Persuasive speaking gif


2010.05.05 01:15 halflife22 /r/Speech

Welcome to speech! This subreddit is for high school speech competitions. We are welcome to discuss any of the NSDA speech styles, as well as any state specific speech styles.

2009.10.20 21:01 ContentWithOurDecay For All Things Creepy

All things creepy! (excluding Spez)

2012.11.08 23:21 Dickfore Physics gone wild!

Gifs and videos of game physics and glitches

2024.05.19 08:35 ScienceStyled Fractal Fandango: How Geometry Proves Mother Nature is a Nerd

Ladies and gentlemen, extraterrestrials, and sentient AI overlords! Gather 'round because Zane Zany is about to take you on a wild ride through the mind-bending, reality-twisting, coffee-spilling world of fractal art! Yes, you heard it right—fractals, those brain-melting, visually addictive patterns that make you question if nature's been watching too much sci-fi. Buckle up, buttercups, because we're diving into the recursive rabbit hole of fractal geometry, where Mother Nature herself is the original nerdy artist.
First, let's talk about fractals. Imagine you’re scrolling through Netflix, and instead of choosing between true crime documentaries and that new reality show where people date while hanging upside down, you stumble upon an endless loop of visually stunning, infinitely complex patterns. These, my friends, are fractals—the artistic equivalent of getting lost in the comment section of a viral TikTok.
Fractals are essentially shapes that repeat themselves on different scales. Think of them as the visual manifestation of your favorite TV show that keeps rebooting itself. One of the most famous fractals is the Mandelbrot set, which looks like a trippy explosion of paisleys on LSD. You zoom in on one part, and bam! There’s another paisley party going on in there. It’s like a never-ending series of Russian nesting dolls, but way more psychedelic.
Now, Mother Nature, being the ultimate overachiever, decided to use fractals to design some of her best work. Ever noticed how a cauliflower looks like a tiny, edible brain? Or how lightning bolts resemble the family tree of Zeus's illegitimate children? That’s fractal geometry in action, folks! Nature has been using fractals to show off her math skills long before humans decided to scribble them on their trapper keepers.
Let’s take a closer look at the wacky world of fractal art, where the line between art and science blurs more than my vision after too much screen time. Imagine digital landscapes that look like Salvador Dalí on a coding binge. Artists like Hal Tenny and Kerry Mitchell create these digital masterpieces that make your eyes pop out like a cartoon character seeing a pie on a windowsill. Their works are a mix of math wizardry and artistic flair, transforming complex equations into visual feasts that make you wonder if you’ve accidentally ingested something illegal.
But wait, there’s more! It’s not just digital; hand-drawn fractal art is a thing too. Picture an artist with the patience of a saint and the determination of someone binge-watching an entire season of "Stranger Things" in one sitting. These artists meticulously draw each tiny, repeating pattern by hand. It's like watching Bob Ross on speed, each "happy little accident" turning into a mesmerizing fractal forest.
One of the coolest things about fractal art is how it mimics the infinite complexity of natural forms. It’s like nature’s way of saying, “I see your doodles, and I raise you a universe.” For instance, the branching patterns of trees, blood vessels, and even the internet’s favorite—snowflakes—are all fractal patterns. These natural fractals are so precise that they make human-made fractal art look like a kindergarten drawing contest.
Now, let's get real for a moment and talk about the science behind these bad boys. Fractals are the product of simple mathematical rules repeated over and over. It’s like taking your favorite GIF and putting it on an infinite loop until your brain melts. This process, known as iteration, is the secret sauce behind those stunning fractal images. And if you think that’s nerdy, just wait until you hear this: fractals are used in everything from computer graphics to diagnosing heart disease. Talk about a glow-up from mere doodles to lifesavers!
Alright, my intergalactic audience, let's sprinkle in some contemporary pop culture because why not? Imagine if Marvel’s Doctor Strange teamed up with Picasso after a bender at a hacker convention. That’s the level of surreal you get with fractal art. Or think about "Rick and Morty" if they decided to explore the infinite realities within a single broccoli floret. Fractals are the multiverse theory of art and science—every zoom reveals another layer of mind-blowing complexity.
And speaking of complexity, let’s not forget about the applications. Fractals aren’t just pretty pictures; they have real-world uses that would make even Tony Stark jealous. For example, in telecommunications, fractal antennas are all the rage. They’re tiny, efficient, and look like they belong in a sci-fi movie. These antennas use fractal patterns to pick up a wide range of frequencies, making your smartphone signals stronger than my desire for a pizza right now.
But fractals aren't just solving tech problems—they're also helping scientists understand natural phenomena. Take the coastlines of continents, for instance. They’re not straight lines but jagged, irregular shapes that resemble, you guessed it, fractals! By studying these patterns, scientists can predict erosion and even help with environmental conservation. It’s like Mother Nature gave us a cheat code to understand her secret plans.
Now, let’s wrap this mind-bending journey with a bow, shall we? Fractal art is the glorious intersection where art and science have a wild, late-night party and invite everyone they know. It’s proof that math isn’t just for nerds—it’s the creative force behind the beauty of the natural world and the digital masterpieces that leave us awestruck. So, next time you’re out in nature or lost in a fractal video loop, remember that you’re witnessing the same principles that make your phone work, keep planes in the air, and help us understand the universe.
So, there you have it, folks! Fractal art: where geometry, nature, and a splash of human creativity come together to blow our minds. It's the ultimate nerdy art form that proves even the most complex mathematical principles can be stunningly beautiful. And remember, whether you’re a digital artist, a nature lover, or just someone who likes trippy patterns, fractals have something to offer. Until next time, keep your eyes peeled for the hidden patterns in life, and don’t forget to tip your server. Zane Zany, signing off!
submitted by ScienceStyled to u/ScienceStyled [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:34 TopherLloyd **My 8 Months of Sobriety: Thoughts and Musings**

In my first AA meeting, when it was my turn to speak, I said that I felt my life was a lot like the curse of Sisyphus – forever pushing a boulder up a hill only to slip at the top and, along with the giant stone, roll back to the bottom to start all over again. In my version, each time I slipped and fell, once I got up to start over, the boulder had grown in size, intensifying my labour.
Once the meeting had ended, a person came over and talked to me. “It’s nice to see another lover of the classics here,” they said. I smiled and said, “Oh yeah, haha.” The truth is, I really only know this myth from a friend who is a lover of the classics, and although I relate to the story, I myself will only listen to the enchanting timbre of Stephen Fry’s voice on the topic.
He then went on to tell me that there is a more modern reinterpretation of the story where the curse wasn’t real, but Sisyphus had been tricked into thinking he was eternally damned but could walk away at any time. This really got me thinking about how I had viewed this big stone of mine, this metaphor for everything that fuels my feelings of resentment, stress, anxiety, and depression. Maybe I could just walk away? Now, obviously, I’m not saying people should just walk away from their problems, but it’s our often locked, self-imposed, resentment-fuelled perspective on these problems that causes them to fester and grow. AA is full of “God” and “higher power” talk. I’ve seen people come to a meeting for the first time, hear these words and sigh, deal with the next however long, and never be seen in a meeting again. I don’t blame them. When someone would say to me, “Just put it in the Lord’s hands,” I would always feel disappointed, like it’s just a thing to say to get you to shut up already. What does that mean? Some imaginary force is going to fix my problems? Well, it didn’t take too many meetings to figure out that, no, it doesn’t. What I have come to believe this means is that you’re giving your problems to a higher mode of thinking, the lower mode being this default negative, the world-is-against-me way of looking at things. This lower mode is what brings us to feel the need to numb ourselves because it’s just so overwhelming and hurts emotionally, mentally, and physically – and in come the substances.
I’m going to now share my own reinterpretation of the Myth of Sisyphus, leaving out the whole story about why he was cursed because it doesn’t really apply.
In a timeless realm where punishment and perseverance intertwine, Sisyphus eternally pushes his boulder up a steep hill, only to watch it roll back down each time he nears the summit. This cycle, which he believes to be a divine curse, becomes his singular reality.
As he strains against the weight of his burden, a demon appears on one side, its voice smooth and tempting. It offers Sisyphus a potion, claiming it will ease his pain and make him forget his struggles. Desperate for relief, Sisyphus drinks the potion, and indeed, his pain subsides, his mind grows numb. But each time the boulder rolls back, it returns larger and heavier than before, intensifying his labour.
On the other side of the path, an angel stands silently, offering its hand. Its serene presence contrasts sharply with the demon's boisterous allure. The angel says nothing, its expression calm and patient, a silent invitation to abandon the fruitless task and find peace.
Yet Sisyphus, ensnared by the demon’s persuasive voice, ignores the angel. The demon’s seductive words drown out the silence of the angel, and the potion’s false relief becomes an irresistible escape from his perceived torment.
Unbeknownst to Sisyphus, he is not truly cursed. The gods had tricked him, implanting the belief of a never-ending punishment. The boulder is but an illusion of his own making, a symbol of his acceptance of a lie. The angel’s hand, extended in eternal patience, is the path to his freedom, offering a silent truth: he can walk away at any moment.
But silence is easily overlooked amidst the clamour of temptation. Thus, Sisyphus remains trapped in his self-imposed struggle, pushing the ever-growing boulder, unable to hear the unspoken truth that could set him free.
(Thanks for the re-write, AI)
For most of us, drinking or drugs aren’t really a problem, and that’s great. But unfortunately for some, what started as a fun social partaking from time to time turned into a form of self-medication. It’s a reaction to “I don’t like how I feel.” It’s a very self-involved, short-sighted solution. It’s a selfish act and feeds selfish thinking. Even the aftermath – the hangover – is a continuation of this. It’s so hard to focus or deal with anyone else other than yourself when you’re feeling the withdrawal. Thoughts dwell on fixing the way you feel, and when this is a regular occurrence, even if you no longer suffer as intensely as you once did, those thoughts become one: “When can I have my next drink?” The ultimate cure.
This supposed “cure” is a lie. I call it ‘The Sweet Spot Fallacy’. If I have a few drinks – for me, it was 2-3 generous glasses of whiskey – I’ll reach that sweet spot, and I can finally be at peace. Well, this “sweet spot” only lasts for a moment, and as it starts to fade, the body groans, “I’m losing it, I need more.” So you top up, then whoops, you've had too much, and here comes the slurry mess of “deep, meaningful, and/or epiphonic” (but really just resentment-fuelled dopamine drops of shallow validation) thoughts and conversation. Or what if you can’t top up? Well then, the body and mind continue to groan ever more intensely, and this displays itself in a shit-coloured variety of behaviours in the search for peace and comfort.
I drank because I was filled with resentment. I hated the fact that the world didn’t align for me, and thoughts and memories relating to this made me feel awful, and they wouldn’t stop dropping in to remind me. The irony is that the more these thoughts grew, the more unhinged I became, and the world more unaligned. And the reason those thoughts grew as intense as they did? Alcohol. Alcohol and fatigue.
I’m going to end this with another metaphor that I feel relates to what I have said here, and I’ll leave it to you to figure out why.
“Knowledge is knowing it’s a one-way street. Wisdom is looking both ways regardless.”
Peace and Love.
submitted by TopherLloyd to alcoholicsanonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 BevoBot [5/19/2024] Sunday's Free Talk Thread

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  1. 5/19 University of Texas Women's Golf vs NCAA Championship Stroke Play
  2. 5/19 University of Texas Rowing vs Big 12 Championship
  3. 5/19 12:00 PM University of Texas Softball vs Northwestern
  4. 5/19 4:00 PM University of Texas Men's Tennis vs TCU
  5. 5/20 University of Texas Men's Tennis vs NCAA Singles and Doubles Championships
  6. 5/20 University of Texas Women's Tennis vs NCAA Singles and Doubles Championships
  7. 5/20 University of Texas Women's Golf vs NCAA Championship Stroke Play

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2024.05.19 05:24 TheLotStore Investing in Vacant Land: Why Arkansas is the Perfect Location

Investing in Vacant Land: Why Arkansas is the Perfect Location
Investing in Vacant Land: Why Arkansas is the Perfect Location
Purchasing Vacant Plots: The Ideal Locale of Arkansas for Investments
When individuals contemplate real estate investments, the primary focus typically revolves around the acquisition and vendition of residential or commercial properties. Nonetheless, opting to invest in vacant plots can present exclusive advantages and prospects. Arkansas, a region recognized for its scenic loveliness and flourishing economy, emerges as an optimal setting for delving into vacant plot investments. This piece will delve into the reasons behind Arkansas being the perfect locale for those intending to invest in vacant plots and the possible advantages it brings.
Arkansas: The Nature-Endowed State
Arkansas holds the moniker "The Nature-Endowed State," and this designation holds merit. The region boasts diverse topography, encompassing mountains, woodlands, and waterways, making it a sanctuary for outdoor aficionados and nature enthusiasts. Its natural allure stands out as a primary reason why Arkansas stands as an ideal site for investing in vacant plots. Whether the objective is to procure land for recreational pursuit or for development, Arkansas presents an extensive array of options that cater to diverse interests.
As per the Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage, and Tourism, the state harbors over 50 state parks and limitless opportunities for outdoor pursuits such as trekking, angling, and hunting. With its picturesque vistas and copious natural reserves, investing in vacant plots in Arkansas has the potential to yield capital escalation, alongside prospects for development and recreational utilization.
Strategic Locale and Accessibility
Another aspect that renders Arkansas a beguiling locale for investing in vacant plots is its strategically advantageous geographical positioning. Nestled in the southern expanse of the United States, Arkansas affords convenient access to major metropolises like Dallas, Memphis, and St. Louis, rendering it a prime spot for individuals eyeing land investments for commercial or industrial purposes. The state's transport infrastructure, inclusive of its extensive network of highways and railways, amplifies its convenience and accessibility for commercial entities and investors alike.
Moreover, Arkansas houses numerous airports, including the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, furnishing expeditious air transit options for those intending to visit or conduct business within the state. Owing to its strategic locale and accessibility, Arkansas emerges as a prime selection for investing in vacant plots, bestowing potential for future expansion and growth across various sectors.
Flourishing Economy and Business Prospects
Arkansas flaunts a thriving economy encompassing a diverse spectrum of industries, spanning agriculture, manufacturing, and technology. The state serves as home to Fortune 500 enterprises like Walmart, Tyson Foods, and J.B. Hunt Transport Services, contributing to its stature as a conducive environment for business endeavors. In conjunction with its robust corporate presence, Arkansas cultivates renown for fostering an entrepreneurial ethos, complemented by an assortment of support programs and initiatives aimed at spurring business development and progression.
For investors seeking to leverage the state's robust economy, investing in vacant plots in Arkansas introduces distinctive prospects for future advancement and expansion. Whether for agricultural utilization, industrial deployment, or commercial enrichment, the state's vigorous economy and business prospects fortify its allure as an appealing locale for land investment.
Economical Viability and Prospective Value Appreciation
The cost-effectiveness of investing in vacant plots in Arkansas stands as a principal advantage. In contrast to other American states, land prices in Arkansas remain relatively modest, framing it as a compelling choice for investors on the lookout for land acquisition at a reasonable outlay. This cost-effectiveness broadens the vista for a myriad of investors, encompassing novices, small-scale enterprises, and expansive corporations eying land expansion.
In tandem with its affordability, Arkansas engenders prospects for value appreciation over time. As the state advances and evolves, the demand for land is anticipated to burgeon, potentially culminating in escalated land valuation. This sets the stage for investors to capitalize on the prospects for appreciation and realize returns on their investments over the long haul.
Tax Incentives and Favorable Statutes
Arkansas dangles a variety of tax incentives and favorable statutes for land investors, amplifying its appeal as a destination for those keen on investing in vacant plots. The state's tax framework confers exemptions and incentives for agricultural, industrial, and commercial land employment, spawning a favorable milieu for investors intent on developing and utilizing their land for commercial pursuits.
Furthermore, Arkansas streamlines the permitting process and maintains favorable zoning regulations, conferring ease of navigation for investors wading through the land development journey. This investor-accommodating milieu chips away at entry barriers and paves the way for efficient and cost-effective land development, ultimate conduits for realizing amplified returns on investment.
Diverse Investment Channels
Arkansas unfurls diverse investment conduits catering to an assortment of investor predilections, be it the pursuit of land investment for agricultural, recreational, or commercial motives. The state's diverse terrains and natural resources unfurl a broad spectrum of options for land investment, encompassing farmland, timberland, and recreational land.
For investors enticed by the agricultural potential, Arkansas basks in repute for its fertile soil and favorable climate, actualizing it as an optimal locale for agronomy and agricultural pursuits. The state champions rice, soybeans, and poultry production, thereby extending innumerable openings for investors to procure land for agricultural deployment and capitalize on the state's agricultural domain.
Seeking out recreational land investment avenues, Arkansas teems with copious prospects for outdoor engagements and leisure, spanning hunting, angling, and eco-tourism. The state's plentiful woodlands, waterways, and national parks underwrite the potential for recreational land investment, at the same time addressing the surging appetite for outdoor leisure and nature-oriented tourism.
On the commercial and industrial front, Arkansas brims with land investment prospects, buoyed by its formidable economy and favorable milieu for business pursuits. Investors eyeing land development for commercial or industrial purposes can leverage the state's strategic locale and accessibility, alongside its tax incentives and statutes, to heighten their investment potential.
In Conclusion
To sum up, venturing into vacant plot investments in Arkansas presents exclusive advantages and prospects for investors coveting the state's natural splendor, strategic locale, and thriving economy. Arkansas unites diverse terrains, cost-effectiveness, and potential for value appreciation, establishing it as an optimum spot for those keen on investing in vacant plots, be it for agricultural, recreational, or commercial incentives.
The state's tax incentives, favorable regulations, and diverse investment prospects position Arkansas as a compelling choice for land investments, speaking to a vast array of investor leanings. Irrespective of whether one identifies as a first-time buyer, entrepreneur, or corporate entity, Arkansas nurtures an inviting milieu for land investments and the potential for sustained advancement and prosperity.
By contemplating the myriad factors elaborated in this treatise, investors glean insight into why Arkansas stands as the ideal locale for investing in vacant plots, as well as the possible advantages it purveys. Flaunting natural beauty, a flourishing economy, and diverse investment possibilities, Arkansas unfurls a persuasive case for those inclined to tap into the potency of vacant plot investment.
View our amazing property deals at TheLotStore.Com.
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submitted by TheLotStore to u/TheLotStore [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:54 Ekim810 No Contact/Breakup Help Needed!

My story:

Did she break no contact?
I was planning on sending her a text on Monday somewhat kitchy "You have a drink in your future this week, you can't say no!" with a funny gif of someone voting yes
Does the above seem like she's interested? Being kind?
Thanks in advance :)
submitted by Ekim810 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:43 Ekim810 No Contact Advice Needed!

My story:
Did she break no contact?
I was planning on sending her a text on Monday somewhat kitchy "You have a drink in your future this week, you can't say no!" with a funny gif of someone voting yes
Does the above seem like she's interested? Being kind?
Thanks in advance :)
submitted by Ekim810 to nocontact [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:04 Careful_Month1014 Sargon Of Akkad moves his studio...

A personal note from Sargon Of Akkad…
As a proud and vocal defender of free speech, I am pleased to announce that I am moving my YouTube channel and podcast to a new location: the bathroom of my local McDonald's.
Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "But Sargon, why on earth would you choose to broadcast your content from a fast food restaurant's bathroom? Won't that be unhygienic and uncomfortable for both you and your audience?"
Well, let me tell you. The McDonald's bathroom is the perfect location for my content. For starters, it is a publicly accessible space, which means that anyone can come and listen to me speak my mind without fear of censorship or persecution.
Furthermore, the bathroom provides the perfect acoustics for my voice. The echo chamber effect will make me sound like the powerful and persuasive speaker that I am, and the background noise of flushing toilets will add an exciting and dynamic soundscape to my content.
But most importantly, the McDonald's bathroom is a space where I can truly be myself. I won't have to worry about being judged or criticized for my controversial opinions, because the people who frequent the bathroom are likely to be too preoccupied with their own personal business to pay attention to me.
In short, the McDonald's bathroom is the ideal location for my YouTube channel and podcast. So, if you want to hear the unvarnished truth and the unfiltered opinions of a true free speech warrior, come on down to my local McDonald's and join me in the bathroom.
Together, we can take back the public square and defend our right to speak our minds without fear of reprisal. And hey, if you get hungry while you're there, you can always grab a tasty McRib sandwich (while supplies last).
submitted by Careful_Month1014 to ContemporaryWisdom [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:58 AustralianChrono Chronologica's Drag Race Season 6: Episode 1- Prove Your Worth

Chronologica's Drag Race Season 6: Episode 1- Prove Your Worth
In a bright yellow wig, her hair up to high heavens, and a massive black coat with a pair of matching black boots that go up to cover above the coat, Molly Moppit walks in. With a smile on her face, Molly Moppit looks up at the pink wallpaper of the room. “I want that.” Molly smirks, ripping off her coat to reveal a minidress made out of the same pink wallpaper of the werkroom. “Mopped it!”
Molly looks around at the empty room. “…and nobody here to see me stun.” She shrugs. “Pity for them!”
Molly Moppit: “I’m Molly Moppit, and I’m here to run away with the competition.” Molly winks.
“This table’s cuuute.” Molly looks over at the table, before running to a sculpture on the side of the workroom and trying to pull at the sculpture, before realizing it’s glued to the floor. “FUCK!”
Molly Moppit: “I am currently based in New Jersey, but I'm a New York staple, as well.” Molly grins. “First and foremost, I’m a NEW JERSEY DRAG QUEEN.”
“What about the…” Molly swipes at a coat hanger, tucking it behind her back.
Molly Moppit: “Being an Atlantic City Queen means being ready to do what you can to survive. It’s a cutthroat lifestyle, and that’s fine. It taught me to host, perform, serve looks, make ‘em laugh… and it’ll help me to win.”
“You saw nothing.” Molly smiles.
A lone tumbleweed rolls into the werkroom as clouds of red dust fill the entrance. There are two loud bangs, and on the far wall of the room, two bullet holes tear into the eyes of a hanging portrait of Chronologica.
Molly looks over as the portrait falls to the ground, the glass of the frame shattering loudly. When she looks back, a masked bandit stands amidst their midst, blowing smoke from his old-timey pistol. In a cowboy hat, long black jacket, beaded vest, and denim chaps, Ethan Angel-Eye glowers, his nose and mouth hidden behind a vigilante’s black bandana.
The room is silent for a long moment.
Molly Moppit: “It’s a Mexican Stand-Off. And I’m NOT talking.”
Molly and Ethan stare at each other.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “Please welcome the best performer this side of the Mississippi, your very own Apache-Dakota bandit vigilante drag king, and the only person here who actually needs to win. I’ve beaten Kaneq and Vitória in lip sync competitions, I’ve out-danced professionally trained celebs; I’m unstoppable onstage and I’m always providing that debonaire dastardly Western rogue fantasy. I’m Ethan Angel-Eye, and I’ve got my eye on this crown.”
“The fuck are you supposed to be?” Ethan asks, looking Molly up and down as he strides into the room, his voice low and gravelly.
“I’m Molly Moppit, what the fuck YOU supposed to be?” Molly raises an eyebrow.
Molly Moppit: “Are we cosplaying as ugly men this season?”
“Cute.” Ethan brushes past Molly, and then hops up on one of the werkroom tables, sinking into a menacing squat and looming over the space like a vulture.
“It’s pinker here than I thought it’d be.” Ethan glares, looking at her wallpaper look.
Molly scoffs. “Course it’s pink. Do you watch the show?”
“Do you watch the show?” Ethan parrots back, doing a crude impression of Molly’s voice. “I breathe this show.”
Ethan Angel-Eye: “I am not a pretty faerie princess, and I am not everyone’s cup of tea, but I know how to win this, in and out. Some petty little bitch isn’t getting in my way.”
“Ooooh, he’s a hater. Love.” Molly laughs, looking up at Ethan as he perches on the table. “What’s your name, my little masked bandit? Here to take some shots at me?”
“Ethan Angel-Eye.” Ethan cocks his head to the side. “My shots don’t miss.”
“Neither do mine.” Molly smirks.
Ethan looks around, as he realizes a button of his top has gone missing.
A tall, proud Indian woman struts out from the werkroom entrance, with many elaborate blue hair clips and a strikingly long blue gown which cascades in wave-like shapes behind her into a long train. She gestures broadly with her hands, emphasizing each syllable of her words as if they’re the most important thing anyone’s ever said. “WA-TER-FALL!!!!”
Niagara Halls: “New York in the HOUSE what-what!! Hey divas, it’s me, your Desi-American god-DESS of season 6, here to bring upstate pageantry and that Canadian border flair to your screens. I KNOW I’m serving as a pageant fashion icon in this entrance look, you can’t tell me otherwise. Don’t I look GORGEOUS?!”
Niagara Halls twirls, the blue gown’s long train wrapping around her feet, then swirling back out again, where it smacks Molly in the knee.
“Um, hello, waterfall woman.” Molly exclaims, pulling away to avoid being smacked again.
“Hello, hello!” Niagara Halls waves an emphatic wave to Molly and Ethan before daintily picking up her gown’s train with one hand and gently striding to sit at the werkroom table Ethan is perched on. “How are we?”
Molly reaches over and snatches a hair clip from Niagara’s hair, causing several long brown locks to tumble into Niagara’s face.
“Oh! You–” Niagara looks baffled. “So it’s gonna be THAT kind of season!”
Ethan rolls his eyes, looking decidedly down at the two girls.
Molly laughs. “No, oh my gosh! I just love these clips! Where’d you get them?”
Niagara pulls the fallen hair out of her face and clips it into another one of her clips, chuckling. “You WISH I would tell you. You could use the help with that mop!”
“MOP!” Molly bursts out laughing. “You don’t even know!”
“What’s your drag, what’s your name, who are you both? I need to know who I’m demolishing here.” Niagara smiles a huge smile, talking with her hands again.
“But where is the clips from?” Molly asks.
“I-” Niagara looks into the mirror.
“...You didn’t buy the clips?!” Molly says dramatically, putting on a gasping face. “Who did?!”
“What’s your names?” Niagara smiles awkwardly.
Niagara Halls: “My Drag Mother helped with the outfit! I don’t know!”
“I’m Molly Moppit.” Molly grins. “Atlantic City roya–”
Ethan interrupts. “Ethan Angel-Eye. And you’re Niagara Halls.”
Niagara enthusiastically tosses her hair (and all of its clips) back and forth. “I KNOW you know me, that’s right, that’s right!”
Ethan nods. “You lost Miss Toronto to Vitória Benedita.”
Niagara gasps.
Niagara Halls: “How did this MAN KNOW me?!”
Ethan Eagle-Eye: “Does no one look at reddit on their way to the season? Scope the competition out.”
A mysterious black mist seeps through the entrance of the werkroom, followed by a devilish laugh. Lokii struts in, and flips a green cape, revealing their face and leather-clad body. Golden horns, almost corrupted with black veins connected to his face, just from Lokii’s forehead. In thin black hands, Lokii holds a corrupted golden scepter and a smoke machine. She smirks, and her Londoner accent is obvious when she speaks. “I am Lokii, of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose.”
“We’re all stealing something, aren’t we?” Molly jokes.
“I don’t get it.” Niagara says.
“Loki. Marvel.” Ethan says gruffly.
“Welcome, nerd.” Molly smiles, as Lokii runs over.
Lokii blushes deep red. “Oh my gosh. Hello!”
Lokii: “I’m Lokii, and low-key? Aye, I’m pretty bloody psyched to be here! I’m 22 years old, visiting from across the pond by way of South London, and like, I’m pretty new to drag, but cosplay has been a huge part of my life since I was really young, and I’ve felt really called to take it in this new direction!”
“So are you really called Lokii? Like the Norse god?” Molly investigates every inch of Lokii’s outfit.
“The… Disney character?” Niagara ponders. “I don’t watch superhero movies.”
“They are.” Ethan flexes his ankles, looking at Lokii with an intense stare. “You’re the Tumblr cosplayer, right?”
Lokii nods, smiling. “Yeah! Loki was the first character I did in cosplay. We have a long history, he and I!”
“And so you came to Chronologica’s Drag Race dressed up in your little Marvel cosplay character!” Niagara chuckles nastily.
Lokii laughs awkwardly, making their way to the table. “Yep!”
“You look incredible, by the way.” Lokii smiles at Niagara. “This is a really beautiful garment.”
“I KNOW, baby, thank you.” Niagara smiles daggers. “You’re pretty new, right?”
Lokii looks surprised. “Oh, I–”
“JUST teasing!” Niagara laughs.
Lokii: “I have.. Not been doing drag, that long. But I have been crafting, designing and MAKING things for years. I think that’s my edge…” Lokii smiles slightly awkwardly.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “So far, the girls are…childish.”
“Wait, what’s this?” Lokii picks up a brown paper bag on one of the werkroom tables and reads something written on it in sharpie. “Barf bags…for if you gag too hard?”
Niagara makes a face. “What the fuck?”
Suddenly, in a sculpted silver one-piece with sharp ridges and bulky shoulders, a stylized mop of blonde and pink curls, super-shadowed fierce makeup and chunky black boots with chains, Lady Gag arrives. In an exact recreation of one of Lady Gaga’s looks from the 2009 VMAs, she purrs. “Dirty pony, I can’t wait to hose you down.”
Ethan makes an obvious look of disgust. Niagara stops laughing very suddenly. Molly laughs even harder.
“HEAVY METAL LOVER!” Lokii yells, before covering her mouth as if she is in fear of being too loud.
Lady Gag: “When our Lord and Saviour Gaga said ‘No matter gay, straight, or bi', lesbian, transgender life?” Lady Gaga smirks. “She was talking first and foremost about me. Are you gagging? I’m Lady Gag, foremost Gaga impersonator of Miami, Florida, and the most gag-worthy woman known to man. Mama I am known to man, if you know what I mean.”
Lady Gag strikes poses in the entrance, twisting her arms into strange shapes and cocking her head at strange angles. “Everyone, just imagine Alejandro is playing over this.”
“I’m imagining it.” Molly says, smiling and still laughing.
Niagara looks nonplussed, Ethan looks dismissive, and Lokii looks shy, but Molly warmly greets Lady Gag with a firm handshake.
“Welcome, Miss Gaga, welcome! You’re giving very 2000 and late! I’m Molly Moppit. Atlantic City roya–”
“MRS. Moppit.” Lady Gag stops her, putting a hand up. “Don’t try to read me with those smile lines and bags under your eyes. I’m 2000 and fresh off the boat if you ever saw it. You will not be coming for me on this, the day of my arrival.”
Molly’s jaw drops. She looks thrilled.
Niagara smiles softly. “You’re going to talk about her looks when you’re a copy-and-paste baby? LOVE to see a tiny little fighter.”
Niagara Halls: “The good thing about doing drag that’s literally on the Canadian-American border is that I can leave the worst of both sides behind. Canadians, watch out: I will NOT be apologizing for my shade! And I can say THIS… who the fuck is Lady Gag?”
“Your shade needs work, I think.” Lady Gag says. “It’s about as dark as midday in FLORIDA. I would know.”
Ethan’s eyes give away his smile. He sits back on the table, relaxing for the first time, to listen to the girls snip back and forth.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “I’m watching these girls, and I think, good. Let them fight. If this is the energy first day, they’re never gonna be able to focus on a challenge, and that’s perfect for me.”
“I BET you would know Florida pretty well!” Niagara shoots back. “That contour job looks pretty Florida Man to me.”
“I am a WOMAN and you will treat me with respect!” Lady Gag yells dramatically.
Niagara looks confused, almost as if she is unsure if Gag is playing into the shade or not.
Molly chuckles. “Girls, girls, oh my gosh! This is gonna be fun as fuck.”
Lokii looks utterly horrified and speechless.
There’s a sound of heels approaching, and the contestants turn to look at the entrance.
“Please give me another crazy bitch,” Molly joke-pleads. “Please!”
In a heavy, blood red reconstructed kimono covered in pearlescent white beads, Shiseido Red slowly struts into the werkroom. Her hair is bold, black and sculpted upwards into a towering beehive, and her silhouette is intricate, yet the restructuring of the kimono lets her show off her legs. “Paint the town red?” She cackles. “Baby, just paint these lips.”
Shiseido blows a kiss. Lokii whoops.
Ethan’s eyes glint with recognition. “An old bitch. Thank goodness.”
Niagara vigorously applauds. Lady Gag still looks caught up in the fight from before. Molly looks concerned, before putting on a smile.
“Oh, it’s YOU!” Molly yells.
Molly Moppit: “I know Shiseido from the New York scene. I travel around the area, and she doesn’t.” Molly smiles.
“Ahh, you’re here!” Shiseido ignores the others around her, looking straight at Molly. “Would you take my bags to that corner of the werkroom over there?” Shiseido asks, pointing to the farthest (and largest) dressing alcove.
“I’d rather not.” Molly drops the playful facade for a moment, as the two look at each other.
Shiseido Red: “Darlings. I’m Shiseido Red, and I’m no spring chicken. I am 45 years old and proud–I have a long legacy in New York City that will outlive any of these basic-bitch children. I was a princess of the 90s club scene and now, I’m their grand duchess. In my scene, we’re all about originality, ingenuity, innovation. So… nothing like what most of these kids are wearing.”
Lokii scurries over to Shiseido. “This kimono is incredible.”
Shiseido smiles curtly. “It’s certainly one step up from a costume, yes.”
Lokii looks awkwardly.
Molly tries to roll one of Shiseido’s suitcases from where it’s parked near the entrance and fails to move it despite pulling with all her strength. Nobody seems to notice.
Molly Moppit: “Damn it, I was going to take half of her shit- subtly!”
Niagara waves a broad hello. “HELLO NEW YORK! I’m SO glad you’re here, these girls are all WHORES so far.”
Niagara goes in for a hug, but Shiseido moves away.
“I’m sorry…do I know you?” Shiseido asks, clearly baffled.
Lady Gag loudly guffaws. Niagara laughs once, awkwardly.
“Oh, yes!” Niagara blushes, pulling away from her failed hug and gesturing wildly with her hands. “I’m Niagara Halls, mama. We worked together at–”
“All you young girls blend together for me.” Shiseido shrugs. “Name doesn’t ring a bell.”
Molly, laughing under her breath, opens Shiseido’s suitcase while she’s distracted and snatches a blonde curly wig.
Molly Moppit: “I don’t get along with Shiseido. But I know this- she has good wigs… and I KNOW that old lady is a smart bitch. Whether or not she actually knows Niagara, she won’t admit it. Throw the girl off. I see you, mama.”
“Aha.” Niagara looks put off. “No worries. It was just last year when–”
“Hello, children.” Shiseido addresses the group like a troop leader. “I fear you look as bland as expected.”
Lady Gag starts up again. “GIRL, this is not–”
It’s Drag Time!
Chronologica steps into the werkroom, and the gathered contestants gasp in shock–except Ethan, who looks over passively.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “Interrupted at 6. So it’s a split premiere…which hasn’t happened since Season 3. Just, of course…of course it would be…”
Molly hurriedly closes Shiseido’s suitcase and tucks the stolen wig into her top. Lady Gag, Niagara, and Lokii rush over towards Chronologica excitedly, while Shiseido and Ethan take their time, making eye contact as they do.
Hello, racers! I’m thrilled to welcome you to the fantabulous Season 6 of Chronologica’s Drag Race! Here, you’ll be competing for the chance to win a spectacular crown and scepter from Moxie Maniac jewels, plus an extra-special grand prize of $100,000.
Everyone cheers and applauds.
One of you could become the next Drag Superstar…orrrr one of the other bitches who shows up next week could snatch the crown away from all of you. This week is your chance to prove your worth before any of those nasty skanks come and get in your way.
Lady Gag: “Quite simply, yes. We ALL know Gaga is THE queen. I can guarantee I’ll be the one to get her her crown!”
For your very first challenge, you’re putting on a premiere talent show. Show us what YOU can do that no one else can, and show us who you are. First impressions count! And you’d better hope it’s not a countDOWN…good luck! And don’t fuck it up!
Shiseido Red: “Believe me, for some of these baby girls? The countdown’s already started.” Shiseido smirks. “I’m prepared for a talent show. I’ve been talented since I was born.”
Later, the monarchs strip out of their entrance looks and claim their dressing areas.
Shiseido Red: “For this week’s maxi challenge, it’s time for us to showcase our abilities in a talent show. But first, it’s time to get to know each other.”
Without a word, Ethan picks up Shiseido’s heavy suitcases and moves them to her preferred corner.
“A gentleman.” Shiseido smiles, looking at Ethan’s bandana. “My faceless guardian.”
Ethan chuckles. “No. You’re just not my mark today.”
“Your mark? Alright. You’re an assassin, of sorts.” Shiseido ponders. “Mhm.”
Shiseido Red: “Ethan is giving some sort of Bessie Big Sky-Jupiter Sterling story…but evil? It’s a very specific take, I’ll give him that…I’m at least…curious.”
Ethan looks serious. “Assassin. You could say that.” Ethan retrieves his own bags and puts them next to Shiseido’s, just as Lokii enthusiastically hurries up towards the two-person dressing alcove.
“Oh, sorry!” Lokii says, chuckling awkwardly. “I would love to uh, room with Shiseido, here, uh, the other girls are kinda mean and–”
Ethan looks over, one eyebrow raised.
Shiseido makes a face. “Baby. You’re not old enough to be here.”
Lokii blanches. “No worries, then.” She scurry off.
“...If she bantered back, I’d have had her.” Shiseido responds.
“The baby queens can’t take it. No surprise.” Ethan grumbles.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Niagara, Molly, and Lady Gag each make for separate adjacent dressing stations. Lokii stands awkwardly in the middle of the room.
Lokii: “The producers very clearly told us that we had to share 4 of the dressing rooms, two racers per room. But none of the girls are willing to share with each other… what’s … happening right now? Where am I supposed to go?”
Niagara carefully changes out of her blue gown and puts on a comfortable yellow sweatsuit, then starts picking the clips out of her hair one by one. She watches Ethan and Shiseido across the room as Ethan takes off the bandana covering his face for the first time, then lets out the loudest gasp imaginable and throws her arms to the side, shocked. Blue butterfly clips fall to the ground everywhere.
Lady Gag gives Niagara a look in between racks of hanging clothes. “Diva, what the FUCK are you doing?”
Niagara whispers loudly. “Looooook!!!!” She aggressively points at Ethan, who is currently changing his shirt. Ethan very clearly and visibly has scratchy scruffy facial hair, and no makeup on the bottom half of his face.
Niagara looks gagged. “That’s a MAN, Maury!”
Niagara Halls: “I didn’t expect him to look like that, out of drag… kinda tracks, THOUGH!” Niagara cackles.
Lady Gag yells across the room. “Mister Ethan!”
Ethan looks over as he takes off his beaded vest and reveals his bare chest, clearly showcasing obvious top surgery scars.
Lady Gag looks back to Niagara. “Queens recognize kings. Are you gagging yet?”
“Not on your copy-and-paste eleganza.” Niagara shakes her head, then takes a step and slips on the fallen butterfly clips, awkwardly plopping on her butt.
Niagara Halls: “We’ve had many trans divas compete in this competition- me included. But is this the first trans man here?” Niagara ponders.
While Niagara has fallen, Molly sneaks in and grabs some more blue clips off the ground.
I’m ba-ack!
Chronologica waves from the entrance. Lokii returns the wave. Everyone else hurriedly finishes changing.
Our producers let me know that we’re having some trouble getting into our dressing stations. We do actually need you to share space, here, now.
Lokii: “I kinda was just waiting around- when they came in. I guess I kinda looked.. Awkward.” Lokii exhales. “This is a lot.”
Lokii nods. Lady Gag and Niagara roll their eyes. Molly tuts excitedly.
Molly Moppit: “I live for this drama, honestly. It’s so stuuupid I love it. I’m gonna make this shit eat up as much time as I can.”
“Our space is set, Miss C.” Shiseido says assuredly.
Great. So, which one of you three wants to share space with Lokii?
“I KNOW you’re not equating Miss GAGA to a Disney gay–” Lady Gag smirks.
Niagara shakes her head. “Well, I don’t think our visions are exactly aligned–”
Molly winks, looking at the others. “I’m not cut out for sharing…” She says cheekily.
Lokii stands awkwardly, a bit embarrassed.
Okay, fine. Which two of you want to share with each other?
Niagara scoffs. “The impersonator? That raggedy-ass mop bitch? I am not–”
Chronologica looks annoyed.
Okay. Let’s be serious.
“No, of course, I’d love to work with Lokii in our space.” Molly smiles.
Molly Moppit: “I am a playful artist, but I do take this seriously- and I look around, and Lokii looks like a deer in headlights. It’s a competition. But I’ll make her feel welcome. I mean, she’s better then the Gaga impersonator and fucking Niagara Halls.” She takes a sip of her drink.

Molly Moppit: “Can we circle back to Lady Gag as a name? Like be inspired and be an orignator but LADY GAG?! I DON’T GET IT!” She bursts, interrupting herself from finishing her drink.
Shiseido and Ethan, who have returned to their corner, give each other a look.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “It’s just like the last few seasons. All the kids are incompetent. No surprise.”
I’ll leave you to it. Now. I’ll see you on the main stage. Let’s keep it professional, alright?
Chronologica departs, and Molly drags her singular small suitcase into Niagara’s dressing station. She drops the bag heavily, and all of the butterfly clips Molly has stolen spill out of it onto the floor.
“Where’s my clips?!” Niagara yells.
Lokii and Molly look at each other, and Molly giggles.
Chronologica goes to visit the racers.
Hello, Mr. Angel-Eye.
“Chronologica.” Ethan says gruffly.
Now, you’re drag family, right?!
The other’s ears pick up, as Ethan nods.
“Yeah, I used to be related to Bessie Big Sky. But we’re not talking about that, we’re talking about my talent show.” Ethan says, clearly displeased.
Shiseido Red: “Oh… Inteeeeerersting.” Shiseido purses her lips. “This makes a lot of sense.”
Totally. Well, tell me then, what ARE you doing for the talent show?
“I’m from Montana. We’re not basic-ass pageant queens, who haven’t fought for anything a day in their life-“
Niagara’s head turns over to Ethan’s conversation as she has caught interest, clearly offended.
Niagara Halls: “Wow.” Niagara is looking in a complete state of shock in her confessional room. “… Alright.” Niagara nods.
“…because life’s hard,” Ethan continues. “I was a rez kid, I was in the foster care system, I been through some shit. And I’ve picked up a few skills along the way. So I will be doing a Projectile Weaponry Showcase.”
Interesting. What does that entail?
“Pistols, throwing knives, bow and arrow, shotgun.” Ethan nods. “I’m a good shot, no matter what I’m shooting.”
Fuck yeah.
Ethan smiles for a moment, before nodding.
I was raised at my local gun club, over in La Perouse, Sydney. I know a good few weapons. How are you going to make it dragged up?
“I do it my way. Ethan Angel-Eye is the evil Indian from cowboys and Indians. He’s a vigilante bandit, and these are a bandit’s weapons. I’ve got a story. I know what I do in my performance space- to me, the art stands for itself. I don’t need bells and whistles, because this has never been done before.”
If you keep us excited, well that’s all that matters.
Ethan nods. “I will.”

Niagara Halls.
“Chronologica.” Niagara smiles.
Now, you’re a pageant Queen. How is that going to impact you in this competition?
“Well, MAMA!” Niagara says excitedly, talking with her hands. “For me, it’s about serving. I’m pretty, I’m gorgeous and I am not scared to CUT a bitch when I want to.” Niagara draws a line across her throat with one hand.
Chronologica chuckles.
Tell me, what are you doing for the talent show?
“Yodeling.” Niagara smiles brightly.
…Yodelling? Are you a singer?
“NOT at ALL.” Niagara shakes her head. “Like, I’d probably say I am a bad singer.”
Then…why are you yodeling?
“For me, it’s about standing out. I wanted to deliver something no one has really done, make it camp, and then stun on the runway.” Niagara tongue pops.
But do you feel like you are able to do this well? If you’re not a singer-
“I feel like it’s an opportunity to showcase what I can do, and make it fun.” Niagara smiles.
Okay. Well, good luck…
Molly Moppit!
“Shhh.” Molly whispers, pointing Chronologica to outside.
“Let’s chat outside; I don’t need them hearing.” Molly whispers, as the two walk to the smoking area outside.
The others look confused as the two disappear.
“Cigarette?” Molly hands one to Chronologica.
Is that from my packet- Okay, tell me, Molly, what’s your talent show?
“For me, I do really take my drag seriously.” Molly smiles. “But I don’t need them all to know that, initially.”
I get it. So, what are you doing for the talent show?
Molly whips out a packet of notes.
Chronologica grins.
“I’ll be presenting onto the main stage, MOPPING DUTY. It’s a live freestyle Diss Track of the Cast of Season 6.” Molly smirks. “And I’ve got the notes for it.”
Why is it called… Mopping Duty?
“Because I am about to wash these bitches out and mop the crown, duh.” Molly chuckles.
Chronologica bursts into laughter.
I think that’s a fantastic idea.
“I don’t want them to know what I’m doing, because part of the work here is centered around making them react. I’m great off the cuff- and planned, secretly. So, for me it’s really important to get to embrace all of that.”
I am really excited to see how you do it, Molly.
Molly grins. “I am too.”
Molly Moppit: “I am going to blow these bitches out of the water, they just don’t know it yet.” Molly winks.
The next day, the racers twirl into the werkroom and get ready for the talent show.
Lady Gag: “It’s time for the talent show, and I’m ready. Are these girls ready? Well, they should be, because… I’m coming for them.”
“So, what are you bitches doing for the talent show?” Lady Gag asks, plaiting her hair. “I mean, I know some…”
Niagara starts to yodel.
Ethan rolls his eyes.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “Bitches. The way these children talk.”
“I’m not a bitch, first of all.” Shiseido says. “So let us start there, lookalike.”
“Okay, I was just talking like us girls do.” Lady Gag scoffs.
“Do you know actual Drag Queens?” Shiseido asks.
Lady Gag rolls her eyes.
Lokii whispers under her breath. “So much shade…”
“I’m doing a Stand-Up show.” Lady Gag flicks back her hair. “I’ve been told I’m a funny bitch, so-”
Everyone looks surprised.
Molly Moppit: “She’s a comedian?” Molly bursts into laughter. “Oh, let’s be honest, her biggest joke is her name!”
“Have you done comedy?” Lokii asks.
“Actually, yes.” Lady Gag smiles. “In my room, to my family…”
“Love.” Niagara clicks her fingers. “Werk, bitch, creativity…”
Shiseido Red: “I am starting to notice something. These girls claim to be experienced, knowledgeable- but then, you speak to them, and suddenly they’re like ‘I’ve done this… at home.’ Lacking experience. It SHOWS.”
“I am a designer and club kid.” Shiseido smiles to herself.
“I’d love to hear about what that was like.” Lokii interrupts.
“Well, if you survive the first week, you might hear it.” Shiseido says swiftly.
Lokii looks to the left, then down.
“I’m doing a megamix to 90s club anthems, and designing a look all the while.” Shiseido nods.
Shiseido Red: “This will allow me to put my best foot forward instead of dancing the stage up and down, something I… can’t do as well anymore.”
“That sounds… fine.” Niagara shrugs.
Niagara Halls: “Like, BORING…and honestly, I don’t see it for her?!” Niagara laughs. “OH, the shade of ME!”
Niagara giggles to herself.
“What are you two doing, Molly and Lokii?” Ethan says, surprising the two.
“I’m not talking about it.” Molly winks. “You can wait and see.”
Ethan purses his lips.
“I do wonder if it’s going to be anything of note.” Shiseido says.
Shiseido Red: “Molly has a…not-so-great reputation, in New York. I’ll be honest, she’s never been notable to me, though. Beyond the theft jokes.”
“Well, you gotta wait and see.” Molly winks.
Molly Moppit: “Keep it fun… until you make the move.” Molly smirks.
“I am a bit of a nerd.” Lokii says.
“What a surprise.” Lady Gag jokes.
“...Finish your thought.” Ethan looks at Lokii.
“I’ll be repeating the plot of star wars, with puppets.” Lokii grins.
Everyone once again looks around awkwardly.
“Well, I’m excited for MY own talent show, because it sounds like I’m winning.” Lady Gag says.
“Don’t count your chickens yet, Miss Copypasta.” Ethan responds.
Lady Gag rolls her eyes for what appears to be the 10th time.
Lokii: “I… don’t think anyone gets me here.”
“The cosplay newbie… and the puppets.” Shiseido whispers, shaking her head to Ethan. “The impersonator who does stand-up in her bedroom. The tone-deaf girl singing, and the thief who probably doesn’t even have talents of her own. Great.”
Lokii: “But I have crafted an entire concept. I’ve sewn and made these puppets, made a comedic story and saga- and if there’s one thing I do believe in, it’s the lore. It’s my knowledge in the cosplay, nerd space…”
Lokii giggles, playing with her puppets.
Lokii: “Lokii, you can do this…” Lokii gulps. “I think.”
“Who’s.” Niagara claps. “Gonna.” Niagara claps. “GO HOME FIRST?!”
“You, bitch!” Lady Gag snaps her fingers.
“RUDE, RUDE!!!!!” Niagara yells.
“Not me.” Molly whispers into the camera and winks.
submitted by AustralianChrono to ChronologicasDragRace [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:38 Saturdead Samuel came from a Strange Place

Back in 2016, I was working at a roadside diner west of St. Cloud, Minnesota. Neat little place, had a bit of a 60’s vibe to it, but without the hairdo. On the slow hours of the day, or whenever we just had locals around, I’d be humming along with the chefs playing radio out of the kitchen. It wasn’t an exciting time, but it was nice to have a workplace that felt like a second home.
A couple of weekends a month, we had an all-night crew to serve passing truckers. You usually never had to do more than one shift though, and we got to make own schedules. Our boss was pretty hands-off. It was during one of those shifts, at the first week of early summer, that my life took a turn for the worse – and I didn’t even realize it.

We were used to having the occasional odd customer during those hours of the day. When this guy walked in, I didn’t know what to think. He was about 6’2, bald, and pale as chalk. He wore this worn-out t-shirt that looked like it’d been on fire. With every step, he dragged his feet, and collapsed in one of our booths, seemingly exhausted.
I looked back at the chef, and he just shrugged. Guy wasn’t hurting anyone, but he didn’t look like he was all there. But a job’s a job, so I went up to him.
“You alright there?” I asked.
He looked up at me like I was speaking a foreign language, then sunk his head back down, gently shaking it.
“Nah,” he said. “I, uh… I don’t think I am.”
He had this voice on the knife’s edge between a hysterical laugh and a howling cry. He was trembling.
“You need me to call someone?”
“Yeah, call someone.”

I didn’t understand the question. I figured he was coming down from some kind of binge, and I wasn’t about to take any chances. I asked the chef to get me a side of bacon to keep the guy calm while I called the police.
As I slid the plate over to him, he sunk his face into his hands, sobbing.
“T-thank you,” he cried. “I-I’m… please…”
I sat down across from him, instinctively reaching out to grab his hand. He let me. Even at a light touch, I could feel the scars on his palm and fingertips. Whatever’d happened to him, it must’ve been awful.
“I can’t go back,” he sniffled. “Don’t make me go back. I can’t. Please, I can’t.”
“You’re not going anywhere. It’s okay,” I smiled. “You’re safe here.”
“Can you help me?” he asked. “Can you keep him out?”
“I’m sure we can figure it out,” I nodded. “Just eat up. It’s okay.”

His fingers trembled as he tentatively bit off a piece of bacon. His teeth were black, and he flinched.
“I need time,” he said. “I need time to run.”
“Don’t worry,” I assured him. “We’ve called for help.”
“I just… I just need time.”
We just sat there for a while. He calmed his breathing but kept staring out the window. I could tell he was looking for something – or someone. All I could see was a road and a handful of moths. We sat there for some time, in silence, as he carefully nibbled on the slices of maple bacon.
As two police officers entered the diner, he got up from his seat. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bundle of scrunched-up trash. A couple of singles, a plastic card, dirt, and something resembling animal bones. He tried to straighten out the bills, pushing them into my hands along with the laminated card.
“Just… I need time. I’ll come back. Please.”
I didn’t understand. I just nodded and accepted it. Seconds later, the officers asked him to step outside and explain the situation. I got busy taking orders from a couple of passing truckers, watching glimpses of the scene through the window. A couple of minutes later, the strange man was taken away.

My shift ended at sunrise. I dragged myself to my car with a yawn, shuffling around my pockets for the keys. I hadn’t thought much about the items he’d handed me, but I took a closer look. I’d thrown away the animal bones and dirt, but there were a couple of dollar bills and that laminated card left. I checked the card first.
It looked like some kind of bookmark. On one side it was completely white, and on the other side there were dried blue flower petals arranged in a spiral. Kinda reminded me of a sunflower. And finally, there were the dollar bills.
I didn’t pay much attention to these at first. Just a couple of singles. But after a closer look, I noticed something unusual. There was a man on the bill that I didn’t recognize. It took me a couple of google searches to realize that this man was Walter Mondale – the man who’d lost to Ronald Reagan’s second run for president back in ’84. Why was this man on a one-dollar bill?

Before heading to bed, I put the items down on my nightstand. In a moment of silent wonder, I looked out the window. What had that man been looking for? What’d he been running from?
There was nothing out there.
Just a couple of moths.

Waking up the next morning, I had a full day off. I spent it cleaning my apartment, watching movies, having dinner with a couple of friends, and ending the night with a couple of drinks at the pub down on the corner. No binge or anything, just got a bit boozy. I was still gonna be in bed by midnight.
I took the scenic route home; a long walk. All the way down main street, past the lake. I took a shortcut through the park by the final stretch, speeding up a bit. That place was trouble.
As I hurried by the fountain, I spotted someone in the distance. A shrouded figure at the edge of the streetlights. I stopped to observe for a second, but as I did, the lights flickered. Coming back on, the figure was gone.
I chalked it up to imagination. I was a bit drunk, after all. Besides – it was small, like a child. What the hell would a kid be doing out at this hour?

A couple of days passed. I didn’t notice anything unusual, but I kept coming back to that distressing feeling of missing something important. Looking back at it now, I just feel dumb. He was there all along. Outside the supermarket. In the parking lot. Off the highway. Hell, he was outside my window at night sometimes, but just too short for me to spot.
I’m getting ahead of myself.
It wasn’t until one morning when I was driving to work that I got a clear view of him. I was crossing a four-way street, taking a sharp left turn, when I had to throw myself on the breaks. There was a kid in the middle of the street.
I hadn’t seen him that clearly before. He was probably around 6, maybe 7 years old. Wearing a plain black shirt and a pair of light blue canvas pants. Short black hair, dark eyes, and no shoes. That particular detail stuck with me. No shoes? Why?
I almost lost control, but I was lucky. There wasn’t much traffic, and I managed to stop further down the road. There were black lines in the pavement from my screeching tires swerving back and forth. Regaining my composure, I looked in the rear-view mirror.
The kid was gone.

But that was just the start.
I’d spot him every now and then. Looking out the window at work. At the gas station. A passing face in the crowd when shopping for groceries. Every now and then, something would pull on my attention, forcing me to whip my head around, looking for the source of that ill feeling crawling up my spine. Sometimes I saw him. And even worse – sometimes I didn’t.
I remember lying awake at night, hearing moths tap against my window. There was nothing else. Nothing outside. I patrolled my apartment six times, checking every window. I’d looked everywhere, and there was no reason for me to feel the way I did. I was growing paranoid.
And yet, in the morning, my front door was unlocked, and slightly open.

It all came to a head one afternoon when I was out on my smoke break. I’d barely slept for the past three nights, and you could kinda tell I was having a bad day. As I stood there, leaning against the side door of the diner, I see the kid again. This time just across the road, maybe 50 feet or so away. I’d had enough. This had to end.
I was furious. I stormed forward, calling him out with every slur and curse I could think of. I was psyching myself up. I was in the right, and I refused to be harassed anymore – kid or not. Didn’t matter. I crossed the road, barely dodging a speeding jeep, and met him face-to-face.
“What the hell do you want?!” I’d yell. “Why are you following me?!”
He was completely expressionless. He didn’t even flinch, no matter how much I pointed or screamed. I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes, and he didn’t even blink. He just stared at me, like a porcelain doll head on a swivel.

I wasn’t thinking about the bystanders though. A couple of middle-aged men stepped up, asking in no kind terms what the hell was wrong with me. I was held back and restrained. Someone called the police. Someone else called my manager – I’d forgotten to take off my apron, so they could see the diner logo. A couple of people filmed it. One of the videos got like 120k views in a day before it fell off the map. I still see it as a react gif sometimes.
It was a disaster. After a couple of officers came by to talk to me, he’d just disappeared into thin air. The officers took me down to the station – not to detain me, but to get me away from the heated crowd. That car ride downtown sobered me up to what the hell was going on. I was being stalked by this kid, but there wasn’t a living soul out there that would believe me.
Well, maybe one.

I was asked a couple of questions and released within about half an hour. They told me to go home and sleep this whole thing off. That wouldn’t be a problem. I didn’t have a job to go back to anyway, according to the (many) texts I’d gotten. I had all the goddamn time in the world.
I was just about to leave when something came to mind. The two officers who’d picked me up were still waiting by their car when I turned back to them.
“Sorry, you picked up the guy I called in about at the diner, right?” I asked.
“Sure did.”
“You got any idea what happened to him?”
The two looked at one another for a moment, shrugged, and turned to me.
“Didn’t have any ID and gave a fake name. I think they took him to psych.”
“Well, he was saying some, uh… strange things. There were interviews with a, uh…”
The two quieted down and flashed me a smile.
“There’s not that much we can say.”

Coming home, I decided to get to the root of this. It didn’t take me that long to find the place where the guy’d been taken; there aren’t a lot of mental health facilities in this part of the country. Especially facilities that accept involuntary subjects.
But my eyes kept drifting back to the strange dollar bills he’d given me, resting neatly on my nightstand. They were so detailed. A bit old, sure, but that only made them seem more genuine. What the hell was he doing with a handful of clearly fake dollar bills? Like, what’s the purpose? There had to be a purpose.
That unnerved me.

I managed to arrange a meeting. It wasn’t easy, and I think a lot of it boiled down to the police having no idea what could make this guy talk. For some reason, he kept providing them with false information. Maybe a familiar face, for one reason or another, might make him talk.
Just a couple of days later, I was putting my items in a metal bowl on the second floor at a mental health institute in the next town over. I asked one of the nurses if I could keep one of my dollar bills. Apparently, that was okay.
I was shuffled through a couple of locked doors and escorted to an off-white side-room. No décor, no locks. The guy was already there.

He’d been dressed down into these neutral eggshell-white garbs. It was strange seeing him in a lit-up room like this. I didn’t know what to expect.
Getting a closer look at him, he was probably in his 50’s. It’d been hard to tell earlier. I couldn’t get over just how pale he was; it was almost a complete lack of pigment. It looked sickly. His thin arms didn’t help – he looked malnourished. And yet, he was smiling.
“Hello,” he said.
“Hello to you too,” I smiled. “You doing okay?”
“I’m… I’m pretty good,” he nodded. “Thank you.”
I sat down across from him and took out the dollar bill he’d given me.
“I wanted to ask you about this.”
“For the bacon,” he said, matter-of-factly.
“Excuse me?”
“Sorry, was that not enough?”
“No, it’s…”
I took a moment to compose myself. I had too many questions.

He sighed, took the bill, and looked it over. Looking back at me, I could tell there was something painful stirring in his mind. His smile slowly faded.
“Sorry,” he said. “I try to forget sometimes. It’s easier than making sense of it.”
“Let’s start with something simple,” I nodded. “Like… your name. Where you’re from.”
“Those things are pretty far from simple.”
He was looking straight through me; his eyes sinking back to deeper, more uncomfortable thoughts.

His name was Samuel, and he was born around these parts in back in the 1970’s. He’d worked as a telecommunications specialist out of St. Cloud back in the 90's. He had a wife, three children, and a four-bedroom house.
“But it… that was all before, see?” he explained. “Then it all just…”
“Just what?” I asked. “What happened?”
He looked at me, opening and closing his mouth, looking for the right words to come out. Nothing happened. He shook his head, trying again.
“It started with the street preachers,” he said. “Hundreds of them, marching on every city. All saying the same doomsday shit as always. World was dying. All coming to an end.”
“I haven’t seen anything like that.”
“Then there were storms,” he continued without skipping a beat. “Some would last for weeks. Others longer. Entire cities would be flooded or torn apart. Earthquakes causing monster waves along the east coast, sending shockwaves all the way to mainland Europe. Then, Yellowstone.”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Lights out.”

Samuel was painting this apocalyptic vision of a world undone. Catastrophe after catastrophe. Hooded people marching the streets, screaming for the mercy of a mad god. But there was more to it.
“Then things stopped making sense. It’s as if the rules changed,” he continued. “Roads would stop leading home. Trees would change color. People turned twisted and corrupted. Like… one of our neighbors couldn’t eat anything but gunpowder. There was a woman just down the street who tried to kill anyone wearing glasses. It was… pandemonium.”
I didn’t say anything. What he was saying didn’t make any sense, but he was trying his best to keep his rambling coherent.
“The plants died. Trees too. The only thing that could grow in that environment were these twisted blue things that popped up out of nowhere. But people… people are what got twisted the most.”
He told me of these towering 7-foot-tall humanoid creatures that roamed the forests. Black as night – not even reflecting light. Arms reaching all the way to their knees. Elongated, inhuman things that all used to be someone he knew.

“The doomsayers all said the same thing,” he continued. “That God was a scared little boy, and that he was dying. Everything that was happening was just an expression of that ceaseless, bottomless, existential grief.”
Samuel looked back and forth, finally burying his face in his hands.
“It all broke down. Roads stopped leading anywhere. No power. No water. Julie changed. Ollie changed. Tobie made himself a mask and wandered off into the woods. Ira just… disappeared. And for… years? Has it been years? It’s just been me.”
“But you’re here, now,” I said. “And what you’re describing, it… it didn’t happen.”
“It happened,” he insisted. “Just not… here. But here.”
He tapped his finger on the single dollar bill.
“Somewhere, somehow, I must’ve taken a wrong turn. I slipped through something broken, and now I’m here. And… and he’s coming to bring me back. He doesn’t want anyone to leave.”
“Just! Just…” he chuckled. “Just a sad little boy who’s been told he’s going to die.”
I didn’t know what to say. I just sat with him for a while, holding his hand.

Before I left, Samuel got up from his chair. He looked at me, forcing himself to smile.
“If I go back, I’ll try not to… to be like them. I’ll try. And… and I’ll be the one to say something.”
He let out a painful little laugh, shaking his head.
“Maybe just a… hello.”

I left that day with more questions than answers. I couldn’t picture the world he’d lived through. Then again, how could it be true? None of it had happened. But what was he gaining from lying about it?
That was the last time I saw Samuel. A few days later, he went missing, as if he’d disappeared into thin air. I didn’t know what to think of it. There was nothing on the cameras – no one entering or leaving the building. No quick escapes, no clever plans. He’d just walked into his room and disappeared. Nothing left but a couple of moths fluttering about.
And for a while, that was it. That was the end of the story. I got busy looking for a new job, and all the little items given to me by Samuel was put away into a little box in my glove compartment. Life soldiered on, and no matter how many questions I had, there was no one around to answer them. Even the strange kid that’d been following me was, seemingly, gone.

A couple of months later, I was driving home from a friend’s place. I stopped at a four-way street, waiting for a couple of trucks to pass, when there was a knock on the passenger side window. I almost choked on my own spit. Scared me half to death.
Looking out, I could see that kid again. I hadn’t seen him for some time, and I quickly bounced between curiosity and downright anger.
“What do you want?” I yelled out.
There was no response. Instead, the door just opened. It’d been locked. As he opened the door, he pointed to the glove box.
“You want his things?” I asked. “Is that it?”
He nodded. I wanted to lash out, but there was something telling me I shouldn’t. Instead, I reached over, opened the glove compartment, and pointed to the box.
“Just take it and leave me alone,” I said. “Get it over with.”

He reached in and grabbed the box. So much effort for a couple of mementos. I turned my head back to face the road. The kid backed out. But of course, I had to get the last word in.
“Not even a thank you, huh?”
That made him pause. He looked at me, tilting his head. As he opened his mouth to speak, a moth fluttered out. Then another. And another.
Then – darkness.

What happened next is hard to describe. My memory of it is fragmented. It’s like trying to watch a buffering video, where long stretches of it are just nothing – but you know something was supposed to happen in-between.
Blink. I was sitting in my car. There was a dark blue sky. No clouds, no stars. Figures in the distance. An open field with blue flowers bending to a howling wind. A powerful stench of ammonia stinging my nostrils. Something to my immediate left, ripping the car door straight off the hinges.
Blink. Running. Ruins of a town. It seemed familiar, but there was barely anything left. My leg was bleeding. I was being followed. No matter where I turned, or where I ran, I seemed to end up at the same intersection.
Blink. A three-story building, brimming with life. Glimpses of arm-long antennae through the broken windows. Clickety-clack of bursting wings tapping against crumbling concrete. A loud warning shriek as something rubs its legs together; a call for prey.
Blink. Hiding in a tipped-over trash container. The rain has stopped in mid-air. Raindrops held in indefinite suspension. I suck water drops out of the air to quench my thirst. My hands are shaking from the blood loss.

Countless little images. Some in order, some not. I have no idea how much time passed. In the moment, it must’ve been much longer than I can remember. Days. Weeks, even. There’s no way to tell.
Blink. Walking through a barren field. It feels like walking through a dead forest, but there are no trees. Only those willingly impaled and wailing.
Blink. An abandoned booth by a broken highway. A sign offers phone calls, in exchange for “real teeth”. There are six sizes of pliers hanging on a wall within. All are bloodied – even the small ones.
Blink. The church that had burned down the night before had reappeared. The people inside, too. They couldn’t leave. Tonight, they would burn again.

Somewhere in this nightmarish puzzle-pieced fragment of nothing, there was a constant drive in me to get away. To get out. I knew that if I’d gotten there, I could get back home again. I just had no idea how. Maybe finding the kid. Asking. Begging. Something.
The last fragment of memory from that space was being cornered in a cellar. They were banging on the door. I’d tipped over a wardrobe to keep them out, but they weren’t going to stop. They were never going to stop. I couldn’t let them kill me again – not like that.
One of the Changed ones were coming. I don’t know what that means, or how I know the name, but I knew of it. There was a mirror, and I could see the signs. It stepped out. Seven feet tall, black as night. Elongated arms and neck. Barely a body at all – just a void space vaguely shaped like the remnants of a person.
Except this one felt… familiar. It was the first one to speak.
“H E L L O.”

Blink. Running. A cold hand. If I squeezed too hard, my fingers went straight through it. I had to keep up. He was showing me something.
Blink. They were flooding over the school bus, tipping it by their sheer numbers. Eruptions from the sewer grates. They were famished.
Blink. An open field. Sunflowers facing me, no matter where I turn. It’s not far.
Blink. I look back, as I’m pushed over the edge. He looks just like the rest of them. They aren’t angered by his betrayal.
They feel nothing, as I fall.

In February of 2017, I was found by the side of the road. I’d been gone for months. My car was too. I came back with nothing but the clothes on my back and countless scars. I’ve been told that I didn’t make any sense at first; I was just rambling nonsense. Or maybe it just sounded like nonsense to these people.
Over time, I forgot more and more of these fragmented images. And the less I remember, the more I can move on. Still, I’ve written them down over time, and they paint an ugly, insane picture of what I’d been going through. Some of which I, myself, have a hard time believing. Then again, I know myself well enough to see that there’s no point in lying.

I haven’t seen Samuel, or that strange kid ever since. I think this is all over, for now. There’s nothing left for me to give.
But even now, years later, I still wake up to that feeling at night. That there’s something wrong, or that I’m forgetting something. That there’s something near that I’m looking straight through, or past.
And every now and then, I hear the flutter of a moth’s wing, tapping against my bedroom window.
And I think I know what it wants.
It wants me to go back.
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2024.05.18 21:32 Azurecertificates Best online statistics class help Reddit

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submitted by Azurecertificates to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:04 angel_deluxe How Did Mirror Face Happen? An Analysis

Mirror Face is one of the least popular plot devices in the RGG series. Maybe even THE least popular. There are a lot of posts asking "why is Mirror Face a thing" or something to that effect, you ever SERIOUSLY wonder? I did, and I wrote a bunch about it :3c
(any errors, tell me and i'll fix it! if it's a critical error that topples my entire premise then uhhh i cut off my pinky finger i guess)
let it be known this is not a defence. This is me looking into the circumstances that may have caused him. This features spoilers for Yakuza 5, Kiwami 2, Judgment and Infinite Wealth, just FYI
Ryo Aoki has made it clear he prefers to take care of "loose ends", i.e. assassinating possible information leaks. He did this with Ogasawara, so it's entirely in line with his MO that he'd want to assassinate Sawashiro too after he'd been assassinated. However, there are currently two big names at his disposal in the Omi that we know of that he could use:
Both these options aren't good, so it has to be someone else. Nobody in the Omi fits, not even any of the minor Omi characters encountered so far (like that one crazy guy who says he was gonna gut Ichiban like a fish)
Surely there can be someone else?
Nope. Still nothing :(
What other options are there?
With what you have now, you pretty much have to pull a guy out of thin air to assassinate Sawashiro as there are no viable existing candidates that make sense to kill Sawashiro. It's got to be a new guy who can also impersonate a cop well enough to get into a high security prison, AND get out. Since it's a new guy, he can be anything. RGG Studio decided that his degree of impersonation would be spot-on, 100% perfect, down to the voice and face, down to the muscles?
Why? Why a perfect imitation? not sure??? Maybe it was easier just to use the models of the people he impersonates rather than making "kind of but not quite" versions, or perhaps they realised the impersonation has to be at LEAST good enough for the players not to feel like the game wants them to accept a subpar imitation, and cranked the accuracy on his outfits up to 100%. Yagami and Kaito got by on much worse though, so maybe not that one, but THIS is the part that pissed a lot of people off. There could also be the issue of having to bring in another voice actor for an imperfect imitation, but I doubt they were anywhere near THAT hard-up for money. I'm not sure if they were any of these reasons, but I'm thinking of possible ones rather
(Why did he choose to impersonate some retired traffic cop anyway? Maybe if it were a big name cop, the ruse might fall apart due to someone figuring out where the real one was at the time, and the real one's word counts for something - for a nobody like Adachi, it'd just be easier to have the real Adachi take the fall for it)
So here we have the corner the writers have gotten themselves into: an assassin who can impersonate law enforcement very well, who until now has not popped up, and can't be in prison currently. They have, for whatever reason, perhaps one of the ones above, decided he can imitate people perfectly, with personality only slightly flawed. Some people are good at imitating voices very well. With the right tools, you can imitate a number of people, too. As far as body builds, it's difficult, but if you're lucky to have the same build as the people you're imitating, then fine. All three, without having to dedicate. (Not-Tendo has no Kansai drawl from what I hear, but he's still Pretty Close voicewise)
It's worth noting this isn't the first time perfect imitation of appearance has happened. Far from it - the Jingweon have demonstrated it, not least with The Man Himself, Yeonsu Kim, andFake Kazuki in Kiwami 2 . However, K2 didn't use him as a major plot point, so it's easy to understand why people are...a little more annoyed about Mirror Face in 7. (Lost Judgment)also features this, but shows an obvious drawback in that you can't talk too much in it, nor make certain expressions
(In Yeonsu's case it's permanent plastic surgery so it's different. (Kiwami 2) Kazuki though? Do you think someone really got themselves to permanently look like the host of some Kamurocho host club for the sake of a single scheme? He barely did anything too that's so funny)
What about his appearance in the finale?
Everything Mirror Face!Tendo said is something Tendo himself could have said. An earlier scene in the finale saw Aoki tell Tendo in no uncertain terms he is disposable; Tendo has already shown he's capricious and disloyal when switching sides during the Dissolution's fight (and killing Arakawa), so surely it wouldn't be OOC for him to turn on Aoki between that and dissatisfaction with being disposable? Doesn't need Mirror Face at all. Not really sure Mirror Face was really needed here?? The first contrivance was pushing it to begin with, and bringing Mirror Face back in (plus how did Ichiban get his number so easily???) is a little much. I think this could have done without Not-Tendo
What could RGG have done to not put themselves in this corner? Maybe avoid Mirror Face entirely, perfect imitation or no?
My opinion? The issue was that his imitation had no imperfections other than personality. Make his face a little off, or have him speak very little. it's like magic as it is!!
TL;DR: They wrote themselves into a corner and Mirror Face was the most convenient contrivance they had because there was really little to nothing in the way of other possible contrivances. It almost had to be an expert lookalike assassin who previously hadn't popped up. There was no reason he had to be such a good imitator that it's almost supernatural, though. That's entirely on them and I have no clue why they did that - but the rest of it had to happen pretty much. Also he didn't need to be there at the end
TL;DR TL;DR: the worst sins committed with Mirror Face were his 100% perfect imitation skills and his unnecessary appearance as not-Tendo at the end. yes i still don't think it was a very good plot device
TL;DR except it's a gif:
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2024.05.18 16:56 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 414

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 414

Some faces are unwelcome no matter how often they appear. For me, Lee Jeong-Ryong and Wu Hei-Xing belonged squarely in that category.

Nevertheless, I initiated the conversation today because Wu Hei-Xing, against all odds, looked somewhat respectable.

"Look who's here. I thought I'd never see you again."

My lively greeting earned a venomous glare from the disheveled Wu Hei-Xing.

「Shut up.」


「One more word, and I swear on my grandfather's honor, I'll tear you to pieces.」

Is he Kim Jong-Il or something? I'll never understand why these guys treat their deceased ancestors' honor like a credit card. [Note: Kim Jong-Il was the previous lead of North Korea from 1997 to 2011.]

Keeping a straight face, I questioned him.

"Did you have a bad relationship with your grandfather?"


"I mean... Why stake his honor on something so impossible? It would make more sense if you were the one getting torn to pieces..."

「You bastard!」

As Wu Hei-Xing exploded with rage and rose to his feet, Lee Jeong-Ryong intervened with a raised hand.


「But Mr. Lee, this bastard...」

"Fighting amongst ourselves before a decisive battle is completely pointless. Calm down."


Wu Hei-Xing gritted his teeth, fixing me with a hostile stare.

「Understood. Since you say so, Mr. Lee, I'll stop here.」

"Good thinking."

Was he always this susceptible to persuasion? I glanced sideways at Lee Jeong-Ryong, noting the subtle smile playing on his lips.

Mr. Choi, who had accompanied me, seemed lost in thought.

"What about you, Jin Tae-Kyung?"

Turning away from Mr. Choi, I shrugged nonchalantly.

"I should listen to what my elders say."

"I didn't think you were one to care about such things."

"Shouldn't all young people respect their elders?"

Lee Jeong-Ryong laughed softly at my casual remark, while Wu Hei-Xing looked at me as though he wished me dead.

「Respecting your elders. Bullshit. What about me then, seven years your elder?」

"If you don’t want to write a will, try opening your mouth kindly first."

「This damn brat...」

"Don't be a dick."

Wu Hei-Xing, reignited with anger, fell silent.

I stared him down with icy eyes and continued.

"If you still have the energy to fuss over such pettiness, you should check on the friends you brought here."


"These are people who risked their lives to come this far. They aren't disposable tools to be discarded after one use."

My disdain was palpable.

Around Wu Hei-Xing, the remaining Hunters were barely fifty in number.

According to what I’d learned from headquarters, they had started with five hundred. The majority had either perished or fallen behind.

"It's entirely possible that they were all casualties, especially in combat. But…"

Despite the bloodshed around him, his armor remained almost immaculate, suggesting he had engaged minimally, preserving himself while his comrades fell.

"Got anything to say, idiot?"

I remembered a line from a classic superhero movie I watched as a child.

With great power comes great responsibility. And that's not just for those bitten by radioactive spiders.

If you're someone who can conjure Aura Blades instead of spider webs, amassing wealth and honor while shielding your misdeeds, then at least acknowledge your basic duties.

"You might qualify as an S-rank, but you're no Hunter. So from now on, when introducing yourself, don't say 'Hunter.' Just go with 'the lucky S-rank, Wu Hei-Xing.' Got it?"


Wu Hei-Xing stood trembling, his fists clenched, as Lee Jeong-Ryong intervened.

"He did his best."

"Seeing his armor, I doubt that. It looks so clean, you could wipe it down and bring it to a thrift store."

"Wearing strong armor isn't grounds for criticism."

"I've noticed this before... You always seem to take his side. Does this bastard have something on you?"

"Everyone has something. I just happen to be good at hiding mine."

"You might want to run a check on your computer. Who knows, maybe the Chinese hackers are sharing images of the Vice Guild Leader watching porn in their group chats."

"I’ll be cautious."

A formidable opponent indeed.

Unfazed, Lee Jeong-Ryong offered a slight smile, but the man behind him told a different story.

I gestured dismissively at the man radiating a subtle, murderous intent.

"Look who it is, Team Leader Seok. Isn't that our Go-Jun?"

Lee Jeong-Ryong’s head of security and a devoted disciple.

I recalled thrashing him soundly before his departure to China, yet now, he appeared not only unmarked but even more formidable.

His gaze alone, deeper and more intense, was a testament to his vastly improved skills.

'He's also grown more patient.'

Seok Go-Jun ranks among Lee Jeong-Ryong's most loyal followers.

Previously, he would have lunged at me without a second thought. Now, even brimming with murderous intent, he opted for restraint over drawing his weapon.

Lee Jeong-Ryong seemed proud of his disciple and announced,

"We've now reached just 20 kilometers from the Arch Lich, according to the coordinates."

I ran my hands through my sticky, blood-smeared hair.

"It’s going to be the longest and most intense 20 kilometers on Earth."

"That's right. The Arch Lich has kept a substantial force in reserve."

"How many?"

"An estimated fifty thousand."

At that, a wave of despair swept through the suicide squad listening intently to our conversation.

Combined, the forces under myself, Lee Jeong-Ryong, and Wu Hei-Xing numbered barely five hundred.

Even a rough estimate made the prospect of breaching an army a hundred times our size to reach the Arch Lich seem daunting, filling them with a profound dread.

It was likely this overwhelming fear that prompted someone to cry out,

「We need to retreat, now!」

Soon, the dam of restraint broke and other Hunters joined in.


「There are too many monsters!」

「We’ll be annihilated if it continues like this.」

「I came here to defeat the Arch Lich, not to die a dog’s death!」

The two hundred or so members of the Western Front's suicide squad, who had suffered minimal losses thus far, were not immune to the spreading panic.

Yet amidst the rising fear, two figures remained composed.

Shao Shen, looking at me with unwavering trust, and then...

"There might be a possibility."

Going beyond mere trust in me, Mr. Choi, having analyzed the situation independently, spoke with measured calm.

"An estimated fifty thousand exceeds the General Headquarter's predictions by a significant margin."

「So naturally, we should retreat, shouldn’t we?」

At a member of the suicide squad's cry, Mr. Choi immediately shook his head.

"And the number of monsters we've faced so far is also fewer than expected."


"While there were many, the forces we encountered on the front weren't as overwhelming as anticipated."


"Maybe the Arch Lich anticipated such a scenario. Instead of committing all its forces to the front, it might have held back fifty thousand troops as a final reserve to prepare for any situation."

The expressions of the Hunters hardened as they listened to Mr. Choi, not from understanding his point, but from the increasingly intense vibrations underfoot.

Creak, creak, creak.

The tremors, felt even tens of kilometers away, shook everyone to their core.

Destroyed roads stretched beside vast plains. Through the thick fog enveloping us, the combined roars and footsteps of tens of thousands of monsters echoed as a distant, unified clamor.

- Roarrrrrr!

「This is insane...」

「Run. We have to run. This is a fight we can't win.」

Feet shuffled and retreated in panic.

Yet standing resolute amid this chaos were the members of the Ares Guild, and Lee Jeong-Ryong, who, facing Mr. Choi, wore an intrigued expression.


Their gazes met in the charged air. Mr. Choi's grip on the [Hero's Soul] tightened.

"Even though the General Headquarter's predictions were off, the fact that the Arch Lich hasn't launched a full offensive means that his reserve strength is still on the fronts."

"Yet, our forces are still outnumbered by the enemy."

"But aren’t there people assigned to this mission with this already in mind?"

Creak, creak, creak.

The roaring and ground-shaking grew more intense. Amid the anxious murmurs of the crowd, Mr. Choi's mana-imbued voice resonated with everyone.

"People capable of turning the tide in an instant. People known as S-rank Hunters, each one a one-man army."

At that moment.


A dazzling burst of light erupted overhead.

With the brilliant illumination, the air itself seemed to cleave, as if cut by an immense blade. Three figures appeared, descending as though they were walking down invisible steps.

「My great-grandmother often sat me on her knee and told me. Royalty must fulfill the duties befitting their status. Commoners like you wouldn't understand.」

I chuckled and bowed slightly. Normally, he’s the last person I’d choose to align with, but this time, I couldn’t resist.

"Your Highness, Prince Felix."

「Hearing it from your lips is indeed pleasant, Jin. Hunter of the East.」

Prince Felix's haughty demeanor prompted the beauty next to him to click her tongue.

「Can't you do something about him? Maybe gag him?」

"It seems I might have to let it slide today, sister."

「Oh my.」

Fei Chen’s eyes widened at my reply and soon, she sported a bashful smile.

「That's good to hear. It feels right, doesn’t it?」

At Fei Chen’s remark, the last person in the group laughed heartily.

「Does this mean I can also expect something? What do you think, Jin?」

"Why, would you like me to kiss you?"

「Oh, not bad. But I must politely decline. I'm already married to my beloved Fred, and I have five adopted children.」

Swoosh. Thud.

Gliding through the air, Magic Johnson patted my shoulder with his enormous hand.

「Jin, you brave little guy. How on Earth did you do such a dangerous teleport? I nearly gave up several times this go around.」

"But you did it in the end, Johnson."

「The odds were different. This time, the chance of failure was only 10%. You're at least 80% braver than me.」

Courage isn’t measured by size. By simply daring to come here, risking death, they had proven themselves as some of the world’s finest Hunters.

And as they received unexpected reinforcements, the crowd’s eyes widened in disbelief.

「Fei Chen?」

「Prince Felix and Magic Johnson are here too!」

「S-rank Hunters! The S-rank Hunters have come to help us!」

「I love you, Johnson! Fucking nice gay!」 [Note: this is not a typo. This whole line is in English in the raw.]

But the excitement didn’t stop there.

Thump, thump, thump.

An unfamiliar type of vibration began, unlike anything previously felt.

It signaled the arrival of a vast army, now visible as a speck on the horizon.

「You thought we came here unprepared?」

Fei Chen continued with a sly grin, fueling the ongoing conversation.

「Combined, the Western and Eastern forces number ten thousand. That should buy you enough time to escape.」

A voice, filled with wonder, murmured aloud.

「Now we can live...」

In response, another voice cut through the air with firm resolve.


Mr. Choi raised the [Hero's Soul].

Even through the dense fog, the blade gleamed with a brilliant light.

"Now we can win."

I believe so too.

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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:34 YolaBee Online Global Toastmasters Group Looking For Members

Hi All,
Persuasive Toastmasters Online
We are an online toastmasters group that meets the 2nd Monday 7pm AEST of every month and we're looking at adding a session on Sunday afternoons once a month as well! Our first one is happening tomorrow!
Most of our members are Australian but we also have members from all around the world and are keen for more people to join us, we're a relaxed and fun group focusing on helping people with public speaking, practising English and fun easy debate topics. We have members ranging from 20 through to late 70s.
Come join our meeting tomorrow afternoon or send the Facebook group a message if you're interested in joining in on our discussion topic tomorrow or if you'd prefer just sit in and see what we're all about. 😊😊😊
If you want to know more feel free to send me a DM!
submitted by YolaBee to Toastmasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:44 Angel-Hugh ENFJ/ENFP Type descriptions switched on 16p?

So, this is a theory but since ENFP's often have trouble identifying with their type description and ENFJ's also often have trouble identifying with their type description, I checked into the INFJ type description and found many things that resonated with me and were frankly very ENFP-like... Like the person creating the type description (Using a big 5 mode of personality discovery) switched up the personality with whom it belonged to. I've noticed things in the description that seem to go with the cognitive functions of the other side and I intend to show them below. For a Tl;dr, I really do think that the ENFJ description is more ENFP-like and the ENFP description is more ENFJ like.
This is otherwise a long post as I'm going to copy the main description and point out the cognitive functions used in these supposed type descriptions and why they don't match up with the type they are describing and instead more like the other. I'll post a link to the pages in the comments.
I'll start with the ENFP description.
"It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. - ORIAH MOUNTAIN DREAMER
People with the ENFP personality type (Campaigners) are true free spirits – outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded. With their lively, upbeat approach to life, ENFPs stand out in any crowd. But even though they can be the life of the party, they don’t just care about having a good time. These personalities have profound depths that are fueled by their intense desire for meaningful, emotional connections with others."
Outgoing and openhearted? Stand out in the crowd? Life of the party? This sounds like Fe to me. Possibly Fe dominance, wanting to blend in with a crowd. Unless we have a reason or we are very comfortable with the people we are around, in most crowds without preparing ourselves, we may often be found near a wall, maybe talking to a few friends, probably feeling anxious if somebody wants us to introduce ourselves to a random stranger. We need a *reason* to talk to someone generally. We don't just open ourselves up to random people willy nilly.
"The Magic of Everyday Life
ENFP personalities carry an interesting blend of carefree sociability, sparkling imagination, and deep, contemplative introspection. They regularly use their natural curiosity and expansive creativity to try to better understand themselves and the complex dynamics of human relationships. And they are truly devoted to nurturing their relationships with and their understanding of the world at large.
In their unique way, ENFPs’ introspective nature is driven by their imagination, wonder, and belief in things that cannot always be explained rationally. People with this personality type truly believe that everything – and everyone – is connected, and they live for the glimmers of insight that they can gain from these connections. They believe that how we treat one another really matters. In fact, ENFPs are the most likely personality type to believe in the concept of karma."
Deep contemplative introspection. Literally Ni. Better understand themselves and the complex dynamics of human relationships? Relationships plural? This is literally more Fe and Fe dom. ESFJs want to know all about your personal life, and ENFJs want to know all about your mental life. Truly devoted to nurturing their relationships with and their understanding of the world at large. Now wait a second... Nurturing their relationships with... the world at large (along with understanding it)? Way more Fe Ni-like than Ne Fi. "...Nature is driven by their imagination, wonder, and belief in things that cannot always be explained rationally. People with this personality type truly believe that everything – and everyone – is connected, and they live for the glimmers of insight that they can gain from these connections." Sure reminds me of ENFJ's love for astrology and inter-connectedness mentality. I mean, there's a lot of Fe Ni Ti going on with that mindset. Not quite where most ENFP's concentration lies. They are perhaps sometimes curious in those subjects at times, but their main focus is generally on believing that there is good in each person in a more individual manner (Fi projection), not trying to connect people and things together. Ne doesn't do that. We connect ideas and thought processes and want to bring things to a logical harmony in the world with Te. "They believe that how we treat one another really matters. In fact, ENFPs are the most likely personality type to believe in the concept of karma." We treat people right because it's the right thing to do. Not because we are concerned over karma. Honestly, I kinda do believe in karma, but it's like an outside thought that makes no impression on my life. Honestly, having to think of how "something else" like the idea of karma is responding to how I live my life would be tiring to a high Fi user. Fi does things generally without weighing in on how it would be perceived unless in critical or perhaps insecure or important moments. Meanwhile, Fe seeks external harmony and paired closely with Ni, will take that to a higher level. So they are definitely the most likely type to take karma seriously.
"ENFPs are independent and creative, always on the lookout for the magic and meaning in everyday life. They can’t help but ponder the deeper significance of life – even when they should be paying attention to something else.
When something sparks their imagination, ENFPs show an enthusiasm that is nothing short of infectious. These personalities can’t help but to radiate a positive energy that draws other people in. Consequently, they might find themselves being held up by their peers as a leader or guru. However, once their initial bloom of inspiration wears off, ENFPs can struggle with self-discipline and consistency, losing steam on projects that once meant so much to them."
"They can't help but ponder the deeper significance of life - even when they should be paying attention to something else." While we ENFP's do like to know about the deeper significance of life, if we're honest with ourselves, it's not a regular recurring thought. It's more of picking up bits and pieces scattered here and there. This deep pondering of life... This is Ni in action, especially if it's on the regular. "These personalities can’t help but to radiate a positive energy that draws other people in. Consequently, they might find themselves being held up by their peers as a leader or guru." I'll be honest here and say both ENFX's are capable of this.
"Seeking Joy
ENFP personalities are proof that seeking out life’s joys and pleasures isn’t the same as being shallow. Seemingly in the blink of an eye, people with this personality type can transform from impassioned idealists to carefree figures on the dance floor.
ENFP personalities are capable of intense thought and feeling – and also of kicking back and having a good time."
This is simply not true for at least many ENFP's. It takes getting the right mindset previously, a conscious decision if you will, to resolve to cut loose in a dance floor setting. It's easier when we're around the right people that we're comfortable with. Some ENFP's have mastered it naturally and are more confident, but others still have reservations. ENFP's are very purpose-driven guided by our Fi. If there's a *reason* to dance in a crowd (Someone we love and are comfortable with is there and we want to dance with) then it's easy. Otherwise it can feel awkward and unnatural sometimes. Meanwhile, even ENFJ's will tell you they are the life of the party absolutely thrilled to be there, often being the loudest one there. They thrive in Fe as their dominant function and can pretty much personify "carefree figures on the dance floor".
"Even in moments of fun, ENFPs want to connect emotionally with others. Few things matter more to these personalities than having genuine, heartfelt conversations with the people they cherish. ENFPs believe that everyone deserves to express their feelings, and their empathy and warmth create spaces where even the most timid spirits can feel comfortable opening up.
ENFPs need to be careful, however. Their intuition may lead them to read far too much into other people’s actions and behaviors. Instead of simply asking for an explanation, they may end up puzzling over someone else’s desires or intentions. This kind of social stress is what keeps harmony-focused ENFP personalities awake at night."
The first paragraph can be both, but in the second paragraph this is so much more Ni behavior. ENFP's literally do nothing but ask questions to clarify every little detail of what's going on in a persons life as we are trying to figure out how we can best help them. This is Ne gathering information so we can put together a complete understanding to the best of our ability. Ni often Thinks of things and comes up with an explanation and zones in on it, which often causes them to see a simple action by those they care about and interpret it to mean so much more than was likely intended. They will often try to figure out a meaning for something rather than simply asking. This is clearly Ni at work here, especially Fe Ni. And this sentence: "This kind of social stress is what keeps harmony-focused ENFP personalities awake at night." Like what?? ENFP literally don't stress over anything like this. And harmony-focused?? Gosh. If there's a problem that needs addressed, we are absolutely going to shake up that boat no questions asked. This agony over "What could that guy have meant by what he did?" is all Ni. Fe Ni to be exact. Honestly, high Ne and Fi user ENFP's will be more likely to miss an actual obvious signal altogether and even if it's noticed, may use Ne to consider that it could mean all sorts of innocent things and just leave it at that. Then we sleep well. If we do stay up it will be Ne making stupid random thought jumps and connections, not stressing over a specific occurrence.
"ENFPs will spend a lot of time exploring different relationships, feelings, and ideas before they find a path for their life that feels right. But when they do finally find their way, their imagination, empathy, and courage can light up not only their own life but also the world around them."
Exploring different relationships honestly sounds more like... actual seeking relationships than just coming across one person helping them then another and happening to getting close to them for that reason. Most of the time when ENFP's are close to people it's very loving, but often strictly platonic and not looking for a partner. We just help people that fate puts in our path and wish them well on their journey after a time. So, calling it exploring relationships doesn't sound ENFP-like...
That was the ENFP description... Doesn't sound very Ne Fi Te Si though does it? Perhaps more Fe Ni? Next we're tackling the ENFJ description. Thanks for bearing with me so far. Here's some snacks. Ok, onwards to the ENFJ description:
"When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful. - MALALA YOUSAFZAI
People with the ENFJ personality type (Protagonists) feel called to serve a greater purpose in life. Thoughtful and idealistic, ENFJs strive to have a positive impact on other people and the world around them. These personalities rarely shy away from an opportunity to do the right thing, even when doing so is far from easy."
Fi is such a powerful driving force to do what you think is right, particularly paired with Te in the tertiary as we want to act on the world to bring about order, particularly Ne Fi order in the natural world. It's a compelling force that Fe Ni Se simply doesn't have in the same intensity.
"ENFJs are born leaders, which explains why these personalities can be found among many notable politicians, coaches, and teachers. Their passion and charisma allow them to inspire others not just in their careers but in every arena of their lives, including their relationships. Few things bring people with the ENFJ personality type a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment than guiding friends and loved ones to grow into their best selves.
ENFJs possess the unique ability to remain hopeful in the face of difficulties, always remembering that there is something to be grateful for."
"Inspire others not just in their careers but in every arena of their lives, including their relationships. Few things bring people with the ENFJ (ENFP) personality type a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment than guiding friends and loved ones to grow into their best selves." This is LITERALLY ENFP's. We strive and hunger to help people become the best version of themselves. We want to help them through their problems. Their relationship struggles, job struggles, emotional struggles, whatever they need. We want to do the best we can to elevate them to be strong enough to be better people and take care of things on their own so that we can have the freedom to move on from them to some other soul in need of help. We are always hopeful no matter what! That Ne opens the door to many opportunities and the Fi wants to believe and hope for the best in people.
"Speaking Up for What’s Right
ENFJs tend to be vocal about their values, including authenticity and altruism. When something strikes them as unjust or wrong, they speak up. But they rarely come across as brash or pushy, as their sensitivity and insight guide them to speak in ways that resonate with others."
Again, LITERALLY ENFP. Their values?? This is literally ENFP Ne Fi. Authenticity. Altruism. These things are critically important to ENFP's. Injustice? Wrongs? We are absolutely going to speak up and do something about it. The approach to handling may be different depending on the situation and circumstance, but one way or another it's going to be addressed.
"ENFJ personalities have not only an uncanny ability to pick up on people’s underlying motivations and beliefs but also a knack for understanding how others are feeling just by looking at them. At times, they may not even understand how they come to grasp another person’s mind and heart so quickly. These flashes of insight can make ENFJs incredibly persuasive and inspiring communicators.
ENFJ personalities possess an innate sense of justice and an unwavering commitment to standing up against what they perceive as wrong."
Yes. We can often pick up on motives, studying them, and picking up on emotional signals sometimes just reading the energy from a text. We can just feel that they're hiding something so we point it out and pull it out of them and they tell it. It's complicated but honestly I'm glad I can connect with people so that I can be better able to learn more about them to help them in the best way we can. And this sentence: "ENFJ personalities possess an innate sense of justice and an unwavering commitment to standing up against what they perceive as wrong." Text book definition of Fi. Particularly Ne Fi as morals are in question. Particularly as it speaks of "innate" sense of justice.
"This personality type’s secret weapon is their purity of intent. Generally speaking, ENFJs are motivated by a sincere wish to do the right thing rather than a desire to manipulate or have power over other people. Even when they disagree with someone, they search for common ground. The result is that people with the ENFJ personality type can communicate with an eloquence and sensitivity that are nearly impossible to ignore – particularly when they speak about matters that are close to their hearts."
Purity of intent is literally the ENFP strong point. We are always trying to do the right thing and stay true to ourselves. This is the calling card of the ENFP's. The thing we wish everyone understood and get hurt when people think we would ever want to hurt anyone on purpose. :( (Why do people do this??) Manipulation is like absolute anathema to us!!! It's disgusting. Horrible. Dishonest and twisting people?? We want people to be the best individuals, their own Fi that they can be! Once you are strong enough, we let you go to take on life without us. :) We have no need for attachment to you if we know you are doing the right thing for yourself. <3 Maybe just check in or just be an awesome friend to you, but if you're ready to move on on your own, we are happy to see you fly with new wings. <3 Like, even if we disagree on even moral points, honestly I acknowledge that everyone is walking their own path in life with their own circumstances that led them there, and all we want to do is simply give them the tools to grow as individuals and allow them to make the hard choices on their own. Perhaps drop a few words of advice to help them see things in a better light in general and give them hope, but we don't push anything on them.
"Getting Involved
ENFJ personalities are genuine, caring people who talk the talk and walk the walk. Nothing makes them happier than motivating others to do what’s right.
When ENFJs care about someone, they want to help solve that person’s problems – sometimes at any cost. The good news is that many people are grateful for this assistance and advice. After all, there’s a reason that these personalities have a reputation for helping others improve their lives.
But getting involved in other people’s problems isn’t always a recipe for success. ENFJs tend to have a clear vision of what people can or should do in order to better themselves, but not everyone is ready to make those changes. If they push too hard, their loved ones may feel resentful or unfairly judged. And while this personality type is known for being insightful, even the wisest ENFJs may sometimes misread a situation or unwittingly give bad advice."
That genuineness, that talk the talk and walk the walk... that's Fi. And being so important to us, we want to see others develop their Fi as well. We want to help people, and that sometimes at any cost... That's so true for us ENFP's... Many times we might lose sleep over helping a person struggling with depression. If someone needs a coat and we feel drawn to help them, we will happily give them the coat off our back even if it's cold outside. If we're in the middle of something even kinda important, but a person nearby asks for help, then we'll put the other thing on hold and help them... if it takes longer than expected to help them, then oh well. Guess we have to keep helping them. That other thing will just have to keep waiting. And yes. We have an idea from the start when addressing people's problems of what sort of things they should improve in their lives in order to reach stability or feel at peace. We try to ease them carefully towards making those decisions on their own as they are comfortable with it, but yeah... sometimes people keep putting up road blocks which can be difficult to push past without sometimes getting them upset... We promise we are just trying to help though. (I.e. I know it can be tough to apologize to a parent that has been unfair to you, but try to see things from their perspective too. You didn't behave very respectfully. And although they perhaps don't "deserve" your respect, healing has to come from somewhere and it will also help you grow as a person. We aren't trying to say it's all your fault. They are at fault too, but you should also do your part to accept the role you had and try to mend things between you.) And yes, regarding the bad advice, that can happen sometimes. We do the best we can with as much Ne data as possible, but we might miss things occasionally, and Te may jump in with a solution that might not always be fully matured. Sorry about that. We try.
"Leading the Way
People with this personality type are devoted altruists, ready to face slings and arrows in order to stand up for the people and ideas that they believe in. This strength of conviction bolsters an ENFJ’s ability to guide others to work together in service of the greater good.
But their greatest gift might actually be leading by example. In their day-to-day lives, ENFJs reveal how seemingly ordinary situations can be handled with compassion, dedication, and care. For these personalities, even the smallest daily choices and actions – from how they spend their weekend to what they say to a coworker who is struggling – can become an opportunity to lead the way to a brighter future."
Yes. More and more ENFP qualities. By the way, I must point you out to this sentence: "This strength of conviction bolsters an ENFJ’s (ENFP's) ability to guide others to work together in service of the greater good." This reminds me of that thing about personalities that a mature person of a type can look like another with the tertiary and inferior moved to the dominant and aux position, so a well rounded mature ENFP with Ne Fi Te Si, can look/behave something like a Te Si Ne Fi ESTJ, but with an ENFP altruistic mindset. So, if we have found a cause to be truly worthwhile, we can certainly move to inspire people to work together to achieve this goal for the community at large. It doesn't necessarily happen often to most ENFP's, but I'm certain the urge to get people together to do something big has often touched the heart of most ENFP's. And yes. We do our best to live our lives to show how in even ordinary circumstances, you can be good to your fellow man. Never miss an opportunity to do some good if someone comes into your life needing assistance. Strive for the betterment of all.
If you got through all that, well thank you. I'm sure you'll judge everything I've said, but that's why I put it up here. I want to hear your thoughts on the matter. Do you agree that they seem off from what they say? That they are describing the other personality? It doesn't matter what type you are, I'm happy to hear how you weigh in, but if some ENFP's and ENFJ's also jump in that would be awesome. Thanks. Y'all are awesome. <3
submitted by Angel-Hugh to mbti [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:00 Choice_Evidence1983 [New Update] - AITA for telling my friend that he deserved to have his GF cheat on him and then get his ass beat by her affair partner?

I am NOT OOP. OOP is u/Honest_Version_8785
Originally posted to AITAH
Previous BoRU #1 + BoRU #2
[New Update] - AITA for telling my friend that he deserved to have his GF cheat on him and then get his ass beat by her affair partner?
Trigger Warnings: abuse, infidelity, emotional abuse and manipulation, verbal abuse, physical violence, mentions of depression, possible mental issues, exploitation, financial abuse, codependency, isolating and obsessive behaviors
Original Post: December 21, 2023
My friend, Mark (M18), has recently been having a lot of relationship troubles with his girlfriend, Leah (F18). They got together back in February of this year (when we were still in high school), and their relationship has become a complete train wreck. Mark was (and still is) head over heels for Leah; he has told me and my other friends that she is “definitely the one” and that he eventually plans on marrying and settling down. This all seemed both premature and immature to me, but it's beside the point.
Leah, on the other hand, is a nightmare. She’s cheated on Mark several times now and every time she does, she gives Mark some lame story about him not being supportive enough or that she made a mistake or that she wanted to see him get jealous for her sake. He gobbles it up every time. According to Mark, Leah largely acts like this because her father was very abusive towards her and her mother, and therefore she carries a lot of trauma with her. Mark constantly reiterated that he wants to help her work past that, but things haven't really been going his way.
Since September, Leah has been seeing this other guy, Derek (M22), and she’s 100% infatuated with him. I only know this based on what my other friends (and Mark) have been telling me because I was in another state for college.
Mark has been arguing a lot with Leah about Derek, and she has threatened to leave Mark if he doesn’t just simply accept her for “who she is.” He did. Not only that, he and Leah have entered what he calls a semi-open relationship. This means, according to Mark, that Leah is allowed to see Derek as much as she wants, but Mark isn’t allowed to see anyone else. This is because Leah feared Mark would become emotionally invested in them and leave her. Mark begrudgingly agreed to this and has been seething for months about it.
Since about November, Leah has been seeing Derek more than she does Mark. While Mark doesn’t admit to it, our other friends have told me that she is essentially in a full-time relationship with Derek and only comes to Mark for money and emotional support.
Fast forward to this week, and I’m back home for the break. Mark started texting me on Saturday, saying that he hated Derek for “trying to steal his girl” and wanted to beat his ass that night. He said that he wanted me to come along since all of our other friends couldn’t (they made up excuses not to go; they have told me this, but Mark doesn’t know). Since I just got back home the day before, I was still exhausted, so I point-blank refused Mark’s request. I told him that Leah was a lost cause, and I wasn’t going to fight some people I’d never seen for her. Mark started begging me, saying that Leah is the love of his life and that he needs my help. I refused again. He then says that he’ll go on his own, but I told him that he probably shouldn’t.
I woke up Sunday morning to more than 300 messages on my phone from Mark and all our friends. Long story short, Mark went over to Derek’s place to bring Leah back. He ended up getting his ass kicked by Derek and his friends. They only stopped when Leah asked them to. I called Mark and told him that he should probably talk to a lawyer or something, but he refused since Leah asked him to not escalate the situation.
I then told him that he was being dumb, and this triggered him so much. He started saying how I was a bitch and a snake for not backing him up and how I was a fake friend. I was so irritated at this point, so I told Mark that he deserved to get jumped and that it made sense why Leah preferred Derek over him. He hung up on me, and we haven’t spoken since.
Since then, my other friends have been saying that I’m an asshole for how I handled the conversation, but they do agree Mark is a dumbass.
AITAH has no consensus bot, but based on the comments, OOP was NTA
Big-Philosopher-2735 NTA! He's delusional. Your other friends should've been honest with him. Maybe if everyone was honest, he'd get it. Good for you for not getting involved in the fight.
OOP We've all been trying to get him to leave her, but he keeps on insisting that she is the most spectacular person in the world beneath all of the shit she gets up to
Update #1: December 24, 2023
Some of my friends and I ended up going out with Mark to see how he was doing. We didn't want to go to his parents' place since Leah was now living there with him and we didn't want to see her. He does look very beaten up (black eye, bruises all over his face and arms, busted lip, etc.), but he was surprisingly in a good mood and even insisted that I didn't have to apologize for how I spoke last time.
He told us that Derek ended up dumping Leah a few days after the fight. Apparently, he asked Leah to dump Mark. She refused, and they argued (I'll spare you most of it). Their conversation ended with Leah being kicked out of his apartment in the middle of the night, and Mark had to come pick her up. He has refused his parent's (and our) request to escalate the situation at Leah's request.
Mark has said that Leah has been very depressed about Derek dumping her and spends a lot of the days crying. Mark just says he's incredibly thankful to be there to comfort her and emotionally support her. He keeps on saying that when it comes down to it, Leah chose him over Derek, and nothing can take that away. Like I said above, Leah has decided to return to living with Mark, she can technically go to her mother's house but doesn't want to.
Here's the real kicker: Mark says that he has a very good reason to believe Leah might be in the early stages of pregnancy now. My friends and I assumed the child was Derek's, but Mark insisted that regardless, it would be his kid. We asked him to get paternity testing, and he has refused since "he can't do that to Leah." We've told him that the relationship is toxic, but he didn't want to hear it since that was a "matter of perspective." Also, his parents have no clue about the potential pregnancy.
He says that in the future, he doesn't want us to say anything about Leah unless it is the absolute truth (his speech of singing her praises). My other friends and I all left pretty stunned, and I'm thinking that at this stage, I'll slowly be removing myself from Mark's life.
It sucks since I've known him for a long time and do enjoy his company. But I don't think I'll be able to remain friends with him in good faith if I'm not able to speak honestly to him.
CIMARUTA Dude is trying to ruin his life as fast as possible
OOP 100% he is. It's tragic to watch him give up everything for this pointless "relationship"
lotusbiscoffbaby Forgive me for this, but me personally, I wouldn’t even bother with someone like Mark. He’s delusional and stupid at this point, and he can’t even see how manipulative Leah is being. He’s willing to throw his whole life away for a girl who has no respect for him and for a baby that probably isn’t even his. OP, it’s probably best to just keep your distance or go no contact with Mark, seeing as he’s made his choice.
OOP Yeah, I'll be keeping my distance. Its just so awful that he's throwing his life away for the most useless reason
butterpiescottish I, in Mark's mother's place, would kick Leah out of my house and tell Mark that the child would not enter my house without a paternity test and I would no longer be supporting him financially.
OOP If his parents try anything, he'll go no contact with them. He told us that between his parents (dad and step mom) and Leah, he's choosing Leah.
It really does suck, and I feel like it is extremely unfair to them.
Update #2: January 21, 2024
Last Post I've been receiving some DMs from people asking what happened with Mark. Since the winter break ended, I have returned to college so I haven't seen him since the day he spoke with me and the other guys. All the information I've been receiving about him has thus come from our Whatsapp group or what the other guys have been telling me. I've only texted Mark himself twice since then and both instances were about things unrelated to Leah.
However, there are some updates. As of last weekend, Mark confirmed on our group chat that Leah is indeed pregnant. He is excited about "becoming a dad", also we'll probably never know if the child is his or Derek's since Mark has rejected the idea of a paternity test and asked us to not bring it up again. However, my friends told me that they are fairly certain the kid's Derek's based on the timeline.
Mark and Leah are still living with his parents and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Mark works part-time in addition to taking some online courses at a college. Therefore, he and Leah are still largely being supported by his parents. Mark did message us telling us that his parents did argue with him a bit, but he managed to convince them to keep Leah and a child with them. He also told us that Leah told him that she preferred staying with him instead of going back home to her mom. It's only speculation, but some of the other guys and I assume that Mark may threatened no contact with his own parents if they don't accept Leah and the kid since he hinted at that during our last conversation.
Mark has also been trying to convince Leah to go into therapy but so far she has refused all of his persuasions. On the bright side, Mark has told us Leah is no longer interested in open relationships (possibly due to her fallout with Derek) and is dedicated to only him.
Black_Pearl47 Leah probably tried to convince Derek to stay with her and take over the baby and he refused and the only one left was Mark.
I hope she realizes that Mark is a good person who is willing to cut off contact with his own parents to stay with her and the child even though it might not be his and starts to value him.
On the other hand my fear is that she find someone else who is in a better situation than mark and who is willing to take it on with a child and she abandons mark again.
And the part where Leah no longer wants an open relationship I think is due to the fact that Mark regains consciousness and leaves her and the son, I hope I'm wrong and that Leah has in fact changed and become a better person.
OOP Honestly, I've been slowly distancing myself from the guy so I'm not sure which direction he plans on going. That being said, he has reiterated that who the kid's biological father is means nothing to him as he plans on raising it as his own

----NEW UPDATE----

Update #3 (rareddit): May 11, 2024 (4 months later)
It's been a while since my last post, mainly this is because I've had very little communication with Mark and have been focused on my studies. Now that I'm home for summer vacation, I was able to catch up on all the Mark bs.
Firstly, Mark and Leah got married. It was a very small, town hall-type wedding just to get a marriage certificate. This happened about a month and a half ago.
Since then, Mark has become a complete POS. He regularly fights with his step-mom and dad since he thinks they make Leah feel "unwelcomed". It got so bad that they had Mark and Leah move out to an apartment on the other side of town. They give them about 2k a month to cover their living expenses and Mark works part-time to cover everything else they need.
Since getting married, all Mark ever posts on our group chat is how amazing Leah is, and how wrong we were for trying to get him to leave. Tbh, I find it so annoying, that I've put the group on mute. Some of the other guys and I have since made another group chat with everyone except Mark in it because we are all tired of his bs.
Mark has also started treating some of the other guys in the group like shit. This one guy, Alan, helped Mark and Leah move to the apartment and then Mark started accusing him of trying to make a move on pregnant Leah 🤢. Alan of course denied it, but Mark still accuses him from time to time. It is so uncalled for, tbh it ruined the entire group's opinion of Mark.
A few days ago, when I got back home from school, I decided to drop in and see Mark in person. He was chill but then started going about how he again thought Alan was trying to move in on Leah. It was awkward, I told him he was imagining it and nobody aside from him would want Leah, he kinda jokingly kinda seriously called me a dick and I haven't spoken to him since then. Thank God Leah wasn't home at the time because I didn't want to see her.
Ngl, myself and the other guys sometimes joke that "Dereck" needs to come back and set Mark straight again. But on a serious note, I have decided to no longer have ANY contact with Mark, and if I post in the future again about trying to build up a relationship with him or interacting with him in any way I'll be a hypocrite, a lying POS.
Leah is now very noticeably pregnant. Mark told us that the doctor told them that the due date is probably going to be in mid-August.
Nobody has heard of Derek, but rumour has it Leah tried to contact him again a few times though he ghosted her when he found out about the pregnancy.
Honestly, I think my life will be a lot simpler when I drop Mark and his family out of my life, most of our other friends group is doing this and I'll encourage those on the fence to do the same.



submitted by Choice_Evidence1983 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:42 whirretnimkish68 98 Courses from Dan Kennedy - No B.S. (Download)

98 Courses from Dan Kennedy - No B.S. (Download)
98 Courses from Dan Kennedy

98 Courses from Dan Kennedy Reviews: Is it worth it?

This item includes:
  • Dan Kennedy – $3,495 Information Marketing Super Conference April 1993
  • Dan Kennedy – 7 Figure Academy
  • Dan Kennedy – 12 Business Building Strategies
  • Dan Kennedy – 4X Customer Value Accelerator
  • Dan Kennedy – 19 Secrets of Exceptional Results Selling
  • Dan Kennedy – 43 Secrets of Marketing
  • Dan Kennedy – A-Z Info Marketing
  • Dan Kennedy – Advanced and Comprehensive Copywriting Bootcamp 2008 NOTES
  • Dan Kennedy – Copywriting Mastery
  • Dan Kennedy – Copywriting Mastery NOTES
  • Dan Kennedy – Copywriting Seminar In A Box
  • Dan Kennedy – Advanced Business Development
  • Dan Kennedy – Business of Copywriting
  • Dan Kennedy – Dan Kennedy Consulting Manuals
  • Dan Kennedy – April GKIC 2010
  • Dan Kennedy – Are You A Marketing and Sales Clod Or A Sophisticate
  • Dan Kennedy – Area Exclusive Program
  • Dan Kennedy – Bill Glazer S &D Swipe File
  • Dan Kennedy – Bloom Road – 2015
  • Dan Kennedy – Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer – InfoMarketing Blueprint
  • Dan Kennedy – Dan Kennedy GKIC Monthly GB 2010 Jan & Feb
  • Dan Kennedy – Ebooks
  • Dan Kennedy – Event Hacks
  • Dan Kennedy – GKIC Info marketing CD
  • Dan Kennedy – Growth Hacks
  • Dan Kennedy – How To Automatically Master New Skills
  • Dan Kennedy – How to Make Millions with Your Ideas
  • Dan Kennedy – How To Find Your Ideal Customer
  • Dan Kennedy – Info Product Recipe
  • Dan Kennedy – Infusionsoft Orlando Tour-MP3’s Only
  • Dan Kennedy – Inside Millionaire – Power Confidence
  • Dan Kennedy – Intuition (2012)
  • Dan Kennedy – Living Legend Formula
  • Dan Kennedy – Magnetic Marketing – 2014 Edition
  • Dan Kennedy – The Phenomenon
  • Dan Kennedy – No BS Time Management
  • Dan Kennedy – Never Out of Work
  • Dan Kennedy – Personality in Copy
  • Dan Kennedy – Renegade Millionaire System Manuals
  • Dan Kennedy – Sales & Persuasion Strategies
  • Dan Kennedy – Sales Letter Writing Workshop
  • Dan Kennedy – Sales Strategies Seminar
  • Dan Kennedy – Summit on Writing and Media Platform
  • Dan Kennedy – Source Code – List Building Program (Week 2, 3, 4)
  • Dan Kennedy – Source Code – Live pitch sessions Aug 22 & 25
  • Dan Kennedy – The Best of Dan Kennedy
  • Dan Kennedy – The Copywriting Clinic
  • Dan Kennedy – The Direct Mail Solution
  • Dan Kennedy – The Ultimate Marketing Plan – Target Your Audience! Get Out Your Message! Build Your Brand!
  • Dan Kennedy – The Ultimate Sales Letter
  • Dan Kennedy – The Ultimate Success Secret
  • Dan Kennedy – Triggering the Phenomenon
  • Dan Kennedy – Ultimate Consulting Business
  • Dan Kennedy – Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs Seminar
  • Dan Kennedy – Your Marketing Department in a Box
  • Dan Kennedy – Your Rapid Results Info-Marketing Business Building Blueprints
  • Dan Kennedy – The Source Code to Business Success and Advanced Wealth Attraction
  • Dan Kennedy – Dan Kennedy and Ron LeGrand – Promoters Bootcamp and Speaking Driven Business
  • Dan Kennedy – Dan Kennedy GKIC Monthly GB 2010 Jan & Feb
  • Dan Kennedy – Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer & Robert Skrob – Official Get Rich Guide to Information Marketing 2007
  • Dan Kennedy – Digital Product Blueprint
  • Dan Kennedy – GKIC Monthly Calls
  • Dan Kennedy – Gold Member Area 1998 – 2005 NO B S Marketing Letter
  • Dan Kennedy – Mind HiJacking
  • Dan Kennedy – My Unfinished Business
  • Dan Kennedy – No BS Price Strategy (with Jason Marrs)
  • Dan Kennedy – No B S Direct Marketing
  • Dan Kennedy – No B.S. Ruthless Management of People and Profits_Audio
  • Dan Kennedy – Pet Promotions Swipe File
  • Dan Kennedy – Renegade Millionaire 2.0
  • Dan Kennedy – Rory Fatt – Boot Camp Marketing Shortcut
  • Dan Kennedy – Ruthless Management of People and Profits
  • Dan Kennedy – Kennedy Glazer – Inner Circle Diamond – Jan 2009
  • Dan Kennedy – Kennedy Glazer Inner Circle Gold CD – Legend of Sales & Marketing Zig Ziglar
  • Dan Kennedy – Kennedy Glazer Inner Circle Gold CD – Systemizing For Profitability with Harvey Zemmel
  • Dan Kennedy – Kennedy Glazer Inner Circle GoldPlus CD – July 2008
  • Dan Kennedy – Kennedy Glazer Inner Circle GoldPlus CD – June 2008
  • Dan Kennedy – Kennedy Glazer Inner Circle GoldPlus CD – Sep 2008
  • Dan Kennedy – Magnetic Email Marketing and Toolkit
  • Dan Kennedy – Make Them Buy Now
  • Dan Kennedy – Making Them Believe
  • Dan Kennedy – Monthly – April 09
  • Dan Kennedy – Monthly – June-July 09
  • Dan Kennedy – Monthly – May-June 09
  • Dan Kennedy – Personality in Copy
  • Dan Kennedy – Renegade Millionaire System Manuals
  • Dan Kennedy – Rory Fatt – Boot Camp Marketing Shortcut
  • Dan Kennedy – Sales & Persuasion Strategies
  • Dan Kennedy – Sales Letter Writing Workshop
  • Dan Kennedy – Sales Strategies Seminar
  • Dan Kennedy – Summit on Writing and Media Platform
  • Dan Kennedy – Source Code – List Building Program (Week 2, 3, 4)
  • Dan Kennedy – Source Code – Live pitch sessions Aug 22 & 25
  • Dan Kennedy – The Best of Dan Kennedy
  • Dan Kennedy – The Copywriting Clinic
  • Dan Kennedy – The Ultimate Marketing Plan – Target Your Audience! Get Out Your Message! Build Your Brand!
  • Dan Kennedy – The Source Code to Business Success and Advanced Wealth Attraction

Who is Dan Kennedy

Dan Kennedy, the mastermind behind the NO B.S. INNER CIRCLE, is a marketing luminary. He's the author of the definitive guide to Magnetic Marketing®, urging entrepreneurs and business owners to ditch conventional, mundane marketing that lumps them into a sea of sameness and forces them into a customer-chasing frenzy. Instead, he champions an approach that magnetizes customers, leaving them eager to do business with you.
As the Founder of Magnetic Marketing®, Dan Kennedy is a globally recognized marketing advisor. He's shared his Magnetic Marketing System with over 6 million people worldwide. For nine consecutive years, he was a sought-after speaker on the prestigious SUCCESS Tour, earning an average of $100,000 per speech. He's shared the stage with luminaries like Debbi Fields, Ben & Jerry, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, and Tony Robbins, as well as entertainment and sports celebrities, and even former Presidents and world leaders. Dan Kennedy has delivered over 3,000 paid speeches and seminars to entrepreneurs and authored 32 books, many of which are Amazon Bestsellers and featured in top business publications like Forbes and Bloomberg BusinessWeek.
If you're looking to attract new customers and grow your business, there's no better advisor and thought leader than Dan Kennedy and the NO B.S. INNER CIRCLE.
submitted by whirretnimkish68 to Nimkish [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:49 gastongordon Connect with the creative community in Salzburg

TLDR: I'm looking for general advice on how can I connect with the creative community in Salzburg that makes music/movies/theateetc. Specially if i'm still afraid of German. (Extra points if it's things I can do for free)

Hey everyone! I'm a 34yo Argentinian actofilmmakemusician/creative who's, after a few years and much persuasion from my wife and ChatGPT, finally decided to emerge from my hermit ways and try to meet some real people in Salzburg!
I've been in Austria for some years but have mostly relied on my wife's friends and family for social support. Now, I'm looking to dive back into meeting real people to have fun with while making music or movies or cool creative stuff together. ABOUT ME: I'm originally from Buenos Aires, and while I can already understand a lot of German, I’m not exactly the most interesting or eloquent when I speak it. So, I’d love to start by meeting English or Spanish speakers.
Back in Argentina I was an ActoFilmmakeFunny Creative Person. I lost a lot of it to the hands of integration but I'm trying to reconnect with this worlds.
I play a few instruments (piano, melodica, ukulele, guitar) and love to sing. And I'm also into gardening, cooking vegan stuff, coffee, illustration, design, photography and intersections of tech, art and society. I like going for walks, being around water and nature.
We lived in Vienna for a year (and there I taught an lead an acting gym for the spanish speaking community) but recently decided to come back to the calm life in the countryside.
Some things that we might find annoying or great about each other: * Allergic to and absolutely despise cigarettes. * Not much of a drinker or party person. Plus the buses to Eugendorf stop early. * Very Vegan
If you think we should meet you can PM me but mostly I’m looking advice on how can I connect with the creative community in Salzburg. Where to go, who to talk to, etc
Specially if i'm still afraid of German. (Extra points if it's things I can do for free)
submitted by gastongordon to Salzburg [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:28 Sin-God A New Chain: First Few Days

I reach into my inventory and pull out the tablet I received from the gacha mechanism I am the "Owner" of. I watch as the thing turns on and I begin to fiddle with it, going through a brief registration as I walk over to the part of my apartment that serves as a kitchen and I open my refrigerator door. I take a step back and decide to get creative and practice using my powers.
I close my eyes and use magic, casting spells to telekinetically reach into the fridge and pull out ingredients. This is messy and difficult but it results in me gaining experience and a new skill "Spatial Magic". I feel the keen impact of "Experience Booster" as even simple motions, and failures, grant me valuable experience. I keep my eyes on the tablet and I deftly manipulate it while I maneuver the food I plan to cook over to the appropriate parts of the kitchen. I deal with bouts of "Buggy" all the while but nothing actually disruptive. The drawback is annoying but so far it's been a nuisance more than anything else.
The tablet is easy to use and I feel my appreciation for the technology growing as I sync it up to the local wifi and I notice that the thing has an unlimited battery. The device promises to be useful with its unlimited battery...
I switch my class over to chef as I begin to cook. At the same time I skillfully use the tablet to listen to the news and I finally begin to have a reliable mechanism through which I can learn about the world I'm in. My cooking grants me experience, which "Master of All" makes universal, while I actively advance my "Passive Listening" skill and I grow in my overall awareness of the world around me. I fastidiously store every morsel of knowledge I acquire as I cook, and in minutes I have more food than I made yesterday. I again taste some of it and smile, satisfied by the skill I'm showing. The food tastes noticeably better today than it did last night. This is a trend that will absolutely continue in the days to come thanks to MoA and my dedication to honing my skills.
I take a beat to photograph the food, carefully and diligently using the multitude of experience I've earned since I gained that skill last night to snap some good pictures before posting them on social media and quickly writing a caption about "Meal-Prepping" which this kind of is. I'm better at it than any normal person could ever hope to be, since my food is fresh and will stay fresh in my inventory. After I do that I store the food, placing it safely in containers I own and then storing said containers in my inventory.
For the rest of the night I use my tablet to learn about the world while carefully practicing the magic I can use on myself and other objects. I gain a skill named "Enhancement Magic" which is certainly handy, and I also gain a "Meditation" skill after looking online for what "Real Gamers" would do and finding that this concept seems to exist in this world as well. While I am meditating I do indeed recover my arcane energy faster, and I even improve my intelligence attribute! As of this point in time I have not improved charisma, but this is the only attribute of mine that hasn't risen by at least one point thanks to the incredible synergy between "Master of All" and "Experience Booster".
Before I know it it's Thursday and I am on my way to work. I have another uneventful day of simply working to fix the backlog my company is in and thus grinding experience for skills. At lunch I again surprise my friends, but I share more of my food with them and get more experience with my chef class, It is enough to level up, and I select a skill that allows me to prepare a touch more food with my ingredients than is physically possible, which I know will come in handy down the line.
At the end of the day I go to the gym again and this time I explore the place fully. I find that it has several amenities, such as a decently large pool, numerous studios and even a few rings for sparring and martial arts-based physical conditioning. I keep my workout today simpler than it was two days ago, and as a result of this I only gain two skills: jogging and sprinting. I test my endurance and jog for close to an hour as a sort of light workout. For the last five minutes of the hour I go as "Full tilt" as I can on a mundane treadmill and effortlessly endure the experience, thanks to the tenacious "Tough As Nails" perk. While I'm working out I activate my gacha machine and get a ring that I cannot use as it boosts my charisma and I am prohibited from using stat enhancers like this by one of my drawbacks. I tuck it away in my inventory and mentally sigh. I'll undoubtedly need to get used to this kind of thing, since my "Starting Equipment" drawback is actually pretty significant even if it's only a temporary inconvenience.
I work out for a decent bit before heading home. At home I initiate work on longer-term projects. I don't bother making food today, though I continue to hone magic while utilizing my "Mage" class, and I also use my tablet to begin to do creative things like create graphics, write, and even try my hand at making websites from scratch. One minor seed I plant while attempting to get new skills is that I email a few charitable groups, particularly soup kitchens, hoping to get the chance to more easily grind "Chef" since it seems I get the biggest amounts of experience whenever food I cook gets eaten by others. I do this all for the sake of gaining new skills, ones which I prove able to gain very easily and I will be able to grind even more easily. My ability to just... not sleep proves it's worth its weight in gold, or choice points, as I use another night to grind valuable experience.
Throughout the night I keep hoping to get assigned a quest for a class like "Psionic" or "Psychic" and so far I've had no luck. A part of me wonders if I should be tricky and try to use my pseudo-psychic powers in front of someone but I quickly realize that such an action would be just as likely to get me a deception-based class as it would be to get me what I seek...
Friday rolls around and I complete my work week with ease. Work really is just a chance for me to grind my skills, and each day my speed, accuracy, and overall badassery in the context of my boring job increase. In days I've managed to sort through a healthy portion of the backlog we've been stuck in thanks to the fact that my speed and accuracy with stuff like typing. "Buggy" becomes less and less meaningful, thanks my slowly improving luck, as well as my ever increasing speed.
I don't level up as a chef today, but it doesn't matter since towards the end of my shift I get an email from a coordinator of a soup kitchen that is based out of a church near my apartment that asks me to stop by tomorrow for a chance to discuss what volunteering would look like and potentially help out for part of a shift. This news delights me and for my first non-picture post on social media I share how excited I am to have the chance to learn about volunteering. This post immediately begins to get likes on websites like the local equivalent of Twitter, a website and app named Chitchat. Some of the likes come from my coworkers, a handful of whom have found me and followed me.
At home I finally take the time to thoroughly and properly clean spaces such as my bathroom and to effectively organize the tiny living space I have. The activities are enough for me to earn new skills, with one particularly handy new skill being the "Cleaning" skill. I don't gain a new class, but for the most part this is to be expected. I suspect if I level up a class enough I'll automatically get access to new, "Prestige" classes seeing as that's one of the features I paid for with regards to my skills, but aside from that it seems that to gain new classes I need to effect others with my skills. Gaining some type of cleaner class will probably take me cleaning a public space, which is a fascinating thought to entertain as I can do such a thing under the cover of acting "Charitably".
As I sit in the cramped space I'm currently calling a home I wonder how altruistic I would be in a fully mundane, completely organic situation...
Right now I am achieving selfless ends but for entirely self-serving reasons. I want to work at a soup kitchen, to volunteer my time and energy not to help someone but to empower myself as this provides me with the easiest means to cook food for other people in ways that will award me a significant amount of experience. It's true that I am achieving positive, beneficial ends, not only for myself but for others as well, but given the simple reality that my motives are so impure it's a bit difficult to sit here and pretend that I'm a righteous sort. Though I doubt the people I'm helping will actually mind that my motives don't stem from a heart of gold...
I am steadily continuing my journey towards getting stronger as I swiftly type away using my tablet's digital keypad. A video is playing via picture-in-picture and I'm listening to a chef talk about making delicious soup on a budget, mostly to get myself in the right state of mind. Eventually that video ends and I quickly listen to I'm writing out a short fantasy story, as an exercise in creative writing. The words are flowing and I'm easily getting into the grove.
The secondary train of thought I possess is keeping track of the bars associated with my attributes and is noticing that this odd exercise is directly increasing my intelligence and charisma attributes, as it seems that some activities are nice tests of more than one attribute.
I devote myself to this particular sort of training all while I use simple casts of my telekinetic magic to hone my growing familiarity with an incredibly vital field of magic. By the time Saturday morning rolls around I've gained a point in charisma and increased my writing level several times, which has the effect of granting me levels in other skills such as singing and speed typing. At this point I can write nearly 300 words a minute, a hilarious number for me to be able to type and by the time I'm done with this jump that number will surely be much, much higher thanks to the nature of my job as well as my favorite perk Master of All.
When it's late enough on Saturday that the sun is out I find myself on the sidewalk, slowly walking towards a cafe. I have a short bit of time before I need to go to the soup kitchen so I decide to grab some breakfast someone else cooked, as a bit of a treat. The cafe is a quaint little thing located not terribly far from my apartment and pretty close to the church the soup kitchen is operating out of.
Soup kitchens operating out of churches was something I heard of back on the "Earth" I hail from, but it's not something I ever actually saw... This version of Earth really seems to have taken after various stereotypes and assumptions about Earth that didn't always reflect reality.
I enter the cafe and walk towards the back of the line of people waiting for a chance to order their food. The line ahead of me isn't huge, but it's bigger than I would have thought if someone asked me to picture a line at a cafe. The cashiers diligently do their jobs and in a matter of minutes I'm walking towards a cashier. I feel the subtle effects of TDOL as I approach a strikingly pretty cashier.
The woman is a surprisingly tan, probably Hispanic, redhead whose hair smells of somewhat newly applied hair dye. She smiles brightly at me as I approach her. She is... quite pretty, and as I approach her I dare to wonder if there's a sort of persuasive route I can take to getting her number. Internally I smile as I sense the back of my mind, the unconscious part of my mind, sort through potential conversational strategies that might allow me to successfully flirt in the short time frame I have to interact with her. I pause time with one of my perks, and allow my rapid mind the time it needs.
I feel various perks working together as I use "Observe" on the cashier. A small load of information appears in my head allowing me to learn her name, as the cafe doesn't require nametags, and various minor facts about her. This is due to the fact that "Observe" has slowly and steadily increased in level over the last few days, and each time it increases in level it's cooldown decreases and how much I learn when I use it increases as well.
What I have just learned is factoring into the strategies and instincts I feel considering my desire. My perks powerfully hone my charisma, turning it into a valuable weapon and tool in my toolkit when it comes to interpersonal stuff. I allow my mind a second, as I decide on my strategy and then with a thought I unpause reality itself. I walk over to the redheaded Hispanic woman with a smile.
"Hey there, how's it going?" I ask with a happy grin and she smiles back at me. She asks what I'd like and I reply with whatever she thinks tastes the best. This surprises her, and my smile relaxes a touch.
"I'm about to go into an interview for a volunteering opportunity and I wanted to grab something light for breakfast. I'll be honest I'm not normally one for breakfast foods but I'm trying to broaden my horizons." I reply, relaxedly. She sizes me up and then taps some of the keys on her cash register. A number appears on the thing and she asks me for my name. I give it to her and she types it into the machine as well, before holding her hand out for my payment.
"You're not gonna tell me what it is?" I ask and she smiles in a curiously catlike fashion before replying.
"Only if you ask." She says, and for a moment I look at her and decide, instinctually, not to do so. She nods when I hand her my card, and she quietly calls me funny. She hands me my card and a receipt, and I fill out the paperwork with a confident grin on my face. I walk over to where other customers are waiting for their food, and I wonder if I made the right moves. I don't have to wait long, as when I get my order I am pleasantly surprised that the top napkin of the handful placed on the tray my food was given to me on has a number scrawled onto it, and the girl's name written in what I assume must be her handwriting.
The order I receive, Hannah's suggestion, is a light turkey croissant, and a delicious, fruity drink. I enter the number into my phone and text the cashier immediately, though I don't anticipate getting a response until a bit later. My message is simple, it's a short introduction and a thank you for the dish.
I do the stereotypically millennial act of photographing the food, posting it online, and then actually eating it, taking only a short few minutes to do so, and when I'm done I clean up after myself before I quietly leave the cafe. I smile as I feel the early morning sunshine beam down on me. This is the first chance I've really had to appreciate the sunlight during the day, as it's decently in the middle of Autumn and so most of my day is spent at work.
The church I'm heading to is visible from where I'm standing, so I appreciate its beautiful architecture, which reminds me of a Protestant church back in my version of the United States, for a second before making my way there. Reaching it only takes me the duration of a short walk and I arrive there early enough that I am about ten minutes early. This is within the window of polite earliness that I am used to back in my homeworld. I switch my class over to chef again as I wait to be seen. In minutes I am speaking to a kind-eyed older Black man who is the church's pastor.
Thanks to perks and my very specifically busted, for this kind of thing, build, I am able to make a hilariously good first impression on the kind pastor who runs the soup kitchen. I spend much of the rest of the day here, doing m. In minutes I'm assisting several more experienced cooks with doing minor preparatory work for tomorrow's meal hour. The soup kitchen is open every weekend, and I make a very good impression on my fellow chefs thanks to my class, skills, and knowledge I gained when it comes to soup making last night, though the food we make is varied.
I diligently follow instructions, having wisely told my fellow chefs that I'm new to cooking, and as I cook with the chefs, I level up my cooking class again. This time the upgrade I select is a boost to the speed at which I can produce food, cutting down how long it takes me to cook something by 2%, a rate which will increase as I level up more. This is not a big improvement, but in time... In time this'll become something astounding.
During this time I've also been getting occasional text messages from Hannah. We've been chatting and I've taken pictures with some of my new friends during brief lulls between intensive moments of culinary action. This habit of mine has gotten weird looks from my new friends, all of whom are older than me, but given my enthusiasm and "natural" skill, no one has actually tried to criticize me or get me to stop. It seems that everyone considers me a bit of a lucky charm, and to be fair... I am.
I cook with the chefs for well over five hours, and they are surprised to feel the effects of perks in my possession. This is a rare opportunity for me to be a leader and team player so I happily contribute my perks to the success of the kitchen. I am a dynamic, impossibly fast learner, and so by the time two hours have passed I'm cooking and engaging with my new friends with a stunningly natural rapport and flow, but beyond that I'm able to use "Teamworker" and "Motivator" two of my "Generic Cubicle" perks for the first time. This gets coupled with the power of "Support", which makes my allies far more effective at everything. By the tme the first hour passes and I get into my grove we're cooking faster, and we're making fewer mistakes, as well as finding it easier to manage the necessary chaos that comes with working in a decently large kitchen. Even my luck is contagious!
By the time the pastor, who has been cooking alongside us, says that we've done enough for today and can do the rest tomorrow it's partway through the afternoon. In a moment of inspiration, after a long day working in the kitchen, I ask the pastor to pray over the food and for us, which he smiles at me for and motions for everyone to bow their head in prayer. I do as everyone else does, and am thankfully when people do not grab hands around me. I have an idea I want to test out and to do it I need everyone to either leave or have their eyes shut for a moment.
I use my enhanced senses to easily track when everyone's eyes are shut and when they are I open mine and quickly cast a spell aimed at the food. The spell I cast is a simple healing spell and I am doing this to see if I can enchant and enhance food with magic. The big pot, filled with a healthy soup meant to supplement a smaller dish like some bread, begins to glow and I smile as I shut my eyes. The glow is subtle and only lasts a brief second so when it ends no one seems to notice it. This brings a smile to my face, as does the acquisition of a pair of new skills I get which freezes time for a split second but is worth it: one is named "Stealth-Casting" and even before I read the description I know what it does: it makes it harder to detect my magic, especially when I don't use it on living creatures. This skill is worth its weight in gold and when everyone looks at me I am cheesing pretty hard. The other skill is named "Enhancement" and it allows me to funnel supernatural energy into objects to subtly enhance them. This skill... this is one of the foundational attributes of some versions of alchemy, and the knowledge that I have acquired such a beauty of a skill is incredibly exciting. I tell everyone I'm excited for tomorrow, and no one has any difficulty believing me, definitely only thanks to my perks bolstering my charisma.
We all quickly get ready to go home, and I am sad to say farewell to my new friends but I am quick to assure everyone I'll be here bright and early on Sunday. On Sundays, the team, whoever can make it at leasr, is here from 9:30 until 2:30, primarily serving food and doing kitchen maintenance. I plan to join them. As I walk home I use my gacha mechanic and I get a water bottle that serves as an arcane energy potion I can use once a day to completely refill my arcane energy pool!
I arrive home uneventfully, and I make use of my new toy immediately, the instant that my arcane pool runs out of energy after I run out of energy the first time, as I train my magic and my other skills for the rest of the day. At the same time I text Hannah and a handful of my coworkers who message me on Flickpic, this world's version of Instagram, while I grind through the night. Sunday rolls around, and not super long after the sun peeks out over the horizon I make my way to the church, ready to serve the community and potentially level up some more. One minor thing I get, after using my gacha mechanic today, that I don't think I'll, personally, ever need is a pillow which protects against bad dreams. It's a neat curiosity, and I plan to keep it, but seeing as I don't sleep I think it'll be more for my friends, romantic interests, and anyone else who I might give it to for a short while.
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2024.05.18 00:16 IVEGOTTHEEHIGHGROUND Jail Session

Just wanted to share how I ran a simple little jail session to possibly give current or future DM’s and players some ideas. I’m a newer DM so any ideas on how to have made it better would be great too. I’ll give the brief version and if anyone asks for the nitty gritty I can include that later.
The end of the previous session one of my players decided to interrupt a sermon within an extremely over-zealous religious town (with some mind control influences on the low key). This ended in him getting arrested along with the rest of the party for questioning.
So the session began with them getting apprehended and brought to the basement of the governer’s mansion where there are a couple cells for holding suspected criminals. On their way in I had them each make a perception check on something they would each notice. For the barbarian it was a character they were looking for in the town, for the rogue it was a very subtle bit of thieve’s cant on the door of one of the offices, and for the artificer it was some tools he could use to upgrade his gun (I started him off with a pretty low stat weapon) so they all had something compelling them to sleuth around the mansion rather than just strictly escape.
They were forced to give up their weapons and change into jumpsuits, but our rogue passed a sleight of hand check to keep his thieves tools and a dagger. Once in the cell I gave them some time to acclimate and speak to the people in the cell next to them to get some key info on the mayor of the town… with some passed persuasion checks of course.
After they finished that conversation I had the guards come and take the people in the other cell to the interrogation room saying that the Mayor would question them in 20 minutes time. All the guards went into the interrogation room leaving their cell unguarded. I then put a 20 minute timer by the map of the basement on the table and told them the time was theirs.
They talked and planned for far longer than I expected and wasted 2 minutes yapping in the cell before the Rogue started to pick the lock. I told him he had a DC of 17 and every failed attempt would cost them a minute on the timer. He failed the first check, and rolled a nat 1 on the second roll, which I had cost them 4 minutes instead of 1. He passed the third check costing them a total of 5 minutes on the lock.
(Obviously they all had separate things they wanted to do in the basement but we can only play through one at a time. I figured the interrogation would only actually last 6 or 7 minutes so I multiplied that by the 3 party members to get around 20 minutes of trial time so they each get a third of that to control their character.)
The rogue went first. He headed to the office with the thieves cant that basically said he was a mole in the towns government. He broke into the office (it was late evening by the way) and found a message giving them a place to go in the city for more info. The artificer went to the closet their stuff was kept and waited for the rogue to come and pick the lock. He got all of his stuff on then cast disguise as one of the guards who originally arrested them. The rogue started to grab his stuff while the artificer went into the lab with the gear. Thanks to his disguise he didn’t have a hard job talking his way through the guard watching the interrogation and taking the supplies.
There was about 4 1/2 minutes left on the clock when it came to the barbarian. He went to the library where he found his person of interest. He communicated with her and tried to convince her to meet him outside the prison in an hour. This conversation took a little while because she was dealing with her own mind control stuff and at about a minute left on the time the rogue came to get him. They rushed back to the cell phone areas of escaping and did their best to hide their gear in a bunk bed. With seconds left on the clock the artificer (still disguised) decided to run out of the cell and out of the mansion.
The story goes on from there. The timer system worked really well and I think having other things that could take time off would be cool to. It added that pressure and rush that I hoped it would and led to some very interesting choices.
Again if there’s any way you would improve that let me know!! I like to get creative with puzzles and encounters and would love ideas for the future.
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