
Arcade1Up’s Best Modding and Upgrading Community

2018.08.15 15:16 HistorianCM Arcade1Up’s Best Modding and Upgrading Community

The Best Community for Modding and Upgrading Arcade1Up’s Home Arcade Game Cabinets, A1Up Jr., Virtual Pinball tables, Countercades, Casinocades, Partycades, Projectorcade, Giant Joysticks, Infinity Game Table, Casinocade, Actioncade, and Plug & Play devices. We discuss news, information, modding, and much more. We are an Unofficial community by fans, for fans.

2011.07.20 19:40 likwidtek reddit arcade - MAME - cabinets - jamma - /r/cade

We are being forced to open the subreddit against our will. [Click here to find out why we are protesting] ( Dont use this subreddit instead Come hang out on [DISCORD](

2009.06.16 05:41 blu_and_exile /r/arcade - the Purist Coin-Op Arcade Subreddit

The place for everything about original coin-op arcade machines and games. Restoration discussion, help on repairs, walks down memory lane, and sell/trade/buy arcade cabinets. We're all friends here... as long as you've got a quarter. No MAME/emulation/custom cabinet discussions.

2024.05.30 23:57 Old-Tea3356 Ms Pacman Stitch

Ms Pacman Stitch
Stitched for my mom - her favorite video game
submitted by Old-Tea3356 to NintendoStitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 14:36 Affectionate_Emu4660 Bricked my system after two years of using arch -- unsure how to fix?

[EDIT] I eventually managed to solve it, by booting up a live install iso, not chrooting into my root partition because pacman didn't work, but by pacman --sysroot=/mnt/disk -Syu'ing.
I run a dual boot Windows/Arch system on a 2017 MS Surface Book (1st gen) since two years. I barely booted into windows in these 2 years, Linux was by far my daily driver and I've been very happy with it-- that being said I'm somewhat clueless and for the most part relied on the arch wiki whenever I encountered issues, with no big consequences to my actions.
Monday, after not touching my laptop for 10 days, I launched my habitual `yay -Syu`, and had a very long list of upgrades pending. In these, I had a few conflicts, I think some package called ioh? icu? was clashing with something else, and I kept running into problems as my system wanted to upgrade electron25 and electron26 but somehow these always ended up needing 50GB of sources to DL, making the upgrade crash since I don't have that much space.
Anyways I performed SOME override operation against what was suggested (can't exactly remember what it was), but this is what followed: my firefox crashed once the upgrade was finished, so I closed it and tried to reopen it, no effect it wouldn't launch. I then tried to `yay -Syu` again, but kept getting a message saying ' not found'. So I thought, hmm let's reboot maybe that 'll fix things, but then upon rebooting I just see a flashing underscore hanging for an indefinite amount of time.
I booted into windows to write this message and install a bootable Arch flash drive. But I'm unsure how to restore my system. Advice appreciated -- I'll try and provide any further details as requested.
submitted by Affectionate_Emu4660 to archlinux [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:03 Terrible_Listen898 Can't update PiKVM (3.308)

When I run pikvm-update I get this output. When I go to the link works just fine in my browser.
Any idea how I can solve this?
[root@pikvm ~]# pikvm-update
++ whoami
=== PiKVM is in Read-Write mode ===
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core.db failed to download
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from : Failed to connect to port 80 after 10002 ms: Timeout was reached
error: failed to synchronize all databases (download library error)
++ on_error
++ set +x

An unexpected error occurred during the update.

Please note that the filesystem now remain in Read-Write mode.
A reboot is necessary to make it Read-Only again.
The reboot can be performed later using the 'reboot' command.

++ set -x
[root@pikvm ~]#
submitted by Terrible_Listen898 to pikvm [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:21 PeeB4uGoToBed I'm 36 and never even touched a Lego brick until about 2 years ago. I'm fully addicted now. Ms. Pacman, NES, Saturn V and TIE Interceptor

I'm 36 and never even touched a Lego brick until about 2 years ago. I'm fully addicted now. Ms. Pacman, NES, Saturn V and TIE Interceptor submitted by PeeB4uGoToBed to lego [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 06:34 DistuMed [Hyprland] Thought I should update on my Windows 3.1-esque machine

[Hyprland] Thought I should update on my Windows 3.1-esque machine submitted by DistuMed to unixporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 02:04 adrik0622 Audio Fade Out While Gaming


** SOLVED ** Hello again, having a unique issue that I'm uncertain as to weather the source is something gnome related, pipewire related or something else.
I'm running Manjaro linux, here's the neofetch data    ~/.config/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d  neofetch  ✔
██████████████████ ████████ grunkle/Blacktop
██████████████████ ████████ ---------------------
██████████████████ ████████ OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64
██████████████████ ████████ Host: MS-7C56 1.0
████████ ████████ Kernel: 6.9.0-1-MANJARO
████████ ████████ ████████ Uptime: 21 mins
████████ ████████ ████████ Packages: 1310 (pacman)
████████ ████████ ████████ Shell: zsh 5.9
████████ ████████ ████████ Resolution: 3440x1440
████████ ████████ ████████ DE: GNOME 46.1
████████ ████████ ████████ WM: Mutter
████████ ████████ ████████ WM Theme: Custom-Accent-Colors
████████ ████████ ████████ Theme: Adw-dark [GTK2/3]
████████ ████████ ████████ Icons: Bibata-Original-Amber [GTK2/3]
Terminal: gnome-terminal
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X (32) @ 3.400GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
Memory: 5223MiB / 32015MiB
I noticed this happen while I was running ubuntu as well, but basically what happens is I boot up a game, the audio works fine, then it slowly fades out until it's completely quiet. Then I'll do something in the game that's loud and all the audio comes back at the level it's supposed to be, then slowly fades out again after a while. Anyone experienced this (and hopefully fixed it somehow?)
**Update So, frustratingly, I have 0 idea still what was causing the initial bug, it seems to have been resolved after I followed this guide to get the drivers for my headset:
submitted by adrik0622 to linuxquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:58 adrik0622 Pipewire Virtual Surround Sound

Hi, I'm trying to follow the comment from this subreddit on setting up virtual surround sound through pipewire here:
I'm on Manjaro linux, here's the neofetch output for if it's helpful: OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64
Host: MS-7C56 1.0
Kernel: 6.9.0-1-MANJARO
Uptime: 21 mins
Packages: 1310 (pacman)
Shell: zsh 5.9
Resolution: 3440x1440
DE: GNOME 46.1
WM: Mutter
WM Theme: Custom-Accent-Colors
Theme: Adw-dark [GTK2/3]
Icons: Bibata-Original-Amber [GTK2/3]
Terminal: gnome-terminal
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X (32) @ 3.400GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
Memory: 5223MiB / 32015MiB
I was able to successfully get the dolby atmos HeSuVi wav file, and pointed the sink-virtual-surround-7.1-hesuvi.conf convolver files to the absolute path of the atmos.wav file downloaded from here: Had to remove link because apparently Mega is banned on reddit.
The 'Surround Sink' device shows up successfully in my gnome settings, and I used pavucontrol to set my default audio device to my razer nari game which I setup using this guide:
After setting that as my default, I rebooted my pc, and switched to the 'Surround Sink' device and there's no audio coming from it. I've googled around and searched for communities to help with this and can't seem to find anything relevant, so if anyone has communities to refer me to please do. I'm also astounded at how little I've been able to find on this topic. Linux gaming is becoming a bigger thing so I was expecting more people to want virtual 3d surround.
submitted by adrik0622 to linuxquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:53 adrik0622 Pipewire Virtual Surround Sound

Hi, I'm trying to follow the comment from this subreddit on setting up virtual surround sound through pipewire here: I'm posting in this sub because my posts to linuxquestions keep getting removed by Reddits filter. No clue why
I'm on Manjaro linux, here's the neofetch output for if it's helpful: OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64
Host: MS-7C56 1.0
Kernel: 6.9.0-1-MANJARO
Uptime: 21 mins
Packages: 1310 (pacman)
Shell: zsh 5.9
Resolution: 3440x1440
DE: GNOME 46.1
WM: Mutter
WM Theme: Custom-Accent-Colors
Theme: Adw-dark [GTK2/3]
Icons: Bibata-Original-Amber [GTK2/3]
Terminal: gnome-terminal
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X (32) @ 3.400GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
Memory: 5223MiB / 32015MiB
I was able to successfully get the dolby atmos HeSuVi wav file, and pointed the sink-virtual-surround-7.1-hesuvi.conf convolver files to the absolute path of the atmos.wav file downloaded from here:
The 'Surround Sink' device shows up successfully in my gnome settings, and I used pavucontrol to set my default audio device to my razer nari game which I setup using this guide:
After setting that as my default, I rebooted my pc, and switched to the 'Surround Sink' device and there's no audio coming from it. I've googled around and searched for communities to help with this and can't seem to find anything relevant, so if anyone has communities to refer me to please do. I'm also astounded at how little I've been able to find on this topic. Linux gaming is becoming a bigger thing so I was expecting more people to want virtual 3d surround.
submitted by adrik0622 to ManjaroLinux [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:51 adrik0622 Pipewire Virtual Surround Sound

Hi, I'm trying to follow the comment from this subreddit on setting up virtual surround sound through pipewire here:
I'm on Manjaro linux, here's the neofetch output for if it's helpful: OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64
Host: MS-7C56 1.0
Kernel: 6.9.0-1-MANJARO
Uptime: 21 mins
Packages: 1310 (pacman)
Shell: zsh 5.9
Resolution: 3440x1440
DE: GNOME 46.1
WM: Mutter
WM Theme: Custom-Accent-Colors
Theme: Adw-dark [GTK2/3]
Icons: Bibata-Original-Amber [GTK2/3]
Terminal: gnome-terminal
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X (32) @ 3.400GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
Memory: 5223MiB / 32015MiB
I was able to successfully get the dolby atmos HeSuVi wav file, and pointed the sink-virtual-surround-7.1-hesuvi.conf convolver files to the absolute path of the atmos.wav file downloaded from here: Had to remove link because apparently Mega is banned on reddit.
The 'Surround Sink' device shows up successfully in my gnome settings, and I used pavucontrol to set my default audio device to my razer nari game which I setup using this guide:
After setting that as my default, I rebooted my pc, and switched to the 'Surround Sink' device and there's no audio coming from it. I've googled around and searched for communities to help with this and can't seem to find anything relevant, so if anyone has communities to refer me to please do. I'm also astounded at how little I've been able to find on this topic. Linux gaming is becoming a bigger thing so I was expecting more people to want virtual 3d surround.
submitted by adrik0622 to linuxquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 11:13 ProMcGaMeR1689 [KDE] I decited to customize my desktop.

[KDE] I decited to customize my desktop.
I am using Polonium Kwin script to tiling windows.
submitted by ProMcGaMeR1689 to unixporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 05:02 Desperate-Touch-6844 [Linux] No sound after patch

Hi there,
My Dota 2 has no sound after the patch. I am wondering if anyone else is facing the same.
When I try to get soundinfo, it shows:
My specs
Any clue?
submitted by Desperate-Touch-6844 to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 10:57 Creative_Barnacle_46 [CINNAMON] Clean rice

[CINNAMON] Clean rice
My favorite System from now on
submitted by Creative_Barnacle_46 to unixporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 08:17 MysteriousSurveyor VS Code always gives includePath errors for custom headers. How do I fix it?

In my attempt to make the program, I always run into includePath errors in my VS Code. I can only import standard libraries like stdio.h, stdlib.h and such header files only. In case I try to import a custom header file, say gtk-3.0, I run into includePath errors. Even for files that were installed with msys2 like openssl. I need your help to learn more and fix this issue. So that despite using any header file (in-built or external) without running into includePath error squiggles in VS Code forever.
Here is what I have done:
I am trying to build a simple project with gtk-3.0 which validates phone numbers. My setup is Windows 11 with Visual Studio Code. I have installed C development environment using MSYS2 from here: After installing MSYS2, I ran the following commands in the MSYS utility -
pacman -Syu pacman -Su pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gtk3 mingw-w64-x86_64-glib2 mingw-w64-x86_64-cairo mingw-w64-x86_64-pango mingw-w64-x86_64-gdk-pixbuf2 
After this was done, I added the following to both user and system environment variables:
D:\ProgramFiles\msys64 D:\ProgramFiles\msys64\ucrt64\bin D:\ProgramFiles\msys64\ucrt64 D:\ProgramFiles\msys64\ucrt64\include D:\ProgramFiles\msys64\mingw64 D:\ProgramFiles\msys64\mingw64\include 
In my VS Code, I have configured c_cpp_properties.json like this:
{ "configurations": [ { "name": "Win32", "includePath": [ "${workspaceFolder}/**", "D:/ProgramFiles/msys64/mingw64/include/**", "D:/ProgramFiles/msys64/mingw64/include/gtk-3.0", "D:/ProgramFiles/msys64/mingw64/include/glib-2.0", "D:/ProgramFiles/msys64/ucrt64/include/**", "D:/ProgramFiles/msys64/mingw64/include/pango" ], "defines": [], "compilerPath": "D:\\ProgramFiles\\msys64\\ucrt64\\bin\\gcc.exe", "cStandard": "c11", "cppStandard": "c++17", "intelliSenseMode": "windows-gcc-x64", "browse": { "path": [ "D:/ProgramFiles/msys64/mingw64/include/**", "D:/ProgramFiles/msys64/mingw64/include/gtk-3.0", "D:/ProgramFiles/msys64/mingw64/include/glib-2.0", "D:/ProgramFiles/msys64/ucrt64/include/**", "D:/ProgramFiles/msys64/mingw64/include/pango" ], "limitSymbolsToIncludedHeaders": true, "databaseFilename": "" } } ], "version": 4 } 
Every time I try importing external headers, like #include the line is squiggled and I get this error on hover:
#include errors detected. Please update your includePath. Squiggles are disabled for this translation unit (E:\Projects\C\phval.c).C/C++(1696) cannot open source file "pango/pango.h" (dependency of "C:\Users\adars\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.cpptools-1.20.5-win32-x64\bin\gtk-3.0\gtk\gtk.h")C/C++(1696) 
And another error:
E:\Projects\C>cd "e:\Projects\C\" && gcc phval.c -o phval && "e:\Projects\C\"phval phval.c:1:29: fatal error: gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory #include  ^ compilation terminated. 
This happens despite explicitly adding gtk-3.0 to includePath in the cpp configuration. Please help me fix this. I don't understand why it is unable to find pango.h as I have explicitly added D:/ProgramFiles/msys64/mingw64/include/pango and it contains the said file. Thus, this being the reason, I would like to find a way so I can just include a path after which I don't have to specifically mention includePaths to pango.h or other million dependencies.
I reduced the paths to just mingw64/include/** and ucrt64/include/** and removed direct references in includePath and the error squiggles (red underlines) have gone away, but now it just says no such file or directory and terminates compilation.
This might be a novice question, but I would really appreciate solutions.
submitted by MysteriousSurveyor to C_Programming [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 03:36 Longjumping-Wrap2540 How do y’all like logging your game collection?

How do y’all like logging your game collection?
Im personally not a fan of GAMEYE and the other database apps. They’re always glitchy for me and I’m not a fan of the UI. I personally like to manually log in my collection using google sheets (same as excel).
The value of games don’t automatically update but that’s something I can do just coming across it, not a big deal for me and it’s not like things really change so much too quick.
It’s really easy to log with sheets, takes a little more effort but I like it. Doming of totals can be done with a quick command you type in a cell and those update when you add more
Interested to hear how y’all like to do it.
submitted by Longjumping-Wrap2540 to gamecollecting [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 23:39 PhilsTriangle [USA-NJ] [H] Retro Games & Consoles - Nintendo (NES), SNES, N64, Gameboy, GBA, Gamecube, Nintendo DS/3DS, Wii, Playstation, PS2, PS3, Sega Genesis, Sega 32x, Xbox, Xbox 360 [W] PayPal, Venmo

Shipping is $5 flat (with tracking) for anything under one pound. Let me know if you need pictures of anything. I have over 420+ confirmed transactions on this board. Right now I only accept PayPal Friends & Family, Venmo F&F or Local Cash.
GBA Indigo - $80 shipped
GBA SP (Silver CIB) - $120 shipped
Nintendo 2DS w/ charger - $85 shipped
Nintendo 3DS XL Pokemon X & Y Edition Console - $225 shipped
Nintendo 64 Console w/ hookups + OEM Controller - $90 shipped
Nintendo Wii Console (gamecube compatible) w/ hookups + Wii remote & numb chuck - $75 shipped
PS2 w/ hookups, OEM controller, OEM memory card - $100 shipped
Retron 5 Hyperkin (GBA/GBC/SNES/NES/Genesis) unused CIB - $120 shipped
Super Nintendo w/ hookups & OEM controller - $95 shipped
Xbox OG Console w/ hookups & OEM controller + Project Gotham Racing (CIB) - $100 Shipped
Gameboy OEM Clam Shells (lot of 32) - $65 shipped
Gamecube OEM Controller (Indigo) - $30 shipped
Gamecube OEM Wavebird Controller w/ receiver- $95 shipped
NES OEM 10-Cart Storage Case (includes 10 OEM NES sleeves)- $25 + shipping (3x avail)
N64 OEM Expansion Pak - $50 shipped
N64 OEM Green Controller - $30 shipped
N64 Memory Card - $14 shipped
PS2 Logitech Wireless Controller (w/ dongle) - $35 shipped
PS2 OEM Memory Card- $14 shipped
Sega GameGear Super Wide Gear - $20 shipped
Wii U Wireless Controller (WUP-005) & charging cable - $35 shipped (2x avail)
N64 Games
007 GoldenEye - $25
007 World is Not Enough - $14
Army Men Sarge's Heroes - $15
Automobil Lamborghini - $8
Backstage Assault - $12
Banjo Kazooie - $25
Banjo-Tooie - $33
Bass Hunter 64 - $8
Batman Beyond - $35
Beetle Adventure Racing - $17
Charlies Blasts - $40
Diddy Kong Racing - $25
Doom 64 - $30
Duke Nukem 64 (sticker) - $20
Extreme G Racing - $10
Forsaken 64 - $10
Gex 64 - $16
Iggy's Reckin' Balls - $20
Killer Instinct Gold - $30
Knockout Kings 2000 - $6
Magical Tetris Challenge - $20
Mario Kart - $40
Monster Truck Madness - $15
MRC Multi Championship Racing - $10
Namco Museum 64 - $12
Nascar 99 - $7
Nascar 2000 - $7
NBA In the Zone 98 - $5
NBA Live 99 (CIB) - $20
NBA Showtime - $12
Polaris Sno-Cross -$30
Pokemon Snap - $20
Quest 64 - $25
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - $12
Ridge Racer 64 - $15
San Francisco Rush - $15
Spiderman - $25
Starfox 64 - $25
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer - $10
South Park Chef's Luv Shack - $25
Supercross 2000 - $7
Super Mario 64 - $35
Super Smash Bros. - $40
Tetrisphere - $12
Top Gear Rally - $10
Turok Dinosaur Hunter - $12
Turok 2 Seeds of Evil - $12
Virtual Pool - $13
Waialae Country Club - $6
War Gods - $10
Wave Race (Player's Choice) - $15
WCW Backstage Assault - $11
WCW NWO Revenge - $11
Wheel of Fortune - $11
N64 Manuals
1080 Snowboarding - $7
Duke Nukem Manual - $10
Flying Dragon Manual - $40
Rush Extreme Racing - $8
Silicon Valley Space Station Manual - $40
Supercross 2000 - $6
Tony Hawk Pro Skater - $6
Nintendo Gamecube Games (CIB unless noted)
ATV Quad Power Racing 2 - $10
The Hobbit - $24
Enter the Matrix - $13
Eternal Darkness - $90
Fifa 2003 - $6
Fifa Street 2 - $25
Finding Nemo - $8
F-Zero GX - $90
Gun (missing manual) - $10
Harry Potter Chambers of Secret - $12
Killer 7 - $65
Luigi's Mansion - $60
Madden 2003 - $5
Madden 2007 - $8
Mario Golf Toadstool Tour - $27
Mario Kart Double Dash - $75
Monopoly Party - $10
Monsters, Inc. Scream Arena - $7
Nascar Thunder 2003 - $7
Pikmin - $50
Power Rangers Dino Thunder - $8
Resident Evil - $25
Resident Evil 2 - $100
Resident Evil 4 - $30
Resident Evil Zero - $18
The Sims Bustin Out - $12
Smuggler's Run (missing manual) - $12
Sonic Adventure Battle 2 (missing manual) - $45
Spiderman 2 - $15
Spyro A Hero's Tail (missing manual) - $15
SSX Tricky - $28
Starfox Assault - $45 (CIB; some wear to cover art)
Super Mario Sunshine (missing manual) -$35
Super Smash Brothers Melee - $60
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger (missing manual) - $12
WWE Crush Hour - $27
WWE Day of Reckoning 2 (missing manual) - $25
Nintendo DS Games (cart only unless CIB noted)
Avatar The Game - $6
Bionicle Matoran Adventures - $6
Build-A-Bear Workshop (CIB) - $6
Carnival (CIB) - $6
Deal or No Deal - $5
Guitar Hero On Tour Bundle (CIB) - $25
Happy Feet - $4
Horsez (CIB) - $6
Hot Wheels Beat That - $6
Kung Fu Panda (CIB) - $6
Mario Party DS - $13
Mario Kart DS (loose) - $15
Mario Kart DS (CIB) - $18
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (CIB) - $10
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (CIB) - $10
Megaman Starforce Dragon - $85 shipped
Metroid Hunters First Hunt - $6
Nacho Libre - $15
Namco Museum DS - $8
Naruto Ninja Council 3 - $6
New Super Mario Bros. (CIB) -$22
Nickelodeon Team Umizoomi - $6
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney - $20
Picross 3D - $9
Ping Pals - $3
Planet Puzzle League - $10
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (case & manual only, no game) - $55
Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia (cart only) - $30
Ratatouille - $5
Rayman DS - $10
Ridge Racer DS - $8
Shrek Superslam - $5
Spiderman 3 - $8
Star Wars II The Original Trilogy (LEGO) - $6
Super Money Ball Touch & Roll - $6
Transformers Animated - $11
Tron Evolution - $4
Zhu Zhu Pets - $3
Nintendo 3DS (cart only unless noted)
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (CIB) - $20
Lego Marvel Superheroes: Universe in Peril - $5
Mario Kart 7 - $12
Minecraft New Nintendo 3DS Edition - $18
Pilotwings Resort - $10
Pokemon X (CIB) - $30
Skylander Giants - $6
Skylander Swap Force - $16
Skylander Trap Team - $12
Super Mario Maker - $10
Super Smash Bros (CIB) - $15
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - $9
Wipeout: Create & Cash - $5
Wreck-it Ralph - $6
Yo-Kai Watch - $15
NES Games (cart only; unless noted)
8 Eyes - $11
A Boy and His Blob (cart, box, manual) - $40
Blades of Steel - $8
Bubble Bobble - $16
Burgertime - $15
Castlevania II Simon's Quest - $15
Castlevania III Dracula's Curse - $45
Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers (CIB) - $125
Contra - $40
Dick Tracy - $7
Double Dragon - $13
Donkey Kong 3 - $20
Dr. Mario - $10
Duck Tales - (cart & box) - $100
Excite Bike - $11
Faxanadu - $11
GI Joe: A Real American Hero - $75
Golf - $3
Legend of Zelda - $30
Mickey Mousecapade - $7
Mike Tyson's Punch-out - $40
Paperboy - $16
Punch-Out - $20
Rad Racer - $6
RBI Baseball 3 (cart & box) - $25
Robocop - $10
Rollerball - $8
Skate or Die 2 (cart & box) - $65
Spy Hunter - $5
Street Fighter 2010 - $15
Super Glove Ball - $7
Super Mario Bros. 2 - $20
Super Off-Road - $12
Super Team Games - $7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Arcade Game (cart & box) - $80
Tiger Heli - $8
Wall Street Kid (cart, box, registration card, poster) - $45
WWF Wrestlemania - $6
SNES Games (cart only)
Aladdin - $15
Castlevania IV - $45
Clue - $5
Earthbound - $350
F-Zero (Player's Choice) - $20
Jungle Strike - $9
Ken Griffey Jr Major League Baseball - $11
Kirby's Avalanche - $15
Lion King - $11
Mario Paint - $6
Mega Man X - $32
Mickey Mania - $13
Mortal Kombat - $13
Ms. Pacman - $9
NBA All-Star Challenge - $5
Pilot Wings - $10
Scooby Doo Mystery - $11
Starfox - $15
Super Adventure Island - $16
Super Baseball 2020 - $13
Super Ghouls N Ghosts - $23
Super Mario All-Stars - $25
Super Mario Kart - $40
Super Mario World - $20
Super Punch Out - $28
Top Player Tennis - $8
WWF Raw - $13
Zombies Ate My Neighbors - $30
All-Star Baseball 200 - $5
Batman - $20
Dr. Mario - $12
New Adventures of Mary Kate & Ashley - $5
Men In Black - $5
Pac-Man - $9
Rugrats the Movie - $8
Shrek - $5
The Smurfs Nightmare - $15
Tony Hawk 2 - $5
Tony Hawk 3 - $8
Yu-Gi-Oh Dark Duel Stories - $10
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 - $25
GBA (cart only unless noted)
Aggravation/Sorry/Scrabble - $5
Barnyard - $8
Bratz - $4
Care Bears Care Quest (CIB) - $28
Cars - $5
Cars (CIB) - $16
Castlevania Double Pack - $85
Cho Makaimura R Super Ghouls N Ghost ( Japanese Import) - $95 Shipped
Crash Bandicoot 2 N-tranced - $10
Crash Huge Adventure - $11
Curious George (CIB) - $28
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 - $4
Disney Party - $10
Disney Princess (CIB) - $12
Donkey Kong Country (GBC/CIB) - $56
Dora Explorer's Pirate Pig's Treasure - $4
Dragon Ball Z Supersonic Warriors - $20
Elf - $10
ESPN Great Outdoor Games Bass 2002 - $5
F-14 Tomcat - $7
Finding Nemo - $5
Green Eggs & Ham (CIB) - $20
Incredibles (CIB) - $14
Kong 8th Wonder of the World - $5
Lost Vikings - $25
Madden 2005 - $5
Mario Kart Super Circuit (torn label) - $20
Metroid Zero Mission - $60
Monsters Inc - $4
Monster Jam Maximum Destruction - $6
Namco Museum - $6
Oddworld Munch's Oddysee - $12
Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl - $5
Pong Asterios Yar's Revenge - $4
Sonic Advance 3 - $25
Quad Desert Furty - $3
Shaun Palmers Pro Snowboarding (GBC/CIB) - $10
Shrek Swamp Kart Speedway - $5
Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron - $5
SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom - $7
Spongebob Squarepants Super Sponge - $6
SSX 3 - $7
The Incredibles - $3
Thunder Alley - $5
Top Gear GT Championship - $10
Sony PSP (all CIB)
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - $15
Gurumin A Monstrous Adventure - $42
LocoRoco - $10
Mega Man Powered Up - $38
Parappa the Rapper - $27
Sega Genesis Collection - $17
PS1 Games (CIB unless noted)
007 Tomorrow Never Dies - $7
Action Bass - $6
Andretti Racing (GH) - $5
Ball Breakers (sealed) - $10
Bass Championship - $7
Battle Arena Toshinden (GH) - $14
Bust A-Move 4 - $17
Driver 2 (GH) - $10
Fighting Force - $20
IHRA Drag Racing - $5
Missile Command - $6
MLB 2001 - $9
MLB 2003 - $9
Nascar Heat (CIB) - $7
NBA Live 2000 - $8
NBA Shootout 98 - $9
NHL 98 - $8
NHL Faceoff 97 (GH) - $5
PlayStation Underground Jampack Fall 2001 - $9
Resident Evil 2 (DualShock Edition) - $65
Rocket Power Team Rocket Rescue - $7
Rugrats in Paris: The Movie - $12
Spongebob SquarePants Super Pants - $7
Syphon Filter 2 (GH) - $10
Tecmo Super Bowl - $20
Tiger Woods 99 - $8
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 - $12
Twisted Metal 2 (Greatest Hits) - $32
Toy Story 2 - $22
Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour - $20
World Cup 98 - $12
PS2 Games (CIB unless noted)
All-Star Baseball 2005 - $5
Ape Escape 2 - $48
Ape Escape 3 - $43
ATV Offroad Fury 2 - $6
Avatar the Last Airbender - $8
Batman Begins - $13
Batman Vengeance - $19
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Chaos Bleeds - $28
Burnout Revenge - $11
Burnout 3 Takedown - $13
Buzz the Mega Quiz - $12
Capcom Classics Collection Volume 2 - $13
Castlevania Lament of Innocence -$25
Corvette - $5
Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of the Cortex - $12
Crash Nitro Kart (GH) - $9
Crazy Taxi - $10
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 - $7
Dead to Rights - $6
Devil May Cry (GH) - $7
Enter the Matrix - $10
Eragon - $6
Family Feud - $5
Finding Nemo - $6
Fire Pro Wrestling Returns - $10
Ford Racing 3 - $5
Frogger the Great Quest - $7
Golden Compass - $5
GTA 3- $10
Gran Turismo 3 - $5
Godfather the Game - $14
Guitar Hero - $10
Guitar Hero Aerosmith - $7
Guitar Hero II - $7
Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock - $9
High Heat Major League Baseball 2004 - $5
Hot Wheels Velocity - $10
Hot Wheels World Race (missing manual) - $12
Hobbit - $10
Ice Age 2 The Meltdown - $7
Ironman - $6
Karaoke Revolution Party - $8
Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol - $5
Legends of Wrestling II - $12
Lego Star Wars The Original Trilogy - $6
Lego Star Wars The Video Game - $7
Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring - $10
Madden 2003 - $5
Madden 2004 - $5
Madden 2005 -$5
Madden 2007 - $5
Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 - $10
Max Payne - $10
Metal Arms Glitch in the System - $16
Midway Arcade Treasures (1) - $12
Midway Arcade Treasures (2) - $12
MLB 07 the Show - $5
MLB Slugfest 2003 - $10
MLB Slugfest 2004 - $13
Namco Museum (GH) - $8
Nascar 2001 - $5
Nascar Thunder 2003 - $7
NBA Street - $12
Need for Speed Underground 2 (missing manual) - $20
NFL Blitz Pro - $10
NFL Street - $17
NFL Street 3 (missing manual) - $20
Pinball Hall of Fame - $5
Pirates - The Legend of Black Kat - $12
Power Rangers: Dino Thunder - $8
Reel Fishing III - $7
Resident Evil Code Veronica X - $13
Rise of Kasai - $8
Rocky - $11
Scooby Doo First Frights - $13
Sega Superstars - $10
Sega Superstar Tennis - $10
Shrek Superslam - $8
Simpson's Hit & Run (Greatest Hits) -$50
Spiderman - $10
Sprint Cars Road to Knoxville - $6
Spy Hunter - $7
Spy Hunter 2 (missing manual) - $7
Starsky & Hutch - $7
SSX - $7
SSX 3 - $9
SSX On Tour - $8
Superman Shadow of Apokolips - $14
Super Monkey Ball Adventure - $10
Summoner - $10
Taito Legends - $15
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battlenexus (missing manual) - $17
Teen Titans - $22
Theme Park Roller Coaster - $8
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 - $6
Thrillville - $6
Thrillville Off the Rails - $10
Time Crisis 3 - $23
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger - $11
Wheel of Fortune - $6
Virtua Fighter 4 (missing manual) - $6
Warriors of Might & Magic - $10
WWE Smackdown vs Raw - $11
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007 (Sealed) - $45
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007 - $17
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009 - $10
WWE Smackdown Shut Your Mouth - $15
Band Hero - $6
Batman Arkham Asylum - $7
Battlefield 3 - $6
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - $6
Call of Duty Ghosts - $6
Call of Duty Mordern Warfare 3 - $6
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare - $7
Call of Juarez Bound in Blood - $9
Crysis 2 - $7
Dirt 2 - $12
Dirt 3 - $10
Driver San Francisco - $25
Enemy Territory Quake Wars - $9
Fifa Soccer 11 - $5
Fight Night Champion - $13
GTA IV Complete Edition - $25
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue - $8
Gran Turismo XL Edition - $11
Gran Turismo 6 - $19
Heavy Fire: Afghanistan - $10
Infamous - $6
Infamous 2 - $8
Killzone 2- $7
Killzone 3 - $7
Lego 3: Beyond Batman - $8
Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 - $7
Lego The Hobbit - $9
LittleBigPlanet - $9
Madden 2011 - $5
Metro: Last Night - $8
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition - $12
MLB the Show 10 - $4
MLB the Show 11 - $4
Monster Jam Path of Destruction - $20
NCAA Football 11 - $9
Sports Champions - $5
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 [Masters Historic Edition] - $23
Transformers Fall of Cybertron - $35
Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark - $13
Virtua Tennis 3 - $6
WWE 2K16 - $12
PS Vita
Lumines Electronic Symphony - $16
Need for Speed Most Wanted - $20
Sly Cooper Collection - $50
Sega 32X (all cart only)
Primal Rage - $50
Virtua Fighter - $24
Virtua Racing - $20
Sega Dreamcast Games (disc & manual only***; do not have original cases unless noted CIB)
Centipede - $7
Plasma Sword Night of Bilstein - $50
Psychic Force 2012 - $25
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - $12
Resident Evil Code Veronica (CIB) - $40
Rippin Riders - $5
Sega Bass Fishing - $8
Sega Rally 2 Championship - $12
Speed Devils - $15
Sword of Berserk: Gut's Rage (game only) - $65
Trick Style - $7
Zombie Revenge - $30
Sega Genesis (**CIB unless noted)
Aladdin (cart + manual) - $10
Double Dragon (cart & box) - $45
Game Genie (loose + booklet) - $20
Hard Drivin' (Missing Manual) - $15
John Madden Football (cart + manual) - $20
Lemmings (CIB) - $30
MERCS (cart & box) - $35
NBA Jam T.E. (CIB) - $20
Prime Time NFL Football starring Deon Sanders (cart +manual) - $9
Ren & Stimpy Show: Stimpy's Intervention (CIB) - $20
Road Rash II (CIB) - $22
Robocop 3 (CIB) - $40
Streets of Rage (cart only) - $22
Super Off-Road (CIB) - $30
WWF Super Wrestlemania (CIB) - $20
X-Men (cart + manual) - $15
Zero Tolerance (CIB) - $35
Sega Master System (CIB unless noted)
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars - $28
California Games (missing manual) - $20
Choplifter - $18
Ghostbusters - $25
Great Baseball - $10
Monopoly - $10
Parlour Games - $10
Pro Wrestling - $14
Rocky - $17
Space Harrier (missing manual) - $18
Shinobi (includes map; missing manual) - $30
Xbox (all CIB)
MechAssault 2 Lone Wolf (Limited Edition) - $8
Project Gotham Racing - $6
Xbox 360 (CIB)
Assassin's Creed - $6
Assasin's Creed II - $6
Asssasin's Creed III - $6
Battlefield Hardline Deluxe Edition - $10
Battlefield 3 Limited Edition - $6
Bioshock - $7
Bioshock Infinite - $5
Call of Duty World at War - $9
Call of Juarez: Blood Bound - $10
Civilization Revolution - $6
CSI Hard Evidence - $9
Fifa Soccer 10 - $5
Fifa Work Cup South Africa 2010 - $5
Game of Thrones - $11
Gears of War - $9
Halo 4 - $5
Injustice Gods Among Us - $5
L.A. Noire - $7
Mass Effect - $5
Mass Effect 2 - $5
N3 Ninety-Nine Nights - $20
NBA 2K12 - $5
NHL 10 - $3
NHL 14 - $6
Saints Row 2 - $10
Saints Row The Third - $5
Skate 3 - $6
Star Trek Legacy - $18
Star Wars Kinect - $7
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007 - $5
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 - $5
Top Spin 3 - $6
Walking Dead Survival Instinct - $8
Wheel of Fortune - $14
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire -$5
Nintendo Wii (all CIB unless noted)
Animal Crossing City Folk - $20 (includes inserts but missing manual)
Celebrity Sports Showdown - $6
Guitar Hero World Tour - $18
Little League World Series Baseball 2008 - $10
Madden 2013 - $14
Mario Kart Wii - $35
Mario Super Sluggers (disc only) - $25
Mario Strikers Charged (disc only) - $10
NBA Live 09 All-Play - $5
New Super Mario Bros - $25
Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz - $6
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - $20
Tony Hawk Downhill Jam - $5
Tony Hawk Shred Big Air - $5
Warioware Smooth Moves - $22
Wii Sports - $22
Wii Sports Resort - $30
Wheel of Fortune - $6
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009 - $7
submitted by PhilsTriangle to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:06 mykidsdad76 Advice: Researching cheap, mid, and higher end options of multi-cade.

I may be coming into a little "found" money. It may be either $400 or $4000 or something in between. I'm trying to research best multicades at 3 price tiers. The low end ($400), middle tier, maybe $1000, and then something closer to $3500-ish. I've settled on something in the 1-up family as my low-end (i have to have ms pacman and galaga), and ATGAMES two-player (i love the side buttons for pinball) mid level. Where should I look if I max out on this thing. What's the best I can do under 4k? I would LOVE input. Maybe my low end and mid tier thoughts aren't great. The more games, the better, but I would love something sturdy and feels like the real deal. Thanks in advance.
submitted by mykidsdad76 to cade [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:09 big_gains_only Collecting dusts for 16 years

Collecting dusts for 16 years
Ms PacMan lows.
submitted by big_gains_only to NikeSB [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:58 PhilsTriangle [NJ] [H] N64, Nintendo (NES), SNES (Earthbound), Gamecube, GBA, Nintendo DS/3Ds, Wii, Playstation, PS2, PS3, Sega Genesis, Xbox - Games, Accessories, Consoles [W] Venmo, PayPal

N64 Pictures:
Let me know if you need pictures of any of the items listed below. Shipping is $5 flat for anything under one pound. I've got 400+ transactions on this board and accept payment via PayPal (F&F) or Venmo (F&F) only.
GBA Indigo - $80 shipped
GBA SP (Silver CIB) - $120 shipped
Nintendo 2DS w/ charger - $85 shipped
Nintendo 3DS XL Pokemon X & Y Edition Console - $225 shipped
Nintendo 64 Console w/ hookups + OEM Controller - $90 shipped
Nintendo Wii Console (gamecube compatible) w/ hookups + Wii remote & numb chuck - $75 shipped
PS2 w/ hookups, OEM controller, OEM memory card - $100 shipped
Retron 5 Hyperkin (GBA/GBC/SNES/NES/Genesis) unused CIB - $120 shipped
Super Nintendo w/ hookups & OEM controller - $95 shipped
Xbox OG Console w/ hookups & OEM controller + Project Gotham Racing (CIB) - $100 Shipped
Gameboy OEM Clam Shells (lot of 32) - $75 shipped
Gamecube OEM Controller (Indigo) - $30 shipped
Gamecube OEM Wavebird Controller w/ receiver- $95 shipped
NES OEM 10-Cart Storage Case (3x avail) - $20 + shipping each
N64 OEM Expansion Pak - $50 shipped
N64 OEM Green Controller - $30 shipped
N64 Memory Card - $14 shipped
PS2 Logitech Wireless Controller (w/ dongle) - $35 shipped
PS2 OEM Memory Card- $14 shipped
Sega GameGear Super Wide Gear - $20 shipped
Wii U Wireless Controller (WUP-005) & charging cable - $35 shipped (2x avail)
N64 Games
007 GoldenEye - $25
007 World is Not Enough - $14
Army Men Sarge's Heroes - $15
Automobil Lamborghini - $8
Backstage Assault - $12
Banjo Kazooie - $25
Bass Hunter 64 - $8
Beetle Adventure Racing - $17
Charlies Blasts - $40
Diddy Kong Racing - $25
Doom 64 - $30
Extreme G Racing - $10
Forsaken 64 - $10
Gex 64 - $16
Iggy's Reckin' Balls - $20
Killer Instinct Gold - $30
Knockout Kings 2000 - $6
Magical Tetris Challenge - $20
Mario Kart - $40
Monster Truck Madness - $15
MRC Multi Championship Racing - $10
Namco Museum 64 - $12
Nascar 99 - $7
Nascar 2000 - $7
NBA In the Zone 98 - $5
NBA Live 99 (CIB) - $20
NBA Showtime - $12
Polaris Sno-Cross -$30
Pokemon Snap - $20
Quest 64 - $25
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - $12
Ridge Racer 64 - $15
San Francisco Rush - $15
Starfox 64 - $25
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer - $10
South Park Chef's Luv Shack - $25
Supercross 2000 - $7
Super Mario 64 - $35
Super Smash Bros. - $40
Tetrisphere - $12
Top Gear Rally - $10
Turok Dinosaur Hunter - $12
Turok 2 Seeds of Evil - $12
Vigilante 8 - $21
Virtual Pool - $13
Waialae Country Club - $6
War Gods - $10
Wave Race (Player's Choice) - $15
WCW Backstage Assault - $11
WCW NWO Revenge - $11
Wheel of Fortune - $11
Zelda Ocarina of Time (label wear) - $30
N64 Manuals
1080 Snowboarding - $7
Duke Nukem Manual - $10
Flying Dragon Manual - $40
Rush Extreme Racing - $8
Silicon Valley Space Station Manual - $40
Supercross 2000 - $6
Tony Hawk Pro Skater - $6
Nintendo Gamecube Games (CIB unless noted)
ATV Quad Power Racing 2 - $10
The Hobbit - $24
Enter the Matrix - $13
Eternal Darkness - $90
Fifa 2003 - $6
Fifa Street 2 - $25
Finding Nemo - $8
F-Zero GX - $90
Gun (missing manual) - $10
Harry Potter Chambers of Secret - $12
Killer 7 - $65
Luigi's Mansion - $60
Madden 2003 - $5
Madden 2007 - $8
Mario Golf Toadstool Tour - $27
Mario Kart Double Dash - $75
Monopoly Party - $10
Monsters, Inc. Scream Arena - $7
Nascar Thunder 2003 - $7
Pikmin - $50
Power Rangers Dino Thunder - $8
Resident Evil - $25
Resident Evil 2 - $100
Resident Evil 4 - $30
Resident Evil Zero - $18
The Sims Bustin Out - $12
Smuggler's Run (missing manual) - $12
Sonic Adventure Battle 2 (missing manual) - $45
Spiderman 2 - $15
Spyro A Hero's Tail (missing manual) - $15
SSX Tricky - $28
Starfox Assault - $45 (CIB; some wear to cover art)
Super Mario Sunshine (missing manual) -$35
Super Smash Brothers Melee - $60
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger (missing manual) - $12
WWE Crush Hour - $27
WWE Day of Reckoning 2 (missing manual) - $25
Nintendo DS Games (cart only unless CIB noted)
Avatar The Game - $6
Bionicle Matoran Adventures - $6
Build-A-Bear Workshop (CIB) - $6
Carnival (CIB) - $6
Deal or No Deal - $5
Guitar Hero On Tour Bundle (CIB) - $25
Happy Feet - $4
Horsez (CIB) - $6
Hot Wheels Beat That - $6
Kung Fu Panda (CIB) - $6
Mario Party DS - $13
Mario Kart DS (loose) - $15
Mario Kart DS (CIB) - $18
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (CIB) - $10
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (CIB) - $10
Megaman Starforce Dragon - $85 shipped
Metroid Hunters First Hunt - $6
Nacho Libre - $15
Namco Museum DS - $8
Naruto Ninja Council 3 - $6
New Super Mario Bros. (CIB) -$22
Nickelodeon Team Umizoomi - $6
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney - $20
Picross 3D - $9
Ping Pals - $3
Planet Puzzle League - $10
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (case & manual only, no game) - $55
Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia (cart only) - $30
Ratatouille - $5
Rayman DS - $10
Ridge Racer DS - $8
Shrek Superslam - $5
Spiderman 3 - $8
Star Wars II The Original Trilogy (LEGO) - $6
Super Money Ball Touch & Roll - $6
Transformers Animated - $11
Tron Evolution - $4
Zhu Zhu Pets - $3
Nintendo 3DS (cart only unless noted)
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (CIB) - $20
Lego Marvel Superheroes: Universe in Peril - $5
Mario Kart 7 - $12
Minecraft New Nintendo 3DS Edition - $18
Pilotwings Resort - $10
Pokemon X (CIB) - $30
Skylander Giants - $6
Skylander Swap Force - $16
Skylander Trap Team - $12
Super Mario Maker - $10
Super Smash Bros (CIB) - $15
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - $9
Wipeout: Create & Cash - $5
Wreck-it Ralph - $6
Yo-Kai Watch - $15
NES Games (cart only; unless noted)
8 Eyes - $11
A Boy and His Blob (cart, box, manual) - $40
Blades of Steel - $8
Bubble Bobble - $16
Burgertime - $15
Castlevania II Simon's Quest - $15
Castlevania III Dracula's Curse - $45
Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers (CIB) - $125
Contra - $40
Dick Tracy - $7
Double Dragon - $13
Donkey Kong 3 - $20
Dr. Mario - $10
Duck Tales - (cart & box) - $100
Excite Bike - $11
Faxanadu - $11
GI Joe: A Real American Hero - $75
Golf - $3
Legend of Zelda - $30
Mickey Mousecapade - $7
Mike Tyson's Punch-out - $40
Paperboy - $16
Punch-Out - $20
Rad Racer - $6
RBI Baseball 3 (cart & box) - $25
Robocop - $10
Rollerball - $8
Skate or Die 2 (cart & box) - $65
Spy Hunter - $5
Street Fighter 2010 - $15
Super Glove Ball - $7
Super Mario Bros. 2 - $20
Super Off-Road - $12
Super Team Games - $7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Arcade Game (cart & box) - $80
Tiger Heli - $8
Wall Street Kid (cart, box, registration card, poster) - $45
WWF Wrestlemania - $6
SNES Games (cart only)
Aladdin - $15
Castlevania IV - $45
Clue - $5
Earthbound - $350
F-Zero (Player's Choice) - $20
Jungle Strike - $9
Ken Griffey Jr Major League Baseball - $11
Kirby's Avalanche - $15
Lion King - $11
Mario Paint - $6
Mega Man X - $32
Mickey Mania - $13
Mortal Kombat - $13
Ms. Pacman - $9
NBA All-Star Challenge - $5
Pilot Wings - $10
Scooby Doo Mystery - $11
Starfox - $15
Super Adventure Island - $16
Super Baseball 2020 - $13
Super Ghouls N Ghosts - $23
Super Mario All-Stars - $25
Super Mario Kart - $40
Super Mario World - $20
Super Punch Out - $28
Top Player Tennis - $8
WWF Raw - $13
Zombies Ate My Neighbors - $30
GBA (cart only unless noted)
Aggravation/Sorry/Scrabble - $5
Barnyard - $8
Bratz - $4
Care Bears Care Quest (CIB) - $28
Cars - $5
Cars (CIB) - $16
Castlevania Double Pack - $85
Cho Makaimura R Super Ghouls N Ghost ( Japanese Import) - $95 Shipped
Crash Bandicoot 2 N-tranced - $10
Crash Huge Adventure - $11
Curious George (CIB) - $28
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 - $4
Disney Party - $10
Disney Princess (CIB) - $12
Donkey Kong Country (GBC/CIB) - $56
Dora Explorer's Pirate Pig's Treasure - $4
Dragon Ball Z Supersonic Warriors - $20
Elf - $10
ESPN Great Outdoor Games Bass 2002 - $5
F-14 Tomcat - $7
Finding Nemo - $5
Green Eggs & Ham (CIB) - $20
Incredibles (CIB) - $14
Kong 8th Wonder of the World - $5
Lost Vikings - $25
Madden 2005 - $5
Mario Kart Super Circuit (torn label) - $20
Metroid Zero Mission - $60
Monsters Inc - $4
Monster Jam Maximum Destruction - $6
Namco Museum - $6
Oddworld Munch's Oddysee - $12
Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl - $5
Pong Asterios Yar's Revenge - $4
Sonic Advance 3 - $25
Quad Desert Furty - $3
Shaun Palmers Pro Snowboarding (GBC/CIB) - $10
Shrek Swamp Kart Speedway - $5
Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron - $5
SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom - $7
Spongebob Squarepants Super Sponge - $6
SSX 3 - $7
The Incredibles - $3
Thunder Alley - $5
Top Gear GT Championship - $10
Sony PSP (all CIB)
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - $15
Gurumin A Monstrous Adventure - $42
LocoRoco - $10
Mega Man Powered Up - $38
Parappa the Rapper - $27
Sega Genesis Collection - $17
PS1 Games (CIB unless noted)
007 Tomorrow Never Dies - $7
Action Bass - $6
Andretti Racing (GH) - $5
Ball Breakers (sealed) - $10
Bass Championship - $7
Battle Arena Toshinden (GH) - $14
Bust A-Move 4 - $17
Driver 2 (GH) - $10
Fighting Force - $20
IHRA Drag Racing - $5
Missile Command - $6
MLB 2001 - $9
MLB 2003 - $9
Nascar Heat (CIB) - $7
NBA Live 2000 - $8
NBA Shootout 98 - $9
NHL 98 - $8
NHL Faceoff 97 (GH) - $5
PlayStation Underground Jampack Fall 2001 - $9
Resident Evil 2 (DualShock Edition) - $65
Rocket Power Team Rocket Rescue - $7
Rugrats in Paris: The Movie - $12
Spongebob SquarePants Super Pants - $7
Syphon Filter 2 (GH) - $10
Tecmo Super Bowl - $20
Tiger Woods 99 - $8
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 - $12
Twisted Metal 2 (Greatest Hits) - $32
Toy Story 2 - $22
Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour - $20
World Cup 98 - $12
PS2 Games (CIB unless noted)
All-Star Baseball 2005 - $5
Ape Escape 2 - $48
Ape Escape 3 - $43
ATV Offroad Fury 2 - $6
Avatar the Last Airbender - $8
Batman Begins - $13
Batman Vengeance - $19
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Chaos Bleeds - $28
Burnout Revenge - $11
Burnout 3 Takedown - $13
Buzz the Mega Quiz - $12
Capcom Classics Collection Volume 2 - $13
Castlevania Lament of Innocence -$25
Corvette - $5
Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of the Cortex - $12
Crash Nitro Kart (GH) - $9
Crazy Taxi - $10
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 - $7
Dead to Rights - $6
Devil May Cry (GH) - $7
Enter the Matrix - $10
Eragon - $6
Family Feud - $5
Finding Nemo - $6
Fire Pro Wrestling Returns - $10
Ford Racing 3 - $5
Frogger the Great Quest - $7
Golden Compass - $5
GTA 3- $10
Gran Turismo 3 - $5
Godfather the Game - $14
Guitar Hero - $10
Guitar Hero Aerosmith - $7
Guitar Hero II - $7
Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock - $9
High Heat Major League Baseball 2004 - $5
Hot Wheels Velocity - $10
Hot Wheels World Race (missing manual) - $12
Hobbit - $10
Ice Age 2 The Meltdown - $7
Ironman - $6
Karaoke Revolution Party - $8
Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol - $5
Legends of Wrestling II - $12
Lego Star Wars The Original Trilogy - $6
Lego Star Wars The Video Game - $7
Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring - $10
Madden 2003 - $5
Madden 2004 - $5
Madden 2005 -$5
Madden 2007 - $5
Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 - $10
Max Payne - $10
Metal Arms Glitch in the System - $16
Midway Arcade Treasures (1) - $12
Midway Arcade Treasures (2) - $12
MLB 07 the Show - $5
MLB Slugfest 2003 - $10
MLB Slugfest 2004 - $13
Namco Museum (GH) - $8
Nascar 2001 - $5
Nascar Thunder 2003 - $7
NBA Street - $12
Need for Speed Underground 2 (missing manual) - $20
NFL Blitz Pro - $10
NFL Street - $17
NFL Street 3 (missing manual) - $20
Onimusha 3 Demon Siege - $21
Pinball Hall of Fame - $5
Pirates - The Legend of Black Kat - $12
Power Rangers: Dino Thunder - $8
Reel Fishing III - $7
Resident Evil Code Veronica X - $13
Rise of Kasai - $8
Rocky - $11
Scarface the World is Yours - $45
Scooby Doo First Frights - $13
Sega Superstars - $10
Sega Superstar Tennis - $10
Shrek Superslam - $8
Simpson's Hit & Run (Greatest Hits) -$50
Spiderman - $10
Sprint Cars Road to Knoxville - $6
Spy Hunter - $7
Spy Hunter 2 (missing manual) - $7
Starsky & Hutch - $7
SSX - $7
SSX 3 - $9
SSX On Tour - $8
Superman Shadow of Apokolips - $14
Super Monkey Ball Adventure - $10
Summoner - $10
Taito Legends - $15
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battlenexus (missing manual) - $17
Teen Titans - $22
Theme Park Roller Coaster - $8
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 - $6
Thrillville - $6
Thrillville Off the Rails - $10
Time Crisis 3 - $23
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger - $11
Wheel of Fortune - $6
Virtua Fighter 4 (missing manual) - $6
Warriors of Might & Magic - $10
WWE Smackdown vs Raw - $11
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007 (Sealed) - $45
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007 - $17
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009 - $10
WWE Smackdown Shut Your Mouth - $15
Band Hero - $6
Batman Arkham Asylum - $7
Battlefield 3 - $6
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - $6
Call of Duty Ghosts - $6
Call of Duty Mordern Warfare 3 - $6
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare - $7
Call of Juarez Bound in Blood - $9
Crysis 2 - $7
Dirt 2 - $12
Dirt 3 - $10
Driver San Francisco - $25
Enemy Territory Quake Wars - $9
Fifa Soccer 11 - $5
Fight Night Champion - $13
GTA IV Complete Edition - $25
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue - $8
Gran Turismo XL Edition - $11
Gran Turismo 6 - $19
Heavy Fire: Afghanistan - $10
Infamous - $6
Infamous 2 - $8
Killzone 2- $7
Killzone 3 - $7
Lego 3: Beyond Batman - $8
Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 - $7
Lego The Hobbit - $9
LittleBigPlanet - $9
Madden 2011 - $5
Metro: Last Night - $8
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition - $12
MLB the Show 10 - $4
MLB the Show 11 - $4
Monster Jam Path of Destruction - $20
NCAA Football 11 - $9
Sports Champions - $5
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 [Masters Historic Edition] - $23
Transformers Fall of Cybertron - $35
Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark - $13
Virtua Tennis 3 - $6
WWE 2K16 - $12
PS Vita
Lumines Electronic Symphony - $16
Need for Speed Most Wanted - $20
Sly Cooper Collection - $50
Sega 32X (all cart only)
Primal Rage - $50
Virtua Fighter - $24
Virtua Racing - $20
Sega Dreamcast Games (disc & manual only***; do not have original cases unless noted CIB)
Centipede - $7
Plasma Sword Night of Bilstein - $50
Psychic Force 2012 - $25
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - $12
Resident Evil Code Veronica (CIB) - $40
Rippin Riders - $5
Sega Bass Fishing - $8
Sega Rally 2 Championship - $12
Speed Devils - $15
Sword of Berserk: Gut's Rage (game only) - $65
Trick Style - $7
Zombie Revenge - $30
Sega Genesis (**CIB unless noted)
Aladdin (cart + manual) - $10
Double Dragon (cart & box) - $45
Game Genie (loose + booklet) - $20
Hard Drivin' (Missing Manual) - $15
John Madden Football (cart + manual) - $20
Lemmings (CIB) - $30
MERCS (cart & box) - $35
NBA Jam T.E. (CIB) - $20
Prime Time NFL Football starring Deon Sanders (cart +manual) - $9
Ren & Stimpy Show: Stimpy's Intervention (CIB) - $20
Road Rash II (CIB) - $22
Robocop 3 (CIB) - $40
Streets of Rage (cart only) - $22
Super Off-Road (CIB) - $30
WWF Super Wrestlemania (CIB) - $20
X-Men (cart + manual) - $15
Zero Tolerance (CIB) - $35
Sega Master System (CIB unless noted)
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars - $28
California Games (missing manual) - $20
Choplifter - $18
Ghostbusters - $25
Great Baseball - $10
Monopoly - $10
Parlour Games - $10
Pro Wrestling - $14
Rocky - $17
Space Harrier (missing manual) - $18
Shinobi (includes map; missing manual) - $30
Xbox (all CIB)
MechAssault 2 Lone Wolf (Limited Edition) - $8
Project Gotham Racing - $6
Xbox 360 (CIB)
Assassin's Creed - $6
Assasin's Creed II - $6
Asssasin's Creed III - $6
Battlefield Hardline Deluxe Edition - $10
Battlefield 3 Limited Edition - $6
Bioshock - $7
Bioshock Infinite - $5
Call of Duty World at War - $9
Call of Juarez: Blood Bound - $10
Civilization Revolution - $6
CSI Hard Evidence - $9
Fifa Soccer 10 - $5
Fifa Work Cup South Africa 2010 - $5
Game of Thrones - $11
Gears of War - $9
Halo 4 - $5
Injustice Gods Among Us - $5
L.A. Noire - $7
Mass Effect - $5
Mass Effect 2 - $5
N3 Ninety-Nine Nights - $20
NBA 2K12 - $5
NHL 10 - $3
NHL 14 - $6
Saints Row 2 - $10
Saints Row The Third - $5
Skate 3 - $6
Star Trek Legacy - $18
Star Wars Kinect - $7
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007 - $5
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 - $5
Top Spin 3 - $6
Walking Dead Survival Instinct - $8
Wheel of Fortune - $14
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire -$5
Nintendo Wii (all CIB unless noted)
Animal Crossing City Folk - $20 (includes inserts but missing manual)
Celebrity Sports Showdown - $6
Guitar Hero World Tour - $18
Little League World Series Baseball 2008 - $10
Madden 2013 - $14
Mario Kart Wii - $35
Mario Super Sluggers (disc only) - $25
Mario Strikers Charged (disc only) - $10
NBA Live 09 All-Play - $5
New Super Mario Bros - $25
Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz - $6
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - $20
Tony Hawk Downhill Jam - $5
Tony Hawk Shred Big Air - $5
Warioware Smooth Moves - $22
Wii Sports - $22
Wii Sports Resort - $30
Wheel of Fortune - $6
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009 - $7
submitted by PhilsTriangle to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:10 PeeB4uGoToBed Are joystick swaps easy? Been a while since I put mine together and don't want to disassemble too much

I've had my A1UP Ms. Pacman Legacy Edition for a while now and I love it but I can't help but feel like the joystick is some cheap BS they threw in the bag and doesn't even come close to a real arcade stick especially with Ms Pacman set to fast mode so fast movements are very inaccurate and sometimes not even read at all!
What are some recommendations that come close to the original sticks and maybe less clicky? I have no soldering skills or equipment so plug and play would be the best
submitted by PeeB4uGoToBed to Arcade1Up [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:19 ItsP1zza_T1m3 If any of the PTT characters, including guest stars and cabaret characters played any of these games, which game would they play?

If any of the PTT characters, including guest stars and cabaret characters played any of these games, which game would they play? submitted by ItsP1zza_T1m3 to chuckecheese [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:39 Remarkable_Talk2896 I feel like tuv should do a full investigation on the funky town murder, ronnie mcnutt, or ms pacman murder. they are all so sad but tuv just explains it, yk?

submitted by Remarkable_Talk2896 to tuvington [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 15:55 Salihe6677 The Evolution of Gaming - a personal retrospective

The first video game I ever played in my life was the Ms Pacman cocktail table arcade video game. My uncle was well off enough to have one of his very own in his basement, and because it was his own personal one, it didn't require an endless stream of quarters. This was basically unheard of at the time, and it made him pretty much the coolest guy ever in my 6 year old or something eyes. It was a whole unit with built-in seats that small me had to scramble up if I wanted reach the magical screen where the sexiest queen dot of the roost munched away endlessly. It was rad as shit, and we could never go to my uncle's house often enough.
I don't remember what the next video game I played was, but it would've been in a dark, chaotic, and cigarette-smoke-filled room, and that room would've contained dozens of loud and brightly colorful machines, all in a row and all weighing several hundreds of pounds. Instead of allowing me to sit, it would've demanded that I stand in front of it, my hands draped inside holding what must've been just fucking filthy knobs, and there wasn't even a hint that it would be free. Quarters were the only currency that mattered, and if you had none, then get the fuck out the way. The only adults in the immediate vicinity were apathetic, perhaps drunk, definitely not paying any attention, and they were so easy to steal cigarettes and quarters from.
The first console I ever owned was the Atari 2600. I played E.T. when it was current and agreed with the general sentiment of "what the actual fuck is this?". There was Pole Position, and Combat!, and Pitfall, and Mario Bros..."wait, what?" you might say, "don't you mean Super Mario Bros?" and I would counter with nope, I mean just the regular Mario Bros that had a version on Atari 2600. It was decidedly less super than the Nintendo version despite still being developed by them. Pong was in there, too, because I mean, of course it was.
Next were actual Nintendo and Sega Genesis, then Super Nintendo, then Playstation 1, 2, and on and on, with all the accompanying tentpole moments. I bought my copy of Super Mario 3 from a pawn shop, and it had a save file already on it that had Mario right before the very last battle with Bowser, so of course, the very first thing I did in the game was beat the final battle, which is not really a tentpole type moment but more indicative of the general environment (I did beat Bowser just to see if I could, and then started a brand new game of my own; it was dope).
I transitioned away from consoles and mostly into PC gaming as it grew around the turn of the century, both solo and of the LAN variety, cramming into a tiny room with friends, our gargantuan monitors, and a literally endless stream of Mt Dew bottles and empty cigarette packs. In that room, we stalked and shot at each other relentlessly in Counterstrike 1.6 and Quake, chasing each other down and BOOM HEADSHOTing over and over. God, what I wouldn't give to still have the twitch reactions I did then.
We played DOTA before the MOBA genre even existed, back when we had to load up our definitely not pirated copies of Warcraft 3 and go through the server browser to manually find this fucking awesome little mode. I couldn't tell you how many hours we spent in that room, smoking cigarettes, drinking Mt Dew, and hunting each other down, but I worked at the arena behind the scenes many years later at The International DOTA tournament), and contrasting the two experiences was...well, it was fucking nuts. And loud.
That sentiment could, I guess, prevail about gaming just in general. Small me clambering up the Ms Pacman game never could've foreseen just how big and pervasive and ubiquitous that gaming culture would become, but it definitely wouldn't have surprised me. In any case, I'm stoked that I got to both witness and actively participate in that evolution.
submitted by Salihe6677 to Xennials [link] [comments]