St patricks day cause and effect

The last images ever taken.

2013.03.05 21:13 cypressgreen The last images ever taken.

Postings here are the last known photographs or videos of a person. Also, the last picture taken by a person just before their death is acceptable. Pictures of people only please! You may additional context in comments.

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2018.07.04 23:10 IPeeFreely01 Our mods guaranteed to be gayest in town

A subreddit guaranteed to be full of flamboyantly homosexual moderators - NO EXCEPTIONS

2024.05.19 05:45 raenazay Neutering

Hello my 6 month old male kitten was neutered yesterday. The post op forms say to resume MODERATE exercise day 2&3. We were informed it’s much easier than when a female gets spayed. My question is what is moderate? Currently we have him in the room we had him in when we brought him in (before meeting our other cat). I feel really bad keeping him in the room yet again cause he knows what it is to be out of it now. But again, healing is best . Also, we were told recovery time is very quick. I do have another cat as stated, and a toddler and other children (older ones listen better, clearly lol) this kitten seems to be moving around in the room he is like he isn’t in pain, which makes me nervous that he could hurt himself more so.
Any advice please. My current cat came spayed when we adopted her so this is all new to me. I worry a lot when it comes to this kind of stuff.
submitted by raenazay to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:44 Gibs3174 ULPT request - need to create hypotension at doc visit.

Long story short my doc was trying to tell me I needed to come of a med that has helped me in a lot of ways because it was spiking my BP a little. I told him it's not always high and he asked me to come in and show him when it's low or normal. I've never had high BP by the way other than caused by two meds (this med Celebrex and a other time on Clonidine which I had to stop) but now for some reason every time I check it's mildly high lol. Was thinking maybe fish oil on the day?
submitted by Gibs3174 to UnethicalLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:44 AngryBPDGirl Colic is a bullshit diagnosis.

My baby is almost 4 months now so I suppose I'm graduating from this sub, but for all the sleep deprived parents searching on reddit for my baby won't stop crying and it's been days...
I was you and I tried EVERYTHING. We combo fed because I didn't produce enough, so I tried cutting everything from my diet and eating super simple, switching formula, probiotic drops, gas drops, gripe water, swings, baby wearing, pediatric chiropractor, heat pack on crib, heat pack on tummy, bath (that was a gigantic no for us), tummy massage and movement to help with gas, windi pipes, white noise machine, and probably forgetting everything else we tried.
It was probably not until 3 months that I could confidently say he doesn't tolerate cow milk protein and needed a goat milk formula without iron in it, and now that we've separately solved his eating issues, I also now recognize his tired cry.
So looking back, I realize he was crying because he was both extremely tired, but also legit in quite a bit of pain with the gas.
I think my pediatrician tried to sway me to say not to cut something out of my diet if there wasn't an effect to be seen in a week or something but even with the windi pipes, his gas and constipation was so bad. I never knew his tummy to feel soft until the 3rd month so his tummy was hard for the first 2 months but as a new parent with no point of reference, you just don't know what a non-gassy, non-constipated tummy should feel like.
I was annoyed when my pediatrician said "it sounds like colic, sometimes babies just fuss for no reason."
I just vehemently disagree. I think more often than not it's a hopeless combination of being overtired and some other issue.
I just wish I'd known that goat milk formula, though not labeled "gentle" was actually more gentle for my baby than formula labeled gentle made with cow milk.
And if you're like me and haven't slept for days with ear plugs in while crying along with your baby and you're contemplating dropping 1200 to overnight the Snoo from Amazon...
I mean unless the 1200 is pocket change to you, here's a random post from a stranger on the internet to try and tell you that it's highly likely going to get better with time and don't by that Snoo, whose prime demographic is probably desperate parents tired at 2 or 3 am.
Just keep investigating what the issue could be in addition to being tired and you will eventually figure your baby out and find the issue. Or you may not, but then they'll still outgrow the issue and you will eventually have a happy, not crying constantly baby in your hands.
I just personally don't think there are babies crying constantly "for no reason".
submitted by AngryBPDGirl to newborns [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:44 Salt_Light930 Do I 23M, break up with my girlfriend 25F because of her anxiety?

There has not been a specific single incident which has caused me to question this, but the last straw happened a few days ago. This involved her snapping as a minor disagreement and trying to hurt herself, ending up with me, her father, and her brother to hold her down. I truly love this girl, but I go back and forth with whether it is healthy for me to stay. We have been together for 3 years and we live together. She has made many promises to work on her mental health, but it feels like she just keeps relapsing (which I understand, but it is very hard on me as well, not to sound selfish).
There are many things in our relationship that is caused by her anxiety. She has separation anxiety, making it where she does not want me to be away from her for more than 2 nights. She also doesn't like me being out with my friends too long. With trips, whether it be with me friends or family, it can't be more than once every 3 months. If I am gone longer than that, she cuts contact with me and says that she would be better off without this stress in her life. There is always an argument when it comes to me going anywhere without her.
She has barely met any of my friends. We always have a date set, then she feels depressed the day of, then we have to cancel. She didn't even come to my birthday party at our own apartment because she was sacred of a couple of my friends being there (about 4). Now she has made progress and has met one of them, and she says she really wants to meet more, but it never happens.
She can get very defensive and angry about anything changing or not going her way. Usually it ends up with me being ignored and yelled at. Then her coming around the next day, apologizing and trying to find a compromise. This cycle makes me not want to press my opinion on things unless it is very important to me.
Please don't get me wrong, she is my best friend. She makes me laugh more than anyone in the world. We have very similar goals in life, morals, and are very compatible, especially with me being ace. She is super sweet, but her anxiety and depression really gets in the way, usually almost everyday. I don't know if this is enough to warrant giving up on such an amazing person.
TL;DR! My girlfriend has anxiety, social anxiety, depression, and ocd. Do I stick it out until her mental health gets better, or is it time to move on?
I would love some other peoples' opinions. I can add any context needed if anyone wants to know more~
Edit: I am using a burner account
submitted by Salt_Light930 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:43 ImpressiveResist6 Rapid weight gain after surgery?

I had gallbladder removal surgery on May 8th. It's now May 18th. And between that time frame I have gained 9 pounds.
I am 34 Female, had gastric sleeve surgery July 2020. I went from 420 to 296. April 2023 I started a weight loss injection, and unfortunately my insurance no longer covers it and I discontinued it Mid April this year, after having lost another 60 or so pounds (before this weight gain) over the course of the year. I still have another 54 or so to go for my personal goal of 180 (it's still considered overweight but my stature would look disproportionate).
Anyways. I weigh in on Saturday mornings first thing then the scale goes away for the week. Every 4 weeks I do fluctuate up a pound to three because of PMS incoming. I weighed in on May 4th and was up 1.8lbs from prior week but It was the 4th week rough area. Then I had my surgery. I weighed on May 12th, and was up 5.1! The 12th was not my Saturday so I weighed again today, May 18th and I'm up another 4.0lbs! How!
I'm indulging in some comfort foods. Yes. But also cold cut things, veggie tray stuff, meat tray things (family brought in stuff for ease of eating for my family since I'm out for now). Even at my highest weight I wasn't gaining 5 pounds in 6 days!
I know I just had surgery, and some of it is my PMS (hasn't started but the effects come rolling in and last a week or two before falling off), but not to this degree. I've never gained weight this fast. Reviews even coming off of a weight loss medicafjon doesn't even reflect something THAT rapid. I'm 10 days post op. If it's due to surgery would I not still be going up in weight by now? Wouldn't it have subsided and evened off by now?
I need guidance on this. Is this normal? To fluctuate this much, thos upwards, 10 days post still? After all I've been through, and done as well, that I'm terrified I'm gaining this all back. It took my a year to lose 60 pounds and In 10 days I've gained 1/6 of that back!
Is this normal? To still see weight be going up like this? Does it stop? How long does it last if so?
I havemt been the most sedentary. Doing things more than I probably should be already but I've been moving around a lot. Not just sitting. Taking diuretic medication to help fluid. I had twins in November 2020. In 8 months time I only gained 30 with them. So this is absolutely insane to me.
submitted by ImpressiveResist6 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:43 detachedattachment Ghoster breaks No Contact on birthday

Context: We were friends for 4 years. He ghosted me a month ago. It happened all of a sudden. I told him I was at the hospital. He gave me no explanation. I begged for us to leave on better terms. He blocked me. I knew he would send this because all he did was alternate between silent treatment , anger bursts and apologies whenever I try to move on. I even knew when he would send it, he sends me messages only late at night. Then he says that apologizing so often to me means I am the abuser. My therapist is aware of him as he also armchair diagnosed me with BPD whenever I was legitimatly annoyed at his abuse. He is avoidant and always comes back. I just don't know what is the balanced thing to do anymore and need new perspectives. I am annoyed he picked this day as I don't want to think about all the hurt he caused but I am also not surprised as I said. What would you do?
TL;DR: I was ghosted a month ago, today is my birthday, he sent me this mail, what would you do/what is your perspective on this?
Mail he sent:
Dear X,
I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. I'm sorry for how things have turned so sour between us. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to give you what you asked. I hope you're doing okay, I worry often. I've tried to add you on discord a few times but I guess you're not around or don't want to anymore. No matter what happens you'll always have a place in my heart. I know that isn't believed by you, nor do I expect it to be. I just want you to know that I have a sincere gratitude for having gotten to know you and grow with you through our interactions. Have a wonderful day; may it treat you with kindness.
submitted by detachedattachment to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:43 TheyCallMeKetan My Mother health is deteriorating because of a constant Mystery fever for 3 months and we haven't been able to find the cause of it.

Gender : Female Race : South Asian Age : 45 Years Already condition existing: Thyroid
My mother has been experiencing a constant fever every third day for the past three months. When the fever occurs, she has the following symptoms:
Doctors have done all the necessary tests, but all the reports come back normal, and the doctors have tried every medication but are unable to determine the cause of the fever.
Her medical history includes a small infection in the small intestine, which seems to be treated now. However, she has colitis, gastritis, and an enlarged liver.
Could anyone provide insights or suggestions on what might be causing these recurring fevers? And what type of doctor should I contact now which help in diagnosing this condition.
submitted by TheyCallMeKetan to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:42 MissDisMAy I won’t. But I want to. Every. Single. Day.

I was evicted by my own parents on Christmas Eve via texting war with my step day during a 10hr shift as a barber. I was informed my youngest daughter (6) wouldn’t be returning from her fathers house for Christmas that same day. My oldest daughter (16) and I were casted out of our family’s traditional Christmas festivities and we spent Christmas Eve and Day alone. The day after she went to “lunch” with my ex mother in law and never came home. I was devastated which caused a pain flare up (fybromiaga/myofacial pain syndrome/stage 4 endometriosis, degenerative disc disease). I couldn’t get out of bed. I had to call off. I was fired on January 3rd. On January 6th I was pulled over and arrested because the passenger of my vehicle had put 3GS of crack in an old prescription bottle. January 8th my phone was turned off. On the 10th my car broke down and I just got it back yesterday morning.
In a span of two weeks, I lost my kids, my family, my house, my job, my phone, my car, and was arrested.
I’ve never been in trouble in my life. Always had full custody of all three of my children. and for the most part without any involvement of their fathers outside of the weekends. But I lost all of it. My ex had manipulated my family in believing complete lies about me. Smear campaigns surround me every day. Every morning I wake up and realize where I am, and how far away from my children I am and I lose it. I cry every time I open my eyes. It’s been months. And every day it hurts more. Because I can’t afford a lawyer, there’s a very good chance I won’t get them back.
My son keeps me here most days. But if I lose custody of my youngest, like I did my oldest, there’s no way I can continue living feeling this much pain, physically and emotionally single day. Thank you for allowing me to vent.
submitted by MissDisMAy to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:41 Working-Active-6598 I need an outsider opinion please!

I don’t know if I’m going crazy for no reason or if I’m in the right to be mad, my bf (26) and I (23) have been together for 8 months, at the beginning of our relationship he was very sweet and would bring me flowers from his garden and make me pancakes in the morning and would take me to work every morning since he is a business owner he had time for it, he got an extra job a few months ago and he’s unable to take me to work which I completely understand… what is hurting me is that he goes out with fiends and gets absolutely wasted to the leave of not remembering anything the next day, there’s been a few incidents that hurt me and he as fix them for example one of his friends started screaming at me while having a conversation at a bar and my bf just stayed on his phone and completely ignored the situation… he changed and was doing good for a a couple of weeks and now he doesn’t go out as often and won’t drink that heavily but now when he leave he leaves for 10-12 hours in a roll, and I’m unable to think everything is fine and I can’t avoid thinking he might be with someone else or cheating, he’s been helping his friends fix his cars and stuff like that but if I ask him for help (even if I’m going to pay him) he’ll tell me that he’ll do it later, that he’s tired and that I don’t need it right now… I’m also spending more time at his house and I still have my own place so it’s just a waist of money in my opinion cause we’re constantly together and we’re always going on trips, we just had to go drop off his mom to the border and slept to come back (driving), he bought a lot of stuff for his friends but not a single time asked if I wanted anything and I also had a little bit of Mexican money that he used so He didn’t had to get overcharged on his card… so I don’t know if it’s worth to stay with him any longer how can I talk to him about this? Is it worth to try talking it out?
submitted by Working-Active-6598 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:41 Sankta_Koroleva Having severe panic attacks

Starting a few days ago I had what I thought was a mixed bipolar episode. Basically my anxiety just completely and totally spiraled out of control. I’m in my last week of college. I also forgot to take my SNRI yesterday morning which caused withdrawal symptoms, but I took it this morning. Up until going to bed, I’ve been fine, but the second I went to lay down I started feeling hot and nauseous again (nausea is usually the primary symptom of my panic/anxiety attacks). I had to run out of the room and I’m outside now shaking. I’m to the point where I’ve started relying on Benadryl in order to calm myself. I know I need sleep because not getting enough makes my anxiety worse but it’s so bad and I’m scared. They won’t stop
submitted by Sankta_Koroleva to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:41 MorningSummerSpring Ingat

Hindi na ako makakaganti sa biro mo na mag-asawa na ako kasi natapos na ugnayan natin. Naisip ko sanang banatan ka nun kapag nakauwi ka nanaman ng gabi na dahil sa traffic at gutom na tapos di ka pa sure kung kakain o magluluto ka pa ba. Mag-asawa ka na kasi para may nag-aalaga sayo pag-uwi mo ng bahay. Para di ka malipasan ng gutom.
Hindi ko na rin masisilayan si mingming mo na gusto ko sana kaibiganin at makayap. Sabi mo cat treats lang katapat para maging friends kami kaya bumili na ako in advance para ready na. Gusto ko ako magpakain sa kanya kasi ang cute niya tingnan parang baby na nagbobottle feed pa. Pero wala na. Di na matutuloy yun. I don't know what to do with the cat treats now. I'll find a way to dispose this nalang.
Andami pa nating napag-usapan na hindi na matutuloy pa. Okay lang. Siguro hanggang salita nalang mga yun. It was nice thinking about it.
Siguro kung ready lang sana ako, mas mature na, at kung minahal ko lang sana sarili ko para maiparamdam ko rin yun sa iba, siguro iba ang naging kahinatnan natin.
Bakit ba kita kinonfront at inaway that day. Actually I was already having a bad start of the day before I talked to you. My bad I let my frustration and negativity snowball and reach you. Hindi ko na dapat inoverthink at inungkat ulit yung past kasi tapos na yun eh. But I allowed it to bother my thoughts again that time and took action. Ang impulsive. It was a mistake. I should have thought it through instead of ruining the peace between us.
I was thinking at that time na bahala na. I wanted to get it off my chest anyway and find answers. Kahit ang panget ng approach na ginawa ko. Could have put it in a better way.
But at the same time I thought if that confrontation will drive you away from me, it's for the better na rin for you. Because I don't wanna see you make some sacrifices and be so good to me. Nung nalaman kong ang layo2x pa ng panggagalingan mo just to see me, tapos baka pagdating mo pagod ka na physically at mentally sa byahe, at mapupuyat ka pa just to keep me company or help me out. Kahit sabihin mong worth it naman, ayaw ko. Alagaan mo sarili mo. Don't compromise your health. Ayokong may mapasama dahil sakin.
You said ako lang sumisira sa sarili ko. Alam kong may ganitong side ako matagal na. But up until now I haven't fully figured out why I'm like this. Why I tend to refuse the good and nice things life is offering me. Is it to protect myself kasi may trust issues ako? Maybe. But another thing I've realized is that siguro ganito ako dahil nasanay na ako makaranas ng mga unfortunate events sa buhay ko. Nasanay na ako sa bad treatment na natatanggap ko. Getting rejected, forgotten, ignored. Kaya kapag nakaka encounter ako ng mga positive na pakikitungo sa akin, parang mali. Deserve ko ba yun? Baka hindi. Di naman ata totoo. Baka napipilitan lang siya. Baka may ulterior motive. Baka kasinungalingan lang ulit lahat. Grabe pag dedeny ko sa kindness at good intentions ng ibang tao.
It's for the better nang lumayo ka sakin. Kasi andami ko pang dapat ayusin sa sarili ko. I thought I was better now pero di pa pala ako fully healed sa lahat ng pinagdaanan ko sa buhay. Whenever I reminisce on some, naluluha pa rin ako. I still feel bad.
I hope that someday I can completely lift out this microscope I put over myself. To stop being overly critical about the small details. Matutong magchill. Iwas iwasan pagiging strikta. I know full well anong problema sakin. Pero ang hirap magbago. I feel like I'm restraining myself. I want to be a healthy and mature adult but I tend to steer away and want to do things that are bad for me.
I'm glad I met you kahit online lang. I got to understand myself better and found some answers to reflect on. Baka yun ang dahilan kaya tayo pinagtagpo. Life lesson pala hatid mo sakin. I hope you found our meeting meaningful in some way. Kahit dun sa happy and good times nalang. And thank you for cheering me up and being supportive on the things I'm passionate about. I hope your light keeps shining onto others.
I believe you truly wished me well and have no ill intentions. Ako lang yung nega mag isip. I think you deserve better. And I can see na pinalaki ka ng parents mo into someone na solid as a person. I'm sure you'll do well in life and have luck on your side. Kahit na di ko na yun masubaybayan.
Sana mahanap mo ang purpose at direction mo sa buhay. End goal kumbaga. Sakin I have already decided on it. Nasabi ko na rin sayo dati. Tanggap ko na talaga na yun nalang ang bagay para sakin. Marami na akong pangarap na ibinaon sa limot. Maybe not in this lifetime pa mga yun. Pero kung may next life man, sana hindi na ako maging tao. Kasi ang sakit. Nakakapagod. Iba nalang.
Pero sa totoo lang, suntok sa buwan na siguro to. I'm a fool for wishing this. Na sana magbago isip mo at maging willing ka na ayusin natin lahat. My mind wants to be open to the possibility na we can talk things out pa. Pero eto nanaman negative thoughts ko. Na sabihin nating nagkaayos nga, but will things ever be the same again? I doubt. Will it be for better or for worse? I'm afraid to find out. I don't want to beg because it will just give the opposite effect. Kailangan ko pa ring magtira para sa sarili ko.
Anyway, I'm sorry. And thank you. Ingat ka.
submitted by MorningSummerSpring to PinoyUnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:41 ketkittie i cant even move or sleep properly anymore

my apologies i dont even know where to start but this is getting scary! ive had ongoing constipation issues for months now (started in feb from *perscription pain meds bc of a injury followed by very poor advice on how to deal with the constipation from that, basically told me to abuse laxatives and did so for like a month bc they said it was fine!) and, fast forward thru a while of me just doing nothing about it and still not pooping for 5+ days at a time, i did a 7 day cycle of miralax a bit over 2 weeks ago and that seemed to work pretty well, not perfect but whatever, got most of it out. then it immediately went back to me not pooping for about 6 days! so i decided to start taking miralax again about 5 days ago, and holy hell i am so uncomfortable and in pain and its gotten worse day by day. still havent pooped at all (other than basically justenough to leave a mark on toilet paper) but it feels like its building up waste, if you can somewhat understand what i mean? every day i get more bloated and uncomfortable and whereas the first time i got a little bloated after every dose and it went away in the morning, this time it doesnt go down at all and just gets more and more every day, to the point where now i have a limited range of mobility and i can hardly sleep im so uncomfortable and in pain. its so bad that it feels like theres constantly something pushing against my ribs and it is visably pushing them apart (like my ribcage looks wider than it is), i have to constantly have my back as straight as possible otherwise its way worse, but even that hurts too, physically cant bend over, and i find myself unable to sleep because of the immense amount of constant pressure and pain/ache. i genuinely dont know what to do now! the last time i went to the dr because i hadnt pooped in over a week, she wouldnt even listen to me and basically just said it was because im on the skinnier side (i am not underweight...she confirmed that...said she thinks its bc of my weight because i used to be overweight?? idk what she was on about) and just kinda had me sitting there visably upset cause she wont listen to me at all and she was just being a flat out asshole about it, needless to say she gave me zero advice. so im a little hesitant to even go to the doctor about this out of fear im just gonna get ignored again, but i genuinely can't function properly anymore and its only getting worse every day. i dont even know what advice im seeking, but anything helps because im really scared theres seriously something dangerously wrong.
submitted by ketkittie to Constipation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:40 Cataclysmic98 What just happened? What's coming? The SEC filings & What if?

What just happened? What's coming? The SEC filings & What if?

What just happened?

We just relived the 6 months it took to the run-up of the sneeze of 2021 in just the last 3 weeks!
In late April GME rejected a hard low of $10.00 per share, then institutional buys appear to have started picking up, option calls were bought up starting a gamma like event, then Roaring Kitting came back (as we all know he did not trigger this event, nor was it retail suddenly coming up with a ton of new cash to suddenly pile into the stock).
We went from an average of roughly 3 million shares being traded daily to almost 800 million shares traded in just the last 2 weeks. We saw the stock rally to a near high of $80.00, with the Shorts throwing just about everything they had at their disposal to bring it down and prevent a squeeze.
GameStop is highly illiquid, with 75.3 million shares DRS by individual shareholders, Insiders holding 53 million, and Insitutional, Mutual Fund and ETFS holding 102.2 million leaving only 74.1 million shares unregistered for all other individual investors who cannot (registered accounts outside of the U.S) or have not DRS their shares. [Source reference DRSGME]. As of this Thursday May 16, 2024 the ORTEX FINRA reported shares on loan was 81.87 million shares. Reported Short interest was 64.23 million or 23.58% of free float and that percentage does not account for the DRS shares that cannot be borrowed against.

What's coming?

This video from the 33 minute mark does a good job explaining considerations for the coming weeks, with expectations for price holding around $20, tracking XRT regulation sho (a security will be placed on the threshold list if it has a significant fail to deliver position for at least 5 business days, and XRT is known to be used to short Gamestop), the June 6th OPEX tailwind on XRT, the implementation of T+1 settlement periods, GameStop's upcoming shareholder meeting, and execution of the recent SEC filings.
GME is positioned to fly again!
[Above is extrapolated from this video:\_ykHTc. At a minimum watch from 33 minute mark for more details / explanation. \* Credit to 'roadapples' for first posting this link.]*

What if?

FORM 424B5 Prospectus Supplement & S-3ASR Registration Statement Prospectus, Filed May 17, 2024:
F424B5 "Under this prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus, and in accordance with the terms of the Sales Agreement, we may offer and sell up to 45,000,000 shares of our common stock from and after the date hereof."
The media has of course spun this filing as negative and screamed 'dilution' of the stock. In generic terms this can be detrimental to the value of a stock for current shareholders as they now need to allocate the current company 'value' across an additional 45 million shareholders. However, GameStop has no debt outside of a 17 million dollar no interset covid-loan and over 1 Billion dollars in cash already on hand, so the proceeds used are not being used to pay off debt, but to inveset in the business towards improving profitabiity and value to shareholders.
The shares can be issued any time within the next three years. Consider if Gamestop were to issue the 45 million shares at an average of $60 per share. This would result in an additional 2.7 Billion in cash. Gamestop can invest this cash (with the existing 1 Billion, estimating 3.7 Billion at 5% for just GIC rates, this is a profit of 185 Million dollars a year profit on investments alone) and now has a huge arsenal at its disposal for acquisitions or other growth strategies for the long term viability and growth of the company.
S-3ASR This prospectus covers: "We may offer and sell, from time to time, one or any combination of the securities we describe in this prospectus. The preferred stock, depositary shares, warrants, purchase contracts, units and subscription rights may be convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for our common stock, our preferred stock or our other securities."
With GameStop now being profitable they are in a position to issue dividends. However, until profit is larger and proven sustainable this does not make the best business sense. Plus, while expensive, Shorts can cover the dividend. This prospectus covers other options GameStop may capitalize on to reward their shareholders - and potential wipe out the Shorts.
A digital dividend, NFT-like unit, warrant subscription or carve-out (eg. of aquisition/invetment hold-co) is a consideration that could be Check.Mate for the Shorts!
There has been speculation of an NFT like dividend or WuTang like issuance being used as a unit distribution to shareholders of record. This cannot be replicated like a cash dividend by the shorts and could/should be checkmate - forcing the shorts to cover as they cannot procur the distribution. Alternatively, a warrant (guarantee to shareholders to acquire the right of additional shares at current price when shares are trading at a higher value in the future). Again, this warrant is provided to sharholder of 'record' only, potentially costing Shorts millions or billions of dollars, causing margin calls and forcing closure of Short positons.
May 17, 2024 prospectus: "We may issue units from time to time in such amounts and in as many distinct series as we determine. We will issue each series of units under a unit agreement to be entered into between us and a unit agent to be designated in the applicable prospectus supplement. When we refer to a series of units, we mean all units issued as part of the same series under the applicable unit agreement.
We may issue units consisting of any combination of two or more securities described in this prospectus. Each unit will be issued so that the holder of the unit is also the holder of each security included in the unit. Thus, the holder of a unit will have the rights and obligations of a holder of each included security. These units may be issuable as, and for a specified period of time may be transferable as, a single security only, rather than as the separate constituent securities comprising such units."
[**Note, this would mean that the newly issued units could not immediately be bought or borrowed to manipulate / cover missing positions of the new issue - effectively forcing the shorts to CLOSE their positions**]
The S-3ASR could mean a lot of different things. Regardless of timing or what happens next, I beleive in Ryan Chohen, the Board and and I'm nothing but exited for the outlook and prospects of GameStop.
Opinion only. This is by no means advice. Always do your own due diligence and invest to your individual risk tolerance.
For Fun: Bringing back the Hype!
The Big Squeeze:
HOLD - The Gamestop Saga Soundtrack - The Real DMT:
submitted by Cataclysmic98 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:39 Rolly2k15 Iwtl how to communicate better

It seems every time I speak, whether it be telling a story, explaining an idea, or worse, an argument, I just cannot get my point across effectively. This is extremely frustrating because it’s getting to the point where even in my relationship it’s causing problems. I want to be able to:
-say my point clearly and concisely -understand how to talk affectively in an argument -expand my vocabulary & use less filler words -be able to REMEMBER MY POINT**
**a lot of times when I speak I begin to speak and lose my train of thought and trip up over my words, it’s like I can’t even remember my point or the other person’s point
submitted by Rolly2k15 to IWantToLearn [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:38 Haiden99 Become a trendsetter by accident. . . depressed

Become a trendsetter by accident. . . depressed
keepbit news observer:According to Spot On Chain monitoring, 12 hours ago, a certain whale deposited 457.9 billion PEPE (US$4.54 million) into Binance to stop losses. Subsequently, the price of PEPE fell by 6%. In the past 15 days, the whale lost $717,000 (-4.69%) on 2 PEPE transactions, and each time PEPE was transferred out, it often caused a sharp price drop.
submitted by Haiden99 to A_life_of_struggle [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:38 Slow_Inevitable_2120 What am I doing wrong?!

I posted before about sleep training my 6 month old and took all the advice. I was previously nursing him to sleep then transferred him to his crib, he cried everytime I put him down (I know, not sleep training and I know it was not the correct thing to do now). Now, I’ve broken the feed to sleep association for bed time and I nurse him, give him a bath and read 2 books to him, lotion, pj’s/sleepsack, and then I cuddle him and put him in his crib. It’s been 8 nights of him crying for 40 minutes- 1 hour. I go in every 10-15 minutes and pat his butt and give him kisses, I make it quick, then leave. Sometimes though, I do hold him for a second because he’s hyperventilating from crying so hard so I just calm him down really quick and put him back down. I don’t think I’ve read anywhere that’s it’s taken THIS long for it to start working. What am I doing wrong ?! I took all the advice given and it’s STILL not working 😫 he’s getting the correct amount of daytime sleep 2.5-3 hours. He still wakes up to nurse every 2-3 hours at night, but still gets about 10 hours of sleep. Wake up is 6-6:15am, his first nap is around 8:30, second nap around 12, and I try to have his last nap around 4 (which he has also been refusing the past few days), and bedtime by 7:30. He is also getting his first tooth so I don’t know if this is the cause of a lot of what’s going on.
submitted by Slow_Inevitable_2120 to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:37 Pheonixgate1 Quitting Frames, Hopefully with CSS

So, backstory--I'm an old school HTML novice. Learned it back in the 90's. Did most of my own code and only really used CSS for light aesthetics (like changing the color of the scroll bar to match the site, etc). Recently, I've decided it's not worth keeping a personal website anymore, not with all the social media stuff out there and Yahoo has passed off its hosting service to another company and the prices have ballooned (I've had the account since it was Geocities--before Yahoo was a thing).
Anyway. I'm keeping the domain, because I like the email address but I want a nice splash page instead of the gross 'coming soon' crap the host puts up. I've whipped up something that I like--just a single large image (size-wise, it's only like 464kb). What I want is the image to sit on the page, centered vertically and horizontally in a letterbox type presentation (like the black bars at the top/bottom of your screen when watching original format movies).
Back in the day, I did this easily with frames. I used frames a lot for positioning (specifically centering). I know frames are basically fully depreciated and only supported for posterity at this point so I'd like to do this properly with CSS. Which is unfortunate because I never got too heavily into it beyond little stuff (mostly color).
I have the image where I want. I have it resizing with the browser window and remaining centered both vertically and horizontally. What I want is the letterbox effect when the image doesn't fill the screen. I know this can probably be done by making the background the letterbox color and using a div tag around the image and extend it to the width of the page so that it gives that visual effect but that is a little beyond me (honestly, I copy and pasted most of this and just tested it over and over). I feel like this should be really easy (and likely is), but it's been a minute since I did any coding.
Below is what I have already. Can someone help with this?
 tombstone splash page    * w a v e s *    Goodbye  
Note: Eventually I want to make a mobile-friendlier version of this. I'll probably end up asking about that too. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Pheonixgate1 to HTML [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:36 WearyBreath7558 "Where has my sanity gone?"

I'm seeing so many posts today that are basically just people questioning their own sanity because of the disease of sexaholism. If you have not yet, I strongly urge you to try SANON. I don't mean try attending one or two Zoom meetings. I mean, REALLY try SANON. Buy the little books. Try really hard to apply them to your life. I have been in recovery from a few substances for years, but never felt the need to join a 12-step program to get there. Discovering the father of my child was a sex addict was the first time in my entire life that I felt so hopeless that I finally turned to 12-step. My lack of understanding and relationship with God held be back from 12-step. My own pride held me back from 12-step. I got sober on my own, clearly I am NOT powerless. I got through my mom's death without relapsing, I am POWERFUL. STILL, The 12-step program has utterly humbled me. Little by little, it is changing my life. I have met other women that attended a couple times and stopped because "they are not the ones who are ill, why should they do the work to heal?" While I can understand this message, I am thankful every day I did not find or follow that belief. Yes, the sex or porn addict that we love IS causing us GREAT disturbance, but ask yourself... are you tired of being disturbed by the disturbed? if your answer is yes, I believe SANON will benefit you. If you, like me, are wondering where your sanity went, come with me on this adventure as we rediscover it!
submitted by WearyBreath7558 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:35 W4ltzz_ Is The MicroShift Acolyte Any Good?

Want to ugprade my 2020 Diamondback Hook to something with a clutch and wider range for climbing without spending too much. And I'm wondering if the Microshift Acolyte is good, cause I've seen a lot of people not reccomending any 8 speed groupset above 42t (its 12-46t with clutch). I'm just wondering if its good or not or if I should go with a Shimano cues groupset on ebay instead. (may or may not even get it if I buy it since ebay is ebay)
submitted by W4ltzz_ to MTB [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:35 x0y0z0 Keto diet puts CH in remission.

I know that people tend to view dietary interventions with skepticism due to it often being ideological rather than backed by good data but this is not the case:
It's been 7 years now since I've gone into remission and I'll keep at it for the rest of my life. Living CH free is totally worth the sacrifice. Theres a history of a ketogenic diet treating brain issues such as epilepsy and later migraines which lead to this 2018 study for CH. Something about switching the brains fuel source from glucose to keto bodies (fat) has an effect on the cause of CH although last I checked it's not really understood how. The other speculation was that a low sugar\carb diet lowers the inflamation in the brain to below the threshold where CH are triggered. Either way it has a great shot at removing this beast from your life entirely or severely reducing the impact.
submitted by x0y0z0 to ClusterHeadaches [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:35 Competitive_Loan1882 Neplanon

Hi, I am having a nexplanon in January, since then I had no period until the early of May, I started on having a bad boobs sore, bloated ,cramps and back/legs pain I was terrified that I would be pregnant but thankfully it was not that. Then I had a period, it was only 3-4 days then stop for week and now it started again with the heavy flow. I gained some weight too not too sure it is about the side effect. Anyone experienced the same?
submitted by Competitive_Loan1882 to Nexplanon [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:35 sutureinsurance Argument over Asprin

So, I was doing a simulated patient exercise, and my guy was a 70-year-old male who called because "I'm not feeling well." I put him on the monitor and saw an irregular rhythm on the Lifepac. I classified it as Sinus with PACs and PVCs. (It was a 2nd-degree type 1 heart block with PVCs). SPO2 is 92, so I put him on O2 NC 4L and did a thorough assessment. I didn't print a longer strip even though I had to stare at it for a little while; I was subject to the effects of a 3-second lifepack screen. For some reason, 12 leads are not available in the simulation.
Nothing impressive comes up on the assessment. Neuro intact, vitals are great for a 70-year-old, and he admits to a hx of diabetes controlled without medication. So I'm getting ready to transport and decide that since he is older, he has an observed cardiac pathology that got better with oxygen (I did not explicitly recognize this improvement with O2 in the sim). I gave him ASA 324mg PO for new-onset arrhythmia, Started an IV TKO, and up the O2 to 10 L NRB and transport.
In the debrief, I was drawn and quartered for the Aspirin decision. " It's not in that protocol; you're not a doctor!"
EMS providers of the internet, a new onset AV 2nd Degree type 1 can set in for toxicology (no meds, denies drugs and ETOH), cardiac pathology, and, especially in young people, high vagal tone (see toxicology). Although it is not as indicative of cardiac damage as Type 2, a new onset Wenkebok doesn't show up just because. There can be meds/toxins or cardiac ischemia/infarct/vessel disease. ASA is indicated or at least not contraindicated if it's vessel disease. (I told you I was eviscerated)
My takeaways:
If I can't identify the rhythm at a glance (I thought I had it right, so I didn't print a strip), I print a longer strip and read it like I usually do. I wear glasses for a reason.
I didn't try to justify ACS, given an elderly diabetic, that could be possible silent chest pain.
He didn't have a hx of bleeding or anything like that. I don't remember if I specifically asked him if he had taken Aspirin in the last 24 hours; he said he didn't take meds.
So I've been ruminating about this for a day and just need to get it off my chest and get some feedback. I'm okay with being wrong,g but I'm salty about being yelled at. I'd at least like to learn something for all my troubles.
submitted by sutureinsurance to ems [link] [comments]