Adult mms messages picture

Rate my NC letter

2024.06.02 10:27 blonde-dino Rate my NC letter

Thought I was clear by already blocking him on Whatsapp, telling him that his guilt-tripping messages didn’t feel good and that I wasn’t ready to maintain frequent contact at this time, but he doesn’t get it. He keeps sending emails and uses other people to get to me. So here is my draft:
« Hi Dad,
It's unfortunate that it's reached the point where being around you has become too toxic for me, but in light of recent and past events, I want to ask you, more directly this time, to stop contacting me unless it's an emergency. I also want you to stop using others to reach me.
This is not a game - I absolutely do not expect you to 'chase after me' despite the boundaries I set. On the contrary, respecting my needs would be more... respectful?
I wish you to finally choose to act like an adult rather than refuse to see your responsibility in what people have been reproaching you for decades. The distance between us is the direct consequence of your conscious choices. The day you admit it, you will stop behaving like a victim and you will be able to improve your situation. Meanwhile, it is absolutely not my responsibility. It's yours.
I have not joined any cult, any strange movement, and I am happier than ever.
Thank you for not contacting me anymore. »
submitted by blonde-dino to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:22 rmcmurrer False Restraining Order

I was involved with a person but it ended in October. This person created fake text messages and social media accounts and was harrowing and threatening me but I mostly ignored it. The person lied and said I was stalking and harassing so my job transferred me to a different location in November that is 45 minutes away. I continue getting treats via social media but I couldn't prove it so the local police refused to do anything. I filed a restraining order but denied and the other person filed one two days later and was denied. This person been calling my work with Anonymous false claims to get me fired but my work investigated and did nothing. My family and friends also been harassed. This person is trying to force me away from my city that I lived in and after a date I took a picture with the person I was out with and posted it the person was receiving negative messages and threats from fake Facebook accounts. I couldn't take it anymore and called this person manager and asked them to asked my ex to stop. They used that to get a court date for a protective order. I was told by a third party that if the protective order gets approved they are going to use that to call the police from time to time and lie about me breaking it at times they know or believe that I will not have an alibi because they know my routine and when I sleep. Any advice? Any articles or court cases where this happens before?
submitted by rmcmurrer to domesticviolence [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:19 RangeEast7014 Political psychology

Please fill out my survey. It is a bit time sensitive so any responses would be appreciated!
Target Demographic - 18-26 (Young Adults)
Essentially, I am trying to understand the young adult's attitudes towards individuals who tend to post "extremist" messages online.
submitted by RangeEast7014 to SurveyExchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:14 13n0th3r3 The strange circumstances surrounding the movie's Golden Freddy

The strange circumstances surrounding the movie's Golden Freddy
With the movie already come out months ago, it is agreed that there are many mysteries regarding this continuity's Golden Freddy. Here is a list of strange things about him including details i've seen people brought up and things they have not.
I. His connections to Afton:
  • During the intro, we see William approached each of the MCI kids before taking them away. He did that to all except one: the blond boy. When it's his turn, William didn't come close to him but stood a short distance from him. It's the blond boy who come to William instead. His behavior suggests that he is familiar with William.
  • The child actor was required to dye his hair blond, suggesting that it is important for this character to be blond. It's been speculating that this is to connect him to the blonde Vanessa. Aunt Jane also has blonde hair, but if he was Mike cousin Mike would have recognized him.
  • At the end of the movie, the trapped William reached to him as if seeking help. Note that earlier when he was surrounded by the animatronics, he remained fierce and berated them, not even begging for help as he was spring-locked.
II. His separation from the other MCI kids
  • The drawing William uses to manipulate the children has his face pasted over an unknow child. The clothes of the children are different from what they worn in the movie. What I get the this is:
  1. The picture was drawn on a different day from the day of the MCI.
  2. The blond boy originally wasn't part of the group, at least when the picture was drawn.
  • It's possible one of the children in the picture above is Garrett:
  1. Garrett is drawn along with William's other victim while the blond boy is left out.
  1. A delete scene has Garrett leaded Mike to William, similar to how Freddy child lured Max earlier. While the blond boy did leaded Abby to Freddy's, it appears he is more aware than the others and has ulterior motive.
  2. When the children appeared in Mike's dream, their faces become blurred when Mike didn't focus on them. The blond boy is the only exception.
  3. Beside the above ones, he also get left out in Abby's other drawings. I couldn't get a good look at all of them but two of her pictures only have four kids while another one appears to include Garrett.
4 children and an adult
A good look at the four
You can vaguely see a figure with dark hair and red shirt
  • Consider how friendly Abby is toward him and her confirmation that they talked to one another, it's unlikely she left him out due to dislike or unawareness. It possible that he only visits her without the other kids around so she doesn't associate with him with the group.
III. His sprite:
In the intro, his sprite is depicted as having brown eyes. In the movie, he has blue eyes. It is strange as the other children's sprites match their appearances in the movie.
I don't know if this detail is of any important but I feel like it's something to bring up.
submitted by 13n0th3r3 to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:04 curiousGaymerx Best friend is missing and I'm deeply anxious

Hey everyone,
I don't know why I decided to make this post, but I guess it's a way for me to vent and calm my mind a little bit. I appreciate anyone who would give some of their precious time to read this and leave a kind comment. I think I'm genuinely on the verge here; I'm desperate to feel some light. I'm sorry it will be long.
A little bit of context: The past months have been quite jarring and unkind to me. I won't get into why that is because I wouldn't stop talking. But as a consequence of those horrible issues, my mental health has been quite low. To the point that I developed an antisocial phase where I couldn't talk to people as I used to before. This forced me to drift away from friends, stop talking to people I genuinely care about, and struggle to answer their messages. I genuinely can't stop blaming myself and feeling bad about it, but I mean it when I say I had no choice. I couldn't bring myself to do it, no matter how much I tried.
Unfortunately, this included someone extremely important, my best friend. While this best friend has been an online best friend and someone I haven't met in real life yet, we have known each other for years. I have seen how she looks, and we have phone called. To me, she has been my chosen family and sister, someone I genuinely deeply love. No matter how bad it has been, I always made sure to text her, but this time I couldn't. I did make sure to express to her that my life hasn't been kind and explain to her what’s going on, and communicate that I might not be my communicative self anymore. She seemed to understand.
Now to why I'm making this post mainly: The last message she sent me was on May 11th, and admittedly and shamefully, I responded way later, on May 29th. But I haven't received an answer back. I want to note that on May 16th, she posted something on her TikTok, so I knew she was okay until that moment. I texted both her Discord accounts, the new and old one, I texted her on WhatsApp, I texted her via Messages, I called multiple times via WhatsApp and normal call, and I even texted her via TikTok.
So my best friend has been absolutely MIA for 5 days now, which never happened before. And there are no signs of life—her profile pictures haven't been changed, she hasn't come online, and her last post was 2 weeks ago. This made me develop absolutely horrendous thoughts that I can't get out of my mind: What if she's dead? What if she got kidnapped? What if she's sick in a coma?
Unfortunately, I don't have the phone number of any family member because she is the eldest daughter and all her siblings are kids. There is absolutely no way for me to know if she is okay or not. All I have is her number, her two Discord accounts, her TikTok account, and her address. I can't simply travel and go look for her in her country due to being a caregiver to both my parents, which is another thing that has been stressing me out.
I have been trying to think about other reasons why she's not answering, but I'm struggling to believe: 1. Maybe her phone got stolen. (I feel like she'd still find a way to tell me.) 2. Maybe she lost her WiFi. (Then why do the messages on WhatsApp get delivered? And who loses their WiFi for this long?) 3. Maybe she traveled somewhere without WiFi. (Maybe, but I feel like she would tell me.) 4. Maybe she's upset with me and wants to punish me for not being around. (I don't think her heart would be this harsh on me.) 5. Maybe she had a family problem since her dad isn't always kind. (Again, I feel like she would find a way to reach me.)
All these options fall and fail. I don't know why I'm thinking about death, but I can't stop. I'm starting to mourn and grieve her. I feel like if she actually is dead, I will never forgive myself. I don't think I will be strong enough to handle it. I may genuinely follow her.
submitted by curiousGaymerx to anxiety_support [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:03 curiousGaymerx Best friend is missing and anxiety and depression has been killing me

Hey everyone,
I don't know why I decided to make this post, but I guess it's a way for me to vent and calm my mind a little bit. I appreciate anyone who would give some of their precious time to read this and leave a kind comment. I think I'm genuinely on the verge here; I'm desperate to feel some light. I'm sorry it will be long.
A little bit of context: The past months have been quite jarring and unkind to me. I won't get into why that is because I wouldn't stop talking. But as a consequence of those horrible issues, my mental health has been quite low. To the point that I developed an antisocial phase where I couldn't talk to people as I used to before. This forced me to drift away from friends, stop talking to people I genuinely care about, and struggle to answer their messages. I genuinely can't stop blaming myself and feeling bad about it, but I mean it when I say I had no choice. I couldn't bring myself to do it, no matter how much I tried.
Unfortunately, this included someone extremely important, my best friend. While this best friend has been an online best friend and someone I haven't met in real life yet, we have known each other for years. I have seen how she looks, and we have phone called. To me, she has been my chosen family and sister, someone I genuinely deeply love. No matter how bad it has been, I always made sure to text her, but this time I couldn't. I did make sure to express to her that my life hasn't been kind and explain to her what’s going on, and communicate that I might not be my communicative self anymore. She seemed to understand.
Now to why I'm making this post mainly: The last message she sent me was on May 11th, and admittedly and shamefully, I responded way later, on May 29th. But I haven't received an answer back. I want to note that on May 16th, she posted something on her TikTok, so I knew she was okay until that moment. I texted both her Discord accounts, the new and old one, I texted her on WhatsApp, I texted her via Messages, I called multiple times via WhatsApp and normal call, and I even texted her via TikTok.
So my best friend has been absolutely MIA for 5 days now, which never happened before. And there are no signs of life—her profile pictures haven't been changed, she hasn't come online, and her last post was 2 weeks ago. This made me develop absolutely horrendous thoughts that I can't get out of my mind: What if she's dead? What if she got kidnapped? What if she's sick in a coma?
Unfortunately, I don't have the phone number of any family member because she is the eldest daughter and all her siblings are kids. There is absolutely no way for me to know if she is okay or not. All I have is her number, her two Discord accounts, her TikTok account, and her address. I can't simply travel and go look for her in her country due to being a caregiver to both my parents, which is another thing that has been stressing me out.
I have been trying to think about other reasons why she's not answering, but I'm struggling to believe: 1. Maybe her phone got stolen. (I feel like she'd still find a way to tell me.) 2. Maybe she lost her WiFi. (Then why do the messages on WhatsApp get delivered? And who loses their WiFi for this long?) 3. Maybe she traveled somewhere without WiFi. (Maybe, but I feel like she would tell me.) 4. Maybe she's upset with me and wants to punish me for not being around. (I don't think her heart would be this harsh on me.) 5. Maybe she had a family problem since her dad isn't always kind. (Again, I feel like she would find a way to reach me.)
All these options fall and fail. I don't know why I'm thinking about death, but I can't stop. I'm starting to mourn and grieve her. I feel like if she actually is dead, I will never forgive myself. I don't think I will be strong enough to handle it. I may genuinely follow her.
submitted by curiousGaymerx to AnxietyDepression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:02 curiousGaymerx Best friend is missing without anyway to reach her and I'm anxious and depressed

Hey everyone,
I don't know why I decided to make this post, but I guess it's a way for me to vent and calm my mind a little bit. I appreciate anyone who would give some of their precious time to read this and leave a kind comment. I think I'm genuinely on the verge here; I'm desperate to feel some light. I'm sorry it will be long.
A little bit of context: The past months have been quite jarring and unkind to me. I won't get into why that is because I wouldn't stop talking. But as a consequence of those horrible issues, my mental health has been quite low. To the point that I developed an antisocial phase where I couldn't talk to people as I used to before. This forced me to drift away from friends, stop talking to people I genuinely care about, and struggle to answer their messages. I genuinely can't stop blaming myself and feeling bad about it, but I mean it when I say I had no choice. I couldn't bring myself to do it, no matter how much I tried.
Unfortunately, this included someone extremely important, my best friend. While this best friend has been an online best friend and someone I haven't met in real life yet, we have known each other for years. I have seen how she looks, and we have phone called. To me, she has been my chosen family and sister, someone I genuinely deeply love. No matter how bad it has been, I always made sure to text her, but this time I couldn't. I did make sure to express to her that my life hasn't been kind and explain to her what’s going on, and communicate that I might not be my communicative self anymore. She seemed to understand.
Now to why I'm making this post mainly: The last message she sent me was on May 11th, and admittedly and shamefully, I responded way later, on May 29th. But I haven't received an answer back. I want to note that on May 16th, she posted something on her TikTok, so I knew she was okay until that moment. I texted both her Discord accounts, the new and old one, I texted her on WhatsApp, I texted her via Messages, I called multiple times via WhatsApp and normal call, and I even texted her via TikTok.
So my best friend has been absolutely MIA for 5 days now, which never happened before. And there are no signs of life—her profile pictures haven't been changed, she hasn't come online, and her last post was 2 weeks ago. This made me develop absolutely horrendous thoughts that I can't get out of my mind: What if she's dead? What if she got kidnapped? What if she's sick in a coma?
Unfortunately, I don't have the phone number of any family member because she is the eldest daughter and all her siblings are kids. There is absolutely no way for me to know if she is okay or not. All I have is her number, her two Discord accounts, her TikTok account, and her address. I can't simply travel and go look for her in her country due to being a caregiver to both my parents, which is another thing that has been stressing me out.
I have been trying to think about other reasons why she's not answering, but I'm struggling to believe: 1. Maybe her phone got stolen. (I feel like she'd still find a way to tell me.) 2. Maybe she lost her WiFi. (Then why do the messages on WhatsApp get delivered? And who loses their WiFi for this long?) 3. Maybe she traveled somewhere without WiFi. (Maybe, but I feel like she would tell me.) 4. Maybe she's upset with me and wants to punish me for not being around. (I don't think her heart would be this harsh on me.) 5. Maybe she had a family problem since her dad isn't always kind. (Again, I feel like she would find a way to reach me.)
All these options fall and fail. I don't know why I'm thinking about death, but I can't stop. I'm starting to mourn and grieve her. I feel like if she actually is dead, I will never forgive myself. I don't think I will be strong enough to handle it. I may genuinely follow her.
submitted by curiousGaymerx to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:01 SongofSongs5-10 Dear Parker

I know what I've done, even though I never tried to lie you, I've ruined my trustworthiness.
I know I did lie to him (though not with intent of lying)
I know I left you thinking it was the right thing to do
I know even though I didn't mean to destroy her marriage I did. He looked single and you looked married and I never wanted to send the man I love to hell. He never told me he was in a relationship when i messaged him, had no pictures.
I failed you and I failed God and I know I don't deserve you. But I tried to do the right thing.
I only loved you, I only wanted you, I wish that you would hear me.
And I knew what the "vision was but I didn't know how it would play out or if it was a false vision. I didn't know for sure it was you but I thought it cojld be if you gained weight.
And truthfully idk if thsts you or your brother.
God knows I loved you. But that doesn't always matter. Because I failed you 💔
I didn't have emotional feelings about that man and I wasnt even thinking about l*st.
I was just fighting the fact that I loved you and thought I had to leave you
But God I wish I had trusted God then. But j didnt I was just so broken that no matter how hard I tried I couldn't trust anyone.
I loved you so much. I still do. I'm sorry I hurt you so bad that you wont even speak to me like you used to.
I'm still trying to fight for you. I know what I thought God said in the end.
I'm sorry for what I've done. I've tried to be planted firmly.
submitted by SongofSongs5-10 to Letters_ToSend_or_Not [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:00 AutoModerator Boston Daily Discussion Thread, Sunday June 02

Hey Boston
This thread is for chatting about what is going on in Boston today. This includes the news about today's commute, what is going on around Boston, commonly asked questions, as well as a general free chat throughout the day.
Example topics include:
Here are some useful links as well:
  1. The weather
  2. MBTA alerts and delays
  3. Official COVID-19 Information
Please be civil and keep things SFW.
Self promotion of Boston related events, activities, and news is allowed so long as the event is happening within the next 5 days and not a regularly occurring event.
If there is something you'd like to see here please message the moderators and let us know.
submitted by AutoModerator to boston [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:00 curiousGaymerx Missing best friend

Hey everyone,
I don't know why I decided to make this post, but I guess it's a way for me to vent and calm my mind a little bit. I appreciate anyone who would give some of their precious time to read this and leave a kind comment. I think I'm genuinely on the verge here; I'm desperate to feel some light. I'm sorry it will be long.
A little bit of context: The past months have been quite jarring and unkind to me. I won't get into why that is because I wouldn't stop talking. But as a consequence of those horrible issues, my mental health has been quite low. To the point that I developed an antisocial phase where I couldn't talk to people as I used to before. This forced me to drift away from friends, stop talking to people I genuinely care about, and struggle to answer their messages. I genuinely can't stop blaming myself and feeling bad about it, but I mean it when I say I had no choice. I couldn't bring myself to do it, no matter how much I tried.
Unfortunately, this included someone extremely important, my best friend. While this best friend has been an online best friend and someone I haven't met in real life yet, we have known each other for years. I have seen how she looks, and we have phone called. To me, she has been my chosen family and sister, someone I genuinely deeply love. No matter how bad it has been, I always made sure to text her, but this time I couldn't. I did make sure to express to her that my life hasn't been kind and explain to her what’s going on, and communicate that I might not be my communicative self anymore. She seemed to understand.
Now to why I'm making this post mainly: The last message she sent me was on May 11th, and admittedly and shamefully, I responded way later, on May 29th. But I haven't received an answer back. I want to note that on May 16th, she posted something on her TikTok, so I knew she was okay until that moment. I texted both her Discord accounts, the new and old one, I texted her on WhatsApp, I texted her via Messages, I called multiple times via WhatsApp and normal call, and I even texted her via TikTok.
So my best friend has been absolutely MIA for 5 days now, which never happened before. And there are no signs of life—her profile pictures haven't been changed, she hasn't come online, and her last post was 2 weeks ago. This made me develop absolutely horrendous thoughts that I can't get out of my mind: What if she's dead? What if she got kidnapped? What if she's sick in a coma?
Unfortunately, I don't have the phone number of any family member because she is the eldest daughter and all her siblings are kids. There is absolutely no way for me to know if she is okay or not. All I have is her number, her two Discord accounts, her TikTok account, and her address. I can't simply travel and go look for her in her country due to being a caregiver to both my parents, which is another thing that has been stressing me out.
I have been trying to think about other reasons why she's not answering, but I'm struggling to believe: 1. Maybe her phone got stolen. (I feel like she'd still find a way to tell me.) 2. Maybe she lost her WiFi. (Then why do the messages on WhatsApp get delivered? And who loses their WiFi for this long?) 3. Maybe she traveled somewhere without WiFi. (Maybe, but I feel like she would tell me.) 4. Maybe she's upset with me and wants to punish me for not being around. (I don't think her heart would be this harsh on me.) 5. Maybe she had a family problem since her dad isn't always kind. (Again, I feel like she would find a way to reach me.)
All these options fall and fail. I don't know why I'm thinking about death, but I can't stop. I'm starting to mourn and grieve her. I feel like if she actually is dead, I will never forgive myself. I don't think I will be strong enough to handle it. I may genuinely follow her.
submitted by curiousGaymerx to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:59 Various_Seat_4308 Should I breakup with my boyfriend

I'm going to explain everything because I can't keep running it through my mind and I don't know what to do. My boyfriend (24m) and I (21f) have been together for 1.5 years. Half of it being "unofficial" but exclusive, or so I thought. After finding out he was spending time and being sexual with someone else while being with me, I ended it but he fought it and wanted us to be in a real relationship. I know really dumb but l was in love :. I decided to give it a try because I wanted a relationship with him. Two months later he moved very far for school, we decided to try the long distance with me visiting as I work and go to school online, so it was easier. The flights were extremely long and it took effort but I loved him and wanted to make it work so I didn't mind it. During one of my trips there I looked through his messages with his best friend and found him saying disgusting things about wanting to be with other women and going to the club and dancing with other women, which he denied and said he was "exaggerating". I don't know why but I let it go and made the excuse that we were long distance and temptations are normal and I believed he didn't act on them. But something just happened when I saw those messages, I felt myself become emotionally numb with him. This was in March and I have been trying to ignore that feeling and just try to make it work. Now in May he came back for the summer, we got into a fight about me posting a picture, no ass or tits were showing, but he wants me to ask for approval before I post any picture and I refuse to. After this fight we got pretty close to breaking up, which I was hoping deep inside of me would happen. I didn't see him for two weeks after the fight and kept communication very minimal, without effort, I just felt I was done with it. Now this week we saw each other and talked a lot and he is telling me all this talk about how he loves me and these past two weeks made him realize how much I do for him/how much I mean to him and he can't lose me, and making plans for the summer and future but I just don't feel the same way I did when I met him. When I'm with him I have so much fun and I can be myself and I feel like everything is fine. But when we're apart I don't feel anything towards him, I dread having to see him again bc I know I'll just fall for it bc I have love for him still. I find myself making excuses to not see him but when I'm with him I feel fine. I don't know if I am just scared and lost trust or have attachment issues and i keep thinking I should try to make the relationship work because he seems more serious than he's ever been. But I also feel like my gut has been telling me something I keep ignoring. It's both our first relationships and I feel like I have wanted this relationship with him for so long that now that I have it, breaking up would be throwing my dream away. And I worry of the hurt I will cause him after getting him to be in a relationship when he didn't want one. But I feel numb, and a mixture of emotions back and forth and I need some adult advice. What should I do?
TL;DR: I keep going between breaking up with my boyfriend or staying. I have lost trust and don’t feel emotions with him anymore.
submitted by Various_Seat_4308 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:59 curiousGaymerx Missing best friend

Hey everyone,
I don't know why I decided to make this post, but I guess it's a way for me to vent and calm my mind a little bit. I appreciate anyone who would give some of their precious time to read this and leave a kind comment. I think I'm genuinely on the verge here; I'm desperate to feel some light. I'm sorry it will be long.
A little bit of context: The past months have been quite jarring and unkind to me. I won't get into why that is because I wouldn't stop talking. But as a consequence of those horrible issues, my mental health has been quite low. To the point that I developed an antisocial phase where I couldn't talk to people as I used to before. This forced me to drift away from friends, stop talking to people I genuinely care about, and struggle to answer their messages. I genuinely can't stop blaming myself and feeling bad about it, but I mean it when I say I had no choice. I couldn't bring myself to do it, no matter how much I tried.
Unfortunately, this included someone extremely important, my best friend. While this best friend has been an online best friend and someone I haven't met in real life yet, we have known each other for years. I have seen how she looks, and we have phone called. To me, she has been my chosen family and sister, someone I genuinely deeply love. No matter how bad it has been, I always made sure to text her, but this time I couldn't. I did make sure to express to her that my life hasn't been kind and explain to her what’s going on, and communicate that I might not be my communicative self anymore. She seemed to understand.
Now to why I'm making this post mainly: The last message she sent me was on May 11th, and admittedly and shamefully, I responded way later, on May 29th. But I haven't received an answer back. I want to note that on May 16th, she posted something on her TikTok, so I knew she was okay until that moment. I texted both her Discord accounts, the new and old one, I texted her on WhatsApp, I texted her via Messages, I called multiple times via WhatsApp and normal call, and I even texted her via TikTok.
So my best friend has been absolutely MIA for 5 days now, which never happened before. And there are no signs of life—her profile pictures haven't been changed, she hasn't come online, and her last post was 2 weeks ago. This made me develop absolutely horrendous thoughts that I can't get out of my mind: What if she's dead? What if she got kidnapped? What if she's sick in a coma?
Unfortunately, I don't have the phone number of any family member because she is the eldest daughter and all her siblings are kids. There is absolutely no way for me to know if she is okay or not. All I have is her number, her two Discord accounts, her TikTok account, and her address. I can't simply travel and go look for her in her country due to being a caregiver to both my parents, which is another thing that has been stressing me out.
I have been trying to think about other reasons why she's not answering, but I'm struggling to believe: 1. Maybe her phone got stolen. (I feel like she'd still find a way to tell me.) 2. Maybe she lost her WiFi. (Then why do the messages on WhatsApp get delivered? And who loses their WiFi for this long?) 3. Maybe she traveled somewhere without WiFi. (Maybe, but I feel like she would tell me.) 4. Maybe she's upset with me and wants to punish me for not being around. (I don't think her heart would be this harsh on me.) 5. Maybe she had a family problem since her dad isn't always kind. (Again, I feel like she would find a way to reach me.)
All these options fall and fail. I don't know why I'm thinking about death, but I can't stop. I'm starting to mourn and grieve her. I feel like if she actually is dead, I will never forgive myself. I don't think I will be strong enough to handle it. I may genuinely follow her.
submitted by curiousGaymerx to venting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:58 curiousGaymerx Missing best friend

Hey everyone,
I don't know why I decided to make this post, but I guess it's a way for me to vent and calm my mind a little bit. I appreciate anyone who would give some of their precious time to read this and leave a kind comment. I think I'm genuinely on the verge here; I'm desperate to feel some light. I'm sorry it will be long.
A little bit of context: The past months have been quite jarring and unkind to me. I won't get into why that is because I wouldn't stop talking. But as a consequence of those horrible issues, my mental health has been quite low. To the point that I developed an antisocial phase where I couldn't talk to people as I used to before. This forced me to drift away from friends, stop talking to people I genuinely care about, and struggle to answer their messages. I genuinely can't stop blaming myself and feeling bad about it, but I mean it when I say I had no choice. I couldn't bring myself to do it, no matter how much I tried.
Unfortunately, this included someone extremely important, my best friend. While this best friend has been an online best friend and someone I haven't met in real life yet, we have known each other for years. I have seen how she looks, and we have phone called. To me, she has been my chosen family and sister, someone I genuinely deeply love. No matter how bad it has been, I always made sure to text her, but this time I couldn't. I did make sure to express to her that my life hasn't been kind and explain to her what’s going on, and communicate that I might not be my communicative self anymore. She seemed to understand.
Now to why I'm making this post mainly: The last message she sent me was on May 11th, and admittedly and shamefully, I responded way later, on May 29th. But I haven't received an answer back. I want to note that on May 16th, she posted something on her TikTok, so I knew she was okay until that moment. I texted both her Discord accounts, the new and old one, I texted her on WhatsApp, I texted her via Messages, I called multiple times via WhatsApp and normal call, and I even texted her via TikTok.
So my best friend has been absolutely MIA for 5 days now, which never happened before. And there are no signs of life—her profile pictures haven't been changed, she hasn't come online, and her last post was 2 weeks ago. This made me develop absolutely horrendous thoughts that I can't get out of my mind: What if she's dead? What if she got kidnapped? What if she's sick in a coma?
Unfortunately, I don't have the phone number of any family member because she is the eldest daughter and all her siblings are kids. There is absolutely no way for me to know if she is okay or not. All I have is her number, her two Discord accounts, her TikTok account, and her address. I can't simply travel and go look for her in her country due to being a caregiver to both my parents, which is another thing that has been stressing me out.
I have been trying to think about other reasons why she's not answering, but I'm struggling to believe: 1. Maybe her phone got stolen. (I feel like she'd still find a way to tell me.) 2. Maybe she lost her WiFi. (Then why do the messages on WhatsApp get delivered? And who loses their WiFi for this long?) 3. Maybe she traveled somewhere without WiFi. (Maybe, but I feel like she would tell me.) 4. Maybe she's upset with me and wants to punish me for not being around. (I don't think her heart would be this harsh on me.) 5. Maybe she had a family problem since her dad isn't always kind. (Again, I feel like she would find a way to reach me.)
All these options fall and fail. I don't know why I'm thinking about death, but I can't stop. I feel like I'm begging to grieve and mourn her. I feel like if she actually is dead, I will never forgive myself for not being around as much as I wanted. I don't think I will be strong enough to handle it. I may genuinely follow her.
submitted by curiousGaymerx to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:55 EleniLazar [34/F] Confused about Husband's [40 M] Behavior: Am I Overreacting?

Hi everyone, I'm seeking some advice on a situation with my husband of 6 years that's been bothering me. Recently, I noticed some changes in his online activities that raised some concerns for me.
My husband isn't very active on social media, with only a few posts on Instagram mostly featuring our kids. However, I noticed he changed his profile picture to one of just our daughter, which struck me as odd as I realised the only photo of me on his page was in his display as a family photo. When I mentioned it, his response seemed dismissive. I just found it strange that his page looked like just him and the kids.
On the same day, I discovered he was following several pornographic subreddits. This made me uncomfortable, considering his age and the amount of time he spends on Reddit. When I confronted him, he initially denied it, but I later found evidence to the contrary.
Further investigation revealed he had blocked a user who posted adult content, which seemed suspicious to me, why would you go out of your way to block someone like this. Additionally, I noticed he lied about shaving his pubic hair, which contradicted evidence I found while cleaning the drain, it may have not been a big deal because maybe he thought he was going to get lucky and when I became angry at him about the Subreddits he lied and said he shaved on an earlier date.
I tried discussing these issues with him, but he dismissed my concerns and became defensive. He even changed his phone password, which only added to my apprehension.
Am I overreacting, or should I be worried about his behavior? I'd appreciate any insights or advice. Thanks.
TL;DR: Noticed unsettling changes in husband's behavior, including following porn subreddits, lying, and defensive reactions. Wondering if I'm overreacting or if there's cause for concern. Seeking advice.
submitted by EleniLazar to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:54 magraoel7 Trying to understad the body language of my sister's friend

A few weeks ago my middle sister came to visit me with her friend, I live with my mother and my younger sister
Her friend is really pretty and extroverted, according to my sister, she only dated one guy and got quite traumatized with the relationship, with made her not want to date anyone else anymore.
Later at that night, while we were having dinner, my mother started saying she was beautiful and asking her some personal questions, like if she planned to have kids in the near future, she said she never wants kids, but could change her mind after 35 (she is 25 now btw).
But let's talk about her body language, which made me a bit confused...
They stayed for 7 days, and one thing I noticed is that she constantly avoided eye contact with me when we were talking with each other, she would either look somewhere else or look at my sister, but for a few moments when I was paying attention to my sister or my mother talking, I could noticed that she quickly looked at me. She also never said my name, always asking my sister like "does he want a gum?", instead of offering me directly, but that's ok I guess since we don't have any intimacy.
In one moment though, I was right at her side and instead of asking directly to me, she looked at my sister asking her to ask to me, even my sister said: "Why don't you ask to him? He is just at your side"
I was wondering if I made something to make her feel uncomfortable or she just didn't like me, anyway, my younger sister heard mother talking with the girl saying how me and her would be a great couple and that I never had a girlfriend (yes, my mother actually thought this was a great thing to say...), and the girl said she wasn't looking for a relationship right now, but could change her mind later.
According to my sister, she only had this one boyfriend (who traumatized her, treating her badly), and that a lot of guys give her gifts but she doesn't want anyone
Another thing is that every time my sister came to talk to me in my room, she would come together, sometimes just to stay there, then she started showing me her own pictures in her cellphone, comparing and asking in which one she looked better, showing her with different hair and showing her family
In another moment, while she was talking with my younger sister about relationships, she started talking about age gaps, she said she would date someone up to 29 years old, but said 32 would be too old for her (I am 30 btw, and I was right at her side, don't know if it meant anything)
Anyway, she gave me 2 hugs before they left and a few days later I followed her in Instagram, she followed me back but didn't show much interest when I messaged her, I asked what she thought about the city and other stuff, she didn't respond for 2 days and I deleted the message thinking I was bothering her, but she noticed it and apologized saying she was busy, I then just said some more stuff, gave a goodbye and stopped talking with her.
Based on all that, what can be said about her body language? Did she show any interest on me, or was just avoiding me to not give the wrong impression?
Despite her being very attractive, can't say I am really interested in her, we have a few things in common but I am introverted and she is very extroverted, my younger sister says we matched each other, but I don't think so.
Anyway, I am just asking because her behavior was quite weird sometimes, also think it's an opportunity to understand women's body language better, I admit I am terrible at it, in the past I had girls who were interested in me, but I couldn't notice until it was too late, and girls I thought were interested, but were not.
submitted by magraoel7 to bodylanguage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:48 Pretend_Passage7061 I want to work on being nice.

I am going to work on being calm and nice and try to be nice to make a community because I need some questions easily answered I will not click links someone linked on someone’s post led to spam I want to know if someone knows of therapy or therapy groups out of the normal traditional mental health with mental health my experiences in the health system was horrible I am pretty much healthy many vegetable’s I barley ingest sugar went from 200 to 145 pounds I am also not sick in my system I use to have anemia, but I eat so many vegetables and the green ones are none to be rich in iron I do not have anemia anymore plus my views on non sick bodies are meaning anemic, diabetes, cancer you get the gist no one of them can have chemical imbalances I believe chronic stress can lead anyone to insanity oh the question is do you know of any other kind of of groups I will research them a small tidbit with little complaining from me this year I lost my best friend my dog and money problems and also past stress I will only add important post I will not except anything. Furthermore, I will talk on public forums not private messages it is the internet you know safety first I am an adult I would appreciate 18 up, but I will not make my way I will not stop who comments or what is what is said I will not babysit.
submitted by Pretend_Passage7061 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:48 Pretend_Passage7061 I want to work on being nice.

I am going to work on being calm and nice and try to be nice to make a community because I need some questions easily answered I will not click links someone linked on someone’s post led to spam I want to know if someone knows of therapy or therapy groups out of the normal traditional mental health with mental health my experiences in the health system was horrible I am pretty much healthy many vegetable’s I barley ingest sugar went from 200 to 145 pounds I am also not sick in my system I use to have anemia, but I eat so many vegetables and the green ones are none to be rich in iron I do not have anemia anymore plus my views on non sick bodies are meaning anemic, diabetes, cancer you get the gist no one of them can have chemical imbalances I believe chronic stress can lead anyone to insanity oh the question is do you know of any other kind of of groups I will research them a small tidbit with little complaining from me this year I lost my best friend my dog and money problems and also past stress I will only add important post I will not except anything. Furthermore, I will talk on public forums not private messages it is the internet you know safety first I am an adult I would appreciate 18 up, but I will not make my way I will not stop who comments or what is what is said I will not babysit.
submitted by Pretend_Passage7061 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:47 June_Muse Is My Online Crush Into Me or Am I Just Overthinking?

So, I (23F) recently jumped into this interactive gaming platform, and while playing Mic Grab, I heard this guy sing. His voice was totally mesmerizing, and maybe he liked my voice too. We started chatting a lot, and he kept sharing more about his life and pictures. Turns out, he's super rich and a social media sensation (26M). He kept asking to see my pics too. I really like this guy, and he seems perfect. But, I'm just a regular girl. Anyway, I finally shared my Instagram with him, and he went on a liking spree with his famous IG account. But now, he's been ghosting my messages. Am I being paranoid? Does he like me or not? How can I find out for sure?
submitted by June_Muse to ShouldIConfess [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:43 SquareChildhood6550 AITA for breaking up with my girlfriend after she didn’t tell me she got an abortion and wanted to have a PI look into me?

I am going to clear this right now and say yes, I am pro-choice, she would be the one growing a baby inside her so she has the right to make whatever choice she wants. At the same time, anyone has the right to end a relationship whenever and for whatever reason they want.
This is going to be a long story, my apologies in advance.
Onto the actual story, my ex-girlfriend Jas (25F) and I (24M) were together for two years. We had an amazing relationship. It just felt like we understood each other perfectly. We’re both Punjabi-Canadian/American currently living on the west coast so there are some cultural stigmas at play here that we overcame. My parents absolutely loved Jas and basically considered her to be a daughter. Her parents and siblings were amazing and very welcoming to me. When we wanted to move in together, literally no one objected and while some people in our community criticized the move, our parents didn’t care. Anyway, last week, I was away on a trip for work and came home Friday evening. I got her parents’ blessing to propose before I left and my plan was to take her to our spot, the highest point of a hill that oversees our city, on Saturday and ask her to marry me. I had a few of our friends get to the spot about 30 minutes before us to take some pictures.
When we get there, I propose, Jas starts crying, I think it’s happy crying, she gets down on her knees, hugs me, and says she has to tell me something. Turns out she found out she was pregnant the day I left for the trip and took an abortion pill the next day. Everyday for the last three months, Jas has been telling me she can’t wait for us to become parents and experimenting with what our kids are going to be named. So now, she finds out she is pregnant and we are going to be parents, she decides to not even tell me that she was pregnant and gets an abortion. We talked every single day while I was away so she had every chance to tell me 1) she was pregnant, 2) she wanted to get an abortion, 3) she got an abortion. Obviously, the choice to keep or abort the baby is hers but she chose to hide it. On top of that, were those three months of her fantasizing about becoming parents and starting a family a lie? All the trust I had in her was lost in that moment.
One of her friends came over to where we were talking and asked if everything was ok. Jas told her that we needed to talk and everyone should leave. I didn’t really know what to say and I just held Jas’ hand and we walked back down to my car and drove home. She was crying and begging me to talk the whole way. I just asked her two questions. Why hide the pregnancy from me? Why get an abortion? My initial guess was that she was afraid of what our parents would say (fair enough) about having a baby before marriage but I was so wrong.
She said she told her parents the night she found out and they were supportive of whatever she chose to do. She admitted that she lied to her parents that she told me. Anyway, she also told her best friend Lily (who did not show up to the hilltop proposal which I thought was weird but didn’t think too much of it) and asked for her advice. Lily told her that I was cheating (I have never cheated) and she should abort the baby as she didn’t deserve to be tied to me for 18 years. Jas didn’t believe her but said she would get a PI to look into me and get an abortion in the meanwhile. By the time we got home, I knew the full truth and decided that our relationship was done. She hid that she was pregnant from me, she hid getting an abortion, she lied to her parents about telling me, on top of that, she trusted her friend more than me and decided to have a PI look into me.
The love I had for Jas was gone. I calmly told her that we were done and asked her to pack her things and be gone by the next morning (it’s my apartment since before we met and her parents live 20 minutes away and she has her own car) and left to go stay in a hotel room for the night. She begged me to not leave her and try to see things from her angle. I had texts and calls from our friends asking what happened but I didn’t respond to anything. I just ate and fell asleep.
I go back home the next morning and see she hasn’t packed anything. We have the exact same conversation as the day before. I tell her that she has two options. She can either pack her things and leave on her own or I will put all her things into some garbage bags and go drop it off at her parents’ place. I leave and spend the night at a hotel again.
I woke up to a text from her telling me that she left and she was sorry. I also got a text from her parents saying they’re sorry on behalf of Jas. I responded saying there was nothing for them to apologize for and asked them to take care of Jas and thanked them for their love and support.
Later, she announced to our friends that we broke up in our group chat. She didn’t specify the reason and just said we wanted different things. That evening, I got a message from Lily, asking to meet up and saying she is worried and wants to check up on me with a red heart emoji. I had no interest in this and didn’t reply and sent a screenshot of the message to Jas. Jas and Lily got into a heated argument in the girls-only group chat. As per a screenshot I received from one of the other girls (Emma) in the group, Jas blamed Lily for manipulating her into getting an abortion and for ruining our relationship and Lily admitted that she was jealous of Jas and had a crush on me and tried apologizing. I got a lot of crying voice notes from Jas that night apologizing more and begging me to take her back. I felt bad for her but I can’t trust her anymore. I didn’t respond and asked Emma to check up on Jas and make sure she is okay.
Tuesday, Wednesday:
Emma told me that Jas is okay and I thanked her for checking on her on Tuesday. Nothing on Wednesday
I meet a girl at the gym and we start talking and we make plans to meet up the following day. Nothing from Jas, Emma, or anyone regarding the situation.
I go for a walk in the city with the new girl and we grab dinner together. Before anyone asks, I was up front to her about my situation with Jas and she said she didn’t mind.
I walk to my favorite cafe to get some work done on a personal project. As I’m working, Jas sits down across the table from me. She admits to following me for the last few days. She’s crying, yelling, and apologizing all at once. She says she’s “willing to overlook” me going on a date with someone else. I packed up my stuff and grabbed her hand and went outside where we could talk without causing a scene. I tell her calmly that I will always love her but I can no longer be with her. I told her I hope she heals, moves on, and finds someone new who brings her all the happiness in the world. She was following me on foot so I drove her to her parents’ place and she asked me to hug her one last time and I did and we said our goodbyes.
As soon as I get home, I’m bombarded by messages and calls from Jas’ friends except Lily and Emma accusing me of destroying her mental wellbeing and self-esteem. To be completely honest, I have no idea what I did now that they're all mad about? Telling her I hope she finds someone else and finds happiness? I don’t know anymore. I’ve silenced my phone and I’m here typing this, wondering if I went about this the wrong way. I’ve never used Reddit before and I’m hoping I could get some unbiased opinions here.
submitted by SquareChildhood6550 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:28 Pretend_Passage7061 I want to work on being nice.

I am going to work on being calm and nice and try to be nice to make a community because I need some questions easily answered I will not click links someone linked on someone’s post led to spam I want to know if someone knows of therapy or therapy groups out of the normal traditional mental health with mental health my experiences in the health system was horrible I am pretty much healthy many vegetable’s I barley ingest sugar went from 200 to 145 pounds I am also not sick in my system I use to have anemia, but I eat so many vegetables and the green ones are none to be rich in iron I do not have anemia anymore plus my views on non sick bodies are meaning anemic, diabetes, cancer you get the gist no one of them can have chemical imbalances I believe chronic stress can lead anyone to insanity oh the question is do you know of any other kind of of groups I will research them a small tidbit with little complaining from me this year I lost my best friend my dog and money problems and also past stress I will only add important post I will not except anything. Furthermore, I will talk on public forums not private messages it is the internet you know safety first I am an adult I would appreciate 18 up, but I will not make my way I will not stop who comments or what is what is said I will not babysit.
submitted by Pretend_Passage7061 to u/Pretend_Passage7061 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:22 FL4W3D369 AITA for not telling my mother why I was going No Contact?

I (39f) sent my mother (Rita) a FB message telling her I needed to go No Contact for a month with very little detail.
The dynamic with Rita went awry several years ago after dealing with her opioid addiction, the roles kind of reversed and I felt more like the parent.
Rita got clean shortly after dating an old co-worker (while still married); after separating from her husband, she told me that she couldn't afford an apartment; I offered to move with her, to split the rent and even bought her a bed, living room furniture and a kitchenette. I had high hopes we'd start getting along more.
Rita insisted I meet her new guy (Clint) again, but this time as an adult. Let me preface this by saying, 10 year old me was in the right to "accidentally" spit chocolate milk at this guys face while he told me a joke.
He was creepy and tried too hard then and still does now.
I visited her new at Clint's place and while there he would (jokingly) make comments about wanting to see me in a bikini or me seeing him in a speedo. He would tell me he loves me 10-20 times within 5 minutes and joke about leaving Rita for me when she was within ear shot; she never said anything to him about these.
During quick polite goodbye hugs he would hold it for too long and try to kiss my neck, I continuously pulled my shoulders up to cover my neck and try to get away but he'd kiss my neck or ear. I told both of them numerous times I was not comfortable with it and after 4 visits and numerous complaints to my mom, it finally stopped but he labelled me as an ice queen.
Rita was making my nephew a birthday dinner and Clint came over to our house. He slapped my ass and cupped his hand before removing it; my nephew was outraged (so was I) and Rita laughed when she heard about it.
Before I moved back to my home town, I went to visit my mom and Clint with my dog, Buddy. Clint's son (Wes) was over and I felt safe coming back over for dinner because his son is a good guy; big mistake.
While I was sitting there listening to music with Rita and Wes, Clint comes back into the living room and sits on my lap and starts 'wiggling' around inappropriately- I told him to stop but he keeps doing it, I demand he stops and try to shove him off of me and he laughed; but he wasn't the only one laughing, Rita was too. I stared at her for 3 seconds and she dragged him off of me. I stood up, he sat down and I rudely said "you're lucky I didn't kick you in the balls, I should have", his response was "oh really?!" then I replied that I should have and his response is that he was only joking around and how I need to take a joke. I had told him numerous times to stop and he flat out refused to and only wiggled more. Rita reached for his hand, still laughing and said how "silly' he was and how that's one thing she likes about him. I sat closer to Wes and was going to stay until I hear him address Buddy (my dog) and say "Hey Buddy, tell your mommy she needs to grow a sense of humor"; with that, I grabbed Buddy's leash, my purse and started to leave when he shouts out "Did I OFFEND you?!", I screamed back at him and slammed the door behind us.
I've told Rita that I don't feel comfortable with him around, especially while he's drinking; she tried to assure me that he'd never do anything to me but said she'd talk to him. I moved to another town and made it abundantly clear that I do not want anything to do with him. I will be civil for her benefit but he gives me the creeps and is incredibly inappropriate with everyone - his daughter has lost friends because of his actions before.
Rita came down a couple weeks ago and took Clint to her friends place then we went out for mother's day; she asked if I would mind if she picked him up to cut time off her trip home - I understood and said sure. TLDR, he forced his way into my new home after I said I was not inviting them both inside and she was informed that he is NOT welcome here.
Rita recently went to a friends, had a few drinks and drove home, I was incredibly worried and told her so, to which she responded aggressively saying that she isn't stupid.
She sent numerous aggressive voice messages on Facebook, I decided to stop responding then Clint texted me, strongly suggested that I reach out to her because she's upset. I responded by saying 'Friends don't let friends drink and drive' and ignored him too. His unread response was that "she only had 2, if she drank more, trust me, I would have cabbed it." The math wasn't mathing, she said that they stayed there for 3 hours; I had called 2 hours after they got home and she was smashed, she definitely had more than what they let on and I do not trust him or his judgement because he lost his license because of a DUI. The morning I went No Contact she sent me messages assuring me that she was fine and that she wouldn't drink and drive; I refrained from responding.
Three days of no contact , I call her and we are civilized but both on edge, our conversation was very brief but I wanted to reach out - she is my mother after all and I would ideally like to have a relationship with her.
I messaged Rita and told her I need to go No Contact for 30 days to work things out professionally and mentally. She facetimed me 3 times, called twice, messaged me on FB and left voice messages on both my answering machine and Facebook. Comments ranging from "No contact from me or everyone?", "I'm really worried about you" and "please call me back". I responded and said "This is not about you, this is about me, please respect my wishes".
Am I the asshole for not telling her exactly why, being upset that she's going to my inner circle to try and find out what's going on and not being able to let go of her past and current short comings?
I'm on a waitlist for a therapist because I would like to build a better relationship with her and let the resentment go. I don't expect her to change but I need resources and need to learn how to set effective boundaries to act as stepping stones for future healthier conversations and interactions and hope that this break will help release the tension.
submitted by FL4W3D369 to okopshow [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:21 NeedleworkerNo580 Feeling lost after nursing school

So, I want to talk about something that I feel is pretty common, but under discussed. No adult has any idea what they’re doing. When I went to nursing school the whole time I was there I was convinced that when I graduated it was all gonna fall into place. I was going to get the job I always wanted, I was gonna get married and I’d have a bunch of kids. I’m several years out of school now and I have more questions about life than when I graduated. I’m not sure that I’m in the right career, I’m dating a guy I really like and love, but how do you know when to get married or move in together? It also doesn’t help that my mom passed away when I was young and my dad was never in the picture.
I guess what I’m trying to say is if you’re an adult that feels aimless and you’re not sure you’re doing it right, you’re in good company.
submitted by NeedleworkerNo580 to nursing [link] [comments]