Coital alignment pics

Historical photos of what it was then, and what it is now

2011.06.17 21:06 slowdrip Historical photos of what it was then, and what it is now

This subreddit is for shots of historical photos that show an old photo and comparison photo of today.

2024.05.19 01:44 Straight_Flan_8087 QC : Rolex submariner 116610LV VSF

QC : Rolex submariner 116610LV VSF
1 - Dealer : lili 2 - factory : VSF 3 - Model name : Rolex 116610LV VSF DD3135 4 - Price : 2400 cmn + custom card 100 cmn + rubber b white strap : 400 cmn + shipping france : 210 cmn 5 - Album link : 6 - Index alignement : looks to me 7 - Dial printing : looks good too 8 - Date wheel alignement : looks ok 9 - Hand alignement : IDK 10 - Bezel : looks ok 11 - Solid end links : I guess ok 12 - Timegrapher number : perfect for me 13 - Lum pic : excellent
What do you think about ? GL ?
submitted by Straight_Flan_8087 to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:12 rickymargot (ps4) h: pic w: apparel or enclave mod (reflex & aligned automatic barrel)

(ps4) h: pic w: apparel or enclave mod (reflex & aligned automatic barrel) submitted by rickymargot to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:45 rickymargot (ps4) h: pic w: apparel or enclave mod (reflex & aligned automatic barrel)

(ps4) h: pic w: apparel or enclave mod (reflex & aligned automatic barrel) submitted by rickymargot to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:07 Therussiangoy [QC] - Need help with first rep - GMF Tungsten YG Day-Date 40

Hello guys! This is my first rep experience and I decided to make myself a graduation present in form of a YG 40mm GMF Day-Date with a green dial. I would really appreciate any help with the QC, I am usually not too good with details and can miss something VERY obvious.
Dealer name: Andiot Watches (Elliot)
  1. Factory name: GMF
  2. Model name (& version number): Day-Date 40 YG with green dial (ref: 228238)
  3. Price Paid: $490 (+$30 shipping)
  4. Album Links:
  5. Index alignment: They look fine by me, but in the QC website circle, the 10, 11 and 12 indices are slightly skewed to the left. Might also be due to the watch in the photo being angled a bit to the left (as visible from pic #1 on Imgur)
  6. Dial Printing: Looks good
  7. Date Wheel alignment/printing: Looks good and works properly as shown in a QC video
  8. Hand Alignment: Not sure
  9. Bezel: Looks good
  10. Solid End Links (SELs): Not sure
  11. Timegrapher numbers: +1s/d; 295 AMP; 0.0ms beat error; ( )
  12. Anything else you notice: The day print location isn't perfect, but from I've seen on forums this is normal and reps can rarely get it right. If in my case it's worse than usual, please tell me, as well as if there's anything else.
submitted by Therussiangoy to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:39 Pesho_T Herringbone Laminate - Advice on misalignment

Herringbone Laminate - Advice on misalignment
Hi all,
We're laying down some laminate ourselves, in herringbone pattern.
We're doing our entire downstairs, and were planning to go continuous throughout, with no sills in doorways. Here's a rough floor plan, front of the property is on the top. The blue arrows note the start and direction, red is where the pattern splits and green is where it joins again.
Been going very well so far - pattern's ended up as we want it, and running parallel to the walls and furniture. However I got to the point where it all joins and it doesn't align - there's a 1-2mm discrepancy. Pic follows.
The blue line is where they come together, and planks 1, 2 and 3 don't align. 1 is slightly too long and doesn't come down on 3 when 1 it's properly aligned with the plank to the right (out of frame). The plank 2 comes too short so when 4 and 5 are down, there's a gap between 2 and 4.
I can think of two options here:
  1. Fortunately the blue line is also the door way, so we could scrap the "no sills" rule and make the planks align everywhere on either side so they're nice and tight.
  2. Can trim the end of 1 and the planks that follow on, and make the gap good with laminate gap filler. Fortunately the proximity of the wall means there'll only be two of these gaps to deal with, and about 4 planks to adapt.
inb4 all the "it's skew to the right, undo it, start again and they will align when that's sorted" - I wish I could. The short edges are glued together following the manufacturer's instructions.
Are there any other options?
I feel like number 1 is the sensible thing to do, but we really wanted to not have any sills in doorways.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Pesho_T to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:27 Legal-Speed9010 QC VSF Yachtmaster

QC VSF Yachtmaster
  1. Dealer: Sead1999
  2. Factory: VSF
  3. YM
  4. Price Paid: $499
  5. Album Link: pics attached won’t load
  6. Index alignment: looks good
  7. Dial printing: Looks good
  8. Date wheel Alignment: looks good
  9. Hand alignment: ok 10: Bezel: seems good 11: SEL: ok not great
Any help is appreciated
submitted by Legal-Speed9010 to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:03 borla78 This morning was a beautiful morning to wait in the Kasama breakfast line.

This morning was a beautiful morning to wait in the Kasama breakfast line.
Kasama has been on my list to try for a long time. I live too far out of the city for it to be convenient, and I’m usually not keen on the idea of waking up super early to stand in line. However, today was a perfect storm of circumstances. I had to drop someone at Midway early this morning. At midday I had an appointment in River North. It was an absolutely beautiful morning out. So after the airport run I headed towards the Ukrainian Village. I was just in time to get street parking on the block Kasama was on and jumped in line about 8:05.
Attached are pics of the line when I got there, the line when I got to the door, some pastries, and the breakfast sandwich I got (longanisa sausage, egg, cheese, and hashbrown).
The line moved reasonably well, I got in about 9:40. Service was friendly and I sat solo at the bar. The breakfast sandwich lived up to the hype, it was one of the best I’ve had. The only one that comes to mind that rivals it is what I’ve had at Honeybear Cafe, but to be fair those monstrosities are about 3 meals in one and are aiming at an entirely different niche. The Kasama sandwich would travel well for carry out, and is just right for a filling, but not too heavy, breakfast. I’d definitely visit again, but unless it was for a group experience to sit down and try different things and get mimosas, I’d likely opt for carry out. But on a day like today, where all the stars aligned, I am super happy I tried it.
submitted by borla78 to chicagofood [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:05 Independent_Market13 Swipe to delete functionality in a section list using RNGH Issue

Hey all,
I have a sectionlist with notifications and would like to have each row in a section be capable of swiping to delete. I have implemented the swipe to delete functionality but the issue I am facing now is that everytime I scroll down the sectionlist and a pan gesture is active on one of the rows, I cannot scrolling becomes disabled. Can anyone with experience guide me on this ? Happy to learn :)
import React,{useState,useEffect, useRef} from "react"; import { View , Text, StyleSheet, Modal, Button, TouchableOpacity,SectionList} from "react-native"; import {useSelector} from "react-redux"; import { NotificationLikeStack } from "../../components/Stacks/NotificationStacks/NotificationLikeStack"; import { NotificationCommentStack } from "../../components/Stacks/NotificationStacks/NotificationCommentStack"; import { fetchDocs, doDocsExist,deleteDocsFromDB,addDocsToDB, addDocToDB, addDocsWithDifferenDataToDB, fetchData } from "../../firebase/firestoreDB"; import { bottomPopUpMessage } from "../../constants"; import HorizontalScrollButton from "../../components/HorizontalScrollButton/HorizontalScrollButton"; import { Divider } from "@ui-kitten/components"; import { NotificationFollowersStack } from "../../components/Stacks/NotificationStacks/NotificationFollowersStack"; import { isToday } from "../../constants"; import { set } from "firebase/database"; import { handleSendPushNotification } from "../../constants"; import uuid from "react-native-uuid"; import * as Linking from 'expo-linking'; import { FlatList, ScrollView, } from "react-native-gesture-handler"; const NotifcationScreen = ({navigation, route}) => { const [notifications, setNotifications] = useState([]) const [filteredNotifications, setFilteredNotifications] = useState([notifications]) const buttons = ['All', 'Likes', 'Comments', 'Followers'] const [selectedButton, setSelectedButton] = useState(null) const userinfo = useSelector((state) => state.auth.userInfo) const [email, setEmail] = useState(userinfo?.email) const [filterButtonPressed, setFilterButtonPressed] = useState(false) const [usersBeingFollowed, setUsersBeingFollowed] = useState([]) const [hasPressedFollowButton, setHasPressedFollowButton] = useState(false) const LinkingUrl = Linking.useURL(); const sectionListRef = useRef(null) const [isScrollEnabled, setIsScrollEnabled] = useState(true) // const section = notifications ? [ // { // title: 'Likes', // data: notifications.filter((notification) => notification.type === 'like') // }, // { // title: 'Comments', // data: notifications.filter((notification) => notification.type === 'comment') // }, // { // title: 'Followers', // data: notifications.filter((notification) => notification.type === 'follow') // } // ] : [] const section = notifications ? [ { title: 'Today', data: !filterButtonPressed ? notifications.filter( (notification) => isToday(notification.createdAt) ) : filteredNotifications.filter( (notification) => isToday(notification.createdAt)), }, { title: 'Older', data: !filterButtonPressed ? notifications.filter( (notification) => !isToday(notification.createdAt) ) : filteredNotifications.filter( (notification) => !isToday(notification.createdAt)), } ] : []; const fetchNotifications = async () => { const path = `users/${email}/notifications` const response = await fetchDocs(path) if (response.success){ setNotifications(response.fetchedDocs.reverse()) } else{ bottomPopUpMessage(response) } } const renderItem = ({ item }) => { if (item.type === 'like'){ return (  { navigation.navigate("HomeScreen", item.params) }}/> ) } else if (item.type === 'comment'){ return ( item.params.type === "polls" ?  navigation.navigate("HomeScreen",item.params) }/> :  { navigation.navigate("HomeScreen", item.params) }}/> ) } else if (item.type === 'follow'){ const isFollowing = usersBeingFollowed.includes(item.followID) return (  { onPressFollow(item, isFollowing) } } onPressed={async () => { const params = await redirectedProfileHandler(item.followID) navigation.navigate("Profile", params) }} /> ) } } useEffect(() => { fetchNotifications() }, []) //console.log(notifications) return (       item + index} renderItem={({item}) => renderItem({item})} renderSectionHeader={({section: {title, data}}) => { if ( data.length === 0) { return null; // Don't render the header if there are no likes } return {title}; }} scrollEnabled={isScrollEnabled} ref={sectionListRef} style={{}} />   ) } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: 'white', //marginHorizontal: 0 //marginHorizontal: 16, }, header: { fontSize: 20, fontWeight: 'bold', //backgroundColor: '#fff', margin:20, }, }) export default NotifcationScreen; import React from 'react'; import { View, Text, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity} from 'react-native'; import { Image } from 'expo-image'; import { ImageDict } from '../../../constants'; import { CustomButtons } from '../../buttons/Buttons'; import { handleTimePosted } from '../../../constants'; import { Ionicons } from '@expo/vector-icons'; import { Gesture, GestureDetector } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; import Animated,{ runOnJS, useAnimatedStyle, withSpring, useSharedValue} from 'react-native-reanimated'; export const NotificationFollowersStack = ({imageExtraStyle, notification, isFollowing, onPressFollowButton, onPressed }) => { const profilePic = notification.profilePic ? notification.profilePic : ImageDict.user const translateX = useSharedValue(0); const animatedStyles = useAnimatedStyle(() => ({ transform: [{ translateX: withSpring(translateX.value) }], })); const gesture = Gesture.Pan(). onBegin(() => { console.log(translateX.value); }). onChange((event) => { if (event.translationX < 0){ translateX.value = -50; } if (event.translationX > 0){ translateX.value = 0; } //translateX.value = event.translationX; }). onFinalize(() => { console.log(translateX.value); //translateX.value = withSpring(10); }) const onPressOptionsClose = () => { set } return (       {notification.userhandle} {notification.title}  {handleTimePosted(notification.createdAt)}   {!isFollowing ?  :  }           ) } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flexDirection: 'row', //alignItems:'center', justifyContent:'space-between', backgroundColor: 'white', width: '100%', padding: 20, zIndex: 1, //margin: 20, }, textStackContainer: { justifyContent: 'center', //backgroundColor: 'yellow', flex: 1, paddingLeft: 10, paddingRight: 10, //padding: 10 //alignItems: 'center', }, profileImageStyles: { height:50, width:50, borderRadius:25, }, deleteStyles:{ position: 'absolute', right: 0, left: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'flex-start', //bottom: 10, zIndex: 0, justifyContent:'center', backgroundColor:'red', paddingRight: 0, }, imageStyles: { height:50, width:50, borderRadius:5, }, userhandle: { fontWeight: 'bold', }, timeStyle: { color:'grey', marginTop: 5, //marginLeft:10 }, followButtonStyle: { backgroundColor: '#FF6657', width: 80, height: 40, borderRadius: 10, }, }) 
submitted by Independent_Market13 to reactnative [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:01 geninchuni Second try 3KF Nautilus 5711 white dial

Second try 3KF Nautilus 5711 white dial
QC Pics
QC Video
Lume Video
Timegrapher Video
This is the second try, the first try I RL'd because the date window was crooked. I received the QC the next day after purchase so, I think someone else RL'd it before me.
  1. Dealer name - Mirotime
  2. Factory name - 3KF
  3. Model name - Patek Phillipe 5711 Nautilus white dial
  4. Index alignment - The left baton at 12 looks counter clockwise crooked, but I think this will not be an issue IRL
  5. Date Wheel alignment - The date window looks shifted to the right, It is now straight though.
  6. Bezel - N/A
  7. Solid End Links (SEL) - N/A
  8. Hand alignment - Looks good
  9. Dial Printing - The minute 8 dot looks bigger than the rest in some pictures. But I think this is an illusion caused by the dial texture.
  10. Timegrapher numbers - Acceptable Rate: -1 s/d; Amplitude: 242; Beat Error: 0.0ms
  11. Anything else you see - The shifted date window doesn't bother me as much as the crooked one. I'm tempted to GL because this is the second try. What do you guys think?
submitted by geninchuni to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:09 Technical_Stable3492 VSF Omega Seamaster 300 Heritage QC Help Please

VSF Omega Seamaster 300 Heritage QC Help Please
Hi All - First rep. Any help is much appreciated. My main concern is the alignment since I struggled a bit with the tool. Thanks!
  1. Dealer name: The One Watches
  2. Factory name: VSF
  3. Model name (& version number): Omega Seamaster 300 Heritage
  4. Price Paid: $370
  5. Album Links:pics in post
  6. Index alignment: looks ok - I think some user error in using the tool - if a pro can help me verify that would be great
  7. Dial Printing: good
  8. Date Wheel alignment/printing: N/A
  9. Hand Alignment: looks fine
  10. Bezel: looks fine
  11. Solid End Links (SELs): N/A
  12. Timegrapher numbers: all within acceptable levels. +8 s/d, amp 280, 0.0ms
  13. Anything else you notice: should I ask for a lume pic ? Thank you
submitted by Technical_Stable3492 to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:49 ABEKingOfSausage celebration op qc

celebration op qc
  1. Dealer name: theonewatches
  2. Factory name: clean
  3. Model name (& version number): Oyster Perpetual 124300 41mm SS/SS Celebration Dial Clean VR3230
  4. Price Paid: $488 USD
  5. Album Links:
  6. Index alignment: looks a little off but the original pic is canted too,
  7. Dial Printing: colors seem good, no bleed
  8. Date Wheel alignment/printing: i see no issues
  9. Hand Alignment: no issues as well
  10. Bezel: looks fine to me, not the rolled condom you usually see
  11. Solid End Links (SELs): gaps look tight
  12. Timegrapher numbers: +1 and 298 seem in spec, am i reading this right? I'm not a technical guy by any means
  13. Anything else you notice: I think I'm good, unless anyone sees anything off.
thanks for the help and look, sorry about the last post i didn't have access to a laptop or PC, using a friends now. No excuse i know, and for that i apologize. thanks again all
submitted by ABEKingOfSausage to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:11 Source_Open Door stopping after about 12”

My wife opened the garage door at our new house while the back hatch on our SUV was open. The pull cord got caught on the hatch and disconnected the trolly. After that she tried to run the garage door opener a few times before realizing what happened and also manually opened the garage door to remove our vehicle. I wasn’t present so that’s all the info I have on what happened.
When I arrived I reconnected the door to the trolly in the up position and activated the garage opener to let the door back down. When I tried to open the door with the opener it stopped about 12” off the ground.
I’m a bit stumped as it doesn’t appear anything is broken and the door was working fine before it got disconnected from the trolly. Any advice on what to try would be greatly appreciated. I don’t know anything about garage doors so if I need to reprogram the thing I will need to deep dive into the manual.
Thank you 🙏🏻
submitted by Source_Open to GarageDoorService [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 10:16 Ok_Worldliness4796 [QC] Richard Mille RM35-02 T+ Factory

[QC] Richard Mille RM35-02 T+ Factory
  1. Dealer name: necoclock
  2. Factory name: T+ Factory
  3. Model name (& version number): Richard Mille RM35-02 T+ Factory
  4. Price Paid: $728
  5. Album Links:
  6. Index alignment: looks good
  7. Dial Printing: Looks good/ok for the small text, but there isn’t really a dial
  8. Date Wheel alignment/printing: N/A
  9. Hand Alignment: Unable to tell given the pics in the QC album.
  10. Bezel: Richard Mille says this watch doesn't need a bezel.
  11. Solid End Links (SELs): NA
  12. Timegrapher numbers: 0s/d,297, Looks okay.
  13. Anything else you notice? No, just asking for more pics of the case back. Someone told me the watch on the timegraph is not the same as the one in photos.
Thanks for your help.
submitted by Ok_Worldliness4796 to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:12 henrybuyssie First electric guitar has damage + misaligned volume buttons

Hi guys,
I just bought my first electric guitar (new), a LP7 Sire Black and I am very stoked! I did notice 2 issues though. One of my tone-buttons (last pic) has a little bit of damage and my volume buttons are not aligned correctly (first two pics).
Is this something that should be expected from a mass-produced guitar or should I contact the store or should I just bring it to a luthier to get it fixed?
Thanks for any recommendations!
submitted by henrybuyssie to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:29 crys4202 Allison Jr. Help!

Allison Jr. Help!
The left front roof is not lining up and there is a large gap. Did anybody else run into this issue and how did you go about assembling? As you can see in the pictures, there’s an 1/8 inch gap whether I line it up to the side of the tower or outside of the roof. Also, you can see that the thickness at the top of the left front roof piece does not match the side roof thickness. I’ve included a pic of the tower so you can see that it is properly aligned and there shouldn’t be room for that much of a gap.
submitted by crys4202 to Dollhouses [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:35 fattacus Adding disc tab to carver mtb fork

Adding disc tab to carver mtb fork
I have a carver mtb fork for my 1” steerer Klein fervor that I was thinking about adding a disc tab. My coworker is an excellent welder and would attach it for me but I figure I should supply some guidance as to alignment. I was hoping to clamp down on the rotor for a basic alignment that he could tack into place, but I’m uncertain how far on rotor the pad should sit. In the attached pic I have good coverage of the rotor but the tab sticks a little down on the drop out. Reducing rotor coverage pushes the tab up the fork. Am I overthinking this?
submitted by fattacus to Framebuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:06 Neat_Wonder_7192 [PS4] H: Weaps W: Apparel

[PS4] H: Weaps W: Apparel submitted by Neat_Wonder_7192 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:22 theGoodN00dle Do my teeth look ready?

Do my teeth look ready?
My orthodontist said I will have one more appointment in June and then get them off after that.. but my bottom arch doesn’t look perfectly aligned (pic 4).. am I nitpicking or do they look fine?
I had double jaw surgery to correct my severe overjet about 4.5 months ago, and he said my bite fits so well together now (see pic 2) that he doesn’t want to really move my teeth from their current position. I think they look really good from the front but the fact that they aren’t perfectly aligned on the bottom is kind of bothering me, but I also can’t tell if I’m being too much of a perfectionist. He hasn’t touched my bottom teeth or replaced the wire since the week before my surgery
submitted by theGoodN00dle to braces [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:19 GilmourD Need help finding a part: '16 GT/CS grille pony w/ full mount

Need help finding a part: '16 GT/CS grille pony w/ full mount
Got a 2016 California Special recently and, for whatever reason, one of the previous owners removed all the badging specific to the GT/CS. I really want to put the tribar pony back on the grille but the options are either buy the whole grille for $800 (part #GR3Z-8200-AC) or find somebody that removed theirs. You CAN get just the pony (part #GR3Z-8A224-BA) but there's another piece that's NOT sold as a separate component at all, which you'll see in the attached pics (captions on the pics, BTW).
Anybody have any leads? I'd really like to have the pony back on the grille.
You can see the \"plinthe\" as I've seen some call it on the grille in this picture. The separate pony I linked to attaches to that with double-sided tape and has two alignment pins while this piece has three pins that attach to three holes in the grille itself.
You can see the two alignment pins from the pony itself through the black piece here. The black piece is the part I'm having the most trouble finding.
submitted by GilmourD to Mustang [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:16 ThrowRA654987123 44M 40F / How do I interpret the behavior and move forward given the interpretation?

Need Reddit's help!
GF of 3.5 years sat me down a few months ago after a short break whereby she blocked me explaining she didn't feel prioritized. I tried hard after she unblocked me to reconnect and we agreed there was a misunderstanding resulting in her feeling hurt. I apologized and asked what is needed to prevent such an occurrence (she was in NP school for last 3 years and was stressed). To be clear, her hurt feelings was from her perception / not something I did.
2 months later we are slowly getting back to where we were. We're both communicating better. I feel and think I've made a much bigger effort than her these days but am OK with it given her feeling were hurt and her behavior was reactionary.
Last week I did several things to prioritize her: invited her out with a friend of mine that's usually just the two of us (we catch up every 2 weeks alone). I made her a very nice home cooked dinner at home for graduation (she just graduated NP school), took her out for another dinner for graduation (just the two of us), bought her a couple of gifts, and sent her pictures of her graduation day to her so she can send to her family that couldn't attend (I was on business travel and had to set aside time to stream it, take pics, edit, and send - not major but thoughtful of her family since no one else was going to do that her).
This week, I bought her groceries twice and stopped by her place after I dropped by kids off at school (I'm divorced with 2 young children / she's divorced no kids) 3 out of 4 days (I offered and she wanted).
Last night, we spoke around 11pm and decided I'd come over for breakfast and we'd figure out our plans for the day together, which included a scheduling our trips together for the rest of the year (read: me prioritizing her). 8.30 am she calls me asking if I'm coming over (I was on my way). She tells me she' leaving to go to Whistler to ski by herself for the day. I was like wtf?
She deflected alot saying I was attacking her (a common refrain) when I express disappointment or hurt by her behavior. She eventually apologize but left for the trip saying we'll plan stuff when she returns the next day. However, she knew the next several days weren't possible. When I realized that later, we were in the middle figuring out when we're going to make these long awaited plans but she crossed the boarder, her call dropped (she was aware it was going to) and that was that. She could purchase a mint pass for 5 bucks to call me back but hasn't.
I can't reconcile her words, saying she wants to marry me and she loves me and needs to be prioritized, with her behavior (unilaterally making plans / cancelling on me last minute without discussing it) or just going about her day without thinking of me or my schedule.
How do I interpret her behavior and what should I do about this? I'm very frustrated, hurt, and don't want to be back in a prior relationship where I was giving and didn't get much in return.
[edit] Someone mentioned they hope they are getting the "full reality". I suppose that means the other side.
She has said she asked to marry me 3x and I didn't immediately say yes (my response with aligned behavior was that I take time to get to know someone, especially given we met during lock down, our lives have had a lot going on, and i have two young children which I want to slowly introduce them to her - which I have increasingly done so). So I've been slow to commit but always consistent and moving in the right direction, while expressing my intentions and feelings. So she'll criticize / be unhappy with me for that and while I own that, I don't think it's unreasonable because a) I'm not rejecting her but finding a speed by which we compromise and 2) always listening and incorporating her needs when expressed (they are not often - she says she doesn't want to be needy). Hat tip to the person who said she's a bad communicator!
submitted by ThrowRA654987123 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:22 Chad-Chaney H: pic (I have aligned auto mod, calibrated capacitor, forceful stock or precise stock, but don’t have a reflex sight. I know not having one is gonna hurt the value some and the second star isn’t the best. w: price check if I would add mods

H: pic (I have aligned auto mod, calibrated capacitor, forceful stock or precise stock, but don’t have a reflex sight. I know not having one is gonna hurt the value some and the second star isn’t the best. w: price check if I would add mods submitted by Chad-Chaney to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:20 Ordernumberis69 First timer, seeking advice

First timer, seeking advice
Hi all, This was my first time making bread at home, and it turned out like this. While the top and bottom looked good, I found the cross section to be a little weird. (Pic 1)
Recipe I used - 1. Mix salt, little sugar and yeast in mild hot water. (Eye measurement, but mostly 1 teaspoon) 2. Mix bread flour in it and prepare dough (mixed flour till it went from sticky to manageable) 3. Waited 2 hours, yeast did not work tbh the dough looked almost the same(?) 4. Added minced garlic and some Spices on too of the dough and aligned it in the shape 5. Baked in over for about 10+5+5 mins at 360F
This is my first time baking (yes, first time baking anything haha). Throw some witty comments and great advice on how I can improve in my next try.
submitted by Ordernumberis69 to Breadit [link] [comments]