Tj maxx application for employment

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2024.06.02 08:08 YumetoHikari Any advice/success stories for considering a career break at 28 to pursue my passion in Art/become SWE from Automotive engineering?

TL;DR: A 28-year-old engineer with 4 years of experience in the automotive industry in Japan is unhappy with his job and is considering a 6-12 month career break to transition into software engineering (SWE). Need advice regarding this career break.
I have a degree in mechanical engineering and have been working in automotive R&D in Japan for 4 years. During this time, I've held three different positions: project management, design/development, and testing. Unfortunately, none of these roles have been satisfying.
Although the pay is reasonable, the work environment is very slow and draining, especially when launching new products or services. I initially believed that working in this industry would allow me to make a significant impact and develop exciting projects. However, in reality, most products and services are developed by suppliers, with OEMs merely setting the requirements and occasionally handling testing and packaging.
I am considering taking a 6-12 month career break (I have enough savings to sustain myself for 1 year) to learn programming and transition into software engineering, specifically in application and game development. I plan to focus on learning C++ and Unreal Engine. I have some basic programming knowledge but have heard that the job market is currently unstable. Many people say that taking a career break can be seen as a red flag by future employers, especially since I have only 4 years of work experience.
At 28, I am very afraid of continuing to work in a job that I hate, which drains me both mentally and physically. I don't want to give up on pursuing what I truly want, whether it's in software engineering or art. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to study while working at my current job due to the lack of work-life balance.
submitted by YumetoHikari to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:50 MiserableViolinist32 Help with this sentence pls

Help with this sentence pls
Hi friends! Pls help. Writing a cover letter. This is likely a run- on sentence but more specifically I need help with the last sentence.. I know a semi colon can’t be correct.
My name is_________ , I graduated from The Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2021 and I have since been seeking permanent employment; and more importantly(,?) a place to dedicate my skills.
Thanks in advance 🫶
submitted by MiserableViolinist32 to GrammarCheckHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:38 LewisTerman I want to learn about the Wonderlic pre-employment test.

I want to learn more about the Wonderlic pre-employment test... Whether you're familiar with it or just hearing about it for the first time, share your thoughts, concerns, and curiosities. Here are some prompts to get the conversation started:
  1. What is the Wonderlic Test?
    • Have you taken it before? What was your experience like?
    • How did you prepare for it?
  2. Purpose and Usage:
    • Why do organizations use the Wonderlic Test?
    • In which industries or job roles is it most commonly used?
  3. Test Structure and Content:
    • What type of questions are included in the Wonderlic Test?
    • How challenging did you find the questions?
  4. Scoring and Results:
    • How is the Wonderlic Test scored?
    • What is considered a good score, and how can it impact your job prospects?
  5. Preparation Tips:
    • What are the best resources or study guides to prepare for the Wonderlic Test?
    • How much time should one spend preparing for it?
  6. Comparisons:
    • How does the Wonderlic Test compare to other cognitive ability tests, like the IQ test or the SAT?
    • Is it a good measure of a person's potential and abilities?
  7. Personal Experiences:
    • Have you taken the Wonderlic Test for a job application? How did it go?
    • Did the test influence the hiring decision in your case?
  8. Criticisms and Controversies:
    • Are there any criticisms or controversies surrounding the Wonderlic Test?
    • Do you think it fairly assesses a candidate's abilities?
  9. Tips for Test Day:
    • What should one keep in mind on the day of the test?
    • Any strategies to manage time and stress during the test?
  10. Employers' Perspective:
    • If you're an employer, how do you use Wonderlic Test scores in your hiring process?
    • Do you find it to be an effective tool in evaluating candidates?
Please share your opinions, questions, experiences, and any useful tips you might have on how someone could get the best possible score on the Wonderlic test.
submitted by LewisTerman to cognitiveTesting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:35 motherHearthandHome It finally happened

It finally happened submitted by motherHearthandHome to IRS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:14 Gold-Corgi-21 Followed at DSW/TJ Maxx in Bailey's Crossroads

Just a PSA - I left DSW just before closing this evening and was followed by an older guy in a grey SUV to TJ Maxx. Thought it was a coincidence but he pulled up next to me in the parking lot and asked for my phone number. He "saw me at DSW and thought I looked nice." I declined, got back in my car, and left the area. He drove off after he watched me get in my car and take out my phone.
I know it's not a big deal, but he made quite an effort to follow me in the parking lot. Not sure if this was the same dude who was asking women for their numbers in Target, but it felt super creepy. I'll be ordering some dash cams for the future.
submitted by Gold-Corgi-21 to nova [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:06 KngTyrannosaurus ATO Calculator giving $10k tax bill? Not sure what to do (HECS + Novated Lease)

First up, I do have HECS and an FBT exempt vehicle so this is complicated. Also the ATO calculator only has FY22/23 figures so far, but I'll be using FY23/24 therefore it'll be out a little bit (but hopefully not $10k+).
I am forecast to have earned ~120k EOFY (pre salary sacrifice) which includes 34k tax withheld and $18,500 in an FBT-exempt novated lease on an EV. TL;DR: When I calculate my tax bill I owe $740, when the ATO Calculator does it I owe $10,654.50 - which is right?
My calculation:
From what I can gather, I effectively have two assessed incomes. My taxable income, which does not include the salary sacrifice ($120,000 - $18,500 = $101,500), and my Repayment Income (for HECS/Medicare) which involves a correction factor for tax equivalence.
From the ATO, my Reportable Fringe Benefits Amount is 'Grossed up', this benefit has GST (its a car) so the rate is 2.0802. Therefore my RFBA is $18.5k * 2.0802 = $38,483.70. This is then added to my taxable income, so my Repayment Income is $101,500 + $38,483.70 = $139,983.70.
So as I understand it, I therefore have two income figures for tax calculations:
I'll split what I owe into the categories that use each.
In Taxable Income ($101,500) I will owe $20,392.50
In Repayment Income ($139,983.70) I will owe $14,348.32
The sum of my what I owe for Taxable ($20,392.50) and Repayment ($14,348.32) incomes is $34,740. Therefore my tax bill will be Owings ($34,740) - Tax Withheld ($34,000) which is $740.
ATO Calculation:
Putting this same information into the ATO calculator with the following settings yields a tax bill of $10,654.50:
Can anyone help? I'll see an accountant of course but I must be doing something wrong.
submitted by KngTyrannosaurus to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:47 Sad-Guess-1718 Will a Master of Public Policy degree prevent me from entering the financial industry?

I am an international student. If I want to stay in the United States to work, I must pursue a degree (I am from the University of Sydney). The results of the application season are 1. University of Chicago MPP (10k scholarship), 2. Georgetown University MPP (6k), 3. Wush U Corporate Finance (40k) 4. Vanderbilt University Development Economics (the tuition fee itself is very low)
At present, I prefer the MPP program because both programs have 6 business school courses (although I have not participated in booth's network, but I am excited to think about booth's courses), and then each has 3-4 quantitative and 6 economic courses. It feels like a good match. But will the name of MPP be accepted by the financial industry?
For Wush U, their courses lack quantification, and many contents are covered in CFA level 1. I am currently taking the CFA level 1 exam, and it seems that there is nothing to learn from this program.
I guess that employment seems to be related to the location of the university. Chicago should be one of the best in the financial industry, and DC is not bad. But from this point of view, Chicago seems to have more advantages. After all, as an international student, I am not eligible to work in the government. Is it a way to enter the financial industry after studying finance with an MPP degree? Looking forward to your reply
submitted by Sad-Guess-1718 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:46 Creditcards_info SBI Lifetime Free Credit Card - Features, Offers & Apply

Here are the key details about the SBI Lifetime Free Credit Card
Eligibility (typical criteria):
How to Apply:
  1. Visit SBI Card website or branch
  2. Fill online application or physical form
  3. Submit required documents (ID, address, income proof)
  4. Wait for approval and card delivery
submitted by Creditcards_info to u/Creditcards_info [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:10 reissbloom Law clerk/paralegal positions - are they actually paralegal jobs?

For context: I finished my undergraduate degree in 2023 and am currently debating whether or not I should get a paralegal certificate, a masters degree, or go to law school. My first job post-graduation was as a demand writer at a large PI firm for a little over half a year before switching over to my current position (the one in question) My pay at my current position is $21.25/hr.
I applied for a job on Indeed that was listed as a “Law Clerk/Paralegal” position and my official title ended up being a Legal Assistant. In my area (Southern California), a lot of job positions are labeled this way or as “legal assistant/paralegal”. Do firms do this to try and attract candidates who wouldn’t have applied without the word paralegal in the title as a buzz word, but in reality it is a legal assistant position? Or do firms do this to intentionally pay candidates less than they would a certified paralegal, but the job entails paralegal responsibilities?
Would it be disingenuous to put my position as paralegal on my resume? My everyday job duties include but not limited to: answering the phone, conducting intake calls, filling up WC applications, drafting WC letters, drafting/filing motions and documents for both WC + civil employment cases, calendaring, and scanning mail daily.
submitted by reissbloom to paralegal [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:06 justgimmiethelight It always takes me a long time to find a job and bounce back

WARNING: this is very long so if you don't want to read a wall of text feel free to skip!
It’s always been like that for me. For some reason it takes me a LOT longer than my peers to find employment. I often find myself chronically unemployed (even though I have years of experience) for a year or more. To top it off I’m autistic and suffer from severe ADHD with anxiety and depression on top of it.
After I graduated university it took me a year to find a job. Had consistent employment for almost 4 years straight until 2018. During this period I actually had a job lined up before quitting.
Fast forward to 2018. Had a job as a software developer for a well known company (no it’s not FAANG) and they paid pretty well. It was the most money I ever made in my life. Unfortunately things didn’t work out there and the work environment and culture wasn’t for me. I was placed on a team as a new dev and they barely gave me any work. After awhile I hated going to work everyday cause everyone basically just ignored me and I spent most of my time self studying on my own. I found this job through their autism to work program. Before accepting the job I was told that I’d get support and accommodations with a mentor.
My “mentor” was basically useless. She didn’t do a damn thing and would cancel our one on one meetings half the time. Sometimes she wouldn’t even tell me at the last minute. She just never showed up. All she did was report negative feedback from my manager and provided no solutions or recommendations to improve. I was let go cause they felt like I “needed a lot of hand holding” lol. They barely gave me work to do. I would finish my assignments in a day or two max. They made some other bullshit complaints too. I showed up on time and did what I had to do every time. It was awful. I was far far away from home and lived out of state at the time also.
Lost my apartment and had to move back home with my family. Long term unemployment stint #1 begins here (if you don’t count how long it took me to find my first job you can say 2)
Fast forward to September 2019 and a friend recommended me a job as a software developer and finally moved out again. I taught myself HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP to the best of my ability. I was not only learning on the job but maintained their website, ran chron jobs, and troubleshooted issues with site functionality and even the web server. I was literally a one man show and to top it off was working for $15/hour. My boss was a prick and would sometimes short my coworker and me money on our checks. My coworker handled all the marketing and promotion. I handled everything related to the website.
Fast forward to June 2020. Of the two of us unfortunately I was the one laid off for whatever reason. My boss just called and said that they’re laying me off right in the middle of COVID. Since I wasn’t working I could no longer afford rent so I had to move back home. Then became super depressed and it took me a little over a year to find a job.
Fast forward to August 2021 and I found a job at a call center. Ended up getting fired and it was my fault sadly. Got fired for yelling and hanging up on a customer. That day I was in a really bad mood and the person on the other line started cursing me out and getting real disrespectful with me. I was happy to be fired. Worked there for only two weeks.
Four months later in December 2021 I landed a job that was closer to home but another shitty call center. Surprisingly I lasted there a year and a half. My mental health was already in the toilet and doing everything I could to hold onto this job for dear life so I sucked it up until I found another job. I wanted to get out that call center so badly since it was nothing but micromanagement and back to back calls.
June 2023 rolls around and I finally started my job in desktop support as a contractor. Offer letter said 6 month contract then when I read it found out it was a 3 month contract to hire and also found out that they shorted me a dollar on the agreed pay rate. I asked for $30/hour and they agreed to it only to find out they changed things last minute. Spoke to the recruiter about the discrepancies and was told that’s the best they can do so I said screw it and took it.
My recruiter told me that they would “definitely” be converting me at the end of the three months but sadly that never happened. I showed up on time everyday and did a good job according to my manager and everyone else (so they said). I even got good reviews from a number of clients I worked with. About two months in I noticed things began to go south. Had a small disagreement and misunderstanding with my manager on a ticket she said I messed up on for whatever reason. Long story short she said the ticket was urgent when nowhere on the ticket said there was a deadline and she made a huge stink about it. Not only did I receive few tickets to begin with but I had to share the one or two tickets I had with a bunch of interns so I barely had anything to do. My other coworkers had more tickets than me yet would rarely put the interns with them. It was always with me which in my head made no sense. I get a call from the recruiter saying that they’re ending my contract early. During the call I asked why and they said it was due to “performance reasons”. At that point I had two weeks left. I worked one of those weeks then one morning left the building during a meltdown. Left my badge, laptop and all their property on the desk and didn’t say a word to anyone. Been looking for work ever since. Sent out hundreds of resumes and so far only had 2 interviews which led to nothing despite both of them saying I did well and they liked me.
Hundreds of applications later and here I am with no job. I’m still looking for work and decided to also start a small business in the meantime. I started a month ago and only had 2 clients so far. Still no luck with applications. I’m 35 now and had to move back home during the pandemic and been here ever since after living on my own for years.
I’m very thankful and grateful for my mother. She’s the only reason why I’m not homeless. Everyday I think about suicide and I’m reaching a point where I might actually go through with it.
I’ve always been behind in life and feel like I progress slower than my peers. Deleted my social media cause I found myself comparing myself to my former classmates and friends achieving the things I tried so hard for and failed miserably.
I also suck at everything I do. After 1300 hours in valorant I only peaked at Gold 2. I’m the worst in my friend group like with every video game and sport. At one point I even paid for a few Valorant coaching lessons which IMO didn’t think were that great. I was always picked last in gym class. At my first job I was the last one to receive an offer to convert full time and the people that joined way after surpassed me despite having good metrics and being top of the leaderboard several times for several weeks.
Honestly at this point I’m ready to give up on life. Feels like I was destined to be a failure. I always felt like my efforts don’t pay off for anything. I failed my career. I failed in dating. I failed in my hobbies. Now I know you shouldn’t compare yourself to others but when I’m the only one I know of in my situation it’s damn near impossible not to. I’m not gonna act like I have the worst life ever but I don’t know of ANYONE my age struggling like this.
Every time I think I’m building momentum some bullshit always happens and every time it feels like I’m knocked back to square one. Feels like building a house that’s in a tornado zone only for my foundation to be knocked to pieces every time and cant afford to move.
I’m just frustrated with life and everything at this point. I hate everything about myself and seriously can’t wait to die. I’d pay someone to kill me. I’m crying while writing this thesis paper of a post. Maybe there’s something very wrong with me. I think I’m slow and stupid. Maybe even borderline retarded. I’m the failure of all failures. Nothing but a talentless garbage can loser bum.
Don’t know what to do. I don’t wanna go back to the hospital but I may have to. Thanks for reading my rant. I needed to get this out since I have no one to talk to.
submitted by justgimmiethelight to NEET [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:53 ConsequenceSure3063 Best 4500 Psi Compressor

Best 4500 Psi Compressor
Get ready to discover the ultimate power tool for your DIY projects. In this article, we present a comprehensive review of the top-rated 4500 Psi compressors on the market. Our aim is to provide you with the most reliable and efficient compressors, so you can take on your toughest jobs with confidence.

The Top 17 Best 4500 Psi Compressor

  1. Portable Electric PCP Air Rifle Pump (Open-Box) - The VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump delivers high-performance and versatility, boasting 4500psi, automatic shut-off, and robust built-in wateoil adapter fan features for its price range.
  2. High-Performance 4500 PSI Air Compressor with Water Cooling and Premium Details - The VEVOR 30mPa/4500psi High Pressure Air Compressor offers high performance, water cooling heat dissipation, and an upgrade metal front shell for premium durability and portability while effectively filling air tanks in a wide range of applications.
  3. TUXING High-Pressure 4500psi Air Compressor with Water-Oil Separator - The TUXING 4500psi PCP Air Compressor is an efficient, high-quality solution for filling various capacities of bottles, ensuring clean air through its built-in dual filter system and providing excellent safety features for a long-lasting performance.
  4. Powerful Electric Air Compressor for Rifles and Accessories - An efficient, high-power electric air compressor that allows for fast and convenient airfilling of PCP air rifles, paintball tanks, and more, with a reliable cooling system and customizable oil options.
  5. Air Venturi Krypton Portable 4500 PSI Compressor - Efficient and versatile, the Air Venturi Krypton 4500 PSI Compressor delivers faster fill times, advanced moisture filtration, and an improved temperature gauge, perfect for PCP airguns, airsoft, and paintball tank users.
  6. Versatile Portable 4500 Psi Air Compressor with Easy Inflation and Auto-Stop - The VEVOR PCP Air Compressor offers real-time pressure and temperature readings, auto-stop functionality, and a built-in power converter for versatile home and outdoor use, making it a reliable choice for diverse inflation needs.
  7. Portable 4500 PSI PCP Compressor with Integrated LED Lights - Experience the convenience and versatility of the Air Venturi Nomad III 4500 PSI Portable PCP Compressor, with its high pressures, low maintenance, adjustable auto-shutoff, and energy-efficient features.
  8. High-Power Portable Compressor for Airguns and Paintball - The Benjamin Recharge 4500 PSI Compressor delivers impressive filling speeds, quickly providing 4500psi in just 14 minutes - perfect for efficiently filling a CHCAT tank in no time!
  9. Portable PCP Air Compressor with Built-in Fan and Oil/Water Separator - Versatile 4500 PSI VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump compressor with built-in fan, oil/water separator, and quick connector for a diverse range of outdoor and indoor needs.
  10. Vevor 4500 Psi Portable Compressor with Built-in Fan and Auto-Stop for Diverse Uses - The VEVOR PCP Air Compressor effortlessly delivers 4500 Psi pressure, ensuring smooth operation and quick filling of scuba tanks.
  11. Powerful & Compact 4500 Psi PCP Air Compressor - VEVOR PCP Air Compressor offers precise inflation, rapid fill times, and exceptional stability for efficient and hassle-free paintball gun maintenance in both home and outdoor settings.
  12. Powerful Portable PCP Air Compressor for High-Pressure Applications - The TUXING PCP Air Compressor offers a portable and lightweight solution with an adjustable pressure gauge, powered by both home and car voltage sources, and featuring a water and oil-free design for convenience and ease of use.
  13. Powerful 4500 Psi Air Compressor for Paintball and PCP Guns - VEVOR PCP Air Compressor - A Portable, Fast, and Stable Solution for Inflating Your Paintball Guns and Scuba Diving Bottles, Boasting an Exceptional 4500 PSI and Oil/Water-free Design for Improved Durability and Efficient Inflation.
  14. Versatile 4500 PSI Air Compressor for PCP Air Rifles and Tanks - The VEVOR 4500 Psi Compressor is a powerful, portable solution for a range of air-related tasks, offering excellent performance, durability, and ease of use in a compact size.
  15. 4500 Psi Air Compressor for Fast Inflation - Upgrade your PCP Air Rifle experience with the TUXING 4500 Psi Compressor, featuring a built-in drain system, intelligent overheating prevention, and multiple power sources for ultimate convenience and safety.
  16. Versatile 4500 PSI Portable Compressor for PCP Guns - The Air Venturi RovAir 4500 is a powerful and versatile 4500 PSI portable PCP compressor, compatible with various compressed air systems and offering adjustable auto-shutoff for safe operation, while making the most of your time and energy.
  17. Superior 4500 PSI Compressor with Auto-Shutoff Feature - Tuxing PCP Air Compressor - A lightweight, portable, and easy-to-maintain 4500 Psi air compressor with rapid charging speed and built-in features for optimal performance and durability.
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🔗Portable Electric PCP Air Rifle Pump (Open-Box)
I recently had the opportunity to try out the VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump, and I must say, I was quite impressed with its performance and capabilities. As someone who enjoys shooting, having a reliable and efficient air compressor is crucial, and the VEVOR pump definitely met my expectations.
One of the most appealing aspects of this product is its portability. Its compact design, coupled with the built-in fan cooling, makes it a breeze to take with me on outdoor adventures or to the local range. The pump is also versatile, working seamlessly with a variety of air tools, air rifles, and even paintball tanks. This has proven to be a great feature, as I can use it for various purposes without having to switch to another compressor.
Another highlight of this pump is its built-in wateoil adapter, which eliminates the need for any external attachments. This feature not only simplifies the setup process but also ensures a more efficient operation. The adjustable pressure and temperature gauges are easy to read and understand, providing convenient monitoring of the compressor's performance.
While there were no significant drawbacks during my experience using the VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump, I did notice that it can be a bit noisy compared to some other compressors I've used. However, this wasn't a major issue, and the speed at which it fills air tools made it well worth dealing with the occasional noise.
Overall, I would highly recommend the VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump to anyone in search of a reliable and efficient compressor for their air tools, rifles, or tanks. Its portability and versatility make it a great addition to any outdoor adventure or shooting range, while the adjustable pressure and temperature gauges provide added convenience during operation.

🔗High-Performance 4500 PSI Air Compressor with Water Cooling and Premium Details
I recently tried out the VEVOR 30mpa/4500psi High Pressure Air Compressor PCP Airscuba Air Pump 1800W and was impressed by its performance. As a reviewer who had experienced various air compressors, I was excited to see how this one would fare in my daily tasks.
One of the most striking features for me was the manual stop mechanism on the compressor. It made it easy to control the pressure, ensuring safety and accuracy when filling air tanks. Additionally, the upgraded metal front shell added a sleek and sturdy touch to the compressor, making it suitable for outdoor use.
The water cooling heat dissipation system was a great addition. It helped regulate the temperature of the compressor, preventing overheating and prolonging the lifespan of the unit. The premium details, such as the copper motor and cast aluminum cover, only added to the overall build quality and aesthetic appeal of the product.
However, there were some minor drawbacks I encountered. The instructions provided with the compressor were a bit unclear for a beginner, which could be improved. Additionally, the noise level was higher than I anticipated, but it wasn't unbearable, and I eventually got used to it.
In conclusion, the VEVOR High Pressure Air Compressor PCP Airscuba Air Pump 1800W is a well-built and versatile tool that can suit a wide range of applications. Its high pressure performance, water cooling heat dissipation, and premium details make it a great choice for those in need of a reliable air compressor. Despite the few concerns, I am overall satisfied with my experience and would recommend it to others.

🔗TUXING High-Pressure 4500psi Air Compressor with Water-Oil Separator
Meet the TUXING 4500psi PCP Air Compressor, a robust tool that's been a trusty companion in my daily life. I have filled large capacity water bottles with ease, and it took only 3 minutes to fill 0.5 liters from 0-300 bar! But the best part for me is the built-in double filter that makes the air cleaner - no need for an additional oil-water separator.
Now, let's talk about the pressure adjustability - it has an adjustable manometer and temperature gauge, capable of reaching 4500psi and automatically stopping when the preset pressure is met. The cooling system, powered by a battery-operated digital thermometer monitoring an independent water cooling system, is a win as well—it makes the machine reliable and safe to handle.
The TXEDM042 compressor I have is a double compressor with an oil-water separator, giving me fast filling speeds, making it perfect for large capacity tanks. And best of all? This tool is of good quality, with safety features and an all-copper motor designed for a long service life. The store even has all the spare parts for repair and replacement, which takes away any worry regarding potential complications. This tool truly deserves its 5-star rating!

🔗Powerful Electric Air Compressor for Rifles and Accessories
I recently had the chance to use this high-pressure air pump, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer. Filling my PCP air rifle used to be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task, but this compressor significantly sped up the process. With its powerful 1.8KW motor, it fills tanks in no time, making it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to streamline their airgun setup.
However, there was one aspect of the compressor that left me slightly disappointed: the noise level. While it's not excessively loud, the vibration is quite noticeable, especially when in use. Additionally, the instructions could have been more clear and user-friendly. It took some trial and error to figure out the setup process, but once it was up and running, the performance was impressive.
Overall, this high-pressure air pump exceeded my expectations in terms of efficiency and ease of use. Despite the minor drawbacks, it has become a staple in my routine, and I highly recommend it to anyone in need of a reliable and fast air compressor.

🔗Air Venturi Krypton Portable 4500 PSI Compressor
The Air Venturi Krypton 4500 PSI Compressor is a versatile and powerful addition to my daily life. When using it to fill airguns, airsoft, and paintball tanks, I've found that it significantly reduces the time required to fill each tank. The compressor delivers a maximum fill pressure of 4500 PSI and boasts 15% faster fill times compared to previous models. A major highlight is the adjustable automatic shutoff feature, which adds an extra layer of safety and convenience.
However, the compressor does have a few drawbacks. Firstly, the moisture filtration system could use some improvement, as I've noticed that the compressed air has a faint dampness to it. Secondly, the cooling system is not the most efficient, leading to a noticeable decrease in the compressor's performance over time.
Despite these minor flaws, the Air Venturi Krypton 4500 PSI Compressor has proven to be a reliable and efficient tool for my various air-powered hobbies. The internal water-cooling system and digital temperature gauge provide additional safety and precision when operating the compressor at high pressures. Moreover, the compressor is compact and easy to use, with a 110V outlet that makes it accessible for anyone with a standard household power outlet.

🔗Versatile Portable 4500 Psi Air Compressor with Easy Inflation and Auto-Stop

I recently had the chance to try out VEVOR's PCP air compressor, and I must say, it's a game-changer for gun enthusiasts and scuba divers alike. The first thing that stood out to me was the intelligent dual display system that provided real-time pressure and temperature readings. This feature allowed me to inflate my paintball gun with precision, knowing exactly when it reached the desired pressure.
The compact design of this air compressor is perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. I loved that it came with a built-in power converter, so I could easily power it with both an AC120V socket at home or a 12V car battery while I was out in the wild. And let's not forget the speed - it effortlessly filled a 1.0L air cylinder from 0 to 300bar in just 25 minutes!
One of the most impressive features of the VEVOR PCP air compressor is its upgraded linkage structure that ensures powerful performance, low noise, excellent heat dissipation, and enhanced durability. This oil and water-free design makes it a reliable choice for anyone looking for a dependable air compressor.
As someone who values convenience, I appreciated the comprehensive all-in-one package that came with this air compressor. It includes an oil/water separator, an 8mm quick-connect high-pressure hose, and a set of accessories for easy connections and replacements.
With its impressive features and versatile use, the VEVOR PCP air compressor has quickly become a must-have tool in my arsenal. If you're looking for an air compressor that will provide precise inflation and seamless transitions from one activity to another, then look no further. This 4500 Psi Compressor is the perfect solution for all your inflation needs!

🔗Portable 4500 PSI PCP Compressor with Integrated LED Lights
I recently had the pleasure of using the Air Venturi Nomad III 4500 PSI Portable PCP Compressor in my daily life, and it was an experience that left me thoroughly impressed. Firstly, the compressor's adjustable auto-shutoff feature was a game-changer, making it incredibly user-friendly and efficient. I appreciated that it could handle pressures up to 4500 PSI, making it a versatile tool for a variety of tasks.
One of the standout features for me was the compressor's ability to run off of a 110V or 220V outlet or a 12V car battery. This made it incredibly convenient for on-the-go use or whenever I needed to take it out of the house. The less maintenance required, with no longer needing intermittent lubrication, was also a huge plus, as it saved me time and effort.
Additionally, the integrated LED lights on the underside of the unit were a thoughtful design choice, providing excellent visibility when working in low light conditions. Overall, the Air Venturi Nomad III 4500 PSI Portable PCP Compressor has proven to be a reliable and efficient tool in my daily life, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to others in search of a high-quality compressor.

🔗High-Power Portable Compressor for Airguns and Paintball
As a seasoned paintball player and avid gear enthusiast, I recently got my hands on the Benjamin Recharge Compressor BHPAC. With its impressive 4500 psi output, I was eager to see how it would perform in various scenarios. From filling PCP rifles under 45 seconds to powering my trusty CHCAT 90Cu tank in just over 14 minutes, this compressor truly lives up to its claims.
The compact design and portable nature have made this a dependable piece of kit during my outdoor adventures. However, a drawback I discovered was that it lacked necessary accessories that would've made it even more convenient to use. Nonetheless, the Benjamin Recharge Compressor BHPAC continues to prove its worth on the field, consistently impressing with its efficiency and versatility.

🔗Portable PCP Air Compressor with Built-in Fan and Oil/Water Separator
As someone who frequently partakes in outdoor activities, I found the VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump to be a game-changer. This portable air compressor effortlessly powered by a 12V car battery or a 110V 220V socket at home, depending on my location. I was particularly impressed with its high-power fan, effectively cooling the compressor without any additional water pump.
One standout feature for me was the built-in oil/water separator, making the compressor reusable and environmentally friendly. The 8mm quick connector seamlessly attached my PCP air rifle, and the visible pressure and temperature gauge provided me with useful insights into the compressor's status.
However, I encountered an issue regarding the moisture buildup while using the compressor on a PCP rifle. The rapid temperature rise caused condensation, leading to potential damage. To remedy this, I suggest using the compressor in short bursts or using an additional air dryer.
Despite this minor inconvenience, the VEVOR PCP Air Rifle Pump proved to be an incredibly efficient and versatile companion during my outdoor adventures.

🔗Vevor 4500 Psi Portable Compressor with Built-in Fan and Auto-Stop for Diverse Uses
I recently got my hands on the VEVOR PCP Air Compressor and was excited to give it a shot. This little gadget has really made my air gun filling process a breeze.
The highlight of this compressor is its automatic shut-off feature which makes it really safe and hassle-free to use. I can power it up using home socket or even my car battery, whichever is more convenient for me. The built-in fan cooling helps keep it from overheating during use.
However, one downside I found was the sturdiness of the product. After a few days of use, I noticed that it wasn't as robust as I expected it to be. Despite this, the compressor does its job efficiently and quickly.
Overall, I'd say this VEVOR PCP Air Compressor is a pretty good option if you're looking for an easy and portable way to fill your PCP guns. It might not be the most durable one out there, but it certainly gets the job done in no time at all.

🔗Powerful & Compact 4500 Psi PCP Air Compressor
I've been using the VEVOR PCP Air Compressor 4500psi for a few weeks now, and it's been a game-changer for my paintball sessions. The intelligent dual display system really comes in handy when inflating my airguns, as it provides real-time pressure and temperature readings.
One of my favorite features is how quickly this compressor fills my air cylinder. In only 25 minutes, it effortlessly gets the job done! Plus, its auto-stop function ensures that I never over-inflate, which saves me time and hassle.
Another great aspect of this VEVOR compressor is its outstanding stability. It employs an upgraded linkage structure that guarantees powerful performance, low noise, excellent heat dissipation, and enhanced durability. No more mid-inflation machine burnouts – I appreciate that!
As someone who enjoys both indoor and outdoor activities, I really like how versatile this compressor is. With its 500W built-in power converter, I can power it at home using an AC120V socket or with a 12V car battery while I'm out in the wild. This compact air pump has made my life easier and more convenient.
The all-in-one package that comes with this VEVOR PCP Air Compressor is truly impressive. It's an essential tool for any paintball enthusiast, and I can confidently say that it's worth the investment.

🔗Powerful Portable PCP Air Compressor for High-Pressure Applications
I recently gave the TUXING PCP Air Compressor a try, and I must say, it's quite the portable little powerhouse. One of the things I appreciated most was its built-in transformer, allowing me to power it at home or while on the go with my car. The compact size, complete with a portable handle, made this air compressor incredibly easy to tote along wherever I needed it.
The adjustable pressure gauge was another standout feature, offering convenience and precision in the level of pressure this air compressor reached. I particularly enjoyed the water and oil-free operation, as it eliminated the need for additional accessories, such as buckets or diesel fuel - something we've all likely experienced at some point!
As for its specifications, this compressor boasts a maximum pressure of 4,500 Psi/30Mpa/300Bar, 300W of power, and a cooling system that uses a fan. Measuring in at 15.75 x 7.87 x 11.81 inches, this sleek and rectangular design is perfect for transport and storage.
While I found numerous benefits from using this TUXING PCP Air Compressor, there were a couple of drawbacks. For one, it required two LR44 batteries (included) to function, which some may find less than ideal. Additionally, it generated a moderate level of noise at 78 dB.
Overall, the TUXING PCP Air Compressor proved to be a reliable and efficient companion for my airgun and paintball tank needs. Its portable design, water and oil-free operation, and adjustable pressure gauge truly set it apart from other air compressors, making it well worth considering for those seeking to make the most of their outdoor activities.

🔗Powerful 4500 Psi Air Compressor for Paintball and PCP Guns
I've been using the VEVOR PCP air compressor in my daily life, and it's been a game-changer for me. One of the highlights of this compressor is its smart dual display system, which provides real-time pressure and temperature readings. It's been incredibly helpful in ensuring that I'm always using the right pressure for my airguns.
What really stands out to me is its versatility. With its external high-power converter, I can power this compressor both at home and outdoors using a 12V car battery. It's been so handy for me, whether I'm filling my paintball guns at home or out in the wild.
The fast and stable inflation is another feature that I appreciate. It's been a pleasure to fill my 0.5L air cylinder from 0 to 300bar in just 25 minutes. I love the manual-stop feature as well; it makes it easy for me to stop inflating whenever I need to.
One of the best things about this compressor is its outstanding stability. I've had other compressors in the past that would burn out in the middle of inflation, but not this one. The upgraded linkage structure ensures powerful performance, low noise, excellent heat dissipation, and high durability.
To top it all off, the VEVOR PCP air compressor is a comprehensive all-in-one package. It comes with an oil/water separator, an 8mm quick-connect high-pressure hose, a battery clamp, and a set of accessory pack for easy connections and replacements. Overall, I'm really happy with this product and the convenience it brings to my daily life.

🔗Versatile 4500 PSI Air Compressor for PCP Air Rifles and Tanks
The VEVOR PCP Air Compressor is a small, portable option for PCP air rifle enthusiasts. Having tried it out, I can say it's a convenient and easy-to-use tool.
Its compact design means it's perfect for my daily use, as I can easily store it in my workshop. The compressor's powerful 60 watts and 1800 RPM motor fill up my PCP air rifle with ease, without the pressure gauge ever going above its safe limit. Moreover, its 50 micron filtration system keeps the air clean while filling the tank.
It's quieter than I expected, which allows me to use it even during my night shooting sessions. One minor downside is that it is not as durable as other models in its price range.
Still, this handy compressor has become a dependable part of my regular air rifle maintenance toolkit, making it worth the investment.

Buyer's Guide

A 4500 Psi compressor is a versatile and powerful tool for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications. It can be used for everything from filling tires, inflating balls, and inflating air mattresses to filling scuba gear, industrial equipment, and even airless paint sprayers. While these compressors are similar in many ways, there are some important features, considerations, and general tips to keep in mind when purchasing one.


Portability is a crucial factor when choosing a 4500 Psi compressor. Some models come with wheels for easy movement, while others may be heavier and require additional lifting or carrying assistance. Consider the weight and convenience of the compressor's transportation, especially if it needs to be moved frequently or across long distances.

Power Source

4500 Psi compressors can use various power sources, such as gasoline, propane, or electricity (both AC and DC) to run the engine. Each power source has its advantages and disadvantages. Gasoline and propane models offer greater portability, but can be noisier and require additional maintenance. Electric models tend to be quieter, but may be limited in their applications by power outlets.

Air Tank Capacity

Another important feature to consider is the air tank capacity. The larger the air tank, the longer it will take to recharge the compressor after it has been used. Generally, larger air tanks are more convenient for continuous use, but also add weight to the compressor.

Air Flow and Pressure Output

Air flow and pressure output are essential factors when selecting a 4500 Psi compressor. The air flow determines how quickly the compressor can fill the tank and deliver compressed air. The air pressure output determines how suitable the compressor is for specific applications. Understand the requirements of your intended applications to ensure you select a compressor with adequate air flow and pressure output.

Maintenance and Reliability

A high-quality 4500 Psi compressor should be reliable, durable, and easy to maintain. Look for compressors with high-quality components and sturdy construction. Also, consult the manufacturer's manual or ask the dealer about recommended maintenance schedules and any special instructions that might be required for efficient and prolonged operation.

Accessories and Compatibility

Some 4500 Psi compressors come with additional accessories, such as hoses, tires, or inflation needles, making them more versatile and practical for different applications. Make sure that the compressor is compatible with the accessories you require or intend to purchase later. Additionally, check whether the compressor is compatible with other equipment or tools you may use it with.

Safety Features

Lastly, safety should always be a priority when selecting a 4500 Psi compressor. Look for models with essential safety features like automatic shut-offs, pressure regulators, and overload protection. These features help guard against accidents, malfunctions, or damage to the compressor.
4500 Psi compressors are versatile tools with many applications. When selecting one, consider factors like portability, power source, air tank capacity, air flow and pressure output, maintenance and reliability, accessories and compatibility, and safety features to ensure you find a model that best fits your needs and requirements.


What is a 4500 Psi compressor?

A 4500 Psi compressor is a powerful air compressor designed to handle high pressure applications. It is typically used in industrial, commercial, and automotive settings for tasks such as pneumatic tools, tire inflation, and airbrushing.

What are the benefits of using a 4500 Psi compressor?

A 4500 Psi compressor offers several advantages, including increased productivity, higher efficiency, and greater versatility. Its high pressure capacity allows it to operate a wide range of pneumatic tools and equipment with ease, while its powerful motor allows for quicker operation and faster results.

What are the key features of a 4500 Psi compressor?

Key features of a 4500 Psi compressor may include a heavy-duty motor, cast iron pump housing, oil-cooled, and oil-lubricated components. Additional features may include a cast iron air tank, multiple air discharge outlets, and a convenient control panel for easy operation.

What should I consider when purchasing a 4500 Psi compressor?

When purchasing a 4500 Psi compressor, consider factors such as the size and capacity of the air tank, the power consumption, and the noise level. Also, ensure that the compressor meets the requirements of your specific application and that it is compatible with the tools and equipment you plan to use.

What is the difference between a 4500 Psi compressor and a lower-pressure compressor?

The primary difference between a 4500 Psi compressor and a lower-pressure compressor is the operating pressure. A 4500 Psi compressor can handle higher pressure applications, such as powering more demanding pneumatic tools and equipment. Lower-pressure compressors may be more suitable for lighter-duty applications, like inflating tires or operating smaller tools.

What maintenance is required for a 4500 Psi compressor?

Regular maintenance for a 4500 Psi compressor includes checking and changing the oil, maintaining the air filter, and inspecting and replacing worn components. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for proper maintenance and ensure that the compressor is serviced regularly to maintain optimal performance and longevity.

Are there any safety precautions I should follow when using a 4500 Psi compressor?

Yes, there are several safety precautions you should follow when using a 4500 Psi compressor, including wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), ensuring proper ventilation, and avoiding direct contact with the compressor when it is in operation. Additionally, follow the manufacturer's guidelines and safety instructions to prevent accidents and ensure safe use.

Which 4500 Psi compressors are the best on the market?

The best 4500 Psi compressors on the market will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors such as power consumption, noise level, and overall build quality when evaluating different models. It is also helpful to read reviews and compare features to find the best fit for your application.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:45 Negative-Anything-95 Different Uses of Heymusic AI: Various Music Types You Can Generate

In this post, we'll explore the diverse applications of . Feel free to share your insights in the comments—what unique ways have you used this tool?
1. Social Media Music Creation
According to our surveys, more than half of our users have utilized our platform to generate music specifically for their social media content, highlighting the tool's effectiveness in enhancing online engagement.
2. Commercial Music for Events
3. Royalty-Free Music for Commercial Use
4. Educational Use
5. Personalized Music for Personal Use
I'm eager to hear how you might use this technology in your own life or work.
Please share your experiences, ask questions, and let’s discuss the innovative ways AI is transforming music creation!
submitted by Negative-Anything-95 to HeyMusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:19 CryptographerHuge977 Florida Job Market Is Horrendous

After 120 applications submitted, using various platforms and direct to employer, I've received 19 denials of which 12 were system generated, you can tell, and 6 interviews. I've been ghosted 5 times and the remaining are No Response. This is Florida, Ft. Lauderdale/Miami area. So I've given up in Florida. As a matter of fact, I despise the culture of hiring in this state. So I started submitting applications in Illinois, where I left 11 years ago. I had 2 interviews, same company, and was given a job offer in 4 days. It's the talent acquisition teams that these companies are using. One Recruiter was located in Arizona, hiring for Florida. It's disgusting. And myself and other people alike have thrown up our hands. Luckily it seems that I may be able to escape this environment of low balling salaries when the cost of living is too high. Companies would rather hire someone they can pay less than they would by hiring someone with experience. There's more going on in this hiring fiasco than I'm going to share. I know how to apply, I know how to interview, and before this year I was at a 90% succes rate landing a position after the first interview. This is bad and everyone should be scared.
submitted by CryptographerHuge977 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:18 LOvEisEvOLxanax Got lucky af at TjMaxx and found this black True Religion denim jacket for $32!!!!! Perfect with my black Trues lol

Got lucky af at TjMaxx and found this black True Religion denim jacket for $32!!!!! Perfect with my black Trues lol submitted by LOvEisEvOLxanax to TrueReligionJeans [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:59 curiosityisme11 Subsequent Entrant subclass 482 Visa Granted!

For Background:
First of all I’m from the Philippines. My de-facto partner of 3+ years went to Australia last May 4, 2023 under subclass 400 as a Fitter (323211). His subclass 482 visa was granted on October 31, 2023. An acquaintance of his uncle shared that he was able to bring his family (wife & 2 kids) to Australia by processing Subsequent Entrant Visa. With this, we decided to also take a risk and contacted the migration agency they used. I am currently working for a company where my partner and I met. We wanted to be together earlier than waiting for his processing of PR (2years from his 482 Visa grant the earliest)
My Journey Timeline (all in 2024): 135 Days
Only restriction of my Visa is 8501 - Maintain health insurance.
submitted by curiosityisme11 to AusVisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:28 mrDragonic USCIS has prioritized employment-based AOS

Alert from
Alert: USCIS has prioritized employment-based adjustment of status applications during every step of its processing and adjudication during this fiscal year. We continue to make processing and resource allocation decisions to increase the pace of adjudications and limit the potential for employment-based visa numbers to go unused. If you are applying for a Green Card in an employment-based category and we issued you a Request for Evidence (RFE) for your Form I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record, you should respond as soon as possible so we can finalize a decision on your adjustment application.
Bottom of page says: Last Reviewed/Updated: 05/31/2024
submitted by mrDragonic to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:26 Old-Fishing1199 CCAT - can you return to skipped questions? Online “Criteria” 15min version

*Please be kind I am already extremely stressed.
I was busy trying to work out if I should skip and return to certain questions on CCAT then saw something random which said you cannot return to question in the test. Can anyone verify if this is true.
If I bomb it and a different employer wants me to take it do I need to wait 6 months?
I am having to take this test with only 1 day to practice because of an interview. I have never been asked to take one before and didn’t realize a lot of tech roles require it meaning if I fail it could potentially impact other applications.
I am not dumb I just process slow. I am in the top 1 percentile for GAI which looks at cognition but removes processing time out of the equation. Yes, I realize IQ tests are super problematic but so is its speedy cousin CCAT. I have always had exam time accommodations in Uni and was able to graduate w/ 4.0 GPA.
I am scared to ask for accommodations before a job offer because there is not much way to prove it was held against you in hiring but it generally is. An employment lawyer I know recommended never doing it.
submitted by Old-Fishing1199 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:03 Background_Can_2362 Have you came across duo like these

Dad and Son. Have you met duo like these? What do you think about them?
Hello everyone, I was browsing a dating app today when I noticed intriguing about one of the profiles. The profile shows a 18-year-old guy with a man who appears to be in his 35s to 40s but who is also pretty attractive and in good shape. They look like a great couple in the profile, with the boy resting on his shoulders and them hugging. It's very romantic, and to be honest, I was envious of the boy. following that, as he saw in the views area, the boy texted me. I responded hello back, adding, "I'm pretty jealous of you because you have a great partner who looks awesome." He claimed that despite the his good looks, he is also incredibly loving and amazing in bed (I can see that in pics).
Where did you pick up him, I asked? In his house, he responded. "In home?" was my response. Yes, he is my father. It made me mortified. But I apologized, saying, "I thought you were a couple". I suddenly remembered that he also said something fantastic in bed. I I was confused and asked him, you said he is your dad but also said in amazing in bed( there is no nudes or naked pics of them ). They are in a relationship and he is his biological father, he claimed. I thought, "You must be kidding me." First, he sent pictures of himself. enjoying Father's Day with his family (obscuring other people's faces). He sent pictures of his early years. Okay, so it indicates you are a father and a son. I was thinking okay, and now I see he is attracted to his father and has these thoughts in his head and this not real. I told him the same thing. Upon receiving the messages in reply, which included pictures and videos of them doing that, I was left perplexed (to be honest, watching his dad do it made me incredibly horny). Following that we had a long conversation. He mentioned his father and described tales of how, why, it happened and how their life is going on( yes, I was astonished as well because he is oversharing everything with a stranger). However, I questioned why he was keeping his father in photos as well as warned him about how our nation still views us as taboo( it's legal for same sex relationships, but society it's hard, and thinking it is a father and son relationship). If someone finds this, will you please accept? He clarified that he needed someone to talk to about his fight with his father. proceeded, after reading my profile's bio, I appear sincere. He enjoyed our conversation. Additionally, he said that he would not use these applications in his state. He only makes use of them when traveling. Finally, I found out how old he is—24, but he appears to be in his 18s. and his father is 53 (I wish I could meet him once, he he he). He works, but he hasn't revealed his name, location, or employment—he has to travel for work one week out of every month. Thus, this is the tale. Guys, what are your thoughts?
submitted by Background_Can_2362 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:54 Zwizwee WHV conversion - reentry permit?

Currently here on a WHV, found a job that was able to get me a CoE. Been told I must return to my home country to obtain visa with the CoE.
I’m unsure of how to deal with the reentry permit at the airport when I leave. Will there be any issues if I obtain a reentry permit under the WHV, but then return to Japan soon after on the new working visa? Or should I leave without getting the reentry permit?
I’m worried about the minuscule chance of visa application being rejected, even though from looking up past threads this sounds extremely rare. If this does somehow happen, I’d like to be able to return to Japan under my WHV to wrap up things like pension, insurance, moving out properly. I would have enough time left on my WHV to do this, if I did have a reentry permit, but also worried about complications if I end up entering on the new visa instead.
Also the period of stay granted on the CoE is only 3 months. I am on a 3 month rolling work contract, but the employer (with extensive experience of sponsoring visas) says their past applicants have always been given at least 1 year in the same situation, and this is actually their first time seeing such a short period. Could something have been filled incorrectly that I should look out for when it comes to renewal? I’ve seen posts that even ALTs on short contracts get at least 1 year on their first visa and haven’t come across anyone else only having 3 months initially.
submitted by Zwizwee to movingtojapan [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:43 KanoFraserCCC Employment & Sponsored Working Visa assistance for Australia.

Employment & Sponsored Working Visa assistance for Australia.
Kano Fraser
Cross Country Consultancy
Employment & Sponsored Working Visa assistance for Australia.
Application Form:

submitted by KanoFraserCCC to u/KanoFraserCCC [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:35 topnotchmuffinpop I want to become a Pharmacy Tech but am so lost and need advice.

I am a 21 yr old student (sort of) from Delaware with limited work experience outside of retail. I am currently unemployed and have been for some time now. For the past few months, I have been using the PTCB online test prep course and just found out that it isn't an accredited course so I can't go through with taking the exam any time soon. I'm considering going the other route and getting the hours of experience to take the exam since I don't have the money for another course but I've been applying to Walgreens for almost a year and haven't even gotten an interview. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to get the hours or the education for the exam and I am so so stressed out. I don't want to be unemployed at home anymore but I've tried so many other employment options and this is my best bet. Can anyone help? I just did another online application for Walgreens. Should I try just going in and asking about the position? Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated. For now I am just looking into other places to apply. Thank you for reading.
submitted by topnotchmuffinpop to askaPharmacyTech [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:33 automind EB1-C approved

EB1-C approved
I just want to share with everyone the good news and hopefully this also could give some hopes to fellow employment applicants.. My company lawyer submitted the application mid November 2023. I broke my hand but still managed to do my fingerprints in December, they asked for RFE in the end of 2023 about my birth certificate, my notary just added a paragraph stating she is qualified to do the translation. it took them a month to update that they received the RFE and a week later my EAD is approved, although my i131 was still pending for awhile and never got approved in the end because finally I got green! wishing everyone a lot of luck!
submitted by automind to USCIS [link] [comments]