Pain in right face ear teeth

"What have I done..."

2014.07.01 01:59 mintberrycrunk "What have I done..."

Instant Regret (in'-stint rē-gret') n. a subreddit dedicated to deliberate actions that unexpectedly lead to undesirable consequences and horrible results; things which may cause someone to say, "oh man, did I just screw the pooch!"

2012.06.12 06:26 musicninja91 Abusive Relationships

For anyone of any gender identity who has ever been in an abusive relationship or is currently in one. This is a place for people to vent, share their stories and offer support to others in similar situations. Anyone who has experienced an abusive situation or relationship is welcome - that includes romantic, intimate, sexual, spousal, coworker, family, and/or friendship relationships.

2013.07.11 03:27 kirkkommander Quitting Kratom

Welcome to Quitting Kratom! Our purpose is to give and receive support with QUITTING KRATOM, withdrawal & recovery. This sub is for those wanting to QUIT FOR GOOD. Except for tapering, we don't condone any use of Kratom whatsoever. We've no opinions on "minimal usage" or usage for pain management, etc. TOGETHER we CAN!

2024.05.19 03:19 yesthatbruce A few of my takes on the insurance scam

I was glad to see this sub was created, and I really hope it takes off. I've long seen insurance as basically a huge scam, especially here in the US.
Health insurance is the worst. The bottom line is that these companies will insure you, except when they don't, which is often. (And don't forget the sky-high cost of premiums right up front.) They make you build up deductibles; make you pay co-pays; disallow any coverage at all for a wide range of treatments and medications; and quite often will simply refuse to pay a claim at all, for little reason but "just because we can."
All these things happen even if you opt for one of the more expensive "tiers" for supposedly better coverage (for even higher premiums, of course, often much higher). AND, there's the fact that most health insurance doesn't pay at all for dental, vision, or hearing. For some absurd reason, you have to buy coverage for those separately -- and all the standard loopholes as previously stated apply. Finally, the only reason insurance covers mental health care at all (again, with all the loopholes) is because it took a federal law that forced them to.
I also regard life insurance as a huge scam. These companies sell you on the idea that you'll get a huge windfall when the "covered" person dies, but you'll find out that when the death does occur, it's usually like pulling teeth to get the payment. The company will delay for weeks or even months, and demand absurd amounts of documentation to prove that the death really occurred, and proving that any and all beneficiaries are alive and worthy. (And besides, to begin with, they sell you these policies by scaring you about massive funeral costs. But if you pay tens of thousands for a funeral, you're a huge sucker, because the funeral industry is another big-time scam, which will charge you thousands for all kinds of things that are completely unnecessary. You can get a perfectly nice funeral and burial (or especially cremation) for well less than $5,000, and sometimes much less.)
That'll be more than enough ranting from me for now. Thanks again for this new platform.
submitted by yesthatbruce to fuckinsurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:17 SleepyQueer Salt New York N12 Alternatives/Shade Dupes?

Hi all,
Historically I've been VERY fair, with good matches from Rose Inc LX010, or Salt New York N13. However, in the last year or so my face specifically has gotten a little darker and I find if I try to match it to my neck, it just winds up looking a weird way I don't like. I'm finding my face looks much more natural if I use a darker shade and then blend it gradually into a lighter one that matches my neck.
The problem though is I've been having a HECK of a time finding something that's the right depth because I'm so used to everything being too dark for me that my eye/intuition always errs on the side of lighter! But I recently picked up Salt New York's new concealer in my OG shade (N13) and also N12, just for fun. Turns out N12 is a pretty excellent match for my face right now, and I've been using it as my foundation as I like the coverage level a bit more than the Sneaky Balm. However, I don't always want to use an oil-based balm product which can feel a bit heavy especially in summer, even though my skin is dry right now.
SO! For anyone who also matches SNY N12, what else works well for you as a base product (preferably without mixing)? Primarily looking for foundation but I often use concealer as foundation so either is fine honestly. For reference, I've also been getting pretty good matches from Nyx Bare With Me Serum Concealer in Light mixed with LA Girl's green concealer, and Tarte Shape Tape in 12S has also been not bad although it's a bit too thick/matte for me right now since I'm on Accutane. Nars Light Reflecting in Gobi is either a hair too dark or much too saturated or both, I'm not totally sure.
Ay suggestions much appreciated! Thanks!
submitted by SleepyQueer to Fairolives [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:16 NateBearly Generally, women choose who they date and men choose who they marry. Are people becoming so hopeful about meeting their ideal partner that we're ending up with a growing population of single men and women who (per force) only date short term?

I'm a 46 year old man who's ended up back in the dating game... and it's not a bit like it used to be. Fair enough. Times change.
Still, the difficulties we're all facing seem to boil down to one key difference between how men and women date. Said in general terms; Men are comfortable having sex with someone regardless of any long term romantic interests. Women are comfortable having sex with someone when they trust / 'trust' the relationship is heading in the right direction.
Naturally, there are going to be outliers (some of them extreme). But, the above may serve in the general sense.
This seems like a reasonable cause for the brevity of relationships these days. Man approaches woman. She decides whether he's appealing enough to date. If she approves, they get into a relationship and (eventually) have sex while he decides if she's appealing enough to marry.
As a side note: his choice to find a different partner is too easily conflated with 'taking advantage of her'; a thing that's more often felt by only one person in the relationship. At the surface level, a man deciding that she's not marriage material is akin to a woman declining a date. For us, it doesn't feel like we're taking advantage of women... we're 'doing the things people do in a relationship'. If it doesn't work out, we still enjoyed our time together (which is hoped to be a mutual enjoyment).
But, back on topic: What we're looking at is a 'category' of men that don't qualify for dating and women that don't qualify for marriage... which may cause you to think of certain types of people. But, this is seen through all the different ways in which we present; regardless of health, beauty, wealth, fame, etc, etc. Everyone pre-disqualifies themselves by way of choosing someone that wouldn't choose them. By 'punching above their class' so-to-speak.
When there's a 'difference in opinion', men miss out and ... women get fucked (over). Yet, both will see this as being 'fucked over'; because we can't seem to stop wanting the things we want and we'll take the risk with someone that's highly desirable.
Worse, most of us see 'giving up' (aka, waiting) as a better option than revising our dating selection criteria.
I was curious about people's thoughts... and yes, I'm not arguing that the above is true, or even saying I believe it holds merit. I'm here looking for people's thoughts so I don't end up with the wrong conclusions (and a bad position to start looking for solutions).
submitted by NateBearly to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:15 Upper_Vacation_6346 Life is a funny bastard

Wrote a massive jumbled mess so instead in short autism and ADHD has made me into kinda a villain to society I've completely gone against it I won't conform to it I just do what i want im kind etc and generally ur happy charasmatic ever so be it stoner nieghbour friend who mostly just acts really oddly with no shame or fear don't feel disgust I dont feel sadness just isnt logical ive controlled my extreme anger over the years but always kept it well fed in able to use it in well competition basically fix human weakness and train and controll the strengths no matter what i face at the end of the day i wanna be able to kill it to be apex i guess but yeah safe mostly for now but i know its gonna get worse there is a constant deep desire to destroy to cause chaos cause mind fuck mayhem death and pain shame people use them as puppets just the most obscene stuff with them just thinking about it is just wow to me but for some reasons i at least have to wait to dominate a life i have a few responsibilitys left to finish and tie off before im free to break that boundary and experience that dream so i hold it off by learning more practicing creating new plans and devices for mass carnage at least I want to die being known as the guy who killed that other guy no one liked with a list depicting all the things i did to them a hero that did everything society hates but they cant help but applaud lol yeah any way thoughts
submitted by Upper_Vacation_6346 to AutisticWithADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:14 graveYardGurl666 If you need a glimmer of hope..

I once too was in your shoes. Broken and lost from a love I thought was forever.
I was with my ex for 7 years. And through those 7 years there were many many good times, and there were many many bad times. They say that’s what relationships are about.
Though there is some truth to that, the real truth is often a bit darker.
My ex dealt with some really horrible things from his childhood. Loss of his parents and family lead to abuse of substance and although he was smart, charming and a good person, these traumas followed him through much of his life and ultimately.. our relationship.
I always thought that I would be the one to fix him. Heal him with how much I cared and loved him. That if I just guided him and provided him with a safe, happy, soft place to land that eventually things would turn around.
The truth is nobody can fix anyone who does not wish to put the effort in to fix themselves.
And through the ups and downs I eventually realized how much of myself I had truly lost. How putting him before myself was my own down fall. I missed out on so many things for myself because I was always too worried about him and what I could do to support him or be around for him just in case he needed me.
From the outside looking into our relationship, someone would probably see two young adults, with good jobs, a beautiful home and a bright future. One with marriage and children so shortly on the horizon.
I often found myself wishing for that, until I didn’t. Until he started talking about it often and I realized it was something that scared me more than it excited me. I realized that if I stayed, if I continued to put this person over myself, that I would never be truly happy and I would always regret what could have been.
Looking back the bad was really bad. The fighting, the yelling the crying and sometimes even the violence that would follow. We never communicated effectively even though I really do think we tried. He was volatile and I was timid. He would scream and I would shut down. We were in a cycle of hurt together that we just didn’t know how to even escape after the life we had built, a life that was so heavily intertwined.
Looking back I was very young and immature when we got together. I think that he saw me as a life vest and took the opportunity when I showed how caring I was of my friends and family. He wanted to be apart of that. And knowing his background I can’t blame him.
But I do blame him for the blame he laid on me at the end. I do resent him for it. After all I did to try to help…To prove how much I loved him over and over he still threw it in my face that it wasn’t enough. That I was giving up. On him. On us. That by me leaving I was damning him to a life of substance abuse and misery forever. Like because of me he would never again have the opportunity to get it together. When in my mind the reason I was leaving was for the Hope that maybe if the life vest was gone he would drown, hit rock bottom, and be forced to work to the surface of recovery on his own.
I’m not sure where he’s at with his recovery today. I hope, truly, that he’s better. I know how badly he needed that for himself.
Even after we broke up I hoped we would find each other again. My friends said if it was meant to be and he got it together that we would definitely work it out.
Instead we usually fought when we spoke. Feelings of anger and sadness would be dredged up for me every time. I’d go days without eating or showering after we’d communicate. So we went NC.
I found someone about 6 months after we broke up. Someone kind. Loving. Giving. Someone who takes care of my heart. I fought being with him because I was so determined that my ex was my person. That certainly was not the case the more and more I spent time with this new person. I felt like I had finally come home. I realized how much trauma I was holding onto, and he helped me let it go slowly. He helped heal me without even trying. Just by being him.
We’re now engaged and recently found out we’re expecting.
I’m not fully healed to this day from my previous relationship, but I think that maybe that’s okay. Maybe that’s what makes the one that’s meant for me that much greater of a love.
I poured all of myself into someone who couldn’t even meet me a quarter of the way let alone meet me half way.
I think because of that, I have a respect and gratitude for my future husband that I maybe wouldn’t have if I hadn’t loved and lost before him.
My ex is now dating someone I was once best friends with. I’m not upset with him about it… I’m more disappointed and wishing better for him honestly. She was someone who hurt me and always envied me openly even while we were friends. I don’t see her being a healthy person for him the way that my person is for me. I want him to find his reason to get sober and I think she may be the opposite of that, and it makes me sad. But it’s not longer my burden or responsibility to hold.
I was in such a dark place for such a long time. I thought pieces and parts of me that died would never come back. But they are.
I can’t wait to be a mom and a wife. I feel content and happy knowing it’s with my true person. I feel loved and valued, everyday. I don’t walk on egg shells or feel down anymore.
When me and my ex broke up I thought truly I’d just lost the love of my life.
If you feel that way rn pls know that you’re not alone, but find some comfort in the fact that your person would never leave you feeling how you do right now. I promise.
I know it’s hard to see the end of it when you’re in it. There is good coming. There is what’s best for you still out there. 🤍
submitted by graveYardGurl666 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:12 epiceps24 A Batter Way

A Batter Way
Have you ever gone the wrong way? Once you realized that you were headed in the opposite direction of where you wanted to end up, did you keep going—or did you turn around?
We’ve all been lost at one time or another. We’ve all done things we regret. We’ve all messed up.
“Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38 NIV
“Sin” (the Greek word hamartia) means to miss the mark, to be mistaken, or to wander from the path of righteousness. “Repent” (the Greek word metanoeō) means to change one’s mind, change direction, or think and act differently.
To summarize our situation: God made the world, we messed it up, and Jesus has come to make things right again. This is our story. But the great news is, even when we’ve made choices that haven’t honored God in the past, it’s not too late to turn around.
But you (“each of you,” as Peter said) must decide if you want to abandon the path that eventually leads to empty pleasure and unnecessary pain, and turn back to God—allowing grace to wash over you, and by accepting the gift that’s already yours.
And that awesome gift—the Holy Spirit—will help you, lead you, and comfort you … in a way that only He can. And though you can’t take credit for purchasing the gift or giving the gift, the gift isn’t truly yours until you reach out and take it.
Your family cannot do it for you. Your friends cannot do it for you. Your church cannot do it for you.
“He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.” Psalm 23:3 NLT
As you process today’s verse, in what way can you turn from your selfish desires and run back to God? Ask Him to give you the strength, discernment, and endurance to keep following Him … wherever He leads.
He is the better way.
PRAYER Jesus, forgive me for the times I haven't been "all in." Forgive me for the ways I have turned away from You physically, spiritually, and emotionally. If You're not at the center of my life, then nothing else matters. So please show me what steps I need to take to draw near to You. Show me how to live a life that is completely devoted to the glory of Your name. Amen
submitted by epiceps24 to LightoftheWorld9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:11 thudapofru This week went well

I'm not sure where to post this, as time passes, I doubt my issue is really AvPD, although some issues are quite similar. For instance, the reason I procrastinate is to avoid difficult emotions and feelings.
This week, up until today (as I had anticipated) has gone quite well. Except for Monday, because I was suffering the consequences of not sleeping enough on Sunday.
There are some almost constant issues with my life that I'm trying to work on. I'll try to be brief:
And it's a vicious cycle, because the following day, after not sleeping enough, I actually have an "excuse": I'm sleepy and tired.
Some more context: I'm currently working full time and studying a master's part time. I have three subjects this semester and I find all of them interesting, but there is one I love, one that is difficult and one that is boring (the subject is interesting, the assignments are boring). The next deadline is next week for all three (Monday, Friday and Sunday respectively). My uncle is visiting next weekend, so I have to finish them all before the weekend if I want to spend time with him.
A friend helped me with the difficult one, he doesn't know it but thanks to him I have some external pressure to finish it early and discuss it.
This week I planned on working on the one I like. I managed to do something everyday, my plan was to finish it on Friday but I was done on Thursday. I managed to be productive and finish the assignment way before the deadline. This means I wasn't bored, I didn't overeat and I slept better than any other week.
This is huge for me. I mean, I'm sure I could have also taken some time to exercise, but I don't expect to completely fix a problem I've been having for half of my life all of a sudden. I'm being realistic.
I also know this doesn't mean I am half fixed either. I managed to do this only because it was the subject I like. And I knew I would procrastinate again as soon as I started "working" on the boring assignment. Which is what happened today (is knowing yourself too well a "self-fulfilling prophecy"?).
It was a peek of what I can do, of what my life can be. It's a small step on the right direction. And the best part: even though it was an effort on my part, it wasn't a huge one. I feel like it was just the right amount to feel satisfaction after it's done.
submitted by thudapofru to AvPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:09 Legitimate_Roll121 My thoughts on "polarity doctrine" and the perversion and exploitation of the concepts of divine masculine/divine feminine

Hello everyone! I wanted to write and share something constructive for this space, that hopefully goes beyond snarking specific names and personalities and helps those who have been harmed in one way or another find a bit of understanding around what happened to them and why.
I've shared pieces of my story here before but the gist is: I am not from the coaching world. I'm from the general spirituality world - from a spiritual modality that has an aspect of divine feminine and divine masculine that has always interested me, but few others in the community. I learned about this whole specific mess listening to love & light confessionals, and went deep into the rabbit hole. The perversion of understanding of masculine/feminine energy dynamics was horrifying but also enlightening. I'm big on learning how NOT to be from people who give me the major ick. This is why I've done a lot of deep diving in general on cults, gurus, and manipulative spirituality in general - and there's a lot to take away if you can go in with this mindset. I'm also hella autistic and love infiltrating niche internet subgroups whose experiences are much different than mine so I can - again - learn from the experieneces of others, and gain more empathy and understanding of the vast human experience.
I was a very forward facing person for the nonprofit I volunteered for for over 4 years. There was no "guru" that I supplicated, however there was a person formally in charge who abused their power and the willingness of others to help the organization, and was known to be cruel in private, when it suited them. I didn't see this person as above me - in fact in a lot of ways they were quite pitiful and needed a lot of help/support in their role - which is what I did, willingly and for practically free. At one point, the entire org sat down and did a call in of this person, however, they were able to push everyone that they couldn't control out of the way and rewrote the story with themselves as the victim (we all know this one). The final falling out happened at the end of 2019, so luckily for them Covid gave them some time to figure out how to run their events without me (they hired a paid staff).
Anyway, I gave many many hundreds of hours to this cause, and then the person in charge was able to take advantage of me and then push me out of the community I had served very seriously for 6 years with rumors that I had been trying to steal money. This is so far beyond the truth, and everyone involved directly knows this, but no one came to dispell the rumor. So, I've been heartbroken by supposedly "spiritual" leaders of a community, that's for sure. In fact listening to Katya was part of the cult deprogramming that me and a group who had left together went through (this group also used, abused, and betrayed me but that's another story!)
So, this isn't going to be about me, I just wanted to share my background. This is about what the divine feminine and the divine masculine "REALLY" are. This may get a bit woo in here but I can't imagine anyone here is afraid of woo. In fact it's the mystery of the spiritual experience that allows these people to cause so much harm. So let me try to remove some of that mystery.
The creation is polarized, in many ways. One of those ways is masculine/feminine. The masculine force is the will, the conscious mind, and that which puts the infinity of possible experience into order. It in and of itself is quite fallible. The feminine force is the subconscious mind - all that is - and the untapped potential of this reservoir. The masculine reaches for the feminine, and if the will (masculine) is properly configured, the unmanifest creation (feminine) will give him something in return. The masculine NEEDS the feminine but the feminine doesn't really NEED the masculine, however it does desire the masculine's attention being focused it its direction (instead of random mundane wordly experiences). And the feminine wants the masculine's attention consistently, lest the feminine will not be consistent at all in its response. This attention can be forceful or gentle, but it must be consistent.
Every human has a balance of masculine/feminine energy in them, and while women are socially conditioned to tend towards feminine expression and men towards masculine, biological sex really has very very little to do with it. There are of course, positive feminine expressions and negative, and positive male expressions and negative. What these polarity goons do is mostly focus on a mix of positive/negative masculine expression for the man, 0 female expression, and then only positive feminine expression for the woman with maybe, possibly, a bit of positive masculine expression (only during working hours when you're in seperate offices, and only if you're paying the bills, ofc)
Typically, we are attracted to partners who "balance" out our spiritual energy - so the "polarization" in a relationship can be anywhere from hyper masc/hyper femme to barely masc/barely femme - and again, this is NOT a hard and fast rule and has almost NOTHING to do with sex other than a general (mostly cultural) bias. The hyper femme/hyper masc scenario can definitely be more, well, exciting and dramatic than a relationship between two people who have very little polarized charge in that way between them. But that's likely why few of these polarity gurus have any experience in longevity of relationships - they are fueling their "twin flame" relationship with manufactured drama and trauma bonding. In reality, in a relationship, you are supposed to grow together and be more willing to meet each other where you are at in the moment, instead of demanding they be a near perfect idealized form before you offer them any attention/respect.
The reason these male teachers push polarity doctrine is literally because of their own wounding of the expression of the masculine/feminine. Men (especially USian men) have been taught that expressing any aspect of their feminine selves is repulsive and weak and probably gay. So, their solution to their own inability to be vulnerable is to attack women - for being "too masculine" - aka some balanced expression of both, normal! They want their women to be 100% pure unformed childlike energy with no will of their own, just a will that can be given to the man. They want them to embody this feminine space as close to 100% of the time so that they are forced into their masculine 100% of the time. Girlies, if you are in your masculine, this makes them feel more in their feminine and - gosh that's just icky and disgusting. You don't want your man to get a boner for you when you're in the masculine - that might make him GAY! In the very least it's totally beta to be attracted to a masculine woman and basically gay anyway. No thanks!
I'm sorry to be facetious, but this is in general a lot of the subconscious and even sometimes conscious thought processes behind these hyper polarity relationships. These are not evolved, embodied people. These are people who are still very invested in the old fashioned human status quo that has served them for a long time. We had the thread a few weeks back with the Desire on Fire lady (ugh her name escapes me) talking about how her husband had to "put her in her place" for being "too masculine" and how he really just "didnt want her" when she was in her masculine, when she was literally just running her business. Masculine wounding almost ALWAYS shows up as men being jealous of women being better at them in their own field - or really successful publicly at all - and this is why women STILL have a hard time breaking into male dominated spaces. We are systemically kept out because men die inside when they feel inferior to women. They were told this wasn't supposed to happen!!!! In fact, the person who spiritually abused me was a man - I see now how he "kept" me as a pet because of my high standing in the community. But this meant I was still firmly below him in certain ways - a much more comfortable place for me to be, someone who challenged him on his "expertise".
This polarity movement is taking a true spiritual concept and distorting it just to set women back. They don't want you to have an opinion or agency - other than "me want money" and "me want sex". They want you to play on Instagram all day and recruit ladies for them to sexually assault at your joint "retreats". They want you to only feel valued if you're made up and dressed up and "desired" by men. None of this internalized self worth stuff, only external male validation is allowed. Ladies, if any of you reading this are with some sort of this type of man, please, I beg you, choose the bear. This is the type of man who leaves you as soon as your body culminates too many signs of being aged. They are entitlted to a specific cartoon image of what they think a "woman" is, and sadly this culture has made young women INCREDIBLY easy to manipulate, so finding another partner is often quite easy for older men. It's all by design.
Here's another spiritual truth that is often obscured: One of the polarities of divinity is the left hand path and the right hand path. The left hand path is the path of control, wealth, using others, egocentrism, etc. The right hand path is about acceptance, generosity, helping others, and sacrifice. The middle path is a path with little to no power - it's the path of comfort, the path most people are on.
When one walks the middle path - i.e. has not really begun to truly develop their spiritual side - they do not yet have spiritual discernment. What happens when they come across someone who has been using spiritual principles to "build their wealth/power" is that they see someone with a spiritual light - and this isn't super common on social media. When we're hungry for it, we're like a moth to the flame. That's why they always know they'll be another mark. The problem then is when we don't have discernment, we cannot tell which "hand" the light is coming from, and often it's very easy to confuse the left hand for the right and vice versa. For instance, I am giving up a large part of my day to write this purely to help others in this community - Carly or MAL or someone might stumble upon this and see it as "evil". But that's because they see the light, but to them it's against their light, so I'm the evil one. But all I'm trying to offer is freedom of mind, and they're mad because they want your bag, and this is dependent on you being confused and them keeping a crumb of clarity behind a paywall. 💰
Now, some of these girlies are walking the "left hand path" a lot better than the others. I dont know many coaches beyond those talked about here, but I would say someone like MAL has a pretty firm grasp on who she is - a scam artist, a liar, and a user. She's always making up stories and whatnot - she's a pathological liar. She will do anything to get her way. This is pretty serious when you've been behaving this way for years and years. Her image is very rigid and polished, and despite showing up unprepared and offering word salad to her paying persons, her "outer circle" (social media feed etc) is much more curated than most of the other coaches I've seen. She's at the top of the pyramid so she has a huge amount of control and influence. If she cracks someday, we'll see it, and usually people struggle to return to the top once they falter. I'm sure she's already showing some signs of paranoia, which is the first sign a high control person is starting to become unhinged.
Then there are the messier girlies, like Carly, and Karen who has recently been more thoroughly exposed here. These ladies show up very vulnerable to social media, and often are struggling with illness - as someone has said here before, Carly's early coaching gigs were about health and dealing with chronic illness, until she realized that space wasn't sexy or profitable. I'm not saying this is the root of all illness, but transient illness can be a sign of a spiritual mismatch in intentions/action - especially with these people who claim to be "healers" or adjacent to that space. You have to walk your talk, or your body begins to show your hypocrisy. There is a part of these ladies who feel they are truly "helping the planet" and get confused internally when the reaction of their "offers" isn't for people to fall down at their feet worshipping them. This is why they say stuff like "wealth is a mindset!" and other magical thinking - most of them have lived privileged lives and have never been "out" of abundance. They think their "luck" is a carefully curated vibration that they can rub off on others. And like, while I believe that being in the vibrations of someone who is more spiritually mature can help "elevate" someone - these people are playing with spiritual practices and, while seeing some results, truly have no clue what they are talking about and dealing with. People who truly understand manifestation, whether left or right hand, are not busting their ass all day on Instagram trying to recruit lukewarm clients for peanuts. Carly tries SO HARD to sell that all of her work is "easy" and she can "take a walk in the middle of the day!" and not work while she's bleeding and whatnot. But girl, you're hustling and thirsty all over Insta all day every day - this is not abundance, this is not wealth and gratitude, it's giving "big empty black hole in my soul that will never be filled except with more money" energy, babe.
Then there are the girlies like xogingy and The Content Queen whose whole brand seems to be just being a mess all over the place. This sells because it makes people think "well I'm messy maybe I can be messy and rich/successful" but the mess for these girls is much more embraced and embodied than with the prim types like Carly and Karen, who want to be pure luxe and sexy and divine feminine perfection. But the luxe and sexy types are really doing the recruiting for their sexual in-person retreats (or clothing optional zooms) because they're just mega horny all the time (which - btw - is another sign of spiritual imbalance)
And that's the thing - being horny all of the time means your energy body is JACKED. It's not a sign of a free flow of creative energy to crave sex all of the time. Of course a major aspect of this is the sexual magic - yes, there is magic in sex, and I think it's where these folks get most of their magic, because they follow left hand sexual magic practice exclusively (control BDSM). They do play rapes (and borderline real rapes and, in some cases, actual real rapes on their clients/partners), orgasm denial, humiliation, pain rituals - all stuff that truly, objectively, isn't good for the soul. And notice how it's almost always one sided - the male being in total control of the female - though, Carly's substack did have a story about how they did a "role reversal" where she raped/humiliated him and that was um, something I read. 😳 But generally it's the women's job to always be turned on and "dripping wet" and whatnot, so that when her masculine partner gets a boner she's ready for him to slide it in. And then that's always the best sex, the sex that you "surrender" to.... On the contrary, sex between "right hand" practitioners tends to leave both partners feeling quite satisfied and sated - heck, even if only one happens to orgasm! Whereas control oriented sex often has orgasm denial which intentionally leaves the person craving more.
All this is to say, no one should feel guilty for being duped, or conned, or confused, even still. Almost all of these people have weaponized spiritual concepts in some ways and are wielding them with the intention to separate you from your money. They actually do have something that works. But they will NEVER sell you the whole story. And the fact is, this experience likely did happen to you because your soul was aching for some sort of uplevel - or initiation. It's just that initiation rarely looks like getting what we want. MAL et al makes it look like initiation is giving a rich lady 5 figures, popping a bottle of champagne, and roleplaying as that rich lady to which you just gave all that money (or at least, roleplaying as her social media feed). But if you're truly in it for the soul, your experience is going to help you uncover your soul. And part of uncovering our souls at this point in time seems to be having some serious spiritual trauma. And I know some people here probably only did this as "playing around" and not serious and unfortunately, playing with spirituality can be can be dangerous in and of itself. These is not to victim blame at all. It just is the nature of the spiritual path that it may growl and bite at you to test your growth. It's not just a sexy pleasure party 24/7, unless you want to step on a LOT of people to get there.
Anyway, this is very long and I'm not sure it's going to even fit into a reddit post at this point. But I just wanted to share some of the spiritual insights I've had over the years (been on my spiritual journey for over a decade at this point). I don't know it all, but I do know that I live with a general peace of mind that I wish I could sell in a coaching package or voxer group. But I can't/won't do that. So I'll keep to my lifelong duty of making longwinded, mega autistic posts on internet forums that might help a few people orient to a less painful or confused frame of mind, free of charge.
But on that note, before I finish, I'll offer my general spiritual advice: Firstly, take a short time every day to do some sort of sitting/meditation. Learning how to quiet the mind is a skill, and it's the first skill required to learn discernment. Once we can quiet the mind, we can start to learn which thoughts are our own and which thoughts we have absorbed from others - and if you haven't begun this process yet, you may be surprised to find out that the vast majority of your thoughts are actually just society, family, teachers, social media, advertising, etc etc, repeating in your mind and taking up valuable real estate. This is the real hurdle to "manifestation" - clearing away all the false desires that get in the way of our true desires. Subsequently, learning about chakras and tuning into my energy body has also given me a good base for insight and clarity that comes from within my own body.
Secondly, just try to think of others before yourself more often than not. Don't justify manipulating people for your own benefit. Oneness means you treat others how you want to be treated - in a gentle, and nurturing way. When we harm others, especially from a spiritual place, we perpetuate harm, and therefore accept that potential harmful treatment of ourselves. Treating others sincerely with reverence and respect, and setting boundaries so that we don't allow people to treat us with disrespect, is how we generate a reality that treats us with reverence and respect by default. A lot easier said than done, but it is possible.
Love and light to you all.
submitted by Legitimate_Roll121 to AshaeScumdara [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:08 cherrywww Feeling dumpers guilt but rationally I know it was the right decision

I really, really want to text you and take it all back. But then, reading our messages from yesterday, I know I did the right thing. At least, I don’t deserve this kind of suspicion of being a brainwashed idiot for sending you memes and news links about topics I care about. I also think I deserve more attention and affection and love. Yes, I like being independent and also like what we had, despite the long distance. I like having time to myself to enjoy my hobbies, but maybe that is because I cannot share any of them with you. I love how good you were to animals and how kind and gentle you were, friendly and understanding. But I feel like a lot of times you did not go out of your way to make me feel happy and took me for granted. Yes, I know that I have acted rudely at times, my words are a bit blunt when I get upset, but I apologized and tried my best to avoid all the topics or actions that you don’t like. Meanwhile when I tell you to stop doing something or to do something specific it gets ignored. I don’t know, I think I just miss the company and the security of knowing that I have someone by my side who will be there for me, although I could rant about the most upsetting things and all I’d get in response is a “oh no…”. You were not there for me when I was stressed out, you never asked me about my day or how I’m feeling, and although I’m bad with emotions when it comes to everyone else, I did do my best to give you all the attention you deserve. When you blamed me for "always being sick" when I had chronic pain, I think something inside of me died. That is 2 years ago now and while I'm better, I still go out of my way not to mention any issues I have with my body or when I don't feel well because it might be a burden to you. I feel like you had very little interest in me because you took me for granted, and when we were hanging out, you were just on your phone all the time. It felt so lonely being at a cafe where everyone is talking and paying attention to each other and I look at you while you’re on your phone and then just reluctantly go on my phone as well. It hurts to have my hobbies talked badly about or shown little interest. You dislike most of what interests me, games, perfumes and shows, you don’t care for what I like or makes me happy and put it down. I asked you about how your games were going when you played Fifa, and when I mention anything that I’m doing there’s zero input coming from you. I might as well talk to a wall. Maybe it’s a communication issue, but I honestly think you just don’t care about me the same way I care about you. This is why… it is probably for the best that we broke up. And probably why I was hoping for a way out. If you hadn’t said those things that day, we’d probably still be together, but these thoughts were always on my mind, and they probably would have destroyed me and my self-esteem in the long run, the way they have up to this point. It is not like I haven’t brought these things up before either, and we had many opportunities to fix them. I think you deserve someone you can show pure affection to, where it comes easy and I don’t have to force you into doing something you don’t want to do or are uncomfortable doing. I wish I could be fully myself around you, but when I am, it is not what you want, so I think it’s time to let go of it all. Goodbye.
submitted by cherrywww to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:08 FineHat3313 AITAH for “excluding” my best friend?

So I’ve been best friends with this one girl from school for a little over a year now and we’ve done so much together. We bonded over theater and have been in three soles together. To everyone else we seemed inseparable. A few weeks ago, she got into a show that she didn’t even audition for. She was invited to do it by the director. For context it was a cabaret style concert that everyone else in was an adult. My best friend is 14. She told me and would not shut up about it for the next few weeks until it was over. I was supportive but it got to a point where I just didn’t care about it. I could to go to it because I was away that weekend with other friends. After that she started calling the guy that I had a huge crush on for months prior her new “bestie” and fished about how they face timed every night and lost track of time and called for about 4 hours every night. I was upset but tried to keep my emotions from inferring with our friendship. Now this past week, I got invited to help out with a sports team that partners you up with a student with special needs and was told I would be great on the team and that they’d love to have me next year on their high school team. I was telling her at lunch because I was really excited about it. She didn’t care much about it and was very unenthusiastic. I later at lunch went to our school trainer because of an injury and was later told by my other friend who sits with us that my best friend was saying I would be terrible at it and that she deserved the opportunity more than me because she did one production with special needs people. I haven’t talked to her since I was told this information. Yesterday I had asked one of my other friends if my best friend had been talking anymore crap about me, and I was told that I’m the bad guy in this situation because I excluded her from the opportunity of doing something she had previously said she didn’t want to do, but now that I’m doing it she wants to all of a sudden be better than me at something. I think I did the right thing by cutting off the friendship because it was becoming toxic, but now I’m second guessing if I was in the wrong for being excited about something that was important to me. AITAH?
submitted by FineHat3313 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:08 Myth1cxl Men, I need help

Im 17, and I’ve been struggling with loneliness all my life so far. Not loneliness as in no partner, but I have no one. I’ve never been loved, I haven’t been told ‘I love you’ by someone that’s not my mom. I haven’t had anyone say to me irl that they love being around me. As a result, it affected me. Imagine no friends since elementary up until almost the end of highschool. I haven’t had made a single memory with anyone and I’m graduating in a month. I look decent, I shower, Im in sports(XC last sem and track this sem), my height is ok (5’11) but I still haven’t made any friends. I’ve been so desperate for friends, or just care from someone else that I’ve become rather desperate(I don’t show it though). My loneliness has become absolutely painful to deal with, and it’s a factor as to why I hate myself because I feel like no one wants me
However, this one girl saw me somewhere and she showed me interest. Also, this is online. But someone was still interested in me. Then she made it clear she wanted to start dating. However, I then found out that she’s been commenting on porn subs, and now I feel like I shouldn’t be in this relationship since it could just lead to sin potentially. Me as a christian shouldn’t be with someone like that
I feel like the right thing is to stand in my faith and not get with this person. But this is one of the first time someone talked to me romantically. She even complimented me on my looks and called me cute. And it’s really hard to let go because this is something I don’t really experience. I get attached easily and the fact that someone actually cares about me makes it feel impossible to pull away since I’ll just go back to getting 0 messages. What should I do?
submitted by Myth1cxl to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:06 LiveListenLearnGrow HOW TO HAVE A GOOD AND GODLY MARRIAGE?

I wanted to share this post with all married couples for Godly encouragement for your marriage.
Marriage is loving each other through the good and bad. Marriage is obeying God's word even when we are not happy and sometimes sad.
Marriage shouldn't be one spouse rejecting the other spouse of intimacy and sex. Marriage will consist of trials. tribulations, and tests. Marriage is giving your all and very best.
Marriage is depending on God and His Word to help you both do what is right. Marriage is respecting one another without being hard-headed and putting up a fight.
Marriage is allowing Jesus and His Word to be your guide. Marriage is rebuking Satan, the flesh, and pride. Marriage is loving your spouse unconditionally with love, respect, and honesty that will not be denied.
Marriage is being there for one another with affection, correction, warmth, and love. Marriage is relying on God's Word to guide them from above.
Marriage is putting your spouse (only second JESUS CHRIST) first. Marriage is not making excuses or bad choices that will cause betrayal, pain, and hurt. Marriage is realizing that the Devil want your marriage to fail, and he will wickedly assert.
Marriage is not rejecting what God's word commands a (married) couple to do. Marriage is following The Way, The Truth, and Life and taking heed to correction and reproof.
Marriage is a covenant between God, husband, and wife. Marriage will still have it struggles, hard times, and strife.
Marriage must be cleaved unto a 3 chord strand. Because a couple cannot do it alone by ignoring what God's Word commands.
Marriage is for better and for worse even-though so many are divorcing and walking away. Because the flesh, the enemy, and this world will only refute, defy, and lead one (or both) in the marriage astray.
Marriage must be of mind, soul, body, spirit, and heart. Marriage must be guided by God and His Word so the married couple can stay together until death do them part.
Here are some Scriptures below to read in relations to this poem Ephesians 5:25, 1 Peter 3:7, Matthew 19:6, Ephesians 4:2-3, 1 Corinthians 13:13, 1 Corinthians 13:4-5, Colossians 3:14, I Thessalonians 5:11, 1 Corinthians 16:14, Ephesians 4:32, Psalm 85:10, 1 Peter 4:8, Song of Solomon 2:16, Romans 12:10).
(C)@livelistenlearnandgrow Date Unknown.
submitted by LiveListenLearnGrow to BiblicalMarriages [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:06 vintage-throwaway1 Couple questions after consult with maxfac surgeon

Couple questions after consult with maxfac surgeon
Open bite, class 2 malocclusion, breathing issues and postural issues. Also my jaw is tilted and I have to really focus on annunciation if I want my words to come out comprehensibly.
Ortho wasn’t completely over the moon with the idea of jaw surgery due to possible complications and only having an overjet/bite of 4mm. Eventually agreed to refer me to a maxfac surgeon who concluded I’m a “classic case” for surgery and said I would likely have no issue getting this covered by insurance.
Couple questions that I didn’t ask while I was there:
If bimax the advancements would likely be around 3-4mm maxilla and 11-12mm mandible. He said any more advancement of the maxilla and I’d get a snout, does that sound right? Afaik the more advancement the better the breathing? In terms of cosmetic concerns, I mainly just care about the asymmetry. Though I’m also a bit worried I’ll end up looking weird advancing my mandible further forward considering it’s sloped downwards. Would just these advancements be at least a net neutral? Do the advancements make sense for my face? I live in the Netherlands where just a bsso or bimax is standard.
Which brings me to another point: he mentioned how they do “weekly osteotomies” like this (which doesn’t sound like a lot) and that the surgery usually only lasts two hours whereas, in his words, in London it would take them four hours. Two hours for such an invasive surgery? I’ve read of people being under for 12. Also said that it’s common for people to be underwhelmed by cosmetic results. Should any of this stuff worry me? He seemed confident and competent and it was a pleasant consult. Just a couple things that stuck out to me. Surgeon hopping isn’t much of a thing in this country.
submitted by vintage-throwaway1 to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:05 East_Wasabi4547 [WTS][ON][Scarborough] Holosun 515CM. Vortex Crossfire ii 1-4x, various cheap gears and misc items for sale

Selling more stuff to clear some space in my room, and just some stuff no longer needed. I can throw some of the stuff for free if you buy a lot. NO TRADE ATM.
Optics and accessories
Holosun HS515CM T1 Style Red Dot ($400)
BNIB 99% condition, never gamed but only mounted on my gun for pics and plinked in my backyard. Comes with the original box and all the accessories inside. It is solar powered and can switch between red dot and holo style reticle.
Vortex Crossfire ii 1-4x LPVO ($200)
I'm the second owner of this lpvo but thanks to the amazing vortex warranty policy, it really doesn't matter how many times you have used it. Has the original box, riser mount and a protective cap.
Unknown Brand Tracer Unit ($40)
It lights up the bbs just fine but I believe there's an issue with the muzzle flash function not properly operating.
NcStar Magnifier ($40)
Red Repro Magnifier ($25)
CAR Style M4 Stock for GBBR or MTW ($15)
5KU Adaptor Buffer Tube AK to M4 ($25)
LCT B-11 AK Railed Lower Handguard ($35)
LCT AK105 Lower Handguard (free with any purchase)
Matrix Hi Capa Holster ($20)
S-M size Gloves ($5)
Tactical Waist Belt ($10)
Amomax BB Portable Storage Pouch ($10)
Valken Kilo Mesh Face Mask ($10)
Helmet Mount Face Protection ($10)
Tactical Helmet Mount for Headset ($10)
Chest Belt for Holster ($5)
Heavy Duty Sling for AK ($10)
Woodland Color Balaclava ($5)
OD Color Mask for Silicone Protector ($5)
Razor Walker Style Ear Protection Not for Comms ($20)
Amazon Belt ($15)
Leather Universal Holster ($30)
Magpul Magazine Pulls ($10)
Local pickup near my place in Scarborough, ON. Shipping on buyers. Thx for looking!
submitted by East_Wasabi4547 to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:05 cloodia My kitten bullies my dog!

I live on a military base and found a kitten in the road right outside of the main gate. She’ll be a year old in September.
I’ve had my dog for 6 years now, I’ve had him since he was a puppy.
My kitten is amazingly sweet and so precious and cute when it comes to me or my husband. But she is a terror to our other cats (we have two others who were also adopted from someone who had found them dumped under a bridge) she is a straight up demon to our dog.
He has anxiety, and he has meds for it. She does not care. He is not reactive, even with food and will let the cats eat alongside him from his bowl. He is a sweetheart through and through! But she makes him live in fear.
She will chase him throughout the house and bat at his paws and bite him, smacking his face and such and whenever I notice this I stop her and give him some love to forget about it. But a lot of times theyll be in the living room and suddenly he will come running and try to sit on my head while he shakes and whines.
Today this happened and she had followed him onto the bed and he started yowling like he was in pain and hiding under the covers to avoid her.
I’ve never had a situation like this. She isn’t doing anything that actually hurts him but clearly she frustrates and scares him. I don’t know what to do! I’ve had cats my whole life and dogs as well and never had an issue with either messing around with each other.
submitted by cloodia to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:04 MagyarBarbie Digestive Issues During Period

I’m undiagnosed as of right now, I have an appointment with a gynecologic surgeon in August. I was just curious, I heard digestive/GI issues are common with people who have endo. My whole time in hs, I would always be told my bloating and digestive issues could be IBS, until I got older and learned my body more and realized my pain is in my uterus (and multiple endoscopies and colonoscopies not showing much just a bit of inflammation).
The past year, I’ve had excruciating pain in my uterus and since 2016, have gotten even more symptoms relating to endo, pretty much all of them at this point. However, I was always curious to narrow down what the GI and bowel symptoms were with people who are already diagnosed. For the sake of this post, I’ll just list my GI symptoms below to see if they line up with others who have already diagnosed endo.
-Bloating after eating, especially during ovulation/period -Gas, painful and cramp-like that push on my uterus, more intense during period -Diarrhea every time I get my period, even a day or two before -Constipation, pretty much my whole life besides the diarrhea before my period (the more constipated I am, the more my uterus hurts) -Pain during bowel movements, sometimes during urination (during periods especially) -Loss of appetite, nausea after eating (I crave more chocolate but eat one real meal a day on my period)
I don’t have much support, my close family members think I’m dramatic about my period and my friends don’t understand my pain, so your feedback and support means the world to me as I navigate this alone🙏🏻❤️
submitted by MagyarBarbie to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:04 grammy110703 Touche’ Kylea. Well played. But don’t get too comfortable. You may have won this fight but we WILL win the battle!!!!

Touche’ Kylea. Well played. But don’t get too comfortable. You may have won this fight but we WILL win the battle!!!!
YOU and all of us know that the dog you’ve got is not the dog you’ve gone on and on about!!! The breeder did the right thing and after receiving numerous emails they REFUSED to sell you this dog. . You’ve had to scramble to save face. This has brought us so much JOY 💖💖
Now it’s YOUR TURN to grow up and do the right thing! Take care of the dog! That includes daily walks, exercise, playtime, vet visits including teeth cleaning and vaccinations, daily grooming and every 6 weeks appointments for professional grooming ,flea, tea and heart worm meds. Did you prepare for any of this??? The dog is a living breathing animal! Not a PROP for you to be like Drue or a money maker for your page. You can’t just be done with her when this manic high is over or you can’t stay off Reddit.
Something else, the puppy is like a new baby which you would know nothing about! You have to protect them from parvo and other deadly diseases that they are susceptible to getting at this early age. Do your homework. Keep her safe!!!!
You might tell your minions she’s not a cavapoo like you told them she was! They will figure out she’s a “doodle”. It’s only a matter of time until “they find” out the real truth.
And lastly, we will be watching every move you make!!! The least little infraction on your part of not taking care of the dog, Oliver or Alice will be reported. Better stay on your toes and on top of your game.
submitted by grammy110703 to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:03 Old-Criticism-3788 Rs video of g talking ..

Idk I didn’t think I could not like this girl anymore. It’s just so unauthentic. Can’t even say mom but knows all these other words but there’s no vids of her trying to actively teach him these words and u know if she did she would be recording it showing the camera in his face. You see Jacob and c teaching words and repeating them … just to take credit. I fear for Grayson learning. I can’t see her whipping out books or little letters or sitting there trying to teach him anything. Like does she even read to him?! She just makes videos w him on her couch and she’s the “best mom ever” she’s going to be too busy bcus she has to remember “her life didn’t end when she became a mom and she can still have fun” none of her 23 year old friends r going to want to sit there while she has to teach him stuff bcus their 23 year old single people which makes sense … she’s just honestly such a bad mom. And just using him for content is so sad bcus all these other lost people just gas jer or they talk ab thier own random children stories like she gives af … I promise u she doesn’t she only care ab herself cnot even her kid like does anyone remember how she left him a day or two early w c a women she hates while he was sick and had to go to the hospital to go f maysen on spring break. She didn’t even look stressed on the trip just jumping on top of him and showing off her botched boob job. And she can’t even change his diapers I saw a baby the other day w a full diaper and it was so horrible and it’s just weird how people think it’s normal… no u go change ur baby right away! There is literally no excuses ..none!
submitted by Old-Criticism-3788 to rachelweaversnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:03 Beginning_Hope_2740 Can you identify a filling just by looking?

Anxious patient here who has had a hard time finding a dental office that will do nitrous for cleanings. Found one, and when I went in for the initial exam they didn’t retake x-rays since I had previous ones about 9 months old (even if I’d had some fillings done at a previous office afterwards). I had a toothache on the upper right and they said there wasn’t anything wrong but put a “watch” on a tooth for a cavity between the teeth… one of the ones that had gotten a small chewing surface filling after the x-rays they were relying upon.
The toothache has persisted and a friend recommended I check out a new office with a special for new patients. They recommended filling it .. but not as much of a fan of the dentist and they don’t do nitrous for cleanings.
If I get it filled and then go back to the first office… will they notice at all? The tooth had already gotten work done on it after the most recent x-ray they have on file… would they actually be able to see the change in shape or the filling with there eyes or the magnifying glasses they have?
submitted by Beginning_Hope_2740 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:02 S0n0fJaina Movie Dicks for May 21st, 2024: 90's Urban Crime

90's Nostalgia is starting up and we in Movie dicks are cashing in! Wait Im not getting paid for this? Time to start walking on the bad side of town then.
We start the night with some of our favorite faces here at Movie Dicks, Bill Paxton and William Sadler as brother firemen who get a treasure map in a burning building-which leads to gold. While searching for it in a closed down factory in St. Louis, they're trapped in by a Ice-y gang considering it their territory.
Then Michael Douglas plays a seemingly ordinary man in this Joel Schumacher classic who gets tired of the uncaring world and just starts an Odyssey across LA trying to right the small wrongs he comes across in increasingly unhinged solutions.
See yall in the Pre Rec Twitch Chat at 8PM Central Dick Time!
submitted by S0n0fJaina to moviedicks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:01 iTheJake Core weakness and anxiety: My story and call for help

Its a long post so for anyone that will read it or reply thank you so much :)
All my issues started 2 years ago, there was alot of stress and I think that triggered my pelvic pain. I didnt know what was going on with me why did I experiance pain in my PF and penis so I was really lost.
The pain went totally away after ive calmed down after 1.5 months but it was brutal. Then I got sick and had some kidney issues and I got floxed with cipro. I had severe anxiety and panic attacks because of the pills. My body felt weak, my chest felt compressed and it felt hard to breathe. Amogst these symptoms I had many more.
I discovered soon that this was caused by cipro and found subreddit where people helped me. One of the things that really scared me about being floxed is that any stress on the body is not good while recovering... and tendopathy that alot of floxies talked about.
So that caused me a fear of moving. I wanned to get better as soon as I can cause side effect frightened me alot so I was resting alot and just going for short walks... and I think thats where my core weakness started to kick in.
That was going on for few months until I started to get better and I thank God that I did. I had few flares but that way it.
My pelvic pain wasnt gone tho so I wanned to understand what is going on with me but this lead me to alot of stuff (prostatitis, pelvic floor dysfunction, PN...).
So I did alot of reading and after a yeaf of ups and downs I realized I have tight pelvic floor. Ive read what to do but there was too much information with too much different opinions. Some people said engaging core is bad and should be avoided because it strains PF muscles. Some say strenghtening causes flares and that relaxing and stretching should work. So me being stuck in this and wanned to get better have stoped using my abs... and that made weaknes even worse.
I then found pelvic floor PT in another country since we dont have any here and went there. They gave me some exercises and told me to eleminate my stress as much as possible.
And I had 3 days of symptoms. Then they came back but they were very mild I bearly noticed them. Eventually they almost fully went away for like 2 months until I had some back pain. Then they came back again. But that was again very mild and went almost fully away again for 2-3 months.
Then 6 months ago my back pain started suddenly and MRI showed inflamed facet joints. My pelvic pain came back but not that bad. I visited PT for back muscles and they told my my core is really weak. So they had me do some core exercises and after about 5 visits it somehow helped my pelvic pain quite alot I would say.
I had in total 10 visits, would go for more if I could afford but sadly cant.
My pain was mild and also gone for few days in between for 2 months again until recently. I had some stomach issues and I had diarrhea. And I think this could be causing my current flare.
My symptoms:
mainly just irritaton feeling, tight feeling and some pain. Its not constant I have better days and worse days. Sometimes pain just comes for no reason ? Sometimes i bearly feel anything or even nothing.
I have no other symptoms besides that.
Trough out the day the pain is not constant. Stress definetly makes it worse. And walking helps tons and also some stretching.
In those 2 years in total I had 1 month of pain free at the begining. I had around 7 months of almost 0 pain, most of the time I was totally okay but had few moments where I would feel it just a tiny bit again. Ive had few days or weeks without pain aswell but I dont really remember exactly.
Im VERY anxious person and I stress about my pelvic pain alot... always thinking everything does damage to me like certian moves, some straininh, laughing, core strenghtening exercises... and I just keep on searching for the cure. What am I doing wrong, is this even fixable
My questions:
-What should I do to get better, can I fix this?
-Should I stretch?
-Should I strenghten ? What exercises are safe for back ?
-Why does core strenghtening exercises cause flare ? (Glute bridges, bird dog...)
-Why Is pain sometimes on left side and sometimes on right ?
I just wanna be pain free im only 25 I should be enjoying life and working and im just stuck in this cycle.
My biggest fear thats in my head everyday is that this is forever thing and it makes me so damn sad...
Is this curable after 2 years ?
If you came this far I honestly wish you fast recovery and thank you for reading ❤️
submitted by iTheJake to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:01 relationshipguy254 Why Do Some People Go All in Into a New Relationship After Leaving an Abusive Relationship

When someone goes "all in" into a new relationship, it means they're diving into it headfirst without really thinking too much about it. They don't take the time to really understand the other person or consider if it's the right thing for them. You might see them on dating apps like Bumble or asking friends to set them up with someone. It's like they're desperate for a relationship, even if they haven't fully moved on from their last one. So, why does this happen?
Most people desire a new relationship to escape from themselves. This is especially true for those who have been in abusive relationships. Leaving such a relationship brings up a lot of emotions to deal with. They might feel like they're not worthy, fear being alone, or worry that they'll never find love again. So, they feel a sense of emptiness or lack.
When someone is feeling a lack of many things, it can be painful and uncomfortable. Leaving a toxic relationship might make this feeling even more intense because now there are no distractions. You start to see yourself more clearly. You notice the emptiness inside, and you become aware of how your mental health has suffered. You realize how much you relied on the other person.
Yes, even though the previous relationship was abusive, you come to realize that you weren't really independent. You were heavily reliant on their validation and support, even for basic things like financial support. All those past traumas and pains now surface. When you're in pain, it's natural to seek relief. For many people, diving into a new relationship seems like the best way to find relief from the hurt they're feeling.
That's why they feel compelled to throw themselves fully into a new relationship. But the only way to truly understand what's happening is to heal first, to fully address the pain. However, there's a trap here. Trying to escape the pain might lead them straight into another toxic relationship. Because they're vulnerable and desperate, they don't take the time to carefully assess the new person. They still seek validation and the intense affection that toxic people often give at the start of a relationship. This is why there's a higher chance of getting into another toxic relationship after leaving one.
There are many factors at play here. You haven't taken the time to truly understand yourself, your pain, or your boundaries. You haven't addressed the aspects within yourself that might attract you to toxic relationships. So while it's natural to want to dive into a new relationship, you need to be cautious. Otherwise, you might find yourself in another toxic situation, which will only prolong your suffering. Running away from pain doesn't make it disappear; instead, it often leads to more suffering.
But when you face the pain, you're transformed. So instead of looking for another relationship, even if you are looking for another relationship ‘so that it can help you walk through this pain’. Go for therapy first, find yourself. If you really feel that the pain is so overwhelming, then find help. In therapy, at least you'll find a safe space for you to process these emotions.
And after that process, you will get out of it as a better person, as someone who understands themselves, someone who knows what they want in a relationship, someone who goes into a relationship because it's an aspect of choice, not an aspect of fear, someone who loves themselves, someone who understands what they can't tolerate from others and just someone who's just full of life, not someone who's wanting a relationship or who wants to fully get in because they want to escape themselves. So, don't escape yourself, but instead, face the pain. The pain is already there, and it never goes away till you face it.
Note from the Author
If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.
submitted by relationshipguy254 to healfromabuse [link] [comments]