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2016.12.22 23:47 jessestone09 How To Make Money Fast Ideas

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2024.06.02 00:29 WittyEvaluator Does Masturbation Decrease Testosterone Levels?

Diving into the topic of masturbation can lead us into a sea of myths and misunderstandings. One major myth is that it reduces testosterone levels in the body. However, studies have shown that this is not true. For both men and women, masturbation does not decrease testosterone levels in the long run.

Testosterone is key for sexual health and desire. Yet, its levels are not affected in the long term by masturbation. So, feel free to enjoy your own company without fearing for your hormone health.
It's crucial to dispel the myth that masturbation lowers testosterone. Instead, we should look into what really does affect these hormone levels. This way, we get a more precise understanding of how masturbation relates to our health.

Key Takeaways:

Debunking Masturbation Myths: The Testosterone Myth

Many myths surround masturbation. One frequent myth is it lowers testosterone levels, affecting health. Yet, studies have shown the truth about this myth.
Research tells us masturbation doesn't change testosterone levels long-term. There are wrong ideas about how sex and ejaculation impact us. It's time to share the real story about masturbation and testosterone.
Studies find no proof that masturbation drops testosterone. Testosterone usually stays the same, even after you masturbate. Any rise in testosterone during the activity goes back down.
Testosterone is key for sex health and desire. It helps keep your libido, manage sperm making, and maintain good erectile function. It's key to know the true effects of masturbation on this hormone.
By sharing the truth, we help people understand the facts. It's vital to clear up worries about masturbation hurting testosterone. Remember, masturbating is normal and good for sexual health, without affecting testosterone in bad ways.

Understanding Testosterone: Functions and Fluctuations

Testosterone is key for both sexual health and desire in men and women. It maintains libido, regulates sperm production, and helps with healthy erections. In the game of sexual desire, it's like the main player, making sure our sex lives are satisfying.

Testosterone's Role in Sexual Health and Desire

In men, testosterone is the major sex hormone, but women make it too in smaller amounts. It's important for men growing facial hair, having a deep voice, and building muscle. Testosterone also keeps the male reproductive system in good shape.
For both genders, it's crucial for wanting sex and getting turned on. The right amount means a strong sex drive and the ability to perform in bed. Too little, and you might not feel like doing it or have trouble getting ready.

Short-Term Hormonal Responses to Sexual Activities

Any sexual activity, even solo play, can briefly boost testosterone. Testosterone spikes during arousal and sexual action. This boost makes you want sex more, enjoy it better, and perform well.
Once you reach orgasm, testosterone drops back to normal levels. These ups and downs are just part of how our bodies handle sex. They aren't the same as long-term changes in testosterone.

The Impact of External Factors on Testosterone Levels

Things outside of sex, like stress, can mess with your testosterone. Stress can lower testosterone levels, affecting your desire and performance in bed.
Not getting enough sleep is also bad for testosterone. Sleep is super important for keeping your hormones in check and staying healthy. Issues like obesity and diabetes can also mess with your testosterone levels.
It's important to know what testosterone does and what affects it. Misinformation about testosterone and masturbation is common. By learning the facts, people can better take care of their sexual health and happiness.

Does Masturbation Decrease Testosterone?

Many think that masturbation lowers testosterone levels, but research says otherwise. This myth is false. Engaging in solo pleasure does not significantly affect testosterone production long-term. It's important to share the truth about this topic.
Masturbation is common and good for you. It might briefly change your testosterone levels because of arousal and release. But these effects are short and do not influence long-term testosterone levels.
The idea that too much ejaculation drops testosterone has circulated. Yet, studies show otherwise. The body balances testosterone levels well, regardless of how often you masturbate.
Sharing accurate facts on masturbation and testosterone is key. Knowing the reality helps everyone make better choices for their sexual health. It also fights against spreading harmful myths.
Keep in mind, testosterone can be affected by age, lifestyle, and health. Taking care of yourself with exercise, a balanced diet, enough sleep, and stress relief is important. This helps keep your testosterone levels healthy.
In conclusion, the claim that masturbation lowers testosterone is false. Masturbation is normal and does not hurt testosterone levels in the long run. It's essential to spread true information and clear up misunderstandings about masturbation and testosterone.

Managing Testosterone Levels: Beyond Sexual Activities

Masturbation doesn't lower testosterone levels, but there are key factors in play. Lifestyle choices are crucial in controlling testosterone levels. It's not just about sex.
Simple lifestyle changes can positively affect testosterone. Regular workouts boost testosterone. Strength training, like weightlifting, is great for this. Also, a diet rich in zinc and vitamin D helps.
Getting enough sleep is vital for testosterone. Bad sleep lowers testosterone. Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night to stay healthy.
If low testosterone is a serious issue, consider therapy. This includes testosterone injections under a doctor’s care. This can boost energy, increase desire, and prevent muscle loss.
Optimizing testosterone involves more than just sex. Healthy habits like exercise, good food, and sleep are key. They help keep your testosterone at a healthy level.


Does masturbation decrease testosterone levels?

No, masturbation doesn't lower your testosterone for good. Studies show this isn't true. While it might change a bit in the short term, it doesn't last or matter much.
So, it's fine to do what feels good without worrying about your testosterone levels being affected much.

What are some myths about masturbation and testosterone levels?

One big myth is that masturbating makes your testosterone drop. But, science has proven this wrong. It's important to share the right info and stop these false ideas.

What is the role of testosterone in sexual health and desire?

Testosterone is key for both men and women's sexual health and desire. It keeps your interest in sex, makes sperm, and helps you get erections well. So, it's pretty important for a healthy sex life.

Do sexual activities cause short-term fluctuations in testosterone levels?

Yes, having sex or getting turned on can bump up your testosterone quickly. After you reach orgasm, these levels generally go back to normal.

What factors can impact testosterone levels?

A lot of things can affect how much testosterone you have. Stress, not sleeping enough, and some health problems can lower it. But, lifestyle choices like working out, eating right, and getting enough sleep can keep your levels in check.

How does masturbation affect testosterone levels?

Frequent masturbation doesn't seem to lower your testosterone over time. There's little to no proof that it does. It's key to share accurate info and put this myth to rest.

What strategies are available for managing testosterone levels?

To keep your testosterone in a good range, you can do more than just have sex. Things like staying active, eating healthy, and sleeping enough are important. Sometimes, someone with very low testosterone might need extra help from their doctor.

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submitted by WittyEvaluator to RedditRealTalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:48 mongus_the_batata My proudest contributions to r/okbuddygenshin

So here is the list of my degen posts, i will update them from time to time when i make more. You might notice that most of these are from my old acc u/cursed_mongus , thats what you get for being too comfortable on this website lol (just lost 150k karma points what am i going to do now my life is ruined)
Story about kazuho's dick MY PROUDEST WORK :
[Part 1](\_about\_kazuhos\_dick/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=1)
[Part 2](\_about\_kazuhos\_dick\_part\_2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=1)
[Part 3](\_made\_an\_okbuddygenshin\_anime\_episode\_read\_my/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[Part 4](WIP i promise one day ill continue it)
Copypastas :
[Drago is so fucking annoying](\_is\_so\_fucking\_annoying/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[Exposing drago](\_drago/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[How can the Gardemeks be used in sex](\_can\_the\_gardemeks\_be\_used\_in\_sex/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[Do you think childe is gonna get raped](\_you\_think\_childe\_is\_gonna\_get\_raped/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[Getting a hydroslime pregnant](\_a\_hydroslime\_pregnant/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[Varka having sex with horses](\_having\_sex\_with\_horses/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[Kujou sara using ripped dicks as dildos](\_sara\_using\_ripped\_dicks\_as\_dildos/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[AITA for wanting to get fucked by a Nahida_mains user](\_for\_wanting\_to\_get\_fucked\_by\_a\_rnahida\_mains/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[AITA for cumming on signora's ashes](\_for\_cumming\_on\_signoras\_ashes/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[Guys help ?? I got cyno pregnant because of waypoint boobs](\_help\_i\_got\_cyno\_pregnant\_because\_of\_waypoint/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[I got raped by neuvilette and got pregnant](\_got\_raped\_by\_neuvilette\_and\_got\_pregnant/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[Holy shit i just destroyed teyvat with my cum](\_shit\_i\_just\_destroyed\_teyvat\_with\_my\_cum/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[Wanting to partake in sexual intercourse with tectone so bad right now](\_to\_partake\_in\_sexual\_intercourse\_with/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[Bro i want MinisterCrack to get vaporized by the Guizhong ballista](\_i\_want\_ministercrack\_to\_get\_vaporized\_by\_the/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[Why is there so little vishap porn on the internet ?????](\_is\_there\_so\_little\_vishap\_porn\_on\_the\_internet/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[Damn! I got raped by quaso after masturbating to ganyu scat porn!😱😱](\_i\_got\_raped\_by\_quaso\_after\_masturbating\_to/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[Getting dominated by eula 🤤](\_dominated\_by\_eula/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[My opinion on natlan dragons and if i think they would make great rapists](\_opinion\_on\_natlan\_dragons\_and\_if\_i\_think\_they/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
Vishap rape edits :
submitted by mongus_the_batata to u/mongus_the_batata [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:51 Penumbranm Great general information from an expert Urologist in Germany
Peyronie's disease, also known as bent penis or curved penis, is a fairly common condition in men. Dr. Dr. Stefan Buntrock, urologist from Göttingen in Germany, explains on UroChannes the nature of the disease and 5 facts you should know about it.
How to fix a curved pp, curved penis?, how to fix a curved penis, how to straighten out a bent penis with Peyronie’s disease, do normal penises have a curve?, curved erection?, does masturbation cause the penis to bend, curved penises, why Peyronie’s disease causes penile curvature in different directions, what causes curvature in a penis, how to treat and correct curvature in a penis, bend penis in young age? Congenital penile curvature or peyronie, Insight into Peyronie’s disease: cause and treatment for penis curvature, do you have curve or bend in penis? This can be Peyronie’s disease, 2 easy ways to straighten a curved penis, when you have curved penis, is it bad to have a crooked penis?,is it normal to have a curve in the penis?
SOCIAL MEDIA: / urochannel
submitted by Penumbranm to PeyroniesSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:11 Launch_and_Lunch Austin Wayne is the worst height grifter ever

I hope this post doesn't end up giving him more attention lol, it's more of a warning and just me flabbergasted. Austin Wayne is a looksmaxxing channel with focus on height, and how his supplements and routines make you taller if you're under 25, oh yeah he's 6'6" swedish with both parents being 5'9". His videos are just targeting super young kids just like Hamza but preying on height insecurities instead of racial insecurities. There's no way to grow after your growth plates have solidified, case closed. Height grifting is pretty much completely debunked these days but some still slip through with really slimy tactics like Austin. But the video that actually triggered me enough was his recent one about growing your Johnson bigger.
There were so many wrong and harmful things I didn't even know where to start; I left a lengthy comment but basically debunked no fap, talked about dangers of jelquing, source checking his wild claims about supplementation and testosterone. He said masturbation makes your penis smaller because it pushes it back in. You have to literally have the IQ of a plankton to believe that. No source on google says that. Can overmasturbation be bad? of course, but not because it pushes it back in. He failed to mention traction devices, injectable fillers, and implants, things that actually do have evidence of working. There are tons of plastic surgery facilities that do penis augmentation for girth and slightly length.
submitted by Launch_and_Lunch to shortguys [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:15 Alarming-Sherbet5142 Semen Retention Exploring Sexual vs Nonsexual Relationships..

Brothers.. the whispers are real.. the rumors are true..
There’s a prolific practice roaming around the manosphere without warning; relentlessly reviving chronic fappers from the grave, fabricating the feeble into beings of superior strength, and fracturing personal weakness into indistinguishable pieces.
Introducing: semen retention; a practice of the powerful who rebel against release and refuse to exchange potent energy for “ejaculatory ecstasy.”
In a previous post, I described the magnificent wonders of retentive celibacy; advocating the advantages of permanent retention over intermittent retaining.
Understandingly, some didn’t approve, as my inbox is often the hotspot for hotheads.
But today, we’ll split our skulls in two and explore both sides of retainer’s romance.

1. The Platonic Practitioner

To some, sex is magic.. To others, its madness..
I’m currently on 3 years retention. And.. as fate would have it, my previous relationship consisted of two significant streaks.
  1. An unlikely 50-day sexless streak, where I’d go face to face, toe to toe, and mono e mono with the ultimate seed-keeping challenge; often redlining my retentive abilities and pushing my abstaining limits to the very max, while sleeping next to a boob-nude, bared-ass girlfriend.
  2. An eye-opening 21-day, entry-level sexing streak; where I’d first step onto the retentive stage.. Attempting to steer the semonic ship through sexual waters.. desperately hoping to avoid the tragedy of a sinkage fate.
However, in this sexless section of this post, we’ll explore streak #1, where 50 days of abstinence would multiply my retentive ambitions.
If you previously read First Day Savage, you’ve heard the unlikely story of how my girlfriend’s digital doppelganger bewitched her into an unexpected period of abstinence.
My thoughts:
Afterward, it was game-on. If there was the slightest hope of finally gaining an ounce of control over my seed-spilling addictions, this was it.
However, two things were certain.
1. There would be struggle.
2. There would be testimony.
The Struggle
What did I get myself into?..
50 days: no sex.. No blowies.. Nothing.. Damn..
What made things worse were my notorious masturbation habits. See, I wasn’t a “morning” or “bedtime” fapper, but an “all-the-time” fapper; pounding penis to palm every chance I’d get and grabbing my girlfriend for some good ol’ gut-busting before bedtime.
Let’s face it, humans are wired to reproduce and lust provides the incentive to do so even while we’re sleeping. Which brings me to the first challenge:
Mid-sleep masturbation
I still remember the first time it happened.. And my girlfriend wasn’t happy about it.. as violent yells protruded from her megaphone mouth while jabbing my shoulder in sickening disgust.
And then, the interrogation began.. “What you was dreamin’ about?” “Who you was having sex with?” “Huh?”
Yea. I definitely didn’t expect this and was caught defenseless and off-guard.
Imagine her telling all of her friends that her ex, “Semen Retention Guy,” Mr. Wanna-Be-Pure, was pounding palms to penis in his sleep. Haha.
Word of advice to new retainers:
If you’re single, make sleeping a solo activity. Also, avoid naps in public places.. Or your private parts might pop out in public. Yikes..
Struggle #2: uncontrollable nonejaculatory orgasms
I’ve heard several stories of retainers struggling to achieve nonejaculatory orgasms in bed. Yet, somehow I was doing this accidentally in public.
No further comments on this one..
Struggle #3: the consistent desire to cave.
After a few weeks of sexual inactivity, my partner pleaded for sex. Somehow, I denied her.
And unfortunately, torture was to follow. Pre-bedtime twerking, walking around nude, and nude bodyweight squats in the bedroom.. (which probably contributed to the mid-sleep masturbation madness)
To say that retaining was challenging was an understatement. It was an around-the-clock, strenuous, and incredibly laborious activity;
fighting steroid-like urges with my back against the ropes and barely rebelling against the constant desire to release.
And on day 50.. Boom.. streak over.
Which brings me to the hardest struggle.. But an important one..
Struggle #4: Relapse regrets.
Immediately after pumping out two consecutive releases, I realized what I’d done. Everything felt different.
Completely different..
Waves of intense, pulsating energy escaped the interior of my torso immediately following ejaculation. My upper body was one of fragility and instant absence of force..
In one moment of weakness, random-day hocus-pocus sent 50 days of seed pouring down the drain.
The Testimony
There were many noticeable benefits during this time.
One in particular was:
A surge in relationship quality
Despite the inconvenient madness concerning my mid-sleep masturbations, we got along significantly better; keeping arguments to a minimum, sharing more laughs, and spending meaningful time together.
Perhaps it wasn’t the peak, but it was one of our relationship heights. Much of this was the result of having more energy to pour into the relationship.
Which brings me to:
The Energy Energetic Surplus
There are conflicting opinions regarding energy for retaining men. Specifically comparing sexually active and inactive retainers.
Here’s my personal observation from living both lives.
While nonejaculatory sex provided a quick burst of energy, this 50-day sexless season flooded me with energy by the minute.
Living in a constant state of lustful thinking fatigues the brain and (in most cases) keeps energy stagnant, sitting in the lower parts of the body.
Sense of fulfillment
Like most, I struggled with excessive fapping for years; barely able to function without bursting the piñata.
Now, I was officially a proud man. A grateful man. Not quite Jesus of Nazareth but
50 days of retaining was my walking on water moment.
Exposed my flawed filtration process
Previously, quality of physical attributes played an overwhelming role in my selection of women.
Although attractive physical attributes need not be avoided, exclusively focusing on looks is the lingo of lust; which is why many men are unlucky daters.. Settling for a hoe while wanting a needle in a haystack.
Disclaimer: No.. I’m not calling the wifey a whore.. but only offering a weekend warning: a worldly filtration process has subjected many to wicked games.
Purify the filtration process, minimize the problems.

2. Non-stop sex but a no-nut nation Retentive sex

Some retainers abandon sex..
“Lust is the greatest enemy on earth. It devours a man.” — Adventurous-Cup5561
Other retainers.. Well.. They embody it.
“Removing ejaculation as the end goal with sex has changed it to loving and bonding as the only result with sex, and it’s amazing, for both of us.” -earlymornintony
Currently, I’m single.. Nor am I sexually active, but retaining while having sex was quite the adventure.
Foriegn to heightened sensitivity levels, sex often resulted in accidental release. It took some work.. Lots of work.. for both of us actually.
Sex is a two-player game and getting me to the 21-day mark (while remaining sexually active) became our co-op mission.
She liked it.. She liked the sex.
Preceding retention, I repeatedly struggled with erectile dysfunction. But after a few days of retaining, libido was all go. Which was probably why she was all-in on helping me reach streak goals.
Despite taking multiple breaks during sex sessions, I lasted longer and prioritized my partner’s climatic orgasm; ultimately resisting the body’s urge to ejaculate.
It probably made me seem a little less selfish.
The elephant in the room
My public erection was often the elephant in the room. It was like a radio antenna, stretching towards the sky, hoping to capture even the fuzziest signal.
However, I didn’t catch signals.. I caught stares.. Even a few cougar glances.
No more gray joggers..
What do other retainers think?
I’m retaining while in a relationship the best way I can describe it, is, imagine the beginning stages of the relationship where the world feels perfect and the joy and ecstasy of it all. where it feels like a ‘forever honeymoon’ that is EVERY SINGLE DAY in my relationship.
you know that feeling after you cum, where you kinda feel ‘finished with her’, like the desire is all gone? WE NEVER FEEL THAT. WE ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS FEEL THAT DESIRE FOR EACH OTHER. AT ALL TIMES. We literally have sex morning and night nearly every single time we spend the night together.” -Redditor
“We have sex 3–5 times a week. It takes a lot of will power. I slip on occasion for sure. Our sessions are 45–90 min.” — Breeze8B
The most difficult challenge for retainers in relationships is the partner’s rejection of practice.
However, a partner’s rejection can be a reflection of influence effectively.
“I explained to my GF that I can have sex with her at any time but I just don’t want to culminate. She said she didn’t mind and that it was “up to me”. That’s all. It’s not a problem at all if you’re with a partner whom you can trust” — enjoynewlife


There’s more than one way to do a thing. Do your thing your way.
  1. Non-stop sex but a no nut nation Retentive sex
Some retainers abandon sex..
“Lust is the greatest enemy on earth. It devours a man.” — Adventurous-Cup5561
Other retainers.. Well.. They embody it.
“Removing ejaculation as the end goal with sex has changed it to loving and bonding as the only result with sex, and it’s amazing, for both of us.” -earlymornintony
Currently, I’m single.. Nor am I sexually active, but retaining while having sex was quite the adventure.
Foriegn to heightened sensitivity levels, sex often resulted in accidental release. It took some work.. Lots of work.. for both of us actually.
Sex is a two-player game and getting me to the 21-day mark (while remaining sexually active) became our co-op mission.
She liked it.. She liked the sex.
Preceding retention, I repeatedly struggled with erectile dysfunction. But after a few days of retaining, libido was all go. Which was probably why she was all-in on helping me reach streak goals.
Despite taking multiple breaks during sex sessions, I lasted longer and prioritized my partner’s climatic orgasm; ultimately resisting the body’s urge to ejaculate.
It probably made me seem a little less selfish.
The elephant in the room
My public erection was often the elephant in the room. It was like a radio antenna, stretching towards the sky, hoping to capture even the fuzziest signal.
However, I didn’t catch signals.. I caught stares.. Even a few cougar glances.
No more gray joggers..
What do other retainers think?
I’m retaining while in a relationship the best way I can describe it, is, imagine the beginning stages of the relationship where the world feels perfect and the joy and ecstasy of it all. where it feels like a ‘forever honeymoon’ that is EVERY SINGLE DAY in my relationship.
you know that feeling after you cum, where you kinda feel ‘finished with her’, like the desire is all gone? WE NEVER FEEL THAT. WE ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS FEEL THAT DESIRE FOR EACH OTHER. AT ALL TIMES. We literally have sex morning and night nearly every single time we spend the night together.” - anonymous Redditor
“We have sex 3–5 times a week. It takes a lot of will power. I slip on occasion for sure. Our sessions are 45–90 min.” — Breeze8B
The most difficult challenge for retainers in relationships is the partner’s rejection of practice.
However, a partner’s rejection can be a reflection of influence effectively.
“I explained to my GF that I can have sex with her at any time but I just don’t want to culminate. She said she didn’t mind and that it was “up to me”. That’s all. It’s not a problem at all if you’re with a partner whom you can trust” — enjoynewlife


There’s more than one way to do a thing. Do your thing your way.
submitted by Alarming-Sherbet5142 to SRLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:16 Latter_Ad7942 For the love of god , please masturbate

I can't tell you how frustrating it is to see so many people here equating pornography with masturbation. Masturbation is normal and healthy, and it pains me to see people making it so much harder on themselves by denying their Sex drive entirely. This is a bad decision and will set you up for failure. It is SO critical people know this, and yet at times it seems like the idea is ubiquitous here. This is not , and matter of fact the end goal should be to reconstitute how you engage with your sexual feelings, not to deny them outright. I think it was Leonard Huxley who called chastity - the most unnatural of all the sexual perversions. hard to argue with that.
submitted by Latter_Ad7942 to PornAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:22 Flame_108 95111

95111 submitted by Flame_108 to CountOnceADay [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:23 John-The-Bomb-2 On the objectification of women [2 images, also see body text]

On the objectification of women [2 images, also see body text]
I want to talk about the objectification of women. For the first image, I chose female underwear model manequins. For the second image, I chose a cool back tattoo that I was considering getting at one point when I was manic (I pinned a bunch of different back tattoos on Pinterest and this was one of them).
Anyway, when I was about 13 or 14 years old, I used to masturbate to the Sears catelogue underwear models. They looked like these manequins in the first image except they were real people wearing underwear.
I used to think "Why do women choose such sexually explicit images for their underwear model manequins? Do they actually want to fuck women like I do?" I didn't understand it.
Then I noticed my collection of back tattoo pins on Pinterest. See:
I pinned all these sexy back tattoos (like for example and ). I remember a gay or bisexual man said something like "Women look good from all angles but straight men only look good from the back", and I didn't quite understand what he was talking about. Now looking at these two images, I kind of understand. The first image looks "good" [sexually arousing] from all angles but the second image, at least in the real world, would only look "good" [sexually arousing] if the man can't see you, so if you're looking at him from behind.
It's hard for me to explain everything without being explicit, but I'll just use how I am with women as an example. I am a heterosexual, cisgender man. I have a penis (which I like) and I want to use it to fuck women, cisgender females. I like the way they look from the back. I like their asses. I kinda want to slap their asses and rub my crotch on their asses, causing my penis to become erect. There is this sexy dance called "grinding" or "winding" or "wining" ( ) that we used to do, like in university.
When it comes to hitting/rubbing ass, women are kind of the same way as I am, except their penis, their clitoris, is kind of functionally useless. Like a woman can't insert her clitoris into my asshole. I used to wear tight school uniform shorts in grade school and when I bent over at the waist to drink water from the water fountain, girls who liked me would slap my ass, giggle, and then run away, but they never had real penis-in-vagina sex with me. Even if a woman's clitoris is erect, that doesn't cause her to have real penis-in-vagina sex. Maybe she'll have some fantasy alone in bed while masturbating, which frankly is something women (cisgender females) don't do as often as men (cisgender males) anyway.
Masturbation isn't really a necessity for cisgender females the way it is for cisgender males. Like me personally, I can't refrain from orgasming for more than a certain length of time without fucking killing someone. I just can't do it. I have tried. For women it's just sort of this bonus thing. Like no woman will commit a murder because she hasn't had an orgasm for more than a certain length of time. Maybe when she's super horny and orgasming she'll want to suck her boyfriend's dick more or something like that, but single women (cisgender females) don't go up to random men such as myself and say "Hey, my clitoris is erect, I need sex, can we engage in penis-in-vagina sexual intercourse in the nearest bathroom stall ASAP?" At best they'll do something like slap my ass in school, giggle, and then run away. Maybe they'll drop a little hint or something. Maybe they'll text "Hey" and expect me to take it from there. But yeah, I mean you shouldn't cut off women's clitorises, but they're kind of functionally useless compared to men's penises.
Like for example, I used to take an antipsychotic medication called "Invega" that inhibited penile arousal, and it severely reduces sex drive in cisgender males such as myself, but has no effect on real-world sex drive in cisgender females. I mean maybe a cisgender female's clitoris would experience less arousal from flogging an ass with a leather BDSM flogger, but that doesn't really matter because that would never lead to real-world penis-in-vagina sexual intercourse anyway.
Women (cisgender females) don't think with their dicks the way men (cisgender males) do.
I'm just going to copy-paste something from an email I sent before:
"She [Anna Clements, the first cisgender female I had sex with] is the one who kind of 'Ruined our friendship' first [by beginning a regular penis-in-vagina sex relationship], but then I was like 'actually, the sex is good, let's keep this going' and then she was like 'on second thought, I want out of this relationship, I am going to cheat on you by having penis-in-vagina sexual intercourse with another guy and also stop letting you put your dick in me' and I was like 'I still want to keep this going, don't leave, I'm going to stalk you.' But yeah, that was our relationship in a nutshell."
But yeah, going back to the second image, I don't actually want to fuck the man wearing that sexy back tattoo, I want that sexy back tattoo on me. I might tell him "Dude, that tattoo looks amazing, who is your tattoo artist?", but no real sexual activity would ever happen with us. Likewise, a straight woman doesn't actually want to fuck the woman wearing the sexy female underwear, if that makes any sense, but she might be like "That underwear looks so hot, where did you buy it? I want that on me", if that makes any sense. Maybe if the woman wearing the sexy female underwear is a lesbian or bisexual the straight woman would let the gay woman perform oral sex (cunnilingus), but yeah, that's about as far as that relationship would go. Maybe during the cunnilingus the straight woman would close her eyes and fantasize about some man (cisgender male) doing the cunnilingus, but the straight woman isn't going to go "I am so thankful for your cunnilingus on me, let me return the favor and perform cunnilingus on you." If she tried this would happen:
submitted by John-The-Bomb-2 to u/John-The-Bomb-2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:47 doobsnotboobs 2 months on T

another month down! i've tried to only make note of things that are different from last month but its still long lmao.






submitted by doobsnotboobs to TestosteroneKickoff [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:25 John-The-Bomb-2 A story about prostitution [see body text, 18+]

This post is going to be sensitive, for adults only, kind of sexual/explicit. It's on the subject of prostitution
I remembered something that happened before. I was at The University of Florida (UF) living in these apartments called "Lionsgate", located at . I lived on the second floor, up the stairs.
I was maybe 20 years old at the time. Anyway, by this point in my life I had sex multiple times, but it was all in face-to-face missionary position. I never had sex in doggy style, but when I came from masturbating to porn, I watched doggy style, so I wanted to try doggy style. I remember thinking that if I ever met the woman I wanted to marry and had sex with her, I wanted to be good in bed and be able to do multiple different positions, including doggy style. I wanted to be "sexually experienced".
Anyway, it's not like I could walk up to random strangers and say "Excuse me miss, I have never had sex in the doggy style position and would like to learn. Could you teach me?", so I decided to hire a prostitute for that purpose. I went to the website , , and I looked through the "Adult Services" section. It was straight up fully naked women in doggy style position with their pussies pointing directly at the camera and a dollar amount underneath. It was VERY explicit. Too explicit for me, to be honest.
Anyway, I looked around until I found an ad where I could see her face. A lot of the women, you couldn't see their face at all, or their face was blacked out or blurred out. I found one where I could see her face. Her prostitute name was "Sexy Sacha" and I found her face attractive. Her face had facial features that were different from my face, which I like (for example my eyes are close together, my upper lip is low, and my nose is big and I like women whose face is the opposite). Anyway, I liked her face and her smile and she was older (maybe a little too much older but it was okay, I wasn't going to introduce her to my mom as my wife, so it's fine). But yeah, it was just going to be a "one night stand" and I liked "MILF" (Mother I'd Like to Fuck) porn, so for one night the fact that she was like 15 years older than me was okay. I decided to hire her, "Sexy Sacha". She could be like "Stacy's Mom", like .
I called her and we were to meet at the parking lot of a Denny's in my vehicle, my Dad's silver 2002 BMW X5 SUV, it looked like this: . I was so nervous. She appeared in my car window and I was like "OMG, are you police?" and she was like "OMG, are you police?" and then we both laughed like "No, you're not police, cool". She thought I was a male virgin who wanted to lose my virginity and I was like "No, I'm not a virgin (I hate that word, losing your virginity doesn't change anything), but I have something I want to learn". I drove her from this Denny's (the breakfast place) to my apartment, "Lionsgate", located at . I wore a bright red button-up long sleeve shirt because I thought that would draw attention to me and make me look sexy to her. On the phone I told her to dress normal, not like a stereotypical prostitute, so she just wore mildly tight blue jeans and maybe a white blouse and women's shoes with like a 1 inch high heel on the back and open toes. Attractive but not looking like a prostitute. I let her walk up the stairs in front of me and I looked at her butt in these blue jeans from behind.
Anyway, I remember us walking up the stairs to my apartment at Lionsgate. I kinda held the door open for her and let her go first, like I would do for any lady. She went in my apartment. Beforehand I stopped at an ATM on the University of Florida campus and withdrew a $100 bill in cash to give to her. I had the $100 bill in my pocket. This was in like year 2013 and at this time a cheap prostitute costed $100, nowadays a cheap prostitute is like $200 or $300 with inflation. She was in my bedroom and I wanted to go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, but I was afraid she was going to steal something, so I was like "I am going to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, please don't steal anything".
Anyway, I come back and I'm like "Here is the $100 bill I got for the 1 hour of sex, I will be setting a timer and the timer starts now (I don't remember the time, maybe it's midnight). I start making out with her in my bed. Tongue in mouth. Clothes come off. At one point she's standing up on her knees naked and I reach my hand forward to touch and rub her clitoris with my fingers and she's like "don't touch/rub my clitoris". I'm like "fine". Eventually we get to the doggy style. She gets in the position (on hands and knees, backed arched). I have trouble. Her vagina is kind of horizontal and my penis is very hard and has a lot of curve to it and sort of curves back into my belly button. I try to insert it but the angle is wrong and it bends my penis in a sort of painful way and I almost cry and also I cum right away.
I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to masturbate a few hours before seeing a prostitute so that I last longer, but I chose not to masturbate, so I came fast. Anyway, after I came I was like "Hey, there is 40 minutes left on the timer out of the 60 minutes that I paid for, can I take a quick break and then do round two?" and she was like "No, it's $100 a pop" and I was like "But the ad said $100 for 60 minutes and it's only been 20 minutes" and she crossed her arms and went "No". I went "Fine". I gave her the $100 before the sex, not after (I sometimes do something similar with waitresses where I ask them to bring me the bill right away instead of after I finish eating).
Anyway, we go to the parking lot of Lionsgate apartments and she's like "Hey, my car broke down at Denny's, I need a ride to my next client for the night". I'm like "Fine, I'll drive you". We talk in the car. She mentions that she has a young son and he's an honors student in kindergarten or preschool or something like that. She said she was surprised her son is so smart. I ask her if she has a pimp and she responds "No". I also ask her if she's addicted to drugs and she responds "Yeah, meth". It was sad. Her next client was a married man. I said something about how I don't want to hire a prostitute again and how I think men who do so regularly are fucked up. She defended men such as her married client who I was driving her to. I thought she had sort of Stockholm Syndrome ( ), defending and almost seeming to sort of love this married man who hires a drug addicted prostitute regularly. Anyway, at the end of the car ride I drop her off at this guy's house and she leaves.
The next morning I wake up thinking about her. I kind of have a crush on her now and I want to call her (I asked for her real name, not her prostitute name, and she told it to me but I forgot it by now) and I want to ask her to go on a date with me, like maybe an ice hockey event or a rock music concert. Not for money, like a real date, like the way you would ask a girl in your school out on a date and just pay for the tickets. Like a dating couples date. I hold back from calling her and asking her on a date and just sort of cry internally. That was the last time I ever had sex with a prostitute.
But yeah, by that point I got kind of attached and it hurt.
I'm not a fan of prostitution.
Marriage is sort of like prostitution, but there is only one client and only one provider. I think the polyamous ["poly-fuck-arus" in her words) porn star Stoya once said something like "A wife is a prostitute with only one client".
But yeah, the state, the government, wants people to get married and provide for their wives and have kids with their wives, not hire prostitutes.
submitted by John-The-Bomb-2 to u/John-The-Bomb-2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:00 BuddhaPunkRobotMonk NoFap's "Jumpstart June" or "PMO-Free June" 2024 - continue or begin your PMO-Free journey here (see instructions).

Hello all,
It's that time of the month again. This is your opportunity to create the new porn-free you! One month is ending and another chance to continue or start your commitment is upon us.
The theme of this month is "Jumpstart June". Getting a head start on the life you want for yourself through being consistent with establishing good habits.
The purpose of this thread is to provide rebooters with a place to share their commitment to abstain from particular sexual behaviors throughout the entire month.
New to NoFap and rebooting? Here are some suggestions:
Would you like to participate? If so, please reply to this thread with the following information.
Arriving late? (past the first of the month?)
It's okay! Still state your intentions and don't postpone rebooting based on the day of the month. People can join in at any time to participate.
Update us!
If you want to post a quick update, such as "day 1!", please post it in this thread. Otherwise, feel free to post check-ins with information about your recovery onto the subreddit forum. Again, if you want to monitor your progress long-term, we recommend starting a journal thread on NoFap's main site to keep things organized into one place for you to refer back to.
Sign up here. for a rebooting day counter.
submitted by BuddhaPunkRobotMonk to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 10:56 Ashadygay Advice please

So I’m (26M) a late bloomer, and I’ve had no experience whatsoever. Platonically, romantically, or sexually, if that makes sense. I'm a virgin. I've never been in a relationship. I haven't even kissed anyone NOTHING! In some sense, not even flirted with anyone. I’m not picky or have my nose up to certain “type” of person; it’s just that the opportunity never arose with someone that I felt comfortable with. As most gay people are, I grew up in a bubble I created for safety, and also, being from the south, I'm extra careful. I'm not closeted or anything. If you look at me, you can usually tell that I'm gay, so I don't harbor any internalized emotions.
With that being said, I don't go "looking" for anyone or try dating because of its slim pickings or because people are closeted; however, I have been approached by men before (mostly closeted), but they were very sexually charged by coming onto me. I had my first encounter with somebody “looking” at me with desire at 24. It was more of a cruising-ish thing. As a late bloomer and never experienced being “flirted” with, it kind of took me back a little bit. It’s always been me and my bubble. Since it felt like it was never going to happen, I wrote off “finding the one” and dating. I masturbate, so when the urge came around, I knew how to handle it. So I never tried to give that aspect of my life any attention since nothing was happening. Nonetheless, with no training or mentorship in gay culture besides rom-coms and books as references, I was no way prepared for that encounter. I use social media like everybody else, so I kind of have a grasp of hookup culture in theory. I had an understanding, but it wasn’t understood until that day and the future encounters that followed. I felt so vulnerable in that moment that I didn’t know how to act. It felt like I had a bad social interaction in school, and suddenly I am a little kid again, alone on the playground.
I’m a human, and I have urges and needs. Of course, I want to have sex. I’m old enough to know that the whole virginity thing doesn’t mean anything unless you’re in school with that stigma floating around. But also, I don’t want it to be so bad off. Not romantically or anything. I don’t mind having my firsts with a hookup. I know on my end, it’ll be clumsy and awkward, but I’m still resilient with going through with it to the end. It’ll be an experiment and a lesson learned after we’re done afterwards. I don’t thinks it’s wrong of me to say I want to lose it, or other sexual foreplays, to someone that I’m comfortable with and who has a little patience with me.
But this is where I need advice. So there’s this older man who works at the same job as me. There’ll be no conflict. He works the day shift, and I work nights. Different departments. The only reason we know each other is because I was getting crossed train in day shift through passing. He gives off that "cool and laid back retired teacher you once had." Come to find out he’s closeted and married. He has told me, through texting, of the experience he has with men while also flirting with me. He’s also brought up the idea of us hooking up. Now, it's not lost on me that a married, closeted man is flirting with me and also asking when we can hook up, but I was kind of thinking… Would it be so wrong to have my "firsts" with him? Foreplay-wise, no penetration. The basics, or the foundations, of having sex. I know MORALLY this is wrong! I’m in the wrong for going along with it. However, I won't tell anybody, and he won’t tell anybody for obvious reasons. But I was thinking this could be a hush-hush type of situation. Very transactional. I'm going to be doing it for a learning and experimental experience, while he can get off and be his "authentic self." I have had physical conversations with him and seen him in person (before I figured out he was closeted). He is a really sweet, modest man. Despite being married, he is monogamous with men. Once he has a entanglement with a man, he tries to stay with that one man (as he says, which i do believe from being arounf and talking to him) I asked him what his marriage was like, and he admitted being closeted. He said he loves his family but hadn’t had sex in a long time. He really craves affection and is very sporadic with flings with men. He kind of reminded me of Jack Twist in Broback Moutain when he was doing his monologue of "I wish I knew how to quit you" to Ennis. He also said I’m the first young person to show interest in him (as he’s the rare interaction I finally felt confident to talk with). I’m aware that in most cases, most closeted people are good people, and I understand the will to confine to the social climate and to regress that part of yourself where it’s shunned upon and have to look in the shadows to feel some kind of community and belonging.
So, I’m asking for advice because I’m doing my best to show restraint in not going through with this, knowing how ethically wrong this is. This is a married, closeted, cheating man. I know I wouldn’t want someone I’m with, like everybody else, doing this behind my back. I’m emotionally intelligent enough to know this isn’t going to be a romantic progression. I also know this will be a hookup and only transactional. Every day I flip flop in thought between “who cares that it hasn’t happened yet; it will eventually” and “but I don’t want to be so behind, and I really want to know what it’s like. I’m so touched starved” I also know most people don’t want to deal with anyone who doesn’t have any experience, so I want to have something under my belt. It feels like a weight, a weapon, and a tool a person can hold over my head. I’m fine with being alone, but loneliness does eat at me, along with being touched starved. There’s nothing quite like the grief of growing out of things that you never got to experience when I see others living what I yearn for. Especially being gay. I know the day will come when “that” person comes into my life, but should I let this opportunity slide even though I know it might be a while until a next encounter comes my way? In my slim pickings environment? Should I let this slip away even though I feel the most comfortable with him out of all the encounters with strangers trying to hook up with me? Should I let it go even though I told him I’m a virgin and not well versed at all sexually, and he told me that he'd be patient with me and go at my pace? (Yes, I know he could be just telling me this so he can get what he wants, and yes, I'm taking it with a grain of salt.) I’m at my most confident and more ready to be my most vulnerable self when I talk with him. I have enough self-awareness of that; IF I go through with it and the energy is off, I’ll know it, and I’ll end it right then. I have no problem saying no when I'm uncomfortable. Please let me know what I should do. I know the moral and ethical answer, but should I turn a blind eye just to get experience and experiment with what I often crave so badly?
submitted by Ashadygay to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 10:56 Odd-Independent7502 moanalissa32 ramblefaps

moanalissa32 Here's everything I could find. I compiled anything that was ramblefap/"real orgasm". I know everything isn't deleted, but some of them are. I'm happy to take down this post if you want. I also have some of the post texts if you want that. Those were too many characters for a reddit post so I left them out.


original reddit post
Title: [F4A] Masturbation with 2 Vibrators (Lelo Sona Cruise and Ben wa Ball) [vibrator] [masturbation] [moaning] [holding breath and gasping for air] [orgasm] [candid]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Orgasm through Masturbation with one Vibrator [Ramblefap] [vibrator] [heavy breathing] [gasping for air] [intimate] [speaker orgasm] [holding my breath] [shaking from pleasure] [moaning][light profanity][American accent}
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] [F4A] Orgasm through Manual Grinding Masturbation [heavy breathing] [masturbate] [grind][music] [pointed toes] [ramblefap] [gasping for air] [intimate] [moaning] [orgasm] [narrative] [clothed] [tremble] [holding breath] [American accent] [west coast accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] [F4A] Sex Dialogue and Masturbation [heavy breathing] [masturbate] [pointed toes] [ramblefap] [gasping for air] [intimate] [moaning] [orgasm] [answered question] [tremble] [holding breath] [American accent] [west coast accent] [nsfw] [light profanity]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] 3 Orgasms through Masturbation Grind, Vibrator and Vibe with Dildo [Ramblefap] [vibrator] [heavy breathing] [gasping for air] [intimate] [speaker orgasm] [holding my breath] [shaking from pleasure] [moaning][light profanity][American accent][grinding] [lelo] [dildo]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4A] REQUEST HYSTERICAL AUDIO: Reading Top 6 All Time Slutty Confessions with Masturbation [Masturbation] [Pavlov Dog] [Orgasm] [Training] [Penetration on Stage] [Exhibitionism] [Dildo] [Incest Dildo] [Humor] [Blow Job] [Bullying] [Cum] [Reading]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4A] [F4M] REQUEST HYSTERICAL AUDIO: Reading 32M Loses Virginity (28F) Slutty Confessions with Masturbation [Masturbation] [Virgin] [Orgasm] [Training] [Penetration] [Hyperspermia] [Oral] [Multiple Orgasms] [Cum] [Reading]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4A] HYSTERICAL AUDIO: Reading Katie's POV as a 'HotWife' with Masturbation [Masturbation] [Cuckold] [Cuck] [Bull] [Hotwife] [Orgasm] [Blow Job] [Rejection] [Oral] [Permission] [BWC] [Cum] [Reading]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] [F4A] Quick Orgasm through Masturbating with Vibrator [masturbating] [orgasm] [vibrator] [ramblefap] [pointed toes] [wet] [music] [profanity] [American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] [F4A] HYSTERICAL AUDIO INTERRUPTED: Reading OLD FRIEND by TAgainAgain while Masturbating [Masturbation] [Dead Bedroom] [Cheating] [Blow Job] [Racing] [Orgasm] [Musician] [Exes] [Old Friends] [Uncircumcised] [Phone Call] [Vibrator] [Glowed Up] [Reading]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] [F4A] Breathy Orgasm through Masturbating with Vibrator [masturbating] [orgasm] [vibrator] [music] [American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] [F4A] Quick Orgasm through Masturbating with Vibrator - Already Started [masturbating] [orgasm] [vibrator] [moaning] [breathing] [ramblefap] [pointed toes] [wet] [American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Exclusive for My Followers Only: Interrupted Orgasm Cleaned Audio [Ramblefap] [Breathing] [Moaning] [Orgasm] [Lelo] [Vibrator]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Long Orgasm through Masturbating with Vibrator and Dildo [masturbating] [orgasm] [vibrator] [moaning] [breathing] [ramblefap] [pointed toes] [wet sounds] [big dildo] [intense] [edging] [trembling body and breath] [American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] 4th Wall Breed Me Orgasm through Masturbation with Vibrator [masturbating] [orgasm] [vibrator] [moaning] [breathing] [ramblefap] [pointed toes] [narration] [breaking the 4th wall] [real orgasm] [breed kink] [American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] 4th Wall Fantasy Orgasm through Masturbation with Vibrator - Caught by Mom [Incest] [MotheSon] [masturbating] [orgasm] [vibrator] [moaning] [breathing] [ramblefap] [pointed toes] [narration] [mom / son] [breaking the 4th wall] [real orgasm] [American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] 4th Wall Fantasy Masturbation with Vibrator - Holiday Vacation [Cheating] [None the Wiser] [masturbating] [orgasm] [vibrator] [moaning] [breathing] [ramblefap] [pointed toes] [narration][Lelo][4th wall] [Morning sex] [Planned Vacation] [breaking the 4th wall] [real orgasm] [American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: F4M] 69th Cake Day Twofer Orgasm through Masturbation with Lelo [Ramblefap] [vibrator] [heavy breathing] [gasping for air] [intimate] [speaker orgasm] [holding my breath] [trembling from pleasure][needy] [moaning][light profanity][4th wall break][American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] 4th Wall Fantasy Orgasm through Masturbation with Vibrator - Conference [masturbating] [orgasm] [vibrator] [moaning] [breathing] [ramblefap] [pointed toes] [narration] [meet for coffee] [maintain my innocence] [no control] [confession][breaking the 4th wall] [real orgasm] [American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] 4th Wall Fantasy Orgasm through Masturbation with Vibrator - Shower [masturbating] [orgasm] [vibrator] [moaning] [breathing] [ramblefap] [narration] [shower] [maintain my innocence] [no control] [confession][breaking the 4th wall] [real orgasm] [American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] 4th Wall Fantasy Orgasm through Masturbation with Vibrator - Zoom Distraction [masturbating] [orgasm] [vibrator] [moaning] [breathing] [ramblefap] [narration] [lingerie] [zoom] [surprise visit] [profanity][breaking the 4th wall][Improv] [real orgasm] [American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Ramblefap Orgasm through Masturbation with Vibrator - Just Like Before [masturbating] [real orgasm] [vibrator] [moaning] [breathing] [ramblefap] [narration] [whisper] [pointed toes] [profanity] [American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] 100 Cake Day - Come with Me [4th Wall Break][real orgasm] [vibrator] [moaning] [breathing] [GWA Voice Actress] [ramblefap] [narration] [whisper] [finger in ass] [Masturbation instruction][Confession][Mutual masturbation][Mutual edging][profanity] [American accent] [Script Fill]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Ramblefap: Orgasms through Masturbation - Trifecta with My New Vibrator [real orgasms] [vibrator] [heavy breathing] [gasping for air] [intimate] [speaker orgasm] [holding breath] [pointed toes][needy] [moaning][light profanity][4th wall break][We Vibe Melt] [Needs a name][American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Ramblefap: Orgasms through Masturbation - New Vibrator with Big D[real orgasms] [descriptive] [heavy breathing] [gasping for air] [intimate] [speaker orgasm] [holding breath] [pointed toes][wet noises][needy] [moaning][profanity][big dildo][We Vibe Melt] [deadline][long audio][American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Ramblefap: Orgasms through Masturbation - New Vibe Needs a Name [real orgasms] [descriptive] [heavy breathing] [gasping for air] [intimate] [speaker orgasm] [holding breath] [pointed toes] [moaning][profanity][We Vibe Melt] [Poll][Followers decide][American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Ramblefap/Hysterical Audio - Make Me Forget Him Tonight [real orgasm] [masturbation] [vibrator][heavy breathing] [gasping for air] [intimate] [speaker orgasm] [holding breath] [pointed toes] [moaning][profanity][We Vibe Melt][American accent][long audio 42 minutes] written by MyDirtySecr3t
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M]Is Your Partner Finally Asleep Next To You? Now Time For Us [FDom vibes] [4th Wall][GWA VA Speaker][JOI/JOE][Dirty Talk][Teasing][Degradation][Good Boy][Cheating][Shame][Guilt][Humiliation][Condescending][Breeding][Facesitting][Countdowns][Masturbation][Edging][Speaker Real Orgasm][Script Fill]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Ramblefap: The Melt has a Name [real orgasm] [masturbation] [vibrator][heavy breathing] [gasping for air] [intimate] [speaker orgasm] [holding breath] [blow job mention] [moaning][profanity][We Vibe Melt][American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Ramblefap: Double O with the Neurolyzer [real orgasm] [masturbation] [vibrator][heavy breathing] [gasping for air] [intimate] [speaker orgasm] [holding breath] [minimal talking] [moaning] [pointed toes mention][profanity][We Vibe Melt][long pause after first o][American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Ramblefap: 3 Word Challenge - First Recorded Squirt [real orgasm] [masturbation] [big dildo][heavy breathing] [gasping for air] [intimate] [speaker orgasm] [real orgasm] [Fuck Me Harder] [moaning] [squirt][profanity][sitting on the floor][super quick 3:33][American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Hysterical Audio: I'll Be Your Fantasy - The Slut's Pledge [Fsub][obedient][confession][bjs][exhibitionism][dirty talk][self degradation][shared][daddy][sir][dtf][moaning][real orgasm][pleading][vibrator][3 hole fucktoy][voyeur][thick cock][anal][dp][creampie][Script Fill] by MyDirtySecr3t
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Ramblefap: Double Orgasm Post Interview [real orgasm] [masturbation] [big dildo][heavy breathing] [gasping for air] [intimate] [speaker real orgasm] [moaning] [profanity][neurolyzer melt vibrator][American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Ramblefap: Doctor Visit [real orgasm] [masturbation] [medical][heavy breathing] [gasping for air] [intimate] [speaker real orgasm][orgasm announced] [moaning] [profanity][neurolyzer melt vibrator][American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Your Hot TA Shows You Who is In Charge-Part 1 [gentle fdom][college][TA/student][masturbation][blow job][real speaker orgasm][listener orgasm][hand job][bald pussy][countdown][cum on tits][good boy][follow my instructions][No sex][edging][whispers][moans][American Accent] with MyDirtySecr3t
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Sorry Babe, I'm Addicted to your Best Man [confession][cheating][betrayal][pregnant][voicemail][size mention][addition][wedding night][oral][piv][masturbating to my picture][panties][lied][retreat][speaker real orgasm][progression][American Accent] Written Collab with MyDirtySecr3t
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M][F4A] PSpot and GSpot Guided Play with Me [JOI] [Prostate Play][Bi-positive][Sex positive][Straight Friendly][toys][listener orgasm] [performer real orgasm][anal play][pussy play][glass c toy][educational/instructional audio][masturbation][HFO] Written by Kobmoney43 (first script YAY!)
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Coworker Crush Fantasy come True - you have to share a bed with your work crush at a hotel conference [Fdom][teasing][loving][sex][blow job][taking virginity][narrative][purple lingerie][coworkers to lovers][thoughts][real orgasm][Script Fill] Written by CompliantScribe
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4A] A sexy woman is casually reading in bed, dressed to kill. Her partner is hoping for sex, but she ignores their desires. Eventually, she can’t help but be turned on…[bored][ignored][humiliation][moaning fetish][real orgasm][seduced][fdom to fsub][smoking] Written by CompliantScribe
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Ramblefap: 2 Orgasms in 15 mins [real orgasm] [masturbation] [4th wall][heavy breathing] [gasping for air] [intimate] [speaker real orgasm][orgasm announced] [moaning] [profanity][face sitting][neurolyzer melt vibrator][American accent]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Ramblefap: MOANday Masturbation Back to Back [4th Wall][real orgasm][moaning][breathing][loud orgasm][2 orgasms][we vibe melt][soft voice][small confession][announcing I'm close/orgasm][sensitive]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Ramblefap: Exploring with Glass [real orgasm][anal plug][we vibe melt][glass][njoy pure wand][shower][edging][clitoral orgasm]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] RAMBLEFAP: Super Long Triplefap [rambling][moaning][neurolyzer vibrator][big dildo][kind loud orgasms] I talk about [meeting a sex shop worker][threesoms][polyamory/open/monogamy][real orgasms][gasping for air][loud breathing][4th wall][dirty talk][suck my toes][mention feet]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] RAMBLEFAP: Last fap of the Super Long Triplefap [rambling][moaning][neurolyzer vibrator][big dildo][kind loud orgasms] I talk about [meeting a sex shop worker][threesome][polyamory/open/monogamy][real orgasms][gasping for air][breathing][4th wall][dirty talk][suck my toes][mention feet]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M]The Voicemails Your Ex Left You [No actual sex] but plenty through [voicemail][confession][awkward] at first then [drunk] [rambling][speaker orgasm] talk of [voyeurism][risky sex] [cunnilingus][blowjob][missionary][creampie] implied[sweet ending][Script Fill] Written by st0pinthenameoftits
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Alissa's Ramblefap Compilation by Special Request [real multiple orgasms][big dildo][clit sucker vibrator][long audio 1:10:00][descriptive][moaning][squirting][3-word challenge][69th day audio][edging][authentic self][grinding][lingerie][navy blue][wet sounds][trembling]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] A sexy woman seduces you with her voice teasing you with increasing intensity, until you climax with her… [gentle femdom] [JOI/JOE][blow job][sex][teasing][real speaker orgasm][moaning][breathing][vibrator][married woman][Script Fill] Written by current_mgt
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Ramblefap: A little 4th Wall Break [real orgasm][vibrator][neurolyzer][thigh highs][secret/confession][cheating mention][mutual masturbation]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Hysterical Ramblefap Audio reading Let Me Take Care of You [Narrative][ramblefap][F POV][sensual][destress][kissing][touching][blow job][cock worship][reading while masturbating][real speaker orgasm][Private Script Fill]
Audio Links:


original reddit post
Title: [F4M] Ramblefap by Follower Request [whispers][real orgasm][lelo][clitoral orgasm][moaning][breathing][intimate][piv mention][pointed toes][tingle][intense][loud][toy][undressing][4th wall][mutual masturbation][boundary break]
Audio Links:
submitted by Odd-Independent7502 to u/Odd-Independent7502 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:01 SharkEva [New Update] - My husband told me that he listens outside the bathroom door the entire time I'm showing to see if I'm masturbating.

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/haleybaby1227 posting in relationship_advice and Divorce
Ongoing as per OOP
3 updates - Long
Original - 17th May 2024
Update1 - 19th May 2024
Update2 - 19th May 2024
Yikes - 20th May 2024

1 New Update
Thanks to u/Small-Bodybuilder160 for finding the update
Update in a comment -24th May 2024

My (21F) husband (26M) told me that he listens outside the bathroom door the entire time I'm showing to see if I'm masturbating.

How can I tell him that this is a violation of my privacy and personal space without him feeling like I'm disrespecting him?
Like 6 months ago my husband came bursting into the bathroom to catch me using my vibrator in the shower. He threw a hissy fit about it and said that it was "basically cheating" and guilted me into apologizing and promising not to do it again. The next time we went to use my vibrator (during sex as we basically always did) it had stopped working (mysteriously in hindsight).
I often used it in the shower I guess just because that's basically the only time I get to myself. I eventually just turned to using the shower head and one time he pounded on the door during to ask what I was doing. Again, I didn't really think much of it at the time. Tonight I was showering (and not doing anything else) and when I came out and he was being short and pissy with me.
I asked if everything was okay and he says 'So how was your "shower"?' I said fine? Confused... he goes on to say he knows what I was doing in there and I responded by asking what he was talking about, to which he replied that every time I shower he sits outside the bathroom door and listens to see if I'm masturbating. I was so shocked I didn't even know what to say. How can I tell him that this is a violation of my privacy and personal space without him feeling like I'm disrespecting him?


OOP: Thank you all for your responses. They have been eye opening. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by how much more severe you're making me realize this is...
Also, a bit that really concerns me is the wider picture - why do you not get any time alone? Not even in the shower?

For real, this is such an overlooked part of this post!!

This. OP, what does daily life look like with your husband? You say elsewhere he’s controlling in other ways, this is just the most invasive — what are those ways?
OOP: Well just as I'm reading all these replies I'm realizing all the different ways. What I eat because he thinks everything is bad for you, what I read because the books I read are also "basically cheating", who I hang out with because my friends are all losers dragging me down, that I want to go to the gym because who am i trying to show off for, why am I wearing leggings? Who am I trying to show my ass to, etc, etc, etc.
I feel so fucking stupid right now for taking this long to realize that this isn't okay

Hey, OP, you're not stupid - you're just young. You didn't get a chance to be an adult before he swooped in. So, don't blame yourself, okay? The fact that you are now seeing the problem is a good thing as so many people can't admit it for quite some time. Can you move back in with your parents? Or friends? I fear that someone this controlling isn't going to take it well if you tell him you're leaving, so either move out when he's not around or have someone else there with you. Be safe.

Update - 2 days later

TLDR: I confronted him about this being an invasion of my privacy and he did not react well. I am leaving him and moving in with a friend until I'm done school next month, before moving back home.
Thank you so much to all of the amazing people who commented and reached out. I wasn't able to respond to anywhere near all of them but I am so grateful to everyone for opening my eyes to how toxic and unhealthy this situation is.
As I stated in this update, I called my dad and basically just explained that we were having some issues, and just to ease my mind I wanted him to come down and be nearby when I talked to my husband. He did not press for more info and told me that he was on his way. He and my mom live ~6 hours away, so it's not exactly a very ideal ask but he didn't even hesitate, which I am grateful for.
He arrived Friday night and parked outside our condo and we agreed that id call him and immediately hang up if I needed him to come inside, in case my husband got aggressive or angry. I did not expect him to, since he never has before, but some of the comments made me feel like I'd better be safe rather than sorry.
I debated all day Friday about how exactly to approach this situation and how I could trigger this conversation without him shutting down or getting angry. I decided to casually approach the conversation and ask him how he'd feel about me getting another vibrator (to replace the one that mysteriously broke after he 'caught' 'me using it in the shower).
In response he asked "what for?" To which I replied "because it feels good". I knew this would be his response, but it was something along the lines of "what am I not good enough"? As it usually was in the past. I explained to him that it has nothing to do with him not being good enough, and that sex is supposed to be fun and experimental and interesting and that it was just something that would make it better for both of us.
He then suggested that I just wanted it to use on myself, to which I asked if that would be a problem. He told me that I know how he feels about that and so I asked him why he was bothered by the idea of me masturbating. He got very defensive and asked why I would want that when I could have him, so I asked if he ever felt like he'd rather just pleasure himself rather than going through the motions of having sex.
He said no and that he's "not a beta who spends his days stroking when he could be doing anything more productive". I explained to him that that was okay if it was his preference but that sometimes my sexual desires are to pleasure myself versus having sex. That's when his same ridiculous argument came out of that being "basically cheating". Pulling from another Redditor, I explained that cheating involves multiple people, and that it is impossible to be cheating if I am alone.
He told me to "fuck off and go stick the shower head between my legs". I started to get upset and realized that here is when I always back down. I feel the need to apologize and make him feel better, id usually have started something and would end up guilt fucking him because I felt bad, but I didn't.
I told him that he made me feel like he was trying to control me and my body and that I wasn't okay with that. He told me I could "go be a fucking whore somewhere else then" and got up off the couch and ran upstairs. I could hear him slamming my drawers open and acting like he was putting my clothes in a bag. I resisted the urge to run up there after him and just decided to sit there and see what would happen.
Eventually he came back downstairs and apologized and said that he's very uncomfortable with the idea of me masturbating in our home, when I asked him to explain why, he said because it makes him feel unwanted. I told him that this isn't true, and that I do want him, but sometimes I just want that and he said "okay I guess".
I decided to leave it at that for the night, and didn't want to press any further. I told my dad it was okay to go and that I was so sorry for wasting his time and he told me he'd be staying the weekend at a hotel just to be safe.
Eventually we went up to bed and I realized if I left it at that it would just get swept under the rug like it always does. I'd go on putting up with this until it came full-circle again and I was not going to do that to myself.
I decided to ask him about him telling me that he listened to me when I showered. I told him I wanted to talk about it and he told me that he was just joking and that "I'm a fucking moron if I actually thought he was serious". I told him that it was an odd joke, especially considering he was angry and very much not laughing when he told me.
He insisted that he was joking and I told him that i didn't believe him. He then responded by saying he wouldn't do it again. This went in circles for a bit before he finally admitted to deciding to do this after catching me in the shower. Instead of accusing him of anything, I asked him if he thought that was an invasion of my privacy, to which he informed me that we are married and I do not have privacy.
I told him that was an issue and that in order to have a healthy marriage we both needed privacy. He was determined that there is so such thing as privacy in marriage, so I flat out asked him if he wanted me in the bathroom while he was pooping. He said no, I said "right , because you want your privacy". He told me that's different.
Over the course of the next 10 minutes or so, this escalated from a simple conversation into a full blown screaming match, and we got absolutely nowhere in our argument. It was like talking to a brick wall. I was so heated by this point that I don't even remember what was said, but he eventually told me I was: a fucking worthless whore, that i had nothing without him, that my vag was disgusting and made him sick, that I was fat and no one will ever want me (I'm 125 lbs btw), that im lucky someone like him would even look in my direction, etc, etc, etc.
I could barely see my phone through the tears and I called my dad and asked him to come get me.
My husband looked at me and said "you're fucking dad isn't driving 6 hours to come get you you dumb fuck". I started to grab some random things of mine and yelled that he was here staying in town, and he broke down and started sobbing.
He told me that he knows he's controlling, that he has serious issues, and that he's terrified of losing me. He said that he knows he's not good enough for me and that he's so afraid of losing me that he's pushing me away to save himself the inevitable heartache. He said that if he ever lost me he'd k*** himself.
As I watched this grown ass man snotting and crying in a heap on the floor, I kinda realized that I feel nothing for him. Like, nothing. The blinders I've been wearing were removed and I no longer saw the handsome, intelligent, caring, strong man I once did. I saw a pathetic, abusive, controlling, sad, and sick person. I came to the realization in that moment that there's no fixing this, and even if he does change, I would never trust him or see him in the same way again.
My dad knocked on the door and my husband ran and hid in the bathroom. I took my bags and went outside to meet him. He asked me if I wanted to talk about what was going on and I said no. He asked what I needed from him and I asked if we could just go back to his hotel room. He asked if my husband hit me and I said no.
Before we had even gotten to the hotel my husband began texting me. It started with pleading with me to stay and forgive him and turned into insults over the course of the next day or so. He never threatened me physically, but told me if I didn't come home I'd lose him forever, that I'd be losing out on the best man I'd ever have, etc, etc. he told me that his friends laughed at him for being with such an ugly bitch, that his parents hate me because they know I'm not good enough for him, that I couldn't get pregnant because I'm probably a fucking whore banging other guys on the side, that he was embarrassed to be seen with me in public, and so much more.
I'm leaving. And not because Reddit told me to, because I'm genuinely not even remotely interested in staying with him and because I deserve better.
I spoke to a friend from school, and will be staying with her until I'm done school next month. After that, I'm going home to figure some things out and get a fresh start.
I'm currently in bed in a hotel room with my dad and have never felt more loved or safe. He is going to go over to the house tomorrow and retrieve my belongings, after which he is helping me move into my friend's apartment and then heading home.
I don't have much to say at this point other than thank you again to everyone who made me realize how dangerous this situation could have been. I was determined that we were not going to divorce but after Friday night I don't think there's any going back to that. I'm over it. I might update again, I might not. But making that post genuinely might have saved my life. Thank you.


Make sure you turn off the location sharing. If you are on his phone plan get on your own/your parents. Good luck

Also: Change all of your passwords to ones you've never used before. If he's listed as your emergency contact anywhere (school, doctor's office, etc), contact them and change that. Put down a friend you trust, and/or your parents. You should talk to a lawyer before you do anything to any shared financial accounts, but any bank accounts etc that are just in your name--lock those down and make sure he can't access them.

And at the very least, if you do share bank accounts, print out the last year of bank statements, or take screenshots. That way if there is tampering, you already have a paper trail. Your future lawyer will thank you.

Things to consider? - same day

I'm about to go through a divorce with an abusive husband. I'm wondering what are some of the things to consider, how I can get this done quickly and avoid being anywhere near him? I'm planning to move back home at the end of June/early July when I'm done school and it's quite a distance (~6 hours) from where we live now. Will there be any need to travel back and fourth? Thanks in advance for the advice.

Last post from OOP - 1 day later

Text Message from ex -
LMfao. Stopped sharing location cuz your getting fucked at some other guys house


How fast did he notice after you turned it off?
OOP: It notifies the other person so pretty much Immediately

New Update - 4 days later
Thank you so very much to everyone for all the caring and reassuring comments, and for your patience in waiting for an update. It's been a roller coaster of a few days, but here's a few updates:
•I have not blocked his number because I want to collect these messages in case they are needed during divorce proceedings or anything like that. Also, no I have not responded at any point. Eventually he turned to sending me texts about how he'd been cheating on me the entire time we were together and told me that he fucked 2 girls the night of his bachelor party (I forgot to mention, I wasn't allowed to have a stag party!).
Whether he's telling the truth or not, I don't really care. He also told me that he can't believe how easy I was and that he never intended to stay with me but that he just wanted to fuck me when I turned 18 and "dip". He stopped texting me after sending me an essay on Wednesday about how he was going change and wanted another chance and all that. I have to confess that I almost caved reading that because he was saying things that made me believe that he was telling the truth. This is a very scary time for me and staying is always more convenient, but I just had to remind myself that he was just saying anything he could to try and get his way.
•I've began to realize just how complicated divorce is. It's not just pack up and leave. We have a joint bank account, bundled auto insurance and phone plans, I have his last name, his name is on my car loan, all of our subscriptions are shared, etc. thanks to all the Redditors who shared great advice with this stuff and I have began the process of severing these ties.
I started by cancelling all of our shared subscriptions and then deleting our shared email account. I also called our phone provider and they were super helpful and offered to just split our plans, but I wanted to switch to a different company just to be safe and they essentially just cancelled my line without much hassle at all. I got a new phone (and number) and am now on my parents plan.
I also turned off my shared location with him before that, and since, like I said I have gotten a new number, and blocked him on all social media, changed my email address and updated all of my accounts and services with the new email and a new password. I also made a new Apple ID since I can't just buy a new laptop for school given the cost, so that should also ensure he has no access to my info as well.
•We (my parents and I) met (virtually) with a divorce lawyer that my dad knows and referred me to on Wednesday and she is taking care of getting me off of the joint bank account, locking my credit (didn't even know this was a thing but thanks to the redditor who mentioned it), getting his name off of my car loan, and getting the formal process started for divorce. I don't want any money I just want out as fast as possible.
•I am moved into my friends apartment! It's a 2 bedroom/2 bathroom so I stole her library/office/music room but she was so accepting of me joining her and having our own space is nice even if it's just for a couple months. I am so grateful to her for letting me stay and not even questioning it.
•As many of you mentioned, YES my dad is a literal rockstar. He, my mom, and my friends have all been so helpful and supportive and I cannot thank them enough.
•My dad went to the house Monday to retrieve my belongings and he took my friends boyfriend with him, mostly just to help pack and move everything as fast as possible, but also just in case he was home and anything went sideways. My dad said he was home and refused to answer the door at first but eventually did and just sat at the kitchen table the entire time they were there. I don't own much. I took a bunch of clothes and essentials like bathroom stuff and electronics with me when I left, so they were in and out in like 45 minutes. Basically everything in that house in his and was purchased with his own money.
•My divorce lawyer is basically taking care of everything because I seriously need to focus on school right now, but I want this process wrapped up as quickly as possible. My exams wrap in late June and I'm trying to be calm and patient because if I'm just in a huge rush to get out of here, I fear that my exams will go very poorly. My friend is helping me a lot with studying and getting prepared and I always join study groups in preparation for exams, which are super helpful as well.
•No this is not the first time he's turned to insults during an argument or when he doesn't get his way but it's by far the most hurtful and explosive.
•I am 100% committed to divorce and I will not be looking back or changing my mind, no matter what happens at this point. This is a promise that i have made to myself and it's a promise that i really struggled to make. I still feel sick and have a constant nerve in my stomach, because the idea of actually leaving and starting over is extremely terrifying.
Thankfully i have a great support network and know that I will have people there to help me through this every step of the way. I also just keep reading the messages he sent me the last few days and reminding myself that no one talks to someone they love like that and that he is no example of a man I want to spend the rest of my life with.
•My dad went home yesterday (reluctantly I might add) and he and my mom are both coming back to visit next weekend.
•Also, if you think that this is fake or exaggerated I genuinely could not care less. I am the one living this shit and I do not need people downplaying the trauma I am going through. I also do not need to hear that you think I'm over reacting or that I'm in the wrong. The event I originally posted about is not the only reason I am leaving. I am leaving because that post and those commenting opened my eyes to just how controlling and abusive this man is and always has been. Thanks
Think that's it for now. Thanks so much to all of you for being so great to me. This is the hardest thing I've ever gone through but I just keep reminding myself that I will be okay and that I can do this.


I wish you the very best for your new start. Concentrate on those exams and you’ll have life on your terms!!! Congratulations and the best of luck on the rest of your life, it’s going to be great!

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.
Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:37 Reform-Reform 👉 How to QUIT Porn/PMO/Sex, and FIX health issues. 👈

A snippet from the book, "23 forms of ugliness from wasting your essence (also known as jing/kidney qi in TCM)" here:
Over 6 years clean, the author "Soaring Eagle", created the "book" titled "Rebooting as the best remedy":
You can download it free as a PDF or EPUB file here:
(41 chapters so far translated into English.)
Source here, translated by HMHU back in 2017.
Extra information below:
Terminologies Brothers = all people on the road of rebooting TCM = Traditional Chinese Medicine
Table of contents
Season 01: The reason to repeated defeat: slack in cleansing the mind
Season 02: The misconception in repeated failure lies with the incorrect motive of restoring one’s sexual performance
Season 03: How to get rid of frequent nocturnal emissions
Season 04: Be vigilant during the flatline period and of the fed up mood
Season 05: How to supplement the health the right way
Season 06: Prostatitis, varicocele, premature ejaculation and impotence recovery
Season 07: 3 stages in rebooting and deep analysis regarding staying up during the night and long sittings
Season 08: The issue of height growth, going bald, acne and reactions to rebooting
Season 09: The issue of tinnitus, rebooting mentality, the importance of searching for study materials
Season 10: A detailed discussion on masturbation induced ugliness, and the recovery of neurasthenia, anxiety and social fear
Season 11: The adjustment of mentality after relapse, non-liquidation of semen, and the penis length issue
Season 12: Adding to the issue of balding, how to recover faster and better during rebooting
Season 13: The harm of premarital sexual behavior
Season 14: Black eye ring and eye bags, grey hair, hemorrhoids and rhinitis
Season 15: The issue of soft legs, secretion of oil, tension disorder and scrotum dampness
Season 16: Complementary info on nocturnal emission, harmlessness theories, theory on harmfulness from restraining and the frequency of sex during marriage
Season 17: How to conquer sexual fantization, repeated phenomenon, sleepiness, pressure induced masturbation
Season 18: Complementary info on prostatitis, insomnia, relapse while dawdling in bed, weekend relapse
Season 19: The issue of morning erection, leakiness, bowel movement and small testicle
Season 20: Different types of relapse, the mystery of the shooting distance,
the evil fruit from masturbating twice in a row
Season 21: Stomach pain following masturbation, fantization induced illnesses, drooping testicles
Season 22: Be a owner of pure frequency
Season 23: The issue of waist pain, puffiness, emancipation and the importance of keeping vigilance
Season 24: Aggravated hair loss following rebooting, complementary info on emancipation, the issue of lower brain power
Season 25: Impotence, the mystery of time to relapse and different forms of essence damage from masturbation
Season 26: Rebooting fed up period, the issue of excessive sweating and the issue of vision
Season 27: Directly tackling long sitting, underestimating the enemy, foamy urine issue
Season 28: Withdrawal reactions, curved penis issue, semen changing color
Season 29: Rebooting condition adjustment, obstacles in development, emission due to nervousness
Season 30: Getting straight to the issue of anxiety, neurosis, digging deep into neurosis
Season 31: The sharp weapon in recovery, sexual indifference and masturbating while dreaming
Season 32: The issue of absorption rate, rebooting stabilization period, sperm quality
Season 33: Masturbating blood, dizziness and headache following masturbation, relapse after nocturnal emission
Season 34: 5 case studies, directly looking at premature ejaculation, conclusion on premature ejaculation
Season 35: The recovery pattern, medical fees, guide for recovery from chronic prostatitis
Season 36: Reiterate the harmful effects of masturbation
Season 37: Sexual fantization terminator, conquering the love for fetishes, phobia
Season 38: Refuting the harmlessness in moderation theory by the sexologists
Season 39: Revisiting the topic of relapsing and the revealed profundities by the 21 points
Season 40: How to cope with the period of repeated symptoms
Season 41: Controlling nocturnal emission examined in detail
Description from the translator HMHU:
"Hi everyone! First of all, I have not stayed clean for this many years, instead, I’m referring to a guy that I’ve come across in the Chinese rebooting community. This guy (internet name 飞翔) has managed to stay clean for almost 7 years and counting. Furthermore, he has shared his experiences and continues to share them to this day (over 73000 forum posts in one online forum alone). He has diligently studied many topics related to rebooting and has written extensively in this field. I discovered great value upon reading his material and felt compelled to share it with the English speaking community. Therefore I have started the project to translate his work into English. I will refer to this author as Soaring Eagle going forward which is similar to his Chinese pen name.
The reason why I find Soaring Eagle’s work compelling is because he approaches rebooting from two unique angles: TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and Buddhism.
It is my hope that the English-speaking community will benefit from Soaring Eagle’s knowledge as the Chinese community has.
Going forward I intend to upload translations on a weekly basis on 3 different websites (NoFap, Reddit, and rebootnation) in order to reach a large audience.
If you are a Chinese speaker and would like to correct any errors in my translation please feel free to do so, I welcome constructive criticism.
Regarding the contents
While I do not agree with everything that the author has to say there is nevertheless a great deal of information that I do find useful. If something does not resonate with your beliefs please don’t be too quick to disregard the whole body of the material. His success in staying clean should speak for itself. I only ask the reader to read with an open mind and apply whatever he finds to be useful. -HMHU
Regarding the translation
I will try to preserve the meaning and intention of Soaring Eagle ( the pseudonym I’ve given to the original author) to the best of my ability. My goal will be to achieve maximum retention of the original thought/communication while at the same time making the English translation flow naturally as if spoken by the author himself.
I do not know Soaring Eagle personally nor have I spoken with him and I’m not affiliated with the author in any way. -HMHU
Book (same link as above):
submitted by Reform-Reform to u/Reform-Reform [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:47 GiversBot /u/tombo4321 removed from /r/ModSupport on 2024-05-29 (t3_1d37m6l up 0.12 days)

tombo4321 was removed from /ModSupport

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How do we get incorrect permanent account suspensions reviewed?

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There have been a couple of changes recently - AEO has gotten more enthusiastic about handing out permanent suspensions and we can only appeal once.
My impression is that the admins that look at appeals use a "tick and flick" process - it's so quick that I can't imagine they read the appeal. So, appeal denied, then where can we go?
Two examples - and skip these if they are boring:
I got permed for using a homophobic slur. It was in my own private sub, I was testing an automod change. My appeal was denied. Luckily I'm an active mod on a large-ish sub and the other mods mounted a mail-in campaign that got my account restored.
My friend got permed, and honestly I'm not sure why. I think AEO confused her use of a term for masturbation that starts with 'f' for a homophobic slur. She's a long-standing, high-karma reddit user, but she doesn't have a team of mods willing to push her case.
So two things:
  • admins, please adjust the process to not be so harsh to longer-term users
  • is there an appeal process for my friend?
submitted by GiversBot to modsupportremovals [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:34 TheDreadPirateRobots [Have Gun - Will Travel] - 1.1

The world has gone mad.
Global pandemic. Civil protests. Riots. Inept leadership. Corruption. Propaganda. World powers shifting uneasily as tensions rise. World War III feels like it’s just one wrong move away.
And I’m trapped here in my crappy little apartment because of quarantine.
Well, not trapped exactly. I could go out and participate in socially distant activities, or join the protests downtown, but I’m too damn depressed to get off the sofa. With everything shut down, I’m currently laid-off temporarily and living on the last of my savings, which consists mostly of ramen and canned veggies. My current hobbies include selling everything I own for rent money, lying on a sofa that was abused by a fraternity back in the 80s, and distracting myself with a crappy smartphone that was outdated when I bought it three years ago. I’ve sold everything else. Television, game console, tablet, computer, and all my games. Material things don’t matter when you don’t have a place to store them.
“I’m not a loser,” I whisper to myself. “I’m not stupid. I’m a hard worker. I’m just stressed and depressed as fuck.”
A century ago I could have just headed out into the wilderness and been a prospector, panning for gold and silver in the hills. I could have hired out as a cowboy, riding the open range and herding the cattle for one of the big ranches. Or been a hired gun. Or a bounty hunter. Considering how desperate I am right now, I would probably fall into a gang of outlaws robbing stage coaches and banks, vanishing across the border to drink and gamble until the money was gone.
Good thing I’m not much of a drinker, I guess.
A text interrupts my idle contemplation of shadows on the ceiling. Lifting my crappy smartphone off my chest, I thumb open the message app. It’s a group text from my boss at iBox Co.
“Hey guys. I know this is a horrible way to deliver the news, but I gotta close the business. Thanks for all the hard work and good luck in the future.”
I drop the phone back onto my chest and it pulses faintly with the beating of my heart.
I check the new text. It’s from my mobile service provider.
“Your automatic bill pay has failed. Please update your account or call the service department.”
Well, duh. No job, no money. No money, no life. Rent due at the end of the week. Supposedly they can’t evict you during quarantine, but they said nothing about the land lord disconnecting the water and power. John down in apartment 2B has been living like a caveman for the last 3 weeks, stubbornly refusing to move out. I wonder if that’s how I’ll end up? Alone in the dark, cooking ramen over a candle.
A quiet rage builds in my gut. Bad news, bad news, bad news. Nothing but bad news and more bad news. Estranged from my divorced parents because I refused to pick sides. Kicked out of college for poor academic performance. Scholarship gone. Girlfriend gone. Job gone. Money gone.
Frustrated at my helplessness, I clench my fist around the phone and fling it behind me.
“Ah shit,” I grumble aloud, instantly regretting my impulsive action and rolling over to survey the damage.
The remains of a fancy framed mirror I had bought for a few bucks at an estate sale hung on the wall, smashed into pieces with my smartphone sticking through it like a ninja star. “How the heck did that happen?” I asked myself, staring in disbelief. I liked that mirror. It was one of the first non-essential purchases I had made after I moved in and I thought it gave the otherwise bare wall some needed character. Now it was shattered into pieces just like everything else in my life.
Crawling off the ratty sofa, I walked over to examine the damage. Pieces of thick glass hung from the frame like jagged teeth, reflecting my too-skinny body in a dozen slivers of reality. My cheap smartphone was embedded in the middle of the mirror and apparently halfway into the wall behind it. Prying away a few shards of glass to survey the damage, a strange pattern was revealed on the wood panel underneath the glass. Wriggling a larger piece loose cost me a nasty slice on my finger and I sucked on it while picking away the remainder of the glass. When everything was clear, my phone was revealed to be smashed through a silvery spiderweb of lines and symbols, apparently merged with the wall like a piece of modern art.
I tried to pull it loose with my good hand, but it was wedged in there tight. Gripping with both hands I tugged and twisted until it was slick with blood from my finger. “What the actual hell?” I said, peering at point where the phone merged with the wood backing of the mirror and the wall. I ran my fingers around the edge of the phone, trying to find where it was stuck and smearing the entire area with bloody fingerprints until it looked like a crime scene.
I gripped it again with both hands and began tugging.
My phone began to buzz and vibrate in my hand while the melody of a popular AOP song played. The strange silvery pattern my phone was embedded in lit up like a Christmas tree, glowing with thousands of colours that began chasing each other in time with the music. I instinctively jerked away, but my hands were stuck to the phone.
I couldn’t let go. My fingers were welded to the device! Panicked, I flopped around like a fish on a hook as the bluish light crawled over the phone and up my arms. Some force yanked me into the wall up to my elbows and I started screaming like a little girl with a wasp in her hair.
Then it pulled me completely into the wall.
I disintegrated into a cloud of artificial confetti, falling through synthetic colours and genetically modified sounds. Nothing made sense. The world was a boiling pot of salty madness and I was a shattered jar of elbow macaroni. Eternity passed in a cloud of steam.
“Ah, poor lost thing. What are you doing here?”
A soothing voice laid a foundation for my consciousness and I grabbed at it.
“You are near dissolution. I’ll do my best.”
Invisible fingers pushed and tugged and squeezed and formed the clay of my existence back into me. The last few months of my life flipped by, an embarrassing montage of manga, anime, Red Dead Redemption, and masturbation. Lots of masturbation.
“I’ve done everything I could. I’ll send you through your destination, or close to it. Your kind is not meant to be here without a guardian, remember that.”
Glass shattered into a million fragments as I emerged from that dark realm and tumbled across the ground.
I sucked in a deep breath, choking on soot and the distinct aroma of bird shit.
When the world stopped whirling around me, I opened my eyes. Above me were burnt rafters covered in bird shit and the remains of a roof. Sunlight painted one soot-covered stone wall in the golden hues of a summer afternoon. After a moment, I realised that I felt pretty good. Really good. Like I could run a marathon. Climbing to my feet, I wiped my grimy hands on my shirt. The back was probably a ruin of shit and soot already, so keeping the front clean didn’t make sense.
The room was a ruin. A fire had obviously raged through here some time ago. A wood chair was collapsed in a corner near a fireplace, along with what appeared to be the remains of a table. Shattered bits of glass were scattered all around a large ornate standing mirror frame, the one that I had apparently exited from. A large mound of mushrooms and ferns grew in another corner on what was possibly a bed at one time. Behind me a fire ravaged door hung on blackened timbers.
*System Restart\*
I blinked at the text hanging in the air.
submitted by TheDreadPirateRobots to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:06 php857 Scientist and Professor Brown-Sequard discovered that old age is brought by depletion of sex hormones in the body and that youth can be entirely restored through strict long-term chastity/continence(SR in other words for men)

I read this book called "Science Of Regeneration: Physiological Methods Of Male And Female Regeneration (1955)", which is based on scientific experiments/ discoveries made by scientists which confirmed my initial conviction that OLD AGE is brought by indulging in sexual activity of any kind. Any serious person who follows SR should get this book which will motivate you to stay on this path. At the bottom are some highlighted passages from that book confirming that the depletion of sex hormones in the human body triggers the body to age and that strict preservation of sex hormones through STRICT absolute chastity, which includes NO SEX, NO MASTURBATION, NO WET DREAMS, NO RELEASE OF ANY KIND is key to regenerate the human body in both men and women and restore youth. Many people on this subreddit probably already read my comments where I explained how Semen Retention cured my diabetes and high blood pressure and How I helped 3 other men REVERSE their diabetes using SR alone. After seeing the mind-boggling effects of SR and how it has transformed my health entirely solely from abstaining from sexual activities of any kind and HOW that same effect of diabetes reversal could be reproduced in 3 other men who used the same method, I became MORE AND MORE convinced that humans age due to the fact that they are in CONSTANT reproduction mode instead of being in a "repair and maintenance mode" as explained by the "Disposable soma theord of aging" Below are 2 links of the testimonies of the guys I helped recover from diabetes via SR
The reason why Diabetes is cured when you are on a long-term SR streak is because of the cultivation of semen through spermatogenesis. When semen is not ejaculated for a period of 70 t0 90 days, it gets re-absorbed in the body, when those mature sperm cells are re-absorbed during the process of spermatogenesis, they are turned into STEM CELLS. Mature sperm cells are STEM CELLS, these stem cells can become ANY cell in the body (heart, liver, brain, pancreas etc.) Dead beta cells producing insulin in the pancreas can be regenerated by SPERM STEM CELLS and scientists have started to discover that SPERM STEM CELLS can ACTUALLY cure diabetes, here are 2 links on sperm stem cells being able to cure diabetes:
Not only was I able to reverse diabetes and reproduced the same effect in 3 other guys with the same disease, I discovered HOW important MENTAL CELIBACY/STRICT ABSTENTION FROM LUSTFUL THOUGHTS is important in this process. You lose lifeforce energy whenever you engage in lustful thoughts. Ejaculation is the manifestation of lifeforce energy that got denser and denser as it moved down to your sacral chakra resulting in an erection. When I strictly abstain from SEXUAL THOUGHTS, I can see my MALE PATTERN BALDNESS reversing and my hair regrowing and when I sometimes entertain sexual thoughts without even releasing, these hair growth effects and regeneration phenomena are very weak. I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT BELIEVE IN KAREZZA. The hormones that damage your hair follicles are activated by arousal alone, you don't have to ejaculate for that to open, entertain sexual thoughts will make you bald and AGE you as well even if you don't ejaculate.
I can track all my life miseries and misfortunes to the very first time I started ejaculating at 15 years old seriously, everything that's wrong in my life can be traced back to when I started masturbating and ejaculating. I was a VERY VERY bright kid in school, always among the top 3 students of my class until I discovered ejaculation and masturbation. Reversal of diabetes, blood pressure and male pattern baldness led me to believe that SR is not just a practice for generating energy, it goes way beyond that. I'm starting to FIRMLY believe that the forbidden fruit that is mentioned in the bible had to do with SEX. It was not an apple like depicted in many religions, it was the act of sex/lust.
That book mentioned above even goes on to say that the activation of the PINEAL GLAND ( ALSO KNOWN AS YOUR THIRD EYE) can also be achieved through continence/chastity and will help the retainer realize his true spiritual nature.
I am not sure if you guys are aware of the practice of "Astral Projection", the ability to get out of your own body at will and explore the astral plane. The astral projection subreddit has over 317K members and many people who successfully astral project have shared the fact that they could ONLY achieve astral projection through the practice of "SEMEN RETENTION", so SR goes beyond the physical. The ability of astral travelling is 100% linked to your sexual energy. We have dormant supernatural powers that were deactivated most likely after the FALL of man (Lust and pursuing sex)
My message is this one, if you have ANY DISEASE, please give SR a try, but practice it with mental celibacy- DO NOT ENTERTAIN SEXUAL THOUGHTS. This message is dedicated to the many young men out there suffering from bad health and depression, there's hope .. Give SR a try. Get on a strict streak of 5 years and you'll be brand new!
submitted by php857 to Semenretention [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 17:33 SwiftttEpisode i’m going to tell my best friends about my sexual assault

i recently posted about my sexual assault when i was 9 years old
i really want to get it off my chest but i don’t want to tell my parents. so today im going to tell my 2 best friends who i know i can trust to not tell anyone. i just want to tell someone because for some reason it can’t get off my mind. i was fine for the longest but now its all i can think about. oh and i remember telling people in middle school about my cousin masturbating on omegle in front of me. but i never said anything about the things he’s done to me.
today i also asked my mom what she would do if her kid revealed to her if someone took advantage of their kid. she said she’d most likely believe her kid and then asked me if anything happened to me. i played it off by saying i watched and ears a lot of stories like it. i said no cus honestly im not ready to tell my parents. also i asked my younger brother if my cousin has done anything weird to him and he said no. i don’t think he’ll do anything to my brother especially since im taller now and more imposing but i wonder if he’s done anything to anyone else. also some people have suggested that maybe he’s also been abused when he was younger. i think that could be the case , i think he could also be mentally challenged or whatever. he’s the oldest sibling but i think his mom holds more of a leash on him. he has a younger brother and his brother is definitely more outgoing. he’s always going out and drives around. he even lived in another state for a while with his girlfriend and her family. i don’t think their mom would ever allow the older one to do that. i do wonder if he remembers what he did. he’s always talking about the year when it happened and how we had a lot of fun during that summer. but never mentions what happened.
i think it has had an effect on me. not too crazy but definitely has had an effect. more so on my sexual life ig. not gonna go too much into detail but yeah. i’ve always wondered why i had those issues but now it makes sense. it’s weird how before i never really thought about the whole thing but this past weekend it’s been on my mind. i don’t even remember what i read or watched to make me think of it.
submitted by SwiftttEpisode to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 02:59 dominic-m-in-japan My reply to a post

Hello, if your wife is not going to get counseling, all is not lost. You have a church of Christ that is willing to help you both and pray for you. Do you know if she is having regular Christian fellowship with women? If not, there is a red flag there. Do you know if you can, at least, cuddle? If not, red flag number two and I would feel like she is hold much resentments you. You are both victims. You are and she is. How is she? Because of your porn and masturbation use. That is a very deadly sin that will lead to hell. (See Matthew 5:27-30). Jesus said those words so I can't disagree wtih the Lord and Savior on that one. I am not telling you to confess that specifically to your wife, since that probably will only add to the resentment and some women might be even more triggered to leave, separate, divorce, or have their own physical and/or emotional affairs (love affairs aka love addiction aka limerence).
The only think you can do is be in the most closest relationship to Jesus Christ. I'm not talking just about "any" Jesus Christ. Many say they are Christians yet think Jesus Christ is the brother of satan (mormons) or just a angel (Jehovah's Witnesses). I am saying, when you read John 1 verse 1, Jesus Christ is the Word of God, and is God. That is not a debatable concept. So regardless of your both upbringings, you have to realize that, for if not, you are both guilty of idolatry, making a concept of God that the Bible doesn't teach or promote. False teachers are real (See Galatians 1:8,9) and Matthew 7:13-23.
I'm not here to convert you to my theology, or my "brand" of Christianity, that also is nonsense. There are saved and not saved, plain and simple.
I would get your Bible, pray and read it, and pray for your marriage yes, but also for your own salvation more, so that while doing that, your assurance would be greater and greater and you could have more mercy and compassion to your wife. She ultimately knows the Lord or she doesn't plain and simple. We are not gods or God to know this, but we can see "fruits" and those "red flags" I mentioned from my thinking are only my own.
There is a reason why she is not having sex with you. Trust me. It could be your answer, your porn use, your "hey baby, can you give me some sex?" My wife has told me many times, "you think I'm just a hole" BINGO!!!
We men seem to think "If I get married, my sexual fantasies are all solved" and when the years past, as you know now and I know now, ....we see the reality. The honey moon wears off.
Ask yourself some really painful questions.
  1. Do I pray for and with my wife? If no, why not? What is lacking here?
  2. Do I want my wife to be emotionally happy too? Some women complain and say "why is my husband caring only for his physical needs of sex and not my emotional needs of (fill in the blank). What are her emotional needs? Why is she so hostile, neglectful, is it because she is a mom and now has time only for mom duties? Would you or could you be doing more around the house? Did she tell you to clean, her help, and you are bitter (scripture says husband don't be bitter towards your wife), and therefore in your bitterness, she is now hurt and of course, rightly, resistantant to you? that is the case partly too. Love languages are also 'works of service' and your love language could be 'physical touches'
Now we have to talk about the elephant in the room.
First you. When you look at porn, you are having an affair of the mind and heart and emotion which a fake person, whom you are using for sex and that is not your God given wife (Matthew 19, what God has put together, let no man tear asunder) including men and our love for foreign and strange women in porn use. Hello?!...that is to me too you know, why else do you think on here and in my own recovery from this garbage. I'm not mad either, this is just how I talk.
Next. Her affairs, if you understand your affairs with porn, don't blame her for her affairs, emotional or physical with someone she might have met online or at work or somewhere else. That happens all the time. My mother left my dad of 40 something years after her third affair. Some were physical and some were emotional, but my mom is gone now. It's time to wake up to sex and love addictions.
Your wife is not a hole, even if she is the worst of the worst. She has been loved by God, Jesus Christ died for her, so you also, and you must know that forgiveness of God, and initiate and practice this also, as well as I should and all men here on this place. That is a command God.
Sex is so small really. Get horny, get some orgasms, then what. You have to live with them the rest of the day and let's see how loving the love making did. If we just "love" our wives during "love making" but didn't have the same love after 'sex' what kind of love making is that, it's more like lust making.
Some would say "She is your wife, you have to fix your own marriage".
You know I went to mental health and complained a lot of my wife and her her her, but the Dr. told me straight up "Man, you have GOT to fix your marraige", which mean, I had to stop the abuse (porn, and all other kinds of sexual immorality). strip bars, massage parlors, prostitutes, all of that, emotional affairs, flirting with women, etc etc. You and her, me and not my wife, we have got to stop that.
Your wife needs Jesus and she is desperately trying to see Jesus in YOU. We have to recognize that. Ephesians says "husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church"
When she sees your love, your change of mind (repentance) and attitude, I'm sure, she will be open to walks on the park, some romantic dates, and someone can watch your daughter and you can re-kindle your honey moon.
This is now about sex, it's about being a true desciple of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20).
What does grace teach us? Romans 2:4 say "The kindness of God leads us to repentance" and in Titus 2:11-14, what do you read?
You can see.
submitted by dominic-m-in-japan to u/dominic-m-in-japan [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 19:23 cliffthehomophobe conversation with antique rivers

please read this conversation i had with antique rivers. It will be worth your time.
u/Antique_River6157 avatar

7d ago
corny as shit bruh
u/cliffthehomophobe avatar

7d ago
well well well. I'm guessing you are a guy using a female profile pic? Lets talk. Tell me when you realized you were gay
u/Antique_River6157 avatar

7d ago
look your pfp eyes looks like he got no sleep
nah bro you’re probably satire or some shii 💀💀💀
u/cliffthehomophobe avatar

7d ago
I am a satirist and a firm believer in the laws of biology and Jehovah God. so if a little satire here and there gets my point across so be it
u/Antique_River6157 avatar

7d ago
also about your recent posts don’t the lgbtq community literally hate zoophiles rapists and people like that 💀😭
u/cliffthehomophobe avatar

7d ago
The points i was trying to bring across is that it is illogical and hypocritical to be shouting about ''freedom'' to be a sexual deviant withoutallowing other deviants to express themselves. please read the Bible verses i added there and if youre an atheist youcan choose not to read them.
u/Antique_River6157 avatar

7d ago
bro look at you “cliffthehomophobe” yo mama probably embarrassed looking at yo ass
stanky af 😝
u/cliffthehomophobe avatar

7d ago
I like the name it really describes what i believe in and what i stand for. P.S, my mother died four years ago but i have the hope that she shall be ressurected one day. What hope do you have that your ''Alternative Lifestyle'' will bring you happiness an fulfilment?
u/Antique_River6157 avatar

7d ago
like the BEST THING YOU COULD DO IS IGNORE SOMEONE IF THEY’RE GAY AND MOVE ON. it’s the least of any worries compared to pedophilia
u/cliffthehomophobe avatar

7d ago
You know your argument is a double edged sword? I mean, i'll follow your advice. If i have a child and he or she turns out to be homosexual i'll ignore him/her and move on ('' I have no son/daughter'' y'know, that kind of thing). he/she will have to move in with their 'partner' and never show their face at my place. Neither will he or she receive any help from me unless they change their orieentation. It's not about genes, it's about behaviour and choice. It's like pedophilia and other sexual deviations. But i won't ignore LGBTQ+ people. I'll try to educate them, showing them the error of their ways and if they don't change God will deal with them (Galatians 6: 7-8)
u/Antique_River6157 avatar

7d ago
i mean
you don’t have to walk up to some random trans couple on the street (who probably is minding their business) and tell them that gAy bAd BlAhHhH!1!1!11!1 or fucking NEGLECT your child over gay; try letting your future kid wait until they turn 14 or something to come out as gay
and i’m christian and i don’t think god would put them in one of the worst ancient torture methods because JUST they kissed a boy that isn’t their dad
u/cliffthehomophobe avatar

7d ago
Ah! a fellow Christian! I'm surprised you support a lifestyle that goes against what Jehovah God himself teaches. Y'see i live in Africa and let me tell you, the only time i saw a homo couple was when me and my class (5a at Little Woods classic academy) went to Livingstone to see the Mosi-oa-Tunya (AKA Victoria Falls). i saw the two females in question kiss and i picked a rock and threw it at them with all my might. It hit one in the eye but luckily no one sussed me because i was little (This was 7 years ago btw). I later felt bad about what i did and i realized that persuasion is better than force in such matters. and so, i dont use violent language (minus that corny bit sinc i was angry) when dealing with LGBTQ+. P.S. you cannot claim to be a Christian and then go against what God's word says. P.P.S, deuteronomy3:4 You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God that I command you. NIV Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the LORD your God that I give you.
u/cliffthehomophobe avatar

7d ago
P.P.P.S Rei and Asuka are not homosexual; its just fan art. And finally my battery's almost dead; Goodbye and peace be with you
More replies
u/Antique_River6157 avatar

7d ago
just fucking respect people
wouldn’t jesus like it if you showed respect to people??
u/cliffthehomophobe avatar

7d ago
Jesus said 'respect people of all sorts'. that applies to people regardless of skin colour,ethnic group, gender(trans people not included) and economic standing. in regards to homosexuals christians should view them as all other immoral people; as people who can change 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. Also, respect doesn't mean condoning illicit behaviour since i am also against HETEROSEXUAL IMMORALITY SUCH AS ADULTERY, INTERCOURSE BEFORE MARRIAGE, PROSTITUTION, PORNOGRAPHY, MASTURBATION, ET CETERA. But that doesnt mean that such people can't change for the better now, does it? P.S. I don't believe in this ''Its how iam: ican't help it'' nonsense. i mean, if we all followed this rule and didn't control our urges (Both sexual and non-sexual) wouldn't we all turn into cutthroats looking to gratify our urges? (2 Timothy 3:1-5)
u/Antique_River6157 avatar

7d ago
but gay marriage exists 👍
u/cliffthehomophobe avatar

7d ago
Matthew 19:4-6: "Haven't you read," he [Jesus] replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
u/Antique_River6157 avatar

7d ago
honestly i think from here i’ll just move on from this
u/cliffthehomophobe avatar

7d ago
Alright, Ihope you change your mind. And I pray that you'll find the truth about anything you might be wondering about relating to life or any thing else bothering you. if you have any questions (even ones that don't involve sexuality) feel free to ask. May Jehovah God our Creator be with you, good bye. P.S, did youknow that 'good bye' is a shortened form of 'God be with ye'?

submitted by cliffthehomophobe to Homophobes_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 17:09 FearOfInspiringPeeps How To Stop Watching Pornography

Porn Addiction

We all know our porn “triggers”. For me, it was when I was scrolling TikTok or Instagram and saw a beautiful woman… I would search her name +naked/nude/OnlyFans in Google and go down the wormhole that always ends with PMO (pornography/masturbation/orgasm). This is an instant dopamine hit that makes our caveman brain feel good… but only for a moment. The long-term repercussions of this terrible habit can be devastating.
In the digital age, where connectivity is omnipresent and content flows freely online, one facet of modern life often lurks in the shadows: porn addiction. Despite its prevalence and profound impact on individuals and society, the subject remains shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding. In this section, we delve into the complex layers of porn addiction, aiming to shed light on its underlying mechanisms, its multifaceted impact, and strategies for recovery.

Understanding Porn Addictions

Porn addiction, also known as compulsive sexual behavior disorder, is a condition characterized by an individual’s inability to control their consumption of pornography despite negative consequences. Similar to other forms of addiction, it hijacks the brain’s reward system, leading to compulsive behaviors and less self-control in other areas of your life (drinking, working out, drugs, diet, etc.)
The accessibility and anonymity afforded by the internet has exponentially grown the prevalence of porn addiction. With just a few clicks, individuals can access a vast array of explicit content, often escalating into addictive patterns due to the brain’s allure of instant gratification.
Neuroscientific research shows that porn addiction shares similarities with substance addiction, involving the addiction to these instant pleasure dopamine hits on demand. Over time, individuals will develop tolerance, requiring increasingly extreme porn stimuli to experience the same level of satisfaction, perpetuating a cycle of escalation.
The ramifications of porn addiction extend far beyond individual psychology, permeating relationships, societal attitudes, and cultural norms. Intimate partnerships often bear the brunt of the fallout, as porn addiction can erode trust, intimacy, and communication, leading to feelings of betrayal and inadequacy.
Porn addiction affects attitudes toward sex, distorting perceptions of intimacy, consent, and body image. Your real-world partner is likely not a pornstar, nor would you want them to be doing the degrading porn acts you watch online. Exposure to unrealistic portrayals of sexuality fosters unrealistic expectations, which contributes to feelings of inadequacy and sexual dysfunction (e.g. erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, no orgasm/ejaculation, and decreased libido).

Recovery and Treatment

Recovery from porn addiction is a multi-faceted journey that often requires peer support (peer groups like this one), self-reflection, and behavioral changes. Recognizing the problem and seeking help are crucial first steps, so congrats on step #1.
Professional services such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based interventions, and addiction counseling can provide individuals with more elevated tools to manage triggers, cope with cravings, and cultivate healthier relationships with sexuality.
If you don’t want to seek professional help, cultivating a supportive environment and engaging in self-care practices are crucial. This involves setting boundaries around internet usage, fostering open communication with intimate partners, and pursuing activities that promote physical and emotional well-being.

Replace Porn Temptations / Triggers With A New Habit

Step #1
Prevent yourself from ever seeing porn again. I suggest the AI-powered porn blocker (use coupon code “GROWOFFLINE” for a 20% lifetime discount on monthly or annual packages).
Step #2
Surround yourself with like-minded people. Create an accountability group to chat with someone who is also struggling. Share what is working and what isn’t for temptations/triggers, and hold each other accountable on your 90-day no porn reset. Ask how they are coping. Share and grow together! Peer support was one of my main keys to success for stopping PMO.
Join our free community on Reddit:
Step #3
Replace porn temptations or triggers with a new habit. One group member did 10 pushups every time he got the urge for PMO (pornography/masturbation/orgasm). And to say the least, he is now jacked and a total fitness nut… GREAT NEW HABIT!
I personally treated it like a “swear jar” fine. If it was only a $1 fine, I would have never changed. So I made the “price of temptations” vey high to ensure quick results and the formation of a new habit! Every time I was tempted to watch porn, I set a rule for myself that I had to buy $36 worth of Bitcoin. Talk about a dopamine hit… my bad habit turned into $1000s in a Bitcoin savings account! Now I don’t watch porn and I have a new habit of dollar-cost-averaging a daily order of Bitcoin for $36. Win-win!
By using this peer group, educating yourself, setting new habits for your porn triggers, and pursuing a reboot/reset on your brain, you can work towards mitigating the impact of porn addiction and fostering healthier attitudes towards sexuality.

How To Stop Watching Pornography

Resetting or “rebooting”, a term coined by recovering porn users, involves abstaining from pornography, masturbation, and orgasm (PMO) to recover from their negative effects. A supportive community is key to overcoming habitual porn use and rediscovering healthy sexuality through challenges and shared experiences.
Before embarking on a reset/reboot challenge, users must plan their porn temptation/trigger new habits and lean on their accountability partners within this group! There are various challenge durations touted, but I see the most success from a FULL 90-day reboot (i.e. if you break down and succumb to porn on X day, you restart on day #1).
While this 90-day challenge aims to facilitate a reset of your sexual brain and hormones, the effects of excessive porn use typically take longer. This is just your first goal of many you will achieve. But I am telling you, a cold turkey no porn, no masturbation for 90 days works! It is a true reset your mind and body needs. This reboot makes sex with your partner so much better! Plus it really helped in all areas of my life. Work, leisure, business, play… I was more present, focused, engaged, and productive. No PMO will improve every area of your life!
For 90 days you will abstain from both porn and masturbation. Your only orgasms allowed are through sexual activity with a partner.
This 90-day reset is the key first step in your journey toward overcoming porn addiction, reclaiming a healthy sexuality, and helping solve your erection issues! Use your fellow peers in this accountability community as a support system to ensure you persevere to a fulfilling, porn-free life.
submitted by FearOfInspiringPeeps to MenGrowOffline [link] [comments]