Toshiba network camera login

How can I charge this without a specific charger?

2024.06.02 10:21 Cyborg_465 How can I charge this without a specific charger?

How can I charge this without a specific charger?
I found this in my drawer and I can't find it's charger. Is there any way to charge this Toshiba video camera without it?
submitted by Cyborg_465 to Cameras [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:02 Lucky-Egg-2624 Question regarding using Mainsail & Tailscale with IP camera

I'm using an ESP32 CAM setup as a IP camera in Mainsail and it all works as expected when accessed from my local network.
I wanted access outside my home network so I've setup Tailscale and setup my raspberry pi as a subnet router to enable access to the IP camera. I can now access both Mainsail (using the Tailscale IP and the local IP) and the IP camera externally.
When accessing Mainsail using the Tailscale IP the camera stream doesn't work, but using the local IP (i.e. utilising the subnet router?) it does show.
Can anyone explain why this is? This is for understanding more than anything, just wondering why I need the subnet router at all I guess.
submitted by Lucky-Egg-2624 to klippers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:50 iferrisau Switching out a failing DMSE

Newish to this world so apologies if I’m asking daft questions. I’ve got a DMSE driving 3 APs , cameras etc. I’ve a 24 port switch that does the POE / switching etc.
The DM network software stack keeps rebooting everytime I access the web I nterface and after submitting a ticket to ubiquiti they say Hd failure and swap the DM out. The warranty is crap and I have to take the machine to get looked at etc..which could be weeks.
As far as I can see to keep everything running I can…
Buy a spare DM , install from backup, switch out and have little down time, a hot spare for the future and no money
is it possible I can install the controller software on my Mac , use an old Asus router I have here to connect to the outside world and keep functioning until the replacement machine is back? Im guessing this would still let me manage things if I needed to?
Any better solutions gratefully accepted ☺️
submitted by iferrisau to Ubiquiti [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 thecinnamonbunz AIBTS I'm getting pick-me vibes from my cousin

(sorry if it sounds like I'm rambling there's a lot of context)
For context, my (f29) cousin (f46) but acts like she's in her 20s. I'm really close with her (we grew up together now we're living together). She went thru a lot of bad situationships/ relationship issues/ trauma during her 20s-30s. I feel like I was low-key being exploited by her since I turned 18 y/o & especially @ 21 y/o when I could start legally drinking. She's a very kind, caring, outgoing person, always networking with people, but ALWAYS talking to guys. She would take me around her male friends (also around her age/ older than me) to "show me off" (it felt like).
I could be wrong but looking back at all those times, it never felt like she took me out because I wanted to go, it felt like she needed me to be seen with her to attract males out at the club/bar. It worked... she would even low-key set me up to talk with men knowing I had a bf/fiancé. Don't ask me why I agreed to go out lol I hated being at home so I would take any chance to get out of my house. She never made me do anything I didn't want to do, I should add.
I haven't been in a serious relationship for a few years until last year (April 2023 - now). He met the family and they all love my boyfriend (m30). I do have my insecurities as I'm sure others do but I observe a lot. People, behaviors, words, body language... everything. My cousin has done & said some questionable things regarding her other friends' boyfriends. She's never made a move or initiated cheating or anything like that but sometimes it feels like she's being TOO nice and getting TOO close.
As a woman, out of respect of others' relationships/friendships, I wouldn't be too friendly with other womens' significant others. I wouldn't laugh really loud at their jokes, I wouldn't touch them at all except for a hug (if initiated by them), I wouldn't inappropriately dress and flaunt around them. In other words I wouldn't put myself in a position to make any female uncomfortable with me around their boyfriends. All just out of respect because I have been on the receiving end of situations like that & I hate it.
Some of the things I've noticed is that she'd change the tone of her voice around other men/boyfriends. She'd sneak in these random touches on their hands/arms/shoulders. She had a finsta (separate IG account she used to post thirst traps) & added one of our mutual friend's boyfriends... WHICH IS WEIRD - pls don't tell me I'm the only one that feels like that! She dresses super provocatively when she knows there's going to be guys around. I've been FaceTiming my boyfriend a lot (everyday) I'll usually have my phone on a tripod and she'll always say hi to him BUT I noticed she'll wear tight/revealing clothes and come in front of the camera to "talk to me" or she'll be in the background of my FaceTime to show her butt.
Like I said, maybe I have insecurities, maybe I'm being sensitive. But when I remember and add up everything from the past that I've peeped, it's hard to ignore those little gestures. I'm so back-and-forth with this feeling because she's got a good heart and so so so kind, she's been there for me like a best friend for so many years but I'm still uncomfortable with these things that I listed.
WHEW. Ok, idk what to do or go about this.
submitted by thecinnamonbunz to AmIBeingTooSensitive [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:09 rantingskull AITA for asking to have access to the app for the security system that my GF has on the house we both live in?

I live with my GF in her house that she owns. She bought a multiple camera security system to help keep her home and possessions secure. She also is having various trades people coming to fix things in the house and had previously caught one rummaging through her dirty laundry so she understandably wants to be able to keep an eye on them as well.
She got a good deal on a system that meets her needs, has good reviews online and is run from an app on her phone which is super convenient. The problem is that she wants to only have the app on her phone and not let me have access to it.
She is a private person and is extremely unnerved by the idea that anyone would able spy on her in her own home. The only way she was able to finally convince herself to get a camera system was to only allow herself to have access.
She is also worried having the app on multiple devices will cause issues with the app. She had a different system previously and was convinced that part of the issues the previous system had was caused by the app running on multiple devices. (While this may sound like gas lighting, I know her and her technological aptitude enough to know this is a genuine concern she has).
To be honest, don't care about the cameras or about only her having access to them. I appreciate how big a step it was for her to put them in so I want her to feel comfortable and I don't care if she watches me (I don't expect this to a universal standpoint but I personally have no issues so long as she is the only one that can watch me).
I'd feel different if this was a land lord or some third party but with her we have a level of trust and understanding that I am perfectly comfortable with. She was also upfront with me and we had a robust conversation about whether I was comfortable about the cameras and about her being able to see what I’m doing when I'm home.
There are no cameras set up in the bedrooms or bathrooms.
While I realise it might seem hypocritical for her to want exclusive access to the cameras, I also recognise I am a 6’3” 280lbs male and the worst she will catch me doing on the cameras is possibly scratching my butt crack. She meanwhile is a 5’4” female who already had her privacy violated in the past by various disgusting people for various disgusting reasons. This is a double standard but is one that feels to me as understandable even if I get others may have issue with it.
The problem is that part of the security system is an alarm that is turned on and off via the app as well. There is no physical keypad or way to arm or deactivate the alarm without the app.
90% of the time this wouldn't be an issue since she works from home and usually when she is out we are out together and come back together. But this still creates a potential issue when she is out and I'm coming home before her meaning that I have no way to deactivate the alarm.
There is no way on the app for me to just have to access the alarm. Even giving me a guest/non admin login still gives me access to view the cameras, it just stops me messing with settings.
She has suggested I simply message her when I'm home and she will disarm the alarm remotely. This is a hard no in both an emotional and practical standpoint.
Emotionally, giving her 100% control over my ability to access my possessions and a place that I consider home feels wrong.
Practically, she consistently keeps her phone on silent and is notoriously bad at checking her messages or seeing she has missed calls, (sometimes it can take her hours to see the message or that I tried to call her). While I love that she isn't glued to her phone, I am not willing to stand outside the house waiting for her to see my message or get home and I am not willing to gamble on any promises of her changing her behaviour regarding checking messages.
We are looking into potential ways to integrate a keypad or for there to be some other way for me to arm/disarm the alarm without needing the app but I have made it clear that either I be given a way to arm/disarm the alarm that doesn't involve me needing her or the alarm stays permanently off with the only exception being when we both go out together and come home together.
If I was given the app, I would promise never to view cameras and only open it when I needed to arm/disarm the alarm. I do however respect that it means that she would be depending on my assurances which means she would have to give up a degree of control.
If so, is there a better way to approach this so that she feels secure and the house is kept secure but my concern regarding access to the house is addressed?
submitted by rantingskull to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:45 appleebeesfartfartf assistance in turning an old pc into an emulation and media hosting machine

all flairs are really applicible here. so i have an old AIO computer built for windows 8 ( a toshiba lx835-d3300) and i am on fresh windows install number three trying to get this thing to do what i want and i am sick of it. the so far unfixible issue is the hdmi out port is not working. im hoping its a simple driver fix,
I would greatly appreciate any advice and reccommendations on selecting a linux distro that allows for one to run a program like emby or plex and also run emulators for older generation consoles and connect to an xbox 360 controller hub thing if at all possible because that is all i have for controllers and i would rather not buy 4 new controllers just for linux compaitbility. oh and transferring files over a wireless network from a windows pc to a linux one would be very helpful.
submitted by appleebeesfartfartf to linux4noobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:27 AspectNo226 Just passed eJPT!

Just passed eJPT! submitted by AspectNo226 to eLearnSecurity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:51 Bien_Mulberry_243 CallTruth: How to Opt Out of CallTruth Step-by-Step Instructions

CallTruth: How to Opt Out of CallTruth Step-by-Step Instructions

CallTruth: How to Opt Out of CallTruth Step-by-Step InstructionsCallTruth: How to Opt Out of CallTruth Step-by-Step Instructions

In this post, we’ll cover what CallTruth is and provide step-by-step instructions on How to Opt Out of CallTruth.

What is CallTruth?

CallTruth is a reverse phone lookup website that scans through records from multiple public sources. The data obtained from this data broker determines the owner, location, and network provider of any phone number from the United States. Results from reverse phone lookup may include information about the owner’s known relatives and current location. You can also search for the owner’s email address, past addresses, social media profiles, and criminal records using the information from your phone search report.
If you are concerned about your personal information being exposed on sites like CallTruth, protect it and opt out. Follow the step-by-step instructions provided below.
Currently, there are three ways to remove your personal information from data broker sites like CallTruth:
Sign up for Optery's automated opt out and data deletion service. Our service will monitor and remove your profile from dozens of data brokers on an ongoing basis. Click here to sign up and get started with a free account and to learn about our automated service plans.
Remove your personal information from CallTruth by following the steps outlined below. Optery provides guides with step-by-step opt out instructions for many other data brokers here.
If you are a resident of California, you can opt out of data broker sites that follow the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) law. Click here to review Instructions for submitting a CCPA Data Deletion Request.

How do I Opt Out of CallTruth Manually?

1) Navigate to the CallTruth website here: A Robot Check screen may appear, if it does, complete the check and click the CONTINUE button. You will be routed to a Login page. Below the large green LOGIN button is a Do Not Sell My Info link. Click it to begin your opt out from CallTruth.
2) The Opt Out page will ask you to select the type of data you would like to remove from the CallTruth website. In the example below, Person is selected. In the PERSON TO OPT OUT form that appears, enter your first and last name, city, and state where you live, and then click Submit.
3) Find your record from the results that appear and click the REMOVE REPORT button on the right.
4) In order to confirm your record information belongs to you, CallTruth will send you a verification email. Enter your email address in the space provided, complete the security CAPTCHA, and click SEND REQUEST.
IMPORTANT: Whenever contacting a data broker, we highly recommend using a disposable email address, and NOT using your own primary email address. Data brokers are known to add you to their marketing lists and databases whenever you contact them, even if the purpose is to opt out! For more info on Disposable Emails click here
5) Notification your opt out request was successfully submitted will appear.
6) Check your email inbox for an email from CallTruth. Open the email and complete your opt out by clicking the Remove Data button in the email.
7) Notification of your successful opt out will appear. Your personal information will be removed from the CallTruth website.
You have taken a simple, but important step towards reclaiming your privacy. However, there are hundreds of People Search Sites out there displaying peoples’ personal information. They are constantly changing and being updated. It’s nearly impossible to stay on top of these data brokers which is why we offer our premium service that monitors and removes your profile from dozens of data brokers continuously. We do all the work. You get your time back and more peace of mind. Bonus tip: if you’re a business owner worried about the security of your employees, we also have Optery for Business.
submitted by Bien_Mulberry_243 to Optery [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:39 QCTLondon SFP+ Port Failed on DreamWall - Ubiquity Forcing RMA w/no advanced replacement. Opportunity to redesign?

The SFP port on my UniFi Dream Wall failed, which is preventing me from using a DAC cable to connect my 10G Aggregation to the LAN.
UniFi said the problem was covered under warranty and that I could mail it in for a replacement. Only catch is that there is no advance replacement (paid or unpaid - zero options), which would mean that I have to take down my entire network for two to four weeks while the unit is inspected and fixed/replaced.
Which is untenable for me.
So, this forces me into an option of having to buy my own replacement to bridge the RMA.
Which begs the question: do I use this as an opportunity to redesign my network and just sell the replacement on eBay once it arrives?
If so, how would you design it considering that I need the POE++ for the Protect cameras.
Gear: -UniFi Dream Wall -UniFi 10G Aggregation Switch -UnFi Protect w/15 cameras -3x UniFi Switch Flex -1x UniFi Switch Ultra -UniFi Talk w/two phones -Synology DS23xx w/10G NIC
Am I better off just going for the UniFi Dream Machine and a POE Pro or Switch Ultra?
submitted by QCTLondon to Ubiquiti [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:10 komiko11 Turn your phone off and back on once a week.

Turn your phone off and back on once a week. submitted by komiko11 to interestingasfuck [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:35 Critical_thinkerX What is this issue, help!!

What is this issue, help!!
Device is Samsung galaxy Tab A9+ 5G, 8128, all other login methods are working except the call of duty login. I can still login in my phone through cod login, but not on tab, why is that so?
I have no network issue, but every time I try cod login, it says verification error.
Anyone else facing such issue, or have face, or knows anything, please help.
submitted by Critical_thinkerX to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:48 Naterb1 Ripping my hair out over “trying” visible!!

Sorry this a bit of read, but I thought including the details might help someone else that could be caught in this crazy situation.
Brief background – we are currently AT&T customers and have 5 lines. The cost is getting crazy high (over $250/month) and the signal coverage is exceptionally horrible at both our main residence in NW Indiana and our cabin in norther Wisconsin.
We decide it is time to try a different service for a month and as we are heading up north on a family vacation in June and well see how the coverage and data speeds are. After some brief researching it looks like Visible is the one to try. I pickup an older unlocked Samsung S20 FE from Amazon so that we can do side by side comparisons. I confirm the IMEI works on the visible system and decide to just try the basic plan for 30 days.
5/24/2024 8:05pm – Placed the order (ending in 4668) for the basic plan. 10 minutes later I quickly realize, after I got the order confirmation, that I screwed up and didn’t use the referral code but put in the promotional code. ARGH!! I quickly contacted Visible support via chat and was connected to an agent in less than a minute. I was surprised how helpful the agent was as they immediately cancelled the order and told me that once I got an email confirming the cancellation I could go ahead and place the order again with the correct referral code. I was blown away by this level of quick support! (Unfortunately, that would be my LAST time of any positive feeling!)
5/24/2024 9:22pm – Received the cancellation email showing order ending in 4668 has been successfully cancelled.
5/24/2024 9:42pm – Place a new order (ending in 6667 – maybe the 666 should have been a sign?) with the correct referral code and all looks good. We receive an immediate confirmation email on the order ending in 6667.
5/25/2024 9:22am – Received a shipping confirmation email for order ending in 6667. WOW! At this point we are quite impressed with how well everything is going.
5/29/2024 1:20pm – In the mailbox is a UNSEALED, with the end completely open cardboard envelope with a new visible sim card and sim removal tool. However, there is NO other information or paperwork. Nothing! Just the sim card. Unfortunately had to work for the rest of the day so decided we would active the following day.
5/30/2024 – 12:20pm – Downloaded/installed the Visible app, installed the sim and proceeded to active it. Once activated I got a welcome email showing my phone number, but the phone would NOT connect to the Visible carrier network. Frustrated, I followed all the steps provided by the automated chatbot, but nothing worked, so I was connected with an agent. This is where everything started going off the rails! The agent told me that the sim I received was from the CANCELLED order! Please note the ONLY shipping email we received was for the 2nd order ending in 6667. Since that was the only sim that was shipped, why wouldn’t we assume it was correct and try to activate it. Additionally, please remember that this was NO paperwork at all included with the sim. The agent tells us not to worry as the correct sim would be there that afternoon or the following day. However, when we login to our account and look at orders, it is showing that it will ship soon? Trusting the agent, we have patience. Nothing more comes that day.
5/31/2024 – 1:15pm – Mail gets delivered and NO sim! Now I am starting to get frustrated as we are scheduled to leave on the family vacation Saturday morning at 6am. Jump on the support chat and get connected to an agent. The agent takes quite a long time reviewing the situation and confirms that the 2nd order, the order that was NOT cancelled, never shipped. I explain that we received the other sim and asked if they could just provision that one. The agent asked for the number, we sent it, but the agent said they could not reactivate a cancelled sim?? I kept pressing for how we can get this fixed, and the agent shocked me by asking if he could call me! He called me on my home phone line and explained that he was working to get everything corrected. I explained that we were scheduled to leave on our family vacation the following morning at 6am and we would be up north for the whole month of June. The agent asked if we can get mail at our cabin, but I explained that we don’t have US Mail service, but we can get UPS or FedEx deliveries. He said that they cannot ship with anything but USPS! He put me on hold and came back with a shocking solution. He would guarantee that he would ship the sim, via USPS, and have it to our Indiana address by Saturday using USPS. I told him that if was 100% certain of that next day delivery, we would postpone our departure by a day in order to get the delivery. He assured me and told me I would get a confirmation email shortly.
5/31/2024 – 5:11PM – Receive a shipping confirmation email, but when we click on the tracking link, it shows it is being shipped by FedEx and won’t be delivered until MONDAY!! What??!! Try to log in to get to chat, but the system has activated 2FA and wants to send a security code to the phone number that is NOT yet activated since I don’t have a sim!! Using the Visible app on my tablet, I am able to get to chat and get connected with an agent. This agent is FAR less helpful and basically tells me there is nothing they can do since I activated the wrong sim!!?? I explained again that I only tried to activate what they sent me. I requested that they change the activation status to “Not Activated” but the agent said they are not able to do this. The agent suggested that I can wait 48 hours post activation and then make a request to cancel everything and ask for a full refund. The agent said the earliest that request could be don’t was Saturday afternoon. Now we are EXTREMELY frustrated and just want OUT of this mess. The agent did provide a case number for the next agent to reference so we didn’t have start from scratch explaining everything.
6/1/2024 – 3:26pm – Was able to login by letting the system fail at sending the code to the non-active phone, and then using “another way” and having it send the code to my email. Started chat and got connected to an agent. Provided the case number and explained that we have two options: 1. Cancel everything and provide us a full refund or 2. Use FedEx or UPS to send us the correct sim to our cabin in northern Wisconsin as we do NOT have US Mail service and that cannot be an option. The agent said they don’t have control over what shipper is used but they could put a note on the order? We were told in order to make this happen we would need to change the billing/shipping address on our account. We quickly entered the correct address, but when we tried to save it, the system again wants to verify by sending a text to the non-activated phone number. However, this time there is no “another way” so we are completely stuck. We explain this situation to the agent and were told that they will need to escalate this. The agent understood our frustration but “guaranteed” that the address issue would be fixed within 1-2 hours and we would receive an email. Once that occurred, we would need to again contact support and request that they overnight a new sim to the new address (if it gets changed).
6/1/2024 – 7:15pm – (please note that this is WAY more than 1-2 hours) We still have not received any email, so again, I use the chat and get connected to an agent. I provide the case number and the agent quickly sees that it has been way more than 1-2 hours and commits to escalate it with “urgency”. The agent says that this will ensure that the issue is resolved in 1 hour. I explain that we barely have 1 hours’ worth of patience left but will look forward to the resolution in an hour! I did ask if it would just be easier to cancel EVERYTHING out of the system, issue us a refund and let us start over with a fresh new order. The agent said that this would cause issue with the current escalation??
6/1/2024 – 9:35pm – As you may have guessed…still NOTHING from Visible. We cannot change anything or start over since the system thinks we already have an activated sim and working phone but we DON’T. This is beyond absurd and just INSANE!! I had such high hopes and I fully understood that the cost structure allows a more limited support venue, but this is NUTS! How can you keep customers when you cannot even get them setup correctly, and when your system causes issues, how can you not provide your support team the tools and resources to quickly get them corrected?? I am not sure what our next steps should be but after requesting a supervisor, manager or team leader at every chat session, the standard response is “I am sorry but they are not currently available”! How does anything get done at Visible??!! I am a VP of Solutions Engineering and I couldn’t screw up a system this bad if I had my whole team focused on it!
Thanks for letting me vent and ramble, but I would be cautious about signing up with Visible. If things change and get quickly corrected, I will be the first to give kudos and update this here, but maybe we are just in a unique loophole situation that others don’t face?? Either way, I cannot remember the last time my frustration and blood pressure were elevated to this level.
submitted by Naterb1 to Visible [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:44 TheyAreRecords Is $42k a decent price for a pretty loaded XLE Premium? TrueCar originally said $39k

Hey I'm buying my first new car, and excited to finally get a Rav4. I found what I thought was a deal too good to be true on an new (gas) 2024 XLE Premium with basically all the upgrades on TrueCar for $39k. When I get to the dealership they say that the TrueCar quote was a mistake (left over from the Memorial Day sale).
Then on the dealer's website:
And when I ask for out the door price, they say its the sticker $42,874 + $999 processing + $1722 tax for a total of $45,595. But since TrueCar gave me such a different quote, and after the whole salesman/manager game, I get down to out the door for $41,700 and put a (refundable) deposit down since it won't arrive for two weeks.
I don't really care about the TrueCar fiasco and I really like the car, so as long as it's decent deal for what I'm getting, and seems like it is, then I'm okay. Just want to make sure they aren't totally ripping me off, which doesn't seem like the case based on other dealerships I've been to. The $3k "Dealer Adjustment" seems like b.s. so I'm glad they were willing to eat that, and more, off their original quote. What do you all think?

tl;dr for a high cost of living area, is $42k crazy for a loaded 2024 Rav4 XLE Premium? If so, what did you get yours for? Thanks

submitted by TheyAreRecords to Rav4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:34 LibrarianTrue9554 Telecom Tech

Hello everyone! I have been working in telecommunications for over 10 years. I have worked on residential, commercial, and utility/infrastructure cable networks. (Coaxial, Ethernet and Fiber Optics) I have experience in, tv mounting, wireless network set ups, security camera installation, home automation devices, automatic window blinds, wall fishing and wired alarm panels.
I have been helping family and friends for years with TV mounting,RouteAccess point set ups, outdoor cameras installations, running new cabling and many other projects. I’m looking to use my experience to help support people in our community. I would love to help you get the most of your home and smart devices.
No job is too small feel free to message me for a free consultation to see if I can help you!
submitted by LibrarianTrue9554 to HendersonNV [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:32 ThatKidSpud29 Courage The Cowardly Dog VS Luz Noceda (Cartoon Network VS Disney Channel) Connections + Potential's below

Courage The Cowardly Dog VS Luz Noceda (Cartoon Network VS Disney Channel) Connections + Potential's below
Warning: spoilers for both cartoons Connections: Both are main characters of shows that aired on rivaling companies/networks (Disney Channel and Cartoon Network) they both sport colors that are mostly associated with girl's (Purple and Pink)
While they were abandoned or entered a whole different dimension they were found by gray haired ladies (Muriel Bagge and Eda Clawthrone they also have contrasting personalities, Eda is confident, mischievous,has no respect for laws and authority and is sometimes immature while Muriel Bagge is kind,sweet and gentle to everyone even the villains that have tried to hurt her,courage and Eustace.) That are both willing to protect Courage and Luz from harm and also they have both turned into monsters on multiple occasions (Muriel has turned into a weremole and has gotten possessed by a mattress demon while Eda turns into the Owl Beast because of a curse put on her) lastly they both are skilled in stringed instruments (the Sitar and Bell Cittern)
Due to Luz and Courage being found by Eda and Muriel, they were taken to their homes where they live with their husband/roommate (Eustace Bagge and King) that are both self centered,lazy,easily frustrated and greedy (well king used to be like that in the first few episodes) they have parent issues (Eustace doesn't get along with his Mom and King
Both Luz and Courage reside in worlds where that are filled with tons of creepy things and Monsters (The Middle Of Nowhere and The Demon Realm)
Luz and Courage have dealt with similar situations such as curing/reverting Eda and Muriel back to their normal selves when they turned into monsters as mentioned before (the mattress demon and a weremole for Muriel and the Owl Beast for Eda, however she's still able to transform)
They've also fought a being that is able to turn people into puppets (The great fusilli and The Collector) in which they turned Courage and Luz's loved ones into puppets
They also learned magic (yes courage has done magic before in one episode)
They have also crossed over with a brown cladded being that is of the same species as them (Scooby Doo and Anne Boonchuy) and are similar to them and have an intelligent friend (Marcy Wu and Velma) and a friend that is really skilled in fighting (Sasha and Daphne)
Lastly they have defeated giant being (Emperor Belos and the Cicada Queen) thanks to getting power from powerful objects or energies (The Dark Matter Meteor and Titan Magic from King’s father)
Meta Connections
The Owl House was originally pitched to Cartoon Network(alongside Nickelodeon) so courage the cowardly dog and Luz Noceda could've been on the same company
They have also crossed over with other characters from their companies
Contrasts Courage is an Animal whereas Luz is a Human
While Courage is often cowardly,easily frightened and paranoid, Luz is optimistic,cheerful,outgoing and Brave
Interaction potential The interaction potential would be great as Luz could find Courage cute and Courage could get Deja Vu of Mondo Magic at Luz's glyphs.
Animation And Fight Potential It would be AMAZING it could probably be hand drawn it could be Courage throwing lots of wacky and toon force at Luz while Luz uses her glyphs and Palisman against Courage and she could probably be surprised by courage's powers and how he constantly survives and regenerates everything she throws at him, it can also have similar parts from “Scooby Doo VS Courage The Cowardly Dog” off of Death Battle there could be a part where Luz burns Courage to ashes with a fire glyph or freezes him with a ice glyph and at first Luz gets completely shocked in horror as he thinks he's killed courage but courage just regenerates from it good as new and let's Luz know he's ok and Luz gets relieved that courage is ok,they could also use their intelligence in the battle and I could see Luz suddenly having enough and transforming into her Titan hybrid form and courage looking surprised as he sees Luz's Titan form and makes one of those “or my name is” lines and he could pull out the Dark Matter Meteor and use it against Luz and it could probably end with Titan Luz doing a “Now Eat This Suckaaa!!” as she fires an ENORMOUS blast or a crazy glyph combo at Courage as and he screams powerful sound waves against the enormous blast or the crazy glyph combo causing them to clash for while until it explodes creating a big dust cloud as it clears showing both Courage and Luz to appear lying down in a big crater caused by the explosion as Luz is reverted back to normal and Courage is just straight up burnt and wounded from the explosion. Though I'm not entirely sure what would cause them to fight though maybe it could be Courage,Muriel and Eustace somehow ending up in the Demon realm and they enter the Owl House and it could take place after the owl house ended meaning Belos has been defeated.
Debate Potential I'm pretty stumped on this one as we all know Courage is impossible to kill and we both know how powerful he is as shown on Death Battle which would give Luz a struggle as she will definitely struggle with trying to kill Courage, I'm not sure if Courage's computer could have knowledge on Luz because it didn't have knowledge on Scooby Doo in the Crossover,also the owl house doesn't have much toon force,not to mention Courage could probably use the meteor to turn Luz into random objects or animation styles or even revert Titan Luz back to normal but in conclusion I'm not really sure who would win because I don't really know how strong Luz is in her base and Titan form. Though if Composite Luz Noceda with her Chibi incarnation she could probably stand a better chance as the Disney Chibi characters have a lot of crazy toon force and Luz could scale to the other chibi's who have done crazy things with toon force such as Hamster and Gretel who messed with the video buttons to rewind,fast forward, freeze time and made professor exclamation old, Sprig who once grabbed the moon with his tongue and Scratch who once grew so large he ate the entire earth, and not to mention some of the chibi characters Luz included have 4th wall awareness and have talked or messed with the camera (though courage has done the same thing before)
Music Potential The music Potential would also be amazing. I'm not sure if It would be one of those singing tracks or not but still it would be amazing. I'm not sure how I could describe it, maybe it’d have a chorus in it similar to the ending theme of the owl house or something idk.
submitted by ThatKidSpud29 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:22 Slytheringirl1994 What was the point of Dom?

Out of all of the contestants that ever participated on the Next Food Network Star, the one contestant that made me really question why they were in the competition was a contestant named Dom Tesoriero. He was a contestant that appeared on The Next Food Network Star on season 11 and he wanted to show his Brooklyn food he grew up with to audiences everywhere. Now we've seen contestants that are very nervous on camera before. To some, it doesn't come naturally and that's understandable but Dom I felt took it a bit higher and REALLY didn't want to be anywhere near that camera or even near an audience for that matter. He has physically presented wanting to just leave the situation he put himself in and we all saw that. So what was the point of inviting him on the show and keeping him for as long as they did if being on camera and doing presentations was something he didn't want to do and showed it?
submitted by Slytheringirl1994 to foodnetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:34 Platophaedrus New Install Advice

I’m looking to purchase new WiFi APs and I have had (and still have) UniFi AP AC Pro units which have had no issues in roughly 10 years. They still run on the original PoE 8port150 switch. I bought at the same time.
I am now in a larger house and have the option to run cables and install WiFi APs on my ceilings, which wasn’t possible previously.
I’m looking for suggestions regarding new Access Points (I need 3 or 4).
Are there any suggestions from users, anything I should avoid from the Ubiquiti line up?
submitted by Platophaedrus to Ubiquiti [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:32 w7090655 What are your favorite Acting Related Podcasts or Actor-led Pordcasts?

I like listening to different podcasts while I'm doing mundane tasks to just stay engaged with acting in some way every day. Is there anything you're listening to that is of value?
Podcasts I am already familiar with are
Looking for podcasts to suit the different needs for actors whether it is:
submitted by w7090655 to acting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:08 IfSatementFalse Issues with SMB

I got the DXP4800 plus. I set it up on my network, it is connected to the internet and I can do the local login through the web portal. However SMB is just not working neither is the app. One device connected through smb just fine and asked me what user to sign in with, however other devices on the same network can't. I tryed to add it to my windows pc and it usually fails to connect but once it did work and asked for credentials then just quit mid way through. When I use the app to scan the lan it doesn't find anything, and I can't remote connect, but if I use the local url it works fine. Anyone know whats up or have any ideas to help?
submitted by IfSatementFalse to UgreenNASync [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:38 Plastic-Guava-4087 Don't Panic, Fix It! Common Apple Mac Issues You Can Tackle Yourself

Your Mac is your digital companion, and seeing it malfunction can be a major source of stress. But before you sprint to the nearest repair shop, consider this: many common Mac issues can be tackled with a little DIY magic! Here's a breakdown of some frequent problems you might be able to solve yourself:
  1. Sluggish Performance:
Over time, your Mac can accumulate temporary files and cluttered storage, leading to sluggishness. The good news is, a simple cleanup can breathe new life into your device. Use tools like "Disk Utility" to free up storage space and utilize "Activity Monitor" to identify and close resource-hogging processes.
  1. Software Glitches and Application Crashes:
Sometimes, a simple software hiccup can cause unexpected behavior. Try restarting your Mac – it's a classic for a reason! If the problem persists, consider reinstalling the affected application. Most applications offer built-in uninstallers, and the Mac App Store makes reinstallation a breeze.
  1. Outdated Software:
Outdated software is like wearing clothes riddled with holes – it might look familiar, but it leaves you exposed. Luckily, keeping your Mac's software up-to-date is easy. Head over to "System Preferences" and navigate to "Software Update." Install any available updates for macOS and your applications to ensure smooth operation.
  1. Erratic Wi-Fi Connection:
A frustratingly common issue – the unreliable Wi-Fi connection. Before blaming your internet provider, try some troubleshooting steps. Start by restarting your router and modem. Next, forget the Wi-Fi network on your Mac and reconnect. If these steps don't resolve the issue, explore your Mac's network settings – you might need to adjust network preferences or renew your DHCP lease.
  1. Slow Startup Times:
A slow startup can significantly impact your productivity. The culprit could be a program automatically launching at login. Head over to "System Preferences" and navigate to "Users & Groups." Select your user account and then click on "Login Items." Here, you can disable any programs you don't need to launch automatically at startup.
Remember, these are just a few common issues. For more complex problems or if you're unsure about DIY repairs, seeking professional help is always recommended. When it comes to Apple Mac repairs in Melbourne, there are numerous qualified and reliable specialists available who can diagnose and fix any issue your Mac might throw your way.
submitted by Plastic-Guava-4087 to computerepaironsite [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:00 DashcamDiscount How Many Cameras Does Tesla Have?

Tesla's innovative approach to automotive technology has not only revolutionized electric vehicles but also set new standards in vehicle safety and autonomy. A key element of Tesla's advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) is its comprehensive network of cameras, designed to provide a 360-degree view around the vehicle. For enthusiasts and potential buyers alike, a common question arises: How many cameras does Tesla have on its vehicles? Let's explore the intricate camera system that helps make Tesla's vision for the future a reality today.
The Eyes of Autopilot: Tesla's Camera Network
As of my last update, Tesla vehicles equipped with the latest Autopilot and Full Self-Driving (FSD) capabilities utilize a suite of eight external cameras, providing a seamless panoramic view around the car. This setup includes:
  1. Three Forward Cameras: Positioned at the top of the windshield, this trio offers varying fields of view (narrow, main, and wide) to capture detailed images of the road ahead, facilitating tasks from lane recognition to obstacle detection over long distances.
  2. Two Side-Forward Cameras: Located on the front fenders, these cameras monitor the vehicle's blind spots and assist in detecting objects and movement that could impact lane changes and turns.
  3. Two Side-Rear Cameras: Integrated into the side pillars, they provide a view of the car's rear flanks, enhancing visibility for lane changes and monitoring side approaches.
  4. One Rearward Camera: Positioned above the rear license plate, this camera offers a clear view of the area behind the vehicle, crucial for reversing maneuvers and monitoring traffic approaching from the rear.
Leveraging Camera Capabilities for Enhanced Safety and Autonomy
Tesla's camera network is integral to its Autopilot and Full Self-Driving functionalities, enabling features such as:
The Future of Tesla's Vision System
Tesla's commitment to continuous improvement through over-the-air software updates means that the functionality and efficiency of these cameras are regularly enhanced. The company's focus on vision-based technology, eschewing LiDAR, underscores its belief in the cameras' ability to deliver comprehensive environmental data necessary for safe autonomous driving.
Conclusion: A Panoramic Perspective on Innovation
Tesla's use of multiple cameras underscores its pioneering approach to vehicle safety, navigation, and the pursuit of full autonomy. By providing an extensive field of view and deep environmental awareness, Tesla vehicles stand at the forefront of integrating advanced technology to enhance the driving experience.
For more insights into Tesla's innovative features, including in-depth discussions on its Autopilot system, camera functionality, and future advancements, visit our website. We delve into the latest in automotive technology, offering readers a closer look at what makes Tesla a leader in the electric vehicle market.
submitted by DashcamDiscount to dashcamera [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:42 Pokemon_bill Is the problem my MB or the GPU

I have the 4070 TiS installed on a Z790 PG Sonic MB.
When I installed the 4070 in the primary PCIe lane (gen 5 x16) the PC would crash on login to Windows every time. It would boot to the login screen and could sit there indefinitely with no problems but as soon as I login it black screen restarted.
After pulling my hair out from trying to figure out what was wrong I eventually moved the GPU to the secondary PCIe slot 4 x16.
When I did that the PC became stable. I settled for that miracle and have been using it like that for about 2 months give or take.
Now I'm trying to run unreal engine 5 and every time I open it I get a crash report stating "GPU Crashed or D3D Device Removed. Check Log for GPU state information. A GPU mini dump was be saved in the Logs folder."
Yes it says "was be saved" which, while funny I'm getting tired of seeing. On the bright side while I don't know much about this personally I was able to find the log or in this case logs folder and found several files.
What they are talking about seems to be my system specs and what failed. It looks like VtuneApi.dll and it's 32 bit counterpart. It says they don't exist.
I'll be adding the log file to this post when I switch to PC.
This isn't the only thing the system has been failing to run and it's not the only problem I've noticed.
I also see what I would describe as artifacting in the display. For a few seconds when things open or are closed I'll see pixels not being rendered and in some cases they jump around so it'll look like speckles being randomly placed on the screen for a moment.
When I received my 4070 and tried to install it originally I believed it to be defective so I returned the first one.
I don't know the odds of getting two defective in a row but honestly I suspect the MB just as much as the GPU at this point.
Please help!
Thanks in advance.
**Edit to include crash log from unreal engine. Log Below.
Log file open, 06/01/24 18:23:48 LogWindows: Failed to load 'aqProf.dll' (GetLastError=126) LogWindows: File 'aqProf.dll' does not exist LogProfilingDebugging: Loading WinPixEventRuntime.dll for PIX profiling (from ../../../Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Windows/WinPixEventRuntime/x64). LogWindows: Failed to load 'VtuneApi.dll' (GetLastError=126) LogWindows: File 'VtuneApi.dll' does not exist LogWindows: Failed to load 'VtuneApi32e.dll' (GetLastError=126) LogWindows: File 'VtuneApi32e.dll' does not exist LogWindows: Enabling Tpause support LogICUInternationalization: ICU TimeZone Detection - Raw Offset: -5:00, Platform Override: '' LogInit: Session CrashGUID >==================================================== Session CrashGUID > UECC-Windows-E0ED82AE4064D6F6536E1DAA1672EFB5 Session CrashGUID >==================================================== LogConfig: No local boot hotfix file found at: [../../../Engine/Programs/LiveCodingConsole/Saved/PersistentDownloadDiHotfixForNextBoot.txt] LogInit: ExecutableName: LiveCodingConsole.exe LogInit: Build: ++UE5+Release-5.4-CL-33305029 LogInit: Platform=WindowsEditor LogInit: MachineId=9c24159548d0b21aadad11809f2dd72a LogInit: DeviceId= LogInit: Engine Version: 5.4.1-33305029+++UE5+Release-5.4 LogInit: Compatible Engine Version: 5.4.0-33043543+++UE5+Release-5.4 LogInit: Net CL: 33043543 LogInit: OS: Windows 11 (23H2) [10.0.22631.3593] (), CPU: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-13600K, GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): Apr 30 2024 04:42:19 LogInit: Architecture: x64 LogInit: Compiled with Visual C++: 19.38.33130.00 LogInit: Build Configuration: Development LogInit: Branch Name: ++UE5+Release-5.4 LogInit: Command Line: -Group=UE_MyProject_0x8580acfa -Hidden -ProjectName="MyProject" LogInit: Base Directory: C:/Unreal Engine/UE_5.4/Engine/Binaries/Win64/ LogInit: Allocator: Mimalloc LogInit: Installed Engine Build: 1 LogInit: This binary is optimized with LTO: no, PGO: no, instrumented for PGO data collection: no LogDevObjectVersion: Number of dev versions registered: 36 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Blueprints (B0D832E4-1F89-4F0D-ACCF-7EB736FD4AA2): 10 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Build (E1C64328-A22C-4D53-A36C-8E866417BD8C): 0 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Core (375EC13C-06E4-48FB-B500-84F0262A717E): 4 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Editor (E4B068ED-F494-42E9-A231-DA0B2E46BB41): 40 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Framework (CFFC743F-43B0-4480-9391-14DF171D2073): 37 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Mobile (B02B49B5-BB20-44E9-A304-32B752E40360): 3 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Networking (A4E4105C-59A1-49B5-A7C5-40C4547EDFEE): 0 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Online (39C831C9-5AE6-47DC-9A44-9C173E1C8E7C): 0 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Physics (78F01B33-EBEA-4F98-B9B4-84EACCB95AA2): 20 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Platform (6631380F-2D4D-43E0-8009-CF276956A95A): 0 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Rendering (12F88B9F-8875-4AFC-A67C-D90C383ABD29): 48 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Sequencer (7B5AE74C-D270-4C10-A958-57980B212A5A): 13 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-VR (D7296918-1DD6-4BDD-9DE2-64A83CC13884): 3 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-LoadTimes (C2A15278-BFE7-4AFE-6C17-90FF531DF755): 1 LogDevObjectVersion: Private-Geometry (6EACA3D4-40EC-4CC1-B786-8BED09428FC5): 3 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-AnimPhys (29E575DD-E0A3-4627-9D10-D276232CDCEA): 17 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Anim (AF43A65D-7FD3-4947-9873-3E8ED9C1BB05): 15 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-ReflectionCapture (6B266CEC-1EC7-4B8F-A30B-E4D90942FC07): 1 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Automation (0DF73D61-A23F-47EA-B727-89E90C41499A): 1 LogDevObjectVersion: FortniteMain (601D1886-AC64-4F84-AA16-D3DE0DEAC7D6): 134 LogDevObjectVersion: FortniteValkyrie (8DBC2C5B-54A7-43E0-A768-FCBB7DA29060): 8 LogDevObjectVersion: FortniteSeason (5B4C06B7-2463-4AF8-805B-BF70CDF5D0DD): 12 LogDevObjectVersion: FortniteRelease (E7086368-6B23-4C58-8439-1B7016265E91): 13 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Enterprise (9DFFBCD6-494F-0158-E221-12823C92A888): 10 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Niagara (F2AED0AC-9AFE-416F-8664-AA7FFA26D6FC): 1 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Destruction (174F1F0B-B4C6-45A5-B13F-2EE8D0FB917D): 10 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Physics-Ext (35F94A83-E258-406C-A318-09F59610247C): 41 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-PhysicsMaterial-Chaos (B68FC16E-8B1B-42E2-B453-215C058844FE): 1 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-CineCamera (B2E18506-4273-CFC2-A54E-F4BB758BBA07): 1 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-VirtualProduction (64F58936-FD1B-42BA-BA96-7289D5D0FA4E): 1 LogDevObjectVersion: UE5-Main (697DD581-E64F-41AB-AA4A-51ECBEB7B628): 119 LogDevObjectVersion: UE5-Release (D89B5E42-24BD-4D46-8412-ACA8DF641779): 51 LogDevObjectVersion: UE5-PrivateFrosty (59DA5D52-1232-4948-B878-597870B8E98B): 8 LogDevObjectVersion: UE5-Dev-Cooker (26075A32-730F-4708-88E9-8C32F1599D05): 0 LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-MediaFramework (6F0ED827-A609-4895-9C91-998D90180EA4): 2 LogDevObjectVersion: UE5-Dev-LWCRendering (30D58BE3-95EA-4282-A6E3-B159D8EBB06A): 1 LogInit: Presizing for max 100000 objects, including 0 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes for permanent pool. LogInit: Object subsystem initialized LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [Startup] File [../../../Engine/Config/ConsoleVariables.ini] LogConfig: CVar [[r.DumpShaderDebugInfo:2]] deferred - dummy variable created LogConfig: CVar [[r.Shaders.WarningsAsErrors:0 ;; 0: off, 1: global shaders, 2: all]] deferred - dummy variable created LogConfig: CVar [[p.chaos.AllowCreatePhysxBodies:1]] deferred - dummy variable created LogConfig: CVar [[fx.SkipVectorVMBackendOptimizations:1]] deferred - dummy variable created [2024.06.01-22.23.48:400][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [Startup_Windows] File [../../../Engine/Config/ConsoleVariables.ini] [2024.06.01-22.23.48:400][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ConsoleVariables] File [Engine] [2024.06.01-22.23.48:400][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[memory.MemoryPressureCriticalThresholdMB:512]] [2024.06.01-22.23.48:400][ 0]LogInit: Computer: SHADOW [2024.06.01-22.23.48:400][ 0]LogInit: User: wjoyn [2024.06.01-22.23.48:400][ 0]LogInit: CPU Page size=4096, Cores=14 [2024.06.01-22.23.48:400][ 0]LogInit: High frequency timer resolution =10.000000 MHz [2024.06.01-22.23.48:519][ 0]LogMemory: Process is running as part of a Windows Job with separate resource limits [2024.06.01-22.23.48:519][ 0]LogMemory: Memory total: Physical=31.8GB (32GB approx) Virtual=33.8GB [2024.06.01-22.23.48:519][ 0]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for WindowsEditor [2024.06.01-22.23.48:519][ 0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 53.18 MB used, 53.75 MB peak [2024.06.01-22.23.48:519][ 0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 112.80 MB used, 112.80 MB peak [2024.06.01-22.23.48:519][ 0]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 11902.70 MB used, 20695.80 MB free, 32598.50 MB total [2024.06.01-22.23.48:519][ 0]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 14361.61 MB used, 20284.89 MB free, 34646.50 MB total [2024.06.01-22.23.48:523][ 0]LogUObjectArray: 484 objects as part of root set at end of initial load. [2024.06.01-22.23.48:523][ 0]LogUObjectAllocator: 98008 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool. [2024.06.01-22.23.48:523][ 0]LogUObjectArray: CloseDisregardForGC: 0/0 objects in disregard for GC pool [2024.06.01-22.23.48:523][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US). [2024.06.01-22.23.48:523][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US). [2024.06.01-22.23.48:524][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No specific localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the language. [2024.06.01-22.23.48:547][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US). [2024.06.01-22.23.48:547][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US). [2024.06.01-22.23.48:547][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the language. [2024.06.01-22.23.48:548][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the locale. [2024.06.01-22.23.48:551][ 0]LogPackageLocalizationCache: Processed 2 localized package path(s) for 1 prioritized culture(s) in 0.000087 seconds [2024.06.01-22.23.48:551][ 0]LogInit: Setting process to per monitor DPI aware [2024.06.01-22.23.48:555][ 0]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: Available input methods: [2024.06.01-22.23.48:555][ 0]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: - English (United States) - (Keyboard). [2024.06.01-22.23.48:555][ 0]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: Activated input method: English (United States) - (Keyboard). [2024.06.01-22.23.48:571][ 0]LogSlate: New Slate User Created. Platform User Id 0, User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0 [2024.06.01-22.23.48:571][ 0]LogSlate: Slate User Registered. User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0 [2024.06.01-22.23.48:583][ 0]LogSlate: Using FreeType 2.10.0 [2024.06.01-22.23.48:583][ 0]LogSlate: SlateFontServices - WITH_FREETYPE: 1, WITH_HARFBUZZ: 1 [2024.06.01-22.23.48:587][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: D3D11 adapters settings: [2024.06.01-22.23.48:587][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: D3D11 adapters: [2024.06.01-22.23.48:587][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Testing D3D11 adapter: 0. Description: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER'. VendorId: 10de. DeviceId: 2705. [2024.06.01-22.23.48:663][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: 0. 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER'. Feature level: 11_1 [2024.06.01-22.23.48:663][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Testing D3D11 adapter: 1. Description: 'Microsoft Basic Render Driver'. VendorId: 1414. DeviceId: 008c. [2024.06.01-22.23.48:664][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: 1. 'Microsoft Basic Render Driver'. Feature level: 11_1 [2024.06.01-22.23.48:664][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Skip adapter. [2024.06.01-22.23.48:664][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Selected D3D11 Description: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER'. VendorId: 10de. DeviceId: 2705. [2024.06.01-22.23.48:751][ 0]LogVSAccessor: Display: Unable to create Visual Studio setup instance: 80040154 [2024.06.01-22.23.48:751][ 0]LogVSAccessor: Display: Unable to create Visual Studio setup instance: 80040154 [2024.06.01-22.23.48:752][ 0]LogVSAccessor: Display: Unable to create Visual Studio setup instance: 80040154 [2024.06.01-22.23.48:815][ 0]LogLiveCodingServer: Display: Registered restarted process C:\Unreal Engine\UE_5.4\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor.exe (PID: 19136, previous PID: 18216)
submitted by Pokemon_bill to buildapc [link] [comments]