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2020.01.30 00:07 TricksOrTreatsVR 🎃 Tricks-or-Treats 🎃

See Our Cataclysm of Terrifying Horrors 🔪 "KI-KI-KI, MA-MA-MA"

2024.05.17 13:20 Downtown_Truth5726 Arpit bhai aapni ghar ki kahani gaane ke Madhyam se bata rahe heh ☺️

Arpit bhai aapni ghar ki kahani gaane ke Madhyam se bata rahe heh ☺️ submitted by Downtown_Truth5726 to Arpit_Balabantary [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:20 Other-afternoon_7212 Those who consume intoxicants

Those who consume intoxicants
Those who consume intoxicants and do not perform auspicious deeds or bhakti, they will suffer in future births by becoming a donkey, dog, pig, or ox, and will eat rubbish.
To get rid of intoxication search and read sacred book Way of living.
submitted by Other-afternoon_7212 to Salvation_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:16 StefanoRusso91Scam STEFANO RUSSO TRUFFA

Aurora Panci, Onlyfanser, detta anche la smutandata per via del suo scandalo mediatico nato dopo aver registrato dei video pubblicati online che la riprendevano mentre si toglieva le mutandine davanti ad una chiesa.
Cosa c’è di male direte voi?
Nulla, fin qui, pura goliardia.
Ma c’è di più, MOLTO di più.
Stefano Russo, classe 91, il suo fidanzato, che si definisce coraggiosamente “Luxury Seller”
Stefano Russo Truffa
nell’ultimo anno ha promesso a creator e influencer i servizi più disparati
  • Orologi di lusso
  • Auto
  • Shield (una sorta di scudo antiban per i social media)
  • Management e gestione Onlyfans
e chi più ne ha più ne metta.
E qui, il discorso si fa interessante.
Questi oggetti di lusso e questi servizi online, NON sono mai esistiti.
Prendiamo come esempio lo "Shield", ecco il modus operandi dello scammetruffatore Stefano Russo dopo esser entrati nel suo mirino
  1. Acquisto di fake followers e segnalazioni a non finire dai suoi account
  2. Ti convinceva ad acquistare uno shield o uno dei suoi servizi
  3. Smetteva di segnalarti
Il miracoloso “shield” veniva venduto tra i 5 e i 10k “una tantum”.
La cosa curiosa, è che poi comunque, probabilmente per insoddisfazione personale, i ban e le segnalazioni continuavano a fioccare dopo poco tempo, da quel momento in poi, alla richiesta di restituzione dei soldi, con estrema gentilezza Stefano Russo si prodigava, quotidianamente, a ribadire che il bonifico sarebbe stato fatto “entro domani”, dilungandosi per mesi senza nessuna intenzione di restituire i soldi ai malcapitati.
Lo stesso approccio, riguardo alla restituzione dei soldi, valeva per acconti di orologi di lusso, auto e tanto altro.
Sono infiniti gli screenshot di falsi bonifici, modificati con photoshop (anche in maniera abbastanza grossolana) che girano nei gruppi whatsapp e telegram delle persone che sono state truffate da loro.
Le segnalazioni di truffa a nome di questo personaggio sono decine e solo poche hanno avuto il coraggio di segnalarlo pubblicamente o denunciarlo alle autorità competenti (vedere screenshot qui sotto)
Aurora Panci Fidanzato
Invitiamo tutte le persone coinvolte in questi raggiri a comunicare e denunciare la truffa alle autorità competenti e/o a segnalarle anche via mail a [](
Finisce qui?
Assolutamente no, perché per costruirsi un’immagine ancor più solida e pulita, in barba a tutte le regolamentazioni europee, Stefano Russo ha fondato (non si sa se da solo o con la sua “dolce” metà Aurora Panci) la KING OF LLC
Perché diciamo “in barba a tutte le regolamentazioni europee?”
Perché Stefano Russo e Aurora Panci risiedono STABILMENTE in Italia, poco fuori Roma, ma fatturano e svolgono l’attività all’estero, in piena ESTEROVESTIZIONE
E anche qui la storia si fa interessante perché le storie di collaboratori non pagati, creator truffate, followers indiani acquistati per sabotare i profili e chi più ne ha più ne metta non smettono di venire a galla.
Aurora Panci è stata ospite da “La Zanzara” di Giuseppe Cruciani, qui trovate due video su Youtube
(sentitevi liberi di commentare questi due video con riferimento a questo articolo)
Ma le domande che sarebbero da fare ad Aurora Panci e Stefano Russo sono ben altre, una su tutte.. “Dove sono finiti i soldi? Che fine hanno fatto?”
Come spesso accade, dietro mirabolanti post sui social media di piscine a Dubai e orologi e macchine di lusso, la verità è BEN ALTRA.
Le autorità competenti come i principali programmi televisivi sono sono già stati contattati, confidiamo che sia la giustizia a fargli le giuste domande nelle sedi opportune.
Vi ricordiamo per l’ultima volta la mail per poter segnalare notizie riguardo a questo truffatore [](
Cordiali Saluti
submitted by StefanoRusso91Scam to u/StefanoRusso91Scam [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:15 Marmsiemns a tökéletes megoldás

a tökéletes megoldás submitted by Marmsiemns to szopjatokle [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:15 HR-Expert In der 4., komplett neu bearbeiteten Auflage dieses wegweisenden Ratgebers, herausgegeben von einem preisgekrönten Verlag, vereinen renommierte Experten (Übersicht in der Buchvorschau) ihr Wissen mit einer interaktiven KI.

In der 4., komplett neu bearbeiteten Auflage dieses wegweisenden Ratgebers, herausgegeben von einem preisgekrönten Verlag, vereinen renommierte Experten (Übersicht in der Buchvorschau) ihr Wissen mit einer interaktiven KI. submitted by HR-Expert to Better_Work_and_Life [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:14 StefanoRusso91Scam AURORA PANCI TRUFFATRICE

Aurora Panci, Onlyfanser, detta anche la smutandata per via del suo scandalo mediatico nato dopo aver registrato dei video pubblicati online che la riprendevano mentre si toglieva le mutandine davanti ad una chiesa.
Cosa c’è di male direte voi?
Nulla, fin qui, pura goliardia.
Ma c’è di più, MOLTO di più.
Stefano Russo, classe 91, il suo fidanzato, che si definisce coraggiosamente “Luxury Seller”
Fidanzato Aurora Panci
nell’ultimo anno ha promesso a creator e influencer i servizi più disparati
  • Orologi di lusso
  • Auto
  • Shield (una sorta di scudo antiban per i social media)
  • Management e gestione Onlyfans
e chi più ne ha più ne metta.
E qui, il discorso si fa interessante.
Questi oggetti di lusso e questi servizi online, NON sono mai esistiti.
Prendiamo come esempio lo "Shield", ecco il modus operandi dello scammetruffatore Stefano Russo dopo esser entrati nel suo mirino
  1. Acquisto di fake followers e segnalazioni a non finire dai suoi account
  2. Ti convinceva ad acquistare uno shield o uno dei suoi servizi
  3. Smetteva di segnalarti
Il miracoloso “shield” veniva venduto tra i 5 e i 10k “una tantum”.
La cosa curiosa, è che poi comunque, probabilmente per insoddisfazione personale, i ban e le segnalazioni continuavano a fioccare dopo poco tempo, da quel momento in poi, alla richiesta di restituzione dei soldi, con estrema gentilezza Stefano Russo si prodigava, quotidianamente, a ribadire che il bonifico sarebbe stato fatto “entro domani”, dilungandosi per mesi senza nessuna intenzione di restituire i soldi ai malcapitati.
Lo stesso approccio, riguardo alla restituzione dei soldi, valeva per acconti di orologi di lusso, auto e tanto altro.
Sono infiniti gli screenshot di falsi bonifici, modificati con photoshop (anche in maniera abbastanza grossolana) che girano nei gruppi whatsapp e telegram delle persone che sono state truffate da loro.
Le segnalazioni di truffa a nome di questo personaggio sono decine e solo poche hanno avuto il coraggio di segnalarlo pubblicamente o denunciarlo alle autorità competenti (vedere screenshot qui sotto)
Stefano Russo Truffa
Invitiamo tutte le persone coinvolte in questi raggiri a comunicare e denunciare la truffa alle autorità competenti e/o a segnalarle anche via mail a [](
Finisce qui?
Assolutamente no, perché per costruirsi un’immagine ancor più solida e pulita, in barba a tutte le regolamentazioni europee, Stefano Russo ha fondato (non si sa se da solo o con la sua “dolce” metà Aurora Panci) la KING OF LLC
Perché diciamo “in barba a tutte le regolamentazioni europee?”
Perché Stefano Russo e Aurora Panci risiedono STABILMENTE in Italia, poco fuori Roma, ma fatturano e svolgono l’attività all’estero, in piena ESTEROVESTIZIONE
E anche qui la storia si fa interessante perché le storie di collaboratori non pagati, creator truffate, followers indiani acquistati per sabotare i profili e chi più ne ha più ne metta non smettono di venire a galla.
Aurora Panci è stata ospite da “La Zanzara” di Giuseppe Cruciani, qui trovate due video su Youtube
(sentitevi liberi di commentare questi due video con riferimento a questo articolo)
Ma le domande che sarebbero da fare ad Aurora Panci e Stefano Russo sono ben altre, una su tutte.. “Dove sono finiti i soldi? Che fine hanno fatto?”
Come spesso accade, dietro mirabolanti post sui social media di piscine a Dubai e orologi e macchine di lusso, la verità è BEN ALTRA.
Le autorità competenti come i principali programmi televisivi sono sono già stati contattati, confidiamo che sia la giustizia a fargli le giuste domande nelle sedi opportune.
Vi ricordiamo per l’ultima volta la mail per poter segnalare notizie riguardo a questo truffatore [](
Cordiali Saluti
submitted by StefanoRusso91Scam to u/StefanoRusso91Scam [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:14 DryExcitement3060 People who only blame BJP for women safety are silent this time. but they are correct because in INDI alliance even CM house is not safe place for women, so expectations from BJP is at it's peak even by people who are against BJP govt.

People who only blame BJP for women safety are silent this time. but they are correct because in INDI alliance even CM house is not safe place for women, so expectations from BJP is at it's peak even by people who are against BJP govt. submitted by DryExcitement3060 to indianews [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:13 Zsenyka Autó: Szentkirályi Alexandra játék autóval hívta ki Karácsonyt és a dugóban álló kocsikat

Autó: Szentkirályi Alexandra játék autóval hívta ki Karácsonyt és a dugóban álló kocsikat submitted by Zsenyka to hungary [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:11 un_red Inked girl © Sarah Marie.

Inked girl © Sarah Marie. submitted by un_red to InkedArts [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:00 Queasy-Contest-6524 I was auto-assigned an expired derby task

I was auto-assigned an expired derby task
I just completed a task to produce 7 pumpkin pies. After completing it I went to grab a new task (I have a full boat waiting to go for a boat task) but I saw I’ve been reassigned the pumpkin pie task but it’s expired.
Has anyone experienced this or have any advice? It won’t let me use my expired task re-do from the pass either.
submitted by Queasy-Contest-6524 to HayDay [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:55 PalpitationDue1534 I am, done with living

I will KiII myself Soon tonight.
21 years old, no sociaI Iife and Iife is reaIIy difficuIt and IoneIy. I despise looking at myself and feel useful or wanted just a straight failure I have no friends at all, have never had a Girlfriend, no family. am so lonely, struggling with social anxiety and being autistic it feels like I’m just living being for the sake of it among people and this feeling of being an alien. Loneliness is consuming me to no end I’ve spent the entire of last year trying to change, going to public places such as groups, bars and so on to no success I just go to college then home then, repeat.
Then ı tried, online dating no matches so even the online world is difficult, this doesn’t help that I don’t even really have family I can be around they don’t necessarily want me there. I believe there's nothing in this world for me. All just see in the near future is just being miserable and alone. I know how I’m going to do it and it will be a success I just can’t anymore and thank you for reading. I hope you find peace yourself.
submitted by PalpitationDue1534 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:48 diktamamocsibori Aki nem latja az elot: bent "szimpatia szavazas" volt bent, azaz kit varnanak vissza?Gina mögé állt: Ádi, Kikidi, Reni, Csaszi, kamu ratyi möge: Dorka, DzsiGeri, Dudu, Vera (ezt ki érti? leszerepelt...) Geri és Csicsi.

Bent sem egyértelmű a szitu, csak a szekta vezírtől tartanak. Takarodjon ez a ratyi álkeresztény, hazug senkiházi végre!!!
submitted by diktamamocsibori to VV12_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:48 thedeathbeam [Hyprland] Solarized Dark - Decided to finally give Hyprland a shot (long time BSPWM user)

[Hyprland] Solarized Dark - Decided to finally give Hyprland a shot (long time BSPWM user) submitted by thedeathbeam to unixporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:45 Calm-Visit-6265 mods tumhari aisi ki taisi

yeh cbse vgerah wali posts kamse kam band karwado pleaz existential crisis dere yeh bkl bachhe
submitted by Calm-Visit-6265 to kothibanglacheck [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:44 DrawingNo9057 Senior's ki help req

After writing so many exams and preparing for 3 years and not getting results as per expectations I have lost confidence in my skills I doubt myself at every point Now the ease with which I used to study and solve 20-30 ques in a get go also seems to have dipped I can't concentrate on one single thought at a time I can't sit tight and study even for an hour straight I don't even like scrolling anymore I am not able to justify any action I do during the course of the day I just do it and feel guilty about it I have decent scores in every exam I have given but not what I had expected from any
I had one doubt will this doubt thingy that has crept in ever go after this jee journey or I need to do something for it Please guide seniors who had to gone through this I have two exams in front of me I want to try my hands on them so I need to study a little more than what I do rn please help
submitted by DrawingNo9057 to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:41 necromcr LJ - Potrebujem pediatrinjo, nujno. Beri opis.

Direktno razlaga vprašanja: prepir doma, otrok ima "vnetje ušesa" po zdravnici, ki ga je pogledala v parih sekundah (ni me bilo zraven) in je dobil antibiotike, žena ga je peljala na bioresonanco in ona tam ni videla vnetja. Prepir, ker mu noče dati zdravil, otroku je šla bolečina še na drugo uho. Potrebujem pediatra/injo, ki ga bo pogledala še danes ampak nočem delati drame na Metelkovi (ja, na Slovenia pa lahko, sue me..). Grem kamorkoli v LJ in okolici.
submitted by necromcr to Slovenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:40 CharaChips I NEED AN ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER

Dekho IPMAT toh nikal gaya haath se JIPMAT bacha hai. toh agar koi hai jo meri tarah puri tarike se haar maan chuka hai lekin phir bhi paper dene jaayega KRIPA KARKE SAMPARK KARE
BOHOT JYAADA DIMAAG KHARAB HO GAYA HAI 15 DIN KE LIYE KOI chup chaap kaam karne ki umeed mein hai toh PLEASE CONTACT
submitted by CharaChips to IPMATtards [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:40 Head_Protection_9086 Valaki tudja hogy Valen hogy került ki a kanapéra Vera melle reggel ?

submitted by Head_Protection_9086 to VV12_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:38 Some-Nose9566 이 라면 꽤 맵네요.

이 라면 꽤 맵네요.
일단 이렇게 말하는 저는 매운 음식에 꽤 약합니다. 신상이라길래 궁금하기도 하고 2+1도 하길래 혹해서 사왔는데 생각 이상으로 매웠습니다. 삼양라면보다 약간 맵겠거니 했는데 약간이 아니었네요. 불닭 빼고 삼양에서 나오는 국물 라면 중에서 매운 걸로는 상위권이지 싶습니다.
submitted by Some-Nose9566 to Mogong [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:38 Kunal_Sen 40 Years of Sharaabi

40 Years of Sharaabi
After Amitabh Bachchan’s near fatal accident and before his ill-fated stint in politics and between the big blockbusters Coolie (1983) and Mard (1985) made by Manmohan Desai, his arch rival, there is also the Prakash Mehra hit Sharaabi, another Bachchan starrer. Indeed, even by Mehra’s own standards, set by the super blockbuster Muqaddar Ka Sikandar, blockbuster Namak Halaal, and super hits Zanjeer, Hera Pheri and Laawaris, Sharaabi seems lesser but it was made with remarkable difficulties and remains his last success as a filmmaker. This post is an ode to the product and the pain in its production.
The Poster
The origins story of Sharaabi has three versions and the truth lies somewhere in between. The first and best known one is that the film is a version of the English film Arthur. The second account comes straight from the horse’s mouth and suggests the idea was born in, if not out of, thin air.
“We were on the World Tour of 1983, the very first of its kind for the Industry and having performed in almost 10 cities in US and London, flying to Trinidad & Tobago from NYC, when Prakash Mehra also travelling with me, suggests we should do a film based on a father son relationship where the son is an alcoholic.”
- Amitabh Bachchan
Lastly, the story goes that while shooting in the outdoors for Laawaris, Mehra made friends with the hotel owner who fascinated him as a functioning alcoholic who ran a successful business as well.
Mehra’s arch-rival Desai alluded that the friendship was likely based on kinship.
“Only a Sharaabi can make a film called Sharaabi,” Desai said in the press back then. Mehra’s reply can’t be reprinted. But his films always had autobiographical elements. The music director Anand ji said that like his films’ orphaned or neglected heroes, Mehra too faced abandonment issues because when he was young, his father had become a sadhu.
“… blew my hand off with a Diwali bomb .. took me 2 months to move my thumb to my index finger.”
- Amitabh Bachchan
Still recovering from the grievous injury on the sets of Coolie in the July of ’82, which forced Bachchan first to wear special belts around his stomach to basically prevent his guts from spilling out and then long shirts and coats to hide the scars, an accident involving a spurious Anaar on Diwali day of 1983 meant that Bachchan lost most of his skin, webbing and use of fingers on his left hand (and Bachchan is left-handed). But he worked through immense pain and improvised by hiding his injured hand in pockets, creating the iconic look from the film, though in one song, the blood and bandage is woven into the narrative.
Hiding Pain
This was the time when there was a heroine crisis in Amitabh Bachchan’s screen life. Hema Malini had started a family and cut down on work. Parveen Babi was unwell. Jaya Bachchan had retired. Reportedly, Raj Babbar made it difficult for Smita Patil to be available for Bachchan’s projects. There were doubts over Shabana Azmi’s commercial potential. And Mehra had had date problems with Rakhee in the past. While Zeenat Aman had worked with the duo in Laawaris, Sharaabi’s role of a Hindustani dancer was different. In stepped Jaya Prada.
Bachchan’s idea and insistence to speak the lines in a drawl-like fashion of a drunkard and Mehra’s concern about pacing brought about the brilliant joint decision to keep the lines sharp and short so that Bachchan could draw them out. The fact that his character Vicky in the film was also a budding poet seeking vazan in his spoken creations that he would only find later, like an older-day Janardan Jordan (of Rockstar fame), meant that there also had to a graph along with the meter. Kader Khan memorably put pen to paper.
Kishore Kumar was Bachchan’s voice in Mehra’s films. But when Sharaabi went on floors, a cold war was brewing. Some time ago, Kishore had expected Bachchan to agree to a cameo in a film called Mamta Ki Chhaon Mein but influenced by Desai, who had a long-running feud with Kishore over monetary issues and artistic differences despite their collaborative success, Bachchan declined. Kishore announced he wouldn’t sing for Bachchan again, leaving Sharaabi’s pre-production in crisis.
It was Bappi Lahiri, Kishore’s nephew and Mehra’s Namak Halaal music director, who brought the icons together for Sharaabi. The truce wouldn’t last long though. Kishore got upset that Bachchan got playback credit before him for singing the rap section (“There was a cat…” ) in his “Jahaan Chaar Yaar” unlike their jugalbandi in “My Name in Anthony Gonsalves” in Desai’s Amar Akbar Anthony where Bachchan had dubbed the English-speaking portions.
Kishore’s work in Sharaabi was historic enough to earn him all the nominations at that year’s Filmfare Awards for Best Playback Singer (Male), a record number. Kishore would win for “Manzilein Apni Jagah Hain”. Unlike Namak Halaal’s Pag Ghunghroo, he even performed the classical alaap himself before the Log Kehte Hain Main Sharaabi Hoon section of the Salaame-E-Ishq Meri Jaan-like song “Mujhe Naulakha Mangwa De Re”. RJ Rahoul has a great take on the making of Intehaa Ho Gayi in which it’s impossible to detect when Bachchan’s dialogues end and Kishore’s singing starts. Despite their differences off screen, they were that close on it.
Sharaabi would win its year's Filmfares only in the Music Category but time has also marked Vicky Kapoor as one of Amitabh Bachchan's iconic roles and perhaps his greatest performance in the 1980s.
submitted by Kunal_Sen to bollywood [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:36 asdasd21122112 VV Barnás insta szavazáson Valen vezet

VV Barnás insta szavazáson Valen vezet
Az arány kb. ugyanannyi, mint a hivatalos. Nem szabadulunk Valentol.
submitted by asdasd21122112 to VV12_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:36 BowleyTattoo Recent work by me at Blue Collar Club Tattoo, Sheffield! IG-@Bowleytattoo

Recent work by me at Blue Collar Club Tattoo, Sheffield! IG-@Bowleytattoo submitted by BowleyTattoo to Best_tattoos [link] [comments]