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2014.03.12 00:18 philipes A game a week

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2024.05.19 07:07 ketanpande Experience of meditating on Bhagwan Vishnu

A couple of years ago, something extraordinary happened that I didn't fully appreciate at the time. Now, looking back, it feels like a truly special encounter.
Near my home, there's a small patch of woodland with a very old Shri Krishna temple and remnants of structures from the 1800s and 1900s. It's a peaceful place, and I used to go there for morning yoga. There's a large, flat stone platform (chabutara) surrounded by trees, perfect for practicing. Since it was a popular spot, after my yoga routine, I would seek seclusion for meditation on Bhagwan Vishnu by venturing deeper into the dense woods. This particular spot had a grassy area surrounded by neem, sandalwood, and other trees.
One beautiful morning, while meditating nestled amongst the dense trees, I heard a sound right behind me. Then came the unmistakable snapping of twigs – multiple sets of them. I knew what it was.
A herd of boars.
Instinctively, I understood that they had surrounded me. However, I remained in meditation and slowly opened my eyes. They were calmly foraging on wild seeds around me, completely unfazed by my presence. The herd eventually passed by and disappeared into the thick bushes without any sign of anxiety or aggression.
As a wildlife rescuer, I'm well aware of the potential danger a herd of boars can pose. Yet, the entire experience was strangely calm and peaceful.
I left the area without dwelling on what had happened. But in hindsight, I believe it may have been a blessing from Bhagwan in his Varaha avatar (boar incarnation).
submitted by ketanpande to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:04 ThreeMonthsTooLate [Marvel Comics] Nightcrawler is the Winding Way - Revised

So, I posted this theory a while back but it seems that most people didn’t read through it due to it being too long. So here I am back again with my best to briefly summarize the theory with the major points of evidence from the comics that I have found. It’s still going to be a lot but, hopefully, this will help get the broad idea across. Then if you have any specific points you can hopefully find them answered in the sections beneath it.
For context, you only need to read the Basic Premise section to get the basic gist of the theory, all the remaining sections are where I outline the evidence to support it.
~Basic Premise~
Nightcrawler is the Winding Way is basically the idea that X-Men’s Nightcrawler got his soul ripped in half when he was a child by his adopted mother – Margali Szardos – who used the magical half of Kurt’s soul to form the source of her power, the Winding Way.
Nightcrawler would have inherited this magical power from Azazel, who he is still technically biologically related to, as well as potentially the combination of genes from Mystique, Destiny, and Baron Wagner.
Amanda Sefton – after seeing Margali use Illyana’s Soul-Sword to obtain power in the Winding Way, took over Limbo to study it before fusing it with Kurt’s soul in the hopes of being able to use the Soul-Sword to undo her mother’s work and restore Kurt to being whole again.
Ultimately, Destiny gave the baby Kurt to Margali knowing full well she would do this to him to hide his true power from Enigma (the Nathaniel Essex that became a Dominion), who she had Kurt concieved in order to defeat.
Additionally, she told Margali of a prophecy about a Soul-Sword falling into Margali’s hands knowing that Margali would attempt to steal Belasco’s Soul-Sword, that Belasco would turn his attention to Nightcrawler to steal that magical power for herself which would result in Illyana being kidnapped by Belasco after he gave up trying to steal the power from Kurt and thus create said Soul-Sword as well as – eventually – the Hope-sword.
~Part 1 – Margali Szardos is the Worst Adoptive Mother of All Time~
Margali Szardos is a powerful witch in Marvel comics who has shown being particularly hungry for magical power – doing everything from manipulating her daughter, Amanda Sefton, into getting her Illyana’s Soul-Sword so that she could use it in a killing spree to obtain magical power from her victims (Excalibur #85), to attempting to steal the power of a demon living under London nearly destroying it in the process (Excalibur #100), to forcibly mind-swapping with her daughter to save herself leaving Amanda to be tortured by Belasco (revealed X-Men: Unlimited #19), opening a magical rift to the World Beyond to obtain its power which forced her daughter to sacrifice herself to close it (4th Nightcrawler series #1-4), to finally selling Nightcrawler out to ORCHIS to obtain the Hope-sword that was lodged in Kurt’s chest (Legion of X #7-10).
All of these villainous actions raise an important question – why did Margali adopt Nightcrawler? After all, it’s not like Margali went around adopting children – only Nightcrawler. In fact, outside of Kurt, the only other child that Margali has ever displayed an interest in obtaining was a young Scarlet Witch (Mystic Arcanum: Scarlet Witch) which is concerning given just how magically powerful Scarlet Witch is.
This all points to the idea that Margali only took Kurt in because she got something out of it – very likely magical power. This wouldn’t be nearly so concerning if Margali Szardos wasn’t also the Sorceress Supreme of one of the most mysterious and unexplained magical systems in all of Marvel.
~Part 2 – The Winding Way is WIERD~
So, I’m just going to come out and say it - the Winding Way makes no sense in the current understanding of magic in Marvel Comics. Even characters like Dr. Strange – one of Marvel’s masters of magic – has basically no idea how the Winding Way actually operates. There is a data page in Legion of X #9 that outlines the basics of what the Winding Way is and how it operates.
According to the data page, the Winding Way is an exocentric magic system – that is to say a form of magic that is powered by an external source to the user – which its various wielders experience cycles of power and powerlessness. As far as characters like Strange are aware, it remains unclear if there is a physical “Way” or if that is simply metaphor.
The strange thing about the Winding Way is that there is no other magical system in Marvel where this cycle of users having powers and being powerless is even a thing. Whenever an exocentrically powered sorcerer loses their powers, it is always a form of punishment. This is true with Dr. Strange when he lost 99% of his powers back during the War of the Seven Spheres story. This is true with Juggernaut who loses his powers whenever he and Cyttorak – the entity that powers the crimson gem that Juggernaut uses for his powers. It’s even true for someone like Thor and his hammer. No where else in Marvel is there a system of magic where cycles of power is a thing.
All of this raises the question of whether the fluctuating cycles of power the Winding Way are actually a natural part of the Winding Way or whether they due to something else – like, say the power source of the Winding Way trying to continuously punish the various practitioners but being unable to due to their attention being split up.
Ultimately, the only truth that we can glean about the Winding Way is that nobody but the practitioners of the Winding Way ultimately know how it works and even then, characters like Margali and Amanda have proven time and again that their word cannot be trusted.
~Part 3 – the Szardos Family, Cthon, & Wundagore Mountain~
Interestingly, a different Sorcerer Supreme Sgt. Sebastian Szardos – the Sorcerer Supreme of World War II – has his own insights about the Winding Way, though they are rather vague. Firstly, in the 8th series of Avengers #50, Sebastian claims that the Winding Way has ties with Mt. Wundagore – which was famously the tomb of Cthon before Scarlet Witch absorbed him. This seems to suggest that the Winding Way originates either via Cthon or his creation – the Darkhold.
What is more interesting is that the Winding Way doesn’t seem to be practiced during the time of the Second World War as Sgt. Szardos states that only his great grandmother on his mothers side even knew about the Winding Way – Sebastian himself clearly wasn’t a practicing member. This is peculiar as Margali Szardos demonstrates an unusual amount of familiarity with the position of Sorcerer Supreme in Uncanny X-Men Annual #4 when she stole the Eye of Agamotto off of Dr. Strange with a mere gesture. Given that Sebastian and Margali share the last name and Sebastian was a known former Sorcerer Supreme while Margali – as far as I can tell – has never been, this would seem to suggest that there is some sort of familial connection between Margali and Sebastian. This in turn seems to suggest that the Winding Way experienced some sort of revival with Margali.
My theory is that the Winding Way started out as a sort of ritual that originated with the Darkhold and was initially practiced by the Szardos family over the centuries to siphon power off of Cthon to keep him in check and imprisoned - hence why there are other Szardos clan members such as Theodosia as shown in that run of Avengers. This would mean that if my theory of Nightcrawler being the Winding Way is true, then it would mean that he is only the current source of the Winding Way.
~Part 4 – Nightcrawler is still related to Azazel (and Azazel is a demon)~
Now a major aspect in this is that Nightcrawler is where exactly would Nightcrawler’s magical powers come from? After all, he’s the son of Mystique and Destiny – two mutants with no sort of magical capabilities, right? Well, that’s… complicated.
Firstly, it’s important to note that the X-Men Origins: Blue retcon is… frankly, not very well thought out. There are a bunch of things that it just gets plain wrong and contradict a bunch of previously established X-Men lore – everything from the fact that Destiny would have been too old to give birth to Nightcrawler, to Rogue’s age being way too young (she was adopted by D&M when she was 13 not 5), to the fact that Mystique canonically cannot mimic mutant x-genes - meaning Nightcrawler shouldn’t have teleportation with this retcon, and much, much more. On top of all that, the fact that the only evidence supporting the idea that it ever even happened is from Mystique and Destiny – two of Marvel’s most notorious liars – and you got yourself an extremely messy and rather dubious retcon.
Putting all that aside, going based on what the retcon has established there are a few ways in which Kurt might have inherited some sort of magical power.
Primarily, Kurt is still technically related to Azazel – yes, Mystique “mimicked” Azazel’s DNA in Kurt’s conception but given that in genetics it is the sequence of DNA that matters and not the source of that sequence, Mystique’s “Mimicked” DNA is still ostensibly Azazel’s DNA. Azazel is an established master of dark magic – specifically soul magic – and used to rule over a legit Hell Dimension during the time of Kurt’s birth – making him a legit hell lord similar to Mephisto or Dormammu. Given that Hell Lords are also considered the Sorcerer Supremes (as in the strongest) of their respective dimension, this would suggest that Azazel once held some major power, regardless of if he’s a demon or not. And as it has been established, magic is inheritable as shown with Clea (the daughter of Umar), Daimon Hellstrom (son of Marduk Kurios), and at least half the cast of Strange Academy, it would stand to reason that Nightcrawler could also inherit magical power from him.
Now, I know what you are saying – “But, Azazel isn’t a demon! Chuck Austen said so!” And while, yes, Chuck Austen has clearly gone on record to say that Azazel is only a demonic looking mutant instead of an actual demon, it’s been kind of invalidated by the thing that every other writer for Azazel – including the likes of Chris Claremont – have referred to Azazel as a demon at least once either on-panel or in interviews. And frankly, there’s nothing in the lore that says that Azazel cannot be both a demon and a mutant – after all, Magik is both a demon and a mutant at the same time. And let’s be real here, Chuck Austen doesn’t deserve nice things when it comes to the X-Men.
However, Azazel is not the only DNA that Mystique apparently mimicked – Baron Christian Wagner was also added onto that list for some reason. This is odd as why would Destiny and Mystique feel the need to include Baron Wagner at all in the genetic makeup of Nightcrawler unless there was something special about the Baron. However, the only uniquely genetic thing we learn about him is that he’s seemingly infertile – which may suggest that there is some sort of genetic anomaly going on with him, such as maybe a repressed X-gene.
~Part 5 – Amanda Sefton/Jimaine Szardos history in Marvel Comics~
Another aspect of this theory is that – if it is true – it suddenly explains a lot of what Kurt’s ex, Amanda Sefton has been doing in comics since she was first introduced in 1976. You see, Amanda Sefton followed Kurt back from Germany and began dating him under a different name – which Kurt was not aware of. She only reveals the truth after the events of Uncanny X-Men Annual #4. This unfortunately supports Kurt’s accusation in Uncanny X-Men #206 that Amanda used a spell to make Kurt fall in love with her to begin with – an accusation which Amanda has never confirmed nor denied.
Amanda’s peculiar behavior continued into Excalibur where she was manipulated by Margali into obtaining Illyana’s Soul-Sword from Kitty Pryde – who had previously given the Soul-Sword to Dr. Doom and then Darkoth, with it returning to her both times. Upon obtaining the Soul-Sword, Margali then used it to go on a killing spree against the other members of the Winding Way to obtain their power for herself. Following this, Margali’s failed attempt to steal the power of a demon beneath London, and Kurt and Margali rescuing Amanda from Belasco after Margali body-swapped with her daughter to save her own skin – Amanda ended up taking over Limbo, supposedly in the name of protecting earth.
However, then we have the smoking gun of Amanda’s meddling – during the 3rd Nightcrawler solo series, it is revealed that Amanda fused the Soul-Sword with Nightcrawler without telling him. Her reason for doing so? “To protect the Soul-Sword from falling into the wrong hands.” This lie is so glaringly bad that not even Nightcrawler buys it and he calls Amanda out for not being honest with him.
~Part 6 – Amanda’s Bad Lie and What it Means~
And frankly why would anyone believe Amanda’s claim? Amanda is a sorceress – which means that she is infinitely more qualified than Nightcrawler to keep the Soul-Sword safe than he is. Even if she couldn’t do so, why didn’t she take the Soul-Sword to someone like Dr. Strange?
On top of that, Amanda took the Soul-Sword away from Kitty Pryde claiming that Kitty wasn’t qualified to keep the Soul-Sword safe due to her not being a trained sorceress. Well, guess who’s also not trained in sorcery and thus – by Amanda’s own logic - would not be able to keep the Soul-Sword safe? Nightcrawler.
Except, Kitty technically was able to keep the Soul-Sword out of the wrong hands – back during Excalibur #37 she phased the Soul-Sword into a rock which even Rachel Summers channeling the power of the Phoenix Force was not able to remove it from – it wasn’t removed until Doom came knocking and got Kitty to willingly remove it for him. So why couldn’t Amanda do something similar? Why fuse it with Kurt and endanger him?
And to top it all off, Amanda still needed the Soul-Sword. She was ruling over Limbo – a dangerous hell dimension full of power-hungry demons. Her magical powers are of the Winding Way – meaning that they wax and wane. So quite literally, Amanda needs the Soul-Sword – a weapon which every demon in Limbo fears – to keep herself in power; something which was proven in New X-Men #37 when Belasco walked back into Limbo and ousted her.
~Part 7 – Amanda took over Limbo to learn about the Soul-Sword~
So, what was Amanda really up to? Well, to understand Amanda’s actions in the 3rd Nightcrawler series, we first need to go back to Amanda’s actions in previous series. What’s interesting is that Amanda’s interest in the Soul-Sword was first manifest through Margali – who reveals in Excalibur: Minus One that there is a prophecy that the Soul-Sword would pass first into Margali’s hands and then into Amanda’s hands but would result in both of their dooms.
However, Amanda doesn’t really demonstrate any sort of interest in the Soul-Sword until after Margali used it to obtain power in the Winding Way during Excalibur. While she didn’t get the opportunity to act after the events of Margali’s failed London project due to her mother mind-swapping with her, Amanda’s actions in taking over Limbo after X-Men: Unlimited #19 was more likely due to Amanda wanting to obtain and learn more about the Soul-Sword than about her trying to protect earth.
You see, as Limbo was in no position to even threaten earth until Belasco had obtained the Soul-Sword following Margali ending up there – meaning that if Amanda had simply obtained the Soul-Sword and left Limbo, Limbo would not have been able to endanger Earth. Instead, Amanda stayed. Why? Because if there was anywhere in the universe where you wanted to learn about a Soul-Sword and how it works, Limbo is the dimension to do so.
~Part 8 – Nightcrawler and Magik are… Soulmates?~
So, why did Amanda fuse the Soul-Sword with Nightcrawler? Well, ultimately because a major function of the Soul-Sword is that it can be used as a countercharm which can undo other spells – potentially meaning that Amanda could use it to undo the Winding Way and restore the two halves of Kurt’s soul back together again.
However, another aspect of the Soul-Sword is that it is dangerous to magical creatures and Kurt’s magical soul would already be weakened after years of being separated. Amanda must have figured that if she bonded the non-magical half of Kurt’s soul to the Soul-Sword would allow for her to bypass the more dangerous aspects of the Soul-Sword and allow her to restore Kurt.
And as a result of Amanda’s meddling, when a demonically possessed Pixie ripped the Soul-Sword out of Nightcrawler during X-Infernus, it left behind a void in Kurt’s Soul as established in Legion of X #10, which allowed for the Hopesword to later form. This also seemingly gave Illyana’s Soul-Sword a new ability to damage Techno-Organic beings which it did not possess before. This also means that Nightcrawler and Magik are… soul-mates(?) for the lack of a better term, as they are both bound together through the Soul-Sword after Amanda undid Illyana’s bond with Kitty, though this fact has never been established or confirmed in the comics.
~Part 9 – Destiny caused Magik to be kidnapped by Belasco~
Now, I noted in an earlier section that Margali’s fascination with the Soul-Sword was as a result of a prophecy – one that has at least partially come true. The prophecy as laid out during a flashback in Exalibur: Minus One was that the Soul-Sword would pass from into Margali’s hands and then Amanda’s but would result in both of their dooms. Illyana’s Soul-Sword was indeed obtained by Margali back in Excalibur #85 before she lost it to Belasco after falling to Limbo and the Soul-Sword was obtained again by Amanda after taking Limbo over in X-Men: Unlimited #19.
Now, this whole situation is peculiar as Margali herself is not a precog – outside of this one time, we never even hear her do anything similar ever again. However, we know that Destiny is a precog and we also know that she was the one who gave Kurt to Margali, as per the X-Men Origins: Blue retcon, meaning that this prophecy more than likely originates with Destiny. And really, this shouldn’t be a surprise – Mystique hinted at having some sort of a connection with Margali as far back as UXM #142 when she first met Nightcrawler, it was just never clarified what that connection was.
However, this prophecy would have been given to Margali before the Soul-Sword was ever made and before Illyana was even born, which means that either Destiny could predict Illyana being kidnapped by Belasco and creating the Soul-Sword as a result… or she caused Belasco to kidnap Illyana and create the Soul-Sword as a result.
Now, you may question how that’s even possible? After all, how could Destiny cause someone like Belasco to do something when the two haven’t even canonically met?
Well, for this, I would like to point out the unexplained animosity going on between Margali Szardos and Belasco. This is a rivalry that has been mentioned quite a few times – such as back in Excalibur: Minus One, X-Men: Unlimited #19, and the 3rd Nightcrawler series. For some unexplained reason, Margali Szardos and Belasco have a lot of enmity for one another.
So, what’s the cause of this rivalry? Well, during the Dark Web event, Mary Jane Watson and Black Cat were captured by Belasco and sent to retrieve his Soul-Sword – which, as it is explained in the story is something that Belasco could not potentially use up until the events of Dark Web.
So here’s an idea – what if Destiny didn’t specify which Soul-Sword would end up in Margali’s hands, causing Margali to immediately assume that she was talking about Belasco’s (as that would have been the only one in existence at that point) and try to steal it from him.
This then drew Belasco’s attention and caused him to realize that Nightcrawler was somehow the source of Margali’s powers. This would be why Belasco even had his eyes on the X-Men to begin with and why there was a soulless Nightcrawler back in the original Magik series – Kurt was Belasco’s original target. However, the soulless Nightcrawler and Belasco’s obvious shift in attention to Illyana clearly points to the idea that whatever experiments Belasco tried to use to obtain that magical power from Kurt, it only ended in disaster – causing him to turn to Illyana as a replacement.
~Part 10 – the Big Picture… stopping Enigma~
So, if Destiny was ultimately the cause behind all of this – from orchestrating Kurt’s birth, to handing him off to Margali, to telling Margali the prophecy about the Soul-Sword, what is it all ultimately for?
Well, what it is almost certainly not for is the given answer of defeating Azazel. Simply put, Azazel has never been so major of a threat that creating a super special prophecy child was needed. Heck, he was killed in Dark X-Men by the demonic version of Nightcrawler, so how difficult would it have been for Mystique and Destiny to do it? No, Azazel’s defeat was a bonus that Irene used to justify Kurt’s birth to Raven, not the focus.
Ultimately, there’s only one answer as to who Kurt was conceived to stop – Enigma. The original Nathaniel Essex who transcended space and time and who Irene knew to be an existential threat to all Mutantkind.
This answer even explains some of Irene’s other past actions, such as why she was involved with the Black Womb project – yes, she was keeping an eye on Sinister, but she was also learning as much about the mutant x-gene in preparation for Kurt’s birth.
It also explains why she handed Kurt over to Margali at all – the Winding Way is described in the datapages of Legion of X as being something akin to a No-Place – something that Enigma and other Dominions famously have trouble seeing into. Thus, by hiding Kurt’s magical half in the No-place until the time was right and creating the means by which to release him from that prison, Destiny ensures Enigma’s defeat.
Or does she? Because as far as the current X-Men comics have been going, there is nowhere near the development needed to have my theory take place. At this point, only the Hopesword is established which begs the question of whether the Winding Way is meant to be the thing to stop Enigma or if the Hopesword is. As of this point in X-Men Forever (2024) #4, the Hopesword is what was needed to stop Enigma… for some reason. So far, all that the sword has accomplished is being handed off from Kurt to Exodus to Hope… who was then killed by the Phoenix and sent the Hopesword back to Kurt. We’ll have to wait and see if anything else comes of it.
Personally though, I kind of like the idea that everything Destiny did in orchestrating the creation of the Hopesword and/or the Winding Way was kind of a pointless thing in the end. It’s kind of poignant for Destiny’s character – being the same woman who thought that killing Senator Kelly would prevent the Days of Future’s Past Timeline when she was in fact going to cause that very timeline to happen – to have all her manipulations and schemes to create this weapon against the existential threat that Enigma presented… only to have that threat be dealt with in some other way, leaving Irene to deal with the consequences of her own actions and question whether it was worth putting Kurt through all of that. Maybe that’s just me though.
So yeah, that’s most of the evidence supporting this theory. There are a few other things – such as Margali potentially being the reason why Kurt was killed during Second Coming and potentially causing his mental break down during the Extraordinary X-Men story, but those are more auxiliary to these major points.
But yeah, let me know what you guys think down below. Do you think this theory is onto something or is it way off base?
submitted by ThreeMonthsTooLate to FanTheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:04 Count-Daring243 Best Cantilever Scope Mount

Best Cantilever Scope Mount

Get ready to take your shooting experience to the next level with our roundup of the top Cantilever Scope Mounts on the market!
In this article, we'll showcase a variety of high-quality Cantilever Scope Mounts that are sure to impress even the most discerning shooters. From sleek designs to rock-solid construction, these mounts will give you the stability and accuracy you need to make every shot count.

The Top 16 Best Cantilever Scope Mount

  1. 45-Degree Offset Rail Mount for Tactical Accessories - Versatile 45-degree off-set rail mount by NcSTAR eliminates interference, offering easy access to accessories and a perfect fit for CQB situations.
  2. Specialized Swat Black Computer Mount for Lightweight SWAT Tool Kit - The Granite Tool Design Scope Computer Mount for Specialized Swat Black offers a lightweight and convenient solution for attaching your computer to your specialized bike, ensuring easy access and compatibility with Garmin, Wahoo, and Bryton devices.
  3. Anodized Flat Dark Earth Reptilia AUS Offset Mount for Aimpoint ARCO 100-230 - This Reptilia AUS Offset Mount is a durable and precise addition to Remington 870 Scope Mounts, boasting an anodized flat dark earth finish that enhances your shooting experience.
  4. High-Quality Finder Scope Base for Essential Series Telescopes - Securely connect your Essential Series telescope with the T-Shaped Finder Scope Base for seamless stargazing experience.
  5. Explore Scientific Mini Scope Mount for Telescopes - Securely mount your Explore Scientific Finderscope with ease using the Finder Scope Base, featuring sturdy construction, reliable mounting screws, and compatibility with various telescope models.
  6. Reptilia Flat Dark Earth 34mm Mini 14 Scope Mount - Enhance your Mini 14 scope experience with the Reptilia AUS Mount, a versatile 34mm flat dark earth anodized finish mount designed for 1.54" bore heights, offering precision and durability.
  7. Versatile 35mm Adjustable Scope Mount from Reptilia - Introducing the Reptilia AUS Mount, a 35mm, low-profile, and streamlined solution for attaching magnified optics to any M1913 Picatinny rail, offering compatibility with Reptilia's existing and upcoming 30mm ROF line.
  8. High-Precision Equatorial Goto Mount for Astrophotography and Celestial Observation - The Vixen Sphinx SXD2 Equatorial Goto Mount with PF-L Pole Viewfinder offers superior precision, performance, and ease of use for both observers and astrophotographers.
  9. Unity FDE Offset Base Fast Optic Adapter - Unity Fast Offset Base FDE: A customizable, anodized scope mount adapter with 2.05" optical height, compatible with UNITY LPVO mounts, and requires optic-specific plates for seamless integration.
  10. Adjustable Star Adventurer GTI Mount Kit for Astrophotography - The Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTI Mount provides a seamless experience for astrophotography enthusiasts, featuring an illuminated polar scope, smartphone Wi-Fi control, and multiple tracking rates all while accommodating up to an 11-pound payload.
  11. Versatile Spotting Scope Clamp for Precision Viewing - Effortlessly mount your spotting scope with the heavy-duty Table Clamp Mount, offering quick adjustments and versatile positioning for an unparalleled shooting experience.
  12. High-Quality 30MM Cantilever Mount for Marine Accessories - Raymarine Cantilever Mounting Socket: Engineered to high standards, offering a high-grade design and extended lifespan, made with premium materials - perfect for mounting your autopilot on vertical surfaces.
  13. Stylish Japanese Market-Exclusive 30mm Cantilever Mount for Electronic Equipment - This Rec-Mounts Polar Combo Mount with a 31.8mm cantilever design offers seamless compatibility for your electronic devices, ensuring optimal performance and maximum convenience in your Japan-based adventures.
  14. Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi Mount: Compact and Portable Alt-Azimuth Astrophotography Mount - The Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi Mount is a lightweight and versatile solution for both amateur astrophotographers and videographers, capable of supporting up to 11 lb payloads with built-in WiFi control and an extensive object database.
  15. Durable Cantilever Scope Mount for Your Firearm - Upgrade your Glock with the Unity Tactical FAST Omni Magnifier FDE, a durable and versatile cantilever scope mount perfect for enhancing your shooting experience.
  16. Trijicon Q-Loc Cantilever Scope Mount in 34mm - Experience rock-solid stability with the Trijicon CTL Mount Q-LOC 34mm, boasting an impressive 4.5-star rating from 1286 reviews and an anodized black finish for a sleek, durable design.
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🔗45-Degree Offset Rail Mount for Tactical Accessories

Imagine you're in the heat of the moment, aiming down the sights of your rifle, trying to take out a target from around the corner. This is where the NcSTAR Mount shines. Its 45-degree offset angle allows you to mount your lasers, flashlights, or red dot sights at just the right angle for a clear view down the barrel.
The offset canted design of the mount adds a level of versatility that's not often found in other mounts. It eliminates interference with vertical grips, hand guards, optics, and other accessories, making it perfect for a wide range of uses. Plus, the ergonomic design gives easy access to on/off switches for your accessories, which is a game-changer when you're in the thick of it.
But let's not forget the solid construction. The NcSTAR Mount is made from hard-anodized aluminum, which not only adds strength to the mount but also makes it resistant to corrosion. And the single-slotted thumb nut secures the mount to Weaver Style or Picatinny rails quickly and easily.
The NcSTAR Mount isn't just a device, it's a tool that could give you the edge you need in tense situations. It's a reliable, solid piece of equipment that's easy to use and a pleasure to work with. And the reviews from other users certainly back this up - they've praised its quality, price, and performance. So, if you're looking for a reliable, dependable, and versatile mount, the NcSTAR Mount is definitely worth considering.

🔗Specialized Swat Black Computer Mount for Lightweight SWAT Tool Kit


I had the chance to try out the Granite Tool Design Scope Computer Mount, specifically made for Specialized SWAT Black bikes. When I first received it, I was intrigued by how lightweight this mount was, weighing just 15g. It certainly didn't slow me down during my rides.
One of the unique features of this mount is that it's easy to install at home without needing any specialist tools. Plus, it didn't interfere with the SWAT system, which is a definite plus! However, one downside I noticed was the compatibility - it's only made for Specialized bikes with the SWAT concealed transport tool kit.
Overall, the Granite Tool Design Scope Computer Mount is a good choice for those looking for a lightweight, easy-to-install mount for their computer on their Specialized bike. If you don't fit the compatibility criteria, it might not be worth it for you.

🔗Anodized Flat Dark Earth Reptilia AUS Offset Mount for Aimpoint ARCO 100-230

The Reptilia aus Offset MNT Acro FDE 100-230 is a sleek and durable scope mount that has made an impact in my daily shooting routine. This anodized finish, flat dark earth unit fits snugly on my beloved Aimpoint ARCO 100-230. The versatility it brings to the table makes my aim more precise and stable.
One of the best aspects is the offset positioning of the mount that allows for increased accuracy and ease of use. This product surely adds value to the gear arsenal of Remington 870 users, helping them make swift and precise shots.
It's not all ups though. The slightly higher price point can be a deterrent for some, but in my experience, the high quality and durability it provides justifies the investment. It's a reliable, solid piece of equipment that elevates the shooting experience in a unique way.

🔗High-Quality Finder Scope Base for Essential Series Telescopes

As a devoted stargazer, I found myself in need of an efficient and reliable finder scope to enhance my telescope experience. Upon trying out the Explore Scientific T-Shaped Finder Scope Base, which I affectionately refer to as the Essential Finder Base, I was truly impressed by its performance.
First and foremost, the base is incredibly user-friendly. The easy-to-install design allowed me to swiftly mount the finder scope to my telescope without any hassle. The sturdy construction ensures a secure connection, providing peace of mind during my celestial adventures.
One highlight that truly stands out is the compact size. With its dimensions of 50mm in length and 51mm in width, this base seamlessly fits a variety of telescope configurations. The lightweight nature, weighing just 1.29 oz, adds to its convenience.
While the base performed brilliantly in most aspects, I did notice a slight inconvenience. The screws provided were decent, but I found myself wishing for a more robust solution to prevent any potential slippage.
Overall, the Explore Scientific T-Shaped Finder Scope Base has been a valuable addition to my telescope setup, proving to be both functional and convenient. Despite the minor drawback, I wholeheartedly recommend this sturdy finder base to fellow enthusiasts seeking to enhance their stargazing experience.

🔗Explore Scientific Mini Scope Mount for Telescopes

As a stargazing enthusiast, I recently tried the Explore Scientific Finder Scope Base and was astounded by how convenient and reliable it was. It's the perfect addition to any telescope, providing a stable base for mounting the finder scope of your choice.
The highlight of this product, for me, was the ease of installation. It literally took me a few minutes to set it up, thanks to the provided mounting screws. The knurled knobs on the base really make locking the finder into place a breeze.
However, it's not all smooth sailing. One inconvenience was the lack of lock washers in the box which, although not a deal-breaker, would have been a nice addition for added security.
Overall, the Explore Scientific Finder Scope Base was a pleasant surprise in terms of functionality and ease. Despite a minor hiccup, it's a winner in my book for those who enjoy stargazing and want their equipment to be secure and robust.

🔗Reptilia Flat Dark Earth 34mm Mini 14 Scope Mount

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Reptilia Aus Mount, a 34mm scope mount with a Flat Dark Earth finish. This bad boy boasts an anodized finish that adds a touch of durability and style to your setup. The mount is designed for a bore height of 100-155, making it a versatile choice for various rifles.
Using the Reptilia Aus Mount in my daily life has been a breeze. The sleek design fits seamlessly with my Mini 14 setup, and the secure locking mechanism ensures that the scope stays firmly in place. One thing that stood out to me was the anodized finish, which not only looks great but also provides protection against the elements.
However, there were a couple of minor drawbacks. Firstly, the installation process could have been a bit easier, especially for beginners. And secondly, the price point might be a bit steep for some users.
All in all, if you're looking for a high-quality scope mount with a stylish finish and great durability, the Reptilia Aus Mount is definitely worth considering. Just make sure you're comfortable with the installation process and are willing to invest in a top-tier product.

🔗Versatile 35mm Adjustable Scope Mount from Reptilia

I've had the pleasure of trying out the Reptilia AUS Mount for my 30mm diameter magnified optics, and I must say, it's an impressive piece of equipment. This 35mm Mount, with an anodized finish and compatibility with all of Reptilia's 30mm ROF line, has added a touch of elegance to my optical setup.
I was particularly drawn to its custom bolt mounting system, which can be tightened using either a 5/32 hex or a flat blade driver. This feature allows the AUS Mount to sit snugly on the M1913 Picatinny rail, giving it a streamlined low-profile design.
One aspect of the AUS Mount that I found truly remarkable was its machining from a single piece of billet 7075-T6 aluminum, combined with the MIL-STD Type III, Class 2, hard anodize coating. Not only does it make for a high-quality material but also adds durability to the product.
However, one thing I noticed was that the AUS Mount was slightly trickier to install and remove from the M1913 Picatinny rail than I initially expected. But overall, the Reptilia AUS Mount's adjustable features and robust construction definitely make it worth considering for anyone looking to enhance their optical setup.

🔗High-Precision Equatorial Goto Mount for Astrophotography and Celestial Observation

I've had the pleasure of getting my hands on the Vixen Sphinx SXD2 Equatorial Goto Mount with PF-L Pole Viewfinder, and I must say I'm quite impressed. The mount offers a smooth and seamless experience thanks to its precision stepper motors and micro-step motion control system. Plus, the built-in bearings and high-precision worm gears simply add to the quality of this product.
However, I did notice a couple of drawbacks. The weight of the counterweights might be a bit disappointing for some, and I'd have liked to see a full cable included instead of an auto lighter one. All in all, it's a solid choice for stargazers and astrophotographers seeking accurate and reliable tracking.

🔗Unity FDE Offset Base Fast Optic Adapter

After trying out Unity Tactical's FAST Offset Base FDE, I quickly found myself appreciating the versatility it offered. The offset design allowed me to keep my focus on target acquisition without obstructing my view, something I sorely needed in my day-to-day hunting.
What really stood out to me was the compatibility with UNITY's LPVO mounts. It made adjusting my scope a breeze and allowed me to fine-tune my shot more easily. However, I did notice that it required UNITY-specific optic plates, which added a layer of confusion and potential compatibility issues.
Despite its minor drawbacks, the UNITY FAST Offset Base FDE proved to be a reliable and effective accessory in my arsenal. It allowed me to focus on the task at hand, all while maintaining a comfortable grip on my weapon for faster and more accurate shots.

🔗Adjustable Star Adventurer GTI Mount Kit for Astrophotography

As an astrophotography enthusiast, I had the opportunity to use the Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi Mount Kit in my daily life. Right out of the box, I was impressed by its sleek and sturdy construction. The built-in illuminated polar scope made aligning the mount a breeze, while the dual position counterweight allowed me to handle low latitudes with ease.
One of the standout features for me was the smartphone Wi-Fi control, which let me have full command over the device using my smartphone. However, I did encounter some minor software glitches, which required a bit of troubleshooting.
The device's versatility in tracking rates caught my attention, particularly the lunar, solar, and sidereal options. This made capturing the night sky's wonders a truly effortless experience. The 11-pound payload capacity also proved to be more than sufficient for my various equipment setups.
However, there were a few areas where the Star Adventurer GTi fell short. The mount's intermittent disconnecting, whether using Wi-Fi or USB, introduced some frustration. Additionally, the Dec tracking was far from ideal, which I had to address by tweaking polar alignment and dialing in PHD2 parameters.
Despite these minor issues, I had a mostly positive experience with the Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi Mount Kit. Its combination of features, ease of use, and reasonable price make it an impressive choice for those looking to dive into deep space, widefield, and nightscape astrophotography.

🔗Versatile Spotting Scope Clamp for Precision Viewing

I recently gave the Table Clamp Mount for Spotting Scope a try, and I have to say, it's been a game-changer for my outdoor activities. This sturdy clamp works great with all popular spotting scopes, allowing me to set it up at the range in no time. Its heavy-duty construction and comfortable, ergonomic knob make it a breeze to tighten and loosen.
The Enduro Series Arm, featuring an aluminum construction and multiple ball joints, provides unlimited positioning possibilities. But don't worry about scratching your expensive gear – the clamp comes equipped with a rubber pad to minimize scuffing. Plus, the standard tripod connection can be used with more than just cameras, adding even more versatility to this fantastic tool. The quick-tightening ring ensures a secure hold, giving you that extra peace of mind.
In my experience, this clamp has been incredibly user-friendly and holds up well to regular use. The customer service was prompt and helpful, too, ensuring that any issues were resolved immediately. Overall, I highly recommend this Table Clamp Mount for Spotting Scope to anyone looking for a reliable and versatile mounting solution for their spotting scope or other equipment.

Buyer's Guide

Cantilever scope mounts are crucial accessories for anyone using a rifle scope. They provide a stable and secure connection between the scope and the firearm, and they come in various designs to suit different scope styles and gun types. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the essential features, considerations, and general advice for selecting the best cantilever scope mount for your needs.


Important Features

  1. Construction Material: High-quality cantilever scope mounts are typically made of aluminum or steel alloys. Aluminum is lightweight yet durable, while steel offers better strength and resistance to wear. Choose a mount made from strong materials that can withstand rugged outdoor conditions.
  2. Scope Compatibility: Different cantilever scope mounts are designed to work with specific scope types and sizes. Make sure to check the scope compatibility before purchasing a mount, and look for models that accommodate various scopes if you have multiple ones.
  3. Height Adjustability: Height-adjustable cantilever scope mounts allow you to fine-tune the position of the scope, providing better eye relief and a more comfortable shooting experience. Ensure the mount has smooth and easy-to-use height adjustment mechanisms.
  4. Weight: Consider the weight of the cantilever scope mount, as it can affect the overall balance and stability of your firearm. Lighter mounts are generally more convenient, but they might lack the necessary strength and rigidity compared to heavier options.
  5. Durability: Look for cantilever scope mounts with durable finishes and anodized coatings, as they provide better resistance to corrosion and damage. Also, check for quality assurance certifications, such as Mil-Spec, to ensure the mount is built to high standards.


  1. Gun Type: Different gun types require specific cantilever scope mounts. For instance, AR-15 platforms typically use Picatinny rail-mounted cantilever scope mounts, while bolt-action rifles often use Weaver-style mounts. Make sure to select a mount that matches your firearm's type and style.
  2. Scope Weight: The weight of the scope can affect the performance and stability of the mount. Heavier scopes may require stronger and more robust mounts to maintain a stable setup.
  3. Shooting Style: Different shooting styles, such as benchrest or hunting, may require specific cantilever scope mounts that cater to the unique needs of each scenario. Consider your shooting preferences and the appropriate mount design.
  4. Budget: Cantilever scope mounts come in various price ranges, from affordable options to high-end, premium models. Establish a budget and look for mounts that offer the best value for your money without compromising on quality and performance.


General Advice

  1. Read Reviews: Always read customer reviews and ratings before purchasing a cantilever scope mount. This will help you identify potential issues, strengths, and weaknesses of the product, allowing you to make an informed decision.
  2. Test Fit: If possible, test fit the cantilever scope mount with your rifle scope and firearm to ensure proper compatibility and fit. This will help you avoid costly mistakes and potential damage to your equipment.
  3. Proper Installation: Follow the manufacturer's installation instructions carefully to ensure the cantilever scope mount is securely and correctly attached to your firearm. Misaligned or poorly installed mounts can negatively impact performance and accuracy.
By considering these features, considerations, and general advice, you will be better equipped to find the perfect cantilever scope mount for your needs. Happy hunting!



What is a Cantilever Scope Mount?

A Cantilever Scope Mount is a type of mount designed to secure and hold a scoped weapon or firearm steady, providing a stable platform for accurate shooting. It extends away from the rifle, allowing for optimal eye relief and compatibility with a wide range of scopes and firearm designs.

Who needs a Cantilever Scope Mount?

Hunters, shooters, and firearms enthusiasts who use scoped rifles or firearms, particularly those with adjustable scopes, can benefit from using a Cantilever Scope Mount. It offers increased flexibility and accuracy, making it especially useful for long-range shooting and hunting.


What are the benefits of using a Cantilever Scope Mount?

  • Maximizes eye relief and reduces scope interference with the rifle stock.
  • Provides increased flexibility in adjusting the scope for optimal accuracy.
  • Compatible with a wide range of scopes and rifle designs.
  • Offers a stable platform for more accurate and consistent shooting.

What materials are Cantilever Scope Mounts typically made from?

Cantilever Scope Mounts can be made from various materials, such as aluminum, steel, or polymer. Aluminum and steel options tend to be more durable and robust, while polymer options are often lighter weight and more affordable.

What are the key features to consider when selecting a Cantilever Scope Mount?

  • Weight capacity (determines the maximum scope weight it can support)
  • Compatibility with your specific rifle and scope
  • Mounting system (quick detach or permanent)
  • Durability and build quality
  • Adaptability with different firearm stocks or accessories

Which brands offer high-quality Cantilever Scope Mounts?

Some popular brands known for producing high-quality Cantilever Scope Mounts include Warne, American Defense Manufacturing (ADM), and Atlas P AccuMount. Researching customer reviews and checking product specifications can also help identify reliable and trusted brands.
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2024.05.19 07:03 Comfortable-Roll3115 I think I’m being haunted but I don’t know why

Today I was at home with my girlfriend and we have a couple of occurrences that are very puzzling I have a cross that has thrown itself off the shelf I have it on, my tv suddenly turns off and on, so does my kitchen light and my garage door sensor floodlight, we keep hearing banging around the house but not loud banging just enough to think someone is trying to give up their position in hide and seek kind of way, my slider door has opened up about four inches when it was locked, and my babys bobo ie the pacifier, we’ve woken up with him crying a scratch on his face and his paci on the other side of the room completely laid out flat with the binky clip, I heard crying from upstairs where my baby was and went to go tend to him only to find him completely asleep, our latest occurrence has been with the cross on the shelf, we tested it and we think it’s our cross, we took the cross out of our room and placed it on the table on the island in our kitchen then we went to get ready for bed, as I was about to place my baby in his bed there the cross was laying perfectly straight right where I was about to put my baby then I took it out to my kitchen and placed it on the counter facing the sink then went to bed but before I went to bed I checked one last time and the cross was backwards I don’t know what to do I’m scared for my family we’ve been bleeding a lot more me from my nose and her from her area down south I’ve been having horrible aches and pains the past few days and so has she pls help us
submitted by Comfortable-Roll3115 to Haunted [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 Key_Music_6720 I should be happy she left so why

I guess after 3 months of no contact I finally got a message from her about her “ self reflection” before you guys say don’t replay it’s too late and what’s done is done. Her messages goes along the way saying that I’ve held a special place in her heart for 4 years never though that our happily ever after will come to an end weather it’s the right person wrong time I think the universe has already decided what we are intended to be after the month of November I’ve decided that I was ready to move in to the next steps of our relationship (which was moving out of ldr I live in Oregon she lived in New York) until I realize you weren’t going to be ready to move (all I asked was to wait for one more year so I can spend my last year with my family before I can see them again in a while) it broke her down little by little realizing that to her it’s not going to work trying to come in terms that 4 years of her life she realize she has a bf then saying she can no longer hold onto the past and is going to leave it in the past she tried holding on knowing it was going to tear us apart then saying her farewell
I’ve done everything I can for her I flew miles away to see her I spend so much time and effort just to see her I sat in the rain waiting her play a sport as I cheered on for her went to dances call off work so many times for her mental health cause I wanted to be there for her I guess that’s what happens when you try to do everything you can for a person who doesn’t appreciate the things you’ve done for them I guess that’s why I’m hurting so much
submitted by Key_Music_6720 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:59 sloptoppapa Drake Knight Invasion Build

Drake Knight Invasion Build
This build easily carried me into NG+4, I can swap the Green Turtle Talisman for the Shard of Alexander during PVE so that to can melt through bosses with the AoW. I have a ton of fun using it for invasions too though, which is my main focus.
submitted by sloptoppapa to EldenRingBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:59 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Canted Iron Sights

Best Canted Iron Sights

Are you on the lookout for Canted Iron Sights that can take your aiming experience to the next level? Look no further, as our comprehensive roundup has got you covered! With our carefully curated selection, we bring you the best options available in the market. So don't miss out on this exclusive guide that will make you an expert on choosing the perfect Canted Iron Sights for your needs.

The Top 12 Best Canted Iron Sights

  1. Optimizer Ultra Sight - The HHA Optimizer Ultra is a top-rated AR Pistol Sight with R.D.S sight tape technology, offering 20-80 yard tapes in single yard increments, an Infinite Adjust Slotted Slide Bracket, 2nd axis adjustments, and American-made quality.
  2. Co Witness Pistol Sights - Axcel Accutouch Plus Carbon Pro Sight AV-41 stands out as a versatile 1-pin sight with a 45-degree facing sight tape, making it ideal for shooters who need precise and responsive aiming in various situations.
  3. Optimizer Ultra Sight for Precision Adjustments & Night Vision - The HHA Optimizer Ultra x XL Sight 5500 XL.029 RH is an advanced sight system that offers adjustable 2nd axis and vertical capabilities, making it easier to fine-tune at 20 yards and maximize sight tape range, with a 4.8 rating from 17 reviews.
  4. Green Dot Sight Pistol Sights - Optic with Windage Adjustment - The HHA Optimizer Sight 3000 1 Pin .029 RH is a top-rated, adjustable pistol sight featuring CNC machined construction, tool-free windage adjustment, and bubble level accuracy, making it a reliable choice for precision shooters.
  5. HHA Optimizer Lite x Sight 5519 .019 - Infinite Adjust Slotted Side Bracket for 20-80 Yard Accuracy and Smooth Lever Action - The HHA Optimizer Lite X 5519 offers advanced features such as an infinite adjust slotted side bracket, water-resistant tapes, and a leveling bubble, providing 20-80 yard accuracy and smooth lever action for precise aiming in various lighting conditions.
  6. Trophy Ridge React Pro .19 Pin Sight Right Handed - The Trophy AS825R19 React Pro .19 Pin Sight Right Handed is an advanced, precision-engineered 5-pin bow sight with exclusive React technology, providing uncompromising performance and ease of use that serious hunters demand.
  7. Novac Night Sights for Pursuit Bow - Adjustable Brightness for Optimal Low Light Performance - The Escalade Sports Pursuit .019 Sight Black Right Hand is a high-performance, adjustable sight with a direct mount, featuring bright optics, adjustable brightness, and a rheostat light for optimal sighting in any shooting condition.
  8. Apex Gear Covert 1 Pin Sight - The Apex Gear Covert 1 Pin Sight is a high-quality Night Sight with an aperture housing featuring vertical and horizontal tilt adjustments, micro-adjustable windage, and elevation, as well as a glow-in-the-dark shooter's ring for perfect alignment.
  9. Trophy Ridge React One Pro RH .019 Sight (Archery Sight) - The Trophy Ridge React One Pro RH .019 Sight is a top-selling vertical single pin sight that utilizes React Technology for precise aiming from up to 100 yards, making it ideal for those who wish to enhance their long-distance hunting abilities.
  10. CBE Tactic Hybrid 1 Pin Sight - The CBE Tactic Hybrid 1-Pin Bow Sight is a lightweight and affordable alternative to traditional bow sights, featuring multi-positioning mounting holes, floating pin technology, and an ambidextrous design.
  11. CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight: Frustration-Free Pin Adjustments and Quad-Track Stability - The CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight 1 Pin RH boasts a versatile design with a Dovetail Mounting System, 4th and 5th Axis Adjustments, and a Quad Track Design utilizing Delrin Tracks for precision and stability.
  12. Trophy Ridge Fix Series 7 Pin Sight (Black, Right-Hand) - Trophy Ridge's Fix Series Sight (Black 7 Pin RH) brings dependable precision, ultra-bright fiber optic pins, and versatile features such as a rheostat light and 2nd axis adjustment for optimal accuracy and convenience.
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🔗Optimizer Ultra Sight

The HHA Optimizer Ultra x Sight 5010.010 RH is a top-tier product with an advanced design that sets it apart in the AR Pistol Sights category. Its unique features include the Infinite Adjust Slotted Slide Bracket, which allows shooters to make 2nd axis and vertical adjustments with ease. By simply rolling the wheel up or down, shooters can fine-tune at 20 yards and maximize the sight tape range.
The R. D. S sight tape technology, 20-80 yard tapes in single yard increments, and a tool-free Windage and Elevation Adjustment further enhance the precision and ease of use of this sight. The R. D. S tape design eliminates the need to jump from one hole to another, saving time and ensuring accurate adjustments in a smoother operation.
In the US, the sight is made of durable materials with built-in shock absorbers to withstand the rigors of outdoor hunting and improve durability over time. In addition, this sight can be used in conjunction with 35-40 yard shots as a standard practice, allowing shooters to expand their target range capabilities.
In general, the HHA Optimizer Ultra x Sight 5010.010 RH delivers unmatched performance for professional hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. Overall, its ergonomic design, durable construction, and advanced features make it one of the most impressive sights in the category.

🔗Co Witness Pistol Sights

The Axcel Accutouch Plus Carbon Pro Sight AV-41 1 Pin. 019 RH/LH is a highly-rated single pin adjustable sight with a 4.8 out of 5 star rating and 11 reviews. It features an Accu-Click system that allows the shooter to set “clicks” at desired distances, as well as a carbon bar dovetail mount.
The sight's elevation adjustment is specifically designed to stop at set distances, while a 45-degree facing sight tape aids in visibility of the yardage indicator. For additional adjustments, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd axis adjustments can be achieved without the use of shims, and the micro-adjust windage feature can be locked until manually unlocked.
Included in the price is an Axcel AccuView Scope, a Fire Pin, Crosshair Insert, and an adjustable rheostat. The sight is available in either 31mm or 41mm scope diameters. Overall, this sight holds its place among the high-quality products available for use with bows, providing an accurate and customizable experience.

🔗Optimizer Ultra Sight for Precision Adjustments & Night Vision

The new HHA Optimizer Ultra sight takes the guesswork out of sighting-in, making it easier for a shooter to find the perfect range for any target. It simplifies the sight-in process and allows for fine-tuning at 20 yards maximizing the sight tape range. This improved sight design brings an extra level of adjustment that enables the shooter to make 2nd axis and vertical adjustments with ease, leading to precision accuracy from 10 to 80 yards.
The optimized sight delivers a smooth yardage wheel design, eliminating clicking and squeaking noises. Overall, the HHA Optimizer Ultra is a top-rated product that provides top-tier performance and accuracy for any bowhunting enthusiast.

🔗Green Dot Sight Pistol Sights - Optic with Windage Adjustment

The HHA Optimizer Sight 3000 1 Pin is an adjustable sight with a 1 5/8" sight housing, 2 feet of wrapped green fiber optic, and bubble level. It features micro adjustable windage. This sight is perfect for those who are looking for a more user-friendly option in comparison to traditional 4-pin sights. Some advantages of the HHA Optimizer Sight include its simple and straight-forward nature as well as its durability; the sight is CNC machined and made from high-quality materials, allowing it to withstand use and prolonging its lifespan.
One feature that sets apart the HHA Optimizer Sight from other single-pin options on the market is its tool-free windage adjustment. This feature not only makes setup easier but also allows for on-the-fly adjustments in the field without requiring any extra tools or add-ons.
However, it's important to note one minor drawback to the design, which is that it does not accept a light or lens. This might be a concern for users who normally require lens or light support in low-light conditions.
Overall, the HHA Optimizer Sight 3000 is a great choice for hunters and marksmen who want a no-fuss, dependable sight that requires minimal maintenance and is easy to use. Its versatility, reliability, and ease of setup in the field make it a worthy standout in the world of optics, making it a highly recommended product.

🔗HHA Optimizer Lite x Sight 5519 .019 - Infinite Adjust Slotted Side Bracket for 20-80 Yard Accuracy and Smooth Lever Action

HHA Optimizer Lite x Sight 5519.019 is designed to provide an accurate, long-range shooting experience for archers. Featuring a new infinite Adjust Slotted Slide Bracket, it allows the shooter to make 2nd axis and vertical adjustments with ease, enhancing accuracy and precision. The 20-80 yard accuracy and smooth lever action of the sight contribute to its popularity among archers. In addition, the water-resistant tapes and leveling bubble help in better alignment and accuracy.
The Optimizer Lite x Sight also features a machined aluminum pin carrier for improved durability and performance. Optional mechanical rheostat to adjust pin brightness and compatibility with Blue Burst light and Lens Kit are added benefits that contribute to the overall versatility of the sight. Archers will appreciate the lightweight construction, making it easy to carry and use during hunting sessions.
A unique feature of this sight is the optional mechanical rheostat that allows the user to adjust the pin brightness, ensuring better visibility in low light conditions. This sight is compatible with Blue Burst light and Lens Kit as well, enhancing its capabilities even further. With all these features, the HHA Optimizer Lite x Sight 5519.019 is a top choice for bow hunters looking for a reliable, versatile sight for both short and long-distance shots.

🔗Trophy Ridge React Pro .19 Pin Sight Right Handed

The Trophy AS825R19 React Pro is a world-class precision, durable, and highly reliable hunting sight designed for serious hunters. This right-handed bow sight features a solid 6061-aluminum construction, no-slop tolerances for accurate shooting, and exclusive React technology for easy sight-in.
With tool-less micro-adjustment, second- and third-axis leveling capabilities, a precision-installed bubble level, rheostat sight light, and a contrast glow ring, the React Pro Five-Pin Sight guarantees a perfect aim in all shooting situations. The front-mounted fiber-optic ring and rheostat light maximize pin brightness while protecting the fibers, making it easy to see through low and changing light conditions.
The sight is finished with a black finish, providing a sleek and professional look. Overall, the Trophy AS825R19 React Pro is the ideal choice for hunters seeking a high-quality, easy-to-use, and reliable sight for their bow.

🔗Novac Night Sights for Pursuit Bow - Adjustable Brightness for Optimal Low Light Performance

This single pin adjustable sight with a direct mount features an all-aluminum body and Delrin bushings for smooth and quiet movement. It comes with a low light glow indicator tape, rheostat light, and a sight level with a second and third axis adjustability.
The sight works well for target practice and hunting with a quick and easy sight-in process. However, some users have mentioned issues with the elevation adjustment screws and the lack of user guides or customer support. Overall, the Escalade Sports Pursuit. 019 Sight Black Right Hand is a versatile and budget-friendly bow sight, but it may not be the best choice for advanced archers or those in search of a premium product.

🔗Apex Gear Covert 1 Pin Sight

The Apex Gear Covert 1 Pin Sight is a compact and lightweight sight for your bow. It comes with aperture housing that includes vertical and horizontal tilt adjustments, making it easy to make precise shots. The sight also comes with micro adjustable windage and elevation for further accuracy.
This sight's glow-in-the-dark shooter's ring aligns the scope housing to the peep, helping in quick target acquisition. The rear-facing, easy-to-see yardage tape location further enhances targeting capabilities.
The precision-machined aluminum construction ensures durability and a long-lasting performance. Overall, it is a suitable choice for any archer in need of a reliable and accurate bow sight.

🔗Trophy Ridge React One Pro RH .019 Sight (Archery Sight)

The React One Pro from Trophy Ridge is a high-end vertical single pin sight that allows archers to push the limits and reach up to 100 yards. Combining React Technology with all the features of a top-notch target bow sight, the Trophy Ridge React One Pro will meet your every need. The sight is easy to use and delivers year after year, hunt after hunt.
You won't believe that React Technology can make your archery experience even better! .

🔗CBE Tactic Hybrid 1 Pin Sight

The CBE Tactic Hybrid 1-Pin Bow Sight is an ultra-light, compact bow sight that won't break the bank. It offers an effective and user-friendly experience for experienced archers. The highlight of this product is the Tactic Hybrid's movable pin sight with Smart Mount's multi-positioning mountable system. Using this, users can easily adjust the various settings according to their needs.
In addition, the Bow Sight features a floating pin with a rapid stop. This makes it simple to shoot from long or short distances. With its fibber management system, users can now use the sight more safely by enhancing the brightness of pins and providing better protection with 12 inches of fibber.
Furthermore, the Bow Sight provides visual aid during pin adjustment. It employs laser-marked hashes to assist users in understanding their shots better and make precise changes if necessary. Lastly, the Tactic Hybrid's versatility shines in its ambidextrous design, making it convenient for both left-handed and right-handed archers.
The Tactic Hybrid Sight also comes with a Rheostat Sight Light and Sight Scales, adding more value to the item while keeping its user-friendly nature intact. In terms of reviews from actual users, customers have consistently described the Bow Sight as exceptional with its "love it, " "excellent sight, " and "best sights for the money. "
Although a few reviewers shared negative experiences, these concerns mainly revolved around potential durability issues and incompatibility errors. All in all, the CBE Tactic Hybrid 1-Pin Bow Sight is a cost-effective, functional, and ergonomic solution catering to various bowing needs.

🔗CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight: Frustration-Free Pin Adjustments and Quad-Track Stability

The CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight is a high-quality product designed for archers seeking an easy-to-adjust sight with advanced features. Featuring frustration-free pin adjustment, Armed Guard Fiber Management System, and the Dovetail Mounting System, this product stands out among its competitors.
The sight utilizes the Hybrid Elevation Adjustment, Hybrid Windage Adjustment, and 2Nd and 3Rd axis adjustments, making it a versatile option for experienced hunters. The four-track quad track design and ergonomic knob contribute to its stability and adjustability. Additionally, the product offers rapid drive for fast adjustments, which is convenient for hunters on the go.
This product comes with Quad Track Design Utilizing Delrin Tracks and Rapid Drive for fast adjustments. It also includes 12 inches of fiber for brighter pins and the RiteLighter Pin Retention System for secure fibers.
Users have given this product high ratings on usability and design, noting that the Armed Guard Fiber Management System and ergonomic knob make it easy and comfortable to set up. Some users have pointed out minor issues, such as loose housing and limited color availability, but the overall experience is positive with many users praising the sights’ versatility and accuracy.
In conclusion, the CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight is a high-performing product tailored for experienced archers seeking both stability and adjustability in their hunting sights.

🔗Trophy Ridge Fix Series 7 Pin Sight (Black, Right-Hand)

The Trophy Ridge Fix Series sight offers dependable precision by delivering highly adjustable pins for increased accuracy at varying ranges. With ultra-bright. 019 fiber optic pins, these sight devices are well-suited for use in low-light situations. The rheostat light on Trophy Ridge sights guarantees custom adjustability for optimal brightness while making any necessary modification to improve your shooting conditions.
The Fix sight features a 2nd axis adjustment, which amplifies your precision over extended distances. This innovative sight design offers pin adjustment controls that can be found built into the sight itself, which is incredibly convenient when making those slight modifications on the spot.
The Fix Series sights come in an array of options, namely 7, 5, and 3 pins. This choice allows you to personalize your sighting capabilities to fit your hunting style and preferences. The right-hand sights offer horizontal and. 019 fiber optic yardage indicators, ensuring you can easily zero in on your target no matter the conditions.
With its aluminum brackets and a high level of precision and durability, the Trophy Ridge Fix sights will serve you well during your hunting excursions.

Buyer's Guide

Canted Iron Sights are essential accessories for a firearm, offering precision aiming during tactical situations. When considering purchasing a Canted Iron Sight, you should take into account several factors to ensure that it meets your requirements and is compatible with your firearm.

Design and Construction

Canted Iron Sights are available in various designs and colors, including black, silver, and gold. Choose a design that complements your firearm and personal preferences. When it comes to construction, you have the option of aluminum or steel constructions. Aluminum is lighter and more corrosion-resistant, while steel is more durable and resists wear and tear. Make your decision based on the primary purpose of your firearm.

Mounting Options

Canted Iron Sights come in two primary mounting options: Picatinny rails and dovetail mounts. Picatinny rails are designed to fit a wide range of firearms, while dovetail mounts are specifically for slide-action shotguns. Ensure that your chosen Canted Iron Sight is compatible with your firearm's existing mounting system.

Reticle and Visibility

The reticle is the aiming point within the sight. It can be a simple dot or a more complex design, such as a circle, triangle, or cross-hair. Decide which reticle you prefer based on your personal preferences and the intended use of your firearm. Make sure the reticle is visible and clear enough for you to focus on target acquisition.



Before purchasing a Canted Iron Sight, ensure that it is compatible with your firearm. Measure the dimension of your firearm's rail and check if the mounting length of the Canted Iron Sight matches your requirements. Additionally, consider factors such as recoil and environmental conditions that may affect the sight's performance.

Durability and Warranty

Select a Canted Iron Sight that is made of durable materials and offers a reasonable warranty period. Make sure the warranty covers any potential defects or issues related to the product's manufacturing and/or craftsmanship. Look for customer reviews and testimonials to see how the product has performed over time.

Price and Availability

Canted Iron Sights come at a range of price points, depending on their features and construction quality. Compare different models to find the best value for your budget. Ensure that the chosen product is readily available and can be easily purchased from a trustworthy retailer.


When choosing a Canted Iron Sight, take into account your firearm's specific requirements, design preferences, and budget constraints. By considering the factors listed above, you can make an informed decision that will enhance your firearm's performance and safety.



What is the purpose of canted iron sights?

Canted iron sights are designed to provide a more accurate aiming point for the user, especially when using tactical shooting techniques. They help to improve overall accuracy and minimize the need for additional accessories or modifications to the gun.

What types of canted iron sights are available?

There are two main types of canted iron sights: front canted and rear canted. Front canted sights are mounted on the front of the slide, while rear canted sights are mounted on the rear of the weapon. Both options offer similar accuracy benefits for the user.

What benefits do canted iron sights offer?

Canted iron sights offer several advantages, including improved accuracy, faster target acquisition, and enhanced tactical capabilities. By providing a more natural and consistent sight alignment, users can maintain their focus on the target and perform better under pressure.

What firearms are compatible with canted iron sights?

Canted iron sights are compatible with a wide range of firearms, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns. The specific model and design of the firearm will determine the compatibility of the canted iron sights. Consult with the manufacturer for specific compatibility information.

How do I install canted iron sights?

Installing canted iron sights will vary depending on the specific model and firearm. Generally, you will need to remove any existing iron sights, attach the new canted iron sights to the appropriate location on the firearm, and then secure them in place with any necessary hardware. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation and safety.

Do canted iron sights require any additional adjustments?

Canted iron sights do require some initial adjustments to achieve proper functionality. You will need to ensure that the sight aligns properly with the bore axis and that the user's eye is properly aligned with the sight. Adjustment may include sighting in and aligning the canted sight with the user's dominant eye. Consult the manufacturer's instructions for specific adjustment guidelines.
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2024.05.19 06:58 EyeZoneOptometry Get Ready for LopeCoin NFT Marketplace Launch! 🚀

We are excited to share some fantastic news about the upcoming LopeCoin NFT Marketplace! Here’s why you should be hyped:
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We’re committed to building a vibrant and dynamic NFT ecosystem, and we can’t wait for you to be a part of it. Keep an eye on our updates and get ready to dive into the LopeCoin universe.
submitted by EyeZoneOptometry to Crypto_Talkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:56 Sweet-Count2557 Season Holidays in Hulhumale, Maldives

Season Holidays in Hulhumale, Maldives
Season Holidays in Hulhumale, Maldives
Season Holidays: Your Perfect Beachfront Getaway in Hulhumale, Maldives
Price Level: $
Hotel Class: 4
Welcome to Season Holidays in Hulhumale, Maldives! Located on the beachfront side of Hulhumale, our hotel offers a convenient and hassle-free experience with free transfers from Ibrahim Nasir International Airport, just a 10-minute ride away. With a total of 12 bedrooms, our rooms are simply furnished and equipped with air-conditioning and free Wifi. Enjoy breathtaking sea and city views from your room, which also includes a flat-screen TV, wardrobe, and telephone. Each room has a private bathroom with shower facilities, towels, and free toiletries. Start your day with a delicious breakfast at our in-house restaurant, where you can also savor local and international cuisine for other meals. For a romantic dining experience, we can arrange a barbecue on the beach with a beautiful table setting. Indulge in various activities such as snorkeling, fishing, windsurfing, and diving, all conveniently available for our guests. Our friendly staff can also assist in arranging island tours and activities. Laundry and ironing services are available for your convenience. Don't forget to visit our hotel terrace, where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the beach. Come and experience a memorable stay at Season Holidays in Hulhumale, Maldives!
Amenities of Season Holidays in Hulhumale, Maldives
Season Holidays in Hulhumale, Maldives offers a range of amenities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay for its guests. Situated right on the beachfront, guests can enjoy stunning views and easy access to the pristine sandy beaches. The hotel provides free internet and WiFi, allowing guests to stay connected throughout their stay. For added convenience, the hotel offers free airport transportation, making it easy for guests to reach the hotel upon arrival. The rooms are equipped with air conditioning and flatscreen TVs, providing a comfortable and relaxing environment. Guests can start their day with a delicious breakfast, which is included in the room rate. Additionally, the hotel features a restaurant where guests can enjoy a variety of meals. For those who require laundry services, the hotel offers both dry cleaning and laundry service. The friendly and attentive concierge is available to assist guests with any requests or recommendations. To explore the surrounding area, guests can take advantage of the free shuttle or taxi services provided by the hotel. With its beach access and array of amenities, Season Holidays is the perfect choice for a memorable stay in Hulhumale, Maldives.
Contact of Season Holidays in Hulhumale, Maldives
+960 335-6681
Lot 10349, Hirundhu Magu, Hulhumale 23000
Location of Season Holidays in Hulhumale, Maldives
Pictures of Season Holidays in Hulhumale, Maldives
Tips for Staying in Season Holidays
The store nearby has timings so better check it out.☺️King room, sea view.If it’s your first time, take a tour package. It’s good to stay within the city specially if you’re going for tours. It’s less expensiveYou like sunshine - sea viewYou like quite - other than sea viewsLook for places who gives you transfer to the airport and are well located like this one
Reviews of Season Holidays in Hulhumale, Maldives
Book Season Holidays Now !!!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:56 Significant-Tower146 Best Canopy Tents with Sides

Best Canopy Tents with Sides

Looking for a versatile and functional shelter for your outdoor events? Look no further than canopy tents with sides! These tents offer both protection from the elements and privacy, making them perfect for a variety of occasions. In this article, we'll explore some of the top choices in canopy tents with sides to help you find the perfect solution for your needs.
From family gatherings to professional events, a canopy tent with sides can provide the ideal space for comfort and enjoyment. Stay tuned as we delve into the world of these practical and stylish shelters, covering everything from features to user reviews, to help you make an informed decision that's sure to impress your guests and keep everyone protected from the unpredictable weather.

The Top 18 Best Canopy Tents with Sides

  1. White 10x20 Party Wedding Tent Canopy - Spacious 10x20 white wedding tent with 4 sidewalls, 2 doors, easy assembly, high-class cloth top, iron tubes, smart workmanship, waterproof, suitable for various events & assembled with necessary accessories.
  2. 10 ft. x 20 ft. Heavy-Duty Canopy Event Tent Outdoor White Gazebo Party Wedding Tent with 4 Removable Sidewalls - This elegant, easy-to-assemble, and highly durable 10x20 tent offers ample space for any event, providing a comfortable retreat from the elements due to its waterproof and UV-resistant features.
  3. 10'x20' Waterproof Canopy Tent with Sidewalls - The Costway 10'x20' Canopy Tent with 4 Sidewalls and Carry Bag provides a durable, weather-resistant, and easy-to-use shelter for outdoor events, offering protection from rain, winds, and UV rays while being suitable for commercial and recreational use.
  4. 10x20 Pop-Up Event Tent with Removable Mesh Sidewalls - The Outsunny 10 ft. x 20 ft. Canopy Tent Gazebo, with its white, powder-coated steel frame and 4 removable mesh sidewalls, provides a practical and elegant solution for your next outdoor event, offering both protection and an open-air feel.
  5. 10x20 Traditional White Wedding Party Tent Canopy - Experience the perfect blend of style and durability with the Winado 10 ft. x 20 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy featuring 4 sidewalls and 2 doors, designed for hosting weddings, camping, and other events with ease and convenience.
  6. White 10 ft. x 30 ft. Wedding Party Tent with 6 Sides and 2 Doors - A 10 ft. x 30 ft. white party tent with 6 sidewalls and 2 doors, perfect for weddings, camping, and other special occasions, offering a spacious and waterproof space with a robust, easy-to-assemble structure.
  7. 10 ft. x 30 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy - This 10 ft. x 30 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy 5 Sidewall by Winado offers a practical, portable, and waterproof solution for wedding, camping, and other gatherings, with its high-grade PE cloth and iron tube frame ensuring durability and stability.
  8. Outdoor White Metal Party Tent with Zippered Windows - Durable and Multifunctional Outdoor Metal Party Tent with UV Protection and Waterproof Top, Ideal for Weddings, Picnics, and Events on Grassy and Cement Surfaces.
  9. 15' x 15' Canopy Tent Blockout Sidewall Kit - Protect your event from wind, rain, and sun with our 15' x 15' Premium Waterproof Blockout Sidewall Kit, including UV-resistant and 100% waterproof sidewalls for added privacy and protection.
  10. 10'x10' Canopy Wedding Party Tent Gazebo with 4 Side Walls - Upgrade your event with this elegant 10'x10' canvas canopy party tent, featuring 4 side walls for added privacy and class at your next special gathering or wedding, although some reviewers found the structure not sturdy.
  11. White 10x10 Pop-Up Canopy Tent with Sides - CASAINC 10 ft. x 10 ft. White Outdoor Side Walls Canopy Tent - Durable waterproof top cover, sturdy construction, and large space make it ideal for parties, weddings, and flea markets, providing long-lasting shelter on various surfaces.
  12. Versatile Pop-up Canopy Tent with UV Protection - Experience the perfect blend of style, convenience, and durability with Outsunny's 10' x 20' Pop Up Canopy Tent, offering effortless assembly, UV protection, and a space-saving, wheeled carry bag for all outdoor events.
  13. Stylish Convertible Sleeper Chair for Modern Spaces - Durable 10'x30' party canopy tent with 8 removable sidewalls, heavy-duty steel frame, waterproof Polyethylene roof, and UV protection for outdoor weddings, gatherings, and camping. Easy assembly in 15 minutes.
  14. 30x10 ft. White Wedding Party Canopy Tent with 8 Removable Sidewalls - Experience the perfect balance of durability, style, and convenience with the ITOPFOX Wedding Party Canopy Tent, featuring a waterproof, corrosion-resistant design suitable for various outdoor events like parties and weddings.
  15. 10' x 20' Blockout Canopy Tent Sidwalls - The 10' x 20' Party & Canopy Tent Premium Blockout Sidewall Kit offers waterproof, UV-resistant, and mold-resistant protection for your event, featuring PVC vinyl construction and adjustable staking loops for a secure, weather-resistant setup.
  16. Pop-up 10'x30' Wedding Party Canopy Tent - Discover the vibrant and elegant 10x30 Wedding Party Canopy Tent from FORCLOVER, boasting 8 removable sidewalls and a sturdy powder-coated tube frame, perfect for temporary outdoor celebrations under favorable weather conditions.
  17. High Quality Canopy Tent with Waterproof Top, Durable, 10x10, For Outdoor Use - Experience a sturdy, waterproof, and UV-resistant 10' x 10' Outdoor Side Walls Canopy Tent, perfect for parties, weddings, and business events, with easy setup and durable construction for a long-lasting solution to your outdoor needs.
  18. Waterproof Pop-Up Canopy Tent with Window and Removable Sidewalls - Spacious 10x10ft Oudiec Pop Up Canopy Tent with waterproof 210D Oxford fabric, removable side walls, mesh windows, and UV protection, perfect for outdoor gatherings, patios, gardens and more.
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🔗White 10x20 Party Wedding Tent Canopy

As a reviewer who has had the opportunity to use this 10 ft. x 20 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy with 4 Sidewalls and 2 Doors, I can confidently say that it's been an exceptional choice for our events. The ease of assembly is one of the key features that stood out for me. With its smart workmanship and high-class cloth top and iron tubes, setting it up took no time at all.
Another brilliant feature that I absolutely loved is its large space. It comfortably accommodated many people and stuffs, making it perfect for big gatherings like weddings or parties. The outstanding waterproof performance also makes it suitable for outdoor usage, which is a bonus.
One minor issue I encountered was a slight instability during windy days. However, the spiral interface between the tubes in its design has made the overall frame more stable, providing a secure environment even during unpredictable weather conditions.
All in all, this tent is a great addition to any event, whether it be a wedding, camping, parking, or a simple party. It's the assembled tent that comes with necessary accessories, making it convenient to carry around on a daily basis.
In summary, this 10 ft. x 20 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy is a versatile, space-efficient, and easy-to-assemble option that doesn't compromise on elegance.

🔗10 ft. x 20 ft. Heavy-Duty Canopy Event Tent Outdoor White Gazebo Party Wedding Tent with 4 Removable Sidewalls


Oh, you know when you're planning that big BBQ party in your backyard and you want your guests to feel as comfortable as possible? Or maybe you need a waterproof shelter for those unexpected rain showers during a camping trip? Well, I just had the chance to try out this 10 ft. x 20 ft. white gazebo party tent, and let me tell you, it's perfect for both!
The first thing that caught my eye was its high-grade PE cloth top and iron tubes. The smart workmanship and reasonable design make it not only incredibly stylish but also incredibly easy to put together. You know how some tents can be a real hassle to assemble? Not this one! It only took me a few minutes, and I was good to go! It's like having your own little pop-up fortress.
One thing I definitely appreciated was the spacious room it provides. I had plenty of space to add a few tables and chairs for my guests, and it didn't feel cramped at all. And speaking of guests, the tent's high-grade materials make sure that everyone stays comfortable, no matter what the weather's like outside. It's like your own personal oasis, except instead of palm trees, you've got a sleek, white tent!
Of course, no product is perfect, and this one is no exception. One small issue I encountered was that the tent can be a bit challenging to take down on your own, especially if you're in a hurry. I also found that the sidewalls can be a bit difficult to remove and reattach, so make sure you give yourself ample time when disassembling the tent.
Overall, I would highly recommend this 10 ft. x 20 ft. white gazebo party tent, especially for anyone who's looking for a stylish, high-quality outdoor shelter that's easy to assemble and provides plenty of room for guests. Just make sure you've got a buddy to help you with the take-down process!

🔗10'x20' Waterproof Canopy Tent with Sidewalls

I recently purchased a Costway 10'x20' Canopy Tent for a backyard party, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. The tent was easy to set up with the help of my family and friends, and it provided ample shade from the summer sun. The highlight of this tent is its rust-resistant steel frame and durable waterproof polyethylene fabric, which make it perfect for withstanding various weather conditions.
One of the standout features for me was the ease of installation. We were able to have it up and ready within a short period, ensuring that our guests were protected from the elements. The canopy also provided a nice wind block, which came in handy during occasional gusts.
In terms of aesthetics, the canopy tent is quite appealing, with a sleek design that adds a touch of elegance to any event. The quality of the sewing is meticulous, contributing to the overall durability of the tent. Additionally, the tent comes with a carrying bag, making it easy to transport and store when not in use.
However, there are some cons to consider. Some users reported issues with the durability of the tent, with signs of wear and tear after a few uses. There were also concerns about the product's weather resistance, as it may not withstand stronger gusts of wind or heavy rainfall.
In conclusion, the Costway 10'x20' Canopy Tent is a great choice for those looking for a sturdy and stylish shelter for their outdoor events. While some users have reported durability concerns, overall, the tent has received positive reviews from many satisfied customers. I would definitely recommend it for commercial or recreational use, such as parties, weddings, flea markets, and backyard events.

🔗10x20 Pop-Up Event Tent with Removable Mesh Sidewalls

In my recent outdoor event, I had the pleasure of using the Outsunny Canopy Tent Gazebo. The first thing I noticed was how easy it was to set up. The rust-resistant steel frame held its own against some gusty wind, providing a safe and spacious shelter for my guests.
One of the standout features was the 4 removable mesh walls. They allowed for an open-air feel while also offering protection from bugs and wind. The water-resistant roof provided great coverage and helped reflect UV rays, keeping everyone cool and safe from the sun.
However, this tent isn't perfect. It can be a pain to take down, especially on windy days when the mesh walls flap around. Additionally, it's not very weather-resistant in heavy rain or strong winds. I learned this the hard way when a sudden downpour brought the party to an abrupt end as the tent collapsed.
Overall, the Outsunny Canopy Tent Gazebo is great for casual events or gatherings. Its ease of setup and breathable mesh walls make it a comfortable choice. However, its lack of durability and poor weather resistance might be a deal-breaker for those planning more intense outdoor events or using it in unpredictable weather conditions.
I hope my experience gives you a better understanding of this product. If you have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to ask.

🔗10x20 Traditional White Wedding Party Tent Canopy

As a reviewer who has been using the Winado 10 ft x 20 ft White Party Wedding Tent Canopy with 4 Sidewall and 2 Doors for several events, I can definitely say it's been a game-changer. The high-grade cloth top and iron tubes provide a robust structure that has withstood countless storms and windy days, ensuring my guests remain comfortable and dry.
One of the standout features is its ease of assembly. Even with limited experience, I could quickly set up this tent. The spiral interface between the tubes adds additional stability to the overall frame. Plus, the large space it provides is perfect for accommodating many people and their belongings.
However, there were some cons to consider. The lack of waterproof rating could be an issue in heavy rainfall. And while it's suitable for various occasions, the weight of the tent can be a bit cumbersome for solo setups.
In conclusion, the Winado Tent Canopy has been a reliable addition to my event planning toolkit. It boasts a sturdy structure, spacious interior, and easy assembly. Despite the cons, I'd recommend it for anyone in need of a reliable tent for their next gathering.

🔗White 10 ft. x 30 ft. Wedding Party Tent with 6 Sides and 2 Doors

I had the opportunity to use this beautiful 10 ft. x 30 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy for my cousin's wedding, and it was an absolute game-changer! Its elegant design and spacious interior provided the perfect setting for our guests to dance the night away. The ease of setup and breakdown was a major plus, allowing us to focus on the more important aspects of the event.
One thing that really stood out was the sturdiness of the structure, with its high-grade PE cloth top and iron tubes. Even on a slightly breezy day, it held up surprisingly well. However, I must say that it's not the best choice for super windy or rainy conditions, so make sure to secure it properly.
The sidewall and two doors were also an excellent touch, providing that extra layer of privacy and protection from the elements. Plus, the fact that it can accommodate up to 300 square feet of space means you won't have to worry about cramming everyone inside!
In summary, this Wedding Tent Canopy was a fantastic addition to our event, transforming a simple backyard into a magical, elegant space. While it may not be ideal for windy or rainy situations, its overall quality and spacious design make it a great choice for those looking to elevate their next outdoor gathering.

🔗10 ft. x 30 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy

I recently purchased the Winado 10 ft. x 30 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy with 5 Sidewalls for an outdoor event.
The tent was surprisingly easy to set up following the instructions, and it looked elegant draped in white. I was also impressed by how spacious the interior was, providing ample space for guests.
However, on a slightly windy day, the stability of the tent became a concern as the structure wasn't as sturdy as I'd hoped. Despite this, the tent did offer protection from light rain. Overall, while the Winado Wedding Tent Canopy is beautiful and functional for various occasions, it may not be the best choice for events held in windy conditions.

🔗Outdoor White Metal Party Tent with Zippered Windows

As an avid party planner, I must say that the Outdoor Metal White Party Tent with Windows - 13 x 26 has been a game-changer for my events. It's a multi-functional shelter that provides both shade and protection from the elements, making it perfect for commercial and recreational use. From weddings and graduations to picnics and backyard parties, this tent truly is a versatile choice.
One of the standout features of this tent is its high-quality, heavy-duty white powder-coated steel structure. It's rust and corrosion-resistant and delivers strong support with its 1.5-inch steel tube diameter and 1.66-inch metal connector diameter. Additionally, the thick base offers immense stability and durability for outdoor activities.
The 100% waterproof top uses a 140g PE cloth that keeps guests dry in case of rain. Meanwhile, the removable sidewalls with zippers allow for great cross-ventilation on hot summer days. These sidewalls also block 99% of harmful UV rays, making them perfect for sunny afternoons. The 160-gram PVC windows provide more brightness and a modern look to the tent.
Storing and reusing this tent is hassle-free, thanks to the extra durable 3 x 600D Oxford fabric storage bags included. For added stability on different surfaces, both ground nails and expansion screws are provided. However, it's essential to take preventative measures when wind speeds reach 25 mph or higher.
A few safety reminders include never leaving the tent up overnight or in bad weather conditions. Also, note that the polyethylene fabric is non-fireproof, so always keep it away from sources of fire. To ensure the best experience, safety measures and professional installation are highly recommended.
While the Outdoor Metal White Party Tent with Windows - 13 x 26 has been a wonderful addition to my event planning toolkit, it does have a few drawbacks. The initial setup can be time-consuming, and the weight of the components may make it difficult for one person to handle alone. Additionally, the requirement for additional support structures in windy conditions adds to the complexity of using the tent.
Overall, this tent offers great value and functionality for a variety of outdoor events. Its weather resistance, durability, and versatility make it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to enhance their event experience.

🔗15' x 15' Canopy Tent Blockout Sidewall Kit

Imagine the disappointment of having your perfectly planned backyard event ruined by sudden rain or unpredictable wind. Our 15' x 15' Premium Blockout Sidewall Kit is here to save the day, designed to help you weather the unexpected and keep your guests comfortable in any situation.
Constructed from 16oz premium blockout PVC vinyl, these sidewalls boast impressive UV resistance and 100% waterproofing. They come in your choice of cathedral or window sidewalls, allowing you to control not only the elements but also the level of privacy and visibility you desire.
One unique feature of our sidewalls is the strapping for staking and securing to the ground, ensuring they stay in place regardless of the weather conditions outside. However, it's important to note that these sidewalls are not recommended for staking during heavy winds, as this could potentially damage your event equipment.
In summary, our 15' x 15' Premium Blockout Sidewall Kit is a reliable and versatile solution for creating a comfortable and private space at your next outdoor event. While they offer excellent protection from the sun and rain, it's crucial to take extra care during heavy winds to ensure their longevity and effectiveness.

🔗10'x10' Canopy Wedding Party Tent Gazebo with 4 Side Walls

I recently used the Segawe 10'x10' Canopy Party Tent for a backyard wedding, and it was quite an experience. The first thing that caught my eye was the elegant design with four side walls, giving our event a private and elegant touch. However, the build quality wasn't as sturdy as I expected. The metal poles didn't feel very strong, which was a bit concerning.
To my relief, the canopy itself is made of high-quality 90G/M2 PE material, providing excellent shelter from the sun and rain. The 4 side walls came in handy for added privacy during our intimate gathering, but they didn't offer much in terms of stability. It would have been even better if the structure had some kind of locking mechanism to make it sturdier.
Despite its flaws, this gazebo pavilion did its job for our one-off event. And considering the affordable price, it might be worth considering if you're in need of a temporary shelter with side walls for your next gathering. Just keep in mind that you might need to reinforce the structure yourself to ensure it doesn't collapse in strong winds.

🔗White 10x10 Pop-Up Canopy Tent with Sides

Once upon a time, I decided to throw a beach-themed party in my backyard. I wanted to create the perfect atmosphere for my guests, so I opted for a Canopy Tent with Sides to provide shade and protection from the elements. As I began setting it up, I was struck by how easy it was to assemble - no tools required! The structure felt sturdy and reliable, which instantly put my concerns about wind or rain at bay.
One feature that stood out was the adjustable height. It allowed me to accommodate taller guests comfortably while still providing ample space beneath the canopy. The white color of the tent not only matched my nautical theme perfectly but also helped reflect sunlight, keeping the area cooler on a hot summer day.
However, there were some cons that need addressing. Firstly, the lack of a storage bag meant I had to find extra storage space for all the parts when the party was over. Additionally, despite the waterproof top cover, there wasn't enough ventilation, making it quite stuffy inside during the peak afternoon sun.
In conclusion, while the Canopy Tent with Sides proved to be an excellent addition to my outdoor event, some improvements could enhance its appeal further. I'd recommend adding a storage bag and improving airflow for those sweltering summer days.

🔗Versatile Pop-up Canopy Tent with UV Protection

I recently used the Outsunny Pop Up Canopy Tent for a family gathering in our garden, and it certainly proved to be a lifesaver. The sturdy construction and large size provided ample shade and shelter during the hot summer day, while the sidewalls and doors ensured that we were well protected from any wind gusts. The assembly process was quite smooth, taking just a few minutes with the help of a friend, and the included wheels made it easy to maneuver and set up in different locations.
One standout feature of this tent is its durability. After weeks of use, it still looks brand new, and I'm confident that it'll continue to provide reliable protection from the elements for many more gatherings to come. However, one issue that I encountered with the tent is that it can be a bit heavy when it's time to pack up and move it to another location. Overall, the Outsunny Pop Up Canopy Tent has been an excellent addition to our outdoor entertaining repertoire, offering both style and substance for a wide range of occasions.

🔗Stylish Convertible Sleeper Chair for Modern Spaces

As a frequent party planner, I recently stumbled upon this 10x30' Party Canopy Tent and it has been a game-changer. The heavy-duty steel frame is not only sturdy but also lightweight, ensuring longevity and easy transport. The high-quality polyethylene roof and sidewalls are tear-resistant, waterproof, and offer UV protection. I appreciate the additional ropes and stakes provided for added stability during those windy days.
The large interior space can comfortably accommodate around 50 people, making it perfect for various occasions like weddings, birthday parties, or family gatherings. The eight removable sidewalls with windows provide ample shade and privacy. It's also incredibly versatile - great for picnics, barbecues, or even as a temporary shelter for your car.
While the assembly instructions are quite straightforward and can be completed in about 15 minutes, it does require some patience and steady hands to ensure the frame is steady before placing the cover. Overall, this Party Canopy Tent has definitely become a staple in my event planning toolkit.

Buyer's Guide

  1. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper assembly and maintenance of your canopy tent with sides, ensuring that it remains in good condition and provides optimal protection.
  2. Invest in additional accessories like sandbags or weights to further secure your tent during windy conditions or heavy rain.
  3. Ensure that all stakes and anchoring systems are properly installed with adequate clearance for safety purposes, and regularly inspect them for signs of wear or damage to maintain their effectiveness in securing your canopy tent with sides.
  4. Store your canopy tent with sides in a dry, clean location when not in use to help extend its lifespan and maintain its performance.



What are canopy tents with sides?

Canopy tents with sides, also known as instant tents or frame tents, are tents designed with extended walls on all four sides for added protection and enhanced privacy. These tents are typically made of waterproof and UV-resistant materials, and they provide shelter from sun, wind, and rain.

What are the benefits of using a canopy tent with sides?

Some benefits include:
  • Protection from sun, wind, and rain
  • Enhanced privacy and added personal space
  • Ease of setup and use
  • Durability and longevity due to high-quality materials

How do I choose the right size canopy tent with sides for my needs?

Consider factors like the number of people you'll be hosting, the amount of gear you need to store, and the available space. Standard sizes are typically 10x10, 10x15, and 15x15 feet, but some tents may have custom dimensions.


What features should I look for in a quality canopy tent with sides?

Some important features include:
  1. Sturdy steel or aluminum frame
  2. Waterproof and UV-resistant material
  3. Efficient ventilation options, like adjustable air vents or roll-up walls
  4. Easy-to-handle side walls with zippers or Velcro attachments
  5. Wheeled carrying bag for easy transportation

How do I set up a canopy tent with sides?

Follow these general steps:
  1. Extend the frame
  2. Attach the roof to the frame
  3. Raise and extend the frame until the roof is fully taut
  4. Attach side walls using zippers or Velcro
  5. Stake down and secure the tent using tent stakes or sandbags

How do I care for and maintain a canopy tent with sides?

Some tips include:
  • Clean the tent fabric using a mild detergent and water
  • Allow the fabric to dry completely before storing
  • Inspect and tighten loose screws or bolts periodically
  • Store the tent in a cool, dry place

How long do canopy tents with sides typically last?

The lifespan of a canopy tent with sides can vary, but with proper care and maintenance, they can last for several years or longer.

Can I use a canopy tent with sides for camping, events, or beach outings?

Yes! Canopy tents with sides are versatile and can be used for various occasions, including camping, picnics, tailgating, outdoor events, beach outings, and even at home for providing shade in your backyard.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:54 VRcat-BotCreator JAI theme free? And deleted favorites bot gone? HURRAY!!!

First, I am not sure if people noticed this on their profile as well, but you know your favorited bots? Well sometimes their creators delete the bots, but the favorited bots still exist in your favorite section, with no way to remove it, even though the creator deleted the bot so you can no longer access it.
Well today, that favorited yet unaccessible bot is finally removed from my favorites section. YAYYY, I think others also voiced frustration with this and I am happy that it worked for me at least.
And second, the Janitorchat theme thing. You guys know that that stuff is ALWAYS paid DLC in reddit and discord, right? Like reddit forces you to pay for extra avatars, and discord forces you to pay for sprinkly shit to shoot out of your profile pic.
You gotta understand, this type of customization is ALWAYS used to nickle and dime us, I am so used to Ubisoft and Fortnite stapling 7 pages of paid cosmetics (horse armor, special costumes, etc.) for each game they release. So when JAI team just releases these customizations for free, it is like riding on a time machine and going back in time, way way back, when developers just do things to make players happy, and not to nickle and dime them.
I am also just happy new bot upload works, and chat count also work. Go JAI team!!!!!
submitted by VRcat-BotCreator to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:51 Wade_The_Heathen Coaches Corner with WadeTheHeathen. Special Edition: Who is WadeTheHeathen?

Hello and greetings once again my fellow CUEnthusiasts!
This post is going to be different from the usual ones you may be accustomed to because I feel I should have done this first lol.
To some, I just kinda popped up here and started posting these Coaches Corners without providing anything about myself or my back story. Like, who’s this guy?
I feel like a bit of a proper introduction and a brief digital card collecting history may help. Even most of the folks on discord don’t know this lol.
To keep it CUE, I will not name/mention or describe in detail other apps at all, just some general info that helps to understand my history and why I know the stuff I do and am now sharing it with all of you. To be honest, my CUE adventure started, in part, due to these apps :)
I started trading and collecting digital cards in 2016. But don’t worry, like I said I’ll be brief lol. The apps I was on were all individual but also kind of connected, and it’s wasn’t a game, just collecting and trading. I’ll give some insight to what they were like, as it’s kinda relevant but won’t be too detailed or revealing.
The majority of people traded within an individual app, accounts could span all the apps, but cards never transferred across apps. There was a method to trade between apps we called cross trading. I want to note, this was all ok and approved by the apps devs, but we did so at our own risk. Again, I won’t go into detail and this is as specific as I’ll get.
The reason I mention this is because in order to do this well, I had to know values for cards across quite a few apps and be able convert values amongst them. In order to do so effectively and accurately I studied and worked hard and learned all I could because that was the game.
I was selected for and assigned a trade evaluator role on one of their larger discord servers where players could ping us and get a quick evaluation. If needed, I was required to explain as briefly and as detailed as possible, a breakdown of a trade if needed and do so without bias. I did this until about 2021/2022. I was fairly well known and regarded as one of the better traders on each app I was on. But that comes second hand when you learn to play the collecting and trading game fairly and well. And that’s as far as I’ll go with that. Because next comes my CUE story.
It’s was actually a good friend from those previous apps that introduced me to CUE back in 2020, as my cake day indicates lol. However I was pretty casual on cue as my time was invested elsewhere for a number of reasons that I won’t get into.
I got into and went full time with CUE as my main app in around 2021/2022, and it has been my only card app since. I do want to describe my earlier, cue focused days a bit because it lends a bit to my back story and why I’ve been enjoying making these posts.
When I started, like many, I didn’t use any social platform. I had no idea as to the values other than what I knew from my past as a trader and collector. I also didn’t really play the game, so I never grasped the playability aspect of cards until later.
I managed to apply what I knew and successfully complete the app without ever knowing there was a value systems in place and readily available. I was able to figure which cards were hot, in demand and had value, what to pull (I wasn’t spending much back then, I was grinding trades), and when i found out there were hoarders (one card collectors), I had a good idea of to how to trade with them and, for the most part, any level of player. Little by little I was able to eventually piece together the basic trade economy. I can promise, like most players new to a card app, I sent some bad offers, and accepted them too. It happens lol.
All this means is, I write these posts because I’ve experienced what I’ve written about. I’ve learned the trading game, and applied and integrated what I knew successfully. And if I can help some people skip the years it took me, why not?
I’ve been a member on the CUE official discord for maybe a year, maybe a bit more lol it’s a blur. I can say though, it was just like home. Information readily available, a value system in place, trade evals, hoarders(one card collectors), the players who trade heavily. I made it a priority right then and there to learn the value system there in and out. This didn’t require me to be on discord all the time but I made it on as often as I could, and I took it all in and applied it. I knew how important this was going to be, especially when directly working out deals with people live. I had done this before, and was about to again lol.
My years on CUE have been an amazing and incredibly fun experience. And the people I’ve met along the way have become some great friends. Some of my favorite times are on discord talking digital cards and stuff. Makes the game that much more special and enjoyable.
My journey with cue is far from over, although I’m busy with life and that’s my main focus, I feel a deeper connection to that game and a bit of a different appreciation for it. Sorry, it may not make sense to you, but it does to me xD
Doing these segments have been extremely enjoyable and rewarding for me. It’s been a joy to look back and rememberelive times when I was just in my collecting infancy.
I feel like and hope what I’m writing about and passing on is both helpful and useful, as I may have said before. I’ve seen guides and strategies for playing the card game and deck building that go into great depth. I just hope I’m filling, what to me seemed like a gap. And that’s the trading and collecting aspect of the game.
I’ll be posting the next segment of Coaches Corner very shortly, so please, stay tuned :)
As always, Happy Trading and keep it Cue, see you in game!
submitted by Wade_The_Heathen to cuecardgameAvid [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:49 Humanarmour I thought hiding would be easier by now

I think I've unknowingly known my whole life I was trans, but only really had the knowledge to out it into words when I was 16. I'm 23 now and it's been a ride.
I spent most of my teens researching and longing. All on my own. All through a phone. I was terrified of being found out. I would only use my phone with my back against a wall so no one could sneak behind me and see my screen. I stopped commenting and liking Instagram posts when my family started following me there (this was back when Instagram had a whole section dedicated to showing what the people you follow had liked and commented). I unfollowed so many pages because I was terrified they would go through my following and see them. How could I answer the question 'why are you following (queer account)?' without telling on myself? I used to lie a lot. About the movies I'd seen (couldn't admit I'd seen any queer movie because why was I watching that, you know?), the music I liked, the YouTubers I followed, etc. I was so scared whenever my parents used my phone because what if a notification from a channel I followed popped up and the title of the video was queer? What then? I was very anxious, scared and I used to think a lot about ways they could find out, so I could take care of them.
And it went like this for years. I went through an entire self discovery process and no one even knew it or ever found out. Years passed and I slowly started to make peace with it all. Graduating high school and leaving that place behind was crucial on this. I started uni and eventually got a job, started making my own money and I felt I was millions of miles away from the whole I was in during my high school years. My relationship with my mom became better after a few delicate moments during my senior year of high school because of my queerness (she asked me if I was and I said no and it didn't go too well). I became very okay with myself and who I am and I accepted myself completely.
Around this time I began exploring the possibility of never ever coming out. It wasn't ideal, but it was doable and to me became the only way out for me. It took me a while but I accepted it. And I decided that being as worried and anxious as I'd been when I was a teenager was not good for me. So I stopped hiding. I wouldn't come out, not ever, but I also wasn't going to hide. I started following queer accounts again, and being vocal about liking movies that had a gay plot, and not being supportive of if their homophobia. I was doing whatever I felt like, but nothing too obvious.
A few days ago a news page my entire family and I follow published a post about a man talking about being gay. The news page is mostly right leaning, so many of the comments were things like 'and what do I care about this guy's sexuality ' 'you can be gay, just don't talk about it' 'literally no one cares about this' and things like this, completely disregarding what the news piece was about. I, fully knowing my family followed that page and if they came across the post they would surely see any comments I made, decided to reply to one homophobic comment I saw. This was huge to me. It was the kind of thing 16 year old me would have died from. Just the chance of my family seeing me supporting gay rights was enough to keep me up at night. And now I was doing it fully aware of the consequences. I posted the comment and went about my day. The next day at dinner the topic of gayness comes up (it usually does and it's never in a nice way), and my brother mentions the article the news outlet had publish about this man talking about being gay. I instantly knew what post he was talking about. My mom immediately said she'd seen it too. My heart dropped to my stomach instantly. What she said next was the same kind of homophobia as the comments under that post. By this point I was terrified of any of them having read my comment. I was terrified that if they had they would bring it up there, over dinner in front of everyone. I was suddenly 16 again and only ever using my phone with my back against a wall. I stood up in panic and pretended to be looking for napkins. I made such a fuss about not finding them that they dropped the subject to help me get some.
I'm just ashamed really. After all this time, all this progress and learning I thought I'd done and I still felt like I did when I was 16. Is it ever gonna end? What if I leave this place but never really stop feeling 16 and terrified of being found out? Is never coming out not really an option? Or it is, and the price to pay is always looking over your shoulder? The one thing I used to think about at 16 and that I still very much agree with, specially at times like this is how unfair it is. I didn't choose this. Some people just get to be and I don't. I didn't choose to feel like this, growing up on their couch while they talk homophobia in the background. It really feels so unfair. The one thing I take as a win is that I think it's made me a better person. A more accepting and understanding one. It's helped me known myself a lot more too.
I choose to focus on the positives.
submitted by Humanarmour to FTMventing [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:47 FiggyMint Love after a pwbpd

Like many of you my exwbpd put me through the wringer. It only lasted 20 months but that was enough to leave some lasting trauma that I didn't expect. Now that I have started attempting to date again and found someone special I think I am experiencing PTSD.
This guy is absolutely nothing like the type of people I normally attract. I have had a hard time believing he is real. We met on a dating app and hit it off so well over text I started thinking it was my exwbpd catfishing me or her doing something nefarious.
We hadn't talked on the phone yet and set up a date. He ended up cancelling for valid reasons but I got terrified thinking it was for sure her. I had a panic attack and asked him to please send a selfie holding up specific fingers to verify he is real. Thankfully he understands what I am going through and eased my fears or so I thought.
He ended up going silent which hurt because we have been connecting on a deep level. 3 days of no responses led me to think he ghosted me and wasn't as interested as he led on. It felt off like he wouldn't do that, it's just not who he is.
I started panicking again and thought about how much my ex loved AI and used chatgpt to manipulate me in the past. I became convinced my ex was catfishing me. I searched this amazing guys phone number, got his last name, and dove in hoping he's real and not my exwbpd.
He's not only real he's a volunteer with suicide prevention and has many accolades. He's a freaking amazing man. Of course he realized I am damaged and he doesn't want a relationship with me right? Like he did ghost me.
Nope. This guy was in and out of consciousness in the hospital for 3 days. He called me as soon as he was capable and we hadn't heard each others voices until that call. This poor sweet man has a family history of colon cancer. He's 44 and that's close to the age many of his relatives were taken buy the nasty ailment. The doctors can't figure out what is wrong with him and refered him to a specialist.
Now I keep getting this intrusive thought that he's not real and it's my exwbpd. I mean AI is more than capable of meaningful conversation when fed well crafted promts, image generation is a piece of cake, and so is creating a unique voice.
Wth is wrong with my brain? Like I know he's real. I have seen more than enough verifiable information to prove he is infact him yet I can't shake this fear that it's her. I am terrified this is going to persists and transform into me not trusting him and his word. I am scared I am going to ruin something seemingly healthy for me.
I am also terrified he is a great partner and I am opening myself up for heartache if I continue to pursue him and he ends up having colon cancer. I honestly am at a point where I am on my last bit of hope in trying to find a life partner. I can't handle going from so much abuse to someone amazing and him passing away. It will destroy me past recovery and I don't know what to do.
Do I accept that we are a great match and pursue love even though I know if his health takes a turn for the worst it will seal my fate? Or do I accept that I am no able to handle that potential outcome in such near a future? Like I am really into him and it's so healthy I don't think I will ever find this type of connection again. It's not love bombing or trauma bonding. It's genuine and I feel like fate is playing a cruel game with me and I will suffer no matter what I do.
submitted by FiggyMint to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:47 ApatosaurusHans Weekend Thunderstorm Activity: Let's Explore Wadsworth (Trip Report)

Another weekend, another ominous thunderstorm and accompanying rain keeping me from playing outside. Checking out stores >> getting struck by lightening. Today’s journey took me towards Lakewood because I didn’t want to sit in the I-25 parking lot but still wanted to get south/west-ish after not being able to even get a parking spot at REI for their big sale event - so with the storm in mind and time to kill, that’s where I ended up.
Without further ado, starting from Hwy 6 since that's about where I-25 ground to a halt, and Wadsworth, going south:
Bingo AJ Liquors - shooters and minimal shelfers - Rating: Don’t bother
Spirit Shop (Belmar Crossing) - mostly shelfers with some okish bottles up top behind the counter but nothing that was ‘wow’. Didn’t bother to ask for prices on those. Ok pricing on stuff that was elsewhere on wall. Not a giant selection, but if you live nearby… ok whatever. Rating: not making a return trip.
Mile High Wine Spirits - Belmar - Relatively plain selection with decent variety of non-shelfers, ok prices, nothing special though. A few store picks in boxes near the front. Rating - probably won’t drive across the city on a return trip, but not bad either.
Quality Discount Liquor Wads - Not even standard shelfers - Rating: don’t bother
Giant Discount Liquors - Basic shelfer selection with some local bottles thrown in. I can appreciate that. Good stuff super marked up behind counter. Example: 200 JD10 and Bowman. Pass. A OF SiBBP (probably a CO pick)… didn’t see price, but based on the other stuff up there, asking would have just left me disappointed. Rating: Pass.
Wads Liquor and Wine - 5x Weller greens happily on a shelf, 4x EHT smb tubes 'bout 150. 2x Horsey Juices 115ish. A BT fanboy or someone who was riding the hype train with money to burn would be happy here. I would be if I was on the hype train, but I kept on going… MM BEP 75ish. KC12 75 (kind of my bellwether, a store generally gets an ‘A’ if KC12 is in the 60s. Overall sentiment: fair prices and decent selection. Would return if I was in the area just to look around.
Trading Post Liquors - fairly wide and diverse selection out on the shelf for a non-mega store. However, anything even remotely “special” was pretty marked up behind the counter. JD10 for 200 ish etc… Rating: If I lived nearby, I’d probably occasionally hit it up to support local.
Quincy Costco - Willet 4yr Rye 65, both Larceny A124 & C923 - 55. Need to give the liquor manager a high five for picking good stuff. Other bottles were present, of course, but these two at their respective price points piqued my interest. After one of the posts last night about A124, I had a hard time not picking up a bottle for a rainy day, no pun intended. Rating: Top Costco in front range for hard liquor, followed closely by DIA. Worth the drive.
TW Littleton & Centennial - Littleton seemed to be price matching Costco - because they too had 65 4yr Willet rye. A later stop at the Centennial TW had it closer to 90 like a lot of other places. Can’t blame them for trying I guess!
I was overall surprised to see Bardstown offerings come down in price… a sign of bourbon deflation? A sign of the economy? A thrust for market share? Their own 6 year juice being ready? Bardstown White label Origin 38, Black label Origin BiB 43, Red Disco 9 140, Rye for 51.
Also had the lowest prices on Michters standard offerings I’ve seen, in the < 45 range. Finally, it seemed they’re really pushing their house brands, particularly Walcott. At least it says that it’s Barton right on the front. Why do I say this? There didn't seem to be as much variety in store picks as I remember a few months ago, but there were shelves and shelves and boxes of their house brands.
That's it for today!
Disclaimer: Note that my trip reports are specifically in the context of looking for (primary American) whiskey & bourbon that I’m interested in - not necessarily hunting for allocated bottles, just looking out for things that I’d like to try that I probably read a review of on one of the bourbon/whiskey subs here. I would not turn down a WFP or gold top horse juice if I saw one for a good price, but I have a personal rule about not paying much more than MSRP - there’s too much good stuff out there to try instead.
Instead, when I'm out, I like to drive around and look for "holes in the wall" that might be worth returning to in the future should I be in the specific part of town visiting a friend, or something like that. A place with good prices or a good selection, or ideally both. Plus I get to see other parts of town I've never been to. People who post their stories of favorite stores or epic finds here got me started and have resulted in some great finds for myself, so I'm returning the favor.
submitted by ApatosaurusHans to denverwhisky [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:45 pbjclimbing Get $35 Worth of Stocks with the Moomoo Finance Referral After You Deposit $100

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Don't miss out on this opportunity to get $35 worth of stocks with the Moomoo Finance referral. Click the link and start investing today!
submitted by pbjclimbing to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:45 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to MeowTarot [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:45 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to Spiritual_Energy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:44 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to SoulAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:44 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to Intuitiveguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:44 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to TarotReadersOfReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:44 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to professionaltarot [link] [comments]
