Allison scagliotti fakes

Allison Scagliotti

2012.07.25 07:32 SpikeX Allison Scagliotti

For fans of [Allison Scagliotti](!

2011.08.01 20:09 131222 allisonscagliotti


2010.02.21 01:55 Olivia Wilde

For fans of [Olivia Wilde](!

2024.05.18 01:43 QualifiedApathetic BTVS/Angel Rewatch Chronicles: Seasons 6/3, Part Three

Justine has all the unstable rage of Faith but with neither the charisma nor a valid beef with the main characters.
Angel's channeling S1 Cordy, the constantly talking about money. I guess the cost of living for just himself was pretty low, as he's not living. Pig's blood probably doesn't cost much since the butchers just throw it away otherwise.
Damn, Jeffrey Dean Morgan! I wasn't sure it was him at first, because I'm not used to seeing him clean-shaven. It almost seems wrong for him to play a character that isn't a badass.
Angel talks about Connor going to Notre Dame, class of 2020, but that would be the year he graduates high school. He'd be college class of 2024. ...Fuck. I'm glad the little bastard got aged up, so he'd be like 38 now. He deserves it.
The way Sam talks about his best friend, going to all this trouble for the watch, the first thing he ever bought him, makes me think they were lovers.
This zombie ex-boyfriend subplot isn't working for me.
I swear the way Gunn and Wes are acting around Fred is exactly the way I and two friends acted around a certain girl when we were like 14, plus or minus. ...One of us did date the girl, and it wasn't me.
Aw, so sweet, watching Cordy feed her future baby daddy.
"Doublemeat Palace"
In the cold open, Xander looks like he's reacting to the idea of spending the rest of his life with specifically Anya. As much as I think he doesn't want to be married, I think he wants to be married to Anya even less.
Ah, I remember the old-ass training videos to start working at a restaurant chain. I'm triggered.
I'm suddenly noticing the bright red lipstick Buffy's wearing to work in a fast food joint.
I'm pretty sure that anywhere in the country, they'd be legally required to clock Buffy in before making her watch the training video.
I just don't like mixing red meat with white meat. Bacon on a hamburger, fine, goes really well. But chicken and beef? Pass.
So much of the humor of this episode is in SMG's facial expressions.
Are Spike and Buffy dry-humping or what? That particular activity really should be renamed, BTW.
Halfrek is a classic passive-aggressive frenemy.
That was a jumpscare when the worm thing stuck its head back out of the grinder.
Amy's nasty.
Oh, Buffy. She should have just extorted them for a large amount of money. Bet she could have gotten six figures, maybe seven.
"Waiting in the Wings"
Don't know where anyone gets the idea that Angel and Cordy don't have chemistry. I mean, they're not Buffy and Faith, but got some sparks going. And I'm a fan of deep friendship as a foundation for romantic love.
Summer Glau's acting debut, pretty awesome.
I wish the ballet troupe was free to live their lives in the 21st century. It's thematically appropriate, though, that freeing them from Kurskov means only that they fade away; in Giselle, Giselle manages to break free of the Wilis through the power of her love for Albrecht, then bids him goodbye and returns to her grave to rest in peace.
Fucking Groo.
"Dead Things"
The closer I get to "Seeing Red", the less I want to keep going.
The first time I watched this, when Buffy said, "I think the New Kids on the Block posters are starting to date me," I was unfamiliar with that phrase and thought she meant she was going nuts and starting to imagine they were real.
"Willing sex slave." And none of the Trio sees the contradiction. To them, "consent" is just an obstacle that they've discovered can be overcome by magic.
Huh. Amelinda Smith, the actress who played Katrina used to be married to Ethan Embry, which made me do a double-take because when I looked up the actress who played Allison (zombie ex-boyfriend subplot in "Provider"), I saw that she is married to him now.
Smith had one uncredited role after Buffy, and that's it. I'm surprised by how brief her career was.
Xander and Dawn's dance practice for the wedding = practice for their eventual wedding.
The cerebral dampener lasts, what, an hour? Less? And on one charge. Pretty useless. Fortunately.
Warren has a REALLY hairy chest.
If Warren hadn't panicked he might have realized, what's Katrina gonna do, tell the cops that Warren brainwashed her with a flash of light?
You'd think Buffy and Spike would have realized Katrina's body was cold.
And Buffy somehow gets blindsided next episode by Dawn having abandonment issues. Her insistence on turning herself in isn't heroic. It's self-loathing. It's prioritizing her own feelings over Dawn being left with no family at not even 16.
"Older and Far Away"
Why anyone would think Buffy needs to be set up is beyond me. She's not a wallflower. She could find a boyfriend if she really wanted to.
Spike and Halfrek recognizing each other. Weird moment.
Not Dawnie's best episode.
Also, the closer I get to "Sleep Tight", the less I want to keep going. They were really determined to ruin just, like, everything this year, huh?
I could do without Gunn and Fred staring sappily at each other. Now I had to look up "sappily" because Firefox says it isn't a word, but it is, so ha!
Angel's jealousy toward Groo reminds me of Buffy's reaction to Joyce and Hank bringing Dawn home from the hospital.
Was there any reason to cut Groo's hair beyond making him look more like Angel? He needed modern clothes, yes, but some men in L.A. have long hair. Maybe Mark Lutz requested it.
Wesley's being a dick, but Gunn doesn't have much of a leg to stand on considering he and Fred are just coming off a fuckup where they lost sight of someone they were supposed to be watching because they couldn't stop sucking face.
I know Sahjhan traveled through time to rewrite the prophecy, but how'd he get the talking hamburger to go along with it? It's not a very helpful source if all it does is tell you that whatever ancient prophecy you've read is true and you're an idiot for thinking otherwise, even if it's not true.
Refusing to make a distinction between Angel and Angelus is one way Xander pissed off a lot of viewers, and it's what Holtz is doing, though his irrationality is easier to understand. Also, he doesn't want to fuck someone who's in love with Angel. Still, he does a lot of fucked-up things and calls it justice. Jenny's uncle at least admitted that justice had nothing to do with their tribe's vendetta.
"As You Were"
I hate it when the recap spoils the episode, like making it blindingly obvious Riley's coming back, even though I'm past being spoiled. I mean, I could have been watching with a newbie.
Right before Sam shows up, Buffy and Riley spend a really long time looking at each other like they're about to fuck.
I feel like they're trying to do too much with Sam in one episode, having her quickly endear herself to each of the Scoobies in a way that doesn't feel organic.
Riley's reappearance was a good way to shake things up for Buffy so she'd stop hooking up with Spike.
The helicopter couldn't land to pick Riley and Sam up? Are they just gonna dangle from the line all the way to Nepal?
"Sleep Tight"
Wesley isn't talking to Fred or Gunn about the supposed prophecy because he's butthurt. That's pretty much it.
I think Holtz would have killed Justine if she hadn't mouthed the party line. He doesn't deserve the blind loyalty she gives him. He doesn't care about anyone or anything except his revenge.
I'm really looking forward to when Wesley gets to threaten to take away Justine's bucket.
Threatening to murder a baby...No, Holtz is a monster. And Justine witnesses this and is fine with it. She's a monster too.
You know, I read some of a fic once. I liked the concept, but it was just this awful mess of typos that made it borderline incomprehensible, so I gave up. Anyway, Buffy arrives for some reason during the standoff, and she rather than Holtz ends up falling through the portal with Connor. Connor being a few months old, he can't eat solid food (and he's shown in this episode to still be on formula), and Buffy manages to induce lactation in herself to feed him. WTF did Holtz do here in canon?
"Hell's Bells"
Holy shit. That guy playing Xander's dad, Casey Sander--he played Bernadette's dad on The Big Bang Theory.
Man, the way Willow and Tara are making eyes at each other while helping Anya with her dress, it's a wonder they wait another two episodes before jumping each other's bones.
It's nice how Buffy and Spike can kind of just be, the way they did before they started fucking.
That string quartet is REALLY bad at reading the room.
The lame attempts to entertain the guests are certainly the kind of things Buffy would do.
Xander sucks. This might be the worst thing he ever did. No one held a gun to his head. He proposed, completely unsolicited, and persisted even when Anya thought it wasn't sincere. He had every opportunity to speak up after that. He waited until the worst possible moment.
Stewart's plan never would have worked if it weren't for Xander's insecurities. What was he going to do if the groom wasn't secretly terrified of turning into his drunkard father?
"Normal Again"
I've repeatedly seen assertions that the other Scoobies didn't do anything for Anya in this time, therefore they're bad friends, but she just vanished. They don't know where she's gone. What exactly are they supposed to be doing?
It rings false, the way this "doctor" talks about Buffy like she isn't even there. I'm not a mental health professional, but it seems harmful.
I noticed some time ago that the nerds always call Buffy the Slayer, never by name. Makes it easier if she's less of a person to them. Jonathan might have used her name a couple of times, but not Warren or Andrew. It's all part of their twisted cosplay.
Dawn misunderstands what the hallucination is about. It's not Buffy's ideal world. That would be too suspect, too easy to reject. And what about having been in a mental institution from 15 to 21 is ideal? But it is a world that, in many ways, is easier. There's no one she has to take care of; instead, others are taking care of her. No bills to pay. She doesn't have to fight monsters to the death. Her mom's alive, and her dad actually loves her.
Here's where you see the great writing. In another show, the challenge would be getting the demon and making the antidote. Buffy's hallucination would just be something that happens while she waits, and in a good show, it would provide insight into the character. But in Buffy, she has to overcome the hallucination, because getting the antidote was the relatively easy part; she has to choose real life over something that tempts her away from it.
Spike knows exactly how to make everything worse. People usually jump to the attempted rape, but him giving her that speech and threatening to tell the Scoobies about Buffy fucking him was high-grade toxicity. The assault really was the culmination of it all.
Kill, kill, kill. Kill, Buffy. Kill everybody. You know you want to.
Jokes aside, prescribing murder is an interesting treatment plan, even supposedly fantasy murder. I mean, in that situation, would you want to set the precedent that the way to get rid of the world you've decided isn't real is by killing the people in it?
I had the idea that the speech that lifts Buffy up came from the real Joyce thanks to TPTB, but the part where she talks like Hank's NOT a deadbeat...nah.
Circling back to the great writing, we don't see the part where Buffy takes the antidote. That part is irrelevant; she's already rejected the hallucination.
Joss Whedon on reality versus fantasy: "If [viewers] decide that the entire thing is all playing out in some crazy person's head, well, the joke of the thing to us was it is, and that crazy person is me."
Marti Noxon: "It was a fake out; we were having some fun with the audience. I don't want to denigrate what the whole show has meant. If Buffy's not empowered then what are we saying? If Buffy's crazy, then there is no girl power; it's all fantasy. And really the whole show stands for the opposite of that, which is that it isn't just a fantasy. There should be girls that can kick ass. So I'd be really sad if we made that statement at the end. That's why it's just somewhere in the middle saying 'Wouldn't it be funny if...?' or 'Wouldn't this be sad or tragic if...?' In my feeling, and I believe in Joss' as well that's not the reality of the show. It was just a tease and a trick."
submitted by QualifiedApathetic to buffy [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:25 Relative-Obscurity My friends and I went on a hike to watch a Total Eclipse. Only two of us made it back alive.

Link to original nosleep post:
It was August 21st, 2017, and the future was...
...Dark. Literally dark.
That day, the first total solar eclipse visible from anywhere in the mainland United States since February, 1979, which some media outlets were calling “The Great American Eclipse,” was due to cast its shadow over America.
And it just so happened, that my city, and the surrounding area, would be in the path of totality that afternoon, putting us in its umbra - its darkest shadow, and allowing us to witness the moon completely block the sun and reveal its corona.
"You packed light." My best friend Josh pointed out to me that morning, gesturing to my obviously lightly packed backpack, as we walked from the parking lot to the trail.
"Don't these things only last a few minutes?" I replied, having only barely researched the lunar event.
But why should I have? After all, it had been Josh's brilliant idea, to propose to his girlfriend, Allison, during the total eclipse, and bring me along for the ride to take photographs, aka third wheel.
As a city guy, I never had any desire to go hiking in the wilderness, and had been dreading the trip ever since he told me about it. But Josh had been my best friend since elementary school, and had done more than enough favors for me over the years. So, I just swallowed my pride and went along with it.
"They're saying about two and half minutes from where we are, specifically." Allison corrected.
She's always been the best kind of nerd. I thought to myself, enviously.
But I tried not to make eye contact with her. There was too much history there, too many emotions. And on top of all that, she and Josh were about to get engaged.
"Got it." I replied, staring down at my feet, as I trudged along the rocky path, my boots crunching into the ground with every step.
What were you thinking? Agreeing to this? I internally kicked myself, immediately regretting the decision.
"You okay?" Josh asked. "You were pretty quiet in the car."
"Yeah, I'm okay, thanks."
I was not okay. But what was I supposed to say? "I'm still in love with your future wife?"
Let's take these photos and get the fuck out of here. I thought to myself, before sneaking a few shots of Josh and Allison holding hands, as they walked ahead of me, careful to not make Allison suspicious, and while also throwing up in my mouth a little bit.

But when we finally made it to the summit of the hill, where Josh had chosen to host the two-pronged occasion, I was pleasantly surprised to discover, that I was not third wheeling after all.
There, sitting side by side in beach chairs, each with a beer in hand, were Bob and Cara, a married couple that Josh and I had befriended at a bar one night a couple months prior, and, in a very short amount of time, had completely infiltrated our friend group.
"There they are!" Bob called out.
"Eclipse party!" Cara yelled out even louder.
"At least I have other people to talk to." I mumbled to myself, before turning to Josh and asking, "You didn't tell me Bob and Cara were joining?"
"Thought I'd surprise you." He said, with a cheeky smile.
"Theme of the day." I replied sarcastically, before immediately heading for the cooler, opening it, and reaching into its deepest depths, for the coldest beer I could possibly find.
But after I removed a bottle, and opened it with my keychain, I looked down, and happened to notice, that my finger was bleeding.
I didn't think much of it, so I just held up my bloody finger to the group. "Hey, anybody got a bandage?"
"Already?" Josh teased, shaking his head, "We can't take you anywhere."
"Take him anywhere?" Allison chimed in, "I blame Bob and Cara. What kind of weapons are you keeping down there, at the bottom of your cooler?"
The married couple simply sat there in silence for a moment, before turning to each other, then back at us, and bursting out laughing.
"Got us!" Cara said.
"Busted!" Bob added, before Josh tossed me the first aid kit and pivoted the conversation.
"Speaking of Bob and Cara. I just want to shout them out, for coming up with the eclipse party idea in the first place."
Everyone raised their beers, and cheered, as I wrapped a bandage around my finger.
Fucking Bob and Cara. I thought to myself, as I faked a smile and raised my bottle.

A few hours, and a lot of beers later, we were all sitting at the top of the hill, doing as friends do, and bantering about absolutely nothing of actual significance, when Bob looked down at his watch, and made an announcement.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the moment we've all been waiting for has finally arrived!" He declared, slurring his words a bit.
"Everyone, get your sunglasses!" Cara added, as she stumbled over to her backpack, and removed five pairs of cardboard sunglasses, specifically made for looking at eclipses, or so they claimed in the ads.
We all put them on...
...And looked up at the sky...
...But nothing happened.
Then, Josh lowered his sunglasses and started winking profusely at me.
"Oh, right!" I said, before reaching for my camera and pointing it at Josh, just in time to catch him getting down on one knee, removing a ring from his pocket, and holding it out to Allison.
At first, she was completely confused, and looked around at everyone, as if to ask, "What's going on?"
But then Josh uttered the words, "Allison, you're the love of my life... The apple of my eye... The moon to my sun."
Allison, Bob, and Cara all chuckled at the timeliness of the joke a bit, but I couldn't bring myself to laugh at it. I just stood there, hiding behind my camera, snapping photos, hoping it would end quickly.
Just get it over with already.
"Will you marry me?" Josh asked, to a dramatic pause, before Allison finally replied.
"Oh my! Yes! Of course I will!"
And like that, Josh placed the ring on her finger, hopped up, and the two kissed, still wearing their sunglasses, just as the moon began to eclipse the sun.
I snapped one last photo, which I'll admit, was pretty beautiful, before I couldn't bear to take it anymore, and had to put my camera down.
And that's when, things got...
As the moon continued to pass in front of the sun, the sky grew darker and darker, and, in combination with the eclipse sunglasses that I was still wearing, caused me to lose visibility.
Suddenly, I felt what I assumed was a raindrop...
...Before realizing that rain would have been impossible, given the clear visibility of the eclipse that day.
I removed my sunglasses, and whipped around, to see what the droplet could possibly have been, only to witness a gruesome sight...
...Bob, dimly lit, being hacked away at, by a shadowy figure holding a strange object...
...Blood spraying everywhere.
That's not rain.
It must have happened so fast, that Bob never even had a chance to scream.
But Cara, on the other hand, had a chance.
She immediately began wailing and crying at the top of her lungs, so loud that Josh and Allison were jarred out of their loving embrace, and began calling out to her.
"Cara?" Josh yelled out.
"What's wrong?" Allison added.
But then...
...Cara went silent.
I tried to will myself to warn Josh and Allison, to shout out, "Run!" but I was so paralyzed with fear, that I couldn't bring myself to utter the word.
So, I just followed my own advice, and darted away as fast as I could, knowing that whoever had just killed Bob, and seemingly now Cara, was close by.
But before I could get far, I heard what sounded like Josh grappling with the shadowy figure, and immediately stopped in my tracks.
I turned around, and tried to make out what was happening, against the sky, but it was still pretty dark, and the only thing I could see, was the glowing corona of the sun encircling the moon, the total eclipse now at its peak.
"Get away from her!" Josh cried out, before I saw what looked like him charge at the man.
But something must have gone terribly wrong, as the next, and last word, I ever heard out of Josh's mouth, was "No!"
As the moon began to move out of the total eclipse, and pass by the sun, enough light began to pour in, that I was able to see my best friend's body tumble to the ground.
And then...
...Until I heard Allison begin to scream.
"Help! Help!"
Now able to see her, dimly lit, and cowering in fear on the ground a few feet away from me, I jumped in front of her.
For a brief moment, we locked eyes, in what felt like four parts horror, one part longing, before we both looked back and saw, now fully illuminated....
...The slayer that had just wreaked havoc on our party, his face and body, covered in blood, his hands gripping what I now saw... was a scythe.
A fucking scythe!?
He slowly began to approach us, weapon in hand...
...Until he got a few feet away...
...And suddenly stopped, to look up at the moon...
...But it was gone.
In the moment that followed, he appeared to process what that meant, and what to do next, before...
...He simply turned around and walked away.
Allison and I sat there on the ground, shaking violently, as we clung to each other, paralyzed with fear, and watched him drift away into the distance...
...Until he was gone.
When we eventually conjured enough energy to stand up, we hobbled back to the parking lot, and drove Josh's car, to the closest police station we could find, remaining silent almost the entire time.
And after finally arrived at the precinct, it took us a good while to bring ourselves to speak, and describe to the authorities, the atrocities that had occurred in the shadow of the eclipse that day.
The cops immediately raced to the trail, and recovered the bodies of Bob, Cara, and Josh, but the man with the scythe...
...The eclipse killer, as the detectives joked...
...Was never found, left to roam the world and live amongst us, likely waiting to strike when the next eclipse arrives.
And as for Allison and I... while the events of that day could just as well have bonded us, or been taken as a sign that we were meant to be together, we never talked about it again, and slowly drifted away...
...Just as the moon had drifted away from the sun on the afternoon of August 21st, 2017.
Still to this day, whenever I hear that an eclipse of any sort is coming, I think back to that hike, and worry for those who dare to venture out of their homes to observe it.
While, I, however... stay the fuck inside.
submitted by Relative-Obscurity to relativeobscurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:22 Long-Cicada8220 Allison Mackie sextapes Allison Maier sextapeing Allison McAtee sextapeny Allison Miller sextapebin Allison Paige sextapejis Allison Powell sextapesh Allison Scagliotti sextapelik Allison Smith sextapelion Allison Smith (II) sextapeho Allison Swartz sextapedin

submitted by Long-Cicada8220 to u/Long-Cicada8220 [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 07:58 Ok-Author-5805 What would you have done (For Fun )

Imagine yourself as one of the characters in the show. Think about the important moments of the show and consider what you would do or how you would react if you were in their shoes. You could also create your characters and explore how they would fit into the story.
(You can stop reading from here the rest down is what I would have done)
I’ll be honest I would be the worst😂 I’m team Black so I would be Rhaenyra If my friend dated my dad after my mom had died I didn’t know she was making the moves on him. I would be mad I wouldn’t want to be in the same room. I wouldn’t want to talk to you. I wouldn’t want to do anything that we have done before that friendship we had is no longer there, and from the point of view of Alicent she has the right to want a friendship but she doesn’t have the right to think that everything is OK and that nothing seriously has changed changed
If I had my first time experiencing what it’s like to be a commoner instead of a royal person, and I saw what she had seen - those people talking about how she could never rule properly and making fun of her because she was a girl - I probably would’ve said the same thing. It doesn’t matter what they think; who cares what they think? I probably would’ve been very selfish. Especially if their opinions were only based on the fact that I’m a girl, it doesn’t make sense. ’t matter what you think doesn’t matter what you want just be happy that you’re getting someone to rule
When Alicent questioned Rhaenyra about whether she had slept with Damon, I would have said the same thing Rhaenyra had said, which is 'No, I swear on my mother's grave I didn't do anything that you're accusing me of with that man'. I only say that because if you give me the ability without technically lying, I will. So if you ask me, 'Did you see that boulder fall down the cliff?' I'd say, 'Yeah, I saw the boulder.' Then you later found out that someone pushed the boulder and then you ask, 'Hey, do you know anyone that pushed the boulder or did you push the boulder?' Yeah, I did push it because I'm only answering what you directly ask me. To me, it doesn't matter whether or not I knew what the person was implying because if I wanted to go into more detail, I would have. Given who Rhaenyra was with that night, yeah, I would have lied too because I'm also a guilty person. I don't like it when other people get in trouble for me and my choices, so yeah, I would have kept that quiet because I wouldn't want him getting in trouble.
When Aemond got his eye cut for this one I will be Alicent because I could see from both sides honestly but if I was Alicent , I would have never tried to go after a child its very immature very dumb of me I would have went after the parent obviously I will go after your parenting skills it doesn’t matter if your a good parent or if I think you are a good parent you don’t have to know what I think but I would have went after the parent and not the child. From similar experiences I never got cut, but I was hit in the face with a weight pipe in the eye. I did need stitches. I could not see because of how the bandage was. My mom never went after the child that had did that she had went after the mother not the child so that’s what I would have. As Rhaenyra I would have again been the same way you’re not cutting my kids eye out just because my child got into a fight at most have him pick up dragon shit for three months but you’re not cutting my kids eye out, especially because he was the youngest there, so yeah, have him pick up dragon shit have him be your kids maid until his wound heals, but you’re not gonna make his eye out because if you do cut my kids eye out, then I have to cut both of your eyes out and that’s not gonna be fun.
I do believe her sons are bastards. I mean, it’s obvious. But I would have done the same thing. With the idea that I'm going to be the queen and the first queen, I still have my role of giving birth and giving an heir. And if the man that I was with, within the circumstances that they were in, couldn't conceive, having a... child, then I would've done the same thing. Because either way, it probably would've ended in someone having to do something. Also, on a side note, how was divorce back then? Could they get divorced? And if a man couldn't have a child, would it be blamed on the woman or could they investigate that?
I'll give credit while I'm probably being biased, but it doesn't matter because there's a fake scenario and I'm putting myself in there and just seeing what happens to that. I would do the same things as her. It's not up for debate. This purely is just for interest in what other people think and what you would have done whether or not it lines up with what the character is doing or you will cause chaos of your own.
I would have sat Alicent down at some point when I realized that she was getting more aggressive with her moves. I'm not gonna lie, I would've felt threatened by certain things that she was doing, and I think Rhaenyra realized that. I wouldn't have gotten up and walked across the whole castle just to show this girl my baby. I would have said, 'Tell her to bring her butt down here.'
I’m not walking I don’t care if you’re the queen or not. I don’t care if you’re the queen or not but I did see somewhere that explained why Allison had asked to see the baby we all know why, but it talked about how within the castle there must be some hidden secret passage, so Rhaenyra walking out openly free without using those passages. She was kind of showing people what Alicent was having her do. but besides that, I would have asked Alicent to sit down because I feel like I would have noticed things were getting too severe at that point I just have to ask questions. Like why are you doing all of this?
Why do you hate me? Why are you causing these issues? And what can I do to just get you to ignore me? You live your life and I live mine. Because I am the way I am. If she had said the truth and admitted that she knows I am going to get rid of her kids once I come into power, even though her kids are crazy besides Helena, when have I ever been mean to them? would’ve said what proof do you have that I have ever been mean to your kids? Even though your kids are crazy besides Helena, when have I ever been mean to them?
submitted by Ok-Author-5805 to HouseOfTheDragon [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 13:40 Bendyable224 The Joey Drew we meet during batdr is irl Joey Drew's ideal version of him/his persona

We all know Joey, a crazy old man who used an impressive piece of technology to bully his ex-friend from some odd years ago. So how could that and the forgivable and kooky supposed dad of Audrey be the same?
Unless cycle Joey isn't the real Joey and a fake like Allison and Henry?
Either cycle Joey is a recreation of the persona he puts off and he is trying to cover up his mistakes,
He did it for good reason and so he could at least try to amend what he did before he passed away. He was too old to just go in there himself, so he made a fake to continue inside of the cycle.
submitted by Bendyable224 to BendyAndTheInkMachine [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 17:04 Voldemort_Poutine Fake Physician Group Platformed Disgraced, Fake Physician Allison Neitzel on Their Fake Medical Journal Website

Fake Physician Group Platformed Disgraced, Fake Physician Allison Neitzel on Their Fake Medical Journal Website submitted by Voldemort_Poutine to trump [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 17:03 Voldemort_Poutine Fake Physician Group Platformed Disgraced, Fake Physician Allison Neitzel on Their Fake Medical Journal Website

Fake Physician Group Platformed Disgraced, Fake Physician Allison Neitzel on Their Fake Medical Journal Website submitted by Voldemort_Poutine to TheDonaldTrump2024 [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 17:02 Voldemort_Poutine Fake Physician Group Platformed Disgraced, Fake Physician Allison Neitzel on Their Fake Medical Journal Website

Fake Physician Group Platformed Disgraced, Fake Physician Allison Neitzel on Their Fake Medical Journal Website submitted by Voldemort_Poutine to TheBidenshitshow [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 17:01 Voldemort_Poutine Fake Physician Group Platformed Disgraced, Fake Physician Allison Neitzel on Their Fake Medical Journal Website

Fake Physician Group Platformed Disgraced, Fake Physician Allison Neitzel on Their Fake Medical Journal Website submitted by Voldemort_Poutine to VaccineMandates [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 17:01 Voldemort_Poutine Fake Physician Group Platformed Disgraced, Fake Physician Allison Neitzel on Their Fake Medical Journal Website

Fake Physician Group Platformed Disgraced, Fake Physician Allison Neitzel on Their Fake Medical Journal Website submitted by Voldemort_Poutine to TheRealCovidiots [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 16:37 Flappabill Allison Scagliotti [2010-07-24] EW and SyFy party at Comic-Con 2010

Allison Scagliotti [2010-07-24] EW and SyFy party at Comic-Con 2010 submitted by Flappabill to Cold_Shoulders [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 23:44 Super_Roach I made a Deal with a Wendigo Part 2

To follow up with my last entry, it’s been about 3 months. I’ve been recovering from my injuries with the wendigo in the mine. Today I was finally able to head back to work. I was met with warm welcomes and greetings from my co-workers when I got in the break room that morning. I spotted Allison and she made her way over to me. She greeted me with a big hug. All the guys started whistling and making kissing noises.

“Screw off!” I yelled at everyone while smiling.

Our shift leader finally walked in with his normal greeting.

“Good morning everyone! First let's give a warm welcome to Renaes!” Tyler said.

Everyone began clapping and hollering for me. I sheepishly put my hands in the air like a proud boxer who won his first match. Tyler then started handing out shift sheets. Just like last time, my name was next to bio. My heart began sinking. The only thing I could think of was the deal I made with the wendigo. I hadn’t come up with a plan yet. On the ride down all I could think was “how am I gonna sneak a wendigo out of here?” I made my way around the mine, slightly paranoid, waiting for a wendigo to pop out of nowhere.

I dropped everyone off at their respected machines with no issues. I made my way over to the fuel depot. I parked the truck and grabbed my things and limped my way over to the now newly-furbished and repaired fuel truck. I opened the door and was met with a pleasant squeak. The mine shop team had completely repaired the truck and detailed it.

I threw my things into the cab and began performing my walk around. I walked to the back of the fuel tank and there standing in the darkness, were two glowing red eyes. My skin ran cold. I dropped my clipboard.

“You’re back…” I heard a low menacing voice whisper.

I was frozen with fear. The wendigo emerged from the shadows and approached me. The beast towered over me and I tried my best not to piss myself.

“Y-y-yeah. I’m back.” I stuttered.

Wendigo: “So have you figured out our escape?”

I began locking up.

Me: “Ummm-not really quite yet, but I’m going to figure that out-”

The wendigo raised a hand and cut me off.

“We had a deal. I gave you time to recover as requested. You will assist me in escaping tonight.”

And with that said, the wendigo turned and ran into the darkness.

I let out a sigh of relief. My mind was now racing. How would I possibly break him out, let alone tonight?

I finished my inspection and hopped in the semi. I began thinking to myself.

The mine closes late at night and I could possibly borrow a trailer and hide the wendigo inside. But there’s no way I would be able to do it alone. I started my truck and began making my way to the one person I knew would help me.

I drove through the mines doing my regular fuel runs. The engine brake echoing off the walls and transmission whining. I spotted Allison in her scaler. I tugged the airhprn signalling I was there to give her fuel. I backed up to the scaler and pulled the parking brake.

I hopped out and Allison met me. She looked nervous.

“Did it find you yet?” Allison stammered with a worried expression,

“Yeah it did. It wants me to break it out tonight,” I replied.

Allison: “But you just got back today! How can you possibly break it out? You’re not on haul truck duty.”

I began explaining the plan to her.

Me: “Your brother still has that racing trailer, right?”

Allison: “Yeah”

Me: “Ok so here’s what I'm thinking. Tonight we come back here when the mine closes. I'll bring my duramax with the racing trailer and I’ll tell Tyler I'm taking some pallets home tonight. We can load it in the trailer and bring it up with no problems. I don’t know where it wants to be released but I’m sure we could figure something out.”

ALlison: “Don't you think it's trying to trick us? What if we release it and it kills us?”

I stopped and thought of that. That thought had come across my mind.

Me: “I trust it, it would have killed you by now if that was the case.”

Allison’s expression went ice cold. I could tell she understood. I began unwinding the fuel reel and handed the nozzle to Allison as she climbed back up her scaler. I began pumping fuel into her machine. Then I heard the low elk whine. The wendigo appeared from the tunnel in front of me and Allison. It approached slowly and Allison jumped down and raced to my side. She grabbed my hand and began crying softly.

Allison: “Renaes I’m scared.” she whimpered softly.

The wendigo stopped in front us.

“Glad to see you two again.” the wendigo boomed. “Have you figured out my escape plan?”

I nodded my head slowly and began explaining the plan.

The wendigo stood expressionless as I began explaining the plan to it.

“This plan sounds very thought out. And what happens if it fails?” it chimed.

I hadn’t thought of that. Surely the mine security guard would want to search the trailer before I left.

“We’ll cross that bridge when it comes to that.” I stated. The wendigo nodded and turned. “I will see you all tonight.” it stated looking away from us. The wendigo sprinted off into the darkness and I let out a sigh of relief.

Allison released her grip and looked at me. “I’ll meet you at your place tonight,” she managed to croak.

Me: “Sounds good”

I finished the rest of my shift without any run-ins. I clocked out and began the drive home, Allison following me in her Jeep.

We pulled into my driveway and I parked my truck outside the garage. I led Allison inside and I headed to the bedroom to change my shirt. Allison followed me, not knowing her way around my house. I took off my reflective shirt and eyed my old airsoft vest in the corner. I was obsessed with airsoft as a kid. I had all the plates and everything. It could protect me slightly if the wendigo turned on us. I decided to brush the idea off and turned around to head to the dresser where I saw Allison staring at me biting her lip. I made eye contact and she immediately started blushing.

Allison: “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

I began blushing profusely as well. “It’s all good,” I stammered with a slight chuckle. You can hang out in the living room. I’ll be done in a second.” Allison stumbled her way out of my room down the hall. I found my t-shirt and put it on. I headed over to my gun rack in the corner. I unlocked my gun cabinet and grabbed my 12 gauge Remington shotgun and 9MM Glock. I checked the clip, making sure it was fully loaded. I put on my belt holster and loaded the slots with 3 extra mags. I opened a box of steel slug-shot rounds and stuffed 10 shells into my side pockets of my cargo pants. I put on my plated vest and threw a hoodie over top of it. I exited the bedroom and walked out to the kitchen where I saw Allison on her phone sitting at the dining table, rapidly texting something.

Allison: “Ok, so my brother is bringing the trailer here right now. He’ll be here in about 15 minutes”

“Perfect,” I stated as I cocked the shotgun and handed it to her. “You ever shot one of these?”

Allison: “My dad took me hunting all the time. I’d say I’m the best shot in the state!” Allison chuckled to herself.

“Looks like we’re covered then,” I added heading to the fridge grabbing two bottles of beer. I handed her one and she began drinking it rapidly.

Allison: “So Mr.Hotshot, where are we gonna drop him off?” Allison said through drinks.

Me: “My plan is to take him to the old abandoned farmland about 30 miles west of here. There's not a town for a 40 mile radius so there’s no possible way the thing can hurt anyone. At least not for a while.”

Allison: “What if he follows us?”

I took another drink. “Then we stop him. There’s gotta be some way to kill him.”

Just then, I heard the sound of a diesel truck pulling into a driveway. I looked out the front window to see Allison’s brother pulling in with the enclosed trailer. Me and Allison headed outside to help her brother unload it. I opened the garage door and pulled my Duramax outside and backed up to the trailer. Allison helped me hook it up. I thanked Allison’s brother for letting me borrow the trailer and he sped out of the driveway. By this time it was about 9PM. The mine didn't close for another two hours. Allison and I headed back in and sat down on the couch. I opened my phone and called Tyler, explaining to him my game plan.

Tyler [phone distorsion]: “Yeah that's fine. Just check in with Pete when you get there. And be careful since your taking your personal truck down there. Hate to see that thing get scratched”.

I chuckled to myself. That was the least of my fears. I hung up the phone and gave a thumbs up to Allison who was sitting next to me. She looked at me with a smile.

Allison: “Renaes, I should’ve told you this sooner,” Allison began, blushing profusely. “But if we end up surviving tonight, I’d really like to get to know you more,” she stated with a smile.

I felt a smile creep across my face.

Me: “Uh yeah, I’d absolutely love that. I think we could become closer than just cow-workers” I stammered.

Allison: “You know what? I’d love that.” I put on a quick movie for us to watch as we waited for the clock to hit 11PM.

We finished the movie and I put my boots back on. Allison followed me out of the house, shotgun in hand. We stepped into the cool night, crickets chirping away in a symphony. I started my pickup and the engine roared to life. Allison hopped in the passenger seat. I put the truck into drive and rolled out of the driveway, heading onto the gravel road. As we drove, Allison told me more about her. How she ended up working at the mine, and her current situation. The engine hummed, and I started slowing as we neared the mine parking lot entrance.

I pulled up to the security gate, where the night guard Pete met us both. I made sure to tuck the pistol deep into the holster, not to alert Pete.

Pete [old voice]: “Evening fellers!” Pete greeted us with an enthusiastic tone. He was old but the man still had years of energy in him.

Me: “Evening Pete. You talked to Tyler?”

Pete: “I did! I’ll open the gate for y’all! Make sure y’all are careful down there. Rumors is that there's a ghost down there late at night!” Pete let out a slight chuckle, and me and Allison fake laughed along with him. The gate began to rise up and we rolled through. We drove slowly through the yard and made our way down to the mine entrance. I turned on my lightbar so I could see better. I pulled the pistol from my holster and set it on the center console. Allison reached around and grabbed the shotgun from under the backseat. I noticed she was breathing faster. We drove down the grade and I let out a sigh of relief. Soon, we were underground. WE began slowly driving around the mine roads. I opened the window and began listening for the distinct wendigo noise. I came to a stop and parked the truck. I grabbed the pistol from the dash and cocked it, clutching it in my hand.

Me: “You ready?” I asked Allison.

Allison: “Lets freakin do this.” she said cocking the shotgun, and smiling at me.

Allison and I hopped outside. I raised my gun down the long tunnel and fired a single shot. The loud pop echoed off the walls. In the gun flash, I saw a silhouette in the distance. I lowered the gun and waited. The thundering of footsteps grew louder and louder. Soon I saw those red eyes emerging from the darkness. Allison raised her shotgun, ready to fire.

The creature stopped and stared at her. I motioned to Allison to lower her gun. She gave me a look of doubt and I nodded with reassurance. Allison lowered the shotgun and the wenidgo began to approach.

“So, you kept your promise.” the wendigo growled.

Me: “I did. Now I will go over the rules. We’re gonna hide you behind the pallets tacked in the back. We’ll drop you off somewhere isolated.” The wendigo let out a shriek and with lightning speed, it sped over to me. I tried to raise my pistol but it was too fast. It picked me up by the throat. It ripped the pistol from my hands. Allison raised her gun and pointed it at the creature.

Wendigo: “You dare try and command me after we had an agreement?” it snarled. The wendigo wreaked decaying flesh and rotting corpses.

Allison: “Put him down now or I’ll blow a hole in your freaking skull!” Allison yelled. The wendigo turned his head and threw me into the side of a wall. It grabbed the shotgun from Allsions hand before she could get a shot off. It snapped the gun clean in half as if it was nothing but a twig. The wendigo picked Allison up by the arm and threw her to the ground. Allison stopped moving and tried to get back up but the wendigo stood on her back. I got up and raced over to her but the creature raised a hand.

Wendigo: “This is my proposal. You will shelter me at your dwelling. Once the others get wind of my disappearance, they will for sure come for you. This is my final offer. If you refuse, i will tear her apart limb from limb right in front of your eyes.” the wendigo snarled. I heard Allison start crying softly. I heard her whisper under her breath.

Allison [weakly]: “Renaes do what it wants.”

I clutched my leg. I had no options. I felt like a deer in headlights. I couldn’t stop this thing. I stood up all the way.

Me [in pain but with agitation]: “Fine. Get in the trailer.”

Wendigo [menacing tone but slightly energetic]: “Splendid.” The wendigo raised it's foot off of Allison’s back. She let out a coughing fit and I helped her up. I led the wendigo to the back of the trailer. The beast had to duck down to fit inside. I watched it crawl its way to the front of the trailer. Allison and I began moving pallets behind the beast. Just as I was about to close the trailer, the beast called out to me.

Wendigo: “I’m hungry. Find me something to eat now.” it growled.

Me: “Slow your god damn roll. Let’s get out of here first.”, I barked back. The wendigo let out a small roar of dissatisfaction.

Allison and I headed back to the truck. Allison was crying and I rubbed her back to try and comfort her. We made our way back up the grade to the entrance of the mine. I floored it up the steep grade, my truck loudly growling fighting with the newly added weight in the trailer. We made our way back up to the guard shack, where Pete was waiting for us. I slowed the truck to a stop, heart racing. Pete got up from the guard shack. Allsion and I hopped out and made our way to the trailer. I slowly opened the trailer door, and showed Pete the stack of pallets.

Pete: “Looks good! Alright, y’all are good to head ou-” Just then the wendigo stood up and stared at Pete. We were compromised. With lightning fast speed, the wendigo crashed through pallets and lunged at Pete picking him up by the throat. Pete tried to scream for his life as the wendigo plunged it's razer sharp claws into Pete’s stomach. Pete didn’t have a chance to make a sound. I watched as the wendigo retracted it's arm from his stomach, guts and entrails falling onto the trailer ramp. It threw Pete onto the floor and began viciously tearing him apart in the back of the trailer.

“No!” I screamed as I grabbed the pistol and raised it to the wendigos head. “Stop!”

Allison began screaming uncontrollably, racing inside the now blood soaked trailer as the beast tore Pete apart in front of our eyes. It ripped a leg off and took a chunk out of his leg. The beast turned its head to us and let out an ear piercing scream. Allison stopped in her tracks and turned to me, still frozen in fear.

Wendigo: “Drive. Or you are next.” it said expressionless, blood dripping from its mouth.

Allison and I looked at each other too shocked to speak. We both nodded and lifted the trailer door close. We both got in the truck and exited the mine, heading onto the main road. The trailer rocked and teetered as the beast devoured Pete in the back. I saw Allsion start crying. I reached over to hold her hand and she flipped the center console up and began snuggling up next to me. I began to get teary eyed. We reached my driveway and we turned in slowly.

Part 3 in a couple of days.

submitted by Super_Roach to ZakBabyTV_Stories [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 23:43 Super_Roach I Made a Deal With a Wendigo

[dont read this part] My name is Renaes. It’s pronounced


I woke up to the worlds most annoying alarm clock, screaming that annoying beep for about a minute. I decided to acknowledge it. I rolled over in bed and looked at the time; 7AM. I reached my arm out from under the covers and slapped the snooze button.

This was a normal routine for me every morning. Wake up hit the snooze button twice and groan out of bed. I lifted the covers up and sat hunched over in my bed. I put my hands to my face, feeling quite dead inside. I did my morning stretches and made my way upstairs. The stairs freaked as I walked up each one before my bare feet hit the dining room floor. I began to slowly make my way to the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and a spoon. I opened the fridge and grabbed some milk, pouring into the bowl almost halfway. People always make fun of me for this but I don’t really give a damn. I shut the fridge and grabbed the Lucky Charms box, filling the bowl up. I sat at the table and slowly ate my food, while scrolling through Reddit. I finished eating and put the bowl in the sink before heading back downstairs. I turned on the shower, and hopped in after undressing. The water was refreshing.I scrubbed away yesterday’s dust, I stepped out and wrapped the to around myself.

I don’t wanna go to work today, I groaned.

I made my way upstairs and changed into my work clothes. Bright reflective orange shirt, khaki carhartt work pants, and my favorite pair of cowboy work boots. I slid my cap on and grabbed my backpack, after shoving my lunchbox in it. I snatched the keys for my Silverado off the counter and headed outside.

The sun was still coming up and the air was cool. I hated summer. I liked the winter time. No bugs or anything that would kamikaze dice your eyeballs. To be honest, the worse the weather the happier I am! I started the engine and started Spotify on my phone. I put on my favorite playlist before pulling out of the driveway and heading down the gravel road to the highway.

I was so worried this morning. But I didn’t know why. I stopped at the stop sign and made a left. I headed to the gas station to talk to the cashier Megan. I always stopped by every morning. I walked in and walked past her.

“Good morning Reneas!” she said as i walked in.

“Good morning.” I said with no emotion. I grabbed the usual: a Nestle double chocolate milk and slice of fresh breakfast pizza. I pulled out my wallet as she was scanning the milk.

“Anything exciting happen at work yesterday?” she asked. “I found a cool rock” I said.

“Nice! You gotta show me them sometime” she stated with what seemed like fake amusement. I stuck my card into the chip reader. It flashed with the normal debit card options and I punched in my pin. I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door. “See ya tommorow!” She hollered as I headed out the door. “See ya!” I said back. I got in my truck and began the 10 minute drive to work.

I arrived in the gravel parking lot and exited my truck, making my way to the doors. An explosion of cool air conditioning hit me as I walked inside. I pulled out my company ID card and swiped it through the clock in machine. A pleasant beep chimes and ai turned to my right to enter the locker rooms. I walked over to my locker, opening it up. I grabbed my helmet, mine respirator, headlamp, and the walkie talkie off the charger. I shit the door and headed back to the break room. I set my gear on the table and plopped my backpack on the ground, pulling out the chocolate milk and slice of pizza. I began to eat as other guys started walking in doing the morning clock in procedure. Just as I finished eating, Tyler turned himself around to talk to me.

“Hey so yesterday I blew a hose in my excavator. I’m gonna need some hydraulic fluid. Mind getting me some?” he said.

“Yeah I got you,” I replied pulling out my tiny notepad, scribbling down his request. Our shift leader Mike walked in with his normal look. Sunglasses, bandana, yellow reflective shirt, and jeans.

“Alright y’all shut the hell up time for meeting.” he said. This was his language for ‘good morning’. He began passing out shift sheets telling people what sections needed drilled, scaled, and bolted. My name was always up top. A single word next to my name said “BIO”, meaning Bio Fuel. Nothing unusual. I was the underground fuel truck driver of the mind. I drive a 2007 Peterbilt 357 that has an extended frame with a giant fuel tank. trailing it was boxes and compartments full of supplies for other people and machines. The back side of it had hose reels for fuel, grease, hydraulic fluid, oil, and other fluids.

We finished up meeting and I got into my assigned pickup truck to take people to their machines. We headed out to the decline to enter the mine. It was a road on a 23% grade, heading down 250 ft. to the mine entrance through a big tunnel.

We drove down the tunnel. It was dark. Swallowed by blackness. The mine is about 32 miles all the way around. I dropped off James, Brett, and Lisa at their specified machines and I headed to the depot to retrieve my semi. I put the truck in park and hopped out. I grabbed my backpack and crossed the dirt path to the semi. I proceeded to complete my pre-shift, checking the tires, lights, brakes, and other important stuff requiring the truck to operate.

I signed the sheet, and opened the door to the cab. It squeaked as I opened the door pulling myself inside. I sat down on the air ride seat, dropping 2 inches. I set my clipboard on the passenger seat and turned the key. The truck grunted and rumbled to life with a mesmerizing roar. My truck had a CAT C10 engine in it, one of my favorites. I let the air build up before pushing in the parking brake. I pushed in the clutch and grabbed the shifter for the 13 speed transmission. I threw it into 1st gear, and let off the clutch. I took a left to get onto the main road. I shifted smoothly as I drove down the road. I approached section 38 and made a right. I spotted Allison in a scaler and made my way towards her. I blew the air horn to let her know I was there. She honked back to me, signaling I was good to back up to her. I reversed into the heading and stopped about 3 feet away from him. I pulled the park brake and hopped outside.

“What’s up idiot?” she yelled jokingly. “I don’t know. By the looks of it so far it’s your shitty heading.” I hollered back. I saw her laugh as I approached her. Allison was about a year younger than me but without a doubt I could see her beating the shit of anyone here. She’s what we call the she-redneck. Me and her kinda had a thing for each other but I never attempted to make on her. I grabbed the fuel hose and pulled it from the reel, handing it up to her.

“So… how’s it going?” she asked.

“Splendid.” I replied.

“Did you hear about Jeremy?”

“No, why?”

“Well apparently yesterday he got so freaked out he literally drove his haul truck up top and went home!” she said. “He said he’d seen a tall monster chasing his truck!”

I chuckled to myself a little. People around here, mainly haul truck drivers, will claim to see Native Americans standing in corners, freakish deer like creatures. One even said they saw a girl on a tricycle.

“Jeremy’s gettin old. He’s probably losing his mind!” I said slightly laughing.

“Yeah without a doubt!“

I opened my mouth to speak but just as I did, we heard the sound of crunching and rumbling. It stopped and it was quiet. Just the low idle of the truck provided sound for us. Then it hit us.

A huge gush of wind slammed us hard, followed by an insane amount of dust as it blew my over. I hit the ground on my ass and stumbled to my knees. I yelled to Allison.

“Hey are you ok up there?!” I yelled over the dust. No response.

“Yeah I’m fine! What the hell is happening?!” she shouted over the wind.

“A section of the mine must’ve collapsed! We’re gonna have to EVAC!” I yelled. “Shut off the fuel valve and hand it to me!”

She leaped overtime the hose and took it out, handing it to me. The dust was still flying everywhere. The collapse had to be very big. Allison jumped down from her scaler as I reeled in the hose.

“Get to the cab of the truck!” I yelled to her. She nodded her head and lifted her arms to her head, trying to see through the dust.

I managed to open the door and climbed inside slamming the door behind me. Allison was already inside, panting heavily.

“Oh my God. Oh my god oh my god!! It’s gotta be close to us!!” she yelled panicking.

“Hey hey hey, calm down. We’re inside the cab we’re fine right now. We gotta wait for this dust to settle then we’ll EVAC. I can already imagine Mike has called for one right now.” I grabbed my radio and called for Mike. “Hey Mike you got a copy?” I said. We waited for a response. 10 seconds… 20 seconds… then 30. Nothing. Not a peep from the radio.

We sat for a minute in the cab as the wind and dust settled.

“Maybe it collapsed right next to us.” Allison said, finally breaking the silence. “Imma go take a look. Wanna come?” she asked. “Sure.” I said. We both opened our doors and hopped down. We walked up to the opening of the heading and made a right. We walked about 40 feet before we saw it. The ceiling had collapsed right by us, blocking the main road. Our only exit.

“Son of a bitch.” I mumbled.

“What are we gonna do?” cried Allison. “That’s our only way out!”

“I’m thinking, I’m thinking. calm down we’re alright.” I reassured her. “Let’s head back to the truck maybe we can find an old cross cut that will get us out of here.”

I should make this clear real quickly. Cross cuts are basically roads that you follow in the mine. We walked back to the truck and I got inside as Allison went to grab her stuff in her scaler. She returned five minutes later and hopped back inside. I pushed in the parking brake and eased into first. The truck slowly made its way around the corner and I threw it into third. The engine echoed off the wall around us as we drove. Allison rolled her window down and stuck her hand out the window.

“It got really cold all of a sudden…” she murmured.

I rolled down my window and stuck my hand out. She was right. The temperature had definently dropped. The mine was almost always 56 degrees but now it felt like it was 40. “That’s weird.” I said. As we were driving things began to happen. My trucks engine brake would turn on , without me doing it. Lights would start to flicker.

“What the fuck…” I said as I pressed buttons. I slowed the truck to a stop and let it idle.

“What’s wrong with the semi?” Allison asked.

“I’m not for sure. Maybe the dust got in the electrical system or something.”

Allison raised her head up. “Taillights!” she said with joy. I looked out the windshield and sure enough, she was right. I grabbed the radio and called out to whoever was in front of us.

“Hey who’s in front of me right now?” I called. No response. I pressed the talk button again. “This is Renaes in the fuel truck. I’m on…” I looked at the pillar spray painted with the number on it. “…crosscut 10. Who’s in front of me?” Still, no response came. We looked at the lights. Then they…. wait no that impossible. Did they just blink?

“You saw that too, right? Or am I going crazy?” Allison said.

“No I saw it too.” I replied. The lights linked again then they just simply, turned away.

“We don’t get paid enough for this shit.” Allison snorted.

I drove forward slowly finally reaching the spot we saw the lights. “You see anything?” I asked. Allison stuck her head out the window turning on her headlamp.


A loud roar rang out around the area.

“Oh my god what was that?!?” Lisa cried, frantically rolling up her window. “Something’s down here!!”

“Chill out maybe another part collapsed.”

It then got louder again. A huge roar that had an elk whine or something to it. I started getting antsy. “Ok that ain’t no coyote or anything.” I put the truck in reverse and began backing up. I looked up at the reverse monitor and got a giant cold rush through my body.

A tall creature was standing right behind the truck. It had dark fur, but parts of it were missing, revealing exposed tissues, bones and organs. The head was some kind of deer skull. My mind instantly shouted at me.


A god damn wendigo.

I shut down. Allison looked up at the monitor and screamed. “OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?!?!”

“Lock your door! NOW!” I yelled. I threw the truck into first and slammed on the gas. We began tearing down the road. Well… somewhat. The truck is governed to 35 miles per hour and the beast was still on our tail. It ran on all fours, vapors pouring out of its nostrils. I made a left at a random cross cut and slammed the gas.

“LOOK OUT!!” Allison yelled.

I looked forward to see the beast in front of us. How the hell did it get in front of us? I put the brake pedal to the floor as we skidded to a stop.

“BACK UP! BACK UP!!” She screamed. I began backing up as fast as I could but there was an issue. The truck died. I frantically reached down and turned the key. The truck struggled to start.

Come on come on come on come on! Don’t fail me now! I screamed in my head. There was a loud shatter of glass and I raised my hand as glass flew everywhere. Allison screamed. A rock the size of my head laid between us.

I looked up to see The monster charging for us. I turned the key once more and the truck started.

“Fuck it!” I screamed and slammed the truck into first.

The truck pounced forward and we hit the beast, throwing us up in our seats. I floored the truck as we drove.

I was bleeding from the glass on my face and realized a piece of it was stuck in my head. “Allison pull this shit out of my head.” I said, sounding pissed. She reached over and grabbed the piece, pulling it out.

“W-w-what is that thing?!” she cried. I’m from a heavy Native American bloodline and I began telling her the story my grandma told me many years ago.

Just as it seemed we were safe, My door made a loud crack. I turned my head to see what it was and the second I did, the door was ripped off its hinges. The next thing I knew was that I was tumbling over in the ground, watching the truck roll forward. I rolled probably 20 feet before laying on my side. The loud jake brake kicked on and the truck began to slow down. I could barley see. I scrambled to my feet, reaching up to turn on my headlamp. I felt nothing on top of my head. My helmet must’ve came off when I was pulled from the truck. I stood up but the second I did, I felt a giant hand on my back. The wendigo had grabbed me. I was picked up and thrown like a toy that a toddler didn’t want to play with anymore. I flew through the air, head spinning. I hit the side of a wall with a thud. I heard something crack and I fell face first on the dirt. I rolled over, thinking to myself. Is this where I’m gonna die? The wendigo began to approach me. It snarled loudly and kept forward. CRACK! Allison came up to it with a roof bolt and smacked it on the head. It howled in pain as it began rubbing its snout. Roof bolts weigh almost 20 pounds. They are almost 6 feet long, so they can deal some damage. I forgot I kept them on the back of the truck. Allison dropped the bolt and came to my side, lifting me up. Damn she is strong.

“Come on!” Allison yelled. “Get up!”

I was pulled to my feet and began trying to run to the truck. Allison was about 5 feet in front of me, as I slowly trailed behind her. I was limping on my left foot as I ran. I must’ve screwed up my foot when I hit the wall. I made it to the cab and put my foot down on the first step.

Thwump. I felt something in my leg. At first I thought it was something from the cab but then It burned. Bad. I looked down at my leg. There, sticking through my right leg, was the roof bolt. Allison moved over to drivers side and stared down at me before letting out a shriek. I looked up at her and blankly told her, “Get out of here. Now.”

“No! I’m not leaving you! Come on! Please Renais!”

“GO!” I shouted.

She hastily began to get in the seat. “Try and find a way to the depot!” I yelled. She nodded her head as she wiped tears from her head.

“Give me your helmet!”

Allison swiftly took hers off and threw it to me. She began to drive away slowly.

I turned and looked around as the headlamp through the darkness. I looked at my leg and grabbed the bolt. Slowly, I began trying to pull it out, yelling out as I pulled it through my leg inch by inch. With one final grab, I pulled it through, blood coming out of my leg. I grabbed a small roll of duct tape I carry in my pocket and began wrapping the wound. I put the tape back in my pocket and looked around, bolt in hand now.

“Where are you at?!” I shouted. “Get out here now!”

“Renais!” I heard Allison call out from my left. I turned immediately and began trying to find her.

“W-where are you? Where’s the truck?!” I shouted.

“Help me please I’m over here!” I heard her cry from behind the pillar. I limped my way over to the pillar and found the corner.

She wasn’t there. I stopped in my tracks. “Oh shit…” I mumbled. Just then J was knocked to my face. I turned over to my side to see the wendigo staring at me. It looked over me, those red eyes staring into my soul. I got to my feet and held the bolt in my hands.

“Alright. Let’s tango.” I grunted. I charged over to the wendigo with bolt and swing with all my might. The beast easily dodged my attack and turned to claw me. I ducked as I felt the wind of the hand as it passed over my head. I swung the bolt right into the beasts snout and it cried out. I raised the bolt over my shoulder again and began beating the monster over and over as it tried to recover. After about 4 hits to the beast it raised its hand up and grabbed the bolt mid air. It stood on its hind legs and ripped the bolt out of my hands throwing it over a berm. I wasn’t giving up easy. I charged at it full throttle and toppled over it, sending us both flying to ground. I began punching it’s chest, but I could see it had no effect on the beast. It grabbed my side and threw me almost 30 feet onto the ground. Just as I was standing up, I felt it grab my legs and it raised me in the air string at me. It then spoke. “You’re a daring one.” It said in a low menacing voice. “What compels you to think you can just take over my kingdom?”

“I-I didn’t know it was yours.” I sputtered. “I’m just here to do my job-“

It cut me off.

“I will propose you a deal,” it boomed.

The wendigo stared at me. Steam pouring from its nostrils. It spoke.

“Release me from my prison. I wish to be outdoors where I deserve to roam. The others have kept me here.” it spoke.

“O-others? There’s more than one of you?”

“There are many of us here. They prefer to hide in the deeper parts of this cave. They won’t let me leave but I decide my own path now.”

“So what do you w-want from me?” I coughed.

“Do you have a way to get me out of here? Perhaps I could ride in one of those massive machines with boxes on them” it said.

“Those are called haul trucks,” I remarked. “And no, because they dump rocks into a big crusher. They never go up top.”

We stared at each other.

“Perhaps I could hide in a small…haul truck that I see others drive.”

My thoughts began racing. This wendigo was just a foot taller than me, so maybe he could curl up in a ball and I could cover him in a tarp. But it made no sense. How would I get him out without others noticing? Surely I didn’t want to let him out to kill others.

“Won’t you just kill others once release in the daylight?” I spat.

“If I’m provoked to the point, maybe. Why do you think I’m letting you live still?” it said.

It had a point. Truly this thing was now counting on me, despite almost leaving me dead right now. I took in a deep breath.

“I can get you out, but it won’t be for a bit. You’ve done some narly damage to me,” I winced.

The wendigo tilted its head. “How long?” it asked, sounding annoyed.

“I don’t know maybe a month or two? You fucked up my leg man. There’s a hole the size of a quarter in it!” I spat back. The wendigo stared.

“I will allow this deal, but if you break this promise I will rip your spine from your back and flay your skin. I’ve seen you many times. I know where you are.” it said.

I shuddered. “Ok. Done deal. Take me to my truck and bring back Allison now!” I said.

The wendigo nodded, and picked me up in one hand carrying me over to the truck which was smoking. I didn’t see Allison anywhere. The wendigo set me up against the cab.

“I will return shortly with your companion. “ it said.

“Her name is Allison.” I told it.

“Ok…. I will return with Allison shortly.” The wendigo turned and bolted into the mine. Minutes later it came soaring into view, Allison over its shoulder setting her down beside me.

“I saw a small haul truck approac-“

“Just call it a pickup dude.” I said cutting it off. It stared me down shortly then continued.

“I saw a pickup truck approaching on my way back. I will return to hiding. Remember our deal. I’ll be watching for your return.” it said before sprinting into the darkness. Allison coughed as she continued sobbing.

“Did it hurt you Allison?” I asked.

“No…” she whimpered. “When I was driving it got in the way and I crashed into it….” She looked at my leg, which was covered in blood and dust. I don’t know what compelled me to do it, but I reached over and grabbed her hand softly. She looked at my eyes and we both smiled.

“We’re gonna be ok… I’ve got a plan.” I said just as headlights came into view.

submitted by Super_Roach to ZakBabyTV_Stories [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 22:22 Super_Roach I Made a Deal with a Wendigo Part 2

To follow up with my last entry, it’s been about 3 months. I’ve been recovering from my injuries with the wendigo in the mine. Today I was finally able to head back to work. I was met with warm welcomes and greetings from my co-workers when I got in the break room that morning. I spotted Allison and she made her way over to me. She greeted me with a big hug. All the guys started whistling and making kissing noises.
“Screw off!” I yelled at everyone while smiling.
Our shift leader finally walked in with his normal greeting.
“Good morning everyone! First let's give a warm welcome to Renaes!” Tyler said.
Everyone began clapping and hollering for me. I sheepishly put my hands in the air like a proud boxer who won his first match. Tyler then started handing out shift sheets. Just like last time, my name was next to bio. My heart began sinking. The only thing I could think of was the deal I made with the wendigo. I hadn’t come up with a plan yet. On the ride down all I could think was “how am I gonna sneak a wendigo out of here?” I made my way around the mine, slightly paranoid, waiting for a wendigo to pop out of nowhere.
I dropped everyone off at their respected machines with no issues. I made my way over to the fuel depot. I parked the truck and grabbed my things and limped my way over to the now newly-furbished and repaired fuel truck. I opened the door and was met with a pleasant squeak. The mine shop team had completely repaired the truck and detailed it.
I threw my things into the cab and began performing my walk around. I walked to the back of the fuel tank and there standing in the darkness, were two glowing red eyes. My skin ran cold. I dropped my clipboard.
“You’re back…” I heard a low menacing voice whisper.
I was frozen with fear. The wendigo emerged from the shadows and approached me. The beast towered over me and I tried my best not to piss myself.
“Y-y-yeah. I’m back.” I stuttered.
Wendigo: “So have you figured out our escape?”
I began locking up.
Me: “Ummm-not really quite yet, but I’m going to figure that out-”
The wendigo raised a hand and cut me off.
“We had a deal. I gave you time to recover as requested. You will assist me in escaping tonight.”
And with that said, the wendigo turned and ran into the darkness.
I let out a sigh of relief. My mind was now racing. How would I possibly break him out, let alone tonight?
I finished my inspection and hopped in the semi. I began thinking to myself.
The mine closes late at night and I could possibly borrow a trailer and hide the wendigo inside. But there’s no way I would be able to do it alone. I started my truck and began making my way to the one person I knew would help me.
I drove through the mines doing my regular fuel runs. The engine brake echoing off the walls and transmission whining. I spotted Allison in her scaler. I tugged the airhprn signalling I was there to give her fuel. I backed up to the scaler and pulled the parking brake.
I hopped out and Allison met me. She looked nervous.
“Did it find you yet?” Allison stammered with a worried expression,
“Yeah it did. It wants me to break it out tonight,” I replied.
Allison: “But you just got back today! How can you possibly break it out? You’re not on haul truck duty.”
I began explaining the plan to her.
Me: “Your brother still has that racing trailer, right?”
Allison: “Yeah”
Me: “Ok so here’s what I'm thinking. Tonight we come back here when the mine closes. I'll bring my duramax with the racing trailer and I’ll tell Tyler I'm taking some pallets home tonight. We can load it in the trailer and bring it up with no problems. I don’t know where it wants to be released but I’m sure we could figure something out.”
ALlison: “Don't you think it's trying to trick us? What if we release it and it kills us?”
I stopped and thought of that. That thought had come across my mind.
Me: “I trust it, it would have killed you by now if that was the case.”
Allison’s expression went ice cold. I could tell she understood. I began unwinding the fuel reel and handed the nozzle to Allison as she climbed back up her scaler. I began pumping fuel into her machine. Then I heard the low elk whine. The wendigo appeared from the tunnel in front of me and Allison. It approached slowly and Allison jumped down and raced to my side. She grabbed my hand and began crying softly.
Allison: “Renaes I’m scared.” she whimpered softly.
The wendigo stopped in front us.
“Glad to see you two again.” the wendigo boomed. “Have you figured out my escape plan?”
I nodded my head slowly and began explaining the plan.
The wendigo stood expressionless as I began explaining the plan to it.
“This plan sounds very thought out. And what happens if it fails?” it chimed.
I hadn’t thought of that. Surely the mine security guard would want to search the trailer before I left.
“We’ll cross that bridge when it comes to that.” I stated. The wendigo nodded and turned. “I will see you all tonight.” it stated looking away from us. The wendigo sprinted off into the darkness and I let out a sigh of relief.
Allison released her grip and looked at me. “I’ll meet you at your place tonight,” she managed to croak.
Me: “Sounds good”
I finished the rest of my shift without any run-ins. I clocked out and began the drive home, Allison following me in her Jeep.
We pulled into my driveway and I parked my truck outside the garage. I led Allison inside and I headed to the bedroom to change my shirt. Allison followed me, not knowing her way around my house. I took off my reflective shirt and eyed my old airsoft vest in the corner. I was obsessed with airsoft as a kid. I had all the plates and everything. It could protect me slightly if the wendigo turned on us. I decided to brush the idea off and turned around to head to the dresser where I saw Allison staring at me biting her lip. I made eye contact and she immediately started blushing.
Allison: “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
I began blushing profusely as well. “It’s all good,” I stammered with a slight chuckle. You can hang out in the living room. I’ll be done in a second.” Allison stumbled her way out of my room down the hall. I found my t-shirt and put it on. I headed over to my gun rack in the corner. I unlocked my gun cabinet and grabbed my 12 gauge Remington shotgun and 9MM Glock. I checked the clip, making sure it was fully loaded. I put on my belt holster and loaded the slots with 3 extra mags. I opened a box of steel slug-shot rounds and stuffed 10 shells into my side pockets of my cargo pants. I put on my plated vest and threw a hoodie over top of it. I exited the bedroom and walked out to the kitchen where I saw Allison on her phone sitting at the dining table, rapidly texting something.
Allison: “Ok, so my brother is bringing the trailer here right now. He’ll be here in about 15 minutes”
“Perfect,” I stated as I cocked the shotgun and handed it to her. “You ever shot one of these?”
Allison: “My dad took me hunting all the time. I’d say I’m the best shot in the state!” Allison chuckled to herself.
“Looks like we’re covered then,” I added heading to the fridge grabbing two bottles of beer. I handed her one and she began drinking it rapidly.
Allison: “So Mr.Hotshot, where are we gonna drop him off?” Allison said through drinks.
Me: “My plan is to take him to the old abandoned farmland about 30 miles west of here. There's not a town for a 40 mile radius so there’s no possible way the thing can hurt anyone. At least not for a while.”
Allison: “What if he follows us?”
I took another drink. “Then we stop him. There’s gotta be some way to kill him.”
Just then, I heard the sound of a diesel truck pulling into a driveway. I looked out the front window to see Allison’s brother pulling in with the enclosed trailer. Me and Allison headed outside to help her brother unload it. I opened the garage door and pulled my Duramax outside and backed up to the trailer. Allison helped me hook it up. I thanked Allison’s brother for letting me borrow the trailer and he sped out of the driveway. By this time it was about 9PM. The mine didn't close for another two hours. Allison and I headed back in and sat down on the couch. I opened my phone and called Tyler, explaining to him my game plan.
Tyler [phone distorsion]: “Yeah that's fine. Just check in with Pete when you get there. And be careful since your taking your personal truck down there. Hate to see that thing get scratched”.
I chuckled to myself. That was the least of my fears. I hung up the phone and gave a thumbs up to Allison who was sitting next to me. She looked at me with a smile.
Allison: “Renaes, I should’ve told you this sooner,” Allison began, blushing profusely. “But if we end up surviving tonight, I’d really like to get to know you more,” she stated with a smile.
I felt a smile creep across my face.
Me: “Uh yeah, I’d absolutely love that. I think we could become closer than just cow-workers” I stammered.
Allison: “You know what? I’d love that.” I put on a quick movie for us to watch as we waited for the clock to hit 11PM.
We finished the movie and I put my boots back on. Allison followed me out of the house, shotgun in hand. We stepped into the cool night, crickets chirping away in a symphony. I started my pickup and the engine roared to life. Allison hopped in the passenger seat. I put the truck into drive and rolled out of the driveway, heading onto the gravel road. As we drove, Allison told me more about her. How she ended up working at the mine, and her current situation. The engine hummed, and I started slowing as we neared the mine parking lot entrance.
I pulled up to the security gate, where the night guard Pete met us both. I made sure to tuck the pistol deep into the holster, not to alert Pete.
Pete [old voice]: “Evening fellers!” Pete greeted us with an enthusiastic tone. He was old but the man still had years of energy in him.
Me: “Evening Pete. You talked to Tyler?”
Pete: “I did! I’ll open the gate for y’all! Make sure y’all are careful down there. Rumors is that there's a ghost down there late at night!” Pete let out a slight chuckle, and me and Allison fake laughed along with him. The gate began to rise up and we rolled through. We drove slowly through the yard and made our way down to the mine entrance. I turned on my lightbar so I could see better. I pulled the pistol from my holster and set it on the center console. Allison reached around and grabbed the shotgun from under the backseat. I noticed she was breathing faster. We drove down the grade and I let out a sigh of relief. Soon, we were underground. WE began slowly driving around the mine roads. I opened the window and began listening for the distinct wendigo noise. I came to a stop and parked the truck. I grabbed the pistol from the dash and cocked it, clutching it in my hand.
Me: “You ready?” I asked Allison.
Allison: “Lets freakin do this.” she said cocking the shotgun, and smiling at me.
Allison and I hopped outside. I raised my gun down the long tunnel and fired a single shot. The loud pop echoed off the walls. In the gun flash, I saw a silhouette in the distance. I lowered the gun and waited. The thundering of footsteps grew louder and louder. Soon I saw those red eyes emerging from the darkness. Allison raised her shotgun, ready to fire.
The creature stopped and stared at her. I motioned to Allison to lower her gun. She gave me a look of doubt and I nodded with reassurance. Allison lowered the shotgun and the wenidgo began to approach.
“So, you kept your promise.” the wendigo growled.
Me: “I did. Now I will go over the rules. We’re gonna hide you behind the pallets tacked in the back. We’ll drop you off somewhere isolated.” The wendigo let out a shriek and with lightning speed, it sped over to me. I tried to raise my pistol but it was too fast. It picked me up by the throat. It ripped the pistol from my hands. Allison raised her gun and pointed it at the creature.
Wendigo: “You dare try and command me after we had an agreement?” it snarled. The wendigo wreaked decaying flesh and rotting corpses.
Allison: “Put him down now or I’ll blow a hole in your freaking skull!” Allison yelled. The wendigo turned his head and threw me into the side of a wall. It grabbed the shotgun from Allsions hand before she could get a shot off. It snapped the gun clean in half as if it was nothing but a twig. The wendigo picked Allison up by the arm and threw her to the ground. Allison stopped moving and tried to get back up but the wendigo stood on her back. I got up and raced over to her but the creature raised a hand.
Wendigo: “This is my proposal. You will shelter me at your dwelling. Once the others get wind of my disappearance, they will for sure come for you. This is my final offer. If you refuse, i will tear her apart limb from limb right in front of your eyes.” the wendigo snarled. I heard Allison start crying softly. I heard her whisper under her breath.
Allison [weakly]: “Renaes do what it wants.”
I clutched my leg. I had no options. I felt like a deer in headlights. I couldn’t stop this thing. I stood up all the way.
Me [in pain but with agitation]: “Fine. Get in the trailer.”
Wendigo [menacing tone but slightly energetic]: “Splendid.” The wendigo raised it's foot off of Allison’s back. She let out a coughing fit and I helped her up. I led the wendigo to the back of the trailer. The beast had to duck down to fit inside. I watched it crawl its way to the front of the trailer. Allison and I began moving pallets behind the beast. Just as I was about to close the trailer, the beast called out to me.
Wendigo: “I’m hungry. Find me something to eat now.” it growled.
Me: “Slow your god damn roll. Let’s get out of here first.”, I barked back. The wendigo let out a small roar of dissatisfaction.
Allison and I headed back to the truck. Allison was crying and I rubbed her back to try and comfort her. We made our way back up the grade to the entrance of the mine. I floored it up the steep grade, my truck loudly growling fighting with the newly added weight in the trailer. We made our way back up to the guard shack, where Pete was waiting for us. I slowed the truck to a stop, heart racing. Pete got up from the guard shack. Allsion and I hopped out and made our way to the trailer. I slowly opened the trailer door, and showed Pete the stack of pallets.
Pete: “Looks good! Alright, y’all are good to head ou-” Just then the wendigo stood up and stared at Pete. We were compromised. With lightning fast speed, the wendigo crashed through pallets and lunged at Pete picking him up by the throat. Pete tried to scream for his life as the wendigo plunged it's razer sharp claws into Pete’s stomach. Pete didn’t have a chance to make a sound. I watched as the wendigo retracted it's arm from his stomach, guts and entrails falling onto the trailer ramp. It threw Pete onto the floor and began viciously tearing him apart in the back of the trailer.
“No!” I screamed as I grabbed the pistol and raised it to the wendigos head. “Stop!”
Allison began screaming uncontrollably, racing inside the now blood soaked trailer as the beast tore Pete apart in front of our eyes. It ripped a leg off and took a chunk out of his leg. The beast turned its head to us and let out an ear piercing scream. Allison stopped in her tracks and turned to me, still frozen in fear.
Wendigo: “Drive. Or you are next.” it said expressionless, blood dripping from its mouth.
Allison and I looked at each other too shocked to speak. We both nodded and lifted the trailer door close. We both got in the truck and exited the mine, heading onto the main road. The trailer rocked and teetered as the beast devoured Pete in the back. I saw Allsion start crying. I reached over to hold her hand and she flipped the center console up and began snuggling up next to me. I began to get teary eyed. We reached my driveway and we turned in slowly.
Part 3 in a couple of days.
submitted by Super_Roach to mrcreeps [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 22:21 Super_Roach I Made a Deal With a Wendigo Part 1

[dont read this part] My name is Renaes. It’s pronounced
I woke up to the worlds most annoying alarm clock, screaming that annoying beep for about a minute. I decided to acknowledge it. I rolled over in bed and looked at the time; 7AM. I reached my arm out from under the covers and slapped the snooze button.
This was a normal routine for me every morning. Wake up hit the snooze button twice and groan out of bed. I lifted the covers up and sat hunched over in my bed. I put my hands to my face, feeling quite dead inside. I did my morning stretches and made my way upstairs. The stairs freaked as I walked up each one before my bare feet hit the dining room floor. I began to slowly make my way to the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and a spoon. I opened the fridge and grabbed some milk, pouring into the bowl almost halfway. People always make fun of me for this but I don’t really give a damn. I shut the fridge and grabbed the Lucky Charms box, filling the bowl up. I sat at the table and slowly ate my food, while scrolling through Reddit. I finished eating and put the bowl in the sink before heading back downstairs. I turned on the shower, and hopped in after undressing. The water was refreshing.I scrubbed away yesterday’s dust, I stepped out and wrapped the to around myself.
I don’t wanna go to work today, I groaned.
I made my way upstairs and changed into my work clothes. Bright reflective orange shirt, khaki carhartt work pants, and my favorite pair of cowboy work boots. I slid my cap on and grabbed my backpack, after shoving my lunchbox in it. I snatched the keys for my Silverado off the counter and headed outside.
The sun was still coming up and the air was cool. I hated summer. I liked the winter time. No bugs or anything that would kamikaze dice your eyeballs. To be honest, the worse the weather the happier I am! I started the engine and started Spotify on my phone. I put on my favorite playlist before pulling out of the driveway and heading down the gravel road to the highway.
I was so worried this morning. But I didn’t know why. I stopped at the stop sign and made a left. I headed to the gas station to talk to the cashier Megan. I always stopped by every morning. I walked in and walked past her.
“Good morning Reneas!” she said as i walked in.
“Good morning.” I said with no emotion. I grabbed the usual: a Nestle double chocolate milk and slice of fresh breakfast pizza. I pulled out my wallet as she was scanning the milk.
“Anything exciting happen at work yesterday?” she asked. “I found a cool rock” I said.
“Nice! You gotta show me them sometime” she stated with what seemed like fake amusement. I stuck my card into the chip reader. It flashed with the normal debit card options and I punched in my pin. I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door. “See ya tommorow!” She hollered as I headed out the door. “See ya!” I said back. I got in my truck and began the 10 minute drive to work.
I arrived in the gravel parking lot and exited my truck, making my way to the doors. An explosion of cool air conditioning hit me as I walked inside. I pulled out my company ID card and swiped it through the clock in machine. A pleasant beep chimes and ai turned to my right to enter the locker rooms. I walked over to my locker, opening it up. I grabbed my helmet, mine respirator, headlamp, and the walkie talkie off the charger. I shit the door and headed back to the break room. I set my gear on the table and plopped my backpack on the ground, pulling out the chocolate milk and slice of pizza. I began to eat as other guys started walking in doing the morning clock in procedure. Just as I finished eating, Tyler turned himself around to talk to me.
“Hey so yesterday I blew a hose in my excavator. I’m gonna need some hydraulic fluid. Mind getting me some?” he said.
“Yeah I got you,” I replied pulling out my tiny notepad, scribbling down his request. Our shift leader Mike walked in with his normal look. Sunglasses, bandana, yellow reflective shirt, and jeans.
“Alright y’all shut the hell up time for meeting.” he said. This was his language for ‘good morning’. He began passing out shift sheets telling people what sections needed drilled, scaled, and bolted. My name was always up top. A single word next to my name said “BIO”, meaning Bio Fuel. Nothing unusual. I was the underground fuel truck driver of the mind. I drive a 2007 Peterbilt 357 that has an extended frame with a giant fuel tank. trailing it was boxes and compartments full of supplies for other people and machines. The back side of it had hose reels for fuel, grease, hydraulic fluid, oil, and other fluids.
We finished up meeting and I got into my assigned pickup truck to take people to their machines. We headed out to the decline to enter the mine. It was a road on a 23% grade, heading down 250 ft. to the mine entrance through a big tunnel.
We drove down the tunnel. It was dark. Swallowed by blackness. The mine is about 32 miles all the way around. I dropped off James, Brett, and Lisa at their specified machines and I headed to the depot to retrieve my semi. I put the truck in park and hopped out. I grabbed my backpack and crossed the dirt path to the semi. I proceeded to complete my pre-shift, checking the tires, lights, brakes, and other important stuff requiring the truck to operate.
I signed the sheet, and opened the door to the cab. It squeaked as I opened the door pulling myself inside. I sat down on the air ride seat, dropping 2 inches. I set my clipboard on the passenger seat and turned the key. The truck grunted and rumbled to life with a mesmerizing roar. My truck had a CAT C10 engine in it, one of my favorites. I let the air build up before pushing in the parking brake. I pushed in the clutch and grabbed the shifter for the 13 speed transmission. I threw it into 1st gear, and let off the clutch. I took a left to get onto the main road. I shifted smoothly as I drove down the road. I approached section 38 and made a right. I spotted Allison in a scaler and made my way towards her. I blew the air horn to let her know I was there. She honked back to me, signaling I was good to back up to her. I reversed into the heading and stopped about 3 feet away from him. I pulled the park brake and hopped outside.
“What’s up idiot?” she yelled jokingly. “I don’t know. By the looks of it so far it’s your shitty heading.” I hollered back. I saw her laugh as I approached her. Allison was about a year younger than me but without a doubt I could see her beating the shit of anyone here. She’s what we call the she-redneck. Me and her kinda had a thing for each other but I never attempted to make on her. I grabbed the fuel hose and pulled it from the reel, handing it up to her.
“So… how’s it going?” she asked.
“Splendid.” I replied.
“Did you hear about Jeremy?”
“No, why?”
“Well apparently yesterday he got so freaked out he literally drove his haul truck up top and went home!” she said. “He said he’d seen a tall monster chasing his truck!”
I chuckled to myself a little. People around here, mainly haul truck drivers, will claim to see Native Americans standing in corners, freakish deer like creatures. One even said they saw a girl on a tricycle.
“Jeremy’s gettin old. He’s probably losing his mind!” I said slightly laughing.
“Yeah without a doubt!“
I opened my mouth to speak but just as I did, we heard the sound of crunching and rumbling. It stopped and it was quiet. Just the low idle of the truck provided sound for us. Then it hit us.
A huge gush of wind slammed us hard, followed by an insane amount of dust as it blew my over. I hit the ground on my ass and stumbled to my knees. I yelled to Allison.
“Hey are you ok up there?!” I yelled over the dust. No response.
“Yeah I’m fine! What the hell is happening?!” she shouted over the wind.
“A section of the mine must’ve collapsed! We’re gonna have to EVAC!” I yelled. “Shut off the fuel valve and hand it to me!”
She leaped overtime the hose and took it out, handing it to me. The dust was still flying everywhere. The collapse had to be very big. Allison jumped down from her scaler as I reeled in the hose.
“Get to the cab of the truck!” I yelled to her. She nodded her head and lifted her arms to her head, trying to see through the dust.
I managed to open the door and climbed inside slamming the door behind me. Allison was already inside, panting heavily.
“Oh my God. Oh my god oh my god!! It’s gotta be close to us!!” she yelled panicking.
“Hey hey hey, calm down. We’re inside the cab we’re fine right now. We gotta wait for this dust to settle then we’ll EVAC. I can already imagine Mike has called for one right now.” I grabbed my radio and called for Mike. “Hey Mike you got a copy?” I said. We waited for a response. 10 seconds… 20 seconds… then 30. Nothing. Not a peep from the radio.
We sat for a minute in the cab as the wind and dust settled.
“Maybe it collapsed right next to us.” Allison said, finally breaking the silence. “Imma go take a look. Wanna come?” she asked. “Sure.” I said. We both opened our doors and hopped down. We walked up to the opening of the heading and made a right. We walked about 40 feet before we saw it. The ceiling had collapsed right by us, blocking the main road. Our only exit.
“Son of a bitch.” I mumbled.
“What are we gonna do?” cried Allison. “That’s our only way out!”
“I’m thinking, I’m thinking. calm down we’re alright.” I reassured her. “Let’s head back to the truck maybe we can find an old cross cut that will get us out of here.”
I should make this clear real quickly. Cross cuts are basically roads that you follow in the mine. We walked back to the truck and I got inside as Allison went to grab her stuff in her scaler. She returned five minutes later and hopped back inside. I pushed in the parking brake and eased into first. The truck slowly made its way around the corner and I threw it into third. The engine echoed off the wall around us as we drove. Allison rolled her window down and stuck her hand out the window.
“It got really cold all of a sudden…” she murmured.
I rolled down my window and stuck my hand out. She was right. The temperature had definently dropped. The mine was almost always 56 degrees but now it felt like it was 40. “That’s weird.” I said. As we were driving things began to happen. My trucks engine brake would turn on , without me doing it. Lights would start to flicker.
“What the fuck…” I said as I pressed buttons. I slowed the truck to a stop and let it idle.
“What’s wrong with the semi?” Allison asked.
“I’m not for sure. Maybe the dust got in the electrical system or something.”
Allison raised her head up. “Taillights!” she said with joy. I looked out the windshield and sure enough, she was right. I grabbed the radio and called out to whoever was in front of us.
“Hey who’s in front of me right now?” I called. No response. I pressed the talk button again. “This is Renaes in the fuel truck. I’m on…” I looked at the pillar spray painted with the number on it. “…crosscut 10. Who’s in front of me?” Still, no response came. We looked at the lights. Then they…. wait no that impossible. Did they just blink?
“You saw that too, right? Or am I going crazy?” Allison said.
“No I saw it too.” I replied. The lights linked again then they just simply, turned away.
“We don’t get paid enough for this shit.” Allison snorted.
I drove forward slowly finally reaching the spot we saw the lights. “You see anything?” I asked. Allison stuck her head out the window turning on her headlamp.
A loud roar rang out around the area.
“Oh my god what was that?!?” Lisa cried, frantically rolling up her window. “Something’s down here!!”
“Chill out maybe another part collapsed.”
It then got louder again. A huge roar that had an elk whine or something to it. I started getting antsy. “Ok that ain’t no coyote or anything.” I put the truck in reverse and began backing up. I looked up at the reverse monitor and got a giant cold rush through my body.
A tall creature was standing right behind the truck. It had dark fur, but parts of it were missing, revealing exposed tissues, bones and organs. The head was some kind of deer skull. My mind instantly shouted at me.
A god damn wendigo.
I shut down. Allison looked up at the monitor and screamed. “OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?!?!”
“Lock your door! NOW!” I yelled. I threw the truck into first and slammed on the gas. We began tearing down the road. Well… somewhat. The truck is governed to 35 miles per hour and the beast was still on our tail. It ran on all fours, vapors pouring out of its nostrils. I made a left at a random cross cut and slammed the gas.
“LOOK OUT!!” Allison yelled.
I looked forward to see the beast in front of us. How the hell did it get in front of us? I put the brake pedal to the floor as we skidded to a stop.
“BACK UP! BACK UP!!” She screamed. I began backing up as fast as I could but there was an issue. The truck died. I frantically reached down and turned the key. The truck struggled to start.
Come on come on come on come on! Don’t fail me now! I screamed in my head. There was a loud shatter of glass and I raised my hand as glass flew everywhere. Allison screamed. A rock the size of my head laid between us.
I looked up to see The monster charging for us. I turned the key once more and the truck started.
“Fuck it!” I screamed and slammed the truck into first.
The truck pounced forward and we hit the beast, throwing us up in our seats. I floored the truck as we drove.
I was bleeding from the glass on my face and realized a piece of it was stuck in my head. “Allison pull this shit out of my head.” I said, sounding pissed. She reached over and grabbed the piece, pulling it out.
“W-w-what is that thing?!” she cried. I’m from a heavy Native American bloodline and I began telling her the story my grandma told me many years ago.
Just as it seemed we were safe, My door made a loud crack. I turned my head to see what it was and the second I did, the door was ripped off its hinges. The next thing I knew was that I was tumbling over in the ground, watching the truck roll forward. I rolled probably 20 feet before laying on my side. The loud jake brake kicked on and the truck began to slow down. I could barley see. I scrambled to my feet, reaching up to turn on my headlamp. I felt nothing on top of my head. My helmet must’ve came off when I was pulled from the truck. I stood up but the second I did, I felt a giant hand on my back. The wendigo had grabbed me. I was picked up and thrown like a toy that a toddler didn’t want to play with anymore. I flew through the air, head spinning. I hit the side of a wall with a thud. I heard something crack and I fell face first on the dirt. I rolled over, thinking to myself. Is this where I’m gonna die? The wendigo began to approach me. It snarled loudly and kept forward. CRACK! Allison came up to it with a roof bolt and smacked it on the head. It howled in pain as it began rubbing its snout. Roof bolts weigh almost 20 pounds. They are almost 6 feet long, so they can deal some damage. I forgot I kept them on the back of the truck. Allison dropped the bolt and came to my side, lifting me up. Damn she is strong.
“Come on!” Allison yelled. “Get up!”
I was pulled to my feet and began trying to run to the truck. Allison was about 5 feet in front of me, as I slowly trailed behind her. I was limping on my left foot as I ran. I must’ve screwed up my foot when I hit the wall. I made it to the cab and put my foot down on the first step.
Thwump. I felt something in my leg. At first I thought it was something from the cab but then It burned. Bad. I looked down at my leg. There, sticking through my right leg, was the roof bolt. Allison moved over to drivers side and stared down at me before letting out a shriek. I looked up at her and blankly told her, “Get out of here. Now.”
“No! I’m not leaving you! Come on! Please Renais!”
“GO!” I shouted.
She hastily began to get in the seat. “Try and find a way to the depot!” I yelled. She nodded her head as she wiped tears from her head.
“Give me your helmet!”
Allison swiftly took hers off and threw it to me. She began to drive away slowly.
I turned and looked around as the headlamp through the darkness. I looked at my leg and grabbed the bolt. Slowly, I began trying to pull it out, yelling out as I pulled it through my leg inch by inch. With one final grab, I pulled it through, blood coming out of my leg. I grabbed a small roll of duct tape I carry in my pocket and began wrapping the wound. I put the tape back in my pocket and looked around, bolt in hand now.
“Where are you at?!” I shouted. “Get out here now!”
“Renais!” I heard Allison call out from my left. I turned immediately and began trying to find her.
“W-where are you? Where’s the truck?!” I shouted.
“Help me please I’m over here!” I heard her cry from behind the pillar. I limped my way over to the pillar and found the corner.
She wasn’t there. I stopped in my tracks. “Oh shit…” I mumbled. Just then J was knocked to my face. I turned over to my side to see the wendigo staring at me. It looked over me, those red eyes staring into my soul. I got to my feet and held the bolt in my hands.
“Alright. Let’s tango.” I grunted. I charged over to the wendigo with bolt and swing with all my might. The beast easily dodged my attack and turned to claw me. I ducked as I felt the wind of the hand as it passed over my head. I swung the bolt right into the beasts snout and it cried out. I raised the bolt over my shoulder again and began beating the monster over and over as it tried to recover. After about 4 hits to the beast it raised its hand up and grabbed the bolt mid air. It stood on its hind legs and ripped the bolt out of my hands throwing it over a berm. I wasn’t giving up easy. I charged at it full throttle and toppled over it, sending us both flying to ground. I began punching it’s chest, but I could see it had no effect on the beast. It grabbed my side and threw me almost 30 feet onto the ground. Just as I was standing up, I felt it grab my legs and it raised me in the air string at me. It then spoke. “You’re a daring one.” It said in a low menacing voice. “What compels you to think you can just take over my kingdom?”
“I-I didn’t know it was yours.” I sputtered. “I’m just here to do my job-“
It cut me off.
“I will propose you a deal,” it boomed.
The wendigo stared at me. Steam pouring from its nostrils. It spoke.
“Release me from my prison. I wish to be outdoors where I deserve to roam. The others have kept me here.” it spoke.
“O-others? There’s more than one of you?”
“There are many of us here. They prefer to hide in the deeper parts of this cave. They won’t let me leave but I decide my own path now.”
“So what do you w-want from me?” I coughed.
“Do you have a way to get me out of here? Perhaps I could ride in one of those massive machines with boxes on them” it said.
“Those are called haul trucks,” I remarked. “And no, because they dump rocks into a big crusher. They never go up top.”
We stared at each other.
“Perhaps I could hide in a small…haul truck that I see others drive.”
My thoughts began racing. This wendigo was just a foot taller than me, so maybe he could curl up in a ball and I could cover him in a tarp. But it made no sense. How would I get him out without others noticing? Surely I didn’t want to let him out to kill others.
“Won’t you just kill others once release in the daylight?” I spat.
“If I’m provoked to the point, maybe. Why do you think I’m letting you live still?” it said.
It had a point. Truly this thing was now counting on me, despite almost leaving me dead right now. I took in a deep breath.
“I can get you out, but it won’t be for a bit. You’ve done some narly damage to me,” I winced.
The wendigo tilted its head. “How long?” it asked, sounding annoyed.
“I don’t know maybe a month or two? You fucked up my leg man. There’s a hole the size of a quarter in it!” I spat back. The wendigo stared.
“I will allow this deal, but if you break this promise I will rip your spine from your back and flay your skin. I’ve seen you many times. I know where you are.” it said.
I shuddered. “Ok. Done deal. Take me to my truck and bring back Allison now!” I said.
The wendigo nodded, and picked me up in one hand carrying me over to the truck which was smoking. I didn’t see Allison anywhere. The wendigo set me up against the cab.
“I will return shortly with your companion. “ it said.
“Her name is Allison.” I told it.
“Ok…. I will return with Allison shortly.” The wendigo turned and bolted into the mine. Minutes later it came soaring into view, Allison over its shoulder setting her down beside me.
“I saw a small haul truck approac-“
“Just call it a pickup dude.” I said cutting it off. It stared me down shortly then continued.
“I saw a pickup truck approaching on my way back. I will return to hiding. Remember our deal. I’ll be watching for your return.” it said before sprinting into the darkness. Allison coughed as she continued sobbing.
“Did it hurt you Allison?” I asked.
“No…” she whimpered. “When I was driving it got in the way and I crashed into it….” She looked at my leg, which was covered in blood and dust. I don’t know what compelled me to do it, but I reached over and grabbed her hand softly. She looked at my eyes and we both smiled.
“We’re gonna be ok… I’ve got a plan.” I said just as headlights came into view.
submitted by Super_Roach to mrcreeps [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 22:15 mazon-jar The Casting Directors are the Unsung Heroes of Drake & Josh

Casting directors serve a vital role in the success of TV shows. Casting directors are tasked with sifting through thousands of actors in an attempt to cast the perfect person for each role, large or small. I can't think of many shows where the casting directors did a better job than Drake & Josh. Every leading and supporting actor fits their role perfectly. Drake Bell and Josh Peck's chemistry is undeniable. Jon Goldstein and Nancy Sullivan seem like a real married couple. Miranda Cosgrove perfectly portrays a sadistic little sister. There isn't a single miscast.
Even all of the reoccurring characters are cast perfectly. Allison Scagliotti was the perfect choice for Mindy Crenshaw; she expertly portrays a teenage brainiac with a hard shell and a warm heart. Yvette Nicole Brown is hilarious as Helen Dubois and who could forget Jerry Trainor as Crazy Steve? I couldn't imagine another actor as Crazy Steve.
submitted by mazon-jar to DrakeandJosh [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 00:45 yuritopiaposadism Israeli drones are reported emitting sounds of crying children at al-Nuseirat camp in Gaza to target and shoot civilians searching for the source of the distress calls.

Israeli drones are reported emitting sounds of crying children at al-Nuseirat camp in Gaza to target and shoot civilians searching for the source of the distress calls. submitted by yuritopiaposadism to lostgeneration [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 05:29 thouroughaway5978 Difficult decisions

Throwaway because people irl know my main account.
I (30’s M) have been with my wife Allison (fake name 30s F) almost 15 years and we have one child in elementary school. We opened our relationship 6 years ago. At first it seemed to make our relationship stronger, but over time it feels like we’ve drifted apart. We attempted couples therapy a couple times when we hit a crisis point (the word divorce has been thrown out there once or twice), but scheduling that was difficult and we never really made progress on fixing things. We would get back to an okay point and just coast for a few months until it blew up again. We still usually enjoy each other’s company and love each other, but that romantic and sexual spark is missing and I don’t know how to fix it.
At the same time, we both have secondary partners we see at least weekly. I’ve been dating Claire (30s F) for over three years now. She and I are compatible in almost every way. We communicate well, we show and receive love the same way, we always have fun together, and the sex has only gotten better the longer we are together. I’ve grown a lot since meeting her and I feel stronger chemistry than I ever have with my wife. At first I blamed it on NRE, but that can’t still be it after three years, right?
Things have been getting a little rocky for us though because Claire wants more than one date a week with me consistently, but it’s already a struggle with Allison for me to get away that much. I’m worried I’m going to lose one of them no matter what I do. I want to focus on my marriage because I committed to her when we got married and we have a daughter to worry about. On the other hand, I can’t stand the thought of losing Claire and what we have together.
I think the chemistry I have with Claire is making it harder for me to enjoy the relationship I have with Allison because I can’t help but compare the experiences. I’ve thought about breaking up with Claire, but that won’t fix everything with Allison either and would probably just make me resent her, especially if she keeps dating her secondary partner. I’ve imagined separating from my wife, but I don’t want to upend my daughter’s life and there’s no guarantee things would work out with Claire if I did that. It feels like an impossible decision. Has anyone else been here? What did you do?
submitted by thouroughaway5978 to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 06:00 marcellafun Obsessed woman claimed my dead boyfriend was the father of her baby.

For anonymity purposes, the names in this story have been changed. All other details in this story are nonfiction.
Adrian and I met through a month long inpatient mental health program in October 2021. He and I stayed friends after; we also met a girl there named Emily. Her and I are still on good terms to some extent. Adrian and I left the program on the same day, and Emily stayed there a bit longer. After we left, we both went to another program that wasn’t as intense (a PHP program).
While Emily was still in the inpatient program, a girl named Allison arrived to inpatient and talked all about how wonderful her husband was and that her mental health issues weren’t related to their relationship (according to what Emily told me about it). Then Emily and Allison also left the program and joined Adrian and I in the PHP program. But in PHP, suddenly Allison was saying that her husband was horrible and toxic and all of these things about how he made her mental health worse. Soon after, Allison ended up sleeping with other guys in the program. I don’t really care that she “slept around”, but what she lied about later isn’t okay; you’ll understand why I mention this.
Adrian is one of the people she had a one night stand with. He told me they went on a snowboarding trip and got black-out drunk and slept together that night. The only pictures she has of the two of them together are from that trip. He said that he regretted it when he told me about it. I think it bothered him that something happened with her when he was so drunk. He told me that after that trip, he didn’t really want to continue any sort of relationship with Allison. But, that Allison would keep trying to talk to him and not leave him alone. He said he didn’t want to be mean to her or “ghost her” so he would just be dry in his responses if she messaged him.
Adrian and I got really close in March & April, this was after he had broken up with Emily (who he had actually dated for about 2-3 months. For context, the one night stand with Allison had happened after Emily and his relationship ended, but before him and I became close. Before Adrian and I became closer, he helped me get out of a DV situation. He helped me the night the DV happened. Adrian and I didn’t officially date, but we were very close to that sort of thing before he died. I think we were both hesitant about labels after his recent breakup, plus my somewhat recent breakup & being a victim of DV. We were best friends & spent every day together up until the day he died. He was supposed to meet my parents the day he died. They were on a plane to come visit us when I found out about the accident the night before. The accident happened on the one night I decided not to stay with him - I still have some guilt over this. My birthday was 2 days before that, and he had joked about asking my dad for my hand in marriage; it was sweet.
About 1-2 weeks before Adrian died, he told me that Allison told him that she was pregnant and that it might be his. He told me about it shortly after she told him this because he said he “didn’t want to feel like he was keeping something” from me. I just asked him if he thought it was really his and he said he didn’t know. He said that he didn’t “get there” with her, but that didn’t mean it was impossible that she got pregnant. Later, he found out from her that she had slept with someone else around the same time and that she thought it could also possibly be that person’s child. When he talked to me about it, he said that he would have taken care of the child, but that he wouldn’t really want a relationship with her. He even said to me that he thought at one point of telling her that if she didn’t want the child that he would raise it himself if it was his (if she didn’t have an abortion).
And then, Adrian passed away. And I didn’t hear much about Allison for awhile. I didn’t see her at the funeral. I only heard about her once during that time, right after he died. I heard from Adrian’s cousin that she was trying to contact his family and saying that the baby was his (without even knowing for sure). Then I didn’t hear about her again until the baby was born in November of 2022. Me and Emily got really close after his death. We both loved Adrian; each of us started out as friends with him. Ultimately, we only ever wanted him to be happy. And when he died, we just wanted to preserve his memory.
So, when Allison and his mother Anna started posting all about the birth of the baby and how the baby was his on Facebook.. we got very upset. Because, they didn’t know for sure. No one did. His aunt Stella said they couldn’t do the DNA test until the baby was out of the hospital. [By the way, his aunt is the one that raised him. His parents were into drugs when he was a kid and couldn’t take care of him. So, she was basically his true mother figure. And he had a serious falling out with his biological mom before he died.] Stella agreed that they shouldn’t have posted anything including his name involved in the story until they knew for sure if it was his.
But the part that gets me the most is that Allison was pretending in all of these posts like it was some love story or that they were in love and she lost her boyfriend. That’s not what happened. Adrian would have loved his child, yes. But he didn’t love Allison, let alone really even like her as a person. So, me and Emily sort of watched the situation closely, and made sure Allison didn’t step too outrageously out of line. Because she already tried to speak for him and gave the baby his last name before they knew if it was his and lied about so many other things… it’s not fair to tell fake stories about people that can’t speak for themselves anymore.. and it’s also not fair to the ones left behind that have to listen to the lies with their loved ones name attached to it.
It also hurt because him and his mom Anna had that falling out before he died and they were estranged. He didn’t want to be in contact with her anymore. He was very hurt over it. When I went to his funeral, I tried to be there for Anna. Because I felt for her and thought about the guilt she must have felt over what happened between them. But, then, she posted about Allison’s baby as if it was definitely his. It just felt like Anna was trying to save face by “being there for his child” even though no one even knew if it was his… plus, what if that’s not what he wanted? As in, what if he didn’t want her to have anything to do with his child, because they weren’t speaking? There’s just so many issues with how she acted in reaction to all of this, too. So in the process of her trying to save face, she made herself look worse.
A few weeks after the initial shock of the baby being born & them acting like it was some love story… Allison posted a tiktok of herself from the day that she was with Adrian with the text: “how many bitches mad because you had his baby and will be the only one ever to have his baby”….. uh. Yeah, you insensitive twit. Because he’s DEAD. And you only care about the attention. Just shows what kind of person she is. She eventually took this post down. There were also many more posts with insensitive things that were essentially throwing shade to Emily and I.
Emily and I found out the results of the DNA test from Stella about a month after all of this. It was his baby. Allison made a post about it. Of course. Because it’s really about the attention, not about the truth. But yeah, in the post she said something about how “some people didn’t believe it was true” etc etc, baiting her loyal supporters to say “who would think it’s not true??” etc etc. But of course those of us that really knew him would question it. She would benefit from having him as the father because he was in the military when he died. Of course she would want claims to his benefits. I’m very aware of people like this because I am also a veteran.
Regardless of the child being his, my abhorrence towards Allison remains. She is a liar. She may be the “only one to ever have his baby”, but that does not make her a good person. It was not some love story. She only ever had the same pictures of him to repost from the one trip. And all her posts about him are like-bait because she mothers a dead man’s child. I feel bad for his child. And it hurts me to think that she will grow up without him. It hurts me to think that she will grow up with Allison. It still hurts me to remember Adrian, with all of this negativity attached to his memory.
submitted by marcellafun to stories [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 21:31 1r3act I feel like Josh is the star of the show

I had a neat chat with u/gawthgirl that ended up being a comment that I thought worth posting separately. A common narrative in the Drake and Josh fan community is that Drake is the star and Josh is the butt of the joke, the silly fat kid, the buffoonish incompetent who suffers while Drake shines and gets all the female attention and is always described as the most attractive of the brothers. Josh Peck has described feeling insecure that Drake 'got' all' the 'girls'.
That's not how I see it; to me, this is Josh's show.
Josh Nichols is moral, kind, likable and my sympathies are always with him. Drake Parker, in contrast, is disloyal, selfish, shallow, dim, and small minded. Josh is the hero of the series that I cheer for, the one I want to do well, the character who works hardest and deserves the best. I feel like Drake is the butt of the joke, the character who is most derided and held in contempt by the show's morality.
One aspect of the series that seems to declare Josh Nichols character to be the star of Drake and Josh (at least for me): the Mindy character is in love with Josh, and she loved him before he slimmed down and got in shape, so she loves him in a very deep and intimate way.
Part of this is because of my tremendous fondness for actress Allison Scagliotti who forever endeared herself to me as the spunky, snarky Claudia Donovan on Warehouse 13 but is equally excellent as Mindy. Scagliotti excels at playing characters defined by intelligence and self-possession and determination.
The two career-defining characters that Scagliotti plays, Mindy and Claudia, are genius level intellects who have the knowledge and skill of MacGyver and Mr. Spock and it's all contained within the body of a very cute girl who dresses in practical yet distinctive street clothes. Allison Scagliotti is one of the most beautiful women in the world, but what stands out to me is her physical confidence.
Neither Mindy nor Claudia are realistic characters because no girl or woman can be an expert in every STEM subject and have a sharp witticism for every occasion, but to me, Allison Scagliotti represents female intellectual empowerment. Her screen presence exudes brain power. She always comes off as smart. When I think of intelligence, I think of Allison Scagliotti.
And Allison Scagliotti plays Mindy, and Mindy is in love with Josh. Mindy is unamused and unmoved and uncharmed by Drake Parker's witticisms or hedonism or flourishes or music or hair or clothes. She is in love with Josh's goofy humour, affable vulnerability, goodhearted decency, loving empathy and gentle patience.
Mindy tells me that Josh is the hero of the show, and since Allison Scagliotti plays Mindy, I take her word for it that this is Josh's show and Drake is the ridiculous sidekick.
So yes, fine, Drake 'got' 'all' the girls, more than Josh. So what? Josh was chosen by the best girl, the greatest woman in the world.
Admittedly, I think anyone Allison Scagliotti plays is the greatest woman in the world, and no one in real life can ever be an Allison Scagliotti character. Even Allison Scagliotti can't be an Allison Scagliotti character.
submitted by 1r3act to DrakeandJosh [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 18:11 AliveEntrepreneur752 Is the user allison.wangsupport1 fake?

I think its a scam but still im not sure, i am really concerned, i sent a screenshot of the steam card they wanted but then deleted it in a day. Im scared that its a scam. I see a lot of people talking about it but not about that user, please tell me
submitted by AliveEntrepreneur752 to SteamScams [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 13:44 museumsplendor We tried telling people fake physicians and journalists were being bribed to recommend the abusive shots. The manipulators conning your relatives are being caught.

We tried telling people fake physicians and journalists were being bribed to recommend the abusive shots. The manipulators conning your relatives are being caught. submitted by museumsplendor to HermanCainDebate [link] [comments]