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Principles of a Tip Line Platform: A research-based way to evaluate whistleblower systems

2024.05.19 07:53 scidsg Principles of a Tip Line Platform: A research-based way to evaluate whistleblower systems

Principles of a Tip Line Platform: A research-based way to evaluate whistleblower systems

Principles of a Tip Line Platform

A research-based way to evaluate whistleblower systems

Science & Design
10 min read
Article Cover Showing List of Principles and Names of Researchers
Thanks to the good work of academic researchers across the globe, we have a data-driven way to evaluate the quality of whistleblower software. The papers we’ve looked to for this article include:
The authors lists the characteristics of a whistleblower submission system. They include:
  1. Usability of the Software
  2. Authenticity of the Receiver
  3. Plausible Deniability of the Whistleblower
  4. Availability of the System
  5. Anonymity of the Whistleblower
  6. Confidentiality and Integrity of the Disclosures

Usability of the Software

Managed Service
Usability is the linchpin of any good software system. No matter what your value proposition is — the most private, secure, or whatever — if your targeted audience cannot use the software, no amount of engineering genius will make a difference. As researcher Joakim Uddholm puts it:
A key differentiator for Hush Line is that we’re a managed service, meaning you don’t have to host core infrastructure, operate dedicated networks, or hire specialists to start using the service. All a user needs to do to have an anonymous tip line is register an account.
UI for Hush Line Registration page
By providing a centralized service, we significantly reduce the risk of user error, making the service more consistent, predictable, and trustworthy.

Email Delivery

Hush Line can deliver messages directly to your email inbox. Users may enter their preferred SMTP information from Gmail or Riseup, for example, and any message submitted to their tip line will be delivered to their email account. Enabling users to set it and forget it makes using Hush Line effortless and integrates into the systems they’re already using.
SMTP Hush Line Settings

Clearnet and Tor Addresses

Hush Line is also available on both Clearnet and Tor Onion addresses. This approach is critical for users where Tor might be blocked or having anonymizing software on their device could be incriminating, like in the case of Ola Bini in Ecuador.
Screenshot of Ola Bini’s tweet about his conviction.
Since Hush Line can be accessed over a Clearnet address with the default browser already on your phone, your fingerprint will be the same as everyone else who just bought a new phone.

Making PGP Easy

Before, using PGP meant adopting cumbersome workflows that even stumped journalists at the heart of the Snowden disclosures. Journalist Glenn Greenwald didn’t have PGP set up, and didn’t have the time to learn how to do it, resulting in Snowden not being able to securely contact him. Even Snowden forgot to send his PGP key to journalists when initially contacting them.
Inbox view with Mailvelope browser extension.
Hush Line attempts to solve this problem through our integration of Mailvelope, a powerful open-source browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that enables users to create keys, decrypt and encrypt message directly in their browser, and export their public PGP key. For tip line owners, once adding their PGP key to Hush Line, all messages are end-to-end encrypted by default and when a tip comes in, they can read it within the Hush Line app. For whistleblowers, this means they don’t need to do anything to send a secure, anonymous message.

Authenticity of the Receiver

Verification System

Hush Line has a verification system for journalists, organizations, activists, or other public figures. Verified accounts receive a special badge on their message submission page so that people submitting messages know they’re contacting the right person. To be verified, users must submit proper information to prove their identity or approval to represent a company.
Submit Message page with a “Verified Account” badge.

Opt-In User Directory

Users may opt-in to a public directory where others can find their address. The default tab is prioritized to make it easy to find verified users. The directory is searchable, and a whistleblower can have confidence of the validity of an address.
Hush Line User Directory page

Account Reporting

The verification system and user directories are two ways to help ensure the authenticity of the receiver, but to help ensure the platform’s health, we enable users who have logged in to report spam or abuse accounts. We will address reported accounts immediately to determine the best next steps, whether deleting the account, sending a warning message, or other appropriate methods.

Plausible Deniability of the Whistleblower

No Downloads

Hush Line is accessible over a Clearnet address, so a user doesn’t have to download any new software to send an anonymous message. If someone wants to use a Tor-only tip line service on their mobile device, they must sign in to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. To download Tor Browser, you need to provide a valid email address or phone number and possibly payment information, all considered personally identifiable information. Now that you’ve downloaded new software on your phone, your “fingerprint” has become unique to who you are. If you only have Robinhood, Tor Browser, Mastodon, Chrome, and Slack on your phone, the likelihood of someone else having only those same apps becomes less likely. If you have even 50 apps, your fingerprint will be more associated with you, possibly entirely unique. The more unique your fingerprint is, the less realistic a plausible deniability claim is.

One-Way Messaging

Most people fail to report information because they fear retaliation and the significant risks of whistleblowing. Hush Line is a one-way messenger explicitly designed to protect the individual submitting the message. If the person submitting a message feels comfortable enough to leave a contact method, they may or can submit a message without any further involvement.

Account-Free for Whistleblowers

Someone submitting a message does not need to create an account to use the app. This crucial feature allows a whistleblower to reduce the trail of information they leave behind. No credentials can be found if you have no username or password to save. And since Hush Line requires no special software, a message can be submitted from any phone or computer, from a pubic library or internet cafe, for example.
Success message after sending a message without an account.

Availability of the System

Centralized Services

By providing a centralized service, Hush Line is more reliably available by only requiring a single system to be maintained and secured. Centralizing our services protects users by removing the responsibility of managing specialized infrastructure and following complex workflows, which, if done incorrectly, could have real-world implications.
Decentralized systems help with censorship resistance (and Hush Line can also be self-hosted), but when there are tens, hundreds, or thousands of separate instances all disconnected from each other, there is no way to ensure the quality of those systems. What other software is on the server? Is it updated? Are any ports open? Who currently has or has had access? What hardware are they using? It’s impossible and foolhardy to assume that everyone will follow best practices consistently.
An analogous example of the inherent risks of decentralization is from the Mastodon network — a decentralized version of Twitter where anyone can run an instance. The database for Kolektiva.social, a service tailored to anarchist users, was compromised. In 2023, the home of its admin was raided for an unrelated event, and the FBI seized an unencrypted database backup.
Snippet from the Kolektiva admin account’s post after the raid.

Anonymity of the Whistleblower

Leaking IP Addresses

To make Hush Line accessible to as many people as possible, the app is available on a publicly accessible URL, which is what you might expect from any web service. However, when using a Clearnet URL, leaking a user’s IP address is a real possibility.
To help defend against this, we scrub IP addresses from our access logs to minimize the risk of this happening when you use our app. To remove the possibility of IP leaks in high-threat scenarios, we deploy Hush Line as a Tor Onion service.

Tor Support

Tor is a network that anonymizes your internet browsing activity. It acts as a proxy by randomly routing your request through its network of relays, hiding who is making the request. Tor also has a feature called Onion Services. An Onion service makes a website or application accessible through a special .onion address that is only available through the Tor Browser.
Message submission onion site.
When using a regular browser like Chrome or Firefox, when you enter an address like hushline.app the browser needs to know the server address for that URL. A long chain of services helps make it possible, from your ISP to DNS services, the server running the app, and more to make it possible to type something memorable like hushline.app instead of remembering and entering Just as the browser needs to know the IP address of the target web server, your IP address is also necessary to know where to send the information.
Your IP address is essentially your customer ID for your internet service provider. All someone with the necessary authority needs to do is request the information of the owner of that IP, and your real identity is exposed.
Onion services defeat this kind of threat because they don’t operate using the same DNS and IP protocols. Tor Browser is connected to the Tor anonymizing network, and so are the Onion services that exist within it. When someone uses a .onion address, the request from the browser to the server and back never leaves the Tor network, completely sidestepping IP leakage.
To access Hush Line’s information site using our Onion address, enter `http://w25rxxn62dgix7qdbw4ot37m2y4ty7kxfrinspw4ce7jzse7pb6rhaqd.onion/`, or to access the app’s Onion site, enter `http://ghj4vviaoccj4tj2r3ss52arbnchkfvs7uft4sgtrkuvdha5zjgo6yqd.onion` in Tor Browser.

Timing Correlation

To know that two people are talking to each other, you don’t need to know the contents of their messages if you have enough metadata about the conversation. One such way to reveal important context about who might be talking to each other is to learn when the messages were sent. If there’s a flurry of activity from two accounts — one after the other, repeatedly, pausing at similar times, being active at similar times— someone analyzing the logs might assume those accounts are talking to each other.
To address this, we do not timestamp messages or relate accounts in any way. An attacker with access to the server cannot relate two messages on the platform, which is largely irrelevant as Hush Line is designed as a one-way messenger.

Confidentiality and Integrity of the Disclosures

Message Encryption

Hush Line uses PGP for message encryption, making the key owner the only one technically able to read the decrypted messages. Messages are end-to-end encrypted using OpenPGP.js, meaning our server will never see the decrypted contents.
Hush Line Inbox with an encrypted message.
We’re proactive about communicating with senders and receivers about the importance of the tip line owner adding their public PGP key, and we discourage sharing sensitive information if the receiver doesn’t encrypt their messages.
Unencrypted warning on a message submission page.


We use Let’s Encrypt for HTTPS certificates. When a site uses HTTPS, requests use the TLS protocol to encrypt data in transit from the browser to the server and back. This protects your activity from being monitored or tampered with while using the app.
For an attacker who can monitor network connections, instead of seeing which page you’re on or who you’re submitting a message to, the primary URL is only visible. So if a message submitter is on https://hushline.app/submit_message/artvandelay the recipient remains unobservable, and the only thing visible to a network snoop is https://hushline.app/.


There are many tip-line solutions on the market, and it can be intimidating to choose the right one for you. We hope this article gives you a data-driven way to evaluate the software that fits your needs.

Additional Research

Do you have any questions, comments, or feedback? Follow us on Mastodon at @scidsg@fosstodon.org.
Originally posted on Medium: https://medium.com/p/51beb8b05eb1
submitted by scidsg to HushLine [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:52 Due-Experience-7113 Are DD2 players allowed to build exact copies of an obstacle in the map editor and then use them as practice?

I would have thought not, but yesterday I saw Massa on stream building an exact copy of the turtle obstacle and using it to practice turtling and un-turtling. I thought this wasn't allowed?
60s clip of him playing in the editor: https://clips.twitch.tv/HumbleShyRadishPMSTwin-N4ZbM2QP4qqcE-01
Or skip to 1 hour in his most recent VOD to see the full 15-20 minutes of it.
submitted by Due-Experience-7113 to TrackMania [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:52 Mediocre-Cat31 Unable to do alternative light duty job

I’ve been out of work on WC for four weeks due to an injury to my arm/shouldehand that is from repeated use. They did X rays that showed no fracture, and had me on PT 3x a week and I see the doctor weekly for an update. I also started acupuncture this week (2 sessions a week). A MRI is pending and has been pending since week 2. There has been no improvement, only worsening of the pain that is now almost constant and unbearable. I cannot do a movement without pain. Going to PT this past week has been a huge struggle as well, as each exercise has been strenuous, unable to finish any of them, and exhausted for hours afterwards and the day after. My other arm now feels it has no strength from compensating and it’s starting to hurt too. I have mentioned this to the PT who said maybe I need to really push through the pain more. I feel like my injury is worse already. I have told the doctor and she hasn’t changed the treatment plan, but changed my limitations from “ok to go back to work, 10lbs weight restrictions for right arm” back to 5lbs, and said I should wear my sling.
Work and WC came up with an alternative job at a volunteer store for 20 hours a week (4x5hrs). My usual shift at my real job is about the same amount of hours but is a totally different job. However when I’m healthy and working, I am not exhausted like this, and I don’t have 6-7 medical appointments a week that take 2 hours each time along with extra driving. This schedule I know will kill me. I already feel like I am just a shell of myself, with the pain and inability to do anything, can’t even cook or drive. My spirit is now gone, just enduring the constant pain and fear for the sharper pain that comes with movements.
I went to the first day at the job on Friday and they were very lovely and laid back, they had me sit on a couch attaching tags to items . They told me I can come whenever I want and leave whenever I want and whichever day I wish. I appreciated sitting down and work on this one task but it also hurt my neck a lot. I was physically and emotionally exhausted after a little more than 2 hours (that included a lunch break), and I went home. I haven’t recovered yet. I emailed the liaison at work about it but since it’s the weekend I have not heard back. I don’t know what to do, there is nowhere in the store for me to lay down and rest. I can do the job for about 2 hours, maybe 3 hours max. Also, the job wasn’t updated about the change from 10lbs to 5lbs, and was surprised (but very compassionate) to see the sling and learn I can only use one arm. I can’t do more than this amount of time, especially sandwiched between medical appointments. I feel like I’m about to collapse, I even considered going to urgent care tomorrow because I can’t live like this. Ibuprofen does absolutely nothing to ease the pain.
I don’t understand this treatment plan… am I just supposed to continue going to PT and move my arms and work a job that will inevitably make my condition worse, and that’s it? How am I supposed to get better if we don’t even know yet what the injury is? Shouldn’t the MRI have been one of the first things to get done?
submitted by Mediocre-Cat31 to WorkersComp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:51 Put_Severe Disconnected and growing apart, I think we are approaching the end of our marriage.

My husband (55) and I (46) have been married for almost 20 years. To be honest, we had a good first five years but after that I feel that we have since then not been really happy in our marriage. He is a great guy, we have always respected and supported each other. However, over the years, we have both felt into depression, sometimes quite a cute. I am mostly out of depression due to lifestyle change and change of career. It had a big impact on our social life which is basically inexistent. We don't do anything together, we might see friends together three times a year, otherwise our life is at home,all the time, and even there we don't do much together beside watching a show or movie once in a while. All of that to say, that we have more and more apart and disconnected. I believe he has a chronic depression but he is not willing to do much about it. He works remotely so he spent 90% of his time at home, which I am sure has an impact on his mood, and not wanted to do anything. I have in the past been the social motor of our couple, offering to do stuffs together but he most of the time find an excuse to say no. So about a year ago, I decided to go out on my own and do things I enjoy, and he is cool with it but It just feels weird when I am out and see other couples having fun together while I am on my own.
Fast forward, I am bored and even tho I still live him, the spark seems fine , and I think it's the same for me and I don't know how to move forward and not just be in a state of " status quo" as we have done for years now.
I am looking for similar experience and tips on how to keep my chin up and prepare for a possible way out. Thanks for listening.
submitted by Put_Severe to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:50 goats-in-assholes The difference in quality of Danny Clones is out of hand on this sub.

The difference in quality of Danny Clones is out of hand on this sub.
It's out of hand guys, I'm so tired of these low quality, find a random picture of some white guy with a big nose and say he's danny posts. Both pictures I have are from this sub. The first picture I have is from someone, who obviously put in effort and found a true Danny clone. Honestly this person's uncle might actually be Danny in disguise doing a prank from their childhood. But the second picture is of some person's post, and you can clearly see that that is hit rapper and artist Fox Szn, not Danny. It looks absolutely nothing like him. Honestly I don't even know how this person could ever think anyone would believe that's Danny, especially considering the fact that he's on a swing. Every actual Greg knows that Danny would never get near a swing, you can see it in his eyes. I feel like the moderators of this subreddit need to help put and end to these low quality, honestly insulting posts.
submitted by goats-in-assholes to DannyGonzalez [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:49 AnotherBabyEchidna Willem Ryger, Lord of Willow Wood, Master of the Thresholds, Ser & Roslyn Ryger, Steward to Willow Wood

Character Creation:

Reddit Account: AnotherBabyEchidna
Discord Tag: thebrundun
Name and House: Willem Ryger
Age: 45
Cultural Group: RiverlandeValemen
Appearance: Willem Ryger always seems to have a coy smile about him, accentuated by his strong jawline and sharp cheekbones. His curly light brown hair has begun to thin, though his pronounced brows remain strong. Standing around six feet tall, his posture always exudes confidence, and his near-yellow brown eyes always seem to be hiding a secret or a joke.
Trait: Mastermind
Skill(s): Assassin (e), Covert (e), Devious
Talent(s): Philosophising, Carousing, Gambling
Negative Trait(s): n/a
Starting Title(s): Lord of Willow Wood, Ser
Starting Location: King’s Landing
Alternate Characters: n/a


  • 20 BC: Willem is born into the cursed bloodline of House Ryger to Willow and Ryman Ryger. House Ryger has long kept their curse a secret to the outside world. As the story goes, at the birth of every Ryger there is a new weeping willow sprouted in their willow forests and the health of the weeping willow is said to be directly tied to the health of the Ryger.
  • 18 BC: Willem’s brother, Marq, is born.
  • 10 BC: Willem is sent to ward under Vance of Wayfarer’s Rest at the behest of his grandfather Lord Leo Ryger who detests the idea of his disappointment of a son raising the eventual heir of Willow Wood.
  • 8 BC: Willem makes quick friends with Beck Bracken, also warding at Wayfarer’s rest, though he takes a special liking to his sister, Perra, and a childhood crush forms.
  • 2 BC: Willem is knighted but the event is overshadowed by the capitulation of the Vances to Aegon the Conqueror. He returns home to Willow Wood where his grandfather informs him of the family curse and in order to avoid the curse he is sent to The Eyrie to join their court, quickly earning their trust and his outsider perspective and connections are used in the capacity of Master of the Thresholds. Also during this time his first son, a bastard named Rickard, is revealed to him. Despite the child being of common birth and mute, Willem takes him in to raise him as his own, though much of the raising is done by his servants.
  • 1 BC: Funnily enough, similar to how Willem was present when King Aegon landed at Wayfarer’s Rest, Queen Visenya lands at The Eyrie, and Willem is one of the few advisors to Sharra to counsel bending the knee.
  • 1 AC: Willem Ryger weds Lynese Hightower, though his true love is still Perra Bracken yet he spares her his family curse by not wedding her. Later in the year his first trueborn daughter is born and named Roslyn. Additionally, his nephew, Robyn, is born, and the pair of Robyn and Roslyn are inseparable.
  • 2 AC: Willem and Lynese have another child and name her Mya.
  • 5 AC: Willem and Lynese have their last child together, naming their son Myles, though the curse claims Lynese’s life shortly after his birth. After her death, his life of debauchery begins and he begins his yearly parties for the elite of Westeros. Another nephew, Addam, is also born, though Willem does not celebrate the addition to their family with his brother.
  • 7 AC: Willem involves himself in the Tully plot against King Aegon, though his ties to the Vale arouse suspicion and he is barred from much of the decision making. Due to this untrust, he informs Lord Blackwood of the plot who takes on much of the burden of revealing the plot to Queen Visenya. Due to Willem’s close ties to the Vale and his lord grandfather’s acceptance, House Ryger swears fealty to House Arryn directly. During this time, the stress pushes Willem into the arms of his childhood crush, Perra Bracken, despite his continued refusal to wed her. Unbeknownst to him a child is spawned from this affair.
  • 8 AC: Willem becomes a personal confidant and source of comfort to the grieving Queen Rhaenys. The intimacy of their relationship is kept a closely guarded secret, especially their bedding which results in another child unbeknownst to him. His duties to the Vale require a large distance to be maintained between them, forbidding any true relationship from developing.
  • 10 AC: Willem is present for Sharra Arryn’s death yet at the same time his own father, Ryman Ryger, dies. Rather than return home, Willem persists in The Eyrie during the trying time for House Arryn. As Ronnel Arryn comes of age, Willem is retained as Master of the Thresholds.
  • 11 AC: Willem’s grandfather, Lord Leo Ryger, dies soon after, as if he only lived out of spite to not see Ryman inherit Willow Wood. His death occurs after a visit to The Eyrie, the second time of visiting with the first being the oath to House Arryn, where Leo further informs Willem of their curse. Were a Ryger to stand quiet enough in the weeping willing forests of their home, he could hear their ancestors. Lastly, it is revealed that despite Leo’s attempts to shield Willem from the curse, a rot has set into Willem’s willow. Due to this, Willem accepts the counsel that his brother Marq take on much of the responsibility of ruling Willow Wood.
  • 12 AC: Willem’s eldest daughter, Roslyn, is informed of everything that his grandfather has informed him of. He decides to keep Roslyn close and begin to teach her much of his subterfuge and sets her up to inherit many of his connections should he pass.
  • 13 AC: Willem’s daughter, Mya, is sent to ‘squire’ for the Cavaliers upon their creation.
  • 15 AC: Willem’s son, Myles, is sent to squire for the legendary knight Lord Corbray, though the boy is difficult to train mostly due to his protest of being sent away from his family.
  • 18 AC: Willem’s bastard son, Rickard, is finally knighted and immediately following his ceremony he takes off to find where his commoner mother was sent off to. Unfortunately, the Riverwar breaks out during his travels and he finds himself on either side of the war depending on which side of the battle he happens to need to be on to continue his search for his mother.
  • 19 AC: Willem is present for the wedding of Queen Visenya and Lord Lyn Egen and does his best to aid in the planning of the festivities.
  • 20 AC: Willem’s brother, Marq, declares himself Regent of Willow Wood. While having been the de facto regent, the declaration comes under contention from Willem. To resolve the dispute, Roslyn is made Steward of Willow Wood and acts as eyes and ears for Willem. Her loyalties are in contention, unbeknownst to Willem, as Roslyn and her cousin Robyn further their relationship into intimacy.
  • 22 AC: Willem’s bastard son, Rickard, returns from his travels. Being mute, his ability to convey his travels is limited, but the corpse he returns with bears the resemblance of the woman Willem bedded long ago. They put her body to rest in the weeping willow forests and Rickard forever swears his service to his father.
  • 23 AC: Willem’s trueborn son, Myles, returns to Willem now a knight. He is given the truth of the family curse and his mental state further spirals, with his long protest of being sent away now given a proper justification. Willem brings the entire family to the forests to find each of their weeping willows, where Myles finds the rot of his father to have spread to his tree nonetheless. He vows to make his death worthwhile, though Willem cautions that despite his own tree having rot, he has yet to perish.
  • 25 AC: Willem leads the entirety of House Ryger to the festivities in King’s Landing.

Family Tree:


Supporting Characters:

Name and House: Roslyn Ryger
Age: 24
Cultural Group: RiverlandeValewoman
Appearance: Roslyn’s dark, straight hair and pale skin stand in sharp contrast to her father. Her amber eyes are inherited directly from him, however, as was her smile that often appears devious to some and endearing to others. Constantly lost in thought, she takes an unassuming posture, preferring to only display confidence when she feels she is in the right.
Trait: Insidious
Skill(s): Espionage (e), Investigator
Talent(s): Singing, Hunting, Gambling
Negative Trait(s): n/a
Starting Title(s): Steward of Willow Wood
Starting Location: King’s Landing
Alternate Characters: n/a
Archetypes/Notable Characters:
  • Mya Ryger - Daughter of Willem; the resemblance is uncanny upon realizing that Roslyn inherited Willem’s cunning while Mya inherited charm. Aged 23. Tourney Knight archetype.
  • Myles Ryger - Son of Willem and heir to Willow Wood; of whom has lost the luster of life in his eyes with an uneasy calm demeanor always present. Aged 20. Cutthroat archetype.
  • Rickard Rivers - Bastard son of Willem; a mute who has devoted his life to a love of killing under the guise of being a knight. Aged 27.
  • Marq Ryger - Brother to Willem; rather than enacting his cunning through subterfuge, he has instead proven his ability as a cunning commander with a true love of tactics. Aged 43.
  • Robyn Ryger - Nephew to Willem; a man of true brilliance and joy for learning who has devoted his time to the art of revenue generation. Aged 24.
  • Addam Ryger - Nephew to Willem; a kind-hearted simpleton that has been focused on the simplicity of combat. Aged 20.
  • Septon-Maester Stephus - A long-time advisor to Willem; likely neither septon nor a maester, but his wisdom is vast, if often crude. Aged 68.
submitted by AnotherBabyEchidna to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:49 RadioRavenRide Activity Shilling: What if Neoliberals contributed to Bridge-building?

It if my belief that the hardest liberal ideal to uphold is not property rights or free-markets but pluralism. This is because the instinct to demonize and distance oneself from one's enemies is overwhelmingly strong, driven by pride, fear, anger, and disgust. But we should stand against these impulses, for the very core of democracy relies on people and groups of different to engage and hash out a plan for the future. With that in mind, I would like to make a case that one of the most powerful and useful things a principles neoliberal can do is bridge build.

What is Bridge Building?

Bridge-building is not rigorously defined because it's pretty new, but it comes from very old human instincts: curiosity and a desire for authentic connection.
Curiosity is not just a desire for knowledge, but a desire to expand one's view of the world and a practice of being an ever-enthusiastic learner. Curiosity does not have to be about facts but also about new experiences and ways of thinking. To be curious about a person is not necessarily wanting to know their social security number, but how they came to where they are in life and how they see the world. Curiosity is not just touching grass, but appreciating the park's beauty. If I were not curious, I would likely have noped out of this subreddit based on the name alone. But because I was, I read the sidebar.
It is my belief that people have an innate desire to be heard, to be seen and respected. And although it is diminished as of late, people also have the capacity to truly connect to others on a deeper-than-superficial level. This is hard online, but much easier in the real world. This desire and capacity for connection can help people overcome great differences and sprout the seeds of a great friendship.
Based on these two principles, Bridge-Building is a movement to ease polarization by connecting people of different backgrounds and groups together to foster greater understanding. The goal is not to reduce disagreement, but to make it more productive.

Why should Neoliberals Aim to Bridge Build?

Yeah, why should we? If we know best, why should we listen to those chumps? After all, I already have a name for everyone to right and left of me: wrong.
For one, do we really know best about everything? In the Socratic Dialogue Meno, Socrates and the politician Meno discuss the nature of virtue. During a debate on whether virtue can be taught, Meno asks Socrates this:
And how will you enquire, Socrates, into that which you do not know? What will you put forth as the subject of enquiry? And if you find what you want, how will you ever know that this is the thing which you did not know?
Here in lies Meno's Paradox: how do you know if you need to learn? If you already have that knowledge, you do not need to look any longer. And if you don't, then you have no idea what you're searching for. Socrates uses the idea of inbuilt knowledge as his answer, but I have another one which may strike more directly to the interests of liberals: simply assume that your knowledge is incomplete, and seek a more complete picture. Given all the knowledge in the world out there and all the things have yet to be discovered, it is unlikely that you or any other person has the complete picture on even a single issue.
But even if we do not know everything, if there value in learning from those of different views of us? I say that there is, and I will use another famous parable, this time from Buddhism, to illustrate my point. In this story, a kind invites a group of blind men to experience something that they have never encountered before: an elephant. When each blind man has felt a part of the creature, the king asks them to describe what they are touching. The man touching the foot says that the thing is a pillar, the man touching the trunk says it is a plow, the man touching the tip of the tail says a brush, and so on. The blind men cannot agree on what they are all touching, and so start an ancient version of a flamewar which entertains the king. In this story, the elephant is "The Truth", if such a thing exists. Although we all come in contact with the truth and with reality, we each come at it at different angles, like how the blind men are touching different parts. This means that while our individual perspectives are incomplete, they can be put together as a much more complete picture. People who remember the "wisdom" of the crowds should also recognize the powerful insights that can come from non-experts, especially as a group. Neoliberals who aspire to be "evidence-based" should not just gather evidence from different sources, but learn about different ways of thinking from others, or else they would be like one blind man squeezing the elephant's gonads really hard and thinking he's touching a balloon.
Hoewver, there are a lot of people who will reply to this very post and say, "isn't it dangerous to engage with certain people? What about those who are too stupid and hateful to learn?". Firstly, you should never bridge build if you feel unsafe. However, feeling unsafe is not the same as feeling uncomfortable, and discomfort may help you shake out of old patterns. Secondly, the foremost goal of substantive discussion is not to teach but to learn: even if the other party is too stupid to learn, if you are able to listen and learn you will have gained from the conversation. This may not always work out, but I promise you that when it does the effect is magical.

How do you Bridge Build?

This is the hard part. I haven't fully figured it out myself, but I have some pointers:
  1. Be patient. People, especially people on the internet, are no the most eloquent speakers. Struggling to find the right words or having incorrect grammar and spelling should not be taken as signs of being dumb babies not worth talking to. Additionally, try not assume all of what people are based on snippets of information.
  2. Be polite. Avoiding infamatory remarks ("You can't even read a supply and demand graph") and ambiguous slogans ("From the river to the sea, drugs will be free!") and try to keep the focus on the issues instead of the other person (or what you assume of the other person).
3.Stand up for your beliefs. Common ground is only real if it is earned. Be upfront about what you believe and how you came to believe those things. Anything else would be a disservice to the other party.
  1. Follow your curiosity. Try to ask questions in good faith instead of as traps (although I admit I do this a lot). Who knows where the inquiry will go?
But if that's too hard or ambiguous, there's a lot of help out there. Here are some organizations and projects that specialize in bridge-building:
Braver Angels: They host workshops, debates, and other events for bridging divides. I also like their A Braver Way Podcast. They also happen to be associated with one American Purpose Magazine.
One Small Step by StoryCorps: If you sign up, they may match you with someone they think you will have a fruitful conversation with.
National Institue for Civil Discourse: Come on, one of the founding Co-Chairs was Bill Clinton, and a former board member was H.W. Bush.
There are many more, so feel free to search for yourself. So, why not try building some bridges? They're an important piece of infrastructure.
submitted by RadioRavenRide to neoliberal [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:48 curious_human21 Got iron maiden (storage slots: 15) for free at the start. Does everyone get it? I did not find much info about it on the net.

Got iron maiden (storage slots: 15) for free at the start. Does everyone get it? I did not find much info about it on the net. submitted by curious_human21 to GrimSoulSurvival [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:47 JessicaHicks660 Does anyone know the value of these? Or maybe the year on them? Opened but in very good condition.

I'm gonna tell you the truth, masturbating all day is wasting your life. You'll never fuck the girls you see on here. Don't you think that's simply the truth? If you feel like changing your life, you can Register on Divertente Window 459 to find an actual horny human being that would be dumb enough to date you.
submitted by JessicaHicks660 to Budweiser [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:45 campermania Feeling super uncomfortable at work :/

Hey guys, sorry this is a pretty long read!
I’m in a pretty upsetting situation at work right now and I need some advice. For some context, I’m 21 and I work in a nursing home, I’ve been working here since I was 16.
I work nightshift, there’s only 7 of us here at night, a nurse and a carer per floor ( 2 floors) and then 3 carers who do one to one care, I do one to one care (all of which are upstairs) so essentially that is as it sounds, I sit in the one room majority of the night to care for one person. Now on numerous occasions we’ve had people call in sick so I’ve had to look after 2 or sometimes even all 3 residents that require 1-1 by myself, not a problem, I’ve always managed fine and I’ve still been able to help the carer who’s managing the whole floor of 25 residents on top of the 1-1’s.
So basically I’m at work currently, and we were short staffed by 2 people, both of which are supposed to be 1-1, one of the girls, let’s call her Jenny (30’s), came in to cover but she was here last night too and didn’t get sleep during the day, so myself and the carer on the floor, let’s call her Anne (50’s), told her to get an hour or two of sleep.
So Jenny, Anne and the nurse went downstairs for break, I watched the floor and the 3 residents for the hour while they were down. Later on I went down for mine and I was chatting to the carer downstairs, let’s call her Hannah(50’s).
This is where I got upset, Hannah told me that she had said to Jenny to get sleep when they were all down for break, and Jenny responded with “no not while Emma is here” which is me. I was like what? What the f is that supposed to mean? Hannah said that she thinks it’s because I’m close to management (I’m good friends with a member of the managements family as this is also a family owned business) so she thinks that Jenny is under the impression that I will report her for sleeping or something ?? However I don’t think that is the case as in the past I’ve told Jenny that I’m going to have a little 20 minute nap while things are quiet and it’s never been an issue, also, why would I tell her to get some sleep if I was going to report her for it. So does she just think I’m incompetent and I can’t watch over them while she has a nap? Idk.
I want to ask her about it but I don’t want to throw Hannah under the bus. Idk what to do but I can’t forget about it and it’s really upset me
submitted by campermania to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:44 jungineedhelp How to fix deep rooted brokenness? With a jungian perspective.

20 y/o male. I am extremely self aware in my actions and have came to the conclusion that I have some sort of deep rooted brokenness about my being.
For example, I was watching fantastic mr fox, and a scene came on saying “I think I need people to think I’m the greatest , the so called fantastic mr fox” and it resonated deeply. I am exactly like that.
I need people to be in awe of me, I need people to see my greatness. Even though I have no greatness to show. And you know why I do it? I feel like I need some sort of validation.
The funny thing is , I’m extremely insecure and extremely sensitive. I want people to think I’m great but I don’t even acknowledge others because of how scared I am of people and rejection. Wow. I’m such a loser and its funny even saying this. I think I am just broken? Fundamentally broken.
I was also watching cyberpunk edge runners. And one of the characters said to the main character “you still believe you’re special” . Its been shown time and time again, that no one is special and everything will come to an end, but the main character refuses to accept that he is not special.
I am just like that. I think I am special, I’m on this earth to make a change, to actually do something great with my life. Why can’t I accept average? I still cannot accept this. I must be great.
submitted by jungineedhelp to Jung [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:44 incywince How do you take care of your health?

I was a SAHM until recently and loved the low stress levels (compared to my line of work) and being constantly moving. Now I work a job that has me tied to a desk (which is thankfully at home), and I feel like it's not good for my health.
My job starts at 6am, and I usually just roll out of bed and start working. The cadence of my job was kinda chill at first, so i had alarms on my fitness watch to get up and exercise every hour or two, get 250 steps an hour, all that, and I'd also take a lunch break, eat and take a stroll. I like this job because I'd usually get off at 2, be able to get an hour to myself before I could go outside with my kid.
But what's happening now is my job has gotten crazy busy and there's something that's keeping me engaged every minute. Planned meetings, adhoc meetings to fix broken servers, tasks that need to get done stat so I can take feedback from others before moving to the next step, manager calling me for updates that I respond with with "per my last email"... it's a lot. I don't even notice the alarms to do 250 steps in an hour. I end up eating lunch at the tail end of my work day. And I don't get off of work at 2, it stretches to 3-4, so I end up sitting basically the whole day. Also now when I get to play with my kid, it's late for her and she wants to sit down and play and doesn't want to go out and do anything athletic (because she's spent all day running and jumping and sliding and dancing already) and she asks for screen time and snacks. sometimes I do an app-based workout for 20 minutes, but sometimes she just wants to sit on my lap and watch TV and eat crackers or paint with her or play legos... which is more sitting. I end up pretty tired by the time my kid's in bed, and I fall asleep right after. My husband does a lot of childcare, and I really miss spending time with my kid as much as I used to, so I don't want to cut into my time with my toddler to go running or something.
I think this constant sitting and constant doses of work stress from meetings and alarms and pings are really bad for me. I'm noticing my weight creeping up and I just look worse. I have worse energy, and it feels like sleep problems aren't too far away.
I already eat very healthy, no snacking during the day, no processed food, and I lost all my pregnancy weight previously on this same diet, so it by itself is not fattening. The increased stress levels and lack of activity feel like the culprits.
I feel like what I need is 10-min scheduled breaks throughout the day, and a solid lunch break where I can take a stroll after lunch. I'm not sure how to enforce this on myself. I'm eager to impress my higher-ups as I'm close to a promotion, and on a day-to-day basis I think that ends up manifesting as me just responding to everything that comes my way right away.
How should I think about this stuff so I get back to feeling healthy?
submitted by incywince to workingmoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:44 Worth-Complaint-9629 Custom enamel pin order

Our pupper recently passed away and I created an image that I'd like turned into an email pin, I don't need 20 or more of them, and is there a way I can order just 5 pins with my custom design at a fair price?
submitted by Worth-Complaint-9629 to EnamelPins [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:43 FakeStoryMaker2-0 Need Help

Does anyone know where I can get an updated texture pack for version 1.20.6? I'd like a modern texture pack for Minecraft that is compatible and up to date.
submitted by FakeStoryMaker2-0 to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:43 SecretAccomplished99 Shower

Hi I've an angled roof and a 20 year old shower can I get shower room or a shower made with a longer tray and angled glass or better going for a square shower straight replacement
submitted by SecretAccomplished99 to bathrooms [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:42 Putrid-Percentage-95 How do I know if I like my best friend?

So me (19 F) and my friend (20 M) met at the beginning of our sophomore year. We quickly became close and we have many mutual friends. I’ve found that he’s someone who I enjoy spending time with as he’s an active listener, super caring, and overall just a great guy. We have late night conversations, study together, and to the gym together often.
Anyway, I’ve known for a while that I felt at least some kind of attraction for him. Then one night, we both were super intoxicated and kissed. I had no recollection of this, and only found out because he told me. I apologized for crossing a line and told him that I truly did not remember it at all. He told me not to worry and that it didn’t make him uncomfortable, but didn’t say anything further.
So firstly, I can’t tell if I like him or not. He’s truly an amazing person; he listens closely and asks me about things I’m excited about after they’ve happened, accompanies me when I crave company. Even small things, like remembering and bringing me my favorite flavor of candy, or taking my dirty plates to the disposal for me in the dining hall. But I can’t tell if my feelings for him are platonic or romantic. As terrible as it is, I have to admit that I don’t feel much physical attraction to him. He’s a bit taller than me (2ish inches?) and his physique is incredible as he lifts and plays sports, but I don’t think I’m that attracted to his face (this is so terrible to say I’m so sorry). Anyway, none of this matters to me as he’s an amazing person, but I can’t help but think: am I really romantically attracted to him if I don’t find him that physically attractive? Is this a sign that my feelings are purely platonic, and I’m just confusing it with romantic because he’s a great friend?
Secondly, I’m not even sure if he even likes me back. He’s very kind and gentle with me, but I think that’s just part of his personality. Could I be misinterpreting his kindness?
TLDR: My friend is super kind and an amazing person, and I can’t tell if my feelings for him are platonic or romantic.
I would appreciate any advice on this topic. Thank you guys :)
submitted by Putrid-Percentage-95 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:41 Noessmey Its alive! (right?)

My first build! Thanks for the suggestions and advice!
submitted by Noessmey to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:41 VolarRecords Is Sean Kirkpatrick part of The Program? And that's why he took the role at AARO to say it doesn't exist?

Is Sean Kirkpatrick part of The Program? And that's why he took the role at AARO to say it doesn't exist?
I've been running this idea in my head over and over the past week or so after deciding to look at Sean Kirkpatrick's bio as Director of AARO based on his CV history and the now-infamous photo of him in the 2018 meeting that was leaked by Brandon Fugal of Skinwalker Ranch that Kirkpatrick claimed in his interview with Stephen Greenestreet he didn't attend.
You can find a copy of that bio here.
I couldn't put anything together until I saw the below tweet from Klaus on X/Twitter via his Patterns Tell Stories Podcast handle from almost two weeks ago taken from an official OSTI.gov document. OSTI is the U.S. Department of EnergyvOffice of Scientific and Technical Information.
Here is the abstract, which states:
The International Biological and Chemical Threat Reduction Program at Sandia National Laboratories is developing a 15 - year technology road map in support the United States Government efforts to reduce international chemical and biological dangers . In 2017, the program leadership chartered an analysis team to explore dangers in the future international chemical and biological landscape through engagements with national security experts within and beyond Sandia to gain a multidisciplinary perspective on the future . This report offers a high level landscape of future chemical and biological dangers based upon analysis of those engagements and provides support for further technology road map development.
The link for the abstract above will also take you to a 35-page report. Here are its Table of Contents.
BACKGROUND .............................................................................................................................................. 9
FUTURE DYNAMICS .................................................................................................................................... 11
  1. 2.1 SOCIOECONOMIC TRENDS ....................................................................................................................................11
  2. 2.2 TECHNOLOGY TRENDS .........................................................................................................................................12
SECURITY IMPLICATIONS AND STRATEGIC CHALLENGES ............................................................................. 13
  1. 3.1 SECURITY IMPLICATIONS ......................................................................................................................................13
  2. 3.2 STRATEGIC CHALLENGES ......................................................................................................................................14
4 APPENDIX A. RAPIDLY DEVELOPING SUBFIELDS THAT INFLUENCE C/B DANGERS ............................................... 17 APPENDIXB. INTERVIEWEES...............................................................................................................................23 APPENDIXC. BIBLIOGRAPHY...............................................................................................................................25
Here are his job titles taken from his bio:
Dr. Kirkpatrick began his career in Defense and Intelligence related science and technology immediately out of graduate school. After receiving his Ph.D. in Physics in 1995, he subsequently took a postdoctoral position at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, investigating laser-induced molecular vibrations of high explosives under an AFOSR program.
(AFOSR is the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. This is their website.)
In 1996, he was offered a National Research Council Fellowship at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington D.C. investigating novel solid-state lasers for the Department of the Navy.
In 1997, he was recruited by the Air Force Research Laboratory to build an Ultrafast Laser Physics Lab to investigate nonlinear optics, novel ultrafast spectroscopic methods, and nonlinear micro/nano-fabrication techniques for the Air Force.
In 2003 he was offered a program manager position in the National Reconnaissance Office, and converted to CIA in 2005.
In 2007, he was assigned as Chief Technology Officer in a joint CIA-DIA program office, where he later became division chief as a DIA officer. (I think this might be where Grusch's comments in the video below come into play.)
In 2010 he was asked to serve as the space control portfolio manager for the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Space and Intelligence, Office of the Secretary of Defense.
(Christopher Mellon worked for the Office of the Secretary of Defense from January 1997 to December 2002.)
In 2012 he returned to DIA, and served as the Defense Intelligence Officer for Scientific and Technical Intelligence, serving as the Department of Defense’s counterpart to the National Intelligence Manager for Science and Technology until 2016. Towards the end of his tenure as DIO/S&TI, Dr. Kirkpatrick served on special assignment to the Principal Deputy Director National Intelligence leading the Intelligence Community’s support to the Joint Interagency Combined Space Operations Center.
From 2016 to his current assignment, Dr. Kirkpatrick served in a variety of no-fail roles including Deputy Director of Intelligence, US Strategic Command;
Director, National Security Strategy, National Security Council;
Deputy Director of Intelligence and the DNI Representative for USSPACECOM. The USSPACECOM Intelligence Enterprise was the fifth organization he has been the IC lead for establishment.
His most recent assignment was as Chief Scientist at DIA’s Missile and Space Intelligence Center.
After retiring as the Director of AARO, Kirkpatrick immediately went to the Oak Ridge Laboratory, which, along with Wright-Patterson and Area 51, is directly at the heart of the UFO history and mystery.
Here is his bio listed at Oak Ridge's website.
Here's David Grusch on Joe Rogan talking about Remote Viewing, Garry Nolan's much-discussed ideas about the caudate putamen as an emergent property of the brain and human consciousness, and its study by the CIA, DIA and the Army vis-a-vis Remote Viewing.
submitted by VolarRecords to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:40 angeloand Galaxy S24 Ultra discount and trade-in deal

Looking to buy a galaxy S24 Ultra, had a few questions.
I noticed people said in the past the best time to buy a galaxy outside of release is Prime Day. I believe last year, the phone was discounted ~20%.
Right now, on the Samsung website there is a promo where 512gb is the same price as 256gb (not sure if I would even need 512gb but doesn't hurt to get more space.) On top of that promotion, the education discount is 20% and there is the trade-in deal as well. Would now be a good time for me to purchase, or will there be a better deal later this year?
Also with the trade-in deal, how long does that last? I was thinking of purchasing a refurb/used galaxy and trading it in.
Finally, I've read there was an android auto issue with Galaxy phones, is this still an issue or has it been fixed?
submitted by angeloand to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:40 im_missus_nesbitt LDS Mission President didn’t report an elder caught downloading/using child p*rnography

This story was told to me from someone who served a mission in California 20+ years ago.
The person telling me this story said he caught an elder in his district with numerous images of child pornography that the elder had been downloading/printing and using for self/gratification (he had also showed them to another missionary). When it was reported to the mission president, instead of sending the missionary home, the mission president sent the missionary to meet regularly with an LDS therapist and let him continue his mission.
This person also told me that this mission president had sent other missionaries home for things as trivial as going to the beach but allowed this elder to stay.
It’s disgusting and heartbreaking to think about how many more stories there are about this kind of thing out there due to the church’s obsession with protecting its image.
If there’s anything about the Mormon church that makes my blood absolutely boil it’s how they have continuously enabled and protected these monsters. It’s deplorable and evil.
submitted by im_missus_nesbitt to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:39 sutagi Eastern Diamond-backed Rattlesnake

Eastern Diamond-backed Rattlesnake


submitted by sutagi to u/sutagi [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:39 Nabila_Biscuit Got $40 at the end of the month, should I have spoken up about it?

I am from Bangladesh. Two years ago, I joined a US-based online company, initially as an unpaid volunteer(which they didn't mention in the job posting), but I still joined after the interview, hoping for a permanent role in the future. After working around 28 hours monthly for 3-4 months, I was hired part-time, working 20 hours weekly for $40-$50 a month. Despite our team's growth and millions of followers, my pay remained unchanged, which wasn't enough to support my family or cover any bills, it only covered my transportation and sometimes internet. But it was okay back then because I lived with my parents. The average salary for this position in Bangladesh is around $600 a Month.
I believed in the company's mission but felt the compensation was unfair. Management issues and lack of clarity in instructions led to burnout.
I noticed their employees quiting every month. So I had the courage to quit. They wanted me to stay and asked if something was wrong, but I didn't address my concerns when I resigned, citing a lack of fit for the tasks and that they deserved someone more capable.
Reflecting on it, I wonder if being honest could have sparked change. They were wonderful people outside their profession. The guilt resurfaces occasionally, especially because I knew they lost valuable employees, and I just left them when they needed me the most. I'm contemplating whether to explain my true reasons for leaving after two years. Would that be appropriate or just weird cuz it's out of the blue?
submitted by Nabila_Biscuit to careerguidance [link] [comments]
