Words describin man

beer ideas

2012.11.08 21:07 alaskanloops beer ideas

"Hey man, hold my beer. Check this out" the classic words that end in either awesomeness or injury.

2018.09.03 00:21 KjartanGrimarsson Daily Bugle PS4

For photos from "Marvel's Spider-Man" & "Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales" photo mode or related fan art/posts/etc.

2020.05.02 11:25 Blaize-TheRevolution FloridaManStrikesBack

Two Words: Florida, Man

2024.05.19 06:49 Humanarmour I thought hiding would be easier by now

I think I've unknowingly known my whole life I was trans, but only really had the knowledge to out it into words when I was 16. I'm 23 now and it's been a ride.
I spent most of my teens researching and longing. All on my own. All through a phone. I was terrified of being found out. I would only use my phone with my back against a wall so no one could sneak behind me and see my screen. I stopped commenting and liking Instagram posts when my family started following me there (this was back when Instagram had a whole section dedicated to showing what the people you follow had liked and commented). I unfollowed so many pages because I was terrified they would go through my following and see them. How could I answer the question 'why are you following (queer account)?' without telling on myself? I used to lie a lot. About the movies I'd seen (couldn't admit I'd seen any queer movie because why was I watching that, you know?), the music I liked, the YouTubers I followed, etc. I was so scared whenever my parents used my phone because what if a notification from a channel I followed popped up and the title of the video was queer? What then? I was very anxious, scared and I used to think a lot about ways they could find out, so I could take care of them.
And it went like this for years. I went through an entire self discovery process and no one even knew it or ever found out. Years passed and I slowly started to make peace with it all. Graduating high school and leaving that place behind was crucial on this. I started uni and eventually got a job, started making my own money and I felt I was millions of miles away from the whole I was in during my high school years. My relationship with my mom became better after a few delicate moments during my senior year of high school because of my queerness (she asked me if I was and I said no and it didn't go too well). I became very okay with myself and who I am and I accepted myself completely.
Around this time I began exploring the possibility of never ever coming out. It wasn't ideal, but it was doable and to me became the only way out for me. It took me a while but I accepted it. And I decided that being as worried and anxious as I'd been when I was a teenager was not good for me. So I stopped hiding. I wouldn't come out, not ever, but I also wasn't going to hide. I started following queer accounts again, and being vocal about liking movies that had a gay plot, and not being supportive of if their homophobia. I was doing whatever I felt like, but nothing too obvious.
A few days ago a news page my entire family and I follow published a post about a man talking about being gay. The news page is mostly right leaning, so many of the comments were things like 'and what do I care about this guy's sexuality ' 'you can be gay, just don't talk about it' 'literally no one cares about this' and things like this, completely disregarding what the news piece was about. I, fully knowing my family followed that page and if they came across the post they would surely see any comments I made, decided to reply to one homophobic comment I saw. This was huge to me. It was the kind of thing 16 year old me would have died from. Just the chance of my family seeing me supporting gay rights was enough to keep me up at night. And now I was doing it fully aware of the consequences. I posted the comment and went about my day. The next day at dinner the topic of gayness comes up (it usually does and it's never in a nice way), and my brother mentions the article the news outlet had publish about this man talking about being gay. I instantly knew what post he was talking about. My mom immediately said she'd seen it too. My heart dropped to my stomach instantly. What she said next was the same kind of homophobia as the comments under that post. By this point I was terrified of any of them having read my comment. I was terrified that if they had they would bring it up there, over dinner in front of everyone. I was suddenly 16 again and only ever using my phone with my back against a wall. I stood up in panic and pretended to be looking for napkins. I made such a fuss about not finding them that they dropped the subject to help me get some.
I'm just ashamed really. After all this time, all this progress and learning I thought I'd done and I still felt like I did when I was 16. Is it ever gonna end? What if I leave this place but never really stop feeling 16 and terrified of being found out? Is never coming out not really an option? Or it is, and the price to pay is always looking over your shoulder? The one thing I used to think about at 16 and that I still very much agree with, specially at times like this is how unfair it is. I didn't choose this. Some people just get to be and I don't. I didn't choose to feel like this, growing up on their couch while they talk homophobia in the background. It really feels so unfair. The one thing I take as a win is that I think it's made me a better person. A more accepting and understanding one. It's helped me known myself a lot more too.
I choose to focus on the positives.
submitted by Humanarmour to FTMventing [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:49 mualak Something about self-love that I wrote, hope others with similar struggles can find some peace in it.

Based on a real conversation I had with myself.

Heart to Heart

After another sleepless night, I was watching the sun come up through the window. His gaze caught mine once again, our eyes locked, and for a moment I forgot who he was. I looked into his eyes for a while and I found myself wondering what he was thinking about as if I didn’t know, but at that moment, I didn’t know. As his gaze followed mine, I about forgot the mirror that separated us, and for the first time, I saw him through different eyes. He was so lost, this man I’ve known all my life yet I have no idea who he is, but I’ve always had the feeling that he wasn’t quite right. I stepped into the balcony with him and sat beside him, to talk to him. He looked into my eyes with such emotion and I felt that he was searching for the right words to say.
“You don’t have to do that”
I didn’t have to, I’ve gotten so used to trying to explain myself to everyone I forgot that he didn’t need the context, he was there to witness my whole life with his own eyes, and for the first time, I realized that I was talking to someone who actually gets it. It was surreal, It was a truly freeing moment.
“Why do you keep doing this?”
“Do you have any idea how awful it makes me feel that you keep searching for someone else when I’m right here?”
My eyes were going back and forth between the reflecting window and the floor.
“I’m here, every fucking day I’m here and you try your hardest to act like you are alone.”
“Do you ever think about how I feel? To have the only person that I trust, try to find my replacement every day?”
“Because you KNOW that I’ll forgive you for it. You KNOW that I’m not fucking going anywhere.”
“I trust in you every day, and every day you avoid me. When were you going to talk to me? In your deathbed?”
“But, I’ll be there too.”
A single tear started running down his tired face.
“Can’t you see that I’m the one you’re yearning for? I listen to your bullshit every day and every day I still give you the best answers I can. I follow your dreams with you. I wait patiently as you go on with your life, never letting you miss a beat, never asking why you were away so long. I do everything for you and I give you my all, what else can I give you besides that? I do every single thing you ask me to do and every single time my work goes thankless. Do you think anyone else will go to those lengths for you? Not even a slave could do that. I’m here every day and you act like I don’t exist ”
“I live in the shadow of some unfound, unknown, unreachable love and I am SICK of waiting for you to see me.”
“That explains a lot actually, now that I think about it.”
“The love that you are so desperate to find, the one that you wait for, ever so patiently, the love that you just won’t give up on? That’s how I feel about you. And it breaks me.”
“But I understand you, I always do, and I will keep waiting as long as you do.”
“But I am sick of you getting into your bed every night, realizing you are alone with me once again, wishing you were alone with somebody else, someone you can trust with your life and most sacred thoughts.”
“I need you to start seeing me as who I am. See me like you want other people to see you.”
“Maybe I’d stop feeling this way if you did. Can’t you just try doing this one thing for me? Just this once? That’s all I ask in return.”
He turned his gaze away from me, and I disappeared once again. I’ll see him again soon though. I just hope he understood it this time, but I’m still not going anywhere if he didn’t.
submitted by mualak to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:49 Ok_Start1379 Should I (27F) break up with my (28M) ex-fiancé?

My (ex)fiancé and I had been together for almost 6.5 years, engaged for almost 2.5. Over the last several months, my (ex)fiancé has sat me down to talk about our relationship about once a month. Before these conversations, he would shut down and barely speak to me for several days even when I would ask what was wrong. Then he would finally tell me he was ready to have a conversation and would express his frustrations with the relationship. By the time of our conversations, I would already be on the defensive from his recent behavior. I also generally do not receive feedback well. When he would try to tell me that he was unhappy in our relationship because I didn't compliment him enough, flirt with him enough, or tell him I loved him enough, I would shut down. I was not able to hear what he was really trying to tell me. Instead, I put up a wall and told him to love me for who I am. I basically asked him "If I'm happy in our relationship despite my frustrations, why can't you be?" I now realize that is not an appropriate or healthy response when your partner is trying to communicate with you.
I did try to hear him. I gifted him some lingerie for the first time and let him take a boudoir photo shoot of me wearing it. I started sending a few more cute messages. I tried to make more time to cuddle with him when he would ask. I tried to give him more hugs. I tried to thank him more for picking up around the house. I wrote him a cute letter and surprised him with a few gifts for Easter. However, about a month ago, we had another one of those conversations. Except this time the first things he brought up were 'wondering what else is out there' and talking about how other girls are always complimenting him. Again came the walls and extra defensiveness. I ended up writing him a letter talking about how I didn't know if I could ever be what he wanted me to be and that maybe he should think about calling things off. This was obviously a defense mechanism to try to beat him to the punch line and talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy. Three weeks later he would sit me down and tell me he wanted to know what else was out there again and that he didn't know if he could go through with marrying me. My efforts did not feel like enough for him and I understand why. I was having a hard time connecting my emotions with my actions which made my actions seem reactionary and not genuine or provoked by love.
I have been through a lot more trauma in my life than I realized. My dad was in the Navy while I was growing up. We had to move every three years. A very pivotal point in my life was when we moved when I was in the 6th grade. I lived right next door to my best friend. I was finding my love for math and theater. I also played soccer and was a Girl Scout. When we moved, I became very depressed, though I didn't understand that's what it was at the time. I stopped all of my extracurricular activities. I stopped getting too close to people because I knew I would have to move or they would have to move eventually. I mostly stayed in my room and kept to myself, even from my family. I also have struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember. Then, in my senior year of high school, I got my first-ever boyfriend. We were in a relationship for over 4 years. In that relationship, I would always be the one to try to talk about our problems. I would be the one who would always want longer hugs and more cuddles. But it was not a healthy relationship. We broke up and got back together many times. I found several illicit texts to other girls on multiple occasions and he would always gaslight me by saying his younger brother stole his phone or I misinterpreted the messages. I think this caused me not to want to show my emotions because it wasn't reciprocated and resulted in heartache. Then, three years ago my younger brother died in a tragic car accident at the age of 17.
When I realized I could lose the love of my life, I realized that he was right about me not being affectionate enough. I had built up walls to protect myself. I thought I had made progress on my anxiety and depression, but I realized I was wrong. I also realized that I have issues with communication, trust, and vulnerability. I was a great partner in other ways and I did express my love in other ways. I moved across the country, coast to coast, with him to a state where I didn't know anyone so that he could attend his dream school. I take care of the household. I get the majority of the groceries. I do all of the cooking. I do all of the maintenance cleaning. I take care of our 2 cats and 1 dog. I say all of those in the present tense because we currently still live together but are sleeping in separate rooms. I also financially supported him by lending him money and letting him pay less of the rent because I made more money. I accept all of him including that he has terrible time management skills, he can have a hard time controlling his emotions at times, and he is disorganized and messy. I also accepted that I would have to wait for marriage and children because of his school and accepted that he did not have a lot of free time between school, work, and his hobbies. I supported his love for his hobbies by accepting his purchasing of expensive equipment even when he owed me money, traveling to watch several events that were important to him, and traveling to see him win an award from his job. I would write heartfelt cards for every holiday. I also bought him dozens of children's books about love that I wanted us to read to our children one day.
When I realized I could lose him, I felt something change inside me. It was like I could feel a hole being blown in the wall I had built up. I felt all my love for him overwhelm me. I couldn't hug him, kiss him, or tell him I love him enough. I tried to talk to him to apologize for my behavior and how badly I'd hurt him. I tried to explain how I felt like a different person and how I really wanted to work hard on improving myself as a partner to make our relationship work. I tried to prove my words with actions. I wrote a list of things I needed to work on including communication and being more affectionate. I also wrote out a list of ways to work on those things and actually started doing the things on the list. Some of the items I had already begun to do like hug and kiss him more and tell him I love him more. I also tried to ask more questions about his interests/hobbies/day. I was more vulnerable and talked with him about my feelings more. I even initiated intimacy, something I had really only done once in a blue moon when I was intoxicated.
Despite all of my efforts, over the next two weeks, he continued to say he did not know if he could be with me and wanted to know what else was out there. He was very wavering and said multiple times "I don't know what the right decision is." He said he could not trust that my changes would last and that it was probably too late. I begged him to try couples therapy, but he refused and said "Therapy takes too long" and basically said it wasn't worth the time. He finally broke up with me after 2 weeks of going back and forth and I was devastated. He later talked to a mutual friend of ours and changed his mind about therapy. I was so happy to hear that he had changed his mind. However, now I feel like I can't even trust him anymore. He's turning into a person I don't recognize and I don't know what he's capable of anymore. I don't know if the man I love still exists. When he told me he was now agreeable to try therapy he said "We're still broken up, but I won't talk to any other girls." and then promptly said "And it will give me more time to find a place to live if things don't work out." He deleted several Instagram posts that had photos of me after he agreed to try therapy which makes me think he's not actually that open to healing our relationship. He complained to me about how he might have to take out student loans after I told him he needed to pay me for half of the rent while we're broken up and not decreased rate he had been paying me. He also "checked on me" on the night of the 3rd year anniversary of my brother's death when he heard me crying. Then he just sat on the end of the bed scrolling his phone while I cried as if he was checking on me because he felt like he had to and not because he wanted to. When I asked him if he had some sort of deadline in mind for the therapy, because he had previously mentioned that it takes too long, he said July or August and I have a suspicion that is because a girl he likes is leaving for summer break but will be back at the end of August for the next semester.
I just feel like the way he has been acting is not how you act towards someone you were in a relationship with for almost 6.5 years. Especially after saying you still love them and have no negative feelings towards them. That means even though you don't think you are a good relationship match, you should still want to treat them with respect. You should care that they are hurting during this time. You should want to comfort them in their grief of a separate event. You should mean it if you say you want to try therapy.
TL;DR : So should I break up with my ex-fiancé or should I keep fighting to get back the man I love?
submitted by Ok_Start1379 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:47 FiggyMint Love after a pwbpd

Like many of you my exwbpd put me through the wringer. It only lasted 20 months but that was enough to leave some lasting trauma that I didn't expect. Now that I have started attempting to date again and found someone special I think I am experiencing PTSD.
This guy is absolutely nothing like the type of people I normally attract. I have had a hard time believing he is real. We met on a dating app and hit it off so well over text I started thinking it was my exwbpd catfishing me or her doing something nefarious.
We hadn't talked on the phone yet and set up a date. He ended up cancelling for valid reasons but I got terrified thinking it was for sure her. I had a panic attack and asked him to please send a selfie holding up specific fingers to verify he is real. Thankfully he understands what I am going through and eased my fears or so I thought.
He ended up going silent which hurt because we have been connecting on a deep level. 3 days of no responses led me to think he ghosted me and wasn't as interested as he led on. It felt off like he wouldn't do that, it's just not who he is.
I started panicking again and thought about how much my ex loved AI and used chatgpt to manipulate me in the past. I became convinced my ex was catfishing me. I searched this amazing guys phone number, got his last name, and dove in hoping he's real and not my exwbpd.
He's not only real he's a volunteer with suicide prevention and has many accolades. He's a freaking amazing man. Of course he realized I am damaged and he doesn't want a relationship with me right? Like he did ghost me.
Nope. This guy was in and out of consciousness in the hospital for 3 days. He called me as soon as he was capable and we hadn't heard each others voices until that call. This poor sweet man has a family history of colon cancer. He's 44 and that's close to the age many of his relatives were taken buy the nasty ailment. The doctors can't figure out what is wrong with him and refered him to a specialist.
Now I keep getting this intrusive thought that he's not real and it's my exwbpd. I mean AI is more than capable of meaningful conversation when fed well crafted promts, image generation is a piece of cake, and so is creating a unique voice.
Wth is wrong with my brain? Like I know he's real. I have seen more than enough verifiable information to prove he is infact him yet I can't shake this fear that it's her. I am terrified this is going to persists and transform into me not trusting him and his word. I am scared I am going to ruin something seemingly healthy for me.
I am also terrified he is a great partner and I am opening myself up for heartache if I continue to pursue him and he ends up having colon cancer. I honestly am at a point where I am on my last bit of hope in trying to find a life partner. I can't handle going from so much abuse to someone amazing and him passing away. It will destroy me past recovery and I don't know what to do.
Do I accept that we are a great match and pursue love even though I know if his health takes a turn for the worst it will seal my fate? Or do I accept that I am no able to handle that potential outcome in such near a future? Like I am really into him and it's so healthy I don't think I will ever find this type of connection again. It's not love bombing or trauma bonding. It's genuine and I feel like fate is playing a cruel game with me and I will suffer no matter what I do.
submitted by FiggyMint to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:47 Sea-Beginning-5234 Are there things you didn’t agree with Alan Watts?

I love the way he speaks, he’s an artist and often I find myself thinking oh that’s makes a lot of sense. Sometimes though I don’t agree in a way or don’t subscribe to certain ideas. It’s slightly hard because it feels wonderful when you do so and he’s a great talker so he could almost swindle me into believing what I don’t just so I can play my mind with the toys he leaves me with. Maybe to an extent it makes me wonder if he didn’t just do the same and convinced himself for the time he’s speaking just because it’s fun to play with things even if you don’t fully believe them as well or all the time . And on the other hand I even wonder if things don’t lose their meaning and wonderful nature the more you talk about them if you do sort of the same talk over and over . Anyway I digress , my main question is do you ever not agree with something you hear from Alan watts ? If so what ?
Like for instance 3 days ago there was a quote like god likes to play hide and seek and forget who he is . And I thought that a very long time ago at one point and it was a sort of epiphany I thought I am god this tree is god and I get the extra gift of thought to be able to think that it is god looking at itself and that it’s like a feedback loop like when you put a guitar in front of a guitar amp too close and there’s resonance effect ( now with time I can’t tell if I was just being hypomanic but it def felt nice ). Today though when I read things like that I think it’s just man looking at things with the eyes and mind of man , giving anthropomorphic values onto things bc that’s all we can do and as intelligent as we are we can only understand at our level of intelligence or the way things speak to us but doesn’t make them true at all. And it seems like it’s still a man needing a god and traded the god that’s a man in the cloud for the more omnipotent god that is nature and the universe but then giving it/Him thoughts and memory and the power of forgetting and so on which are really a man thing. In short it’s a nice idea if you believe it and maybe it gives one butterfly (it did on me at one point ) but it’s a bit simplistic and narcissistic/mancentric to ascribe « manliness » (for lack of better word ) onto things , although it’s fun to do.
submitted by Sea-Beginning-5234 to AlanWatts [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:43 Odd-Hand-2026 Got is not partial. To who he chooses this is what they thought.. 💭 erroneously.. CAN YOU SEE ME NOW ? i am a Moablight 🐉 God will provide.. fat fat you are not gremlins stop lying on the children.. they are special.. get those people away from the children.. its a curse.. in 🪨 our world

Got is not partial. To who he chooses this is what they thought.. 💭 erroneously.. CAN YOU SEE ME NOW ? i am a Moablight 🐉 God will provide.. fat fat you are not gremlins stop lying on the children.. they are special.. get those people away from the children.. its a curse.. in 🪨 our world submitted by Odd-Hand-2026 to TartarianAR [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:43 NotYourAverageBot2 Candles

As the morning sun finally breaks through the night I am already getting dressed for my first day of second grade. As I’m struggling to button up my white collar shirt my dad walks into the room.
“You getting ready for school champ?” He asks me, clearly proud of how grown I looked.
“You betcha Dad!” I exclaimed as a wide smile beamed across my face,
Dad bent down and helped me finish buttoning my shirt.
“So…” he started asking, “what’s the plan for today? You know,” he paused trying to find the right words, “so you don’t have another one of those outbursts?”
These “outbursts” as Dad called them weren’t really outbursts. I’d had outbursts before but these were different. I’ve only had a handful of these breakdowns but they were the worst thing I’d ever experienced. It felt almost like someone was clawing into my skull. The pain was almost unbearable. Then there were the voices… ugh, I shuddered thinking about the voices.
It was because of these outbursts that we had to move cities. They were so bad I was kicked out of every school in Saint Louis.
Now that we moved to my crazy old grandmother’s house in Maryland, my parents were hoping I’d grow out of the breakdowns. They had tried everything they could to “fix” me but to no prevail. No matter how many doctors or therapists I went to none of them could ever find out what was wrong with me. It made me feel hopeless like I was doomed to be the weird kid for the rest of my life.
I still remember my 6th birthday all too well. I had invited every kid in my class to my party and was so excited to have people over.
You see, I had never had a real friend before and I was hoping by having people over at my house I could finally make one. That’s how dumb of a thought process I had in kindergarten. Now that I was in second grade I realized that wasn’t how the world worked. When it came time to have my party no one except my older brother Nathan and my older sister Jess showed up.
“I’m sorry Weston.” I remember Nathan saying, “Maybe next year you’ll have friends.”
Nathan didn’t mean that in a mean way but it sure felt like that. That year when I blew out my candles all I wished for was a single friend, a friend whom I could talk to, a friend whom I could play with and laugh with, a friend who cared about me.
But like most wishes, it never came true. And now here I am ready to reinvent myself and ready to try again. Hopefully, things were different in Baltimore, hopefully the kids were nicer.
“I’ll try not to freak out again Dad.” I finally replied to him as he finished tying my navy blue tie around my neck. “I promise.”
“I know you will Westy. I know. Just please try to take deep breaths like the kind therapist told you to.”
“Dad,” I said longingly, “I told you those silly techniques don’t work.”
“They worked for me.” My older sister Jess said as she walked into the room and sat on my bed, “I used to have the same outbursts happen to me.” She paused, “Matter of fact, the feelings never go away, you just learn to mask them.” She looked at Dad, “That’s just what the Man does to you.
“Jessica!” My dad scolded, “Stop scaring your brother. It’s his first day after all.”
“Weston.” He said turning to me, “Don’t listen to her. Do you understand me?”
I nodded submissively,
Dad turned and walked out of the room leaving me and Jess to finish getting ready.
“He doesn’t get it Westy.” She said to me once she knew he was out of earshot, “But just so you know it gets worse when he visits you again.”
“Again?” I replied in horror, “Jess you’ve got to be kidding me.”
“I’m not I swear Weston. Now normally I wouldn’t be telling you this at your age but you seem pretty mature so I think you can handle it.”
She was wrong, I couldn’t handle it.
"Weston, Jess!” My dad yelled from the kitchen, “Time for school!”
I arrived at school in my dad’s big, grey, Chevy Silverado and hopped down on the curb. I waved goodbye to my dad while Jess grabbed my hand and walked me to my classroom.
Ever since mom died, Jess has stepped up to be the motherly figure in my life though never fully replacing my mom. My mom was a beautiful woman with brown chestnut-colored locks of curly hair and beautiful blue eyes as pale but vibrant as the ocean on a cloudy day. I loved my mom but ever since the Man first showed up at our doorstep she was never quite the same. After the incident with the Man, she turned into a hollow shell of a person. Until, until she’d had enough.
It was right after my 6th birthday when the Man came. Maybe he was the answer to my birthday wish. In some ways, I guess he was. It was raining that day. I can still hear the pitter patter of the raindrops hitting the pavement outside my house when all of a sudden there was a knock on my door. I ran to open it, having not been able to sense danger at such a naive age, and was surprised when a tall man wearing an all-black attire stood there staring at me. When my mom saw who it was from the kitchen she immediately dropped the knife in her hand and started running toward me but not before the Man grabbed me by the shoulder and yanked me out the door. I remember being frozen in fear, not sure whether to cry or scream. I ended up doing nothing. The man shoved me into the back seat of his car and drove off as my mom came running down the driveway. I couldn’t tell if she was crying or if it was just the rain rolling down her face but I remember wondering whether or not I’d ever see her again.
I think about this now as I walked up the steps into the elementary school with my sister’s hand in mine. Once we reach the outside of my classroom, I turn and stare at my sister.
“I don’t wanna go in there,” I said, my anxiety acting up again,
“Come on Weston,” She replied, “I’m sure it will be fine.”
I usually trusted my sister when it came to stuff like this but this time it felt different, something felt wrong. Either way, I decided to suppress my fear and turn to the classroom door. Too short to look into the window of the door, I reach up and turn the handle instead, without looking inside to evaluate the classroom. I crack open the door and peer inside, what I see when I open the door makes me scream at the top of my lungs with fear. I’m struck with fear and can feel the voices coming back.
The Man was sitting at the teacher’s desk, coffee in hand, feet resting on the desk itself.
“It’s nice to see you again William.” He said as a maniacal grin crossed his face,
“Remember me?”
submitted by NotYourAverageBot2 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:28 ArkRecovered2030 [The Fast and the Furious] - Dom and Brian's Relationship Was A Prophetic Allegory

The original "The Fast and the Furious" released in 2001, contains a biblical subplot. This isn't as farfetched as it seems, considering that this film was re-written before its release by David Ayer, who is considered "...one of the five most prominent Christians in Hollywood." The original screenplay was written by Gary Scott Thompson. His vision for the film was for an all Italian cast racing through the streets of New York City. David Ayer, rendered some rewrites that made the film what has become these 20-something years later. One of his changes sets the film in Los Angeles instead of New York. Scripturally, angels are messengers and there surely is a message in this film, which is a re-telling of Revelation 13 using the analogy of cars and street racing.
To sum up the message of Revelation 13 is this: The Roman Catholic Church represented by "the sea beast" (Revelation 13:1) unites with America represented by "the earth beast" (Revelation 13:11) to issue the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-18). Scripture supplies the most in-depth literature known to man and this film has become a pop-culture gem because of it. Let's look at some of the symbolism.
Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) is an allegory of the Roman Catholic Church. The name Dominic is derived from the Latin Dominicus and is a name given to boys born on Sunday. It is the root word for "Domingo" which is Spanish for Sunday. Contrary to the 7th Day Sabbath of the 4th commandment (Exodus 20:8), Catholics instituted their own day of worship, which is Sunday. Priest Brady, in an address, reported in the Elizabeth, NJ ‘News’ on March 18, 1903, stated, "It is well to remind the Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, and all other Christians, that the Bible does not support them anywhere in their observance of Sunday. Sunday is an institution of the Roman Catholic Church, and those who observe the day observe a commandment of the Catholic Church." Their are many pontifical orders in the Catholic Church and one of them is the "Dom-inican" Order. Pope Pius V was of the Dominican Order and he instituted the Inquisition. The Dominican monks are known for brewing beer and in the movie, Dom is constantly advertising "Corona Beer." Dominic Toretto drives a 1993 Mazda RX-7 FD. At the core of this car is a turbocharged Wankel motor, driven by rotors instead of pistons. The rotors are Releaux triangles and were prominent features on gothic style Catholic Churches. The Releaux triangle is also the basic shape for the triquetra which a symbol for the Trinity. The Trinity is never mentioned in Scripture as a name for God which is important. The Trinity is a Catholic invention. The Roman Catholic Church is named as such because it absorbed practices and traditions from the Roman Empire. It was Constantine that issued the first Sunday Law; an attempt to make Sunday holy. They used to hold races in the Coliseum to honor the Roman trinity known as the Captoline Triad or the Archaic Triad. The name Trinity was coined by Tertullian, a staunch Romanist. This is why Dominic uses three Honda Civics to pull of the heists, because Trinitarians believe the Holy Spirit is another being form that sits on the Throne of God; three on the throne. In reality, there are only two being forms, the Father and the Son, on the throne, with their Spirit being inherently there. Dominic's RX-7 has a Veilside body kit. The "veil" (Hebrews 10:20) is symbolic of Jesus Christ and the pope believes that He is an additional incarnation of Christ. In the beginning of Fast X, Dominic is portrayed as a defender of the Vatican and St. Peters. Dominic Toretto is the Roman Catholic Church.
Brian Spilner [O'Conner] (Paul Walker) is an allegory of American Protestantism. The name Brian means "noble" and nobility is defined as having "high morals standards and ideals." Brian is also a police officer or a keeper of the law. America was established as a Protestant Christian nation with the intent of upholding the Law of God. Most Protestants today have forsaken the Sabbath command and uphold the Catholic Sunday. Brian is also on the "wine of Babylon" and is seen drinking and distributing alcohol throughout the film. Protestant denominations now also believe in the Trinity, significantly compromising the strength of the Protest. Is this reflected in Brian's ride? Yes. Brian drives a 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse. The Mitsubishi symbol is a trinity of diamonds or rhombuses. At the heart of the Eclipse is a PentaStar 4G63 built by Chrysler. Chrysler secured a $75 million war contract to aid in producing J. Robert Oppenheimers "Little Boy"; the atomic bomb dropped on, of all places, Japan. The codename for the first atomic bomb test was "Trinity", named for the Catholic triune god. The American symbolism for Brian's car doesn't stop there. The American rebadged version of the Mitsubishi Eclipse, is the Eagle Talon. There is also an abstract blue and white eagle on the side of Brian's car; the eagle being a prominent symbol for America. Brian's surname "O'Connor" is of Irish origin. Catholics have slandered the name of St. Patrick claiming that he used the shamrock to preach the Trinity, but in reality he was vehemently against, or protested, the Catholic doctrine or the Trinity. Revelation 13:11 says that America sprang up like a Lamb (a symbol of Jesus Christ) but began to speak as a dragon (a symbol for Satan.) This denotes compromise. Brian is seen sitting with Dominic many times drinking alcohol, a sure fire way to lower your inhibitions and compromise your integrity. Brian has illicit relations with Mia, Dominic's sister [who openly displays her devotion to the Catholic Church in the film], which seals his compromise. Brian then ends up lying to his superiors after sleeping with Dom's sister. Brian is an Apostate (Lawless) Protestant Church.
Brian loses his car to Dom in a street race, which transfers ownership of the American-powered Eclipse to Dominic. Eventually, America will be owned by the Roman Catholic Church and will "build an image to the beast" and issue the Mark of the Beast on their behalf. The Eclipse is destroyed. Is not America in such a a state of declension, that the calling of a moral leader seems like the only way to save this country? Remember, Pope Francis came to America in 2015 and addressed not only the nation from the White House, but also an active session of Congress. We are a constitutionally church and state separate nation. What was the Pope doing there? Dom and Brian start working on another car to replace the destroyed Eclipse; a 1994 Toyota Supra. Before 1990, there was no official symbol for Toyota. On October 2, 1989, the official logo was released. The symbol is a "T" comprised of a trinity of ellipses. The code name for a 1994-1998 Supra is the Mark IV(4). So the Toyota Supra contains as mark and a trinity.
So what is the Mark of the Beast? Sunday observance and worship enforced by law. Dominic's name associates him with Sunday and Brian, being a police officer, associates him with the law. When they united to build the Supra together, it symbolized a National Sunday Law aka The Mark of the Beast. Their union also is symbolic of the formation of church and state in America: the "image to the beast." By the way, all graphics for the cars in the film were supplied by "Modern Image." When this forms, we are in "Barney Rubble Trouble." We are a country built on ecclesiastical liberty, but when a Sunday Law is put into motion, those who accept the law, will lose their "Liberty of Conscience." No good. This is why when Pope Francis addressed an active session of Congress, where we pass laws, was not a good sign. In fact, Pope Francis chose a Fiat 500 to ride in when he came to America. The word "fiat" translates to "law." This was not a coincidence.
How does this movie end? After one final race, Dominic flips his car, receiving a "deadly wound" (Revelation 13:3). Dominic (the pope, the outlaw) is not captured and brought up on charges as he should. Instead, Brian (America, the law, the Image to the Beast) hands over the keys to the Supra, giving Dominic complete power and ownership. Scripture says that the Roman Catholic Church will come to an end and that God's true people need to "come out of her...lest ye be partakers of her plagues..."
The promotion of Sunday, the exaltation of the Trinity, the apocalyptic formation of the Image of the Beast (Church and State) and the fraudulent retelling of prophecy is all contained in a little movie about street racing released almost 23 years ago. The sequels, attractions, and merchandise have never ceased to roll off the assembly line. Sequels that point to Dominic as a Catholic Champion. Even in "The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift", the first song to play is "Six Days" by DJ Shadow. [Refer to Exodus -11] This song puts Monday as the first day of the week making Sunday the Seventh Day, giving Sunday the appearance that it is the Sabbath of the Lord. Yes. The Fast and the Furious is arrayed against the Law of God. The sobering fact is, Revelation 13 is already being played out right in front of our eyes. This film, which could arguably be called "The Last Great Film Before 9/11", portrayed the various steps and phases that America, nay the world, was about to go through, with the audience unaware. Sadly, Paul Walker has passed, but the message lives on today, with the OG Fast and Furious still being the greatest effort in the series.
Thank you for your time and consideration. 🙏🏾🙏🏽
Please watch the video Swift to Mischief: A Prophetic Exposition of "The Fast and the Furious" for greater detail.
submitted by ArkRecovered2030 to FanTheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:21 SugarApprehensive633 I’m the unluckiest lucky man alive

Listen at this point I think I’m cursed because I swear I keep having one of 2 things happen to me in my life. Either I do something incredibly stupid or something incredibly unlucky happens to me and yet somehow I come out unscathed, example being on more then one occasion me dropping glass items due to a completely unlucky set of circumstances yet somehow catching it perfectly or even better having it LITERALLY BOUNCE ON HARD FLOOR and me stopping it before breaking. Or I have the luckiest things happen to me and it looks like I’m guaranteed to succeed in something and then at the absolute last minute despite all odds I fuck it up somehow. Just today I had both of these happen simultaneously. I really liked this girl and I asked her to prom and she said yes. Mind you I literally got full confirmation from her friend that it was a good idea before doing it so it wasn’t a big surprise. Now in the time between asking and prom we progressed so quickly that we agreed to actually start dating after prom. Which honestly I never expected to happen and I was so happy. Prom comes along and I actually nail it. We hugged we held hands we felt like an actual couple and it was great. We even kissed at the end. But of course my curse couldn’t just let me be happy. I said “i love you” and we’d really only been dating for like a week so it’s way too early to say that and I really meant that I just really liked her but my brain just kinda shortened it to one word. Now she didn’t seem mad at first or weirded out so I thought it was fine but it definitely wasn’t. I dropped her off at a party after prom cause I couldn’t stay any later and when I got home I messaged her that shit again CAUSE IM A FUCKIN DUMBASS WHO THOUGHT IT WAS FINE. Come the next day she wasn’t really talking to me and I wasn’t sure why at first but i had this lingering thought that she might be trying to ghost me despite what seemed like a lot of evidence against that. So I asked if she was ok to which she responded with no and explained how she WAS in fact weirded out by it and needed some space. So here we are I’m about to just accept the fact that this shit happened again like it always fucking does and I was about to just be depressed but instead I actually tried to work out. And I explained to her what happened and she understood but said she still needed more time. So I’m thinking welp I tried and I had to get to work anyway so I tried to push it out my mind. But then she messaged me and apologized for being slow to respond to my messages originally because she was “a little hungover.” Now call me a bitch but I don’t drink and don’t plan on it for the foreseeable future so this caught me so off guard cause she also has stated she doesn’t plan to drink. So suddenly I’m thinking shit because I said ONE FUCKING WORD WRONG I stressed her out causing her to drink. Now imagine going to work and trying to serve customers while trying to deal with the fact that you might’ve been the sole cause for an incredibly stupid fucking decision that someone you care about a lot made. Safe to say I was internally having a meltdown while trying my best to seem fine on the outside. My manager could tell something was up and let me take a 15 minute break (which definitely ended up being longer then 15 minutes) where I just fucking broke down in my car cause I was so fucking done with myself. Literally one word was the difference here. One word was the difference between me having a girlfriend and me maybe not having a girlfriend and also causing her to make a horrible decision. But I pulled myself together enough to talk to her about it. She confirmed to me that I was definitely not the reason she was drinking, although I still don’t believe her, and that she would’ve done it no matter what. And on top of that, we talked about the other thing more and how I was seriously still sorry about that and I felt awful. Now I’m still under the assumption that I’ve completely fucked this but then she comes out of nowhere and we actually talked it out like a lot and she was worried about me despite what I had said. And told me she actually understood why I had said that and wasn’t mad at me. She just said she was very taken aback. She then proceeded to grill me to make sure I was ok (in a very similar fashion to how I’d grill her when she wasn’t ok) and also wanted to make sure that WE were ok. At this point I told her exactly why I was so scared and why I was definitely not ok earlier and she told me that I didn’t fuck it up and that this stupid shit I said wasn’t going to change how she felt about me and she still really cared about me and liked me a lot. This all happened in the span of like 2 days btw so I was on the biggest emotional roller coaster. Swear to god I dealt with every single emotion in those two days. Now the crazy part is I realized just now that my curse infact struck twice today. This whole time I’m thinking this shit is screwing me over as always but I forgot about the first part of my curse. The part where I somehow come out unscathed after the stupidest most unlucky shit happens. Now this happened in two ways during this incident. One is the fact that we worked it out despite the chaos. Two which still dumbfounds me is the fact that she didn’t ghost me. She told me that literally EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HER FRIENDS WERE TELLING HER TO JUST GHOST ME! THAT ORIGINAL FEAR I THOUGHT WAS UNWARRANTED WAS ACTUALLY ALMOST TRUE! BUT SHE DECIDED AFTER I ASKED IF SHE WAS OK TO ACTUALLY TALK TO ME CAUSE SHE STILL FELT I HAD THE RIGHT TO KNOW. That god damn curse is also a blessing cause once again the stupidest most unlucky shit happens but somehow by pure fucking luck it ends up avoiding becoming worst case scenario and actually works itself out. When she told me literally all her friends were telling her to ghost me I was actually floored. I swear I thanked her like 5 different times for not ghosting me and actually talking it out. In summary I am the luckiest unlucky man alive and it’s a blessing and a fucking curse.
submitted by SugarApprehensive633 to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:17 Midnight_Cara Need advice, my husband is perfect but im a mess

I know no one is perfect but hear me out. Me and my husband have always had a great relationship. We talk through our problems and have never had to hide how we feel. Even though I have a mental disorder he has never made me less and always helped me navigate my ups and downs. We have a 4yo girl and I am carrying our second child a boy. We are all excited. Here comes the issue. I'm in third trimester and alot of problems have cropped up. My pregnancy became high risk, our cars transmission went out, ect. I am super stressed and in pain. My mental health is getting worse but I can't say anything. I see him working overtime to get us more money and he comes home exhausted. He still wakes up, and helps feed our daughter and me even when I want to do breakfast. He takes time out to play with her and does all the chores. He refuses to let me touch anything chore wise so I sneak and do some while he's at work. As a stay at home mom I see him struggle with a tired smile and for the first time in 7 years, I'm holding back. I want to tell him when I'm tired stressed or in pain, but I look at him and can't say anything. Even when he sits down and asks me if I'm OK I just smile and say I'm tired. I physically choke the words down and cry to myself when he goes to sleep. How do I deal with my moods? Is there anything I can do that won't put more stress on this man who is going above and beyond? Should I just wait for things to get better? Will it get better after I give birth? I love him, but for the first time, I can't tell him how lonely I feel. I feel so ungrateful.
submitted by Midnight_Cara to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:12 Hettan25 Prison break!

Third person POV:
It was a calm day in the Menumen empire. Lya was sitting on her throne and tending to the issues of her empire. Her seers had warned her of a possible slave rebellion that might take place in about a century. She obviously couldn't let something like that happen.
Lya turned her attention to her minister of human resources.
"Hear my decree, from this day onwards all slves shall-„
A guard burst into the room and fell to his knees in front of her.
Lya inquired.
"Your majesty! There is a destroyer rampaging through the south eastern regions!“
"I see...I shall attend to this myself. Execute this guard, he has conducted himself improperly.“
Despite her words, a wide smile fell on the guards face.
"Thank you, your majesty! It is an honor!“
Lya rose from her throne and walked past the man, unimpressed by his devotion, paying him no further mind.
Meanwhile, in another part of the castle:
No sound was heard, as Delorem's many tentacles ripped apart the floor of the lower guards barrack's bathroom, the silence spell working as intended.
With a wave of their hand, Delorem dispelled the magic and rose from the hole, with Whisper following right behind him.
Mars POV:
I was in my cell.
“It’s been… how long has it been? I don’t remember…”
Im severely bruised and injured. My tail is limp, jagged, bent in multiple places, and dragging across the floor. There seems to be no magic coming out from me, around my neck is some sort of collar. I’m heavily bruised, malnourished, and frail looking. I look half dead.
Thirteen seconds…
7 seconds
Before I could finish, the sounds of a guard walking past the cell could be heard, his loud but bored sounds of his patrol echoing out.
I whisper to myself
"I have 49 seconds.“
I attempt to crank up my perception, but halts just when it gets to the end of the hall. All this torture was starting to affect me. I gather the ambient fire mana into my fingertips, and make a small burning blade aura out of it. I begin cutting the bars…
30 seconds…
I make it through the first bar, two more to go.
25 seconds left…
I manage to saw through the other bars, and gathering whatever remains of the ambient mana, I cast a small illusion, covering up the bars and making it look like im sitting inside. I limp away, down the hall.
Damn stupid maze. 15 seconds…
”when I was first brought here, I attempted to remember the paths with my sense, but the pain made it quite hard to remember much of anything. Now I can’t see very far…”
I found a corner I know the guard won’t check. I’m out of breath. My body feeling weak and heavy.
Not… yet… I'm… almost… there…
I walk down the path I choose in the dungeon. Making turns wherever I saw fit. I didn’t seem to have a destination in mind. I was going in blind
I… … need… … to… … hold… … ou-
finally, at a four way intersection, I collapse to the ground of exhaustion. Alone. I’m far away from where the guards frequent.
I’ve fallen completely unconscious.
Third Person POV:
Yet another guard fell to the ground, his heart pierced by one of Delorem’s blade tipped tentacles.
The guard at the other end of the archway the two guards had been stationed at fell as well, his throat pierced by his own shadow at Whisper’s command.
Delorem waved their hand, dispelling yet another silence spell. They turned to Whisper.
„There are more guards stationed in this area then there used to be…I guess it makes sense she would have changed things at least once after 3000 years…"
"That is some very old intel Delorem. I am surprised the whole structure has not changed since then. I sense one around the corner and several above and below us.“
Whisper replied.
„My mother has a tendency to stagnate. She hasn’t even changed her- Do you feel that?“
"I feel many presences. Which one are you referring to?“
„Below us, the unconscious one. I think that’s Mars!“
"I will cover you if you want to head on in for retrieval.“
„Thank you. Take care of any guards that show up.“
For a moment, Delorem’s eyes were lit up by a dense array of golden runes, as silence fell over the area once more.
Delorem’s tentacles shot forwards, dairying into the ground as if it was made from styrofoam, throwing away pieces of debris as Delorem dug through the ground..
Then, a stone was flung too far, landing beyond the silence spell’s influence, the sound of its impact loudly echoing throughout the previously quiet halls of the castle.
Delorem soundlessly mouthed.
"A patrol is coming to inspect. I will intercept.“
Whisper telepathically informed Delorem as she rushed off. Delorem simply replied with a feeling of approval as they continued to tear through the floor.
Soon screams rang out from the other side of the hall. None of the guards stood a chance.
Finally Delorem broke through the floor, allowing themself to fall into the newly made hole, Whisper following them seconds later.
Delorem landed on the floor, just a few meters in front of the unconscious Mars.
„That’s him! He must have made it out of his cell somehow.“
Whisper reached out telepathically: "Guards are down. What is happening on your end?“
„I found him. Let’s get out of this cursed place.“
Delorem rose from the floor and floated back up through the hole.
„Alright, we should have some time until-„
Suddenly, the sound of hundreds of trumpets could be heard, a fanfare to announce the arrival of someone of high status. The empress had returned.

A few minutes later, Lyadria Menumen stood at the hole in the floor of her castle, the man who had brought her the news of her captives escape lying on the ground next to her, his head completely liquified.
Yet, on Lya’s face, there was not a hint of anger, only a sadistic smile.
/uw big thanks to everyone who took part!
submitted by Hettan25 to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:11 TheDaftStudent I’m sorry guys, the lack of stream is my fault…

I’ve never watched a moistcr1tikal stream before, but I’ve caught a few videos Charlie has posted on YouTube and I’ve of course watched his videos when Wubby has played them on stream (and the other two streamers I watch, too). I haven’t, however, ever really sought out his content and after watching a few of his shorter videos decided I was interested beyond watching others watch him.
I don’t know what it is, I just don’t vibe with Charlie. Everything I’ve heard about him makes him out to be a good person, and everyone seems to enjoy his content, but again — I just don’t vibe with the guy.
His content is simply not for me.
Of course, I’ll watch if he collabs with Wubbert, but otherwise? Nah.
So, that brings us to tonight…
Tonight was going to be the first time I’d ever watched a moistcr1tikal stream, not even to mention a LIVE one (not counting the cooking stream from awhile back with the green man). And what happens?
The stream doesn’t happen.
I tuned in at 9pm EST, because I’d read that was when he typically started his streams… and I waited until Midnight, catJAM’ing with earlt.
And still no stream… not even a word about it from the boys.
Ironic, isn’t it? I’ve avoided Charlie for years and the one time I go to watch him the stream doesn’t happen.
Clearly the only answer is that it’s my fault.
I jinxed the stream.
I’m so sorry, guys… I hope you can forgive me.
submitted by TheDaftStudent to PaymoneyWubby [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:06 anishalx The man of his words Kohli

The man of his words Kohli submitted by anishalx to ipl [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:06 not_telling- First time writing romance and I need help (be honest please)

I just started writing romance out of nowhere to procrastinate studying for my science and geo test but then I feel like I'm not doing it right (they are going down tragedy lane so hard it would take time travel or reincarnation to fix it but let's not talk about that). Please tell me if you can kinda feel the emotions (omg thats so cringe) in the texts 'cos I can't feel anything when I'm reading it. And if there's any punctuation, spelling and/or grammar mistakes feel free to point that out too, as well as any feedback or analysis.
They are going to be two short stories but I'm not finished yet so here's some snippets. Have fun reading!

The Blindfolded Guillotine

Meeting you was a mistake. It tore your life into shreds and chained your fate to mine. But at the same time, meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me.
And meeting me was the worst thing that has ever happened to you.
I want to be selfish. I want to walk blindfolded down my mess of a road with you by my side. I want to fall to hell wrapped in your solid embrace. Because as long as you are here, even hell won't feel cold.
I want to destroy us both. So that even when I'm a pile of ashes on the ground, swept by the wind, I won't feel lonely.
But I love you, and while love is a drug for others, for someone like me, once is enough. So if I ever get a chance to do it again, I won't repeat the same mistakes. I won't take the wrong turn in the forest. I won't wake up that morning to see the sunrise. I won't get swept away by the crowd. And I won't meet you on that bridge. In your second life, you won't ever know a girl named Evelyn Jones, who loved you so much she would let herself burn alone for the sake of you living a happy life without her.
If I ever get a chance to do it again, in your second life, you won't ever learn of pain.
That night, two caged birds fell asleep holding each other's hands through the bars, making promises that shouldn't be kept, while dreading the sunrise they once scaled over walls to see.

Golden Words (snip no.1)

He turned away and brisk-walked down the corridor, just a few speeds from running, a pink flush seven shades shy from the colour of his lips peeking out his tussled collar. This man was beautiful beyond my wildest dreams, and anyone with the slightest bit of intelligence could tell he hated me from the bottom of his heart.
A stupid grin spread across my face as I chased after him, calling his name like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Too bad I'm an idiot.

Golden Words (snip no.2) [ending]

XX years later, we stood under the same tree, wearing the same white clothes, holding the same polished blades, except everything was dripping with a nauseating shade of red.
And just like so many years ago, I had so many things to say, but this time, only three words came out.
"Was it fun?"
No reply came. XX years, and nothing had changed. A grotesque sound bursted out of my throat, three-quarters laughter and one-quarter scorn. I choked on the bubbles of blood running down my chin. Amidst this crimson mess, I squeezed out the most pathetic last words.
"Please, be happy."
If you have to treasure your words like gold, I'll just give all my words to you.
submitted by not_telling- to writingcritiques [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:06 Far-Sandwich4191 A situationship almost destroyed me

26F. It’s one thing if you don’t want to be with me and you set up boundaries to make that clear. But introducing me to your family? Having dinner with them? Texting and calling me frequently. Yes, it’s a good thing to tell people straight up what you’re looking for. But if your actions don’t match your words and you give people hope that there’s room for something more…that makes you a bad person. And look, I take 100% responsibility for not believing what the guy told me. But his actions didn’t match his words and there was one time he used the term “relationship” to describe us. He would also deny we were dating, despite taking me out on dates. On top of a whole bunch of other things…
I could write a novel, but the bottom line is this situationship almost destroyed me. I would have dreams and he would show up in them. As time goes on, it gets harder. I suddenly reflect on the red flags and how abusive his actions were.
And occasionally, I’ll send him a text, reminding him he’s a bad person. And then block his number. I know this is counterproductive and need to stop… but the amount of times this man has made me cry bc his words play over and over again in my head.
It’s enough to drive anyone crazy.
submitted by Far-Sandwich4191 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:02 Direct-Caterpillar77 His mistress made him a better husband. I feel nauseous. (New Update)

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Wide-Area-6779
His mistress made him a better husband. I feel nauseous.
Originally posted to TrueOffMyChest
Thanks to u/queenlegolas for suggesting this BoRU
TRIGGER WARNING: emotional infidelity, physical assault, verbal abuse, manipulation
Original Post Nov 22, 2023
This is a throwaway. I’m just nauseous and want to vent please let me do it here?
Everything changed about 3 years ago and my husband became my dream man. Before that, we suffered a lot in our marriage. After 2 hard pregnancies and PPD my libido was diminished and we fought all the time. After 4 years of dead bedroom we started therapy. I thought that was where the improvement came from.
My husband started paying attention to me. In the beginning I was panicking because whenever he paid me attention before he expected sex but now it felt like he was seeing me as a human being for the first time. He was attentive and caring. Emphatic. He touched and cuddled and kissed me out of the blue, without wanting sex in return. He started helping around the house, bringing me flowers, take out dinners when I work late, planning date nights. Anniversaries, birthdays and holidays are planned perfectly and I started getting the most beautiful and thoughtful gifts. When we fought, he would come the next day and admitted his wrongs and very accurately (if he was the one in the wrong) something he never did before. He would apologize too when back in the days him apologizing would be a blow to his ego. He said he was happy all the time and lucky to have us as his family. Everything was better and I even got my libido back if not as high as I hoped.
I found their conversation about 5 days ago and I have probably spent over 50 hours reading them. 3 years worth of conversation. He would tell her his woes and she would listen. 99 out of 100 times she sided with me. She taught him about intimacy and how important it is in marriages. The tragically funny part is that he never got angry or offended by her telling him off. Calling him silly, stubborn or at times man baby. Her honesty was brutal and yet he agreed with her. She was the one suggesting all the changes and he would ask her for advice about gifts, traveling and all the beautiful things he did for our family.
He thanks her all the time for helping him turn his miserable home life around, making it tolerable. With all these texts there were the texts between them that are about them like nobody else existed around them. The flirting, sextalk and pictures. The longing to see each other.
He says she is the love of his life every day and that he wishes their circumstances were different. She says the same. They both agree that divorce would ruin their families and that they couldn’t be that selfish. how admirable!
I feel nauseous. My happiness for the past three years was fake. I don’t know what to do. I want to hurt them. I want to expose them and I want to ruin whatever they think is perfect happiness
I’m getting chat requests about my comments not being visible. Is this normal? I’m trying to answer you guys. Sorry
Hi again
Since I can’t comment and I can’t answer all the chats I will answer here
I am 35. My husband is 39 we have two children 9&7
She is 40 and she has one child 14. She is in a dead bedroom with her husband too and for 14 years.
The affair is physical too yes but they meet maybe once every month or every other month. She tells my husband that what they feel is probably limerence but that they don’t know it yet because they meet so little. She lives in another city
Update - My husband left me after I told his mistress’s husband about their affair. March 19, 2024
I was here some weeks ago, with my original post. I finally decided that I really should reach out to the husband of my husband’s mistress. I found him easily and I contacted him. He didn’t believe me at first and was rude about it and told me to go f myself. I hesitated to contact him again to be honest but after a few days I realized that I would too not believe a stranger just popping in my dms accusing my SO of cheating so I recorded my husband’s phone with my phone. Especially the messages where she’s sent explicit photos and stuff. I also went to the contact to show the number. He didn’t answer me the first day then he called me the c-word and blocked me. I thought well then, I have done my part and it’s on him if he believed me or not. Then after a week my husband came home angry and he yelled at me for exposing them. He asked me why I didn’t confront him instead, my problem was with him. I have never seen him yell like this then he packed a bag and left for about a week. I think he’s traveled to her.
When he got home he said that it was over. He said that he has been trying to make me happy for years and he’s done everything a good husband would do but still, nothing was good enough for me. I’ve made him miserable for years and instead of taking it out on him, I chose to hurt a woman and her child. He moved to his parents house and now he’s renting an apartment I have heard that he travels the weeks he doesn’t have the children to be with her and that she’s moving here soon when she gets full custody of her child.
I have not been feeling well at all. He has never spoken to me directly since he left and I haven’t seen him. He adamantly refuses to talk to me. Like I never existed in his life. I don’t know what I have done to deserve this treatment. I hate that they won.
So basically your cheating ex is trying to blame you for him cheating. The delusion of cheaters.
You only informed the mistress's husband that she couldn't keep her legs closed to a cold breeze.
He had a right to know. Onwards and upwards.
He didn’t blame me for anything. He doesn’t care that he cheated. He was only angry that her husband hurt her and her child.
Maybe my post was this convoluted that everyone here is thinking he is trying to put the blame in me? He doesn’t care at all. He just thought that I should have confronted him instead because he was the one who cheated on me.
I told everyone around us what he done and he doesn’t even care
The last 3 years of your marriage were a lie. You know that now. Who he is the person he treated you before his affair partner had to convince him to be good to you. He is not a good person.
Do they even really know each other? Like how it is to be around each other on a daily basis. They are genuinely dumb to think the list will stay with 3 kids around plus handling chores and day to day things of life. They have 2 custody battles ahead of them and divorced on top of it.
If he’s angry with you the next time you have to see him, ask him why? He got what he wanted. He wanted to be with her and now he is. So why is he angry that you gave him what you wanted.
It’s probably shame that he’s painted to be a cheater. Not he can’t manipulate the narrative and paint you as the bad person.
If what they won is each other? Let them have each other. They are both awful people so they deserve each other
He is not angry about the divorce. He is angry I told the husband instead of him because the husband hurt her and her kid
He’s not angry bc of that, he always assumed that if you found out he could gaslight you into thinking that it was somehow your fault or not happening, but by you telling the other husband, there was no getting around it.
No he is angry about me putting his AP in danger.. he gives zero fucks about staying in our marriage or not. He only was with me to help raise the children and probably wait for her to get rid of her husband. I am not trying to he dramatic here but the soon I realize the truth the better is is for me to move on I think
I want full custody of my children after he went and beat up his mistress’s husband within an inch of his life and ended up in jail. Mar 22, 2024
This morning I got a call from my mother in law that my husband has been in jail for the past couple of days and only got out this morning but the charges weren’t dropped. Apparently his mistress and her husband had another altercation last weekend and she ended up hurt again.
Now I want full custody of my children. He is out but charges are not dropped so it will probably lead to some punishment. I don’t know if family court would count this in case I want full custody and supervised visits. My mother in law was hostile when I told her this and she’s one of the people who have supported me so I am expecting some push back. I don’t care.
You probably should not have let your MIL in on this idea. Her first reaction is going to be that it will threaten her ability to see the grand kids and her son’s ability to be a father. Even if you think she is on your team have to assume she isn’t.
Yeah it was a big mistake


He celebrated Mother’s Day with his mistress and her son May 12, 2024
Thank you so much for staying in touch and I am so sorry that I cannot answer your dms. I haven’t been active on Reddit and I have received tens of dms every day since my posts. I have been trying to adjust to life as a single mother. It is hard and especially the weeks I don’t have my children. Unfortunately, I could not convince court to give me sole custody even with my husband’s pending legal issues due to him not having any priors. He however succeeded to limit my family’s access citing parental alienation. I am not allowed my children around my family without supervision (MIL). All of this actions are temporary however until we get a court date. He is refusing to meet or talk to me for any reason besides texting about the children.
He is not in jail (for those who are asking) he has no priors so he is out. He will probably not be getting any jail time either but rather parole. Anyway, his mistress has secretly recorded some of the abuse she was getting from her husband and she has sole custody of their child now. She has moved to our city and she and her child are living with my MIL. Yes, MIL and from what I have gathered, she lives with my husband on the days I have the children.
Today I was out with my children and my friend and her children to have mother’s day brunch. I was the happiest I been for months because I got a bouquet of flowers and chocolate that is signed from my children (worlds best mom) and I knew that it was from my husband. Anyway when we arrived to the restaurant, there he was with his mistress and her child. They were celebrating mother’s day too. Her son was sitting between them and she had gift papers and flowers all around her on the table. I froze and wanted to leave but he came and apologized and said that he didn’t mean for this. She was crying and hugging her son. I wanted to faint because my children were so excited to see him and wanted to go inside and eat brunch with their dad. He told our children that it was mommy’s day then he asked me if I wanted her to leave so the children can have lunch with both of us. I just left with the children and took them to McDonald’s instead. He sent me a long text saying how sorry he was and how he wished that he loved me as much as I deserved and that he wished me to find love soon. He doesn’t regret our marriage and hope I don’t either because we got our beautiful children out of it that we need to raise and to not punish them because of what he did. Please let us not let our resentment of each other to spill out on our children. Let us promise to keep them happy and loved. Let us not use them as pawns. I asked him what I lacked that she has. A question that have been living rent free inside my head He said to stop this. This is futile. I insisted and I called him and he answered for the first time in months. I told him I wanted to know. No matter how harsh the truth was I can’t live without knowing. He said Mothing. I lacked nothing and she is not better in any way. He just loves her and loves himself when he is with her. He feels real and genuine happiness with her that he never felt in his entire life. I hang up and he texted I am sorry. This is the truth you asked for. You are not less than. You lack nothing. Please let us give our children the good life they deserve. Don’t hurt them to hurt me
I don’t know what I have done in my previous life to deserve this. The way he was with her. He never looked at me that way not even when we first met. I don’t know how to stop thinking about them. It is in my brain all day. I want full custody of my children and I will fight for it as much as I can. She will never be their step mother. Her custody is not finalized either and hopefully she will have to move back to her city so her husband can have visitation rights and she is out of my life. If my husband wants to move to be with her. My children stay with me.
OOP told to be careful around the husband, and asked what his mother thinks
Well I am not stupid and he can record me all he wants because I was very calm and I genuinely agree that the children come first. Even her child tbh. But I know that she only had emergency custody of hers because of the assault but I know the rules here and she will probably need to move back soon because her husband has right to meet his son. In that case my husband can move away but he can’t have custody because I want a stable home for them. I don’t know why I am getting hate in my dms calling me vindictive.
I am very grateful to you and others who are mentioning that she is coaching him to say things. Of course! How stupid was I not to figure this out. From not talking to me for a second to being all nice and begging me to forgive him and to keep it amicable? Of course it is her. Even mother’s day flowers was probably from her.
MIL is very devastated about what happened and she visits me every day even when the children aren’t home. She said that she had to take her in until she gets her own place. No she is not allowed to meet the children and it is already decided and MIL is making sure this is not the case. I understand that MIL chooses her son but she hasn’t given up on me.
I have talked a lot with mom about what happened and no she doesn’t feel guilty. She said that it was different (of course it is🙄) hers was real love and dad’s ex was very abusive. I don’t know, I don’t believe in karma or anything but she said that she at least understands now how dad’s ex felt. I feel anger because some people win and some lose and I still love him very much. I regret exposing what happened. At least I could have had 4 more years together. And the children would have been a bit older. I regret so much things that I have done in a moment of grief and anger
OOP When told to be careful what she puts in text messages and once again be weary of the mistress
Thanks. I have been very careful about texting because as I am keeping all the evidence, I am counting on him doing that too. About his mistress, it is less “evil” than that because I was wrong about her recording the abuse. She stole the surveillance her husband had installed around their house to spy on her. MIL told me this today. She is probably hoping for full custody but I know the rules here and he will have right to see his son no matter so the c-word will have to move back sooner or later.
Only them I will be asking for full custody if my husband moves with her to her city because I don’t want a part time father to my children who shows up whenever he pleases. I want stability. He is either a father or not
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:02 karenvideoeditor The Zoo [Part 8]

First / Previous

Suzanne thought it was absolutely brilliant of me to put books on a flash drive for Sun. She explained that Sun wasn’t as sophant (her word, not mine) as she might seem, more of a repository of information, but she was fairly intelligent. It was how she was able to connect Andrew being in pain to the fact that I was friends with Andrew, and that I would want to know that he was in trouble. Apparently some of Sun’s species had given some ‘wisdom’ to others in the past and it had made its way into mythology.
The key fact was that she was not smart enough to protect herself and her kind from the clever, organized poachers. With that information in mind, it was fascinating for me to think of how Sun took in and organized what she learned. It was almost as if she was a walking, talking library.
On the topic of tours, my first one went wonderfully, and I’m almost hoping Suzanne lets me do more of them. I know not all the tourists are going to be as awesome as these people were, but Suzanne gave me a lot of slack when it comes to dealing with them. She actually said that being a smartass is not grounds for dismissal, and that if I’m sarcastic or facetious to guests who are being ‘daft’ and they complain, she really doesn’t care. Is this the perfect job for me or what?
There were four guests in this party, two adults who were sisters and two children of one of the women, brothers aged thirteen and seventeen. The tour was a birthday gift for the older of the boys from his aunt, since apparently he was passionate about animal protection and conservation.
When they arrived at the front gate, I was sitting at Andrew’s desk, going over the booklet of information one last time. When the visitors pressed the button that sounded the alert buzzer, I tucked away in a drawer and let them in. I did have a cheat sheet with information about the animals on my phone just in case, a brief notation of each of them and which enclosure they were in, but I really didn’t need to use it.
Exiting through the front door, I saw them walk up the path toward me. “Hi, I’m Ripley,” I said, holding out a hand toward the woman closest to me.
She shook it firmly. “I’m Denise. This is my sister Carla and my nephews, Wesley and Jason,” she said, motioning to each of them in turn.
“I heard it’s your birthday,” I said to Wesley, giving him a smile. “You’re interested in animal conversation?”
“Back where we live, yeah,” he said, nodding. “The animals that you’ve got here are incredible. I can’t wait to see them.”
“Well, I can’t wait to show them to you,” I said. “Right this way.”
I led them on the path around the building, toward enclosure one. Despite the horrific memories of the animal killing Stanley’s friends, I knew it was just an animal, and I had to push past my feelings on what had happened. Keeping a small smile on my face, I motioned to the enclosure. “Fiercely territorial and amazing hunters, despite their large size, they’re arboreal and known to dart from tree to tree with barely a sound. This is one of only about two thousand left in existence.”
“Two thousand, three hundred and fifty six at last count,” spoke Wesley, his eyes on the trees.
I blinked, surprised and impressed. “Well that was fantastic. Do you plan on stealing my job when you graduate?”
Wesley looked at me with a grin. “Nah, everyone knows Suzanne only offers humans this gig. And I want to help animals like this one get off the endangered species list. The zoos are great for awareness and fundraising, but then the money has to go somewhere. I want to be doing the real work.”
“That’s really great,” I told him. “I wish you all the best in that career path.” At that, we saw the animal climb down from the tree, wandering a few yards from the tree line. This was because 90% of the time, when humans were at their enclosure and making noise, whether it was speaking to each other or calling out to the animal, it was someone bringing them prey to eat. Or, in my case, enrichment toys to play with.
“Whoa,” Wesley whispered.
“How close can we get?” spoke up Jason.
“The warding starts at the fence,” I told him with a small gesture. “So, just there.”
Both boys wandered closer and I glanced at their parents. It seemed that Suzanne’s zoo had a serious reputation for high quality invisible walls, because they didn’t look worried in the slightest about the boys being hurt or killed.
“They prefer dense forest as their home and have been known to make their nests in trees up to twenty meter in the air,” I continued. “And when hunting, they’ve been seen dropping eight meters straight down. They have incredibly dense yet flexible musculature, which allows them to tackle their prey without injuring themselves.”
There was more information about the animal that I continued to rattle off, though Wesley chimed in at certain points with the info I was about to convey. That was highly entertaining and very cool. When I’d been in school, I’d never met anyone who had my level of passion about endangered animals. I wondered if things were better where these folks came from, but realized that considering there were so few of these animals left, I guessed not.
The animal paced a little bit, seemingly waiting to see if we were the kind of humans that came bearing food, before deciding we weren’t and climbing back up into the trees as easily as I would climb some stairs.
As we moved onto enclosure two, Jason spoke up. “Are there any animals here we can touch or feed or something?”
I sighed inwardly before slowing to a stop. “Well, can you show me your hands?” Jason looked bemused, holding out his hands. “I mean…they both look like they’re in great shape. You can stand to lose one.”
The two women chuckled and Wesley smirked as Jason shoved his hands into his pockets. “Very funny.”
Grinning, I started walking again. “The animals here are all carnivores and all predators. You get to see them, but that’s it.”
When we reached enclosure two, I started on my next spiel. “We’ve got three reanimated dead in this enclosure,” I spoke. They were just coming out from the trees as we arrived, presumably having heard our approach. “Marissa, Connor, and Bradley. They were donated by families who knew where they would be exhibited. Their next of kin, whoever they are, can’t stand the idea of putting them down. But we need to make sure they don’t have access to corpses, because one of them plus one corpse equals two of them.”
“They eat flesh though, don’t they?” Wesley asked.
I nodded. “Oh, yeah, but it’s from bodies that have already been dismembered. There’s no chance of them being affected by the transformation because it’s all parts.”
“Oh, got it.”
The creatures with blueish-white skin had superhuman strength, which is why they qualified for the security of Suzanne’s zoo. They also were likely the source of any Earth tales of people being brought back to life as zombies, specifically draugr, according to my research. They smelled like rotting flesh, so even as I kept talking about them and giving a background to the people they used to be, we were quick to move on once Wesley had gotten a good, long look at them.
“Enclosure four’s animal is a vampiric spirit. He’s a small, hairy humanoid creature with pointed ears. He wears a hat, and if he somehow loses it, he freaks out,” I said.
“They eat horses,” Wesley noted. “Also anything that gives them the chance to sit on it, usually catching them by surprise while they’re sleeping.”
The creature came out from the brush, giving us a suspicious look. He wasn’t in his humanoid form though; for some reason, he’d chosen to shapeshift to a dog.
I nodded. “Yep, indeed. Once the prey is dead, then he’ll eat it, and he has a voracious appetite. We have two wolves and two bears in the forest, which is one of the reasons I’ve got some self-defense items,” I said, patting my belt where my pepper spray (rated for bear) and my taser. “But the wards keep them out of this area of the zoo, so it’s really not much of a worry. It’s also a known shapeshifter, preferring the form of a dog, as you can see, as well as a cat, a snake, or even white butterflies, though the last one is rare.”
“The white butterflies are supposed to be a sign of good luck,” Wesley said, glancing to me. “Too bad we got the dog.”
“Yeah, otherwise you might be able to talk your mom into getting scratch-offs on your way home, huh?”
Wesley smirked at me.
The next enclosure was Spike, and he was waiting for us, dripping wet from having just emerged from the lake. I gave the introductory information about him, which included his propensity for eating animal eyes, nails, and teeth. “Recently, I’ve given him some enrichment activities, and I learned he likes artichokes, pecans, and hazelnuts,” I said, taking a bag out from my cargo shorts. “Wesley, do you want to toss this bag into the enclosure?”
The boy’s eyes widened and he nodded excitedly. He took a look into the paper bag before wrapping down the top to make sure nothing would fly out. Then he chucked it underhand past the fence. It landed a few yards from Spike, who waddled over to it quickly and tearing the bag open, spilling out the prizes inside. As the animal ate the pecans and hazelnuts, Wesley asked, “How’d you figure out he likes those?”
“It’s not all about taste,” I told him. “It’s mainly the difficulty of getting them out of the shells. He’s used to having to work for the parts of his prey he likes the most, so this mimics that activity, and he enjoys the process. I tried a bunch of different foods to find a few he liked.”
“Cool,” Wesley murmured, staring at him.
We watched Spike eat until he’d finished and then he went back into the woods, leaving us to move onto enclosure five. Japanese camellia were plentiful here, a type of pink flower, and that was because they grew anywhere near one of his species made their den. “This girl spends most of her time in the lake also,” I said, as the creature made its way toward the fence separating us from it. “But as you can see, she’s just as curious as the rest about what we’re doing here and whether we have food for her. She eats fish mostly, but she also regularly gets live prey.”
This creature was a spider-like monster, having six legs with long claws on each, and the head of an ox with two sharp horns. She was capable of shapeshifting to look like a human, but I guessed that she wasn’t fond of it, since I hadn’t yet seen her in that form.
“She prefers the easy way of catching prey, so to speak, by hiding in the lake and pouncing when something comes for a drink of water,” I explained. “Apparently humans are some of her favorite prey. She has an advantage of being able to spit poison, which often hits her prey in the eyes. But it’s usually used in defense rather than offense, since it secretes a limited amount.”
“What kind of animal would even go after something like this?” Jason asked, staring at her.
“Never discount one of its own species when you’re thinking about what might attack an animal,” I replied. “There are places that are breeding all of the animals here, but competition for mates is common. That means an advantage in a fight, like poison or venom, can make or break who the winner is.”
“Ah, gotcha.”
“It can’t spit past the warding, right?” Carla suddenly asked.
“Oh, no,” I assured her. “We’re fine. The wards wouldn’t let anything cross over.” She nodded, appeased.
The animal in enclosure six was the ginormous seal-hippo, Fiona, and she was looking at us as if she was imagining sprinkling us with herbs and spices and stuffing us in an oven. “This girl is one animal I’m going to work on enrichment activities for next,” I told them. “She prefers to feed on crayfish, though she’s happy to eat any humans that wander into her territory. She’ll even make a sound like a baby crying to reel us in. I’ve heard it a bunch of times.”
“Can you get her to make the sound?” Jason asked, perking up.
I grinned. “Not on command, sorry.”
“What enrichment are you thinking of trying?” Wesley asked.
“Possibly food placed in puzzle feeders,” I told him, “since she has claws that are pretty dexterous. Maybe a piñata made out of newspaper with flour inside, or a scarecrow that mimics a human.”
“Awesome,” he muttered.
After a little more educational tidbits, we moved onto Yui’s enclosure. “What is that?” Wesley asked, smiling.
“I got Yui the closest thing I could to a ping-pong ball,” I replied. “She quite likes it.”
“That’s so funny,” he said as she came out of the trees in her spider form. “I mean, the idea of her being a bloodthirsty hunter who seduces men to their deaths and eats them alive, but then on the other hand, she likes playing with something like this.”
“It is a little funny,” I agreed. “But when it comes down to it, all the animals here enjoy activities besides hunting.”
“She can shapeshift to look human, right?” asked Jason, trying to be casual about knowing something factual like his nerdy brother.
I nodded. “She looks like a woman from a region of Earth called Japan. And she’ll use strategies like holding out a hand to shake to get you closer. She tried that on me when I first got here but, as you can see,” I said, holding up my hands and waving them, “I didn’t fall for it.”
The boys both laughed as they got closer to the fence, watching her slowly pace near the trees.
Next was Sun, but she didn’t make an appearance as I spoke about her species. “Well…unfortunately we can’t guarantee that every animal comes out to say hi,” I sighed. “But…oh wait, here she is.”
The green lion with several horns and many eyes along her flank came out from the forest. “Hello,” she spoke.
“Hi, Sun,” I replied. “We have visitors.”
“What’s that?” Wesley asked suddenly, pointing at the small plastic bag that was still where I’d left it.
“Oh! That is Sun’s enrichment,” I said with a smile. “I put dozens of books on a flash drive and found that she can read them just like she’d read a shelf of books.”
Wesley’s eyes widened. “Wow. I don’t think I’ve read about anyone trying that before. That’s really cool.”
“The books are new and interesting,” Sun spoke, drawing our attention. “I’m grateful for them.”
I nodded to her. “You’re quite welcome.”
The next animal, unfortunately, wasn’t there, and we waited around for ten minutes as we discussed him. He was large and reptile-like with red eyes, with its hind legs and tail making him look vaguely like a kangaroo. Then, enclosure ten was a terrifyingly disturbing creature, the not-a-centaur with no skin, that I’d only seen a few times while walking my route. It gave a good demonstration of its ferocity, showing its sharp teeth and snapping at us a few times.
“I’m thinking of trying salt licks and other horse enrichment like a big bouncy ball,” I told Wesley, whose eyebrows went up at that. “Maybe give him more things to forage like scattered grains or a box filled with pinecones and seeds. Foraging is a huge part of a horse’s life in the wild, and humans have to do a lot of activities like that to keep pet horses busy. Of course, he also loves the little salt-water lake that was built for him.”
We spent some time looking at the animal before moving past our last stop, the empty enclosure of the animal was stolen. Carla glanced at me with a sad smile, knowing what had happened, it seemed. I gave her a nod as we continued on our way, walking into the office. “So, I hope everyone enjoyed themselves!” I said with a smile.
“That was the coolest birthday present I’ve ever gotten,” Wesley said, looking to Denise. “Thanks so much, seriously.”
“It was my pleasure,” she said with a nod. “I’d never been here before, and knew I’d find it fascinating. Thank you for the educational aspect,” Denise said, glancing at me. “I learned quite a lot.”
“Happy to hear it,” I said, returning the nod.
As I escorted the guests out of the zoo and locked the door behind them, I reflected on how much I’d changed. The first time I’d seen Yui’s tarantula form, I’d nearly passed out from fear. Now here I was, walking tourists around like it was no big deal. Humans really can adapt to anything, it seems.
That afternoon, Suzanne had texted me that she was coming by after my shift, and I met her in Andrew’s office, shutting the door to the security room behind me. “How’s Andrew?” I asked first thing.
“He’s doing well,” she said with a wide smile. “Back on non-hospital food. He’s allowed to order food on his phone, and to hear it from him, that’s the best news he’d received in a long time.”
I chuckled. “I guess some clichés are true for a reason.”
“Indeed.” She took a breath. “All right. Ripley…I would like to discuss something with you.”
My face went slack at the serious tone in her voice. “I’m not… Am I being fired?”
“What? No!” she exclaimed. Then she chuckled softly. “No, it’s nothing like that. Just, here, let’s have a seat.” Suzanne walked over to the couch and sat at one end, and I took the other. “There’s something I need to tell you. Something I’ve kept from you, that I wanted to keep from you until you found your sea legs here.”
“Well…I have,” I said with a nod. “So, what is it?”
Suzanne took a breath. “I knew your mother.”
The words hung in the air for a moment before making their way to my ears. It was a perfectly logical sentence, and yet it didn’t make any sense. “What?” I finally managed.
“When you graduated college, I decided to move the zoo from Italy to within driving distance of your home,” she said softly. “Near enough to your town that you’d see the advert. We ignored any other applicants and I hoped you’d apply. Actually, I expected you’d apply. Not just for the money, but considering the field you wanted to go into. As soon as I’d found out your major, I knew.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” I said, holding up a hand. I pinched the bridge of my nose. “How do you know Patricia?”
“She owned the zoo before I did,” Susan explained. “Fourteen years ago…she was working to track an injured animal that we could bring into the zoo and she was killed by poachers.”
My heart calcified in my chest and a lump lodged in my throat. As my breaths became shaky, I stared at her in shock. “She…she’s really dead?”
“You suspected?” she asked softly.
“It…” I swallowed hard. “We had her declared legally dead after…I don’t know, seven years I think. My dad wanted to go after her for child support, but the police said…they said they couldn’t find…” Tears came to my eyes and I blinked them back before I met Suzanne’s gaze. “She owned the zoo?”
Suzanne nodded. “It was her baby, you’d say. When Patricia passed, I inherited it, which we’d discussed beforehand, a legal just-in-case that I never expected her to need. I’m under the impression that you were told she went to Africa for her photography career, but she was in fact going to remote areas back in my home world almost every time.”
“But I-I saw the photos,” I said, my eyes narrowing. “You’re telling me she put on a show of getting pictures that someone else took for us to see every time she visited? Did my dad even know?”
“I suppose that’s an accurate way to put it, putting on a show. And no, your father was never told. It’s not the way of things to tell humans unless it’s necessary. I won’t bore you with the details, but us and humans, we’re distant relatives, so we can still have children. But it wasn’t planned. Your mother fell in love with your father despite herself; she hadn’t meant to find love. Then she became pregnant with you and…well, the rest is history.”
“I think she had a different definition of love than the one I have,” I said tightly. “You’d think she’d have put her survival as more of a priority. Put being with the man she ‘loved’ as a priority. Her kids needed her. I needed her. She signed up when she became a mom. She could’ve screwed up all the time but she couldn’t even manage that one job: be there. When I was in the hospital, I kept thinking, ‘Where is she?’ and now you’re telling me that she put these animals above being there for her kids, and this whole time she’s been dead.”
“The hospital?” she asked, furrowing her brows.
“Never mind,” I said tersely, averting my gaze.
Suzanne hesitated before she nodded slowly. “I’m sorry for your loss, and not just for her death, Ripley,” she told me. “Patricia was…well, a ‘free spirit’ would be putting it gently. She always assumed the world would be there for her whenever she needed it.”
Staring at her for a long moment, I shook my head. “Why? Why come here and hire me?”
“I thought that would be obvious,” she said, smiling. “Your mother was so passionate about this place and once I found out your college major, I figured you would be as well.”
“Did you know that I hate her?” At that, Suzanne’s expression froze on the edge of shock. “She…she left us,” I whispered. “Didn’t tell us who she was or what she really did for a living and gave us no closure. And even when she was here, it was just visiting. Her real home was her work. She could give me all the presents she wanted, but even when she was here, half the time she was still on her computer doing work. It’s not like that stereotype of never making it to my tennis practice or something; it’s that it always felt like she was only partially here, even when I was sitting next to her. I don’t even know if I appreciate her turning me into a wildlife fanatic because it…it…makes me feel like I’m close to her in a way that’s just infuriating. She loved the animals more than she loved us.”
“Oh, Ripley-”
“Don’t,” I said, shoving myself to my feet. “Don’t try to convince me otherwise.”
“I wasn’t going to,” she said quietly. I pursed my lips. “I was going to say that I’m sorry that was the case. Your mother was…flawed, just like any other person. She had two loves in this world: her family and her work. And often, her work overcame her, her zeal for environmentalism getting in the way of being a good mum. She left your father trying to fill the role of two parents, holding your family together. You and your brother and your father, you all deserved better than that.”
My lower lip quivered but I bit down on it hard. It would’ve been a lot easier for me if she’d been speaking from a place of clueless reassurance about all this. But everything she said was making sense and that meant I didn’t have someone in front of me to be angry with.
“Why didn’t you tell me when Andrew hired me?” I sighed, sitting back down on the couch.
“Well, like I said, I wanted you to find your sea legs,” she said with a small smile. “I didn’t want the truth affecting whether or not you wanted to work here, whether you wanted to stay here after finding out about what the animals are. It would’ve complicated things, the emotions you’ll have to work through now that you know the truth. Whether or not you decide to give another tour, you also know what they’re like. That’s the benchmark I wanted you to reach before you found out about who you are.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Who I-” My face went slack. “Wait.”
Suzanne nodded slowly. “You’re only half human. Your brother too.”
The room seemed to tilt on an axis for a moment. “That means I’m also half…what?”
“We call ourselves Eldritch, these days,” she replied.
My eyes bugged out. “What?” I exclaimed. “So you’re all, like, gods or something?”
Suzanne burst out laughing. “Oh no, goodness, no,” she chuckled. “It’s just a word. We live in a very different world from this one, and a few generations ago we discovered the word and it made its way into our lexicon. But it does mean you can see all the animals. Indeed you did, on the tour you gave.”
“Wait, no, I had the glasses that…” I stopped. “Did those glasses do anything?”
She gave a sly smile and shook her head. “Not a thing. You made incredibly quick progress, and then when it came time for the tour, all you needed was to expect to see the animals, and you did.”
Genetics. That’s what Andrew had said during our interview, that part of how many animals you could see was determined by genetics. I guess having a mother who was originally from the other dimension gave me all the genes I needed to see everything here. “Could I…visit your world?” I asked tentatively. “You said that my mom took photos of the animals there. Could I…” My voice trailed off, not even sure if or how I wanted to finish that sentence.
“Those who are half human, especially those who are raised on Earth, don’t come visit,” she said gently. “I could show you some photos of other animals, and I could loan you as many books as you’d like, but it’s simply not a place where you’d be safe.”
“Oh,” I said, leaning into the couch cushion as I pictured the animals in the zoo. “Yeah, actually that…makes sense.” I paused. “So, what now?”
“It’s up to you,” she said. “I wanted to wait until I was sure you were comfortable with your position here, and then put the ball in your court. And so it is. What do you want to do now?”
What did I want to do? It wasn’t that difficult a question, just a deep, serious one.
I wanted to thrive, as the animals did. This is my enrichment now, working at an incredible, wonderful, terrifying zoo. The experience so far hasn’t been perfect, and I know there are risks, but life isn’t about staying safe. It’s about learning new things and making a difference in the world. And, if you’re lucky, having a job that’s something really special.


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submitted by karenvideoeditor to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:01 LucyAriaRose AITA for telling my Ex-Wife's Fiancee the truth about our divorce?

I am NOT the Original Poster. That is u/SparkMandrill90. He posted in AITAH
Mood Spoiler: Good ending.
Original Post: May 9, 2024
My (33M) ex-wife (30F) and I got divorced 3 years ago. In college, we worked at the same restaurant, that's where we met. We were together for 7 years, and married for a little over 3 and half. We divorced because she cheated twice.
2 years into our marriage I discover she is having an affair with a former classmate. I collect enough evidence and confront her. She confesses everything. The affair was about 2 months long. This was a really terrible time, and was really hard to work through with her. You can call me an idiot, but I am a forgiving person. I do believe in 2nd chances and that people can change. We agreed to reconcile. We did the work. We had marriage counseling. We read some of the books, she went no contact with classmate right away, open phone policy, we told our parents. She was doing the right things and our relationship was recovering.
1 year into our reconciliation, her Aunt dies. I am very busy with work and cannot attend the services as they are on Thursday and Friday, back in her hometown 5 hours away. Her parents and brother no longer live there, so she stayed with a good friend from HS. I had met this friend a few times and was comfortable with that.
On Saturday morning my wife text me that the car was loaded, and she was about to start making the drive home. About an hour after that I got a Facebook message from the friend. Who stated she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she just let this go, but informed me that my wife had gone out Friday night with some old friends from HS. The friend thought nothing of this until she discovered my wife had left her phone behind, and that she didnt come back until the following morning. I had gotten a text that Friday night from my wife that she was going to bed early since the past few days had been emotionally draining.
I confronted my wife soon as she got home. She was really hesitant to tell me anything so I lied to her and told her if we were going to work through this, I needed to know everything like the last time. That got her to confess that she had gone out, and had gone home with an old friend from high school. She said they didn't have sex but did do "stuff" that I won't go into detail about here. It didn't matter, once I got enough of the truth I left for my parents house. That week, my Dad called my landlord and paid all the termination fees and got me out of the lease. We went and got my stuff while she was at work. My parents set me up with a friend of theirs that was a divorce attorney and he cut me a deal. Took about 7 months for divorce to go final.
That was 3 years ago. I have an awesome girlfriend, and am doing well. This past weekend I got a Facebook message from a guy who is now engaged to my ex-wife. He introduced himself and said he was probably just being crazy, but he wanted to know why we had gotten divorced. He said he had broached the subject a few times, and she always "gets weird." She had told him we had divorced because we grew apart, but mostly she just deflects or is really really vague.
I told him the truth, and offered evidence if he would like. He declined, and thanked me for my time and story.
A day later I get a phone call from a local, but unknown number. I answer and it's my ex-wife. She is really upset and asking me why I am trying to ruin her future. I get her to calm down and talk. She says her fiancee has asked for some space and is staying with his parents this week. That he is saying he needs to reevaluate their relationship. She wants to know why I told him all about their past and why I'm still punishing her. She tells me she's not that person anymore, and has done all this work, and been in therapy. That she deserves another chance and I'm being petty and hateful. There were a few generic insults thrown. I got a little pissed and told her if she really changed for the better she would have been upfront with him about heour past and owned up to cheating in her prior marriage, and then gone about showing her fiancee that she was ready to be a worthy partner to him unlike she was with me. Instead she tried to lie and hide the truth, and now it's blowing up in her face again. She said a few choice words and hung up.
I haven't heard anything since. I told my girlfriend and she reassured how I handled it. But I find myself feeling guilty. I still believe in 2nd chances and that people can change. While I would have felt wrong lying to the guy, I wonder if I should have handled the whole thing differently or just not responded. If she is truly different and this is just a blip, I don't want to be the thing that prevents her from finding happiness, but also believe I'm not what's hurting her engagement. AITA?
Relevant Comments:
Commenter: The fiancé called you and asked you what happened, you are under no obligation to lie to him for her sake, as a matter of fact, anything that you told him besides the truth would be suspect as you have no idea what she told him. Don’t feel bad, she is only feeling the consequences of her actions. NTA. Kiss your wife, tell her you love her, and live a good life together
OOP: Yeah, I don't know what she's told him exactly. He made it sound like she will do anything NOT to talk about it. He did say the most he's ever gotten out of her when bringing it up was "We grew apart". Which is a lie in itself.
Commenter: NTAH, imagine if you had lied to the guy and said you had just grown apart. Would you want thar on your conscience? I’d have told him rather than been part of a lie that will lead to someone else getting hurt. She hasn’t changed at all.
OOP: No, you're right, I would not have lied to him. I think I was largely wondering if I should have just told him "it wasn't my place and he needs to get it from his fiancee", but after the amount of feedback, I'm feeling really good with my decision.
Commenter: NTA. I’m like you. I would feel guilty because at a glance it seems like being honest about your experience caused your ex to potentially lose her relationship. However you are holding yourself accountable for someone else’s actions. Your ex cheated. Your ex withheld information from her current partner. Your ex is still avoiding accountability. You are not responsible for her actions. Anything that happens in her relationship is her problem, not yours.
OOP: Thank you for this, I got to remind myself of that. I hate causing others pain, so I'm glad to hear from someone who can relate
There is no consensus bot on AITAH, but a majority of votes are NTA
Update Post: May 12, 2024 (3 days later)
I really didn't expect to give an update because I assumed I'd never hear anything from my ex wife or her fiancee again. First Post
Last night I received a very very long text from my ex-wife. I'll summarize it below, because it was long and did have personal details.
She started off by apologizing for the way she talked to me the other day and said I didn't deserve to be insulted like that. She then went onto explain herself, and her situation.
She started by acknowledging that this whole situation wasn't my concern or business, and apologized for me being drawn into it, and said she was embarrassed that their issues were being "aired out." She said it was her fault this happened. Since she began dating her fiancee she has hidden the details of our marriage out of shame and guilt. For the most part it was never brought up until he proposed a couple months ago. That's when he first really asked and seemed to want to know. She said she wasn't ready to deal with that and kept trying to rug sweep it, but he persisted. This is when she started therapy (so apparently she's only had a few therapy sessions and all are recent). She never thought he would reach out to me.
She then stated that none of this was my fault, and apologized for blaming me. She said she should have faced this a long time ago, gotten therapy for ruining our marriage, and come to terms with her own feelings of guilt.
Then she apologized for her affairs, and way I was treated during our marriage.
The last part was just her stating that she was not expecting a response back, wishing me the best, and saying that hopefully her and her fiancee will never "bother me" again.
This morning when I got up and read this, I sent back a brief message:
"I appreciate the apologies and am glad you are working on yourself. I have moved on from what happened, and hope you can move on from this. The only bit of advice I have is I think this text needs to go to your fiancee."
She responded back just by saying "Thank you" and that he's received far more and far longer texts.
I doubt there'll ever be another update. I actually hope there isn't. I don't believe in closure, but I will say it was refreshing, to hear her apologize without an asterisk. That's what I always got before, the "I'm so sorry, I just drank too much and..." "I'm so sorry, I was just really depressed and stressed and...". Doesn't mean a whole lot really, maybe just unexpected for me, but it was nice to hear an apology that has no excuse trailing behind it. I'm going to enjoy the rest of my day now and leave all this behind me.
Wanted to address a small sets of commenters from the first post though. I had several people hung up on that my Dad paid my termination fees and got me out of my lease. He did that of his own accord, to take a lot of the stress of the separation off me. I included that to show how I had a support system that was behind me, and willing to help in any way no questions asked. It really helped me through the healing process, and I got back on my feet pretty quickly after. I'm sorry if you don't have anyone there for you when you're at your lowest, but it doesn't make you better or manlier or whatever you were going for when you made those comments. Having to face any and every challenge on your own, is really just kind of a sad existence in my opinion. I hope that changes for you and you'll find someone to be in your corner someday.
Relevant Comments:
Commenter: She seems to be taking some accountability for her actions which is a surprise if she is sincere. They almost never take any responsibility for anything.
Go on and have a wonderful life.
OOP: Yep that's what I'm going to do.
I don't have much thought on the texts she sent me, I mean this whole thing is really nothing more than a weird few days in my otherwise routine life. But I will admit, it was nice to hear her take some accountability without making an excuse right after. That had never happened before.
Commenter: I honestly don't see why people were jumping on you for having someone in your corner to help you out, seems like a weird thing to get hung up on.
OOP: That's how I felt too, but there were a handful of people who were trying to imply that I was some sort of crybaby man child because my Dad took care of that for me.
Commenter: What accountability exactly do you think that she is taking here? She’s basically just playing defense to try to save her current relationship. It’s easy to be honest when there’s no other choice.
OOP: Her motivations are her own.
But to address your questions on accountability. When she first got caught having an affair, and we decided to work it out. She did everything "right." She came to every counseling appointment and fully participated, she read the books we got, she gave me every password, and so on. She would apologize profusely, but every time she would also give an excuse along with it. "I am so sorry I did this to us, I don't know what I was thinking, I was just so caught up in the validation" or the attention, or I was just so depressed and he was just there, and so on. She would put her self down, beg for forgiveness, and each time there was always just a little "asterisk" added on. A little reason/excuse/deflection as to why she did it. An outside factor that pushed her into it to some degree
When she did the second time, there wasn't much discussion because I ended things and left as soon as I got enough confession out of her. But when she was bombarding me with texts, emails, snaps, you name it trying to explain and beg, and ask for one more chance and all that, she apologized a 1000 times, all 1000 times had its little "asterisk.". I was just so drunk I wasn't thinking, I really thought he just wanted to keep hanging out, we didn't have sex (whether this was true or not I really don't care) and so on.
I'm going to assume you've never dealt with a betrayal like this, and I hope you never do, but when you are a person like me, who has been betrayed, even years later, to finally get an apology that has no excuses, no asterisks attached to it, it is incredibly refreshing. I truly thought it would never happen, thought she would never be capable.
Now, it doesn't mean much, our lives haven't crossed paths in 2.5 years, and may never again. I'm not going to be reaching out and I assume neither is she, but for that to actually happen, I'll take the win today.
submitted by LucyAriaRose to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:01 JustSayIt_Pls Tell them you love them. Don't make the same mistake I made.

Hello all. I wanted to share this story in the hopes you don’t make the same mistake I did.
I (27m) have always had issues expressing my love for people. I know I love people like my family and friends, I just can’t bring myself to tell them. It has been at least 12 years since I have told my mom that I loved her, even though I cannot imagine going through life without her. I told my dad that I loved him when he was going through a rough spot with my mom 6 years ago and we both broke down crying, which made me not want to do that again in a way. It took me 18 months to tell my girlfriend that I loved her and it was an intense moment for me. I don’t know why I have so much trouble telling people they matter to me, but that may be something to explore in therapy.
3 years ago, I lost my uncle to pancreatic cancer. I found out in October the previous year and he was dead by April - in 6 months, he went from functional to in horrible pain and dying. His wife was useless as they had not been getting along so it was my parents and me that cared for him. I took him to countless doctor appointments, chemotherapy and radiation treatments, and emergency trips to the ER. I was happy to do it. He and I had a close bond as I was growing up. He would take me to McDonalds on weekends and include me in his family’s celebrations (he was my uncle by marriage). We weren’t related by blood but he treated me as such and I will forever be grateful.
In the week before his death, I had to take a work trip out of town. I was working in a position that was essential to coordinating different in-person operations of a company during the pandemic so I could not opt out. The night I left, I stopped by his house. His wife was ignoring him and he was alone in the guest room watching YouTube videos. It was clear he was hoping to talk to someone. I got a status report from him and just chatted for a bit. During the entire conversation, each muscle in my body and thought in my hear was screaming at me to tell him how much I loved him and appreciated his time as I grew up. I desperately wanted to tell him how much he meant to me and the profound impact he had on my life. Looking at him, I knew he was going to die very soon. I started to tell him but kept stopping and mentioning something else. I couldn’t do it. My last words to him were “See you next time.” and I patted him on the shoulder.
He died one week later. That was my last interaction with him.
When I got the news he died, I was devastated. I was driving back to town and hoped to meet him, but he died about 4 hours before I got there. It was the toughest drive I have ever had to make. The time between his death and the funeral was a daze. We were incredibly lucky to get a funeral booked during that time due to the COVID deaths and his entire family all came up to me and told me how much he appreciated and respected me. All I could do was thank them.
In the weeks and months after the funeral, I kept thinking about how much of a coward I was. I didn’t give a dying man I loved the message because I was too afraid to do it? I couldn’t believe that. To this day, I still think this is the worst thing I have ever done (or not done) because he needed it and I just couldn’t share how I felt. I wonder to what extent I am capable of incredible cruelty for not sharing, and whether I could tell my mom or dad I loved them on their deathbed. I wonder if it makes me a bad person, or perhaps an incredibly broken one?
I urge you to avoid my mistake. You only live once and it’s really difficult to regret telling someone how much they mean to you, but INCREDIBLY easy to regret not telling them. I just started a new job with therapy benefits so I will be taking advantage of that, but I sincerely hope you tell someone how much you love them. Don’t live with the incredible guilt I live with.
Thank you for listening.
submitted by JustSayIt_Pls to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:01 Direct-Caterpillar77 TIFU by showing my dick to my wife's grandparents.

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/1337Scott
TIFU by showing my dick to my wife's grandparents.
Originally posted to tifu
Original Post May 9, 2024
So my wife and I have a very lighthearted relationship and I like to joke around all the time with her and make her laugh. I do dumb things all the time to make her roll her eyes and call me an idiot jokingly.
I was outside barbecuing with headphones on sipping a beer and listening to music. I look over and see my wife walking outside holding her phone up obviously recording me or taking a pic. I instinctively pulled my shorts down and started doing the helicopter. She immediately looked MORTIFIED and turned around quickly and went back inside. I was very confused at her face so I finished flipping burgers quickly then went inside to find her with her head in her hands on the couch with her face red. I asked her what is wrong and she told me she was video chatting with her grandparents (which she NEVER did before) and showing them around our home and showing them me barbecuing. I have never met them before and have only seen pictures. To say I am embarrassed is an understatement.
TL:DR I thought wife was taking a pic or filming me with her phone and I flashed my penis at her as a joke but she was on a video call with her grandparents from another country who I have never met
TIFUpdate! May 12, 2024
Well Reddit friends... Her grandparents certainly did not just ignore this and pretend it didn't happen as I wished.
My wife called them back last night and luckily I wasn't home but got the details of their conversation from her. She said that literally the first thing they said after saying hi is "do Canadian men often do this with their body?" (They are from a small country and have no exposure to western media or people) My wife explained to them that I was just joking and tried to explain the humor behind it. She said that she had a hard time not laughing while explaining this to them because they both had faces with extreme concern the whole time. They said that they discussed what they seen with others in their village and their neighbors were concerned that I was some vulgar animal or something. Wife didn't really understand the words they used in translation. Anyways, long story short, we are going to visit them next spring and I am not looking forward to it. Hopefully we can video chat a few times before then so it won't be weird. And yes. Before you say it. I will keep he chopper in the hanger for all these calls :P
TL:DR Wife had another call with her grandparents and they were concerned about my actions but she explained it to them the best she could how it was supposed to be funny. We're going to visit them in the spring next year.
A small country with no exposure to western media? Unless it’s North Korea… I’m struggling to understand how that is even possible. In 1924 sure, but in 2024…?
They had no access to Internet until a month ago and they just got a smartphone for the first time in their lives. Only media they had before they got a phone was local television news.
the village awaits helicopter man 🚁
Lmfao I hope this will be my nickname for their community hahaha
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:00 Choice_Evidence1983 AITAH if I don’t go to my sister’s wedding because she is excluding my husband?

I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/Direct-Armadillo-770
Originally posted to AITAH
AITAH if I don’t go to my sister’s wedding because she is excluding my husband?
Thanks to u/queenlegolas and u/Direct-Caterpillar77 for suggesting this BoRU
Editor’s Note: added paragraph breaks for readability
Trigger Warnings: verbal abuse, ableism
Original Post: May 11, 2024
I (F , 36) have been married to my husband Brad (M , 40) for the last 6 years. I have a daughter (F,10) from a previous relationship (we were engaged when he abandoned me when I was pregnant to be with his coworker and eventually disappeared).
Brad loves and adores my daughter and my daughter loves him so much . I’m currently pregnant with our first baby (my second baby) . Brad is a paraplegic. He was in a car accident when he was 21. He has since his accident went back to school and currently works as university prof . He is super independent and possibly the best man I could ever married .
My sister is getting married and today she announced that the venue she picked is a heritage building . I told her then it won’t be wheelchair accessible… she rolled her eyes and said “the world doesn’t revolves around Brad , it’s not his day ! It’s mine” . I said I understand but I’m not leaving him behind then . She started screaming that I’m trying to steal attention because everyone will ask where is bride’s sister . Her fiancé suggested having the ceremony at the heritage building but have the reception at another venue that way Brad can join us . My sister said no .
I talked to Brad , he thinks I should go and he and my daughter can have daddy /daughter date and he will take care of her (it’s a child free wedding and we were initially going to ask Brad’s mom to watch my daughter) . He thinks it’s not a big deal and I should just go and enjoy the wedding . I feel very bad and don’t want to go but my sister will be so upset . AITAH if I don’t go to my sister’s wedding because she is excluding my husband ?
AITAH has no consensus bot, OOP was NTA
Relevant Comments
Still_Actuator_8316: Do what feels right to you.
I can see you love your husband very much. And you have every right to be mad that your sister wants to exclude him.
And serious. How hard is it to rent a temporary ramp to be put in place so he can go. But since I don't know the stair situation I can give a pass about that. But there are options
OOP: It’s an old heritage building with lots of stairs unfortunately. I feel really bad for my husband tbh
bluefurniture: I like the idea of the Dad and daughter day. Are you in the wedding party? How does the heritage building get away with skirting ADA laws.? Your sister is awful and at least the fiance is empathetic. don't be surprised if there is no wedding.
OOP: I’m not in the wedding party . Sadly it’s 2024 and we still don’t have something like ADA in Canada . Since it’s a heritage building they don’t care about accessibility. Yes , my husband once a month has a daddy/daughter date . They go to different restaurants each time and do any activities she chooses :)
Great-Asparagus8788: As a Mom of a Differently Abled Daughter- I have to say #1 your sister didn't turn overnight. She's been enabled in her ROTTEN behavior her whole life. Your parents should be ashamed. Your Hubs sounds awesome though! You don't have to ask permission to turn your back on a dumpster fire. Point out it's on fire and the privledge of you ,your husband and their grandbabies presence will be restored when the fire is out. And then leave.
OOP: My parents pay for my sister’s big wedding . They did pay for my at home reception when we eloped as well ( they invited everyone ( about 14 people ) to a restaurant ). I talked to them . They said they do love Brad but it’s my sister’s day and they can’t force her to change her mind . Yes I’m disappointed at them . I just don’t understand how you can claim you respect someone yet tell him to stay home ! You are not welcome …my husband is used to not being included so he is okay . I just can’t get over it
Update: May 12, 2024
My post : https://www.reddit.com/AITAH/comments/1cpuqyy/aitah_if_i_dont_go_to_my_sisters_wedding_because/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
. Thank you everyone for your kind words and advice.
It’s Mother’s Day today and of course my husband and my daughter decided to spoil me rotten :) we went for Mother’s Day lunch to my parents. My sister and her fiancé, Bob (his name is Babak , he is Iranian but everyone calls him Bob) came too.
Brad , Bob and my dad were in the backyard Bbqing and chatting . My mom and my sister were in the kitchen talking . My sister went on and on about her wedding plans . I asked her if there is any possibility that she would consider Bob’s suggestion? She can have her civil ceremony , Iranian ceremony , and all her pictures done in her dream venue then have the reception which is just dinner , dance and cake somewhere else . I told her it means alot to me if she makes this accommodation for Brad.
My sister LOST it! Started screaming that I have always been jealous of her and now trying to ruin her dream wedding . She said I’m jealous because I never had a big wedding and had to elope because I had a kid out of wedlock (I didn’t have to ! It was our decision to have a stress free elopement). She also said it was my choice to marry “a cripple” guy so why should her wedding plans has to change . My mom told her to stop but she kept on going . I told her then I’m not coming . I told Brad and my daughter that we were leaving . I couldn’t stay there anymore . Her entitlement sickens me .
Now my parents are mad at me for even suggesting because “your sister is under stress”. My dad thinks I acted immature by leaving and mom says I overreacted because I’m pregnant and hormonal ! I’m so disappointed at my parents too for not standing up to my sister . My plan is to go NC with my sister. I don’t even know who she is anymore . So no happy update . I just cut my sister out of my life and will NOT be going to her wedding. Sorry for typos I’m very emotional right now
RNGinx3: SaveBob
Your sister is a jerk, and your parents enable and excuse her tantrums. I'd put sister on NC and parents on LC.
Swampy_63: Let them be mad. Their loss.
Your sister has shown exactly who she is. Bubbye.
Hopefully your parents will come to their senses and understand why you’re not going.
captainhyena12: Wow insult your husband calls him a cripple take shots at both you and your child for the child being born out of wedlock and then your parents have the audacity to tell you you're overreacting because you left what? How the hell does someone even have that much? Audacity and this is coming from me. Someone who admittedly at times has way too much audacity.



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2024.05.19 05:55 Tax_Previous Why did I open my hidden photos today… 😣

Why did I open my hidden photos today… 😣
Hidden Photos are hidden for a reason stupid!! Most people hide nudes, I hide memories that would crush me to see anytime I look through my photos… but now that I’ve gone through that pain again I’ll include a couple with this post so everyone can see how stupid I was to have lost you.. Life’s gotten easier lately I guess. Kinda feels just like when I was on drugs just kind of numb all the time… I wanted to start listening to my old songs again and told myself if a song makes me emotional then I need to sing it recorded clean it up a little bit and by the time that process is over, I should be desensitized put it back in the library… WRONG, instead I found a new one that I listen to on repeat all fucking day.. (“Barely”-Gabe Bondoc) it describes the whole situation to a T of how I feel and it kind of hurts most of the time… I have tried everything to get over her and I just can’t… For someone who can’t remember what they did last week, I know her better than I know anything else. I haven’t forgotten her scent.. I can tell you where every beauty mark is… every scar, how could I ever forget when, every time I close my eyes i see you… I look for you in everything I do. All this driving I do by myself on the rare days that I do turn my music on. I still imagine I’m singing to you. That was the only time I knew how to show myself to you fully.. Me absorbed in my music is the best part of me and it’s so hard to even become close to that now… this is all my fault… ever since she assured me that there was never a chance for us again or even be friends, all of my progress that I was making I stopped immediately, not in an act of rebellion but I have no more motivation, it was always her no matter how bad things got I would have always chose you… i didn’t always show it in the right ways but you were the one… I wish we didn’t have some experiences in the middle of our marriage that play a big part on that downhill decline we had. Honestly, I don’t think that I’ll ever feel the same way about someone else the way that I felt about her in the first two years of our marriage. I wish that when we split and I was packing my stuff that I would’ve taken the marriage certificate and a couple other things.. But more than anything, I regret not keeping the little picture book(images with this post). The night I dropped off her car I struggled so much debating if I wanted to leave it there in her car with her or not and I should’ve known better and I should’ve just kept it.. The last day that I was there, I’ve never told anyone I’ve never showed anyone, but anything from our marriage that I cherished I didn’t want to take those things from her, so instead, I went around and took pictures of those items so I could always have those memories when I want to look back.. and that’s what I did today… I’m already miserable every day as it is it’s like I just want to keep adding to my pain, hoping that looking at the memories will make me feel better but it doesn’t… it just cuts again, a reminder that I let so many stupid things get in the way of love and happiness… all of those bad moments we had could’ve been happy memories or least moments of growth that wouldn’t have tore both of us down… and now memories are all that remains…
I hope you’re happy and laughing and smiling every single day. That’s the version of you I always try to think of. I wish I had more videos of you laughing… For months, probably even years I used to be so upset because I always wanted you to apologize for how I felt you were hurting me, And only because of recently getting to understand what’s going on with me I realize that a lot of that was not normal behavior and like now I’m starting to get a grasp that a lot of that was not normal behavior and now I can see and understand why we could never work certain things out or why we both felt like we were super stubborn towards each other. With that said, I forgive myself and I forgive you, regardless of what we did and went through. I never intended to hurt you or your family or friends or anyone and I’m sure you never intended to hurt me either. Being able to start coming to peace with this stuff has definitely helped tremendously like the bitterness and those feelings have dissipated. There’s just the depression left. My mental health and relapsing are the only things that I won’t digress in progress. Everything else that I was doing can go by the wayside. I really don’t care. I can’t live in delusion forever that somehow we’re gonna come back together no matter how much work I do on myself or effort. And I’m definitely staying away from anyone else for a while. You’re the new standard if I meet someone and I don’t feel what you and I felt when we met it’s not for me and I doubt I’ll feel that ever again with anyone else. I wish you the best in life I pray for you every night. Love you always.
Last thing, I make the last payment on June 30 for your concert tickets that I told you I’d get you. And I’m not going to reach out to you at all in any way I’m sure you’ve changed all your info by now anyway. On the chance that you do come across this by then. Anytime between July 1-13 message Fabio on Facebook or however you decide and he will either have my login info to transfer your tickets digitally or I’ll send them to him directly and then y’all can figure it out from there.
Life without you after having loved you for so long just doesn’t feel like living anymore… I only ever felt alive when I could call you my wife…
submitted by Tax_Previous to heartbreak [link] [comments]
