Avulsion fracture fibula

I recently adopted an Australian shepherd at 18 weeks old.

2024.05.14 22:30 WinteryHawk1094 I recently adopted an Australian shepherd at 18 weeks old.

Just a little background information because she was not neglected, just a victim of an unfortunate situation. I (21F) got my female Aussie from a local breeder who has decades of experience with Australian shepherds and typically dedicates a lot of time into making sure her pups are prepared for a life in the real world. Unfortunately, she fell off her horse and then had both her fibula and tibia fractured when the horse stepped on her. This litter was an accident and her injury prevented her from going out and socializing the puppies during their crucial development period.
My girl Ellis (21 weeks) spent 18 weeks outside with her siblings. She was given her vaccinations and was exposed to people when they came to select their puppies. She had no experiences outside the quiet of the farm she was bred on. I had done a significant amount of research on Australian shepherds and Collies because I wanted an active dog who would love traveling and would make the perfect hiking companion. I was prepared for a little bit of anxiety as she adjusted to living in the city, going for car rides, and training, but she is terrified of everything. She is smart and picks up on puzzles and games really fast but is being super difficult to potty train because she is too stressed when she’s outside to comfortably do her business and I’ve always been opposed to potty pads because I don’t want her to think that it’s okay to go indoors.
She likes visiting my family and their dogs but she will literally pee herself if a stranger approaches while we’re out in the yard. I know it normally takes around 3 months for puppies to fully acclimate to their surroundings but I’m afraid that she will be too old to socialize at that point. I have looked into obedience classes and puppy training. Would a 6 week class boost her confidence? Are there any good ways that I can help her with her anxiety at home?
She has been living with me for three weeks now. I love her to bits and if I have to keep her world small for her comfort I will, but I think she’d live a longer and happier life if she could run free and play without worry.
submitted by WinteryHawk1094 to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:46 dodekahedron Hip capsule injury?

Anyone here with PFD symptoms from a hip capsule injury? What are your symptoms?
Longer version:
Currently 35F
When I was 33F I fell june 2022 hiking and broke my knee and also injured my hip. Knee was a straight forward avulsion fracture of the fibular head.
To explain how I fell, I hyperextended my knee, body tried to get into recovery position as I fell. My leg did an extreme internal rotation and my entire body weight + rucksack landed on my hip and knee.
Since then I can't internally rotate.
My external rotation is fine and even hypermobile.
I have extreme weakness in my upper thigh.
My obturator internus is always inflamed. I'm getting internal work on it.
Today my specialist is like well maybe you have a hip capsule damage and says try 3 more sessions of Pt ans then well go to a hip doctor.
Ironically a hip doctor sent me to him after he said my mri was clear (I didn't see the report)
submitted by dodekahedron to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:11 Interesting-Piece316 My feet and ankles hurt. Podiatrist says nothing he can do except PT. Any suggestions?

My feet and ankles hurt a lot. My whole body does. I have degenerative disc disease and 8 compression fractures in various stages of healing. L4-L5 are the worst. My pcp blamed my pain on stress.
Is there really nothing but PT for my feet? I went but they spent most of the time on my hip. Orthotics? An injection?
1.the anterior talofibular ligament is draped over an old avulsion fracture fragment arising from the distal fibula (image 18-19 series 3) although appears intact.
2.Complete fatty atrophy of both the medial and lateral heads of the flexor hallucis brevis muscle, as well as the 3rd dorsal interosseous muscle, nonspecific although possibly due to prior trauma and/or areas of denervation. No intramuscular edema, fluid collection, or mass (A prior emg shows no fibular nerve activity on either side)
  1. Old avulsion fracture of the anterior inferior tip of the distal fibula Nonspecific marrow edema within the subcortical lateral distal fibula, which may reflect a marrow contusion, although again is indeterminate in nature
submitted by Interesting-Piece316 to Orthopedics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:13 Such-Tea942 Broke my ankle while hiking on Mother's Day

Broke my ankle while hiking on Mother's Day
33 years of never breaking, straining, twisting or fracturing anything, gone. 1 break in the ankle and a fractured fibula. Need outpatient surgery to fix.
I was mountain hiking with my partner and my dog in the morning. On a steeper down hill area, rock gave way under my foot, went flying and landed on my back. Absolutely could not out any weight on the leg. Luckily, no head, neck, shoulder or back injuries. We were about 1.5 miles from the nearest parking lot and almost 5 miles from where we were parked. My partner picked up my dog and sprinted back to the car and to find help while I stayed put. She came back to me soon as she secured the dog in my car, and ultimately ran at least 15 miles to make sure my dog was safe and that I was safe. Yes, I insisted that she secure the dog first, as I was conscious and coherent and had my cell phone and water.
I was very fortunate that the first person who came over not even 5 minutes after my partner left was a retired paramedic familiar with the area. Got an rescue crew over to where we were very quickly. I was wheelbarrowed out and was allowed to have my partner drive me to the hospital.
What a way to spend Mother's Day. As an only child to an overprotective 70+ year old mother...
submitted by Such-Tea942 to Wellthatsucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:05 Suspicious-Wall3859 New grad broken fibula

Well. I just started as a new grad in the ED in february. I was a tech there before this so have been working for the system since last June (thank god so I get short term disability).
Last week my dumbass stepped off a curb and now have a mildly displaced oblique fracture of my fibula and a small avulsion fracture of my tibia. This week I find out if I need surgery or not (first orthopedic said i’m right in the middle of needing surgery or not).
I had 2 weeks left of orientation. 2 weeks. I’m so pissed off. I already was extended a week (I asked for) so that I could be as prepared as possible for when I started on my own.
This week I was supposed to switch to nights. Now i’m spending my week getting short term disability all figured out. I don’t qualify for FMLA since i’ve been there for 11 months and not a year 🙃
I’m actually terrified that they will fire me for this. Today is the last day of my 90 day probation at least. Could they fire me for this?
Not sure what’s going to happen with my orientation. If I get surgery I’ll be non-weight bearing for 6 WEEKS. I’m so terrified right now. It was already stressful being a new grad and now this.
Anyone experience anything similar? Happy nurses week to me I guess (my first one being an RN).
submitted by Suspicious-Wall3859 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:08 foxxy_mama21 Got an Avulsion fracture on my thumb for Mother's day.

Got an Avulsion fracture on my thumb for Mother's day.
Was pulling Chinese elms this afternoon when my thumb decided to twist- I heard an audible POP and felt excruciating pain from the middle knuckle to the top of my finger under the nail.
Went to the ER and turns out my ligament snapped and pulled a piece of my bone off with it. 6-8 weeks healing time IF the orthopedic surgeon says I don't need surgery. 😆
submitted by foxxy_mama21 to Wellthatsucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:38 Useful_Frosting_9656 first rib fracture

Having issues with my first rib after a sports injury. fractured at the sternum, probably causing instability and my tos like symptoms. Anyone have this rare injury as well? Any insight? Ultrasound showed mild compression, emg normal, arm gets numb when overhead.
IMPRESSION: 1. Slight widening of the left sternoclavicular joint with high fluid extending into surrounding soft tissue swelling would be consistent with capsular and ligamentous sprain and possible tearing. Although most likely this is posttraumatic other infectious or inflammatory processes should be considered in the correct clinical setting and correlation would be recommended. 2. High signal extending through the costochondral margin of the first rib which may represent a fracture. 3. No disruption of the great vessels is identified, however, recommend CT scan with contrast if clinically indicated to evaluate the great vessels and mediastinum, as well as evaluating the sternoclavicular joint and sternochondral margin of first rib for a small fracture or avulsion fragment
submitted by Useful_Frosting_9656 to thoracicoutletsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:43 CherylCherylCheryl Missed ankle fracture on xray - anything to do?

I had an xray at the Laya Clinic. They missed that my ankle (fibula) was fractured. Told me it was nothing just soft tissue - so to keep walking on it. Didn’t give me a boot or send cor MRI to be sure. Turns out it was fractured - when my physio finally sent me for MRI 8 weeks later. I’ve now had to have major surgery to rebreak it and put in a plate and screws. I’ll be out of action for 6 months. It’s just frustrating that it could’ve been avoided. The surgeon said he can see the fracture in the original xray but ‘it’s hard to see’. He works for Laya too though. Is there anything worth doing? Asking for notes? Who to talk to?
submitted by CherylCherylCheryl to legaladviceireland [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 12:02 BITmixit Broken ankle 7 weeks before the festival

So last weekend I fractured my tibia & my fibula. The tibia fracture isn't too bad and has been left to heal by itself. The fibula fracture is pretty bad so I've had a metal plate shoved in my leg with screws and such. Currently i'm in a medical boot on crutches & been told to that I need to be partially weight-bearing (max 50%) for 6 weeks & "careful" for 6 weeks after that.
Anyway, I'm looking for any tips and advice leading up to the festival to help speed up my recovery/confidence. I have never broken any bones before nor have I ever used crutches before. I'm finding that my anxiety is really high when using the crutches. Also whenever I use the crutches it's like I'm using them for the first time (still in the first week) again. Does it get easiemore natural over time? Does the pain get easier to manage over time or become less of a sharp stabbing pain and more of an inconvenience pain whenever I place my foot down? Will my leg just go "Yeah you're all good now" randomly one morning but I still need to be careful?
Note: All of the doctors said Glastonbury was doable just that I should wear the medical boot at the festival even if my leg is in good shape to help signal to people that I'm not the sturdiest human being at the moment. We're also Glamping which will be a huge help.
submitted by BITmixit to glastonbury_festival [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 21:30 AnxietyDense7749 23 year old female having mid shaft right fibula fracture. Can I use a functional brace.

I am a 23 year old female has a mid shaft right fibula fracture for four weeks . Below knee cast was applied. I am final a med student so I really need to attend classes . For the starting 2 weeks i didn't it's a fracture and was doing all my work but when the pain didn't go i went to the hospital to have an x-ray done after which a below knee cast was applied but the problem is I need to attend classes . Can a functional brace help me ?
submitted by AnxietyDense7749 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 23:46 EveningPea9694 Broke my hip, any options to maintain fitness or am I SOL?

Xray came back, it's either a chronic avulsion fracture or a 12x19mm loose body (e.g. Bone). Putting this out there to the community to get an initial gauge on whether activities like biking or swimming might be an alternative to running at this time.
Have completed 7 races at various ultra distances, with my first 100M coming up in about 4 months. So just curious if anyone's had experience with this type of issue to get an honest gauge on whether the race is salvageable.
submitted by EveningPea9694 to Ultramarathon [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 21:25 Chukwithak Podiatry - Distal Fibula Spiral fracture

41y/o male, 3% world wide athlete for age.
On 4/27 I was on a backcountry ski patrol, believe I caught a wrong began to tumble over the front of the board. Self evaluated and felt like a sprained my ankle. Snowboarded down to the bottom of the hill and toured back to the tent about .25 miles.
Took Tylenol/motrin that night. Initial trauma inflammation as expected. 5/10 pain. Woke up in the morning 4/28 and 8/10 pain mostly due to inflammation but as I mobilized on it the pain dissipated to 1/10. I considered going for another tour, but did not.
I did tour back to the truck 2.5 3/4 pain. I made one turn towards the end that did not feel good. 8/9 pain. Took the splits off and hiked 0.25 miles to the car to get home.
4/29 I wanted to workout on it as it felt pretty good. 3/10 pain when ambulating. Ran out of time and did not workout on it. Went to work (emergency department) and on my lunch. I got an xray.
Xray showed a non displaced distal fibular spiral fracture.
ER put me in a splint and sent me home.
Saw podiatry 5/3 and was re-splinted due to a skin rub on my shin. 5/5 I cut the splint off due to a lack of circulation. I went to my ER and got an Eboot.
On 5/6 I pedaled on a concept 2 bike with a 4.5 dampener for 45 minutes. 3/10 pain to start movement, 1/10 pain after 5 minutes.
On 5/8 I pedaled again, same workout, 1/10 pain to start, 0/10 pain after 5 minutes and I was able to apply more pressure (I could tell from cadence) with 0/10 pain.
Today I returned to podiatry and she wants to cast me. Her reasoning is not due to the fibula, but she stated joint stability of the ligaments. She want to cast me for compression and let the internal soft tissues heal.
I have been non weight bearing other than the bike since being splinted originally.
Does this sound like the right process? Thanks. I will also send any documentation to assist.
submitted by Chukwithak to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 18:25 gols-e-but Brest's Pierre Lees-Melou suffers a fractured fibula

submitted by gols-e-but to soccer [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 02:09 No-Anywhere-5338 Bone cracking after fracture

24m 18 weeks ago I suffered a Weber B Fracture to my Distal fibula. Had xray 3 weeks ago and it’s still visible on X-rays, been sent for CT scans to check for a non union. However I’m carrying on with my physio exercises I’ve been given and when I move my foot forwards and backwards every time my ankle is popping/cracking, is this normal?
submitted by No-Anywhere-5338 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 23:32 Sudden_Sea8670 How Likely Is It I’ll Need Surgery Based on These MRI Impressions? (27M)

I’ve been very limited by a bad ankle sprain for a month now, and just got my MRI results back.
It’ll be a while (2 weeks) until I can discuss with my podiatrist, so I’m looking for some clarity around what I should expect now.
  1. High-grade partial calcaneofibular ligament tear. Partial anterior talofibular ligament tear at the fibular attachment. High-grade posterior talofibular ligament sprain with low-grade partial tear.
  2. Posterior tibiofibular ligament sprain.
  3. Contusions and/or traction related edema-like marrow signal of the medial malleolus, talus, calcaneus, distal fibula, and medial navicular.
  4. Stress related edema-like marrow signal versus nondisplaced fracture of the distal tibia.
  5. Moderately sized tibiotalar joint hemarthrosis.
  6. 3.9 cm soft tissue hematoma anterolateral of the tibiofibular joint.
  7. Mild peroneus longus tendinosis plantar to lateral of the calcaneus with tenosynovitis. Peroneus brevis tendinosis and short segment longitudinal split tear just distal of the fibula.
submitted by Sudden_Sea8670 to Orthopedics [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 22:59 ShoppingOk4639 Peroneal brevis tendon split tear recovery? I’m just getting so frustrated and don’t know if I need to fight for a more aggressive approach.

29F, 5’ 4” Relevant diagnoses: dorsal avulsion fracture from distal talus / split tear in the peroneal brevis tendon and mild tenosynovitis of the peroneal tendons just below the lateral malleolus Medications: not relevant to the current concern
Experiences with a Peroneal brevis tendon split tear? I have so much respect for doctors, but I’m second guessing everything at this point
Ok, I apologize in advance this requires a fair amount of background information.
Now just for context: I am NOT a doctor, but was in the medical field and worked in an urgent care for 7 years before this. I have some foundational knowledge on anatomy, injuries, and breaks/fractures/etc. So my opinions on my potential injuries wasn’t just Dr. Google, but I completely understand that the doctors know more than me and trusted them for accurate diagnoses and treatment.
8 months ago I was carrying some boxes out to my recycling bin, there are 3 steps going into my garage and as I turned to close the door behind me I went to walk forward and missed a step and ended up falling down the last 2 steps and landed on my ankle. I INSTANTLY knew I had done some serious damage. Now, I know it’s very subjective, but I think I have a pretty high pain tolerance, I had just recently had a baby unmedicated and this pain was excruciating in comparison. I couldn’t make the slightest movements without stabbing pain shooting through my foot and leg. In fact, it was too much effort to stand and I ended up crawling up the stairs at a snails pace and slowly slid myself across the floor until I could reach my bedroom and honestly felt like I was going into shock for the first hour. But not wanting the pay the exorbitant fees of the ER, and having a sleeping toddler, I decided to attempt to sleep it off and go for an X-ray the next morning.
A lot happened after that but in an effort to keep this somewhat short I will just give the highlights:
I went to the urgent care, they didn’t believe me and told me I was “too calm” to have a fracture (they should have seen me when it happened…). The x-ray tech. was very rude and told me “I’m just gonna have to come hurt you if you can’t figure it out” when I tried to have her more clearly explain how to position my foot. They didn’t see anything on the x-ray and told me to just try to stay off my foot and use crutches if it REALLY hurts. I told them that with a toddler that wasn’t really a feasible option for me and asked if a walking boot would be a possibility. In a condescending tone I was told I didn’t need one but could buy one on my own. About 6 hours later they called to tell me the radiologist actually found an avulsion fracture and they offered to sell me a boot. I told them no because I already ordered one for myself.
I then scheduled an appointment with an orthopedic office to follow up 2 weeks later. They were fine overall for the first visit (though I was mildly frustrated I had to pay for x-rays again) and they confirmed I should be in a boot for another 6 weeks. At the next follow up I spent an hour waiting for a 5 minute visit where, again, I felt I wasn’t really taken seriously. I expressed concerns about my severely lacking range of mobility moving my foot side to side. Without even asking me to take the boot off to take a look at my concerns I was told to try a brace for 2 weeks then consider physical therapy if I felt I needed it.
2 weeks later I called and scheduled PT for myself. I did see improvement but i could still barely move my foot side to side. I had a follow up with the orthopedic doctor and told him I was concerned about more extensive soft tissue damage and potential tendon damage but was told to just keep going to PT as long as it is helpful.
I did PT for 2 1/2 months until I felt we had plateaued and when I asked what more I could do for mobility I was told “the tendon is probably stretched so that would only be fixed with surgery” At that point we hit the holidays and the office was closed for a few weeks, I decided to just continue the exercises on my own. Maybe it was my fault for misinterpreting it, but I felt like that statement meant “this is as good as it’s going to get” so I might as well save money and do it on my own since the doctor told me to only go as long as it seemed helpful. For a few months things were fine but then the pain started increasing again and mobility started declining.
This time I went to a foot and ankle specialist. After more x-rays i Peroneal Brevis Tendon Split Tear Recover? I’m just getting so frustrated and don’t know if I need to fight for a more aggressive approach.
Experiences with a Peroneal brevis tendon split tear? I have so much respect for doctors, but I’m second guessing everything at this point
Ok, I apologize in advance this requires a fair amount of background information.
Now just for context: I am NOT a doctor, but was in the medical field and worked in an urgent care for 7 years before this. I have some foundational knowledge on anatomy, injuries, and breaks/fractures/etc. So my opinions on my potential injuries wasn’t just Dr. Google, but I completely understand that the doctors know more than me.
8 months ago I was carrying some boxes out to my recycling bin, there are 3 steps going into my garage and as I turned to close the door behind me I went to walk forward and missed a step and ended up falling down the last 2 steps and landed on my ankle. I INSTANTLY knew I had done some serious damage. Now, I know it’s very subjective, but I think I have a pretty high pain tolerance, I had just recently had a baby unmedicated and this pain was excruciating in comparison. I couldn’t make the slightest movements without stabbing pain shooting through my foot and leg. In fact, it was too much effort to stand and I ended up crawling up the stairs at a snails pace and slowly slid myself across the floor until I could reach my bedroom and honestly felt like I was going into shock for the first hour. But not wanting the pay the exorbitant fees of the ER, and having a sleeping toddler, I decided to attempt to sleep it off and go for an X-ray the next morning.
A lot happened after that but in an effort to keep this somewhat short I will just give the highlights:
I went to the urgent care, they didn’t believe me and told me I was “too calm” to have a fracture (they should have seen me when it happened…). The x-ray tech. was very rude and told me “I’m just gonna have to come hurt you if you can’t figure it out” when I tried to have her more clearly explain how to position my foot. They didn’t see anything on the x-ray and told me to just try to stay off my foot and use crutches if it REALLY hurts. I told them that with a toddler that wasn’t really a feasible option for me and asked if a walking boot would be a possibility. In a condescending tone I was told I didn’t need one but could buy one on my own. About 6 hours later they called to tell me they were wrong and the radiologist found an avulsion fracture and they offered to sell me a boot. I told them no because I already ordered one for myself.
I then scheduled an appointment with an orthopedic office to follow up 2 weeks later. They were fine overall for the first visit (though I was mildly irritated they wanted their own x-rays and I had to pay for that again, but understood wanting to make sure nothing was missed) and they confirmed I should be in a boot for another 6 weeks. At the next follow up I spent an hour waiting for a 5 minute visit where, again, I felt I wasn’t really taken seriously. I expressed concerns about my severely lacking range of mobility moving my foot side to side. Without even asking me to take the boot off to take a look at my concerns I was told to try a brace for 2 weeks then consider physical therapy if I felt I needed it.
2 weeks later I called and scheduled PT for myself. I did see improvement but i could still barely move my foot side to side. I had a follow up with the orthopedic doctor and told him I was concerned about more extensive soft tissue damage and potential tendon damage but was told to just keep going to PT as long as it is helpful.
I did PT for 2 1/2 months until I felt we had plateaued and when I asked what more I could do for mobility I was told “the tendon is probably stretched and you may just need surgery” At that point we hit the holidays and the office was closed for a few weeks, I decided to just continue the exercises on my own. For a few months things were fine but then the pain started increasing again and mobility started declining.
This time I went to a foot and ankle specialist. After more x-rays I was told it looks like there is a bone growth on the top of my foot from where the bone was injured and was “attempting to heal”, but because it is an avulsion fracture it couldn’t actual reconnect to the chip of bone that ripped off and instead the growth and the chip are “grinding” together. He suggested a cortisone injection, but to me that feels like just a bandaid fix. He acknowledged it is, but wants to start there. However; this didn’t explain the mobility concerns so I kept pushing until I FINALLY got an MRI ordered and confirmed there is a peroneus brevis split tear.
Now to the ACTUAL point. My doctor is recommending basically just starting over. He wants me in a walking boot for at least 6 weeks before restarting PT. My question is, has anyone had success with a conservative approach this long after the actual injury (after already doing the same things earlier)? Once concern I have is that my insurance will reset in July, so if we inevitably end up at surgery I would rather do it when I’ve already hit my deductible. I just don’t want to do all of this and 6 months later be right back where I started and have to pay for everything again! I am just so frustrated with this entire experience and feel like I’ve had to fight every step of the way to be taken seriously and as much as I want to trust my doctors advice I’m about out of trust, especially when he’s admitted that the plan for the bone issues is just a “bandaid”
I really don’t WANT surgery, but I’m tired of dealing with all these issues and if we are going to end up there anyway I’d rather just get it done with! I’m just exhausted with feeling like I have to fight to be taken seriously every step of the way and don’t know if I need to keep fighting for a more aggressive approach at this point. I have been trying to advocate for myself but I just keep getting pushback and it makes me feel like I’m crazy, I start to doubt myself, but I keep getting confirmation that there is a bigger issue than previously thought, so I’m in a weird place of feeling some sense of validation that I was right about there being a bigger issue, but still doubting myself because I am obviously NOT the expert here. I am just tired of being the one to lead this charge, I want to let someone else take the reins and advise me on what the best next steps are, but my trust is waning.
I’m just hoping for some second opinions on what the healing process looks like for this type of injury and what the chances of a conservative approach are? I was told it looks like there is a bone growth on the top of my foot from where the bone was injured and was “attempting to heal”, but because it is an avulsion fracture it couldn’t actual reconnect to the chip of bone that ripped off and instead the growth and the chip are “grinding” together. He suggested a cortisone injection, but to me that feels like just a bandaid fix. He acknowledged it is, but wants to start there. However; this didn’t explain the mobility concerns so I kept pushing until I FINALLY got an MRI ordered and confirmed there is a peroneus brevis split tear.
Now to the ACTUAL point. My doctor is recommending basically just starting over. He wants me in a walking boot for at least 6 weeks before restarting PT. My question is, has anyone had success with a conservative approach this long after the actual injury (after already doing the same things earlier)? A major concern I have is that my insurance will reset in July, so if we inevitably end up at surgery I would rather do it when I’ve already hit my deductible. I just can’t afford my high deductible again. I don’t want to do all of this and 6 months later be right back where I started and have to pay for everything again! I am just so frustrated with this entire experience and feel like I’ve had to fight every step of the way to be taken seriously and as much as I want to trust my doctors advice I’m about out of trust, especially when he’s admitted that the plan for the bone issues is just a “bandaid.” My understanding is that if I want to actually fix the bone issue that will require surgery. And I’m worried the tendon issue is the same.
I really don’t WANT surgery, but I’m tired of dealing with all these issues and if we are going to end up there anyway I’d rather just get it done with! I’m just exhausted with feeling like I have to fight to be taken seriously every step of the way and don’t know if I need to keep fighting for a more aggressive approach at this point. I have been trying to advocate for myself but I just keep getting pushback and it makes me feel like I’m crazy, I start to doubt myself, but I keep getting confirmation that there are bigger issues than previously thought, so I’m in a weird place of feeling some sense of validation that I was right about there being a bigger issue, but still doubting myself because I am obviously NOT the expert here. I am just tired of being the one to lead this charge, I want to know what the BEST option is moving forward and my trust is waning.
I’m just hoping for some second opinions on what the healing process looks like for this type of injury and what the chances of a conservative approach are? Will the tendon actually repair without surgery? And am I going to end up needing surgery for the bone chip anyway after the cortisone wears off? I just don’t know what to do now.
submitted by ShoppingOk4639 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 22:16 ShoppingOk4639 Experiences with a Peroneal brevis tendon split tear? I have so much respect for doctors, but I’m second guessing everything at this point

Ok, I apologize in advance this requires a fair amount of background information.
Now just for context: I am NOT a doctor, but was in the medical field and worked in an urgent care for 7 years before this. I have some foundational knowledge on anatomy, injuries, and breaks/fractures/etc. So my opinions on my potential injuries wasn’t just Dr. Google
8 months ago I was carrying some boxes out to my recycling bin, there are 3 steps going into my garage and as I turned to close the door behind me I went to walk forward and missed a step and ended up falling down the last 2 steps and landed on my ankle. I INSTANTLY knew I had done some serious damage. Now, I know it’s very subjective, but I think I have a pretty high pain tolerance, I had just recently had a baby unmedicated and this pain was excruciating in comparison. I couldn’t make the slightest movements without stabbing pain shooting through my foot and leg. In fact, it was too much effort to stand and I ended up crawling up the stairs at a snails pace and slowly slid myself across the floor until I could reach my bedroom and honestly felt like I was going into shock for the first hour. But not wanting the pay the exorbitant fees of the ER, and having a sleeping toddler, I decided to attempt to sleep it off and go for an X-ray the next morning.
A lot happened after that but in an effort to keep this somewhat short I will just give the highlights:
I went to the urgent care, they didn’t believe me and told me I was “too calm” to have a fracture. The x-ray tech. was very rude and told me “I’m just gonna have to come hurt you if you can’t figure it out” when I tried to have her more clearly explain how to position my foot. They didn’t see anything on the x-ray and told me to just try to stay off my foot and use crutches if it REALLY hurts. I told them that with a toddler that wasn’t really a feasible option for me and asked if a walking boot would be a possibility. In a condescending tone I was told I didn’t need one but could buy one on my own. About 6 hours later they called to tell me they were wrong and the radiologist found an avulsion fracture and they offered to sell me a boot. I told them no because I already ordered one for myself.
I then scheduled an appointment with an orthopedic office to follow up 2 weeks later. They were fine overall for the first visit (though I was mildly irritated they wanted their own x-rays and I had to pay for that again, but understood wanting to make sure nothing was missed) and they confirmed I should be in a boot for another 6 weeks. At the next follow up I spent an hour waiting for a 5 minute visit where, again, I felt I wasn’t really taken seriously. I expressed concerns about my severely lacking range of mobility moving my foot side to side. Without even asking me to take the boot off to take a look at my concerns I was told to try a brace for 2 weeks then consider physical therapy if I felt I needed it.
2 weeks later I called and scheduled PT for myself. I did see improvement but i could still barely move my foot side to side. I had a follow up with the orthopedic doctor and told him I was concerned about more extensive soft tissue damage and potential tendon damage but was told to just keep going to PT as long as it is helpful.
I did PT for 2 1/2 months until I felt we had plateaued and when I asked what more I could do for mobility I was told “the tendon is probably stretched and you may just need surgery” At that point we hit the holidays and the office was closed for a few weeks, I decided to just continue the exercises on my own. For a few months things were fine but then the pain started increasing again and mobility started declining.
This time I went to a foot and ankle specialist. After more x-rays it was determined that there is a bone growth on the top of my foot from where the bone was injured and was “attempting to heal”, but because it is an avulsion fracture it couldn’t actual reconnect to the chip of bone that ripped off and instead the growth and the chip are “grinding” together. He suggested a cortisone injection, but to me that feels like just a bandaid fix. He acknowledged it is, but wants to start there. However; this didn’t explain the mobility concerns so I kept pushing until I FINALLY got an MRI ordered and confirmed there is a peroneus brevis split tear.
Now to the ACTUAL point. My doctor is recommending basically just starting over. He wants me in a walking boot for at least 6 weeks before restarting PT. My question is, has anyone had success with a conservative approach this long after the actual injury (after already doing the same things earlier)? Once concern I have is that my insurance will reset in July, so if we inevitably end up at surgery I would rather do it when I’ve already hit my deductible. I just don’t want to do all of this and 6 months later be right back where I started and have to pay for everything again! I am just so frustrated with this entire experience and feel like I’ve had to fight every step of the way to be taken seriously and as much as I want to trust my doctors advice I’m about out of trust, especially when he’s admitted that the plan for the bone issues is just a “bandaid”
I really don’t WANT surgery, but I’m tired of dealing with all these issues and if we are going to end up there anyway I’d rather just get it done with!
I’m just hoping for some second opinions on what the healing process looks like for this type of injury and what the chances of a conservative approach are?
submitted by ShoppingOk4639 to FootFunction [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 03:25 Poorhumanitiesmajor Recovery Time for Ankle Break [41YO]

I fractured my fibula and lateral malleolus skating this past Sunday. Going in for surgery tomorrow to get things stabilized. Have any of you been through this or something similar and if so, how long was it from surgery to getting back on the board?
submitted by Poorhumanitiesmajor to OldSkaters [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 16:50 Few-Profession2483 Recovery Stories From Famous People: Paul George - fracture of tibia and fibula

Recovery Stories From Famous People: Paul George - fracture of tibia and fibula
Indiana Pacers forward Paul George suffered an open tibia-fibula fracture in his right leg during a Team USA scrimmage at the Thomas & Mack Center on August 2, 2014. The injury occurred when George collided with the basket stanchion as he attempted to contest a layup attempt by James Harden. George was placed in an air cast before being transported to a nearby hospital for surgery.
Paul sustained an open (also called compound) fracture of both his tibia and his fibula, and had emergent surgery to fix this. An open fracture means the bones penetrated the skin, and were exposed to the outside air. This increases the risk of infection, compared to a closed fracture. His surgery included cleaning the leg wounds, and then his surgeon inserted a titanium rod into the tibia. The tibia is a very strong bone, but only the outside of the bone is strong; the inside of our bones, where the marrow is, is actually quite soft. Therefore, his surgeon made an incision just below the knee, made a small hole in the bone at the top of the tibia, and inserted a rod about the size of your little finger, the whole length of the tibia. To further stabilize the fracture, he probably also inserted additional screws above and below the break, right through the bone and the rod.
George’s long and measured recovery and return also comprised the six-game stint he played to close out the 2014-15 season. Each stage was a step towards returning full time to the game he loves.
“Basketball is not a job; it’s not my work,” George explains. “It’s just what I love to do.”
Paul George;
"My road to recovery was long and hard but worth every minute – I’m stronger for it"
submitted by Few-Profession2483 to OUCHMATCH [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 16:39 Prudent-Ad-4995 Broke my tib/fib in an avalanche accident 12/9/23. 5 surgeries later and still no signs of healing.

Broke my tib/fib in an avalanche accident 12/9/23. 5 surgeries later and still no signs of healing.
I had a compound fracture of my tib/fib 12/9/23. I developed compartment syndrome as well. 5 surgeries later (external fixator 12/9, 2 fasciotomies 12/9, nail placement 12/22, allograft bone graft 2/26) and still no signs of healing. I am starting to seek second opinions from specialists as I am still unable to walk. I am FWB however its very painful. Upon research, I'm starting to see BKA (below knee amputation) being a possibility.
My surgeon discussed trying another bone graft (taken from my femur, maybe more effective?)
If this doesn't work, potential for a bone transport surgery (another 3 procedures) I'm really starting to get frustrated with this whole process. I was on track to become a mountain guide and my plans have been completely derailed.
Anyone else experience this horrific healing journey? Does anyone have recommendations for a specialist? This has been very mentally taxing and I am just looking for some light at the end of the tunnel.
Here is a photo of my x-ray. I also have pains in the area that my non-union fibula is. I feel like I can physically move my bone when I press on the left side of my shin.
Adding updated X-rays
submitted by Prudent-Ad-4995 to Backcountry [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 23:12 AWH_99 77 y/o with a right distal fibular fracture. Opinions?

Hello everyone,
My grandmother sustained a fracture in her right fibula from a fall due to syncope. She has a pacemaker due to complete heart block. The doctors in the Orthopedics ward still did not decide whether or not she needs surgery (ORIF). Judging from the x-ray, is it worth it to take the risks of surgery? given the fact that she’s a high risk patient?
The X-ray
Thank you!
submitted by AWH_99 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 21:51 ShadyAndAHalf More bad news

Hi. I recently posted about how my grandma fractured her fibula and became a BBB. Well this just in, yesterday my grandfather fractured his wrist. Somebody test me to prove I am not a BBB please. I need it.
submitted by ShadyAndAHalf to Neverbrokeabone [link] [comments]
