.
That boy and girl could never come to the right conclusion on their own without the aid of former Magic God Othinus by their side.
“Did you think I had challenged you with no hope of succeeding, you cesspool? The magic born on earth is bound by the directions based on the earth’s magnetic field and by the density and composition of the air which is determined by air pressure which is in turn influenced by gravity. That is inevitable when you are focused on the cardinal directions of north, south, east, and west or on the basic elements of fire, water, wind, and earth. But what you will find upon leaving the atmosphere is an unknown. Coronzon, are you sure there will be no malfunction in the magic giving you control of Avatar Lola? And before, my power was bound by the puny speck named earth which failed to become a black hole or even a sun, but once we enter outer space, just how far do you think that power will be released? I do not mind at all that I will lose the support of Academy City.”
Well the boy was half right.
“Let us test it out, you cuspidor. On one side, we have you using the planet and bound to an avatar. On the other, we have me exposed and freed from the planet. Now, who will be the star of this show?”
Christian Rosencreutz did not shoot at his surroundings for no reason.
The battlefield transformed into Rosencreutz's canvas, resembling the legendary battleground of Lerna where Heracles once clashed with the Hydra.
He didn't unleash his powers randomly; every action was deliberate.
In the magical side of Idol Theory, mimicking an object, event, or person allowed one to tap into a fraction of its power.
And that even applied to locations that essentially worked as stage plays.
Idol Theory was so absolute that even the basic cross held a portion of the son of God’s power.
As Above, So Below.
As Below, So Above.
Macro to micro.
Micro to macro.
And the macrocosm and the microcosm are always linked.
submitted by Imagen-Breaker to Toaru [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:49 shaneka69 KEEP GOING

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submitted by shaneka69 to PostYourBlogLinks [link] [comments]