Tomy zoom gams

Which plasma rifle should i go for?

2024.05.27 21:37 brianyourfavekitten Which plasma rifle should i go for?

Which plasma rifle should i go for?
Got back to back bangers of legendary plasma rifles but cant decide which one would serve me better in the rest of my run
submitted by brianyourfavekitten to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 07:01 Able_Raise1575 awful GamAnon meeting--are they all like this?

I went to my first GamAnon meeting to support my spouse, who was at his first GA meeting at the same time. My spouse got a lot out of the GA meeting. I left the GamAnon meeting feeling worse than I did when I entered.
Almost everyone in the meeting was a woman in her 60s or 70s or even 80s, most were widowers. They were incredibly judgmental. They got around the "no cross-talk" rule by asking if they could make a comment (and commenting before anyone responded in the affirmative). Another first-timer and I were basically mocked for saying we believe our spouses have stopped gambling, as if it was a joke and there was no possibility of anyone quitting. Then they all emphasized that their spouses gambled for 57 years and had relapsed dozens of times. (I imagine this isn't everyone's experience.)
They also had all sorts of strange rules about things people are allowed and not allowed to do to repay their debt. They must not try to take care of debt until they've stopped gambling for 60 to 90 days. They are allowed to declare bankruptcy or to get a second job but not to consolidate loans or seek debt relief. It seems like a recovering gambler can make that decision for themselves, and sometimes these "recommended" routes could hurt your credit or even cause you to lose your house. We were also warned against the dangers of thinking ahead, as old-time GamAnon members are allowed to recommend decisions with long-lasting implications, but new attendees were only allowed to take things one day at a time.
We then did readings out of a typo-ridden book everyone referred to as literature, although it was very badly written. People then took turns trying to get me to pay $6 and $10 for the booklets, as if someone who just discovered their spouse had a small fortune in hidden debts would want to spend money. (Plus, who carries cash on them? Other than these old ladies?)
When we went around in a circle, almost everyone in the group talked about their own personality defects that led to their partners gambling. I thought this was so odd as some of us didn't even know our partner was gambling, so how could we enable it? And why do we need to focus on character defects when we are, in many cases, the victims?
Everyone made sure to emphasize how doing the readings from the weird $10 and $6 book saved their life, and they keep going to GamAnon even after their spouses have died or after they've long left their partners... They insisted everyone should keep coming back but didn't do a great job of selling it.
I do still feel like I need support outside of what I'm already getting (therapy, couples therapy, etc.), but maybe this group isn't for me? Are they all this bad or are any of the Zoom meetings less awful? If I'm just going to get lectured by mind-readers who try to hard sell me bad "literature" then this group isn't for me.
submitted by Able_Raise1575 to GamAnon [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:25 whatwerhow πŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆ

πŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆ submitted by whatwerhow to roaringkitty [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:47 Pr3d4torxx Help with c++ refactoring together with Unreal Engine

Help with c++ refactoring together with Unreal Engine
So i'm following a course where we make a simple rpg game where the enemy has to patrol from one point to the other and when it sees the main character nearby then it should chase it attack and if it loses sight of it then get back to patrolling. Now the problem is that the enemy instead of patrolling it just slides and when it spots the main character it switches to a death animation that i created untill it reaches the main character and instead of executing just 1 attack it executes 3(i've created an animation montage with 3 separate attack animations but i've put an anim notify at the end of each attack animation so the enemy should know where 1 attack animation begins and the other starts) and after attacking instead of going back to patrolling it jst keeps sliding again. I'm using c++ together with UE5 and recently i've done some refactoring to the code so it will become simpler and easier to read. I will post the code in github:Github link to the project files. Within the private you will be able to find the .cpp files and within the public the .h nut i think that the problem is with Enemy.cpp and Enemy.h files. I will also post a video to show the problems. I've tried debugging with logs but since i'm new programming i couldn't fix this problem. Any help would be appreciated!
Here's a video showing the problems with logs at every function capsules:
Here's a video of Blend Space 1D which is responsible for transitioning from Patrolling to chasing and back:
and an image with the animation bleuprint for the enemy with the states:
and another with the IdleWalkRun state:
submitted by Pr3d4torxx to UnrealEngine5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 22:18 SenlanZWH LPL weekly postgame show partial translation

LPL Cafeteria is a weekly official LPL live show right after the last game of the week, the name comes from the fact that in China, people like to eat and watch something, and they calls bad plays appetizing, as it goes well with meal. The show is like EUphoria or the Dive, except it is about the games that already played, and 99% of the stuff said on the show is just for meme and troll. They usually do a few live polls and have guest discuss them, I found the questions quite funny, as a meme, so here is the translation, and audience polling results. This is the link to the full show, link.
Question 1: Who is more ridiculous?
Polling % Explanation
A) Support level > Jungle Level 28.9% Game 2 of LOUD vs TES, where Croc was playing fasting Poppy and was lv6 when RedBert's Nautilus was lv7.
B) Support 2nd Highest Damage on the team 17.2% I think they are referring to PSG vs EST's first game, but there were quite a few game where support had 2nd highest damage, so I'm not sure.
C) Going around and engage on Wukong clone. 39.5% PSG vs EST second game, Ackerman's Rakan went around and ult w on Wukong's Clone.
D) Trist eating lamb 14.4 GAM' EasyLove Trist tried to jumped into LOUD's Robo's Ornn, and solo killed himself.
Question 2: Who is more humiliated?
Polling % Explanation
A) Zothve solo kills Zeus 39.0%
B) Humanoid solo kills Creme 4.9%
C) TES 2:1 FNC 42.2%
D) 1734 13.9%
Question 3: What is the most regrettable thing at MSI Playin?
Polling % Explanation
A) GAM not making it to the upper bracket 80.8% People really wanted to see GAM playing against TES again, both fans and hater of TES.
B) Jensen lost to Faker again 1.4%
C) T1 not breaking the fastest win record. 14.6%
D) Non of the wildcard region made it into Main Stage 3.2% The LPL production still thought there were 5 major regions.
Question 4: Which of the following is more likely to happen?
Polling % Explanation
A) Winner's final is a rematch of the playoff final 52.2% Not limited to one region.
B) All first seed winning first round. 34.6%
C) One of the LPL/LCK team went 0-2 and swim home. 9.8%
D) NA's total series win > 2 3.4%
Question 5: Which of the following is harder to surpass?
Polling % Explanation
A) 1557 66.6% Fastest game as MSI
B) 19-2 25.6% T1's record against LPL teams at recent worlds.
C) 6-0 2.8% BLG's record against LCK at last MSI, this is a typo, it should be 6-1
D) 1020 5.0% RNG exited worlds twice on the same day in S8 and S9.
Winner's final match up prediction: Teddy Guan (LPL Caster): GenG vs T1
Angel: GenG vs BLG
Zoom: GenG vs BLG
MaoMao (LPL Caster): GenG vs BLG
submitted by SenlanZWH to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 23:12 spoodermanishere99 How do I apply tracking data between multiple clips?

I have the following two layers: A layer with glasses that move in and zoom in as the video progresses and a layer with various background footage.
I would like to have everything around the glasses blurred, but when you look through the lens you will see the unblurred image.
In the color tab, I made two separate windows, and tracked both lenses through the duration of the clip.
What I am stuck on now is how to apply the blur effect. I can't seem to get the tracking data to link to the clips. Any help would be appreacited
submitted by spoodermanishere99 to davinciresolve [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 00:06 LINE4RR Best pull from today

Best pull from today
Bought 7 packs just because. This is absolutely my favorite of the bunch, though I’m gutted to find there’s no matching Oddish and Vileplume.
submitted by LINE4RR to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 02:27 Comfortable_Key9695 What is this computer worth today?

submitted by Comfortable_Key9695 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 00:41 RyanwBoswell1991 I made the Colossal Titan in sc6

I made the Colossal Titan in sc6 submitted by RyanwBoswell1991 to SoulCaliburCreations [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 17:44 asiane33 ❌ Skyrim βœ… Hiking Simulator

❌ Skyrim βœ… Hiking Simulator

Finalized Load Order:

USSEP - mandatory patch
Hearthfire Display Case Fix - can use display cases now
CC Display Case Fix - can use display cases now
Cheat Room
Telekinesis Arrow Added Fix - fix cheat room glitch where adds arrows when loaded
XP32 - must have for animations + retexture mods
Amazing Follower Tweaks - have more followers, followers never die...
Character Editor AIO - make your character however you like

UI Mods:
TES Legends Loading Screens
Quality World Map
Clear UI Colored Map Markers - colored icons on compass view
Pastel Map Markers - colored icons on map view
Dawnguard Map Markers
Tailor SWF - clock, cursor, UI; adjust position of everything
Nordic UI for Tailor SWF - nordic themed
Modern Perks Interface - re-skins Perk UI
Fertigo Pro Font
Bigger Fonts - increase readability w/ Nordic UI
Kontrol - set more fav weapons hot keys (uses D-pad)

Animation Mods:
CFPA - 1st person animations (run, jump, fight...)
Verolevi Animations - 3rd person movement + weapon animations
BIG Ultimate Kills - increases chance of kill moves
Uncap FPS - 60FPS
SkyRad Camera Pack - 3rd person camera (I have close to L/R, zoomed in)

Quality of Life Mods:
Skyrim Is Windy - trees, grass sway in breeze
World Encounters Overhaul - bandits, vampires, stormcloak brawls, oh my
Realistic Conversations - NPCs talk better
AI Overhaul - NPCs act more like humans
Run For Your Lives - NPCs run from danger
Visible Favorited Gear - character "wears" all fav weapons
Magic Utility - use spells with shout button
Dual Wield Back Blocking - block while dual wield (step back + use L weapon)
Auto Harvest Ring - collects all foragables within radius
Wear Multiple Rings
Unread Books Glow
Rebalanced Leveled Lists - better balanced loot
Fast Travel From Interiors
Player Carry Weight Increase

Armor & Weapon Textures + Meshes:
Skyrealism Weapons - reskins weapons more shiny + real + HD
Old Kingdom Armors - armors look more fantasy + HD
TMB Skimpy Armor - busty reskin for females; use w/ TMB body
TMB Enhanced Body - 😈 curvy mod
New Legion - armor replace for imperials
Sons of Skyrim - armor replace for guards + stormcloaks
Belt Worn Dragon Priest Masks - have hang around L/R waist
Divergence Brilliant Bijouterie - reskins jewelry, circlets
Divergence Backpacks - reskins CC adventure backpacks to HD
Enhanced Blood Textures - realistic HD, blood on screen w/ damage
RASS - weather effects (raindrop, snow) on armor + screen

NPC & Wildlife Textures + Meshes:
Divine Creatures - HD animals
Divine Wolves - HD dogs, wolves
Bella Beauty & Beasts - HD all NPCs + user races
Kids Are Alright - HD children NPCs
Darling Eye Replacer - reskins all eyes
KS Hairdos - adds more HD hairs for user + followers

Enviro Textures + Meshes & Weathers:
Divergence Potions - reskins potions shiny + HD
Divergence Bottles - reskins wine, mead shiny + HD
Noble SMIM - HD cities, dungeons
ETD - rescales all vanilla textures to way more HD
High Poly Project - rescales all vanilla item textures HD
Happy Little Trees - realistic tree types + amounts
Skyland Happy Little Trees Bark - HD bark
Veydosebrom Regions - realistic grass + different types
Less Grass 40 - decreases grass to improve performance
ELFX - realistic glowing lights, fires, lanterns
Mythical Wonders - weather mod, makes armors shine (I use Pixar mode)
Natural Clouds - amazing clouds
Skyland AIO - realistic HD all enviro
Skyland LODs
Open Cities - no loading screens when entering cities
JK's Skyrim AIO - overhaul all cities & towns
JK's Skyrim Open Cities Patch
The Great Cities Towns & Villages - overhaul cities
Great Cities Towns & Villages w/ JK & AI Overhaul Patch - overhaul cities
Great Cities Towns & Villages ELFX Patch
Dawn Water - shiny flowy water mod
submitted by asiane33 to SkyrimModsXbox [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 23:39 carabidus Check My Bayesian Analysis

I seek to understand how to employ the Region of Practical Equivalence (ROPE), so I conducted a basic Bayesian analysis of disease incidence rates on a public data set.
Is my rationale sound regarding the ROPE in my analysis?
I have reproduced my process below and would greatly appreciate any feedback. This post also appears here.
require(tidyverse) require(rstanarm) # Yearly counts for Hepatitis A, Measles, Mumps, Pertussis, Polio, Rubella, and # Smallpox for US states infect <- read_csv("") # Reclassify as factor variables infect$disease <- as.factor(infect$disease) infect$state <- as.factor(infect$state) # Calculate cases per 100000 infect$incidence <- (infect$count / infect$population) * 100000 # Subset and return only measles data measles <- infect %>% filter(disease == "Measles") %>% select(-disease) # disease column no longer needed # View incidence distribution for measles measles %>% pull(incidence) %>% hist(., main = "Distribution of Mean Incidence of Measles") # Zoom into the lower end of the distribution measles %>% filter(incidence <= 10) %>% pull(incidence) %>% hist(., main = "Distribution of Mean Incidence of Measles (<= 10") # Mean incidence of measles by year measles_year <- measles %>% group_by(year) %>% summarize(mean_incidence = mean(incidence, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% ungroup() # Line plot using a GAM smoothing # Plot a vertical line at vaccine year (1963) measles_year %>% ggplot(aes(x = year, y = mean_incidence)) + geom_smooth(se = TRUE, method = "gam") + # GAM smoothed line with standard error region geom_point() + scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(min(measles_year$year), max(measles_year$year), by = 4)) + geom_vline(xintercept = 1963, linetype = "dashed", color = "red", linewidth = 1) + # Adds a vertical line for 1963 theme_minimal() + labs(title = "Annual Mean Incidence of Measles: United States", x = "Year", y = "Mean Incidence per 100,000") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) # Rotate x labels for readability 
From the histograms, incidence rates for measles seem to follow a gamma distribution.
Set up a Bayesian model where:
  1. The likelihood for the data (incidence rates) is gamma distributed
  2. The priors for the regression coefficients are normally distributed
H0: There is no difference in the incidence rates before and after vaccination
HA: There is a difference in the incidence rates before and after vaccination
# Create a binary variable 'vaccine_status' to indicate pre- and post-vaccination periods measles_year <- measles_year %>% mutate(vaccine_status = ifelse(year < 1963, "pre", "post")) %>% # Insert a column named `vaccine_status` mutate(vaccine_status = factor(vaccine_status, # reclassify as a factor variable levels = c("pre", "post"))) # reorder factor levels to ensure the first level is "pre" # Reserve one core for the operating system. options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1) # Fit a Bayesian regression model with gamma likelihood bayesian_model <- stan_glm(mean_incidence ~ vaccine_status, data = measles_year, family = Gamma(link = "log"), # Using Gamma family with log link function prior = normal(0, 2.5, autoscale = TRUE), # Weakly informative normal prior for coefficients prior_intercept = normal(0, 10, autoscale = TRUE), # Weakly informative normal prior for intercept algorithm = "sampling", # Use MCMC sampling chains = 4, iter = 2000, seed = 123) # Convert the Bayesian model object to a data frame: posterior_samples <- # Note: "pre" is the baseline group. Thus, the model coefficients represent the "post" group # Extract the posterior distribution of the model coefficients: vaccine_status_posterior <- posterior_samples[, "vaccine_statuspost"] # As these model coefficients are on a log scale, exponentiate them, subtract # them from 1, and multiply by 100 to represent the percent reduction in incidence # rates from pre- to post vaccine years reduction <- (1 - exp(vaccine_status_posterior)) * 100 # Calculate the 95% credible interval ci <- quantile(reduction, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)) # Plot of posterior distribution with 95% credible interval: ggplot(data.frame(reduction), aes(x = reduction)) + geom_density(fill = "skyblue", alpha = 0.5) + # Plot density geom_vline(xintercept = ci, col = "red", linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 1) + # Credible interval annotate("text", x = ci[1] - 2, y = -0.01, label = paste(round(ci[1], 2)), vjust = -1, color = "red") + annotate("text", x = ci[2] + 2, y = -0.01, label = paste(round(ci[2], 2)), vjust = -1, color = "red") + labs(title = "Posterior Distribution of Vaccine Effect", x = "Percent Reduction In incidence", y = "Density") + theme_minimal() 
Set the Region of Practical Equivalence (ROPE)
Here's where my understanding gets murky.
Let's say the measles vaccination program was successful if we achieved at least a 50% reduction in the incidence rate. Our hypothesis:
H0: We did not achieve at least 50% reduction in incidence
HA: We did achieve at least 50% reduction in incidence
If we set the ROPE at [40%, 60%], this interval falls far outside the credible interval [85.05%, 96.01]. Thus, we can reject H0 and assert that we exceeded our expectations of reducing the incidence of measles.
submitted by carabidus to rstats [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 23:55 JagerOp is the XFX RX 6800 cheap because it has an AGP slot instead of PCIe? What other card should I get instead? All the other RX 6800s are like Β£500, when a 7800 XT is Β£500 as well, that makes no sense?

is the XFX RX 6800 cheap because it has an AGP slot instead of PCIe? What other card should I get instead? All the other RX 6800s are like Β£500, when a 7800 XT is Β£500 as well, that makes no sense? submitted by JagerOp to AMDHelp [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 18:13 Fresh_Network_6108 Need a Beyblade expert to choose 3 beys from this lot that are the best competitive!

Need a Beyblade expert to choose 3 beys from this lot that are the best competitive!
Circle them please
submitted by Fresh_Network_6108 to Beyblade [link] [comments]

2024.03.04 10:38 youngboiluK A World Of Beauty Season: 1 Episodes: 8

Arc: The Yaknir Protocol(mixed with) A True Exterminator's Heart & Duty Arc
Episode 1: The Start
Location: Outside World(The Devil's Forest) Location design: a forest with dense tree's(this shows how good they are with there gear) the tree's reach up to above the clouds there are vines and plants that spit spikes
Someone grabs a kid and flies away with there AAGS(Ancient Acint Gear Strider) as he flies through the trees he almost hits one but jumped off of it to gain speed and move but something landed on the tree
[It zooms into the tree]
It shows a yaknir a monster it's a white monster with wrinkles and if it has eyes, they're empty sockets, its the size of a grown man and has sharp teeth and has a long tail and it gets out of the tree
[It zooms out]
Location: Someone's House Location design: it seems to be a Japanese inspired house mixed with American aesthetic and Canada aesthetic
there is yelling blood curdling screams
[It zooms into a room]
2 body's and a yaknir eating a guy and girl the Yaknir is covered in blood the walls are covered in blood as well but looks like souls screaming for help
Kid, crying: mommy?... Daddy?... Wake up?... There's a man!
The Yaknir looks at him and smiles and the monster walks to him and trys to eat him and the incident just now flashes in the kids eyes
His mother and father were running and the father was carrying the kid Dad: don't worry Tomi I'll protect you Son The father and mother gets stabbed and there back ripped off killing them slowly and dropping Tomi
[It stops and zooms out]
but then someone comes in and kills the Yaknir by killing it with a special katana that changed into a bat
Episode 1.5: details on the Yaknir and explaining
Monster: yaknir - almost all white monster - wrinkles - if it has eyes they're empty sockets - size of a grown man - has sharp teeth - long tail - it's eye holes are bloody
MC: Kid Tomi(Wealth) Chikara(Power) Mikkusu(secret for now) - slim - moderate IQ - normal canines(teeth that we use to eat meat) - beautiful purple eyes - regular pupils - clean - dark brown male - short purple ending Lock's - 5'1 - age: 6
Name: AAGS(Ancient Acint Gear Strider) AAGS is short for Ancient Acint Gear Strider think of it as the ODM gear but more powerful and uses air to move around
How to pronounce Tomi's name it's like this "toe-me"
Episode 2: 10 years later and hatred
Location: Gettysburg Battlefield Location design: a plain field with multiple tools for training
Tomi is in a line a army
Leader: WHO ARE WE! All: Ancient Acint! Leader: WHO ARE WE!! All: ANCIENT ACINT!!!!!!!! Leader: YES WE ARE WE ARE WHAT!!!! All: ANCIENT ACINT!!!!!!!!!!!
The leader smiles but see's Tomi and he is surprised from the amount of hate coming from that kid
The leader walks to Tomi
Leader, stern: what are you thinking about kid
Tomi ignored him but snapped out of it when he felt a punch on his stomach as he spit out blood and falls on the ground sliding a little he looks at the leader with rage and he runs to the leader and tries to kick him with a 3 kick combo but the leader blocked the first 2 but got hit in the chin with the third kick
[the scene switched to a woman]
Location: Outside World(The Devil's Forest)
and a melody is playing then we zoom into a tree branch and a random woman who seems to be in her 30's is playing a guitar and sang a melody
Woman: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I found the one The mix and between Of Evil and heaven Mixed We humans only want selfishness And salvation for Ourselves We know that we won't change and that Well stay the same And we pray that we get better But we know we're the mix of evil and good together Oh oh oh We know we are evil and good mixed together We are the fallen angels We know that once we lose we die and rot together we know that and we know that once we're gone there is no such thing as good luck we'll just be gone... But we will sit by the light and get warmed up by the fire....
She gets killed by a yaknir before she died she said
Woman: I'm sorry Jaesio...
She is crying then gets killed her head being slammed into a spiky part of a tree branch
Episode 2.5: pronunciation and characters design
To pronounce jaesio first you need to learn the way to say it "jah-see-oh" put that together and we have jaesio the e is silent
MC: Teen Tomi(Wealth) Chikara(Power) Mikkusu(secret for now) - muscular - IQ: 123 - moderate sharp canines - beautiful white eyes - 1 † pupil - clean a bit dirty - dark brown male - moderately long purple ending Lock's - 5'11 - age: 14
Name: Teen Jaesio Mercedes - slim - fast - prodigy - friend of Tomi - age: 17 - female - pink eyes - normal pupils - 5'4 - serious - not scared easily
Episode 3: Jaesio
Location: Dorm's Design: a bunk bed room with a bathroom and normal necessities
Jaesio is asleep but jolts awake sweating she looks at Tomi and he is doing push ups
Tomi: 1,002, 1,003, 1,004, 1,005.
He looks at Jaesio who is staring at him confused
Jaesio: what are you doing Tomi Tomi: training Jaesio: why don't you be smart? Tomi: I'm training the muscles I'll be using tomorrow so that it will be stronger Jaesio: how many have you done? Tomi: 1,028
Tomi stands up and he sits down
Tomi: I'm tired well night Jaesio: night...
Jaesio looks up
Jaesio: night... Mom... I'll miss you...
Jaesio puts her hand in a fist and put it on her chest and her other hand on her chest forming a X the signature of respect for AA she goes to sleep tears in her eyes she remembers what her mother told her
Woman/mom: "never give up and do what you want!"
never give up and do what you want that's what her mom says but she died a week ago... And it's been hard on her recently she stopped coming to class as often and she has been more quiet
Episode 4: the test to qualify and get our weapon
Jaesio and Tomi wake up the next day and get dressed and they run to there test [when they get there]
Location: Gettysburg Battlefield
They were 1 second late
Scout Leader: you were... Late Jaesio: sir we were 1 second late!
Tomi is pushing Jaesio to fight back more by punching the air and breathing hard Everytime he punches the air the Scout Leader glares at Tomi and Tomi glares back the Scout Leader is surprised and smiles
Scout Leader: seems you 2 good for nothings will be something Jaesio: huh?! Tomi: WHAT THE HELL DID YOU CALL ME!?
Tomi runs to the Scout Leader in anger and tries to punch him then he switched into a kick and flowed into a quick 4 hit combo of punches but the Scout Leader blocked all of it
Scout Leader: your pretty good kid what is your name Tomi: ...Tomi.... Scout Leader, laughing: you first name is Wealth! Tomi: SHUT UP!
Tomi punches the Scout Leader but Jaesio stopped Tomi and she looks at Tomi with fear as the Scout Leader is glaring at them
Scout Leader: get in formation! Jaesio & Tomi: yes sir
They get in formation with 20 other people
Scout Leader: 200 push ups... WITH 1 ARM! Everyone: WHAT!?!?!?!!??
The Scout Leader glares at them and they listen and do the push ups only 8 still standing Jax, Jin, Tomi, Jaesio, Don, yoru, jarin, Karina. They stand up tired
Tomi: what else... Scout Leader: now for a run around the city!
They all looked surprised except the Scout Leader but they listen reluctantly and they run around the city and they are very tired
Location: Spirit City Location design: Spirit City is a City that absolutely "no one" can "get through" it's a beautiful city with marbles, diamond, emerald, and gold along with all the necessities
Tomi: I'm so tired Jaesio: yeah... Tomi: ouch clinches teeth my legs.... Jaesio: we can get through this don't worry Tomi.... Scout Leader: SHUT UP AND KEEP RUNNING!
They shut up and keep running then they get back at the camp
Scout Leader: choose your weapon now... Everyone except Tomi and Jaesio: FINALLY!
Location: Gettysburg Battlefield 2 Location design: a plain field with multiple tools for training but this time with a podium thing
They walk to the table and Tomi walks to a scythe and he grabs it the scythe glows White and Purple and Jaesio grabbed a double katana and it glowed yellow the Scout Leader was surprised those were the 2 strongest stats ever
Scout Leader: ok you can... You can go now...
side story Episode 1: Tomi Meets his Younger self
Tomi: ...
His eyes are spiraling out of control he is surprised he is surrounded by white as he stares at his younger self when he was... Happy, innocent, a good kid. What is this about? I wonder...
Kid Tomi: who are you? Are you me! Tomi: yeah... Kid Tomi: I LOOK SO COOL!
Kid Tomi says his eyes are gleaming with excitement
Kid Tomi: do I become the hero!? Tomi: yes of course we do!
Tomi is smiling and looking up with pride and he laughs and chuckles along with Kid Tomi
Episode 5: extermination sector
Location: Gettysburg Battlefield
Jaesio and Tomi decided to join the exterminator sector they arrive and they are immediately put in a team
Tomi walked to yoru and Andrew
jaesio walks to James and Jessica and there quiet as they look at the leader
Leader: you'll be dispatched tomorrow so I hope you trained and if you didn't you're dying today kid's
Everyone except the leader was surprised but didn't say anything as they walked home they used there AAGS to get there faster
[1 day later on dispatch]
Leader: ok you rot for brains we got 2 objectives get atleast 3 Yaknir's and better hope you trained with your teammates
Everyone: ...
They breath is hard
Everyone: YES SIR!
They dispatch and are in the field
Location: Outside World(The Devil's Forest)
Episode 6: the team Dispatched
Yoru: so what are your weapons mines is a katana Andrew: spear Tomi: scythe! Yoru: I'm yoru and you 2 are? Tomi: Tomi Andrew: Andrew. Drew for short Yoru: ok so we need a- Tomi, mischievous smile: let's clobber them until they can't be clobbered no more Andrew & Yoru: terrible plan
Tomi doesn't listen and flies off almost hitting every tree because he is completely trash at using AAGS then he finds a yaknir and he flies towards it and uses his scythe to cut its fingers off the Yaknir yelled in pain and its tail now has sharp spines along with its back it then ran after Tomi but got stopped when Drew and Yoru stabbed it in the back literally
Well let's see how the Yaknir were made shall we
Yaknir a monster of true horror the villain of any story or that is what most people think Yaknir's were regular humans at some point but on a day specifically 1995 Aug 25th a huge beam of light came and washed over earth causing the humans to mutate from there skins being exposed to radiation there were minor effects such as hunger and thirst but then it got worse and it got to the point they started eating each other
Back to Tomi and His group now
Tomi is still hunting down almost every Yaknir but the other 2 just follow surprised at Tomi's strength but then a boss yaknir appeared
Tomi: I might need help ... Andrew: yeahhhh you definitely do Yoru: ...
They went quiet and soon as they did the atmosphere changed filled with bloodlust and focus it is tense then all of a sudden all three of them run to the boss yoru kicked its head Tomi sweeped it's feet and drew kicked its stomach and they all switched places and positions doing this for a while then they stabbed the Yaknir in the heart and they finish
Episode 7-8: final episodes
Gets better at what he does and eventually becomes the best in other words fillers
submitted by youngboiluK to yaboinethertank [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 22:03 OUFM H: UNY/AP FSA armor set (chest is usa with fsa paint) W: offers

H: UNY/AP FSA armor set (chest is usa with fsa paint) W: offers submitted by OUFM to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 22:29 TescoAlfresco Does anyone know a UK stockist of the JamesyPlays Bayside shell?

Does anyone know a UK stockist of the JamesyPlays Bayside shell?
RetroModding shipping is extortionate to the UK
submitted by TescoAlfresco to Gameboy [link] [comments]

2024.02.27 01:03 Proper-Bad9171 Theres a big problem with console mixtape

i know i just made a question post too, let me live
I never play mixtape and i was playing it only for the event badge thingy. As soon as i enter me and our friend get killed immediately by a pistol.
Upon further inspection we saw they were zooming shooting unzooming and so on repeatedly at high speeds to shoot very fast with pistols smgs and r301s and also abuse console aim assist. I presumed this was done on xbox using a keyboard as theres no way someone could press a shoot and aim bumper this fast in succesion, i tried. You could barely see they were unzooming at all in some cases cause it was fast and i mean fast. Possibly macros too.
And its not something uncommon. Almost always theres at least 8 of these spammers in a game and because of this it took me and my friend 87 gams to get 10 wins.
submitted by Proper-Bad9171 to apexlegends [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 17:32 Emerald_196 Silverbolt Pre Order

Silverbolt Pre Order
Would it be worth pre ordering Silverbolt through a website like this instead of waiting until it comes out? I'm afraid the price of it will skyrocket like what happened with Tarn (going from 40 to 112 or something stupid on Amazon). Going through major stores like Walmart isn't an option for me because of where I live, so online is my only choice.
submitted by Emerald_196 to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 21:07 Personal-Elevator548 Advice please

I need some opinions. Which is better. Having a computer build by micro-center or buy this prebuilt? What should I change on my prebuilt? This is for a 15 year old who currently has an Xbox. I am staying with Intel and Nvidia. That’s my preference and it’s not going to change. Thanks for the help
submitted by Personal-Elevator548 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.02.18 22:59 pigeonkilla Day 266 / 8 months 21 days

From my first GA check in until now, I have never felt better in my life. GA saved me completely , take it one day at a time and let the program do its magic.
I went from playing online blackjack on multiple sites , betting heavy hands for 2 straight months before checking into GA. Be patient in your recovery, and do everything possible to avoid gambling, download GamBan if you have to ! Don’t let this sick addiction ruin your life. There’s always someone that will pick up a phone call / always GA meetings available in your city / zoom. DO WHATEVER it takes to get a hold on your life.
submitted by pigeonkilla to problemgambling [link] [comments]

2024.02.17 23:55 tripleinsane [PS4] H:pics W: rare apparel or masks

[PS4] H:pics W: rare apparel or masks submitted by tripleinsane to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.02.12 12:57 yoyoyonono Xbox crossword over here

Xbox crossword over here submitted by yoyoyonono to softwaregore [link] [comments]