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2008.12.11 01:34 Landlord Discussion

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2015.03.08 05:53 davidd00 r/DankChristianMemes šŸŒˆāœŸ

DankChristianMemes is a place for all kinds of Christians and all kinds of non-Christians to enjoy memes and fellowship. Remember to love thy neighbor and be excellent to each other! šŸŒˆāœŸ

2011.04.26 16:43 dingofarmer2004 Shut Up And Take My Money

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2024.05.19 00:50 mining_moron Beastiary of the Kyanah Homeworld: Part II -- Evolutionary History Road to Hope

Around 34 million Earth years ago, at the end of the very creatively named 18th Era, the boreal and polar regions including the Great Polar Plateau, where Kyanah would eventually evolve, and its surroundings, were a very different place. The climate was at the time cooler and drier than the modern Homeworld, and the plateau was filled with more open boreal savannas and polar barrens rather than the dense scrublands of modern times. These boreal savannas were quite different from the modern ones, as endoskeleton plants had yet to expand in the northern hemisphere beyond the tropics, and single-leaf crawlers (which would go extinct at the end of the era) dominated over the modern multi-leaf crawlers to form the ground cover, the equivalent of Terran grass. The most common Walkers (i.e. tetrapods) on the plateau in the late 18th Era were small to medium-sized grazers, many of which had heavy armor or glands to secrete poisonous substances, as a defense against the top predators of the day. There were also the Kakenkortiors, the ancestors of modern Kyanah and dozens of other species, as well as other carnivore groups that specialized in oasis environments, pursuing the amphibious neuz or small burrowing herbivores. The Kakenkortiors were solitary quadrupedal carnivores roughly the size of small to medium-sized dogs, which were opportunistic carnivores taking on all manner of small prey when they had the chance, but primarily subsisted on scavenging carrion or stealing eggs, and had scaly skin covered in a dense coating of feathers to keep them warm and provide camouflage; notably they had yet to evolve the pack behaviors seen in some of their descendants. However, they themselves often fell victim to the true predators of the time--not true Walkers, but rather an offshoot of the wingbeasts (themselves marsupial creatures with foldable wings that could fly like gliders or walk on all fours on land)--the terrorbeasts. These terrorbeasts gave up their flight in exchange for reaching enormous sizes--over a ton and 3.6 meters tall for the largest species--adopting a permanently quadrupedal and rather uncanny stance, with their forelimbs (formerly wings) being much longer than their rear limbs, while the wings themselves lost the ability to unfold, instead becoming vestigial forelimb frills used for attracting mates. Some terrorbeasts used their height to feed from the tops of exoskeleton plants, but many were carnivorous, developing long necks and elongated, hardened spear-like snouts to peck at grazers from above; it's believed that they sometimes reared up on their hind legs to gain additional height and force. This was in direct contrast with every extant tetrapodal predator of large game, which would prioritize either attacking from below or else taking out their prey's legs to bring them crashing down; as a result most herbivores had the heaviest protection on their bellies and legs, with their backs being comparatively weak. But then again, most creatures on the Kyanah homeworld, both extinct and extent, tend to be wide and low to the ground due to living under 1.4G, not tall and spindly, so the terrorbeasts were a giant middle finger to the biosphere and planet in general. Though their 50 million Earth year reign was cut short by the meteor shower that formed the Homeworld's newest impact range, created the Shatter, and caused the most recent mass extinction, leading to the beginning of the 19th Era.
With the terrorbeasts gone (though not their relatives, the normal, flying wingbeasts), the early 19th Era saw the creatures of the Great Polar Plateau adapt to the changing landscape. A group of species which had evolved thorn-covered backs--essentially made from modified feathers--to protect themselves from the terrorbeasts, also went extinct, and many of the remaining grazers lost their heavy armor due to the sudden dearth of megacarnivores to necessitate it. The Kakenkortiors survived the mass extinction and continued to occupy their old niches, but by around 29-28 million years ago, one branch, known as the Tyorketforms, would shift to a more actively predatory niche, using enlarged dew claws to slash the tendons of prey to drop them to the ground; this branch would eventually lead to the domestic Tyorkets, common Kyanah pets in the modern era. Meanwhile, climatic shifts at the start of the mid 19th Era would lead to the Great Polar Plateau becoming warmer and wetter; the boreal savannas would give way to denser boreal scrublands. Through both speciation and migration, the smaller, armored grazers would be displaced by large unarmored browsers eating leaves and twigs and growing to much bigger sizes in the comparatively plant-dense nutrient-rich environment.
It was only natural that something would evolve to hunt these new browsers. Oddly enough, it would be the Kakenkortiors. The main line would go extinct around 9 million years ago, but long before that, they would produce one more notable sideline, the Ratoryinut, starting around 25 million years ago. Many of the early Ratoryinut would be much larger than both early Kakenkortiors and modern Kyanah, reaching average masses of 150-300 kilograms, depending on the species. Compared to early Kakenkortiors, they had a higher and proportionally slightly narrower, though still relatively broad, profile, with bulkier forelimbs and more dexterous forelimbs--an intermediate stage in developing opposable thumbs--with non-retractable claws, as well as losing their feather coating entirely. By 20-18 million years ago, the Ratoryinut would further split into the Ratorkortyot-forms and the ancestors of the Kyanahforms. The Ratorkortyot-forms (roughly "strong herald beast") would continue to grow in size, with the largest species reaching up to 500 kilograms by 10 million years ago, somewhat resembling large, reptilian bear-like forms with bare, greenish-brown scaly skin. They would also evolve a Parasaurolophus-like crest, which they would use to make loud and elaborate trumpeting noises to attract mates or scare rivals away from a kill, and, as the climate cooled in the mid-late 19th Era and they gravitated towards the poles, many evolved blubber deposits to replace the insulating role of their ancestors' feathers. Ratorkortyot-forms, including the eponymous Ratorkortyot, the most famous species, are still extant and where their ranges overlapped with prehistoric Kyanah, appear to have occasionally killed and eaten packless or young individuals, though the reverse was more common. Most Ratorkortyot-forms are now threatened by habitat destruction and pollution.
As for the Kyanahforms themselves, they took the opposite approach to hunting the soft browsing herbivores that were spreading throughout the boreal scrublands. They began steadily losing raw mass, but underwent a quantum leap in intelligence, with six-core brains rather than the four-core brains of most Walkers; the only other animals with six-core brains, before or since, were a few one-off species of social wingbeasts. Not coincidentally, the modern pack dynamics of modern Kyanah also emerged with early Kyanahforms by around 15 million years ago, with 4-6 adults bonding together for life, having children with each other, and cooperatively raising them to adulthood. It's believed that this pack dynamic evolved from simpler serial pair-bonding in Ratoryinuts and the earliest proto-Kyanahforms as a result of six-core brains enabling more complex social behavior, allowing such relationships to be stable. It also enabled reliable tool using and eventually tool manufacturing (modifying found objects to further enhance their utility), as the Kyanahforms were capable of bipedal movement--though early Kyanah forms still spent most of their time on four legs--and had developed opposable thumbs.
While one minor side-line, the arboreal Kyanahforms, continued to shrink further, taking up omnivorous behavior and living in the taller, shrub-like exoskeleton plant species, the main line continued to gradually optimize for attacking in packs and killing medium-large game on the ground. During the mid-late 19th Era cooling, they would take on migratory behavior, moving to the edge of the Great Polar Plateau in the winter to take advantage of the milder winds from the south, and back north in the summer to hunt the big-ticket game animals further into the plateau. The main line would eventually evolve into tkorks, the closest living relatives of Kyanah, who have been discussed elsewhere. The side-line that would become the true Kyanah diverged from tkorks around 5-6 million years ago, shortly after the evolution of the Tyotonikors (perhaps "strong leaf beast"). These were basically the final, logical conclusion of the trend of large generalist browsers, relying on raw mass rather than armor or numbers to deter predators; it was one of these species that would eventually become the domestic nyruds that are so important to the Kyanah. The largest species, the Tyotonikor, could reach heights of 1.8 meters, with a length of 7.6 meters and males averaging around 4-5 tons--one of the largest known animals in the history of the Kyanah homeworld, and the largest period since the 16th or 17th Era; it was hunted to extinction by prehistoric Kyanah around 8000 years ago. While other related species were not as large, even the smallest averaged 1.5 tons, 3 times bigger than the biggest carnivores in the Great Polar Plateau. With a long, whip-like tail, a wide and stocky frame, and a sturdy beak-like mouth capable of handling even the toughest leaves and twigs, the species under the Tyotonikor classification were quite formidable. Indeed, healthy adults had no natural predators...until the true Kyanah came along.
If it seems like Kyanah were optimized specifically to hunt and kill the giant Tyotonikors that no one else dared eat...well, they were. They shifted from a merely bipedal-capable form to obligate bipeds, enabling them to see over interfering shrubbery to better devise a plan of attack, and also be able to hold tools and weapons at all times. To maintain balance in a bipedal posture, their tails became longer and bulkier, enabling them to flail them around to keep balance, and also use them as a weapon. While their jaw size--and thus snout size--and bite force increased relative to predecessors to better penetrate the thick skin of Tyotonikors, their claws became somewhat shorter and stubbier, optimized more for gripping than piercing, making it easier to hold the sticks and rocks they were increasingly using as force multipliers. An increase in fast-twitch muscles in their legs enabled them to more easily catch fleeing Tyotonikors--which, despite their bulk, could be surprisingly fast, rather like Terran elephants, able to reach speeds above 30 kilometers per hour. The strong legs and gripping claws also made it more feasible to get onto the creatures and deliver devastating top attacks. Their skulls also broadened significantly to enable increased cranial capacity, which enabled them to form even more complex pack hunting strategies and even cooperate with other packs to take down especially large and dangerous prey; this would be a game changer, as tkorks and earlier Kyanahforms would almost always ignore or fight other packs instead of working together. Compared to the tkorks, true Kyanah are basically high-performance, high-maintenance creatures, relying on intelligently applying explosive bursts of strength and speed to quickly take down big-ticket prey, rather than stamina, low resource usage, and gradually accumulating smaller prey items. While having primarily evolved to fill the empty niche of preying on Tyotonikors, the various Kyanah species were more than capable of hunting any medium to large animal, both on and off the Great Polar Plateau, using their sophisticated tactics, high physical strength, and eventually primitive spears, axes, traps, and controlled use of fire. Meanwhile, most tkork species in modern times are endangered or extinct, except for those that have adapted to living in Kyanah cities and feeding off various urban critters and meat that has been thrown out or left unattended by the Kyanah themselves. Those tkork species have done very well for themselves, to the point of being a pest.
Proto-Kyanah would speciate several times, gradually expanding around the edges of the Great Northern Plateau by around 1 million years ago, with some species expanding to the poles and also to the more temperate latitudes by 750k years ago, though modern, main-line Kyanah did not spread off the Great Polar Plateau until around 100k years ago. Remains of the most far-flung Kyanah species, the Dunewalkers, have been discovered from the Shatter to the Western Sector, though they went extinct 84k years ago after the asteroid impact that created the Ikun Crater, which also reduced the main-line Kyanah population to a few thousand, though they, obviously, bounced back and then some. None of these other species remain; the last to go were the Kyanah Brutes, so-named because of their large stature (roughly on par with humans) and proportionally smaller brains compared to main-line Kyanah, dying out around 5500 years ago; it is possible that there were organized efforts by Kyanah proto-civilizations to eradicate the last of them, but also just as possible that the main-line Kyanah merely hunted their prey into extinction. Notably, main-line Kyanah have the largest cranial capacity of any of these species, with Dunewalkers being a close second; there is no evidence that any Kyanah species other than *the* Kyanah ever devised fully fledged language on their own, which made cooperation between multiple packs more frequent and reliable, and made teaching their young more efficient. The presence of bones from multiple species being found together indicates that main-line Kyanah occasionally included members of a couple of the more advanced Kyanah species, like Dunewalkers and Kyanah Brutes, into their own packs, and vice versa. While these species lack the genes associated with independently inventing complex languages, it's believed to be possible that they could be taught it to a limited degree, as they had similar vocalization structures, and even tkorks can be taught to understand simple words and phrases. The exact nature of this relationship, whether these other species were viewed as working animals, slaves, or fellow packmates, is unknown. While they likely interbred, it is also unknown if this led to fertile offspring--but probably not.
submitted by mining_moron to goodworldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:49 SilverMarinus My extensive guide to Hanzo playstyle post-nerf

Losing the one shot is definitely disappointing, however I don't think the character is dead. I know there's been a lot of hopelessness in the Hanzo community, but my aim is to help you guys improve your game so you can still excel on Hanzo and feel like a GOAT. In this post I'm gonna talk about the general playstyle that works for me on Hanzo, and how to adapt your playstyle based on the enemy comp. And at the end I'll put a couple tips for improving your aim.
Hanzo still has some distinct advantages that he can leverage against his enemies. His wall climb is amazing for a medium range hero, considering most other heroes either can't access high ground, or need to commit cooldowns to get there. Storm arrows are an incredibly consistent kill tool at medium/close range. And having a leap every 4 seconds, combined with wall climb, gives you the ability to be just as slippery as you are deadly. And of course, sonic arrow lets your whole team have wall hacks 50% of the time, and on defense, lets you see the enemy comp before they even come out the doors, allowing you to plan your positioning accordingly.
The thing is, most people think that hanzo is a long range hero, but he's really not. The only time you want to be shooting enemies from long range is before the fight to do pressure, get ult charge, and potentially get a pick on any hero that's taken chip damage. It's not about being a goat and hitting long range headshots. It's about proper medium/ close range positioning and proper timing, to make your shots easy to hit.
The way I play Hanzo is as a medium range pressure hero with incredibly high dps. You don't want to hold long range sniper angles on your own, you want to be active in the fight from medium range and use your slippery mobility to take off angles and high ground at opportune moments. Getting kills at close range is incredibly consistent with Hanzo, you just can't expect to get a 5k with headshots only. You want to take an off angle to get a kill or two with storm arrows. Then as soon as the enemies turn to react, use your leap and wall climb to escape.
It sounds crazy but you want to play on a razor's edge of feeding to maximize your damage output. Push in close from an off angle near your tank to get easy headshots and storm arrow kills, but always be one leap away from safety... Whether that's a high ground to climb up to, or just leaping back into your team.
I've also had some success with full committing on a hard flank, but the key is timing. You want to get behind/to the side of the enemy backline shortly after the two tanks clash. When the enemy supports are tunnel visioned on helping the frontline, THATS when you pop around the corner and take your shots on the supports and burst them with storm arrows. Best case scenario, you kill the supports, then the DPS, then finish the tank in a perfectly executed pincer attack. Worst case scenario, you distracted the supports and made people turn to shoot you, while the enemy tank is left with no support in the frontline.
There are times where it's better to just spam from main, and I'd say that's usually when your tank has a distinct disadvantage against the enemy tank and both are fighting in the frontline. Keeping constant pressure on that tank can help sway the matchup into your tank's favor, or at least make space for them. But of course, killing squishies can still carry games.
The other time to stay in main with your team is when the enemy team has flankers/ dive heroes who can kill you if you are isolated. Generally in those matchups, I just try to focus on hitting shots on the threatening mobile heroes. They won't push you if they're half HP. In these cases, using yourself as bait can be very effective.
Let's say there's an enemy Genji, you should play slightly outside of his dash range while also being near your healers. He will want to dash at you, but he will fall just short of hitting you. Then you can pop your storm arrows, but don't shoot. He will instinctively deflect. Now, suddenly the Genji is in the middle of your team with no dash and no deflect, while you still have a full volley of storm arrows. Similar tips can be used against Dva and Winston as well.
Against Wrecking Ball, it depends. You don't wanna try to kill him, just force him out. If he rolls back to his team, keep putting out pressure. But if he chooses to escape BEHIND your team, try to hit him with a sonic arrow as he's leaving, then you can tell where he's going. It helps a lot.
Against Tracer and Sombra, Keeping tabs on their position is key. Sonic arrow is good to scout flanks. Plag near your team, but DONT PLAY BEHIND YOUR SUPPORTS. Play in front of them. The ideal scenario is that they target one of your supports, then you can turn and shoot them while they're tunnel visioned. Your burst damage is high enough to often kill them, or at least enough to force them to run away and reset. When you do force them away, try to estimate how much time you have before they come back, and use that time to apply pressure to the frontline.
But let's say you werent able to scout them, and don't know exactly where they are, but you know they're lurking somewhere. Take a shot at the frontline and then do a 180. Literally check the flank after every shot. Good flankers generally wait for you to be distracted by the frontline before they pounce. By shooting the enemy tank and doing a 180 turn, you can keep applying pressure while still being able to react to the flank at a moment's notice.
This last tip is SUPER risky but it works sometimes. Sometimes when I'm facing a Dive comp or lots of flankers that are rolling me, I will actually flank as Hanzo. I will hide in a concealed area behind the enemy team and then when I'm confident that the flankers are in my backline, I'll start attacking the enemy backline. The reason this works sometimes is because when you're facing flankers, they will be lurking around YOUR backline. But if you're lurking in THEIR backline, you're essentially on the complete opposite side of the map from them and they'll have no clue. This is a strategy that pro players called "trading backlines". If the enemy flankers are going to kill your backline anyway, you may as well target their backline too. After all, Dive comps don't usually peel for their own backline, they commit to killing yours. This works especially well when they're hard targeting you specifically. The last place a flanker expects to find you is in their own backline.
The name of the game is map control. A big mistake Hanzo players make is trying to ego duel hitscans from long range, banking on hitting long range shots to win. Straight up, don't do that. It's ok to aim for hitting one body shot to keep them in check or force them off their angle. Sonic arrow also helps deter them from peeking those angles. But the way you beat those long range heroes is getting up close and dumping storm arrows into their face. I will literally get close enough so that I could literally leap into their face and melee them to finish them if I wanted to. 3 storm arrows is 225 damage, to body shots or one headshot is 240, so getting leap-melee finishers is actually very useful. I KNOW it sounds crazy to play this close, but I urge you to challenge your beliefs about Hanzo. Your damage output is so high that you will beat pretty much every long range hero up close. Storm arrows are ridiculous. Though medium range storm arrows are fine if they're unaware of you or have cover to escape to.
Against Ashe, just remember that you have plenty of ways to delete Bob. Headshots while jiggle peeking from cover, or storm arrow headshots, or even using dragonstrike to melt him if he's near the enemy team.
And against widowmaker, use your sonic arrow to scout her specifically. If she's bad, she'll stay scoped in and let you line up headshots. If she's good, she'll hide for 5 seconds or take a new angle. This means you can push up while she's given up the angle.
Against poke comps, you know that you're always safe in cover, because they have no flankers. So as long as you're controlling the angles and bullying the enemy off of their angles, you will win over time by controlling all the space and winning the objective.
Brawl comps are generally slow and tanky, and usually only good at close range. And many of the brawl heroes have big hitboxes, making it easier to hit them from further away. Hanzo LOVES playing against slow brawl comps. With your mobility, you can bully them from angles where they can't even contest you. Even if you don't get kills, you can farm ult so fast that you can zone them off the objective with dragons and do tons of damage to their clumped up team. Just don't spend too much time focusing the tank, because if they have lots of healing you probably won't kill them. Though you can still pressure the tank to make them fall back to buy space for your team.
Rush comps are kind of a hybrid between dive and brawl, and so many of the tips for both will apply. You want to put out lots of pressure, and take off angles when you can. BUT!!! You need to rotate back to your team sooner than you normally would. You might think you're safe from a decent range on an off angle, but a Lucio speed amp or Junker Queen shout, Rein pin, or Moira fade can let them rush you down much faster than you'd expect. Don't get greedy on your off angles, and dont expect kills. Even just hitting a shot or two to bait out defensive cooldowns like Shout, Wraith form, etc can lower the enemy team's lethality and make them hesitant to rush. If a rush comp gets a numbers advantage, they can pretty much run your team down for free. So don't get greedy.
Also, the baiting tip works well with rush comp too. If you're playing near your team, you can be in the front just behind your tank and bait the enemy team to rush you, and then you can quickly leap away and climb to high ground. Now, you're on high ground above a ground-based comp that just wasted resources to push you. You simply need to watch your spacing and use your slippery movement to dodge the rush. Just remember to play in sight of your healers incase you do take some damage.
People HATE Hanzo to a degree that is completely irrational, and they will literally feed their brains out to try and kill you. You can use that to your advantage. He has the mobility and burst damage to slip out of arms reach and burst them down, making them even more tilted, making them feed harder.
A HUGE tip that I've barely heard anybody talk about it a really simple one: Don't focus your eyes on your crosshair, focus your eyes BELOW your crosshair. Essentially you just aim at head height but focus your eyes on the enemy's body. Because it's much easier for your eyes to track a moving body than a moving head. Once I started doing this I noticed an immediate difference.
My personal favorite way to warm up my aim is a custom workshop code for an improved practice range: AJERA
Before every session, I go to the area by the roaming bots, and press interact on the blue orb near the ledge. It will spawn a flying Pharah bot. Then I climb up to the various high grounds and practice shooting Pharah from different ranges. Its hard at first, but once I can hit shots on her semi consistently, then I know I'm ready to queue.
And for practicing close range consistency, the central area has an orb that spawns a Lucio bot who jumps around and wall rides within an enclosed area.
The custom practice range also has a blinking Tracer bot to practice on, which is nice.
The only thing it's missing in my opinion is a jumping Genji bot, but there are other custom codes that have those like VAXTA, which is also good.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope these tips are useful for you. I know a lot of people are choosing to boycott Hanzo, and I respect that. But for me, I want to keep playing him and prove that he can still carry.
Now get out there and make your enemies tilted. ;)
submitted by SilverMarinus to HanzoMain [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:48 DumbQuestions_123 I'm worried my partner 35M is gaslighting me 33F I'm not sure how to address the communication issues we keep having, what should I do?

TLDR: partner and I planned to spend some time at my place after we saw friends, instead he dropped me off and left then said he thought I didn't want him to come inside because I was tired. I feel like thats a manipulative take on what actually happened and I feel gaslit. Need more perspective and advice on how to communicate the damage this sort of behavior is having on our relationship.
Last night I saw my partner. We made plans to see a couple of friends and then to go back to my place for awhile. I also asked if we could reserve some time for a discussion once we got to my place and he agreed. We left our friends place about 10:30 and he drove us back to mine. I live in an apartment and there isn't guest parking so to stay for any length of time he'd need to find a spot on the street. He pulls into the driveway of my apartment building directly behind an assigned parking spot (not mine). He left the car running and didn't take his seatbelt off. He leaned over and gave me a goodnight kiss. I asked him about our plans for discussion and he asked me what it was I wanted to talk about. At that point, he was still double parked, the engine was running and his seatbelt was still on. I told him I wanted more than five minutes for a discussion so I guess we could talk the next time we saw each other. He said ok, see you then. I got out and he drove away.
Later he told me left because I said I wanted more than a few minutes for discussion which he interpreted as me not wanting him to stay more than a few minutes because I was tired.
I need a reality check: If it was you sitting in the car is that what you would have taken from this interaction? That I was telling him I didn't want him to come in because I was tired? And if so, if this relationship was important to you, would you just accept that and drive away? I'm trying really hard to look at this charitably and I'm struggling.
I was pretty blown away when he said that because nothing about the situation indicated to me that he was planning to get out of his car. I only clarified with him about the discussion *after* he literally kissed me goodnight. I don't understand how he could truly have come to that conclusion based on how things happened.
My take on it is that he was tired and to be fair, we both were, and he decided at some point he didn't want to come to my place or have a discussion. I think thats fair. It was late, we were tired. But he didn't communicate to me that he had unilaterally changed our plans. Its a pattern where this will happen, he will avoid/ rug sweep a discussion and leave me confused. If he didn't want to come over I feel I at least deserved for him to open that discussion with me. Instead, I was abruptly dropped off home confused and alone with zero explanation. His conflict avoidance and unwillingness to have conversations with me is starting to really affect our relationship.
How do I make it clear to him that this is hurtful and damaging things between us?
submitted by DumbQuestions_123 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:48 SeriousSeaOtter Casual relationship but only do romantic things together?

Ok so, I (M21) have been going on dates with this guy from Grindr (M23) for the past 3 weeks. We have been out 7 times and always do something in public. Our dates are always really romantic and he is very verbally and physically affectionate with me. A few times I had prompted him that maybe we could head back to one of our places, but he always politely declined. I surmised from this that he was wanting to take it slow because he was looking for something serious. This is fine with me because I can really see myself that way with him.
Last night, he came over to my place for the first time, I cooked him dinner, and we watched a movie. We layed on my couch for hours and talked about our hopes and our fears, our relationship with our families and our plans for the future. It was really sweet. Towards the end, I asked him where he thought we were headed in terms of our relationship. I was hoping he would say that he was interested in something serious and exclusive with me.
Instead, he told me that he saw us as "very casual". I told him I was looking for something serious and exclusive. I asked him if he was open to that and he told me that he had never been in a serious relationship before and that he worried it would change our dynamic. He said he wanted to keep having fun like we were. I asked, and he said that the exclusivity part was not what would bother him. I told him straightforwardly that I had feelings for him and that in order to keep seeing him I would need to know that he was at least considering being exclusive with me and being something "serious". He said he would consider.
He sent me a very sweet goodnight message after he went home and we have been talking normally today.
I have spoken to my (mostly straight) friends and they all agree that calling a romantic, sex-less relationship "casual" does not make a lot of sense to them. I feel like maybe the disconnect is that he is immersed in a different dating culture than me? He is kind of a classic big city gay and I guess I am a little more traditional and conservative about dating. I have also considered that maybe he is enjoying the romantic things I do for him and wanting to continue having sex with other people.
I am curious what you all make of this. What do you think I should do moving forward?
submitted by SeriousSeaOtter to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:48 Stunning-Term-6880 I want to jerk it to Rey, but I'm afraid it will make me woke

I like watching the part where we think Rey blows up Chewey in the the ship. it really gets me going but I'm not sure if it's allowed per the rules of the sub? I've never been woke before, ok I did take the fauci Vax one in college but it was just a one time thing. Is it to late for me and I should just vote for Biden now (3 or 4 times just to be safe?)
submitted by Stunning-Term-6880 to CriticalDrinker [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:46 Useround7 Why do SBs always seem to neg themselves when there's an obvious wealth disparity?

It feels like after the first couple dates they always seem to neg themselves and compare what I have to them. Say we meet up for a date and I pull up next to her to park. She'll make some comment about how she just has a Civic even though it's a brand new one. I'll pull up in a nice normal luxury car nothing too special and instant judgement.
Well hangout for the weekend and I'll get us a nice Airbnb, not super over the top fancy but high quality nice, and another comment about it's nicer than their place then how amazing my house must be.
Pull out my phone to put on music and "is that the new one? Mines only a 10".
I never talk about money or wear expensive things or anything but of course take to nicer places, pay above average and make sure she happy. I've been in SRs a year+ and theyd still bring things up every chance they get.
I never know what to do and just shutdown whenever it comes up.
submitted by Useround7 to sugarlifestyleforum [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:44 ard8 [Postgame Thread] #10 FSU (39-14) falls to Georgia Tech (31-21) by a score of 11-10 in game 3 of the home weekend series, which ends 2-1 in favor of FSU.

After taking a 10-9 lead in the bottom of the 8th, the baffling decision was made to let one of our worst relievers all year pitch the top of the 9th ā€” which resulted in the lead immediately being blown.
Next up for FSU is the ACC tournament in Charlotte. Prior to completing this final game of the regular season, FSU was sitting at #8 in the RPI
submitted by ard8 to fsusports [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:44 PhoenixMori 38 [M4F] Super sweet stoner nerd photographer looking for someone to make memories and listen to records with

Hey reddit! I'm a 38 year old latin guy from Washington DC. Honesty is the best policy so I'll make it known now that I'm not looking for platonic friends, I'm looking for a romantic partner. Buckle up, because I'm about to unveil why I may or may not be the right partner for you in a classic listicle style that all you youngin's love.
About Me:
You'll never believe number 6!
  1. I'm a bit of a stoner. It's true, your boy loves himself some marijuana. (In fact, I just did a 20mg edible) I endeavor to never let it take over my life, but it aids a lot in #2 on this list. I'm also not a stranger to the very occasional mushroom trip.
  2. I'm a true creative. Left to my own devices in an empty room, I would constantly create new things. Whether that be drawing, writings, photography, music or stoner ideas. It's my true nature to be a creative and to stifle that part of myself makes me pretty sad. Fortunately, I get to create on a daily basis. which brings me to..
  3. I have the kindest heart. I see life through rose colored glasses, some may say. I just believe in the good in people. I think most people are good and those that are bad are redeemable. Whether someone is ultra religious, a different political affiliation, good, bad, ugly, whatever...I believe in getting to know them for myself and making my own decision of them. As a friend I always stick by my friends, no matter what. Friends in my life are friends for life, even if we lose touch. There is a downside to all this...it's that sometimes people take advantage of me. I don't care. When confronted with the choice to be loving or to be cruel or apathetic, I will always choose loving.
  4. I make people laugh. Comedy and jokes have always been a part of me. Maybe it's the fact that I'm a middle child and craved attention or the fact that I grew up in a city where I had to be quick on my feet, but I love to make people laugh. This is best done in person but there can be humor over the internet too. :)
  5. I don't take myself too seriously. I'm a talented person in my field and it's important for me to let go of my ego. There isn't a single person that I can't learn from and at my best I'm always open to listen to people's opinions of me or my creative work.
  6. I see beauty in everyone, including you. If you hadn't guessed by now, I'm a photographer. I'm into portraits and I value my connection with people one-on-one and I think that's what makes me a talented portrait photographer. I often hear people talk about the things they hate about themselves but try to reflect to them their true beauty. The beauty that was always there and that they need to be reconnected to.
  7. I'm culturally Latino. My parents are from El Salvador, but I was born and raised in DC. I have the experience of being born into a family of immigrants and understand the duality of living in two different worlds. While Spanish was my first language, it is not what I consider to be my native tongue. While I understand all Spanish, all my Spanish is food related.
  8. I've done the self work. It's true. I'm not a man that punches walls, gets drunk and cries, will cheat on you, lie to you or a myriad of other things that toxic people do. I am not without faults, of course, but I have worked my demons out for the most part. I'm very self-aware and open to criticism and change.
  9. I'm honest 99.5% of the time. Anyone professing to be honest 100% of the time is a liar. Ask me directly and I'll tell you my last big lie.
  10. I know where I want to be in life. I'm close to getting there too. I've been at it for 13 years now and I feel that success is imminent. Will you be a part of it?
So what are you waiting for? Dust off that old keyboard, pound away at a few keys, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure brought to you by (as they said in my day) the world wide web.
P.S - I'm 6'2. I should've started with that.
submitted by PhoenixMori to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

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Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, itā€™s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, Iā€™m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day ā€œcancel cultureā€ by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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2024.05.19 00:41 Shadow_Storm066 Hi, new to the Thread, but I'm petty, so here's my first petty post. Also, sorry in advance, this is kind of long, it's a long story.

Ok, so, I used to live in a different state during my childhood than the one I live in now (I live in the Northern US, originally born in this northern state as well). I lived in this other state from the ages of 6 until I was almost 16, and throughout the entirety of my elementary and middle school years up until the middle of 9th grade (which was at the high school, some start at 10th grade instead of 9th).
There were 2 main bullies that I dealt with starting in 1st grade/first school year after moving to this state, and as the years went on, these two girls (let's call them Marie & Clarisse) would get their friends in on bullying me. I wasn't popular by any means, but my mother always had me in sports and extracurricular activities with these girls, so I could never really escape them. It was just as bad outside of anything school related as Marie has two younger brothers that my brother was friends with, so I had to pretend to be the 'best of friends' with Marie from 1st grade up until about the end of 7th grade since our families drifted apart from being "close friends".
As far as typical bullying goes in elementary school, I dealt with constant name-calling and cruel "pranks", mostly aimed towards my weight, I wasn't fat, but I wasn't skinny either despite being in sports and was always active. However, those incidents extended to my stuff being stolen, like my notebooks I'd use for schoolwork, or my box of pencils/pens/etc., forcing me to constantly borrow from the few friends I actually had or from the teachers. I used to be in band (which started in 6th grade in that school district), and I played the clarinet, my stepdad had bought me a very nice/sturdy and somewhat expensive tote bag to put my clarinet, music stand, and music binders in for easier storage and to keep my hands free when transporting my 'equipment'. Us band kids were allowed to keep our instruments behind the curtains of the stage in the school's cafeteria (the stage was against the farthest wall from the kitchen/lunch lines), and out of the ~20 kids in band, only my expensive/sturdy tote bag was stolen within the last 2 days of 6th grade, of course suspects were Marie & Clarisse (I saw Clarisse using my tote bag that summer, as my now-smudged name had been written in permanent marker on the straps and one of the sides of the bag). I left it be because I didn't want any conflict, my stepdad bought me another one after finding out the original one was stolen in the first place.
Middle school wasn't much better as the name calling got extensively more graphic and consisted of slurs (like the F slur, as I'm proudly part of the LGBTQ+ community, specifically AgendeNon-binary), furthering the self-hurting thoughts that had started in 3rd grade. I had continuously tried to tell my mom and stepdad about it, only for my pleas for help to go unheard until one week during the winter season in 7th grade. I had gotten sick for 2 days and stayed home an extra day to recover, but during those three days, Marie, Clarisse and their friends had made an Instagram account, posting very unattractive pictures of fellow classmates (i.e. purposely taking pictures with very unflattering angles, poor lighting, etc) and blamed it on me since they put my address in the private information into that account. My mom had found the account, immediately asking about if I was the one behind it, she unfortunately didn't believe me until *after* she ripped my phone from me to look through it for "evidence" that I made the account. When I returned to school the following Thursday after recovering from the small cold, I was constantly bombarded by fellow students about the account since Marie & Clarisse were the ones that spread the obvious false rumor that I made it. By the end of the day, I had finally snapped, yelling "I didn't make that f-cking account. Why can't everyone just stop bothering me about it?" Of course, that earned plenty of attention from the teachers and students within earshot (and thanks to the tiled floors and walls, my yelling echoed throughout most of the first floor and partly into the second floor of my school), I ended up having to talk with the counselor about the whole ordeal because of my frustrated outburst, which resulted with very little help from the staff, but after a few weeks, people seemed to forget that the account even existed since it ended up deleted within a few days after my outburst.
That following school year, 8th grade, was even worse. Sure, the slurs, the other name-calling and thievery of my belongings continued (more so the slurs/name-calling), but by this year, I was almost constantly committing the self-hurting since my mother was of no help, my stepdad was sympathetic but always working and the therapist my mother found for me was basically a deadbeat with bullying situations (she didn't seem to understand or even want to actually help me with the bullying as she was more of a family therapist than anything else). For the district curriculum, we are required to take health class in 8th grade, and as we were going over the unit that encompassed depression, self-harm, and su!c!dal thoughts/actions, I constantly had to have another staff member in the back of the classroom to watch over me and take me out of the class if any of the course material triggered an episode. Thankfully the staff member was that was there for me was the school's police officer, let's call him Officer Lennox, he was like a protective older brother, especially after finding out about how consistently I was bullied. Near the end of the unit, we had to watch Ronan's Escape (it's on YouTube), and since I was going through my own version of Ronan's situation, I ended up breaking down sobbing in class, only to be laughed at by some of the boys that were close friends with Marie & Clarisse. Officer Lennox snapped at them as professionally as possible while helping me out of the classroom to go sit with the nurse to have some downtime to stop sobbing before I was allowed back to my classes.
Another situation, which is the worst of it in 8th grade, was this one girl, let's call her Ava. She thought it would be hilarious to eavesdrop into my conversations with my best friend (we'll refer to her as Raven since that was a nickname she used) throughout lunch and shared classes, only to take our conversations completely out of context in order to string up a lie that Raven and I were planning to unalive the principle. Of course, this wasn't true, the principle was an a-hole to everyone, and Raven & I would discuss that we greatly disliked him. Ava mostly got away with spreading this lie as her mom was a higher-up in the school district, forcing Raven and I to entirely change our class schedules so we weren't in any classes with Ava, as well as almost being expelled. Thanks to Officer Lennox sticking up for both of us, we only had to have in-school suspension for 3 days instead of being expelled. Sadly, Ava got very little repercussions from this, but Raven and I grew even closer as best friends after "The Incident" as we still refer to it as almost 10 years later.
Summer rolled through without a hitch, leading to 9th grade, the start of high school. I was given more freedom from my mother (she's a helicopter parent and abusive/narcissistic) to dress in clothing that I preferred in comparison to always wearing brightly colored athletic wear. I completely changed my appearance, chopped my hair from just above the small of my back to a punk pixie-styled cut, and started wearing graphic t-shirts, ripped jeans, combat boots, and leather jackets. On top of that, I started becoming more confrontational/combative towards my bullies, since they still wouldn't let up, I earned a "bad@ass/bad b!tch" reputation, made friends with other rebellious and misfit types of people in the grades above me, and just fully became more of "me" despite the disapproval from my mother of the amount of change I undergone.
Despite being 14 at the start of 9th grade, I began dating, specifically one fellow student that was a very close friend and felon, he went to jail/juvie throughout the 2nd half of 7th grade and all of 8th grade. He came to the high school 3 months after the year started, and our friendship-turned-relationship sparked right back up as if he never left. I had kept my dating life secret from my family, mostly my mother because I know how bad her reaction would've been if I told her. With him almost always by my side (excluding classes we didn't share), my brand-new appearance, and my quickly attained delinquent/rebellious reputation, most of my issues dissipated much quicker than before. In spite of that, Marie & Clarisse kept making their remarks, trying to drag down my new confidence and constantly break my felon boyfriend (let's call him Collin) and I up. They got more degrading and verbally abusive with these antics, I eventually was completely fed up with it all. In the middle of the school year, within a couple weeks after Yule (Christmas for the non-pagans) & New Years Break, Marie, Clarisse and their group of friends had stopped me in the hallway, purposely surrounding me (there was about 30 of them in total) on my way to class, continuing with their shtick as usual, I slipped the pocketknife out of my pocket, flicking it open as I finally gave in and threatened to unalive them and everyone they care for if they don't leave me the f-ck alone. They saw the opened knife and knew then & there that I was 100% serious, I turned on my heels, shoving through them only to notice the principal and school's police officer (not officer Lennox) staring at me with concerned expressions, they also noticed the knife as there was a glint from the blade due to the blindly bright lights in the hallway. Not a word was uttered as they walked away, never sending a call to my mother or stepdad about the weapon or the confrontation as they had seen my progression in attitude and the amount of f-cks I had (which was none). After that day, those girls never spoke to me again, would barely glance in my direction, would purposely take alternate routes to class if they saw me in the hallway (or would keep to the wall if they couldn't move quick enough), and if we shared any classes, they'd be on the opposite side of the room from me and would do everything they could to never be partnered/grouped with me in class projects.
Everything was smooth sailing from then on, and now I'm 22 (as of late April this year), happily living with my bio-dad, my brother and my 2-year-old kitty, Ziggy. My mother is out of the picture entirely as she refuses to change her mindset and parenting style. I'm still confrontational towards anyone that tries messing with me, especially if they're anti-LGBTQ+/racist/abusive/etc. And thanks to my continuation of my drastic change from 8th grade to 9th grade, I'm now considered both the protector and the therapist to my friends, always there for them because I grew up knowing what it was like to not have that kind of support. I hope this story of roughly half my life can provide some sort of comfort or proof that it does indeed get better, even if it doesn't seem like it in the moment.
submitted by Shadow_Storm066 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:40 privytown Just some DM's opinion on the adventure - A list of pros and cons

Just finished doing my page-by-page read-thru of the adventure. I give it a 7/10 that could be easily pushed to about a 9 with some DM tweaks and changes.
Here's my quick take on it (SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS):
PROS: * The art is beautiful throughout. As always, I wish there was more, but I know I'm being greedy. * The power of secrets mechanic is a neat twist, especially if they're saved up until the end. Of course, I wouldn't let my players know that. DM advice - Add more interesting secrets, clarify mechanics of spending secrets to players * We get to visit a part of the Shadowfell that isn't a Domain of Dread. * Kas as Mordenkainen will make for a great twist if the secret can stay hidden. Seems like ANY mild google search by players will give it away. DM advice - Make Mordenkainen super close to players. If players are the type to question everything, perhaps drop hints that maybe something is going on with one of the other Wizards Three. \* Sanctum in Sigil, connection to Planescape. DM advice - Roam around Sigil a bit. Do shopping in between chapters with all that loot players are getting. * Wish spell summoning characters is a neat idea. DM advice - Perhaps make it an "upgraded" wish spell since three mega-magic users are casting it. * Vecna cultists siphoning secrets is a neat idea. DM advice - Have the cultists appear somewhere later on in the adventure, not just chapter 1. \* The clues that Mordenkainen is Kas that are found in the sanctum are pretty neat, and appropriately challenging to find. DM advice - Don't let your characters find out that secret. It is your duty. \* Rod of Seven parts is a cool magic item. * Spiderdragon is cool. Excited for the miniature. * Hertilod is cool. Excited for the miniature. * The Ruined Colossus chapter sounds fun over all. Eberron is the setting I am least familiar with but I was impressed with this chapter, particularly moving up and around Landro. * Blazebear is cool. Excited for the miniature. * I know I'm in the minority with this one... Death house seems fun to me! The Strahd fight seems nerve-wracking for players and the haunted zones will be fun to roleplay. * Deathwolf is cool. Excited for the miniature. * Black Rose Bearer is cool. Excited for the miniature. * Tomb of Wayward Souls (Chapter 7) looks fun - I'm pretty into dungeon diving. Some of the puzzles are clunky but overall I think it will be a good time. * Rerak. His art is great and spooky. For some reason Rerak's resentment toward Acererak comes off as silly and charming to me... in a good way. I think it will be fun to roleplay. * The Red Belvedere (in Chapter 8) sounds fun to run. Interesting layout. Convincing the Pit Masters to let you in to the Dragon's Pride is an interesting challenge. * Windfall is cool. Excited for the miniature. * Kas is a fun villain. Love his artwork (especially in the Character Dossier). DM advice - Make sure the legendary Sword of Kas shows up somehow. * Camlash is cool. Excited for the miniature. * Miska is cool. Excited for the miniature. * Mirror Shade is cool. Excited for the miniature. * Nice that we get a taste of a lot of different settings. Seems a little gimicky (I mean, it IS gimicky, 50 year anniversary and all...) but still fun.
CONS: * While the "link to Vecna" is an interesting and at-times necessary mechanic for players, the way in which they receive it, as written, is weak. DM change origin or cause of this link. \* No connection to obelisks mentioned in other adventures at all. Wasted opportunity. * The gridded map of the sanctum that is included with the book isn't scaled correctly for miniatures. Weird. * Chime of Exile seems lame. * Lambent Zenith map seems a bit tricky to navigate. * Dragonlance is my favorite D&D setting so this one is the biggest bummer for me... Night of Blue Fire (Chapter 6) does not sound fun. Does not seem like Dragonlance. * Bone Roc is kinda lame to me and doesn't seem necessary. * Borthok is cool mechanically but the design is boring. Big wolf? * Moonlight Guardian design is so so lame. * Lunar dragon doesn't target players upon its arrival. DM advice - That dragon is going to target those players. We will fight a dragon. \* Having players be THAT close to Tiamat's lair and not have an encounter with Arkhan the Cruel - who has the HAND OF VECNA - seems like a missed opportunity. * Chapter 10 and 11 have a messy structure. Hard to grasp exactly what's going on and the timing for everything seems off. How is Kas moving around so fast and doing so much in Pandesmos when you were hot on his tail? * The battle between the forces of Kas/Miska and Vecna/Lolth aren't represented well on Pandesmos. DM advice - Bring in some "battlefield mechanics" (like "the Fray" in SotDQ) when moving from place to place. \* Miska is written as being stuck in the portal and has his strength/powers severely subdued. After all the trouble of getting the rod of seven parts, this seems like a waste. DM advice - Miska is coming out of that portal at full power. The players are fighting Miska. \* One design for the different types of Spyder-Fiends? I hope we see more with miniatures. \* Vecna's unrealities at the end are too few... and lame. * Vecna fight seems rushed... and lame. DM advice - Buff Vecna. Adjust the teleport crystals in the Cave of Shattered Reflection to make it harder for players (but not Vecna) to navigate. Make it so some players will be "trapped" behind a crystal wall with Vecna, separated from their friends. \* Vecna is merely banished/shifted to Oerth? Anticlimactic. I've heard that it is because of future plans with Greyhawk but... still. \* This campaign's marketing. So much hype on Vecna but you see him for an underwhelming final battle only. So much hype on these D&D heavy hitters (Strahd, Lord Soth, Lolth, Tiamat, etc.) but they're barely involved, if at all. Stat blocks given and everything. I'm totally fine with them not coming in to play (with the structure of this adventure I actually think they should NOT be) but don't sell us on the idea that they will be. MY advice - They should have marketed this adventure around Kas (I know that in that case they couldn't do the Mordenkainen twist, would have to change things) and have Vecna just make his appearance at the end as it is. Could maybe even have Vecna's involvement in the adventure be a surprise twist somehow?
submitted by privytown to VecnaEveofRuin [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:35 Fun-Truth-1134 2 years ago I never had picked up a guitar. Today, Iā€™m in a successful rock band. AMA

Hey everyone,
Wanted to share this story to hopefully inspire some of you on this forum to pursue your passion musically.
Iā€™m 36 years old and grew up glued to VH1 and MTV. Some of my fondest memories as a kid were staying up late on New Years Eve watching the top 100 songs of the year countdown.
After discovering The Beatles through my parents vinyl collection, I asked for their CDā€™s for my 8th birthday. For my 9th birthday, I asked for an electric guitar. I only had that guitar for a couple weeks before my sisters complained and I had to trade it in for an acoustic. It was way too big and after unsuccessfully trying to play it I put it back in its case where it remained for a decade.
About every 5 years I would take it out and attempt to learn. When I got into my Alice In Chains phase senior year of high school I went for lessons but nothing stuck. When Chris Cornell died in 2017 I ordered a new guitar that night. Again, I gave up when I couldnā€™t form the chords.
In 2021 I started running with a man named Robert ā€œRavenā€ Kraft in my hometown, Miami Beach. Ravens story requires more than a few paragraphs, but to some it up, this man has run 8 miles on the beach every single day since January 1st 1975. The run started out of heartbreak after he found out a hit song he had written was stolen from him.
Ravens dream is to have a hit. Him and I would discuss music every run (to date I have run with him over 220 times). We would fantasize about me learning guitar and him providing lyrics, starting a real rock and roll band.
In the winter of 2021 my job was on strike so I had a lot of extra downtime. I decided once again to pick up the guitar. This time, inspired my Ravens dedication, I decided I would play 1 hour a day, everyday, for the entire year of 2022.
By June, I was comfortable playing in front of my girlfriend. By October, my best friend was coming over once a week and we started forming songs. By November, we felt the music was good enough and all we were missing was lyrics.
We invited Raven over, who penned his 1701st song in about 10 minutes, our first single, Digging Her Grave.
Another runner joined us from Haiti and plays bass, another runner from Serbia came over and introduced his native Tambura to the band. Finally, a man named Bryan we found on Facebook came over and decided he wanted to produce the album.
In 2023 we became Raven and the Dark Shadows. Our first live performance was a disaster, but we regrouped and practiced more. We found a studio and recorded 10 tracks. Through my connections and Ravenā€™s fame we convinced Dave Abbruzzese (Pearl Jam), Ian Grushka (New Found Glory), Keli Gunnarson (Agent Fresco) and Dave Pastorious (tech 9) to guest on several tracks.
We released our album, An Unkindness, in November of 2023. To celebrate, we had a show at the Wolfsonian with over 150 people attending.
Jack Whiteā€™s Third Man Pressing is currently producing Blue and Yellow vinyl editions of An Unkindness that should be ready by the summer.
Our song Dracula just reached 30,000 streams. In addition to our music, I produced 4 music videos for our band. A fifth animated one will be out next week. Total views on YouTube are north of 20,000.
At a recent Florida Panthers hockey game, our song, Dead End Road, was played after the Panthers scored a goal. Itā€™s also been used at various Spring Training stadiums around Florida this spring. The Miami Marlins have it on their batting practice playlist. Our upcoming song ā€œFeel Like a Fugitiveā€ is on the Grand Theft Auto 6 soundtrack, and last year we played Stephen Kingā€™s 75th birthday bash.
We are currently preparing our second album. All the songs have demos, we just have to find the time to enter the studio and begin the process. We hope to have our second album released by October of 2024.
On January 1, 2025, Raven celebrates his 50th year of the streak. We are hoping for more exposure for the band when this happens.
I hope this inspires you all. In my mid 30s I definitely didnā€™t expect something like this to happen, but if you really commit to something, dreams can come true.
Iā€™d love to hear your thoughts on the project and the sound. Iā€™d also love to get recommendations on what we can do better, as we prepare for album number 2. Here is a link to our Spotify, thank you!
submitted by Fun-Truth-1134 to postpunk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:35 Gingrboo 10 yr old step son does not respect me

Iā€™ve been around him since he was 4-5 yrs old. His mom isnā€™t in the picture, he never met his mom so I understand thatā€™s probably a reason why he misbehaves and such. Heā€™s always had behavior problems and anger but once I moved in because we had a child of our own he started disrespecting me and my role in the family. For example, Iā€™ll ask him to help take out the trash maybe 2 hrs after school when I see him reaching for technology devices ( computer, cell phone) or Iā€™ll ask him to change his school clothes and to pick up around his room and heā€™ll snap back at me by saying , why do you care? Why are you butting in? Why do I have to listen to you? Why do you tell me ? Youā€™re not my parent or mom. He will start yelling and slamming things and then he starts crying out of frustration and just walks away or slams the door on me. By that point I let him be because I approached him respectfully, calmly and I simply spoke to him any way I would be speaking to my children or anyone else. I donā€™t raise my voice at all, I never have at him, I know I have to control my anger im the adult and example so I maintain my composure and I donā€™t call him names, I donā€™t belittle him I truly donā€™t see anything wrong with how I approach him at all. When his dad gets home I try then explaining by saying, said name Iā€™m just being a parent and Iā€™m asking you respectfully to please start helping by doing said thing because you havenā€™t done anything and are now on (device). If his grandparents are over they stay quiet and let him talk to me that way and then proceed to let my bf know that I instigated the child and made him get angry and that if I know he gets angry why am I telling him things. I corrected my bf and let him know his parents were wrong and lying he backed me up and then just tells me to ignore his parents because they donā€™t understand or agree. Theyā€™d rather we not tell our son anything because he has anger issues and just let him be but Iā€™ve explained, that doesnā€™t do anything for anyone not even our son. If anything theyā€™re showing him he doesnā€™t have to listen and their are no consequences and that the way he speaks to me is perfectly okay and that Iā€™m the problem for trying to simply parent and show him responsibility at his age. I just donā€™t understand. Iā€™ve told my partner I donā€™t even know what my role in the family should be, my in-laws donā€™t want me parenting him or correcting his behavior but they want me to do all the things a parent does. Iā€™m sorry but Iā€™m pregnant and have a 4 yr old and then to deal with him now makes me just not want to cook for him or do anything at all , the grandpa is here everyday because he has a room in the back so he cooks for him after school now and I understand my bf doesnā€™t appreciate that but Iā€™m sorry I feel so disrespected and unappreciated and unwanted by his son that it now makes it hard for me to want to cook for him. Iā€™m not saying I never do but after school unless I made a family meal Iā€™m not going out of my way any longer to prepare him a meal, i have fruit and snacks for him of course but just not that. I accept it if Iā€™m wrong but Iā€™ve told my bf I feel so unwanted and it hurt and I donā€™t even know where I fit in this family. Sometimes I want to leave but then I know heā€™s a child and itā€™s our job as parents to go to therapy . Iā€™ve asked my bf for 3 yrs now to have him and us go to therapy but he keeps putting it off. I feel that no one cares or takes my feelings into consideration and then I feel silly because Iā€™m an adult and I feel this way over a 10 yr old.
Iā€™d just like to hear if Iā€™m honestly being unreasonable and should just be butting out like completely not saying anything to him or asking anything of him at all and just let him be. Sorry itā€™s so long but I appreciate anyone that actually read through it all
submitted by Gingrboo to stepparents [link] [comments]

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submitted by John_Smith_4724 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:33 Fun-Truth-1134 2 years ago I never had picked up a guitar. Today, Iā€™m in a successful rock band. AMA

Hey everyone,
Wanted to share this story to hopefully inspire some of you on this forum to pursue your passion musically.
Iā€™m 36 years old and grew up glued to VH1 and MTV. Some of my fondest memories as a kid were staying up late on New Years Eve watching the top 100 songs of the year countdown.
After discovering The Beatles through my parents vinyl collection, I asked for their CDā€™s for my 8th birthday. For my 9th birthday, I asked for an electric guitar. I only had that guitar for a couple weeks before my sisters complained and I had to trade it in for an acoustic. It was way too big and after unsuccessfully trying to play it I put it back in its case where it remained for a decade.
About every 5 years I would take it out and attempt to learn. When I got into my Alice In Chains phase senior year of high school I went for lessons but nothing stuck. When Chris Cornell died in 2017 I ordered a new guitar that night. Again, I gave up when I couldnā€™t form the chords.
In 2021 I started running with a man named Robert ā€œRavenā€ Kraft in my hometown, Miami Beach. Ravens story requires more than a few paragraphs, but to some it up, this man has run 8 miles on the beach every single day since January 1st 1975. The run started out of heartbreak after he found out a hit song he had written was stolen from him.
Ravens dream is to have a hit. Him and I would discuss music every run (to date I have run with him over 220 times). We would fantasize about me learning guitar and him providing lyrics, starting a real rock and roll band.
In the winter of 2021 my job was on strike so I had a lot of extra downtime. I decided once again to pick up the guitar. This time, inspired my Ravens dedication, I decided I would play 1 hour a day, everyday, for the entire year of 2022.
By June, I was comfortable playing in front of my girlfriend. By October, my best friend was coming over once a week and we started forming songs. By November, we felt the music was good enough and all we were missing was lyrics.
We invited Raven over, who penned his 1701st song in about 10 minutes, our first single, Digging Her Grave.
Another runner joined us from Haiti and plays bass, another runner from Serbia came over and introduced his native Tambura to the band. Finally, a man named Bryan we found on Facebook came over and decided he wanted to produce the album.
In 2023 we became Raven and the Dark Shadows. Our first live performance was a disaster, but we regrouped and practiced more. We found a studio and recorded 10 tracks. Through my connections and Ravenā€™s fame we convinced Dave Abbruzzese (Pearl Jam), Ian Grushka (New Found Glory), Keli Gunnarson (Agent Fresco) and Dave Pastorious (tech 9) to guest on several tracks.
We released our album, An Unkindness, in November of 2023. To celebrate, we had a show at the Wolfsonian with over 150 people attending.
Jack Whiteā€™s Third Man Pressing is currently producing Blue and Yellow vinyl editions of An Unkindness that should be ready by the summer.
Our song Dracula just reached 30,000 streams. In addition to our music, I produced 4 music videos for our band. A fifth animated one will be out next week. Total views on YouTube are north of 20,000.
At a recent Florida Panthers hockey game, our song, Dead End Road, was played after the Panthers scored a goal. Itā€™s also been used at various Spring Training stadiums around Florida this spring. The Miami Marlins have it on their batting practice playlist. Our upcoming song ā€œFeel Like a Fugitiveā€ is on the Grand Theft Auto 6 soundtrack, and last year we played Stephen Kingā€™s 75th birthday bash.
We are currently preparing our second album. All the songs have demos, we just have to find the time to enter the studio and begin the process. We hope to have our second album released by October of 2024.
On January 1, 2025, Raven celebrates his 50th year of the streak. We are hoping for more exposure for the band when this happens.
I hope this inspires you all. In my mid 30s I definitely didnā€™t expect something like this to happen, but if you really commit to something, dreams can come true.
Iā€™d love to hear your thoughts on the project and the sound. Iā€™d also love to get recommendations on what we can do better, as we prepare for album number 2. Here is a link to our Spotify, thank you!
submitted by Fun-Truth-1134 to folkrock [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:33 Fun-Truth-1134 2 years ago I never had picked up a guitar. Today, Iā€™m in a successful rock band. AMA

Hey everyone,
Wanted to share this story to hopefully inspire some of you on this forum to pursue your passion musically.
Iā€™m 36 years old and grew up glued to VH1 and MTV. Some of my fondest memories as a kid were staying up late on New Years Eve watching the top 100 songs of the year countdown.
After discovering The Beatles through my parents vinyl collection, I asked for their CDā€™s for my 8th birthday. For my 9th birthday, I asked for an electric guitar. I only had that guitar for a couple weeks before my sisters complained and I had to trade it in for an acoustic. It was way too big and after unsuccessfully trying to play it I put it back in its case where it remained for a decade.
About every 5 years I would take it out and attempt to learn. When I got into my Alice In Chains phase senior year of high school I went for lessons but nothing stuck. When Chris Cornell died in 2017 I ordered a new guitar that night. Again, I gave up when I couldnā€™t form the chords.
In 2021 I started running with a man named Robert ā€œRavenā€ Kraft in my hometown, Miami Beach. Ravens story requires more than a few paragraphs, but to some it up, this man has run 8 miles on the beach every single day since January 1st 1975. The run started out of heartbreak after he found out a hit song he had written was stolen from him.
Ravens dream is to have a hit. Him and I would discuss music every run (to date I have run with him over 220 times). We would fantasize about me learning guitar and him providing lyrics, starting a real rock and roll band.
In the winter of 2021 my job was on strike so I had a lot of extra downtime. I decided once again to pick up the guitar. This time, inspired my Ravens dedication, I decided I would play 1 hour a day, everyday, for the entire year of 2022.
By June, I was comfortable playing in front of my girlfriend. By October, my best friend was coming over once a week and we started forming songs. By November, we felt the music was good enough and all we were missing was lyrics.
We invited Raven over, who penned his 1701st song in about 10 minutes, our first single, Digging Her Grave.
Another runner joined us from Haiti and plays bass, another runner from Serbia came over and introduced his native Tambura to the band. Finally, a man named Bryan we found on Facebook came over and decided he wanted to produce the album.
In 2023 we became Raven and the Dark Shadows. Our first live performance was a disaster, but we regrouped and practiced more. We found a studio and recorded 10 tracks. Through my connections and Ravenā€™s fame we convinced Dave Abbruzzese (Pearl Jam), Ian Grushka (New Found Glory), Keli Gunnarson (Agent Fresco) and Dave Pastorious (tech 9) to guest on several tracks.
We released our album, An Unkindness, in November of 2023. To celebrate, we had a show at the Wolfsonian with over 150 people attending.
Jack Whiteā€™s Third Man Pressing is currently producing Blue and Yellow vinyl editions of An Unkindness that should be ready by the summer.
Our song Dracula just reached 30,000 streams. In addition to our music, I produced 4 music videos for our band. A fifth animated one will be out next week. Total views on YouTube are north of 20,000.
At a recent Florida Panthers hockey game, our song, Dead End Road, was played after the Panthers scored a goal. Itā€™s also been used at various Spring Training stadiums around Florida this spring. The Miami Marlins have it on their batting practice playlist. Our upcoming song ā€œFeel Like a Fugitiveā€ is on the Grand Theft Auto 6 soundtrack, and last year we played Stephen Kingā€™s 75th birthday bash.
We are currently preparing our second album. All the songs have demos, we just have to find the time to enter the studio and begin the process. We hope to have our second album released by October of 2024.
On January 1, 2025, Raven celebrates his 50th year of the streak. We are hoping for more exposure for the band when this happens.
I hope this inspires you all. In my mid 30s I definitely didnā€™t expect something like this to happen, but if you really commit to something, dreams can come true.
Iā€™d love to hear your thoughts on the project and the sound. Iā€™d also love to get recommendations on what we can do better, as we prepare for album number 2. Here is a link to our Spotify, thank you!
submitted by Fun-Truth-1134 to rockabilly [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:33 SolidCompetitive2415 GF making me feel unheard, but Iā€™m certain of her love. Am I being a fool or just over reacting?

I 21M donā€™t really know how to deal with this anymore. My girlfriend 20F whom I love very much, and who Iā€™m sure loves me back just as much, have been together for quite some time. We have really good communication and try our best to understand each other. But thereā€™s always been this one little thing in the our relationship that has been bothering me since the start. My girlfriend doesnā€™t really know how to listen to me. She would either be talking about herself 24/7, which mind you I love hearing about, but on some minor instances, when I go through something big, I would only get 2 or 3 texts of ā€˜itā€™ll be betterā€™ and we will continue talking about her Macha and her favourite TV show. (We sometimes do long distance so we always update each other stuff) Itā€™s incredibly hard for me to share something ing with her because I feel like sheā€™s taking the bare minimum interest, and if Iā€™m telling the story about oh how I crossed a bridge, she would listen to me half way and start talking about how hard it is to cross a bridge and proud she is of me crossing that bridge without even letting me finish what I was saying. This is just an example and I hope you get the concept. Initially, I would let this pass thinking that, weā€™re all learning, no one taught us proper communication and conversation skills but I have been becoming frustrated more frequently now. I have been very very open about this and I have probably discussed this 10 times, about how I feel unheard and not seen in this relationship. I feel like Iā€™m not getting enough emotional support from her. It soemthing big happens to me, like a job offer etc, we would talk about it for 5 minutes of how sheā€™s so proud and how hard it was to get the job and thatā€™s that, she wouldnā€™t ask me where my job is, what itā€™s about, and we would start taking about her matcha yet again. I am really getting exhausted here now, I am not sure how to tackle this. The more I try to communicate this, the more I feel like I am telling her that ā€˜ what you talk about is less important ā€˜ than what I have I say. Which is defo not the case.
My question is, how did you deal with your partner in a similar situation, am I correct to assume that she needs to learn how to communicate better or am I being overly sensitive and asking too much of her?
Would appreciate any and all input. Cheers,
TL;DR Girlfriend is making me feel unheard, not sure how to tackle this.
submitted by SolidCompetitive2415 to OneY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:32 PGladys1111 I messed up my life and I deserve what I get

Iā€™ll try to make a longish story short.
I married young. My husband was abusive right off the bat. Not physically, but verbally and emotionally. He always had a roving eye and flirted with women right in front of me. He drank plenty and soon it turned into a raging pill addiction.
Being young and stupid I just went along with it. He even chased me out of the house with a loaded weapon once. I became scared of his constant mood swings and walked on eggshells to keep the peace. I just kind of blindly went along with everything. I was a stupid asshole with no boundaries. He bullied me and basically lived his life however he wanted and I was just frozen as a passive participant.
Time went on and I worked hard to get through school but also to help grow his business. I saved and made our money grow. In the end it made him more cocky because now with our combined effort he was the one making the money and I was the shitbag just behind the scenes with nothing to show for it.
After two decades of marriage I engaged in an affair. Like I said Iā€™m the asshole that deserves what I get. I was so desperate for company and affection that I let someone else who didnā€™t care about me at all into my life. I tried to end my marriage and my husband threatened to kill himeself so I stayed.
He eventually found out about my affair and started screaming at me daily. I said again we should get a divorce but he begged me not to go and to go to counseling. He continued to berate me daily saying I decimated him. Come to find out he had been screwing multiple women and even taking them on vacations.
He had been messaging women for years but saying it was just friends. This time I had proof but he said it was all my fault and that I taught him how to be a liar and how to be deceptive.
He makes me very unhappy but still refuses to want a divorce. I have filed but itā€™s going nowhere. Heā€™s also supposed to be out of the house on alternating weeks but he refuses to leave.
Last week I felt I was going to have a breakdown. I also got drunk and called my ex stupidly. Havenā€™t spoken in over a year because he blocked me when we were found out. Wanted to be a new man and re dedicate his life to the wife he loves. When I called him he said he didnā€™t even know what to say and that he made a promise to his wife. I just said ok and hung up.
I deserve to be treated like shit by everyone because Iā€™ve acted like shit and let people lie to me about caring for me when they donā€™t.
I donā€™t see any good in the world anymore, just liars and Iā€™m one of them.
submitted by PGladys1111 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:31 Maleficent_Look2161 My guy friend has such a big dick and I really wanna suck it but too shy to ask upfront

Recently, I started smoking weed more frequently and I started noticing my friends bulge more. He always was able to get the girl he wanted most of the time so I kinda speculated he was packing. He smokes a lot of weed and I decided to smoke more frequently too. I was a every other week smoker, then turned into an everyday everyday smoker. I liked weed cus it made me super horny for dick. I've heard from others that he has a huge cock. Were always together too so one day we met up with this girl who wanted to smoke with us. She was drunk too so she kept saying a lot of random shit until she said this.
"You know... ur friend here has a 10 inch dick and its thick af... I dont get how u haven't sucked his cock yet." Me and my bro were surprised by her statement.
"Do you know how many girls wanna be in that seat next to him... your in the perfect position and ur-"
Ur talking too much. Stfu" my friend said and she immediately got quiet. In my mind I was thinking "damn a 10 inch dick huh" I went on my phone and searched it up and my dick instantly got hard. There was no way his dick was this big. She left the car afterwards and my friend started looking at me.
"What?" I said looking at him.
"She was definitely right about my dick being that big" he said while smiling and grabbing his bulge.
"Ok, so? I'm not sucking ur dick..." I said nervously.
" I'll show u right now then. U dont have to suck it today but u might want to tmrw." He said while winking at me and pulling it out. It took everything in me not to go up and kiss his beautiful cock.
"Let me sleep on it" I said while blushing and all flustered. He started the car and drove me home. As I was getting out he slapped my ass and I just giggled and left instead of me usually cussing him out for it.
I'm here on my bed thinking about if I should really go for it. I've only jerked guys off before but I've always wanted to try ducking dick..especially with him. How should I go about it?
submitted by Maleficent_Look2161 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:31 Spunkythings Am I (28F), pregnant with twins, crazy for feeling like my husband (30M) is gaslighting and not supporting my thoughts on rehoming our dog (2.5M) who has bitten multiple times?

My husband (30M) and I (28F) got our second retriever who was already 75lbs at 9 months living in a small apartment with a full time nursing student. She said she just canā€™t give him the life he needs because of school and where she lives. We took him in. We started socializing him early on and I worked on training. I work from home so I can take time training, feeding, and providing attention to him. He had bit me a handful of times because he didnā€™t want to listen when I told him to stop or leave it (not touching him). Each time he had bitten me my husband questions me and asks ā€œwhat were you doing? Why would he bite youā€ or ā€œdonā€™t discipline him, you know heā€™s going to bite.ā€ Never does he asks if Iā€™m ok or come and handle the situation but instead say dismissive things like itā€™s my fault. We had taken him to the beach once and he was sitting with me on the beach while my husband was in the ocean. A toddler and dad came up to ask if they could pet him. I said yes! Next thing I know he bites the kid! I was mortified and anxious. Asked if heā€™s okay and they quickly walked away. I told my husband and he was not bothered by it. After that, any time we go on vacation I drop him off at boarding. One of the places, after watching him a few times, had told me ā€œthey are happy to watch our one dog but they canā€™t watch him.ā€ This boarding place is not only boarding but a board and train facility who is highly recommended in our community. Iā€™m embarrassed. He continues to bite and snap and my husband continues to dismiss and question me like ā€œwell why didnā€™t the dad come and get me when he bit his childā€ or ā€œyeah right, why would they watch one of our dogs and not himā€. I had multiple times told him Iā€™m concerned about our safety because he is unpredictable and is hard to train.
Mind you, Iā€™m the one that stays at home and works full time for the government, works as a pet sitter as a side hustle, manages the home (fixes things, and calls professionals out when needed), the pets, the vacations, and the finances (my husband just graduated medical school so he wasnā€™t making money and even now, I manage the finances). My husband and I both have advanced degrees but with him having been in medical school and now residency, I have the most flexibility to take care of basically everything. All Iā€™m asking for in my marriage is understanding, sympathy, and support (not that we have to agree on everything).
Iā€™ve been very unhappy in my own house and anxious when guests come over especially with little ones or pregnant friends.
I am tired of my husband saying ā€œhis experience with him is different and doesnā€™t see why I donā€™t want him.ā€ As a side note, my husband is like this with every ā€œmeā€ issue and dismisses toxic/concerning behavior from our dog and his mom. I was exhausted of his responses to everything serious and saying itā€™s fine or questioning me that I attempted s*****.
After my attempt, I tried telling my husband that we need to get him a behaviorist and/or training. I had called several places and got quotes. He told me and our therapist that he ā€œdoesnā€™t want to spend the money on it (really ā€œmy moneyā€) and that we can do it ourselvesā€ and he ā€œhonestly doesnā€™t think he needs training.ā€
I bit the bullet and paid for training because my husband is so desperate to keep him. Literally at the first assessment the trainer said ā€œI could see why you would be concerned. You have to decide what you want. Once you decide to start a family you have to think about what is best. He is a pretty dog and him sure he will quickly find a home if choose to do that. Youā€™re not a bad person for considering to rehome him.ā€
My mom tried talking to him about the dog and my momā€™s perspective is that came off as ā€œthis is a her problem and I donā€™t see the issue.ā€ Even recently, now that I am pregnant, his brothers have all agreed that our dog is a lot and that theyā€™ve all had to consider the safety of their babies.
My husband has told me ā€œyou donā€™t need to resent himā€ or how ā€œIā€™ll be a bad mom because I have favorites.ā€
This week my husband was bitten for the first time and he had drawn blood. My husband who is a doctor didnā€™t want to go get stitches from his work so I superglued his wound. He hasnā€™t told any of his friends, family, or his doctor friends. He continues to say ā€œyeah itā€™s a concern but I donā€™t think he will bite our childrenā€ and how ā€œit was his fault he got bitten in the first place.ā€
Iā€™m just tired of how my husband doesnā€™t think that this dog is a concern, that actually he is fine and doesnā€™t need help, and that he makes multiple comments about how I will be as a mother to my kids. I have tried and done everything. And it still feels like my husband picks the dog over my mental health, the safety of our family, and honestly what is best for our dog before he is put down.
Am I overreacting? How I treat my one dog vs my other animals will make me a bad parent? Am I delusional and should continue to give our dog a chance? Just need some perspective.
submitted by Spunkythings to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:30 SolidCompetitive2415 Girlfriend (20f) makes me feel unheard, but Iā€™m sure of her love for me. Am I being a fool? Or just overreacting

I 21M donā€™t really know how to deal with this anymore. My girlfriend 20F whom I love very much, and who Iā€™m sure loves me back just as much, have been together for quite some time. We have really good communication and try our best to understand each other. But thereā€™s always been this one little thing in the our relationship that has been bothering me since the start. My girlfriend doesnā€™t really know how to listen to me. She would either be talking about herself 24/7, which mind you I love hearing about, but on some minor instances, when I go through something big, I would only get 2 or 3 texts of ā€˜itā€™ll be betterā€™ and we will continue talking about her Macha and her favourite TV show. (We sometimes do long distance so we always update each other stuff) Itā€™s incredibly hard for me to share something ing with her because I feel like sheā€™s taking the bare minimum interest, and if Iā€™m telling the story about oh how I crossed a bridge, she would listen to me half way and start talking about how hard it is to cross a bridge and proud she is of me crossing that bridge without even letting me finish what I was saying. This is just an example and I hope you get the concept. Initially, I would let this pass thinking that, weā€™re all learning, no one taught us proper communication and conversation skills but I have been becoming frustrated more frequently now. I have been very very open about this and I have probably discussed this 10 times, about how I feel unheard and not seen in this relationship. I feel like Iā€™m not getting enough emotional support from her. It soemthing big happens to me, like a job offer etc, we would talk about it for 5 minutes of how sheā€™s so proud and how hard it was to get the job and thatā€™s that, she wouldnā€™t ask me where my job is, what itā€™s about, and we would start taking about her matcha yet again. I am really getting exhausted here now, I am not sure how to tackle this. The more I try to communicate this, the more I feel like I am telling her that ā€˜ what you talk about is less important ā€˜ than what I have I say. Which is defo not the case.
My question is, how did you deal with your partner in a similar situation, am I correct to assume that she needs to learn how to communicate better or am I being overly sensitive and asking too much of her?
Would appreciate any and all input. Cheers,
TL;DR Girlfriend is making me feel unheard, not sure how to tackle this.
submitted by SolidCompetitive2415 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:30 Mental_Bobcat9218 39 [M4F] Looking for my friend pretty please

Don't you need a buddy? I think you do. I'm sick of the same posts about nothing. I would definitely like to chat with women around my age!
I'm a man who works a lot, calm, cool but just in need of some random conversation.
I don't care if you're married, attached, divorced or if you no hair. Just be a decent woman who can chat, take a joke and most of all, laugh at inappropriate but sophisticated things.
I found one woman the last time I posted. There HAS to be more out there, right?
I'd prefer US time zones please.
If you need a friend, answer these several questions and we can get started.
Please leave your ASL and tell me a funny joke.
  1. What chat apps do you have and which do you prefer besides kik?
  2. Are you ok with me sending memes?
  3. Favorite part of your job?
  4. Met any good friends on here?
  5. What's something you're gonna eat today?
submitted by Mental_Bobcat9218 to Kikpals [link] [comments]
