Melissa wheat

Safe Forage Items?

2024.05.04 04:53 pop_rokz Safe Forage Items?

Safe Forage Items?
I got this forage mix at Walmart and I just wanted to make sure it’s safe for my hamster. I’ll attach a picture, but the mix looks really good for a ham, and the brand looks like it knows what it’s doing. But im not so sure, cuz I never seen them before. I did check on Google, but it’s hard to believe them.
Also, if this is safe, how often should I give it to him? I was thinking once a week in a small amount, mixed in with his normal seed mix
List of Ingredients:
・Pea Flakes
・Oat Flakes
・Wheat Flakes
・Dried Marigold
・Red Beet
・Puffed Wheat
・Puffed Maize
・Edible Leaves (it doesn’t specify)
・Maize Flakes
・Dried Cornflowers
・Dried Carrots (im assuming)
・Red Clover
・Peppermint (it’s a very small amount, says 1%)
・Rose Petals
There’s also Timothy Hay in there, dunno why it doesn’t say that in the ingredients. The only way I know is because I can smell it.
submitted by pop_rokz to hamsters [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 19:32 Maxplode Is this herb salad safe to give?

Is this herb salad safe to give?
As a treat of courses :)
submitted by Maxplode to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 22:00 Jellytoast_hotmuffin Are all these ingredients safe? Looking to make my own rat food mix for elderly ratties.

Are all these ingredients safe? Looking to make my own rat food mix for elderly ratties.
My rats are all over a year now and I’m concerned about feeding them commercial rat food, it’s extremely confusing and I want to make sure I’m doing thing’s perfectly. Let me know what you put in your homemade mix and what commercial rat foods are completely safe.
submitted by Jellytoast_hotmuffin to RATS [link] [comments]

2024.02.27 18:19 jelly_belly_69 Feedback welcome!

Feedback welcome!
This is my first boule, not my first time baking with sourdough. I think I slightly overbaked based on the burnt tips, but it tastes great. I’m curious about the crumb and if I need to make adjustments to better that.
Recipe from sourdough cookbook for beginners by Eric Rusch and Melissa Johnson:
100% hydration
350g bread flour 150g whole wheat flour 380g water 70g starter 10g salt
submitted by jelly_belly_69 to Sourdough [link] [comments]

2024.02.11 22:24 Human-Ad9835 Commercial treat mix?

Commercial treat mix?
I’m thinking about making some chin safe cookies and I found this in Walmart but I’m not 100% on these ingredients in it. Most of them I know are safe but puffed maize? Is that ok? I intend to make the cookies out of mostly his regular pelleted food blended with added herbs like this (or safe ones like this) and water baked. I’m growing sage herbs but I was trying to decide if this is safe for an in between situation.
Any thoughts?
submitted by Human-Ad9835 to chinchilla [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 01:35 ArcherUnleashed I’m a divorced 32 y.o. immigrant, making $67k as a teacher in Dallas, TX, and I have joint custody of a dog

I am a 32F living in Dallas, Texas on a teacher’s salary. I’ve lived in the US for ~8 years. I am newly(ish) divorced. My ex-spouse is buying me out of the (very modest) house that we had bought and paid off in full together, but I have not got the funds yet; thus, they are not included in my assets below.
Section One: Assets and Debts
Roth IRA: $18,300
Individual investment account: $4,400
Savings accounts: $6,088
Checking account: $1300
Car value: $10,000
Car loan: $7,125
Medical debt: $1,150 (last year, I spent almost $15k out of pocket on a surgery and some dental work, which I was able to mostly pay off through a combination of using some emergency savings, picking up a side hustle, and being extremely frugal, but I still have the aforementioned amount left on my hospital bill and some expenses I put on 0% APR credit card, listed below)
Credit card debt (interest-free): $759
Student loans: $0 (went to Uni in my home country where we generally don’t have to pay for education)
Total net worth: $31,054
Section two: Income
Salary progression: I started as an Instructional Assistant making $32,100 in 2017. I got promoted a year later, and my starting teacher salary was $53,200. Since then, we’ve been given steady raises - including one big state-approved jump - eventually getting me to where I am now.
Current salary: $67,710
Bi-monthly paycheck: $2,270
Monthly net: $4,540.55
Supplemental income: ranging between $2,500-$3,000/year (this comes from the same employer and includes longevity bonus, performance bonus, stipend for sponsoring a school club, tutoring, Saturday school - all depending on how hard I’m willing to hustle).
Section three: Expenses
Fixed costs:
Rent: $1,200 (with utilities)
Internet and phone: $100
Medical debt and dental insurance: $171
Car payment: $196
Car insurance: $120/mo (approx.)
Subscriptions: $35
Fixed savings/investments:
Roth IRA: $700/mo until maxed out
Emergency savings: $200/mo
Travel fund: $100/mo
Variable expenses (how much I budget for them, not necessarily spend this exact amount):
Dog: $200
Groceries: $350 (includes convenience store snacks and occasional fast-food takeout)
Gas: $120
Household items: $150
Gifts/donations: $100
Education (teacher expenses): $50
Entertainment/social life: $500 (includes outings, happy hours, concert tickets, clubbing, books, booze, etc.)
Hobbies: $50
Buffemiscellaneous: $100
Day 1
6:30 am. Today is Thursday, and I snoozed my alarm twice. Usually, I try to get up at 6 and be at school by 7 am. My breakfast today was eggs and toast with some cheddar. I managed to get out of the door by 7:05. My commute is 3 min (the best thing about my apartment!) so I have some time to read the NYT newsletter and solve Wordle and Connections (as well as start on the Spelling Bee) before students arrive.
7:40 am: I have a homeroom group of 10 students, and currently they’re working on posters to advertise our community project, which is collecting donations for SPCA. They go to their first class at 8:15, and my planning period starts. If I don’t have meetings, I usually spend planning by getting the materials ready for the day and fine-tuning my lesson. I have a broad picture for the upcoming weeks, but I’m really bad at planning in detail for more than 1-2 days ahead. I also order some stuff on Amazon: a $13 book (Heartstopper #5 for my students - teen girls love gay romance, and I love when kids read, so it’s a win-win for all) and 2-pack Polaroid film ($30). I canceled my Amazon prime because I realized it was actually incentivizing me to buy more often, and not necessarily things that brought me any joy or served a purpose. Now I just wait to accumulate enough stuff in my cart to qualify for free shipping.
9:50 am: First class of the day. Very rowdy; lots of boys, and after lots of “No miss, it was his fault! - No, he started first!!”, we got through it. Today’s concept is Facts vs Opinions, and they have a basic understanding of the subject (thankfully!), but there’s always somewhere deeper to go. The next class is somewhat chiller, and it’s broken up by lunch.
12:30 pm: I always bring lunch from home (I meal prep), and for this week I made a chicken & broccoli casserole. On B days (we have a block schedule) I eat with coworkers. We discuss our students and just air out frustrations. I get back to my classroom with 10 min left to be alone for a bit. I remember about a cannabis stock I wanted to purchase, so I transfer $100 to my individual account to play with (in my Roth, I mostly invest in index funds) and purchase 20 shares.
1 pm: The class returns; we finish our work, and the last class of the day is from 1:50pm to 3:20 pm. I share that one with a co-teacher who’s the best one I’ve worked with so far. She is truly a godsend! Being a SPED teacher is no joke, so I’m really grateful to have her. Students are dismissed, and by 3:45pm everyone has gone home, but teachers clock out at 4.
4:10 pm: I get home, change, tidy up a little and head to the laundromat. I don’t have a washer and dryer (bummer) so I reload my laundry card ($10), start the wash, and go for a walk in the local park in the meantime. I return around 5:30 to dry the clothes and head home.
6 pm: Dinner time! I try keeping my dinners very simple and fast to make. Yesterday and today it’s a salad (spring mix, tuna, chili oil, walnuts, banana peppers), and my usual dinner companions are couch and TV. Today I am rewatching “How to Get Rich” on Netflix. I feel like after listening to his podcast, I have a different perspective on the show, and it feels heavily edited and finetuned compared to the podcast.
6:15 pm: I am done with dinner and decide not to finish the episode because I have lots of books I can’t wait to read. I actually started the current one, “Bullshit Jobs” by David Graeber, back in 2020, but foolishly abandoned it for others in queue. It’s a fascinating read, and I can’t help but recognize some of those “BS jobs” types amongst our school admin…
7:30 pm: I brew some tea and prepare a snack of meringues and walnuts as I sit down to start this diary. As I’m typing, I realize that this level of detail might be a bit too much. Also, I’m not as good of a writer as I imagined myself to be: this reads so dry and boring!!
8 pm: I spend the rest of my day just tidying little things around the house, reading some more, texting with my bf, etc. I shower and do my skincare routine, and I’m in bed by 10. My boyfriend calls me to say he won’t be able to make it to my place this weekend due to some family stuff (we live in different cities). I’m a bit bummed but there’s nothing I can do about it. I read a bit more before bed, and it’s lights out by 11 pm.
Total expenses: $153
Day 1
6 am: Despite being so tired the day before, I couldn’t fall asleep till 1, so waking up is extra hard today. After breakfast (eggs+toast), I head to school and solve my word games by 7:30 am. Today’s schedule is shorter due to the semester awards ceremony, so by 11 am I’m done with two classes.
11 am: I use my planning period to map out the next week’s lessons (library visit, written responses, maybe start on Ethos-Pathos-Logos) and print out Amazon receipts. We get $250/year to purchase any extra supplies we need, and I submit my book receipts to get $75 back. Win! I also schedule my follow-up ultrasound (I had breast surgery last year) and a dental appointment. Both of those things cost me an arm and a leg in 2023, so I’m dreading spending more money out of pocket, but better safe than sorry. Also, why does scheduling one appointment take 25 min??? American healthcare is not only cruel but also ridiculous.
2 pm: Awards ceremony. It’s a long, drawn out ordeal that we endure at least twice a year. A bunch of names are called out, the audience is bored, and I can’t wait to get out of here. Still, some students seem genuinely overjoyed to get an award, and my heart is singing for them.
4 pm: I clock out and head home where I take off my makeup, change into pjs and fall into bed for a nap. I want to resist it but am terrified of another sleepless night if I brave myself till bedtime. An hour later, I’m heavenly rested and really hungry.
5:30 pm: I prepare a quick dinner of canned veg chili and a broiled toast with butter and cheddar. Delicious and hearty! I finish the “How to get rich” show, feeling very underwhelmed this time around. Now that TV time is over, I'm thinking of running some errands, but decide to stay home and chill instead. Bonus: no spending!
7 pm: I sit down to write this diary. Another pretty eventless day, and I can’t help but feel I could be doing much better things with my life. But then again, I’m not starving or dying, my rent and bills are paid, there’s food in my tummy, and lots of books wherever I cast my eye. I spent my day trying to educate some children, and not just staring at my computer inputting pointless data. As my boyfriend likes to say, “it could always be worse”.
11 pm: Skincare routine and shower done; book read; lights out.
Total expenses: $0
Day three
9:30 am: I have a brunch with my bestie planned, which I was looking forward to all week! After dolling up and snapping some selfies to send to my boyfriend, I head out to meet her.
11 am: The fancy French bistro we planned to go to only opens at 4:30 (whaat?) so we head out to our usual, less fancy watering hole, to start with.
1 pm: We’re on our third bar, and I can’t get enough of our girl talk. I cherish these times with her (the talk was priceless, but the brunch came up to $74). For no reason, she gifted me an amazing dress she found in Urban Outfitters on sale, and that’s just a small part of why she’s awesome. She’s like a true sister to me, always there to listen and support, and it’s only thanks to her I made it out of my dark times through my divorce. The money I spend on our get-togethers comes from my “Social life” budget, which I keep protected at all costs!
4 pm: I never plan anything important or labor-intensive on brunch days (for obvious reasons), including making food, so for lunch, I head to Sonic ($5.39 total for a chicken slinger and fries) on my way to the movie theater. I decide to watch “Mean Girls”, and a silly movie usually calls for some ridiculously overpriced popcorn ($8). Good thing the movie was free (I had a voucher), because I end up leaving early: it sucks so bad, despite the really great cast!
6 pm: It dawns on me that I'm in the vicinity of Joann’s, so I head there to buy some yarn to finish a knitted bunny I was making for my boyfriend’s sister. Joann’s always has coupons but my yarn was already on sale ($4.46)
8 pm: Finally home for good, and I turn on Netflix and choose the first movie that looks good. I’ve learned it the hard way (gone are the days when I browsed for hours, adding all good looking movies to my Watchlist and ending up not watching anything). “Queenpins” turns out to be fresh, hilarious, and exciting, and I’m glad I didn’t overlook it! This is the last thing I did that day that was worth mentioning.
Total expenses: $91.85
Day four
10 am: Cream of wheat, coffee, and dithering about. I remember that I still haven’t purchased a ticket to see my friend in California in February. The last few times I checked, prices crawled from $258 to $348 to $478, and it was stressing me out and kept me paralyzed. I finally got my shit together and found two separate tickets, which, including trip insurance, cost $324.54. Even though I have a dedicated “travel fund”, I always try to cover all expenses by transferring money from the checking account and not touching any savings unless absolutely necessary, thus resulting in the feeling I live paycheck to paycheck (which, admittedly, I do). Weird logic, but I can’t help it!
12 pm: I haven’t seen my family of origin in 3 years, but I call my mom on Whatsapp every Sunday. Almost two years after the fact, she’s still heartbroken over my divorce and hasn’t forgiven me for it, so our conversation is very surface-level and a bit tense. But then again, I don’t remember any other conversations I’ve had with her in all of my life, so I’m not sure why I still get upset over it.
3 pm: After vacuuming the house, I leave to get groceries. I go to Aldi first, then to Tom Thumb for whatever I didn’t want to get in Aldi. Besides food ($54.71), I need some household items like toilet paper and pads ($10). When I come home, I pop a frozen pizza in the oven and watch something mindless on Netflix, procrastinating on school work.
5 pm: The rest of the day is very uneventful. I usually hate Sundays anyway, but today it’s on a whole other level. Alcohol the day before + gloomy weather = recipe for sadness. Lots of crying and feeling lonely. Meal prep for the week (a pound of ground turkey and a box of Hamburger Helper makes 1 small dinner and 3 good sized lunches). I read some more of “Bullshit Jobs”, take a shower, do my skincare routine, then head to bed hoping to get a good night’s sleep, which is unlikely, considering the impending start of the work week.
Total expenses: $389.25
Day four
6 am: Alarm, trying to get up, making breakfast (cream of wheat with a spoonful of canned pumpkin and maple syrup, a small frozen waffle with cream cheese, coffee) - the usual. I’m at school by 7 am, and honestly, today is one of those days that makes me question my career. While students are taking a benchmark test, I’m silently fuming at them and browsing Reddit for other teachers’ venting. Knowing I’m not alone in my feelings helps, but not much. By lunchtime I’m absolutely exhausted, and basically counting minutes till the workday is over.
4 pm: I am getting my baby today!! My ex-husband and I switch our dog between us on Mondays, and I’m driving to my old house to pick up the pup. It’s still kinda hard to go back here. My ex kept so much of the decor that I had lovingly chosen at some point of my past life, while I took the rest. It’s sort of the same, but not really. Now it’s just a house… not a home. I try not to dwell on those feelings and just focus on my dog, who’s ectatic to see me. We drive to the park, where I let him off the leash to run a bit, and we finish our walk, both muddy and tired but ultimately content, roughly an hour later.
6 pm: At home, I make an easy dinner of canned tomato soup and a broiled toast, while my dog munches on his kibble. I finish rewatching “Get Smart With Money”, which, again, I liked much less the second time around. I’d turn it off much sooner and read a book, but my dog looks so cozy next to me, I decide to cuddle with him instead. Once he’s on my chest, it’s hard to put him back, so we stay like that for almost an hour, books be damned! I missed my baby too much.
8:30 pm: I finally get up so we can go for our second walk of the day. For this one, I usually drive to a fancy neighborhood roughly 15 min away (ironically, much closer to my old house than my current apartment). It’s misty and sort of spooky outside. I listen to the “Good Life Project” podcast while my pup is peeing on every manicured shrub he can find. By 10 pm, we’re back home.
10 pm: I need to wash and dry my hair before bed tonight, so I guess it's another late night for me (not like my insomnia had other ideas, probably). I realize I haven’t really had enough food today to sustain all those walks, so I pop some eggs to make a garlicky dip to go with ham slices. After a shower, I fix my snack and type up this diary. Before bedtime, I pick up a new book: “Milk Fed” by Melissa Broder, and holy shit is this a delicatesse! I already know it will be hard to put down, but I force myself to do it when it’s nearing midnight.
Total expenses:: $0
Day six
I was too lazy to type in this diary at the end of the day, so I’m getting back to it at the end of this journey, and honestly, I kind of don’t remember much. I know that I dropped off my dog at the daycare (he goes twice a week), had a normal day at school (classes went fine and we started a new topic on persuasion), and when I got home, I tidied up and read “Bullshit Jobs” for a bit before I had to go pick my dog up. On the way to his daycare I remembered I was almost out of dog food, so I stopped at the pharmacy to purchase a bag of kibble ($20) and a little tub of Aquaphor for my chapped hands and lips ($7). The rest of the day was probably spent having dinner, walking my dog before bed, and reading more of “Milk Fed”, which makes me crave a frozen yogurt. Maybe I’ll get one this weekend!
Total expenses: $27
Day seven
Morning: My very first class of the day pisses me off to the point of me shutting down, giving them busywork, and asking another teacher to watch my class so I could get a bag of Doritos from the teachers’ vending machine ($1) and just breathe for a bit. Honestly, while my A-days restore my faith in humanity and students and remind me why I got into teaching, my B-days just make me want to quit. The whole school day is soured by that first period, but my last class (after receiving a grave speech on behaving in the library so that the library privileges won’t be taken away) balances it out a bit.
4 pm: I arrive home, greeted by my dog (at least someone is always happy to see me!), then change and take my pup for his first big walk. It’s been raining the whole week, and the park is muddy and generally yucky, but my dog doesn’t care one bit and just frolics in the field. Ah, to be a puppy! After a little over an hour, we head to the library where I pick up my requested books (one of which is I Will Teach You to Be Rich). My dog goes with me, and he’s absolutely terrified of the elevator! It’s only two floors, but he crouches low to the ground and flies out as soon as the doors open. I also message my friend in NYC asking if it’s okay to visit her in April. She immediately replies that she’s putting the dates on the calendar, and it’s on! I make a mental note to not repeat my procrastination habit as I did with my California trip, and to purchase tickets later this week.
6:30 pm: I make dinner (canned adobo chicken chili and an open sandwich with boiled egg, white cheddar, and ham on sourdough) and turn on Netflix. “Working” has been on my list for a while, and I’m a sucker for docuseries, personal finance, and getting a glimpse into real people’s lives (hello, MoneyDiary!). However, the very first episode really angers me. Not the people, of course, but the fact that they slave away for $9/hour, having to take care of their kids, unable to save anything… and the film is created and narrated by a freaking former president!!! I mean, how can one, having had such power, see that the situation is FUBAR, and not do anything about it?? Oh well, I should be old enough to know not to put any faith in politicians.
7 pm: I make lunches for the remaining two days (salmon and rice mixed with green peas), while my pup is strongly hinting that he’s bored and needs to be played with. I wrestle with him and throw a toy around, but honestly, indoor play bores me to death, which I feel really guilty about. Instead of dwelling on that, once the lunches are prepped, we head on our second walk.
8 pm: We’re in one of the busier neighborhoods with lots of cafes and bars, and I can’t help but stop at an ice-cream shop to treat my dog to a frozen peanut butter treat in the shape of a bone. Of course, I know this is only an excuse to buy myself some ice cream as well. I think my pup is happier with his treat ($2), because the scoop of chocolate chip/marshmallow vanilla stuff ($5) isn’t all what I imagined it to be. I wish they had a froyo place around here.
10 pm: As I’m sitting down to type this diary, I realize today is its last day! I’m quite relieved, to be honest, because it’s kinda time-consuming to document life in such detail (and maybe I shouldn’t have), and it’s not the most entertaining read. Coincidentally, today is the last day of my budget cycle, and I review my monthly expenses. I’m amused to realize that from month to month, invariably, there are major categories where I underspend (for example, my Food and Entertainment expenses this time where almost twice as little as budgeted), but there are other unbudgeted for expenses that ballooned (one out-of-pocket therapy sesh, an uplanned visit to the vet, California tickets). Overall, they sort of balanced each other out, so I’m not panicking.
Total expenses: $7.7
Total weekly expenses:
Entertainment/social life: $87
Travel: $325
Household: $27
Investments: $100
Groceries: $61 Dog: $22
Hobbies: $35
TOTAL: $657
submitted by ArcherUnleashed to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.01.26 03:19 KitsuneFop Looking for feedback on making a diy food

Looking for feedback on making a diy food
I have three female mice and two male ASF(finding a vet to desex them as they are still young). I want to move away from the pellets as none of my little one like them, but they love the forage mix I give them. It’s the Naturals by rosewood, natures salad and I add freeze dried meal worms and nuts(usually almonds or walnuts or both) to the mix…is there a good grain or seed that I can also add to help this be a better diet for them? They do get dried fruit (tiny amounts) and fresh veg often to supplement…Also I have been looking for vitamins to add to their water to keep them healthy, but I can’t find any specifically for mice or ASF. Is there a recommended brand?
I do eventually want to add more ASF to my colony, but I was new to them and the pet store gave me males instead of females so I will have to wait at least till the boys are deserted before I add females.
(Apologies if this is in the notes, I am not very good at figuring out how to find things on Reddit yet.)
submitted by KitsuneFop to PetMice [link] [comments]

2024.01.14 16:59 Chino_Blanco The 2023 Brodie Award nominations are in. Last chance to add nominees before voting begins.

Nominations collected at Main Street Plaza
Best new site/blog/channel/content creator:
Girlscamp podcast by Hayley Rawle
c & A podcast
Data Over Dogma
Best YouTube channel:
Zelph on the Shelf
Exmo Lex
Nemo the Mormon
Jordan and McKay
Mormon Civil War
Best TikTok channel:
maklelan - Dan McClellan
Mormon True Crime with Beth Magnetic
Cultural Hall
post_mormone - Jessie Jensen
Best Podcast:
Radio Free Mormon
Cults to Consciousness
The Backyard Professor
Human Stories
Mormon Stories
Mormon Land
Breaking Down Patriarchy
She Became Visible
21st Century Saints
At Last She Said It
Sunstone Podcast
Best Blog or Column:
Eli McCann’s SLTrib column
Flunking Sainthood by Jana Riess
Wheat and Tares
Exponent II
Best Website:
LDS Discussions
The Widow’s Mite Report
21st Century Saints
Awards for individual works:
Best Book:
The Camper Killings by Johnny Townsend
The Path and the Gate: Mormon Short Fiction edited by Andrew Hall and Robert Raleigh
Bad Mormon by Heather Gay
Vengeance is Mine: The Mountain Meadows Massacre and Its Aftermath by Richard E. Turley Jr and Barbara Jones Brown
Midwife Of The Wild Frontier by Melissa Tyler (author) and Luciana Maruca (illustrations)
Convicting the Mormons by Janiece Johnson
Best Podcast Episode or Series:
Hidden True Crime: Adam Steed
Mormon Stories: Jessi Hildebrandt
Mormon Stories: LDS Discussions Series
Jordan and McKay: 8 Passengers and Connexions Series
Zelph on the Shelf: BYU professor says divorce is too easy
Zelph on the Shelf: Queer mormons should be eunuchs for kingdom?
Mormon Land: Booting women’s leaders off the stand was ‘hurtful’ and ‘heartbreaking’
Best illustration / artwork / meme:
Jesus found the cash register at the temple
Baptism for the dead
King Lamoni, Jewish American Indian from the Book of Mormon
Illustrations of Midwife Of The Wild Frontier by Luciana Maruca
Best Exit Story:
The Exact Moment I Lost My Testimony in the Mormon Church by Alyssa Grenfell
Why I left the Mormon Church by Hayley Rawle
Leaving the Mormon Church by c & A Podcast
Why I Left the Mormon Church – Carah’s Untold Story by nuanceho
Best Political Discussion:
Mitt Romney’s disillusionment by Zelph on the Shelf
Ex-Mormons Unravel Zionism by nuanceho
_____ More nominations needed
Best Investigative Reporting:
Lynn Packer on Tim Ballard
Operation Underground Railroad Update by RFM
Could IKEA do Mormon Temples? by Nemo the Mormon
Recordings show how the LDS Church protects itself from child sex abuse claims by Michael Rezendes and Jason Dearen
Best analysis of LDS culture or doctrine:
“Purity” is a dehumanizing, delusional concept by Zelph on the Shelf
Today’s Young Mormons are Growing Up in a Completely Different Church by Exmo Lex
The disturbing world of Mormon funerals by Zelph on the Shelf
Star Trek Canon and Biblical Theology by Andrew Hackman
“They Have Changed the Ordinance”: Ritualistic Patriarchy on the Move by the Grand Scoobah
Leaving the Mormon machine, I struggled to find community without conformity by Monya Baker
Best Song:
Wonder Eye by Little Moon
Last Christmas my shelf fell apart by Cultural Hall
_____ More nominations needed
Funniest Humor Piece:
ProgMo Sunday Dinner by Jessie Jensen
_____ More nominations needed
Best Anecdotes about LDS church life:
Trauma on Trek by Hayley Rawle
_____ More nominations needed
Best tales of marginalized people navigating Mormonism:
Sister Missionaries fall in love by Latter Gay Stories
Being Ignored as a Black Woman by Girlscamp podcast
The Untold Story of the 1995 LDS Women’s Conference by nuanceho
_____ More nominations needed
submitted by Chino_Blanco to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.01.14 16:58 Chino_Blanco The 2023 Brodie Award nominations are in. Last chance to add nominees before voting begins.

Nominations collected at Main Street Plaza
Best new site/blog/channel/content creator:
Girlscamp podcast by Hayley Rawle
c & A podcast
Data Over Dogma
Best YouTube channel:
Zelph on the Shelf
Exmo Lex
Nemo the Mormon
Jordan and McKay
Mormon Civil War
Best TikTok channel:
maklelan - Dan McClellan
Mormon True Crime with Beth Magnetic
Cultural Hall
post_mormone - Jessie Jensen
Best Podcast:
Radio Free Mormon
Cults to Consciousness
The Backyard Professor
Human Stories
Mormon Stories
Mormon Land
Breaking Down Patriarchy
She Became Visible
21st Century Saints
At Last She Said It
Sunstone Podcast
Best Blog or Column:
Eli McCann’s SLTrib column
Flunking Sainthood by Jana Riess
Wheat and Tares
Exponent II
Best Website:
LDS Discussions
The Widow’s Mite Report
21st Century Saints
Awards for individual works:
Best Book:
The Camper Killings by Johnny Townsend
The Path and the Gate: Mormon Short Fiction edited by Andrew Hall and Robert Raleigh
Bad Mormon by Heather Gay
Vengeance is Mine: The Mountain Meadows Massacre and Its Aftermath by Richard E. Turley Jr and Barbara Jones Brown
Midwife Of The Wild Frontier by Melissa Tyler (author) and Luciana Maruca (illustrations)
Convicting the Mormons by Janiece Johnson
Best Podcast Episode or Series:
Hidden True Crime: Adam Steed
Mormon Stories: Jessi Hildebrandt
Mormon Stories: LDS Discussions Series
Jordan and McKay: 8 Passengers and Connexions Series
Zelph on the Shelf: BYU professor says divorce is too easy
Zelph on the Shelf: Queer mormons should be eunuchs for kingdom?
Mormon Land: Booting women’s leaders off the stand was ‘hurtful’ and ‘heartbreaking’
Best illustration / artwork / meme:
Jesus found the cash register at the temple
Baptism for the dead
King Lamoni, Jewish American Indian from the Book of Mormon
Illustrations of Midwife Of The Wild Frontier by Luciana Maruca
Best Exit Story:
The Exact Moment I Lost My Testimony in the Mormon Church by Alyssa Grenfell
Why I left the Mormon Church by Hayley Rawle
Leaving the Mormon Church by c & A Podcast
Why I Left the Mormon Church – Carah’s Untold Story by nuanceho
Best Political Discussion:
Mitt Romney’s disillusionment by Zelph on the Shelf
Ex-Mormons Unravel Zionism by nuanceho
_____ More nominations needed
Best Investigative Reporting:
Lynn Packer on Tim Ballard
Operation Underground Railroad Update by RFM
Could IKEA do Mormon Temples? by Nemo the Mormon
Recordings show how the LDS Church protects itself from child sex abuse claims by Michael Rezendes and Jason Dearen
Best analysis of LDS culture or doctrine:
“Purity” is a dehumanizing, delusional concept by Zelph on the Shelf
Today’s Young Mormons are Growing Up in a Completely Different Church by Exmo Lex
The disturbing world of Mormon funerals by Zelph on the Shelf
Star Trek Canon and Biblical Theology by Andrew Hackman
“They Have Changed the Ordinance”: Ritualistic Patriarchy on the Move by the Grand Scoobah
Leaving the Mormon machine, I struggled to find community without conformity by Monya Baker
Best Song:
Wonder Eye by Little Moon
Last Christmas my shelf fell apart by Cultural Hall
_____ More nominations needed
Funniest Humor Piece:
ProgMo Sunday Dinner by Jessie Jensen
_____ More nominations needed
Best Anecdotes about LDS church life:
Trauma on Trek by Hayley Rawle
_____ More nominations needed
Best tales of marginalized people navigating Mormonism:
Sister Missionaries fall in love by Latter Gay Stories
Being Ignored as a Black Woman by Girlscamp podcast
The Untold Story of the 1995 LDS Women’s Conference by nuanceho
_____ More nominations needed
submitted by Chino_Blanco to mormon [link] [comments]

2024.01.14 16:52 Chino_Blanco The 2023 Brodie Award nominations are in. Last chance to add nominees before voting begins.

Nominations collected at Main Street Plaza
Best new site/blog/channel/content creator:
Girlscamp podcast by Hayley Rawle
c & A podcast
Data Over Dogma
Best YouTube channel:
Zelph on the Shelf
Exmo Lex
Nemo the Mormon
Jordan and McKay
Mormon Civil War
Best TikTok channel:
maklelan - Dan McClellan
Mormon True Crime with Beth Magnetic
Cultural Hall
post_mormone - Jessie Jensen
Best Podcast:
Radio Free Mormon
Cults to Consciousness
The Backyard Professor
Human Stories
Mormon Stories
Mormon Land
Breaking Down Patriarchy
She Became Visible
21st Century Saints
At Last She Said It
Sunstone Podcast
Best Blog or Column:
Eli McCann’s SLTrib column
Flunking Sainthood by Jana Riess
Wheat and Tares
Exponent II
Best Website:
LDS Discussions
The Widow’s Mite Report
21st Century Saints
Awards for individual works:
Best Book:
The Camper Killings by Johnny Townsend
The Path and the Gate: Mormon Short Fiction edited by Andrew Hall and Robert Raleigh
Bad Mormon by Heather Gay
Vengeance is Mine: The Mountain Meadows Massacre and Its Aftermath by Richard E. Turley Jr and Barbara Jones Brown
Midwife Of The Wild Frontier by Melissa Tyler (author) and Luciana Maruca (illustrations)
Convicting the Mormons by Janiece Johnson
Best Podcast Episode or Series:
Hidden True Crime: Adam Steed
Mormon Stories: Jessi Hildebrandt
Mormon Stories: LDS Discussions Series
Jordan and McKay: 8 Passengers and Connexions Series
Zelph on the Shelf: BYU professor says divorce is too easy
Zelph on the Shelf: Queer mormons should be eunuchs for kingdom?
Mormon Land: Booting women’s leaders off the stand was ‘hurtful’ and ‘heartbreaking’
Best illustration / artwork / meme:
Jesus found the cash register at the temple
Baptism for the dead
King Lamoni, Jewish American Indian from the Book of Mormon
Illustrations of Midwife Of The Wild Frontier by Luciana Maruca
Best Exit Story:
The Exact Moment I Lost My Testimony in the Mormon Church by Alyssa Grenfell
Why I left the Mormon Church by Hayley Rawle
Leaving the Mormon Church by c & A Podcast
Why I Left the Mormon Church – Carah’s Untold Story by nuanceho
Best Political Discussion:
Mitt Romney’s disillusionment by Zelph on the Shelf
Ex-Mormons Unravel Zionism by nuanceho
_____ More nominations needed
Best Investigative Reporting:
Lynn Packer on Tim Ballard
Operation Underground Railroad Update by RFM
Could IKEA do Mormon Temples? by Nemo the Mormon
Recordings show how the LDS Church protects itself from child sex abuse claims by Michael Rezendes and Jason Dearen
Best analysis of LDS culture or doctrine:
“Purity” is a dehumanizing, delusional concept by Zelph on the Shelf
Today’s Young Mormons are Growing Up in a Completely Different Church by Exmo Lex
The disturbing world of Mormon funerals by Zelph on the Shelf
Star Trek Canon and Biblical Theology by Andrew Hackman
“They Have Changed the Ordinance”: Ritualistic Patriarchy on the Move by the Grand Scoobah
Leaving the Mormon machine, I struggled to find community without conformity by Monya Baker
Best Song:
Wonder Eye by Little Moon
Last Christmas my shelf fell apart by Cultural Hall
_____ More nominations needed
Funniest Humor Piece:
ProgMo Sunday Dinner by Jessie Jensen
_____ More nominations needed
Best Anecdotes about LDS church life:
Trauma on Trek by Hayley Rawle
_____ More nominations needed
Best tales of marginalized people navigating Mormonism:
Sister Missionaries fall in love by Latter Gay Stories
Being Ignored as a Black Woman by Girlscamp podcast
The Untold Story of the 1995 LDS Women’s Conference by nuanceho
_____ More nominations needed
submitted by Chino_Blanco to ziontology [link] [comments]

2024.01.04 22:55 kostasacnl is this a good betta food?

is this a good betta food?
ingredients : Arctic krill (31%), wheat protein, cuttlefish, omega-3 marine oil, grasshoppers (4%), freshwater shrimp (4%), water fleas (4%), fly larvae (3%), coralline red algae, yeast extract, green-lipped mussel extract, Artemia (2%), Artemia nauplii (2%), Moringa oleifera, chicory inulin, Spirulina platensis, spinach, red mosquito larvae (1%), Nannochloropsis algae, herbal extracts, white cabbage, Melissa, garlic, chickweed, Chlorella algae, fennel, aniseed, flower pollen, grape seed flour, beta-glucans
Crude protein 55.5%, crude fat 11.1%, raw fibre 3.5%, crude ash 12%, moisture 6.4%
submitted by kostasacnl to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.01.01 10:36 lazerkdz EKKO Z’s after taking Pre-Workout

EKKO Z’s after taking Pre-Workout
If I have trouble falling asleep even when I take my pre-workout early. Would taking sleep capsules with Melatonin like EKKO Z’s help me fall asleep? Help and input would be much appreciated, thank you!
submitted by lazerkdz to Preworkoutsupplements [link] [comments]

2023.11.13 03:59 stardewsim11 tasty gf gift boxes?

my mom refuses gifts from my siblings and i every single birthday, christmas, mother’s day, etc. it’s purely out of love and care and not wanting us to spend our money on her, but obviously she’s my mom…i’m gonna get her a gift lol.
i tend to stick to food based gifts since she can’t refuse it because it can’t be returned. she’s been gluten-free for about 10-15 years so i’ve gotten her baked by melissa and nothing bundt cakes before but i wanted to change things up for christmas this year, and see if anyone can recommend a good company or website that’s not only cute in terms of the gift but also tastes good? i’m nervous trying the gf options from places that normally produce wheat products because she complains the taste is noticeably different/not good.
for better context: any kind of desserts including but not limited to middle eastern snacks/pastries (those are her favorite) but open to any help :)
submitted by stardewsim11 to glutenfree [link] [comments]

2023.09.07 16:23 Ira-Acedia Notes as of Chapter 31 end

Just putting them here because it feels good... and in case anyone likes it.
First-time reader at Chapter 32 so please no spoilers (without tag + level of spoiler), I dont mind if I missed stuff (because that's guaranteed to happen).
Moretti Family

Zhou Mingrui/Klein Moretti
- Black hair, brown eyes, medium build, scholarly air, poor.
- qualified keyboard politician, keyboard historian, keyboard economist, keyboard biologist, and keyboard folklorist.
- Knew a bit about Chinese divination "Quintessential Divination and Arcane Arts of the Qin and Han Dynasty" (only flipped through start). Was unlucky so did luck enhancement ritual. 4 portions of staple food in 4 corners of his room. Walk in 4 Step anticlockwise Square in centre of room, chant each step "The _ of Heaven and Earth for Blessings." (immortal Lord, Sky Lord, Exalted Thearch, Celestial Worthy). Close eyes and wait for 5 mins in original spot.
- Graduated from department of History at Khoy University. His mother was a devotee of the Evernight Goddess and died the year he passed the entrance exams. He gained a bereavement allowance from his father's death, who died as a Sergeant in the Imperial army during a colonial conflict with the Southern Continent. The allowance allowed him to study at a private language school and helped him get into university.
- Knows ancient Feysac language (deemed origin of all Northern Continent languages).
- Knows Hermes language (ancient mausoleums, praying and sacrificial rituals)
- Klein had yellow notepad with black ink "Everyone will die, including me" (Hermes). Brass revolver (5 remaining yellow bullets), bloody handprint. Forehead had a wound with greyish-white brain juices inside, blood stained surrounding it and burn marks at the edges. Penetrated to otherside (gun shot, then burned by gas lamp/bullet, use Hermes language for a ritual?). Looked like best hemostasis and bandaging, couple hours till light scar (part of ritual or good recovery (for everyone, Klein or Zhou?)?)
- mentor had given him a recommendation letter for Tingen Uni and Backlund Uni. Stays up late, Wakes up early, managed average results as a commoner.
- The Fool (0) - interpreted as protagonist. Folly, mania, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, frenzy, bewrayment/betrayal. Embrace of new beginnings, expansion of one's horizons, willing to take intuition risks, leap of faith/inner feelings. Unaware, minimalist, pure, innocent, loyal + protective dog, challenges to come (mountains), but The Fool doesn't care (just wants to start).
- Has some love for money. Cares about appearance.

Elder brother (Benson Moretti)
- Clerk at an import and export company. Sole breadwinner. Literate, not rash, persuaded landlord to improve property for future tenants so quite resourceful.
- 25 years old, black hair, brown eyes, lacked faint scholary air of Klein.

Younger sister (Melissa Moretti)
- an early risepunctual, bright brown eyes, reddish black hair, delicate + pretty face, can cook and sow
- better primary education than siblings. From a young age, she enjoyed gears, springs, and bearings. Her ambition was to be a steam mechanic.
- Last year's July, at 15, passed entrance exam for Tingen Technical School’s Steam and Machinery department (secondary education)
- dislikes ginger beer. Likes lemon pudding.
Secret Order

Established in the 4th Epoch, related to Solomon Empire and fallen aristocrats. Their negligence caused the Antigonus family diary to enter antique market where it was bought by Welch.
Philosophy is survival.

Captured Man
- Scrawny/thin, brown eyebrows, deep blue eyes,
Khoy University

Welch McGovern
- Son of banker, from Constant City (aka Wind City), Midseashire, Loen Kingdom
- Acquired 4th epoch notebook
- Died in his house, smacked his head many times against a wall till died.
- Hired a chef good at Midseashire flavour and made his own delicacies that he shared.

- Soft brown hair. Drowned herself in a basin.

Senior Associate Professor Quentin Cohen
- Elder, silver hair. Deep, blue, sunken eyes. Few wrinkles. Sharp looking.
- mentions an Emperor Robert if Emperor Roselle did not exist
- was mentor to Klein and Welch.

Mr Azik
- Middle aged, bronze skin, average build, no facial hair, black hair, brown eyes, soft facial features, weary eyes, obscure black mole under right ear.
- history department lecturer, best friends with Cohen and debates often.

Tingen University

Harvin Stone
- middle-aged instructor, white shirt, black tuxedo, black beard,

Tingen City

Baker (Wendy Smyrin, a Mrs.)
- 70+ granny, greyish-white hair, genial smile, sells bread and pastries (e.g. Tingen biscuits, lemon cakes)

Landlord (Mr Franky)
- Short, thin, top-hat, black suit, vest gentleman, walking stick
- Water stingy if too loud

Old Man Mr Wright
- At Besik Street 'Hound Pub', related to the Nighthawks. Say "want to hire a small mercenary squad for a mission" to access Dunn Smith.

- Classmate and good friend of Melissa
- Wine-red hair, deep brown eyes, 15 years old (half a year younger than Melissa).
- Parents believe in Evernight Goddess (named her after St. Selena)
- Happy, Cheerful, Outgoing

Mrs Rochelle
- Someone Melissa knows.

- Ex-Neighbour of Morettis. Moved to Lower Street as father was injured and lost job. Family of 5.

- Elder brother of Selena. A lawyer. (4-year) Fiancee is a part-time typist.

John Browning
- A reporter. Gave the cover-up for Welch/Naya death as armed burglary (unknown whether he knew it was a coverup)

Tingen City Housing Improvement Company
- poor and lower-middle class. At daffodil street. Five Percent Charity.
- Scarter - middle-aged man, white shirt, black vest, amiable smile,

Tingen Housing Improvement Association for the Working Class
- targeted for the poor (single/double/triple bedrooms, communal bathrooms). Five Percent Charity.

Deweyville Trust
- Pure charity, housing improvement company, ran by Sir Deweyville. Working class. Strict criteria (have to receive main vaccines (which is expensive), clean bathroom (illness), can’t sublease/commercial activities (e.g. no sowing at home etc), no rubbish, children can’t play in corridors)
(Housing improvement funded one of 3 ways: Donations, government 4% interest, investors with 5% return)
Inis Empire

Roselle Gustav
- overthrew Intis kingdom's Imperial rule, became first consul of Intis Republic, invented the steam engine, improved the sailing boat. Invaded other nations, placed Lenburg etc under his protection, forced Loen Kingdom, Feynapotter, Feysac Empire and other powerful Northern Continent nations bow down to the Intis Republic, causing it to become an empire and he was “Emperor Caesar”
- Recognized by God of Craftmanship, church of Craftmanship received first public holy revelation since 5th Epoch. Renamed to God of Steam and Machinery
- Invented tarot divination (paper-based). Similar tarot stuff to Earth? Discovered sea route to Southern Continent through stormy and turbulent steams, beginning era of colonialism.
- In the year 1198 of the Fifth Epoch, he was assassinated by the combined forces of the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, the former Intis royal family—the Sauron family—and other aristocrats. He eventually died in the White Maple Palace. Was old.
- 170+ years ago. Potentially also a transmigrator
- Saw Blasphemy Slate, made 22 tarot paper cards containing mysteries of the 22 paths of the divine. Based the game cards on that set of 22 cards. (Potentially collect the original 22 cards)
- Famous quote: "The only lesson that humans can learn from history is that humans do not gain any lessons from history, and they're always repeating the same tragedies"
- Uses strange symbols (Simplified Chinese) in lost diary.
- Some cults worship him
- Diary mentions blue-sky experimentation which caused him to find a man trapped in the deep darkness amid the storms. Can only reach reality of the word during a full moon. Diplomats are idiots, his children are fools. Should have chosen Apprentice, seer or marauder. “Digest” potions using imagery from name - “acting”. Feysac (North), Loen (East), Feynapotter (South) made an alliance against him. Lost communications with ship seeking the Forsaken Land of God, considers inventing wireless telephones, likes Miss Ithaca's appearance more than Lady Florena. Transmigrated 4 decades ago.

Tarot Club

Audrey Hall
- 17, tall girl, smooth blond hair, melodious voice, seems a tad childish, daughter of Earl
- Empress Borough, Backlund
- Had a bronze mirror that was treasure of Solomon Empire's Black Emperor. Cracked (potentially helped with Klein's first ritual thing)
- Justice (8) - Compassion, balance, law, structure, logical well-ordered mine, fair justice, firm decision, actions carry consequences, intuition balances that, impartiality. Well-ordered thoughts. Spiritual consequences of actions.
- Has a golden retriever called Susie, a maidservant called Anni. Dress designed by Mrs Guinea, another given by Mr Sades.

Alger Wilson
- Was in Sonia Sea
- wears lightning patterned robe, has messy dark-blue hair, medium stature, not stout. Mature, withdrawn, seems knowledgeable.
- has Sailor and Spectator Formulae (took Sailor)
- Warrior & Sea Bar at Pelican Street, in White Rose Borough of Pritz Harbor. Tell Boss Williams it's what the 'Captain' wants (100 ml of Ghost Shark Blood, potentially for Spectator Potion, maybe for a Sequence 8?)
- The Hanged Man (12) - completely different perspective, calm and serene (own choice to hang), halo (insight, awareness, enlightenment), red pants for human passion + physical body, blue vest for knowledge. Card of ultimate surrender, being suspended in time, martyrdom, sacrifice for greater good.
- Seems to worship Lord of Storms but also seems to be a hidden traitor. May be a keeper of storm?

Augustus Family
- Sword of Judgement emblem, 2 vertical down swords with ruby crown handles (passed down from previous Epoch)
- (Fifth) King George III, Queen, Prince, Princess. Have black-armoured cavalry (higher-order Disciplinary Paladins?)
- King's direct ancestor is Henry August I
- King's father was William Augustus VI, freed kingdom from old order allowing it to reach pinnacle. A Might-wielder.
Negan Family

Lord Aguesid Negan
- Conservative party, prime minister, supposedly second non-aristocrat PM but is brother of Duke Pallas Negan, the main party supporter.
Church of Storm

Tingen HQ: River and Sea Cathedral in North Tingen

Ladies don’t tease men.

- Believer of the Lord of Storms
- perceives women in a loathsome way (pervert?)
- incisive regarding society, humanities, economics, politics

Mandated Punisher
- Beyonder team

Church of Steam

Tingen HQ: Holy Numerics Church in Suburbs

Machinery Hivemind
- Probably their Beyonder team

Church of Evernight

Revelation of Evernight, contains Book of Wisdom and Letters from the Saints
Prayer was adapted from Job 24:8, Old testament.

Dark Sacred Emblem (deep black background, sparkling dots form half crimson moon), symbol of Evernight Goddess

Holy Cathedral
- Church of Evernight located in the Winter County to the north of the kingdom, Cathedral of Serenity in Red Moonlight Street. This is Tingen HQ.
- Gothic style. Tall, black, imposing clock tower. Dark blue and crimson red checkered windows.

Sealed Artifacts
- Nighthawks HQ gives 4 grades
- Grade 0 - Extremely dangerous, highly confidential and highest importance. Not to be inquired, disseminated, described, or spied. Sealed only in Holy Cathedral basement
- Grade 1 - Highly Dangerous (diocesan bishops or Nighthawk deacons+) The central cathedral of diocese HQ like Backlund can store 1-2, rest in Holy Cathedral
- Grade 2 - Dangerous (bishop or Nighthawk captain+) 3-5 stored in central cathedrals, rest to diocese and Holy.
- Grade 3 - Considerably Dangerous (formal Nighthawk member) - used in operations with 3+ people.

Church of Evernight’s Nighthawks (Beyonder team)

Founded by Archbishop Chanis, 6 members, 6 civilian staff.

Second floor of No 36 Zouteland Street "Blackthorn Security Company"
- Access to Saint Selena Cathedral (left)
- Access to armory, storeroom, archives (right)
- Access to alchemy room (Secret door on left)
- Access to Chanis Gate (straight, below every major cathedral, contains 2 Keepers and many traps, stores potion formulae and magical materials, temporarily holds prisoners before Holy Cathedral, has classified documents, has Sealed Artifacts (some with living characteristics) in basement)

Dunn Smith (Sequence 7 Nightmare)
- 30s, straight nose, grey eyes. Seems forgetful. Captain. A keeper?
- can enter dreams and provide guidance. Gets stronger more into night. Potentially also stronger when darker?

Daly (Sequence 7 Spirit Medium)
- uncanny beauty, emerald eyes, blue eyeshadow and blush, exposed silver bracelet with a hanging white crystal pendant on her wrist.
- Prefers corpses over men. Can tease men. Used a theory belonging to Psychology Alchemists (evil madmen - Dunn).

Leonard Mitchell (Sequence 8 Midnight Poet)
- Similar age to Klein. black sideburns and hair, green pupils, good looking, poet's romantic temperament. A keeper?
- became a Sleepless 3 years ago.

- Laced light green dress, light brown hair, brown eyes.
- joined Nighthawks 5 years ago at 17. Father sacrificed himself 5 years ago during an accident, was a Beyonder Nighthawk too.

Mrs Orianna (accountant)
- Black hair that is fashionably curly. Green eyes. Flounce lace dress. Elegant/refined. 30s.
- Good intuition
- Father is skilled watchsmith.
- Was studying accountancy when nearly became 6th victim of a Beyonder 16 years ago, who was preparing a ritual with the devil in Tingen City.

Old Neil (Retired, Sequence 9 Mystery Pryer? maybe higher)
- Beyonder, retired as old, deep wrinkles at eyes and mouth, red pupils. Interested in documents.

Suppliecarriage driver.


Police (previously Public Security Officers)
- Emblem: 2 crossed swords and a crown
- Bitsch Mountbatten - rude, brutal, hands-on, brown beard, 3 chevrons for shoulder badge, senior sergeant
- Inspector leader, middle-age, light brown hair, dignified, Sharp wrinkled eyes, 3 silver hexagons
- (Dunn Smith, a Nighthawk) inspector, 3 silver hexagons (kinder?)
- (Leonard Mitchell, a Nighthawk) Inspector, 2 silver hexagons.
- Awwa County Police (7 Units in Special Operations Department)
+ first four regular police general security (e.g. VIP protection Unit, Key Installations Protection unit)
+ 5th Unit - Machinery Hivemind squad (suburbs, university area) (Likely Steam Church?)
+ 6th Unit - Mandated Punisher squad under Storm Church (pier, east, south)
+ 7th Unit - Nighthawks (Evernight) (North, West, Golden Indus)
Underground shooting range at No. 3 Zouteland Street. Most for police, but 1 for Nighthawks. Need a badge.

Rogue Beyonders

Ince Zangwill.
- Male. Forty years old. Former archbishop. A Gatekeeper who failed in his promotion and was enticed by the devil and was corrupted, 3 years ago. He escaped with Sealed Artifact 0-08 (appears to be a common quill, but it does not need ink to write)
- Dark blonde hair, dark blue pupils, high nose, tightly pursed lips, no wrinkles, blind in one eye.

Moses Ascetic Order

Originally persisted in morals + precepts, seeking knowledge and were highly confidential (5 year silence after becoming a Mystery Pryer). Maxim is “do as you wish, but do no harm”
Seem to have fallen into corruption.
Source of Nighthawk’s Mystery Pryer formula.

Loen Kingdom Money

Copper penny - 3 to 4 yuan.
- dark yellow, bronze shimmer, crowned-man one side, "1" on other side on top of a wheat clump. Minted and circulated after King George III ascended throne.
- also exist five pence, halfpence, quarter-pence.

Silver Notes: five-soli, one-soli (12 copper)

Gold pound (paper based): 10, 5, 1 (20 soli)
- 5, grey background, slightly bigger than 1 pound. In middle, Henry Augustus I. He wore a white hair band above his rotund face. His eyes were slender and he had an abnormally serious expression
- 1, grey background, William Augustus VI. This Might-wielder had a thick moustache and a firm gaze.

- names taken from Blasphemy Slate (made by evil gods), translated into Jotun, Elvish, ancient and modern Hermes and ancient Feysac. Humans need to take potions to become real Beyonders (implying other species that don't need potions?)
Tiered potion system (called Sequences) - lower number is higher grade. Each church has at least one complete sequence and many incomplete paths. 9 is lowest grade.
Potion knowledge acquired via Experimentation + Summarization + Enhancement, or knowledge from Gods, or murmurs of the unseen.

Consequences of taking potions:
First, mental death and the complete breakdown of a body. Every piece of flesh would become a terrifying monster. Second, their personality will be changed by the powers contained in the potion. They will turn cold, sensitive, irascible, cruel, and indifferent. Third, Mental disorder. Turning crazy on the spot, becoming more devilish than the devil. This is what it means by losing control.
If born with high perception and can sense spirits, have characteristics of a Beyonder and can only take a fixed Sequence pathway.
Once you start a pathway, can't use other pathways or get warped powers and personality/state. Continuing any path will cause loss of control.
Remnant spiritual powers from person, so if progress too fast without clearing traces, then accumulates and lose control. (nighthawk rule is 3+ year gap + examination).
Increased perception (especially from higher grades) of the unseen can cause bewitchment, over stimulation etc.

Simple to make Sequence 7, 8, 9. No special flame, ritual, incantation, spirits. Just a recipe. If too much of some materials, mental problems. If too little, ‘enhancement’ can fail. Nervousness impacts absorption.

Sequence 9 Seer
- astronomy, cartomancy, spiritual pendulums, scrying. Gives you qualification/ability to learn these.
- Recipe written in Hermes (blood-like ink). 100 ml of pure water, 13 drops of night vanilla liquids, 7 gold mint leaves, 3 drops of poison hemlock (numbs to point of death, used for suicide), 9g of dragon blood grass powder. Exact amounts don’t matter as supplemental.
- Lavos Squid’s blood, 10ml (rapidly breaks down in sunlight, losing unique qualities). Sky blue. Star Crystal, 50g. Gelatinous-looking. Final potion is dark-blue.

Sequence 9 Apprentice (? Unconfirmed)

Sequence 9 Marauder (? Unconfirmed)

Sequence 9 Sleepless
- starting point for Nighthawks, don't need to sleep at night, 3-4 hours of rest at day only. Night vision, stronger the deeper into night (physical, mental, intuition). Can detect unknown dangers in the dark.
Sequence 8 Midnight Poet

Sequence 7 Nightmare

Sequence 9 Mystery Pryer
- comprehensive rudimentary understanding of magic, witchcraft, astrology, other mystical knowledge. Know magical rituals, but can easily sense certain existences that hide among matter so need to be more careful.

Sequence 9 Corse Collector
- Unintelligent dead spirits mistake them as one of them and don’t attack. Resistance to cold, decay, corrosive cadaveric auras. Can directly see a portion of evil spirits and characteristics + weaknesses of undead, and gain certain attribute enhancements.
- used by death-worshipping Southern Continent cultists.

Sequence 7 Spirit Medium

Sequence 9 Sailor aka "Keeper of the Seas" from the Lord of Storms
- balancing capabilities (boat in storm is like walking on land), strength, illusory scales under skin, can swim like a fish (evasive, agile underwater, submerge easily for 10+ minutes)

Sequence 9 Spectator
- Sharp mind, acute observational abilities - judge 'actors', glimpse of real thoughts etc. But spectators can only be spectators forever (does it impact presence? Some negative effect?)

Concoction things

‘Amantha’ - Tranquility (Hermes): Night vanilla, slumber flower, and chamomile, all distilled and extracted to form this aromatic floral essence.

‘Eye of the Spirit’ - Barks and leaves of drago and poplar trees are sun-dried for seven days and decocted thrice. Then, they are immersed in Lanti Wine. With incantations.
7 orthodox gods - the Eternal Blazing Sun, the Lord of Storms, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, the Evernight Goddess, Earth Mother, the God of Combat, and the God of Steam and Machinery.
Beyonder gods? Evernight, storms, steam
At the Imperial Naval base, Pritz Harbor, Oak Island, ironclad warship The Pritz (Chapter 8 for description) was introduced, seemingly intending to kill 7 pirate admirals and 4 pirate kings.
1st Epoch (Chaos Epoch)
2nd Epoch
3rd Epoch (Cataclysm Epoch)
4th Epoch (Age of Gods) - Solomon Empire, Tudor Dynasty, Trunsoest Empire
5th Epoch (Iron Age) - present
4th epoch Antigonus family notebook
- Modified form of ancient Feysac, written by a member of the Antigonus family that had very high standing in the Solomon Empire. Mentions Black Emperor. Author made secret transaction with a Tudor. Author accepted a mission to visit "Nation of the Evernight" at the summit of highest peak of Hornacis mountain range (6000m+ altitude)
Southern Continent
Southern Continent's Balam Empire's common language was developed from Ancient Feysac, a branch of Jotun. "The Revelation of Evernight" and "The Book of Storms" indicate giants, elves, mutants and dragons are hegemons. Myths/fantasies.
Loen Kingdom

Northern Continent, Loen Kingdom, Awwa County, Tingen City (North of the kingdom)
Tingen is city of universities (Tingen + Khoy + technical schools, law + business colleges), second only to Backlund (the capital).

Loen Kingdom, Midseasshire, Constant/Wind City. Extremely advanced coal + steel industries (top 3 cities in Loen)

Loen Kingdom's Higher Education Commission gave 3-level system: Lecturers, associate professors and professors.
Public Horse Carriages are trackless (2 horses, 20 people (including top), boarded anywhere) or have a track (double-decker carriage, 50 people, by Orbital Carriage Company)
Creation Myth
Creation Myth from The Revelation of Evernight. Specifically, the Book of Wisdom and the Letters from the Saints. The Creator awoke from Chaos and shattered the darkness, creating the first ray of light. ‘He’ then fused ‘Himself’ completely into the universe and made up all of existence. ‘His’ body became the land and stars. One of ‘His’ eyes became the sun, while the other became the crimson moon. Some of ‘His’ blood rushed into the seas and rivers, nourishing and nurturing lives. His lungs turned into the elves; His heart turned into the giants; His liver turned into the treants; His brain turned into the dragons; His kidneys turned into the feathered serpents; His hair turned into the phoenixes; His ears turned into the demonic wolves; His mouth and teeth turned into the mutants, and His remaining bodily fluids turned into the sea monsters, of which the essence was Naga. His stomach, His small and large intestines, and the evil parts of His body turned into devils, evil spirits and various kinds of unknown maleficent existences. His spirit became the Eternal Blazing Sun, the Lord of the Storms, and the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. His wisdom gave birth to humanity. That was the first Epoch, the Chaos Epoch.
In the Revelation of Evernight’s prehistorical records, the Evernight Goddess had only awoken at the end of the Second Epoch. Together with the Lord of Storms, Eternal Blazing Sun, and other gods, she blessed and helped humanity survive the Cataclysm. It was also known as the Third Epoch, the Cataclysm Epoch. It was during that time that Earth Mother and the God of Combat appeared as well. As for the God of Steam and Machinery, whose original name was the God of Craftsmanship, He was born only in the Fourth Epoch.
The Evernight Goddess stands higher than the cosmos and more eternal than eternity. She is also the Lady of Crimson (i.e. Crimson moon, i.e. from a single eye), the Mother of Concealment, the Empress of Misfortune and Horror, Mistress of Repose and Silence.
According to this conclusion, humans who are protected by the gods were able to resist the giants, devils, and the mutants. Gradually, they figured out means to obtain the power of the Beyonders. That is by using the corresponding parts of the evil spirits, dragons, monsters, magical trees, flowers, or crystals and combining them with other materials to form potions. By consuming and absorbing the potion, one will gain different powers.

submitted by Ira-Acedia to LordofTheMysteries [link] [comments]

2023.09.06 16:43 Ira-Acedia Is it worth doing this

Just started LOTM, and I know it's quite long (~1400 chapters), and that the end of LOTM doesn't cover everything and it's going to be a trilogy, with the other 2 incompleted.
I don't like incompleted series (since following regularly is difficult, I prefer binge reading), but Circle of Inevitability I think is set some 7 years later-ish so I'm treating it as fine to stop after finishing LOTM and waiting for Circle of Inevitability to finish (or get close).
I also heard there's a lot of exposition and world building (and it'll pick up around chapter 60 and you'll know whether you want to stick with it around chapter 200)
Even if I don't do that and end up waiting regularly -- I'm highly likely to forget everything. I don't want to use the wiki since it's basically a guaranteed spoiler, so I've been going through making notes on anything that I think is remotely useful to remember or will help imagine the characters visually.
It's my first time doing something like this, it does also force me to put the pieces together (e.g. the below line is something I wrote which lead me to the conclusion Klein probably did a gun shot, then burned his head a by gas lamp, using Hermes language for a ritual.
- Klein had yellow notepad with black ink "Everyone will die, including me" (Hermes).
Brass revolver (5 remaining yellow bullets), bloody handprint.
Forehead had a wound with grayish-white brain juices inside, blood stained surrounding it and burn marks at the edges.
Penetrated to otherside (gun shot, then burned by gas lamp, use Hermes language for a ritual?).
Looked like best hemostasis and bandaging, couple hours till light scar (part of ritual or good recovery (for everyone, Klein or Zhou?)?)")
I'm only on chapter 9 though and it has gotten quite long (ofc since lots of world-building).
The below is what I have so far.
Zhou Mingrui/Klein Moretti
- qualified keyboard politician, keyboard historian, keyboard economist, keyboard biologist, and keyboard folklorist.
- Knew a bit about Chinese divination "Quintessential Divination and Arcane Arts of the Qin and Han Dynasty" (only flipped through start). Was unlucky so did luck enhancement ritual. 4 portions of staple food in 4 corners of his room. Walk in 4 Step anticlockwise Square in centre of room, chant each step "The _ of Heaven and Earth for Blessings." (immortal Lord, Sky Lord, Exalted Thearch, Celestial Worthy). Close eyes and wait for 5 mins in original spot.
- Northern Continent, Loen Kingdom, Awwa County, Tingen City (North of the kingdom)
- Graduated from department of History at Khoy University. His mother was a devotee of the Evernight Goddess and died the year he passed the entrance exams. He gained a bereavement allowance from his father's death, who died as a Sergeant in the Imperial army during a colonial conflict with the Southern Continent. The allowance allowed him to study at a private language school and helped him get into university. He has an elder brother and younger sister that live together in a 2-bedroom apartment.
- Knows ancient Feysac language (deemed origin of all Northern Continent languages).
- Knows Hermes language (ancient mausoleums, praying and sacrificial rituals)
- Klein had yellow notepad with black ink "Everyone will die, including me" (Hermes). Brass revolver (5 remaining yellow bullets), bloody handprint. Forehead had a wound with grayish-white brain juices inside, blood stained surrounding it and burn marks at the edges. Penetrated to otherside (gun shot, then burned by gas lamp, use Hermes language for a ritual?). Looked like best hemostasis and bandaging, couple hours till light scar (part of ritual or good recovery (for everyone, Klein or Zhou?)?)
- Black hair, brown eyes, medium build, scholarly air، poor.
- mentor had given him a recommendation letter for Tingen Uni (interview soon) and Backlund Uni. Stays up late, Wakes up early, managed average results as a commoner.
- The Fool (0) - interpreted as protagonist. Folly, mania, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, frenzy, bewrayment/betrayal. Embrace of new beginnings, expansion of one's horizons, willing to take intuition risks, leap of faith/inner feelings. Unaware, minimalist, pure, innocent, loyal + protective dog, challenges to come (mountains), but The Fool doesn't care (just wants to start).
Elder brother (Benson Moretti?)
- Clerk at an import and export company. Sole breadwinner. Literate, not rash, persuaded landlord to improve property for future tenants so quite resourceful.
Younger sister (Melissa Moretti?)
- an early risepunctual, brown eyes, black hair, can cook and sow
- better primary education than siblings. From a young age, she enjoyed gears, springs, and bearings. Her ambition was to be a steam mechanic.
- Last year's July, at 15, passed entrance exam for Tingen Technical School’s Steam and Machinery department (secondary education)
Landlord (Mr Franky)
- Short, thin, top-hat, black suit, vest gentleman, walking stick
- Water stingy if too loud
Baker (Wendy Smyrin)
- 70+ granny, grayish-white hair, genial smile, sells bread and pastries (e.g. Tingen biscuits, lemon cakes)
Roselle Gustav
- overthrew Intis kingdom's Imperial rule, became first consul of Intis Republic, invented the steam engine, improved the sailing boat. Invaded other nations, placed Lenburg etc under his protection, forced Loen Kingdom, Feynapotter, Feysac Empire and other powerful Northern Continent nations bow down to the Intis Republic, causing it to become an empire and he was Emperor Caesar
- Recognized by God of Craftmanship, church of Craftmanship received first public holy revelation since 5th Epoch. Renamed to God of Steam and Machinery
- Invented tarot divination (paper-based). Similar tarot stuff to Earth? Discovered sea route to Southern Continent through stormy and turbulent steams, beginning era of colonialism.
- In the year 1198 of the Fifth Epoch, he was assassinated by the combined forces of the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, the former Intis royal family—the Sauron family—and other aristocrats. He eventually died in the White Maple Palace. Was old.
- 170+ years ago. Potentially also a transmigrator
- Saw Blasphemy Slate, made 22 tarot paper cards containing mysteries of the 22 paths of the divine. Based the game cards on that set of 22 cards. (Potentially collect the original 22 cards)
Audrey Hall
- 17, tall girl, smooth blond hair, melodious voice, seems a tad childish, daughter of Earl
- Empress Borough, Backlund (Loen Kingdom's capital)
- Had a bronze mirror that was treasure of Solomon Empire's Black Emperor. Cracked (potentially helped with Klein's first ritual thing)
- Justice (8) - Compassion, balance, law, structure, logical well-ordered mine, fair justice, firm decision, actions carry consequences, intuition balances that, impartiality. Well-ordered thoughts. Spiritual consequences of actions.
- Has a golden retriever called Susie, a maidservant called Anni. Dress designed by Mrs Guinea, another given by Mr Sades.
Alger Wilson
- Was in Sonia Sea
- wears lightning patterned robe, has messy dark-blue hair, medium stature, not stout. Mature, withdrawn, seems knowledgeable.
- has 2 sets of Sequence 9 Potion Formulas (Sailor and Spectator)
- Warrior & Sea Bar at Pelican Street, in White Rose Borough of Pritz Harbor. Tell Boss Williams it's what the 'Captain' wants (100ml of Ghost Shark Blood, potentially for Spectator Potion?) to deliver to Alger
- The Hanged Man (12) - completely different perspective, calm and serene (own choice to hang), halo (insight, awareness, enlightenment), red pants for human passion + physical body, blue vest for knowledge. Card of ultimate surrender, being suspended in time, martyrdom, sacrifice for greater good.
- Seems to worship Lord of Storms but also seems to be a hidden traitor.
- Has the power of the Sailor potion currently.
Augustus Family
- Sword of Judgement emblem, 2 vertical down swords with ruby crown handles (passed down from previous Epoch)
- King George III, Queen, Prince, Princess. Have black-armored cavalry (higher-order Disciplinary Paladins?)
Lord Aguesid Negan
- Conservative party, prime minister, supposedly second non-aristocrat PM but is brother of Duke Pallas Negan, the main party supporter.
Copper penny - 3 to 4 yuan.
- dark yellow, bronze shimmer, crowned-man one side, "1" on other side on top of a wheat clump. Minted and circulated after King George III ascended throne.
- also exist five pence, halfpence, quarter-pence. Silver Notes: five-soli, one-soli (12 copper)
Gold pound (paper based): 10, 5, 1 (20 soli)
- names taken from Blasphemy Slate, translated into Jotun, Elvish, ancient and modern Hermes and ancient Feysac. Humans need to take potions to become real Beyonders (implying other species that don't need potions?)
Sequence 9 "Sailor" aka "Keeper of the Seas" from the Lord of Storms
- balancing capabilities (boat in storm is like walking on land), strength, illusory scales under skin, can swim like a fish (evasive, agile underwater, submerge easily for 10+ minutes)
Sequence 9 "Spectator"
- Sharp mine, acute observational abilities - judge 'actors', glimpse of real thoughts etc. But spectators can only be spectators forever (does it impact presence? Some negative effect?)
7 orthodox gods - the Eternal Blazing Sun, the Lord of Storms, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, the Evernight Goddess, Earth Mother, the God of Combat, and the God of Steam and Machinery.
Beyonder gods? Evernight, storms, steam
At the Imperial Naval base, Pritz Harbor, Oak Island, ship The Pritz (Chapter 8 for description) was introduced.

Idk if this is a complete waste of time (because some series just chuck in loads of time skips and everything becomes redundant) or a good idea. Thoughts on whether it's worth-while continuing? Im just doing it as I go along and see any paragraph worth taking a note on. Or I'll finish with the scene and then go back and note stuff (like I did with the encounter between the 3 tarot-namers.
submitted by Ira-Acedia to LordofTheMysteries [link] [comments]

2023.06.26 04:32 rqny Just completed R11. Here are my observations from the past 10 years of Whole30s

Been doing Whole30s for a long time —I actually have an email from Melissa back when she was still doing everything, including tech support for people (me) who couldn’t login to the W30 forum.
First a bit of why I continue to do them: My experience is that W30s give me more energy, help me sleep better and are great for issues related to inflammation (in my case allergies, asthma, endometriosis, eczema.) I’ve had great cholesterol, blood pressure, vitals etc. for years.
The first time I did it I was in physical therapy for a hip injury from running and the treatment was plateauing. The PT couldn’t believe the difference that Whole30 made it. I also learned tons about what I'm allergic to. A lot of legumes, corn, too much wheat and sulfates/preservatives.
It might seem kind of random to post about it after R11. I was going to last year after R10, but then my dad was ill and I didn’t really have any head space to write. But the delay was good as I definitely learned a lot on this round.
So in no particular order here’s what I’ve observed over the past decade of Whole30ing. (Apologies as this is long). Of course, YMMV.
1). No Whole30 is going to be the same, but they will all teach you something. Each of mine have been different, and having encouraged many people to do them, I can say with confidence yours will be different than your friends’ or partner’s, and a bunch of internet strangers. So while it’s helpful to compare experiences (And recipes and which grocery stores have compliant options) don’t get too worried if your experience is different. Especially with stuff like Tiger blood and weight loss (I’ll get to that at the end, and no, it’s not the main reason for doing a Whole30).
2) You gotta know the rules to break the rules. Some people (including me) will occasionally modify Whole30. That’s ok, but IMO the only reason I was comfortable doing that was that I had done it 4 times by that point. I would strongly advocate for sticking to the program the first time you do it, or doing it right at least once, so you can really get the benefits of it.
3) Even if you’ve done it a bunch of times, it can still be hard. There are so many more options from when I started, I know what to expect and doesn’t matter; I always have a day or two that’s particularly irritating. So whenever I’m having a bad Whole30, I think about that one awful horribly delayed business trip* where I was out of patience, snacks and clean underwear and how badly it sucked to stay compliant, but I did it. That being said, go easy on yourself if you’re feeling annoyed—this is a major change in routine for a lot of people.
4) The re-entry phase is just as important as the Whole30 itself. I’ve had a few where I just jumped right back in to eating macaroni and cheese. Not ideal if you’re trying to learn about intolerances or allergies. When I first started doing it, there wasn’t as much advice on re-entry. It took me 3 Whole30s before I realized that I’m pretty allergic to fresh corn 
5) Don’t underestimate the habit forming/changing aspect of Whole30. For me, it is easier to integrate new habits back into daily life coming off of the program than to try to change habits while still eating normally. We finished more than a week ago and I didn’t have a piece of bread until yesterday. Prior to that I was having bread 4-5 days/week. The biggest changes I’ve made that I don’t even think about any more: Avoiding preservatives, sulfites; peas and fresh corn —that’s what I’m most allergic to. Having pasta 2-3 times/month instead of 3-4 times/week. Salads for lunch instead of sandwiches. Black coffee only.
6) And now a word on weight loss. My experiences have been so different, I feel like I need to write about it, but this is the area where I would say YMMV the most and some people may need to skip over this part altogether if thinking about weight loss is triggering.
The first time I did W30, the weight melted off. I lost 2 dress sizes (I started as a US size 6 and went down to a 2). It was crazy; my wedding dress was too big. Coming off of it, I maintained that size by following the habits I wrote in point 5. My workout routines didn’t change.
Because I had lost so much weight on the first one and changed my eating habits, the next few W30s didn’t really impact my weight (maybe 5 lbs give or take.)
My husband joined me in doing my 5th Whole30 (and most of the ones since then). That and being permitted to eat potatoes was the biggest change. It was great having a buddy but he was really dependent on potatoes to fuel his workouts and would eat them 4-5X/week.
Round 5-10 always made me feel better (more energy/sleep), but I wasn’t losing any more weight, which was annoying. Especially since prior to R6, I got diagnosed with endo, had multiple surgeries, did IVF and basically all of the hormones and being sick made me gain weight back up to a 6/8). And more recently, grief from dad being sick/passing/Covid stress didn’t help.
Round 11 found us behaving a little differently. My husband has recently developed a nightshade/potato allergy and an allergy to almonds and cashews. So this time, we did the old school Whole30, with no potatoes (we had some cassava/yuca wedges and sweet potatoes occasionally) and I used Walnut milk sparingly instead of using cashew milk in everything.
Wouldn’t you know it, I’ve lost a dress size and one of my belts is comfortably on the smallest peg. Basically I think it’s because we weren’t eating potatoes for that filled up carby feeling. The pattern was similar to my first Whole30 —at the end of week 3 the weight loss was noticeable.
While I haven’t lost as much weight as I did the first time, this is the most I’ve lost in awhile. I really do think it’s because we aren’t eating potatoes.
Sorry if this is long and rambling, but these are a few of the things that were rattling around in my head. I wish everyone well —it truly has been life changing for me.
EDIT: for those who haven’t done an older style W30, there was a time when peas and potatoes were not allowed. I’m allergic to peas except for the ones in pods so that was another thing I learned earlier that you wouldn’t learn now.

*here’s why the business trip was the worst W30 ever: The trip involved a 5 a.m. pick up to go to the airport, 3 cancelled flights from Ft. Myers back to NYC, an unexpected additional overnight stay in Florida, and then the plane I finally got on getting re-routed to Detroit in mid-air, leaving me with the only option to get home as flying into DC, jumping into a taxi and racing to the train station to take the last Amtrak train of the night back to NYC, arriving at 3:30 a.m. I survived on a Subway salad and almonds from the train station convenience store.
submitted by rqny to whole30 [link] [comments]

2023.05.10 18:58 absurdtiger045 treats?

is this “salad” good for my chin? ingredient wise? i only give him a pinch for a treat but i wanted to see what y’all thought
submitted by absurdtiger045 to chinchilla [link] [comments]

2023.04.17 20:53 BeyondCeliac Shine a Light on Celiac for Celiac Awareness Month!

Shine a Light on Celiac for Celiac Awareness Month!
A coalition of non-profit organizations from around the globe builds on their Shine a Light on Celiac partnership to raise awareness for celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that affects one in every hundred people worldwide, by having buildings light up green on May 16. May is Celiac Awareness Month in the United States, Canada, and the UK.
The partnership includes Beyond Celiac, Canadian Celiac Association, Celiacos de Brasil, Celiac Disease Foundation, Coeliac Australia, Coeliac UK, Gluten Intolerance Group, National Celiac Association, Coeliaque Quebec, Coeliaque Canada, Hellenic Celiac Society, and Slovenian Society for Celiac Disease, which have come together to increase awareness and education about celiac disease, a condition where the body has an immune reaction to gluten. People with celiac disease must avoid consuming foods that contain gluten, which can be found in wheat, barley, and rye. Untreated celiac disease can lead to anemia, infertility, osteoporosis and certain cancers.
To draw attention to this important issue, the organizations are encouraging buildings across the United States, Canada, and around the world to light up green on May 16. Many notable landmarks, such as Niagara Falls, Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer), and the Quebec Olympic stadium will be participating in this initiative.
“This partnership is an important step towards raising awareness of celiac disease and the impact it has on the lives of those affected,” said Alice Bast, CEO of Beyond Celiac. “By lighting up buildings in green, we hope to start conversations and encourage people to learn more about this often-misunderstood condition.”
Beyond Celiac is also hosting a virtual 5K and a virtual Town Hall in May to raise awareness and to educate the public about celiac disease. These events will be open to the public and will provide an opportunity to get active and will share valuable information about the disease and how to manage it. And, as part of their celebration of 20 years of service to the celiac disease and gluten sensitive communities, Beyond Celiac will be highlighting the advances made in the last two decades in public awareness and research, as well as providing shareable items on social media.
All of this is in addition to the joint work with fellow celiac disease organizations. “We are excited to be partnering with other non-profit organizations in our community to raise awareness for celiac disease,” said Melissa Secord, National Executive Director of the Canadian Celiac Association (CCA). “By coming together, we can make a greater impact and help ensure that people with celiac disease get the support and resources they need.”
The coalition encourages individuals and organizations to show their support for celiac disease awareness by lighting up their own buildings or wearing green on May 16. For more information about celiac disease and the coalition’s events, please visit
You can donate to celiac disease research at Beyond Celiac:
submitted by BeyondCeliac to Celiac [link] [comments]

2023.03.30 21:59 Difficult-Front-4518 Is this okay for chins? Not sure about beet and maize

Is this okay for chins? Not sure about beet and maize submitted by Difficult-Front-4518 to chinchilla [link] [comments]

2023.03.24 16:11 SoCuteBear [SELL][CANADA to USA & Canada][PERFUME] mostly just samples!


TAT 3 calendar days or less
SHIPPING TO USA: $11 without tracking and $15.75 with tracking. I'm shipping from Canada.
SHIPPING TO CANADA: For samples only, $4. With tracking, it starts at $15. Tracked shipping price in Canada varies by region.
All samples or decants, unless marked as FS.
All purchased new, unless marked as RIS.
ALL PRICES ARE IN USD. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BPAL (all purchased new)
DECONSTRUCTING EDEN (all purchased brand new, $2.75 each)
KYSE (all purchased new, 3 mL, SPRAYED TWICE, $5.5 each. These vials are much thicker than their old 2 mL vial)
NUI COBALT DESIGNS (all purchased new)
POSSETS (ALL PURCHASED NEW; unless marked as FS, all are samples from direct or decant from Ajevie that are $2.5 each)
SIXTEEN92 (all purchased new unless marked as RIS)
SORCELLERIE all Sorcellerie are RIS (some cheaper than others to account for fill level differences)
STEREOPLASM (YellingCat Decant) $1.5 each
submitted by SoCuteBear to IndieExchange [link] [comments]

2023.03.17 00:49 SoCuteBear [SELL][CANADA to USA & Canada][PERFUME] TONS of new stuff added! All samples & decants except some Possets


TAT 3 calendar days or less
SHIPPING TO USA: $11 without tracking and $15.75 with tracking. I'm shipping from Canada.
SHIPPING TO CANADA: For samples only, $4. With tracking, it starts at $15. Tracked shipping price in Canada varies by region.
All samples or decants, unless marked as FS.
All purchased new, unless marked as RIS.
ALL PRICES ARE IN USD. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BPAL (all purchased new)
DECONSTRUCTING EDEN (all purchased brand new, $2.75 each)
FIREBIRD (all purchased new, $1.5 each)
KYSE (all purchased new, 3 mL, SPRAYED TWICE, $5.5 each. These vials are much thicker than their old 2 mL vial)
L’AROMATICA (all purchased new)
NUI COBALT DESIGNS (all purchased new)
POSSETS (ALL PURCHASED NEW; unless marked as FS, all are samples from direct or decant from Ajevie that are $2.5 each)
SIXTEEN92 (all purchased new unless marked as RIS)
SORCELLERIE all Sorcellerie are RIS and $2.75 (please note that fill levels range from 20% to close to full, though most are close to full)
STEREOPLASM (YellingCat Decant) $1.5 each
submitted by SoCuteBear to IndieExchange [link] [comments]

2023.03.10 21:52 SatomiSora Funni French Words Dictionary: B2C13&14 (+ worldbuilding and observations)

(Chapter 11 & 12 dictionary here) (Chapter 15 & 16 dictionary here)
This post will talk a bit more about the rural Intisian lifestyle once again, and a little bit about education in the time period of the novel. It's a bit miscellaneous this time, but I hope that any world building enthusiasts enjoy it as much as I do. Here we go!
EXCERPT 1: The *olive oil, corn oil, and animal fat** that Aurore had amassed were neatly arranged in buckets and cans, just like in reality.*
Almost instinctively, *Lumian lifted the bucket of corn oil** and positioned it near the stove.*
His sole reason for selecting it was that animal fat and olive oil were pricier.
EXCERPT 2: Then he adeptly kindled a blaze in the *hearth** with coal and wood, and fashioned a couple of torches to ignite.*
EXCERPT 3: The adage that *one grows stronger with each monster they slay** indeed only existed in Aurore's tales.*
EXCERPT 1: After a bout of searching, Lumian stumbled upon a considerable number of gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins. In total, there were 197 verl d'or and 25 coppet.
Among them, Louis d'or alone constituted five.
EXCERPT 2: The book had a grayish-blue cover and measured approximately *21 by 28.5 centimeters*, a typical size found in Intis villages and towns.
EXCERPT 3: Naturally, even though it had been nearly two centuries since Emperor Roselle advocated compulsory education, there were still a large number of farmers, herdsmen, and workers who knew no more than a handful of words and were illiterate.
EXCERPT 4: They could only rely on the explanations of certain people around them to obtain the instructions they needed from the blue book, literally known as livre bleu.
That's it for these chapters! Lumian's dream really reminds me of Bloodborne and Yharnam. The whole ambiance and the types of monsters he's encountered so far is quite reminiscent of Yharnam, too. Totally recommend it if you haven't played it, yet.
I hope all these little facts and observations are interesting, by the way. Happy reading!
submitted by SatomiSora to LordofTheMysteries [link] [comments]