Kitty cake walmart


2022.01.21 20:25 Shaigirl HuntForHelloKitty

Are you an avid Hello Kitty collector? Hunting for that elusive Hello Kitty door greeter or side stepper from Walmart or CVS? Scored an extra, but missed out during the last holiday? Trade here!

2024.06.02 06:22 pipehimdown I don’t know what to do anymore

First time poster here.. I just don’t know where to turn for comfort. All of my close friends have families and children of their own and I’ve always struggled with my own fertility issues. I’ve lost close to 150lbs to be able to have a better chance at conceiving and now I have to go for a test to make sure my tubes are open. I don’t ovulate and I’ve struggled with horrific periods and PCOS for the majority of my life.
My amazing husband went for a semenalysis and the results are not good. He doesn’t know yet because it’s on my results page (my gyn sent the order.) Tomorrow I’m going to sit and talk with him and figure out what our next steps are after my test and meet with my doctor. I keep imaging King of the Hill references which make me both laugh and cry at the same time.
I feel broken and sad. It doesn’t feel good when my best friend who had sex 1 time and got pregnant is telling me things get better- and I know these feelings are misplaced. I’m angry and envious and depressed. I was hoping things would get easier after putting in all of this work but my dreams just seem to be moving further and further away. I know 33 isn’t old but I feel like I won’t be able to experience the thing I want the most in the world.
Life just fucking sucks right now and I’m just really sad.
I did drown my feelings in a mini vanilla cake from Walmart though that was very delicious- would recommend.
submitted by pipehimdown to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:17 ShaddoX90 refund DEEZ NUTS

refund DEEZ NUTS submitted by ShaddoX90 to shitposting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:39 Witty_Programmer_874 OOOO CAN WE GET THE BILLLL

My step mom might not be able to cook but she can make some damn good cakes, I've hinted to everyone that I want a Bluey or Hello Kitty birthday. I watched videos on how to make it, probably takes $25+ in butter. Hopefully they get the memo
submitted by Witty_Programmer_874 to u/Witty_Programmer_874 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:11 Swimming-Most-6756 In an extended stay..

Staying at an extended stay, and since I dont use housekeeping that much for reasons tied to my autism and so having a stranger in the room is not the problem, is that my stuff gets moved around, and I actually enjoy cleaning myself as it’s therapeutic and grounds me. Often times I ask to borrow their cleaning supplies like a broom or vacuum cleaner, and return the vacuum cleaner, clean like new, better than it was given to me. I have a tendency to detail appliances because it helps their efficiency and life span, I have a 10 year old $20 oscillating walmart fan and works 👌🏼
Anyway my point here is that I had gone to clean the air filters in the in room wall unit. Disgusting, and I have worked on these units so I am familiar, and I popped off the housing, and I dont think they have ever done that, the metal fins, caked with soot dark grey soot and dust bunnies. So I got to work on it and detailed the fins, the vents and the housing, all which needed it.
The stale dirt smell that was overwhelming every time I entered the room, is now gone and replaced by fresh crisp air, and the unit is running and cooling very well and powerful and quietly.
I am wondering, Should I let the manager know? Not only is it a health hazard, it’s a fire hazard, ends up using more power and not work as well, and we are in Arizona about to blaze up.
I have stayed here in 2 other rooms and they were the same, actually worse. It is franchised so perhaps he could pay me to do them all, that would be cool.
submitted by Swimming-Most-6756 to hotels [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:41 Flaky_Dependent7171 Walmart people

Hey yall, any Walmart workers here? I'm looking to transfer from NW Arkansas. I'm currently a cake decorator, and my best friend who will be transferring as well is deli. Wondering what Walmarts in Tyler would be a good to try for a transfer? How are the fresh areas? And pay? I currently make $17.38 and my friend $16.32. I saw the pay range in Tyler for cake decorator is $16-$20. So hopefully I won't lose any pay. Anyways, thanks in advance!!
submitted by Flaky_Dependent7171 to tylertx [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:50 TheArMyBoY93 Walmart Preorder

Walmart Preorder
Who else grabbed Captain Enoch & Night Trooper from Arrives October 3rd, the day before my cake day! 🥹
submitted by TheArMyBoY93 to starwarsblackseries [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:14 Gjxxo3 They are so maddening

Relevant facts:
Today I had a 12 minute phone call with my mother who knows how I feel about baking. The call starts with me telling her I was thinking about making apple frtters for tomorrow (I usually see my parents on Saturdays). She starts in yelling at me that I bake for them too much and they have 4 cookies left, so how I could I even think about making more now, etc. Every time this happens it is exactly the same until they run out of cookies and then it's a frickin crisis that I don't have more ready to go.
2 minutes later, she jumps to how she has to buy a cake from Walmart for a family party tomorrow. I asked if she even considered asking me. She puts on the shocked voice and says "no. Why would I?" (Just to be clear, I've baked for the family before and she just tells them she did it so there's no awkwardness.)
This time, I'd had enough and said fine, I don't won't bake for you anymore. It's too much time, effort, and money to put into getting yelled at. She starts in about how she still wants bread every week and cookies at least once a month and how dare I not care about my parents. I said no. It's never appreciated, it actively gets me yelled at, and they're impacting something I love and I don't want to make something that makes me happy stressful.
I literally walked her through it - in a 12 minute span I explain the happiness I get from an activity, she yells at me for doing said activity, and then explains in detail how she needs that activity done by someone other than me. She doesn't know why I take it that way. Her actual words. "I don't know why you take it that way." Her next sentence: "So, are you making the cake?" I hung up on her.
Now I have all the guilt and feel like a total drama queen, not to mention exceedingly selfish. I know I have no right to bake for them or anyone else and I know I have no say in how someone reacts, but I wanted to indulge in some happiness and hopefully spread some at the same time.
Tl;dr: is it rude to bake for the unhoused?
ETA: I posted in a local group about it and it's not rude. In fact, it's desired. This means I get to bake for at risk kids who will actually enjoy it! Talk about right up my alley. It's totally changed my evening from frustration to joy. I'm beaming and crying at the same time. So, for anyone in a similar situation or who wants a way to give back, check for local charities!
submitted by Gjxxo3 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:11 lilbanger44 31st May 2024

Today it is my birthday! I am now 14 years old! I woke up at around 6:43 this morning, and I was so excited so I got up out of bed and brushed my hair and then I went downstairs to use the bathroom and to see my parents. Unfortunately, my 7 year old brother was still in bed so I had to wait for him to get up so I could open my presents, so I passed the time by playing on my games and listening to my music. At about 8:00 he finally decided to get up, so I went downstairs to open my presents to see what I got! I got:
SO sprays: i got the “candy floss” one and the “vanilla” one too!
Digital pen: I am hoping to start animation soon so I wanted to practise my digital art since I am quite good at drawing on paper. The pen comes from a brand called “metapen.” It comes with a charger and you have to tap the top of it twice to turn it on and off which is really cool!
Kitty cat pyjamas: it was a summer set because obviously tomorrow is the start of summer!
Pokémon pyjamas: also a summer set as well.
Minecraft pyjamas: Minecraft is my favourite game so my parents said they “had to” lol
Bluetooth headphones: I don’t like using the AirPods because they feel uncomfortable in my ears and they fall out, and I’d desperately been wanting some wireless headphones so I was extremely happy to have these! They also come with a charger and an instruction manual as does the pen.
I then decided to open the presents from our long distance friends who live in Devon which is 4 and a half hours away from us!
The first one I opened was wrapped up really carefully, and when I got it out it was like a Keychain with a kind of beach setting and what looked to be sand in the middle.
One of our friends likes to do painting, so she made me one and it had lots of thick squiggly lines all over it that were black and red and it looked really pretty! This and the keychain were also varnished!
They also got me a drawing pad with a wolf on the front of it and I really liked that because wolves are my favourite animal!
I then opened the card. Last year their dog died and he meant a lot to me, not a bad bone in his body, never bit anyone and couldn’t even bark aggressively. He was a black lab and he was about 15 when he went. It was very sad. Turns out that the thing that looked like sand in the keychain was actually some of his ashes so that I can take him with me when I go out somewhere since they knew how much he meant to me. I was happy and sad at the same time because I wasn’t expecting that at all.
We also have a joke with the scarecrow in the garden, and my mum decided that it would be a good idea to pretend that it had made a card for me!
Anyway, when I was done opening my presents, I took them all upstairs to my room and I immediately tried out my headphones. They work really well! But my dad keeps on connecting to them and playing fart sounds whenever I least expect it. He also hid his speaker under my pillow and it made me jump when he started putting the fart sounds on!
I also spilt my breakfast all over my bed when I was eating it which wasn’t good because it stained my sheets but luckily I managed to get most of it out!
At 11:00, when we were finished getting ready, we all got in the car and drove to one of my nans houses. We stayed round there for a bit and my dad went outside and used the hedge trimmer to trim the hedges back and he must’ve done a really good job because she really liked it! She also got me some perfume from “Victoria’s secret” and an Amazon gift card with £50 on it! I said thank you and then when it was time to go we said good bye and then we went to my other nans house!
At my other nans house we ordered dominoes pizza and she transferred £100 into my bank and gave me £20 in my card! She also ordered me this lovely woodland cake and it tasted really good but I was a slob and spilt it all down myself so I had to wash my shirt off in the bathroom. When the pizzas were on the way, I decided to go to the park, I had my music on so loud that I almost got hit by a car when I was crossing the road! But luckily I moved back just in time! I also went on the swings and then some people arrived so I went back. I was watching Sashley and that vegan teacher and then my brother started saying he had a headache. It got worse and it turned out he was having a migraine, and all the way home he was screaming and and crying in the back with wet tissue on his head. I could hear it over my music and that’s saying something!
Anyway, he feels better now and my parents are in bed, I’m happy I’ve had a good day but I’m sad that it’s gone so fast!
submitted by lilbanger44 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:12 BarracudaLucky8541 Recapping the vlar for those who don’t wanna watch.

So it’s Lana bday so Nika, papa, niya and some boy went to Walmart to get a cake. Papa can’t count the money to even buy the cake. By this point niya is jokingly irritated because she wanted to buy the birthday stuff in Columbia where there’s more options I guess? Man idek. 😭 Then they go to dollar tree. Nika was lowkey mad niya and papa was shitting on Sumter the whole vlog 🤣 niya and papa was talking abt how they love Columbia sc and how there isn’t shit in the store knowing nika is comfortable living in the ghetto and that’s her fav dollar tree. Then at the cash register the cashier said she ain’t wanna be on camera. So here comes Nika’s big fonky ahh cussing talking about she don’t understand, “oh where they do that at”, I’m gangster, Talking about she viral this viral that. just a mess. Don’t watch it 😭
submitted by BarracudaLucky8541 to independentshanika [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:02 Striking-Concept-836 Flying with Cats!

Hey guys, I'm new to this sub and i just wanted a few opinions. I'm moving back to my Home state and I have gained 2 lovely kitties moving to OK. I have my beautiful Mischief who I found behind a Walmart, and my Beautiful Midnight, who was going to be put down because his owners could no longer keep him. They are sweet babies, and I love them so much. I have had issues in the past where it came between my home and choosing my babies. I choose my babies everytime and this time was no different. Me and my fiance have a apartment lined up with my mom within the next couple month. We were thinking about driving since it would potentially be better for them, but as we have lost our car recently, we have looked into flying. I just wanted to know what should i prepare for when traveling. Mischief doesn't like car rides, and I think she might be even worst with a plane. Midnight is the chill, he goes with the flow and doesn't complain much, but i want both of them to be safe and comfortable. I'm wondering should i go to my vet and get them prescribed something to help with the potential anxiety or should I just give them melatonin? I would love to hear what you guys have to say as this is my first time flying with cats, and being a first time cat owner. (I use to have cats as a kid, but obviously didnt raise them haha)
submitted by Striking-Concept-836 to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:53 Troyler4Life I feel so bad for Gary

I have never seen this show, I wasn’t allowed when I was growing up and I came across it on P+ and decided to start it.
I hate Amber to no end and I accidentally spoiled some things for myself because of this subreddit; I saw that Gary is not a great person and I do understand that but for right now I’m on S2 and on the finale, and I just feel so empathetic towards him. Amber was never good to him, constantly makes fun of him, beats him, and then cries when he’s had enough. It frustrates me he keeps going back to her like a lost puppy. She met a guy at Walmart and she can go on a date with him but Gary mentions that he did the same thing and you tell your baby daddy is a cheater? The absolute hypocrisy. The night she wanted to go out for her birthday and he didn’t get Leah was pretty shitty but compared to everything I’ve seen Amber do she takes the cake. Does she know that people hate her or….?
NOW AGAIN I have seen on here that he is terrible and I assume I’m gonna see it all soon but I just can’t believe this little girl is beating her boyfriend on television.
submitted by Troyler4Life to TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:45 Training_Ad6474 Boxer fit

I'm having a hard time getting used how far down boxers sit on me. I've always been a high cut brief person. I'm trying a few different brands as I started packing 3 weeks ago. I got cake bandit delivered yesterday and trying them vs just basic ones from Walmart. The waist band is super thick. I like that it's held in place. But I'm also a wheelchair user, so it's uncomfortable. So any recommendations? I really don't want to have to wear high cut boyshort and have my dick fall out (happened at the ER last week).
submitted by Training_Ad6474 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:42 xThuganomicsx This cake day marks 10 years. Have a sleeping kitty

This cake day marks 10 years. Have a sleeping kitty submitted by xThuganomicsx to cakeday [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:48 RemarkableAppleLab mais_iel

mais_iel submitted by RemarkableAppleLab to mais_iel [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 17:09 IamSam12345 Screen Grabs of Intros from The Try Guys Take Lie Detector Tests (for the Last Time)

submitted by IamSam12345 to TheTryGuys [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:20 bruminator One mall, two prices: A Walmart and a Loblaws YIG are in the same mall, and the Loblaws YIG charges nearly 50% more for the exact same product.

One mall, two prices: A Walmart and a Loblaws YIG are in the same mall, and the Loblaws YIG charges nearly 50% more for the exact same product. submitted by bruminator to loblawsisoutofcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:23 pdxxgirl Kitten with food in ears

My sweet foster girl keeps getting her wet food in her ears because she’s such a messy little eater. She weaned onto a slurry maybe 2-3 weeks ago and is now solely eating wet food but that poor little bean keeps getting it alllll over her face and then she shakes her head and it gets in her ears (along with all over any and everything else in her way. 🙃) Sadly her messy behavior is starting to cause itchy ears because of all of the food getting caked in there. I do my best to wipe her down after eating but usually the damage has been done before I can wipe her. Does anyone have any advice on how to help her? It got so bad that she had to be checked for mites but it’s been confirmed that she’s just a little kitty slob. 🥲
submitted by pdxxgirl to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:39 garyfromyahoo2 Is Walmart store #2000 in Kitty Hawk, NC hiring for OGP?

submitted by garyfromyahoo2 to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 23:18 No-Middle2284 Uh this is a thing ig

Uh this is a thing ig submitted by No-Middle2284 to corn [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:40 sonimatic14 [Holiday World] Trip Report: 5-28-2024

[Holiday World] Trip Report: 5-28-2024
We arrived at the park shortly after opening and walked in with no fuss. After a slightly brisk walk to Good Gravy, we got a return time only 30 minutes later. With time to kill we took our sacred pilgrimage.
The Voyage: This ride is much much smoother than my first ride, but I am also much bigger so the PTCs are a tighter squeeze, especially compared to Millennium Flyers. Because of this, the roughness where it was there was felt very much. It won't go up or down in my rankings. A really crazy and fun ride, but not my type for a high ranking.
Not sure if riding in Row 3 changed this at all, but I got a feeling that a front row ride wouldn't have made it all that much better, especially with how long the wait was compared to every other coaster besides Good Gravy.
Good Gravy!: The theming for this ride is much better than I expected. The queue is fully themed and has pre ride videos. The ride is glass smooth and has fast dispatches. The first turn is very fast, the transitions are pretty zippy, the first airtime hill gives good floater, the last turn gives strong positives, and the spike gives outstanding floater.
Doing it all backwards is the icing on the cake. Weird floater that whips you over a tiny bit if you sit near the front, and the first turn turns into slow sideways hangtime. No discomfort whatsoever. Short but sweet and varied. I liked this more than the Voyage, and I say that without hesitation.
Next we rode Gobbler Getaway. Like boo blasters and every other shooting dark ride, my girlfriend destroyed me. Fun set dressing and animatronics.
The free soda goes a long way, it makes getting water really easy and I was able to get some electrolytes. Which was fortunate because we would get a series of unfortunate events right after.
Thunderbird: This ride broke down while we were strapped in and ready to go. The mechanic directed us to wait at the exit, but apparently nobody else was told this, because when the ride started up again everyone started getting on as normal and we were the only ones waiting by the exit. We had to tell the operator, because they had done a shift change as the ride broke down so the op who was there before had left.
I was still able to enjoy my back row, left side, edge seat ride. The launch has an awesome punch, the g forces are just intense enough, the ride is smooth, and there's a fun airtime hill at the end. The final inline twist is absolutely the best part. Best ride of the day so far.
After this we tried to ride Crow's Nest, their mini starflyer. Unfortunately, as it was our turn to ride, the ride closed due to… a black rat snake in the bushes nearby. After my recent experience with Thunderbird this made me pretty upset. We didn't end up riding, and we stormed out of the Thanksgiving section to the Fourth of July.
We took what should have been a relaxing trip on the train. Unfortunately, I had no idea the train driver would tell us nursery rhymes for the whole ride. Not only that, but the mic quality was loud and grating. Plus, due to his accent, it was almost unintelligible. Otherwise the train ride was nice.
Howler: Wanting to nab the credit, I didn't realize this was the same model as Speedy Gonzales Hot Rod Racers, which was the first ride I ever took the walk of shame on two years ago. What I didn't realize was that it was even worse that the ops managed to make me fit.
The incredibly tight fit was the most painful ride of the day. It was pretty funny until the ops called for an encore and the whole train cheered except me. Second round wasn't funny anymore, just cramped and dreadful. Credit #330 and my most shameful yet.
Liberty Launch: A mini S&S space shot tower, this was a safe pick for a good ride after the harrowing Howler. This one is fucking awesome. The ride drops SO fast after the initial launch, the floater air is crazy. What I didn't expect was the second hop to give absolutely horrifying ejector airtime out of nowhere. If you love airtime, try this one, I've never ridden an S&S tower like it.
After this we took an actually relaxing ride on the Lewis and Clark trail, the weird name for their Antique Cars. Though there wasn't a big footprint or a lot of scenery, unlike Kings Island we didn't wait at all, walking straight on. Fun little ride, my girlfriend drove as usual for these rides.
The Legend: Finally back on another big coaster. There was zero wait for the front row, so we beelined to it. Holy shit is this ride out of control. Absolutely amazing laterals in all directions, unexpected moments of airtime, fast loud tunnels, crazy near-misses with supports and other rides in Splashin’ Safari, the whole nine yards. Absolutely my favorite at the park just like last time.
Frightful Falls: Their Log Ride with just one drop. It does have two shallow ramp drops, one before the final drop that got my girlfriend very wet slamming into a wall of water. Seeming to want revenge, she leaned forward on the final drop, so the water went over her and got me even wetter. Very fun ride and I'm glad we rode it.
The Raven (×2): First ride was a station wait for the last car. Yes, the fifth drop is very good, but the last run through the woods is very rough and sorta ruins the moment. Not wanting to sour my perception of one of my favorite woodies, I went back around by myself to ride in the front.
Though the drops and airtime weren't nearly as good, the smoothness and zen of riding by myself made up for that. The finale in the woods, rip roaring and wild, with the cold forest wind in my face, brought back memories of the Beast that I wasn't able to relive this week. Solidly my second favorite in the park and still one of my favorite woodies.
After this we got Thanksgiving dinner in Plymouth Rock Cafe. I was very tired so we decided to skip the water park and head home, but not before getting a picture with Holidog, Kitty Klaws, and George the Eagle. We ended the night in the gift shop, where I saw merch for Raging Rapids, and then subsequently learned that it closed last year. I got a sick Raven and Legend magnet.
Great day at the park despite some hiccups in the middle of the day. Holiday World is the genuine article and my favorite park of the trip so far, more so than Kings Island. You'll hear about my Kentucky Kingdom trip tomorrow.
submitted by sonimatic14 to rollercoasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:49 DragonMoonCake [H] PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, Zelle [W] Uniqlo, Pokemon Center, Dave and Busters, Etsy, Nike, Abercrombie, Ebay, Other Various Gift Cards

Other Various Gift Cards that are lower priority than those in the title include but are not limited to:
Best Buy
JC Penny
Barnes and Noble
Nintendo EShop
Panda Express
Del Taco
Amazon US GC
other US-based clothing
other US-based food (only take-out or fast food, no dine-in only)
Please comment before DM'ing.
Rates negotiable depending on payment method and amount.
PLEASE DM ME USING THE REDDIT DM FUNCTION, don't use the "chat" option as it doesn't appear for me on mobile.
Beware imposters, I will never DM you first.
submitted by DragonMoonCake to giftcardexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:31 throwawayplsjusthelp For the love of God, pls get swabbed.

F20 I’m writing this for anybody who may b experiencing anything remotely similar to what I did because these last few months have been extremely fucking rough for me, and if I can help one person feel less alone it’s worth it.
I started fearing I had herpes Dec 2023. I was raped by a now ex boyfriend and he’s the only “sexual partner” whose status I was unaware of.
This scared me because he didn’t use a condom and I’m very diligent when it comes to my health, regular condom use, and I’ve always made my exes show me their results as it’s very typical that men will never get tested unless they experience SEVERE symptoms.
I never planned to have intercourse with him at that time, so this just threw me for a loop as everything was very unplanned. No knowledge of his status, no condom, no consent.
I experienced immediate issues during the act, I’ve never had lubrication issues EVER, quite the opposite (tmi ik but I want to give perspective of the immediate sexual changes that followed) but this time I was DRY like sandpaper rubbing inside me ugh I was so uncomfortable, and I’m really sorry and I want to hug anyone who knows exactly what I’m talking about. I had never experienced pain like that from intercourse before this, he refused to stop till I was actually screaming and writhing in pain and clawing at him.
I planned to never talk to him again, but not knowing his status was rlly eating at me, I asked him if he had ever got tested before and he told me no.
My vagina did not feel the same from that point onward. I was sore and swollen for a few days after, I later went to a clinic to get an STI full panel test (ik that’s too soon, but understand I was in a haze of confusion I was trying to do damage control) The results for that initial test came back completely negative.
I had a crawling sensation on my mons pubis and labia area as if something was moving through the hairs, I also felt like the hairs were moving themselves. I started being itchy all the fucking time, it was all I could think about, I didn’t get a break from it, my lower region was so uncomfortable and all these sensations were so foreign to me. I also would get very dry, like uncomfortable as fuck, this was also new, I couldn’t stand my panties rubbing against me, or even the skin touching itself or AIR. I would literally have to put a wad of wet toilet paper for a tiny bit of relief but nothing could relieve me mentally. I also would slather Vaseline all over my lower region for the tiniest bit of relief. At this point I was waiting for the 6 week mark so I couldn’t get retested literally counting down the days. One night I went out for drinks w my friends ( I don’t drink normally) and my vagina was on FIRE like itching burning all of it, not the lil scratchy dry I was feeling before. I was starting considering maybe I had a yeast infection, I had only ever had one before this (not diagnosed by a doctor) and I treated it w canesten so I ran to Walmart to get a tube and didn’t even wait till I got home, I used their washroom and slathered it all over me. I remembered the first time I had done this for my previous presumed yeast infection I felt some sort of immediate relief, but this time I did not. On my way home I was antsy and squirming in my seat, nothing was comfortable, sitting, standing, lying down.
I tried using the canesten for a couple days following but it just seemed useless, crawling sensation was still there and now I was feeling this popping sensation. Like the skin of my labia were sticking together cause of moisture then spreading apart and creating kind of like a pop, that’s the best way I can describe it idk. I hated leaving the house because I felt like I constantly had my hands down my pants to scratch or literally cupping my vagina, adding pressure, applying Vaseline, whatever I thought could bring relief. I started to notice bumps. This is when my STI research rabbit hole really took off. Initially they started on my pubic area, I assumed they were pimples or even boils but I have had pimples in my pubic area before and they either had a yellow top or a white head, these were shiny hard bumps that definitely looked like blisters. They would come and go…in the same spots. Some of them I would squeeze out of frustration and thick blood OR white or clear fluid would run out. Of course there were concerns coupled with the sensations but initially I wasn’t assuming these bumps were coming from any STIs (specifically herpes) because they were on my mons pubis and my research told me me that herpes likes to live in most areas although it was possible. I wanted to book with my family doctor, but honestly I was so scared because I was ashamed plus my doctor is a male and the icing on the cake was the receptionist are fucking rude pricks, one of them I knew their daughter (I hate that bitch) and I wasn’t willing to willingly open a potentially awkward ass situation like that.
Now I had sores to add to my symptoms, like raw skin on my labia, the hood of my clit and yes they burned and hurt but mostly when touched faintly when left alone. I was so sure I had herpes, I would be only every subreddit related to herpes, reading my exact symptoms, seeing outbreaks that strongly resembled what I had. I even a few times would post the pics of the sores and would always get a handful of comments telling me that they looked concerning and I should get them swabbed ASAP and a few saying they were nothing concerning. A couple times I had burning pee, but I honestly can’t remember if this was before or after the sores started to appear. I’m a working student who has no car so it’s not rlly the easiest thing for me to find time to go to a walk in and get swabbed and honestly the sores wouldn’t last longer than a week and they mostly seemed to occur right before my period, clear up with it only to appear a few days after. The itching and tingling were almost always there with maybe an occasional day of relief. I would take pics of almost every numb and sore that was irritating so I could bring to my appointments, at the 6 week mark, I tested again at the same walk in and everything was negative, I showed the doctor the pics I took and she said they don’t look like anything concerning as in herpes. Every time I got a chance to go to the doctor it would always be when I didn’t have a sore which was really unfortunate
Doctors rlly operate off their OPINIONS so I booked an appt w my university clinic and unfortunately, again, I had no sores to swab and I just had my red sores and bump pictures to show and my symptoms. This doctor was male so I won’t necessarily say I held him opinion in low regard but he almost seemed like uncomfortable? Idk
When I say I convinced myself I had herpes in telling u I was doing everything, lysine, diet changes, all of it. My symptoms and sores/bumps were soooooo fucking similar to everything I was seeing. Nothing rlly was alleviating my turmoil long term so I rlly thought I was one of those ppl who just had a bad case.
At this point I had sworn off sex, I was going to go celibate and never date for the rest of my life and was rlly working towards just making myself as comfortable as possible, scanning subreddits for advice, literally doing everything ever recommended with rlly not much luck. I was rlly hanging on to the “it gets better” that everyone was swearing by.
Over the months I’ve debated texting him and asking him to actually get tested just so I’m aware of his status but I literally can’t because there’s a no contact order unless there’s a lawyer involved, although this order applies to him, I believe I can’t initiate contact because him responding would equal him breaking the order (I reported the rape).
I spent my birthday crying and scratching and sleeping cause that was the only time I wasn’t thinking about it.
I tried everything, no underwear, loose clothing, changing soaps, more water, more exercise, more sleep, no stress (lol this was impossible), no certain foods, EVRYTHINGGGG, by now I had the nerve pain, the shocks, the zap, I had it all over my lower body sometimes upper. Numbness was there, as well as the static ans pins and needles
I had no idea what the “normal” state of my vagina was like. It was like my memory b4 December of that area was wiped. Discomfort was my new normal. I also couldn’t rmr what my discharge was like, during this time I experienced diff types, thick white discharge, watery, it was hard to track. My vaginal smell also got stronger, not a bad smell but the smell was STRONGER. Like immediately I took of my panties I could smell my vagina another symptom I had read about
Last week, I had sores and bumps that itched and burned outside of the “prodrome symptoms” I reg experienced and begged my boss to let me leave work early to go to the same walk in clinic I needed her to say yes bc I FINALLY had sores to swab.
I once again did a full panel STI test (this was my third time, I went again at the 3 month mark before this) blood, urine, and this time, a swab.
She said for sure there were bumps but she didn’t see any ulcers but she’d swab for both yeast and HSV. She asked me if I wanted to b on anti virals while waiting for the results and immediately I said yes (I had basically accepted it at this point and was working on just coping and I was looking at this appointment being final confirmation for me) and she advised me to drink lots of water and gave me the valacyclivir prescription.
Taking the prescription brought zero relief to my symptoms. Again, I thought I was one of those w people who had a bad case and was gonna finish the 10 days and wait till I got the results back before taking any other action.
Finally, this week I was called in bc my results came in. I came to the appt w the mindset that was finally gonna get the type of HSV and was gonna let her know that I wanted to try gabapentin and a diff antiviral.
GUYS. It was negative. BUT YEAST WAS DETECTED. My jaw DROPPED. I was so floored. I was prescribed clotrimazole but I haven’t even bought it yet cause I’m broke tn lol. But listen, when I say my symptoms basically disappeared overnight without it… I’m not kidding. Everything suddenly HALTED like EVERYTHING. All of it was psychological, and yeast (I’m still picking up the script when I get paid)
This experience did also educated me on HSV, the stigma, the experiences others have had, those who had it transmitted to them intentionally or carelessly, the immune system, healthy lifestyles, so in a way…I’m kinda grateful? HSV stigma needs to end. More ppl need to b educated on this it’s honestly disheartening knowing I knew virtually nothing about an infection as common as herpes. I used to think oral was the least riskiest sexual act but now idk if I could ever again knowing what I know now, and most people will never know their status if they’re carriers of the virus. Even now I’m not sure if I can ever have sex or date ever again but that’s not bc of the HSV. My point? Don’t assume, get swabbed, no matter what anybody says or what you think, looking back the alcohol probably flared up the yeast.
submitted by throwawayplsjusthelp to Herpes [link] [comments]