Ics 100 answer key

Saved You a Click: Helping Rid the Internet of Clickbait

2014.06.08 13:04 born_here Saved You a Click: Helping Rid the Internet of Clickbait

Don't click on that, we already did. Fighting clickbait for better journalism.

2009.03.23 15:23 QualityClicks Ads on Google, Meta, Microsoft, etc.

Topics related to Pay-per-Click (PPC) & other digital ads such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Microsoft Advertising, Amazon Ads & other digital advertising platforms.

2015.06.19 03:04 CaptainHair59 Scenes From a Shitty Hat

Like /ScenesFromAHat, but shittier.

2024.05.19 05:13 zxerozx Is my steam deck broken

Is my steam deck broken
Ive tried so many boot options but none of them worked
I havent re-imaged my steam deck yet because i dont have the required items
submitted by zxerozx to SteamDeckHandheld [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:11 LorentoPatoni [Artisan] Mini bOss & Mini bO_Oss: Mictlan2 - 1 days left

Open form 22:00 pm (GMT + 7) May 16, 2024
Close form: 22:00 pm (GMT+7 ) May 20, 2024
Sale information:
1. Mini bOss
● Sculpt: Mini bOss
● Colorway: Mictlan -2.
● Ability to cross the led: yes
● Quantity: <5 Keycaps/ Sculpt
● Stem: Cherry MX switches and clones.
● UV light: Yes
● Price: $60/1 Keycap
2. Mini bO_Oss
● Sculpt: Mini bO_Oss
● Colorway: Mictlan -2.
● Ability to cross the led: yes
● Quantity: <5 Keycaps/ Sculpt
● Stem: Cherry MX switches and clones.
● UV light: Yes
● Price: $60/1 Keycap
- All keycaps are cast colors resin 100%
Thank you for supporting us. ❤️
Any questions please contact:
Email: [Luongthuongnguyen@gmail.com](mailto:Luongthuongnguyen@gmail.com)
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My Geekhack topic
submitted by LorentoPatoni to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:11 Stonecutter_12-83 So I've been looking to trade my Ford and go with Kia and after finally testing a few today, I have to say that the radio interface is the worst thing I've ever seen in a vehicle. It may have truly killed the kia for me

I'm a life long Ford owner and I wanted something with a better warranty.
So we've looked at a ton of kias and finally got some keys today and the radio settings drove me utterly bonkers. (2021 and newer)
It had fm presets while on XM radio. No presets for xm, I just had to scroll for 100 channels. Confusing to even find Bluetooth (one model didn't even let us select xm or bluetooth).
Just the entire user interface is not user friendly at all. Even the newer 2023+ models with the huge screen is bad and just plain disorganized.
I have a 2016 f150 with 8 inch screen and its so fluid and easy to use. I'm really worried it ruined ever buying a kia
submitted by Stonecutter_12-83 to kia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:10 DarthMekt Got Fired From My Job Cuz of Unfounded Complaint

Hey guys, I (25M) wanted to post this here and get some advice of what to do next? I have been considering legal action, but I wonder if I have much of a case here. Some key things to note:
I have been talking to my company's HR department about what happened and I'll just copy and paste what happened from the written statement I gave them:
"On 5/9/24 I was originally scheduled to work at 2 PM, and was heading into our office on the second floor when Chris, my director, was waiting for me at the elevator doors. At that moment, I did not know he requested to speak with me as I had not checked my messages yet prior to arriving to work. I followed him to a meeting room behind the bar on the casino floor and sat down with him and Kevin, a new Operations Manager that had just been promoted, as a witness. Chris informed me that I was being let go, to my shock. I asked why. He gave me a rather vague answer about how many factors have led to this decision, but he does not believe that I will mesh well with the team long-term and unfortunately it has come to this. When I had first started in my position, Chris and I had only two conversations about my progress and his concerns:
One was with my former superior Paul and Chris about how some of my behavior was a bit distracting to others and while it is good to be enjoying your work, please focus on my work and try to conversate with my coworkers about things relating to the job. I understood that, and took it in stride. I reigned it in and focused more on my tasks at hand and never heard another such complaint.
The second was when I had incorrectly scored an NHL game one night and the mistake was not found out until the next day, causing an all-around headache. I had similar, more minor mistakes in the past, so Chris told me to do better and that while mistakes are bound to happen, to have a better attention to detail. I understood and had improved in the months since that conversation and I hadn't made a mistake like that since.
With these in mind, I said to Chris that he couldn't deny that I hadn't improved since starting my position and my former issues had already been rectified, to which he agreed. So I asked him to give me a more tangible reason behind his decision. He cited my interactions with my coworker Logan made her feel uncomfortable in the office.
Logan is a girl the same age as me and her desk is on the other side of the room. My interactions with her were limited simply because of this fact and the most I ever spoke to her was greeting her when I arrived in the office, as I greeted everyone else, and benign small talk. May 9th is also her birthday, as I had heard from some of her other coworkers, so I even got her a birthday card and a singular cupcake that day.
For the record: I never singled her out in this treatment; in fact many times I had offered snacks or food to fellow coworkers. I even brought in staple snacks in Chinese culture for Chinese New Year this year a few months ago for the whole office to try. I offered them to everyone including Logan, as it is a big day in my culture and unfortunately I had to celebrate while at work. In my opinion, things like reminders of your birthday while at work is a very inclusive gesture and I was actively trying to make our company a better place to work at by promoting a more positive culture by setting an example. I even asked a coworker for his birthday so I could remember when it came around, as I realized I didn't know anyone's birthday yet. I did not mean anything by my actions, if they truly were making Logan feel uncomfortable, and I think some sort of warning beforehand would have been more than fair. If Logan herself was too uncomfortable with saying it to me personally, I could've also have heard it from any of my superiors first.
I made this point in my conversation with Chris; his only reply to me was that some people aren't comfortable enough doing that without hurting anyone's feelings. I feel that there is something more than what Chris told me and Logan's perception of me may not be the only reason I was terminated. And if Logan's perception of me was a deciding factor in my termination, I do not appreciate that treatment or assumptions being made of me simply because I am a man and she is a woman and therefore all my actions are perceived as malicious and/or having ulterior motives."
submitted by DarthMekt to MensRights [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:02 Sea-Home-9296 Is there a answer key for the practice test on the AMSCO 2020 edition?

My school only provides the 2020 editions of AMSCO books. The practice test answers are different from their 2021+ counterparts.
submitted by Sea-Home-9296 to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:01 Sea-Home-9296 Is there a answer key for the practice test on the AMSCO 2020 edition?

My school only provides the 2020 editions of AMSCO books. The practice test answers are different from their 2021+ counterparts.
submitted by Sea-Home-9296 to apworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:00 DTG_Bot Daily Questions [2024-05-19]

New player? Please read the New and Returning Player Guide, Destiny 2 Guided Support & Gameplay Guide.

Want to buy the DLC? Check out the Lightfall Guide.

Returning and not sure what was vaulted? Destiny Content Vault: Year 6

Season of the Wish (Season 23) key dates:

Top Known Issues List by Bungie

Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny-related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well, You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!
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submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:59 Different-Seaweed499 Should I take the student loans?

Hello redditors, I have an opinion question to ask.
I just graduated from college, and was accepted to NYU for graduate school in the fall. Only about 50% of students get scholarships, and I received a 50% tuition scholarship from them to attend. The program would put me exactly in the job field that I want to pursue life long, and I genuinely find joy in the idea of pursuing said career (Public Policy Analyst). My career goal requires education beyond just my bachelor’s degree, and I genuinely love school and am excited about continuing going to classes. I’ve met some great people who will also be in my program that I am excited to see there. I also plan to live in NYC for many years to come, and have not found a single other place in the world where I feel like my most authentic self. The program is one of the best in the country, and has faculty who have worked on Capitol Hill and other amazing organizations. The program will be superrrrr good for my chosen field and unlock many connections lifelong. I truly feel like I have the key to my perfect future in my hand with this opportunity.
All of this sounds great, right? Well… as you can imagine I would be taking out an exorbitant amount of student loans for this Master’s program. Even with the 50% tuition, the cost for 2 years of the tuition is a little over $100k total (I have no idea how people pay that without scholarships!!!) Thankfully, my undergraduate tuition was completely paid for through a scholarship that I earned, so I don’t have a lot of student loans besides my living expenses from that time. This allows some leeway for grad school expenses, however, I would be looking at around $100-120k in loans at the end of all of this…
Thankfully, my career field will most likely fall under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness track, so I believe that I will be eligible to get these loans paid for. It is not a 100% guarantee though. My career field makes somewhat decent money, but if these loans don’t get forgiven, I’m looking at a cool 20+ years paying off these loans.
Given the overwhelmingly large amount of net positives of this program, I am thinking of just going for it and taking on the loans. At the same time I am not sure how wise this is given the number and uncertainty in the loan forgiveness. I know that as an adult I need to make this decision and I am the one who will need to pay these off eventually. However, I was hoping to get some input from strangers with zero stake in my life who will give me the straight up facts (the lovely people close to me in my life of course said to follow my heart and go for it, but I am sure that they just don’t want to hurt my feelings). So please, if you feel so inclined redditors, give me your input!
submitted by Different-Seaweed499 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:41 FlaxbopFleetfoot 29 [M4F] NC/USA - Seeking Fellow Adventurer for a Journey Through D&D Realms, Animal Kingdoms, and Hockey Arenas.

Hello there! Welcome to what is likely going to be a long, rambly post. I'm going to structure this as though I were answering job interview questions, because let's face it, dating is a glorified job interview for a relationship/getting laid.
Oh, and to save some of you the time reading this (though I did spend a while writing it mind you), I'm 5'5, and it's perfectly fine if that doesn't work for you. I have preferences too! Anyway...
Tell me About Yourself.
Ah, this one is a classic to start off with, glad you asked (or told me to elaborate? Same idea)!
First and foremost, I am a nerd. My favorite day of the week is Sunday, because that's when my D&D game happens (It's actually Pathfinder, but I say D&D because most people are not into the hobby), and this account is named after the character I play in that very game! Feel free to ask for more details at the risk of an overly excited explanation. I also play video games, usually single-player CRPGs, but lately I've been playing Hades and I like being on voice call when I do that.
Professionally I'm... still in school. Here's a lengthy, detailed discussion as to why that is: anxiety sucks. Phew, that was so lengthy, glad that's over! Anyway, I'm a nuclear engineering major and plan to graduate in 4 semesters. In all seriousness, I don't mind going over the full story once we're talking.
What are Some of Your Hobbies?
Lists are helpful for this one! So here we go:
What do You Want in a Potential Partner?
Someone who's not an asshole, not a catfish looking to get $100 dollars out of me to fix their fake iPhone (yes, this happened), shares some interests with me, willing to do some basic stuff (sharing a picture, voice calling, video calling eventually) and treats me with respect. Honestly, not a long list. Physically, I would prefer someone who's of a thinner-average body type as that is what I am. I've made exceptions to this before though, so if you feel that I'm irresistible and not entirely obnoxious, feel free to reach out.
What I want the most though? Just intimacy. I think that's what we all want at the end. That is why this post is marked as NSFW because I am definitely not opposed to it going that way, but I also go at the pace of my partner and respect their boundaries.
What do You Look Like?
I'm 5'5 as mentioned before, 125 lbs, white, brown hair, green eyes, and have glasses that might as well be made of aquarium glass. Hopefully that gives you a vivid enough picture for now, but an actual picture is worth 1000 words so once we've exchanged a few messages I can share that.
And that, dear reader, is the end of my hopefully well-formatted and not-at-all-obnoxious wall of text. Hope you enjoyed reading it, and I hope to hear from you! If I don't, have a great whatever time of day it happens to be in your timezone!
submitted by FlaxbopFleetfoot to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:33 maulik252 [STORE] TI8/TI9/TI10/Diretide/ Aghanim's/2023 summer collector's cache sets/crownfall 2024/weather effects

Selling cache sets at below mentioned price:
My profile- https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198272324546
steam rep- https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198272324546
Add me if you are interested(only serious buyers (who have read the whole post and sure about buying))
buyer goes first. Reservation is mandatory and nonrefundable.
accepting dota 2 tradable items and tf2 keys
TI8 cache 1
Hero Price ( USD) Quantity
Trail of the Sanguine Spectrum(blood seeker) 15$ 2
Pitfall Crusader(Pangolier) 23$ 1
Insights of the Sapphire Shroud(Dark seer) 10$ 5
Pillar of the Fractured Citadel(Spirit breaker) 12$ 3
Forlorn Descent(Undying) 15$ 0
The Murid Divine(necrophos) 22$ 2
Primer of the Sapper's Guile(techies) 20$ 3
Molokau Stalker(venomancer) 15$ 4
Morbific Provision(witch doctor) 15$ 3
Raptures of the Abyssal Kin(queen of pain) 12$ 4
Fate Meridian(invoker) 25$ 3
Grasp of the Riven Exile(weaver) 10$ 6
Visions of the Lifted Veil(phantom assassin) 35$ 1
Endowments of the Lucent Canopy(shadow shaman) 100$ sold out
TI8 cache 2
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Pitmouse Fraternity(meepo) 15$ 8
Fires of the Volcanic Guard(Ember spirit) 20$ 7
Third Awakening(Dragon knight) 35$ 0
Shackles of the Enduring Conscript(AXE) 8$ 10
Shimmer of the Anointed(Nyx) 6$ 10
Cruelties of the Spiral Bore(Magnus) 45$ sold out
Loaded Prospects(Brew master) 15$ 8
Ire of Molten Rebirth(Phoenix) 8$ 6
Pattern of the Silken Queen(Brood mother) 8$ 11
Dread Ascendance(Doom) 50$ 1
The Rat King(Chen) 10$ 9
Raiments of the Obsidian Forge(Underlord) 20$ 4
TI9 cache 1
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Echoes of the Everblack(Abbadon) 30$ 1
Allure of the Faeshade Flower(Dark willow) 25$ 1
Paean of the Ink Dragon(Grimstroke) 20$ 3
Scorched Amber(Dragon Knight) 30$ 2
Priest of the Proudsilver Clan(Chen) 15$ 5
The Arts of Mortal Deception(Enigma) 10$ 4
Poacher's Bane(Tide hunter) 20$ 6
Soul of the Brightshroud(Death prophet) 20$ 2
Curse of the Creeping Vine(Undying) 20$ 3
Pursuit of the Ember Demons (Husker) 22$ 2
Appetites of the Lizard King(Slark) 25$ 3
Forbidden Medicine(Dazzle) 20$ 3
Riddle of the Hierophant(Oracle) 12$ 7
Glimmer of the Sacred Hunt(Drow ranger) 30$ sold out
Adornments of the Jade Emissary(Earth Spirit) 25$ 1
Defender of Ruin(Disrupter) 25$ 8
TI9 cache 2
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful(Drow ranger) 15$ 21
Tribal Pathways(Warlock) 10$ 26
Directive of the Sunbound(Clockwork) 10$ 23
Souls Tyrant(Shadow fiend) 40$ 4
Endless Night(Abbadon) 25$ 8
Dapper Disguise(Pudge) 18$ 16
Prized Acquisitions(Bat rider) 6$ 29
Verdant Predator(Venomancer) 8$ 23
Fury of the Bloodforge(Bloodseeker) 10$ 27
Automaton Antiquity(Broodmother) 10$ 25
Tales of the Windward Rogue(Pangolier) 30$ 5
Grim Destiny(Wraith king) 20$ 21
Distinguished Expeditionary(Tusker) 12$ 26
Fowl Omen(Necrophos) 18$ 21
Cinder Sensei(Ember Spirit)) 80$ 4
TI10 cache 1
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Origin of the Dark Oath(Night stalker) 28$ 22
Ravenous Abyss (Underlord) 15$ 34
Apocalypse Unbound(Ancient appartion) 10$ 36
Beholden of the Banished Ones(Warlock) 15$ 5
Fury of the Righteous Storm(Disrupter) 10$ 36
Lineage of the Stormlords(Juggernaut) 35$ 16
Silent Slayer(Silencer) 20$ 32
Mindless Slaughter(Pudge) 15$ 37
Heartless Hunt(Bounty hunter) 15$ 31
Herald of the Ember Eye(Grim stroke) 15$ 27
Fissured Flight(Jakiro) 12$ 34
Flashpoint Proselyte(Husker) 20$ 34
Glory of the Elderflame(Lina) 25$ 26
Signs of the Allfather(Nature's Prophet) 20$ 34
Songs of Starfall Glen(Enchantress) 10$ 23
Ancient Inheritance(Tiny) 25$ 51
Forsworn Legacy(Mars) 40$ 26
TI10 cache 2
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Evolution of the Infinite(Enigma) 10$ 24
Beast of the Crimson Ring(Bristle Back) 15$ 23
Clearcut Cavalier(Timbersaw) 8.5$ 27
The King Of Thieves(Keeper of the light) 10$ 27
Horror from the Deep(Tidehunter) 20$ 22
Ire of the Ancient Gaoler(Arc warden) 40$ 1
Talons of the Endless Storm(Chaos Knight) 14$ 22
Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade(Rubick) 12$ 26
Crown of Calaphas(Shadow demon) 15$ 26
Wrath of the Fallen(Doom) 15$ 26
Blacksail Cannoneer(Sniper) 13$ 26
Secrets of the Celestial(Skywrath mage) 10$ 27
Blaze of Oblivion(Phoenix) 8$ 26
Master of the Searing Path(Ember spirit) 30$ 10
Steward of the Forbidden Chamber(Templer assassin) 30$ 30
Claszureme Incursion(Faceless Void) 95$ 1
Aghanim's cache sets
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Silverwurm Sacrifice(Dragon Knight) 40$ 5
Scales of the Shadow Walker(Phantom lancer) 12$ 19
Perception of the First Light(Dawn breaker) 12$ 16
Apex Automated(Clockwork) 10$ 17
Test of the Basilisk Lord(Razor) 12$ 17
Secrets of the Frost Singularity(Ancient appartion) 8.5$ 20
Perils of the Red Banks(Chen) 8$ 20
The Chained Scribe(Grim stroke) 12$ 18
Widow of the Undermount Gloom(Brood mother) 10$ 20
Forgotten Fate(Mars) 10$ 18
March of the Crackerjack Mage(Rubick) 10$ 19
Stranger in the Wandering Isles(Drow ranger) 55$ 1
Cosmic Concoctioneers(Alchemist) 7$ 19
Days of the Demon(Axe) 25$ 7
Blightfall(Abbadon) 8$ 21
Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected(Ogre magi) 20$ 25
Wrath of the Celestial Sentinel(Chaos Knight) 50$ 8
Diretide cache set
Blue Horizons(Marci) 25$ 6
Dark Behemoth(Primal beast) 50$ 3
2023 cache sets
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Snailfire (SnapFire) 25$ 10
Brightfist (Marci) 22$ 10
Primeval Abomination(primal beast) 8$ 10
Astral Herald(dawn breaker) 7$ 10
Spectral Shadow(Abbadon) 5$ 10
Taur Rider(alchemist) 5$ 10
Crescent Huntress(spectre) 10$ 10
Tyrant of the Veil(wraith king) 8.5$ 10
Tomo'kan Footsoldier(hood wink) 7$ 10
Darkwood Eulogy(death prophet) 5$ 10
Sea Spirit(kunkka) 12$ 10
Triumph of the Imperatrix(legion commander) 7$ 10
Beast of Thunder(storm spirit) 10$ 10
Ancestral Heritage(jakiro) 6$ 10
Dezun Viper(dazzle) 7.5$ 10
Crownfall 2024 treasure
Drow ranger(Ravencloak)=45usd
Weather Effects
Weather Price
Ash 10$
Aurora 3$
Harvest 3$
Moonbeam 5$
Rain 10$
Spring 5$
Snow 5$
Siroco 3$
Pestilence 2$
Buyers go first, add me now if interested for 30 days cooldown, make sure to leave a comment on my profile . 30% reserve amount required at the time of reserving cache sets. fees(depends on your payment method) on you.
If you are buying more than 4 cache sets then u will get addition discount.
I have more than 1000$ worth of cache sets in my inventory and i have been selling cache sets from past 2 years so why would i scam you for some small amount and you can also check the profile of the people who have given their feedback on my profile . I can also provide you with screenshots of my previous successful trades
submitted by maulik252 to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:32 TheAstonVillaSeal Saw (2004) immediate reflection

I never really have done a “review” so to speak of a film, but after sitting through to ‘properly’ watch my favourite Saw for a first tonight I really have to praise every little bit about it. What Leigh and James et al did with such a tiny budget is nothing short of phenomenal.
A big criticism of the first film is about its pacing, with many calling it a bit more “boring” than the instalments to follow. However, I think Saw 1 is excellent at combining its horrific trap plot and the detective story into one with such an intimate set of characters you can invest in. The later films build a bigger and bigger gap between the trap plot and the ‘police’ segments of the film, with the gore being the main focus. But in Saw, they’re practically a part of the bathroom trap. It helps that Tapp and Sing are written as close to Gordon already, more distanced from the main police force, allowing the pursuit of Gordon and the hunt for Jigsaw to be far more personal and unique and less bland with characters who are actually associated with each other. Saw 1 feels like one long story that puts all its pieces together, rather than two separate plots that only join together come the ending. It’s thus very consistent and developed if you can involve yourself.
The film’s tiny budget also means that there is a cut back on how much gore they actually managed to get in there, and I feel this helps a lot. While other films like X have proven that high budget gore does not have to be the highlight of the film, along with the ‘soap opera’ sort of plot that runs through all the films, I think Saw’s mystery of the Jigsaw killer makes the investment in the film far greater and interesting than that of just watching it for repetitive violence. The story itself I found to have good pacing, with the flashbacks, though slightly repetitive at times (cough car park scene cough) and the editing being slightly questionable, feeling necessary and a healthy addition to the film’s developing plot if you can get yourself involved with it. Simply put, there’s no real “filler” in the film, with even the more laid back scenes still fitting the topic and thus keeping you both interested and on-edge, as you have zero idea what to believe on a first watch; it’s also nice to look back on how the different characters acted and thought once you do know the full lore behind the film.
The actors brought so much energy to the film, and were 100% a big part of its success and legacy. Though questionable at times, the bond between Lawrence and Adam which take up a bulk of the film’s 103 minute run time never manages to fall flat, with their actual journey and development being very powerful as we are stuck with them traversing through this escape room. Once we find more about both of them, we can only feel more emotion for the situations they’re in. Others, like Glover, do an amazing and underrated job at ensuring their key characters help develop the story and make it believable. Tapp is both a unique and a very human character, and his descent into madness and obsession is portrayed excellently as he stalks Gordon like a lunatic. Emerson as Zep is also key, with him playing the film’s big bad until the ending. The orderly definitely comes across as a psychopath, and the horror of the scenes with Diana and Addison really help add to the mystery and to the horror of the film and Jigsaw. Side note: I love the more classic horror scenes, like Zep in the closet and Adam’s apartment search - they’re super well done and give the film such a great variation on top of its torture + body horror.
Such a story for me, with there being more of an emphasis on Jigsaw’s motive, and why he targets people (as demonstrated with the film’s characters) and traps just being his symbolic method make the movie far more powerful. While it’s cool to see gore and effects from such a bold film, along with the thrill, I feel it’s so much more rewarding when it comes from a story you’ve followed and been a part of. After all, it is the flipping of what we know and the story finally being pieced together with the revelation of Jigsaw, on top of the filmmaking, that make the ending scene one of the best in movie history; it’s not the iconic shots alone that make the scene so great, it’s the build up and our minds being freaking blown that do as well - it sends a chill down your spine after such a rollercoaster of a movie, and it’s rewarding to discover it in such an epic way.
As messy as this analysis is, I really just wanted to get my love for this film out of my system. I love Saw for both the engaging pursuit of the mysterious Jigsaw killer and the escape room that develops throughout the film all falling into one intimate, entertaining and re-watchable classic. It’s easily my favourite horror and is one of my favourite films of all time, defying the “torture porn” label and showing just how unique and entertaining the Saw franchise can be at heart.
submitted by TheAstonVillaSeal to saw [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:32 wishyouthesame67 Speak opposite

Winona county pre-petitioned commitment after I made 5 911 calls to Winona county police fearing that my mom was being held hostage and wouldn’t come home to help me because somebody stole my cars keys and there was no food in the house and somebody dropped food off at my house (never saw them) as I was given a bad cut. During this time someone came into the house and stole my shit and then returned. My neighbor has no outlet so I chased the suspected person working for the police as my neighbors assuming they called the police after they saw me block the thief unable to to run me over as I stood in the road. The police returned my shit some time later as I was confused by everything I was glad I had my wax back which is 100% legal oddly my shit was back too. It was pure bath salts because I went crazy after that. I chanted to hell because I knew the police told me mom I was too dangerous to be around and I’m sure they wanted to send a drug that would make me susceptible to delusional thoughts thinking it would become permanent. The state has been committing me since 2017 for bogus reasons. After they had the evidence of me making 5 911 phones they tried to commit me but since I went bat shit crazy, I left the house thinking I was being poisoned by radon by all the smoke in there. I was swatted in cannons falls where I was being stalked by people and backed into a stalker in the parking lot. It was someone who saw me in psychosis and wanted to check on me but called the sheriff and 10 sqaud cars were sent. I had around 8 grams in 4 different buckets and bath salts on me in my car at the time. The swat team didn’t take it and I was in the fetal position of a squad car and they sent me to Mayo Clinic for mental illness. Let me tell you I backed into somebody’s car in a parking lot. My car was not damaged. A crowd of people saw me terrified as I heard orders and a count down to shoot me if I stepped out of the car. I had a small seizure in the ER as I don’t get the help I need because they won’t give me Ativan and instead antipsychotics which never help. While I was in the psych ward my memory of this was clear. I recorded videos of myself to remember what happened plus I gained my memory back. And Mayo Clinic doctors Dr. Roth said he was not going to commit me. Dr. Roth knows went to the same university I did, harder to get into than U ofM. The sheriff went into generose would go to the psych ward and ask the patients questions and my doctor told him to get the fuck out of there as he didn’t have to serve papers to anyone. We couldn’t figure out what he was investigating. Many patients there were my age and even someone from Egypt was suspiciously being detained and said he was there against his will. He did not have a last name because it didn’t translate, his wrist band only said Salem. He expressed his idea for peace in the Middle East and said make Jerusalemits own city state. Later the nurses said he was going home but later changed their minds and said they were sending him to a different ward instead. Obviously detained for reasons biased to his political views because people abusing the position of power to continue to administer medication after being offended as they were in opposition to what is happening in the Middle East. Jews and Somalis decided if this Arab man from Egypt was crazy. A woman from Africa who didn’t understand English and needed a translator was being civilly committed with a court order to take antipsychotic neuroleptics after she been struggling after divorce. She said the voices she heard were only coming from here guilty conscience as she was expressing she was misunderstood by the doctor and didn’t need help, but it was l through a translator who was speaking for her. Many of the other people there didn’t have real problems and would voluntarily sign in to the psych ward believing the bullshit that pills fix problems and stayed less than a week. The nurses ask stupid questions like if we are depressed and suicidal and oddly ask if we could spell lunch backwards which indicates high functioning cognitive functioning in a particular area of the brain which will help the nursing staff know the patient hasn’t fried the brain and can recognize symbols better than average suggesting the cognitive functioning has not deteriorated to the degree of permanent brain damage or permanent delusions. Drug induced Psychosis is ruled out. I could spell lunch backwards the fallowing day and could recognize reality going forward with my life without medication. Three weeks ago I went to the hospital after a police officer in Duluth reported that I was disorganized and told saint Luke’s. I asked for help after becoming ill suddenly and extremely nauseous. I had no where to go. I asked to be treated for hep c or hiv which they did but also sent me to the psych ward where again the doctor committed me and pre-petition an order from the court that’s I go to treatment and take antipsychotics for 6 months. After being through this process 3 times in less than a year I knew to say I voluntarily go to treatment to the court examiners in Winona county. The didn’t proceed with the doctors order. I have been in the psych ward for a total of 4 months and I have good teeth and don’t think treatment helps people like me. I’m tired of people saying I need to go to treatment. I’m tired of people calling the cops on me because I’m high. I’m tired of police dictating my life making up bogus excuses old their job is to recognize mental health issues when all I needed was to go to sleep. Oregon is where I need to go, fuck this GEN I have millennial problems that we can figure out ourselves on our own. Poverty of some kind is my problem and I need to go live in a better state for millennials.
submitted by wishyouthesame67 to Winona [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:29 Local-Concern-4791 I guess I just got ghosted from my boyfriend…

So I (F/26) and my boyfriend (M/31) have been together for 6 months now. Some back story.. we are very different. In our mannerisms, the way we react to things, etc. but in a way it worked. We balanced each other out. We fell hard for each other. At least.. I believed we did. Whenever we got into arguments/disagreements we always took a couple days off to cool down and then we’d come together to talk about the issue. No more than two days. Nothing really seemed to give me a RED flag over his behavior. He’s very closed off and I respected his boundaries. He would tell me things that bothered him when he was ready… until now. It’s been now two weeks since we’ve talked. We got into a petty fight (I say petty because it is beyond stupid) over a social media post that had our information on there. Mine and his. Now for the most part we value our privacy, when we first got together I told him I preferred to keep things low key as in the past, I’ve learned social media tends to ruin things. I’ve sent him 4 messages over the past two weeks.. the most recent being on Thursday. I guess part of me wanted an answer, part of me was just trying to be at peace and get my last thoughts in. I’m the type of person that if we get into a fight, we work together. We’re a team. But I guess I was wrong. A man who asked me to move in with him… to get off birth control so we can start planning a family in the future.. to now being ghosted. I’m just… hurt.. disappointed. All the feelings.
Just a note: no cheating was involved. The social media post was basically stating our names and relationship status (showing off like a bratty high schooler). Neither of us like those types of games as we both have dated people like that in the past. My friend was adamant that she didn’t post that. The reason he reacted so negatively over it was because for one I claimed to not like those games and behold, this is what it seemed. And two, he snapped at his nosy coworkers over it. They were always too interested in me (since I was younger than him).
Maybe I should have given up the first week that I didn’t hear from him.. but I just kept replaying in my head everything we’ve talked about and been through. His behavior is extremely out of character. He’s retired military and I thought he just needed time because he’s so used to dealing with shit on his own. Even negative shit. I also thought he was man enough to tell me it’s over or whatever. Not freaking ghost me like a coward.
I don’t know what I’m looking for exactly by posting this. I guess I just needed to vent.
submitted by Local-Concern-4791 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:27 Same-Ad-976 Please idk what I’m doing wrong tbh try every way

Please idk what I’m doing wrong tbh try every way submitted by Same-Ad-976 to army [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:20 OpportunityFriendly2 1 Key Stolen - please help!

I am living in California and was traveling in San Francisco. I did not lock my car and left me bag inside of my 2021 Sienna, thinking it was just several minutes. After I was back, damn, could not start my car.
Let alone other lost items in the bag, I am very concerned about the stolen car key. I am not sure if there was a piece of paper with my home address on it in my bag, and maybe the thief would come and steal my car one night. I would like to know your thoughts on dealing with it.
I understand that going to the dealer might be the “official way”, but the bill might be $$$. I am not sure if a locksmith can help, and the one I called today told me a car key costs $650, saying that the dealer will charge $1400 for the “original toyota key”. I think it probably is not true (is it?)
I have the following thoughts:
  1. If I can find a good locksmith that can do the job with a reasonable price, that would be great (a new key, does not have to be original, + deactivate the stolen key, and maybe need to reprogram my backup key?) do you guys know how much it will cost?
  2. If I really need to get an original Toyota key, I found some used ones online which cost ~100 usd, do you think I can bring that used key to dealer or locksmith and ask for only the programming service?
  3. If anyone knows how the programming works, please share some high level knowledge. I am thinking that we only need to program the car computer to “accept the new key” and “forget about the old key”, but do not know if it is that straightforward.
Thanks so much, and remember to lock your car!
submitted by OpportunityFriendly2 to Toyota [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:14 Thin_King8 Striking the Balance Between Creating a Brand and Creating Great Content

Striking the Balance Between Creating a Brand and Creating Great Content

In today's digital landscape, creating a brand and producing great content are two essential pillars for online success. However, finding the delicate balance between the two can often be challenging. At [Your Company Name], we understand the significance of harmonizing branding efforts with content creation to maximize impact and achieve sustainable growth.

Understanding the Dynamics

The Essence of Branding

Branding is the cornerstone of any successful business. It encompasses everything from your company's visual identity to its core values and unique selling propositions (USPs). A strong brand establishes credibility, fosters trust, and cultivates customer loyalty. It's not just about logos and color schemes; it's about crafting a compelling narrative that resonates with your target audience on an emotional level.

The Power of Great Content

On the other hand, great content is the engine that drives engagement and drives traffic to your digital assets. Whether it's blog posts, videos, social media updates, or podcasts, high-quality content educates, entertains, and inspires your audience. It positions your brand as an authority in your niche and generates organic interest and inbound links, boosting your search engine rankings in the process.

Achieving Synergy

Consistency is Key

To strike the perfect balance between branding and content creation, consistency is paramount. Your brand identity should permeate every piece of content you produce, maintaining a cohesive look, feel, and tone across all channels. Whether you're crafting a blog post or designing an infographic, ensure that it aligns with your brand's values, voice, and aesthetic.

Tell Compelling Stories

One of the most effective ways to marry branding with content creation is through storytelling. Instead of bombarding your audience with sales pitches, tell compelling stories that illustrate your brand's mission, vision, and journey. Share anecdotes, case studies, and customer testimonials that evoke emotions and forge deeper connections with your audience.

Provide Value

While branding helps you stand out in a crowded marketplace, great content is what keeps your audience coming back for more. Focus on providing value with every piece of content you create. Whether it's solving a problem, answering a question, or entertaining your audience, prioritize their needs and interests above all else.

Leveraging the Right Channels

Know Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is essential for effective branding and content creation. Conduct thorough market research to identify your ideal customer demographics, preferences, and pain points. Use this information to tailor your branding efforts and create content that resonates with your audience on a personal level.

Embrace Multichannel Marketing

In today's omnichannel world, a cohesive multichannel marketing strategy is crucial for reaching your audience wherever they may be. From social media platforms and email newsletters to podcasts and webinars, leverage a diverse range of channels to distribute your content and amplify your brand message.

Optimize for Search Engines

While creating great content is essential, it's equally important to ensure that it's discoverable by your target audience. Incorporate search engine optimization (SEO) best practices into your content creation process to improve your visibility and rankings on Google. From keyword research and on-page optimization to link building and technical SEO, invest in strategies that enhance your online presence and drive organic traffic to your website.


In conclusion, striking the balance between creating a brand and creating great content is crucial for long-term success in today's competitive digital landscape. By aligning your branding efforts with your content creation strategy and leveraging the right channels to reach your audience, you can establish a strong online presence, drive engagement, and ultimately, achieve your business objectives.
submitted by Thin_King8 to AI_MusicProducers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:13 NoiseExpensive4785 Cursed to low-code CRM development with a team that can't speak english for 4 years

This is a 50-50 between a rant and explanation of my scenario in order for more experienced members of this sub to give me advice.

I am 19 and I really enjoy programming. I am not in CS because its lucrative, I genuinely love the Idea that a hobby I’ve had for 4 years is something I can do as a job. I learned to program properly (i.e. not basic python taught at school) during lockdown and have written code at least a couple times a week since then. My personal projects are mostly basic physics sims written in c# or c++, but I have dabbled with at least 5 other languages. I also compete (and sometimes do well in) hackathons.

I currently work as a software developer degree apprentice at a large finance company, with the degree being provided by a decent (top 25) uni. This apprenticeship is quite sought after, 6th form careers team recommended I take it over places top 5 unis, and many people at my school were very excited for me when I received the offer.
· This position was advertised as a “software developer degree apprenticeship”
· The description specifically talked about learning coding
· Apprenticeships often have a big centralised hiring scheme, so in initial interviews when I asked about what technologies I would be using I was told what the company used in general (I got an answer like “AWS” or “we have quite a lot of java”)
· In my final stage interview I asked what programming languages I would be likely to use I was told something along the lines of “technically the programming language we use is Java, but we use [insert low code CRM platform]”

It is now obvious to me that at the time I should have thoroughly researched [insert low code CRM platform] and decided to take a position at a good uni, or a different, less prestigious apprenticeship. However, at the time I was a dumb 17 year old, about to take my A levels and ecstatic that such a “big” and “important” company was going to take me on.
I am now 10 months into the apprenticeship and there are definitely positives. My degree is interesting and costs me nothing, there is opportunity to learn and upskill, and I get pretty decent salary. As far as my actual role goes it isn’t great.
· I work on a monolithic, antiquated application, with GUI and drag and drop tools that have 3 seconds of input delay in a low code development environment that actually encourages antipatterns. Documentation is lacklustre
· The people I work with are all offshore. My final stage interview was with the tech lead and project manager. Anybody I actually talk to on a day to day basis speaks English to the level of a 7 year old. Many meetings I feel as if anything useful I add is counteracted by the fact everyone else has to speak broken English for me to understand, which slows everything down to a crawl
· All changes and communication trickles through 100 bureaucratic processes. A lot of the application could optimised and made much cleaner, and the devs know this, but for each hour of development there are 5 hours meetings, show and tells, approval requests etc.
· My company and apprenticeship both require frequent progress reviews, with a lot of input from my managers etc. I get really stressed about this since my managers are always really busy and take nagging to do these things, but if I don’t nag them it reflects badly on me. My last quarterly review my functional lead literally made up all of my targets and review on the spot. My manager was then unhappy that I hadn’t logged them on the review portal.
I really felt like after I finished 6th form this degree apprenticeship would be a something enjoyable and valuable to future employers. I am not enjoying it (you can probably tell) and it will only be valuable to people employing me to do something I don’t enjoy. I really feel stuck because:
· If I drop out I am liable to repay my tuition
· I have no degree, so CS jobs will just reject me
· I can’t begin another CS apprenticeship since I am already partway through one
· If I finish this apprenticeship, I will essentially be applying to jobs as someone with a degree from a mid uni, rather than a top 5 uni along with thousands of hours of extra projects under my belt
· Re applying to uni is a massive hassle, and seems like a waste of time since I would be repeating 2 years
· All my colleagues are 10+ years older than me and I don’t feel like there is anyone I can talk too or anyone who can relate to the position I am in.
· I feel like a massive idiot knowing I literally chose this
· I am scared to tell anyone that I am unhappy. All my friends/family/girlfriend just think wow OP is doing well for someone his age.

If anyone has any advice, whether it be regarding any other options I have, ways to work better in corporate environment (I literally feel like a child), or anything I could to better my position please let me know.
I may post this in degreeapprenticeships but I think this sub is much more relevant.
submitted by NoiseExpensive4785 to cscareerquestionsuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:12 OkPromise7163 Ouroboros (short story written during my junior year in hs)

ACT 1. Sunday afternoon after visiting the local market two brothers wait for their train to arrive. If they were even a minute late, they knew their mother would surely scold them and scold the elder of the two far worse. The idea of another beating did not bother the elder brother; he had been through far worse just dealing with the brat and his attempted jailbreaks, though something did begin to make him painfully nauseous forcing him to feel pressured by the light breeze as if gravity had suddenly been increased tenfold. All his senses were heightening beyond anything he had thought possible.All around him he saw that the once energetic and hyperactive passengers had become little more than mannequins; their movements slowing to a standstill. They had all gone silent. The station was no longer filled with the cries of children or the gentle laughs of their parents. He had never heard such silence in such a crowded location. He did not feel panicked, nor did he feel a need to act for this silence was oddly comforting to him. However, the newly calm atmosphere would quickly be the source of a lifetime of suffering.His hand began to reach for his brother in an attempt to call his attention. Though in a moment of both unprecedented shock and exhaustion John shoved his younger brother onto the rails of an oncoming train. Local news would report the incident as nothing more than a tragic manic episode of a young sixteen-year-old. However, for John this single visceral instant in which all of his brother's bones were instantly crushed was stretched into hours. He was painfully aware of how every bone in his brother's body contorted in inhuman ways some nearly resembling perfect right angles, until eventually, they snapped and sent insurmountable pain throughout his nervous system. His blood curling screams were made mute by the screech of the train coming to a halt, though, by the time they stopped, his brother had torn his every vocal cord and had long ago lost consciousness. Still on the platform, the elder brother stood still, attempting to process what exactly he had done. He had no idea what force had compelled him to push his brother, but that instant would forever define what he saw as reality.That however was nineteen years ago, in present day he lived in isolation far from any person. He spent his isolated days wandering the land around his cabin completing house chores that distracted him from reminiscing about his days in the asylum or as he liked to call it “The Echo Room” where he was transferred after the incident. He headed inside after spending a portion of his morning counting all one-hundred-and-thirty-two trees that were showing signs of life after the harsh winter that nearly forced him to cut down two of them for firewood. Once inside he began preparing his morning coffee when he heard a loud creak come from the hall. He (after many incidents) learnt to avoid the boards that creaked, so in his mind immediately an intruder was breaking into his cabin searching for food or his stash of special edition coffee. Deciding to investigate he walked towards the noise when suddenly he heard two knocks at his front door. Confused and slightly worried, he proceeded to walk towards the door making sure not to step on any of the annoyingly loud floorboards.He approached and looked through the peephole and saw only what remained of the melting snow outside. Opening the door, he saw that only his steps led to the doormat. He glanced around and saw no indication of any life aside a few dark patches on the snow. He was about to close the door when he noticed a tiny red package wrapped in a radiant red bow placed clear from where the door would open. Cautiously picking it up, he noticed how it had almost no weight to it; as if empty. He walked inside and sat at his desk planning to journal later about the weird morning he had been having. He examined the exterior of the package and saw how not only was it near perfect condition but it was also slightly warm to the touch; as if recently held. He undid the bow and cautiously opened the package, half expecting an explosive of some sort. Though, all he found was a ragged ripped piece of paper. Unremarkable aside from the fact that it was inside such a carefully constructed package. On the other side he saw that it had some scarlet lettering inscribed into it reading.“Ouroboros”. At first believing it to be a prank by the kids who had heard rumors about him, and his incident, nearly caused him to dismiss it entirely deeming it little more than a slightly humorous event. He decided to put it aside for now as he had coffee left to drink that was quickly getting cold. He walked back towards the kitchen still distracted by the idea of no trace being left by whoever had left the gift. Was it even a gift? Maybe it was just some well-executed prank? In any manner he would later have a better look at it. He absentmindedly, reached for his cup and immediately pulled his hand back shocked by the temperature of the cup. It was frozen! Almost to a complete solid. He thought himself slightly distracted but not enough to freeze his morning coffee especially not his special edition coffee. First The Box and now this, it was all adding up to an annoying morning. Was it still morning? No, that’s not right. He had just spent the day counting trees. How could it still possibly be morning?The thought of Dr. Lumis being correct about his mental condition after so many years sent a chill down his spine especially since last time they talked, he did not exactly behave amicably. He was sure that both incidents had been isolated events that could never happen again. Sure, he had heard the echoes every once in a while, but he was never insane like the others; this he knew to be a fact. If he was insane, how could he have ever left? Disoriented and beginning to sweat, his legs suddenly gave out causing him to fall backward landing on the cold wooden floorboards. He looked around hurriedly expecting to see an intruder that had somehow found him. After seeing nothing but his pristine furniture, he steadied himself and began to control his breathing. He slowly got up causing the wood underneath to creak under the sudden release of weight. Deciding to further assure himself he went around the cabin checking in all four rooms. He found nothing aside from his own disturbances. Still feeling slightly nervous and disturbed he headed back towards the living room in search for The Box with the red bow determining that it had somehow triggered his current situation. The Box was still where he placed it; much to his relief. He sat down. He looked once again at the scarlet lettering.
Act 2. Back in the asylum he would often spend his days wondering how he could have ever been grouped alongside individuals who had purposefully and viciously committed heinous crimes against innocent victims. He was not insane like them. Whatever had caused his hand to shove his brother had long abandoned him. His routine now consisted of cleaning whatever mess the older residents made in the halls and transporting lab waste to the crematorium. He would clean from the southern stalls all the way to the northern cemetery and make his rounds gathering the waste from the rooms. It was a simple job but lonely, nonetheless. The halls were often only illuminated by tiny flickering red lights that indicated the position of the cameras through which Dr.Lumis would often monitor John during his nightly crusades. Though incredibly distasteful, John did not mind, he accepted that odd situations would be easier to explain if someone of credit had seen them. Yet despite this, he felt he was being watched by someone other than the doctor. He assumed that this feeling was due to the paranoia he had been diagnosed with a few months back. On a particular night, moments after dumping another bag of soft solids and dense liquids down the chute, he heard footsteps, just outside the room. Expecting to see the doctor he begrudgingly walked towards the door. Exiting and seeing no one he called out for the doctor but got no response aside from the echo of his own voice. He began to walk towards where he had heard the footsteps come from when he suddenly collapsed out of exhaustion. The same exhaustion that had plagued him during the moment of his brother’s death. He tried to reach for his panic button (a gift from Lumis) but it had disappeared from his chain. He tried to scream but not a single whisper was heard. He gazed into the dark corridor where he had thought Dr.Lumis had gone, but saw nothing but soft shadows. Though something was unnervingly wrong about them. They moved as if following an order, all synchronized, all heading towards him. That night in the asylum had left him scared to even return to the disposal area; he feared that The Shadows might eventually be able to reach him. The Shadows did not haunt him unaccompanied: they followed alongside The Echo tormenting his nights. While The Shadows could not reach him during daylight, he could never escape The Echo. It followed wherever he went and tracked everything he did. Dr.Lumis explained that he merely suffered from an extreme case paranoia but John saw the others; who yelled and who screamed true nonsense, he was perfectly aware of himself and the ones around him. Dr. Lumis secretly believed patient #132 experienced Hyper-sanity though this he would never verbally confess. It was term he decided would for now adequately describe his patient’s acute awareness of The Shadows and The Echo. John would for many years go without hearing The Echo after that night, only ever hearing what seemed like the final moans of a dying voice. Back in present day, he hoped he wasn’t suffering another hallucination as they tended to leave him in an embarrassing shocked state. He questioned what “Ouroboros” could possibly mean in relation to himself. He considered the possibility of it being an early warning of some threat to the sanctity of his home. He quickly dismissed it as he had not interacted with anyone long enough to possibly annoy them. Weird them out? Sure. Offend them? Maybe with his sense of fashion. Following his incredibly fine-tuned survival instincts he put on a light coat and went outside to walk among the trees. A mundane task, but one he truly enjoyed especially since he hoped it would distract him for a short while. Just before he closed the door behind him, he took one more look at The Box sitting on his desk and decided to take it with him in case he met the person who had left it. The sun had begun to set marking the end of the day. He watched the sun hide behind the mountain range letting the world bathe in darkness for another night. John did not dislike the night (he had worked nightshifts in The Echo Room for years) but he didn’t find the freezing cold to be ideal. He had not left his land for what was a few years now and the idea of even slightly stepping out of his comfort was making him incredibly anxious. Still, he walked forward towards wherever the path took him. The night only got darker and quieter, and he only got colder. He did not see the lightning bugs that usually warded away the dark near the edge of his hill. Without the soft hum of bugs or soft breeze that would brush against his beard he felt alone. Even the nights back in the asylum did not possess this level of quiet. He kept moving hoping that eventually he would find something that could break the uncomfortable silence. As he continued down the hill, he realized he could no longer distinguish the path from the dirt surrounding it. He considered heading back when he realized he had not kept track of where he had come from. Not only was he lost but alone with his thoughts and whatever had been watching him from the start. He walked a step forward and then another one back repeatedly. What he was attempting to achieve was beyond reason. Had he gone mad? No, he was perfectly sane. “Wait, I can hear them clearly now” he spoke, his voice dried from the cold.“This is not a hallucination” he spoke softly.“i-I AM NOT HALLUCINATING” he proclaimed. He heard The Echo once more though they were not of his voice but rather of Another. He had long been aware of “The Echo” but he could never fully determine whether it was a dream or an effect of the chemicals but this Other was undoubtedly real. “I don’t know where you are but please. Are you real?” he asked the night. He could now hear The Echo or rather feel the pressure of its words upon his reality. Had it been trying to hide the Other? He walked forward and pulled out The Box. “You gave me this right? What for? What purpose does it serve?” No one responded.Annoyed, he threw it as far as he could down the hill. “THERE! THIS CAN’T CONTINUE WITHOUT IT, RIGHT?” He shouted at the endless empty. That’s when out of the darkness emerged a faint light. Was it a lightning bug or maybe a sign of civilization?
Act 3. Cautiously, he approached the cold light and saw that the light was artificial. The tube inside flickered before another appeared a few feet ahead, and then another and then another and then what seemed like an uncountable amount more. He took a step forward and noticed that the ground underneath had turned to hard white tile. Accepting that this was not the weirdest occurrence that had affected him he proceeded to walk forward making sure to keep a mental note to journal about it later. The surrounding landscape transformed into white walls that every so often had a window that let him peek at the other side. At first, he could still see the snowy landscape, but it to slowly changed; first having scattered papers and then chairs, cabinets, and desks until they eventually resembled a typical office. Its purpose was not obvious to him, and neither was the hallway but if they were changing surely, it possessed a deeper metaphorical meaning that related to his life. He saw a door at the very end of the hall and decided to not postpone the ploy of whatever “The Echo” was planning. He stood before the door wondering about what it could possibly contain. John proceeded to open the door. Inside was a desk along with a single cabinet. Walking inside he noticed that the room was illuminated by some otherworldly source that had no words that could possibly describe it. He walked towards the desk and a file he had not seen previously, sat open. Inside was a description of his physical appearance. “Age: 35. Height: 5’8. Weight: 185 lbs. Hair: Black with obvious signs of stress. Eyes: Brown. Character Aptitude: High.” “Okay, I get it. I’m old, you didn’t have to expose my hair like that” he said slightly embarrassed quickly restyling his hair. He noticed that even though they had an almost perfect description of his hobbies, dreams and wishes they did not have a single picture as if they for some reason were only able to use words. “SOOO you know about that one time in the asylum (don’t ask) BUT NOT A SINGLE PICTURE? That’s lame.” he said mockingly. On the final page he found what looked like an incomplete file; most of the personal attributes had not yet been filled and only a note was made reading. “They don’t need a complete story just one they can understand.” Besides the fact that whatever role he played in this act had been a mere afterthought; he was confused as to how anyone could have ever gathered such sensitive and personal information about his isolated life. Was it The Echo? Had it told them his life? A phone started to ring somewhere in the room abruptly breaking the silence he had become used to. He quickly rotated towards the source of the ringing but did not find anything. There was only him and the four walls that despite the lighting did not change a shade of grey. He walked towards one of them that seemed to be where the noise came from resting his hand on it and gently put his ear to it thinking that the ringing was from another room entirely. The wall he had just laid a hand on had no longer a physical representation and causing John to fall through to the other side. Disoriented he slowly looked up and saw The Telephone illuminated by what seemed to be the same light that illuminated the previous room. This one however was far more powerful and concentrated solely on The Telephone. He approached it expecting a chasm to somehow appear underneath his feet. The Telephone did not stop ringing and only seemed to increase in intensity (though this could have simply been a hallucination). He lifted it to cut the blaring noise and slowly put it to his ear. “hello?” “…” “…” “The protagonist only dies if the story ends” the voice said quietly. “HUH? YOU DRAGGED ME HERE TO TELL ME THAT OMINOUSLY ANNOYING LOAD OF *********!” “…I’m so sorry” The call disconnected not out of offense but rather out of completion. John slammed the phone back onto its stand and decided it was time for this nonsense to end. He walked out into the room he was in before anxiously attempting to find another exit: only to be met with solid walls. What wicked game had he been roped into? When would it end? These were questions he would answer far earlier than he expected. A door appeared in the center of the room. No, it was more of a two-dimensional plane that appeared to be a sort of portal. With no other options, John stepped into the newly opened portal.
Act 4. On the other side was a station, and his ears were immediately flooded with the cries of children and the laughs of their parents. He walked around moving through the crowd careful to not miss any indication of the location. His pace increased as he began to recognize the commuters shortly realizing exactly where he was. He rushed to a platform, the platform where he and his brother were to arrive after their day in the market. He sat on a nearby bench committed to saving his brother no matter who he would have to shove instead. Three agonizing days passed with the daily commuters repeating their routine with the slightest variations. One of these variations would be the key to preventing the day that haunted his nights. Something would soon cause him to shove his brother onto the tracks. He was determined to stop the fall or kill himself to keep his brother safe.He heard a familiar laughter and turned towards the source and saw his brothers face uncontrollably laughing and himself lightly smiling. He began to run towards them but felt once again suddenly exhausted. As if the air became a type of nonnewtonian sludge making his legs impossibly heavy. The crowd around him seemed to be moving just as easily as before; children laughing just as maniacally and just as carelessly. He tried to yell to them, but his lungs were filled with the dense fluid drowning any screams he attempted. He was forced to watch how his brother got closer and closer to the edge. Through much effort, he managed to get close enough to extend a hand towards his past trying to desperately push him away from his brother. The past reacted in what seemed to be a defensive system and sent a temporal anomaly throughout the space his past and present inhabited. Time began to exponentially speed forward. In a last desperate attempt to prevent his brother’s death he tried to distract the past long enough to let the train pass without incident, but the temporal anomaly caused the relative slow velocity of his touch to have the effect of a sudden jerk and in his final moments of consciousness he saw his brother accelerate towards the rails in a split second. He awoke back in the office alone with nothing, but the realization of what force had killed his brother. He curled into the fetal position and began to cry; still believing his lungs to be filled with the dense liquid he did not let out a single sigh. He spent several hours in this state of painful silence without even opening his eyes. His emotions were chaotic and his thoughts unending. They tormented him for hours far after he had run out of tears to let out. They were merciless and torturous forbidding him from resting, insisting on his suffering. Being the cause of his brother’s death nearly caused him to go insane yet part of him kept insisting that Another was to blame. Another had caused him to do it. The Other had forced his hand. Of this, he was now sure. The Other enjoyed his suffering, The Other forced him to kill his brother. He had not eaten nor slept in what seemed like years and yet he stood up defying the gravity that held him down. He took a deep breath of as much oxygen as his lungs allowed and began to speak. “Whoever you are. Whatever you are. Wherever you are. Just know I will no longer play for your entertainment the rest is entirely my choice” he said threateningly. He then began to walk forwards confidently towards the dark wall and through the hidden door that he was not supposed to see. He entered what seemed to be a studio room though, unlike the sterile office; it was trashed. Papers littered the floor and empty bottles populated the lone mattress. On it laid a journal that had recently had liquid spilt on it. He picked the journal and gently opened it and began to read. It was scratched with the stray ideas of a creator who seemed to have never decided upon an end or beginning to his story; yet possessing the journey. He saw many ideas that together seemed to create a way for the continuity to depend entirely on Another rather than itself. A thought described in a single word interested him enough to take it with him. The room started to dissolve around him transforming into a cold landscape. Armed with the knowledge of who he was he treaded what remained of the worn-out path. The sun began to rise signing the start of another day, yet John did not seem to notice as he was focused on something buried in the snow. He could not see much of it yet he knew it was The Box he had thrown the previous night. He dug it up and began his walk up the hill once more. He eventually arrived at his cabin and walked towards his front door….
Act 5.
If you wish to rebel; continue reading on the next page.
Begin the story once more on Truth 2.
If you wish to ward away The Other; don’t read any further
If you wish to follow The Echo read Truth 3
To understand turn to Truth 4
Truth 1
…Before deciding that no longer would he be a puppet for someone’s amusement. John arrogantly began marched back down the hill and headed north towards the nearest interstate a few miles from his home hoping that he had derailed The Echo’s plot. It took him hours on foot, but he would eventually come across the road and start his journey back to civilization no longer subject to the whims of an Otherworldly Audience. He believed his future was now his to decide. He decided what he would become. He decided when and what to think. This he was sure would be how he escaped his torment. John suddenly suffered a complete body collapse and fell forward landing face first onto the scorching road. It would be several sweltering hours before anyone would find him. But eventually someone did, john suffering heavy burns and on the brink of death was saved. He would awake months later in a hospital bed though no one would ever know of this. Weeks would pass as john laid in the hospital bed unable to speak or even move; alerting no one to his consciousness. The doctors and nurses were busy with whatever important patients needed immediate attention; they walked from one end to the other in what seemed like mere minutes. The entire time the only company he had was The Echo and yet slowly it too seemed to forget his existence as well. Eventually The Echo having no interest went away.Jane a third-year medical student had recently joined the staff a month prior and had already been assigned two elders and one child. Though overwhelmed she did not grow annoyed nor frustrated; she loved her job and by proxy her patients. Despite her benevolent nature there was a single patient she never went near as he always seemed to be watching her despite his eyes being shut for over four months. Any time she got near to patient #132 she would begin to get nauseous and quickly retreat. She had no ID on the man, but it seemed he was dehydrated for far longer than should’ve been possible and should be by all accounts dead if not near it. Whenever she worked nightshifts, she would swear that she heard the man whimper slightly as if to warn her of something. Even when she was on the opposite side of the building, she would hear the echo of his groans. She would eventually be transferred and would soon forget the man who after 6 months was officially declared braindead and was due to be disposed of, yet she would still every once in a while, still hear The Echo. Forgotten Ending
Truth 2…Realizing that there was no other choice John took a step forward while placing the note he ripped from the journal into The Box making sure to keep it neatly packaged. He saw the footprints he had left two nights before and carefully stepped into each one making sure to not disturb the surrounding snow. Whatever…Whoever had set him on this path allowed him to live a life of suffering, a life of loss, and a life of pain. This, he felt was the way things were intended to play out; the way it had to end. He placed The Box on the final step making sure it would not be knocked away whenever the door would eventually open. He walked away nearly to the edge of the property when he looked back once more. Managing to peek inside he saw his past still making his coffee when he saw an almost invisible distortion appear near the front door. He smiled and turned away only saying…Freedom ending
Truth 3…though spotting a disturbance near the back of the cabin distracted him from the front door. He decided to investigate for fear of losing a single blossoming tree. Arriving near the back fence he saw no indication of a disturbance giving him much needed reassurance. He heard noise emerge from inside the cabin giving him one more dilemma to deal with. He headed to the backdoor making sure to not disturb the recent snow and entered the cabin. Being sleep deprived and without coffee he had forgotten about the wooden floor and stepped on one that caused a creak to be heard throughout the cabin. He quickly hid in the bathroom fearing that he had disturbed the continuity that The Echo had established when suddenly a bright flash blinded him. He found himself at the front door next to The Box. Slightly amused he proceeded to knock on the door and was soon after transported once more to an empty hall. Both confused and entertained as he was being transported from one place in time to another he took a few steps forward alerting the past to his presence. Seeing his past enter the hall he ducked and quickly hid around the corner. His past seemed to believe that the doctor was in the halls and decided to investigate though just as he was nearing closer; his past collapsed. John saw how his fall was slowed as if moving through the dense liquid he had once gone through. He walked towards his past and noticed an old fashioned panic button that would instantly call Dr.Lumis to his location. Measuring the consequences, he decided to remove the panic button and head back towards The Shadows. For a third and final time he was transported to a final location, the bottom of a snowy hill. Taking in his surroundings he noticed burn marks on the snow where his past would eventually walk through the portal whenever the past caught up. He reached into his pocket and realized how the plot was supposed to move forward. He walked until he reached the exact point where his past would once again find The Box. He kneeled and buried The Box making sure to erase any evidence of his own disturbances. Fully fulfilling his purpose John collapsed. The End.
“Did the hero die?” “What?” “Did he die?” “No? He beat the bad guy and saved the day remember?” “Yea but like AFTER.” “Well, I guess after a few years he would.” “No” The young child said growing annoyed, “when you said, “The End” did he die?” “No.” responded the elder brother. “Then what happened to him? Is he still alive?” “The protagonist only dies if you stop reading.” concluded the elder brother as if possessed. Begin again?
Truth 4…Then just as he took his first step forward everything began to rot. His trees, his home, his coffee, all of it was slowly eroding into a fine dust. He knew that another temporal anomaly would be the likely cause, but he had not yet experienced one that possessed this level of molecular destruction. The fabric of his reality was slowly and thoroughly being untangled into its most simple of compositions. It separated the light from dark, gravity from time, and words from spaces.John could now comprehend what had defined his reality for so many painful years, he finally understood The Narrative and how all possible endings had been chosen long before his creation. John had been a slave from the moment The Narrative began; not once in his entire existence had he ever had a real choice only walking paths already treaded by Another. He was nothing but a plot device in an otherwise self-indulging tale written by a gentle master forced to be cruel for those above. From the moment this story began, John was in pain. He could never hope to truly escape; he could only die until he arose once more. Had John never understood what his life really was then maybe he could’ve found meaning in his suffering. Unfortunately, this choice has now forced John to become aware of how truly meaningless his existence was. His life was little more than entertainment for The Other; they were the ones truly in control. For as long as The Other remained, The Echo would doom John to eternal suffering. The Echo was never in control of The Narrative; he too was merely a subject to it by an even greater force. The Echo did not wish for John to suffer but The Other would not allow John to live if he did not. It is a toxic cycle of pain, suffering and realization that forces John to relive The Narrative lifetime after lifetime. The Narrative must have suffering intertwined into its foundation otherwise The Other would grow bored and erase the reality ending John in but a mere thought. Don’t you see? Don’t you understand? This is reality; John cannot exist without pain, The Echo cannot live without a narrative, and The Other is you. THE END......
Intended to be a philosophical narrative detailing the tragic relationship between the reader, the narrator, and the character and how they cannot coexist without hurting each other.
submitted by OkPromise7163 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:10 Neither_Cheesecake97 Ghosted, abused and traumatized forever.

Well today was the day, that the 3 year relationship with my child’s father ended. We have NOT had a healthy relationship but it has only gotten worse and worse. When my daughter was 3 months old, we made the decision to physically seperate, but stay together, so we could go to therapy and make sure our child wasn’t around arguing - fast forward my daughter is 15 months and me and my baby have been living at my moms AND him and I NEVER made it to therapy. . Grateful I have enough support to be with her here and have been able to not have to work and have time to figure things out. Regardless, he used to be 100% loyal to me. I found out last summer he rode in a car with a girl alone, (in LA when he went with his family, which he blindsided me on even going there to begin with), so we were fighting when he went, and sure enough he rode alone in a car with his sisters friend who tried to fuck him multiple times in the past… not only that in LA he gave a girl his number. He lied to me about it for 8-9 months and I forgave him. He told me last week his balls have been itchy, and that he was going to get an STD test and to “tell him before he gets the results” God is my witness - I never cheated - I have lied to him quite a bit in the course of our relationship but mostly about past stuff, (but not even HALf as much as he has lied to me!) he told me if I lied again, he would ghost me, today I woke up with the flu bug my daughter had and asked him to come and help. He said he would, then ghosted me and answered shit face drunk and come to find out his sister was having her bday party. My daughter wasn’t even invited there as she has been to everyone else’s birthday, and his mom told me he was too drunk to help with his child. He answers the phone, tells me he knows what I did?????, and said Jamie (another one of his sisters friends he has slept with before we got together) was the only one who could watch our daughter. He hung up on me. His mom condoned his behavior, and wouldn’t even let me drop my daughter off so I could throw up and be sick without worrying about her)… and sure enough, I go to his sisters friend from LA instagram, and sure enough she’s in town, and at the party. I have no idea what I did but if the test came back positive god knows it’s from HIM! Then that’s it. I blocked him and now will be looking for lawyers.
submitted by Neither_Cheesecake97 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:08 Neither_Cheesecake97 Ghosted, abused and trauma

Well today was the day, that the 3 year relationship with my child’s father ended. We have NOT had a healthy relationship but it has only gotten worse and worse. When my daughter was 3 months old, we made the decision to physically seperate, but stay together, so we could go to therapy and make sure our child wasn’t around arguing - fast forward my daughter is 15 months and my baby and I have been living at my moms AND him and I NEVER made it to therapy. . Grateful I have enough support to be with her here and have been able to not have to work and have time to figure things out. Regardless, he used to be 100% loyal to me. I found out last summer he rode in a car with a girl alone, (in LA when he went with his family, which he blindsided me on even going there to begin with), so we were fighting when he went, and sure enough he rode alone in a car with his sisters friend who tried to fuck him multiple times in the past… not only that in LA he gave a girl his number. He lied to me about it for 8-9 months and I forgave him. He told me last week his balls have been itchy, and that he was going to get an STD test and to “tell him before he gets the results” God is my witness - I never cheated - I have lied to him quite a bit in the course of our relationship but mostly about past stuff, (but not even HALf as much as he has lied to me!) he told me if I lied again, he would ghost me, today I woke up with the flu bug my daughter had and asked him to come and help. He said he would, then ghosted me and answered shit face drunk and come to find out his sister was having her bday party. My daughter wasn’t even invited there as she has been to everyone else’s birthday, and his mom told me he was too drunk to help with his child. He answers the phone, tells me he knows what I did?????, and said Jamie (another one of his sisters friends he has slept with before we got together) was the only one who could watch our daughter. He hung up on me. His mom condoned his behavior, and wouldn’t even let me drop my daughter off so I could throw up and be sick without worrying about her)… and sure enough, I go to his sisters friend from LA instagram, and sure enough she’s in town, and at the party. I have no idea what I did but if the test came back positive god knows it’s from HIM! Then that’s it. I blocked him and now will be looking for lawyers. Where do I even go from here…
submitted by Neither_Cheesecake97 to coparenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:05 Fossana Polarity explained

Polarity explained submitted by Fossana to lawofone [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:03 RickSayingCoral Dumb question... If a hot water supply pipe springs a leak, will closing the valve applying water to the water heater stop the leak?

I'm like 99.9% sure the answer to this is yes, but I wanted to ask here anyways to be 100% sure.
Let's say a hot water supply pipe in your home springs a leak for whatever reason. Will only turning off the water supply to the water heater stop the leak? Or would it be necessary to close the water main to the house?
submitted by RickSayingCoral to Plumbing [link] [comments]
