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/r/StudentLoans: Reddit's hub for advice, articles, and discussion about educational loans

2010.04.19 07:06 FreeArticle /r/StudentLoans: Reddit's hub for advice, articles, and discussion about educational loans

/StudentLoans: Reddit's hub for advice, articles, and general discussion about getting and repaying student loans.

2011.03.24 15:54 rhs856 Model Cars: The home of Model Cars, Trucks and Bikes

This subreddit is the home of model cars, trucks and bikes. Feel free to share photos of your completed models, works in progress, tips and techniques.

2017.09.19 04:54 IIIVVI Order of Heroes

A Fire Emblem Heroes subreddit for serious discussion of its gameplay aspects such as arena, GHBs, BHBs, and unit/team building.

2024.05.02 18:19 ayushmaansingh304 CodePilot for VS Code

I made this VS Code extension, which allows you to access documentation, frameworks, and libraries right within VS Code.
If you find it useful, you can get it from here: Code Pilot - VS Code Extension.
If you have any suggestions for websites to be added, please feel free to mention them in the comments. Alternatively, you are welcome to contribute to the extension yourself.
submitted by ayushmaansingh304 to typescript [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:19 Kd1975 Canadian Etsy Reseller Looking at Branching Out…Opinions and Thoughts welcome

I’ve been on Etsy now since March 1st. After a few challenges, I feel I have found my comfortability where I want to be in terms of level of selling prices as I have tried. I don’t believe in Free Shipping (only my opinion). I have tried flat, calculated and a currently a combinatio. My sales have been two.
i wonder if i should be trying other platforms such as EBay or Poshmark (I have clothing, jewelry and home goods).
I know I have a lower inventory . I’m only a casual flipper since I have a full time job but this journey has been tough. Items are favourited, in some baskets but no sales. I’ve held a couple of sakes and offered promos.
I wonder of cross listing would increase my odds. Any ideas would be appreciated related to this topic.
submitted by Kd1975 to reseller [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:18 No_Pianist9179 I’ve had a temp jurisdiction since day one. This morning it went to PDA 😭

I’ve had a temp jurisdiction since day one. This morning it went to PDA 😭
Too good to be true huh 🤔
submitted by No_Pianist9179 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:18 ayushmaansingh304 CodePilot for VS Code

I made this VS Code extension, which allows you to access documentation, frameworks, and libraries right within VS Code.
If you find it useful, you can get it from here: Code Pilot - VS Code Extension.
If you have any suggestions for websites to be added, please feel free to mention them in the comments. Alternatively, you are welcome to contribute to the extension yourself.
submitted by ayushmaansingh304 to webdev [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:16 ScreenFantastic4009 Anyone else get too ahead of themselves and only to find yourself straying from the path? Just me?

Hello there! I know I have a lot to say (I'm promise I'm working on it, but I bolded the not-rambles), I apologize in advance for that and anything I don't know, as well as thank you in advance. You're doin' the Lord's work be clicking and responding. The following are my biggest questions:
I am currently learning full stack development. I mean, I picked a great time to find out I have ADHD and treat it so why not pick learning coding despite the market being what it is, right? Regardless, if I get anything wrong or any lack of knowledge, I apologize in advance.
My hope is that I can take my customer service skills and eventually freelance making websites for people/small businesses. I've got a few projects I'm working on for my portfolio, some requests that I can also put on my portfolio. I'm so freaking pumped up omg.
I'm also excited to make websites for small folks. Seriously, my small person is in first grade (USA) and she's got two apps that she goes into at school to do her reading and math (as well as regular lessons) and it helps determine where she's at, what she needs to work on, counts for her grades, all that jazz (it is the bane of my existence because it has bugs, web crashes, so many problems and can affect her grade, like when she completed a math lesson and it keeps popping up even though she did it). One of the many projects I'm working on is a women's history page for small folk with games, fun facts, all that good jazz. Lillian Gilbreth did not create the step stool trash can, put shelves in our fridge door, and research how the worker is more productive when treated properly and healthy just for us to call her, "The Cheaper By the Dozen Mom". Don't even get me started on Coretta Scott King omg.
On top of that, her teacher reached out talking about working on a page for a women's organization and I volunteered before she could even ask me, offering to do it for free as long as I'd be able to use it for my portfolio. It's stuff like that that butter my biscuits and I'm so pumped.
All of that being said, you can see where I've got all these fun and exciting ideas like using a bookcase for the main page of my women's history page and so many designs for how I'd work the women's organization page. However, I get stumped because the things I want to do are outside of my current scope and I know for a fact I'm getting ahead of myself and need to slow down.
Thank you again for any help, I greatly appreciate your time and hope you have an awesome Thursday! Be safe!
submitted by ScreenFantastic4009 to ADHD_Programmers [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:16 No-Education2952 The sizes are to big :(

The sizes are to big :( submitted by No-Education2952 to dontputyourdickinthat [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:15 Master_of_Decidueye I have a challenge for r/gamemaker

Tell me how to Fix my game's player's code. If you fic it, you get to be in the credits of my game.
Now with that setup: You'll know that if you've seen any of my posts here this past week, my character's code is Kinda F***ed. What began as getting crushed by slope objects has devolved into more issues like not being able to jump onto Semi Solid platforms and vanishing when I crawl into a corner of a wall. And I cannot stress this enough: I want to be TOLD how to fix this. No Implied code, just pure, unfiltered fact. This is the bribery I'm willing to resort to because of how desperate I am. Please help me here.
Now here's the code: Godspeed to anyone who wants to try
Create event
//Custom functions for Player
function setOnGround(_val = true)
if _val == true
onGround = true;
hangTimer = hangFrames;
} else {
onGround = false;
myFloorPlat = noone;
hangTimer = 0;
function semiSolidCheck(_x, _y)
//Create a return variable
var _rtrn = noone;
//we must not be moving upwards and then we must check for a normal collision
if yspd >= 0 && place_meeting( _x, _y, TileSemiSolidTerrain )
//create a DS list to store all colliding instances of TileSemiSolidTerrain
var _list = ds_list_create();
var _listSize = instance_place_list( _x, _y, TileSemiSolidTerrain, _list, false );
//Loop through the colliding instances and only return one if it's top is below the player
for( var i = 0; i < _listSize; i++ )
var _listInst = _list[ i];
if floor(bbox_bottom) <= ceil( _listInst.bbox_top - _listInst.yspd )
//Return the id of a semisolid platform
_rtrn = _listInst;
//Exit the loop early
i = _listSize;
//destroy ds list to free memory
//Return our variable
return _rtrn;
depth = -30;

Step event
//Control setup
maskSpr = sPlayerIdle;
idleSpr = sPlayerIdle;
walkSpr = sPlayerWalk;
jumpSpr = sPlayerJump;
fallSpr = sPlayerFall;
crouchSpr = sPlayerCrouch;
crawlSpr = sPlayerCrawl;
face = 1;
moveDir = 0;
moveSpd = 4.5;
xspd = 0;
yspd = 0;
crouching = false;
grav = 0.5;
termVel = 7;
onGround = true;
jumpMax = 1;
jumpCount = 0;
jumpHoldTimer = 0;
//jump values for each successive jump
jumpHoldFrames[0] = 1;
jspd[0] = -9.7;
jumpHoldFrames[1] = 1;
jspd[1] = -9.7;
//Hang Time
hangFrames = 3;
hangTimer = 0;
//Hang Buffer Time
hangJumpFrames = 5;
hangJumpTimer = 0;
//moving Platforms
myFloorPlat = noone;
earlyMovePlatXspd = false;
downSlopeSemiSolid = noone;
moveplatXspd = 0;
moveplatMaxYspd = termVel;
Step event
//Get inputs
//Get out of moving Platforms that have positioned themselves into the player in the begin step
var _rightWall = noone;
var _leftWall = noone;
var _bottomWall = noone;
var _topWall = noone;
var _list = ds_list_create();
var _listSize = instance_place_list( x, y, TileMovingTerrain, _list, false );
//loop through all colliding movePlats
for( var i = 0; i < _listSize; i++ )
var _listInst = _list[ i];
// find closest walls in each direction
//right walls
if _listInst.bbox_left - _listInst.xspd >= bbox_right-1
if !instance_exists(_rightWall) _listInst.bbox_left < _rightWall.bbox_left
_rightWall = _listInst;
//left walls
if _listInst.bbox_right - _listInst.xspd <= bbox_left+1
if !instance_exists(_leftWall) _listInst.bbox_right > _leftWall.bbox_right
_leftWall = _listInst;
if _listInst.bbox_top - _listInst.yspd >= bbox_bottom-1
if !_bottomWall _listInst.bbox_top < _bottomWall.bbox_top
_bottomWall = _listInst;
if _listInst.bbox_bottom - _listInst.yspd <= bbox_top+1
if !_topWall _listInst.bbox_bottom > _topWall.bbox_bottom
_topWall = _listInst;
//destroy the ds list to free memory
//get out of the walls
//right wall
if instance_exists(_rightWall)
var _rightDist = bbox_right - x;
x = _rightWall.bbox_left - _rightDist;
//left wall
if instance_exists(_leftWall)
var _leftDist = bbox_left + x;
x = _leftWall.bbox_right - _leftDist;
if instance_exists(_bottomWall)
var _bottomDist = bbox_bottom - y;
y = _bottomWall.bbox_top + _bottomDist;
//ceiling (includes collision for polish and crouching features)
if instance_exists(_topWall)
var _upDist = y - bbox_top;
var _targetY = _topWall.bbox_bottom - _upDist;
//check if there isn't a wall in the way
if !place_meeting( x, _targetY, TileTerrain )
y = _targetY;
//don't get left behind on a moving platform
earlyMovePlatXspd = false;
if instance_exists ( myFloorPlat ) && myFloorPlat.xspd != 0 && !place_meeting( x, y + moveplatMaxYspd+1, myFloorPlat )
//go ahead and put ourselves back onto the platform if there is no wall in the way
if !place_meeting( x + myFloorPlat.xspd, y, TileTerrain )
x += myFloorPlat.xspd;
earlyMovePlatXspd = true;
//transition to crouch
if downKey && instance_exists(myFloorPlat)
crouching = true;
//forced / automatic
if onGround && place_meeting(x, y, TileTerrain)
crouching = true;
//change collision mask
if crouching { mask_index = crouchSpr; };
//Transition out of crouching
if crouching && !downKey
//Check if I can uncrouch
mask_index = idleSpr;
//uncrouch if no Solid wall in the way
if !place_meeting(x, y, TileTerrain)
crouching = false;
//Go back to crouching if we cant uncrouch
mask_index = crouchSpr;
//X movement
moveDir = rightKey - leftKey;
//get my face
if moveDir != 0 { face = moveDir; };
//Get xspd
xspd = moveDir * moveSpd;
//X collision
var _subPixel = 1;
if place_meeting( x + xspd, y, TileTerrain )
//check if there is a slope to go up
if !place_meeting( x + xspd, y - abs(xspd)-7.5, TileTerrain )
while place_meeting( x + xspd, y, TileTerrain ) { y -= _subPixel; };
//Check for ceiling slope, otherwise, regular collision
//Ceiling Slopes
if !place_meeting( x + xspd, y + abs(xspd)+7.5, TileTerrain)
while place_meeting( x + xspd, y, TileTerrain) { y += _subPixel; };
//Normal collision
//stop at wall
var _pixelCheck = _subPixel * sign(xspd);
while !place_meeting( x + _pixelCheck, y, TileTerrain ){ x += _pixelCheck; }
//Set xspd to zero to collide
xspd = 0;
//Go Down Slopes
downSlopeSemiSolid = noone;
if yspd >= 0 && !place_meeting( x = xspd, y + 1, TileTerrain ) && place_meeting( x + xspd, y + abs(xspd)+1, TileTerrain )
//Check for a semisolid in the way
downSlopeSemiSolid = checkForSemiSolidPlatform( x + xspd, y + abs(xspd)+1, TileTerrain );
//precisely move down slope if there isn't a semisolid in the way
if !instance_exists(downSlopeSemiSolid)
while !place_meeting( x + xspd, y + _subPixel, TileTerrain ) {y += _subPixel; };
//Y movement
if hangTimer > 0
//Count the timer down
} else {
//apply gravity to the player
yspd += grav;
//no longer on the ground
//reset jump variables
if onGround
jumpCount = 0;
hangJumpTimer = hangJumpFrames;
} else {
//if the player is in the air, make sure they can't do an extra jump
if jumpCount == 0 && hangJumpTimer <= 0 { jumpCount = 1; };
//initiate the Jump
if jumpKeyBuffered && jumpCount < jumpMax
//Reset the buffer
jumpKeyBuffered = false;
jumpKeyBufferTimer = 0;
//increase number of performed jumps
// set the jump hold timer
jumpHoldTimer = jumpHoldFrames[jumpCount-1];
//tell ourselves we're no longer on the ground
hangJumpTimer = 0;
//cut off the jump by releasing the jump button
if !jumpKey
jumpHoldTimer = 0;
//jump based on holding the button
if jumpHoldTimer > 0
//constantsly set yspd to jspd
yspd = jspd[jumpCount-1];
//count down the timer
//Y collision and movement
//cap falling speed
if yspd > termVel { yspd = termVel };
// Upwards collison (with Ceiling Slopes)
if yspd < 0 && place_meeting( x, y + yspd, TileTerrain )
//jump into Sloped ceilings
var _slopeSlide = false;
//slide up left slope
if moveDir == 0 && !place_meeting( x - abs(yspd)-1, y + yspd, TileTerrain )
while place_meeting( x, y+yspd, TileTerrain ) { x -= 1; };
_slopeSlide = true;
//slide up right slope
if moveDir == 0 && !place_meeting( x - abs(yspd)-1, y + yspd, TileTerrain )
while place_meeting( x, y + yspd, TileTerrain ) { x += 1; };
_slopeSlide = true;
//Normal Y collision
if !_slopeSlide
//stop at wall
var _pixelCheck = _subPixel * sign(yspd);
while !place_meeting( x, y + _pixelCheck, TileTerrain )
y += _pixelCheck;
//Bonk code
//if yspd < 0 { jumpHoldTimer = 0; };
//Set yspd to 0 to collide
yspd = 0;
//Downwards collision
//Check for solid and semisolid platforms under me
var _clampYspd = max( 0, yspd );
var _list = ds_list_create(); //Create a DS list to store all of the objects we run into
var _array = array_create(0);
array_push( _array, TileTerrain, TileSemiSolidTerrain );
//do the actual check and add objects to list
var _listSize = instance_place_list( x, y+1 + _clampYspd + moveplatMaxYspd, _array, _list, false );
//loop through the colliding instances and only return one if it's top is below the player
for( var _i = 0; _i < _listSize; _i++ )
// Get an instance of TileTerrain or TileSemiSolidTerrain from the list
var _listInst = _list[ _i];
//Avoid magnetism
//if //(_listInst != forgetSemiSolid
if ( _listInst.yspd <= yspd instance_exists(myFloorPlat)
&& ( _listInst.yspd > 0 place_meeting( x, y+1 + _clampYspd, _listInst) ) )
// ( _listInst == _semiSolid )
//Return a Solid wall or any Semisolid Walls below the player
if _listInst.object_index == TileTerrain
object_is_ancestor( _listInst.object_index, TileTerrain )
floor ( bbox_bottom ) <= ceil( _listInst.bbox_top - _listInst.yspd )
//Return the "highest" wall object
if !instance_exists(myFloorPlat)
_listInst.bbox_top + _listInst.yspd <= myFloorPlat.bbox_top + myFloorPlat.yspd
_listInst.bbox_top + _listInst.yspd <= bbox_bottom
myFloorPlat = _listInst;
//Destroy the DS list to avoid a memory leak
//Downslope semisolid for making sure we don't miss semisolids while going down slopes
if instance_exists(downSlopeSemiSolid) { myFloorPlat = downSlopeSemiSolid };
//one last check to make sure the platform is actually below us
if instance_exists(myFloorPlat) && !place_meeting( x, y + moveplatMaxYspd, myFloorPlat)
myFloorPlat = noone;
//Land on the ground platform if there is one
if instance_exists(myFloorPlat)
//stop at wall
while !place_meeting( x, y + _subPixel, myFloorPlat ) && !place_meeting( x, y, TileTerrain ) { y += _subPixel; };
//make sure we don't end up below the top of a semisolid
while place_meeting( x, y, myFloorPlat ) { y -= _subPixel; };
//Floor the Y variable
y = floor(y);
//Set yspd to 0 to collide
yspd = 0;
x += xspd;
if !place_meeting( x, y + yspd, TileTerrain ) { y += yspd; };
y += yspd;
//Final moving platform collisions and movement
//X - moveplatxspd and collison
//Get the moveplatxspd
moveplatXspd = 0;
if instance_exists(myFloorPlat) { moveplatXspd =myFloorPlat.xspd; };
//Move with moveplatxspd
if !earlyMovePlatXspd
if place_meeting( x + moveplatXspd, y, TileTerrain )
//stop at wall
var _subPixel = .5;
var _pixelCheck = _subPixel * sign(moveplatXspd);
while !place_meeting( x + _pixelCheck, y, TileTerrain )
x += _pixelCheck;
// Y - Snap myself to myFloorPlat if it's moving vertically (un floor y variable)
if instance_exists(myFloorPlat)
&& (myFloorPlat.yspd != 0
myFloorPlat.object_index == TileMovingTerrain
object_is_ancestor(myFloorPlat.object_index, TileMovingTerrain)
myFloorPlat.object_index == TileSemiSolidMoveTerrain
object_is_ancestor(myFloorPlat.object_index, TileSemiSolidMoveTerrain) )
//Snap to the top of the floor platform
if !place_meeting( x, myFloorPlat.bbox_top, TileTerrain )
&& myFloorPlat.bbox_top >= bbox_bottom-moveplatMaxYspd
y = myFloorPlat.bbox_top;
/*/going up into a wall while on a semisolid platform
if myFloorPlat.yspd < 0 && place_meeting(x, y + myFloorPlat.yspd, TileTerrain)
//get pushed down through the semisolid floor platform
if myFloorPlat.object_index == TileSemiSolidTerrain object_is_ancestor( myFloorPlat.object_index, TileSemiSolidTerrain )
//get pushed down throughh the semisolid
while place_meeting( x, y+myFloorPlat.yspd, TileTerrain ) { y += _subPixel; };
//If we got pushed into a solid wall while going downwards, push ourselves back out
while place_meeting( x, y, TileTerrain ) { y -= _subPixel; };
y = round(y);
//Cancel the myFloorPlat variable
//Get pushed down through a semisolid by a moving Solid platform
if instance_exists(myFloorPlat)
&& ( myFloorPlat.object_index == TileSemiSolidTerrain object_is_ancestor(myFloorPlat.object_index, TileSemiSolidTerrain) )
&& place_meeting( x, y, TileTerrain )
//If I'm already stuck in a wall at this point, try and move me down to get below a semisolid
//If I'm still stuck afterwards, that just means I've been properly "crushed"
//Also, don't check too far, we don't want to warp below walls
var _maxPushDist = 10; //fastest move downwards
var _pushedDist = 0;
var _startY = y;
while place_meeting( x, y, TileTerrain) && _pushedDist <= _maxPushDist
//forget my floorplat
myFloorPlat = false;
//if I'm still in a wall at this point, take me back to start
if _pushedDist > _maxPushDist { y = _startY; };
//check for crushing
if place_meeting( x, y, TileTerrain )
image_blend = c_blue;
//Mach Running
//Sprite Control
if xspd > 0 { sprite_index = walkSpr; };
if xspd < 0 { sprite_index = walkSpr; };
//Not moving
if xspd == 0 { sprite_index = idleSpr; };
//In the air
if !onGround { sprite_index = jumpSpr; };
if !onGround && yspd == termVel { sprite_index = fallSpr; };
if crouching { sprite_index = crouchSpr; };
if xspd !=0 && crouching { sprite_index = crawlSpr; };
//set the collision mask
mask_index = idleSpr;
if crouching { mask_index = crouchSpr; };

Draw event
draw_sprite_ext( sprite_index, image_index, x, y, image_xscale*face, image_yscale, image_angle, image_blend, image_alpha );

function controlsSetup()
bufferTime = 3;
jumpKeyBuffered = 0;
jumpKeyBufferTimer = 0;
function getControls()
//Direction inputs
rightKey = keyboard_check(ord("D"));
rightKey = clamp( rightKey, 0, 3 );
leftKey = keyboard_check(ord("A"));
leftKey = clamp( leftKey, 0, 3 );
downKey = keyboard_check(ord("S"));
//Action inputs
jumpKeyPressed = keyboard_check_pressed( vk_space );
jumpKeyPressed = clamp( jumpKeyPressed, 0, 1 );
jumpKey = keyboard_check( vk_space );
jumpKey = clamp( jumpKey, 0, 1 );
//Jump key buffering
if jumpKeyPressed
jumpKeyBufferTimer = bufferTime;
if jumpKeyBufferTimer > 0
jumpKeyBuffered = 1;
} else {
jumpKeyBuffered = 0;
function semiSolidCheck(_x, _y)
//Create a return variable
var _rtrn = noone;
//we must not be moving upwards and then we must check for a normal collision
if yspd >= 0 && place_meeting( _x, _y, TileSemiSolidTerrain )
//create a DS list to store all colliding instances of TileSemiSolidTerrain
var _list = ds_list_create();
var _listSize = instance_place_list( _x, _y, TileSemiSolidTerrain, _list, false );
//Loop through the colliding instances and only return one if it's top is below the player
for( var i = 0; i < _listSize; i++ )
var _listInst = _list[ i];
if floor(bbox_bottom) <= ceil( _listInst.bbox_top - _listInst.yspd )
//Return the id of a semisolid platform
_rtrn = _listInst;
//Exit the loop early
i = _listSize;
//destroy ds list to free memory
//Return our variable
return _rtrn;
submitted by Master_of_Decidueye to gamemaker [link] [comments]

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2024.05.02 18:15 ayushmaansingh304 CodePilot for VS Code

I made this VS Code extension, which allows you to access documentation, frameworks, and libraries right within VS Code.
If you find it useful, you can get it from here: Code Pilot - VS Code Extension.
If you have any suggestions for websites (Static ones) to be added, feel free to mention them in the comments. Alternatively, you are welcome to contribute to the extension yourself.
submitted by ayushmaansingh304 to vscode [link] [comments]

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submitted by Fake-Real03 to revolutreferralfriend [link] [comments]

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submitted by xilambe to GaleOffers [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:12 xilambe Gorjana Free Shipping

Go to this page for Gorjana Free Shipping. If you're looking for the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the place to go. They always have the latest offers available.
submitted by xilambe to GaleOffers [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:10 Flat_Ad6785 F28 marriage

Do I have marriage in my chart? If yes, then When? Is it good marriage? 🥺
submitted by Flat_Ad6785 to vedicastrology [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:08 Creepy-Stress9601 Can you accept my invitation? You will get so many free gifts worth $300 in return!Nudge nudge... C4C Shein username landsharkrebel Will do any Temu or Shein code in exchange

Get Your 💰$300 Free Gift! Can you accept my invitation,so I can get a free gift worth up to $300? 🎁
submitted by Creepy-Stress9601 to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:07 yourstruly02528 Help with Temu gifts? Can return or do SHEIN

Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 219302223
submitted by yourstruly02528 to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:07 ouyangyifei Can't work out the solution of one dimensional poisson equation!

I tried to use fft and ifft to calculate Electric Potential of a one-dimensional poisson equation, but went out wrong. However, the graphic itself is correct( look alike a cos(x) with corrrect frequency), but the amplitude is wrong and i can't find out why. Below is my code:
clear L=2pi; epsilon=1;% permittvity N=20480;% grid N=N+2; x=0:L/(N-1):L; xi=L/(N-1):L/(N-1):(L-L/(N-1)); ho=1sin(2pi/Lxi).cos(2pi/L*xi);rho=rho/epsilon;% equivilant charge distribution a=A(N); [u,rhok,N1]=poisson(rho,L,a); U=real(u); function [u,rhok,N1]=poisson(rho,L,a)
% The one-dimensional Poisson equation for periodic boundary conditions is calculated using the fast Fourier transform, where L is the total length and rho is the dielectric constant of the medium divided by epsilon
 rhok=fft(rho); N1=length(rho)+1; delta=L/N1;%the size of the grid uk(2:N1)=-(rhok*delta^2)./(-2+2*a(2:N1));% inside the area of solution u(2:N1)=ifft(uk(2:N1));% inverse fft u(1)=2*u(2)-u(3); u(N1+1)=u(1);% boundary conditionn 
end function a=A(N) for i=0:N-1 A(i+1)=cos(2pii/N); end end
submitted by ouyangyifei to matlab [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:06 johnrushx Mistakes I Wish I Hadn't Made (after building 30 startups)

I built 30 startups in 20 years. VC-backed, Bootstrapped, Apps, SaaS, B2B, B2C.
Twenty mistakes I regret making:

1. Doing consumer apps.

The Failure rate here is 100x of b2b rates, nearly a lottery.

2. Raising VC money.

I felt like Marc Zuckerberg when we raised the first round. All journalists interviewing us. Felt like a dream. Eventually, most of these startups failed by being funded too early.

3. Hiring too early.

Previously, startups took pride in large teams - a key sign of growth back then. Founders should do most of the work until PMF. Employees and contractors won't have enough love and passion for your project.

4. Ignoring SEO.

None of the people in my network did SEO. We all thought it was something for late and we kept postponing it forever.

5. Ignoring content marketing.

Never took blogging seriously. Big mistake.

6. Social Media Marketing.

This is my biggest regret. I started using Twitter just a year ago. I have 20k followers now after putting a year into it. What if I started 20 years ago? Could I have 1M followers now? Perhaps.

7. Skipping idea validation.

I'd always assume for the audience. Anticipate what they need. It almost never turned out to be true. My best projects were those I thought will fail and failed projects had my highest hopes at the start.

8. Hiring managers.

I haven't yet seen any useful manager in a startup. They might be useful for corporations, but for startup, I should have hired only doers.

9. Chasing Investors.

For every startup, I'd spend 40% of my time fundraising. I'd succeed in most of the cases, but at what cost? I haven't done a single outreach to investors in 2 years, but I get VCs knocking my doors because I have good traction and they search for such projects daily.

10. Hiring specialized developers.

There is nothing less efficient than a team of specialized developers for a startup. Today I have 1 fullstack dev doing 5x more progress on a project than a team of 12 back then. Avoid "teams" at all costs.

11. Hiring people I don't wanna hug.

My cofounder, an old Danish man said this to me in 2015. If you don’t wanna hug the person, it means you dislike them on a chemical/animal level.

12. Betting on partners.

I partnered up with large billion-dollar corporates many times with different startups. They promise huge stuff, millions of users, but end up just wasting your time, destroying focus, shifting priorities, making you spend zillions on ramping up security and compliance, and eventually bringing in no users/money.
  1. Shiny objects. I fell for crypt0 hype. Got super rich, then lost it all. Years wasted. Almost got depressed by seeing how scammy and greedy humans can be, even my own partners.

14. Holding on a bad project for too long.

I kept believing in projects after years of no traction. I thought that one day something magic would happen and things would go up. It was just a waste of time.

15. Went to tech conferences.

It's a total waste of time. Most people there are the “good” employees of corporations who were sent there as a perk for being loyal to the corporation.

16. Scrum is a Scam.

If I had a team that had to be nagged every morning with questions as if they were children in kindergarten, then things would eventually fail. The only good stuff I managed to do happened with people who were grownups and could manage their stuff on their own. We would just do everything over chat as a sync on goals and plans.

17. Outsourced development & marketing.

The vendors were good, but the outcome was not good. Startups are so difficult that there is almost no chance someone from outside can do a good job for them.

18. Started with a free tier in b2b.

Free projects attracted totally wrong crowd who gave feedback that was only relevant to please the rest of the "free" crowd. But "paid" users turn out to be very different and have different needs. A few times I started with no free and had no sales, so later I added a free version. But this was a mistake too. If nobody wanna pay for my product, I have to fix the product or find another audience for it.

19. Code from scratch.

My team would spend the first 3 months coding basic things like auth, admin panel, cruds and etc. It was a huge waste of time. The moment I started using boilerplates, the speed went up 10x.

20. Spent little time with my family & friends.

I worked way too much. Didn't take holidays at all. It was very destructive to my creativity. Once I started having some off, I became way more creative. Quality >Quantity.
That's it.

What's your biggest regret as an entrepreneur?

submitted by johnrushx to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:04 Marvellover13 is there a way to create something like this website with CircuiTikz?

something that converts a boolean expression into a diagram of circuitikz (or just the code) because that would be awesome, here's the website
and maybe even the same thing but for truth tables?
submitted by Marvellover13 to LaTeX [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:03 mark777z Questions about the Genki 1 book, newest edition (which I think is the 3rd)

Hi all. As the title states, I have a few questions regharding this book, if anyone could help I'd appreciate it!
  1. If I buy the paper copy, does it include a code or whatever to get a free copy of the Kindle version? Or do you need to buy that separately? I see they both cost the same on Amazon.
  2. How does the Kindle version look when you enlarge the text? Does it get blurry quickly, or stay nice and clear? I ask because I know that if you enlarge the text in at least one of the pdf versions floating around, it does get blurry and pretty unreadable. For example its hard to make out the furigana above the kanji. (That said, if the kindle version does indeed get blurry when magnified, but there's a better, clearer pdf or whatever out there that doesnt get blurry when you magnify the text, I'd love to hear about it.)
  3. On the topic of text size.... there isn't a large-print paper version of Genki out there, for *cough* slightly older folks, is there? As mentioned in the 2nd question, I'd love to see bigger characters, and I know the characters on the paper copy are small too. Bottom line is it's hard to read tiny characters while wearing my contacts, which I'm almost always wearing. I normally read e-text and enlarge it, but if that's not doable with the available Genki copies will have to work it out another way.
Thanks very much for any insight!!
submitted by mark777z to LearnJapanese [link] [comments]