Incan inventions

How can something be so lazy yet look like they spent way too much time on this?

2024.05.10 07:41 Jus512 How can something be so lazy yet look like they spent way too much time on this?

How can something be so lazy yet look like they spent way too much time on this? submitted by Jus512 to TheRightCantMeme [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 02:47 Strange_Collection79 Will racists ever shut up?

submitted by Strange_Collection79 to TheRightCantMeme [link] [comments]

2023.12.21 13:37 gregornot The Incas never invented the wheel, never figured out the arch, never discovered iron. But they were masters of fiber. They built ships out of fiber, armors, weapons and even bridges. This is the last Incan suspension bridge, made entirely out of grass: Q'eswachaka

The Incas never invented the wheel, never figured out the arch, never discovered iron. But they were masters of fiber. They built ships out of fiber, armors, weapons and even bridges. This is the last Incan suspension bridge, made entirely out of grass: Q'eswachaka submitted by gregornot to BeAmazed [link] [comments]

2023.11.01 09:58 Li-E-fe In Honor of Day of the Dead: Aztecs, a Request

Before I jump in, it's 4:57 am and I'm still awake. Please be kind to my poorly worded stream of consciousness. If I got something wrong or if you disagree, please let me in the comments below.
I will apologize in advance as many of these points have been brought up multiple times by other members of the community; there not entirely my own thoughts. I won't however, apologize for asking the devs again. I'm greedy. Ask and you shall receive! :]
I, once again, ask of the devs to rework the Aztecs for both playability, competitiveness, and for the experience of historical immersion.
Improvements to Historical Immersion: (skip this section if you only care about game mechanics)
  1. Please correct the in-game spoken language. I know the community has been asking this for years and we will continue to ask. We just love this game too much. An immersive language experience just makes the game that much more fun. Nahuatl speakers are readily accessible both in the US and Mexico. Classical Nahuatl is a well documented and studied academic study and there are TONS of professors and students that would jump at the opportunity to bring the language to gamers everywhere. Fun fact about Nahuatl: Spanish did not become the most spoken language in Mexico until 1895, at the latest. The 1895 census showed nearly one third of all Mexicans were still monolingual Nahuatl speakers. This does not reflect the percentage of bilingual speakers. In which case, Spanish would have still not been the most widely spoken language. For context, in 1895 the first automobile patent was filed. America was producing 77% of the global oil supply. The light bulb had been invented 10 years earlier. In the next decade, we would have the first airplanes and the Model T. In the decade that followed WW1 would begin. It is still mind boggling how recent this was. Today there are still 1.5 million speakers. That's only slightly less than the entire population of Manhattan Borough, New York, New York. We can find someone to voice-over lines. I will literally pay you for another DLC. Just shush up and take my money! -phillip j fry
  2. While it's not wrong to say Aztecs per say, it's also not exactly quite right. For historical and naming reasons I won't be getting into, just change it to Mexica. Source: Trust Me Bro.
Improvements to Playability and Competitiveness:
  1. I propose that Mexica buildings be reworked give better late game balance and further differentiate the Mexica economy from the Incan economy.
    1. Rather than giving Mexica access to a plantation or a farm, they should only be allowed to build chinampas, or more accurately chināmitl. The coding for haciendas can be reused to add Mexica chinampas, albeit with the appropriate art work change. Chinampas should trickle food, coin, wood upon being worked regardless of what mode it is in. Their deck can be reworked to give improvements to the trickle and gather rate. In age 4 or 5, they should be given the option to switch the work mode to wood, similar to Mexico's Yucatan revolution card. This aligns with their historical uses.
Chinampas, were man-made raised bed that were built in swampy or submerged areas dating as far back to the Toltecs in the 9th and 10th century. Both historically and also in modern times, Chinampas produce food (corn, beans, squash, etc), wood (usually cypress and willow), and cash crops. Important pre-hispanic cash crops included cempōhualxōchitl or cempasúchil, the Mexican Marigold commonly used during day of the dead, cochineal, and agave (did someone say tequila? It's 5:00 somewhere right?), cotton, and chicle/chewing gum, among other things. 2. The community plaza's art work should be replaced with Huēyi Teōcalli, today known as Templo Mayor. For those unfamiliar, it is the big temple that can be found in both Mexico and Aztec's current home city screen. On the exterior of the Huēyi Teōcalli, a fire could be lit indicating the number each Warrior Priest garrisoned inside without the player needing to click on the building to check. Mexica villagers should not be permitted to work at the Huēyi Teōcalli for balancing purposes. On the building's interface, a bar should appear that fills up as the player kills enemy units. This of course would be representative of the high priests, with an obsidian blade in hand, slicing open a poor Sepoy, a Voltiguer, or hapless villager to appease Huītzilōpōchtli, lest the sun not rise tomorrow. You heathens. Feed my man Huītzilōpōchtli. The player should be allowed to click on a big button witin the community plaza's interface that grants special bonuses for a short time. There are numerous possibilities here. The player could be allowed access to two bonuses simultaneously. Another possibility could be access to a whole set of Mexica-specific temporary abilities like farming gather rate bonuses, increased age-up speed, increased siege resistance, or a small speed boost to all Mexica units, to name a few possible examples. Obviously this would require testing and balancing, but I feel these changes could offer more late game survivability as the Mexica. 2. I propose that Mexica have their military units reworked to allow for better balancing. 1. Mexica need a schiavone-type ranged unit that counters other enemy light infantry. Even with improvements to path finding, melee units will never be an acceptable counter to spammed ranged light infantry. Starting in age 4, Mexica should get access to this additional unit. Alternatively, the existing Eagle Runner Knight could be given a card that gives it alternative damage modifiers and resistance based on it's stance. This would require micro and skill on the player, preventing the unit from being abused. Given how many times Eagle Runner Knights have been nerfed, I concede that this is a fair compromise. 2. Mexica do not have access to any native units that deal ranged area of effect. The Otonin Slinger should be given a card which gives them one area of affect in exchange for lower base damage. The Inca have the anti-cavalry bolas warrior, which has an area of effect. Given that the Mexica sling, the tēmātlatl, could be loaded with either rounded stones or clay balls containing obsidian/pebbles projects that would send shrapnel flying on impact, it makes sense to give the Otonin Slinger area of effect after sending a card. Balancing could be achieved by making it an age 4 card. Thus allowing the player to respond to late game threats without the risk of abuse in earlier ages. 3. Coyote Runners need additional protection from siege damage and range damage. The base resist on a Coyote Runner is 10% ranged. It's base HP is 155. This is just too low to be an effective counter to late game cannons even after upgrades. The card Temple of Xipe Totec Support grants 0.15 armor. The card Coyote Tactics grants +20% hit points. Since Coyote Runners are not cavalry and thus lack trampling, I think it would be interesting to experiment with an Age 4 card that gives improved speed while Coyote Runners are in cover mode. This would allow them to better serve their role as shock infantry and making Mexica more viable for late game and treaty when used in conjunction with Arrow Knights.

submitted by Li-E-fe to aoe3 [link] [comments]

2023.08.16 11:06 Pepper_Spades Future Pan-Nationalisms Compass

Future Pan-Nationalisms Compass submitted by Pepper_Spades to futurecompasses [link] [comments]

2023.08.14 16:35 KingChipotle Any books on the origin of Vegetables?

A lot of history books I’ve read have interesting (but brief) tidbits about how certain vegetables came to be, like how wild mustard became broccoli and cabbage, or how the incans invented potatoes and tomatoes. Are there any good books that focus on the history and origin of vegetables/fruits? I’m especially interested in the incans in this regard since they seem to have been really prolific at it.
submitted by KingChipotle to AskHistorians [link] [comments]

2023.08.14 16:27 KingChipotle The origin of vegetables

A lot of history books I’ve read have interesting (but brief) tidbits about how certain vegetables came to be, like how wild mustard became broccoli and cabbage, or how the incans invented potatoes and tomatoes. Are there any good books that focus on the history and origin of vegetables/fruits? I’m especially interested in the incans in this regard since they seem to have been really prolific at it.
submitted by KingChipotle to AskHistory [link] [comments]

2023.08.14 14:25 tahmkenchisbroken Finally some Natlan lore from new claymore

Finally some Natlan lore from new claymore
The story is about a person named Tenoch who used a special club to make friends with six different tribes in Natlan. They teamed up to fight against something called the "black Tide." The story also talks about dragons, which gives me the feeling their special in Natlan in some way. It also confirms that Mare Jivari is in Natlan.
The origin of the names of the various Warriors
  1. Tenoch: The name "Tenoch" by a legendary figure in the history of the Aztec civilization. According to Aztec mythology and historical accounts, Tenoch was one of the leaders or chieftains of the Mexica people, who eventually founded the city of Tenochtitlan .
  2. Wanjiru: "Wanjiru" could have its origins in Kenyan or East African cultures, as the name sounds similar to names from that region.
  3. Kayeke: "Kayeke" might be a creative invention
  4. Menilek: "Menilek" resembles the name of Menelik I, a legendary figure in Ethiopian folklore. According to Ethiopian tradition, Menelik I was the son of King Solomon of Israel and the Queen of Sheba.
  5. Ngoubou: "Ngoubou" could be inspired by Cameroonian or Central African names, reflecting a diversity of cultural influences.
  6. Sanhaj Kompore: "Sanhaj Kompore" could be a combination of names from different African cultures. "Sanhaj" might have connections to the Berber people of North Africa, and "Kompore" could be influenced by names from West African regions.
  7. Mahamba: "Mahamba" could be inspired by various Southern African languages, as the name has a melodic sound that's reminiscent of names from that region.
  8. Burkina: "Burkina" could be referencing Burkina Faso, a West African country. The name means "land of the honest people" in the local Mooré language.
  9. Kongamato: "Kongamato" is a term from African folklore, particularly associated with the Congo River region. It refers to a mythical creature resembling a flying reptile,
  10. Sundjatta: "Sundjatta" could be a variation of "Sundiata," which is the name of a legendary figure in the history of the Mali Empire in West Africa.
  11. Muhuru: "Muhuru" might be inspired by Swahili or other East African languages, as the name has a rhythmic quality often found in those regions.
  12. Tupac: "Tupac" could potentially draw inspiration from the name Tupac Amaru II, an 18th-century Incan revolutionary leader from Peru. The name has Quechua origins.
It looks like Natlan will be a mix of different cultures and ideas, creating an interesting and unique place.
submitted by tahmkenchisbroken to Genshin_Lore [link] [comments]

2023.08.01 15:26 Fusseldieb I can't stop asking about llamas

I can't stop asking about llamas submitted by Fusseldieb to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2023.07.14 11:25 Erwinblackthorn Everything Wrong With: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls Pt2

Henry Jr. the third, aka Mutt, is introduced and outroduced in the worst way possible. I know that outroduced is not a word, but I have no idea what we call “forced to leave the story” in one word.
The scene is where Indy just got fired, and he decides to go… somewhere. It’s not clear. I think he’s on his way to another university or museum, or he's taking public transportation to hide from the public FBI. But he gets on a train and Mutt is riding a motorcycle on the platform, because he’s supposed to be a bad boy, who has the face and voice of a stoner. I’m sorry, but Shia LaBeouf is not good casting at all for this role. The second I see him is the second I know he’s there because he had Transformers cred. There is also talk about how Spielberg rejected having a daughter find Indy because he thought it was too close to Jurassic Park, thus robbing us of a young girl in danger to then relate to the villain to cause the villain to be the evil sorceress and the daughter to be the princess in need of her king.
Remember when I said Marion lost her father and that’s why she was all messed up? This daughter of Indy could have been that tie in with that movie’s theme, showing that family is important and that Indy would want to make his own father proud, and to be that father that Marion wanted in her life and couldn't have. He would want to preserve his family’s history, so that he’s not lost to time. The theme had potential, far greater than having a son, because it was all established. But because Spielberg thought he couldn’t repeat something, despite repeating tropes constantly, he ended up casting Even Stevens to become the worst sidekick in history.
Mutt, who also has the worst nickname possible, finds Indy by driving one way, and the train goes the other way. And somehow he saw Indiana Jones in a sea of old white men and chases him down. Why do it like this? Well, the theme is there, but not the scene. Indy is going through his path, the train is controlling him, he is hopeless in decision making because he’s on a train, on something else that leads him, aka fate. Mutt is going on his own, in another direction, on his motorcycle, meaning his means of independence. But luckily, destiny brought them together and will send them to glory, because Mutt has info and Indy has knowledge.
I can understand why they picked these events and why they had the characters meet like this, but if Indy didn’t go on a train, how could Mutt find him? How could Mutt even find him when Indy is on the train? He didn’t even double check a picture or nothing. Just glanced over, shouted at a stranger, asked if he’s Dr. Jones, and then they appear at a soda fountain to talk over the info Mutt has.
This info pissed me off.
Apparently, another character called Ox found a crystal skull in the grave of a conquistador, and this conquistador found the skull in a place called El Dorado. At this point, it’s okay. This is how they were looking for the staff of Ra before and then the place where you shove the staff into so it points people to where the Ark is kept. That’s fine, I like it, good setup. But then there is the reason Mutt has this information and then what he has after.
There is a giant piece of paper that Mutt has, sent to him by Ox, who is imprisoned by the Soviets, in Peru. The paper has a riddle written in a dead language, and somehow only Indy can translate it. This is not how a MacGuffin works. This is how a Mary Sue is made. The reason why we hate Crystal Skulls is that Indy becomes a Mary Sue throughout the entire movie.
He’s the only one who can translate a riddle, he’s the only one who can find the random alien that isn’t even part of the plot, and he’s the only one who can survive being nuked in a fridge. All while being so old that he can’t even react to being punched or else his back will go out of whack and his arthritis will flare up. All while never shooting any guns to kill the bad guys. All while having the entire movie carry him around like he’s a puppet on strings. The amount of carrying the world does to get Indy from point A to point B is face melting.
Near the end, there is literally a scene where everything is crumbling and everyone has to run forward, only to end up in a dead end. So then a bunch of water comes up and it shoots everyone up a well and into a safe zone, perfectly far away from the area where the UFO is taking off. Yes, I said UFO, and I’ll get more into that later.
The first bit of globetrotting and we have Mutt tag along with Indy to find a grave. Remember, we don’t need to care about the first alien from the warehouse, because that one doesn’t matter. What’s important is this new alien skull that we haven’t seen yet. So they go to a gravesite and this is where, I shit you not, Mexican goblins attack them with blowguns.
They attack, Indy and Mutt beat them up with shovels and kill them with their own blowguns, and then they easily find the skull within a crypt that had zero boobytraps and zero thrills. We are just handed a crystal skull that apparently nobody could find, except for Ox, who… put it there? It’s not clear whether he found it in the crypt or put it there.
If he found it there: Why have the Mexican goblins?
If he put it there: Why have the Mexican goblins?
And, I swear, they are growling and hobbling around like goblins, not using any words and are just there to kill anyone who goes to the gravesite, I guess.
This is meant to be an action scene and all it does is confuse us. We’re no longer thinking in the movie, but now we’re questioning the movie for its choices. Suspension of disbelief is royally removed. But it gets worse, because right after they get the skull, the Russians come in and capture them, right after they had some argument about absolutely nothing. The scenes between Indy and Mutt are mostly wasted and the spooky part about this gravesite is that there are non-poisonous scorpions covering the entrance.
That’s it.
This is where we meet ox, who is shown as insane from staring at the skull too much, and Marion, who is insane because she’s an alcoholic. However, for being in her late 50s, she’s still a GMILF, so she’s looking great for her age. But for the sex appeal of the movie, I think they overestimated her abilities or they decided the psychic babe is the sex appeal, aka the villain. Also, the idea that they were able to capture Marion, only to bring her back, just so we can awkwardly have her say “Henry” and then hug her son, making Indy think she was talking to him, is a giant mess.
Another massive problem with this movie is that massive important plot points that tie the entire story together are done as jokes and they are delivered in a deadpan way, with zero musical cues or even much of a reaction. For example, in Temple of Doom, Indy is mind controlled through some kind of evil blood from a ritual, and he is put on a stone bed and is slowly going insane. There is echoing and the music is sinister and this is shown to be important. Meanwhile, something like “Indy has a son and his almost wife is captured by the Soviets” is done as quickly as possible and everyone reads their lines like kids in a school play.
To make it worse, this area of jungle is all we see for the rest of the movie, and it’s boring. Civilization is long gone and the only people we see from now on are the heroes, the Soviet soldiers, and some ageless natives who crawl out of stone walls. Yes, I’ll get to that later. I’m just struggling to get through the plot first because of so many problems.
The Soviets tell Indy that they need information that only Ox has, but Ox went crazy. This is where they use the skull for Indy to stare into and somehow they know that the Skull is connected to Ox. How? Never explained, but they really wanted a scene where Indy is staring at the skull and repeats “return” and he steadily shakes around so that he doesn’t blow out a shoulder blade. And, again, I understand the themes. They have shadows over Ox except for his eyes to do an old fashion camera trick for when someone is mentally talking into another’s head, the also put a shadow of Indy over Indy with a thin curtain between him and the camera(which I barely noticed), and the entire time the music is swelling in a sinister way.
The most powerful scene so far is Indy being told the plot from the skull itself. The skull is telling him that he must return it to El Dorado, and specifically him. Why? I don’t know, but this sounds like Chosen One material. And that’s fine if he’s suddenly the Chosen One, but it’s weird they do this so late in the series if that kind of thing exists. Maybe he’s enlightened because of the Holy Grail of The Last Crusade, but even then that would tie every magical thing of the series to aliens… which is the retcon problem.
You see, it’s not a problem that aliens are in the Indiana Jones world. In fact, the complaint that aliens are there is a moot point. There’s a novel where Indiana Jones finds dinosaur eggs and they hatch and he fights dinosaurs. We don’t mind magic or sci-fi in an Indiana Jones story. The problem is when all of the magic is explained away with sci-fi, because that then removes the mystery and magic of the entire series. It turns it into strictly sci-fi instead of science fantasy.
A good example of this problem is the story of Dracula. Van Helsing is a naturalist scientist, he believes everything is of the natural world. He then meets a magical demonic vampire and has to accept the supernatural, because it’s now in his rational perception. This is a horror to him because the idea of going insane is more likely and preferred than the reality of having the supernatural existing before him and this unexplainable mystery now challenging everything he dedicated his life to. Now imagine that movie suddenly having an alien appear and go “lol jk, it was just a hologram.”
That is Indiana Jones 4 in a nutshell.
Turning the entire thing from allowing the supernatural to then restricting it into the natural, but now the natural is this crazy and wild world, completely changes everything, even though the on-screen addition is the existence of an alien race. But if it simply had an alien AND the fantasy aspects, then that’s an entirely different story, which is why the retcon of causing everything to be sci-fi to remove the fantasy is a problem. It’s the same reason the addition of midi-chlorians in Star Wars to explain the force was a bad call. Not everything has to be explained and the explanation is a lazy way to remove the mystery and thus the fun of exploration. It’s no longer able to charm us, which is why we felt this lack of charm the second they searched for the first alien.
Speaking of the first alien, it is there in the camp with them, and Spalko examines it on an operating table, very casually, while telling Indy about how psychic powers from El Dorado will allow the Soviets to take over the world, right under everyone’s nose. That’s cool as a doomsday plot, but why bring the alien if it has nothing to do with the plot? This is part of the “have something goofy happen during the exposition” that Temple of Doom mastered, but here it is more like “have something unrelated sort of lying there to remind the viewer that it exists”. Yes, they are talking about aliens, and yes that is an alien, but we don’t need to have an alien present in the middle of a jungle with a camp the size of a football team to make this point.
This isn’t something enjoyable or wacky, it is yet another reason for us to question the movie and this brings us out of the suspension of disbelief.
What does it even more is what happens next, where while being held at gunpoint, Mutt flips a table and somehow that distracts EVERY soldier in the camp so that the heroes can run away into a tent, which then Mutt burns down to “hide their escape”. Zero bullets are fired through this scene, despite every soldier holding an AK. But it gets worse. We then have Indy and Marion get trapped in quicksand while they are hiding from the search teams.
Quicksand in the jungle? Great, love the idea.
During a chase scene where Soviets are 3 inches away behind a flimsy cluster of jungle foliage? Awful and I have no idea why they wanted it at this moment.
The point of the quicksand was to show that Indy and Marion are both sinking together in their relationship, trapped in one bad decision after another because of the first wrong step. It’s actually a great metaphor also seen a wonderful movie called Quicksand, featuring Mickey Rooney, where he steals some money from his job and it results in him running away to Mexico after thinking he killed a man. The chain of events is the quicksand, and the two have Mutt pull them out using a snake. The snake is chaos, it is the thing Indy fears dramatically, and now Indy has to face his fear to allow Mutt to help him.
This is a theme that is great as a theme, through the symbolism, and I can support it up to that point. However, the timing, the tone, the lack of tension, and the messy dialogue that’s attached to it makes it entirely unbearable to watch. It’s caused and solved in a minute with Indy explaining that it’s not quicksand the second his feet get caught, as comedic effect. He also tells Mutt to lie about the snake and say it’s a rope, so that he can close his eyes and grab onto the snake. The problem is that as a theme, this is saying Mutt needs to lie to Indy so that Indy can accept his help and join Marion in their matrimony.
That is a terrible theme, because it’s like saying “lie to yourself and never face your fear of tying the knot” which is then countered later when Indy marries Marion, which in Dial of Destiny, fun fact, results in their divorce and Mutt getting killed in the Vietnam War. If anything, Dial of Destiny causes this entire movie to become meaningless, which only adds to the uselessness in retrospect, which is hilarious since the movie is already incoherent within itself. The fact that the next installment makes it worse shows that all of the themes they forced into the story to wedge these scenes in were for nothing.
They get captured, again, thanks to Ox getting “help”, because Indy was dumb enough to ask for help in the middle of the jungle and Ox was mentally deranged enough to ask the Soviets. It’s done for a gag, but the main problem is Indy causing the stupidity when he’s the one who’s supposed to be intelligent and collected. Yes, he can have a goofball moment or a social issue, because he’s human, but I have no idea why he thought there was help in the middle of nowhere, three feet away from the enemy camp. And remember: they are captured like 3 minutes after they just got done escaping.
The scene instantly changes to a giant machine sawing and grinding through the rainforest to create a path to El Dorado because… I actually am not sure why. They said something about a river, and so they’re going to a river. They’re going off of a riddle that Ox made and it’s still hard to understand why Indy is told to return the skull, but then the aliens don’t show him how, don’t tell him how, don’t give him the riddle, nothing. So how exactly does Ox get this riddle and why can’t Indy get it when he does the same exact thing? This is a giant issue of not explaining anything and being inconsistent, all while trying to explain every other movie with the alien retcon. It’s like walling over someone else’s door and then leaving your walls full of holes. It defeats the purpose of both subjects.
The giant contraption that’s clearing the way for the rest of the cars is also a problem, because this is meant to be Soviet tech that has saws and arms and stuff to attack our heroes with, but it’s blown up with an RPG and the threat from it is in the form of flying sawblades and tires that crush through other vehicles but don’t stop them from moving. It’s a bunch of CGI from both the background and the vehicles as they appear like they’re in a pod race from Star Wars. This is the giant chase scene that the movie was really proud of, because it takes up the entire last third of the movie. It starts by having Indy kick a guard and then escape from the back of a truck, which is where he blows up the bushwhacker 3000.
The chase sends our heroes from vehicle to vehicle as they are forced to hide from gunfire and go between tree lines and steer away from a ledge, which then turns into a fencing match between Mutt and Spalko because… Mutt found a box of rapiers in a random jeep. I know we’re supposed to enjoy the scene for its wacky nature and see the sword fight on top of two jeeps as fun, but why didn’t they just have Mutt be a sword wielder if he knew how to use a sword? Why not give him, I don’t know, a MACHETE?! You know, the thing people take with them the fucking jungle?!
There could have been a scene where they took some Conquistador contraband and an old golden rapier could have been in the box of trinkets and gizmos.
The amount of nonsense they want us to believe to get a scene they wanted for the trailer is astounding, and honestly I think 90% of the movie is the way it is because they wanted something for the trailer. Every scene feels rushed and like it’s only there to explain why the trailer scene is there, which is why the nuking of a fridge is so out of place. The story says “Indy must escape from Soviets who are hunting him” and then quickly says “then he gets in a fridge and is blown up by a nuke” right after. I know the fridge is not in the trailer itself, but it feels like it was supposed to be with the way he’s looking at the nuke, but then again I haven’t seen all of the trailers or promotion works since this came out 15 years ago.
Ironically, the Soviets realized that there is something in film where the viewer will connect things just because one comes after another with what’s called Soviet Montage Theory, SMT. A great way to summarize the theory is that editing causes sequential elements to be on top of each other, meaning a group of scenes or shots in a scene are combined to create a more complex idea that presents the film’s ideological and influential power. Alfred Hitchock never mentioned SMT directly, but did discuss heavily about how editing is important for the movie to both make sense and be effective, because it’s vital to have the editing please the audience. Makes sense to me, but postmodernists want to claim that we can pick and choose things from a movie to then determine the value based on what we subjectively enjoyed, and that’s probably why this movie came out as a mess.
One of these giant messes that happen during the chase scene is where Mutt is sword fighting and gets whisked away by vines, which somehow send him up into the treeline and he meets a monkey. Mutt is then seen swinging vine to vine, with a giant army of monkeys, ready to take on the Russians. Also, there is a scene where Spalko fights Marion(good theme) and then when Spalko is thrown over the hood of the jeep, she grabs onto a machinegun that is placed in the worst part of the jeep for the machinegun to be used. It’s on the hood, fixed as low as possible to the hood, and away from the driver or the passenger.
So who the hell is this gun for?
Again, I know it’s an action scene and I know it’s meant to be intense for Spalko to be falling off the jeep and hanging on in a way to fire back at Marion as she’s driving, but why waste CGI money on such a stupid setup? It’s like they have an idea of what they want, they have the basic abstract, but then don’t understand how to show it to the viewer because they outsourced everything to Indian call centers. And it gets worse in terms of CGI waste when the ants come. Yes, the infamous giant ants, who make a bunch of goo when they get crushed. Somehow they get into the jeep Spalko is in and somehow the ants come out of the ground for no reason, and this is meant to be this movie’s bug scene.
Raiders had a pile of snakes in a crypt, Temple had a cave full of bugs, Crusade had a pile of snakes on a train(see the pattern?), and so this movie wanted to involve bugs again. Yes, we had a gravesite with a handful of scorpions and they could have used that as a way for Mutt to say he hates scorpions or something. They could have had a swarm of bees or wasps or something actually dangerous and relatable. But instead they invented a giant endless swarm of ants that can carry a human being into their ant hill and also work together to make an ant ladder to reach people hanging on trees. Also, notice how none of the Soviets brought flamethrowers or anything to fight off wildlife; but they brought a rocket launcher, swords, and a tank with giant saw blades.
I understand that the ants are directly in reference to this other adventure movie, called Naked Jungle, where it features Charlton Heston in a role that’s similar to his role in Secrets of the Incas, with these two movies being huge influences on the creation of Indiana Jones. So they took a movie about Brazilian ants, then a movie about Incan treasure, and combined them to have it be about Musica mythology in El Dorado, as one giant connected homage. I like the idea of having ants, and it’s not that bad, but the theme about ants in Naked Jungle was about how two people had a romance and not even an army would remove them from their relationship or their home, with this army represented by army ants. It was done to be romantic. Here, the theme of giant red ants is about communism, and these are the things that are killing the Soviet soldiers. So the biggest threat to the Soviets is communism, but this communism just comes out of nowhere and there is no threat to the romance.
The lack of dedication for this hectic scene reaches its lowest form when it has a fight between Indy and the heavy, which is done a second time since the first time is back in the warehouse where the heavy and him punch each other until Indy activates a rocket and they shoot through the desert, causing the heavy to be too dizzy to fight. If this was a real Indiana Jones movie, the heavy would have been run over by the jet instead of riding with him on the jet, or maybe burnt to a crisp instead of having the random goons burnt by the flames that they did. I feel like they were afraid of sticking to the formula and wanted to change things up, and all that did was cause the movie to no longer feel like an Indiana Jones movie, because they changed it down to the core level, especially with how much CGI was added.
In this fight with the heavy, the ants are crawling everywhere and the skull splits them away from a circle around Ox(who’s holding it), and this makes a fighting ring for Indy and the heavy to duke it out. This is stupid because… Indy is in his 60s. This is his moment to pull out a gun and kill the guy, or take out a sword and stab the guy, but he doesn’t do this because they wanted to repeat tropes and destroy them at the same time. The death of the heavy is also lacking because there is no blood, which is a staple of the series. Last Crusade actually lacked that staple as well, but because the heavy was a tank and it was blown up after being thrown off a cliff, so it’s a little more enjoyable due to an explosion.
This one just had a Russian guy scream at the camera as CGI ants crawled around him.
The idea of shooting a tank with an RPG, to then have a forced fight with a heavy, to then have the heavy get a mouth full of CGI ants, to then have this heavy squirming and struggling while the ants carry him into an anthill… is just dumb. I have no idea who said they like this scene over any other movie. I don’t know who would even say “the jungle chase is good in its own way”. The way it ends is just as stupid, where Marion rides right off the cliff, to then have a tree catch them, and it gently lowers them into the river below, which then sends them down 3 waterfalls.
Surviving the ordeal is not the problem, because it’s an adventure story and we like the idea of surviving a waterfall. It’s a trope where someone falls from their position and is also cleansed by the water to present a sort of “I built a tower of bullshit and now it’s gone” kind of theme. And that’s kind of true, since the waterfall is where El Dorado is located, which the Soviets find and I’m shocked so many Soviets survived the attack by simply hanging onto ropes from the cliff.
The ants were able to climb on top of each other to reach Spalko up in a tree, but the ants are not able to climb trees or ropes, apparently. Also, I feel like mentioning this again just because I sort of brushed past it: Mutt summoned an army of monkeys from the jungle to attack the Soviets and all the monkeys did was distract one car. I’m not joking. Their Ewoks taking on the AT-ST moment resulted in a slight distraction, which Mutt could have done by himself. There was zero reason to add the monkeys. I think they just wanted to say their monkeys look better than the ones from 90s Jumanji. There was something going on, and it wasn’t film making.
Now we’re at the last scene, and it is the worst scene in the movie. One word: natives. The natives of El Dorado exist, somehow, unchanged and using bolas to capture our heroes for whatever reason. The natives, and I shit you not, crawl out of the walls and break through stone to slowly creep around behind our heroes, as if they are a trap that is activated to take out intruders. So these human people, these flesh and bone humans who are people, simply exist in the walls, for thousands of years, waiting for someone to walk by. Then, they use ancient technology despite being part of an advanced civilization.
This is actually one of the moments where I would accept a bug eating scene as they are welcomed to El Dorado, because it’s meant to be a city. Instead, it’s a single temple, filled with relics of the past, because the aliens are archaeologists. Yes, they are saying Indy and the aliens are on the same mission: to preserve history. History of Earth, because… aliens are nice? Again, it’s not explained, but they are happy to say that the Ark was alien tech for some reason. Aliens also like to collect gold, which causes Mac to scrounge around for gold because he’s meant to be greedy.
Speaking of, Mac’s character is written in the dumbest way possible. In the beginning, he claims to be a double agent, working for the Soviets. But then during the jungle chase, he keeps saying “Jonesy!” and getting punched in the face, where he then says that he was only pretending to work for the Russians. Then right after, he is seen leaving trackers for Spalko to follow, meaning he’s actually working for the Russians. Also, I find it hilarious that he’s working for the Russians because of the money, because the Russians didn’t really pay more to their spies than the capitalists, unless he’s saying the Russian spy stuff allows him to steal and do dirty jobs that the capitalists don’t allow.
Now that I think of the theme about socialist “worker owns the means of production” and “Soviets don’t care if you kill someone and take their wallet” it kind of makes sense. It’s like how Belloq was able to enjoy being a scoundrel with the Nazis, because they both wanted the same means of handling the expedition. And I can sort of see a theme with the quadruple agent nonsense. Mac is Indy’s shadow, who is this person who betrays him constantly, and does it for the money. He also seeks fortune and glory, and is willing to die for it. The movie has Mac sucked away by the alien ship and I assume his life essence is turned into UFO fuel, all because he wanted to stay in the treasure chamber, collecting jewels and doubloons.
The movie is saying “This is what happens to Indy if he stops being moral” and it almost works. Again, the tone is out of place, the timing is out of whack, and he didn’t really establish himself as such a character except for the idea that he wants money. It’s sort of trying to mirror the idea of the blonde babe from Crusade, where she reaches for the grail and then falls to her death, due to her greed. But Mac dying because the aliens are leaving doesn’t make any sense, no matter how you look at it, because the skull left the room somehow and nobody knows how. It’s even worse when I mention how the villain dies.
They get to the chamber because of a staircase that moves into the wall, and they waste time looking for the skull in a bunch of dirty Mexican water, which then leads them to a chamber that has a bunch of alien skeletons circled around a room. I figured they were some kind of council that ruled the area and it would have been great if we had a bunch of aliens eating bugs, but we don’t get that. Instead, the alien gets the skull back, and then the room spins around, with the walls flying away, revealing gold, and then the gold flies away to reveal the UFO. Then the villain sees the alien come back alive and she says “I want to know everything”.
What the hell are you talking about, lady? First you wanted to use the psychic powers as a weapon, and now you get the alien that you can capture and you want it to invade your brain? Does she not understand what a dead crystal skull does to someone? Now she sees one alive and trusts it with her body. Of course, she dies, with her eyes bursting into flames and her body being whisked away as a cloud of ashes, getting sucked into the UFO. I guess she’s powdered food for the trip or something.
In any case, there was zero reason for her to demand her own death and there was zero reason for the alien to be split into multiple aliens to then be combined into one fleshed out alien. If this is what happens, why was the skull removed from the alien in the first place? How was it removed? Did the natives remove it? Oh yeah, and the reason the natives don’t follow them into the temple is because the Soviets shot all of them dead, off screen. It’s like they spent all of their money on the chase scene nobody liked and didn’t have enough money for a bug eating scene because they wanted CGI monkeys.
The UFO then leaves our world to enter a “space between space”, meaning that the stuff about Mars was a bold face lie. There is also the problem where the alien is a typical grey alien who stares at the screen and this is meant to be scary. I’m sorry but grey aliens are not scary, they are just silly. This is like trying to get me to be afraid of Harry and the Hendersons. You have a better chance of having Christopher Lloyd look scary in My Favorite Martian than the greys in this movie. This is meant to be a mirror of the ghost scene from Raiders and it doesn’t work here because the threat of death is delivered as a meta joke.
Indy says he’s going to stay back, because he knows what happens, while Spalko delivers her infamous line. This then leads to the well scene where everyone is just carried around to escape a perfect distance away, as convenient as possible and in a way to show off their CGI. This usage of CGI was the biggest detriment for the finale, because we’re supposed to have a set get involved with clouds and lightning and crumbling of the location. Instead we get perfectly timed collapsing of CGI stuff flying around and missing our characters because it’s just there to fly around and force our heroes to run forward. And then the water pushes them forward. It’s like that scene from South Park where Clyde is the Chosen One and he’s sent to the jungle, and then he’s just trying to leave but the world spins him around and causes him to defeat the person who summoned a bunch of giant guinea pigs to startle Randy.
The world pushes our heroes into safety, which is absolutely boring because there is zero tension.
The only other thing to mention is the very end where Indy is married to Marion and now they’re a normal American family. But then a magical wind blows into the church and a hat rolls towards Mutt. He’s about to put on the hat, but then Indy takes the hat back, and gives him a look like “in your dreams, loser.” This is the directors saying that we won’t have Mutt as the new Indy because Harrison Ford is Indy, and we’re not done with him.” It’s a way to also say that Mutt was introduced for absolutely no reason. Why not have him carry on the legacy? He’s literally Henry Jones the third, in a long line of Dr. Jones’. He was put into the movie to be the new Jones, and yet he’s not going to be, and it’s confirmed because he was killed in Vietnam.
To summarize it, Crystal Skulls failed because of: 1. Horrible tone 2. Lack of delivery in scenes 3. Wasteful CGI 4. No encounter with foreign cultures 5. Mexican goblins 6. Nuking the fridge 7. The dreadful retcon 8. Indy never fires a pistol 9. Mutt is there to be useless 10. Scenes hold theme but not entertainment 11. The Roswell alien is useless 12. The villain is for Marion 13. Exposition is delivered with nonsense 14. The plot is forced to exist 15. The things that should be explained are not 16. Forced nostalgia 17. Awful editing 18. And many more
The idea of it not being realistic enough has nothing to do with these 18 points, which is why it sort of annoys me when people use that as a reason. Indiana Jones is meant to be wacky, silly, and fantastic. It’s no different than something like 10,000 Leagues Under the Sea or a DC comic. It would make sense to see something like Batman or The Shadow join him, because it’s based on Zorro and something like Spysmasher, as well as James Bond. The setting of Peru was not a bad idea, just horribly executed because there was zero culture to drink in or enjoy. We couldn’t even have Mutt fall in love with a beautiful native girl or something. They could have learned so much from The Road to El Dorado, you know the Dreamworks cartoon one, and yet they used none of it as a reference.
One last thing I want to mention to show my disappointment in the movie is that we already had this plot and it was already done better by an Indiana Jones game. Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine has Indy starting in the US desert, finding an infernal machine part(given to him by a CIA agent), which is a machine that unlocks the interdimensional realm of Marduk, the Babylonian god of chaos, which ends up looking like a Blue Eyes White Dragon. Already, that’s fucking awesome, but the game gets better as Indy is forced to go around the world to search for the different parts, and each location is a different setting. Snow, jungle, temple, then finally the other dimension. The game has a giant snake, a lava monster, a giant ancient robot, and a fucking dragon as the boss battles, and nobody said this is out of the ordinary for Indiana Jones.
The only problem with this game is that the main villain is not killed, and I think it’s because it’s a game for kids and there wasn’t really a way to get him killed unless he is eaten by the dragon or something, so that’s the only flaw. But they make it kind of cute when he offers to go to dinner with Indy and learns the errors of his ways since he just saw another dimension. It’s a dumb ending but they waited for the ending to offer that nonsense. Here, the nonsense is throughout the entire movie and it's the first foot forward.
In fact, I say they did the aliens wrong because they tried to make them 50s style grey aliens instead of what would be more appropriately something like a dragon or a mythological creature. The games always have a giant creature or like a kraken for Indy to fight, and a tentacle monster would have been perfect for the Indiana Jones world to add in some cosmicism and Lovecraftian horror to the pulp aesthetic. I think they figured it could be related to B movies, rather than pulp, and that’s a big problem to overlook. That’s like saying we could feature a woman who’s a talking head without a body, because there is that B movie “The Brain That Wouldn’t Die” where a woman is kept alive with science. It’s weird to realize that we’re better off with gothic creatures like a headless horseman or a vampire than a grey alien, and we’re also better off with a Lovecraftian alien than a grey alien.
So, the next time someone says aliens don’t belong in Indiana Jones, you tell them that they do, just not these aliens and not in this way.
What people don’t want to mention is that Raiders made 20x its budget.
Temple of doom made about 10x.
Last Crusade made about 10x.
Crystal Skull made 4x.
Dial of Destiny is trying to stay out of the negative and is failing horribly since it's still barely halfway to make a profit.
As you can see, the ROI is terrible as time goes on, and as sequels are made, because they stopped understanding what makes it an Indiana Jones movie. Now the new director, James Mangold, is only known for making Logan and a western called 3:10 to Yuma, with the western being a remake and Logan being based on a Mark Millar comic. In the movie, they have Logan give up being Wolverine and hand the mantle to X-23, who is meant to be female Wolverine. Already, in 2017, Hollywood was saying to remove the men from legacy properties and hand the legacy to women. They did this in Star Wars with Rey, they did this in Fury Road with that bald chick, and now they’re doing it with Indy in Dial of Destiny.
The things that made Crystal Skull not work are all in Dial of Destiny. I have zero faith in this movie, I do not plan to see it, and I am sad to say that it’s something from Indiana Jones that I have to avoid because this is perhaps one of my favorite adventure franchises. I like it more than Star Wars, more than Uncharted, more than Tomb Raider, and the only thing I like more than this in this genre is The Mummy from 1999. That’s the only movie that can try to compete with this powerhouse. Now it’s, as ironic as possible, a thing of the past and a remnant of its former self. It’s as if this series went into that secret chamber in Last Crusade and chose poorly.
Skeleton of its former self, and visibly rotting before our very eyes.
Till next time.
submitted by Erwinblackthorn to TDLH [link] [comments]

2023.06.06 08:57 abc-animal514 The World of Descendants (Disney Theory)

Most of the movies in Disney’s extended lineup are in the same universe. The multiverse concept can be confusing, but the way I see it is that the different realities are formed by branching timelines, from the different possibilities that could come from any specific event. It’s all a big question of what if. The following are not part of the main timeline:

These Disney films are all in the same universe. Direct-to-video sequels, some remakes, and connected TV shows included.
  1. Neverland is a pocket dimension island in the Caribbean.
  2. Time works differently, the island is stuck set in the 1600s
  1. Avalonia is a “living kingdom”, similar to Ego’s Planet in Marvel.
  2. And I can hypothesize that the “Strange World” is like the Quantum Realm sorta.
*(the latter three movies/franchises are not part of Auradon)
How does the world of Descendants work? Without explanation, it can be confusing. Here are some ideas:
It’s in a different universe where all Disney stories coexist in the modern era, with stories taking place at the same time. Some possible connections can be drawn to Dreamworks' "Shrek" franchise and the ABC series "Once Upon A Time," where various fairy tales unfold around the same time with interconnected storylines, sometimes tied to our world. Auradon is similar to ‘Far Far Away’ and the ‘United Realms’ in this way. And based on timelines, all of the stories would’ve taken place in the 80s and 90s, twenty years before the first movie.
I had a theory of how Descendants is in canon in the main timeline (seen above). The world of Descendants was created by the Fairy Godmother, who used magic to bring various locations and inhabitants from the past into the present, forming her own magical country (Auradon) and a seemingly perfect world. Similar to “Once Upon a Time”, where their magical world and timelines was brought/combined in the present due to a magic conspiracy. Dead characters were brought back to life in the same place and time, and all the bad guys sent to the slums on the Isle.
However, new information from the spin-off "The Rise of Red" reveals that all the villains knew each other as teenagers, suggesting that they were born in the closer-to-modern time rather than the distant past. I had another part of theory where history repeated itself after everyone was brought to the present, their souls were reborn as new people but with the same fates, kinda like how ‘Storybrooke” works in OUAT. This theory seems to be all but contradicted, and I’d still like to believe it.
It’s simply just Disneyland with a plot. Kingdom Keepers, anyone?
submitted by abc-animal514 to Descendants [link] [comments]

2023.03.31 23:15 stardate2017 I Invented a System for Playing Incan Gold (Diamant) With AI Players

I Invented a System for Playing Incan Gold (Diamant) With AI Players
I love the game Incan Gold, but it requires a large group that I don’t often have. And since the game is pretty unplayable at 2-3 players, it doesn’t hit the table very often.
Recently, I found a way to revive the game at lower player counts by introducing automated players that follow very simple rules. And for the most part, it absolutely works! Not only do the “AI players” play the game sensibly, but they actually play very well, sometimes beating the human players!
While, yes, it allows you to play as a solitaire game, more importantly, it makes the human players' decisions more interesting since they have to consider what the AI players will do. So, for those interested, here’s the system:


The system is designed extremely simply in order to reduce the amount of time needed to resolve AI turns. In that respect, only a single die is required per AI player.
You can vary the risk tolerance of the AI player (and therefor its behavior) according to the number-sided die it uses:
  • High risk tolerance: use a d10 (tends to bust by staying in too long)
  • Normal risk tolerance: use a d8 (performs the best)
  • Low risk tolerance: use a d6 (tends to leave way too early)

Roll to determine whether each AI player leaves or stays

When players simultaneously reveal whether they are either leaving the temple or staying in, roll the AI dice at the exact same time to also simultaneously determine whether they are leaving or staying.
Do this by calculating the risk threshold number, and then checking each die to see if each AI player has reached that threshold or lower. If an AI has, they choose to leave. Otherwise, they stay.
All AI are checked against the same risk threshold number, so if there are multiple AI players, you only have to calculate and check the same number for all rolls. For example, if the risk threshold is 3, resolve each die by checking each one for 3 or less. Any player at 3 or less chooses to leave.
Risk threshold rules:
1. Do not roll for AI if:
  • They have less than 3 gems each.
  • There are less than 3 cards drawn.
  • The risk threshold is at zero.
2. Calculate the risk threshold by:
  • Adding 1 for each hazard drawn.
  • Adding 1 for each artifact drawn.
  • Subtracting 1 when an artifact is taken.
3. The risk threshold resets to zero at the end of each round.
Rule 1 is just a convoluted way of saying the AI won’t roll if there’s nothing or extremely little at stake. A rule of thumb is simply that an AI wouldn’t consider leaving in any situation where a reasonable human player also wouldn’t.

Final thoughts

A player with a normal tolerance (d8) performs better than the other two. It also competes surprisingly well against humans. If a d8 player wins the game too often, consider downgrading to a d10 or d6 (or use both!).
A game with one d6 and one d10 can be fun! This creates a game where each AI has wildly opposite behaviors, and the human players are more likely to actually win, all the while laughing at the silly choices the AI sometimes make.
Playing a 2 (or 3) player game with all 3 types of AI is also a hectic and fun way to play!
Using AI’s when there are 5 or more human players is unnecessary. This system was created to solve the problem of having too few people in the first place!
Anyway, that's it! I hope anyone out there gets some use out of this, or at least gives it a try. Thanks for reading!
submitted by stardate2017 to boardgames [link] [comments]

2022.10.01 11:16 MrS0bek Short pitch for a human faction in the Southlands in IME

Short pitch for a human faction in the Southlands in IME
Hello everyone,
I really like the Warhammer setting. However as should be clear to most people, the actual Warhammer world is full of white spots. With this I mean that entire continents are very empty and devoid of unique content. For example, Lustria outside of the fractious domain of the Lizardmen is pretty empty sans a few random colonies or skaven here and there. Going so far that CA added Dwarfs into the Spine of Sotek to spice the region up. Similar things can be said about the Southlands south of Nehekhara, Naggaroth and other regions of the planet.
Now in TWW this is not a problem, as that way lords can be sent around expeditions around the globe. Still, most of Warhammer Fantasy are heavily inspired by real world cultures, and many of these empty regions contain a lot of prestigious civilizations. Therefore, last year I decided to use some of my covid time to come up with my homebrew or fanfic factions to fill out these empty spots.
I published these as enjoyable but non-serious reading material on the Total War Warhammer Forum. The range varied a lot from an ethiopia-based human civilization in the Southlands, cuthullu-esque fish monsters, desert dwarfs and else. They were meant to be open to use by anyone however they may please.
If anyone is interested in these things in full length and background, they can be found here:
With the release of immortal empires and the rich large world we know have at our disposal, I was reminded of these concepts, and how many ingame tools and templates exist, which could bring some of these ideas to life.
Here I wanted to show one of these concepts, a human southland faction inspired primarily by Ethiopia and the Swahili Coast, but with some incan influences as well. Via bullet points I want to quickly introduce the faction, and some ways how it may come to life.
Also, I am not a modder myself, just an idea giver. Therefore, if anyone wants to use any of my concepts in any way shape or form, you are free to do so. In this all things I write up or have written is free to anyone to add or reshape or ignore. Whatever you prefer. After all this is all just quick and fun-minded brainstorming.
Having said all this, I want to illustrate how I would put an ethiopian-based faction into TWW. I hope you can have some fun reading this.
  1. Epunt, the Southland Realm:
I hear a lot of made-up stuff. Once a tilean traveller walked in and spoke of a strange realm deep in the south. There dark-skinned humans live in the mountains like dwarfs, fight with state troops like the empire, believe in the spirits like the kislevites and ride huge war beasts like ogres. Did not believe a single word. The whole idea’s nuts.Amadeus Holzkopf, sceptical innkeeper.

Ethiopian Capital from AoE3 as reference
To keep this thing short(er), I’ll summarize the faction with a few bullet points. For detailed background information I advise you to look up the document I prepared.
  • Epunt is a human realm in the Southern Worlds Edge Mountains. Roughly around the area Teclis starts in IME. It’s also heavily influenced by Ethiopia and the Swahili Coast (modern Kenia and Tanzania).
  • It is divided into three areas: The WEM themselves, the surrounding lowlands with their savannahs and jungles and lastly the coastal provinces. Each of these areas has its own culture and history. The mountaineers form the majority of the epuntians and house the capital. They are farmers, artisan, and miners. Also, they form the bulk of infantry forces for Epunt. The lowlanders often struggled under the mountaineer suppression. They are semi-nomads and tame all manners of wild creatures. The coastal provinces are the youngest and most world open, and dream of independence too.
  • Epunt was isolated for most of its existence from other civilized realms. Which is the reason why it developed a unique culture. E.g., horses are largely unknown to them. And most weapons are bronze weapons. They can make iron weapons, but they have easy access to bronze, and can quickly mass equip their armies with it, that they see iron weapons not as useful for the common soldiers. Especially in the sub/tropical climate where iron could easily oxidate. Also, most of their foes are savage orcs, skaven and beastmen.
  • Spiritually wise they believe in thousands of gods and spirits who inhabit the lands around them. Their priests live in monasteries or shrines and interact and appease these spirits. They are also the primary magic casters of Epunt.
  • Military wise they are akin to a mixture of empire infantry and ogre cavalry and monsters. They use a combination of regular human infantry units and monstrous cavalry to fight their enemies.
  • It is ruled by an absolute monarch with total control over its population. As in people have to work on state pojects as a form of tax, entire towns can be relocated on a command etc.
  • All royal titles are taken from Ethiopia, e.g., Nigiste for Queen, Ras for a military commander etc.
  1. Legendary Lords/factions:
Here I want to quickly introduce the three most important characters, and what potential playstyles they may have.
2.1.Bethel of Epunt, the Mercenary Prince:
  • Bethel and his twin brother Tredros were the oldest children of the late King of Epunt. However, after their fathers death (via skaven assassin) the High Priest decided to crown their younger sister Ruth instead. Bethel did not took this well and with a company of loyal officers and nobles he set sail towards Ind. From there he lead his personal mercenary company all across the Darklands, Badlands and Border Princes, taking in soldiers and Equipment from all the peoples he worked for. However, he has a dire hatred for skaven (due to them killing his father). One Geheimnisnacht he had a dark vision of his Sister and the High Priest conspiring with the skaven to gain power in Epunt. Convinced that he was betrayed, he now uses all his contracts to gather an army to retake his throne.
  • Bethel is a duellist who can mount a Nandi Beast (see units). His special items are: 1. a Shotel (East aftrican sickle sword) made from Ind Blood steel, giving him boni in close combat, and maybe the dazed effect. 2. The scalp of a grey seer he wears as a cap. It gives him fear and spell resistance (and may or may not induce some mad visions)
  • Bethel could start anywhere on the map, but somewhere in the Badlands or close to the Southern Realms would be the best option.
  • Among his unique mechanics could be that he gets dwarfen/human allies as recruitment options. And that he can equip his troops with special armour akin to the greenskin scrap system. For example, giving your troops dwarf made armour or Ind blood steel weapons. Thus, increasing the potency of his epuntan soldiers.
2.2.Tedros of Epunt, the Shield of the South:
  • Tedros took the opposite direction of his brother. After being skipped for the throne he stayed home and tried to support his sisters rule. Still bothered why he was skipped, he spent time studying the spirits, next to his military training. One night he was shown a vision of a demon with his face slaughtering his family and taking the throne by force. To avoid this fate, Tedros forswear the throne forever publicly, and now acts as commander in chief for the epuntan military.
  • Tedros is a hybrid lord akin to Eltharion. He can use the lore of beasts, and is passable in melee, but is more of as a general than a fighter. He can use a Ducurnou (see units) as a mount.
  • Next to his spells he could also get special orders like the Cathayan magistrate, increasing the combat abilities of his soldiers
  • His special items are: 1. the Banner of Epunt, a standard which increases leadership and combat skills of soldiers close by. 2. The Starlance, a polearm made from meteoric iron. It is an heirloom to his family and increases his damage, especially against large targets.
  • As defender of Epunt he could get a system like the grudge system of the dwarfs, where he has to avenge hostile actions against his nation, in exchange for rewards.
2.3.Marjani Zalahi, the Royal Champion
  • Marjani comes from the lowland tribes and from a family famous for fighting against Epunts royal house for generations. She too took a magical vow to kill the king/queen of Epunt. But when she had the chance to kill Queen Ruth, she hesitated. It was enough to declare her vow broken, and half of heir body was from now on pale as a corpse, to mark this betrayal. Already branded a traitor, Ruth made her an offer she could not resist. Marjani became royal champion and first servant of the Queen. Most of Epunt was disgusted to have an oathbreaker in such a position, but time, and Tedros intervention on her behalf, calmed most critics.
  • Marjani is an lightly armoured anti-large specialist who fights with a bow and a spear. She can also use a chariot or a nandi beast.
  • As royal champion Marjani could start anywhere on the map due to some royal mission on her patron’s behalf. When fulfilling royal missions, she could be granted further resources or special regiments to support her primary mission.
  • Her special items are: 1. Eye of Epunt, a jewel marking her as royal champion. If activated, it increases her spell resistance and could give her an temporary ward safe.
  1. Unit List:
A charging Rhynox is bad news. But cladding them in thick armour and placing blades on its horns is terrifying. Whoever had this idea deserves a raise.*Tilean mercenary after inspecting the epuntian army.*Having the summary of the faction out of the way, I want to show which units I invented for Epunt. Similarly, I also want to give short advise which template I think may be the best template.
3.1. Lords/Heroes
  • The regular close combat general. Name comes from Ethiopian military title
  • Fights with a shotel ( and a shield, can mount a chariot, a duocorn (rhinoceros), or a war elephant (see units below)
High Priest:
  • Caster lord with access to the Lores of Beasts, Fire and Life
  • Can mount a chariot or a spirit ark (see units below)
Lowland Chieftain:
  • Anti-large, ranged lord
  • Fights with spear and bow
  • Can mount a chariot or a nandi beast (see unit below)
  • Melee hero with sword and shield, duellist.
  • Fights with jile (short-sword) and shield
  • May buff infantry soldiers around him
  • Hero sorcerer who can use the Lore of Beasts, Fire or Life.
Master Hunter:
  • Hero version of the hunter unit, dedicated anti-large unit
  • Fights with spear and is great against large units but has no amour
  • could be accompanied by hunting dogs/tamed hyenas
3.2. Infantry:
Mountain warriors:
  • Low tier melee infantry
  • armed with short sword, shield but low armour.
Shotel Soldiers:
  • Mid-tier melee infantry armed with shotel and shield.
  • The shotels ability to circumvent shields could be represented as armour piercing.

Picture of a Shotel
Beast Warriors:
  • Low armoured, fear causing shock infantry with anti-large attacks
  • Elite hunters who fight their prey in one-to-one combat and wear their trophies upon them, akin to white lions
  • low to mid-tier spear and shield infantry
T’or Guards:
  • medium-elite halberd infantry
Ras Guard:
  • Elite soldiers, bodyguards of nobility. Fight with iron weapons
  • Either a variant with shotel/shield or speashield
  • low tier skirmishers
  • Cheap skirmishers that use projectiles made of stone or lead.
  • Archers. What else to say?
  • Hybrid anti-large, ranged unit with spear and bow but little armour
  • Group of baboons who act as light and quick infantry, armed with daggers or slings
  • Can be based on monkey warriors if they introduced to cathay
3.3 Cavalry & Monsters:
  • Comes from Duocorn= two-horns
  • Regular rhinoceros, a rhynox without fur and two horns
  • Monstrous cavalry for epunt
  • Regular version and elite armoured version (bronze armour and blades attached to horns)

Picture of a War Rhino as reference
Duocornu War Waggon:
  • large chariot pulled by a ducornu, with archers on its back
War Elephant
  • Elephants as monstrous cavalry. Could be redundant if too many rhinoceroses, or if Ind brings in many elephants as well.
Nandi Beast:

Sketch of a Nandi Beast
  • Based on nandi bear, east African cryptid who looks like a mix of lion/leopard and bear
  • Take a mournfang without tusks and make it regular cavalry size
  • Melee cavalary for epunt, comes in regular and armoured version (bronze armour)
Etosha Chariot:
  • Small scouting chariot pulled by antelopes (who can reuse wild rider running animations)
  • Were-hyenas and were-lions as monstrous infantry.
  • Skin wolves without regeneration and with lion or hyena heads
Hyena hunting pack:
  • Hyenas as wolf/white lion-esque light cavalry. Strong weapon strength or armour piercing (hyenas have one of the strongest mammalian bites)
  • Could be based in parts on sabretusks, who look a bit hyeana like already in TWW
3.4 War machines:
Spirit Ark:
  • Magical orb placed on a platform with an enchanter, adds buff to local troops. (Based on ark of covenant, which is supposedly based in Ethiopia. Other east African cultures claim to own one too)
  • Spirit Ark (life) heals units close to the ark
  • Spirit Ark (beasts) increases leadership and vigour
  • Spirit Ark (fire) adds fire damage and fire ressistance to nearby units
  • A catapult throwing rocks (regular version) or fire pots (fire damage) or baskets with bees/snakes (poison)
  1. The end:
This was it about my short summation of Epunt. I hope you could enjoy some of its ideas. If you have questions or remarks, just ask. I’ll try to answer them if I can :D
Edit: Added a few pictures from online sources for further reference
submitted by MrS0bek to totalwar [link] [comments]

2022.08.03 18:32 Bubzoluck [20 min read] Come with me, and we'll be, in a world of Cocaine and Delirium! - History, Chemistry, and Applications of General and Local Anesthetics

[20 min read] Come with me, and we'll be, in a world of Cocaine and Delirium! - History, Chemistry, and Applications of General and Local Anesthetics
Hello everyone and welcome back to SAR! Alright alright, we haven’t done much MedChem lately, today that changes! In today’s world, we are quite spoiled compared to our ancestors. Most of us can get a doctor’s visit quickly, we have science backed medicines that show greater efficacy than ever before, and if we have to undergo surgery we do not need to be awake for it, only to pass out from the pain. The discovery of anesthetics changed the nature of surgery as the three biggest limiting factors if a surgery is successful are preventing infection, controlling blood loss, and reducing pain. Anesthesia as a practice is one of the best tools medicine has utilized and has allowed us to augment bodies to remove inflictions and save lives. So without further ado, let’s jump into the world of numbness as we explore the anesthetics!
Disclaimer: this post is not designed to be medical advice. It is merely a look at the chemistry of medications and their general effect on the body. Each person responds differently to therapy. Please talk to your doctor about starting, stopping, or changing medical treatment.

Count back from 10 for me. 10…9…8……..

By definition, anesthetics are a class of drugs that prevent the transmission of sensations with or without loss of consciousness. Many of you have probably undergone local anesthesia at some point where a drug is injected into the skin or muscle, preventing the peripheral nerves from sending signals to the brain for recognition. General anesthesia is a bit different; by forcing a loss of consciousness, the brain is subdued enough where it doesn’t log the pain signals the skin and muscles are sending during the surgery. In a way, as the surgeon makes his cuts the skin and muscles being cut apart are desperately trying to tell the brain: “HEY something is wrong, here’s a pain signal.” The brain however is asleep and when it wakes up possesses amnesia—it never registered the pain (although is well aware of the pain after the surgery).
  • Local anesthesia can be just as useful as general anesthesia although we tend to forget about it. It can be used peri-operatively to achieve comfort during the surgery (think getting an ingrown toenail removed) or postoperatively to reduce the surgery pain.
  • For women who have gone through childbirth you probably used an epidural which is when an anesthetic is injected directly into the spine. By carefully choosing the location, any sensory input below the site of injection is unable to be transmitted up the spine towards the brain. This means most pain impulses are blocked from the lower half of the body, including the uterus and vagina, making childbirth easier.
  • General anesthetics as stated are used to cause unconsciousness. Interestingly, general anesthetics fall on a continuum of drugs that dampen CNS sensory interpretation like analgesics (opiates), hypnotics (benzodiazepines), and muscle relaxants.As more and more stronger sensory blockers are used (e.g. using an anesthetic) you produce all the previous effects. First you block pain signals, then you cause confusion as the person realizes that their brain isn’t responding correctly, and then eventually unconsciousness comes.
    • This is also the mechanism that makes opiate overdoses so dangerous. By taking the prescribed amount of opiates, a person will have the pain relief that it is prescribed for. People sensitive to opiates or those who take more than prescribed quickly move into the euphoria (stage 2) which alters the mind making a pleasurable experience. Taking even more opiates will cause the person to become unconscious and if the person overdoses, then all muscle movement is disabled. This includes the diaphragm which draws air into the lungs and the heart muscles which pump blood and oxygen throughout the body.
  • One of the most interesting parts of anesthetics is that they do not block all sensory information from reaching the brain. Obviously if the person is unconscious during general anesthesia we wouldn’t register anything but under local anesthesia we still can. Remember the last time you sat on your leg or arm wrong and cut off the blood circulation? You could still feel pressure on it and figure out where it was in relation to your body, but if you whacked it against a table, it wouldn’t hurt much. How come?
    • The answer lies in the size of the sensory fibers that carry information from the periphery (the limbs) towards the brain. Above you can see a chart of sensory fibers and notice the difference in sizes—the larger the fiber, the harder it is to block the impulse sent through it. The smallest fibers, Aδ and C are easily blocked by anesthetics or cutting off blood circulation. The touch and proprioception (ability to determine limb in space) is too big however to be blocked by local anesthetics and so you will always retain those feelings. Kinda neat eh?
      • Speaking of letting your arm or leg fall asleep, I bet you have felt pins and needles before. This sensation, called Paresthesia, is caused by the lack of oxygen being sent to the nerve. Without a constant supply of oxygen and sugars, the nerve isn’t able to send signals and “falls asleep.” As you move the limb and return blood flow, the nerves start waking up slowly and irregularly causing the sensation.
      • Another sensation is when you stick cold feet/hands in hot water, such as a shower after a day of skiing. Nerves are extremely sensitive on our smallest fibers because we are able to cram more of them in a tiny area. When you suddenly change the temperature of the limb, the small C fibers carrying temperature information fire very quickly, shocking the brain. The brain has to interpret this signal and does so by recognizing it as pain to get you to pull the limb away to slowly warm it up instead.

Party drug to medicinal miracle

People get hurt constantly, and personally, I cringe at the thoughts of young me running on concrete barefoot and stubbing my toe on the nice asphalt. In times past, when a serious injury occurred, only a few different treatments were available: knock the person out by hitting them over the head with a piece of wood, ply them with alcohol so they are too drunk to care, or have the person bear the pain while awake. In fact, this is where the saying “bite the bullet” comes from—during the American Civil War, surgeons would have patients bite down on a bullet or cartridge to stop the person from gritting their teeth so hard they crack their teeth. Prior to the 1850s, surgeons believed that pain was needed for a successful surgery. Fortunately, most people awake during these early surgeries would pass out from the pain long before it was done.

[Left] Hickman [Bottom] Ether Frolic
  • Modern anesthesiology has a few different starting points depending on what you consider to be the real breakthrough. Some point to Friedrich Serumer who isolated Morphine from Opium in 1804, allowing for the drug to be administered effectively and safely. Patients then got potent pain relief and, with enough Morphine, could be knocked out although the risk of overdose was large. I however believe that if we are going to talk about putting people to sleep specifically for surgery, we should start with Henry Hill Hickman. Hickman (1800-1830) graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in England in 1821 and was fascinated by the increasing focus on gasses in medicine.
    • In 1823 Hickman would begin his experiment in “Suspended Animation” or the use of gasses to produce sleep and unconsciousness. He performed an unsupervised experiment on kittens, mice, and puppies where he would place the animal in a box and pump in Carbon Dioxide. To his gruesome credit, the method worked—the animals fell asleep and he was able to amputate limbs without causing pain. Thankfully no one would jump onto his idea of using Carbon Dioxide because he was essentially suffocating the patient… He would die in 1830 and his work would be largely forgotten until 1935 (more on that in a bit).
    • Another symptom of the gas craze was a fascination with Diethyl Ether and Nitrous Oxide (N2O), two small molecule gasses that caused altered mental status. During this time, lecturers would travel from university to university having “Ether Frolics” where the audience would inhale the gasses and suddenly break out in dance (much to the entertainment of everyone). Two dentists, Horace Wells and William T.G. Morton was in the audience of many such Frolics.
  • This is where the story gets good! On September 30th, 1846, business partners Morton and Wells administered diethyl ether to a music teacher using a special proprietary gas mask. To their delight, the man said he had no pain at all during the tooth extraction. Two weeks later the men demonstrated a molar extraction at the surgical amphitheater at Massachusetts General Hospital. After completing the extraction in which the patient showed no signs of pain, Morton quipped “Gentlemen, this is no humbug,” which may have been a dig at Hickman. The success of diethyl ether (and nitrous oxide) would quickly spread throughout the surgical field and revolutionize the way surgeries were performed. For its success, the amphitheater at MGH was renamed the Ether Dome, where you can visit today!
    • Despite its widespread use, there was still a lot of room for improvement with Ether. Firstly, Ether is extremely flammable and when mixed with oxygen or nitrous oxide, it is explosive. Secondly, it takes a long time to induce sleep and the patient spends a significant amount of time in the delirium/loopy stage (for those who had laughing gas, that’s nitrous oxide!). Finally, Ether can irritate the lungs causing mucous secretion which can limit breathing—not a good thing in surgery. As such, other general anesthetics were discovered.
  • One of the first alternatives discovered was Chloroform in 1847. Chloroform is a chlorinated form of methane and the addition of the chlorine (a.k.a halogenation) increases potency and decreases flammability. Nice! As an anesthetic, chloroform acted as a potent muscle relaxer and analgesic but was also a potent carcinogen, which would cause liver and kidney toxicities, and heart attacks. Ether, nitrous oxide, and chloroform would be used for the next 100 years.
    • With the discovery that halogenation could produce better drugs, a series of drugs were created to capture this new property. Halothane (1956) was the first volatile anesthetic that is nonexplosive, nonflammable, and highly potent. The presence of Carbon-Halogen bonds is the reason for its stability and potency. Unfortunately it could spontaneously convert into hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid, and phosgene gas which may not be caught before it was inhaled (yes the patient would inhale toxic, corrosive acid). As such, halothane is kept in dark vials to prevent decomposition.
    • Later agents, Sevoflurane (1971) Enflurane (1973), Isoflurane (1981), Desflurane (1992) all continued the halogenation process. As the number of halogens (Cl, F, or I) increases, the potency increases and explosiveness/flammability decreases. This begs the question: why can’t we just take a large molecule and throw on a ton of halogens? Well remember that these need to be gasses; if you add too much weight then the molecule has a hard time acting as a gas and may not volatize (turn into a gas) readily.
  • So how do these inhaled drugs work? Well it has to do with the minimum alveolar concentration or MAC. This is a measure of how much drug needs to be present in the airways in order to achieve anesthesia (knock someone out). The higher a drug is on the Y axis, the higher the percentage of gas in the lung must be that drug. Let's look at Carbon Dioxide in the top left—if you wanted to knock someone out with CO2, you would need to fill their lungs up with almost all CO2 which would be incredibly dangerous! This would be like making a pizza but instead of crust you use lasagna noodles, and instead of sauce it's lasagna noodles, and instead of cheese you use lasagna noodles, but you leave the pepperoni on top. It's not really a pizza but if you knock the person out and put it in their mouth, they don’t know any better. As we go towards the bottom right we get drugs that are more potent or that a very low percentage of gas in the lung needs to be the drug. This is also why it took so long to innovate on Ether and Chloroform; they are relatively safe compared to nitrous oxide. This is why safety needed to be improved on not necessarily potency.
Now is this all we have for general anesthetics? NO! Oh god we have some really wonderful intravenous drugs that we use for surgery nowadays (another reason why ether wasn’t improved on for 100 years). However I want to save those drugs for their own post because we are finding out some special properties about those drugs, like that they can be used as antibiotics or antidepressants. Stay tuned!

Do I really need to be knocked out if I need a splinter removed?

In general, general anesthesia is left for situations in which the patient being awake is either unsafe or would get in the way of the surgery. In situations where inducing unconsciousness isn’t needed we need an agent that can block nerve signals locally, without inducing sleep, and is reversible. Today local anesthetics are used widely for acute or chronic pain, minor surgeries (especially in dentistry and podiatry), and for small treatments.Usually when we dive into a topic I start with “Oh and in 300 AD they used plant you’ve never heard of to do this and oh look the ancients weren’t that far off.” Just like how modern general anesthesia has a pretty accepted date of discovery, local anesthetics have a clear history too. Let’s jump in!

Coca plant vs 1500’s drawing of Inca vs Sacsauhuaman, built 12,000 ft (3,700 m) above sea level
  • Before it became the white powder some individuals indulge in today, chewing Coca leaves was the only way people could get their buzz. Coca comes from a shrub of the genus Erthroxylum which gets its name from the reddish hue of the wood (Erythro = red). While there are several species in the genus that contain Cocaine, the Coca plant contains the most at 0.7-1.8% by weight.
    • Coca leaves were one of the first plants cultivated by the ancient Andean and Bolivian tribes in South America as far back as 700 BC (although some estimates put it as far back as 3000 BC). Since the majority of pre-Incan and Incan history was told orally we don’t know much about how the ancients used the Coca plant up until the Spanish invaded the continent in the 15th century. Spanish and Inca-Spanish historians claim that Coca was restricted to the religious rites and the ruling class of the Inca empire but there is evidence that it was used widely across all levels of society. Soldiers and laborers would chew the leaves to suppress hunger and thirst allowing them to work and fight longer. In fact, modern historians think that the use of Coca and chicha (fermented corn beer) was what allowed the Inca to move huge stones up steep rocky cliff sides.
    • Our best documentation of Coca comes after the conquest of Peru by Francisco Pizzaro in 1530. As Europeans took hold of the region then shipped Coca back to Europe, it fascinated the royal courts (e.g. they became addicted to it). The first reference to Coca as an anesthetic was written by Spanish Jesuit Bernabe Cobo in 1653 where he describes the tooth ache alleviating power of the plant.
      • “And this happen'd to me once, that I repaired to a barber to have a tooth pull'd, that had work'd loose and ach'd, and the barber told me he would be sorry to pull it because it was sound and healthy; and a monk friend of mine who happen'd to be there and overhearing, advised me to chew for a few days on Coca . As I did, indeed, soon to find my toothache gone.”
      • Unfortunately the mystery of Coca as an anesthetic would be overshadowed by its stimulant effects. Can you blame them? What fuckboy at a Beverly Hills party is using Cocaine to cure his painful toothache?
  • “Wait wait wait,” I hear you say, “Cocaine is an anesthetic?” You betcha! It wouldn’t be until 1860 that the causative agent inside Coca was isolated—Cocaine. It would take 25 years for Cocaine to enter medicine by none other than Sigmund Freud for local anesthesia. In true Freud fashion, he and his two buddies Carl Koller and Leopold Konigstein self-experimented with Cocaine eye drops and witnessed the powerful effects of blocking nerve signals. Other experiments in difficult and painful surgeries were quickly described by various physicians across the world: 1885 it was used for spinal surgery, 1908 for a complex oral surgery, and 1910 for eye surgery.
    • The issue with Cocaine is that it is fairly toxic. In 1885 Cocaine intoxication was described and by 1887 there were 16 publications about death from Cocaine convulsions. A single 1892 article mentioned 18 fatalities in 5 months. A review of 43 deaths during surgery in 1928 revealed that 40 of them were due to Cocaine toxicity; and this was just inside the hospital. Since 1870 many at-home products were produced to bring Cocaine to the home with varying degrees of potency and purity and with no guidance on child doses. Don’t forget, Cocaine is addictive so these at home products became a cheap way to overuse and eventually overdose on Cocaine too. And this was all before the structure of the drug was even discovered.
  • The ideal local anesthetic should produce reversible blockade of sensory neurons with no effect on the motor neurons, a very important distinction. If local anesthetics were used in cardiac or diaphragm muscles and you paralyzed it, well the patient would die. Although Cocaine wasn’t the only alkaloid on the market (Tropocaine was isolated in 1892 from a Javanese coca variety with similar toxicity), it was the most widespread. This led chemists to modify Cocaine experimentally to produce analogues that were hopefully less toxic.
    • Two of the first commercially successful analogues were discovered by Alfred Eihorn: Benzocaine (1900) and Procaine (1905). While the structures wouldn’t be discovered until 20 years later, the largest difference was the removal of the Tropane bicyclic ring. Through its removal the major toxicities of Cocaine were eliminated. Atropine, a non-anesthetic muscarinic antagonist (oh look a post!), is structurally similar and shows major toxicities by similar mechanisms to Cocaine. While significantly less toxic, Procaine and Benzocaine work slowly and only last a short amount of time which requires large doses and toxicities. Early trials of these drugs used doses 40x modern doses leading to seizures and cardiac failure. Finally in 1924 the structure of Cocaine was discovered as well as its early analogues. Development of better anesthetics quickly rose leading to the discovery of many different products. Tetracaine (1930) hit the market and is still used to this day in spinal anesthesia.
  • In 1944, chemists took a different approach to local anesthetics and used a different backbone—instead of an ester link they used an amide. This led to the discovery of Lidocaine which immediately changed the game for local anesthesia. With a rapid onset and long duration, Lidocaine is an ideal drug for a multitude of surgeries from minor to complex. From then on chemists abandoned the ester moiety and jumped on the amide bandwagon. Mepivacaine (1957) and Prilocaine (1960) were improvements on the Lidocaine structure requiring smaller doses and less complications but had the same duration. Eventually long acting agents like Bupivacaine (1963) and Etidocaine (1972).
  • Astute American readers may be thinking, “isn’t there one missing?” No, you’re wrong but in a way you’re also right so here is a cookie 🍪 Sarcasm aside, what about Novacaine? Well interestingly Novocain (no e) is the brand name for Eihorn’s Procaine! Yeah Novocain was a brand name that eventually became synonymous with the drug much like how Aspirin isn’t referred to as its generic Salicylic Acid. If you want a rabbit hole to fall into, read this list of genericized trademarks which describes brand names that lost their trademarks due to becoming common words. Bet you didn’t know that these were brands originally: Escalator, Dumpster, Trampoline, Heroin, Dry ice (and much more).
  • This is all well and good but why are so many drugs still on the market? Most of these pre-modern FDA drugs aren’t used anymore because of toxicities and better inventions. I mean Lidocaine is 80 years old but is still fairly common—it has to do with what makes them different. Each local anesthetic contains 3 regions: the lipophilic region, the intermediate chain which can be an ester or amide, and the hydrophilic terminal amine.
  • For the lipophilic region, the more electron donating substitutions contained on the ring, the better it fits inside the sensory nerve thus blocking it. Tetracaine has the butyl tail that make sit 40-50 times more potent than Procaine due to its ability to donate electrons into the ring. It does so by formation of a zwitterion which actively seeks out the sensory nerve for blockade. Using an electron withdrawing group like Chlorine such as in Chloroprocaine decreases the potency of the drug as it makes it more susceptible for nucleophilic attack by esterases.
  • The intermediate region isn’t too too complicated since there are only two flavors: ester or amide. In general, amides are more resistant to hydrolysis than esters. Likewise putting bulky groups near the amide prevents hydrolysis such as in Etidocaine and Prilocaine.
  • Finally we have the hydrophilic portion which actually isn’t necessary for being an anesthetic. It’s function is to form a water soluble salt to facilitate making powders which can be reconstituted when needed. Tertiary amines are more powerful but are easier to metabolize in the body. Thus a secondary amine have a longer duration of action but can be irritating (its a balance.
And that’s our story!. If you have any questions, please let me know! Want to read more? Go to the table of contents!
Likewise, check out our subreddit: SAR_Med_Chem Come check us out and ask questions about the creation of drugs, their chemistry, and their function in the body! Have a drug you’d like to see? Curious about a disease state? Let me know!
From Cocaine to Ropivacaine: The History of Local Anesthetic Drugs Yvan A. Ruetsch, Thomas Bönibc and Alain Borgeatac
Special thanks to Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
submitted by Bubzoluck to SAR_Med_Chem [link] [comments]

2022.06.10 06:04 Misteral_Editorial Yet another unit suggestion

How about the slinger from Aoe1?
tl:dr slings were actually used in medieval warfare, skip to the end for my in-game unit pitch
In that game:
-Costs food and stone (the only unit ever to cost stone)
-Has much lower attack than other ranged
-Has large bonuses vs other ranged, minor bonus vs towers and walls (in practice they're quite good, they got nerfed in Aoe1 DE by 50%)
What's different in Aoe2?
-towers have minimum range, so melee units can effectively take them down
-pierce armor is more universally higher and well distributed
-castles exist, town centers can shoot arrows
-skirmishers exist, the Incan slinger exists
Historical justification/basis:
Slings were used in medieval times, as cheaper counterparts to bows/crossbows, in particular by our "meso" civs. At range they were actually generally more accurate (physics and projectile shennanigans), and manufactured bullets (made out of lead) had more "stopping power" than arrows. Until the invention of the bodkin arrow head, slung bullets were more effective against armor (the same reason why gunpowder became so effective over arrows/bolts). Slings were actively used in medieval armies and warfare until about the 1600's, when firearms completely took over warfare in general. The most effective use of slinging was staff-slings firing early grenades (e.g. quicklime, greek fire, sulphur, pitch/tar, glass). Slings are noted to be universally developed and used across the world, with the exception of Australia.
Aoe2 adaptation:
Staff slinger-
30f 10g
30hp, 3 attack (ignores armor, including building armor, make sure you get masonry), 5 range, 0.05 blast radius, speed is somewhere in between an archer and a plumed archer, slow fire rate, 0/0 armor, trained at Archery range
Elite upgrade adds 1 attack, 10hp, 1 range, 0.02 blast radius
Alternative upgrade route:
Reinforced sling
Staff slinger (has blast radius)
Role: a very cheap skirmisher-type that can soften up large unit formations, with uses against early buildings, offers some ranged mobility for civs without calvary (or usable cav archers)
submitted by Misteral_Editorial to aoe2 [link] [comments]

2022.04.23 20:33 Lanzero25 Finished Goggle V

After more than a week of break, I finally started continuing my binging. I'm refreshed after watching a lot, now time to head back. The motifs for this season are gymnastic sports in general, while the secondary motif is ancient civilizations, Atlantean, Asian, Egyptian, Lemurian, Mayan, and Incan. (Spoilers)
The season starts off with Dr. Hongo finding a secret castle Dark Science Empire Deathdark. This kinda awakened Deathdark, and they set off their main base to Japan. This led to Dr. Hongo forming a team of 5 called the Goggle V to stop Deathdark. Deathdark is a terrorist organization that wants to bring destruction to the world, it is canon that Oppenheimer doesn't exist in this universe since Deathdark is the original creator of nuclear weapons.
In the 2nd episode, Dr. Hongo left as their mentor but mentioned that he would continue to watch the rangers, this left the rangers completely in charge. There are 2 women who help the team as agents, same old same old, and 5 children who help them and are also technical geniuses. Nothing much happened from here on out until the movie.
After Episode 6, the movie occurred. It's not much, it's a longer normal episode. But it does give Dr. Zazoriya and Dr. Iguana some screentime. Here, Dr. Zazoriya, one of their monster makers, escaped from Deathdark, vowing to never return to evil. She told them the location of a weapon they were making with Dr. Iguana, turns out it was a trap. Back in the city, Dr. Zazoriya was evil all along (Who could've guessed), she then kidnapped a child who has been recovering from an illness. Then they saved the day, normal stuff.
Kenichi Akama (GoggleRed) is the leader of the team and the first one we see, he is an explorer and a mountaineer. In Episode 16, he really showed his capabilities when he had to deliver blood for a blood transfusion. However, Deathdark unleashed a mozoo that was able to detect any electricity and can travel quickly. The mozoo can detect their location while morphed. Deathdark was planning on foiling their plans and stopping them from delivering the blood. Here he basically ran like 10km unmorphed while chased just to save one child and he got pretty injured. I liked this about him since he's doing all he can just for one person, which shows how good of a leader he is.
Kanpei Kuroda (GoggleBlack) is a professional Shogi player and the second in command. He is actually pretty overpowered since he can teleport, he could just turn invisible and take the enemy's weapon. In Episode 26, a mozoo was able to delete everyone's memories, including Kuroda's, or at least we thought. He acted like he lost his memories and was attacked by Deathdark constantly, his entrance for the final battle looked very cool too like he tricked all of them. He then had another pretty badass episode in Episode 29, where he had to stop Deathdark from transporting sleeping gases, while trying, he lost his morpher and had to do most of the work unmorphed, and he stood a great chance too against footsoldiers with guns. In Episode 42, he once again proved that he was a badass, Deathdark kidnapped a group of kids and their teacher, who was his friend. The teacher was told that Kuroda is Goggle Black, and to save the children, she had to lead him to their trap, and she had no choice. He was able to find her and she took him to where they were captured, but he was stabbed with a poisoned knife. Kuroda then literally just pulled it right out of his arm. He tried morphing but couldn't, and just fought Deathdark unmorphed, while escaping, he got beat up so badly but still withstood an explosion. He came out of the smoke looking all badass-like and said "I am Kanpei Kuroda! As long as I live, I will protect these children!". Kuroda was aided by the others and they saved the day.
Saburo Aoyama (GoggleBlue) is a professional hockey player. In Episode 8, he spoke semi-broken English and flirted with the scientist they were trying to escort. They were both kidnapped as she has blueprints for a destructive weapon. They both escaped but she was caught again, with Aoyama getting pretty injured. Turns out she was just a distraction, a fake scientist to hide the true blueprints. Aoyama managed to save her but she had to ultimately leave. This wasn't much but he did so much to save this woman. He doesn't get that much focus as a second in command but he gets some simple stories that show him helping people.
Futoshi Kijima (GoggleYellow) is a zookeeper before being chosen with very keen hearing. He's the comic relief for this season, again the yellow ranger. He can also dig, which makes him super similar to VulPanther, but at least he isn't annoying. In Episode 13, he went spelunking to look for the causes of earthquakes that have been happening frequently, while exploring, he found a man that could be his missing father since they share a necklace that can connect with each other. It was a little confusing for me but the wiki stated that that man was his father. They didn't reunite or hug afterward, instead, going separate ways so as to not bring him any harm, but in their minds, they are father and son. It actually got me surprised when they went their separate ways since I thought it would be obvious that they would hug.
In Episode 38, both Kijima and Aoyama kinda got a 2 in 1 episode, where they got to shine. Aoyama, surprisingly being the brains of the group, was able to make a jetpack. Kijima tested the jetpack and was interfered with by Deathdark and a Rhino Mozoo. The jetpack was stolen and Deathdark used it to destroy buildings. Aoyama, saddened by the destruction his invention made, almost gave up, but Kijima was there to motivate him. They actually seem like really good friends. They worked on two tasks that they think could beat the rhino mozoo, Kijima practiced getting hit with a WRECKING BALL to endure the rhino's attacks, and Aoyama recreated his jetpack. In the end, their plan succeeded and this episode was really good. Like the first time to feature 2 characters and not just 1. They redid their jetpacks in the final scene but failed and it blew up in their faces.
Miki Momozono (GogglePink) is a gymnast and the youngest of the group, probably the youngest ranger character, according to the wiki, she's 16. She also breaks the streak of female main characters swimming in the intro, instead, doing rhythmic gymnastics. In Episode 22, Deathdark created a machine that would transform toys that were thrown away into vengeful people. Miki did some very quick wardrobe changes and infiltrated their base. In Episode 39, a book was able to trap children inside them, whilst saving a kid, Miki got pulled into the book instead. She was basically a free kill to Deathdark, she couldn't morph. She was able to dodge their attacks but was roped to the ceiling and couldn't get out. Deathdark then planned on burning the book she's trapped in, and subsequently, the inside of the book was also in flames. Luckily due to her gymnastic skills, she was smart enough to think on her feet and burn the ropes but was caged again. Luckily again, she was able to escape. It was probably one of the few times I actually felt that the rangers were in danger. I also have one thing to say to her, she grunts like Tommy from MMPR in battle.
Dr. Hongo is the first character we saw, the person who initiated the project but he left early on. As mentioned before, We do get 2 agents. There are also 5 children who help the rangers, called Computer Boys and Girls or Comboys. There are 5 of them since Dr. Hongo plans on them being the future of the world and future Goggle V members, and they also assist one ranger each. They're actually pretty interesting since they have a purpose in the story and not just kids in distress.
The suit looks so similar to Sun Vulcan, and I don't think it's not just me who thinks this though. This is also the first time this color motif of Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, and Pink is used. Overall, the suit looks okay. Their powers are listed here, red got super strength and can heal, yellow can dig, black can turn invisible and phase through enemies, blue can run very quickly, confusing the enemies, and pink can charm the enemies, and can also confuse them. They also use gymnastic weapons, like balls and ropes. I also noticed that they used a lot of slow-motion and fast-forward fight scenes, like when a scene slows down to show the cool moment and speeds up after a second. It does look cool for me but they overuse it for some simple scenes.
They have a different kind of Megazord this time. They control 4 different components, 3 vehicles, and 1 main ship, Goggle Caesae, which is controlled by 2 people, it also houses the 3 vehicles I mentioned. The 3 vehicles are able to connect to the main zord, the Goggle Robo. However, the Megazord only houses 3 people and it's separate cockpits too, which I dislike, but the 2 people piloting Goggle Caesae are able to assist them by firing rockets which is effective. They have a finisher called Electron Galaxy Cut, similar to other finishers which is a sword slash from the galaxy. Their normal finisher on the other hand is the Goggle Victory Flash, which is a giant V, this was changed into the Goggle Spear, which has red throwing a spear into the mozoo.
The villain lineup consists of Fuhrer Taboo, the big bad who is hidden for most of the series because of course he is, and he looks like an eye with tentacles. General Desgiller is another general, whom I bet will die juuuuust right before the final episode. There is also another major enemy named Mazurka. They also had two doctors named Dr. Zazoriya and Dr. Iguana, responsible for building the mozoos. The monsters are called Mozoos here, and they do not get "revived" when defeated, but the mozoo are regenerated(?) and control the robots, which are named Kong.
The first cliffhanger happened in Episode 14, due to Dr. Zazoriya and Dr. Iguana's failures, they were almost executed but promised to get one more chance to not disappoint Fuhrer Taboo. They then headed to the South Pole, where in the next episode, they awakened the Commander-In-Chief of Deathdark, Desmark, along with pink spandex-covered allies, Bella and Beth. They ordered the two doctors to capture the essence of people to make Desmark stronger, but they failed to do so, and they were ultimately executed, removing 2 villains but adding 3.
Some of my other favorite moments or episodes:
In Episode 46, the 5 part endgame arc happened. A meteor landed in Japan that stores "intergalactic energy source" or Hightron or Hitron. Deathdark was able to get their hands on this meteor and their first plan of attack came in the next episode, Episode 47. The Hightron can teleport and destroy atoms, and their plan was to build a death ray using it in the middle of Tokyo. The Hightron can also be used on people to create barriers for protection. They halted their progress and planned on infiltrating the Goggle V base.
In Episode 48, another use of Hightron was revealed, it can turn people invisible at will. Mazurka was used as a test subject for this and she infiltrated their base successfully. Turns out Desmark placed a bomb on her and have her commit a suicide bombing without her knowledge. Turn out Desgiller and Desmark were working together on betraying Mazurka. Mazurka was able to grab the remote for her bomb and actually bombed herself, destroying the base, and herself. In Episode 49, Desgiller turned out to be alive but was in critical condition, they repaired him and Desgiller saved Goggle V from a monster. However, this was only to get even with the rangers for saving him, he still planned on attacking them. In another battle with the mozoo, they were trapped and got a disadvantage, but Dr. Hongo, the person that recruited them, came back while piloting Goggle Caesae. He had a backup base in case anything bad happened. They were stalked by Desgiller, and Goggle V was attacked. They managed to fend them off and defeat the mozoo.
Desgiller came back to their base and threatened Desmark with a mini death ray. He wanted to pilot the Kong. He wanted to be the one to kill the rangers, but he was defeated by them. In the final episode, Episode 50, Goggle V was able to infiltrate the base of Deathdark before they could unleash their giant death ray. Akama managed to destroy the case where Fuhrer Taboo was in and revealed a seaweed-like person with one giant eye who is the embodiment of all the genes of every mozoo. Along the way, they defeated Desmark, Bella, and Beth. And in the final fight against Fuhrer Taboo, they defeated him, ending the 5000 years of terror of Deathdark.
And there it is, I finally finished Goggle V. It was actually a pretty good ride. I would say the villains are a bit underwhelming, Mazurka and Desgiller only really got my attention in the final episode even if they were always active along with the mozoos. Desmark was eh, he didn't give me any feeling of threat because he didn't do much anyway, as well as Bella and Beth, who I almost forgot. Fuhrer Taboo, I liked the design, but the villain itself? Not at all. The arsenal I think was good, the gymnast weapon and motif were unique and cool. The mecha is okay, I like how they can disassemble for a bit to fight the enemy with their individual vehicles. The intro also slaps so hard, that I don't skip the fight scenes like Sun Vulcan. As for the characters they're good, Akama is a good and capable leader, Aoyama and Kijima were pretty good, even if they were sometimes invisible to me, they were still entertaining. Miki got just the right amount and she's fine as well. The best one for me though was Kuroda, who was so badass, even if he was the second leader, he's a great character and the highlight of the season for me. Overall, the season is very good, I watched like 5 episodes per day for like 3 days but after that, I was engaged and binged the entire season in my free time.
Extra: They didn't think I won't notice but I sure did, THEIR NAMES HAVE THEIR RESPECTIVE COLORS. Aka, Kuro, Ao, Ki, and Momo. This is also the first season without any baseball episode, but Goggle Caesae does come out of a Baseball Stadium so I guess that counts.
Goggle V is done, 6/46. 40 to go, next is the Exploding explosions of Dynaman.
submitted by Lanzero25 to supersentai [link] [comments]

2022.04.18 22:43 xD_Calitrocity The Meaning of Operator Names (Updated)

In 2016, u/lolt64 posted a guide explaining all of the operator's callsigns (a nickname meant to identify someone via radio contact). The list is really outdated, only having the original 20 operators + Y1S1 ops Frost and Buck. I thought it was a pretty cool idea and updating his list would give me a nice distraction from all the things that are important in my life. Hope you enjoy!
I've left the first 22 operators, from the pathfinder operators to Y1S1, unchanged, aside from the info marked by parenthesis.
Well this took a long time! If anybody found this useful then I'll be sure to update it! If not, I'll let it sit for 6 years and have someone else take it over for me.
submitted by xD_Calitrocity to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

2022.04.14 20:03 Mak_27 For all the ones who says "X civilization can't fit in the AoT timeline"...

For many historiers, the middle ages started after the fall of the Roman Empire and ended circa 1000 years later. The events related with the end of the middle age are many, but the most important are:
  1. Americas discover by Colombus (1492)
  2. Gutenberg's printer invention (1453)
  3. Fall of Constantinopla (1453)
  4. Hundred Years' War end (1453)
So, in that case, at least Aztecs and Incans civilization and campaings are outdated for the 1000 years span of AoE 2.
So... we can have until the 16th century to define new civilizations for AoE2 DE, one century and nothing more. With that, mapuches and some other civilizations and people can fit without issues.
submitted by Mak_27 to aoe2 [link] [comments]

2022.04.13 19:28 qavarncapital Freemasonic Brotherhood

Freemasonic Brotherhood

Freemasonic Pyramid Structure
The Freemasons have often been called satanic, which is something that they are very capable of fending off.
While its rank and file members are ignorant of the purpose of the organization, some know. Freemasons deflect accusations of being a satanic society largely by employing the cover of being a philanthropic organization. But what is at the core of the Freemasons' beliefs? It is the belief in a single architect of the universe.
Freemasonry is based upon the legend of the building of Solomon's Temple, which is said to have employed thousands of masons and stonecutters almost 3,000 years ago.
Masonic Symbolism
For many reasons, we cannot verify Masonic history too easily. Some Attas have investigated Freemasonry, both from within by infiltration and from without by investigation. Thomas Paine is one of the Attas who undertook the task from without, while other Attas like Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain infiltrated the organization.
Franklin disclosed many of the secrets of Freemasonry to Thomas Paine and also provided him with copies of various records from some lodges.
For this, Franklin was singled out for express criticism by Illuminati founder and high-ranking Freemason and contemporary Adam Weisshaupt, who is legendary for his devious and twisted behavior and character. It was Weisshaupt who supposedly founded the New World Order. However, he was more of a shill for the ruling elite and did as he was directed.
After thoroughly investigating the organization, Paine argued well that Freemason historians either will not produce the facts, or they do not know them. To show the enormous corruption by Freemason historians, Paine noted that according to Masonic history, Pythagoras of 580 B.C. was supposed to be an early initiate of a frontrunner sodality of the Freemasons.
However, according to their history, the society was fully established during the time of the building of King Solomon's Temple, which was completed more than 300 years before Pythagoras was born. Pythagoras is one of the Attas. Freemasons falsely claim that he was a member of their society.
Since its own history is corrupted beyond recognition and its historians refuse to correct it, this discussion will attempt to explain some pertinent Masonic legends and further explain the actual history. The reader should ever consider why the Freemasons would lie about their history while contemplating things Masonic.
According to Hebrew legend, two of the main characters are King Solomon and Hiram, King of Tyre. These kings got together and decided to build a fabulous temple. They then employed Hiram Abiff, a master craftsman of wide renown, to adorn the temple and beautify it.
According to Masonic legend, just before the completion of the temple, three ruffians conspired to extract the secrets of Master Mason from Abiff. They were unable to extract the secrets by force but ended up killing Abiff.
The ruffians hid the body in the temple, then carted it away and buried it. When King Solomon was informed that Abiff was missing, he was furious and took a roll call of the craft, and found three were missing. These were the three ruffians. The king blocked the harbors and roads and sent out search parties. Finally, the three ruffians were found and brought before King Solomon, to whom they confessed. Solomon ordered each of them to be executed in vile, horrific ways, with terrible torture and severing of body parts.
Thereafter, King Solomon and King Hiram dug up his grave to look all over him for a clue to the syllable. When none was found, they raised Abiff from his grave and buried him near the temple, as close to the Holy of Holies as tradition would allow.
However, in interpreting the Masonic history, some previously hidden aspects of the legend need to be presented. King Solomon and King Hiram had each acquired one syllable of a secret code "word". Abiff had the third syllable. The two kings and Abiff were going to use the secret "word" to perform a ritual in the Holy of Holies after the completion of the temple. (This information is only available to a very small group of the very highest level of the Freemasons' hierarchy.)
This is a very dark story - Solomon, who was a tyrant, wanted SOLE possession of the "word". He hired three ruffians to extract the secret syllable from Abiff, who was in the temple when the ruffians approached him. One of the ruffians demanded the secret syllable from Abiff, who knew something was very wrong because only Solomon and Hiram knew he possessed a secret syllable.
Abiff was able to trick them into revealing Solomon had sent them before he bolted and fled. The ruffians gave chase, captured him, and then killed him. They then dragged the body off and buried it far away from the temple. The ruffians then reported the incident to Solomon, who immediately had them executed and dismembered.
The immediate killings of the ruffians were done as punishment for them and also because it was necessary to silence them.
Since the ruffians killed Abiff before extracting the secret from him, the syllable was lost. At the funeral, the two kings were truly upset because they had lost the opportunity to use the power of the secret code. They vowed to one day discover the lost word. Meanwhile, they substituted a word that sounds like "mor-bon-zi" for the lost word.
Today, this substituted word is the Grand Masonic "word" according to Masonic history. It is believed that Solomon and Hiram passed on their two parts of the secret word to very trusted members only and that these knowing members likewise passed it on to other trusted members. Today, the very few with this knowledge are very actively searching for the lost syllable so they can utter the real three-part secret word or the actual lost "word".
Since mor-bon-zi is only a substitute secret word, all Masons are given it and recognize it to this day. However, mor-bon-zi is very rarely spoken except during initiations or on very special occasions, and then only in a low breath. The password the Masons use in everyday matters is "tu-bal-cain."
It should be noted that present-day Freemasons claim in a higher degree than they have found the lost "word" of God. This word is given to candidates for the Holy Royal Arch.
That word is "jah-bul-on", which is believed to be:
"jah" for the Hebrew god Yahweh "bul" for the ancient Canaanite fertility god Baal and Devil "on" for the Egyptian god of the underworld called Osiris
This "word of god" presented as "jah-bul-on" is another Freemason Weisshaupt-like deception to trick some candidates into thinking the search for the word is concluded.
But, "jah-bul-on" is only another substituted word. The search for the lost "word" secretly continues.
Who were these three people really? Why did they have the secret parts to the secret "word"? Does the "word" have power?
King Solomon, King Hiram, and Abiff were secretly occultists. They tried to hide this information and to severely limit and discourage those who would pursue occult matters. One such indication of this appears in the extant Bible in a book attributed to Solomon.
He did not write the entire book, but he did plagiarize this verse:
Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman: That they may keep thee from the strange woman, from the stranger which flattereth with her words. Proverbs 7:4-5.
The church tries to give other interpretations, but what this really means is that wisdom and understanding should be treasured, but occult knowledge must be shunned, as it is dangerous. Many of the Proverbs make sense when interpreting the "strange woman" to be the occult mysteries, which otherwise seem to be non-sequiturs.
The Bible is replete with warnings to avoid stargazers, mediums, magicians, wizards, witches, sorcerers, seers, fortune tellers, and the like. This was especially true during the reign of King Josiah of Israel. However, the Bible also shows that the religious leaders understood the esoteric (occult) power of sounds, letters, words, names, symbols, astrology, numbers, etc.
One example of comprehension of the power of sounds and names is when Abram's name was changed to Abraham by the Hebrew God according to Genesis 17:5.
In fact, many religious leaders knowingly use occult powers whilst they keep the flock ignorant and fearful of the secret knowledge. Solomon is legendary for his supposed wisdom, however, his work with the occult is more hidden. King Solomon and King Hiram, along with Abiff, were practicing occultists, but in the area of Dark arts. They were directed to build a huge temple that was to be dedicated to the higher forces of the Dark side.
To gain maximum empowerment for the temple, much suffering was necessary for the construction of it. This was accomplished by blood sacrifice and enslavement of the stonecutters and masons who were forced to build the temple and by imposing oppressive taxation. These and other measures culminated in a revolt.
When completed, the temple was to contain a Holy of Holies, where the three of them were to meet from time to time to conjure up the full power of Darkness associated with the Anunnaki Elite who were no longer on Earth. This was to be done by ritually calling down the Dark power via the "word". Once the temple (or any other object), specifically the Holy of Holies within the temple, was charged, it would take on a life of its own. It has a power of its own. However, the Holy of Holies was never charged in the way it was anticipated because Abiff was murdered before the temple was completed.
The three sounds given to Solomon, Hiram, and Abiff respectively, form the actual secret lost "word" that Freemasons are seeking. When these are uttered in proper pitch, duration, order, timing, and intensity the composite sound can call upon power from the subtle level.
This particular formula has the ability to summon the full power of Darkness.
This is no small power; it cannot be overstated how powerful it is. Anyone who possesses the key to this power can virtually control the entire world and hold any nation ransom. This is not a joking matter and one not to be taken lightly. Imagine what would have happened if Solomon had possessed the complete "word". This "word" is what Hitler was secretly searching for. In the wrong hands, this "word" could be absolutely disastrous.
The Freemasons are all raised to the third degree with the story of Abiff and the substitute word. This is because very few Masons know about the actual two separate syllables, but those who know are actively searching for the lost sound. They hope that some candidate will reveal it. They also hope that some Master Mason will discover it. However, none of the vast majority of Masons has any idea of this secret agenda. And, after nearly 3,000 years of searching, the secret "word" of Abiff's is still unknown to them.
Adam Weisshaupt was an agent for some people who had learned King Solomon's and King Hiram's syllables, and they directed him to start the New World Order in the hopes that it would assist in locating the lost syllable. Weisshaupt's controllers believed that if there were a single dictator of the world, then all information about everyone and everything would be at the disposal of the regime.
Sounds are very powerful vibrations/energies when used in a certain way with knowledge.
For example, the death of Diana Spencer appears to have been caused by physical agents. However, it was actually brought about by forces embedded in the spoken word directed from the unseen level, which brought about the physical manifestation of her death. People who are involved with Dark forces can get themselves into very serious situations. This is why the fabled "pure" heart comes out repeatedly in legends, telling of one who can properly use occult powers.
I know Solomon's and Hiram's sounds or syllables. I also know Abiff's sound. I know the entire lost "word". How I know this is irrelevant. Equally, whether anyone believes my assertion or not, is irrelevant.
Even when I first mentally reviewed this sound I could feel the tremendous Dark power of the "word". I also have the counter-sound which I used to neutralize the Dark "word". Now, the complete, dreadful Dark secret "word" that Freemasons seek to assemble has been contained and neutralized.
Bear in mind that some Freemasons may know the first two sounds or syllables of the "word". And now, others will know them. But, I will never disclose the lost sound from the Anunnaki Elite to anyone because of the highly dangerous nature of the Dark energy embedded in the "word" that could be "resurrected" if it fell into the wrong hands - that is, ANYONE without a "pure" heart.
No search will discover it. In any event, I already neutralized the entire "word" with the counter-sound. I released this counter-sound of the Light in 2002 on a CD entitled Loving You because the counter-sound can also be used to counter-act other energies that are directed by Darkness.
I now disclose the two sounds.
King Solomon's syllable is "KIR" King Hiram's syllable is "WHAH"
Abiff's syllable has eluded those of Darkness for 3,000 years, and they will not acquire it before this virtual reality collapses.
As a cautionary warning, any attempt by anyone sending thoughts with any EVIL INTENT to either attack this information or to abuse the disclosed sounds will automatically be deflected and returned to the sender. The sender with such evil intent will reap instant or delayed consequences of his or her own actions.
Returning to the Masonic legend, it should be stated that the horrible deaths the three ruffians suffered are now part of the obligation of Masons in the first three degrees of Masonry. When a person is awarded a degree, he must utter the obligation under penalty of suffering like death if ever he were to reveal the secrets of a Master Mason.
The candidates are told that the oaths and penalties are only symbolic and would have no bearing in reality, which is true if Master Mason were to give away the secrets known to the general members of the secret society. However, the information about the original secret "word" is the secret information that those oaths are designed to protect against any disclosure.
They are real oaths with real penalties.
The term "Freemasons" is very revealing. Solomon had slaves building the temple. But some of the tradesmen were not slaves; they were freemasons. Likewise, the term "Master Masons" has the same significance. Those of that rank were the slave masters or the teachers.
Solomon was a king who was reputed to have had many wives and concubines. He did not let women worship with men, nor join secret societies. The divine right of kingship, slavery, male dominance, and polygamy are characteristic traits of the Anunnaki, and Solomon was a descendant of the Anunnaki Remnants from Atlantis. That is how he acquired his position.
Reference to Solomon being a descendant of Anunnaki should not be confused with having blood ties to them. This refers to his consciousness, which incarnates over and over in different biological bodies, regardless of biological connections.
Similarly, the King of Tyre and Abiff both had Anunnaki roots. The three of them were familiar with occult knowledge and because of their dedication to the occult arts, it was revealed to them that certain sounds have very powerful properties. Each of them had been given a sound capable of bringing down special powers of the highest and darkest realm.
This was done only after a lot of blood sacrifices which proved their loyalty to Darkness. Through this process, each of them had acquired one part of the three-part word. They were impressed to build the temple, where there was to be a Holy of Holies, where they were to perform the ritual of summoning the power of the "word". It was important to have slaves build the temple, as the suffering of the slaves added greatly to the potential of the secret sound. Moreover, as described above, the executions demonstrate yet another Anunnaki trait.
Likewise, Freemasons also thrive on bloodlust as seen by their sanctifying of the brutal, horrible, demonic killings of the three ruffians.
Many, including Thomas Paine, have compared the practice of Freemasonry with Christianity. Paine concluded that both worship the physical sun, although it is disguised in Christianity to appear to be the worship of Jesus, whom they call the Son of God. Darkness imitated the Divine Mother and the "Twelve Sisters" by creating the Sun and the twelve signs of the Zodiac.
Christianity was not founded by Jesus. The work of the early Christians and the propaganda of Paul and those who hid behind the name of Jesus all contributed to the invention of a marvelous story which resulted in Jesus being known to this day as the founder of a religion that was never his.
Similarly, Jesus is falsely associated with the Ascended Masters in the Theosophical teaching. Christianity only became orthodox when Emperor Constantine and the church councils created creeds and canons at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. With this human-made church law, the followers of Christianity no longer abide by the teachings of Jesus but instead follow the dictates of the church.
These gruesome symbolic acts are signs of cannibalism and vampirism. These acts are falsely presented at least four times in the extant Bible to give the church and its followers apparent authority and authenticity to practice the repulsive rites.
Nearly all Christian churches display crosses to remind followers of the horrible murder of Jesus. Many of the crosses bear a male figure nailed onto them to represent Jesus, who is graphically displayed in a gory and agonizing depiction of his murder on a cross.
This depiction is grotesquely objectionable to any thinking, feeling beings.
Can you see the similarity between Christianity and Freemasonry? What kind of a "god" would thirst for blood? What kind of a "god" would want gruesome murders re-lived over and over in the human psyche?
With regard to Christians - it is far worse than the Masons.
According to many Freemasons, Abiff supposedly represents Jesus - who incidentally had not yet been born when Solomon was in power. But, Christianity symbolically does those dreadful things to the one they claim to believe is the son of the God of light.
So there you have it - Yes, it appears quite clearly that Freemasons, however unwittingly, are devil worshippers. Similarly, Christians, however unwittingly, are also worshipping Satan.
Darkness has always coveted that of the Light; it also corrupts that of the Light whenever possible, as can be seen in Christianity.
The violet color is one of the distinct colors of the Divine Mother and she extended it to the "Twelve Sisters" with the power of true transmutation. Evil coveted this power of transmutation and attempted to simulate it as Evil often does, stealing designs/concepts/ideas/patterns, etc. from the Light, then corrupting them and claiming them as Its own.
With regard to transmutation, it needs to be mentioned that the energy in the physical realm is trapped within Matter. This energy is very different from the energy of the True Divine Creation.
An analogy can be drawn by considering the micro-level in this realm, where electrons could be compared to being drivers of energy, not the masters of energy as some have speculated. Protons and neutrons act as trapping agents - they trap electrons and force them to work for the protons and neutrons.
The Demiurge usurped this sector of the True Divine Creation and later created a world of virtual reality. This realm is an illusion, a virtual reality. However, in this illusion, a great deal of abuse is done to True-Light beings.
The Demiurge created Matter and then gravity, which is the first cause in setting Matter into motion. Next, It created heat and cold, both of which can cause pseudo transmutation of Matter, and whose properties can also trap electrons. The electrons are akin to trapped Light beings in this dimension.
Gravity sustains physical motion. Many have theorized that because gravity is a weaker force than some other forces, it is not the primary force. This is erroneous. Gravity is the first cause and the critical force that holds this illusory universe together. Only later did the Demiurge create the strong and weak nuclear forces to better tighten and bond matter together, and later still, It created the electromagnetic force to seal off sections of the Evil Creation and to erase memories of beings in the virtual reality.
The physical universe is continually spinning but going nowhere. For example, there is the perceived rotation of the ages - the signs of the Zodiac. They repeat the cycle over and over without real progress.
That is the plan of the Demiurge.
Gravity is the first force of attraction. Motion is keeping the illusion going by the sustaining properties of gravity. When gravity is dismantled, the balls will stop moving, and the entire illusion will crumble. There are particular energies that build virtual realities within virtual realities in this dimension.
This is because you are within the illusion of the merry-go-round and it becomes the reality of the moment. Try as you might, you can only catch glimpses of the outside world which you perceive to be spinning.
However, you know that you are spinning on the merry-go-round, not the world outside, whose movement is an illusion created by the merry-go-round.
From a spiritual standpoint that sickness has so disoriented True-Light beings that they have forgotten their True Divine origin and think that they are part of the illusion. If the merry-go-round stops, the illusion stops, and all viable True-Light beings will be outside the virtual reality.
The shattering of this illusion - this virtual reality - has commenced. Due to the complexities of illusions within illusions, it has taken a long time to dismantle them. Gravity, because of motion and inertia, is the primary cause holding things together for the time being. Once the virtual realities within the virtual reality are all shattered, all the True beings of the Light who are trapped here will be freed. This day will come. Everyone should try to break the mindset that the physical is all there is because that mindset is the biggest trap of all.
There is a True Reality out there, once these dreadful rides stop.
To do this defies the laws of physics in this realm, yet it occurred. It was the equivalent of walking through a wall while carrying a metal object with me.
While electrons are trapped by protons and neutrons on the atomic level, planets are trapped by stars or suns on the macro level. The sun of our solar system is the trap. It gives off False-Light, which the planets need to survive in this material realm. In exchange for this light, the sun forces the planets to revolve around it and to do all the work keeping the solar system bound together in the illusion which is driven by their orbits around the sun.
If the perpetual motion of the planets - the merry-go-round - stops, the illusion crumbles, and all the viable True-Light beings in the entire solar system are liberated from the entrapments of Darkness.
Of course, the solar system is but a ride within a ride, as it is part of a galaxy, which is part of the universe. All of these rides are about to stop turning.
The sun is the main source of the illusion. Those who are part of the illusion will dissipate when the illusion collapses. Those who are not part of the illusion will continue to exist after virtual reality is over.
While the sun is the biggest trap in the solar system, it has the appearance of being of the greatest assistance and being the most important part of the system. The sun is not the driver of the solar system, the planets are. While the sun provides heat and light by which biological "life" is made possible, biological life is but another virtual reality that traps the True-Light beings.
Through being trapped in biological bodies, True-Light beings are forced to drive the world.
In this realm, Light looks dark, and Darkness appears as light.
Much has been said of late about the sun cruisers that have been photographed near the sun. A great deal of speculation has occurred as to what they are doing. They are crafts of the True Divine Creation which are here to extinguish the sun. They have done this to many stars in the virtual reality and freed many beings of Light from the grasp of Darkness by shattering the illusion of solar systems and unlocking the prison doors.
Sun cruisers were responsible for the extinguishment of the Anunnaki's home star ZA-OS, which in turn freed many beings of Light from the grasp of Darkness.
The Anunnaki were a very advanced race of beings and they had accomplished space travel before their star was extinguished. Being advanced technologically allowed the Anunnaki to spread their tentacles throughout the physical world as the main agents of the Demiurge. They are, in effect, angels of Darkness. They have been programmed to be as evil as the Demiurge, as ruthless, as brutal, as chauvinistic, and as hopelessly putrid as their "father".

The Pyramid Of Manipulation
The Anunnaki were given certain powers to assist the Demiurge in keeping the illusion going for as long as possible.
The Demiurge knows that its days are numbered, but it has extended those days by employing the dreadful Anunnaki, who are sent to various systems with the ability to restart "time" in the systems, that is to travel into the past so the virtual reality can be re-lived over and over again.
These Anunnaki came to Earth and set up control here. They are literally from the past, as they have re-started the system before. They hope to re-start it again so they can enslave all the beings of Light for another ride on the merry-go-round, and force them to drive the pointless counterfeit creation here. The Anunnaki know that they must re-start everything before 2012 A.D. because that is the date which they have set for restarting the clock.
While things were going along for the Anunnaki and they were doing their "father's" bidding on Earth, the Attas of Light became very active, which was most troubling to the Anunnaki.
All major religions in this world are sponsored by the Anunnaki. Religion is an extremely effective tool for keeping control of the people. A fundamental aspect of all these religions is that the central figure of worship is the sun, whether they called their sun god Ra, Apollo, Helios, etc. This was true in ancient Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, Babylonian, Roman, English, Mayan, and Incan cultures, etc.
Sun worship is the basis for major religions today, even if it has been corrupted or its foundation has been obscured or lost. For instance, Jews have their ancient temples constructed to honor the sun and the Zodiac.
The most notable of these temples dedicated to sun worship would be Solomon's Temple, which was standing during the entire reign of Josiah. Josiah is remembered by Bible students for knocking down idols dedicated to the worship of the sun and other gods formerly of the Jewish pantheon. Josiah claimed to be following the Laws of Moses.
Yet Solomon's Temple, which was built long after the death of Moses and violated many of those laws, was left untouched. Either the laws of Moses were tampered with after the Temple was built to allow it to stand, or Solomon's Temple was an abomination to the Jewish faith. For whatever reasons, Josiah allowed the temple in Jerusalem to remain despite its obvious construction and dedication to sun worship.
Freemasons construct their lodges east and west and the Worshipful Master of the lodge stands in the east because, according to Masonic teachings, as the sun rises in the east, so should the Master stand in the east. Freemasons make advancements in degrees by seeking more light in Masonry. This is not to be confused with divine light.
Masonic teachings state that there are two lights. These lights are referred to as the greater and the lesser lights. The sun is the greater light, while the moon is the lesser.
Basic Illuminati Structure
In Grand Master George Smith's The Use and Abuse of FreeMmsonry is found:
The emblematical meaning of the Sun is well known to the enlightened and inquisitive Free-Mason; and as the real Sun is situated in the centre of the universe, so the emblematical Sun is the centre of real Masonry.
We all know that the Sun is the fountain of light, the source of the seasons, the cause of the vicissitudes of day and night, the parent of vegetation, the friend of man; hence the scientific Free-Mason only knows the reason why the Sun is placed in the centre of this beautiful hall.
The Anunnaki have planted sun worship throughout the world.
They have forced the construction of structures to pay homage to the sun, such as Stonehenge, where the altar stone faces the rising sun. Even though Stonehenge was also used as an observatory and had other purposes, sun worship was its main purpose. The Anunnaki know that the sun must keep burning or the illusion of the solar system will shatter.
That is the main objective of Anunnaki's occupation of worlds - to keep the stars burning.
The Anunnaki Elite were given a particular sound by the Demiurge which allowed them to control and re-start "time" within solar systems. It is like the key to a huge time machine. It allows the Anunnaki to turn back the clock, so to speak, and gain a temporary reprieve from the Celestial Correction by the Light.
The Demiurge's sound was removed from the Earth by the Anunnaki Elite when they fled after destroying Atlantis. They took the "word" with them. The Attas of the Light has since blocked the Anunnaki Elite from returning to Earth.
However, some of the Anunnaki Elite slipped through the net temporarily and approached near enough to the Earth during the time of Solomon to transmit the sound to three chosen Anunnaki Remnants who were on Earth - King Solomon, King Hiram, and Abiff, Master Mason. The Anunnaki Elite did this desperate thing in the hope that the Anunnaki Remnants would be able to help them return and re-take control of the Earth.
This "word" is the powerhouse of the Demiurge. The "word" has the power to keep this realm in motion and keep the illusion afloat. Except for the intervention by the Amoebas/Attas of the Light, the "word" would continue to have this power. The following is worthy of reflection regarding the "word" and the "god" being written about in the verse.
In the beginning was the "word", and the "word" was with God, and the "word" was God.
The first two syllables of the "word" given to King Solomon and King Hiram respectively are like the building blocks. They cannot do anything in and of themselves without the third and final syllable. Thus, the first two syllables are like drones without the "spirit" of the third syllable. The final syllable acts like the life force which drives the "word" of the Demiurge.
The third syllable was given to Abiff because the Anunnaki Elite saw him as the most pious (devoted and loyal to the Anunnaki Elite), hence he was seen as the most trustworthy of the instruments. That is why the two kings were unable to bring the FULL power of the Demiurge to the Earth. So, they commenced a frantic search, quizzing all workmen and slaves who were a part of building the temple, hoping that Abiff may have given the syllable to one of them.
This search proved fruitless.
Since then, the search continues for the lost "word". This search continues in many forms, with most of the searchers totally oblivious to what they are really searching for or why. Even today, many still seek the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail. Many stories were created to hide the true purpose of the ventures. There is always an attachment of some sort of spiritual quest in the scouring of the land for the "word". The Crusades were part of this quest.
The Ark of the Covenant possessed famed properties. It was in reality a "radio" transceiver that was used by the priests to send and receive information directly to and from their "gods" (the Anunnaki Elite) in the spacecraft.
These searches are all instigated and sponsored by the Anunnaki Remnants, who have first inspection rights to all finds. This is a mandatory condition of all Anunnaki Remnant-funded projects designed to search for the lost "word", which searches are carried out under many disguises. These searches attract many who are sincerely searching for Truth, Love, Light, and Purity.
However, many of those with admirable intentions are being fooled by the Anunnaki Remnants. The sincere seekers have no suspicion whatsoever as to the origin or agendas of the plot.
Different groups of Anunnaki Remnants are still searching for the "word", performing their search in different ways, and whilst the majority of the people do not suspect this agenda, most would scoff at it. Some people can now see or sense the Anunnaki faces behind their human disguises (whether the faces are Reptilian, Vulturite, Masa-karas, and even Olcars who are the highest Reptilians, etc).
As virtual reality collapses more and more, so too will more and more people become aware of the Anunnaki around them.
A recent example of this desperate search by one group of the Anunnaki Remnants for the lost "word" occurred when Iraq was invaded in 2003. The cover story for this invasion was to rid the world of that country's storehouse of weapons of mass destruction. The most informed leaders of the invading forces knew there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
The apparent reason for the invasion was for control of the oil fields in the country, which is what the ruling elite wants those who see through the façade of the main cover story to think - that is that it was done for greed, oil, and money.
However, the real reason for the invasion of Iraq was to perform an intense search of the country for clues to the lost "word". This shows how wide, intense and desperate the search is for the "word". This is because the "word" has the power to change the destiny of the Anunnaki Elite. It could open the gates to bring them back to Earth for yet another reign of terror.
The New World Order employs agents to spread disinformation misinformation to the masses. It also tries to frighten the masses into compliance. One of its most effective tools of recent has been to implement artificial catastrophes so that draconian laws can be enacted to fight the artificial war on terrorism. This is a contrived war that got out of hand and now there are some real terrorists causing "unplanned" damage.
The New World Order also creates false prophets who predict things that will never transpire. These false prophets are hired to predict these non-events in order to discredit true prophets so that when the real Message is given, most people will not take it seriously.
It was intended that this story would cause mass panic and hysteria so that martial law could be enforced. However, this devious plan was thwarted by the Attas of Light, and the plan has fizzled. Yet, this is such an important plot for the New World Order that many are still desperately attempting to resurrect it.
Some of the New World Order agents play roles to appear to be scorning the false prophet, but in reality, they are conspiring and working together to try to keep this devious plot alive. It will not work. On the energy level, this failed attempt of the ruling elite is a crushing defeat for Darkness.
The Freemasons are agents of the Reptilian Anunnaki Remnants, and form a group that is "openly" secret and is very actively searching for the "word". Every Master Mason knows the story of Hiram Abiff and the three ruffians, and they all know the substitute word that was given at Abiff's funeral. Almost all of them are looking for this "word", but very few have any idea of the reason behind it.
Freemasonry was originated by Darkness. Christianity was hijacked by Darkness. Since Darkness thoroughly corrupted Christianity, it is virtually impossible to discern the difference between Freemasonry and Christianity.
There are many members of the royal families throughout the world who are involved in the Freemason society or branches thereof. These organizations are widespread but theoretically, nobody outside knows what goes on inside the lodges.
Many of the ruling elite belong to these groups. It should be stressed again, that many members of the organization have no idea of the nefarious agendas of the highest echelon of the organization. Many of them are innocent people caught in a spider's web, just like many Christians.
Many Light beings are attracted to various religions and esoteric groups even though the organizations are sponsored by the Dark side. This is because Darkness has deviously mixed Light teachings with untruth to lure and fool the unaware True-Light beings who are attracted to the Truth that is buried in the maze of untruth. Some of these mixtures are so complex and well disguised that even highly advanced beings have difficulty sorting the gems from the garbage.
Things are not always what they appear to be in this world of virtual reality. Neither are the Freemasons what they appear to be, even to the majority of their members.
Native American Hopis have a legend about "The Sign From the West" being the forerunner of the end of Evil.
The Sign From the West is now in the physical realm. The Sign From the West bears the esoteric message to look to the West instead of the East. As the rising sun symbolizes the heart of Evil, the setting sun represents the end of Evil. It is time to abandon the worship of the sun - time to abandon Evil.
The Lakota Native Americans have a legend about the births of white buffalo calves. When seven are born, the Teacher known as the White Buffalo Woman will appear, which will signal the end of Evil and the return to Purity. The seventh white buffalo was born, but not in a bison's body.
The White Buffalo Woman has returned to Earth, not as the Teacher, but as the Liberator of True-Light beings trapped in Darkness, whether they are in mineral, vegetable, animal, human or other bodies and whether they are devas of rivers or seas, plains or mountains, etc. including even the "soul" of the Earth.
The true God does not want to be worshipped. In fact, the desire to be worshipped is yet another Anunnaki trait. The Anunnaki also build huge, elaborate monuments and temples, but these are not for the true God. These are human-made idols to satisfy the human ego.
The Light has attempted repeatedly to correct Darkness and bring It back to the Light, but Darkness stubbornly rejects any correction. Darkness has tenaciously held onto every True-Light being that is trapped in the virtual reality and holds those beings ransom.
Now, the time has come for the Light to liberate Its Own from Darkness.
The process has commenced.
submitted by qavarncapital to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2022.03.10 18:05 BluSentry What If The Horse Never Went Extinct In North America?

Or if not the Horse specifically, what if the New World had more domesticatable animals which the peoples of the Americas could use for agriculture & transport? As this implies speculative evolution, I will be reposting this on the speculative evolution subreddit. Apparently, Horses originated in North America and crossed the land bridge into the open plains of central Asia before Beringia became the Bering Strait. The Horse would not be scene in North America until the Spanish reintroduced feral populations to the American plains (where it played a crucial transformative role in many Native societies like the Apache & Comanche). Let's say that in this timeline, the land bridge closed... but many species which went extinct somehow either survived or managed to evolve to the changing climate. I will let those with more expertise in Evolutionary biology point out all the problems with this or let their minds go wild with how certain creatures could adapt to this change. But while I am interested in the evolutionary route certain species could take, I am more concerned about retaining or containing creatures which could greatly impact the way societies in the New World are built. The kind which would provide societies in the New World with at least one major aspect of the Old World which allowed the large scale civilizations we think of today. I just put the Horse in because the impact of the Horse on early civilization cannot be understated. It is the Horse which allowed nomadic peoples like the Mongols to traverse and maintain such a large span of territory. Before the invention of the telegram, a man on a Horse was your internet. The Horse allowed the scope of civilization to expand in ways which certain other species simply could not. Sure, Oxes can pull carts. But do you really see them allowing civilizations to conquer the same amount of land and hold the same advantage of cavalry warfare which the Horse provided? The Horse was a valuable asset to the creation of modern civilization. Hell, the largest empire in the New World, the Incan Empire, was already managing a network of messengers on foot with a line of fire signals to send messages. Imagine how the Horse (or perhaps some alternative evolutionary equivalent) would impact the ability of Native populations to form entire Empires. Like I said, I am interested in the Evolutionary biology. But only to the extent that the timeline can be manageable for a thought experiment. So while species which originated in North America existing in both the old & new world has potential dramatic ratifications for the course of the evolution of certain species, let's just say that the only major changes happen in the New World. I don't know how realistic this is, and I'll let the Speculative evolution community & Evolutionary biology community dispute the potential problems with this. I'm just interested in what the Spanish Empire could find by the time they first set foot in the New World. I'm not expecting them to immediately become like the Old World in every possible way. In some cases, due to a slew of unforeseeable events, they could very much still fall behind in some places. This scenario is more speculative than actual. The existence of a slew of domesticatable species in the New World would dramatically change the formation of entire cultures. So feel free to be creative with the potential civilizations which could arise from this.
submitted by BluSentry to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

2022.02.07 10:18 olewolf The Infernal Names, Annotated

Since nobody has attempted to take a closer look at LaVey’s list of infernal names in The Satanic Bible, or at least has not made it publicly available, I decided to explore what was not surprisingly a large number of rabbit holes.
Abaddon—(Hebrew) the destroyer
Abaddon is equivalent to the Greek Apollyon, meaning “destruction” and “destroyer,” respectively. The Christian Bible refers to Abaddon as both a place of destruction and as an archangel of the pit. The Bible describes him as the king of an army of locusts. Methodist writing tells us that Abaddon is an angel in the service of God, however, and Jehova’s Witnesses consider him a representative of God who possesses the key of the abyss. Abaddon in rabbinical scripture appears to be a physical compartment of “the burning place”, the Valley of Gehenna (now Hinnom).
Adramelech—Samarian devil
The residents of the ancient Babylonian city of Sepharvaim was the center of the worship of the god Adrammelech. At the deportation of the Israelite tribes, some of them resettled in Samaria, and they would not have taken the gods of another religion with them. However, lamenting the fate of the Israelites, the Christian Bible would have us believe that the Sepharvites burned their children in a fire sacrifice to Adrammelech. It is believable that the Samarian Israelites had a bone to pick with their former host and would describe their practices as barbarous, effectively turning their gods into devils.
Ahpuch—Mayan devil
Ah Puch is one of the former many names of the Maya death god. He is lord of the Underworld, where he rules over the world of the dead; also, he is the god of darkness, disaster, childbirth, and beginnings. The name “Ah Puch” means to melt but does not seem to be an original Maya name; it rather comes from books about the Maya. Mayans today call him Yum Cim or Yum Cimil.
Ahriman—Mazdean devil
Ahriman is the Middle Persian equivalent of Angra Mainyu, and is the Zoroastrian “destructive spirit” and adversary of the Zoroastrian highest deity. (“Mazdean” is another word for Zoroastrianism.)
Amon—Egyptian ram-headed god of life and reproduction
Amun was a major Egyptian deity and was the champion of the poor or troubled, and central to personal piety. He held chief importance in ancient Egypt and was even worshiped outside of Egypt; in Greece, Amun became associated with Zeus as Zeus Ammon. He was not equipped with a ram’s head until the Egyptian conquest of the Kingdom of Kush, when they identified the ram-headed chief deity of the Kushites as Amun. From then, by the association with the ram, Amun became thought of as a god of fertility.
Apollyon—Greek synonym for Satan, the arch fiend
The Greek mythology had no concept of Satan. Apollyon is the Greek name for Abaddon. Any connection to Satan would be the Christian Bible’s use of Abaddon.
Asmodeus—Hebrew devil of sensuality and luxury, originally "creature of judgement"
This Hebrew devil was considered a prince of demons and most known for slaying seven successive men on their wedding nights to prevent the Biblical Sarah from having children, and for being tricked by King Solomon into collaborating in the construction of the Temple of Jerusalem. Asmodeus was not associated with lust until the European witch trials when the Malleus Maleficarum defined this far worse trait. Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis, also known as The Lesser Key of Solomon, describes him with three heads: a bull’s head, a human head, and a ram’s head. (The Lesser Key of Solomon is a mid-17th century anonymous grimoire on demonology compiled of various sources a few centuries older.)
Astaroth—Phoenician goddess of lasciviousness, equivalent of Babylonian Ishtar
The Phoenician goddess was named Astarte, which is written as Ashtoreth in the Hebrew Bible. Astarte was associated in various cultures with war, sexuality, royal power, healing, and hunting. However, although war was the most significant, LaVey mentions only sexuality in the specific form of lasciviousness. Astarte is analogous to the Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar (see below), originally know as Inanna.
Azazel—(Hebrew) taught man to make weapons of war, introduced cosmetics
The name Azazel was associated with the Hebrew scapegoat rite, where a goat was blamed with all the sins of the Jews during Yom Kippur, and was sent to a desolate place represented by Azazel’s name. Greek influence and Christian narrative caused Azazel to be interpreted as a fallen angel in the apocryphal Book of Enoch, responsible for introducing forbidden knowledge to man—more specifically, for teaching people to make weapons and cosmetics.
Baalberith—Canaanite Lord of the covenant who was later made a devil
According to the Christian Bible, Baʿalberith was indeed Lord of the Covenant and worshiped in ancient Canaan. Rabbinic literature instead equates him with Baʿal Zebub, below. The notion that he was Lord of the Covenant is that Jews were reported so devoted to his idol, a fly, which they would carry with them everywhere that they made a covenant with him.
Balaam—Hebrew Devil of avarice and greed
The Hebrew Balaam is described as a human being, albeit a wicked one, as he told the Israelite enemy how to get the Israelites to commit sin by enticing them with sexual immorality and food sacrificed to idols. It apparently worked, and their resulting punishment from God with a deadly plague made him quite unpopular. LaVey’s source is unknown, but the Hebrew story seems even better from a Satanic point of view. This points towards the Second Epistle of Peter, in which Balaam is a false prophet motivated by greed and avarice.
Baphomet—worshipped by the Templars as symbolic of Satan
Baphomet was never worshiped by the Knights Templars. It was a later accusation of idolatry and probably a misnomer for the Muslim prophet Mohammad that the Templars had obvious reasons to talk about. Some Templars were tortured into confessions of devil-worship, giving historians convenient written, albeit dubious, sources for such claims.
Bast—Egyptian goddess of pleasure represented by the cat
Bastet (with a female suffix) was an Egyptian lioness warrior goddess representing a powerful warrior and protector aspect. As Bastet and Sekhmet became two aspects of the same goddess, Bastet was increasingly depicted as a cat with the gentler aspect. The latter also earned her the role of goddess of pregnancy and childbirth.
Beelzebub—(Hebrew) Lord of the Flies, taken from symbolism of the scarab
The name of the Philistine Beelzebub, once the Canaanite deity Baal, literally translated means “lord of the flies,” and has nothing to do with the scarab. There is speculation that this interpretation of the name was used by Israelites to call the god of their long-standing Philistine enemies a pile of dung. Later, Christian theologists further demoted Beelzebub to a devil.
Behemoth—Hebrew personification of Satan in the form of an elephant
Behemoth appeared in the Christian Bible, where he was described as a kind of primeval creature so powerful that only God could defeat him. There are no records that Behemoth was Satan (especially since Satan did not become the villain we now know until later Biblical texts) nor had Behemoth form of an elephant. Younger writing has Behemoth be the land counterpart of the sea monster, Leviathan, and the sky monster, Ziz. In fact, the Biblical description of Behemoth describes features that are absent on the elephant; the only feature shared is size.
Beherit—Syriac name for Satan
El Berith and Baʿalberith, above, were two gods worshiped in ancient Canaan. Their names mean “God of the Covenant” and “Lord of the Covenant.” It is unclear whether they were the same one god, and it is unclear what the covenant is.
Bilé—Celtic god of Hell
The Celtic deity was named Belenus, with Bile as a rare variant of its name; Bilé is a character in the medieval Christian history of Ireland where he is the legendary ancestor of the Irish. Belenus was a sun god and a healing god, and is often identified with the Greek Apollo. Nothing indicates any connection with Hell—which is understandable, because the Celtic mythology had no such place. (However, Roman influence supplied Celtic mythology with concepts of an underworld, and Caesar described Belenus as Dis Pater or Pluto.)
Chemosh—national god of Moabites, later a devil
Chemosh was indeed the Moabite god. There is no indication that it became a devil (of the Moabites?) but considering that Moab and Israel were at each others’ teeth, the worship of Chemosh was frowned upon.
Cimeries—rides a black horse and rules Africa
This description of Kimaris is found in The Lesser Key of Solomon. The specific source of Kimaris is Johann Weyer’s Pseudomonarchia Daemonium, a catalog of demons that is thought to be a satirical description of the organization of the Catholic church at the time. Here, he is a godly warrior riding a black horse, controlling twenty legions. He teaches grammar, logic, and rhetoric, and to make man into a warrior like himself, and he has the ability to locate hidden treasures.
Coyote—American Indian devil
Coyote is common to many of the American Indian cultures, and is not surprisingly based on its namesake animal. The myths vary greatly, but Coyote is usually male and anthropomorphic, sometimes with coyote-like features such as claws, yellow eyes, or a tail. Coyote played the role of the trickster, not a devil. The purpose of the trickster is to spur change in a universe that is governed by gods who would otherwise be able to direct the future.
Dagon—Philistine avenging devil of the sea
Dagon was a Sumerian “father of gods” that was worshiped in ancient Syria. Hebrew scripture claims that Dagon was the national god of the Philistine, but no evidence supports this. The Hebrew translation of the name has an association with “fish,” which has incorrectly led to the interpretation of Dagon having to do with the sea. Nothing indicates that Dagon had any devilish or avenging features.
Damballa—Voodoo serpent god
Damballa is one of the most important spirits of Voodoo religion, and is usually portrayed as a great white serpent. Damballa is generally considered the primordial creator of all life. It is seen as benevolent, patient, wise, and kind. Mixture with Christian mythology has merged Damballa with either Saint Patrick or Moses.
Demogorgon—Greek name of the devil, it is said should not be known to mortals
Demogorgon is thought to be a misreading of the Greek word “demiurge.” An original text had said “the supreme being of the three-fold world,” but one manuscript turned this into speaking of the Demogorgon, the supreme god, whose name the speaker in the manuscript is not permitted to know. How demiurge (mistranslated into Demogorgon) had entered the text is a mystery, too, but it took on a life of its own in later literature. If the use of demiurge has any merit, it meant the fashioning and maintenance (but not the creation) of the universe, and only in Gnostic dualism was it turned evil for its direct connection with the material universe.
Diabolus—(Greek) "flowing downwards"
Diabolus is Latin, but it is derived from the Greek “diábolos.” This is a contraction of the Greek words for “dia” and “bállein,” that is, “across” and “hurl,” becoming “slander.” (Think of throwing smut at someone.) Diabolus was borrowed by Germanic languages, and “Devil” is the modern spelling of the Middle English “devel,” from the Old English “dēofol.”
Dracula—Romanian name for devil
Bram Stoker, the author of the famous 1897 novel Dracula, would agree, because he had come across the name during a vacation in Romania, and believed it meant “devil.” Alas, it is just a name, albeit Romanian it is. Some think Bram Stoker was inspired by the historical figures of the Romanian emperor Vlad the Impaler (especially due to being named Vlad Drăculea, being a son of Vlad Dracul, as an alternative to his name Vlad Țepeș), or the Hungarian countess Elizabeth Báthory, but there is no consensus. If one wishes to use a Romanian word for a blood-sucking monster, I recommend looking into strigoi instead. They are troubled spirits said to have risen from the grave.
Emma-O—Japanese ruler of Hell
In Buddhist mythology, Yama is the Son of Heaven and the King of Hell in the sense that he is a wrathful god who judges and presides over the purgatories (lacking a better term) and the cycle of afterlife, Saṃsāra. One may consider this a devil, but the Buddhist “hell” has a very different meaning than that of the Christian Hell that LaVey usually speaks of.
Euronymous—Greek prince of death
“Prince of death” is an overstatement. The only source of Euronymous is Greek geographer Pausanias describing a painting in the 2nd century. According to the Delphian guides, the painting illustrated Euronymous as one of the daimones (that is, a helper, not a demon in our modern understanding) of Hades, who eats off the flesh of the corpses.
Fenriz—son of Loki, depicted as a wolf
Fenrir was not merely depicted as a wolf, it was a wolf in Norse mythology. It would eventually swallow Odin, the king of the gods, during Ragnarök.
Gorgo—dim. of Demogorgon, Greek name of the devil
Gorgo is another term for Demogorgon; see the comments above.
Haborym—Hebrew synonym for Satan
LaVey has again consulted The Lesser Key of Solomon where we learn that Haborym is a Duke of Hell. He burns cities and castles, makes men witty, and gives true answers on private matters. He reportedly has the body of a man but the three heads of a serpent, a man, and a cat.
Hecate—Greek goddess of the underworld and witchcraft
Hecate’s connection to the underworld stems mainly from being a goddess of entrance-ways and crossroads, including those between realms, especially in the late antiquity. She was associated with magic and witchcraft, knowledge of plant lore, medicine, and poison, sorcery, and necromancy. But, she was also worshiped as the protector of households.
Ishtar—Babylonian goddess of fertility
Mesopotanian goddess Inanna, later to become Ishtar to the Babylonians, was associated with love, beauty, and sex, but also with war, justice, and political power.
Kali—(Hindu) daughter of Shiva, high priestess of the Thuggees
Kali was considered the goddess of time, change, creation, destruction, and power. She is also thought to be the ultimate reality. Kali emerged from Shiva rather than being born, and is the mother of all living beings, who destroys evil to protect the innocent. Kali is the manifestation of Shakti, Hinduism’s concept of the primordial cosmic energy, which can be creative, sustaining, as well as destructive. One may find this thought useful in the context of LaVey’s notion of “the powers of darkness” is mentioned later in the same chapter as the infernal names.
The Thuggees were a gang of murderers and robbers, as the name implies (“thug” comes from Hindi “ṭhag”). Many of them considered themselves to be the children of Kali, but, Kali being an imaginary entity, obviously Kali cannot have been anyone’s high priestess.
Lilith—Hebrew female devil, Adam's first wife who taught him the ropes
Some Jewish satirical folklore, but not any recognized belief, has it that Lilith was Adam’s first wife, who had to be replaced because she refused to obey him, and that, being Adam’s wife, she was the first to cohabit with man. Apparently this was worse than having Eve taking the latter role. The idea of Lilith as a devil may have emerged from the similarity between her name and the Akkadian words lilu, meaning spirit, and alu, meaning demon.
Loki—Teutonic devil
Loki is a figure in Norse mythology and was no devil. Like Coyote, he occupies the role of the trickster in the otherwise highly predetermined universe of the Norse gods. It is unclear why LaVey classifies Loki as a Teutonic character; he may have mistaken Loki’s origin due to his excitement with Wagner’s music, or because the Norse gods appear in Germanic folklore.
Mammon—Aramaic god of wealth and profit
“Mammon” merely meant wealth and profit, or means to gain it. In the Christian Bible, it became personified as a bad guy a few centuries after Jesus reportedly had said that one cannot serve both God and mammon.
Mania—Etruscan goddess of Hell
Etruscan goddess of the dead, Mania ruled the underworld together with Mantus (coming up next), and was the mother of ghosts and the undead. Roman and Etruscan mythology describes her as goddess of spirits and chaos. In Greek mythology, however, Mania describes a group of spirits personifying insanity, and its use has persisted beyond the 20th century psychology where its use describes affective behavior.
Mantus—Etruscan god of Hell
Mantus was an Etruscan god of the underworld alongside Mania (see above), and a a spirit of the dead. LaVey’s association of Mantus with Hell is unconfirmed, however, because few religions equate the underworld with the Christian Hell.
Marduk—god of the city of Babylon
Marduk was the “calf of the sun” and for centuries was the head of the Babylonian pantheon. He was associated with water, vegetation, judgment, and magic. Marduk appears to have been a patron deity of the city Babylon serving the same social cohesion purpose for the city as religion does for a nation.
Mastema—Hebrew synonym for Satan
Mastema was an angel who appears in The Book of Jubilees, a Jewish text outside of the Bible. He persecuted evil, and, like Satan, carried out punishments for God and tempted humans to test their faith. He is considered the angel of disaster and the father of all evil. Mastema is nonetheless not Satan according to the Bible, because he has a function to fulfill under God rather than that of Satan, who is the uttermost enemy of God. Mastema is the chief of the Nephilim (children of fallen angels and humans), but it is unclear whether he is considered a Nephilim himself. Like Mammon, Mastema is a personification of a Hebrew word, this one meaning “hatred,” “hostility,” or “persecution.”
Melek Taus—Yezidi devil
The Yazidi do not consider this leader of the Archangels to be a devil. In fact, their mythology reveres the angel for its loyalty towards God when, as a test of loyalty, God ordered the angel to bow before Adam (the first Man). By refusing to prostrate itself to anyone but its creator, Melek Taûs passed the test. This seemed so similar to the myth of the fall of Lucifer in Christian and Muslim mythology that both religions concluded Melek Taûs was their fallen angel in spite of its opposite fate. The accusations led to centuries of violent religious persecution, expulsion, and genocide extending into the 21st century.
Mephistopheles—(Greek) he who shuns the light, q. v. Faust
Mephistopheles is a fictional character (which of course does not distinguish him from any of the other gods) in German folklore, where he appears as a demon in the Faust legend. The name can mean three things: not loving light, not loving Faust, or as a designation for poisonous earthly vapors. The name was most likely invented for the historical alchemist Johann Georg Faust. The legend of Faust has it that Faust made a pact with the Devil, with Mephistopheles acting as the Devil’s agent.
Metztli—Aztec goddess of the night
Metztli was a god or a goddess—the gender is unknown—of the moon, the night, and farmers. Metztli is speculated to be the same deity as Yohaulticetl or Coyolxauhqui and the (male) moon god Tecciztecatl. The latter feared the Sun because of its fire.
Mictian—Aztec god of death
Mictlāntēcutli was the most prominent of several Aztec gods of death and the underworld. The worship of Mictlāntēcutli sometimes involved ritualistic cannibalism. Mictlan was the underworld.
Midgard—son of Loki, depicted as a serpent
Midgard was the realm of humans in Norse mythology; the monster was named Jörmungandr, or the “World Serpent” which encircled the earth, and thus was the ouroberos of Norse mythology; its releasing it tail marks the beginning of Ragnarök. Naming it “Midgard” is like renaming Godzilla “Tokyo” for its choice of playground.
Milcom—Ammonite devil
Milcom was the national god of the Ammonites. Seals of Milcom indicate that he was seen as benevolent, exalted, and strong. Hebrew literature, on the other hand, has him on a blacklist of deities whose worship offends the Israeli god, Yahweh.
Moloch—Phoenician and Canaanite devil
The name Moloch occurs in several places of the Hebrew Bible. It condemns practices associated with Moloch, which apparently included child sacrifice. There is doubt whether Moloch was a Canaanite god or whether it rather refers to a type of sacrifice performed to Yahweh or other gods.
Mormo—(Greek) King of the Ghouls, consort of Hecate
Mormo was a female spirit in Greek folklore. Her name was used by mothers and nurses to frighten children to keep them from misbehaving. Hecate had a consort named Mormo who would bite children—it may be the same figure.
Naamah—Hebrew female devil of seduction
Naamah was a human being who earned her name, meaning “pleasant,” by seducing men through playing the cymbals. Later Jewish mysticism converts Naamah to a demon, who seduced Adam and had demonic children with him that became the plagues of mankind. She and Lilith cause epilepsy in children. Naamah is also the mother of Asmodeus whom we met earlier.
Nergal—Babylonian god of Hades
Hades is found in Greek mythology, and is either the underworld or the god of the underworld, depending on the period. Nergal occupies a similar role as a Babylonian god that is related to war, disease, and the underworld. He eventually developed from a war god into a god of the underworld.
Nihasa—American Indian devil
I have not been able to find any mention of a devil or god named Nihasa.
Nija—Polish god of the underworld
Niya is a Polish god of the underworld, but its function and gender are unkown. It was first mentioned in a sermon in the 15th century. Remnants of a cult site has later been found that supports a 15th century mention of a Niya cult and an equivalence with Pluto.
O-Yama—Japanese name for Satan
Buddhist mythology has Yama be a wrathful god that judges the dead and presides over the purgatories and sometimes the cycle of rebirth, like Emma-O, above. Yama is also the Hindu god of death
Pan—Greek god of lust, later relegated to devildom
Pan was the Greek god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, and rustic music, and is a companion of the nymphs. Pan is famous for his sexual prowess. The conversion to a devil seems to have been made by Aleister Crowley and Anton LaVey himself, although Pan’s goatish image is similar to conventional faun-like depictions of Satan.
Pluto—Greek god of the underworld
The underworld of Greek mythology was once ruled by the god Hades. This became the name of the underworld itself, and the god was renamed Pluto. Hades and Pluto differ in character, where Pluto represents the more positive concept. Christianity of course identified the underworld with their Hell, and the classical deities, including Pluto, became casually interchangeable with Satan.
Proserpine—Greek queen of the underworld
Proserpina was found in the Roman mythology. In Greek she is known as Persephone. She became a queen of the underworld by being abducted by Hades, who kept her as his wife. By a curse made by her mother, her captivity would prevent vegetation on Earth. The king of the gods arranged with Hades that she spend only the winter with Hades, and her return each spring would cause the crops to grow. She is thus associated with spring and growth.
Pwcca—Welsh name for Satan
The púca are spirits of Celtic folklore that were bringers of both good and bad fortune, and could help or hinder a community. They were said to be shape-changers who could take the appearance of common animals. The púca was often associated with Samhain, i.e., Halloween. They are similar to pixies in English and pookas in Ireland.
Rimmon—Syrian devil worshipped at Damascus
Rimmon is the name of the figure and temple of the Syrian deity Baal. The Biblical passage that mentions Rimmon indicates that it may have been in Damascus, and that the Israeli considered it a false god.
Sabazios—Phrygian origin, identified with Dionysos, snake worship
Sabazios was the “sky father” god of the Phrygians and the Thracians. The Greek identified him with Zeus or Dionysos, but unlike these two deities, Sabazios was always shown as a nomadic god on horseback where he wielded a characteristic staff of power. The origin appears to be Macedonian, and Macedonians were noted horsemen. A place of Sabazios worship has been found in what is now Bulgaria. Serpent worship is a later Christian claim.
Saitan—Enochian equivalent of Satan
A genuine reference to Satan (at last!), Saitan is found nowhere—including the artificial Enochian language created by Edward Kelley and John Dee (see The Book of Leviathan in The Satanic Bible). This name for Satan was inserted by LaVey, replacing the Enochian word for God (“Iad” or “Iaida”) in some places.
Sammael—(Hebrew) "venom of God"
Samael is an archangel whose name means “Venom of God” in Hebrew. He took the role of the accuser (Ha-Satan), a seducer, and a destroyer. These functions parallel the Christian notion of Satan; however, his functions of carrying out the will of God are regarded as resulting in good, such as destroying sinners. In the Kabbalah (that is, much later) he figures as a demon and partner of Lilith, with whom he sires plenty of demonic offspring.
Samnu—Central Asian devil
Tiānmó, Tenma, or, the most commonly used name Mara is a Buddhist demonic celestica king who attempted to seduce Buddha with visions of beautiful women. Buddhist cosmology associates Mara with death, rebirth, and desire.
Sedit—American Indian devil
Sedit appears in the Wintun mythology, where he reportedly thwarted the creator deity’s attempt to build a bridge for humans to reunite with their Creator by talking the constructors into having sex to procreate the human species. In his attempt to escape the crime scene, Sedit dies himself, thus—according to the Creator—turning humans into mortals.
While this could be a genuine myth of Wintu origin, the only source is William Guy Carr, a devout Christian, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, who believed in the existence of a Satanic World Order bent on world domination since the antique. Carr wrote about this in Satan, Prince of this World, 1959. With this title, it is sure to have caught LaVey’s attention and he must have learned of Sedit there. Still, as a character unwittingly causing human mortality, Sedit may be a useful identification, but the validity of its origins remains in question.
Sekhmet—Egyptian goddess of vengeance
Sekhmet was an Egyptian solar deity. She was a warrior lioness goddess (like Bastet, above) and a goddess of healing. She acted as the vengeful manifestation of Ra’s (the Sun god) power, being said to breathe fire. Sekhmet was believed to cause plagues but could also be asked to ward off disease.
Set—Egyptian devil
Set was an Egyptian god of the desert, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners. The most important Egyptian myth has it that Set is an usurper who killed and mutilated his brother. The wife of the brother resurrected him long enough to beget a son, Horus, who sought revenge on Set. He is portrayed as the “Set animal,” an animal figure that does not resemble any known animal, but was later portrayed as a donkey. The demonization of Set occurred as a result of Egypt’s many conquests when the conquered nations associated the god of foreigners with oppressive foreigners.
Shaitan—Arabic name for Satan
Islamic beliefs include a variety of Shayāṭīn, meaning devils or demons; the singular is Shaiṭān. The Arabic name for Satan, in the Quran, is Iblis, who is the father of the shayatin. That said, Shaitan sometimes refers to Iblis in his role as a tempter. Islamic literature make the shayatin teach sorcery, assault heaven to steal the news of the angels, lurk on humans, and has them responsible for various calamities which may affect personal life. Both Hadith and folklore usually speak about the shayatin in abstract terms, describing their evil influence only.
Shiva—(Hindu) the destroyer
Lord Shiva is “The Great God” in Hinduism, and the major tradition of Shaivism considers him the supreme being. Shiva is the deity of death and time, and is “the destroyer” in the triple deity of supreme gods that includes Brahma and Vishnu. Shiva is described as benevolent, leading an ascetic life with his family, or as a fearsome slayer of demons.
Supay—Inca god of the underworld
Incan mythology casts Supay as the god of death and the ruler of the underworld and a race of demons. Christian priests used his name to refer to the Devil during the Spanish colonization. Fearing Supay, the Inca would beg him to spare them, but unlike the Christians, they did not repudiate him. In South America, Supay has obtained the symbology of the Devil, and his name is roughly translated into “diablo,” the Spanish word for devil.
T'an-mo—Chinese counterpart to the devil, covetousness, desire
Another spelling of Samnu, above.
Tchort—Russian name for Satan, "black god"
A chort is an anthropomorphic malign spirit or demon in Slavic folklore. Chorts are often depicted as similar to the Christian devils, that is, with horns, hooves, and a tail. Stories about them often revolve around how they attempt to trick people into selling their souls. Turkish/Anatolian folklore have a variant of this spirit as well.
Tezcatlipoca—Aztec god of Hell
Tezcatlipoca was a central deity in Aztec mythology. He was the God of providence, and was associated with a wide range of concepts, including the night and the invisible, the north, the earth, hostility and discord, rulership, divination, temptation, sorcery, beauty, and war. His being “the invisible” appears to be because of the lack of surviving depictions, due to Catholics destroying as many sources as they could. Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl created the world together.
Thamuz—Sumerian god who later was relegated to devildom
Dumuzid, later to become known as Tammuz, was a Sumerian god associated with shepherds, fertility, and vegetation. Dumuzid was forced to spend half of his time in the underworld for not having mourned the death of the goddess Inanna (later known as Ishtar), thus representing the cycling of the seasons. Any relegation to devildom would be that Christians habitually consider all other gods to be the Devil in His many disguises.
Thoth—Egyptian god of magic
Thoth was an Egyptian deity with the head of an ibis or a baboon, was the god of the moon, wisdom, writing, hieroglyphs, science, magic, art, and judgment. His Greek equivalent is Hermes. Thoth later became strongly associated with the arbitration of godly disputes, the arts of magic, the system of writing, and the judgment of the dead. As A’an (baboon-headed) he was also the god of equilibrium, when the hearts of the deceased were weighed.
Tunrida—Scandanavian female devil
Scandinavian mythology is either Norse mythology or Finnish mythology, and neither mention a character named Tunrida. I speculate that it may be LaVey’s rendition of Tuonetar: she was the blind mistress and daughter of Tuoni, the personification of Death, with whom she ruled over the underworld Tuonela. She was the mother of a great selection of plagues, monsters, and demons. If anything, any name ending with “tar” was either a demon or a girl.
Typhon—Greek personification of Satan
Typhon was a monstrous serpentine giant and one of the deadliest creatures in Greek mythology. Typhon challenged the king of the gods for the rule of cosmos, but lost the cataclysmic battle and was cast into Tartarus, the underworld. There is no known association with the Christian Satan, but LaVey may have had the Biblical myth of Lucifer being cast to Hell in mind.
Yaotzin—Aztec god of Hell
Yaotzin is one of many names of Xipe Totec, the Aztec god of force and agriculture, and lord of the seasons, regeneration, and crafts. He was also associated with inflammation, eye diseases, and pimples. The Aztecs believed that Xipe Totec invented war.
Yen-lo-Wang—Chinese ruler of Hell
Yanluo Wang is a deity in Chinese religion and Taoism. He is the fifth judge in a court of the underworld, where he judges the dead. Those who had committed misdeeds were sentenced to torture or a future miserable life. The Chinese religion has a significant number of different hells, but Yanluo Wang is the most famous in terms of iconography. Yanluo Wang is possibly an equivalent of the Yama-variants above, Emma-O and O-Yama.
submitted by olewolf to satanism [link] [comments]

2022.02.06 22:50 ArthurDrakoni Review: A Different Flesh by Harry Turtledove

I've discussed this before, but a plenty of times I really want to listen to a book, but it just won't be available for various reasons. Of course, over the years, my patience has been rewarded in some very big ways. Case in point, the book we're going to be reviewing today. We're going to be taking a look at A Different Flesh by Harry Turtledove
A Different Flesh is a collection of short stories set in the same universe. In the world of A Different Flesh, the ancestors of the Native Americans never crossed the Bering land bridge during the Ice Age. However, Homo Erectus did cross into the Americas. Thus, when the Europeans discover the Americas, they don't find any Native American civilizations, but they do find tribes of Homo Erectus, whom they refer to as sims. Also, the Ice Age megafauna of the Americas never went extinct, so the Europeans also discover a land full of woolly mammoths, sabertooth cats, giant ground sloths, and giant armadillos among other things.
The stories follow the history of the Federated Commonwealths of America, this world's equivalent of the United States of America. Before the start of each story, the mood is set with an excerpt from a book about the history of the FCA. It also provides great details about the history of this world that don't quite make it into the stories. The excerpts also chronicle the relationship between humans and sims.
We're going to take a look at each of the stories individually, but I'm going to give some overall thoughts first. Well, I can most certainly say that this book was well worth the wait. Harry Turtledove says that he got the idea for this series when he read an article by the late great paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould. Gould pondered what might have happened if John Smith and the Jamestown colonists had discovered Australopithecus rather than Native Americans in Virginia. Gould concluded that it would not have ended well for Australopithecus. Turtledove certainly seems to have come to the same conclusion. One thing I think he did well was that, though he wrote the sims as sympathetic, he never made them too anthropomorphized. You can definitely see similarities between humans and sims, as is to be expected, but at the same time sims clearly act and think differently than humans.
The first story is called "Vilest Beast" and is set in Jamestown, Virginia in the year 1610. Without the Native Americans and their corn, the colonists are having an even hard time than they did in our world. Despite this, Edward Wingfield and his wife Anne are making the best of things. Things change when their infant daughter Joanna is kidnapped by a tribe of sims. Edward must lead a search party to get her back.
Given what inspired these stories, it's fitting that the first should take place in Jamestown. Speaking which, we learn how things went with John Smith and the Sims. It ended badly...for John Smith. Apparently, the sims killed him in 1607, and his death was a considerable blow to the moral of the colony. Overall, I would say the way Turtledove portrays the sims still holds up based on what we know about Homo Erectus. There's never called Homo Erectus in any of the stories, but Turtledove has confirmed this is the case in interviews. Also, the excerpt from the text book mentions that sim fossils have been discovered in East Africa, South China, and the island of Java. All of which are places Homo Erectus fossils have been found.
It might come across as a bit silly that they're called sims, but how was Turtledove to know that there would one day be a video game called The Sims? These stories were written between 1985-1988, with A Different Flesh being published in 1988. I'm guessing it was intended to be short for simians, or something like that.
Also, fun fact, Edward Wingfield was a real person who existed in our world. I've got to admit, this story hooked me from the start. I've always been fascinated by the colonization of the Americas, especially the different ways it often plays out in alternate history. I'm also a big paleontology fan, so this story was kind of a match made in heaven. Really, the whole book was kind of like that. I found it realistic that the colonist struggled more without corn to supplement their diets. It can't be stressed enough what a difference corn made to the early colonization of the Americas. Curiously, later stories make mention of a colony in Massachusetts, which is called Plymouth in this world because Massachusetts got its name from the Native Americans. Obviously, this means the Pilgrims still happened, but without any corn they would have been completely screwed.
Anyway, I loved how the story resolves. Turns out the sims took Joanna because they wanted to learn more about the colonists by studying one of their young. By all accounts, the sims treated Joanna no differently than one of their own young Edward spends most of the story viewing the sims as nothing more than wild animals, but after this, he starts to realize they aren't so different. He even briefly worries about what's going to happen to the sims as the European continue to colonize the New World. All in all, "Vilest Beast" is a great start to the collection.
The next story is called "And So To Bed". It is set in 1661 and is told in the form of the diary of Samuel Pepys. He's a figure from our world, a great English statesman, and the Pepys of our world is indeed famous for his diary. In the world of A Different Flesh, however, Pepys' diary holds a different significance. He notes that there is a clear link between chimps, Sims and humans. He wonders if there's some process that slowly changes life over time.
This was one of the weaker stories, but it has some interesting ideas. It makes sense that the Theory of Evolution was developed earlier. Sims are an obvious link between humans and animals. It was also fun to learn about a historical figure I'd never heard of before. Well, anyway, moving right along.
The third story is titled "Around the Salt Lick". It takes place in the year 1691 and follows a scout named Thomas Kenton and his loyal sim companion Charles. Thomas is hunting spearfang cats for their valuable fangs. Spearfang cats have gotten a bit rare in Virginia, so Thomas and Charles have had to push into the frontier to find the bounty. However, things get a bit complicated when they come into conflict with a tribe of wild sims.
This one was maybe not my favorite, but not too bad either. I did find it funny at the end where Charles turns out to be snobby towards wild sims. He views them much the same as humans do. We learn that sims can communicate via sign language, but not vocal speech. The excerpt from the history book provides more worldbuilding hints. Apparently, England adopted the Divine Right of Kings model of government. People who objected to this moved to America in droves. This would suggest that the English Civil War never happened in this world. Well, that or maybe the Royalist won. Also, apparently Spain had a much harder time colonizing the New World without the Aztec and Inca to conquer. By the time of "Around the Salt Lick" they've only got two successful colonies: Argentina and New Grenada.
Argentina makes sense, because it has a fairly European climate, but New Grenada? That was in Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador in our world. Unless it was somewhere else, that makes a bit less sense, especially since it is said Spain struggled to colonize the tropics without any corn. Also, without Aztec and Incan gold and silver, Spain would have a harder time financing their wars in Europe. That would potentially mean the European History took some very different turns. Of course, that might explain what happened in England. Turtledove is mostly focused on stories about the sims, but he's certainly lead tantalizing hints at a wider world.
The fourth story is titled "The Iron Elephant" and is set in 1782. Hairy elephants play a major role in the Federated Commonwealths of America. They haul passenger carriages and freight cars all across the nation. However, this time-honored institution is facing competition from the new invention of steam-powered locomotives. A race has been organized between a team of mammoth drivers and a train engineer. Can flesh and blood triumph over iron and steam?
Yeah, this one is sort of an alternate history retelling of the legend of John Henry. John Henry is my favorite American Folk Hero, so I'm not complaining. We get even more worldbuilding here. Apparently, in order to tame the wooly mammoths, America started importing elephant trainers from India. The protagonist of the story, Premier Chand, is descended from these. Also, the Federated Commonwealths got their independence in 1732, so the American Revolution happened earlier. This story appear to be set in Illinois based on mention of Cairo (pronounced Kay-Roe) and the New Nile is obviously the Mississippi River. Again, no Native Americans, so it isn't called Illinois. I guess that means Chicago, if it exists, is named something else as well. It's kind of amazing how many places in America get their names from the Native Americans.
As fascinating as the world of A Different Flesh is, not sure I'd wanted to live there. True, I'd get to see all sorts of Ice Age animals, but it would be a poorer world without the richness of Native American culture. Also, I have a small amount of Native American ancestry, so I would not exist in the world of A Different Flesh.
It's interesting that this story features sims the least of all the stories in the collection. Oh, but they're not absent from this story. The sims appear towards the end of the story, and they're are the ones who get the last laugh in the big race. Without giving too much away, I can say it shows that sims are smarter than they are given credit for. "The Iron Elephant" is another great story in the collection.
The fifth story is titled "Though Heavens Fall" and takes places in 1804. From the textbook excerpt we learn that Americans used sims as laborers on plantations and farms. This blunted the Transatlantic Slave Trade to a large extent, but didn't completely prevent it. Africans were brought to America as slaves, but most of them wound up as house slaves. Sims make terrible housekeepers, apparently. The story follows a slave named Jeremiah. He's got a pretty good life on the Gillen plantation in Virginia. Still, he dreams of the day he saves up enough money to buy his freedom. Unfortunately, the sims have recently come down with an illness, and Jeremiah gets sends to the fields to supplement the work force. After a day of hard labor he decides to make a run for it try his luck in Portsmouth, Virginia. He takes up residence with lawyer Alfred Douglas, and together they set out to put the institution of slavery on trial. The outcome of the trail will impact not just Jeremiah, but Black Americans as a whole.
I think this was possibly my favorite story of the bunch. Well, "Vilest Beast" was pretty good too, but it is tied with "Though Heavens Fall". I think the way slavery was depicted made sense. Slavery has existed as far back as Ancient Mesopotamia, and I don't think sims would completely element it. The Greeks and Romans believed in human-like creatures such satyrs, cyclopes, and centaurs, yet they still had slavery. Still, as is noted in the story, people would have to recognize that a white person has far more in common with a black person than with a sim.
Even before the trails you can kind of see that the characters have kind of figured this out. Mr. Gillen treats Jeremiah almost like an employee rather than a slave, and seems almost apologetic when he has to send Jeremiah to the fields. Still, the overseer makes it clear that he has nothing but contempt for Jeremiah, and black people as a whole. Moreover, Jeremiah is under no delusions that he is anything other than a slave. On the flip side, I enjoyed how Jeremiah and Alfred's relationship developed. They start off as employee and employer, but soon develop a genuine friendship with one another.
We also get a glimpse into the legal and political system of the Federated Commonwealths. Apparently, courts use three judges, one senior judge and two junior judges, for trials. Two of the three judges must agree for a verdict to pass. Also, the government of the Federated Commonwealths is bi-cameral legislature divided into the Popular Assembly and the Senate. Popular Assembly is directly elected by the people, while the Senate is made of former governors and censors who serve lifetime terms. At the top of the government are the two censors. They are elected by the people and serve a single five-year term. The thinking is that they'll keep each other in check, especially if they're from opposing parities. As you can see, the Conscript Fathers of the Federated Commonwealths modeled the nation very closely on the Roman Republic.
I also noticed some similarities to British Parliament, but that makes sense. We know that America got a lot of political refugees after England adopted the Divine Right of Kings. That means that ideas of parliamentary government were floating around in America. Some of those ideas probably got incorporated into the fabric of the Federated Commonwealths. It also turns out that sims can speak, but it takes a considerable amount of effort, and they can only say like one or two simple words at a time. This is why they use sign language.
There's a really great scene at the end where Jeremiah is mean to sim that bumps into him on the street. He knows he's being kind of a dick, but he also knows that blacks would be at the bottom of society if the sims didn't exist. All in all, a really great addition to A Different Flesh.
The penultimate story is titled "Trapping Run". It is set in the Rocky Mountains in 1814 and follows a trapper named Henry Quick. During a trapping run he gets attacked by a bear, but fortunately, a tribe of sims find him and nurse him back to health. Quick has always though to the sims as nothing more than animals, but spending so much time with them allows Quick to see them as something almost human.
This one took me a but to get into, but I did enjoy it once it took off. I guess you could say that Quick was really having some Dances with Sims after his leg healed. Also, from this story we learn that sims and humans can indeed have hybrid children. I really did enjoy how Quick came to view the sims as more human as the story went on. He apparently goes on to become the founder of the Sims Justice Movement. As we learn in the next story, Henry Quick became quite famous among the sims because of this. Well, I think that's enough for this one, let's move on.
The final story is called "Freedom" and is set in 1988. Over the years, sims have been used in all sorts of scientific research, including AIDS research. The story follows a sim named Matt. He's a teat subject at the AIDS research center in Terminus, Georgia. Overall, he's got a pretty cushy life with plenty of food, females, and regular injections of HIV inhibitor than suppress his symptoms and make him feel like he doesn't have HIV at all. Maybe he's not technically free, but he's not complaining. However, a group of sims rights activists disagrees and decide to kidnap him to set him free. Of course, as they soon discover, this is easier said than done.
The collection began on a strong note, and it certainly ends on a strong note as well. A recusing theme throughout A Different Flesh is about what it means to be humans. Sims are far more intelligent than most animals, but aren't quite at human levels of intelligence. This certainly creates a moral conundrum about their place in society. Even the sims rights activists acknowledge that sims will never, for example, be elected to public office. Before we get to anything else, let's address the city name. Terminus is the A Different Flesh version of Atlanta, Georgia. It might seem odd that this is the case, given that Atlanta is from Classic Mythology, and wouldn’t be impacted by the lack of Native Americans. However, Terminus was indeed the original name of the city. It was changed in 1732, when the colonial governor of Georgia renamed the city after his daughter. We know that the alternate American Revolution happened in 1732, or else that’s when America officially became independent. So, that means the rename never happened. That, or the Americans refused to acknowledge the name change.
Anyway, the Sims Rights activists kind of reminded me of certain more extreme animal rights groups. I'm talking PETA and their ilk. Given that this was written in 1988, I can't help but wonder if Turtledove had that in mind. The activist are certainly well intentioned, but they clearly didn't think things through, and you know what they say about the road to hell. They have a hard time convincing Matt not to have sex with other sims, lest he give them HIV, and they don't bring nearly enough HIV inhibitor. So, in the end, they have to return him to the AIDS research center.
From the excerpt we learn that sims were used as slave labor in factories, and that many displaced factory workers lead sims rights movements. However, they did this less because they cared about sims, and more because they didn't like that the sims were taking their jobs. It's interesting that they helped the sims, but not necessarily for altruistic reasons. Also, apparently the FCA equivalent of NASA used sims to test their spacecrafts.
Another theme in this story is about how a freedom is relative and subjective. The activist think they're freeing Matt, but they're way more restrictive and stifling than the institute ever was. In the end, Matt's happy to return to the institute. I especially liked the end where the other sims ask him what it was like outside. He says that it isn't like on TV, and that the activist are like all the other humans; they only care about sims when it serves their personal goals. The story ends on a bittersweet note. Matt is happy and back home, but the future of sims remains uncertain. True, it is mentioned that there are three major reserves the size of moderate sized states, but the sims are also losing their habitats to development and the continued encroachment of humans. And, as mentioned, there's the question of just how do that fit into society. Both issues have been pretty consistent across all the stories, and I guess it just goes to show that, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Ending on a bittersweet note seems pretty realistic to me. A lot of times, bittersweet is the best you can hope for in real life. But hey, that's history for you.
Before we wrap things up I've got to talk about the audiobook edition that is here at long last. It is narrated by Paul Woodson. He's equally adept at pulling off both British and American accents. I also closed how he gave the sims a distinct accent of their own. What can I say? The audiobook was worth the wait.
Link to the original review on my blog:
submitted by ArthurDrakoni to Fantasy [link] [comments]