Unblock myspace from school

The worst names on Reddit, and the world.

2013.06.05 21:42 Dogbleep The worst names on Reddit, and the world.

This subreddit is for the people with the most unfortunate names. This sub is for ENTERTAINMENT ONLY, ya hear that? ENTERTAINMENT ONLY! See the sidebar for the rules.

2016.06.16 06:05 jdeepankur NUS High School

Experiment. Explore. Excel.

2013.11.22 01:49 willstopthefap VyprVPN

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2024.06.02 01:19 asecretdutchspy Okay so now that ktikna is asleep lemme tell you some stuff about him

-hes colorblind
-he can code stuff
-he peed his bed until he was 10
-he kissed his friend over a piece of red velvet cake (they said no homo)
-he once exploded a bottle of coke infront of the teacher
-hes the most fricking dense person you will ever meet.
-he accidently unblocked ph from the school so that he would be paid 30 euros BY PEOPLE 2 YEARS OLDER THAN HIM (30 euros is 30 euros i guess)
-he has a yt channel called ktikna (wasnt allowed to tell this lol)
Thats all
submitted by asecretdutchspy to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:27 Technical-Ship-6757 My brother’s gf fed my son meat, I feel devastated.

I am NOT OOP. Original post by u/JupiterLucetius in Vegan, and by a deleted-user in AmIWrong
Editor’s note: Sadly according to the OOP they have OCD and delete everything on their account often, so we don’t have comments posted by the OOP on the original post. Hopefully most can be understood by context.

Start of Post 1

Posted by u/JupiterLucetius
My brother’s gf fed my son meat, I feel devastated. - 31 May 2024
This is just me needing to rant. I feel really heart broken right now.
I (M25) have sole custody of my son who is 6. I've been vegan since I was 11 and I have raised my son vegan. I needed to go out of city for a work trip and I left my son with my brother and his girlfriend. My brother has always been supportive of me being vegan even though he says he "doesn't understand it". I've never had any issues with him pressuring me or my son to have animal products before.
He stayed overnight with my brother and when I picked him up later in the day he was complaining about really bad stomach pains. I rang my brother and asked him if they ate anything out of the ordinary because my son is quite sensitive to new foods anyway. He told me no nothing out of the ordinary.
I ended up calling 111 and they suggested going down to A&E because of how bad the pains were. I put it in the family group chat, and my brother texted me like an hour later saying that they had fed him pizza with cheese and meat in it. He told me my son "enjoyed it" but he felt guilty keeping it from me and that that was what was probably wrong with him.
I went crazy at him, telling him how irresponsible and selfish, he said he's sorry and that it was his GF's idea because they thought he was missing out. He said he was sorry but I just couldn't so I blocked him and now I'm sat here thinking did I over react? I don't think so but my mom is asking me to unblock him. I'm just so angry and so upset.
Edit: for those who keep asking, my son was not aware he was being fed non-vegan food. He understands (as much as he can at his age) and supports veganism.

End of Post 1

Some relevant comments:

Comment thread 1
Meat AND cheese to boot
deleted comment
Honestly that shouldn’t even matter anyway. If you’re agreeing to look after a kid you’re agreeing to meet their dietary requirements. If not make that clear beforehand.
Comment thread 2 mike8675309:
Alot of trust was just lost. Sounds like your brother should take most of the blame as he knew better and didn't stand up for you and your convictions.
Trust lost for sure. But I also seriously doubt this was the first time.
Comment thread 3 MushMoonRoom:
“they thought he was missing out”
yeah I hate when people say "you're missing out!!" like on what? contributing to things that go against my morals? no thanks.

Start of post 2

Posted by deleted-user
AITA for allowing my boyfriend’s nephew to try pepperoni pizza? -1 June 2024
A couple nights ago my BF’s brother (“Noah”) asked if we could baby sit his son (“George”) for the night. This was, I won’t lie, a huge inconvenience for us. I don’t really like children all that much and because I had worked 50 hours so far that week I was looking forward to a chill afternoon with my BF where we both had no work in the morning. My BF agreed to look after the boy (which he does a lot btw) while Noah went on a last-minute business trip. I can understand why Noah did this, he had the opportunity to earn a lot of money in the night, but he had to do the quick deal because the buyer or whatever threatened to walk away if they couldn’t get it signed that night.
Noah and his son are both “vegans”. Honestly, I personally believe Noah’s son is being forced into the lifestyle by his dad and as someone who grew up with controlling parents, I really feel bad for the boy. Noah is so smug with his veganism it grates on me so much and George is skinny, has long hair and is small for his age, he looks ‘vegan’, that sounds bad, but you understand what I mean by that. When Noah dropped on us that we were going to have to look after his son, my BF let him know that we were going to order a pizza. Noah said great and gave my BF the money to order George his own vegan pizza. Great, whatever. Noah dropped him off and we were stuck with the boy again. Now again I feel that Noah forces the lifestyle upon George, so my BF and I decided to order a normal pizza for George. I thought it would be a great time for him to try it in a safe environment away from his father’s influence.
George ate the pizza and loved it; his words were that it “tasted way better than usual”. I knew that I had done right by getting him the pizza, he ate half of the pizza all by himself. My BF and I didn’t think we needed to tell Noah because we knew that Noah would just get all preachy about it, so we kept it to ourselves. George even asked for the other half the next morning, which we gave him as a treat. Noah picked him up and everything was fine.
We got a call later in the day that George was complaining of really bad stomach cramps and asked if he had eaten anything unusual. My BF told him no, mainly because we expected it to just blow over and be nothing. But about 2 hours later my BF texted Noah that George had eaten non-vegan pizza and that might have been what was wrong with his stomach. Noah went off on one about how we ‘broke his trust’ and how he couldn’t believe what my BF had done, called us some really nasty names which I won’t repeat here. We put back that George had really enjoyed the pizza so much that he had asked for seconds, this was probably a petty thing to say, I regret it now even though it was the truth. After that Noah blocked my BF and I on everything. My BF rang his mum and explained the situation to her, and I could tell that she was sympathetic to us even though she said we shouldn’t have given him the food. She told us Noah won’t unblock us.

End of post 2

Some relevant comments:

Comment Thread 1:
Lol I just read the other side of this
Please post the link!
I'm trying to find it!
It was on vegan last night. The post was removed I think or deleted I’m not sure. I had a screenshot of it and I posted it on my profile. I’m glad I wanted to send it to my friend so I took the screenshot lol
I wonder why they deleted it
I could tag the OP of the post on vegan to make him aware of this post or to ask if this is actually the aunt, idk if that’s a good idea though.
This is Reddit hunny bunny. BRING ON THE CHAOS!
Okay well u/JupiterLucetius is this person your brother’s girlfriend?
Comment Thread 2:
I wouldn’t normally post someone’s name without their consent, but since you so happily used both mine and my son’s legal first names on here without my consent, I’ll use yours.
Stacey, you are an incredibly stuck up and horrible person. And you’ve left out an immense amount of details.
Firstly, you have been dating my brother for less than a year, you do not work, you had to move into my brother’s house because you got evicted from your flat. Shut up with the BS that you worked 50 hours that week or whatever, no you’re on universal credit.
Secondly, my brother and I have an agreement where he takes him whenever I have to go on these out of the blue business trips. My brother volunteered for this because he said he loves spending time with MY SON. and I have never had any complaints from him before, literally ever.
Thirdly, yes I am raising my son vegan, that is my personal choice and you have NO say in that. The fact that you lied to my son telling him the food was vegan and he ended up in hospital doesn’t clue you into the fact that you are the ARSE in this situation?
I’m so glad you posted this here actually because at least now you can see what a cockend you’ve been.
I do work, being a housewife is work. I have to do a lot that you don't even see because you have a cleaner come into your house, so sorry we can't all be privileged making 6 figures by the time we're 25. Joseph hates having to drop everything and look after George whenever you feel like it, don't you think that we have a life outside of being your babysitter?
Fuck you Noah, George loved eating the pizza you daft vegan stuck up spoilt POS. He "ended up in hospital" yeah you took him there when Joseph told you he had had meat as a statement and to make Joseph feel guilty. Well, congrats because we had the biggest argument we ever had last night about you and your brat of a child. Now I am sleeping in my car because you won't unblock him. I hope that I get robbed or worse and you can have it on your conscience that I am hurt and it is your fault. I hope that ways on your mind for the rest of your life.
You care so much about the animals that you can't see the damage you are doing to your own family, to your own son. He is weak, short and underweight. I am sure he is bullied at school for his long girly hair. I would bully him because he is just as pathetic as you are. You ruined my life Noah. So what this little echo chamber agrees with you? If they met you in person they would see how insufferable you are.
Genuinely you are psychotic. I couldn’t give two fucks if you’re sleeping in your car because of your OWN actions. Btw I’ve screencapped this post and sent it in the family group chat. I hope you’ll enjoy everyone seeing your true colours Stacey.
And no I didn’t take my son to hospital for effect or after you told me he ate nonvegan food. You and Joey lied to me saying he had eaten nothing out of the ordinary so I had no fucking clue what was wrong with him.
My son is 6 years old you psycho. Saying you’d bully him? What the actual fuck is wrong with you mentally.
Also Joey has NEVER ONCE expressed to me that he didn’t like having George. I would have found other arrangements if that was the case. My mom would happily have him short notice. The only reason Joey does is because they like spending time together or at least I thought they did.
Then keep your precious little Georgie at home with a different babysitter. Why would you drop your kid off with someone that you feel is a "horrible person"?
George loves my brother, he loves him a lot. The only reason I drop George off with him rather than my mom is because George loves him and I thought he loved having George.
He’s never once told me he didn’t want him, or I would have just left him with my mom when I needed to go on the trips.
I haven’t known Stacey for all that long, she’s been dating my brother for less than a year. And been living with him for less than that. I have tried to keep the peace for the sake of the family but fuck her. I could not care less now.

Reminder, I am NOT OOP, please do NOT comment on original threads or contact OOP.

submitted by Technical-Ship-6757 to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:32 carefree_manatee Taylor Swift has been stealing songs her whole career (proof)

Like the title says, Taylor Swift has literally always been stealing people’s ideas and if my calculations are correct, she owes about 3 billion dollars to other people for IP royalties. But let’s just start at the beginning with her first two major hits, Tim McGraw and Our Song.
Tim McGraw is pretty self explanatory, it’s literally called Tim McGraw like hmmmm okay stalker much? She clearly only used his name to mooch off of his massive fan base, and hoo let me tell you his fans did NOT like her. (There was a whole stan war on Twitter at the time , trust me, the only reason there’s no proof is bc Taylor and her evil army of flying monkeys have scrubbed every trace of it from the internet obviously) I digress, the song itself is based on how Tim Mcgraw’s songs make her feel and how she hopes this boy can only think of her when he hears them. My question is, aren’t you a musician? You really can’t move him with your own songs, you have to steal Daddy Tim’s artistry to even think of an idea? I wouldn’t be surprised if most of her country songs are copies of Tim McGraw songs. Sad.
Meanwhile, she’s much more overt about her plagiarism in Our Song. Like so overt I don’t know how she’s avoided federal charges over this but again, I digress. In the chorus she admits that she’s whining to an unnamed boy about what “their song” would be (most likely manipulating him into naming another song for her to plagiarize later on). This genius of a boy, clearly Oxford educated with an English literature degree, literally speaks in poetry and replies “our song is the slam of screen doors, sneaking out late tapping on your window; our song is the way you laugh, etc.” with several other examples of this man’s gorgeous poetry (she’s probably trying to send a message to this day to this same boy by naming her album The Tortured Poets Department. So embarrassing. Clearly shes stuck in high school.)
Her only contribution to the song? “I grabbed a pen and an old napkin and I wrote down OUR SONG.” Literally admitting to stealing the words out of his mouth! And she gives him no respect, like she really wastes this poetic gift he’s given her and scribbles it on a USED napkin. She’s clearly rich, so why couldn’t she whip out the fountain pen for this? It’s because she’s using him and doesn’t even feel bad about it.
All this to say, I’m just so disgusted by her behavior and I have been since she was 16 years old. I was one of her first MySpace cyber bullies so I’ve been watching her since the beginning, and I’m just so glad I have a safe space to make these conclusions without being gunned down by Tree Paine. Taylor can’t keep getting away with this. What are some other examples of her plagiarizing people she “claims” to get “inspiration” from? I’m working on a class action lawsuit for all these people affected so any help is greatly appreciated.
submitted by carefree_manatee to swiftiecirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:46 Illustrious_Fox_4584 What advice do I give my best friend whose boyfriend cheated on her?

If anyone could give me advice on what to say about this situation or just their input me and my best friend would appreciate the thoughts of others. I’ve known my best friend who we’ll call April (18F) for nearly 15 years now. Back in August of 2022 right before our senior year she started talking to one of our close friend’s cousin who we’ll call Diego (16M). They started dating January 2023 and everything seemed to be going fine. However recently on one of her family trips that she brought him on she found out that he was flirting with this girl (20? F)and she would give him money. It isn’t some random chick either it’s his dad’s girlfriend’s daughter so I guess you could say his stepsister. He had apparently been doing this from October of last year up until January of this year. April never found out because Diego kept on deleting the messages he would send her. To make matters worse this was a girl my best friend expressed discomfort in so Diego on his own accord blocked her but when all this went down he admitted that he would block her when April and Diego would meet up then unblock her afterwards. There is kind of a lot of different things that I’m too lazy to get into so I’ll sum up what I think is important: 1) Diego would flirt with his stepsister so she would send him money 2) They meet up a couple times without my best friend knowing 3) Diego would block and unblock the stepsister so April wouldn’t find out 4) when Diego texted stepsister about it with my best friend on screen share she said something along the lines of you didn’t delete it and tell her the truth your not gonna make it seem like it was just me 5) Diego admitted that he liked his stepsister when April and him were together at some point in the relationship but I think he now denies this There is probably more that I just don’t remember but this is basically it off of memory. Also before any of y’all say flirting is not cheating we are not one hundred percent sure he didn’t do anything else when they would meet up so I just still put it as cheating. I don’t know if it matters but Diego is younger then us he is currently a junior in high school. To me the obvious choice would be to leave him but I want to point out that they are both very attached to each other and have a big bond I guess. I mean like if me and her are on FaceTime fifty percent of the time he would be on face time too but on another device. He was always invited to any family activity she had. They went to prom together, a lot of firsts together, so knowing her I dont think she would want to leave him. (She broke up with him already I mean completely cut off) I personally think she should leave him but I guess what I’m telling her isn’t really helping her in that as she is quite literally still texting/seeing him everyday (partly due to their jobs). So I’f y’all could give me advice on what to tell her or straight up give your opinions about it I would appreciate it. Also last thing I will most likely be showing her the comments as she knows I’m posting this and does not know what to do so if any of y’all want to leave something directly at her.
submitted by Illustrious_Fox_4584 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:22 youngrichandpretty What does he feels for me ?

I got rejected... like BRUTALLY by this boy. He even started saying horrible things about me because he thought I was going to go after him again, but I just told him I didn't care about him anymore and started doing my own thing... And since then, mentally I've been doing much better. And when I told him very clearly that I didn't give a damn about him and that I had no more feelings, we even worked out an arrangement in which we just had to ignore each other to finish this school year in peace.
( To put it in context, he was really in love with me for a while, but I took too long and I really didn't trust him enough... So he kind of gave up. )
Only literally ONE day later, he started trying to get close to me and maintain eye contact... Even when I was looking away he couldn't stop staring at me. From Wednesday until Friday, that's all he did. All he did was try to approach me and the most worrying thing is that he knows I've blocked him and I know that every day he checks to see if I've unblocked him or not. He doesn't let me breathe anymore and he doesn't even respect his own rules... and he dares to react when I talk or touch a boy even a little. HE WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE. EVEN THOUGH HE'S THE ONE WHO WANTED ME TO LEAVE HIM AT FIRST...
Again for context, he's popular with girls so dating shouldn't be a difficult task. In fact, right now he's talking to a girl but he doesn't really go to the next level with her. I don't want to sound delulu, but I think he's still in love with me and doesn't want to admit it. He won't let go of my shoes since I said I didn't care about him!? And he gets upset when I don't pay him any attention?!
submitted by youngrichandpretty to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:52 SpecialistBadger966 AITA for thinking that I deserve to be forgiven deliberately calling my love interest names due to my defense mechanism although he did the same awhile after.

Basically, I was introduced to this guy by my closest childhood friend. We've started talking for some time and at the start, everything seemed to go swimmingly well. Conversations flowed smoothly and it was dreamlike. There seemed to be some tension there: Staring into each other eyes, the whole world got quiet, etc. The friendship was initiated by the guy and he started texting me a lot and he would call me for hours on end. After only around a week of knowing me, he started pestering me for my phone number and he was extremely persistent. I ended up giving it to him. He started texting me every single day, morning till night, no matter whether if I replied or not. He would send me updates about his life like his outfit, etc. He decided to introduce me to his close friend and that went...well. In short, it was a call with his friends and the girl, who seemed obsessed with the guy as he kept putting me down and comparing herself to me in terms of closeness to the said guy.
He started asking about me at school, like he would ask my childhood best friend about how I was, if I was okay, how I was and all those sorts of stuff. Allegedly, my childhood best friend, let's call him M, always sounded really enthusiastic when he was talking about me. "His voice softens." He initiated everything, as I was not really interested. He would always beg me to call and I ended up giving in. We started having all these late night conversations about any topic that we were into. During these calls, he would always be a little flirtatious. He would always look at me really intimately, as if I was his world. He would say things like, "I like to see your face, stop hiding your beauty." "Oh my gosh, I love talking to you. You're so enchanting." He would always be flirting about how he would be a great boyfriend and constantly asked what my type of guys was. He even had the audacity to question why I was not into him. He did many other things to seem like he genuinely cared for me. For example, he had several lessons in a day. Yes, he's a rather busy lad. However, he would always make time for me and to reply to me, even if it was a text to inform me that he was busy and not purposely ignoring me. He knew that I had trust issues, so he would even send a picture that he was busy to prove that he wasn't purposely avoiding me. Every single time he and I were online on Whatsapp, he would always text me to ensure me that he wasn't ignoring me. Lastly, he is an extremely religious guy, and he never listened to music because of that. However, ever since he met me, he started to listen to the music that I liked and replied to it in detail. He never liked texting, but he would talk to me on Whatsapp all of the time. This is extremely untypical of him, as he is an unemotional guy. In addition to that, the effort put into that should mean something?
The guy kept trying to meet me in person. Since I have extreme trust issues, I didn't want to do that. He was a guy that I met online, and I had let's just say, unpleasant experiences with guys. This was after six months of knowing me. I told him to leave and that he was creep and a pervert due to my personal defense mechanism. He then left me alone and didn't talk to me for a full day. We then talked about it and I told him that I didn't want to talk about why as it was really personal to me. He said that it was fine and I could just tell him when I felt like it.
We were fine after this for another 7 - 8 months. He just really wanted to know and that he wanted me to be honest with him. I kept yelling at him and starting unnecessary fights due to that. Childish, I know. I regret that now, but that's just what I felt and acted upon at that point of time. After all of that, he left and refused to talk to me forever.
I tried to explain to him but he just pushed me away and said that it was fine. I know, I got a taste of my own medicine. He seemed really hurt about the fact that I called him a creep and a pervert and I kept saying that I cared about him when I wasn't willing to be honest with him about why I said those hurtful words in the first place. I tried everything from calling him, to sending him texts, whether it was messages to check up on him or paragraphs explaining and apologising for treating him like garbage. What was even more inhuman of me was that I deliberately called him a creep and a pervert due to me knowing that it was something that would shake him up as it was something that he was called before by many others.
I was about to leave him and the situation alone when he started picking up my calls. He would pick them up and he would say nothing and just leave the call running. I don't know why he did that, and that confuses me thoroughly. When he unblocked me on Whatsapp, he asked me deliberately for something sexual which I am not going to specify due to privacy reasons. He knew that due to my history with guys, that has left long lasting emotional scares.
I regret everything. I realized that I love him deeply. What should I do? He blocked me everywhere and he won't pick up my phone. I'm thinking about showing up at his house. The whole point is not to get him back, but to explain myself. To truly apologise for hurting him. I want to know how he truly feels. Whether he loved me before, still loves me or if it was a whole joke. I sincerely regret my actions, and I want to make up for them. The what if's are burning freshly into my wounds, and I would really appreciate to know the answers.
submitted by SpecialistBadger966 to Amitheassholeadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:22 R6Sakura AITJ for harshly replying to my girlfriend after a joke?

So, for some context before I start. I (M16, just turned. Yay!) had came across this girl online, absolute kindred spirit and fell in love with her stupidly fast, and she reciprocated those feelings to me too. So sooner or later we started dating and talking about our plans for the future. And at this point he’s we have seen each others faces and heard eachothers voices.
Originally I broke up with her before my finals of my school exams, because I wanted to erase all that stress. She agreed and then we stopped talking for awhile because of my finals, we started talking again after we couldn’t stop talking to eachother and talking in a playful-dirty way to one another. And this led to her on my 16th birthday, the few hours beforehand she asked me out again. To which I thought about it and happily accepted, and now today is where it leads us to the present.
First of all, we were in a call with a few others, a few friends from mine and her friend groups playing minecraft. And I was streaming to her because she wasn’t feeling the best. And a few of her pets had despawned or disappeared even I was confused. And she pointed this out and confused, I searched for them with no luck. Then she suddenly accuses me of killing them even though I did not. I left the call a few minutes later and just sighed it off, and played with a few other friends instead of being near her so she could cool down.
Second of all, this leads to now as I write this. But I was in a private world to which I invited her to join and we were chilling, until she got either too overexcited or annoyed at me because she tried to kill me, and I was clueless of this entire situation unfolding because she attacked me rig as I logged out. Then she accused me of combat-logging (leaving the server as your getting attacked). Once again I brushed it off and left again, not bothering much about it.
Until I look into the server I had met her on, she was asking on methods to kill me? I was shocked and worried not just for her but for my safety around her too. After I saw that I immediately cut contact and almost cried, she was being legitimate too about killing me in real life. I unblocked her an hour later and told her about it. She cried and tried to deny it saying she didn’t know what made her or encouraged her to do that. I wasn’t very happy and more angered at her denying what she blankly did. She soon confessed and tried to guilt trip me into saying at how I saw any good in her.
And I was playing on a private world on minecraft when I immediately disconnected a when I saw her join. I told her to leave me alone for the time being so I can get mr thoughts and process what the hell was going on here that led to this event.
And currently we are speaking as I write this message. She’s being really a piglet if and crying her eyes out over it. But I feel no sadness or anything. Just more of disappointment and rage at how I saw my first ever girlfriend ask others on how to effectively kill a boyfriend which did nothing harsh to her ever.
For some context I never hurt or upset her in any way. She was my first girlfriend.
Reddit I need some help on what to do. Because one side of me is telling me to cut contact and break up. But my other side would eat me away with guilt and sadness at missing a girlfriend.
submitted by R6Sakura to AmITheJerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:01 Conscious_Moment_841 To N... #2

You HOPEFULLY won’t see this one. But if you do know I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this.
I have no idea what you’re doing in life other than what you went to school for. I hope it suits you the way you dreamed of. I hope you’re happy, content and prospering. I went fishing by your house where the lakes are, and all I could think about is the one time you showed it to me. I never wanted to be so distant, I think it was a mix of complacency, fatigue from my brain trying to think of a way out of the same circle everyday (if you would like to know I went on my first solo bicycle ride the other day with self motivation the first of its kind and hopefully not the last) But I think with me trying to better myself I shut you out. And I did so without thinking about it and I really can’t forgive myself looking back but I do thank you for doing everything you could to try and save us. I was trying in my own way. I noticed I lacked a lot of communication skills, we didn’t talk to eachother that often because my work schedule and your daily life schedule become so separate. I was too consumed by my video games. And I’m trying minimise screen time atleast for games so I can still be a human. It’s gonna hurt to say this but this is it. This is what I have to say. I am sorry, I think I loved you, I know I wanted to love you. I feel I did love you. And I still have feelings for you but do not want anything reciprocated unless it’s what you want.(I pray you don’t see this) I’ve been 100% honest about how our trust issues started and what I did when anybody asks. Because at the end it was mutual and cordial, but I know I was the reason for it all coming to a stop. I really did see the rest of my life with you, Regardless of how we stood relationship wise. Because one thing I did and still do think is that out of the millions of people, you’re a very VERY rare person and that made you special. I never really expressed it because I’m absolutely terrible at expressing feelings (think I might be becoming a sociopath and it makes me wanna cry) I hope you don’t think about the negatives and look at the positives. Can’t listen to paramore without hearing you scream singing it in my passenger seat. Still get chills to this day because you can sing. But anyway I’m yapping now. I do still have feelings for you. Would it stop me from moving on, no, but I’ll wait until whoever comes to me. Last but CERTAINLY not least…..
still think about you to this day hoping you’ll unblock me and let me say goodbye. To have that closure would mean everything to me.
To any readers thank you for hearing me open my temporary heart.
submitted by Conscious_Moment_841 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:53 anon__1290 I (18M) broke up with my girlfriend (18F) after cheating on me five times

Note: This is going to be a long read but I guess I was able to let out the frustrations I had.
TLDR: My girlfriend whom I loved the most, cheated on me five times. I let myself be controlled, manipulated and used for the sake of loving her. Now she is the one accusing me of cheating. I broke up with her but now I feel lost and don't know how to start over again.
I (18M) had this girlfriend (18F) for 1 year and two months. To make things easier, let's just call her by the name of "Chii". So Chii and I is something you would call highschool sweethearts. As a little bit of background, during my highschool I had a pretty good reputation. I was the president of the highest organization in the school, I had the highest grades and I have a good background (family and my relationship with friends and teachers). Chii on the other hand, transferred on 11th grade while I'm on 12th grade. She is this cheerful type of girl, but has a bad relationship with her family, a broken family, with her mom leaving her and her father and eventually ended up with another guy. She isn't really the best at academics but she works hard and eager to learn.
Our encounter started when she transferred to the school. We unded up a school year apart but on the same strand and specialization. She caught the attention of my friend when she was reciting during their lesson with my friend commenting how we are alike. At first I didn't really pay it any attention and just continued what I'm doing, however, as a new student in the school, she piqued my interest. She then began approaching me and asking me for an autograph and saying how she "idolizes" me at school. She would approach me cheerfully and ask for my autograph everyday so naturally she caught my attention. We sort of got into conversations, having to know each other and we became close with each other. I started developing feelings for her but was uncertain with myself at that time. I eventually decided (or atleast tried) to stop my feelings after knowing she has a boyfriend at the time. However she would still continue to be with me and be so close to me that people actually started suspecting that there was something going on between us. I paid it no mind and just considered everything as a friendly type of relationship.
There was one time when we stayed at school until evening to organize for an upcoming event when she decided to stay and wait for me. When the preparations ended we got into a deep conversation before going home. There she opened up about her family problem, basically vented about her whole situation to which as a friend, I offered her a shoulder to lie on. I already had a suppressed feeling for her back then so knowing her even more was more than welcome for me but that's just it I didn't really took advantage of the situation and just listened to her talk. I guess it was this time that I really have that feeling of wanting to be with her at her hard times. There is just something about wanting to be by her side after seeing the opposite of her usually cheerful smiles. I guess that day was very important as it was the day I wanted to know more about her.
We continued our days as usual however as days goes on, we get more and more closer than usual. There are even days when friends would question my relationship with her and I will just dismiss it as "we're really just friends". She eventually vented to me about how she broke up with her boyfriend and wanting to have someone stay by her side until she heals again. I actually told her that she can share that burden with me and if she wanted to, I can be someone she can rely on. It was basically a hidden confession of mine since I'm the type who likes to hide feelings behind words but I guess she didn't catch that one. We still continued our days as usual.
Months passed and we grew closer and closer to the point that even I can no longer deny that I already developed my feelings for her. I waited for Christmas and New Year. Two chances and I blew it off haha. I eventually just decided to keep it to myself and have these unrequited feelings. That was until January of last year that while we are talking through phone, we eventually get into the topic of who our crushes are. I tried to avoid the conversation until she said that she likes me. Smiling from ear to ear, I didn't speak for a few seconds till she says that well, she atleast need a reply. I reciprocated her feelings and admitted that I had feelings too. We then decided to meet up and talk about each other. Now, it isn't a we-admitted-our-feelings-so-we-started-dating type of situation. There are courtships and getting to know each other and we only got together till the March of the same year and it was the happiest day of my life.
We did all sorts of a young couple would do, we were passionate with each other and we have a pretty strong relationship. Our first challenge was when we actually made our relationship public. I got so many questions about "us" and I heard many feedbacks both positive and negative. Many are concerned about me and how I might be careless with my studies now that I have a relationship to focus on (typical comments when entering a relationship in highschool). Many are also saying how they never really expected me to be with her considering our conflicting backgrounds and my high position in the school etc. Heck even teachers were involved with our relationship. I just brushed it off and says that I do truly loved her and that I really wanted to be with her and that It is a decision I made for my own. They said that though they don't oppose my decision, I should still be careful not as to get caught up with this relationship. We got through many of these challenges together and even after months, our relationship only got stronger.
As time goes on we have encountered yet another challenge, I will be away for college and that Chii and I will eventually engaged in to long distance relationship. We prepared months for it. We made promises, assurances with each other saying I will wait for her in college and we will go through college together. We considered many things and sufficient to say we really got ourselves ready to face the whole thing. She was assuring, she was really passionate about it that I can't help but feel that things are just going to be alright...
However five months passed by and I stumbled upon something in her alternative facebook account (she recently gave it to me). There I discovered that she has been in contact and having flirtatious conversation with her ex-boyfriend for three months in to our relationship. She says how we are actually just acting couples and how she still wanted him to comeback. The conversation ended with them actually cutting ties with each other after three months of our relationship. I was speechless. Its like the sky just fell down on me. I felt heavy, I felt betrayed. I asked her to meet up and confronted her about it. She cried saying she's so sorry and how that was in the past and how she loved me now more than anything and how she can't lose me. I didn't know what to feel. It's like all these emotions just got bottled up on my heart and got all clogged up that I don't even know how to feel anymore. I decided to tell her to give me more time to think and that I was really hurt with the whole situation. She says that she'll do anything to win my trust back. Oh how I wish I just ended it there and then. It was cheating and I should have never tolerated it, but here we are. She begged me everyday how she will never do the same "mistake" again and how she will become a better person if I just give her another chance. As cliche as it might be, I did believe in second chances, so I gave her. It took weeks for me to go back the way I was but I can't deny that what she did left a deep wound in my heart. I decided to forgive her and that I really hope she can be the better person she told me to be.
A month passed and it is time for me to leave the town and go to the city to enter university. Our days was full of us just chatting about how we love each other and how we missed each other. Occasionally I would go back for a few days and we would meet up. Our plans were still being put in action and we are still having a strong relationship. It is not totally avoidable but we eventually get in to arguments once in a while. But even so, even with the new environment I was in with meeting new people, I remained faithful and loyal to her.
However, no matter how strong your feelings are, and no matter how loyal and loving you are, things will go wrong. The next parts will just be the instances of cheating and "micro" cheating my ex-girlfriend did.
The first one (well, second) instance she "micro" cheated was when she brought one of her "guy-friend" home for lunch. A close friend of her told me how they saw Chii and that guy walking together going to her home for lunch after school. Take note that this guy was not his ex. It was a different guy. I asked this friend of hers to just observe them for the time being because I didn't want to jump into conclusions. It was only when their teacher contacted me about how they see her with the same guy for almost everyday during lunch and asked if we are still ok. I said that I will look into it and thanked her for watching her out for me. I confronted her about it as she argued that there was nothing wrong with it since she was just "helping" this guy friend out. I said that it was wrong in so many ways. She can't just bring a guy home everyday and expect nothing wrong. I asked her if I did the same, how will she feel? She then eventually told me thay she will stop interacting all together to the guy and she says that she'll just stop interacting with anyone else all together since I didn't want to. She says that she's worried about what I said that "What if I also bring a girl home for lunch" and made me promise not to talk to anyone else in school as she's "worried". Really unreasonable thing to do specially how she was the one who did it. It was a long argument but I eventually forgave her.
Now take note that this "you can't interact with other people" rule will still be in effect throughout my college days which is unreasonable as it made my studying and social life much much worst. But I still agreed to it if it means she won't do what she did anymore.
We got into a fight again which leads us to another instance of cheating. Hurted by the first one and now the second one, I decided to think things through again after our fight. I said that I needed time because I was so hurt and that I needed space to think about things. She would beg me for days until I eventually gave up and just forgive her. She says that she misses me so much and that she will be a better person again. I fell for those words. Not until a friend of hers messaged me again saying that the past few days (when we got into a fight) she was rather very close in school to someone and they wondered what's up. Them being close to the guy (the one she was close with, and mind you this was yet another guy) messaged the guy and asked if something was up with them. They then showed me the conversation with the guy as well as a picture of him with Chii together in a cafe near the school. The picture really got me upset but the conversation was even more concerning. Apparently the guy confessed to Chii and Chii actually gave the guy permission to court her! While we are still in a relationship! Having those evidences in my hand, I decided to confront Chii and never told her friend (to see if what they provide me was also true and that to see if they are really doing this out of concern or not) we got into another big fight and she argued that she did that because she thought I don't love her anymore, which is unreasonable as I never really said we should break up. But even so, we had a fight and she was already allowing someone to talk to her like that and court her?! She then talked to me about how I was at fault and that if I never should've let her go, she wouldn't have talked to that guy in the first place. (Yes a manipulation and projection at play here) But I'm an idiot how still have my rose tinted glasses and was still so in loved with her so I took it and forgave her again for another time and continued our relationship.
As time went on I really started to feel as if I'm just being used. I got many advices from teachers who I don't even vent out my feelings to them anyway but they do see what Chii was really doing in my absence. They are concerned but I just dismissed everything because, well, I was still inlove. She fights with my classmates just because I was asked to collect payments for an upcoming event. She would ask me to block my relatives who would just ask me questions and didn't allow me to talk to them, virtually and personally. She even asked me to block my old friends which they understood but let me off with a warning. I let myself be controlled by her under the context that we really just love each other...
The more recent instance of "micro" cheating was during their immersion. It was some sort of a mandatory thing in school how they will be deployed and experience first hand the work environment related to their strand. Now many schools were in this immersion so I expected her to meet few people there. Remember that until this time she still doesn't allow me to talk to other students in my school, monitoring my account and will fight me even if I just have a classmate asking for notes or the schedule, etc. I was eventually told once again by one of her friends about how she is close ONCE AGAIN with a fellow student there. And sent a picture of them close together. When I went home and met her, I still didn't told her however while were together I checked her phone and there I saw a picture of Chii together with a guy. The same guy that her friend told me before. (Mind you that this was yet another guy! Different from the previous guys) That's when I confronted her again, she says that it was just a friend from the immersion and that nothing was going on. I chose to believe her in the end but I just expressed my feelings of how she didn't want me to talk to my classmates let alone even take pictures with them which she did. I told her how she breaks her own rules and expected me, who endured the difficult life in college of being isolated just because she told me to, to be okay with it. She said that it was just nothing but I really felt hurt seeing how she was with a guy in those pictures. I was really hurt and really don't know how to react anymore. Because of all these my academic performance were also affected. But I was just doing these things for her. As usual I forgave her for the whole thing. She made me block the friend who told me saying that that friend was just jealous of us. To which I did and we continued our relationship.
After our first year anniversary everything just went downhill. The final instance of cheating she did was when we are are happily chatting and flirting with each other and she just suddenly stopped replying. Curious, I opened her account and there I saw her talking to another guy and having flirtatious conversation (again, another guy, different from the guys before). And I just snapped... I confronted her about it. I was furious, I let out everything... I brought up breaking up with her as I can't do this anymore. Everything that happened in the past, all the pain I endured just came back and filled my heart with all sorts of emotions. It all boiled down to me asking for space and she agreed. Friday during that she was still begging me to not leave her. Friday night she stopped responding to my messages all together. And Saturday morning she told me we should break up.
I began moving on. I started by unblocking people, friends and relatives, on social media. It was mot long until questions poured in about our relationship. But one thing really sticked to me. Her closest friend which we will just call "Joyce" told me everything.
About how they wanted to tell me how she was just playing with me as she gets close to guys and how she was with anyone else.
About how she will always play the victim whenever we fight.
About how she will turn the story around, manipulate it in order for it to be more favorable to her.
And most of all about how on Saturday, the day of our break up, she brought someone home. And that someone was the guy she was chatting with. The day of our break up and she was already having someone. Yet she accuses me of cheating. Of how cheating was the reason we broke up. But the real reason was her attitude and I just can't do it anymore.
Just today, I accidentally opened up her TikTok account as it was still logged in on my phone. I don't really use TikTok that much but I just opened it to pass some time. There I saw a video she uploaded. It was about her boyfriend, the one she was chatting to. I felt dismayed, I feel heavy. Here I am being accused of cheating (from her posts) yet it is hard for me to move on. And there she is already with someone. I am no longer confident with myself. I feel like I was used. I let myself be manipulated, controlled. I loved her so much so that I still forgave her after going through all that because I accepted her.
Now I just came into conclusion that she never really loved the "me", my very person. All she really wanted was the presence of someone. My presence. But even so it doesn't have to be me. She just wanted the presence of someone not who they are...
submitted by anon__1290 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:48 Environmental-Fox423 AITAH for blocking my best friend for hanging out with my ex less than 24hrs of me moving

For context I’m 20F and my best friend is 20F we met 5 years ago at a party through a mutual friend I’ve known since elementary school but we got really close about 3 years ago. My best friend “Hannah” was best friends with my exs girlfriend at the time so they went to the same parties and hang out with my ex together but I met Hannah prior to meeting my ex boyfriend and his ex girlfriend. The reason that’s important because my ex boyfriend (M25) and I met through a threesome with the ex girlfriend. We had one encounter and the ex gf texted me that he cheated and we weren’t going to be seeing each other anymore. Long story short she ran off and cut contact with everyone including Hannah and myself but him and I still talked. I started to get feelings for him after some time of us hanging out and texting a lot and the feelings SEEMED reciprocated and I moved out of state and we still were on FaceTime 2X a day almost everyday. Then I moved back to my home state, at the time Hannah was best friends with this girl named “Marisa”. I later found out that Marisa and my ex were sleeping together, going on dates, and him lying about his whereabouts when they were together. That hurt my because I was in the mindset that we were working towards something since I moved back. Anyway at the time we weren’t together so I let it blow over because she blocked him. Time past and I was living alone and working 5 days a week. I would see him very often and spend the night especially since his grandmother (whom he lived with) was moving out and wasn’t home often and he had a car to come get me even if I was tired. Throughout everything Hannah and I were still close friends, we wouldn’t hang out much obviously because I was in a different state most of our friendship and when I moved back I had a very laborious job that didn’t allow me to do much and she doesn’t have any transportation to get to me but she knew everything that was going on with me and my ex. After living alone for a while my ex offered me to move in since his grandmother was now gone and he needed help with the rent. I moved in we weren’t together the first 3 months but the remaining 7 months we were a couple. I admittedly had a drinking problem that was causing us issues, that wasn’t our only problem at alllll but it was one of the main. Living with him I lost my job, my car, and half of my front tooth so I decided it was best for both of us to leave and go back with my family out of state. Again throughout this whole process Hannah has been the one I count on because she knows him and she would talk shit about him with me! Anyway my ex dropped me off with my family because they were up visiting for the holiday and they were going to take me back. The whole day leading up until me leaving this man was crying in my arms, sobbing on the floor in fetal position, and saying how much he loves me and the next day I get a call from my brother saying he’s at the gym with some girl. My brother lives 30 minutes away from where me and my ex used to live so I was so confused as to who it would be. As any girlie does I call my bestie Hannah and I tell everything to her and she giggles and says “oh that’s me”… I was not gone for 24hours and they were hanging out. Before my ex and I got into a relationship my ex genuinely believed she hated her until I got them to have a conversation. I know that sounds stupid on my end now but I saw myself spending the rest of my life with him so I wanted my bestie and my man to get along. After I found out I sent my paragraphs and I blocked her and him. I let Hannah speak her peace before I blocked her, with my ex I still have things in his home so I told him I’ll just unblock him when I need to get my things. When Hannah responded she said she didn’t see a problem with her hanging out with my ex because he reached out to her the night I left to console him so she felt bad… but when I got upset about it, it made sense. I blocked them on all platforms so let me know should I keep both of them blocked and move on or should I give hannah a chance and be cordial with my ex until I get the rest of my stuff?
submitted by Environmental-Fox423 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:51 Accomplished-Rub9165 I Set Myself Up for Failure

I did something stupid, and I regret it.
I'll give a brief synopsis of my relationship with the MM.
I was involved with the MM for almost three years. It started when I was 23 and he was 32. He acted like he was single and pursued me for a relationship. I thought I found the one I'd marry and start a family with. After a year, I found out he was married, and over that year, before I found out the truth, he became abusive. I stayed even though I felt guilty. The abuse got worse over time to the point he wrapped his hands around my neck because he could and I couldn't overpower him, and on another occasion, he threatened to take my life. I didn't know he was being abusive in the beginning because I was abused severely in my childhood by my mother. I only noticed something was wrong when it got really bad.
D-Day for me was January 1st of this year. His wife called me and ended up putting us on a three-way call, and he took back everything he ever said, even when I had proof he was lying. I've been in NC ever since, and I've struggled because I always thought he would be in my life, and I never could imagine him not being in my life until I was forced to. I realize that being serious about my healing journey and taking therapy seriously, I have a lot of work to do on myself. And I realized if I attempted to go back to him, he would've taken my life eventually.
One of the few things I've done that wasn't smart was unblock him a few days after D-Day. I even added him back on Snapchat, though he's never added me back. And sometimes, I look at his Facebook account. He posted pictures today with his family, which stung more than I thought. On D-Day, his wife acted like she was divorcing him, though I could tell that wasn't going to happen.
It bothers me because of what I know about him and how I'm not the first person he's cheated on her with, that he suffered no consequences. Granted, I can't say that for sure. But I'm miserable all the time. It'll be five months on Saturday, and I have moments where I still cry myself to sleep; the pain from all the betrayals I faced with him, D-day, the embarrassment and shame come in strong waves. My therapist told me there's a likely chance I'll get into another abusive relationship again, so I'm heavily considering not having children. No one will do it because I'm 26. Even though he was horrible to me, I think of him as my first love, and I feel like I will never love again.
A part of me still tells myself I deserved his abuse because I didn't leave when I found out he was married. Through working through my emotions, I realized he was the first person I thought saw me for me and loved me. I didn't want to let go of that, so I stayed around.
I know better. Checking social media is self-sabotage. I won't heal that way, but it sucks that I still think of him every day, and I'm not even a blip on his radar. Healing from the heartbreak is one part, but the level of abuse I suffered was severe, and I don't know how I'm going to get past it. I try to mask the pain these days as much as possible because I know it gets tiring for others to listen to. I feel so alone. The pain is back, and my stomach is a bottomless pit again.
I have things to do in my life to feel my time. I'm in school; I recently got a promotion, and I'm making new friends. I'm even picking up new hobbies and smiling and laughing again. But my happiness is fake, and I'm wearing a mask to the outside world. I feel empty inside except when I feel the pain. I feel like I'm dying inside, and no one can see me. I'm wounded. And because the shame and guilt are so much, I don't feel comfortable telling the truth all the time, even to people in my life who know what's going on.
Why do I still care!? Why won't it go away? Why am I so compelled to understand why he doesn't care about me? I still love him, and he never loved me, so what it happens to people every day. I still dream of him frequently, and I hate sleeping now. I hate having to fake my feelings, but I'm tired of feeling this way. It's like he died, but only in a space in my life.
submitted by Accomplished-Rub9165 to theotherwoman [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:26 il0ve3to_miau my N parent is asking me for a favor but won’t let me see my cat

last november i was kicked out by my mom and i was homeless for 3 months. ever since coming back to school, ive gotten the financial aid from my school as an independent student and am in a much more stable situation. throughout the limited contact ive had with my mom since november she complains that i am still “using her” and “abusing” her because she has been taking care of my cat. i have not been allowed to visit him and when i was financially stable enough i unblocked her to tell her i was finally at a place where i can take him. she said i didn’t seem prepared because he needs updated vaccinations and planes are too complicated for him, so I have a date set for next month where my dad will help drive him up my to my school (5 hours away). i was in her county last weekend and let her know a week in advance that i was going to be in town and wanted to coordinate a time I could pick up my cat and take him to the vet for his vaccinations. she didn’t allow me to pick him up, let alone see him, because i had her blocked on imessages (for mental health purposes) and was emailing her and don’t spend time with her, despite every conversations ending in emotional, physical, mental, verbal, or financial abuse and she has crossed many boundaries (including logging into my housing portal sending me mail after i changed the passwords by guessing). im not ready to have a relationship with her and need to heal but she has 6 other cats and im bonded with most of them and she disregards that. but her reasoning for not letting me see my cat is because i disregard her, aka lowered contact after establishing boundaries and taking abuse/have been kicked out on and off the past 9 years. today she texted me this, and im scared that if i say no, she will banish any chance of me seeing my cat again. im supposed to get him with my dad in 2 weeks but she hasn’t even let me visit my cat. should i comply (to pander to her for the chance that she MIGHT be more lenient) or use it as an opportunity to bargain (risking her getting mad at me and banning me from getting my son). she does not pay my phone bill or send me money and she has “borrowed” hundreds, even thousands without paying me back because i “owed her anyways” due to the sacrifices she’s made for me growing up. (before anyone says i don’t actually owe her i know that but she says it’s misogynistic if i say sacrificed are expected when you are having a child, and when she got pregnant she knew she would be a single mother but has abused me out of resentment of what she’s missed out on, which again isn’t my fault because i didn’t choose to be born).
anyways, today she just asked me if i could send her my transcript so she can claim a student discount even though i don’t live with her or have much of a relationship with her. i know the financial stress she’s under but she also lives beyond her means.
submitted by il0ve3to_miau to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:22 Fair-Training3957 My ex is harassing my friends and family

Ex has been harassing my friends and family
TLDR: broke up with someone I dated for 2 months 7 months ago, and he’s been messaging my friends and family since December and followed me to a concert. I need advice
I posted this on another Reddit group and someone suggested this one would be helpful
I (25f) want to give a little bit of background. This guy (29m) and I met on a queer friend/dating app beginning of last year (can’t remember for the life of me which one, but he’s trans and that’s how we met). I came out end of 2022 and all of 2023 was a big self-discovery year for me. I found a new band I love and actually befriended, started going outside more and making new friends, went to my first drag shows and pride festival. I got a new, decent job, and started hosting these game nights for coworkers and friends of mine. The first one I hosted was March of ‘23 and I invited him to come since we had been talking for a couple weeks and figured this was a good way to break the ice without too much pressure. At the time I decided I wasn’t interested in pursuing anything romantic with anyone so we maintained minimal contact for a few days before not talking. In July, we crossed paths again and after more formal dates and lots of talking we decided to pursue a relationship which lasted until September.
For a lot of reasons, the relationship came to an end. He was older than me, yet his last relationship was in high school, so there was a HUGE gap in emotional maturity and knowledge when it comes to relationships. He was very love-bomby and naive and as someone who has had way too much life experience for 25 (24 at the time), I decided it just wasn’t going to work. He asked to remain friends to which I reluctantly said yes. After 2 weeks of the relationship not feeling like it had actually ended because he wouldn’t stop texting me as if we were dating, I told him I was no longer comfortable maintaining any sort of relationship with him and blocked him on everything, text, socials, all of it.
That was in October. I haven’t seen or spoken to him since because he has remained blocked. In December, I saw he viewed my TikTok profile (I don’t post anything, but the app shows you names and photos of who viewed your profile) so I had to block him on that too. In February he texted my parents, they immediately blocked and didn’t respond. He has DM requested my best friend 3 separate times from February until April commenting on her instagram stories of her baby and family. The band I befriended posted a live viewing of a song they released and he was in the chat box talking about how he wanted to see them live knowing I would be going to their show. He showed up to the venue 2 hours away last week and tried to get as close to me and my friend as possible during the show. I have other friends there who do not know him that he cornered and started talking too until I warned them who he was. He moved closer throughout the whole set trying to get near me. That was the first time I have seen him in person since September and instead of yelling at him like I wanted I ignored him the whole time. He followed my friend I went to the concert with on social media and has since started commenting on her posts about how he was excited to see more (I had been in all her recent posts since we followed the band on tour).
Outside of following me to a concert to see me, all other communication has been towards my friends and family. I have no idea what my legal recourse is if any, I am so tired of being the bigger person and not unblocking him to tell him how much of a freak he is being. I know he is looking for some sort of reaction from me. I know it doesn’t do me any favors to respond. But I’m being harassed through my friends and family, my friends and family are being harassed, my anxiety is through the roof, and I don’t know what to do here. Any input?
ETA: From the research I’ve done online, I won’t qualify for a restraining order because it’s technically my friends/parents that he has been messaging. The closest thing I have is the concert he followed me to but even that’s a stretch because he can say he was there for the band. I have unfortunately had very little luck with being listened too by the justice system when it really mattered (like most women sadly). I think I’m mainly looking to see if that would still be the best thing to look into or if it might be worth the headache of unblocking him to go off
submitted by Fair-Training3957 to Stalking [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:14 AbbreviationsVivid29 I blocked my best friend since 5th grade

Before I get into this I would like to say that I am very blunt. I sometimes say things without a filter and overall don’t really talk much. I have multiple friend groups at school but I have not really seen any of my friends outside of school except for my best friend. I also tend to distance myself from people as before I moved to the town I currently live in my family has never stayed in a school district longer than 2 school years.
I am also kind of used to bottling up my emotions and dealing with them on my own since I am the middle child and eldest daughter, my mom is constantly at work and my dad has a neurological condition. I have also been pouring myself into my studies recently and had not talked to them for half of the first semester of this past school year because I was hanging out with my other friends. I still talked to them but I did not sit with them at breakfast, which I’m guessing made them upset.
So I 15(f) recently blocked my friend 16(f) on all social media platforms last week. One of my friends had made a group chat with nearly all of my friends from this group of friends in it, with two of my friend’s boyfriends. We were all joking around and cracking jokes at each other. Everyone was having a good time. Until she kind of blew up at me. She told me I was being rude and disrespectful and she said if I was going to continue to have an attitude that I could leave the group. So I did, though what she said confused me, and kind of upset me. I figured it wasn’t worth arguing over.
I should also note that this is not the first time she has done something like this. Throughout the year she has been kind of snarky towards me. And there were multiple incidents during previous years of our friendship where she has gotten mad at me for no reason.
They also get mad at me not answering when they call. But anytime I do answer they get mad at me cause my siblings and surroundings are too loud and I’m basically ignored. And whenever I try calling no one answers or they leave after 5 minutes. They also leave me out of things a lot. And complain that I never want to hang out with them. Which is not true, I have a part time job am in multiple clubs at school.
On top of that I am in a pathways program with a nearby college to get my associates degree when I graduate high school. My parents also refuse to take me anywhere unless I give them gas money, which I wouldn’t have an issue with but I have to buy textbooks for my college courses and I barely make over a hundred dollars since I am still a minor.
With this in my mind I kind of got angry and blocked her on everything. But I kept her number on my phone, which I was not really thinking about at the time. I unblocked after a few days of just letting myself think. But one of my friends kind of blew up at me for and she still has not added me back or texted me. Which I’m fine with. We can talk on her terms.
However, it has been a full week since this happened and I still have not heard from her or any of my other friends. I probably sound like a bad friend in this post and I guess I am. But she was my first real friend ever and I don’t want our friendship to end but I feel like it already has.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!!
submitted by AbbreviationsVivid29 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:02 AbbreviationsVivid29 Am I the bad apple for blocking my best friend since 5th grade??

Before I get into this I would like to say that I am very blunt. I sometimes say things without a filter and overall don’t really talk much. I have multiple friend groups at school but I have not really seen any of my friends outside of school except for my best friend. I also tend to distance myself from people as before I moved to the town I currently live in my family has never stayed in a school district longer than 2 school years.
I am also kind of used to bottling up my emotions and dealing with them on my own since I am the middle child and eldest daughter, my mom is constantly at work and my dad has a neurological condition. I have also been pouring myself into my studies recently and had not talked to them for half of the first semester of this past school year because I was hanging out with my other friends. I still talked to them but I did not sit with them at breakfast, which I’m guessing made them upset.
So I 15(f) recently blocked my friend 16(f) on all social media platforms last week. One of my friends had made a group chat with nearly all of my friends from this group of friends in it, with two of my friend’s boyfriends. We were all joking around and cracking jokes at each other. Everyone was having a good time. Until she kind of blew up at me. She told me I was being rude and disrespectful and she said if I was going to continue to have an attitude that I could leave the group. So I did, though what she said confused me, and kind of upset me. I figured it wasn’t worth arguing over.
I should also note that this is not the first time she has done something like this. Throughout the year she has been kind of snarky towards me. And there were multiple incidents during previous years of our friendship where she has gotten mad at me for no reason.
They also get mad at me not answering when they call. But anytime I do answer they get mad at me cause my siblings and surroundings are too loud and I’m basically ignored. And whenever I try calling no one answers or they leave after 5 minutes. They also leave me out of things a lot. And complain that I never want to hang out with them. Which is not true, I have a part time job am in multiple clubs at school.
On top of that I am in a pathways program with a nearby college to get my associates degree when I graduate high school. My parents also refuse to take me anywhere unless I give them gas money, which I wouldn’t have an issue with but I have to buy textbooks for my college courses and I barely make over a hundred dollars since I am still a minor.
With this in my mind I kind of got angry and blocked her on everything. But I kept her number on my phone, which I was not really thinking about at the time. I unblocked after a few days of just letting myself think. But one of my friends kind of blew up at me for and she still has not added me back or texted me. Which I’m fine with. We can talk on her terms.
However, it has been a full week since this happened and I still have not heard from her or any of my other friends. I probably sound like a bad friend in this post and I guess I am. But she was my first real friend ever and I don’t want our friendship to end but I feel like it already has. Am I the bad apple??
submitted by AbbreviationsVivid29 to AmITheBadApple [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:33 Fair-Training3957 Ex has been harassing my friends and family

TLDR: broke up with someone I dated for 2 months 7 months ago, and he’s been messaging my friends and family since December and followed me to a concert. I need advice
I (25f) want to give a little bit of background. This guy (29m) and I met on a queer friend/dating app beginning of last year (can’t remember for the life of me which one, but he’s trans and that’s how we met). I came out end of 2022 and all of 2023 was a big self-discovery year for me. I found a new band I love and actually befriended, started going outside more and making new friends, went to my first drag shows and pride festival. I got a new, decent job, and started hosting these game nights for coworkers and friends of mine. The first one I hosted was March of ‘23 and I invited him to come since we had been talking for a couple weeks and figured this was a good way to break the ice without too much pressure. At the time I decided I wasn’t interested in pursuing anything romantic with anyone so we maintained minimal contact for a few days before not talking. In July, we crossed paths again and after more formal dates and lots of talking we decided to pursue a relationship which lasted until September.
For a lot of reasons, the relationship came to an end. He was older than me, yet his last relationship was in high school, so there was a HUGE gap in emotional maturity and knowledge when it comes to relationships. He was very love-bomby and naive and as someone who has had way too much life experience for 25 (24 at the time), I decided it just wasn’t going to work. He asked to remain friends to which I reluctantly said yes. After 2 weeks of the relationship not feeling like it had actually ended because he wouldn’t stop texting me as if we were dating, I told him I was no longer comfortable maintaining any sort of relationship with him and blocked him on everything, text, socials, all of it.
That was in October. I haven’t seen or spoken to him since because he has remained blocked. In December, I saw he viewed my TikTok profile (I don’t post anything, but the app shows you names and photos of who viewed your profile) so I had to block him on that too. In February he texted my parents, they immediately blocked and didn’t respond. He has DM requested my best friend 3 separate times from February until April commenting on her instagram stories of her baby and family. The band I befriended posted a live viewing of a song they released and he was in the chat box talking about how he wanted to see them live knowing I would be going to their show. He showed up to the venue 2 hours away last week and tried to get as close to me and my friend as possible during the show. I have other friends there who do not know him that he cornered and started talking too until I warned them who he was. He moved closer throughout the whole set trying to get near me. That was the first time I have seen him in person since September and instead of yelling at him like I wanted I ignored him the whole time. He followed my friend I went to the concert with on social media and has since started commenting on her posts about how he was excited to see more (I had been in all her recent posts since we followed the band on tour).
Outside of following me to a concert to see me, all other communication has been towards my friends and family. I have no idea what my legal recourse is if any, I am so tired of being the bigger person and not unblocking him to tell him how much of a freak he is being. I know he is looking for some sort of reaction from me. I know it doesn’t do me any favors to respond. But I’m being harassed through my friends and family, my friends and family are being harassed, my anxiety is through the roof, and I don’t know what to do here. Any input?
ETA: From the research I’ve done online, I won’t qualify for a restraining order because it’s technically my friends/parents that he has been messaging. The closest thing I have is the concert he followed me to but even that’s a stretch because he can say he was there for the band. I have unfortunately had very little luck with being listened too by the justice system when it really mattered (like most women sadly). I think I’m mainly looking to see if that would still be the best thing to look into or if it might be worth the headache of unblocking him to go off
submitted by Fair-Training3957 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:19 ginger_whale I regret how I reacted in a big argument on the last day of school. What should I do?

My best friend and I had a massive argument on the last day of school a few days ago. While I do recognize that part of the problem was me, there were some things I felt hurt by from what she did. However, on the last day of school I reacted too harshly and made her really upset; while she was trying to be nicer about it until I prompted her to get angry and frustrated, too.
We are currently not talking to each other, and out of anger I then blocked her on everything I could think of, but I recently unblocked her out of deep regret and sadness. But, she did block me on snapchat which I didn't.
I think if I reacted more calmly and with less of a bad attitude we wouldn't be so distant as we are right now and it wouldn't be so blown out of proportion; we could've had a second chance together.
Anyway, her birthday is coming up in a month or so and I was wondering if I should apologize and try to rekindle before or after it, or before the next school year at all. it's going to be our senior year in August, and I don't want our precious soulmate-like friendship to have ended like this. I miss all the times we had together (2 years -sophomore through junior year)and I feel so stupid for reacting so passive aggressively and causing her to get so upset.
She said she needed lots of space from me, but in the past week since the last day of school, regret has been lingering in the back of my mind and how I should apologize to her. Will she even want to be my friend again at all if I do apologize in the next month or so?
I'm planning on genuinely apologizing through a text message (because that's all I have in communication with her over summer break), for everything I did wrong, and vowing not to do it again. I want to be her friend again, but I'm scared she doesn't want to be friends with me anymore. I've never felt so empty and I feel so horrible that I reacted that way. I let my anger and frustration take me over. Please help me in the best way I can apologize so I can do some repair in this relationship.
submitted by ginger_whale to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:31 Justgirlythoughtslol AITAH for dropping my childhood best friend over my birthday party?

This is my first post ever and it’s gonna be long folks, so grab a snack and buckle up.
I (F24) and friend (F24) have been friends since middle school. We were very close, lived with each other twice, and even considered each other family as we had been through a lot of life’s struggles together. Even though we were “best friends” I have always had to be the one who maintains the friendship if that makes sense. Like when we were living in different cities, I would have to be the one to text or call her maybe once a month and she never reached out first. Her reasoning was always “you know I struggle calling and texting if I don’t see the person every day” which has always rubbed me the wrong way because she has had numerous romantic partners that she very enthusiastically makes sure to keep in touch, make plans, FaceTime with, etc. (even if they were an asshole which even she’s admitted).
My job is very busy in the fall so I was only able to reach out to hang maybe 2 or 3 times between August-December with 2ish FaceTime calls. One of which I playfully complained that she never reaches out and she responded with the same “you know I struggle with that”. A monthish goes by, and I called her for a quick chat in January. She then revealed she had a new boyfriend of three weeks that she met at a bar and we planned a double date. I was a little hurt that she hadn’t said anything for so long but I smiled and hyped her up because yay! New love is so exciting!
The guy was nice and a little over a month later was my birthday. The week of, I decided hey, I haven’t celebrated my birthday in years and it actually lands on a weekend. I’m gonna throw a little get together! Cook for my friends, play games, have some drinks, just a chill but fun night. I knew inviting her was a stretch because she’s voiced that she’s not fond of hanging out with me when other people are involved. Something about how she feels weird that I’m friends with them but she’s not so it feels uncomfortable? My other friends through my job are very welcoming and she’s hung out with them before and even said she had a good time but idk shes wishy washy with if she’ll join or not.
She said she’d come and I even offered to invite her boyfriend, who at that time she’d known for a little under two months. Later in the week, I invited the two of them to the pre-party lunch that my boyfriend and I were having and she said they would join. The day of I check in with her about the evening because she said she wasn’t sure if her boyfriend would come. I will admit this made me nervous because she has always been a person who REALLY focuses on her relationship when she’s in one (she has also admitted this to some degree).
She informs me that they’ll do the lunch but neither of them will be coming to the party because her boyfriend’s mom wants her to meet her new boyfriend. I’ll rephrase because it makes me laugh a little: They would not be attending my first celebration in YEARS because she needs to meet her boyfriend’s mom’s boyfriend.
I didn’t care that the boyfriend couldn’t come, obviously, so my first text back was “is it a special occasion??” Which she responded with “well she really wants me to meet him”. I asked if [redacted] could go to that by himself and got the same response. I then texted her how I was disappointed that she was willing to not attend over something like that and her responses were pretty much “sorry, can’t do anything about it”. I ended up FaceTiming her and elaborating.
I told her that I was disappointed that she was willing to upset me over her boyfriend’s mother. Like it wasn’t a serious occasion and she’s known those people for less than two months, and me for 12 years. I remember saying “I’m not going to force you to come. I’m saying that if the roles were reversed I would just reschedule something like that so I could show up for my best friend.” She kind of just blankly stared at the camera and awkwardly said sorry a couple of times. I was hurt because I have done a lot for her and have shown up for her in a lot more ways than she has for me. Looking back, she would say to me a lot about how selfish she really was and I’d always say no because she does have a kind side to her but after all this and some other stuff, I really see it now.
My boyfriend and I got ready to go to lunch and were on the way. My stomach was in knots because I’m just so hurt but not surprised by the situation. I eventually text her, cancel lunch, and essentially say I’m upset because she clearly just did not care to miss and did not care that I was upset and was choosing to show up for people she knew for under 2 months at that time. She could have cancelled with the mom, offered to reschedule, come after the meeting, or just came by herself while her boyfriend went to that. Three of those I had said on FaceTime. I ended it with I still want to be friends, I consider you family and this just really disappointed me.
After that text she gave the same response of “I’m sorry, I just don’t understand” then added “I didn’t know it was that big of a deal, you should have been upfront with how you felt instead of being passive aggressive. The amount of time I’ve known [redacted] does not matter because him and his family are my priority now.”
Reading that confused me because I feel like I was very clear so how was she confused? It also affirmed the one fear I had for our friendship since I was a kid and that’s the reality that she might unashamedly value a romantic relationship over our friendship in a situation that didn’t make sense other than “but my boyfrieeeend”. My next text essentially told her she would laugh at her actions if someone else had done them, reminded her of how I’ve always prioritized showing up for her in numerous ways, wished her the best with [redacted], and said I’ll take a step back from our friendship so she never has to choose to not have her #1 priority be her relationship because clearly that’s what she’ll pick every time. I then blocked her (she’s unblocked now) because I was over her lack of understanding and empathy and wanted to enjoy my celebration that night.
For some back story on her charactecontributing reasons why I pulled away: She’s very good at giving thoughtful gifts and is a funny person with good manners. I noticed some odd things about her character when we lived together though. For example: I paid 300 more dollars in rent and all utilities because I made more money than her and she voiced multiple times “I cannot pay more than 700 dollars for everything for the month” so I covered everything beyond that so we could stay in a better place that wasn’t in a dangerous area for two young women (which she initially wanted to live in so I respected that I would have to cover the rest to be more comfortable). I had zero issue with this arrangement, but would then notice how she would go on shopping sprees of 100+ dollars, date nights out multiple times a week, new make up/skin care, etc. which made me a little confused. In addition, our electricity bill was between 125-255 dollars for a two bedroom apartment because she left lights on all the time and I eventually gave up asking her to remember to turn them off. For reference, I live with my boyfriend in a bigger two bedroom and the most we’ve had to pay was 110ish in the summer and usually around 70-90. When our lease ended and I decided to move closer to work, she never thanked me or mentioned all that I had done for us to be in a nice place while she got to buy the things she wanted. I understand doing something like that means I shouldn’t expect to be worshipped, but if I were in her shoes I would make a point to at least communicate some form of a thank you (which might make me the asshole because in my goodbye text I mentioned that I “even paid bills for us to have a nice place and I’m still not relevant enough to miss meeting a boyfriend’s mom’s boyfriend”). When I was thinking about getting my current dog, I asked if she was willing to help let him out midday as she worked less than 5 mins from our apartment and would gloat about taking 1-2 hour lunches because “it didn’t matter.” I said I would not get a puppy if I couldn’t have help with that as he was so young and I worked 45 mins from home. I told her she had every right to say no, but she “loves dogs” so she said yes. For threeish weeks things went great until I started coming home to my dog laying in his own piss. I voiced my confusion and concern to her for about a week and she would say “Really? That’s so weird”. I finally decided to check the puppy cam and found what I was hoping I wouldn’t. She has stopped letting him out, saw me giving him baths every day, and didn’t say anything. I asked her about it and she awkwardly said “oh I just don’t have time to do that”. I ended up hiring someone to check on him and he’s doing great and is almost two now! Lastly, she also never showed up to performances of mine when I have gone to support her at similar occasions. She’d even be on the couch in her pajamas as I walked out the door for one and would yell bye lol?? All of these little things she did made me question if she really was this kind and sweet person I had always seen her as.
In conclusion, I still think about her and this situation almost if not daily and it’s been 4 months of radio silence. I feel so betrayed and hurt because we truly were like sisters and went through life together for so long. She has never had as many friends as I had so I’m shocked she just let this friendship go so easily when she’s mentioned how she “can’t act like herself around others like she does with me.” Technically, I’m the one that ended it, but if I had a friend communicate the things I did, I would try anything to make them know I care about them. The silence is making me think maybe I was the asshole in all of this. My boyfriend actually works with her and she has NEVER brought it up to him. But then again, I’m not someone who can fuck her, so why would she put in effort to reach out? (petty I know, but a legitimate thought of mine)
Part of me just wants her to reach out so I can tell her how she’s the only friend of mine that didn’t put in at least similar effort in the friendship. So I can get her to see how poorly she valued me in return…. Then again, her therapist is probably hearing her warped POV and affirming her actions (petty but also another thought of mine)
If you made it this far, thank you. I stayed as transparent as possible and gave the best play by play I could so I’m all ears! I also feel a little pathetic that it’s been plaguing my mind all these months later when clearly she does not care enough to say something. I know I could have handled it better in some ways but I feel wronged so I refuse to seek her out first…maybe I really am the asshole?
submitted by Justgirlythoughtslol to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:28 Evelyn_Joo Top 10 Unblocked Music Sites For School/Office

Top 10 Unblocked Music Sites For School/Office
Music knows no age limits and is cherished across the globe. Its universal appeal has woven it into the fabric of our daily lives. However, many schools and universities restrict access to entertainment websites, including those for music, within their networks. As a result, unblocked music sites have gained significant popularity among students. These free platforms allow them to enjoy their favorite tunes without incurring additional costs. We've compiled a list of 10 free unblocked music websites where you can listen to music freely, along with a useful tool to download songs from any music site.

#1: Jamendo

Jamendo is an innovative music streaming platform that offers users the ability to both stream and download tracks at no cost. The service boasts an extensive library of songs spanning a wide array of genres, catering to diverse musical tastes. Jamendo serves as a vibrant hub for independent artists, offering them a space to showcase their music and engage with listeners. Although registration isn't mandatory, signing up unlocks additional features such as the ability to create personalized playlists and upload songs to share with the community. Whether you're at school or the office, Jamendo ensures that free music downloads remain unblocked and easily accessible.
Rating: ★★★★☆
  • Vast music collection featuring over 600,000 tracks from over 40,000 independent musicians.
  • Ability to free download music for offline listening.
  • Encourages and supports unsigned and undiscovered musicians.
  • Lacks the extensive features available on paid streaming services.
  • Offers fewer mainstream and popular music tracks.
  • Track quality varies greatly from amateur to professional levels.

#2: Grooveshark

Grooveshark is a widely recognized music platform known for its accessibility in academic environments, providing free music without restrictions on school and college networks. The site boasts an extensive music library, enabling users to explore various genres and create personalized playlists. With its simple and clean interface, Grooveshark ensures a distraction-free experience, allowing users to search for songs using a search bar and browse through related albums seamlessly. The platform not only allows for streaming but also offers free music downloads.
Rating: ★★★★☆
  • Grooveshark provided access to a wide array of music, featuring both popular songs and obscure tracks.
  • Users could stream music for free without needing to subscribe or purchase individual tracks.
  • After creating an account, users had the ability to compile personalized albums and playlists.
  • The quality and reliability of the music available could vary significantly.
  • Users faced potential risks associated with copyright violations.
Read more on source: tunepat.com
submitted by Evelyn_Joo to musictips [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:33 ar_david_hh This is what happened on Wednesday, May 29. // TT News //

17 minutes of Armenia coverage by Transcaucasian Telegraph. Follow for regular updates.

Defense Minister Papikyan continues the Europe trip

• Attended a working dinner of Defense Ministers from the EU and partner countries at the invitation of Joseph Borrell.
• Discussed European security during the Schuman Security and Defense Forum.
• Held meetings with his counterparts from Sweden, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, and Georgia
• Met General Robert Brieger, the Chairman of the European Union Military Committee, to discuss AM-EU defense cooperation.
• Discussed the reforms that are being introduced in the Armenian army.
source, source, source,

ranking Russian officials attended the event celebrating Azerbaijan Day on May 28: video

LDPR leader Slutsky praised Ilham Aliyev for solving the Karabakh issue and said now it's time to rebuild the areas under Azerbaijani control.
Russia's Deputy Foreign Ministers Galuzin, Rudenko, and Pankin were also present, and so was ranking Senator Grigory Karasin, who described Azerbaijan as "brothers for centuries" with strategic cooperation with Russia.

Armenia's public television channel aired a report about the government's decision to suspend the broadcast of the most popular Russian TV channel in Armenia

As you know, yesterday the High-Tech Minister said that Russia's Channel One hasn't paid its dues for 2.5 months and had to be suspended until the payment is made. The suspension applies to their broadcast in public aimultiplex only. The ministry won't disclose the exact amount owed but "it's not a big sum".
FREE SPEECH NGO (Melikyan): I think there is a political context and the [Armenian government] used the debt as a pretext to once again tell the Russian channel and Russia's information tsars that we are not going to put up with their mud-throwing. Criticism from Russia is okay, but non-journalistic propaganda should be blocked.
REPORTER: In the past, the issues with Russian channels were regarding the content in specific shows. Two months ago the shows run by Vladimir Solovyov were banned in Armenia's public multiplex [and private companies decided to voluntarily join the ban at the time].
ORDUKHANYAN (politolog): Similar violations exist in Channel One and other Russian channels today.
REPORTER: PM Pashinyan said on May 7 that Russian channels would be blocked if they did not follow the law and respect the Armenian state and citizens.

parts from Pashinyan's presentation in Parliament during the discussions around the 2023 budget, economy, and politics:

It's expensive to have a state, which is why taxation is necessary. How should we spend these taxes? Implement the programs of a small group of isolated political elites who seek "historical justice", or should it be spent on the prosperity of citizens? Our citizens want to live, not survive. They want to be free, prosperous, and happy.
"Security" is no longer enough because peace is needed. What we called "security" for decades was security in name only; it was quite a dangerous security. Peace is what ensures real security. This is part of the conceptual differences between Real Armenia and Historical Armenia.
After the independence, the most prominent trend in Armenia was the emigration. People finally created an independent state but had to emigrate to be able to live. Does that mean Armenia was not a livable place for them? How did that happen? Because Armenia was managed by a group of elites with clerical-feudal ideology that hadn't progressed for centuries. This ideology was injected into our citizens, all of us, through the educational system. That's why we have that gap, when you create an independent state then find it necessary to leave in search of another place to live.
A man wearing shorts is enjoying coffee on his balcony in the morning. The onlookers criticize him for "insulting" their "perceptions". How dare you enjoy a coffee in shorts while ignoring the Higher Ideology we are currently fighting for? The man wears colorful clothing and they shame him. "How could you wear colorful clothes? Who is going to mourn if we all start wearing colorful clothes? You scum traitor."
One, two, three such encounters and the person wants to emigrate and live in a place where he can enjoy the coffee on the balcony without being shamed.
Our political party's mistake was continuing these clerical-feudal traditions after 2018. This is what's happening to us today. We are breaking free of it today despite the revolt by the authors of the clerical-feudal system. We are "traitors" for breaking it.
The state must be a tool to provide justice, vivacity, and prosperity to its citizens. To accomplish this, at a political level, we need to have an effective state. An effective state is one that is capable of adapting to the changing world and the new challenges. This is the key to ensuring the long-term existence of the state. This is the path we have chosen. You read a textbook in school and received a "5" [max score], but if we attempt to deal with today's reality by implementing our school knowledge, we will lose our state.
In 2022-2023 I said that if we can succeed in preserving our statehood over the next 2 years, its long-term existence will be ensured. The 2023 budget [today's topic] was used for overcoming that challenge, to ensure Armenia's existence. If in 2021-2022 we saw a VERY direct and immediate threat to the existence of the Republic of Armenia, then today I can announce that we have overcome, controlled, and neutralized that threat by using the aforementioned formulas [by being flexible in a changing world]. We have given a short and medium-term solution to it, but it's necessary to have a long-term strategy as well. In a changing world, we must have flexible a Government and Parliament.
We must work if we want prosperity. "Employment" must be the state ideology and those who choose not to work should not be respected. We must first have a quality education that doesn't encourage people to berate others for drinking coffee in shorts. The education system must teach that in order to live well, you must choose professionalism and diligence, and develop your own skills.
We must break free of the clerical-feudal educational system that taught people that suffering was the only way. They created a box and didn't want you to think outside of it. The school must give you the skills to have a good life, part of which is the development of identity and values. This is why in 2019 for the first time we attempted to formulate what our national values are. This was needed because it was all too common to witness how everything was presented as a "national value". So in 2019, I found it important to list the national values because they are part of our identity, and each person must have an identity to be happy. These are the national values, perhaps partial:
• Armenian statehood and Republic.
• Independence, sovereignty, citizenship, democracy, army.
• Armenia's history, Armenian people's folklore, the epic and legends, and beliefs.
• Armenian language and literature, scripts, knowledge, and science.
• Panarmenian potential and diaspora. Even if you left us, you are still part of our identity.
• Homeland, family, and individual. The individual is a national value and must be valued and should not be mistreated because of the color of their clothes. The society cannot decide what color of clothes the individual must wear on the streets. You must be able to wear whatever color represents your identity.
• The Church and Christianity. Today they claim we mistreat the Church but that is not true. If there are specific individuals within the Church who discredit the Church with their actions and give the Government the right to respond, that is not the Government's fault.
• Armenian folk and modern music and dance, theater, and architecture.
• Nature with its diversity.
continue here, զահլես գնաց
What is the connection between these national values and the performance of the 2023 budget? There is a direct link. The budget is meant to serve those values.
Now some budget numbers from 2023:
• The 8.7% economic growth was above the 7% annual average growth that we set during the 2021 electoral campaign.
• Armenia's economy has grown by around 30% since 2018.
• GDP per capita compared to 2017 grew in real terms by 37% in drams and doubled in dollars.
• Over 206,000 new jobs were recorded in Dec 2023 vs Dec 2017.
• The unemployment is down by 5% but there was a change in methodology so it's not very accurate to compare with the distant past, but under the new methodology in 2023 also the unemployment decreased, to 12%.
• Tax collection was up by ֏298B or +14.5% YoY, and up by ֏1.063T or +92% compared to 2017.
• Citizens received ֏68B in income tax refunds, up by ֏63B from 2018.
• 37,000 applicants have received mortgage loans since 2017 as part of the special program. The increase is 1648%. Under this program, part of the income tax you pay is returned to you to buy a house, while the other part is used for building roads and infrastructure for your building. The construction quality is not necessarily great including because of historically low construction volumes; our companies didn't have enough experience. That leads us to...
• Capital expenditures were ֏494B which is 3.3x greater than the 2018 volumes. Part of this were defense projects, but defense was included in the past as well. It's time to raise the construction standards in Armenia. When a school roof collapses on a student's head, he develops a negative attitude towards the State.
• The "added value" refunds to businesses amounted to ֏88B, up 3.2 times since 2018.
• Average nominal monthly salary grew 14.6% YoY, while real wages with the inflation taken into account grew by 12.4%.
• Real wages have increased by over 30% since 2018.
• Seniors received over ֏5B in cashback for shopping with bank cards instead of cash. The non-cash turnover by seniors grew to ֏60B. It's suspicious that "seniors" used their cards to purchase very large quantities of cigarettes last year, so we might have to restrict the types of goods that qualify under this program so that our seniors and their grandchildren can live a healthy lifestyle.
source, source,

Finance Minister about the economy in 2023

HOVHANNISYAN: We have finally overcome the chronic underperformance of the capital expenditure budget. 2021: 92.5%, 2022: 94.9%, 2023: 95.8%.
Not only the performance rate has improved, but the size of expenditures has also increased by ֏105B ($271M). That additional sum was spent on defense, road networks, urban development, water networks, ...
The debt grew by 14.5%, driven by a 31% increase in internal debt. The debt-to-GDP ratio was 48%. To control the risks, we increased the share of dram and internal debt, while diversifying the debt in foreign currency by decreasing dollars and increasing euros.
source, source, source,

Why was the Catholicos Garegin B briefly prevented from approaching the Sardarapat Monument yesterday?

Context: Ex-regime protesters attempted to derail Pashinyan's ceremony yesterday morning so Pashinyan had to postpone his visit to the afternoon. The Catholicos, who is the protest co-organizer Archbishop Galstanyan's boss, also arrived in the afternoon.
PASHINYAN: He approached the area of the state ceremony without an invitation and we weren't informed that he expected an invitation. The police wanted to clarify whether the Catholicos came to continue the provocation started by his Archbishop. After the police received the assurances that the visit was only ceremonial, his entry was authorized to the area where the state ceremony was taking place. Catholicos is the leader of the movement [co-led by Archbishop Galstanyan] that earlier took steps to obstruct the ceremony, so the police had to clarify his intent.

Is there a chance Armenia and Azerbaijan could sign a peace agreement this year, perhaps during COP29?

PASHINYAN: Every day is a great day to sign a peace agreement as long as there is an agreement around the text of the peace agreement. To be more precise, an agreement around the principles has already been reached during the meetings in Prague, Sochi, and Brussels. The only thing left is to reflect these agreements in the peace agreement. I believe we have an opportunity to conclude this work soon.

Why is Azerbaijan avoiding mentioning the 1991 Almaty Declaration in the peace agreement if we have already begun using it for delimitation?

PASHINYAN: There are nuances here and I'd like to share some details with you. In reality, the work around the peace agreement's text is multi-layered, and sometimes the sentences and comments made regarding the agreement are not always perceived accurately by those who do not possess the full details of the text and dynamics. FM Mirzoyan and NatSec Grigoryan have spoken about that, but the perception and reality might not match. In reality, Armenia and Azerbaijan have already agreed to refer to Almaty in one of the sections of the peace agreement that has been accepted by both parties. So [what Mirzoyan and Grigoryan were saying about Azerbaijan's refusal to include Almaty] is about something else, something I cannot comment on because there is diplomatic work around it.
QUESTION: In other words, Azerbaijan is not refusing to solidify the Almaty by including it in the peace agreement?
PASHINYAN: Let's recall the public statements made by Baku recently. The President of Azerbaijan announced that they are committed to the Prague agreement and the Almaty Declaration. During the process of reproducing that in the peace agreement, there are work issues that can be resolved. There are sensitive diplomatic nuances preventing me from discussing this in-depth publicly.

Are we close to a peace agreement?

PASHINYAN: There is a very significant change in the atmosphere but we haven't reached the end yet.

Any update on lifting the blockade on Armenia?

PASHINYAN: The Crossroads of Peace reflects our understanding of unblocking every communication link in the region. We are ready to implement it at any moment, including with Azerbaijan. The CoP is larger than Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Why did your wife organize a "party" while northern Armenia was struck by a disaster? [was she wearing shorts by any chance]

PASHINYAN: The primary beneficiaries of that event, which was planned 6 months ago, were the mothers who lost their sons in the 2020 war. They need support to overcome the grief.

Will you meet Archbishop Galstanyan?

PASHINYAN: I regularly meet people. There is a procedure to schedule a meeting with me. Everyone can contact us to be added to the list. //
ARCHBISHOP GALSTANYAN: It is the government that should want to meet us, not the other way around. Their actions display convulsions. Pashinyan will leave, he is smart. //
People began to take notice of the repeated nature of statements by opposition leaders that Pashinyan would be removed or leave "soon" under the pressure of the Holy Struggle. Famous actor Hovhannes Azoyan (curly Hovo) made fun of the "1-hour" ultimatum Bagrat gave to Pashinyan on May 9:
AZOYAN: Հրապարակը զբաղեցրած սառցազանին մի հատ ժամացույց նվիրեք ու ասեք, որ 1 ժամը 1 ամիս ա արդեն անցել ա, համ էլ շոգերը, որ եկավ … հալելու է
source, source, source,

from an interview with ex-PM Aram Sargsyan about Armenia's industry and factories, and protests

SARGSYAN: The Church [leadership, not just Bagrat] has entered politics by making statements unprecedented since the 1990s, which opens the door for politicians to enter the Church and treat it as a political opponent. There is a clash of two ideologies right now, between those who prefer Russia and CSTO, like the ARF, and those who prefer the West. At least Robert Kocharyan had the courage to be open about who he is, the possibility of joining a Russian Union, and what he supports, unlike those who deny their affiliation. This group's global interests align with that of Russia and they don't have a functional peace plan.
REPORTER: Do you believe Archbishop Galstanyan and the forces surrounding him in Republic Square want to move Armenia closer to Russia?
SARGSYAN: Of course. That's what they presented in their plan. They formed a wing of diplomats consisting of former officials from the foreign ministry, led by Vartan Oskanian. They read the document, according to which it's unacceptable to change Armenia's foreign vector today and that it's necessary to strengthen cooperation with Russia. We did strengthen ties with Russia, and what did that give us in Nagorno-Karabakh?
REPORTER: Your opponents say the infrastructure-for-debt was done under your administration while you were a Prime Minister, and that you supported it.
SARGSYAN: A total lie. First, the infrastructure-for-debt happened in 2003 under PM Andranik Margaryan [with Robert Kocharyan as President], who signed the documents. Under my tenure, even the ՀԷՑ (power network) that they planned to sell...
REPORTER: I was referring to the preparatory work...
SARGSYAN: ... the ՀԷՑ was supposed to be sold not to Russia but to a Western firm with a presence in Georgia. One of the main advocates of that deal was the current President of Armenia. But I saw a massive corruption risk and I took steps to exclude ՀԷՑ from privatization. Not a single state company of this kind was privatized under my tenure.
Under my tenure, we resumed the operations of the Nairit Chemical Plant. Robert Kocharyan is alive so you can verify this with him: When I offered to relaunch Nairit, Kocharyan told me that it was a "black hole" and that any investment would be lost. As a man from the industry, I disagreed and said there was an opportunity to resume its operations. Kocharyan told me to prepare a written statement that I assume full responsibility for Nairit and any losses. Nairit had a total of 8 ացեկ(?) and it functioned with 6 ացեկ during USSR. The other 2 were routinely stopped for repairs. It was profitable. We launched it with just 2 ացեկ with the other 6 suspended, yet it was still profitable. We didn't reinvent the wheel there. Do you know how we managed to do it? I issued an order that Nairit's output could only be sold by its director and with his signature. Prior to that, anyone could just sell the product and pocket the cash; it was a massive network of corruption. So Nairit worked under my tenure.
We also relaunched the Agarak copper combine under my tenure. At the time the mine was entirely flooded with water. Kajaran's director Maxim helped me fix it; he had the pumps to remove the water. In return, I helped Maxium with his problems. He told me that his molybdenum was being processed without giving him money so his factory was on the brink of bankruptcy. Since I knew how smelters(?) worked, I stayed in Ghapan for a week to help him install two of those. So they failed to push Kajaran to bankruptcy to buy it out. Who wanted to buy it? You know who, because they were able to execute their plan after my departure. Kocharyan wanted it to go bankrupt.
I didn't want to brag about this, but any time if I had any involvement with industrial factories, it was in order to make them function. I know the industry. I think Pashinyan is a terribly bad economist with zero record of resuming abandoned factories.
Bagrat Galstanyan took a swipe at me saying if you were a man why didn't you build the factory in Yeraskh [Context: Azeris shot at the Indian workers so the factory had to be moved]. First, I'm not the one building that factory, it's a US company with my brother's son-in-law owning a share. Good for him. Okay, let's suggest I'm the one building it. This is the only factory that's being built in Armenia today with real money. If you drive nearby you'll see the modern...
REPORTER: ... what stage of construction has it reached?
SARGSYAN: They invested $6M but Azerbaijanis shot at it so they moved the location further away, when you turn left from the so-called Zod bridge. It's a beautiful factory. It's different from every factory built in the USSR.
REPORTER: When will they finish the construction?
SARGSYAN: A metal smelter, especially for copper, usually takes 4-5 years but they want it in 2-3 years.
REPORTER: What will they melt?
SARGSYAN: At first they will work with scrap. Armenia doesn't have enough scrap so they'll import it.
When they built the two factories in Hrazdan, they were for the ferrum mines in Hrazdan. There were legal processes there as well, surrounding ex-Nature Minister Vardan Ayvazyan, the Chinese, $30 million, etc. The fate of these mines is unclear today but it was all calculated during the USSR. The factories in Hrazdan were almost ready and they could function if there was a good government.
The same about perlite. Armenia has massive reserves of those; it's the largest amount of mining material Armenia has today. It's going unused.
A British company offered a water resource program. They wanted to invest about 6.4 billion. I brought the plan and showed it to Pashinyan, and we took it to ANIF. Do you know why it didn't work? Because Armenia lacks the legal framework and the legal mechanisms. You have to import many substances and equipment and store them the right way. All of this requires the right legislative framework for the investor to understand what to do. This is why investors build hotels instead of complex factories in Armenia.
REPORTER: Do you expect Armenia and Azerbaijan to sign a peace agreement this year?
SARGSYAN: Last year I spoke with various US political circles and they were full of hope that the agreement would be signed in 2023. But Azerbaijan carried out the removal of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh and the peace process stopped. Americans understood that Azerbaijan lied to them and that it wasn't an honest partner. I believe this will one day be used to punish Azerbaijan, especially since there is a World Court order. There was almost no talk about the peace agreement afterward.
It resumed on April 3 with Anthony Blinken's phone call to Aliyev. Prior to this, Azerbaijan wanted Armenia to withdraw from 4 villages without officially delimiting borders. After the April 3 conversation, Aliyev wrote on his official website that he is committed to Prague and Almaty. This was followed by the April 19 AM-AZ border delimitation document with "Delimitation" in the title and the 1976 maps [and Almaty as principle].

opposition and ruling MPs traded jabs during a parliamentary hearing

The opposition has so far been allowed to hold their Republic Square gatherings and marches across the city without clashes with the police. The police forcefully remove activists from the streets when they shut down traffic outside of those events. The opposition complained about excessive force during the unblocking of roads.
On Wednesday a pro-Russian opposition MP asked a ministry official if they pay the police officers in Azerbaijani manats to use excessive force. The room exploded with insults. A ruling party MP, in turn, accused the opposition MPs of being paid in Russian rubles.
RULING MP: How many millions of rubles did Korotchenko send you and what percentage of that did you embezzle? When people send you rubles, at least have the decency and don't steal the rubles because they keep complaining about it while referring to you as [unintelligible].
video, video,

drone video of the Akhtala bridge damaged during Saturday night floods


government members provide updates on disaster zone efforts:

• River water levels continue to sharply drop, allowing more restoration activities to be carried out.
• Significant work was done on the M6 road and other roads, allowing utility services to reach new areas for restoration activities.
• Utility services have been partially restored in several communities.
• In two days the main sections of M6 road will become accessible but certain areas will be one-way for now.
• A meeting was held with railway experts to discuss the use of undamaged parts of the railway network. The railway will function until Ayrum station, where the cargo will be unloaded and distributed to other parts of Armenia with trucks. The crews are currently strengthening the bridge near Ayrum to allow trucks to use it.
• Railway tracks were damaged in Georgia as well but it's minor and they'll repair it in 3 days.
• Discussions were held with bridge experts to modify some bridges to make them usable.
• The number of volunteers has increased to 200. They help with cleanup.
• Backyards and buildings are being cleaned up in Alaverdi, and the trapped vehicles are being removed. The main work will conclude tomorrow in certain neighborhoods.
• Groups are dispatched every day to the villages [partially] isolated from other communities to assess the needs and evaluate the property damage. Various methods are being discussed for restoring a primary road connection.
• The water pipe feeding Akhtala was destroyed. It could be fixed within "days". A 4-ton water truck arrived there to serve the residents.
• Drones were used for delivery in some areas.
• Ախթալա, Շամլուղ, Մեծ Այրում, Փոքր Այրում, Ճոճկան, Բենդիկ currently have electricity, gas (except in Akhtala's station district), water (except in all of Akhtala), communication, and necessities.
video, source, video, center-left in the last photo... noice,

anti-corruption: former head of Yerevan's Arabkir district is charged with felony abuse of power

Authorities say the 2005-2007 head of the Arabkir district used his relative to illegally sell part of a park and legalize an illegal building on it.

anti-corruption: two customs agents are charged with accepting large bribes from businesses in return for ignoring violations


anti-corruption: authorities raided the Armavir Medical Center and detained the deputy director and head of the ambulance department


U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and Armenia's Interior Ministry signed a cooperation agreement to combat narco-trafficking


Saudi Arabia's newly appointed Ambassador Salman Abd Al-Rahman Al-Sheikh submits a copy of his credentials to Armenia's Deputy Foreign Minister Kostanyan

The two discussed the expansion of cooperation, mutual visits, the unblocking of regional roads, and the formation of a legal framework between the AM-SA relations. Armenia and Saudi Arabia established diplomatic relations in 2023.

European Film Festival launches in Yerevan with 23 films

It will open with a film from Belgium, the country currently holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The festival will be closed on 7 June 2024 with the Armenian film ‘Aurora’s Sunrise.’ The festival is open to the public free of charge.

Armenia will host yet another international sports competition

2026 European Shooting Championships
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:50 YourFavoriteFeline The 9/11 and New Year's 2004 shifts are a myth, cope!

Some people in the sub acknowledge that 9/11 wasn't an overnight shift for culture or that the 2004 shift didn't happen until the end of the year, but there are way too many normies, whether it be ignorant Zoomers or biased Millennials, who believe August 2001 or December 2003 was pure Y2K and all late 90s or early 2000s culture was magically replaced by McBling overnight.
Firstly, let's look at 2001. Things were beginning to change regardless of 9/11. George W. Bush was inaugurated, the rest of the 6th gen consoles were set to release, and teen pop was becoming long in the tooth, just to name a few things. 9/11 was the beginning of the early 2000s politically, but Y2K influence would gradually fade over 3 years rather than overnight.
Now, let's take a look at 2003. While the beginning of the year was arguably the peak of the early 2000s, things began shifting throughout the year.
The beginning of the Iraq War was the beginning of the mid-2000s from a political perspective. There was also the Mission Accomplished Speech a few months later. However, the cultural aspect was much more gradual. In June 2003, DVDs surpassed VHS in popularity. In September 2003, two important things happened; crunk music became mainstream and Windows XP overtook Windows 9x in popularity. And finally, by the end of the year, Saddam Hussein was captured. I would also like to add that the PS1/PSX or N64 wasn't mainstream in 2003, that's pure cope. I think it's obvious that 2003 was the first part of the early to mid-2000s transition, at least culturally.
As for 2004, it was mostly filler. The only important event that occurred at the beginning of the year was Nipplegate, which wasn't enough to start a new era. No single event was. March, April, and May 2004 were mostly stagnant. May 2004 had the Friends and Frasier finales, but that's pretty much it. Again, not enough to be considered the beginning of a new era. The first somewhat significant event after Nipplegate was broadband surpassing dial-up in June 2004. I can see why some people would think the summer of 2004 is more McBling because of this. However, the majority of the stereotypical McBling things weren't present, aside from crunk music. Emo didn't blow up in popularity until around September 2004, when the 2004-2005 school year began. Anyone who claims it was ubiquitous beforehand is coping. MySpace didn't become popular until the tail end of the year. It's ridiculous how much 2004 is associated with MySpace, given how late its popularity was. It wasn't until the fourth quarter. Yes, the fourth quarter had World of Warcraft and the Nintendo DS, but the majority of the year lacked these things and people didn't hop onto them immediately. It's bizarre how people try to rewrite history.

2000-2001 school yeaseason: Y2K
Summer of 2001 + 2001-2002 school yeaseason: Y2K/2K1 cusp
2002-2003 school yeaseason: 2K1
2003-2004 school yeaseason + Summer of 2004: 2K1/McBling cusp
2004-2005 school yeaseason: McBling

Y2K: 1997-2002
2K1: 2001-2004
McBling: 2004-2008

Why can't normies accept that eras overlap with each other?
submitted by YourFavoriteFeline to decadeology [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:19 Chocolaxe AITA for cutting ties with my suicidal friend after he, ignoring my advice and warnings, got back with his consistently-lying Ex?

Note: all names said in this are fake and my structure/writing is shit.
Around two years ago I made friends with Anna, who I met though her half-brother. During that time I also met Ollie, I don’t remember how I made friends with him, but he was a quiet guy so must’ve came up to him one day. Us three were the main trio of a friend group, mixed with friends of Ollie’s and Anna’s, and I being the bridge between the two groups.
Somewhere around a year after we became friends, Anna tells me she has a crush on Ollie. She tells me about how she’s planning on inviting him to town and confessing her feelings. I support her on this and she eventually builds up the courage to go and do it. Those two end up together and became quite literally inseparable. On the bus, between classes, during break and lunch, they’d go to each other like magnets and metal.
Beginning of 2024, Anna began telling us about a guy she’s friends with. I’ll call him Terrence. While she told us about him, she tells me that he’s South African (She does so because I’m South African as well) and how he’s currently there on holiday. Me and Ollie began hating on him for no reason, simply for jokes. I took it as an opportunity to make racist remarks on him while he started going on about how Anna shouldn’t have guy friends (again, we were having a giggle). It was funny until she send us texts, several texts, of Terrence sending her snaps of him and calling her ‘princess’ or ‘baby’. Me and Ollie, especially Ollie, tell her to block him multiple times, but she doesn’t because she’s friends with some people he’s friends with. She does tell him to cut it out and makes it clear she’s seeing someone, but Terrence continues.
For the next three months, he shows up more and more frequently at school, and Anna keeps running to him and spending more time around him than Ollie, and Ollie is getting pissed.
Now here’s some background about Ollie. He has anger issues, with a history of getting into nasty fights back in primary. He’s an absolute introvert who’s never been in a relationship and only just started getting out his shell. And he’s picked on by many people for his background, personality, etc. (He’s German, you can sadly see where that is going)
At some point during a day off school, I get a text from Anne that she and Ollie have broken up. They got into a fight and she broke up with him for ‘mental health purposes’. I asked her if maybe she could work stuff out with him first, knowing that Ollie may blame himself for whatever happened, but she refused. I checked up on Ollie and he gave me some info. Apparently Anne broke off from him after he told her to ‘look for someone else that can keep you content’ while she was texting random guys on Snapchat.
With how badly Ollie was affected, finding it difficult to take care of himself, I found myself siding with him and found it hard to talk to Anne. Exactly a week later, she tells me she’s dating Terrence, and to make sure Ollie is okay for her. He was anything but okay, telling me he’s given up on eating and hurt himself as soon as he found out. Me and a friend of Anne’s helped him get better, which took a while, and fortunately he got back to being himself and even got a new girlfriend. I ended up blocking Anne after she told me that she’s with Terrence.
Things were going well, until Anne starts texting him, out of no where sending him TikToks, texting him good morning nearly every day, etc. I told him so many times to block her, but he kept unblocking her or would ‘forget’ to block her in the first place.
Then, she and Terrence broke up, and she went crying to Ollie. I realised that she’d most likely try to ask him out again, but Ollie didn’t believe me. Turns out I was right as the next day she tried her luck. He said he blocked her, but two days later he’s off texting her again. He told me about how she’s upset and all her friends are leaving her, and I noticed she’s still trying to win him over.
But, throughout all this Anne’s mutuals and other friends of mine have been asking me how Ollie and Anne are, and the situation between them. I had no clue what they were on about until I was sent snapchats, status posts and screenshots of them together, texting each other and all. Along side this, one of Anne’s mutuals, and a great friend of mine, told me that she’s seeing Terrence again.
My conclusion was clear, she’s trying to have both Ollie and Terrence, but if I told Ollie then he’d just get angry, and if I was wrong then it would be even worse. So I go to one person I knew who would know: Anne’s half-brother’s girlfriend.
She hates Anne’s guts, finds her childish and immature with any and all relationships she’s had. I asked her how Anne is doing, since she’s friendly with Terrence and Ollie, and she told me ‘she’s trying to get with both of them’. My hutch was right. She then tells me that her and Anne’s half-brother told Anne that she’s wrong for doing what she’s doing, and that she can only choose one. Anne said she chose Terrence, but then flipped over to Ollie.
After that, on my way home, I left and cut out all the groups I was in with Ollie. I did this because I couldn’t stand how all my advice, my effort and energy has been wasted. As much as Ollie was a great friend, he was being stupid, and I promised myself to not be around people who make stupid decisions that affect me or our friendship. He was also very two-faced, complaining about the amount she texted him in the morning but then pushed me out the way to get to her between lessons.
He quickly found out and texted me, asking why I’m angry and that he’s ’in love’. I exposed Anne to him, revealing how she’s lying, getting with him and Terrence at the same time, using every spell in the book to make him follow along. But when I told him, he always responded with either ‘I would’ve been told’ or ‘but she told me that she was forced to’.
I saw how the conversation wasn’t getting anywhere and that he wasn’t listening to me, again, and so I blocked him. Anne tried reaching out to me through a mutual, but I simply told them to ignore her. Ollie tried continuing the conversation through someone else, but I told them they if I get any more texts regarding the situation, I’ll simply cut ties with them too. He also asked my friends about the stuff, asking how I have any right to be mad, but when they gave him my reasons he wouldn’t take it. It’s close to exam period and I’d like to focus on studies while I still can.
Now Ollie thinks I’m talking shit about him and sharing personal information when I’ve admitted he was a nice friend to have, all the information was given to me by other people, and that I’ve never shown anyone else our messages. He threatened to report me to the school for those reasons, even though he has no evidence for any of them, and if my phone was searched were wouldn’t be any still.
He broke up with Anne a second time during that, upon which Anne tried reaching me again (for some reason), but failed. And two days later they got back together.
I don’t see why they keep looking to me for advice, not take it, and then once I remove myself from their situation suddenly I’m the problem. I explained my feelings to some of my friends and they’ve told me I’m in the right and that I have good reasons to be mad; they’d be mad too.
So AITA for cutting ties with my friend when he didn’t take my advice and caused problems for our friendship?
submitted by Chocolaxe to AITAH [link] [comments]
