Cute phone signatures with boyfriends name

Raised By Borderlines: For the children of parents with Borderline Personality Disorder

2014.09.03 07:32 Raised By Borderlines: For the children of parents with Borderline Personality Disorder

A survivor sub exclusively for children raised by a toxic parent or guardian with borderline personality disordeemotionally unstable personality disorder. This is a constructive, supportive space to find healing from your abusive parent and dysfunctional home. PLEASE READ THE RULES before you participate. We take sub members' safety very seriously.

2009.11.02 08:57 TheTwilightPrince Show off your gorgeous Eyes!

A subreddit for your gorgeous eyes!

2013.05.31 19:15 TomPalmer1979 For crossed paths that hope to cross once again

An Orlando Reddit version of Craigslist's "Missed Connections" page.

2024.06.09 19:27 Zealousideal_Run918 A4A] The Cafe Barista Doesn’t Recognize You [Barista Speaker] [Popular Musician Listener] [Meet-Cute]

Synopsis: You, a famous musician, walk into a cafe in your hometown during one of your tours. The moody barista who serves you has absolutely no idea who you are, and treats you like any other customer. This exchange is shocking, but strangely welcome.
[SFX] - Optional (emotions) {action} \interchangeable depending on the speaker’s preference\
Heya! It's Lumina~ Here with a meet-cute concept I've had for a while of two people who went to the same school but went their separate ways. One became super successful and the other stayed in town. Years later, they reunite unexpectedly and catch up with one another and form a bond stronger then it was before.
If this script is received well, I'm more than willing to make a part 2 on it!
If you end up filling this script, feel free to send it in the comments or tag me! I'd love to support you <3 And if you have any suggestions on what I should write about next, feel free to comment or message me! I'm more than willing to take requests
I also have a radio play I plan on writing and developing, and am currently looking for scriptwriters and interest checks for VAs. If you'd like to know more about it, you can check out my post here
That's all for now! Remember: Lumina Loves U<3
submitted by Zealousideal_Run918 to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:26 HT2424 Question on Early move out (IL)

I currently live with my father in an apartment, however, he is the only one who has signed his name on the original 23-24 lease, as well as the extension agreement of the lease which allowed him to reside from May 2024-May 2025. On the original lease agreement, My name is listed as an additional tenant of the unit for the duration of the rental agreement, but my name is not listed as a primary tenant, nor is my signature listed anywhere agreeing to the terms of the lease agreement.
For context, the lease expires on May 31, 2025, and I would like to possibly move out sometime this summer or fall. (Also, my dad has plenty of money I’m not leaving him on a bad spot )
If I move out and purchase my own home, and if my father in theory stopped paying the rent for our current residence, would I have to pay our current landlord, any rent or additional fees despite the fact that I did not sign anything and the agreement is between my father and the landlord no one else? Or is it all between my father and the landlord ?
submitted by HT2424 to Renters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:24 Dangerous-Draft-3552 I just don’t know what to do about our break up.

My bf cheated on me and I made it worse. Idk what to do
I (16f) found my boyfriend (17m) looking at girls tiktoks who he used to like and has tried to get with before. Ik we are young and I feel immature to even being upset about it but there is a lot more to it. Around a year ago when we first started dating I had a groups of friends I hung out with, I became friends with them after I had broken up with my ex of 2 years who had cheated on me to many times to count, I was alone with no friends during this time because I wasn’t allowed to have any my ex didn’t like any of my friends who I had and I wasn’t very good at making new friends as I liked to stick to my circle. With this group of friends I had I didn’t want to lose they were all I had and we were all so close and got along. While I had a situationship with one of the boys in the group and another had liked me I still wanted be friends with this group while getting with my now bf (17m). I wasn’t allowed friends in my last relationship and I told myself I couldn’t go into that place I was again were I was alone with a guy I didn’t know if I could trust yet, so I continued hanging out with them for about 2-3 months before I eventually cut ties with no drama for my now bf. Fast forward everything goes perfect for months until about a month ago I had a gut feeling and decided to look on his phone, I ended up finding videos of women on TikTok wearing very little clothing ( I wasn’t really mad about that because I didn’t know them there could be no way he would know them in real life or cheat on me with them) AND one of my friends tiktoks and another girls that goes to our schools account, he had looked threw everyone one of their videos at around 12 at night after I had to go home at 11. He had also screenshots my friends account name so he could look it up on his other account. I felt sick so I played it off as I just didn’t feel good and asked for him to take me home and once I walked through the door I sent all the screenshots and proof of the videos the account name being copied all the other girls and said I didn’t want to hear from him. He then at first lied and said it came up on the people you may know slide on TikTok how it comes up and just showed people who you might know, then after arguing a bit more and me saying how he looked her up and screenshotted her account name doesn’t line up with he just stumbled along her account and the other girls account. a few days go by we’re not on the best of terms but we end up going on a trip with a few of his buddies to see another of his friends graduation, a few days after that I ask him to come up to my job on my break to talk and for me to tell him I’m moving (he is also moving to a different town 11 hours away for college in July and I’m moving to a town around a hour away from our home town) and talk about everything that has happened. During our talk he brings up me hanging out with my friends and the guys who liked me in the beginning of our relationship. I explain to him why I still did that and why I needed my friends (he knew about my past with my exs, and how I was kinda sa’d by one of them) he knew I wanted my friends there for me so I knew I wasn’t going to be trapped and felt alone again. At first he let me see them at our town hang out spot while he was there and I was perfectly fine with that then eventually it grew to I couldn’t see them at all. Im upset but I understand. Back to when we were talking , I end up storming out of the break room where we were talking to grab my friend who works with me to talk to her, I explained everything that happens, and I decided to break up with him. A few more days go on and we argue some more and I end up going with my friend who I had the situationship with before my bf to lunch that next school day, and start seeing my old friends again. We end up going to the lake one day and my friend (16f) tells me to f her brother (19m) we end up just lying and saying we did when we did not to get back at my bf for hurting me and doing what he did (I KNOW THAT WAS MESSED UP, that should have never happened for a number of reasons) Everyone hears about it and eventually my bf does too and he says it’s a case and eventually tells my mom about us drinking and about me and my friends brother and I get told to come home to exchange clothing and stuff. I end up getting grounded for the whole summer and I tell them both that we lied about it all and it was just to get back at my bf for hurting me , this almost gets my friends brother in trouble with the cops but my mom believed me when I said we didn’t so she didn’t press charges. Then my bf (now ex) and my friends brother get into a fist fight over something not involving me. And friends brother gets arrested and released.
I apologize this is not well formatted, and apologize for it being a little confusing as it is for me too. I do not know how to handle the situation further, I’m hurt, he knew about what I’ve delt with with guys and he told me I could trust him then he turns around and stalks my friends who are exactly his time, we are all blonds with blue eyes, but they are so much prettier then me and have better bodies, he says I’m the pretties girl in the world but how do I believe that when hes been looking at other girls who are obviously his type, it just makes me feel I’m not good enough for him and he just settled for me.
I just want opinions on what I should do, he treated me perfectly those months in between and we were happy I don’t want to lose that but I know I’ll never be able to trust him again, he probably won’t either. Im aware I messed up and made the whole situation worse and brought more drama into it but it helped me feel better at the time.
submitted by Dangerous-Draft-3552 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:24 HT2424 Lease question for move out

I currently live with my father in an apartment, however, he is the only one who has signed his name on the original 23-24 lease, as well as the extension agreement of the lease which allowed him to reside from May 2024-May 2025. On the original lease agreement, My name is listed as an additional tenant of the unit for the duration of the rental agreement, but my name is not listed as a primary tenant, nor is my signature listed anywhere agreeing to the terms of the lease agreement.
For context, the lease expires on May 31, 2025, and I would like to possibly move out sometime this summer or fall. (Also, my dad has plenty of money I’m not leaving him on a bad spot )
If I move out and purchase my own home, and if my father in theory stopped paying the rent for our current residence, would I have to pay our current landlord, any rent or additional fees despite the fact that I did not sign anything and the agreement is between my father and the landlord no one else? Or is it all between my father and the landlord ?
submitted by HT2424 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:20 ShineFamiliar3741 turn the Page my recovery from abuse and inheritance theft

A lot happened before my father passed my sisters both demanded accounts and signed on the way they owned our father and her to the lot of large amount of money before he retired one sister had full control to put one account and because her husband had knowledge of how to control people with these accounts and how to sign them to where you own them and could walk away with all that one dollar unless my dad wanted to press charges felony and he did not he lived with that for several years the thing was my brother-in-law demanded I didn't no help and no cash from my father who bought me a vehicle and he also demanded who bought from him so he could have his own cash that started a bad thing but on the other note my other sister and brother planned a long time ago to steal all on the end and one sister her whole name go in life was to still everything in the end to work as a librarian in order to mingle with authorities with a plan of cutting me out because mother made her hate me when we were children she told her she was a real oldest daughter I was adopted by my father in the state of Missouri because I had no father my mother was abusive to me and she got her words she cut me out she got threw me out of the family they had me abused I had a death threat at one time when my memories came back I have an appointment to talk to a trusted her recovery attorney next week but it's well down to now it's a dirty stuff but they're still a very large amount of money missing that was too preachers one being a bad lawyer who was elected to prosecutor because of his name the state of Missouri couldn't help me with that because he was elected. There's no protection for heirs even though there's laws in Missouri. And when did in-laws with hating their heart and greed they come errors assets were never reported I never got anything from my dad as far as I had property stored there I finally got my camper but it cost me a lot my brother forced me to sign titles and soon tops and my sister would use them on something I told her it would be fraud because they couldn't Court can tell immediately that the paper was added to after the signature landlords can't get away with that anymore unless the person can't take them to court then they do cuz it happened to me before my thoughts are I was abused my life was certain all this Northwest Missouri it's very corrupt a bank account was moved when I was dying in another state and the prosecutor won't even let me look because it's been a few years back I need prosecutor the bank was concerned like there was a criminal and that prosecutor said get a lawyer well that's all I was told by a person well when they have more money and they've used pictures to launder money they use the prosecutor to get their way to not probate a larger state and they turn their back on me that goes to me like I am a disease because I know what they did my life was in dangerous I still don't feel safe I'm in this town I'm working on getting away from here so I can take care of the rest of this but my children didn't deserve to be cut out my father did not do this they did what they wanted for very large amount of money who got a very large attack right before he died and then I don't know who got the money I'm not money doesn't drive me but the fact that they did what they did has me irritated because my children did not deserve this my brother was supposed to probate and help me get all this done so my sister's got their way so far but my mother was in the background she was the first ex-wife and he was single but my one sister control freak controlled dad never move after his last divorce and he couldn't trust her she stole tooth imagine that grave sold them a year later without telling him to make banked on that but she did that because my other sister would find onto his largest inheritance account and controlling him with it he didn't press start his own either one but he did turn him in before he died after he got that last check he was bullied that's why they wanted my memory is gone I hired somebody to come into my life I found Love with a narcissist who was there for hire St Joe Missouri is very corrupt Andrew county was where the prosecutor fake probate attorney was they're still a fake casing at the judge refused to move it off but my brother is no longer represented who paid it to get it stopped to get those two titles back my father bought way more local than that my brother and said he was doing his own probate he bullied me to sign in 15 titles two were property I can't find out where those went except for I know they were laundered through his church his Titan picture who greedy preacher but also was involved and getting money off the top that's I'm in the assets it's all a mess it's a very big mess I'm talking to Tony next week another one thing is only have one chance that they got more money than they're counting you know I they laundered money they did it's on public 300 vehicles cars and trucks at dad bought for probate my brother promised to do with me that sisters pays him to do with that program that month is already had the prosecuting attorney as a lawyer he's not even a probate lawyer and now he's not a prosecutor attorney who knows he did wrong he's also a preacher but he's one of those tithing pictures like the other one putting printers lying their own pockets with other people's money they don't give it to the floor they're legal things in my eyes but I'm opinionated
submitted by ShineFamiliar3741 to Lizzys [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 AubreyHazeOfficial I need help

I've been with my partner for eight years in an open relationship. He's not only my dream partner but also the author of an insightful book on relationship dynamics. Despite my recent jealousy, I strive to prove myself as his best friend, longing for open communication. However, I'm confused and hurt by his dismissive attitude towards my emotions.
We both practice Tantra and collaborate professionally, which has been fulfilling. I was inspired by him and started doing couples clients with him and taking my own clients. It’s been a good partnership. He’s taught me so much and makes me feel loved a lot of the time. I’ve been his biggest fan and he has been mine. (We have been sexless for over a year, however, nobody really initiates it, but I touch him intimately when we watch movies. I have complained about it a few times but I don’t wish to coerce.)
But the reason I need advice - I find myself questioning his intentions with a new colleague and his shockingly sudden pattern of lies. Despite his denying it, I feel like I'm being replaced, and I am frustrated that he lied to me, amplifying my insecurities.
It began with him scheduling a 1-hour session with a client named "Jenny." I assisted in tidying up the space and then waited quietly in my room as usual. However, I ended up staying in my room for 3 hours while they conversed in the living room and then went into the massage room much later.
Only after I pressed him for an explanation did he admit it was actually a "training session." This revelation concerned me, as I have been his go-to partner for couples and four-hands for the last 8 years aside from when I’m not available he would have a backup. I overheard him giving her a copy of his book on open relationships. She’s also very attractive and his type (skinny and blond as seen on the Ring camera) I can’t help wonder why he wouldn’t have told me it was a training session in the first place. I asked if she inquired first or he offered and he said the former but I wonder if that’s a lie too.
The next day, he mentioned he was going out to buy a phone, confirming it was for her. This was unusual, as he had only purchased phones for me in the past that I had to reimburse (just so I didn’t have to partake in the transaction.) So this is some serious mentorship.
Later that evening, he had a solo session with a couple, but afterwards, he spent 4 hours at his favorite Thai restaurant which is rare. I’m betting it was the girl he was dining with (“Jenny”) I found her real name on his Instagram following, and it appears she’s married as of last year. When he returned, he claimed it was his clients who took him out and the leftovers he offered me were all cold. I suspect he was covering for her and that it was a business meeting or they did a couples together. I screenshotted her profile, sent to him and said I thought he may be out with her. He didn’t deny it, when he came home, he said it was his couple clients taking him out. I feel like I can tell when he lies now, like he’s just so happy to share but it’s really not sharing and doesn’t care if I’m suspicious.
We didn’t interact much that night, but before bed he abruptly moved to his bedding to his room, citing that he can no longer tolerate the disorganization of mine although it’s been a longstanding arrangement. I reacted poorly, expressing frustration at his sudden disengagement and suggesting I might get my own place after my tummy tuck recovery. He dismissed my concerns, attributing them to emotional manipulation and urging me to sleep it off.
The next morning, he texted me about a 2-hour client appointment at 7 pm listed as “Morgan” I inquired if it was with his new partner or a training session, to which he denied. However, while outside waiting, I noticed on the Ring camera that it was the same woman holding my massage oil bottle (he must have given it to her the night prior) They shared an intimate greeting. When I confronted him, he claimed it was her client and a four-hands session and that she didn’t have an incall location so it’s here, quickly updating the calendar to reflect it as “Morgan incall 2 hour with her client Jenny”. His nonchalant lying was alarming, especially given his usual transparency.
He even greeted the client "Jenny" alone, as if she were his regular client, and later in our argument he referred to her as “his client” I suspected he arranged the appointment for her, knowing it would upset me because it means he chose her instead of me when I was home and available (and truthfully struggling financially since I was in a car accident a few days ago and I have an upcoming tummy tuck)
I went up to my room after their client left (I said I don’t know why I need to remain hidden and outside of my living space if she’s not a client), he said she’s coming back up to take photos for her website. I refused to hide in my room and was in an emotional rage, insisting on meeting her if she comes up and making her aware that I exist. He tried to calm me initially, even saying “she’s not at all my type” which I know to be untrue and saying I’m doing all this over a girl he’s not even romantically involved with. I used harmful words calling him a pimp and groomer. He sent her home before she came back up.
He remains indifferent, denies any wrongdoing, and insists I stop emotionally manipulating him (which I have agreed to and want to demonstrate) but his refusal to address my concerns leaves me feeling gaslit and unconsidered. He also said he’ll never do business with me, so I suppose I am replaced. It's a heart-wrenching situation, leaving me questioning our future together.
Sometimes we just go back to normal after arguments, no closure other than he will just do as he pleases and I have to deserving of his sharing any information with me, which obviously I’m not deemed worthy of anymore.
I’m honestly having trouble not crying every few minutes and it’s the next day (I haven’t slept), I’m scared this is really the end of my usually dreamy life and I’m struggling with thoughts of self-harm. How can I redeem myself and address how I feel to him? Should I just let things play out and do my best to be loving despite how hurt and disappointed I feel?
submitted by AubreyHazeOfficial to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 ilovebrocoliss How can I be prettier ?

I (16F) will go to my first date with another boy since my last break up with my toxic, manipulative, pervert, narcissist, controlling ex boyfriend. ( im traumatized bc of him )
Im so happy I moved on and I can finally talk with other men without feeling guilty or anything.
Im already pretty but I want to be the prettiest girl for my new date because he’s kind and cute ! He’s a year younger than me so idk if we have the same expectations but I hope everything will be ok.. please any tips to be prettier?
submitted by ilovebrocoliss to AskTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:17 yessism [Long Post - Career Advice] Full Time In House Mid Tier Company or Rotational Program With Big Companies?

Hi everyone,
I (international student living in Canada), just graduated with a bachelor in Marketing last May, and now in a very tough decision between 2 career opportunities that I’d like to listen to your inputs.
A bit about me: Right after graduating from Marketing major, I started working as a Performance marketer (Google/FB) in a small local marketing agency (< 10 head counts). My clients are also small local businesses. So I learn a lot about performance marketing (Self-learning honestly) and small agency operation from my current work. After a year of working here (and got a raised from $50 to $60k), I feel the need to explore further career opportunities, maybe learning from bigger and more established organizations. I like the creative sides of marketing, but I am actually better and tend to enjoy looking at the data and numbers a bit more. My ultimate career goal though, is to build some sort of business (Agency, B2C, B2B etc) for my own.
First opportunity: After 4 months of applying (Feb till May), I finally got an offer. It’s a marketing coordinator position (But the title is marketing specialist) for a B2C E-learning company with $70k/year salary.
Since it’s still a new job opportunity, I decided to take the job right away. NOW HERE'S THE CURVE BALL
🤯 One day right after I signed the contract, a (somewhat) new opportunity arises.
Second opportunity: In February 2024, I applied for a rotational marketing program and got in. The program stated that the start date is July 1st. However, after that congratulations email in Feb, from Feb till May, even though I reached out via email 2-3 times, they did not respond back to me regarding the program next steps or any details. Hence, I decided to continue my life as if the opportunity didn’t exist.
Righttttt after I signed the contract with the first opportunity, guess what, the rotational program got back to me last Friday, Jun 7, stating that the program will start on July 1st.
About this program: The program will allow me to work as intern (even though the title is “specialist”) at 3 different companies in 1 year (Each company I will work for 4 months).
Overall, the second opportunity is a great opportunity if it had not been for the timing now. I am really contemplating between the 2 opportunities, and I would love to listen to your thoughts!
Thank you so much in advance
submitted by yessism to marketing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:17 binsap 20 Clever Tricks to Save Big on Amazon

Shopping on Amazon is incredibly convenient, but all those Prime purchases can really add up. While Amazon's prices are already competitive, there are lots of easy ways to save even more money when buying online from the e-commerce giant.
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There you have it - 20 easy ways to save a ton of money the next time you shop on Get strategic about combining deals, promotions, discounts and cash back rewards. Those small savings add up to keep so much more money in your pocket over time.
submitted by binsap to shareyourview [link] [comments]

The reception
Okay so I was seated pretty far away from him, fortunately. After the drive I was pretty calm because my mom told me there was a letter he wrote all those years ago for me to read when I was old enough. So when I get home, I can read it. I hope it'll give some closure.
Anyway getting back to the reception, I ate good food and when it got too loud for my liking I went and sat in the church lobby, he was there and we did make civil small talk but nothing much. He asked if I wanted candy and directed me to the candy bar. After I got my candy, my mom called me over for pictures but because my dad was cleaning we had to wait. My stomach was hurting bad because I had to take laxatives to solve a constipation and I was completely empty at that point. So I begged to go to the truck and after 5 mins of that she gave in and let me go. After a few hours, the reception ended (9 pm, started 5:30). We went back to the place we were staying and I fell asleep while on the phone with my boyfriend.
Carlos: 0
Me: 2
submitted by Ok_Savings_2951 to AmITheJerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:16 Life_Ad_273 Should I text my friend?

Hi everyone I’ve never posted on Reddit at all before so please be kind. I (22F) had two friends (both 23F) that are twins. I won’t say their names for privacy. Let’s say one is Danielle and the other is Eve. So to give background, we all went to the same high school and have been friends for at least 4-5 years but Danielle moved to another state after we graduated but Eve was still living nearby. I couldn’t see Danielle so we just talked on the phone but she was always working. I tried to hang out with Eve but she always made excuses like she got her period or something. And she never made plans with me to make up for it. Then she moved away to another state (not the state Danielle lived in) with her boyfriend. I was devastated because Eve never told me that she was planning on moving so soon. Eve then became pregnant and engaged after she moved away. I don’t think I reacted to the news as well as I should’ve because after that Eve stopped talking to me. I have since removed Eve on socials but not Danielle because she wished me a happy birthday and Eve didn’t. I want to at least reach out to Danielle to see how she’s doing but I fear that maybe Eve will either hear about it or Danielle won’t want to talk to me because she knows that I haven’t spoken to Eve. I’m still kind of confused to why Eve stopped talking to me. But you should know I made many attempts to talk to Eve on her birthday and when she gave birth to her baby. I removed her after she didn’t respond to my text about her baby and me saying congratulations. Sorry this is long but the main question is should I reach out to Danielle even though I don’t talk to Eve? Thank you in advance
submitted by Life_Ad_273 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:11 ThrowRA_AromaClassic How do I break up? (23M 20F)

I’ve been talking with a girl I met on Tinder for about 3 weeks now and we’ve been getting along great. It’s a 2 hour drive to her house so for the past couple of weeks we’ve been having phone calls, watching shows and movies together, and playing videogames together every day and it’s all been a great time. I think she’s fun and has a cute personality and is a great person to talk to, but I just met her in person today and it turns out she looks nothing like her pictures. I feel like I’ve basically been catfished. I can tell that she is the same person in her Tinder pictures, but these pictures must be from years ago. She’s pretty much unrecognizable now and I don’t feel any physical attraction to her at all. I don’t see our relationship working out because of this. How can I tell her I’m no longer interested in a relationship with her without hurting her feelings?
submitted by ThrowRA_AromaClassic to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:09 Ok-Low9127 Is my(28F) sex life doomed with him? (35M)

I’m (28F) losing my drive, sexually frustrated and disappointed. I know this is long but please what does a woman do from here?? I’ve never been in a relationship where my drive is higher
We’ve been together 2.5 years. We have sex maybe once a month, twice If I’m lucky. Ive always been very attracted to my boyfriend and he meets my emotional needs. I’ve always had a higher sex drive than him. The frequency and quality has been a constant throughout our relationships which is not often and not for long. He has gotten better but still cannot last more than a few minutes and sometimes goes soft between positions or never gets hard at all when I touch him unless I specifically say something about being in the mood. I didn’t have any issues at first because I really just thought it would take time to explore that together and “practice” for lack of a better. I also honestly thought that when I moved in with him and we saw each other more it would improve then also.
I have brought up the conversation of sex multiple times, first asking if he wasn’t attracted to me or if it didn’t feel good (his response was that it has nothing to do with attraction, he finds me sexy, but that he has performance anxiety, and intimidation from maybe lack of experience. ) I try to be very mindful of my responses to not make the situation worse bu also ask questions to understand better or figure out how we can solve it.
I know what I like and have shared that with him ( more foreplay, different positions to try, I like when the man leads, blindfold/handcuffs ect) and guide him if needed. When I ask him what he likes or what turns him on ( because every relationship is different) I was always met with an almost shy “I don’t know, it all feels good”
Another time I brought it up he said something along the lines of having Low T, he isn’t active because he has a desk job and hasn’t been working out and is more focused on finances so sex isn’t a priority. Understandable, he honestly is in survival mode more and more each year with pay cuts from switching jobs in this economy and job market.
I have bought different lubes, toys, Viagra ( which he was open to and we’ve tried it only once and we both thought it was great. I thought wow this might actually really help pick things up off the ground. I’ve since suggested a few times we try it again, but he hasn’t
He has made comments at the end of the day when we are laying in bed out of the blue “ I know you want sexy time together but I’m so tired, I’ll get you tomorrow” and never does. I’ve worn lingerie a few times spontaneously and set the mood and while that very obviously sets the night up I would love it if he also took charge and made me feel desired/wanted.
This sounds like I’m an overly sexual person but I’m not nor do I really have sexual trauma either. I don’t think I’m vanilla either, I have C/D cup breast and a pretty good ass too. I’m 5’2, 150ish lbs currently. Probably gained like 20 pounds during our relationships so Im a little over weight in my mid section but definitely not very fat or obese. I make bomb ass food for us, I work full time standing on my feet all day long, I pay all my own bills, I pay a little “ rent” every month, I contribute with groceries and house things and going out to eat, I go to therapy, I work on myself and try to communicate my needs, I’ve been vulnerable with him and opened my heart up. I support him in whatever he wants to do even his expensive hobbies, we tend the dog, chickens, housework/yard work together, I tell him thank you and that I appreciate him often, we have traveled a bit to different states and a few countries together. We try to make each others life easier and better with little things throughout the day/week. We compliment each other, and outside the bedrooms he is the masculine man that I love, he is assertive and confident and does provide a lot and is pretty attentive and kind and wants to make me happy but this area of our life I feel helpless and stuck. I love him and want to connect, it’s a natural and important aspect of any romantic relationship.
I would be thrilled if we could be intimate once a week but it’s been once a month maybe twice a month for a while now.
He has gone down on me once with oral ( 3ish months ago) and I’ve given him oral twice since. I waited to do so because I was already feeling one sided and I know it sounds silly but BJ’s is the one area that kind of intimidate me. But I actually loved it and after the first time I bought flavored lube to try out and shared my pleasure about it with him and he was of course happy also.
In between all this, last fall he made a wierd comment while I was rubbing him down that it would feel good to get a ball massage for like an hour, not sexually just like a back massage but for your balls. . Well alarm bells went off immediately and a few weeks later I was looking at his text messages and he had recently messaged an escort asking about services and what her schedule was like. He never responded to the last message and they never set a date and time. I brought it up to him and said I’m not proud I looked at your phone but I had a hunch and it was right. I shared how hurt I was especially because I’ve been actively trying to improve ours and communicate about it and he messages a fucking escort. I told him that I’m not okay with that at all, that to me it’s a form of cheating and I feel betrayed. I asked if they ever met up and he said No I would be too nervous to actually do anything, it was just a thrill of excitement. About a month later I walked into his office one night and he was actively watching porn. I stood there for a second while he scrambled and was embarrassed. I turned around and went back to bed. I was shocked because I didn’t think he was watching porn ( My ex husband had a porn problem and I’ve shared this with him, but with my ex he was more aggressive and was always hard/high sex drive so I was naive to think he didn’t watch porn when our sex life sucks and he doesn’t seem interested)
like what the hell? I’m literally right here in front of you a real person who WANTS to???
I believe he probably uses Reddit for porn. Whether it’s when he is in the bathroom on the toilet for 30 min at 4am or 8am or 8pm I don’t know it doesn’t really matter but it’s not helping and out sex life that’s already tanking and I don’t think he cares. He says he wants to make me happy and he is aware of my needs but nothing changes and I want to feel desired or like the man I’m dating is not just a glorified roommate. I don’t think I would care if he uses pork on his own if our sex life was better, but I hate it because he obviously uses that to get his needs instead of connecting.
Last weekend I was so frustrated, I was reading Gottmans book about Intamcy and took what I was reading later when we were talking about plans for dinner and I flirtatiously said what if we spent some time together tonight to nourish our bodies;) He got the message and said don’t worry about fter dinner tonight we’ll spend time together. I made dinner, we watched a show together, he went upstairs to finish some work so I was getting ready for bed and he never came to bed. It was like 11pm or 1am I don’t remember and he said In so sorry I had some work to catch up on but we will in the morning ( He was leaving the following day for a work trip) we never did in the morning either. He left, came home a few days later for one day, left again for a few days during which I was also out of town for 2 days. I got home and since then he has been extra sweet and kind, we had some intimate time together which I loved and at the ends his same response is always “ I thought I had it this time, I really thought I was going to last longer but it feels too good”
This isn’t a case of lack of communication either, I don’t make him read my mind about anything but dammit I’m tired of asking for it, being the one to bring it up, the one to imitated the interest, but if I don’t it’s like he is clueless and satisfied anyways from porn. Do we go to therapy? Do I cut my loses and nove on? Is porn not the problem??
submitted by Ok-Low9127 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:08 Efficient-Let3661 For all the Breaking Bad Fans

For all the Breaking Bad Fans
I play with Superb Survivors (Very low spawn rate) on and I had set-up a fresh world playing as Gus, By pure chance my NPC husband spawned with his real BF's name (Max).
"Max Arciniega Background. The Breaking Bad episode "Hermanos" shows that Gus and his long-time business partner and boyfriend Max Arciniega started Los Pollos Hermanos as a front to sell methamphetamine that Max "cooked"."
What are the chances lol.
submitted by Efficient-Let3661 to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:07 sleptheory "IM CALLING THE A.D.A.!!!!"

So we had a sports team checking in yesterday and of course they all want early check ins. (Sorry is a long one)
How our policy is set up is thay ALL rooms are first come first serve. We do have 3 handicap accesable rooms and all 3 were booked over the weekend.
One of the team parents (the so called coach) said she had put in for a ground floor.
Ok fine however it is upon request ONLY due to whatever may come in the day before we cannot and will not guarantee that you will get a first floor room. We are 3 story with elevator access. So our a.d.a regulations are up to code.
I let her know unfortunately it is only a request and the guests who have checked in yesterday are currently occupying the rooms on the ground floor. There is nothing I can do. It is by request only and not a guarantee.
She wasn't happy about it but went a head and took the 3rd floor room. She asked where the stairs were because "she does not like elevators" (her words)
She went up stairs and about 10 to 15 min later comes back down at a pretty fast pace headed out the door.
(Keep up I'm getting to the point) haha
So about 5 min later I get a phone call asking about his wife thay just checked in and why we didn't give her a first floor room. I then utter the same speech I just gave her that it is only by request and cannot guarantee something like that due to rooms are first come first serve as well as us being sold out all weekend.
He spues off saying that they talked to someone 3 days ago saying we would get a 1st floor room. And that we were discriminating aginst them because they had a disability. Also he was going to be in contact with the ada and we would be in major trouble. "I want the manager" just going round and round and round saying the same thing. He also said that they have delt with this with other hotels in the past and we HAVE to accommodate them. Also said that we should have held that room regardless of who was checking in. Ummmm sir be forreals it was sold out all week due to storms. He wanted me to kick someone out of the room so they could have it. Sir sir thats is not how hotels work.
(Soooo youre telling me that you've made multiple complaints at various hotels??) Yea one goid way to be black listed
I tried to be calm and nice still repeating what I said. And explaing how the hotels policy is but he wasn't hearing it. I said if they wanted to check out they are more than welcome to (He snaps back saying " so you're telling us we HAVE to check out???) Ummm no sir I SAIDDDDD you are more than welcome to check out without penalty if that is what you wish to do. ( don't put words unto my fucking mouth)
Told him I'll pass it along to the manager and they will call him. Said you do whatever it is you feel you need to and then I hung up.
First off you never once stated prior that anyone had any kind of disability. 2 you were told when you updated your reservation 4 days before that it would not be a guarantee. 3 no one ever disclosed that they were handicapped all she said was "I DONT LIKE ELEVATORS". 4 you booked in a standard room did not ask about the accessible ones. (Which still would have been om the 2nd or 3rd floors) 5. All of our hotel ada standards are up to date. And 6 YOU HAVE NO REAL CASE. Considering you have no proof what so ever.
When the manager called him he was saying the same things he told me. And they reiterated the same fucking thing I told him.
From what the mid shift guy told me was that they wanted first floor because they had a lot of equipment. Here's the thing.. we have a working elevator (almost brand new... it was redone from the inside) and 2 we have carts to lug your crap to your room.
So tell me please tell me how we are not accommodating you?????
He said he was going to file with the ada and got my name and the owners name. The owner never should have given him my name due to the fact that I'm just going by policy and it's their hotel not mine.
We had gotten basically 3 different stories from the front desk to the manager and from that ass hole.
When they left they didn't say nothing she came to get some ice but kinda stared me down and gave me a stank look. I said morning and she said nothing.
So are we really in the wrong? Or is he just bitching because he didn't get his way???
Whew haven't had that much action in a few months 😅 .
submitted by sleptheory to TalesFromTheFrontDesk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:07 firsttimeuser798 How to I (43F) make my boyfriend (43M) of 2 years see that he has a problem maybe due to childhood trauma which needs to be fixed ?

There will be a lot of folks here who might give me advice on my morally wrong decision on being in this relationship.. or whatever is happening is Karma.. but I m past that and request your inputs on this particular relationship of mine
Part 1:The back story we both met 12 years ago at a common friend's party. We hit if off instantly. I knew he was married and I was engaged to be married. With a few weeks we grew really find if each other. He said he wasn't happy in his marriage and wanted to be with me. As my wedding drew closer, I begged him to take the next step. He did not do it stating his family will be devastated. But it broke my heart I went ahead and got married. I did not speak to him for a long time
Part 2: after about a year we bumped into each other and he said he still loves me and we are meant to be together. I cheated on my husband with him and believed that this is what was meant to be. I was going through some personal stuff as well at that time. So at the start of this affair i wasn't as expressive and as giving physically but he was totally into me. All was fine we didn't meet up much but we're constantly in touch we would speak every single day and decided in some time we ll find a way to be together.. this went on for 2 years I eventually started trusting him more and was completely head over heels in love with him he also was making all the effort to be with me and shower me with love... Then one time when we were together I felt something was off he was on his phone all the time and msges were popping up from another girl whose name I had never heard from him. I asked him to show me who he was chatting with he immediately deleted the entire chat... We had a big fight about it and eventually he convinced me that he loves only me.. I forgot about this as things were all rosy between us.. until one fine day his wife reaches out to me and tells me about all his msgs to this new girl - to let me know that she knows about me and I m not the only one.. eventually I find out about this relationship he has been having with this new girl for about 3 months all the time while he was with me. And she is 12 years younger than him. He had no clue about his marriage nor about me. Infact he told her I was after him and he was never interested in me. I confronted him and the new girl together and he blantantly lied n said he never had any feelings for me ever and he is happy with the new girl. A lot of nasty things conspired after this. Which affected my mental health
Part 3: after a few months we again bumped into each other at a social gathering he approached me to apologise all that he had done and how he was ashamed of everything. He had broken up with the new girl because it created a lot of complications eventually. He said how he loved me and never stopped thinking about me I did not believe him at all .. initially... And told him what all he made me go through after a few weeks we were back together and then I again got a bit suspicious about him being very friendly to this common friend of ours who was 10 years younger than us.. so new girl 2. But he promised there wasn't anything. But I did see a few suspicious msg notifications .. he obviously denied after a few months of us being together he said that he would first want to divorce his wife then take things ahead while he loves me he needs to sort that so we better not be together till then. I was again devastated as I was in love with him and the fact he came back I thought he finally sees my value ... This really really broke me I went into terrible depression n took 6 months of to work on myself n heal
Part 4 : again we bump into each other at a party and he convinces me that he loves me n was waiting for the right time for us to be back together n he has a plan on how we will be together for ever. I had worked on myself for last 5 years after he had broken up on me and was very happy in my life but I don't know why I again beleived him and got into a a relationship. I told him I want perfect honestly so tell me if he ever was in a relationship with the new girl 2 he denied it for a good 6 months ... I believed him and we were really happy together... But something in my mind was not accepting I checked his phone and saw his old messages. He was very much in a relationship with new girl 2 for 4 years.. and after we had gotten together in part 4 he was in touch with her n did send some romantic messages to her while we were together. I was shattered he said it was over between them but she was upset so he was just trying to be nice ... It really really hurt me ... It took me sometime but I forgave him again ....
Now that we are together I see him put a lot of effort to be shower me with love and be affectionate with just me and not do the things he used to do earlier but he is still with his wife and is not able to get the divorce I m pestering him for it but things aren't moving as I would like them to move ...
I sometimes see him get close to some women who are younger n feel insecure about what if he leaves me or gets bored again n hurts me so I put all sorts of restrictions and it's beginning to affect us and more importantly me. He does these things and when I express my displeasure it becomes about him and feels like he is victimizing himself...
I m feeling I m not longer the person I was and it's affecting my mental health but I still love him and am not able to get him to understand how wrong his actions are n how it's affecting me and how he should be extra cautious because he has put me through so much shit
submitted by firsttimeuser798 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:06 1315Crisis2375 AITA If I don’t go to my boyfriend’s birthday trip?

I (19 F) have a boyfriend (18 M). We’ve been together for a few years. He’s turning 19 soon and we’ve been talking about what he wants to do for his birthday. At first he wanted me to make him dinner and dessert and that was it, of course I will! Then he wanted dinner, dessert, and then go to laser tag, great sounds fun! Then he wanted dinner, dessert, and paint ball… ok, paint ball scares me but I’ll do it for you cause I love you! But suddenly today I got a call. He talked about it with his mom and now he wants to go camping… for three days… with almost his entire family. I have never been camping before. His family camps about three times a year but I’ve never gone for one major reason, I have severe diagnosed anxiety that I do take medication for but it doesn’t help much. His family is HUGE. I’m talking one of those families where you have to check if your related to someone you’ve never met before you date cause you could be somehow related. Anyway, being around large groups of people terrifies me. I’ve never gone camping with his family cause it’s always a big group, we’ve been waiting for me to go when they’re taking a smaller group. My boyfriend told me most of his family will be going camping with him for his birthday, for three days. I’m am NOT exaggerating when I say this is going to be 80 - 100 people ranging from kids to grandparents. I don’t even go to his family functions if there’s going to be more than 20 - 30 people there. I literally get panic attacks, he knows this. When he asked me to go camping for his birthday I said I’d get back to him. He said he really wants me to go. After I got off the phone with him though I had a small anxiety attack just thinking about it. I’d feel terrible if I didn’t go, but I’m terrified. What if we get there and I start having a panic attack? I don’t know if I should tell him or just suck it up, go, and hope I don’t lose it. Would I be the asshole if I don’t go?
submitted by 1315Crisis2375 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:05 Jcb112 Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School (83/?)

First Previous Next
Patreon Official Subreddit Series Wiki Royal Road
Two items — a crystal ball, and a green leather-bound notebook — sat benignly and idly atop of the black-robed professor’s desk.
The camera lingered on them, giving them what most may see as an undeserved moment in the spotlight.
But to those that knew, to the parties invested in this controversy, this little pause and dramatic zoom-in was accompanied by a hair-raising excitement… along with an untempered nervousness for what was to come.
It definitely caused the investigative duo on the other side of the screen some pause for thought; prompting them to stand intently, pondering both the orb and the notebook.
Ilunor, as far as I could tell, was entranced by the green notebook in particular. Though it wasn’t a trance born out of any positive emotion, but instead, one of abject horror.
“Recommended Reading Materials for the Studious Student.” Sorecar announced with a steady breath, prompting Ilunor to visibly flinch in his seat, as the man reached a finger over to point at the hand-scrawled title of the leather-bound notebook. That finger soon found itself carefully manipulating its pages, opening the cover first, before turning over the internal dust-cover to reveal letters and symbols written in High Nexian, but arranged in a manner the EVI simply could not translate.
“Error: Unable to Translate. Cause: Unrecognized and/or unintelligible organization of local script-forms.”
Yet despite this, it seemed as if both Sorecar and the Apprentice were able to draw something from its otherwise senseless pages. As despite being written haphazardly, with letters and pictograms arranged in no meaningful order, they were able to still draw meaning where the EVI couldn’t.
Within these pages lie materials for the studious student. Materials are to be found within The Library, and are to be retrieved with great haste. May you make swift work of their contents, and may those after you find only ash in your wake. Seek, unlearn, and remove from the grip of the eternal entity, that which was once a gift but is now a curse. Seek, unlearn, and remove; with the fires of your passion, oh studious student.” Sorecar read aloud, managing to read something verbatim from the nonsensical pages of the book.
Ilunor’s eyes were practically glazed over at this point, as he began bringing his cape over across his chest, tucking his legs towards his chin in the process.
“This is it.” The apprentice announced with a half-cracked smile. “Please, keep going. I’m certain your skills of appraisal far exceed my own, Professor.”
Sorecar obliged by flipping the page, turning over to two pages of complete gibberish, once again watermarked by the EVI’s error message; but proving no challenge at all for the ever-inquisitive professor.
“Section One, A Tainted Reality: A Wretched Collection of Historical Affidavits During the Reconciliation and Reformation of Otherwise Lost Realities.” Sorecar paused, before turning towards the apprentice. “It lists an entire section’s worth of books, in titles held within spatial positions with reference to their potentialities within the ever-evolving library.”
Thacea’s features visibly flinched at that revelation, but similar to the apprentice in the footage, she refused to comment. At least not for now. Her eyes however betrayed a look of mild distress, which subsided somewhat as the apprentice urged the armorer to continue.
Which he did, as he flipped from page to page across the relatively small notebook, only pausing to read in between what he interpreted to be different sections and ‘chapters’.
Section Two. The Unspoken War and the Treacherous Alliance.”
“Section Three. All surviving works from Alaroy Rital.”
The apprentice cocked her head, as if trying to recall some familiarity in that name. “Alaroy Rital.” She repeated. “I don’t recall hearing of such a name before.”
“Well his full name, as far as I recall, and vastly aided by the book is as follows: Alaroy Rital, Lord-Mayor of the Township of the Two Rivers, Slayer of the Dragon of the Grey Canyon, Repeller of the Tainted Blight of the Orsin, Liberator of the Aether, and Grand Master of the Elusian Guild Hall of Adventurers.” Sorecar responded succinctly, prompting the apprentice to once more clench her eyes shut in deep thought, before finally letting out a sigh of defeat.
“The name is both familiar yet foreign at the same time.” She finally admitted.
“As far as I recall, and mind you, my memory of those years are far from perfect… the man was a local hero of sorts. Though his record was besmirched by some controversy or another.” Sorecar offered, prompting the apprentice to finally shrug, giving up on this particular subject matter entirely.
“There are more sections, yes?”
“Then let’s move on.”
Sorecar nodded promptly at that, flipping the pages over until he hit the next section.
Section Four. A Sordid Account of the Most Bizarre of Newrealmer Arrivals: A Death By Harmonization and the Ensuing Investigation.
That immediately got my attention, causing me to jolt forwards, prompting the armor to quickly follow as it automatically switched from the currently active in-armor-postural-readjustment mode, and back into its active configuration.
Section Five. The Unfortunate Procedures Against Unruly Realms and the Instances in Which Such Procedures Were Incurred.
The armorer paused after that, not necessarily due to its contents, but as if puzzled by what lay ahead in the next few final pages. In fact, he flipped back and forth between the pages soon after that, treading and retreading what were effectively the last five pages of the book. “There is an appendix which includes titles not covered by these sections, however it will take some time to read through them.”
“That’s enough for now, professor.” The apprentice offered, prompting the man to quickly pull back, closing the notebook with an unsatisfying thump. “We have our glowing wand.” The apprentice surmised. “The oeuvre of works which are no doubt the subject of this grand controversy. Now all we need to find is the contract which ties everything together.”
“I’m assuming you haven’t forgotten about our second item of interest?” Sorecar gestured towards the crystal ball.
“Of course not, professor. However, the fact we’ve found that book implies that we must be close to its dependent article.” The apprentice responded with a renewed sense of urgency, as she began using that same ornate magnifying glass in an attempt to further pick apart each and every nook and cranny of Mal’tory’s desk.
Part of me wanted to make some joke about how this was every unpaid intern’s dream, to be rummaging through your boss’ stuff.
But that part of me was completely buried underneath the confusion and dread that came with the revelations from within that little green book.
I… honestly didn’t know what I was expecting, but I felt like I’d been suckerpunched, with the wind being knocked right out of me from the implications of exactly what had been selectively purged from the library.
It was a struggle to process it all, which more or less made me dull out the more eccentric aspects of the apprentice’s investigation; as she unlocked drawer after drawer, pulling out pile after pile of magical nicknacks and more documents than what was possible from that finite amount of space.
Sorecar was clearly of the same opinion as the rest of us right now however, as he continued obsessing over the book, his hands once more trailing over to inspect its cryptic pages. The man seemed transfixed on the second and third sections in particular, though his featureless visor made it difficult to really pin down what his reactions were.
Yet throughout all of this, it was clear the reactions on the homefront were much, much more animated, as Ilunor was just about ready to pass out from the stress, and Thacea seemed about ready to burst at the seams if her featureless facade was of any indication.
“That was the book.” Ilunor finally chimed out, just as the narration through the recording had died down during the more tepid phase of the apprentice’s investigation. “I know it.”
“I thought your memories when it came to the whole Mal’tory book burning situation was lost, Ilunor?” Thalmin countered.
“It was. I mean, it still is. But I remember parts of that room. I vaguely recall the emergence of a book that I was forced to…” The Vunerian trailed off, as if struggling to piece together words.
“... to sign?” Thalmin offered in a surprisingly helpful tone which stood at odds with how he earlier regarded the Vunerian.
No. No you imbecil-” The Vunerian paused, realizing his misstep as he backtracked from what would’ve otherwise been an expected response. “That wasn’t a book of binding. It’s not comparable to the yearbook, if that was where your assumptions were leading to, Prince Thalmin.” Ilunor clarified, gripping the armrests of his seat tight between his fingers.
It was about this point in time that I expected Thacea to chime in, to elaborate on the nature of the book with her encyclopedic knowledge on seemingly every aspect of the magical world.
But she didn’t.
Instead, her eyes remained practically glued to the screen, as I realized that whatever had been revealed thus far had hit much, much harder than I could’ve imagined.
Ilunor, as if taking note of this silence, elected to fill in for Thacea. “The book… is an adjacent artifact. It is, as the apprentice has noted, an eclectic oeuvre of works, a list if you will, to be bound to and referenced by a contract and a spell of binding. The book itself isn’t the binding agent, moreso the reference material by which the contract is hinged upon.”
“So what’s with the illegible text? Are they ciphers or some magical equivalent of it?” I gestured once more at the bird’s eye view offered by the drone, and the pages of indecipherable text currently beneath Sorecar’s hands.
“Those are anchor runes, earthrelamer.” Ilunor answered with a frustrated sigh. “It is frustrating to see them for what they are not. Frankly, it’s as if your sight-seers and memory-shards were designed to mimic the world as it is seen through the eyes of a particularly weak-fielded commoner.” The Vunerian went off, venting his frustrations through a rant before finally calming down. “But I digress. Those runes are referred to as anchors for a reason. For tethered to them are akin to pages of text to be openly read and deciphered within the manastreams. Granted, this form of writing is not common; moreso used for the purposes of contracts and other such magical binds.”
“And on the topic of contracts. I’m assuming that the contract… your contract, is what the Apprentice is currently rummaging for?” I gestured towards the screen once more, at the apprentice who was now buried ankle-deep in piles upon piles of books, documents, and an assortment of scrolls that criss-crossed across the room’s mahogany and carpeted floors.
“Unless she’s a complete nitwit, then I’d imagine so, yes.” Ilunor responded with his signature cattiness. “In any case, the fact she’s even trying proves that she’s barely above a fool anyways.” The Vunerian shrugged. “And before you ask, earthrealmer, let me preempt your question. The contract, at least on the professor’s end, has more than likely suffered the same fate as my own. Namely, its existence is more than certain to be dubious at best. What the apprentice will surely find will be nothing more than ash at the bottom of that bottomless drawer. Which… given its sheer size and scale, and the potential inhabitants within its limitless confines, will more than likely result in even ash being difficult if not impossible to find.”
There was… more than one point I wanted to raise with Ilunor’s statements. However, before I could address any of them, the elf in question finally spoke up once more; now surrounded by an entire archive’s worth of documents and nicknacks.
“Nothing.” Larial spoke with a sullen breath, taking a moment to steady herself as she made a point of not sitting on Mal’tory’s chair. “At least nothing that’s relevant to our case.” She continued, resting her palms flat against the green suede of the desk.
“Were you really expecting anything different, Apprentice?” Sorecar countered, having since moved from pondering the pages of the book to now pondering the depths of the crystal ball.
“I’d assumed the damage to the man hadn’t been so severe.” Larial admitted, alluding to something else that drew all of our collective attention. “When I first saw him in the healing ward… he looked… intact. You couldn’t even tell there was anything wrong with him.”
“And yet they called you of all people, to aid in the ritual.” The armorer surmised, with a tone of voice that now more resembled that of a fully fledged Academy Professor. His happy go lucky persona had subsided completely, at least for now, as he addressed Larial in a manner more akin to what I’d expected of the Dean. “You have been around the Academy for long enough to understand that calling upon the aid of apprentices is unprecedented. Which means that despite how things may seem on the surface, that lurking beneath the seemingly calm waters, is a hydrostorm of epic proportions.”
“This entire situation is unprecedented, professor.” Larial countered meekly. “But you are correct. It… must have been desperate if they required the aid of apprentices. I just… cannot fathom the fact that the professors must have…” The apprentice trailed off, her face scrunching up and breaking eye contact with the armorer as if too skittish to broach the next point.
Sorecar didn’t reply, nor did he complete her sentence for her, simply allowing her to recuperate and reorganize her thoughts herself.
“... brought the man back from the brink.” She managed out, offering what was in effect a euphemism that didn’t seem to sit right with the armorer, if his immediate head cock was of any indication.
“That is the only way you can explain the complete loss of a contract.” Sorecar reasoned. “You were hoping to find it, despite knowing well that it, amongst the rest of his contracts, have more than likely gone up in flames.” It was around that point that he walked around behind the desk, and reached down into the drawer the apprentice had been searching in. His arm sank impossibly deep, deeper than what should have been physically possible inside of that small and limited space. After a few moments, the man finally brought his hand back up, holding within it what appeared to be fine specks of ash that he allowed to filter back down into the dark depths of the seemingly bottomless drawer. “And there you have it — ash. Most of it has no doubt already been consumed by the bottom-feeders. However, what remains is enough to account for what is perhaps more contracts than most would form in their lives.”
The man stood back up soon after, before once more taking his place at the front of the desk.
“Well, I believe that answers our prior speculations on Auris Ping’s potential relations, contractual or otherwise, with Professor Mal’tory.” Thalmin growled out, punctuating the moment of silence within the footage; which soon continued with a resonant sigh from the apprentice.
“I guess, in a way, I was trying to find the contract not so much because of my assigned task, but because I wanted to perhaps prove to myself that the situation wasn’t as dire as my intuition leads me to believe. The loss of all these contracts can only mean one thing.” Larial paused, once more trying to find the strength inside of her to face whatever facts were self-evident in this case. “The man was lost.” She finally managed out through a shaky breath. “His soul must have departed from his mortal coil. And yet…”
“... and yet he remains.” Sorecar surmised.
“They must have re-tethered it before I arrived that night.” The apprentice shot back. “But I felt nothing different when they asked me to aid in the mana-channeling processes. This whole situation is just…” She sighed, prompting Sorecar to cock his head.
“Yes.” The apprentice once more admitted, sinking her face into her hands and taking a moment to process it all, more or less falling into the same camp all of us were currently in. “Moreover, it brings up a very disturbing question.”
“Which is?”
“If his soul was truly untethered, even for a split second… how exactly were they able to retether it? Or more specifically, through what means are they using to permanently retether his soul to his mortal coil?”
This question seemed to cause some level of concern from Sorecar, as his answer soon demonstrated. “There are… ways of doing so that aren’t exclusive to being spellbound to armor.” The man offered under a dour breath. “Especially if the body is… fresh, in a manner of speaking. Though it requires the use of-” He stopped, halting himself from going down what was clearly a darkening path. “I apologize for prompting this rather… dark and dreary subject matter, Apprentice.” Sorecar offered, as that empathetic, kinder side of him returned without much prompting.
“It’s quite alright. It… it needed to be said, if we are to complete this investigation with any degree of professionalism.” The apprentice concluded with a small smile. “Whatever the case may be, it is clear that we are unable to procure the contract through which the perpetrator of the library’s burning was bound. We have, however, undeniable proof of Professor Mal’tory’s involvement with the scandal.” She pointed at the green notebook. “And of course, a potential interloper who may or may not have been a part of this conspiracy; thereby expanding this from a mere Academy matter, to one which could implicate others beyond its walls.” She pointed at the crystal ball. “Have you discovered anything from your observations thus far, Professor?” The apprentice inquired, prompting the man to nod, as he knelt down to eye-level, pondering the orb from desk-height.
“The inherent limitations of the Echovale make it so that it’s near impossible to transcribe anything following the cessation of a communique.” Sorecar began. “Though of course, you knew this, and hoped that because I am perhaps one of the greatest armorers to have ever lived, that I would be able to aid in this impossible endeavor, hmm?” The armorer’s tone of voice had more or less resumed that flighty, happy-go-lucky one I knew him for.
The apprentice, hearing this, could only smile awkwardly in response. “I wouldn’t have put it that… bluntly, professor. But I do indeed have faith in your ability to make the impossible, well… probable, at the least.”
“Hmph! Well, I couldn’t pin a face or a name, but I was able to pin a definite location if that helps.” The man offered.
“Any stray piece of information will help tremendously, professor.”
“The Crownlands.” He answered without a hint of hesitation, prompting the Apprentice to raise both of her brows up high.
“That’s as far as I am able to draw from the residual echoes within the vale.” He tapped at the ball, generating a series of satisfying clinks in the process.
“So the man wasn’t acting alone. Or rather, perhaps he was consulting someone.” The apprentice pondered. “Then again, that final communique could very well be with Lord Lartia—” The apprentice paused, before placing both palms softly across her throat. “—may his soul rest in peaceful slumber.” Following another moment of silence, the apprentice’s hands soon shifted towards the ball. “In any case, if it isn’t Lord Lartia, then who could it possibly be? Maybe we should…” The apprentice suddenly stopped; as if realizing the dangers of diving any deeper into this growing conspiracy. “No.” She quickly corrected herself. “Whatever the case may be, this is probably now completely out of my purview. I was assigned to collect any evidence I deemed to be relevant to recent happenings, and I believe this should suffice.”
“Whatever you believe is best, apprentice.” Sorecar acquiesced, prompting the apprentice to slowly, but surely, pack the archive’s worth of documents, books, and scrolls all back into the drawer using nothing but telekinetic spells.
This left just the crystal ball, and the little green book, both of which the apprentice promptly pocketed into a small pouch, before placing it somewhere beneath her cloak.
“Though on that note…” Sorecar began, pointing towards the apprentice’s cloak. “If I may ask, how do you plan on divvying up these finite pieces of evidence?”
This caught the apprentice off-guard, as her mouth opened, but no response came through.
“Moreover, are you even obligated to hand in this evidence? Or are you only expected to write a report to all parties involved?” Sorecar continued, pressing the matter further, causing the apprentice to stop mid-stride. “Because if primary evidence isn’t explicitly required, might I offer my services as a master forger?” The man spoke with a hint of mischievousness, the duality of the word perhaps translating equally well despite the language barrier.
“I may need to contact my superiors to ask if a… copy will be satisfactory to their needs. I believe not, but… we shall see. In any case, I am due to submit the evidence along with my report no later than the end of next week. As such, this should give me ample time to organize my findings, which is especially convenient given the roster of duties I am expected to cover over the next few days.” The apprentice took a moment to pinch the bridge of her nose, halting her rambles as she steadied herself with a sigh. “But I digress, I believe I will take you up on that offer, Professor Pliska.”
“It would be my pleasure to welcome you into my domain, apprentice.”
The rest of the footage consisted of small talk between the pair, with nothing in particular standing out as the topics being addressed soon turned from high-stakes espionage, and back into faculty banter.
Yet despite that, none of us broke the silence that now dominated the boring trip back. Not even as the footage came to a complete stop, and there was nothing more left to play.
I leaned back against the armor, eliciting a series of creaks from the couch below me, echoing across the high-ceilinged room and disrupting the tentative peace that came with this ominous silence.
“This explains… a lot.” Thalmin offered, finally breaking the silence with a tentative tone of voice. “It explains your contract, and its abrupt cessation.” He continued, turning towards Ilunor. “It explains Mal’tory, or at least, his current lack of public appearances. And it reveals to us exactly what he was trying to hide from you, Emma.” The lupinor eventually turned towards me. “And I think the sections of the library, selectively pruned, are self-explanatory as well.”
“Section four, and section five, at least.” I replied shortly thereafter. “I have no idea who or what Alaroy Rital has to hide in section three, and don’t even get me started on section two, let alone section one.” It was at that point that I turned towards Thacea, who let out a sharp exhale upon me bringing up section one.
“The removal of all information relevant to… and I quote — Tainted Realities — speaks volumes to the inherent fears of the Nexus. Though I know not what specifically they may fear from your discovery of its deep and now-lost lore.” Thacea offered through a pensive gaze. “There are many rumors, legends that come with the phrase Tainted Reality. Though most are mythical; epics of long lost eras that dwell between the blurry line that exists between history and legend. Perhaps the records within the library were pieces of irrefutable evidence that would’ve shed light on this nebulous subject matter. But even so… that begs the question… why? Why would they hide what is effectively a non-issue when it comes to your discovery of its lore? Taint, and more specifically, the concept of a Tainted Reality, is something that is inconsequential in the contemporary world. Its history, even if it proves to be true, is neither a disruptive political element, nor a practical tool for war, that could be used in countering the Nexus.” The avinor’s explanations were clear, concise, and yet they belied something personal that she clearly wasn’t broaching.
And I wasn’t about to dig either, not when this topic very clearly hit close to home for her.
“This leaves the second subject matter then.” I offered, giving the avinor an off-ramp towards a potentially more palatable topic.
“The Unspoken War and the Treacherous Alliance?”
“Correct.” I nodded.
“That… I have no knowledge of.” The avinor admitted, prompting me to turn to both the lupinor and the Vunerian for answers.
“Don’t look at me, earthrealmer, I’m the one who lost all memories on the subject, remember?” Ilunor countered.
“I’m afraid I’m as in the dark as you are on this one, Emma.” Thalmin replied with a loud huff, leaving me with perhaps more questions than answers at this point.
“Right then.” I nodded. “Well, regardless, as disquieting, confusing, and disturbing as these revelations have been, they are exactly that — revelations.” I took a moment to stand up, resting both hands on my hips, as if adopting Ilunor’s more theatrical approach to things. “We started today off with no intel on Mal’tory, with no idea how we were going to complete The Library’s Seekership questline, and no knowledge on exactly where we stood in this game. We’re ending today off with a firm grasp on exactly what we need to do, what exactly was scorched in the library, and a tentative understanding on Mal’tory’s fate. I’d say that’s an incredible step forward, even if the answers we now have are leading to even more questions.”
“Reality is often filled with disturbing truths, but only when we acknowledge them, can we act to change them.” Thacea offered.
“Here here!” Thalmin reaffirmed through a firm stomp, standing up tall and ready.
“While certain revelations come as disappointments… namely the survival of Professor Mal’tory… it is indeed somewhat satisfying to hear that the man is at the very least suffering for his actions.” The little thing spoke maliciously, as he too stood up. This prompted a look of worry to form amidst all three of us, but instead of reacting accordingly, he instead displayed an expression of confusion. “What? The man was a monster! He actively antagonized not only me, but this entire group! Surely you also feel at least some sense of satisfaction at the consequences of his actions catching up to him!”
“The delight in an enemy’s defeat, best comes from the resistance of the blade against his body. Not from the suffering incurred from happenstance.” Thalmin countered, whilst Thacea and I refused to entertain that line of thought, as I quickly placed a palm across my forehead, bonking it once again in the process.
“Right, well, here’s the game plan. We now have a clear target to complete our first objective — the notebook. We grab that, hand it in to the library, and presto, we accomplish the Seekership questline. Now comes the difficult part… how exactly do we do that?” I turned to the group, as offers and suggestions finally came flying in.
“Take advantage of your life debt?” Ilunor offered.
“I wouldn’t take advantage of that card just yet, Ilunor. Not if we have other options.” Thacea countered.
“What if we steal it?” Thalmin proposed.
“Thievery isn’t a diplomatic approach, Thalmin.” Thacea shot back with a glare.
“Well, Emma here was able to grapple her way, through manaless means, across the outside of the castle towards the apprentice whilst she was in the medical wing. I’m sure we can pull something else off in a similar capacity!” The lupinor countered.
“No, Thalmin. As much as I would like to try, I believe it might be best if we try a more diplomatic approach.” I offered, prompting the three to cock their heads.
“We could just ask, right?”
First Previous Next

(Author’s Note: And there we have it! The first step towards the completion of the Library's questline! We've found exactly what we were looking for, the list of books that were ordered to be put to the dragon flame by Mal'tory. With that being said however, a new series of questions arises... exactly why were these books targeted in particular? Moreover, what exactly was lost as a result? These questions and more will continue to linger in the back the gangs' minds as we push forward! Especially as we now find ourselves in the midst of another conundrum, exactly how are we going to get the book to the library! Regardless, this is still a massive step forward, and one that will surely bring Emma and Ilunor closer towards addressing the first phase of their intertwined fates with the library! I hope you guys enjoy! :D The next Two Chapters are already up on Patreon if you guys are interested in getting early access to future chapters!)
[If you guys want to help support me and these stories, here's my ko-fi ! And my Patreon for early chapter releases (Chapter 84 and Chapter 85 of this story is already out on there!)]
submitted by Jcb112 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:04 _difficult_lemon_ Pain Shopping

Until my (35f) breakup with my partner (39m) of 5 years and some odd months I’d only ever been on Reddit when Google kicked me over here. Since the breakup (March 31st of this year) and since our last contact (a very short phone call that ended with me hanging up on April 8th) I’ve been on here pretty much every day. I wouldn’t call it “lurking” per se, more like desperately searching for a post that could be my ex writing under a different username than the one I know about. I am aware of how fucking insane that sounds and all I have to say about it is that it is what it is and grief manifests itself in all kinds of crazy ways. I try not to judge people based off whatever they felt they needed to do in that moment to survive whatever it was they were going through. Regardless, I’ve seen the phrase “pain shopping” or “shopping for pain” being thrown around here and there in reference to checking an ex’s social media and I liked it. Probably because I do it frequently. I don’t know if I am a masochist or if I just hate myself or what but I am apparently always in desperate need of some kind of fodder to make myself feel even worse. I should mention the breakup was not good, it was pretty fucking terrible. I don’t know if he still loved me in the end but to this day I still love him. But he was right when he said we weren’t good for each other, that this wasn’t going to work. I can’t forgive him for some of the things he did, mostly because they are unforgivable and not because I don’t want to forgive him. And while I do not speak for other people as a rule of thumb, I would guess that it’s the same for him about me. Plus the repercussions of the break up had real world consequences for me in regards to housing, relocation, finances, etc. But back to the point, I went pain shopping and I fucking found the mother load. He has an online dating profile. There is no picture, no location, just his name and his age and a username that was a dead giveaway it’s him (it’s his oldest daughters nickname which is kinda weird for a couple different reasons one of them being that she doesn’t speak to him, hasn’t for years and has no desire to). I found it because he started following the dating sites IG account so he clearly wasn’t trying to hide it. Funny thing is that his Fb still says “in a relationship” with our anniversary date and he still has a TikTok of us that we made last summer up on his page. Both of our families know that we broke up just because of how the breakup went down and the aftermath of it so idk why he hasn’t changed that shit but thinks it’s ok to go make a dating profile. Idk. I’m just pissed and upset and I only had myself to blame and I have no one to really talk to about it so I thought i’d talk to strangers on the internet. I am sure that this will also end well for me (haha). Sorry for the long post, was just trying to provide enough vague context.
submitted by _difficult_lemon_ to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:03 Expensive-Ad-2760 Thoughts on this seller

Hi! Would like to ask if this seller is a scam or legit. Offering iPhone installments and asking me for a down payment online. Provided me with a picture and video with my name on it with the unit that I was eyeing. Was asking her if I can personally pick up the unit but she insisted that they only offer door to door delivery because they cannot accomodate pick up from her house because their “store” is still under renovation and they don’t allow pick ups during sale. She also provided me a DTI certificate and even gave me her ID but when I searched for the store name at the DTI site, no results came up.
Here’s the store fb link:
Thank’s for the help!
submitted by Expensive-Ad-2760 to Tech_Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:03 alone_-musk Deepika from Kyrgyzstan

Deepika from Kyrgyzstan submitted by alone_-musk to IsThisAScamIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:03 Wild-Crew2210 I broke up with the woman I love. I hurt her, I want to be with her, and yet I don’t feel like I can be

This is a long story, but I’ll try to condense it. Any feedback is welcome. I met my now ex-gf in March of 2023. We started dating and there was so much I liked about her. Looking back, I rushed that process and told her I loved her too soon. I gave myself to her too soon. After a month we were exclusive and around six weeks into our relationship she cheated on me with her ex. She had dated him for almost 3 years and was still in a place of thinking he was “the one”. She apologized and said she wanted a future with me not him. We eventually got back together but she was still hung up on him and regularly comparing me to him. I know now that I should have said “I really like you, but you’re not over your ex. Look me up when you are and we’ll see if we can make it work.”
We were on again, off again for the last year. Finally, last September she broke contact with her ex and has not contacted him since. We tried again, became exclusive, and she went on a first date with a guy the next day. We broke up again…
Since that time we have made multiple attempts and she has been faithful as far as I know. The last 3 months she, without me asking, shared her phone location and the cameras at her house. It helped, but I still didn’t feel like I understood what she had learned that would prevent her from hurting me again.
We have had lots of ups and downs over the last 3 months, but I believe she has been faithful and trying her best to rebuild things. Then, last week she told me she had signed up for an app that arranges a group dinner with strangers. She mentioned how it has a quiz that asks you about yourself to pair you with similar people. When I looked it up, I noticed that the app tries to pair 3 men and 3 women for the dinner. It made me nervous, but not overly concerned. I ended up looking at the app on her phone and saw that for her relationship status she had put “it’s complicated”. Her defense was that our relationship has been complicated, and I agree, but our relationship status was not complicated. She asked me to be her boyfriend and to be exclusive. It made me question how she would answer to strangers if asked if she was in a relationship. When I confronted her she was annoyed, and made suggestions that we should break up, and I decided quickly that we should.
Now we are broken up and I feel broken. I wanted it to work so bad with her. I love her, but as hard as I try, I don’t trust her and I don’t feel like she understands the magnitude of how much her decisions have hurt me. By breaking up with her so suddenly I have also brought up her abandonment wounds. Add to this that we both have 2 children from previous marriages and they have become so close. Her son told me a month ago that he wanted me to be his step-dad 😭. I wish I could fix this. I want to trust her, but I don’t know how. Help… ☹️
submitted by Wild-Crew2210 to heartbreak [link] [comments]