People made out of keyboard symbols

Linguistics Humor

2012.12.29 21:30 Linguistics Humor

Linguistics Humor: a sub for humor relating to linguistics

2009.04.27 05:23 What's for dinner tonight?

Let's eat!

2009.02.25 08:00 pallaviwensil r/Spanish: Learn, teach or discuss the 2nd most spoken language by natives

This is the biggest Reddit community dedicated to discussing, teaching, and learning Spanish. Answer or ask questions, share information, stories, and more on themes related to the 2nd most spoken language in the world by native speakers.

2024.05.17 11:37 HighStrungHabitat What could cause a therapist to feel like you are trying to engage in a power struggle even tho that’s not your intention?

Hi everyone. So I made a post here a few days ago about the confusing session I recently had with my therapist of two years, if you need more context please feel free to go back and read it so this one will make more sense lol.
With that said, I’ve just been wondering what exactly could cause a therapist to feel like you are trying to engage in a power struggle with them, specifically in the case where you’ve made it clear that you aren’t trying to do so? I know there are ways a client can subconsciously deflect onto the therapist, but I’m genuinely a very self aware person and there are many reasons why I don’t feel like I’ve done that, I will list a few.
First off, I have always been very paranoid about unintentionally crossing boundaries, this is something we’ve actually discussed a lot bc it’s a big problem for me, i have OCD and that’s one of the many ways it manifests. My anxiety about this is so severe anytime I ask my therapist a question about herself, )even something lighthearted) I get visibly anxious/tense, and tend to over explain a lot. I’ve always made sure to specify why I feel my question is relevant to my therapeutic process, clarify that I know therapy is about me and whatever she chooses to tell me about herself isn’t going to make me feel like I have to hold space for her emotions, and also repeatedly reiterate that she doesn’t have to answer if she isn’t comfortable. this is something I know I shouldn’t feel the need to say every single time, since I’ve shown that I not only understand the importance of boundaries, and also why self disclosure from a therapist can be tricky, but also bc I have a genuine fear of making her uncomfortable and that has held me back in the ways in which I communicate. She knows this, she’s always been very understanding about it and has reassured me that it isn’t my job to worry about her comfortability, and she would tell me if she felt I was violating any boundaries.
However, there have been a few occasions when my therapist has mentioned a “power struggle” the first time was when I was in heavy grief after I had to put my first dog down suddenly, and I asked her if she could take the lead on our sessions for a while bc I felt extremely drained and was struggling to navigate through my own emotions and communicate them without any guidance from her. She told me she feels like I might be trying to engage in a power struggle, and there is more to it but I don’t remember most of the details bc I was extremely caught off guard.
The second time, honestly was valid on her part to an extent but I still didn’t understand why she chose to use the term “power struggle” again basically, I was over 15 minutes late for a session (it’s telahealth though and she’s usually a few minutes late herself) it never caused any issues, but I guess she left the zoom call right before I joined, and when I asked her if we could still meet she did log back on, but she seemed kind of annoyed so I asked her if she was mad at me, and she mentioned a power struggle bc therapy isn’t supposed to be about how she feels, which I don’t see how I acted in a way that would make her think I was deflecting too much, I was just worried she might be mad at me, when I asked her what she meant by a power struggle she said “we’re kind of engaging in one right now” and I was so confused bc how am I supposed to correct my behavior if I don’t even know what I’m doing? I do remember we talked it it out though, and it actually wasn’t a stressful session at all.
The most recent session when she mentioned a “power struggle” though, was a complete disaster. I left feeling completely devalued and ashamed. I had tried to bring up that I still felt hurt and confused by the times she had mentioned a power struggle, specifically from the first instance, but she was reacting in a way I’ve never seen her react in before, she was visably frustrated, and even interrupted me in the middle of talking multiple times in a rather snappy defensive manner. I remember telling her I didn’t understand what anything I said during that session had to do with her in any kind of personal way, so I don’t understand how there was a power struggle. And her response was “you didn’t have to make it about me.” she said a lot, but I don’t remember everything bc I felt like a kid getting in trouble at school, like I was being talked down to. She said she isn’t going to engage in a power struggle, but didn’t explain how I am creating one in the first place, like I said I don’t think I am but even if I was, her unwillingness to explain to me why she feels like I am, is making me feel completely helpless. I’ve had the tendency to bring up questions at random times, about things we already talked about. But I don’t see how that is trying to switch roles or challenge her? I have anxiety about bringing things up in the moment and she was always very understanding about it, but it feels like that changed, or maybe she just wasn’t honest about it up until this point, either way I feel so hurt, my therapist has been my safe space for pretty much my entire adult life, I was 19 when I started seeing her and I’m almost 22, that might not seem like a long time to some people, but she’s truly seen me at my best and my worst and helped me through it all, I don’t know what’s going on. What makes it all the more hurtful is that she knows how fragile my mental state is right now, my grandpa passed away suddenly three months ago and I haven’t been myself since, she’s been so empathetic and supportive so I don’t understand why she was acted this way during that session.
Please do not suggest I find a different therapist, I completely understand why y’all would want to, but it just isn’t helpful, my therapist and I have great rapport and this is something I WANT to work through, even if I did want to fire her though, that wasn’t the point of this post. I was just wondering what a power struggle even means and what could cause a therapist to think their client is trying to engage in one?
submitted by HighStrungHabitat to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:36 DharmaBratt108 DralaMountainCenter

i spoke with a friend this morning who is still working at Drala Mountain Center in CO. sounds like this place is going down quickly. i worked there for years as well...stuck with them through all their covid challenges, the fire, sunshine report, bankruptcy, and they fired me last year without so much a warning or cause. my friend said about 20 employees have left in the last 2 months and they are left with only 15 or so employees now. no volunteers are showing up due to the recent reviews and same with new employees. and today starts their busy season where they will have hundreds of participants on the land for the next six months. apparently with dhi and all other directors/managers gone now their staff meetings are with the governing council. sounds like they are a joke and highly abusive to the little staff they have left. threatening the staff that because they are burned out they better not scare off new employees. qnd apparently told all the staff they need to pick up the slack and get through the busy season since its their fault they cant hire new employees. sounds like all the current staff are working 80+ hour weeks trying to keep this place goin. iwas trying to find out who they are hiring as the new executive director and the council doesnt even have a backup person planned. im guessin with their money situation they cant even afford one at this point. im worried and sad for everyone there even though I dont know many people left, seems like all current employees havent been there very long. they said staff members are breaking down left and right, crying in meetings, theyve heard some expressing suicidal intentions. apparently recent participants and retreats have made comments about the staff looking like ghosts and having horrible experiences when they are on the land. governing council has no game plan for how to get through this other than torturing the staff thats left. ihope people find a way out of there. this shit hole deserves to go down. cant be to much longer with no staff and no money and hundreds of participants about to see it all. just hope no one hurts themselves or someone else while this goes down. warn others in the area not to support this place. a local news station in Foco needs to pick this story up and blast it all over. truth needs to be heard
submitted by DharmaBratt108 to FortCollins [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:34 kingangels8888 How to Make Money Online: Beginner's Guide to Earning Fast

One chilly morning in late December 2023, I found myself sitting by the window, a warm cup of coffee in hand, reflecting on the journey that had brought me to the world of online entrepreneurship. The past few years had been a whirlwind, filled with both challenges and triumphs as I navigated the complex landscape of making money online. It's a journey that many embark on with high hopes and dreams, but often find daunting and overwhelming. Yet, as I look back, I realize that the key to success lies in understanding the evolving dynamics of the digital world, especially as we move into 2024.
When I first started exploring how to make money online, I was overwhelmed by the plethora of options available. There were countless guides and videos promising quick riches and easy wins. However, the reality was much different. The initial steps were tough, and it required a significant amount of dedication and learning. My first venture was a blog, where I shared my experiences and insights on various topics. This slowly started generating a steady stream of income, not instantly, but surely.
The year 2024 promises even more opportunities for those willing to put in the effort. With the rise of new technologies and platforms, there are now numerous ways to make money online, whether you are a seasoned professional or a complete beginner. For instance, the gig economy has exploded, offering freelance work in almost every field imaginable. Websites like Upwork and Fiverr have become gold mines for those looking to make money online by offering their skills and services.
One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is, "how do you make money online fast?" While there is no magic formula, there are certain strategies that can accelerate your journey. Affiliate marketing, for example, is a method where you promote other people's products and earn a commission for every sale made through your referral. It's a model that has worked wonders for many, including myself, when combined with a well-structured blog or a social media presence.
Another effective approach is leveraging the power of e-commerce. In 2024, drop shipping continues to be a popular method, where you sell products without holding any inventory. This business model allows you to focus on marketing and customer acquisition, while suppliers handle the shipping and logistics. It’s an excellent way to make money online, especially for beginners who may not have a lot of upfront capital to invest.
Moreover, the concept of working from home has taken on a new dimension. With remote work becoming the norm, there are now countless opportunities to make money online work from home. Companies are increasingly hiring remote workers for a variety of roles, from customer service representatives to virtual assistants. This shift not only provides flexibility but also opens up a global marketplace of job opportunities.
My journey also led me to explore digital products. Creating and selling online courses, eBooks, and even coaching services have become viable ways to make a sustainable income. These methods require an initial investment of time and effort to create high-quality content, but the rewards can be substantial. In 2024, the demand for online learning continues to rise, providing a lucrative avenue for those with expertise to share.
For those just starting out, it’s crucial to focus on a niche that you are passionate about. When I began my blog, I chose topics that I was genuinely interested in, which made the process enjoyable rather than a chore. Passion drives consistency, and consistency is key to success in the online world. Additionally, engaging with your audience through authentic content builds trust and loyalty, which are invaluable assets.
It’s also important to stay updated with the latest trends and tools. In the digital realm, things change rapidly. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. For instance, understanding SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can dramatically improve your visibility online. By optimizing your content with relevant keywords, such as make money online 2024 and make money online beginners, you can attract more traffic to your site and increase your chances of making sales or earning commissions.
As I sit here, reflecting on my journey, I realize that making money online is not just about finding the right opportunity but also about perseverance and continuous learning. It’s about adapting to changes and leveraging the tools at your disposal. The opportunities are vast, but they require a strategic approach and a willingness to learn and grow.
In conclusion, as we step into 2024, the digital landscape offers an array of opportunities for anyone looking to make money online. Whether through freelance work, e-commerce, affiliate marketing, or digital products, there is something for everyone. The key is to start, stay consistent, and keep evolving. My journey has been a testament to the fact that with the right mindset and approach, making a living online is not just a possibility but a reality.
Ready to transform your financial future? Discover the secrets to quick success in our detailed guide. Click here to read How to Make Money Online Fast in 2024: Proven Strategies and start your journey to financial freedom today!
submitted by kingangels8888 to u/kingangels8888 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:34 NaomiiNyaomii I think my server/host manager likes to go on power trips

Note: I posted this on the serverlife sub but ig people think each serving experience is the same because I got instantly clowned on for only being able to take 3 tables.
On Saturday right before Mother’s Day I had worked a double shift, 12:30pm to DBD, we instantly got slammed with almost a 2 hour wait time and the kitchen severely backed up because I guess everyone wanted to go out to eat on Saturday instead of Mother’s Day.
The manager on the floor at the time assisting our host team was one of our newer managers who I’m just going to call Ron.
Nobody actually fucking likes Ron because of the way he manages the servers and hosts and he’s usually in everyone’s business and acts like even our most experienced servers are doing something wrong.
Now that Saturday was awful for everyone…Ron was giving out 4-6 tables to servers who aren’t certified to take that many tables, myself included, I was taking 4 tables at a time and severely overwhelmed and couldn’t handle it, almost having a panic attack from it, almost everyone was in a panic, to the point the other service manager Who I’m just going to call S had to talk to Ron and tell him not to do that because some servers (like Myself) are not capable of handling that many tables as well as being seated way out of their section. I know that I should stay calm in situations like these but one of my friends who is a host told me that Ron literally was saying “seat first, deal with the servers later.” Which just made everyone pissed off even more and just wanted to go home already.
Around 9:45 it finally calmed down and it was like a 15 minute wait and we got seated our normal tables again, everyone already told our To-go manager who I’m going to call Brittney that we’re all sending complaints to the GM for what Ron was doing because he honestly just made everything worse for everyone.
Brittney agreed but said that the GM probably won’t do much but be more aware of what Ron is doing and be more aware.
I have yet to send an email to my GM I entirely forgot but should I still do it??
submitted by NaomiiNyaomii to olivegarden [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:33 JamaicanTransplant Who is Debbie Evans?

We had a big meeting with Susan yesterday. Kitten and I reconstructed some of the highlights. Of course, Susan reads everything here in our blog.
"So which 911 should we talk about first: 'Heidi's (Non)-Suspense Hearing Hissy Fit' or 'Lita's Let Me Decide the Future of My Life at the Young Age of Sixteen'"?
We all just had to laugh!
"People think that therapy is like filling potholes on the FDR Drive," Susan said. "Got a hole? Throw in some asphalt. People can still drive on it, although it will always be bumpy and the filling will come out during the next storm. What do you think? Agree or disagree?"
"I disagree," I said. "I think a good counselor should try to develop strength and resiliency in her client so they can design and rebuild an entire new road."
Kitten said I was right. "The first case is the 'deficit' something-or-other. The second is the 'asset' something-or-other."
"Exactly," Susan said. "The word you were looking for is 'mindset.' A 'deficit mindset,' an 'asset mindset.' A lot of times, instead of 'asset' you hear 'abundance mindset.'"
She went on. "Let's look what happened. Lita, you had the strength to bring Heidi and all of your parents into the discussion with Benjamin so you wouldn't leave yourself alone and isolated. Good for you! That's social engineering. You were like Debbie Evans..."
Kitten was curious and had to interrupt, "Uhmmm. Who is Debbie Evans?"
Susan said, "Look her up. She was the stunt motocycle rider in the 1970's TV show Wonder Woman. You, Lita, rode on your supercharged motorcycle into your past and scooped up the gems, swerved around pitfalls and delusions from your recent history, wrote a dissertation about education and schools, and outlined your plans for your college search. Very impressive!"
Susan was only getting started. "And you, Heidi, made two game-changing plays, whether or not you were aware of it. You butted in to say something that Lita taking the job was 'no sacrifice' for you. Then you picked up your guitar when you felt Lita was feeling vulnerable."
"It wasn't planned or anything. That's how I really felt!" piped in Kitten.
"I know. Let's move to 'Heidi and the Dean.' Sounds like the title of a sitcom, doesn't it? You made a mistake because you overreached on your running without following the Coach's protocols. It was a double whammy because Lita had been punished for doing the same thing a couple of weeks earlier."
Susan paused for a few moments to sip some water. I think it was really drama to announce that something important was coming up. "That's life! We make mistakes and take the consequences. But here is the important thing. You didn't just collapse but stood your ground. Okay, maybe a bit awkwardly, but doing it more effectively and, as your mother said, 'reading signals,' are just some skills you will pick up with life experience. I would be far more worried if you had only caved in. Not only that, but you were dealing with a wild card, a testosterone-loaded dean."
"No, I see him differently now," Heidi said. "It's been two days since I've volunteered after school in his office. I'm already feeling why he is the way he is."
"Good, why don't you write about that in your blog? I just don't want to get sidetracked right now."
Some more dramatic pauses. Then she turned to Kitten but I knew she was talking to both of us. "We are a lot more than solitary human beings. We are also our social connections. In effect, you are Team Heidi. Just look at that meeting. You had Coach and your guidance counselor rooting for you, most likely conspiring beforehand to get you through the dean experience. You had mother there shutting you up before you got yourself into deeper trouble. Then you had your friends sending you, from what I gather, text messages making sure you didn't go into self-victimizing mode and instead, in the words of one person, 'turn poison into medicine.' You used faith to gather presence and make a plan. Pretty impressive."
Then Susan got very serious. "I don't think it is ever wise to carry the burden of secrets. They tend to come out anyway, and the longer they fester, the more trust is broken. Let me be blunt. I don't believe the story that you guys met playing volleyball. I don't see how it is humanly possible for both of you to have developed the bonds between you and grow so much in a single year. What's the real story?"
Kitty and I looked at each other absolutely shocked.
"Your expressions say a million words. But we are out of time, aren't we? Also, I don't think I should be the first person to hear the Big Reveal. I think both of you need to set up a lunch date with your mothers and then put all of your cards out on the table. We can talk next week about what happened. But for now, let me say how much I deeply respect both of you!"
Kitten and I worked out of Susan's office hand-in-hand. It's a beautiful morning and we are heading out now to run.
submitted by JamaicanTransplant to LoHeidiLita [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:32 sadlerortho01 Why Must You Choose Invisalign Clear Aligners in Richmond

Do you intend to undergo Invisalign treatment? Discover some of the advantages of choosing this teeth-straightening procedure by reading on. As per the Richmond Dental Association, getting your teeth straightened might be beneficial for your oral health in general and not simply for aesthetic reasons. Technology has advanced to the point where discrete methods like Invisalign clear aligners in Richmond may efficiently straighten misaligned teeth, even if traditional metal braces are still often utilized.
Benefits of receiving Invisalign clear aligners treatment in Fishers
Many people who want to get their crooked teeth straightened feel self-conscious about how they look. Dental problems like overbites, underbites, and crooked teeth can harm a person's self-esteem and sense of beauty. Conversely, there are many more reasons why straightening the teeth is important than just making them seem better. Untreated crooked teeth might result in severe dental issues. Some advantages of selecting Invisalign for teeth straightening include the following:
1. They feel at ease
It is more comfortable to use Invisalign aligners than traditional braces. Traditional metal brackets' sharp edges can cause painful sores that take a long time to cure as well as damage to the soft oral tissues. The removable aligners are made to precisely fit over the teeth. They have rounded edges made of premium resin to prevent oral injuries from sharp metal.
Because of their tight fit, Invisalign trays provide more exact control over tooth straightening. Patients receive a set of aligners that gradually move their teeth into the proper positions.
2. It's simpler to maintain dental hygiene
The ability to properly take care of teeth is one of the biggest benefits of removable aligners over traditional braces. With Invisalign, patients can remove the aligners and resume their regular dental routine. It is possible to brush and floss without the need for any extra tools. Ensuring that food particles, bacteria, and plaque do not build up on the surfaces of the aligner and teeth requires regular brushing and cleaning.
3. A decrease in dental visits
With invisible aligners, patients won't need to visit the dentist as frequently, and their appointments will be much shorter and less intrusive. The dentist will have given them new aligners to change out every two weeks, but they will still need to return every four to six weeks. There are no brackets to reattach or cables to modify.
4. No dietary limitations
Because the aligner trays are removable with Invisalign, patients are free to consume whatever food they choose. In contrast, if you have braces, your dentist will urge you to avoid eating anything sticky, hard, crunchy, or even requiring you to bite your food deeply because the metal brackets could break off or the wires could stretch. Patients who choose to use Invisalign aligners don't have to worry about what they eat.
Diego Costa is author of this article and writes since long time. For further details about Invisalign Clear Aligners in Fishers please visit the website.
submitted by sadlerortho01 to u/sadlerortho01 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:32 b3llyfish 1.37 Achievements review

Curious to what fellow achievement hunters thought of 1.37 achievements. What did people like/didnt like? What changes would you have made?
Overall I thought it was a decent bunch but there were a bit too much 'waiting around for x' situations.
It's all coming together
A real ugly speed 5 achievement. Disappointing as this was the flagship nation of the expansion. You'll reform and catch up on tech long before any coloniser can declare on you and then spend the rest of the game waiting for great projects or dev-ing. The 80 army tradition at least made me think a bit, but overall a bad achievement.
Doge Coins
Haven't done this one yet but like the idea. Venice is always fun to play and trade focussed nation into eco hegemony makes sense.
Veritas Vincit
An interesting start but ended with a ton of waiting around for the leagues to form and war to start (not letting you be the league leader is painful). Converting the HRE to hussite before 1550 was definately a mistake, and the hussite incident post victory is super dumb. Recommend creating a save after the war ends and following the solution here
The eagle flies alone
Decent enough achievement asking you to think about your idea groups. Having the ottomans as an ally whilst owning all of Eygpt is interesting. Ended with a lot of waiting around for reg camps to be built. Being unable to get the trading in grain bonus was annoying...
Standard 'this sounds like that' achievement. Slightly better than the Inca achievement as I did actually get declared on but after that it was speed 5 until I reached the islands via exploration.
There Khan only be one!
Standard horde achievement, would pair nicely with other horde achievements
Finishing this one at the time of writing. 12 assimilated culture groups feels far too grindy. Would have preferred something along the lines of x amount of invidual cultures and 5 culture groups.
Get out of my swamp!
Standard Netherlands achievement, pairs nicely with their other ones.
Guess this is the 'meme' achievment but was able to ally small nations around the ottomans and mamluks so I quite liked it.
The Hungarian Games
Liked this one, playing hungary with a balkans vassal swarm stacking vassal force limit modifiers. Think the achievement is bugged though as I found I had to fight 23 different countries to get credit.
submitted by b3llyfish to eu4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:32 CommanderRoku Fully Explained: Hero Descriptions (Part I)

Fully Explained: Hero Descriptions (Part I)
To celebrate the upcoming 25th anniversary of the Phantom Menace this 19th of May, I decided to go all out on discovering the hidden effects or poorly described star cards in this game based on the plentiful resources and posts of the past (References are found at the end). At the same time, I did what I could to rewrite the ability and card descriptions to be somewhat unilateral and have similar explanations. Many were a surprise to be sure but a welcome one, while others are completely out of hand. Use what’s useful to you, and feel free to share your own test results. At last we will reveal these stats to all, at last…
Hero Descriptions (Part I)
· Boba Fett
o Base Health: 600 health
o Health Regeneration: 150 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 7 meters/second
o Body Shot Attack Damage: 105 / 75
o Head Shot Attack Damage: 198 / 141 (R4)
o Blaster Range: 20 / 40 meters
o Blaster Spread: Tight
o Rate of Fire: 360 shots/minute
o Blaster Overheat: 10 bursts (28 shots)
o Flamethrower Melee Damage: 100; damage doubles within outer 5% of reach distance.
o Jetpack Flight Speed: 12.5 meters/second
o Jetpack Flight Time: 5 seconds (20%/second) (YB1)
o Jetpack Refill Time: 12 seconds (8.3%/second) (YB1)
§ Launches a rocket that breaks on impact. The 1st explosion obscures vision and prevents lightsaber target locks for 5 seconds, canceling weapon-centered abilities as well; the 2nd explosion disables affected weapons for 1.2 seconds. Area of Effect: 25 meters; Cooldown Time: 15 seconds. (YT3, Comment: u/macggnore)
§ Modifies jetpack to be used without fuel consumption while being undetected by enemy radars. Enemies nearby are also revealed. Area of Effect: ?; Duration: 8 seconds; Cooldown Time: 10 seconds.
§ Launches five rockets dealing 75 damage each. Five Rockets on One Enemy: 375 damage; Area of Effect: 3 meters; Duration: 2.4 seconds; Cooldown Time: 20 seconds.
· Bossk
o Base Health: 600 health
o Health Regeneration: 600 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 25 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 7 meters/second
o Jump Height: 6 meters
o Body Shot Attack Damage: 126 / 45
o Head Shot Attack Damage: 126 / 45
o Charged-up Shot to Body: 156 / 156
o Charged-up Shot to Head: 296 / 296
o Blaster Range: 8 / 22 meters
o Blaster Spread: Medium
o Rate of Fire: 100 shots/minute
o Blaster Overheat: 8 shots
o Melee Damage: 65
§ Releases a 10-meter cloud of dioxis gas dealing up to 118 damage to enemies within it for 6 seconds. Damage is per in-game ticks and not seconds, dealing more damage per second at times. Damage per tick: 5 to 6; Cooldown Time: 20 seconds. (R4)
§ Modifies the primary weapon into a micro-grenade launcher with each grenade dealing 80 / 40 damage. Thermal vision and faster sprint speed are also gained. Area of Effect: 3 meters; Duration: 8.5 to 25 seconds; Cooldown Time: 25 seconds.
§ Deploys three sticky mines that after being armed for 4 seconds, detonate when triggered and deal 76 damage each. Three Mines on One Enemy: 228; Explosion Radius: 6 meters; Cooldown Time: 20 seconds.
· Chewbacca
o Base Health: 700 health
o Health Regeneration: 200 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 7 meters/second
o Body Shot Attack Damage: 90 / 50
o Head Shot Attack Damage: 144 / 48
o Explosion Radius: 1 meter
o Zoomed-in Body Shot Damage: 100 / 96
o Zoomed-in Head Shot Damage: 145 / 126 (R4)
o Zoomed-in Explosion Radius: 2 meters
o Rate of Fire: 66 shots/minute
o Bowcaster Overheat: None
o Bowcaster Range: 20 / 25 meters
o Zoomed-in Range: 35 / 45 meters
o Bowcaster Spread: Wide / Tight
o Melee Damage: 90
o Melee Speed: Fast
§ Throws a grenade that breaks on impact and splits into five missiles that shock enemies for 1.1 seconds; Area of Effect: ?; Cooldown Time: 15 seconds. (S1)
§ Modifies the bowcaster to fire fully charged shots. Body Damage: 182 / 166; Head Damage: 291; Zoomed-In Body: 217 / 191; Zoomed-In Head: 343; Range: 25 / 50 meters; Zoomed-In: 30 / 50 meters; Duration: 7.5 to 25 seconds; Cooldown Time: 20 seconds. (R4)
§ A sprint attack that by sprinting forward and slamming onto the ground, enemies are knocked down, 150 damage to enemies within 4 meters. 30% damage reduction is received while sprinting. Base Health: 700; Health Points: 910; Area of Effect: 8 meters; Sprint Duration: ?; Cooldown Time: 15 seconds. (R4)
· Darth Vader
o Base Health: 800 health
o Health Regeneration: 250 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 7 meters/second
o Jump Height: 10 meters
o Basic Attack Damage: 130 damage
o Rear Attack Damage: 160 damage
o Swing Speed: 1.7 swings/second
o Lightsaber Swings: 10 swings
o Lightsaber Blocks: 14 blocks
o Blaster Deflections: 2121 damage
o Deflection Spread: 0.2
o Stamina Regeneration Time: 3.00 seconds
o Stamina Regeneration Delay: 2.25 seconds
§ Throws the lightsaber 20 meters away and returns, each hit to enemies dealing 130 damage. Damage dealt reduces by 50% if used alongside CHOKE. Cooldown Time: 8 seconds.
§ Basic lightsaber attacks deal 15 extra damage, 200 bonus health is gained, and stamina drain decreases by 50%. Duration: 10 seconds; Cooldown Time: 15 seconds.
§ Force chokes multiple enemies for 1.5 seconds, dragging them up into the air and dropping them, dealing 126 damage. Reach Distance: ?; Cooldown time: 25 seconds. (YT1)
· Emperor Palpatine
o Base Health: 700 health
o Health Regeneration: 250 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 75 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 7 meters/second
o Jump Height: 10 meters
o One-handed Attack Damage: 14 damage/0.3 seconds (60/sec)
o Two-handed Attack Damage: 28 damage/0.3 seconds (110/sec)
o One-handed Stamina Drain: 10% stamina/second (10 seconds)
o Two-handed Stamina Drain: 15% stamina/second (6.5 seconds)
o Attack Reach Distance: 14 meters
o Melee Damage: 80
§ Throws a burst of force lightning hits an enemy target selected then bounces up to six different enemies. Each hit deals 120 damage. Reach distance: 18 meters; Cooldown Time: 14.5 seconds.
§ First dealing 15 damage at startup, force energy deals 15 damage per in-game tick to enemies, slowing them down as well. Total Damage: 135; Area of Effect: 10 meters; Duration: 8 seconds; Cooldown Time: 25 seconds.
§ Force lightning hits the ground, shocking enemies and disabling their blasters for 1 second. Reach Distance: 15 meters; Cooldown Time: 20 seconds.
· Han Solo
o Base Health: 650 health
o Health Regeneration: 200 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 7 meters/second
o Body Shot Attack Damage: 80 / 55
o Head Shot Attack Damage: 152 / 104
o Blaster Range: 20 / 50 meters
o Blaster Spread: None
o Rate of Fire: 108 shots/minute
o Blaster Overheat: 8 shots
o Melee Damage: 65
§ Throws a sticky charge that is detonated remotely. When detonated, damage is dealt and enemies are knocked down. Damage: 200 / 70; Explosion Radius: 10 meters; Cooldown Time: 18 seconds.
§ Modifies the primary weapon to fire rapidly for the next few seconds. Body Damage: 65 / 40; Head Damage: 123 / 76; Range: 35 / 15 meters; Rate of Fire: 350 shots per minute; Duration: 3 to 25 seconds; Cooldown Time: 15 seconds. (R4)
§ A sprint attack that by sprinting forward, the enemy hit by it is knocked down, dealing 200 damage to troopers and 150 damage to heroes. The damage goes through blocks. Sprint Duration: ?; Cooldown Time: 10 seconds.
· Iden Versio
o Base Health: 650 health
o Health Regeneration: 200 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 7 meters/second
o Body Shot Attack Damage: 20 / 10
o Head Shot Attack Damage: 38 / 19
o Alternate Fire Attack Damage: 150
o Alternate Blast Radius: 6 meters
o Blaster Range: 30 / 50 meters
o Blaster Spread: Tight
o Rate of Fire: 780 shots/minute
o Blaster Overheat: 48 shots (YB1)
o Melee Damage: 65
§ Sends out the droid to search for an enemy target up to 25 meters away, the droid then shocks the target and those around it for 1.5 seconds. The enemy shocked is also dealt 40 damage. Shock Area of Effect: ?; Cooldown Time: 20 seconds. (R4; YB1)
§ Modifies the primary weapon into a long-range rifle. Using the scope deals more damage if used at a farther distance. The first bar in the charge-up indicates the maximum damage input; the second bar is the timer for automatic fire. Body Damage: 40 / 35; Head Damage: 76 / 63; Charged-Up Body Damage: 89 / 207; Charged-Up Head Damage: 164 / 376; Cooldown Time: 1 second. (R4)
§ Generates a personal bubble shield that protects against blaster damage. Using the primary weapon deactivates it. Unable to be used while STUN DROID is active. Shield Health: 750 health; Duration: 12 seconds; Cooldown Time: 10 seconds.
· Kylo Ren
o Base Health: 750 health
o Health Regeneration: 250 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 8 meters/second
o Jump Height: 10 meters
o Basic Attack Damage: 125 damage
o Rear Attack Damage: 165 damage
o Swing Speed: 1.8 swings/second
o Lightsaber Swings: 14 swings
o Lightsaber Blocks: 14 blocks
o Blaster Deflections: 1112 damage
o Deflection Spread: 0.45
o Stamina Regeneration Time: 2.10 seconds
o Stamina Regeneration Delay: 2.00 seconds
§ Force pulls enemies, dealing 10 damage. Reach Distance: 20 meters; Cooldown Time: 20 seconds.
§ A frenzy of 3 to 4 lightsaber attacks by leaping towards an enemy target, either attacking the same enemy or leaping again to another. 50% damage reduction is received during the frenzy. The last attack of a three-hit frenzy and the last two attacks of a four-hit frenzy goes through blocks. A four-hit frenzy is activated by using the ability while looking away from the enemy target, immediately after a dodge, a jump hop, a lightsaber attack, or using PULL. Each frenzied lightsaber strike deals 160 damage to troopers and 115 damage to heroes. Leap Distance: 10 meters; Total to Troopers: 480 damage; Total to Heroes: 345 damage; Base Health: 750; Health Points: 1125; Cooldown Time: 10 seconds.
§ Force freezes enemies for 2.5 seconds. Reach Distance: 15 meters; Cooldown Time: 24 seconds.
· Lando Calrissian
o Base Health: 650 health
o Health Regeneration: 200 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 7 meters/second
o Body Shot Attack Damage: 40 / 25
o Head Shot Attack Damage: 76 / 47
o Blaster Range: 20 / 50 meters
o Blaster Spread: Medium
o Rate of Fire: 420 shots/minute
o Blaster Overheat: 17 shots (YB1)
o Melee Damage: 65
§ Releases a 10-meter cloud of smoke that obscures vision and prevents lightsaber target locks. Duration: 10 seconds; Cooldown Time: 14 seconds. (YB1)
§ Selects up to five enemy targets and fires a flurry of shots dealing 200 to 240 damage. Headshots deal 380 damage. Reach Distance: 40 meters; Cooldown Time: 12 seconds. (R4)
§ Throws a sticky device that reveals enemies nearby and scrambles enemy radars. In addition, enemies can be shocked for 1.1 seconds through remote activation. Area of Effect: 20 meters; Duration: 25 seconds; Cooldown Time: 19 seconds.
· Leia Organa
o Base Health: 650 health
o Health Regeneration: 200 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 4.5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 7 meters/second
o Body Shot Attack Damage: 80 / 40
o Head Shot Attack Damage: 152 / 76
o Alternate Fire Attack Damage: 145
o Alternate Fire Charge-Up Time: 1.5 seconds
o Alternate Fire Explosion Radius: 1 meter
o Blaster Range: 20 / 40 meters
o Blaster Spread: Tight
o Rate of Fire: 340 shots/minute
o Blaster Overheat: 17 bursts
o Melee Damage: 65 damage
§ Throws detonators that each deal up to 250 damage. Up to three detonators are ready for use, all of which must be used for the cooldown timer to begin. Cooldown Time: 15 seconds.
§ Swaps the primary weapon for an E-11 dealing 350 damage per second. Rate of Fire: 600; Body Damage: 36 / 19; Head Damage: 68 / 36; Duration: 8 to 25 seconds; Cooldown Time: 15 seconds. (R4; YB1)
§ Deploys a 10-meter squad shield with 3000 health that protects against blaster fire and regenerates 5 health per in-game tick to allies. Duration: 30 seconds. Cooldown Time: 20 seconds.
· Luke Skywalker
o Base Health: 750 health
o Health Regeneration: 200 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 100 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 2.7 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 8.6 meters/second
o Jump Height: 10 meters
o Basic Attack Damage: 130 damage
o Rear Attack Damage: 160 damage
o Swing Speed: 2.1 swings/second
o Lightsaber Swings: 10 swings
o Lightsaber Blocks: 10 blocks
o Blaster Deflections: 1112 damage
o Deflection Spread: 0.45
o Stamina Regeneration Time: 3.00 seconds
o Stamina Regeneration Delay: 1.00 second
§ Force pushes enemies 10 meters away, dealing 150 damage to troopers and 90 damage to heroes. Reach Distance: 12 meters; Cooldown Time: 20 seconds.
§ Knocks down enemies using the Force, dealing 130 damage to troopers and 75 damage to heroes. Area of Effect: 12 meters; Cooldown Time: 17 seconds.
§ A lightsaber dash attack dealing 100 damage by leaping forward. Two dash attacks are ready for use. Cooldown Time: 5 seconds.
· Darth Maul
o Base Health: 700 health
o Health Regeneration: 250 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 8 meters/second
o Jump Height: 10 meters
o Basic Attack Damage: 120 damage
o Rear Attack Damage: 150 damage
o Swing Speed: 1.9 swings/second
o Lightsaber Swings: 14 swings
o Lightsaber Blocks: 10 blocks
o Blaster Deflections: 810 damage
o Deflection Spread: 0.45
o Stamina Regeneration Time: 2.10 seconds
o Stamina Regeneration Delay: 2.00 seconds
§ Throws the lightsaber 20 meters away and returns, each hit to enemies dealing 85 damage. Cooldown Time: 8 seconds.
§ Force chokes multiple enemies, dragging them up into the air and launching them several meters away, dealing 77 damage. Reach Distance: 15 meters; Cooldown time: 18 seconds.
§ A lightsaber dash attack dealing 100 damage by leaping forward 15 meters. Two dash attacks are ready for use. Cooldown Time: 5 seconds.
· Rey
o Base Health: 750 health
o Health Regeneration: 250 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 8 meters/second
o Jump Height: 10 meters
o Basic Attack Damage: 120 damage
o Rear Attack Damage: 140 damage
o Swing Speed: 2.0 swings/second
o Lightsaber Swings: 10 swings
o Lightsaber Blocks: 14 blocks
o Blaster Deflections: 1112 damage
o Deflection Spread: 0.45
o Stamina Regeneration Time: 1.65 seconds
o Stamina Regeneration Delay: 1.00 second
§ A sprint attack that knocks down enemies hit by it, dealing 130 damage. Cooldown Time: 10 seconds.
§ Basic lightsaber attacks deal 10 extra damage and stamina drain is decreased by 50%, all while being undetected by enemy radars. Enemies nearby are also revealed. Basic Attack: 130 damage; Rear Attack: 150 damage; Lightsaber Swings: 20 swings; Lightsaber Blocks: 28 blocks; Blaster Deflections: 2224 damage; Area of Effect: 30 meters; Duration: 8 seconds; Cooldown Time: 10 seconds.
§ Confuses enemies with the Force for 4 seconds. Player controls will be inverted and cursor sensitivity will be lowered. Reach Distance: 18 meters; Cooldown Time: 20 seconds.
· Yoda
o Base Health: 700 health
o Health Regeneration: 250 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 7 meters/second
o Jump Height: 10 meters
o Basic Attack Damage: 125 damage
o Rear Attack Damage: 150 damage
o Swing Speed: 1.6 swings/second
o Lightsaber Swings: 12 swings
o Lightsaber Blocks: 10 blocks
o Blaster Absorption: 2121 damage
o Stamina Regeneration Time: 2.10 seconds
o Stamina Regeneration Delay: 1.00 second
§ Force pushes enemies, pushing them away several meters more, dealing 110 damage. When absorbing force attacks or blaster fire, both reach distance and damage are increased. Force attacks stay absorbed for longer. Damage Increase: 110 / 130 / 160 / 190; Area of Effect: ?; Cooldown Time: 12 seconds.
§ 150 bonus health is gained while breaking free out of any immobilizing effect. Allied troopers within several meters also gain 75 bonus health, while allied heroes gain 150 bonus health. Duration: 8 seconds; Cooldown Time: 20 seconds.
§ A lightsaber dash attack dealing 85 damage by leaping forward. The damage goes through blocks. Two dash attacks are ready for use. Cooldown Time: 5 seconds.
· Finn
o Base Health: 600 health
o Health Regeneration: 200 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 7 meters/second
o Body Shot Attack Damage: 52 / 45
o Head Shot Attack Damage: 98 / 85
o Blaster Range: 25 / 50 meters
o Blaster Spread: Tight
o Rate of Fire: 240 shots/minute
o Blaster Overheat: 24 shots
o Melee Damage: 65
§ Auto-locks blaster fire onto a single enemy. Reach Distance: 30 meters; Body Damage: 30 / 20; Head Damage: 57 / 38; Duration: 5 to 25 seconds; Cooldown Time: 15 seconds. (R4)
§ 120 to 150 bonus health is gained, 25% to 55% damage reduction is received, ability cooldowns are reduced by 50%, and all blaster heat is removed. Any ally within 15 meters receives the same effects alongside 100 to 130 bonus health and 15% to 45% damage reduction. The number of allies also improves the ability’s effects. Total Number of Allies Needed: ?; Base Health: 600; Health Points: 930; Duration: 10 seconds; Cooldown Time: 18 seconds.
§ Primary weapon is swapped for a GLIE-44 while revealing enemies nearby, making allies nearby undetected from enemy radars, giving them faster sprint speed. Cancels BIG DEAL when activated. Body Damage: 42 / 30; Head Damage: 79 / 57; Area of Effect: 15 meters; Duration: 5 to 25 seconds; Cooldown Time: 15 seconds. (R4)
· Captain Phasma
o Base Health: 700 health
o Health Regeneration: 150 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 7 meters/second
o Body Shot Attack Damage: 19 / 15
o Head Shot Attack Damage: 36 / 28
o Blaster Range: 35 / 60 meters
o Blaster Spread: Becomes Tight
o Rate of Fire: 660 shots/minute
o Blaster Overheat: 48 shots (YB1)
§ The default melee attack. For troopers, the 1st hit deals 160 damage, the 2nd 190, the 3rd hit 220. For heroes, the 1st hit deals 120 damage, the 2nd 150, the 3rd hit 200. The 3rd hit also knocks enemies down. Only 30 damage is dealt to heroes hit from behind. (S1; R4; YB1)
§ 200 bonus health is gained. Duration: 15 seconds; Cooldown Time: 20 seconds.
§ Deploys a sentry droid that constantly rotates, always looking out for a target. When an enemy target is spotted, it stops rotating and fires, dealing 24 damage per shot. It also shocks enemies for 0.8 seconds. If destroyed, the explosion damage deals 150 damage. Shock Area of Effect: 15 meters; Cooldown Time: 20 seconds. (R4)
· General Grievous
o Base Health: 800 health
o Health Regeneration: 250 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 8 meters/second
o Jump Height: 7 meters
o Basic Attack Damage: 130 damage
o Rear Attack Damage: 160 damage
o Swing Speed: 1.8 swings/second
o Lightsaber Swings: 12 swings
o Lightsaber Blocks: 10 swings
o Blaster Deflections: 222 damage
o Deflection Spread: 20
o Stamina Regeneration Time: 3.00 seconds
o Stamina Regeneration Delay: 2.00 seconds
§ A lunge attack where an enemy is stabbed and knocked down, dealing 160 damage. Reach Distance: 15 meters; Cooldown Time: 13 seconds.
§ A slow moving forward attack that deflects all blaster shots or lightsaber attacks from the front that lasts for 5 seconds. Any enemy standing in the way is dealt with 110 damage every 0.45 seconds. Cooldown Time: 11 seconds.
§ A crawl attack that knocks down enemies hit by it, dealing 130 damage. 40% damage reduction is received during the attack. Enemies hit during the initial 0.2 seconds of the attack can be hit again during the last 0.2 seconds of the attack. Base Health: 800; Health Points: 1120; Duration: 3.2 seconds; Cooldown Time: 13 seconds.
· Obi-Wan Kenobi
o Base Health: 750 health
o Health Regeneration: 300 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 4.5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 8 meters/second
o Jump Height: 10 meters
o Basic Attack Damage: 130 damage
o Rear Attack Damage: 150 damage
o Swing Speed: 1.8 swings/second
o Lightsaber Swings: 10 swings
o Lightsaber Blocks: 25 blocks
o Blaster Deflections: 2121 damage
o Deflection Spread: 0.2
o Stamina Regeneration Time: 3.00 seconds
o Stamina Regeneration Delay: 1.00 seconds
§ Force pushes enemies, dealing 170 damage to troopers and 150 damage to heroes. Charging it up for 1.2 seconds increases the reach distance up to 22 meters. Damage also increases, dealing 200 damage to troopers and 180 damage to heroes. 80% damage reduction is also received while charging up the force push. Base Health: 750; Health Points: 1350; Reach Distance: ?; Cooldown Time: 14 seconds.
§ Restricts enemies from using their abilities for 5.5 seconds using the Force. An enemy being knocked down cancels the effect. Reach Distance: 20 meters; Cooldown Time: 21 seconds.
§ A sprint attack that damages enemies hit by it, dealing 140 damage. The final lightsaber strike deals 60 extra damage, 200 damage in total. It also deflects all blaster shots or lightsaber attacks from the front. Cooldown Time: 10 seconds.
· Count Dooku
o Base Health: 750 health
o Health Regeneration: 250 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 8 meters/second
o Jump Height: 10 meters
o Basic Attack Damage: 130 damage
o Rear Attack Damage: 160 damage
o Swing Speed: 2.0 swings/second
o Lightsaber Swings: 14 swings
o Lightsaber Blocks: 14 blocks
o Blaster Deflections: 1112 damage
o Deflection Spread: 0.45
o Stamina Regeneration Time: 2.10 seconds
o Stamina Regeneration Delay: 2.00 seconds
§ Force lightning shoots forward, knocking enemies down and dealing 160 damage to a single trooper and 120 damage to a single hero. Damage is decreased by 10 for every additional enemy caught in the lightning, to a maximum of 50 less damage. Reach Distance: 9 meters; Cooldown Time: 14 seconds.
§ Basic lightsaber attacks deal 25 extra damage and swing speed is increased to 2.4 swings per second. New Basic Attack: 155 damage; New Rear Attack: 185 damage; Duration: 10 seconds; Cooldown Time: 13 seconds.
§ For 5.5 seconds, an enemy target receives 20% damage weakness, is inflicted with slower movement, and has their bonus health removed. The cooldown timer is replenished if the enemy target is defeated. Normal Basic Attack: 130 damage; Normal Rear Attack: 160 damage; New Basic Attack: 156 damage; New Rear Attack: 192 damage; LIGHTNING STUN: 192 damage; Reach Distance: 11 meters; Cooldown Time: 16 seconds.
· Anakin Skywalker
o Base Health: 800 health
o Health Regeneration: 250 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 50 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 4.5 seconds
o Sprint Speed: 8 meters/second
o Jump Height: 10 meters
o Basic Attack Damage: 130 damage
o Rear Attack Damage: 170 damage
o Swing Speed: 2.2 swings/seconds
o Lightsaber Swings: 12 swings
o Lightsaber Blocks: 10 blocks
o Blaster Deflections: 1392 damage
o Deflection Spread: 0.3
o Stamina Regeneration Time: 1.65 seconds
o Stamina Regeneration Delay: 2.00 seconds
§ Force pulls enemies, dealing 120 damage to troopers and 80 damage to heroes. Reach Distance: 18 meters; Cooldown Time: 15 seconds.
§ Force pushes enemies, dealing 100 damage to troopers and 90 damage to heroes. 90% damage reduction is received when holding the ability while the area of effect is increased up to 20 meters, depending on the amount of damage taken during the ability. Base Health: 800; Health Points: 1520; Area of Effect: 10 meters; Cooldown Time: 18 seconds.
§ Two heavy lightsaber attacks. The 1st attack deals 70 damage to troopers, 180 damage to heroes. The 2nd attack deals 40 damage to troopers, 130 damage to heroes. The damage goes through blocks. Cooldown Time: 13 seconds.
§ Force chokes enemies for 2 seconds, every second dealing 100 damage to troopers and 75 damage to heroes. Afterwards, they are force pushed away, dealing 100 damage to troopers and 75 damage to heroes. 90% damage reduction is received during the ability. Rather than a cooldown, the ability charges up when 2500 damage is taken. Damage taken by allies nearby charges it up as well. Base Health: 800; Health Points: 1520; Total Damage to Troopers: 296; Total Damage to Heroes: 222; Area of Effect: 15 meters.
· BB-8
o Base Health: 650 health
o Health Regeneration: 300 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 65 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 4 seconds
o Shock Prod Damage: 29 per 0.3 seconds
o Rate of Fire: 216 shocks/minute
o Shock Prod Overheat: 10 seconds
o Shock Prod Range: 5 meters
§ Scrambles enemy radars, revealing enemies nearby. Enemies within 20 meters receive 5% damage weakness. Normal Basic Attack per 0.3 Seconds: 29 damage; New Basic Attack: 30 damage; CABLE SPIN per 0.3 Seconds: 47 damage; Total CABLE SPIN: 1229 damage; ROLLING CHARGE to Troopers: 210 damage; ROLLING CHARGE to Heroes: 158 damage; Duration: 12 seconds; Cooldown Time: 18 seconds.
§ An attack that by spinning cables by a 5-meter radius, 45 damage is dealt to enemies every in-game tick. 30% damage reduction is also received. Base Health: 650; Health Points: 845; Total Damage: 1170 Damage?; Duration: 8 seconds; Cooldown Time: 25 seconds.
§ A sprint attack that by sprinting forward, the enemy hit by it is knocked down, dealing 200 damage to troopers and 150 damage to heroes. The damage goes through blocks. Sprint Duration: ?; Cooldown Time: 10 seconds.
§ Objectives are captured faster. Will be counted as two units when capturing a point.
§ Any ally within 7 meters will have their cooldown times reduced by 5%.
· BB-9E
o Base Health: 600 health
o Health Regeneration: 250 health
o Health Regeneration Rate: 60 health/second
o Health Regeneration Delay: 3 seconds
o Shock Prod Damage: 24 per 0.3 seconds
o Rate of Fire: 216 shocks/minute
o Shock Prod Overheat: 10 seconds
o Shock Prod Range: 5 meters
§ Deploys a 30-meter cloud of smoke obstructing vision and reveals enemies nearby. Duration: 12 seconds; Cooldown Time: 18 seconds.
§ Knocks down enemies with an electric pulse dealing 90 damage. Then, enemies within 15 meters will have their blasters overheated, and enemies within 5 meters will be dealt 30 damage every in-game tick. Total Damage: 270 Damage?; Duration: 8 seconds; Cooldown Time: 25 seconds.
§ Removes shock prod’s heat. Any ally within 20 meters will also have their blaster heat removed and their ability cooldown times reduced by ?. Duration: 5 seconds; Cooldown Time: 15 seconds.
§ Objectives are captured faster. Will be counted as two units when capturing a point.
§ Any ally within 7 meters are healed 3 health per second.
· The EPIC rarity is only stated in the card description if it is a different value than shown in-game.
· All Star Card descriptions were rewritten to be unilateral and have similar explanations. The names of heroes and second-person pronouns were avoided.
· Clearer antonyms are used: increased/decreased; extended/reduced.
o Increase/decrease suggests a progression in size, amount, or numbers (like adding/subtracting health, damage, stamina drain, and sprint speed).
o Extend/reduce suggests a change made to a value or number (like percentages for time, distance, and blaster heat).
· Damage Reduction is received; health points are regained.
· To avoid confusion, the term increased cooldown speed and increased recharge time (which uses percentage increased) is avoided. To keep all related effects as close in description as possible: extended/reduced cooldown time (still percentage) is the simplest way to describe the effect without changing the in-game number values.
· Extra damage is damage added to ability; bonus damage is situational.
· Some values were rounded to whole numbers to reflect in-game values. Such are health points, damage points, and blaster overheat. As a result, though noticeably small, the actual values in-game may be a little off when it comes to stacked values (like stacking damage reduction) and are yet to be tested.
· Some stats between the BF2 wiki and SammyBoiii’s Hero Guides differ in stats; however, they agree for the most part and usually differ by units less than a second.
· Feel free to pick any hero and test out the stats yourself. The more accurate stats we have, the better we can use them.
· Question Marks are unknown values. If you happen to know them or calculate the value, feel free to share them. Video proof seems to always work best.
· I personally feel that being open to the intricacies of every star card and ability is the best way to go and should not be considered an exploit. Everyone should know what’s happening when the enemy team starts using these game-changers (and there are many people who do), and best enabling them to learn how to counter it. In the end, understanding these little details leads to a more competitive and playable battlefront.
· Although not too often, some of the supposed up-to-date references below contradict each other; I had to make a final choice without having the time to test them.
· Getting all these stats was a hard-earned headache in the end. Feel free to correct any discrepancies you may find!


BF2 Community on Fandom [Most stats taken from here]

These are ALL the Broken Hero Star Cards (u/RogueZeroRendar on Reddit)

Hero Star Cards that are broken in a “beneficial way”? (u/T-RevLynn on Reddit)

Hero Star Card Guide (u/ MAshby1001 on Reddit)

Damage stats for every trooper, hero and reinforcement in BF2 (u/ImpecableBunny on Reddit) [To Confirm Stats]

Grievous strikes again (u/Accomplished_Ebb1545 on Reddit) [“Jedi Killer” Secondary Effect]

All Broken Hero Starcards in BF2 (By shuds and Shineberg on Steam)

SWBF2 Guide to Hero/Villain Stats (By jmorga3) [To Confirm Stats; Found this list after finishing my list, consider it a simplified version]

Star Cards Breakdown (@KillerDebit on YouTube)

Every hidden/actual star card effect on battlefront 2 (@Picos on YouTube)

Battlefront 2 has 17 Star Cards that DON’T WORK (or are useless)… DO NOT USE THESE! (@Battlefront Knight on YouTube) [OUTDATED, BUT USEFUL COMMENT SECTION]

SammyBoiii: Star Wars Hero Guides [Stats also taken from here]

Every Broken Hero Card In Battlefront 2

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Testing 5 USELESS Star Cards And Proving That They Don't Work!
submitted by CommanderRoku to StarWarsBattlefront [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:31 HelplessinPeril Company thinks they can illegally fire employees, don't expect the revenge

So this did not happen to me, but a friend of mine. And I love this story and thought you guys would might like it too. (Sorry if my english is not that good I hope you still understand.)
Over a decade ago a US company wanted to establish themselves here in germany in a market that was monopolized by a german company. In this market you need a lot of specialised people and these are already rare, so they offered really good salaries to get a good team on board. My friend was one of them, the salary was not exorbitant but it was slightly higher than the competition paid. Plus since this was a new company they pretty much said to any hires that there are good chances to climb up the ranks if you are hard working. (Which was not true btw... they always hired utside people into the higher ranks. Of course they would...)
The first few years were good. They treated the employees well and they company did very well also. In fact they did so good that they needed to expand their staff and hired new people, with a lot lower salaries now. And then the shit show began. The bosses made new rules, there werea lot of things that made the work life miserable very fast. The employees needed to account for every minute they left their work stations. Even if they would go to the toilet a few times to often this would start to be something they would get them a warning. And they made a stink about every small mistake that happens, especially when one of the old employees could be blamed.
Then the lay offs started. They collected reasons to get you fired, even if they were bullshit, and you would be out of the door. They replaced more and more of the well paid employees with new hires who cost them much less. This is not allowed to do by law, but the only remedy for the fired employees would have been to sue and have the issue drag for months or year until the bosses would need to rehire them. Who wants to work in a company that wanted to get rid of you? Nobody... so they pretty much got away with it.
My friend did not like it, so he did the only thing that could put an end to it. He went to his union and they planed with him how to form a workers council. If you don't know what this is, it is a elected group of employees who advocate for the staff and has to participate in decicsions like who is let go and what rules are implemented. The problem was that they needed to act sneaky and collect enough signatures to get the council on its way until it was to late for the higher ups to stop it. And since my friend knew exactly who he could trust this was an easy task for him.
With the signatures the union petitioned the company and at this point they could not do much. The meeting were the council was granted was hilarious. One one side of the table were the involved staff, a union lawyer and on the other side the managers who were steaming with anger. One lady manager even jumped around like Rumpelstilzkin and screamed: „I don't want a council!“ over and over. Plus they made it very clear that they felt betrayed by my friend and did not want him in the company any more.
Well shortly after they would have the first election to form the members of the council and of course my friend was voted in. Which made him unfireable. See... the members of a council are elected every four years. And every member is non-terminable during this time. So as much as they started to hate my friend, they could not do anything to get rid of him. When one manager said to him that he will still find a way to make my friend leave, my friend simply said he has a feeling that he will be longer in this company than said managers. And he was right. Since a council was implented under their noses and the relationship to the employees was inredeemable for most of them, they were let go one after another. The new managers were much nicer, but my friend still new that he would be out of the door once they had a chance. Which they never got. Because he was also elected head of council after the four years eventhough they tried to influence the vote my putting a few of their more „loyal“ employees up for the election.
My friend was a awesome council leader, he put a lot of time into helping other employees, vetoing every wrongful warning oder termination and kept his coworkers safe. And the staff loved him for that. At last the bosses had no other option than to try to settle with my friend and make him leave on his own free will. They tired to offer him 50k first which he pretty much found insulting. At the end they were so desperate that they kept offering higher amount until they reached 500k. And since this was nearly 6 years of salary my friend could not longer refuse. This was just to much to say no too and he took the money and left the company.
But my friend is the king of petty, so this would not be the end of the story. If you remember, the council is elected for four years, and my friend was just in the first year of this term. And once he was elected, this position was his even if he would leave the company. So what he did was still show up for every vote, vetoing every decicion and standing up for the staff until his term ended. Thanks to the generous settlement he had no need to do something else and loved every minute of it.
submitted by HelplessinPeril to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:31 Upper-Knowledge-3986 Male(32) got dumped and blocked by my girl(23) who suffers from bpd. and I fear it’s my fault or I could have prevented this

Please be kind: We both tattoo and met 9 months ago at the tattoo shop I worked at, she was an apprentice and we just clicked and started talking. In the beginning looking back I think we both love bombed eachother but at the time I didn’t see it that way I just saw it as love at first sight and I was so into her and her I. But I recall her telling me I told her I love you sooner than normal, I want to prefise this as to say I may also have some undiagnosed issues. I have an identical twin who has bipolar I dnt know the specifics but he could be very irrational and angry most of the time. But I’ve never been that way. I’m typically passive and try my best to avoid conflict, a people pleaser. But back to the story we fell in love and in the beginning our age gap was an issue for her but over time that became a non issue. I became part of her family and she became part of mine. But at least once a month she would break up with me for various reasons one main reason being she was confused about her sexuality, we are both bi, she would always come back saying she loved me and I’m just confused and we would have the most amazing sex and special moments. When we met she had a male friend that she told me was only a friend but after 4 months randomly confessed he wasn’t just a friend, he was an ex she met though a dating app. Which really shocked me because they talked everyday which isn’t a problem and I wouldn’t typically care but the fact she chose to lie for so long made me uncomfortable. Which she insisted on continuing to talk to after I expressed that it made me uncomfortable. She also had a mutual friend lie to me so they could spend time together without my knowledge saying that she did this because she thought I would be mad considering she’s bi and our mutual friend is lesbian. And again I was shocked that she did this. I found this out by looking in her phone which I’m not proud of but if I didn’t this information would have never been known. after this she treated me with so much love for a small period of time and I always wondered if it was only an attempt to make up for the things she’d did as it soon stopped and we went back to the ways things were. Her withholding affection silent treatments and lack of communication. But she wanted to regain my trust and so I chose to forgive her and build back the trust. Fast forward to now she would txt me I love u every morning and we had plans for the future and all the things in a relationship and suddenly and randomly again she messaged saying I can’t do this I’m confused and I no longer have feelings for you. Obviously I was confused and deeply hurt, I regrettably begged her to work on this with me because she has done this in the past and hasn’t been taking her medication throughout our relationship and since I’ve met her I’ve learned so much about her condition. She has quiet bpd and disorganized attachment. And I’m anxiously attached so in my mind I thought could this be a repeat of her past behaviors and with time this may pass. She agreed but said she only would do it to make me happy and that because her family loved me it made sense but deep down I knew and she vocalized that she didn’t want to and that she was putting on a mask to satisfy me. Which hurts because I want her to be happy but I also wanted her to want to fix this like I did. The plan was to take things slow so I invited her over for dinner and movies and told her I would refrain from serious talk but the problem is with her I was never able to talk about my feelings. Anything serious or relationship related and she would shut down and it stifled any communication. we had a few drinks and regrettably I brought up my frustrations and how it wasn’t just the two of it was us and her bpd. Like usual she shut down and I tried to be present while she explained her feelings. The mistake I made was that while she was crying I was smirking this is what she said and that wasn’t my intention to make her feel crazy but she said my facial expressions made her feel that way .so she left and has blocked me on everything. I kind of vommitted all my backed up feelings on her because I repressed it for so long and I feel bad, I didn’t want to hurt her but I never felt safe telling her how I felt out of fear of her reaction but since it may very well be the end I wanted to at least tell my truth. I loved her so much and regret my inability to hold to what I said and not bring up serous talk if u will but I also feel like it’s not fair to me that I can’t express my self to my partner. Through our relationship she said some of the meanest things anyone has ever to me that anyone. I guess this is kind of a rant and idk what opinions you may have because I don’t think she will ever speak to me again but the saddest part is I truly loved her and her family and would have done anything for her and I tried every day to be there for her and learn about her condition so that I could be the best partner possible . I’m scared about my future and the pain I will face in the coming months, I built my life around her. But I think deep down I knew this wouldn’t work I just so badly wanted it to. I love u Andrea always and forever. I’ll never know how much of our relationship was steered by her bpd but I know that she has an amazingly loving and kind person and just has her own set of problems. I want to say that I know I have issues to and in no way want to be negative towards her or undermined my issue I just can only write so much in this post. I’ve never felt a pain like this and I’ve had other serious relationships. Sry for the rant I just need to vent my feelings and I just miss her already and I dnt see a point in anything anymore but I’m to weak to unalive myself.
submitted by Upper-Knowledge-3986 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:31 itsunderconstruction I (F24) hurt my partner (F24) when we hang out with our mutual friends. Why do I do this and how can I change?

For background, my partner and I were friends before we started dating (about a year ago). We have this friend group with people from our uni. After we started dating, there has been a few moments where we have hung out in that group and I have said or done something that has hurt my partner, that I normally never do and is out of my character. The most recent one happened last night and I am panicking about it, thinking I have ruined everything and now I will lose her.
The thing that happened last night seems quite small, it happened when we were playing a game in a group and when I noticed that she wasn't doing so well in the game I made a remark about that before she even had a chance to realize her mistake. Afterwards she expressed to me that it seemed like I enjoyed that she wasn't doing well, and that she felt humiliated and as if I had a need to push her down. I totally understand why she felt that way, it was a logical reaction to what I did. She confronted me about it and just, very confused, said that she doesn't understand where that need to act that way comes from. She said maybe a part of me doesn't want to be with her, but I don't think that's it, I want to be with her more than anything. What I did was very odd behavior from my part and I'm normally not like that, I treat her well and I want the best for her.
So, now I'm struggling with the questions she asked me. I can't find an answer for her that would explain my behavior. Has anyone been in a similar situation? If you recognize that you have behaved the same way as me, do you know what was in the background that provoked you to act like that?
There has been a couple of other times I have acted similarly and I don't want it to ever happen again so I want to fix this. I don't understand why I do this, I love her more than anything and I am 100% sure I want to be with her. She is the love of my life and my soul mate, there is no doubt about that. I have never experienced love like this and I have never been more sure about anything in my life than about the fact that I love her and want to be with her for the rest of my life. She is perfect to me and yet I keep making these mistakes when we are in group settings. I can't think of a reason for me to do that. I don't understand myself and what happens to me in those moments. I don't recognize myself afterwards. I'm desperate for any advice anyone might have for me.
TL;DR: I sometimes push my partner down when we are in group settings with mutual friends. I never behave like that when we are alone. I want to fix this problem in myself but cannot figure out where the need to act like that comes from.
submitted by itsunderconstruction to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:30 WeeklyStranger5329 Had a moment of autism paralysis with a new friend. Made me laugh

(for some added context I am a cis man and the other person in the story isn't)
I've made a new friend (yay) on twitter and they responded to one of my posts with what I was fairly sure was the set up for a raunchy joke but I wasn't 100% certain. I couldn't respond, my brain had locked up between the ever present compulsion to be cracking jokes at all times and the absolute need in my soul to not creep people out. If they weren't actually setting me up for the joke I would be a creep for taking things in an nsfw direction and I couldn't take that risk.
After about half an hour of laughing at myself but also rocking back and forth and holding my face in my hands I just ended up privately messaging them I'M PRETTY SURE YOU'RE SETTING ME UP FOR A GOOD JOKE THERE BUT IDK IF I SHOULD SAY IT and thankfully that broke my brain deadlock
Interacting with people, it's fun huh? (And yes they were setting me up for the joke I had in mind)
submitted by WeeklyStranger5329 to evilautism [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:30 aharmlesslittlefleaa Sit With Us/Abbie/Jack and Tori/So Dramatic/Olivia stuff

Sorry if this is not allowed, didn’t really know where else to post and have a few thoughts and wanted to see if anyone else has been following along recently -
Basically, long story short, Dom and Ella from a previous season (both of whom I was a fan of during their stint!) have their podcast - Sit With Us. They did some interviews with the most recent MAFS cast, including Jack and Tori. I don’t really listen to their podcast at all, but I was intrigued by how they would handle the Jack and Tori stuff and the “muzzle your woman” comment given that Dom was very outspoken around her edit and the onlyfans stuff etc.
I was pretty disappointed at the episode - the “muzzle your woman” comment was brought up, but I felt it was kind of brushed over as well as I think Ella saying something like “you were pushed” which… kinda of insinuated that Jack was PUSHED to say something so vile which I don’t agree with.
So it’s kind of blown up, and Abbie Chatfield (whom I personally really admire) spoke out (commented on some of Sit With Us’ clips, posted some stories and did a podcast ep on it ) explained how/why she was so disappointed etc and why it was wrong to give Jack a platform and her disappointment and disgust in how the interview was handled. I agree with pretty much everything Abbie had to say about it and felt she eloquently/articulately explained why I felt so icky about the episode.
ANYWAY, So Dramatic has been posting her commentary on it which is fine - she is a pop culture/reality tv content creator I guess, but she’s kind of spun it into a “this is why I backed off from Dom, I’m glad people are finally realising” etc
And now Olivia has started chiming in with the same kind of commentary and sort of saying stuff on her stories like “this is my redemption arc” which… ok.
I think at this stage Dom and Ella haven’t really addressed it properly or taken ownership of how poorly the interview was conducted I guess.
What are people who have been following this thoughts on it? My are -
• Dom and Ella massively dropped the ball here. They were ill equipped to interview Jack properly and made light of a really, genuinely misogynistic comment that Jack made. And I get that sometimes people say things they don’t mean or regret in the heat of the moment, but what Jack said doesn’t come from nowhere. I think he has said things like that before. It was the language chose to use that was the issue. You are not “pushed” to say things like that. And in light of the recent DV incidents highlighted in the media, it was just so tone deaf to air this episode. I work in a field where we see a lot of DV cases and it’s just… fucked. The amount of ADVO listings at your local court everyday is fucked. Language matters.
• I feel bad that Abbie continually has to be the one to call this stuff out.
• I kinda feel like So Dramatic and Olivia using this as their way of saying “see! Dom IS bad!” Is icky. It takes away from what the actual issue is and turning into something more … trivial. I think the abuse Olivia received online was horrendous tbh and she didn’t deserve it but I think it’s a bit eh to post stories about how karma caught up with Dom etc.
submitted by aharmlesslittlefleaa to MAFS_AU [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:28 morTinuviel What are your top 3 most influential books?

What are the books that had the biggest influence on your practice or your beliefs? That rocked your world and made you go 'what?!'. Not necessarily 'witchcraft' or non-fiction books, everything goes!
I love how diverse this community is, so I'm really curious what shaped you as a practitioner!
Here's mine:
1. Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer very original! But reading about someone who is a scientist, but also very much a spiritual person really hit home. They always felt like two separate worlds, but they fit together beautifully.
  1. Of Blood and Bones: Working with Shadow Magick & the Dark Moon by Kate Freuler Made me realise that witchcraft is not only sunshine and flowers or hexes and curses. You can use the darker stuff too, without going around cursing people. Life is a cycle, and sometimes you want a flowercrown and pretty candles, and sometimes you want hag energy and skulls to get shit done. I don't actually use most of the recipes and rituals presented in the book, but it gave me a lot of inspiration to broaden my practice.
  2. The Witch at the Forest's Edge: Thirteen Keys to Modern Traditional Witchcraft by Christine Grace is a book about Hedgewitchcraft. I started listening to the audiobook and ordered the paper copy before I even finished it. I already jokingly called myself a hedgewitch because when I go out in nature, most of my time will be spent literally in the hedge. Listening to this book I realised the Hedgeriding part is actually something that greatly interest me. Letting go of my scientific rational self and daring to jump into the unknown.
Honorable mentions: Terry Pratchett's Witches and you guys!
submitted by morTinuviel to SASSWitches [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:27 rootpl Unpopular opinion but I think we don't need Layer 2 project on Ethereum at all.

We all love a good Layer 2 products, they offer interesting solutions to existing ETH problems. You could argue that they are not actually necessary if Ethereum's mainnet evolves enough to meet its scalability problems and high fees during "rush hours" which is probably the most important aspect for most users.
  1. Inherent security: ETH's layer 1 is already highly secure due to decentralised nature. By relying on Layer 1 improvements, we can make sure that all transactions benefit from this high level of security without relying on potentially less secure Layer 2 solutions.
  2. Simple user experience: Using only the base layer simplifies the user experience. Layer 2 project require users to understand and manage additional protocols, bridges, shuttles etc. which can be very complex and super user-unfriendly. I personally shit bricks every single time I have to bridge something. I only made one mistake once and lost $50 by bridging stuff incorrectly and I was super angry about it. Luckily it was on a testnet and I didn't lose a penny, but man I would be pissed if this happened to me on a live service. A highly scalable Layer 1 solution with low fees would make interactions with ETH ecosystem much easier for users to engage with the Ethereum network. Why do I have to have like 10 different networks on my bloody Metamask? It's just a messy user experience.
  3. One big liquidity pool for everyone: Staying on Layer 1 makes it that all assets and decentralised apps operate within a single, unified ecosystem. People don't need to bridge assets across multiple layers, they don't fragment the market further and they don't dilute the liquidity pools across multiple layers. From the liquidity perspective it just makes more sense to keep it all in once place.
  4. It reduces complexity for developers: Developers can focus on building their applications directly on Ethereum without needing to account for Layer 2 solutions. This reduces development complexity, developers can better use their resources, and accelerate innovation instead of wasting time building multiple layers of compatibility.
  5. Sustainable growth: If Ethereum's base layer can handle more transactions efficiently, it can support a growing number of users and applications without relying on external solutions. It's more sustainable for the long-term growth by continuously improving the core protocol. Instead we have people jumping from one protocol to another.
What will be the new "flavour of the month" solution that people will flock to this time around? Scroll? Linea? Base? There are just too many projects out there. They are just cannibalising the userbase from each other, it makes no sense. Even existing project are already struggling.
What are your thoughts on this?
submitted by rootpl to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:23 throwRA1253 Gf developed a tendency to bite me various times throughout the day now. Is this normal?

So, it all started when I crossed off a major thing off her bucket list which is going on a couple’s cruise trip. Her graduation was coming up soon so in my mind, I said bet and surprised her with a virgin voyage cruise vacation as a gift for her finishing university.
I had her be blind folded 5 min before we arrived and revealed it to her when we were passing the ship. I also had her best friend pack clothes for her, and I made a little video of her friends and parents congratulating her on her achievement. She bawled her eyes out since she’s a pretty emotional gal, and just kept giving me kisses the entire time until we were on the ship. 9/10 experience btw, awesome food, entertainment, locations and people.
Anyway, after the cruise, it’s been chomp city ever since. She’ll bite me when we’re watching shows/movies. She’ll bite me when we’re cuddling, during sex, when we’re in public, etc. Everyday, she just chomps on me now. What’s up with that? I asked her and she just gets embarrassed and says she doesn’t know, she just wants to bite me whenever she looks at me or is near me. It doesn’t bother me but I do think it’s a little strange.
submitted by throwRA1253 to TooAfraidToAsk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:22 enduring_lonely_soul 29M left toxic family where brother beat my father and my parents later defended him

Hi, I know this is mostly for couple relationships. But I don't know where else to post this. I can't post in aith as mostly foreigners are there
I'm 29M. I have some trouble in my family would be a major understatement. The situation is so worse that I can't explain to anyone in my real life. Situation became so dire, I left my house and staying away and my parents calling me failure and abandoner. Its a toxic household. My brother hits my parents and I end up leaving the house while my parents defend him.
3 weeks back my brother hit my father, my father started crying profusely and started to scream and saying he'll call police. I asked my brother to leave. He does but comes back and starts acting lunatically, saying he's ready to go to Jail and loose his job but he'll expose my father for what he is. They had an argument coz he's not marrying and he has a girlfriend from work living not less 200 m away in a separate society. Which has come to our house and met my parents as well. My father had a agreement with him to get married by March this year. But such a manipulator and liar he is that was another one of his delaying tactics. Or maybe he said one two many lies and this caught up to him. When my father out of anger said to him to leave the house, he shamelessly said he won't he also contributed to it. The reason behind his fearlessness was my mother as she supported it. She actually supported him hitting him and later tried to justified by saying it was a minor hit and it didn't break his bone or something.
My brother has a history, he broke my mother's hand when I was in school and he was in college first year. He wanted to stay in hostel and my parents didn't let him. I come back from tuition and witness that. Looking back at it, this fueled his shamelessness and fearlessness as all the relatives knew this and it didn't bother him later on.
My family quite disfunctional since very beginning. We have lived in major cities for most part, my father was working in government service and got transferred a lot. My elder brother (4 years elder) and I work both in metro city and lived with my family here. Father retired last year. Mother a housewife.
Now here's the issue part. My father has been a wifebeater and sole earner. Him and my mother had issues since beginning. And they generally didn't have any understanding is what I saw. Trust was less as well. Mother used to bitch about him which my elder brother took quite well and to certain extent me too, but I started to see through it few times and ramblings of a frustrated woman as my father used to like being reveled by relatives so she feared him being more involved there.
One other side of this also the relationship of my mother and elder brother, they both grew some sort of symbiotic relationship where they each were masking each other's shortcomings by excuses and became each other's support system.
So that was in past then as we grew up our father also matured a bit in past few years but not a lot.
Now, so far it seems like every other family's trouble. Here's the main issue, I started observing certain things since past few years which made me really irked and start to distrust my family.
I don't trust my elder brother since few years 6-7 to be precise. And he has a history of beating me as well. Something in him makes me tick. Like he's trying to treat us like he treats outsiders, for profit of his own. I don't consider him my elder brother either. While my parents always try to shame me by saying I hit him as he is my elder brother, while they themselves flaunt society's rules as they like.
Last few years, I saw some issues with myself and loneliness, one time parents asked me and my brother to come to my father's posted place as he was getting retired and help shift. When I reached I'm told they have planned(my brother and them) a trip and invited me. I hadn't taken any leaves and this was extreme short notice so I couldn't get leaves. They just thought it would be very easy for me to get it. Like I was really pissed. I stayed there alone for 1 week while taking care of their stuff.
When they came back I broke down, and cried and told about my struggles with depression, my mother at that time cried. I suggested them to start searching for a bride for me. Before all this, some stuff was already happening with regards to my brother's marriage since that past year and I wasn't on speaking terms with my brother. But I saw them berating him by saying if he doesn't get married, it will be issue for me. So I tried to calm them separately by telling them to start searching for me if he's not cooperating. Mind you I was settled financially and of age, only thing stopping them was my brother was unmarried then. I thought I had managed to make a breakthrough, and could get some support with my issues but no.
My brother had a girlfriend whom I had met and had visited my house met my parents. She ditched him for reasons only he knows and from then onwards I only saw his hippocrit facade like the way he manipulated lied to my parents about meeting with prospects and finding excuses to not get married. He wasn't interested, just kept delaying and this kept frustrating my parents. He also blamed his failed relationship on my father as he said something angrily along the lines of him hitting his girlfriend when he was angry as he witnessed his father do that all his life.
This caused fights too, sometime I got involved as well. Like he threw food plate at my mother and I intervened. I had to say some harsh stuff and fight ensued. Physical too. This has been an recurring phenomenon.
My parents are no saint either. My father last year beat my mother at age of 60 no less. Like I said very disfunctional family.
After my heart to heart with my parents, they completely forgot about it. They say they didn't but they did. They never mentioned one girl, didn't even make JS/Shaadi profile for me. Look the issue is not that marriage was biggest priority for me. But that it wasn't even a priority for them when I specifically said about it.
Now another tragedy happened. I got laid off. I didn't utter a word. Then in between 6 months later from that talk they stuck me with the most shameless question ever asked by them. They tell me they had it enough with my brother's bullshit and wanted to search for me. I was almost about to lose it. But at that point I was at very low coz of my job situation and was seriously doubting my luck. Still am. Been doubting since Covid. I made up some excuse to make them lose interest in it.
Then some months later in another fight I brought it up and gave them an earful.
During all this I tried leaving my house twice for good. One time I actually rented a place. One time I gave an ultimatum that he leaves or I leave but my parents somehow convinced me to stay. Toxicity was through the roof. Parents fighting often, quite on the edge of physicality, my mother doesn't hold bapck a bit if we are around. My father is I feel is semi bipolar always on ego trip. And my brother a lying manipulator angling for his gains.
This time I couldn't hold back and decided to leavd I won't come back at all. I offered to take my father too. I declared my mother's case hopeless as the way she behaved after my brother hit my father and proudly berated him shamelessly like she felt someone took revenge of all those years of beatings and shame she got. While I held my head in shame by looking at what was unfolding. I couldn't hold back and abused them for their behavior. These shameless people started coming at me.
I was irked at the fact that my brother had his girlfriend living in the neighborhood and she used to come and visit and my folks weren't least bit bothered as they thought these guys were getting married. When in fact my folks had not even talked with her parents. Only with her elder sister who was doing a love marriage inter caste after threatening to take poison. So my mother was like believe in love an all that crap and talk about social and family values too. I am not conservative I met his first girlfriend before anyone else in family. But this was too much, if you are such big into love and family values and keeping appearance in society then marry and end it. Apparently the girl wanted to marry only after elder sister marries, so society rules exist for her but not for my family.
All this combined I stated my discomfort shared an ultimatum that he should leave and stay separately till his matter is resolved. My mother and brother came at me. They called me failure and said I was jealous of him cause of my failures to secure a person in my life. So I realised my mother was with him
I know this is too much but coz of this I left and this time I thought I was leaving with my father's blessings, but I was wrong that was just momentary coz of his anger after getting beaten by my brother.
I have been living away now for few weeks just few km away. So that I can go back if required but now the tune of my parents have changed completely. They are calling me deserter coz I left house. How can I live in that toxic family household ? And a lot of other things, as I can't help but scream at their shamelessness.
I wish old age days come back coz then you could call few relatives to sort things out. Or atleast discuss who's wrong, here they justify their doings as everyone is doing it in society, everyone fights, everyone's a little shameless so its fine. While I can't just become ostrich and deal with things when it strictly affects me. My brother's actions deeply affected me. I was depressed and had to deal with it alone, coz my parents were too busy with his bullshit and then I saw their real self. Lots of stuff I haven't mentioned here. Like how my own father defended him getting beaten as his own fruits of his deeds to defend my brother. That broke the straw for me and made me realise he was the favorite son for both of them. No amount of his shameful deeds can change it. And they will bend backwards to justify it.
Worst part is which I can't shake off, I called them selfish, shameless, mental and stupid fools who got cheated by their own son. They are equating it with my brother's beatings. Saying I'm equally as deplorable as him, as its equal as beating. In which world ?
Am I the asshole ? Should I continue on my path. Discussions and talks with my parents result in screamings as I need a neutral party as they changed the rules of civil society to fit their narrative as society has changed so its fine as everyone does it. I told them if they can find even one person their age group who thinks I'm wrong I'll come back and apologise. They told me they have no interest in getting laughed at and this happens everywhere. And I am equally guilty for abusing them. I can't take it any more. Is staying in family means becoming like then ? Is that the rule ?
My family is saying to come back and stay there and my brother will leave after getting married, saying I'm equally guilty in this as I also said harsh stuff. How is happening in this shitty world ? I send money every month and will continue to do so. Just can't live at that sham place. I have lost complete trust in society if these are my parents.
TLDR: Left toxic family where brother hits father. Has history of hitting me and mother too. Parents fight too physically and defend him and his actions. And asking me to stay in that environment.
submitted by enduring_lonely_soul to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:22 Jealous-Rice1293 Pernat: "For Bastianini Pramac is an option, but we are talking to Aprilia"

"Marquez has broken the balance, I don't think he will go to KTM. After Ducati's decision the market will accelerate, the first contracts as early as Mugello"
The flames of the market are smouldering under the ashes in the Borgo Panigale offices. Ducati is holding up negotiations by taking its time to decide who will be Bagnaia's team-mate between Martin, Marquez and Bastianini. All that remains for the others is to wait, and then close with the one who will be excluded from the choice. Carlo Pernat, Enea's manager and a great connoisseur of the rider market, knows this well.
"Ducati's decision, which will probably come after the Mugello GP, is blocking everyone: KTM, Aprilia, Yamaha - says Pernat - Right now, no one wants to sign contracts, there are maybe some verbal agreements, which have the value they have. I understand Ducati because they have three very strong riders and if at the beginning they thought they would leave two of them out, now their mentality has changed. I have the impression that they want to keep two and so they are putting pressure on Pramac in particular, but Yamaha are pushing hard with Campinoti. These days there will definitely be talks, I think before Mugello even Pramac will decide what to do."
Today, Martin seems the favourite for the factory team, at this point Ducati could offer Marquez or Bastianini to Pramac, provided they want to go.
"It's a hypothesis, if they decide for Jorge, in my opinion Ducati will make proposals to Marc and Enea to stay with the factory bike in a satellite team. That I think is the route they are taking."
Would Bastianini accept being moved to Pramac?
"The priority is to stay with the factory team, everything else is to be seen. Going to Pramac with an official bike could be a possibility, but it's not certain. I speak as a manager, there are the lures of Aprilia, KTM and even Yamaha. I don't hide the fact that Aprilia has important aspects, there would be the combination of Italian bike and rider and a competitive bike, I am negotiating with them as with others. In any case, Enea will be able to find a place in an official team."
Does Bastianini still hope to stay in red?
"If Ducati is postponing the decision it is because they still have faith in him. We mustn't forget that Enea was completely lost last year, he had arrived in a new team without Giribuola, with a new bike, he was immediately injured, he hadn't been able to train, he was injured again on his return to Barcelona and, despite being at 70%, he had managed to win a race. Ducati had reconfirmed him because they couldn't judge him for that season and now they also believe - and I also believe - in him."
Martin, Marquez and Bastianini are within 40 points of each other in the championship, does the thought of losing the future world champion scare Ducati? What would you do as manager?
"Now it's late, they should have made different choices before. I've always said that the arrival of Marquez at Ducati would upset the balance after having made a policy of young people and winning. Now it's difficult to do something, they've created this problem for themselves."
How does a rider react when he is in the situation of having to play for a seat in a few GPs?
"The riders when they race do not remember these things, but it is clear that they think about it when they are at home. There you can see the strength of each one, but that is not the only factor. For example, Enea ran out of fuel in qualifying at Le Mans, as he explained, and started on the fourth row. I am not asking for Bastianini to be lucky in these races, but not unlucky. By starting further in front he could have played with the leaders, he did the fastest lap at the end."
What does Bastianini think?
"It is a situation that has never previously existed and we are all a bit, from the riders to the managers, on our toes. Enea hopes to stay with Ducati, but we are ahead in negotiations with Aprilia and KTM and we have an open discussion with Yamaha. The objective is to arrive at Mugello with clear ideas and there we can make pre-contracts, and I am sure that there will already be something written there."
Does Bagnaia count for nothing in this decision?
"Rightly they may have asked him for an opinion, but then Ducati goes its own way, makes its own evaluations. It's not what makes the decision."
Pit Beirer said that Marquez is not a realistic option for KTM, do you believe him?
"I believe him. Miller and Augusto Fernandez are not doing what they were meant to do and they need a rider for GasGas, in fact I am talking too. Anything is possible, but it's difficult to see Marc in KTM having already Acosta and Binder."
Once Ducati has decided, will the market accelerate?
"Absolutely, especially for the big boys, as early as the next day. The manufacturers won't be able to wait, those who do will lose out."
In addition to Aldeguer, could someone arrive from Moto2?
"It will depend a lot on whether Yamaha will have a second team or not and also Aprilia has to change something in Trackhouse. People are talking about Joe Roberts, so he could get a seat. Maybe there could be another one at Yamaha, Arbolino would have to wake up a bit, and also Vietti, who would have the jump secured with KTM if he went well."
submitted by Jealous-Rice1293 to motogp [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:20 itsunderconstruction I hurt my partner when we hang out with our mutual friends

For background, my partner and I were friends before we started dating (about a year ago). We have this friend group with people from our uni. After we started dating, there has been a few moments where we have hung out in that group and I have said or done something that has hurt my partner, that I normally never do and is out of my character. The most recent one happened last night and I am panicking about it, thinking I have ruined everything and now I will lose her.
The thing that happened last night seems quite small, it happened when we were playing a game in a group and when I noticed that she wasn't doing so well in the game I made a remark about that before she even had a chance to realize her mistake. Afterwards she expressed to me that it seemed like I enjoyed that she wasn't doing well, and that she felt humiliated and as if I had a need to push her down. I totally understand why she felt that way, it was a logical reaction to what I did. She confronted me about it and just, very confused, said that she doesn't understand where that need to act that way comes from. She said maybe a part of me doesn't want to be with her, but I don't think that's it, I want to be with her more than anything. What I did was very odd behavior from my part and I'm normally not like that, I treat her well and I want the best for her.
So, now I'm struggling with the questions she asked me. I can't find an answer for her that would explain my behavior. Has anyone been in a similar situation? If you recognize that you have behaved the same way as me, do you know what was in the background that provoked you to act like that?
There has been a couple of other times I have acted similarly and I don't want it to ever happen again so I want to fix this. I don't understand why I do this, I love her more than anything and I am 100% sure I want to be with her. She is the love of my life and my soul mate, there is no doubt about that. I have never experienced love like this and I have never been more sure about anything in my life than about the fact that I love her and want to be with her for the rest of my life. She is perfect to me and yet I keep making these mistakes when we are in group settings. I can't think of a reason for me to do that. I don't understand myself and what happens to me in those moments. I don't recognize myself afterwards. I'm desperate for any advice anyone might have for me.
TL;DR: I sometimes push my partner down when we are in group settings with mutual friends. I never behave like that when we are alone. I want to fix this problem in myself but cannot figure out where the need to act like that comes from.
submitted by itsunderconstruction to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:20 Ok_Aardvark_3669 When a video game wakes you up...and changes your life. (SPOILERS, Personal story)

Bear with me as I describe what amounts to an almost religious experience after finishing the game for the first time. SPOILERS and nigh-rambling. But I just have to share. I hope you'll stay a while a listen. :)
I tried playing Cyberpunk a couple months ago. Corpo Male, strong roleplaying. When the Johnny Silverhand stuff started, I got really frustrated and quit. I didn't like how the game saw fit to ramrod me into this extremely narrow story when I thought the experience was going to be more open than that. I wanted to play a character who tried to rise to the top of Night City's corporate world through double-dealing and backstabbery...and now all the sudden my character is dying and has this voice in his head.
I was not going to be able to tell the story I wanted to tell.
It was that ludonarrative dissonance thing, like in the Witcher 3, I always struggled to justify doing too many side missions, given that Geralt (as I was playing him) was very concerned about finding Ciri, so there just didn't seem to be time to get embroiled in all these other adventures.
But then I saw this randomly come across my YouTube feed:
Dude. I don't care how linear your story is...that's incredible. And dark.
I've been on hard times lately. While I was never serious about unaliving myself, it was a thought that bounced around in my head here and there at my lowest moments...and this clip hit me. I always believed that self-deletion was deeply wrong, if only because of the harm it did to others who loved you. Whatever was on the table, that solution could never be entertained seriously. I just couldn't do it to my loved ones.
But I've also been struggling with who I am, who I'm supposed to be, what my purpose is. LOL big club I know.
But that video convinced me to give 2077 another try. If an ending could be that hardcore and meaningful...there must be something worthwhile in this game. So I rolled a Nomad Male, and began my love affair with this game. I didn't try to concoct a character so much as just try to play V as myself. I really related to his leaving the Bakkers, and going it alone. Also I moved around a lot as a kid, and my Dad was a hippie biker in his heyday, and a mechanic. So it felt true to form.
And then when you meet Jackie...I mean c'mon, who's more loveable than Jackie?
I really started to get into the game then. And it finally started to dawn on me what the game's story is trying to communicate.
I figured 2077 would devolve into a lot of cynicism, and exploit the violence and sex for cheap thrills. Or maybe it would lean on shock value and become doomeblackpill fodder. But CDPR ain't no slouches. Night City is an exaggerated snapshot of where we are now. And V's predicament is one many of us are facing: we want to make our mark on the world, but is it worth it to step on everyone along the way? Even if we're trying not to die? Or worse, just be erased. Many of us struggle with a voice in our head telling us we're fuckups. We're pussies. We're slaves. We're not worth the trouble.
At first I took Silverhand for an antagonist, essentially. A nasty SOB I had to keep at bay, given that my V was a mostly good guy who just wanted a family again. Especially after Jackie his wake, and helping Misty sort through his things? That got to me.
And of course there's that lingering fear that, no matter how much Silverhand may begin to charm you or appear like he's on your side - he's going to take over. V is actually warned that eventually, Silverhand will just make a play to do just that.
So I was careful with him, but I wanted to know more, because he was such an intriguing character, and its easily one of Reeves' best performances. Period. So I invested in his conversations and eventually his sidequests. I also did what I could to help others in Night City who helped me. I was dying, felt like a good time to be generous. Even if sometimes I had to off a bunch of gangoons with a shotgun. XD
Then as the story developed, I began to see that Silverhand wasn't quite the legend everyone thought. He was a man who had sorely, sorely screwed his life up - as well as the lives of many others. He even seemed to regret it.
I even told Silverhand I'd take a bullet for him, after receiving his dog tags. I never expected that kind of a scene between those two.
It became clear that Silverhand was a ghost, stuck between life and death, looking for absolution, trying to do something right for once. And V could help. So I did. We found Alt Cunningham. We took Rogue on a date. We got Samurai together for one last gig. We tried to track Adam Smasher down. I was putting trust in Johnny, and it was clear that he wasn't really wanting to kill V after all. But he had no choice.
I also met Panam, fell in love, and became a de-facto Aldecaldo. Was never sure about Saul, but Mitch and the others were just salt of the earth man. Great little storyline.
I helped Judy, all the way until she finally left Night City, and was glad of it. I do wish she was romanceable by dudes, but...she was still just too precious, I couldn't turn a blind eye to her problems, or her kindness. Her little story with the underwater town was so moving and unique...I just wanted to give that girl a hug man. What a sweetheart.
Then it all came to a head. V is on his last leg. That fateful scene where you make your big choice. Silverhand pushing me to just take the orange pill and let him do his thing, since he's almost in control anyway. Or I could testify against Yorinobu, and put my trust in Arasaka. OR, I could call on my new family in Panam and the Aldecaldos, but put them at risk.
This entire game I felt like every choice was vital. I felt like one slip up and I could mess up my chances of living, or even worse, do wrong by the people I cared about, just like Jackie. But I stuck to my guns, helped who I could...
Which is why I chose to lean on the Aldecaldos for help. Yes, I was putting them at risk. But even though I was beginning to trust Johnny, this wasn't his fight anymore. Much as Johnny might have a shot, I couldn't just give up now. And I certainly wasn't going to trust anyone at Arasaka.
The raid on Arasaka HQ with the clan was rough. Felt like all my choices had led here, and I worried that CDPR was going to punish me for my past choices, given that Night City takes no prisoners and few get out alive. I also knew that Adam Smasher was bound to appear. And having seen Edgerunners...I knew that wasn't going to be pretty. I saw how Johnny's story ended, for example.
There were rumblings about Saul and Panam still being at odds, and I figured the game was priming me for a betrayal or a horrific upset somehow. But I forged ahead anyway, because I was with my family. I didn't want power. I didn't even want to be a legend. I just wanted to live.
I watched Adam Smasher kill Saul horrifically, heard Panam scream in horror...and I zeroed that MFer. XD
Protip: even on Hard Diff, if you have the right perks and implants, you can be virtually unkillable. Only died once. Not sure if that's impressive, but it felt impressive. XD
My V wasn't sophisticated, but he was tough as nails and determined. I wasn't about to let everyone's sacrifice be in vain. Not Saul's. Not Jackie's. Not Goro's. Not Johnny's.
I informed Smasher of Johnny's resurrection just before blowing his brains out with Johnny's own signature gun. Even though Johnny was subdued by the bluepill, it felt like my last gift to him...even as I was moments from death.
Then the moment of truth...Mikoshi. I asked Panam for parting advice. She said "Just be yourself." Normally I'd roll my eyes at that advice but, something about it felt prophetic.
The final choice. Alt had used Soulkiller on me, in order to save me, but now it seemed I wasn't going to get my happy ending. I could go with her beyond the Blackwall, and finally let Johnny have my body - or I could return, but only have about six months, since the Relic had just caused too much damage.
It wasn't that hard of a choice. Leave everything and everyone I had grown to love behind for some bizarre virtual afterlife? Or let Johnny finally rest, and let V return to the world, Panam and the Aldecaldos? I chose life. As Johnny laid me down in the 'well', gently, he said "Goodbye V." And it felt like two friends parting ways. It felt like he'd made a change, and I helped him get there.
And boy was I rewarded. Even though I didn't have long, I had a chance to start again, and maybe even find another way to live. I had Panam, I had the Caldos, and I could finally leave Night City in the dust. "I have everything I need", V said.
This game absolutely SLAPS with hard choices. Over and over and over, you're reminded about how unfair the world is. But if you keep your head on, and ignore the power plays, stay true to your friends, and don't take no shit - you can get out alive. And not just you. The ones you love can too.
Of course, many of you already know all of this. So why did I bother posting?
All my life I've felt like maybe I've been too nice, or too careful, or too unwilling to take life by the balls. But one thing I've always been good at is helping people in need when I can, and always being available to my friends. But for some reason I always looked down on myself for it. I never felt like I was worth anything. I never felt like I was making a difference in the world. There were so many hard choices, and I felt like I never made the right ones. And that I'd just die one day, and be forgotten. Never having made my mark. Just like so many in Night City...
Some days I'd think "Maybe it'd just be better if I was never born." Because I was such a fuckup. A loser. A nobody.
But the person who helps people, who's there for others even when its inconvenient? That's the kind of person who can make a REAL difference. Fuck money. Fuck politics. Fuck fame. None of its worth a damn if you aren't doing right by others.
And that really came through in the end credits. I'm not ashamed to say I was in tears as all these people from my playthrough reminded me how much I meant to them. How much they cared, and that I mattered. All these people had happy endings because of me. I never let them down, not even when the grim reaper himself was breathing down my neck.
It was like all my IRL friends and family were speaking to me in those moments. And finally, FINALLY, I could see myself as they saw me: a man who cared and was trying to be there for them. A man that made a difference in their lives.
Yeah I didn't save the world, per se. But, really, that's how we save the world for real, lame as it may sound. The sheer contrast between the ending I had earned by just trying to do right by all the people in V's life, and that horrific ending I posted earlier was...stark. If you give up, then everyone suffers, not just you.
This game saw me, and reminded me who I was. It rewarded me for it, and I'll never forget it. For all its flaws, all its quirks and failings, I adored this game and all the effort that went into it. It's clear CDPR were trying to say something with this work of art, and boy was the message received on my end.
I can safely say I'm less likely to despair now because of it. I feel more alive because of it. I feel more prepared for the real world because of it. And I wanted to share my experience, if only to remind one person that:
We can all make a difference. Live for others, not yourself. It pays off. Even if it doesn't seem like it at the time. It's the only legacy worth leaving in this fallen world.
submitted by Ok_Aardvark_3669 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:20 Upper-Knowledge-3986 Male(32) broke up with my gf (23) with bpd or we broke up with eachother. And I’m struggling with the loss and regret that it may be my fault.

We both tattoo and met 9 months ago at the tattoo shop I worked at, she was an apprentice and we just clicked and started talking. In the beginning looking back I think we both love bombed eachother but at the time I didn’t see it that way I just saw it as love at first sight and I was so into her and her I. But I recall her telling me I told her I love you sooner than normal, I want to prefise this as to say I may also have some undiagnosed issues. I have an identical twin who has bipolar I dnt know the specifics but he could be very irrational and angry most of the time. But I’ve never been that way. I’m typically passive and try my best to avoid conflict, a people pleaser. But back to the story we fell in love and in the beginning our age gap was an issue for her but over time that became a non issue. I became part of her family and she became part of mine. But at least once a month she would break up with me for various reasons one main reason being she was confused about her sexuality, we are both bi, she would always come back saying she loved me and I’m just confused and we would have the most amazing sex and special moments. When we met she had a male friend that she told me was only a friend but after 4 months randomly confessed he wasn’t just a friend, he was an ex she met though a dating app. Which really shocked me because they talked everyday which isn’t a problem and I wouldn’t typically care but the fact she chose to lie for so long made me uncomfortable. Which she insisted on continuing to talk to after I expressed that it made me uncomfortable. She also had a mutual friend lie to me so they could spend time together without my knowledge saying that she did this because she thought I would be mad considering she’s bi and our mutual friend is lesbian. And again I was shocked that she did this. I found this out by looking in her phone which I’m not proud of but if I didn’t this information would have never been known. after this she treated me with so much love for a small period of time and I always wondered if it was only an attempt to make up for the things she’d did as it soon stopped and we went back to the ways things were. Her withholding affection silent treatments and lack of communication. But she wanted to regain my trust and so I chose to forgive her and build back the trust. Fast forward to now she would txt me I love u every morning and we had plans for the future and all the things in a relationship and suddenly and randomly again she messaged saying I can’t do this I’m confused and I no longer have feelings for you. Obviously I was confused and deeply hurt, I regrettably begged her to work on this with me because she has done this in the past and hasn’t been taking her medication throughout our relationship and since I’ve met her I’ve learned so much about her condition. She has quiet bpd and disorganized attachment. And I’m anxiously attached so in my mind I thought could this be a repeat of her past behaviors and with time this may pass. She agreed but said she only would do it to make me happy and that because her family loved me it made sense but deep down I knew and she vocalized that she didn’t want to and that she was putting on a mask to satisfy me. Which hurts because I want her to be happy but I also wanted her to want to fix this like I did. The plan was to take things slow so I invited her over for dinner and movies and told her I would refrain from serious talk but the problem is with her I was never able to talk about my feelings. Anything serious or relationship related and she would shut down and it stifled any communication. we had a few drinks and regrettably I brought up my frustrations and how it wasn’t just the two of it was us and her bpd. Like usual she shut down and I tried to be present while she explained her feelings. The mistake I made was that while she was crying I was smirking this is what she said and that wasn’t my intention to make her feel crazy but she said my facial expressions made her feel that way .so she left and has blocked me on everything. I kind of vommitted all my backed up feelings on her because I repressed it for so long and I feel bad, I didn’t want to hurt her but I never felt safe telling her how I felt out of fear of her reaction but since it may very well be the end I wanted to at least tell my truth. I loved her so much and regret my inability to hold to what I said and not bring up serous talk if u will but I also feel like it’s not fair to me that I can’t express my self to my partner. Through our relationship she said some of the meanest things anyone has ever to me that anyone. I guess this is kind of a rant and idk what opinions you may have because I don’t think she will ever speak to me again but the saddest part is I truly loved her and her family and would have done anything for her and I tried every day to be there for her and learn about her condition so that I could be the best partner possible . I’m scared about my future and the pain I will face in the coming months, I built my life around her. But I think deep down I knew this wouldn’t work I just so badly wanted it to. I love u Andrea always and forever. I’ll never know how much of our relationship was steered by her bpd but I know that she has an amazingly loving and kind person and just has her own set of problems. I want to say that I know I have issues to and in no way want to be negative towards her or undermined my issue I just can only write so much in this post. I’ve never felt a pain like this and I’ve had other serious relationships. Sry for the rant I just need to vent my feelings and I just miss her already and I dnt see a point in anything anymore but I’m to weak to unalive myself.
submitted by Upper-Knowledge-3986 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:20 420EdibleQueen Either the best thing or the worst thing

I’m not sure which it is at this point. I just started going to school this week. My transcripts from before are being evaluated to see what I already have that will transfer in. One is still in process since attendance was before the implementation of the electronic records at the school.
Logically I know it’s a good thing so I can retrain for something I can physically do since I have another 18 years before I reach “retirement age”. The rest of me is saying “you’re 54 and lost your husband 17 months ago, what are you thinking?”
I was injured at work a few years ago and when I was told my new permanent restrictions it was obvious that my career was over. You can’t properly run a food service operation from sitting at a desk. This made my degree basically worthless. I took a lower paying job I can physically do thinking I’d bide my time until retirement. It’s a nice place to work and the people are great. Then my husband died unexpectedly. Suddenly I need to make more money again. I tried the gig apps and found DoorDash isn’t reliable enough to help, and Uber is out of the question after I was held at gunpoint. At least DoorDash I can avoid areas I don’t want to be in. I saw an ad for online bookkeeping help and tried that. I did pretty well, but the person I was working for wasn’t reliable and lacked communication with me and her clients. In looking for similar jobs they all want an accounting degree. My advisor was looking at the transcripts and unofficially is guessing I’ll have most of my general and elective courses done from transfer credits and could finish the degree in 2 years or less. Probably less with what I already have scheduled.
I’m second guessing myself, haven’t told my adult daughters I’m doing it yet, and at the same time I keep hearing my husband’s voice telling me “you got this” and he’s proud of me. I have his gun cabinet beside my computer desk with a shelf inside that I added. It holds his ashes, his picture, a few small things, and his graduation gear including his Phi Betta Kappa (honor society) stole. I keep telling myself to breathe and that I’ve done this before, that I’ve always been good with school and multitasking and I’ll be fine. I don’t quite believe it yet, and the last time I took courses without my partner in crime was the early 1990s.
submitted by 420EdibleQueen to widowers [link] [comments]