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2024.05.20 02:07 Reddituser0346 Vegan mother demands only vegan sausages be served at son’s football club

Vegan mother demands only vegan sausages be served at son’s football club submitted by Reddituser0346 to AntiVegan [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:07 315retro Scared of sending to psa. Any tips?

I've never graded anything before but I have a few alt arts that are worth several hundred dollars and a binder just doesn't feel right to me. I want to protect them the best I can, and entombing them in plastic seems my best choice.
My local game store will do submissions for me. I trust them - a childhood friend of mine owns it.
I really worry about usps. They really suck and fuck up mail constantly. How do you guys send them in? In the really off chance cards go missing, what then?
I'm in a weird situation where I feel like keeping them as is is a bad choice but I'm also very concerned about sending my expensive items off randomly.
Any advice to make me feel better about this?
Fwiw idgaf what they get graded as. It's very much more about protecting them for the foreseeable future better than I can do at home.
submitted by 315retro to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:04 renganomics An argument for suicide

I cant feel pain if i dont exist. I would much rather have never been born but beggars cant be choosers so i might as well make do with the next best alternative. I have existed for 21 years, i have no prospects, no close confidants aside from the one person whose heart i broke and in turn broke mine, and no sense of direction or motivation. I made a choice i thought would protect her from pain and disappointment, and ended up causing so much pain and disappointment she could no longer bear the idea of being with me. She could no longer see a future for us. We had spent so long discussing possible futures, destinations, careers, even fucking pets, and in one moment i ruined that reality, or possibly rather revealed its unreality. If she couldnt accept me at my worst, most shameful state, did she deserve to see me at my most proud? If there is a God he, she, or whatever fucking pronouns they use are a cruel manipulator on a cosmic scale. 1.5 years may be a blip in the eyes of some master creator but im barely 2 decades old and this shit has been a massive fucking chunk of my life so far. I know theres other people, i know the key to happiness is working on myself, but why should i even fucking bother when all i want is to devote my life to her? Some find solace in religion, praising and worshipping whatever deity some guy thousands of years ago pulled out of their fucking ass and maybe that brings them peace. I wish it did for me. I wish i was able to keep believing that some guy in the sky created an entire race of sentient beings out of fucking dirt and then somehow had a son with one of these dirt gremlins for the sole purpose of this son dying ‘for the sake of our sins’. I wish so badly this made sense to me. Maybe then i could direct all my energy to that and find purpose in it. But i dont. And i cant. It just makes no sense to me. Id rather put my energy and soul into someone i can perceive, after all perception is the only confirmation of our reality. I cant see some sky daddy up in the clouds, but i can see her. I worshipped her, i praised her. If there was a God it took shape in her. They say he made us in his image but the only proof of that i can see is corrupt, selfish, and altogether destructive to itself and the world he supposedly created for it to foster. If we are the image of God then he is a vile, ugly, sadistic being. I remember learning in school about tragedies, and their main defining trait is that they revolve around the downfall of the protagonist due to a flaw of their own they were unable or unwilling to overcome. Humanity is a fucking tragedy. The only animal cursed with the knowledge that we are slowly decaying. What kind of existence is that? Im supposed to find purpose knowing im just a sack of atoms with an unknown expiry date? How do i live knowing everything and everyone around me will not only cease to exist at a certain point, but if our mess of a species manages to make it into any sort of distant future, most of us arent even likely to be remembered? I hate sentience, i hate existence, and i hate pain. I hate the way my heart aches when i see her. I cant seem to escape this prison of affection she has me in. i hate that i let myself be so vulnerable and then hurt her so badly she can no longer be vulnerable with me. I worked so fucking hard to earn her trust. It was a fucking grueling experience. And i would do it all again if given the chance. The looks of mistrust turning to a deep reliance, as i slowly peeled away the layers to her soul. She used to describe her trust as eggs she was putting in my basket, and the day she said i had all her eggs might have been the most loved i ever felt in my life. 2 weeks ago she told me i broke one of her eggs, and she had to take them back now to protect them. I dont think ive ever felt so much pain and remorse as i did in that moment. Not only for hurting the person i cared about most, but because i have to live with the fact that that unreality we had built together would stay that way, and it was all on me. I hurt her, and i hurt myself. I know theres probably someone out there with more shared interests, with more quippy one-liners, possibly someone im even more attracted to physically. But i just dont fucking care. What point is there in chasing that when it could all get fucked like this? I cant do this again. I wont do this again. Its too much. I think i might be done. One of these days i might finally get the fucking balls to do it. ive been so scared for so long. The afterlife, my family and friends, her. But fuck it. My parents see me as the problem child, and they wouldnt even be fucking wrong. My siblings barely know me and i barely know them. Visiting home is like a hotel where im constantly reminded of how much of a failure i am and all the ways everyone around me is better. And im genuinely not even jealous. I could care less about any of my cousin’s lifestyles, or my sisters much better academic performance and artistic skill, or my brother’s athletic prowess. I really am happy for them, they all deserve it and more given the work theyve put in. The only thing i give a shit about is the fact that i get treated less because of these things. I just want to be able to live my life without being put down for choices that im happy with. I just want genuine fucking support, and when i fail to not have it shoved in my fucking face as if i dont already feel like enough of a shit sack. I dont need a 6 figure salary i need a fucking support system. A small but significant part of me holds a deep resentment for my parents for actively choosing to bring me existence. When i get the fucking chance i might just have to take that existence into my own hands and strangle it away, but for now im too much of a fucking pussy to try. I dont even know how id do it. I want it short and painless, almost instant if possible. I dont want any chance of survival in the form of life support, so maybe looking into a dnr would be useful but i dont even know where to start with that. Ive heard of a trick with the car exhaust, but i dont own a car and i dont want anyone finding my dead body in their vehicle. I just want an easy death, life has been hard enough. I feel like im tipping over the edge
submitted by renganomics to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:04 Mads0511 I [18F] feel trapped by my Mother [45F] and can’t escape. What do I do?

Me and my mother have a very on and off relationship. She has a lot of issues and trauma that she is still working through. This has always caused conflict between us. We fight a lot and to be honest, she drives me nuts.
I can’t stand being home but don’t have the money to live on my own. I have my own car, but her car has been out of use for a while now and she just uses mine, while making no effort to fix her own car. It’s frustrating because it was the first thing that felt like it was truly mine. I worked to buy it myself, just for it to be taken away for someone else’s use.
Every time I’m out having fun she creates some random problem and makes it my problem. Every. Single. Time. I can’t go get food with my boyfriend without being called selfish because I didn’t get the whole family food. She’s always saying “family comes first” all the time even thought we don’t talk to most of our family. I just don’t understand her? She is always guilt tripping me into making me come home or to do something for her.
She’s also told me she doesn’t want me to go to college and leave her. But it’s not like I’d go to college out of state so I’d still be near by and in her life. I know me growing up must be hard for her but I feel like she is just holding me back from life. I don’t get to enjoy anything or do anything without her making me feel bad she didn’t get to do it with me. She is always saying I’m leaving her out when I go to do stuff with a friend or my boyfriend instead of her. She hates when I go to sleepover at a friends house. And I’m not even aloud at my boyfriends house because she hates his mom. So I have no where to go and feel trapped in my own home.
FYI I am the oldest child
Am I being too much or do you think my mom needs to let me go a little?
submitted by Mads0511 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:03 mozaaz37 Debunk this: Apocalypse starts between 2025 and 2027 and Jesus returns between 2030 and 2034

Hi guys, i'm a brazilian 17 year old guy that was happy, sympathetic and caring towards others, I am catholic and I participate in Sunday school every Saturday, but since the start of the pandemic in march 2020 onwards, i suddenly became brainwashed and paranoic with Christian conspiracy theories, mainly Qanon, and end times prophecies but in 2022 it only got worse, it all started at school when my sociology teacher who coincidentally was an evangelical pastor started talking a little about the end of times/Ragnarok and my friend said that between 2023, 2024 the apocalypse will begin, or it doesn't happen anything in these years, very probably in 2025 and 2027, and i searched on youtube and i saw various evangelical channels claiming that we are at the end of times and 2030 the world will end bc in that year Jesus will come back to only save evangelical christians and will only save those who are on the Life Book and will throw everyone who's those name wasn't on Life Book burn alive on the lake of fire of the hell alongside the antichrist, false prophet and everyone who followed him and God will destroy the universe and we will be living in the New Jerusalem, and they say repent of sins because the devil exists and they insist on saying that sin and the devil exist even though this has not even been scientifically proven, such as not wearing short clothes like shorts, jeans, not getting tattoos or piercings, not eating meat of pork, prohibiting homosexuality, free will, dating during adolescence and many others, they say that we are experiencing the greatest apostasy in history, which means that people are moving away from faith and and God and ignoring the warnings about the doomsday bc the world is becoming more ''sinful'' and the love between the people has been cooled and we are living like in the antediluvian days when Noah warned about the cataclysm but people ignored, mocked and called him demented and paranoid and instead they were eating, drinking and partying until the flood came and destroyed the world. world and killed everyone, and they keep repeating this saying that this is real even though it has been proven that it never happened and that it is impossible for a storm this strong to cover the top of Mount Everest, they think they are right and scientists are wrong, because science is an ''abominable sin'' against God, They say that God is merciful but he is also wrathful and cruel against those who do not follow his commandments. and they also talk about Jesus' appearance as if it were true at that time even though it has not yet been proven. i've watched some videos of these pastors and missionaries of my country and never got their prophecies and predictions wrong, all of things that have said become true
They say that geopolitical tensions are increasing which will cause ww3, it is no wonder that countless billionaires around the world like Mark Zuckerberg are building bunkers and selling several of their assets, i saw a letter written in 1873 that a American Freemason named Albert Pike who in his letter predicted the first two world wars, and is now supposedly ''predicted correctly'' the third world war, which would begin with a conflict between Zionist Israelis and Arabs, and also they claim that this war between Israel and Iran -Hamas is also the prophecy of Gog and Magog being fulfilled, They also say that the world will enter an unprecedented global economic crisis worse than the great depression, which would increase prices absurdly and this would culminate in the greatest famine the world has ever had, surpassing the great famine of the Middle Age,
They also say that elites such as the World Economic Forum, the UN and the Bilderberg Group will launch a gigantic EMP weapon that will shut down all energy and appliances in the world, and that they will then enact global martial law that will taking citizens off the streets and homes via buses and putting them in concentration camps and killing mainly white and conservative Christian groups and burying them in FEMA coffins which will start the famous New World Order and mass depopulation through the great reset and agenda 2030 and will put an end to all cash and create an electronic currency where payment is made with the global fingerprint, which they also say will replace passports with this global biometric password, they also say that They will do away with clothes and food and will replace them with processed foods made from insects, GMOs and laboratory-grown meats and everyone will be forced to wear the same clothes and have their names changed they also say that they will install government cameras inside the houses to know if any intruder is entering the empty houses
and all of this will begin the antichrist's rise to power, he will be a powerful leader who will unite all sovereign governments into one government and people will worship him and will implant the mark of the beast, where no one will buy and sell without it and will kill everyone who does not accept the mark, which means that everyone in the cities will die, only those who go to the fields or mountains will survive, it is no wonder that they are asking to stock up on water, non-perishable food, batteries , flashlights, medicines especially ivermectin (so much so that I've seen reports of people curing themselves of COVID using this medicine and chloroquine) and radios to survive between 2025 and 2027, because according to them, there will be a pandemic 30 times more lethal than the previous one that will kill almost 400 million people in just two years and that will be the period where seal the seven-year peace agreement between Christianity, Judaism and Islam and will sacrifice a red heifer in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, where it will be destroyed in sequence to begin the construction of the third temple where the throne of the antichrist will be during the final three and a half years
They also insists that global warming is a lie bc all of these disasters that are happening such as frequent strong earthquakes which happened in turkey, morocco, japan and taiwan recently, floods that left the southern of my country almost destroyed, tornadoes and hurricanes becoming stronger and killing more people and wildfires becoming more frequently is caused by these globalists, for example, the recent wildfires that happened in hawaii, canada and chile was caused by massive lasers coming from satellites and these floods and earthquakes caused by HAARP, and the fact-checking and social media such as reuters and afp is lying bc they are owned by rothschild and george soros for example
And i'm worried to have a cancer or a fatal heart attack when i become 20 years old that they discovered that in the last years have an increase on cases of cancer and fatal heart attack on young people, and they claim that is bc of the vaccines bc they contain aborted fetuses and microchips and graphene
And they also talk about the woke agenda, where defenders of this theory claim that globalists use films, video games and series to misrepresent characters from these entertainment industries to promote progressive agendas such as LGBT, black lives matter, abortion and feminism, for example, they made Ariel from The Little Mermaid black in live-action instead in white, as a way of indoctrinating masses and grooming children to be subjected to being perverse, it's no wonder that Disney is in one of the biggest crises in its history by excessively promoting identity issues in every film they release. And it's also no wonder that the number of abortions in the world increased over the last years
What I am most afraid of is the claim that globalists have knowledge of future events that makes the masses accept the event when a certain thing happens, this is called predictive programming, for example, in many disaster and science fiction films, there is a subliminal message in numbers called ''923'', supporters of this number mean that something very bad will happen on September 23rd, but obviously nothing happens, in White Noise for example, there was a train accident in the state of Ohio and in 2023 a train derailment with toxic products occurred in the same state as the film, Black Mirror ''predicted'' several technological innovations, The Simpsons for example predicted the September 11 attacks and Trump's victory in the elections, The Matrix also predicted predicted several technological innovations, such as the redpill movement and the production of babies in uterine machines. As for the Leave the World Behind', they say that the film predicted the accident of the ship that collided with the bridge in baltimore, Lastly, the film The Knowing is incredibly identical to the plot of the biblical apocalypse, but these claims are already debunked by fact checks
And i became scared of these prophecies that have been ''fulfilled'' such as Ezekiel which mentions that Dead Sea became filled with fishes and signs in the sky and stars disappearing
i will mention some of them:
They discovered recently that the moon have some rust pigments and the sun are frequently producing giant black spots which in apocalypse 6:12-17 means that the sun became black and the moon becoming blood
The days are passing faster, which on matthew 24:22 mentions that unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened.And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened.
The Euphrates River is drying up which in apocalypse mentions that the sixth angel poured his bowl over the Euphrates River and its waters dried up and released four demons who destroyed half of the population
Some Rivers and seas are becoming red, which refers to Apocalypse 16:4 that the third angel poured his bowl on rivers and seas and became red as dead blood
And I started to think that some mathematical calculations they do are simply not coincidences, they took the year the Black Death ended in 1353 with the year the WHO declared a global COVID emergency in 2019, subtracting those years would give the result in 666 (2019-1353=666 to be simpler) which alludes to the number of the beast and nd other math that they also thinks its a proof that we are at the end of times uf we use the word ''CORONA'' as a code where the alphabet is corresponding to its letter in ascending order (for example a = 1, b = 2), it would give the numbers 3, 15, 18, 15, 14, 1 will also give the number of the beast is correct if we multiply these numbers.
I'm trying to follow channels that disagree that we are in the end times and treat people with love, like the method of preterism where it states that the apocalypse happened in the year 70, but they say that this is heresy because in Matthew 24:24 it says that in the last days false prophets will emerge deceiving many people and in 2 Peter 3:3 where it says that at the end of time many will mock and disagree with the imminent Return of Jesus
i'm asked my parents and my friends to repent of your sins and believe in the Word of God, But I bothered them so much that now they don't even want to hear it,
however after all that, I started to think that these evangelical channels only preach fear in people, thinking that Jesus is going to return physically and that I have been superior all the time for no reason at all. I researched these things so much that now it appears when I search for an account on Instagram or YouTube, I would like to thank anyone who could give me some tips on how to get out of this and get rid of these pests, how i do?
submitted by mozaaz37 to DebunkThis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:02 joeMAMAkim Epic games has been a notoriously scummy and greedy company for many, many years. (warning: very long post. take measures to not fall asleep while reading my yapping.)

on one hand, it's great that a majority of you are finally realizing that they aren't good by most means. but on the other hand, it's not very good that a lot of you think they've only started being like this recently.
epic has been in controversies for many, many years. but it feels like most of the people in the Fortnite community just ignores their earlier wrongdoings.
an example of this has to do with Tencent, who to owns 40% of epic. if you think Disney owning 9% is bad, think about a massive super company owning 40%. i think it's very well known that Tencent is not a good company either, a quick google search will prove why.
the FOMO tactic that has been going on for years, and its battle pass system is another huge issue. people complain that this season is not giving enough XP, but then you either don't remember, or just didn't play back when this issue was even worse. back in chapter 1, the battle passes would "typically take around 75-150 hours to complete", according to the season 2 battle pass trailer. they have always been used as a way of encouraging players to sink as much time as possible into this game.
oh? you have a life outside of Fortnite? well, then you cant grind several daily challenges a day for a few battle stars, and then you will miss out on black knight. too bad, kid. but... you could beg your mother for money so you can buy the rest of the battle pass. just saying.
and then we have the problem of collabs in the BP. i personally don't really care about them much, but i can see why they're a massive issue. imagine getting into the game recently and hearing that you can play as the predator with an among us crewmate on your back, but uh oh! they were limited time only several years ago! this point has been discussed to death here already, do i really need to add more?
then we have the shop, the center point of attention from the community during chapter 5. when battle royale blew up, do you really think it was a coincidence that an item shop selling simple reskins of default skins and ports of hero models from StW for absurd prices popped up? rex in a dinosaur suit? that'll be 20 dollars. almost every single company's goal is to make as much money as possible. even epic back in the day.
my last point will be about something that has been reported as having happened from several different articles. if it has, then it is NOT a good look for this company. if it has been proved it hasn't, well, uh, ignore this next point then.
reports and articles says that epic games, during ~2018-2019, allegedly made a large amount of their employees work 70-100 hour long work weeks, for several month on end. i don't think i need to explain why this is not good. crutching employees in the first place is not a good way of treating your workers, and definitely not to that extent.
i want to finish up by saying that there are many, many more issues than these. if you're curious, you can do some digging yourself if you'd like to, but these were a number of issues i personally wanted to address. sorry if this post was long, but if i cut a lot of this down, crucial info could be excluded. goodbye.
submitted by joeMAMAkim to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:02 MasterPapaya4955 AITA for not giving my friend water bottles when I had 310 in terraria?

So me and my friend were playing vanilla terraria when he needed some water bottles to make summoning potions. However, I was running to the dungeon on the right side of the map and was already there. I thought that since the desert was only about 100 blocks away from him he could get his own. He instead wanted to wormhole potion to me and have me drop 10 bottles to him. I however thought that it was a waste since I had been the one to farm and fish up the materials for wormhole potions and since we were in early game we only had about 5 each. He thought that this was wrong and that I should just drop him the bottles. I told him that he could make his own. We argued about it for 10 minutes, in the time that he could've gotten the bottles. He then rage quit off terraria. AITA
submitted by MasterPapaya4955 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:01 KoseiKent We need to bully the devs in order to fix the gold problem

How many time i've read "Oh no don't level UP this weapon or this character to test it you will waste Ur gold there not enough in thé game"
Like brothers ??? I know that you are right and this advice is for our own good but it really IS not acceptable.
Gasha mecanics are fine because it's a gasha ; u gotta accept to play around it
But PaytoPLAY mecanics IS NOT acceptable and if we want thé best for this game WE need to be heard
submitted by KoseiKent to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:01 CFmoderator CF Lounge: Weekly post

Welcome to CF Lounge, our weekly off-topic discussion thread.
Feel free to talk about what's going on with you this week, what you did, your hobbies, pets, cars, travels, whatever you like. Discover new members, make friends and connections all over the sub. Share great news, get an ear and shoulder to cry on for not-so-great news.
This is also the place to post rants that aren't childfree related and/or aren't long enough for their own post.
This post will be up all week for your enjoyment. Have fun!
submitted by CFmoderator to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:01 _garynunchucks_ In a seemingly impossible financial situation on my own, any advice?

19M here. Just finished my sophomore year of college and back home with mom, dad, and brother for the summer. Dad and I have a terrible relationship and do not speak to each other.
Dad paid my first year of college but then got mad for no reason (I mean this very literally, he randomly started screaming at me in the car over nothing) and decided he wasn’t paying my second year. Mom makes very little money teaching so she is financially dependent on him for the most part but she decided to co-sign a loan so I could still attend school.
This summer, he decided he’s not letting my mom co-sign another loan and she refuses to do it behind his back since she is financially dependent. I thought I had a plan figured out where I work enough this summer to make a total of $6K, move out to an apartment with my friends (I’m not allowed to live at home once summer is over), and take the semester off of classes so I can earn more and pay for school myself in the spring.
Got a new job and I’m starting tomorrow. Told my manager that I will be leaving for a couple weeks in the middle of the summer to go out of the country since my parents had already booked tickets to visit our family months ago. She was not happy about that but told me I should apply for a leave of absence soon, but it may be rejected. I come home to talk to my mom about it and she suddenly springs on me that we are going away for a month now. Meaning I may be terminated from this job before I can even start working. And if I do get it, I’ll be working even less and will leave the summer with even less money. To add to that, I also pay for all my own food and necessities, meaning even EVEN less money.
The other issue is my apartment. There is a good chance I will need someone to co-sign the lease on that, and once again neither of my parents would co-sign. And no, I don’t have any family members or friends here who would do it either. Basically, I don’t know how I’m going to survive anymore.
submitted by _garynunchucks_ to FinancialPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 Yazarus 24M What can I write here that has thirty... Wait

I am going to keep some of the information sparse to invoke some sense of mystery, and not because I'm not good at selling myself *wink*
24M from CST timezone (USA). I have a new job, but the problem? There is no one around my age. There goes that tried and true method of friendship! The other problem? I've worked third shift for the last 4 years... so my social life is pretty nonexistent. You can see why I am on this subreddit tonight LOL.
I am down to make some friends or even new best ones, but all I ask is that you are not a dry texter and 20+.
I like to read fantasy/ science fiction books and sometimes watch anime (could use some recs!) I have a bad habit of wanting to be a cheapstakes so you can often find me fixing my car because I was too stubborn to take it to a mech. I like to walk down trails and drive back roads with the windows down. No one can hear me blast Taylor Swift that way! I like to find new places to explore and be able to drive out to them. I also want to start switching up my clothes and style and could use suggestions!
I have been growing my hair out for the last two years, but I am inching closer and closer to getting the chop since it is starting to become annoying. I have my nose + ears pierced and want some tattoos in the future when I have the extra money to afford a decent artist. I like to listen to a whole bunch of different music genres, but I feel that a lot of my knowledge is shallow because of this. I would love to get some decent recs to add to my playlist. I have been in a country mood lately with the great weather. Some genres I like: r&b, pop punk, metalcore, rock, hiphop, OSTs, etc.
I am not much of a gamer, but I am willing to try some out with you if we happen to click. The main issue that I have is that I cannot remain interested all that long, and become bored too fast. I am not really into competitive games though, since it sounds like a bother to maintain. My dream job would be to become an author with enough success to have a sustainable and secure future, but I find myself never writing when I am off work lol. I am hard of hearing; throwing that out there because it could be cool to meet others as well.
Phew. I meant for this to be a lot shorter. So much for mystery, huh?
If you've read this far, hmu!
submitted by Yazarus to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 ItsssYaBoiiiShawdyy Theories on Theories: Assessing the Potential Magnitude of the May 17th Prospectus Filings, Part II, Is the Reverse Uno is Upon Us?

Theories on Theories: Assessing the Potential Magnitude of the May 17th Prospectus Filings, Part II, Is the Reverse Uno is Upon Us?
Edit: Of course I fucked up the title. Lol. Is the Reverse Uno Upon Us?*
Hello again, Apes.
I have gotten a solid 4 hours of sleep and am ready to keep plugging along.
Disclaimer: Nothing of which I discuss is financial advice and not indicative of what you should do with your money or investments. Make your own decisions. I have no idea what I am talking about.
Link to Part I of my little write-up, recommended that you read that first:
TL;DR for Part I: After 3+ years of working in near silence, Gamestop has dropped a reverse uno time-bomb nuke on shorts, and I don't believe we have fully comprehended just how big and effective of a nuke it will be. They finally released their plans to end the abusive short-selling once and for all... I believe the details in the filings have the answers. Need more eyes. We just need to HODL and let RC & Team work their magic. This was precisely timed and will be executed precisely. I believe they are about to throw the whole kitchen sink at em. Shorts r truly fuk. To be continued.
TL;DR for Part II: Although you should really read through this to get super jacked...Predicition: Gamestop will lay down the reverse uno... the company will protect its shareholders through a slew of new, private, non-dilutive security offerings that we get first dibs on, and that are backed by our current/future holdings. Cash/non-cash dividends from the proceeds of the sale of those securities (units) are on the table. Thus, forcing shorts to either pay or close. MOASS is inevitable.
Many Apes have stepped up to begin analyzing these filings. Thank you! The goal with my analysis is to continue to educate Apes on what all this jargon means, shine more light on the specificities of the filings and to speculate (for fun) as to what I think Gamestop is going to do based on the specificities. In the first part, I discussed Book Entry Securities issued via the DTC (the stock we all know and love), Preferred Stock (the juicy and scare new stock on the block), and the mysterious "Preferred Stock Depositary" (PSD) and its proposed role in the issuance and management of Gamestop's preferred stock to Apes worldwide, keeping it away from abusive short sellers and directly in the hands of Apes.
In my first part, I speculated that the unnamed PSD would likely be computershare. But the more I think about it, the more I am unsure of that. And maybe that is why it is unnamed as of yet. Many Apes from different parts of the world have been unable to DRS, so that means they have been unable to access/use Computershare to hold/manage their shares and the DTC shit the bed one too many times when they committed international securities fraud on the splividend. So, I am thinking its possible that Gamestop secures another entity with more accessibility worldwide, or perhaps is even in the process of creating their own depositary for their newly-issued securities (dare I say, units?), to manage their "Global Securities" (a term they use in the filings).

Tory vs. Tary

Chat GPT: In the context of stocks, both “depository” and “depositary” refer to entities that hold securities, but they serve different functions:
In summary, while both depositories and depositaries play crucial roles in the securities market, a depository is involved in the safekeeping and trading of securities, whereas a depositary issues receipts that represent shares in foreign companies, facilitating international trading for investors312.
It seems there is more to come here as to what exact role the depositary will serve. Notice the phrasing \"series of securities that differ from the terms described here\"
Tinfoil: We have seen some evidence of and speculated that Gamestop is looking more and more like they are positioning themselves to not only be dominant in retail gaming, but also serve as a holding company, potentially even serving as their own "bank". Could a brand new, currently unknown arm of Gamestop BE the unnamed depositary??? Warren Icahn anyone?
If so, what role would Computershare then play? This was speculated long ago and I am thinking these filings are just a peek inside the inner workings of such an entity.

Subscriptions, Warrants, and Units

Sounds a lot like "series of securities that differ from the terms described here", doesn't it? I left off with a couple teasers and I look to close the tinfoil loop on those here.
Stock subscriptions and warrants are both financial instruments related to the stock market, but they serve different purposes:
In summary, while both stock subscriptions and warrants give investors the right to purchase shares, stock subscriptions are typically offered to existing shareholders at a discounted price to prevent dilution of ownership, whereas warrants are long-term instruments that are often issued to sweeten the deal when other securities are being sold321.

Here's where I use a whole roll of Reynolds Heavy Duty Tin Foil:

Sooo, in Part I, I offer the notion that Gamestop isn't going to just do one or two of these proposed offerings, they are going to do them all and they're telling us how. What I am gathering so far is Apes/holders/longs will get a chance to suck up the (45M, but up to 1B) book-securities shares faster and cheaper than you can possibly imagine through the simultaneous issuance/use of Warrants and Subscription Contracts. These investment vehicles will be issued to all record holders in "Units". And there's a lot of juice to squeeze outta this IMO.
Notice here, mention of \"unit agent\" and again in the bulletpoints, they mention \"a bank or trust company\" that governs the \"units\". I'm thinking they will likely be the same entity that manages it all.
Gamestop's TL;DR on units: We can issue any number of combinations of two or more of the aforementioned securities/vehicles (Warrants Subscriptions, Common Stock, Preferred Stock) which we call "Units". They may be transferable as a single security that holds multiple securities within it. Our unit Agent (a designated trust or bank). AND, the units might not even be listed on any securities exchange. (Privately held, hard to trade, hard to access, hard to fuck with UNITS of securities?)
So, hypothetically, all shareholders of record on a given record date determined by a supplemental filing will get FIRST DIBS to purchase en masse, a lot of Gamestop stock, perhaps cheaper than ever before. The warrants give us the opportunity to buy at a pre-determined price, the subscriptions contracts give us the chance to not dilute our value in our holdings. Gamestop is literally going to nearly GIVE us a shitload more stock, privately, securely, and through a private, exclusive offering.
And here's where it gets even more juicy...I think they're gonna do it DFV reverse order, relative to the order of each type of offering listed in their filing.

Protect Ya Neck, Shorts! There's gonna a rush to grab GME stock!

The Plan
See if you can follow me order...
  1. BOOK ENTRY SECURITIES: Gamestop gives holders the exclusive rights and first dibs to purchase a shitload more Class A Common stock through new "Units". The units house the subscription contracts, warrants, and underlying stock. But there's only 45,000,000 more slated to be offered (so far). They give us the OPTION to purchase more later on until a certain date. The subscriptions give apes the opportunity to prevent dilution of their positions through scooping up the new stock before anyone else can. The Warrants allow us to add more at a given price (buying at a fixed price on the way up anyone?) This raises a TON of capital (potentially billions) for the company.
  2. SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS AND UNITS: Apes jump at the opportunity to scoop up more class A shares and this allows them the opportunity to then "purchase" a greater number of fractionalized preferred stock (depositary shares) than they could have before (with only 5,000,000 whole shares available). All preferred stocks (whether whole or fractional) are backed by the chosen depositary's receipts (the official ledger, NOT managed by the corrupt DTC). AND GIVEN ALL PREFERRED STOCK IS BACKED BY THE GLOBAL SECURITIES (GME Class A Common Stock)...THIS ALLOWS INTERNATIONAL APES AND ALL APES WHO COULD NOT/CANNOT DRS TO ESSENTIALLY HAVE THEIR STOCK DIRECTLY REGISTERED THROUGH THE COMPANY ITSELF. Unfuckwithable!
  3. The preferred stocks (somehow) become part of the Units where all securities are held with the Unit agent (the depositary). Proceeds from the preferred stock sales go toward the company capital, to be used for general company purposes. What are those, you might ask?
Gamestop states that, while they could, there are currently no plans to acquire other companies or make any specific investments. Until they do have those plans, they want to invest the net proceeds from the offering in interest-bearing securites or accounts.
I'm sitting here thinking...what if, as a "thank you" to loyal shareholders, they invest it back into shareholder accounts through an immediate cash dividend? Why would you want to leave if you're getting sick divvies on all your newly acquired stock (common and/or preferred)? You just spent $ buying preferred stock, why not delight investors by giving some right back? Awh but that would be expensive for the company! Nope. It would be expensive for the SHORTS who are responsible for paying that dividend!
GPT: When you short a stock, you’re borrowing shares from someone else (typically your brokerage firm) and selling them on the open market12. The person or entity from whom you borrowed the shares still technically owns them. If the company issues a dividend during this time, the original owner of the shares is entitled to that dividend12.
However, since their shares have been sold to a third party (by you, the short-seller), you are responsible for making the dividend payment to the original owner12. This means that if you have a short position on a stock when it goes ex-dividend (the date by which you need to own the stock to receive the dividend), you will owe the amount of the dividend to the lender of the shares12.
So, in summary, if you’re short a stock and that stock pays a dividend, you’ll be responsible for paying that dividend to the person or entity from whom you borrowed the shares12. This is an important consideration to keep in mind when deciding to short a stock, especially one that pays dividends.
So, let's say the shorts are still regarded af...and they have the $ to pay the dividend(s), cool. What if FME issues multiple or even monthly dividends? (There are currently 80 stocks that issue monthly dividends) Well, one, they can only pay for this for so long on top of the collateral and capital required to maintain their short position... Then, boom goes the dynamite. And if THAT doesn't work, gamestop could just choose to issue a non-cash dividend...which they outline below...
Wombo Combo?
Gamestop's ELI5: In the event that we issue a non-cash dividend, the PSD (depositary) will distribute the PROPERTY received by it TO the record holders of the depositary (preferred) shares entitled there to, IN PROPORTION to the number of depositiary shares owned by those holders. UNESS...the PSD determines that it somehow cannot be done...THEN the PSD may take that PROPERTY...and sell it publically or privately, and then the proceeds from that public/private sale will go directly to holder of the preferred stock.
Tinfoil? They're gonna try and issue/distribute the Wu-Tang Album or some other non-fungible property via a non-cash dividend. If that can't be done for whatever reason, they will sell the album/property at auction...all proceeds go back to preferred stock holders. No matter what, holders of the preferred stock win.
My last bit of tinfoil sounds crazy but, again, in part I, I spoke about filings saying the stock can be issued permanently, or even temporarily.
Gamestop sucks back up a ton of their class A common stock through buy backs. They may already be beginning to do that while the price is cheap, eventually leaving only a small amount of shares, or even just preferred stock available, privately held in the names holders. Non-diluted, scarcem valuable, and unable to be fucked with. GME becomes its own bank. Shareholders get the protection they deserve. MOASS happens through one of many ways...
I understand this is NOT proof that they are buying back...just speculation.
Once Gamestop has the shorts off their back finally, and the capital they want/need...they then go about what they really want to continue to GROW the company...mergers/acquisitions?
Also, some other Apes have said that its possible the Gamestop is offering the shorts a way out. And while personally do not think this is fair or likely, I think its possible and would not surprise me. But what if Apes/longs suck up all the shares at these offerings before shorts even get a chance? Then they're still fucked. Still needed our shares and they're now EVEN HARDER to get.
Apes together Strong.
TL;DR: Although you should really read through this to get super jacked...Predicition: Gamestop will lay down the reverse uno... the company will protect its shareholders through a slew of new, private, non-dilutive security offerings that we get first dibs on, and that are backed by our current/future holdings. Cash/non-cash dividends from the proceeds of the sale of those securities (units) are on the table. Thus, forcing shorts to either pay or close. MOASS is inevitable.
submitted by ItsssYaBoiiiShawdyy to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 BL00D7HIRSTY Path Of The Barbarian

Path of the Barbarian: Barbarian
What makes a Barbarian a Barbarian? Is it their unbridled rage, tenacity for violence, symbiotic relationship with nature? The answer is a simple yes to all those questions and to some a Barbarian is too dense to even ask.
This is not only a revision to some features, but also its own subclass. If you're looking for thrills and frills then look elsewhere. If you’re looking for what should be a hard hitting rough and tumble tank that most players are asking for then look no further. Enjoy!
P.s. Tasha’s optional rules shouldn't be glossed over for any campaign.
Redesigned Rage Beginning at 1st level, rage is no longer a flat damage bonus. •Instead you add 1d4 to your melee weapon attack damage. •This Damage die increases to 1d6 at 9th level then to 1d8 at 16th level. •The number of times you can Rage per day increases by 1.
All Fight, No Flight Starting at 3rd level, while raging you throw all caution to the wind, never willing to back away from a good scrap you push yourself further than any sane person would. •If you're three-quarters below your health point maximum, your attacks deal an extra 1d4 points of damage. •If you are below half it becomes 1d6. •If you are below one-quarter it becomes 1d8.
Improved Fast Movement Starting at 5th level, your speed increases by 10 feet while you aren't wearing heavy armor. •Your speed increases by an additional 5 feet at 9th, 13th, and finally 17th level.
Rugged Outdoorsman Starting at 6th level, you’ve become quite adept at surviving in the wild; From hunting big game, to fishing, even exploring exotic landscapes. •You no longer suffer exhaustion from extreme climates. •You gain a climbing and swimming speed equal to half your movement. •You have Advantage on Perception and Investigation checks when tracking and/or finding traps. •While raging you gain resistance to your choice of Cold, Fire, or Poison damage. °You become resistant to another choice from this list at 10th level and again at 14th.
Built Different At 10th level, your rage singles out the biggest baddest sumbitch in the yard. When you enter your rage for the first time in combat you can target a hostile creature that is causing you to become irritated. •When you use the attack action to attack the target creature twice, you can make a third attack against the same creature. •If the creature is reduced to 0 hit points this way, you can use a bonus action on subsequent turns to target another creature that is making you irritable. °You can use this feature a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus, and regain all uses after a long rest.
Improved Reckless Attack At 11th level, not only are you more fierce you are even more desperate. When you make your second attack on your turn, you may do so recklessly. •Doing so gives you advantage on melee attacks using strength during this turn. •Until your next turn you have disadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.
Reckless Abandon Finally at 14th level, with countless battles fought and scars worn as trophies you feel brazen in face of violence. As a reaction to taking damage from a spell or an attack, you may forgo all your resistances while raging. •You then spend and roll any amount of unspent hit die + your Constitution modifier, to give up to 6 creatures you can see temporary hit points equal to the total rolled. •Any creature that has Temporary hit points given to them this way has advantage on attack rolls made if they are within 10 feet of you or a creature that is making you irritable. °You can use this feature once between rests.
Towering Presence Starting at 14th level, your presence chills down the spine of weak willed individuals. •You add your Constitution modifier to intimidation checks. •While raging you add your Constitution modifier to any wisdom saving throw.
submitted by BL00D7HIRSTY to DnDHomebrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 EsotericAbstractIdea Theorycraft: Survival Evolved - Fastest path to finishing all maps

Say you own a cluster of all the maps, can switch any particular map to PVP for certain mechanics (carcha taming, baby giga xp), and wanted to finish every unique alpha boss in the game, and get all tekgrams. Where would you start and how would you go about it to get done as fast as possible? What essential dinos would make this easier? Trying to follow the rules of the old official servers(besides the mix of pvp and pve mechanics on the same cluster, and extremely fast mutation/breeding mods), and solo everything. I've already started, and am about halfway through, but if i could do it again I would definitely go in a far different order. I tried to do them in order of release, but I ended up using stuff from anachronistic maps to make it easier. A very rough outline of what I think I would do if I started today on official, would be:
  1. genesis 2: get maewing, r-reaper, argentavis, do enough missions to get a decent tek stryder, farm drops for a good longneck
  2. transfer to fjordur, and get a deinonychus and desmodus
  3. go to the island and set up a long term base on herbivore island, tame a rex, giga and carcha. get an otter and breed it to infinity melee.
  4. ascend on scorched earth, get fire and lightning wyverns.
  5. ascend on the island,
i dont know whats next. i finished aberration, but i'd save that for after extinction if i did it again. tek sword would have probably been better int he boss fight.
submitted by EsotericAbstractIdea to ARK [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:59 SexxxMelaneexxx Eighteen by

Cultivating a list of "must-know" things for a successful life before 18 is a noble pursuit, but there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Success can look different for each person depending on their values, goals, and circumstances. However, there are some key areas and skills that can build a strong foundation for navigating life after 18:
Personal skills:
  1. Self-awareness: Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, values, and passions.
  2. Resilience: Developing coping mechanisms and bouncing back from challenges.
  3. Critical thinking: Analyzing information, forming independent opinions, and problem-solving effectively.
  4. Effective communication: Expressing yourself clearly, actively listening, and building positive relationships.
  5. Time management: Organizing tasks, prioritizing, and meeting deadlines effectively.
  6. Financial literacy: Budgeting, saving, understanding debt, and responsible credit use.
  7. Healthy habits: Maintaining physical and mental well-being through exercise, good diet, and quality sleep.
  8. Emotional intelligence: Recognizing and managing emotions in yourself and others.
  9. Adaptability and flexibility: Embracing change and learning new things throughout your life.
  10. Empathy and compassion: Understanding and caring about the feelings and experiences of others.
Practical skills:
  1. Basic cooking and home maintenance: Learning to cook simple meals and take care of your living space.
  2. First aid and CPR: Knowing how to respond to emergencies.
  3. Technology skills: Utilizing technology effectively for communication, research, and learning.
  4. Driving, car care, and basic bike maintenance: Understanding traffic rules and safe driving practices.
  5. Basic sewing and DIY skills: Fixing clothes, mending furniture, and doing simple repairs.
  6. Research and information literacy: Evaluating sources and finding reliable information.
  7. Public speaking and presenting: Being comfortable speaking in front of others.
  8. Networking and interpersonal skills: Building and maintaining relationships with peers and mentors.
  9. Time management and organizational skills: Planning and prioritizing effectively.
  10. Learning a new language: Expanding your communication abilities and cultural understanding.
Career & Life Planning:
  1. Career exploration and goal setting: Understanding your interests and setting realistic career goals.
  2. Resume writing and interview skills: Presenting yourself effectively for job opportunities.
  3. Researching and applying for colleges or vocational programs: Making informed decisions about your education.
  4. Understanding basic legal contracts and documents: Knowing your rights and responsibilities.
  5. Civic engagement and voting rights: Participating in your community and understanding the democratic process.
  6. Environmental awareness and sustainability: Learning to live responsibly and protect the planet.
  7. Digital citizenship and cyber safety: Protecting your online identity and using technology responsibly.
  8. Understanding personal rights and responsibilities: Knowing your legal rights and how to advocate for yourself.
  9. Building a support network: Identifying and relying on trusted friends, family, and mentors.
  10. Volunteering and community service: Giving back to your community and making a difference.
Ultimately, helping young people develop these skills and cultivate a sense of agency will empower them to build their own definitions of success and navigate life after 18 with confidence and resilience.
submitted by SexxxMelaneexxx to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:58 NoNeighborhood1920 update [21m] straightening things out with my family about my lifestyle

original post here:
I [21m] have been going back and forth with my parents [40s] about my life, specifically my girlfriend, for the past few weeks. I have my own place and am financially independent, but am going through the last few months of my lease before I move across the country for law school with my girlfriend. After learning about her, my dad set a hard deadline for me moving back in with him and my mother, which was today. He came in person to ensure I did because I do not own a car.
While everyone I know told me not to get in the car with him under any circumstances, I slipped up under years of conditioning by my parents. After a brief conversation with my father, I packed a bag, and willingly went with my father on the condition that this trip was only to talk to my parents about the issue in person and that I would return to my place in a few days. Once I got to my parent’s place, they said that this move was permanent and I would only return to my place with them once more to clean it out and give the keys back to the landlord. They also sat me down and explained that they do not support me having my girlfriend, primarily due to religious reasons, and gave me two options: break up with her, or have her convert and then marry her. I do not want to do either, but any mention of a possibility outside those two brought up talks of a ripple effect through my extended family that would hurt my parents, as well as the religious certainty that I’d doom myself to eternal hell. Those two thoughts alone made them break down over the past few weeks and worsened my mother’s health issues.
I love my family, but I can’t live like this. I plan on having a real conversation about a more severe break from them soon and have friends willing to give me a ride back to my place that are a few hours away. Where do I go from here? How do I navigate this while keeping both myself and my parents safe?
tl;dr I put myself in a position with my family that makes asserting my independence even harder
submitted by NoNeighborhood1920 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:57 BL00D7HIRSTY Path Of The Barbarian

Path of the Barbarian: Barbarian
What makes a Barbarian a Barbarian? Is it their unbridled rage, tenacity for violence, symbiotic relationship with nature? The answer is a simple yes to all those questions and to some a Barbarian is too dense to even ask.
This is not only a revision to some features, but also its own subclass. If you're looking for thrills and frills then look elsewhere. If you’re looking for what should be a hard hitting rough and tumble tank that most players are asking for then look no further. Enjoy!
P.s. Tasha’s optional rules shouldn't be glossed over for any campaign.
Redesigned Rage Beginning at 1st level, rage is no longer a flat damage bonus. Instead you add 1d4 to your melee weapon attack damage. This Damage die increases to 1d6 at 9th level then to 1d8 at 16th level. The number of times you can Rage per day increases by 1.
All Fight, No Flight Starting at 3rd level, while raging you throw all caution to the wind, never willing to back away from a good scrap you push yourself further than any sane person would. •If you're three-quarters below your health point maximum, your attacks deal an extra 1d4 points of damage. •If you are below half it becomes 1d6. •If you are below one-quarter it becomes 1d8.
Improved Fast Movement Starting at 5th level, your speed increases by 10 feet while you aren't wearing heavy armor. •Your speed increases by an additional 5 feet at 9th, 13th, and finally 17th level.
Rugged Outdoorsman Starting at 6th level, you’ve become quite adept at surviving in the wild; From hunting big game, to fishing, even exploring exotic landscapes. •You no longer suffer exhaustion from extreme climates. •You gain a climbing and swimming speed equal to half your movement. •You have Advantage on Perception and Investigation checks when tracking and/or finding traps. •While raging you gain resistance to your choice of Cold, Fire, or Poison damage. °You become resistant to another choice from this list at 10th level and again at 14th.
Built Different At 10th level, your rage singles out the biggest baddest sumbitch in the yard. When you enter your rage for the first time in combat you can target a hostile creature that is causing you to become irritated. •When you use the attack action to attack the target creature twice, you can make a third attack against the same creature. •If the creature is reduced to 0 hit points this way, you can use a bonus action on subsequent turns to target another creature that is making you irritable. °You can use this feature a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus, and regain all uses after a long rest.
Improved Reckless Attack At 11th level, not only are you more fierce you are even more desperate. When you make your second attack on your turn, you may do so recklessly. •Doing so gives you advantage on melee attacks using strength during this turn. •Until your next turn you have disadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.
Reckless Abandon Finally at 14th level, with countless battles fought and scars worn as trophies you feel brazen in face of violence. As a reaction to taking damage from a spell or an attack, you may forgo all your resistances while raging. •You then spend and roll any amount of unspent hit die + your Constitution modifier, to give up to 6 creatures you can see temporary hit points equal to the total rolled. •Any creature that has Temporary hit points given to them this way has advantage on attack rolls made if they are within 10 feet of you or a creature that is making you irritable. °You can use this feature once between rests.
Towering Presence Starting at 14th level, your presence chills down the spine of weak willed individuals. •You add your Constitution modifier to intimidation checks. •While raging you add your Constitution modifier to any wisdom saving throw.
submitted by BL00D7HIRSTY to UnearthedArcana [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:57 Igunami 26 [F4A] EU looking for my person

Thank you, who decides to take the time to read this.
I'm Marta, and I'd love to share a bit of myself with you in the hope of finding companionship, comfort and love. I am looking for a long term relationship, someone with whom I might want to settle down, perhaps you? Please just note that I’m looking for sfw at the beginning. Physical attraction isn’t part of the equation for me. It all begins with emotional connection. If I become comfortable with you, you have sense of humor, you’re an open person who is not afraid of voicing opinions and have something interesting to say you’re my type probably (if you are a firefighter consider it certain, I might have something for firefighting gear). If you’re more of a physical attraction kind of person that’s not a problem. Simply ask for photo and end one of yours.
Now something more about me.
❤️ 5ft 2in, 195lb. I am Caucasian. I have longer light brown hair, blue eyes. Working on losing off some of it. I would love it if you could help keep me motivated.
❤️ I work full-time as a account manager (still, but might change jobs soon). It’s nothing that I would like to do, but I earn enough to live more than comfortable. Some evenings and weekends I also work at my local McDonald’s. It might sound crazy, but I treat it as a hobby. I love having contact with customers and employees there and each completed and served order is like a dopamine shot.
❤️ I’ve discovered that I like watching people playing games much more than just playing them myself. I love being on calls with my friends and watching them play games while commenting everything and taking about anything in between. But if you’re someone who is looking for person that will be right beside you while playing, we can tray delving into forgotten dungeons or win a battle royale. I would love to see your face light up every time we share a game, cause every co-op game is a confession that I want to spend more time with you.
❤️ I like watching movies, series, videos etc. Especially true crime and catastrophic documentaries. I’m open for anything except for horrors about demons, possessions and devil. That stuff scares me and I would never watch it alone or without physical presence of someone I trust.
❤️ I'm a hopeless romantic so I might be looking for a partner that I can be hopelessly romantic with. You know, someone that I can do all the cutesy couple shit with like going on random date nights, or going to a park or random city and people watch, or just cuddle up and watch our favorite shows while wearing matching pajamas. I'm looking for someone that can be my cheerleader, and someone who would want me to be their loudest and biggest cheerleader. Life is hard to do alone, and we all need someone to help us through it.
❤️ I like to think that I am a very laid back, go with the flow type of person, and I would much rather have a night in, than a night out.
❤️ I am very open minded, however I don’t smoke so if you’re someone that smells of cigarettes all the time and want to smoke at home, car we won’t be a match I think.
❤️ I know politics is a pretty big thing for people, but it isn’t a big part in my life - that being said I can sum up my take on politics in one sentence: let women, gays, and people of all races dance their dances after smoking their marijuana crops or whatever, then maybe kill the rich or tax them to death.
❤️ I have this thing called hate for being wet once I’m not intending on. So rain, being splashed accidentally or purposefully etc. it’s a huge no for me. I can’t function in rain without umbrella. Take it or leave it.
I hope this snippet catches your eye, even though it’s only a small piece of me.
Who am I looking for?
💙 My only preferences are someone who is roughly 26-40 in age, a few years outside of that would be okay if we really connect.
💙 I’m ok with distance but you must consider that I want to eventually meet.
💙 Someone who is caring and have sense of humor.
💙 Someone who always tries to see things in a perspective other than their own, but holds morals highly.
💙 Someone who doesn't mind me texting them at like 3am to tell them about the action in the last episode of the show I just finished. Just basically you need to be open for reviving random thoughts, photos, out of context facts and contemplations, TikTok’s, instagram posts, memes and a lot more.
💙 Someone who lives life with passion, but once they are down they would not be hesitant to share that burden. If you're passionate about something I really want to be a part of it in some way. If it's listening to you ramble for hours about that obscure album you just found or the new succulent you just bought or this wild spice blend you've been trying out. Whatever makes you smile, cry, think, I want to understand it.
Note that I prefer discord over here and I love voice calls.
If that sound interesting, my dms are open.
submitted by Igunami to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:56 JaneWilloughby My thoughts on the KEY puzzles

I’ve seen a good amount of discourse on some of the puzzles in KEY, but I wanted to share my thoughts on a few specific puzzles (good and bad) to see if other people shared my struggles/opinions.
  1. The locked book in the cafe - The graphic design for this clue is incredibly flawed in my opinion. Why would you have lines drawn from one point of the compass to a specific number if you didn’t want players to conclude that number is connected to that specific point. (Looking at you, 4). I spent probably two hours on this puzzle thinking I was supposed to count the number of pictures on the wall or plants in a specific corner…not cool.
  2. Coffee making - aside from the wonky mechanics that take some getting used to and the annoying flipping back and forth to different recipes, I didn’t mind this puzzle. I honestly kinda like the fact that the latte art is so frustrating because it has created a hilarious meme for the game that I think every ND game needs. I lowkey feel like HER made it infuriating on purpose for this reason.
  3. The gold artifact in the museum - I feel like this one might be more user error on my end, but I really did not understand that I was supposed to search for Rs around the town, nor did I think I was supposed to click the little button at the bottom to trigger the mechanism. I swear I had the right combination for so long but kept second guessing myself because I assumed it would open on its own.
  4. The trunk in the antique store - I just couldn’t find the little button on the side and it stumped me for a good hour, but I will say once I got it open, the gem sliding puzzle was very fun and a very unique puzzle that I quite enjoyed.
  5. The puppet show - Frustrating, but not enraging like some of the other puzzles. I think some more hints as to what props were needed could have helped a lot without making it too easy.
  6. The jewelry safe - I understand what they were trying to do, and I think it was a very good puzzle, but it definitely needed better guidance from the clues in the store. I don’t know how anyone could have solved this without the strategy guide or hints, but kudos to you if you did.
  7. The dean’s wall - I was so excited when I finally realized this was like the Bento puzzle in SAW and I knew exactly what I supposed to do, only to be incredibly disappointed when I had a correct solution about 3 different times, but it wasn’t the EXACT solution the game would accept. Very defeating.
  8. The alchemy puzzle - I was losing steam at this point so maybe I could have solved this on my own, but I struggled a lot with understanding what the book was trying to tell me and eventually looked up the solution after about 30 minutes. BUT this puzzle was pretty fun once I knew what I needed to do and I really appreciate what they were trying to do.
  9. The riddles in the alchemy book - I really liked the candle puzzle and the moon/knight puzzle, but once I got to the clock puzzle I just threw my hands up and said absolutely not and almost immediately looked up the solution lol
  10. The key weight puzzle - My only complaint about this is that I don’t think it makes logical sense in real life? If you don’t know how much one key weighs, you have no idea what the order would be, right? So if you have to get solution by random guessing until Nancy says “that’s right!” How does Nancy know?
Okay, I think I’ll leave it with those 10 for now, but would really love to know y’all’s thoughts as well!
submitted by JaneWilloughby to nancydrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:55 SomewhereOutside7120 The differences between female/ male experiences on BFF

Hi all,
My GF and I both use BFF and I thought to share some contrasts I found interesting in our experience using the app over the last 12 months or so. Just sharing for the sake of sharing if anyone was curious about what the other side looks like. I'm wondering if anyone has found some similarities in theirs?
The male's (my) experience:
  1. Less matches overall. I think men are just less open to the nature of meeting complete strangers in this way and the number of guys on here is much slimmer. In contrast to my GF's experience, I've found that the ghosting (lots of it) is usually in conversation stage. This is strange on it's own. Free flowing conversation will suddenly come to an absolute halt rather than a fizzle out over time. If a meetup in person does happen, it usually results in some sort of friendship even it's very casual.
  2. A lot of gay guys, usually looking for more than friendship. Self explanatory, I would say on average most dudes on the app are gay. Obviously no dramas with that, just personally not the dynamic I am looking for. However, most of them are not looking for friends and 2 dudes have straight up admitted to me they have a conversion fetish. I've made some friends from the app who have had some real horro funny stories.
  3. The artificial nature of the connection. Messaging and trying to find common interests is tough, especially for guys. It's a very un-natural way for guys to make connections, so it can be pretty difficult to keep a chat going. You have to be ready to step out of your comfort zone and be prepared to really "give it a go". Women are way better at forming early connections and bridging gaps in awkwardness in my opinion.
The female's (my GF's) experience:
  1. Many more matches but a LOT of ghosting. She has met many more people IRL than I have, by a substantial factor. However, she might hang out with a girl once or half a dozen times, then they disappear. I think the ghosting or fizzle out rate on the app is probably about the same but women do seem to get more matches.
  2. Lack of effort. Seems to be a common thread from what I have already seen on this subreddit. My GF has said that most girls expect her to do the heavy lifting with conversation. They often don't reciprocate interest or effort in messaging which can be very draining and defeats the purpose. It seems like many girls are on there to cure boredom, get more shiny notifications on their phones or have terrible anxiety and like the idea of it but can't get further than that.
General thoughts:
The app has recently brought out the "Plans" feature which I think is great. It's a great way to break the ice with activity based meetups or navigate the awkwardness of 1:1 meetups. However, it faces a similar problem does, the flake out rate. Arguably it is worse. There is no RSVP function, so with events, people have to confirm or pull out in the chat. When someone does pull out in the chat, it is a domino effect and you can watch the entire attendance rate disappear in 20 minutes. It's quite remarkable actually. A mate I met on here calls it the BFF syndrome. I think it's an anxiety thing, and an RSVP function would help. That way people can see who's going from the start ("Are there any other girls going", "safety in numbers" etc). The plans feature could use a bit more serviceability overall.
I've noticed people looking for alternatives to BFF on the subreddit which is interesting. Obviously this is due to how slack people can be on here, the ghosting etc. This is a people problem rather than an issue with the platform. I think at lot people just like the idea of making friends than actually putting themselves out there and being uncomfortable. It is what it is I guess. It's a numbers game, and the more you put out, the more you get back. I guy that I originally found quite weird on a plans meetup turned out to be someone I look forward to seeing. He told me struggles with terrible social anxiety and forces himself to go to meetups, put more interest into other people and generally leave his comfort zone. It's something I have really come to respect and admire about him.
If you've made it this far, sorry for the essay. Keep the faith and good luck!
submitted by SomewhereOutside7120 to bumblebff [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:55 NovulentSoul End of the Beginning

Lately I've been really ontiplatiting the control over my life during these times of meaningless bullshi. For the past 2 years I've been drowning my self in alcohol, weed and any else I've gotten my hands on. It's sucks to truly admit I'm addicted to substances even when I've gained to the courage to not do them. Currently I'm in a relationship with my girl "Ash". I love her dearly even if I don't show it much, but the truth is I care enough to not reveal who I can be. Maybe I'm just scared of myself or what's to come. Anyways to summarize this all I'm battling depression and my biggest opponent is myself right now. Perhaps I've always been my biggest opponent....
My request to the world is to continue playing my songs and share my content (JemustonXII) Would've never imagined myself expressing my last messages through reddit, but to each his own in this tormented reality. I'd suggest to people between the ages of 14-25 plz consider yourself more than worthy I'm sorry if life is kicking your ass just like mine, but the truth of the matter is no one is willing to save you enough more than you are willing to. In this Lifetime my submission of thought concludes pain, anger and loneliness. At the moment I feel "empty as fuck". Even when individuals notice I'm not okaii they normalize my sarcasm and exaggerated speech. They take it and chew the flavorful "Cry for Help" only to spit it out somewhere unwanted. I carry my days wondering how much more will this last and how much more can I endure this everlasting suffering on this planet. In the past 8 months I've gained much weight. Just last summer I was 180lbs, but now I'm a staggering 270lbs+. It doesn't feel very good since I lost all this weight in 2019 yet it's back just like my fears.
Initially beginning my message/goodbye for when this repurposes I just wanted to be loved by people. It's getting harder to breathe and stranger to talk with people I know much more than myself. I miss my mom. My childhood and my happiness.
Ya know after everything it might not be so bad to exist honestly but the sucky part is you have to live through bullshi you witness.
Before I input my S**cide note I first want to make sure I clear the air... Me myself I have lived a very blessed life being adopted by my aunt (Mom) mistreated in a foster home and surviving hatred from former family. Truly I have thrived very greatly. Anyways.....
First and foremost Mom, Te amo mucho y perdoname por no ser un poquito mas fuerte en estas vida. Quisiera gosar un rato mas perro me tengo que ir para lo que me espera en eternidad. Cuidadate y siempre te voy amar. Eres lo major que me has pasado!
Sister (Sol) I never hated you to be exact , but you made it very much uncomfortable to be around you at any given point especially when favor / money is involved. Its hard to forgive myself for letting you degrade me as a person time after time especially your son Raymond, but the most important part is we are both human in this world. I cherished every moment you've given me and our family especially Mom. More than anything Mom deserves your attention and kind, caring, optimistic, and unconditional love. To say you are a bad person is very much refutable. Anyways take care of the kids and my Mother.
I love you all and thank you Bebo for attending all my sports games and events even when my dad didnt.
Beba and Chary: I adore you both down to my core. I'm truly sorry we were split at my birth, but if anything made it worth it, it would be my existence and being able to enjoy my our first time together as me being an adult in Puerto Rico. Couldn't have asked for anymore truly ... Luv my nephews and nieces
Dad: I'm the end we didn't agree on everything but watching horror movies with you made my world much more visual to my audience. The gore in all the films define my consciousness. Regardless you couldn't be there at much as I would have liked you to but what ever was provide I cherish. I love you pops and always will!! Mom is proud of you Dude for real!!
If we ever had a disagreement just know my thoughts process hasn't changed from the moment we argued. SadbxiiSantos man I love you dude as a brother. Thank you for all the moments and making me feel like I ever had an actual friend in real life. We've gone through a lot for dark roads yet in the end created light for each others existences. You were and still are the most outgoing person I've ever met dude. Props to your charisma and basketball skills. Remember when we were going to perform that one song on stage lol can't forget ever.

Twins #Sadbxii4life

Ash: Waddlezz I have always loved you and respected you as a person even when extreme ties had led us to believe other wise in this relationship. I'm glad our bonding had reinforced and corrupted pillar in our structure. Crazy how quickly love and move if your stuck in it. Thx for meeting my mother and I'm Honored to meet your mother and grandmother as well. It means the universe that all 3 ladies always got along so well and even seeing your moments when you have cried for family inpacted me to not feel so lonely on this dust ball. May death do us part until we meet again..
To all my audience and fanbase, ECT : This is not the end of my come up! This is simply a "I'll see you soon". Don't have very much to share at this point in time while I feel very overwhelmed by emotional intake. These past couples I have been able to sleep or I oversleep to much. I get this eerie sensation of other worldy presence calling me out of the game. As if I've been on a bench my whole life. Truly idk where life ends after this but the begining is to come after we all sleep!!
Thank you to all my supporters Thank you to all my peers Thank you to all my Teachers Thank you God for this glorious life🙏
I didn't complete my goals in full or even accomplished 1/3 of my life's worth of problems hutbyey at least I made it to the final oeriod of this sentence folks...... See you soon
(FYI: this thread is made in preparation of this day)
submitted by NovulentSoul to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:53 amca_19 Diving a bit deeper into Signora reserection theory

U/Yass_0w0Had Made a list of possible ways/reason's that Signora would be reseructed.
Some examples Moth/Butterfly themes, affiliated with new life throu transformation/rebirth.
Her having given up her physical form already ...
But me being me I have taken up to my self to dive a bit into his concept's ( I'm not obsessed nor unhingedly interested into genshin/fictional characters I just enjoy to theories and take a look on them , I'm an artist/sketch artist ( or at least that's what I am called by my friends and family) and I wish to one day work on designing games and characters and there Stories as my profession/side husel)
Most credit is to u/Yass_0w0 check him out!!!
Signora/her moth interrupting the reserection of another character; She could interrupt the reserection of the old Pyro Archon, Take over there body/place/title and thereby claim ownership of the gnosis but the new archon won't let that be but till she(Signora) is beaten she will have given the gnosis over to dottore/capitano/Columbian and would be left to die, which makes her join us.
Dottore will reserect her, as part of an experiment or as part of a trap(dottore is unhinged and cares little for life) which wouldn't make it surprising if he reseructed her just so she could be the bait to be killed by the archon/tribes of natlan while he follows his own Agenda taking gnosis and burning irmensul as seen in that one scene and revealed by one of the Devs to happen in the future.
Capitano(if he is the blood stained knight) resurrecting her; His respect for her and his former master ( her lover) would make him feel it kind of as a duty to bring her back or at least try so, but he will fai or not even tryl to bring la signora back, instead he will reseruct Rosalyne the gentle version (with maybe memory holes).
She gave her body up, but was it destroyed? We know that she nearly killed herself while transforming into CWoF for the first time. Her giving up her body does not mean she destroyed it, it could be somewhere in natlan hidden/protected by a temple or in the liquid fire she drank(I remember reading that there was the sea of liquid fire) where she could have dived into and emerged as a bodyless version of her self that uses elemental energy to manifest a physical form. Or since we know that she was an akademiya student she could have preserved her body somewhere by artificial means.
Cracky theory I'm a giant fan of both la signora and Sandrone, seeing as we have gotten a puppet character in an hoyo game already (Herta HSR) I wouldn't be surprised getting one in genshin(yes balladeer is a puppet of raiden but technically missing the puppet aesthetic) and while Herta is pretty basic in her design she was probably used to test the waters on how to give a character such depth in its design as to produce clear and authentic puppet aesthetic(especially with the hints of us getting a 5 star version of Herta later in the game),comming to the theory What if she will be ,,reserected" into one of sandrones puppets maybe even one in image of a younger(former version)of Rosalyn like the one on arlechino story trailer with less detailed/accessories like her crown/eye patch thingy. A factor for making me think that is that sandrone who was supposedly meant to appear in fountain never did so so her having little bit of influence even if not by showing up in natlan at all would be pretty expectable not to mention hoyo wouldn't be stupid enough to neglect the customer's/players wishes especially seeing as Hsr has become the companies mayn trademark and genshin has not been doing so well since Hsr released(yes arlechino banner was very successful but you have to take into account that 3 new characters are appearing in the next patch,all of which are very popular and are expected to do very very well in getting players to pay for gems, battle pass..., as well as it being suspected that 2 other fan favourites will appear the version after that(2.4).
She won't be reseructed at all (in natlan)she is dead and won't make a return untill shneznaya where we will face her casket/coffin in the palace and then the tsaritsa will reseruct her(having the all gnosis) just to pay her back for her devotion and her having been let go/relieved of her duty will make her join us (since all Archons will be playable we will join with the tsaritsa) and so Signora would join us by default.
I was writing this while it's late and I should be asleep so it's Very cracky but alas I'm just a humble Enjoyer of the fictional worlds and there characters who wishes to share laughter, knowledge, Opinions and all of the other shareable things I'm not able to think of. And this helps me get tired for sleep 😴 Thanks For reading have a lovely day/morning/noon/afternoon/night and over all have a peaceful day...
Edit; I have failed to ask I/Yass_0w0 if I could name him and if I could use his ideas, and as a person who once got there art stolen I wish to apologise if it comes over to you as if I've turning his concept's into mine also my friend mentioned I should write here if you(Yass_0w0) read this thank you for your posts and I'm sorry that I didn't ask you before posting if you wish for me to delet the post/remove you're acount name from it please feel free to write it in the comments.
submitted by amca_19 to SignoraMains [link] [comments]