Son watches hot mom in shower


2012.01.26 04:15 lulzcakes LookToYourRight


2024.05.18 22:17 Katarina_Dreams_92 Digimon: World Fates - fan project first look (constructive criticism is welcome)

A fragment of a meteor strikes the Nigerian savanna. From the crater, a pillar of green light emerges. In a nearby village, eleven-year-old Tobe stirs from his sleep. The young lad peers out of his ramshackle window, the bright glow of the impact sight catching his attention. He seems inexplicably drawn towards it as if it was calling his name.
Unable to resist, Tobe quietly gets out of bed. The boy sneaks across the cold stone floor, keeping sure not to wake his mother or younger sister. He skitters out of town and towards the light.
He finds the indent in the earth, the glowing object at its center. His curiosity overcomes any sense of danger he might have had otherwise; he touches the object. The emanating light flashes bright, almost blinding. Tobe feels himself falling with no end in sight, causing him to black out.
When he awakes, his eyesight is slightly blurred; possibly an effect of the light. Tobe rubs away the mist obscuring his vision and is greeted by a vast forest reminiscent of the North American wilderness. Before he can question where in the world he is, he takes notice of the watch-like device strapped to his wrist. It has no numbers on its bright digital face, but that same bright green light flickers on its screen.
Before he is given time to contemplate all the goings on, the sound of buzzing wings reaches Tobe’s ears. It is louder than any swarm the young boy has ever heard. He looks in every direction until he catches sight of a huge insect flying high over the treetops. It has the body of a bee and the mane of a lion.
[FLYMON - Adult / Virus / Insect / Deadly Sting]
The large creature takes a sharp dip in the air, darting towards Tobe. There is nothing more that he can do but run. The adrenaline of danger has him showing unexpected feats of athleticism, leaping over logs and stones. School yard soccer has not prepared him for this.
Flymon launches its stingers at our young lad, knocking branches off trees and digging into the earth. Tobe comes to a raging river, the current too strong for him to swim across. His foe fires off another round of stingers when a voice, new yet somehow familiar, sounds from the brush.
“Baby Breath!”
A ball of red hot flame blasts the giant insect, leaving it momentarily stunned. Out of the shadows of the trees, a dragon-like creature appears between Tobe and Flymon. It has tattered red wings and horns, teal scales, and ivory claws.
“Run!” he says to the boy. The two take off, getting as far from the stinging beast as they can. The small beast guides Tobe into a cave where they can hide out for a while.
Now out of danger, the two can be properly introduced. Tobe is still a bit on edge and unsure of what to think of the odd life form in front of him.
“Who are you?” he asks.
“Dracomon,” the creature answers with a smile.
[DRACOMON - Child / Data / Dragon / Baby Breath]
submitted by Katarina_Dreams_92 to digimon [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:16 Perfect_Wolverine543 Not ready to take any blame - BP

My WW had a 7 month online affair with her old high school teacher (also married). DDay was April 22nd. She was planning to meet him at a hotel in June, but since I found out she cut all contact with him, and has been very open and apologetic. She cried straight for about a week, admitted to everything as far as I can verify, (watching each other masturbate, saying she loves him, fantasizing about living together). She did almost everything right from that point, except begging me not to tell the OBP.
We want to reconcile (we have 2 little girls, married 10 years).
My first instinct was terror at losing my family, and just general jealousy and hurt. I never yelled at her or anything. I didn't feel I needed to, she was clearly contrite and didn't like herself for doing it.
We've been doing the hysterical bonding thing, which seems to help. And we've been talking more, which is nice. I can't usually go to sleep at night though and wander downstairs to stew most nights. She feels bad about that.
Last night she came down in the morning and found me awake at 5am. We talked because I was jealous that when we were having sex she wanted me to grab her ass but didn't say anything. She tried to move my hands, but it wasn't clear. In short, she's always been very shy about sexual communication. I couldn't sleep because I remembered some of the sexually graphic texts and emails she sent to him. I told her this, and for the first time (except 1 extremely brief bit on day 1) she explained that she was more comfortable with this man sexually because they communicated much more about other topics and opened up about their feeling, etc. Then she complained that she went through a rough 2 years because I didn't spend enough time with the family, or enough time with her.
She's a stay at home mom because I work hard enough so she can do that, and I think I always resented that she wasn't happier or more grateful for that. She wanted to stay home when we had kids, I give that to her, and now she's mad that I don't see them enough.
The big problem is that she's probably right. I would sleep in late on non work days, I'd stay up late to get alone time, and I didn't love family adventures with our little girls. I'm an introvert. My girls love me, don't get me wrong. My oldest (7 tomorrow) and I have long conversations and debates, and I'm clearly her favorite.
It's not that my WW is wrong, it's that I'm not ready to accept that kind of blame or responsibility right now. I'm hurting worse than I ever have before, and on top of that I have to hear that my wife is angry at me and I wasn't a great husband. How am I supposed to heal through that?
I shouldn't overstate it, my WW was very clear that my failings (my word) don't serve as an excuse for what she did. We love each other and seem committed to making it work. She feels a ton of guilt and we are very kind to each other. But in the span of a month I went from:
I'm a good responsible husband with a solid marriage
I'm a good responsible husband whose wife made a terrible decision and I have to learn to forgive her.
to now:
I'm an average husband at best that neglected my wife causing her to have a brutal affair and now I have to heal through that just to get back to where I was, and then make all kinds of life changes to improve her life. Where upon, maybe, she'll love me as much as that other cheating A-hole.
This sucks.
submitted by Perfect_Wolverine543 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:16 Much-Brilliant-7033 People don’t understand nap time is sacred

I have a 16 month old and he's been on a consistent nap schedule since he was 8 months old. My son is down to one nap a day from 12-2:30 and this is the only time I get to myself all day. During this window I get to eat, shower, do any chores, and most importantly get some rest myself. You see I am also 8 months pregnant and exhausted all the time.
However our families are always trying to come over to visit and see us/the baby around this time. I always tell them they can come before or after nap time but not during those blocked off hours. Often times they make us feel bad for not allowing them to come "even though we're home" and say things like "it's fine if you push/skip the nap he'll sleep eventually." If my son doesn't nap on time it means a super late bedtime, midnight/early morning wake-ups, and a whole lot of whining and crying. Or they will say “It’s fine if the baby is sleeping, we can just hang out.” I’m heavily pregnant if I have an option whether to lay down and sleep or entertain you I’m gonna choose to rest.
Not to sound like an AH but I feel that if someone wants something from you (ex. To come and be hosted at YOUR house) they need to accommodate to your schedule and not the other way around. Just because that's the time you prefer doesn't mean I am going to be available for you at that time. We thrive on consistency and a stable routine in which everyone can get their rest and down time. I'm not gonna skip my child's nap or sacrifice my only rest time for just a routine visit. Sure, if it's a special occasion or something we are willing to make exceptions but not regularly.
submitted by Much-Brilliant-7033 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:15 SignificantShine5391 Tips for emetephobia

Hi guys, I’ve struggled with emetephobia my whole life and i just wanted to share things that I either tell myself when im panicking, or things i tell someone who is worried that they will get sick. I liketo use logical approaches when talking about emetophobia because they calm me down and make the most sense.
  1. When you’re actually gonna throw up, you won’t have even 30 seconds to think about it. It will just happen the second you feel it. So, if you’re nauseous and it has been over5 min since the initial feeling, its just anxiety. Think of in movies when actors just throw up the second they say they feel super sick.
  2. During emetephobia panic attacks, the best solution is to quite literally distract yourself in every way possible. Chew ice. Hot shower. Facetime a friend. Music. Podcast. Water. Make sure to care of the minimal anxiety as soon as possible before it turns into a panic attack, though.
  3. Just a tip- Make your diet to be foods that are healthy and that don’t expire for a long time. I have done this and it allows me to actually be able to enjoy my food w out worrying about getting sick. I’m guessing most of us obsess over expirations date and raw foods. I’ve gotten to a point where I am able to eat sushi and other raw sea food. But years ago, it would scare me a lot. Little life hack is every time you eat a “scary” food (one that makes you worried about tu), the more times you eat it the more times you can tell yourself “Well i’ve ate this a million times before, so why would it make me sick this time?”. Hope that made sense
  4. I don’t drink alcohol anymore because of my general anxiety , BUT if you do want to still enjoy alcohol, a life hack is to drink 1 water bottle in between drinks. I know, its extra but it works wonders. I did this back in highschool to be able to enjoy parties. Also, this way when you burp after drinking it wont taste nasty- It will be a watered down burp.
  5. If somebody around you has a stomach virus, or just throws up from being drunk or smth, u literally cannot get it unless you drink or eat after them. Like sharing a drink or food. So in general just dont drink or eat after others. Simple but important.Oh and also if a child around u gets sick- they’re children, just remind yourself that their immune systems are weak and theyre more prone to tu.
Hope this was helpful.
Just know you are never alone. This is a completely rational fear. Don’t let anybody tell you that youre dramatic for fearing getting sick. I haven’t gotten sick (tu) since i was in 7th grade. My doctor told me your body wont let it happen after a certain amount of time if you fear it so much, thats another thing to consider i think. 🩷 I am here for any of you.
submitted by SignificantShine5391 to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:13 Right_Caramel8791 Shower Pressure Issue

Here’s the series of events: I turn on the 2nd floor shower and it trickles. I leave the shower on and trickling. I turn on 1st floor utility sink hot & cold water. 2nd floor shower has normal pressure.
Yesterday I shut off the water main to the house to replace a kitchen sink hot water valve. Today, my 2nd floor shower has no water pressure unless I fully open both the hot and cold water valves in the first floor utility sink.
The shower head is less than a week old so there’s no build up or grime. Everything was working fine before shutting off the water to replace a valve in another room and all other fixtures in the house currently have great pressure for both hot and cold.
Anyone know what’s going on? All pressure elsewhere is fine regardless of what’s running, even if they all run at the same time. But the upstairs shower only has pressure when water is running full blast downstairs.
submitted by Right_Caramel8791 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:10 Admirable-Collar8912 New Fan Review of "Strawberry Jam"!

Hey folks! A few months ago I asked the subreddit for some beginner songs to ease me into AnCo after first experiencing Peacebone as a newcomer, which seemed so absurd and too much for me. Well, after a few months, I can finally say I am an Animal Collective fan! Even when I was weirded out in the beginning by the overstimulating nature of it, I was always intrigued by the sound and wanted to hear more. So here are my thoughts on the first album I played through, Strawberry Jam! <3
Album: Strawberry Jam
  1. Peacebone: I have heard this song is about child nostalgia and memories, and this makes so much more sense now. This song was the beginning of my journey, and I absolutely love the abrupt screams and animal-like? roars throughout the song. The beginning going from absolute madness to an actual synth progression is actually so cool. While the lyrics still are not my favorite compared to other AnCo songs, I appreciate their childlike nature and fun vibe to them! MILDEW ON RICEEE! Also that ending with the peacebone is sick!
  1. Unsolved Mysteries: Now we’re getting to some of my favorites of all time! Unsolved Memories has some of the catchiest choruses and I love when Avey’s voice gets to those high notes! AND THOSE BUBBLE NOISES TOO THOSE ARE SO COOL! I just love how catchy and bouncy it is! The voices or grunting that pan from left to right are a nice touch too. This song I feel defines Strawberry Jam, with how moist and squishy (lol idk how to describe it) it sounds, like jam. I am not too sure what this song is about, as the line about Jack the Ripper confused me a bit, but I am guessing it is just a song about him? Maybe some of you can give me some insight. The ending is absolutely bonkers as well, I love when songs just go into pure madness at the end, the synths remind me a lot of Peacebone’s ending.
  1. Chores: Again, such a catchy song, this album is absolutely catchy with the melodies, I am surprised it never became as big as Merriweather Post-Pavillion. I love the scratchy noises that keep popping up before Panda’s verses, and the thousand of “IF I IF I IF I’s” are so fun and upbeat. One of my favorite parts includes when it gets real slow by the half-mark, and then the drum beat starts coming in again. The fast to slow transition reminds me a lot of Daily Routine in MPP, one of my fav songs from that album that I will talk about later on. I love the harmonies (is that with Avey?) together, and they sound transcendental like you're awakening from slumber into a new life with those stellar drums. Fun lyrics!
  1. For Reverend Green: Oh man, what an experience. This truly shows Avey’s vocal ability, with those screams. I am not usually one who is into screamo music, but the contrast with so many weird sounds and effects make it worth it. It honestly sounds like he is saying “Forever and Green”, which sounds equally cool as well. I love the slicing knife effects, and the chorus is so so so catchy with his vocalizations. It sounds like “eh eH YEAH” which I love singing along in the car! One of my favorite lyrics is “Now I think it's alright to feel inhuman”, although I am not sure what it means, but it gives me a sense of security. When I first heard this song, I was instantly hooked, the catchy chorus paired with the sick screams captivated my ears and the ending with him repeating “For Reverend Green” is so satisfying to hear!
  1. Fireworks: The transition from For Reverend Green was so smooth! I love the vocalizations in the beginning, though, I feel like it is in the middle ground of not being weird enough and not being conventional sounding enough. That being said, the piano is very catchy, and the strange seagull? sounds are very fun! The part of “surly blood rivers” is very catchy, and I love singing along with it, it has such a fun vibe! The breakdown is very good as well after that part, but I feel it should have ended a little earlier and not repeating some verses, after that huge buildup of “surly blood rivers”. However, I can see the appeal and it is a very fun nostalgic sounding sound that sounds like I could play it during summer watching fireworks! It’s very lovely.
  1. 1: After reading some posts about this song, I feel like I might be in the weird minority here, but I absolutely ADORE THIS SONG. I love the dreamy reverbed synth arpeggio, Avey’s absolutely HAUNTING vocal effects here, Panda’s angelic vocalizations in the background, the alien-like PEWWW sound, and the spooky ghost-sounding effects in one ear. I am a big fan of MGMT, and the sound effects reminded me a lot of Alien Day’s (though more upbeat) and Astro Mancy. I am also a sucker for reverbed to heck vocals, which are present here. I love lo-fi lowkey-type psychedelic songs that sound off-putting, and this song checked all those boxes and exceeded them. The lyrics are so interesting as well, with the “Now son!”, which I am guessing it about a premise revolving around a father and his son, and the issues of growing up? I feel like I could be listening to this floating in space endlessly throughout the universe, which I love!
  1. Winter Wonderland: After #1, I appreciate another upbeat fun song! I could totally see myself jamming out to this during winter! The chorus is so CATCHY, with the “And if you don't believe in fantasy Then don't believe in fantasy Do you not believe in fantasy because it gets you down?”, that part is SO FUN!! I love the imagery of dancing on the lake, and rainbow ice, as I love when songs paint pictures and fantasy dreamscapes in a listener’s head, which is why I love Owl City so much with his dreamy songs. Overall, a short and candy-sweet song that makes you want to go on a sled and slide away!
  1. Cuckoo Cuckoo: One of the more serious sounding songs on the record, I appreciate the more literal and real aspect of the lyrics here. I read more into it, and apparently it is about a miscarriage, which is absolutely saddening. You can hear the pain and hurt in Avey’s voice, and his vocals with “Golden Days” sound so strong. This song definitely has my favorite lyrics, such as “And I can't hold what's in my hand Don't do any good to say this isn't what I planned” and “I said please stay You can see me, don't go away”, which made me extremely emotional. I was so touched by this song, and the contrast between the absolute madness of the “cuckoo cuckoo” and the somber piano, truly craft this song together into a masterpiece. The pain and emotion that permeates this song is substantial, and the production is stellar. Gives me the same feeling from Stride Rite, another song from their “Isn’t It Now?” album that I have not yet finished yet, beautiful regardless.
  1. Derek: A fun-sounding little closer that sounds like a child singing, with Panda’s sweet vocals. Again, the squishy noises throughout the song are a nice touch, adding to the vibe of Strawberry Jam. I am guessing this is a song about a dog dying, which is really sad. The drums that pop in through the middle bring you back to life, and I love the repetition of the verses Panda sings, and they again, are so catchy! I feel like Chores and Derek are sister songs, not only because of Panda, but because they both start off with some normal AnCo verses, then have a more upbeat revitalizing drum beat. Overall, not bad, and is a light closer to the album!
submitted by Admirable-Collar8912 to AnimalCollective [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:09 FerynaCZ Bloons TD 6 race #283, "Onslaught at Sea"

Bloons TD 6 race #283, "Onslaught at Sea," has quickly gained a reputation as the pinnacle of race design within the game's vibrant community, lauded for its intricate balance and compelling gameplay dynamics. The hallmark of this race is its enforced boat strategy, which channels players towards an underutilized yet highly versatile subset of towers. By compelling the use of water-based defenses, "Onslaught at Sea" breathes new life into strategies that often sit on the periphery of mainstream play. This not only showcases the full potential of boat towers, such as the Buccaneer and the Submarine, but also necessitates a deeper understanding of their synergies and capabilities. Players must meticulously consider placement, upgrades, and timing, transforming the typically frenetic pace of a race into a calculated and strategic endeavor. One of the most intriguing aspects of "Onslaught at Sea" is the prohibition on selling towers. In many Bloons TD 6 races, the ability to sell and reposition towers is a critical component of strategy, allowing players to adapt rapidly to the escalating waves of Bloons. However, the restriction against selling in this race demands a complete paradigm shift. Players are forced to plan their defenses with a level of foresight and precision that is unparalleled. Every tower placement becomes a long-term commitment, necessitating a thorough understanding of the game's mechanics and a keen anticipation of future rounds. This constraint elevates the strategic depth of the race, as players must optimize their resource allocation and tower placement from the very beginning, without the safety net of repositioning. The enforced boat strategy, in conjunction with the no-sell rule, fosters a unique challenge that pushes players to think outside the box. The Buccaneer towers, for instance, offer a range of upgrades that can target both air and sea threats, from the Grape Shot and Hot Shot upgrades to the formidable Aircraft Carrier and Monkey Pirates. These upgrades, while powerful, require substantial investment and careful timing. Players must balance the immediate need for crowd control against the long-term benefits of more advanced upgrades. Meanwhile, Submarines provide essential support with their advanced targeting systems and powerful ballistic capabilities. The interplay between these two tower types, along with their upgrades, creates a rich tapestry of strategic possibilities. Moreover, the nautical theme of "Onslaught at Sea" is not just a superficial aesthetic but an integral part of the race's design. The map itself is carefully crafted to emphasize water-based strategies, with ample water bodies strategically placed to encourage diverse and innovative tower placements. This environmental design not only reinforces the thematic consistency but also adds another layer of strategic complexity. Players must navigate the physical constraints of the map while maximizing the potential of their water-based towers. The combination of these elements makes "Onslaught at Sea" a standout race. It transcends the typical race format by integrating a cohesive theme, enforcing unique strategic constraints, and demanding an unprecedented level of foresight and precision. By doing so, it transforms what could have been a standard race into a masterclass in strategic gameplay. Players are not merely racing against the clock but are engaged in a cerebral battle of wits, constantly adapting and optimizing their strategies within the rigid framework set by the race's rules. In essence, "Onslaught at Sea" is a testament to the creative potential of Bloons TD 6's race mode. It exemplifies how thoughtful design can elevate a simple game mode into a deeply engaging and challenging experience. By forcing a boat-centric strategy and eliminating the option to sell towers, it creates a unique and exhilarating race that stands as the best ever created in the game. This race is a shining example of how constraints can fuel creativity, pushing players to explore new strategies and refine their skills in ways they never thought possible.
Source: Pinned comment in
submitted by FerynaCZ to btd6 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:08 Organic_Issue6381 When should I call CPS?

I know a lot of people say if you feel the need to ask, then I probably need to, but I feel like I'm too anxious to think properly. There's so much it's gonna be long.
My (23) fiance's (24) sister (Y 31) is getting back together with a piece of shit(D 42). She said so last night. They have two kids Niece(V 10) and Nephew(X 4). POS used to hit V the past 2 years because she wouldn't stay in his mom's livingroom and watch YouTube when she was supposed to be homeschooled. X has type 1 diabetes and D would let him eat whatever while Y worked 12-18hr shifts DAILY. He spent all of Y's money, especially the day before rent was due (so they also couldn't afford a lot of insulin).
D got mad at Y for the littlest things while she was home and made her clean and cook everything. He stays on his computer with headphones on all day (he started a streaming channel that's only live stream. Some lasted for as short as 6hrs to as long as 10hrs. He gave that up to get in online arguments).
They had to live in his mom's houses bc she only charged them $500 of rent. She'd come over to yell at Y for not taking better care of D and the kids. We offered to buy land, they pay a third and we'd pay the rest. They said yes and pulled out the last second, leaving us stranded and having to start over.
D confessed to having a crush on me since I was 17, two months ago, so they have been separated for less than a month. Me and my husband came over often to help clean and cook and watch niece. She'd been talking abt never getting with him and going for only women (she's bi and never got to date any women before this 12yr relationship). We even went to a club where she spent 4hrs making out with and grinding on a woman intermittently.
Y found out abt the beatings late last year and only told D to stop drinking. He agreed but didn't go to AA. D told V he'd stop hitting her if she was good, which is when she started being a people pleaser to him and a brat to Y. I feel like he said more besides that, otherwise why has V been so mean to her mom? Everyday she talks abt her dad and living in his state (he moved there when they separated to be with his mom and took X but not V). Last week we saw a picture of X with a couple bruises on the side of his face and head and D took the phone when X said he missed his mom. Idk if I should believe that X fell off the couch or not.
Y said she's gonna be with D in his state (she hates it there and all the people he surrounds her with) even though he lied abt going to therapy when he got there. She said they'll just do counseling when she gets there. (Idk where to add this but he also told V he was leaving to his state 1. Bc his mom was sick and his dad got in a car crash and 2. Bc my fiance and I were mean to him. We told him we didn't have a positive opinion of him, which he was surprised about.)
Y's an adult who can make her own decisions but idk if this is a good decision to make. Regardless I have no say, but i dont see this turning out well for the kids or her.
She's willingly making her mom homeless (my MIL lives with Y) and has said she will be going low contact with us bc we were so willing to join in her "unwarranted" anger with D. I do not feel like this is a decision she is willing to make or that this will turn out well at all. Bad vibes all around but I've also been told I'm too invested in this even though I only had one conversation with Y abt what she would like to do in the future and if there was anything we could do to help her.
Do I have a good reason to be worried and call CPS a week after she moves there? Is this at all a normal family? I'm very anxious and hypervigilant when it comes to kids bc I was severely abused and neglected when I was younger, but I tend to overreact and pick apart behaviors in kids that make my mind go crazy with scenarios. That's why I tried my best to only put things I'm certain happened and a bit of how I feel.
Tl;Dr BIL-in-law is abusive in my eyes. I don't think the kids nor my SIL will be safe living with him. Should I call CPS a week after they move to another state?
submitted by Organic_Issue6381 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:07 Glum-Ad-4886 Is my mom lesbian?

So several times my mom has made remarks about women when she sees them in public or on TV. For instance, we were at Walmart and we saw a black lady wearing short shorts, and when I say short shorts I mean its short you could almost see her ass and wearing a sleeveless shirt, and my mom goes “omg you see this black girls ass it's like she's naked what the fuck is wrong with her fucking bitch”. yet minutes later kept eyeing her. In another instance, we were watching a live tv show and we see a dyke or butch woman and my mom goes “Omg look a lesbian she looks like a guy my god look look you see her she looks like a guy”. Idk to me I think it is closeted behavior and she likes what she sees but who knows? What do you guys think?
submitted by Glum-Ad-4886 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:05 dawnfire05 Ambivert?

I’ve really been considering how I’m using my functions lately. I’ve typed as an INFP for a long time, but only recently got into MBTI and studying cognitive functions.
Even being in the INFP community I struggle to fit in sometimes because I seem to have a good grasp of my Te and use it often, and even further still I think I tussle a lot with trying to utilize my Si like I could. In high school I first typed as INTP but I think that’s because of my use of Te and Ne.
I’ve also been trying to notice how I utilize Fi and Ne, and I definitely think I’m Ne dom after considering it all. I will get emotional over something and have strong opinions, and even if I can draw emotional conclusions on something, I’m more so reaching out to the world around me to figure out my answers. Everything I think is an abstract possibility of something, my thoughts aren’t dominantly that “does this align with me emotionally/I’ve made up my mind because I just know this feels right or wrong”, it’s more “I see these possibilities and some of them upset me so now I’m getting anxious and upset over this possible outcome that may or may not happen, but I’m also excited about the good possibilities. I don’t really know how I feel. I know what I want, and what I hope to feel, but there’s merits and cons all over the place”.
I’m always asking people about what my opinion on something should be, or what my feelings about something should be. I do have strong opinions on some things I absolutely will not waver on that are emotional to me, but everyone does. Most of the time, though, I’m looking towards other people to form opinions on small things. Looking into the differences between INFPs and ENFPs I guess it’s a stereotype that ENFPs don’t know themselves as much because of the dom Ne while INFPs know themselves, know their opinions, know their values, and won’t waver because of that dom Fi. Going on those specific stereotypes, I’d say that I would be an ENFP.
But again, going on those stereotypes and just the communities and the things the people talk about and relate to, I very much fit INFP. I relate to a lot of INFP stereotypes and behaviors, and especially the ones about introversion. I feel I belong more in the INFP community even if I’m using my stack like an ENFP. Reading on how to tell if you’re an INFP or ENFP, I’m usually split between the “this or that” tally but sway just a bit more ENFP, but that’s just the functions working. Behavior, especially when it’s a social “this or that” I usually sway INFP.
It’s that introversion that trips me up. What is an introvert? I’ve always considered myself an introvert, and people tend to say I am. When ENFPs talk about extroversion, it’s always “big extrovert” or “can be big extrovert but can be big introvert.” I don’t have any “big extrovert” in me. It’s either I want to be on my own or with the people close to me, the ones I trust, the ones I can fully express myself around. If it’s not those people, I’d rather just be on my own.
With my bf I like to split my time 50/50 between being on my own to consider my thoughts, then the rest of the day I want to be with him and talk for hours about those thoughts, all the possibilities, and the branches from them all. I really like that, and I just like my alone time when I need to understand my feelings or I need to think about and create a bit of a basis for what I actually want to talk about. I need both to “recharge”, if I don’t have both I’m so depleted.
I’m a huge talker. Can’t ever get me to shut up. “Good night” means 3 extra hours of me just spewing random thoughts as I try to quiet my brain. I will talk for hours it can annoy my bf, but he also enjoys it at the same time. My text messages are all multiple paragraphs long just full of tangents. I want to be around people so I can talk, I’d hate being alone for months with nobody in my life I’d get depressed. And I have been, it’s miserable. But I also only want to talk to the people I deeply cherish, I just don’t really enjoy the company of strangers or even acquaintances. If it’s talk to strangers or be alone, I will choose be alone. I do highly value my alone time, I just also need talk time. Even in my alone time, though, I’m always talking. I don’t really have friends, I post on reddit. My karma comes from how much I just comment all of the time, and that’s without having a top comment on a big sub. I just have to say all my thoughts and I want people to know them so we can talk about new possibilities together.
People scare me, though. Social anxiety. I have a crippling fear of judgement and embarrassment, so I limit my contact with people to cashiers, my bf, and the rest I just don’t talk to. I kinda hate people, not a violent angry hate, but I hate the potential of a social interaction that could go ary. It’s a hatred born of the fear of possible social failure. Other than my bf and the few coworkers I’ve associated with until covid messed it all up, I’ve been alone for years. I like it, mostly, but I would enjoy some people in my life. Just people who… understand me. And I feel like nobody would, so I choose (“choose”) to be alone.
Not to mention I’m a horrible conversationalist with small talk. I just don’t like it, so I just don’t have an interest in getting to know other people knowing they probably expect that. I’d love it if I could go up to strangers and ponder wonderful possibilities with them from the get go and know them like a best friend after only an hour.
At work I’m the quiet person, I’m always the middle man. I’m friends with everyone, even people I dislike I approach them with a smile. I know all the tea, I hear all of the gossip, and I live for it. I want to be “friends” with everyone, but because the drama and people are interesting. But I still prefer to be that quiet sounding board and don’t gossip myself unless it’s my actual close work friends. And I’d never use a dirty secret against someone, I just like to watch this silent feud between two people and know why they hate each other. I love to play both sides and be in with everyone, I see merits to all their feelings.
When it comes to parties, though, that’s a huge no from me. I’ll gravitate towards the dark quiet corner with the cat and draw. Someone comes to check on me and only a “hi” is exchanged until I can be left alone again. I’ll only venture out for more snacks. I was dragged off to a lot of cast parties with my mom when I was younger.
I was raised by two strong extroverts. Thespians. I’m assuming my mom is an ENTJ and my dad an ENFP, but both with their own mental illness qualms. I’ve found myself enjoying group project in high school, and I always want to take the lead. I always loved presenting, especially since I knew the information so I could talk with competence. Parties? No. Lime light? I think I actually do like it, if it suits me and I can present competently. It’s a “listen to me, I have brilliant ideas, and I want to talk about them with/to you.” If I can get that then I enjoy it, but then is that a nurture vs nature thing or a cognitive function thing? Is it how my brain just processes stuff, or am I just comfortable with it because I was raised in the theatre and I’m just used to it?
I have my own neurodivergent qualms. Autism, ADHD, social anxiety, memory problems. It’s hard for me to judge what’s cognitive functions, nurture and nature, introversion/extroversion/ambiversion, or my neurodivergencies.
I’m pretty sure my stack is an ENFP stack, but I just really relate to INFPs more. Cognitively I’m ENFP, but stereotypically I’m more INFP. But maybe I’m just not understanding the nuances to being an ENFP, and maybe I’m only finding that crossover since both these types still use the same functions, even if they’re in different orders. I just can’t relate to when ENFPs talk about extroversion. I’m an introvert who deeply enjoys my special people. I need my isolation breaks, but I’d prefer to be talking to my special people.
I guess I just don’t know what an ambivert, introvert, or extrovert really is. And I just don’t know what to make of the idea that I’m probably an ENFP, but I still way prefer and relate to the INFP spaces and stereotypes.
Does this sound like ambiversion? Do ENFPs here relate? Especially the autistic and/or socially anxious ENFPs. Or do I still just sound like an INFP? If I am an ENFP but I prefer the INFP community, then what does that make me? Where do I belong?
submitted by dawnfire05 to ENFP [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:03 Famous_Ranger_1639 3 year old son wants to garden...

3 year old son wants to garden...
My wife and I have jet black thumbs, but our 3 y.o. wants to start gardening on the side of our house (SE Florida). There is a long stretch of dirt/grass that he has had his eye on.
Today we are out turning the soil to see what we've got, making it up as we go. The earth is much more soil than sand, to my surprise, though it has a lot of roots in it.
Do you think we will be able to plant right in this, perhaps with some additions? I'd prefer not to get into a raised bed if possible.
Also, any suggestions on what to plant that would be exciting for a 3 year old to watch grow? It is hot as bleepity bleep already. This spot is shaded most of the day.
Any help for an in-over-his-head dad trying to create a fun experience for his son would be really appreciated.
submitted by Famous_Ranger_1639 to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:01 EducationalQuiet2140 Have a Seat

Content Warning: Blood and personal injury related content
(For the Reader: having grown up with Mr. Turner, I know his parents very well and this is a story that can be confirmed 100%. Medical records, receipts from the little league that year, scars...If you knew Mr. Turner you would know how deeply this incident effected him and still does to this day. He rarely shares this story with any one and this is the first time he has ever told it from this perspective. Somewhat like regression therapy. It was hard to hear my good friend tell this story. You would never know the difficult things he has encountered in his life because of his good nature and high spirited, out going personality.)
Americas pastime.
I wipe the sweat from my brow as the sun stares down. The bill of my ballcap is rendered useless as the sun is just above eye level. I'm only playing catch with my buddy Dan, but it's a fun challenge. Were playing along the first base line just off the field.
It is the end of the season and me and my team are having a Banquet to celebrate our run in the final tournament. We dominated all summer. We were second in the league only but only because we missed one of the first couple games.
Chicken pox.
I'm only 8 but I'm good at the game. I was constantly overhearing the other adults making comments back and forth "He's a natural!", "'Raw talent' in that one" some would say.
My dad taught me everything I know. He was a coach himself and had played since he was a boy. He even took me to see a few Mariners games at the the 'King Dome'. Edgar Martinez, Alex Rodriguez, Randy Johnson, Jay Buhner...Ken Griffey Jr! They were living legends. Baseball was my thing.
Dan tossed the ball to me and I held my glove just below eye sight. I adjusted my body a little and 'THWAP' the ball struck the palm of my mitt. "Good Throw Dan. Excellent aim!" I say scooping the ball up with my free hand. I warn "Comin' in HOT!" as I wrenched my arm back and unloaded a fastball in his direction.
"Good catch!"
I was having a blast. I couldn't wait to eat! The adults were setting up the food tables.
"Pop Fly!" Screamed Dan as he launched the ball into the sun.
The food smelt so good. I hadn't eaten at all that day just so I could have room for everything. Mac n Cheese, mashed potatoes', BBQ chicken, burgers, dogs. My mouth watered in anticipation. I was planning on eating like a king this evening.
I was so lost in the smell that I hadn't heard the warning cries from a couple adults. I was trying to stay ahead of that ball. I couldn't really see it but I knew its flight path. It would come into view and I'll be right under it.
Just as the ball finally came into view I could see I was right under it. I reached my hand up in time for the ball to fall right into the leather.
Before I could relish in my victory emulating catch, I'm jarred with such stopping force my head hurts. I'm beyond confused as my vision is not working correctly. Everything is dizzying and hard to make out or focus. The pain in my head was getting mor intense and more precise. My hearing was impaired to a degree. It sounded like I was under and I could hear screaming but it was muffled.
I tried to speak but I was incapable. I realized at that moment that the pain was radiating from my mouth. I let out a deep groan in panic and pain. My eyes were swelling up with tears but my vision came to and I'm tangled in the aluminum side line bleachers.
The cold metal shocked the rest of my body's senses back into order and I fall back to the ground as my dad fly's from out of no where to console me. The pain was so intense at this point and I felt like I was drooling a lot. As painful as this was it was also extremely embarrassing. I couldn't control my bodily functions properly. Trying to walk would have been impossible had my mom not made it to me. Some how she levitated me away from the impact site.
I passed one of my teammates and saw the look of horror in his face as he pointed at me and said "I've never seen that much blood in my life!"
My eyes widened as I look down at my hands cupped under my mouth to see the thickest red syrup like liquid I've seen this close. Bright red flooded my hand like an overflowing tube. My mouth was like a leaky sink dripping into a bucket. The sun light pierced it causing it to shimmer vibrantly. Mesmerizing!
Unfortunately I didn't get to eat like a king that evening and wouldn't even eat normal for the next few weeks and months with all the surgeries.
(Final Notes: Thank you for reading. -Dev)
submitted by EducationalQuiet2140 to curiousmemory [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:00 Jinxie1973 Pauly Ds Dad passed away-MTV posted tribute

Pauly Ds Dad passed away-MTV posted tribute
On Thursday's season 7 finale of Jersey Shore Family Vacation, MTV included a special tribute to the reality star's dad, Paul DelVecchio Sr., who died at the age of 71 on May 4.
"In loving memory. Paul DelVecchio Sr. May 7, 1952 - May 4, 2024," the message read along with a number of photos of Paul Sr., including some with a young Pauly D.
While Pauly D has yet to comment publicly on the death of his father, an an obituary confirmed his passing. "Paul D. DelVecchio Sr., 71, of Johnston, passed away peacefully on Saturday, May 4, 2024," the obit read.
The tribute featured a look back at Paul's life as a business owner, heading up P. DelVecchio Remodeling "for many years before he retired," per the obit shared on Maceroni Funeral Home and Cremation Services' website.
"Carpentry wasn't just a job for him, it was his passion," the tribute continued, calling Paul a "Jack of all trades."
"He could build or fix anything. He loved his family and being in nature. He was a devoted father and grandfather. He loved walking and spending time at the ocean. His favorite pastime was playing the slots at the local casino and he never refused a good family card game. He was a man of many talents. He had a beautiful singing voice and could draw anything," the obit read.
The post also noted that Paul Sr. was survived by Pauly D, 43, and daughter Vanessa DelVecchio-Lindimore, as well as a brother and four grandchildren.
The touching tribute also included a video, which saw photos of Paul Sr. over the years with his friends and family, and included several shots of him and Pauly, and Pauly's daughter, Amabella.
The article mentions his Dad had suffered a stroke in prior years via his former show the Pauly D ProjectZ
"I'll be alright. I'm doing good," Paul Sr. assured his son before joking that he couldn't come out and watch Pauly's DJ gigs because he'll "get a headache."
Although Pauly's family life wasn't seen by the public as much as it has been with some of his other Jersey Shore co-stars, the episode captured the sweet father-son bond the pair shared.
"You're gonna miss me, so you have to come out there," Pauly is seen telling hid dad, to which Paul Sr. replied, "You'll have to give me money so I can gamble."
submitted by Jinxie1973 to jerseyshore [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:00 Square_Application35 Divorcing Cheating Wife

Good day legaladvice,
I am certainly in a bad spot mentally and emotionally right now so please excuse any mistakes in this post.
I 25M found out my wife 24F in Las Vegas is cheating on me via seeing messages pop up on her laptop we have a 2 yr old son together. In reaction I packed up both of our stuff and went to stay at my parents house. My main concern is would there be any repercussions for this even though I have stated where we are and where we plan to stay. I am employed full time and receive 100% VA comp along with post 9/11 GI benefits which allowed her to be a stay at home mom so she has no income. I have two cars that are solely in my name and I have possession of both however, we have an apartment that I pay for but we are both on the lease and she’s refusing to leave so our son and I can have our own place. I would love any and all insight thank you very much in advance.
Very Respectfully
Edit; added location
submitted by Square_Application35 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:59 Princess_Panqake My dad threatened to never talk to me again and cut me off if I don't go to my brother graduation.

My brother is graduating today and I had every intention of going until I stayed up till 4 in the morning dealing with work. I let my mother and father know what happened and that I would let my brother know. My dad texted me back asking if I was aware it looked like I was choosing someone over my family. By this, he means my boyfriend. Now my boyfriend and my family aren't on great terms. Some reasons are valid, others are not. And recently I had been struggling financially because I lost my job. Well I got a job about 2 weeks ago, I'm finally feeling good about myself again, I'm making good money again, and even my partner now seems happier since he isn't the only check in the house. My father helped out too. Well after my late night that seemed to be it. I told my dad I was no choosing anyone over anyone. I wanted time to sleep and catch up on sleep before work tomorrow. He also managed to tell my brother I wasn't going before I could even though I only took about two minutes between telling the two. I told my dad I was upset he told my brother when I should have, I told him he is the only one shaming me and no one else was accusing me of anything. Everyone else knows I'm just tired. Well then Dad decides to call me and announce that I have made my decision and he will make his. He will be shutting off my phone, closing our joint bank account, canceling my credit card for emergencies, canceling my road side assistants, taking me off his insurance policy, and won't talk to me again. I was baffled. My phone is paid off, I pay my insurance and road side assistance, it's just on his policy. The main concern I have is my bank account and credit card. I just hung up and called my mom. She said she would talk to him. I don't know why he is so upset. I just wanted to relax, take a nap, and maybe a shower but now I'm forced to go to my brother's graduation or loose my dad. He has done a lot to support me but considering he rarely has lived in the state as me, I've already lost him physically. He knows I hate that especially after he took me in for a few years when I was 16 and in a difficult situation. But he decided to move to Texas, leave me homeless, and forced me basically to move in with my bf. Now that he's decided my bf isn't his favorite person he basically begs me to move to Texas with him, abandon my dog and cats, despite my new job then only a week later wants to cut me off completely, even threatening my car, all because I wasn't going to a graduation. So, here I am, sitting at my grandparents awkwardly with him while we wait to go to the graduation. I know my mom gave him hell for what he said to me but the fact that h even did it was just so shocking. I never imagined it. But whatever. I'll enjoy my brother's graduation for my brother. I will be ignoring my dad.
submitted by Princess_Panqake to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:56 ImAMonkeyyy My uncle badmouths me to my cenile grandma all the time

I was on the phone with my grandmother yesterday and she said some things that lingered in my mind and haven’t kicked in until today. She always does this: she says things in passing or will take her time making hints and it’s always the next day that it hits me and bothers me to the point of pissing me off. Mainly because she won’t give me a chance to say anything back or to stick up for myself.
This time she was saying she hopes her family members are good people and don’t kill anyone. I’m pretty sure it’s because my uncle must have been telling her things to make me out to sound like a psycho. He’s doing this because I called him out infront of her for ranting about wanting to kill people. But the thing is is that someone should call him out for that, because I’ve seen him rant and yell and pace the kitchen floor at his moms talking about getting his gun out and killing his boss. He was just terrorizing us (his family) he wasn’t actually getting anything productive done like seeking therapy or talking to his boss about their issues. And his mom was just preparing supper for him and I watched him sit down and eat it and then push the plate away from him like a spoiled child and continue talking about killing people. But my gram is too cenile and too much of an enabler to get after him for this.
She did this a few weeks ago too: in passing she accused me of doing drugs and ended the conversation prematurely. It sounds like my uncle is just talking shit about me and saying that I’m on drugs. All this because I call out the bullshit that I see. He’s very hypocritical: if I say something then he accuses me of doing drugs.
It feels like my grandmother enables her own children but will be quick to chastize her grandchildren and think very lowly of us, or chooses to see us as dumb and immature.
Anyways it’s just really pissing me off and theres not too many people in my life that I can talk to so I’m just ranting a little bit.
I feel like I can’t talk to her anymore because shes so cenile and rude towards me. She won’t listen to anything I have to say to defend myself. And that bothers me because my uncle is always trying to make me out to be a rude or ungrateful grandson of hers, but he’s the reason why I can’t have a relationship with her. He pushes everyone away from her because he is always staying at his moms and sleeping in her living room, and nobody wants to be there when he’s there.
I’m worried that she’ll die without me talking to her during her last months or years and that my uncle will then accuse me of neglecting her. Meanwhile he’s the one ruining our relationship.
And my gram is becoming so goddamn rude: accusing me of everything under the sun then not wanting to hear what I have to say.
She’s kind of becoming a POS, by her behaviour. If this was anyone else I’d have no problem cutting contact with her.
submitted by ImAMonkeyyy to toxicfamilies [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:56 Retylx AITA for Refusing to be a pallbearer in my aunt’s funeral

Hello, I’m currently stuck in a bit of a moral dilemma. Let me preface this by saying I’m not like this with everyone, only the person in question. I (27M) recently found out that my aunt (70ishF) is dying of cancer and has it written down that I am to be one of her pallbearers.
Here’s where the question comes, this aunt in particular has been nothing but a complete bitch to me for most of my life. She constantly gave me death/go to hell glares for as long as I can remember, constantly overshadowed my accomplishments with another one of my cousin’s accomplishments, would scream and yell at me when I was 10 because I was crying during a storm (that’s a whole other issues, let’s just say there was a tornado involved).
However one of the worst comes from when I was 6 it was the first time I had been left alone with her and my Grandmother, when my grandmother left the room to go feed her dog outside she walked over and grabbed me “Your Mom and Dad must be thrilled to have a break from your whiny ass, I want my mama I want my dad, they aren’t coming until Sunday now shut up. They would be a lot happier if your dead sibling was born and you were the miscarriage.” It was no secret to me that had happened, my parents were very open with me about it when i asked why I didn’t have a brother or sister. Now I never told them any of that happened because both my parents would have “taken care” of her on the spot, she knew my dad had a temper when it came to his son and i didn’t want that on my conscience because some people in my family would say it was just my imagination when she knows she said it.
Flash forward to present day, my mom tells me that she has put me down to be a pallbearer and I immediately refuse. She says I need to forgive and forget 20 years of mistreatment from her to which I told her I would do no such thing, maybe forgive but never forget. This whole thing between how I act when she’s brought up is driving a wedge between me and my mom. Saying if I don’t do this then she’s not going to the funeral and I can deal with the fallout from her side of my family which knows we are not and have never been on the best of terms.
Now here’s where I may be the asshole, my mom who is a wonderful mom constantly wants me to go with her every weekend over there to which I have said I do not want to spend every Saturday/Sunday over there when I have my own life and I would rather this aunt be as far away from it as possible. If she wants to go over there then she can go by herself. I truly hate making her upset but I have my own life and friends that I would much rather spend my weekends with.
TLDR: My Aunt who’s dying of cancer wants me to be a pallbearer in her funeral. I have reasons for not wanting to have any part with it due to past verbally and emotionally abusive experience with her for the past 20 years and it’s causing a wedge between me and my mother.
submitted by Retylx to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:55 Bubbly-Age-9363 There is nothing in the world that makes me more angry than what is happening to the girls of NewJeans and the majority of K-pop Stans we’re totally complicit

There is nothing in the world that makes me more angry than what is happening to the girls of NewJeans and the majority of K-pop Stans we’re totally complicit
Genuinely, a very merry f-you to both Bang Pd, who added unnecessary pressure and rude behavior towards the girls, and MHJ for grooming these teens by showering them with expensive gifts and making them feel like it’s their responsibility to take on her feelings. Putting these girls into the spotlight of an adult conversation, but running when the pot got too hot. And an even bigger middle finger to K-pop Stans who feel for one of the dumbest and most obvious smear campaigns of all time and not seeing the girls as young girls/adults first and idols second. Making it about EXO and BTS and doing exactly what MHJ wanted in the first place. Great job team.
submitted by Bubbly-Age-9363 to kpopnoir [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:50 FinalFan9 How Is It Even Possible Anymore

I live in America. Our society is extremely hyper-sexualized. I barely leave the house anymore, but when I do there’s always hot babes. I turn on the TV and there’s Hot Chicks. I play video games or watch Anime and there’s always nudity or sex scenes.
How is it possible to do NoFap with all of these triggers in our society. I can barely even make it 2 days before i get an uncontrollable urge to Fap.
submitted by FinalFan9 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:50 mad-throwaway Cat eating food normally but suddenly stopped having water.

Hello All,
My sister's 3.5 yrs old mixed breed persian cat has suddenly stopped drinking water. She is eating dry food normally, wet food as well, but she turns her face away from water. We have also had a water fountain/dispenser for her and she has been using it for a year now. My dad usually washes it, cleans or replaces the filters as necessary. Now she isn't drinking from it. So we gave her water in a bowl, in spoons, changed water brands, put water flowing music and videos on tv, tried flowing water around her, tried almost every trick in the book. We took her to the vet and everything is normal, except slightly high creatine (because she is dehydrated). and very slight gingivitis in her teeth (but not enough for her to go to a dentist). The vet is clueless too . My mom even cooked a boned chicken piece in water (no salt or any other spice) and tried to feed her the broth but nope. Right now my mom is force feeding her water through a syringe without the needle (like a plunger) but it is very difficult and she scratches her.
Thing is our cat is very close to my sister. She adopted her when she was only 6 months old, and was adopted and given away multiple times by others before that. Now my sister is away for a month for some college thing and we are worried there is some form of separation anxiety. But she as in the cat is still having and even demanding food. Worst of all, my parents will leave at the end of next week for a 4-5 day trip for a wedding and I was supposed to house sit her. I m very friendly and good with her, but I m not a permanent member here, so I m not as comfortable with her as my mom or my sis. Like when force feeding her water or tonic she scratches and my instincts make me give up on her. Plus it is literally a 2 person job. If this continues my mum might have to stay back and miss the wedding.
And of course we can't keep force feeding her water for the whole month until my sister comes back.
Any idea what we can do?
Summary: cat eats food, plays, shows almost all normal behavior except she is refusing all types of water. Either she has an undetected medical issue or she has separation anxiety from my sis and is being stubborn. Please advice. Also we ll go to another vet for 2nd opinion. The first vet has just given her painkillers for now for possible tooth ache.
Edit: We are experiencing record breaking high summer temperatures in India, that should encourage to drink even more water right?
We do switch on Air conditioning a few times for her, but most of the times it is just too hot. So even more perplexing why she would stop water.
submitted by mad-throwaway to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:49 Sea_Molasses6194 Body odor and quitting sugar

Hi there, today is day two of quitting added sugars. Yesterday, day one, I showered in the morning and did my normal routine. Usually I can go at least two days before I need to shower and rarely if ever have strong BO. I can wear shirts multiple times before washing them and generally don't smell too strongly.
Today, day two, I went plant shopping at a greenhouse, it was hot and I began perspiring. Then I went to a bookstore and I noticed an overwhelming smell of BO which is not common for me. I came home and washed my armpits with antibacterial soap and ran one more errand and the smell is back! I usually never have this type of thick heavy BO and could (but wouldn't) go 2 days without using deodorant. This is more of question of how quitting sugar effects BO as I am very familiar with how to address the BO from watching Dr. Dre on YT. She advices to wash your body w/antibacterial soap, using an anti-perspirant and trying to keep the bacteria at bay by using an anti-bac spray after sweating. Usually when I have this type of BO it's from stress, as stress sweat is more odiferous than sweating from it being hot/humid. However, whenever any type of sweat sits, bacteria is going to fester, but the oil in the stress sweat effectives bacteria differently than heat sweat.
submitted by Sea_Molasses6194 to sugarfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:49 mr125- My sister walked into me busting

Basically i wanted to stroke one off before i go study but they was someone in my room mopping. So naturally i go to the bathroom and proceed with my business. As you'd know i start off slower and get into it. Now I'm fully clothed (its winter) so my sweats are round my knees and im off.
I stand like slightly behind the door cuase that's where the wifi is like maybe a bar or two.. All i need. Then out of nowhere while I'm full focus, the door cracks open and my heart sinks.
Oh yeah, just a bit of context, i use my sister bathroom becuse she moved out to go to Varsity and now is back and we share.
So theres no sound coming from my phone and i normally play music while I'm in the shower, and shes wearing headphones. So i swiftly pull my pants up to my waist and look at her.
She breaks it by saying she want to take a dumb, i try play it off and be like i was about to hop in the shower so should use my moms bathroom. Now i don't know if my tip was sticking out sweats, because she looked down. Also my phone, idk if the screen was on while she was looking down to reveal my secret.
So we continue on as if nothing ever happened but i don't know of she caught me because it so suspicous. Firstly it wad mid day, and i normally wash when i wake up. Secondly its wierd for me to take off my pants while I'm still wearing a hoodie. And it all just happened so quick too.
Total bone kill( i went to my room 10 mins later and finish squeezing the juice out).
submitted by mr125- to teenagers [link] [comments]