Nicknames for lovers

For WRX Lovers

2012.10.18 17:10 TheBossIsWatching For WRX Lovers

/WRX is a place for Subaru fanatics to show off their rides, discuss modifications, mechanical issues, industry news, and more. It is not a place to buy/sell/trade or spread negativity/hate. Please read the rules, they will be enforced.

2021.10.11 19:36 Anxious-Spades13 ForChristmasLovers

This community is for all people who love Christmas and want to talk about it. If you make Christmas products feel free to share the link to your work, but please don't over do it. Let's talk about CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

2011.07.04 23:55 hacelepues Reddit's Home for Lotl-lovers

/axolotls is a place for owners to discuss, expand their knowledge, and share pictures of all topics related to axolotls. We believe it is essential to provide care advice that exceeds bare minimum standards, in order to enrich the lives of our beloved pets. Our ultimate goal is to create a safe environment for keepers to seek help and learn exceptional axolotl husbandry.

2024.06.02 07:03 spider-hug held a terrifying large creature for the first time today (C. elegans)

held a terrifying large creature for the first time today (C. elegans)
i bought my first Ts today at show me reptile show, a pair of tiny and perfectly gummy-like Cyriocosmus elegans! my dream for a while has been for my first Ts to be two sibling elegans and im happy to have fulfilled that now. im not sure on names but im thinking of calling them "lover" and "little foot". lover because when the one let me hold it, it stayed still on me while i prepared its temporary vial and i said "youre such a patient little lover", and little foot for visible reasons lol. as well as it being a fond nickname i call my cat, so it can be a cute shared thing. i love themmm
submitted by spider-hug to tarantulas [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:02 Fun_Guy_fire Not-So-Resistant Fire Child - Henrique Vasquez, Son Of Vulcan

"My son grew up knowing his parentage and history. And I'm proud of that." -Veronica Vasquez, Mother of Henrique
"He's weird. But I love him." -Miguel Vasquez, brother of Henrique


Henrique Aaron Vasquez




Son of Vulcan, Legacy of Mars


14 ("And a half." -Henrique)


July 17, 20XX


*Male , he/him , bisexual


The boy is tall for his age, at 5'11", for sure. His mocha colored skin has pink burn scars in many places, interestingly enough. His hair is a reddish brown with burnt toast colored ends. His eyes are a deep, dark brown that appear orange in the light. There's a star shaped birthmark on his neck and a large mole right between his eyebrows. His septum ring is a copper color that compliments his skin color well. He always wears the fire pendant his mother made him, it's a special keepsake (especially since he kind of ditched her in a way for wolves) he always appears tired (though he isnt) and his hands are covered in callouses.


"He's a very serious young man. But when he has a soft spot for you..? That smile comes right out." -Veronica Vasquez
Henrique is very set in his ways and is a very hard worker. He doesn't give up and seems colder when you first meet him. He cares deeply for his family and friends, but cares not about hid physical appearance. He gets angry often.


"Physical Appearance doesn't matter. Not to me, anyway." -Henrique Vasquez
*He's usually caught wear darker, warmer colors. Things like black, red, brown, orange, mostly in darker shades. 90% of the time, he wears dark jeans, a large, baggy hoodie or shirt, and tunic style shirts. He always wears the same shoes: dirty steel toed boots. His hair is unkempt and messy, though it's actually brushed. He has a pair of aviator goggles that he constantly wears, either on his face or ontop of his head. He has an apron that he keeps folded up in his pocket. Henrique constantly wears leather bracelets; and a hairtie around his wrist to be ready.


(Passive powers from beta powerlist)


Henrique grew up in Florida with his mother and older half-brother, Miguel, where he went to a private school focused on engineering and building. He was always aware of his heritage/parentage, though he didn't care much. It was just another useless fact about himself that he found boring. His mother always was telling him things along the lines of "you're destined for great things," and whatnot, but Henrique just brushed it off. He would rather just build things and listen to his hard rock music. That was the routine. Wake up, go to school or whatever, come home, grab a drink, then right out to his workshop in the garage. When he wasn't following routine, he was at his best friend's house. His best friend, Corey, just so happened to also have a workshop of sorts, where the two would work into the night on random projects. Once, they built an entire (small) train. If he wasn't with Corey, he was with Ollie and the two usually spent their time cooking and eating. Then? On his 14th birthday, Henry started hearing noises. He was curious, went to explore, and wound up training with Lupa. And now, here he is, at Camp Jupiter.


"Henrique Vasquez has a small family,simple and cozy." - Henrique's shop instructor, Mr. Davis
Veronica Vasquez - Mother, 38, lover of all things blue, good relationship with her sons, divorced
Miguel Vasquez - Half brother, 17, good relationship with Henry, sportsy kid
Baxter - dog,, Grew up with Henrique as his primary caretaker and friend, 3 years old, Dalmatian, loves to cuddle up to Henrh at night.


"My son is amazing, but he does have his.. issues." -Veronica Vazquez
-He grew up with diabetes, but he deals with it well and handles his own medical care for it. He's never needed his mother's help with it.
-henry's left leg, thigh and down, is a prosthetic and 99% of the time he walks with a cane, it was how he was born.
~Nail Biting (nervous)
~Hair Chewing (Childhood habit)
~Excessive Goggles Cleaning (embarrassed or flustered)
~Hard white knuckle grip (Angry or nervous)
~Cane tapping (Nervous)


Corey - best friend, engineering shop partner
Ollie - lunch table buddy, the two are prosthetic buddies as well [his arm]
Julia - Has a crush on Henry, Corey's sister


Food : Tamales
Drink : Black Coffee
Band : Rage Against The Machine
Color : Burnt Orange
Place : His Workshop
Song : Killing In The Name
Animal : Dalmatians
Style : Steampunk

Present Time

Henrique's arrival at Camp Jupiter's 'doorstep' was not too far from what he expected. He didn't have high hopes for it anyway. Lupa sure wasn't much help in getting there, and he'd only gotten to sit when riding the bus if he'd lifted his pant leg so that someone would let him sit. Stupid people with their, 'Go give your grandma her cane back, kiddo,' bullcrap. If a guy's got a cane, just give the poor guy a seat. Or atleast don't be a bitch about it. Henrique stood, or, leaned, near the camp's main building, fidgeting with a few cogs he'd been carrying around. This place is almost as weird as the wolf house, Henry tells himself silently, eyeing the passing people. He grasped his cane and righted his stance, well,, as right as his hobbling stance can be.
submitted by Fun_Guy_fire to CampJupiterRolePlay [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:18 BlizzDaWiz [LFA] Natalia, a human/half-elf daughter of two warring families that never worked out in the end.

[LFA] Natalia, a human/half-elf daughter of two warring families that never worked out in the end.
She's a 17 or 18-year old mage with two big features: hazel eyes with sleep-deprivation, and front-left side of her short hair that's kept uncut/longer than the rest (jet black, charcoal gray, or raven color).
A melancholic and tired bookworm who can still appreciate a good song, she could use some rest -maybe a hug too, but she doesn't know it. Clothes can range from: student, casual, runaway, adventurer, to even maid, whichever you prefer. Goth color scheme (optional).
D&D 5e Fantasy, but Modern is optional. Can be Warlock (Pact of the Tome) or Bard (Drum). Can be Human or Half-Elf. Subclass and/or subrace is up to artist interpretation.
2nd & 3rd pic: She has "Something on her shoulders", a weight she has yet to be free from. A burden she doesn't know how to carry. Potential warlock gimmick or just the "invisible" guilt and trauma.
*Backstory and full name at the bottom for those interested.
Her full name is: Fenenko Natalia Victorovna (Surname, First name, Patronymic Name), but she only goes by Natalia and any nickname from that.
Bare-bones backstory focusing only on her: As a daughter of two families that rarely got along, she's been disenchanted with the idea of love and has difficulty with affection. Sick of the schemes, hyperbolic arguments, and infidelities, she runs away and picks up the adventurer's lifestyle. Preferring to face hungry monsters and harsh weather rather than her own parents and their lovers, she searches for a place to settle down or a group that she can travel with.
submitted by BlizzDaWiz to characterdrawing [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:48 Padelle The great and tragic story of the Maormer Pirate-King of the North, Dethrendil

The great and tragic story of the Maormer Pirate-King of the North, Dethrendil
Just felt like sharing my character's story since I feel like this is my deepest and most interesting game to date.
He looks so great and miserable simultaneously, which perfectly encapsulates his character.
Pirate-King Dethrendil was born on the 11th of Morning Star, in the year 465 of the Second Era, to Lady Argena Cyres, who died in childbirth. He inherited the Scuttling Fleet (after Namira's Realm, the Scuttling Void) on the 5th of Evening Star, 501, following the mysterious death of his father, Lord Orthelos "The Cruel" Atmeris, the infamous Maormer exile and cannibal who raided the shores of the Sea of Ghosts flying the banners of his Daedric Mistress, Namira.
Dethrendil used to be known as "The Righteous", a just and benevolent ruler - at least towards his people. Following in his father's footsteps, he continued his Island conquest to the East, taking Solstheim from the Skaal tribes after a fierce war lasting many years.
He married Pirate-Queen Nalla len' Jalahsri Inlyn, and together they had many children. He cared deeply for them, especially his firstborn daughter, Malinée. After one of his raids in Telvannis he provoked the ire of the Telvanni magisters, who retaliated by sending an assassin to kill Malinée. This sent Dethrendil into depression, and a spiral from which he would never escape. War ensued, and his fleet proved too formidable even for the famous Telvanni sorcerers; Telvannis fell under Maormer control, but his fourth child Marlin lost his life after suffering deep wounds in battle. Fueled by rage and vengeance, Dethrendil ordered the execution of all his Telvanni prisoners and subjects, earning him the nickname "Deathbringer". The magisters wouldn't take this slight, and a feud began between Houses Demnevanni and Atmeris.
Through sheer determination, war and subterfuge, House Atmeris managed to come out on top, utterly dominating House Demnevanni, slaughtering child, after child, after child... but the Pirate-King lost his two remaining sons, Ferormo and Rothrim, to Demnevanni agents. After all this trauma, his sense of justice and honour had been completely obscured by his thirst for blood, and he would never be the same. As if that wasn't enough, his brother in law and best friend, Isanmetil "The Jewel" Inlyn, who was perhaps the only truly selfless and rational person in his life, was murdered by his own daughter, Brae, who was subsequently executed on Dethrendil's order after a brief civil war. Isanmetil's ghost still visits him to this day, if you were to believe a madman's word.
He still has two daughters left, Malinée - born only two months after the death of his firstborn, she received the same name in her honour - and Chimella. Likely because of the correlation to his fist daughter, he cared deeply for Malinée, nurtured and raised her personally to be his heir. He went on to conquer all of Vvardenfell, with the intent of leaving a great and prosperous kingdom to his daughter.
While Malinée is a noble woman, a beautiful and skilled duelist, and an expert when it comes to realm affairs, her sister Chimella is pretty much the opposite. A raider through and through, a mastermind of war, a cannibal and a deviant. Her desire to endear herself to her broken father, whose attentions were always directed to her sister, pushed her as far as to engage in a secret intimate relationship with him. She is undoubtedly the most powerful vassal in the Scuttling Fleet, and her ruthlessness knows no bound, even going as far as murdering her own bastard children for her gain. When Dethrendil dies - or, more likely, abdicates - there will surely be hostilities between the two sisters.
And this leads us to now, the year 592 of the Second Era, over 90 years after Dethrendil became Pirate-King, and he is tired. His enemies still know him and fear him as "Deathbringer", but to his close entourage, he is Dethrendil "The Tormented", only a shell of his former self. He is depressed, possessed, traumatised, haunted by ghosts; he drowns his sorrow in alcohol and incestuous relations, sickness constantly afflicts him. The only things pushing him forward are his love for his daughters, the support of his wife and his younger sister, and his unfaltering hatred for the Dunmer people. Though he still has many centuries ahead of him, his reign is close to the end.

The extent of his realm as of today, spanning all across the Sea of Ghosts, from the Host of Grayhome to the Telvannis archipelago, into all of Vvardenfell. (btw Reachfolk Whiterun went insane in Skyrim lol)

The people he has left. From left to right: his half-sister Jalahsri \"The Wolf\"; his wife, Pirate-Queen Nalla Inlyn (his sister's half-sister, but not related to him by blood); himself, Pirate-King Dethrendil \"The Tormented\"; his daughter, heir and steward, Malinée; and his other daughter, marshal and lover, Chimella.

The people he has lost: his third son, Marlin; his first son, Ferormo; his father, Lord Orthelos \"The Cruel\"; his first daughter, Malinée; his second son, Rothrim; his best friend Isanmetil \"The Jewel\".
submitted by Padelle to ElderKings [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:45 Deep-Mix-2274 (WWE NXT Spoilers) Introductory guide for the newest Superstar

Yo, it's me, it's De-Deep Mix, your fountain of wrestling knowledge, back with another introductory guide. This one is particularly special to me, because it's about a talent I've been high on for a long time - Ethan Page!
Page is a Canadian-Macedonian journeyman wrestler, who's been in the game for almost 20 years. His early days were spent in various tag teams, firstly working in Oh Canada, and then moving on to more notorious 'Murican promotions like PWG and Evolve. Page was struggling for a few years, since none of the major independents wanted to sign him, so therefore he founded his own promotion, Alpha-1Wrestling, stationed in Canada. Naturally, as all bookers do, he protected himself, and he even held the promotion's Tag Titles with... Cody Rhodes himself. Yap, the face of the company has been an Ethan Page guy for a long, long time.
His first break happened after over 10 years of grinding, when Impact Wrestling signed him to be... Chandler Park, Joseph Park's (aka Abyss') goofy cousin. Naturally, Page was nothing more than a punching bag, but he was able to show off his acting chops for a bit and earn respect by trying to get over a bad gimmick. Eventually, he went back to his real name, and soon thereafter he began teaming with long-time (but now former) friend, Josh Alexander, in a tag team called The North. As a pair of no-nonsense Canadian brawlers, the team dominated the tag division for 2 years, before Page left the company, and this earth, at the hands of Karate Man. It was his alter ego, it was Pandemic Wrestling, it was stupid.
AEW came calling, and Page signed with the company in 2021, almost immediately being put in another team with Scorpio Sky called Men of the Year, a pair of violent metrosexuals. Despite being an odd pair, the team found chemistry, and had a highly entertaining feud with Darby Allin and Sting. Afterwards, MOTY were added into Dan Lambert's American Top Team faction, a group of MMA fighters, which made sense since both Page and Sky had IRL credentials. However, this did little for them, and a forgettable feud with Chris Jericho's Inner Circle group is not even worth mentioning.
The team quietly split up, and Page joined The Firm, possibly one of the most random factions in modern wrestling history, that was supposed to be MJF's henchmen until they weren't. The group went their separate ways, but Page somehow remained in it, and he eventually started a LOOOOONG story with Matt Hardy where they were friends, lovers (nah I'm playin), enemies, and everything in between. Following that masterpiece of storytelling, Page was dropped down to Ring of Honor, AEW's sister promotion, where he racked up wins but ultimately didn't have a storyline to sink his teeth into., except a weird recruitment angle with Mark Sterling.
Page's nickname is All Ego, and that's essentially what his character is - a super cocky and arrogant, yet incredibly violent man that hides his psychotic nature under that gorgeous smile. Page has said his inspiration has always been The Rock, which is apparent, since Page is not only a great talker, but damn near a master of trash talking in general. His moveset is mainly power moves (finisher being Ego's Edge), but he isn't above using "Modern" maneuevers like dives or Slingshot Cutters now and then. Unfortunately, Page has always had a habit of dipping into "comedy", when he truthfully isn't that funny, and with a voice, build and style that he has, he shouldn't. Don't expect to see much of this side of him in NXT. Outside of wrestling, he has a YouTube channel where he collects toys and discusses other interests, so you might wanna check that out.
Overall, Page is a really, really good talent that will be at the top of NXT immediately. With a great look, awesome promos, and good in-ring skills, Ethan Page can be something like a bigger, more intense version of Dolph Ziggler in WWE, which is far from a bad place to be at.
Match recommendations:
Hope this guide helped to familiarize you with Ethan Page. See you next time !
submitted by Deep-Mix-2274 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:24 genZcommentary I'm watching Game of Thrones for the first time. Here are my thoughts on Season 1, Episode 4

Hello! I know, you’ve been waiting a long time for this, and I am so sorry for that, but it is time! I am finally watching Episode 4 of Game of Thrones!
I really am sorry for making you all wait this long. It’s been hard to find the time to do these the last couple of weeks, and I don’t really like breaking the viewings up if I can help it. But finally I have free time and I’m ready to go!
I did rewatch the first three episodes in preparation for this, just because I forgot most of the names and whatnot.
Episode 4- Cripples, bastards, and broken things
  1. Bran’s walking again? Nope, just having a dream. He was following a raven with a black jewel on its forehead. I’m sure that’s some kind of foreshadowing, maybe even some kind of precognition, but I have no idea what it could be.
We’ve got a new character. Theon called him “Hodor” and the guy said “Hodor” twice.
Why is Tyrion’s first question to Bran to ask him what he remembers about that day? This whole time I’ve been insisting Tyrion’s innocent but that was kind of an odd thing to ask. I still think it’s either Jaime or Baelish behind it, leaning towards Jaime. And look at that! Would a cold-blooded child killer give them handicapable plans so Bran can ride a horse again (though that would be a great way to make himself seem sympathetic).
Can’t blame Robb for being harsh toward Tyrion, since he suspects him of trying to kill Bran, or at least being complicit in the plot.
  1. lol I don’t normally like seeing characters being dicks but Theon is a bit of a smug dick himself, so it kind of tickles me to see Tyrion knock him down a peg or two. And there was exposition here! Apparently, Theon isn’t just Ned’s ward, he’s a captive. Theon’s father started some sort of rebellion and failed.
Okay, new character. Samwell Tarly of Horn Hill. Everyone’s making fat jokes about him, which seems a bit silly to me because he doesn’t look that fat to me. Fucking hell, this is hard to watch. Samwell can’t fight at all (seriously, I’m pretty sure Bran could beat him in a fight) and the Night’s Watch drill sergeant is making one of the recruits beat him with a blunt sword over and over. Ugh.
Jon has a good heart, defending Samwell. Awwwwww Sam is a big teddy bear and I want to give him a hug.
  1. Thank you again to Jorah “I sold people into slavery” Mormont for the exposition. The Dothraki have a city! Like, a permanent city, which is kind of surprising given their nomadic culture. I see Viserys has learned no humility whatsoever.
Daenerys is dressing like a Dothraki now. Oh, the Dothraki are afraid of the sea because their horses can’t drink the water. I guess that makes sense when horses are so central to your culture. Oh please, Jorah’s justification for selling people into slavery is that his wife was a gold digger? ZERO. SYMPATHY.
Ugh, Daenerys’ girlfriend is taking a bath with her brother, which is significantly less fun to watch than her scene with Daenerys. But I’m getting dragon exposition so I can’t complain! So people used to ride dragons. I really hope I get to see that because dragons are so fucking cool. “The breath of the greatest dragon forged the iron throne, which the usurper is keeping warm for me.” And it looks like it’s made of swords because it’s literally made of swords lol
I really like this character (just wish I could remember her name). Her fascination with dragons makes me feel a kinship with her and the things she says she’s seen sound super cool.
Okay, I don’t like this asshole, but I will admit that seeing her getting off while he’s naming dragons is weirdly erotic. Ugh… and just like that he ruins the whole thing.
  1. Uh… I think Sansa might not be grasping the potential consequences of having only girl children. She’s worried everyone will hate her, meanwhile I’m worried that Joffrey reminds me too much of Henry VIII lol
I don’t think Ned likes dealing with the mundanity of ruling a kingdom lol Then again, who would? I do actually agree that things like tourneys are good for the people though. It’s well-known that people need enrichment of some sort in their lives, and there was no television back then, and I doubt many commoners could read. I imagine things like tournaments were akin to holidays for them, looked forward to all year.
Ned’s got on his detective slippers. Apparently the last thing Jon Arryn wanted to read was the medieval version of a collection of birth records and death certificates. And his last words were “the seed is strong”. I have no idea what to make of this yet lol Also, Varys is a eunuch?
  1. I could never do what Arya does. I have a lousy sense of balance lol also I love how she just immediately rejects the idea of marrying a lord and having his kids, and leaves no room for argument. She’s so awesome.
Holy shit, Sam’s dad is horrible. He makes Tyrion’s dad look nice by comparison! At least Tywin never forced Tyrion to join the Night’s Watch under threat of death. I really do love the blossoming relationship between him and Jon. Since the Night’s Watch forces their members to swear off sex, I think Jon and Sam should be secret lovers. Vows of celibacy don’t count if it’s in the butt, as any good Catholic will tell you.
They call Varys “The Spider”? I love spiders! Baelish is being helpful to Ned, giving him all this info about Jon Arryn’s squire and his last days, but I don’t trust him. He fingered Tyrion for Bran’s attempted murder, and now he’s being shady as hell. He’s the only one going out of his way to “help” Ned. Why? Varys, Renly, and Pycelle help if asked, but they mostly mind their own business. Why is Baelish going out of his way to insert himself into Ned’s investigation? In a detective book, it would be because he’s trying to control the narrative or he’s spying on the hero on behalf of the real villain.
But he also seems almost too obviously shady, you know? Could be a red herring. But then again, fucking everyone seems shady on this show lol
  1. So Jon Arryn visited this Gendry guy several times before his death. He’s a blacksmith who made a horned helmet, who was questioned about his work, life, and mother. And Ned seemed to see something in him, hence his “Look at me” order. And he wants him to be a warrior instead of a blacksmith?
Oh, Ned immediately tells us what the deal is lol Gendry is Robert’s bastard son. Interesting point… Gendry said his mother had yellow hair. Who else has Robert slept with that has yellow hair? Cersei. Who had a black haired baby (like Gendry) who supposedly died in childbirth? Cersei. Maybe Gendry isn’t actually a bastard at all. Maybe he’s Robert and Cersei’s first child. If my theory that Joffrey and the other two aren’t Robert’s kids but Jaime’s is true, then maybe Cersei sent Gendry away because she wants her inbred Lannister kids on the throne instead of Robert’s kid! Gendry’s about the right age, too. Clearly older than Joffrey but not by much.
And maybe Jon Arryn figured that out and that’s why the Lannisters killed him!
  1. Uh… Robert likes to have group sex when Jaime’s on duty, and he insults Cersei while he does so? That’s pretty fucked up. Makes me sympathize with the Lannisters a little (but only a little). And Jaime fought in a battle with this guy, Ned’s soldier. They were laying siege to a place called Pyke, somebody named Thoros of Myr had a burning sword, one of the Greyjoy’s (Theon’s family) nearly took out this guy’s eye (Can somebody tell me in the comments what his name is? I must have missed it) and that’s how he got his scar. I’ve got it paused, I’m looking right at his face, and I do not see a scar anywhere lol
Two separate people have told Jon he’s in love with Sam, even if they were only saying it to be mocking. Jon had better actually fall in love with Sam or I am going to be disappointed lol Look at the lengths Jon’s going to to protect him!
Wow lol this whole training session is kind of embarrassing. Honestly, I wonder if Sam feels worse when it’s painfully obvious that no one’s even trying. Even though he’s kind of a dick about it, I do understand the drill sergeant’s point. How is Sam supposed to improve like this?
  1. Fuck, I hate Viserys. But holy shit, that was a great line. “The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands.” Like, damn!
“Sally on the side?” lmao Sam’s absolutely right though. It’s absurd that they need to be celibate, especially if the officers are going to brothels. Oh? Sam and Jon are talking about their sex lives and neither one has ever been with a girl? And Jon came close, but for some reason couldn’t… oh please be gay for each other. Please. Oh! He almost had sex with Ros! Tyrion and Theon have had sex with Ros!
Okay, maybe Sam’s not gay. He seems to like boobs lol but hey, he could be bisexual! Wait, why wouldn’t Ned tell Jon his mother’s name? Hell, we know her name (Wylla, if memory serves). I need to know more about Wylla, damn it! Something about the whole situation is not adding up! Why wouldn’t Ned talk to Jon about her? And if Ned is a good person, which I think he is, why wouldn’t he let Jon see her? The only reason I can imagine is she’s dead. But if she’s dead, why not tell him her name?
Wow. Jon refrains from sex so that he won’t put a child through what he went through. I respect the hell out of that. Or that’s just his excuse to cover up the fact that he doesn’t like girls lol Or he didn’t know where to put it! Lmao they’ve made physical contact, Jon and Sam! Next step is kissing! Let’s go! You know how men get when in the military!
The drill sergeant’s story of getting caught outside of the wall in the winter is chilling (badum tiss). I’m kind of in awe of him, and I understand how he views the world a little better. I can’t imagine the kind of circumstances of being forced to cannibalize your dead when trapped in a freezing storm. I don’t judge people for that. At school, my teacher talked about the Donner Party like they were monsters or something but I don’t blame them one bit for what they did. I’d do it too! If we were in a life or death situation, I would absolutely eat a person if it meant living.
  1. “I hit the dragon”. Yeah, it’s always scary to stand up to your abuser for the first time. Okay, Jorah may be an asshole slaver, but he’s got a good head on his shoulders. He’s almost certainly right: no one in the seven kingdoms is waiting for Viserys to come back and reclaim the throne. I love that Daenerys admitted out loud that Viserys will never take back the throne. She’s absolutely right, he’s worthless.
“Why do they call you Littlefinger?” lol I love Arya.
“Start the damn joust before I piss myself!” lmao so many awesome lines this episode.
Oh, new character. Gregor Clegane, whose nickname is “The Mountain”. He’s the Hound’s older brother. And Jon Arryn’s squire was just killed by Gregor Clegane. After Baelish made such a big deal of him being knighted so quickly I thought he’d have a more significant part to play.
I was freaking enraptured by Baelish’s telling the story of The Mountain and The Hound. What is it about that guy’s voice that just holds your attention? But anyway, now I know why the Hound’s face looks like that.
  1. I’m living for scenes of Ned and Cersei subtly threatening each other.
This is practically Shakespearean lol a comedy of errors! Cat just can’t go incognito no matter where she is! I love that Tyrion pointed her out immediately!
I just got introduced to a bunch of new houses and characters I haven’t met. I really don’t want to write all that down so maybe I’ll just skip it just this once lol
Dude, what the hell? Cat just arrested Tyrion but she has no evidence whatsoever that he did anything! All she has to go on is Baelish claiming the assassin’s dagger belonged to Tyrion. There is absolutely no way this ends well for her. If she has a trial for him, it’s going to come out that Tyrion’s innocent and then the Stark’s lose credibility on the whole thing going forward. Robert already sided with the Lannisters over Ned once, he’ll do it again.
Concluding thoughts: That was a great episode! I’m so happy to be back watching this show, even if I still barely know what’s going on at any given moment lol I can’t think of much to say or theorize about that I didn’t already in the body of the commentary so I’ll leave it there for now.
I can’t wait for the next one! Hopefully it won’t take nearly as long as this one.
submitted by genZcommentary to naath [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 12:31 Routine-Homework5433 My Hans crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday morning

My Hans crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday morning
Yesterday morning my Hans crossed the rainbow bridge. Last week he had a urethral blockage and was cleared successfully. He seemed to be doing better, going for walks with me outside, hanging out with me on the porch.
Past few years have been rough on my mental and physical health. Hans was definitely one of my rocks a constant form of love that has helped me. A huge void has been left in my life again and I will get by though. Great 5 years with him and I can't lie but it's a scary feeling without him. He just started to go for rides with me and the weather means we would hang out on the porch and go for walks on his harness. He loved flowers and his favorite rose bush is in full bloom. One of his nicknames was Hightower, for Bubba Smiths character in Police Academy. Big black guy who was a florist but gave you the impression he was someone not to mess with. He loved being with any kittens the ladies had and we have his son. Who laid down with him last night and kept kissing him. Was cuddling Hans when he took his last breath and when I picked him up to hug him. Had tears in his eyes as he is a big lover like Hans is.
Past few weeks been shitty, issues with my ex still going on. Charlenes 50th birthday and health issues past few weeks. This isn't helping at all and next few weeks is going to be shitty for me. Nothing a few head bumps, eye pokes and my mom screaming at him for being a prick could help.
I'm gonna miss him for the rest of my life. He was one of a kind and an angel disguised as a fat black little prick.
His legal name was Hans Gruber and went by Hansadoodledo Arthur Hansareli HansShcmigel Schmidt Handsome Hans Little Black Prick You little BlackMotherFucker Hansy Hansy BigBlackBalls
He was a god amongst men and animals.
submitted by Routine-Homework5433 to rainbowbridge [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 18:53 AdPlastic7988 Complex relationship between my best friend’s little brother (M19) and I (M22), is it worth maintaining, and what could his intentions be?

TLDR @ Bottom
I (m22) have had a close friend, we’ll call him M, (m19) for about 5-ish years. His older brothers are my best friends. Their family, who I’ve known for almost 15 years, ended up moving away about 7 years ago but I’m still in contact with all of them constantly, and I’ve seen them in person about once or twice a year. So M and I ended up playing Xbox together literally all of the time, this started about six years ago. I always thought there was something off about M, I don’t know if it was the way he just talked with me or what, but I always thought he may have been exploring his sexuality or questioning SOMETHING, because he was so unusually intimate with me, even when he was so young, like always saying sexual things that crossed the boundaries of what you’d say around your friends. He seemed to like having this genuine attachment to me because he just ALWAYS wanted to spend time with me over Xbox; which was really the only way we COULD spend time together, and I always found it to be a bit strange, but I never really questioned it. At the time, I was still questioning my bisexuality.
He’d always tell me how cute I was, he’d say how much he would miss me when we weren’t playing together, and he would just say things in a very intimate manner. I didn’t think anything of it, I just kinda of played along with it, I assumed it was just his weird young kid personality and that maybe he was questioning himself, so I just let him discover that side of him over time cause I know sexuality can be weird and sometimes scary, I understood that.
Starting around March of 2022, we started to grow much closer. He would send good morning and good night texts, we FaceTime a lot, and he’d always call me those nicknames that you would say to your significant other (babe, my love, sugar plum, baby boy, etc.) He told me that I was his favorite person, that I completed him; he wouldn’t know where he’d be without me. He’d say that he would be thinking about me all day. He’d say how I was his priority and that he couldn’t wait to see me in person. At one point, he said it was us against the world, and that he “was so proud to be with me”. He’d always tell me to drive safely if I was going somewhere. If I was acting down, he would check up on me, and every time I told him that I loved him, he’d always say that he loved me more. When I saw him in person at one point, we ended up getting drunk together and he refused to stop laying on top of me.
One night we were talking over FaceTime, and I asked if he truly wanted to give a relationship a shot, and he said it was whatever I wanted. The next day, I finally broke the ice and asked if he was experiencing feelings for me. He told me he didn’t, that he was just being appreciative, that he didn’t actually like me that way, and that he was simply “acting”. He told me he was going to stop being intimate and sexual after that. This took a massive toll on me emotionally and I was so unbelievably close to cutting him out of my life permanently because of what he had done, but deep down I was unable to. Contrary to what he said, he CONTINUED to treat me like I was the love of his life. We even texted each other every single day for over 2 months. I ended up simply forgetting about what he had said because I was simply convinced that he was closeted and scared of who he truly was. I had my sister go through and read some of our texts, and she said that he was 100% not straight and was suffering from internalized homophobia. I shared this story with his brother as well, and he believes that M just does not know how to draw a line and that he puts everyone on a pedestal. He told me that M hooks up with girls a lot and hangs around not-so-decent people his age.
Later on, though, he started to become distant. He would ghost me practically all day on social media, and when I’d confront him about it, he’d say he was just busy. He just didn’t seem like he wanted to talk to me anymore. I asked why he got so distant, and he just wouldn’t give me a straight answer, he said he thought of our friendship “differently” when he was always sexual and flirty with me, so he decided to stop. He said he didn’t want me to think it was something it wasn’t, and that he couldn’t “unsee or change that”. He was trying to turn it into an argument- saying how it wasn’t his intention to manipulate me and he didn’t know how I could blame him for that. I decided to remove him from Snapchat, which is the main way that we communicated because I felt so unbelievably disrespected. I needed some time away from him, and he texted me afterward thinking that I was going to kill/hurt myself.
After a couple of months, I decided to reach out and just ask how he was doing. We ended up FaceTiming to catch up a little bit and he CONTINUED to be flirty with me, like calling me handsome and saying that he wished I was in bed with him. I was honestly so fed up with how he just went back to his old self KNOWING that I didn’t like that. The next day, I reached out over text again and just told him how what he did was so disrespectful, and I asked why he treated me like I was the love of his life when I never was. He didn’t seem like he wanted to talk to me at all, and he thought I was “attacking” and “belittling” him for trying to get an answer. He got mad that I kept trying to bring the situation up. One thing he said that genuinely infuriated me was “I just don’t know how you think I can look at our friendship the same after what you told me”. I was like, are you kidding me? YOU treated me like I was your lover, what do you think I was gonna say?
There are some days when we will end up playing Xbox or texting, but it isn’t the same as it used to be. Two months ago, we ended up getting a bit close again (I’m stupid and shouldn’t have let it happen, but my feelings and curiosity got the best of me) and he started sending good morning texts and all that. This just sort of diminished after I felt that his communication was incredibly lackluster. He would go days, even weeks without responding to a text, and his excuse would be “I just do my own thing and forget to reach out’, but at the SAME TIME, he’d reach out and say that he’s been thinking about me and he wants to see how I am doing. It’s like two opposites that are completely illogical.
This situation has been very difficult for me to move on from and I feel like I’m just trying to always find an answer on what happened and why it happened, because it’s so illogical. I really did fall for him, I mean we spent so much time together and shared so many things, even to this day I have dreams about him constantly. I went no-contact with him for nearly 5 months and did not feel any better from it. What do you think his intentions were? Is it worth trying to maintain a friendship with him? Am I disrespecting myself for engaging with him at all?
TL;DR I've had a five-year friendship with M, who's younger than me. Despite living apart, we stayed close through Xbox, with M showing unusually intimate behavior. He called me affectionate names and acted like we were in a relationship, only to later claim he was just "acting." This caused me emotional pain, but he continued the intimate behavior. Eventually, M became distant and inconsistent, adding to my confusion and frustration. He occasionally reached out, sometimes flirting, but then pulled back. This rollercoaster has left me struggling to move on, seeking clarity about his true intentions, and questioning if maintaining any friendship with him is worth it.
submitted by AdPlastic7988 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 18:52 AdPlastic7988 Complex relationship between my best friend’s little brother (M19) and I (M22), what could his intentions be, and is it worth maintaining?

TLDR @ Bottom
I (m22) have had a close friend, we’ll call him M, (m19) for about 5-ish years. His older brothers are my best friends. Their family, who I’ve known for almost 15 years, ended up moving away about 7 years ago but I’m still in contact with all of them constantly, and I’ve seen them in person about once or twice a year. So M and I ended up playing Xbox together literally all of the time, this started about six years ago. I always thought there was something off about M, I don’t know if it was the way he just talked with me or what, but I always thought he may have been exploring his sexuality or questioning SOMETHING, because he was so unusually intimate with me, even when he was so young, like always saying sexual things that crossed the boundaries of what you’d say around your friends. He seemed to like having this genuine attachment to me because he just ALWAYS wanted to spend time with me over Xbox; which was really the only way we COULD spend time together, and I always found it to be a bit strange, but I never really questioned it. At the time, I was still questioning my bisexuality.
He’d always tell me how cute I was, he’d say how much he would miss me when we weren’t playing together, and he would just say things in a very intimate manner. I didn’t think anything of it, I just kinda of played along with it, I assumed it was just his weird young kid personality and that maybe he was questioning himself, so I just let him discover that side of him over time cause I know sexuality can be weird and sometimes scary, I understood that.
Starting around March of 2022, we started to grow much closer. He would send good morning and good night texts, we FaceTime a lot, and he’d always call me those nicknames that you would say to your significant other (babe, my love, sugar plum, baby boy, etc.) He told me that I was his favorite person, that I completed him; he wouldn’t know where he’d be without me. He’d say that he would be thinking about me all day. He’d say how I was his priority and that he couldn’t wait to see me in person. At one point, he said it was us against the world, and that he “was so proud to be with me”. He’d always tell me to drive safely if I was going somewhere. If I was acting down, he would check up on me, and every time I told him that I loved him, he’d always say that he loved me more. When I saw him in person at one point, we ended up getting drunk together and he refused to stop laying on top of me.
One night we were talking over FaceTime, and I asked if he truly wanted to give a relationship a shot, and he said it was whatever I wanted. The next day, I finally broke the ice and asked if he was experiencing feelings for me. He told me he didn’t, that he was just being appreciative, that he didn’t actually like me that way, and that he was simply “acting”. He told me he was going to stop being intimate and sexual after that. This took a massive toll on me emotionally and I was so unbelievably close to cutting him out of my life permanently because of what he had done, but deep down I was unable to. Contrary to what he said, he CONTINUED to treat me like I was the love of his life. We even texted each other every single day for over 2 months. I ended up simply forgetting about what he had said because I was simply convinced that he was closeted and scared of who he truly was. I had my sister go through and read some of our texts, and she said that he was 100% not straight and was suffering from internalized homophobia. I shared this story with his brother as well, and he believes that M just does not know how to draw a line and that he puts everyone on a pedestal. He told me that M hooks up with girls a lot and hangs around not-so-decent people his age.
Later on, though, he started to become distant. He would ghost me practically all day on social media, and when I’d confront him about it, he’d say he was just busy. He just didn’t seem like he wanted to talk to me anymore. I asked why he got so distant, and he just wouldn’t give me a straight answer, he said he thought of our friendship “differently” when he was always sexual and flirty with me, so he decided to stop. He said he didn’t want me to think it was something it wasn’t, and that he couldn’t “unsee or change that”. He was trying to turn it into an argument- saying how it wasn’t his intention to manipulate me and he didn’t know how I could blame him for that. I decided to remove him from Snapchat, which is the main way that we communicated because I felt so unbelievably disrespected. I needed some time away from him, and he texted me afterward thinking that I was going to kill/hurt myself.
After a couple of months, I decided to reach out and just ask how he was doing. We ended up FaceTiming to catch up a little bit and he CONTINUED to be flirty with me, like calling me handsome and saying that he wished I was in bed with him. I was honestly so fed up with how he just went back to his old self KNOWING that I didn’t like that. The next day, I reached out over text again and just told him how what he did was so disrespectful, and I asked why he treated me like I was the love of his life when I never was. He didn’t seem like he wanted to talk to me at all, and he thought I was “attacking” and “belittling” him for trying to get an answer. He got mad that I kept trying to bring the situation up. One thing he said that genuinely infuriated me was “I just don’t know how you think I can look at our friendship the same after what you told me”. I was like, are you kidding me? YOU treated me like I was your lover, what do you think I was gonna say?
There are some days when we will end up playing Xbox or texting, but it isn’t the same as it used to be. Two months ago, we ended up getting a bit close again (I’m stupid and shouldn’t have let it happen, but my feelings and curiosity got the best of me) and he started sending good morning texts and all that. This just sort of diminished after I felt that his communication was incredibly lackluster. He would go days, even weeks without responding to a text, and his excuse would be “I just do my own thing and forget to reach out’, but at the SAME TIME, he’d reach out and say that he’s been thinking about me and he wants to see how I am doing. It’s like two opposites that are completely illogical.
This situation has been very difficult for me to move on from and I feel like I’m just trying to always find an answer on what happened and why it happened, because it’s so illogical. I really did fall for him, I mean we spent so much time together and shared so many things, even to this day I have dreams about him constantly. I went no-contact with him for nearly 5 months and did not feel any better from it. What do you think his intentions were? Is it worth trying to maintain a friendship with him? Am I disrespecting myself for engaging with him at all?
TL;DR I've had a five-year friendship with M, who's younger than me. Despite living apart, we stayed close through Xbox, with M showing unusually intimate behavior. He called me affectionate names and acted like we were in a relationship, only to later claim he was just "acting." This caused me emotional pain, but he continued the intimate behavior. Eventually, M became distant and inconsistent, adding to my confusion and frustration. He occasionally reached out, sometimes flirting, but then pulled back. This rollercoaster has left me struggling to move on, seeking clarity about his true intentions, and questioning if maintaining any friendship with him is worth it.
submitted by AdPlastic7988 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 18:50 AdPlastic7988 Complex relationship between my best friend’s little brother (M19) and I (M22), is it worth maintaining?

TLDR @ Bottom
I (m22) have had a close friend, we’ll call him M, (m19) for about 5-ish years. His older brothers are my best friends. Their family, who I’ve known for almost 15 years, ended up moving away about 7 years ago but I’m still in contact with all of them constantly, and I’ve seen them in person about once or twice a year. So M and I ended up playing Xbox together literally all of the time, this started about six years ago. I always thought there was something off about M, I don’t know if it was the way he just talked with me or what, but I always thought he may have been exploring his sexuality or questioning SOMETHING, because he was so unusually intimate with me, even when he was so young, like always saying sexual things that crossed the boundaries of what you’d say around your friends. He seemed to like having this genuine attachment to me because he just ALWAYS wanted to spend time with me over Xbox; which was really the only way we COULD spend time together, and I always found it to be a bit strange, but I never really questioned it. At the time, I was still questioning my bisexuality.
He’d always tell me how cute I was, he’d say how much he would miss me when we weren’t playing together, and he would just say things in a very intimate manner. I didn’t think anything of it, I just kinda of played along with it, I assumed it was just his weird young kid personality and that maybe he was questioning himself, so I just let him discover that side of him over time cause I know sexuality can be weird and sometimes scary, I understood that.
Starting around March of 2022, we started to grow much closer. He would send good morning and good night texts, we FaceTime a lot, and he’d always call me those nicknames that you would say to your significant other (babe, my love, sugar plum, baby boy, etc.) He told me that I was his favorite person, that I completed him; he wouldn’t know where he’d be without me. He’d say that he would be thinking about me all day. He’d say how I was his priority and that he couldn’t wait to see me in person. At one point, he said it was us against the world, and that he “was so proud to be with me”. He’d always tell me to drive safely if I was going somewhere. If I was acting down, he would check up on me, and every time I told him that I loved him, he’d always say that he loved me more. When I saw him in person at one point, we ended up getting drunk together and he refused to stop laying on top of me.
One night we were talking over FaceTime, and I asked if he truly wanted to give a relationship a shot, and he said it was whatever I wanted. The next day, I finally broke the ice and asked if he was experiencing feelings for me. He told me he didn’t, that he was just being appreciative, that he didn’t actually like me that way, and that he was simply “acting”. He told me he was going to stop being intimate and sexual after that. This took a massive toll on me emotionally and I was so unbelievably close to cutting him out of my life permanently because of what he had done, but deep down I was unable to. Contrary to what he said, he CONTINUED to treat me like I was the love of his life. We even texted each other every single day for over 2 months. I ended up simply forgetting about what he had said because I was simply convinced that he was closeted and scared of who he truly was. I had my sister go through and read some of our texts, and she said that he was 100% not straight and was suffering from internalized homophobia. I shared this story with his brother as well, and he believes that M just does not know how to draw a line and that he puts everyone on a pedestal. He told me that M hooks up with girls a lot and hangs around not-so-decent people his age.
Later on, though, he started to become distant. He would ghost me practically all day on social media, and when I’d confront him about it, he’d say he was just busy. He just didn’t seem like he wanted to talk to me anymore. I asked why he got so distant, and he just wouldn’t give me a straight answer, he said he thought of our friendship “differently” when he was always sexual and flirty with me, so he decided to stop. He said he didn’t want me to think it was something it wasn’t, and that he couldn’t “unsee or change that”. He was trying to turn it into an argument- saying how it wasn’t his intention to manipulate me and he didn’t know how I could blame him for that. I decided to remove him from Snapchat, which is the main way that we communicated because I felt so unbelievably disrespected. I needed some time away from him, and he texted me afterward thinking that I was going to kill/hurt myself.
After a couple of months, I decided to reach out and just ask how he was doing. We ended up FaceTiming to catch up a little bit and he CONTINUED to be flirty with me, like calling me handsome and saying that he wished I was in bed with him. I was honestly so fed up with how he just went back to his old self KNOWING that I didn’t like that. The next day, I reached out over text again and just told him how what he did was so disrespectful, and I asked why he treated me like I was the love of his life when I never was. He didn’t seem like he wanted to talk to me at all, and he thought I was “attacking” and “belittling” him for trying to get an answer. He got mad that I kept trying to bring the situation up. One thing he said that genuinely infuriated me was “I just don’t know how you think I can look at our friendship the same after what you told me”. I was like, are you kidding me? YOU treated me like I was your lover, what do you think I was gonna say?
There are some days when we will end up playing Xbox or texting, but it isn’t the same as it used to be. Two months ago, we ended up getting a bit close again (I’m stupid and shouldn’t have let it happen, but my feelings and curiosity got the best of me) and he started sending good morning texts and all that. This just sort of diminished after I felt that his communication was incredibly lackluster. He would go days, even weeks without responding to a text, and his excuse would be “I just do my own thing and forget to reach out’, but at the SAME TIME, he’d reach out and say that he’s been thinking about me and he wants to see how I am doing. It’s like two opposites that are completely illogical.
This situation has been very difficult for me to move on from and I feel like I’m just trying to always find an answer on what happened and why it happened, because it’s so illogical. I really did fall for him, I mean we spent so much time together and shared so many things, even to this day I have dreams about him constantly. I went no-contact with him for nearly 5 months and did not feel any better from it. What do you think his intentions were? Is it worth trying to maintain a friendship with him? Am I disrespecting myself for engaging with him at all?
TL;DR I've had a five-year friendship with M, who's younger than me. Despite living apart, we stayed close through Xbox, with M showing unusually intimate behavior. He called me affectionate names and acted like we were in a relationship, only to later claim he was just "acting." This caused me emotional pain, but he continued the intimate behavior. Eventually, M became distant and inconsistent, adding to my confusion and frustration. He occasionally reached out, sometimes flirting, but then pulled back. This rollercoaster has left me struggling to move on, seeking clarity about his true intentions, and questioning if maintaining any friendship with him is worth it.
submitted by AdPlastic7988 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 18:48 AdPlastic7988 Complex relationship between my best friend’s little brother (M19) and I (M22), what do you think his intentions could be?

TLDR @ Bottom
I (m22) have had a close friend, we’ll call him M, (m19) for about 5-ish years. His older brothers are my best friends. Their family, who I’ve known for almost 15 years, ended up moving away about 7 years ago but I’m still in contact with all of them constantly, and I’ve seen them in person about once or twice a year. So M and I ended up playing Xbox together literally all of the time, this started about six years ago. I always thought there was something off about M, I don’t know if it was the way he just talked with me or what, but I always thought he may have been exploring his sexuality or questioning SOMETHING, because he was so unusually intimate with me, even when he was so young, like always saying sexual things that crossed the boundaries of what you’d say around your friends. He seemed to like having this genuine attachment to me because he just ALWAYS wanted to spend time with me over Xbox; which was really the only way we COULD spend time together, and I always found it to be a bit strange, but I never really questioned it. At the time, I was still questioning my bisexuality.
He’d always tell me how cute I was, he’d say how much he would miss me when we weren’t playing together, and he would just say things in a very intimate manner. I didn’t think anything of it, I just kinda of played along with it, I assumed it was just his weird young kid personality and that maybe he was questioning himself, so I just let him discover that side of him over time cause I know sexuality can be weird and sometimes scary, I understood that.
Starting around March of 2022, we started to grow much closer. He would send good morning and good night texts, we FaceTime a lot, and he’d always call me those nicknames that you would say to your significant other (babe, my love, sugar plum, baby boy, etc.) He told me that I was his favorite person, that I completed him; he wouldn’t know where he’d be without me. He’d say that he would be thinking about me all day. He’d say how I was his priority and that he couldn’t wait to see me in person. At one point, he said it was us against the world, and that he “was so proud to be with me”. He’d always tell me to drive safely if I was going somewhere. If I was acting down, he would check up on me, and every time I told him that I loved him, he’d always say that he loved me more. When I saw him in person at one point, we ended up getting drunk together and he refused to stop laying on top of me.
One night we were talking over FaceTime, and I asked if he truly wanted to give a relationship a shot, and he said it was whatever I wanted. The next day, I finally broke the ice and asked if he was experiencing feelings for me. He told me he didn’t, that he was just being appreciative, that he didn’t actually like me that way, and that he was simply “acting”. He told me he was going to stop being intimate and sexual after that. This took a massive toll on me emotionally and I was so unbelievably close to cutting him out of my life permanently because of what he had done, but deep down I was unable to. Contrary to what he said, he CONTINUED to treat me like I was the love of his life. We even texted each other every single day for over 2 months. I ended up simply forgetting about what he had said because I was simply convinced that he was closeted and scared of who he truly was. I had my sister go through and read some of our texts, and she said that he was 100% not straight and was suffering from internalized homophobia. I shared this story with his brother as well, and he believes that M just does not know how to draw a line and that he puts everyone on a pedestal. He told me that M hooks up with girls a lot and hangs around not-so-decent people his age.
Later on, though, he started to become distant. He would ghost me practically all day on social media, and when I’d confront him about it, he’d say he was just busy. He just didn’t seem like he wanted to talk to me anymore. I asked why he got so distant, and he just wouldn’t give me a straight answer, he said he thought of our friendship “differently” when he was always sexual and flirty with me, so he decided to stop. He said he didn’t want me to think it was something it wasn’t, and that he couldn’t “unsee or change that”. He was trying to turn it into an argument- saying how it wasn’t his intention to manipulate me and he didn’t know how I could blame him for that. I decided to remove him from Snapchat, which is the main way that we communicated because I felt so unbelievably disrespected. I needed some time away from him, and he texted me afterward thinking that I was going to kill/hurt myself.
After a couple of months, I decided to reach out and just ask how he was doing. We ended up FaceTiming to catch up a little bit and he CONTINUED to be flirty with me, like calling me handsome and saying that he wished I was in bed with him. I was honestly so fed up with how he just went back to his old self KNOWING that I didn’t like that. The next day, I reached out over text again and just told him how what he did was so disrespectful, and I asked why he treated me like I was the love of his life when I never was. He didn’t seem like he wanted to talk to me at all, and he thought I was “attacking” and “belittling” him for trying to get an answer. He got mad that I kept trying to bring the situation up. One thing he said that genuinely infuriated me was “I just don’t know how you think I can look at our friendship the same after what you told me”. I was like, are you kidding me? YOU treated me like I was your lover, what do you think I was gonna say?
There are some days when we will end up playing Xbox or texting, but it isn’t the same as it used to be. Two months ago, we ended up getting a bit close again (I’m stupid and shouldn’t have let it happen, but my feelings and curiosity got the best of me) and he started sending good morning texts and all that. This just sort of diminished after I felt that his communication was incredibly lackluster. He would go days, even weeks without responding to a text, and his excuse would be “I just do my own thing and forget to reach out’, but at the SAME TIME, he’d reach out and say that he’s been thinking about me and he wants to see how I am doing. It’s like two opposites that are completely illogical.
This situation has been very difficult for me to move on from and I feel like I’m just trying to always find an answer on what happened and why it happened, because it’s so illogical. I really did fall for him, I mean we spent so much time together and shared so many things, even to this day I have dreams about him constantly. I went no-contact with him for nearly 5 months and did not feel any better from it. What do you think his intentions were? Is it worth trying to maintain a friendship with him? Am I disrespecting myself for engaging with him at all?
TL;DR I've had a five-year friendship with M, who's younger than me. Despite living apart, we stayed close through Xbox, with M showing unusually intimate behavior. He called me affectionate names and acted like we were in a relationship, only to later claim he was just "acting." This caused me emotional pain, but he continued the intimate behavior. Eventually, M became distant and inconsistent, adding to my confusion and frustration. He occasionally reached out, sometimes flirting, but then pulled back. This rollercoaster has left me struggling to move on, seeking clarity about his true intentions, and questioning if maintaining any friendship with him is worth it.
submitted by AdPlastic7988 to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 18:47 AdPlastic7988 Complex relationship between my best friend’s little brother (M19) and I (M22), is it worth maintaining?

TLDR @ bottom
I (m22) have had a close friend, we’ll call him M, (m19) for about 5-ish years. His older brothers are my best friends. Their family, who I’ve known for almost 15 years, ended up moving away about 7 years ago but I’m still in contact with all of them constantly, and I’ve seen them in person about once or twice a year. So M and I ended up playing Xbox together literally all of the time, this started about six years ago. I always thought there was something off about M, I don’t know if it was the way he just talked with me or what, but I always thought he may have been exploring his sexuality or questioning SOMETHING, because he was so unusually intimate with me, even when he was so young, like always saying sexual things that crossed the boundaries of what you’d say around your friends. He seemed to like having this genuine attachment to me because he just ALWAYS wanted to spend time with me over Xbox; which was really the only way we COULD spend time together, and I always found it to be a bit strange, but I never really questioned it. At the time, I was still questioning my bisexuality.
He’d always tell me how cute I was, he’d say how much he would miss me when we weren’t playing together, and he would just say things in a very intimate manner. I didn’t think anything of it, I just kinda of played along with it, I assumed it was just his weird young kid personality and that maybe he was questioning himself, so I just let him discover that side of him over time cause I know sexuality can be weird and sometimes scary, I understood that.
Starting around March of 2022, we started to grow much closer. He would send good morning and good night texts, we FaceTime a lot, and he’d always call me those nicknames that you would say to your significant other (babe, my love, sugar plum, baby boy, etc.) He told me that I was his favorite person, that I completed him; he wouldn’t know where he’d be without me. He’d say that he would be thinking about me all day. He’d say how I was his priority and that he couldn’t wait to see me in person. At one point, he said it was us against the world, and that he “was so proud to be with me”. He’d always tell me to drive safely if I was going somewhere. If I was acting down, he would check up on me, and every time I told him that I loved him, he’d always say that he loved me more. When I saw him in person at one point, we ended up getting drunk together and he refused to stop laying on top of me.
One night we were talking over FaceTime, and I asked if he truly wanted to give a relationship a shot, and he said it was whatever I wanted. The next day, I finally broke the ice and asked if he was experiencing feelings for me. He told me he didn’t, that he was just being appreciative, that he didn’t actually like me that way, and that he was simply “acting”. He told me he was going to stop being intimate and sexual after that. This took a massive toll on me emotionally and I was so unbelievably close to cutting him out of my life permanently because of what he had done, but deep down I was unable to. Contrary to what he said, he CONTINUED to treat me like I was the love of his life. We even texted each other every single day for over 2 months. I ended up simply forgetting about what he had said because I was simply convinced that he was closeted and scared of who he truly was. I had my sister go through and read some of our texts, and she said that he was 100% not straight and was suffering from internalized homophobia. I shared this story with his brother as well, and he believes that M just does not know how to draw a line and that he puts everyone on a pedestal. He told me that M hooks up with girls a lot and hangs around not-so-decent people his age.
Later on, though, he started to become distant. He would ghost me practically all day on social media, and when I’d confront him about it, he’d say he was just busy. He just didn’t seem like he wanted to talk to me anymore. I asked why he got so distant, and he just wouldn’t give me a straight answer, he said he thought of our friendship “differently” when he was always sexual and flirty with me, so he decided to stop. He said he didn’t want me to think it was something it wasn’t, and that he couldn’t “unsee or change that”. He was trying to turn it into an argument- saying how it wasn’t his intention to manipulate me and he didn’t know how I could blame him for that. I decided to remove him from Snapchat, which is the main way that we communicated because I felt so unbelievably disrespected. I needed some time away from him, and he texted me afterward thinking that I was going to kill/hurt myself.
After a couple of months, I decided to reach out and just ask how he was doing. We ended up FaceTiming to catch up a little bit and he CONTINUED to be flirty with me, like calling me handsome and saying that he wished I was in bed with him. I was honestly so fed up with how he just went back to his old self KNOWING that I didn’t like that. The next day, I reached out over text again and just told him how what he did was so disrespectful, and I asked why he treated me like I was the love of his life when I never was. He didn’t seem like he wanted to talk to me at all, and he thought I was “attacking” and “belittling” him for trying to get an answer. He got mad that I kept trying to bring the situation up. One thing he said that genuinely infuriated me was “I just don’t know how you think I can look at our friendship the same after what you told me”. I was like, are you kidding me? YOU treated me like I was your lover, what do you think I was gonna say?
There are some days when we will end up playing Xbox or texting, but it isn’t the same as it used to be. Two months ago, we ended up getting a bit close again (I’m stupid and shouldn’t have let it happen, but my feelings and curiosity got the best of me) and he started sending good morning texts and all that. This just sort of diminished after I felt that his communication was incredibly lackluster. He would go days, even weeks without responding to a text, and his excuse would be “I just do my own thing and forget to reach out’, but at the SAME TIME, he’d reach out and say that he’s been thinking about me and he wants to see how I am doing. It’s like two opposites that are completely illogical.
This situation has been very difficult for me to move on from and I feel like I’m just trying to always find an answer on what happened and why it happened, because it’s so illogical. I really did fall for him, I mean we spent so much time together and shared so many things, even to this day I have dreams about him constantly. I went no-contact with him for nearly 5 months and did not feel any better from it. What do you think his intentions were? Is it worth trying to maintain a friendship with him? Am I disrespecting myself for engaging with him at all?
TL;DR I've had a five-year friendship with M, who's younger than me. Despite living apart, we stayed close through Xbox, with M showing unusually intimate behavior. He called me affectionate names and acted like we were in a relationship, only to later claim he was just "acting." This caused me emotional pain, but he continued the intimate behavior. Eventually, M became distant and inconsistent, adding to my confusion and frustration. He occasionally reached out, sometimes flirting, but then pulled back. This rollercoaster has left me struggling to move on, seeking clarity about his true intentions, and questioning if maintaining any friendship with him is worth it.
submitted by AdPlastic7988 to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 03:30 lettuceandcucumber How many people here are aware of Queen Anne's naming ceremony coming up?

They've been saying they expect tens of thousands of people to be watching along the Mersey but I feel like they're seriously overestimating those numbers with how little it seems to be advertised outside of Liverpool. They only announced Andrea Bocelli being a performer a few days ago and won't announce "The Godparent" of the ship who will be doing the ceremony until the 27th. Usually that's Queenie and then was Camilla 14 years ago the last time Cunard had a new ship. I'm thinking that it might be the Princess Royal, given the name.
But anyway, I was just curious as to how well advertised this is in Liverpool as I'll be visiting from Newcastle and I only know about this because I'm an ocean liner fanatic so follow ship news.
Explanation for the people who aren't ocean liner fanatics/don't read on if you don't care about the history or what this event means:
Cunard are the shipping company that built RMS Queen Mary and many of the most famous Transatlantic liners between 1850 to now alongside White Star Line (Titanic). Cunard's main offices reside in Liverpool, same for White Star which is why Titanic and Queen Mary are related to Liverpool. During the depression in the late 20s/early 30s, RMS Queen Mary's building was stalled for years until the government said "if Cunard and White Star merge, we will provide the money to finish Queen Mary". Queen Mary ended up saving tens of thousands of lives during WW2, earning the nickname The Grey Ghost, as well as being the fastest ship on the Atlantic. Unfortunately, once she went out of service, despite her once being the symbol of British pride, we thought she should be scrapped. So the city of Long Beach, California purchased her to save her and she still lives there today.
Cunard continued, launched the QE2, Queen Mary 2 (QM2), Queen Victoria and then the Queen Elizabeth. Queen Mary 2 is the only Transatlantic liner in the world. All Cunard Queens have been named by either the Queen or Camilla. Queen Anne is their first ship in 14 years. Liverpool is the home of Cunard and so she will have her naming ceremony take place there on June 3rd. It will be a free all day event with Andrea Bocelli performing and fireworks upon her departure after sunset.
If you are at all interested, there is a beautiful 7min long video on youtube called "The Last Great Cruise" that shows RMS Queen Mary's handover to long beach California. They had a huge party and I always cry along with the captain when he cries handing her over and says goodbye (and how right he was in Queen Mary being the last of the liners). But this video truly shows the impact of and love for Cunard ships and why you should take this opportunity to see one backed by fireworks and Andrea Bocelli singing. I mean, just look at the number of boats that came out to welcome her upon her arrival in long beach:
I swear I'm not working for Cunard, I'm just an avid ship lover who is incredibly excited about this event and wants to share my excitement with others.
submitted by lettuceandcucumber to Liverpool [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:05 Mackusz How would Legionnaires refer to their Primarch's SO?

An entertaining part of PrimarchGF-verse worldbuilding is nicknames that each primarch would give their Significant Other.
Of course, given how affectionate many of those nicknames are, not all could really be used by non-lover. Check, some more possessive primarchs might outright object to others using their special name.
So, it stands for a reason that most Legionaries would need their own term for their mother's SO. There doesn't seem to be much discussion on this topic. I think that most would actually not come up with very imaginative nicknames, and would use very generic terms:
"Funny" legions like Space Wolves could use something like "Step-dad" or "Mothers-Boyfriend".
"Mean" legions, or those who don't like their primarch very much or haven't got around to accept the SO could use something mildly demeaning like "Mothers toy" ("yeah quick warning there Neophyte, don't even think about breaking Mothers Toy").
"Stick-in-the mud" but not malicious legions would just use official position + real name.
I think most would default to "Uncle+Name", like "Uncle Bob". It's neutral, it's generic, it acknowledges closeness, but not too much.
Any other ideas?
submitted by Mackusz to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 18:10 heapasses [F4A] cute enemies to lovers

Hi! Im Heapass, or Worm, whatever you like lol Im 23 and have been role playing for about 10 years, and Im now coming here with a semi specific plot because Ive just had an itch for a cute enemies to lovers plot.
Just a few things first,
• I prefer to rp on discord, 3rd person, semi-lit to literate. Doesn’t have to be 10 paragraphs but more than just a few sentences please! • 20+ only. My rps are clean, I just feel icky rping with teenagers since Im in my mid 20s lol • If all of this sounds good to you and you decide to reach out, please provide your age, any preferred pronouns or nicknames, and a writing sample! Its much appreciated :)
If all that sounds good to you and you’ve decided to stick around, awesome! Now onto the good stuff
My plot is pretty simple. A cute modern slice of life, highschool (or college) enemies to lovers slowburn with my character Esmeralda, a firey, hot tempered, loud mouthed kid who’s first instinct is to fight, then maybe ask questions later if she cares enough to hear the answers. Ideally, your character can be whoever you think might fit! Someone equally as hard headed, maybe stand offish and quiet in comparison, whoever you like! I’d love to hear about any characters that you might think could fit.
Feel free to also ask any questions that pop in your head too, I love discussing characters or themes and world building for a fun long term rp :)
I think that’s it, so if all this sounds good to you I look forward to hearing from you!
submitted by heapasses to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 17:03 SheepherderSolid439 I (21F) am afraid that the relationship I have with my online friend (24M) is being more than I bargained for; any advice on how to handle it?

(Throwaway account)
I (21F), started playing D&D again during my college years; I happened on roll20, and through a series of events I met two of my online friends (20F) (Cali-girl (CG)) and (24M) (Denmark-dude (DD)). As you can see by the names, none of us are in the same time-zone; I'm on the east coast. I've known these two for about two years now; and I talk to DD more than CG (She has a full time job, and I'll send her weekly cheek-ins to make sure she's still alive). Now for some backstory:
When I first met DD and CG, it was through a D&D group, where we played at 6:00pm (the equivalent to 2am for DD), we'd play for about 4 hours and then we'd either chat, go to bed, etc. DD and I would sit and chat on call for a few hours before we'd hit the hay, and we hit it off. Later on the group disbanded and we all kept in touch; where DD brought us over to his group.
Then we didn't talk for a stretch of time outside of the group; till I sent him a message and we started chatting again; where I began my mornings saying good morning to him and my nights saying goodnight to him (since January it's become my routine); he expressed not liking pet names (I call everyone 'sweetpea' and 'darlin') so I usually use his first full name. Then after 3 months, he started doing it back, not everyday; but enough.
We chat everyday, even if it's just a quick 'hi' or a long in depth conversation.
Back when we first met, we all had made a rule that if we were ever in each other's state or country, never to meet up; never to show faces, that sort of thing. Now two years in; and one night he got drunk with some friends and sent me a message, saying how he felt like if we weren't separated by anything, we'd have some great adventures; to which I responded on how chaotic it would be; we conversed some more; and then he dropped that if I was ever in Denmark; to shoot him a text because he wouldn't mind meeting me; and I said like-wise if he was ever in my state. We spoke a bit about CG, and he ended the night calling me lover-girl.
He's never called me anything like that before; only my nickname because he doesn't know my first name. There's been the occasion where the conversation turns flirty but who doesn't flirt with their friends every once in a while?
So now, I'm sitting here; thinking back on our conversations, about how he showed he cares through small notions, he's always ready to help me through my emotions if I ever share out that I'm in distress or upset over something. He's been patient with me; when I've gotten insecure and asked if I annoy him or if he responds only out of politeness. He's been one of the nicest friends I have (which is ironic because he "hates" it when I'm nice or sweet to him). Copenhagen Denmark is one of my top places to go; due to wanting to see the Tivoli Gardens, and the many museums (including the national museum of Denmark which houses one of my favorite paintings to discuss "The Spoliarium"); if I had the funds and the safety I would absolutely go; my last thought would be meeting him, but it would be nice to do so.
Which brings me to my point, where I'm concerned about whether or not it might be best to distance myself from him for a while. I'm a person who isn't too trusting of new people or even of old friends (I have a bad insecurity on how I believe people think of me (ie. I think I'm annoying someone when I chat with them)); I have my own many reasons for that due to being told to hide emotions and to not see the best in people (getting taught the 'be a man' conversation by my dad); but here I am sharing things I've never told my irl friends with someone whom I consider my closest confidant. I'm worried about trusting him too much and it's going to hurt me or him.
TLDR; I met two online friends, one from California (CG) and one from Denmark (DD), through D&D on Roll20. I talk more with DD and developed a close friendship over two years, chatting daily. Despite feeling emotionally (platonically) connected, I'm considering distancing myself due to being too trusting and fear of getting hurt.
submitted by SheepherderSolid439 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:33 Hlorpy-Flatworm-1705 Triple, no, Quadruple the Fun!

The Fullmer County Records Department poated announcement that this year has had the highest number of quadruplets they have ever seen, with 8 lucky couples bringing home 4 babies each. Help them out by creating a list of names using the criteria below.
  1. Addison and Melanie Wexner were only joking a little when they told their son Oliver he could give their new baby a cars name. The humour then faded when he not only held them to it (in a guilting way only a 6 year old can) but when they found out theyd need 4 child-appropriate car names. While their three sons and daughter all have names in the top 100 most popular names, they can thank their big brother for their unique middle names.
  2. Mercedes Johnson lost her late husband, Jimmy, in a car accident but she gained four new babies to always keep his memory alive. She game her two daughters middle names that rhyme with her stepdaughter's Brynn and two sons middle names that rhyme with her stepson, John's name. All four of her children also have first names that start with J.
  3. What happens when you add four baby boys to a math teacher and English teachers lives? For Eric and Damien Hodges, it equaled four of the cutest authomathematician namesakes youve ever met.
  4. Greg Waldvogel figured agreeing to his wife naming their next child after someone from her favourite TV show so long as he couls name their first-born after his favourite football player, Tom Brady, despite her being a daughter. His wife, Rebecka, has never liked little Tommie's name but seems to have gotten the last laugh since her ultrasound showed that she not only gets to name their son after the queens on Rupaul's Drag Race, but she gets to name all four boys after the queens. Though Greg must admit, he is impressed that she managed to make their names work the way she did.
  5. Linguaphiles Jodi and Trey Sutherland were thrilled to find out they would be adding four new little girls to their household. Lovers of all things language, particularly archaic ones, the pair agreed when they had their first baby, Ire Eustolia, to give all their children beautiful yet rare names so they could share some of the love for names that history buried. Through their four daughters, who all have names from ancient times like their big sister, we think theyve continued to achieve their mission.
  6. Chase Lipiec was a little annoyed to admit that a political debate between his father and fiance, Rhea James, led to the names of their children. After becoming fed up with her father-in-law's blatant disregard for gender neutrality, she decided she not only was not going to have a gender reveal as her in-laws wanted but that all four babies would have gender neutral first and middle names. Sure enough, it wasnt until three weeks after their birth that it was revealed to the elder Lipiecs that they had three new granddaughters and a new grandson.
  7. Lovers of old school rap and R&B music, Chelsea and David Barnes decided to name their all of their kids after the singers from their wedding playlist. Though the 2012 playlist is a little dated by music standards, their daughter Aaliyah Sadé will be sharing the name compliments with her two brothers and two sisters.
  8. Hanleigh and Giordano Anastasi are avid travellers who are taking the next step in life by becoming parents. Though they didnt know the step would be so big and leave them scrambling to find enough names for their new litter, they still want to do the naming tradition of colour, American county, and a Sicilian name [a requirement of Gio's grandmother] that they had planned when they first started trying to create a family, even if the order gets switched around. Luckily, the full long names fit all four girls well, and there are plenty of nicknames to go around as well!
submitted by Hlorpy-Flatworm-1705 to namegames [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:50 bostonmovingcompany Why Move to Waltham, MA? Discover the Perfect Blend of History, Innovation, and Community

Why move to Waltham, MA? You’re standing on a charming street in Waltham, MA, surrounded by the vibrant hues of fall foliage while, the children laugh in a nearby park. Also, the neighbors chat warmly over fences, and the air is filled with the scent of autumn leaves. This isn’t just a postcard-perfect scene; it’s everyday life in Waltham. Known for its rich history, thriving economy, and strong sense of community, Waltham has become a magnet for homeowners and renters alike. But what truly sets this city apart? Let’s delve into the compelling reasons why moving to Waltham, MA, might be the best decision you make.

Why move to Waltham, MA?

A Rich Historical Tapestry
Waltham, often referred to as “The Watch City,” played a pivotal role in the American Industrial Revolution. The Waltham Watch Company, established in the mid-19th century, was a pioneer in mass production of watches, earning the city its nickname. Today, you can explore this fascinating history at the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation, housed in the original watch factory. Walking through Waltham’s historic downtown, you’ll find beautifully preserved buildings that whisper tales of the city’s industrious past.
A Hub for Education and Innovation
Why move to Waltham, MA? It’s a city that champions education and innovation. Waltham is home to renowned institutions like Brandeis University and Bentley University, attracting students and academics from across the globe. These universities not only provide excellent educational opportunities but also contribute to the city’s dynamic cultural scene. Waltham’s focus on education ensures a highly educated populace and a continuous influx of fresh ideas and talents.
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Waltham’s economic landscape is robust and diverse. The city hosts a multitude of businesses, from burgeoning startups to established multinational corporations. Being part of the Greater Boston area, Waltham is a hub for tech and biotech industries. According to recent statistics, the employment rate in Waltham is higher than the national average, with significant contributions from the healthcare, education, and technology sectors. This thriving economy offers ample job opportunities for both newcomers and long-term residents.
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Waltham isn’t just about work and education; it’s a place where families thrive. The city boasts top-rated schools, safe neighborhoods, and a wealth of recreational activities. From lush parks to community centers offering a variety of programs, Waltham is designed to support a high quality of life for families. Events like the annual Waltham Riverfest and Holiday Lighting bring the community together, creating a warm, welcoming environment.
Green Spaces and Outdoor Activities
Why move to Waltham, Ma? Despite its urban setting, Waltham is rich in green spaces. The scenic Charles River runs through the city, offering beautiful trails for walking, biking, and jogging. The nearby Prospect Hill Park provides breathtaking views of the Boston skyline and is perfect for hiking and picnicking. These green spaces allow residents to enjoy the great outdoors without leaving the city limits.
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Food lovers will find Waltham a paradise of culinary delights. The city’s restaurant scene is diverse, offering everything from fine dining to cozy cafes. Moody Street, known as “Restaurant Row,” is packed with eateries serving cuisines from around the world. Additionally, Waltham’s cultural attractions, such as the Waltham Symphony Orchestra and the Waltham Philharmonic Orchestra, provide enriching experiences for residents.
Strategic Location
Another compelling reason why move to Waltham, MA, is its strategic location. Just 10 miles from downtown Boston, Waltham offers the perfect balance of suburban tranquility and urban accessibility. Commuting to Boston for work or leisure is convenient, with multiple transportation options including the MBTA commuter rail and bus services.
Moving Tips from the Experts
Moving can be a daunting task, but with the right tips and planning, it can be a smooth transition. Here are some tips from Premium Q Moving and Storage, based on over 15 years of experience moving thousands of customers locally, long distance, and internationally:
  1. Plan Ahead: Start planning your move at least two months in advance. Create a timeline and checklist to stay organized.
  2. Declutter: Go through your belongings and decide what to keep, donate, or discard. This reduces the amount of stuff you need to move and can save you time and money.
  3. Pack Smart: Use high-quality packing materials like carpet shielding, shrink wrap, and rain-resistant rug runners to protect your items. Label boxes clearly to make unpacking easier.
  4. Hire Professional Movers: Choosing a reputable moving company like Premium Q Moving and Storage can make a significant difference. Our experienced team ensures your move is handled efficiently and safely.
  5. Stay Flexible: Moving can come with unexpected challenges. Stay flexible and have a backup plan to address any issues that arise.
Why Choose Premium Q Moving and Storage?
At Premium Q Moving and Storage, we live by our slogan, ‘We Move Lives, Not Things.’ This means we understand the emotional and logistical challenges of moving, and we’re committed to making the process as stress-free as possible. Whether you’re moving locally within Massachusetts or relocating from another state, our team is here to assist with all your moving and storage needs.
Why move to Waltham, MA? It offers a unique blend of history, education, innovation, and community spirit, making it an ideal place to call home. If you’re considering a move to this vibrant city, remember that planning ahead and choosing the right moving company can make all the difference. For a seamless moving experience, contact Premium Q Moving and Storage. We’re here to help you start your new chapter in Waltham with ease and confidence.
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2024.05.21 07:52 Necessary-Rabbit-340 The Chelsea Hotel

The Chelsea Hotel
Thanks to a lovely article by Prestige, I found out that The Chelsea Hotel is actually where Andy Warhol filmed his experimental film called "Chelsea Girls", which was essentially twelve reels of film strung together and shown on two projectors, side by side. This film starred Warhol's friends who all played themselves. One notable star in the film is Nico, a model and singer, member of The Velvet Underground in 1967, and made several solo albums during the 70s including her first album "Chelsea Girl". What stood out to me and made me want to look into her is the fact that she looks A LOT like Taylor. I mean the bangs are uncanny. When she was observing one of Andy Warhol's 1960s "happenings" she said "It's like the Red Sea Parting". YOU PART THE CROWD LIKE THE RED SEA! Her birth name is actually Christa Paffgen, but she got the nickname Nico from a photographer Herbert Tobias, after his ex boyfriend Nikos Papatakis.
Now why am I connected all these people to Taylor? because I think she connected herself with them with that "Chelsea Hotel" line. The concept of the twelve different reels, representing twelve different rooms/lives immediately made me think of the Lover house. Here's what made me immediately need to post in here about what I found:
Nico in \"Chelsea Girls\"
Nico in \"Chelsea Girls\"
Nico in \"Chelsea Girls\"
These are stills of Nico from Andy Warhol's "Chelsea Girls" movie. Tell me that does not look like the closet imagery we have seen from the Eras tour visuals!
peaking through the blinds taylor?
Also another interesting thing; this is what people allegedly had to say about Warhol's film
Homosexual, you say? Yes. Although I am unable to stream the film anywhere, I watched a recap of it on Youtube where they showed these clips and included were two men lying on a bed together, presumably a couple or hooking up.
All this to say, I feel that Taylor is seriously doubling down on the closet imagery as of lately, especially with the Eras tour visuals. Now that I've seen these photos of Nico, I definitely think this is where she got her inspiration for the midnights closet imagery.
submitted by Necessary-Rabbit-340 to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:02 rei_mayo I try to integrate my OCs and other characters in Honkai : Star Rail !

Hello !
So... I'm rei_mayo, and I have a little bit unrealistic project. I create OCs and I imagine characters in lore what would they be in game.
I'm French, so I'm sorry for my bad English ! I prefer precise that there is just original or official content in the post ! This is just from the currents versions of the game and from my head !
Since one year, I work in my free time on this project and there is multiple things :
-First part : the lore of the project, like the background and the location ;
-Second part : the relics, and the elevation materials ;
-Third part : the characters, and the banners ;
-Fourth and last part : the plot of the history (in the big lines).
I prefer to precise why I do this. When I play video games, I love to create characters when it's possible, and in MiHoYo games, it's not possible... But, create characters that only me like, it's very selfish, so I would like to present them to have notices if they are fantastic !

First part :

So, the history would be in a location called the "Shìjiè-Chuán of Xianzhou" (nb : mean Ship-World (世界船) in Chinese). The Shìjiè-Chuán is the capital and the most important part of the Alliance. A little time after Lan became an Aeon, Yaoshi asks to an Emanator to kill the Emperor of Xianzhou and to make a plague mark in the original planet of Xianzhou.
Lan discovers that and he purifies the planet, kill Abominations, destroys the plague mark. With the remains of the planet and the Xianzhouan (?) planet, he creates a huge boat, the Shìjiè-Chuán.
For comparative, the Shìjiè-Chuán is so huge that all the other boats can fit in with no problem. It's contains important locations like :
-The Judgment Palace : The place where the Ten Lords and the Generals Arbiters judges the most dangerous criminals. Despite the fact the criminals are jail in the Xuling, they really are judge in the Shìjiè-Chuán.
-The Starry Streets : Streets where neon, big screens and buildings are. The popular streets of the Shìjiè-Chuán, mix of tradition and modernity.
-The Fallen Garden : A garden where plants of all the planets who were saved by the Hunt are. It's also the place where the Yamato was before the Emanator of Lan gets him.
-The Shackling Prison : The prison of Xianzhou, where all the criminals of the Alliance are located. In the depths of the prison, just one person is remained... Shuhu, Emanator of Abundance.
-The siege of the Ten Lords Commission : The place where all the Ten Lords (not included the Fallen King and the Stellar Queen) are when there is no process. It's also the place where all the Judges, the Wraith Wardens and the Aurumations are when they don't have missions.
-The boats Goldsmithery : The place where the boats of the Alliance are repair. Actually, the Cangcheng is here for reparation after the destruction of Rahu.
-Other places... How to discover them ? Play~
And here is some clarifications !
So, who is the Marshals ?
In my idea, Hua is a false Marshal, to cover and hide the Shìjiè-Chuán, but she's really powerful. She would be a Fu Hua expy... And I will talk about her later...
The reals Marshals are Rei -The Fallen King- and Xingxing -The Stellar Queen-.
Rei is the Emanator (and the only) of Lan. Called the Fallen King because of a legend, he's considered like the most powerful person of the Alliance. He carries a divine katana called the Yamato-Shinigami. (nb : Yamato > Yama, Hindu god and judge of the dead. The Chinese god Yanluowang or Yanluo Wang has his origins in Yama. Shinigami > Death Kami). I will talk about him later.
Xingxing (nb : star (星星) in Chinese) is an Emanator of Nous and a Eclairor (?) of IX. Called the Stellar Queen because she uses stars with martial art for fight, she done renovations in the Shìjiè-Chuán for make it more modern. I will talk about her later too.
The Marshals are the boss of Xianzhou and of all the factions who follow the Hunt, like the Galaxy Rangers. They rule all the commissions, and are very important, but they rule different commissions. For example, The Fallen King rule the Cloud Knights, but the Stellar Queen rule the Artisanship Commission. The only Commission they rule together is the Ten Lords Commission.
Who is the Ten Lords ?
In my idea, the Ten Lords Commission would be composed with eight Lords and the two Marshals, and that would be the Ten Lords. In game, it's said that nobody knows where the commission is despite the members of the Commission them-self, but she would be in the Shìjiè-Chuán. The Ten Lords would be :
-The Fallen King ;
-The Stellar Queen ;
-Yuen (I will talk about her later) ;
-Styx, an Emanator of Finality and a member of the Galaxy Rangers (I will talk about him later);
-Athena (I will talk about her later) ;
-and other people... NPCs, so we don't care about them.
Who is really Hua ?
In my idea, Hua would be a "Marshal". When she (in my mind, she's a she) appears in public, she is the Marshal, but in the Shìjiè-Chuán, she's judge like a General. Her title would be the "Fenghuang" (nb : phoenix of Chinese mythology).She would be in the General of the Cangcheng when he would be repair.
But... The Cangcheng is destroyed, no ?
Yes, he was devoured by the activated planet Rahu. But in the year 8098 (so two years before the game), Rei destroyed Rahu (and killed ~10 000 000 000 of abominations). That liberated the remains of the Cangcheng, and Xianzhou is trying repair him.
Why Shuhu is in the prison ? Shouldn't be dead ?
Technically, she's in prison, but it's precised that nobody knows if it's the really Shuhu of not. In fact, in each prison of Xianzhou, a few reproductions mecha-organics were made by the Stellar Queen for hide the real Shuhu. In the Shìjiè-Chuán, she's just a spirit, seal in a transparant box cell. She just wants to talk with five persons : The Fallen King, the Stellar Queen, Yuen, Blade and Jing Yuan. The unique persons who know that Shuhu is alive are the Ten Lords, the Generals and the Stellaron Hunters. Her real body and remains are with the Abundance, but originally her remains were with Xianzhou, and her spirit was with the Abundance.
Now, here is some more lore that I created :
The Trinity of the Abundance :
If you never see Yaoshi, THEY have a lot of plants in THEIR representation. There is a wheat, a bramble, and a large tree.
I imagine that the members of Abundance considered that these three plants are divines. For them, the wheat represent the immortality, the bramble represent the price to pay for become immortal and the thanks to Yaoshi, and the tree represent the life the Abundance offer to the mortals.Traditionally, the Emanators must wear one of these three symbols. For example, Shuhu wears brambles for gives her blood to Yaoshi.
At the opposite, each plant that the Hunt has purified is considered as a sin. For example, each lotus in the Xianzhou Alliance is a sin for Abundance. But the lotus in the planets of Abundance are holy. The lotus is the incarnation of Yaoshi THEM-SELF, but only if it's in a planet of Abundance.
Rakshasa and Luocha :
If you know Luocha, I think I don't to explain that is said that he's related to the Abundance. And Luocha is an other name for "Rakshasa", a type of evil spirit of the Buddhist mythologize who are cannibals. So, I will tell you who they are :
So, after the planet of Luocha get destroyed and his wife gets killed under his eyes, Yaoshi gave to him immortality and powers to become an Emanator of Abundance. Luocha asks to resuscitated his wife, but Yaoshi tells that THEY will do that if Luocha destroys one of the different boats of the Xianzhou Alliance. But Luocha, who was a doctor in his original planet, cannot do that. But the time past, and he couldn't do that... But Yaoshi implants an sort of mara in him, like an evil spirit, so Luocha decided something.
I imagine that Luocha create a another corpse/puppet with remains of different corpses, and transverse the evil part of him in this, but not his powers and his immortality, to trying to find an another way to resuscitate his wife. He create a coffin with powers of Abundance for conserve the corpse of his love, and decided to leave the Abundance, and became a interstellar merchant for trying to discover how to resuscitate his wife.
But Yaoshi couldn't accept that. So THEY gave powers and life to the puppet contained Rakshasa, and THEY gave immortality. And Rakshasa became an Emanator of Yaoshi, for avenge him and Yaoshi. But because he was born from Luocha spirit, he has his savior of doctor.
Rakshasa tries, with Shuhu and the living planet Rahu, to destroy the Shìjiè-Chuán. But the Stellar Queen fought him, and "kill him". But Rakshasa false his death, and he takes with him the remains of Shuhu.
Rakshasa is known for his cannibalism and for his experiences. He's like a Dottore in term of personality, but more crazy and more psychopathic.
The Yamato-Shinigami and the divine spirits of the Hunt :
So, what is the Yamato-Shinigami ?
This saber is an odachi created by Lan, to purge the Abominations and for the Emanators of Lan. So, Lan created this saber with a galaxy and imaginary energy for this first Emanator, but when he dies, Lan hid the saber in the Shìjiè-Chuán for the next Emanator... A long time ago, Rei meditated in the Stellar Garden after the death of his mother, and the Yamato has called him. Since this event, he and the Yamato are lied and the odachi is his saber.
Lan doesn't choose the Carrier of the Yamato, but it's the saber himself who choose his owner. The saber has only two owners in his life : The first Emanator of Lan and Rei.
Lan doesn't place the powers he gives to his Emanator in the Emanator, he place the powers in the Yamato. More the Emanator does miracles and heroics acts, more the Emanator gain the power. Actually, Rei have 100% of his powers, but there is a state more powerful : the Resonance.The Resonance is a phenomenon that caused when the willpower of the Emanator and the willpower of the Yamato are the same, and the power of the Emanator are increase so much that the people say when the Fallen King reach this state temporary, he becomes powerful as a Aeon.
But this state can be permanent, if the willpower of Rei became so strong that him and the Yamato become just one. The spirit in the saber changes his form according to who is the person who meet him. And he doesn't fight, the spirit of the Yamato-Shinigami doesn't fight with Emanators. The Yamato measure ~225 cm/~7,3 feet, and his pound is unknown. (The pound depend of who carries the blade. Very light for the carrier but very heavy for the other)
But what are the divine spirits of the Hunt ?
Do you know the Lighting Lord ? I think yes.>! In the lore, it's "said" and showed that the past General of the Luofu, Teng Xiao, uses the Lightning Lord, like Jing Yuan. But not the same sword, because of the Starfall Reverie has been forged by Blade when he was Yingxing.!< So I imagined that :
The first Generals, when they passed away, Lan take there spirits and gives a lot of power. Since the creations of these spirits, they are give to the Generals, until they choose to retire. Then, it's give to the next Generals, and this cycle is repeated. These spirits are unlike of the spirit of the Yamato, because they don't give their powers and doesn't are in a weapon. Plus, the spirit of the Yamato can't fight with his carrier.
Technically, the General Arbiters are Emanators, like Rei, but the divine spirits changes all. Rei does have powers of Lan/The Hunt and he has the Yamato-Shinigami, but if he fights without, he changes nothing (just the fact that the Yamato uses as a multiplying for the slashes. But if the Generals fights without the spirits, it would changes. (it's a theory/created lore, so please, not rude in comments !)
So the divine spirits would be like the reasons why the Generals of the Hunt are considered as Emanators.
So, now, I think the first part is finish... Let's go to the second part !

Second part :

The relics :
For the relics, I imagine some relics and some planet ornaments :
1 : Set of the Tearful Child of the Moon :
Memories of the Moon's Child : Beyond dreams, the tearful child of the Moon remembers his mother during the day, and finds her again at night. The child of the Moon is said to protect his mother from nightmarish creatures as she searches for her lost husband among the stars.
Protective cuddly toy of the Moon's Child : Beyond dreams, the tearful child of the Moon protects his mother with his teddy bear during the day, and finds her again at night. It is said that the child of the Moon is always accompanied by his faithful teddy bear, which the Sun himself is said to have woven for him.
Moon's Child pajamas : Beyond dreams, the tearful child of the Moon protects his mother and walks the land by day, and finds her at night. The Moon Child is said to always be dressed in extremely light blue pajamas, and to protect him from any enemies he may encounter.
Warmth of the Moon's Child : Beyond dreams, the tearful child of the Moon protects his mother, the Moon, during the day, and joyfully reunites with her at night. It is said that the child of the Moon never despairs because of a gift from his mother, his maternal love.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases Imaginary DMG by 10%.
4 pcs : Increases CRIT rate by 15% and the CRIT DMGS by 25% for 2 turns after the porter uses his skill or his ultimate. Not cumulative.
2 : Set of the Blazing Goddess.
Divine Crown of the Blazing Goddess : A crown of incandescent flowers that ignite the hope of being rescued. The crown shines like a beacon for a castaway, and illuminates the hope of new and flourishing days.
Divine brambles and roses of the Blazing Goddess : Bracelets sinking into the flesh and blooming incandescent roses of blood, awakening Beauty to the divine state. It is said that these roses are the most beautiful in all existence, and that it only blooms in contact with the blood of Beauty.
Divine dress of the Blazing Goddess : A burning and brilliant dress, making even the stars admire it. The flames of this dress conceal inestimable treasures, the words and thoughts of Beauty, which leave in diamond whispers and stellar sighs.
Graceful step of the Graceful Grace of the Blazing Goddess : Beautiful shoes covered in burning flowers, growing roses with every step. It is said that the whole universe could not help but admire these flowers with their incandescent beauty, and that the flowers admired Beauty itself.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases DoT by 20%.
4 pcs : Increases DoT by 15% when an ally or the porter deals DoT to an enemy. Increases fire DMGS by 15% when the porter uses their ultimate. The effect lasts 2 turns and can be accumulate 3 times.
3 : Set of the Keeper of the Fighting Will.
Ancient helmet of the Keeper of the Will : An old ancient helmet found on the ashes of a battlefield. When putting it on, you can hear the soldiers screaming and fighting, while the previous owner of this helmet beat to the rhythm to galvanize his troops.
Galvanizing Wands and Drum of the Will : Ancient drumsticks accompanied by a drum found on an old battlefield. If you strike the drum even once with the old sticks, you can feel your body filling with the will to fight.
Ancient chain mail of the Keeper of the Will : An old, slightly battered piece of mail, found on an old battlefield. Despite the age of the armor, it shines with a burning brilliance of an insatiable will to win and fight.
Ancient sandals of the Keeper of the Will : Old solid wooden sandals found on an ancient battlefield. When we put them on, a thrill spreads through our body, and a will to victory and battle is triggered.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increase Energy Regeneration Rate by 20%
4 pcs : For each enemy eliminated thanks to the porter's ultimate, increase the Energy Regeneration Rate by 5% and the DMGS by 15% for all the allies for 2 turns. The effect can be accumulated 3 times.
4 : Set of the Hopeless Plague Doctor.
Terrifying mask of the Hopeless Plague Doctor : The mask of a doctor who kills, destroys, and inoculates plague and immortality to the mortals. The hope go away and the despair arrives, to condemned all the patients, and give their blood to the greatest of the greatest Aeon, the Abundance.
Needle claws of the Hopeless Plague Doctor : The claws of a doctor who kills, destroys, and inoculates plague and immortality to the mortals. The plague in one, the despair in another, the immortality in another and the last takes the blood of the patients to give to THEM.
Calamity dress of the Hopeless Plague Doctor : The dress of a doctor who kills, destroys, and inoculates plague and immortality to the mortals. The blood and the suffer of all the people who became patients of this mad doctor are in this dress... But there is also the benediction of the Abundance.
Bloody boots of the Hopeless Plague Doctor : The boots of a doctor who kills, destroys, and inoculates plague and immortality to the mortals. Blood. Just blood. Only blood. Blood of THEM. Blood of Abundance. But serve as the shoes of the doctor. Of the mad doctor.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases Max HP by 15%.
4 pcs : When the wearer consumed their HP or the allies's HP, their CRIT Rate and their CRIT DMGS get increased by 6% for 2 turns. This effect can be accumulated 4 times.
5 : Set of the Godly Hope Doctor.
Kindly mask of the Godly Hope Doctor : The mask of the doctor who has acceded to the redemption. Before, he was a Emanator, who tries to destroy for heals his love. But now, he's a doctor, a healer, and a benefactor... Despite his kind mask, a deep sadness live in his spirit, but he always live with his mask who hide his suffer.
Holy gloves of the Godly Hope Doctor : The gloves and the pendant of a doctor. The redemption and the kindness breathe in those objects, who have heals so many people. An holy energy can be feel in these accessories, and all the kindness of a man who loved his wife live in this.
Greatest coat of the Godly Hope Doctor : The coat of the doctor who heals all his patients. In this coat, all of the kindness and the healing power of this doctor are concentrate, but there is, hide in the depths of the clothe, a melancholy... A melancholy of his ancient planet.
Divine boots of the Godly Hope Doctor : The boots of the doctor who always heals his allies. In those shoes, all the journey of this doctor is gathered... Even if a kindness is present, the deep sorrow of all the travels that is here.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases Max HP by 15%.
4 pcs : When the wearer heals their HP or the allies's HP, their Outgoing Healing and their ATK increase by 20% during 2 turns. This effect can be accumulated 4 times.
6 : Set of the All-mighty Burning Father.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases Max HP by 20%.
4 : When the wearer deals Break DMGS or Super Break DMGS, the wearer and the allies gains Stack of "Blazing Child", up to maximum 6 stacks. "Blazing Child" increase the HP, the Break DMGS and the Super Break DMGS by 20% for each stack, and when the wearer gains 6 stacks, then the Energy Regeneration Rate increase by 10% and the Super Break DMGS increase by 50%.
Now, it's time to present the planet ornaments !
1 : ~Set of the Judgment Ship~
Judgment Palace of the Shìjiè-Chuán of Xianzhou : Sealed within this planar sphere is Shìjiè-Chuán, sacred land of Xianzhou. The World Ship floats and admires a new starry landscape every year to escape the abominations. You can see the Palace of Judgment, the Star Garden, the Goldsmith of Ships, and all kinds of other places, each one as important and fabulous as the last.
Promise of the Lovers of the Shìjiè-Chuán of Xianzhou : In Shìjiè-Chuán, it is said that the wind and rain bring back the dreams and promises of old. And some say that the promise of two lovers kissing in the rain can be heard in the Star Garden.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases the CRIT DMGS by 25%. If the CRIT Rate reaches 40/50, the CRIT DMGS are increase by 25%/35%, and the CRIT DMGS are increase by 10% each time that the porter uses their ultimate. The effect can be accumulated 2 times, and lasts 3 turns.
2 : ~Set of the Floral Echo of the Ashes~
Flowering ashes of Fjoralys : Sealed within this planar sphere is Fjoralys, a once flowery and warm planet. When the Destruction came, life and people on the planet all died. Not one survived. Except a little girl, daughter of the stars. Now, flowers of yesteryear rise from the ashes of Destruction, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
Star goldwork of Fjoralys : In the flames of Fjoralys's destruction, only the stars and a little girl witnessed the massacre. And when life, flowers, and trees resurfaced, the stars cried with joy, washing the earth of all this sadness to put, in its place, colorful joy and flowers... Thousands of them.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases DoT by 12%. If the wearer deals DoT to an enemy, then the DoT dealt to enemies increases by 26%.
So, let's go to the next part !
3 : ~Set of the Duality of the Rulers~
Starry Yin and fallen Yang of the duality of Rulers : Sealed in this planar sphere are two complementary wills, that of the two rulers of Xianzhou, a brother and a sister. Depending on the inclination of the sphere, we can see different memories appear and disappear, like fleeting winds facing the erosion of time.
Brotherhood of the duality of Rulers : Tears, blood, joy and friendship are condensed in these threads of destiny. It is said that the years erode certain things, but the threads of destiny grow and become denser to the rhythm of the emotions of the two Rulers.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases Break effect by 12%. Each time that the wearer or an ally deals Super Break DMGS, the wearer gains a stack of "Rule of Flame", up to maximum 4 stack(s). A stack of Rule of Flames increases Break Effect by 20%.
4 : ~Set of the activated planet Rahu~
Floral sea of ​​lotuses of Abundance : Sealed within this planar sphere is the living planet Rahu, eater of Cangcheng and guardian of the lotus scourge. It is said that the living planet blows billions of lotus petals that rip the life force from humans and offer them to the abominations. On this planet lies its heart, the lotus floral sea, where abominations and Emanators bathe in the human suffering.
Bridge of Immortal Hope of Abundance : It is said that every Emanator must pass through the "bridge of immortal hope" if he wants to be in total symbiosis with his body. This bridge was carved from the flesh and blood of Yaoshi, after THEY fought with the Emanator of Lan thousands of years ago, and it now glows a beautiful blood red, and screams the damned who did not know how to listen to their bodies.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases the CRIT DMGS by 10%. If the HP of the wearer reaches 3000 or more, then their CRIT DMGS increases 20% more. Each 1000 HP more than 3000 HP increase the CRIT Rate by 5%.
5 : ~Set of the Sacred Land of Annihilators~
Sacred Temple of Annihilating Destruction : Sealed within this planar sphere are the ashes of the old and new worlds, in the form of the Temple of Destruction. Everything in this palace has been destroyed by Nanook and THEIR Ravager Lords, and the Antimatter Legion pines and enjoys the suffering extinguished by the devastating breath of Destruction itself.
Petals and sobs of annihilating Destruction : On the planets that the Legion destroys, the Ravager Lords always bring back two things, a person, the sole survivor, and flower petals sticky with blood. The petals then mingle with the sobs of the last living creature, creating pitifully perfect flowers and trees.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases ATK at 14%. If the HP of the wearer reaches 4000/5000 or more, then the DMGS of their ultimate and their skill increases by 15/25%.
6 : ???
2 pcs : ???
4 pcs : ???
7 : ???
2 pcs : ???
4 pcs : ???
So now, the elevation materials !
The Hunt : Ancient runny cord of the Divine Bow :
A thread who was once part of the Divine Bow of the Aeon of the Hunt, and who was emit after of a battle. It's now a shooting star. Used to level up Traces slightly for Hunt characters.
Purge Echo of the Divine Bow :
An image of the bow that Lan uses, who remain in the space and the time after THEY throw an arrow. Used to level up Traces moderately for Hunt characters.
Full Incarnation of the Divine Bow :
The bow that Lan uses, constitute by imaginary energy and stars, who can destroy space-times and galaxies. Used to level up Traces significantly for Hunt characters.
The Nihility : Fragment of lazy memory :
A glowing fragment of the memory of someone who has been blessed by the Nihility. Used to level up Traces slightly for Nihility characters.
Once nihilistic reminiscence :
The glowing piece of the memory of a past Eclairor of the Nihility. The rare images of the memories are colorless. Used to level up Traces moderately for Nihility characters.
Memory of an Auto-Annihilator :
A red glowing jewel, who contain all the life of an Auto-Annihilator. All the memories are scramble by the black sun. Used to level up Traces slightly for Nihility characters.
The Abundance : Godless tear of the Abundance :
Plague of the Immortal :
Suffering of the thousand recoveries :
The Harmony : (I don't have ideas, sorry T^T)
And for the other paths... You have to wait (Sorry T^T)

Third part :

For the order of apparition of the characters, it would be :
?.0 : Xixian (first phase) 5 star Harmony ; Thunde Yuen (second phase) 5 star Erudition ; Wind, with 4 star character
?.1 : Rakshasa (first phase) 5 star Abundance ; Ice/ Hua (second phase) 5 star Fire ; Destruction, with 4 star character
?.2 : Xingxing (first phase) 5 star Nihility ; Fire/ Rei (second phase) 5 star Hunt ; Imaginary
?.3 : Shuhu (first phase) 5 star Abundance ; Quantum/ Athena (second phase) Harmony ; Wind, with 4 star character
?.4 : Elio (first phase) 5 star Preservation ; Thunder (can change)/ Styx (second phase) 5 star Erudition ; Quantum.
So, who is Xixian ?
Xixian is the Lieutenant of the Shìjiè-Chuán. She's around 60, and she's a long-life specie. She wears a artificial arm, because Rakshasa cut off her arm during the battle of the Shìjiè-Chuán. She trusts the Fallen King and the Stellar Queen, but she's a little overprotective in them.
Xixian is a character of the Harmony who can increase different stats depending on the Path of the character. If it's a Destruction/Hunt/Erudition character, she can increase CRIT DMGS and ATK. If it's a Preservation character, she can increase DEF. If it's a Nihility character, she can increase the Effect Hit Rate and the DoT DMGS. If it's a Abundance character, she can increase the Outgoing Healing Boost. And if it's a Harmony character, she can increase ERR. Her bonus can last for 1 turn. Her ultimate can increase the duration of the bonus of the characters to 2 more turns.
So, who is Yuen ?
Yuen is one of the Ten Lords. Nicknamed as the Erudite, she's the most younger person named in the post of one of the Ten Lords. Despite the fact she's still a child/teenager, she's very wise and intelligent, and she's a very good strategist.
Yuen is a character of the Erudition that inflict wind DMGS. Her technique and her ultimate would change with her talent, Condensation. For example, less enemies are here, more DMGS are inflict : 5-4 enemies in the battlefield : Effect Zone ; 3 enemies in the battlefield : Burst ; 2 - 1 enemies in the battlefield : Unique target. But don't worry, you can choose what type of attack the skill does. Her talent can also increases her CRIT DMGS and ATK.
So, who is Rakshasa ?
Rakshasa is an Emanator of the Abundance, and he was the evil part of Luocha. His body was simply a puppet, but Yaoshi make his body organic... So he would be very flexible. He would fight with needle-gloves.
Rakshasa is a character of the Abundance who can heal... But with a particular way ! So, all the allies have a effect at the beginning of the battle : "Holy Sacrifice", who is his talent. When a character lost HP, the Holy Sacrifice absorbs his loss of HP, until a limit. The skill of Luocha can release the Holy Sacrifice for heals the ally, and makes the effect reborn. Release the Holy Sacrifice can increase the DMGS and the ATK of Rakshasa. Also, his talent take some allies's HP in each turn to increases the Holy Sacrifice. His ultimate, who would be an Burst, can uses the HP of the allies to increase the DMGS and the CRIT DMGS of Rakshasa, and then, he attacks the enemy/enemies. Then, he releases the Holy Sacrifice of all the characters to heal them.
His VA would be the same of Luocha, Craig Lee Thomas.
So, who is Hua ?
Hua is a sort of Marshal of Xianzhou. Even if in public, she appears as the Marshal, she's in reality the future General of the Cangcheng, and she possesses the divine spirit of the boat, the Inferno-Empress. Her nickname is the Fenghuang.
The Inferno-Empress would appears like a gigantic phoenix.
Hua is a character of the Destruction who deals Fire DMGS, but also Super Break Effect. So, the Inferno-Empress would be like the Lightning-Lord, but when shes uses her ultimate, the Inferno-Empress merges with her and she enters in the "Fenghuang" state. When she's in this state, every attack that Hua uses consumes her HP. But, each time that her HP get consumed, her Break Effect increase. The state lasts for 2 turns, and she inflects Super Break Effect. At the end, a sort of a ultimate attack is trigger and all the HP (even the HP that are not here, for example, if her max HP is 10000, but she only has 8000 HP, then her HP are going to be in -2000) are consumed and the Break Effect is increase in a certain value for each 500 HP that are consume, and she inflicts DMGS and Super Break Effect for the enemies who are in Weakness Break. She cans heal herself with the DMGS that she has done, but the heal cannot exceed 75% of her HP ! The Inferno-Empress deals Fire DMGS, and Super Break Effect to the enemies who are in Weakness Break.
So, who is Xingxing ?
Xingxing is one of the two Marshals of Xianzhou, the Stellar Queen, an Emanator of the Erudition, an Eclairor of the Nihility and one of the Ten Lords. She's the possessor of the Stellar Marks, a gift of the Erudition who can permits to create micro-stars and stellar flames to fight. With the power of the Nihility, she create black holes also for fight.
She's 17 years old, and she would uses the same model as for March !
Xingxing is a character of the Nihility who deals Fire DMGS. She cans add more DoT on enemies who already have DoT with her special DoT : Starburn, who can also inflects Burn. Starburn is inflect to the enemies with her skill and her ultimate. She can also reach multiple enemies because she does effect zone attacks. Her talent can increases the DoT DMGS she does to the enemies depending on their HP.
Her VA would be Judy Alice Lee (VA of Melinoë).
So, who is Rei ?
Rei is one of the two Marshals of Xianzhou, the Carrier of the Yamato-Shinigami, the unique Emanator of the Hunt, the chief of the Galaxy Rangers and one of the Ten Lords. Anyway, he's a very important person of the Xianzhou Alliance. He's from a forgotten planet, who has been destroyed by the Abundance. Rescued by the past Marshal, Lingyue when he was six years old, he quickly became one of the greatest fighter of the Alliance at his teenage years.
He is 19 years old, and he is around 1m96/~6,43 feet. (so I think he's one of the most tall character.). He's VERY muscular, and very handsome (according to me)
Rei is a Hunt character (an Emanator of this path) who deals Imaginary DMGS. His gameplay would be concentrate in the CRIT DMGS. Depending on the attacks, it's giving to him "Fallen Royalty" accumulations. When he has a certain number of this accumulation, he entering in the "Fallen King" state, who increased his CRIT rate and his CRIT DMGS and reinforce his skill and his ultimate. For his ultimate, it increases his CRIT rate and his CRIT DMGS, and he gives 9 slashes to the enemy. When he's in the "Fallen King" state, it's would increase his CRIT rate and CRIT DMGS, also gives XIII (4, 4, and 5) slashes to an enemy. For each slash that are a CRIT hit, an additional slash is inflect. Each additional slash increases the Rei's CRIT DMGS, and they do a CRIT vulnerability. If all the all the additional slashes has been concluded, then a last additional slash is inflect. When he does CRIT DMGS when he uses his ultimate in the "Fallen King" state, it's does another hit in the enemy.
Here is his description :
"One of the two Marshals of the Xianzhou Alliance, the Carrier of the Yamato, the Emanator of Lan and the Fallen King. Feared by his enemies, respected by his allies. He always wears a fickle smile, and he always brings death with him.
Lan, the Reignbow Arbiter entrust the Yamato to Rei, the greatest weapon of all the Alliance. As a great strategist, he's also a good brother. He knows all the Stellaron Hunters, and he's apparently in a relation with the Stellaron Hunter named Blade..."
His VA would be Kaiji Tang (the VA of Gojo).
So, who is Shuhu ?
Shuhu is an Emanator of Yaoshi, considered as the "daughter of the Abundance". She's always with a scythe made with the body of Yaoshi and with the bones of her victims. She has a very sense of the sadism and she hates the humanity for all they have done to her.
Shuhu is a character of the Abundance who deals Quantum DMGS. She has three skills : One where she consumes the HP of the allies for increase DMGS and CRIT DMGS, and she attacks the enemies. An other where she consumes her HP for increase DMGS and CRIT DMGS, and where she attacks the enemies. And the last where she attacks the enemies for steal the HP of the enemies for heals her and the allies. In her ultimate, she consumes her HP and the allies's HP for increase her DMGS, her CRIT DMGS and her CRIT rate, and she attacks the enemies for steal the enemies's HP and heals the allies.
So, who is Athena ?
Athena is one of the Ten Lords, nicknamed as the Protector. She's always with a owl named Zhìhuì (nb : wisdom in Chinese (智慧)), and is a real master of the strategy and the war inventions, but she's also one of the more oldest members of the Ten Lords.
Athena is a character of the Harmony who can increase the DMGS and the ATK of the allies with her skill. Her talent can increase all the allies's RES PEN and their SPD. Her ultimate can increase all the allies's CRIT DMGS for 2 turns, for a chosen ally, she cans place her owl for 2 turns, who inflict additional DMGS on the enemy/enemies who the ally attacks. Also, if the ally get attack, the owl defend them with a counterattack.
So, who is Elio ?
Elio is the chef of the Stellaron Hunters (and if you don't know that, you must haven't touch HSR). I imagine him as a cat (practically not imagine, because it's quite official, but not official, so you know), but he uses his puppet... I doesn't draw him because I know that his design already be... You know what. I imagine him very kind and mysterious.
Elio is a character of the Preservation who can predict the DMGS of the allies. His skill would be a shield. For his ultimate, it's would add a status for all the allies and him : "Forecast of the Script". This effect would last one turn, and would cancel all the DMGS the allies receive.
So, who is Styx ?

Fourth part :

The history would be in the Shìjiè-Chuán, and here is the principal plot :
First quest : " You and the Astral Express receive a mysterious call of Jing Yuan, who telling you that he have something important to said to you. The thing in question is that is a feast for the "saviors of the Luofu" (the Nameless) in the... Shìjiè-Chuán ?! Not time for chatting, Jing Yuan gives you the localisation of the mysterious ship, and the Astral Express start his new journey... "
Second quest : " After a few warp jumps, you finally reach the Shìjiè-Chuán, capital of the Xianzhou Alliance. After meet all of the Generals and the Lieutenant Xixian, it's finally the time for you to meet the Ten Lords, including the Fallen King and the Stellar Queen, real Marshals of the Alliance... "
Other quests...? You have to play~
The quest would be a quest long as Penacony... Maybe a little more... And there would be all the Nameless... Yes, Pom-Pom in the quest and he would use his powers ! If he has powers.
In the final boss of the Shìjiè-Chuán, the music would be like, if it's possible, of the song "Bad Apple". In the battle, the people singing for encouraging the ones who are fighting the final boss.
In the 1st phase, it's would be only the divine spirits who singing.
In the 2nd phase, it's would be all the soldiers and the divines spirits who singing.
In the 3rd and the final phase, it's would be all Xianzhou Alliance (yes, Lan included too !) who singing.
The "R" attack ( like the Dan Heng attack during the Phantylia fight ) would be all the divine spirits and the two Marshals conferring their power to the Trailblazer, and then, he/she slashes the boss.
So, it's the end of the post... If you have questions for clarify something, you can in comments, and I would be respond with pleasure !
Bye byeeeeee !
submitted by rei_mayo to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:14 kronmatron Evil Encounters

🎵Fever Ray- Triangle Walks
I had made so many moves that I didn't know what I wrote, what I deleted, or whom I involved, but I was sure I had engaged the account I was messaging with from somewhere.
Although the message seemed like a scam, the sender's name evoked amusing associations for me. It was as if it had been inspired by the name of Charles Bradlaugh, the one true love (no, not Shaw) of Annie Besant. I wondered, "Had it haunted me from the theosophy profiles I browsed?"
Even if it was a scam, I wanted to thank the name's owner for their creativity.
Breadlaugh3- Hi, I’m an art collector and I’m interested in one of your artworks.
M.Besant- Nft fraud. You play cheap for such a creative name.
Breadlaugh3- Do you like the name?
M. Besant- Very much.
Breadlaugh3- Oh why?
M.Besant- Reminded me of a friend.
Breadlaugh3- Was your friend a bread?
M.Besant- Lol, yeah… I had a friend who was a baguette.
Breadlaugh3- What are you doing now?
M.Besant- Waiting for my bread to rise.
Breadlaugh3- Are you making your friend?
M.Besant- What?
Breadlaugh3- You said your friend was a bread…
M.Besant- Oh, lol, yes, I’m making my baguette friend by my own hands.
Breadlaugh3- Where are you from?
M.Besant- Didn’t you learn while you were interested in my artwork?
Breadlaugh3- What do you do?
M.Besant- Fraud auditor. I report guys like you.
M.Besant- From States?
Breadlaugh3-No, why?
M.Besant- That’s a USA thing to say “Ok” to interesting things.
Breadlaugh3- Oh, I don’t know that…
M.Besant- Where are you from?
M.Besant- Sure.
I wished I hadn't had coffee. I was wide awake.
M.Besant- Ok Panama, let’s call it bad luck.
Breadlaugh3- What’s bad luck?
M. Besant- You sent a scam right when I was making bread in the pan, and you’re from “Pan-ama” and your nickname sounds like Annie Besant’s lover.
Breadlaugh3- Who’s she? You? Is your name Annie?
M.Besant- Yes, I’m Annie and Annie’s bored.
Breadlaugh3- Ok. Annie, I’m interested in one of your artworks.
I was starting to get angry.
M.Besant- Still trying? I don’t have artwork! Are you blind or what? I have posts about my book and none of them are brilliant pieces of art, you fool! You scammers never evolve, never!
Breadlaugh3- Why are you angry with me?
M. Besant- Angry “at”! You scammers never check your English…
Breadlaugh3- Sorry for bad English. I’m trying to learn lol
M.Besant- What’s so funny?
Breadlaugh3- I don’t know.
M.Besant- Whatever. Next time, go message an old lady or something.
Breadlaugh3- Who’s she?
M. Besant- My aunt!
Breadlaugh3- But I’m interested in one of your artworks!
I gave a break to put the bread in the oven, tidied up the kitchen a bit, and came back. I took one last sip of my coffee. In the past, when we were naive, we used to play with the Ouija board for fun... The way this thing, which I doubted was even human, wrote was just like those demons we unintentionally invited. It was struggling and writing with a dim-witted mind.
As I was about to block the account, a voice inside me told me to ask what they were interested in.
M. Besant- Ok, which one I wonder…
Breadlaugh3- There’s this one with the kids…
M.Besant- It’s my book cover, you fool. I call you a fool because you still think you can trick me.
Breadlaugh3- No, not the cover, the writing.
M. Besant- What writing? Do you mean the book name Kronmatron?
Breadlaugh3- Yes, but not the whole.
M. Besant- What the are you talking about? Ok, that’s enough.

I took the last sip of my coffee, put the cup in the dishwasher, and came back. There was no new message. As I was about to block the account, a message came.

Breadlaugh3- I want the “O” only.

I recoiled in horror. It felt like all the blood in my body suddenly rushed to my brain. Still, to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding, I asked:

“O with the X?”
“No, just O, don’t put the X”

At that moment, I was completely certain of what I was dealing with.
M. Besant- How dare you, hellhound, how dare you! I send hundreds like you to hell every night and it takes less than a second for me to grab you by the scruff of your neck with my two nails and send you to the depths of where you came from!
Breadlaugh3- What? Why? Did I say something wrong?
M. Besant- You are all wrong! Your creation is made of wrongs!
Then, trembling with rage, I quickly blocked the account. It was my fault. I was looking for trouble, and I found it. As I hurried to repent and recite the necessary prayers, I remembered I had drunk wine during the day. Demons like alcoholic drinks because they make them themselves. Decay, rot, and stench are their duties. So, I needed to purify myself first. I went and took a bath with salt.Then I repented and recited some specific prayers.
Dawn was breaking, and I was finally sleepy. Just as I was about to go to bed, I remembered one last thing I needed to do. I took down my father's painting from the wall, opened the back, took the paper on which I had drawn the sigil, and took the tin can I sometimes used for such things and went out to the balcony. I sat on my stool, lit a cigarette, smoking isn’t good either but whatever…
I stared at the sigil for a while. With a protest approach, expressing my rejection of the void, I had responded by putting a cross over the O in the Kronmatron book logo, believing that there was no place where God’s light didn’t penetrate. In short, the real sigil was staring at the reader on the book logo, crossed out. Because he wanted me to use the sigil and go into oblivion. Uh-huh, sure...
I placed the tin can on my table, set the paper on fire, and threw it into the can. Watching it burn made me feel completely at ease. Then I went and slept with great peace. I was used to such things anyway.
submitted by kronmatron to u/kronmatron [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:20 Unique-Ad-3173 Name suggestions for new floof! 🐕🐈

Hi lovelies,
I am getting doggo (or catto) soon, and I'm stuck for names. I'm very much open to any and all suggestions. I'll be adopting the flood from a shelter, that's a definite!
I also have ADHD decision paralysis that acts up when it comes to naming things, so suggestions from other people are what usually gets my brain to finally decide on a name!
All name suggestions please down below.
Male, female, and unisex/names that can be used for both male and female doggos (& cattos) please! 🍓❤️
Some of my current ideas are below. ❤️ Means they're a frontrunner. Plz don't come for me if the meaning isn't exactly right. It's after a rough search. I'm open for ideas & such!
❤️* Pip (lover of horses),
❤️* Veda / Vaeda (Knowledge & wisdom in Sanskrit),
❤️* Valentina (Tina, or Lenny for short, and means 'strength' & 'health' in Latin),
❤️* Haven (meaning safe place. Just left a really hard situation, so this is symbolic of my place always being a safe place),
❤️* Koti (means 'home' in Finnish, and 'stable & content mind' in Hebrew).
submitted by Unique-Ad-3173 to DOG [link] [comments]