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2012.06.13 19:18 Apostolate Prepare For The Part

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2009.10.29 18:32 ucslug Law School Subreddit

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2010.02.28 08:02 AgentConundrum I Want To Learn: Connecting people who want to learn with people that can teach

Have you ever wanted to learn a martial art, or to play the guitar, or how to program a computer? Have you had difficulty figuring out where to start, what path to take or just wanted some advice to get you to the next level? Well, that's what /IWantToLearn is all about! Tell our community what you want to learn, and let those who came before you help guide you towards success!

2024.05.26 07:40 MadisonWithTwoDs Sued by Discover for the amount for 5,033.47USD +fees

Im broke and just had to drop college because the govt said no more money for grad school. Since then Ive only managed to land a weekend job selling stuff at Best Buy, 12 hrs a week 18$ an hour.
A. I cant afford to pay anything and I've been working on one and almost have one debt paid down thankfully. B. I cant find a damn job to save my life here. C. I don't know why they would sue for such a small amount of money and set a court date, it makes no sense to me for this small of an amount. D. There's nothing for them to take from me.
I don't really know what to do here or what I can do here as this isn't my only debt. I fully realize that I am extraordinarily stupid in having done what Ive done with my money. Im 25 and trying to get things sorted, but this is both scary and makes things more difficult for me.
submitted by MadisonWithTwoDs to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:38 HytaleHunter My opinion on Hytale has changed

This will be a rant of my story with hytale, TL;DR at the bottom
okay, so I used to be like, the single biggest hytale fan on the fucking planet, look at my username lol, like i lost a friend (i wasnt very close but still) years ago partly bc i was too annoying about the game lmao, and its still not out yet. I rewatched the trailer dozens of times, i listened to Slamma's music and "upcoming" mod music, i watched all the Kweebec Corner and some of CanadianFlash's theory videos and such about it, I joined KC's discord and read all the blogposts, I based my whole online presence on it, I even started conceptualizing a fanfiction which turned into just an original story. I know this was unhealthy lmao, i was young and that was only for like a year or something then like on and off until now, mainly because of the story lol. Even to this day i still watch KC sometimes to get the updates, but can i tell you am i disappointed, its like a revelation coming to me now.
Anyways, some backstory is that Hytale originally sparked my interest after watching Logdotzip's reaction to it in like 2018 (6 years ago!! what!!), and it was because it looked like my most ideal game ever, like I was into open-world shit, I loved terraria, and i raved about how good 1.13 and stuff was going to be for Minecraft (also because Logdotzip made weird videos about how Emerald Armor was coming in 1.13 lol), so it just looked like it was going to be a better minecraft, or a 3d terraria! Anyways as time went on (still very very early on), it seemed like they were dedicated on providing for the people yk, making modding accessible inside/ as a part of the game, communicating frequently and consistently with the community, and actually managing their time and shit (as we've come to see is not the case at all anymore), everything to be in dialogue with the players to make the game for them. And plus there was the modding thing! which i wanted to be a game developer when i grew up then, so i thought it'd be great to practice on Hytale, the upcoming game with accessible and user-friendly modding capabilities! but its still not out yet.
After like 2021 they ended the blogposts and shifted to postcards and, not having twitter, I became less into it, and i very much became less annoying about it, but I was still hopeful, I believed it was coming out last year and I decided to put it away until it came out. of course, its still not out yet. The Riot thing didn't even really phase me as much as it did some others worried about microtransactions and corporatism and stuff, in fact it gave me hope that it was going to come sooner and better, especially as they were taking their time with the engine to make it better for modded etc.. (I was still a tinyy bit bitter abt the engine thing because it looked like they had a working version of my ideal game, and there wasnt even talks of a beta). As the years have gone on, and especially recently, hypixels issues with communication have become more and more apparent, part of the reasons i loved the game in the first place. Even to like january this year, i excused their corporate-speak, excuses, and lack of community engagement because they were reworking the whole thing, it would be boring hearing those updates, right?, and they had the giant Q&A on twitter! I even almost made a twitte x account just to respond to the q&a even with my hatred of Musk and x lol.
this school year ive had a lot of issues with maintaining my friendships and ive gotten more politically in-tune, especially with the genocide in Gaza, so its kinda been a depressive spiral for me, and a few months ago I hit a low point, so i tried to bounce back and started getting into and playing the Wakfu MMO, and I feel like my story with Wakfu is very similar to my story with Hytale. basically Ive known and watched the Wakfu tv show since i was really young, in fact it inspired some of the ideas in my hyatle fanfic idea when it became more of just an original, and it was still one of my top favorite tv shows last year, the worldbuilding and environment was so visually appealing and cozy and i remember wanting to just live in that world when i was young, similar to how i obsessed over how Hytale was my ideal game, and Ive known about the MMOs for about a year now. so anyways, when I hit that low point, i just wanted to escape, and i, like i did for hytale, based a lot of what i did online from Wakfu, my tumblr and new youtube channel banner is a wakfu concept art lol, and the MMO aspect felt very community-oriented, and i met a few friends from it too. If you don't know, Ankama, the company that made Wakfu, is notorious for being terrible at communication with its players, if your email isn't verified for some reason when making an account they want you to contact support, but its actually easier just to make a different email because they take years to respond sometimes. Earlier, i chalked it down to "the company is bad, but the game/ show is good", but now even the new content is becoming bad, the design changes from season 1-2 and 3-4 of wakfu's show is terrible and gets rid of any of the reasons why the environments and towns felt so appealing, and ankama's new MMO Waven follows that same bland design, and the writing on all their content contradicts itself on every point now, so i cant even say their game/ shows are good anymore. Though, if you have the time, wakfu season 1 (and 2 at parts), have one of the best villains in television ive seen. Now I can't even enjoy the cozy aesthetic of it without seeing a new thing to take issue with. Anyways, to summarize, with Wakfu, I went from idealizing and obsessing over it for the vibes and supposed community-orientation and basing my online presence (somewhat) on it, to realizing the apparent lack of communication Ankama has, to seeing flaws in the content they make overall.
Anyways, I brought up Wakfu and Ankama (it was like a whole post in itself omg) because I think it really helped me see Hypixel's issues now. Just earlier today, I was reading some of the F2P vs P2P posts on this sub, and originally, and since i watched the trailer all the way back in 2018, I've been staunchly in the F2P crowd, because I knew, or assumed, that Hypixel would be so community oriented, have their modding tools so integrated and accessible, that F2P would be fine because they wouldnt monetize like the others in my ideal game, right?? But now that I saw the "live free-to-play Game-as-a-Service" thing, and knowing their with a big company and their history of being uncommunicative, I'm fearful its going to be like Roblox, a big monetized and monopolized mobile-game mod mess, and/or like Ankama, with no communication and no community, or theyre going to have things locked behind paywalls, etc.. At this point, the things I liked about the game aside from the visuals, the accessibility, communication, and community engagement, Hypixel have fucked up on all of them, and I don't know if the actual game will be any good anymore because of it, or any sort of revolutionary with things like Vintage Story having been released or Godot being an actual good game engine, etc..
In conclusion, i dont think i will be able to appreciate Hytale anymore
TL;DR: I used to idealize hytale because it looked like it would be my ideal game, open world, beautiful graphics, accessible modding, etc.., and i liked it for 3 main reasons, vibes, community engagement/ accessibility, and dev-player dialogue. After having a similar experience with Wakfu and over the course of the development of hytale, ive realized the apparent lack of dialogue, and seeing the F2P Game-as-a-Service update, the lack of accessibility comes up with very possible paywalls and monetization, being inconsistent with the "free integrated modding and character customization," and thus the lack of vibes, as the monetization will very much get in the way of my enjoyment and experience with the game, and I don't think I'll be able to appreciate it the same ever again.
submitted by HytaleHunter to HytaleInfo [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:34 Upstairs_Tea1787 (Rewritten) Total Drama Reboot Season 3 Episode 2 (My Way)

Chris recaps the last episode as the campers dug up their team members pictures to determine the teams, and says that these teams seem "oddly specific" in who is on what team (he rigged the team picking). Hockey Bros on different teams, Chase and Emma on the same team, although some got lucky that they were put together such as Julia and MK, and Ripper and Axel, but it will only be a matter of time until things start going in a different direction. Today is the day they figure out who is going home first in this third season.
The intro plays like usual
On the Far Apart Foxes: Priya is seen staring deep into thought in her bunk about pretty much everything Millie, Caleb, The game, and what her parents are thinking right now. Zee comes in and asks if she's ok, and she claims she is, and that she's not going to let any of this stop her, and Zee could tell something was wrong, but didn't want to say anything as it's only caused him problems in the past. Julia and MK are outside talking about what they could try doing as they believe their team is full of people who are gross, emotional wrecks, not all there, or just hate their guts, Julia knows that she could be booted easily if they lose, she says not if they cheat, MK brings up her cheating idea again, but Julia reminds her that she got caught last time and almost went home, MK believes that if she doesn't mess with anything of Chris', like the hairdryer, they should be fine, plus instead of cheating through challenges, they could cheat through messing with people, Julia likes the sound of that. Meanwhile Raj is seen crying in his bunk claiming he's been crying all night, and then he sees Wayne and Bowie coming in, with Bowie saying Wayne did the same thing in his bunk and he sits the hockey bros and gives them a pep talk, trying to lift up their spirits, but it doesn't work, Bowie tries to think of something. Axel and Ripper are then found talking about their history in the game from going from hating each other to loving each other, Axel then tells him that she and him need to cool down on the making out, as she's been noticing that it's been dragging her and him down, Ripper claims being gross is something he does best, Axel tries to tell him that she may believe that he's not super gross, but if they want to dominate the game, Ripper needs to clean up his act, both literally and figuratively.
On the Separated Serpents sides: Caleb and Millie are seen talking to themselves about Priya and then all of sudden they say the same thing out loud and gasp. Caleb then tells her that he owes her an apology, Millie says what for, and Caleb tells her for taking her best friend away from her, and saying that he was glad she was gone when she was eliminated, Millie tells him that she's said bad things more times than him, and they laugh it off, and decide to form an alliance, and Caleb promises that he will honest and truthful, and won't go behind her back, and all of sudden they hear a scream. We see Damien being chased by Scary Girl, whom somehow brought a jackhammer and said that she wants to have time to catch up, Chase is then seen hiding in a bush filming Damien saying he never knew Damien was so hilarious and would be great footage for his channel. Emma watches Chase from the cabin saying that he only cares about his own fame and the benefits, not the people he films, and still can't believe he's still the same Emma then stops and sits back and remembers season 1, and eventual flashbacks show her blowing up at Bowie, and claims that she was such a jerk to Bowie and that it was all her fault that their friendship ended, not Chase, she wants to talk to him, but she's not sure of when the best time to do so is.
Chris then announces it's challenge time!
Chris announces that he hopes the contestants have had their time to get used to their new teams and that it's time for the first challenge, will be a getting to know you game. Bowie says that isn't a little late since they've all known each other for a few years, but Chris says that he has eyes everywhere and has been watching, and Priya then starts twitching in her seat after hearing the challenge explained, and Millie asked her if she's ok, and claims she's fine she just didn't sleep well last night, Millie doesn't buy it. Julia tells her that even though she hates, she needs to pull herself together, if they don't want to win, Priya snaps at Julia to not tell her what to do, which surprises everyone, even Julia. Caleb said that was even worse than all the times Priya snapped at him combined. Chris says he'd love to keep this going, but he's on a tight schedule and that the challenge is that each person gets a point for every time they press their button admitting to the fact described to the other campers, if they refuse after 10 seconds, the other team gets the point, and that after one team gets 8 points will be the team that wins immunity and the losing team must send someone home.
First: Who was the first one is which camper accidentally peed themselves on their first date?
Emma presses her button, and Chase claims that he had no idea she peed herself, and thought he caused her to get a period, and she just growls at him. (Point for Serpents)
Next Question is: Which camper got suspended from school for going in the opposite gender's restroom?
Ripper presses his button (Point for Foxes), and says he's proud of it, and has no regrets, except for realizing he was wiping himself with pads instead of toilet paper. (Point for Foxes)
Next question is: Claiming they all should have done this at this point, Which camper has never gotten their driver's license?
Scary Girl presses her button, and She says who needs to drive, as she has her own ways of getting around, (Point for the Serpents)
Next question is: Which camper has sleepwalked while naked?
Zee presses his button, and claims that it was the soda, and had no idea what happened, and was not sure why he saw his door unlocked, and police at the door. Raj asks if he went to jail, and Zee said he luckily didn't since he had money from his soda sponsor, although they confiscated that soda from him. (Point for the Foxes)
Next question is: Which camper has never learned to tie their shoes?
Damien starts sweating but presses his button anyway, Millie is kind of surprised despite his intelligence, and Damien claims he just has never been able to figure it out, and sees quite a few of the other campers (Chase, Ripper, Julia, MK start laughing, causing Damien to hide himself in his jacket, with Scary Girl finding this interesting (Point for the Serpents)
Next question is: Which camper once got attacked while stuck in a zoo exhibit? MK sees Julia avoiding eye contact and presses her button for her, and presses her button for her, but Chris tells her that they don't get the point in doing so, but he asks Julia what happened in the exhibit anyway, she says that one of the monkeys came out of the exhibit grabbing her phone and started filming itself, and she got stuck by climbing into the exhibit because it deleted all of her content, Nichelle said that monkey was real for that.
Score is 3 for the Serpents and 2 for the Foxes.
Next question is: Which camper has a playlist on their phone dedicated to lullabies?
Caleb then pushes his button, claiming that his grandmas' love for lullabies is contagious.
Next question: Which camper has never gone a day without crying at least once?
Wayne and Bowie eyed up Raj, knowing it's him, and they give Raj a nod of encouragement from the other team, and he presses his button, MK asks why it's only him and not him and Wayne, and Raj claims that there was one night he didn't cry, the one in which he won the million dollars.
Then we get a montage of the remaining campers getting asked questions:
(Who once died their hair pink)? No one presses
(Who's afraid of rollercoasters)? Axel presses hers
(Who sneezed and got covered in snot during a school picture)? Millie presses hers
(Who broke their leg due to slipping on a banana peel?) Nichelle presses hers
(Who's pants have fallen down in a public mall?) Chase presses his
It was down to one more question, the question from Chris is who despises their parents so much that they want to move away? Priya having been relieved a bit for not having to say anything, all of sudden starts looking very distressed she tries to say it, and just stutters, Julia warns her that if no one admits it then they lose, and says that she's not a total drama expert if she causes the team to lose like that, angered at Julia she proceeds to tackle her, and as Chris watches feeling quite entertained as no one presses their button, that means that the Separated Serpents win the challenge. The team celebrates, but Millie and Caleb eye Priya in concern. Chris tells the Far Apart Foxes that they will see them at elimination.
At the elimination ceremony Chef calls out certain campers:
MK: She pressed Julia's button even though the rules were they could only press their own. MK tells her that she was doing what a "friend" would do.
Julia: She's made a lot of enemies throughout both of her seasons, and refusing to answer to gain a point, and provoking Priya to attack her, Julia tells him that she was just doing what she does best, and it's not good enough for them, then it's their problem.
Priya: Chef's been noticing Priya's not been herself today, and didn't seem to do much to help her team despite being a Total Drama expert, plus attacking Julia instead of securing the point for her team, Priya has no comments.
Chris then says those who get marshmallows are safe like usual, but then explains that since they are on boney island, the one who doesn't get a marshmallow must be carried away in the Casket of Cruelty. He then tosses marshmallows to the following:
and the final marshmallow goes to...
Julia! Which means Priya is eliminated. Julia's jaw dropped when she got her marshmallow.
Chris is intially shocked by this, explains how Priya went from winner, to final 4, to first boot, and says that it's time for her to go. Priya has no comment towards anyone, which surprises even Julia as she thought she'd go ballistic. Priya then takes a breath and starts cursing out at her parents, completely censored and we cut to them watching with flabbergasted expressions, Priya says that Millie was right about them, and she can't believe it only took her till now to realize. She leaves in the casket, hoping that her parents got the message and hopes that her best friend and boyfriend will manage without her. and knows this is for her own mental being.
Priya takes a breath and admits in a confessional, that she told her team to vote her off, so that way she wouldn't have to quit, because she says she's getting the million she rightfully won, and she's not waiting until she's forty. "
Nichelle then appears in a confessional saying that even though Priya's out and she did vote for her, she says Julia better start counting her days, and says MK's not off the hook either.
Chris then closes own by asking how Millie and Caleb will react when the find out Priya's out first, what will Julia and MK do to keep themselves in the game, can Wayne and Raj make it work being on different teams, will any of the information revealed during the challenge impact the future of the game find out on the next episode coming soon.
submitted by Upstairs_Tea1787 to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:34 Potato_Consumer99 Epic Sex Review: Lilya

Epic Sex Review: Lilya
Requested by: Many people, included myself.


1. Story Time 2. Sex Scene 3. Overall Review

Story Time

The hall of School of Primary Defense of Mankind, it’s roofless, easy for me to lay down and look at the blue sky decorated with fluffy white cloud. Such a beautiful and breathtaking view with a shimmering sunlight making the view vibrant like adding light and shadow on the canvas. Whoosh! A powerful and loud booming sound shrieked in the high sky made my body rumble as I looked up. The sound that could tear my eardrum at any moment came from the engine of a broom. Lilya, the Russian pilot girl from Zeno Academy came to St. Pavlov Foundation, riding on the wind and soaring to the sky.
There she is, cutting through the sky and cloud like a sword slicing bamboo. Incredible speed created shockwaves in the air, making my heart rumble as it goes. Lilya was like an angel in the sky in my eyes, she soars freely like a bird, while here I am still on the land, tiptoeing to reach the sky that I could never reach. The essence of her beauty and her style were impossible to not to look at. She was indeed the goddess of victory, as she already won my heart and feelings for her.
After a while, she flew away like a bird returning to its home. It felt like the ending of the greatest movie of all time, leaving me alone in the theater and feeling a bit sorrowful and emotional. After procrastinating a bit, I went back to the foundation. Walking my way while thinking about her, I even forgot to look at the road where I’m going.
Lilya has been in the foundation for a long time. Ever since that day she came, ever since I set my eyes upon her, her face couldn’t escape from my mind. I don’t know if it’s like a nightmare that haunts me daily, but it contains positive side of it. Sometimes, she would also notice me walking like a ghost wandering around the foundation buildings and minding my own business. But that was when we were young, now we hold more responsibility as we’re close to adults.
Next day, I heard Lilya got into trouble for trespassing highly restricted area while riding broom. She was placed and confined under her own dorm room, away from contact with other people or outdoor activities for a lawfully adjusted time. Like a caged bird, unable to fly and soaring in the sky, only able to look at it behind the window panel. She was frustrated and impatient with the sentence she had to receive.
That day, I worked as a “correctional officer”, providing basic needs and supervising the dorm room. Not really my type of job, but foundation trust me as I’m a ‘perfectionist’ at doing stuff. The first day I met her, she seemed to be quiet and expressionless, hiding her own aggressiveness and irritation inside. The second and third day goes the same, but I decided to change a bit on the fourth day.
I knocked on the door with my left hand carrying her clean clothes. She opened the door with the same stern face, wearing the same usual outfit without the coat, a pair of green tank . This might be the first time I got very close to her. Looking at her charming face, a pair of dazzling sky-blue eyes and beautiful messy blonde hair over her neck and her shoulder, I imagined my future wife in front of me. But then, I gained consciousness of myself from dreaming, then I finally gained courage to speak with her for the first time.
“May I come in, Ms. Lilya?”
She stared at me for a moment, she looked at me from up to down, feeling suspicion in me. However, she just opened the door and let me in. I entered her room with silence on my footstep. While she was sitting on her bed watching me putting down her clothes on a table, I pulled out a bottle of vodka out from her pile of clean clothes.
“You want some?”
Lilya was suddenly confused and started questioning about my nice gesture. The very first sentence spoken to me by her in Russian accent, “What are you doing?”
“I see you felt boring and impatient, and you also kept kicking the chair every day and every night, and I kept getting complaint from other people.”
Lilya rolled her eyes while crossing her arms. Nonetheless, she extended her hand to let me give the bottle to her. I walked towards her and gave the bottle to her. I went to the corner and sat on the chair, watching her chugging the vodka. While chugging, she opened her one eye to look at me, then she stopped.
“Why are you here?” She asked.
“Waiting for you to empty that bottle so I could throw it away.”
Lilya continued to drink it a bit, she loved the taste of it after days of no drinking. Later, she then extended her hand that was holding the bottle.
“You want some?”
“No thank you...” My introverted side still stays on my person.
“Blyat, I insist you to take it and drink some. C’mon, it’s not gonna kill you anyway.”
I hesitated a bit after hearing her request, but I just went for it anyway. “Fine.” I stood up and walked towards her who was still sitting on the bed. I grabbed the bottle of vodka from her hand. She tapped on her bed beside her to let me sit on the bed. I sat as she let me, preparing to take a sip of the bottle. I quietly move the bottle up and drink a big sip of it. The liquid of vodka entered my mouth and passed through my taste bud. What a woman that could handle this strong drink, I almost puke it out.
Lilya smiled while looking at me drinking with a pink cheek on my face. That pure adorable face looking at me like a baby staring at their own mother makes my heart to beat faster, I couldn’t comprehend what was going on. Her side-eyes with those hair that could cut when touched covering sides of her face made me unnervingly shaking from inside, like an eye of a hawk staring the soul out of me. I couldn’t stop admiring her glance and her attractive physique, her smooth light skin had the quality of using most expensive soap ever. Remaining calm around her must be harder than I’m being hard right now.
I stopped drinking it and gave it back to Lilya. “You are quite a bold and tough one. What’s your name?” Her bright smile met the mouth of the bottle.
And the days go by. I sat next to her, sharing a bottle of vodka together and killing the time with chatting. Both of us talked about our own remarkable story to each other, we both laughed, we both cried, but the time we spent together was precious and invaluable. She even sang in her own language with the drunkenness in her voice, her lovely melody pass through my ears had purify my mind. This could never end, not even the time when the sun had set. Couldn’t believe that we would be so close together with only one day and a bottle of vodka.
The time has turned into night, we both went drunk so hard, I even forgotten the schedule. Lilya sat closer to me and spoke gibberish. She tried so hard to speak like a normal person. That is until I could hear something that she said close to my left ear with that lusty Russian accent. “Thanks for accompanying me...” After finishing her saying, she moved her mouth and kissed me on my lips. Even in drunk state, I could feel her soft lips touching mine, that connection made our soul interlinked.

Sex Scene

Sitting next to her on her right side on the edge of the bed, her whole body was leaning on mine. Her whole lips were totally in contact with mine, and I could feel my tongue being intercourse with a wet and fleshy part. It was her tongue; she was forcing to break through my mouth and doing the dirtiest thing our mouth could feel. Both of our mouths still have alcohol in saliva, so the saliva exchanging was bitter with burning sensation in our mouth. Neither of us could stop but enjoying the warm kiss we were having, it’s the beginning of our pleasure.
While kissing, our hands were touching each other’s body part, not even private parts couldn’t be spared. As we went on, we began to take off our clothes together before we started our session. Lilya moaned in my mouth because of the sensational feeling in our mouth kept travelling through our nerves. After an effort, we successfully made ourselves naked on the bed. She then stopped kissing my mouth, a saliva string visible between my lips and hers like a bridge between our mouths indicating that the kiss was long and satisfying as hell.
Lilya moved to the center of the bed and stretched her curvy body. Me looking at her body respectfully without drooling a single drop of saliva. I gulped, as I could saw how curvy her body was, her juicy and massive thighs, her round and bouncing milkers, her shaved tight pussy, I want to make her mine so much. Both of us felt quite warm in the body and dizzy in the head after that kiss, we both rested for a few bits before we continued. While at that moment, I prepared myself to position her bottom to be close to mine.
Her both legs were put right next to my waist, she leaned on the bed still in the drunk state waiting for me to insert my penis into her vagina. As it was our first time, I tried to do it as slowly and as comfortably as possible for both of us. I gently moved my cock and slowly insert her vagina, slide it all the way deep inside her carefully until the tip of my cock reached the cervix. She felt the pain at first but tried to calm herself down and bear the pain.
With no stopping, I proceeded to thrust her inside in a slow movement to let her bear and accustom with the pain feeling of my cock throbbing inside her. I lifted her left leg and put it on top of my right shoulder while her right leg stays beside my waist so her whole bottom was much more exposed and expanded for me to easier thrust. She was grabbing the bed sheet when my cock was ramming inside her vagina. Of course, her moan was hearable, but she tried her best not to be loud.
After a while of slow thrusting, I decided to speed it up a bit while hoping she could bear more with me. I grabbed her waist and thrust her faster than before, but still rationally as gently as possible for her own safety and comfort. She could feel the pain getting to be more immense, but she allowed me to do so, as slow movement would make our session rigid and bring no sense of pleasure. As I could see, she bit her lips as her next moan would get even louder. Other than that, I could see her milkers jiggling like jelly whenever my hip hit hers. Noticeably, her nipples were quite pinkish, I could drool at any moment. Her curvy body gave a sensational and lusty view for me to look at, I enjoyed every second of it.
This moderate speed of thrusting could make us start to feel the sensation between our private parts. Later, I moved on top of her. My left hand was right next to her head acting like a supporting pillar with my right hand holding her waist. As her left leg was still on top of my shoulder, it stretched as I moved my body closer to her, making her whole bottom became more expanded and easier to pound her stretched vagina. We were staring each other while doing sex, we both looked each other being breathless. Her warm and exhausted smile appearing on her face made my heart melt.
Our session time had extended, she was able to bear the pain of her vagina being penetrated. She told me to go faster, so I did it as she told me. I accelerated my hips movement up and down and pounded her harder than before. We were enjoying it so much that we would like to switch our position like cowgirl, doggy style, spooning and such to have different experience on control, movement, and such more unique features. After all, we both were quite dedicated to pleasure ourselves and satisfying each other in a lusty and love filling way.
Sometimes, I couldn’t control myself from grabbing her thighs and milkers, because they’re so nice to touch and grab on. Now, I’m sitting on the bed leaning against the wall, while Lilya was still bouncing on my cock. Even if it was deep for her, she doesn’t mind as long as she could make love with me. That’s when my climax was about to reach. I warned her but she insisted to bounce harder and faster, she ain’t sparing me nor giving me any mercy anymore. She became the dominant on top of me, humping as much as she wants. That’s what I like, I like woman who is dominant. With her lusty Russian accent, that’s a cherry on top.
I’m close to it. She demanded me to come inside. As for the last time of her bounce, she hugged my neck tightly and pressed her whole body against my hip. I could feel the tip of my dick penetrated her cervix. Ejaculation at the final moment of our session, she moaned sensually and kept hugging me tighter, never to let me go. Her womb was filled, she and I were satisfied.
As for the final touch, she used her both thighs to grasp mine while still remained at her position where my penis was still concealed inside her as she’s still sitting on my hip. Her both hands gently caressing my face, and my hands delicately grabbing massaging her boobs. She pulled my face for one more kiss, both of us closed our eyes to enjoy this one. I could feel her warm breath and her warm body, it’s like touching the scorching sun with my own bare skin, heating myself with sensational lust and eternal love. A final kiss to end our session, truly the glorious day ever in my entire life.

Overall Review

Her body was perpetually warm, and alcohol was one of the factor. The physique of body is truly liek a masterpiece of art, that no artist could paint out, not even the greatest sculptor could copy this amazing body. Not gonna lie, she does have round and cute butt, nice to grab, good to touch. It is hard to choose her greatest feat on her body, it was either her shimmy and jiggly breasts or her meaty and shiny thighs. Either way, I still kiss and lick both.
Lilya was quite slow and gentle at the start, but when she get used to it, she would serve dommy-mommy vibe. Escaping are not permissable for her, because her dominance was her greatest feat and peak. Moreover, her vagina was quite tight and easy to thrust, any comfortable position works for her. Additionally, she likes to be touchy and aggressive.
Lilya is my everlasting love. If freedom live in the cloud, she shall be my wings. If wholesomeness live in my mind, she shall be my dream. And I shall be her king, so I could call her my Queen. There's no words for me to describe my love for her; there's no numbers for me to rate our session. But if I had to, I'll say Infinite out of 10, more than the amount of atoms in my body.
submitted by Potato_Consumer99 to amoguswhat [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:33 derangedbody (M4A) looking for a long term partner + pal!

Hey there, my names Greyson and I’m a 17 year old high school grad! First off, as I’m 17 (turning 18 and in a few weeks) please be within the age range of 17-19! I really would rather be friends and write with fellas around my age, no exceptions
Anyways if you made it past that little roadblock here’s an introductory type thing:
What type of genres/themes I’m into:
That’s about all from me, sorry for being so lengthy. If you made it this far PLEASE give me an introduction about yourself (like name and age for starters) and anything we clicked on. Thanks for making my summer and hopefully the future less boring!
submitted by derangedbody to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:33 JStevinik Which Career Path is the Most Advisable?

I have a Bachelor's in Pharmaceutical Sciences, in which I sought employment in pharmaceutical research and development. My relevant experience was for a university internship, in which I assisted a project, for a professor and his graduate students, about deuterium exchange. However, this limited experience resulted in getting in-persons interviewed in some laboratories but no job offers. After one and a half months of applying and rejections, I obtained one offer. For the past 1.333 years, have been working full-time at a hospital lab, as a processing tech.
Initially, I regarded this job as a blessing because (while finishing university part-time) I was working part-time as a package handler in a warehouse. Turn-over for the people in this specific position is well above the national average for company turnover. Between the time I was hired and this upcoming August, 8 people resigned. The number of full-time employees needed to complete the schedule (to have things flowing in a manner that would make the plays decent) is 13.
There is a more qualifying position: a serious hospital lab tech. However, this would require more upper-classman biology courses. It only needs a Bachelor's degree. Therefore, to obtain this position, I would need to obtain more relevant credits to my transcript instead of pursuing a Master's degree.
One qualification is that post-secondary education was preferred but not required. I was told by a co-worker that I could work as a pharmacy tech, usually at a retail chain. However, upon conducting research, Pharmacy techs barely make any more (estimated annual take-home pay) than what I am making. Even if most pharmacy tech jobs offer a higher hourly rate, at the lab, I pick up (more or less) 20 hours of overtime per week (for the past 9.5 months because of open hours due to the aforementioned turnover). The amount I make in my current job is enough to earn a living and save (due to benefits). Another concern is whether I may not get offered a pharmacy tech job because my recent experience may not be relevant. Not to mention, retail tends to be an infamous industry for not allowing overtime work, even with staff shortages.
I did not enjoy my time pursuing my Bachelor's, in which I barely made it. Therefore, I am not sure if it is worth the risk to pursue a Master's to increase my chances of getting a research and development job. Of course, I face a similar issue with a lack of experience beyond my undergraduate internship. This may apply to the aforementioned path of seeking a more serious tech path within the company.
Back in secondary education, I considered becoming a clinical psychologist or therapist. I earned a 5 out of 5 for the AP Psychology exam. However, I remember reading a Forbes article on how Psychology is among the worst degrees to pursue, in terms of having more holders than available employment positions. I was discouraged by the school social workers (the worst paid job for college grads), who cite that most people lack the necessary insurance. Another factor is that my father claimed that patients would not be interested in seeking therapy from someone with ASD.
Another career change path is to attend trade school and become a plumber. However, I did okay in a vocational trades course back in middle school when I was excelling in other subjects. Therefore, I am not sure if it is worth the risk to go to trade school to figure out if I have any chance of familiarizing myself with the subjects. These vocational trades are still in demand and least risk of being replaced by AI/automation, so obtaining employment, upon completing education, is less challenging.
This is becoming real outside of the box, but another possible career choice is to pursue anything adjacent to screenwriting and animation, e.g. sketch comedy, sitcom writing, storyboard artist, production coordinator, showrunner, etc. However, working about 60 hours a week does not help me figure out whether I could develop talent.
Yes, I am aware that keeping the same job is concerning since people who change jobs are way more likely to financially progress. My only wage increase this year was just a broad company policy of increasing the night shift differential. Thus, I am aware that company loyalty does not get rewarded, which may explain the high turnover.
To summarize my viable options, the list starts with the more realistic.
  1. Keep the same job and save overtime (not "rocking the boat").
  2. Become a pharmacy tech in retail.
  3. Become a Hospital Lab Tech in the same company.
  4. Peruse a Masters degree to get into pharmaceutical R&D.
  5. Start college over again to become a clinical psychologist/therapist.
  6. Become a plumber or other post-secondary "trade"
  7. Seriously attempt to get into screenwriting and animation.
My real question is: which path is the most practical for me to follow? Are there any other possible paths that I have yet to consider?
Yes, the post title is a reference to an iconic line from the film An Officer and Gentleman.
submitted by JStevinik to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:33 purplebutterfly111 I am not as smart and have big memory loss which makes me feel inferior

I have slowly been experiencing cognitive decline due to always having episodes. I’m 30. I had psychosis two months ago and since then my memory is gone. It’s hard for me to hold a conversation without asking what are we talking about. I forget memories. My friend commented on my photo of a landscape and said I’ve been there! I said wow you’ve been everywhere I didn’t know that!…. And then he goes are you high… I stayed there at your house for two weeks.
Ya that was scary.
All day I have important thoughts and before I can write it down or act on it it’s gone.
This all feels terrible to experience.
People are designing airplanes, woodworking, art, screen writers, professionals, scientists, artists. Even running a business, or doing real estate. Doing amazing things. I feel inferior. I can barely hold a job. I’m living with my parents and have no money to show from my time as an adult. I can barely read a book and I forget. I make collages and poetry but nothing that great. I even go to Starbucks and think I could never do that. I feel inferior to people bc people are doing amazing things. I have a hard time focusing on anything. I can’t go back to school because my memory is so bad. I’m afraid to try to get a job bc I’d have to constantly take notes and ask what was being said.
I feel so deeply inferior to others. And living with my parents supporting me makes me feel like a child, and everyone I know are adults. I feel pathetic. I worked and lived far away from home from 8 years, and I would still need help from my parents sometimes bc of episodes and work issues.
I also have given up on dating.
I just am envious of my peers and people who are are doing things that I can’t even come close to accomplishing. I am not looking forward to my future.
submitted by purplebutterfly111 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:31 Business_Constant_14 Is my relationship over?

I've been with my partner for 3 years and a half now. We started going out when were teenagers and went to the same school. Over the lapse of a relationship and a much needed breakup, we got back together a year ago and have been in a long distance relationship for that same amount of time. I had always found that he expressed a lot of enthusiasm for moving in with me in the future, as he graduates college a couple years before I do. I had built up this idea that he would be living with me soon, and that we would be together physically in no time. All of a sudden he brought up the idea that he might not be willing to move after his graduation. To my own surprise, I understood what he meant but it left an imprint in my head, a warning sign, that perhaps the relationship was going nowhere. And in fact, at the very moment, it has no goals and no aspirations. I am not sure what that means for us but its nothing but discomforting. Thats not the only issue, but perhaps the main one that has been discussed right now. Throughout our relationship, we've had issues with healthy communication and with honestly fighting a lot over stupid things. The conversations have turned aggressive, with both of us raising our voices. I've had an issue feeling unsafe with my partner because of an incident at the beginning of the relationship in which they punched an object that flew at my head when they were upset. It was a long time ago, but I think about it a lot. They seem to have a lot of resentment towards me, a lot of hatred that often comes up during arguements. They wont tell me about these feelings they have for months, until they're dumped on me with an aggressive tone, sometimes accompanied by insults. I'm no better than them in that aspect either, although i do communicate my feelings all of the time. They keep saying they dont feel good sharing their feelings with me, and i dont know what to do anymore. Sometimes it feels like the same issue comes up over and over and over, which over the span of three years is quite concerning. This entire situation has made me doubt if the relationship is something healthy for either of us. I really believed that if we took some time apart and separated for a bit, it would have helped us to grow and change, but i feel its always part of the same cycle. I also mentioned to my partner that i was SA'd and they had no reaction but instead got upset i never told them. I dont know what to do or what to think of them anymore. Sometimes I fear they lack empathy towards me due to their resentments, theyll have no reactionis to hearing me cry, they wont ask if im okay but will keep pushing and pushing even if it leads me to bad places. I have bipolar disorder which i was recently diagnosed, they are aware of this yet have changed nothing in their behavior to comprehend why i get so upset about things they find stupid. Thats another thing, they always call the things i get upset about stupid, avoid conversations and tell me that theres no reason we should even be talking about it. In October there was an incident in which they went behind my back to follow a girl they had hooked up with while we had broken up, knowing that it upset me and with the many cries i made about the situtation. They had told me it helped his ego and had done it to recieve attention, as I wasn't paying a lot of attention to them because of one of my depressive episodes. I have struggled to trust them again after that but they had proven themselves honest. After the last fight we had, I've felt completely pushed away from them and have wondered if this relationship should continue. They say constantly they want to be with me but make little effort to change toxic behaviors, for themselves and others. I dont know if anything will ever change. What should I do?
submitted by Business_Constant_14 to u/Business_Constant_14 [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:31 StarXLauvers Rant

I don’t remember most of my childhood, I rember being woken up at 3 am for not putting a broom back right or forgetting to wash a dish. I remember being hit in a red room with tarps on the floor to catch paint drops. I remember my mom telling me and my sister that we caused her cancer, and seeking attention as a kid on the playground. I remember texting my friends in grade school when I wanted to kill myself and my parents finding it and never getting me help. I remember taking intervals between being in push-up position and in the corner as my dad banged on things as he yelled. I remember when me and my sister rushed to wash dishes and have a sparkling kitchen and being so afraid that when he came home he would hit us. I remember my dads birthday when I ate some of his pie and he yelled at me so much I went to my room and I wrote down everything I hated about myself and hung it up and motivation to change. I remember the first time I self harmed after my dad had an especially bad day and yelled all afternoon about why he disliked me and my sister. I remember my dad putting me and my sister in push up position in an ace hardware store. I don’t remember my parents much, they seem like foggy blobs that taunted me when I tried to speak. I don’t remember who I was as a kid, I know I was annoying and too loud. That I loved physical contact with my mom because she was warm and felt safe for the most part. Other than that I forget how life was and wasn’t. I think that now I’m severely fucked up, I don’t know my parents as people. I don’t really know anyone and I think I hate myself for that. I don’t think I’m a real person most of the time, I don’t know if anything actually happened and I’m just being delusional but I feel like something did. I feel like more happened and it kills me that I don’t know more about that time in my life. I don’t remember anything anymore about my life. Sometimes I’ll wake up, go into the kitchen and think, “am I real? Are my parents real? Did I make this all up in a way to hurt and comfort myself ? Why am I here if I’m in such pain?” And I wonder if I’m actually a child or just a fucked up young adult who can’t fend for themself?
submitted by StarXLauvers to AbusedTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:31 Upstairs-Ratio-8371 AITA for calling the cops on my neighbors for stealing my package?

I don't think I'm wrong in this situation but my mom does so I need some other perspective.
I order groceries from Walmart whenever I can't drive, I recently gave birth to a boy so I can't move around much from pain. My husband had to do a business trip last minute so he couldn't get the groceries like he usually does, I order snacks for the kids, baby formula because I don't produce milk, and other cleaning supplies.
My other kids were at school and I had put my son down for a nap, I folded the kid's clothes while I waited for the groceries. What I forgot was that I was getting packages that day, you guys know how Amazon tells you what day your package will come but it comes on a different day?
I ordered a milk machine because my other one broke and a blender from Ninja. On my ring camera, I could see my neighbor picking up my packages and running with them, some kids looked about 8 with them.
Now the reason why I didn't know my packages were outside was because my phone was on the charger, recently Amazon drivers put my packages to the side of my house where my camera couldn't see them and I put up a sign that said to put it in the box but they don't listen. I immediately called the cops, I knew where my neighbors lived so all I had to do was tell the cops the address.
The cops showed up and I felt embarrassed but I don't know why, I was given back my packages and I thanked the cop. The kid that was with them was crying, I actually hate when people use kids to commit their crimes with them. One of the police officers asked if I wanted to press charges but I told them no, but I did say if it happened again I would gladly do it.
submitted by Upstairs-Ratio-8371 to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:29 schoobydoo2 How to deal with narc/people with HEAVY narcissistic personalities?

My GC sister (27f) is emotionally manipulating me (25f) with her kids and guilt trips. I’m fine with all the help I’ve done for her as it was out of the kindness of my heart, but she always likes to throw things she’s done for me, back in my face, or tries to embarrass or confront me only in front of others even though we have been texting on several other social media accounts. The help I’ve given her can never be repaid, as I’ve given her money, time, and energy to raise her kids and get her out of a bind time and time again. I don’t want to be resentful as I saw a good quote about not being able to pay back debt. The thing is, I didn’t view it as a debt until she started acting like I’m shortchanging her, like I owe her something. I’ve never even gotten a thank you, but it wasn’t a big deal, but if she’s going to have a double standard I can only tally and count everything I’ve done for her is more than her husband has ever given her and they’ve been together for over 10 years. I get so angry I can’t even talk to her anymore. Normally I’m okay with all the comments on my clothes, hair, body, I am under a microscope when I visit. And on top of that, I don’t tell my whole family when I’m visiting as there is not enough time or energy for me to visit everyone in the day or two I randomly get to visit, she will tell EVERYONE that I came by. Like you’re making me look bad, you’re making our family upset, and you’re making me not want to visit or talk to you because you twist everything I say. Why do you keep doing stuff like that? Why isn’t there ever any respect for me? You always slander my name and now I just don’t care. I feel so much better now that we are VLC. She doesn’t really get it I guess tho because she keeps calling and texting me everyday even if I don’t respond. And the thing is we’ve NEVER be close or talked a ton. She never wanted to be close. She was always bullying me mentally and physically, and when her husband put his hands on me she got mad at me. Now her calling me everyday just pisses me off. And If I don’t send her some kind of supply she will get the rest of the family I don’t even talk to to tell me to stop being mean to her even though most of our fights are initiated by her. As she is now chronically ill, she doesn’t have the physician leverage over me anymore (6’1GC, and me 5’5 SG). So now she either rages or starts acting really clingy. It’s driving me crazy. Idk what to do I feel like I backtracked so hard inviting them back into my life, idk what to do next if she’s so persistent despite my lack of returning her messages. I do help her financially, but I have stopped as I am in school and working part time. And I have no car, school loans, and no savings, I’ve given her everything I had, because she made me feel like I owed her and later learned she helped facilitate a lot of problems my Nmom caused for me financially. Being around them causes me anxiety, and I forgot that I didn’t have to see them anymore. Crazy right? I’ve just been on go mode after my bfs Covert mom moved in with us begging for some place to stay because she was mad her friend didn’t want to be with her even though he did a ton for her. He gave her $7,000 to find a place. She bought a ton of stuff off Amazon, never paid her share of bills, and never cleaned. She’s triangulated me and my bf for 8 months straight. It took me back to when my mother kicked me out. Having to walk on eggshells, finding new sabotages done by her daily. Like putting her bidet wash clothes under my bath towel instead of where it’s been for months. Like letting it touch. She hated me. She loved her son like you could tell she thought they were dating. He obviously didn’t stick up for me but didn’t want me to leave on my own. She never apologized to me but she apologized to him after she disowned him because he told her that if she wasn’t going to be helpful she could wait in the car, when we were moving and we have BOTH helped her move and she bothered me DAILY for helping her with her projects. On top of not cleaning she had three long hair cats, fought with only the neighbors children and never the parents, yells at everyone, and overall super moody and unpleasant to be around. She sent me PARAGRAPHS. About how hurt she was because she thought I was mad at her. And my bf made me tell her if I was or wasn’t and I asked her and she wouldn’t answer. I’ve been feeling so alone. I’m supposed to graduate college next term and my sister expects to be invited and she’s never asked me about school or anything. No one in my family has. She only talks about herself. Am I narcissistic since I keep attracting the same people with different faces. I don’t got for them they come to me and LATCH. I’ve only picked 3/7 for friends the rest were just victim of circumstance. Do you guys have this problem?
submitted by schoobydoo2 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:28 DistributionOk5166 CPTSD after friends overstep boundaries

When I (21M) got into a relationship with my partner (20F), it was awesome. Then she involved her friends in the relationship. She came off as very codependent to her friends, even saying her friends (20F) are never wrong (you’re gonna see some red flags here that I was stupid to ignore). Met one of her friends - wonderful guy not a bad bone in his body, hope all of them could be Ike that. She expressed (I don’t even know jokingly) that her girl friends were jealous that she got a boyfriend - yet she wanted us to be friends.
I have never met such hypocritical people in my life on first meet. They would criticize my career (I earn decent money in school), my race (they continually called me a brown boy), the fact I didn’t drink underage, they would question my validity as a partner in earshot much to my partner’s silence. They would criticize my colloquialism - I would say “shut the fuck up” when a funny story came up while laughing. They would tell my partner (not me) that they didn’t like it (happy to not say it if it makes them feel uncomfortable) but then they proceeded to tell me to shut the fuck up with impunity. The double standards sucked. The dishing out but not being able to take it sucked. I was always made to be the villain. When I brought these up to my partner - “Oh you feel that way because they have siblings, and you’re an only child”. They showed up to my apartment unannounced when I was on a date with my partner (I live on the 3rd story). After the date was over, they would make plans to go out and say “This is a friends only thing”.
I held my tongue for a lot of disrespect. The people were openly known in their friend group to be third wheels in the relationship. They used to call me a bitch and a groomer (because I had friends who were 2 years younger than me). I used to call the main instigator a horseface after she made fun of my forehead and looks. But then it was too far. They could say whatever to me but the moment I come back I’m in the wrong.
They would openly ask my partner “Did he even get girls before you” to which my partner felt she had to defend her “choice” in me. They would cause fights to the point where I’m crying and hoping I’m no more. I would dream they would make fun of me so much - I would get up and walk out (I actually did this once but chalked it up to having to take a phone call).
They would criticize my race but then ask me to set them up with someone from my race. They would make fun of my career, yet ask me to get them a job. I tried to play nice with these people. On my own birthday, one of these girls was stressing out over organizing a career fair, I walked 40 minutes to help her out. These people would cause fights between us and I would apologize to them about stuff they do to me all the time saying “I just want to be accepted by the group”.
Worst part came when her friends pulled switchblades out on a moving bus as a joke and were brandishing it. I was the only voice of reason telling these people to stop, protecting my partner, motioning others to sit down and telling them that the group can get in so much trouble because of their idiotic behavior. Yet all her friends laughed at the fact I was getting serious. One of her friends had come up to me afterwards and showed me her palm, laughing. It was blood- she had cut her hands on the blades trying to play with the knives. Laughing.
Whether it was them blacking out drunk, headbutting each other, and touching each other inappropriately- I need to make sure no one falls behind or gets in trouble. Her friends would smack me for sitting on their bed by accident just to charge my phone near the wall. Everyone would laugh.
Her friends dressed up during Halloween as red flags (can’t make this up) and they kept making racial remarks to my friend. “Dance white boy”, “bathroom’s over there white boy”, etc. He took it as a joke the first few times but then started to feel uncomfortable. He told me wayyyy too late that this is what he experienced.
One day I had enough of their immaturity, their laughter at my pain, their double standards, and their unresolved hatred. I asked them to treat me with some respect. My partner stood silent as they continue to make insulting and demeaning faces at me and avoid the issue. I had a freeze response. Then my hypervigilance took a toll on me one day in the form of an extreme panic attack (first one ever) where I cried and clutched my chest on a train. They started indifferently. I sat crying with the doctor hugging me, while they called an Uber to go to a bar. They called the paramedics- they were heroes. I had enough, went up and yelled some disgusting things at the main instigator, who was making disgusting invalidating faces at me while I was approaching her for accountability. Called her a horsefaced-bitch. Told her “Why should I die on the train? You go kill yourself!”
My partner threatened to break up with me if her friends had told her to and told me I wasn’t fit to meet her dad. The next day, her friends guilt tripped her “You made a choice to go home with him instead of come with us to the bar”. They talked about how it was “bizarre” why I was so kind to the doctors and the paramedics yet yelled at them. A few days later, the pain in my chest was tough. I went to the doctor, got some tests and was diagnosed with a cardiac arrhythmia as a result of the panic attack. When she told her friends, they said “we don’t care he had a heart attack, we care more about what he yelled at us afterwards”.
Then blame was shifted. I was the scapegoat. They were the ultimate victim. The whole group - people who didn’t even have anything to do with the situation brought up 9 month old issues that I had apologized for. Ganged up. They said I brought too many bad memories to the group.
When I asked my partner why she lets such people run from accountability for their actions. She said how her father told her to never give up on her friends. How her father lets his friends insult him and his wife till she cries. And that was his takeaway.
I broke up with her. I can’t be a doormat like how her mother is to her father and his friends. I told her she was truly spineless for letting this happen to me. Went to a therapist and got my diagnosis for CPTSD. I wasn’t perfect but I tried. I really did. Lesson learned.
submitted by DistributionOk5166 to ToxicRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:28 Ultimate_Phoenix Living Dex / Pokemon Bank Help Needed

Greetings Friends! Unfortunately, there have not been any updates on the Pokemon Bank reddit itself and I cannot find any answers as to if Pokemon Bank is still working or if there is a "back alley" approach one can take. I am a husband, and father to 2 beautiful baby girls. I work full time and am in school full time completing my degree. I only get a bit of time at nights on weekends to do anything fun for myself. So, I am pretty out of the loop or late to the party on most things. I do know (now) that the servers for the 3DS have been shut down and supposedly it is rumored that Pokemon Bank was going to continue to be up. Any help or advice would really be appreciated.
submitted by Ultimate_Phoenix to pokemon [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:27 Icy_Masterpiece_4414 I'm afraid I would never be able to find a girlfriend because of Maladaptive Daydreaming

Good morning. It's 6.30 am, and since I've got nobody to talk to I just wanted to express this thought of mine here.
I'm a 21M and I started to daydream since I was around 7yo.
Obviously almost all of you may imagine the impact this had on my personality: plain, empty, no ambitions and so on.
Lately I've been asking myself if I would be better in a relationship. I know that it's normal at this age to want and need a romantic partner, but for me (or for us, but I don't want to speak for everyone), is just like another thing in life that "I must get done" not that "I really, really crave to get it done", even because, when I think of it, I start to daydream about other stuff, as a coping mechanism for being a "failure" under the point of view of love.
But yea, lately I thought that maybe if I had someone that I loved with all my heart, I would stop daydreaming and I would just pass time with her (usually being around people makes me daydream far far less).
But how could I get a girlfriend?
Let's put aside my ugly looks for a moment and let's pretend that they don't matter so much in finding a partner, let's just talk about personality:
I don't have a single passion. I've never had a passion that I wanted to pursue, something in which I could vision myself in the future etc.
For a bit of time, I thought listening to music was my passion, "my thing". Because I used to do it everyday for hours a day, for about 10 years. But no, as subtle as it can get, I now (5 years later) understood that I didn't like music, I liked to daydream while listening to it. And this goes on for every other activity I've done in life. I don't like activities per se, I like to use them as a tool to enhance my fantasy problem.
Because I do actually have a passion, which is fantasizing. The most useless and worthless passion you can have, something that does not even exist in the world, but only in your head. This "passion" also takes the issue of being totally unrelatable, obviously. And we know that relatableness takes a huge part into building a relationship with someone, if not a fundamental part, you know? "This and that happened in my life, so I understand you cause to you it happened this and that".
But it never actually happened anything in my life. Because even if it did, I wasn't there to enjoy it (or suffer from it, idc just make me feel a real emotion for once instead of filtering it to me with thoughts upon thoughts) so it basically never existed.
And what can you talk about someone who doesn't have a passion? But let's go on, cause I am even more of a failure than this.
I'm a drop out since highschool. Because of MD, since I was a little boy I wasn't able to listen to a teacher explaining things, I just daydreamt to skip the class while still being physically present. At the moment I don't work either. I justify myself saying that I'd like to create a mobile app and make money out of it, but in my days I do nothing except thinking. Creating an app requires a lot of skill to learn and I know 0, and I mean 0 skills.
I've notice how Maladaptive Daydreaming affects my skills not too long ago. The first time, I've been noticing it with drawing. I used to draw since I was 6, yet, at 16 I still sucked. But I thought that was normal cause I never had a comparison metric. Until one friend of mine one day, decided that he wanted to learn how to draw digitally, and in a little more than a week, by practicing and studying anatomy, he was better than me.
I did something for 10 years and I got outclassed by a normal person that did it in 10 days.
Usually, when I read how people are affected by MD, the fear I feel is something among the lines of "This is terrible, since I have Maladaptive Daydreaming too, I could become something of this extent as well". But being afraid of the future is not the same thing as having a vivid proof in the present, that your past was useless.
And this happened with basketball too. I did basketball in school because it was "the class' sport" for 3 to 5 years (I'm sorry, I don't remember, another result of MD) yet, some months ago, me and my friends (who NEVER played basketball in a serious matter) had to wait for me to get at least one successful shot. So yea, not good at anything basically, even tho I spent time and time on it.
Then there are the obvious problems you can imagine like, I'm too awkward and shy and introverted, MD builds expectations and sceneries in your head that when they don't match reality (and they almost never do) you just don't know how to react making you look like a total loser.
I had a couple of teenagerish relationships, but even at that time, I simply wasn't there. I wasn't even aware of the fact that I was in a relationship, I don't know how to explain it. So I never built those good personality traits that experience gives you, I've never learned how to express my feelings, how to listen, how to make someone feel loved and appreciated by me. Never had sex either, and the more time goes on the more I think about how distant I am from a normal person that had lived normal experiences. Not only I did not live those experiences, but the worst thing of all is that I don't even care that I didn't, because I daydream to feel better when my mind goes into those topics.
And then there are fears.
I fear that even with a girlfriend that I love, my MD continues. I fear that if something bad happens in our relationship, like I get cheated on or something, I will triplicate the intensity of my daydreams to cope. I fear that I won't ever give someone the help and love they need because I'm not there.
And all this post was only about my personality. If I had to talk about my looks things would go even further downhill. Sometimes (very few times) I'm thankful of suffering from maladaptive daydreaming, because if I didn't have this method to cope, I would have probably fallen into a deep depression at this point. Thank you for whoever read this, has anyone of you felt something similar?
submitted by Icy_Masterpiece_4414 to MaladaptiveDreaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:27 DistributionOk5166 How can I move on from CPTSD

When I (21M) got into a relationship with my partner (20F), it was awesome. Then she involved her friends in the relationship. She came off as very codependent to her friends, even saying her friends (20F) are never wrong (you’re gonna see some red flags here that I was stupid to ignore). Met one of her friends - wonderful guy not a bad bone in his body, hope all of them could be Ike that. She expressed (I don’t even know jokingly) that her girl friends were jealous that she got a boyfriend - yet she wanted us to be friends.
I have never met such hypocritical people in my life on first meet. They would criticize my career (I earn decent money in school), my race (they continually called me a brown boy), the fact I didn’t drink underage, they would question my validity as a partner in earshot much to my partner’s silence. They would criticize my colloquialism - I would say “shut the fuck up” when a funny story came up while laughing. They would tell my partner (not me) that they didn’t like it (happy to not say it if it makes them feel uncomfortable) but then they proceeded to tell me to shut the fuck up with impunity. The double standards sucked. The dishing out but not being able to take it sucked. I was always made to be the villain. When I brought these up to my partner - “Oh you feel that way because they have siblings, and you’re an only child”. They showed up to my apartment unannounced when I was on a date with my partner (I live on the 3rd story). After the date was over, they would make plans to go out and say “This is a friends only thing”.
I held my tongue for a lot of disrespect. The people were openly known in their friend group to be third wheels in the relationship. They used to call me a bitch and a groomer (because I had friends who were 2 years younger than me). I used to call the main instigator a horseface after she made fun of my forehead and looks. But then it was too far. They could say whatever to me but the moment I come back I’m in the wrong.
They would openly ask my partner “Did he even get girls before you” to which my partner felt she had to defend her “choice” in me. They would cause fights to the point where I’m crying and hoping I’m no more. I would dream they would make fun of me so much - I would get up and walk out (I actually did this once but chalked it up to having to take a phone call).
They would criticize my race but then ask me to set them up with someone from my race. They would make fun of my career, yet ask me to get them a job. I tried to play nice with these people. On my own birthday, one of these girls was stressing out over organizing a career fair, I walked 40 minutes to help her out. These people would cause fights between us and I would apologize to them about stuff they do to me all the time saying “I just want to be accepted by the group”.
Worst part came when her friends pulled switchblades out on a moving bus as a joke and were brandishing it. I was the only voice of reason telling these people to stop, protecting my partner, motioning others to sit down and telling them that the group can get in so much trouble because of their idiotic behavior. Yet all her friends laughed at the fact I was getting serious. One of her friends had come up to me afterwards and showed me her palm, laughing. It was blood- she had cut her hands on the blades trying to play with the knives. Laughing.
Whether it was them blacking out drunk, headbutting each other, and touching each other inappropriately- I need to make sure no one falls behind or gets in trouble. Her friends would smack me for sitting on their bed by accident just to charge my phone near the wall. Everyone would laugh.
Her friends dressed up during Halloween as red flags (can’t make this up) and they kept making racial remarks to my friend. “Dance white boy”, “bathroom’s over there white boy”, etc. He took it as a joke the first few times but then started to feel uncomfortable. He told me wayyyy too late that this is what he experienced.
One day I had enough of their immaturity, their laughter at my pain, their double standards, and their unresolved hatred. I asked them to treat me with some respect. My partner stood silent as they continue to make insulting and demeaning faces at me and avoid the issue. I had a freeze response. Then my hypervigilance took a toll on me one day in the form of an extreme panic attack (first one ever) where I cried and clutched my chest on a train. They started indifferently. I sat crying with the doctor hugging me, while they called an Uber to go to a bar. They called the paramedics- they were heroes. I had enough, went up and yelled some disgusting things at the main instigator, who was making disgusting invalidating faces at me while I was approaching her for accountability. Called her a horsefaced-bitch. Told her “Why should I die on the train? You go kill yourself!”
My partner threatened to break up with me if her friends had told her to and told me I wasn’t fit to meet her dad. The next day, her friends guilt tripped her “You made a choice to go home with him instead of come with us to the bar”. They talked about how it was “bizarre” why I was so kind to the doctors and the paramedics yet yelled at them. A few days later, the pain in my chest was tough. I went to the doctor, got some tests and was diagnosed with a cardiac arrhythmia as a result of the panic attack. When she told her friends, they said “we don’t care he had a heart attack, we care more about what he yelled at us afterwards”.
Then blame was shifted. I was the scapegoat. They were the ultimate victim. The whole group - people who didn’t even have anything to do with the situation brought up 9 month old issues that I had apologized for. Ganged up. They said I brought too many bad memories to the group.
When I asked my partner why she lets such people run from accountability for their actions. She said how her father told her to never give up on her friends. How her father lets his friends insult him and his wife till she cries. And that was his takeaway.
I broke up with her. I can’t be a doormat like how her mother is to her father and his friends. I told her she was truly spineless for letting this happen to me. Went to a therapist and got my diagnosis for CPTSD. I wasn’t perfect but I tried. I really did. Lesson learned.
submitted by DistributionOk5166 to ptsd [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:26 Remarkable_Detail_17 My mom’s engaged and I’m so happy for her.

It’s pretty much the title. But i feel like we could use a palate cleanser from some of the awful people we see here on Reddit.
I’m Catholic, and for the first 6 years of my education, I went to a private Catholic school. In kindergarten, me and my twin brother (19f, 19m) had a friend, Wyatt (19m). My mom (54f) was his mom’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) sponsor, so we ended up spending a lot of time together as kids. In 4th grade, my brothers and I transferred to a different school, and we fell out of touch with Wyatt and the rest of his family.
Fast forward to 2022. My mom is at Costco, and she runs into Wyatt’s dad, Mike. The two get to talking, and they say how they want to get us kids together. That didn’t happen until about a year later. In August of 2023, we went on a joint family camping trip, and every so often when I’m home for the weekend from school, we’d do other family things. We’ve gone zip lining, axe-throwing, hiking, done escape rooms—basically just fun family stuff. It was around that first camping trip that Mom and Mike made things official. For the last four months or so, all of us kids have known on some level that they were going to get married.
They aren’t super over the top around us kids, but we do feel like one big dysfunctional family. It can be really stressful at times for me to be around so many people all at once, but I like it. My younger brother (16m) and Mike’s second son (17m) are already like brothers, and I’m slowly getting closer to his daughter (15f). She’s a sweet girl who’s super tomboyish like me, and we’re each other’s sister we never had.
Mom and Mike had another camping trip planned for this weekend, but I had a previous commitment with a friend, so I stayed home (the benefit was that Mom didn’t have to ask anyone to take care of the dog or the chickens lol). As my friend and I were driving home from our plans today, I was texting with my mom when she said she had a question for me. Seeing as she’d entrusted her house to me, my mind started going worst-case scenario when she said that. I played it cool, and I responded with “Shoot.” She then sends me a picture of her hand with an engagement ring on, and the caption was “Will you be my maid of honor?”
Apparently, she and Mike had hiked to the top of a mountain (they go on hiking trips a lot) and at the top of the mountain, he popped the question. My mom and I had discussed the potential wedding between her and Mike, and she’d said that she only wanted me and Mike’s daughter as her bridesmaids. That said, I accepted. My mother also watches our potato queen’s videos and has seen enough delulu bridezillas dump all the planning on their MOH, and she told me that I will not be responsible for any planning. I will still attempt to plan a bachelorette, which will probably be a tea party in the backyard because I’m not old enough to drink and my mom isn’t a drinker. (But if anyone has ideas for a bachelorette that a college sophomore can throw together, they are greatly appreciated.)
I haven’t even seen my mom’s face, but I was able to feel how happy she is over our texts, and I’m just as happy for her. For the last 10 years, she’s put aside her own needs and focused on making sure my brothers and I were taken care of. She’s bent over backwards for us to make sure we had whatever we needed, all while teaching middle school. My mom is an actual superhero. After all these years of her taking care of us, it makes me so happy and gives me peace of mind that she has someone to take care of her now.
I couldn’t have picked a better guy for her because not only is Mike good to her, he’s good to me and my brothers. He helps my twin get involved with jobs and is good with his boundaries. Whenever he’s working in the same area my college is in, he offers to take me to lunch, and he’s been to both of my orchestra concerts. He helps my other brother work on cars and was there for every ROTC drill competition. Basically, he’s been the father I always wished I had but didn’t get to grow up with. Well, better now than never.
submitted by Remarkable_Detail_17 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:26 GurAgitated3599 graduating hs senior: never felt more lonely

graduating hs senior: never felt more lonely
i feel so distant from you guys now. i remember when we used to be so close last semester. The late night talks, the manicalnlaughing, the boba runs, rush of summer fun. i remember even choosing to skip thanksgiving dinner with my family cause i wanted to hang out with you guys. i get that ppl my awful emotions are not about you guys. they’re about me and my inability to cope with my loneliness.
Even though I know i’m horrible at initiating hangouts (i get anxious doing so but it’s no excuse), i always try to be a good friend in other ways like tiny but consistent acts of service (ex:staying consistent on our game apps, sending hw help, listening to vents, helping with projects and spending hours and literal days on it during my weekends—- which when i heard that you ended up not using the material i made i understood but kinda felt like, wow everything i did those 2 months was completely pointless when i could’ve focused on more of the stuff i wanted to do, and i have to act polite and be chill with it cause otherwise i feel like a petty weirdo) and don’t really know any other reason why I feel so lonely.
you guys know that saying, “in every trio there’s a duo?” I always thought that it wouldn’t apply to us but i think it does. when Im talking to you guys, all I can think of is how unfunny I am, how i can be more interesting…except they never really work and just instead are greeted with a quiet nod, a raised eyebrow, a forced smile, a “that was a weird thing to say”, or sometimes just being ignored…maybe I should just shut up and nod. Maybe I have nothing worthwhile to say and no story to tell and my only way to hold onto you as friends is to listen as much as possible. You guys seem so much more at ease and have so much more fun talking together.
I understand that maybe you guys click better together. And that’s fine. people drift. But even tho i tried to branch out to find other friends and spend time with them, by the end of the year, I realized that I really had no one I felt close with. No one I could take a picture with by the last day of school sign or throw papers with or feel safe to hug or cry with. Everybody had their own little clique and bubble that I had to stand around and just watch. and it made my feel so miserable and cry myself to sleep every night. at school i just wanted to stare in the distance and sink into a ball and cry forever for hours until my eyes were swollen, but i know that no one really wants to be around a negative person so i tried to remain calm or be smiley.
i have my own hobbies i focus on. i walk, i exercise, i play the violin, i paint, i sleep, i read, i bake and cook, but in a way i feel friendship is important to me and i spend a lot of time analyzing where i went wrong in a convo or pushing myself to stop over analyzing/being in my head and wondering why the fuck i am so awkward and pushed around by strangers and quiet and what’s wrong with me i hate myself and who i am. therapy doesn’t really help either..
but i get tired sometimes and i just give up the facade and just become quiet or be cold and stop talking or engaging in conversations. like on the last day of school for being so quiet. im really sorry.
I’m honestly really afraid to show this to u guys bc i didn’t want to sound like a victim or whiner or toxic or clingy or a “nice guy” that is entitled and expects that they’re owed friendship and make you guys feel sick of me. of course i can’t control how yall think of me regardless but I really don’t want to lose a friendship. at the same time, at this pt in the year I don’t think I have anything to lose since we’re all saying goodbye now. I also couldn’t tell if I was overthinking like always and that it was all in my head and maybe something else going on in my life was distorting my perspective, because it’s happened so many times in the past. maybe this entire entry is biased because it’s late a night, i’m alone, and i’m so focused on the negative that I neglect all the wonderful things you guys have helped me with or done together. my brain feels clouded.
i had to delete insta for a while cause seeing how much you guys hanged out together without me hurt or hid your insta stories from me, even tho i knew it was irrational to expect to always hang out or be together, i remember that time in winter we said something along the lines of how “we’d go to downtown and make our project and hangout a bunch”, but it ended up just being you two doing it multiple times without even inviting me. it felt purposeful to exclude me. which is also another reason i don’t really wanna talk to you guys abt it cause if yall are purposely wanting to distance yourself from me… what is the point of telling u guys how i feel if yall will just be completely apathetic abt it. but goddamnit idk what i did wrong. and im scared that this won’t be the last time ill be hurt. and that maybe i will never find a friend in college as im heading off there soon bc ill always be the forgotten or less of a priority friend.
submitted by GurAgitated3599 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:26 Monarch_Elite Should I apply to schools with my major as DataScience/Stats over my preferred Economics/PolSci Major in order to build more job applicable skills?

I'm a Junior applying to colleges rn who is very strong in English and History but I don't necessarily like Math (even though I'm good at it). I was determined to apply to something like Political Science or Economics throughout my Junior Year, but after reading a lot of articles and talking to a lot of college graduates, it seems like the job market is brutal for people who major in those subjects, which has has gotten me thinking about what I should choose as my intended major when I apply to college. I've heard that most of these majors are super theoretical and have nothing to do with the real world, which makes it an useless major when entering the market.
I'm now considering applying in something like Statistics or Data Science, which is much harder for me, but has a much brighter future.
For context, I have taken all of Calculus and will be taking Linear Algebra next year, so I'm perfectly good at advanced math, but I seriously struggle with programming and working with visualization models, which I feel could make my life really difficult when I take those courses in College as part of a CS/Applied Math focused degree.
I have a 4.6 W and a 1570 SAT, along with a lot of other good extracurriculars that I'm sure can get me into a good college, but I have no clue whether I should just go for Political Science because I'm good at it, or chase the bag and major in Finance/Data Science. Most of my extracurriculars tie in well to something that has to do with research/business, but I have close to no experience outside of classes with Math and Science related extracurriculars, which I feel could hurt my chances if I apply to a Math field.
While applying to what I'm good at seems like a good idea, I think its the easy way out, and it will mess up my future career prospects if i don't develop the coding and statistical analysis skills that are in super high demand right now.
I'm just really conflicted about what I ought to do, and its really hindering my college search abilities because I'm not sure if I should be even trying to apply to Top Econ Schools like UPenn, NYU, etc. if in the end of the day, I'm not going to do that major.
I'm hoping that the comments can give me some clarity on what I should do moving forward, or if you have any suggestions for majors or combinations of majors and minors that could play to my strengths and also provide me with the skills that companies are holding in high regard right now.
I'm honestly not sure what other information to include in this post, so please ask me some questions if you think I need to clarify something. Thanks.
submitted by Monarch_Elite to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:25 mobile_home_slice The NCAA has jumped the shark

I posted this NIL rant some time ago, but I stand behind my thoughts today:
College football players should be student-athletes. Any NCAA athlete while on scholarship or playing for the university/institution (I'm going to just call them schools from here on out) should NOT be allowed to market/monetize their name/like/image. Period.
Even, or especially as a fan of a big school & football program, this path just leads to an arms race, beyond the control of the institution and/or NCAA.
While on scholarship or representing the schools these athletes are on an internship, granting them (typically) free tuition, room & board, books, tutoring, healthcare, and expert training (all may vary) . While performing for their universities/intuitions, many may get the opportunity to display their talents on TV or other broadcasts.
Give the athletes a chunk of money when they graduate.
The opportunity to demonstrate their talents comes from the college and the colleges'/conferences' ability to market the entertainment value of their teams. College football has been, and should be about the teams and their fans' passion. If you as an athlete don't want to comply with these rules, you have options.
If an individual athlete wants to market "their brand"; have at it. Go pay for your own training, rent, meals, and healthcare. Market yourself on your own. The G league is available for basketball players, so are other leagues for football players. Go play in Europe or some semi-pro league.
With college football you get a stage to perform on, and an opportunity with resources most of us don't have. Even if you get hurt, you get an opportunity for a college degree and connections, a very undervalued result of college. Good luck paying for an ACL injury on your own, much less having a college degree that the vast majority of college athletes use to further themselves.
If you think you are truly elite, why are you wasting your time in college football? Go professional.
Yes, I am aware the NFL doesn't have their own developmental league. I don't care, options are available. If they want it, pay for it. If they think they can out-market the NCAA like the NBA is trying, have at it.
//Yes, I am aware of the NFL's age rule. Soccer players are allowed to play wherever they want. Actually, everyone is allowed to play wherever they want, I'm proposing a point that this NIL will get out of control, quickly.
//That was my NIL rant; good luck with University employees
submitted by mobile_home_slice to CFB [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:24 Significant-Tower146 Best Cute Record Players

Best Cute Record Players
Welcome to our selection of adorable and stylish record players! As the popularity of vinyl continues to soar, the market is flooded with a variety of record players that not only provide great sound quality but also add a touch of charm to any living space. In this article, we have curated a list of the cutest record players that will make you fall in love with vinyl all over again.
From vintage designs to modern day innovations, you'll find a range of compact and eye-catching options that cater to different budgets and preferences. So, sit back, relax, and let us take you on a musical journey through our collection of cute record players that not only promise exceptional sound quality but also deserve a spot in your cozy living room.

The Top 5 Best Cute Record Players

  1. 3-in-1 Jensen Turntable CD Radio, Cassette and AM/FM Stereo Speakers - The Jensen JTA-475 3-Speed Turntable CD Radio, Cassette and AM/FM Stereo offers versatile music playback with excellent sound quality, portability, and ease of use. However, some users may experience minor build quality concerns.
  2. Modern Vinyl Record Player Stand with Bluetooth - Experience the perfect blend of retro design and modern features with the Victrola Liberty Bluetooth Record Player Stand, a 3-speed turntable that lets you stream your music wirelessly or play vinyl with ease, all in a stylish Espresso finish.
  3. Retro-Modern Bluetooth Record Player with 3-Speed Turntable - The Victrola All-in-1 Bluetooth Record Player combines classic turntable functionality with modern features, providing crystal clear sound, wire-free connectivity, and a user-friendly experience.
  4. Retro 3-Speed Bluetooth Record Player with Removable Legs - Arkrocket Discovery 3-Speed Bluetooth Turntable: Add a touch of retro charm to your home, complete with Bluetooth connectivity, headphone jack, 3-speed settings, and a classic vinyl listening experience.
  5. Crosley Floral Turntable with Bluetooth and Built-in Speakers - The Crosley Voyager Floral Turntable is a stylish and portable 3-speed record player with built-in Bluetooth, full-range stereo speakers, and RCA outputs, perfect for bringing analog music to the masses in any space.
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🔗3-in-1 Jensen Turntable CD Radio, Cassette and AM/FM Stereo Speakers
I recently got the Jensen 3-speed turntable CD radio, cassette, and AM/FM set and I can't express how happy I am with my purchase. I remember using my dad's old turntable and the nostalgia it brings back is just priceless. This one is a modern twist to the classic turntable - it plays not only vinyl records but also CDs and cassettes. Plus, it has an AM/FM tuner so I can listen to my favorite radio stations.
What I love about this product is that it is versatile. The turntable allows me to play 3-speed records, which gives me a variety of options. The CD player accepts both regular and rewriteable discs, while the cassette deck, although it looks a bit fragile, still works perfectly fine. This device also comes with features such as repeat of songs and tracks, skip/search forward and backward and random play.
The blue back-lit LCD display and programmable memory adds a nice touch to the whole setup. It's super user-friendly; even my grandma could figure it out! And let's not forget about the stereo headphone jack, perfect for those late-night listening sessions without disturbing anyone.
However, one downside I noticed is that the build quality isn't top-notch. It feels a bit plasticky and might not hold up over time. Another thing is that the speakers lack bass. But hey, considering how affordable this product is, these are minor quibbles.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a nostalgic music player that combines old school charm with modern convenience, the Jensen 3-speed turntable CD radio, cassette, and AM/FM set is definitely worth checking out. Just remember to handle it with care due to its somewhat delicate build.

🔗Modern Vinyl Record Player Stand with Bluetooth
First of all, let me tell you about my experience with this Victrola Liberty Bluetooth Record Player. The moment I set my eyes on it, I was thrilled. Its retro design, available in on-trend colors, instantly captured my fascination. The built-in features like the CD player, FM radio, and USB player made it a versatile piece of entertainment. Plus, the ability to record from vinyl directly to USB without using a computer was intriguing.
The unit stands tall with four long legs and four short rubber feet. This unique design not only adds to its charm but also provides two different decorative options. The dimensions are just right - measuring 17.10 x 15.70 x 11-in and weighing 14.68 lbs. It's easy to move around and fits perfectly into any space.
While the sound quality is commendable, filling the room with a rich, full tone, the construction could use some improvement. The turntable feels a bit flimsy, especially the auto-stop button that sometimes fails to work. Also, there's a little wobbling when a record is on, but not enough to cause any skipping.
In terms of usability, setting up this record player is a breeze. Even someone who's new to vinyl could get it up and running in no time. The included instructions are concise and clear.
However, I did encounter a few issues with the build. First, it seems like there hasn't been much care about handling during shipping. The packaging was good, but it's not enough to prevent some minor damages. Second, I wish the legs could be secured better to ensure they don't pop out from under the record player.
Overall, despite its drawbacks, I believe the Victrola Liberty Bluetooth Record Player does offer a blend of vintage charm and modern convenience. It performs well, especially for its price point, and it's a nice addition to any room's décor. If you're looking for a stylish and functional record player that won't break the bank, I'd recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Retro-Modern Bluetooth Record Player with 3-Speed Turntable
I'll be honest, I'm not a tech enthusiast. But when my younger brother asked me to get him a record player for his album collection, I knew I had to dig up something. So I came across the Victrola All-in-1 Bluetooth Record Player with Built-in Speakers and a 3-Speed Turntable.
First off, let's talk about its looks. The design is quite retro, resembling the old-school phonographs that remind one of a bygone era. It's a neat visual addition to anyone's room, especially those who appreciate the artistic aesthetic of vinyl records.
Now, onto the main event - performance. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to set up and operate, particularly for my younger brother who aren't particularly tech-savvy. The Bluetooth technology is a great addition, allowing us to stream music from our smartphones and enjoy our favorite playlists without needing physical copies of the albums. Plus, the built-in speakers provide decent sound quality for such a compact device.
However, one thing to note is the quality of the built-in speakers. They are fine for casual listening, but if you're someone who prefers deeper and more immersive sound, you might want to consider connecting the record player to external speakers.
Another concern is the wobbly turntable. While many users reported this issue, we haven't faced any problems with skipping or distortion yet. And when we did experience minor skipping due to bumps or movements, the auto-stop feature came in handy to prevent further damage.
All in all, I'd say the Victrola All-in-1 Bluetooth Record Player is an excellent choice for anyone looking to revive their vinyl collection. Its multi-functionality, ease of use, and affordable price make it a worthwhile investment, despite some minor concerns. My brother, at least, seems to be thoroughly enjoying it.

🔗Retro 3-Speed Bluetooth Record Player with Removable Legs
Oh, what a treat it's been to bring back some vinyl magic with the Arkrocket Retro Turntable! This little gem has been a constant companion in my living room, playing everything from the Beatles to Billie Eilish with impeccable clarity and smoothness. What I particularly love about it is the three-speed feature - allowing me to switch between playing 33 1/3, 45, or 78 RPM records effortlessly.
The vintage design is undoubtedly one of its key selling points - it instantly adds a retro charm to my space despite its modern components. Plus, the built-in Bluetooth capability is a game-changer, enabling me to stream digital music from my smartphone or any other compatible devices seamlessly.
What sets this turntable apart, however, are the removable legs. Not only does it make the system incredibly portable, but it also allows for easy customization according to my needs and space. Kudos for innovation, Arkrocket!
However, similar to any review, there's always room for improvement. While the high-quality sound output is commendable, the integrated speakers could use some enhancement in terms of volume and bass control.
In conclusion, if you're seeking a retro vibe with modern functionalities, the Arkrocket Retro Turntable should definitely be on your list. Its ease of use, stylish design, and versatility justify its price point perfectly, making it an excellent purchase for both vinyl aficionados and digital music lovers alike.

🔗Crosley Floral Turntable with Bluetooth and Built-in Speakers
I recently got my hands on the Crosley Voyager Floral Turntable, and let me tell you, it's a charming little device that instantly adds a touch of retro charm to any space. The build quality is impressive, with a sturdy design that can handle a fair amount of travel. One of my favorite features has to be the built-in Bluetooth receiver, which means I can stream my digital tunes wirelessly through the turntable's stereo speakers.
The sound quality is surprisingly good for a small device, and I've had no issues playing 33 1/3, 45, or 78 RPM records. The only downside would be the lack of power in the built-in speakers, but that's easily remedied by connecting it to my existing sound system via the RCA outputs.
As for portability, this little turntable definitely delivers. Its lightweight design and compact size make it easy to take anywhere, whether that's a picnic in the park or a cozy evening at home. And when it comes to ease of use, the adjustable pitch control knob and simple setup make it a breeze for even the most inexperienced vinyl enthusiasts.
However, one potential drawback is the size of the device, which may be too small for some people's taste. Additionally, the on-off button being located at the back can be a little inconvenient, especially if you're trying to switch it on and off frequently.
Overall, the Crosley Voyager Floral Turntable is a fantastic choice for anyone looking to bring a touch of vintage charm to their music setup. It's easy to use, looks great, and offers good sound quality for its size. While it may not be perfect for everyone, it's definitely worth considering if you're in the market for a stylish and functional turntable.

Buyer's Guide

Important Features

When looking to buy a cute record player, consider the following features:
  • Portability: Compact size and optional carrying cases make it easy to take your music on the go.
  • Bluetooth connectivity: Pair your device with wireless headphones or speakers for a convenient listening experience.
  • Vinyl compatibility: Make sure the player can handle different vinyl sizes (7", 10", or 12").
  • USB port: Transfer your vinyl records to digital format with ease.
  • Auto-stop function: Prevents the platter from continuing to spin when the needle reaches the end of a record.


Before making your purchase, keep these points in mind:
  1. Budget: Record players range from affordable beginner models to high-end audiophile options.
  2. Maintenance: Regular cleaning of the stylus and vinyl records is necessary for optimal performance and longevity.
  3. Sound quality: Evaluate the built-in speakers or compatibility with external ones to ensure your satisfaction with the audio output.
  4. Warranty: Check if the manufacturer offers a warranty for peace of mind and protection against potential defects or malfunctions.

General Advice

To get the most out of your cute record player, follow these tips:
  • Store your vinyl collection properly: Keep your records in sleeves and store them vertically to prevent warping and damage.
  • Clean your vinyl regularly: Use a vinyl cleaning solution and brush to remove dust and other debris from your records.
  • Experiment with different genres: Explore various music styles to find your favorite sounds on vinyl.
  • Join a vinyl collecting community: Connect with fellow enthusiasts online or in person for advice, recommendations, and camaraderie.


1. What should I consider when choosing a cute record player?

When selecting a cute record player, consider factors like sound quality, durability, design, and ease of use. Look for a model that combines these aspects to ensure a pleasant listening experience while maintaining a visually appealing appearance.

2. How do I maintain and clean my cute record player?

To maintain your record player, keep it dust-free and store it in a proper location. Clean the stylus regularly with a stylus cleaning brush and occasionally clean the record surface with a microfiber cloth or antistatic record cleaning spray

3. Are there different types of cute record players?

There are two main types of cute record players: vintage turntables that offer the authentic vinyl experience, and modern turntables with USB connectivity and additional features like Bluetooth and built-in speakers.

4. How do I replace a needle for my cute record player?

  1. Purchase a compatible stylus for your record player model.
  2. Remove the old stylus by gently lifting it from the tonearm or by following the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. Install the new stylus into the tonearm following the manufacturer's instructions, making sure it snaps into place securely.
  4. Test the new stylus by playing a record to ensure it functions properly.

5. Can I connect a cute record player to my home theater system?

Yes, most modern cute record players include RCA output jacks, which allow you to connect the turntable to your home theater system, amplifier, or external speakers.

6. How do I troubleshoot common issues with cute record players?

  • Skipping or jumping record: Ensure the stylus is clean, the record surface is free of dust, and the tracking force is within the recommended range.
  • Low volume or no sound: Check the user manual for instructions on adjusting volume, ensure the turntable is connected properly to external speakers or amplifier, or consult a technician if necessary.
  • Record player won't spin: Ensure the power source is working, the turntable is connected properly, or consult the manufacturer's instructions for more assistance.

7. Can I use a cute record player with a smartphone or tablet?

Some modern cute record players have Bluetooth capabilities, allowing you to connect the turntable to smartphones, tablets, or wireless speakers.

8. How do I convert vinyl records to digital files using a cute record player?

First, connect the record player to a computer via USB or a separate soundcard. Configure your music recording software to capture audio from the connected turntable. Play the vinyl record and start recording the audio into digital format. Once complete, edit and save the files accordingly.
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2024.05.26 07:24 DistributionOk5166 Can people cause panic attacks?

When I (21M) got into a relationship with my partner (20F), it was awesome. Then she involved her friends in the relationship. She came off as very codependent to her friends, even saying her friends (20F) are never wrong (you’re gonna see some red flags here that I was stupid to ignore). Met one of her friends - wonderful guy not a bad bone in his body, hope all of them could be Ike that. She expressed (I don’t even know jokingly) that her girl friends were jealous that she got a boyfriend - yet she wanted us to be friends.
I have never met such hypocritical people in my life on first meet. They would criticize my career (I earn decent money in school), my race (they continually called me a brown boy), the fact I didn’t drink underage, they would question my validity as a partner in earshot much to my partner’s silence. They would criticize my colloquialism - I would say “shut the fuck up” when a funny story came up while laughing. They would tell my partner (not me) that they didn’t like it (happy to not say it if it makes them feel uncomfortable) but then they proceeded to tell me to shut the fuck up with impunity. The double standards sucked. The dishing out but not being able to take it sucked. I was always made to be the villain. When I brought these up to my partner - “Oh you feel that way because they have siblings, and you’re an only child”. They showed up to my apartment unannounced when I was on a date with my partner (I live on the 3rd story). After the date was over, they would make plans to go out and say “This is a friends only thing”.
I held my tongue for a lot of disrespect. The people were openly known in their friend group to be third wheels in the relationship. They used to call me a bitch and a groomer (because I had friends who were 2 years younger than me). I used to call the main instigator a horseface after she made fun of my forehead and looks. But then it was too far. They could say whatever to me but the moment I come back I’m in the wrong.
They would openly ask my partner “Did he even get girls before you” to which my partner felt she had to defend her “choice” in me. They would cause fights to the point where I’m crying and hoping I’m no more. I would dream they would make fun of me so much - I would get up and walk out (I actually did this once but chalked it up to having to take a phone call).
They would criticize my race but then ask me to set them up with someone from my race. They would make fun of my career, yet ask me to get them a job. I tried to play nice with these people. On my own birthday, one of these girls was stressing out over organizing a career fair, I walked 40 minutes to help her out. These people would cause fights between us and I would apologize to them about stuff they do to me all the time saying “I just want to be accepted by the group”.
Worst part came when her friends pulled switchblades out on a moving bus as a joke and were brandishing it. I was the only voice of reason telling these people to stop, protecting my partner, motioning others to sit down and telling them that the group can get in so much trouble because of their idiotic behavior. Yet all her friends laughed at the fact I was getting serious. One of her friends had come up to me afterwards and showed me her palm, laughing. It was blood- she had cut her hands on the blades trying to play with the knives. Laughing.
Whether it was them blacking out drunk, headbutting each other, and touching each other inappropriately- I need to make sure no one falls behind or gets in trouble. Her friends would smack me for sitting on their bed by accident just to charge my phone near the wall. Everyone would laugh.
Her friends dressed up during Halloween as red flags (can’t make this up) and they kept making racial remarks to my friend. “Dance white boy”, “bathroom’s over there white boy”, etc. He took it as a joke the first few times but then started to feel uncomfortable. He told me wayyyy too late that this is what he experienced.
One day I had enough of their immaturity, their laughter at my pain, their double standards, and their unresolved hatred. I asked them to treat me with some respect. My partner stood silent as they continue to make insulting and demeaning faces at me and avoid the issue. I had a freeze response. Then my hypervigilance took a toll on me one day in the form of an extreme panic attack (first one ever) where I cried and clutched my chest on a train. They started indifferently. I sat crying with the doctor hugging me, while they called an Uber to go to a bar. They called the paramedics- they were heroes. I had enough, went up and yelled some disgusting things at the main instigator, who was making disgusting invalidating faces at me while I was approaching her for accountability. Called her a horsefaced-bitch. Told her “Why should I die on the train? You go kill yourself!”
My partner threatened to break up with me if her friends had told her to and told me I wasn’t fit to meet her dad. The next day, her friends guilt tripped her “You made a choice to go home with him instead of come with us to the bar”. They talked about how it was “bizarre” why I was so kind to the doctors and the paramedics yet yelled at them. A few days later, the pain in my chest was tough. I went to the doctor, got some tests and was diagnosed with a cardiac arrhythmia as a result of the panic attack. When she told her friends, they said “we don’t care he had a heart attack, we care more about what he yelled at us afterwards”.
Then blame was shifted. I was the scapegoat. They were the ultimate victim. The whole group - people who didn’t even have anything to do with the situation brought up 9 month old issues that I had apologized for. Ganged up. They said I brought too many bad memories to the group.
When I asked my partner why she lets such people run from accountability for their actions. She said how her father told her to never give up on her friends. How her father lets his friends insult him and his wife till she cries. And that was his takeaway.
I broke up with her. I can’t be a doormat like how her mother is to her father and his friends. I told her she was truly spineless for letting this happen to me. Went to a therapist and got my diagnosis for CPTSD. I wasn’t perfect but I tried. I really did. Lesson learned.
Was it fair for me to blame her friends for the panic attack? I feel like an idiot trying to explain all the stuff they did to cause it but then they can blame me for the way I reacted/ deflect with past issues.
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2024.05.26 07:23 usernamesaredumb03 Should I (M20) apologize to childhood friend (F19) after ghosting her for years

Disclaimer: This is going to read like stupid middle school drama because it is
Basically, throughout all of elementary and middle school, I was very good friends with this girl. At some point I realized I developed feelings for her and soon after had heard from a couple of people that she also liked me. A little while after that one night while out of state for thanksgiving I texted her telling her I liked her and she was very happy and reciprocated. We ended up texting for a while and then I went to sleep. I still remember how nervous/excited I was when I was sending the reply and waiting for her to open it.
One thing about me is I legitimately hate texting and especially snapchat texting. I hate the read receipts, I hate the notification when I start typing, I hate seeing their bitmoji waiting in the corner, I hate everything about it. I always overthink my replies and generally it just stresses me out. Even fr imessage I pretty much limit myself to only receiving or sending information that doesnt really necessitate a phone call.
A while later I made an offhand comment to one of my friends who was dating one of this girl's best friends. The comment was essentially "I regret telling this girl I like her, she texts me so much and its really annoying." My friend ended up telling this to his girlfriend who told the girl and when I got home I got a text from her asking if this was true. One of worst traits is that Im horrible at dealing with confrontation in interpersonal conflicts (my whole family is like this) and honestly when I got this text I just kinda shut down. I didn't know how to respond and so I didn't. Looking back I think I was embarassed and kind of ashamed she had found out I said that when its not entirely what I meant so I just ended up never responding. Over the couple months she would very regularly send long texts apologizing and just asking me talk to her. I still had classes where I would sit next to her and very near her but I would just ignore her. I couldn't even look at her because I was so ashamed about ignoring her which just made me ignore her more. The texts she would send me most of the time I wouldn't even read but I would sometimes pass my phone to my group of friends to read them (I know this was an extremely shitty thing to do.)
Eventually she stopped texting me and obviously our friendship was completely over. I don't know if its related but the timeline makes it hard for me to believe it isn't around this time I started getting bad social anxiety, was self conscious, and looking back I think I was pretty depressed through most of highschool (still into college but I've never been to like a therapist or doctor about it so idk) and if it wasn't for the pretty big friendgroup I already had I probably wouldn't have talked to anyone in highschool. Outside of this friendgroup I just didn't engage with other people. Also after I ghosted this girl a few of her friends, who I was also friends with, (one was the girl who told her in the first place, and had also been one of my best friends since kindergarten) asked me out and I turned them down. This pretty much marked the end of serious female friendships in my life.
I think it also really altered the way I view relationships as a whole as I just saw them as unwanted stress in my life so while there were one or two girls I almost dated in highschool, I never did. Besides hooking up with a girl once while I was in early college I never had a girlfriend until this year, sophomore year in college. (I broke up with her after 4 months because it stressed me out and she texted me way too much.)
Without getting too specific, and because I only heard bits and pieces from friends (since I wasn't talking to her) it affected her pretty substantially. Also to my knowledge she didnt really date at all in highschool, despite being an very pretty, smart, athletic, and genuinely sweet girl. She had one kind of relationship in senior year into freshman year of college to my knowledge with a dude who was a friend of friend of mine. Based on how he talked about her he was probably a bigger asshole to her than I was.
We did have some contact into highschool and one thing I always respected/appreciated was she was always extremely kind and friendly with me even though I didn't really return the favor because I just felt too guilty to even look at her straight on. She was on student council and I was pretty notorious for having no knowledge of school events so she would often text me making sure I knew when picture day was, yearbook stuff, important extracurricular stuff, etc. I would respond but that was it. When we were in the same early college class she would unprompted send me her notes from class when I would skip. (Frequently) Genuinely she is one of the sweetest and kindest people I have ever met and I just feel so guilty for blowing up our friendship over basically nothing. I was only 13 so I guess it makes sense I was immature but all I needed to was have like the most basic communication skills and not shut her out completely.
This brings us to present day and I guess I just want to know if I should apologize at this point or not. It was so long ago it honestly seems stupid I even care about this, and we both go to different colleges hours away from eachother so we don't interact at all anymore. Our summer jobs are right next door, but because of how our shifts are the likelyhood of us randomly bumping into eachother are low. (Hasn't happened yet) (Also its a very rural area so right next door isn't like building to building) I'm not looking to necessarily rekindle the friendship or anything, just everytime I think about her or see her car drive by I feel insanely ashamed. Part of me thinks it’s better to just let it go but the other part wants to get it off my chest.
Genuinely really want to hear somebody’s opinion on this. I can’t tell if I’m just obsessing over nothing and should just let it go. If you were on the other end of this would you want an apology like 7 years later?
TLDR: In 8th grade I confessed to my close friend who I was pretty sure liked me that I liked her as well. Later I confided in a friend that I regretted telling her this because I was annoyed she texted me so often. She found out and I proceeded to completely ignore her for years.
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