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New York State

2008.01.25 07:52 New York State


2008.03.14 00:30 Beer

A subreddit to discuss your favorite beers and breweries, and share beer related articles. Quality content encouraged. /beer discord server:

2015.02.28 15:29 New England Whisky

New England Whisky

2024.06.02 08:06 willistonforceIsrael Nexalyn Mandlig forbedring Forbedr udholdenhed Få det i dag!

behageligt til den næste. Som mand er det meget vigtigt for dig at opfylde dine partnerkrav, derfor skal du gøre dig godt tilpas og passe til både din hjerne og krop. Nexalyn For at nyde en stor fornøjelse er du nødt til at tilføje en fremtrædende mandlig forstærkningsformel, der hjælper med at opretholde sædproduktionen samt niveauet af testosteron i kroppen, som falder betydeligt på grund af aldring. Nexalyn Pills er et sundt supplement, der giver dig sunde måder at gøre dig mere tilfreds og glad for din partner.
Dette supplement er hovedsageligt designet til at komme tilbage i dit liv ved at øge niveauet af testosteron, der gør det muligt for dig at præstere som en professionel med den største styrke og udholdenhed. Nexalyn Men på markedspladsen har vi en ubegrænset løsning til at gå ud, men denne er virkelig god, der gør det muligt for dig at din livsstil og give dig et sundt testosteronniveau.
Det er et nemt sundt supplement er fremstillet ville kun naturlige ingredienser til at søge klinisk testet og kendt for at give dig en klar løsning til at opnå sund og mejslet krop. Nexaslim Tilskuddet handler om mager muskelmasse, forbedre udholdenhed og sund sexlyst. Det er et sundt kosttilskud, som booster nitrogenoxidniveauet og testosteron ved at tilføje næringsstoffer til kroppen, der leverer en tilstrækkelig mængde næringsstoffer, der nærer muskelcellerne for at fremme væksten af ​​din selvtillid.

Introduktion af Nexalyn:

Produktet er et sundt kosttilskud, som passer perfekt til din daglige rutine, og du vil få en stor forbedring af dit kropsfedt løs og muskelvækst er bedre knoglesundhedspræstationen, Nexaslim hvilket giver os suveræne resultater og gør det muligt for dig at opnå tilfredse præstationer. supplement handler om at gøre dig sund og rask for evigt.
Nexalyn Det er en ny og forbedret formel, som giver et boost af testosteron, der nemt øger din seksualdrift og ethvert trick Exide i kroppen, det er et kvalitetsprodukt, som kun indeholder sunde næringsstoffer, der giver din krop forbedret udholdenhed og sund sexlyst, det er en formel, der Aldrig får dig til at skuffe det er et fingerpeg, der bedre holder dig sund og tilfreds for din far, nu indeholder den kun hundrede procent organisk sammensætning, hvor der ikke er brug af kemikalier og andre stimulanser, tilskuddet vil give dig fantastiske resultater og fremme væksten naturligt. Dette supplement maksimerer den fysiske ydeevne, der øger deres produktion og gør dig hurtigt gavnlig for din partner.

Hvordan virker Nexalyn?

Produktet er et naturligt kosttilskud, der bedre du har brug for trick oxid niveau i kroppen, der øger testosteron, der giver komplette næringsstoffer og forbindelser i din krop. Nexalyn Dette giver heldige forandringer og leverer ilt, der nærer muskelcellerne og fremmer vækst.
Nexaslim Den regelmæssige brug af dette kosttilskud vil gøre det muligt for dig at komme tilbage i dine eftertragtede præstationer og har brug for tillægget for at øge energiniveauet, så du kan præstere længere i fitnesscentret for at træne med fuld styrke.
Dette supplement vil gøre det muligt for dig at nyde resultaterne i høj grad, fordi bortskaffet testosteronproduktion naturligt, Nexaslim som simpelthen syntetiserer din krop med sunde næringsstoffer, der kan skylle toksinerne ud og fremme blodcirkulationen til de vitale organer, som gør det muligt for dig at nyde den store tilfredshed mens du optræder uanset om det er til træningscenteret eller i soveværelset.
Tillægget vil frigive produktionen af ​​essentielle hormoner, der øger muskelmassen for at opbygge kropsbase, Nexalyn styrke og udholdenhed til længere arbejde, hvordan gør dig virkelig aktiv til hver session.
Dette reducerer restitutionstiden, så du vil gå længere og opbygge dine muskler hurtigt, Nexalyn dette forbedrer den seksuelle ydeevne og får dit forhold til at kæmpe og tager dig på det næste niveau, hvilket forbedrer din energitillid og optimerer fornøjelsen.
Generelt er dette kosttilskud bedst for både mænd, der gerne vil komme tilbage i deres ungdommelige energi. Dette supplement kan imødegå hele færdighedsproblemer, Theanex der bringer stor energi og fleksibilitet til kroppen. Fortsæt med Nexalyn Pills!

Ingredienser af Nexalyn Pills:

Produktet er et helt økologisk kosttilskud som kun indeholder sunde ingredienser, der er klinisk testede og gode til at gøre dig bedst i soveværelset. Theanex De potentielle ingredienser er som følger:
Ifølge producenterne handler tilskud udelukkende om naturlige ingredienser, der gør det muligt for dig at nyde de mandlige egenskaber på en bedre måde. NexaSlim Dette kosttilskud handler om at booste nitrogenoxid og testosteron i kroppen og giver dig en sund forsyning af blod med god til at opbygge slanke muskler, forbedret udholdenhed og sund energi tilskuddet godt i forbedrer din udholdenhed, der maksimerer din fysiske ydeevne Bollywood fantastiske resultater uden enhver brug af kemikalier i det også dette æblemineral skaber bivirkninger for kroppen, hvis du er i tvivl om ingredienserne, du ønsker at lære om kosttilskuddet i detaljer, så skal du kontakte dets kundesupport eller tjekke anmeldelserne på internettet.

Bivirkninger af Nexalyn:

Produktet er en sund testosteron booster, der generelt er god til at fremme testosteron, nitrogenoxid og det overordnede velvære hos en forbruger, tilskuddet vil give dig behagelige ændringer, der booster velvære og tilfredshedsniveau, NexaSlim men dette er et supplement, så dette vil fungere anderledes i forskellige Derfor kan brugeren opleve bivirkninger som hovedpine, svimmelhed, mundtørhed, opkastning og kvalme.

Sidste tanke:

Nexalyn Samlet set er tilskuddet godt til at udsende komplekset og giver dig et sikkert middel til at løse alle deres fysiske og seksuelle sundhedsproblemer, er supplement er godt til at forbedre niveauet af testosteron, der passer bedst til begge kroppe for at holde dig afbalanceret, sund og tilfreds med den ting, du skal huske på, bør du følge alle de retningslinjer, der er opført af producenten, så du kan fortsætte et sundt liv.

Hvor kan man købe Nexalyn?

Nexalyn Produktet er en sund mandlig forstærkning, der naturligt behandler din krop og modvirker alle problemer på kort tid. Dette tillæg vil give dig nogle ændringer, der forbedrer dit velvære og giver dig en komplet løsning. Hvis du har besluttet dig for at bruge tillægget, så klik på bestillingsknappen og udfyld en formular omhyggeligt, så du modtager din pakke inden for 7 hverdage. Dette tillæg er også på en prøvepakke, så det ville være en god mulighed for dig at teste tillægget først.
submitted by willistonforceIsrael to u/willistonforceIsrael [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:49 BrightSiriusStar A little grocery store in Syracuse NY… Rated one of the BEST in the USA?

A little grocery store in Syracuse NY… Rated one of the BEST in the USA? submitted by BrightSiriusStar to EasternFingerLakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:39 HashTagFinallyWoke Ordained Minister Dequan Green & Latrisha Greene Beat 4YO Foster Child Charlie Garay To Death

Ordained Minister Dequan Green & Latrisha Greene Beat 4YO Foster Child Charlie Garay To Death submitted by HashTagFinallyWoke to Justice4Victims [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:00 TheLotStore .17 Acres, Moro Street, Fordyce, AR 71742

.17 Acres, Moro Street, Fordyce, AR 71742
.17 Acres, Moro Street, Fordyce, AR 71742
.17 acre parcel of land located in Fordyce, Arkansas. Please Note: Per the legal description, property is located within the red rectangle shown on the main image. Buyer will need to complete deed research and/or order a survey in order to locate the exact boundary lines of this parcel. Click here for information on the steps required to locate the boundary lines of this parcel.
Debit/Credit Cards Accepted No Closing Costs Cash Price: $625 Finance with $150 Down and 6 Payments of $105 Per Month No Credit Check, No Income Documentation, No Prepayment Penalty
Property Address: .17 Acres, Moro Street, Fordyce, AR 71742 (Map location is approximate) County: Dallas Assessor Parcel Number: 970-03648-000 Legal Description: Part of Section: 26 Township: 10S Range: 13W Zoning: Residential Annual Property Taxes: $6.53
View our amazing property deals at TheLotStore.Com.
Additional Information:
submitted by TheLotStore to u/TheLotStore [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:29 TipsyBatman Austin police looking for suspect involved in liquor store robbery

Austin police looking for suspect involved in liquor store robbery submitted by TipsyBatman to Austin [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:21 moguy1973 Louisville/vacation trip haul

Louisville/vacation trip haul
Planned a vacation to Disney last week and my wife said we could swing by Louisville for my birthday on the way to Florida to check out Whiskey Row. Bought all the first picture there. Then the bartender at Bardstown suggested we stop by Costco before heading out of town as they usually have a good selection. Picked up the second picture they all at great prices. Then on the way back today stopped at a liquor store in Georgia and got the Booker’s and 13th Colony.
Looks like we have some cracking and drinking to do!
submitted by moguy1973 to whiskey [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:18 telegram1945 Local tattoo artists’ business card

Local tattoo artists’ business card
Found this on a liquor store counter in a pile of business cards. Spray on shoes.
submitted by telegram1945 to shittytattoos [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:10 jblerin His Family Got A Small Taste Of What I Deal With

This is kind of a small win for me in the worst way. My(f23) bf (m22) have been together for 5 1/2 years. He's been struggling with drinking for many years but I've dealt with it quietly until it started coming out in public situations and in front of his family. The first time in front of his family was October last year (I should have left him then but I was in a vulnerable place and couldn't) where he shoved his middle fingers in my face and screamed at me repeatedly that he'll never marry me, fuck getting married, etc. (he had a ring he was supposed to propose to me in march last year with but GLAD he didn't). This incidence was in front of his mom's side of the family.
Today was in front of his dad's side of the family. They've seen his problem but doesn't realize the extent of it. My boyfriend usually filters himself in front of family where he's not yelling at me, calling me names, etc.
We went to one of the largest car shows in California today where he got belligerent drunk. We got separated from the group and he started raising his voice at me and belittling me where the food vendors are. I find his father because when I find at least one family member, he calms down a bit and I'm not alone. Even then, he's being an asshole to his family members. We start making our way back to the car to leave and he runs to the liquor store!!!!! At that point, I gave up. His sister just moved back to town and it's her 2nd day here and she took care of it. She knows NOTHING of how bad he gets and only thinks he's just partying with her but it's not her fault she doesn't understand. She babysits him and I leave with his dad and his girlfriend. His dad's girlfriend (who left an abusive relationship with her ex husband) who is also drunk sees me and knows what I'm going through. She literally takes my hand and we start leaving before I could even chase him down. He eventually makes it to the car, is being a jerk to everyoneeee. We stop and get food and he's yelling and being a jerk to everyoneeee but not like how he is to me. I'm always the one that deals with the most aggression when he puts it out. He passes out in the car while we get food. He's calling me and other family members and he's going off and yelling at me on the phone. His family is starting to say that "this isn't okay." etc.
His dad starts asking more questions about what he's like and if this happens every time and I try to keep my cool because I've been doing it for years but it's definitly coming to a head now. My boyfriend gets up and starts walking home on the highway and his dad had to drive out 15 min away to pick him up before an officer does and takes him to the drunk tank.
They come back, he won't eat except be an asshole to everyone and spill his water everywhere. We get back to the car and he crawls into the trunk and is mocking me in the trunk and just being an asshole because he wanted to go home.
I'm his ride home from his father's house. When we get home, he's slamming doors and being a jerk again. He's raising his voice but now since he's been sobering up, the cursing is less but he's still aggressive. His mom comes to pick up some mail, as he's renting from one of her properties and I'm alone in the living room almost beside myself because I know deep down, this is not what I want. His mom asks if he's being abusive and I just couldn't muster up anything. I just said, "he's doing his thing" but she told me that I need to stick up for myself.
I am sticking up for myself but my time with him is decreasing rapidly. I'm graduating college with my B.S. in 2 weeks and starting a new government job and I just don't know what to do. He's pressuring me into moving in with him after graduation but I know I can't trap myself like that.
So after today and his family getting a small taste of the treatment that I've been receiving, they should understand why I'm going to leave him. It's not a thought of if I leave him, it's a when. Timing it right is what I'm trying to do but there never is a right time. I'm graduating and all his family members are coming to my party and I feel that if I broke up with him today, things would just be an even bigger mess. I just want to leave quietly and be on my way.
submitted by jblerin to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:07 Vegetable_Stop1588 Does anyone know of a Denver area liquor store that sells “pre made” cocktail bags like these?

Does anyone know of a Denver area liquor store that sells “pre made” cocktail bags like these? submitted by Vegetable_Stop1588 to Denver [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:07 frankshoots Printique store integration thumbnail issues

Printique store integration thumbnail issues
I'm trying to setup my Squarespace store with Printique integration. It seems to be working fine, however, the thumbnail images that Printique uploads have a huge white border which looks bad. It seems like within squarespace I can manually adjust the thumbnails, but if I ever make changes in printique, it will put back all of the old thumbnails. Has anybody else had this issue and found a way around it?
I've attached a thumbnail sample. All of the white inside the red box was added by Printique when it created the thumbnail.
submitted by frankshoots to squarespace [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:41 queenofthistown Shipt card glitch— known issue

My market recently got a popular liquor store as an account. I went to do a shop tonight, the customer added an $80 bottle of liquor as a special order. As we all know, the Shipt card is pre approved based on an estimated order size, so their $80 add on meant the Shipt card declined. No biggie, I called support so they could increase the authority.
Support had me run the card as a debit. I plugged in the last 4 of my Shopper ID as the pin, still declined. This is when support said there is nothing they can do and did I want to just pay with my own credit card and be reimbursed? The order was almost $250 so NO. Shipt had to cancel the customers order because of this known glitch. Seriously?! They can’t get the Shipt card to increase the authority?! No, it’s a known glitch
Y’all, this is insane that we are expected to use our own personal cards and file for reimbursement. SMH. I had my time wasted and the customer isn’t getting their liquor on a Saturday night, it’s too late for another shopper to shop it as the stores close at 9PM per state law.
submitted by queenofthistown to ShiptShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:35 bigbrown96 How did I do

How did I do
Stopped by my local liquor store for some beer and found this guy sitting on the shelf.
submitted by bigbrown96 to whiskey [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:20 ryuzero Player attending GO Fest New York, Side stop notice.

June Reminder for those all going to Go Fest NY, there is 2 Fendi store that has the Pokestop. Where you can spin for the Dragonite Tshirt and Cap. Also the stop is up if your in NY for any other reason dont need to wait til go Fest.
New York 57th Street 595 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10022
New York Soho 99 Greene St, New York, NY 10012
In case people who don't know about this. Please read from link below
submitted by ryuzero to TheSilphRoad [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:01 JAK3CAL Liquor Store - P&L Thoughts

submitted by JAK3CAL to sweatystartup [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:58 Mathematician_Dizzy School List Help IL resident

School List Help IL resident
Hey just wondering if my school list looks fine. ORM, IL resident, Low SES, had to work to support family since I was young (~2,000 hours) GPA 3.54 SGPA 3.4 with upward trend (Had one C from dual credit highschool, would be 3.6 without). MCAT 512(127,127,127,131), Good LORs, 950 hours research with one 3rd author pub and poster presentation, 600 hours scribing and will continue it, a lot of hours playing intramural volleyball and winning tourneys, Sunday school volunteer teacher, ~250 hours volunteering at hospital, ~ 90 hours shadowing two different specialties, ~ 300 hours volunteering at homeless shelter, and more hours for other non clinical volunteer activities. If I missed anything please lmk. I know I have a lot of reaches but I still want to try anyways.
submitted by Mathematician_Dizzy to premed [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:47 whatup-my-glip-glops Home Oven Cheese Pizza

Home Oven Cheese Pizza
Early attempt at Home Oven Cheese Pizza: Launched onto Pizza Steel @550. 4 min on convention then broiled until browned.
Ken Forkish "Saturday Pizza Dough" recipe with all purpose flour. Store bought sauce and pre shredded whole milk mozz. Crust ended up crisp with some bend in the tip similar to NY style.
My 6 year old gave it a "thumbs up" review.
submitted by whatup-my-glip-glops to Pizza [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:35 Positive-Shock-8628 AGE STYLING LLC

steering wheels gear shift knobs safety equipment air bags mercedes steering wheel volkswagen steering wheel lambo steering wheel bmw steering wheel porsche steering wheel lamborghini steering wheel e92 m3 steering wheel bmw airbag audi steering wheel
At, we're passionate about delivering the ultimate car parts to enhance your driving pleasure. Our online store features a stunning collection of steering wheels for Mercedes, Volkswagen, Lambo, BMW, and Porsche, alongside gear shift knobs, safety equipment, and air bags. Transform your vehicle and indulge in an unparalleled driving experience now!
Owner Name
Business Address
276 5th Avenue #704-2287
New York NY 10001
Business Email
Business Phone
Year Found 2017
Operating Hours
8am - 5pm Mon to fri
submitted by Positive-Shock-8628 to u/Positive-Shock-8628 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:35 Positive-Shock-8628 AGE STYLING LLC

steering wheels gear shift knobs safety equipment air bags mercedes steering wheel volkswagen steering wheel lambo steering wheel bmw steering wheel porsche steering wheel lamborghini steering wheel e92 m3 steering wheel bmw airbag audi steering wheel
At, we're passionate about delivering the ultimate car parts to enhance your driving pleasure. Our online store features a stunning collection of steering wheels for Mercedes, Volkswagen, Lambo, BMW, and Porsche, alongside gear shift knobs, safety equipment, and air bags. Transform your vehicle and indulge in an unparalleled driving experience now!
Owner Name
Business Address
276 5th Avenue #704-2287
New York NY 10001
Business Email
Business Phone
Year Found 2017
Operating Hours
8am - 5pm Mon to fri
submitted by Positive-Shock-8628 to u/Positive-Shock-8628 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:34 buhBeef Tanuki Cider from Santa Cruz in SF?
Anyone know if this is available anywhere in SF? (Besides State Bird, I mean. Like a liquor or grocery store.)
submitted by buhBeef to AskSF [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:33 readingthisshizz Why I would pick these peeps for Season 50. What do you think?

Why I would pick these peeps for Season 50. What do you think?
Criteria: New era only. 50% BIPOC. 50% M/F. No winners.
Tiff: I mean, she’s a total baddy.
Cody: Aside from being the fun life-of-the-party, I listened to him on a podcast and he’s super strategic smart. I wanna see him have a 2nd chance.
Jamie: ya’ll, the edit did not display her strategic mind. I listened to her on Tyson’s podcast recently, and I was very surprised. I’m here for her redemption.
Xander: damn, he played a great game. He deserves a 2nd chance.
Emily: I just like her!
Jesse: we all wanna see him again, right? Do I need to say why?
Geni: possibly a surprising pick, but I loved her attitude when people started treating her like the scraps. She knows her worth and I want to see her play again!
Kaleb: Let’s see if this golden retriever can make it post merge. What a vibe.
Carolyn: I want her to have FTC redemption 👊🏼She reminded me of my mom. She can read a room while some think she’s aloof.
Owen: he’s so nice to fans on the Survivor Reddit sub and Instagram- I’d like to see if the underdog can be top dawg.
Maddy: after interacting with her on Instagram, she has a really cool personality and I’d love to see more of her!
Richard: strategic assassin, let’s go!
Tiffany: bad ass mom. Enough said. I wanna see more of her.
Deshawn: I did not like how we was treated at FTC. He seems like a great guy and if he’s up for the 2nd chance, I’m here to see it.
Noelle: She had me in tears. I feel like she’s in the Jesse camp, don’t we all want her back?
Charlie: I need this grandpa back on my screen. I adore him. I’m not a swifty but I’m a fan of Charlie.
Sabiyah: she was my winner pick. I need redemption for this cat.
Omar: Low-key one of my favorite players. Incredibly strategic, kind and knows how to play Survivor!
Ignore my image sizing. I have more important responsibilities than how this is graphically laid out 🥹
submitted by readingthisshizz to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:31 HurtFingers GE Cync Lights (Matter over Wifi): Surprisingly good!

I have a full Zigbee mesh around my home, and I will continue to rely on Zigbee until Matter Bindings are implemented on a Matter Hub that I use. Reliability is the most important feature of all, and this means that I will not be moving any Matter lights/switches into my home's "production" areas until I can achieve bindings between switch to bulb directly.
I did want to go to the store and finally purchase my first Matter device today to have one for testing. I was hoping to find a Nanoleaf Thread bulb, but my local stores throughout the city are entirely sold out, so I had to settle for a Matter over Wifi bulb. I settled on the GE Cync bulb for a whopping $17 CAD. Comparing this to my Philips Hue bulbs at the usual $60 CAD, this is an astounding price savings. Again, these are not Thread-based, so I will not be deploying these over my house as I do not intend to introduce dozens of WiFi-based IoT devices, but this was a great device to test on.
My primary smart home platform is Home Assistant which still considers its Matter Server and Integration as a Beta, so I wasn't sure how well this was going to work. I connected my iPhone to my IoT wireless network, and began the commissioning process within the Home Assistant application. My phone automatically detected the nearby bulb so I assume this means it comes with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) as well. I clicked on the bulb on the mobile interface, and after about 15-20 seconds, the bulb was simply added to Home Assistant as a new Light entity. That's it! Seriously, that was super simple.
That's pretty much it. The commissioning process was incredibly simple and quick, and the bulb operates fully local. I didn't once have to download the GE Cync application, log into any account to initially provision the device, etc. This was such a fulfilling experience when directly compared to the WiFi/Ethernet-connected IoT devices of the past.
I'm really looking forward to the day where vendor hubs are a requirement of the past. They're still definitely nice in certain circumstances, but the ability to just buy a smart home device and not worry about its compatibilities whatsoever was super exciting. No vendor lock-in, no proprietary cloud-service, no hub requirement, none of that. This feels like competition in the positive direction. It will allow manufacturers to simply manufacture good quality products without having to concern themselves with the software integration. Expose the endpoints via the Matter specification and let it do the talking.
TL;DR: The GE Cync Matter over WiFi bulb is surprisingly good for the $17 CAD I paid for it. Thread-based devices for things like light bulbs are preferred, but it's all I was able to get my hands on. The commissioning process was super simple, and overall this shows the capabilities of what Matter can develop into with further investment in the framework and continued development of Matter devices from various manufacturers.
Honestly, if Eve Home's products weren't so bloody expensive... I'm sure they're quality, but the goal here is to not feel locked into paying Philips Hue prices...
submitted by HurtFingers to MatterProtocol [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:07 CIAHerpes I live alone in Alaska. The Twisted Man has been peeking in through my windows.

A few years ago, I decided I needed a major life change. Everything seemed to be going downhill- my finances, my mental health, my life. I would go weeks without sleeping sometimes as the heavy traffic passed through the city streets down below. Every time I went outside, I saw more homeless people, more needles and crack pipes littering the ground, more muggings and assaults and overdoses and deaths. The city had become a wasteland, and I knew it was time to leave.
I had no girlfriend, no wife, no kids. My parents had both died a few years prior and I barely talked to my siblings anymore. I had nothing to tie me down to this place where I felt like I was dying inside a little more each day.
That was when I sold nearly everything I owned, got in my car and drove up to Alaska to try starting anew. I bought a small cabin and a plot of land in the middle of its majestic mountains and dark, enchanting forests. In the winter, the Northern Lights would shine through like the eyes of God, sending out divine trails of light that danced through the sky in cosmic waves.
And while the move did help give me some peace of mind, in the end, the source of all my problems had ultimately followed me thousands of miles into this endless wilderness. It would take me a long time to realize the cause of all this misery was myself.
Because, as a wise man once said, “Wherever I go, there I am.”
I lived in that cabin for three months without any major issues other than the constant threat of bears, moose and wolves. I had a rifle and a shotgun for hunting, a small garden in the backyard and a solar panel to generate electricity.
“This is the life,” I said, relaxing on a hammock I had strung across the corner of the cabin while staring at the endless beauty directly outside the window. White-capped mountains loomed like giants in front of thick clusters of evergreens. A virgin covering of fluffy snow made the entire world glisten and sparkle. There wasn’t a house or road in sight.
“No work, no stress, no pollution, no cars honking all the time…” I closed my eyes, breathing in the clean air. I ended up falling asleep for a couple hours, waking up just as the Sun had started setting. Bright orange streaks mixed with the bloody smears of the fading light as it disappeared behind the mountains.
I groggily arose, stumbling over to make a cup of instant coffee. As I sipped it, I wandered around the room, looking for something to pass the time. There were still quite a few random objects left behind by the last owner that I hadn’t gotten rid of yet. I had moved in to find a stocked bookshelf filled with classics by Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein. Bored, I started rifling through the collection, looking for something good to pass the time. As I shuffled past “A Maze of Death” and “Ubik”, something caught my eye.
A black, leather-bound book with no title or author name stood there, its cover faded with time and wear. Curious, I pulled it out and opened it. I saw the cursive scrawled across the pages in a neat, copperplate script and realized it was a diary left behind by the previous owner. The first entry was dated “January 9th, 2015.” This is what it said.
“I don’t know if I’m going crazy or not. I went into town to talk to my therapist yesterday and she said I should try writing everything down. She talks to me like it’s all in my head. But I know it’s not.
“When I first moved into the cabin, it seemed like Paradise. I never thought in a million years that something would be slinking around at night. I never thought it would be hiding under my bed, peeking in windows and following me like a shadow.
“Right now, I’m snowed in with a cup of coffee in one hand and my pistol in the other. I can’t sleep anymore. I keep hearing something shuffling around under the bed. Sometimes, I think I even hear ragged breathing, as if a corpse with dirt in its lungs had come back to life.
“I’ve caught glimpses of that thing in the darkness. Whatever it is, its skin is loose, almost falling off the bone. It almost looks like a naked, emaciated man. Its eyes are rotted and dark, its back hunched, its spine twisted and jutting out like tumors. It moves in this slow, jerky way, but I can never seem to catch it. Its body seems broken and out of alignment. Its legs bend the wrong way sometimes.
“By the time I turn on the lights or try to take a video of it, it’s always disappeared. But its fetid odor remains. It lingers in the cabin like a sweet-smelling, spreading infection.
“I don’t know what it wants from me. I want to leave, but with the storm raging outside, I’m stuck here, unable to get all the way back to town. The snow surrounds the cabin in mounds five feet high. I feel like a prisoner caged with a rabid beast, not knowing when it will strike.
“My wife claims she hasn’t seen or heard anything, but she keeps vanishing on me. Last night, she disappeared in the middle of a snowstorm. Where did she go? I asked her in the morning, but she said she was here the whole time. She didn’t remember anything. There’s no way she went into town. There wasn’t time and the trails were impassable that far down.
“Something’s going on here, but I don’t know what it is. I’m truly scared for our lives.”
I slammed the diary shut, not wanting to read anymore. I didn’t want to become infected by some kind of contagious cabin fever. If the last owner had gone insane in the mountains and started hallucinating naked corpses crawling around, I really didn’t want to know.
I shoved the diary back in the bookshelf, going for “A Maze of Death” instead. I tried to forget what I had read in the diary as I flew through the novella. All night, I tried to get the image of the naked, twisting man with rotted eyes out of my head, but I couldn’t.
I eventually fell asleep right before dawn. But, as my eyes were closing, I thought I saw a silhouette in the window- a starved man with excited, black eyes that seemed to be rotting out of his skull. I thought I saw him put his inhumanly long fingers against the glass as he leaned forward. I blinked, sitting up and glancing out into the white, snow-covered wonderland.
There was nothing there.
Another hunter occasionally followed the deer trails near my cabin. A frozen lake stood a quarter-mile away, the surface white and covered in thick drifts of snow. I bundled up, deciding to go outside for a hike in the frigid dawn. I strapped on my snowshoes and grabbed my shotgun, as I always did when I went outside. I never knew when a polar bear might be waiting around the next tree, after all.
I opened the door, seeing footprints pressed into the snow all around my house. At first, I thought it was that silhouette I had seen, the nightmarish thing from the diary. But the footprints didn’t go over to my window. They followed the trail twenty feet away, veering off towards the frozen lake at the bottom of the hill. I glanced down in that direction, seeing a black figure plodding slowly forward.
“Steve!” I cried, recognizing my only neighbor in a four-mile radius. He had a cabin about a mile away on his own little plot of land. He jumped, clearly startled by the sudden noise. His black snow pants and heavy fur coat swished together as he spun, raising his rifle high. When he saw me, he immediately lowered it and put a gloved hand up in a friendly greeting.
“Hey Josh! Surprised to see you up this early,” he yelled over the muted wintry landscape. Sounds always seemed different after it snowed, as if all the noise in the world had become faded and dead.
“Yeah, I’ve been having a little trouble sleeping,” I said, slinging my shotgun around my shoulder. “What are you doing anyway?”
“Just a little hunting, you know,” he said, giving me a sly wink. “Animals are always most active around dusk and dawn, it seems. That’s when I always have the best luck, anyway.” He stepped close to me, staring me in the eyes. “You do look like shit. Those bags under your eyes are big enough to carry groceries in.”
“Yeah, trust me, I know… Hey, this might sound a little weird, but did you know the previous owner of this cabin?” I asked. Steve’s wrinkled, old face fell into a scowl. His expression immediately became guarded and distant.
“Sure, sure, we met,” he exclaimed bluntly. He seemed to be searching my face for something, but I didn’t know what. His reaction left me feeling off-balance and nervous.
“Is he still around?” I said. Steve’s scowl deepened.
“Buddy, I don’t know what this is about, but he’s dead. He’s been dead. He died in that cabin, actually.” He pointed a finger at my home accusingly. With those words, my heart seemed to drop into my stomach. Waves of dread flowed through my body like water.
“How… how did he die? Like a heart attack or something?” I asked. Steve’s gaze turned downwards. He didn’t meet my eyes.
“Do you know that Alaska has the highest missing persons rate in the entire United States? It’s not even close. In fact, for the population size, we have far more people who go missing and never get found than anywhere else. They even have a name for it: the Alaska Triangle,” Steve said. “And we’re square in the middle of it.” I stared blankly at him, wondering where he was going with this. It seemed like a way to avoid answering my question.
“No, I didn’t know that…” I responded. Steve nodded, raising his head again. He heaved a deep sigh.
“Look, the thing with the last owner and his wife… it’s somewhat disturbing. If you really want to know, I’ll tell you, but it’s certainly not going to help your peace of mind. And it definitely isn’t going to help you get some sleep.”
“I want to know,” I insisted instantly. The wind started to whip past us. Flakes of ice and snow flew sideways in the sudden currents.
“Let’s go back to your cabin then,” Steve said, pulling his heavy fur-lined hood off and shaking out his long, black hair behind him. “I could use a bit of whiskey to warm up.”
We sat down with a bottle of Johnny Walker and two shot glasses. I wasn’t much of a drinker, but Steve certainly was. He chugged three shots in the span of a minute. I sipped at mine, drinking half and putting it back down on the coffee table with a thunk. Steve grunted, hissing through his open mouth for a moment.
“Ugh, that’s the good stuff,” he said, slamming his chest as the burning liquor worked its way down. Steve looked up at me with a new sparkle in his eyes. “Huh, so you want to know about what happened to Will Lenning. Well, I’ll tell you that no one really knows the whole story. I used to see him occasionally, come down and have a drink and talk. We all know each other around here, obviously.” I nodded, motioning him on. “He seemed like a normal, upstanding guy. He kinda reminded me of you, actually. A young guy trying to escape the hustle and bustle of the city life, the cancer of the American Dream.
“Well, he was here for maybe a couple months, I don’t know. Everything seemed fine. We used to go skeet shooting occasionally, have a beer, you know. We’d get together with a couple other hunters who live closer to town and sometimes play some poker. I never saw anything odd about Will. I never could have predicted what happened to him.” He heaved a long sigh at this, looking out the window at the sharp mountains with an expression of nostalgia.
“Well, what happened to him?” I asked, encouraging him to go on.
“He started talking about seeing someone peering in through his window at night. He talked about hearing sounds from under his bed while he was laying there in the dark- sounds like diseased breathing and shuffling. He started keeping all the lights on in his cabin twenty-four hours a day.” Steve leaned close to me. A glimmer of fear rippled across his pale, wrinkled face. “He started to lose his mind. Started digging holes all over the place, looking for something. Even in the middle of snowstorms, I would occasionally see him outside, digging. It seemed like he never slept anymore. It was classic cabin fever if I ever saw it.
“It was only a few weeks later that I came over here, concerned. I hadn’t heard from him in a few days, which was fairly unusual. I found the door hanging wide open. Propped up in a chair in the exact spot where you now sit, Will lay with a blast hole showing clear through his skull, a shotgun laying at his feet.
“And next to him, I found a blood-stained diary opened to the middle page. The last entry was stained with blood spatter, but still visible. I remember leaning down and reading it. It was only a few sentences long.” I glanced over at the bookshelf with the same diary, saying nothing.
“It said something like, ‘I see now what’s going on. The Twisted Man is leading me to the truth. Today, I will finally find it.’”
“And that was his suicide note?” I asked, my heart hammering in my chest. He nodded.
“Yeah. I went into town and got some rangers to come check it out. Eventually, they got cops and CSI there. They took all the stuff as evidence, including the diary,” he said. “Good riddance, I say. Reading something like that is never beneficial. Sometimes delusions spread like a virus, you know what I mean?” I did, but I said nothing. I glanced back at the diary, its black leather cover gleaming like a crouching snake.
And I wondered- if the police took the diary as evidence, how did it get back here?
“You said he had a wife living here with him, too?” I asked.
“Yeah… she went missing around the same time,” he said. “Pretty bizarre. The cops thought maybe she just moved away, but…” He shook his head grimly. “As far as I know, she was never seen again. It was like she had evaporated into thin air.”
After Steve left, I walked stiffly over to the bookshelf, taking down the diary. I flipped open through the pages. In the middle, I found the last entry. Spatters of old, darkened blood were scattered over the page like raindrops. I found the suicide note and read the date.
“January 27th, 2015,” it read. Will Lenning had not lived long after he started seeing the Twisted Man. I wondered if my fate would be the same.
The Sun had started to set outside as I sat with the diary at the small circular kitchen table, eating some stewed venison and rice as I read through the entries. At the end, Will Lenning said the Twisted Man had been trying to guide him somewhere, that, in fact, the Twisted Man had been trying to protect him from some great evil, rather than being the source of it.
I scoffed, feeling a flash of anger at his stupidity. His naivety obviously led to his death. But then a flash of insight struck me like lightning.
What if I was committing the same kind of stupidity? Perhaps I should just grab my gun and valuables and leave. I could take off on the snowmobile and be in town within a couple hours.
But, in my heart, I knew I would not. Something about the mystery of all this beckoned me to stay. Like a siren leading sailors to destruction, my curiosity called out to me, and I knew I would not be leaving that night. I needed answers.
And, sadly, I would find them.
I had fallen asleep with an empty bottle of beer in my hand. I sat in front of the TV, which only got satellite reception. There were, of course, no cable or phone lines threading their way through the forest. All of my power came from stored solar energy. Since I rarely watched TV and really only used it to cook or heat up water for bathing, the energy produced was sufficient even in winter. Tonight, though, I needed its sound, its mindless flashing of light and colors and canned laughter. It seemed to drive away the creeping, suffocating presence like a candle.
I woke suddenly. The TV flashed with static. The repetitive hissing of the white noise spit from the speakers like thousands of snakes. I glanced up at the clock. 3:33 AM. I looked around the dark cabin, confused for a long moment. I didn’t understand what had woken me so abruptly. The satellite had never gone out before, either, even with the howling winds and freezing hail of the Alaskan winter.
The TV started flickering as if the static were rising upwards. Black lines traced their way horizontally across the screen. The hissing deepened into a gurgle, and for a second, I thought I heard faint words behind the white noise. I thought I heard breathing, slow and diseased, like the death gasp of a drowning man.
A black line rose across the TV and an image came into view. The cabin was suddenly plunged into silence, except for the shrieking, wintry wind outside. I leaned close to the screen, confused at what I was looking at. It looked like a live camera feed of a room. As I took in the details, I realized it was my cabin. I saw myself in the chair, leaning close to the screen. I raised my hand, and the miniature version of me on the screen did likewise. Ice water seemed to drip down my spine as waves of dread coursed through my body.
“What the fuck is this?” I whispered, looking back to where the camera should be. It was just a coarse wooden ceiling in that corner. I turned back to the screen and nearly screamed.
The TV showed a pale, naked man crouching directly behind my chair now. With jerky movements, he rose, his broken spine twisting and shivering. A hissing voice rang out from the speakers. It spoke as if it had dirt and writhing maggots in its throat.
“He is a killer. The shadow of death,” it gurgled. “Many have fallen. Many lie buried across this forest. You will be next. He is watching you…”
Long, broken fingers with blackened nails reached out to touch my shoulders. I jumped out of the chair, stumbling back as I spun around in terror. My back smashed into the TV, and it fell to the floor with a shattering of glass and an explosion of light.
In those few moments before the darkness descended on me like a blanket, I thought I glimpsed a pale, sunken face with rotted, blackened eyes peeking out from behind the chair.
I turned on every light in the cabin, but there was no sign of the Twisted Man now. I knew I had to get out of there, though. I thought about the warning that the voice had spoken. If the creature wanted to attack me, then why hadn’t it just killed me while I was sleeping? None of it made sense. Who was watching me? The Twisted Man? And if he was, why warn me? Perhaps it was psychological warfare, I thought to myself. Perhaps the Twisted Man simply liked to play with his food before he ate it.
Thoughts raced through my head at a thousand miles an hour as I threw on snow pants and a couple heavy sweaters and coats. I covered up my entire body as much as I could to try to prevent frostbite. I had made up my mind to flee. There was no snowstorm tonight, though the entire landscape was blanketed in it and I knew the wind chill would be like an ice blade whipping against my skin. It was extremely dangerous to travel in the middle of the night like this in temperatures that might reach negative thirty degrees. Steve had been right, after all- Alaska had the highest missing persons rate of any state, and many of them were never found, their bodies likely frozen solid in the deep snow dozens of miles from the nearest town.
I grabbed my shotgun, jumped on my snowmobile and started heading to Steve’s cabin. I hoped I could wait there until the sunrise and then figure out what to do next.
But fate would take the decision out of my hands.
I felt like there were eyes watching me as I drove along the narrow, winding deer trail. The boughs of the evergreens reached into the path like greedy hands, grabbing at my coat and legs. More than a couple times, I thought I saw a pale, naked figure standing in the snow, but it had always gone when I turned to look.
I gave a sigh of relief when Steve’s place appeared in the distance. I could see the lights twinkling through the small windows of his log cabin. I pulled up next to his door, looking down. I saw two pairs of footprints there, one much smaller than the other. I found it odd, but shrugged it off. The snowmobile cut out with a sucking gurgle.
I knocked on the door hard a few times. Steve appeared after a few moments, groggy and half-dressed. He blinked slowly as he looked me up and down. His wrinkled face fell into a frown.
“Steve, I need a favor,” I said quickly. “Something weird is happening in my cabin. Can I stay here until morning, until maybe I can go to town or something? I can’t stay at my place tonight. I just can’t.” He nodded, yawning and motioning me in.
“You can sleep on the couch, I guess,” Steve said. “Put that shotgun somewhere safe, though, boy.” He had a partitioned bedroom in his cabin. It was significantly larger than my little one-room cabin, though it was basically still just a joint kitchen-living room, a small bedroom and a bathroom. He pointed to a well-worn couch in the corner and gave me an apathetic wave as he stumbled back into his bedroom, slamming the door.
I couldn’t sleep, though. I tiptoed around the room, looking at Steve’s bookshelf. He had a rather strange taste in books- lots of Anne Rule and true crime there. I saw dozens of books about Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Richard Chase, Herbert Mullin, Jeffrey Dahmer and Richard Ramirez among the collection. At the end, a large, black binder stood, unlabeled and worn-looking. It reminded me of the look of that leather-bound diary for a second, and my heart dropped. But logically, I knew this was just a coincidence. Yet, still, I pulled out the binder, my curiosity piqued.
What I found inside filled me with dread and horror.
Countless news clippings covered the length of it. The first clipping was from nearly twenty years earlier, about a woman who went missing in the Alaskan forest while hiking. A later one confirmed that her body was never found, and that her family was still hoping that she might turn up alive somewhere. A reward was offered for any information, it said.
And every page after that was more of the same: missing woman, murdered prostitute, missing man, no leads. I kept flipping through until I found clippings about Will Lenning’s suicide and the sudden disappearance of his wife. On the article about the suicide, Steve had used red marker to scrawl, “HA HA!” next to it.
I heard the click of a gun being cocked from behind me. I froze as Steve’s voice traveled across the room like a whisper.
“How do you like my work, friend?” he asked, his tone jovial and mocking.
I still held the binder of horrors tightly in my hands as I stared open-mouthed at this man I thought I knew.
“It’s you? What, you killed Will Lenning and his wife? And a lot of other women, apparently.” Everything felt unreal, as if I were stuck in a dream. Steve’s grin spread across his face, but his blue eyes stayed cold and dead.
“Yes, well, she was cheating on him with me anyway. Just another whore, you know. They always get what’s coming to them in the end,” he hissed with hatred oozing from his voice. “It’s too bad, really. I just killed another slut tonight. I was planning on saving you for later. The urge isn’t too bad yet right now, after all. It comes in cycles, you see. It comes in waves…” I saw a glimmer of pale, naked flesh writhing behind Steve. With jerky movements, the Twisted Man came up behind him. I said nothing, just watching with wide-eyed horror and amazement.
“You need help, man,” I whispered. Steve laughed.
“Help? The only help they give people like me is a needle in the arm. You know that. That’s why it’s important to always cover your tracks…” The Twisted Man ran a long, broken finger across Steve’s neck. Steve gave a strangled cry and jumped. He spun around, screaming. I glanced over at my shotgun next to the couch.
I jumped for it as Steve turned back to me, firing his pistol twice. The first bullet soared high above me, raining wood splinters down on my head, but the second ripped into my leg. A cold, burning pain ran like fire up my shin. I screamed in agony and battle fury as I gripped the shotgun, spinning and firing.
Steve’s head exploded as the slug ripped through his brain. His forehead collapsed like a smashed melon as bone splinters and blood sprayed the wall behind him.
The Twisted Man stood there, hunched over, grinning up at me. I felt warm blood gushing from my leg as I stared back at him, breathing hard. I wondered if I was dying.
“You… you weren’t after me at all, were you?” I asked. “You were after… Steve.” But the Twisted Man said nothing. After a long moment, he slinked back into the shadows of the bedroom and disappeared.
As night crawled its way toward morning, I thought back to the words the Twisted Man had spoken through the TV, suddenly understanding everything.
“He is a killer. The shadow of death. Many have fallen. Many lie buried across this forest. You will be next. He is watching you…”
He hadn’t been trying to hurt me at all. He had been trying to warn me. He had probably tried to warn Will Lenning and his wife, too.
I wrapped my leg in gauze, gritting my teeth. The wound looked puckered and deep, but I could still move my foot, and the bullet had gone clean through the flesh. I poured alcohol on it, screaming in pain as it burned its way through my skin. After rummaging through Steve’s bathroom, I found some prescription painkillers and swallowed a handful of them with a beer. I knew I would need the opiate high to get through the pain of riding into town with a mutilated leg.
As the Sun finally rose, I made my way outside the blood-stained floors of the cabin to my snowmobile. Before I left, I glanced back at that horrid place, the scene of so much torment and death.
In the open doorway, the Twisted Man stood, his back hunched, his rotted lips grinning at me. His hand lifted up into the air with jerky movements and waved.
I waved back as I started the engine and headed into town.
submitted by CIAHerpes to stories [link] [comments]