Millsberry com


2008.10.26 08:10 Nostalgia

Nostalgia is often triggered by something reminding you of a happier time. Whether it's an old commercial or a book from your past, it belongs in /nostalgia. Here we can take pleasure in reminiscing about the good ol' days... times we shared with loved ones, both humorous and sad. So grab your Pogs, Surge cans and Thriller cassettes, and we'll see you in /nostalgia!

2024.05.13 04:24 drop-of-honey [PC/WEB] [circa 2008-2012] online game/MMO

This is a shot in the dark because I have shockingly little information about the game.
My sibling and I have a vague memory of playing a game when we were in elementary/middle school. Things we know about the game:
  1. You could interact with other players in real time and send/receive items.
  2. The part we remember occurs in a very bright, but not super colorful, room/hall/lobby. Best comparison I can come up with is the dream-like train station in the last Harry Potter movie, which I know sounds really weird.
  3. It’s not 2D or pixel art.
It would have been around the same time we were playing things like Poptropica, Webkinz, Club Penguin,, etc. but it’s none of those and I think my kid-brain thought the game was “more mature.”
I know this is like nothing to go off of so I won’t be surprised if we don’t get it but can’t think of a better place but here!
submitted by drop-of-honey to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.03.03 05:12 pokemon-16 Who Remembers?

Who Remembers? submitted by pokemon-16 to IntrusivePensamentos [link] [comments]

2024.02.13 03:02 poopoopeepeegirl [PC/Browser] [2006-2013] Alien-like 2D MMO with chat ability.

Platform(s): Browser
Genre: Club-Penguin-like, with minigames, simple quests, and customizable avatar. Targeted towards older kids and young teens.
Estimated year of release: 2006-2013
Graphics/art style: The view was 2D, very similar to club penguin with that far back/high up 3rd person view. The character art style was similar to fantage, being cute, small, colorful (except in this game they had some alien features). There were open rooms where you could click or use keys to walk to another space in the room, but the camera itself wouldn't move unless the room was huge. Cartoon-like, with characters having a larger head than reality. I very distinctly remember at least one room or server where the ground was bright purple, and music would play.
Notable characters: Human-shaped avatars were made by their players, either boy or girl. they were teen-aged alien-like beings with skin tones in blue and purple (maybe more options, but thats what I remember).
Notable gameplay mechanics: You could talk with other people in the room by texting in a chat bubble, and they could respond. I believe you had access to a cell phone to contact people you added as friends.
Other details: I've checked the following games via deepdiving this subreddit, and these are all unfortunately incorrect. it is NOT: cyberchase, zOMG, dizzywood, boombang, big little bang, build a planet, kidscom, soosiz, creatures, xcom, fantage, jumpstart, alienaa, second life, fusionfall, woogiworld, ourworld, freerealms, little space heros, millsberry world, planet cosmo, miuchiz, habbo, mcworld, nicktropolis, moviestarplanet, or chobots.
This is a link to a post i found on tipofmytongue that appears to have a very similar description, but no answer:
submitted by poopoopeepeegirl to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2023.12.25 01:20 Amazing_Rise_6233 was pretty underrated as a kid. was pretty underrated as a kid. submitted by Amazing_Rise_6233 to OlderGenZ [link] [comments]

2023.07.14 23:35 Successful-Resort842 Anyone here played Millsberry?

Anyone here played Millsberry?
Millsberry released on July 5, 2004 and closed on December 31, 2010. I played Millsberry in 2008 when I was 7. I wish they brought Millsberry back.
submitted by Successful-Resort842 to FirstHalf2000s [link] [comments]

2023.05.16 23:25 paradisowriteaway Remember

One of my core memories that I will always cherish. Anybody have any idea if there is a project to restore Millsberry similar to the ToonTown Remake?
submitted by paradisowriteaway to nostalgia [link] [comments]

2023.02.28 23:44 BethieBunnie [TOMT] [PC/Browser/Flash Game] [2009-2014] Lost 2D “Harajuku” virtual world browser game

Platform(s); PC (Online multiplayer)
Genre: Online kids virtual world
Estimated year of release: 2009-2014
Graphics/artstyle: 2D, western human chibi /cartoony characters, vector art (some gradients)
Games I’ve ruled out / It’s not; -Fantage -Secret Builders -Super secret -Zwinky -WeeWorld -Ourworld -Whyville -Millsberry -Build-a-bear Ville -Habbo Hotel -Barbie girls -Dizzywood -Franktownrocks -Smallworlds -Tinnierme -Gaia -Spark city world -Poptropica -Yoworld
I haven’t been able to find this and it’s been bugging me not knowing the name ! But hopefully it’s not lost media. I assume it was somewhat popular (at least in Ireland) - I remember seeing key chains of some of the characters and pets in a gift shop around the same time as the game.
Basically it was like a 2D Club Penguin type game (but mostly similar to Weeworld) but with a chill vibe, and not generally not very populated.
There were two main parts to the website; the browser game, and a profile/updates page to make posts and comment on friends posts. Your character couldn’t move a whole lot I don’t think, and you would scroll left or right to see the rest of the area you were in. There was a chat box at the bottom and an emotes/stickers button.
The characters were human and had large heads like a cutesy westernised chibi style, and were large on the screen (unless the area was wider). It was vector art, and some items and all the backgrounds had gradients. I think some clothes also had harajuku and kawaii fashion elements. If you know Pucca and Kai Lan, the characters are similar to them !
You could buy and dress up your avatar, and also buy and take care of pets - I think there may have been stats to keep track of what they needed, some of them may have been fantasy creatures. The game overall had a lot of Japanese elements, the word harajuku comes to mind a lot.
The homes were a room of an apartment building that you could decorate and invite friends to. There was also a balcony at the right side of the apartment, with a bonsai (?) or other plant. I recall it mostly being night in game with a purple or sunset sky, with stars.
There were a few direct public areas players could visit and meet other players, both indoors and outdoors - there were districts for different buildings.
I remember there being; a nightclub/lounge, a sushi restaurant, an underground (?) / area with graffiti, an icecream shop, and a catwalk.
I don’t remember if there were mini games, but I assume there was since there usually is in this type of game (maybe a sushi mini game?). I think there were quests like in Panfu or tasks to complete each time you logged in. I think there were special characters like in Club Penguin, e.g. Rockhopper, in different areas.
Here’s a link to my Twitter thread with some background and character images that have a similar vibe to the game:
I know this isn’t a lot to go off of but let me know if you know anything ! I loved types of games when I was younger, and it would be cool to see the artwork of the game again !
submitted by BethieBunnie to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2022.07.29 10:31 raccoonsaff Anyone remember those early 2000s scene maker type dress up games?

I can't find anything about these but was hoping to somehow find them again! I used to go on a website called and they collated virtual worlds like Neopets, Millsberry, etc, and dress up games and dollmakers, and I can find screenshots etc of all of those, but nothing about these scene makers I used to be obsessed with! The art style was usually kind of like the dollmaker ones, sometimes more pixelated, and you could drag and drop people, furniture, etc, into these scenes? Hotels or gardens or houses or anything really.
Anyone remember - and is there any way of still playing them?
submitted by raccoonsaff to GirlGamers [link] [comments]

2022.06.06 18:07 ablaze2k91enthusias Anyone else miss 😢

submitted by ablaze2k91enthusias to mypsubforgamesnews [link] [comments]

2022.06.06 16:50 Alarmed-Bluejay-1900 Anyone else miss 😢

Anyone else miss 😢 submitted by Alarmed-Bluejay-1900 to videogames [link] [comments]

2022.04.25 19:08 jklu21 submitted by jklu21 to nostalgia [link] [comments]

2022.01.13 11:18 Benbeasted [Browser][2000's] Millsberry-esque Isometric Horror Advergame

PC Browser-based game, possibly a website
Horror puzzle
Estimated year of release:
2000's, probably between 2004 and 2009
Graphics/art style:
Millsberry -esque
Notable characters:
I think the main character was a brown-haired girl wearing white shirt and jeans. There was also a vampire at some point, maybe a mummy?
Notable gameplay mechanics:
It's an isometric horror game where you go to rooms and interact with items to advance.
Other details:
The game has you walking around a big mansion, interacting with things. I believe there was a spiral staircase and a talking painting at one point. The atmosphere was creepy as a kid, but I think it's a child-friendly sort of creepy instead of the "this is definitely not for kids" type of creepy.
I strongly remember it being a cereal advertisment game, and I thought it was a spinoff of millsberry, but those keywords failed me.
Sorry if it's not detailed. It's been around fifteen years since I played this game as a child.
submitted by Benbeasted to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2021.10.07 15:46 intergalacticmarble [Virtual World][2005-2007] A virtual world where you went around being environmentally friendly

Platform: PC
Genre: online Virtual World
Estimated year of release: Early 2000's
Graphics Art Style: Reminiscent of
Notable characters: Followed the cliche good vs evil, I think there was an evil fire antagonist or something along those lines that you had to work as a team to fight against.
Notable gameplay mechanics: Nearly same gameplay mechanics as Neopets or, (logging in and all) but there's a virtual world and different rooms where you're able to click on a spot and walk around. There was also the ability to chat with little speech bubbles. I'm almost slightly sure you had powers depending on which team you chose.
Other details:
I remember it being a virtual world about making the right choice and being environmentally friendly. You chose your character and you could also choose between 4 different teams. You were able to have a little alien looking pet. They made a huge deal about taking care of the planet and recycling and things like that.
I can try to think of more info if anything. Thanks in advance!
Edit: I remember being able to teleport to different rooms and there was a classroom too. You could interact with items in the room and sit down on the chairs.
submitted by intergalacticmarble to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2021.07.13 15:15 ZMONEY0823 Who remembers

Who remembers submitted by ZMONEY0823 to nostalgia [link] [comments]

2021.03.22 04:02 autobuzzfeedbot 30 Websites That Made '00s Kids The Weird Adults They Are Now

  1. Kiddo Net
  2. Girl Sense
  3. Newgrounds
  4. FunnyJunk
  5. Homestar Runner
  6. eBaum's World
  7. Rather Good
  8. Formspring
  9. Dollz Mania
  10. Doll Palace
  11. Weebl's Stuff
  12. GaiaOnline
  13. Picnik
  14. FanFiction
  15. Omegle
  16. Making Fiends
  17. Neopets
  18. Webkinz
  19. MiniClip
  20. Toontown
  21. Habbo Hotel
  22. StumbleUpon
  23. Poptropica
  24. Zwinky
  25. Akinator
  26. Quizilla
  27. Addicting Games
  28. Millsberry
  29. Postopia
  30. Club Penguin
Link to article
submitted by autobuzzfeedbot to buzzfeedbot [link] [comments]

2020.11.11 17:57 karolina4155 Help Tyler rewrite Millsberry!

Hi all, I have been on a nostalgia craze and wanting to play Millsberry again. I came across Tyler's GitHub and am hoping to find some talented people to help him make Millsberry Rewritten a reality.
His GitHub is:
submitted by karolina4155 to nostalgia [link] [comments]

2020.11.11 17:51 karolina4155 Help Tyler rewrite Millsberry!

Hi all, I've been on a nostalgia run and digging for a Millsberry Rewritten. I came across Tyler's GitHub and I hope some talented people would volunteer to help him make it a reality.
His GitHub is:
submitted by karolina4155 to Millsberry [link] [comments]

2020.07.18 09:07 alicheemon [Browser/PC][early-mid 2000s]Web game with blue-skinned characters and sweet tooth minigame, "kidz" in the name??

Platform(s): BrowseWeb
Genre: For kids/educational/flash games/minigames
Estimated year of release: Early-mid 2000s
Graphics/art style: Somewhat stark color choices, art style was 2D, characters had black outlines and looked like they could be in Neopets or Millsberry
Notable characters: A blue-skinned girl with black hair, the black hair curled upwards. See this pic. There were other characters too, maybe some of them had blue skin some of them didn't, but this is the girl I remember best. I think they were all mascots of the site or appeared in the minigames. She might have worn yellow or had earrings.
Notable gameplay mechanics: It was a website with a bunch of minigames, a bit like Neopets except I don't remember if you could make an account. There was one minigame I remember more distinctly than others which was about sweet tooths? There were these brown tooth villains (see this pic) and you were supposed to make them good by eliminating all the sweets in the area or something like that. There might have also been a minigame in a jungle-like environment where you went around collecting keys to unlock gates. I think both games were top down and maze-like and you would control the character with arrow keys.
Other details: The title and/or url might have had "kidz" in the name. It's possible this archived thread is talking about the same game but I don't remember enough to be sure
submitted by alicheemon to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2020.06.08 06:52 cman9k [PC] [EARLY 2000S] Lost gameing website from early 2000s

I remember playing on a website in the early 2000s when I was a kid, I don't remember the name of the site or of the games, it was similar to and there were alot of minigames to play ranging from platform games to Birdseye view stealth games. One of the games I remember in detail is as follows. You're a kid in your house at night and you are trying to sneak around without getting caught by your parents. You have to find keys to locked doors and turn the power to the house off and avoid your parents flashlight beam. I remember not getting to far because there was no save and if you clicked off the site and back on you had to restart from the beginning. I remember having a inventory similar to a resident evil game. The game was in Birdseye view game but for the life of me I don't remember the name of the site. The only other thing I remember about the website is there was a vitural store you could go to and click on a keyboard or cash register and if you clicked on the keys it was make a fart or burp noise and I remember thinking it was funny as a kid. Plz help
submitted by cman9k to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2019.07.13 05:20 babrii97 Millsberry is the most underrated website for 2000 kids

I was born late 90s so I was the generation that played webkinz, neopets, etc. But no one ever talks about millsberry, unfortunately it has been shut down but it was far superior. You made your own person, house and could go to school, have yardsales etc. On halloween you even could go trick or treating it was also free. It is never talked about or even mentioned anymore which is very disappointing.
submitted by babrii97 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2019.04.26 00:23 omar575 [Online][~2004] The online advertising game that was the predecessor of

I remember being very young and playing games on a website with a bunch of General Mills product placement (Cocoa Puffs, Lucky charms, etc.). The setting was a school with different rooms that you could navigate with mini games in each one. However, the website shut down after a while and displayed a message saying something like, "This website has been discontinued, go to for our new online game." Granted, Millsberry had tons more content, but I remember being very bummed out that I couldn't play the old one anymore.
submitted by omar575 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2018.11.19 23:52 ravenclawchaser3 Rewritten Games

So I know this isn't gaming gaming, but I've noticed a lot of online games from my childhood being rebooted. Club penguin, toontown, even that disney fairy game was rewritten. i was wondering if anyone out there has the ability to reboot or knows what it takes to do it? that game was the shit
submitted by ravenclawchaser3 to gaming [link] [comments]