Harrahs casino history

Bovada Community Forum - Discuss Bovada.lv Casino, Poker & Sportsbook (unofficial subreddit)

2013.04.19 09:51 Edvurt Bovada Community Forum - Discuss Bovada.lv Casino, Poker & Sportsbook (unofficial subreddit)

Bovada Community Forum on Reddit where Bovada.lv, a US gaming and poker website is freely discussed. Chat about anything related to the Bovada's casino, poker, or sports bets. Posting screenshots of your big wins is encouraged! As are asking about support issues. Check the sidebar on PCs, the "About" section on mobile or Reddit apps, top menu, or the /Bovada Wiki for USEFUL LINKS and answers to frequently asked questions. Read the rules before posting or you will be banned!

2018.03.30 22:24 calib0rx Kava Coins – Cryptocurrency for Social Casino Games

Kava’s CasinoLife is a social casino gaming platform for VR, Mobile and Web. CasinoLife features a new Stellar powered token called KAVA Coins (Symbol: KAVA) as its premium currency for players to purchase premium game content. CasinoLife’s first game titled “CasinoLife Poker” is highly rated on Apple, Google and Facebook App Stores. CasinoLife Poker rewards players with KAVA Coins for engaging with the game and building their social network.

2020.01.14 16:56 princessareeb galapagoslegend

The Galapagos Legend, The ship has an interesting history, she was built in Denmark and served as a casino, hospital boat before going to Galapagos she was known as the Baltic Star.

2024.05.19 05:08 Background_Salad270 Apes once again spending their imaginary winnings on making the world a better place

Apes once again spending their imaginary winnings on making the world a better place submitted by Background_Salad270 to gme_meltdown [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:30 LukeKid To anyone watching fury vs usyk you know how close this was to hitting

To anyone watching fury vs usyk you know how close this was to hitting submitted by LukeKid to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:42 Lucvicentr Gamba Casino Originals Unveils Keno - The Quintessential Blend of Anticipation and Reward A Timeless Classic Reimagined (Early Access Code: DEGEN)

Gamba Casino Originals Unveils Keno - The Quintessential Blend of Anticipation and Reward A Timeless Classic Reimagined (Early Access Code: DEGEN)
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submitted by Lucvicentr to GambaCryptoCasino [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:00 Vast-Replacement9653 crystal.palace liverpool

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crystal.palace liverpool
Crystal Palace vs Liverpool
El duelo entre el Crystal Palace y el Liverpool es un enfrentamiento emocionante que siempre atrae la atención de los aficionados al fútbol de todo el mundo. Estos dos equipos de la Premier League inglesa suelen ofrecer partidos llenos de intensidad y emoción, con jugadores de gran calidad sobre el terreno de juego.
El Crystal Palace, dirigido por su experimentado entrenador Roy Hodgson, es conocido por su estilo de juego rápido y directo que puede crear dificultades a sus rivales. Con jugadores como Wilfried Zaha en su plantilla, el equipo londinense tiene la capacidad de desequilibrar a cualquier defensa con su velocidad y habilidad.
Por otro lado, el Liverpool, actual campeón de la Premier League, es uno de los equipos más poderosos y respetados del mundo. Bajo el liderazgo de Jürgen Klopp, los 'Reds' han demostrado un fútbol de alta calidad y un espíritu competitivo que los ha llevado a la cima del fútbol inglés y europeo en los últimos años.
Los enfrentamientos entre el Crystal Palace y el Liverpool suelen ser vibrantes y llenos de goles, con ambos equipos luchando por la victoria hasta el último minuto. Los aficionados de ambos clubes esperan con ansias cada vez que se enfrentan en el campo, sabiendo que están a punto de presenciar un espectáculo futbolístico emocionante.
En resumen, el partido entre el Crystal Palace y el Liverpool es siempre un duelo emocionante que no defrauda a los amantes del fútbol. Con jugadores talentosos y entrenadores expertos en ambos bandos, se espera que este enfrentamiento continúe ofreciendo emociones y buen fútbol en el futuro cercano.
Historial de enfrentamientos Crystal Palace Liverpool
El Crystal Palace y el Liverpool han tenido numerosos enfrentamientos a lo largo de la historia del fútbol inglés. Estos dos equipos han protagonizado partidos emocionantes que han mantenido a los aficionados al borde de sus asientos.
Uno de los encuentros más destacados entre el Crystal Palace y el Liverpool tuvo lugar en la temporada 2013-2014 de la Premier League. En ese partido, el Liverpool se adelantó con un gol temprano, pero el Crystal Palace logró remontar en los minutos finales, igualando el marcador en un emocionante 3-3.
Otro enfrentamiento memorable tuvo lugar en la temporada 2018-2019, cuando el Liverpool y el Crystal Palace se enfrentaron en Anfield. En ese partido, el Liverpool logró imponerse con un contundente 4-3 en un encuentro lleno de emoción y goles.
La rivalidad entre el Crystal Palace y el Liverpool ha generado momentos inolvidables que han quedado grabados en la memoria de los seguidores de ambos equipos. Estos enfrentamientos han demostrado la intensidad y la pasión que caracterizan al fútbol inglés, convirtiéndose en parte fundamental de la historia de este deporte. Sin duda, los enfrentamientos entre el Crystal Palace y el Liverpool seguirán atrayendo la atención de los aficionados y manteniendo viva esta apasionante rivalidad en el terreno de juego.
Resultados recientes Crystal Palace Liverpool
En el último partido entre Crystal Palace y Liverpool, el resultado fue de empate. El encuentro tuvo lugar en el estadio de Selhurst Park, donde ambos equipos mostraron un gran rendimiento. Los aficionados disfrutaron de un emocionante juego que culminó con un marcador de 2-2.
El Crystal Palace supo plantar cara al Liverpool, uno de los equipos más fuertes de la Premier League. Los goles del Crystal Palace fueron marcados por Wilfried Zaha y Conor Gallagher, quienes demostraron su calidad y habilidades en el campo. Por otro lado, el Liverpool contó con los goles de Sadio Mané y Mohamed Salah, quienes siguen destacando como pilares fundamentales en el equipo.
El partido estuvo lleno de emociones y oportunidades de gol para ambos equipos. A pesar de la intensidad del juego, ninguno logró obtener la victoria, lo que refleja la igualdad de fuerzas entre ambos conjuntos. Los entrenadores y jugadores de ambas escuadras se mostraron satisfechos con el desempeño de sus equipos, aunque saben que siempre hay aspectos a mejorar para seguir compitiendo al más alto nivel.
En resumen, el empate entre Crystal Palace y Liverpool dejó a ambos equipos con un punto que les permite seguir avanzando en la tabla de posiciones de la Premier League. Los aficionados ya esperan con ansias el próximo enfrentamiento entre estos dos grandes equipos.
Jugadores destacados Crystal Palace Liverpool
El Crystal Palace y el Liverpool son dos equipos de fútbol con una rica historia y una base de seguidores apasionados. Ambos clubes han tenido a lo largo de los años jugadores destacados que han dejado una marca imborrable en la historia de sus respectivos equipos.
En el Crystal Palace, jugadores como Wilfried Zaha han demostrado su calidad en el terreno de juego con su habilidad para desequilibrar a las defensas rivales y marcar goles importantes. Zaha es considerado uno de los jugadores más talentosos en la historia reciente del Crystal Palace y ha sido fundamental en los éxitos del equipo.
Por otro lado, el Liverpool ha contado con jugadores icónicos como Steven Gerrard, quien es considerado como uno de los mejores centrocampistas de su generación. Gerrard lideró al Liverpool a múltiples títulos y dejó una huella imborrable en la historia del club con su entrega y habilidades futbolísticas.
Ambos clubes continúan atrayendo a jugadores talentosos que buscan dejar su marca y ser recordados por los aficionados. El Crystal Palace y el Liverpool seguirán siendo equipos emblemáticos en el fútbol inglés, con una tradición de contar con jugadores destacados que emocionan a los seguidores en cada partido.
Posiciones en la tabla Crystal Palace Liverpool
El Crystal Palace y el Liverpool son dos equipos de fútbol de la Premier League con posiciones muy diferentes en la tabla. Actualmente, el Crystal Palace se sitúa en la parte media de la clasificación, luchando por mantenerse en una posición estable y alejarse de la zona de descenso. Por otro lado, el Liverpool es uno de los equipos más destacados de la liga, compitiendo en la parte alta de la tabla y aspirando a ganar el campeonato.
El Crystal Palace, bajo la dirección de su entrenador y con el esfuerzo de sus jugadores, ha logrado cosechar una buena cantidad de puntos en lo que va de la temporada. A pesar de enfrentarse a equipos fuertes, ha sabido mantenerse competitivo y sumar victorias clave que le han permitido distanciarse de los últimos puestos en la clasificación.
Por otro lado, el Liverpool, con su plantilla estelar y su estilo de juego ofensivo, se mantiene como uno de los favoritos para pelear por el título de la Premier League. Con un ataque letal y una defensa sólida, el Liverpool ha demostrado su calidad en cada partido, acumulando una impresionante cantidad de puntos y manteniéndose cerca de los primeros lugares en la tabla.
En resumen, mientras que el Crystal Palace lucha por mantenerse en una posición segura en la tabla, el Liverpool busca consolidarse como uno de los líderes indiscutibles de la competición. Ambos equipos ofrecen un espectáculo emocionante a los aficionados del fútbol y prometen seguir dando que hablar en lo que resta de la temporada.
submitted by Vast-Replacement9653 to u/Vast-Replacement9653 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:39 elringo_ Hard Rock Hotel Follow Up

Hard Rock Hotel Follow Up
Normally I don't do follow up posts when it comes to these things but a lot of information has since come out in regards to the Hard Rock Hotel incident. Before I continue, I would like to preface that a lot of articles within recent have been getting taken down so I'm doing my best to archive what I can from these sites as a result.
Of all the sites to be taken down, the REHAB performers list was taken down with the last couple of days. On the list itself, it included several notable names like Kendrick, Diddy & J Cole.
Looks like It was freshly removed... - https://lasvegasweekly.com/nightlife/2014/ma05/rehab-expand-two-days-hard-rock-talent-lineup/
However, I kept a screenshot of the list. This can also be found on Wayback Machine:
Diddy - Sunday, May 25 - Memorial Day Weekend
With the recent camera footage of Diddy abusing Cassie that was publicized Yesterday, it's safe to say we can officially roll out Diddy as abusive & being at the hotel at the time of the reported Kendrick Article.
Alamy Photo @ REHAB 1
Alamy Photo @ REHAB 2
Alamy Photo @ REHAB 3
Another thing I noticed was a screenshot of a website article publicized on TwitteX that removes the abuse victim being Whitney completely. It reported that it was a girl working for a legal Nevada Brothel named "The Love Ranch." This brothel shut down August 2018.
The Love Ranch - https://www.rhymeswithsnitch.com/2014/09/did-kendrick-lamar-beat-up-hooker.html#more
Now this is purely just based off my assessment of Kendrick's character just from being a fan of his music (& interviews) but he really does not strike me as the person to go to a brothel. Diddy, however, has a notable history with sex workers with now recent ties for abuse. Of course these things lingered already because of his existing lawsuit. All I'm saying is it looks very suspicious the links stop working when surveillance videos start being aired.
It also gives more information on the interview video as it comes from an entire livestream. The interview would've started at 57:10.
Now third and final addition starts off with the question: So, where was Kendrick on Memorial Day? It's confirmed that he was still in Las Vegas at the time BUT performing at the Haze Nightclub. With both photos & video to corroborate this.
Haze Night Club 1
Haze Night Club 2
Haze Nightclub Video Article about Performance
Haze Nightclub is also located inside of the Aria Hotel which Kendrick previously stayed at on May 3rd. No bruises were seen on his hands either.
I decided to look into May 3 as well out of curiosity and found a picture of Whitney & Kendrick from that night.
May 3rd - VIP Pre Fight
It's also important to note all articles about the alleged abuse were published in September 2014 and NOT May. Not a single article. Pretty much only after the Interview / Livestream appeared on the internet.
My theory is Diddy had seven rooms at the Hard Rock Hotel, ended up getting a sex worker from The Love Ranch after his performance at REHAB, some situation that took place where he then ended up fleeing. It's really hard for this to not have been a bigger situation considering she was found in one of the seven rooms. That is... unless she was threatened to drop charges or paid off. The Kendrick name was thrown around as a rumor just to get the heat off. Because why was there never anything that came to fruition? A court case? Security footage of the incident? Las Vegas has a shit ton of surveillance (I know, I've been there personally). Hell, even NOW someone coming out? The security guard in the video even mentioned she never personally saw Kendrick and only heard from someone some time later. The only thing she personally saw was an entourage.
I would suggest looking into the court cases of P. Diddy & Kendrick just to see how much is tied to their name. I'm not entirely sure how to go about that myself but maybe there's something there to look into as well.
submitted by elringo_ to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:00 SuppahhNL Highest commission return 95/100%!, cashback and more!

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submitted by SuppahhNL to Casinogamblingbonus [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:59 djavulensfitta Short story written by Joost (Brüders auf Berlin)

Hi, I know some of you have been interested in Joost’s written stuff, so this is one of them. It’s a short story that Joost wrote for Boekenweek voor Jongeren (Book Week for Young People) in 2019. There’s more info about it here (in Dutch) https://www.vice.com/nl/article/qvgzpv/joost-klein-schreef-een-kort-verhaal-over-een-wilde-nacht-in-berlijn and there was also this promo video for it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wx7wxnpxps0. It's been translated from Dutch - maybe not the most perfect translation but it's readable. Original in Dutch here. Enjoy

"How come he suddenly has cash?" I looked at Gurb, but he avoided my gaze. Louis never had money and yet he was buying another round. Meanwhile, a Moby song was playing and nothing made sense. "If he has money for drinks, he can surely pay me back, right?"
Just a few hours ago, I was alone in Berlin. Now, ten hours later, I'm standing in some obscure techno club with my best friends. Loud rock music with drunken shouting. "Hey, Miss Murder, can I make beauty stay if I take my life?" I woke up that day with a mild hangover from the lonely yet people-filled night before. Perfect conditions for a 20-year-old dropout.
The Hard Rock Café was the most beautifully ugly place in Berlin. Gurb had driven for seven hours straight in his mother's car, but we didn't notice. An iconic black Mini Cooper. Your body leads your mind, the beat never stops, and you can conquer the world. Louis threw in another crazy dance move. We were happy.
"Do you want another drink, brother?" Gurb asked me, half shouting. An evening filled with rhetorical questions. He saw me dancing and already knew the answer.
Gurb always had money. Louis, on the other hand, never did. Louis was also the youngest of us three. He had just turned 18. I wouldn't call him a cunning fox. More like a jack-of-all-trades. Like the time he made a lot of money on a Wadden Island with a group of boys. They sold large blocks of hash.
"Crazy dude!" I shouted at him. He yelled something back.
"Do you remember back then?" Louis said.
"Back then? Back then? Yeah man, of course!" I had no idea what he meant. "Do you mean the party?"
"Do you mean the party, he says! This guy. When I look at you like this, it makes me happy. The exact same kid is here letting loose just like back in high school!"
We knew each other from secondary school. He joined when I was in the second grade. He was very intelligent. Too young, too much knowledge of the world. His mother is from Brazil. We often went to his mother's place to play on the Playstation Louis and I had bought together.
I lived everywhere at that time. In the crisis shelter where I stayed for a while, for example, I wasn't allowed to have a Playstation. So we set it up in an accessible place, near school. It was always fun with Louis. Going together to the Apple Store. Taking all kinds of photos with all the webcams, posting them on Hyves, and then leaving. Louis always knew how to cheer me up.
"Aaaaaaaaaa!" There was Gurb with five drinks in his hands. Gurb was wearing a blue checkered shirt. Two buttons undone. Hair slicked back. "You look good, brother!"
"You look fresh too! We all look fresh!" Gurb said enthusiastically. Louis was wearing a completely white outfit. We quickly bought this before going out. He also bleached his hair.
"You look like the Brazilian cousin of James Dean in these clothes," I said. Louis laughed. "Let me take a picture."
Suddenly, the DJ switched to some kind of techno. "Ah, here Berlin briefly takes off its mask." I was fine with it all. Louis was talking to a lady.
Voluptuous breasts, I thought to myself. He gave her one of his two drinks.
"He's with a girl and he's thinking with his dick," I said to Gurb. "Let him be, tonight Berlin is ours!"
The bass kept pounding. "I simply don't have the patience for the club," I said to Gurb. He looked surprised. Like a sweet dog, tilting his head. "I'm just waiting for tomorrow. Can't do my thing here. Don't have patience for the already known. I want adventure and I want it now!"
Gurb started laughing. "Patience is a virtue." Yes. Patience is all well and good, but I think it's a waste of my time. Gurb grabbed my shoulder.
"I think it's time for another beer."
Louis and I were walking through Leeuwarden a year ago when suddenly a red Ford Ka stopped in front of us. It was Gurb, casually driving around the city. He invited us into his car. We hopped in. Since that afternoon, the three of us were together. A few months later, Louis got a tattoo on his ribs in honor of our friendship. It was the name of our group chat. Braddar Force Indigo.
There were also days when Gurb would take me for a drive around Friesland. He reminded me how beautiful Friesland is. The world doesn't spin there. The newspapers I threw away in the Stiens forest in 2011 could still be lying in the same spot, so to speak.
Just before midnight, I found myself in line for the restroom. My eyes fell on a pair of striking shoes. Cigarette smoke invaded my nose for the fourth time. "Müssen Sie eine Zigarette haben?" a female voice spoke to me. I felt like Tom Hanks in the final scene of Angels & Demons, where the new pope first steps onto the balcony. The curtains opened. There I was, witnessing an important moment in history. I was just told how I was sent by God, but my ears didn't want to hear any of it. At least that's how I felt. My mouth was empty. I had no words left. That's when I knew for sure. Berlin might really be as crazy as literally everyone says.
Dark blond, silky hair. Was this real beauty then? She wouldn't look 40, but I think she was. A true woman. Beautiful in all her elegance. I always joked about being interested in older women, but tonight one stood in front of me. "I don't smoke," I said to her.
Someone tapped me. "Please, just go to the toilet!" He was right. I hadn't peed in a while either. My urine was cloudy. "Glomerulonephritis," I said to myself on the toilet. This is an unusual condition. It's an inflammation in the kidneys, I thought I remembered. They should never have given me access to Google.
The evening progressed, and Louis kept buying rounds. "But seriously now. How does Louis suddenly have all that money for drinks?" I asked Gurb. He was outside smoking with a group of Swiss girls. I had strategically positioned myself so that I could always leave the crime scene if necessary.
"You shouldn't ask me," said Gurb. He was laughing with the temporary girlfriend group of Louis. Gurb has a beard. A lot of chicks like that. I get it too.
As much as I enjoyed Louis and Gurb being here for me, something didn't sit right with me. It couldn't just be about the money. "What's up with him?" I heard one of the Swiss girls say to Gurb.
Those kinds of questions really tire me out. "Not much, with you?" I replied.
They all started laughing. "That's not what she meant, brother," said Gurb.
"I couldn't care less whether she meant it or not. Send that brace-face back to Switzerland. Don't drive me crazy, alright!"
Actually, I hadn't drunk that much that evening. "Two vodka Sprites, please!" It's rare for me to get just one drink. "I always get two drinks, then you have to wait shorter for the third one!" Maybe the alcohol was affecting me more than I wanted to admit. Oh well, it was still the three of us against the world.
"Nice shoes, are those Prada?" I asked a random girl at the bar.
"No, these are fake. Why would I buy real ones for 600 dollars if I could just buy these for 20?"
I'm not very good at that. Talking. To women.
Louis and Gurb were in the smoking area now. It was less blue than the dance floor itself. My clothes already stank, so a visit to the smoking area couldn't hurt. "These people are so underground!" Gurb shouted. Louis was filming him with his phone. "These people..." There was a brief pause. As if Gurb forgot the only line he had. "...so underground!" All three of us burst into laughter. The alcohol flowed through our veins as if it came from the purest mountains. People seemed doubled and the room was full. We had been in the same club in Berlin for several hours.
"Leonardo! What are you hiding from the big boss?" I sometimes called Louis ‘DiCaprio.’ "You a rich guy, now?" I said, with an accent as if I were from the Bronx.
Louis started laughing. "Eh, you know nothing. Bullshit talk."
I had to laugh too. What was I even worried about? Friends are friends, with or without money. That shouldn't matter. Louis probably just worked for that money. Maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought. Maybe he just had enough to buy rounds. But what if my gut feeling was right? That feeling was never wrong. Except for that one time at the Holland Casino in Groningen. Even the best of us have slip-ups. I was just getting worked up again. When it comes down to it, Louis is one of the sweetest guys I know. I had to let it go. After all, it's still Louis.
"I think I'm going to have sex soon, man," Louis said.
"With who?" I asked immediately.
"That one girl."
"Which one?"
"The one with the boobs."
"Oh, her. Just be careful."
"What kind of reaction is that?" Louis asked indignantly.
I'd only had four drinks, but I was acting like a mess. Louis was right. I didn't understand myself. Where was my head at? I'm here in Berlin, supposed to be having the time of my life, but here I am feeling lonely and sad again. Joost once again couldn't control his emotions.
"Sorry," I suddenly said to Louis. "Sorry for my behavior. Been acting dumb towards you all night. It's unnecessary." Sometimes I have that. Mood swings. "Know that crime is never the solution. We've talked about this so many times. Yes, it's tempting and sometimes easy money. I sometimes find it amusing too, but it's always hypothetical. Ask me for help. I can help you, even with illegal things. I'll always have your back." The dancing was kind of over.
The words I had just placed on Louis's plate came from my heart. My Frisian, irregular boys' heart.
Crying in the club. I had never seen myself like that. Crying, yes. In the club, no. I never understood the taboo around crying. Or emotions in general. I saw myself in the mirror. They weren't tears of joy. They weren't tears of sadness either. It was me letting everything go. All the emotions I had ever felt. The emotions I felt between my brother and sister and myself because they wanted to take on a parental role over me, but I was in puberty, so I pushed them away. The emotions I felt when my old neighbors were supposed to take care of my dog, but didn't tell me that he was bitten by one of their dogs. They didn't have money for the surgery, they later told me. They were ashamed of their lack of money. My dog died from this injury. Even the emotions that were all jumping at once during the retake for my swimming diploma A, I let go of.
No emotions. Just for a moment, not feeling anything. Is that too much to ask for?
"You still don’t smoke?"
It had to be the voice of the woman with the cigarettes. I looked over my shoulder through the mirror. It was her. The one with dark blond, silky hair.
"Not to be rude, but this is the men’s room," I said. She took a step closer and kissed me on my lips. It tasted like more. We started kissing. It had been a while since I had had female contact at this level. It probably didn't look good and it didn't feel good either. She started kissing my neck. Slowly, I noticed the pressure in the erectile tissues of my penis starting to increase. "I really don't have time for this!" I thought to myself. The woman with the cigarettes started to slowly sink down until she was on her knees. I didn't want this. Not now, not like this. She unraveled my penis from my Polo Ralph Lauren underwear. Her tongue was blue. It was probably from cheap shots of alcohol.
Was this real beauty then? Was this the beginning or the end of her story? And had I become the boy my parents hoped I would be? I thought about the fact that this was once someone's little daughter. Somewhere in the world, an old man might be wondering what his daughter is doing. Am I really putting pleasure above my own morals and values?
With my semi-erect circumcised penis still exposed, I lifted her up. After giving her a kiss on her forehead, I pulled up my pants and left the toilets.
It was the usual last hour in any club ever. I met Louis and Gurb at the bar. "Should we have another drink?" I asked Gurb. "I feel like having a cocktail. Something sweet. Lots of sugar. What about you?"
Gurb looked at the menu. "A cognac would go down well right now."
"A cognac? You're only nineteen!" Gurb and Louis laughed. "Two Tequila Sunrises please!" I called to the bartender. "Also, two beers! Thanks!" I also got a beer for Louis. At first, I didn't want to, but I didn't want to spoil the mood either. Besides, I didn't want to show too much that it bothered me so much.
We danced away the last minutes. The club closed, and we decided to walk with the group of Swiss girls. Apparently, they were staying nearby.
As I lagged behind the group, one of them tried to start a conversation with me. "Are you okay?" she asked kindly.
"I'm fine. Just had too much beer. Makes me sleepy." Not true at all, but I've heard people say that.
"You’re tired? The fun has only just began!" And as she said this, she pulled something out of her inner pocket. Her clenched fist, shielded by a half jacket. Who is this girl, anyway? I thought to myself. She opened her hand flat, and right in the center of her palm lay two small pills with a smiley face on them. At least, they looked like it.
"Oh, I don’t do drugs. Sorry."
"Me neither!" And she swallowed a pill. "Now it’s your turn... Or are you scared?"
Scared? Who did this crazy Swiss witch (with really beautiful eyes) think she was. With her "are you scared". I'll show her who's scared.
"Scared? I’m not scared." I picked up the remaining pill and swallowed it.
Everything went in slow motion. Was this who I had become? Was this the same boy from high school? And just before I could swallow, I spat out the pill. She was shocked. I picked up the pill again, dried it with my jacket, and put it back in her fist. "Maybe later!" I shouted, running back to the group, over my shoulder.
I have nothing to say to 9 out of 10 peers I come across. Of course, I can be social. I can also have fun with random people in random situations, but that night, it just tired me out. I also didn't understand what we were doing there. Those girls found me strange anyway. Suddenly, I was the fifth wheel.
"We know this place where they go until 7 in the morning!" The girl leader of the group spoke. I wanted to go home. "If you guys want, you can go. Don't worry about me," I said to Gurb and Louis. The boys had a brief discussion. We agreed to stay for just a little while longer for some drinks. I consented. I was thirsty. "I'll have a Fanta, Louis."
Gurb had reached the last cigarette in his pack. Louis and a girl from the group were nowhere to be found. It didn't even bother me. This guy just walks around with some cash in his pocket and all hell breaks loose. After a night full of stimuli, I understood Louis. Of course, I understood Louis. He's a young god. Handsome, smart guy. But that didn't make me any less angry. It was purely about trust for me. Something inside me said I should stop subconsciously expecting things from people too. It prevents disappointment.
"Hotel please!" I jokingly suggested to Gurb. "Should you call Louis or should I?" I added. Gurb immediately grabbed his Android smartphone and called Louis. He put the call on speaker.
"Are you ready?" Gurb asked.
"Yeah. Sort of."
"What do you mean?"
"We didn't have sex."
"That's fine, right? Tomorrow's a new day!"
"I think I'm in love, man," Louis said.
"...," Gurb said, chuckling as he let out a sigh.
Once we arrived at the girls' hostel, it was already getting light. Louis was thankfully back. There were stains on his pants, around his knees. My focus was solely on arranging a taxi. Although the boys were still flirting, I was really done now. "How are we going to pay for this taxi?" I said a bit too loudly.
There was a silence. "Don't worry. I still have cash," Gurb said.
"Yeah, I knew you would," I replied.
My words clearly hit Louis. "What do you mean by that?" he said.
It was as if time stood still for a few seconds. "Exactly what I said. Better listen." Louis pulled out a small wad of green bills from his pocket. At least 400 euros. "I don't even want to see that money," I reacted. I walked away.
I'll just order a taxi myself.
"Why are you walking away now?" Gurb said.
"Twelve hours ago, I was alone too, and I had a lot more fun then."
"Do you really want to know how I got this money?" Louis said.
Yes, I did want to know. My whole evening revolved around that damn money.
He took a second of pause before he began speaking. "The answer lies in the Mini."
What on earth could be in Gurb's mother's car? Louis was trying to get into my head. "Taxi!"
Once in the taxi, the division was clear. Gurb was upfront, chatting animatedly with the driver. All adventures ever were recounted. Louis and I in the back. One of my best friends since I was thirteen. Funny how things turn out. It was quiet between us. I was in my head, rehearsing how I would bring up the money again. It didn't add up, and he knew it himself. "I don't care, you know," I said, hoping he'd break.
"What don't you care about?"
"About that money."
"What money? You're really a crazy woozy man." Louis burst out laughing again.
On the other hand, it was silent. Gurb had started talking about the driver's family. The driver didn't appreciate it. Gurb meant well. The driver smelled of alcohol. Or was it me? His nails were polished. Maybe his wife was a specialist. I bite my nails myself. Like now.
"In the Mini, oh yeah."
"Shut up. Illegal man."
"You'll never know."
"Stop playing. Just say it!"
Louis grabbed my head, pulled himself towards me, and brought his mouth to my right ear. "Why so serious?" he whispered. He didn't want to tell me.
"But always with this damn money, huh?" I almost shouted at Louis. I broke every silence within a radius of 10 kilometers.
"I'm trying my best, bro. It is what it is. I can't make it any different," he replied. It was clearly bothering him deeply. He ran his hands through his hair. "Sometimes people have to do things. And you know that better than anyone. Sometimes they have to do things they don't really want to or aren't supposed to do."
I knew this spiel all too well. Through all the drunken haziness, I suddenly saw a small glimmer of light. A tiny spark of sincerity. Louis was serious this time.
"I'm sorry. I didn't want to involve you in this. I'm sorry," sweat dripped from his forehead.
"You're serious, huh? Damn, man. What mess have you gotten yourself into now? Worse than Terschelling?" Worse than Terschelling would mean stolen goods. Maybe even violence.
"It's not what you think."
"The Adlon Hotel, right?" the driver chimed in. Always saved by the bell, that Louis.
Suddenly I hit my head against the seat in front of me. Of course, I wasn't wearing my seatbelt. The last thing I saw was Gurb waking up in panic from his drunken stupor. One by one, I started losing my senses. It started with the feeling in my fingers. For a brief moment, everything wasn't quite black, and I could only see a vague pattern of colors repeating inside my eyelids. You could compare it to the brief moment after the commercial break before the movie starts in the cinema. The movie was about to begin.
I knew I wasn't dying. At least not yet. Not like this. Not after an overall mediocre night out in Berlin. I found comfort in the image I forced myself to see. It was all in my head. There I was, unconscious.
I saw myself in a third-person point of view. It wasn't like I was actually leaving my body. More like there was a webcam hanging in one of the upper corners of the taxi.
As a child, I used to dream a lot about death. Nights spent awake.
At some point, I developed a kind of compulsive behavior. I kept swaying my torso from left to right with my hands under my head. It became almost like a workout before bedtime. Every night.
I called it dream shuffling. Just like I had learned to shuffle puzzle pieces or playing cards. Making things a little exciting for yourself. But what I almost never told anyone was that I was scared. I was afraid of burglars, who were very agile and muscular.
Especially afraid that they would murder me. I really wanted to know what death was like. It scared me.
These fear visions originated during an all-inclusive vacation in Turkey. I was 6 years old and already in bed. There was a big old TV in our hotel room, so I could secretly watch TV from bed. Every evening, my parents sat on the balcony. Here they discussed their day while enjoying a glass of alcohol. There was a Japanese animated series on TV. In the few seconds that I watched, I saw a scary creature climbing a sort of apartment complex via the balconies. The creature had hundreds of teeth and blond hair. It quickly entered to decapitate the people, then drained them and, as a final insult, robbed them. Dozens of carcasses of dead people were scattered around the apartment complex. The complex on TV resembled the resort where we were in reality, and the TV world merged with my surroundings. I became part of it. I saw people watching. No matter how loudly I screamed for help, they didn't react. The sun became very bright, and the people turned into nothing more than shadows. As the intensity of the sun increased, something became clear to me. These were not people. They had a sort of orange skin. Where I had previously thought it was their nose and mouth, it turned out that these shadowy figures did not have such physical features. They simply had three holes in their heads. The police tried to do something, but in vain. Since then, we always kept the light on in the hallway outside my bedroom. By rocking back and forth, from left to right, I could glance fleetingly at the beam of light under the door. That bit of light, escaping from the hallway into my room, gave me an advantage. It allowed me to stay one step ahead of the burglars. Pretty smart, right?
"From Jamaica to the world!
It’s just love. Why must the children play in the street?"
It was Bob Sinclar with "Love Generation" speaking to us through the taxi's speakers. We were stationary. I was conscious again, but I didn't feel alive at all. "How long was I out?" I asked Louis.
I could tell by his expression that he was relieved. Relieved that I was back. "One minute," he almost apologized. Louis gave me a pat on the shoulder. Gurb, on the other hand, was sleeping. He slept like a baby cub.
I put my right index finger on my forehead. It felt wet, but it wasn't blood. Blood feels different. Meanwhile, I kept hearing whistling.
"Be the love generation! Oh yeah!" It was still that same song by Bob Sinclar.
The earlier scent of alcohol had now been replaced by the smell of incense. It smelled like the same incense I had in my room. Sold to me as Tibetan 39 incense. I had bought it at a coffee shop in Rotterdam. I pulled up my notes on my phone. "Who lights incense in a CAR????" I let Louis read from my screen. He took the phone from my hands and started typing as well.
"Look at Gurb >>>" Gurb was so deeply asleep that his head drooped. His seatbelt held his torso in place, but his head ended up on the driver's shoulder. The man didn't mind. He didn't move. I made eye contact with the driver through the rearview mirror, and soon I found him. He winked at me.
We arrived at the hotel. Gurb awakened from his alcoholic hibernation. "Who's going to pay for the taxi?" I asked. Clearly rhetorical. I already knew I would take this one for the team, as usual. I refused to use Louis's money. It was uncomfortably quiet. "By card please," I said.
"I'll always protect you, Louis. You really need to know that. I care about you like my own little brother. I'll always try to help you. But you have to be honest with me. Can you do that?" Louis didn't hesitate.
"Yes. Yes, I can. I'll show you. It's really in the Mini." Meanwhile, the taxi driver's card machine indicated that I had insufficient funds. That couldn't be right. Maybe I had withdrawn too much that evening.
"I have cash in the hotel room," Gurb said to me. Gurb informed the driver in broken English that he would go get his cash. The driver agreed. Money is money, whether it comes now or later. As long as it feels good in your hands.
Louis and I got out of the taxi. "You're not going to light a cigarette now, are you?" Louis wanted to smoke. "Especially for stress. That's really for people who can't handle pain. You need to feel pain. Pain needs to brand you for the rest of your life so you finally learn not to do such stupid things." It fell silent again. My blood boiled. All pots were on the stove. I felt like Gordon Ramsay in the kitchen. "Show me then. Do it."
Louis remained silent and walked around the corner of the hotel. Towards the parking lot. I followed him. "You're not going to find much," said Louis.
"Why not? Are you a magician?"
"No. Just. Not much."
"So there's suddenly magically nothing in Gurb's car?"
"Stop. Get out. Get out of my head!" Louis shouted. Louis had had enough. He was done with the parade. Normally we dealt with hypothetical stories. Only this time it wasn't a joke. I was sure now. Louis had dropped his mask. The revolution had begun. The government had fallen and the dikes had broken. The people were in charge. "You shouldn't freak out like this. Always wanting more. Sweet boy, think about yourself."
After Gurb gave the money to the driver, he came to us. He had a smile on his face, lit a cigarette, and exclaimed, "Brothers!" Once with us, he hugged me. He started laughing. "Maybe I haven't been entirely honest either." Sometimes Gurb seemed like a 38-year-old man. In a positive way. He exuded confidence in a way I didn't often see. Affectionate, with a hint of authority.
We stood in the middle of a large parking lot. "Look. We've reached a point where I might not even care anymore. You guys are teasing me." It did matter to me. Maybe more than ever. I was supposed to be two steps ahead of them, but I couldn't figure it out. "I give up."
The delightful silence returned. Louis and Gurb looked at each other. "You guys win. Apparently, I'm not to be trusted as a friend."
From Louis's expression, I could tell he disagreed with this. "Not true. Come to the car."
We arrived at the car. Louis unlocked it and searched for the trunk button. Gurb had started his third cigarette. "It's a corpse, isn't it? Say it now. I can still help you. I can still help us. I can book a ticket for you. We can get you out of here," I said to Louis.
"Just wait. Nutcase."
"Why won't you accept my help?"
Louis started laughing nervously. Or at least it seemed that way. Perhaps a sly laugh too. Had Louis killed someone? "It's not a corpse. That can't be. You wouldn't be stupid enough to use their ID. You're smarter than that. So it must be something stolen. Haven't you found that button yet?"
Suddenly, we heard a click. Louis had found the button. Somewhere, I didn't want to know. Shouldn't I just trust Louis? Wasn't that the whole point of friendship?
Finally, the moment had arrived. I placed my right hand in the slot of the rear hatch. Something in me doubted. Still. I still doubted. Louis looked dead serious. "You wanted to know, didn't you? Then you also have to be man enough to accept it." Louis was clearly not joking. Or was he acting again? "Pussy," Louis said. I looked away. "You're afraid of what's inside, huh? You're afraid of the real Louis." He began to laugh manically. "Open that thing, man. Nutcase!"
I started laughing too. Why did I make such a big deal out of it? Sweat broke out from every pore in my body. It was even a bit damp in the no man's land between my scrotum and my anus. A tropical climate. It had been quite an adventure the whole evening. I took my hand off the rear hatch and first gave Louis a hug. Not some half-hearted birthday wish. No, a real hug.
"It's okay, buddy," Louis said to me. I had no idea what he meant by that. It fit the moment though.
It was really time now. I opened the rear hatch.
"Where is it?"
"In front of you," said Louis.
"In some secret compartment?"
There was nothing in the trunk. Absolutely nothing. An empty trunk. For an empty evening, in an empty Berlin, with an empty group of guys. I didn't get it.
"You won, man," I whispered. "You finally fucking done did it."
I couldn't believe my eyes. Empty? There was still nothing in the car. Louis just stood there. Emotionally, I was a wreck. I had felt every emotion this evening. Seen every color and smelled every scent. I was done. My body was ready. No longer needed. My mission was complete.
"But why did you do this?" I asked Louis, laughing.
He scratched his chin. It felt like the end of a bad movie.
"I sold our Playstation. Wanted to tell you only after I had sorted everything out again. I terminated my lease. Had some debts, and I also wanted to have some money for once. Once not empty-handed in the club. Once not dependent on my best friends. This is not who I am... I know how much that Playstation meant to you. It was ours together. I should have just told you."
"… and how does Gurb actually make his money?"
submitted by djavulensfitta to Joostklein [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:07 AutoModerator BetSpino.com - Promotions Review

Betspino(.)com Casino Promotions Review

Betspino.com Casino offers a range of enticing promotions designed to enhance the gaming experience for both new and existing players. From generous welcome packages to weekly promotions, cashback deals, and level-up rewards, Betspino.com ensures there’s always something exciting for everyone. Here’s a detailed look at what you can expect:

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Betspino.com Casino offers a well-rounded array of promotions that cater to all types of players. Whether you’re a new player taking advantage of the generous welcome package or a regular player enjoying weekly bonuses and cashback deals, there’s always something to keep the excitement alive. The Level-Up Rewards program further enhances the experience by rewarding loyal players with exclusive bonuses and personalized offers. With its diverse and attractive promotional offerings, Betspino.com Casino ensures a rewarding and engaging gaming experience for everyone.Betspino.com Casino Promotions Review
Betspino.com Casino offers a range of enticing promotions designed to enhance the gaming experience for both new and existing players. From generous welcome packages to weekly promotions, cashback deals, and level-up rewards, Betspino.com ensures there’s always something exciting for everyone. Here’s a detailed look at what you can expect:
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Loyal players at Betspino(.)cometspino.com are rewarded through the Level-Up Rewards program. As you play and wager, you accumulate points that help you climb through the levels, unlocking various rewards such as:
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Betspino(.)com Casino offers a well-rounded array of promotions that cater to all types of players. Whether you’re a new player taking advantage of the generous welcome package or a regular player enjoying weekly bonuses and cashback deals, there’s always something to keep the excitement alive. The Level-Up Rewards program further enhances the experience by rewarding loyal players with exclusive bonuses and personalized offers. With its diverse and attractive promotional offerings, Betspino(.)com Casino ensures a rewarding and engaging gaming experience for everyone.
submitted by AutoModerator to BetSpino [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:42 tjtuck74 Idea to keep SuperStonk open after MOASS

I noticed some comments this morning in SuperStonk about how they're going to miss everyone after MOASS. As if this subreddit will be moot point after the biggest sneeze in recorded history happens.

I think that's a horrible way to look at it.

First, is we lock the subreddit from any new members after the sneeze. Sounds shitty, but there will be such an influx of people asking for handouts because the amount of collective bank accounts in here. That would make any communication impossible in this subreddit.

Second, we focus on 2 things. How we can continue to use our resources to fix the broken casino that is the stock market. Work our damnedest to hand the market back to the individual investors. Level the playing field to speak. The second thing we should focus on is joint ventures to make the world a better place. There is so much diversity in here, we really could do some magic. Me personally, I could retire and live off $5M easily. Anything after that is fuck you money. And honestly, I'd like to use the excess to help.

submitted by tjtuck74 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:13 Lower_Pace6416 4 hours 18 minutes.

Could you imagine 4 hours and 18 minutes on one shooter !? Borgata hotel and casino. 154 rolls may 2009. That must have been the most entertaining event in the history of casinos. I'm not talking about the $$$ won. The banter and mood at that table must have been incredible ! That's what I love about craps people having a great time together. Good luck to all.
submitted by Lower_Pace6416 to Craps [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 10:48 Comfortable_Cress194 I got notification from this channel but i am not subscribed

I got notification from this channel but i am not subscribed submitted by Comfortable_Cress194 to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:26 Sweet-Count2557 Kid Friendly Things To Do In Las Vegas Nevada Near Me

Kid Friendly Things To Do In Las Vegas Nevada Near Me
Kid Friendly Things To Do In Las Vegas Nevada Near Me
Las Vegas, Nevada is known for its glitz and glamour – but did you know it’s also a great destination for kids?
With plenty of fun activities to do in the area, your little ones will have just as much of an adventure as you!
From thrilling roller coasters at the Adventure Dome to exploring sharks up close at Shark Reef Aquarium, there’s something for everyone.
Plus, with easy access to Grand Canyon West Rim tours and other nearby attractions, your family can make a vacation out of it.
So if you’re looking for Kid Friendly Things To Do In Las Vegas Nevada, we’ve got you covered!
Read on to find out more about some of our top picks.
Adventure Dome at Circus Circus
Get ready for a wild ride at the Adventure Dome! Located inside Circus Circus Hotel & Casino, this indoor theme park is full of roller coaster thrills and arcade fun.
Whether you're looking for an adrenaline rush or something more relaxed, Adventure Dome has it all. Climb into one of the many thrilling roller coasters like El Loco and Canyon Blaster and prepare to scream your way through loops, dives, and spirals.
If heights aren't quite your thing, check out the Midway games area with over 200 classic video games and carnival style games like basketball hoops and skee-ball. There's even a 4D theater where you can watch 3D movies with special effects that'll make you feel like you’re part of the action!
Adventure Dome also offers plenty of family-friendly activities such as miniature golfing, bumper cars, laser tag, and much more. With all these options available in one place, there's no better way to have some family fun in Las Vegas than at Adventure Dome!
Grand Canyon West Rim Tour
Embark on an exciting journey to the Grand Canyon West Rim - a stunning destination that'll take your breath away! The West Rim is home to breathtaking scenery and majestic wildlife, making it perfect for a family vacation.
Whether you're looking for a quiet stroll through nature or thrilling outdoor activities, there's something here for everyone. From exploring the depths of the canyon by foot or air, to taking in spectacular views from atop the glass-bottomed Skywalk bridge, these are just some of the amazing experiences you can have at the Grand Canyon West Rim:
Capture unforgettable memories with a helicopter tour over one of Earth’s Seven Wonders
Get up close and personal with local fauna on horseback rides around the rim
Enjoy guided hikes along trails leading through serene desert landscapes
The adventure doesn't stop there; you can also explore ancient Native American ruins like those found in Hualapai Hilltop Village.
Plus, if you’re feeling daring, brave white water rapids on a Colorado River rafting trip!
No matter what your interests are, there's something here for everyone; so don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to see one of America's greatest natural wonders.
Shark Reef Aquarium
Dive into an underwater adventure and explore the vibrant marine life at Shark Reef Aquarium - a must-see for all aquatic enthusiasts! Featuring over 2,000 creatures living among 15 different habitats, the Shark Reef Aquarium provides endless opportunities for exploration.
With dozens of aquarium activities to choose from, you and your family can come face to face with sharks, rays, and tropical fish in their natural habitat. From behind-the-scenes tours that take you up close and personal with some of the most fascinating creatures in the ocean to shark encounters that allow you to feed the large predators yourself, there's something here for everyone!
At Shark Reef Aquarium, you can observe more than just fish – get an up-close look at reptiles like Sea Turtles and crocodiles as well as amphibians like frogs and salamanders. Plus, don’t miss out on special events throughout the year including educational programs such as sea turtle releases or moonlight tours of the aquarium after dark.
There’s even a touch pool where kids can get a hands-on experience with harmless stingrays! Shark Reef Aquarium is one of Las Vegas' top attractions – be sure to add it to your list when planning your next family vacation.
With its interactive exhibits, fun activities for all ages, and breathtaking views of some of nature's most awe-inspiring creatures, no trip to Las Vegas would be complete without experiencing this amazing underwater world!
High Roller Observation Wheel
Experience spectacular views of Las Vegas from the world’s tallest observation wheel, the High Roller, standing at a towering 550 feet! Get ready to soar above Sin City in an enclosed cabin and take in the dazzling views that stretch up to 10 miles – it's truly a sight to behold.
Whether you decide to fly solo or bring your friends along for the ride, you'll definitely be surrounded by breathtaking sights throughout your journey.
The High Roller boasts some awesome features:
Helicopter rides: Hop on one of our daily helicopter tours for a thrilling adventure and see Las Vegas from above! Plus, don’t forget to ask about our private packages if you're looking for something more exclusive.
Dining options: Enjoy fine dining while on board with gourmet meals prepared by renowned chefs! Take advantage of our exclusive dinner packages where you can also get complimentary drinks and snacks while taking in 360-degree views of stunning Las Vegas.
Relax and enjoy the ride as your cabin slowly rotates with each revolution offering new panoramic vistas – we guarantee you won't regret it! The High Roller is an experience unlike any other - come take a spin around Vegas today!
The Mob Museum
Uncover the gritty underworld of organized crime and explore its fascinating history with a visit to The Mob Museum in Las Vegas!
Located in downtown Las Vegas, this interactive museum offers an educational and immersive experience for visitors. Get an inside look into the mafia activities that have shaped our country's past, and learn more about the infamous mobsters who left their mark on American culture.
With over 1,000 artifacts from around the world, you'll get a comprehensive look at mob history, as well as hands-on exhibits that bring it all to life. Experience first-hand what it was like to be a part of the mob lifestyle with recreations of iconic scenes from famous films such as Goodfellas and The Godfather.
Listen to personal stories from experts in organized crime and see how different lives have been impacted by this notorious criminal subculture. You can even take part in interactive activities like firing real weapons used by The Mob at historic shooting galleries or explore special events that are tailored towards families.
The Mob Museum is full of engaging displays that will captivate everyone from kids to adults. Whether you're looking for educational entertainment or just want to immerse yourself in notorious tales from days gone by, this destination has something for everyone!
So come join us at The Mob Museum for a unique journey into one of America's most legendary criminal networks.
Pinball Hall of Fame
After exploring the Mob Museum, our next stop is the Pinball Hall of Fame. This interactive museum celebrates the history and culture of pinball machines and arcade games. It's a great place for kids to explore and learn about gaming over the years.
From classic pinball machines to newer models, there's something here for everyone to enjoy. The Pinball Hall of Fame offers a fascinating look into the history of pinball machines from all around the world. It features over 200 pinball machines from different eras, including some rare pieces that date back as far as 1931!
Kids can take a journey through time to experience how these games have evolved over time, while enjoying some nostalgic fun at the same time. No matter what age you are, visiting this delightful museum is sure to be an unforgettable experience. With its wide selection of pinball machines from various decades, it's sure to please gamers young and old alike.
Plus, admission is free so there's no excuse not to come by and take part in this one-of-a-kind attraction!
USS Nevada Battleship Memorial
Embark on an unforgettable journey into the past and pay a visit to the USS Nevada Battleship Memorial, where you can get a glimpse of history first-hand.
Located in Las Vegas, Nevada, the memorial is dedicated to those who served aboard the original USS Nevada battleship. Visitors can explore four decks of this military vessel and learn about its fascinating history. From its role in World War II to surviving two atomic bomb tests at Bikini Atoll, the battleship’s legacy lives on as one of America’s most memorable tourist attractions.
Onboard the USS Nevada Battleship Memorial, visitors will find authentic artifacts from both World Wars that help tell the story of our nation’s military history. You can also view weaponry displays such as anti-aircraft guns and artillery pieces. As you explore each deck, you will be surrounded by informative placards that explain how these tools were used during wartime operations.
Additionally, interactive exhibits demonstrate how these weapons were operated and maintained onboard ships like these. The USS Nevada Battleship Memorial offers a unique opportunity to experience life at sea during wartime with all five senses—from smelling freshly cooked food or feeling the wind through your hair while standing on deck—allowing visitors to gain an appreciation for what it was really like for soldiers in battle.
A visit here is sure to leave you with a deeper understanding of our country's military past and an experience that won't soon be forgotten!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there an age limit for the attractions in Las Vegas?
We were surprised to learn that despite popular belief, there's no set age restriction for most attractions in Las Vegas.
While many of the casinos and nightclubs have age requirements, the majority of attractions are open to all ages.
Of course, it's important to check with individual locations before visiting as some may have specific age restrictions.
Whether you're a kid or an adult looking for an exciting time in Las Vegas, you'll find something fun and enjoyable regardless of your age!
Are there any discounts available for Las Vegas attractions?
We're always looking for a great deal when planning our next vacation, and Las Vegas is no exception. Lucky for us, there are plenty of discounts available on attractions throughout the city.
Most discounts require qualification – such as age or military status – but there are many budget-friendly options for everyone to enjoy. From shows to tours, you'll find some amazing deals that will help you make the most of your trip without breaking the bank.
Are there any free activities for kids in Las Vegas?
We're always looking for fun and free activities to do with the kids in Las Vegas.
From exploring nature to educational tours, there's plenty to keep them entertained!
Get out of the hustle and bustle of the city by discovering Red Rock Canyon, a scenic area full of wildlife and outdoor adventures.
Take an educational tour around the city where you can learn about its rich culture and history.
Visit The Mob Museum for an interactive experience that will teach your kids more about organized crime in America.
With so many options for kid-friendly activities, Las Vegas is sure to provide hours of entertainment without breaking the bank!
Are there any family-friendly restaurants in Las Vegas?
When looking for budget-friendly, family-friendly restaurants in Las Vegas, you're in luck! There are plenty of great options to choose from.
Whether you want to enjoy a casual meal or a fine dining experience, you can find something that fits your cost savings goals without sacrificing quality.
From classic Italian dishes and Mexican favorites to fresh seafood and vegan options, there's something for everyone in Las Vegas' diverse dining scene.
Plus, many restaurants around town offer kid-friendly menus with special prices and activities that the whole family will enjoy.
So, get out there and explore all the delicious possibilities Las Vegas has to offer!
Are there any safety precautions in place for the attractions in Las Vegas?
When it comes to attractions and activities in Las Vegas, safety is paramount.
It's important for parents to be aware of the safety regulations and responsible parenting practices in place before taking their kids out for fun in Sin City.
Many venues have instituted new policies like enforcing social distancing, utilizing contactless payment systems, and increasing sanitation measures to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
Hotels also offer family-friendly activities that are tailored towards children, such as movie nights, art classes, and outdoor adventure excursions.
With all these precautions in place, parents can rest assured that their little ones will have an amazing time without compromising on safety.
We've had an amazing time exploring the kid friendly attractions in Las Vegas.
From the Grand Canyon West Rim Tour to the Shark Reef Aquarium, there is something for everyone to enjoy.
The High Roller Observation Wheel and The Mob Museum were highlights of our experience, with plenty of fun facts and activities to keep us entertained.
And lastly, a visit to the Pinball Hall of Fame was like stepping back in time - a nostalgic reminder of simpler days gone by.
As we reflect on our trip, we can all agree that Las Vegas truly has something special for families looking for an unforgettable adventure.
With its mix of exciting attractions and endless entertainment opportunities, it's no wonder why so many people flock here year after year!
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2024.05.18 00:17 Pokken_Champ815 My Sonic Heroes Review

So for a while or so I've been playing older Sonic games just to see if they still held up. So far a majority of the games I played were at the very least good with some of the best ones being Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic rush. But something that might be my biggest Sonic hot take ever is that Heroes is one of the worst games in the entire Sonic series(unpopular opinion I know but let me explain myself). And just a heads up this is gonna be a long one because I got a lot to say about this game.
Because this game has a lot of aspects that I don’t like, I'm going to first touch on some aspects I actually like about the game. Even though not every character was written the best I will say some stand out characters I enjoyed are Cream and Omega, especially Omega but I wanna touch on Cream first. Ever since reading the IDW comics I've always had a soft spot for Cream just from how innocent and adorable she was and that sentiment continued with how she was paired with Blaze in Sonic Rush. I was admittedly nervous about how she would be portrayed in Heroes for reasons I'll get into later but she was handled alright. Nothing too groundbreaking but she kept her cute nature and even had some small moments of sass which was nice. The real star of the show was E-123 Omega. He really only has one thing on his mind with destroying Eggman and doesn’t really go through any sort of character arc, but that’s fine with me because the dude’s funny as hell with how aggressive and angry he is. He doesn’t have much of a face or eyes that are able to emote but you can still tell exactly what he’s thinking. I can’t explain why but every piece of dialogue that comes out of his…mouth?....speakers?...is hysterical. From “ANNIHILATE” to “USELESS CONSUMER MODELS” even down to when he says “GOOD” every time you pop an item box or balloon every quote is comedy gold with how monotone his voice is. The chemistry each team has with each other is nice to watch since from their dialogue you can tell that these trios have known each other for a while, are good friends with one another, or in Team Dark’s case just work friends(but their banter is still entertaining with how Omega keeps telling them to stay focused). And the music is good but as a Sonic fan that’s par for the course at this point. What I’m Made Of is a stand out banger for me.
But unfortunately that’s where all the positives end as we move into the negatives with one of the biggest being the physics of the game being poorly optimized. Throughout my playthrough I have run into so many bugs or victims of poor game design that I’ve lost count. But over half of my deaths have been due to the fact that there are no invisible walls to act as safety nets for players incase they misclick or even do something as simple as do a homing attack or perform a 3 hit combo with a power character, the latter happening way too often because power characters are the most reliable way to deal with enemies. Enemies bumping you are also a common way to die but not because of running out or rings, but because of the lack of walls keeping you on the platforms. Speaking of the homing attack, with how the movement physics work with speed characters I never use them because they end up being too slippery to control with instances where it feels like I'm fighting for control just so I can move forward in a straight line or hit a boost pad on a loop. The Light Speed Dash works whenever it feels like it and there’s no way to aim the homing attack so you pretty much have to press A twice and pray that rn-Jesus does you nice, otherwise you’re falling down a pit like you’re Scrooge McDuck diving into a vault of gold coins. And remember how I said enemies bumping you off cliffs was a common way to die? Well they can also just combo you for free because this game has no invincibility frames meaning you can get hit once and then instantly die if you or one of your teammates doesn’t pick up a ring right after being hit. This is especially apparent in horde fights like Robot Storm where you can get easily swarmed. And a staple mechanic from Sonic Adventure 2 that was butchered in this followup was the rail grinding. It was super fun to build up speed by balancing and crouching but now you just mash B with any real sense of speed being from a speed character. And heaven forbid you decided to grind rail with a flight character unless you like sliding at the speed of a snail, but you might wanna do that anyway to be save because if you switch rails the game doesn’t magnetize your character to it risking you to just shoot yourself off the map just for swapping rails or getting off of a rail.
Another awful aspect with the game is the team mechanic itself. It’s an interesting idea on paper to be able to swap between 3 characters to perform different actions based on what the level throws at you. But the problem with that is not every formation is balanced. The flying formation is awful in every way. The totem formation itself looks weird and looks especially janky with how it looks when going off a set of springs or going through a dash panel loop. How it controls itself makes absolutely no sense either; you jump and jump again to fly which drains a meter, which makes sense since Tails worked in a similar way back in Sonic 2 and still works like that in every other 2D classic style game. But I didn’t learn until the last story that the gauge only drains if you move forwards and won’t drain if you don’t move forward which not only makes no sense but doesn’t work like that in Sonic 2 at all. And whenever the meter runs out you might think that you would just glide down to the floor right? No. Instead the game halts all of your momentum and has you fall straight down like a boulder making flying based platforming impossible which was not the case in Sonic 2. And for some reason there’s a limit for how high you can go even though there’s already a limit you can fly for. Wanna know what game allows you to fly as long as you want until you run out of stamina? SONIC FUCKING 2 ON THE SEGA GENESIS/MEGA DRIVE. Sonic Heroes not only came out 10 years after Sonic 2 but was released on more powerful consoles so I'm baffled that they didn’t even try to make any of this shit work in any similar fashion. And this gets even worse for Sonic Heroes because you know how I just described how they would have improved the flying mechanics in Sonic Heroes? Well it WORKS EXACTLY HOW I JUST EXPLAINED IN SONIC ADVENTURE FOR THE THE DREAMCAST 1999. What the hell were they thinking with this!? This makes absolutely no fucking sense. And the Thunder Shoot attack? It doesn’t do much except paralyze enemies and hit targets meant to help you move forward in levels. Except it only does one of these things correctly since the game doesn’t auto target the targets meaning 90% of the time you’ll be constantly throwing your teammates into the ether while missing entirely as you try again and again to change your angle to hit the target just so you can move on with the average 10 minute level. And the switches you’re meant to pull are janky in their own right but the switches you have to fly for are the worst since no matter how close you get to that switch the game won’t register what you’re trying to do which is annoying as balls. And as the finishing touch all flying character have no differences in gameplay despite slight animations and apparently they have this unique attack they can do if they don’t have party members to throw with Thunder Shoot by pressing B again...but the game doesn’t tell you that and even knew that you’ll never see it in practice because if you toss a teammate with Thunder Shoot they’ll come back almost instantly.
And the biggest failure is that you can no longer spin dash in this game. It’s no big deal, it’s not like they removed one of Sonic’s most essential moves in his arsenal that was present all the way from Sonic 2 and was even in Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, useless crap like that. Instead you have to use the stupid Rocket Accel which can’t be activated instantly like the spin dash with instead having the player get a running start to have your teammate boost you forward that doesn’t go as far as the spin dash in Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. It’s an alright concept that would be fine to keep if the spin dash remained in the game and not replaced with some trash faker that doesn’t hold up to the original. Which leaves us with the power formation which is the best formation by far but not by much. Power is the easiest one to control since it allows you to properly control your character at a moderate speed, a novel concept I know. But combo attacks that involve the character moving forward in a short burst are risky to use since you could wind up pushing yourself off the map which happens way more often than you’d think and more often than it should. And because they have to share data with all the playable teams they away Knuckles’ ability to climb walls in favor of a tacky looking team glide for platforming just like they took away the Spin Dash.
Another team related mechanic the game introduces is something called the “Team Blast” which has a gauge fill up every time you deal damage to enemies or collect rings no matter how you collect said rings(remember this for later). When a team gauge is filled you can perform a Team Blast by pressing Z that acts as a screen wipe that clears almost every enemy on screen. I say almost because it doesn’t really remove every enemy on screen because some doof over at Sonic Team thought it would be a good idea to give an ultimate attack that’s meant to wipe out all enemies on screen with a limited range, which is smaller than you’d think by the way. Each Team Blast has their own special effect that appears for around 10 seconds after the attack is used which i’ll be talking about when I talk about each team on their own but know that after Team Sonic’s Team Blast Sonic will be able to use the Light Speed Attack from Adventure 1 and 2…but that’s useless when you’re able to still fight as Knuckles and it fucks up your Thunder Shoot when attacking bosses.
And the next fancy mechanic they try adding in is the new level system. And I hate this system so much. The idea of the level system is that your character starts off dealing an ok amount of damage but can get stronger the more you level up by collecting orbs that can drop from enemies. Speed characters get a stronger spin dash, flight characters get a stronger Thunder Shoot, and power characters get stronger combo enders. The problem is that in terms of combat no Sonic game has ever worked like this. For the most part every enemy in a Sonic game that came out before and after Heroes is able to be one shot by a simple jump, roll, spin dash, homing attack, mech shot, boost or punch with the only exceptions I can name off the top of my head being Sonic Rush, Sonic Unleashed’s night stages, and Sonic Frontiers. But those 3 examples are excusable since with Rush it’s only one enemy that has more than 1 HP that doesn’t spawn often and with the other 2 being based more on combat than speeding through levels as fast as possible. Your team will only be satisfying to play after everyone as at the maximum level of level 3 which can be difficult to do since whichever orbs enemies drop when defeated are not only random for when exactly they’ll drop but it’s also completely random who the level up is meant for. Imagine needing to level up your power character to get through a large horde of enemies but instead all the levels go to the other 2 teammates that are virtually useless in a fight. “Ah dammit, I needed a power orb to get to level 2…ah well might as well give my other teammates their 50th orb of the fight.” The only ways to get guaranteed levels for a certain character is with certain item boxes and balloons scattered throughout the level and with checkpoints but the latter only works for the character leading the formation when touching the checkpoint, not to mention they’re single use only. And say you grinded all those levels so you can blitz through this level, guess what, if you die all of your levels get reset and it doesn’t matter if you only lose a life or game over. And i’ve made it very clear how easy it is to unintentionally kill yourself in this game.
Something else that isn’t properly explained is the hidden difficulty system. The problem is that each team campaign has a hidden difficulty system but the game doesn’t tell you that at all unless you want to willingly listen to Omochao(note that I played the tutorial and afterwards I actively avoided his tips on the main menu). The difficulty from easy to hard is Teams Rose, Sonic, Dark, and Chaotix being a gimmick team but the game orders them from Sonic, Dark, Rose, Chaotix which is bad game design because not only are people gonna wanna play as the main character Sonic the Hedgehog, but with how the stories are laid out players would instinctively play from left to right causing them to play the game on normal, hard, easy, and then gimmick which doesn’t make too much sense. I knew the difficulty levels before going in but I played in order of Sonic, Rose, Dark, Chaotix because I like Sonic as a character. But what I wasn’t prepared for is that this game is kinda hard even on the normal difficulty because the game is full of jank that can just kill you for playing the game as intended.
But now for Team Rose and Team Dark. Team Rose is so piss easy that it’s insulting for players who are well affirmed with the series. For one they force you to play the tutorial even after you’ve completed a story previously. Which btw this is the most bullshit tutorial in the history of gaming. Most games have pop ups with button commands and visuals to help the player out or they let the player figure things out themselves. Sonic Heroes does neither of these but instead have this little annoying ass robotic fuck hold your hand throughout the entire thing. What makes this worse is that every time he pops up to tell you what to do your character is stuck in place as you gotta wait for him to shut up so you can play the game only for you to be stopped by his rambling again and again and again until it’s finally over. And most of the skills players can learn on their own since it’s not that hard to just press a random button and get immediate feedback of “oh this button does this? cool beans''. Their moveset is also broken with Amy’s tornado attack being a moving projectile meaning you don’t have to willingly get in contact with the enemy in order to use it, Big having a combo that doesn’t have him move so he can’t fall off the map along with a broken belly flop that’s good for not only combat but weirdly enough platforming, and Cream…she’s just the flier. Their Team Blast is just a win button for no good reason. Not only does it give all of your teammates a free level, not only does it give your team a shield, but it makes your entire team INVINCIBLE. Ok game I get it, stop treating me like a baby. And the finishing touch is that all the levels are cut in half. Awesome. Setting up unrealistic expectations for newcomers and disrespecting older players in one foul swoop.
And then there’s Team Dark…oh Team Dark…when they said this was the “hard” mode they were lying. Because it should’ve been called “kaizo” mode. Enemies are everywhere including places they shouldn’t be, the amount of rings available is greatly reduced, And the bosses become borderline impossible to beat at times(except for the rival fights but we’ll get to that). And not only are there more enemies but the stronger variants of said enemies spawn more frequently. And you’d think their Team Blast would make things better, well yes and no but here’s why. Their Team Blast freezes time completely and I mean completely. Rings don’t spin, projectiles don’t move, even the timer doesn’t tick down. But the most annoying part is if you’re using your Team Blast to try and move forward the puzzles are stuck in time too until the gauge runs out so you gotta sit and wait to move on. And even after you move on the game will probably toss 3 giant armored robots at you at once that fight like mini-bosses(if you know you know) immediately after your Team Blast just ran out.
But before I talk about the final team with Team Chaotix I wanna talk about the level design! Yippee! Except not really because it’s all terrible. The locations and themes are unique in their own right but each level suffers from their own issues coupled with all the bugs that can kill you outright without the player having any time to think about what just happened. Ignoring the main bugs, Seaside Hill and Ocean Palace are fine first levels in all honesty. Power Plant’s elevator section is long and tedious and it’s worse if you have a character than use the Light Speed Dash along with a super stressful rising lava section that you gotta hurry up to climb or else you’re dead. But oooh nooo it’s not that easy because the lava moves faster along with the player which means if you’re too slow, you die and if you’re too fast…you die. Casino Park and Bingo Highway have pinball mechanics that will leave you stuck in one of the tables forever unless you’re a pinball god or just lucky. And we just love games marketed at children that encourage gambling addictions, especially if said gambling minigames are rng. Rail Canyon and Bullet Station rely entirely on rails which don’t work properly as I said before and Bullet Station in particular has a cannon that’s supposed to shoot you onto another rail track but in actuality it fires you straight into the death zone if you’re unaware about this and hold forward…and because it’s a Sonic the Hedgehog game you’re gonna do that. “Gotta go fast” and all that. Frog Forest and Lost Jungle have flying flowers that are so jittery they’re impossible to control, swinging vines with an awkward timing window, and it ends on a chase sequence against a giant crocodile that relies on the janky vines that last way too long. Hang Castle and Mystic Mansion are puzzle-filled mazes with ghost enemies that show up at the worst of times to jumpscare you…which is all the time, and everything else(we all know these levels sucks moving on). Egg Fleet and Final Fortress have tons of bullshit cannons that can home in on you, can snipe you out of the air which can hit you out of a platforming segment and send you falling to your death, crumbling floors, everything’s in the sky so there’s almost no floor to stand on, and rails. The worst part about it all is that all 4 campaign’s use the same exact 14 levels. You heard me right. ALL 4 CAMPAIGNS USE THE EXACT SAME LEVELS. Sonic Adventure 2 had 2 campaigns with levels that heavily differed from each other one way or another. Each campaign has either a speed level, a treasure level, or a mech level and even then it’s not equal to how many levels each type of level gets and each level has a different setting and music track. Rush is the one case I can think of where the campaigns had minor differences. Only thing is that those differences are huge. The levels are the same but they’re in a different order for Sonic and Blaze, Blaze plays completely differently from Sonic, Blaze gets her own music tracks, and Sonic has to use special stages to get the Chaos Emeralds while Blaze doesn’t need any to get the Sol Emeralds. And at the end of every other stage you gotta face off against-
Bosses! They all suck for different reasons. The mech fights boil down to mashing homing attacks like it’s a Mario Party minigame, the rival team fights are a joke, and the horde fights…oh my god the horde fights. I’m just gonna rip the band-aid off here. ROBOT. FUCKING. STORM. This is not only the worst “level” in Sonic Heroes but the worst boss fight out of any Sonic game I have ever played. Team Sonic’s is hard enough as is, Team Rose’s is a pushover(as is every boss in their campaign really), Team Chaotix…we’ll get to them later. But Team Dark’s has to be the boss fight that throws the bullshit at you. Don’t believe me well then let’s see here, we got; a long robot gauntlet that feels like it takes years to get over with, more enemies that spawn with a lot of them being the stronger variants of the enemies we’ve already be accustomed to, multiple giant hammer wielding robots paired with either robots that heal them or robots that sap all your rings which because it’s a Sonic game it’s basically life steal, and because this game was programmed with monkeys holding hammers the enemies will constantly knock your ass off the map and there is NOTHING you can do about it except pray. Pray to rn-Jesus that you can make it out alive with what little sanity is left in your body. And after all that Eggman has the balls to say what I'd call the worst line in any Sonic game, “Don’t get too excited boys! Those were the easy ones!”. It’s genuinely unbelievable that such a level exists. This was marketed towards kids. How is fucking little Casey who just got Sonic Heroes as their first video game gonna beat this shit? He’s not. Because the developers didn’t think about that just like they didn’t think about anything in this game except making a “fun” gimmick. But that’s not all. Because there’s one more boss...
Egg Emperor…and the bullshit continues. I definitely know what true evil is when facing this boss all right. The fight consists of running across a few platforms before making your way over to a bigger arena. The boss only has 3 attacks but 2 of them are what make this boss a slog to get through. He can fire energy waves by swinging his lance like he’s Cloud Strife and a charge attack that has no weaknesses that the game says activates whenever you’re too far from him. Because this is a Sonic game I figured that meant he can only charge if you’re too slow, but if you manage to run ahead of him he’ll charge anyway. But if you get too close to him you could risk either getting hit by a lance beam or by his massive hurtbox. And you might be thinking “why don’t you homing attack the body at that point?” and that’s because he has a shield that blocks all attacks and it’s only worth attacking his body after the second part of the fight where you go to that arena section. In the arena section you have to destroy some cannons and defeat some enemies before getting to the big man himself. You can make him drop his shield by using Thunder Shoot and follow up with your Power character but you probably wouldn’t do as much damage as you were hoping for since in order to do any real damage you’ll have to level your Power character up to level 3 which could take forever in this fight. After a certain amount of time the boss will flee causing you to chase after him again and repeat the boss cycle. But don’t go too fast because then you’ll wind up smacking right into his body or he’ll swat you out the air like a fly with a lance beam attack. And you can’t go too slow or else he’ll just charge at you which if he does it at the wrong time he can intercept your approach and boop you off the map meaning you’ll be dead. And if you thought that was enough, because the developers don’t know how to properly make things different between campaigns you have to fight this motherfucker 4 SEPARATE TIMES. And it doesn’t matter what campaign you go through because you’ll always have a tough time regardless of difficulty. I know it’s the final boss and that it’s meant to be a challenge but holy shit tone it down, there’s kids playing this shit.
And the last campaign involves Team Chaotix and they’re by far my favorite team to play as…and they still have problems. Instead of going through levels the same way you did 3 separate times already it instead focuses on missions. And I have mixed feelings about this. It’s great because it finally keeps things fresh and gives the player another way to experience the game that isn’t platforming focused. The problem is the fact that it’s still the same levels, levels that were meant for an action platformer instead of things finding an x amount of…I don’t know seashells. While the treasure hunting stages were my least favorite aspect of Sonic Adventure 2 they at least did a better job with the concept than some of the collecting missions in Heroes since the maps are built specifically for this kind of gameplay and there was at least a tracker telling you if you were going in the right direction. The Chaotix has you searching through levels you’re meant to speed through while not giving you any sort of tracker to tell you if you’re in the right direction. The Casino Park one in particular was the worst one because of the instructions: “Win 200 Rings!”. Anyone who sees this probably assumes they mean to use the slot machines since we’re a casino level with slot machines built into the pinball tables. But the thing is you can easily just collect 200 rings by playing the stage. But the game doesn’t say collect 200 rings, it says win 200 rings which is the dumbest piece of misinformation in this game and that’s saying something since this game loves to withhold information from the player for no reason. Like did you know you can fire your Thunder Shoot at nothing to charge your team gauge? Or that even though the game says to use a Speed character’s tornado to deal with shield enemies Power characters can punch right through them no problem? You probably didn’t because the game doesn’t tell you this. Anyway the stealth missions are the best ones because Espio’s invisibility is broken. And their Team Blast causes any enemy destroyed to turn into rings and for the duration of the meter any enemy destroyed turns into rings. This is the most broken move in the game. Why? Well remember when I said that the Team Gauge charges from attacking enemies and collecting rings? Well the game counts any rings collected towards the meter. Meaning if you destroy enough enemies at once with this attack you can immediately get your gauge back to repeatedly use again and again. It’s such an easy exploit to pull off that I'm not even surprised that this was left unchecked in all honesty. It even makes the dreaded Robot Storm look like a joke.
So that’s it. You beat all the 4 campaigns and you’d think that it’s time for the usual last story, right?...right? Well unfortunately special stages make a return and with that the 7 Chaos Emeralds. And this is by far the worst one. In the past special stages were unlocked by method of holding at least 50 rings until the end of the stage and jumping into a warp ring in Sonic 1 or holding at least 50 rings and jumping into a star post in Sonic 2 or by jumping into a giant warp ring hidden in the level in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Sonic Heroes decided they wanna be a bit quirky in a horrible way. In order to access the special stages in this game you have to collect a key hidden in the stage and bring that key with you until the end of the level or mission in order to unlock the special stages and collect the Emeralds…there’s so much wrong with this…Not only is it already easy for the game to send your ass to the shadow realm for existing but if you get hit and lose your key it doesn’t just fall out like rings do, it disappears completely meaning you’ll have to reload at a checkpoint or worse, restart the entire level every single time you get hit. And after you get through that bullshit we get to the special stage itself…if you’ve played this game you already know what’s up. The special stage acts similarly to the half pipe in Sonic 2 but except it’s a full enclosed pipe you run around in. The goal is to collect orbs to fill your boost meter and speed ahead to catch the emerald. It sounds very simple but remember, this game was coded by monkeys with hammers so the physics don’t function. Your character will constantly jitter around while moving making positioning yourself impossible when trying to collect the orbs. You have to pick between a Power or Speed character because Flight characters are too slow to do anything but even then you’re picking your poison. Do you wanna control your character better at the cost of speed or do you wanna go fast in order to get the emerald quickly at the cost of controlling your character? ‘Cause that’s exactly what it feels like. And I'm still not done because each Emerald is locked into every other stage. Sonic 1, 2, and 3 & Knuckles allows you to get the Emeralds as easy as the first 2 or 3 zones if you know what you’re doing. If you miss an emerald in one of the few stages they appear in you’ll have to repeat the level and do everything I just explained ALL OVER AGAIN. WHAT KIND OF COLLECTOR HATING SADISTIC BASTARD THOUGHT THIS WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA WHEN THE EMERALDS ARE REQUIRED TO BEAT ALL OF THE STORY!? Before going in I knew how bad the special stages were while being blissfully unaware how bad the unlock requirements were so I used save states(yes I used an emulator) to collect the emeralds in a timely fashion. Not only did this end up taking longer than expected even with save states but I was forced to keep using them for every time I got hit, sent off the stage, or missed the Emerald causing my save file to corrupt and erase all my data. Which caused the auto save to fail and use exclusively save states to progress. And let me tell you, nothing’s scarier than booting up the game and discovering all of your save data has been completely erased even after you completed 2 campaigns previously.
Before I get into the last couple topics of discussion I'll touch on some minor things that don’t warrant their own paragraph individually. The voice acting is hit or miss with stand outs like Omega and Sonic and then there’s instances of some of the worst voice acting in the series with Tails where they deadass brought an 8 year old to voice the character. “Look at all those Eggman’s robots!”. But it gets weirder since Cream was voiced by an actual voice actress and Charmy was voiced by a teenager. Doesn’t help that the game has the characters not stop talking for every single damn action in the game. It’s the same cheesy lines for the entire playthrough. The game looks ugly with the admittedly improved models having textures that look like they’re plastic toys ready to be sold in some Walmart or Target. The pre rendered cutscenes might be revolutionary at the time but are horribly dated by today’s standards and the in game cutscenes that start at the beginning of boss fights and levels look extremely jittery and stiff with characters’ arms flailing to move into position, Omega’s eyes constantly bugging out, and the camera repeatedly having a stroke. Some assets feel like they are copy/pasted and slapped onto characters that don’t make sense. Omega and Big share the same aura color along with Espio and Sonic sharing the same aura color, purple and blue respectively. Omega’s triple glide animation looks exactly like Knuckles’ even though he could’ve been animated to use his thrusters. Rouge has a weird outfit change that is never used again. Some might think that it could be for censorship reasons but her chest is still exposed through a cleavage slit in the outfit which makes me wonder why they even bothered to change it. Plus her pink eyeshadow is less aesthetically pleasing than her iconic bright blue. It’s unclear if all the teams are doing everything at the same exact time or not making things really confusing.The way the characters are written are all over the place with a mixed bag across the board. Team Dark’s great as characters but then you have Tails who’s portrayed to act like some scaredy baby and Amy who’s been turned into a hyper thirsty yandere that’s willing to beat Sonic into marrying her. But all of that is nothing compared to how dirty they did Shadow.
Every team has their own mini story that drives their plot forwards; Team Sonic has to find and defeat Eggman, Team Rose is looking for their lost friends, Team Chaotix is tryna get the bread, and Omega, specifically Omega, is out to look for Eggman for revenge for locking him in a vault. Shadow though…ok first off, why is he here? He literally sacrificed himself to save the planet Earth from the space colony Ark with characters honoring said sacrifice and mourning his death, Sonic included…But then they decided to bring him back along with amnesia and a clone side story that makes him question who he is. The clone story is the dumbest shit in this entire damn game. As if it wasn’t enough to make him forget all the events of Sonic Adventure 2, which can kinda make sense if he was sent into a coma after crashing on Earth. But now he has to go through some midlife crisis level shit to try and figure out his past and if he’s even real, which spoiler alert: this game doesn’t resolve either plot point. These points were further developed and resolved by the next game; Shadow the Hedgehog which wasn’t the best game by all means but it gave more of a fuck to have a concrete story than Heroes ever did. And what’s worse is if the clones were gonna be brought up again in Shadow the Hedgehog and then be resolved in that same game then what the fuck was the point of doing any of this shit in Heroes!? All that did was leave Shadow’s story on a cliffhanger that accomplished nothing but made fans confused and left them with unanswered questions for 2 years until Shadow the Hedgehog came out.
But finally, after collecting all 7 Chaos Emeralds and beating all 4 Team campaigns you’re rewarded with the Last Story which reveals that Metal Sonic was the real mastermind behind everything that happened in the game so he can copy everyone’s data and assume a powerful new form…that takes way too long to transform into…with Metal Overlord…just to beat Sonic. Not even world domination, just to beat Sonic. While his dedication is admirable it’s a really shallow goal. Plus the buildup towards him being the main big bad isn’t handled as well as it could’ve been. All we get are a background element that people would miss if they’re too focused on just beating the level, an extra animation at the end of a boss cutscene that only appears for Team Sonic and Shadow’s story, and a few lines of dialogue from Team Chaotix’s “client” that makes it clear that it’s Eggman. But it would’ve been better to actually know how all of this happened in the first place. Metal Sonic shows up as Neo Metal Sonic as the first time we see him in this game with no explanation as to how he got this form or how he found out he can copy others’ abilities. Not even a cutscene or backstory from Eggman in the final story, instead he just complains about how they can’t defeat him without the Chaos Emeralds. Without prior knowledge I wouldn’t blame anyone for thinking that Metal Sonic just got a redesign since he hadn't made an appearance in the Adventure era at that time. How cool would it have been to have been given cutscenes showing us Metal Sonic twisting and contorting his body to not only show how he managed to do this in the first place but how far he’s willing to go to beat Sonic without spoiling the final form to leave the audience in suspense before the final act? And him not revealing that he copied Team Rose and Team Chaotix data kinda comes off as him not recognizing their strengths and calling them too weak to copy from, even if he didn’t say so himself. The segment where the teams do their best to weaken Metal Madness for Team Sonic is fine enough except the coding monkeys did it again and made it so that Flying characters can’t do any damage. But then there’s the final battle with Super Team Sonic…Team Super Sonic…uh…a Chaos Emerald powered Team Sonic. Admittedly the fight is really cool with Metal Overlord chucking entire battleships at the player and talking about how he believes he’s the real Sonic as What I’m Made Of blasts in the background. But there’s 2 major things that bring this fight down for me. Sonic Adventure 2 did a similar sequence of the cast of characters help Sonic and Shadow go super and defeat the big bad. Only difference being the buildup was more elaborate and the stakes were higher as if they failed the entire planet was at stake along with the presentation of the final fight being better in every way. One fight takes place in outer space while the other takes place in the sky a vague height above the ground. And most insulting of all they robbed us of bringing back Super Knuckles and Super Tails. This might’ve been because of the retcon of super forms only being possible with male hedgehogs but that was a massive missed opportunity. And after the fight is done Sonic drops one of the corniest one liners in the franchise, the 5th set of unskippable credits scrolls on screen, and the game tells you to do everything again but get to A ranks this time as one final fuck you.
In conclusion the game had a lot of…interesting ideas to say the least in terms of mixing up the Sonic formula. Unfortunately they used too much gas when trying to cook and sent the entire dish ablaze. I think if they let this game simmer a bit more and took at least a year to iron out all the bugs and mishaps since this game was developed in 20 months. As a comparison Sonic Adventure 2 took 18 months to develop and was still better. And while I've made comparisons to past Sonic games I wanna make it clear that I am aware of the flaws those other games have. After all, nothing is perfect. But Sonic Team at least could’ve made sure that their game was worth it in spite of these flaws by tweaking some game mechanics to make them more fun. And feel free to say why you’d think this game is peak Sonic. Alright that’s all, thanks for reading this far and have a fantastic day.
submitted by Pokken_Champ815 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

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2024.05.17 19:26 Sweet-Count2557 The Best Babymoon In Las Vegas Nevada (2023)

The Best Babymoon In Las Vegas Nevada (2023)
The Best Babymoon In Las Vegas Nevada (2023)
Ah, Las Vegas. What comes to mind when you hear that name? Gambling, shows, and a whole lot of neon lights, right?
Well, we’re here to tell you that Las Vegas is so much more than just that! Believe it or not, this iconic city is the perfect destination for a babymoon. That’s right – Las Vegas is the perfect place to get away and relax before your bundle of joy arrives.
From luxurious hotels to fine dining, entertainment, and outdoor adventures, Las Vegas has everything you need to make your babymoon a success. And to top it off, the weather is great, prices are affordable, it’s conveniently located, and it’s a safe environment!
So, get ready for an unforgettable babymoon in Las Vegas.
Luxurious Hotels
Enjoy the ultimate comfort and relaxation of a luxurious hotel on your special getaway. Las Vegas has plenty of options to fit your needs, from romantic getaways to special offers.
When planning a babymoon in Las Vegas, you can choose to stay in a world-renowned hotel like the Bellagio or the MGM Grand, or in a boutique hotel like the Delano or Skylofts. Each hotel offers a range of amenities to make your stay as special and comfortable as possible.
Whether you want a luxurious spa experience, a romantic dinner for two, or an exciting night out on the town, you can find it all in Las Vegas. There is something for everyone, from designer boutiques to world-class shows. Plus, many of the hotels offer special deals and packages, so you can experience all the city has to offer without breaking the bank.
Take advantage of the beautiful weather and breathtaking views of Las Vegas by spending some time outdoors. Go golfing at one of the city’s many championship courses or explore the desert on an ATV tour. For a truly memorable experience, book a hot air balloon ride and watch the sun set over the city.
With so many activities to choose from, you’ll never be bored during your babymoon.
Fine Dining
Indulge in a luxurious culinary experience in the desert oasis that's Vegas - it's like taking a bite out of heaven! Las Vegas has a long list of fine dining options that will make your babymoon even more special.
If you're looking for a romantic dinner, consider the Eiffel Tower Restaurant at Paris Las Vegas. Enjoy a stunning view of the Strip, as well as classic French dishes like steak tartare and escargot.
Upscale dining options abound in Las Vegas. For a truly luxurious experience, visit the 3-Michelin-star restaurant, Joël Robuchon, located in the MGM Grand. The menu is an exquisite culinary journey of classic French dishes, such as L’Os à Moelle and Homard Poché.
For a more casual dining experience, you can't go wrong with the award-winning Gordon Ramsay Hell's Kitchen at Caesars Palace. Enjoy classic dishes like the signature Beef Wellington and Lobster Mac & Cheese.
Take your babymoon to the next level with a unique and delicious dining experience in Las Vegas. From romantic dinners to upscale dining, you're sure to find the perfect spot to make your babymoon one to remember.
Experience the ultimate entertainment on your romantic getaway - no matter what your interests are, you're sure to find something fun to do! Las Vegas is home to a variety of entertainment options for couples on their babymoon. From romantic comedy shows to casino gaming, there's something for everyone to enjoy.
ActivityLocationComedy ShowThe MirageMagic ShowBellagioConcertThe ColosseumGamingThe Venetian
The Mirage is a great venue for couples looking for a romantic comedy show. There are plenty of hilarious acts that will keep you and your partner laughing throughout the night. The Bellagio has an incredible magic show that is sure to leave you both in awe. If music is more your thing, The Colosseum is the place to be. This venue features a variety of musical acts that will get you up on your feet and swaying to the rhythm. And, of course, the Venetian offers plenty of gaming opportunities. Whether you're a fan of slots, poker, or blackjack, you'll find a game that's perfect for your babymoon.
No matter what kind of entertainment you're looking for, you'll find something that's perfect for you and your partner in Las Vegas. From exciting shows to thrilling gaming, there's something for everyone to enjoy on this romantic getaway. Spend some time exploring the many options and find the perfect activity for your babymoon.
Outdoor Adventures
Take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and explore the great outdoors on your romantic getaway – it's sure to be a breath of fresh air!
From desert hikes to glamp-sites, there's something for everyone to enjoy and make memories that will last a lifetime.
Las Vegas, Nevada is the perfect destination for an unforgettable babymoon. The surrounding area is full of breathtaking natural wonders to explore, from the stunning red rock canyons of Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area to the unique cultural tours offered at the Las Vegas Paiute Tribal Museum.
For couples who want to get out and about, Red Rock Canyon is the perfect spot for a romantic desert hike. This scenic area offers a wide variety of trails for all levels of hikers, from short, easy hikes suitable for beginners to more strenuous hikes for the adventurous.
The stunning views of the canyon walls, wildflowers, and stunning red rock formations will take your breath away.
For those looking for a luxurious outdoor experience, glamping sites are a great option. Located just outside of Las Vegas, these sites are perfect for couples who want to enjoy the great outdoors without sacrificing comfort.
From cozy cabins to luxurious tents, these sites offer a wide range of amenities to make your stay comfortable, including cozy beds, air conditioning, and fully-equipped kitchens.
Whatever your needs, you're sure to find something that fits your needs and budget.
With so many outdoor activities to choose from, your babymoon in Las Vegas is sure to be one to remember!
Relaxing Spas and Salons
Rejuvenate and refresh during your romantic getaway with a trip to one of the many relaxing spas and salons in and around the area. From couples massages to healthy treats, the spa packages available in Las Vegas are designed to help you both unwind and relax.
Spend an afternoon at a luxurious salon and get pampered with a mani-pedi, hair styling, and facial treatments. The salons offer a variety of treatments to fit any budget and make you both feel like a million bucks.
If you’re looking for a more traditional spa experience, there are plenty of places to choose from. Visit a day spa for a steam room, Jacuzzi, and pool. Or, take a dip in the local mineral hot springs and soak away your worries. Many of the spas also offer additional services like yoga, meditation, and massage.
Whether you want to spend the day lounging or take advantage of the many spa treatments available, you’ll find it all in Las Vegas. Head to one of the many saunas and steam rooms to sweat out any stress or toxins. Or, enjoy a signature facial or massage to truly indulge. There are also plenty of other services offered, such as body wraps, manicures and pedicures, and waxing.
With so many options to choose from, you’ll be sure to find the perfect spa experience that will leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed.
Exploring the Arts
Embrace the artistic side of your trip with a visit to one of the many galleries and museums around the area. You'll get to explore the unique works of art and get a glimpse into the area's culture and history.
Whether you're looking to take a museum tour or see a cultural attraction, Las Vegas has something for everyone. Head to the Las Vegas Natural History Museum to learn about the area's ancient history, or check out the Neon Museum to explore the city's iconic signs. And if you're looking for something more modern, the Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art is the place to go.
The Las Vegas Arts District is a great spot to explore the city's vibrant art scene. There's something for everyone, from traditional galleries to open-air murals. Take a stroll down the area's main street and don't be afraid to pop into any of the galleries.
Plus, the area has plenty of restaurants, bars, and cafes to explore, so you can make a day out of it.
If you're looking for something more unique, the Mob Museum is definitely worth a visit. The museum chronicles the history of organized crime, and visitors can learn about some of the most notorious gangsters in history.
It's an interesting and educational experience that's sure to be a highlight of your trip.
There's also the DISCOVERY Children's Museum, which offers interactive exhibits and activities to help kids learn about science and the natural world.
Discover the beauty of your trip with a sightseeing tour of the area, where you'll get to take in the gorgeous views and learn about the local culture.
With its breathtaking natural wonders, vibrant nightlife, and rich history, Las Vegas is a place that offers something for everyone.
Start your exploration of the city by exploring its history. Take a stroll through the historic downtown area, where you'll find beautifully preserved buildings, monuments, and historical sites.
You can also visit some of the more modern sites, such as the Las Vegas Strip and the Bellagio.
Next, you'll want to explore the city's cultural attractions. Visit the Neon Museum, where you can get an up-close look at some of the city's iconic neon signs. You can also take a tour of the Mob Museum, where you can learn all about the city's mob history. Plus, you won't want to miss out on the incredible art galleries and museums that dot the city.
From there, you can venture out to the numerous outdoor attractions. From the Red Rock Canyon to the Valley of Fire, Las Vegas offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor fun. You can also visit the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon, two of the most iconic natural wonders of the region.
Whatever you do, you'll be sure to have an unforgettable sightseeing experience in Las Vegas.
Unique Experiences
Unlock a world of unique experiences in this one-of-a-kind destination - you won't want to miss out! Las Vegas offers a unique combination of cultural attractions, shopping malls, and world-class entertainment that you won't find anywhere else.
Here are some of the unique experiences you can have while enjoying your babymoon in Las Vegas:
Take a romantic gondola ride down the Grand Canal at The Venetian and explore the romantic atmosphere of the resort.
Visit the Neon Museum and explore the history and culture of Las Vegas.
Spend a day at the High Roller Observation Wheel and enjoy the beautiful views of the city.
Catch a show at one of the world-famous Cirque du Soleil theaters.
Las Vegas has something for everyone, whether you're looking for a romantic getaway or an exciting adventure. From luxurious spas to thrilling nightlife, you'll never run out of things to do.
So take advantage of this opportunity to explore the unique culture and attractions of Las Vegas and create unforgettable memories on your babymoon.
Great Weather
Take in the gorgeous desert climate and bask in the warm sunshine on your special getaway. Las Vegas, Nevada offers mild temperatures year-round, making it the perfect destination for your babymoon. Enjoy the stunning desert views and the pleasant climate, which is perfect for outdoor activities like sightseeing, golfing, and swimming.
Whether you're looking for a romantic evening stroll or a day of adventure, the mild climate makes it easy to enjoy the sights and sounds of Las Vegas. Take advantage of the great weather and explore the many outdoor attractions in Las Vegas. Visit the Grand Canyon or Red Rock Canyon for stunning desert vistas. For a romantic evening, take a sunset gondola ride at the Venetian, or watch the Bellagio fountains during the day.
You can also visit museums, such as the Mob Museum or the Neon Museum. With its mild climate, spectacular desert views, and endless activities, Las Vegas is the perfect destination for your babymoon. Enjoy the beautiful city and relax in the warm sunshine. From sightseeing to shopping, there's something for everyone in Las Vegas.
So, pack your bags and plan your dream babymoon in Las Vegas today!
Affordable Prices
With its affordable prices, you and your partner can enjoy all that the desert has to offer without breaking the bank. Las Vegas is the perfect destination for a budget-friendly, romantic babymoon.
With inexpensive flights and budget-friendly options, you can make the most of your time and money. There are plenty of activities to enjoy that won't cost you a fortune.
Take a stroll down the Las Vegas Strip, where you can take in the sights and sounds of this iconic city without spending a dime. Or, explore the nearby Red Rock Canyon, an awe-inspiring natural wonder that is a must-see for any desert traveler.
The city of Las Vegas also offers plenty of entertainment and nightlife to enjoy. From renowned casinos and world-class shows to top-notch dining and shopping, there's something for everyone.
No matter what your budget is, you can find something that you and your partner will enjoy. So, don't miss out on a chance to make your babymoon special while still staying within your budget.
Convenient Location
We're excited to tell you about the convenient location of Las Vegas, Nevada as the perfect spot for a Babymoon. Las Vegas is a great pick for an unforgettable vacation, with plenty of attractions and activities that are easily accessible. Plus, the city is home to some of the best shopping malls and nightlife in the country.
Here are some of the top reasons why Las Vegas is the ideal destination for your Babymoon:
A wide variety of attractions: From world-class casinos to luxurious spas, Las Vegas has something for everyone.
Great shopping malls: From the trendy Fashion Show Mall to the iconic Forum Shops, you'll find plenty of great shopping opportunities in Las Vegas.
Delicious dining options: With a variety of restaurants and eateries, you'll never go hungry in Las Vegas.
An abundance of nightlife: From classic Vegas shows to the hottest nightclubs, you'll be sure to find plenty of entertainment in Las Vegas.
A vibrant culture: From art galleries to outdoor activities, Las Vegas has something for everyone looking to explore the city.
So don't miss out on all that Las Vegas has to offer for your Babymoon. With plenty of attractions and activities right at your fingertips, you'll have the perfect vacation in this city of lights.
Safe Environment
Experience the peace of mind that comes with a safe and secure environment while enjoying your special getaway. Las Vegas, Nevada is a great choice for a babymoon destination due to its stress-free atmosphere and child-friendly attractions. With 24/7 video surveillance, a network of security cameras, and a dedicated police force, you can rest assured that your and your family's safety is the number one priority.
AttractionsSecurityGrand CanyonSurveillance CamerasShopping MallsSecurity PersonnelRed Rock CanyonBackground ChecksRestaurantsEscort Services
When it comes to deciding on a vacation spot, safety should be at the top of your list. From the moment you arrive in Las Vegas, you will be surrounded by a secure environment. All businesses and public areas are monitored by security personnel and surveillance cameras. Before entering any facility, you will be subject to a thorough background check. In addition, there are escort services available to provide assistance to families with young children.
No matter where you go in Las Vegas, you can always feel secure. With the assurance of a safe and secure environment, you can enjoy your babymoon with peace of mind. Whether you're exploring the majestic Grand Canyon or enjoying a romantic dinner in one of the many restaurants, you can rest assured that your safety is the top priority. So take a break from your everyday life and enjoy the stress-free environment of Las Vegas.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any special babymoon packages available?
We're on the hunt for the perfect babymoon package and we've just hit the jackpot!
Picture this: romantic restaurants with delicious food, luxurious spa packages, and the most relaxing and indulgent atmosphere – all in one place. Las Vegas, Nevada has it all!
With its endless array of pampering possibilities, you and your partner will be feeling relaxed, refreshed, and ready for your bundle of joy. Whether you want to treat yourself to a spa day, indulge in a romantic dinner, or discover the sights and attractions of the city, Las Vegas has it all!
Are there any activities specifically designed for couples with babies?
We've got great news for couples looking for activities designed for babies!
Las Vegas has a variety of relaxation options. Couples can enjoy spa days and romantic dinners. Plus, there are baby-sitting services available, so parents can have the night out they've been dreaming of.
With plenty of fun and exciting activities to choose from, couples can feel confident that their babymoon in Las Vegas will be a success!
Are there any age restrictions for certain activities?
When planning a babymoon in Las Vegas, it's important to be aware of any age restrictions for certain activities.
Most childcare services will generally specify an age limit for children, so be sure to check beforehand.
As for romantic dining, there are no strict age limits, but it's always important to be mindful of other patrons and respect the atmosphere.
Even if your baby is well-behaved, some restaurants may prefer older children to avoid disruption. It's best to call ahead and check with the restaurant directly before making a reservation.
Are there any infant-friendly attractions in Las Vegas?
Looking for infant-friendly attractions in Las Vegas? We've got you covered!
From spending options like the family-friendly Circus Circus casino, to childcare services like the MGM Grand's Baby-sitting Co-op, there are plenty of exciting activities for the whole family.
Whether you're looking for a leisurely stroll down the Strip or an interactive show, there's something for everyone to enjoy.
Plus, the city is home to a variety of family-friendly restaurants, perfect for a babymoon getaway.
Are there any special discounts for babymooners?
Couples looking for discounts on their babymoon should check out the baby-friendly hotels in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Many of these hotels offer great deals for couples looking to celebrate the upcoming arrival of their baby. These deals usually include discounts on meals, spa treatments, and other amenities.
Many of these hotels also offer special packages for babymooners that include room upgrades, free breakfast, and discounts on services. So don't miss out on the chance to get great deals on your babymoon in Las Vegas, Nevada.
We had a wonderful time on our babymoon in Las Vegas, Nevada. From luxurious hotels to fine dining, entertainment and outdoor adventures, it was the perfect place to relax and enjoy some quality time together.
The spas and salons were a great way to destress and the weather was ideal. Plus, prices were surprisingly affordable and the location was so convenient.
Above all, we felt safe and secure in our environment. Our trip was truly magical and it was the perfect way to celebrate our growing family.
We can't wait to come back and experience all the wonders of Las Vegas again!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:10 GeorgH20 Week 19 2024 New Online Casino Games May – Spin on 25 Hot Releases!

Week 19 2024 New Online Casino Games May – Spin on 25 Hot Releases!
527 New Releases in 2024 To Date
With another week in 2024 consigned to the history books, it’s that time when I bring you up to date with the new casino games released in the previous week. Although slightly fewer than in recent weeks, 25 new slot games were launched throughout the past seven days. Added to the total figure for the year, which we’ve been keeping track of, that means we’ve now witnessed at least 527 new casino games launched in 2024 so far.

What’s in this week’s update?

After plenty of deliberation and a vote, the team here at Casinoplusbonus has determined our top 5 new slot games of the week. We each had a session on all new slots launched and placed our votes, with the slots that received the most, making our top 5. Below, we’ve reviewed each game and given you a rundown of their features. At the very bottom of this update, you can check out the full list of casino games that hit the online casinos in the previous week.

Top 5 Slots Releases 7 May- 13 May 2024

(Rated by the Casinoplusbonus team)
The quality on display throughout all the slot games launched since our last update has been very high, so it wasn’t easy for us to whittle down to our best five. However, votes never lie, and the results are in. The online slots that received the most are Epic Dreams (Relax Gaming), Area Link™ Dragon (AreaVegas Games / Games Global), Bang Bang Reloaded (Booming Games), Riptide Pirates™ (Nailed It! Games), and Dazzling Crown (Endorphina). Once you’ve worked through those, check out the complete list of new games at the end of this report. We’re confident you’ll find many other top games to enjoy!
  • Bang Bang Reload (Booming Games)
Giddy up in the latest video slot from Booming Games. Bang Bang Reload takes us to the wild wild west and boasts a max win of 5,200x your stake. On top of that, it has some features that will keep you on your toes.

Bang Bang Reloaded Features Explained

Let’s check Booming Game’s newest slot features:
  • Wild Symbol: Can transform in all other symbols except for Scatter, which can only land on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th reel. You increase your chances of triggering the Big SHot WHeel feature the more wilds you collect during a spin.
  • Scatter Symbol: It appears only on the 1st, 3rd and 5th reel.
  • Cascading Reels: The symbols fall into position, instead of spinning. Each win will start the cascading reels, remove the winning combo, and the remaining symbols fall to the bottom. The new cascade fills empty positions, raising the win multiplier until the maximum multiplier is reached. Once there, it will provide additional cascades until no more wins occur. If there are no wins, the multiplier is reset. Here are the multiplier values:
    • In the base game: 1x, 2x, 3x, 5x.
    • In the Free Spins: 3x, 6x, 9x, 15x.
The multipliers are applied to all wins except for Scatter payouts.
  • Big Shot Wheel Feature: The more wilds you collect during a spin, the bigger your chances to trigger the Big Shot Wheel. Once the cascade feature is done, you can trigger the Big Shot Wheel Feature. When it’s triggered, you win one of the following prizes: Minor (15x), Major(100x), or Grand(5,000x). Once the feature is over, the chances for a new one are back to zero, and you have to collect wilds again in order to trigger it. Moreover, having 3 scatters on the reels stops it from activating.
  • Free Spins: You can trigger 10 Free Spins by landing 3 Scatters on the reels. You can activate 5 additional Free Spins if you land another 3 Scatters during the Free Spins. There’s also a Free Spins win multiplier (3x, 6x, 9x, 15x) which increases with each subsequent cascade. The win multipliers get reset when no paying commons are on the reels. Scatter (1x) 3 max
  • Buy Bonus: You can purchase the Bonus feature for 70x your stake
Booming Games is putting us back in the saddle with their newest western video slot, Bang Bang Reloaded. The slot prides itself on a max win of 5,200x your stake, cascading reels, and some interesting features. Overall, a pleasant throwback to the classical Western slot, with modern visuals and flawless gameplay experience.

Bang Bang Reloaded Online Slot Features

  • 5×4 Reels with 40 paylines
  • 95.8% Theoretical RTP
  • High ‘Variance/Volatility’
  • Wild/Scatter Symbols
  • Multipliers
  • Cascading Reels
  • Prize Wheel
  • Free Spins
  • Min-Max Bets: 0.40 to 400.00
  • MaxWin: 5,200x
Casinoplusbonus Rating: 89% (Great)
  • Riptide Pirates™ (Nailed it! Games)
Ahoy, Nailed it! Games just dropped a jaw-dropping pirate-themed video slot, Riptide Pirates™. This pirate adventure sounds like fun and offers a max win of 5,000x, special features, and multipliers. Keep reading to find out more.

Riptide Pirates™ Features Explained

Let’s check it out:
  • Wild symbols: Replaces all other symbols except Riptide and Pirates Bonus symbols.
  • Riptide: Each reel of the slot has a Riptide collection, all the Riptide symbols landing on the reels are added to the collection of that specific reel. You’ll get a free Riptide collections boost when you begin the game for the first time. When a Riptide collection is full, it triggers a Riptide Wild Stack on the following spin. Each Riptide Wild Stack moves one reel to the left with each round. You can win a new Riptide Wild Stack, even when you already have another stack on the reel. In turn, a 2x multiplier is added to the stack or it can increase the existing stack with 1x.
  • Pirates Bonus: You can trigger it by landing 3 Pirate Bonus Symbols. The feature begins with up to 4 active cannons, each having 3 chances to hit a target. If successful, the cannon chance counter is reset back to 3. To win its prize, you need to sink a boat or ship. Even hitting a chest grants you a hidden bonus. To sink bigger ships, you must hit all the ship sections.
  • Bonus Booster: To unlock up to 4 cannons, you need to fill the bar with the help of Pirate Bonus symbols (they add 1 point to the Bonus Booster). At least one cannon is guaranteed, and the Pirate Bonus starts with the number of active cannons in the booster.
  • Pirates Bonus Awards: Ships with the following multipliers (5,000x) and 200x, 50x and 15x. Boats: They award the following prizes: 2x, 3x, 5x or 10x your stake. The bonuses can be increased by Extra Prize, Fortune, or Double. Chests: If you hit a chest you can receive:
    • Instant prizes: 10x, 20x, 50x, or 100x your stake
    • Extra prizes: 2x, 3x, or 10x are added to all boats (Instant prizes of 2x, 3x, or 5x the bet.)
    • Fortune: On every turn, 2x, 3x, or 5x will be added to all boats. (Instant prizes of 2x, 3x, or 5x the bet.)
    • Hunter: this one hits one section of each big ship
    • Reinforcements: an additional 7 boats are being added to the map
    • Double: Doubles the prizes on boats.
Riptide Pirates™ by Nailed it! Games is a splashy adventure with tons of winning opportunities and fun. The 5,000x max win is a great payout, and the fun is guaranteed. One of our favourite video slot releases of the week.

Riptide Pirates™ Online Slot Features

  • 5×4 Reels with 25 paylines
  • 96.14% Theoretical RTP
  • High ‘Variance/Volatility’
  • Wild Symbol
  • Multipliers
  • Riptide
  • Pirate Bonus
  • Bonus Booster
  • Pirates Bonus Awards
  • Min-Max Bets: 0.20 to 40.00
  • MaxWin: 5,000x
Casinoplusbonus Rating: 88% (Great)
  • Area Link™ Dragon (Area Vegas/Games Global)
These game providers have created innovative and exciting gameplay in one fresh slot release – Area Link™ Dragon. Boasting a max win of 5,000x, special features, and interesting gameplay, this slot keeps us intrigued from the get-go. Check it out.

Area Link™ Dragon Features Explained

Let’s see what’s hiding inside this dragon’s nest:
  • Wild symbol: It replaces all other symbols except for Fireball symbols and they are stacked on all reels.
  • Area Link™ Feature: You can trigger it when at least one Fireball lands on the reels. The Fireball is added to the collection of eggs of the same color (above the reels). The combination of FIreballs collected determines the Dragon Upgrades during this feature. Once triggered, you get 3 Free Spins and all Fireball symbols are locked in place, any additional Fireball symbols reset the number of Free Spins back to 3. Each Fireball symbol grants a cash prize or a jackpot at the end of the feature. The feature stops when all positions get occupied (You could also win the Grand jackpot.) or when the respins are over.
  • Green Dragon Upgrade: This one offers a random multiplier (2x, 3x, or 5x) on every spin. The Yellow Fireball symbols get multiplied once when they first get locked into place.
  • Purple Dragon Upgrade: You win a second Area Link™ feature array. Each feature array operates independently from the other array. It ends when each array has completed all of its spins or has filled all positions.
  • Red Dragon Upgrade: During this feature, you will see Red Fireballs that instantly collect all Yellow Fireballs. Once it’s over, a Yellow Fireball appears in its place.
  • Blue Dragon Upgrade: During this feature, Blue Fireballs appear, and their value is added to a random number of Yellow Fireballs. The same Yellow Fireballs can receive a single Blue Fireball feature multiple times. Once the Blue Fireball feature is finished, it is replaced by a Yellow Fireball.
  • Multiple Dragon Upgrade: All Dragon Upgrade features triggered on a single base spin are played alongside Area Link™. Here’s what you can expect:
    • If a Green Dragon Upgrade is activated with a Purple Dragon Upgrade – the multiplier is used on all new Yellow Fireballs on both arrays.
    • If a Green Dragon Upgrade is activated with a Red Dragon Upgrade – after the Red Fireball feature, the multiplier will be applied to the Yellow Fireball.
    • If a Green Dragon Upgrade is activated with a Blue Dragon Upgrade – the multiplier is applied before the Blue Fireball feature.
    • If a Red Dragon Upgrade is activated with a Purple Dragon Upgrade – the Red Fireball collects only the values belonging to its array.
    • If a Red Dragon Upgrade is activated with a Blue Dragon Upgrade – all the Blue Fireball features will play out before the Red Fireball features.
    • If a Blue Dragon Upgrade is activated with a Purple Dragon Upgrade – the Blue Fireball adds to Yellow Fireballs within its array.
The video slot from Area Vegas and Games Global brings us a very interesting and fresh take on the dragon theme. Everything from the features, graphics, and sounds immerse you in the gameplay. One of my personal favourite fresh releases this week, and with a max win of 5,000x, this game really knocks it out of the park.

Area Link™ Dragon Online Slot Features

  • 5×3 Reels with 20 paylines
  • 96.50% Theoretical RTP
  • High ‘Variance/Volatility’
  • Wild Symbol
  • Area Link™ feature
  • Free Spins
  • Dragon Upgrades
  • Multipliers
  • Min-Max Bets: 0.20 to 50.00
  • MaxWin: 5,000x
Casinoplusbonus Rating: 88% (Great)
  • Dazzling Crown (Endorphina)
The latest Endorphina release brings back the classic slot with a slightly modern twist. With a max win of 1,500x your stake, tumble feature and so much more, Dazzling Crown looks zesty. Let’s check it out.

Dazzling Crown Features Explained.

Keep reading to find out what Endorphina has been preparing in their latest video slot, Dazzling Crown:
  • Wild Symbol: The Wild Symbol can replace all symbols except Scatter. It appears only on reels 2, 3, and 4, and it expands vertically to complete combinations.
  • Scatter: Represented by 2 different symbols:
    • The Diamond Scatter which appears on all reels
    • The Star Scatter which only appears on reels 1, 3 and 5
  • Risk Game: Take your chance with the dealer, beat his hand and your win is doubled. You can double your win up to 10 times. You can try again if there’s a draw and both of you have the same value card. You can opt out of this feature if you don’t want to risk losing your win.
It’s always great to revisit the classic slot format, especially when the interface has a modern look and feel. All in all, the 1,500x max win is a decent payout, and although the video slot is not rich in many features, its simplicity is a nostalgic reminder of old slots.

Dazzling Crown Online Slot Features

  • 5×3 Reels with 10 paylines
  • 96.05% Theoretical RTP
  • High ‘Variance/Volatility’
  • Tumble Feature
  • Expanding Wild/Scatter Symbols
  • Risk Game (Gamble Feature)
  • Min-Max Bets: 0.10 to 160.00
  • Max Win: 1,500x
Casinoplusbonus Rating: 85% (Good)
  • Epic Dreams (Relax Gaming)
The newest video slot from Relax Gaming offers a max win of 5,000x your stake and adventurous features inside a sloth’s Epic Dreams.

Epic Dreams Features Explained

Let’s check them out:
  • Wild Symbols: It can substitute all other symbols.
  • Bonus Pick: This feature gets triggered when all the stone blocks get cleared at the end of the round. If at the bottom of the row, the Super Bonus stone blocks get destroyed, the Super Bonus Pick will be triggered. During any of these bonuses, you’ll have to pick between the Dig Bonus and the Build Bonus (you’ll also have to pick between the super bonuses).
  • Dig Bonus: It starts with 5 Free Spins and you can win a +1 Free Spins when every third stone block row gets destroyed to reveal a level row. At the beginning of every spin, all stone block rows that haven’t been destroyed are kept in place. Fresh stone block rows will appear from underneath, this ensures that every free spin starts with 4 stone block rows. During this feature, you have the chance to win the max win if all 50 stone block rows are destroyed and the 5000x your bet stone is revealed. If you land the max win stone, the bonus ends. Moreover, some stone block rows could be hiding Treasure Chest and when they get destroyed you might just activate one of the following features:
    • Coin Add: Offers up to 3 coins to stone blocks.
    • Upgrade: Upgrades the values of up to 3 coins.
    • Wild Add: Introduces a wild into the vacant spots within the 1-3 stone block rows.
The Treasure Chests can hide up to 3 Super Orbs, if you collect 3 during the Dig Bonus feature, it upgrades the feature to Super Bonus. Therefore, you’ll get 5 spins and an additional 2 spins (instead of 1, each time a level row is cleared). Once the Treasure Chest awards the final Super Orb, it won’t offer the feature anymore.
  • Super Dig Bonus: You get 10 Free Spins, and for every third stone block row destroyed, you’ll see a level row that awards 3 free spins. After the upgrade, no more Super Orbs can show up.
  • Build Bonus: You begin with 3 rounds, during which 3 symbols drop-down; if you fill a row with any symbol, you win, and the counter resets back to 3. Each symbol of the winning row pays out as a three-of-a-kind symbol. The symbols descend into random columns, occupying the lowest available position. The Build Bonus’s multiplier ladder begins at 1x and increases by 1 with every row filled. The payout for symbols in the row is increased by their respective multiplier values. The value of Coin symbols will be adjusted to their final multiplied value upon landing. After you fill 50 rows, the top of the multiplier ladder will be reached and you’ll be awarded with the max win of 5,000x your bet! Additionally, there’s the opportunity for Coin Symbols and Treasure Chests to drop instead of regular paying symbols:
    • Coin Symbols – when included in a winning combination, they grant payouts equivalent to the visible value displayed on the coin.
    • Treasure Chests – open immediately and can trigger one of the following:
      • Coin Add: Ensures only Coin Symbols will land on the reels for one drop
      • Filler: Fills up to 3 rows with random symbols and can trigger wins
      • +1 Drop: Enables Future Spins to drop an extra symbol in each subsequent round
The Treasure Chests can contain up to 3 Super Orbs. Collecting all 3 during the Build Bonus upgrades it to Super Bonus and resets the counter to 4 (till the end of the bonus round). Once the upgrade is offered, no more Super Orbs can appear.
  • Super Build Bonus: You begin with 4 rounds and when a win occurs, the round counter is reset to 4.
  • Buy Bonus: You can buy the Bonus Pick feature (only during the base game) for 50x your bet at 96.50% RTP.
  • Buy Super Bonus: You can purchase the Bonus Pick feature (only during the base game) for 250x your bet at 96.50% RTP. You’ll get to pick between the Super Dig Bonus and the Super Build Bonus.
All in all, Epic Dreams by Relax Gaming has an innovative theme paired with entertaining features and a decent max win of 5,000x your stake. We enjoyed giving it a few spins and the features lived up to the hype.

Epic Dreams Online Slot Features

  • 6×7 Reels with 117649 ways to win
  • 96.10% Theoretical RTP
  • High ‘Variance/Volatility’
  • Wild Symbols
  • Bonus Pick
  • Dig Bonus
  • Free Spins
  • Super Bonus Versions
  • Buy and Super Bonus Feature
  • Min-Max Bets: 0.10 to 200.00
  • Max Win: 5,000x
Casinoplusbonus Rating: 83% (Solid)

All New Casino Games Released 7 May – 13 May 2024

  • (1) Fishin’ Bear (3 Oaks Gaming)
  • (2) Lion Kingdom (Amigo Gaming)
  • (3) Area Link™ Dragon (AreaVegas Games)
  • (4) Luck& Magic Scratch (BGaming)
  • (5) Sweet Splash (Boldplay)
  • (6) Bang Bang Reload (Booming Games)
  • (7) Pug Thugs of Nitropolis (Elk Studios)
  • (8) Dazzling Crown (Endorphina)
  • (9) B-Ball Blitz (Evoplay)
  • (10) Silver Lux: Big Win Spinner (Greentube)
  • (11) Sienna Steele™ (High Limit Studios)
  • (12) Sweet Candy Cash Megaways Deluxe (Iron Dog Studios)
  • (13) Riptide Pirates™ (Nailed It! Games)
  • (14) KENNETH MUST DIE (NoLimit City)
  • (15) Majestic Wheelshow (OnAir Entertainment)
  • (16) Gunpowder (Peter & Sons / Yggdrasil)
  • (17) Mystic Potion (PGSoft)
  • (18) Wild Survivor (Play’n Go)
  • (19) Front Runner Odds On (Pragmatic Play)
  • (20) Dwarf & Dragon (Pragmatic Play)
  • (21) Game of Chronos Unicorn (R.Franco Digital)
  • (22) Epic Dreams (Relax Gaming)
  • (23) Dreams of Cleopatra (Spinomenal)
  • (24) Midas Golden Touch 2 (Thunderkick)
  • (25) 30 Coins (Wazdan)

7 May – 13 May 2024 Game Releases Preview

That list will satisfy most of you and give you plenty of options the next time you want to play something new at the online casinos. As for what’s coming throughout this week, we’re expecting a similar number of new slots and casino games in time for our update at this time next week.
As a bit of a spoiler, I’ll let you in on a few I already know are set to come off the production line of several software developers:
  • Red Tiger Gaming: Fruit Flash (15 May)
  • BGaming: Chicken Rush (15 May)
  • Pragmatic Play: Rise of Pyramids (16 May)
That’s just for starters, as we know there will be plenty more where they came from. Make sure you come back to check out our new casino games report next week!
submitted by GeorgH20 to gambling_news [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:26 PetrZitskiy Casino Mishaps and Unforgettable Moments

Casino Mishaps and Unforgettable Moments
[ Casino Mishaps and Unforgettable Moments ]
Casinos are often seen as glamorous venues filled with excitement, luxury, and the promise of life-changing winnings. However, behind the glittering facade, they are also the setting for a myriad of unexpected mishaps and unforgettable moments. From colossal blunders to astonishing strokes of luck, these stories add an intriguing layer to the world of gambling. Here, we explore some of the most remarkable casino mishaps and memorable events that have become legendary in the gaming world.

The Great Casino Heists

The Bellagio’s $1.5 Million Chip Heist

In 2010, the Bellagio in Las Vegas witnessed one of the most audacious casino heists in history. A man, later identified as Anthony Carleo, rode up to the casino on a motorcycle, walked in, and proceeded to rob the poker room at gunpoint. He made off with $1.5 million in casino chips. Despite the initial success, his plan unraveled when he tried to sell the high-value chips online, leading to his capture.

The Crown Casino's Inside Job

In 2013, Melbourne’s Crown Casino fell victim to an inside job that saw a gambler and a casino staff member collude to cheat the casino out of $32 million. The staff member had access to the casino’s surveillance system and fed the player crucial information. The scheme was eventually discovered, and both perpetrators faced severe legal consequences.

Unbelievable Winning Streaks

Archie Karas’s Unstoppable Run

One of the most famous winning streaks in casino history is that of Archie Karas. Starting with just $50 in 1992, Karas managed to turn this modest sum into an incredible $40 million over a span of three years. His streak involved high-stakes poker, pool, and dice games. However, Karas’s luck eventually ran out, and he lost all his winnings, showcasing the volatility and unpredictability of gambling.

The Woman Who Broke the Bank

In 2016, a woman named Cynthia Jay-Brennan experienced an unforgettable moment when she hit the largest Megabucks slot machine jackpot ever recorded at the time, winning $34.9 million at the Desert Inn Casino in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, her story took a tragic turn when she was involved in a car accident that left her paralyzed. Her win remains one of the most bittersweet stories in casino history.

Bizarre and Comical Moments

The Pigeon Heist at Caesars Palace

In a rather unusual incident, Caesars Palace in Las Vegas was targeted by a flock of pigeons trained to pick up casino chips. The bizarre theft was orchestrated by a man who trained the birds to snatch high-value chips from the gaming tables. While the scheme didn’t yield significant financial gain, it certainly added a strange chapter to the casino’s history.

The Man Who Gambled His Prosthetic Leg

In 2015, a gambler at a casino in France took a desperate measure after running out of money. He bet his prosthetic leg in a game of poker. Amazingly, he won the hand and managed to walk away with his leg and some winnings. This bizarre bet became a legendary tale of the lengths some will go to keep playing.

Near-Miss Jackpots

The $100,000 Missed Jackpot

One of the most painful casino moments involves near-miss jackpots. In 2012, a man playing a slot machine at the Wynn Las Vegas thought he had won $100,000. However, upon review, it was discovered that he hadn’t placed the maximum bet required to qualify for the jackpot. This oversight cost him the six-figure payout, a harsh reminder to always check the betting requirements.


Casinos are places of both fortune and folly, where dreams can be made and shattered in the blink of an eye. The mishaps and unforgettable moments that occur within these walls create a rich tapestry of stories that add to the allure and mystique of gambling. Whether it’s a high-stakes heist, a record-breaking win, or a bizarre bet, these tales remind us of the unpredictable and often thrilling nature of the casino world.
submitted by PetrZitskiy to BestCryptoCasinosUS [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:55 headsNbeds Harrah’s Casino For Bach Party?

My party is going to New Orleans for a bachelor party and I was wondering how Harrahs casino is. I’m poor so I’m wondering if it has penny/nickel slots. Any information about the place is welcome! Thanks so much.
submitted by headsNbeds to AskNOLA [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:18 Kekero63 The true main character of Fallout is history, think about it.

The true main character of Fallout is history, think about it.
History, how we view it, and how we worship it. is the most persistent and important themes in Fallout as a whole. It is the foundation of almost every major plot in New Vegas and the traditional villains of fallout “the enclave” is literally the legitimate US government going 2/2 on genociding an entire continent.
You guys thought it was an accident that John Henry Eden and AI trained on data of every US president had an almost overwhelming desire to kill the native population of the wasteland with a virus that would kill 95% of the population? They’re repeating history. They want to do manifest destiny 2.0.
The world is full of “old world ghosts” as Ulysses puts it. Technological horrors and marvels left from the old that reshape the very world around themselves. They shape history around themselves. Mr. House, HELIOS one, FEV, and the Sierra Madre Casino.
Humanity is not doomed to repeat history because we are ignorant of it. It is precisely the opposite which is more often the case. We seek to replicate the successes of the past so we copy the techniques of history. The NCR is just an old world government brought to the wasteland. Caesar’s Legion actively seeks to play its role in the eternal dialectic of history. But it itself is also a spectre wrought forth from the texts of a history long gone.
submitted by Kekero63 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:37 diamondechange Diamondexch9 Is the most popular betting site and play more casino games

Diamondexch9 Is the most popular betting site and play more casino games

Diamondexch9 Is the most popular betting site and play more casino games

Diamondexch9 stands out as one of the most popular betting sites, offering a diverse range of casino games to cater to the preferences of every player. With a rich history and a user-friendly platform, Diamondexch9 has become a go-to destination for those seeking excitement and entertainment in the world of online betting. In this article, we will delve into the various features and benefits that make Diamondexch9 a top choice for players, explore the wide array of casino games available, and highlight the platform's commitment to providing a secure and enjoyable gaming experience.
  1. Introduction to Diamondexch9 Betting Site
Background and History
Diamondexch9 is the cool kid on the block when it comes to online betting sites. Founded by a group of passionate gamers and betting enthusiasts, this site has quickly risen to the top of the charts, thanks to its innovative approach and player-focused mentality.
Platform Overview
Diamondexch9's platform is as sleek as a freshly polished diamond. With a user-friendly interface and smooth navigation, even beginners will feel right at home. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie looking to dip your toes into the world of online betting, Diamondexch9 has got you covered.
  1. Overview of Casino Games Offered
Slot Games
Get ready to spin and win with Diamond exch's impressive collection of slot games. From classic fruit machines to modern video slots with exciting themes and bonus features, there's something for every slot enthusiast here.
Table Games
For those who prefer a more strategic approach to gaming, Diamond exch offers a variety of classic table games like blackjack, roulette, and poker. Put your skills to the test and challenge other players for a chance to win big!
  1. Features and Benefits of Diamondexch9
Wide Range of Betting Options
Diamondexch9 doesn't skimp when it comes to betting options. Whether you're into sports betting, casino games, or live betting, this site has a wide array of choices to keep you entertained and engaged.
Live Betting Feature
Want to up the excitement factor? Diamond exch's live betting feature allows you to place bets in real-time as the action unfolds. Feel the adrenaline rush as you make split-second decisions and watch your winnings grow!
  1. User Experience and Interface
Intuitive Navigation
Navigating through Diamondexch9's site is as easy as pie (or should we say as easy as betting on a sure thing?). With clear menus, quick links, and helpful search functions, finding your favorite games and placing bets is a breeze.
Mobile Compatibility
Don't want to be tied down to your computer? No problem! Diamondexch9 is fully optimized for mobile devices, so you can enjoy all the thrills of online betting on the go. Whether you're waiting in line at the grocery store or chilling on your couch, Diamond exch has got your back.
  1. Promotions and Rewards for Players
Who doesn't love a good deal, especially when it comes to betting and playing casino games? Diamondexch9 knows how to keep their players happy with enticing promotions and rewards.
Welcome Bonus In Diamondexch9
Get ready to be welcomed with open arms at Diamond exch with their generous welcome bonus for new players. It's like a warm hug, but with extra cash to play your favorite games.
Loyalty Programs With Diamondexch9
Feeling loyal? Diamond exch rewards its dedicated players with loyalty programs that make you feel like a VIP. The more you play, the more perks and rewards you can unlock. It's like being part of an exclusive club, but without the secret handshakes.
  1. Security Measures and Responsible Gaming Practices In Diamondexch9
It's not all fun and games at Diamondexch9 – they take security and responsible gaming seriously to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all players.
Encryption and Data Protection
Your sensitive information is as safe as a diamond in a vault at Diamond exch. With top-notch encryption and data protection measures in place, you can bet and play with peace of mind in diamondexch9
Responsible Gambling Tools
Diamondexch9 cares about your well-being and offers responsible gambling tools to help you stay in control of your gaming habits. Set limits, take breaks, and play responsibly because gambling should always be a game, not a gamble with your health.
  1. Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Diamondexch9 isn't just your average betting site – it's a diamond in the rough when it comes to playing casino games. With a winning combination of promotions, security measures, customer support, and responsible gaming practices, Diamond exch shines bright like a diamond in the world of online gaming in diamondexch9
In conclusion, Diamondexch9 emerges as a leading player in the online betting industry, offering an impressive selection of casino games, attractive promotions, and top-notch customer support. With its focus on user experience, security, and responsible gaming practices, Diamond exch is a standout choice for both seasoned bettors and newcomers looking to explore the world of online gambling. Embrace the thrill of gaming with Diamondexch9 and elevate your betting experience to new heights.
submitted by diamondechange to u/diamondechange [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:11 Sweet-Count2557 Best Things to Do in Salamanca Ny

Best Things to Do in Salamanca Ny
Best Things to Do in Salamanca Ny Attention, fellow adventurers!We've discovered the ultimate guide to the best things to do in Salamanca, NY. Brace yourselves for an unforgettable journey through this charming city nestled in Western New York.From outdoor thrills in Allegany State Park to cultural wonders at the Seneca Allegany Casino and Seneca-Iroquois National Museum, prepare to be amazed.Nature lovers, rejoice! There are stunning parks and trails for fishing, boating, hiking, and wildlife spotting.And for a unique educational experience, don't miss Mager Mountain Alpacas.Get ready, because Salamanca is calling!Key TakeawaysAllegany State Park offers a variety of outdoor activities such as biking, boating, swimming, fishing, and winter sports.Salamanca Mall Antiques is a popular destination for antique shopping with over 15 stores filled with unique items.Seneca Allegany Casino offers a thrilling gaming experience with a wide selection of slot machines and table games.The Seneca-Iroquois National Museum provides an educational and immersive experience to learn about the history, culture, and traditions of the Seneca and Iroquois people.Discover the Natural Beauty of Allegany State ParkLet's explore the natural beauty of Allegany State Park and immerse ourselves in its breathtaking landscapes and outdoor activities. Located in Salamanca, NY, this park offers a wilderness playground for those seeking adventure and freedom. With its 64,800 acres of forest landscape, Allegany State Park is a haven for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.There are so many things to do in Salamanca NY, and Allegany State Park is a must-visit destination. The park is operated by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation, ensuring that visitors have access to well-maintained facilities and a range of activities. Whether you enjoy biking, boating, fishing, or simply relaxing on the sandy beach, Allegany State Park has something for everyone.The park boasts 5 miles of paved bike paths, perfect for exploring the stunning scenery at your own pace. You can also rent boats and bikes to further enhance your experience. If you're in the mood for a swim, the park offers a sandy beach where you can cool off on a hot summer day.For those who prefer land-based activities, Allegany State Park has plenty to offer. From fishing to snowmobiling, walking to cross-country skiing, softball to tennis, and horseshoes to volleyball, there's no shortage of options to keep you entertained and active.As you explore the natural beauty of Allegany State Park, you'll be captivated by its serene atmosphere and breathtaking landscapes. From the towering trees to the tranquil lakes, this park is a true oasis of freedom and tranquility.Uncover Hidden Treasures at Salamanca Mall AntiquesWhen it comes to uncovering hidden treasures, Salamanca Mall Antiques is a must-visit destination.With over 1,000 dealers and a 31,000 square feet building, this antique mall offers a wide variety of unique finds.From vintage furniture to collectibles and vintage clothing, this downtown spot is a haven for souvenir shopping and a treasure trove waiting to be explored.Unique Antique FindsWe absolutely love exploring the Salamanca Mall Antiques and uncovering hidden treasures.The Salamanca Mall Antiques, established in 1982, is a must-visit destination for antique enthusiasts. With over 1,000 dealers and a massive 31,000 square feet building, this place is a treasure trove of unique finds.As we wander through the 15 stores, we're captivated by the wide variety of antiques on display. From vintage furniture to rare collectibles, there's something for everyone here.The atmosphere is inviting and the staff is knowledgeable and friendly. It's a great downtown spot for souvenir shopping, where you can find one-of-a-kind pieces that tell a story.Wide Variety of TreasuresOur favorite part about exploring Salamanca Mall Antiques is uncovering the wide variety of treasures on display. As we wander through the 31,000 square feet building, we're greeted by over 1,000 dealers offering an eclectic mix of unique antiques.From vintage clothing to antique furniture, there's something for every collector or enthusiast. The mall is a great downtown spot for souvenir shopping, with over 15 stores filled with fascinating antiques waiting to be discovered. Each booth is like a mini treasure trove, filled with hidden gems just waiting to be found.Whether you're searching for vintage jewelry, antique books, or retro home decor, Salamanca Mall Antiques is the perfect place to indulge in the freedom of exploration and uncover some truly remarkable finds.Souvenir Shopping HavenLet's explore the souvenir shopping haven at Salamanca Mall Antiques and uncover hidden treasures. Located in the heart of downtown Salamanca, this unique antique mall has been a favorite destination for collectors and souvenir hunters since 1982.With over 1,000 dealers and a sprawling 31,000 square feet building, Salamanca Mall Antiques offers a wide variety of fascinating antiques to discover.As you step inside, you'll be greeted by the charm and character of the mall. The air is filled with the scent of aged wood and history.Wander through the aisles and explore over 15 stores, each filled with their own collection of hidden gems. From vintage jewelry and clothing to antique furniture and collectibles, there's something for everyone's taste and budget.Whether you're searching for a unique gift or a special memento of your visit to Salamanca, this antique mall is the perfect place to find it.Explore the shelves, browse through the displays, and let your curiosity guide you to uncovering those hidden treasures. With its wide selection and welcoming atmosphere, Salamanca Mall Antiques truly is a souvenir shopping haven.Try Your Luck at Seneca Allegany CasinoThe Seneca Allegany Casino offers a wide array of gaming options for those looking to try their luck. Here's what you can expect when you step foot into this vibrant casino:Slot Machines: Get ready for an adrenaline rush as you explore the almost 2,000 new and fascinating slot machines. Whether you prefer classic games or the latest video slots, there's something for everyone here. Feel the excitement build as you spin the reels in hopes of landing a big win.Table Games: If you're a fan of traditional casino games, you're in luck. The Seneca Allegany Casino offers 33 exhilarating table games, including blackjack, roulette, and poker. Put your skills to the test as you strategize your way to victory against the dealer or other players.At the Seneca Allegany Casino, the possibilities are endless. With a variety of gaming options to choose from, you'll be entertained for hours on end. And when you need a break from the action, you can indulge in a delicious meal at the Thunder Mountain Buffet, offering a wide selection of mouthwatering dishes.So why wait? Head over to the Seneca Allegany Casino and let the games begin. After all, you never know when fortune may smile upon you.And if you're ready to immerse yourself in Seneca-Iroquois culture, the next stop on your Salamanca adventure is the Seneca Iroquois National Museum.Immerse Yourself in Seneca-Iroquois Culture at the National MuseumWe can explore the rich history and traditions of the Seneca-Iroquois people at the National Museum. This museum is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the history and culture of the Seneca and Iroquois people. It showcases traditional crafts, art, and artifacts, providing an educational and eye-opening experience.To give you a glimpse of what you can expect at the National Museum, here is a table highlighting some of the exhibits and programs:Exhibit/ProgramDescriptionTraditional CraftsExplore the intricate craftsmanship of the Seneca-Iroquois people, including beadwork and pottery.Art and ArtifactsMarvel at the collection of paintings, sculptures, and historical artifacts that tell the story of the Seneca-Iroquois people.Educational WorkshopsEngage in hands-on activities and workshops that teach traditional skills and customs.Immersing yourself in the Seneca-Iroquois culture at the National Museum is a truly enlightening experience. You'll gain a deeper understanding of their history, language, music, drama, literature, arts expressions, and traditional customs. The museum's extensive collection of historical and cultural items provides a fascinating insight into the rich heritage of the Seneca and Iroquois people.As we exit the National Museum, we can transition into finding serenity at Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church, where we can explore the stunning architecture and attend Sunday mass for a moment of solemnity.Find Serenity at Our Lady of Peace Catholic ChurchAs we continue our exploration of the best things to do in Salamanca NY, let's now find serenity at Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church.This beautiful church isn't only a place of worship but also a testament to architectural beauty and design. Inside, you'll be captivated by the stunning paintings and designs that adorn the walls, while outside, the church's architecture stands as a testament to the faith and dedication of the community.Led by Reverend Patrick Melfi, attending Sunday mass at Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church is an opportunity to find solace and peace in a serene and sacred space.Architectural Beauty and DesignLocated in Salamanca, NY, Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church offers visitors the opportunity to find serenity amidst its beautiful architectural beauty and design. Step inside this stunning church and be captivated by its exquisite paintings and intricate designs.As you explore the interior, you'll be greeted by the serene atmosphere that permeates the space. The church's architectural details, from the soaring ceilings to the ornate stained glass windows, create a sense of awe and wonder.Outside, the church's facade is equally impressive, with its impressive stonework and intricate carvings. Whether you're a devout Catholic or simply appreciate the beauty of religious architecture, a visit to Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church is sure to leave you feeling inspired and uplifted.Reverend Patrick Melfi's LeadershipLet's experience the leadership of Reverend Patrick Melfi at Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church and find serenity in its beautiful surroundings. Reverend Patrick Melfi, the head of the church, provides guidance and inspiration to the parishioners. His leadership fosters a sense of community and spiritual growth within the church. The church building itself is a sight to behold, featuring stunning paintings and designs that create a serene atmosphere. As you attend Sunday mass, you can immerse yourself in a moment of solemnity and reflection. The architecture of the church is also worth exploring, with its intricate details and peaceful ambiance. Reverend Patrick Melfi's leadership at Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church offers a place of tranquility and a chance to connect with your spirituality.Reverend Patrick Melfi's LeadershipFosters a sense of community and spiritual growthStunning paintings and designs in the church buildingSunday mass for a moment of solemnityExperience Horseback Riding at The CrosspatchWe can experience horseback riding at The Crosspatch, a working horse ranch nestled in the Allegheny Mountains. Here, we can immerse ourselves in the freedom and beauty of horseback riding, surrounded by stunning views and nature's serenity.The Crosspatch offers a range of activities and services that cater to our desire for adventure and exploration:Trail rides: We can embark on guided trail rides through the picturesque mountains, winding through lush forests and open meadows. As we ride, we can feel the gentle sway of the horse beneath us, connecting with nature in a unique and exhilarating way.Horsemanship Camp: For those who want to deepen their understanding of horses and improve their riding skills, The Crosspatch offers Horsemanship Camp. Through hands-on instruction and interactive activities, we can learn about horse care, grooming, and riding techniques. This immersive experience allows us to forge a deeper bond with these majestic animals.Wagon and carriage rides: If we prefer a more leisurely pace, we can opt for wagon or carriage rides. These charming and nostalgic experiences take us back in time as we leisurely explore the scenic surroundings. It's a perfect way to relax and enjoy the beauty of the Allegheny Mountains.At The Crosspatch, we can escape the confines of everyday life and embrace the freedom of horseback riding. Whether we're beginners seeking a new adventure or experienced riders looking to connect with nature, this working horse ranch offers an unforgettable experience. So saddle up, breathe in the fresh mountain air, and let the rhythm of hoofbeats carry us away on a journey of freedom and discovery.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Is the History Behind the Establishment of Allegany State Park?The history behind the establishment of Allegany State Park is fascinating. On July 30, 1921, the park was created on a vast 64,800-acre forest landscape. It's operated by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation.Allegany State Park is known as the wilderness playground of Western New York. With activities like fishing, biking, swimming, and more, it offers a perfect escape to nature and a chance to explore the beauty of the great outdoors.How Many Dealers Are Currently Present at Salamanca Mall Antiques?There are currently over 1,000 dealers at Salamanca Mall Antiques. It's an exciting place to explore with its wide variety of unique antiques.The downtown location makes it a great spot for souvenir shopping. As you walk through the 15 stores, you'll find fascinating items that will surely catch your attention.Whether you're a collector or just enjoy browsing, Salamanca Mall Antiques offers a treasure trove of discoveries.What Are the Dining Options Available at Seneca Allegany Casino?There are several dining options available at Seneca Allegany Casino. The Thunder Mountain Buffet is a popular choice, offering a wide variety of delicious dishes. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty meal or a quick snack, the casino has you covered.From casual dining to fine dining experiences, there's something for everyone. So, after trying your luck at the casino, make sure to indulge in a satisfying meal at one of their fantastic restaurants.Who Is the Head of Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church?The head of Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church is Reverend Patrick Melfi.He leads the parish center, which was established in Salamanca, NY in 2014.When visiting Salamanca, make sure to attend Sunday mass at this beautiful church.You'll be able to experience a moment of solemnity and admire the stunning paintings and designs that adorn the building.The architecture of the church is truly breathtaking.What Other Services Does the Crosspatch Offer Besides Horseback Riding?The Crosspatch, besides offering horseback riding with stunning views, also provides a range of other horse-related services.For example, they offer wagon and carriage rides, allowing visitors to explore the beautiful Allegheny Mountains in a unique and nostalgic way.Additionally, they offer a Horsemanship Camp, where individuals can learn more about horsemanship skills and develop a deeper connection with these magnificent animals.These additional services at The Crosspatch provide even more opportunities for an unforgettable experience in Salamanca, NY.ConclusionIn conclusion, Salamanca, NY offers a wide range of attractions and activities that cater to every interest. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a history buff, or a thrill-seeker, this charming city has something for you.For example, imagine hiking through the scenic trails of Allegany State Park and stumbling upon a breathtaking waterfall. The beauty of nature combined with the rich cultural experiences in Salamanca will leave you with unforgettable memories.So pack your bags and embark on an exciting journey to explore the best of Salamanca, NY!
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