Free printable 8 1 2 x 11 birthday invitations

Absolutely, Wildly, Unapologetically, SHAMELESS

2011.03.03 19:14 boratborat Absolutely, Wildly, Unapologetically, SHAMELESS


2010.08.20 23:58 relic2279 Official subreddit of The Cleveland Browns

Official subreddit of The Cleveland Browns

2018.09.10 21:31 ix0WXOeip4V6 YOU: Netflix Original Series

A subreddit for the former Lifetime, and now Netflix, psychological thriller series YOU based on the novel series by Caroline Kepnes. Anybody is welcome to comment about anything related to the series.

2024.06.02 07:39 Salt_Tonight_8939 Could someone please look at my work? I'm self-reviewing and don't have access to answers.

The exercise is on choosing what вид глагола to use.
1. (заказывать/заказать)
-Что вы обычно _заказываете____ на ужин?
-Я часто ___ заказываю_____ рыбу и овощи, но вчера __заказал___ мясо.
  1. (показывать/показать)
- Он любит __показывать______ свой фотографии, и завтра _покажем____ те, которые сделал в Москве.
  1. (рассказывать/рассказать)
  1. (советовать/посоветовать)
-Мой друг всегда _советует_ мне, что взять в ресторане. Вчера, например, он __посоветовал__ заказать овощной салат и курицу.
  1. (решать/решить)
-Вы ещё не _решали__, поехать ли в России?
-Нет, мы уже всё _решили___ .
  1. (поступать/поступить)
-это правда, что Олег сейчас __поступает___ В университет? Да, но он так мало занимается, что он, наверное, не __поступил___ .
7. (покупать/купить)
-Мы обычно _покупаем__ книги в этом магазине. Недавно _купил__ Чехова и Бунина и очень хотим __купить__ Ахматову.
  1. (брать/взять)
-Да, я всегда _беру___ его, но сегодня _взял__ только второе и десерт.
  1. (есть/съесть , пить/выпить)
-Часто на завтрак мы __едим__ омлет и __пьем______ кофе. Но вчера я __съел______ кашу и __выпил____ чай. Завтра я _съем_____ бутерброд и ____выпью______ апельсиновый сок.
  1. (Вставать/встать)
-Мы обычно _ встаем ___ в семь часов, но завтра мы _ встанем _ в шесть часов, потому что мы едем на дачу.
submitted by Salt_Tonight_8939 to russian [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:37 nick_clash_of_clans What's the max rewards you can get from an add on mobile?

My highest is 30
submitted by nick_clash_of_clans to ClickerHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:37 AbrocomaPrimary1069 Price check hopefully can sell

Price check hopefully can sell
Looking for a price check also taking offers
submitted by AbrocomaPrimary1069 to GenshinTrades [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:37 MountainRL Why am I getting such bad battery life?

For reference I have the Galaxy A35.
Also I slept in this morning so I left the phone on charge for a bit but I don't do this often.
submitted by MountainRL to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:37 iamdense Any GOAT discussion that doesn't include Wilt and Bill Russell can just be dismissed

Hey guys,
I'm a longtime basketball fan. I have been reading and watching all these GOAT discussions and pretty much all of them are about Jordan, Kobe, LeBron. These all seem ridiculous to me!
My favorite Christopher Hitchens quote (aka Hitches' razor) is "what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence".
Wilt Chamberlain is the individual GOAT. He still holds individual titles for sooo many stats. including the only 100 point game and averaging 50 points/game for season.
Bill Russell won 11 titles in 13 years. So how does Mike winning 6 titles in 8 years compare?
How on Earth are these players left out of all of these discussions? Yes, I have read all the objections like "they dominated against shitty players". Were the players and teams they beat first graders or grown ass men? They were adults, many of them prime athletes themselves! So to beat their asses game after game and year after year, wasn't some trivial thing that deserves to be ignored!
Ultimately, the GOAT discussion (meaning just ONE player is the best) is silly, but if you want/need to have it, if you leave out these 2 players, you are showing how ignorant you are!
submitted by iamdense to justbasketball [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:37 toadsgoat The Kamilla V repost cause the kamilla v post i did is old and not as interesting as it could be

The Kamilla V repost cause the kamilla v post i did is old and not as interesting as it could be
The Kamilla V is a Karelian superheavy tank, designed in early mid 1941 into late 1943, before being produced in the beginning of 1944 trialed through early 1944 and entering service by mid 1944, with 3 of them being produced in that time, the tank would see multiple improvements of tank design throughout its design period, such as a range finder, a dual axis stabilizer aswell as a gas turbine engine, while the range finder is a good addition, Karelian scopes were very well designed to help the gunner figure out ranges with lines to indicate the size of a vehicle and numbers to indicate what range that could be, this was made during the early stages of the war using other Karelian tanks as a basis, which worked well as tank s at that time were around the same size as eachother, though in the later stages they use both captured and destroyed enemy vehicles to make these scopes.
Kamilla V 1 after trials
The reason as to why the Kamilla V was designed was because of the rising Talapovian heavy tanks that were gaining more and more armour and more powerful guns, The Kamilla V was a statement that the Karelian military was more then capable of making a counter that is better in almost everyway, the armour of the Kamilla V may have been only slightly thicker then that of the Tiger 2, 160mm across the hull and turret front sloped on the front plate at 64 degrees effectively being at its highest 460mm thick and at its lowest 390mm thick, while the lower plate was abit weaker with its highest effective thickness being 300 and its lowest being 270 and with the tracks over the top the thickness was 370+ though the tracks were made of rubber not only to make it quieter but to give it better grip aswell the tracks over the lower plate is more of a bluff rather then actual protection, the armour on the front of the turret was 160 sloped at 64 degrees with the turret cheeks being 145mm effectively making them 1360mm thick front on, even without the turret facing front on the cheeks were still relatively strong, the side of the tank was 130 sloped at 35 degrees making 160mm thick aswell as the lower side being 135mm thick though with the side skirts it was 160 aswell, the turret side was 145 sloped at 30 degrees, the rear was 125mm over all its armour was significant being able to block antitank rifles RPGs and shots from light tanks, to the side, the only weakspot of the tank was its mantlet, being only 210mm thick during its early days, this weakness would cause them to be out of action untill breach replacement or repair, or they would explode if a round was in the chamber, but through this the mantlet would go up to 280mm of thickness.
V 2 after trials
The Kamilla V's engine started as a 46L V12, with 1229 horse power, which for a 160-165 ton tank was not the best the power to weight was 7.7, taking 80 seconds to get up to its full speed of 37kms which was quite fast for this tank, as unlike the Germans the transmission that the Karelians gave the Kamilla V was actually quite good that didn't stop the engine from blowing up though, the V12 was good but it was incredibly unreliable and incredibly loud, that is when one of the designers, Sahira Tafirü the head engine designer suggested a gas turbine engine, the King Thratuus Üdam said to her. "a gas turbine engine? tell me more" The turbine would have its design done by mid late 1943 where it would be tested untill production of the Kamilla V, where it would be found that the engine would run incredibly hot causing it to be set ablaze, this required the Kamilla V to have substantial cooling with 6 fans and 4 vents, which sufficiently cooled the engine, it was a major upgrade from its predecessor getting the tank up to 41kms an hour, getting up to speed in less then half the time it took the V12 to, with 1639 horse power or 9.9 per ton at its heaviest of 165 ofwhich the weight increase is due to side armour increases to 135 on the upper side and 150 on the cheeks aswell as the mantlet armour, the engine was still loud but it got quieter over longer distances, so while it may have been louder close up, further away it was much quieter.
V3 after trials
The Kamilla V throughout its service, gained a reputation, Infamy, if you will, the gun of the Kamilla V would go down in infamy as one of if not the most feared gun, of WW2 the 8.5 meter long rifled 125mm Greta cannon was the most powerful tank gun made by the Karelians, rivalling the APDS of tanks such as the Leopard 1 and T54, with its Tungsten tipped armour piercing with 363mm of penetration and a velocity of 1103 meters a second along with its APHEBC with 292mm of penetration and 965 grams of TNT mass, using 550 grams of FVC which is equal to about 1.7 grams of TNT, the APHE had a faster velocity of 1259 meters a second, able to snipe from across 2 or 3 or even 5 kilometers away and do it confidently, just the sound of the gun firing boosted the morale of any soldiers rounded it, as they knew when they hear the sound of the 125mm Greta that's one less enemy tank on the field, as the APHE had so much explosive mass that it would just blow up enemy tanks, like a grenade, but with this infamy came confidence, too much confidence, as Karelian crews would just aim and shoot at an enemy tank nomatter what, which would lead to the destruction of multiple Kamilla's though sometimes the can come back from this and score the kill anyways.
In total 50 Kamilla V's would be produced, with 25 of them being destroyed, which were huge losses, as most Kamilla V's were crewed by only the best Karelia had to offer, though the first 3 of them defied the odds and managed to make it out alive, the kill to death ratio of the Kamilla V is argued very highly amongst historians, but the most common number is about 1-70 which includes engagements against both Talapovia and Minandoria, many sought to hunt Kamilla V's, especially V 1 2 and 3, many failed, the Kamilla V would live forever in infamy and forever be feared by those who lived to tell the tale.
submitted by toadsgoat to SprocketTankDesign [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 KaungKhant8308 So Gigguk was right about "The Death of Classic Anime" years ago. Just not the way he thought it would be. Some shows just die without relicensing on streaming sites.

So Gigguk was right about submitted by KaungKhant8308 to TrashTaste [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 aterner Plusword 742

  1. SCIFI
  2. AARON
  3. IMAGE
  4. LETUP
  5. SLEPT
  1. SAILS
  2. CAMEL
  3. IRATE
  4. FOGUP
  5. INEPT
submitted by aterner to plusword [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 Pale-Procedure-6645 What the?? So it's a sin to play gta 6??? Unbelievable

What the?? So it's a sin to play gta 6??? Unbelievable submitted by Pale-Procedure-6645 to GTA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 syntax_error_404 FedEx scam : 10L worth of fraud transaction

Firstly i know i am an idiot that I believed in the typical FedEx scam call, as I was not aware of this scam.
i have been an ICICI bank customer for past 9 years, never knew this relationship will turn into an absolute nightmare.After a very distressing call/video call from the people claiming to be FedEx customer support/Cybercrime/Narcotics Bureau(with fake ID proofs) on 24th April. I was coerced into transferring Funds worth 10L.With my ICICI bank account details, the fraudsters raised a Loan of INR 10 Lakh. The loan was sanctioned without my knowledge or consent. The bank officials did not contact me and verify it before processing the loan. I didn't receive a single phone call, or i haven't made any requests asking for loan. The loan got approved and transferred to my account (which I was completely unaware of as my funds were less than INR 10k) while i was in call with the scammers. I was threatened with money Laundering and Drugs case as he claimed that money is illicit, hence needs to be transferred immediately as i was unable to justify the source of the funds. By inducing fear as I was not aware about the funds where abouts i was coerced to transfer that amount to the SBI account . The scammers/Bank has then closed my banking service and debit card immediately after the transfer and I suspected something was wrong and went to bank and realized that personal Loan of 10L has been sanctioned. within 2 hours i raised a cybercomplaint and bank complaint. Submitted the Signed dispute form with the bank the same day. Next day morning FIR was raised with Cyberabad police.
Now here is where i might have neglected : I had shared the screen to show all my bank transactions that i dont have any money laundering happening in my account, He might have taken the otp from screen. He logged into my netbanking and disbursed the loan.
It is shocking that the bank processed such a huge personal loan without bothering to confirm and verify. This huge negligence as they are able to manage several marketing calls everyday but unable to verify. Upon verifying the loan documents sent to my email, I discovered they lack essential information such as my salary, employment, Signatures. This account was opened as a student account while i was studying in college, and the status of this account was automatically upgraded to Privileged account without my consent/request. I hardly have 20-30 transactions yearly on that account. How can banks be so negligent with the verification process as there are several cybercrimes happening everyday.After multiple communications with the bank, they are still insisting me to pay the EMIs. The lack of verification from the bank has raised a huge financial and mental burden. This is very alarming that bank is not willing to admit that their verification process is very weak and putting liability (of loan EMI) on customers while scammers are running free. The bank is still investigating the issue but not willing to hold the EMI.After connecting with the SBI bank i got in hold of the fraudsters account statement for that day and realized there are worth 1.2 CR fraud happened on that same account and 6 complaints has been raised.out of these transactions around 1 CR worth of transactions are from ICICI bank (Not sure if complete or partial was loan). I suspect the Account data is getting leaked from the Bank. All those 6 complaints are more that 10L worth of transactions.
Upon reviewing the loan documents they have incorrect information that i belong to PEP category, salary not mentioned, Employer not mentioned. RBI says that PEP category should be verified by higher officials of the bank.
Need legal advice if i stand a chance in not paying the EMIs, the penalties will build up. I have a FIR copy, all fraud transactions that happened in that account, The loan documents are not correct, My device was not used to digitally sign the documents, my location was different. Will bank take legal procedings with me if i dont repay.
Please please suggest, i am having a huge mental, emotional breakdown.
submitted by syntax_error_404 to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:35 ShadowWasTaken22 Is this a good laptop?

Is this a good laptop? submitted by ShadowWasTaken22 to LaptopDealsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:35 Special-Test3129 1. Monatsbericht Mai: 870 WP (2 x JASolar 435 bifazial) Growatt800 Ausrichtung Süd (190°) Neigung ca. 40° PLZ 38***

1. Monatsbericht Mai: 870 WP (2 x JASolar 435 bifazial) Growatt800 Ausrichtung Süd (190°) Neigung ca. 40° PLZ 38***
Habe das Balkonkraftwerk seit dem 07.05. in Betrieb und musste es wegen Umbau am 12.+13.05. zunächst ausschalten.
submitted by Special-Test3129 to Balkonkraftwerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:33 renix33 Low oil pressure

Low oil pressure
So I have a lifter tick that comes around sometime so I figured I'd replace the oil pressure sensor since mine was broken. Looks like it might have low oil pressure. Almost no pressure at idle. Maybe 5 pounds, doesn't go much higher than 20 driving. I see that these have an o-ring on the pickup tube. Could that be my issue or should I be looking somewhere else first?
submitted by renix33 to GMT800 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:33 Letsgetdis_bread AITA for telling my husband I am sick of him being an idiot?

I (24f) and married to my husband (25m). We have been together 8 years, married for 1.
Weeks just bought a house over a month ago, but have been looking for 3 years due to the economy. He has never been the most helpful with our apartment but swore it would change.
Fast forward to now and to no surprise he is little to no help. He does not clean up after himself with the exception of his own laundry. I expected this after watching my mother do this the entirety of her marriage. No idea why I thought mine would be any different.
Regardless, this wasn’t my breaking point. My breaking point is the stupid decision he made to get a breed of dog I told him he should not own. We both work - I work from home and bring most of the income, but he does work hard doing HVAC. My job is the most important to be able to pay for everything we need to survive.
He wanted a dog, and I did too. I picked a hound at the shelter. She is not perfect but she’s not a bad dog. He wanted his own dog - we have 2.5 acres, so sure why not get another one so long as there are no issues with my dog. She could have a friend. I told him he should research what kind of dog would be best for him. He said he decided he wanted a husky or German Shepard. I asked if he did research - no of course not. He thinks they are cute.
I explained why he should research the dog he wants and that huskies and shepards are known for being high energy/needing lots of work and attention, which we don’t have the time for. So what does he do? He goes and picks out a full Siberian husky.
She is sweet and all but does typical husky things. She is bored and tears things up, specifically MY things. She has ruined so many things of mine, costing me a lot of money, which he can’t pay back because he doesn’t make good financial decisions. His dog interrupts my work and makes extra work on me, cleaning up her messes.
Tonight I broke. We went out to do errands and we have to crate her due to her shredding issues. She broked through the crate and destroyed not only the trash, but a bunch of my belongings as well. She peed on the floor. I lost my shit. I called him all sorts of things but mostly just telling him he is a stupid fucking moron and I’m tired of doing everything ALONE and that I wanted a partner, not another responsibility.
I said a lot of crappy things I won’t repeat, and now I am sitting in a gas station parking lot 20 miles from home because I am so defeated. I have no place to go, and I don’t want to go home because I’m just “overreacting” like I “always do” and I will eventually “cool off and act normal again.” AITA?
TLDR; husband got a dog when I told him not to, dog destroying all of my things. I snapped.
submitted by Letsgetdis_bread to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:33 ImpossibleKoala9271 Debt and Maternity leave- what to pay first?

Due to poor financial choices, and ongoing overspending for many years, I have debt of approximately 10k.
Between now and when I go on maternity leave later this year, I think I can save 3k in addition to the monthly payments I am currently making.
I’m wondering if it’s best to use this to clear my loan early, or pay on credit card debt.
Loan - mbna, £3200 left, repayment of 162 a month, 11% APR
Remaining 7k, credits card debt, split between 3 cards: Card 1: £422 - 24.3% interest rate (this is the card I use if needing to make unexpected purchases, but trying so hard not to use) Card 2: £5200 - 0% until April 2025 Card 3: £1300 -0% until Nov 2025
In my head I’m thinking, pay the highest rate interest card ASAP, then use the rest towards the loan and try and clear that before statutory maternity pay hit as that will be a big expense to manage on low wage. Then when 0% periods end, try to shift balance of Cc to another card.
I’m Also overpaying on credit cards each month to try and reduce debt sooner.
Bills during maternity leave will be covered by partners income, but money will be tight.
Thanks for any tips. It’s a long way off, but I’m hoping to be debt free in August 2026 and this sub gives me inspiration.
submitted by ImpossibleKoala9271 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:33 Pinoysdman Let Me Full Fill Your Lazada Wishlist under P500- Read details

Happy Weekend Everyone!
As an act to pay it forward with kindness I plan to fulfill someone's need of a Lazada item or Wishlist that can help them with school or household needs. One person will be selected from this entry
The Lazada wishlist must be under PHP 500
Please read the rules to qualify and please do not DM me as I will only select from those who posts in the comments below
  1. Your address must be deliverable by Lazada (this is a must). Sorry no Shopee I dont have an account
  2. State why you you need the item and preferable link of said items
  3. Items must be under PHP 500 - can be meds, school supplies, Pc parts. Must be something you really need
  4. Winner will be selected on Monday 11:30 AM and will be announced as a edit on the post and me personally DMing the person who is selected
  5. Scammers really please stay away. Me and a few redditors have done this mostly to those in extreme need.
submitted by Pinoysdman to classifiedsph [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:32 bwcbull88 Can anyone help me out with groove on I’m so close to the wild sticker on peg e and I’ll use that for the gold sticker or I’ll send stars

Can anyone help me out with groove on I’m so close to the wild sticker on peg e and I’ll use that for the gold sticker or I’ll send stars submitted by bwcbull88 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:32 Effective-Chance4804 Since the Modern Combat mod stopped updating, we have been thinking about whether we can make the Modern Combat mod more modern, so we decided to make the changes ourselves. Although it is not finished yet, it already has a rough look.

Since the Modern Combat mod stopped updating, we have been thinking about whether we can make the Modern Combat mod more modern, so we decided to make the changes ourselves. Although it is not finished yet, it already has a rough look. submitted by Effective-Chance4804 to CompanyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:32 AUHM850i Using multiple lounge access memberships simultaneously (Priority Pass, Dragonpass, LoungeKey)

I'm traveling with 2 guests and each of my memberships only allows 1 free guest. Has anyone tried hacking the system like this:
1) Register at the lounge with one of the programs and admit the guest as your +1
2) Reregister at the same lounge with another program and admit the other guest as your +1
Since the programs are separate (they even use different machines), this should be possible as long as the receptionist doesn't mind it.
submitted by AUHM850i to awardtravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:32 amd123a Tonight I was scammed out of Sweet Duets while trading for Making History 🥲 if anyone is willing to trade with me, it would be greatly appreciated 🙏🏼

Tonight I was scammed out of Sweet Duets while trading for Making History 🥲 if anyone is willing to trade with me, it would be greatly appreciated 🙏🏼
Going Viral is the last 4 star sticker I have at the moment
submitted by amd123a to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:31 precivilizationally A long time ago, I made a list

(throwaway account, sorry.) It's been years since I went NC with my PWBPD (friend, not/never romantic). I didn't know what it was then. I didn't know about this place. It took a while post NC to figure it out. But when I was debating NC I made myself a list, just in case. It took about 1 hour to write, in one sitting, entirely from memory, a day or two before NC. I've only looked at it a couple times since.
It's been a long time now, and I'm more objective, and looking at this again... holy wow. I redacted pretty much any meaningful context but even with the redactions... you can see it right? We can all see it here?
submitted by precivilizationally to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:31 neon_batman 35 [M4F] #San Diego #Usa - Quadriplegic man seeking connection with the hope of it leading to more

Let's get this out of the way first....I was born with a degenerative muscle disorder and I use a power wheelchair. I have severe muscle weakness throughout my entire body which includes my cardiac and pulmonary muscles. As you can imagine dating is a bit more difficult for me but I have found love on Reddit before so I’m back to find it again.
A LITTLE ABOUT ME: I would definitely call myself an introvert. I'm extremely even-tempered so it takes a lot to piss me off and/or offend me. I'm a good listener and very easy to talk to, I have been described by previous partners as genuine, kind and sweet. In person I can come across as quiet and shy at first but, I just need a little time to get comfortable with someone before I really open up. Me---
Some things I enjoy....
-Making people smile/laugh
-Watching sports(Padres and Chargers)
-The cringiest of puns d4d jokes
-Standup comedy...Tom Segura, Bill Burr, Bert Kreischer, Andrew Schulz, Bobby Lee, Norm MacDonald, Mark Normand, Dave Chapelle, and many more.
-Collecting Batman memorabilia
-Podcasts like YMH, Tigerbelly, Kill Tony, TYSO, 2 Bears 1 Cave, Bad Friends, etc.
-Music...I mostly like Alternative and Classic Rock but I'm into some pop and open to everything really. Foo Fighters, Wet Leg, Cage The Elephant, RHCP, Queen, The Eagles, AURORA, and so many more
-Going to concerts
-Shows...Currently watching Hacks on Max. all time favorite show is Breaking Bad
-Watching movies like horror, thrillers, sci-fi, comedy, and Super Hero stuff is fun Taskmaster!
ABOUT YOU: I’m looking for my best friend and partner, someone who wants a serious relationship. I want someone who is kind and compassionate, trustworthy and genuine. Someone with a sense of (sometimes dark)humor who can make me laugh and doesn’t take themselves too seriously. Someone who is not afraid to be silly sometimes. As for location, the closer the better so it's easier to meet up but I don’t mind long distance as long as there is a plan to see each other often. It would be ideal if you could eventually relocate because that is currently not an option for me.
To show me that you’ve read the entire post and are serious please include the word football in your message. If you have any questions regarding my condition please feel free to ask me ANYTHING.
Don’t be put off by my disability, I don’t bite....unless you're into that ;)
submitted by neon_batman to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]