Text boyfriend goodnight

Lil Dicky's Dickheads

2013.05.08 21:19 BillygotTalent Lil Dicky's Dickheads

Welcome you Dickheads! Everything one needs to know about LD.

2019.11.04 03:47 OnlineCompanion

Ever get lonely and need someone from the opposite gender to text? Well then this subreddit is perfect for you. In this subreddit you will find you internet girlfriend/boyfriend. This person may not be a irl girlfriend/boyfriend but they will be the next best thing. Good luck finding someone!

2015.09.28 15:55 ura_cumbox A place to discuss your ex-boyfriend.

This sub is about your ex-boyfriend(s) or husbands. The good, the bad and the ugly. Did he dump you? Did you dump him? Did you move away? Did hhe cheat on you? Do you miss him? Do you still keep sentimental pictures or videos? Did he pass away? Do you regret your breakup? Do you still love him? Do you stalk or cyber stalk him? Do you think you see him in passing? Any topic regarding your ex-boyfriend is on the table to discuss.

2024.05.19 01:17 ilbeyourseasons My old crush reached out and i dont know what it means

A little backstory
About 4 years ago i met him. He had transferred schools and we hit it off. We played fortnite together all the time on facetime and just got along. He had sent me a text at the end of the year saying: “Thank you again for the wonderful school year, you were my first friend here”. I replied 6 months later saying how i didnt see it and only saw it because i was going trough old texts. (The message before it he had mentioned he was sorry i had lost my dog which was the reason i didnt reply because it was really recently and i couldn’t handle replying) The next year we only had one class together so we didnt talk as much but in class just a “hi” and then we would talk a little. After that year we didnt really speak anymore. We both didnt have any of the same classes and we never really met in the hallways and if we did we just smiled.
This week after about 2 years of no talk whatsoever he sent me a chat on snapchat (a coincidence because i had looked at his profile only a few days ago and i couldnt see his snap score which means he probably didnt have me added anymore) then the following conversation was held
(He is x and im y) X: hey how have you been (Random conversation) X: “sents snap of him” Y: your hair is longer i like it X: thanks Y: “sent snap of me” X: still pretty Y: your hair? X: no you dummy Y: oh ty ☺️ still? X: wdym still? I never found you ugly Y: oh haha X: is that not allowed Y: oh no ofc it is X: do you have a boyfriend or ex? Y: nope X: oh. Fit check? Y: “sents snap of outfit” noting special X: quite cute Y: ty ☺️ your turn X: that sounds kinky “sends snap of his outfit” Y: sorry didnt mean it to X: i didnt mind it Y: oh haha X: so whats your type? Y: oh i dont really have one they just have to be nice X: oh so me? “In the snap he was laying with his face in a massage table” Y: haha what are you laying on (smootly ignored his question) X: a massage table Y: oh haha i thought something like that X: oh why you wanna give me a massage? Y: uhm nty X: because? Y: thats weird
And now we just send snaps back and forth without any texts in them. What does this all mean? Im so confused and i dont know what to do? I need help
submitted by ilbeyourseasons to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:13 ilbeyourseasons My old crush reached out to me and i dont know what it means

A little backstory
About 4 years ago i met him. He had transferred schools and we hit it off. We played fortnite together all the time on facetime and just got along. He had sent me a text at the end of the year saying: “Thank you again for the wonderful school year, you were my first friend here”. I replied 6 months later saying how i didnt see it and only saw it because i was going trough old texts. (The message before it he had mentioned he was sorry i had lost my dog which was the reason i didnt reply because it was really recently and i couldn’t handle replying) The next year we only had one class together so we didnt talk as much but in class just a “hi” and then we would talk a little. After that year we didnt really speak anymore. We both didnt have any of the same classes and we never really met in the hallways and if we did we just smiled.
This week after about 2 years of no talk whatsoever he sent me a chat on snapchat (a coincidence because i had looked at his profile only a few days ago and i couldnt see his snap score which means he probably didnt have me added anymore) then the following conversation was held
(He is x and im y) X: hey how have you been (Random conversation) X: “sents snap of him” Y: your hair is longer i like it X: thanks Y: “sent snap of me” X: still pretty Y: your hair? X: no you dummy Y: oh ty ☺️ still? X: wdym still? I never found you ugly Y: oh haha X: is that not allowed Y: oh no ofc it is X: do you have a boyfriend or ex? Y: nope X: oh. Fit check? Y: “sents snap of outfit” noting special X: quite cute Y: ty ☺️ your turn X: that sounds kinky “sends snap of his outfit” Y: sorry didnt mean it to X: i didnt mind it Y: oh haha X: so whats your type? Y: oh i dont really have one they just have to be nice X: oh so me? “In the snap he was laying with his face in a massage table” Y: haha what are you laying on (smootly ignored his question) X: a massage table Y: oh haha i thought something like that X: oh why you wanna give me a massage? Y: uhm nty X: because? Y: thats weird
And now we just send snaps back and forth without any texts in them. What does this all mean? Im so confused and i dont know what to do? I need help
submitted by ilbeyourseasons to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:12 Krone7769 Should I give up?

My ex-girlfriend doesn’t want to be with me anymore because she thinks I am gay. She thinks that because when I went to go see her after she was in an abusive relationship and after months of planning to go see her, I finally do and she goes through my phone and sees that I texted the guy while we were not in a relationship.
I was very down at that point I don’t know what came over, but I could communication off with the person. My ex-girlfriend is mad at me that I talk to a guy and want to be with her but my ex has a ex-girlfriend and a ex-boyfriend who is pansexual.
She wants to talk to me soon, but I don’t know if I should give up on the situation or not. She keeps on saying that I can’t bring up how she kissed a woman or had a virtual relationship with a woman because I was in her past when she was younger, but me it’s because I did it so recently that , she thinks that I won’t love her or anything like that
So what should I do? Should I give up or hear out?
submitted by Krone7769 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:07 Realistic-Judgment52 My (23F) Boyfriend (24M) told me he was worried about me going out with friends and I’m not sure why he would feel this way. What do you think about this?

We have been together for almost a year, and so far our relationship has been so healthy and honest. I trust him more than anyone in my life and we always tell each other everything. He was the first relationship l've ever had, so l guess you could say I'm not entirely sure if what he has expressed to me is considered normal or not. I just want to say, he has never been outwardly jealous or possessive, and he has never made me or tried to talk me out of anything I do, but one thing that I haven't really done in quite some time is hang out with friends, or people aside from him and family. He is very protective of me and when we are together he never leaves my side, but I assume that is normal, as I am very attached to him as well.
But recently, l've been talking to new friends online who are nearby, and I have genuine proof that these friends are real and trustworthy. Well, a couple of friends invited me to hang out with them one day during the week, and when my boyfriend came over to visit for a couple minutes before leaving for work, I told him about it, and I was very enthusiastic and telling him what we were going to do. But he seemed to hesitate, and he then asked me a couple questions like "Where did you meet these friends?" "How long have you been talking to them?" And then he asked where l'd be going etc. we have each other's location, so we know if anything were to happen we would know how to find each other. But I don't know, like he didn't seem as happy as I thought he would be, because I have friends that I will get t spend time with. But after a moment he said that hu feels nervous about me going up to see them and how suspicious it sounded. But he didn't say it in a cruel way, he sounded gentle and genuinely worried. I hugged him and promised him I wouldn't put myself in a situation I didn't trust. But he was still saying that he just wanted me to be safe. Now, I genuinely don't think he would feel jealous about me hanging out with friends, he just simply sounded worried about my safety, but is this normal? Is it okay that people in a relationship can feel anxious about the other going somewhere to hang out with other people? I was genuinely curious about this but in the end I did tell him I would text him throughout to let him know that I was alright.
Other than that, he's never forced me out of stuff, even if maybe he didn't like it. But he is really good with communicating how he feels. He always says he doesn't like me being around strangers, and I am always tempted to say: "You were a stranger I decided to meet up with." But that sounded a bit mean, and I understand feeling worried about that kind of thing.
I don’t want him to escalate this if that makes any sense? Like if I were to just cancel these plans because he would worry too much, I wouldn’t want this to be a repeated occurrence. I want to have friends and other people to have fun with outside of family and my relationship, but I am just worried that doing so would worry my boyfriend too much.
submitted by Realistic-Judgment52 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:56 No-Introduction3224 My ex lied to me

My (M20) ex (f19) and I broke up a couple of months ago it was mutual. My reasoning was "if you love her let her go" I was indecisive at the time and I didn't want her to be unhappy with me. Fast foward a couple months and I missed her I wanted to try again, try everything right.
There was no bad blood between us. After talking she expressed she cared about me but she wasn't looking for relationship right now and she was trying to work on her problems. I was disappointed but I believed her wholeheartedly. I asked I was getting in the way of relationship she should tell me. She said no that she just needed to find herself. We agreed no contact and she would text me if she ever changed her mind.
Some weeks have passed since then and due to a mutual friend I discovered that she has had a boyfriend this entire time. I'm devastating not because she has boyfriend but because she lied to me while telling me she still cares about me and that she just wanted to be alone. That in combination with a lot of bad things going on in my life I feel like everything is collapsing around me.
submitted by No-Introduction3224 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:52 Careless-Lack3996 AITAH for deciding to not stop talking about someone after they asked me not to?

Hi, I’m 18F and my ex- bestfriend is 19F(let’s call her Bridget). During the year 2022 to February of 2023, Bridget of I were the bestest of friends. One day out of the blue, a girl came up to me and explained how Bridget has been saying that my boyfriend, who I had just started dating, and her had more in common and they clicked. I had heard earlier from a friend ,that my boyfriend was talking about some girl and it was one of my friends but Bridget had convinced me it was a friend Nella. I was going to cut her off that day and confront her but when I heard this news from the girl, I knew in my heart that Bridget was the one talking to my boyfriend. I comforted her about it that day, and she told me she was, all in all, too scared to tell me. I could understand that but what I couldn’t understand was the dragging in of Nella into this situation as a scapegoat essentially. I cut her off but eventually later down the line ,we became cordial again.
Fast forward to May 2024, and I get text message from Bridget. My gut ultimately knew something was wrong. She told me she had heard that I was discussing the situation that happened in 2023. I did not deny this but instead asked her was I not supposed to. She then said and admitted that it made her look like a bad person and that I was going behind her back to turn people against her. This was not true. I had only told a couple of close friends and this was because I was growing close to them and I wanted them to know exactly what happened between me and her. I did and have not shown any of the screenshots or messages that are occurred during the time because in my opinion, there’s no need to open up old wounds.
Bridget got extremely angry and and told me to keep her name out of my mouth . When I told her that this was simply not possible because I was involved in the situation too and had every right to be able to tell it and to tell my story, she got even more angry. At first, at the beginning of the conversation she was calm but you could tell that she was beginning to get more and more frustrated and then she was started to harass me and added me to a group chat where I got called racial slur before I left, I quickly blocked her. I told my mother about the situation and my mother also advised me to seek legal advice or counsel but I didn’t want to cause drama or overdramatised what it happened because in reality I didn’t think it was that serious.
Am I the asshole for being honest with her and telling her that in reality I would never stop talking about the situation because I was involved in it too? Should I have just told her that I would never talk about it again knowing that this was a promise I couldn’t keep?
submitted by Careless-Lack3996 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:51 throwawaybaconlasagn I Think My Sister Is In An Abusive Relationship And I Don't Know What To Do About It.

Hi Reddit. This is my first ever post and a throwaway because I don't want this to get back to her. I don't even know really where to start. I should give some context, so here goes nothing. My sister, we'll call her Gabby, has only ever had one boyfriend her entire life. She met her boyfriend, we'll call him Marvin, in high school. They've been together ever since and eventually got married. When Marvin stepped into the picture, Gabby started acting differently towards her friends and family. She stopped hanging out with her friends and became snappy with the family. I figured this was typical teenage behavior. Over the years, her and my relationship grew distant, as I never really thought Marvin was a good fit for her as he made her mean and isolated her from the things she once loved (she stopped hanging out with her friend group she was once constantly hanging out with, started making mean comments and jokes directed towards me even though we were once close, etc). Anyways, fast forward to a year after they're married. They're trying for a baby, but they are still living with family. Despite living with family, they refuse to disclose any personal life details with the family. Weird, but okay, you're an adult. They ended up buying an old house that needs to be completely renovated without telling anyone that they were even thinking about buying a house. Anyways, they have their child, and they wanted everyone to get shots before meeting their child. We all complied. We asked to hold their child and they refused, which I respected. They said that we would be able to hold their child when she was a bit older. She is now more than a few months old and they still refuse to let anyone hold her. Whatever, they're allowed to parent the way they want to parent. This story is so complex and forever ongoing that I don't even know where to begin with it. There have been multiple instances where the slightest thing anyone in my family does sets Gabby off. For instance, there was a piece of furniture that my mom let me use that was just in their basement being unused that once belonged to Gabby. This upset Gabby so much that she, an adult in her 20's actively trying for a baby, rolled around the floor screaming and ripping out her hair. I had to restrain her from harming herself over this. When I asked why this escalated to the point it did, I was told that it was truly only over the furniture, nothing else. There are many other instances like this which only started when Gabby met Marvin.
Since Gabby and Marvin married, Gabby's relationship with our mom has significantly deteriorated. Their relationship had been strong up until that point, so this came as a shock. It has been really hard on our mom. Gabby will call/text our dad, but ignore the calls/texts from our mom. So we know that this action is deliberate. For context, there's nothing that ever happened between the two of them that would have sparked this behavior. No big fight, no major viewpoint differences, nothing. However, Marvin has always had a rough relationship with his mother.
Anyways, The biggest thing that happened recently that led me to write this post revolves around a mothers day. Last year, Gabby did not acknowledge mothers day at all. She didn't call/text/send flowers/ do anything for our mom. Radio silence. This year, Gabby is a mother. My mom gave Gabby a very nice mothers day gift, which she did not thank her for, and Gabby only acknowledged the date by sending a group text message. I don't want to go too far into detail to keep my identity hidden, but this really upset my mother.
I did not say happy mothers day to Gabby, but this was not an intentional act of malice. I worked 12 hours that day and really only thought mothers day was for your own mother. I guess some people acknowledge all of the mothers in their life, but I only acknowledged my own mother. This really upset Gabby and when I tried to explain my view, she didn’t want any of it. I apologized, but the call ended with feelings still heightened. She has since stopped returning my calls/texts/DMs. It's been almost a week since this happened.
I recently found out that Marvin and Gabby had stopped communication completely with Martin's side of the family. This was seemingly also an unwarranted decision on their part - a family member got so worried that they weren't returning calls/texts that they drove out to see them and check on them (mind you, they live hours away) just to find out that the lack of communication was intentional and that they were no longer speaking to their family.
It seems like every time I see Gabby/Marvin, something that I do sets them off. They always have a reason to be upset with me. When I try to explain my actions, they don't want to come to a resolution and see eye to eye, they just want me to apologize and admit that i'm wrong - even when I don't feel like what I did was wrong. I feel like i'm always apologizing for things that I don't need to be apologizing for and that they dictate everything in the mess of a relationship we do have. I am all for setting boundaries, but she won't communicate her boundaries and then blow up on you when you violate them.
There's so much more to this story I could literally go on and on.
Essentially, I fear that Marvin is painting Gabby's family and friends in a way that makes her want to cut us all off. Gabby doesn't have any friends outside of her husband besides a few people she sees at religious events. Gabby doesn't talk to my mom, and now isn't talking to me. I fear that she may be in an abusive relationship due to the fact that ever since Gabby married Marvin (her first and only boyfriend) she has become more and more isolated.
Oh, I forgot to mention that Gabby also is the primary breadwinner and ALSO the primary caregiver to their child.
I don't know what to think of this and I know that this post is scrambled, but I'm all ears to what the people of reddit have to say about this situation. I will try and provide more context if necessary in the comments, but do you think that Gabby is in an abusive relationship and that Marvin is isolating her from the people who love her? Or what do you think is going on?
submitted by throwawaybaconlasagn to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:51 Careful_Advisor_6335 How do you help someone who refuses help? Do I just let them get hurt?

I’ve never really written a reddit story before so I apologize in advance, I do wanna add that if you find pedophilia or anything like that especially triggering for you please don’t read this.
For context, me (16F) and my boyfriend (16M) are a long distance couple. There’s this girl at his school who I’ll nickname Jenny (16F) for privacy reasons but I only know of Jenny since my boyfriend will occasionally tell me any drama or situations happening at his school. The first instance he mentioned to me (that was relevant to this situation in specific) was that he had to tell Jenny to block a 21 year old man on her snapchat since he was being extremely gross and saying NSFW things to her, knowing she was 16. I personally have been groomed twice in my life and I try my best to educate and help other people from having to go through that same situation. Later he had told me that she had again been talking to a 20 year old man and when he tried to talk to her about potentially being groomed, she sort of brushed him off and asked how he knew so much (which he told her it was because of me). I believe after school she was still texting him about that adult man and he tried to warn her about being groomed again but she said, “i thought it’s not grooming if you like it/if you love him” or something along those lines. I will say I reacted poorly and got extremely mad at this comment, so I told my boyfriend to make a group-chat with me and her to try and knock some sense into her. Initially I was extremely aggressive to her which I apologized for but she essentially gave me excuse after excuse saying things like: “but i like older men, i’m mature for my age, he said he loves me” and things of that nature. I tried my best to educate her and convince her that she will be able to find love, but you won’t find that in a pedophile. She eventually thanked me and we moved on. Later, she told my boyfriend she was planning to go to a concert with a 21 year old she met off of snapchat through his story. He tried to warn her about not going, asking her if she thought it was okay and what about the risks since this man was a stranger. She said she was grown and she can make her own decisions. My boyfriend said that we wouldn’t say anything (since it felt helpless to us) and she just said okay. I don’t know if she ended up going. After this she would text that group-chat just to vent about other personal things (not involving pedophiles) and would beg me for help, so I ended up telling her I did not want to be involved anymore since she only really talked to me to vent and we weren’t necessarily friends so it made me uncomfortable. She said okay and I haven’t personally spoken to her since but my boyfriend did update me that she is talking to the original pedophile that he made her block earlier in this story. So I have no clue what to do. Any ideas would be helpful! But to add I don’t know if telling her parents is an option since I don’t know them.
submitted by Careful_Advisor_6335 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:51 Exciting_Letter_7430 No communication from bf (27M) on cancelled plans w me(24F)?

I’ve (24F) have been seeing him (27M) since end of December and started dating May 4th this year.
My boyfriends (27M) seems to be cancelling plans without actually communicating it with me and it’s kinda upsetting. This is probably the 3rd-4th time it’s happened? (I’m 24F). I told him I understand but I want it to be communicated but it seems that he just brushes it off.
Today he was sending me reels from 2:08-3:18 and I just had to assume that he wasn’t gonna be here at 4 (which he said he would be yesterday). When I said I was a little upset he just said “I’m sorry boo, usually not on my phone”… even though he had been sending reels till 3:18… and he was going to see me at 4… Anyways that’s all he said. I just said “allg” (ikik, immature but I was just upset bc I didn’t know what to say. I ended up saying I was upset which he replied to “why what’s up”… which kinda made me more upset. I told him in the past I don’t like cancelled plans or no communication. It was my expectation and standard.
That’s when i brought up the fact he was on IG. (He said yeah for a bit) Anyways fast forward- he called and felt like he was just downplaying it and saying he was busy and that he was doing yard work etc. which ofc I understand ur not on ur phone but at 3:18 he could’ve sent a quick text saying he would just see me after work? Something to just confirm that he can’t before work… instead of me just assuming :(( and kinda stung when he brought up the fact he’s busy when he was the one who said he would come by today. (And reconfirmed around 1 when I was driving home from Home Depot…)
I guess: am I over reacting? And could someone please help on how I could go about this? I don’t wanna put too much pressure but I’ve been communicating this for a while and even said this is what I required when we first started talking.
submitted by Exciting_Letter_7430 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:48 No-Introduction3224 My ex lied to me

My (M20) ex (f19) and I broke up a couple of months ago it was mutual. My reasoning was "if you love her let her go" I was indecisive at the time and I didn't want her to be unhappy with me. Fast foward a couple months and I missed her I wanted to try again, try everything right.
There was no bad blood between us. After talking she expressed she cared about me but she wasn't looking for relationship right now and she was trying to work on her problems. I was disappointed but I believed her wholeheartedly. I asked I was getting in the way of relationship she should tell me. She said no that she just needed to find herself. We agreed no contact and she would text me if she ever changed her mind.
Some weeks have passed since then and due to a mutual friend I discovered that she has had a boyfriend this entire time. I'm devastating not because she has boyfriend but because she lied to me while telling me she still cares about me and that she just wanted to be alone. That in combination with a lot of bad things going on in my life I feel like everything is collapsing around me.
submitted by No-Introduction3224 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:47 Careless-Lack3996 AITAH for deciding to not stop talking about someone after they asked me not to?

Hi, I’m 18F and my ex- bestfriend is 19F(let’s call her Bridget). During the year 2022 to February of 2023, Bridget of I were the bestest of friends. One day out of the blue, a girl came up to me and explained how Bridget has been saying that my boyfriend, who I had just started dating, and her had more in common and they clicked. I had heard earlier from a friend ,that my boyfriend was talking about some girl and it was one of my friends but Bridget had convinced me it was a friend Nella. I was going to cut her off that day and confront her but when I heard this news from the girl, I knew in my heart that Bridget was the one talking to my boyfriend. I comforted her about it that day, and she told me she was, all in all, too scared to tell me. I could understand that but what I couldn’t understand was the dragging in of Nella into this situation as a scapegoat essentially. I cut her off but eventually later down the line ,we became cordial again.
Fast forward to May 2024, and I get text message from Bridget. My gut ultimately knew something was wrong. She told me she had heard that I was discussing the situation that happened in 2023. I did not deny this but instead asked her was I not supposed to. She then said and admitted that it made her look like a bad person and that I was going behind her back to turn people against her. This was not true. I had only told a couple of close friends and this was because I was growing close to them and I wanted them to know exactly what happened between me and her. I did and have not shown any of the screenshots or messages that are occurred during the time because in my opinion, there’s no need to open up old wounds.
Bridget got extremely angry and and told me to keep her name out of my mouth . When I told her that this was simply not possible because I was involved in the situation too and had every right to be able to tell it and to tell my story, she got even more angry. At first, at the beginning of the conversation she was calm but you could tell that she was beginning to get more and more frustrated and then she was started to harass me and added me to a group chat where I got called racial slur before I left, I quickly blocked her. I told my mother about the situation and my mother also advised me to seek legal advice or counsel but I didn’t want to cause drama or overdramatised what it happened because in reality I didn’t think it was that serious.
Am I the asshole for being honest with her and telling her that in reality I would never stop talking about the situation because I was involved in it too? Should I have just told her that I would never talk about it again knowing that this was a promise I couldn’t keep?
submitted by Careless-Lack3996 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:42 throwaway45169 Please help

Hello reddit, sorry for the long post but I really need some help with this situation and don't know who else to ask. I love my mother but she is a really destructive person to be around. Might delete this later because I don't want it reaching anyone in my personal life.
My mother suffers from munchausen by proxy, more accurately everyone else in her life suffers. She spent most of my childhood telling people that I was disabled. Her favorite disability is autism. She portrays autistic people as socially inept idiots who have no sense of morality or any common sense in general. There's nothing wrong with being autistic but growing up in the 2000s it wasn't exactly celebrated either. Kids are mean and this was back when calling someone autistic was a hilarious insult. This of course led to a lot of bullying.
I discovered what was actually going on when I was 14 and got into my first relationship. She told my boyfriend's father that I'm autistic and that I basically function like someone 2 years younger than my age, along with a lot of other really offensive crap. Of course he told my boyfriend all of this and my boyfriend told me. Instead of asking her straight up if she said those things I went through her text messages with his dad so I could know 100% either way if it was true or not because I had a feeling for a while that she'd been lying to me. Not only did she say those things in those exact words, but when I asked her afterwards if she said those things she lied to my fucking face that she didn't say that and said "it must've been a miscommunication." This is not the first or the last time she would do this, it's just the first time I caught her red handed.
She's also really pushed for my dad to be diagnosed with what used to be called Asperger's but is now just called high functioning ASD. I'm very skeptical of this diagnosis. He lets her walk all over him and whenever he's talking about something he's interested in she tells him to shut up and that he's boring people (even when he's answering a question he was actually asked) and she will constantly butt in to any conversation to do this. She also used to say that he needs her help to make any kind of decision because he has "no moral compass" so therefore he has to use hers.
She's had my brother diagnosed with both autism and ADHD. He's prescribed Ritalin but they only give it to him when they're going out somewhere and they want to make him easier to manage. The worst recent example of this is when we had to put the family dog down and they brought him with us to the vets. He stayed in the waiting room with my partner and my sister. My partner said he spent the entire 40 minutes that the appointment took watching the same 3 ads for pet food on a loop on the tv and seemed unable to break his focus when she tried to talk to him. Afterwards we've noticed him pretending to cry. Like scrunching up his face and making crying noises but not actually crying. It's like he knows he should be sad but can't actually feel the extent of his emotions. This really worries me because how is he supposed to process things emotionally if they have him zonked out on Ritalin he probably doesn't actually need every time something important happens.
My mother posts a lot on Facebook about having disabled children and how hard it is for her. I'm not very happy that ruined my childhood and almost the rest of my life so she could throw a pity party for herself. Now that I'm an adult I'm more concerned for my siblings who still live with her and for my dad but I'm not sure how to help them.
Thank you for reading this far any advice on this situation is appreciated.
submitted by throwaway45169 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:40 Shreson What should I do about this guy?

Sorry if my post is long....Its my first time taking advise from anyone regarding such things.🙈
I have mostly studied in institutes only for girls. As I grew, talking to guys became difficult for me. Also, I was very naive always. I am the " good fun intelligent girl " as per others & "unlike other girls". Due to my family problems & fights, which promotes inferiority complex, I am not someone who considers herself beautiful all the time... to the point that once i didn't want to attend my institute's freshers party but just went there because 2 classmates called me beautiful so I thought i won't look bad maybe ( i am not much of a makeup person) & ended up being the winner ( it included looks, quizzes, debate & games ) So i found out i look pretty if I give few minutes to get ready & take care of myself a bit. I always saw myself as someone a guy won't like but after attending birthday parties etc, girls used to say their boyfriends were talking about me in a very good way later and praising me a lot. They used to feel jealous but not insecure as they saw me as a girl not interesting in dating. I never had a boyfriend. For a long time, I didn't care. Now for past 1 year, I too feel like having someone. Most of the friends who knew me ever use words like " pure " & " decent " for me though I know these things don't define purity or goodness. Have you seen " beautiful people " song video by Edsheeran? I am somewhere between those " beautiful people " & that couple. I don't know if its normal but when guys approach me through insta & start showing romantic interest just in single day, i dislike it.. like you don't even know me dude. I have a big thing for decency & friendship first. & I always have my guards up. It's self destructive maybe.
I have evolved now but since despite being a bright person, I gave up on many good opportunities so currently I don't like the current version of myself much & I feel like i should work on myself & be with others ( even friends ) when i would be a better version of me. This year is crucial for me.
Now, THE MAIN PART - Now... I have an extra anonymous type instagram account. I rarely scroll it but one day, i saw a viral reel of a girl with normal number of followers with her foreigner boyfriend. There were other reels too showing their first meeting in LDR after meeting on a dating app. At first it made me happy & smiling but I remembered something & guess what? I knew about that girl's very very bad intentions ( specially about her plan about how she would manipulate her would be boyfriend & eventually cut him off from his family)..don't ask me what & how but if i tell you.. you would ask to let the innocent man know anyhow. Well.. I dm'd that guy but only hinted indirectly for the sole purpose of humanity ( that anonymous account doesn't indicate my gender or picture ). I also wrote that it was not my main account to signify that i was not a fake troll. To my surprise, he understood the hint & even elaborated a bit & replied that such things may already be happening & he won't fell into such traps. He thanked me & said I could also come from my main account. I didn't think much & followed him from main account. He followed very very very few people but followed me back too. I decided not to talk further on this issue as he had already understood more than i hinted. But he himself thanked me again & said bad things are happening from her side & they are fighting too & he may even break up if it goes on like this. My intention was just to make him aware & at the end of the day, he is in relationship with that girl so I just replied with formal answers. I also became scared later that what if its a trap & they make me viral later picturing me as a villain. I told him this directly but he said i could trust him & he knows the situation himself & understands that I worried genuinely for him. I replied that I did this because every human is precious to their parents. Later i deleted my such texts. He said he wants to learn a language & if I could help him. I said yes. We have talked a bit since then. He seems a nice, well mannered, hardworking guy. Once my closest friend asked me to describe a guy very particularly i would like to go on few dates with just once. So I told her that all nice guys but if you ask me very specifically then a fine guy with this one particular characteristic & of this particular country. & He fulfils both. I have started to like him. It's not a dreamy crush. Believe me. I know what that is. It's more like I would like to get to know him & go on coffee date sometime. But obviously I won't take any step because - i can't even take first step in befriending someone & no matter what, there is a girl in his life. But I think if it would be good or bad if i totally give up on texting him. I can't carry on with short talks.. i am not that of a conversation expert. There is a bit of language barrier too. He likes my stories..only the ones in which i am present. But currently I am focused on important things so I don't even have much to post. He rarely posts his pictures...just work sort of stuff.
Please don't think me as a *%## waiting for breakup. It's never my intention ever for anyone. I annoyed you by telling about the way i am to show that i just don't wanna regret anything from now on because of introvertedness or naivety or whatever & I am afraid that I might mess it up even if something happens further. I have lost precious friends in the past due to this self inferiority complex & not being able to keep on the conversation & understanding their references later on. Since, I know i have to be better.. should i just keep working on my life & myself till I make myself deserving?
What should I do? Should I just keep liking his posts and be silent... or... I can think of no other option. That's why I am here.
submitted by Shreson to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:37 throwaway1882016 Is this the end? Really shit if true

I don't know what's happening between me and my boyfriend. I don't even know if I can call him that. We were fine like two weeks ago, joking about creating our own at home cafe because we have too many expensive coffee dates. He came over and mentioned feeling off, that it wasn't about me but he's not feeling good emotionally..I tried to comfort him but he said he really didn't know what to vent about so we watched a movie and hung out for 3 days before he went home. Then he went home, the calls slowed, texts went ignored, and when I'd call, he end them in favor of focusing on something else like TV.
I got the text literally a week ago that he said he needs time and space for himself, some peace and serenity- that again, it's not about me but he needs time away. I said it was fine, but if it's really not about me, at least keep in the loop a little like a small "I'm ok" or "good night" especially because we had an important date I had been looking forward to. The week progresses, I don't get anything. We share an Amazon account and I see him make purchases and he sends me the money (it's my student account so he likes the prime shipping and just venmos me after), I tell him to use a gift card I had gotten and all he says is like "ok." And sends me a text about work, but if I ask a question, I get left on read.
Today was supposed to be the date. By the time Thursday rolled around, I knew he wasn't coming since I hadn't heard from him. Then he texts me notifying it's today and he's not making it. It hurt, like it's an update, but it hurt so bad. I'm confused - Do I even have a boyfriend? Why two weeks ago suggest to me we should move in and have kids and the next completely avoid me? I don't get it. He's my first relationship and first everything and I feel like this is it. This happened not even two months ago and it's like it's happening again and this is it this time, and that hurts like nothing else.
submitted by throwaway1882016 to BreakUp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:29 FriendshipEast8953 I have no friends and it makes me want to cry

I do online school and my only 2 friends recently got boyfriends. I haven’t gotten a text from them in weeks. Everytime I see them post a pic of them with their boyfriends I get so angry. Angry because they can’t take one second out of their day to send me a text. AT LEAST. I feel like a loser man. They were pretty shitty to me anyway, but it really sucks not having anyone to talk to. Never getting a text from anyone. I feel so alone. I haven’t hungout with anyone in weeks. I’m getting my ged soon, and hopefully gonna start college early next year. But even then I’m going to be younger than everyone there so I can’t make friends. I know if I go out more I can probably meet people. But I don’t have a car and can’t drive yet. Maybe once I get a job I can meet some cool people. But that’s only a hope, who knows. How the hell do people make friends outside of school??? The only people I text are my online friends who I’ve met through either here or online games. I’m so pathetic. All I want is at least one friend who has some of my interests and actually likes me enough to hangout. Is that too much to ask for?😭😭
And no I’m not going on wizz please I’m never using that app again…😔
submitted by FriendshipEast8953 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:27 struggles__1 Have you ever text the wrong person

My boss rang complaining about work I did (or perhaps didn't do) and I text my boyfriend the following:
My boss is off on one again. I'd love to put my cock in his mouth to shut him up.
I added:
He has a lovely arse though.
A bit later I was wondering why my bf didn't reply and realised the text went to my boss. He had seen it so I couldn't delete so I text again
Sorry mate, that was meant for someone else
He replied:Hahahaha.
Work will be fun Monday morning. I'm dreading it.
Please say I'm not alone?
submitted by struggles__1 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:25 Due-Librarian-5038 AITAH for going through my step mom's sisters phone and going through text messages to see if she was talking shit about me?

Hey reddit, I'm back again with some new family drama (this is not fake. Please don't take down)
I (f15) went through (f36) phone to see if she was talking shit about me with her sister (f40)
A little background information (f40) we will call her Amanda, her and my father are dating and they have a kid together. (F36) Amanda's sister we will call her Ashley she has two kids, one 4 year old girl she had with her ex-husband and her son, whom she has had with her boyfriend.
So today I went into the bathroom and I saw a phone on the sink now yes in most cases I wouldn't go through someone's phone but when I saw who's phone It was I had a random gut instinct to go through it. So I open up the phone and go straight to messages I scroll and go through her and her boyfriends texts which yes I admit it's a invasion of privacy but I kid you not I scroll up and see my name and so now I'm curious and everyone knows on iphones you can search messages with one word or letter so what do I do? I type my name in. I was shocked! I was shocked to see a bunch of messages between Amanda and Ashley talking shit about me. About my breath size, my body, and how I look, etc. I was just flabbergasted that someone who I thought liked and cared about me could speak so bad about me especially being that Amanda and Ashley are GROWN ASS WOMAN. Well anyways i take videos and pictures and I show my father the evidence and he was so upset with both of them and I was balling out crying but I'll update you guys when my dad confronts his girlfriend and the sister.
submitted by Due-Librarian-5038 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:25 Reeseepiecee Should I text him first?? I’m a shy girl.

I (26F) matched with this guy on tinder, (28M)we haven’t met yet because I just had ankle surgery and I’m still recovering. He’s been the one to initiate the conversations the first few times. First on tinder, then we exchanged numbers and he wanted to talk on the phone, then he texted me a couple of days later and we texted back and forth all night then we said goodnight. I’m definitely attracted to him and he seems to have a fun and extroverted personality. He’s a single dad with a 5 year old boy and I’m a single mom with a 3 year old girl. He said he’d like us all to hangout and go to the arcade or something. I thought that was sweet but I’ve never thought to take my kid on a first date lol 😆 he also knows my ex they have worked on a job together but through a different company is this a bad sign already?? Lol anyways I’m so shy to text him first it’s been a few days since we talked. Should I just play it cool and wait for him to text me? Or should I make a move? A part of me feels like it’s my turn but another part of me isn’t trying to look desperate. I feel like men should initiate more in the beginning because they are most likely to have a roster of women they are interested in/talking to whereas I don’t 🤷🏽‍♀️ so if he’s genuinely interested but has a roster I’d feel silly for trying to even make a move if that makes any sense??
submitted by Reeseepiecee to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:24 Infinite-Pilot-1349 Avoiding conflicts and anger

I avoid things a lot. I am working on it with my psychologist but it's not easy, I think it's my biggest challenge now that the intrusive thoughts are minimised. I avoid taking care of the house, I avoid contact with my family, I avoid even telling my mom that I am not gonna visit for two weeks for the summer (I live abroad) and I am also not going to stay with her again. I know there is going to be a conflict, and being raised in a family that expresses only emotions of anger to each other, with screaming, throwing things (especially my mom), conflict is something that I avoid at all costs. But I am stuggling to realise that I am an adult and I don't need to justify or give reasons to any of my decisions. I am back to my child mode, a child who is scared to voice her needs and desires. I should not give a crap about anyone. My mom doesn't care how much she ruined me. She doesn't even comprehend or think that she did anything wrong!
Why do I care how she is going to feel that I only want to visit for a week and not even. I don't want to be with them. I'd rather spend my holidays traveling and creating nice memories with my boyfriend, not being stuck in a house watching tv, listening to complaints and arguments, trying to fix the fights she created with relatives.
Why am I so scared and so worried for wanting to just be free. I have constantly her voice in my head on repeat telling me "you are gonna regret it one day, not carring for you mom". She was manipulating me my whole life, I was staying home for weeks/months not going out with my friends, either because she didn't want to stay alone, or because I was a bad daughter according to her. Always looking at me from a superior position. I was always the stupid one, I was giving exams to get in university and she was standing outside my room smoking her precious cigarettes looking down on me telling me "why do you study, I know that you are not going to pass". I was the only one from my whole family to get in the top university of my country and then immediately when she heard the news, oh she was proud shouting from the balcony for the whole neighbourhood to hear that I passed.
When I visited last summer, I stayed with her. Completely inconsiderate of how I function. I had to work the next day (remotely) and she started making loud noises at 4am(!). That was my first night after a long day of traveling, and I was shouting that there is no respect in that house, the first thing she said "don't shout, the windows are open the neighbours will hear" (I was offending her!). There were a lot of frictions during my stay, and I kept telling her that "I can go stay with my friend" cause we didn'tget along, but to her that was a threat.
Two weeks ago she had the demand almost to have me in her house for two weeks, even more if allowed from my boss, so she can get the satisfaction that she has me and she sees me! That meant of course not even going out with friends, not leaving the house at all for the whole duration of the holidays.
F* it! I should not care about anyones feelings. Nobody cares about mines.
Sorry for the long text. I am pissed and I don't know what to do, how to handle anger. I don't want to become like them so I avoid that feeling. But now I am boiling.
Did anyone else have similar experience?
submitted by Infinite-Pilot-1349 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:05 throwaway__543211 AITA for telling my best friends boyfriend to stop making sexual jokes?

I (f15) have been friends with my best friend (f15) for 2 years now. I'll call her Ella. Ella has been dating her boyfriend (m15)for 3 months now. He's a nice person and has nice character however recently he has started making sexual jokes about me and my situationship(m15). I'll call my situationship Philip. In the past Philip has made sexual jokes about me and him such as saying "youll be paralysed after", "take that top off" and "can I shower with you?" And Ella and her bf know about these as I have told them about it. However I don't bring up these jokes as though they are "tame" I chose to forgive and forget Philip and his sexual sense of humour. However, I have also expressed my dislike of sexual jokes about me to both Ella and her bf. For context, at school we hang out inside however I wanted to go outside, coincidently that's where Philip hangs out. As a joke, I kept trying to convince them to go outside however they all refused. This was when Ella's bf started making jokes such as "why don't you go outside alone and suck Philips dick" and "go make out with Philip" and bringing up the past jokes Philip had made towards me that I don't bring up anymore as they make me cringe and uncomfortable. He carried on saying these jokes even after I told him to stop. After school, I then informed Philip of these jokes being made about him as this has happened before with a different friend who told me I should "ride his tiny dick" also as a joke. Philip told me to tell Ella's bf to stop. So I messaged Ella and told her that her bfs jokes make me feel uncomfortable. She said she'll tell him. His response to me telling him to stop making sexual jokes was "I'll stop if she stops being annoying" this is what she said according to Ella. However, Ella told another friend of mine that he called me a bitch, I only found out about this the next day. So I then asked Ella's how I was being annoying as I am asking her bf to stop making jokes at my expense as they make me uncomfortable. She then responded with "idk". So I then said "I know I can be annoying but that only when your bf is being unnecessarily mean towards me." She then informed me that instead of changing his behaviour he will "just leave". So I responded with "im not asking him to go I'm just asking him to stop making sexual jokes at my expense in the nicest way I can" Ella then accused me of being angry and passive aggressive. I then told her that I wasn't angry but if I was that would be justified. Ella then said "I know but he said he'll stop" she then called my tone bitchy so I told her to not analyse my texts as I'm not thinking too deeply into my texts. I'm not trying to come across as anything as I'm typing and not necessarily thinking when I do so. The next day, another friend told me that Ella told her that I had "slagged" her bf off when telling her to tell him to stop making sexual jokes. So am I the asshole because I honestly feel so bad but then again I feel like I'm in the right for setting a boundary?
submitted by throwaway__543211 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:02 No-Abalone-6205 AITA For telling my mother off?

Hi first time posting here and sorry for my grammar, English is not my first language. I just need some perspective on this matter. So I (22M) live alone with my brother (14M). Our mother(42F) is working abroad with her boyfriend what means she is not at home with us. For some background. My Mother divorsed my father two years ago. He was an alcoholic who neglected me and my brother and thought that if he brings money home then he is releved from any parental responsibility. They lived separately for over 10 years and HATED EACH OTHER with passion, before they divorsed. My mom is no saint either. She loses her temper very fast what makes her say very cruel things. I was the scapegoat in the family because my i can't back off a fight eather, so when my mother attacked me verbaly i always clap back and that's what she wanted to have someone to screem at and blame for everything. My brother is very timid and the complete opposite of me. Oh and what i forgot to mention my mother is a compleat controll freak. There are many things she did (like hitting us when we were little because we did something wrong) but then she would be sweet as honey tu us for the next two weeks and then the cycle repeats. I know that some of you will tell that she is a bad mom but that's how she was raised and she doesn't know better. but in the last 6 or 7 years she tried to be better and it shows, So to the topic. When my mother divorsed my father and getting alimony for my brother (he fought for the lowes he could get) money was tight. My mother worked as a menager and I as a student couldn't get a full time job so i worked in some firms part time and did tutoring whenever I could. We had money to pay the bills and everything but when the month was over we had little savings (we live in a home in a village so there is always something to repair and sometimes it is tough). I wanted to pause my studies and go working but my mother was oposed of that. We fought about it too. So we came to a agreement that I will be living with my brother in our country and my mother will go work abroad. The first couple of weeks were fine but then the controll mode in my mother swithed on. She wanted to know when we get up, when we go to sleep, what we eat, what we are doing etc. And i don't mean like one or two times a day. She wanted to start a call with her on camera and the her everywhere. She was mad because we didn't replay to her messages because we were both in school. And it started to be very pushy, So the accident was yesterday when my brother, me and two of my fiends went out to eat in a restaurant (i didn't want to leave my brother behind and my friends like my brother so there was no problem). So we went out and when my mother found out she started to bombard us with questions like where, with who and other. That was perfectly fine. We answered everything and wanted to enjoy our night. But then She wanted to have pictures of the restaurant, the food - everything. I called her out on the group chat with me, her and my brother that we want to enjoy the food and we will talk to her when we get home. And i thought thats tsht. But then she started to write messages to my brother privetly, with the same questions over and over again. And my brother as a timid person answered. But then we went on a glowing fountain show and i to my brother that he should put his phone in my backpack when we go near water just to be save. The show was over we went bac to my car. Driving back home my brother takes his phone from my backpack and there is like 8 missed calls from our mother. (Quick note I have mostly my phone on silent and everyone who knows me knows that). He picks up the next call from her and then it starts. The screaming "WHERE ARE YOU? DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS? WHY ARE YOU NOT PICKING UP YOUR PHONE? WHY ARE YOU STILL UP? WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER (me)? WHY ISN'T HE PICKING UP HIS PHONE" threats and other things like that. My brother tried to say something but she was cutting him off every time. He was about to cry so I said that he shoul give me on speaker (I was driving). When he did that i said that we will contact her when we will be back and we are on the way home so clearly we ar still not back home. She started to screm something about dangers with driving at night but i screamed back that the only thing distracting me from the road is she right now and she should hang up right now. After that she did hang up. And the next day she was like nothing ever happened. Or so i thought because when we came back from some garden work we get a message that She won't bother us because apparently she's bothering us because she's worried and we don't give a damn about it. And other crap like that. My brother starts crying and tries to phone her and she rejects his call, so he starts to apologise to her via text. I on the other hand locked my self in another room so my brother wouldn't hear me and tear my mother a new one via a voice message that if she wants to be angry at someone that better be angry at me because now brother is crying now because her, he is in distress because of that (She loves to use that kind of manipulation). That if she thougt I'm so irresponsible that i took my brother for a nice trip on a WEEKEND and we came back home at 23:30 again on a WEEKEND where he could sleep how much he wants then thats her problem. She answered that she wants just to make shure he and i are save. And thats what was when i lost it because a month prior she didn't had a problem to arrange for him a bus among strangers and for him to travel 15 hours through 3 countries to her place and leaving him alone in a apartment in a forign country for 9 hours and if she really thinks that guilttripping my brother is a good idea then there is something wrong with her. There were many other things said in that text. She didn't replay to it but wrote to my brother like nothing happens. So Am I wrong to tell my mother off?
submitted by No-Abalone-6205 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:56 ilbeyourseasons My old crush M/17 reached out after to years to me F/17 and i dont know what this means. What do these texts mean?

A little backstory
About 4 years ago i met him. He had transferred schools and we hit it off. We played fortnite together all the time on facetime and just got along. He had sent me a text at the end of the year saying: “Thank you again for the wonderful school year, you were my first friend here”. I replied 6 months later saying how i didnt see it and only saw it because i was going trough old texts. (The message before it he had mentioned he was sorry i had lost my dog which was the reason i didnt reply because it was really recently and i couldn’t handle replying) The next year we only had one class together so we didnt talk as much but in class just a “hi” and then we would talk a little. After that year we didnt really speak anymore. We both didnt have any of the same classes and we never really met in the hallways and if we did we just smiled.
This week after about 2 years of no talk whatsoever he sent me a chat on snapchat (a coincidence because i had looked at his profile only a few days ago and i couldnt see his snap score which means he probably didnt have me added anymore) then the following conversation was held
(He is x and im y) X: hey how have you been (Random conversation) X: “sents snap of him” Y: your hair is longer i like it X: thanks Y: “sent snap of me” X: still pretty Y: your hair? X: no you dummy Y: oh ty ☺️ still? X: wdym still? I never found you ugly Y: oh haha X: is that not allowed Y: oh no ofc it is X: do you have a boyfriend or ex? Y: nope X: oh. Fit check? Y: “sents snap of outfit” noting special X: quite cute Y: ty ☺️ your turn X: that sounds kinky “sends snap of his outfit” Y: sorry didnt mean it to X: i didnt mind it Y: oh haha X: so whats your type? Y: oh i dont really have one they just have to be nice X: oh so me? “In the snap he was laying with his face in a massage table” Y: haha what are you laying on (smootly ignored his question) X: a massage table Y: oh haha i thought something like that X: oh why you wanna give me a massage? Y: uhm nty X: because? Y: thats weird
And now we just send snaps back and forth without any texts in them. What does this all mean? Im so confused and i dont know what to do? I need help
submitted by ilbeyourseasons to teenrelationships [link] [comments]
