Nik per msn

Wildlife Photography: Gear, Photos & Discussion

2013.07.06 21:52 otterfeet Wildlife Photography: Gear, Photos & Discussion

A subreddit for those interested in shooting wildlife...with a camera.

2022.12.31 14:21 niknude nudismoitaliano

Share photos of nude man and woman đŸ€— Hi, I'm Nik, Italian nudist! I created this group, to share photos and videos with who love being naked . The group is not for the exclusive use of Italians, but open to any nationality Ciao sono Nik, nudista Italiano! Ho creato questo gruppo, per condividere foto e video con vuoi amanti dello stare nudo o nuda. Il gruppo non e' ad uso esclusivo di italiani, ma aperto a qualsiasi nazionalita'

2006.07.13 17:45 slate

**Slate** - an online magazine that covers current affairs, politics, and culture in the United States

2024.05.18 11:40 Remarkable-Tip-8438 Dating anno tegenwoordig

Hoihoi en hallo ex aangezien je ook op Reddit zit. Maar waarschijnlijk met een nieuw account.
Even eerst dan maar het verhaal. Was net een goede maand samen met een jongedame. Maar toen ze zelfs een tikkie van 1,75 wilde sturen voor een cheeseburger van de Mac was het voor mij klaar. Kort daarvoor had ik haar 18 euro gegeven voor het ov, terwijl het max 7 euro enkele reis Best - Tilburg is en ze betaalde nooit mee aan het eerste etentje a 90 euro maar pakte wel voor-, hoofd- en nagerecht en nog een cocktail en een grote fles bruisend water... Is dit nu de moderne golddigger? Ik durf nu niet eens meer te daten want meestal werd er gewoon misbruik gemaakt van dat ik aandacht gaf maar deze leek gewoon uit op luxe leven betaald door mij. Gisteren was ik drankje doen nabij de Efteling het wat oud collega's en toen kreeg ik een bericht dat ze mij toch wel onvolwassen vind...
Nou ja. Nu kreeg ik omdat ik haar nummer nog op mobiel heb melding van nieuwe accounts die ik mogelijk zou kennen op basis van mijn contactenlijst. Dacht eerst dat ze mij geblokkeerd en verwijderd had (waar ze overigens elke keer over begon dat ze dat niet kon bij haar exen). Maar ze heeft dus gewoon bijna alle socials verwijderd en nieuwe aangemaakt.
Nu vraag ik mij dus af, lieve lezers uit Redditland (en ik pleurt dit verhaal even in de Tilburg groep want daar woon ik toch): is dit niet een indirecte scam? Jup ik weet waar ze woont. Ze weet dit ook van mij inmiddels na een maand. Maar ik krijg het gevoel en idee dat ze dit vaker zo doet en op die manier elke keer leuke uitjes heeft? Per saldo heeft ze mij 108 euro gekost, en heeft ze 0 euro voor mij uitgegeven. Tot ik dan toch van de week toch maar geen Tikkie kreeg van 1,75. Ik wil best iets voor schieten en ook best betalen, maar dit was zo'n gek verhaal in korte tijd dat ik dacht: ik moet het even op Reddit kwijt. En ik vind het ergens ook wel briljant dat ze dit waarschijnlijk voorbij ziet komen en jup, hallo dit ben ik dus. Nou ja, ik hoop dat als je dit leest je over al je exen heen bent en de tandarts die je leuk vond. En ik hoop dat je je toets haalt om de studie waar we samen waren kijken te gaan doen. Thanks dat je niks om mij gaf, en wel om mijn portemonnee ;)
submitted by Remarkable-Tip-8438 to nederlands [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:02 Accomplished-Leg-722 Cracker Barrel do u think we will be on the chopping block. I have never eaten there.

from msn news Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Inc. late Thursday called for lower profit and sales ahead as it welcomed fewer diners to its restaurants and slashed its dividend, saying it wants to focus on growing the business.
Cracker Barrel said it expects fiscal third- and fourth-quarter results to be below its expectations mostly “due to weaker-than-anticipated traffic,” it said. It did not provide figures for the two upcoming quarters. then from yelp
submitted by Accomplished-Leg-722 to Reno [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:36 loyal_comride Depressie en derealisatie na terugkomst emigratie uit Polen, help.

Ik weet niet helemaal of dit de goede thread is voor dit topic, maar ik wil graag even mijn verhaal kwijt. Sinds oktober 2023 ben ik na een 2-jarig verblijf in Warschau teruggekomen naar Nederland om hier verder een toekomst op te bouwen voor mij en mijn Poolse vriendin, maar dit gaat tot nu toe verre van soepel. Al een aantal jaar ben ik depressief, maar dit is sinds een paar maanden omgeslagen in suĂŻcidaliteit en nu zit ik sinds begin mei met een burnout thuis bij mijn moeder. Inmiddels gaat het iets beter doordat ik niet meer constant alleen ben (de relatie met mijn vriendin is op lange afstand) en omdat ik aan antidepressiva medicatie ben begonnen, maar ik voel me nog verre van de oude.
De reden voor mijn vertrek naar Polen destijds was vrij spontaan. Destijds was ik net afgestudeerd van mijn bachelor Geschiedenis (Universiteit Utrecht) en ik had geen flauw idee wat ik wilde doen qua werk. Werken met auto's had destijds mijn interesse dus begon ik via een kennis als koerier bij een automaterialenzaak. Oorspronkelijk leek het een goed idee, want door de corona pandemie waren mijn vorige bijbaantjes weggevallen en was een routine opbouwen en een beetje geld verdienen voor de time being voor mij voldoende. Dit werk had alleen een compleet averechts effect, ik voelde veel jaloezie bij mijn collega's destijds en werd ook gepest, iets waar ik sowieso al mijn hele leven last van heb. Daarnaast viel het salaris tegen, werd ik de eerste maand niet uitbetaald en kwam ik terecht in een vicieuze cirkel van geld lenen van vrienden en familie om rond te kunnen komen, vervolgens al die leningen de volgende maand afbetalen en dan weer niet kunnen rondkomen, om dan weer te lenen, af te betalen, etc. Het was echt een regelrechte ramp om financieel op de been te blijven en enorm stressvol.
Ergens eind van de zomer van 2021 werd ik door een Poolse vriend benaderd die mij voorstelde om in Warschau voor de ING te komen werken als Anti Money Laundering Specialist/Nederlands vertaler. Leek mij echt enorm interessant en zeker een verbetering ten opzichte van mijn armzalige koeriersbaan. Daarnaast heb ik altijd al een grote interesse in Oost Europa gehad dus het leek mij een tof avontuur om te beginnen! Zodoende na enkele maanden nog als koerier gewerkt te hebben, mijn spullen gepakt en met de noorderzon vertrokken naar Warschau. Ik had in de tussentijd ook al een bescheiden appartementje gevonden van een aardige en behulpzame huurbazin. Qua geldzaken hielp het enorm om een verse start te maken in een ander land, over mijn studieschuld en de (toen ook al) gare huizenmarkt in Nederland hoefde ik me even geen zorgen meer te maken.
Opstarten in Polen ging moeizaam. In het begin had ik alleen die vriend waarmee ik kon socializen en het was enorm donker en koud. Daarnaast is de bureaucratie daar echt een regelrechte ramp in de zin van eindeloos veel formulieren in het Pools moeten invullen en standaard afgewezen worden door mensen omdat niemand zin heeft Engels met je te willen praten. Het werk viel ook tegen, ING had haar AML project in Warschau pas 3 maanden voor mijn aankomst opgestart waardoor de organisatie op kantoor erg chaotisch was en je niet goed ingewerkt werd. Door de slechte onboarding en afwezige begeleiding van settelen als expat werd de werkdruk snel hoog en vielen mijn resultaten tegen. In retrospect had ik misschien ook niet kunnen verwachten dat het allemaal smooth zou verlopen, maar dat het zo chaotisch zou zijn had ik niet zien aankomen. Uiteindelijk heb ik het bij ING zo'n 6 maanden volgehouden, daarna ben ik geswitcht om als HR medewerker aan de slag te gaan bij een ander Nederlands bedrijf in Warschau. Dit heb ik zo'n 9 maanden volgehouden maar vanwege een beter salaris aanbod bij een ander bedrijf ben ik wederom weer geswitcht.
Rond dezelfde tijd heb ik mijn Poolse vriendin ontmoet en we hadden gelijk een klik en dit zorgde voor een enorme boost in mijn zelfvertrouwen. Lekker samen onze huishoudens regelen, rondreizen door Polen en samen dingen ondernemen zorgde ervoor dat ik me eindelijk wat beter in mijn vel ging voelen. Echter tussen al deze gezelligheid door kwamen ook oudere psychische issues rondom mijn vader weer naar boven drijven. Ik heb in 2021 het contact met mijn vader verbroken vanwege jarenlang emotioneel misbruik en door zijn narcistische persoonlijkheid lukte het nooit goed om dingen uit te praten en voor verbetering in onze relatie te zorgen. No contact was voor mij de enige uitweg om het misbruik te voorkomen. Gaf me toen veel zelfvertrouwen omdat ik het gevoel had voor mezelf te zijn opgekomen, alleen ik begon hem wel flink te missen en dit bracht weer een schuldgevoel met zich mee wat zich begon uit te werken in mijn relatie.
In Polen heb ik er destijds therapie voor gezocht, maar vanwege de hoge kosten (alles moet in het Engels) kon ik dit financieel niet meer opbrengen. In de tussentijd was mijn vriendin voor haar werk verhuisd naar Oostenrijk en werd onze relatie op afstand. Dit deed mij enorm veel pijn, maar ik wilde haar toekomst ook niet in de weg staan. Met name omdat ik eerder al plannen had om terug te gaan naar Nederland in verband met betere carriĂšremogelijkheden en het perspectief om aan mijn mentale gezondheid te werken. In Warschau had ik uiteindelijk niet veel kennissen meer over en ben ik weer teruggekomen naar Nederland. In begin voelde het hoopvol weer terug te zijn, maar dat bleek al snel weer tegen te vallen. Ik zit momenteel illegaal in een studentenkamer en heb geen vooruitzicht op een 'normale' huurwoning. Niks is te betalen met mijn salaris (33k per jaar), behalve sociale huur en antikraak. Voor beiden kom ik steeds niet door de selectie heen en dat is echt enorm frustrerend. Mijn vriendin kan alleen werk vinden op het moment dat zij al een adres heeft in Nederland, want op mijn studentenkamer kan ze zich niet inschrijven. De verantwoordelijkheid ligt volledig bij mij om een woning voor ons beiden te vinden en tussendoor is het echt enorm uitdagend om ĂŒberhaupt rond te blijven komen met mijn huidige salaris.
Enerzijds is het fijn om weer in mijn eigen taal te kunnen praten, maar socializen met anderen gaat moeilijk. Veel van mijn oude vriendschappen zijn verwaterd geraakt in de tijd dat ik weg ben geweest en met de vrienden die ik nog wel heb overgehouden kan ik mij niet goed meer mee identificeren. Socializen is erg moeilijk geworden voor mij, ik voel mij continu een imposter, de druk van het vinden van een woning is enorm groot, financiële stress is ook weer terug en alles lijkt enorm uitzichtloos op dit moment voor mij en mijn meisje. Teruggaan naar Polen heb ik vaak overwogen, maar het viel mij op dat de leef- en woonkosten daar ook flink zijn gestegen sinds de oorlog (zoals overal een beetje). Mijn vriendin is nu na een jaar weer teruggekomen in Warschau omdat zij in Nederland nu geen woon- of werkperspectief heeft op dit moment. In de tussentijd ben ik hier in Nederland enorm vereenzaamd en doorgebrand vanwege alle bovengenoemde stress en zit ik nu thuis bij mijn moeder... Hoe moet ik nu verder, want ik weet het echt niet meer... :(
submitted by loyal_comride to nederlands [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:32 sinomaltanews US military says first aid delivered to Gaza via temporary pier
As the leader of the Malta Catholic Democratic Party, I would issue the following statement regarding the recent developments in Gaza:
Official Statement on Humanitarian Aid Delivery to Gaza
The Malta Catholic Democratic Party commends the efforts of the US military and international community in establishing a temporary pier to deliver humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. The recent initiative to facilitate the flow of essential supplies via maritime routes is a beacon of hope amidst the ongoing conflict.
We recognize the critical importance of this aid as a lifeline for the countless innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. The delivery of aid through this temporary pier, as reported by various news outlets123, is a testament to the collective resolve to address the dire humanitarian situation.
However, we must also acknowledge that this is but a temporary solution to a complex crisis. While the pier allows for the delivery of approximately 90 to 150 truckloads of aid per day45, it is clear that the needs of the Gazan population far exceed this capacity. Prior to the conflict, over 500 truckloads of aid were required daily to sustain the population4.
The Malta Catholic Democratic Party urges all parties involved to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict and to ensure the safe and unhindered passage of humanitarian aid. We call upon the Israeli government to ease restrictions on land crossings and to work collaboratively with international agencies to prevent a further escalation of the humanitarian crisis.
In solidarity with the people of Gaza, we pledge our support for continued humanitarian efforts and pray for a swift end to the suffering. May this temporary pier serve not only as a conduit for aid but also as a symbol of the enduring human spirit and the possibility of peace.
We stand with the international community in advocating for the dignity and well-being of every human being, regardless of the challenges we face. It is our moral duty to provide assistance and to uphold the values of compassion and humanity in these trying times.
The Malta Catholic Democratic Party remains committed to these principles and will continue to monitor the situation closely, offering our support in any way we can.
1: “First Aid Delivered To Gaza Via Temporary Pier Made By US Military” 2: “First aid shipment delivered via temporary pier to Gaza, says US military” 3: “US Military Says First Aid Delivered To Gaza Via Temporary Pier” 4: “What to know about how much the aid from a US pier project will help Gaza” 5: “Aid starts flowing into Gaza Strip across temporary floating pier U.S.”
submitted by sinomaltanews to MCDP [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:32 StrawberryBudget1437 €1 miljoen in BV op jonge leeftijd

Hallo allemaal, even op mijn alt account omdat ik niet graag cijfers deel op mijn normale account.
Dit zal voor veel mensen ongeloofwaardig overkomen, ik heb alleen zelf niks eraan als ik cijfers deel die niet waar zijn. Als mods het willen verifiëren is dit geen probleem!
Ik ben 20 jaar en ben nu een aantal jaar bezig met mijn e-commerce bedrijf. Sinds 2022 is dit hard gegroeid en nu heb ik ongeveer €1.000.000 in mijn holding zitten. Nu heb ik een goede accountant die mij verder helpt, alleen ben ik benieuwd wat jullie mij aanraden. Dit bedrag is excl de vennootschapsbelasting.
Ik zal even delen wat ik privĂ© ontvang en investeer per maand: DGA netto: €3100 Meesman: €900 (eenmalige storting van 15k extra gedaan) Crypto: Soms eenmalige kleine stortingen (op dit moment in m’n wallet: €8.000 Spaar ING: €25k
Verder verdeel ik de rest van mijn inkomen in verschillende potjes: spaar / play.
Mijn bedrijf genereert nog steeds een goede winst per maand, het bedrag zal dus blijven verhogen in de holding. Ik merk wel een daling ten opzichte van vorig jaar, dit is niet erg, de piek is al geweest.
Omdat de huizen prijzen in NL blijven stijgen wil ik snel een huis kopen voor mezelf. Waarschijnlijk is mijn plan om een deel gelijk privé af te betalen en de rest te financieren als hypotheek vanuit mijn BV. Hoe denken jullie hierover? Hebben jullie misschien ervaring hiermee?
Ook wil ik erg graag wat gaan doen met het geld in mijn BV. Ik betaal mezelf ieder jaar DGA salaris uit en dividend (67k). Wat zou slim zijn om zakelijk in te investeren? Vastgoed buitenland? Indexfondsen? En raden jullie mij privé aan meer te investeren?
Ik ben erg benieuwd wat jullie in mijn situatie zouden doen. Ik snap ook dat dit een zeer uitzonderlijke situatie is en ik wil ook zeker niet hiermee ‘pronken’.
Alvast bedankt aan iedereen die de moeite neemt om een reactie te plaatsen en met mij mee te denken 😁
submitted by StrawberryBudget1437 to geldzaken [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:53 X-040-X Verplicht extra werken tijdens de vakantieperiode

Hallo allemaal,
Mijn vrouw werkt in de zorg (CAO Gehandicaptenzorg) zijn heeft een contract voor 28 uur per week. Nu is het zo dat ze komende juli 21 dagen is ingepland met diensten van 8 uur dus totaal 168 uur.
Dit is teveel voor haar en dit trekt ze niet (ze werkt niet voor niks maar 28 uur per week). Navraag bij de werkgever levert het volgende op :
''Wat betreft het rooster van juli. In drukke vakantieperiodes, kan het voorkomen dat je wat extra moet werken. Je vangt elkaars diensten op in vakantieperiodes.'''
Onze vraag: kan dit zomaar? mag een werkgever je zomaar verplichten om extra te werken tijdens vakantieperiodes? Wat kunnen we hier verder mee doen?
Alvast bedankt!
submitted by X-040-X to juridischadvies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:33 Jetrulz The basket option strategy used by Renaissance

Hey guys,
I just found these articles, Renaissance technology is more than odd. Some wrinkled brains should take a deep dive into it.
The basket option strategy used by Renaissance had the effect of allowing for much larger borrow amounts as well as paying long-term capital gains when in reality they do hundreds of thousands or millions of trades per day.
Using this structure, hedge funds piled on exponentially more debt than leverage limits allow, in one case permitting a leverage ratio of 20-to-1. The banks pretended that the money placed into the accounts were not loans to its customers, even though the hedge funds paid financing fees for use of the money. While the two banks have stopped selling basket options as a way for clients to claim long-term capital gains, they continue to use the structures to avoid federal leverage limits.
Are they able to fck up margin requirements through these basket options?
Just in time? Well at least they're playing popcorn and gme since 2021.
Another thought:
Did these basket options allow hedgefunds to short headphone company? I mean headphone company has no options. They could be shorted through etfs though. Headphone company has 3 etfs: vti, vxf and iwc. 2 of them in common with gme (vti, vxf). Other etfs like ijh etc. rebalanced at that time. But when the run up occured, these two etfs weren't affected a lot (change in utilization or outstanding shares). So what caused this run up for headphone company?
"These instruments involved baskets of stocks put together by a bank. But Medallion didn’t buy the actual basket of stocks; it instead bought an option on that basket and sometimes gave the banks instructions on how to trade those stocks. Basket options have been criticized for having allowed hedge funds to borrow money more easily and allowing them to make bigger and potentially riskier trades."
I believe it has to do with rentech and it's basket options whatever thingy.
submitted by Jetrulz to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:06 Educational-Sense-63 Mogelijk juridisch ongeldig oproepcontract

Wij hebben een oproep contract ontvangen voor een 16 jarige werknemer vanuit de horeca. Wij kunnen geen fotos uploaden van dit contract, want er kunnen geen bijlagen op deze subreddit, maar wij leggen kort uit wat er mogelijk juridisch incorrect zou kunnen zijn.
  1. In het contract staat “Het is de werknemer verboden betaalde of onbetaalde nevenwerkzaamheden te verrichten, tenzij daarvoor voorafgaand en schriftelijk toestemming van werkgever is verkregen.”
  2. Er wordt in het contract gezegd dat “het bruto basissalaris gelijk is aan het voor werknemer geldende wettelijk minimumloon.” maar er staat geen bedrag in euro’s in het contract. Ook klopt dit niet, want de werknemer wordt meer betaalt dan het wettelijk minimumloon.
  3. Er staat dat “het salaris vermeerderd met het vakantiegeld en de vergoeding voor de vakantiedagen wordt maandelijks uitbetaald, uiterlijk in de opvolgende maand op de bankrekening van werknemer.” Er staat geen exacte datum van uitbetaling in het oproepcontract.
  4. “Indien werknemer binnen 4 weken (28 dagen) na het einde van de arbeidsovereenkomst arbeidsongeschikt/ziek wordt zal werknemer dit onmiddelijk (ook) schriftelijk aan werknemer melden. Werknemer zal zich in dat geval tevens houden aan de binnen de ondernemer van werkgever geldende voorschriften bij ziekte. Hieronder valt ook de verplichting van werknemer mee te werken aan re-integratie bij werkgever of een bij (door werkgever aan te wijzen) derde partij."
  5. "Indien werknemer handelt in strijd met zijn verplichtingen uit de hoofde van het bepaalde in artikel 9.3 verbeurt hij aan werkgever een direct opeisbare boete van €500,-- voor iedere overteding, alsmede een bedrag van €500,-- voor iedere dag - ongeacht of hierop gebruikelijk wordt gewerkt of niet -, dat de overtreding/niet-nakoming voortduurt. EĂ©n en ander met een maximum van €10.000,--" artikel 9,3 is wat er na punt 4 staat.
  6. "De boete is rechtstreeks verschuldigd aan werkgever en strekt deze tot voordeel. Met het bepaalde in het vorgaande lid en dit lid wordt uitdrukkelijk afgewezen van het bepaalde in artikel 7:650 lid 3-5 BW."
  7. "Op overtreding van het gestelde in dit artikel verbeurt de werknemer jegens de werkgever, zonder dat hiertoe enige voorafgaande kennisgeving of ingebrekestelling vereist is, een onmiddelijk opeisbare boete ten bedrage van €5.000,- per overtreding. In afwijking van artikel 7:650 BW, voor zover zonder toepassing, zal de boete geheel ten gode komen van de werkgever." In dit artikel wordt gesteld dat de werknemer niks mag delen over alle gegevens inzake de leveranciers, klanten en overige relaties van werkgever en de aan werkgever gelieerde vennootschappen, financiĂ«le gegevens, recepten, marketingstrategieĂ«n en alle andere gegevens en bijzonderheden, ook na het beĂ«indigen van het oproepcontract. Ook wordt er gezegd dat de werknemer niet is toegestaan om foto's/filmpjes/ander beeldmateriaal te maken in/van de winkel/het winkelpad. Foto's/filmpjes/ander beeldmateriaal dat betrekking heeft op werkgever mag in geen geval door werknemer openbaar worden gemaakt of verspeid.
  8. "Indien werknemer het bepaalde in artikel overteedt en/of niet nakomt, verbeurt hij aan werkgever een direct opeisbare boete van €40.000,- voor iedere overtreding per bepaling ie wordt overtreden en per overtreding van die bepaling." Er word in het artikel gesteldt dat de werknemer geen andere werknemers mag benaderen om deze aan te zetten het dienstverband met werkgever te beĂ«indigen, ook na beĂ«indiging van het oproepcontract. "De boete is rechtstreeks verschuldigd aan werkgever en strekt deze tot voordeel. Met het bepaalde in het voorgaande lid en dit lid owrdt uitdrukkelijk afgeweken van het bepaalde in artikel 7:650 lid 3-5 BW."
Is alles wat in dit oproepcontract staat legaal?
submitted by Educational-Sense-63 to juridischadvies [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:28 ilostmycapo Autobedrijf heeft €10k aan onderdelen besteld zonder toestemming... wat nu?

(Weet ff niet precies welke flair hierbij past, excuses)
Onze auto heeft rechtsachter schade omdat schoonvader is aangereden door iemand die ruim 20km/u te hard ging, maar uiteindelijk wel voorrang had. Dat ter zijde, het gaat om een Nissan Leaf uit 2018. De garage waar we hem naartoe hebben gestuurd heeft eindelijk (na anderhalve maand) een offerte gestuurd, ze zijn op €10k aan onderdelen etc. gekomen.
Sommige dingen vinden wij niet nodig (klein voorbeeld is een nieuwe achterdeur, die is naast het wiel wat misvormd door de klap, maar het is zo weinig dat we dit er makkelijk zelf uit zouden kunnen halen om de kosten te verminderen). Zo heeft mijn vriend ook bij voorbaat al aan aangegeven dat hij alleen de noodzakelijke reparaties zou willen, om de auto gewoon weer rijdend te krijgen. Geen onnodig spuitwerk etc. (dat hebben ze hier ook meegeteld)
Vandaag hebben we de offerte gekregen per mail gekregen, dus mijn vriend heeft gelijk teruggemaild met de vraag; is het mogelijk om alleen de noodzakelijke reparaties uit te voeren?
Hij kreeg binnen 10 minuten een telefoontje van het bedrijf, waarin werd gezegd "ja maar, ik heb de onderdelen al besteld en die kan ik niet zomaar terug sturen"... Hij heeft nergens akkoord voor gegeven. Dit mag toch niet? Hij had toch eerst akkoord moeten geven?
Laat ik ook even toevoegen dat ditzelfde bedrijf, vorig jaar februari al de koplampen van de Mercedes Sprinter van mijn vriend had verkocht, terwijl hij nog niet eens de kans had gehad om deze na zijn auto ongeluk leeg te halen van zijn eigen spullen. Is dus niet de eerste keer dat ze iets zonder toestemming doen. We hebben er toen niks mee gedaan omdat ik op dat punt ook hoogzwanger was en we geen zin hadden in nog meer zooi.
submitted by ilostmycapo to juridischadvies [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:35 HairyCallahan Kruiden faal

Enkele weken geleden heb ik behoorlijk wat kruidenzaadjes in een kweekbak gelegd. Een groot deel hiervan ontkiemde, dus ik heb Zo'n 40 van die kartonnen bakjes gepakt en twee plantjes per bakje geplant. Dit ging ook best goed, alleen viel me op dat bijna alle planten (bv peterselie, bieslook, oregano) hele slappe stengels waren. Daarbij kwam er na twee dagen al schimmel op de bakjes (stonden binnen, niet in de zon). Ik heb daarom een deel in een groter bakje gezet, maar die zijn allemaal dood (ze waren 3-6 cm). Degene in de kartonnen bakjes doen ook niks meer, op de courgette na, die er goed en gezond uitziet.
Vorig jaar lukte het me ook al niet om ze te laten groeien, dus ik was benieuwd hoe jullie dit doen. Ik volg de stappen die ik online vind en ik heb speciale potgrond, kweekbakjes en kruidenmest gekocht
Als jullie de kleine plantjes overzetten naar een kartonnen bakje, graaf je je dan helemaal in? Hoeveel laat je uitsteken?
Geven jullie alleen water door ze op een schotel te zetten en daarop water te gieten, of geven jullie de planten rechtstreeks water?
Hoe groot laten jullie de planten groeien voordat ze naar hun definitieve pot gaan?
Houden jullie de planten uit de zon?
Extra tips zijn welkom!
submitted by HairyCallahan to groenevingers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:17 seneryd Borg en inboedel kwijt

helaas ben ik door omstandigheden ca. 1,5 jaar geleden dakloos geworden na een huisuitzetting wat mijn eigen schuld was, bij deze uitzetting is mijn inboedel afgevoerd door de gemeente, ik kreeg toen via diezelfde gemeente een kamer aangeboden bij ene Mohammedi, de gemeente betaalde de eerste maand huur(550) en de borgsom(1100) voor mij in de vorm van bijzondere bijstand. Vanaf dag 1 is dit fout gegaan, toen ik de 2e maand aangaf 2 dagen later te zijn met betalen van de huur, kreeg ik ik gelijk een knokploeg aan de deur van deze huisbaas en werdt met de dood bedreigd. Nou ben ik niet bang aangelegd dus heb het laten gaan en betaald. Vervolgens ging ik bij de deurwaarder van die huisuitzetting vragen waar ik mijn spullen kon ophalen, die verwees mij naar de gemeente, dus ik naar de gemeente (binnen de 13 weken termijn die daar voor staat) en die verwezen mij weer terug. Van het kastje naar de muur dus, eindstand complete inboedel weg en niemand weet waarheen. Dus ik kreeg van de gemeente 750 euro als bijstand om wat kleding en tafel/bed/uitzet te kopen. Ik moet dit allemaal terug betalen aan de gemeente. Dan zijn we inmiddels bijna een jaar verder en kreeg ik het volgende, ik was inmiddels officieel aangemerkt als slachtoffer van de toeslagenaffaire en kreeg dus die 30.000. ik heb daar toen eerst schulden afbetaald en ook normale uitzet/inboedel gekocht, toen kwam het einde van het huurcontract in zicht, ik heb toen mijn huisbaas gemaild dat ik wel op zoek was naar wat groters omdat ik ook mijn dochtertje regelmatig logeren had op mijn kamer, en dat mocht niet van hem. Ik heb de huur niet officieel opgezegd en de huisbaas ook niet. Op 1 april (geen grap) kreeg ik een mail van hem dat ik er per direct uit moest, en dat ik overlast veroorzaakte en medebewoners last van mij hadden, wat niet zo is, toen ik aangaf ik heb dan tijd nodig om wat anders te vinden of iig mijn spullen op te slaan, was hij niet voor rede vatbaar en werdt ik op 7 april door 2 van zijn vriendjes onder doodsbedreigingen de straat opgegooid. Ik moest al mijn mijn spullen wel achterlaten. Toen vondt ik gelukkig een andere woning in andere gemeente waar ik nu zit, maar zonder inboedel/spullen. Dus ik gemaild naar huisbaas Mohammed en gevraagd mag ik mijn spullen en borg terug, krijg ik een rekening terug van zgn. Schade die ik zou hebben gemaakt aan een kamer van 2x3 en transportkosten en 2 maanden huur omdat hij zgn de kamer niet heeft kunnen verhuren ad. 2250 euro die moet ik eerst betalen en dan krijg ik mijn spullen pas terug. Maar dat is chanteren, en ik weiger dat te betalen en daar gaat hij denk ik ook van uit.
Ik heb heen en weer gemaild met de gemeente wat zij hier aan kunnen doen, maar die zeggen ja we hebben wel die kamer aangedragen en dat is idd een goede cliënt van ons en geld daar voor geleend maar we kunnen niks doen aan je huisbaas dat is jouw probleem. Ik kan ze aansprakelijk stellen via een brief aan B&W en thats it. Maar ik wil mijn spullen terug.
Door die bedreigingen en appjes en de toon van praten durf ik ook geen aangifte te doen, want het enige wat hij als laatste wou was mijn nieuwe adres zo dat hij mij kan afdreigen vermoedt ik. Bij de gemeente speelt hij de barmhartige sameritaan die mensen in problemen helpt, terwijl hij ze eigenlijk verder de vernieling in helpt. Want 9/10 huurders zal het niet eens proberen er tegen in te gaan en is bovendien buitenlandse student.
De gemeente doet niks, terwijl zij ook al mijn eerste inboedel kwijt zijn geraakt en mij hebben geadviseerd een kamer te huren bij hun goede cliënt Mohammed.
Ik ben nu die 30.000 alleen al kwijtgeraakt aan 2x mijn complete inboedel en borgsommen. En ik weet gewoon niet wat ik hier nog tegen kan doen. De huurbaas denkt dat hij boven de wet staat en de wet doet niks dan mij vragen de bureaucratische procedures te volgen om vervolgens nog met lege handen te staan.
Wat zouden jullie doen?
submitted by seneryd to juridischadvies [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:12 Moocao123 Clover vs AMC vs GME -- Moocao version

Clover vs AMC vs GME -- Moocao version
Good evening Clover Health investors
As the markets are now closed, and after hours markets are closed, I thought I would take some time to discuss some of the discussions that have occurred throughout the day. I would like to assure all of you that what GME and AMC experienced is definitely a meme rally, but what Clover has experienced is most definitely not. For Clover, it is a reversal to the actual bankruptcy peg of 1:1, which is an astonishing improvement and tells you the power of maniac retail short sellers. I will explain below, but first, our disclaimers:
We strongly recommend against investing into Clover Health on the basis of a meme rally.
*** Both RainyFriedTofu and Moocao123 has positions in Clover Health. The information provided is not meant as financial advice, please be advised of the potential bias and decide whether the information provided is within your risk consideration. **
*** This is not financial advice, nor is there any financial advice within. Shout-out to the AMC/GME apes for having me to write this ***
*** Please do not utilize this content without author authorization ***
Clover Health - stock price reflected for 05/14/24
I have previously already released this chart within my Clover health DD, I have included now an updated price per share, and highlighted the important section in RED. As you can see we are finally at exactly market cap 1.13 to cash on hand ratio, or in another way of saying it - we are priced slightly better than bankruptcy, similar to Dec 31 2023. If you instead listened to someone else/another subreddit, you would have thought we had a meme rally. We most assuredly did not. Let me show you what the meme rally did to AMC and GME. I have constructed the following Excel, but since they are not my target DD I skipped over some parts:
I have taken the liberty to highlight the relevant parts in red, however if you look at the financials, AMC has an overall worse economics in FY 2024. The market didn't care though on 05/14/24, and pushed AMC from bankruptcy pricing of Market Cap to Cash on hand ratio of 1.16 to 2.89 within a single day. It also never had a positive shareholder equity, in fact in the 10K they are all called "Shareholder deficits". Never mind AMC has a big bomb strapped to its chest:
Yes you are reading this correctly. 2.9 BILLION dollars is due on 2026. In addition, 118.3 million dollars is due in 2025 and 25.1 million in 2024. Guess what? Aaron Adam sold $250 million dollars worth of equity this past Monday! Are you an AMC ape holding a bag? Hooray! AMC can extinguish that 2024 and 2025 debt immediately. Now Aaron will have to roll out AMC Preferred Equity #2 for 2026... How many shares do you think he needs to sell?
Did you know if you held GME when it was in the lowest of lows and rode Roaring Kitty/Keith Gill's GME wave, you would make better returns than the S&P 500 index? It's amazing really. Personally I haven't set foot in a Gamestop store in decades, and last I remember I stood in a Gamestop store it had smelly carpets and teenagers who didn't want to be working there. "He likes the stock" he says, but probably not the company itself. But hey, the stock is doing great!
Did you see 2021? Holy shit. Anyways, shall we look at their finances?
I heard they pulled a profit in 2023, but you wouldn't see it by looking at their store operations. In fact GME got into profitability by cutting SG&A and will continuously cut to make their earnings look good. Did you see their revenue per store? It dropped. Did you see its profit margin per store YoY? it is negative or zero, choose which is less worse. Meaning any store they have remaining would be negligible in moving the profit per store needle. They already cut the under performing stores, and they are now cutting into useful ones.
On 05/14/24 though, GME pulled a rabbit out of its hat. It's Market cap to cash on hand ratio jumped from a static ~ 3.25 - 3.50 to a whopping 12.40. Congratulations Keith Gill.
As a conclusion, both Rainy and I have used different methods to come to the same conclusion:
Clover health is still being shorted to bankruptcy ratio, but the boot is less tight at the neck, now at 1.16. That being said, Clover still has ways to go before they can state they are no longer BK pegged. Again, Clover has plenty of room to grow and re-invigorate itself (Clover Home Care, Clover Assistant, and Clover Medicare Advantage), has adequate cash on hand, is cash flow positive, and is $100 million away from profitability (CA SaaS anyone?). This is why Rainy and I choose to invest into Clover. This is why the shorts are afraid of DD - it blows up their nonsense and makes their actions seem foolish. I am sure the shorts will keep mentioning that Clover is riding a meme wave, and once Clover gets under $1 the FUDs doom train will start. It is predictable and comical.
AMC definitely is heading towards BK by 2026 (almost guaranteed), unless someone does another Antara capital and exchanges the lien note as a rollover in exchange for AMC Preferred Equity units 2.0 (since retail likes holding bags). Despite this, Market has pegged AMC temporarily to a ratio of 3. AMC cannot reinvent itself, it is still losing money per screen, but someone still is trying to meme it to viability.
GME is not heading to BK, but it is definitely very very richly valued at ratio of 12.40 on 05/14/24. I do not consider GME a good investment, as it still needs to re-brand itself and re-invigorate itself (say, what happened to the NFT marketplace?). GME is memed up in value, but we do not foresee immediate bankruptcy concerns.
I would also like to reiterate again what our subreddit stands for: We do not provide financial advice, nor do we intend to do so. Do not invest into Clover Health based on meme stock valuation, and we will be the first to tell you to stay away from Clover Health stock if you do not understand the financials of this company, its goals, and the obstacles facing this small cap company.
Thank you for taking the time to read through this. I hope this provides you with a better perspective on what happened today.
** Update to this post: as predicted, GME's revenue disappointed in 24Q1 preliminary release. I already discussed on how each further store cut would result in negligible improvement in profit. Each store cut is a definite loss in revenue. This was predicted and therefore the news was not a surprise, but the stock sale is a surprise. Turns out Ryan Cohen cares about Retail money as much as Aaron Adam. *\*

submitted by Moocao123 to Healthcare_Anon [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:16 ATG-NNN-TGA Crypto Wallet Integrates Pay-Per-Use Access to Premium AIs
Cake Wallet, a well-known crypto wallet, has recently incorporated NanoGPT, a revolutionary pay-per-use AI platform, into its services. Revolutionary integration permits users to get high-tech artificial intelligence APIs like ChatGPT-4, Dall-E 3, Claude 3 Opus and many others at their crypto self-custody address with Nano (XNO). This evolution is a major step towards a more effective and flexible approach to AI payment systems, that allows users to use crypto for quick and easy payments.
submitted by ATG-NNN-TGA to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:41 Disastrous_Package89 (Particuliere) huurbaas wil zonder toestemming huis betreden.

Hoi allemaal.
Ik ben opzoek naar een stukje advies m.b.t tot wat ik kan doen in deze situatie.
Ik en mijn huisgenoot hebben de huur van onze kamers opgezegd en onze laatste huurdag zal 31 mei 2024 zijn. Nu heeft onze huurbaas besloten niet verder te verhuren en het appartement in de verkoop te zetten nu wij weg gaan.
De volgende situatie dient zich nu aan: huurbaas wil een inspectie doen samen met zijn makelaar. Hij heeft hiervoor zonder overleg met ons een datum en tijd gekozen en dit achteraf bij ons pas gemeld (overgens nadat ik hier zelf naar vroeg). ik heb aangegeven dat er niemand aanwezig zal zijn en een poging gedaan een nieuwe tijd of dag af te spreken. De verhuurder geeft hier geen gehoor aan en zegt in zijn laatste email "De afspraak is al gemaakt, dus wij gaan sowieso naar binnen"
Nu lees ik op internet dat hij dit niet mag doen en hij als verhuurder altijd een afspraak moet maken met de huurders maar hem kennende gaat dat hem niet stoppen.
Mijn vraag is nu wat kan ik hier op voorhand dan wel naderhand tegen doen? Ik heb liever niet dat er mensen door ons huis lopen wanneer wij er niet zijn.
(Nederlands recht zover dit van toepassing is)
(Edit: spelling)
Edit #2,: bedankt iedereen voor jullie tijd advies en inzichten. Ik heb hier veel van opgestoken en ga hiermee aan de slag!
Update: 18-5-24 Ik ben uiteindelijk voor de optie camera gegaan en heb de verhuurder nogmaals per email duidelijk gemaakt dat hij geen toestemming heeft de woning te betreden. Hierna werd hij erg boos en gaf aan zijn akkoord voor huuropzegging in te trekken en als ik niet de achterstallige huur voor de maand juni betaalde zou hij een deurwaarde sturen. Hij is uiteindelijk gisteren niet langs geweest en heb verder ook niks meer van hem gehoord...
submitted by Disastrous_Package89 to juridischadvies [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:21 TechWorker111 FIGHT RTO - Email the Governor’s Cabinet, the Legislature, and Other State Leaders

Email template for the Governor’s Cabinet and the Legislature below.
Yes, it is long, but it captures a lot of our frustrations.
This subreddit has over 38,000 people. If even 1,000 people emailed all of these folks, they will definitely take notice.
There are areas in this email template for you to customize, so please read through it.
I highly recommend Hotmail or Yahoomail. If you use Gmail, you may need to click “Tab” multiple times when entering in so many emails.
You may also wish to send a copy to your own manager, section chief, branch chief, Dept. Director, etc.
  1. USE BCC (not in the “To” or “CC” section.
  3. OPTICS MATTER. Do not make us look bad in any way.
[](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](
Dear California State Leaders,
I write to you today as a voter, taxpayer, constituent, and as a State of California employee. My ________years of dedicated work serves Californians every day because my role focuses on supporting _________.
I want to share my personal story and provide some facts and data about the Governor’s new June 17 RTO (Return to Office) arbitrary mandate. This mandate will cost taxpayers more during this budget deficit crisis and it is a poorly thought-out, one-size-fits-all, chaotic approach. According to the survey data from 110 State Departments, telework was a huge success for recruitment, productivity, morale, collaboration, and decreasing office space. This chaotic, mandatory, arbitrary RTO simply creates a long list of unnecessary problems. For all of the reasons outlined in this email, I strongly support Assemblyman Josh Hoover’s audit request.
My message is simple: Encourage the Governor to rescind the June 17 arbitrary RTO mandate. The decision for the frequency that employees should all meet in-person and collaborate should rest with those closest and most familiar with the work: individual Unit Managers. These managers know the true collaboration, mentorship, and operational needs of their individual teams. Individual Unit Managers should be allowed to make decisions on accordingly to carry out the Department’s goals and mission. This is the bottoms-up approach that balances the needs of both the employer and employees. The Governor’s mandate and top-down approach fails to acknowledge the many financial and environmental repercussions to not only its own employees, but also to the State of California.
I want to share my personal story as a working class, public servant. With high inflation, I simply cannot afford to shoulder the cost of commuting, which averages $8,466 annually.. According to this 2023 LAO (Legislative Analyst Office) report, for most employees, our State provided wages have consistently been lower than the inflation rate, year-after-year, since 1999, constantly eroding our purchasing power. Other employees have it worse, such as scientists who have had their salaries be frozen for 4 years since 2020 as CalHR has refused to budge on reaching a contract. Purchasing power is a key metric since a $50,000 salary in 2024 buys far less than in 1999. This 2023 UC Berkeley Labor Center report confirmed that “State workers struggle to make ends meet throughout California.” Even the 2023 California State Auditor reports “that hiring and retaining qualified IT staff is the greatest challenge that they [State Departments] currently face.”
If the State is unwilling to provide market wages that keep up with inflation, the state can recruit and retain employees by improving working conditions, such as telework. Being allowed to telework 5 days a week has helped stretch my limited dollars, especially in this inflationary period. This arbitrary RTO mandate is effectively yet another pay cut for me that I simply cannot afford.
Personally, having the opportunity to telework 5 days a week has dramatically improved my quality of life by:
Tell them why the RTO issue is important to you, your family member and your community.
  1. I have saved ____ hours on my roundtrip commute per week. This has allowed me to reinvest that time toward _____. [helping my kids with their homework, taking care of elderly relatives ]
  2. I have saved $___ on commuting costs, which has helped me better afford ___ for me and my family. This has been especially helpful because high inflation has negatively affected me by _____.
  3. By teleworking, I am reducing my environmental impact and contribution to climate change, which is _____
  4. I have a physical disability and telework is more accommodating than using public transportation, etc. (Feel free to expand on it)
  5. I do not live in an area with access to efficient public transportation, so teleworking helps by _____
  6. For childcare during before and after work hours, it would cost me ________.
The State will incur many financial and environmental costs:
  1. If even 33%, or 73,086 out of the 221,474 State employees use the monthly maximum IRS public transportation benefit,) that would cost the State $276.3 million every single year.
  2. State Departments already spend $600 million per year on rent. Many State Departments also simply do not have enough office space for all of their employees currently. There is nowhere near enough quiet conference room space for employees to hold confidential meetings with stakeholders. Will these departments sign new leases for office space?
  3. State Departments will be forced to buy many millions of dollars worth of additional office equipment for employees to effectively carry out their jobs including additional webcams, headsets, keyboards, standard office supplies, etc.
  4. Pursuant to the reasonable accommodation process for employees with verified medical needs, State Departments will need to purchase other expensive equipment, including but not limited to specialized chairs and stand up desks.
    1. It is important to note that many employees have already invested their own money into equipping their own home office that best meets their needs. It is not simply not possible to ask an employee to bring in their own large equipment from home to the office and back, so the State Departments would incur these additional purchases.
  5. State Departments will be spending much more in maintenance costs for elevators, bathroom repairs, printer repairs, electricity, water, gas, and other utilities.
  6. State telework has also eliminated nearly 400,000 metric tons of carbon emissions. Mandating RTO will needlessly cause more carbon emissions, which directly runs counter to the Governor’s own words for his trip to the Vatican: “global temperatures [are] hurtling towards alarming new heights, the stakes could not be higher. There is no greater authority than moral authority — and the Pope’s leadership on the climate crisis inspires us all to push further and faster.”
The arbitrary mandatory RTO causes chaos among State Departments:
Across various departments, it’s common knowledge that a sizable number of executive-level leaders do not reside near Sacramento and instead live in other regions in California, such as the Bay Area and Southern California.
  1. The next logical question is, will the state offer these executive-level leaders special exemptions and privileges not available to rank and file staff and risk the hypocrisy that undermines the Governor’s stated policy for more “collaboration?” This creates another “rules for thee, but not for me” situation.
  2. Or will the State risk losing these executive-level leaders en masse across numerous departments, undermining policy and program implementation?
  3. For Departments considering exempting those who live over 50 miles away, it also destroys employee morale. For example, a 20 year veteran staff member with technical expertise may be forced to commute and come into the office twice a week to train a newer employee over Microsoft Teams or Zoom simply because they live in Los Angeles. This naturally breeds frustration and resentment.
  4. For exempted employees who live over 50 miles away, some Departments are creating policies that their 5 day remote status only applies to their currently held position, so these employees are “forever stuck” and cannot promote upward, even if they have the expertise the Department needs.
  5. The State is starting to open itself up to lawsuits as some Departments are already denying reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities.
  6. Being able to recruit employees from areas other than Sacramento helps ensure Departments get perspectives from different counties all across the State. People from rural, suburban, and urban areas all have different experiences and to best serve ALL Californians, we need a geographically diverse workforce.
  7. As previously stated, many Departments already do not have the office space or needed equipment for all of their employees. With RTO, new equipment will be needed and purchasing equipment notoriously takes a long time. These factors, combined with many departments trying to implement a hoteling system, will ultimately result in a extremely chaotic return-to-the-office and tank productivity. Many Departments have held Q&A sessions and time and time again, HR offices have been unable to answer basic questions about RTO logistics. Again, RTO creates unnecessary problems.
Some state employees have discussed that this is their number one quality-of-life issue and may galvanize them to start engaging with media contacts and spread the hypocrisy on social media. Their goal is to highlight the glaring mismatch and hypocrisy between CA’s proud public policies and the actual reality of choices being made by this Administration. Quite frankly, I fear that this may hurt the Governor and other State Leaders in the future. By unilaterally imposing an arbitrary RTO mandate across the board, the Administration is actively choosing to make working class public servant’s lives worse off, so I understand my colleague’s sentiments.
As MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow recently stated to her own bosses, “Hearing legitimate criticism, responding to it and correcting course. Not digging in, not blaming others. Take a minute, acknowledge that maybe it wasn’t the right call. It is a sign of strength, not weakness, to acknowledge when you are wrong.”
To reiterate, my request is simple: Encourage the Governor to rescind the arbitrary, mandatory, one-size-fits-all, chaotic RTO mandate. Allow individual Unit Managers the flexibility to enact telework policies that best meet their team’s needs to effectively carry out the Department’s mission. They are the ones closest to the work and the ones most knowledgable about what the team needs to succeed.
I respectfully request a response within ten business days.
Respectfully yours,
submitted by TechWorker111 to CAStateWorkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:11 PizzaPuntThomas Veel succes allemaal

Morgen begint het eerste tijdvak, ik wens alle mede-examenleerlingen veel succes.
Onthoud: je zit nu in het eindexamenjaar, daar zou je niet zitten als je het niet kon. Gebruik de tijd die je hebt, denk rustig na, neem eten en drinken mee. Houdt ook buiten de examens en het leren tijd vrij voor gezelligheid en rust (uiteraard niet te veel niks doen).
Maak een examenrooster en hang dat thuis op de koelkast, zodat de rest van je gezin ook weet wanneer en hoelaat je een examen hebt.
Je mag een NL->moedertaal (voor de meesten zal dit NL->NL zijn) woordenboek hebben bij elk examen, en een gewone rekenmachine zodat je [aantal minuten] Ă· [maximaal aantal punten] kan doen, dan weet je hoeveel minuten je per punt hebt zodat je elk halfuur kan kijken of je op schema loopt.
Gebruik geen rare tactieken zoals nu al een examen voor het 2e tijdvak plannen waardoor je meer tijd hebt om te leren voor andere vakken. Dit moet je niet doen want: 1, je bent dan te laat begonnen met leren en 2, als je voor een ander vak een herkansing nodig hebt dan heb je een probleem.
Ik weet zeker dat het gaat lukken, en vergeet niet te genieten van je laatste paar keren op de middelbare school!
submitted by PizzaPuntThomas to nederlands [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:00 Ignace92 [For Hire] Content writer with 10+ years' experience, specialising in sustainability, green technology, and travel

I’ve written SEO content at a professional level for a decade, writing everything from destination guides for Ryanair and KLM, simplifying legalese for varied clients, and SEO content writing for Santa Fe Relocation.
I operated as Head of Content for the homebuying platform OneDome, where I was responsible for B2C and B2B content (all landing pages, press releases, SEO copy, and nurturing emails).
After OneDome, I joined digital agency Rawnet as an SEO Content Strategist, creating content plans for ITV Media, Whistl, Airfix, and Sharps. An important aspect of the role was using SEO tools to identify gaps and opportunities in clients’ content output.
Though content strategy was a rewarding and immensely helpful part of my career development, I returned to full-time writing with MVF Global. I joined as a writer for two of their brands: The Eco Experts and MoveHub.
The Eco Experts is where I fell in love with writing about sustainability and green technology. I've since spoken at Futurebuild on solar panels (representing The Eco Experts) and have had my articles quoted in the Metro, Time Out, and MSN news (I was also extremely chuffed to quote classicist Mary Beard on my article about the environmental impact of the Roman Empire).
I now write on a freelance basis with my other half, and we've created the website where we talk about our travel adventures (places to see, food to eat, experiences to try, etc.). A big advantage to hiring me is that you'll get two content writers for the price of one — my partner has 4+ years' experience in content writing and two pairs of eyes on a project is better than one!
I continue to write about sustainability and green technology for clients including The Eco Experts and Sunsave, typically charging ÂŁ0.18 per word (ÂŁ270 per 1,500 word article).
If you'd like to see samples of my writing on sustainability and green tech, you can check out my author profile for The Eco Experts here:
I'm available immediately and can commit to 24 hours of work per week. Please PM me for more details.
submitted by Ignace92 to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:18 National-College2812 Top Mover w/ potential

Manche Leute reden davon, manche haben es noch nicht bekommen. Die einen haben bedenken, die anderen sind absolut ĂŒberzeugt. Zwei Fronten prallen aufeinander. Was unterscheidet diese Kollision zweier Fronten von einem Tennisball, der gegen die Wand prallt? Und was haben sie gemeinsam?
Nun, die eine Front bewegt sich auf die andere zu. Europlasma Enthusiasten fliegen durch geballte Energie auf die Wand der Kritiker und derer, die bedenken haben zu. Kritiker sind meistens wie eine Wand. Schwer zu ĂŒberzeugen und immer gleich. Zwar mag die Fassade anders aussehen, der Kern bleibt aber der Gleiche. Und so sind wir es, die Europlasma-Investoren, die sich bereits auf dem Weg gemacht haben und wir haben nicht vor, an sinnloser Kritik abzuprallen.
Bereits in der letzten Woche konnten einige von uns große Gewinne einstreichen. In einer einzigen Woche haben wir es geschafft, der Aktie Europlasma einen Auftrieb von +1.300,00% zu verleihen.
Aber nicht nur random Investitionen aus Spaß oder Hype haben dafĂŒr gesorgt. Nein, es war der berechtige Glaube an dem Unternehmen.
Schauen wir uns Europlasma einmal genauer an:
Europlasma SA ist ein in Frankreich ansĂ€ssiges Unternehmen, das eine Reihe von Lösungen fĂŒr die Behandlung gefĂ€hrlicher AbfĂ€lle anbietet. Die Technologie des Unternehmens ermöglicht die Umwandlung giftiger AbfĂ€lle in wiederverwendbare Materialien. Das Unternehmen setzt sich aus vier Unternehmen zusammen, wie Europlasma Torch & Process, das technische Beratung fĂŒr die Behandlung gefĂ€hrlicher AbfĂ€lle anbietet und Plasmabrenner und -Technologie verkauft und lizenziert; das Unternehmen ist außerdem auf die Vernichtung und Verwertung von AsbestabfĂ€llen spezialisiert und betreibt Ascheschmelzanlagen; es liefert technologische Lösungen fĂŒr die effiziente Umwandlung von Biomasse und Abfall in elektrische Energie und Europe Environnement, das Beluftungs-und Luftreinigungssysteme fĂŒr industrielle Anwendungen anbietet. Das Unternehmen stellt Anwendungen fĂŒr Branchen bereit, die ihren ökologischen Fußabdruck reduzieren möchten, indem fossile Brennstoffe ersetzt oder im Rahmen einer Kreislaufwirtschaft recycelt werden.
Aktuelle Nachrichtenlage
10.05.2024 Deutsches Subreddit treibt Europlasma Aktie in die Höhe
25.04.2024 Alpha Blue Ocean Group und Europlasma, ein Spezialist fĂŒr Schadstoffentfrachtung, unterzeichnen neue Finanzierungsvereinbarung ĂŒber 30 Mio. Euro
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2024.05.12 16:22 baltimore-aureole What if they cut electricity costs for the wealthy, and raised it on the rest of us?

What if they cut electricity costs for the wealthy, and raised it on the rest of us?
Photo above - California just passed an electric rate cut for high volume users. Like Oprah Winfrey. This is one of her several mansions. Oprah's electricity will now be subsidized by higher bills on ordinary electric customers.
"What if we cut costs for the rich?" This is the sort of proposal few people make, because the answer is stupid-obvious. Making the poor pay more, and cutting costs to the rich, is a terrible idea. It's known as the “regressive” approach to taxation and public policy. And yet governments continue to do this, over and over. (see link below)
The newest example is (again, inevitably) California. The 3 major electric providers came to the state legislature in 2022 with a swell plan. “We promise to reduce electric rates per kilowatt hour, if you let us charge a fixed fee on everyone, before the first light switch is even flipped on.”
Normally this wouldn't pass the smell test, either. Charging something for nothing. But PG&E and the other electric companies made the California legislature an irresistible promise. “It will help speed up the transition to electric vehicles, and solar electric energy.” They really said that. Ka-ching!
And that might possibly have come true, on Bizarro World. If a homeowner was crazy-pi$$ed that they now had an electric bill before even turning on their lights, they MIGHT say “the hell with this, gimme the phone number for Elon Musk;s solar roof company. I ain't paying PG&E another dime . . . “
Ahem . . . that MIGHT have been someone's first reaction. But even if you cover every square inch of you roof with solar panels (95% of which are made in the Peoples Republic of China), you're still going to need electricity when the sun don't shine. You CANNOT actually cut the cable between your fuse box and the utility pole on the street. And thus you will still pay that minimum monthly charge, for-evah! Unless you also install a rooftop windmill, or a giant battery in your basement, or a trash to steam incinerator - to start burning your garbage and generate electricity. Those are all possibilities too, depending your local residential codes. If your zoning commission has greenlighted backyard chicken coops, they might go for windmills too.
If you're still confused about why minimum monthly electric fees are a $hitty idea, consider the case of someone like Oprah Winfrey. People who live in mansions, and have a personal electric bill the size of small city. The Oprahs of America will pay less, because the new minimum monthly connect charge isn't even a blip on their radar scope. That KWH the rate reduction is the big enchilada. Quick question - is this going to incent Oprah to use less electricity, or more? Again, apply common sense.
At the beginning of today's column I warned that politicians keep pulling this over and over. Raising costs on rest of us, and passing the benefits on to the rich. This whole government approved electric rate fiasco is virtually a replay of what the happened when Tesla cars came to market. In order to “speed up the adoption of electric cars”, rich guys got $7,500 tax rebates for buying a $100,000 Tesla sports car, which goes 0-60mph faster than you can say “is my refund in the mail yet?” If electric car rebates were such a great idea, they'd be on all EVs. But they're not. No rebates on affordable EVs like Kia's and Hyundais, which are top rated. Rebates ONLY apply to cars made by guys with UAW membership cards in their wallets. So EV rebates aren't actually about saving the planet either. They are simply intended to make sure the UAW casts their votes right on election day.
I'm just sayin' . . .
~Anger Builds Over Sweeping Change In How Californians Pay for Electricity (
submitted by baltimore-aureole to economy [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 13:12 interventionalhealer Trump and 9/11? A counter theory to the rise of MAGA.

For the sake of transparency, I am not the architect of the following discoveries, and am just helping to forward their message and clean it up. Copywrite of the following work belongs to no one and everyone is not only welcome to share these findings as if they were their own, but openly encouraged to do so.
If you think you know anything about MAGA. Trust me, you know nothing. Not even his most devout followers or haters will have considered the following. And for the sake of our democracy and way of life, I hope people read this.
This work may very well help to shift the narrative on Trump in a meaningful and foundational way, but I don't want this work exacerbate any feelings of ill will to MAGA members, for they have been prey to possibly one of the largest con jobs our world has ever seen, especially without the help of this counternarrative.
Snippet From My Thesis On MAGA
As I work on tidying up the master file with the helpful dms I got, allow me to post just the most contentious part of it below, now that it’s able to stand on its own.
MAGA didn’t begin in 2015. I argue it began in 2001 on 9/11, while also harnessing and funneling decades of anti-government resentment till many Americans would openly call for a “wrecking ball” figure to help “drain the swamp.”

A Key Fueling Factor To American Outrage- Inflation
Many elements contributed to growing American anger that would later contribute to MAGA, this is a snippet from the larger work.
Rising Cost of Living
o In 1950, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) was 24.1. By 2000, it had risen to 168 (a 597% increase), and by 2023, it had reached 304.7, a 1163% increase from 1950.
o Housing prices saw a drastic rise overtime, with the median home price increasing from $7,354 in 1950 to $388,700 in 2023, a staggering 5185% increase.
o While rising rent costs can contribute to overall inflation and cost of living, even the left has largely failed to address how exponentially increasing real estate prices impact the cost of living. This omission has made many other conspiracy theories seem more plausible in its wake.
o If we don’t find real solutions for real estate that also aren’t extreme, then society will feel more and more pressure to accept “unreasonable solutions” like Trump, even though he’s the last person on earth who could solve it, considering his business acumen and history.
MAGA Dynamics and Blind Devotion
In 2016, it wasn't just the left calling the MAGA movement a cult. Trump famously said, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters." Even the left failed to grasp the gravity of this statement. As someone who nearly died in a deadly cult and based on my research, I don't know of a single cult where the founder could openly commit murder without losing members. Trump didn't just believe he'd created one of the largest cults ever; he believed he'd created the most fanatical. Let's hope his followers prove him wrong by showing a willingness to criticize him, regardless of their vote.

The MAGA Question
Instead of challenging MAGA supporters on fallacious beliefs, ask them this question to see if they’re at least able to see a world where Trump isn’t a biblical King: "If Trump admitted he was behind 9/11 and used resulting insurance money and donations from hostile governments to create false “grass root” campaigns. And did it all in a way to make it seem like others committed his own atrocities. And that he intended to destroy America in every way if he got elected, would you still vote for him?"

Yet even then, getting through to a MAGA supporter inevitably refers to 9/11 “research” out there when they realize individual positions are usually fallacious. This quagmire me decide to investigate this tragedy, to see if there was a more plausible counter theory. Honestly, the more I looked the more surprised I became. Here are my findings that are but a snippet of my full thesis on MAGA.

9/11 Conspiracy Theories and MAGA
Conspiracy Theories and Credibility:
o First off, conspiracy theories should involve some effort to verify narratives, rather than just repeating claims across multiple sources that mistake themselves as evidence; like a bunch of people who repeat “bob farted” across multiple websites may see that as evidence, when in fact, it was Sean. Sorry Sean.

Early Origins of MAGA:
o Although some believe MAGA began in 2015, its roots lie as early as the 1980s with Rush Limbaugh and later became "serious" on 9/11.
o 9/11 conspiracy theories claim controlled demolitions were used, but the lack of any cellphone recordings of explosions weakens this theory.

Suspicious Factors:
o The official narrative involving chaotic jet fuel leading to a straight fall seemed questionable.
o The collapse of a third building (WTC 7), which wasn’t directly hit, fueled suspicions.
o Airline stocks were heavily shorted before the attacks, raising concerns about insider trading. Harvey Pitt, Republican SEC Chairman at the time, investigated this and claimed there was nothing amiss, but was criticized for later crimes and forced to resign.
o It’s also suspicious that in Trumps 2000 book “The America We Deserve” that he stated, “I really am convinced we’re in danger of the sort of terrorist attacks that will make the [1993] bombing of the Trade Center look like kids playing with firecrackers. No sensible analyst rejects this possibility, and plenty of them, like me, are not wondering if but when it will happen*.”*
§ Yet democrats would largely miss this point entirely and obsess over his false claim that he called for Bin Laden to be killed, when he had not. Somehow conspiracy theorists would find this ‘cool’ rather than suspicious.
CNN Fact Check Donald Trump Osama Bin Laden Book Claim

Reports and Simplified Narratives:
o FEMA's 2002 report and NIST's 2005 report provided technical explanations of the tower collapses.
o However, the Port Authority Chairman stuck to the oversimplified narrative that "jet fuel melted steel beams," even though he knew this was a half-truth, as detailed in the next section, fueling anti-government conspiracies. The question is why.

Potential Impact:
o 9/11 conspiracy theories sowed distrust in the government, which may have been one of the attackers' objectives. Anyone that heavily profited from this tragedy, and helped further those objects, should be questioned.
o The ‘Loose Change’ “documentary” pointed out suspicious parts of the story, but failed to give any clear claims as to who was purportedly behind it. It also failed to note the Twin Towers titanic design flaw that could result in a straight fall. Even the 2015 version of this film fails to mention nearly all of the known facts in this report.
o The Director of that film later states:
“9/11 created a culture of fear, of xenophobia, this sense of entitlement and everything we’ve seen. Warrantless wire-tapping, Guantanamo Bay, everything that’s happened led us to this point, we wouldn’t be here without 9/11. They want to kick out all the Mexicans and Muslims because of this culture of fear and bigotry and xenophobia that directly led to the election of fucking Donald Trump. [laughing] That’s our world now! We had Reagan before, and Governor Schwarzenegger. But President Donald Trump? It’s just weird. Everything is just weird.”
Theoutline Reflecting On Loose Change
o While the director was in the right to ask questions, he failed to ask the most obvious ones.
o However, his lead “researcher,” Jason Bermas, would turn out to be a full blown MAGA wingnut.
Patriot Jason Bermas
o Anyone that would benefit politically and financially from 9/11 should be fully investigated.
Further Reading:
Harvey Pitt - Wikipedia
Politifact How 911 Attacks Helped Shape Modern Misinformation
It will never be possible to defeat MAGA followers “logically” with people who believed his parties rhetoric “that 9/11 was an inside job.”

I say
 what if those Republican leaders were self reporting?
What if Trump followers have been rallying behind the very man responsible for its orchestration?

The Twin Towers and Larry Silverstein
Architectural Pitfalls of the Twin Towers:
· The Twin Towers had unique architectural flaws due to the excessive heavy load on their exoskeletons to allow for more floor and leasing space, which greatly contributed to their straight collapse after the 9/11 attacks. This was the first and last skyscraper made in this way.
· For anyone who said that “any other building would have fallen sideways,” you were right, though perhaps not entirely how you may have imagined. A "Coke Can" analogy shows how a similar weakened structure can result in a straight fall, contrary to conspiracy theories claiming controlled demolitions. This isn't something I'm asking you to take for granted, or to read from media sources you don’t trust. This is something you can verify on your own, in person, in real time, in reality.
· However Trump, despite being close friends with Silverstein as we’ll cover later, claimed "It wasn’t architectural defects, you know, the World Trade Center was always known as a very, very strong building” per the attached PolitiFact article.
· Supporting Article:
Engineering Experts Explain the Collapse of the Twin Towers
Politifact Donald Trumps 911 Speculation

Larry Silverstein, The Leasor Of The Twin Towers:
· Nearly went bankrupt after losing his main tenant Drexel Burnham in 1980 after he built tower 7 with him in mind.
· I don't know how many of us understand the level of desperation a situation like this can cause in someone and how many potential crimes it can easily push them towards.
· He is known for then saying, “
looking up at the twin towers and thinking, my building is huge, but it is made diminutive by the twin towers. So I said to myself, wouldn't it be incredible someday to own those?" That's not the statement of a sane person who nearly went bankrupt, and if anything, hints towards jealousy.
· He managed to secure Salomon Brothers two years later, which later paid $300 million in securities fraud penalties casting suspicion over the entities who saved Silverstein, in addition to their overall plans for the future.
· How he would become able to outbid everyone else in 2001, for the right to lease the twin towers, would become a mystery we will untangle later.
Further Reading
Manhattan Institute – Silverstein On Ground Zero
Justice Department: Salomon Brothers Securities Fraud

Trump and Real Estate Connections
Historical Context and Redevelopment Plans:
· A redevelopment plan commenced in the 1990s by Gov. Pataki and Mayor Giuliani, spurred a commercial revival in downtown Manhattan, making the World Trade Center prime property. Pataki would go on to criticize trump, while the other would prove to be one of this wildest, if not craziest, supporters to truly fanatical degrees.
Further Reading:
Manhattan Institute: Rebuilding Ground Zero
· Tom Leppert was the CEO of Turner construction which right wing conspiracy theorists claimed helped ensure the towers would fall straight down. He also became part of Trumps transition team. While there’s no evidence of explosives being used, tampering with the exoskeleton and weaking the relatively thin central column ahead of time are theoretically plausible.
Huffpost Donald Trump Transition Team
Wikipedia Tom Leppert

The bidding for the World Trade Center lease involved only a few major real estate firms as allowed by the Port Authority Chairman. Below are the allowed bidders and their estimated worth at the time included:

· Donald J. Trump’s Organization:
o Worth around $1.5 billion in 1996 after multiple bankruptcies. Confirmed only by Forbes magazine in 2005.
· Tishman Speyer:
o Valued at approximately $1.8 billion in 2000, would soon face ‘tenant issues’ with many scrupulous legal claims against them.
· Gale & Wentworth:
o Worth a few million.
· Mortimer Zuckerman’s Boston Properties:
o Mortimer Zuckerman alone was worth around $2 billion.
· The Rouse Company:
o Mainly a shopping mall operator.
· Brookfield Properties:
o A Canadian firm valued at over $20 billion in 2000.
· Vornado Realty Trust:
o Worth an estimated $2-3 billion. Had the highest bid, but was unexpectedly outed by the Port Authority Chairman, paving the way for Silverstein’s win. CEO of Vornado Trust, Steven Roth would later do many deals with Trump in 2005 and beyond.
· Larry Silverstein:
o As mentioned, was nearly bankrupt in the 1980s, and was mysteriously awarded the right to lease the World Trade Center contract at $3.2 billion, twice the original asking price of 1.2 Billion. It would still be owned by the Port authority of NY and NJ, he would just own the rights to lease it.
o Port Authority Chairman, Lewis Eisenberg, made this unexplained decision, who also later became Trumps lead fundraiser in 2015.
o After putting down only $125 million, as per the contract, Silverstein would be getting back $100 million just 6 weeks after his bid and with an uncommon terrorist insurance addition. His exaggerated bid and insurance contract would also greatly inflate the amount of money he could get from an insurance claim. If the winning bid was 1.5 billion, the insurance payout would also have been much less.
o In real estate, its quite rare for a prudent investor to bid twice the asking price, as demonstrated by the other companies that backed out, of which I find no connections to Trump.
o If anyone had known about 9/11 ahead of time, like Trump claims he did, it would become drastically easier to outbid all competitors, knowing that for pennies on the dollar, you would be getting much more back.

Further Reading:
NY Times Article on World Trade Center Deal
Wikipedia on Lewis Eisenberg
Patch On Lew Eisenberg Leading Trump Fundraising
NY Times Article Silverstein Gets Most Of His Money Back

Giuliani’s Gangster Acts
Arguably, if the above points are what they objectively appear to be, that would be a bad thing. You’d think that would be enough. However, Guliani would say “hold my beer’ to those sentiments.

1. Outdated Equipment for First Responders:
· Due to Giuliani’s inadequate leadership, first responders used old equipment that failed to warn them to evacuate the towers. Which contributed to their deaths while they searched for survivors.
NY Times Article: Giuliani’s Preparedness on 9/11
2. Obstructed Recovery Efforts:
· Giuliani delayed proper search and rescue operations for days, possibly costing lives of citizens and first responders who didn’t know they needed to leave.
· 20 Years later he would claim that some of Bidens actions were so reckless that
 “It would be as if I got down to ground zero and said take out the firefighters, all you civilians see if you can get yourselves out.” Self report?
NBC News Report: Giuliani’s Role in Recovery
NY1: Giuliani Reflects on 9/11 Anniversary
3. Twin Towers Fund and Privatization:
· Giuliani privatized the Twin Towers relief funds, making them unauditable.
NY Times Article on Privatization
NY Post Article: Giuliani and Twin Towers Fund
4. Survivors Threaten To SUE Guliani For Relief Funds
· Even after privatizing the twin towers fund, Giuliani would make it incredibly difficult for the victims to receive their fair share. Requiring many of them to spend unnecessary money on advisors and consultants.
· Even with their legal pressure, he only agreed to “give the remaining 100 million to victims,” out of 170 million, if he could first put the money into the bank account of a charity in which he controlled.
· From the attached article: “But Harold Schaitberger, president of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said that he remained adamantly opposed to any transfer of funds to Mr. Giuliani's charity.
He also objected to Mr. Giuliani's continued control over even the $15 million in his private charity. Mr. Giuliani, he charged, gives every indication of using the Twin Towers Fund to maintain a staff of loyal supporters and to advance his political aspirations.
'The concern that politics will infiltrate the fund becomes even more apparent when one reviews the list of the mayor's former political appointees who are assuming senior staff positions or serving on the fund's board of directors,'' he wrote in a letter on Monday to Eliot L. Spitzer, the state attorney general.”
NY Times Article On Guliani Pressed To Disperse Twin Tower Funds
· However, there is no evidence of Giuliani making good on this promise.
· There are honestly no words for this. All associates of Guliani should be investigated.
5. Attempted Election Cancellation in 2001:
· Giuliani tried to cancel the 2001 election to stay mayor longer. He even considered removing term limits with Governor Pataki’s support. Similar to how Trump has “joked” about increasing his own term limits.
Business Insider: Giuliani and Pataki’s Attempt to Cancel Elections
Esquire Trump Joke Third Term
6. Motive
· In 2000, Guliani unfortunately got prostate cancer. We have to be willing to ask if this was a motive for his corrupt acts.
SurvivorNet: Giuliani’s Cancer

Silverstein’s Unscrupulous Greed
1. Initial Settlement Demands and Profit Claims:
· Despite only having been out for $25 million, Silverstein initially sought nearly $8 BILLION in insurance settlements and argued for "loss of revenue from those buildings," which is quite an uncompassionate claim considering how many lost their lives. Talk about a prime example of the working and lower classes making sacrifices while rich elites complain they didn’t profit enough from the same tragedy.
2. Rebuilding Contributions and Insurance Payout:
· Despite the fact that he only owned the leasing rights to the twin towers, ‘Silverstein Properties’ received up to $4 billion from insurance payouts, instead of the Port Authority, which would be customary as the owner.
· While it's assumed that most of that money went to rebuilding, this isn't actually known or proven. It would be different if he had a separate insurance policy that was not connected to the rebuilding of the towers, with different monies going to the Port Authority to rebuild. This was not the case. Rebuilding of Ground Zero
· He additionally refused to return the rights of Building 1 to the Port Authority until he secured additional funds from an $8 billion state fund. Talk about heartless.
Wikipedia: Larry Silverstein
· Various entities would contribute a total of $20 billion to rebuild all six damaged or destroyed towers, including four towers leased by Silverstein and two others he hadn't. This makes it unlikely that he had to go out of pocket with his 4 Billion.
3. Estimated Net Worth:
· While earlier records of Silverstein's net worth are unavailable, aside from his near bankruptcy in 1980, he is currently estimated to be worth around $1 billion.
Forbes Profile: Larry Silverstein

Silverstein’s Controversial Alignment with Trump
Larry Silverstein's connections and public persona have often been scrutinized. This scrutiny became particularly relevant in 2015 when he publicly displayed his support for Donald Trump:
Watch Silverstein Discuss Trump
CNN Trump On 2020 Election

The Man Who Boasted
When most people witness a tragedy, especially of this size, it takes time for their brains to comprehend what happened, it takes even more time to process it. Thus, anyone who was able to brag about their own assets hours after this tragedy on a radio show, is at least worthy of Investigation, especially if this very event helped reshape a misinformation landscape in which he would thrive as its King.
Politifact – How 911 Attacks Helped Shape Modern Misinformation

· Insensitive Boasts About Building Height:
o Trump also boasted that with the fall of the Twin Towers, his building became the tallest in Manhattan—an inaccurate and insensitive claim given the context.
Independent 9 11 Trump Tallest Building
· Early Claims and Revisions:
o Shortly after 9/11, Donald Trump claimed he saw the second plane hit the towers from his Manhattan apartment. He also made an unfounded claim that he saw thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheering, a statement that has been widely debunked. Despite varying explanations and suggesting that he saw it on an untraceable video that was “widely covered,” these claims helped fueled significant conspiracy theories. If anything, this was a self-report.
o Snopes: Trump Claims Muslims Cheered
o Trump’s Revised 9/11 Claim
· Visit to Ground Zero:
o A week after the attacks, Trump visited Ground Zero and stated that although he was present, he wouldn’t consider himself a first responder. This attempt at humility struck many as morbidly insensitive, considering the true heroism displayed by actual first responders.
ABC News: Trump Shares New Details About Morning of 9/11

Legacy of Suspicion:
These actions paint Trump as one of the more suspicious figures post-9/11, who may have used the tragedy for personal and political gain. His connections with figures like Larry Silverstein and Lewis Eisenberg, the Port Authority chairman, hint at deep financial interests potentially influenced by the 9/11 aftermath. Meanwhile, survivors and first responders faced challenges in securing support, highlighting the disparities between their experiences and the political maneuvers at play. Again morbidly juxtaposing the struggles of the poor and working class versus elite swamp members such as Trump and his ilk.

While being, arguably, one of the more suspicious Americans of potentially “being an insider," Trump would go on to cast doubt everywhere else with his new holier than thou rhetoric and hints and claims that “it was an inside job” for the next 15 years.

What if he was speaking from personal experience.

The Deepfake Dilemma
Now in a world where Trump's followers already discount reality, the emergence of AI-generated deepfakes threatens to further distort the truth. This technology could transform legal standards of evidence, making it easy to dismiss genuine evidence against the right as fabricated, while baseless accusations against the left might be accepted as the long-awaited proof.

The Potential Escalation of MAGA Actions
Given the willingness of MAGA supporters to storm the Capitol on January 6th, bolstered by Trump's incendiary rhetoric, the potential for escalation is alarming. The advent of fabricated images and videos could present unprecedented national security threats.

Trump's Incendiary Rhetoric on January 6th
Trump's speech on January 6th was a clear incitement, as he urged his followers to "fight like hell" to "stop the steal," despite admitting DURING THE SPEECH that there was no evidence of the massive electoral fraud he claimed. As well as his lawyers laughable court “arguments.”
“...while there is no evidence to prove any wrongdoing
Npr.Org Read Trumps Jan 6 Speech
LawAndCrime Come On Now

This speech, coupled with his undermining of constitutional processes, underscores the risks and intentional deceit of his rhetoric. Too bad Republicans senators and our Supreme Court have either claimed he was above the law, or continue to postpone his court dates till after elections. A wild position when treason is on the table. Did that dude commit treason that claims he wants to become a dictator? I dunno, lets let him potentially get elected and then find out!

Elon Musk's Political Shift
Elon was once very much a leftist, unfortunately in more and more far left “activists” continue to attack him endlessly for not agreeing with them on their own singular issues and perspectives. To them I say congratulations, you successfully pushed the most powerful man on earth into the far right. Great job. Great job.
Elon Musk's journey from a liberal supporter to a figure embraced by the far right highlights the volatile nature of political affiliations in today's polarized environment. His actions since acquiring Twitter—such as promoting unfounded conspiracy theories and making high-profile firings—suggest a departure from his initial free speech advocacy.
Especially when considering he fired Don Lemon from his platform for an interview he found offensive. Canceling opinions you find offensive isn’t free speech, it’s literally the opposite. I’m sure many people were offended by the examples below. What about them?
Far Right Support Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

The Need for a Critical Approach
Supporters of Trump should critically evaluate why he did not pardon the January 6th insurrectionists during his term, despite using them as political leverage now. This pattern of using allies until they are no longer useful is evident throughout his political and personal dealings.
What better example could there possibly be as to what trump truly thinks of his supporters, how sacrificial he sees them as part of his endless narratives, then his refusal and failure to pardon January 6th insurrectionists while still in office?
Of course, anyone “just on the grass” or outside the building should only get a day in jail at most, however people that barged inside the capital should naturally get much more.
And while trump refused to pardon those people before, he now calls them “hostages” and is using them as political bait to a truly wild degree. It's very likely he will make good on this promise to further embolden the narrative that “Democrats are trying to take you down and only I can save you.”
His supporters need to seriously ask, “Why didn’t he pardon us before?”
Also, remember when he claimed he would pay legal fees for supporters that were violent at his rallies, but then seemed to falter and change his mind. Much like how Amber Heard donated her money, “by pledging it.”
List of allies he was quick to discard or dump. And let's face it, all of these people have done more for him than the average MAGA supporter. The only person he cares about is himself.
Trump claims that Mike Pence, the man he vetted more than anyone else, “has gone to the dark side.”
Trump seems to have supported the chants to “Hang Mike Pense,” at least in jest? We hope? There are also no links of him condemning them. Yet admittedly this one point doesn’t have hard evidence like a recording or video as far as I know, it certainly fits his brand.
Mike Flynn, a Trump appointee, later testifies against him.
Trump admits Flynn lied on his behalf, accidentally testifying against him, but does pardon him. As long as you’re colluding with Russia you’re ok it seems?

The Future Under Trump's Influence
Trump's rhetoric about overriding constitutional norms to address what he calls "massive fraud" hints at authoritarian aspirations. His praise for dictators and divisive language further aligns with dangerous historical precedents.
Important Articles:
“How a second trump term could end us democracy.” -commondreams
“Ask the expert: What a 2nd Trump term could mean for democracy and advancing policy.” - Msu Today
“Judgement Day” for political opponents.

To predict the future lets base it on known facts:
Apparently, he will help attack our constitution like he may have with the Twin Towers.
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”
Stated he intended to be a Dictator on day one, but then promises it will be just for a day. Is that how that works? Or is it “Once you go Dictator you don’t go back?”
Praising dictators, referring to immigrants as vermin etc, akin to Hitlers rhetoric against “blood mixing.”
More fraudulent use of lawyers and courts that gets everyone else in trouble but him, with them arguing he's above the law. This further shows how much he will consistently use people for his own ends and then dump them when they're no longer of use.
Warning from republicans and notes on ass kissing. As well as being generally unfit for office.
If you want help from Trump you better kiss his ***
Trumps says he kept Omarosa just because she said nice things about him, while defaming her
DeSantis: "You can be the most worthless Republican in America, but if you kiss the ring, he’ll say you’re wonderful."
Thehill Trump Views People Who Kiss His A As Weak.
And if you dare to speak out against trump, you better kiss his ****
Politico Graham Breaks With Trump On Abortion
WashingtonPost Trump Graham Abortion
News Yahoo 30 More Republicans Denounce Donald Trump Unqualified President
Hot take, if he’s elected president America, and the world, is frankly fucked.

Predicting MAGA 2024 And Beyond
Naturally there are endless possibilities of what MAGA and dictators around the world decide to do this year and into the future. I believe that the one thing that insinuates when it's time for their next evil actions is dictated by their standings in the polls or when a fellow dictator needs a little more political pressure from war torn inflated oil prices etc.
Dictators Unite
While writing my thesis, I speculated that dictators globally were uniting, finding mutual benefits in their governance and deceitful tactics. This theory is increasingly recognized as these autocrats appear to be forming a coalition, undermining peaceful unity efforts through conspiracy theories to preserve their power.
Unherd How Autocrats Unite
The True Nature of MAGA
MAGA was never genuinely about speaking truth to power or restoring America's glory. It has been an elaborate scheme funded by immense wealth, perpetuating anti-American sentiments through fabricated grassroots movements by domestic and foreign actors. This movement has primarily enriched a select few power-hungry dictators and may have been responsible for some of our most horrific moments in history in the past and acts yet to come.
Trump and MAGA
While 'MAGA' predates Trump, he conveniently stepped into a role long in the making. Despite occasional deviations from the MAGA ideology, such as promoting vaccines to emphatic boos, Trump has largely embodied its principles. The real architects of MAGA, however, are likely disillusioned with his unpredictable attacks, which contradict their broader agenda of absolute power.
Nbc News Donald Trump Booed
Trump as a Martyr
Regardless of election outcomes, Trump is poised to claim interference. His rhetoric and the devout belief of his followers in his divine anointment could lead to his martyrdom, especially given his age and the vulnerabilities it brings. This martyrdom could solidify his legacy while serving the interests of MAGA strategists who find him increasingly burdensome even if he “wins.”
Factcheck Trumps Bogus Voter Fraud Claims
La Times Trump Democrats Effort Presidential Ballot
submitted by interventionalhealer to esist [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 13:11 interventionalhealer Trump and 9/11? A counter theory to the rise of MAGA.

u/neodestiny and friends.
If you think you know anything about MAGA. Trust me, you know nothing. Not even his most devout followers or haters will have considered the following. And for the sake of our democracy and way of life, I hope people read this.
This work may very well help to shift the narrative on Trump in a meaningful and foundational way, but I don't want this work exacerbate any feelings of ill will to MAGA members, for they have been prey to possibly one of the largest con jobs our world has ever seen, especially without the help of this counternarrative.
Snippet From My Thesis On MAGA
As I work on tidying up the master file with the helpful dms I got, allow me to post just the most contentious part of it below, now that it’s able to stand on its own.
MAGA didn’t begin in 2015. I argue it began in 2001 on 9/11, while also harnessing and funneling decades of anti-government resentment till many Americans would openly call for a “wrecking ball” figure to help “drain the swamp.”
This work may very well help to shift the narrative on Trump in a meaningful and foundational way, but I don't want this work exacerbate any feelings of ill will to MAGA members, for they have been prey to possibly one of the largest con jobs our world has ever seen, especially without the help of this counternarrative.
A Key Fueling Factor To American Outrage- Inflation
Many elements contributed to growing American anger that would later contribute to MAGA, this is a snippet from the larger work.
Rising Cost of Living
o In 1950, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) was 24.1. By 2000, it had risen to 168 (a 597% increase), and by 2023, it had reached 304.7, a 1163% increase from 1950.
o Housing prices saw a drastic rise overtime, with the median home price increasing from $7,354 in 1950 to $388,700 in 2023, a staggering 5185% increase.
o While rising rent costs can contribute to overall inflation and cost of living, even the left has largely failed to address how exponentially increasing real estate prices impact the cost of living. This omission has made many other conspiracy theories seem more plausible in its wake.
o If we don’t find real solutions for real estate that also aren’t extreme, then society will feel more and more pressure to accept “unreasonable solutions” like Trump, even though he’s the last person on earth who could solve it, considering his business acumen and history.
MAGA Dynamics and Blind Devotion
In 2016, it wasn't just the left calling the MAGA movement a cult. Trump famously said, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters." Even the left failed to grasp the gravity of this statement. As someone who nearly died in a deadly cult and based on my research, I don't know of a single cult where the founder could openly commit murder without losing members. Trump didn't just believe he'd created one of the largest cults ever; he believed he'd created the most fanatical. Let's hope his followers prove him wrong by showing a willingness to criticize him, regardless of their vote.

The MAGA Question
Instead of challenging MAGA supporters on fallacious beliefs, ask them this question to see if they’re at least able to see a world where Trump isn’t a biblical King: "If Trump admitted he was behind 9/11 and used resulting insurance money and donations from hostile governments to create false “grass root” campaigns. And did it all in a way to make it seem like others committed his own atrocities. And that he intended to destroy America in every way if he got elected, would you still vote for him?"

Yet even then, getting through to a MAGA supporter inevitably refers to 9/11 “research” out there when they realize individual positions are usually fallacious. This quagmire me decide to investigate this tragedy, to see if there was a more plausible counter theory. Honestly, the more I looked the more surprised I became. Here are my findings that are but a snippet of my full thesis on MAGA.

9/11 Conspiracy Theories and MAGA
Conspiracy Theories and Credibility:
o First off, conspiracy theories should involve some effort to verify narratives, rather than just repeating claims across multiple sources that mistake themselves as evidence; like a bunch of people who repeat “bob farted” across multiple websites may see that as evidence, when in fact, it was Sean. Sorry Sean.

Early Origins of MAGA:
o Although some believe MAGA began in 2015, its roots lie as early as the 1980s with Rush Limbaugh and later became "serious" on 9/11.
o 9/11 conspiracy theories claim controlled demolitions were used, but the lack of any cellphone recordings of explosions weakens this theory.

Suspicious Factors:
o The official narrative involving chaotic jet fuel leading to a straight fall seemed questionable.
o The collapse of a third building (WTC 7), which wasn’t directly hit, fueled suspicions.
o Airline stocks were heavily shorted before the attacks, raising concerns about insider trading. Harvey Pitt, Republican SEC Chairman at the time, investigated this and claimed there was nothing amiss, but was criticized for later crimes and forced to resign.
o It’s also suspicious that in Trumps 2000 book “The America We Deserve” that he stated, “I really am convinced we’re in danger of the sort of terrorist attacks that will make the [1993] bombing of the Trade Center look like kids playing with firecrackers. No sensible analyst rejects this possibility, and plenty of them, like me, are not wondering if but when it will happen*.”*
§ Yet democrats would largely miss this point entirely and obsess over his false claim that he called for Bin Laden to be killed, when he had not. Somehow conspiracy theorists would find this ‘cool’ rather than suspicious.
CNN Fact Check Donald Trump Osama Bin Laden Book Claim

Reports and Simplified Narratives:
o FEMA's 2002 report and NIST's 2005 report provided technical explanations of the tower collapses.
o However, the Port Authority Chairman stuck to the oversimplified narrative that "jet fuel melted steel beams," even though he knew this was a half-truth, as detailed in the next section, fueling anti-government conspiracies. The question is why.

Potential Impact:
o 9/11 conspiracy theories sowed distrust in the government, which may have been one of the attackers' objectives. Anyone that heavily profited from this tragedy, and helped further those objects, should be questioned.
o The ‘Loose Change’ “documentary” pointed out suspicious parts of the story, but failed to give any clear claims as to who was purportedly behind it. It also failed to note the Twin Towers titanic design flaw that could result in a straight fall. Even the 2015 version of this film fails to mention nearly all of the known facts in this report.
o The Director of that film later states:
“9/11 created a culture of fear, of xenophobia, this sense of entitlement and everything we’ve seen. Warrantless wire-tapping, Guantanamo Bay, everything that’s happened led us to this point, we wouldn’t be here without 9/11. They want to kick out all the Mexicans and Muslims because of this culture of fear and bigotry and xenophobia that directly led to the election of fucking Donald Trump. [laughing] That’s our world now! We had Reagan before, and Governor Schwarzenegger. But President Donald Trump? It’s just weird. Everything is just weird.”
Theoutline Reflecting On Loose Change
o While the director was in the right to ask questions, he failed to ask the most obvious ones.
o However, his lead “researcher,” Jason Bermas, would turn out to be a full blown MAGA wingnut.
Patriot Jason Bermas
o Anyone that would benefit politically and financially from 9/11 should be fully investigated.
Further Reading:
Harvey Pitt - Wikipedia
Politifact How 911 Attacks Helped Shape Modern Misinformation
It will never be possible to defeat MAGA followers “logically” with people who believed his parties rhetoric “that 9/11 was an inside job.”

I say
 what if those Republican leaders were self reporting?
What if Trump followers have been rallying behind the very man responsible for its orchestration?

The Twin Towers and Larry Silverstein
Architectural Pitfalls of the Twin Towers:
· The Twin Towers had unique architectural flaws due to the excessive heavy load on their exoskeletons to allow for more floor and leasing space, which greatly contributed to their straight collapse after the 9/11 attacks. This was the first and last skyscraper made in this way.
· For anyone who said that “any other building would have fallen sideways,” you were right, though perhaps not entirely how you may have imagined. A "Coke Can" analogy shows how a similar weakened structure can result in a straight fall, contrary to conspiracy theories claiming controlled demolitions. This isn't something I'm asking you to take for granted, or to read from media sources you don’t trust. This is something you can verify on your own, in person, in real time, in reality.
· However Trump, despite being close friends with Silverstein as we’ll cover later, claimed "It wasn’t architectural defects, you know, the World Trade Center was always known as a very, very strong building” per the attached PolitiFact article.
· Supporting Article:
Engineering Experts Explain the Collapse of the Twin Towers
Politifact Donald Trumps 911 Speculation

Larry Silverstein, The Leasor Of The Twin Towers:
· Nearly went bankrupt after losing his main tenant Drexel Burnham in 1980 after he built tower 7 with him in mind.
· I don't know how many of us understand the level of desperation a situation like this can cause in someone and how many potential crimes it can easily push them towards.
· He is known for then saying, “
looking up at the twin towers and thinking, my building is huge, but it is made diminutive by the twin towers. So I said to myself, wouldn't it be incredible someday to own those?" That's not the statement of a sane person who nearly went bankrupt, and if anything, hints towards jealousy.
· He managed to secure Salomon Brothers two years later, which later paid $300 million in securities fraud penalties casting suspicion over the entities who saved Silverstein, in addition to their overall plans for the future.
· How he would become able to outbid everyone else in 2001, for the right to lease the twin towers, would become a mystery we will untangle later.
Further Reading
Manhattan Institute – Silverstein On Ground Zero
Justice Department: Salomon Brothers Securities Fraud

Trump and Real Estate Connections
Historical Context and Redevelopment Plans:
· A redevelopment plan commenced in the 1990s by Gov. Pataki and Mayor Giuliani, spurred a commercial revival in downtown Manhattan, making the World Trade Center prime property. Pataki would go on to criticize trump, while the other would prove to be one of this wildest, if not craziest, supporters to truly fanatical degrees.
Further Reading:
Manhattan Institute: Rebuilding Ground Zero
· Tom Leppert was the CEO of Turner construction which right wing conspiracy theorists claimed helped ensure the towers would fall straight down. He also became part of Trumps transition team. While there’s no evidence of explosives being used, tampering with the exoskeleton and weaking the relatively thin central column ahead of time are theoretically plausible.
Huffpost Donald Trump Transition Team
Wikipedia Tom Leppert

The bidding for the World Trade Center lease involved only a few major real estate firms as allowed by the Port Authority Chairman. Below are the allowed bidders and their estimated worth at the time included:

· Donald J. Trump’s Organization:
o Worth around $1.5 billion in 1996 after multiple bankruptcies. Confirmed only by Forbes magazine in 2005.
· Tishman Speyer:
o Valued at approximately $1.8 billion in 2000, would soon face ‘tenant issues’ with many scrupulous legal claims against them.
· Gale & Wentworth:
o Worth a few million.
· Mortimer Zuckerman’s Boston Properties:
o Mortimer Zuckerman alone was worth around $2 billion.
· The Rouse Company:
o Mainly a shopping mall operator.
· Brookfield Properties:
o A Canadian firm valued at over $20 billion in 2000.
· Vornado Realty Trust:
o Worth an estimated $2-3 billion. Had the highest bid, but was unexpectedly outed by the Port Authority Chairman, paving the way for Silverstein’s win. CEO of Vornado Trust, Steven Roth would later do many deals with Trump in 2005 and beyond.
· Larry Silverstein:
o As mentioned, was nearly bankrupt in the 1980s, and was mysteriously awarded the right to lease the World Trade Center contract at $3.2 billion, twice the original asking price of 1.2 Billion. It would still be owned by the Port authority of NY and NJ, he would just own the rights to lease it.
o Port Authority Chairman, Lewis Eisenberg, made this unexplained decision, who also later became Trumps lead fundraiser in 2015.
o After putting down only $125 million, as per the contract, Silverstein would be getting back $100 million just 6 weeks after his bid and with an uncommon terrorist insurance addition. His exaggerated bid and insurance contract would also greatly inflate the amount of money he could get from an insurance claim. If the winning bid was 1.5 billion, the insurance payout would also have been much less.
o In real estate, its quite rare for a prudent investor to bid twice the asking price, as demonstrated by the other companies that backed out, of which I find no connections to Trump.
o If anyone had known about 9/11 ahead of time, like Trump claims he did, it would become drastically easier to outbid all competitors, knowing that for pennies on the dollar, you would be getting much more back.

Further Reading:
NY Times Article on World Trade Center Deal
Wikipedia on Lewis Eisenberg
Patch On Lew Eisenberg Leading Trump Fundraising
NY Times Article Silverstein Gets Most Of His Money Back

Giuliani’s Gangster Acts
Arguably, if the above points are what they objectively appear to be, that would be a bad thing. You’d think that would be enough. However, Guliani would say “hold my beer’ to those sentiments.

1. Outdated Equipment for First Responders:
· Due to Giuliani’s inadequate leadership, first responders used old equipment that failed to warn them to evacuate the towers. Which contributed to their deaths while they searched for survivors.
NY Times Article: Giuliani’s Preparedness on 9/11
2. Obstructed Recovery Efforts:
· Giuliani delayed proper search and rescue operations for days, possibly costing lives of citizens and first responders who didn’t know they needed to leave.
· 20 Years later he would claim that some of Bidens actions were so reckless that
 “It would be as if I got down to ground zero and said take out the firefighters, all you civilians see if you can get yourselves out.” Self report?
NBC News Report: Giuliani’s Role in Recovery
NY1: Giuliani Reflects on 9/11 Anniversary
3. Twin Towers Fund and Privatization:
· Giuliani privatized the Twin Towers relief funds, making them unauditable.
NY Times Article on Privatization
NY Post Article: Giuliani and Twin Towers Fund
4. Survivors Threaten To SUE Guliani For Relief Funds
· Even after privatizing the twin towers fund, Giuliani would make it incredibly difficult for the victims to receive their fair share. Requiring many of them to spend unnecessary money on advisors and consultants.
· Even with their legal pressure, he only agreed to “give the remaining 100 million to victims,” out of 170 million, if he could first put the money into the bank account of a charity in which he controlled.
· From the attached article: “But Harold Schaitberger, president of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said that he remained adamantly opposed to any transfer of funds to Mr. Giuliani's charity.
He also objected to Mr. Giuliani's continued control over even the $15 million in his private charity. Mr. Giuliani, he charged, gives every indication of using the Twin Towers Fund to maintain a staff of loyal supporters and to advance his political aspirations.
'The concern that politics will infiltrate the fund becomes even more apparent when one reviews the list of the mayor's former political appointees who are assuming senior staff positions or serving on the fund's board of directors,'' he wrote in a letter on Monday to Eliot L. Spitzer, the state attorney general.”
NY Times Article On Guliani Pressed To Disperse Twin Tower Funds
· However, there is no evidence of Giuliani making good on this promise.
· There are honestly no words for this. All associates of Guliani should be investigated.
5. Attempted Election Cancellation in 2001:
· Giuliani tried to cancel the 2001 election to stay mayor longer. He even considered removing term limits with Governor Pataki’s support. Similar to how Trump has “joked” about increasing his own term limits.
Business Insider: Giuliani and Pataki’s Attempt to Cancel Elections
Esquire Trump Joke Third Term
6. Motive
· In 2000, Guliani unfortunately got prostate cancer. We have to be willing to ask if this was a motive for his corrupt acts.
SurvivorNet: Giuliani’s Cancer

Silverstein’s Unscrupulous Greed
1. Initial Settlement Demands and Profit Claims:
· Despite only having been out for $25 million, Silverstein initially sought nearly $8 BILLION in insurance settlements and argued for "loss of revenue from those buildings," which is quite an uncompassionate claim considering how many lost their lives. Talk about a prime example of the working and lower classes making sacrifices while rich elites complain they didn’t profit enough from the same tragedy.
2. Rebuilding Contributions and Insurance Payout:
· Despite the fact that he only owned the leasing rights to the twin towers, ‘Silverstein Properties’ received up to $4 billion from insurance payouts, instead of the Port Authority, which would be customary as the owner.
· While it's assumed that most of that money went to rebuilding, this isn't actually known or proven. It would be different if he had a separate insurance policy that was not connected to the rebuilding of the towers, with different monies going to the Port Authority to rebuild. This was not the case. Rebuilding of Ground Zero
· He additionally refused to return the rights of Building 1 to the Port Authority until he secured additional funds from an $8 billion state fund. Talk about heartless.
Wikipedia: Larry Silverstein
· Various entities would contribute a total of $20 billion to rebuild all six damaged or destroyed towers, including four towers leased by Silverstein and two others he hadn't. This makes it unlikely that he had to go out of pocket with his 4 Billion.
3. Estimated Net Worth:
· While earlier records of Silverstein's net worth are unavailable, aside from his near bankruptcy in 1980, he is currently estimated to be worth around $1 billion.
Forbes Profile: Larry Silverstein

Silverstein’s Controversial Alignment with Trump
Larry Silverstein's connections and public persona have often been scrutinized. This scrutiny became particularly relevant in 2015 when he publicly displayed his support for Donald Trump:
Watch Silverstein Discuss Trump
CNN Trump On 2020 Election

The Man Who Boasted
When most people witness a tragedy, especially of this size, it takes time for their brains to comprehend what happened, it takes even more time to process it. Thus, anyone who was able to brag about their own assets hours after this tragedy on a radio show, is at least worthy of Investigation, especially if this very event helped reshape a misinformation landscape in which he would thrive as its King.
Politifact – How 911 Attacks Helped Shape Modern Misinformation

· Insensitive Boasts About Building Height:
o Trump also boasted that with the fall of the Twin Towers, his building became the tallest in Manhattan—an inaccurate and insensitive claim given the context.
Independent 9 11 Trump Tallest Building
· Early Claims and Revisions:
o Shortly after 9/11, Donald Trump claimed he saw the second plane hit the towers from his Manhattan apartment. He also made an unfounded claim that he saw thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheering, a statement that has been widely debunked. Despite varying explanations and suggesting that he saw it on an untraceable video that was “widely covered,” these claims helped fueled significant conspiracy theories. If anything, this was a self-report.
o Snopes: Trump Claims Muslims Cheered
o Trump’s Revised 9/11 Claim
· Visit to Ground Zero:
o A week after the attacks, Trump visited Ground Zero and stated that although he was present, he wouldn’t consider himself a first responder. This attempt at humility struck many as morbidly insensitive, considering the true heroism displayed by actual first responders.
ABC News: Trump Shares New Details About Morning of 9/11

Legacy of Suspicion:
These actions paint Trump as one of the more suspicious figures post-9/11, who may have used the tragedy for personal and political gain. His connections with figures like Larry Silverstein and Lewis Eisenberg, the Port Authority chairman, hint at deep financial interests potentially influenced by the 9/11 aftermath. Meanwhile, survivors and first responders faced challenges in securing support, highlighting the disparities between their experiences and the political maneuvers at play. Again morbidly juxtaposing the struggles of the poor and working class versus elite swamp members such as Trump and his ilk.

While being, arguably, one of the more suspicious Americans of potentially “being an insider," Trump would go on to cast doubt everywhere else with his new holier than thou rhetoric and hints and claims that “it was an inside job” for the next 15 years.

What if he was speaking from personal experience.

The Deepfake Dilemma
Now in a world where Trump's followers already discount reality, the emergence of AI-generated deepfakes threatens to further distort the truth. This technology could transform legal standards of evidence, making it easy to dismiss genuine evidence against the right as fabricated, while baseless accusations against the left might be accepted as the long-awaited proof.

The Potential Escalation of MAGA Actions
Given the willingness of MAGA supporters to storm the Capitol on January 6th, bolstered by Trump's incendiary rhetoric, the potential for escalation is alarming. The advent of fabricated images and videos could present unprecedented national security threats.

Trump's Incendiary Rhetoric on January 6th
Trump's speech on January 6th was a clear incitement, as he urged his followers to "fight like hell" to "stop the steal," despite admitting DURING THE SPEECH that there was no evidence of the massive electoral fraud he claimed. As well as his lawyers laughable court “arguments.”
“...while there is no evidence to prove any wrongdoing
Npr.Org Read Trumps Jan 6 Speech
LawAndCrime Come On Now

This speech, coupled with his undermining of constitutional processes, underscores the risks and intentional deceit of his rhetoric. Too bad Republicans senators and our Supreme Court have either claimed he was above the law, or continue to postpone his court dates till after elections. A wild position when treason is on the table. Did that dude commit treason that claims he wants to become a dictator? I dunno, lets let him potentially get elected and then find out!

Elon Musk's Political Shift
Elon was once very much a leftist, unfortunately in more and more far left “activists” continue to attack him endlessly for not agreeing with them on their own singular issues and perspectives. To them I say congratulations, you successfully pushed the most powerful man on earth into the far right. Great job. Great job.
Elon Musk's journey from a liberal supporter to a figure embraced by the far right highlights the volatile nature of political affiliations in today's polarized environment. His actions since acquiring Twitter—such as promoting unfounded conspiracy theories and making high-profile firings—suggest a departure from his initial free speech advocacy.
Especially when considering he fired Don Lemon from his platform for an interview he found offensive. Canceling opinions you find offensive isn’t free speech, it’s literally the opposite. I’m sure many people were offended by the examples below. What about them?
Far Right Support Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

The Need for a Critical Approach
Supporters of Trump should critically evaluate why he did not pardon the January 6th insurrectionists during his term, despite using them as political leverage now. This pattern of using allies until they are no longer useful is evident throughout his political and personal dealings.
What better example could there possibly be as to what trump truly thinks of his supporters, how sacrificial he sees them as part of his endless narratives, then his refusal and failure to pardon January 6th insurrectionists while still in office?
Of course, anyone “just on the grass” or outside the building should only get a day in jail at most, however people that barged inside the capital should naturally get much more.
And while trump refused to pardon those people before, he now calls them “hostages” and is using them as political bait to a truly wild degree. It's very likely he will make good on this promise to further embolden the narrative that “Democrats are trying to take you down and only I can save you.”
His supporters need to seriously ask, “Why didn’t he pardon us before?”
Also, remember when he claimed he would pay legal fees for supporters that were violent at his rallies, but then seemed to falter and change his mind. Much like how Amber Heard donated her money, “by pledging it.”
List of allies he was quick to discard or dump. And let's face it, all of these people have done more for him than the average MAGA supporter. The only person he cares about is himself.
Trump claims that Mike Pence, the man he vetted more than anyone else, “has gone to the dark side.”
Trump seems to have supported the chants to “Hang Mike Pense,” at least in jest? We hope? There are also no links of him condemning them. Yet admittedly this one point doesn’t have hard evidence like a recording or video as far as I know, it certainly fits his brand.
Mike Flynn, a Trump appointee, later testifies against him.
Trump admits Flynn lied on his behalf, accidentally testifying against him, but does pardon him. As long as you’re colluding with Russia you’re ok it seems?

The Future Under Trump's Influence
Trump's rhetoric about overriding constitutional norms to address what he calls "massive fraud" hints at authoritarian aspirations. His praise for dictators and divisive language further aligns with dangerous historical precedents.
Important Articles:
“How a second trump term could end us democracy.” -commondreams
“Ask the expert: What a 2nd Trump term could mean for democracy and advancing policy.” - Msu Today
“Judgement Day” for political opponents.

To predict the future lets base it on known facts:
Apparently, he will help attack our constitution like he may have with the Twin Towers.
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”
Stated he intended to be a Dictator on day one, but then promises it will be just for a day. Is that how that works? Or is it “Once you go Dictator you don’t go back?”
Praising dictators, referring to immigrants as vermin etc, akin to Hitlers rhetoric against “blood mixing.”
More fraudulent use of lawyers and courts that gets everyone else in trouble but him, with them arguing he's above the law. This further shows how much he will consistently use people for his own ends and then dump them when they're no longer of use.
Warning from republicans and notes on ass kissing. As well as being generally unfit for office.
If you want help from Trump you better kiss his ***
Trumps says he kept Omarosa just because she said nice things about him, while defaming her
DeSantis: "You can be the most worthless Republican in America, but if you kiss the ring, he’ll say you’re wonderful."
Thehill Trump Views People Who Kiss His A As Weak.
And if you dare to speak out against trump, you better kiss his ****
Politico Graham Breaks With Trump On Abortion
WashingtonPost Trump Graham Abortion
News Yahoo 30 More Republicans Denounce Donald Trump Unqualified President
Hot take, if he’s elected president America, and the world, is frankly fucked.

Predicting MAGA 2024 And Beyond
Naturally there are endless possibilities of what MAGA and dictators around the world decide to do this year and into the future. I believe that the one thing that insinuates when it's time for their next evil actions is dictated by their standings in the polls or when a fellow dictator needs a little more political pressure from war torn inflated oil prices etc.
Dictators Unite
While writing my thesis, I speculated that dictators globally were uniting, finding mutual benefits in their governance and deceitful tactics. This theory is increasingly recognized as these autocrats appear to be forming a coalition, undermining peaceful unity efforts through conspiracy theories to preserve their power.
Unherd How Autocrats Unite
The True Nature of MAGA
MAGA was never genuinely about speaking truth to power or restoring America's glory. It has been an elaborate scheme funded by immense wealth, perpetuating anti-American sentiments through fabricated grassroots movements by domestic and foreign actors. This movement has primarily enriched a select few power-hungry dictators and may have been responsible for some of our most horrific moments in history in the past and acts yet to come.
Trump and MAGA
While 'MAGA' predates Trump, he conveniently stepped into a role long in the making. Despite occasional deviations from the MAGA ideology, such as promoting vaccines to emphatic boos, Trump has largely embodied its principles. The real architects of MAGA, however, are likely disillusioned with his unpredictable attacks, which contradict their broader agenda of absolute power.
Nbc News Donald Trump Booed
Trump as a Martyr
Regardless of election outcomes, Trump is poised to claim interference. His rhetoric and the devout belief of his followers in his divine anointment could lead to his martyrdom, especially given his age and the vulnerabilities it brings. This martyrdom could solidify his legacy while serving the interests of MAGA strategists who find him increasingly burdensome even if he “wins.”
Factcheck Trumps Bogus Voter Fraud Claims
La Times Trump Democrats Effort Presidential Ballot
submitted by interventionalhealer to Daliban [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 12:58 LastWeekInCollapse Last Week in Collapse: May 5-11, 2024

Russian forces are making a push, animal testing ramps up for H5N1, and over 365 days of temperature records

Last Week in Collapse: May 5-11, 2024
This is Last Week in Collapse, a weekly newsletter compiling some of the most important, timely, useful, soul-crushing, ironic, stunning, exhausting, or otherwise must-see/can’t-look-away moments in Collapse.
This is the 124th newsletter. You can find the April 28-May 4 edition here if you missed it last week. You can also receive these posts (with images) every Sunday in your email inbox with Substack.
Earth experienced its largest CO2 concentration increase over a 12-month period, scientists say, from March 2023-2024. It was a jump of 4.7ppm more of carbon dioxide, blamed on deforestation, fossil fuels, and El Niño. Experts are saying that El Niño has peaked, and will transition to La Niña within a few months. La Niña lasts about 1-3 years, and it generally cools the Pacific Ocean, and brings more rain to India & Bangladesh, among other changes. Earth also experienced its greatest atmospheric moisture for the month of April.
Venezuela has lost its last glacier, the Humboldt, which was reclassified into an “ice field.” It is the first modern nation to lose all its glaciers. Scientists believe Indonesia, Mexico, and Slovenia are next in line to see the extinction of their glaciers. Colombia is also rapidly losing its remaining 6 glaciers.
Wildfires in Chile have killed about a hundred people, and injured & displaced thousands. Flooding in Afghanistan. And climate change is ruining cotton crops, and livestock, in Chad. Plus, flooding struck the DRC, overflowing rivers and latrines—affecting some 500,000 people. And some climatologists think we have been underestimating how much climate change is driving greater rainfall & flooding; the worst is yet to come.
The first week of May saw so many temperature records broken; some are claiming that it might be the “most record breaking month in climatic history”—until June, that is. Earth has been seeing 13 months of monthly records being broken for global sea surface temperatures. Literally 365 days of record-breaking ocean temperatures.
A study in PNAS examined North Pacific “warm blob” heat waves from 2010-2020, and concluded that China’s reduction in aerosols, which cleaned the air but also removed the sun-reflective particles, incidentally probably caused marine heat waves which killed fish and resulted in algae blooms.
Bees are having difficulty acclimatizing their nests to rising temperatures. The dugong, while still rarely seen in parts of the world, has been declared extinct inside China, having gone 24 years without a known sighting. In Florida, the suburbification of land under development is pushing the Florida panther closer to extinction; some 100 panthers remain in the sunshine state.
Siberia’s Batagaika crater—I prefer its alternative title, “megaslump”—is expanding by about 1M cubic meters, every year. Scientists naturally blame the rapid permafrost melting on climate change.
A cruise ship entered New York City with an endangered 44 ft {13.4m} dead sea whale stuck on its bow (front). Investigators are looking into whether it was already dead when the ship hit it. A study in Conservation Letters looked at the 100 largest Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)—which cover 7.3% of all ocean area—and found that almost 60% of this area is not in range of meeting the 2030 preservation goals.
Part of India broke May records already; the Maldives, too. Eastern Ukraine ended a far warmer & wetter April than usual. And a heat wave in Mexico scorched previous May temperature records across 10 cities, as well as small regional blackouts. North America felt its all-time hottest May temperature...
AstraZeneca is pulling its COVID vaccine from the EU over a rare blood clooting side effect. Nevertheless, some experts claim that vaccine saved over 6M lives. Whatever U.S. CDC data on COVID is still available points to “a small rise” in cases later this summer, mostly from the growing KP.2 “FLiRT” variant.
COVID patients and immunocompromised individuals are still using lots of healthcare resources, and the rise of resistant superbugs is developing alarmingly fast. According to the article, “It only takes about a year on average for bacteria to grow resistant to treatment, when they used to take 21 years to evolve back in the 1960s.”
Engineers and medical professionals remain concerned about nanoplastics, between 1-1,000 nanometers wide. One grain of sand is about 500,000 nanometers, and one strand of DNA is about 2.5 nanometers. A single wavelength of light ranges from 400-700 nanometers.
South Africa’s water shortage is projected to worsen through at least 2025. Nairobi’s water shortage continues, despite the city’s dams being filled with floodwater. Costa Rica is facing a Drought so bad it’s rationing electricity. Mexico City—the second-most-populous city (by metro area: 21.8M; São Paolo is #1, at 22M) in North America— is seeing more than 20% of freshwater sources exhausted, and rationing is not enough. It’s almost like we’re living at unsustainable levels of consumption

As Latin America warms (and suffers flooding), disease is becoming more common—as well as heat stroke & serious hunger. Benin is refusing Niger the permission to use its port to export oil, as a result of a border dispute.
A paywalled study in Nature Water tested a new method for removing PFAS foam particles in water, with “near-complete destruction of PFAS in various water samples contaminated by the foams.” The process involves “ultra-violet (UV) light, sulfite, and a process called electrochemical oxidation” and does not require heat or high pressure. The number of U.S. states phasing out PFAS is growing.
As forcible repatriations of thousands of Afghans continue, millions of Afghans are suffering from lack of humanitarian aid—aggravated by recent deadly flash floods in the beleaguered, landlocked, failed state.
Yeasty superfungus Candida Auris infections were detected in 77 cases in Germany last year, authorities say. Candida Auris was only identified 15 years ago, but its three separate genetic variants (each on a different continent) have stealthily and stubbornly grown to pose a stealth threat to humankind. It is incredibly resistant to antifungal drugs, and it survives at higher temperatures than most other fungi. The WHO has listed it on a shortlist of top fungal pathogen dangers.
3 cats died from H5N1 in the United States last week. Some health professionals are getting more worried about a future H5N1 jump to become human-to-human transmissible, and claim that we are not ready as a species. Experts say we are not doing enough testing, and may already be in the prologue of a much more devastating pandemic. Scientists still say it is unlikely that a strain will make the critical mutation necessary, but the similarities between human and cow (and other mammal) flu receptors present potential complications.
The world is supposedly being divided into three general trade blocs: U.S., China, and the non-aligned states. For better or worse, globalization is crumbling, and governments are imposing tariffs, attempting to reshore industries, and restructure debt & credit flows. What will happen when the people, long-trained to expect high returns, find their profits wanting?
Two camps for internally displaced people near Goma, DRC were bombed, killing 12+ and injuring 20+. The perpetrators and their motives are unclear.
Rising crime. Drinking water. Closing the Darien Gap. These were the issues propelling Panama’s president-elect to a victory last Sunday. The arrival of rain is also improving conditions on the Drought-choken Panama Canal, expected to return to normal for at least a month or two.
A wave of Chinese espionage, much of it several years old, is sweeping Europe. Of particular concern is a hack of British military personnel information uncovered on Tuesday—which China denies. Similar espionage against the U.S. has reportedly cost the economy hundreds of billions per year.
Kenya’s mission to stabilize Haiti is inching forward slowly. The Pentagon has ordered its 1,000 troops to leave Niger. At least one Saudi villager was killed to make room for The Line, and reports claim Saudi forces have been given the green light to clear other people who get in the way of the development. Germany’s Defence Ministry is seriously considering recommending conscription for its 18-year olds later this summer.
Displacement in Myanmar has spiked over the past six months—and now counts 3M+ people since the February 2021 coup which sparked more open resistance.
Tunisia ejected ~400 migrants into Libya. Kazakhstan is expelling Tajik migrants in far-ranging sweeps. In Lebanon, vigilante attacks against Syrians have become more common. Mauritania is conducting military drills along part of its border with Mali, after reports emerged of Malian soldiers attacking border settlements.
In Sudan, over 200 witnesses corroborated reports of a massacre last June, where RSF insurgents piled up and shot” at least 17 people, most of whom were children. A lengthy report from Human Rights Watch, complete with timelines, testimony, war crimes, and other horrors from Sudan is over 150 pages. I did not have the fortitude to skim much of it.
A Hamas attack on Sunday, which killed 4 Israeli soldiers, reportedly pushed the Rafah invasion ahead of schedule. The IDF took over the Egypt-Gaza border, and is scaling up operations in southern Gaza. In response, the U.S. paused arms transfers to Israel. Any chance of a ceasefire, if there was ever really a credible chance, will have to wait. Diarrhea is soaring in Gaza, due in large part to a critical water shortage, caused by the destruction of wastewater treatment plants, the damage to water infrastructure, and large-scale displacement. A new evacuation order has commanded over 1M people in Gaza to leave before a more comprehensive invasion of Rafah begins.
A day after President Putin was inaugurated for his fifth term, he ordered a wide strike at Ukrainian infrastructure across seven oblasts. Most of the missiles and drones were shot down. And another plot to assassinate Zelenskyy was foiled. Lithuania is considering sending military trainers into Ukraine. Putin announced that Russian forces would target Western soldiers deployed in Ukraine, and begin drills simulating nuclear weapons if Britain’s involvement grows. Already, Belarus conducted a military drill with missiles & planes capable of using nukes.
In addition to extending Ukraine’s mobilization by another 90 days, the government has also allowing some convicts to fight on the battlefield in exchange for reduced sentences. Poland is allegedly considering repatriating thousands of draft-eligible Ukrainian men, and Germany is emphasizing the need for Ukrainian refugees to work.
Japan is boosting investment in a hypersonic missile interceptor project with the United States. A large-scale Russian offensive has begun across the front-lines, particularly around Kharkiv. And Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is beginning talk of a “genocide” in Moldova, which could provide the pretext for another special military operation in Transnistria—and perhaps beyond.
Things to watch out for next week include:
↠ The IDMC is releasing their 2024 report on Internally Displaced People (IDPs) on Tuesday, with estimates for total figures by nation & region.
Select comments/threads from the subreddit last week suggest:
-High temperatures are going to ruin food—and a lot of people’s health. This thread about the contamination of bánh mi in Vietnam sheds some light on the interconnectivity of our problems. Add in some heat wave-induced power outages, loose government regulation, and hospital problems, and you can imagine how this slow-moving disaster can cripple a community.
-“Microforests” may help mitigate some of the effects of ecosystem collapse and desertification—as well as boosting your property value, judging by this thread and its comments.
-One Collapsenik published a free ebook & audiobook satirizing American Collapse—and I’m not just linking because this newsletter was apparently a source of Doom inspiration. If you write an 80,000 word novel about Collapse, featuring some 300 references, I’ll share it too. Maybe one day I’ll have the time to write one

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