Chicken pox white pimple

breaking out on my nose.

2024.06.02 07:11 haileyyy21 breaking out on my nose.

i started a exfoliant toner around 4 weeks ago. specifically the la roche posay 0.5 salicylic acid toner and 2% glycolic acid toner. for some reason after starting the toner i’m getting a ton of white heads on my nose. i count around 8. my nose looks lumpy and weird. i have never broken out on my nose before so i assume it’s the toner but im not sure if its normal. i also use the toner for my chest acne and it often makes my pimples turn into white heads over and over again. why is that?
submitted by haileyyy21 to acne [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:02 generic_human97 Burdock & Co (*) - Vancouver, Canada

Went here for a fabulous dinner. It was their resin-themed menu. Ambiance was relaxed and cozy. We added the fried chicken as well as the regular wine pairing.
Chicken - absolutely fantastic. Juicy, crispy, and tender. The sauce was citrusy, creamy, and refreshing.
Liver profiteroles - crispy and airy choux pastry. Liver was creamy and the elderberries added a nice pop of sweetness.
Stuffed morels - one of my favourites. Very delicate earthy flavour with a hint of sweetness from the pine syrup. Morel was crispy and tender, the fermented pine nut sauce was creamy and tangy. Lichen was more of a textural element than anything else.
Scallop ceviche - very citrusy and refreshing. The fir sorbet was interesting, kind of salty and intensely herbal. I’m not sure if I like it or not. I don’t think adding the caviar was worth it, it didn’t add that much to the dish. I made the mistake of trying some of the white stuff under the shell, thinking it was ice—turns out it was salt 😅
Ravioli - in my opinion the weakest dish this dinner. The pickled spring onions overpowered the rest of the flavours and the ravioli wrappers were too thick. Great nettles and sauces though.
Cod - glazed with a spruce tip sauce, radish cake, and caramelized onion nori “pineapple bun”. The cod was buttery and delicious but OH MY GOD THE PINEAPPLE BUNS. They were amazing: crunchy and sweet and richly umami and buttery and deeply caramelized and everything else a bun should be and more. I would do anything for those buns. The paired wine was a Greek retsina, very intense flavour. Interesting but I don’t know if I liked it or not.
Beeswax cake - This one was interesting. The beeswax tuile was chewy but I kind of liked it. Pear sorbet was fabulous and the cake had a nice buttery texture. Paired with a local mead-based vermouth that was quite nice.
Caramels - great way to end. Rich, bittersweet, chewy, sticky, deeply flavoured. Hint of cedar from the pine cones.
Overall this was a great meal. There were a few misses, but it was very enjoyable. Service was friendly but professional as well.
submitted by generic_human97 to finedining [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:56 Legal-Ad-9586 25 [F4R] #Tennesee/Online — D&D DM, Writer, Artist, Gaming, and Tomfoolery

Hey all, I've finally mustered the courage to post on this sub, since the silliness is spreading to my lungs and made me delirious with slight confidence ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ . I'm 25, turning 26 soon, pansexual and non-binary (AFAB), although any pronouns are fine!
A little bit about myself, and by a little, I mean a novel. I couldn't write a short bio even if my life depended on it.
I have two partners currently, my nesting partner of 10 years, and my long distance partner of 2 and a half years. I've been practicing polyamory for around 7 years, with several dynamics. We all date separately, and I'm also open to just making some friends! While I’d heavily prefer to find someone in Tennessee or close by, if you're open to travelling or being online, that's also okay.
I'm heavily into writing, whether it's fanfictions, books I'm working on, my D&D campaign lore, or just some poetry. I just started a campaign with 4 players, but if you're local, would love to add people to it!
When it comes to gaming, I prefer horror-survival. Games like 7 Days to Die, Green Hell, Project Zomboid, and The Forest/Sons of the Forest. Point and click's RPG's, rhythm, VR, you name it I've probably played some of it. (Bonus points if you're into Undertale)
I'm a complete menace in the kitchen, so be ready to eat. I love cooking, grilling, baking, you name it. Always trying new recipes, making my own pasta, homemade bread, etc. I love hotpot, sweets, and anything chicken.
In terms of my appearance, I'm 5'9", and around 220lbs. A thicc girl, if you will. I've lost about 25lbs since the start of this year and want to continue improving my health, but I do like being a bit curvy. I've got long black hair, with a hime hairstyle. I fluctuate between slightly pale and very tan, since I'm half white, half Native American. I have a few tattoos, and a few piercings, but had to remove a lot of my facial ones due to one of my medical conditions.
Speaking of medical conditions; I am disabled, and am currently on SSDI. I have a few conditions that I won't completely list here, but the main factor is a type of seizure disorder and neurological disease that can give me flare-ups. These flares impair my ability to walk, speak, or use my arms/hands at times. While I'd be happy to disclose more in private, I feel it's necessary to be at least a little upfront beforehand. Not everyone wants to date someone who is disabled, and that's okay! I do have limitations in what I can do/where I can go during a flare up, and navigating a relationship with someone who is disabled can be different if you've never experienced it before, so no hard feelings. However, I don't let this stop me from still trying to enjoy myself and have a good time. I still try to stay active, go to the pool, and practice my hobbies!
What I'm looking for? Preferably someone local or close, but online works as well. A person who loves laughing at shit posts, dumb memes, playing videos games, D&D 5e, and is at a point in their life where they are comfortable emotionally. You'd be able to clearly communicate with me, your needs, boundaries, wants, desires, and of course your interests! For age, preferably between 25-40, but I don't have a big preference on appearance. I would love to meet someone taller than myself considering I've been taller than most of my past and current partners, but it's not super important haha. Gender does not matter to me, so shoot your shot!
All in all, I'd like someone I can laugh like an idiot with, game with, eat good food with, and maybe have deep discussions with while sitting around a bonfire, sipping on some drinks.
Thank you for coming to my hour long ted talk, and if you're interested, feel free to shoot me a DM!
submitted by Legal-Ad-9586 to polyamoryR4R [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:42 Jaded_Efficiency1400 This is the third day (night) after my tooth extraction. I was eating chicken on the opposite side and a bit of white tissue fell out of the extraction hole. There is no pain after 5 minutes. Will I get dry socket?

30 minutes later still no pain but the site feels rather empty
submitted by Jaded_Efficiency1400 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:56 ItzIzsy HELP!!! Egg Broke Inside of Chicken!!!!!

Around 2 days ago my dogs got ahold of my chicken and defeathered her back side and gave her a little scrape. We were originally treating her for the scrape so it wouldn't get infected, but now we realize the egg she had inside was broken during the attack. She has been passing almost entirely white poop but has also been syringe fed yogurt as well as calcium w some vitamin d inside of pedialyte. She was given a warm Epsom salt bath and upon inserting KY jelly inside her vent she pooped out more yellow/white watery liquid. The vet won't be open tomorrow because it will be Sunday... WHAT DO WE DO??? This chicken is one of our favorites.
submitted by ItzIzsy to chickens [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:36 Fabulous-Penalty-172 Small bumps around my chin and lower cheek area— could it be from antibiotics?

I got my wisdom teeth removed this past Tuesday. The recovery has been going good and I haven’t been feeling much pain. I have been taking my antibiotics as prescribed as well as the antiseptic mouth wash. I noticed around Wednesday/Thursday I was getting small little white head pimples around my chin and lower cheek area but I honestly didn’t think nothing of it at first. Now I’m seeing way more and it’s a bit concerning. Has anyone experienced this after wisdom teeth removal? Do you think it could be a side effect of the antibiotics?
submitted by Fabulous-Penalty-172 to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:20 brokendream_zz I had food today.

I had food today. submitted by brokendream_zz to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:14 cloudtatu Getting cystic acne on accutane

I'm [21F] in my 6th month but I still get pimples. I'm talking 5-7 new pimples per month. I currently have 2 cystic pimples, 3 white heads and 1 normal pimple.
I drained and popped the big cystic pimple, and boy it had a lot of puss. Is this normal? I started the treatment with 20mg (which didn't do shit) and upped the dose to 40mg 2-3 weeks ago.
Is this normal? My derm is not very responsive.
Edit: Before Accutane, I rarely had whiteheads or cysts. Most of my pimples were the normal red blemish. It's interesting because on Accutane I only get cystic pimples and whiteheads. Occasionally I do get normal blemishes though. I also now have a lot of blackheads, especially on my cheeks. This doesn't make sense to me because I only had blackheads on my chin and nose before accutane. I doubt that this is purging because we increased the dose incrementally from 20 to 30 and to 40. It can't be purging.
submitted by cloudtatu to Accutane [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:53 SecretCabinet548 We visited Iceland - post is about traveling there with a nut allergy

Hi- just came back from Iceland two weeks ago (May 2024). My 19 year old son is ANA to peanuts and treenuts (he carries epis). He does not have an airborne allergy. We had a wonderful time – it’s such an amazing country. Here are some of my comments for you families with nut allergies planning a trip to Iceland. I'm posting this lengthy missive because I couldn't find any firsthand information before we went.
  1. Strongly consider full travel insurance. We normally don’t get it, but we did for Iceland as they don’t have that many 24/7 hospitals once you are outside of Reykjavik and we were told the fastest transport might be medical helicopter rather than road ambulance. Basically, we went, knowing that if we had to epi him and then head to a hospital, it might be a helicopter ride, so we took full travel insurance.
  2. Wifi reception was fantastic for us everywhere between Reykjavik and Jokulsarlon glacier lagoon (that’s as east as we went). We paid for the Wi-Fi gadget in the car; it was useful because it is a small device and we could bring it in with us to grocery stores to use the google translate app.
  3. Here’s some places we ate:
Reykjavik: Icelandic Street Food. Delicious soup in bowls with free refills. They said they had no nuts and everything was made by them. (not sure about their waffles- we didn’t have any). Food was simple and delicious.
Vik : Black Crust Pizzeria. Delicious and friendly!!! While the restaurant did have nuts (as indicated in the menu), we felt comfortable with their cross contamination procedures – as the cashews and pesto were kept separate. I would have come here the next night but we just ended up having grocery store sandwiches.
Fosshotel Glacier Lagoon (about half an hour west of Jokulsarlon) – tons of nuts on the dinner menu at the lovely hotel restaurant so I wasn’t sure my son would be able to eat anything (we did have sandwiches as a backup plan) but the restaurant manager on duty (Jolanta?) and the waiter and the chef were fantastic and very open and honest with what they could or couldn’t do and what my son could or couldn’t eat. For example, instead of mashed potatoes, which they thought might be cross contaminated, they made him roasted potatoes. They told us not to have dessert (which he never does in the US either at restaurants), instead but offered a fruit plate. He ended up having a simple, but delicious, steak and potato meal. They did and said all the right things that made my allergy-brain-mom satisfied, including warning us the meal might take longer than normal since they would be extra careful (which of course, we were fine with). They actually came back twice to explain the substitutions, as they were going along. He didn’t eat at the amazing buffet next day, because buffets are practically never safe, but he had his own cereal and they gave him milk. He is very used to not being able to eat buffets, even at home, so it wasn’t an issue.
Hveragerdi -The food hall at The Greenhouse didn’t work for our needs- so many of the stalls had nuts in open containers. The fish & chip shop there even said they weren’t comfortable serving us (they weren’t being rude at all, just honest, which I appreciated) as they couldn’t prevent cross-contamination. We went across the street to Ölverk Pizza and Brewery and we felt very comfortable with their cross-contamination procedures (a few of their pizzas had nuts). Delicious, and bonus- so was the beer. They were incredibly friendly too.
Gas station/grocery store sandwiches- These were well labeled- they tasted nice- kind of like Pret-a-Manger. Check your allergens at - for example, my son could have the ham and cheese, but not the chicken/bacon/lettuce/tomato. There are several other brands as well, not just SOMI. We did see one container the last day that said “may contain”. [None of the others did say that, but did have items like Wheat, dairy, labeled in bold as an allergen. We felt safe with the sandwiches. And Skyr yogurt was delicious and he could have that (stuck with the vanilla or plain one in general) Gæti innihaldið snefil af sesamfræjum og hnetum = May contain traces of sesame seeds and nuts. We used the Google Translate app in the grocery stores as not everything was in English.
Hot dogs: In Reykjavic and Vik, son also had the famous Icelandic hotdogs as we were told no nuts or nut oil. Very tasty and contains lamb!
We ordered allergy-card pdfs from Allergy Eats in Icelandic. Everyone in Iceland spoke perfect english but we didn't want nuances about nuts to be an issue. They came in handy a few times. I will mention a lot of the staff we met spoke Russian (and also english), not Icelandic. We often used the Google Translate app on our phones.
4) We checked one bag and brought our own cereal from home for our son and tons of safe granola/protein bars from home and baked goods I made as of course none of the bakeries were safe for him. We brought a jar of sun butter and grape jelly in our suitcase. We bought ham and cheese and butter and bread and chips/crisps from the grocery stores to make sandwiches. We didn’t need the sun butter until the end of the trip but I was glad I had it as a backup. We used google translate often as not all the items had English ingredients. We did find a safe simple white bread in all the grocery stores. (Which was a treat for my son as I never buy white bread at home!). I did also bring a box of pasta from home which we used at a (lovely) guesthouse in Hella – Loa’s Nest which had communal kitchen facilities.
5) During our trip, he ate nothing that said “may contain”, to be on the safe side (we also try to avoid that at home, but perhaps not as rigorously).
6) While traditional Icelandic food doesn’t have nuts, I saw more nuts on the menu in Iceland than I am used to seeing. Unfortunately for us, we saw that many, many restaurants and food halls had open containers of nuts on their food prep counters (and therefore no real way to prevent cross contamination). We did not eat those places when we saw that. I should add that most nuts we saw were treenuts, not peanuts, so if you only have a peanut allergy, it will be easier for you I think.
7) Everywhere we stayed either had a mini kitchen, or a mini fridge or access to a fridge (Reykjavic Residence Hotel (2 nights), Loa’s Nest (1 night), Black Beach Suites (2 nights), Fosshotel Glacier Lagoon (1 night), The Greehouse (1 night) We brought a small softsided lunch bag to keep things cool between hotels. One point I should make is that nowhere we stayed had access to a freezer (the mini fridges didn’t have a freezer) and neither did the Airbnbs. I suspect if I had actually needed a freezer, I could have asked the front desk or owners of the guesthouses but we were fine without.
8) We flew Icelandair. They don’t serve items with peanuts on board but they do serve treenuts. They did make an announcement asking people not to eat items with peanuts. They were friendly. They did let us pre-board to wipe down the seats. Our flight was just 5 hours from Boston to Reyjkavik direct so just brought his own sandwiches/snacks. I would fly them again.
We loved Iceland and had an amazing time. None of this is meant to be preventative, just informative.

submitted by SecretCabinet548 to VisitingIceland [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:50 Cool_Fish_4 Frightening Encounter in Massapequa Preserve (LI Cryptid Lore)

Frightening Encounter in Massapequa Preserve (LI Cryptid Lore)
I see a couple people are posting stories of weird cryptid like events that happened to them across LI. I have a similar story from about 14 years ago that happened to me so I figured I’d share.
It was the fall of 2010. I was 16 or so at the time and up to no good. My friends and I were walking in the Massapequa Preserve late at night. This was something we did often. My friends and I have a lot of stories of odd happenings in the woods of the preserve. Everything from half assed robbery attempts, the infamous “sex couch”, and finding a dude with porno mags living in a tent. Not to mention all the things I read in the news like MS-13 bodies, LISK encounters, decapitated occult chickens, and streakers.
I remember the night being dark and cold. As my group was rounding the southwest corner of the lake we came upon an abandoned municipal water-house. This is an old brick building that borders the southern edge of the lake. The inside is gutted with only rusted plumbing and stagnant water remaining. There were three of us that night, myself included. Two of my friends were walking in a pair maybe five yards ahead of me. As we walked past the water-house something caught my eye. It was shiny and out of place in the dark. I called to my friends to wait up but they seemingly didn’t hear me.
As I approached the side of the building I saw a bike along the waters edge. It was laying on its side almost in the lake itself. I turned the light on my flip phone on and illuminated the bike. Someone joyriding bikes and abandoning them wasn’t uncommon. As I turned to get back to my group something else came into my periphery. A kid on their hands and knees was visible, hiding behind a rock with only the top of their head in view.
The kid seemed entranced and focused on something on the muddy ground. I asked if they were okay only to get silence as a response. They were on their hands and knees with their face transfixed on the ground. I was about to speak again when the kid slowly began crawling toward me. They crawled slowly and dreamlike toward where I was standing, never looking to see who I was or where I was standing. Seemingly knowing where I was based on the light from my phone alone. They appeared to be between the age of 10-12 and were wearing clothes very out of season for the cold fall night. From their tank top I could see pale white skin and lanky arms. Their face was obscured by their long brown hair and I could make out no features of their face.
I stood bewildered by what I was seeing until they were within a couple feet of me. My wanting to help was replaced by a need to run. Terrified, I ran to my friends who never noticed I was gone. I immediately told them what I saw but they expressed no concern or want to turn back. They acted as though they didn’t hear what I said and decided to change the conversation. We carried on into the night.
Drugged up kid in the woods alone? Practical joke? Skinwalker impersonating a human child wearing the clothes they think they one would wear? I’m not sure. If anyone has experienced something similar you should share! Add to the LI lore.
submitted by Cool_Fish_4 to longisland [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:53 GracefulYetFeisty Rotisserie chicken carcass broth?

First time attempting to make broth in my slow cooker
I’ve got 2 on-the-larger-size carcasses from Costco, and only a 4qt slow cooker (also have the obligatory onions/celery/carrots, and the typical pantry full of dried herbs/spices/aromatics).
Am I better off making two batches of broth, one with each bird? Or can I make one batch, provided I cut the carcasses down so they both fit together? Regardless of doing a one-bird-batch, or both birds, how much onion/celery/carrots do I use, and how much of what else?
I’ve made broth on the stovetop before, using the Betty Crocker (or Better Home and Gardens) “Turkey Frame Soup” recipe from the red and white checked, three ring binder cookbook. Can I use those rough quantities of aromatics and herbs and stuff, just in the slow cooker instead? (I plan on mostly following that recipe to make chicken soup with the leftover rotisserie chicken and this homemade broth)
Many thanks
submitted by GracefulYetFeisty to slowcooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:40 Upper-Cheesecake-545 I have no idea how many calories-homemade meatballs & rice

So this is the ingredients, we did replace the soy with a stir fry sauce, but I just have no idea how to calculate how much calories per however many meatballs & rice. My friend made it and if I would have I would’ve tracked and weight etc, but we have a lot of it so I just wanna know like if anyone could know anything at all it would help so much
submitted by Upper-Cheesecake-545 to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:19 MaT450 Almost there

Hi everyone! I (27M) have always been keen on the idea of being self sufficient. I am proud to say that I'm getting pretty close. I get my year red meat supply from hunting deer (1 per year). My white meat from my rabbits. Eggs from my chickens (soon). Fish from the lakes. I forage mushrooms. Pick blueberries. I have a garden that produce in summer but I need more experience in order to get enough for year round. I also bake everything and make pasta from scratch. If I can acquire a bigger property I would get bees, a milk cow and tap maple trees for syrop. Right now my weekly grocery bill is only 20$ , mostly fruits, flour and toiletries.
submitted by MaT450 to SelfSufficiency [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:07 alffawolf33 Sorry not chicken related, but turkeys. I know a lot of you have both. Any recommendations for my White Broad Breasted Turkey grow out pen?

Sorry not chicken related, but turkeys. I know a lot of you have both. Any recommendations for my White Broad Breasted Turkey grow out pen?
Dimensions are approximately 25x15 and will be housing 6 birds. I will be building a roosting/enclosure space for them, but they are 3 weeks old at the moment.
submitted by alffawolf33 to BackYardChickens [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:02 fyrestarter83 Food Recommendations for a Picky Eater who wants to branch out

I've always been a moderately picky eater, and my daughter (8) is extremely picky. I have tried a California roll once, and hated it. I and am well aware of it's place in the sushi hierarchy, but the idea of raw fish seems terrifying. I grew up on skinless, boneless white meat chicken only, so biting into fat or sinew ruins chicken meals for me. Most of my issues stem from textural issues. Ive tried tofu, but couldn't get past the texture. I only eat filet when I eat steak because everything else has gristle. Etc etc you get the point.
I know I can get by in Japan avoiding these things, but I feel like that would be robbing myself of this amazing opportunity to try authentic cuisine just because I'm scared to try it.
Can I get some recommendations on meals or snacks to dip my toe in the waters? What one kind of sushi would you recommend I try? Is karrage dark meat or might I enjoy that? Stuff like that. Thanks!
submitted by fyrestarter83 to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:43 Specialist_Camel_856 Anybody know what this might be?

Anybody know what this might be?
This is where my wisdom teeth use to be. It feels like a little annoying pimple, but looks like a small blister with a tad bit of white in it? Anybody have any idea what it could be?
submitted by Specialist_Camel_856 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:25 RushMammoth9179 Food dyes

Food dyes
I’m trying to make the switch to dye free! My son (5) is very picky about foods. These are his holy grail. I can get the Walmart version of these too but like I said I’m trying to go dye free and see if I can see a difference in his aggression/outbursts/breakdowns etc. anyways, he refuses the white cheddar ones, which are dye free because they have to be orange. he eats chicken nuggets, hot dogs, those freezer Salisbury steaks, freezer bbq ribs, Cheeto puffs, sometimes the Cheeto crunchy, pringles in cheese, sour cream & onion, ruffles cheddar and sour cream, cheese pizza, French fries, fruit snacks, choc cookies, Reese’s cereal, yogurts(has to be blended no chunks) and grape water flavoring, chocolate milk, ketchup. I think I got it all. I know none of these are healthy. But he’s at least eating. Anyways, the bigggggest issue I’m finding are the Cheeto puffs. It’s the flavor, the crunch and the color. Please help 😭
submitted by RushMammoth9179 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:24 Bitter_Chipmunk_9537 2nd round Abx schedule

Hey all, This will be a bit of a long explanation but better to have the full story than not enough info.
Have a question on timing for my meds while doing my second round of Rifaximin/metronidazole, since the first round caused some issues (really terrible leg soreness/cramps/restlessness - I'm talking suicidal bad, a new gluten intolerance as well as my allergies and reactions to salicylates got worse) so now I've got blexten and some vitamins in the mix to work with.
Got retested after round 1 and the numbers came down about 20ppm each. I am now 57ppm hydrogen and 25ppm methane at 100mins, so that was good news.
  1. Blexten needs to be taken 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating.
  2. PHGG timing seems to vary, but most are saying in the morning about 30mins before eating
  3. Vitamins I usually take in the morning same time as blexten which I'll continue
  4. Now I have to work in the abx as close to 8 hours as I can and with meals, which doesn't land within meal times so I'm kinda doubling my food intake (right now I should mention I live on plain white rice, plain chicken or salmon, 40g of brussel sprouts. And not to sound rude, but please don't bother commenting "add more to your diet" if you don't understand salicylate intolerance)
So here's what I'm thinking: Vit - 630am Blexten - 630am PHGG 5g - 730am Abx - 8am w/breakfast Lunch - 12ish pm Abx - 3pm w/food Supper - 5pm Blexten - 7pm (2 hrs after supper) Abx - 10pm or 11pm w/food
Also, if anyone has had experience navigating through eating while on abx with salicylate intolerance and now gluten intolerance I would super appreciate it! I'm looking at basically just being able to up my brussel sprout intake to high fodmap levels, maybe add some green peas, garlic and cooked white onion but that'd be it. Is that going to get enough to be effective? Round 1 my options for wheat and gluten made navigating this much easier.
submitted by Bitter_Chipmunk_9537 to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:20 Prestigious-Emu6477 Average Craigslist Bullies

Average Craigslist Bullies
These are listings around my city, highlights are of red flags in the discriptions of both the dogs and the owners. I have flagged all of them. I think the craziest one is the second image, dog has harmed other dogs, and the dog has a bad knee so they give them cbd oil, nothing mentions if the knee has been checked by the vet. (Which they usually do not prescribe cbd for those issues regardless.) You’ll see a lot of these dogs have things in common.
submitted by Prestigious-Emu6477 to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:07 EntertainmentIll2135 Poisonous?

Haha just kidding, found this awesome chicken today on a big white oak near my house. Perfect condition, had some for dinner and plan on sauté and vacuum packing the rest. Good luck to everyone this season!
submitted by EntertainmentIll2135 to mushroom_hunting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:27 afragginthrowaway Are these bed bugs or something else?

I've been having issues with this for a bit, but I can't find any signs of bed bugs at all, and I've been looking. I've torn my bed apart multiple times, and searched the couches. I'm also the only one in my family who is itchy, my mom and my sibling are both fine. This is the first cluster of the bumps I've found, normally they are single bumps or groups of two.
The only times I'm itchy are when i'm hot, at night, or when I'm thinking about it, which could be psychosomatic. We also have cats, so I'm wondering if it could be fleas? Though I haven't found any evidence of those either. The bumps in the picture don't itch, they just kinda hurt. They are also really small, and kind of resemble pimples or blisters, with a white-ish center then red.
submitted by afragginthrowaway to bugbites [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:36 Hotgrs A bird took a Shit on her menu and now she thinks that’s their way of “speaking” to her!🤦‍♂️

A bird took a Shit on her menu and now she thinks that’s their way of “speaking” to her!🤦‍♂️ submitted by Hotgrs to AcefamilySnark_ [link] [comments]