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2008.03.20 20:49 r/Cars - For Car Enthusiasts

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2019.06.17 17:59 Keep_on_keepin Elden Bling

Elden Bling celebrates the niche community of fashion enthusiasts and those invested in the cosmetic and customizable aspects of the Lands Between. This is a hub for players to show off their stylish Elden Ring characters, whether it be for their bling (equipment) and/or their character creation sliders.

2017.10.06 19:21 Gizm00 Cyberpunk Red

Welcome to Night City, punk! That's where players and GM discuss the Cyberpunk Red pen and paper RPG.

2024.05.19 09:04 gryffixx Random thought about “work”

No job is hard but every job takes effort. The amount of energy it takes to NOT put in effort is about the same if not more than it is to actually put the effort into something. However at the end of the day it’s the end of the day and all that means is however much effort is put into the chosen career or whatever in general whether that be a blue/white collar job, line cook at a fast food joint, or even a homemaker, the effort that is given is everything. A person for example can talk smack telling people they could do better and intentionally/unintentionally saying they are better to use that as motivation for someone to do a better job well that won’t work as well as a person who puts in the effort and will do just that and show someone what a better job looks like. Aka leads by example. Not that difficult if a little effort is put in “a little bit of elbow grease” if you will. Respect is another thing people will have less tenacity to put in the effort if they are disrespected. Whether it is a boss to boss, boss to employee, employee to boss, person to person, etc. Doing a phenomenal job is definitely a TEAM EFFORT. But that’s my opinion and honestly not everyone is capable of putting in effort but are still capable of completing a task. For example taking out the trash, doing your chosen job, picking up after your dog, washing a car. Is any of that necessarily hard? No. Is it any more difficult to put effort into doing it and not half ass-ing or being a lazy shit? No. So at the end of the day all it fizzles out to is character. Major benefit of putting in effort is at said end of said day you can hold your head up high knowing you did everything you possibly could do to do a good job and be content knowing you put in that effort to do your best and that is respectable. Disadvantage of putting in effort is that people around you will start to learn and do by your example and may outperform or do better than you. Again in my opinion is that really a disadvantage? After all a “team” means everyone benefits a job well done unless you have an ego and toxic self pride which makes you unable to celebrate doing good as a unit as to being a lone soldier and believing you are godly, but then again at the end of the day it’s the end of the day. “To each their own”.
submitted by gryffixx to gryffixxblog [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:44 Snowie_Mountainn Marinette is one of the worst characters to hit big screen.

Marinette is one of the worst characters to hit big screen.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the oh-so-beloved star of the animated series "Miraculous Ladybug," is often hailed as the epitome of innocence, courage, and resilience. But hold up, folks! Let's take a closer look and uncover the unsettling truth about this supposedly sweet character. Sure, Marinette may seem like your average high school student with a flair for fashion and a secret superhero identity. But beneath that cheery facade lies a twisted web of obsession and manipulation that would make your skin crawl. One of the most disturbing things about Marinette is her relentless pursuit of Adrien Agreste, her classmate and love interest. Now, it's not unusual for fictional characters to have crushes, but Marinette takes it to a whole new level. She's willing to stoop to deceit and shady tactics, all in the name of getting closer to Adrien. Talk about crossing the line from cute to downright creepy! And let's not forget about her stalker-like tendencies towards Adrien. She's constantly snooping around, gathering intel on his every move, and even sneaking into his room to leave him gifts or love letters. Seriously, Marinette, boundaries much? This girl needs a serious reality check. But wait, there's more! Marinette's possessiveness and jealousy towards Adrien are off the charts. She becomes a raging ball of anger and resentment towards anyone who dares to show interest in her precious Adrien or threatens her claim over him. Talk about toxic behavior and reinforcing harmful stereotypes about love and relationships. Oh, and let's not forget about her alter ego, Ladybug. Turns out, she's just as messed up as Marinette. Tasked with protecting the city, she often takes it to the extreme, resorting to questionable tactics and putting innocent people at risk. Way to go, Ladybug, you're really nailing that superhero gig. So, while Marinette may have fooled us all with her innocent facade, it's clear that she's got some seriously creepy traits lurking beneath the surface. Time to rethink that whole "symbol of innocence" thing, folks.
To all the Reddit folks who have been following along with this discussion, let's take a moment to recharge and regroup before diving into part 2 of our analysis of Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Whether you're sipping on your favorite beverage, stretching your legs, or just taking a breather, I hope you're enjoying the conversation so far. Feel free to share your thoughts, questions, or even your own experiences with animated characters in the comments below. And when you're ready, let's reconvene and continue our exploration of why Marinette might just be one of the most contentious characters to grace the screen
Part 2:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng's portrayal as the worst character to hit the big screen is bad enough, but what's even worse is the show's creators and their pathetic response to constructive criticism. Fans have raised legitimate concerns and offered suggestions for improvement, but these clueless creators have consistently shown a complete lack of interest in listening. It's like they think they're above it all, too good to address the issues plaguing their own series. Let's talk about Marinette's toxic behavior, for example. Fans have rightfully called out her obsessive tendencies and manipulative actions, but do the creators care? Nope! They just keep romanticizing her messed up relationship with Adrien, perpetuating harmful ideas about love and romance. It's like they want to teach their audience all the wrong lessons. And don't even get me started on how these creators treat their fans. Instead of engaging in a productive conversation, they resort to attacking and insulting anyone who dares to question their creative decisions. They belittle and dismiss fans, acting like their concerns are completely irrelevant. This kind of hostility not only pushes fans away, but it also kills any chance of meaningful discussion and feedback. But it doesn't stop there. These creators have made it clear that their own artistic vision is more important than what the audience wants. Sure, creative freedom is important, but not when it comes at the expense of satisfying and engaging the people who actually watch the show. Ignoring fan feedback and refusing to make any changes based on criticism is a surefire way to lose your fanbase and destroy the integrity of your series. In the end, the dismissive attitude of the show's creators towards constructive criticism only adds fuel to the fire of Marinette Dupain-Cheng's status as the worst character to ever grace the big screen. They can't even bring themselves to acknowledge valid concerns, let alone address them. It's a shame, really. But hey, who needs a good show when you have arrogant creators who think they know better than everyone else?
In conclusion, the show's creators' dismissive attitude towards constructive criticism only compounds the problems inherent in Marinette Dupain-Cheng's portrayal as the worst character to hit the big screen. By refusing to acknowledge valid concerns and engage in meaningful dialogue with their audience, the creators have perpetuated harmful stereotypes and created a toxic atmosphere within the fandom. As audiences, it's important to hold creators accountable for their actions and demand better representation and storytelling in media.
submitted by Snowie_Mountainn to miraculousladybug [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:41 LeadingSkin6649 [TOMT][MOVIE] zombie (?) movie where mom turns into zombie at end

i watched this as a kid , so around 10 years ago heres scenes i rmr
• the main characters car broke down in a town that was filled witth zombie like monsters
• they end up home but the mom is turned into a zombie at the end and the camera cuts
• i rmr a saloon ? but i may rmr it wrong
i cant find this movie anywhere
submitted by LeadingSkin6649 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:08 Ok_Cartoonist2429 Why do so many people on this site hate South Park?

(This is more about south park hate overall but some stupid posts catalyzed my thoughts)
I was scrolling through after searching for South Park on reddit out of boredom, and I can't believe the amount of stupid hate posts that came up, with tons and tons of upvotes too! Some up in the thousands, all saying the same stupid things about "South Park is just meant to offend people! It's just an echo-chamber for these bigoted creators and South Park fans are idiots!" Like no, the satire in south park is so obvious, and it's never about something that should be offensive. If it is something that can be offensive, it's meant more so as a criticism and getting angry at it is probably the exact reason they created it. On top of that, there's a lot of things they do satire for and aren't meaning to make fun of that thing as a whole, but rather one specific thing or part of that category, and sometimes the satire's focus isn't even on that and just because it's South Park they're supposedly not allowed to have diverse characters unless it's an insult. I really don't get it. I know this is reddit but... there's no way people missed the point this much.
submitted by Ok_Cartoonist2429 to southpark [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:25 TrueMinecraftAlex You can't save porn addicts

I came to a conclusion that the porn addicts are unsavable, they are gone, completely.
The porn affects the brain significantly, it decreases frontal lobe activity, damage the dopamine reward system and we don't know to what point it can damage the brain, how far can this possibly go.
They sexualise everything, scary characters, violence, feet, armpits, eating, obesity, inflation Why?
Because their brain is so damaged and reformed that it knows nothing, but sex, the porn addicts themselves don't even know why they are attracted to these things, it doesn't make sense because the brain is so wrecked it doesn't function logically anymore.
They see sex in everything, I saw so many examples here is one , they start sexualizing microwaves, letters, computer usb ports, sandwiches, why? there is no logical explanation, their brain is so defective there can't be any explanation to why or how, it's just their brain malfunction that starts to happen very often for them, it's just random impulse that messes their attraction even more each time.
And their perception of reality is completely messed up of the porn effects on the brain they have reduced intelligent awareness and focus which makes it hard for them to comprehend the world and orient in it and since most of them were porn addicts for a long time they forgot what the normal reality is they forgot what normal life is.
They can't control themselves and considering that damage to the frontal lobe causes difficulty with controlling compulsive and impulsive behavior they are barely an owner of their own body, they can't stop, porn is the only thing they live for. They don't listen to words, they won't listen if you say "no" and it maybe be not because they ignored your "no" or just didn't care, it maybe because they didn't even comprehend that you said "no" or they managed to comprehend it, but they just can't control themselves and can't stop themselves anymore.
For example some person says to not make porn of their fictional character, but they won't listen because the porn is the only thing to live for, they see the character in a tunnel vision they don't listen to the words people say and to the common sense, no, it just porn porn porn and no control they are husk of a human, nothing but walking genitals. They can only sexualise and masturbate.
They are barely human anymore, they are basically zombies. You can't help them, they can't help themselves and probably even therapists can't help them, they are gone, done for, finished, lost that's it for them and their life.

submitted by TrueMinecraftAlex to antisex [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:23 Eastern-Ability-2894 John Kreese is the most tragic character in the whole Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Universe.

John Kreese is the most tragic character in the whole Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Universe.
In the Karate kid and Cobra Kai Universe, John Kreese has the most tragic life story ever. In my opinion he is also one of the most tragic characters in film/tv history.
Kreese grew up without a father and had a mentally ill mother who sadly killed herself when he was a young man of only 19 years old, leaving young Kreese to fend for himself. To add more tragedy to an already tragic loss, he was constantly bullied by others because of his mother's actions. Eventually things in life started to look more promising for Kreese as one day in 1965 he met a beautiful young lady named Betsy while working as a bus boy at a diner. After witnessing Betsy's then boyfriend David abusing her, Kreese stepped in to save her, beating up David and his friend, Kreese then offered Betsy a ride home which she happily accepted with a big smile to Kreese.
For the next couple of years Kreese and Betsy dated, they adored each other so much and were madly in love, eventually he left her and headed to basic training for the US Army. Kreese said his goodbyes to the love of his life, Betsy, along with a few kisses, promising to not only return home to her but also that he'll come back a hero. By 1968 Kreese was already in Vietnam serving, he quickly gained a reputation for basically having a death wish, a reputation which caught the attention of Captain George Turner who was putting together a Special Task Force Unit, after meeting Turner, Kreese joined his unit, choosing his good friends Ponytail and Twig, aka Terry Silver to also join the group. Captain Tuner was a Korean War veteran who learned Tang Soo-Do from Master Kim Sun-Yung of South Korea. Turner taught Kreese, Silver and Ponytail many aspects of warfare including hand to hand combat. During that time though Turner would often berate Kreese for his inability to shed his humanity during physical confrontations, as Kreese was still fighting with mercy. During a sparring match with Turner, Kreese landed a good punch on him, but he briefly lowered his guard which Turner immediately took advantage of, sending Kreese to the ground. Turner went on to explain that it's either kill or be killed and that you never have second thoughts or hestiate and you show your enemy no mercy.
Soon after Kreese pulled out a picture of Betsy, a photograph which she had sent him earlier on and while looking at her photo, Kreese said that he'll be home soon, but tragically that would never happen as Betsy was already gone by that point, passing away in a fatal car accident. Though Captain Turner did receive a letter that said she had tragically passed away but he never told Kreese or even gave him that letter. Later on during a mission to eliminate a Viet Cong encampment, Silvers radio erupted, giving away their position to the enemy, Turner ordered Kreese to detonate the explosive charge which Ponytail had just set but Kreese hesitated as Ponytail was still in the blast radius. Ponytail tried to run away but was caught by some Vietnamese soldiers who knocked him to the ground. The rest of the unit was then captured as well with Ponytail being executed right in front of them soon after. For the next year or so Kreese, Silver and Turner plus the rest of the unit were subjected to numerous methods of torture including being locked inside a bamboo cage and being forced to fight one another to the death on a platform suspended above a pit full of snakes, all for the amusement of the Vietnamese soldiers.
Sometime in 1969, Captain Turner and Terry Silver were chosen to fight each other but Kreese decided to take Silver's spot and fight their Captain instead. Turner who still hadn't forgiven Kreese for his actions in getting all of them captured cruelly revealed and even mocked that Betsy had died in a car accident. The news of her death profoundly impacted Kreese as he was clearly so devastated, initially dropping to one knee in pain, trying to process what he had just heard. Captain Turner early on in the fight had the upper hand on Kreese who was still very distraught by the news of Betsy's tragic death, but Kreese then became very enraged and defeated Captain Turner. Kreese showed his Captain no mercy by stomping Turner's hand as he was hanging by the platform suspended above the snake pit, Captain Turner fell to his death in a pit full of snakes. After the Captain's demise and still standing on the platform, Kreese immediately closed his eyes and let out a breath, in that moment Kreese was reborn, the kind hearted man with compassion and mercy had died with his love Betsy and now Kreese was starting to embrace a much darker side of himself, This is where Kreese first adopted his Strike First, Strike Hard and No Mercy moto. Kreese then freed the rest of the unit including the young Terry Silver who hugged Kreese and promised him a life long debt for saving his life. Kreese would also go on to save Silver more times between 1969 and 1975.
After his victory over the snake pit, Kreese and the other surviving members of the unit earned berets as well as battlefield commissions as officers in the US Army. Kreese would continue to Serve in the US Army Green Berets, earning the rank of Captain himself before leaving the military in 1975. Kreese also became the US Army's Karate Champion, a title he held from 1970 to 1972. He returned home to the valley very hardened and embittered by the numerous bereavements he suffered during the war, especially with the loss of his beloved Betsy. Soon after returning home in 1975 Kreese would co-found Cobra Kai Dojo alongside Terry Silver, teaching new generations the way of the fist and the same creed that Turner had once taught him, and the rest is history as we know it.
So Kreese is definitely the most tragic character in all of Karate Kid and Cobra Kai. He was a very good and kind hearted man that was twisted by unfathomable amounts of pain, loss, suffering and extreme violence from war. All Kreese wanted was to live a normal life, to serve his country and be a hero, to marry and have a family of his own one day with the only woman he ever truly cared about and really loved, Besty, but all Kreese got in the end was losing everything and everybody, leaving him with absolutely nothing. So Kreese shredded his humanity and buried all emotions deep, he stopped feeling when his Besty died, overtime building himself into the completely merciless, heartless and vicious karate sensei he is today.
His very sad and tragic backstory also helps us understand why in Kreese's mind, there is no middle ground, that survival has to mean the absolute defeat or death of your enemy, whether it's on the streets or in competition, even in the dojo, survival in life depends on that kill or be killed mentality which was psychologically engraved into Kreese through the brutality of war, his Captains cruel teachings and the very tragic/ profounding losses Kreese suffered in his life, the most impactful and damaging of all being the death of his sweetheart Betsy.
Though today John Kreese is a very cruel, vicious, merciless and cold hearted person, i still feel a great pity for him.
submitted by Eastern-Ability-2894 to cobrakai [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:14 VastlyCorporeal PSA: Ditch The Car

This is a public service announcement: if you’re fighting a horde, losing, and making it back into your car is gonna be anything approaching a close call, DONT DO IT, just leave and come back later for it.
I have lost too many good and well set up characters to getting bitten/scratched/lacerated as I was trying to make a daring, but utterly pointless escape in my car. Your loot isn’t going to grow legs and walk away, and aside from being short on gasoline if you left it running your car won’t be any worse for wear either. So just leave it.
If you have the skills to hotwire cars (which you probably should if you’re going on long drives for looting runs), and keep a bottle of gasoline in your backpack (also a good idea), then you can disappear, rest up, and use any shitbox you like to come back and claim your main ride. Even without either of those things, it’s always far easier to leave and come back to claim your car when it isn’t already surrounded by every zombie within a city block.
That is all, stay safe out there folks.
submitted by VastlyCorporeal to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:41 AnimeHaremKing16 Recent pickups

Recent pickups
Got whisper of the heart on eBay was brand new and the cat returns was from mercari but was used but in great condition but missing info card that comes on the back I thought it was gonna come with it but did not now hopefully I can find someone willing to sell it to me or get another just because I am a completionist and with these 2 steelbooks only one I’m missing is grave if the fireflies The other 2 was from Amazon but I’ve gotta return the vampire knight and I’m getting a replacement due to scratches on a few of the discs and the fact none of the discs stay in the amaray they all just fall out when I open the case unfortunately
submitted by AnimeHaremKing16 to AnimeCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:40 Ok-Economy-1267 Can I Sue my Ex of 5 Years for Moving Costs, Emotional Damage, Anything?

My ex and I have been living together and dating for roughly 5 years of time. We met at a university we both attended where we were getting the same degree, and I thought we were deeply in love. We never argued, had the same views and goals for the future, and the 2-3 problems we did develop were communicated and improved in healthy ways. It was a loving relationship that our friends could only hope to have. He had even custom made me a promise ring that I wore every day and never took off. I was a part of his family gatherings in Maine (where he was from), and he was involved with my family back in Michigan as well. We lived together for years, and I had hoped that we would get married after we graduated, like we had talked about. We were living like we were, anyway, so I was under the impression it would be a welcome next step.
A year after we both graduated, he ended up getting a job across the country (Michigan New Mexico). He would have a pretty large salary increase, would be doing things he enjoyed in the workplace, and be closer to his hobbies and a few friends that he had at our university that were older. I would have to move to a state I've never been, away from all of my friends and family, with no personal plan in place (I did not have a job lined up there like he did). However, he told me I could focus on healing from past trauma I couldn't process while I was focused on school, and work on getting my streaming and music career off of the ground, which is something I would've rather done with my life. I had plenty of contacts to realistically attempt something like that. And if it wasn't working, I could always try to get a job where he did. He would cover the rent of the condo we lived at, but I'd still pay all of my own personal bills (food, insurance, phone, etc.). Weighing the pros and cons, and how I believed our relationship to be/where it was headed, I agreed. We went 50/50 on furniture we would need while we were still in Michigan, because the company paid to move our stuff. The moving company damaged some things of mine that were irreplaceable, and I wanted him to deal with the moving company about it, but he never did. When we got there, I unpacked pretty much everything that was moved for the both of us, set up and organized the house, and did all of the cooking, paperwork, and chores I could so my ex could focus on getting settled in his new job. I put together lists of what we still needed, and continued to buy things for the condo 50/50, even when I was running off of low hustle income and savings. I even sold things that meant a lot to me so I'd be able to deal with all of the moving logistics and support myself when my work was "unpacking and settling".
Right before I finished my stream setup, and I was ready to start grinding on my own career, I had stumbled upon evidence of him cheating when I needed to use his computer. I have documented evidence that he has been paying sex workers for various things for the past 2 years, well before this job and move was in the picture. I didn't have access to his socials or accounts to know the full extent of what he had done, but what I had found was more than enough. When I confronted him, he didn't deny it either. I was distraught and depressed. I cut again for the first time in years. I felt lied to, betrayed, suicidal, and alone. I felt unsafe being alone in the condo, so I went to his friend's house after finding out. I told them what was wrong and they were in total disbelief until I showed them the evidence, it was extremely out of character for him. I lost 10 pounds in 2 days. The day of finding out what he did, I had already bought plane tickets back to Michigan for studio work, and couldn't change it. We agreed to take some space to figure out next steps, so I took that flight back to Michigan with two suitcases of my things, not knowing what was happening. I spent another few months unable to work, because my mental state was horrendous, and I didn't want to cash in any favors to get an engineering position when I didn't know where I was even going to be in a month's time. It seemed like we were going to try couple's therapy, because I really wanted to understand why he needed the external validation. I wanted to help him and figure out exactly what went wrong, because I didn't see any signs of this behavior. But we cut it off for good in December, when he had told me he's been seeing his ex. The breakup was slow and painful, and I was constantly living in a state of not knowing what was going on, and suffering mentally and financially for it. All of my plants that were there are now dead because he couldn't care for them, he still has my two cats, and I may have to sell my dream car in order to really afford starting over again. I can't even sell it as is since he didn't turn it on the entire time, so the battery and alternator are now dead too. It feels like my life was ripped out from under me in a blink of an eye, and I was the one being punished for it when I was the one who didn't do anything wrong.
My mom flew me out to Guam in December, knowing how much I was hurting and she wanted to get me away from it all. I was supposed to leave 2 months later in February, but here I am, still here 5 months later. Still essentially living off of two suitcases of my belongings. I am ready to move on with my life. I want my cats and my things back, and I want a fresh start. I have a few jobs lined up for me here to get back on my feet. I had to purchase a new wardrobe for the office, and a new car to get around.
All I asked for him to do was send my stuff back to Michigan, where it came from, so it could be stored at my dad's house until I could get it moved here to Guam. I felt like it was fair to ask, considering he lied to me and cheated on me for two years, when he easily could've just broken up with me before moving for his job. He made the conscious decision to drag me along and shift my whole life for him, when he had no plans to actually be with me. He bragged about the salary increase and I know what it is, I know he can afford to pay for my stuff to be moved out. I have been asking for updates constantly over the past few months, and he gives me spaced and vague answers. He is now saying he wants me to pay for half of it to be moved, which I think is unfair. This situation is entirely his fault, I'm already spending a lot of money starting my life over, and I was the only one unpacking things when we got there. He can pack up my things, and send it back to where it came from. He's also keeping everything we went 50/50 on as well, so I'm still losing even when he pays for the move. Our friends are on my side here, but he isn't cooperating or budging. I wanted to be civil, but he's being difficult to communicate with, and I am on the other side of the world now. Can I/Should I take him to court to pay for my move? Can I/Should I pursue suing him for the other aspects now that he is no longer being civil about this? Will being on Guam while he is in New Mexico complicate a lawsuit? I'm losing my mind at how I have had everything to lose, and he still doesn't have the decency to do what people around me seem to think is the right thing to do. Any advice and further questions to clarify the situation is appreciated.
submitted by Ok-Economy-1267 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:35 Soft_A_Certified Legitimately confused as to why there STILL is ABSOLUTELY ZERO 2S-LGBTQ+ Representation in this game.

It is absolutely DISGUSTING how blatant these devs have been ignoring one of the most glaring issues of this genre.
Like if you fucking hate Black Queers just say it. Don't include a character creator and then purposely leave out the Female Trans woman preset or the Transmale bump.
Has anyone heard anything, roadmap wise, when they plan on implementing this BASIC ASS FEATURE?
Certainly before 1.0 - I have so many family members on the fence on purchasing this game right now and they keep asking me when they can safely play.
submitted by Soft_A_Certified to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:23 FanCheap3742 Is there a ghoul emoji somewhere?

submitted by FanCheap3742 to FalloutMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:14 Ok-Gazelle1428 What was the name of this bl?

I remember the plot was like the main character got scared bc the male leads confessed to him and then the male lead got hit by a car. Then the mc traveled back in time to before he died.
submitted by Ok-Gazelle1428 to blmangalovers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:10 brown-habibi I’m (22M) not sure if I’m being overly insecure about my girlfriend (21F) obsessing over a fictional character. How should I address this?

I’m trying to decide whether or not I’m being overly insecure. Before I get to the point, I want to add some context.
My girlfriend and I have been dating for two years, and we’ve been close friends for two years before then. We’re both South Asian (this is somewhat important). During our friendship, she once told me that she would never date a brown guy. This hurt a lot at the time because I was starting to get feelings for her but lo and behold eventually we started dating. I’ve spoken to her about that comment and she’s said she’s very very sorry and she didn’t mean what she said. In either case, that was a long time ago and we’ve moved past it, however sometimes things happen that reopen that wound.
Last year on her birthday, we went to watch the new Hunger Games. During which the protagonist, Snow, a muscular white dude with blue eyes and blonde hair (the exact opposite of what I look like) has a shirtless scene for like 8 minutes. Now that wouldn’t really be a problem but the entire car ride there her best friend was telling her she can’t wait for my gf to see ‘the shirtless scene’ and when the scene came, my girlfriend literally freaked out with her friend and had her jaw wide open. The whole rest of the night she and her friend were joking about how amazing he looked and how much they want to marry him. I was incredibly hurt that night but I didn’t say anything because it was her birthday and there were other things happening in her life that were weighing heavily on her.
Months past and I eventually let it stay in the past, until recently. I started reading the book for which the movie is based off of and I recommended it to my girlfriend. The moment she started reading it I asked her thoughts and she gave me a 10 minute speech about how Snow is her new husband and she wants to marry him and take his last name.
This has been really ruining my day. On one hand, I feel like it’s incredibly insecure and wrong of me to be jealous over a fictional character, on the other I can’t help but feel like shit.
I can’t tell if I’m being overly insecure or if I should just move past these feelings. I’m trying to decide if I should talk to her about it. I almost feel mad at her and I don’t know if that’s fair.
submitted by brown-habibi to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:10 dlmstd Almost done with my first watch

I’m on episode 8 of season 5 and don’t really feel the show coming to an end. I’m assuming there’s 12 episodes, like season 4, and I don’t know what’s coming. I kinda like that but also don’t. This show hooked me with the first episode because my dad too died in a car accident on Christmas, no joke. I’ve continued watching because of David and Ruth. I mean a gay main character in 2001 and Frances Conroy… now come on now
I’ve had a theory since season 2 about the end and that it’s leading to Nate’s death. The shows kinda projecting that vibe kinda not subtly if you’re assuming there’s a definitive end coming that’s worth watching for…… David and Keith are gonna live happily ever after (with or without the foster kids I couldn’t care less!) Claire’s gonna get a big break… Billy’s gonna go full crazy in the last 2 episodes and be the main exposition for the end a… maybe Ruth will kill George (asking for too much?) …. Hope to see Bettina again…
Yeah I’ll follow up when I finish, probably tomorrow.
Just saw a “Finale Discussion” flair, kinda interesting to see…
Also I hope to god Russel doesn’t get anymore screen time and maybe we get a confirmed whereabouts for Gabe.
submitted by dlmstd to SixFeetUnder [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:09 Dependent_Ad9014 An idea I thought of for a silent hill game were are 4 characters you can play as each with there own troubled past

I was driving in my car when I thought of the silent hill games and after 4 they went really down hill (pun intended) mostly picking ideals that could have worked but fail short due to execution and how they handle characters but enough of that you came the idea well I want to make a silent hill game were there are 4 characters you play as each with a unique style of play and character the first being Xìngcún zhě a Chinese grandma from world War 2 that was a survivor of the Japanese invasion lookingfor her grandson, an ex mexican carlet man name Joel that is looking for his daughter, a widowed wife named sana that came to buried her husband ashes in his home town of silent hill that turns out her husband was suffering from depression, Jericho a paranormal explorer that has seeked out silent hill foe the mystery and the last request of his best friend memory
Each character will start in different locations of silent hill to there own perspective troubles and each character will different monsters they deal with that is the manifestation of them pain and trauma but each will have a different way of dealing with enemy's Xìngcún zhě for examples for instance is really to old for combat bur she is clever she knows how to useful tricks and traps to take care of enemy and more stealth based, Joel is more obvious knifes and guns and aggressive style of fighting, Sana is also different she is also fighter however the ashes of her late husband can manifest into humanoid creature protecting her from monsters and helping her with situations that require alot of strength, Jericho has a way of combating the obstacles by using the equipment he brought to silent hill his EMF or sprit box can be use to frequency that can repel and anger enemies and a book of spells which he'll find in the beginning in the building to fight and navigate through the section of silent hill
Each character gets about 8 levels that can cross and interact with the other characters in the game and there going to be a choices in game on how to deal with some bosses and decisions that would eventually determine weather you get a good ending or not
I'm still working on the idea in my head for fun but that's all I got for now at least
submitted by Dependent_Ad9014 to gameideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:07 No-Preference6624 Narcissism or Weaponized Incompetence?

As a writer, I have a conflicted relationship with commissions, but you’re here for the tea. Sorry if this is jumbled, but the client is an amalgamation of every bad commissioner that you have ever read about or that you may have worked for.
First, they ordered a writing commission, but during the first 5000 words they were surprised there was “too much” writing and reading. I told them from the start the first draft would be better off as a script so I could easily adapt into a novel, a D&D homebrew or whatever they desired. They originally had 60 PAGES of characters, but I have cut it down to 31 pages (so far). I gave them three simple ‘homework’ tasks to gather all the information I needed for the three parts of this commission. A plot summary (in bullet points) which took them four months because they insisted on writing it like a novel. The list of characters took six months (they are going back to remake EVERY character reference because it took them so long that the early references are out of date) and they fought me with every character we cut and they still haven’t sent me examples of how they want the D&D homebrew to be formatted. They say they have no idea what to look for as they knew nothing about D&D, but they blew me off for two years playing a D&D game with other friends using a D&D Beyond account ( I do not support Wizards of the Coast). For context, the bullet points took me 2 pages and 2 voice calls with the commissioner to summarize and the list of character names took 3 days and 3 voice calls to compile on Google Doc and move to Trello. What about my plan to script? He INSISTED that I, an expert in my field, should write the novel while he worked with a ‘friend’ of his on the D&D homebrew. Why would he need a script? He didn’t WANT a script.
Only a few weeks later, he ran back to me after being blown off by said ‘friend’, with the genius idea of having me write a script, novel and homebrew. His card is always empty whenever he pays for the next part of the commission because he spends it on $400 sketches and junk food. He refuses to listen when I say he doesn’t need 300+ characters. One of the stories he is plagiarizing is mine. My novel only has 27 characters (including a canine). We will be celebrating the 16 month anniversary of the commission by the time this is posted. He has nine days to finish the characters before I cancel. I’d rather live in my car again. Two hours ago he LITERALLY just made a FULL bio (in the description) with five full body outfits for a character that was deleted. He spent a month adding a shine texture to an npc's tiddies.
After making me wait for 16 months, he has the AUDACITY to get angry at me when I was offline for an emergency and I could only make one of our two commission vcs. Now he’s using the deaths of friend(s) caused by recent global tensions to ADD more characters. Why do you NEED to keep your brother’s ocs? To kill them? Delete them! This psycho has a history of making fictional versions of people who he perceives as having wronged him to kill and/or torture them graphically. Do you really need an entire MONTH? You won’t recycle two characters (that don’t belong to your brother) to fit VITAL roles but you proceed to make two random characters FROM SCRATCH that have nothing to do with those roles. Or last month I asked him for a list of 8 damage modifiers (8 digits) he replied in 12 minutes. This task previously took him an ENTIRE month because he was ‘busy’ with maps (in reality he was blowing up on a ‘friend’ who turned down his art commission on Discord and watching videos). This client is too lazy to browse with Google but he deliberately makes changes in complex organization software to disobey me. I am going to die before this torture ends! Would I be the a–hole if I put a stop to this nightmare?
It’s happening! Finished or not, the commission ends on my birthday. I am sick of getting “Okay.”, "Cool" or "XD" every time I ask him a question about his commission.
Just when I thought I was in the clear, he drops a D&D manual of dice rolling, resting and training mechanics, skill trees and a point buy system he has NEVER mentioned predating these 16 months; all the way back to when we met (2012). He does this the week that I am “finishing” the commission. Did I mention that he has “accidently” erased the maps through his own bad habits. ARGGHH! He’s got until Monday. I don’t care if he pays me one last time. I can’t live like this.
FREEEEEEEEEEEDOM! After 16 months and two weeks.
Since I had writer’s block and another traditional art friend was suffering from art block we decided to remake some of each other's characters in our styles. The subject of this post got excited to join us. What kind of a--holes would we be if we gate kept something this trivial? I remade nine of the subject of this post's characters in my style (in two days). We both use the same program for the same amount of years, but we have developed wildly different styles. Will I ever learn? He spent the whole stream telling me their sweaters were wrong, he disliked the ribbon in one of the girl’s hair because it was too big, asking why do all of the girls have the same stockings (while wearing school uniforms) and why they do not have the exact same skin tones (despite me using the eyedroppecolour picker to show him the neon colours (one background character has eight colours in their hair) he chose in his style does not work with my duller, minimalist palette. Did you ask for me to copy your style or use my own style? After they were done, he listed all of his (multiple) issues with them like nine college essays. I can take criticism, but I had to force one compliment (one word per character) out of him. His criticisms regarded me adapting elements from the references that HE sent me. 90% was negative and 10% positive. Naturally the subject of this post still has not even thought about which character of mine he'd like to remake, but even professionals cannot unravel the web of things this person has done to avoid me even in situations when I am the center of the conversation/activity. I was unsure where to post this since this rant is a bit of most subreddits that I enjoy. Thank you for reading! I have mountains of experiences to share from freelancing and I will have many more in the future.
submitted by No-Preference6624 to EntitledPeople [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:51 TeamNew8607 Euphoria Season 3, My Way

This thread is about to be very long, and I will be adding to it frequently, but this is how I would write season 3 of Euphoria since Sam is obviously preoccupied with god knows what. This came to me in a dream so call it fate ig.
Background- since season 2 ends with the card that Rue stayed sober through the rest of junior year, and Lexi’s play takes place in the spring, I thought it’d be best to pick up on the first day of their senior year in the fall. This means that Cassie, Maddie, and Nate have all graduated, leaving us with Rue, Jules, Lexi, Elliot, Bobbi, Ethan, BB & Kat. Also Gia, the Parents, and Ali. Anyways here goes.
Episode 1- I Stayed Sober (Mostly)
[Scene 1]: The Last First Day Episode One opens with a black screen that has flashes of red and blue, like police sirens, that increasingly become more intense and vibrant, to indicate Rue coming out of a dissociative state. She narrates over the screen:
“You want to know the worst part about staying sober? It’s not the withdrawals or the cravings, even though they’re pretty fucking bad. It’s not even the depression or the emptiness you feel without your poisonous security blanket protecting you from your worst thoughts and emotions. The worst part about staying sober, is that you’re trapped back in the fucked up world that made you want to do drugs in the first place”
The red and blue screen shifts to police sirens with cops yelling in an attempt to evacuate everyone from the school. It’s raining and the sky is gray and muddy. All the students are now wearing muted uniforms in the school colors, blue black and white (the uniforms are explained later) The scene looks very muted and drained. As the students flood out of the school in a frenzy, we see Rue and Lexi standing at the exit, uninterested in the theatrics and significantly changed from last season.
Rue has a brighter disposition to herself, appearing more soft and bright, while keeping her moody demeanor. Her look shows that she is trying her best to be more optimistic, despite going through hell from her plethora of mental illness that have now taken over due to her sobriety. Still, she looks healthier and brighter.
Lexi, on the other hand, has a more goth like appearance. In addition to her new dark black hair with red colored streaks (red to signify her stepping into her power) she also looks less approachable with more gothic motifs such as skulls and roses on her increased accessories. We learn later that this is an attempt to reinvent herself after last year’s play incident and fez dying. She seems uninterested and annoyed, but has a more confident air after being put in the spotlight and no longer having to live under her sisters shadow. She has become more monotone, speaking her mind and embracing her realistic perspective of life.
They begin walking to the parking lot, looking for Lexi’s mom among the waves of chaotic students pushing past them.
Rue: Of course, just our fucking luck that someone decides to shoot up the school our first day of senior year.
Lexi: It wasn’t even a real shooting. I heard some kid brought a gun to show off and got tackled by his teacher. Everyone started freaking out, and now I’m missing the first day of my AP English class.
Rue: Not like you need it. I think you proved that you can write a good story that makes waves and changes lives (sarcasm)
Lexi: 😐 that’s not funny Rue. That play is all anyone could talk about all summer. Everyone hates me because they think it’s my fault that we all have to wear these stupid uniforms.
Rue: actually that was Cassie’s fault, that fight got a new edit every week. My favorite was the #mollywhop dance (starts doing a dance that is significant of Maddie slapping Cassie and Cassie riding a carousel)
Lexi: Rue I’m serious. I got so sick of living in the background that I put my entire life on display in front of all of East Highland just for my sister to make everything about her.
Rue: Well good writing is supposed to be controversial. And take it as a victory, at least you’re not a nobody anymore.
Random Guy: Hey Lexi, I got a horse you can ride (does the dance)
Cop: Keep it moving sir!
They get to the end of the parking lot and sit on the pavement.
Lexi: 🙄of course she’s late.
Rue: hey, it’s a new year. You’re no longer the girl whose sister was the hottest cheerleader in school and I’m no longer the resident drug addict that everyone is waiting to die.
Lexi: you’re right. That’s Elliot. Or Jules. Have you checked on either of them since his overdose?
Rue: no…fuck them both. They seem happy in their stupid relationship with their stupid anniversary posts. I had to block them both before I killed myself or worse. They can die for all I care.
Lexi: well he almost did. I heard he had a stroke and is in a wheelchair until he learns how to walk again.
Rue: trying to hide that she’s concerned really?…i mean i don’t care, but that’s what he deserves right? Can’t do drugs that carelessly without consequences. Ask me how I know.
Lexi: I don’t think anyone deserves to OD. I hope he gets some help.
Rue: he has help, that bitch is playing housewife which she probably loves. Attention seeking whore. You know I’m sick of talking about Jules and Elliot and Cassie and every other narcissist with a victim complex that keeps trying to make themselves the main character. pulls her closer with a shoulder hug this year it’s about us. Starting over and getting a chance to finally make it out of this stupid town. You have colleges lined up at the door and I’ve been sober for almost a year. No one is going to take this year from us. That why you blocked Cassie, and that’s why I had any memory of Jules permanently erased from my brain. Out of sight out of mind.
Lexi: I guess you’re right. New year, new us.
Rue: alright. Now call your mom so we can get out of the rain. I hate cops more than I hate being fully clothed and wet.
Lexi: (finally smiling) almost as much as they hate you
Rue: hey fuck you, I still have to go to court for that.
Lexi: too soon? 🤭
Rue: just dial the fucking phone
Rue [vo while it shows Suze driving up and the girls walking across the parking lot]: Despite how terrible last year was, I feel like Lexi and I finally got back to how things used to be. Before the drugs, before the funerals. Just Rue and Lexi like it’s always been. Sometimes I forget how great life was when I was just a kid. But drugs tend to take away everything that makes life, life. I just wish Fezco had stayed alive long enough to finally see me sober. Then maybe Lexi wouldn’t be so serious and emo these days. But she took care of me, and now it’s my turn. I just don’t know what’s worse, losing the love of your life before you get a chance to say it love you (shot of Lexi rubbing a cross chain fez gave her looking at the sky before getting in the car) or thinking you found the love of your life just to end up as strangers. (As Rue opens the door to get in, she sees Jules wheeling Elliot across the parking lot. She stares for a bit before getting in the car.) Either way, we all died. (Rue gets in the car before Jules can see her.)
Jules looks over at the car but doesn’t see anyone. She looks distraught, hoping to catch a glimpse of Rue, who she hasn’t seen since the play. She’s dressed in a mostly black school girl uniform with a short skirt and corset that she’s clad in neon accessories and coquettish garters and bows. Her hair is longer than in season 2 but shorter than season 1. This is to signify that she’s embracing her femininity more with Elliot, but is stepping into a more powerful, dominant version of femininity. She’s content with her relationship, and rebuilding herself after the abuse she endured in relationship with rue. Now she’s just worried about repeating the same story with Elliot. She looks off into the distance, paused in a state of reflection.
Elliot: babe are you good? Jules: what? Yea just thought I saw something. (Continues wheeling him across the parking lot) Elliot: It was probably a ghost. HEY CASPER, LOOK BUT DONT TOUCH HOMIE Jules: (laughing) you’re so unserious Elliot: what do you mean? I’m serious. I don’t want his ectoplasm fucking up your makeup. Jules: You’re the one who keeps fucking up my makeup Elliot: and I’ll do it again kisses her winces ow fuck Jules: relax dude. You know the doctor said you can’t stretch your spine much after your stroke. Elliot: and you know I told that doctor nothing can kill me and I’m basically a god Jules: even when you’re sick you’re still crazy Elliot: crazy for you Jules: yea yea, just be happy it was a stroke and not a death sentence. whispers in his you know if you would’ve died I would have to kill you. Elliot: besides the fact that that makes zero sense, you know it wasn’t my fault Jules: I’m just glad that Laurie lady got put behind bars. Who the fuck puts fentanyl in Weed? Elliot: a plug who can’t find enough junkies to buy their fentanyl. That’s why I always sniff my weed before I smoke it. Jules: and that sniff put you in a wheelchair, so who’s god now? Elliot: mmmm, still me. I live close enough to the school that I don’t have to pay for a van, and I have a hot chick with a huge dick as a nurse. Not to mention loads of settlement money from suing the biggest plug in our area and a med card with all the unlaced weed I can smoke. I’m up as fuck. Jules: or too high to be traumatized Elliot: And (dances her around his chair like a waltz until she falls in his lap) my dick still works. Jules: nice try Romeo, but your ego is showing (zips up his pants and continues pushing) Elliot: fuck, has it been like that all day? That’s embarrassing Jules: no more embarrassing than the whole school thinking you’re in a wheelchair because you couldn’t hold your oxys Elliot: it was Percs actually, thank you very much. And fuck what those bots think, I’ve been sober since that intervention. I guess you can say Rue knocked some sense into Me. Jules: (avoiding the topic of rue) did you see the comments on our last post, they called us percinstein and the coke bride Elliot: damn I guess they did know it was Percs (Now on his front porch)
Jules: (standing in front of him looking in his eyes with sentiment ) Elliot I’m serious. I’ve been the topic of conversation ever since I moved to this fucking town. I just want to have a normal year for once in my complicated life. Elliot: babe listen it’s high school. Everything is the topic of conversation and no one is normal. People talk shit because they’re bored and have no personality or sense of self outside of the useless drama they can create in their minds. But you have a life, and a future. You have an amazing, sober boyfriend who loves you and a portfolio that can get you into any art school in the world. You’re at the last step before your real life begins. I’m just happy that I have the privilege to watch. And you know I like to watch. Jules: you’re a lunatic. Elliot: I love you. Jules: I love you too. kiss
Elliot: Are you sure you can’t stay tonight Jules: I wish, but my dad is serious about making sure I get into the best school, which means spending hours look at boring virtual tours and applying early admission. Elliot: ok well I’ll be here figuring out how to pee without standing up Jules: how do our conversations always center back to your dick Elliot: I can’t talk about anything else, it’s too hard Jules: wow, you sound like my dad and I’m turned off [starts walking away] Elliot: it’s not me it’s the weed. now you make sure you make it home safe. There’s a shooter on the loose. Jules: [grabbing her bike] the gun wasn’t even loaded. besides, getting shot would not be the worst thing to happen to me. Elliot: you’re American. It always gets worse. Jules: [riding off] that’s depressing Elliot: text me when you’re home Jules: [almost gone] you have my location! Elliot: [to himself] and I still never know where you are
submitted by TeamNew8607 to euphoria [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:46 Legal_League5017 [ART] my Stardew farmer

[ART] my Stardew farmer
Since I have nothing better to do today id decided to start drawing my Stardew Farmer's! Also, I used JazzyBee's Stardew Valley Character Creator as a reference.
Her name is Alicia
Hope yall like her!
(I'm a beginner Artist PLEASE don't flame me too harshly.)
submitted by Legal_League5017 to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:31 Jenny_S_S [Flash/PC] [Late 2000's] Polygonal stunt racing game with web based demo

Platform(s): Web and Windows PCs
Genre: 3rd person behind the car camera racing game
Estimated year of release: Late 2000's, probably around 2008
Graphics/art style: Polygonal and very blocky 3D, mostly dull colours, pretty sure all models had wireframe shown, very low detail in general, visually vibe similar to OG Starfox just less flashy. All races took place in a sorta "void" with no visual decor outside of the racing track.
Notable characters: The game's "mascot" and logo was a pale white face with very messy black hair and I think bloodshot eyes? Among cars I remember things like a monster truck, I think roadroller, and definitely a sleek wedge style racing car, no specific drivers or anything like that
Notable gameplay mechanics: Pretty sure aside regular racing the game also featured destruction derby races, all races definitely features plenty or ramps and I am pretty sure rings to jump through, I think it also featured a time attack mode?
Other details: If I remember correctly the web demo asked to download macromedia flash, pinning it to rather specific period before the rename to adobe flash or shortly after. Pretty sure the game had a paid full version that's a downloadable, it definitely had it's own website but I don't remember much from it, almost sure the game had a sequel.
submitted by Jenny_S_S to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:25 the2kuniverse Creating a project together… here is how we can all make something massive together…! See if any of these roles are intriguing because I need a bunch of hands in this

Roles - YouTube/MMAvideo game content creators - WMMA5 character creators - WMMA5 assist matchmaking - Graphic designers - Social Media leaders - Head of spreadsheet - YouTube/WMMA5 content creators And extra help is also wanted!
submitted by the2kuniverse to WMMA5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:19 macgyver-me-this I mean, capitalism does screw everyone

I mean, capitalism does screw everyone submitted by macgyver-me-this to unexpectedcommunism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:01 PodandLeviathan [Android][2012-2016]A game where you drive a vehicle on a small map as a taxi and others vehicles.

Platform(s): The platform on which I played it was Android, I downloaded it from the Play Store, I remember that the application icon was a taxi on a light blue background.
Genre:: The game genre was about driving vehicles to take passengers to their destination in a period of time. Third-person view with the camera following the vehicle.
Estimated year of release: The game was from 20012-2014.
Graphics/art style:: The map graphics, cars and npc. They look like those from Pokemon Quest, that simple style and ''nice and pleasant'' shapes. It also has a certain resemblance to the cars from Crossy Road. It was always sunny, there were cars driving on the roads, you could see the npc's raising their hands to ask for a taxi, there were no animals. The map was made up of a small city to the North and an urban neighborhood to the South. Both parts were linked by two bridges and in the center a small wooden port. The map was bounded by water and you could sink.
Notable characters: You always drove vehicles, cars of all kinds, fire engines, taxis, police cars, personal vehicles, I don't remember if there were sports cars, ambulances, etc.
Notable gameplay mechanics: : The characters were cars, you started with a taxi and later you could get more varied cars, such as garbage trucks, police cars, firefighters.
Other details: You could play offline. The game was simple, there was the game menu while in the background you could see your selected car, when you touched the screen your car accelerated and you started looking for passengers. There was also the section where you could see the vehicles that you already have, but still need to obtain. I don't remember how the cars were obtained, I guess they were coins that you earned and used to get a random car. It is similar to when you open a Counter strike box. I remember you could see NPCs raise their hands to get your attention. I also remember that you could run over said passengers and the police would start chasing you. You always drove across the map. You could go across the road avoiding the cars in front of you and you could take shortcuts if your car could fit through them. I remember that on the left of the screen a timer appeared to take the passenger to their destination. I don't remember if you could take more passengers in your car (probably yes).
What I remember most is the game map, I did my best to draw it as I remember it.
The red color to the north refers to a Cinema/theater, to the north you can see what would be the beach there was and to the south I remember that there was also sand, the orange is a gas station that I remember there was always there, the purple is the houses in the urban area, the brown thing in the center is that small fishing port that you could use as a shortcut, the yellow thing was a barber shop that was located in that area, the roads are gray colors and the red thing divided with a road was a building residential that had an alley.
The drawing is simple, but it can be very useful. This is what the map would look like from afar as far as I can remember. To help, the northern area is full of gray residential buildings and the urban area is houses with wooden roofs. I hope this is helpful to help me find this game.
submitted by PodandLeviathan to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]