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AITAH for my "scorched earth" intervention methods against my ex after she became a religious zealot?

2024.05.19 00:08 Nearby-Highlight-115 AITAH for my "scorched earth" intervention methods against my ex after she became a religious zealot?

For context, this story happened nearly 3 years ago, however a recent late-night conversation with a friend made it clear to me that the repercussions of this incident are still being felt to this day.
I (25M) met my now-ex girlfriend (25F), whom I will be assigning the fake name "Anne," when we were both 17 at our small town high school in semi-rural Georgia. Our romantic relationship began following our senior prom which we attended together. Despite our approaching high school graduations, the two of us decided that we could make our relationship work beyond high school and into college since we would both be attending different universities in the same city. We each grew up in typical southern protestant traditions and casually held onto some sort of religious beliefs. I, myself, have always identified religiously as something of a deist, meaning I believed (and still do to this day) that some sort of higher entity, force, or meaning was responsible for existence. Anne, at that time, would have self-identified as a Christian and attended church semi-regularly, however it was never a significant part of her life or attitude toward the world.
Shortly after we both began our new lives as college students in an unfamiliar city, Anne expressed that she would like to search for a new church to attend regularly as it helped create a sense of community and belonging for her which she had been missing since moving away from home. I strongly encouraged this, since I wanted her to be able to make friends and discover herself philosophically. The church that caught her attention was a non-denominational "modern" church that seemed to emphasize community at least on a surface level basis. However, out of curiosity, I took a look at the church's website and did notice a few mentions of "Pentecostal experience", which worried me since my only knowledge of Pentecostals was rumors of snake handling, especially in the more rural areas of the South. However, I chose to not be too judgmental upfront and continued to encourage her to find herself and meet new people.
Over the next few months, Anne started to spend more and more time devoted to bible studies and attending gatherings for women at the church. She specifically asked me not to accompany her on Sunday services since, as she put it, the elder members of the church would not act too kindly about unmarried woman "dragging around" some unfamiliar man who was not her husband. It became clear pretty quickly that she was becoming more than just a casual Christian and I supported this, however we did not talk much about the specifics of what she was being taught at this church.
This all came to a head when one night, Anne asked me if she could pray over me in something she called a "spiritual language." Having only ever heard vaguely of speaking in tongues, I obliged. I sat next to her on my couch and watched as she raised one hand and began quietly chanting in complete gibberish. My heart immediately sank in discomfort and fear but I was too stunned to do anything. so I just sat and watched for several minutes until she finally went quiet. All I could do or say was tell her that I appreciated her thoughtfulness and went about my day.
Pretty soon, the behaviors and acts became more and more extreme. Her "tongues" became louder and more intense and began to include violent shakes and lots (and I mean LOTS) of crying. She spoke of seeing "signs" and hearing "the voice of God" in a very literal sense. Her grades in college even began to suffer as more and more of her time was devoted to these newfound beliefs. Naturally, I became extremely worried that she was slowly slipping into some sort of paranoid delusional psychosis. At the very least, these teachings made her into a much angrier and more paranoid person. It was clear that her new beliefs were more than just a spiritual awakening but also a nose-dive into a mental health crisis.
Our relationship, at this point, was very clearly waning but my feelings toward the woman I once knew were still strong. I decided that it was time for an intervention of sorts. This resulted in me spending a whole weekend studying Pentecostal beliefs and reading Reddit stories from ex-Pentecostals about what it took to break them out of their conditioning. It was on a Monday night when I invited her over to my apartment to confront her about how the things her church were teaching her were actively harming her and even presented her with evidence of how these churches prey on mentally unwell people and how "speaking in tongues" was nothing more than an experience in her own brain chemicals. While I had hoped that hearing her new beliefs be directly confronted would help break the spell they had on her, it seemed to have no effect. Surprisingly, she did not fight back or show much anger toward my confrontation, instead resorting to the "please respect my beliefs" argument that made it so hard to push back against, since, at this time, I was still concerned about preserving our relationship.
Unfortunately, things only got worse from here. I spent some time trying to ignore the issue for the sake of the relationship, especially because I did not sense that I had many other romantic options given my shy nature and struggles to make new friends at college. However, my new "ignorance is bliss" approach to our relationship did not last long. At this point, we had been together for about 3 years and the conversation of marriage and kids started to become serious. I have always wanted kids since I come from a large family with many siblings, which Anne seemingly was excited about as well. However, after a pleasant conversation in which we fantasized about what we would name our children, she said something that sparked an anger in me that I did not often feel. She told me that if any of our future children came out to us as gay, lesbian, bi, transgender, or anything like that, that we would have to disown that child at all costs and that she could not love her child knowing that they were a "sodomite" (her words). I have always considered myself an ally of LGBTQ+ folks and wouldn't think twice about loving my children any less if they came out to me and have always felt this way. I did not say much in the moment out of pure shock and instead steered the conversation elsewhere while I quietly boiled over in anger over this comment.
Here is where the title of this post comes into play and where my role in this interaction enters a grey area. I spent several days unable to let this anger subside while imagining my own perspective children being thrown to the streets for bravely coming out to their own parents. I decided that another intervention was necessary, except this time I didn't want to be ignored. I came up with a plan that I referred to as a "scorched earth" intervention. Over the course of an evening, I began texting, calling, or messaging almost every person that Anne was close to. This included family, friends, past friends, classmates, and even some plain old acquaintances. I needed her paranoid and hateful beliefs to be confronted by more than just myself and hoped that if everyone important to her also expressed concern; that she would separate herself from this church and seek proper mental health counseling.
The responses I received from Anne's friends and family ranged significantly. Some people, including her mother whom I was close with, asked that I not try to "insert myself between Anne and God". Some friends agreed with me wholeheartedly and would reach out to Anne over text or in person to try and offer help. Some people met me with total apathy. Unsurprisingly, once Anne found out what I did, she broke things off over a brief but highly emotional phone call. She told me that I had embarrassed her and that supposedly God was telling her I wasn't the man she was supposed to marry. It did not hurt too bad since I was anticipating the end of this relationship for a while. The effects of my approach seemingly had lasting impacts on many of her relationships, however. At least one longtime friendship had ended because the friend was appalled by Anne's new paranoid beliefs. It was also unsuccessful, as Anne would never seek mental health counseling. In fact, it probably pushed her further into her church crowd - only further bolstering her new delusions.
Since much time has passed, I have started to feel uncertain whether or not I did the right thing in trying to have all of Anne's friends and family confront her about her extreme beliefs. At the time, I felt that I was justified and doing the right thing by trying to encourage a clearly delusion person to seek mental health counseling by any means necessary. Now, I am able to realize that I acted out of anger and permanently damaged how some of her oldest friends view her. I also realize that I acted immaturely and probably should not have tried to bring in every person close to Anne to fight a battle on my behalf.
Nowadays, Anne is still with that church and regularly posts on Facebook all sorts of whacky spiritual conspiracies. She is still very clearly paranoid and delusional all while putting on a facade of normalcy. I just pity her for living in a constant state of paranoia at this point. She even works full time with the church as a "worship leader," although I am not sure what exactly that means. She actually got married about a year after the relationship ended to a man she met at her church. They met, got engaged, and married all within 12 months. Thankfully, no children have been brought into this world yet from their relationship, which is surprising to me considering how urgent it seemed to her during our relationship. I do not hear much from any friends or family of hers anymore, other than one mutual friend who told me that Anne frequently refers to me as "that demon." As for myself, I finished school and have not married but was able to finally make friends and go on dates and my future is looking bright.
So, Reddit, am I the asshole for my "scorched earth" methods towards my fanatical ex-girlfriend?
submitted by Nearby-Highlight-115 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:06 alt-to-tell-or-not88 WIBTAH if I tell our son my side of the story as to why his mother and I are not together and one big family?

For context my ex wife of nearly 10 years and I divorced around 3 years ago because we could not come to agreement with a plan of care for my mother who had dementia. I wanted to fund privately she wanted to use place her using medicaid.
Our kid is starting to ask why aren't we a family together. I explained that we are still a family and that both of us love him and will always be their for him. This is when he told me that my ex told him that the reason we are not together was because I made the choice to break our family apart to care for my mother. He did not say it like that.
I explained that my mom their grandmother is sick and that she needs extra support and care, but is does not detract from how much I love him. This is when my son told me my ex explained that grandma could go live and make friends and we could visit often.
I did my best to change the subject at that point, cause I know he is a kid looking at this from kids lens and will not understand the complexity and reasons why I refused to put my mother in a nursing home.
I know he will not understand that I would have placed my mother if it meant I could place her in a facility of my choice but my ex did not want me to limit what money our family could use. She wanted her to use Medicaid. I refuse to go down that route.
Yes, she is the primary during the divorce I did agree to let her have the house so our son can remain close to his friends and family that lives in the area. I am paying both child support and spousal support but it has a time limit. Just meant to allow her to get into the workforce.
Yes, because of those expenses I cannot afford to place her where I wish. So I am paying for homecare and yes I am staying with my mother.
I am toying with explaining my side but I doubt my kid will understand and I also do not wish to frame his mother in a negative light, even though I know I do not get the same consideration. My son already asks why I cannot come over, and yes I do tell him because I am taking care of my mom or for work. Though the real reason is she does not want me around and to be fair she knows exactly how to push my buttons and does what she can to goad me into an argument.
So I avoid going over to limit my interactions with her, not my son.
I do not think my son is old enough to understand all of this. So would I be an asshole if I tried? Should I just let it go and wait until he is older?
I know I can make a stink with the courts but even then I do not wish to put more strain on our family than need be.
Sorry forgot to add our son's age he will be 8.
submitted by alt-to-tell-or-not88 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:05 No_Advance_3856 I really dislike my 3yo right now…

We did the ABCs of parenting 6 months ago around the time this shitty (but “developmentally appropriate”) behavior began. We have stayed consistent and he’s just gotten worse. My husband wants to spank him and we’re reaching the end of our rope most days. I’m a SAHM so I get the brunt of it and by the end of most days I’m too upset, touched out and too angry from full days of my toddler mouthing off and generally being an asshole to do much else. I actually cried last night after putting him to bed because his behavior at the zoo towards the end of our visit was atrocious even with fair warning that we were about to leave. Yes. I stay calm. That’s what’s eating me up. I don’t know how to be quietly angry at my toddler without absolutely raging and screaming so my point gets across. I’m so sick and tired of being nice and having to be calm around his behaviors all day long. I sick of all of it and want it to be over so badly. I used to enjoy him so much until 3 months ago. I miss my sweet boy. He has his happy moments but I’m so stressed out and on alert because that never lasts more than 2-3 hours a day and the rest is just miserable until bedtime. I’m still loving and affectionate and trying my best everyday but I’m so incredibly burnt out and I just want to sleep. I was never a depressed person and this phase of life is dragging me into such a deep depression. I actually spent Mother’s Day crying and mostly by myself after breakfast with my husband and son - I asked them to leave. We were planning for another but I honestly cannot even fathom having to go through this mess again. Newborn to 2.5 were great, we were having fun, struggling with sleep but very happy. I had him assessed because I felt like this change was too extreme but he’s perfectly normal. That’s when we were recommended the YALE course. The pediatrician said some kids just have it worse as they transition from baby to kid and he might just be one and to just stay consistent. I’m just venting. I know the only way out is through but I hope I still like my child and myself by the time this is all over because I genuinely hate who we both are right now. 😭
submitted by No_Advance_3856 to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:05 Toasti5 JFK & endeavor air?

Dumb question but does endeavor air fly into terminal 4 at jfk since its a delta partner? Last time i took a connecting flight, terminal 2 was still a thing haha.
Got a trip in a couple weeks and just like to plan ahead. Just wanna know if ill end up having to change terminals or not.
submitted by Toasti5 to delta [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:01 djoko_25 I will meet with a girl on monday. It's not a date but I like her and I need some encouragement

About a month ago, I (25M) spoke to a girl (21F) at the gym. That same day we ended up chatting in the pool and sauna area for an hour. We've continued to see each other by chance and keep talking like the first day. I think on the fourth day, I asked for her phone number, so we texted a bit, although it seems like she responds every few hours, and in general, we've texted very little.
Last week, I texted her asking if she wanted to hang out last weekend, and she said she already had plans but we could meet next monday (it's a bank holiday).
Some details that make me think she's interested:
The thing is, I'm afraid to meet up with her and misinterpret these "signals" and cause trouble in the future. Apart from liking her, I get along really well with her, one of those people you'd hug just because. We both live in the same town, and we're going to be around for years, so if something goes wrong, we'll still see each other.
submitted by djoko_25 to love [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:59 djoko_25 Are these signs that she is into me? Not sure if I am in the friendzone or she has a crush on me

About a month ago, I (25M) spoke to a girl (21F) at the gym. That same day we ended up chatting in the pool and sauna area for an hour. We've continued to see each other by chance and keep talking like the first day. I think on the fourth day, I asked for her phone number, so we texted a bit, although it seems like she responds every few hours, and in general, we've texted very little.
Last week, I texted her asking if she wanted to hang out last weekend, and she said she already had plans but we could meet next monday (it's a bank holiday).
Some details that make me think she's interested:
The thing is, I'm afraid to meet up with her and misinterpret these "signals" and cause trouble in the future. Apart from liking her, I get along really well with her, one of those people you'd hug just because. We both live in the same town, and we're going to be around for years, so if something goes wrong, we'll still see each other.
submitted by djoko_25 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:58 AustralianChrono Chronologica's Drag Race Season 6: Episode 1- Prove Your Worth

Chronologica's Drag Race Season 6: Episode 1- Prove Your Worth
In a bright yellow wig, her hair up to high heavens, and a massive black coat with a pair of matching black boots that go up to cover above the coat, Molly Moppit walks in. With a smile on her face, Molly Moppit looks up at the pink wallpaper of the room. “I want that.” Molly smirks, ripping off her coat to reveal a minidress made out of the same pink wallpaper of the werkroom. “Mopped it!”
Molly looks around at the empty room. “…and nobody here to see me stun.” She shrugs. “Pity for them!”
Molly Moppit: “I’m Molly Moppit, and I’m here to run away with the competition.” Molly winks.
“This table’s cuuute.” Molly looks over at the table, before running to a sculpture on the side of the workroom and trying to pull at the sculpture, before realizing it’s glued to the floor. “FUCK!”
Molly Moppit: “I am currently based in New Jersey, but I'm a New York staple, as well.” Molly grins. “First and foremost, I’m a NEW JERSEY DRAG QUEEN.”
“What about the…” Molly swipes at a coat hanger, tucking it behind her back.
Molly Moppit: “Being an Atlantic City Queen means being ready to do what you can to survive. It’s a cutthroat lifestyle, and that’s fine. It taught me to host, perform, serve looks, make ‘em laugh… and it’ll help me to win.”
“You saw nothing.” Molly smiles.
A lone tumbleweed rolls into the werkroom as clouds of red dust fill the entrance. There are two loud bangs, and on the far wall of the room, two bullet holes tear into the eyes of a hanging portrait of Chronologica.
Molly looks over as the portrait falls to the ground, the glass of the frame shattering loudly. When she looks back, a masked bandit stands amidst their midst, blowing smoke from his old-timey pistol. In a cowboy hat, long black jacket, beaded vest, and denim chaps, Ethan Angel-Eye glowers, his nose and mouth hidden behind a vigilante’s black bandana.
The room is silent for a long moment.
Molly Moppit: “It’s a Mexican Stand-Off. And I’m NOT talking.”
Molly and Ethan stare at each other.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “Please welcome the best performer this side of the Mississippi, your very own Apache-Dakota bandit vigilante drag king, and the only person here who actually needs to win. I’ve beaten Kaneq and Vitória in lip sync competitions, I’ve out-danced professionally trained celebs; I’m unstoppable onstage and I’m always providing that debonaire dastardly Western rogue fantasy. I’m Ethan Angel-Eye, and I’ve got my eye on this crown.”
“The fuck are you supposed to be?” Ethan asks, looking Molly up and down as he strides into the room, his voice low and gravelly.
“I’m Molly Moppit, what the fuck YOU supposed to be?” Molly raises an eyebrow.
Molly Moppit: “Are we cosplaying as ugly men this season?”
“Cute.” Ethan brushes past Molly, and then hops up on one of the werkroom tables, sinking into a menacing squat and looming over the space like a vulture.
“It’s pinker here than I thought it’d be.” Ethan glares, looking at her wallpaper look.
Molly scoffs. “Course it’s pink. Do you watch the show?”
“Do you watch the show?” Ethan parrots back, doing a crude impression of Molly’s voice. “I breathe this show.”
Ethan Angel-Eye: “I am not a pretty faerie princess, and I am not everyone’s cup of tea, but I know how to win this, in and out. Some petty little bitch isn’t getting in my way.”
“Ooooh, he’s a hater. Love.” Molly laughs, looking up at Ethan as he perches on the table. “What’s your name, my little masked bandit? Here to take some shots at me?”
“Ethan Angel-Eye.” Ethan cocks his head to the side. “My shots don’t miss.”
“Neither do mine.” Molly smirks.
Ethan looks around, as he realizes a button of his top has gone missing.
A tall, proud Indian woman struts out from the werkroom entrance, with many elaborate blue hair clips and a strikingly long blue gown which cascades in wave-like shapes behind her into a long train. She gestures broadly with her hands, emphasizing each syllable of her words as if they’re the most important thing anyone’s ever said. “WA-TER-FALL!!!!”
Niagara Halls: “New York in the HOUSE what-what!! Hey divas, it’s me, your Desi-American god-DESS of season 6, here to bring upstate pageantry and that Canadian border flair to your screens. I KNOW I’m serving as a pageant fashion icon in this entrance look, you can’t tell me otherwise. Don’t I look GORGEOUS?!”
Niagara Halls twirls, the blue gown’s long train wrapping around her feet, then swirling back out again, where it smacks Molly in the knee.
“Um, hello, waterfall woman.” Molly exclaims, pulling away to avoid being smacked again.
“Hello, hello!” Niagara Halls waves an emphatic wave to Molly and Ethan before daintily picking up her gown’s train with one hand and gently striding to sit at the werkroom table Ethan is perched on. “How are we?”
Molly reaches over and snatches a hair clip from Niagara’s hair, causing several long brown locks to tumble into Niagara’s face.
“Oh! You–” Niagara looks baffled. “So it’s gonna be THAT kind of season!”
Ethan rolls his eyes, looking decidedly down at the two girls.
Molly laughs. “No, oh my gosh! I just love these clips! Where’d you get them?”
Niagara pulls the fallen hair out of her face and clips it into another one of her clips, chuckling. “You WISH I would tell you. You could use the help with that mop!”
“MOP!” Molly bursts out laughing. “You don’t even know!”
“What’s your drag, what’s your name, who are you both? I need to know who I’m demolishing here.” Niagara smiles a huge smile, talking with her hands again.
“But where is the clips from?” Molly asks.
“I-” Niagara looks into the mirror.
“...You didn’t buy the clips?!” Molly says dramatically, putting on a gasping face. “Who did?!”
“What’s your names?” Niagara smiles awkwardly.
Niagara Halls: “My Drag Mother helped with the outfit! I don’t know!”
“I’m Molly Moppit.” Molly grins. “Atlantic City roya–”
Ethan interrupts. “Ethan Angel-Eye. And you’re Niagara Halls.”
Niagara enthusiastically tosses her hair (and all of its clips) back and forth. “I KNOW you know me, that’s right, that’s right!”
Ethan nods. “You lost Miss Toronto to Vitória Benedita.”
Niagara gasps.
Niagara Halls: “How did this MAN KNOW me?!”
Ethan Eagle-Eye: “Does no one look at reddit on their way to the season? Scope the competition out.”
A mysterious black mist seeps through the entrance of the werkroom, followed by a devilish laugh. Lokii struts in, and flips a green cape, revealing their face and leather-clad body. Golden horns, almost corrupted with black veins connected to his face, just from Lokii’s forehead. In thin black hands, Lokii holds a corrupted golden scepter and a smoke machine. She smirks, and her Londoner accent is obvious when she speaks. “I am Lokii, of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose.”
“We’re all stealing something, aren’t we?” Molly jokes.
“I don’t get it.” Niagara says.
“Loki. Marvel.” Ethan says gruffly.
“Welcome, nerd.” Molly smiles, as Lokii runs over.
Lokii blushes deep red. “Oh my gosh. Hello!”
Lokii: “I’m Lokii, and low-key? Aye, I’m pretty bloody psyched to be here! I’m 22 years old, visiting from across the pond by way of South London, and like, I’m pretty new to drag, but cosplay has been a huge part of my life since I was really young, and I’ve felt really called to take it in this new direction!”
“So are you really called Lokii? Like the Norse god?” Molly investigates every inch of Lokii’s outfit.
“The… Disney character?” Niagara ponders. “I don’t watch superhero movies.”
“They are.” Ethan flexes his ankles, looking at Lokii with an intense stare. “You’re the Tumblr cosplayer, right?”
Lokii nods, smiling. “Yeah! Loki was the first character I did in cosplay. We have a long history, he and I!”
“And so you came to Chronologica’s Drag Race dressed up in your little Marvel cosplay character!” Niagara chuckles nastily.
Lokii laughs awkwardly, making their way to the table. “Yep!”
“You look incredible, by the way.” Lokii smiles at Niagara. “This is a really beautiful garment.”
“I KNOW, baby, thank you.” Niagara smiles daggers. “You’re pretty new, right?”
Lokii looks surprised. “Oh, I–”
“JUST teasing!” Niagara laughs.
Lokii: “I have.. Not been doing drag, that long. But I have been crafting, designing and MAKING things for years. I think that’s my edge…” Lokii smiles slightly awkwardly.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “So far, the girls are…childish.”
“Wait, what’s this?” Lokii picks up a brown paper bag on one of the werkroom tables and reads something written on it in sharpie. “Barf bags…for if you gag too hard?”
Niagara makes a face. “What the fuck?”
Suddenly, in a sculpted silver one-piece with sharp ridges and bulky shoulders, a stylized mop of blonde and pink curls, super-shadowed fierce makeup and chunky black boots with chains, Lady Gag arrives. In an exact recreation of one of Lady Gaga’s looks from the 2009 VMAs, she purrs. “Dirty pony, I can’t wait to hose you down.”
Ethan makes an obvious look of disgust. Niagara stops laughing very suddenly. Molly laughs even harder.
“HEAVY METAL LOVER!” Lokii yells, before covering her mouth as if she is in fear of being too loud.
Lady Gag: “When our Lord and Saviour Gaga said ‘No matter gay, straight, or bi', lesbian, transgender life?” Lady Gaga smirks. “She was talking first and foremost about me. Are you gagging? I’m Lady Gag, foremost Gaga impersonator of Miami, Florida, and the most gag-worthy woman known to man. Mama I am known to man, if you know what I mean.”
Lady Gag strikes poses in the entrance, twisting her arms into strange shapes and cocking her head at strange angles. “Everyone, just imagine Alejandro is playing over this.”
“I’m imagining it.” Molly says, smiling and still laughing.
Niagara looks nonplussed, Ethan looks dismissive, and Lokii looks shy, but Molly warmly greets Lady Gag with a firm handshake.
“Welcome, Miss Gaga, welcome! You’re giving very 2000 and late! I’m Molly Moppit. Atlantic City roya–”
“MRS. Moppit.” Lady Gag stops her, putting a hand up. “Don’t try to read me with those smile lines and bags under your eyes. I’m 2000 and fresh off the boat if you ever saw it. You will not be coming for me on this, the day of my arrival.”
Molly’s jaw drops. She looks thrilled.
Niagara smiles softly. “You’re going to talk about her looks when you’re a copy-and-paste baby? LOVE to see a tiny little fighter.”
Niagara Halls: “The good thing about doing drag that’s literally on the Canadian-American border is that I can leave the worst of both sides behind. Canadians, watch out: I will NOT be apologizing for my shade! And I can say THIS… who the fuck is Lady Gag?”
“Your shade needs work, I think.” Lady Gag says. “It’s about as dark as midday in FLORIDA. I would know.”
Ethan’s eyes give away his smile. He sits back on the table, relaxing for the first time, to listen to the girls snip back and forth.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “I’m watching these girls, and I think, good. Let them fight. If this is the energy first day, they’re never gonna be able to focus on a challenge, and that’s perfect for me.”
“I BET you would know Florida pretty well!” Niagara shoots back. “That contour job looks pretty Florida Man to me.”
“I am a WOMAN and you will treat me with respect!” Lady Gag yells dramatically.
Niagara looks confused, almost as if she is unsure if Gag is playing into the shade or not.
Molly chuckles. “Girls, girls, oh my gosh! This is gonna be fun as fuck.”
Lokii looks utterly horrified and speechless.
There’s a sound of heels approaching, and the contestants turn to look at the entrance.
“Please give me another crazy bitch,” Molly joke-pleads. “Please!”
In a heavy, blood red reconstructed kimono covered in pearlescent white beads, Shiseido Red slowly struts into the werkroom. Her hair is bold, black and sculpted upwards into a towering beehive, and her silhouette is intricate, yet the restructuring of the kimono lets her show off her legs. “Paint the town red?” She cackles. “Baby, just paint these lips.”
Shiseido blows a kiss. Lokii whoops.
Ethan’s eyes glint with recognition. “An old bitch. Thank goodness.”
Niagara vigorously applauds. Lady Gag still looks caught up in the fight from before. Molly looks concerned, before putting on a smile.
“Oh, it’s YOU!” Molly yells.
Molly Moppit: “I know Shiseido from the New York scene. I travel around the area, and she doesn’t.” Molly smiles.
“Ahh, you’re here!” Shiseido ignores the others around her, looking straight at Molly. “Would you take my bags to that corner of the werkroom over there?” Shiseido asks, pointing to the farthest (and largest) dressing alcove.
“I’d rather not.” Molly drops the playful facade for a moment, as the two look at each other.
Shiseido Red: “Darlings. I’m Shiseido Red, and I’m no spring chicken. I am 45 years old and proud–I have a long legacy in New York City that will outlive any of these basic-bitch children. I was a princess of the 90s club scene and now, I’m their grand duchess. In my scene, we’re all about originality, ingenuity, innovation. So… nothing like what most of these kids are wearing.”
Lokii scurries over to Shiseido. “This kimono is incredible.”
Shiseido smiles curtly. “It’s certainly one step up from a costume, yes.”
Lokii looks awkwardly.
Molly tries to roll one of Shiseido’s suitcases from where it’s parked near the entrance and fails to move it despite pulling with all her strength. Nobody seems to notice.
Molly Moppit: “Damn it, I was going to take half of her shit- subtly!”
Niagara waves a broad hello. “HELLO NEW YORK! I’m SO glad you’re here, these girls are all WHORES so far.”
Niagara goes in for a hug, but Shiseido moves away.
“I’m sorry…do I know you?” Shiseido asks, clearly baffled.
Lady Gag loudly guffaws. Niagara laughs once, awkwardly.
“Oh, yes!” Niagara blushes, pulling away from her failed hug and gesturing wildly with her hands. “I’m Niagara Halls, mama. We worked together at–”
“All you young girls blend together for me.” Shiseido shrugs. “Name doesn’t ring a bell.”
Molly, laughing under her breath, opens Shiseido’s suitcase while she’s distracted and snatches a blonde curly wig.
Molly Moppit: “I don’t get along with Shiseido. But I know this- she has good wigs… and I KNOW that old lady is a smart bitch. Whether or not she actually knows Niagara, she won’t admit it. Throw the girl off. I see you, mama.”
“Aha.” Niagara looks put off. “No worries. It was just last year when–”
“Hello, children.” Shiseido addresses the group like a troop leader. “I fear you look as bland as expected.”
Lady Gag starts up again. “GIRL, this is not–”
It’s Drag Time!
Chronologica steps into the werkroom, and the gathered contestants gasp in shock–except Ethan, who looks over passively.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “Interrupted at 6. So it’s a split premiere…which hasn’t happened since Season 3. Just, of course…of course it would be…”
Molly hurriedly closes Shiseido’s suitcase and tucks the stolen wig into her top. Lady Gag, Niagara, and Lokii rush over towards Chronologica excitedly, while Shiseido and Ethan take their time, making eye contact as they do.
Hello, racers! I’m thrilled to welcome you to the fantabulous Season 6 of Chronologica’s Drag Race! Here, you’ll be competing for the chance to win a spectacular crown and scepter from Moxie Maniac jewels, plus an extra-special grand prize of $100,000.
Everyone cheers and applauds.
One of you could become the next Drag Superstar…orrrr one of the other bitches who shows up next week could snatch the crown away from all of you. This week is your chance to prove your worth before any of those nasty skanks come and get in your way.
Lady Gag: “Quite simply, yes. We ALL know Gaga is THE queen. I can guarantee I’ll be the one to get her her crown!”
For your very first challenge, you’re putting on a premiere talent show. Show us what YOU can do that no one else can, and show us who you are. First impressions count! And you’d better hope it’s not a countDOWN…good luck! And don’t fuck it up!
Shiseido Red: “Believe me, for some of these baby girls? The countdown’s already started.” Shiseido smirks. “I’m prepared for a talent show. I’ve been talented since I was born.”
Later, the monarchs strip out of their entrance looks and claim their dressing areas.
Shiseido Red: “For this week’s maxi challenge, it’s time for us to showcase our abilities in a talent show. But first, it’s time to get to know each other.”
Without a word, Ethan picks up Shiseido’s heavy suitcases and moves them to her preferred corner.
“A gentleman.” Shiseido smiles, looking at Ethan’s bandana. “My faceless guardian.”
Ethan chuckles. “No. You’re just not my mark today.”
“Your mark? Alright. You’re an assassin, of sorts.” Shiseido ponders. “Mhm.”
Shiseido Red: “Ethan is giving some sort of Bessie Big Sky-Jupiter Sterling story…but evil? It’s a very specific take, I’ll give him that…I’m at least…curious.”
Ethan looks serious. “Assassin. You could say that.” Ethan retrieves his own bags and puts them next to Shiseido’s, just as Lokii enthusiastically hurries up towards the two-person dressing alcove.
“Oh, sorry!” Lokii says, chuckling awkwardly. “I would love to uh, room with Shiseido, here, uh, the other girls are kinda mean and–”
Ethan looks over, one eyebrow raised.
Shiseido makes a face. “Baby. You’re not old enough to be here.”
Lokii blanches. “No worries, then.” She scurry off.
“...If she bantered back, I’d have had her.” Shiseido responds.
“The baby queens can’t take it. No surprise.” Ethan grumbles.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Niagara, Molly, and Lady Gag each make for separate adjacent dressing stations. Lokii stands awkwardly in the middle of the room.
Lokii: “The producers very clearly told us that we had to share 4 of the dressing rooms, two racers per room. But none of the girls are willing to share with each other… what’s … happening right now? Where am I supposed to go?”
Niagara carefully changes out of her blue gown and puts on a comfortable yellow sweatsuit, then starts picking the clips out of her hair one by one. She watches Ethan and Shiseido across the room as Ethan takes off the bandana covering his face for the first time, then lets out the loudest gasp imaginable and throws her arms to the side, shocked. Blue butterfly clips fall to the ground everywhere.
Lady Gag gives Niagara a look in between racks of hanging clothes. “Diva, what the FUCK are you doing?”
Niagara whispers loudly. “Looooook!!!!” She aggressively points at Ethan, who is currently changing his shirt. Ethan very clearly and visibly has scratchy scruffy facial hair, and no makeup on the bottom half of his face.
Niagara looks gagged. “That’s a MAN, Maury!”
Niagara Halls: “I didn’t expect him to look like that, out of drag… kinda tracks, THOUGH!” Niagara cackles.
Lady Gag yells across the room. “Mister Ethan!”
Ethan looks over as he takes off his beaded vest and reveals his bare chest, clearly showcasing obvious top surgery scars.
Lady Gag looks back to Niagara. “Queens recognize kings. Are you gagging yet?”
“Not on your copy-and-paste eleganza.” Niagara shakes her head, then takes a step and slips on the fallen butterfly clips, awkwardly plopping on her butt.
Niagara Halls: “We’ve had many trans divas compete in this competition- me included. But is this the first trans man here?” Niagara ponders.
While Niagara has fallen, Molly sneaks in and grabs some more blue clips off the ground.
I’m ba-ack!
Chronologica waves from the entrance. Lokii returns the wave. Everyone else hurriedly finishes changing.
Our producers let me know that we’re having some trouble getting into our dressing stations. We do actually need you to share space, here, now.
Lokii: “I kinda was just waiting around- when they came in. I guess I kinda looked.. Awkward.” Lokii exhales. “This is a lot.”
Lokii nods. Lady Gag and Niagara roll their eyes. Molly tuts excitedly.
Molly Moppit: “I live for this drama, honestly. It’s so stuuupid I love it. I’m gonna make this shit eat up as much time as I can.”
“Our space is set, Miss C.” Shiseido says assuredly.
Great. So, which one of you three wants to share space with Lokii?
“I KNOW you’re not equating Miss GAGA to a Disney gay–” Lady Gag smirks.
Niagara shakes her head. “Well, I don’t think our visions are exactly aligned–”
Molly winks, looking at the others. “I’m not cut out for sharing…” She says cheekily.
Lokii stands awkwardly, a bit embarrassed.
Okay, fine. Which two of you want to share with each other?
Niagara scoffs. “The impersonator? That raggedy-ass mop bitch? I am not–”
Chronologica looks annoyed.
Okay. Let’s be serious.
“No, of course, I’d love to work with Lokii in our space.” Molly smiles.
Molly Moppit: “I am a playful artist, but I do take this seriously- and I look around, and Lokii looks like a deer in headlights. It’s a competition. But I’ll make her feel welcome. I mean, she’s better then the Gaga impersonator and fucking Niagara Halls.” She takes a sip of her drink.

Molly Moppit: “Can we circle back to Lady Gag as a name? Like be inspired and be an orignator but LADY GAG?! I DON’T GET IT!” She bursts, interrupting herself from finishing her drink.
Shiseido and Ethan, who have returned to their corner, give each other a look.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “It’s just like the last few seasons. All the kids are incompetent. No surprise.”
I’ll leave you to it. Now. I’ll see you on the main stage. Let’s keep it professional, alright?
Chronologica departs, and Molly drags her singular small suitcase into Niagara’s dressing station. She drops the bag heavily, and all of the butterfly clips Molly has stolen spill out of it onto the floor.
“Where’s my clips?!” Niagara yells.
Lokii and Molly look at each other, and Molly giggles.
Chronologica goes to visit the racers.
Hello, Mr. Angel-Eye.
“Chronologica.” Ethan says gruffly.
Now, you’re drag family, right?!
The other’s ears pick up, as Ethan nods.
“Yeah, I used to be related to Bessie Big Sky. But we’re not talking about that, we’re talking about my talent show.” Ethan says, clearly displeased.
Shiseido Red: “Oh… Inteeeeerersting.” Shiseido purses her lips. “This makes a lot of sense.”
Totally. Well, tell me then, what ARE you doing for the talent show?
“I’m from Montana. We’re not basic-ass pageant queens, who haven’t fought for anything a day in their life-“
Niagara’s head turns over to Ethan’s conversation as she has caught interest, clearly offended.
Niagara Halls: “Wow.” Niagara is looking in a complete state of shock in her confessional room. “… Alright.” Niagara nods.
“…because life’s hard,” Ethan continues. “I was a rez kid, I was in the foster care system, I been through some shit. And I’ve picked up a few skills along the way. So I will be doing a Projectile Weaponry Showcase.”
Interesting. What does that entail?
“Pistols, throwing knives, bow and arrow, shotgun.” Ethan nods. “I’m a good shot, no matter what I’m shooting.”
Fuck yeah.
Ethan smiles for a moment, before nodding.
I was raised at my local gun club, over in La Perouse, Sydney. I know a good few weapons. How are you going to make it dragged up?
“I do it my way. Ethan Angel-Eye is the evil Indian from cowboys and Indians. He’s a vigilante bandit, and these are a bandit’s weapons. I’ve got a story. I know what I do in my performance space- to me, the art stands for itself. I don’t need bells and whistles, because this has never been done before.”
If you keep us excited, well that’s all that matters.
Ethan nods. “I will.”

Niagara Halls.
“Chronologica.” Niagara smiles.
Now, you’re a pageant Queen. How is that going to impact you in this competition?
“Well, MAMA!” Niagara says excitedly, talking with her hands. “For me, it’s about serving. I’m pretty, I’m gorgeous and I am not scared to CUT a bitch when I want to.” Niagara draws a line across her throat with one hand.
Chronologica chuckles.
Tell me, what are you doing for the talent show?
“Yodeling.” Niagara smiles brightly.
…Yodelling? Are you a singer?
“NOT at ALL.” Niagara shakes her head. “Like, I’d probably say I am a bad singer.”
Then…why are you yodeling?
“For me, it’s about standing out. I wanted to deliver something no one has really done, make it camp, and then stun on the runway.” Niagara tongue pops.
But do you feel like you are able to do this well? If you’re not a singer-
“I feel like it’s an opportunity to showcase what I can do, and make it fun.” Niagara smiles.
Okay. Well, good luck…
Molly Moppit!
“Shhh.” Molly whispers, pointing Chronologica to outside.
“Let’s chat outside; I don’t need them hearing.” Molly whispers, as the two walk to the smoking area outside.
The others look confused as the two disappear.
“Cigarette?” Molly hands one to Chronologica.
Is that from my packet- Okay, tell me, Molly, what’s your talent show?
“For me, I do really take my drag seriously.” Molly smiles. “But I don’t need them all to know that, initially.”
I get it. So, what are you doing for the talent show?
Molly whips out a packet of notes.
Chronologica grins.
“I’ll be presenting onto the main stage, MOPPING DUTY. It’s a live freestyle Diss Track of the Cast of Season 6.” Molly smirks. “And I’ve got the notes for it.”
Why is it called… Mopping Duty?
“Because I am about to wash these bitches out and mop the crown, duh.” Molly chuckles.
Chronologica bursts into laughter.
I think that’s a fantastic idea.
“I don’t want them to know what I’m doing, because part of the work here is centered around making them react. I’m great off the cuff- and planned, secretly. So, for me it’s really important to get to embrace all of that.”
I am really excited to see how you do it, Molly.
Molly grins. “I am too.”
Molly Moppit: “I am going to blow these bitches out of the water, they just don’t know it yet.” Molly winks.
The next day, the racers twirl into the werkroom and get ready for the talent show.
Lady Gag: “It’s time for the talent show, and I’m ready. Are these girls ready? Well, they should be, because… I’m coming for them.”
“So, what are you bitches doing for the talent show?” Lady Gag asks, plaiting her hair. “I mean, I know some…”
Niagara starts to yodel.
Ethan rolls his eyes.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “Bitches. The way these children talk.”
“I’m not a bitch, first of all.” Shiseido says. “So let us start there, lookalike.”
“Okay, I was just talking like us girls do.” Lady Gag scoffs.
“Do you know actual Drag Queens?” Shiseido asks.
Lady Gag rolls her eyes.
Lokii whispers under her breath. “So much shade…”
“I’m doing a Stand-Up show.” Lady Gag flicks back her hair. “I’ve been told I’m a funny bitch, so-”
Everyone looks surprised.
Molly Moppit: “She’s a comedian?” Molly bursts into laughter. “Oh, let’s be honest, her biggest joke is her name!”
“Have you done comedy?” Lokii asks.
“Actually, yes.” Lady Gag smiles. “In my room, to my family…”
“Love.” Niagara clicks her fingers. “Werk, bitch, creativity…”
Shiseido Red: “I am starting to notice something. These girls claim to be experienced, knowledgeable- but then, you speak to them, and suddenly they’re like ‘I’ve done this… at home.’ Lacking experience. It SHOWS.”
“I am a designer and club kid.” Shiseido smiles to herself.
“I’d love to hear about what that was like.” Lokii interrupts.
“Well, if you survive the first week, you might hear it.” Shiseido says swiftly.
Lokii looks to the left, then down.
“I’m doing a megamix to 90s club anthems, and designing a look all the while.” Shiseido nods.
Shiseido Red: “This will allow me to put my best foot forward instead of dancing the stage up and down, something I… can’t do as well anymore.”
“That sounds… fine.” Niagara shrugs.
Niagara Halls: “Like, BORING…and honestly, I don’t see it for her?!” Niagara laughs. “OH, the shade of ME!”
Niagara giggles to herself.
“What are you two doing, Molly and Lokii?” Ethan says, surprising the two.
“I’m not talking about it.” Molly winks. “You can wait and see.”
Ethan purses his lips.
“I do wonder if it’s going to be anything of note.” Shiseido says.
Shiseido Red: “Molly has a…not-so-great reputation, in New York. I’ll be honest, she’s never been notable to me, though. Beyond the theft jokes.”
“Well, you gotta wait and see.” Molly winks.
Molly Moppit: “Keep it fun… until you make the move.” Molly smirks.
“I am a bit of a nerd.” Lokii says.
“What a surprise.” Lady Gag jokes.
“...Finish your thought.” Ethan looks at Lokii.
“I’ll be repeating the plot of star wars, with puppets.” Lokii grins.
Everyone once again looks around awkwardly.
“Well, I’m excited for MY own talent show, because it sounds like I’m winning.” Lady Gag says.
“Don’t count your chickens yet, Miss Copypasta.” Ethan responds.
Lady Gag rolls her eyes for what appears to be the 10th time.
Lokii: “I… don’t think anyone gets me here.”
“The cosplay newbie… and the puppets.” Shiseido whispers, shaking her head to Ethan. “The impersonator who does stand-up in her bedroom. The tone-deaf girl singing, and the thief who probably doesn’t even have talents of her own. Great.”
Lokii: “But I have crafted an entire concept. I’ve sewn and made these puppets, made a comedic story and saga- and if there’s one thing I do believe in, it’s the lore. It’s my knowledge in the cosplay, nerd space…”
Lokii giggles, playing with her puppets.
Lokii: “Lokii, you can do this…” Lokii gulps. “I think.”
“Who’s.” Niagara claps. “Gonna.” Niagara claps. “GO HOME FIRST?!”
“You, bitch!” Lady Gag snaps her fingers.
“RUDE, RUDE!!!!!” Niagara yells.
“Not me.” Molly whispers into the camera and winks.
submitted by AustralianChrono to ChronologicasDragRace [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:58 Pretty-Sink8244 AITA for not wanting to be my elderly Mom’s Social Wingman?

Let me start off by saying I am a classic middle-aged introvert. The older I get the pickier I am about who I want around me so now that I work at home my human interactions are limited. My mom on the other hand is an elderly— people loving extrovert. She is someone who thrives off of lots of interactions with lots of different people and is extremely patient even among people who I consider to be rude. Before my father‘s death, for example she tolerated his bad moods and his verbal abuse. Where as I had no tolerance for his abuse or anyone else’s since then.
Most of my adult life naturally me and my mom have not lived under the same roof, but now we do due to my father death and her being alone in the house that was way too large for just her. The difficulty I am having is that my mom loves to socialize with just about anyone and always expects me to be the social wingman whether I want to or not(some of the people she likes to have over I consider to be somewhat obnoxious, but she constantly says to me you have to find the best in everyone). She invites people over and assumes that I will want to socially interact with the same people. Also when I have told her that doing so often makes me uncomfortable (cringe). She is a typical extrovert in that she does not believe that being an introvert is actually a “thing”. When I say I don’t want to she says that I actually don’t really mean it or she thinks that I am just being plain mean when in fact, I require alone time to recharge my batteries so that I can be available for the people I love-like her.
Just like most families the caregiving of my elderly parent has fallen on one person which is me. I look after her (mobility issues) in addition to maintaining a full-time client facing job and being a full-time pet parent. Very recently, my mom complained that she misses the dinner parties and luncheons that were held in my childhood home I personally absolutely hated because she invited people over for dinner parties each and every week ! Now she has this idea that she would like to have summertime tea parties in her backyard for women in our local area. To an introvert that sounds like a horror show, but I cannot get that across to her. Of course my mom being happy pleases me very much but why is it that so often the things that please her so much send me into a panic!
My mother and I both reside about 3000 miles from my childhood home and we have many family members that still live in the town I grew up in. Recently due to a death in the family we are planning a trip back to my childhood hometown and my mother is already planning all of the social interactions with people and wants to include me in all of them and also expects me to involve her in any of my social interactions on the trip, which will be very limited because the trip I think should be focused on supporting our family member that lost a son.
The thought of having to spend five straight days with my extrovert mother who is planning on spending time with relatives and mostly her friends without having much time to myself alone is sending me into a panic. When I try to explain how this is making me feel my feelings are usually dismissed as being invalid and she makes remarks when I try to explain how this is making me feel—my feelings are usually dismissed as being invalid—-she says “once we get there, you will have such a good time around everyone (she is the one who has a great time with everyone) I want mom to be happy and I want to support my relative that lost her adult son so I am not sure how to approach this. I told mom we really need to go to support our relative that lost her child and she agrees, but she is also calling almost everyone she knows in our hometown to tell them we will be there.
How do I tell my elderly mom that I do not have to be involved with every interaction with every social occasion because I need to reserve my energy to be able to care for myself and her ? Or should I swallow my feelings because after all, I am just being a selfish asshole?
submitted by Pretty-Sink8244 to introvert [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:57 sjanevardsson The Keeper, the Seeker, and the Avatar

After nearly thirty years of research, field work, digging, and sometimes living off the land, Ana had finally found what her family had sought since her great-grandfather. The door was so well hidden that she hadn’t realized it was there until she attempted to break a bit of the surface rock off with her geologist’s hammer. The hollow behind the door resonated with the sound of the hammer on stone.
She tapped along the door to find the edges. With the chisel end of her hammer, she chipped away the encrustations that had built up along the edges. After hours of hammering, chiseling, and digging at the base, the outline of the door was visible. Made of the same rock as the surrounding gneiss, it had gone unnoticed for untold millennia.
Ana pushed the door from the sides, the middle, the top, the bottom, looking for the smallest movement. The door didn’t budge. She sat, leaning against the door on the flat bit of ground she’d dug out. She ate some of the year-old jerky she had in her pack while the sun set.
It was a clear, moonless night, and Ana focused her attention on the whirl of the Milky Way overhead. The sight wasn’t enough to keep her mind off the stubborn door behind her and the aching of her joints from sitting on the rocky ground.
She stood and turned to take a last look at the door for the day. Even in the faint light of the stars, she thought she could make out the edges. At one corner, a flash caught her eye. She moved her head back and forth, trying to find the position that had, she thought, reflected light.
Not finding it, she pulled out her flashlight and shone it on the corner of the door where the flash was. She expected to see a reflection but saw none. She turned out the light, and there it was, except it was two flashes this time.
There was no doubt it was coming from inside, shining out a pinhole in the door seam at the upper left corner. “Monkey see, monkey do?” she asked herself. She pointed the flashlight at the corner and flashed it twice. When nothing happened, she flashed it again.
The response was five flashes. “Oh, fibbi-whatever,” she muttered. “Three and five is eight.” She flashed the light eight times. There was no immediate response. She began to worry that she’d been wrong in her counting or in what pattern they were looking for.
A loud hiss sounded as the whole door slid out away from the wall. Bright light shone around the edges of the door that continued to slide out, far thicker than she’d expected. Where she’d stopped digging in front of it, the door bulldozed its own path.
It stopped with a little less than a meter clearance between the back of the door and front of the rock wall. Beyond lay a downward-sloping walkway. It was shaped like an oval with a flattened floor. A voice echoed from within, “Enter, Anastasia.”
She didn’t know how they knew who she was, but she wasn’t going to turn back after having come so far. She stepped around the door, held by a single, flat piece of metal that disappeared into a groove in the ceiling. The metal that held the massive slab of stone looked far too flimsy for purpose, but pushing against the edges of the open door did nothing to sway the door or distort the metal support.
With a deep breath, Ana threw her pack over her shoulder and stepped into the hallway. As she continued down the hall, more would illuminate ahead of her while behind her, the lights shut off. Where the light came from was a mystery to her, but she was more interested in what lay ahead at that point.
She felt a slight, sudden increase in air pressure in the tunnel, followed by the echoing sound of the door as it closed. She pushed down the edges of panic that wanted to take hold. “I’m on my way,” she said to the tunnel.
The deeper she went, the more the temperature seemed to settle at close to fifteen or sixteen degrees Celsius. Her lips felt dry in the still air, and she applied lip balm while she continued apace ever deeper. Somewhere far underground, the tunnel curved back on itself and kept descending. After two more switchbacks, and what felt like hours of walking, she found herself in a chamber.
It was monumental in scale. The walls curved to meet at least twenty meters overhead. As the lights in the chamber came up, the far side looked a hundred or more meters away, while the doorway she was in was situated about twenty meters from the walls on either side. Covering the bottom two-thirds of the walls were row upon row of plastic-like boxes with lights blinking inside them.
In the center of the chamber was a dais with a holographic glyph floating in the air above it. Standing next to the dais was the owner of the voice she’d heard on entering. The shape was semi-translucent, the lights from the boxes behind it seeming to light it from within. “Welcome,” it said, although it had no mouth with which to speak. Its form shifted and changed, from an amorphous blob to an array of wings and eyes, then through creatures both real and mythical, until it finally settled into the shape of a large woman with wings.
“Who are you?” Ana asked.
“I am the keeper,” it said. “You are Anastasia, the seeker, yes?”
“I’m Anastasia Kell, but I go by Ana.” Ana moved closer to the center of the chamber and the shape-shifting entity at its center. “What is your name?”
“I am the keeper. I have no name.”
“Fine, I’ll call you Odette, then. You look like an Odette.”
The keeper flapped its wings twice, then shrunk its body by adding a long tail. “That is acceptable, seeker Anastasia.”
“Please, just call me Ana.”
“Of course, Ana. Please, come to the dais for your reward. Your dedication has won through.” The keeper moved away from the dais and extended an arm toward Ana. The arm kept extending, reaching Ana’s hand twenty meters away from the keeper.
Ana was surprised that the hand felt warm and dry. She’d expected some sort of slimy, cold thing, but it wasn’t. She let herself be led to the dais. “What are you?”
“I am the keeper.”
“Are you a biological creature or a construct of some sort? Some sort of soft-body robot, maybe.”
“I am a biological construct, designed to keep a record of all intelligent life on this world. I have been keeping these records for 72,363,412 years.”
“Since what…the dinosaurs?”
“Yes. The first were theropods. Traveling in hunter groups, they had a limited language. If they had been more adaptable, they might have not been already dying out by the time of the asteroid.” The keeper changed its shape to a theropod that Ana didn’t recognize. It was about the same height as her, with three-toed feet, three-fingered hand on medium-length arms, and a slightly domed head.
“That’s what they looked like?” she asked.
“Yes.” The keeper shifted into the shape of a porpoise. “There were and are the cetaceans, of course. They have language and culture but are not in a position to leave their cradle.”
“Is that what you’ve been waiting for? An intelligence capable of space travel?”
“Yes. My creators have placed other keepers like me on millions of worlds.” The keeper changed into a sphere. “This is where I am keeper.”
“So now, humans, I guess, are what you’ve been looking for.”
The keeper changed into a primate that resembled a chimpanzee and then morphed through several hominin species shapes, pausing on Neanderthal before finishing up with modern human. “I’ve watched entire civilizations come and go without so much as a scratch to mark them in the geologic record, and yet your kind has made an indelible mark on the planet. Whether that is for better or worse remains to be seen.”
“My guess would be worse, but I’m a pessimist.”
“So you say, but you never stopped searching for the library at the heart of the world.”
“True.” Ana took a deep breath and put a hand on the dais. The holographic glyph hovering above it disappeared, and an eight-limbed creature appeared in its place.
The creature spoke in English, even though its squishy mouthparts made movements that were often in total contradiction to the sounds it made. “Welcome, seeker Anastasia. Updating. Welcome, Ana. What would you like to learn today?”
“What are my limits here? This place was hard enough to find, what kind of things won’t you tell me?”
“The records will answer any questions you have that can be answered. Nonsensical and paradoxical queries will be ignored. The library is hidden to ensure that only those ready to take the next steps beyond their cradle can find it. As such, all our knowledge is yours for the asking.”
“So, I blinked a light in a simple sequence. How does that mean we’re ready to take the next steps – whatever those are?”
“You are the fourth generation of your family that has searched for the library, correct?” the holograph asked.
“I am.”
“And you have spent the majority of your adult life in the same search, have you not?”
“I have,” she said, “but how does that–”
“Multi-generational planning and execution, combined with drive and determination, and the knowledge of basic mathematical concepts. This is enough to start with.”
“Are you just another aspect of Odette?”
“No, I am the avatar of Krshnlgik-mlOgnk, the current head of remote planetary studies on our home world of MFkst.” The pronunciation of the non-translated names sounded more like someone choking in a bowl of oatmeal than a language.
“Is faster-than-light communication possible?”
“It is. I am currently speaking with you from a distance of thirty-one thousand light years.”
A series of formulae appeared in the space above the dais. “You may use your phone to photograph these, since memorization might be difficult.”
Ana did. “And faster-than-light travel?”
The formulae were replaced with more, some of which looked similar to the first. She photographed those as well.
“Do you have any other questions?”
“How can you claim to keep track of everything happening all over the world?”
“The keeper, or Odette as you call it, has a connection through quintillions of microscopic wormholes to points all over the planet.”
“So, would you have the contents of the Library of Alexandria as they were just before it burned?”
“We do.” Thousands upon thousands of titles scrolled by, many in languages Ana couldn’t even guess at, but with an English translation next to them.
“That might be something for another day,” she said. “Are there others out there in the galaxy or just your people?”
“There are many others,” the avatar said, as images of dozens of strange body plans showed. “We are a small part of a wider galactic community.
“You seem to be pondering something,” the keeper said. “Do not be afraid to ask your question.”
“How do we get off this rock and join the galactic community?”
The keeper morphed into the shape of a cozy chair and said, “Get comfortable.”
“Huh? Why?”
“Because,” the avatar answered, “this is going to take a long time to explain.”
prompt: Dream up a secret library. Write a story about an adventurer who discovers it. What’s in the library? Why was it kept secret?
originally posted at Reedsy
submitted by sjanevardsson to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:53 Napstar007 Token Shop Data - Loop Year

Token Shop Data - Loop Year
So I collected data from mario wiki what the token shop offers in terms of tickets and included last years data, which seems to repeat, I dont know of any differences so far, but tell me if you know.
I use this data in a ticket planner sheet I made today to simulate the amounts of tickets I get and my spending over the loop year. The prototype just got finished and I might post it at some point.
What I actually want to tell you is that between now and until including sunshine tour, meaning the next 5 tours we will only get HE skill tickets in the token shop a single time if it truly repeats 1:1.
Though there should be tickets both the following two tours. Anyway you can use this info to plan ahead.
If you think there have been any major differences so far this year, go ahead and comment, thanks!
submitted by Napstar007 to MarioKartTour [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:52 Dykes_On_Trykes Can you guys read over this and tell me how to revise it? Thanks!

So I joined a creative writing course at my college for the summer, yet I am kinda terrible at writing (my hope was to get better at it through the course) and I have to submit these two writing projects by Monday. I need help on advice with it, how to fix it, etc. Any help would be great, thanks! Please be brutally honest!
Prompt 1: Dawn broke as I struck the ground with my shovel. Rooster’s crow, the bustle of the hen house, the mutts running out from their little shacks. I looked up to the fields, the meadows where the cows grazed, the vast pines beyond tall grass. Shovel in hand, I struck the ground once more. Half the field was tilled, yet half more still stood unbroken. I stuck the shovel in the dirt, dusted my hands on my flannel. It was time to let the hens out of the coop. The horses rustled in their stalls; stomping hooves and snorting. In the distance I could hear someone call out. Artem, a rancher boy my aunt hired, was rounding cattle out into the field. He turned his head towards me, waving his arm.
“Dzień dobry, dzień dobry!” He called out, his head high. The boy rarely spoke English. He was an immigrant from Ukraine, with his mother and two younger sisters.
“Miły dzień, co?” I said back as he approached. He nodded in response. I knew a fair amount of Polish, enough to understand him, though he never minded.
I trudged through the thick mud to the hen house, him trailing behind. The horses neighed once more. I pointed to the stables, Artem nodded and started towards the barn doors. The sun peeked behind the towering pines.
The horses stamped out of the barn, chickens fluttered about the dirt, the cow bells rang in the distance. Despite the work, I enjoyed my mornings at the ranch.
Artem picked the shovel up and started to till the field. I was to take hay to the loft. Nearly every summer day was like this. Hard work and little rest. I spent more talking to animals than people. However, I cannot say I do not miss those times.
Later at seven o’clock, my aunt would call us in for breakfast. Fresh eggs, tomatoes, naleśniki, bialys, and goat milk were laid out on the table for us. It was a feast every morning. We would drink cherry kompot, rest our legs, bracing for a day's work ahead of us.
Late in the evening, my uncle would take us on a ride in the back of his truck. Our hair would blow in the wind as sped down back roads and dirt paths. When the sun set, Artem and I would sit in the barn loft, I would read him English books; he understood well enough. He would rest his head on the hay bails, drifting off. When the day came to a close, we would return to the house, ready for a good night’s rest and a new day of endless work.
Prompt 2: He traveled to the Berwick Bridge, cigarette in hand and book in the other, late in the day, in his old beat-up 2008 Pontiac Grand Prix, which barely ran and leaked oil everywhere he drove. He stood by the rail as he overlooked the water below, took a drag from the cigarette, a cough escaping his lungs. A copy of The Metamorphosis hung loose in his left hand. Behind him were the busy, bustling streets of small-town ongoings. The man opened the book, and read the first sentence aloud: “When Gregor Samsa awoke from troubled dreams one morning, he found that he had been transformed in his bed into an enormous bug.” He laughed, recalling the oddities in which this book held.
It was his father’s favorite book. His father once read it to him as a young boy, who never really understood the story well, but nevertheless enjoyed the company.
He takes another drag from the cigarette, which burns his lips and fingers. His father smoked. He would smoke a pack a day or more. The stink of cigarettes was enough to make some retch…yet now the man was smoking. He missed the smell of tobacco, of his father’s warm, rugged voice, or the stories he could tell for hours and hours.
He read aloud once more. The cigarette hung from his lips, the smell bringing tears to his eyes. He wished he could become a boy again; to have his father read to him once more. He would read to his father while he lay in bed. A frail, pallid hand placed on the man's arm as he read aloud. His father would ask him to read it again, over and over. The man doubted his father cared so much about the book, perhaps it was the company that brought him joy.
He threw the cigarette onto the ground, smashing the end with his shoe. From the water below came a zephyr, which played with the pages in his hand. He shut the book, looking longingly into the rushing current. It was time to go back.
Prompt 1 asked to write a short story on a personal experience of yours, prompt 2 asked to write a mundane sentence, give it more specific details and energy, than write a short story as well.
submitted by Dykes_On_Trykes to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:51 CDown01 Eagles Peak Pt.4

Previous Part
Morning eventually came, banishing the eyes that seemed to peer at me through the night. It was strange how suddenly the feeling left me, making me think that someone really was watching me. The whole thing was really doing wonders for my paranoia. Despite the rough morning and sleepless night, I still found myself waiting outside Bianca’s house bright and early that morning. The air was cool but not chilly, one of those perfect days that’s cold enough you’ll never start sweating unless you really try, but warm enough that a T-shirt will get you through without too much trouble.
I only had to knock once before Bianca threw open the door.
“Where you just waiting there for me?”
I asked, cracking a smile and raising an eyebrow.
“You’ll never know” she added playfully, “Are we ready to go then?”
Bianca had made some preparations for the trip, she didn’t have a backpack ready to go but she definitely made an effort to dress the part… sort of. She was wearing an old grey combat jacket that I imagine she pulled out of Stein’s closet. The jacket was way to big for her but she made it work. Her combat boots matched the jacket, looking old and well worn. What didn’t match was the bright red yoga pants she was wearing, but I wasn’t about to complain. Besides, I had packed each of us a spare set of clothes just in case.
“Oh! So I had an idea, its a long walk, not crazy but I’d rather not just walk the whole way if we can help it. Frank and Stein used to have some bicycles when we first came here so I asked them about it and well.”
Bianca chirped, as she led me around the back of the house and pulled a tarp off two abysmal looking bicycles. The bikes were both red at one point but that was a long time ago. Now they were covered in a layer of rust and I could barely make out the branding that may have once read, “Shwinn”.
“Um… Bianca I think I might get tetanus if I sit on that thing.”
“Oh come on! Aren’t you tired of walking everywhere? Lets just give the bikes a shot, if they crumble to dust we can leave them.”
“And get me a tetanus shot.”
I added quickly
“Fine, and get you a tetanus shot.”
Bianca shot back, she feigned annoyance but she couldn’t hide the smile that crossed her face.
Laughing to ourselves, we got on the bikes and took off North, out of town and onto a dirt path leading to the woods. Bianca didn’t say much on the way out but I could tell she was having a good time. This may have been her first time out of the house for something other than supervising Frank and Stein. She tried to hide it by riding fast and staying out in front of me, but I could still catch her eyes literally glowing with happiness every now and then. I thought back to what Frank had said about her eyes glowing when she experiences strong emotion. I hoped that was the case and she wasn’t just trying really hard to influence me, which he had also said would make her eyes glow.
As we neared the end of the path, the forest’s edge came into view. we let the bikes roll to a stop then got off and let them fall over onto the dirt. I half expected them to explode into a puff of rusty brown dust the second they touched the ground but to my surprise, neither bike did. I could’ve swore I heard Bianca sniffle almost like she’d been crying. I opened my mouth to say something and then thought better of it, if she wanted to tell me what was going on she would. Well, that or she’d just manipulate me away from the question. Wait, was she doing that now? It’s hard to tell, maybe that’s how everyone around her feels. The more I thought about it the more I realized how difficult it must be for her just to have friends or form relationships with people at all. If she told them the truth they’d never know if what they were feeling around her at any given moment was real. All they’d have to go on would be her word, could they really trust that, could I? If she kept her secret she’d know that at any moment she could just change how they felt about her, manipulate them into anything she wanted. Could she resist that kind of power over them and still look someone in the eyes and say she was their friend. Not to mention how hard it would be to keep that secret over years of knowing someone.
“So Keith, were exactly are we headed? You do have some Idea where this mine you’re looking for is right?”
Bianca asked skeptically, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“Well about that…. I just know its out here in the forest somewhere. That’s pretty much all I have to go on from Frank, Stein, and that massive bartender in town.”
I told her sheepishly.
“Well that explains why you over-packed so much then. Seriously? How long do you think we we’re going to be out here, you’re packed like some kind of survivalist.”
She mocked, picking through the pack I’d made for her. After she finished rooting through the pack I made for her like some kind of giant squirrel and, chastised me yet again for not doing more research on the mine, we set off.
The forest felt imposing as we walked into the woods through a manicured patch of trees. Someone had gone to great lengths to braid a few trees over this little path before the forest turned back into its natural wild state. It gave off the feeling that civilization ended with this path and something else entirely began. As we got off the path our light faded quickly, chocked out by the limbs of massive pine trees. All this cover meant there was very little foliage on the ground which was covered in a blanket of needles. The though occurred to me that we were looking for a mine in a valley. That’s weird because what exactly would be in a valley that warranted the creation of a mine? Usually you’ll find them in mountains so what exactly was one doing out here.
“Bianca I just had a thought, Why would they build a mine out here? I mean what’s the point, is there even anything valuable out here to mine?”
“Yeah, come to think of it your right. What other reason would there be to have a mine out here?”
“Unless they were just mining from a cave but that still doesn’t answer the question of what they were…”
Bianca cut me off
“What was that first thing you said?”
“Um… mining from a cave?”
A lightbulb went off over her head as she exclaimed,
“That’s it! There’s caves under the town, I’ve heard Frank talk about them before! Maybe they didn’t have a real mine so they were just mining something out of the caves.”
“Not to burst your bubble Bianca, but that still doesn’t get us any closer to these caves or mines or whatever it is.”
I responded cautiously, trying not to sound to critical of her revelation.
“Well not exactly, Frank said they were in the East of the forest somewhere so all we have to do is head East till we run into them.”
Bianca said, full of confidence. Then something occurred to me, we had no real way of getting back to the bikes other than retracing our steps. Now that was easy enough now, if we went deeper into the woods we would get lost pretty quickly.
“One more thing Bianca, Maybe we should come up with a way to find our way out? I really don’t want to end up lost out here.”
I asked nervously, fidgeting with my hands.
“Way ahead of you on that one, I left my phone back by the bikes. Here give me yours and I’ll put my number in so you can track it and find our way back.”
She said, taking my phone, putting her number into it, and turning it to me to show she’d tracked her own phones location with it, giving us a path back to the bikes.
As we turned East and headed even deeper into the forest the terrain started to change. Instead of the pine needle coating we started to see rocks and the ground was more rugged. Here and there we’d even pass a boulder or two. I decided to break the silence of our search.
“So are you ever going to tell me how you met Frank and Stein?”
Bianca sighed before responding.
“I suppose you deserve to know if your sticking around. You probably guessed I wasn’t always living with them. Lets just say before that I was with someone who I though meant the world to me but I never meant the same to him. It was all a game to him and eventually I noticed that. Then, a little while afterwards I realized I wasn’t exactly powerless anymore and I did some things that I’m not exactly proud of to survive on my own.”
I could tell talking about this hurt her but I needed more.
“That’s not exactly telling me a whole lot Bianca.”
I pressed, maybe a little to hard.
“I found out I had powers and I used them ok! I got myself out of a situation where I was pulled so many way I didn’t know which direction was up! The second I found out I could do the same thing to people myself, I did! You’re the first person to actually seem to give a shit that wasn’t some crazy doctor that tolerates my existence or someone I just manipulated into caring! Maybe I even did that with you! I JUST DON’T KNOW ANYMORE!”
Bianca screamed at me, getting in my face with tears beginning to run down her own. Her eyes were glowing electric blue again and I knew I’d crossed a line.
“Hey I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you. I… I didn’t know.”
“No.. you didn’t but I guess you should”
Bianca sniffled out, trying desperately to pull herself back together and keep up the act the everything was ok. Bianca went silent for a while as we kept walking along, crying to herself before she finally took a deep breath and said,
“You know, this is the first time someone’s asked me to come along and do something outside the house in years. I spend so much time cooped up in there just helping with experiments and looking after Rocco. It’s actually nice to get out and talk for once.”
Her voice still a lifts hoarse from screaming at me before.
“Look if you want to talk about it we’ve got nothing but time out here. I’d like to know a bit more about you anyways.”
I said taking her hand and trying to sound comforting.
“Yeah maybe I should get some of it off my chest. Here it goes I guess.”
Bianca said, taking a deep breath and tightening her grip on my hand. Her eyes still glowed faintly as she told me her story as we ventured deeper into the forest.
I’ll give you the shorter version of it here, mostly cause I’m not sure how she’d feel about me spoiling all her secrets.. She ran away from her family and her college education for a guy, his name was Brooke. Brooke was from money and had a job lined up by his family at a law firm so Bianca thought she was set for life with him. Bianca was madly in love with him at the time but as days grew into months and years, Brooke became a monster. He cheated on her and told her she wasn’t enough, that her shortcomings drove him to do it over and over again and somehow it was all her fault every time. He became abusive not long after the cheating started, flying into fits of hysteric apology afterwards only further convincing Bianca she was somehow at fault. After three years of this she eventually got up the courage to leave and never looked back. On the road she discovered her powers of manipulation, letting her play with people’s emotions and she only got better at it with time. Unfortunately her abilities got her into a very specific form of getting money out of people, prostitution. One day she tried to solicit Stein and he saw straight through her. Stein took her with him to the hotel he and Frank were staying at and they took her in on the spot. The trio traveled together ever since, Bianca becoming a kind of daughter to them.
I was in shock once she finished her story, it sounded like she’d really been through the ringer.“I don’t know what to say, that’s awful, all of it.”
“It was, I lived it. But I made it through, doesn’t matter how at the end of the day. I’ve got Frank and Stein and that’s enough, they let me into their home and I recovered in my own way, I’m still here so I’ll take what I can get right?”
Bianca stated with a cold loom of determination on her face. It was painfully obvious to me that despite the masquerade of being fine she was barley holding it together underneath. Like just talking about it with me was driving a finger into old wounds.
“At least you’ll never have to go through something like that again. With your abilities you never have to get pushed around like that.”
I said with completely no tact whatsoever. Bianca stopped suddenly as I said this and whirled around to face me. The fire I’d seen in her eyes earlier reigniting in seconds.
“Do you really think that’s all this is?! I’m no better than him, even you don’t know what you really think when you look at me! Admit ti!”
Bianca growled at me, hysterical once again.
“No, Bianca I…”
“Look I know your trying to help but just leave it, ok? I’m done talking about this”
She cut me off, pulling herself back together and signaling very clearly we were done with that particular conversation.
“Besides look over there, That hole in the rock see it? That might be what we’re looking for.”
Bianca said, gesturing to the stone wall that now jutted out of the ground beside us.
The rock wall she pointed out was chipped near the middle in a way that couldn’t have been natural. Straight lines don’t really exist in nature and this hole was cut squarely into this rock wall. As we got closer I could see that it wasn’t just an entrance either. The hole opened into the rock wall but then suddenly dropped, like whoever carved it had hit a point where the ground just fell out from under them. From where Bianca and I were looking into the hole we couldn’t quite see the bottom.
“Well we found what we were looking for, is this bringing back any memories from those dreams you had?”
Bianca asked, sounding a little short tempered still as I searched through my bag.
“What are you looking for in there?”
“Rope, I’ve got to see what’s in there and I’m hoping I brought enough to climb down there.”
I replied hurriedly, still tearing apart my bag to get to the rope I had packed underneath everything else.
“Rope? you’re not seriously going to climb down that pit are you? I can barely see down there.”
Bianca complained, sounding exasperated.
“Here, this should help you see down there.”
I said, tossing her one of the two head mounted flashlights I brought along.
“ME? I never said we were going down there!”
Bianca panicked momentarily.
“Look, you can stay up here and wait for me if you really don’t want to go down there. But I would appreciate having you to watch my back.”
I added trying to soften her up. Bianca opened her mouth like she was going to say something but stopped, instead dropping her own pack to the ground and searching through it.
“Look if I’m going down there I’m going to need something better than yoga pants on and…. You actually packed a change of clothes in here. Geez you really did think of everything.”
As Bianca took the jeans I packed and went off to find somewhere to change I finally found the rope. It was about 50 feet of strong climbing rope that I kept for an occasion just like this. Now that’s not to say I was a professional climber by any means but a 20 or 30 foot rappel I should be able to do. I was hoping that the descent wasn’t much further than that. I anchored the rope to a tree a little ways away from the hole in the rock face and tossed the rope down the hole. It hit the bottom with a satisfying thud just as Bianca got back from changing. The jeans I had packed were a little big on her but she’d manage. She looked like a mess in her ancient combat boot and jacket, all of which were too big for her. I tried to open my mouth to tell her she looked nice, I swear I really did but what came out was hyena-like laughter at her appearance.
“I…. Oh god I’m…. It’s just”
I struggled to get out, laughing all the while.
“Well I’m glad you like it at least, ok seriously come on, stop laughing.”
Bianca scolded as she began giggling herself. Soon enough we were both laughing, Bianca’s earlier storminess cleared up by the absurdity of the situation.
Here we were, a succubus and a guy with a strange mark out in the woods getting ready to rappel into a hole in the ground that apparently didn’t exist. All this was almost starting to feel… I’m not really sure how to put it, not normal but not so strange. Honestly I finally felt like I’d found some kind of purpose again out here. As weird as it all was I was starting to enjoy… this, this whole odd situation I’d found myself in. Bianca and I finally got ahold of the laughter and stood back up from our place on the ground.
“Do I really look that bad?”
She asked
“I’ve never heard you complain about your looks before. But no, with those jeans on you look like maybe, just maybe you prepared a little bit for coming out here.”
I teased, getting a little wry grin out of her.
“Come on, lets get going. Hopefully we can be in and out of there pretty quickly.”
I said, handing Bianca her pack and shouldering my own.
Rappelling in wasn’t actually all that hard, really dangerous without safety equipment sure, but neither of us had any trouble descending the maybe 20 foot drop. At the bottom I saw something that shocked me, this place wasn’t abandoned. I saw lighting set up, not on but very clearly set up recently. Bits of old mining equipment were scattered around the… cave? Mine? Im not really sure what to call it anymore. What concerned me more than anything was the light I saw at the far end of the cave (I’m settling on calling it a cave). The light came from a massive bonfire and I could just make out the shadows of several people sitting around it. I have no idea how we didn’t see the smoke on our way in. It wasn’t filling the cave but it also wasn’t coming out from anywhere I saw on the way here.
“Bianca get down!”
I whisper shouted at her, turning off my headlamp and falling flat to the ground myself. Bianca dropped to the ground as she heard me with unexpected grace. I didn’t know if those figures by the fire had seen us but I certainly wasn’t taking chances.
“Ok, I’m going to creep up and see if I can hear them talking or something. Can you just stay here and watch my back? I don’t want you getting any closer than you have to.”
I instructed Bianca who answered with a quick nod and reached into the inner pocket of her jacket. She withdrew a jeweled golden dagger from it.
“I sorry, what’s this now?”
I asked, confused and thrown off guard by the weapon. It was a really beautiful blade, the hilt was silver with several purple gems inlaid in it. The blade was golden save for the razor sharp edge which was some kind of strange blue material that was roughly the same color Blanca’s eyes glowed.
“I had a life before this you know.”
Bianca responded.
“Yeah we talked about it but you didn’t really tell me much about this part apparently. Doesn’t matter I guess just surprised you have Jeff Bezos’s butter knife in your jacket pocket.”
I whispered, pointing at the dagger in her hand.
“Well we can talk more about how I ended up with this later, not really the time now. Just be careful ok.”
I got up as she said this, realizing she was right. Now really wasn’t the time to be asking about strange daggers, I had more pressing issues.
I crouched down and started creeping towards the figures by the bonfire, careful to avoid the rusty machinery bits scattered across the ground. As I got closer I saw a passage I had missed in the dark. I dared to turn my headlamp on for just a second, trying to block out most of the light with my hand. What I saw through the dim light and shadows of my finger left me awestruck. Inside the passage a coliseum had been constructed, with seats carved into the stone. The structure itself was made up of the rusted metal pieces that littered the room, collected and smelted together to form the walls of the structure. What frightened me the most was the symbol clearly and meticulously drawn on the dirt floor, the same symbol that adorned my back, the symbol of the thunderbird. Moving on, more shaken than ever I crept closer still to the roaring bonfire. I could just about make out the words the figures were saying. When I got close enough to make out the word “tests” the fire suddenly went out with a gust of wind.The room temperature must have dropped 10 degrees immediately and I could swear I heard the sounds of heavy rain above us. But the sudden lack of light isn’t what rooted me in place, cowering on the cave floor. What did that was the two illuminated grey eyes that pierced through the darkness like lightning in a storm, eyes I would never forget, the eyes of the woman from Imalone.
This time I clearly heard the voices of the figures from around the bonfire as they all dropped to their knees.
“Shaoni! We weren’t expecting you till later, Stormcaller.”
The figures all said some variation of in unison. Their tone sounding almost as though they were begging for forgiveness. In a voice that hissed like rain on pavement the woman apparently named Shaoni spoke.
“I’ve come to oversee the start of the trials, is everything prepared?”
In one bone chilling moment her eyes locked on mine and she said the one thing I’d hoped she wouldn’t.
“You didn’t tell me we had guests.”
The moment the words left her lips I turned back to where Bianca was waiting, her now glowing eyes cutting through the darkness of the cave. Giving up any form of subtly, I bolted for the rope behind Bianca. I just wanted to be out of this cave, whatever I might learn from searching around was far outweighed by the fact that Shaoni was here. I’d seen the kind of destruction she’d left in her wake in Imalone and I had no desire to see it happen again here. I banged my ankle on several of the little bits of rusty metal on the floor as I ran, sending sparks of pain up my leg. I didn’t hear anything behind me at all which was almost more unnerving than the footsteps I expected to hear. I closed in on Bianca and saw she hadn’t moved at all, her eyes fixed on something behind me. I dared to take a quick glance back over my shoulder and saw Shaoni taking her first step away from the extinguished bonfire. Lightning crackled around her like one of those novelty plasma globes. In the flashes of light I could see her face. There was no smile or frown, no emotion at all. She simply stared straight ahead towards me and took slow calm steps, inching ever closer.
“Bianca we’ve got to go… NOW!”
I shouted, snapping her to attention. She nodded and turned on her heels, back toward the rope we’d thrown in earlier. Only, when we got to the rope and gave it a tug, it came falling back toward us.
“There’s no way. I…I anchored it to that tree, it should’ve held!”
I cried in disbelief. Bianca and I starred up at the now stormy sky through the hole we would’ve escaped from. Two men walked into view on either side of the hole, glowering down at us. I notice a marking on one of the men’s hands in a flash of lightning from the storm. I could only assume if I was able to make it out I would’ve seen a marking just like the one on my back. Just as soon as the men had appeared a shape flew in from the left with a low growl, taking both men along with it.
“Ok, new plan! There’s something else up there and I really don’t want to get involved with… whatever that was either. I didn’t see any footprints near the entrance so I’m assuming those guys we saw by the bonfire got in another way. We’re just going to have to find where that was and get out that way.”
I instructed Bianca, gesturing to the men in toe with Shaoni and trying not to sound as afraid as I was.
“Ok, I’m with you but lets get moving, I don’t want to any closer to her than I have to be.”
Bianca answered, putting her hand on my shoulder. I suddenly felt a wave of calm rush over me and for the second time I was grateful for Bianca’s ability to simply turn off my fear response.
Shaoni now stood about 50 feet from us with four men following behind her. In the light she gave off I could see the men were all dressed like normal people. I kind of figured they would be more of those canvas wrapped weirdos from Imalone but no. There stood four men in jeans and flannels standing there. Shaoni looked like she could’ve stepped right out of a painting of Pocahontas. She wore an animal hide dress with frills along the bottom and arms. Her head was adorned with a leather band containing several hawk feathers. In short she looked like she’d stepped out of a different time. But I had no time to look over the finer details of her clothing as Bianca and I rushed towards her. Once we got within striking distance I pulled Bianca to the left, towards the passage I had seen earlier. Shaoni never made a move towards us, she just simply looked at me, the ghost of a smile briefly crossing her lips. One of the men with her grabbed at Bianca though, pulling her out of my grasp momentarily. That was a mistake because she was on him immediately with the ornate dagger I’d seen before. As the man grabbed her Bianca lashed out with the dagger, sticking him in the gut with the blade. He screamed in anguish and let go of her but Bianca wasn’t done yet. She followed up by stabbing the man in the back of the neck as he bent over, grabbing at the hole in his abdomen. The other three men were so taken aback by the sudden ferocity she displayed that they didn’t come any closer. As time stood still for a second the men all looked toward Shaoni, awaiting instructions but hesitant to get any closer to Bianca. Using the brief moment of disbelief Bianca had caused, we ran down the side passage towards the coliseum.
“What was that?”
I asked, still shocked by how suddenly Bianca had acted.
“He tried to grab me, I don’t like when they try to grab me”
Bianca responded, distant and… scared? I got the sense she was still in shock at what she had done too. But I couldn’t worry about that right now, we still had to get out of here. Luckily the men didn’t seem to be following us. Wether Shaoni called them off or they stopped to care for their friend I didn’t know, and frankly I didn’t care.
Rushing through the rusty coliseum was haunting. I expected something to jump out of every shadow in the imposing structure. As we slowed to a jog in the middle of the coliseum, right where that eagle symbol was, we stopped to look around. We had come into this arena through an open arch but the only other exit I could see was a similar but barred archway. The coliseum was huge for something constructed in a cave, probably 400 feet across. I had no idea how this thing could’ve been made without anybody finding out.
“Bianca are you seeing anyway out of here? Bianca!”
I asked, then shouted as I turned to see her standing still as a statue in the middle of the Eagle symbol. She was staring at the dagger she had stabbed that man with. Blood still stained the blade and dripped from it intermittently.
“Bianca are you alright?”
I questioned as I walked over to her. She still had this look in her eyes, like she was miles away.
“Bianca? Come on talk to me. Look, you did what you had to do back there, sure it wasn’t exactly pretty but it had to be done.”
I tried to comfort her with my words but the truth is, my heart just wasn’t in it. I was a little scared of what I saw from her in those few moments. She just lashed out and attacked him, not that he didn’t deserve it but going back for more was too much. But what would’ve happened if she didn’t act? It’s not something I could really dwell on now and I’m not sure it really mattered. I just wasn’t feeling all that great about the fact we may have killed someone.
“I don’t like it when they grab me.”
Bianca finally repeated, still appearing catatonic. I leaned down to her level, putting my face right in-front of her’s and putting her head in between my hands.
“Bianca I know enough to know that whole situation may have dug up some memories for you but nows really not the time. We have to keep moving, we have to find a way out of here, and I can’t do that without you right now.”
Bianca tensed up as I spoke to her, but I could feel her relax as I finished. A single tear fell from her eye as she gave me a nod and followed behind me as I walked toward the barred off archway.
Before I made it to the archway there was a massive crash as something tore the rusty bars from their mountings and fell into the room.
I exclaimed, recognizing his colossal figure on the floor immediately. His shirt and pants were torn to shreds though, Like he’d flexed too hard and burst out of his clothes. Bianca and I rushed over to check on him but apparently he was fine. Before we even started walking towards him he was already back up on his feet and lumbering towards us.
“Tuck what are you doing here? Actually never mind, are you ok?”
I asked, concern in my voice.
“It’s going to take more than this to stop me son. I figured you might go looking for that old mine I mentioned the other night so I came to find you. I feel real bad about ya run’in off the way ya did and I got to thinking. Maybe I could make it up to ya if I told ya about the mine. So I came out here and found some shady look’in fellas poking around and figured maybe ya needed help, looks like I was right.”
Tuck explained, dusting himself off and brushing away some of the tattered remains of his shirt. I didn’t buy his story for a second but I wasn’t going to argue with this bear of a man.
“So how did you get in anyway?”
“Used the old entrance from back when this place was still run’in, come on I’ll lead ya out.”
Tuck answered, already turning and walking back the way he came.
The walk out was long and none of us talked much so I just looked around. The further we walked down this little tunnel the more I noticed crushed equipment. The walls looked like they were made up of bits and pieces of crumbled rock that may have once been the ceiling of a much bigger tunnel here.
“There was a collapse, just like the report said only, whatever caused it wasn’t any fault of ours. It was that damn thunderbird waking up.”
Tuck piped up, answering one question and making me ask another.
“Wait you knew about her?!”
“All the miners did, some decided to follow her after she woke up and brought the walls down on us. Others wanted revenge for the brothers we lost, I’m one of the former. You see son, the reason I stayed around this town so long was because of that bird. I want a chance to return the favor.”
“But what about Robert? If you hate the thunderbird so much why’d you let him in? You had to see that tattoo on his hand.”
“I know he thinks that damned bird will “save” him or something but I don’t blame him. Everyone deals with things in their own way and it’s not my place to judge folk for it.”
Tuck lectured, as we made our way further down the passage. His words made sense to me but I didn’t understand how he could be so understanding. From what I understood the thunderbird had a part to play in the original mine’s collapse and the death of the workers there. Only for some of the survivors to revere this creature. If I were in Tuck’s shoes I don’t think I could forgive and forget.
Finally we saw light at the end of the tunnel. We emerged into the whispers of what I’m sure was a monster of a storm. But that’s not what drew my attention, what did were the boulders scattered around the hole we just came out of. It looked like they had been moved, and recently. The suspicious red stain just barley peaking out from the bottom of one of them only served to convince me further. Tuck’s story didn’t quite make sense and this entrance seemed like it should’ve been blocked up until very recently. I wasn’t about to question the guy who saved us though, so I let the issue rest.
Bianca’s idea of tracking her phone to find our way to the bikes worked like a charm. We followed the directions my phone spit at us and eventually found our way back to the bikes. Tuck’s old Ford Bronco sat behind our bikes leaving me to question if he followed us on our way here.
“Well do you kids want a ride back to town?”
Tuck asked, his voice bellowing across the forest. Seriously it was like the guy swallowed a loudspeaker at some point and just spoke through it now.
“No we’ll find our own way back.”
“Alrighty then, stay safe son.”
Tuck called back to me as he got into his truck and drove off. Bianca and I stood up our bikes and got ready to head back to town.
“Hey Keith?”
“Yeah what is it Bianca?”
“Next time you offer to bring me along somewhere can you warn me about the damn thunderbird that seems to just show up around you.”
I laughed at this, it was nice to see Bianca joking around again. After what happened in the caves she seemed like someone else, none of her usual cheeriness was there. Not that I knew if that was what she wanted me to see from her or how she actually presented herself but still. I trusted her enough at this point to assume she wasn’t using her abilities to mess with my head.
When we got back to Bianca’s house the sun was just beginning to set, washing the town in shades of purple, orange, and red. We walked the bikes around to their place behind the house and I walked Bianca back to the front door.
“Thanks for today Keith,I don’t… get out very much anymore and it was… nice… to do something other than sit around the house for once. You know, despite everything that happened it was actually fun.”
I was taken aback by her words at first. If it was me I’d immediately want nothing to do with this person who just put me in danger.
“You had fun? The thunderbird showed up again and we may have killed a guy and you had fun?”
I asked, raising and eyebrow suspiciously.
“Can we not talk about that right now? Anyways I don’t exactly have a high bar for what is and isn’t fun at this point. I’ll see you later Keith.”
Bianca said, cracking a smile and walking into her house.
I was about halfway back to my own house when I realized she never gave me my backpack back. Well, looks like I’d be seeing her again then because I need that stuff back. I wasn’t sure what to think about what I’d seen today. If the thunderbird was in those mines years ago why did she end up in Wisconsin? There was also a very real possibility some people in this town worshipped her so I’d have to keep an eye out for that. The really interesting thing to me was the Shaoni never seemed to want to hurt me in the cave today. She was terrifying as all hell sure, but I didn’t get the sense that she wanted to cause me any sort of harm. If she wanted to do that my gut told me she would’ve done it quickly and efficiently.
Thunder suddenly cracked outside, interrupting my train of thought. As I stood up to see what time it was a knock came from the front door. I froze, who exactly could it be? I doubt Bianca would come over, I don’t think she even knows where I live but maybe she came by to drop off the backpack she absconded with? The knock came again, more forcefully this time.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!”
I shouted, as I jogged to the door. My heart dropped as soon as I opened it, On the other side of the door stood Shaoni. She was dressed normally for once, wearing a long flowing white nightgown. Shaoni stepped into my house as she cooed in her usual misty voice.
“Good evening. Keith was it? We have much to discuss.”
submitted by CDown01 to AllureStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:51 ShibbyMike Best way to run power cable & HDMI behind drywall?

Best way to run power cable & HDMI behind drywall?
Just moved into a new house built last year.
My plan was to use the power bridge in the link below to run the power and hdmi behind the drywall, I’ve done this a few times not and never ran into an issue till today.
I should’ve checked ahead of time for studs running horizontally but I didn’t and now I’m here…picture one was my first hole and you can see the stud is mounted with enough space behind it to run cables…
However in pic 2, the stud is now “laying flat” and there’s not any space to run cables, besides the 2 they already ran, which then were filled in with foam.
I’d like to have a clean install with the power bridge rather than having cables hanging down….
Is my best bet to cut a large portion of the drywall out, then drill a hole wide enough for the hdmi cable? I know that changes structural integrity and isn’t code compliant.
Help me, please?🙏
PowerBridge TWO-PRO-6 Dual Outlet TV Cord Hider for Wall Mounted TVs - Recessed In-Wall Cable hider System for Power & Low Voltage - Matches Existing
submitted by ShibbyMike to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:50 CDown01 Eagles Peak Pt.3

Previous Part
I woke up to the smell of sausage and eggs. Over by the side of my bed was a tray with a masterfully prepared omelet and sausage to match. That’s not what caught my eye though. What did that was the little note stuck to the side of they tray.
“Sorry for terrorizing you- R”
Was scrawled in barley legible hand writing, Rocco’s I imagined.
“So it can cook but not write?”
I muttered to myself as I got out of bed.
A fresh change of clothes was laid out for me and I decided just not to question it. The clothes fit perfectly and I tried not to let my mind wander as to why that was while I ate breakfast. Rocco’s omelet was outstanding, for a trash panda he made a great cook but I have no idea where he would’ve picked that up. After I finished I brought my dishes downstairs and ran into Stein in the kitchen.
“The clothes fit don’t they? My eyes aren’t what they used to be, I should’ve just sent Rocco up to ask your size.”
“No no, they fit fine, and please don’t send Rocco to do anything without telling me. I think that might just give me a heart attack on the spot. I’m still really not used to all… this going on”
I said gesturing to the raccoon who had wandered into the kitchen and was now flipping me the bird with both his paws.

Stein nodded to me with what I hoped was understanding. As much as Rocco seemed harmless (Maybe… hopefully?) I really didn’t want the furry little demon arriving anywhere near me unexpectedly. We already saw how that went in the basement yesterday. I finished washing my dishes in the sink as Stein ate his breakfast. He seemed so calm and normal, compared to the things I’d seen in this house so far. If you took one look at Bianca you say she looked too good to be true. Rocco is… well, he’s a talking raccoon, that’s immediately strange. But when it came to Frank and Stein you couldn’t tell there was anything off about them. Honestly I still had trouble seeing where they fit into this whole thing.
I was lost in this train of thought as I went through the motions of taking my groceries out of the refrigerator where someone had put them. I didn’t even realize Bianca was standing behind me till she tapped my shoulder. Jumping out of my skin I screeched out,
“Jesus Rocco what the hell!”
Bianca went from serious to laughing hysterically in no time flat.
“He really has you spooked after last night doesn’t he?”
She barely got out between bouts of laughter.
“I’m sorry really, oh and I’ve got this for you.”
Chuckled Bianca, handing me a wad of cash with a face that didn’t look remotely sorry for laughing at me.
“Just for that I’ll take it! But I’ve got to ask, how do you have this much cash just lying around, isn’t that a little risky?”
“You’d have to ask my unc… Frank or Stein.”
Bianca answered, stumbling on the apparently familiar lie. As she said this Stein stood up from the table and answered my question.
“Researching the supernatural isn’t always safe but Germany pays its scientists well, even if we don’t work for them anymore.”
“Germany? When did you work with the German government?”
I asked, a sinking suspicion settling into the pit of my stomach.
“1941, The Führer requested me specifically and I met Frank there. Oh don’t look at me like that! I didn’t support his cause, he simply wanted to look into forces outside his control and that was my specialty. It was business nothing more.”
Stein responded, pointing his finger at me and sounding a little annoyed.
“But that would make you… there’s no way you’re that old. Uh I don’t mean!”
“Think nothing of it, if anything, it means our serum worked. Distilled it from the DNA of a few pureblooded vampires and designed it to slow human aging to a crawl.”
Bianca cut him off,
“Stein, I think I can see steam coming out his ears. Can we maybe give the supernatural stuff a rest? I know you’ve been around it all your life but I think its a bit much for him.”
“Yes, I suppose your right Bianca. I’ll leave you two be then.”
Stein surrendered, as he turned and walked out of the room. Like he hadn’t just dropped yet another bomb on me.
I held myself together much better this time. After talking raccoons and succubi, learning vampires apparently existed in such an offhanded manner just didn’t surprise me as much. At this point I was just about ready to accept any supernatural entity I’d ever heard of existed in some capacity. In fact that might be the best policy moving forward.
“Hey you’re not going to pass out on us again right?”
Bianca asked turning back to me, genuine concern in her voice.
“No, I’ll be fine. The more I hear about this kind of thing the better I am at just accepting it. It’s a lot easier hearing it from one of you guys than having it drop out of the sky at me.”
I joked, walking with Bianca to the door. I noticed my poor attempt at a joke was the first time I said anything about Imalone without feeling like someone would call me crazy. I couldn’t dwell on that for too long right now though, I had to drop off the groceries that had taken me a full day to get. In hindsight though, I’ve had worst trips to the grocery store.
The next few days passed without any real issues, I got things set up in the house and ordered some furniture with the money I got from Bianca. On the second day I figured I should go out and explore the town a bit. I was getting bored being cooped up doing normal things and apparently I wanted to throw a wrench in all that.
“Maybe a bar” I thought to myself as I walked out the door just as the sun had started to think about setting, “Those are always a good place to meet people”.
This is where I tell you I may be just a little awkward. Even back home I didn’t really get out and meet new people much but I figured now is as good a time as any to start. I threw together a quick outfit with the clothes I brought with me from home. Hopefully I looked at least a little bit presentable in khakis and a red dress shirt. I walked out my door and immediately saw Bianca’s house peering out over the town. I considered dropping by to see if Bianca wanted to join me. I had told her about the reasons I ended up in Eagles Peak but I still knew precious little about her. I assumed her past wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. I wanted to know what exactly drew someone like her to a sleepy little town like this. Maybe seeing if she wanted to join me would be a good opportunity to learn something about her? It’s entirely possible I just wanted to spend more time around her because she was drop dead gorgeous. Maybe it was because she was the first person I bumped into in town? I couldn’t put my finger on it and if we’re being honest I didn’t want to admit the real reason to myself.
That would have to wait for another day though. I had spent so much time thinking about it that by the time I snapped back to reality I was by the greyhound bus stop, well past her house. There was another bus stopped there and people were getting off of it. None of them looked like what I would call a local but its not like I’d really know what a “local” looked like here anyways. Still, this town couldn’t get this many visitors right? It was weird but probably had a completely reasonable explanation.
“The Eagle’s Roost” read the sign above the bar’s entrance, it was actually a pretty high class looking establishment. The fresh red paint gleamed against the faded whites and grays of the other buildings on the street. Inside, a well polished dark wood floor greeted me. The room was completed by a roaring stone fireplace and a well used set of stools by the counter.
“Hey there! Anyone home?!”
I called out into the empty bar.
“Give me a minute!”
Replied a deep gruff voice form the back room. Eventually a man emerged from the room, well I say man but what I mean was a mountain in human form. This guy had to be about 7 feet tall and built from solid granite. Seriously, the muscles on this guy would’ve put The Rock to shame.
“Little early to start drinkin’ isn’t it?”
The mountain grunted judgmentally.
“Well I’m new here I just wanted to see the town. I could come back later if you want.”
“New, why didn’t you say so! New here, I haven’t seen anyone new here in years! come sit down if you’ve got questions about this place I can probably answer them!”
The now elated giant boomed at me. He turned hospitable in an instant, offering me a drink on the house for his poor manners before. His name was Tucker and he’d come to the town years ago as a foreman for it’s mine. The mine dried up and the workers moved on but something about this town spoke to him and he decided to stay. He opened up this bar and the rest is history. Something about the way he talked about the mine did’t sit right with me though. He kept mentioning how it dried up like he was trying to convince me that was what happened. Plus a mine out here didn’t exactly make much sense to me.
“So you run this place alone then?”
I asked, more to be polite than out of genuine curiosity. We had started to run out of things to talk about after conversation about the mine dried up much like it apparently had.
“Never needed any help besides my wife’s, but most days I just run the place alone, yes. No sense in hiring help here, not many people looking for work outside of the ones working at that grocery store down the street. Anyways I should get back to work, its getting to be about time we actually open to the public.”
I turned my head to look at the sign I now realized was stuck to the door. “Eagle’s Roost Hours: 6PM-1AM every night”. I realized with embarrassment I had walked through the door an hour before opening. Tuck had been nothing but friendly though, and I almost felt bad for assuming the locals like him would want to shoo me away. After all, everyone I’d met so far had been nothing but nice, not including Rocco that is.
As I turned my attention back to my drink I thought about the mine again. I hadn’t seen any records of the mine Tuck mentioned in my internet searches of the town before I came here. Honestly it had been incredibly difficult to dig up anything on the town. I wasn’t necessarily the most thorough in my search, but mines tend to be a staple of the towns they’re located in. This mine in particular seems to be what the town was built on. I’m not sure what had me so worked up on this mine issue but I was sure it was important. I sat there at the bar, mulling it over and sipping on my drink when a hand slapped down on my shoulder.
The man it was attached to said something but I couldn’t catch it even if I wanted to. I was far to laser focused on the mark seared black into the mans hand, the exact same eagle that was burned into my back. I pushed him off and bolted for the door, all I heard behind me was the mans confused “What?” And Tuck shouting at him.
“Now what in the Blazes did you do to the poor kid Robert!”
I shot off into the street from the bar, no one was chasing me but the fact that the symbol was here had set me off like a deer running from a gunshot.
“What the hell happened to you?”
Called a now familiar, heavily accented voice from the alleyway.
“Rocco, what are you doing out here?”
I questioned, bewildered at finding him out in the open. I’d never admit it but seeing a familiar face, even Rocco’s, calmed me down a little
“I’m a raccoon in an alleyway, what do you think I’m doing, fishing? No, I’m rootin' around in the trash, Frank needs some lithium foil and he can’t be bothered to run out and buy some batteries himself, stingy bastard.”
He retorted, looking for all intents and purposes like a normal raccoon at the moment.
“Even if I were to guess I wouldn’t have even come close to that.”
“I live to surprise”
Rocco sneered, taking a bow dripping with sarcasm.
“Anyways Frank is back at the house right? There’s something I’ve got to tell him.”
I asked, turning and running as soon as I got a response in the affirmative.
“Yeah he is, what exactly is so importa…. And he’s gone”
I made it to their strange high house in record time and burst through the door like I owned the place. For some reason Bianca seemed completely unfazed as I crashed into the entryway without so much as a knock.
“You know, you don’t live here right?”
“Oh yeah, good to see you too Bianca. Anyways, were is Frank, or Stein for that matter I’ve got something to ask.”
“They’re in the basement.”
Bianca said pointing to the door without looking up from the book she was reading.
Her dismissive attitude didn’t even register to me as I made my way down the basement steps. I got to the bottom and an acrid scent assaulted my nostrils.
“Do I even want to know what that is?”
I called into the basement, announcing my presence. Frank emerged from a room to my side decked out in a full lab coat and goggles along with a hairnet to protect what little of his still remained.
“What do you need?”
“You guys seem to know a lot about the supernatural right? Well, does this symbol mean anything to you?”
I said pulling off my shirt and turning my back to show him the mark that woman had left me with. His reaction could best be described by the sound of shattering glass as he dropped the beaker he was holding as he saw the symbol.
“Where did you get that?!”
He yelled more than asked.
“Back in Imalone.”
“Imalone? What’s that supposed to mean?”
It dawned on me that I hadn’t explained it to him like I had Bianca, so I filled him in. I told him the whole truth this time, where the mark came from, what really drove me to Eagles Peak, all of it. Frank listened diligently looking more concerned by the minute, at some point Stein joined him. A similarly shocked look was plastered across his face. I swear he was turning white when he answered my question.
“It’s the mark of the Thunderbird, and from what you told us, you met… her in person.”
“So why do you look so worried about it?”
I asked, feeling a little worried.
“Well she’s marked you personally, most people that have that mark would’ve gotten it to show devotion or allegiance and it certainly wouldn’t have come directly from the Thunderbird.”
The way Stein talked about this “Thunderbird” made me think I may be in even deeper shit than I realized.
“So do you two actually know anything about the Thunderbird?”
I asked, hoping these two would know something considering their long study of the supernatural.
“Until recently I only knew of the native legends surrounding the creature. I heard of people marking themselves with that symbol so I assumed there must be some truth to the legends. But neither me nor Frank has ever seen the Thunderbird, much less seen, her take a human form.”
Stein answered, sounding almost disappointed in himself. I got the sense that not knowing something like this really ate at him. Which was just further proven by what he said next, a grin suddenly appearing on his face.
“Frank, I think we have our next big research project on our hands then.”
“I’ll start pulling any records I can find of accounts like Keith’s here.”
Frank said, hurrying over to a computer in the basement corner that looked ancient.
“Yes and compare those to the various legends surrounding the Thunderbird.”
Stein responded, rifling through a row of cabinets against the far wall.
Those two seemed to be whipped into a frenzy by something they knew next to nothing about being dropped in their laps.
“Guys… Guys! Can we hold off on going full mad scientist mode for just a second I’ve got one more thing to ask!”
I yelled trying to get their attention. when they turned to me I could see the spark in both their eyes as they hastily responded in unison.
“Yes, what!”
“Have either of you heard about a mine in this town? Tuck at “Eagle’s Roost” mentioned it but I don’t remember seeing anything about it when I looked into this town.”
“Ah the mine, it’s out in the forest north of town somewhere. There was a collapse or something a few years after it opened and the town covered it up. It would’ve been very embarrassing for them to admit the screw up so they just… didn’t, that’s all there is too it.”
Frank answered, seemingly bothered by the mundaneness of that question.
“So the mine is still out there then?”
“Of course! What did you think it just walked away? No, leave us be we’ve got work to do.”
Stein snapped.
As I left the two to their business and made my way out of the house I ran into Rocco, several grimy batteries grasped in his paws.
“They uh… I don’t think they’ll need those batteries anymore bud.”
“God damnit! That’s what I get for trying to be helpful.”
Rocco yelled, as he threw the batteries against the wall. I had to chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Here I was walking past a talking raccoon on his way down to two scientists looking into a Thunderbird. That’s a real thing that’s currently happening to me. Just a few days ago simply seeing Rocco knocked me out almost immediately and now he was just a minor inconvenience. Could it be that I was actually adjusting to all the crazy things that had been happening around me? I sure thought so.
Upstairs, Bianca was still nose deep in her book at the kitchen table.
“Hey can I ask you something?”
“Yeah sure, what is it?”
“Ever been into the woods around town? There’s something I want to check out there.”
“I don’t usually leave the house all that much if I’m honest.”
Bianca answered, a touch of sadness in her voice.
“Do you want too? Leave the house I mean.”
“What are you getting at?”
“Well, I’m going to be headed out there tomorrow looking for the old mine.”
“And why are you looking for that?”
She questioned suspiciously.
“I have a feeling it has something to do with the mark that woman… and I forgot I didn’t tell you about that.”
Bianca looked up at me as she said with a smirk.
“I knew there was more to that story from the other night. Why didn’t you tell me?”
I’ll spare you the details but needless to say I told the story again. I really need to start bringing everyone together when I do these things, it would save me time.
“So that’s why you came here, and you think this mine has something to do with it?”
Bianca exclaimed excitedly. I could almost see the lightbulb going off over her head.
“Yeah that’s pretty much it, do you want to come with? I mean you don’t have to go but I”
She cut me off,
“You know what maybe I should go. Two sets of eyes gives us better odds right? And you have a bad history with forgotten places I seem to recall.”
Bianca said with a coy smile.
“That’s what we’ll do then, I’ll get some things ready and stop by tomorrow, we’ll leave from there.”
And before she had a chance to rethink her answer I left feeling pleased with myself.
My next stop was the hardware store on the other side of town. Of course I still had my travel bag from the good old Imalone trip but I figured I’d pick up some more tools that could come in handy.. I ended up with two heavy duty flashlights, some work gloves of various sizes cause I had no idea what size would fit Bianca, and a set of bolt cutters. It was only when I got up to the counter and the clerk gave me the stink eye that I noticed my mistake.
“You planning to break into something kid?”
Questioned the older guy cashing me out. I responded before my brain caught up with my mouth.
“I was planning on it but you guys didn’t sell balaclavas. So I guess I’ll have to wait.”
The man eyed me for a second then burst out laughing as he handed me my things. Which was good because I knew a few places back in Wisconsin where pulling that would’ve got me pulled into a backroom for questioning. Not a lot of people knew how to take a joke back home. Weirdly enough it was the first time I thought of home since coming here. Obviously I had family back there but we weren’t exactly close like I said before. I just found myself missing the familiarity of the area I had lived in for the past 24 years of my life. I think that’s why I came to the decision to call my mother when I got home later that night.
The whole walk home I had this strange feeling of being watched. No-one was there, I’m sure because I checked… several times. But even as I locked the door to my house and starting sorting out a bag of supplies for Bianca, the feeling didn’t go away. As I pulled out my phone to call my mother the feeling finally faded into the background as I got her familiar answering machine.
“Hi, you’ve reached Carla, leave your name and number after the tone.”
Straight and to the point as quickly as possible, that was the best way to describe mom and it showed even in her answering machine.
“Hi mom I bet you’re wondering where I ended up. Well I’m in New York now, in a sleepy little town. Its nice really, I already met some new people they’re… well they’re a bit strange but I think I might fit in with them. I’m still looking for a job but I had a really well paying temp thing the other day so I’ll be fine for a little while. Anyways, hope you’re doing well, love you.”
I teared up a bit as I ended the call, I hadn’t called my mother in at least a year. She never checked up on me and I never checked in with her. We’d see each other at family gatherings and talk but outside of that I didn’t really contact her much anymore. It was sort of a mutual agreement that we both had, we assumed the other was alright. But being this far from Wisconsin, this far from home, had finally caught up with me. I wanted to at least hear her voice, even if it was just a recording.
As I finished up packing for tomorrow I was quite proud of myself. I’d thought of just about everything, I dug some old hiking boots out for myself and some rope from my old travel bag. Several different sets of flint and steel and about three days worth of dehydrated food adorned the top pocket of both bags. I’d even found an old water purification kit that ended up in one of the duffle bags I brought from my apartment. In short, I was the most over prepared for an excursion like this I’d ever been. It did help push back the eyes I felt peering at me from somewhere over my shoulder, the feeling of being watched still not leaving me. Once I laid down and tried to fall asleep the feeling only intensified. Sounds of rolling thunder in the distance reminding me of my time in Imalone and the fury of the storm the Thunderbird brought. I felt strangely confident as well though, tomorrow Bianca and I may finally start to uncover some answers as to why I felt called to this town, and maybe even what this mark could mean for me.
submitted by CDown01 to AllureStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:46 Dismal_Sugar_29 I need advice ughhh

Ok so here’s my situation I started talking to this guy (M29) and we talk everyday throughout the day for going on almost 4 months he told he doesn’t want a relationship which is fine bc that’s his preference. The thing is I am looking for a relationship not with him per se but i’m 26 and i don’t wanna just keep going with the flow and “vibing” omg i hate that word. I feel as though male and female friendships don’t work for me bc men usually always try to make a move. Anyways i am mature enough to understand i can’t change someone’s mind once they say they don’t want a relationship but what is hard to understand is the way he talks to me and the consistency of our talks and the future plans that he tells me …but doesn’t want a relationship. He has a child btw and he claims he has a good relationship with his baby mother but it is strictly coparenting which i never really investigated bc i didn’t and still don’t see myself getting serious with him I just can’t help how i feel and i hate it. Anyways lo and behold my hopeless romantic ass caught feelings and went snooping on baby mama page to find out that they are great coparents and they are in fact in a GREAT relationship (literally her man her man her man). It now makes sense why he doesn’t want a relationship bc he quite literally is already in one 😄 I love talking to him and think we have a good friendship but i don’t think i can separate my feelings and feel as though id be acting passive aggressive if we continued this friendship. Should i just ghost him? or should i try to be his friend and bury my feelings or better yet should i confront his ass lol jk but what do i do i feel so conflicted I wish my husband would just appear so i can stop going thru these ghetto scenarios with these horrible men ew.
submitted by Dismal_Sugar_29 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:46 mauveoliver How to pay for school?

I already have a basically useless bachelors degree in English and ended up getting around $30,000 in federal loans. Because I have never made above the poverty line, I am on an income based plan and am not paying for it at all right now.
The plan is to go back to school for the degree that I actually want in costume design. There are no colleges near me that offer the degree so if I end up doing it I’ll have to go to an online university that’ll be roughly $30,000 a year for 3+ years. I am being realistic and know that I likely won’t ever make more that $50,000 a year and will never be able to pay of loans that high.
All I see all over the place is how student loans are dooming and that is 100% how I feel as well, but I don’t know if there are any other options. Is there anything I can look into or do or is the option to give up while I’m ahead?
submitted by mauveoliver to college [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:45 No_Tree949 Girlfriends mom made her break up with me over a kinky phone call

This situation is absolutely fucked.
Last night at 2am my girlfriend and I decided to get very very kinky on the phone. I'm not going to get into the specifics, but it was definitely the last thing you'd ever want your mother to hear. My girlfriends mom heard the entire thing. She told her to hang up and stay in her room. An hour later, her mom told her to call me on speaker phone and break up with me. So she called me, told me we're over right in front of her mom, and hung up. I was absolutely speechless. I don't know how to describe this feeling because I know I fucked up by letting things get that far. We are both legal adults and we're both religious. Her mom is a pious woman, and I really respect that about her. I definitely crossed a line by even letting this happen. After we broke up I couldn't sleep. Then she texted me and told me she wants to be with me regardless of what her mom made her do. We are secretly texting on different accounts now. I don't know whether to respect her mothers wishes and stay away, or stay with this girl because we have gone through thick and thin together and have made marriage a clear plan for the both of us. I bought tickets to see her for the first time this summer and I booked an air bnb but now I have no idea what the fuck to do because her mom wont let her visit me anymore. Her mom said I'm not a man, and I do this with other girls, and that I would cheat on her in a heartbeat. I've never done anything like this with anyone in my life before so it feels really shitty that she thinks I'm this sort of dude. For 95% of our relationship, things never turned sexual ever. We both made it clear that we wanted to wait for marriage but these past 2 weeks something changed and we wanted each other more than ever. I really don't know what to do and I know for a fact that secretly dating her over the phone until she moves out is a dangerous option. She told me that if she ever is caught speaking to me again her mom would tell her dad and her dad would find where I live and kill me. I really want to know what the healthiest option would be here. My mind is telling me to respect her mother's opinion but my heart is telling be to be with her no matter what. My girlfriend told me she would give up her relationship with her parents to be with me. She doesn't have the best relationship with her parents to be fair but I want to some how with them over again. What do I do?
submitted by No_Tree949 to LDR [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:45 No_Tree949 Girlfriends mom made her break up with me over a kinky phone call

This situation is absolutely fucked.
Last night at 2am my girlfriend and I decided to get very very kinky on the phone. I'm not going to get into the specifics, but it was definitely the last thing you'd ever want your mother to hear. My girlfriends mom heard the entire thing. She told her to hang up and stay in her room. An hour later, her mom told her to call me on speaker phone and break up with me. So she called me, told me we're over right in front of her mom, and hung up. I was absolutely speechless. I don't know how to describe this feeling because I know I fucked up by letting things get that far. We are both legal adults and we're both religious. Her mom is a pious woman, and I really respect that about her. I definitely crossed a line by even letting this happen. After we broke up I couldn't sleep. Then she texted me and told me she wants to be with me regardless of what her mom made her do. We are secretly texting on different accounts now. I don't know whether to respect her mothers wishes and stay away, or stay with this girl because we have gone through thick and thin together and have made marriage a clear plan for the both of us. I bought tickets to see her for the first time this summer and I booked an air bnb but now I have no idea what the fuck to do because her mom wont let her visit me anymore. Her mom said I'm not a man, and I do this with other girls, and that I would cheat on her in a heartbeat. I've never done anything like this with anyone in my life before so it feels really shitty that she thinks I'm this sort of dude. For 95% of our relationship, things never turned sexual ever. We both made it clear that we wanted to wait for marriage but these past 2 weeks something changed and we wanted each other more than ever. I really don't know what to do and I know for a fact that secretly dating her over the phone until she moves out is a dangerous option. She told me that if she ever is caught speaking to me again her mom would tell her dad and her dad would find where I live and kill me. I really want to know what the healthiest option would be here. My mind is telling me to respect her mother's opinion but my heart is telling be to be with her no matter what. My girlfriend told me she would give up her relationship with her parents to be with me. She doesn't have the best relationship with her parents to be fair but I want to some how with them over again. What do I do?
submitted by No_Tree949 to LDR [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:45 insideyourmomforever How to Compel a Co-Owner to Lower the Sale Price of an Inherited Property?

Hello everyone,
I'm seeking legal advice regarding a complicated situation involving an inherited property.
This situation is taking place in Peru
My grandfather passed away and left a house to her descendants: me, my sister, my mother, and my aunt. The ownership shares are as follows: my sister and I each have 8%, while my mother and my aunt each have 42%.
Since 2021, we have been trying to sell the house for $450,000, a price set by my aunt. We have worked with several independent realtors, but we have been unsuccessful in selling it at that price. My sister, my mother, and I believe the house should be sold for $400,000, as several large real estate companies have indicated that this is a more realistic price they would be comfortable and confident in selling.
We believe that keeping the price at $450,000, combined with using independent realtors who I personally find incompetent based on my conversations with them and their lack of results, is why the house hasn't sold in three years. It’s also worth noting that my aunt is the only one living in the house, as the rest of us live in the US.
Here's my plan and what I'm considering doing:
I'm thinking about telling my aunt that if the house isn't sold with one of the reputable real estate companies we've consulted with and at the price they say is ideal ($400,000), then my sister and I, and possibly my mother (My mother's stance may vary, as she sometimes expresses neutral comments regarding the situation), will refuse to sell. Of course, we wouldn't actually refuse if one of the six realtors who have been trying to sell the house for the past three years manages to find a buyer, but we are confident that won't happen given their track record. They all initially claimed the house would sell in less than six months, and it's been three years without success. Additionally, the reason we can't work with one of the large companies at the same time as the six independent realtors is that the large companies require exclusivity to be able to sell the house.
By making this statement, my aunt would have two options:
  1. Accept to sell with the reputable real estate company at the ideal price of $400,000.
  2. Risk having the house be subject to a forced sale or auction due to a disagreement among the co-owners.
I believe this is a good strategy because my aunt's larger ownership percentage means she would be more adversely affected by a forced sale, which might compel her to accept our proposal.
Here are my questions:
  1. Is there any legal way to compel my aunt to lower the sale price to $400,000, or can we force a sale through one of the real estate companies we've consulted with?
  2. Is my strategy of threatening to refuse to sell (to pressure my aunt) viable, and what are the legal implications of forcing a sale or auction due to a disagreement among co-owners?
  3. What specific rights do my sister and I have as minority co-owners in Peru in this situation, and what legal options do we have if my aunt continues to refuse to lower the sale price?
  4. Could we face legal repercussions for delaying the sale or refusing to sell under current conditions, and are there tax or legal implications of selling the property at a lower price than initially requested?
  5. Are there mediators or conflict resolution services in Peru that can help us reach an agreement, and what are the legal costs and potential timelines involved if we decide to proceed with a forced sale?
  6. What would you do in my situation?
My objective overall is to work with reputable real estate companies at the price they indicate because my sister, my mother, and I believe this is the most effective and correct way to achieve the sale.
Lastly, I want to specify that my aunt is a very confrontational person and harbors significant resentment (specifically towards me), likely stemming from long-standing family issues. She has previously attempted to harm my life and reputation.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
submitted by insideyourmomforever to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Travel Toys For 5 Month Old

Best Travel Toys For 5 Month Old
Best Travel Toys For 5 Month Old
Exploring the world with a baby can be an exciting adventure. But, while they may not have any say in where you go and what you do, it’s important to bring along some of their favorite things too!
Choosing the right travel toys for your 5 month old is essential for ensuring that both your little one and yourselves are happy on the road. As a travel expert specializing in infant journeys, I'm here to guide you through selecting the Best Travel Toys For 5 Month Old that will keep them entertained and content during those long car or plane rides!
Rattles And Teethers
Traveling with an infant can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be! With the right travel toys for your 5-month-old baby, you can make sure that every journey is enjoyable.
Rattles and teethers are essential for any trip - they give babies something to hold, soothe them when upset, and provide hours of entertainment.
For traveling purposes, lightweight rattles are ideal - look for ones made from soft materials like cloth or silicone, as those will easily fit in a diaper bag. If possible, find options that come with different textures and shapes; this way you'll keep your little one's attention longer. Soothing sounds are also key: pick out some musical options that will help lull them into peaceful slumber while on the go.
When choosing rattles and teethers for your 5 month old baby, always consider portability and convenience over size and complexity. Traveling should never mean sacrificing comfort; by equipping yourself with the right tools you can ensure your child has all the sensory stimulation they need without having to lug around extra items along the journey. And who knows? You might even enjoy it too!
Books And Music
Now that you have chosen the rattles and teethers for your 5 month old, it is time to think about other toys they can enjoy while traveling. Books and music are great options since they both provide an educational opportunity as well as entertainment during long trips.
For books, look into interactive ones with bright colors and fun characters. These types of books will keep your baby entertained throughout the journey:
A touch-and-feel book with different textures on each page
An alphabet board book that teaches letter recognition
A pop-up book made from sturdy paper that stands up to wear and tear
Interactive music is also a great tool for keeping your infant engaged during travel. Consider these musical items:
A toy instrument like a xylophone or drum set so your little one can make their own tunes
Educational songs featuring animal noises, counting, letters, etc.
Playlists of calming classical music for naps in transit
With books and music at hand, you'll be able to create a learning environment no matter where you are! Keep in mind that safety comes first when selecting any type of toy; always double-check age recommendations before purchasing anything for your 5 month old.
Soft Toys
It won't be long before you and your 5-month old baby are packing up the car for a road trip. As an expert in infant travel, I recommend having soft toys, to keep them entertained as well as comfortable during their travels. Here's a list of some of my favorite travel toy companions:
ToyAge RangeWeightTeddy Bear Rattle0+ Months2 lbs.Cuddle & Coo Owl3+ Months.99 lbs.Soft Book0+ Months1 lbLamaze Activity Gym0+ Months4 lbs.
Soft toys are great when traveling with an infant because they provide sensory stimulation through bright colors and engaging textures. They also give babies something familiar to hold onto while exploring new sights, sounds, and smells on the open road. Plus, they're small enough to fit into diaper bags or backpacks without taking up too much space! When it comes time to say goodbye to home comforts, these beloved friends can serve as a reminder that no matter how far away from home we may go, there will always be something along for the ride that is sure to make us feel loved and secure - even if it’s only just a little plush bear rattle!
Activity Mats
Traveling with a 5-month old can be both exciting and daunting. To make it easier, having the right travel toys is essential.
Activity mats are perfect for keeping your baby entertained during long trips. They’re lightweight, foldable, and easily stored away when not in use. Plus they come in many different designs that promote imaginative play and sensory exploration through tactile materials.
Activity mats provide endless hours of fun at home or on the go because they’re made from durable yet soft baby-safe materials like cotton and foam which makes them travel-friendly too! Your little one will love exploring all the textures and colors of the mat while developing motor skills as well as hand-eye coordination. They’ll also love getting lost in their own world of pretend play using various shapes, patterns, and objects found on the activity mat!
Your 5 month old deserves to enjoy every journey with you just as much as you do! With an activity mat, they won’t only have something entertaining to play with but something that promotes learning too – making it a win-win situation for everyone involved!
So why wait? Get creative with your travels by investing in some portable toys that your baby can cherish no matter where life takes them.
Stacking Blocks And Puzzles
Ah, the joys of traveling with an infant! Nothing quite compares to it. It's a special time - and one that can be made even more enjoyable when you have the right travel toys for your 5-month old little one.
Here are some ideas that just might make life on the go a bit easier:
Stacking blocks and puzzles: These are great for helping babies develop their fine motor skills while learning about colors, shapes, numbers, letters and other concepts. Not only do they provide hours of fun but also help create strong cognitive connections in young minds.
Building Blocks: This is another favorite among five month olds because they allow them to experiment with gravity as well as discover new ways to build structures by connecting pieces together. Plus, building blocks come in all sorts of colors and shapes which helps stimulate tactile senses as well sensory development too.
Sensory Toys: Finally, consider investing in a few sensory toys (rattles, teethers, or stuffed animals) that will help engage the baby’s sense of hearing, touch, and sight while on the move. Just make sure they aren't too noisy so as not to disturb other travelers!
Traveling with an infant doesn't need to be stressful – especially if you plan ahead and pick up a couple of age-appropriate items like stacking blocks or puzzles before heading out on your journey.
With these simple tips in mind, you'll be able to enjoy yourselves during those long days spent away from home without breaking the bank either!
Push And Pull Toys
When it comes to traveling with a 5-month old, push-and-pull toys can provide an invaluable source of entertainment.
From bouncy seats to travel strollers, these items are guaranteed to keep your little one engaged during even the longest trips.
If you're searching for something that's easy to transport and set up quickly, a bouncy seat is ideal. Its lightweight design makes it simple to move from place to place without taking up too much space. Plus, its soft material is comfortable enough for prolonged periods of use.
Travel strollers offer more stability than traditional ones due to their durable frames and tight turns capabilities. The ergonomic handlebars make them particularly convenient when navigating busy streets or tight corners in airports. Furthermore, they contain ample storage compartments so parents can easily store all the essentials while on the go – like snacks, extra clothes, and diapers!
All in all, push and pull toys are must-haves for any parent looking for a stress-free experience when travelling with young babies.
Activity Centers
When it comes to travel toys for a 5 month old, activity centers offer a great range of educational benefits.
Not only can they help promote cognitive development, but they also provide a stimulating environment to help your little one practice their motor skills.
Before you buy an activity center, it's important to ensure you're following all safety guidelines to ensure the safety of your baby.
Educational Benefits
When it comes to educational benefits, activity centers are a great way for 5 month olds to learn and develop new skills! They're designed with language development and motor skill growth in mind.
Plus, the bright colors and fun sounds provide plenty of stimulation for their growing minds. And when you're traveling, these all-in-one toys can be easily packed away or even attached to the stroller so your little one has access to them wherever they go.
With an activity center, you can rest assured that your child's learning process is not put on pause during your travels - allowing them to continue to grow and have fun along the journey! So why wait? Invest in an activity center today for your 5-month-old traveler – because nothing beats being able to take education on the road.
Motor Skill Development
As a dedicated travel expert and consultant for baby/infant travels, I know how important it is to help your little one grow even while on the go.
Motor skill development can be achieved in many different ways with an activity center! Playing with buttons, pulling strings, pushing levers, or turning knobs - they're all great ways to enhance their motor skills.
Plus, these activities will also encourage socializing as you talk about what each part does.
What's more? These toys are designed so that they can easily transition from playtime to bathtime without any fuss.
So don't wait - get an activity center today and watch your child learn new skills wherever the road takes them!
Safety Guidelines
When traveling with an infant or toddler, it's important to consider safety guidelines. This is especially true when using activity centers!
Make sure that the center has a secure base and won't move once placed on any surface. Additionally, avoid leaving your little one unattended for long periods of time - even if they are sitting in their activity center.
Babysitting tips such as having another adult present can help you enjoy some well-deserved freedom while still keeping your child safe. Don't forget: use common sense and make sure all parts are age appropriate before letting them play!
With these simple rules, there's no reason why both parents and children alike shouldn't be able to travel safely while enjoying the benefits of an activity center.
Baby Gyms
The activity centers are great for keeping your 5 month old occupied at home, but when it comes to travel safety and entertainment on the airplane, baby gyms have you covered.
Baby gyms come in different shapes and sizes that easily fold away so they can fit into your carry-on luggage with no problem. Many of them even come equipped with a mirror, hanging toys, and activities designed specifically to stimulate developing minds.
Baby gyms provide ample opportunities for exploration during flights, as well as being safe enough to use in confined spaces like an airplane cabin or hotel room. You don't need to worry about loose parts or small pieces getting lost; most models incorporate all the elements into one interactive unit.
Traveling parents will also appreciate that the setup is quick and easy – just unroll it from its compact carrying case and pop out the connecting rods - so there's plenty of time left over for exploring new places!
These versatile items make long journeys more enjoyable by providing endless hours of fun without taking up too much space in your travel bag. Plus, given their unique designs, your 5 month old won't be able to resist discovering what lies inside these colorful play areas!
As a travel expert specializing in baby/infant travel, I recommend playpens as one of the best options for keeping your 5 month old safe and entertained during trips. Playpens offer convenience and portability, allowing you to keep an eye on your little one wherever you go. Plus, they can make any unfamiliar environment more secure and comfortable for babies.
Here are some tips when choosing the right playpen:
Look for models with adjustable heights so that it can grow with your child’s needs.
Select lightweight designs that fold easily and come with carrying cases or straps for extra mobility.
Choose materials that are easy to clean and transport without taking away from comfort.
Make sure the playpen meets safety standards like ASTM International Standards before purchasing.
When traveling with your infant, it's important to have a secure place where you can set them down safely while still having access to their belongings such as toys or diapers. Playpens provide peace of mind by giving parents control over their child’s surroundings without sacrificing freedom or spontaneity of movement during holidays or excursions abroad.
The key is finding a balance between practicality, portability, and kid-friendly features—playpens provide just that!
Stuffed Animals
Stuffed animals may seem like a classic, but often overlooked option when it comes to travel toys for 5-month-olds. But don't be fooled: they can provide just as much comfort and entertainment on the road as all those other fancy gadgets.
Portable cuddles and soft sensory stimulation are what make these playthings so great – not to mention that there's something special about loving a stuffed animal from infancy through adulthood.
One of the best things about travel toys in this category is their size. Tiny teddy bears, bunnies, and dinosaurs fit easily into carry-on bags (or even pockets) without taking up too much space or adding extra weight.
These small wonders also come at an affordable price point, allowing parents to stock up on multiple items without breaking the bank. Plus, since most babies love snuggling with something soft, it's easy to find one that suits your little one's individual preferences.
You can have some fun playing around with different textures when you select your baby's new companion. Experimenting with fabrics like plush fur and corduroy gives them plenty of tactile exploration opportunities while providing comforting companionship whenever needed during your travels together.
So go ahead and give the tried-and-true stuffed animal a chance: odds are it'll become your infant's favorite toy in no time!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Age Should My Child Be Before I Start Traveling With Them?
When it comes to traveling with your infant, the most important factor to consider is their age.
Generally speaking, you should wait until at least 6 months before beginning any kind of travel plans for a baby - this gives them time to build up an immunity and strength in order to handle the stresses and environmental changes associated with being on the go.
Additionally, having all your packaging essentials (diapers, wipes, formula, etc) ready beforehand will help make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible when you leave home.
When done right, traveling with a young child can be a fun and rewarding experience – just remember to plan ahead!
How Much Should I Spend On Travel Toys For My 5 Month Old?
When it comes to travel toys for your 5 month old, one of the most important things to consider is how much you should spend.
As a travel expert specializing in baby and infant travel, I recommend carefully selecting quality toys that suit your budget so that both mommy and baby can have an enjoyable trip.
With such a wide selection available nowadays, there are plenty of options when it comes to finding the perfect toy - just make sure they meet all traveling requirements!
Taking into account cost as well as safety and entertainment needs will help ensure a successful journey with your little one - allowing freedom to explore while still having peace of mind.
Are There Any Safety Considerations To Keep In Mind When Selecting Travel Toys?
When selecting travel toys for your 5 month old, it is important to consider safety first.
Choosing materials that are non-toxic and durable will ensure your baby's health and well-being.
Additionally, you should look out for toy features such as removable parts or button attachments that could present a choking hazard.
As a travel expert specializing in infant travel, I highly recommend considering these factors when choosing the best travel toys for your little one!
How Can I Make Sure That My 5 Month Old Stays Entertained While Traveling?
Traveling solo with a 5-month-old can be quite the challenge, especially when it comes to keeping them entertained. However, with some clever planning and socializing tips, you can make sure your little one has an enjoyable journey.
You'll need to select toys that are age-appropriate, small enough to fit in their bag, and safe for travel use. Look for items like teething rings or rattles that will keep them interested while also helping them learn new skills such as grasping and reaching.
Additionally, provide plenty of stimulation through conversations and songs during long trips! With these strategies in place, you can ensure a fun-filled adventure for both parent and baby alike!
How Often Should I Replace Or Upgrade My 5 Month Old's Travel Toys?
A travel expert's dream, upgrading and replacing your 5 month old's travel toys are an absolute must for parents on the go!
To make sure that your little one stays entertained while traveling, you should always have a variety of toy types and travel gear readily available.
From teething rings to stuffed animals, there are countless options that will help keep them content no matter how long their journey may be!
With the right selection of toys and a bit of creative thinking, you can ensure that your baby stays happy and occupied - making it easier than ever to explore new places together.
Traveling for a 5-month-old can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. With the right travel toys and safety considerations in mind, you'll be able to ensure your little one stays entertained while on the go.
You don't need to break the bank when selecting toys; investing in a few good quality items that last is key. It's also important to keep an eye out for upgrades as your baby grows.
As long as you're prepared, traveling for a 5-month-old is like taking a journey of discovery - full of fun surprises along the way!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:38 250worlds Complete franchise rewatch: thoughts on skipping ahead then going back?

So I decided a few days ago to rewatch the entire franchise (DB, DBZ, GT, Super + Movies) starting at the Pilaf saga in DB. I plan on watching the movies alongside them too.
Herein lies the problem, I’m super hyped and motivated for this monumental task atm but I know that I run a huge risk of burnout or after a few weeks/months no longer really enjoying/taking it all in as I watch it. Regardless I want to commit to it and achieve it no matter what.
At the moment I have this massive urge to watch then Saiyan saga and the early movies, it’s the one saga I haven’t watched in the longest and I’ve just been really in the mood for that time period in dbz lately.
Should I let myself skip ahead and watch it then come back and continue 21st world tournament saga or should I hold steady and watch the Saiyan saga when it comes around? Any thoughts?
submitted by 250worlds to dbz [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:38 Patratacus2020 I got angry for being called a liar and untrustworthy

Am I wrong for being angry/upset for being called a liar and untrustworthy for telling my daughter that the movie popcorn has "butter" poured on top of it at the theater? The question came up from my daughter asking whether the movie popcorn has any nuts/peanuts in it because she has a nut allergy. I simply said, "No, it's just popcorn and butter and some salt." I know the liquid stuff they put on the popcorn isn't butter, even though the concession stand person asked if I wanted "butter." I grew up eating this stuff and have bought some in the past. I know it's some oil with coloring and salt. It could also be some other type of fatty substance they use, but I'm confident it doesn't contain nuts or tree nuts. The reason they even use this "butter" stuff in the first place is to keep it from going rancid if they use real butter. It's also cheap, so adding nuts would increase the cost. I know there is hazelnut flavoring (also fake and has no actual hazelnuts), and that's more expensive than "butter."
Anyway, my wife got pissed at me about lying to my daughter, and she deemed that I couldn't be trusted. My daughter has asked about whether there are nuts in pretty much everything. It's good that she's looking out for herself, but when she does this all the time, it gets pretty old. I didn't want to interrogate the concession stand staff about whether the popcorn or the fake butter stuff had any nuts/peanuts in it.
My wife kept bringing up trust a lot in the past several years because one time many years ago, I told her I wanted to get a divorce during a heated verbal argument because she was driving me nuts.
Here are some of the situations that have accumulated over the years and made me resent her more and more. I think I'm a trustworthy person, and I try my best to live with integrity. I have a high-paying professional job. I don't have any vices (alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc.). I also don't do much other than going to work and coming home. I go grocery shopping on the weekend and spend most of the time doing household chores on doing stuff on the computer.
She kept holding a grudge about all these things, and now she has us taking many marriage therapy workshops and sessions. She insisted that I'm too withdrawn and uncaring. She insisted that I needed to be a better husband.
I used to think I was a responsible person, and I tried my best to succeed in life. I try to spend as much time with my kids as possible so they know I'm there for them. My father wasn't around much when I was younger so I don't want to make the same mistake. We have been married for 15 years at this point but I'm just getting more and more sick of being in this relationship. I want my kids to have an intact family but it's just getting harder and harder. I don't have any other woman in my life so it's not even a part of the equation. I'm just not happy being questioned all the time and treated like a piece of garbage.
Anyway, I got really upset today after she called me a liar and said I was untrustworthy for telling my daughter the fake butter stuff is butter. I decided to walk home from this event we were supposed to get dinner together. I'd rather come home and cook my own dinner than be accused of something I can't even comprehend anymore.
submitted by Patratacus2020 to amiwrong [link] [comments]