Hat karaokesat karo

Don't even ask: part 2

2024.06.01 20:05 Crystal-Writing Don't even ask: part 2

Chapter 4: Blue lies
…The past I used to know a dream till they see…
…I wanna live, wanna die, deep inside…
Earth woke up, his head pounding, another nightmare. He sighed he was used to it now, this one a vivid description of how his celestial friends will look strangled in various ways, it had barely been minutes since Luna left and he was already desperate for company, and somehow he kept managing to fall asleep every minute, and his headache from Earthlings was growing again.
He didn’t know whether to yell or sigh in relief when a strange celestial approached him, almost making the planet jump.
‘H-hi Mr. Earth’s Moon- damn it I mean Earth-’ The satellite (He supposed) stammered in front of him like a fish out of water.
‘Hm, I’ve never seen you before.’ Earth remarked skeptically, his energy low for his usual front.
‘...Well you did, now.’ The satellite replied awkwardly.
‘Cut to the chase, what do you want?’, Earth practically snarled.
‘To meet you, I think.’ the former looked hesitant, maybe suspicious…
‘You think?’, Earth snapped back quicker than normal.
‘Maybe…It’s, I don’t know.’, he sighed one with exertion,’Y-you know what? Nice to meet you, I gotta go.’
‘Why you-’
He disappeared, Earth stared after the golden trail, there was something so endearing about the moon, he had a feeling, it wasn’t a good feeling. The name…
His name was Luma right?
A pounding headache pierced through his skull, that is to say if he had one, Earth wasn’t sure as he clutched his hair, the mope of Blue wig covering most of his eyes, not again, he thought to himself the feeling was much too familiar as he felt himself slipping into a dream state, the voices whispering frantically to him.
‘This was harder than i thought…’ Luma mumbled to himself as he drifted aimlessly in the asteroid belt, fumbling with the papers in his hand, Earth was careless when it came to disposing of the scripts. Not like anybody cared, Luma felt strange, an instinct told him not to trust Earth, not to trust it…the Crysta symbol had disappeared right out of his hands the moment he had entered this circus and he had no idea where to find it, he had a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with the gatekeeper,
‘Don’t trust them.’, Ophelia had said, well the satellite had successfully managed to alarm the celestial, who most definitely would label him as a snooper or criminal, due to one interaction that could be turned into a fallacy, for someone who knew so much about spying he sure panicked under pressure, Luma thought to himself.
‘Hey lil- bro, you act like i’ll-’ His brother’s voice echoed in his head, he pushed that thought aside, stuck in hell the last thing he needed was the sociopathic freak helping him, that monster. No, no way, can’t trust Nyx, nobody can, nobody should.
‘Lunatic has got him…the madness in his eyes…that was blood lust.’
Chapter 4.5:lies-Everything to hide
…The past I used to know a dream till they see…
…I wanna live, wanna die, deep inside…
Spirit of vengeance heir of throne, we will make you one of us,
You can run but you can’t hide,
She will find you, she will…
Another ghost without a mouth but yet you must scream,
Soon you’ll be one of us,
Soon you will be one of them.
Earth could never tell if it was his insanity speaking or the cry of Lunar.
‘Hello old friend.’, Spoke a voice behind him, it was a soft yet sinister voice and Earth knew who it belonged to.
‘What do you want Lunatic?’ The celestial answered as a bead of sweat trickled down his neck.
‘You know very well.’ Earth in fact did know, but he pretended not to as he wished not to become a dead version of the zodiac killer.
‘I am not your friend.’
‘Who is yours?’
Earth flinched, he hated when Lunar was right, the manipulative, gaslighting bastard.
‘Now, now, let’s use less colorful and less modern insults, I have no energy for this.’, Earth couldn’t see him in the dream state, but he knew the monster was right behind him, he could feel Lunar’s shallow breath on his neck, the celestial tried to distract himself from the fact that he was a mind reader,
But all that came to his mind was vivid images of the manipulator as a green alien.
‘I am not that ugly.’ How did he hear his thoughts?! It was a stupid question after all he was in the Celestial’s mind.
Earth didn’t feel panic, he felt numbness, Lunar never attacked him, he always wanted something.
‘Don’t believe me?’ Earth didn’t.
In a blink of an eye the celestial felt himself being forcefully spun around, well it wasn’t much of a force, Earth didn’t care and he had no energy to fight back against it, nor that he can. The celestial inhaled sharply and had to force his mouth closed, Lunar was handsome.
The most endearing thing besides the literal Lunar symbol on his forehead were his eyes, which were sharp, cryptic, analytical and reminded Eaarth of his own moon, and an unsettling feeling of being watched and exposed naked with his identity filled him, he folded his arms tighter.
‘Surprised?’ He grinned, and maybe…almost maybe, didn’t look like the sadistic narcissist he was, Earth didn’t bother to answer.
‘I asked, “What do you want?” ’ Earth forced himself to look Lunar in the eyes to show his courage but his confidence crumbled away like bread crumbs left at the end of the packet.
‘Right to the point eh? Not my style but I’ll take it.’ He remained quiet for a few seconds before continuing,’Keep an eye on him, don’t try any wisecracks or tricks with me.’
‘Who?’Earth played obliviously.
‘The one you just met, don’t play dumb’
The words burned like H2So4 on the tip of Earth’s tongue, his palms sweating, he knew the name, why did he know the name? That’s right…Lunar told him, the satellite, he he was-
‘Luma Lenquiks the freak.’, Earth spat out, he didn’t know anything more about this Lenquiks and he didn’t care as long freedom was granted, of these nightmares…of this hellhole…of whatever…
‘Good. I wish you luck, betray me and…My eye will watch you. he chuckled at his own joke but it felt unnatural, Earth wasn’t planning to stick to the instructions.
Earth woke up with a start finding himself staring right into the face of his moon., thoughts of anxiety rushed through his head, some of irritation, others of anger, all of it crippled and left disabled by the fear the planet felt when he glanced at Luna’s hand, clutching the very papers that weren’t to be seen by a single soul in his hands, of course the careless celestial didn’t dispose of them, between the lunatic and the demon he always had a splitting headache, which causes him to lash out, and other times try omnicide.
‘What is this?’ Luna asked, trying to keep his tone placid but obvious as he leveled the paper to Earth’s eye, his hands shaking, in fright or terror Earth didn’t know.
‘How would I know?’ Earth answered, picking up the usual snarky tone and playing dumb, avoiding the question but Luna knew him too well.
‘Don’t. Lie.’ Luna said, his tone cold as he crumpled the papers,’This has somethings, something I never told you and it could only belong to you-’
‘What about Mars or Jupiter? They are closer to the asteroid belt my dear friend.’, Earth picked up another tone entirely as he clutched his head, damn it the voices again, fighting for control.
‘Mars and Jupiter don’t refer to me as Luna or ‘their moon’.’, he pointed at the script, confusion and fear visible in his eyes while Earth cursed his imbecility.
‘I-I h-have solution-’ Earth stammered another string of empty promises and lies started to push through his tongue.
‘No you don’t, stop lying!’Earth could practically feel the suspicion and anger steaming off the generally calm satellite. Earth didn’t feel anything, he never did, he doesn’t care. He didn’t…right?
‘I thought so, ugh.’Luna huffed in frustration and left in one swift turn, but Earth saw his knuckles were pale from clutching so long and the sheets of paper now in his orbit were on the verge of being torn down. Thoughts raced inside his head, he didn’t notice as tear paths streaked his cheeks or a familiar, comforting pat on his shoulder., before he could stop himself he found himself squeezing the life out of his best friend.
Mars did not understand, he did not understand the celestial sniffing beside him as he tightened the scarf around his neck, shivering, something was wrong. He felt as if he was being watched all the time. Earth has suddenly taken up enigmatic as his new personality, Luna was worried, the moons of Jupiter, especially Europa were acting really strange and the Red planet wasn’t sure why. He had an idea, but it wasn’t an idea anybody wanted to believe. He awkwardly patted his friend’s shoulder who seemed quite embarrassed at this point.
‘Hey bruh..’ Earth murmured avoiding eye contact, Mars raised one of his eyebrows as Earth instinctively ruffled some sheets in his hand but the planet did not bother to question it.
‘Hey Earth, are you okay?’ Mars just blurted out directly, his voice devoid of any real emotion, which made him frown, he always talked like this, it wasn’t something new but it was like a distinct voice was calling out to him saying he’s wrong, he never ad the energy to be subtle, too lost in is thoughts he nearly missed earth’s reply.
‘Of course! What could possibly go wrong?!’ Earth forced the words out his mouth bashfully, the red planet was sure he detected bitterness but kept up his usual therapist tone anyways as he pulled his jacket tighter.
‘You need to open up Earth, it’s not fair to anyone’ Mars answered monotonously as the word “therapist” rang in his head again and again, an odd sense of tranquility washed over him, he smiled meekly at his friend, unfortunately Earth did not return the favor.
‘Oh sure, you would know.’, Earth’s voice cut through Mars’ thoughts as it grew higher in pitch.
‘What is that supposed to mean?’ Mars asked, trying not to lose his head and pushing the feeling of wrongness aside, a mild pain in his chest took over as his heartbeat (corebeat?) grew faster.
‘It’s not like you have to constantly deal with parasites on your surface.’ Earth finally snapped, he covered his mouth as he realized what he had said.
‘You can talk to me if something is-’ Mars gently and simply replied only to be cut off again by Earth’s turbulent phrase.
‘I don’t understand, I don’t understand you, how the fuck can you be so calm?!’
‘IS there something wrong that I shouldn’t be calm about?’ The red planet’s voice grew steely as a scowl covered his face, more of irritation than anger as the mild pain in his chest subsided.
‘You know what just leave me alone.’, Earth looked down, dejected, Mars couldn’t help but notice how endearing yet sad the planet looked as if a part of him was missing, the latter celestial was truly lost if that was the case because he felt lost himself.
‘For another one of your phases? Who are you planning to enact next, friend ?’ Corner of Earth’s mouth twitched as his eyes wrinkled in a smile, a rather insane and dark one but a smile nevertheless, Mars was horribly wrong about the intent of smile though as he’ll see.
‘Friends? Sure, believe what you want.’ For some unknown reason the words finally broke Mars’ cool, he replied furiously as his ears grew hot and heartbeat increased.
‘You know what? I’ve had enough with you! Most celestials want to live or die but you…you just sit there watching everyone, belittling them, angering them, demeaning them…for what? For pity? No! You like it. You like making us angry, then once you run out of people to piss off then what? You apologize?!! I can make plenty of friends without the likes of you, who think we are some lab rats to be experimented on for our feelings, don’t you?!’ Mars rambled, barely pausing for breath. He was tired of being Earth’s little toy, everyone’s doormat, dealing with their messes and then listening on and on about how bad their problems are, Earth’s expression flicked for a second, he either looked as if he would hit his best friend or cry.
He did neither, he just stared into the void and said one thing the red planet would never forget,
“I don’t want you…I don’t need you…I wish he was here, they were here” and then Earth just turned away without saying a single other word and drifted onto the other side of the sun, leaving the red planet with his mouth hanging open, the expressions that lit his face were not of hurt, not of anger, not even sadness, not hatred but…
(2114 words)
Mon-a-kopsis: Feeling violently out of place even in a familiar situation/setting.
Chapter 3.5: Hello! This is hell
…Who are you? Who am I? What the hell’s my fucking name…
…You gotta look forever friend, did you say…
‘Oh look he’s alive..yay!’ called out a bored voice but Rio couldn’t pinpoint the source of voice as darkness loomed over him, his skull pounded inside his head as if a war was going on inside him, his memories were frenzy and hazy, slowly Rio realized that his eyes were closed and he cracked them open a bit, taking a tiny peek, soon enough his impatience won over and he opened them completely, it was a huge mistake needless to say as the pain nearly made him faint again but he caught a glimpse of angry mud coloured eyes and disheveled dark Auburn hair, soon Rio realized that he wasn’t falling…
He was floating?
He struggled to maintain balance and not drift upside down, his body felt heavier, the boy in front of him had started speaking but Rio didn’t pay attention to a word he said as he inhaled sharply while looking down at his hand, they were…Blue? It dawned on him he was wearing different clothes, lighter clothes with something resembling a light shawl draped over his shoulders and a plain white T-shirt, he blinked. The boy in front of him wore much darker and heavier cloth with a winter poncho over his shoulders, Rio suddenly realized that the boy had stopped speaking and was just looking plain annoyed.
‘Were you listening to a word I said?’ he asked, a tint of irritation in his voice not even masked by his faked enthusiasm.
‘I- Who are you??’, Rio asked sharply, which caused the warm smile to melt, replaced by a dark glint in his eyes that seemed to hide great secrets.
‘Is it not obvious? I am Mars.’, Was all he said thought in a tone of mockery, leaving Rio very irritated and inquisitive, he was hazed out or else he would’ve shown his anger through verbal aggression.
‘Like the planet?’ asked the curious boy, amused by the choice of name, his tone grew higher with panic, a sigh of exasperation filled the air around them, guess who it belonged to.
‘Yes I suppose’, he huffed and answered reluctantly, a wave of nausea hit him, he nearly passed out again, Mars didn’t bother to help but he looked mystified, and that is when our protagonist noticed the gigantic…star?? Human-star?? No that didn’t seem right, he glowed brightly so the former looked away, it was a star…that looked like a human? He seemed to be talking to someone or himself, Rio wasn’t sure, then it hit him like a train wreck. Didn’t Mars look like a planet too? Rio slowly turned towards him, the panic of the new place began to settle in, he felt as if his chest would explode, wait was it space?? How was he breath-
‘Okay…are you freaking out?’ Mars looked a little worried,’Guess I should probably explain before someone finds us and blows the cover’ Rio nodded dumbly, too overstimulated to comment on anything.
Mars sighed ,’How do I say it…? Mm…Hello to hell?’ Rio must’ve looked pretty moronic with his jaw hanging open that the weird Halloween costume guy snickered, which annoyed the former.
‘Listen.’ he hissed ’Listen properly, whatever your name is-’
‘My name is Rio.’The boy said, his face growing hot and his mind tired of the condescending tone.
‘Yeah well, not anymore, it’s Earth.’ Mars said as he glared at Rio, as if daring him to challenge his authority, the latter for once in his life did not start a fight and instead proceeded to fill in the knowledge gaps.
‘Earth like the planet? How-’
‘Listen Rio…or Earth, this place is designed in such a way to resemble the solar system, the last person who was playing Earth.’ he paused as if struggling to remember and finally gave up shaking his head,’I can’t remember.’, he admitted.
‘What do you mean?!’ Earth/Rio felt panic rising in his chest again, Mars inhaled sharply, he looked less angry and more troubled now.
‘What I mean is, we can’t leave.’ dead silence, pure silence, Rio stared at him as if waiting for him to say “haha, it’s a prank bitches”, that never happened, and to make matters worse, mars added another thing that made the ball drop to Rio’s stomach.
‘And the longer we stay here..We forget who we are…some go insane, others simply forget…I am the few to remember.’ He looked like as if he wanted to add more but said nothing as seconds trickled by, then minutes and what felt like an eternity before Rio replied,
‘What is your name?’
‘...’, Mars didn’t know, Earth knew that, then a disturbing thought erupted out of nowhere, multiple actually, he had siblings, what were their names? Where did he live? Who was he? But the most terrifying thing to have happened was..
My name is Rio, right??
‘Calm down.’
‘WHAT DO YOU MEAN CALM DOWN-’, Mars covered Rio’s mouth, he struggled but the fiery glare quieted him down
Needless to say, Earth had trouble settling in, after digesting the most horrifying news, Mars suggested him to meet others so he doesn’t drive himself paranoid, the latter wasn’t particularly fond of the idea or Mars but agreed nevertheless mostly because he didn’t want to talk to asteroids, partially because he was on the verge of another panic attack. The red terrestrial (as he called himself) guided him (Or rather choked and then dragged, Rio pretends to forget the details) does not into an orbit closer to the sun, revealing in turn another person (‘We call ourselves celestials.’, Mars said.), that “celestial” happened to be much smaller than the other two and was gray in color and Earth admitted he was adorable, however timid.
His name was Luna or Moon, Mars had told him.
‘Hey Earth, where were you? I was worried about you, thanks for finding him Mars.’ Luna returned a grateful smile to the smaller terrestrial who just scoffed, but Moon didn’t mind.
‘I…uh got lost, not important.’ Earth replied, his left eye twitching and a squeak escaping his mouth, which obviously didn’t sound like the Celestial who was before him because Luna frowned and became overly concerned like a human mother (or Mars would call an Earthling mom).
‘Are you okay?’ Luna rambled on,’Mars he-’
‘He’s fine you big baby!’ the named one snapped, Luna did not respond and just brushed it off, Rio frowned, he himself is not a saint but he’s not mean either, Mars just sounds like a jerk. The Moon just continued to chatter lectures to Earth as the latter shot the Red planet a nasty look as he left.
‘Earth, you okay?’, his voice sounded strained.
‘Yeah Luna…who does he think he is?!’ Earth growled toying with two asteroids in hand, not paying any particular attention to anything.
‘You mean Mars?’ Luna blinked, an expression of sadness surrounded his non-existent atmosphere, which might’ve sent Earth into a deep state of sonder for a while if not for the response that followed.
‘You know it’s because of what happened to Phaeton.’ Luna had a look of sorrow on his face, but he did not hesitate to be direct, Earth racked his brain to figure it out, he could not remember anything about Phaeton.
‘Phaeton?’ Earth asked, a delicate balance to his tone.
‘Right, I forgot you don’t remember much, I mean Venus told me.’ Luna answered, he seemed a bit out of place before continuing,’I feel, I think, he gets lonely sometimes.’
Earth blinked and then proceeded to frown, Phaeton, whoever he was seemed like he was close with Mars, maybe the only other person beside him to know the truth. If The Blue ball didn’t want to scream and run for his mommy right now, he probably would’ve felt guilty, or not. He’s not exactly empathetic and for now he doesn’t care.
‘Big deal.’ Earth scoffed, then cursed himself internally for opening his mouth, was it too insensitive, callous, thoughtless? Luna didn’t utter a word, an ever so blank expression present on his face, Earth just sighed and waited for Luna to fall asleep, he needed to talk to someone before he threw himself in the sun (Not that there was any chance it would work), besides Mars owed him an apology.
Mars stared at the asteroid belt, the only Celestial keeping him sane was destroyed, destroyed by Jupiter, left friendless the Red planet was building constructions out of the space dust, while Phobos and Demios up to some mischief none cares about, he wondered if he was going to get estranged out at the point of becoming Neptune, or something more like Venus or Luna? Or maybe-
‘Hey.’, called out a voice pulling him away from his thoughts, Mars groaned.
‘What do you want?’ He muttered, keeping his stoic expression, Earth or Rio whoever he was, shrugged, The former felt a pang of jealousy, why does Rio get to remember his name?
‘Nothing, just hanging’ Earth said before poking in, ’Whatcha doing?’
‘None of your business.’ He snapped back, callously, giving Earth the cold shoulder who for some reason brushed it off, Mars momentarily wondered about the change of attitude.
‘Can I hang out with you?’ Earth blurted out directly.
‘What?’ Mars jerked his head in confusion, why would anyone in the universe hang out with him?
‘No…reason…’ Earth replied, it clicked and anger bubbled in Mars’ chest, pity, that was it, pitied by a stranger.
‘What did Moon tell you?’ Mars tried to take control of his temper, of course Luna told his precious planet.
‘Why will he tell me-’
‘Just leave me alone.’
‘Whatever…’ Earth looked directly at him before adding,’Maybe control your temper.’
‘Yeah, sure.’ The former replied sarcastically, trying not to prove the idiot’s point, but thankfully the latter left him alone after that without further questions, Mars didn’t really regret it but he still felt lonely.
Earth felt bad to say the least, but he was more worried about something else that bothered him, his name, what was his name? He couldn’t remember, that made him anxious and probably self absorbed in the eyes of others as the development in the human world got higher developments in technology, causing headaches all the time, lice, any sane person would call them. But the Blue ball wasn’t sane, he adored the tiny humans to some extent, okay maybe a lot, and as time went on he grew close to and fond of Luna.
That is until~
The offer.
The Earth fell asleep on one particular day, nothing about it would stand out because there was no way to tell what was day or what was night, thoughts that would drive any normal person sane, but he, Whatever his name used to be, wasn’t sane, wasn’t born normal. Hazy memories of the weirdest animal interactions would pop up in his head, but this by far was still his most cryptic experience.
‘Hello.’ called out a dreamy voice in an ink black void, Earth looked around, he must be dreaming.
‘Hi?’ he replied.
‘You’re Earth, aren’t ya?’ The voice seemed to be male…but it was too soft.
‘Yes?’, it popped like a question.
Earth doesn’t remember what happened afterwards, all he knew was that-that
His name was Lunar…right?
(1877 words)
Chapter 4: Estranged times
…In a RUSH, he’ll come and get ya…
…Turn ya whole skin inside out with a zipper…
‘Ophelia, it’s no use, we are getting nowhere.’ Nyx grumbled as he toyed with a miniature toy in his hand, it held sentimental value for the Panthesa but it was pure distaste and rage that went into somehow dismantling it. He's been at it for days now; the craft gave no sign of structural damage. Thankfully Ophelia replied before he got an aneurysm.
‘This is the Night-Cage maze, I am not sure we CAN get anywhere.’ she replied dejected, pouting; for a person who treats him like a child, she sure knows how to act like one.
‘Thanks your ever cheerful highness.’ The feline replied sarcastically, he was clueless about their whereabouts and how long they’ve been stuck in this hellhole, the only thing luminating in the blanket of cold darkness around them was a neon lamp, which fed on energy they didn’t have.
‘You’re not exactly Luma either.’ she sighed.
‘Don’t you dare bring him up again.’ Nyx snapped, he clenched the toy hard. He loved Ophelia but she was damn insensitive, like she didn’t know-
Who was he kidding? Of course she didn’t, one of her few quirks that emerged as a part of her …no he mustn't not think about it.
‘Right, the fight…sorry?’ She was silent for a while before quietly adding,’I’m sure we can fix this.’
‘As much as I like fixing things, not all can.’, The feline pushed away his tears, choking down a sob, he hesitated before bitterly adding,’You don’t know what’s broken-’
‘Bold of you to assume.’ Ophie mumbled, was there amusement in her tone? He tried to control his temper and not wipe the ever present trace-like, confused expression on her face; which often occurred in a conversation about emotions and subtle players.
‘What is that supposed to mean?’ Nyx tried to sound furious but failed miserably as his voice came out meek and pathetic, Ophie sat beside him against the wall, fixing his mask as he avoided eye contact.
‘I mean, I know what happened before- before, like he told me.’ she finally finished, looking defeated but Nyx’s blood grew cold as his heartbeat raised exponentially.
‘You know…’
‘This really isn’t a big deal, we can fix this-’ she desperately clinged on to any moment of silence but The feline’s ear twitched and cat eyes turned into mere slits.
‘You. Know.’ he looked ready to pounce on her, she didn’t seem particularly afraid, her dull green eyes locked with his.
‘Yes, I know. But surely you must have a reason?’ she asked as she ruffled his disheveled Black hair, nearly making the already loose winter cap fall, moments like this made him wish he was taller. He hated being short.
‘I don’t need your pity.’ he pushed her away, straightening the loose beanie.
‘Seriously? You know how hard it’s for me to keep check of human emotions, don’t get me started on extra terrestrial ones!’ she huffed, he was secretly relieved that she had diverted from the topic, Ophie usually does, attention wasn’t exactly a skill of hers, unless it came to science.
‘Ouch, I am soooo hurt.’ Nyx replied in an overly dramatic fashion, and it did fool her.
‘Wait really? Oh I am so-’ Ophie frantically began to apologize, he put a hold to that.
‘That was sarcasm, your highness.’
‘Oh- wait is this sarcasm??’ She asked, clearly suspicious, moments like these were what made Nyx wonder who was older.
‘No my queen.’ He showed his fake disappointment in an even more dramatic fashion, wanting to keep her far away from the truth and the original point of discussion.
‘Distractions don’t work on me, you know?’ Ophie frowned, Nyx had to admit; he was a little confounded that her dense brain got him, but mostly it was irritation laced with guilt and regret. Why? He tried not to think about it.
‘It wasn’t even you, literally.’ Ophie seemed to be annoyed, of course he could be wrong but that doesn’t stop one from being right.
‘Don’t speak about things you don’t know.’
‘I think I know.’ her annoying voice interrupted his thought.
‘Know what?’ Nyx snapped, tired of her omniscient tone.
‘Welll, you think we are fucking doomed, guess what? We’re stuck, not same as dooming.’ She shrugged, looking carefree as ever, everything was a joke to her.
‘Oh, big talk coming from you, asshole.’ He could practically feel her anger radiating like heat, sadistic as he was, the pleasure found was even more so.
‘I said I was sorry.’
‘I wish I could believe you.’
‘Look you’re that thing or whatever…just forget it, I don’t wanna talk about it.’
‘I’m sorry, you want to talk about quantum mechanics instead?’
‘Will you let it go?! I’m sorry I was a total bitch but I…don’t know what to say, huh.’
‘Of course you don’t, my lady. Next time I’ll hang myself if necessary.’
‘What do you want me to do Nyx?! Get a fucking pill for it?!’ she finally burst out.
‘How about trying not to be…’, his voice trailed off.
‘I. Am. Not- you know what? I don’t see the fucking point…I give up, let’s just not talk.’ She finally answered, not making eye contact, as usual.
Nyx felt his ears twitch as he heard steps,
Approaching closer and closer.
‘Don’t move.’ Ophie covered his mouth and pulled him behind another wall, he nearly tore her hand off, probably would’ve growled if not for the warning look she was giving him.
‘It’s the shadow hunter.’ she whispered.
‘I figured, genius.’.
Without any warning Nyx felt an arm grabbing him,
Pulling closer and closer.
(935 words)
Chapter 5: Just a burning memory
…It’s everything you ever want, everything you ever need…
…It’s fire, it’s freedom, it’s flooding open, it is the greatest show!…
He had tears in his eyes, he had clothes on his body, hair on his head but he had no name and as the rain plattered and splattered on his head, he most likely did not have a roof over his head. Who was he? It’s hard to say when one doesn’t have a name and is disowned by their own parents at the age of ten. He wallowed in self pity as his woe ran down his head- his face. All he could think about was the buzz of angry questions in his head, why was magic forbidden among civilians? The overlords and their majesties were both loved and feared upon because of their magic, why did he have to be any different? What was so wretched about these crafts?
‘I hope Karo drags them to hell…those big-’
‘Now, now, is this any way to speak about your parents, little one?’ Came one of those highly charismatic voices that made you wanna absorb every word of what the person says, with no care for the content.
He turned sharply, expecting…oh who in The Angel’s name cares? A man stood there, a little short of 6 feet, his face and eyes largely hidden by a ridiculously large cap, but even without that ‘He’ could practically taste the arrogant smile which lay upon his face, which left ‘him’ lingering with hatred.
‘How can you know you-you cunt?’ ‘He’ asked, far worse slurs resting on his lip, threatening to spill as his eyes burned and vision blurred.
‘I am used to the expression and tears little one, I see it everyday.’ answered the man, the child couldn’t tell whether the man was being serious or sardonic.
‘Watcha want?!’
‘What can I want from you? Do tell me dear child.’
‘Stop it. Stop it.’ His hands were shaking, as he sat down on what was supposedly a bench. The man bit his lip, as he moved towards the child and sat down beside him without uttering a word.
‘These are called words my little friend, they won’t hurt you.’ One of his visible eye was liquid Blue.
‘Go away.’
‘And if I don’t?’
‘Then-then, I will!’ The child declared as the man sighed and removed his hat. He had a sharp face, his messy hair falling on his golden headband around his forehead.
‘My dear you mustn’t-’
‘When will you stop treating me like a child?’ then the man stared right into his silver eyes,
‘Aren’t you one?’
Tears threatened to spill out, ‘He’ wanted to crawl in a hole and die, what would they even write in his grave if he had one?
‘Ah…you mustn't be afraid to cry, you are still a child, it doesn’t matter what your parents say.’
No reply.
‘My name is Adam, what’s yours little one?’ that hit the nerve for the child, he burst out into violent tears, what was he to say? What was he to say? That thy’s parents have not given him a name?
Adam just watched his gaze still like ice as the child cried, making no effort to comfort him and ‘He’ couldn’t understand why, why was here, why wouldn’t he walk away, why wouldn’t he react? Slowly the child stopped bawling, and just stared into his lap, refusing to make eye contact.
‘Why wouldn’t you do something? Why wouldn’t you scold me? Why wouldn’t you walk away?’
‘My, my, for a grown up child you sure ask a lot of questions.’ Adam chuckled.
‘You did not answer my question.’
‘Would you want a strange man to comfort you?’
‘Would you want him to scold you?’
‘Would you want him to walk away?’
‘No-’the boy realized what he had just said,’You tricked me!’
‘No my friend, I simply did what you asked me to do.’
~discontinued (Too formal/changed storylines, doesn’t sound like Luna or Earth)
This is fine.
submitted by Crystal-Writing to SolarBalls [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:28 PrGmhMePust Streak 18: Tarock (Teil 1)

Tarock ist eine beliebte Kartenspiele in meinem Land. Es wird oft sowohl von den Jugendlichen als auch von den Älteren gespielt. Man kann Tarock in einer Gruppe von 3 bis 4 Leute spielen. Am Anfang sind die Regeln ziemlich kompliziert, aber nach ein Paar Spielrunden wird alles klar. Es ist auch möglich, im Internet zu spielen.
Tarock spielt man mit 54 Karten. Es gibt 22 Tarocke, die mit römischen Nummern bezeichnet sind. Der ersten, der einundzwanzigsten und der zweiundzwanzigsten Tarock sind besonders und haben besondere Namen. Zudem gibt es auch 32 Karten mit Farben - Herz, Karo, Pik oder Kreuz. Jede Farbe hat 8 Karten - König, Dame, Reiter, Bube und 4 Karten ohne Figur.
submitted by PrGmhMePust to WriteStreakGerman [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 11:06 realmiep Wird ja schon keiner nachrechnen. Und 4 ist ja so eine seltene Zahl, das kann kein Zufall sein.

Wird ja schon keiner nachrechnen. Und 4 ist ja so eine seltene Zahl, das kann kein Zufall sein. submitted by realmiep to 600euro [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 16:30 BergischerFreidenker Ohaaa

Ohaaa submitted by BergischerFreidenker to deutschememes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 19:33 Shoddy_Hospital4742 This heat will be the end of me!!

Just general rant. Why is it to freaking hot? AC zyada der chalayo to mummy ki chappal aati hai, band Karo to bohot garmi, Ghar se bahar nikalne ka Mann nahi karta. Hats off to all those students who are going to school even in this situation. Accha hai iss saal hi 12 th khatam ho gayi, Varna iss garmi mein school/ institution jaana Naa mumkin tha. Nahane ke 5 second baad fir paseena aana shuru ho jata hai. Khana, peena, padhna, kuch accha nahi lag raha hai. Kahan hai vo log jo hamesha kehta hai " summer>>>winter". Ye wahi log hai jo 2 minute bhi AC ke Bina nahi reh sakte. Thanks for listening to my bs.
submitted by Shoddy_Hospital4742 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 14:57 Intern_X Gali do mujhe

Mujhe gali do sablog , aur demotivate karo . Mera padhai se man hat gaya hai JEEM ke result ke baad se
submitted by Intern_X to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 05:33 Witty-Fondant-7354 Dabba & funny

You guys noticed how dabba & funny tarifon ke pul bandh rahe the bhabhi mother banane ke baad change hogayi h, hats off and sunny was like dekh lo dekh lo , ab samajh aaya ??
Is dabba chabba is pregnant? Ya srif nautanki ya practice h aur excitement h ki ye hota h kyuki bhallu toh bahut he alag level ki excited h. And agar struggle or sab dikh raha h toh bhabhi ki help karwa liya Karo dabba niche aake ye thori hoga dabba se !
submitted by Witty-Fondant-7354 to JanabMadamIbrahim [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 18:13 AloeveraQueen23 Mein Freund (28) fühlt sich unwohl mit mir (27) rauszugehen, wenn ich die falsche Kleidung an habe.

Die Beziehung geht noch nicht so lange (3 Wochen) und mein Freund (m,28) hat geäußert, dass er sich manchmal unwohl fühlt, wenn ich (w,27) nicht Stilgerecht gekleidet bin. Beispiel war neulich, dass ich ein buntes Karo Hemd mit einem bunten T-Shirt an hatte und wir essen gegangen sind er aber erst im Nachhinein gesagt hat, dass er das nicht so gut aussehend fand und eine gewisse Scham für mich gefühlt hat. Ich habe das in dem Moment nicht so empfunden und würde generell auch sagen, dass ich nicht sehr viel darauf achte und darauf gebe, wie ich was kombiniere und auch trage.
Ich trage natürlich keine Jogginghose auf ein schickes Date oder High Heels im Haus, das wird hier auch nicht verlangt, aber irgendwie stößt mir das komisch auf, dass er meinen Kleidungsstil kritisiert. Nicht Mal, weil er selbst es nicht schön fand, sondern weil er sich für mich in der Öffentlichkeit geschämt hat für die Kombination aus Hemd und T-Shirt. Daheim in unseren Wohnungen ist es aber egal was ich trage.
Ich wollte für mich selbst sowieso in nächster Zeit Mal mehr darauf achten was und wie ich was trage, dennoch finde ich es komisch, dass meine Kleidung so eine Reaktion in ihm ausgelöst hat. Auf der einen Seite will ich ihm nicht dieses Gefühl geben, auf der anderen Seite kann es ihm doch egal sein was ich anziehe, oder?
submitted by AloeveraQueen23 to beziehungen [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 12:54 Anonymous_6062 How DUMB I am (My JEE Journey)

11th Start

My journey got started back in 2021, June mei ghar walo ne mera admission ALLEN Kota mei karwa diya, Also I was excited ki nayi jagah jaunga akele rahunga chill life hogi, par us time lockdown tha to 17 june se online classes start hogyi, mujhe jee ke baare mei kuch idea nahi tha tab I thought ki ye bhi ek normal sa exam hoga jaise boards hote hai, maine online orientation bhi miss kardiya(biggest mistake), online classes ko bhi seriously nahi liya jaise school ki online classes chalti thi 10th mei background mei vaise hi isme bhi kiya, kuch bhi padhai nahi kari bas classes ko background mei karke valorant khelta rehta tha, fir september mei lockdown hat gaya and mai kota gaya and then offline classes mei kuch samajh nahi arha tha, baar baar teacher(batch) change kiya still kuch bhi nhi ho paya, and na meri himmat hui ki kabhi teacher se consult karlu.

12th Started

fir 12th start hui march mei aur pehli class mei hi around 200 ki bheed dekh ke halat kharab hogyi (11th mei 100 ka batch tha), initially 12th ke starting mei ki koi backlog nahi bana, fir march end mei around 1 week ka vacation mila tha, uske baad classes continue hogyi fir dheeme dheeme backlog banne laga and 11th ke loopholes hi wajah se aadhi cheeze samajh hi nhi aati hai fir mai ikdm demotivate hogaya maine sheet, race (hw) karna bilkul chodh diya, physics mei interest tha to usme apne according thoda bhot karleta tha kabhi kabhi, hostel mei sab saath wale padhaku toppers the to na hi hostel mei koi dost bana, na hi class mei, ek bhaiya the jinke saath mei hamesha rehta tha, haircut, mess vagera sab jagah unhi ke saath jata tha fir vo bhaiya bhi july 2022 mei chale gaye, uske baad mai ikdam akele reh gaya koi bhi dost nhi tha, fir mai ikdam akela hogya bas akele reh ke sara time procrastinate kiya, classes regularly jata tha par class ke baad kabhi notes nhi khol ke dekha, batch mei itne brilliant bacche the mujhe aisa feel hota tha ki inke saamne mera kaise hoga, aise hi karte karte maine october mei classes jana band kardiya, room pe baith ke online karta tha, fir batch end hogya & score tests start hogye maine ek bhi test nhi diya fir 25 Jan, 2023 ko mains ka first attempt diya as expected mere 84%ile aye par ghar walo ne hamesha support kiya ki koi baat nahi agle attempt mei karloge, fir boards diya isme 89% aye..... mai kabhi teachers se doubt counter pe baat (doubts) nahi kar paya(meri galti), saare teachers bhot helpful the kota mei, advice for juniours apne teachers se baat karo they'll surely help you out.

Drop Year

Then mai 15 march ko ghar agya, ghar pe aate hi maine socha drop year start karlu par ghar walo ne kaha abhi april attempt de lo fir decide karna, 13 April 2023 ko 2nd attempt diya isme mere 93%ile aye, ghar walo ko laga ki itne mei mujhe koi gov college mil jayega mai puri counselling mei ye jante hue ki kuch nhi milega baitha raha fir end mei kuch mila bhi nahi, fir drop year start hua fir mai daily 12-13 ghante padhne laga, aur sirf padhai ki na to mera koi kota mei dost tha aur na ab koi school friend mujhse baat karta tha sab aage nikal gaye apni life mei, lkin mai ragad ke padhta raha ki is baar to phodhna hai kuch bhi hojaye, fir mains 1 mei mujhe mili 27 Jan Shift 1 jisme mere 91%ile aye fir mujhe ye feel hone laga ki mehnat ka koi fayda nahi isi tarah 1st attempt ke baad around 15 din waste kardiye. Fir 2nd attempt ke liye padhna start kardiya....Now, I got 8 April Shift 1 jisme mere 166 marks aye🥲, I was shocked to see my response ki maine itni dumb wali mistakes kari hai (Some of my DUMB Mistakes) , literally mujhe apne aap pe gussa aarha hai & abhi kuch samajh nhi aarha ki kya hoga aage aur na ab mujhe kuch karna ka man kar raha....just feel like I lost.
Thank You to my parent's jo abhi bhi mujhe support kar rahe hai & that bhaiya I met in Kota.
Maybe this is my first & last post on this Sub. Thank You Guys for reading my trash journey..
Goodbye Guys
submitted by Anonymous_6062 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 18:40 Antiversum Suche bügelfreie (Freizeit-)Hemden

ich suche seit einiger Zeit vergeblich nach Hemden, die meiner Wunschvorstellung entsprechen. Entweder ist die soweit ab der Norm oder ich bin einfach nicht fähig diese zu finden.

Und dazu eher Richtung Freizeithemd, die nicht so lang geschnitten sind, damit sie nicht aus der Hose rutschen (wie Businesshemden).

Als Beispiel sowas:
Bügelfreies Hemd aus Stretch-Popeline mit Button-down-Kragen und feinen Karos - Gold Charles Tyrwhitt
Hat allerdings Brusttasche, Buttondown und Charles Tyrwhitt hat etwas sehr breite Ärmel imo.
submitted by Antiversum to Kleiderschrank [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 01:12 NotSoSlim-NotSoShady Switch on analog armory meter box

Switch on analog armory meter box
I’ve built a 3 meter armory test box, but have realized I’m not actually certain of the type and function of the toggle switch.
I assumed it’s to tell if someone flipped the b and c lines on a foil cord on a previous repair. As such I used a simple on off switch, and ran the b line through it.🤷
What do you guys use the switch for?
submitted by NotSoSlim-NotSoShady to Fencing [link] [comments]

2024.01.25 00:07 SnooCapers7904 Ich weiß nicht, wie ich mit meiner besten Freundin umgehen soll.

Vor 3 Jahren, habe ich einen Typen aufm Schulhof gesehen, denn ich total cute fand, Mike. Er war einfach mein perfekter type - ich habe ihn gesehen, ich war auf der selben Schülerversammlung wie er und ich habe mit ihm zeit verbracht. Meine beste freundin, Karo, hatte von anfang an eine ziemlich gute beziehung zu ihm. Nach Monatigen hin und her hat sie unter Tränen mir gebeichtet, dass sie ihn mag. Alles schön und gut, habe ihr gesagt, dass alles okay von meiner Seite aus ist.
Vor ungefähr nem halben Jahr, hab ich nen Freund von ihr kennengelernt, Tom. Tom und Ich haben für nen halbes Jahr miteinander gesprochen und hatten einen ziemlich guten Draht zueinander. Ich habe mir relativ schnell gedacht, dass die was zusammen haben.
Vor ca. 2 Wochen hat sie sich bei mir gemeldet und um ein Gespräch gebeten. Ich habe bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht erzählt, dass zwischen Tom und mir etwas "läuft". Ich habe mir relativ schnell gedacht worum es ging und hatte recht: sie hat sich in ihn verliebt.
Mike hat Karo gebeten zuhause auszuziehen (Das Haus gehörte seinem Verstorbenen Elternteil, ist nun seins, Karo hat seit ziemlich anfang der beziehung dort gewohnt), worauf hin die beiden sich noch zwei mal gesehen haben. Mike war ein räudiger hund und hat sie angeflehnt zu dennoch zu probieren - Mike hat mir dann gesagt, Karo "habe sich dazu entschieden, Tom zu lieben."
Am selben Tag, an dem ich ihr meine Gefühle gegenüber Tom gestanden habe, haben die beide miteinander geschlafen.
Ich habe ihr ein paar ziemlich miese Nachrichten geschickt woraufhin sich Tom gemeldet hat und gefragt hat, woher ich mir das recht nehme so eine unfaire freundin zu sein.
Ich habe einige Zeit über unsere Freundschaft nachgedacht und mich entschieden ihr zu verzeihen - aber irgendwie... weiß ich noch nicht wie. Ich habe ihr bereits gesagt, dass es für mich keine Option ist, sie zu cutten.
Ich glaube an das gute in den Menschen und ich kenne sie lange genug um zu wissen, dass das gute das schlechte überwiegt. Ich habe mich zwar verraten gefühlt, was irgendwo lächerlich ist, aber ich fands so verletzend wie sie mit ihm geschlafen hat ohne das ich die chance hatte, ihm meine Gefühle zu gestehen.
Sie ist aktuell ziemlich fertig, immerhin hat sie temporär ihre beste Freundin und ihren Freund verloren.
Wie zum Teufel soll ich das angehen? Ich liebe sie immernoch wie eine Schwester, aber ich weiß nicht... ist denn okay ihr zu verzeihen?? Wann ist die angebrachte Zeit - ein Monat? Zwei? Wie geht man sowas an?
submitted by SnooCapers7904 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2023.11.10 15:37 aniketpatil7 kota jee preparation rant 2024 aspirant

Aya tha ghar walo se ajadi lene ke liye par phas gaya padhai ke jaal me
year1 11th
chapter1 beginning
may 3 ko classes start hone wale thi early admission bhi mil gaya socha ache teacher honge tooh motion me admission liya scholarship bhi mil gayi 75000 me admission ho gaya me khus baap khus coaching ke bagal me hostel bhi mil gaya 10k per month wala so socha jidagi mast kategi but it was beginning of the end teacher to utne ache nahi the basic faculty pakda diya or syllabus bhi bohot slow chala pehle 3 motnths jab tak ki sare bach nahi aa jate pehlle test me 198/300 dosre me 212/300 toh ghar walo ke expectation bhi badh gaya jo teacher kehte the bas utna hi karta tha but ye doubt counter wali facutly ne kabhi nhai kaha ki bohot sare book slove karo yeh kehte the bas module kar lena me jata tha class 3 ghatne waha bit jate the homework karne me aur 3 ghante lag jate the bacha hua samay time pass web series dekne me nikal jata tha insta bhi tin mahine aise taise kat gaya
chapter2 decline
fir hua batch shuffling test advance ka usme aye mere 240/360 so mujhe mil gaya ek top batch so called P0 parents ki expectetion aur badh gayi toh fir hui bhai competition shuru ek se badhkar ek bacha sir ne ek bari phuch liya ki board me kiske 90 ke upar hai sabke hath khade me aur dar gaya weekly test hone lage di 6 ghante classes lag jati thi ghar aak padhne ka maan nahi karta tha phir bhi aise taise hw karke so jata tha revision ache se ho nahi pati thi test me no. aana kam hogaye bagal me hi class ka topper rehta tha woh wk alag chutiya har teacher ko gali deta tha ki sahi nahi padha raha tisra test 140/300 fourth me 130/300 ghar wale kuch kehte toh nahi the but unke shanti aur darati thi 11th khatam hoe hi wala tha ki pata chala motion 11th complete karati nahi hai unki startegy ki hai 11th ke thode topic 12 me padhaynege aur ek scholarship test hua 12th ke admission ke liye mujhe mil gayi phirse 40% toh mene motion me hi early 12th ka admission le liye worst decision mere no. kaise gir raha the waise hi bagal wale ke no. bad rahe the woh classes chodne laga uska ek bhai bhi thajiski12th me 97%tile thi aur drop lekar aya tha topper the woh bhaiaya woh bhi class nahi jate the me unhe dekhta to tha but doubtful tha phir hamare batch me se hi 10 bacho ko select karke p* bana diya jine experienced teacher padhayenge usme bagal wala toh chala gaya but mere nahi hua mujhe pata to tha nahi hone wala but bura laga 6 mahine tak aise hi chlata raha akhir akhir me 11 th khatam hote hote bagal wala class ana hi band kar diya aur in sabke sath chal rahi hai har mahine tabiyat kharab hona hostel ka khana pasnad nahi ana aur bohot kuch it was fucking depressive din ke 4 se 5 classes life loop me chal rahi thi test me marks bhi nahi badh rahe the padhne ka bilkul bhi mood nhai hota tha aise taise karke 11th kar liya adha syllabus ke sath abb thi ek mahine ki chuti bagal wala waise batata nahi tha ki padhta kaise hai but mujhe andaza lag gaya tha ki unacademy ka subs. se padhta hai waha hamare coaching ke top teacher padahte the online toh mene use puch liya ki uske syllabus kaha tak hai uske 12th ka bhi addha syllabus khatam tha !
year2 12th
mene bhi peer pressure me uske unacademy ka id mange ke padne laga online ek mahine ke break me bina ghar gaye 11th ka pura syllabus khatam kiya ek khusi si mili toh mene socha thoda online karlunga thoda offline kar lunga phir classes shuru hogayi dhire dhire test me marks bhi badhne lage but utna bada farak dikh nahi raha tha phir bhi me syllabus completion pe focus karta raha fir aye result of jee mains 2023 bagal wale ke bhaiya jo dropper the unke aye the 99.8%tile 1981 rank phir mujhe laga sahi kehte toh hai ki offine class me utni quality aur quantity se nahi padhaya ja raha phir mere maan karne laga puri tarike se online karu but agar class nahi gaya toh ghar wale gussa karenge so i asked them mene unhe online padhne ke fayade bataye mummy ne toh haa bol diya but papa thode jhijak rah the but mene unhe manake online ki permission le hi li toh ab me 12th online karne ki sochte hua chalu kar diya coaching ke aage nikal gaya tha me syllabus me test bh deta tha motion me hone wale phir bhi number badhte nahi the life firse loop me phas gayi thi 12th adhha khatam hote hote tut gaya tha s***dal thoughts aa rahe the mein body har man gayi tabiyat bohot kahrab hogayi phir mummy ne ghar bula liya
chapter4 ongoing
me ghar chala gaya thode bohot books leke socha ghar se padhunga but ghar m padhayi hui hi nahi ek mahine mummy ke hat ka khana khake bina padhe wapis kota aa gaya phir dekha toh coaching ka syllabus bhi aage nikal chuka tha phir mene padhne ka speed badha diya question solving thodi kam kardi but lectures dekh raha tha ek hi goal tha syllabus khatam karne ka kaise bhi karna tha but karna tha so padhta raha phir hue start kota me s****de season har durse din ek sui***e ki khabar aa rahi thi so goverment ne 2 mahine ke liye test band kar diya i thought it was goood for my syllabus completion so mare goal ban gaya tha ki syllabus in do mahine se pehle khatam karna hai me sochta tha question syllabus completion ke bad banayenge so aise taise karke mene syallbus khatam kar diya tab tak bagal wale ne ek bari revision kar liya tha mene ab chod diya tha compare karna so me revision ki sochna start kar diya 3 mahine baki the jan ke liye so me baith gaya revision karne kuch yaad nahi aa raha tha me dar gaya kuch bhinahi ara raha tha basic formula approach but thode bohot notes padh ke confidence aane laga abhi chal rahi hai revision aage ke update mains ke baad
submitted by aniketpatil7 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2023.10.29 19:21 KhiladiBhaiyya How to overcome Rejection - Part 2

Hello and welcome again. Yesterday, I posted Part 1 of this series, which consisted of:
The purpose of these posts is to guide those who have recently faced rejection, towards the right path in their lives.
This post consists of the negative things which one should avoid after rejection and acceptance of pain. So, here you go:
    1. Don’t destroy your self-esteem because of her. If the people you've been interested in aren't interested in you, they aren't doing anything wrong.
    2. Preserve your self-worth and self-esteem and judge it with your own achievements in life.Every individual case is different. Don’t generalize the whole gender.
    3. Pagal nhi hona ab soch soch kar uske baare mein. Tumhe koi accha laga.. Tumne feelings batayi.. Usne mana kardiya.. Vhi baat khatam ho gyi. Poori dignity ke saath rejection ko accept karo. You should be like - aapne mana kar diya. Koi baat nahi. Main aaj ke baad aapko kabhi pareshan nhi karunga. Ye kehke imaandaari se hat jao raste se. Kyu pagal ho rhe ho uske peeche.
    4. Express how you feel. Don’t say unhealthy things like “I’m not good enough for her.”, or “I’m unwanted.” Say how you feel. “I feel like I’m not good enough for him.”, or “I feel unwanted.” It’s important to make that distinction. You aren’t ugly, unwanted, worthless, powerless, or unlovable. You simply feel that way, at this moment.
    5. Thinking “I should probably avoid talking about my ex on my next first date” is fine. Thinking “I’m such a loser!” is not.
    1. Don’t look down on them, don’t bad mouth them, don’t forsake yourself to a life of seclusion and loneliness. All of that is unnecessary and damaging in the long run.
    2. Holding a grudge is like letting somebody just live inside of your head rent-free.
    3. If you want revenge, then ignore her. The greatest insult for someone is to be ignored. Not giving a fuck to her is much much better than revenge.
    4. You don’t need revenge. Karma will take care of it. The best revenge is to not be like her.
    5. The best revenge is being happy and not even thinking about them.
    6. Best revenge is living a life so good you forget they exist.
    7. Revenge never gives the same satisfaction of dropping the “forgive, forget and f*ck off” bomb. The cool thing about it is that you never have to remember or be reminded of what happened any more. Life is too short for contemplating revenge.
    8. Instead of focusing on revenge, put all of your energy into improving your life. Stay sober, stay focused, get therapy, start a journal, exercise, and if you have a job, get serious about your work.
    9. Follow this shayari:“Tu nahi to koi aur sahi..Koi aur nahi to koi aur sahi..Bahut lambi hai zameen,milengi laakh haseen,zamaane mein sanam,tu akeli to nahi !!”
    1. Issues arise in relationship building, when you come across someone who doesn’t share your values, and you try to ignore the fact, or worse, try to change the person into what you ideally want them to be.
    2. This is usually the approach people take when they come across someone that doesn’t click with them. They’re drawn to certain characteristics and values, but repulsed by others. But because they’re so desperate to be with someone, anyone that can give them what they’re looking for, they’ll settle, in hopes of changing the person later on down the line.
    3. This will only ever lead to pain and suffering. As you’re forcing yourself to click with someone whose values you don’t agree with. You’re settling for what you’re being given, instead of looking for what you truly want. And, the person you’re trying to change slowly grows resentment for you, for trying to change who they are and what they view as important. It’s a bad situation for everybody involved.
    4. You can’t try and change someone because they aren’t what you want them to be. You must simply accept them for who they are, and if they aren’t a match for you, move on. They won’t change for you, they’ll only change for themselves. They aren’t meant to click with you, they’re meant to click with someone else.

References of these notes are several YouTube videos, books and Reddit posts. The final part 3 will consist of the things which you need to do and understand. Stay tuned.
submitted by KhiladiBhaiyya to Arrangedmarriage [link] [comments]

2023.09.18 22:52 priyank_uchiha Tips for sst... Fast

Kafi log exam ke 2 din phele advice mang rahe the.. Socha bheti ganga me hat mai bhi dho leta hun... To baat kuch aisi hai bhaiyo or bheno... Maine abb tuk kuch nahi padha.. Kuch nahi ka matlab kuch nahi... Our 2 din baad mera exam hai... Wo bhi double sitting yani sst+ science on the same day.. (Han mera school thora chu*iya hai) science mai 6 chapter and sst mai 8 chapter hai... Science to karlunga.. Sst ka kuch bata do... Bhai sst ki chheze yaad hi nahi rehti... Science to tab bhi easy hai... Kuch karo yarr nahi to sst mai fail ho jaunga... Just tips dedo ki kaise yaad rakhun events kay date vagera.. And ncert kay hisab se syllabus mai har section sai(history, civic, etc) 2nd and 3rd chapter hai.. To kuch bata bhi do konsa jyada marks uthane wala hai... Yaye bhai apka sada abhari rahega 😂
submitted by priyank_uchiha to CBSE [link] [comments]

2023.08.14 18:52 rgent006 Redditors on the PCT Week 23 (14 AUG 2023)

If you have been removed from this list and are actively hiking again and want to be put back on just send me a DM or post a comment below with your social media link and where you are on trail! If for any reason you'd like to be removed from these updates OR if something does not look right, please message me directly.
As always, we appreciate all of your updates from trail and wish you nothing but the absolute best as your embark and continue on your PCT journey. HYOH, LNT, and remember to thank your local Trail Angel.
PCTA - Most Recent Trail Closure Updates
The below usernames are clickable links that take you to that hiker's social media page (IG, YT, blog etc.)
Hiker Trail Name Start Date Current Location-ish Week 23 Update:
u/TrailNicks, Link 2 Golden MAR 5 2023 (NOBO) WA 8/11: no update posted
u/emdem55 Keys MAR 22 2023 (NOBO) Northern Terminus 8/11: tagged the northern terminus! "I'm taking the next week off for a bit of R&R in the PNW, but I'll be back on trail heading south from Dunsmuir on August 20th."
u/Beefandsteel MAR 22 2023 (NOBO) WA 8/11: headed in to WA! "The miles are really starting to fly by now!"
u/ThrowAwayTheAT MAR 22 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/11: llama traffic jam
u/yourgirlbribri MAR 29 2023 (NOBO) On Trail! 8/11: washed their dirty pack and still enjoying Oregon
u/Kalmes12345 MAR 31 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/14: enjoying beautiful Oregon
u/chroniclesofvanlife, Link 2, Link 3 Stitches APR 1 2023 (NOBO) WA 8/11: made it to Washington!!
u/nataliethisisnatalie Bestie APR 1 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/14: no update posted
u/UtahHiker69 Fry Pocket APR 6 2023 (NOBO) SOBO NorCal 8/11: "Hat Creek provided our last view of the majestic Mount Shasta. I will miss that mountain, it was my hiking companion for hundreds of miles as we walked around it in the past weeks."
u/RedNi12 Straggler APR 9 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/11: "Currently hauling ass through Oregon"
u/jesshikes APR 11 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/11: "With only a week left in the state and about a month until Canada, I can feel myself already feeling nostalgic about the places I’ve seen, the people I’ve met, and the experiences I’ve been so incredibly privileged to have. Here’s to the home stretch!!"
u/DrWolffe Scrambles APR 11 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/11: officially in OR! took a zero in Ashland
u/mikenikey Water Taxi APR 12 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/11: hit 1700 mi mark "NorCal exceeded my expectations and I thoroughly enjoyed both the scenery and towns, but I am ready to move on to a new state and enjoy what Oregon has to offer!"
u/woodsbearoutdoors APR 14 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/14: enjoying beautiful Oregon
u/pollyf APR 14 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/14: enjoying beautiful Oregon "1827 miles deep"
u/hallroosevelt, Link 2 APR 15 2023 (NOBO) WA 8/14: made it to Steven's Pass in WA!
u/Bullish_bear000 APR 19 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/11: made it to Oregon!!
u/esahr Guidebook APR 19 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/11: no update posted
u/Just_karo Flamethrower APR 20 2023 (NOBO) On Trail! 8/11: trying out the 24 hour challenge in Oregon
u/charles1503, Link 2, Link 3 APR 21 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/11: "Almost done with Oregon, and it’s been an interesting experience traveling a lot faster since the terrain is a mellow grade"
u/B2Pats Marine APR 23 2023 (NOBO) NorCal 8/14: Almost in Oregon " Some days are sometimes harder than others, but I have a purpose and what I'm living and seeing keeps me going. "
u/loganlaliberte Juice APR 25 2023 (NOBO) WA 8/11: made it to Washington!!
u/Havasu-Hiker23, u/Havasu-hiker Stix APR 26 2023 (NOBO) WA 8/11: "I still have Washington ahead but now the goal (Canada) seems ever so close!"
u/hejkathinka, Link 2 CEO APR 28 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/11: no update posted
u/free-bobby-now Worthy APR 29 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/11: almost to California "The trail helps to clarify things that you may have once thought important as things that don’t deserve your stress/attention. Excited for California!"
u/Mschoee MAY 1 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/11: almost done with Oregon "Our days in Oregon have been pretty sweet, less than a week left! Big mile days, sweet wild berry picking and awesome hospitality from local"
u/MoogyzHikez, u/environmental-pop-11 MAY 4 2023 (NOBO) On Trail! 8/11: celebrated her birthday back on trail in Oregon!
u/sharkdork MAY 5 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/11: enjoying beautiful Oregon
u/Kristi_Tho MAY 6 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/11: "Practicing patience and presence and enjoying the small things (like chipmunks)"
u/jkeller52 Patches MAY 10 2023 (NOBO) NorCal 8/11: no update posted
u/Powerful-Plantain-84 Cinder MAY 10 2023 (NOBO) OR 8/11: no update posted
u/kinn0n14 Jabberwocky MAY 13 2023 (NOBO) On Trail! 8/11: no update posted
u/positiv3vib3z MAY 15 2023 (NOBO) SOBO OR 8/11: still enjoying beautiful Oregon!
u/niccolojoe MAY 18 2023 (NOBO) NorCal 8/11: might be in Oregon by now
u/bbqbaconsandwich Junk Rat MAY 22 2023 (NOBO) NorCal 8/11: no update posted
u/Big_Bad_Panda Tinman MAY 25 2023 (NOBO) On Trail! 8/11: still hiking!
u/brick_50 MAY 25 2023 (NOBO) SOBO WA 8/11: no update posted
u/AgentDouble00 Doppler Restarted JUN 30 2023 (SOBO) OR 8/11: Still hiking!
u/margot380, Link 2 JUL 2 2023 (SOBO) OR 8/11: made it to Ashland!
u/Agreeable_Ad_5423 JUL 10 2023 (SOBO) On Trail! 8/11: no update posted
u/canthinkofone9 Sweet Rinn JUL 26 2023 (SOBO - Section) On Trail! 8/11: no update posted
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
No Week 17 Post
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
Week 22
submitted by rgent006 to PacificCrestTrail [link] [comments]

2023.07.26 13:56 No_Rex /r/place 2023: Der Nachgang

Place 2023: Der Nachgang

Nach dem Ende des diesjährigen /place macht es vielleicht Sinn, darüber zu reden, was gut geklappt hat und was eher nicht. Hier meine, strikt subjektiven, Gedanken.




TLDR: Nicht alles war super, aber es hat auch diesmal Spaß gemacht.
submitted by No_Rex to placeDE [link] [comments]

2023.06.27 11:02 moguboku Adulting starts from an appointment at the RTO

So today was my appointment at the Andheri RTO office. A flabbergasting experience to say the least.
"My driving licence"- My golden ticket to adulthood. Proof that I was a responsible 18 year old 'adult'.
I arrived bright eyed and bushy tailed early in the morning to find that I was one of the only girls and the youngest. My driving school had an appointed person already in place, you know to "handle" our licence. A person for whom I had paid the extra amount of Teenso Rupaiyye (300Rs) along with my driving class fees. My fellow classmates were already gathered around. Jate hi haath mein ek Hari slip pakda di gayi. Ki madam ye lo apka temporary licence jab tak original post mein nahi aa jata. Ha 'jeb' mein rakhna 'jeb' mein.
After making us run up and down the building in quest of pointless paperwork, we were finally taken to a ground (more like a dumping ground especially in Mumbai ki baarish). Kyunki building ke chakkar kaate bina thodina Bharat mein sarkari kaam hote hai.
So finally I arrived on the ground right on time. Ready to take on the world and prove that yes, I was a responsible 18 year old 'adult'.
Little did I know that it would be 2 more hours till the officer finally graced us puny mortals with his almighty approval. That to after ofcourse, a hefty breakfast for the duration of which we were left outside swatting flies. During which I also learnt that the war between driving schools is no less than a Mafia gang war. Each school had their respective representatives ready to "handle" their students' licences. More poor souls who had probably paid the Teenso Rupaiyye.
Finally woh ghadi aa hi gayi jiska mein besabri se intazaar kar rahi thi. My spirits were still soaring albeit wearily, but I finally got in the car. Only to realise that the other person in the car was to control the paddles and the steering and my only job was to touch the steering wheel and meanwhile gpay him a amount of Pachaas Rupaiye (50Rs).
Cue the conversation: "Madam jaldi se Pachaas Rupaiye nikalo aur steering se hat mat uthana"
Me proudly declaring," Bhaiyya mein khud chala lungi. Fikar mat karo, driving school wale sir ne ek bar very good bhi kaha tha" "Aur Teenso Rupaiye diye toh the extra, admission ke time"
"Kya madam, ye gadi ka bhada hain na"
By this time hum chakkar laga kar pohoch bhi gaye. I got my golden ticket to adulthood which had somewhat lost its value and Bhaiyya got his gadi ka bhada and...and, the officer... Well i am sure he got something as well. Akhir handler tha na uske bajume khada.
The journey ahead is confusing and now seems not so shiny. But atleast my young'adult' journey had officially begun.
What was your introduction to 'adulting' and how are you winging it so far ??
submitted by moguboku to mumbai [link] [comments]

2023.05.12 10:44 Comprehensive_Bug391 BIDA weil ich mich länger nicht gemeldet habe?

Hallo zusammen,
kurzer Kontext vorab: ich (w, 24), meine beste Freundin Karo (w, 23 - fake Name). Ihre Mama ist kurz nach Weihnachten letztes Jahr verstorben
Zur Situation:
Als sie mir Anfang Januar geschrieben hat, dass ihre Mama kurz nach Weihnachten gestorben ist, war ich extrem überrascht. Habe direkt gefragt wie es ihr und ihrer Familie geht und ob ich was tun kann. Sie sagte sie bräuchte Zeit, bevor sie mir mehr erzählen kann zu den Umständen, also gebe ich ihr diesen natürlich. Eine Woche später frage ich lediglich nach, wie es ihr geht. Ihre Antwort "wie letzte Woche auch schon". Habe dann geantwortet, dass es mir leid tut und nicht weiß, wieso ich das gefragt habe. Ihre Antwort "man will halt mal was schreiben".
Meine Absicht war eigentlich, dass sie weiß, ich bin für sie da wenn sie dann bereit ist und dass ich an sie denke. Nach 10 Jahren Freundschaft weiß sie das eigentlich auch.
Ihre Antwort habe ich so interpretiert, dass sie nicht wöchentlich/so oft angeschrieben werden möchte. Also gebe ich ihr etwas mehr Zeit, bevor ich mich wieder melden würde.
Zwei Wochen später hat allerdings mein Ex die Beziehung überraschend beendet. Freund weg, Wohnung weg, Katze weg. War sehr schwer für mich. Habe eine Weile gebraucht, bis ich wieder klar kam (im Sinne von nicht spontan in Tränen ausbrechen und wieder anfangen, gut gelaunt und glücklicher zu sein). Gleichzeitig musste ich auf Jobsuche gehen, da man sich als Student mit nur einem Aushilfsjob keine Wohnung leisten kann.
Dadurch habe ich es ehrlich gesagt verpeilt, Karo zu schreiben und mal nachzufragen, wie es ihr geht. War einfach zu abgelenkt mit meinem eigenen Leben.
Habe jetzt seit zwei Wochen einen Job, der mir gleichzeitog sehr Spaß macht und generell geht es bei mir endlich wieder Richtung bergauf. Habe dann vor ein paar Tagen Karo geschrieben, wie es ihr denm geht.
Es kam nur ein "mir geht es schlecht und das seit Monat". Habe dann gefragt, ob ich irgendwas für sie tun kann. Ihre Antwort hat mich dann doch sehr überrascht: "ist das eigentlich dein scheiß Ernst? Du meldest dich vier Monate lang nicht und fragst jetzt, ob du etwas tun kannst?"
Habe mich dann entschuldigt und ihr gesagt, dass es mir nicht egal ist, wie es ihr geht und deswegen nicht geschrieben habe, sondern dass ich ihr etwas Zeit und Freiraum geben wollte und dann leider zu viel eigenen Kram hatte, mit dem ich klar kommen musste
Sie weiß bis heute nicht, dass ich nicht mehr mit meinem Ex zusammen bin, weil sie hat sich nicht einmal gemeldet oder nachgefragt und von selbst wollte ich ihr nicht schreiben, da sie schon mehr als genug um die Ohren hatte. Da wollte ich ihr meine Probleme nicht auch noch anhängen
BIDA weil ich mich so lange nicht gemeldet habe?
Direkt ein Disclaimer: wir hatten schon die ganze Zeit eine Freundschaft, in der nicht dauernd miteinander geschrieben wurde. Oft schreiben wir wirklich mal ein paar Wochen oder sogar ein paar Monate nicht miteinander. Waren aber jederzeit für die andere da und das wussten wir auch beide
submitted by Comprehensive_Bug391 to BinIchDasArschloch [link] [comments]

2023.05.10 21:31 Predaplant Fallen Angels #10: Down To The Core

Fallen Angels #10: Down to the Core

< >
Author: Predaplant
Editor: DarkLordJurasus
Book: Fallen Angels
Arc: Season 2: Runaways
Gert sat across the table from Nico. A piece of paper sat in between the both of them, blank. Gert tapped a pencil against the paper. “Alright. If you’re going to use a spell, let’s come up with a good one.”
Nico sighed, resting her chin on the palm of her hand. “I dunno, Gert. What counts as good to you?”
“Well, it has to be effective, obviously,” Gert said, starting to make some notes on the piece of paper. “It has to be specific if possible, a general spell could be used in different situations in the future. And relatively low power too, again because high powered ones are, well... high powered.”
“Uh-huh,” Nico gave her a small nod. “So what are you thinking?”
“Well…” Gert cleared her throat. “I… don’t actually have any real ideas. We don’t know where they are or what’s happened to them. Sure, we could go for the easy locate spell, but there are a ton of other situations where that would be useful. Honestly, I struggle to think of how else we can narrow down what we want in any practical way.”
“That’s not much help then,” Nico said flatly.
“Listen, I’m not the creative one here, okay!” Gert said. “Isn’t that meant to be you? Being the leader, pulling solutions out of your hat?”
“Gert...” Nico said, sitting back in her chair and stretching. “Look. I appreciate you willing to see this as important enough to use the staff. And I appreciate that you have a sense of urgency about this. But cut me some slack, you haven’t been able to think of a good spell either. Let’s start with a basic brainstorm, write down some ways we can approach this, and then maybe we’ll be able to throw together something from there. Alright?”
Gert nodded, starting to draw out a mind map on the paper, with the word “Spell” in the middle. From elsewhere in the room, Molly shifted from where she was lying on the couch. Something was bugging her, like there was something obvious they were missing. As she ruminated on it, she could hear the words of her two friends bounce off of her subconscious.
“Locate dinosaurs? I mean, they gotta be keeping that somewhere?” Nico suggested.
“Might be onto something with that,” Gert concurred.
Molly sat up straight. “Wait. Where were they even keeping the dinosaur beforehand? Before all this happened? They had to have somewhere to put it, right? Alex?”
Alex turned to her, a smile on his face. “Yeah, actually! I never took you guys over, did I? They had a huge basement where they kept the dinosaur.”
“You should’ve mentioned that earlier,” Gert said. “Come on, I’ll grab Chase and Karo, let’s head over and check it out.”
Nodding, Molly headed out of the room to find the others.
Gert turned to Nico. “I really think you were onto something with that. Locating dinosaurs... well, it was clever.”
Nico inclined her head. “Thanks.”
They stood there in companionable silence for a few seconds until the other half of the team returned.
“Molly said we’re heading out somewhere?” Chase said, scratching his head. “You guys figured out your spell yet?”
“We did, but hopefully, we won’t need it,” Nico said, pulling on her shoes. “Molly reminded us that we should check some places where they spent their time to see if there were any clues.”
Chase grinned at Molly. “Impressive.”
Molly smiled back. “Honestly, I just wish one of us had thought of it already. Seems like it might save us a lot of wasted time.”
“I wouldn’t get your hopes up yet,” Gert said, pulling the door open. “But it’s definitely worth checking out. Let’s go.”
“We can’t let him stay here,” Morris muttered, glancing across the room at the Vanisher, who was doing his best to look as pleasant and non-threatening as possible. “We can’t trust him not to hurt us.”
“Where else is he gonna go?” Lunella asked him.
“She has a point,” Chance said with a small nod. “Anything we do to him short of killing him, he’s going to show up in this room again if that’s what Mojo II wants. So I guess the question is whether we trust him enough to not kill us for us to not kill him.”
“If Mojo II thought that he was going to kill us, then he wouldn’t be in here with us,” Longshot reasoned. “Think about it. How interesting is it to just kill off all your stars in the middle of the night? No, they want drama, for us to get along.”
“So should we... not get along, then?” Ariel wondered. “To try and spite them.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Morris concurred.
Lunella looked over at the Vanisher, a tad confused. “So we just... don’t talk to him? Isn’t that kinda weird?”
“I don’t think many of us are interested in talking to him right now, anyways,” Chance explained. “And it deprives Mojo II of what they probably want, which is definitely a good thing. We can’t rebel in much in our current situation, so we should take what rebellion we can.”
“What if I try talking to him?” Ariel asked nervously. “With my... my voice?”
Since they had arrived on Mojoworld, Ariel hadn’t been able to teleport... but what she had gained instead, she had slowly learned, was the power to influence people with her voice. It unnerved her deeply, but she supposed it could be useful in this situation.
“What would you even say?” Chance asked her.
“I dunno... ask him to not hurt us?” she suggested.
“Go do that,” Morris told her. “I know y’all reasoned that he wouldn’t hurt us, but forgive me if I don’t want a bit of insurance.”
Ariel detached from the rest of the group and made her way slowly over to the Vanisher. His eyes tracked her as she approached. She cleared her throat. “Hey, uh... don’t hurt us, alright?”
Shaking his head, he chuckled. “I don’t really see a point in doing that, anyways. I just want to go home, I assume that you want the same. Hurting you would just hurt my chances of figuring out how to get back.”
Ariel looked at him, unsure what to say. She finally quietly said “Thank you for not killing us,” before returning to her friends.
“I still don’t trust him,” Morris said under his breath.
Bill scuttled around the basement, collecting components.
It had been quite a while that he had been working to try and find a way to where his quarry had disappeared, and unfortunately, his progress had been minimal.
Most of Lunella’s tools hadn’t been designed for lobsters to use, unfortunately, and his knowledge on their operation was minimal at best. But that hadn’t stopped him from trying; he knew that, in here, there must be something that could help him, and so he persevered, day after day.
He thought he was finally making some progress; one of the devices he had been working with turned on a light when he strung some parts together, like it was being activated. He had no clue what it meant or if it was even helpful to his goal, but he didn’t care.
No matter how long it took, he would get his revenge.
He was so absorbed in his work that he almost didn’t hear the people coming. Quickly, he dove under a shelf as Alex led the way down into the basement.
“So yeah, this is where they stayed!” he said.
“Why are the lights still on?” Gert asked, Lace following her down the stairs.
“People aren’t always the best at turning the lights off, you know how it is,” Chase reasoned. “I wouldn’t think too much of it.”
Karo stepped lightly onto the concrete floor. “I don’t really like the vibes of this place. It feels off. Like something happened here.”
“Okay, unless I’m missing something, then I don’t think the dinosaur could have gotten out of here without the help of that girl who could teleport, right?” Nico asked, starting to pace as she thought. “So either they went somewhere else and got kidnapped there, there was another teleporter to help bring it out... or that girl was in on this whole thing.”
“I actually hadn’t considered that, that one of them would have gone rogue,” Alex admitted.
“Or all of them,” Molly noted. “They could’ve been running from something.”
“That cult, maybe!” Gert exclaimed.
Bill watched from under the shelf as another dinosaur drew close to where he was hiding. Sure, it was very different from the one he was after, but it was still the enemy. Dinosaurs were rare these days, and he had to take what he could get from where he could get it.
Reaching out from under the shelf, he grabbed her tail with his claw and squeezed.
Lace immediately screamed out, as did Gert, feeling the pain through her psychic link.
Molly raced towards Lace, grabbing the lobster and, wrenching its claw open with her strength, pried it off of Lace. “What the hell?”
Gert stomped across the room towards Lace. “Does anybody see any first aid supplies around here? We should bandage this up.” She swore under her breath. “That really hurt.”
“There’s some over there,” Alex said, pointing to a first aid kit near the stairwell as he moved to grab it himself.
“Why is it green?” Karo asked, puzzled. “Aren’t they supposed to be red?”
“I think a green lobster isn’t even close to the weirdest thing we’ve seen, could be a mutant or something,” Nico said as Alex tossed the first aid kit to Chase, who caught it and opened it up as he got to work on patching Lace up. “I think the more important question is what’s it doing here?”
“It clearly doesn’t like Lace,” Molly muttered as she watched the lobster in her hand continue to click its claws menacingly in the direction of the dinosaur.
“Hold on…” Alex said, casting a glance at the workbench. He picked up a couple discarded pieces of equipment. “These almost look like they’ve been crushed by lobster claws.”
“So it’s been around here for a while?” Karo asked.
“Seems like it,” Alex confirmed.
“Wait a minute,” Nico said. “Did it just nod?”
“You’re just seeing things,” Gert dismissed her. “Don’t read too much into it.”
“Like Nico said, we have seen much weirder,” Karo replied. “I think I saw it too.”
“Shake your head if you understand me,” Nico said, staring into the lobster’s beady eyes.
Gert glared over at her friend. “God, Nico, just give it up already!”
Molly pivoted, showing Gert the lobster violently shaking its head.
Gert blinked. “Well. Guess I was wrong.”
The group sat the lobster on the table, with the full alphabet written out on pieces of paper strewn around him, large enough for him to point to. Nico stared at him intently. She cleared her throat. “Lobster... what can you tell us about the disappearance of five people and a dinosaur in this room a few weeks ago?”
The lobster started to point to letters, and Nico noted them down in turn.
She nodded as she parsed it out. “Thank you. That’s what we figured. Do you have any information on where they could be?”
“And you don’t know where they’ve gone?”
“Hmm…” Nico sat back in her chair, thinking for a few seconds. “What have you been trying to do here?”
Nico stared at what she had written down on her pad. She almost thought she had gotten it wrong, but no. She suppressed a laugh. “What did this dinosaur do that required revenge?”
Nico glanced over to Karo, standing with the rest of the group off to the side. “You know what, I can maybe understand that. Just don’t take it out on Lace over there, alright?”
“Great, maybe we’re getting somewhere.” Nico said, before pausing. “Wait, you were gonna go after them?”
“Chase, there might be the equipment here for a portal?” she called over to him.
“Not my specialty... but I can give it a look,” he mumbled.
“Perfect,” Nico said, nodding before turning back to the lobster. “I think that’s all we need from you. We’ll work on getting this set up. I know you’ll probably want to come with us, so you can hang around in exchange for helping us, as long as you don’t hurt Lace, alright?”
Bill hopped off the chair down to ground level before heading off to the corner of the room.
Gert walked over to Nico. “So, Chase tries to build this portal... but we’ll probably still have to use a spell in order to find out where he should build it to.”
“That’s fine,” Nico said, sighing. “I can work with that. Just glad we were able to get some help.”
“It was a weird source, but a good lead,” Alex agreed. “Come on, Chase, let’s take a look at this stuff, try and reason out how it’s supposed to work.”
The wall started to open up again. Morris groaned. “Alright, what do you think it’ll be this time? Aliens, gangsters, fish men?”
“Insects?” Chance suggested.
“You ready, Devil Dinosaur?” Lunella asked.
The dinosaur looked upwards and snarled. “Grrroah!”
“What are you going to do?” Ariel asked the Vanisher as the rest of the team walked out to face whatever threat lay in wait for them. “They make us go out and fight to save people.”
The Vanisher chuckled. “I don’t fight. I wouldn’t be a help.”
“Well, I don’t fight either, but I can usually find a way to help,” Ariel said, extending a hand. “We can figure it out together, if you want.”
The Vanisher batted her hand away. “Save it. If some people I’ve never met die on some planet I’d never have visited if I wasn’t so unlucky to have antagonized you kids... I don’t care. I don’t think it helps me get home.”
Pursing her lips, Ariel turned away. “I’m not going to force you. But please. Think about it.” She ran up to join her friends.
What she saw shocked her; large round creatures in gas masks, letting out some sort of mist, in the directions of both her friends and some victims tied up nearby.
Morris went stiff. “That’s it,” he mumbled. “That’s the gas.”
“Wait what?” Chance asked.
Longshot acted quickly, darting between the clouds of mist starting to coat the ground, which seemed to part around his legs. He punched one of the creatures, and as it hit the ground he threw a knife at the other one. “Come on! Let’s go, before this gets bad!”
“Stop dispensing the gas!” Ariel yelled, but it was no use; maybe these creatures were wearing earplugs, maybe they just didn’t hear as a species, or maybe they didn’t understand English despite that seeming to be the common language on this world, but Ariel’s powers didn’t seem to work.
Longshot continued to fight, and he was joined by Devil Dinosaur, who stomped on top of the creatures. Morris held everyone else back as the gas creeped steadily closer. “Let them handle this!”
It was over not long after it started. The creatures lying on the ground, defeated, and Longshot untying the victims, whom the mist hadn’t quite yet reached.
Morris watched the mist swirl along the ground, and continued to back his friends up. “Come on. Over here.”
He looked over his shoulder to check they were still following, and he froze. Lunella must’ve gotten to close to it while he wasn’t looking, and she was covered in the mist, curled up in a ball. Racing over to her, he gently scooped her up off the ground and ran back towards the entrance to their basement base.
He glared daggers at the Vanisher. “You! If you were there, you could have been watching, you could have stopped her!”
“Really? I think I’d just get in the way,” the Vanisher shrugged.
Morris moved to punch him, but he had gotten too far away from Chance; he reformed back into his spectral form, and Lunella fell to the ground, hitting the concrete hard.
Moving back, he regained his body. “Oh no…” he looked back up at the Vanisher. “Now look what you’ve done.”
The Vanisher stared at the child, bruised, bleeding, and unconscious. He gulped. “Fine. How can I take care of her?”
“Oh no, I’m not letting you near her,” Morris said, laying Lunella down on one of their makeshift beds. “You stay right there, and don’t move a muscle.”
The Vanisher rolled his eyes. “Fine.”
Arriving at the base, Chance poked their head in, before cursing under their breath and running towards Morris. “What happened?”
“She got in the mist, and then I dropped her… thanks to the guy in the corner. The one you defended.”
Chance crouched down to take a look at Lunella’s injuries. “Should heal with time. I dunno what that mist did, though, she didn’t become a ghost like you.”
“I just… she doesn’t deserve this,” Morris said, speaking slowly to keep his composure. He couldn’t let Mojo II’s viewers see him cry. “None of this.”
Chance hugged him. “I know. I know.”
< >
The Runaways try to get to Mojoworld while the Angels decipher what, exactly, happened to Lunella!
Coming July 12!
submitted by Predaplant to MarvelsNCU [link] [comments]

2023.05.01 13:16 Cheshire1234 Beutel aus zwei alten Hosen

Beutel aus zwei alten Hosen
Mama hat sich beschwert, dass ich einem Freund was in einem Jutebeutel mitgegeben habe. Wir hätten bald keine Taschen mehr. Deswegen hab ich ihr jetzt eine aus zwei alten Kinderhosen gemacht. Die Jeans war mit Stretch deswegen passen die Nähte nicht ganz aufeinander, aber ich hab's geschafft das ganze ohne eine einzige sichtbare Naht fertig zu kriegen! Und mein Vorrat an scheußlichem grün rotem Karo schrumpft auch ein bisschen!
submitted by Cheshire1234 to Handarbeiten [link] [comments]

2023.04.09 22:54 rgent006 Redditors on the PCT Week 5 (9 APRIL 2023)

Redditors on the PCT Week 5 (9 APRIL 2023)

Lots of people on trail by now and word on the street is hikers are flipping up to Tehachapi and SOBO-ing back down to SanJac region to make up missed miles. As of yesterday someone has broken trail on Apache Peak but please ERR ON THE SIDE OF CAUTION. If it looks sketchy, TURN BACK. " If you want to do it in the next days: I'd heavily recommend crampons over microspikes, and the lust for mountaineering, not hiking!"
As always, we appreciate all of your updates from trail and wish you nothing but the absolute best as your embark and continue on your PCT journey. HYOH and LNT.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4


*To turn or be turned round suddenly and awkwardly*
If you are hiking the trail this year (Thru or LASH) and would like to be added to these posts, please fill out the survey linked here or comment below and we'll get you added into future updates. These updates will come on a weekly basis and be put out on Sunday PM. If your social media link is private, you will get a follow request from this OP. My name is Rachel, hi :)
It has been suggested by one of our amazing hikers that IF YOU POST FREQUENTLY ON YOUR INSTAGRAM STORY, maybe create a PCT highlight reel that way the expired stories can still be viewed after 24hrs.
If for any reason you'd like to be removed from these updates OR if something does not look right, please message me directly.
Thread for hikers to post current trail conditions
Most Recent Trail Closure Updates
San Jacinto Trail Report 4.6.23
The below usernames are clickable links that take you to that hiker's social media page (IG, YT, blog etc)

Hiker Trail Name Start Date Current Location-ish Update
u/jimmyjamhiker JimmyJam MAR 02 (NOBO) Off the PCT 4/9: Got back on trail but then started to ponder the the thru but enjoyed the beautiful desert scenery nonetheless. Decided to get off the PCT around mi 158 and bushwhacked down the Live Oak Spring Trail
u/Schrodingers-cat-30 Ditto MAR 02 (NOBO) No update posted 4/9: no update posted
u/Trailhead42 Trailhead MAR 10 (NOBO) past Agua Dulce 4/9: skipped up to Acton (mi 444) and enjoyed the poppies and camped with some flip floppers who are headed south while he stays north towards Walker Pass.
u/minaretcrew MAR 13 (NOBO) Idyllwild 4/9: met Mayor Max and Vice Mayor Meadow in Idyllwild!!
u/mikoutdoors Baby Steps MAR 14 (NOBO) SOBO past Tehachapi 4/9: got their trail name! flipped to Tehachapi and hiking SOBO
u/Many_yellow_1623 Half Pint MAR 18 (NOBO) Idyllwild 4/9: heading out of MVM in the snow, hiking through snow-rain out of Barrel Springs, hit Eagle Rock, made it to Warner Springs to bounce a box. Gas station burritos. Barefoot hiking and celebrating 2 year anniversary <3. Rolled into PVC and the smell of burgers. Posted a great update regarding Apache Peak area (linked above)
u/juliozz59 MAR 20 (NOBO) past San Jac by now 4/9: Day 21: taking hiker trash baths north of San Jac
u/thesearereddits MAR 21 (NOBO) Warner Springs? 4/9: beautiful sunrises and sunsets, spicy noodles, broken sternum strap. "LIVE RUDE GIRLS"
u/emdem55 Keys MAR 22 (NOBO) Off PCT for a bit 4/9: made it mi 151 but now off trail for 2 weeks to let the snow melt. Eagerly waiting with a cute puppy. 4/7: side quest: hiking Backbone Trail!
u/Beefandsteel MAR 22 (NOBO) SOBO out of Tehachapi 4/9: Hit Eagle Rock. Flipped to Tehachapi and is now SOBOing
u/jacobburns MAR 22 (NOBO) No update posted 4/9: no update posted
u/ThrowAwayTheAT MAR 22 (NOBO) around San Jac 4/9: "After a fall and hurting my ankle on Spitler Peak, I had to take the Black Mountain Road alternate around San Jacinto (slowly). Atleast it has rewarded us with some awesome sunsets."
u/Doetastic Doe MAR 23 (NOBO) No update posted 4/9: no update posted
u/7-legged-octopus MAR 27 (NOBO) past mi 100 by now 4/9: hit mi 100, took a zero in Mt Laguna. Broke a tent pole in Julian
u/snoopeppers2819 MAR 28 (NOBO) Off trail for a bit 4/9: Started and got one night down but started having tremendous foot pain, getting off trail
u/frankiehikes MAR 28 (NOBO) past mi 130 by now 4/9: First cowboy camp! Hit mile 130! Llamas in the desert?!?!?
u/particularamphibian, Link 2, Link 3 MAR 28 (NOBO) Lake Morena 4/9: Terminus party video posted, slept at CLEEF first night, rolled into Lake Morena after nonstop rain and hail and ate a much deserved burger
u/m MAR 28 (NOBO) On Trail! 4/9: getting wet in the desert and donning the PEAK of fashion
u/yourgirlbribri MAR 29 (NOBO) No update posted 4/9: no update posted
u/Future_Psychology_91 Dundee on the AT.. on the PCT? MAR 30 (NOBO) past Julian 4/9: frosty start, enjoying the rough weather and camping in the bathroom. lost some gear, broke some gear, ate some soap, and found geocaches in the desert. Chilled in Julian with hotel kitties and they are back off into the desert
u/Shardpelt MAR 31 (NOBO) No update posted 4/9: no update posted
u/chroniclesofvanlife, Link 2 APR 1 (NOBO) past mi 150 4/9: " feeling more social now and trying to get beta on the upcoming San Jacinto icy section. so hot today I drank 4L and still never had to pee 🙈"
u/nataliethisisnatalie APR 1 (NOBO) past mi 77 by now 4/9: Terminus pic posted, black manicured nails, a burger, and enjoying unemployment atop a mountain. Wonderfully and beautifully accepting the help from her budding trail community
u/Phantom_dong APR 5 (NOBO) past mi 42 by now 4/9: officially on trail and is getting into the swing of things. Looking onward to "to pie... And Canada?"
u/rooo_22 APR 5 (NOBO) No update posted 4/9: No update posted
u/interestingtown APR 6 (NOBO) No update posted 4/9: No update posted
u/utahhiker69 APR 6 (NOBO) past Mt Laguna 4/9: tagged the southern terminusand had a beautiful sunrise day 2, climbing big climbs. "We're all after the same goal, walk north, to find whatever we need to find."
u/shoebinn, Link 2 APR 7 (NOBO) Lake Morena 4/9: Stayed at CLEEF, tagged the terminus, sporting an excellent pack weight, making new friends from all over the world!
u/evoncassier APR 7 (NOBO) Lake Morena 4/9: snoring neighbors in the desert, being alone in their thoughts, veering a little off trail, wishing they had a sun hat but McGyver'd their umbrella to their pack to make it hands-free
u/redni12 APR 9 (NOBO) No update posted 4/9: gear pic posted
u/tomnomnom17 APR 10 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/Wingman Wingman APR 10 (NOBO - Section) Not Yet On Trail
u/Beccatravels Pepper APR 10 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/jesshikes APR 11 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/P1L9R1M Pilgrim APR 11 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/Alone_Background5178 APR 11 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/DrWolffe APR 11 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/laurelindorenan_, Link 2 APR 12 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/calithileth, Link 2 APR 12 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/woodsbearoutdoors APR 14 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/pollyf APR 14 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/stressok3401 APR 14 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/hallroosevelt, Link 2 APR 15 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/bullish_bear000 APR 19 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/esahr APR 19 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/Just_karo APR 20 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/charles1503, Link 2, Link 3 APR 21 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/alex_pct23 APR 24 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/FishingFrank, Link 2 Papa Roja APR 26 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/havasu-hiker Stix APR 26 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/hejkathinka, Link 2 APR 28 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/Mschoee MAY 1 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/Loombisaurus Daisy MAY 1 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/MoogyzHikez, u/environmental-pop-11 MAY 4 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/sharkdork MAY 5 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/kinn0n14 MAY 13 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/spiderwinder23 MAY 15 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/niccolojoe MAY 18 (NOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/margot380, Link 2 JUL 2 (SOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/lilmisscactus JUL 8 (SOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/agreeable_ad_5423 JUL 10 (SOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/Sea_counter8398 JUL 18 (SOBO) Not Yet On Trail
u/canthinkofone9 Sweet Rinn JUL 26 (SOBO - Section) Not Yet On Trail

submitted by rgent006 to PacificCrestTrail [link] [comments]
