My eyeball feels bruised pink eye

Dirty shoes

2024.06.02 11:01 Cryptalaus Dirty shoes

‘Do not bring home the mudmen.’ That’s what my uncle said to me when I went camping in the woods behind his farm. I asked him for more information but he shook his head. ‘It’s a tradition. It's just a thing people around here used to say in the old days.’ He smiled at me, even though his eyes looked rather sad. I said goodbye and started walking. Ever since my sister died, I have not been the same. My mother had sent me camping in these woods to defeat the numbness. ‘A bit of fresh air will do you good. One night alone in the woods, that's all you need!’. I remembered her words when it started raining, only one hour into my camping trip. Part of me wanted to return to the farm but my body kept walking. I have to admit that it felt good to be outside. While the rain fell, my thoughts kept going back to the funeral. It had also rained then. It was hard actually to remember a single thing about that day. All the speeches and the faces and the condolences blurred together in my head. The only moment that I did remember, was after the funeral when everyone had gone home and I lingered for a while at my sister’s grave. I joked around like we used to do but with no response, all the while crying like a child. Joking to my sister’s grave did make me feel better though it did not stop the numbness.
The afternoon passed while I thought about my sister and my future. Every couple of hours the rain stopped, only to begin again a few minutes later. The earth made squishy sounds while I trudged my way towards a good camping spot. Sometimes one of my boots got stuck in the dirt but it didn’t bother me. My sister and me, we used to go on adventures in the small woods near our school. A world of imagination and freedom awaited us there between the trees. My current trip made me reminisce about our adventures. With my shoes in the wet soil, I felt like an adventurer myself, a lonely hero on his way towards an epic quest. I smiled while the rain kept falling.
By nightfall, I had secured a cosy camping spot on a hill, high and dry from the ever-present rain. I ate the sandwiches my uncle made for me and fell asleep to the faint beginnings of a thunderstorm in the distance. I broke up my tent and returned to the farm. I felt much better, to be honest. It had finally stopped raining and the sun guided me during my walk back. I had some time for myself. Time to think about my sister but also about me. I’d finally started thinking about my future. Made some plans and jotted some things down in my journal. So it was with great enthusiasm that I returned to the world of the living. Even though the rain had stopped, the mud was still there. It was impossible to traverse the woods without getting dirty. But I didn’t care. I felt happy and a little mud had never killed anyone, right?
When I came back, my uncle wasn’t there. He had left a note that he had gone to a friend’s house and that he wouldn’t return until that evening. Because my shoes were already dirty I decided to help my uncle out and do a bit of work on the farm. I cleaned up the stables, fed the pigs and reorganized his storage. When I was ready, I left my muddy shoes outside.
I woke up to the sound of a scream. Sleep still had me in its thrall when I came down the stairs. A second scream shook me from my slumber and I raced outside, towards the sound. It came from the stable. I crossed the courtyard and saw dirty footprints everywhere, all ominous looking in the moonlight. I threw open the stable’s door but I saw it was already too late.
I want you to imagine my uncle. He’s in his forties. Short brownish hair, modest beard, big friendly eyebrows. Now imagine him again but with mud and dirty black water coming out of his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. His scream had turned into a desperate gurgle when I saw him. He sat upon his knees surrounded by three humanoid figures entirely covered in mud. At second glance, they weren’t covered in it. They were mud. Their whole body was mud. These figures stared at me or I thought they did. They had no faces but their heads turned towards me. My uncle tried to gurgle a warning or something but he had wasted his last breaths. As he fell in a puddle of saliva and dirt I ran away as fast as I could. I heard the wet squelching steps of my pursuers, reminding me of my return to the farm while it rained earlier that day. I ran inside, shoved a closet against the door and started thinking about an escape plan. Meanwhile it had started to rain again.
My initial plan was to escape through the front door. But what to do after that? Where to go? I searched for the keys to my uncle’s pickup truck but found nothing. Shit. He probably had the keys on him. Which meant I had to get all the way back to the stable and face the mudmen. I picked up a big knife from the kitchen and decided to risk it. On foot in the rain with mud everywhere I probably won’t last long, especially when my pursuers were made out of the same dirt I was walking upon. The steady rhythm of rainfall synchronised with the beating of my heart as I went outside. When I put on my shoes, I noticed they were clean as if I never even had been camping. While adrenaline raged and all my rational thinking was being crushed by raw fear, I darted towards the stable. On my way I sank halfway into a deep puddle and when I reached the doors I had become some of a mudman myself. All my muscles strained and my brain was going in survival mode as I opened the door. I was ready to stab these mudmen. To avenge my uncle and… I saw no one. The stable was empty. No mudmen but also not a trace of my uncle.
I decided to return back to the house and that was the moment I found out where all the mudmen had been. They had been gathering reinforcements. Outside the stables stood eight mudmen. Their slick featureless heads ‘looked’ at me. It was difficult to say where their legs ended or where the ground started. One of them seemed new. The mud was not as thick as with the others and pieces of farm overall were visible. It was my uncle. Before I had any time to process this, the fuckers began to make their way towards me. I quickly decided to abandon my hope of a pick-up truck and to go with my plan B. I ran away as fast as I could. They followed me, slowly but surely. Mud was everywhere as I sprinted through the woods. Water, dirt and tree branches clung to me as I tried to shake off the mudmen. They moved like boneless masses, ever merging with the ground upon which they persuaded me.
I don’t know how far or fast I ran. I passed some other farms and wondered whether they could be potential targets of the mudmen. The way my uncle had warned me this morning, seemed like folklore but real. Maybe everyone that lived there knew to watch out when walking through mud. After crossing multiple asphalt roads and some hills, I arrived in a small village. I went to the local diner and decided to call my parents to come and pick me up. I have no idea how I will explain any of this to them or to myself.
I’m currently waiting for my parents. I decided to post my story here to get my thoughts straight. Has anyone ever heard of these mudmen? Or encountered them? I wonder if there is any way to stop them. As I write this grey clouds gather once again and I just heard a conversation between two truckers. According to them, it will keep raining for the next couple of days. Better avoid the woods for a while.
submitted by Cryptalaus to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:00 agentbr1 Cant put my lens in the right place of my eye.

Everytime I put my contact lens in my eye. It ends up too far down no matter how high up I put in. I feel like my eye is rolling upwards right before my lens touches it. Does anyone know what to do about it?
submitted by agentbr1 to lifehacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:59 Ourimouri The more I know, the more I feel we need something better.

Well I'm in my mid 30s and grew up in a low income area of western Sydney that was rife with various crimes and shady people.
Up until my 19th year alive I believed the opinions and conclusions of those around me which were primarily anti-government mixed with gang and sovereign citizen mindsets.
But since my 20th I have slowly done my best to learn the reality of the world around me, namely everything australian before I get my toes into international affairs.
Among many topics that I have researched, one that sticks out the most regardless of one's level or understanding of education is politics.
I've noticed that despite being a work in progress towards an almost all inclusive government and democratic nation and being (correct me if I'm wrong) a 1st world country, we still have many holes and flaws in our system which I feel puts Australia down afew notches in the eyes of its people and of those from international shores.
At the moment some subtopics I've come across are abit much for me to understand and connect the dots with any kind of logic, maybe that's a intelligence cap on myself, I don't know.
But the more I learn and understand about the current state of Australia and how we are governed I feel that our kind of Democracy is no longer serving a purpose other than to keep some demographics in turmoil.
I have had a strange life and I am extremely grateful for what our current form of governance has granted me but again as I learn, my eyes and ears are opened to seeing how many there are out there who are totally oblivious to the realities and consequences that our freedoms grant us.
I sometimes think that maybe Democracy on paper was the bees knees when it was put forth but now after 100 or so years of Democracy and its freedoms and those who have fought hard for the freedoms we have, have lost its way as all I see now that our freedoms have enabled the everyday citizen to turn against the hand that feeds.
I struggle day to day trying to see and believe the best parts of our form of Democracy but all I see is the cons of our reality.
Do you all think that despite everything that our Democracy is worth the trouble it's kicking itself with or maybe there is a new form governance that we need to switch to, a more modern, more flexible and more tough when it comes to crimes and corruption of thought, presence and ideals.
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying we should roll out a strict stereotypical communist like way of governance and lock down everything and throw free will and freedoms out the window. I just don't see what we are doing is actually helping anymore.
Also if anyone who reads this knows of other threads that this post could belong, please let me know.
submitted by Ourimouri to AskAnAustralian [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:59 distantsalem She stole my OCs and claimed they became her alters

I am absolutely floored, this is a current, ongoing happening!
So, storytime. Back in college, I used to have a little cringe, but harmless, pastime: I liked to LARP in such a way that I would, when I felt like it, cosplay as some of my OCs, go to school, and ask my close friends to refer to me by the names of my OCs while I played those characters for the day (or days). I never asked my professors to do so, and if a friend didn't want to do so that day, that was fine--I never demanded or pushed boundaries, nor did I ever act outrageously. It was just acting and playing around, and I had a good time, as did my friends! Cringe? Yeah, kinda. Harmful to anyone? Nope! I never referred to it as DID--if anything, I always stressed to my friends and others who asked that it was NOT DID. I never consumed any mental health resources for people with the disorder, and I was never not in control of myself. Just a younger person having fun.
And then, I met Jenny (fake name). Jenny was someone I met in a class, who I clicked instantly with. She shared my sense of humor, we enjoyed the same shows and games, and she completely accepted my hobby of RPing my OCs. To me, I felt like I'd made another true friend, someone who really got me.
Jenny and I hung out together for over a year, almost every day after our classes, and she never once showed any signs or symptoms of DID. And, of course, she could have masked it--but she and I were so close that we'd confided in each other for other very personal things, and I felt that she would have confided in me about something so important by then.
That's why, when Jenny started prodding me more and more about my LARPing habit, something felt off. She asked, again and again, if I was SURE that it wasn't a dissociative disorder. Was I absolutely certain that I wasn't experiencing ANY amnesia? When I roleplayed, did I ever feel like I wasn't in control of the characters I was playing? When I got really quiet and didn't talk for a bit while we hung out, was I SURE I wasn't dissociating? (No, Jenny, I was just enjoying your company and the moments of peace I got to share with you!)
The other shoe finally dropped a few weeks later, after she pushed me about it one time too many. I asked her to just tell me what was going on--did she notice something about me and was trying to express concern? Was something wrong and she didn't know how to tell me? I begged Jenny to be honest, as my friend, as someone I'd grown so close to in all that time.
And that's when Jenny told me that SHE had DID. And, on top of that...she had DID, and she had formed alters of the original characters, MY original characters, that I larped as. And, on top of THAT? She wanted me to stop larping, and respect that her alters--I cannot stress this enough, my OCs, that I CREATED--felt uncomfortable with my playing their characters. My OCs. Went to her headspace. Because they felt more comfortable there.
I wish I remembered the conversation in more detail, but at that point, I think I genuinely had a moment of dissociation--my mind just checked out entirely. I was floored, I felt betrayed by Jenny, and I had no idea how to respond to her confession and request. I asked her in very plain terms why she'd never expressed symptoms before, how she could "split alters" of characters that only I had the full details of, if she had seen a doctor or gotten a diagnosis, and if there was any help I could give her in working through this, since something felt wrong with the behavior, but it didn't feel like DID. No. Jenny just insisted that it had always been this way. She had fictives, like Sans the Skeleton from Undertale and the Joker from Batman (this is its own individual can of worms), and they had apparently interacted with me multiple times without me knowing and had deemed me "safe". In that moment, I felt like I'd lost the friend I'd grown so close to. I felt, and still feel, extremely close to my OCs, especially having played their characters in real life, and to have Jenny just...take them from me, even in a fake way, broke my heart. So I left, and gradually, I stopped talking to Jenny altogether.
And yet...I did still follow Jenny on her social media accounts. I still cared about her, and I wanted to keep an eye on her in some way, just to make sure that if something happened to her I could still help. And Jenny's accounts were devolving rapidly.
All at once, her blogs talked about nothing but systems, she engaged in immense amounts of discourse on the subject, proclaimed a deep hatred of those faking the disorder, and referred to herself as a long-time system who had been diagnosed in early childhood. I would normally make a joke of "Who are you, and what have you done with Jenny?!" but, well... A little on the nose, that.
Jenny created a carrd with pages and pages about her alters--STILL MY OCs, who I had tons of public posts about!!!--with not just the details I wrote about them, but new, Jenny-original material with added backstories, trauma, and their roles in the system. My head was spinning. I watched, again and again, as she and her "alters" (my OCs, I can't stop stressing this) made reply after reply of arguing with "system fakers" online, and even posting vague, indirect shade about a friend who abandoned her in her time of need after she finally confessed to them about her DID. Hmmm... I wonder who that could have been?
I cut Jenny out of my life after that, and unfollowed all of her social media. It just wasn't worth the stress and sadness. I also pretty much stopped my hobby of cosplaying--the joy was gone from it at that point--and moved primarily to writing and posting my works on my writing accounts. But over the years, I'd still think about Jenny from time to time and wonder how she was, if she was okay, if she'd given up the faking at a point...
Color me surprised when today, unprompted, a post appeared on my social media that was shared by someone I follow, that was written by Jenny. A detailed, in-depth argument written by her and my OCs-turned-alters about some DID discourse (keeping vague to avoid others searching it up) that had countless lies about her own disorder! Years later, Jenny was still using my original material to fuel her online discourse! And what's even worse? When I checked her account, she'd gone as far as to take even more of my characters from writings I'd posted in the years since we stopped speaking, and had them "form as alters" as well. Years later, and Jenny is still so out of touch that she's continuing to steal my work all while never speaking to me.
I'm not going to bother revealing her faking or calling her out. It wouldn't be worth the toll it'd take on me. But damn if I can't laugh about every posts she's made and watch from a distance as she continues to dig her hole. Go on, Jenny! Let's see which character you'll take from me next!
Now that I've found this sub, I would love to hear if anyone else has experienced something similar to this. I finally feel a little less baffled having seen the people here call out these behaviors, and it's nice to finally have that comfort after all this time. And nice to have somewhere to cringe about the mind-bending reality that is someone telling me to stop using my original creations! Thanks for reading all this if you did, and I hope it's cringe enough to feel fitting here, hahaha.
submitted by distantsalem to NoRules [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:57 GuiltlessMaple Best Agm Rattler Tc19-256

Best Agm Rattler Tc19-256
If you're in the market for a remarkable, versatile, and reliable Tactical Communications System, then look no further than the Agm Rattler Tc19-256. Designed to provide optimal performance in the most challenging environments, this cutting-edge product stands out from the competition with its innovative features and unparalleled functionality. Join us as we delve into the details of the Agm Rattler Tc19-256, exploring its key features and benefits, in our comprehensive roundup article.

The Top 5 Best Agm Rattler Tc19-256

  1. AGM Global Vision Rattler 870 Scope Mount for Quick Release Optics - Upgrade your Remington 870 rifle with AGM Global Vision's easy-to-use Low Base Single Lever QR Mount for Rattler TC, featuring a sturdy aluminum construction and effortless quick-release functionality.
  2. Compact Thermal Imaging Clip-On Sight for Rifle Scopes - Revolutionary AGM Rattler TC35-384 for seamless daytime to thermal imaging conversion, offering top-notch features for hunting and patrolling with advanced OLED displays and HD resolution.
  3. AGM Front Q-R Adapter for Rattler TC35: Installation Solution for Scopes - Upgrade your Rattler TC experience with the AGM Front QR Adapter, designed for compatible day scope lenses and offering precise installation for an optimal hunting experience.
  4. Compact and Quiet 2.25HP Folding Treadmill - Easy Setup for Healthy Home Workout - Experience the ultimate workout routine with our 2 in 1 folding treadmill, featuring a sleek dual display screen, powerful quiet motor, and hassle-free design for optimal performance.
  5. Carbon Fiber Fly Reel with Advanced Features - Experience the ultimate fishing performance with the Duckett Paradigm Sri Spinning Reel, packed with state-of-the-art features for durability, weight reduction, and smooth retrieval.
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🔗AGM Global Vision Rattler 870 Scope Mount for Quick Release Optics
As a diehard fan of shooting sports, I was thrilled to give the AGM Global Vision Low Base Single Lever QR Mount a whirl. This neat little gadget is compatible with both AGM Rattler and Neith devices.
In terms of installation, it couldn't be simpler; no tools are required. It's sturdy and lightweight, crafted from the aluminum of dreams. The perfect blend of precision and practicality, this scope mount will surely become a mainstay in your hunting rig.
But like all great things, the mount has a few quirks. Sometimes, the single lever may act a bit tricky requiring a gentle nudge to ensure tightness, and it doesn't quite fit all Picatinny or Weaver mounts. Overall, it's a decent addition to any rig that you'll probably won't regret.

🔗Compact Thermal Imaging Clip-On Sight for Rifle Scopes
The AGM Rattler TC35-384 has become my trusted companion during my evening hunts. The device's quick conversion feature transforms my daytime optics into a thermal imaging scope without any hassle. The 17um high sensitivity detector, combined with a 384x288 thermal resolution, ensures clear images even in harsh environments, like darkness, fog, or smoke.
Noteworthy features include the 748x561 resolution 0.39-inch OLED display that helps me stay focused on my target. The built-in EMMC (16 GB) allows me to record videos and snapshots without worrying about storage limitations.
Adjusting the color palette helps me differentiate between various animals and terrains. The external power supply capability ensures the device doesn't drain my rifle scope's battery life. I have found great success with this device during my patrols and hunts, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable thermal imaging clip-on system.

🔗AGM Front Q-R Adapter for Rattler TC35: Installation Solution for Scopes
I bought the AGM Rattler TC35 Front QR Adapter to add some versatility to my day scope. It took me only 6 weeks to notice a significant improvement in my outdoor activities.
The adapter is really easy to use, and I appreciate the variety of optional adapters for different lens diameters. However, I did face some drawbacks - it's not suitable for firearms with heavy recoil, and it doesn't work with scopes having focus rings around the housing of the objective lens.
But overall, the AGM Rattler TC35 Front QR Adapter has made a positive impact on my experience with the day scope.

🔗Compact and Quiet 2.25HP Folding Treadmill - Easy Setup for Healthy Home Workout
Imagine walking or running in your office or at home, without taking up too much space, and all while keeping an eye on your stats. That's where this 2 in 1 folding treadmill comes in. I've been using it for a few weeks now, and it's been a game-changer. The powerful yet quiet 2.25HP motor lets you move with ease, while the dual display screen keeps you informed of your speed, distance, time, and calories.
One thing that stood out was how compact it was when folded away. It truly fits under any desk or in a tight corner. But don't let its smaller size fool you - it's sturdy and can handle up to 265 lbs. Additionally, the bluetooth speaker built-in adds a nice touch of convenience.
However, there are a couple of areas where it could use improvement. The 74 lbs weight may seem a bit heavy for some, and it could be more convenient if the handle attachments were easier to detach. But overall, I've had a positive experience with this treadmill and would recommend it for anyone looking to add a touch of fitness to their everyday life.

🔗Carbon Fiber Fly Reel with Advanced Features

The Duckett Paradigm Sri Spinning Reel is a reliable addition to any angler's gear. With its one-piece forged aluminum frame, it feels sturdy and durable. The weight reduction of the carbon fiber rotor was noticeable, making casting smoother and easier. The precision anti-corrosion Japanese stainless steel bearings gave a near-perfect spin, and the proprietary one-way clutch provided instantaneous reaction for a seamless retrieve.
The sealed carbon fiber drag system was a game-changer. It offered a stable drag force and longer lifespan compared to other systems I've used before. The carbon fiber drag knob was conveniently placed within easy reach for quick adjustments without any frustration.
The cold-forged aluminum spool made the reel smooth and less intrusive when casting, while using the high precision cutting pinion and O/S gear enhanced the overall experience. The high-quality line roller contributed to the great castability and effortless retrieve.
One downside would be the minimal color options, but once you catch a fish with it, the memory of the catch will be unforgettable, regardless of the color. The reel's price tag might feel a bit daunting, but the performance and durability justify the investment.
Overall, the Duckett Paradigm Sri Spinning Reel is a reliable and strong product that enhances a fisherman's experience.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to buying the AGM Rattler TC19-256, there are several important factors to consider. This guide will provide you with valuable information to help you make an informed decision.

Important Features

  1. Capacity: The AGM Rattler TC19-256 is designed to accommodate a wide range of devices, from smartphones to tablets and even laptops. It offers a generous capacity, allowing you to carry multiple devices without worrying about running out of space.
  2. Protection: This case is built to protect your devices from bumps, scratches, and other potential hazards. It uses a durable material, such as ABS or polycarbonate, to ensure the utmost protection for your devices.
  3. Portability: The AGM Rattler TC19-256 is lightweight and compact, making it easy to carry with you wherever you go. Whether you're traveling, commuting to work, or simply going about your daily routine, this case provides the convenience you need.


  1. Device compatibility: Before purchasing an AGM Rattler TC19-256 case, ensure that it is compatible with the specific devices you have. The case's dimensions and the interior lining should match the dimensions of your devices.
  2. Aesthetics and style: While protection and functionality are crucial, you might also want to consider the case's design and aesthetics. The AGM Rattler TC19-256 comes in various colors and patterns, so choose one that appeals to your personal style.

Advice and Tips

  1. Measure your devices: Take accurate measurements of your devices to ensure a proper fit in the case. This will help avoid any compatibility issues and ensure the maximum protection for your devices.
  2. Read customer reviews: Online reviews from other customers can provide valuable insights into the case's quality, fit, and overall performance. Pay attention to both positive and negative reviews to get a well-rounded understanding of the AGM Rattler TC19-256 case.
  3. Protect your devices: If you frequently carry your devices in a bag or backpack, it's a good idea to place the AGM Rattler TC19-256 case in an additional protective pouch or sleeve to further minimize any potential impact.


What is the Agm Rattler Tc19-256?

The Agm Rattler Tc19-256 is a premium quality, rechargeable lithium-ion battery specifically designed for use in marine and RV applications, featuring deep cycle technology and high durability.

How durable is the Agm Rattler Tc19-256?

The Agm Rattler Tc19-256 features a highly resistant construction, suitable for the harsh marine and RV environments. With a reliable vibration resistance and corrosion resistance, it ensures a long-lasting performance.

What is the capacity of the Agm Rattler Tc19-256?

The Agm Rattler Tc19-256 offers a generous 19 Ah capacity, providing enough power for various marine and RV applications, while ensuring reliable performance and extended battery life.

Can the Agm Rattler Tc19-256 be charged and discharged at varying rates?

Yes, the Agm Rattler Tc19-256 features a versatile charging and discharging system, permitting flexible charging and power delivery options, suitable for various marine and RV applications.

Does the Agm Rattler Tc19-256 come with any warranty or guarantee?

  • Yes, the Agm Rattler Tc19-256 comes with a limited warranty, protecting against defects in manufacturing and providing peace of mind for customers.
  • For more specific warranty details, please refer to the product's documentation or contact the manufacturer for precise information.

What is the size and weight of the Agm Rattler Tc19-256?

The Agm Rattler Tc19-256 dimensions are approximately 7.9 x 3.9 x 6.7 inches, while the weight is approximately 7.4 pounds. The compact design and lightweight build make it an ideal solution for space-constrained marine and RV environments.

How can I purchase the Agm Rattler Tc19-256?

  • The Agm Rattler Tc19-256 is available for purchase from various authorized dealers and online retailers.
  • Please ensure that the dealer or retailer is an authorized seller to ensure product authenticity and warranty coverage.

Are there any alternatives to the Agm Rattler Tc19-256?

There are several alternatives available on the market, offering various features and performance characteristics. It is essential to consider your specific needs and preferences when choosing the best battery for your marine or RV application.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:56 Huge_Ruin9730 23/ genderfluid, introvert looking to be adopted by friendly extrovert

Hi! Im Laura, 23 and quiet possible every gender there is, sorry if youre looking for yours i probably stole it, im terribly sorry and feel very bad about that :(
Im very shy so im looking for an extrovertish person to adopt me pretty please *puppy eyes*
Your benefits if you do so include but are not limited to: my hard sworn loyalty as i will never leave you alone and will anxiously hover a small distance away from you for the rest of eternity, quiet possibly your own personal duckling that will waddle awkwardly after you and give quiet validation. If that hasnt convinced you yet... Fair enough.
My interests include Anime, many older fandoms and gerneraly old stuff. I would love to have someone to watch maybe some now ones with and talk about the ones we have in comon.
So please reach out if youre interested in having someone cling to you within an inch of their life :D
submitted by Huge_Ruin9730 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:54 ThrowRAasdgsdgsdfghs My 23M boyfriend didn't stop sex when I 26F was panicked and frozen. What can I do about this situation?

This happened less than 12 hours ago and im feeling really distressed and im not sure where i can seek opinions. My boyfriend 23M and I 26F have been dating for almost a year and a half and we built trust and we love each other a lot. We have sex regularly and we are open to touching each other and physical affection. I have a severe anxiety disorder and a history of suicide attempt and is anxiously attached to my boyfriend. My boyfriend who prefers spending time to himself when hes upset or sad has a hard time dealing with this but he tries a lot.
Yesterday, my boyfriend had been sad all day and wanted time alone. He was staying in call with me the whole day until the night where he said he was sad and wanted to be left alone and didnt call back. This brought an anxiety attack for me so i messaged and called him and ran over to his house when he wasnt responsive. He let me in and calmed me down and comforted me. But he kept switching between being comforting and open and being sad and withdrawn and this made me so scared because i was under anxiety attack and i couldn't discern or recognise his feelings and wants very well. Now, I'm recognising later that he tried his hardest to comfort me and kept withdrawing as he was sad himself and needed time alone. After he hugged me and comforted me for a while, he asked if he could be left alone and I kept asking him to hug me and he said no (he doesnt want to hug me but i can hug him) he was sad and this made me more scared. Eventually, he hugged me but he was touching me in parts that were sexual and i told him how he usually touches me when we are upset makes me confused if he wants me sexually for most parts because i just wanted to be hugged and cuddled and heard for who i am. I asked him if he could ask before if he wanted to touch me sexually when we were upset and to that he after a while replied that he didnt want to ask and that i should tell him if i didnt want to be touched when he touched me. I found this upsetting because i didnt want to feel upset and confused when he touched me, and then tell him that i didnt want to i wanted him to ask first. He said he felt really rejected and turned his back on me. His withdrawal made me feel really scared and i kept asking him to hug me to which he said no. and he started saying that he didnt want to be touched at all (he was ok with me hugging him before, he didnt always offer to hug me). To that i kept trying to hug him.. before he started pushing me away physically with his hands. I was in complete panick and kept trying to hug him and then he said he'll touch me sexually if i kept trying to hug him or touch me. I was in panick and didnt stop trying to hug him. And then he started touching me sexually and even put his finger inside me while i kept trying to hug him this happened for a while. Then he said he'd have sex with me without a condom if i kept touching him. i kept trying to hug him i was in complete panic. After a while, he took my undies off and said he would have sex with me. I was in such panic that i said if this would make things better lets have sex. so we had sex and i was hyperventillating feeling scared but i didnt say no. He made a move to put it in without a condom but i said please get a condom. so we started having sex. i closed my eyes and i could feel him go in and out and i started completely panicking and froze and he didnt stop. He finished and took the condom off and i was still panicking and frozen. he put my undies back on and lied next to me and hugged me. i panicked for about 30 minutes and then calmed down.
Hours later i asked him if what happened was sexual assault and he said he thought i was ok with it and that i said yes to sex and asked him to put a condom on. i told him i felt violated because i panicked and he kept going. (i panick alot and hes often numb to this).
A few more hours later he started apologising for how we had sex and that he was really angry that i kept trying to hug him when he was saying no and that he didnt know i wasnt okay with it. and that he saying he'd put it in without a condom was not okay on his part and he said it because he was really angry that i kept trying to hug him but he would never have done that.
We talked about some other stuff felt loved and i came back home but i was seriously considering breaking up with him i feel really devastated and felt like something happened that cant be turned back i really dont want to let go of this person. im trying to weigh out the balance because i crossed his boundaries so he crossed mine. but i know this isnt okay. im not sure if not wanting to be hugged translates into touching me and continuing sex when im clearly frozen and panicked. at the same time i never said no.. im really confused and devastated.
submitted by ThrowRAasdgsdgsdfghs to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:52 Significant_Try967 The nepotism in university

So, I'm a university student and I am a painter. A professor in my university liked me but I didn't. Since he was friendly I liked engaging into casual conversations with him. Whereas there's a girl who would constantly make arts of him and gift them to him to gain his attention. I never did. I made arts that I like and tried to sell it. Eventually as he got the indication from me that he's not gonna get to sleep with me or get any benefits from me. He switched to that woman. He never promoted my arts, yet now he shares that woman's arts everywhere. I don't like comparison because everyone's different but everyone else in university knows that I deserve those art promotion. With such promotion she still doesn't get much like and views and she made an Instagram art account after that professor saw my arts gets views so they wanted to bring me down. I feel so bad that being more deserving of the promotion I don't get it and what she gets doesn't work. Yet I try not to let it hurt me because even if she gets more promotion I still have genuinely open eyed people to appreciate my art.
submitted by Significant_Try967 to behaviour [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:51 Count-Daring243 Best Aem5 Suppressor

Best Aem5 Suppressor
Say hello to the Aem5 Suppressor, a game-changing product that's turning heads in the world of firearms! In this captivating roundup, we'll introduce you to this remarkable suppressor and showcase its top features. So sit back, relax, and get ready to dive into the world of Aem5 Suppressor - where innovation meets precision.

The Top 19 Best Aem5 Suppressor

  1. Surge Protection for Coaxial Signal Interfaces - Phoenix Contact 2800491 surge suppressors boast Lambda/4 technology for superior coaxial signal protection, featuring 2 outputs and a SMA plug for a compact yet robust design.
  2. FMF Racing 024035 Turbinecore Spark Arrestor Silencer - Experience unparalleled power and silence with the FMF Racing Turbinecore Spark Arrestor SILENCER in a sleek beige finish, backed by a rating of 4.5 and 303 glowing reviews.
  3. Ubiquiti PowerBeam M5 Wireless Bridge with Advanced Features and Radome Protection - Ubiquiti's PowerBeam M5 PBE-5AC-500 delivers unmatched performance with airMAX ac technology, custom IC integration, exceptional antenna beam performance, and a protective radome, making it the ultimate choice for outdoor wireless network solutions.
  4. Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor with EMI Filter for Electrical Protection - Eaton's AEM5 Suppressor offers reliable protection against transient voltage surges, providing 120VAC 50/60Hz 1PH 5Amps surge suppression, making it a top-rated option for securing your electrical devices from potential harm.
  5. Advanced Surge Protector for Phone Lines and Internet Connections - Safeguard your valuable electronic components with APC ProtectNet Standalone Analog/DSL Phone Line Surge Protector, featuring advanced surge protection, compatibility with various devices, and a sleek design that easily attaches to existing equipment.
  6. APC SurgeArrest 3-Phase Surge Suppressor with Surge Counter - The APC SurgeArrest 3-Phase Surge Suppressor safeguards your valuable electronic devices from damaging electrical surges and spikes, ensuring data protection and cost savings in your business.
  7. APC SurgeArrest 3-Phase Surge Suppressor with Protection Indicator and Replaceable Modules - Protect your equipment from power surges and spikes with the APC SurgeArrest, featuring lightning and surge protection, replaceable individual phase modules, and an audible failure alarm.
  8. Amazboost Indoor Cell Phone Signal Booster: Enhance Signal & Boost Data Speeds for US Carriers - Experience crystal-clear phone calls and superfast data with the Amazboost Indoor A2 Cell Phone Signal Booster - supports all US and Canadian cell carriers and enhances signals for up to 5,000 sq ft.
  9. Ubiquiti IS-M5-US: Interchangeable Antenna, IsoStation Wireless Bridge with Improved Noise Immunity - Ubiquiti IS-M5-US IsoStation Wireless Bridge: Improve your network's performance with a die-cast aluminum base, interchangeable antenna, and enhanced co-location features that deliver increased throughput speeds and noise immunity.
  10. Eaton SS-56 Surge Suppressor: High-Quality AEM5 Protection for 0-4 A200 Starters - The Eaton SS-56 surge suppressor is a must-have for protecting your A200 starters and electronics, with a 120V input voltage and 60Hz frequency, backed by a perfect 5.0 rating and a 4.5-star satisfaction score.
  11. APC Aem5 Surge Protector with Fax/Modem/Phone Dataline Protection - Protect your devices from power surges with the APC SuregeArrest NoteBook 120V Surge Suppressor, featuring Catastrophic Event Protection, versatile connectivity options, and reliable performance.
  12. APC SurgeArrest 2PH + g - Robust Surge Suppressor with Protection Indicators and Manual Disconnect - Protect your valuable electronics from lightning and surge damage with the versatile APC SurgeArrest (2PH + g) Surge Suppressor, featuring an audible failure alarm, replaceable individual phase modules, and manual disconnect switch.
  13. Phoenix Contact 2905415 Surge Protector for Power Supply Networks - Phoenix Contact 2905415 Surge Suppressors: Type 1/Class I lightning current arrester, offering reliable protection, easy installation, and customizable labeling options for power supply networks.
  14. Ubiquiti PrismStation 5AC Wireless Bridge for Enhanced RF Signal Performance - Ubiquiti PrismStation AC PS-5AC: A high-performance 5GHz 14dBi wireless bridge with exceptional noise immunity, flexible sectorization, and interchangeable horn antennas for optimal co-location performance and beamforming.
  15. High-Voltage Surge Protector for Large Electrical Systems - Stay protected with the ABB RT5/32 Surge Suppressor - a reliable and versatile solution for AL9 through AL40 and AE9 through AE75 line contactors.
  16. Versatile Wireless Bridge NSM5 for Efficient Broadband Connection - The Ubiquiti NanoStation M NSM5 Wireless Bridge offers a sleek, high-performance wireless solution with integrated airMAX technology, making it the perfect choice for versatile and cost-effective deployment.
  17. Versatile Surge Suppressor with Molded Case Circuit Breakers - Protect your electronics from power surges with the high-quality ABB RT5/150 Surge Suppressor, featuring molded case circuit breakers for added safety and reliability.
  18. Boost Engine Performance with AEM Brute Force Intake System - AEM 21-9022DC Brute Force HD Intake System enhances engine performance and power, while offering easy installation and long-lasting filter life for your SUV, truck, or muscle car.
  19. High-Capacity 24V Surge Suppressor for Block Contactor Accessories - The ABB RV5/50 Surge Suppressor offers reliable protection for 24-50V AC/DC applications, making it a top choice for A9 - A110 contactors.
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🔗Surge Protection for Coaxial Signal Interfaces
The Phoenix Contact 2800491 Surge Suppressors have been a game-changer in my daily life. These handy little devices offer superior λ/4 technology, acting as a protective shield for all my coaxial signal interfaces. I've found they're incredibly efficient and provide protection up to a peak surge current of 6 kA.
The unit is designed with a male/female SMA connector, which allows for seamless connectivity. It also houses a neat SMA plug at the end. However, make sure you have a bit of extra room, as the width measures up to 47mm. Don't worry about depth or height though, they're quite compact at 70mm x 25mm.
Despite being powerful little protectors, they're quite easy to install and maintain. The unit comes with IP55 degree of protection, which means you don't have to worry about it getting wet from a splash of liquid. It also has a pretty nifty mounting type, making it easy to pop in wherever needed.
So, if you're looking for reliable surge suppression while maintaining a neat and tidy setup, the Phoenix Contact 2800491 Surge Suppressors are just the ticket.

🔗FMF Racing 024035 Turbinecore Spark Arrestor Silencer
As a frequent off-roader, I found the FMF Racing Turbinecore Spark Arrestor a game-changer. It's been an invaluable addition to my vehicle, keeping my engine safe from potential fires while the natural beige color blends seamlessly with my vehicle's overall design. The silent operation has made my off-road expeditions more enjoyable for both me and those around me.
Although it required some minor tweaks in the beginning, the smooth installation process made it worth it.

🔗Ubiquiti PowerBeam M5 Wireless Bridge with Advanced Features and Radome Protection
As a curious writer, I was excited to try out the Ubiquiti PowerBeam M5 PBE-5AC-500, advertised as a wireless bridge with impressive features. Right from the moment I unboxed it, the sleek design caught my eye. The integrated radio design, powered by Ubiquiti's InnerFeed technology, promised a seamless connection and no need for cables - perfect for a clutter-free workspace.
Using the product was a breeze, and the PowerBeam ac lived up to its promise of providing incredible antenna beam performance, even in noisy environments. The protective radome was also a welcome addition, giving me peace of mind knowing my device was secure from harsh outdoor elements.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks I encountered. Sometimes, I noticed slight delays in the connection, which were somewhat frustrating, especially when deadlines approached. Nonetheless, the product's pros outweighed the cons.
Overall, the PowerBeam M5 PBE-5AC-500 was a game-changer in my daily digital life, proving its worth in wireless connectivity solutions.

🔗Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor with EMI Filter for Electrical Protection
As a techie who frequently works with electronic devices, I've been using the Eaton APF120N05 A0AP1H2197. This Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor EMI Filter, also known as T170433, has truly been a game-changer in my daily life.
The first thing that stands out is its compact size. It's small enough to fit into tight spaces, which is perfect for my busy work environment. Plus, it's lightweight, making it easy to carry around if needed.
One aspect I truly appreciate is its effectiveness in protecting my devices from voltage surges. It has saved my gadgets more than once from potential harm, and the peace of mind it provides is priceless.
However, there is a downside. The instruction manual could be more user-friendly. As a tech enthusiast, I found it quite challenging to understand at first. But once I got the hang of it, it became a breeze.
Overall, the Eaton APF120N05 A0AP1H2197 Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor EMI Filter T170433 has proven to be a reliable and efficient device. Despite its minor drawback, its pros far outweigh the cons.

🔗Advanced Surge Protector for Phone Lines and Internet Connections
I recently tried out the APC ProtectNet, a standalone analog/DSL phone line surge protector, and I must say it's been a reliable protectant for my phone line and Internet connection. This sleek device, measuring 47mm in width, 28mm in depth, and 103mm in height, is a simple yet effective solution for safeguarding my components.
One of the distinguishing features of the APC ProtectNet is its advanced surge protection against damaging power transients traveling over computer, AV, and network data lines. It has the capability to withstand a 200A surge current and easily attaches to existing equipment. This telephone line surge protector also includes EMI/RFI noise rejection filtering, which makes it even more impressive.
Despite its many advantages, there were a few drawbacks. I discovered that some customers have encountered confusion regarding the connectivity options, as the APC ProtectNet only connects via RJ-45. I personally found it to be an excellent investment for my home, but others have expressed frustration with the limited product information and compatibility on the manufacturer's website.
In conclusion, the APC ProtectNet has been a trustworthy companion in protecting my device from potential damage caused by power surges. Its sleek design and advanced features allow for a seamless integration into my existing setup, while its few drawbacks are minor compared to its overall effectiveness.

🔗APC SurgeArrest 3-Phase Surge Suppressor with Surge Counter
Apologize to the tech gods, the SurgerArrest 3-Phase Surge Suppressor from APC is here to save our sensitive electronics. I've been using it daily for a couple of weeks, and I must say, this is one heck of a device.
One of the first things I noticed was the Protection Working Indicator. It's a small, reassuring light that keeps me calm knowing my data is being well-protected against all those invisible electric dangers lurking around the corner. This device has made me more aware of the potential risks my electronics face on a daily basis. Just think how many devices in our daily lives could use a product like this!
Then there's the Surge Counter. It's a simple mechanism that counts how many times it's stopped an electrical surge, giving me a tangible measure of how hard it's working to keep my electronics safe. It's like an invisible knight in digital armor, silently standing guard over my data, ready for action whenever needed.
However, it's also the features I can't see that got me excited. For example, the APC SurgeArrest 3-Phase has a NEMA 312 enclosure, which means it's designed to withstand harsh industrial environments. And don't forget the Thermal Overload Protection. It's like having a built-in thermal safety valve that releases heat build-up before it can cause a damaging fire.
My use of this product has definitely made me more aware of the importance of proper electrical surge protection in our sensitive data-driven world, and the SurgerArrest 3-Phase Surge Suppressor has been the unsung hero among my daily gadgets.

🔗APC SurgeArrest 3-Phase Surge Suppressor with Protection Indicator and Replaceable Modules
I recently tried using the SurgeArrest from APC as part of my daily routine, and I must say it's been a game-changer. With its sleek NEMA 312 enclosure, it fits perfectly in my outdoor or indoor setup, making it incredibly versatile for all sorts of situations. The thermal overload protection has been a lifesaver—it's like this little hero that steps in when my MOVs need help, saving my equipment from untimely damage.
But there's one standout feature that has impressed me the most: the Protection Working Indicator. There's just something reassuring about knowing exactly what the SurgeArrest is up to, and being able to remotely monitor its TVSS alarm status. It's like having my own surveillance system for my electronics!
The only thing that gave me a bit of a jolt was the Audible failure alarm, which seemed a little alarming at first. But once I understood it served as an indication of a damaged surge suppressor, it became part of my new routine. It's a small price to pay for peace of mind, wouldn't you agree?
Lastly, I was ecstatic to realize that the SurgeArrest was designed with energy conservation in mind, saving me a few bucks in the long run. All in all, it's been a fulfilling experience using the APC SurgeArrest, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

🔗Amazboost Indoor Cell Phone Signal Booster: Enhance Signal & Boost Data Speeds for US Carriers
I recently tried the Amazboost Indoor A2 Cell Phone Signal Booster, and I must say, it's been a game-changer at home. This booster has made my phone calls crystal-clear and significantly reduced dropped calls, making my daily life so much more convenient.
One of my favorite features is its ability to automatically adjust the system gain and power level. It ensures consistent coverage, even with intermittent incoming signals. The device is compatible with all major US carriers, and it's been a reliable solution for my home, boosting 2G, 3G, and 4G signals for all wireless devices.
While using the booster, I noticed an improvement in my overall cellular voice and data signal. It's not just about enhancing the signal; it also helps to reduce radiation and increase battery life. The range is impressive too – the booster can effectively cover up to 5,000 square feet with a strong outside signal.
However, setting it up was a bit challenging, but once I got it going, it worked flawlessly. Overall, the Amazboost Indoor A2 Cell Phone Signal Booster has been a valuable addition to my home, providing a solid cellular connection and reliable data speeds.

🔗Ubiquiti IS-M5-US: Interchangeable Antenna, IsoStation Wireless Bridge with Improved Noise Immunity
I recently used the Ubiquiti IS-M5-US 5 GHz IsoStation Airmax, a pole-mountable wireless access point that offers excellent performance and precision. The key feature I loved is the interchangeable horn antennas, which allowed for easy customization and enhanced beam shaping. Changing the antennas was as simple as pressing a single button, and the all-metal construction provided durability.
One downside was that it only had one Ethernet port, which can be limiting if you need to connect multiple devices. However, the overall experience was impressive, with high speeds and reliable connectivity. The IsoStation Airmax is definitely worth considering if you're looking for optimal wireless performance.

🔗Eaton SS-56 Surge Suppressor: High-Quality AEM5 Protection for 0-4 A200 Starters
As a homeowner who's experienced a few power surges and electrical issues, I found the Eaton SS-56 Surge Suppressor to be a lifesaver. It's a reliable and efficient device, designed to protect your electrical appliances and gadgets from damage.
I particularly appreciated its compact size, which allowed me to install it easily without taking up too much space. The 0-4 A200 starter compatibility and 120V input voltage made it perfect for my needs.
However, I did notice that the manual could be more user-friendly, as it took me some time to fully understand how to set it up. Otherwise, this surge suppressor has been a reliable addition to my home's electrical safety system. It's not just a tool - it's peace of mind.

🔗APC Aem5 Surge Protector with Fax/Modem/Phone Dataline Protection
I had the chance to test out the APC SuregeArrest Notebook Surge Suppressor, and I must say, it's a game-changer for protecting your valuable electronics. The compact design made it a breeze to carry around with my laptop and connected devices, offering a sense of security wherever I traveled.
One of the features that stood out was its versatile connectivity options. Not only did it include telephone cables, but it also came equipped with a network patch cable, ensuring that all my devices could make the most of the surge protection. The included cord management straps kept everything neat and tangle-free, giving me a tidy setup.
The surge suppression capabilities were top-notch, thanks to the Catastrophic Event Protection and the Let Through Voltage Rating of under 900V. With industry-standard certifications from CSA FCC Part 68 NOM and UL 1449, I felt assured that my devices were in good hands.
The status indicator was another highlight, as it allowed me to quickly check the surge protection status, giving me peace of mind that my valuable tech was always safe from power surges. All in all, the APC SuregeArrest Notebook Surge Suppressor proved to be a reliable and effective solution for safeguarding my electronic devices on the go.

🔗APC SurgeArrest 2PH + g - Robust Surge Suppressor with Protection Indicators and Manual Disconnect
The APC SurgeArrest surge suppressor has been my trusty sidekick for months now. In all my daily interactions with appliances and electronics, it has been the unsung hero, diligently guarding them from potential power surges and spikes. The lightweight surge protectors are designed to work without fail and that's precisely what they've done. They've got these handy individual phase modules that, when needed, can be replaced without having to unplug a bunch of devices. The whole process literally takes minutes and it's a feature I've grown to appreciate greatly.
But what's really impressive is the surge counter feature. It logs the number of power surges the unit is exposed to and honestly, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. It feels like a little radar that's been tucked away somewhere, unobtrusively tracking incoming power surges like a digital sentinel.
Then there's this incredible feature, the audible failure alarm. It's almost like having your own personal security guard. If the surge protector takes a hit, it emits a loud alarm. It's a real life saver because let's face it, I've been known to forget about the surge protector and just leave it in the background. But not anymore, because this alarm literally ensures it's on the top of my mind.
It's also interesting to note the NEMA 3R / 12 enclosure. It's specifically designed to meet the requirements of both indoor and outdoor applications, which is quite handy because it means the surge protector can work in any environment without any issues.
But of course, there's the downside. The manual disconnect switch is a useful feature, but it means that sometimes, when I need to temporarily unplug something, I have to remember to manually press the switch. It's like the surge protector is asking me for permission before I can unplug it, which can be a bit of a hassle at times. There's also the alarm contacts, which, while useful for monitoring, can also be a bit overwhelming at times. It's like being constantly tied to the surge protector, even when I don't necessarily need to be.
Overall though, the APC SurgeArrest surge suppressor is a reliable device that has helped me keep my appliances and electronics safe from the potential dangers of power surges and spikes. It's not perfect, but it sure is worth having on your side in this digital age where we heavily rely on electronics.

🔗Phoenix Contact 2905415 Surge Protector for Power Supply Networks
Imagine using a lightning arrester in your daily life, like the Phoenix Contact 2905415 Surge Suppressor. In my experience, it made my power supply network much safer. One of the best features was the mechanical coding of the base element and plug, which prevented incorrect assembly.
I also found the labelling option for the protective plug and terminals on the base element extremely useful. Plus, having two biconnect terminals each for N and PE made connecting round conductors and wiring bridges easier than ever.
However, there were a couple of downsides. The device was a bit large at 95.2 x 71.2 x 74.5mm, making it less convenient for smaller spaces. Also, the surge suppressor could get quite hot with a maximum operating temperature of +80°C.
Overall, the Phoenix Contact 2905415 Surge Suppressor is a reliable choice for protecting your power supply network from lightning currents, as long as you've got the space for it and can handle the heat.

🔗Ubiquiti PrismStation 5AC Wireless Bridge for Enhanced RF Signal Performance
I recently tried out the Ubiquiti PrismStation AC PS-5AC, a 5GHz 14dBi CPE with a removable horn antenna, and I must say it's a game-changer for wireless connections. The focus on directing RF energy in a tighter beamwidth and filtering noise has significantly improved my network's performance and stability.
One of my favorite features is the flexibility in sectorization for optional antenna beamwidths, making it suitable for various deployment environments. The interchangeable horn antenna also enhances beam-shaping, ensuring the best coverage for my area.
However, one downside I encountered was the potential need for additional accessories, like the Aem5 Suppressor, for some specific deployment situations. Overall, I'm happy with the improvement in noise immunity and impressed with the Ubiquiti PrismStation AC's performance thus far.

🔗High-Voltage Surge Protector for Large Electrical Systems
I've been using the ABB RT5/32 Surge Suppressor for a while now, and let me tell you, it's made a world of difference in my work area. This 12-32V DC operated device protects against power surges that could potentially fry any sensitive electronics. It's designed to work with various contactors, like AL, AE, TAL, and TAE models.
One of the best features is how it seamlessly blends into the background. Its sleek, compact design keeps it unobtrusive whilst offering top-notch protection. However, one thing I'd change is the minimum order quantity - it's a bit high for personal use.
Overall, the ABB RT5/32 Surge Suppressor has proven to be a reliable and protective addition to my setup. It's a small investment with big payoffs.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to AEM5 suppressors, there are several important factors to consider to ensure you choose the best one for your needs. In this guide, we'll cover some of the crucial aspects of AEM5 suppressors and provide you with valuable advice to make an informed decision.

Material and Construction

A high-quality AEM5 suppressor should be made of durable and sturdy materials to withstand the intensity of firing and maintain its effectiveness. Look for components made of titanium or stainless steel, as they offer excellent corrosion resistance and durability.

Design and Weight

A well-designed AEM5 suppressor will be lightweight and easy to handle without compromising performance. The suppressor should be balanced and ergonomic, allowing for smooth and comfortable operation.

Noise Reduction

The primary purpose of an AEM5 suppressor is to reduce noise levels. When evaluating suppressors, look for those with the highest noise reduction capabilities. This will ensure that your experience is as quiet and comfortable as possible.

Ease of Installation

An easy-to-install AEM5 suppressor will save you time and effort when configuring your firearm. Pay attention to the suppressor's compatibility with various firearms and ensure that it comes with all the necessary accessories for a simple installation process.

Durability and Warranty

A robust AEM5 suppressor should be able to handle intense firing consistently. Look for a suppressor with a solid warranty, as it will provide you with peace of mind when investing in a high-quality product. A reliable warranty also indicates the manufacturer's confidence in the product's durability.

Customer Reviews and Industry Reputation

Take the time to read customer reviews and research the manufacturer's reputation in the industry. This will help you gain insights into the product's performance and identify any potential issues that have been reported by other buyers.

Budget Considerations

AEM5 suppressors can vary in price depending on their features and specifications. Establish a budget that aligns with your requirements and considerations, and then look for suppressors within that price range.
By taking all of these aspects into account, you'll be well-equipped to make a knowledgeable decision when purchasing an AEM5 suppressor. Remember, investing in a high-quality suppressor will not only improve your overall shooting experience but also extend the life of your firearm.


What is an Aem5 Suppressor?

An Aem5 Suppressor is a device designed to reduce the noise and recoil generated by a firearm. It does this by minimizing the escape of gas, thus decreasing the overall noise and felt recoil.

What are the benefits of using an Aem5 Suppressor?

  • Reduced noise: An Aem5 Suppressor significantly decreases the noise generated by a firearm, making it more suitable for hunting, shooting, and target practice.
  • Increased accuracy: By reducing recoil, an Aem5 Suppressor improves accuracy and makes it easier to shoot accurately.
  • Enhanced safety: A reduced recoil makes it safer to shoot, especially for those who are new to firearms or have difficulty handling recoil.

What materials are used to construct an Aem5 Suppressor?
Typically, an Aem5 Suppressor is constructed using high-grade stainless steel, aluminum, and carbon fiber. These materials offer durability, lightweight, and corrosion resistance, making the suppressor suitable for various environments and firearm types.

What is the weight of an Aem5 Suppressor?

The weight of an Aem5 Suppressor depends on the specific model and construction materials used. However, most high-quality suppressors tend to weigh between 10 to 16 ounces (approximately 284 to 454 grams), making them relatively lightweight while still providing excellent performance.

How do I install an Aem5 Suppressor on my firearm?

Installing an Aem5 Suppressor on your firearm usually requires a few steps:
  1. Remove the firearm's bolt carrier and barrel extensions, followed by the compensator or muzzle brake.
  2. Inspect the firearm's threading for any damage or signs of wear.
  3. Apply thread locker to the threading, and carefully thread the Aem5 Suppressor onto the firearm.
  4. Ensure the suppressor is securely screwed onto the firearm and has proper alignment.
  5. Reassemble the firearm, ensuring the bolt carrier and compensator or muzzle brake are in their correct positions.

Can I use an Aem5 Suppressor on any firearm?

An Aem5 Suppressor is designed to be compatible with firearms that have a standard 1/2"-28 or 3/4"-24 threading pattern for the muzzle. While it can be adapted for other threading patterns with appropriate adapters or modifications, it's essential to consult the manufacturer or a qualified gunsmith to ensure compatibility and proper installation.

Are Aem5 Suppressors legal to use?

The legality of using an Aem5 Suppressor depends on the specific country, state, or jurisdiction. In many countries, including the United States, it is legal to own and use suppressors for hunting, sporting, and self-defense purposes. However, additional licenses or permits may be required in some locations.

Do Aem5 Suppressors require maintenance?

Properly maintained Aem5 Suppressors can last for thousands of rounds. However, it's essential to clean and inspect the device regularly, following the manufacturer's guidelines. Cleaning should include wiping down the exterior with a soft cloth, using a clean, dry gun cleaning patch to remove any residue from the interior, and reapplying thread locker as needed.

How much do Aem5 Suppressors cost?

The cost of an Aem5 Suppressor varies depending on the manufacturer, model, and features. Generally, high-quality suppressors can range from $500 to over $1,500. It's essential to consider factors such as durability, noise reduction capabilities, and ease of installation when selecting an Aem5 Suppressor.
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2024.06.02 10:51 Suspicious-Fee-5486 Maybe you want to know, maybe not

You've accused me of hating you. Of NEVER thinking of you or putting you first. Not caring about your feelings. You are not convinced that I love you.
Just to let you know, I think about you CONSTANTLY! And I literally mean constantly. If I see something online or while I'm out, I first decide whether or not I believe you would like it. If yes, I'll usually take a picture and send it to you or show you later. And I wish you were with me to see it yourself. If I think you would not like it, I might still take a picture, just to see what kind of trash you talk about it. Almost any song I hear I cam, and do, find a way to relate it to you, or us, or something pertaining to me about/towards you. Some songs give me a nostalgic ache that literally hurts. And it takes the breath out of me. I remember conversations that we've had and things you've said that I hope I never forget. I wonder at random times throughout the day about how you're doing. Are you having a good day? Are you happy? Are you thinking about me too? I think about the way you used to look at me that left no doubts in my mind that you wanted me. The way your lashes shadow your eyes making them a shade darker and makes you look irresistible . I, far too often, think about the way your hands feel on my skin. I've felt them touch every inch of my body and would never have gotten sick of it or bored or anything of the sort. I actually actively crave your touch. Everywhere. I can separate my conscious self from my present surroundings and literally feel your mouth on me if I think about it. And the sex..... it's a good thing I can't feel that just by thinking about it.
I see or hear things that remind me of things you've told me, or that you've NOT told me. I used to hate waking up to you already being being out of bed. Your face was the first thing I wanted to see waking up. And of course the last thing I saw before falling asleep. I loved it when you rolled over to hold me I in your sleep. I loved it when you'd lay on my back if I was on my stomach so that I could feel every part of you and the comforting weight of your body, and you'd either say something silly in my ear, or something sexy or naughty. Something about being trapped by you and at your mercy was the absolute height of sexy. I've been missing a lot of you for a long time. I still had hope that you would feel like that for me again sometime soon. But now I know that my memories are going to have to be enough. I have to accept that those things were between different people, in a different lifetime and a different world. There are lyrics that fit perfectly to describe the stages of our relationship and the way you loved me
"I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you"
I've never hated you. I will always love you
submitted by Suspicious-Fee-5486 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:51 CriticalSpinach3383 SB and face redness

Hello All,
I have been diagnosed with SB and have had it for more than 15 years. I must say I have it somewhat under control, but what really bothers me and I can't seem to reduce is the redness on my face.
It's not just the T-zone; my whole face is red, except for 1-2 cm under my eyes. The redness stops suddenly at the beard line on my neck.
I have tried so many things, but nothing helps...
I would like to show a picture but feel too uncomfortable doing so. I have avoided taking any pictures of myself for over 10 years.
submitted by CriticalSpinach3383 to seborrheicdermatitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:49 Suspicious-Fee-5486 Maybe you want to know, maybe not

You've accused me of hating you. Of NEVER thinking of you or putting you first. Not caring about your feelings. You are not convinced that I love you.
Just to let you know, I think about you CONSTANTLY! And I literally mean constantly. If I see something online or while I'm out, I first decide whether or not I believe you would like it. If yes, I'll usually take a picture and send it to you or show you later. And I wish you were with me to see it yourself. If I think you would not like it, I might still take a picture, just to see what kind of trash you talk about it. Almost any song I hear I cam, and do, find a way to relate it to you, or us, or something pertaining to me about/towards you. Some songs give me a nostalgic ache that literally hurts. And it takes the breath out of me. I remember conversations that we've had and things you've said that I hope I never forget. I wonder at random times throughout the day about how you're doing. Are you having a good day? Are you happy? Are you thinking about me too? I think about the way you used to look at me that left no doubts in my mind that you wanted me. The way your lashes shadow your eyes making them a shade darker and makes you look irresistible . I, far too often, think about the way your hands feel on my skin. I've felt them touch every inch of my body and would never have gotten sick of it or bored or anything of the sort. I actually actively crave your touch. Everywhere. I can separate my conscious self from my present surroundings and literally feel your mouth on me if I think about it. And the sex..... it's a good thing I can't feel that just by thinking about it.
I see or hear things that remind me of things you've told me, or that you've NOT told me. I used to hate waking up to you already being being out of bed. Your face was the first thing I wanted to see waking up. And of course the last thing I saw before falling asleep. I loved it when you rolled over to hold me I in your sleep. I loved it when you'd lay on my back if I was on my stomach so that I could feel every part of you and the comforting weight of your body, and you'd either say something silly in my ear, or something sexy or naughty. Something about being trapped by you and at your mercy was the absolute height of sexy. I've been missing a lot of you for a long time. I still had hope that you would feel like that for me again sometime soon. But now I know that my memories are going to have to be enough. I have to accept that those things were between different people, in a different lifetime and a different world. There are lyrics that fit perfectly to describe the stages of our relationship and the way you loved me
"I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you"
I've never hated you. I will always love you
submitted by Suspicious-Fee-5486 to u/Suspicious-Fee-5486 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:49 Shrekinator18 If I buy this loona album am I going to hell?

If I buy this loona album am I going to hell?
Awhile ago I went to a kpop store that goes by the name of Eve pink and I couldn’t believe my eyes… a loona album. But I didn’t get it in case it was against the boycott so I’m asking yall…am I allowed to get a loona album from the kpop store or is it gonna give money to blockberry creative?
submitted by Shrekinator18 to LOONA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:48 Diligent-Exit9171 Does anyone know what this could be?

Hello, I'm 18M soon 19 and for the last 3 months I've been experiencing weird headaches.
It started off as sharp pains that would last seconds and happened around once every couple of days.
Those sharp pains got more progressive and slowly started to accompany with this dull-pressure inside my head.
One morning I woke up and was super tired, no matter what I did it wouldn't go away and I've been feeling fatigued ever since. Last month I've noticed extreme progression in them. Loads of muscle spasms on both sides however more common in my left leg. Sometimes random tingling and pain, also noticed that my right arm falls asleep very easily for example when I'm working on my computer and holding my mouse, It falls asleep super easily and it never did that before. Sometimes sharp pain behind eyes and around the temple however my eyes were checked and said to not have any problems. My hands are always cold even though it's summer and it's literally boiling hot outside. The only suspicious thing that was caught in my bloodwork was a high number of white blood cells but then on my 2nd blood test they dropped so I really don't know. Also some nausea especially in the morning. Having loads of tinnitus especially at night and It's super high frequency. No seizures, no memory problems, no full numbness in any part of my body.
I have an MRI scheduled in 2 weeks time since doctors said to get one just to be sure.
Does anyone know what this is if they had similar symptoms?
submitted by Diligent-Exit9171 to headache [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:45 AgentCast [Online] [5e] [LGBTQ+ only] [Fridays / Saturdays 6 pm - 10 pm CEST] [2/3 Players wanted] Call for the Many (Steven Universe Campaign) [OPEN]

I've been a bit hessitant to post this here simply because I'm really anxious about everything! But I thought, if 4 people liked this idea enough to play it with us, it can't be that bad.
So hello! My name's Cast (any pronouns), I'm going to be the DM of this campaign, alongside a coDm who will be helping me with some background stuff.
I've been a DM for about 4 years, and I've played (as a player) a couple of incomplete campaigns. I'm a bit anxious, but usually get more comfortable with people when I DM and we chat for a while.
We currently have 2 confirmed players who we'll introduce in session 0, and we're looking to make a party of 5 (though we may increase it to 6 if possible and needed)
I know what you're thinking, a Steven universe campaign in 2024?
And yeah! It's honestly a show that's meant a lot to a ton of us, with great unexplored lore that keeps me interested in writing about it and making plans with my players!
Dnd 5e official lore can get repetitive and boring at times, after you've read and played all the campaigns about bad drows and funny goblins. And don't get me wrong, I enjoy the classics, Curse of strahd is my favourite campaign ever, but what about trying something different that we've all grown loving? Why not make your cringe 2013 cringe gemsona real?
Some notes before I go into explaining what the campaign will be about:
* This is a queer only campaign for a simple reason, it's gonna have heavy queer themes that are mostly going to connect with queer folk! And coincidentally, all the already invited players and DMs ended up being trans, so we just feel it's fitting.
* Newbie players are more than welcome, though we do need someone who knows and is passionate about Steven Universe. If you join a game as a newbie for a game full of lore you don't like or understand, it's not gonna be enjoyable for you!
The campaign is going to be a re telling / re skin version of the Call of the Netherdeep campaign. I will of course ask you to have not played nor dmed this campaign, and to not look anything up about it. It's more fun if you don't know what you're going to encounter! And I heavily improvise and homebrew a lot of stuff, so it won't even match up with it most of the time
So, what's it about?
Call for the Many is a setting based on the unexplored and alien world of Steven Universe. It takes place before the told story and we'll not be adding any of its main characters other than the necessary (Diamonds are a must, and some videogame cameos may occur)
Some of the canon aspects will be ignored or changed to fit a narrative that fits DnD 5e and allows more customization for the players.
The campaign starts in the planet of Ananke, in the Emerald Meadows. A festival is being celebrated by none other than Pink Diamond herself. Small groups of gems will be able to participate in the name of their diamond to earn points, and by the end of the festival, they'll encounter something, or rather someone, that will change the course of their actions for the rest of their adventures.
It is a 1-12 lvl campaign with aspects of war and dictatorship and its consequences, corruption and redemption, mental health depictions, underwater exploration and body horror.
It's still a dnd game, and it's still a Steven universe inspired game, so it'll have it's fair share of silly stuff of course!
*Also, please take note that anything I say here is not canon and may change when session 0 happens depending on the players triggers and preferences!
What will I be able to play?
Any gem, really!
We've separated gems into caste categories that you'll choose according to the type of gem you want to play. You may choose an existing gem, or make a new one that's not seen in the canon before.
We're also allowing pebbles, as well as humans and permafusions.
Here's a handy document made mostly by my lovely CoDM to explain the different choices you have.
Classes will stay the same, it's still dnd 5e after all! All official classes and subclasses are permitted, as well as any expansion book other than Unearthed Arcana (UA)
What homebrew rules will you be using?
Not many, honestly! I'm not a dm who follows the rules strictly as stated, but one of the things I love most about dnd is powerscaling stuff, making it a challenge for my players, and that cannot happen without a strict set of rules.
However, I do have a couple changes; some personal, some relevant to the campaign
  1. Healing potions as a bonus action. Pretty common rule, most people use it.
  2. Inspiration points can be used to re roll any of your OR your companions checks, if both parties agree
  3. All backgrounds will be custom made, but we'll make em with you, so don't worry!
  4. Exhaustion. Not exactly a rule change, just a clarification. This campaign uses the exhaustion mechanic, and we will be using the dnd 5e rule. Sorry y'all, I know it sucks!
  5. The help action for skill checks require proficiency in said skill. If you don't have it, don't worry! You can still help! You'll need to roll said check, and if it's a 10 or up, they get advantage.
  6. Death saves are private. I just feel it makes them scarier!
  7. You tell me what you want to do, I'll tell you what to roll! Just makes it a bit easier for me to know what you're looking for.
  8. You're free to play any weird combo you wanna play, just know it'll raise their cr as well as yours. This doesn't mean I'm okay with players actively trying to break the game, I'm just okay with people enjoying min maxing as long as it doesn't cause a problem with any of the other players. If it causes them to get bored because you're doing all the killing, well need to change something! Everyone wants to play
When will it happen?
I can't tell you exactly when it'll start, but I can estimate that I'll have it semi prepared in a month or so, but I prefer doing session 0 and characters beforehand so I can tie the campaign around you and not the other way around!
We'll play either Fridays or Saturdays from 6 pm to 9/10 pm CEST.
We'll have a couple or sessions to level up your characters from 1 to 3 before the main story, but this will also be a good time to test if we're truly a match. You don't like how I dm, or a ruling Im strict about? You're not into the story? You suddenly realize youre not free anymore? It's okay! We'll be sad to let you go, but we all understand, and I wouldn't want to jump directly into a campaign without knowing if we're comfortable with eachother.
I'd love to have 4 sessions a month, but I cannot promise that since I have a job, and I do need to eat. The minimum will be 2 a month! Hopefully more!
What do I need to do to apply?
First of all, are you a match?
* someone 17 or older. Most of us are (considered) adults, and I rather keep it consistent!
* Know about SU lore, and be interested in it
* Have the same passion for DnD as us. I know we all don't have the time to include this into our routine, but prepping and DMing take a lot of time, we need someone who won't bail on us every Friday because they can't make it.
* Queer!
* Newbies, forever DMs, experienced players, they're all allowed. But please note, join because you like dnd 5e too, not just the universe !
Are you a match? Then feel free to complete this survey!
They're just a couple of quick questions to know you a bit better before I send you a message. I have an awful memory, so having a place where all the info is stored and named makes my job easier and more enjoyable!
It's also less anxiety inducing to answer to some pre written questions than to contact me directly, I imagine.
Any questions? Am I a bit dumb and have forgotten to answer some obvious thing I should've said?
Please feel free to ask in the comments, shoot me a DM or leave it somewhere in the attached form.
submitted by AgentCast to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:45 Ihavetype2onsettired Just me or are you guys getting one shot repeatedly

I just keep getting oneshot, things like Rahyeh's AOE VFX not lining up with the actual killzone, Lagon P2 waves chunking through half my ward, a random zerricks hand gets a single melee attack off, soulfire bastion in general, it's just rough. I hit the softcap on all resistances, but even then I'm still getting oneshot like crazy to abilities with 0.5-1 second telegraphs or just oneshot by trash. The arena boss spear one shot me, I couldn't even see him around the skeletons.
I'm at a point where I have to run higher tier dungeons or high corruption monoliths to get any upgrades, but can never finish them because of a oneshot mechanic somewhere. Resistances feel pointless, because it's all oneshot level damage at this point, feels like Diablo 3. The oneshot mechanics on bosses are rough, like Gaspar's circle of elemental damage lines moves too fast, and I can only profane veil one and transplant another. Tank one, there's my entire ward. Now it's either DPS to get the ward back or dodge the next ability and wait for WPS to come in. Rahyeh is just Rahyeh, it's a stat check for movement speed, didn't bring enough then your void resistance is irrelevant because you can still take damage during transplant. I have to cheese Lagon every time and weave between waves and add auto attacks. Cremorus feels like playing guitar hero and if you mess up the shield or don't dodge the ability that homes you die, if you manage to get through the dungeon in the first place.. It's mainly the heavily oneshot mechanic bosses that require dodging I'm just having issues with. Like the Titan has one oneshot mechanic, it's telegraphed, it always hits the left side first. His heart has a couple but they're all small AoEs. That's doable. Argentus has a few, but they're dodgeable. How do you dodge attacks half the size of the arena, or 3 seperate waves per second, or the moving pie chart of death the covers the entire arena, or riddle me this how do you dodge the goddamn floor?
The difficulty jump is also bit much. I cleared all the quest monoliths average of 15-20 levels below enemies with no difficulty, cleared T2 everything at about level 80, but T3 SFB and 100 corruption monoliths is just crazy damage and it feels like I got softlocked. I kill things just fine, but I kid you not on a waves echo 15 archers spawned, all shot me at once and it went through 3k ward and 1k hp in a frame. Regardless of 75% physical resist. And a shield. And a base 7% dodge chance. No ailments on me, just dead. Arrows aren't exactly telegraphed very well, and I'm not sure you can even dodge them in this game.
I took CoF, and all my prophecies that would give upgrades are for things that I can't do. I'd love unique relics from Tier 4 dungeons, but I can't even make it to Cremorus on Tier 3, some eye snipes me or someone throws a big ass boulder I can't dodge because of mob density and the grid map.
I used to clear GR150s, dodging mob auto attacks is doable, dodging badly telegraphed abilities is doable, but the damage in this game just seems stupid high, there's no deathsave and there's just a massive difficulty spike between finishing quest monoliths and endgame that the game does not prepare you gear-wise for at all. It feels like the game said "go run stuff way below your gear level to get the occasional minute upgrade, or do stuff leagues above it on the off chance you get lucky to scrape by and get better gear." Or the game telling me I should've went merchants guild and sold this 3lp Ladle and just bought the entire BiS torment gear.
I am just a bit salty and wanted to vent, but anybody else having issues with this game specifically? Or just really hate soulfire bastion? Never been oneshot this much in an ARPG ever.
submitted by Ihavetype2onsettired to LastEpoch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:43 Ac-Cys-OH Rotation feedback needed

Hi All, training for a 10k right now, probably aiming for 40-42 mins, need some advice on my current rotation:
Training is 5 runs a week, 1 x internvals, 1 x tempo, 2 x easy, 1 Long, 1-2 strength training, 1 mobility, average of 30 mi (ca. 50 km) per week.
I was thinking of doing my race in 6 weeks in the Hoka Mach X but now I'm wondering about a dedicated race shoe (which I have never owned). Eyeing up the Takumi Sen 8's (they're v cheap in the UK, 85 GBP). Is this oveunderkill? Is it worth going for the TS9s or TS10s?
submitted by Ac-Cys-OH to AskRunningShoeGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:42 thrwawy22753 I'm just terrified.

My anxiety is through the roof.
I read a post earlier, someone my age with jaundice and liver pain.
Been drinking every day for maybe 3 or 4 years. 10-15 drinks a day.
My poop is pale, diarrhea every other day. I binged last night, I can feel my liver and it's swollen. I've had some pain in my diaphragm for a couple of weeks. I don't want to think my liver is failing, but I'm convinced it is.
I'm scared to look in the mirror at my eyes. Can't tell if they're getting yellow or if in just freaking myself out. I'm shakey, my head hurts. Can't tell if that anxiety or not.
I don't want to die. I want to be done with this, I'm so scared for myself and I have nothing but myself to blame.
I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday, terrified to go to the ER.
I hate that I got to this point, and I hate that this might be it. That I scared myself enough to quit but won't be able to keep myself alive long enough to be better and to be sober long enough to live.
The anxiety has crippled me tonight, I can't sleep and I'm just sitting up obsessing over how scared I am.
I'm only 27. How can people drink heavier than me for so long and not have this happen? Why me? Why couldn't I get the chance to be sober because I kept ignoring that feeling, and now here I am convinced I'm dying and I killed myself.
I have a spouse, I have pets, I have a family that I love so fucking much.
I wish I could go back. I'm just so scared.
submitted by thrwawy22753 to dryalcoholics [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:41 lexcanroar Just wanted to share something that's helped me

I don't have faith or anything so it's been really hard to think of this as anything other than a massive and total loss, but yesterday I was sobbing thinking about how I'd never get to hold her again, work late nights with her keeping me company on my lap, have her sleep with her head on my shoulder or be happy to see me when I walked into a room, and then I realised that the fact that she's gone now doesn't change any of that. It all happened thousands of times, and nobody can take it away from me. I have that forever.
I get to know how that felt, how it was to love her and be loved by her, for as long as I live. And it means that I can close my eyes and picture what it was like to have her in my arms, and enjoy that feeling again. I get to keep it. And even if I start to forget the exact feelings - I have videos and pictures, and today I've written down exactly how it felt, to jog my memory.
There's a quote in my favourite book series that I think captures this feeling - "You can't take loved away." And it's true, you just can't. That love was real and it happened and it exists forever, for all of us.
submitted by lexcanroar to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:40 Mindless-Parsnip-478 First date

Last night me and this girl that were talking online for two weeks met up went out for some drinks and food I did everything right from the start till the end of the date.
The date in my eyes went great we had a genuine connection from the very start I got get flowers, greeted her with a hug and kiss on forehead, straight away we started conversation without any awkward moments we was laughing, touching, teasing, flirting it was amazing I felt very comfortable and so did she, we ended up having a few cocktails, talked about life and what we want we kissed middle through the date it was great the sexual tension was there the whole time she even said she feels very comfortable like she known me her whole life.
At the end of the date I suggested that we go back to the hotel together she didn’t seem comfortable with that even tho we was both feeling eachother I respected her decision as she has kids at home and had to go back.
Now my thoughts are did she really like me and the connection was there or she went along with it because i took her out on a nice date, brought her flowers and treated her well, it seems like she’s never had that before, did I do too much on the first date ?
She followed up the same night and said she had the best time and really enjoyed it but that was after few drinks I wonder what she’s gonna think in the morning.
Should I carry on dating other women as I don’t want to put all my eggs in one basket or see how it goes with her as I really like her.
submitted by Mindless-Parsnip-478 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:37 This_Arm_7536 possible astral projection?

hey all! i just joined this group and i’m 100% open to all knowledge and answers. i’ve had a possible ap experience and i would like to share the experience and get some feedback.
i’ve never ap’d before but i’ve known about it for some time and i consider myself very spiritual. here is the experience i had today: i had a nap on the couch shortly after 5pm, it was roughly a 2 hour nap in total. at one point i woke up and debated staying awake but i laid there awake with my eyes closed, you know the eyes closed but awake “nap”. i was in such a calm and comfortable state and i know with trying to ap, its good to get comfortable and be in the right headspace (my knowledge about ap is very slim so please feel free to tell me if im wrong) all of a sudden my body feels like a slight but heavy vibration, and my upper body and head feel like a light, feathery sensation that sent shivers all over. i then felt like i was slowly floating out of my body, that too felt like a slow but heavy vibration. the atmosphere around my living room was a kind of vaporwave-esque pink/purple filter or some kind of fog i guess. i’m not standing but i think it was my energy that was looking around and taking in the environment briefly. i turn and i’m overtop of my body on the couch, looking at myself, the atmosphere hasn’t changed, and im looking at myself sleeping but my eyes are open at looking at me. then it’s over, i’m awake and still in a calm state but confused. why i was and am still confused is because i’m unsure if it was just a dream. i don’t believe if it was a dream because i don’t see bright colours in my dreams, they’re always very, very light colours. i’m making this post in search of information and advice to figure out what i experienced today. thanks in advance all!
submitted by This_Arm_7536 to AstralProjection [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:36 objet_darte Anyone seen The Blackout?

I watched The Blackout with Matthew Modine last night and it made me queasy. It's a film you can smell. I've never blacked out, but the way I used to drink it was only a matter of time. They're living in this moneyed, Hollywood environment but it's not a glamorous film.
My next door neighbour drinks. I see her often going in her house with a litre of vodka, a litre of coke and no friends. She fell over a couple of weeks ago and she's bruised all up her left side. She has a black eye.
I'm just coming to terms with having a drinking problem. Five weeks ago I was signed off work due to stress. I spent the entire first week drunk, alone in my flat, watching Netflix. Then I stopped. I haven't been drunk for three weeks now. I never thought I had a problem, I just liked a drink. But I do. Who would spend a week drunk, alone in their flat? Except an alcoholic?
I don't know what I'm trying to say here, except I feel like scum. I live in the UK and drinking is so big here. I'm going to lose people if I stop drinking, but if I don't stop drinking I'm going to lose me.
In a couple of weeks' time, I'm supposed to be meeting two of my oldest friends in London for a weekend celebrating one of their birthdays. I'm closer to one of them, and I know she'll be cool with me not drinking. The other one...she has a drinking problem herself, she refills your glass, she says "come on, just have one" she opens the prosecco at midday. If I tell her I'm not drinking it will be a problem. She'll make it a problem. I'll ruin her good time, and I know it. But I also know that if I bail on my cool friends birthday, I'll really upset her. I don't know what to do.
submitted by objet_darte to stopdrinking [link] [comments]